MBoM9rXJUkY-00000-00000003-00000128 good morning everyone and welcome to MBoM9rXJUkY-00001-00000129-00000278 today's read back business skills MBoM9rXJUkY-00002-00000279-00000497 webinar stress management strategies for MBoM9rXJUkY-00003-00000498-00000659 thriving in a fast-paced workplace a MBoM9rXJUkY-00004-00000660-00000890 world my name is Esther I'm an employee MBoM9rXJUkY-00005-00000891-00001012 of read-back conferencing I'll be a MBoM9rXJUkY-00006-00001013-00001220 facilitator for today's session when I MBoM9rXJUkY-00007-00001221-00001391 hand it over our presenter for today the MBoM9rXJUkY-00008-00001392-00001544 managing director of great managers MBoM9rXJUkY-00009-00001545-00001937 Sandra wood Thank You Sandra Thank You MBoM9rXJUkY-00010-00001938-00002075 visitor in good morning good morning MBoM9rXJUkY-00011-00002076-00002425 everyone and welcome to the webinar so MBoM9rXJUkY-00012-00002426-00002645 we will just click through that little MBoM9rXJUkY-00013-00002646-00002831 bit about interacting business already MBoM9rXJUkY-00014-00002832-00003034 done that and let me tell you about what MBoM9rXJUkY-00015-00003035-00003160 we're going to be covering in the MBoM9rXJUkY-00016-00003161-00003392 webinar today so in this webinar we're MBoM9rXJUkY-00017-00003393-00003542 going to work on increasing your MBoM9rXJUkY-00018-00003543-00003743 resilience so that you can cope well MBoM9rXJUkY-00019-00003744-00003922 with high levels of ongoing change MBoM9rXJUkY-00020-00003922-00004147 sustained good health and energy went MBoM9rXJUkY-00021-00004148-00004358 under constant pressure bounce back MBoM9rXJUkY-00022-00004359-00004627 easily from setbacks overcome challenges MBoM9rXJUkY-00023-00004628-00004841 and do all of this without acting in MBoM9rXJUkY-00024-00004842-00005111 dysfunctional and harmful ways you see MBoM9rXJUkY-00025-00005112-00005297 our workplaces and lives are moving at a MBoM9rXJUkY-00026-00005298-00005543 faster pace than ever before and the MBoM9rXJUkY-00027-00005544-00005738 stress and fatigue that comes from this MBoM9rXJUkY-00028-00005739-00005945 fast pace can interfere with your MBoM9rXJUkY-00029-00005946-00006263 ability to read situations accurately to MBoM9rXJUkY-00030-00006264-00006571 solve problems to be flexible to control MBoM9rXJUkY-00031-00006572-00006728 emotions and maintain strong MBoM9rXJUkY-00032-00006729-00006998 relationships at work and at home and if MBoM9rXJUkY-00033-00006998-00007184 you want to succeed at work or in your MBoM9rXJUkY-00034-00007184-00007406 life it's important to build your stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00035-00007406-00007616 tolerance or resilience MBoM9rXJUkY-00036-00007617-00007909 now resiliency is something you do and MBoM9rXJUkY-00037-00007911-00008164 can develop more than something you have MBoM9rXJUkY-00038-00008165-00008428 or don't have so this webinar is all MBoM9rXJUkY-00039-00008429-00008621 about building your resilience and your MBoM9rXJUkY-00040-00008622-00008858 emotional agility so that you can MBoM9rXJUkY-00041-00008859-00009095 flourish rather than flounder in these MBoM9rXJUkY-00042-00009096-00009359 fast-paced times in this webinar you'll MBoM9rXJUkY-00043-00009360-00009530 learn to harness the power of three MBoM9rXJUkY-00044-00009531-00009781 strategies that really work that will MBoM9rXJUkY-00045-00009782-00009977 take your ability to manage stress and MBoM9rXJUkY-00046-00009978-00010223 thrive to the next level so I'm going to MBoM9rXJUkY-00047-00010224-00010376 ask you some questions as we go along MBoM9rXJUkY-00048-00010377-00010562 today so and we're going to do a couple MBoM9rXJUkY-00049-00010563-00010721 of activities together as well so I hope MBoM9rXJUkY-00050-00010722-00011209 you have a pen and paper handy MBoM9rXJUkY-00051-00011210-00011431 I'll start um by briefly introducing MBoM9rXJUkY-00052-00011432-00011578 myself so you know a little bit more MBoM9rXJUkY-00053-00011579-00011860 about me for the last 15 years I've been MBoM9rXJUkY-00054-00011861-00012094 running my own consulting business I'm a MBoM9rXJUkY-00055-00012095-00012277 leadership consultant and I'm known as MBoM9rXJUkY-00056-00012278-00012631 an expert coach facilitator course MBoM9rXJUkY-00057-00012632-00012844 designer and trainer of leaders I've MBoM9rXJUkY-00058-00012844-00013063 trained thousands of leaders and know MBoM9rXJUkY-00059-00013063-00013240 what works and what doesn't when it MBoM9rXJUkY-00060-00013241-00013357 comes to personal and professional MBoM9rXJUkY-00061-00013358-00013591 development and before I was a MBoM9rXJUkY-00062-00013591-00013816 consultant I held senior HR and MBoM9rXJUkY-00063-00013816-00014019 organizational development roles in MBoM9rXJUkY-00064-00014020-00014260 management roles in both private sector MBoM9rXJUkY-00065-00014261-00014380 public sector and also the MBoM9rXJUkY-00066-00014381-00014566 not-for-profit sector and I've got MBoM9rXJUkY-00067-00014566-00014812 qualifications in adult education Human MBoM9rXJUkY-00068-00014813-00015069 Resources and management now these days MBoM9rXJUkY-00069-00015070-00015255 I'm actually on a mission to fill the MBoM9rXJUkY-00070-00015256-00015441 world with great managers this is my MBoM9rXJUkY-00071-00015443-00015666 passion and it's my purpose in life and MBoM9rXJUkY-00072-00015668-00015897 when I tell people about my mission I do MBoM9rXJUkY-00073-00015898-00016111 get a few strange comments people say MBoM9rXJUkY-00074-00016112-00016252 things to me like that's your purpose MBoM9rXJUkY-00075-00016253-00016513 you should get a life but when I explain MBoM9rXJUkY-00076-00016514-00016732 why I'm on this mission mission most MBoM9rXJUkY-00077-00016733-00016942 people get it you see the problem is MBoM9rXJUkY-00078-00016943-00017185 that more than 70% of employees are not MBoM9rXJUkY-00079-00017186-00017410 engaged at work and most say it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00080-00017411-00017706 because of bad bosses and the Psychology MBoM9rXJUkY-00081-00017707-00017914 Today article actually said that 70 MBoM9rXJUkY-00082-00017915-00018222 per-- 70% of employees say their boss is MBoM9rXJUkY-00083-00018223-00018418 the most stressful part of their job now MBoM9rXJUkY-00084-00018419-00018634 that's a pretty big statistic and we MBoM9rXJUkY-00085-00018635-00018844 spend a lot of time at work and it MBoM9rXJUkY-00086-00018845-00019131 doesn't have to be this way I'd like to MBoM9rXJUkY-00087-00019132-00019336 find out a little bit more about you now MBoM9rXJUkY-00088-00019337-00019500 we're going to start with a poll today MBoM9rXJUkY-00089-00019501-00019780 so I want to find out in the past year MBoM9rXJUkY-00090-00019781-00020034 have you experienced a little bit of MBoM9rXJUkY-00091-00020035-00020317 stress a moderate amount of stress or a MBoM9rXJUkY-00092-00020318-00020491 lot of stress I want you to trust your MBoM9rXJUkY-00093-00020492-00020665 intuition here don't overthink it MBoM9rXJUkY-00094-00020666-00020859 just go with the first answer that comes MBoM9rXJUkY-00095-00020860-00021671 to you so let's start the poll MBoM9rXJUkY-00096-00021672-00022044 okay counting down in three two one will MBoM9rXJUkY-00097-00022045-00022404 stop the poll so look at that that's MBoM9rXJUkY-00098-00022405-00022566 interesting isn't it there MBoM9rXJUkY-00099-00022567-00022803 51% of you have experienced a lot of MBoM9rXJUkY-00100-00022804-00023151 stress 44% of moderate amount of stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00101-00023152-00023388 and only 4% a little bit of stress Wow MBoM9rXJUkY-00102-00023389-00023580 okay so that's telling isn't it it does MBoM9rXJUkY-00103-00023581-00023817 tell us a lot about these fast-paced MBoM9rXJUkY-00104-00023818-00024033 times that we're living in so let's MBoM9rXJUkY-00105-00024034-00024210 define stress we'll start by defining MBoM9rXJUkY-00106-00024211-00024621 stress the term stress as it's currently MBoM9rXJUkY-00107-00024622-00024834 used was coined by a guy called Han MBoM9rXJUkY-00108-00024835-00025185 cellie back in 1936 and he defined it as MBoM9rXJUkY-00109-00025186-00025394 a nonspecific response of the body to MBoM9rXJUkY-00110-00025395-00025652 any demand for change now after he MBoM9rXJUkY-00111-00025654-00025824 retired he actually confessed that that MBoM9rXJUkY-00112-00025825-00026084 term stress was the wrong term he said MBoM9rXJUkY-00113-00026085-00026232 that he should have called his research MBoM9rXJUkY-00114-00026233-00026535 findings the strain syndrome because MBoM9rXJUkY-00115-00026536-00026777 what most people call stress is really MBoM9rXJUkY-00116-00026779-00027002 an internal physical feeling of anxiety MBoM9rXJUkY-00117-00027004-00027339 or strain that they don't like stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00118-00027339-00027552 occurs when you perceive that demands MBoM9rXJUkY-00119-00027552-00027855 placed on you or chosen by you exceed MBoM9rXJUkY-00120-00027856-00028056 your ability to cope and stress is MBoM9rXJUkY-00121-00028057-00028335 primarily a physical response when MBoM9rXJUkY-00122-00028336-00028527 stressed the body thinks it's under MBoM9rXJUkY-00123-00028527-00028565 attack MBoM9rXJUkY-00124-00028566-00028727 and it switches into fight-or-flight MBoM9rXJUkY-00125-00028729-00029118 mode releasing a complex mix of hormones MBoM9rXJUkY-00126-00029119-00029295 and chemicals to prepare the body for MBoM9rXJUkY-00127-00029295-00029550 physical action and this causes a number MBoM9rXJUkY-00128-00029551-00029799 of reactions from blood being diverted MBoM9rXJUkY-00129-00029800-00029985 to muscles just shutting down MBoM9rXJUkY-00130-00029986-00030245 unnecessarily unnecessary bodily MBoM9rXJUkY-00131-00030247-00030483 functions such as digestion so it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00132-00030483-00030612 important to know that the stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00133-00030613-00030831 response can be caused or triggered by MBoM9rXJUkY-00134-00030832-00031127 both good and bad experiences so that's MBoM9rXJUkY-00135-00031129-00031352 that's interesting to note as well now MBoM9rXJUkY-00136-00031354-00031571 people who can manage stress well I MBoM9rXJUkY-00137-00031572-00031854 described as being resilient they get MBoM9rXJUkY-00138-00031855-00032096 knocked over like everyone else but they MBoM9rXJUkY-00139-00032097-00032258 bounce back quickly just like this MBoM9rXJUkY-00140-00032260-00032471 little cartoon guy we've got tracking MBoM9rXJUkY-00141-00032472-00032745 here with us on the slides today so my MBoM9rXJUkY-00142-00032745-00032931 next question for you is what do you MBoM9rXJUkY-00143-00032932-00033207 currently believe about stress what I MBoM9rXJUkY-00144-00033208-00033365 want you to do now is write down very MBoM9rXJUkY-00145-00033366-00033612 briefly the first thoughts that come to MBoM9rXJUkY-00146-00033613-00033900 mind so when you see that question there MBoM9rXJUkY-00147-00033901-00034020 what do you currently believe about MBoM9rXJUkY-00148-00034021-00034215 stress this is meant to be a download MBoM9rXJUkY-00149-00034216-00034443 from your brain to tap into current MBoM9rXJUkY-00150-00034444-00034623 thinking and beliefs so don't censor it MBoM9rXJUkY-00151-00034624-00034839 just go with what comes we straight away MBoM9rXJUkY-00152-00034840-00034946 to you MBoM9rXJUkY-00153-00034947-00035151 the immediate thoughts there what we're MBoM9rXJUkY-00154-00035152-00035298 trying to do is to make your thoughts MBoM9rXJUkY-00155-00035299-00035686 and beliefs about stress conscious MBoM9rXJUkY-00156-00035687-00035936 okay everyone got something there I hope MBoM9rXJUkY-00157-00035937-00036054 you've got something there you've MBoM9rXJUkY-00158-00036055-00036279 written down now my next question for MBoM9rXJUkY-00159-00036280-00036440 you is do you believe that stress is MBoM9rXJUkY-00160-00036441-00036654 harmful just put yes or no in the MBoM9rXJUkY-00161-00036655-00036902 question box for me so I can see what MBoM9rXJUkY-00162-00036903-00037836 we've got there for that right so MBoM9rXJUkY-00163-00037837-00038012 majority of you are saying yes there's a MBoM9rXJUkY-00164-00038013-00038317 few sometimes and a few knows as well MBoM9rXJUkY-00165-00038318-00038633 okay that's interesting interesting to MBoM9rXJUkY-00166-00038634-00038970 see so that is your starting point what MBoM9rXJUkY-00167-00038971-00039089 you've written down about your beliefs MBoM9rXJUkY-00168-00039090-00039236 that's your starting point about your MBoM9rXJUkY-00169-00039237-00039414 current thinking and then your answer MBoM9rXJUkY-00170-00039415-00039582 yes or no is where you're at at the MBoM9rXJUkY-00171-00039583-00039698 moment so let's put that as your MBoM9rXJUkY-00172-00039699-00039926 starting point for your beliefs and now MBoM9rXJUkY-00173-00039927-00040104 let's see if we can reshape some of your MBoM9rXJUkY-00174-00040105-00040404 thinking about stress today so we're MBoM9rXJUkY-00175-00040405-00040508 going to have a look at what we call MBoM9rXJUkY-00176-00040509-00040770 some stress myths stress is often MBoM9rXJUkY-00177-00040771-00041024 referred to as bad and we want to debunk MBoM9rXJUkY-00178-00041025-00041168 some of the stress myths MBoM9rXJUkY-00179-00041169-00041426 so our first stress myth is that stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00180-00041427-00041655 is the same for everyone which is MBoM9rXJUkY-00181-00041656-00041840 actually completely wrong stress is MBoM9rXJUkY-00182-00041841-00041999 different for each of us and some of you MBoM9rXJUkY-00183-00042000-00042195 actually said different your response is MBoM9rXJUkY-00184-00042196-00042365 different depending on the circumstances MBoM9rXJUkY-00185-00042366-00042623 so what is stressful for one person may MBoM9rXJUkY-00186-00042624-00042899 or may not be stressful for another each MBoM9rXJUkY-00187-00042900-00043163 of us responds to stress in our own way MBoM9rXJUkY-00188-00043164-00043421 we have our own pattern around it and we MBoM9rXJUkY-00189-00043422-00043692 differ in how much strain we can handle MBoM9rXJUkY-00190-00043693-00044018 so our second stress myth is that stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00191-00044019-00044310 is always bad for you now according to MBoM9rXJUkY-00192-00044311-00044570 this view zero stress makes us happy and MBoM9rXJUkY-00193-00044571-00044773 healthy and that is actually wrong MBoM9rXJUkY-00194-00044774-00045080 stress is to the human condition what MBoM9rXJUkY-00195-00045081-00045413 tension is to the violin string so too MBoM9rXJUkY-00196-00045414-00045683 little and the music is dull and raspy MBoM9rXJUkY-00197-00045684-00045983 too much and the music is shrill or the MBoM9rXJUkY-00198-00045984-00046145 strings snap so we're a bit like that MBoM9rXJUkY-00199-00046146-00046445 too so stress can be the kiss of death MBoM9rXJUkY-00200-00046446-00046763 or the spice of life the issue really is MBoM9rXJUkY-00201-00046764-00047093 how to manage it manage stress makes us MBoM9rXJUkY-00202-00047094-00047387 productive and happy mismanaged stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00203-00047388-00047760 hurts us our third stress myth is that MBoM9rXJUkY-00204-00047761-00047999 stress is everywhere so you can't do MBoM9rXJUkY-00205-00048000-00048321 anything about it which is not so MBoM9rXJUkY-00206-00048322-00048603 you can plan your life and learn skills MBoM9rXJUkY-00207-00048604-00048846 so that the stress doesn't overwhelm you MBoM9rXJUkY-00208-00048847-00049167 when stress is mismanaged it's difficult MBoM9rXJUkY-00209-00049168-00049392 to cope and all your problems seem to be MBoM9rXJUkY-00210-00049393-00049587 equal and stress does seem to be MBoM9rXJUkY-00211-00049588-00049674 everywhere MBoM9rXJUkY-00212-00049675-00049980 our fourth stress myth is that no MBoM9rXJUkY-00213-00049981-00050394 symptoms equals no stress now an absence MBoM9rXJUkY-00214-00050395-00050610 of symptoms doesn't mean the absence of MBoM9rXJUkY-00215-00050611-00050928 stress in fact camouflaging symptoms MBoM9rXJUkY-00216-00050929-00051123 with medication may deprive you of the MBoM9rXJUkY-00217-00051124-00051345 signals you need for reducing the strain MBoM9rXJUkY-00218-00051346-00051560 on your physiological or psychological MBoM9rXJUkY-00219-00051561-00051852 systems now sometimes that's necessary MBoM9rXJUkY-00220-00051853-00052044 of course but be careful about doing MBoM9rXJUkY-00221-00052045-00052145 that too quickly MBoM9rXJUkY-00222-00052146-00052515 our fifth stress stress myth is that MBoM9rXJUkY-00223-00052516-00052742 only major symptoms of stress require MBoM9rXJUkY-00224-00052744-00053066 attention which is not true this myth MBoM9rXJUkY-00225-00053067-00053279 assumes that the minor symptoms such as MBoM9rXJUkY-00226-00053280-00053544 headaches or stomach acid or other MBoM9rXJUkY-00227-00053545-00053842 health niggles may be safely ignored MBoM9rXJUkY-00228-00053844-00054111 minor symptoms of stress are the early MBoM9rXJUkY-00229-00054112-00054285 warnings that your life is getting out MBoM9rXJUkY-00230-00054286-00054455 of hand and that you need to do a better MBoM9rXJUkY-00231-00054457-00054747 job of managing stress so stress is not MBoM9rXJUkY-00232-00054748-00054932 necessarily a bad thing MBoM9rXJUkY-00233-00054933-00055134 without this brilliant ability to feel MBoM9rXJUkY-00234-00055135-00055361 stress humankind wouldn't have survived MBoM9rXJUkY-00235-00055362-00055719 the challenges when our body escalates MBoM9rXJUkY-00236-00055720-00055887 into a state of stress in a relatively MBoM9rXJUkY-00237-00055888-00056151 minor situation or when it becomes a MBoM9rXJUkY-00238-00056152-00056516 habitual response we can become addicted MBoM9rXJUkY-00239-00056517-00056715 to the stress state and the associated MBoM9rXJUkY-00240-00056716-00056970 chemistry where life just doesn't feel MBoM9rXJUkY-00241-00056971-00057182 right without it so it's important to MBoM9rXJUkY-00242-00057183-00057392 understand that when we're in the stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00243-00057394-00057617 State blood flow is only going to the MBoM9rXJUkY-00244-00057619-00057825 most important muscles needed to fight MBoM9rXJUkY-00245-00057826-00058128 or flee and our brain front function is MBoM9rXJUkY-00246-00058129-00058359 minimized and this can lead to an MBoM9rXJUkY-00247-00058360-00058604 inability to think straight a state that MBoM9rXJUkY-00248-00058605-00058860 is a great hindrance in both our work MBoM9rXJUkY-00249-00058861-00059178 and our home lives so if we stay in that MBoM9rXJUkY-00250-00059179-00059366 state of stress for long periods without MBoM9rXJUkY-00251-00059367-00059567 learning how to manage it it can be MBoM9rXJUkY-00252-00059569-00059850 detrimental to our health and to the MBoM9rXJUkY-00253-00059851-00060114 results we can achieve and we can learn MBoM9rXJUkY-00254-00060115-00060384 how to manage the stress response so MBoM9rXJUkY-00255-00060385-00060528 let's have a look now at how you can get MBoM9rXJUkY-00256-00060529-00060800 better at this and build your resilience MBoM9rXJUkY-00257-00060801-00060996 you're going to start with having a look MBoM9rXJUkY-00258-00060997-00061275 at what some of the experts say a couple MBoM9rXJUkY-00259-00061276-00061461 of guys called Jim ler and Tony Schwartz MBoM9rXJUkY-00260-00061462-00061654 and they wrote this up in their Harvard MBoM9rXJUkY-00261-00061654-00061900 review article the making of a corporate MBoM9rXJUkY-00262-00061901-00061966 athlete MBoM9rXJUkY-00263-00061966-00062140 they described the ability to manage MBoM9rXJUkY-00264-00062141-00062350 stress and sustain performance over time MBoM9rXJUkY-00265-00062351-00062710 as the ideal performance state which has MBoM9rXJUkY-00266-00062711-00062932 physical well-being as its foundation MBoM9rXJUkY-00267-00062933-00063190 combined with emotional health mental MBoM9rXJUkY-00268-00063191-00063507 acuity and at the top a sense of purpose MBoM9rXJUkY-00269-00063508-00063807 our ideal performance state is achieved MBoM9rXJUkY-00270-00063808-00063981 when all these levels are working MBoM9rXJUkY-00271-00063982-00064257 together now these guys are experts in MBoM9rXJUkY-00272-00064258-00064510 the human performance space and what MBoM9rXJUkY-00273-00064511-00064680 they're talking about is building MBoM9rXJUkY-00274-00064682-00064932 capacity and I sometimes call this MBoM9rXJUkY-00275-00064933-00065191 running the marathon because leaders and MBoM9rXJUkY-00276-00065191-00065347 employees working in a fast paced MBoM9rXJUkY-00277-00065348-00065578 workplace often feel like marathon MBoM9rXJUkY-00278-00065579-00065838 runners the pace is relentless and you MBoM9rXJUkY-00279-00065839-00066121 just have to keep going and successful MBoM9rXJUkY-00280-00066122-00066288 marathon runners know that you have to MBoM9rXJUkY-00281-00066289-00066481 do the right training and be in the best MBoM9rXJUkY-00282-00066482-00066715 shape possible to persist over the long MBoM9rXJUkY-00283-00066716-00066967 run so in the corporate world sustained MBoM9rXJUkY-00284-00066968-00067206 achievement demands physical and MBoM9rXJUkY-00285-00067207-00067450 emotional strength as well as a sharp MBoM9rXJUkY-00286-00067451-00067780 intellect so to bring mind body and MBoM9rXJUkY-00287-00067781-00068041 spirit to peak condition people working MBoM9rXJUkY-00288-00068042-00068212 in a fast-paced workplace need to learn MBoM9rXJUkY-00289-00068213-00068461 what world-class athletes already know MBoM9rXJUkY-00290-00068462-00068830 which is recovering energy is as MBoM9rXJUkY-00291-00068831-00069148 important as expending it so that's MBoM9rXJUkY-00292-00069149-00069388 important to know that recovering energy MBoM9rXJUkY-00293-00069389-00069616 is as important as expending it so MBoM9rXJUkY-00294-00069617-00069796 thinking about what you're doing around MBoM9rXJUkY-00295-00069797-00070018 that so being able to sustain high MBoM9rXJUkY-00296-00070019-00070186 levels of performance requires a MBoM9rXJUkY-00297-00070187-00070476 holistic or whole person approach and MBoM9rXJUkY-00298-00070477-00070719 learn and Schwartz suggests having MBoM9rXJUkY-00299-00070720-00070993 rituals at every level of their high MBoM9rXJUkY-00300-00070994-00071248 performance pyramid rituals are MBoM9rXJUkY-00301-00071249-00071521 carefully defined structured behaviors MBoM9rXJUkY-00302-00071522-00071773 and these rituals become habits that MBoM9rXJUkY-00303-00071774-00072079 support you and sustain you so you need MBoM9rXJUkY-00304-00072080-00072357 to build rituals for your physical MBoM9rXJUkY-00305-00072358-00072634 capacity which means eating nourishing MBoM9rXJUkY-00306-00072635-00072823 Whole Foods obviously not junk food it MBoM9rXJUkY-00307-00072824-00073000 means drinking adequate water and MBoM9rXJUkY-00308-00073001-00073198 getting sufficient sleep with a MBoM9rXJUkY-00309-00073199-00073423 consistent bedtime and wake-up time and MBoM9rXJUkY-00310-00073424-00073630 exercising at least three times per week MBoM9rXJUkY-00311-00073631-00073954 now these are things we all know don't MBoM9rXJUkY-00312-00073955-00074134 we we all know these but the reality MBoM9rXJUkY-00313-00074135-00074356 check here is are we doing them they're MBoM9rXJUkY-00314-00074357-00074515 so important when we're working in a MBoM9rXJUkY-00315-00074516-00074755 fast-paced workplace and you need to MBoM9rXJUkY-00316-00074756-00075019 build rituals for your emotional MBoM9rXJUkY-00317-00075020-00075213 and build your emotional capacity MBoM9rXJUkY-00318-00075214-00075394 emotions are energy MBoM9rXJUkY-00319-00075395-00075564 so keeping emotions in a positive MBoM9rXJUkY-00320-00075565-00075904 register fuel view whereas frustration MBoM9rXJUkY-00321-00075905-00076216 impatience anger resentment and sadness MBoM9rXJUkY-00322-00076217-00076489 will drain your precious energy away now MBoM9rXJUkY-00323-00076490-00076657 this is not about ignoring or MBoM9rXJUkY-00324-00076658-00076888 suppressing these emotions it's about MBoM9rXJUkY-00325-00076889-00077161 being able to identify and process your MBoM9rXJUkY-00326-00077162-00077446 emotions and express them appropriately MBoM9rXJUkY-00327-00077447-00077686 this is what emotional intelligence is MBoM9rXJUkY-00328-00077687-00077938 and self awareness and self management MBoM9rXJUkY-00329-00077939-00078244 skills help you do this it's important MBoM9rXJUkY-00330-00078245-00078448 to have rituals that build your mental MBoM9rXJUkY-00331-00078449-00078685 capacity so this is about understanding MBoM9rXJUkY-00332-00078686-00078922 the way our amazing brain works and it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00333-00078923-00079105 about doing simple things like taking a MBoM9rXJUkY-00334-00079106-00079351 short very short focus break about every MBoM9rXJUkY-00335-00079352-00079651 90 to 120 minutes when you're at work so MBoM9rXJUkY-00336-00079652-00079864 to give your brain a bit of rest it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00337-00079865-00080164 about practicing skills like mindfulness MBoM9rXJUkY-00338-00080165-00080422 which is really the ability to focus and MBoM9rXJUkY-00339-00080423-00080674 it's about being aware of your thinking MBoM9rXJUkY-00340-00080675-00080944 patterns because you're thinking shapes MBoM9rXJUkY-00341-00080945-00081169 your behavior you have to look after MBoM9rXJUkY-00342-00081170-00081508 that amazing brain of yours and last but MBoM9rXJUkY-00343-00081509-00081712 not least it's about building your MBoM9rXJUkY-00344-00081713-00081922 spiritual capacity now this is often a MBoM9rXJUkY-00345-00081923-00082120 taboo subject in there in the corporate MBoM9rXJUkY-00346-00082121-00082369 world but what learn schwarz mean by MBoM9rXJUkY-00347-00082370-00082603 views is simply tapping into the energy MBoM9rXJUkY-00348-00082604-00082840 that is unleashed when someone is MBoM9rXJUkY-00349-00082841-00083083 operating from their deepest values or MBoM9rXJUkY-00350-00083084-00083404 sense of purpose they found that this MBoM9rXJUkY-00351-00083405-00083638 serves as a source of sustenance in the MBoM9rXJUkY-00352-00083639-00083872 face of adversity or challenge and as a MBoM9rXJUkY-00353-00083873-00084148 powerful source of motivation focus MBoM9rXJUkY-00354-00084149-00084502 determination and resilience now my MBoM9rXJUkY-00355-00084503-00084652 purpose is to fill the world with great MBoM9rXJUkY-00356-00084653-00084853 managers as I mentioned earlier and I'm MBoM9rXJUkY-00357-00084854-00085096 incredibly passionate about this and I MBoM9rXJUkY-00358-00085097-00085261 can feel the energy that comes from MBoM9rXJUkY-00359-00085262-00085453 being connected to this purpose of mine MBoM9rXJUkY-00360-00085454-00085708 it sustains me in my very fast-paced MBoM9rXJUkY-00361-00085709-00085999 workplace and world so get in touch with MBoM9rXJUkY-00362-00086000-00086293 your deepest values and your purpose and MBoM9rXJUkY-00363-00086294-00086485 link your work to these as much as you MBoM9rXJUkY-00364-00086486-00086794 can so the first of our three strategies MBoM9rXJUkY-00365-00086795-00087106 today is in building your self awareness MBoM9rXJUkY-00366-00087107-00087271 this is really going to help build your MBoM9rXJUkY-00367-00087272-00087493 resilience so to increase your ability MBoM9rXJUkY-00368-00087494-00087736 to manage stress you must start by MBoM9rXJUkY-00369-00087737-00087955 building your self awareness skills this MBoM9rXJUkY-00370-00087956-00088207 is this is a skill and self awareness is MBoM9rXJUkY-00371-00088208-00088330 the key to chain MBoM9rXJUkY-00372-00088331-00088605 self-awareness is the ability to tune MBoM9rXJUkY-00373-00088606-00088954 into yourself to tune in to others and MBoM9rXJUkY-00374-00088955-00089205 to tune into your environment it's about MBoM9rXJUkY-00375-00089206-00089448 being able to read the signs because if MBoM9rXJUkY-00376-00089449-00089647 you're not aware of something you can't MBoM9rXJUkY-00377-00089648-00089898 do anything about it so let's increase MBoM9rXJUkY-00378-00089899-00090091 your awareness of your current patterns MBoM9rXJUkY-00379-00090092-00090379 around stress I've got a few questions MBoM9rXJUkY-00380-00090380-00090561 for you so get ready to use your MBoM9rXJUkY-00381-00090562-00090792 notebook to write down your answers my MBoM9rXJUkY-00382-00090793-00090975 first question for you is what stresses MBoM9rXJUkY-00383-00090976-00091275 you what type of situations trigger you MBoM9rXJUkY-00384-00091276-00091498 at work or in life now just go with the MBoM9rXJUkY-00385-00091499-00091654 first thing that pops into your mind but MBoM9rXJUkY-00386-00091655-00091893 be specific it could be at work or it MBoM9rXJUkY-00387-00091894-00092059 could be in life where do you feel MBoM9rXJUkY-00388-00092060-00092716 triggered into that stress response my MBoM9rXJUkY-00389-00092717-00092907 next question is what sort of feelings MBoM9rXJUkY-00390-00092908-00093115 do you have in that situation can you MBoM9rXJUkY-00391-00093116-00093336 identify the emotions what sort of MBoM9rXJUkY-00392-00093337-00093846 feelings do you have write that down and MBoM9rXJUkY-00393-00093847-00094092 what type of thoughts come into your MBoM9rXJUkY-00394-00094093-00094287 head see if you can track into what sort MBoM9rXJUkY-00395-00094288-00094465 of thoughts am I thinking when I'm MBoM9rXJUkY-00396-00094466-00094660 having those feelings and I'm being MBoM9rXJUkY-00397-00094661-00094899 triggered just write those down you're MBoM9rXJUkY-00398-00094900-00095091 doing this download of your pattern now MBoM9rXJUkY-00399-00095092-00095313 and then the next thing to be aware of MBoM9rXJUkY-00400-00095314-00095665 is to what extent do you get hooked by MBoM9rXJUkY-00401-00095666-00095911 the feelings and thoughts now hooks MBoM9rXJUkY-00402-00095912-00096115 means you pay a lot of attention to them MBoM9rXJUkY-00403-00096116-00096282 for example you might ruminate you're MBoM9rXJUkY-00404-00096283-00096424 thinking about them over and over or MBoM9rXJUkY-00405-00096425-00096606 you're wrestling with them or you're MBoM9rXJUkY-00406-00096607-00096837 feeling stuck in a pattern or you can't MBoM9rXJUkY-00407-00096838-00097048 let the thinking go so just choose one MBoM9rXJUkY-00408-00097049-00097303 of the following there do you get hooked MBoM9rXJUkY-00409-00097304-00097662 a lot a little bit or not at all so this MBoM9rXJUkY-00410-00097663-00097869 is about awareness about your particular MBoM9rXJUkY-00411-00097870-00098088 pattern and this might be the first time MBoM9rXJUkY-00412-00098089-00098284 you've really tuned in to your stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00413-00098285-00098574 response patterns we all have patterns MBoM9rXJUkY-00414-00098575-00098817 around our stress response and it can MBoM9rXJUkY-00415-00098818-00099069 vary a bit in different situations but MBoM9rXJUkY-00416-00099070-00099274 it's important for you to know yourself MBoM9rXJUkY-00417-00099275-00099640 to tune in to how you respond to MBoM9rXJUkY-00418-00099641-00099766 stressful situations MBoM9rXJUkY-00419-00099767-00100049 now some people get irritable or angry MBoM9rXJUkY-00420-00100050-00100242 immediately that's their initial MBoM9rXJUkY-00421-00100243-00100486 response some people get anxious some MBoM9rXJUkY-00422-00100487-00100644 people get confused MBoM9rXJUkY-00423-00100645-00100854 some people get quite dramatic MBoM9rXJUkY-00424-00100855-00101100 everything becomes drama some people MBoM9rXJUkY-00425-00101101-00101367 drop into helplessness and some people MBoM9rXJUkY-00426-00101368-00101616 actually get energized so what's your MBoM9rXJUkY-00427-00101617-00101668 common MBoM9rXJUkY-00428-00101669-00101938 pattern it's knowing this and knowing MBoM9rXJUkY-00429-00101939-00102148 this helps you recognize it and that it MBoM9rXJUkY-00430-00102149-00102358 enables you to override your automatic MBoM9rXJUkY-00431-00102359-00102613 pilot responses a lot of these patterns MBoM9rXJUkY-00432-00102614-00102855 are built up over a long period of time MBoM9rXJUkY-00433-00102856-00103141 so our next strategy in building your MBoM9rXJUkY-00434-00103142-00103335 resilience is self management and this MBoM9rXJUkY-00435-00103336-00103549 is a skill as well it's often called MBoM9rXJUkY-00436-00103550-00103849 self-regulation or impulse control and MBoM9rXJUkY-00437-00103850-00104026 this is the skill that will help you MBoM9rXJUkY-00438-00104027-00104239 learn how to face difficulties even a MBoM9rXJUkY-00439-00104240-00104505 mountain of them calmly without falling MBoM9rXJUkY-00440-00104506-00104749 apart or fearing that you will so when MBoM9rXJUkY-00441-00104750-00104878 we're stressed we can fall apart MBoM9rXJUkY-00442-00104879-00105163 emotionally in a variety of ways such as MBoM9rXJUkY-00443-00105164-00105430 feeling highly anxious or intensely MBoM9rXJUkY-00444-00105431-00105781 irritable or really worried or flustered MBoM9rXJUkY-00445-00105782-00106086 or hopeless or overwhelmed or even MBoM9rXJUkY-00446-00106088-00106327 demoralized or feeling a bit apathetic MBoM9rXJUkY-00447-00106328-00106591 we can also fall apart physically in MBoM9rXJUkY-00448-00106592-00106785 response to stress which means we can MBoM9rXJUkY-00449-00106786-00106981 have symptoms like we can suffer from MBoM9rXJUkY-00450-00106982-00107446 insomnia or our heartbeat is rapid or we MBoM9rXJUkY-00451-00107447-00107656 have breathing problems or digestive MBoM9rXJUkY-00452-00107657-00107902 upsets or frequent headaches these can MBoM9rXJUkY-00453-00107903-00108190 all be stress induced and people who MBoM9rXJUkY-00454-00108191-00108340 haven't learned effective stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00455-00108341-00108493 management skills often develop MBoM9rXJUkY-00456-00108494-00108751 stress-related illnesses in fact it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00457-00108752-00109042 now estimated that around 90% of all MBoM9rXJUkY-00458-00109043-00109222 illnesses have strong stress-related MBoM9rXJUkY-00459-00109223-00109579 components now all of us have course we MBoM9rXJUkY-00460-00109580-00109813 have our limits and we must know our MBoM9rXJUkY-00461-00109814-00110136 limits however feeling overwhelmed by MBoM9rXJUkY-00462-00110138-00110365 stress may encourage you to be passive MBoM9rXJUkY-00463-00110366-00110632 and while passivity might be the right MBoM9rXJUkY-00464-00110633-00110838 response to a limited number of problems MBoM9rXJUkY-00465-00110839-00111142 action taking is usually more adaptive MBoM9rXJUkY-00466-00111143-00111400 and makes us feel better so your MBoM9rXJUkY-00467-00111401-00111684 willingness to take action skillful MBoM9rXJUkY-00468-00111685-00111919 action is essential for you to be able MBoM9rXJUkY-00469-00111920-00112183 to build new patterns around stress and MBoM9rXJUkY-00470-00112183-00112420 it doesn't matter what you know about MBoM9rXJUkY-00471-00112421-00112882 stress it matters what you do so in our MBoM9rXJUkY-00472-00112883-00113104 great managers program we teach a number MBoM9rXJUkY-00473-00113105-00113314 of self-management techniques including MBoM9rXJUkY-00474-00113315-00113503 this technique called S Plus T equals R MBoM9rXJUkY-00475-00113504-00113683 which is all about getting in touch with MBoM9rXJUkY-00476-00113683-00113917 your emotions and then being able to get MBoM9rXJUkY-00477-00113918-00114111 in touch with your thinking and being MBoM9rXJUkY-00478-00114113-00114304 able to reappraise your thinking this is MBoM9rXJUkY-00479-00114305-00114499 an emotional intelligence technique and MBoM9rXJUkY-00480-00114500-00114688 it's what we call the handbrake MBoM9rXJUkY-00481-00114689-00114895 technique it pulls up the very active MBoM9rXJUkY-00482-00114896-00115039 part of your Lin decorum MBoM9rXJUkY-00483-00115040-00115213 emotional brain and in that part of your MBoM9rXJUkY-00484-00115214-00115386 brain is called the amygdala and it MBoM9rXJUkY-00485-00115388-00115533 allows you to put the brakes on your MBoM9rXJUkY-00486-00115534-00115801 runaway emotional brain another MBoM9rXJUkY-00487-00115802-00116008 self-management technique in our program MBoM9rXJUkY-00488-00116008-00116208 is the scarf model developed by David MBoM9rXJUkY-00489-00116209-00116384 rock which helps us to identify MBoM9rXJUkY-00490-00116385-00116716 modern-day threats and then how to move MBoM9rXJUkY-00491-00116717-00116905 out of those defensive or threat MBoM9rXJUkY-00492-00116906-00117135 responses and you also learn about MBoM9rXJUkY-00493-00117136-00117379 managing your state which is a technique MBoM9rXJUkY-00494-00117380-00117613 that helps you get resourceful and stay MBoM9rXJUkY-00495-00117614-00117861 resourceful so this technique helps us MBoM9rXJUkY-00496-00117863-00118129 to manage the emotional contagion that MBoM9rXJUkY-00497-00118130-00118348 we're so susceptible to with other human MBoM9rXJUkY-00498-00118349-00118627 beings because we infect each other you MBoM9rXJUkY-00499-00118628-00118717 might have heard that expression MBoM9rXJUkY-00500-00118718-00119109 behavior breeds behavior so if you're MBoM9rXJUkY-00501-00119110-00119283 around a whole lot of stress people at MBoM9rXJUkY-00502-00119284-00119431 work you're going to need a technique MBoM9rXJUkY-00503-00119432-00119590 like this that enables you to take MBoM9rXJUkY-00504-00119591-00119842 skillful action to protect you and to MBoM9rXJUkY-00505-00119843-00120127 stop your precious energy draining away MBoM9rXJUkY-00506-00120128-00120331 now unfortunately we don't have the time MBoM9rXJUkY-00507-00120332-00120490 for me to go into these techniques in MBoM9rXJUkY-00508-00120491-00120711 detail today but it is important to MBoM9rXJUkY-00509-00120713-00120933 understand that emotions play a big role MBoM9rXJUkY-00510-00120934-00121117 in stress management and the more MBoM9rXJUkY-00511-00121118-00121306 skillful we are at managing emotions MBoM9rXJUkY-00512-00121307-00121567 which is self-regulation the better MBoM9rXJUkY-00513-00121568-00121858 we'll manage stress so let's talk about MBoM9rXJUkY-00514-00121858-00122149 this skill of emotional agility now at MBoM9rXJUkY-00515-00122150-00122353 its core emotional agility is about MBoM9rXJUkY-00516-00122354-00122557 knowing yourself and developing a MBoM9rXJUkY-00517-00122558-00122731 greater level of control over your MBoM9rXJUkY-00518-00122732-00123013 feelings and reactions with greater MBoM9rXJUkY-00519-00123014-00123283 emotional agility you can maximize your MBoM9rXJUkY-00520-00123283-00123561 confidence turn negative emotions into MBoM9rXJUkY-00521-00123563-00123724 positive thoughts and respond MBoM9rXJUkY-00522-00123725-00123946 resourcefully in a way that you might MBoM9rXJUkY-00523-00123947-00124102 not even know that you're capable of MBoM9rXJUkY-00524-00124103-00124203 right now MBoM9rXJUkY-00525-00124204-00124432 emotional agility is one of the most MBoM9rXJUkY-00526-00124433-00124630 valuable business and life skills and MBoM9rXJUkY-00527-00124631-00124864 you're all capable of improving this MBoM9rXJUkY-00528-00124865-00125146 skill quite quickly even it just takes a MBoM9rXJUkY-00529-00125147-00125500 bit of practice so how do you do this so MBoM9rXJUkY-00530-00125501-00125647 I'm going to reference a couple of MBoM9rXJUkY-00531-00125648-00125733 people here MBoM9rXJUkY-00532-00125734-00126013 Susan David and Kristina congleton in MBoM9rXJUkY-00533-00126014-00126133 their Harvard Business Review article MBoM9rXJUkY-00534-00126133-00126481 called emotional agility they describe 4 MBoM9rXJUkY-00535-00126482-00126793 steps for building emotional agility now MBoM9rXJUkY-00536-00126794-00126984 people don't stumble because they have MBoM9rXJUkY-00537-00126985-00127183 undesirable thoughts we all have them MBoM9rXJUkY-00538-00127183-00127417 it's inevitable they stumble because MBoM9rXJUkY-00539-00127418-00127630 they get hooked by their thoughts like a MBoM9rXJUkY-00540-00127631-00127876 fish caught on a line and they buy into MBoM9rXJUkY-00541-00127877-00128071 their thoughts treating them like facts MBoM9rXJUkY-00542-00128072-00128283 and then over time turning these MBoM9rXJUkY-00543-00128284-00128415 thoughts is random MBoM9rXJUkY-00544-00128416-00128722 perhaps into beliefs even so the first MBoM9rXJUkY-00545-00128723-00128968 step in building your emotional agility MBoM9rXJUkY-00546-00128969-00129276 is to recognize your patterns notice MBoM9rXJUkY-00547-00129277-00129447 when you've been hooked by your thoughts MBoM9rXJUkY-00548-00129448-00129666 and your feelings and this can be a MBoM9rXJUkY-00549-00129667-00129861 little bit hard to do initially but MBoM9rXJUkY-00550-00129862-00130059 there are some certain telltale signs MBoM9rXJUkY-00551-00130060-00130321 for this now one of them is that your MBoM9rXJUkY-00552-00130322-00130536 thinking becomes quite rigid or MBoM9rXJUkY-00553-00130537-00130836 repetitive you feel yourself thinking MBoM9rXJUkY-00554-00130837-00130998 the same thing over and over or hear MBoM9rXJUkY-00555-00130999-00131178 yourself saying the same thing over and MBoM9rXJUkY-00556-00131179-00131443 over another is that you feel like MBoM9rXJUkY-00557-00131444-00131652 you're telling the same story like you MBoM9rXJUkY-00558-00131653-00131814 know your business story I've heard that MBoM9rXJUkY-00559-00131815-00131973 story before and it's you that's telling MBoM9rXJUkY-00560-00131974-00132174 it's like you're in that movie Groundhog MBoM9rXJUkY-00561-00132175-00132319 Day where you're repeating the same MBoM9rXJUkY-00562-00132320-00132540 pattern over and over so you have to be MBoM9rXJUkY-00563-00132541-00132747 aware of these patterns and that you're MBoM9rXJUkY-00564-00132748-00132912 stuck in one before you can make a MBoM9rXJUkY-00565-00132913-00133140 change and the next step in building MBoM9rXJUkY-00566-00133141-00133338 your emotional agility is actually to MBoM9rXJUkY-00567-00133339-00133551 label your thoughts and emotions it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00568-00133552-00133822 easier to label your emotions first but MBoM9rXJUkY-00569-00133823-00134059 this labeling allows you to see your MBoM9rXJUkY-00570-00134060-00134194 thoughts and feelings for what they MBoM9rXJUkY-00571-00134195-00134487 actually are which is transient sources MBoM9rXJUkY-00572-00134488-00134746 of data that may or may not prove MBoM9rXJUkY-00573-00134747-00135075 helpful we're all capable of taking this MBoM9rXJUkY-00574-00135076-00135244 kind of detached or what I call MBoM9rXJUkY-00575-00135245-00135537 helicopter view of our inner experiences MBoM9rXJUkY-00576-00135538-00135714 and this is what mindfulness is all MBoM9rXJUkY-00577-00135715-00135859 about it's about bringing your awareness MBoM9rXJUkY-00578-00135860-00136110 to the present moment so you ask MBoM9rXJUkY-00579-00136111-00136299 yourself what am I feeling MBoM9rXJUkY-00580-00136300-00136503 then you label it you actually identify MBoM9rXJUkY-00581-00136504-00136740 the actual feeling and then you ask what MBoM9rXJUkY-00582-00136741-00137034 am I thinking and this not only improves MBoM9rXJUkY-00583-00137035-00137241 your behavior and well-being but it also MBoM9rXJUkY-00584-00137242-00137502 promotes beneficial biological changes MBoM9rXJUkY-00585-00137503-00137664 in the brain at the cellular level it MBoM9rXJUkY-00586-00137665-00137898 puts you in charge of your brain you can MBoM9rXJUkY-00587-00137899-00138097 also ask the question how else could I MBoM9rXJUkY-00588-00138098-00138465 think about this the next step is to MBoM9rXJUkY-00589-00138466-00138735 accept your thoughts and feelings so the MBoM9rXJUkY-00590-00138736-00138975 opposite of control is acceptance you MBoM9rXJUkY-00591-00138976-00139234 don't have to act on every thought or MBoM9rXJUkY-00592-00139235-00139484 feeling or resign yourself to negativity MBoM9rXJUkY-00593-00139485-00139747 remember our thoughts and emotions are MBoM9rXJUkY-00594-00139748-00139996 not facts they're just data but you can MBoM9rXJUkY-00595-00139997-00140178 respond to your experience with MBoM9rXJUkY-00596-00140179-00140361 curiosity and openness MBoM9rXJUkY-00597-00140362-00140593 you can notice you're feeling angry or MBoM9rXJUkY-00598-00140594-00140865 upset and accept that you can be curious MBoM9rXJUkY-00599-00140866-00141114 about how that situation came about and MBoM9rXJUkY-00600-00141115-00141348 how else you could think about the MBoM9rXJUkY-00601-00141349-00141678 situation emotions are signals that MBoM9rXJUkY-00602-00141679-00141805 something important is MBoM9rXJUkY-00603-00141806-00142033 steak and that productive and skillful MBoM9rXJUkY-00604-00142034-00142354 action is needed and your fourth step MBoM9rXJUkY-00605-00142355-00142633 here is to act on your values when you MBoM9rXJUkY-00606-00142634-00142837 unhook yourself from difficult thoughts MBoM9rXJUkY-00607-00142838-00143161 and emotions you expand your choices you MBoM9rXJUkY-00608-00143162-00143434 can activate your free will and decide MBoM9rXJUkY-00609-00143435-00143641 to act in a way that aligns with your MBoM9rXJUkY-00610-00143642-00143944 values it's making a choice about your MBoM9rXJUkY-00611-00143945-00144169 response and reality checking whether it MBoM9rXJUkY-00612-00144170-00144451 will serve you or to sabotage you in the MBoM9rXJUkY-00613-00144452-00144643 long term as well as the short term so MBoM9rXJUkY-00614-00144644-00144892 it's about are you being the person you MBoM9rXJUkY-00615-00144893-00145245 want to be or the leader you want to be MBoM9rXJUkY-00616-00145246-00145543 so our minds thoughts dream just flows MBoM9rXJUkY-00617-00145544-00145843 endlessly and emotions change like the MBoM9rXJUkY-00618-00145844-00146098 weather but your values are consistent MBoM9rXJUkY-00619-00146099-00146335 and they can be called upon at any time MBoM9rXJUkY-00620-00146336-00146611 and in any situation so here's a quick MBoM9rXJUkY-00621-00146612-00146797 question for you what are your top one MBoM9rXJUkY-00622-00146798-00147088 or two values what's important to you MBoM9rXJUkY-00623-00147089-00147439 and if you're in an alignment with your MBoM9rXJUkY-00624-00147440-00147721 most important one or two values what MBoM9rXJUkY-00625-00147722-00147919 behaviors would you be demonstrating MBoM9rXJUkY-00626-00147920-00148122 when you're stressed or under pressure MBoM9rXJUkY-00627-00148123-00148408 so imagine a colleague or a client was MBoM9rXJUkY-00628-00148409-00148579 describing how you manage the MBoM9rXJUkY-00629-00148580-00148816 challenging situation how would you like MBoM9rXJUkY-00630-00148817-00149161 to be described or known so here's a MBoM9rXJUkY-00631-00149162-00149335 real-life example of this recently I was MBoM9rXJUkY-00632-00149336-00149479 running a workshop at a client's MBoM9rXJUkY-00633-00149480-00149674 premises and my normal contact person MBoM9rXJUkY-00634-00149675-00149899 wasn't in that day so I needed to be led MBoM9rXJUkY-00635-00149900-00150058 into the training room and I asked the MBoM9rXJUkY-00636-00150059-00150217 front desk to call the section that I MBoM9rXJUkY-00637-00150218-00150370 normally deal with to see if someone MBoM9rXJUkY-00638-00150371-00150574 else could help me now I suggested a few MBoM9rXJUkY-00639-00150575-00150754 names of people who'd helped me in the MBoM9rXJUkY-00640-00150755-00150967 past it did take a little bit of time MBoM9rXJUkY-00641-00150968-00151210 and eventually another person who I did MBoM9rXJUkY-00642-00151211-00151339 know I had met this person before MBoM9rXJUkY-00643-00151340-00151573 arrived to let me into the room but she MBoM9rXJUkY-00644-00151574-00151798 was obviously very busy and not happy MBoM9rXJUkY-00645-00151799-00152002 about the interruption or this request MBoM9rXJUkY-00646-00152003-00152215 to assist me which was literally a five MBoM9rXJUkY-00647-00152216-00152370 minute task it was just a security MBoM9rXJUkY-00648-00152371-00152701 squats wipe into a room she opened the MBoM9rXJUkY-00649-00152702-00152920 door for me but she did so without any MBoM9rXJUkY-00650-00152921-00153142 greeting and was really abrupt with me MBoM9rXJUkY-00651-00153143-00153484 now in that moment she had a choice we MBoM9rXJUkY-00652-00153485-00153733 all have a choice as long as we have MBoM9rXJUkY-00653-00153734-00153892 self-awareness and self-management MBoM9rXJUkY-00654-00153893-00154201 skills and the choice is in that moment MBoM9rXJUkY-00655-00154202-00154492 will I be rude or respectful which one MBoM9rXJUkY-00656-00154493-00154813 fits best with my values and either way MBoM9rXJUkY-00657-00154814-00155080 your choice has the most impact on you MBoM9rXJUkY-00658-00155081-00155230 not the other person MBoM9rXJUkY-00659-00155231-00155491 so a lot of people struggle to them to MBoM9rXJUkY-00660-00155492-00155653 manage their emotions so let's have a MBoM9rXJUkY-00661-00155654-00156039 look at an emotional agility technique MBoM9rXJUkY-00662-00156040-00156325 so we'll have a look at emotion versus MBoM9rXJUkY-00663-00156326-00156526 mood and emotions of things that tend to MBoM9rXJUkY-00664-00156527-00156748 come and go quite quickly they're also MBoM9rXJUkY-00665-00156749-00156904 much more likely to be caused by MBoM9rXJUkY-00666-00156905-00157189 immediate circumstances moves are MBoM9rXJUkY-00667-00157190-00157372 generally emotions that last for an MBoM9rXJUkY-00668-00157373-00157627 extended period of time say a few hours MBoM9rXJUkY-00669-00157628-00157912 or days or maybe even longer moods can MBoM9rXJUkY-00670-00157913-00158113 be due to going through a tough time or MBoM9rXJUkY-00671-00158114-00158449 they can become a pattern and if they MBoM9rXJUkY-00672-00158450-00158683 can become a pattern if they actually if MBoM9rXJUkY-00673-00158684-00158854 they do become a pet they can be hard to MBoM9rXJUkY-00674-00158855-00159031 shift for example if people get into an MBoM9rXJUkY-00675-00159032-00159286 anxiety pattern that can be hard to MBoM9rXJUkY-00676-00159287-00159475 shift so remember it is a pattern and MBoM9rXJUkY-00677-00159476-00159690 this is why learning to identify MBoM9rXJUkY-00678-00159691-00159886 understand and manage emotions MBoM9rXJUkY-00679-00159887-00160153 skillfully is important and being able MBoM9rXJUkY-00680-00160154-00160369 to express emotions skillfully rather MBoM9rXJUkY-00681-00160370-00160633 than suppressing them can prevent a mood MBoM9rXJUkY-00682-00160634-00160876 pattern from building so let's have a MBoM9rXJUkY-00683-00160877-00161059 look at the types of emotions because MBoM9rXJUkY-00684-00161060-00161245 there's so much new research now on MBoM9rXJUkY-00685-00161246-00161437 emotions and emotional intelligence and MBoM9rXJUkY-00686-00161438-00161563 I've done a lot of research on this MBoM9rXJUkY-00687-00161564-00161830 topic and I've also done many courses MBoM9rXJUkY-00688-00161831-00162031 and read lots of books are out around MBoM9rXJUkY-00689-00162032-00162277 this I've learned that emotions tend to MBoM9rXJUkY-00690-00162278-00162487 fall into two categories we call them MBoM9rXJUkY-00691-00162488-00162702 survival emotions in one category and MBoM9rXJUkY-00692-00162703-00163000 creative emotions in the other so I'm MBoM9rXJUkY-00693-00163001-00163174 going to be referencing some work from a MBoM9rXJUkY-00694-00163175-00163363 guy called dr. David Hawkins he wrote a MBoM9rXJUkY-00695-00163364-00163588 book called power versus force and dr. MBoM9rXJUkY-00696-00163589-00163732 Joe Dispenza who wrote a book called MBoM9rXJUkY-00697-00163733-00164005 changing the habit of being me and I've MBoM9rXJUkY-00698-00164006-00164197 developed a model of emotions that can MBoM9rXJUkY-00699-00164198-00164389 be used in a workplace based on my MBoM9rXJUkY-00700-00164390-00164560 understanding and interpretation of MBoM9rXJUkY-00701-00164561-00164974 their work and their emotional scales so MBoM9rXJUkY-00702-00164975-00165148 here are the types of emotions that fall MBoM9rXJUkY-00703-00165149-00165430 into each category our survival emotions MBoM9rXJUkY-00704-00165431-00165733 are fight/flight ones or a threat MBoM9rXJUkY-00705-00165734-00165973 response if you like and they come with MBoM9rXJUkY-00706-00165974-00166144 the Associates associated brain MBoM9rXJUkY-00707-00166145-00166443 chemistry of cortisol and adrenaline our MBoM9rXJUkY-00708-00166444-00166705 creative emotions are more subtle and MBoM9rXJUkY-00709-00166706-00166873 they're more associated with a reward MBoM9rXJUkY-00710-00166874-00167206 response or the associated brain MBoM9rXJUkY-00711-00167207-00167455 chemistry of serotonin and dopamine MBoM9rXJUkY-00712-00167456-00167640 now dopamine is the neurotransmitter MBoM9rXJUkY-00713-00167641-00168007 associated with motivation so just in MBoM9rXJUkY-00714-00168008-00168148 case you're not familiar with threat and MBoM9rXJUkY-00715-00168149-00168328 reward responses it's also something we MBoM9rXJUkY-00716-00168329-00168508 cover in our great managers program and MBoM9rXJUkY-00717-00168509-00168591 also our stress man MBoM9rXJUkY-00718-00168592-00168873 program so the creative emotions are MBoM9rXJUkY-00719-00168874-00169081 more subtle until they reach the higher MBoM9rXJUkY-00720-00169082-00169282 emotional states these ones here like MBoM9rXJUkY-00721-00169283-00169543 happiness so they start with things like MBoM9rXJUkY-00722-00169544-00169829 curiosity or interest and then MBoM9rXJUkY-00723-00169830-00170182 appreciation or gratitude or courage MBoM9rXJUkY-00724-00170183-00170400 which is taking action because of MBoM9rXJUkY-00725-00170401-00170652 optimism or hope or belief there is a MBoM9rXJUkY-00726-00170653-00170940 better way or kindness or even love MBoM9rXJUkY-00727-00170941-00171087 which we don't turn to talk about at MBoM9rXJUkY-00728-00171088-00171256 work much that we do in our personal MBoM9rXJUkY-00729-00171257-00171595 lives enthusiasm or motivation and MBoM9rXJUkY-00730-00171596-00172029 happiness or joy now each one of these MBoM9rXJUkY-00731-00172030-00172323 emotions has a certain calibration or a MBoM9rXJUkY-00732-00172324-00172637 level of energy or voltage if you like MBoM9rXJUkY-00733-00172638-00172878 dr. David Hawkins who's a psychiatrist MBoM9rXJUkY-00734-00172879-00173059 tested all of these emotions on MBoM9rXJUkY-00735-00173060-00173337 thousands of subjects using kinesiology MBoM9rXJUkY-00736-00173338-00173569 to come up with his scale on the MBoM9rXJUkY-00737-00173570-00173928 survival side over here anger and fear MBoM9rXJUkY-00738-00173929-00174123 have a reasonably high voltage or MBoM9rXJUkY-00739-00174124-00174378 calibration whereas shame and guilt are MBoM9rXJUkY-00740-00174379-00174748 quite low so shame is calibrating at MBoM9rXJUkY-00741-00174749-00174994 around 20 on this scale of dr. Hawkins MBoM9rXJUkY-00742-00174995-00175290 and so it's very low it's a low energy MBoM9rXJUkY-00743-00175291-00175498 emotion and people can get stuck there MBoM9rXJUkY-00744-00175499-00175698 so think about a time when you felt MBoM9rXJUkY-00745-00175699-00175986 shame and just notice the energy of that MBoM9rXJUkY-00746-00175987-00176364 emotion can you feel how low it is so MBoM9rXJUkY-00747-00176365-00176631 the learning here is don't shame people MBoM9rXJUkY-00748-00176632-00176901 don't shame yourself or other people MBoM9rXJUkY-00749-00176902-00177114 don't say what sort of idiot are you MBoM9rXJUkY-00750-00177115-00177288 that sort of thing that's shaming MBoM9rXJUkY-00751-00177289-00177498 yourself or shaming other people it does MBoM9rXJUkY-00752-00177499-00177793 not enable your brain or theirs to work MBoM9rXJUkY-00753-00177794-00177963 optimally and it won't get you the MBoM9rXJUkY-00754-00177964-00178239 outcome that you want so guilt is MBoM9rXJUkY-00755-00178240-00178587 another low calibration of emotion here MBoM9rXJUkY-00756-00178588-00178839 and guilt is associated with blame in a MBoM9rXJUkY-00757-00178840-00179112 management context so don't use blame MBoM9rXJUkY-00758-00179113-00179356 either stop blaming other people stop MBoM9rXJUkY-00759-00179357-00179625 blaming your organization blame stops MBoM9rXJUkY-00760-00179626-00179814 your brain from working optimally it MBoM9rXJUkY-00761-00179815-00180043 makes you feel stuck and helpless so MBoM9rXJUkY-00762-00180044-00180208 it's about moving into this solution MBoM9rXJUkY-00763-00180209-00180426 focus rather than stuck in getting stuck MBoM9rXJUkY-00764-00180427-00180643 in blame so the lesson here is that MBoM9rXJUkY-00765-00180644-00180898 survival emotions cause our energy to MBoM9rXJUkY-00766-00180899-00180960 drop MBoM9rXJUkY-00767-00180961-00181248 whereas creative emotions increase our MBoM9rXJUkY-00768-00181249-00181476 energy so think about a time when you MBoM9rXJUkY-00769-00181477-00181771 felt appreciation or had a really good MBoM9rXJUkY-00770-00181772-00181925 belly laugh MBoM9rXJUkY-00771-00181926-00182123 can you tune into that calibration and MBoM9rXJUkY-00772-00182124-00182300 the energy of that usually it feels very MBoM9rXJUkY-00773-00182301-00182564 energizing and David Hawkins says that MBoM9rXJUkY-00774-00182565-00182777 happiness or true joy calibrates at MBoM9rXJUkY-00775-00182778-00183158 around 500 on his scale so without self MBoM9rXJUkY-00776-00183159-00183332 awareness and self management skills we MBoM9rXJUkY-00777-00183333-00183524 can get stuck on the survival side MBoM9rXJUkY-00778-00183525-00183761 because unfortunately that is our MBoM9rXJUkY-00779-00183762-00184022 default as human beings our self MBoM9rXJUkY-00780-00184023-00184262 protective system in the brain is very MBoM9rXJUkY-00781-00184263-00184502 active and it's constantly on the MBoM9rXJUkY-00782-00184503-00184733 lookout for threats and it can trigger MBoM9rXJUkY-00783-00184734-00184945 these types of emotions very easily MBoM9rXJUkY-00784-00184946-00185203 negative thoughts and negative emotions MBoM9rXJUkY-00785-00185204-00185525 feed on each other so our default MBoM9rXJUkY-00786-00185526-00185675 position is to look for threats to MBoM9rXJUkY-00787-00185676-00185864 imagine the worst so in most situations MBoM9rXJUkY-00788-00185865-00186176 unless you're in real danger you need to MBoM9rXJUkY-00789-00186177-00186454 work against this human tendency so MBoM9rXJUkY-00790-00186455-00186616 you'll perceive how things will go wrong MBoM9rXJUkY-00791-00186617-00186821 much quicker than you'll imagine how it MBoM9rXJUkY-00792-00186822-00187037 will go well or what other options that MBoM9rXJUkY-00793-00187038-00187291 you have even when all the evidence MBoM9rXJUkY-00794-00187292-00187538 suggests that it could go well and based MBoM9rXJUkY-00795-00187539-00187753 on your past experiences you know that MBoM9rXJUkY-00796-00187754-00187973 you're good at problem-solving so we MBoM9rXJUkY-00797-00187974-00188156 don't see our best interests until we MBoM9rXJUkY-00798-00188157-00188381 unintentionally we create the opposite MBoM9rXJUkY-00799-00188382-00188639 of what we really want we get swept away MBoM9rXJUkY-00800-00188640-00189020 by survival emotions unfortunately our MBoM9rXJUkY-00801-00189021-00189253 brain has not evolved to make us happy MBoM9rXJUkY-00802-00189254-00189515 it has evolved to keep us safe and help MBoM9rXJUkY-00803-00189516-00189740 us survive and if you get stuck in these MBoM9rXJUkY-00804-00189741-00189926 survival emotions over a period of time MBoM9rXJUkY-00805-00189927-00190181 and they become your mood or default MBoM9rXJUkY-00806-00190182-00190429 pattern or habit your energy is MBoM9rXJUkY-00807-00190430-00190745 constantly draining away your precious MBoM9rXJUkY-00808-00190746-00191063 energy so your emotional intelligence MBoM9rXJUkY-00809-00191064-00191243 skills of self awareness and self MBoM9rXJUkY-00810-00191244-00191453 management or what you need to move your MBoM9rXJUkY-00811-00191454-00191669 mood and emotions into a positive MBoM9rXJUkY-00812-00191670-00191957 register to take skillful deliberate MBoM9rXJUkY-00813-00191958-00192188 action so let me explain how you can use MBoM9rXJUkY-00814-00192189-00192650 this model a bit more self-regulation is MBoM9rXJUkY-00815-00192651-00192914 the key to building positivity so once MBoM9rXJUkY-00816-00192915-00193106 you're aware of your emotions and can MBoM9rXJUkY-00817-00193107-00193315 identify them so remember that question MBoM9rXJUkY-00818-00193316-00193547 what am I feeling this is about labeling MBoM9rXJUkY-00819-00193548-00193789 you can then divert your attention MBoM9rXJUkY-00820-00193790-00194051 deliberately over to the creative side MBoM9rXJUkY-00821-00194052-00194303 this is about you moving your brain into MBoM9rXJUkY-00822-00194304-00194522 this creative and positive register this MBoM9rXJUkY-00823-00194523-00194690 is about getting your brain working MBoM9rXJUkY-00824-00194691-00194939 optimally and we call this attention MBoM9rXJUkY-00825-00194940-00195209 deployment this is about learning to MBoM9rXJUkY-00826-00195210-00195298 regulate MBoM9rXJUkY-00827-00195299-00195583 your own emotions calm your own stress MBoM9rXJUkY-00828-00195584-00195907 and anxieties and soothe your own mind MBoM9rXJUkY-00829-00195908-00196255 life gives us negativity on its own it's MBoM9rXJUkY-00830-00196256-00196501 our job our responsibility even MBoM9rXJUkY-00831-00196502-00196684 particularly if you're a manager a MBoM9rXJUkY-00832-00196685-00196876 person of influence in an organization MBoM9rXJUkY-00833-00196877-00197227 to create positivity it is possible to MBoM9rXJUkY-00834-00197228-00197437 move your emotions into a positive MBoM9rXJUkY-00835-00197438-00197752 register you can do this and it's not MBoM9rXJUkY-00836-00197753-00197911 hard to do especially once you've MBoM9rXJUkY-00837-00197912-00198268 practiced it so curiosity is a great MBoM9rXJUkY-00838-00198269-00198510 bridge to help you divert your attention MBoM9rXJUkY-00839-00198511-00198757 that's why in these self-management MBoM9rXJUkY-00840-00198758-00198913 techniques that I'm talking about you MBoM9rXJUkY-00841-00198914-00199086 ask these questions this is act MBoM9rXJUkY-00842-00199087-00199359 activating curiosity what am I feeling MBoM9rXJUkY-00843-00199360-00199750 what am I thinking what's that about and MBoM9rXJUkY-00844-00199751-00200011 how else could I think about this this MBoM9rXJUkY-00845-00200012-00200275 is called reappraisal and it enables you MBoM9rXJUkY-00846-00200276-00200488 to master your thinking and activate MBoM9rXJUkY-00847-00200489-00200686 curiosity and the clever part of your MBoM9rXJUkY-00848-00200687-00200917 brain rather than having your primitive MBoM9rXJUkY-00849-00200918-00201235 brain mastering you so don't use attack MBoM9rXJUkY-00850-00201236-00201508 thoughts against yourself or others put MBoM9rXJUkY-00851-00201509-00201805 aside these interfering thoughts and if MBoM9rXJUkY-00852-00201806-00202009 old sabotaging thinking patterns or MBoM9rXJUkY-00853-00202010-00202276 emotions kick in if for me what I do as MBoM9rXJUkY-00854-00202277-00202567 I say to myself Oh cancel that or even MBoM9rXJUkY-00855-00202568-00202765 say recalculating because I used to have MBoM9rXJUkY-00856-00202766-00202951 a GPS in my car that said that and I've MBoM9rXJUkY-00857-00202952-00203167 borrowed that from my GPS it actually MBoM9rXJUkY-00858-00203168-00203374 works so it's knowing that you can pull MBoM9rXJUkY-00859-00203375-00203578 up those thoughts in the moment and I MBoM9rXJUkY-00860-00203579-00203743 don't berate myself for thinking MBoM9rXJUkY-00861-00203744-00203875 negative thoughts because that's an MBoM9rXJUkY-00862-00203876-00204115 attack thought on myself and it makes MBoM9rXJUkY-00863-00204116-00204448 the situation and my stress worse I know MBoM9rXJUkY-00864-00204449-00204631 other people who say things like whoa MBoM9rXJUkY-00865-00204632-00204774 don't go there MBoM9rXJUkY-00866-00204775-00205039 and you know or drop it so you're in MBoM9rXJUkY-00867-00205040-00205192 charge this is about you being in charge MBoM9rXJUkY-00868-00205194-00205504 of your brain the other way you can use MBoM9rXJUkY-00869-00205505-00205660 this model is deliberately choosing MBoM9rXJUkY-00870-00205661-00205852 emotions from the creative side every MBoM9rXJUkY-00871-00205853-00206048 day to build your emotional tone and MBoM9rXJUkY-00872-00206048-00206206 turn it into your normal state and MBoM9rXJUkY-00873-00206207-00206404 there's so many benefits in doing this MBoM9rXJUkY-00874-00206405-00206689 so I read an article recently that said MBoM9rXJUkY-00875-00206690-00206881 one minute of anger weakens your immune MBoM9rXJUkY-00876-00206882-00207136 system for four or five hours whereas MBoM9rXJUkY-00877-00207137-00207323 one minute of laughter boosts your MBoM9rXJUkY-00878-00207323-00207610 immune system for 24 hours I've used MBoM9rXJUkY-00879-00207611-00207754 this bridge technique a lot with my MBoM9rXJUkY-00880-00207755-00207919 coaching clients and what I get them to MBoM9rXJUkY-00881-00207921-00208090 do is to use appreciation or gratitude MBoM9rXJUkY-00882-00208091-00208366 on a daily basis so at the end of each MBoM9rXJUkY-00883-00208367-00208591 day you flip reflect on what went well MBoM9rXJUkY-00884-00208592-00208679 today what did MBoM9rXJUkY-00885-00208680-00208931 I do well rather than what didn't go MBoM9rXJUkY-00886-00208932-00209323 well start practicing that in your life MBoM9rXJUkY-00887-00209323-00209507 so the more time you're spending MBoM9rXJUkY-00888-00209508-00209746 creative emotions the higher energy and MBoM9rXJUkY-00889-00209748-00209917 brain function will be and the better MBoM9rXJUkY-00890-00209919-00210142 you'll manage stress the more positive MBoM9rXJUkY-00891-00210144-00210323 you are the better your results will be MBoM9rXJUkY-00892-00210323-00210458 and if you're looking for additional MBoM9rXJUkY-00893-00210459-00210656 support with this skill dr. Sarah MBoM9rXJUkY-00894-00210657-00210812 Edelman's book called change your MBoM9rXJUkY-00895-00210813-00211021 thinking is a good one she's well known MBoM9rXJUkY-00896-00211023-00211217 for her work here on in Australia on MBoM9rXJUkY-00897-00211217-00211544 this so this is about how to thrive how MBoM9rXJUkY-00898-00211544-00211802 to flourish and build positivity so the MBoM9rXJUkY-00899-00211803-00212075 idea is to spend more time in this MBoM9rXJUkY-00900-00212076-00212296 positive positive emotional register at MBoM9rXJUkY-00901-00212298-00212603 least three times more the more time in MBoM9rXJUkY-00902-00212604-00212869 what we call above the line emotions MBoM9rXJUkY-00903-00212871-00213110 those creative emotions and behaviors MBoM9rXJUkY-00904-00213111-00213359 now this three to one ratio is very well MBoM9rXJUkY-00905-00213360-00213632 researched it's called the lazada ratio MBoM9rXJUkY-00906-00213633-00213803 and it's also written up in barbara MBoM9rXJUkY-00907-00213804-00213959 frederickson's book called positivity MBoM9rXJUkY-00908-00213960-00214219 it's what makes us flourish as human MBoM9rXJUkY-00909-00214221-00214463 beings now obviously there will be times MBoM9rXJUkY-00910-00214464-00214628 in life where things will happen and MBoM9rXJUkY-00911-00214629-00214871 you'll drop below the line something MBoM9rXJUkY-00912-00214871-00215054 might really upset you or you're under a MBoM9rXJUkY-00913-00215055-00215261 lot of pressure but the idea is to be MBoM9rXJUkY-00914-00215262-00215459 able to move ourselves out of that and MBoM9rXJUkY-00915-00215460-00215876 keep yourself in this 3 to 1 ratio so MBoM9rXJUkY-00916-00215877-00216026 our third strategy to build your MBoM9rXJUkY-00917-00216027-00216185 resilience is harnessing the power of MBoM9rXJUkY-00918-00216186-00216350 relationships this is about connecting MBoM9rXJUkY-00919-00216351-00216592 with ourselves and with others to build MBoM9rXJUkY-00920-00216594-00216827 stress resilience so to become more MBoM9rXJUkY-00921-00216828-00216983 resilient we need to strengthen our MBoM9rXJUkY-00922-00216984-00217226 relationship first with our inner self MBoM9rXJUkY-00923-00217227-00217496 and build what our Seibert in this book MBoM9rXJUkY-00924-00217496-00217691 the resiliency resiliency advantage MBoM9rXJUkY-00925-00217692-00217886 calls the three gatekeepers to MBoM9rXJUkY-00926-00217887-00218123 resiliency so these are things you can MBoM9rXJUkY-00927-00218123-00218285 deliberately work on these are your MBoM9rXJUkY-00928-00218286-00218504 self-confidence your self-esteem and MBoM9rXJUkY-00929-00218505-00218744 your self-concept and if your three MBoM9rXJUkY-00930-00218744-00218960 gatekeepers are strong they'll allow you MBoM9rXJUkY-00931-00218961-00219164 to develop a wide range of skills and MBoM9rXJUkY-00932-00219165-00219371 habits but if they're weak or you do not MBoM9rXJUkY-00933-00219371-00219587 work on developing they'll undermine you MBoM9rXJUkY-00934-00219588-00219752 and make you feel vulnerable MBoM9rXJUkY-00935-00219753-00220031 so self-confidence is an action MBoM9rXJUkY-00936-00220032-00220253 predictor it's your gatekeeper to MBoM9rXJUkY-00937-00220254-00220487 effective action think of MBoM9rXJUkY-00938-00220488-00220694 self-confidence is your reputation with MBoM9rXJUkY-00939-00220694-00220754 yourself MBoM9rXJUkY-00940-00220755-00220955 people with strong self-confidence MBoM9rXJUkY-00941-00220956-00221237 expect to succeed in new activities and MBoM9rXJUkY-00942-00221238-00221537 overcome unknown difficulties so think MBoM9rXJUkY-00943-00221538-00221684 about this when given a new assignment MBoM9rXJUkY-00944-00221685-00221858 at work do you feel confident that MBoM9rXJUkY-00945-00221859-00222044 you'll learn how to do it well or do MBoM9rXJUkY-00946-00222044-00222326 away from it so in today's fast-paced MBoM9rXJUkY-00947-00222327-00222566 workplaces it's important to know what MBoM9rXJUkY-00948-00222567-00222776 your strengths and abilities are and MBoM9rXJUkY-00949-00222777-00223025 what you can do well you're in your role MBoM9rXJUkY-00950-00223026-00223282 for a reason and modesty might be a MBoM9rXJUkY-00951-00223283-00223510 desirable thing in social situations but MBoM9rXJUkY-00952-00223511-00223684 it's not helpful in teams when others MBoM9rXJUkY-00953-00223685-00223928 are relying on you so self-confidence is MBoM9rXJUkY-00954-00223929-00224126 a positive thing and very different from MBoM9rXJUkY-00955-00224127-00224308 overconfidence or bragging which is MBoM9rXJUkY-00956-00224309-00224503 actually based on insecurity so MBoM9rXJUkY-00957-00224504-00224719 self-confidence comes from being good at MBoM9rXJUkY-00958-00224721-00224903 what you do from building your skills MBoM9rXJUkY-00959-00224904-00225082 and from achieving goals that are MBoM9rXJUkY-00960-00225083-00225196 meaningful for you MBoM9rXJUkY-00961-00225198-00225455 it comes from making progress it comes MBoM9rXJUkY-00962-00225456-00225689 from leveraging your strengths so think MBoM9rXJUkY-00963-00225690-00225863 about what you could do to increase your MBoM9rXJUkY-00964-00225864-00226214 self-confidence your next gatekeeper is MBoM9rXJUkY-00965-00226215-00226364 your self-esteem and this is your MBoM9rXJUkY-00966-00226365-00226577 emotional opinion about yourself MBoM9rXJUkY-00967-00226578-00226802 it's the gatekeeper in control of how MBoM9rXJUkY-00968-00226803-00227069 you feel about yourself now strong MBoM9rXJUkY-00969-00227069-00227306 healthy self-esteem serves like a MBoM9rXJUkY-00970-00227307-00227560 protective sick emotional blanket that MBoM9rXJUkY-00971-00227561-00227734 buffers you from feeling hurt by MBoM9rXJUkY-00972-00227735-00228026 criticism and self-esteem actually makes MBoM9rXJUkY-00973-00228027-00228254 up the gap between the feedback you MBoM9rXJUkY-00974-00228255-00228512 actually receive in life compared to MBoM9rXJUkY-00975-00228513-00228671 what is ideal to sustain us MBoM9rXJUkY-00976-00228671-00228946 psychologically it is rare for any of us MBoM9rXJUkY-00977-00228948-00229100 to be getting an ideal amount of MBoM9rXJUkY-00978-00229101-00229432 feedback in life so the idea here is to MBoM9rXJUkY-00979-00229433-00229592 understand that you can deliberately MBoM9rXJUkY-00980-00229592-00229877 build your self-esteem so the way you MBoM9rXJUkY-00981-00229878-00230063 can do that is start to tune in to how MBoM9rXJUkY-00982-00230064-00230204 do you feel when someone gives you a MBoM9rXJUkY-00983-00230205-00230482 compliment do you push it away or do you MBoM9rXJUkY-00984-00230483-00230710 accept it and let it soak in and when MBoM9rXJUkY-00985-00230711-00230896 someone gives you feedback do you get MBoM9rXJUkY-00986-00230898-00231113 defensive so starting to get stronger MBoM9rXJUkY-00987-00231114-00231290 with your self-esteem can help you in MBoM9rXJUkY-00988-00231291-00231475 those situations MBoM9rXJUkY-00989-00231476-00231764 your third gatekeepers your self-concept MBoM9rXJUkY-00990-00231765-00232100 is your identity about yourself and this MBoM9rXJUkY-00991-00232101-00232292 is strengthened or weakened by your MBoM9rXJUkY-00992-00232292-00232471 ideas about yourself now many people MBoM9rXJUkY-00993-00232473-00232681 have a self-identity attached to MBoM9rXJUkY-00994-00232682-00232928 external factors like their role their MBoM9rXJUkY-00995-00232929-00233123 title their educational level where they MBoM9rXJUkY-00996-00233123-00233402 live or even want car they drive now if MBoM9rXJUkY-00997-00233403-00233573 this is the case you're at risk of MBoM9rXJUkY-00998-00233573-00233801 having a serious identity crisis if any MBoM9rXJUkY-00999-00233802-00234077 of those external anchors change so this MBoM9rXJUkY-01000-00234078-00234269 is about you building your self-concept MBoM9rXJUkY-01001-00234269-00234527 deliberately and what successful people MBoM9rXJUkY-01002-00234528-00234740 resilient people do is they define their MBoM9rXJUkY-01003-00234741-00235040 self-concept for themselves so it's MBoM9rXJUkY-01004-00235041-00235325 about having healthy self-esteem strong MBoM9rXJUkY-01005-00235326-00235430 self confidence MBoM9rXJUkY-01006-00235431-00235637 and a positive self-concept and you MBoM9rXJUkY-01007-00235638-00235826 develop these in small steps over a MBoM9rXJUkY-01008-00235827-00236084 period of time okay so it's about MBoM9rXJUkY-01009-00236085-00236269 actually deliberately working on those MBoM9rXJUkY-01010-00236271-00236473 the other thing you can do to break bad MBoM9rXJUkY-01011-00236475-00236708 habits is to build resilience is to MBoM9rXJUkY-01012-00236709-00236882 break some bad habits particularly MBoM9rXJUkY-01013-00236883-00237113 things like perfectionism there's no MBoM9rXJUkY-01014-00237114-00237341 project situational decision is ever MBoM9rXJUkY-01015-00237342-00237590 perfect and perfectionistic is a habit MBoM9rXJUkY-01016-00237591-00237809 that will do you in the other thing you MBoM9rXJUkY-01017-00237810-00238028 can do is clean up your act so if you're MBoM9rXJUkY-01018-00238029-00238246 always running late set your clocks and MBoM9rXJUkY-01019-00238248-00238417 watch as fast or give yourself some MBoM9rXJUkY-01020-00238419-00238723 extra time if your desk is a mess fall MBoM9rXJUkY-01021-00238725-00238976 away the clutter and just know that this MBoM9rXJUkY-01022-00238977-00239242 will help you so plan your day as well MBoM9rXJUkY-01023-00239244-00239419 that will help you clean up your act MBoM9rXJUkY-01024-00239421-00239638 and learn how to overcome overwhelm MBoM9rXJUkY-01025-00239639-00239861 overwhelm is when you've got too many MBoM9rXJUkY-01026-00239862-00240146 thoughts going on in your head so this MBoM9rXJUkY-01027-00240146-00240308 is about being able to write things down MBoM9rXJUkY-01028-00240309-00240512 when you've got too many thoughts and MBoM9rXJUkY-01029-00240513-00240671 you had your brain is struggling just MBoM9rXJUkY-01030-00240671-00240815 like your computer does when you have MBoM9rXJUkY-01031-00240816-00241094 too many programs or files open and flip MBoM9rXJUkY-01032-00241094-00241307 your negative thinking if you see the MBoM9rXJUkY-01033-00241308-00241475 downside of every situation in MBoM9rXJUkY-01034-00241476-00241661 interaction or the worst in people or MBoM9rXJUkY-01035-00241662-00241910 make life a drama you'll find yourself MBoM9rXJUkY-01036-00241911-00242165 drained of energy so don't try and MBoM9rXJUkY-01037-00242166-00242375 control the uncontrollable is the next MBoM9rXJUkY-01038-00242376-00242546 one so so many people are trying to MBoM9rXJUkY-01039-00242546-00242705 control things were outside of their MBoM9rXJUkY-01040-00242706-00242896 control particularly the behavior of MBoM9rXJUkY-01041-00242898-00242966 other people MBoM9rXJUkY-01042-00242967-00243223 so rather than stressing out over them MBoM9rXJUkY-01043-00243225-00243416 and getting hooked by them focus on the MBoM9rXJUkY-01044-00243417-00243719 things that you can control so I know MBoM9rXJUkY-01045-00243719-00243860 we're getting close to the end here I'll MBoM9rXJUkY-01046-00243861-00244019 quickly move through these last things MBoM9rXJUkY-01047-00244019-00244171 the next thing is your relationship with MBoM9rXJUkY-01048-00244173-00244403 others and this is really about tapping MBoM9rXJUkY-01049-00244404-00244631 in to other people and being able to MBoM9rXJUkY-01050-00244632-00244823 communicate really effectively and MBoM9rXJUkY-01051-00244823-00245063 really build solid relationships with MBoM9rXJUkY-01052-00245064-00245429 other people at work and particularly MBoM9rXJUkY-01053-00245430-00245615 making your communication friendly and MBoM9rXJUkY-01054-00245616-00245825 efficient the other thing is tapping MBoM9rXJUkY-01055-00245826-00246098 into the power of teamwork this is well MBoM9rXJUkY-01056-00246098-00246263 known that teams can help us build MBoM9rXJUkY-01057-00246264-00246509 resilience so we know that if a team MBoM9rXJUkY-01058-00246510-00246755 works together that there's a synergy MBoM9rXJUkY-01059-00246756-00246911 that comes from that and this really MBoM9rXJUkY-01060-00246912-00247069 helps with stress management and MBoM9rXJUkY-01061-00247071-00247385 personal satisfaction as well so I'm MBoM9rXJUkY-01062-00247386-00247577 going to take some questions shortly but MBoM9rXJUkY-01063-00247578-00247814 I just wanted to quickly summarize what MBoM9rXJUkY-01064-00247815-00248039 we've covered there we've covered that MBoM9rXJUkY-01065-00248040-00248221 self-awareness is your starting point MBoM9rXJUkY-01066-00248223-00248411 and key to change when it comes to MBoM9rXJUkY-01067-00248412-00248705 building capacity and self-management is MBoM9rXJUkY-01068-00248706-00248792 your powers MBoM9rXJUkY-01069-00248792-00249029 skill when it comes to to regulating MBoM9rXJUkY-01070-00249030-00249200 your emotions and stress management it's MBoM9rXJUkY-01071-00249201-00249380 about building emotional agility and MBoM9rXJUkY-01072-00249381-00249598 we've also covered very briefly the MBoM9rXJUkY-01073-00249600-00249815 power of relationships so it's about MBoM9rXJUkY-01074-00249816-00250019 applying these three strategies and MBoM9rXJUkY-01075-00250019-00250259 taking skillful and deliberate action MBoM9rXJUkY-01076-00250260-00250516 because that's how you thrive at work MBoM9rXJUkY-01077-00250517-00250819 okay so we're going to be moving to MBoM9rXJUkY-01078-00250821-00251105 questions shortly but just to remind you MBoM9rXJUkY-01079-00251106-00251411 that recovering energy is as important MBoM9rXJUkY-01080-00251412-00251636 as expending it so I'd like you to think MBoM9rXJUkY-01081-00251637-00251816 about what could you do differently to MBoM9rXJUkY-01082-00251817-00252059 manage stress better and thrive at work MBoM9rXJUkY-01083-00252060-00252275 how could you build your resilience and MBoM9rXJUkY-01084-00252276-00252488 what one or two things could you take MBoM9rXJUkY-01085-00252489-00252701 from our short webinar today that will MBoM9rXJUkY-01086-00252702-00252887 help you build your resilience I'd MBoM9rXJUkY-01087-00252888-00253094 really be keen to hear from you about MBoM9rXJUkY-01088-00253094-00253514 those if you've got some some ideas MBoM9rXJUkY-01089-00253515-00253628 there that would be great if you could MBoM9rXJUkY-01090-00253629-00253784 write those into the question box if I MBoM9rXJUkY-01091-00253785-00253979 get a chance I'll come back to those as MBoM9rXJUkY-01092-00253980-00254221 well and just before we go to questions MBoM9rXJUkY-01093-00254223-00254456 I just wanted to have a couple of MBoM9rXJUkY-01094-00254457-00254690 suggestions for you about what we do and MBoM9rXJUkY-01095-00254691-00254846 how we could perhaps help you with your MBoM9rXJUkY-01096-00254846-00254957 stress management we actually run a MBoM9rXJUkY-01097-00254958-00255244 one-day training program on this very MBoM9rXJUkY-01098-00255246-00255440 topic stress management strategies for MBoM9rXJUkY-01099-00255441-00255619 thriving in a fast-paced workplace or MBoM9rXJUkY-01100-00255621-00255833 world so if you're interested in finding MBoM9rXJUkY-01101-00255834-00256004 out more about that you could email us MBoM9rXJUkY-01102-00256005-00256312 at info at great managers calm and as MBoM9rXJUkY-01103-00256313-00256532 Vesna mentioned at the beginning we have MBoM9rXJUkY-01104-00256533-00256733 our great managers Academy so any of you MBoM9rXJUkY-01105-00256734-00256976 leaders or managers on the call today MBoM9rXJUkY-01106-00256977-00257129 you might be interested in finding out MBoM9rXJUkY-01107-00257130-00257288 more about that because we cover these MBoM9rXJUkY-01108-00257289-00257438 skills in a lot of detail in that MBoM9rXJUkY-01109-00257439-00257765 program and it's a fabulous program so MBoM9rXJUkY-01110-00257766-00258116 let's go to your questions now thank you MBoM9rXJUkY-01111-00258117-00258244 so much sander that was a really MBoM9rXJUkY-01112-00258246-00258380 interesting presentation we did have MBoM9rXJUkY-01113-00258381-00258536 quite a few questions come through but MBoM9rXJUkY-01114-00258537-00258689 we might only have time for a couple and MBoM9rXJUkY-01115-00258690-00258917 also be popping up a survey on your MBoM9rXJUkY-01116-00258917-00259061 screen and now as well so if you could MBoM9rXJUkY-01117-00259062-00259192 just fill that out that would be awesome MBoM9rXJUkY-01118-00259194-00259460 so the first question was from Brian and MBoM9rXJUkY-01119-00259461-00259646 this is something that applies I think MBoM9rXJUkY-01120-00259646-00259850 to everyone how do I not carry the MBoM9rXJUkY-01121-00259851-00260090 stress of home life to the workplace so MBoM9rXJUkY-01122-00260091-00260363 that I can work in peace so that's a MBoM9rXJUkY-01123-00260364-00260525 good question Brian so that's about MBoM9rXJUkY-01124-00260526-00260828 creating space either between home and MBoM9rXJUkY-01125-00260829-00261179 between work or vice versa I coach a lot MBoM9rXJUkY-01126-00261180-00261335 of people who ask the same question how MBoM9rXJUkY-01127-00261336-00261509 do they stop their taking their work MBoM9rXJUkY-01128-00261510-00261767 stress into home and this is where MBoM9rXJUkY-01129-00261767-00261971 having a ritual around that is really MBoM9rXJUkY-01130-00261971-00262139 poor important something like MBoM9rXJUkY-01131-00262140-00262411 mindfulness breathing mindful breathing MBoM9rXJUkY-01132-00262412-00262634 when you get if you're driving to work MBoM9rXJUkY-01133-00262635-00262820 or if you're catching public transport MBoM9rXJUkY-01134-00262821-00263057 having a little practice using an app on MBoM9rXJUkY-01135-00263058-00263219 your phone that can drop you into a MBoM9rXJUkY-01136-00263220-00263369 mindful state even for a couple of MBoM9rXJUkY-01137-00263370-00263633 minutes can help you switch off from MBoM9rXJUkY-01138-00263634-00263909 what's happening at either home or vice MBoM9rXJUkY-01139-00263910-00264086 versa at the end of the day switching MBoM9rXJUkY-01140-00264087-00264299 off from work and a lot of people find MBoM9rXJUkY-01141-00264300-00264539 that using appreciation is another way MBoM9rXJUkY-01142-00264540-00264704 of diverting your attention so you're MBoM9rXJUkY-01143-00264705-00264875 not ruminating about all the things that MBoM9rXJUkY-01144-00264876-00265103 went wrong and all the of the fast pace MBoM9rXJUkY-01145-00265104-00265289 and the pressure at home you're actually MBoM9rXJUkY-01146-00265290-00265478 starting to divert your attention to MBoM9rXJUkY-01147-00265479-00265772 well what do I appreciate about where I MBoM9rXJUkY-01148-00265773-00265976 live or my family or what do I MBoM9rXJUkY-01149-00265977-00266162 appreciate about my job even that sort MBoM9rXJUkY-01150-00266163-00266306 of thing what am I looking forward to MBoM9rXJUkY-01151-00266307-00266507 today so that attention deployment that MBoM9rXJUkY-01152-00266508-00266759 I talked about earlier is very important MBoM9rXJUkY-01153-00266760-00266972 for being able to do that thanks Brian MBoM9rXJUkY-01154-00266973-00267062 for your question MBoM9rXJUkY-01155-00267063-00267254 thank you only might just have time for MBoM9rXJUkY-01156-00267255-00267422 one more question and the question was MBoM9rXJUkY-01157-00267423-00267566 from as Vico and I'm sorry I know I've MBoM9rXJUkY-01158-00267567-00267713 gotten your name wrong before in a MBoM9rXJUkY-01159-00267714-00267830 webinar as all so sorry about that MBoM9rXJUkY-01160-00267831-00268091 pronunciation and how do I remember the MBoM9rXJUkY-01161-00268092-00268334 steps for emotional agility in the heat MBoM9rXJUkY-01162-00268335-00268481 of the moment does it just come with MBoM9rXJUkY-01163-00268482-00268697 practice it definitely comes with MBoM9rXJUkY-01164-00268698-00268853 practice I hope you've written them down MBoM9rXJUkY-01165-00268854-00269054 for today and as Vesna said you will get MBoM9rXJUkY-01166-00269055-00269330 a copy of the recording I don't share MBoM9rXJUkY-01167-00269331-00269525 the slides guys I'm sorry about that but MBoM9rXJUkY-01168-00269526-00269666 there's a lot of work that goes into MBoM9rXJUkY-01169-00269667-00269849 those but you'll get the recording so MBoM9rXJUkY-01170-00269850-00270086 though write those 4 steps down and MBoM9rXJUkY-01171-00270087-00270281 remember them and just start practicing MBoM9rXJUkY-01172-00270282-00270461 them they won't come from just writing MBoM9rXJUkY-01173-00270462-00270640 them down but putting them into practice MBoM9rXJUkY-01174-00270641-00270926 particularly being able to identify your MBoM9rXJUkY-01175-00270927-00271178 feelings and then being able to use your MBoM9rXJUkY-01176-00271179-00271361 feelings to tap into your thinking and MBoM9rXJUkY-01177-00271362-00271628 then to reframe your thinking is that's MBoM9rXJUkY-01178-00271629-00271784 what emotional intelligence is it's MBoM9rXJUkY-01179-00271785-00271961 being able to use emotion and logic MBoM9rXJUkY-01180-00271962-00272210 together and also being able to get in MBoM9rXJUkY-01181-00272211-00272423 touch with your values so you know that MBoM9rXJUkY-01182-00272424-00272558 you're living in alignment with your MBoM9rXJUkY-01183-00272559-00272825 values great thank you and just a really MBoM9rXJUkY-01184-00272826-00273062 quick one from Tracy just for some notes MBoM9rXJUkY-01185-00273063-00273359 what does S Plus T equals R stands for MBoM9rXJUkY-01186-00273360-00273692 Tracy that stands for situation plus MBoM9rXJUkY-01187-00273693-00273965 thinking equals the response we have or MBoM9rXJUkY-01188-00273966-00274136 the result that we get in that situation MBoM9rXJUkY-01189-00274137-00274352 it's an emotional intelligence technique MBoM9rXJUkY-01190-00274353-00274523 that we cover in a lot of detail in the MBoM9rXJUkY-01191-00274524-00274793 great managers program great thank you MBoM9rXJUkY-01192-00274794-00274925 and I'm sorry so everyone whose MBoM9rXJUkY-01193-00274926-00275126 questions we didn't get around to MBoM9rXJUkY-01194-00275127-00275291 answering today just a lot of content to MBoM9rXJUkY-01195-00275292-00275354 get through MBoM9rXJUkY-01196-00275355-00275498 thank you again Sandra for MBoM9rXJUkY-01197-00275499-00275642 really interesting presentation just a MBoM9rXJUkY-01198-00275643-00275792 reminder that you'll receive a copy of MBoM9rXJUkY-01199-00275793-00276056 the recording within 48 hours thank you MBoM9rXJUkY-01200-00276057-00276173 to everyone for joining thank you MBoM9rXJUkY-01201-00276174-00276314 filling out the survey and I hope MBoM9rXJUkY-01202-00276315-00276608 everyone has a lovely day MBDOLszdFpQ-00000-00000012-00000064 [Music] MBDOLszdFpQ-00001-00000065-00000227 um later onion doesn't play against MBDOLszdFpQ-00002-00000228-00000532 Casey but indeed you remember the famous MBDOLszdFpQ-00003-00000533-00000815 goal of Seidel of Iran when he passed MBDOLszdFpQ-00004-00000816-00000977 his way through the whole Belgian MBDOLszdFpQ-00005-00000977-00001204 national team I knew I need your vision MBDOLszdFpQ-00006-00001205-00001668 of this girl MBDOLszdFpQ-00007-00001669-00002045 I dream every every time but I dream MBDOLszdFpQ-00008-00002046-00002483 about this this goal I see him MBDOLszdFpQ-00009-00002484-00002602 okay MBDOLszdFpQ-00010-00002603-00002845 um MBDOLszdFpQ-00011-00002846-00003131 changed a lot of players they they have MBDOLszdFpQ-00012-00003132-00003431 the yellow cards I was there MBDOLszdFpQ-00013-00003432-00003881 um Joseph don't play monkey Van Nuys and MBDOLszdFpQ-00014-00003882-00004169 so I think Enzo don't play MBDOLszdFpQ-00015-00004170-00004325 and MBDOLszdFpQ-00016-00004326-00004661 and I see this guy starting on the MBDOLszdFpQ-00017-00004662-00005038 midline he passed the number six the MBDOLszdFpQ-00018-00005039-00005152 number eight MBDOLszdFpQ-00019-00005153-00005477 then he passed Defender and you go to MBDOLszdFpQ-00020-00005478-00005729 the left back he passing and he shoot MBDOLszdFpQ-00021-00005730-00005945 her goal I go inside MBDOLszdFpQ-00022-00005946-00006304 and I see Mr Venice do it like this the MBDOLszdFpQ-00023-00006305-00006592 first time it was easy and then he was MBDOLszdFpQ-00024-00006593-00006892 shouting like that and then you do like MBDOLszdFpQ-00025-00006893-00007331 oh my God what's happening and I say it MBDOLszdFpQ-00026-00007331-00007439 um MBDOLszdFpQ-00027-00007440-00007756 for me when I was on the field MBDOLszdFpQ-00028-00007758-00007987 I give him a kick MBDOLszdFpQ-00029-00007988-00008327 going with the legs to to the to the air MBDOLszdFpQ-00030-00008328-00008639 but okay this can happen and and MBDOLszdFpQ-00031-00008640-00008903 football but I know the guy I see the MBDOLszdFpQ-00032-00008904-00009401 guy I see how he can score but MBDOLszdFpQ-00033-00009402-00009646 I don't understand he was so tired when MBDOLszdFpQ-00034-00009647-00009887 he's shooting to the goal he was so MBDOLszdFpQ-00035-00009888-00010213 tired when he passed all the team MBDOLszdFpQ-00036-00010214-00010417 [Music] MBDOLszdFpQ-00037-00010418-00010660 was not good for us MBDOLszdFpQ-00038-00010661-00010973 but it was amazing amazing world it was MBDOLszdFpQ-00039-00010974-00011141 the goal of the tournament MBDOLszdFpQ-00040-00011142-00012135 [Music] MF9ZVTUN3fy-00000-00000017-00000347 all right anyway so I heard a doorbell MF9ZVTUN3fy-00001-00000348-00000569 ring and I was like okay well I guess MF9ZVTUN3fy-00002-00000570-00000827 I'm gonna wake up and then you know open MF9ZVTUN3fy-00003-00000827-00000971 the door in case it's something from MF9ZVTUN3fy-00004-00000972-00001241 Amazon or something and then I go to the MF9ZVTUN3fy-00005-00001242-00001487 door and I look for the people and I see MF9ZVTUN3fy-00006-00001488-00001793 two ladies I'm like and it's probably MF9ZVTUN3fy-00007-00001794-00002147 not Amazon but they they reacted as if MF9ZVTUN3fy-00008-00002148-00002410 they saw me looking for the people who MF9ZVTUN3fy-00009-00002411-00002675 always makes me so nervous I'm almost MF9ZVTUN3fy-00010-00002676-00002921 like do they see me because sometimes MF9ZVTUN3fy-00011-00002922-00003107 they act as if they see me through it MF9ZVTUN3fy-00012-00003108-00003311 even though they shouldn't be seeing me MF9ZVTUN3fy-00013-00003311-00003581 so I opened up the door because they MF9ZVTUN3fy-00014-00003582-00003917 were like waving at the door so I opened MF9ZVTUN3fy-00015-00003918-00004159 up the door and the first thing they say MF9ZVTUN3fy-00016-00004160-00004643 is the first thing they say is can you MF9ZVTUN3fy-00017-00004644-00005038 find happiness forever and I'm like MF9ZVTUN3fy-00018-00005039-00005422 [__] you woke me up for that stupid MF9ZVTUN3fy-00019-00005423-00005620 stupid cult religion whatever kind of MF9ZVTUN3fy-00020-00005621-00005927 [__] so I said I ain't got no time for MF9ZVTUN3fy-00021-00005928-00006136 this sorry and I closed the door on them MF9ZVTUN3fy-00022-00006137-00006425 normally MF9ZVTUN3fy-00023-00006426-00006713 when there's like um some people at my MF9ZVTUN3fy-00024-00006714-00006977 door to want something from me I often MF9ZVTUN3fy-00025-00006978-00007259 feel [__] I feel bad MF9ZVTUN3fy-00026-00007259-00007589 about like just closing the door right MF9ZVTUN3fy-00027-00007590-00007901 in front of them so I would like oh MF9ZVTUN3fy-00028-00007902-00008105 often entertain them but in this MF9ZVTUN3fy-00029-00008106-00008339 situation I was like in this MF9ZVTUN3fy-00030-00008340-00008551 section I was like MF9ZVTUN3fy-00031-00008552-00008795 that's not even like they're not even MF9ZVTUN3fy-00032-00008796-00009155 asking for like um donations for for you MF9ZVTUN3fy-00033-00009156-00009337 know for like uh MF9ZVTUN3fy-00034-00009338-00009574 Samaritan Bond I don't know what that is MF9ZVTUN3fy-00035-00009575-00009821 in English but we have like some kind of MF9ZVTUN3fy-00036-00009822-00010151 like first aid people that work MF9ZVTUN3fy-00037-00010152-00010427 voluntarily see that I will entertain MF9ZVTUN3fy-00038-00010428-00010655 and I will have a little talk with them MF9ZVTUN3fy-00039-00010656-00010841 at my door even though I don't want to MF9ZVTUN3fy-00040-00010842-00011153 but those two ladies I feel like they MF9ZVTUN3fy-00041-00011154-00011428 were part of a cult and in just that MF9ZVTUN3fy-00042-00011429-00011621 first question MF9ZVTUN3fy-00043-00011622-00012035 I'm like I I just crawled out of the out MF9ZVTUN3fy-00044-00012036-00012292 of the bed and I opened the door with my MF9ZVTUN3fy-00045-00012293-00012646 fluffy bathrobe and the [__] they MF9ZVTUN3fy-00046-00012647-00013013 say to me can you find happiness forever MF9ZVTUN3fy-00047-00013013-00013511 yo you woke me up for this what MF9ZVTUN3fy-00048-00013512-00013872 what [__] I was so mad I was so mad MF9ZVTUN3fy-00049-00013872-00014702 [Music] MFVEI3sunOy-00000-00000055-00000286 the de Holman religion was practiced by MFVEI3sunOy-00001-00000287-00000469 the Fon people of the Dahomey kingdom MFVEI3sunOy-00002-00000470-00000796 the kingdom existed until 1898 in what MFVEI3sunOy-00003-00000797-00001072 is now the country of Benin slaves taken MFVEI3sunOy-00004-00001073-00001264 from Dahomey to the Caribbean used MFVEI3sunOy-00005-00001265-00001456 elements of the religion to form voodoo MFVEI3sunOy-00006-00001457-00001573 and other religions of the MFVEI3sunOy-00007-00001574-00002036 afro-caribbean diaspora MFVEI3sunOy-00008-00002037-00002584 topic Malou and Lisa MFVEI3sunOy-00009-00002585-00003033 topic Lisa mail and maloo female married MFVEI3sunOy-00010-00003034-00003235 twin siblings of nana bullock you are MFVEI3sunOy-00011-00003236-00003424 the creator spirits occasionally MFVEI3sunOy-00012-00003425-00003646 combined as mu lisa and androgynous MFVEI3sunOy-00013-00003647-00003952 spirit Malou lisa created the world and MFVEI3sunOy-00014-00003953-00004183 made it orderly then made plants animals MFVEI3sunOy-00015-00004184-00004429 and humans the entire process took four MFVEI3sunOy-00016-00004430-00004660 days the first day MFVEI3sunOy-00017-00004661-00004914 Malou lisa created the world in humanity MFVEI3sunOy-00018-00004915-00005149 the second day the earth was made MFVEI3sunOy-00019-00005150-00005278 suitable for human life MFVEI3sunOy-00020-00005279-00005560 on the third day humans were given MFVEI3sunOy-00021-00005561-00005793 intellect language and the senses MFVEI3sunOy-00022-00005794-00006019 finally on the fourth day mankind MFVEI3sunOy-00023-00006020-00006516 received the gift of Technology MFVEI3sunOy-00024-00006517-00007181 topic offspring spirits of MU and Lisa MFVEI3sunOy-00025-00007181-00008053 topic G Badou donggu Dan MFVEI3sunOy-00026-00008054-00008627 topic other spirits MFVEI3sunOy-00027-00008628-00009373 topic AJ ever Katie a ABBA MFVEI3sunOy-00028-00009374-00010453 fa glitty goo Legba loco Nana ocaña sac MFVEI3sunOy-00029-00010454-00011310 paid up Sabo zvo so Xin Sue and Zindzi MFVEI3sunOy-00030-00011311-00011871 topic see also MFVEI3sunOy-00031-00011872-00012489 topic west-african Vodun MFVEI3sunOy-00032-00012490-00013041 topic external links MFVEI3sunOy-00033-00013042-00013405 topic Vaadin culture Haitian Vaadin is MFVEI3sunOy-00034-00013406-00013722 chronicled by native Haitians Baba all MFVEI3sunOy-00035-00013723-00013975 avoid calm baba wawa and for a fellow MFVEI3sunOy-00036-00013976-00014377 Jew showcasing IFA using web media 2-0 MFVEI3sunOy-00037-00014378-00015001 blogs podcasting video and photo casting MFVEI3sunOy-00038-00015002-00015510 topic references MFVEI3sunOy-00039-00015511-00015801 topic MHVRFB7l1R4-00000-00000254-00000509 but we started off promising that we're MHVRFB7l1R4-00001-00000509-00000745 going to look at five particular MHVRFB7l1R4-00002-00000746-00001187 benefiting idea and these five areas are MHVRFB7l1R4-00003-00001188-00001403 the other way I look at most profits MHVRFB7l1R4-00004-00001404-00001582 right either as a troubleshooting column MHVRFB7l1R4-00005-00001583-00001798 where something's gone wrong with your MHVRFB7l1R4-00006-00001800-00002077 processes data from normal operation and MHVRFB7l1R4-00007-00002078-00002299 from this bad operation you try to MHVRFB7l1R4-00008-00002300-00002522 figure out what has changed you use MHVRFB7l1R4-00009-00002523-00002729 tools like contributions and loading to MHVRFB7l1R4-00010-00002730-00003082 do that learning from our data I see MHVRFB7l1R4-00011-00003083-00003340 that as away just to confirm what we MHVRFB7l1R4-00012-00003342-00003634 already know like the example with b2b MHVRFB7l1R4-00013-00003635-00003865 she read the polymer chemists that has MHVRFB7l1R4-00014-00003867-00004036 been experienced for many years with MHVRFB7l1R4-00015-00004037-00004477 these raw materials and recipes sees MHVRFB7l1R4-00016-00004478-00004732 what we see rather in the log is what MHVRFB7l1R4-00017-00004733-00004918 the same information and that person MHVRFB7l1R4-00018-00004919-00005206 convent years of experience has to MHVRFB7l1R4-00019-00005207-00005509 confirm what we already know or we learn MHVRFB7l1R4-00020-00005510-00005804 something new that comes by inspecting MHVRFB7l1R4-00021-00005805-00006031 the lawyers or don't you start seeing of MHVRFB7l1R4-00022-00006032-00006232 those to me are the most important parts MHVRFB7l1R4-00023-00006233-00006506 actually from pc end here we're spend MHVRFB7l1R4-00024-00006506-00006798 the most time MHVRFB7l1R4-00025-00006798-00007078 is we can obviously pitbull predictions MHVRFB7l1R4-00026-00007079-00007318 if we've got a pls model actually even MHVRFB7l1R4-00027-00007319-00007564 pca is why I could get X hat is equal to MHVRFB7l1R4-00028-00007565-00007873 T P transpose sometimes if we gotta MHVRFB7l1R4-00029-00007873-00008158 power just if you've got a pca and MHVRFB7l1R4-00030-00008159-00008535 you've got an X matrix and let's say MHVRFB7l1R4-00031-00008536-00008794 repurposing elements in that road we MHVRFB7l1R4-00032-00008795-00009055 renew the fact that X hat is included TD MHVRFB7l1R4-00033-00009056-00009424 transpose and calculate a prediction for MHVRFB7l1R4-00034-00009425-00009649 words missing elements so prediction is MHVRFB7l1R4-00035-00009650-00009915 not only for pls go to the PC a MHVRFB7l1R4-00036-00009916-00010243 prediction is also when you're doing MHVRFB7l1R4-00037-00010244-00010429 classification so for those of you doing MHVRFB7l1R4-00038-00010430-00010609 classification projects you're MHVRFB7l1R4-00039-00010610-00011116 predicting is a plus 1 or cross to do I MHVRFB7l1R4-00040-00011117-00011491 get credit or no credit credit 01 or MHVRFB7l1R4-00041-00011492-00011845 multi classification process monitoring MHVRFB7l1R4-00042-00011846-00012112 reverb we've looked at what happens and MHVRFB7l1R4-00043-00012113-00012292 there's process monitoring given user MHVRFB7l1R4-00044-00012293-00012598 pls one more piece game on for that what MHVRFB7l1R4-00045-00012599-00012745 we're most interested in process MHVRFB7l1R4-00046-00012746-00013138 monitoring walls on SP es t squares and MHVRFB7l1R4-00047-00013138-00013411 schools we wanted to the spe the t MHVRFB7l1R4-00048-00013412-00013615 squares and maybe we wanted to the MHVRFB7l1R4-00049-00013616-00013890 scores the individual t1 MHVRFB7l1R4-00050-00013891-00014133 the moment we see those going outside MHVRFB7l1R4-00051-00014134-00014343 the limits we generate contribution MHVRFB7l1R4-00052-00014344-00014594 wants to see what's gone wrong to hell MHVRFB7l1R4-00053-00014596-00014865 doesn't understand the problem much MHVRFB7l1R4-00054-00014866-00015096 faster well hope you take the polemarch MHVRFB7l1R4-00055-00015097-00015327 masculine would have using univariate MHVRFB7l1R4-00056-00015328-00015687 chance and then this final section is MHVRFB7l1R4-00057-00015688-00015938 automation control we didn't really move MHVRFB7l1R4-00058-00015940-00016149 the control aspect in this course for MHVRFB7l1R4-00059-00016150-00016355 something I was hoping to get to editor MHVRFB7l1R4-00060-00016356-00016557 will be that for another unit MHVRFB7l1R4-00061-00016558-00016731 optimization was what we've looked at MHVRFB7l1R4-00062-00016732-00016971 today them how do we optimize our models MHVRFB7l1R4-00063-00016972-00017249 and use them to improve our processes MHVRFB7l1R4-00064-00017250-00017640 developing new products the control part MHVRFB7l1R4-00065-00017641-00017895 actually very similar to the popular MHVRFB7l1R4-00066-00017896-00018210 today on development except the MHVRFB7l1R4-00067-00018211-00018510 differences for control is we're trying MHVRFB7l1R4-00068-00018511-00018966 to target let's say our score spaces MHVRFB7l1R4-00069-00018967-00019326 over here let's say a desirable point is MHVRFB7l1R4-00070-00019327-00019548 being like the center our average point MHVRFB7l1R4-00071-00019549-00019845 latent variable control says we find at MHVRFB7l1R4-00072-00019846-00020157 this particular location how do i do to MHVRFB7l1R4-00073-00020158-00020406 get to the second point and in fact you MHVRFB7l1R4-00074-00020407-00020478 can't use MHVRFB7l1R4-00075-00020479-00020724 to be covered in today's class to try MHVRFB7l1R4-00076-00020725-00021344 and so I see all the case studies in MHVRFB7l1R4-00077-00021345-00021594 these five categories and most of the k MHVRFB7l1R4-00078-00021595-00021789 state school in one category or the MHVRFB7l1R4-00079-00021790-00022069 other but sometimes you see a bit of MHVRFB7l1R4-00080-00022070-00022647 both so when you're looking at your post MHVRFB7l1R4-00081-00022648-00022899 projects next week in the regarded one MHVRFB7l1R4-00082-00022900-00023058 thing that will be interesting to point MHVRFB7l1R4-00083-00023059-00023316 out to the class would be where you see MHVRFB7l1R4-00084-00023317-00023630 your work falling into these those MHVRFB7l1R4-00085-00023631-00024069 categories so that was what we want to MHVRFB7l1R4-00086-00024070-00024278 achieve on my data and over the weeks MHVRFB7l1R4-00087-00024279-00024519 here really wanted and at the tools MHVRFB7l1R4-00088-00024520-00024939 together so we started off by looking at MHVRFB7l1R4-00089-00024940-00025149 pca four points of time three four weeks MHVRFB7l1R4-00090-00025150-00025455 back pingas more weeks we spent on pca MHVRFB7l1R4-00091-00025456-00025599 and some of the applications of you MHVRFB7l1R4-00092-00025600-00025850 skate because it's such a fundamental MHVRFB7l1R4-00093-00025851-00026621 model to all of asian girls pca so the MHVRFB7l1R4-00094-00026622-00026846 important things that PCA are obviously MHVRFB7l1R4-00095-00026847-00027352 the loadings and the scores and MHVRFB7l1R4-00096-00027353-00027579 particular clustering in those buildings MHVRFB7l1R4-00097-00027580-00027774 and schools as MHVRFB7l1R4-00098-00027775-00028070 rather interested in October is in their MHVRFB7l1R4-00099-00028072-00028248 relationships between the variables and MHVRFB7l1R4-00100-00028249-00028413 the loadings and interpreting the MHVRFB7l1R4-00101-00028414-00028593 relationships between the observations MHVRFB7l1R4-00102-00028594-00028974 in the schools so Ricky composing of X MHVRFB7l1R4-00103-00028975-00029412 matrix into scores tea and loadings MHVRFB7l1R4-00104-00029413-00029748 transpose and understanding in a smaller MHVRFB7l1R4-00105-00029749-00029958 dimensional space what's going on here MHVRFB7l1R4-00106-00029958-00030243 in our lodging X matrix we often MHVRFB7l1R4-00107-00030244-00030651 summarized in the scores without the t MHVRFB7l1R4-00108-00030652-00031067 squared and we can take X hat and MHVRFB7l1R4-00109-00031068-00031326 subtract it from exit of residuals MHVRFB7l1R4-00110-00031327-00031689 matrix e an end residuals matrix you can MHVRFB7l1R4-00111-00031689-00031989 summarize in several ways if we sum of MHVRFB7l1R4-00112-00031989-00032343 the squares along the road Republic sbes MHVRFB7l1R4-00113-00032344-00032745 if we sum squares down the columns if MHVRFB7l1R4-00114-00032745-00032925 the r-squared values for a particular MHVRFB7l1R4-00115-00032926-00033183 code and if we summarize the entire MHVRFB7l1R4-00116-00033184-00033627 matrix e we get the r-squared value is MHVRFB7l1R4-00117-00033628-00033765 where the r-squared value comes from MHVRFB7l1R4-00118-00033766-00033945 it's just the sum of squares of that MHVRFB7l1R4-00119-00033946-00034272 error matrix we compare your ratio to MHVRFB7l1R4-00120-00034273-00034686 the sum of squares Buddhist article so MHVRFB7l1R4-00121-00034687-00034905 those are some of the important concepts MHVRFB7l1R4-00122-00034906-00035296 for PCA that you should MHVRFB7l1R4-00123-00035297-00035818 we also spend a lot of time looking at MHVRFB7l1R4-00124-00035819-00036260 the optimization derivation of composing MHVRFB7l1R4-00125-00036261-00036577 XO that was the day with a painfully MHVRFB7l1R4-00126-00036578-00036851 derive that I invented the composition MHVRFB7l1R4-00127-00036852-00037217 on the board and the eigenvalue MHVRFB7l1R4-00128-00037218-00037496 decomposition and show that really BCA MHVRFB7l1R4-00129-00037497-00037724 is nothing more than the optimal summary MHVRFB7l1R4-00130-00037725-00038102 of the data X in fact we showed an MHVRFB7l1R4-00131-00038103-00038302 optimization point you can either see it MHVRFB7l1R4-00132-00038303-00038942 as minimizing the sum of squares I wish MHVRFB7l1R4-00133-00038943-00039335 like that lucias ssq some squares in the MHVRFB7l1R4-00134-00039336-00039662 arab matrix pca that's the objective MHVRFB7l1R4-00135-00039663-00040021 function in CA it's also can be MHVRFB7l1R4-00136-00040022-00040465 equivalently written as maximizing T MHVRFB7l1R4-00137-00040466-00040871 transpose T for the variance for the 8th MHVRFB7l1R4-00138-00040872-00041290 component and we just keep doing that at MHVRFB7l1R4-00139-00041291-00041567 the error measures are components that's MHVRFB7l1R4-00140-00041568-00041781 T scores from MHVRFB7l1R4-00141-00041782-00042063 a component either approach gives you MHVRFB7l1R4-00142-00042064-00042414 have the identical solution pca pulls MHVRFB7l1R4-00143-00042415-00042693 out of those two objective functions ok MHVRFB7l1R4-00144-00042694-00042939 so again another point of optimization MHVRFB7l1R4-00145-00042940-00043251 very very colorful to using like i said MHVRFB7l1R4-00146-00043252-00043389 earlier in the class if you haven't MHVRFB7l1R4-00147-00043390-00043599 taken an optimization course before MHVRFB7l1R4-00148-00043600-00044106 you're right please do the other thing MHVRFB7l1R4-00149-00044107-00044436 we looked at for pca was a neat health MHVRFB7l1R4-00150-00044437-00044757 algorithm derivation which is nothing MHVRFB7l1R4-00151-00044758-00044916 more than a series of alternating the MHVRFB7l1R4-00152-00044917-00045258 squids to estimate this xmas trees and MHVRFB7l1R4-00153-00045259-00045783 this kind of school now that's important MHVRFB7l1R4-00154-00045784-00045984 to understand the details algorithm for MHVRFB7l1R4-00155-00045985-00046278 PCA because we hope we do we built on it MHVRFB7l1R4-00156-00046279-00046548 to go to pls and then it's also we built MHVRFB7l1R4-00157-00046549-00047358 on that concept multi-block during all MHVRFB7l1R4-00158-00047359-00047577 of this discussion on in those first MHVRFB7l1R4-00159-00047578-00047859 four weeks recovered several other MHVRFB7l1R4-00160-00047860-00048057 important topics along the way ritual MHVRFB7l1R4-00161-00048058-00048345 even if you never remember pca and pls MHVRFB7l1R4-00162-00048346-00048540 from this course i hope that you'll MHVRFB7l1R4-00163-00048541-00049112 remember the topics of cross-validation MHVRFB7l1R4-00164-00049113-00049443 as a way to avoid overfitting the MHVRFB7l1R4-00165-00049444-00049782 dataset because the cost valuation PCA MHVRFB7l1R4-00166-00049783-00049992 we looked at the cross-validation again MHVRFB7l1R4-00167-00049993-00050421 in pls both of those they're done using MHVRFB7l1R4-00168-00050422-00050793 similar ideas there to avoid overfitting MHVRFB7l1R4-00169-00050794-00051053 your model and using too many components MHVRFB7l1R4-00170-00051054-00051847 then are warranted by the day MHVRFB7l1R4-00171-00051848-00052187 of the PCA we moved onto kosis MHVRFB7l1R4-00172-00052188-00052385 monitoring and I've already discussed MHVRFB7l1R4-00173-00052386-00052642 post monitoring we basically were MHVRFB7l1R4-00174-00052644-00052829 looking at the scores the T squared MHVRFB7l1R4-00175-00052829-00053297 values and the SPE values and using that MHVRFB7l1R4-00176-00053298-00053549 piece in a matrix on your data so that MHVRFB7l1R4-00177-00053550-00053797 where we show the equations for new data MHVRFB7l1R4-00178-00053798-00054059 so if you've got X view how to MHVRFB7l1R4-00179-00054060-00054488 pre-process X do and get to see you once MHVRFB7l1R4-00180-00054489-00054719 you continue we can help them Xu hat MHVRFB7l1R4-00181-00054720-00055030 once you've got X new hat healthy new MHVRFB7l1R4-00182-00055032-00055451 project mean you SPE linear automation MHVRFB7l1R4-00183-00055452-00055928 and also T squared automation so using MHVRFB7l1R4-00184-00055929-00056159 the standard equation say for PCA we MHVRFB7l1R4-00185-00056160-00056479 apply them to the new vector of data MHVRFB7l1R4-00186-00056480-00056771 coming in and we get a new vector once MHVRFB7l1R4-00187-00056772-00057004 every time step we can plot these MHVRFB7l1R4-00188-00057005-00057257 various methods you the scores or the MHVRFB7l1R4-00189-00057258-00057610 SPE or the T squared on time series plot MHVRFB7l1R4-00190-00057611-00058066 all the time doesn't move lead time MHVRFB7l1R4-00191-00058067-00058366 whatever the variable is in your you're MHVRFB7l1R4-00192-00058366-00058628 in your X matrix going from top to MHVRFB7l1R4-00193-00058629-00058778 bottom but most often if you're MHVRFB7l1R4-00194-00058779-00058952 monitoring the process it's time it's MHVRFB7l1R4-00195-00058953-00059138 changing from one of those to the next MHVRFB7l1R4-00196-00059139-00059525 but it need not be and we plot these MHVRFB7l1R4-00197-00059526-00059849 matrix T squared spe and we have some MHVRFB7l1R4-00198-00059850-00060284 sort of limit over here and as we plot MHVRFB7l1R4-00199-00060285-00060363 these MHVRFB7l1R4-00200-00060364-00060622 what we're hoping Oh what we want to see MHVRFB7l1R4-00201-00060623-00060853 that you stay below them but as we MHVRFB7l1R4-00202-00060854-00061119 exceed the limit we can generate a MHVRFB7l1R4-00203-00061120-00061453 contribution plot and go back to our MHVRFB7l1R4-00204-00061454-00061753 real-world units so here we're in the in MHVRFB7l1R4-00205-00061754-00061915 the reduced space we're in the space of MHVRFB7l1R4-00206-00061916-00062215 SP EA T Square this is not too useful to MHVRFB7l1R4-00207-00062216-00062481 our operator to diagnose a problem we MHVRFB7l1R4-00208-00062482-00062665 need to go back to the original MHVRFB7l1R4-00209-00062666-00063174 variables 1 to capital K and find out MHVRFB7l1R4-00210-00063175-00063385 which one of those variables were most MHVRFB7l1R4-00211-00063386-00063642 responsible for causing this limit to be MHVRFB7l1R4-00212-00063643-00063882 exceeded the original concept of process MHVRFB7l1R4-00213-00063883-00064092 monitoring that we cover band about MHVRFB7l1R4-00214-00064093-00064587 could weaken so articles after that MHVRFB7l1R4-00215-00064588-00064885 we're done to pls and we spent a bit of MHVRFB7l1R4-00216-00064886-00065353 time talking before getting into pls we MHVRFB7l1R4-00217-00065354-00065556 first looked at the shortcomings of MHVRFB7l1R4-00218-00065557-00065781 multiple linear regressions we had a bit MHVRFB7l1R4-00219-00065782-00065998 of discussion they on how multiple MHVRFB7l1R4-00220-00065999-00066235 linear regression will fail even highly MHVRFB7l1R4-00221-00066236-00066474 correlated earns a multiple linear MHVRFB7l1R4-00222-00066475-00066687 regression won't work if you've got this MHVRFB7l1R4-00223-00066688-00067143 inator so there was those two are MHVRFB7l1R4-00224-00067144-00067338 compelling reasons but there's other MHVRFB7l1R4-00225-00067339-00067540 compelling reasons for using pls one is MHVRFB7l1R4-00226-00067541-00067786 and pls actually has a model for the x MHVRFB7l1R4-00227-00067787-00068112 space so you can check the quality of MHVRFB7l1R4-00228-00068113-00068341 your incoming data and eggs before you MHVRFB7l1R4-00229-00068342-00068766 make a prediction of y and tell have a MHVRFB7l1R4-00230-00068767-00068929 degree of confidence in that prediction MHVRFB7l1R4-00231-00068930-00069223 which is something you don't get from MHVRFB7l1R4-00232-00069224-00069682 regression so pls pcr and some pls these MHVRFB7l1R4-00233-00069683-00069951 were three variants of the latent MHVRFB7l1R4-00234-00069952-00070162 variable predictions principal MHVRFB7l1R4-00235-00070163-00070303 components regressions just the peeps MHVRFB7l1R4-00236-00070304-00070469 make all the bible for linear regression MHVRFB7l1R4-00237-00070470-00070900 sub pls is the simplified version of PS MHVRFB7l1R4-00238-00070901-00071044 where the objective function is very MHVRFB7l1R4-00239-00071045-00071332 clear easy to understand pls actually MHVRFB7l1R4-00240-00071333-00071530 gets very what's almost identical MHVRFB7l1R4-00241-00071531-00071857 solutions to pls so that distinction is MHVRFB7l1R4-00242-00071858-00072207 really not more from theoretical MHVRFB7l1R4-00243-00072208-00072516 perspective effectiveness is interesting MHVRFB7l1R4-00244-00072517-00072793 we also spent some time looking at the MHVRFB7l1R4-00245-00072794-00073012 loadings plots and the weights plots MHVRFB7l1R4-00246-00073013-00073306 vocalist so the w star seed but those MHVRFB7l1R4-00247-00073307-00073696 are the two really important ones wRC+ MHVRFB7l1R4-00248-00073697-00073944 the important pls there's also post the MHVRFB7l1R4-00249-00073945-00074218 observers related plots is the monkeys MHVRFB7l1R4-00250-00074219-00074656 and the coefficient weakness interest as MHVRFB7l1R4-00251-00074657-00074911 well and then we ended of the section MHVRFB7l1R4-00252-00074912-00075385 pls by looking at the concept of MHVRFB7l1R4-00253-00075386-00075742 correlation and causality and as well as MHVRFB7l1R4-00254-00075743-00076018 the risks of using any empirical model MHVRFB7l1R4-00255-00076019-00076288 within some Eastern small pls model MHVRFB7l1R4-00256-00076289-00076480 whatever your regression model is that MHVRFB7l1R4-00257-00076481-00076747 your music is always a risk when you're MHVRFB7l1R4-00258-00076748-00077050 basing it on empirical data that was MHVRFB7l1R4-00259-00077051-00077350 data that you just happen to collect but MHVRFB7l1R4-00260-00077351-00077676 not from a designed experiment ok so the MHVRFB7l1R4-00261-00077677-00077742 you can MHVRFB7l1R4-00262-00077743-00077951 some serious mistakes and interpreting MHVRFB7l1R4-00263-00077952-00078362 those models we had a bit of discussion MHVRFB7l1R4-00264-00078363-00078747 once recovered pls and PCA we then moved MHVRFB7l1R4-00265-00078748-00079032 on to all these interesting applications MHVRFB7l1R4-00266-00079033-00079263 for the rest of the course so first one MHVRFB7l1R4-00267-00079264-00079560 we looked at was soft sensors which is MHVRFB7l1R4-00268-00079561-00079869 an actual application pls and we covered MHVRFB7l1R4-00269-00079870-00080223 topics there like a lag answer before we MHVRFB7l1R4-00270-00080224-00080619 go to lag in the soft sensor section we MHVRFB7l1R4-00271-00080620-00080838 just described the utility of sauce and MHVRFB7l1R4-00272-00080839-00081018 whether the major and logical song MHVRFB7l1R4-00273-00081019-00081201 senses that you get your prediction of MHVRFB7l1R4-00274-00081202-00081519 why much much faster than waiting for MHVRFB7l1R4-00275-00081520-00081701 the laboratory or waiting for some sort MHVRFB7l1R4-00276-00081702-00082035 of time delay for your why and if you've MHVRFB7l1R4-00277-00082036-00082209 got that prediction of why then you can MHVRFB7l1R4-00278-00082210-00082575 use cookie back control to make sure MHVRFB7l1R4-00279-00082576-00082860 your processes operations namely to MHVRFB7l1R4-00280-00082861-00083235 avoid full spec production then we MHVRFB7l1R4-00281-00083236-00083418 realize though that sometimes these soft MHVRFB7l1R4-00282-00083419-00083651 senses they require not just the raw MHVRFB7l1R4-00283-00083652-00083813 data we need to do some sort of MHVRFB7l1R4-00284-00083814-00084063 pre-processing in addition to this entry MHVRFB7l1R4-00285-00084064-00084294 in scaling so long linear MHVRFB7l1R4-00286-00084295-00084557 transformations of your ex data blocking MHVRFB7l1R4-00287-00084558-00084843 and lagging so we spent some period of MHVRFB7l1R4-00288-00084844-00085059 the class which i called it Antoine's MHVRFB7l1R4-00289-00085060-00085488 pre-processing so that's kind of up here MHVRFB7l1R4-00290-00085489-00085682 to the side but that was that was needed MHVRFB7l1R4-00291-00085683-00085919 in order to make sure that we get good MHVRFB7l1R4-00292-00085920-00086157 predictions from the software and I said MHVRFB7l1R4-00293-00086158-00086517 they had that cost anything that's very MHVRFB7l1R4-00294-00086518-00086760 game any pre persisting is fair game as MHVRFB7l1R4-00295-00086761-00086888 long as it came MHVRFB7l1R4-00296-00086889-00087234 permissions for your soft sensor and not MHVRFB7l1R4-00297-00087235-00087372 just improve it but you need to make MHVRFB7l1R4-00298-00087373-00087632 sure cross-validation point of view that MHVRFB7l1R4-00299-00087633-00087905 that that that transformation you're MHVRFB7l1R4-00300-00087906-00088167 applying whole so you know in other MHVRFB7l1R4-00301-00088168-00088426 words you're not in implementing a MHVRFB7l1R4-00302-00088427-00088676 transformation that's only going to work MHVRFB7l1R4-00303-00088677-00088854 well in your training days you need to MHVRFB7l1R4-00304-00088855-00089144 make sure that it works well on testing MHVRFB7l1R4-00305-00089145-00089535 data or cross validation testing beta so MHVRFB7l1R4-00306-00089536-00089693 there's a whole variety of MHVRFB7l1R4-00307-00089694-00089905 pre-processing tools are going to use MHVRFB7l1R4-00308-00089906-00090266 recover the imposition of the soft MHVRFB7l1R4-00309-00090267-00090522 senses recovered what was approved where MHVRFB7l1R4-00310-00090523-00090678 then we started going into some of these MHVRFB7l1R4-00311-00090679-00090891 topics of again I think the first one MHVRFB7l1R4-00312-00090892-00091290 that become it was image data so we're MHVRFB7l1R4-00313-00091291-00091560 sure that I mean a PC am an image data MHVRFB7l1R4-00314-00091561-00091935 set was the first implementation we MHVRFB7l1R4-00315-00091936-00092259 looked at all unfolding 3d gay a teacher MHVRFB7l1R4-00316-00092260-00092565 to dj's so image data remember we had MHVRFB7l1R4-00317-00092566-00092859 folded our image so we got along many MHVRFB7l1R4-00318-00092860-00093315 many rows and we did a PC a.m. and we MHVRFB7l1R4-00319-00093316-00093573 formed what you hold mass giving the MHVRFB7l1R4-00320-00093574-00093768 score space where we MHVRFB7l1R4-00321-00093769-00093915 regions in the school special account MHVRFB7l1R4-00322-00093916-00094206 when scores were under those regions we MHVRFB7l1R4-00323-00094207-00094391 did back then back to the image space MHVRFB7l1R4-00324-00094392-00094620 there are some interesting examples at MHVRFB7l1R4-00325-00094621-00095060 home where in a statute as MHVRFB7l1R4-00326-00095061-00095291 after a rich data we we actually came MHVRFB7l1R4-00327-00095292-00095686 back to a pls topic of classification so MHVRFB7l1R4-00328-00095687-00095987 sometimes it is cause to be quoted push MHVRFB7l1R4-00329-00095988-00096181 imaging data further down and cover MHVRFB7l1R4-00330-00096182-00096398 classification white office all senses I MHVRFB7l1R4-00331-00096399-00096605 chose to little bit classification a MHVRFB7l1R4-00332-00096606-00096907 little bit later in the course to look MHVRFB7l1R4-00333-00096908-00097172 at it also not going to a pls Pony we MHVRFB7l1R4-00334-00097173-00097415 were where we use pls da but we also MHVRFB7l1R4-00335-00097416-00097723 looked at all the PPC a model school and MHVRFB7l1R4-00336-00097724-00097931 where you way to use what we call MHVRFB7l1R4-00337-00097932-00098275 circuits soft independent model of MHVRFB7l1R4-00338-00098276-00098855 analogy after the classification section MHVRFB7l1R4-00339-00098856-00099221 we did batch data analysis which was MHVRFB7l1R4-00340-00099222-00099431 again looking at a three-day to queue MHVRFB7l1R4-00341-00099432-00099694 but unfolding it in a different way and MHVRFB7l1R4-00342-00099695-00099869 in fact we spent some time talking about MHVRFB7l1R4-00343-00099870-00100055 different unfolding strategies in that MHVRFB7l1R4-00344-00100056-00100268 batch section and what when you have to MHVRFB7l1R4-00345-00100269-00100442 choose a different unfolding method you MHVRFB7l1R4-00346-00100443-00100724 actually get a very different objective MHVRFB7l1R4-00347-00100725-00101087 being honest it so in our unfolding MHVRFB7l1R4-00348-00101088-00101332 where we chose to unfold 21 matches in MHVRFB7l1R4-00349-00101333-00101537 control what that does is we're MHVRFB7l1R4-00350-00101538-00101735 implicitly asking the model to describe MHVRFB7l1R4-00351-00101736-00101948 to us the differences from one batch to MHVRFB7l1R4-00352-00101949-00102242 the other but you're unfolding down with MHVRFB7l1R4-00353-00102243-00102500 columns it's not very clear what that MHVRFB7l1R4-00354-00102501-00102706 wallet is modeling it sort of just MHVRFB7l1R4-00355-00102707-00103042 modeling the averages of all the batches MHVRFB7l1R4-00356-00103043-00103223 of a little time there wasn't a very MHVRFB7l1R4-00357-00103224-00103666 clear interpretation for that after the MHVRFB7l1R4-00358-00103667-00103882 back section we moved to multi-block MHVRFB7l1R4-00359-00103883-00104222 dataset or multiple data sources so via MHVRFB7l1R4-00360-00104223-00104530 and then from that was last week and in MHVRFB7l1R4-00361-00104531-00104651 this week we looked at process MHVRFB7l1R4-00362-00104652-00104833 optimization so I'm going to recap those MHVRFB7l1R4-00363-00104834-00105377 two to various those were very recent so MHVRFB7l1R4-00364-00105378-00105620 so that's where we sort of like a very MHVRFB7l1R4-00365-00105621-00105877 quick tour of all material we've come MHVRFB7l1R4-00366-00105878-00106174 this calls out to up to today and so MHVRFB7l1R4-00367-00106175-00106471 I've got a bit more here on each one of MHVRFB7l1R4-00368-00106472-00106633 these five years I won't go through the MHVRFB7l1R4-00369-00106633-00106996 slides there's no text a few but just to MHVRFB7l1R4-00370-00106997-00107266 hang up by saying these tools they're MHVRFB7l1R4-00371-00107267-00107647 very generic in the sense that you don't MHVRFB7l1R4-00372-00107648-00107956 see pca and calluses being only working MHVRFB7l1R4-00373-00107957-00108196 for one particular type of data set they MHVRFB7l1R4-00374-00108197-00108472 can work wherever you would use multiple MHVRFB7l1R4-00375-00108473-00108628 linear regression for example you can MHVRFB7l1R4-00376-00108629-00108928 exchange the computers the other thing MHVRFB7l1R4-00377-00108929-00109195 that's interesting is these tools don't MHVRFB7l1R4-00378-00109196-00109465 introduce that much more complexity okay MHVRFB7l1R4-00379-00109466-00109709 should use a bit more complex and MHVRFB7l1R4-00380-00109710-00109935 understanding the plots like loading MHVRFB7l1R4-00381-00109936-00110261 spots can do the complex but for MHVRFB7l1R4-00382-00110263-00110610 monitoring and online users I've seen MHVRFB7l1R4-00383-00110611-00110830 untrained people to use them in a very MHVRFB7l1R4-00384-00110831-00111127 easy man because these tools don't MHVRFB7l1R4-00385-00111128-00111313 really introduce something that's not MHVRFB7l1R4-00386-00111314-00111558 been seen before the wanna drink lots MHVRFB7l1R4-00387-00111558-00111874 like easy time series parts there MHVRFB7l1R4-00388-00111875-00112078 nothing that an operator hasn't seen MHVRFB7l1R4-00389-00112079-00112273 before so you don't need that many MHVRFB7l1R4-00390-00112274-00112702 additional skills to to usual sure to MHVRFB7l1R4-00391-00112703-00112969 build models and understand that you may MHVRFB7l1R4-00392-00112970-00113211 need this course which is covered but MHVRFB7l1R4-00393-00113213-00113548 from a daily use many people can use as MHVRFB7l1R4-00394-00113549-00113745 models without extra training and MHVRFB7l1R4-00395-00113746-00113929 furthermore they are very MHVRFB7l1R4-00396-00113930-00114150 straightforward to implement MHVRFB7l1R4-00397-00114151-00114534 this this is sold very Foster's linear MHVRFB7l1R4-00398-00114535-00114826 algebra for the most part so the MHVRFB7l1R4-00399-00114827-00115081 calculation MLtY48TSbpM-00000-00000016-00000199 this episode was brought to you by slate MLtY48TSbpM-00001-00000200-00000407 black industries for mlok grips and MLtY48TSbpM-00002-00000408-00000519 accessories visit MLtY48TSbpM-00003-00000520-00000948 slateblackindustries.com MLtY48TSbpM-00004-00000949-00003279 [Music] MLtY48TSbpM-00005-00003279-00003463 welcome back to nine hole reviews MLtY48TSbpM-00006-00003464-00003686 today's video is an homage to anyone MLtY48TSbpM-00007-00003688-00003863 who's ever been scrolling through the MLtY48TSbpM-00008-00003864-00004111 forums looking at photos of elite units MLtY48TSbpM-00009-00004112-00004303 on deployment heck even just watching a MLtY48TSbpM-00010-00004304-00004527 war film and thought MLtY48TSbpM-00011-00004528-00004767 what firearm does that guy have MLtY48TSbpM-00012-00004768-00004975 and then gone down a rabbit hole to MLtY48TSbpM-00013-00004976-00005191 identify an ultimately clone or MLtY48TSbpM-00014-00005192-00005447 pseudo-clone said build spent well in MLtY48TSbpM-00015-00005448-00005583 excess of what would be considered MLtY48TSbpM-00016-00005584-00005751 normal and then MLtY48TSbpM-00017-00005752-00006031 once the firearm was finally assembled MLtY48TSbpM-00018-00006032-00006286 ultimately just changed it up anyway MLtY48TSbpM-00019-00006287-00006598 yes today's video is the story of my 556 MLtY48TSbpM-00020-00006600-00006839 kalash its origin and some of the MLtY48TSbpM-00021-00006840-00007014 technical details surrounding how it MLtY48TSbpM-00022-00007015-00007206 fits into the current landscape of the MLtY48TSbpM-00023-00007208-00007431 usak marketplace MLtY48TSbpM-00024-00007431-00007610 that is how a MLtY48TSbpM-00025-00007611-00007870 556x45 clash built out with a MLtY48TSbpM-00026-00007872-00008207 modernization kit of sorts in an sbr MLtY48TSbpM-00027-00008208-00008483 package makes sense or MLtY48TSbpM-00028-00008484-00008695 doesn't let me take you back to the MLtY48TSbpM-00029-00008696-00008823 beginning MLtY48TSbpM-00030-00008824-00008991 the inspiration for this build came MLtY48TSbpM-00031-00008992-00009287 about during the ak-9r project another MLtY48TSbpM-00032-00009288-00009503 556 collage that we've previously MLtY48TSbpM-00033-00009504-00009774 brought on the show on several occasions MLtY48TSbpM-00034-00009775-00009974 during filming for that project i spent MLtY48TSbpM-00035-00009975-00010223 a good deal of time behind the 556 gun MLtY48TSbpM-00036-00010224-00010431 and also got to do some digging into MLtY48TSbpM-00037-00010432-00010695 source imagery and the like henry and i MLtY48TSbpM-00038-00010696-00010903 stumbled across this photo from MLtY48TSbpM-00039-00010904-00011246 kalashnikov concern of an ak-102 build MLtY48TSbpM-00040-00011247-00011583 which utilized a very unique rail system MLtY48TSbpM-00041-00011584-00011774 not the zeneco system most people would MLtY48TSbpM-00042-00011775-00012055 think of when thinking ak alpha style MLtY48TSbpM-00043-00012056-00012183 rifle MLtY48TSbpM-00044-00012184-00012423 from the first time i saw it i've always MLtY48TSbpM-00045-00012424-00012670 loved this build and from MLtY48TSbpM-00046-00012671-00012894 what felt like this picture alone i MLtY48TSbpM-00047-00012895-00013175 launched my whole project to create MLtY48TSbpM-00048-00013176-00013422 a short barreled clash MLtY48TSbpM-00049-00013423-00013647 after debating chopping up my factory MLtY48TSbpM-00050-00013647-00013983 original bulgarian 104 fr and thankfully MLtY48TSbpM-00051-00013984-00014230 being talked out of that by henry i MLtY48TSbpM-00052-00014231-00014438 approached our gunsmith mike from 19 MLtY48TSbpM-00053-00014440-00014703 charlie tactical now there's no sugar MLtY48TSbpM-00054-00014704-00014966 coating any of this while the ak-9r was MLtY48TSbpM-00055-00014968-00015175 a true russian gun from the ishmash MLtY48TSbpM-00056-00015176-00015286 factory MLtY48TSbpM-00057-00015287-00015607 my 556 clash has got a bit more of a MLtY48TSbpM-00058-00015608-00015783 franken-gun vibe MLtY48TSbpM-00059-00015784-00016079 we might just say its parts list is MLtY48TSbpM-00060-00016080-00016230 diverse MLtY48TSbpM-00061-00016231-00016479 as many know true imported aks and parts MLtY48TSbpM-00062-00016480-00016671 kits are getting harder and harder to MLtY48TSbpM-00063-00016672-00016935 find based mainly on importation bans MLtY48TSbpM-00064-00016936-00017119 and lack of supply from some of the MLtY48TSbpM-00065-00017120-00017279 remaining routes MLtY48TSbpM-00066-00017280-00017527 as such mike and i opted to forego the MLtY48TSbpM-00067-00017528-00017799 traditional clone correct build for an MLtY48TSbpM-00068-00017800-00018063 alpha ak and instead produce something MLtY48TSbpM-00069-00018064-00018294 that would constitute more of a trainer MLtY48TSbpM-00070-00018295-00018583 or user-grade firearm we started things MLtY48TSbpM-00071-00018584-00018847 off with a stamped ddi receiver MLtY48TSbpM-00072-00018848-00019175 bulgarian front trunnion russian 5.5 MLtY48TSbpM-00073-00019176-00019463 millimeter hinged rear trunnion romanian MLtY48TSbpM-00074-00019464-00019863 parts kit and a us-made 1-9 twist 12 and MLtY48TSbpM-00075-00019864-00020007 a half inch barrel MLtY48TSbpM-00076-00020008-00020239 after mike worked his magic the guts of MLtY48TSbpM-00077-00020240-00020422 the build were sorted MLtY48TSbpM-00078-00020423-00020599 next i was on the hunt for the unique MLtY48TSbpM-00079-00020600-00020863 rail system from the kalash concern expo MLtY48TSbpM-00080-00020864-00021158 build after some research and subsequent MLtY48TSbpM-00081-00021159-00021319 disappointment in finding the rail MLtY48TSbpM-00082-00021320-00021519 wasn't commercially available MLtY48TSbpM-00083-00021520-00021727 i managed to find it for sale from a MLtY48TSbpM-00084-00021728-00021975 distributor i'd never heard of before MLtY48TSbpM-00085-00021976-00022207 and frankly can't remember the name of MLtY48TSbpM-00086-00022208-00022294 now MLtY48TSbpM-00087-00022295-00022567 of course located in israel MLtY48TSbpM-00088-00022568-00023022 we id'd the rail as the tdi x47 system MLtY48TSbpM-00089-00023023-00023222 this three piece allows for optics MLtY48TSbpM-00090-00023223-00023414 mounting over the receiver without MLtY48TSbpM-00091-00023415-00023663 adjustments to the dust cover along with MLtY48TSbpM-00092-00023664-00023903 an upper rail gas tube that sits over MLtY48TSbpM-00093-00023904-00024214 the original gas tube and is rock solid MLtY48TSbpM-00094-00024215-00024407 based on its attachment to the receiver MLtY48TSbpM-00095-00024408-00024575 and lower handguard MLtY48TSbpM-00096-00024576-00024830 this rail took quite a while to find and MLtY48TSbpM-00097-00024831-00025063 over three months to get in hand here in MLtY48TSbpM-00098-00025064-00025375 the us once purchased all in all MLtY48TSbpM-00099-00025376-00025542 from our shooting of the setup the rail MLtY48TSbpM-00100-00025543-00025783 seems to be extremely solid and MLtY48TSbpM-00101-00025783-00026070 effectively held zero both for the optic MLtY48TSbpM-00102-00026072-00026279 and the aiming laser for which we had MLtY48TSbpM-00103-00026280-00026687 chose an eotech exps and a purse 4 gen 2 MLtY48TSbpM-00104-00026688-00026935 respectively at the time MLtY48TSbpM-00105-00026936-00027111 but as i mentioned in the onset of this MLtY48TSbpM-00106-00027112-00027390 video even after half a year of back and MLtY48TSbpM-00107-00027391-00027590 forth from start to finish MLtY48TSbpM-00108-00027591-00027846 once completed i inevitably did what MLtY48TSbpM-00109-00027847-00028062 we've all done and made some further MLtY48TSbpM-00110-00028063-00028287 adjustments to the configuration of this MLtY48TSbpM-00111-00028288-00028414 firearm MLtY48TSbpM-00112-00028416-00028670 ultimately i've settled on the slr MLtY48TSbpM-00113-00028672-00028895 rifleworks rail and gas tube for the MLtY48TSbpM-00114-00028895-00029158 front end with the texas weapon systems MLtY48TSbpM-00115-00029160-00029279 top cover MLtY48TSbpM-00116-00029280-00029502 since the configuration has changed over MLtY48TSbpM-00117-00029504-00029670 time you'll actually be seeing some MLtY48TSbpM-00118-00029672-00029918 footage of both setups throughout this MLtY48TSbpM-00119-00029919-00030023 video MLtY48TSbpM-00120-00030024-00030231 now this is as good a time as any to MLtY48TSbpM-00121-00030232-00030495 discuss yet rifle is fine MLtY48TSbpM-00122-00030495-00030735 for the uninitiated this is the internet MLtY48TSbpM-00123-00030736-00030958 or gun formatted that proposes the ak MLtY48TSbpM-00124-00030960-00031174 rifle in its natural original MLtY48TSbpM-00125-00031175-00031462 configuration is the best configuration MLtY48TSbpM-00126-00031463-00031543 and MLtY48TSbpM-00127-00031544-00031758 quote if you want to hang a bunch of MLtY48TSbpM-00128-00031760-00032079 rails on an ak you should just buy an ar MLtY48TSbpM-00129-00032080-00032295 so what do we think about that MLtY48TSbpM-00130-00032295-00032502 well there's always an element of truth MLtY48TSbpM-00131-00032503-00032751 in every good bit of lore MLtY48TSbpM-00132-00032752-00032935 would an ar suffice in a similar MLtY48TSbpM-00133-00032936-00033159 configuration for functional equivalence MLtY48TSbpM-00134-00033160-00033359 or even superiority MLtY48TSbpM-00135-00033360-00033502 i think so MLtY48TSbpM-00136-00033503-00033695 but it doesn't then follow that the MLtY48TSbpM-00137-00033696-00033855 purposeful addition of such MLtY48TSbpM-00138-00033856-00034087 modernization equipment or kit isn't MLtY48TSbpM-00139-00034088-00034399 needed or desirable on the clash MLtY48TSbpM-00140-00034400-00034711 when we look at what the sso fsb or MLtY48TSbpM-00141-00034712-00034951 other elite units are doing to their ak MLtY48TSbpM-00142-00034952-00035239 setups they are indeed modernizing them MLtY48TSbpM-00143-00035240-00035462 into a configuration which usually MLtY48TSbpM-00144-00035463-00035718 includes some form of a shortened down MLtY48TSbpM-00145-00035719-00035943 barrel in the 12 and a half inch range MLtY48TSbpM-00146-00035944-00036159 the addition of a telescoping folding MLtY48TSbpM-00147-00036160-00036415 and adjustable stock extended controls MLtY48TSbpM-00148-00036416-00036639 modernized pistol grips optics lights MLtY48TSbpM-00149-00036640-00036871 lasers and the rail systems required to MLtY48TSbpM-00150-00036872-00037007 mount these tools MLtY48TSbpM-00151-00037008-00037239 basically all of the same things you'd MLtY48TSbpM-00152-00037240-00037518 expect to see making up a mark 18 or MLtY48TSbpM-00153-00037519-00037759 similar firearm employed by u.s special MLtY48TSbpM-00154-00037760-00037887 forces MLtY48TSbpM-00155-00037888-00038111 so with that said what have we added in MLtY48TSbpM-00156-00038112-00038287 terms of ergonomic upgrades and MLtY48TSbpM-00157-00038288-00038479 accessories to improve the system's MLtY48TSbpM-00158-00038480-00038711 capabilities well starting at the butt MLtY48TSbpM-00159-00038712-00038911 and moving forward we've got a voltor MLtY48TSbpM-00160-00038912-00039174 carbine stock on a meridian defense MLtY48TSbpM-00161-00039175-00039359 hinged buffer tube MLtY48TSbpM-00162-00039360-00039599 this particular bit was hand fitted and MLtY48TSbpM-00163-00039600-00039839 installed by meridian since the original MLtY48TSbpM-00164-00039840-00040102 hinge tube we tried had an inexcusable MLtY48TSbpM-00165-00040103-00040271 amount of movement at the hinge that MLtY48TSbpM-00166-00040272-00040511 developed over time the meridian tube MLtY48TSbpM-00167-00040512-00040743 however has been rock solid MLtY48TSbpM-00168-00040744-00040935 the pistol grip you see here is from us MLtY48TSbpM-00169-00040936-00041127 palm it's my personal preferred grip and MLtY48TSbpM-00170-00041128-00041343 i tend to like the size a bit better MLtY48TSbpM-00171-00041344-00041567 than the original ak pattern you'll MLtY48TSbpM-00172-00041568-00041815 notice extended fire controls and an alg MLtY48TSbpM-00173-00041816-00042118 ak trigger for the optics most will know MLtY48TSbpM-00174-00042119-00042367 me as fairly snobby and normally MLtY48TSbpM-00175-00042368-00042662 selecting name point or eotech but the MLtY48TSbpM-00176-00042663-00042902 hollow set micro dot with the acss MLtY48TSbpM-00177-00042903-00043118 reticle is something i've been testing MLtY48TSbpM-00178-00043119-00043302 and liking enough to keep in place on MLtY48TSbpM-00179-00043303-00043430 this build MLtY48TSbpM-00180-00043431-00043655 the feel is similar to the dot and donut MLtY48TSbpM-00181-00043656-00043935 of the eotech up close but with a much MLtY48TSbpM-00182-00043936-00044239 crisper reticle and in a much smaller MLtY48TSbpM-00183-00044240-00044367 footprint MLtY48TSbpM-00184-00044368-00044551 out on the handguard we've got the slate MLtY48TSbpM-00185-00044552-00044767 black industries vertical grip and rail MLtY48TSbpM-00186-00044768-00045007 panels to provide positive ergonomics MLtY48TSbpM-00187-00045008-00045230 for hand position to manage recoil and MLtY48TSbpM-00188-00045231-00045495 activate the white light and laser units MLtY48TSbpM-00189-00045496-00045718 while also staying off the hottest parts MLtY48TSbpM-00190-00045719-00045974 of the ak as much as possible MLtY48TSbpM-00191-00045975-00046158 the muzzle is topped off with a dead air MLtY48TSbpM-00192-00046159-00046407 brake which acts as the suppressor host MLtY48TSbpM-00193-00046408-00046679 for the sandman series of suppressors MLtY48TSbpM-00194-00046680-00046911 now before we get to performance why did MLtY48TSbpM-00195-00046912-00047215 we end up choosing 556 MLtY48TSbpM-00196-00047216-00047302 well MLtY48TSbpM-00197-00047303-00047502 in part it was spartan parcel to the MLtY48TSbpM-00198-00047503-00047711 original rifle kalashnikov concern had MLtY48TSbpM-00199-00047712-00047958 built which we were replicating for this MLtY48TSbpM-00200-00047959-00048127 build initially MLtY48TSbpM-00201-00048128-00048335 second it was a means to ensure access MLtY48TSbpM-00202-00048336-00048607 to a wider variety of plentiful domestic MLtY48TSbpM-00203-00048608-00048774 ammunition and MLtY48TSbpM-00204-00048775-00049039 wow has that become very relevant as of MLtY48TSbpM-00205-00049040-00049286 the summer of 2021 MLtY48TSbpM-00206-00049287-00049486 and lastly it was a means to explore the MLtY48TSbpM-00207-00049487-00049790 556 ak further we've been intrigued with MLtY48TSbpM-00208-00049791-00049967 the chambering in the clash platform MLtY48TSbpM-00209-00049968-00050246 since our restoration of the ak-9 and MLtY48TSbpM-00210-00050247-00050471 getting hands on the polish for real MLtY48TSbpM-00211-00050472-00050679 we've heard sporadic commentary over the MLtY48TSbpM-00212-00050680-00050951 years that 556 clash systems simply MLtY48TSbpM-00213-00050952-00051102 quote don't work MLtY48TSbpM-00214-00051103-00051326 and this was a means to further test the MLtY48TSbpM-00215-00051327-00051542 concept MLtY48TSbpM-00216-00051544-00051854 i will say unlike henry's 556 ak which MLtY48TSbpM-00217-00051855-00052070 manages to handle pretty much any MLtY48TSbpM-00218-00052071-00052263 magazine we throw in it MLtY48TSbpM-00219-00052264-00052526 i have seen this rifle to be a bit more MLtY48TSbpM-00220-00052527-00052766 finicky with magazine selection MLtY48TSbpM-00221-00052767-00052950 when building the rifle our gunsmith MLtY48TSbpM-00222-00052951-00053263 mike utilized a 762 receiver and MLtY48TSbpM-00223-00053264-00053423 contoured the magazine well to MLtY48TSbpM-00224-00053424-00053703 appropriately accept the bereal 556 MLtY48TSbpM-00225-00053704-00053854 magazines MLtY48TSbpM-00226-00053855-00054126 as a result i have seen the bullet angle MLtY48TSbpM-00227-00054127-00054479 coming off some of the other magazines MLtY48TSbpM-00228-00054479-00054766 that being other brands of magazines not MLtY48TSbpM-00229-00054767-00055111 being sufficient to reliably feed MLtY48TSbpM-00230-00055112-00055294 probably something we'd be able to tweak MLtY48TSbpM-00231-00055295-00055511 in the shop but since i've got a mini MLtY48TSbpM-00232-00055512-00055766 stockpile of burrito mags i've not gone MLtY48TSbpM-00233-00055767-00056015 to make that adjustment at this point MLtY48TSbpM-00234-00056016-00056191 henry and i are both aware that this is MLtY48TSbpM-00235-00056191-00056359 one of the major points of concern that MLtY48TSbpM-00236-00056360-00056671 people typically go to regarding 556 aks MLtY48TSbpM-00237-00056672-00056950 so we wanted to mention it so how well MLtY48TSbpM-00238-00056951-00057199 did it shoot shooting 55 grain ball MLtY48TSbpM-00239-00057200-00057494 ammunition the firearm grouped a 4.5 MLtY48TSbpM-00240-00057495-00057711 inch nine shot group MLtY48TSbpM-00241-00057712-00057975 yeah that's kind of on the wide side MLtY48TSbpM-00242-00057976-00058254 even for kalashnikovs we've got a fairly MLtY48TSbpM-00243-00058255-00058454 comprehensive video exploring ak MLtY48TSbpM-00244-00058455-00058654 accuracy on the channel if you want to MLtY48TSbpM-00245-00058655-00058919 see some additional data on that but two MLtY48TSbpM-00246-00058920-00059094 and a half to four inches is what we've MLtY48TSbpM-00247-00059095-00059407 seen across a sample of 10 to 15 tested MLtY48TSbpM-00248-00059408-00059687 rifles for nine shot groupings MLtY48TSbpM-00249-00059688-00059926 for this particular accuracy test we MLtY48TSbpM-00250-00059927-00060119 shot groups with the dead air sandman MLtY48TSbpM-00251-00060120-00060311 case suppressor attached MLtY48TSbpM-00252-00060312-00060511 and then we shot secondary groupings MLtY48TSbpM-00253-00060512-00060766 without the can which measured in MLtY48TSbpM-00254-00060767-00060991 similarly with no material differences MLtY48TSbpM-00255-00060991-00061150 in group size MLtY48TSbpM-00256-00061151-00061350 after our base accuracy tests we MLtY48TSbpM-00257-00061351-00061654 stretched the firearm out to 450 yards MLtY48TSbpM-00258-00061655-00061975 we were able to record 450 yard hits MLtY48TSbpM-00259-00061976-00062166 with an eotech attached but the MLtY48TSbpM-00260-00062167-00062391 performance drop off was notable after MLtY48TSbpM-00261-00062391-00062750 around 350 to maybe 400 yards MLtY48TSbpM-00262-00062751-00062942 based on the group size we were printing MLtY48TSbpM-00263-00062944-00063206 on paper the hit consistency we were MLtY48TSbpM-00264-00063207-00063454 seeing makes sense for the reduced size MLtY48TSbpM-00265-00063455-00063663 targets we generally shoot at we MLtY48TSbpM-00266-00063664-00063871 ultimately did record hits out to 500 MLtY48TSbpM-00267-00063872-00064119 yards on a reduced size ipsec target but MLtY48TSbpM-00268-00064120-00064382 those hits were not consistent this runs MLtY48TSbpM-00269-00064383-00064599 in contrast to the accuracy we were able MLtY48TSbpM-00270-00064600-00064823 to achieve out of henry's gordon carbine MLtY48TSbpM-00271-00064824-00065094 build a rifle which also runs a 12 and a MLtY48TSbpM-00272-00065095-00065335 half inch barrel in the same chambering MLtY48TSbpM-00273-00065336-00065631 but easily cleared out to 500 yards with MLtY48TSbpM-00274-00065632-00065863 much less issue so how well did the MLtY48TSbpM-00275-00065864-00066135 platform then handle at close range well MLtY48TSbpM-00276-00066136-00066350 a 556 out of an ak is already MLtY48TSbpM-00277-00066351-00066575 exceptionally controllable and for this MLtY48TSbpM-00278-00066576-00066750 build we added a little extra juice MLtY48TSbpM-00279-00066751-00066943 under the hood with the inclusion of a k MLtY48TSbpM-00280-00066944-00067126 s adjustable piston MLtY48TSbpM-00281-00067127-00067343 as such we were able to tune the system MLtY48TSbpM-00282-00067344-00067535 for the increased back pressure of the MLtY48TSbpM-00283-00067536-00067750 can and keep things extremely MLtY48TSbpM-00284-00067751-00067991 controllable with or without the MLtY48TSbpM-00285-00067992-00068247 suppressor attached with the alg ak MLtY48TSbpM-00286-00068248-00068471 trigger we ripped on the blaster as fast MLtY48TSbpM-00287-00068472-00068679 as possible printing repeatable alpha MLtY48TSbpM-00288-00068680-00068950 zone hits between say 10 to 15 yards in MLtY48TSbpM-00289-00068951-00069191 repeatable long form strings MLtY48TSbpM-00290-00069192-00069350 you can see the difference in terms of MLtY48TSbpM-00291-00069351-00069582 recoil pattern between the brake and the MLtY48TSbpM-00292-00069583-00069750 suppressor with the brake having a MLtY48TSbpM-00293-00069751-00069975 tighter pattern despite the added weight MLtY48TSbpM-00294-00069976-00070215 of the can aiding with some form of MLtY48TSbpM-00295-00070216-00070615 recoil control MLtY48TSbpM-00296-00070616-00070911 a little bit of a wider string here MLtY48TSbpM-00297-00070912-00071079 some further points to note are the MLtY48TSbpM-00298-00071080-00071303 effectiveness of the extended controls MLtY48TSbpM-00299-00071304-00071438 the kreb safety allows for the MLtY48TSbpM-00300-00071439-00071647 manipulation of the safety without MLtY48TSbpM-00301-00071648-00071815 breaking the firing grip and the MLtY48TSbpM-00302-00071816-00071967 addition of the zenico bolt knob MLtY48TSbpM-00303-00071968-00072159 certainly aids in racking of the action MLtY48TSbpM-00304-00072160-00072319 especially when performing a reload and MLtY48TSbpM-00305-00072320-00072487 reaching under the firearm with the MLtY48TSbpM-00306-00072488-00072615 support hand MLtY48TSbpM-00307-00072616-00072782 while covering ergonomics it's worth MLtY48TSbpM-00308-00072783-00072959 referencing that when utilizing an optic MLtY48TSbpM-00309-00072960-00073247 mounting solution such as the tdix47 and MLtY48TSbpM-00310-00073248-00073494 needing to clear a laser unit at the 12 MLtY48TSbpM-00311-00073495-00073743 o'clock position with your red dot the MLtY48TSbpM-00312-00073744-00073879 height of the sight is then going to MLtY48TSbpM-00313-00073880-00074167 become quite high over the bore and the MLtY48TSbpM-00314-00074168-00074335 shooter will have to use the bottom of MLtY48TSbpM-00315-00074336-00074575 their chin as a reference point against MLtY48TSbpM-00316-00074576-00074887 the buffer tube opposed to the cheek MLtY48TSbpM-00317-00074888-00075062 this is similar to our experience in MLtY48TSbpM-00318-00075063-00075311 other clash systems such as the burial MLtY48TSbpM-00319-00075312-00075487 where you get more of a chin weld than MLtY48TSbpM-00320-00075488-00075703 cheek weld based on the optic selection MLtY48TSbpM-00321-00075704-00075903 and mounting solution MLtY48TSbpM-00322-00075904-00076135 on one hand this allows for a much more MLtY48TSbpM-00323-00076136-00076382 heads-up style of shooting MLtY48TSbpM-00324-00076383-00076694 but consequently consistency and recoil MLtY48TSbpM-00325-00076695-00076959 management can be lost to a degree MLtY48TSbpM-00326-00076960-00077135 you'll notice that even in the updated MLtY48TSbpM-00327-00077136-00077359 configuration though i've opted for a MLtY48TSbpM-00328-00077360-00077567 standard height mount as i've been MLtY48TSbpM-00329-00077568-00077759 growing more and more accustomed to the MLtY48TSbpM-00330-00077760-00078015 heads-up style of shooting over time MLtY48TSbpM-00331-00078016-00078215 ultimately the close range performance MLtY48TSbpM-00332-00078216-00078438 of the firearm is tip top as far as i'm MLtY48TSbpM-00333-00078439-00078662 concerned it's been an extremely fun MLtY48TSbpM-00334-00078663-00078862 project and one which i'm excited to MLtY48TSbpM-00335-00078863-00079047 continue training on in spite of the MLtY48TSbpM-00336-00079048-00079223 challenges that have recently arisen MLtY48TSbpM-00337-00079224-00079471 with buy 39 ammunition MLtY48TSbpM-00338-00079472-00079655 i hope you enjoyed coming along on this MLtY48TSbpM-00339-00079656-00079838 journey with us and be sure to let us MLtY48TSbpM-00340-00079839-00080031 know in the comments section below the MLtY48TSbpM-00341-00080032-00080319 most similar pet project you've had over MLtY48TSbpM-00342-00080320-00080423 the years MLtY48TSbpM-00343-00080424-00080567 until next time MLtY48TSbpM-00344-00080568-00080894 we'll see you on the range MLtY48TSbpM-00345-00080895-00081147 subscribe to our newsletter at MLtY48TSbpM-00346-00081148-00081303 slateblackindustries.com where you can MLtY48TSbpM-00347-00081304-00081471 get updates on nine hole review MLtY48TSbpM-00348-00081472-00081687 publications and access the practical MLtY48TSbpM-00349-00081688-00081959 accuracy scoreboard to help you argue MLtY48TSbpM-00350-00081960-00082167 with people on the internet on which MLtY48TSbpM-00351-00082168-00082359 rifle performs better on the practical MLtY48TSbpM-00352-00082360-00082519 accuracy course MLtY48TSbpM-00353-00082520-00082703 we maintain this newsletter to be MLtY48TSbpM-00354-00082704-00082959 majority gun content with nine hole MLtY48TSbpM-00355-00082960-00083223 reviews updates per every email with MLtY48TSbpM-00356-00083224-00083535 less than 33 percent marketing content MLtY48TSbpM-00357-00083536-00083671 subscribe today on MLtY48TSbpM-00358-00083672-00085002 slateblackindustries.com MLtY48TSbpM-00359-00085003-00085959 [Applause] MLtY48TSbpM-00360-00085960-00086283 two packs MLxSrjeSPH8-00000-00000049-00000372 in abstract algebra Hilbert's theorem 90 MLxSrjeSPH8-00001-00000373-00000630 or SATs 90 is an important result on MLxSrjeSPH8-00002-00000631-00000869 cyclic extensions of fields or to one of MLxSrjeSPH8-00003-00000871-00001083 its generalizations that leads to comer MLxSrjeSPH8-00004-00001084-00001416 theory in its most basic form it states MLxSrjeSPH8-00005-00001417-00001652 that if lk is a cyclic extension of MLxSrjeSPH8-00006-00001653-00002077 fields with Galois group G equals gal LK MLxSrjeSPH8-00007-00002078-00002564 generated by an element s display style MLxSrjeSPH8-00008-00002565-00003315 text BFS and if display style a is an MLxSrjeSPH8-00009-00003315-00003552 element of L of relative norm one then MLxSrjeSPH8-00010-00003553-00004104 there exists B display style B MLxSrjeSPH8-00011-00004105-00004386 in L such that MLxSrjeSPH8-00012-00004387-00005205 equals s b b display style a equals text MLxSrjeSPH8-00013-00005206-00005616 BFS B be the theorem takes its name from MLxSrjeSPH8-00014-00005617-00005787 the fact that it is the ninetieth MLxSrjeSPH8-00015-00005788-00005985 theorem in David Hilbert's famous is MLxSrjeSPH8-00016-00005986-00006368 Albrecht Hilbert 1897 1998 although it MLxSrjeSPH8-00017-00006369-00006714 is originally due to comer 1855 P point MLxSrjeSPH8-00018-00006715-00007181 2 1 3 1861 often a more general theorem MLxSrjeSPH8-00019-00007183-00007488 due to emmy noether 1933 is given the MLxSrjeSPH8-00020-00007489-00007737 name stating that if lk is a finite MLxSrjeSPH8-00021-00007738-00007973 Galois extension of fields with Galois MLxSrjeSPH8-00022-00007975-00008295 group G equals gal LK then the first MLxSrjeSPH8-00023-00008296-00009271 caja mala g group is trivial h 1 g l x MLxSrjeSPH8-00024-00009272-00009879 equals 1 display style h carrot 1 g l MLxSrjeSPH8-00025-00009880-00010642 carrot x equals 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00026-00010643-00011141 topic examples MLxSrjeSPH8-00027-00011142-00011804 let LK be the quadratic extension Q i MLxSrjeSPH8-00028-00011805-00012380 q-- display style math BQ I math beat Q MLxSrjeSPH8-00029-00012381-00012699 the Galois group is cyclic of ordered to MLxSrjeSPH8-00030-00012700-00013302 its generator s display style s acting MLxSrjeSPH8-00031-00013303-00014661 via conjugation s C plus D I C - D MLxSrjeSPH8-00032-00014662-00015141 I display style s C plus D Maps tow C D MLxSrjeSPH8-00033-00015141-00016290 an element x equals plus B I display MLxSrjeSPH8-00034-00016291-00016871 style x equals a plus bi in l has norm X MLxSrjeSPH8-00035-00016872-00018230 X s equals a2 plus b2 display style X X MLxSrjeSPH8-00036-00018231-00018569 carrot s equals carrot 2 plus B carrot 2 MLxSrjeSPH8-00037-00018570-00018918 an element of norm 1 corresponds to a MLxSrjeSPH8-00038-00018919-00019411 rational solution of the equation a2 MLxSrjeSPH8-00039-00019412-00020346 plus b2 equals 1 display style a carrot MLxSrjeSPH8-00040-00020347-00020772 2 plus B carrot 2 equals 1 or in other MLxSrjeSPH8-00041-00020773-00021015 words a point with rational coordinates MLxSrjeSPH8-00042-00021016-00021324 on the unit circle Hilbert's theorem 90 MLxSrjeSPH8-00043-00021325-00021558 then states that every such element Y of MLxSrjeSPH8-00044-00021559-00021741 norm 1 can be parameterize dwith MLxSrjeSPH8-00045-00021742-00022132 integral C D as y MLxSrjeSPH8-00046-00022133-00023414 equals C plus D I see - D MLxSrjeSPH8-00047-00023415-00025267 equals C 2 minus D 2 C 2 plus D 2 plus 2 MLxSrjeSPH8-00048-00025268-00026624 C D C 2 plus D 2 I display style y MLxSrjeSPH8-00049-00026625-00027193 equals frac C plus D CD equals frac C MLxSrjeSPH8-00050-00027194-00027571 carrot 2 D carrot to see carrot 2 plus d MLxSrjeSPH8-00051-00027572-00027980 carrot 2 plus frac to candelas C carrot MLxSrjeSPH8-00052-00027981-00028376 2 plus d carrot 2 i which may be viewed MLxSrjeSPH8-00053-00028377-00028586 as a rational parametrizations of the MLxSrjeSPH8-00054-00028587-00028807 rational points on the unit circle MLxSrjeSPH8-00055-00028808-00029491 rational points x y equals MLxSrjeSPH8-00056-00029492-00030511 a c.b.c display style X y equals a c.b.c MLxSrjeSPH8-00057-00030512-00031836 on the unit circle X 2 plus y 2 equals 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00058-00031837-00032218 display style X Charat 2 plus y carat 2 MLxSrjeSPH8-00059-00032219-00032572 equals 1 correspond to Pythagorean MLxSrjeSPH8-00060-00032573-00033210 triples ie triples a b c MLxSrjeSPH8-00061-00033211-00033676 display style a b/c of integers MLxSrjeSPH8-00062-00033677-00035050 satisfying a2 plus b2 equals C 2 display MLxSrjeSPH8-00063-00035051-00035365 style a carrot 2 plus B carrot 2 equals MLxSrjeSPH8-00064-00035366-00036013 C carrot 2 MLxSrjeSPH8-00065-00036014-00036565 topic caja mala ji MLxSrjeSPH8-00066-00036566-00036805 the theorem can be stated in terms of MLxSrjeSPH8-00067-00036806-00037042 group caja mala G if L x is the MLxSrjeSPH8-00068-00037043-00037231 multiplicative group of any not MLxSrjeSPH8-00069-00037232-00037516 necessarily finite Galois extension L of MLxSrjeSPH8-00070-00037517-00037738 a field K with corresponding Galois MLxSrjeSPH8-00071-00037739-00039049 group G then H 1 G L x equals 1 display MLxSrjeSPH8-00072-00039050-00039519 style H carat 1 G L carat x equals 1 a MLxSrjeSPH8-00073-00039520-00039820 further generalization using non abelian MLxSrjeSPH8-00074-00039821-00040084 group caja mala G states that if H is MLxSrjeSPH8-00075-00040085-00040279 either the general or special linear MLxSrjeSPH8-00076-00040280-00040913 group over L then H 1 G MLxSrjeSPH8-00077-00040914-00041633 h equals one display style h carrot 1g h MLxSrjeSPH8-00078-00041634-00042020 equals one this is a generalization MLxSrjeSPH8-00079-00042021-00042305 since L MLxSrjeSPH8-00080-00042306-00043409 x equals g l1l display style l care at x MLxSrjeSPH8-00081-00043410-00043977 equals math b f GL underscore one l MLxSrjeSPH8-00082-00043978-00044769 another generalization as h.e MLxSrjeSPH8-00083-00044770-00044934 t1-x MLxSrjeSPH8-00084-00044935-00046989 G M equals h 1x o x x equals P I see X MLxSrjeSPH8-00085-00046990-00047320 display style H underscore acute ET MLxSrjeSPH8-00086-00047321-00047779 carat 1x math BFG underscore M equals H MLxSrjeSPH8-00087-00047780-00048169 carat 1x math call o underscore X Charat MLxSrjeSPH8-00088-00048170-00048664 x equals math or pick X 4x a scheme and MLxSrjeSPH8-00089-00048665-00048892 another one to Millner k-theory plays a MLxSrjeSPH8-00090-00048893-00049120 role in vivace keys proof of the Milner MLxSrjeSPH8-00091-00049121-00049695 conjecture MLxSrjeSPH8-00092-00049696-00050187 topic proof MLxSrjeSPH8-00093-00050188-00050529 you MLxSrjeSPH8-00094-00050530-00051595 topic elementary let L K this play style MLxSrjeSPH8-00095-00051596-00052239 LK be cyclic of degree n display style N MLxSrjeSPH8-00096-00052240-00053385 and Sigma display style Sigma generate G MLxSrjeSPH8-00097-00053386-00053970 all-0 MLxSrjeSPH8-00098-00053971-00054264 any MLxSrjeSPH8-00099-00054265-00054845 element of L display style are in L MLxSrjeSPH8-00100-00054846-00056071 of norm and a equals Sigma Sigma to MLxSrjeSPH8-00101-00056072-00057374 Sigma n minus 1 equals 1 display style n MLxSrjeSPH8-00102-00057375-00057851 a equals a CDO T Sigma a CDO T Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00103-00057852-00058247 carrot to C do TS Sigma carrot and 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00104-00058248-00058530 equals 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00105-00058532-00058943 by clearing denominators solving a MLxSrjeSPH8-00106-00058944-00059751 equals X Sigma X display style equals X MLxSrjeSPH8-00107-00059752-00060504 Sigma X in L display style L is the same MLxSrjeSPH8-00108-00060505-00061325 as showing that a sigma minus L L MLxSrjeSPH8-00109-00061326-00061621 display style at Sigma L long right MLxSrjeSPH8-00110-00061622-00062276 arrow L has eigenvalue 1 display style 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00111-00062277-00062781 extend this to a map of L display style MLxSrjeSPH8-00112-00062782-00064025 L vector spaces Sigma minus l k el el MLxSrjeSPH8-00113-00064026-00064629 que al displaced dialect sigma l o x MLxSrjeSPH8-00114-00064630-00064954 underscore KL long right arrow l o times MLxSrjeSPH8-00115-00064954-00065451 underscore KL by sending MLxSrjeSPH8-00116-00065452-00065896 Sigma display style L O times L to L MLxSrjeSPH8-00117-00065897-00066265 times of Sigma L the primitive element MLxSrjeSPH8-00118-00066266-00067096 theorem gives L equals K alpha display MLxSrjeSPH8-00119-00067097-00067650 style l equals K alpha for some alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00120-00067651-00068098 display style alpha since MLxSrjeSPH8-00121-00068099-00068544 alpha display style alpha has minimal MLxSrjeSPH8-00122-00068545-00069619 polynomial F T equals t minus alpha t MLxSrjeSPH8-00123-00069620-00070598 minus Sigma alpha t minus Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00124-00070599-00071681 n minus 1 alpha element of K T display MLxSrjeSPH8-00125-00071682-00072056 style F T equals T alpha T Sigma Alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00126-00072057-00072725 CD o TS t sigma carat n 1 alpha in kt we MLxSrjeSPH8-00127-00072726-00074557 identify el que el l ke ke t f t el t f MLxSrjeSPH8-00128-00074558-00075476 p l n display style l OU x underscore KL MLxSrjeSPH8-00129-00075477-00075809 star l sim long right arrow l OU x MLxSrjeSPH8-00130-00075810-00076253 underscore kk t ft stack rel sim long MLxSrjeSPH8-00131-00076254-00076640 right arrow l t ft stack rel sim long MLxSrjeSPH8-00132-00076641-00077371 right arrow l carat n via p alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00133-00077372-00078007 P alpha P Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00134-00078008-00078455 alpha P Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00135-00078456-00079211 n minus 1 alpha display style L o times MLxSrjeSPH8-00136-00079212-00079571 P alpha long right arrow L P alpha P MLxSrjeSPH8-00137-00079572-00080044 Sigma Alpha C do TS P Sigma carrot and 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00138-00080045-00080390 alpha here we wrote the second factor as MLxSrjeSPH8-00139-00080391-00081172 a K display style K polynomial in alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00140-00081173-00081531 display style alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00141-00081532-00081953 under this identification our map a MLxSrjeSPH8-00142-00081954-00082911 sigma minus L and L and displaced MLxSrjeSPH8-00143-00082912-00083187 dialect Sigma L carat n long right arrow MLxSrjeSPH8-00144-00083188-00084355 L carat n sends P alpha P Sigma n minus MLxSrjeSPH8-00145-00084356-00084802 1 alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00146-00084803-00086097 P Sigma Alpha Sigma n minus 1 P Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00147-00086098-00086875 and alpha display style l left P alpha C MLxSrjeSPH8-00148-00086876-00087271 do TS P Sigma carrot and 1 alpha right MLxSrjeSPH8-00149-00087272-00087649 long right arrow L a CDO T P Sigma Alpha MLxSrjeSPH8-00150-00087650-00088144 C do t s Sigma carrot and one a CDO T P MLxSrjeSPH8-00151-00088145-00088522 Sigma carrot and alpha that is to say MLxSrjeSPH8-00152-00088523-00088952 this map sends one MLxSrjeSPH8-00153-00088953-00089576 and uh and Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00154-00089577-00090963 1 Sigma n minus 1 n minus 1 display MLxSrjeSPH8-00155-00090964-00091248 style l underscore 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00156-00091249-00091587 Elle underscore n long right arrow a CDO MLxSrjeSPH8-00157-00091588-00091950 T L underscore n Sigma CD OT l MLxSrjeSPH8-00158-00091951-00092357 underscore 1 CDO TS Sigma carrot and 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00159-00092358-00093326 CDO TL underscore n 1 1 Sigma a sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00160-00093327-00094888 huh Sigma 2 Sigma a sigma n minus 1 MLxSrjeSPH8-00161-00094889-00095216 display style 1 Sigma a sigma sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00162-00095217-00095717 carat to a CDO TS Sigma CD OTS Sigma MLxSrjeSPH8-00163-00095718-00096067 carat N 1 a is an eigenvector with MLxSrjeSPH8-00164-00096068-00096859 eigenvalue 1 display style 1 iff huh MLxSrjeSPH8-00165-00096860-00097480 display styler has norm 1 display style MLxSrjeSPH8-00166-00097481-00097708 1 ML_Rks5NJAu-00000-00000000-00000641 I wanted to share with you guys the ML_Rks5NJAu-00001-00000642-00000850 couple of items that I had gotten over ML_Rks5NJAu-00002-00000851-00001229 on our holiday collection with sensi so ML_Rks5NJAu-00003-00001230-00001453 we have the catalog and this is the ML_Rks5NJAu-00004-00001454-00001748 current fallen winter catalog we had a ML_Rks5NJAu-00005-00001748-00001973 harvest brochure and some of the harvest ML_Rks5NJAu-00006-00001973-00002288 items for the fall is still available on ML_Rks5NJAu-00007-00002289-00002642 to the website and and then they ML_Rks5NJAu-00008-00002643-00002888 released October 1st of the holiday ML_Rks5NJAu-00009-00002889-00003056 collection so I've had this for a while ML_Rks5NJAu-00010-00003057-00003235 but because since he also had the flash ML_Rks5NJAu-00011-00003236-00003581 sale so I had to dedicate some time of ML_Rks5NJAu-00012-00003582-00003790 that I'm showing you guys those are more ML_Rks5NJAu-00013-00003792-00004022 like the clearance items so I wanted to ML_Rks5NJAu-00014-00004022-00004204 get that out of the way I do have one ML_Rks5NJAu-00015-00004205-00004433 more I thought I was done but I do have ML_Rks5NJAu-00016-00004434-00004724 one more box coming for my flash sale so ML_Rks5NJAu-00017-00004725-00004972 I'm just gonna wait with that the other ML_Rks5NJAu-00018-00004973-00005179 box that I have with that box coming and ML_Rks5NJAu-00019-00005180-00005404 it hasn't even shipped yet from Scentsy ML_Rks5NJAu-00020-00005405-00005522 warehouse so I know that's gonna take a ML_Rks5NJAu-00021-00005523-00005806 while so with that I wanted to go ahead ML_Rks5NJAu-00022-00005807-00006061 and show you guys the the holiday so ML_Rks5NJAu-00023-00006062-00006553 here is my here's my holiday collection ML_Rks5NJAu-00024-00006554-00006881 okay so there's the box I had opened it ML_Rks5NJAu-00025-00006881-00007173 before because this was where my um my ML_Rks5NJAu-00026-00007175-00007528 stargates diffuser was same box and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00027-00007529-00007745 I had told you guys when I opened that ML_Rks5NJAu-00028-00007745-00007955 up that I'm going to split it into the ML_Rks5NJAu-00029-00007956-00008335 stargaze into the fall and then this one ML_Rks5NJAu-00030-00008336-00008645 is to the winter okay I will attach the ML_Rks5NJAu-00031-00008646-00008888 app link of the brochure the holiday ML_Rks5NJAu-00032-00008889-00009146 brochure as well as the fall and winter ML_Rks5NJAu-00033-00009147-00009434 brochure onto the description box and ML_Rks5NJAu-00034-00009435-00009569 then that way you guys can flip through ML_Rks5NJAu-00035-00009570-00009851 it and see it firsthand of how it looks ML_Rks5NJAu-00036-00009852-00010096 like on to until the catalog and onto ML_Rks5NJAu-00037-00010097-00010166 the brochure ML_Rks5NJAu-00038-00010167-00010546 so with this look at that so let me ice ML_Rks5NJAu-00039-00010547-00010892 let me show you guys I did get this one ML_Rks5NJAu-00040-00010893-00011167 and this one is called down the chimney ML_Rks5NJAu-00041-00011168-00011710 warmer and that one says on page five so ML_Rks5NJAu-00042-00011711-00011984 if you guys okay let me just take a ML_Rks5NJAu-00043-00011985-00012158 quick peek there's the star base ML_Rks5NJAu-00044-00012159-00012524 diffuser that's currently for one shade ML_Rks5NJAu-00045-00012525-00012812 in basis 150 shade only is 70 ML_Rks5NJAu-00046-00012813-00013118 so I had a video on that about a week a ML_Rks5NJAu-00047-00013119-00013366 week or week and a half ago this is ML_Rks5NJAu-00048-00013368-00013685 what's on to our Holiday Collection just ML_Rks5NJAu-00049-00013686-00014041 a quick peek just to show you guys so ML_Rks5NJAu-00050-00014043-00014252 much cute items I did also a haul on ML_Rks5NJAu-00051-00014253-00014651 this one this is the winter stag I know ML_Rks5NJAu-00052-00014652-00014869 I've already done a video on that ML_Rks5NJAu-00053-00014871-00014999 because it's right here so if you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00054-00015000-00015203 want to see what it looks like really ML_Rks5NJAu-00055-00015204-00015769 quick so there you go there's a video in ML_Rks5NJAu-00056-00015771-00016496 here of that haul and then there's some ML_Rks5NJAu-00057-00016497-00016762 buddies and shirts and a jacket that ML_Rks5NJAu-00058-00016763-00017039 jacket I believe this one is delayed it ML_Rks5NJAu-00059-00017040-00017213 won't be available until the 1st of ML_Rks5NJAu-00060-00017214-00017465 November the last time I checked and ML_Rks5NJAu-00061-00017466-00017780 then I also did hall with the stargaze ML_Rks5NJAu-00062-00017781-00018086 diffuser of this 3-pack oil it comes ML_Rks5NJAu-00063-00018087-00018332 with peppermint Christmas pine and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00064-00018333-00018632 some cinnamon a cinnamon scent cinnamon ML_Rks5NJAu-00065-00018633-00018956 bark okay I'm currently using the ML_Rks5NJAu-00066-00018957-00019273 cinnamon I'm sorry the peppermint ML_Rks5NJAu-00067-00019274-00019538 peppermint and that really smells good ML_Rks5NJAu-00068-00019539-00019886 so let's first item is going to be down ML_Rks5NJAu-00069-00019887-00020168 the chimney worm I want to make sure ML_Rks5NJAu-00070-00020169-00020596 that I do have my plug I'm pulling it ML_Rks5NJAu-00071-00020597-00021074 okay so I don't um aside from the winter ML_Rks5NJAu-00072-00021075-00021428 stag I think that was some one of my ML_Rks5NJAu-00073-00021429-00021581 haul I think that was the only one that ML_Rks5NJAu-00074-00021582-00021875 I opened up that had the winter I do not ML_Rks5NJAu-00075-00021876-00022265 have any other holiday for the winter ML_Rks5NJAu-00076-00022266-00022478 holiday the only thing I have is just ML_Rks5NJAu-00077-00022479-00022733 the fall okay so it comes with this it ML_Rks5NJAu-00078-00022734-00023033 is a oh I thought it was an element ML_Rks5NJAu-00079-00023034-00023324 warmer so no it's a it's a bulb warmer ML_Rks5NJAu-00080-00023325-00023791 and it's 25 watt package really nice I ML_Rks5NJAu-00081-00023792-00024194 thought it was an element so oh my ML_Rks5NJAu-00082-00024195-00024493 goodness I'm happy to see that ML_Rks5NJAu-00083-00024494-00024817 it is not because the element I'm always ML_Rks5NJAu-00084-00024818-00025264 concerned with the performance of it ML_Rks5NJAu-00085-00025265-00025558 being a big warmer so I kind of thought ML_Rks5NJAu-00086-00025559-00025861 that down the chimney was a big one ML_Rks5NJAu-00087-00025862-00026208 okay so let me put that to the side ML_Rks5NJAu-00088-00026208-00026542 excited I can't wait for the winter I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00089-00026543-00026824 like I'm I'm I'm really enjoying the ML_Rks5NJAu-00090-00026825-00027199 fall I live in North Seattle area we we ML_Rks5NJAu-00091-00027200-00027424 feel the fall we feel all the seasons ML_Rks5NJAu-00092-00027425-00027645 and we are enjoying fall with the wind ML_Rks5NJAu-00093-00027647-00027904 we had a windstorm for a few days and ML_Rks5NJAu-00094-00027905-00028117 it's been a constant rain for like five ML_Rks5NJAu-00095-00028118-00028320 six days straight although today we had ML_Rks5NJAu-00096-00028322-00028402 sunshine ML_Rks5NJAu-00097-00028402-00028764 hobbie was able to mow the yard the kids ML_Rks5NJAu-00098-00028766-00028936 helped out with our apple tree we had so ML_Rks5NJAu-00099-00028937-00029194 much apples that fell down onto the ML_Rks5NJAu-00100-00029195-00029413 ground so we pick some apples we gave ML_Rks5NJAu-00101-00029414-00029647 some to Lola and Lola is Filipino for ML_Rks5NJAu-00102-00029648-00029983 Grandma we went to UM we didn't have ML_Rks5NJAu-00103-00029983-00030244 time to to pick more apples for the ML_Rks5NJAu-00104-00030245-00030436 other set of grandparents on the other ML_Rks5NJAu-00105-00030437-00030645 side of the water when we did go there ML_Rks5NJAu-00106-00030645-00031320 last night but here's the dish this is ML_Rks5NJAu-00107-00031322-00031573 what the dish looks like it it looks ML_Rks5NJAu-00108-00031574-00031758 like it's big enough for like a cat Bowl ML_Rks5NJAu-00109-00031760-00032098 I can't Bowl or a little dog minute you ML_Rks5NJAu-00110-00032099-00032320 know miniature dog bowl it's pretty deep ML_Rks5NJAu-00111-00032320-00032565 in size but if you guys can see there's ML_Rks5NJAu-00112-00032566-00033025 um all around on to the side it's white ML_Rks5NJAu-00113-00033026-00033475 it's all white all around nice site very ML_Rks5NJAu-00114-00033476-00033745 nice size dish then it has the sensi ML_Rks5NJAu-00115-00033746-00034069 logo it's more porous at the bottom but ML_Rks5NJAu-00116-00034070-00034590 yet glossy finish inside around it has ML_Rks5NJAu-00117-00034591-00034786 like a I don't know if you guys can tell ML_Rks5NJAu-00118-00034787-00035167 that out that design but then inside ML_Rks5NJAu-00119-00035168-00035536 it's a soft glossy finish and then this ML_Rks5NJAu-00120-00035537-00036015 is the base or the body this is called ML_Rks5NJAu-00121-00036016-00036352 down is it down the chimney yep down the ML_Rks5NJAu-00122-00036353-00036718 chimney comes with a 25 light bulb and ML_Rks5NJAu-00123-00036719-00037003 then the description is these boots need ML_Rks5NJAu-00124-00037004-00037242 no introduction be sure to set them out ML_Rks5NJAu-00125-00037243-00037552 wherever they'll be noticed and properly ML_Rks5NJAu-00126-00037553-00037609 adorn ML_Rks5NJAu-00127-00037610-00038005 all season long it comes with the long ML_Rks5NJAu-00128-00038006-00038503 black cord with with the toggle toggle ML_Rks5NJAu-00129-00038504-00039313 switch okay so here's the toggle switch ML_Rks5NJAu-00130-00039314-00039679 and then it has let me hold on cuz it ML_Rks5NJAu-00131-00039680-00040057 makes noise when I'm it has holes all ML_Rks5NJAu-00132-00040058-00040279 around and then the light bulb will go ML_Rks5NJAu-00133-00040280-00040684 in and then the holes will show off ML_Rks5NJAu-00134-00040685-00040984 light but it won't be on it won't be a ML_Rks5NJAu-00135-00040985-00041236 luminary warrant where it shows off like ML_Rks5NJAu-00136-00041237-00041473 designs on to the wall or to the surface ML_Rks5NJAu-00137-00041474-00041872 look at that look at that okay it says ML_Rks5NJAu-00138-00041873-00042151 um I want to know what how tall you'll ML_Rks5NJAu-00139-00042152-00042478 be okay I want to know how tall it is ML_Rks5NJAu-00140-00042479-00043021 I'm just trying to see if it five maybe ML_Rks5NJAu-00141-00043022-00043264 I'll show because it doesn't say how ML_Rks5NJAu-00142-00043265-00043585 tall okay it's seven seven inches tall ML_Rks5NJAu-00143-00043586-00043957 two and a half inches wide okay and it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00144-00043958-00044596 currently $40 $40 on the website it is ML_Rks5NJAu-00145-00044597-00045079 adorable oh that's cute I'm ready I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00146-00045080-00045415 ready for for December timeframe okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00147-00045416-00045712 let me put on a light bulb first for ML_Rks5NJAu-00148-00045713-00046845 anything um me let me use this one ML_Rks5NJAu-00149-00046846-00047076 let me open it the nice thing is they ML_Rks5NJAu-00150-00047077-00047274 did they do package up the light bulb ML_Rks5NJAu-00151-00047275-00047565 really securely but be careful when you ML_Rks5NJAu-00152-00047566-00047802 guys open your words because the light ML_Rks5NJAu-00153-00047803-00048207 bulb is always mostly always inside the ML_Rks5NJAu-00154-00048208-00048519 warmer oh oh super cute okay I cannot ML_Rks5NJAu-00155-00048520-00048924 wait to plug this this one up it's going ML_Rks5NJAu-00156-00048925-00049319 to be a heat because it's a boot okay so ML_Rks5NJAu-00157-00049320-00050001 here's the dish Oh super adorable okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00158-00050002-00050277 here's the toggle switch and I have the ML_Rks5NJAu-00159-00050278-00050850 light bulb on ah okay so I'm in the room ML_Rks5NJAu-00160-00050851-00051099 and it's it's actually like seven ML_Rks5NJAu-00161-00051100-00051660 o'clock at night right now so with it ML_Rks5NJAu-00162-00051661-00052401 off with it on on the dish is very deep ML_Rks5NJAu-00163-00052402-00052875 it's a huge dish but from far afar it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00164-00052876-00053232 so pretty oh it's it's gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00165-00053233-00053741 is it hand-painted yep it's hand-painted ML_Rks5NJAu-00166-00053741-00054075 so look at the work that was put into ML_Rks5NJAu-00167-00054076-00054467 these these hand-painted warmers so that ML_Rks5NJAu-00168-00054469-00054720 you got the black boots all around and ML_Rks5NJAu-00169-00054721-00055170 underneath it's black 25 watt and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00170-00055171-00055476 you got the detail of the the belt if ML_Rks5NJAu-00171-00055477-00055742 you guys can see right here you see that ML_Rks5NJAu-00172-00055744-00055995 detail of where the there's a little ML_Rks5NJAu-00173-00055996-00056466 groove for the strap and the gold buckle ML_Rks5NJAu-00174-00056466-00056904 it shines it's glossy and finish it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00175-00056904-00057317 beautiful 7 inches tall two and a half ML_Rks5NJAu-00176-00057319-00058266 inches wide that way very beautiful I ML_Rks5NJAu-00177-00058266-00058620 did not expect it to be really this this ML_Rks5NJAu-00178-00058621-00058845 big even though it did say I knew it was ML_Rks5NJAu-00179-00058846-00059210 going to be 7 inches but it's gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00180-00059211-00059625 yes so that's down the chimney ML_Rks5NJAu-00181-00059626-00060008 all right that's down the chimney oh ML_Rks5NJAu-00182-00060009-00060129 okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00183-00060129-00060747 I've got I've got two bars I got two ML_Rks5NJAu-00184-00060748-00061091 bars I have vanilla bean buttercream and ML_Rks5NJAu-00185-00061092-00061551 I should have another one and then I ML_Rks5NJAu-00186-00061552-00061728 have this one this one smells good ML_Rks5NJAu-00187-00061729-00062121 vanilla bean buttercream so this is a ML_Rks5NJAu-00188-00062122-00062412 sense it describes it as decadent ML_Rks5NJAu-00189-00062413-00062619 buttercream frosting made with the ML_Rks5NJAu-00190-00062620-00062867 freshest butter whipped with cane sugar ML_Rks5NJAu-00191-00062869-00063017 and vanilla extract ML_Rks5NJAu-00192-00063019-00063237 so creamy and sweet you will have to ML_Rks5NJAu-00193-00063238-00063617 lick the spoon it is a good it is a good ML_Rks5NJAu-00194-00063619-00063767 set I do like it ML_Rks5NJAu-00195-00063769-00064245 I haven't melted one yet of vanilla bean ML_Rks5NJAu-00196-00064246-00064545 buttercream so I'm excited to melt this ML_Rks5NJAu-00197-00064546-00065150 one okay so then the other one is puffy ML_Rks5NJAu-00198-00065151-00065427 I'm trying to rush this video you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00199-00065428-00065682 know I'm always rushing because hobby ML_Rks5NJAu-00200-00065683-00065973 wants to go Applebee's throughout the ML_Rks5NJAu-00201-00065974-00066186 whole month of October Applebee's is ML_Rks5NJAu-00202-00066187-00066413 having one one dollar margaritas so ML_Rks5NJAu-00203-00066414-00066981 we've been going a couple times and okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00204-00066982-00067326 I like this this is my first this is my ML_Rks5NJAu-00205-00067327-00067785 first toffee butter crunch bar salted ML_Rks5NJAu-00206-00067786-00068088 caramel glaze candied walnuts toffee and ML_Rks5NJAu-00207-00068089-00068319 vanilla bean all the ingredients for a ML_Rks5NJAu-00208-00068320-00068586 delectable sensory confection are here ML_Rks5NJAu-00209-00068587-00068924 in one set in one in one sweet ML_Rks5NJAu-00210-00068925-00069165 intoxicating fragrance you'll savor all ML_Rks5NJAu-00211-00069166-00069555 season long all season on oh you know ML_Rks5NJAu-00212-00069556-00069918 what just that like last whip I got like ML_Rks5NJAu-00213-00069919-00070292 a toffee popcorn smell to it ML_Rks5NJAu-00214-00070293-00070530 mmm it smells really good it smells ML_Rks5NJAu-00215-00070531-00070836 sweet so if you like those sweet bakery ML_Rks5NJAu-00216-00070837-00071151 scents definitely pick up both of them ML_Rks5NJAu-00217-00071152-00071373 but I'm excited to melt this I want to ML_Rks5NJAu-00218-00071374-00071700 know how how well it performs how strong ML_Rks5NJAu-00219-00071701-00071925 if if what I'm smelling right now of ML_Rks5NJAu-00220-00071926-00072318 that caramel and that toffee is really ML_Rks5NJAu-00221-00072319-00072678 gonna come out okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00222-00072679-00072918 excited about those two bars okay so ML_Rks5NJAu-00223-00072919-00073212 here's another one another Christmas ML_Rks5NJAu-00224-00073213-00073650 wine I get the Snowman so I'm the ML_Rks5NJAu-00225-00073651-00073872 catalog or on the brochure it's this ML_Rks5NJAu-00226-00073873-00074154 little guy oh my gosh I can't even say ML_Rks5NJAu-00227-00074155-00074465 little because this is eight inches tall ML_Rks5NJAu-00228-00074466-00074823 fifty dollars for the Snowman and ML_Rks5NJAu-00229-00074824-00075012 Friends I think what I did is I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00230-00075013-00075246 missing a bar poke here's the bar ML_Rks5NJAu-00231-00075247-00075654 I heard that okay so what I did with the ML_Rks5NJAu-00232-00075655-00075942 $40 warmers I did get a bundle and save ML_Rks5NJAu-00233-00075943-00076233 so with the bundle and save with her you ML_Rks5NJAu-00234-00076234-00076407 can get a bundle and save with the forty ML_Rks5NJAu-00235-00076408-00076749 five and under warmers and I'm gonna ML_Rks5NJAu-00236-00076750-00077025 show you guys really quick so here's the ML_Rks5NJAu-00237-00077026-00077229 bundle and save that's almost towards ML_Rks5NJAu-00238-00077230-00077400 the end of the catalog this one is on ML_Rks5NJAu-00239-00077401-00077754 page 70 even if you use the app that I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00240-00077755-00077964 gonna link underneath you'll see it so I ML_Rks5NJAu-00241-00077965-00078207 always get like not always but most of ML_Rks5NJAu-00242-00078208-00078381 the time when I purchase because I do ML_Rks5NJAu-00243-00078382-00078594 want to save and be able to get the bar ML_Rks5NJAu-00244-00078595-00078816 sample the bars and then get get a ML_Rks5NJAu-00245-00078817-00079212 warmer so I I get the sensi system and ML_Rks5NJAu-00246-00079213-00079470 then with the sensei system any you can ML_Rks5NJAu-00247-00079471-00079788 get any of the warmers 45 from $20 ML_Rks5NJAu-00248-00079789-00080085 warmer all the way to $45 warmer you buy ML_Rks5NJAu-00249-00080086-00080361 a warmer and then you get three cents ML_Rks5NJAu-00250-00080362-00080637 and then you basically save $3 if you ML_Rks5NJAu-00251-00080638-00080799 choose to go through the bundle and say ML_Rks5NJAu-00252-00080800-00081090 but they also have a perfect sensing to ML_Rks5NJAu-00253-00081091-00081438 warmers plus six bars the six bars is ML_Rks5NJAu-00254-00081439-00081747 instead of $36 then you're getting it ML_Rks5NJAu-00255-00081748-00082218 for 4:30 oh really nice to do the bundle ML_Rks5NJAu-00256-00082219-00082500 and save the other one was sweet cream ML_Rks5NJAu-00257-00082501-00082740 spice so I do have this one too and it ML_Rks5NJAu-00258-00082741-00083100 was also a very favorite yes I I've ML_Rks5NJAu-00259-00083101-00083325 melted this one it's really nice you can ML_Rks5NJAu-00260-00083326-00083550 really smell that caramel this was a ML_Rks5NJAu-00261-00083551-00083727 favorite with hubby and the kids and it ML_Rks5NJAu-00262-00083728-00083979 was so nice into the bedroom I really ML_Rks5NJAu-00263-00083980-00084180 loved that as well so I got I got more ML_Rks5NJAu-00264-00084181-00084507 of that one okay let me go build the ML_Rks5NJAu-00265-00084508-00084813 snowman build a snowman is going for ML_Rks5NJAu-00266-00084814-00085029 fifty dollars and you cannot put this ML_Rks5NJAu-00267-00085030-00085062 one ML_Rks5NJAu-00268-00085063-00085224 to the bundle and save because it is one ML_Rks5NJAu-00269-00085225-00085707 of our more pricey former so okay 20 ML_Rks5NJAu-00270-00085708-00086256 watt this is a 20 watt warmer I liked ML_Rks5NJAu-00271-00086257-00087783 snowman's I like snowman because it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00272-00087784-00088607 really packaged very tight very well ML_Rks5NJAu-00273-00088608-00088962 okay let me I saved my box I always tell ML_Rks5NJAu-00274-00088963-00089247 you guys I favor box and all the ML_Rks5NJAu-00275-00089248-00089442 packaging off the plastic I always put ML_Rks5NJAu-00276-00089443-00090165 inside the box so here's the top snowman ML_Rks5NJAu-00277-00090166-00090432 okay so what does snowman said well I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00278-00090433-00091539 opening this all right okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00279-00091540-00091908 build a snowman warmer this one's the ML_Rks5NJAu-00280-00091909-00092181 top it's going 450 like I said he's the ML_Rks5NJAu-00281-00092182-00092628 sweetest no man ever Oh she'd be careful ML_Rks5NJAu-00282-00092629-00093015 because it was inside decked out in his ML_Rks5NJAu-00283-00093016-00093261 holiday vest and stamped with a playful ML_Rks5NJAu-00284-00093262-00093498 scene for double the holiday delight ML_Rks5NJAu-00285-00093499-00093912 okay oh it has a singing we used to have ML_Rks5NJAu-00286-00093913-00094181 a word I had a scene like that last year ML_Rks5NJAu-00287-00094182-00094551 okay okay first of all let's go talk ML_Rks5NJAu-00288-00094552-00094956 about his his top okay so this is the ML_Rks5NJAu-00289-00094957-00095250 lid for the warmer and then it has all ML_Rks5NJAu-00290-00095251-00095415 these holes so that when you close it ML_Rks5NJAu-00291-00095416-00095670 this is where the scent will seep ML_Rks5NJAu-00292-00095671-00095871 through through all these holes even ML_Rks5NJAu-00293-00095872-00096150 though even though it's closed and I ML_Rks5NJAu-00294-00096151-00096357 have shared with you guys with my videos ML_Rks5NJAu-00295-00096358-00096582 that when I do have warmers that do have ML_Rks5NJAu-00296-00096583-00096978 the lids I do like to display them I do ML_Rks5NJAu-00297-00096979-00097269 like to display them with the lid on but ML_Rks5NJAu-00298-00097270-00097467 when I am using them when it is turned ML_Rks5NJAu-00299-00097468-00097694 on and I'm melting a whack just like ML_Rks5NJAu-00300-00097695-00097923 just like those two warmers if you could ML_Rks5NJAu-00301-00097924-00098157 see it into the background so I have ML_Rks5NJAu-00302-00098158-00098400 October a warmer of the month that's ML_Rks5NJAu-00303-00098401-00098610 still currently 10% off so you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00304-00098611-00098835 don't miss out on that if you if you ML_Rks5NJAu-00305-00098836-00099021 haven't picked that up and you're kind ML_Rks5NJAu-00306-00099022-00099348 of debating after October 31st he will ML_Rks5NJAu-00307-00099349-00099675 he I was I don't know why he labeled my ML_Rks5NJAu-00308-00099676-00099918 warmers he or she the special delivery ML_Rks5NJAu-00309-00099919-00100167 will go back to its normal price right ML_Rks5NJAu-00310-00100168-00100469 now currently it is 10% off but I picked ML_Rks5NJAu-00311-00100470-00100749 up the harvest pumpkins on clearance ML_Rks5NJAu-00312-00100750-00100976 during the flash sale or during the ML_Rks5NJAu-00313-00100977-00101207 flash sale and both of them are lids so ML_Rks5NJAu-00314-00101208-00101388 when it's turned on I like to take the ML_Rks5NJAu-00315-00101389-00101634 lids out so that I have a more stronger ML_Rks5NJAu-00316-00101635-00102005 performance with the smell of my wax ML_Rks5NJAu-00317-00102006-00102713 okay so here's the dish to share that ML_Rks5NJAu-00318-00102714-00103224 frosted glass frosted see-through clear ML_Rks5NJAu-00319-00103225-00103466 glass but it's frosted and then it has ML_Rks5NJAu-00320-00103467-00103931 the sensi logo inside or you can see it ML_Rks5NJAu-00321-00103932-00104579 right here and then be careful with the ML_Rks5NJAu-00322-00104580-00104879 the unit the main unit because that's ML_Rks5NJAu-00323-00104880-00105189 where the light bulb is at and this is a ML_Rks5NJAu-00324-00105190-00105831 20 watt so let me open that up it comes ML_Rks5NJAu-00325-00105832-00106122 with a white cord and then it really ML_Rks5NJAu-00326-00106123-00106422 stepped up stuffed on the inside so be ML_Rks5NJAu-00327-00106423-00107103 careful okay it has a hand also be ML_Rks5NJAu-00328-00107104-00107381 gentle with that as well it has the ML_Rks5NJAu-00329-00107382-00108391 stick as his hands this is it's huge ML_Rks5NJAu-00330-00108392-00108560 it's gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00331-00108561-00108870 oh my goodness I'm glad that I picked ML_Rks5NJAu-00332-00108871-00109268 this one up oh this is currently 50 ML_Rks5NJAu-00333-00109269-00109808 dollars let me toggle switch white cord ML_Rks5NJAu-00334-00109809-00110025 I like the cords to be long so it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00335-00110026-00110608 really nice ML_Rks5NJAu-00336-00110608-00111111 all right so let me get the light bulb ML_Rks5NJAu-00337-00111113-00112433 light phone yeah ML_Rks5NJAu-00338-00112433-00112718 okay so let me give you the description ML_Rks5NJAu-00339-00112719-00113134 of what the snowman says features an ML_Rks5NJAu-00340-00113135-00113423 embossed winter scene so right here it ML_Rks5NJAu-00341-00113424-00113630 doesn't it doesn't say it on to the ML_Rks5NJAu-00342-00113631-00113780 website that's why it's so nice to have ML_Rks5NJAu-00343-00113781-00114041 the catalog or the brush or the or dub ML_Rks5NJAu-00344-00114042-00114263 brochure because something just doesn't ML_Rks5NJAu-00345-00114264-00114554 describe it well onto the website so ML_Rks5NJAu-00346-00114555-00114983 right here it says that features an ML_Rks5NJAu-00347-00114983-00115319 emboss winter scene which is the body of ML_Rks5NJAu-00348-00115320-00115624 the Snowman okay let me put the dish ML_Rks5NJAu-00349-00115625-00116177 let me turn okay I'm turning him on ML_Rks5NJAu-00350-00116178-00116756 without with without the lid and I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00351-00116757-00117005 gonna go all the way around first it has ML_Rks5NJAu-00352-00117006-00117347 the hands okay so the hands that's what ML_Rks5NJAu-00353-00117348-00117671 I can see and then the seam is all ML_Rks5NJAu-00354-00117672-00117985 around the body of the Snowman it has ML_Rks5NJAu-00355-00117986-00118226 two sensi logo at the bottom there's the ML_Rks5NJAu-00356-00118227-00118435 core you don't have to worry about the ML_Rks5NJAu-00357-00118436-00118691 cord wobbling because it's not um it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00358-00118692-00119078 not um attached to the bottom but look ML_Rks5NJAu-00359-00119079-00119327 at this scene so it has the Snowman it ML_Rks5NJAu-00360-00119328-00119686 has a child has houses it has snow he ML_Rks5NJAu-00361-00119688-00120143 has reindeers he has Hills that's that's ML_Rks5NJAu-00362-00120144-00120377 what I'm seeing right here it is ML_Rks5NJAu-00363-00120378-00120583 gorgeous it's the red scarf that's ML_Rks5NJAu-00364-00120583-00121097 actually glows okay and then he has the ML_Rks5NJAu-00365-00121098-00121384 holes onto the side so I see one two ML_Rks5NJAu-00366-00121385-00121847 three holes here or four and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00367-00121848-00122015 there's no holes on the other side so ML_Rks5NJAu-00368-00122016-00122171 that's the holes are more towards the ML_Rks5NJAu-00369-00122172-00122678 back where the cord is friends it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00370-00122679-00122873 gorgeous it's it's gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00371-00122874-00123188 I love it it's gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00372-00123189-00123728 okay that's this is the lid you can even ML_Rks5NJAu-00373-00123729-00124261 just display it like that ML_Rks5NJAu-00374-00124263-00124627 I don't want to break it but I really ML_Rks5NJAu-00375-00124628-00124793 want to show you guys what it looks like ML_Rks5NJAu-00376-00124794-00125057 it's supposed to be eight inches tall ML_Rks5NJAu-00377-00125058-00125652 from the tip of the hat to the bottom ML_Rks5NJAu-00378-00125653-00125948 it's gorgeous so he has a bit more of a ML_Rks5NJAu-00379-00125949-00126052 glow let me ML_Rks5NJAu-00380-00126053-00126363 so there's lights that's coming through ML_Rks5NJAu-00381-00126364-00126698 from the holes right here in the back ML_Rks5NJAu-00382-00126699-00126976 and then as well as we're not the top of ML_Rks5NJAu-00383-00126977-00127270 the hat but at the bottom rim of the hat ML_Rks5NJAu-00384-00127271-00127570 because of the light bulb and because ML_Rks5NJAu-00385-00127571-00128290 there's the frosted glass but I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00386-00128291-00128761 turning it slowly you can see you can't ML_Rks5NJAu-00387-00128762-00129138 see a little bit of the glow on his face ML_Rks5NJAu-00388-00129139-00129454 but most of the glow is just coming on ML_Rks5NJAu-00389-00129455-00129979 to his body and it's all around it's all ML_Rks5NJAu-00390-00129980-00130697 around it's this gorgeous this is so ML_Rks5NJAu-00391-00130698-00131008 stinkin cute this is all this is so see ML_Rks5NJAu-00392-00131009-00131582 if you love snowmen this okay out of all ML_Rks5NJAu-00393-00131583-00131918 the holidays of the winter this has to ML_Rks5NJAu-00394-00131919-00132119 be my favorite I mean I love the chimney ML_Rks5NJAu-00395-00132120-00132301 and I love the winter stag and all in ML_Rks5NJAu-00396-00132302-00132656 their own separate way but if you're ML_Rks5NJAu-00397-00132657-00132956 gonna have one warmer for the holidays ML_Rks5NJAu-00398-00132957-00133237 and I'm gonna start decorating holidays ML_Rks5NJAu-00399-00133238-00133610 November first I know some people don't ML_Rks5NJAu-00400-00133611-00133811 do it until this a but I want to get ML_Rks5NJAu-00401-00133812-00134021 especially when you have kids you know ML_Rks5NJAu-00402-00134022-00134203 we've we celebrated the fall we ML_Rks5NJAu-00403-00134204-00134474 celebrated Halloween and I want them to ML_Rks5NJAu-00404-00134475-00134834 really really get excited for that ML_Rks5NJAu-00405-00134835-00135044 holiday season of being with the family ML_Rks5NJAu-00406-00135045-00135308 so I'm gonna start decorating November ML_Rks5NJAu-00407-00135309-00135664 the first weekend of November beautiful ML_Rks5NJAu-00408-00135665-00135898 friends I can't even put him down he is ML_Rks5NJAu-00409-00135899-00136169 absolutely beautiful ML_Rks5NJAu-00410-00136170-00136256 if you ML_Rks5NJAu-00411-00136257-00136532 they're gonna have one warmer from sensi ML_Rks5NJAu-00412-00136533-00136877 for the holidays you gotta you gotta ML_Rks5NJAu-00413-00136878-00137692 pick him up he's gorgeous gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00414-00137693-00137948 alright I don't know if anything I have ML_Rks5NJAu-00415-00137949-00138671 can top that okay so these are just it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00416-00138672-00138842 already a long video I'm gonna have to ML_Rks5NJAu-00417-00138843-00139067 make a two part of this because I have ML_Rks5NJAu-00418-00139068-00139628 one two three I have three more in there ML_Rks5NJAu-00419-00139629-00140144 and and I really spent time on that I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00420-00140145-00140380 still thinking about that snowman but ML_Rks5NJAu-00421-00140381-00140873 this is the special Oh oh my goodness ML_Rks5NJAu-00422-00140874-00141050 did I mention that that was the special ML_Rks5NJAu-00423-00141051-00141215 delivery I keep getting them mixed up ML_Rks5NJAu-00424-00141216-00141485 the pumpkin the blue truck in the ML_Rks5NJAu-00425-00141486-00141755 pumpkin is the pumpkin delivery this one ML_Rks5NJAu-00426-00141756-00141908 is the special delivery ML_Rks5NJAu-00427-00141909-00142373 which is the the the red truck and the ML_Rks5NJAu-00428-00142374-00142625 Christmas tree friends I'm gonna have to ML_Rks5NJAu-00429-00142626-00142844 separate I'm gonna have to separate that ML_Rks5NJAu-00430-00142845-00143102 video because this is truly amazing ML_Rks5NJAu-00431-00143103-00143390 warmers okay so this one is a element ML_Rks5NJAu-00432-00143391-00143639 warmer and this one is an 8 watt ML_Rks5NJAu-00433-00143640-00143825 just like the pumpkin delivery in the ML_Rks5NJAu-00434-00143826-00144724 back okay so we got our lid beautiful I ML_Rks5NJAu-00435-00144725-00144980 was mentioning my other videos before ML_Rks5NJAu-00436-00144981-00145280 that yes sensei sensei is a bit pricey ML_Rks5NJAu-00437-00145281-00145664 but the cents are amazing and the ML_Rks5NJAu-00438-00145665-00145958 warmers the quality the quality of the ML_Rks5NJAu-00439-00145959-00146429 warmers are just it's just it's just ML_Rks5NJAu-00440-00146430-00146777 amazing like that snowman and then the ML_Rks5NJAu-00441-00146778-00147227 hand-painted of that that down the ML_Rks5NJAu-00442-00147228-00147807 chimney okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00443-00147808-00148174 okay this is exactly like the blue truck ML_Rks5NJAu-00444-00148175-00148909 behind me but it's in red and they have ML_Rks5NJAu-00445-00148910-00149614 this available last year oh look at the ML_Rks5NJAu-00446-00149615-00149989 detail on that see on that pumpkin ML_Rks5NJAu-00447-00149990-00150178 delivery I don't think he had the detail ML_Rks5NJAu-00448-00150179-00150706 of like the black silhouette around the ML_Rks5NJAu-00449-00150707-00151141 doors but here's the truck it's an ML_Rks5NJAu-00450-00151142-00151510 element warmer so here is the dish part ML_Rks5NJAu-00451-00151511-00151791 it's attached within the truck and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00452-00151792-00152233 this is the heating the heating plate ML_Rks5NJAu-00453-00152234-00152434 area so the heating plate is going to be ML_Rks5NJAu-00454-00152435-00152827 right here and then if you turn it it ML_Rks5NJAu-00455-00152828-00153172 has two extra tire on the side but look ML_Rks5NJAu-00456-00153173-00153424 at that detailed work I believe this is ML_Rks5NJAu-00457-00153425-00153708 our hand painted yeah it's hand painted ML_Rks5NJAu-00458-00153709-00154033 so someone at Scentsy someone works at ML_Rks5NJAu-00459-00154034-00154533 says he just to hand paint these warmers ML_Rks5NJAu-00460-00154534-00154807 this is what the grill the grill of the ML_Rks5NJAu-00461-00154808-00155212 truck okay and this is the back and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00462-00155213-00155398 you know that it's an element warmer ML_Rks5NJAu-00463-00155399-00155679 because of this this light so when you ML_Rks5NJAu-00464-00155680-00155887 plug it this is gonna turn on and then ML_Rks5NJAu-00465-00155888-00156210 it has the sensi logo right there and ML_Rks5NJAu-00466-00156211-00156484 then if you guys can see the bottom part ML_Rks5NJAu-00467-00156485-00157381 it's like gray like gray wash okay my ML_Rks5NJAu-00468-00157382-00157629 children are just relaxing it's a Sunday ML_Rks5NJAu-00469-00157630-00157978 we we have a relaxing day so I got to ML_Rks5NJAu-00470-00157979-00158188 relax with my Danielle today we went to ML_Rks5NJAu-00471-00158189-00158386 Trader Joe's I did a video for you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00472-00158387-00158620 with that I also shared that I'm also ML_Rks5NJAu-00473-00158621-00158995 sharing my recipe of the artichoke ML_Rks5NJAu-00474-00158996-00159493 spinach cheese recipe I've had it for a ML_Rks5NJAu-00475-00159494-00159643 couple of years I got it online ML_Rks5NJAu-00476-00159644-00160012 I forgot how I got it online but um it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00477-00160013-00160408 my go-to for like specially football ML_Rks5NJAu-00478-00160409-00160494 seasons ML_Rks5NJAu-00479-00160495-00161112 the boys love it okay friends I know I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00480-00161113-00161366 sharing so much of my sensi videos thank ML_Rks5NJAu-00481-00161367-00161550 you guys for bearing with me but like I ML_Rks5NJAu-00482-00161551-00161781 said it's the holidays and I'm also ML_Rks5NJAu-00483-00161782-00162012 sharing it for you guys that's like on ML_Rks5NJAu-00484-00162013-00162239 the pan should I get it should I not but ML_Rks5NJAu-00485-00162240-00162440 when I show you guys what it looks like ML_Rks5NJAu-00486-00162441-00162790 I hope it helps you guys out to decide ML_Rks5NJAu-00487-00162791-00163001 whether it's something that you would ML_Rks5NJAu-00488-00163002-00163344 like to purchase the tail lights also ML_Rks5NJAu-00489-00163345-00163628 comes on just like the pumpkin delivery ML_Rks5NJAu-00490-00163629-00164121 and also the headlights this is so cute ML_Rks5NJAu-00491-00164122-00164457 okay so you saw me get the lid this is ML_Rks5NJAu-00492-00164458-00164687 the lid that's the dish this is where ML_Rks5NJAu-00493-00164688-00164903 you will put the wax and have some a ML_Rks5NJAu-00494-00164904-00165152 friend of mine here asks what happens ML_Rks5NJAu-00495-00165153-00165333 because she's never she's never heard of ML_Rks5NJAu-00496-00165334-00165539 suncheon Alana has never heard of said ML_Rks5NJAu-00497-00165540-00165866 siento I'm you know I I started sharing ML_Rks5NJAu-00498-00165867-00166265 it since E is since E is not a new ML_Rks5NJAu-00499-00166266-00166644 company but the nice thing about Scentsy ML_Rks5NJAu-00500-00166645-00166923 is that I want to say I don't want to ML_Rks5NJAu-00501-00166924-00167162 say they're just not readily available ML_Rks5NJAu-00502-00167163-00167366 because they are ordered through ML_Rks5NJAu-00503-00167367-00167654 catalogues through only a consultant or ML_Rks5NJAu-00504-00167655-00167922 through a website so you can't easily ML_Rks5NJAu-00505-00167923-00168360 access it at a store although there are ML_Rks5NJAu-00506-00168361-00168708 consultants that do vendor events then ML_Rks5NJAu-00507-00168709-00168872 you can purchase through them but again ML_Rks5NJAu-00508-00168873-00169224 through a consultant not through a shop ML_Rks5NJAu-00509-00169225-00169482 owner so it's always through consultants ML_Rks5NJAu-00510-00169483-00169860 or the website of how you can um you can ML_Rks5NJAu-00511-00169861-00170213 purchase your own sensi so in that sense ML_Rks5NJAu-00512-00170214-00170354 yeah I would say that they're an ML_Rks5NJAu-00513-00170355-00170649 exclusive company because it's not ML_Rks5NJAu-00514-00170650-00170891 readily out there you can't just go into ML_Rks5NJAu-00515-00170892-00171111 a mom-and-pop or to a Walmart and say ML_Rks5NJAu-00516-00171112-00171326 hey I want to pick up a better Homes and ML_Rks5NJAu-00517-00171327-00171537 garden warmer that they might sell so ML_Rks5NJAu-00518-00171538-00171926 this is my opinion and it's a very good ML_Rks5NJAu-00519-00171927-00172062 company to work for ML_Rks5NJAu-00520-00172063-00172296 I've been with them for a year now this ML_Rks5NJAu-00521-00172297-00172611 is my one year anniversary this October ML_Rks5NJAu-00522-00172612-00173027 October I believe it's October and I've ML_Rks5NJAu-00523-00173028-00173556 been so happy okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00524-00173557-00173890 I'm gonna have to separate those I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00525-00173891-00174049 gonna have to do another video on those ML_Rks5NJAu-00526-00174050-00174388 and just share because because these ML_Rks5NJAu-00527-00174389-00174631 three warmers have to have the spotlight ML_Rks5NJAu-00528-00174632-00174796 for themselves because they are ML_Rks5NJAu-00529-00174797-00175294 amazingly gorgeous look at this okay ML_Rks5NJAu-00530-00175295-00175462 what does the brochure while you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00531-00175463-00175630 are taking a look at that the headlights ML_Rks5NJAu-00532-00175631-00175939 come on the taillights come on look at ML_Rks5NJAu-00533-00175940-00176200 that huge Christmas tree one giant ML_Rks5NJAu-00534-00176201-00176452 Christmas tree sticking out of the red ML_Rks5NJAu-00535-00176453-00176707 truck I said the family or the husband ML_Rks5NJAu-00536-00176708-00177013 just went out cut up a Christmas tree to ML_Rks5NJAu-00537-00177014-00177199 to give to the kids to give to the ML_Rks5NJAu-00538-00177200-00177423 family so that your home can just start ML_Rks5NJAu-00539-00177424-00177799 feeling the the holiday spirit it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00540-00177800-00177964 amazing it's beautiful ML_Rks5NJAu-00541-00177965-00178351 okay special delivery is $45 so you guys ML_Rks5NJAu-00542-00178352-00178522 can use the bundle and say that I was ML_Rks5NJAu-00543-00178523-00178825 mentioning um get this with the three ML_Rks5NJAu-00544-00178826-00179070 warmer and you'll save three dollars ML_Rks5NJAu-00545-00179071-00179401 okay there's nothing quite like that ML_Rks5NJAu-00546-00179402-00179814 first glimpse of that tree of the tree ML_Rks5NJAu-00547-00179815-00180112 not just any tree it's yours and it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00548-00180113-00180361 finally here looking sharp in the back ML_Rks5NJAu-00549-00180362-00180655 of a cool retro truck tree is removable ML_Rks5NJAu-00550-00180656-00181012 for year-round display and if you had ML_Rks5NJAu-00551-00181013-00181228 picked up the pumpkin delivery or if ML_Rks5NJAu-00552-00181229-00181366 you're going to pick up the pumpkin ML_Rks5NJAu-00553-00181367-00181681 delivery the Christmas tree will also ML_Rks5NJAu-00554-00181682-00182050 this dish will also go into the blue ML_Rks5NJAu-00555-00182051-00182263 truck that pumpkin will also go into ML_Rks5NJAu-00556-00182264-00182485 this red truck so the lids are ML_Rks5NJAu-00557-00182486-00182665 interchangeable with the pumpkin ML_Rks5NJAu-00558-00182666-00183097 delivery truck and the please tell me ML_Rks5NJAu-00559-00183098-00183334 the special delivery truck I'm always ML_Rks5NJAu-00560-00183335-00183790 getting the names mixed up gorgeous it ML_Rks5NJAu-00561-00183791-00184090 is amazingly gorgeous friends that's all ML_Rks5NJAu-00562-00184091-00184318 I'm going to share with you tonight only ML_Rks5NJAu-00563-00184319-00184519 because like I said these these three ML_Rks5NJAu-00564-00184520-00184867 warmers deserve deserve the spotlight I ML_Rks5NJAu-00565-00184868-00185023 have a couple more there and they're ML_Rks5NJAu-00566-00185024-00185302 like the mini warmers and stuff but I'm ML_Rks5NJAu-00567-00185303-00185737 just I'm amazed at the quality of the ML_Rks5NJAu-00568-00185738-00186175 this is hand-painted beautiful and this ML_Rks5NJAu-00569-00186176-00186598 is what is the okay what did it say as ML_Rks5NJAu-00570-00186599-00186741 far as the ML_Rks5NJAu-00571-00186742-00187077 the height or the width of this special ML_Rks5NJAu-00572-00187078-00187545 delivery I mean let me see this is four ML_Rks5NJAu-00573-00187546-00187875 and a half inches tall that's all it ML_Rks5NJAu-00574-00187876-00188220 says it doesn't give me the but here is ML_Rks5NJAu-00575-00188221-00188499 see there's my hand that's how long it ML_Rks5NJAu-00576-00188500-00188985 is to here it's a good size it's a very ML_Rks5NJAu-00577-00188986-00189090 good size ML_Rks5NJAu-00578-00189091-00189414 it adds the mate adds these tip of the ML_Rks5NJAu-00579-00189415-00189687 tree adds on to the length but if you ML_Rks5NJAu-00580-00189688-00189876 guys want to know how long it is let me ML_Rks5NJAu-00581-00189877-00190122 go get a ruler all right so I went ahead ML_Rks5NJAu-00582-00190123-00190320 and pre measured it but I'll show you ML_Rks5NJAu-00583-00190321-00191016 guys so I measured eleven so from there ML_Rks5NJAu-00584-00191017-00191825 to there eleven eleven inches beautiful ML_Rks5NJAu-00585-00191826-00192347 special delivery ML_Rks5NJAu-00586-00192348-00192969 build a snowman warmer gorgeous gorgeous ML_Rks5NJAu-00587-00192970-00193494 and then we've got our down the chimney ML_Rks5NJAu-00588-00193495-00193995 also gorgeous also gorgeous I hope you ML_Rks5NJAu-00589-00193996-00194211 guys enjoyed this video I hope I helped ML_Rks5NJAu-00590-00194212-00194494 you out in deciding which warmer you ML_Rks5NJAu-00591-00194495-00194649 would like to purchase or for the ML_Rks5NJAu-00592-00194650-00194922 consultants how to describe the warmers ML_Rks5NJAu-00593-00194923-00195246 to your customers I hope that with my ML_Rks5NJAu-00594-00195247-00195453 sensing videos it does give you guys the ML_Rks5NJAu-00595-00195454-00195657 opportunity to decide whether it's ML_Rks5NJAu-00596-00195658-00195885 something for you or something to give ML_Rks5NJAu-00597-00195886-00196083 to your loved ones or friends and as ML_Rks5NJAu-00598-00196084-00196359 consultants I hope that it does help you ML_Rks5NJAu-00599-00196360-00196575 guys out and describing it to your ML_Rks5NJAu-00600-00196576-00196894 potential customers MMoSUwNb7zk-00000-00000009-00000671 [Music] MMoSUwNb7zk-00001-00000672-00001619 so MMoSUwNb7zk-00002-00001620-00001991 [Music] MMoSUwNb7zk-00003-00001992-00002094 so MMoSUwNb7zk-00004-00002095-00003751 [Music] MMoSUwNb7zk-00005-00003752-00003960 you MNgXU9sQzOk-00000-00000068-00000359 information technology it is the use of MNgXU9sQzOk-00001-00000360-00000653 computers to store retrieve transmit and MNgXU9sQzOk-00002-00000654-00000923 manipulate data or information often in MNgXU9sQzOk-00003-00000924-00001108 the context of a business or other MNgXU9sQzOk-00004-00001109-00001424 Enterprise IT is considered to be a MNgXU9sQzOk-00005-00001425-00001657 subset of information and communications MNgXU9sQzOk-00006-00001659-00002030 technology ICT humans have been storing MNgXU9sQzOk-00007-00002030-00002234 retrieving manipulating and MNgXU9sQzOk-00008-00002235-00002429 communicating information since the MNgXU9sQzOk-00009-00002430-00002645 Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed MNgXU9sQzOk-00010-00002646-00002908 writing in about 3000 BC but the term MNgXU9sQzOk-00011-00002909-00003113 information technology in its modern MNgXU9sQzOk-00012-00003114-00003404 sense first appeared in a 1958 article MNgXU9sQzOk-00013-00003404-00003569 published in the Harvard Business Review MNgXU9sQzOk-00014-00003570-00003833 authors Harold J Leavitt and Thomas L MNgXU9sQzOk-00015-00003834-00004028 Whistler commented that the new MNgXU9sQzOk-00016-00004029-00004270 technology does not yet have a single MNgXU9sQzOk-00017-00004271-00004520 established name we shall call it MNgXU9sQzOk-00018-00004521-00004822 information technology it their MNgXU9sQzOk-00019-00004823-00005020 definition consists of three categories MNgXU9sQzOk-00020-00005021-00005231 techniques for processing the MNgXU9sQzOk-00021-00005232-00005413 application of statistical and MNgXU9sQzOk-00022-00005414-00005624 mathematical methods to decision making MNgXU9sQzOk-00023-00005625-00005831 and the simulation of higher order MNgXU9sQzOk-00024-00005832-00006038 thinking through computer programs the MNgXU9sQzOk-00025-00006039-00006236 term is commonly used as a synonym for MNgXU9sQzOk-00026-00006237-00006478 computers and computer networks but it MNgXU9sQzOk-00027-00006479-00006673 also encompasses other information MNgXU9sQzOk-00028-00006675-00006866 distribution technologies such as MNgXU9sQzOk-00029-00006867-00007133 television and telephones several MNgXU9sQzOk-00030-00007134-00007352 products or services within an economy MNgXU9sQzOk-00031-00007353-00007549 are associated with information MNgXU9sQzOk-00032-00007550-00007774 technology including computer hardware MNgXU9sQzOk-00033-00007775-00008063 software electronics semiconductors MNgXU9sQzOk-00034-00008064-00008267 internet telecom equipment and MNgXU9sQzOk-00035-00008268-00008485 e-commerce based on the storage and MNgXU9sQzOk-00036-00008486-00008708 processing technologies employed it is MNgXU9sQzOk-00037-00008709-00008921 possible to distinguish four distinct MNgXU9sQzOk-00038-00008922-00009181 phases of IT development pre mechanical MNgXU9sQzOk-00039-00009182-00009631 3000 BC to 1450 80 mechanical 1450 to MNgXU9sQzOk-00040-00009632-00010058 1840 electromechanical 1840 to 1940 and MNgXU9sQzOk-00041-00010059-00010414 electronic 1940 present this article MNgXU9sQzOk-00042-00010415-00010601 focuses on the most recent period MNgXU9sQzOk-00043-00010602-00011414 electronic which began in about 1940 MNgXU9sQzOk-00044-00011415-00012072 topic history of computer technology MNgXU9sQzOk-00045-00012073-00012367 devices have been used to a computation MNgXU9sQzOk-00046-00012368-00012553 for thousands of years probably MNgXU9sQzOk-00047-00012554-00012751 initially in the form of a tally stick MNgXU9sQzOk-00048-00012752-00013060 the Antikythera mechanism dating from MNgXU9sQzOk-00049-00013061-00013249 about the beginning of the first century MNgXU9sQzOk-00050-00013250-00013471 BC is generally considered to be the MNgXU9sQzOk-00051-00013472-00013624 earliest known mechanical analog MNgXU9sQzOk-00052-00013625-00013828 computer and the earliest known geared MNgXU9sQzOk-00053-00013829-00014143 mechanism comparable geared devices did MNgXU9sQzOk-00054-00014144-00014353 not emerge in Europe until the 16th MNgXU9sQzOk-00055-00014354-00014668 century and it was not until 1645 that MNgXU9sQzOk-00056-00014669-00014893 the first mechanical calculator capable MNgXU9sQzOk-00057-00014894-00015078 of performing the four basic arithmetic MNgXU9sQzOk-00058-00015079-00015328 operations was developed electronic MNgXU9sQzOk-00059-00015329-00015583 computers using either relays or valves MNgXU9sQzOk-00060-00015584-00015937 began to appear in the early 1940s the MNgXU9sQzOk-00061-00015938-00016144 electromechanical zeus a said three MNgXU9sQzOk-00062-00016144-00016450 completed in 1941 was the world's first MNgXU9sQzOk-00063-00016451-00016663 programmable computer and by modern MNgXU9sQzOk-00064-00016664-00016882 standards one of the first machines that MNgXU9sQzOk-00065-00016883-00017074 could be considered a complete computing MNgXU9sQzOk-00066-00017075-00017371 machine colossus developed during the MNgXU9sQzOk-00067-00017372-00017578 second world war to decrypt german MNgXU9sQzOk-00068-00017579-00017769 messages was the first electronic MNgXU9sQzOk-00069-00017770-00018019 digital computer although it was MNgXU9sQzOk-00070-00018020-00018217 programmable it was not general-purpose MNgXU9sQzOk-00071-00018218-00018457 being designed to perform only a single MNgXU9sQzOk-00072-00018458-00018793 task it also lacked the ability to store MNgXU9sQzOk-00073-00018794-00019021 its program in memory programming was MNgXU9sQzOk-00074-00019022-00019246 carried out using plugs and switchers to MNgXU9sQzOk-00075-00019247-00019513 alter the internal wiring the first MNgXU9sQzOk-00076-00019514-00019729 recognizably modern electronic digital MNgXU9sQzOk-00077-00019730-00019939 stored program computer was the MNgXU9sQzOk-00078-00019940-00020152 manchester baby which ran its first MNgXU9sQzOk-00079-00020153-00020475 program on the 21st of june 1948 the MNgXU9sQzOk-00080-00020476-00020680 development of transistors in the late MNgXU9sQzOk-00081-00020681-00020953 1940s at Bell Laboratories allowed a new MNgXU9sQzOk-00082-00020954-00021187 generation of computers to be designed MNgXU9sQzOk-00083-00021188-00021390 with greatly reduced power consumption MNgXU9sQzOk-00084-00021391-00021672 the first commercially available stored MNgXU9sQzOk-00085-00021673-00021922 program computer the Ferranti mark one MNgXU9sQzOk-00086-00021923-00022225 contained 4050 valves and had a power MNgXU9sQzOk-00087-00022226-00022525 consumption of 25 kilowatts by MNgXU9sQzOk-00088-00022526-00022728 comparison the first transistorized MNgXU9sQzOk-00089-00022729-00022966 computer developed at the University of MNgXU9sQzOk-00090-00022967-00023209 Manchester and operational by November MNgXU9sQzOk-00091-00023210-00023596 1953 consumed only 150 watts in its MNgXU9sQzOk-00092-00023597-00024199 final version MNgXU9sQzOk-00093-00024200-00024846 topic electronic data processing MNgXU9sQzOk-00094-00024847-00025192 you MNgXU9sQzOk-00095-00025193-00025741 topic data storage MNgXU9sQzOk-00096-00025742-00025977 early electronic computers such as MNgXU9sQzOk-00097-00025979-00026227 Colossus made use of punch tape a long MNgXU9sQzOk-00098-00026227-00026422 strip of paper on which data was MNgXU9sQzOk-00099-00026423-00026644 represented by a series of holes a MNgXU9sQzOk-00100-00026645-00026958 technology now obsolete electronic data MNgXU9sQzOk-00101-00026960-00027151 storage which is used in modern MNgXU9sQzOk-00102-00027152-00027400 computers dates from World War two when MNgXU9sQzOk-00103-00027401-00027577 a form of delay line memory was MNgXU9sQzOk-00104-00027577-00027751 developed to remove the clutter from MNgXU9sQzOk-00105-00027752-00027955 radar signals the first practical MNgXU9sQzOk-00106-00027956-00028150 application of which was the mercury MNgXU9sQzOk-00107-00028151-00028411 delay line the first random-access MNgXU9sQzOk-00108-00028412-00028666 digital storage device was the Williams MNgXU9sQzOk-00109-00028667-00028894 tube based on a standard cathode ray MNgXU9sQzOk-00110-00028895-00029101 tube but the information stored in it MNgXU9sQzOk-00111-00029102-00029311 and delay line memory was volatile in MNgXU9sQzOk-00112-00029312-00029508 that it had to be continuously refreshed MNgXU9sQzOk-00113-00029510-00029745 and thus was lost once power was removed MNgXU9sQzOk-00114-00029747-00030010 the earliest form of non-volatile MNgXU9sQzOk-00115-00030011-00030238 computer storage was the magnetic drum MNgXU9sQzOk-00116-00030239-00030499 invented in 1932 and used in the MNgXU9sQzOk-00117-00030500-00030702 Ferranti mark 1 the world's first MNgXU9sQzOk-00118-00030704-00030889 commercially available general-purpose MNgXU9sQzOk-00119-00030889-00031162 electronic computer IBM introduced the MNgXU9sQzOk-00120-00031163-00031435 first hard disk drive in 1956 as a MNgXU9sQzOk-00121-00031436-00031758 component of their 305 Ram a computer MNgXU9sQzOk-00122-00031760-00032092 system most digital data today is still MNgXU9sQzOk-00123-00032093-00032308 stored magnetically on hard disks or MNgXU9sQzOk-00124-00032308-00032706 optically on media such as CD ROMs until MNgXU9sQzOk-00125-00032707-00032986 2002 most information was stored on MNgXU9sQzOk-00126-00032987-00033226 analog devices but that year digital MNgXU9sQzOk-00127-00033227-00033466 storage capacity exceeded analog for the MNgXU9sQzOk-00128-00033467-00033937 first time as of 2007 almost 94% of the MNgXU9sQzOk-00129-00033938-00034191 data stored worldwide was held digitally MNgXU9sQzOk-00130-00034192-00034603 52% on hard disks 28% on optical devices MNgXU9sQzOk-00131-00034604-00034999 and 11% on digital magnetic tape it has MNgXU9sQzOk-00132-00035000-00035152 been estimated that the worldwide MNgXU9sQzOk-00133-00035153-00035371 capacity to store information on MNgXU9sQzOk-00134-00035372-00035629 electronic devices grew from less than 3 MNgXU9sQzOk-00135-00035630-00036160 exabytes in 1986 to 295 exabytes in 2007 MNgXU9sQzOk-00136-00036161-00036825 doubling roughly every 3 years MNgXU9sQzOk-00137-00036826-00037334 topic databases MNgXU9sQzOk-00138-00037335-00037631 database management systems emerged in MNgXU9sQzOk-00139-00037632-00037874 the 1960s to address the problem of MNgXU9sQzOk-00140-00037875-00038078 storing and retrieving large amounts of MNgXU9sQzOk-00141-00038079-00038354 data accurately and quickly one of the MNgXU9sQzOk-00142-00038355-00038570 earliest such systems was IBM's MNgXU9sQzOk-00143-00038571-00038759 information management system MNgXU9sQzOk-00144-00038760-00039011 IMS which is still widely deployed more MNgXU9sQzOk-00145-00039012-00039346 than 50 years later ims stalls data MNgXU9sQzOk-00146-00039347-00039665 hierarchically but in the 1970s ted kord MNgXU9sQzOk-00147-00039666-00039872 proposed an alternative relational MNgXU9sQzOk-00148-00039873-00040094 storage model based on set theory and MNgXU9sQzOk-00149-00040095-00040256 predicate logic and the familiar MNgXU9sQzOk-00150-00040257-00040598 concepts of tables rows and columns the MNgXU9sQzOk-00151-00040599-00040802 first commercially available relational MNgXU9sQzOk-00152-00040803-00041111 database management system our DBMS was MNgXU9sQzOk-00153-00041112-00041369 available from Oracle in 1981 all MNgXU9sQzOk-00154-00041370-00041633 database management systems consist of a MNgXU9sQzOk-00155-00041634-00041834 number of components that together allow MNgXU9sQzOk-00156-00041835-00042026 the data they store to be accessed MNgXU9sQzOk-00157-00042027-00042248 simultaneously by many users while MNgXU9sQzOk-00158-00042249-00042469 maintaining its integrity a MNgXU9sQzOk-00159-00042470-00042707 characteristic of all databases is that MNgXU9sQzOk-00160-00042708-00042887 the structure of the data they contain MNgXU9sQzOk-00161-00042888-00043124 is defined and stored separately from MNgXU9sQzOk-00162-00043125-00043391 the data itself in a database schema the MNgXU9sQzOk-00163-00043392-00043637 extensible markup language XML has MNgXU9sQzOk-00164-00043638-00043840 become a popular format for data MNgXU9sQzOk-00165-00043841-00044153 representation in recent years although MNgXU9sQzOk-00166-00044154-00044414 XML data can be stored in normal file MNgXU9sQzOk-00167-00044415-00044618 systems it is commonly held in MNgXU9sQzOk-00168-00044619-00044849 relational databases to take advantage MNgXU9sQzOk-00169-00044850-00045143 of their robust implementation verified MNgXU9sQzOk-00170-00045144-00045365 by years of both theoretical and MNgXU9sQzOk-00171-00045366-00045683 practical effort as an evolution of the MNgXU9sQzOk-00172-00045684-00045884 standard generalized markup language MNgXU9sQzOk-00173-00045885-00046205 sgml xml's text-based structure offers MNgXU9sQzOk-00174-00046206-00046439 the advantage of being both machine and MNgXU9sQzOk-00175-00046440-00047013 human readable MNgXU9sQzOk-00176-00047014-00047667 topic data retrieval the relational MNgXU9sQzOk-00177-00047668-00047910 database model introduced a programming MNgXU9sQzOk-00178-00047911-00048114 language independent structured query MNgXU9sQzOk-00179-00048115-00048440 language SQL based on relational algebra MNgXU9sQzOk-00180-00048441-00048987 the terms data and information are not MNgXU9sQzOk-00181-00048988-00049278 synonymous anything stored is data but MNgXU9sQzOk-00182-00049279-00049470 it only becomes information when it is MNgXU9sQzOk-00183-00049471-00049680 organized and presented meaningfully MNgXU9sQzOk-00184-00049681-00049959 most of the world's digital data is MNgXU9sQzOk-00185-00049960-00050193 unstructured and stored in a variety of MNgXU9sQzOk-00186-00050194-00050439 different physical formats even within a MNgXU9sQzOk-00187-00050440-00050751 single organization data warehouses MNgXU9sQzOk-00188-00050752-00051012 began to be developed in the 1980s to MNgXU9sQzOk-00189-00051013-00051282 integrate these disparate stores they MNgXU9sQzOk-00190-00051283-00051504 typically contain data extracted from MNgXU9sQzOk-00191-00051504-00051732 various sources including external MNgXU9sQzOk-00192-00051733-00051951 sources such as the internet organized MNgXU9sQzOk-00193-00051952-00052197 in such a way as to facilitate decision MNgXU9sQzOk-00194-00052198-00052865 support systems DSS MNgXU9sQzOk-00195-00052866-00053486 topic data transmission data MNgXU9sQzOk-00196-00053487-00053702 transmission has three aspects MNgXU9sQzOk-00197-00053703-00053975 transmission propagation and reception MNgXU9sQzOk-00198-00053976-00054236 it can be broadly categorized as MNgXU9sQzOk-00199-00054237-00054452 broadcasting in which information is MNgXU9sQzOk-00200-00054453-00054683 transmitted unidirectionally downstream MNgXU9sQzOk-00201-00054684-00054869 or telecommunications with MNgXU9sQzOk-00202-00054870-00055046 bi-directional upstream and downstream MNgXU9sQzOk-00203-00055047-00055301 channels XML has been increasingly MNgXU9sQzOk-00204-00055302-00055496 employed as a means of data interchange MNgXU9sQzOk-00205-00055497-00055792 since the early 2000s particularly for MNgXU9sQzOk-00206-00055794-00055994 machine oriented interactions such as MNgXU9sQzOk-00207-00055995-00056249 those involved in web oriented protocols MNgXU9sQzOk-00208-00056250-00056564 such as soap describing data in transit MNgXU9sQzOk-00209-00056565-00056769 rather than MNgXU9sQzOk-00210-00056770-00057138 data at rest one of the challenges of MNgXU9sQzOk-00211-00057139-00057363 such usage is converting data from MNgXU9sQzOk-00212-00057364-00057636 relational databases into XML document MNgXU9sQzOk-00213-00057637-00058336 object model Dom structures MNgXU9sQzOk-00214-00058337-00059020 topic data manipulation Hilbert and MNgXU9sQzOk-00215-00059021-00059278 Lopez identified the exponential pace of MNgXU9sQzOk-00216-00059279-00059485 technological change a kind of Moore's MNgXU9sQzOk-00217-00059486-00059679 Law machines application-specific MNgXU9sQzOk-00218-00059679-00059926 capacity to compute information per MNgXU9sQzOk-00219-00059927-00060169 capita roughly doubled every 14 months MNgXU9sQzOk-00220-00060170-00060504 between 1986 and 2007 the per-capita MNgXU9sQzOk-00221-00060504-00060733 capacity of the world's general-purpose MNgXU9sQzOk-00222-00060734-00061015 computers doubled every 18 months during MNgXU9sQzOk-00223-00061016-00061203 the same two decades the global MNgXU9sQzOk-00224-00061204-00061432 telecommunication capacity per capita MNgXU9sQzOk-00225-00061433-00061678 doubled every 34 months the world's MNgXU9sQzOk-00226-00061679-00061905 storage capacity per capita required MNgXU9sQzOk-00227-00061907-00062149 roughly 40 months to double every three MNgXU9sQzOk-00228-00062150-00062341 years and per capita broadcast MNgXU9sQzOk-00229-00062341-00062641 information has doubled every 12.3 years MNgXU9sQzOk-00230-00062641-00062827 massive amounts of data is stored MNgXU9sQzOk-00231-00062828-00063046 worldwide every day but unless it can be MNgXU9sQzOk-00232-00063047-00063267 analyzed and presented effectively it MNgXU9sQzOk-00233-00063269-00063441 essentially resides in what had been MNgXU9sQzOk-00234-00063442-00063772 called data toons data archives that are MNgXU9sQzOk-00235-00063773-00064126 seldom visited to address that issue the MNgXU9sQzOk-00236-00064127-00064378 field of data mining the process of MNgXU9sQzOk-00237-00064379-00064585 discovering interesting patterns and MNgXU9sQzOk-00238-00064586-00064857 knowledge from large amounts of data MNgXU9sQzOk-00239-00064858-00065603 emerged in the late 1980s MNgXU9sQzOk-00240-00065604-00066153 topic perspectives MNgXU9sQzOk-00241-00066154-00066499 you MNgXU9sQzOk-00242-00066500-00067080 topic academic perspective MNgXU9sQzOk-00243-00067081-00067371 in an academic context the Association MNgXU9sQzOk-00244-00067372-00067623 for Computing Machinery defines IT as MNgXU9sQzOk-00245-00067624-00067830 undergraduate degree programs that MNgXU9sQzOk-00246-00067831-00068031 prepare students to meet the computer MNgXU9sQzOk-00247-00068032-00068223 technology needs of business government MNgXU9sQzOk-00248-00068224-00068511 healthcare schools and other kinds of MNgXU9sQzOk-00249-00068512-00068925 organizations IT specialists assume MNgXU9sQzOk-00250-00068926-00069153 responsibility for selecting hardware MNgXU9sQzOk-00251-00069154-00069360 and software products appropriate for an MNgXU9sQzOk-00252-00069361-00069597 organization integrating those products MNgXU9sQzOk-00253-00069598-00069765 with organizational needs and MNgXU9sQzOk-00254-00069766-00069929 infrastructure and installing MNgXU9sQzOk-00255-00069930-00070125 customizing and maintaining those MNgXU9sQzOk-00256-00070126-00070341 applications for the organization's MNgXU9sQzOk-00257-00070342-00070939 computer users MNgXU9sQzOk-00258-00070940-00071218 topic commercial and employment MNgXU9sQzOk-00259-00071219-00071601 perspective MNgXU9sQzOk-00260-00071602-00071814 companies in the information technology MNgXU9sQzOk-00261-00071815-00072075 field are often discussed as a group as MNgXU9sQzOk-00262-00072076-00072486 the tech sector all the tech industry in MNgXU9sQzOk-00263-00072487-00072714 a business context the Information MNgXU9sQzOk-00264-00072715-00072951 Technology Association of America has MNgXU9sQzOk-00265-00072952-00073209 defined information technology as the MNgXU9sQzOk-00266-00073210-00073539 study design development application MNgXU9sQzOk-00267-00073540-00073848 implementation support or management of MNgXU9sQzOk-00268-00073849-00074234 computer-based information systems the MNgXU9sQzOk-00269-00074235-00074454 responsibilities of those working in the MNgXU9sQzOk-00270-00074455-00074642 field include Network administration MNgXU9sQzOk-00271-00074643-00074895 software development and installation MNgXU9sQzOk-00272-00074896-00075069 and the planning and management of an MNgXU9sQzOk-00273-00075070-00075324 organization's technology lifecycle by MNgXU9sQzOk-00274-00075325-00075474 which hardware and software are MNgXU9sQzOk-00275-00075475-00075807 maintained upgraded and replaced the MNgXU9sQzOk-00276-00075808-00076035 business value of information technology MNgXU9sQzOk-00277-00076036-00076227 lies in the automation of business MNgXU9sQzOk-00278-00076228-00076452 processes provision of information for MNgXU9sQzOk-00279-00076453-00076659 decision-making connecting businesses MNgXU9sQzOk-00280-00076660-00076839 with their customers and the provision MNgXU9sQzOk-00281-00076840-00077025 of productivity tools to increase MNgXU9sQzOk-00282-00077026-00077597 efficiency MNgXU9sQzOk-00283-00077598-00078176 topic ethical perspectives MNgXU9sQzOk-00284-00078177-00078413 the field of information ethics was MNgXU9sQzOk-00285-00078414-00078626 established by mathematician Norbert MNgXU9sQzOk-00286-00078627-00078941 Wiener in the 1940s some of the ethical MNgXU9sQzOk-00287-00078942-00079154 issues associated with the use of MNgXU9sQzOk-00288-00079155-00079499 information technology include breaches MNgXU9sQzOk-00289-00079500-00079709 of copyright by those downloading files MNgXU9sQzOk-00290-00079710-00079892 stored without the permission of the MNgXU9sQzOk-00291-00079893-00080207 copyright holders employers monitoring MNgXU9sQzOk-00292-00080208-00080375 their employees emails and other MNgXU9sQzOk-00293-00080376-00080734 internet usage unsolicited emails MNgXU9sQzOk-00294-00080735-00081164 hackers accessing online databases web MNgXU9sQzOk-00295-00081165-00081389 sites installing cookies or spyware to MNgXU9sQzOk-00296-00081390-00082049 monitor users online activities MNgXU9sQzOk-00297-00082050-00082598 topic see also MNgXU9sQzOk-00298-00082599-00083037 computing data processing health MNgXU9sQzOk-00299-00083038-00083364 information technology information and MNgXU9sQzOk-00300-00083365-00083660 communications technology ICT MNgXU9sQzOk-00301-00083661-00084024 information management journal of cases MNgXU9sQzOk-00302-00084025-00084324 on information technology knowledge MNgXU9sQzOk-00303-00084325-00084675 society list of the largest information MNgXU9sQzOk-00304-00084676-00084969 technology companies outline of MNgXU9sQzOk-00305-00084970-00085497 information technology computer science MpF7yuGCMJY-00000-00000000-00000098 foreign MpF7yuGCMJY-00001-00000099-00000157 [Music] MpF7yuGCMJY-00002-00000158-00000407 term especially MpF7yuGCMJY-00003-00000408-00000628 when you consider MpF7yuGCMJY-00004-00000629-00001025 a person's age something that's old to MpF7yuGCMJY-00005-00001026-00001216 you may not be MpF7yuGCMJY-00006-00001217-00001516 old to me because I've got MpF7yuGCMJY-00007-00001517-00001817 a lot of more years under my belt MpF7yuGCMJY-00008-00001818-00002249 but uh yeah the length of History MpF7yuGCMJY-00009-00002250-00002500 is relative to your own experience I MpF7yuGCMJY-00010-00002501-00002718 think MpF7yuGCMJY-00011-00002719-00003107 [Music] MpF7yuGCMJY-00012-00003108-00003479 my name is Deanna bynicki and I am the MpF7yuGCMJY-00013-00003479-00003622 director here at the Fort Thomas MpF7yuGCMJY-00014-00003623-00003838 military and community history museum MpF7yuGCMJY-00015-00003839-00004127 and have been so for the past six years MpF7yuGCMJY-00016-00004128-00004409 we are housed in a building that was MpF7yuGCMJY-00017-00004410-00004583 built in 1910. MpF7yuGCMJY-00018-00004584-00004786 a little bit of background MpF7yuGCMJY-00019-00004787-00005069 in 1867 the Commonwealth of Kentucky MpF7yuGCMJY-00020-00005070-00005309 created a legislative district called MpF7yuGCMJY-00021-00005310-00005585 the District of the Highlands MpF7yuGCMJY-00022-00005586-00005747 in MpF7yuGCMJY-00023-00005748-00006149 1887 MpF7yuGCMJY-00024-00006150-00006503 after back-to-back floods the Newport MpF7yuGCMJY-00025-00006504-00006628 barracks MpF7yuGCMJY-00026-00006629-00006803 was flooded MpF7yuGCMJY-00027-00006804-00007187 twice and the MpF7yuGCMJY-00028-00007188-00007378 Department of the army was looking for a MpF7yuGCMJY-00029-00007379-00007625 place to relocate the military presence MpF7yuGCMJY-00030-00007626-00007763 for Northern Kentucky MpF7yuGCMJY-00031-00007764-00007925 [Music] MpF7yuGCMJY-00032-00007926-00008201 the District of the Highlands was almost MpF7yuGCMJY-00033-00008202-00008477 completely agricultural there were a few MpF7yuGCMJY-00034-00008478-00008819 residences where people lived in the MpF7yuGCMJY-00035-00008820-00009059 district but worked in the city as MpF7yuGCMJY-00036-00009060-00009364 retail Grocers or as clerks in MpF7yuGCMJY-00037-00009365-00009587 Cincinnati Covington or Newport MpF7yuGCMJY-00038-00009588-00010109 before it was active when active in 1895 MpF7yuGCMJY-00039-00010110-00010241 even though it had been under MpF7yuGCMJY-00040-00010242-00010595 construction since 1889. you know you've MpF7yuGCMJY-00041-00010596-00010764 been to Scotland you've been to England MpF7yuGCMJY-00042-00010765-00011038 those buildings are much older than the MpF7yuGCMJY-00043-00011039-00011338 buildings here in this country MpF7yuGCMJY-00044-00011339-00011645 um the oldest building in this city MpF7yuGCMJY-00045-00011646-00012035 is a house that was built in 1830. MpF7yuGCMJY-00046-00012036-00012238 done right across from Saint Catherine MpF7yuGCMJY-00047-00012239-00012581 church MpF7yuGCMJY-00048-00012582-00012808 probably some of the oldest buildings MpF7yuGCMJY-00049-00012809-00013072 that I've seen in this country are in MpF7yuGCMJY-00050-00013073-00013330 Virginia and Massachusetts MpF7yuGCMJY-00051-00013331-00013451 but MpF7yuGCMJY-00052-00013452-00013679 old also means MpF7yuGCMJY-00053-00013680-00013829 [Music] MpF7yuGCMJY-00054-00013830-00014075 that it might just be something that's MpF7yuGCMJY-00055-00014076-00014375 old to us MpF7yuGCMJY-00056-00014376-00014801 foreign MpF7yuGCMJY-00057-00014802-00014980 yeah I really think it's such an MpF7yuGCMJY-00058-00014981-00015191 interesting concept of what people think MpF7yuGCMJY-00059-00015191-00015413 when they say chords because yes in my MpF7yuGCMJY-00060-00015413-00015557 flat the flat I live in I'm thinking MpF7yuGCMJY-00061-00015558-00015779 right now was built in 1829 and it's MpF7yuGCMJY-00062-00015780-00015965 like it's kind of old but like I say MpF7yuGCMJY-00063-00015966-00016193 it's nothing compared to like the castle MpF7yuGCMJY-00064-00016194-00016817 [Music] MpF7yuGCMJY-00065-00016818-00017057 so my name's Sally Chalmers I am the MpF7yuGCMJY-00066-00017058-00017230 learning officer at Edinburgh Castle MpF7yuGCMJY-00067-00017231-00017494 which basically means I run the Castle's MpF7yuGCMJY-00068-00017495-00017753 learning programs so that's working with MpF7yuGCMJY-00069-00017754-00017957 all ages from like Nursery School kids MpF7yuGCMJY-00070-00017958-00018208 all the way up to adult Learners and to MpF7yuGCMJY-00071-00018209-00018329 kind of engage them with the castle MpF7yuGCMJY-00072-00018330-00018515 using a variety of different methods MpF7yuGCMJY-00073-00018516-00018983 like workshops like trails and like MpF7yuGCMJY-00074-00018984-00019235 physical resources like handling boxes MpF7yuGCMJY-00075-00019236-00019450 and and like project longer term MpF7yuGCMJY-00076-00019451-00019643 projects MpF7yuGCMJY-00077-00019644-00019883 um to give a brief summary of Edinburgh MpF7yuGCMJY-00078-00019884-00020117 Castle's history is quite difficult and MpF7yuGCMJY-00079-00020118-00020297 also it's quite difficult to say when it MpF7yuGCMJY-00080-00020298-00020549 was built and so the oldest building MpF7yuGCMJY-00081-00020550-00020800 Still Standing is about 900 years old so MpF7yuGCMJY-00082-00020801-00021022 it was built in the 1100s it's a really MpF7yuGCMJY-00083-00021023-00021329 small church called St Margaret's Chapel MpF7yuGCMJY-00084-00021330-00021521 um and it's the only structure that MpF7yuGCMJY-00085-00021522-00021713 remains certainly from that time but we MpF7yuGCMJY-00086-00021714-00021922 have records of the site being occupied MpF7yuGCMJY-00087-00021923-00022186 and there being a castle or fortress on MpF7yuGCMJY-00088-00022187-00022397 there since the Bronze Age so that's MpF7yuGCMJY-00089-00022398-00022589 like since I'm just gonna find the exact MpF7yuGCMJY-00090-00022590-00022847 so between three thousand 5000 years ago MpF7yuGCMJY-00091-00022848-00023057 and so we've got evidence of like MpF7yuGCMJY-00092-00023058-00023297 ditches they dug and walls and then we MpF7yuGCMJY-00093-00023298-00023417 also have physical evidence of things MpF7yuGCMJY-00094-00023418-00023614 they left behind like Combs and broaches MpF7yuGCMJY-00095-00023615-00023843 and so the site's been occupied for MpF7yuGCMJY-00096-00023844-00024077 three thousand to five thousand years MpF7yuGCMJY-00097-00024078-00024203 um but the oldest building you can still MpF7yuGCMJY-00098-00024204-00024472 go and physically see is 900 years old MpF7yuGCMJY-00099-00024473-00024707 so like anything kind of a couple of MpF7yuGCMJY-00100-00024708-00024911 hundred years old I would consider to be MpF7yuGCMJY-00101-00024912-00025175 old historic on the other hand I think MpF7yuGCMJY-00102-00025176-00025325 means something something significant MpF7yuGCMJY-00103-00025326-00025522 happened there or it has some sort of MpF7yuGCMJY-00104-00025523-00025739 significance and so I would say my flat MpF7yuGCMJY-00105-00025739-00025883 even though it's 200 years old isn't MpF7yuGCMJY-00106-00025883-00026044 historic because nothing interesting has MpF7yuGCMJY-00107-00026045-00026231 ever happened here and whereas obviously MpF7yuGCMJY-00108-00026232-00026411 Edward Castle very historic very MpF7yuGCMJY-00109-00026412-00026717 historically significant and it also is MpF7yuGCMJY-00110-00026718-00026885 like so historic environment Scotland MpF7yuGCMJY-00111-00026886-00027101 the organization I work for one of our MpF7yuGCMJY-00112-00027102-00027281 jobs is listing buildings so like saying MpF7yuGCMJY-00113-00027282-00027443 a building's really old and really MpF7yuGCMJY-00114-00027444-00027802 important it needs to be protected MpF7yuGCMJY-00115-00027804-00027935 um and we recently listed the building MpF7yuGCMJY-00116-00027936-00028139 and they're known locally as the banana MpF7yuGCMJY-00117-00028139-00028390 flats and it was built in the 1960s and MpF7yuGCMJY-00118-00028391-00028552 I think it caused a bit of a ferror as MpF7yuGCMJY-00119-00028554-00028805 people being like the 1960s that's not MpF7yuGCMJY-00120-00028806-00029057 really old but it's more that it's MpF7yuGCMJY-00121-00029058-00029285 historic in that it's a really MpF7yuGCMJY-00122-00029286-00029435 significant example of ritualist MpF7yuGCMJY-00123-00029436-00029614 architecture so we think it's an MpF7yuGCMJY-00124-00029616-00029824 important building to preserve so that MpF7yuGCMJY-00125-00029825-00030046 in 200 years when people look back they MpF7yuGCMJY-00126-00030047-00030262 can kind of see examples of it so I MpF7yuGCMJY-00127-00030263-00030358 think there's a little bit of a MpF7yuGCMJY-00128-00030360-00030716 difference between historical there MOPB-qWOdFo-00000-00000023-00000055 [Music] MOPB-qWOdFo-00001-00000056-00000440 all right welcome back you guys enjoyed MOPB-qWOdFo-00002-00000441-00000623 day off at least from lecture on MOPB-qWOdFo-00003-00000624-00000890 Wednesday so today we're going to finish MOPB-qWOdFo-00004-00000891-00000994 up we're going to talk about a couple MOPB-qWOdFo-00005-00000996-00001478 more small bits that affect how Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00006-00001479-00001660 classes work couple of additional MOPB-qWOdFo-00007-00001661-00001859 modifiers that we can use on our classes MOPB-qWOdFo-00008-00001860-00002171 and then we're going to start talking MOPB-qWOdFo-00009-00002172-00002423 about Java references so up till this MOPB-qWOdFo-00010-00002424-00002747 point we've been using objects we've MOPB-qWOdFo-00011-00002748-00002948 been creating our own new types of MOPB-qWOdFo-00012-00002949-00003155 objects using Java classes but we MOPB-qWOdFo-00013-00003156-00003397 haven't been as accurate as we need to MOPB-qWOdFo-00014-00003398-00003640 be about what's exactly happening when MOPB-qWOdFo-00015-00003642-00003938 we store an object in a variable and how MOPB-qWOdFo-00016-00003939-00004118 exactly that works you might have MOPB-qWOdFo-00017-00004119-00004379 noticed some differences between how MOPB-qWOdFo-00018-00004380-00004595 things were compared with the Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00019-00004596-00004835 primitive types but today we're going to MOPB-qWOdFo-00020-00004836-00005140 make this more clear exactly what a MOPB-qWOdFo-00021-00005141-00005527 variable that stores a Java object holds MOPB-qWOdFo-00022-00005528-00005793 and what implications that has for MOPB-qWOdFo-00023-00005794-00005963 various types of things particularly MOPB-qWOdFo-00024-00005964-00006118 when we start to call functions and pass MOPB-qWOdFo-00025-00006119-00006322 them a Java object how does that work MOPB-qWOdFo-00026-00006323-00006653 and when we will talk a little bit next MOPB-qWOdFo-00027-00006654-00006895 week on Wednesday I think about some MOPB-qWOdFo-00028-00006897-00007109 implications that this has for how Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00029-00007109-00007295 manages memories well that's kind of fun MOPB-qWOdFo-00030-00007295-00007505 all right so well this was an MOPB-qWOdFo-00031-00007506-00007678 appropriate point in the semester to MOPB-qWOdFo-00032-00007679-00007892 just give you a reminder about the MOPB-qWOdFo-00033-00007893-00008087 course plagiarism policy this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00034-00008088-00008249 something that we take very seriously MOPB-qWOdFo-00035-00008250-00008467 we've invested time and energy in MOPB-qWOdFo-00036-00008468-00008669 building systems and tools that allow us MOPB-qWOdFo-00037-00008670-00008813 to do this without having to spend very MOPB-qWOdFo-00038-00008814-00009014 much time on it the reason for that is I MOPB-qWOdFo-00039-00009015-00009158 don't want to spend time in this class MOPB-qWOdFo-00040-00009159-00009310 on the people that aren't here to learn MOPB-qWOdFo-00041-00009311-00009623 and earn their grade honestly so at the MOPB-qWOdFo-00042-00009624-00009760 end of the semester we're going to take MOPB-qWOdFo-00043-00009761-00009920 all the code you submit for the MPS MOPB-qWOdFo-00044-00009921-00010088 we're gonna run it through a bunch of MOPB-qWOdFo-00045-00010089-00010238 you know pretty well-designed system MOPB-qWOdFo-00046-00010239-00010520 this takes me about half a day at the MOPB-qWOdFo-00047-00010521-00010714 end of that process I suspect if this MOPB-qWOdFo-00048-00010715-00011006 year is like past semesters that twenty MOPB-qWOdFo-00049-00011007-00011135 twenty-five of you are going to get MOPB-qWOdFo-00050-00011136-00011364 notifications from me that you have MOPB-qWOdFo-00051-00011365-00011612 violated the course plagiarism policies MOPB-qWOdFo-00052-00011613-00011852 that will go on your permanent record as MOPB-qWOdFo-00053-00011853-00011989 part of the university that will result MOPB-qWOdFo-00054-00011990-00012224 in losing points for the class obviously MOPB-qWOdFo-00055-00012225-00012401 this is something that you may have to MOPB-qWOdFo-00056-00012402-00012595 talk about with future employers when MOPB-qWOdFo-00057-00012596-00012893 you apply for a job you know the the MOPB-qWOdFo-00058-00012894-00013178 cases that we bring are 100% MOPB-qWOdFo-00059-00013179-00013352 airtight I've had I think MOPB-qWOdFo-00060-00013353-00013571 one appeal like one-and-a-half appeals MOPB-qWOdFo-00061-00013572-00013778 over the past two semesters so we're MOPB-qWOdFo-00062-00013779-00013982 good at this right I take no pleasure in MOPB-qWOdFo-00063-00013983-00014156 doing this by the way I don't want you MOPB-qWOdFo-00064-00014157-00014269 to make this sound like this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00065-00014271-00014483 something I enjoy I really I hate it MOPB-qWOdFo-00066-00014484-00014576 this is why I've leave it till the very MOPB-qWOdFo-00067-00014577-00014744 end of the semester I know there's a lot MOPB-qWOdFo-00068-00014744-00014858 of people here that are here for the MOPB-qWOdFo-00069-00014859-00015008 right reasons they're here to learn MOPB-qWOdFo-00070-00015009-00015179 they're doing their best if they don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00071-00015180-00015386 get a perfect score on the NP they don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00072-00015387-00015613 you know message a friend and have them MOPB-qWOdFo-00073-00015615-00015805 send their their their code and cheat MOPB-qWOdFo-00074-00015806-00016037 they just try better next time try MOPB-qWOdFo-00075-00016038-00016172 harder next time and that's what I want MOPB-qWOdFo-00076-00016172-00016385 right and that's why we do this we do MOPB-qWOdFo-00077-00016386-00016547 this because there are people in this MOPB-qWOdFo-00078-00016548-00016709 class who are going to cheat it's a MOPB-qWOdFo-00079-00016710-00016906 large class so the law of large numbers MOPB-qWOdFo-00080-00016907-00017117 dictates that a few of you are going to MOPB-qWOdFo-00081-00017118-00017366 decide to do this for whatever reason I MOPB-qWOdFo-00082-00017367-00017648 don't understand why and we want to make MOPB-qWOdFo-00083-00017649-00017999 sure that that you don't earn you don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00084-00018000-00018152 get the things that other students in MOPB-qWOdFo-00085-00018153-00018410 the class are earning through their hard MOPB-qWOdFo-00086-00018411-00018668 work right you don't get treated in the MOPB-qWOdFo-00087-00018669-00018836 same way as a student who does their MOPB-qWOdFo-00088-00018837-00018947 best and even if they don't get a MOPB-qWOdFo-00089-00018948-00019103 perfect scores is just gonna have to MOPB-qWOdFo-00090-00019104-00019244 live with that right that's that's what MOPB-qWOdFo-00091-00019245-00019369 happens right sometimes you work really MOPB-qWOdFo-00092-00019370-00019529 hard things don't quite turn out the way MOPB-qWOdFo-00093-00019530-00019844 you want that's okay a lot of you you MOPB-qWOdFo-00094-00019845-00019958 know when I'm interacting with you I've MOPB-qWOdFo-00095-00019959-00020093 been really impressed with a positive MOPB-qWOdFo-00096-00020094-00020246 attitude you bring to this you know MOPB-qWOdFo-00097-00020247-00020438 people you know when when they don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00098-00020439-00020552 start it early enough sometimes you know MOPB-qWOdFo-00099-00020553-00020705 could be early deadline points that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00100-00020706-00020900 what they're for right since anybody's MOPB-qWOdFo-00101-00020901-00021025 you to start earlier so maybe the thing MOPB-qWOdFo-00102-00021026-00021227 you do next time is you know make sure MOPB-qWOdFo-00103-00021228-00021434 that you start the MP a little bit more MOPB-qWOdFo-00104-00021435-00021557 ahead of time to make sure you get those MOPB-qWOdFo-00105-00021558-00021743 points but when it comes to plagiarism I MOPB-qWOdFo-00106-00021744-00021863 mean this is stuff that's just totally MOPB-qWOdFo-00107-00021864-00022058 unacceptable right we know that it MOPB-qWOdFo-00108-00022059-00022313 happens we take these steps to make sure MOPB-qWOdFo-00109-00022314-00022589 that we respond to it and that's all I MOPB-qWOdFo-00110-00022590-00022744 want to say about it but you know if you MOPB-qWOdFo-00111-00022745-00022886 have found yourself in this situation I MOPB-qWOdFo-00112-00022887-00023039 will point out one thing which is that MOPB-qWOdFo-00113-00023040-00023507 if you come forward to us and say you MOPB-qWOdFo-00114-00023508-00023725 know what I made a mistake that will MOPB-qWOdFo-00115-00023726-00023997 affect how we handle the situation right MOPB-qWOdFo-00116-00023998-00024278 if I don't have to go out and find you MOPB-qWOdFo-00117-00024279-00024665 which again we will if you will come to MOPB-qWOdFo-00118-00024666-00024863 me and say you know what I got really MOPB-qWOdFo-00119-00024864-00025022 scared and I submitted something I MOPB-qWOdFo-00120-00025023-00025184 shouldn't have and you know I'm willing MOPB-qWOdFo-00121-00025185-00025427 to accept the penalty we will factor MOPB-qWOdFo-00122-00025428-00025565 that in in terms of how we handle the MOPB-qWOdFo-00123-00025566-00025894 situation right but this is never okay MOPB-qWOdFo-00124-00025895-00026417 100% alright so that's the I hate MOPB-qWOdFo-00125-00026418-00026582 talking about it okay so let's go back MOPB-qWOdFo-00126-00026583-00026711 and talk about a couple of MOPB-qWOdFo-00127-00026712-00026852 modifiers that we have that we can apply MOPB-qWOdFo-00128-00026852-00027118 to our java classes one of these you MOPB-qWOdFo-00129-00027119-00027227 already have to figure out for one of MOPB-qWOdFo-00130-00027227-00027506 this week's homework problems and that MOPB-qWOdFo-00131-00027507-00027686 is the final keyword so when you design MOPB-qWOdFo-00132-00027687-00027964 your new java object your new type right MOPB-qWOdFo-00133-00027966-00028154 you have a couple of ways of indicating MOPB-qWOdFo-00134-00028155-00028468 to the java type system how your class MOPB-qWOdFo-00135-00028469-00028777 should be used if you mark it as final MOPB-qWOdFo-00136-00028779-00029081 what this means is that nobody can MOPB-qWOdFo-00137-00029082-00029351 extend your class so for example in this MOPB-qWOdFo-00138-00029352-00029539 case I've got a pet class that class is MOPB-qWOdFo-00139-00029541-00029795 not marked as final so it's okay on line MOPB-qWOdFo-00140-00029795-00030068 two for me to extend that into a dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00141-00030069-00030329 class but because I've marked that dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00142-00030330-00030562 class as final that third class MOPB-qWOdFo-00143-00030563-00030793 declaration will not work you cannot MOPB-qWOdFo-00144-00030794-00031031 extend a final class if you think about MOPB-qWOdFo-00145-00031032-00031235 it think about the tree that's formed by MOPB-qWOdFo-00146-00031236-00031454 all the Java classes putting final on MOPB-qWOdFo-00147-00031455-00031643 your class means that it is a leaf there MOPB-qWOdFo-00148-00031644-00031952 will be no nodes that can extend and MOPB-qWOdFo-00149-00031952-00032249 this is appropriate in certain cases all MOPB-qWOdFo-00150-00032250-00032477 right that's that's one thing I'm not MOPB-qWOdFo-00151-00032477-00032602 I'm not going to dwell on these these MOPB-qWOdFo-00152-00032603-00032837 are not particularly useful for our MOPB-qWOdFo-00153-00032838-00033002 purposes although they will maybe appear MOPB-qWOdFo-00154-00033003-00033218 on the homework but you won't have to MOPB-qWOdFo-00155-00033219-00033346 use them on an EMPI but you might see MOPB-qWOdFo-00156-00033347-00033496 them when you read java code MOPB-qWOdFo-00157-00033497-00033731 the other one is abstract so i'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00158-00033732-00033998 startled more interesting and final an MOPB-qWOdFo-00159-00033999-00034430 abstract class can only be extended it MOPB-qWOdFo-00160-00034431-00034733 cannot be created so i can't create an MOPB-qWOdFo-00161-00034734-00034937 object of a class that's marked as MOPB-qWOdFo-00162-00034938-00035336 abstract i can extend it but i can't MOPB-qWOdFo-00163-00035337-00035521 create it using the new keyword so for MOPB-qWOdFo-00164-00035522-00035735 example here i've created an abstract MOPB-qWOdFo-00165-00035736-00036146 class called pet i've that and and the MOPB-qWOdFo-00166-00036147-00036281 reason i do this you might wonder why MOPB-qWOdFo-00167-00036282-00036533 right the reason you do this is if that MOPB-qWOdFo-00168-00036534-00036796 class is really only designed to be MOPB-qWOdFo-00169-00036797-00037106 extended to be a parent to be to hold MOPB-qWOdFo-00170-00037107-00037358 common information so for example if i MOPB-qWOdFo-00171-00037359-00037514 was designing my library to store MOPB-qWOdFo-00172-00037515-00037693 different types of pets it'd be a MOPB-qWOdFo-00173-00037694-00037835 reasonable decision to say you know what MOPB-qWOdFo-00174-00037836-00038065 there's no such thing as a pet you can't MOPB-qWOdFo-00175-00038066-00038227 create a pet you have to decide what it MOPB-qWOdFo-00176-00038228-00038456 is right you can't just say i'm gonna MOPB-qWOdFo-00177-00038457-00038627 create a new pet object has to be a dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00178-00038628-00038798 or a cat or a turtle or a lizard or a MOPB-qWOdFo-00179-00038799-00039077 ferret or whatever snake or whatever you MOPB-qWOdFo-00180-00039078-00039589 you have so if I mark my pet class is MOPB-qWOdFo-00181-00039590-00039964 abstract then I can't do I can't do this MOPB-qWOdFo-00182-00039965-00040106 a line three will fail MOPB-qWOdFo-00183-00040107-00040370 because I cannot instantiate I cannot MOPB-qWOdFo-00184-00040371-00040646 create an object of the type that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00185-00040647-00040874 marked as abstract I can't extend it and MOPB-qWOdFo-00186-00040875-00041054 again that's really the only point if MOPB-qWOdFo-00187-00041055-00041231 you mark the class's abstract you're MOPB-qWOdFo-00188-00041232-00041399 essentially saying the only thing this MOPB-qWOdFo-00189-00041400-00041537 class is good for is to hold common MOPB-qWOdFo-00190-00041538-00041687 information so that other classes can MOPB-qWOdFo-00191-00041688-00041954 extend it that's it and so I may want to MOPB-qWOdFo-00192-00041955-00042209 I probably and I'm intending to extend MOPB-qWOdFo-00193-00042210-00042419 it there'd be no point mark into classes MOPB-qWOdFo-00194-00042420-00042572 abstract if it's never extended because MOPB-qWOdFo-00195-00042573-00042680 then it's just holding common MOPB-qWOdFo-00196-00042681-00042920 information that nobody is used so here MOPB-qWOdFo-00197-00042921-00043238 I extend the class into a dog class MOPB-qWOdFo-00198-00043239-00043355 that's going to provide some dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00199-00043356-00043514 specifics it's going to add some dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00200-00043515-00043733 specific information to my pet class MOPB-qWOdFo-00201-00043734-00043916 that called common information that all MOPB-qWOdFo-00202-00043917-00044225 pets have and I can icon I'm allowed to MOPB-qWOdFo-00203-00044226-00044447 instantiate that class that's why so MOPB-qWOdFo-00204-00044448-00044636 that's my other neither keyword and MOPB-qWOdFo-00205-00044637-00044792 again I wanted to talk about these MOPB-qWOdFo-00206-00044793-00045014 briefly and show them to you in case MOPB-qWOdFo-00207-00045015-00045224 you're reading you know code out there MOPB-qWOdFo-00208-00045225-00045383 and in the world and you see these in MOPB-qWOdFo-00209-00045384-00045680 your wonder what they're for but we're MOPB-qWOdFo-00210-00045681-00045980 not going to we're not going to dwell ok MOPB-qWOdFo-00211-00045981-00046457 so here's an interesting question so far MOPB-qWOdFo-00212-00046458-00046685 we've seen you know when you declare a MOPB-qWOdFo-00213-00046686-00046874 class usually you mark it as public MOPB-qWOdFo-00214-00046875-00047045 right sometimes you just mark it as a MOPB-qWOdFo-00215-00047046-00047225 class that means it's private within MOPB-qWOdFo-00216-00047226-00047543 that package but can we create a private MOPB-qWOdFo-00217-00047544-00048164 Java class so the answer is not the way MOPB-qWOdFo-00218-00048165-00048434 that we've talked about it so far so I MOPB-qWOdFo-00219-00048435-00048689 can create a private top-level class if MOPB-qWOdFo-00220-00048690-00048806 I did that it would mean that nobody MOPB-qWOdFo-00221-00048807-00049049 could create one and that would be MOPB-qWOdFo-00222-00049050-00049277 particularly you know useless right so MOPB-qWOdFo-00223-00049278-00049496 if I create a private Java class it's MOPB-qWOdFo-00224-00049497-00049604 like the tree that falls in the woods MOPB-qWOdFo-00225-00049605-00049763 with nobody listening like I can't use MOPB-qWOdFo-00226-00049764-00049793 it MOPB-qWOdFo-00227-00049794-00050123 right so what's the point however I can MOPB-qWOdFo-00228-00050124-00050441 accomplish something similar so yeah to MOPB-qWOdFo-00229-00050442-00050561 in order to use the class I have to MOPB-qWOdFo-00230-00050562-00050720 create it in order to create an app to MOPB-qWOdFo-00231-00050721-00050912 call the constructor if the entire class MOPB-qWOdFo-00232-00050913-00051182 is private then I can't call any of its MOPB-qWOdFo-00233-00051183-00051430 methods and so I can't even create that MOPB-qWOdFo-00234-00051432-00051580 class right so that doesn't make a lot MOPB-qWOdFo-00235-00051582-00051911 of sense and again this is not something MOPB-qWOdFo-00236-00051912-00052037 we're going to talk about a lot now but MOPB-qWOdFo-00237-00052038-00052325 we will use this idea when we talk when MOPB-qWOdFo-00238-00052326-00052499 we start talking about data structures MOPB-qWOdFo-00239-00052500-00052811 the week after next so next week is our MOPB-qWOdFo-00240-00052812-00052979 last week of talking about Java objects MOPB-qWOdFo-00241-00052979-00053120 we're going to talk about interfaces and MOPB-qWOdFo-00242-00053121-00053240 finish talking about references which MOPB-qWOdFo-00243-00053241-00053380 we'll start talking about today MOPB-qWOdFo-00244-00053382-00053603 the week after which is a week before MOPB-qWOdFo-00245-00053604-00053807 break we will transition to the third MOPB-qWOdFo-00246-00053808-00053933 unit in the class and we'll start MOPB-qWOdFo-00247-00053934-00054050 talking about data structures and MOPB-qWOdFo-00248-00054051-00054227 algorithms which is super fun by the way MOPB-qWOdFo-00249-00054228-00054512 that's probably the most interesting fun MOPB-qWOdFo-00250-00054513-00054773 unit of the entire course right a lot of MOPB-qWOdFo-00251-00054774-00054899 what we've been doing so far is kind of MOPB-qWOdFo-00252-00054900-00055088 setting you up so that you could start MOPB-qWOdFo-00253-00055089-00055304 to enjoy talking about some of the cool MOPB-qWOdFo-00254-00055304-00055463 things that we're gonna do in the last MOPB-qWOdFo-00255-00055464-00055826 part of your life so but if I want a MOPB-qWOdFo-00256-00055827-00056000 private class I can do this so this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00257-00056001-00056303 what's called an inner class and you'll MOPB-qWOdFo-00258-00056304-00056462 notice something that we haven't seen MOPB-qWOdFo-00259-00056463-00056765 before I'm declaring a class inside MOPB-qWOdFo-00260-00056766-00057151 another class so I've got a public class MOPB-qWOdFo-00261-00057152-00057698 whose definition starts on line one but MOPB-qWOdFo-00262-00057699-00057908 then inside my public class I've also MOPB-qWOdFo-00263-00057909-00058054 got something that looks a lot like a MOPB-qWOdFo-00264-00058055-00058214 class declaration and it is a class MOPB-qWOdFo-00265-00058215-00058423 declaration and it can't appear here MOPB-qWOdFo-00266-00058424-00058808 inside my dog line I'm creating a dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00267-00058809-00059294 food class inside my dog class and if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00268-00059295-00059536 declare a class inside another class MOPB-qWOdFo-00269-00059537-00059888 this is typically used for information MOPB-qWOdFo-00270-00059889-00060103 that the dog class is going to store MOPB-qWOdFo-00271-00060104-00060355 alright so the dog class you know if I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00272-00060357-00060587 a dog I'm pretty food obsessed that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00273-00060588-00060686 something that's important to me MOPB-qWOdFo-00274-00060687-00061046 and so it makes sense for me to have a MOPB-qWOdFo-00275-00061047-00061394 class inside this object that allows me MOPB-qWOdFo-00276-00061395-00061549 to store information about dogs that MOPB-qWOdFo-00277-00061550-00061874 class is not accessible it can be MOPB-qWOdFo-00278-00061875-00062015 accessible but it doesn't have to be MOPB-qWOdFo-00279-00062016-00062321 accessible outside of its parent or or MOPB-qWOdFo-00280-00062322-00062558 outside of the enclosing class sorry MOPB-qWOdFo-00281-00062559-00062746 that's that's an important distinction MOPB-qWOdFo-00282-00062747-00063113 dog is not the parent of dog food MOPB-qWOdFo-00283-00063114-00063353 it's the enclosing class it's the class MOPB-qWOdFo-00284-00063354-00063667 that dog food is declared inside so MOPB-qWOdFo-00285-00063669-00063857 inside this class I can create you know MOPB-qWOdFo-00286-00063858-00064115 here my dog has a private instance of MOPB-qWOdFo-00287-00064116-00064313 dog food if you know dogs it's probably MOPB-qWOdFo-00288-00064314-00064523 not just a one instance of probably like MOPB-qWOdFo-00289-00064524-00064916 an array of dog food but and then when MOPB-qWOdFo-00290-00064916-00065066 I'm creating my dog class I have a MOPB-qWOdFo-00291-00065066-00065315 constructor here I can call new dog food MOPB-qWOdFo-00292-00065316-00065675 and store an instance of the dog food MOPB-qWOdFo-00293-00065676-00065879 object in within this class right so MOPB-qWOdFo-00294-00065880-00066188 this this will work so here's my little MOPB-qWOdFo-00295-00066189-00066311 example MOPB-qWOdFo-00296-00066312-00066614 so I've declared my class dog food out MOPB-qWOdFo-00297-00066615-00066745 here MOPB-qWOdFo-00298-00066746-00067181 let's declare a new to string method MOPB-qWOdFo-00299-00067182-00067346 let's override the object to string MOPB-qWOdFo-00300-00067347-00067466 method here and what we'll do is we'll MOPB-qWOdFo-00301-00067467-00067898 return my food to string so that's now MOPB-qWOdFo-00302-00067899-00068084 going to call the two string method that MOPB-qWOdFo-00303-00068085-00068372 I've defined on the dog food class as my MOPB-qWOdFo-00304-00068373-00068642 food is a dog food object it was created MOPB-qWOdFo-00305-00068643-00068855 in the constructor so now when I call to MOPB-qWOdFo-00306-00068856-00069023 string just going to return the result MOPB-qWOdFo-00307-00069024-00069590 of calling the dog poop constructor and MOPB-qWOdFo-00308-00069591-00070385 you can see that this works and so if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00309-00070386-00070766 try yeah so so and this is this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00310-00070767-00070940 really important here right so again MOPB-qWOdFo-00311-00070941-00071150 that the dog food class that's declared MOPB-qWOdFo-00312-00071151-00071420 in here right now is only visible within MOPB-qWOdFo-00313-00071421-00071771 the dog class so dog methods on the dog MOPB-qWOdFo-00314-00071772-00072053 class can create dog food objects and MOPB-qWOdFo-00315-00072054-00072320 save them within the class itself but if MOPB-qWOdFo-00316-00072321-00072572 I try to create a dog food MOPB-qWOdFo-00317-00072573-00072919 class outside of the dog class it fails MOPB-qWOdFo-00318-00072920-00073234 so this is effectively a private class MOPB-qWOdFo-00319-00073235-00073562 outside the dog class nobody else can MOPB-qWOdFo-00320-00073563-00073832 see or use this class and this is again MOPB-qWOdFo-00321-00073833-00074111 quite useful when we talk we're gonna MOPB-qWOdFo-00322-00074112-00074348 talk you know again and this is super MOPB-qWOdFo-00323-00074349-00074444 fun part of class to start talking about MOPB-qWOdFo-00324-00074445-00074612 lists and trees and different ways of MOPB-qWOdFo-00325-00074613-00074828 structuring data the examples that we MOPB-qWOdFo-00326-00074829-00075266 use are going to use this idea so a list MOPB-qWOdFo-00327-00075267-00075425 is going to use this to store the nodes MOPB-qWOdFo-00328-00075426-00075587 inside the list the tree is going to use MOPB-qWOdFo-00329-00075588-00075884 it to store the nodes inside which okay MOPB-qWOdFo-00330-00075885-00076223 good all right any questions on this MOPB-qWOdFo-00331-00076224-00076429 before we go on start talking about MOPB-qWOdFo-00332-00076430-00076779 references MOPB-qWOdFo-00333-00076780-00077150 so we will so at this point I mean by MOPB-qWOdFo-00334-00077151-00077243 the end of next week MOPB-qWOdFo-00335-00077244-00077417 you guys will know as much about objects MOPB-qWOdFo-00336-00077418-00077571 as we need to know to go on and start MOPB-qWOdFo-00337-00077572-00077697 talking about data structures once we MOPB-qWOdFo-00338-00077698-00077801 start talking about data structures MOPB-qWOdFo-00339-00077802-00077960 that's going to give us a chance to come MOPB-qWOdFo-00340-00077961-00078179 back and and talk about a couple more MOPB-qWOdFo-00341-00078180-00078407 additional object features all right so MOPB-qWOdFo-00342-00078408-00078597 we're not done talking about imperative MOPB-qWOdFo-00343-00078598-00078735 programming we're not done talking about MOPB-qWOdFo-00344-00078736-00079060 objects we will continue to introduce MOPB-qWOdFo-00345-00079061-00079406 more bits and pieces of new ideas within MOPB-qWOdFo-00346-00079407-00079592 those topics once we start talking about MOPB-qWOdFo-00347-00079593-00079803 data structures but we're at the point MOPB-qWOdFo-00348-00079804-00079971 now getting close to the point where we MOPB-qWOdFo-00349-00079972-00080243 can actually do some fun stuff with core MOPB-qWOdFo-00350-00080244-00080468 computer science topics like algorithms MOPB-qWOdFo-00351-00080469-00080610 algorithms the data structures guys now MOPB-qWOdFo-00352-00080611-00080929 and know enough for us to move forward MOPB-qWOdFo-00353-00080930-00081187 all right so let's talk about references MOPB-qWOdFo-00354-00081188-00081435 this is a new idea but it's something MOPB-qWOdFo-00355-00081436-00081591 that we've been using you guys haven't MOPB-qWOdFo-00356-00081592-00081771 noticed because we haven't been precise MOPB-qWOdFo-00357-00081772-00081966 about it but starting today we're gonna MOPB-qWOdFo-00358-00081967-00082221 start to be more precise about what we MOPB-qWOdFo-00359-00082222-00082631 store in a variable when that variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00360-00082632-00082913 store is an object what we store is MOPB-qWOdFo-00361-00082914-00083150 actually not the object itself what we MOPB-qWOdFo-00362-00083151-00083279 store is something that's known as a MOPB-qWOdFo-00363-00083280-00083703 reference to the object so here's the MOPB-qWOdFo-00364-00083704-00083847 definition of reference is a value that MOPB-qWOdFo-00365-00083848-00084123 enables a program to indirectly access a MOPB-qWOdFo-00366-00084124-00084404 particular piece of data in this case MOPB-qWOdFo-00367-00084405-00084836 the the instance of the object so the MOPB-qWOdFo-00368-00084837-00085025 reference is not the object but the MOPB-qWOdFo-00369-00085026-00085272 reference is something that I can use to MOPB-qWOdFo-00370-00085273-00085610 refer to the object I can use the MOPB-qWOdFo-00371-00085611-00085904 reference to get to the object that it MOPB-qWOdFo-00372-00085905-00086099 were first that we talked about a MOPB-qWOdFo-00373-00086100-00086294 reference variable in Java as referring MOPB-qWOdFo-00374-00086295-00086523 to an object that means it's stores not MOPB-qWOdFo-00375-00086524-00086831 the object itself but information about MOPB-qWOdFo-00376-00086832-00087098 how to retrieve the object and its MOPB-qWOdFo-00377-00087099-00087390 contents accessing the rest sometimes we MOPB-qWOdFo-00378-00087391-00087563 actually call accessing the data D MOPB-qWOdFo-00379-00087564-00087710 referencing the reference we won't use MOPB-qWOdFo-00380-00087711-00087873 that terminology as much but we will MOPB-qWOdFo-00381-00087874-00088071 start to use the word reference when we MOPB-qWOdFo-00382-00088072-00088290 talk about Java variables that store MOPB-qWOdFo-00383-00088291-00088505 objects because they actually don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00384-00088506-00088730 store objects what they do is they store MOPB-qWOdFo-00385-00088731-00089072 a reference to an object so now we're MOPB-qWOdFo-00386-00089073-00089243 gonna start talking about this type of MOPB-qWOdFo-00387-00089244-00089681 variable on line 6 as a reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00388-00089682-00089846 variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00389-00089847-00090185 okay and and this is this will make some MOPB-qWOdFo-00390-00090186-00090431 things make a little bit more sense okay MOPB-qWOdFo-00391-00090432-00090806 so for example right now so I create MOPB-qWOdFo-00392-00090807-00091053 this this dummy person class just so MOPB-qWOdFo-00393-00091054-00091223 that I can play around a little bit here MOPB-qWOdFo-00394-00091224-00091613 and then on line six when I'm actually MOPB-qWOdFo-00395-00091614-00091943 doing is I'm telling Java I want a MOPB-qWOdFo-00396-00091944-00092180 reference variable that's going to store MOPB-qWOdFo-00397-00092181-00092617 a reference to an object of type person MOPB-qWOdFo-00398-00092618-00093076 that reference variable is called me the MOPB-qWOdFo-00399-00093077-00093291 when you create a reference variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00400-00093292-00093587 like this and don't initialize it by MOPB-qWOdFo-00401-00093588-00093968 default it refers to nothing the way MOPB-qWOdFo-00402-00093969-00094205 that we we can change an existing MOPB-qWOdFo-00403-00094206-00094394 reference variable to refer to nothing MOPB-qWOdFo-00404-00094395-00094580 this by setting it to null null is a MOPB-qWOdFo-00405-00094581-00094772 special we talked before we said MOPB-qWOdFo-00406-00094773-00094973 analysis we were very clear about what MOPB-qWOdFo-00407-00094974-00095253 no was but what no is actually is it's a MOPB-qWOdFo-00408-00095254-00095547 reference it's a special reference value MOPB-qWOdFo-00409-00095548-00095831 that refers to nothing it indicates that MOPB-qWOdFo-00410-00095832-00096056 that reference variable does not store a MOPB-qWOdFo-00411-00096057-00096390 reference it's currently empty and so I MOPB-qWOdFo-00412-00096391-00096692 can't use it to refer to anything that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00413-00096693-00096897 why I can't take a no variable and use MOPB-qWOdFo-00414-00096898-00097124 dot notation on it because doing that MOPB-qWOdFo-00415-00097125-00097361 requires referring to an instance of an MOPB-qWOdFo-00416-00097362-00097556 object and if the variable is null it MOPB-qWOdFo-00417-00097557-00097769 doesn't refer to anything so I can't MOPB-qWOdFo-00418-00097770-00097955 dereference it if I do what I'm gonna MOPB-qWOdFo-00419-00097956-00098075 get is one of these null pointer MOPB-qWOdFo-00420-00098076-00098519 exceptions so now okay so a line 12 MOPB-qWOdFo-00421-00098520-00098772 essentially is the equivalent of line MOPB-qWOdFo-00422-00098773-00098947 six but it's a little bit more explicit MOPB-qWOdFo-00423-00098948-00099419 on line 14 what I'm doing now is I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00424-00099420-00099662 taking my existing reference variable of MOPB-qWOdFo-00425-00099663-00100019 type person and now I'm setting it so MOPB-qWOdFo-00426-00100020-00100294 that it refers to a new person object MOPB-qWOdFo-00427-00100295-00100710 okay so now one thing I want you to note MOPB-qWOdFo-00428-00100711-00100904 here is I have two reference variables MOPB-qWOdFo-00429-00100905-00101126 here one is called me and the other is MOPB-qWOdFo-00430-00101127-00101472 called you before line 14 runs both of MOPB-qWOdFo-00431-00101473-00101634 those reference variables are empty they MOPB-qWOdFo-00432-00101635-00101903 don't refer to anything after line 14 MOPB-qWOdFo-00433-00101904-00102344 runs I'm set the me reference variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00434-00102345-00102621 to refer to this new person object that MOPB-qWOdFo-00435-00102622-00103040 I've just created on line 15 so here's MOPB-qWOdFo-00436-00103041-00103257 where things start to get interest MOPB-qWOdFo-00437-00103258-00103446 this is where you're gonna start to see MOPB-qWOdFo-00438-00103447-00103563 some things that you haven't seen before MOPB-qWOdFo-00439-00103564-00103839 any and things we need to think about so MOPB-qWOdFo-00440-00103840-00104234 on line 15 what I'm doing is I'm and MOPB-qWOdFo-00441-00104235-00104424 this this looks very innocuous right MOPB-qWOdFo-00442-00104425-00104532 we've done this all semester I'm just MOPB-qWOdFo-00443-00104533-00104646 setting one variable to the value of MOPB-qWOdFo-00444-00104647-00104904 another but now that we're being more MOPB-qWOdFo-00445-00104905-00105069 specific about what's inside these MOPB-qWOdFo-00446-00105070-00105198 variables we have to think about what MOPB-qWOdFo-00447-00105199-00105480 this means so now what has actually MOPB-qWOdFo-00448-00105481-00105930 happened here is that you and me both MOPB-qWOdFo-00449-00105931-00106285 now refer to the same person object MOPB-qWOdFo-00450-00106286-00106641 there is only one person object that has MOPB-qWOdFo-00451-00106642-00106932 been created in my program at this point MOPB-qWOdFo-00452-00106933-00107205 it was created on line 14 and it was MOPB-qWOdFo-00453-00107206-00107439 initially the reference to that object MOPB-qWOdFo-00454-00107440-00107694 was initially saved in the reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00455-00107695-00108045 variable me then on line 15 I copied the MOPB-qWOdFo-00456-00108046-00108258 reference from me to you so now I have MOPB-qWOdFo-00457-00108258-00108588 two references to the same variable to MOPB-qWOdFo-00458-00108589-00108864 the same object but I still only have MOPB-qWOdFo-00459-00108865-00109286 one object and so now if I make changes MOPB-qWOdFo-00460-00109288-00109578 to that using either reference variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00461-00109579-00109733 we're going to see them be visible in MOPB-qWOdFo-00462-00109734-00110043 both places so now down here if this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00463-00110044-00110247 also what it meet this is also what the MOPB-qWOdFo-00464-00110248-00110459 double equality does this is the other MOPB-qWOdFo-00465-00110460-00110652 thing that we can clarify that we've MOPB-qWOdFo-00466-00110653-00110775 been telling you if you want to compare MOPB-qWOdFo-00467-00110776-00110952 Java objects you have to use dot equals MOPB-qWOdFo-00468-00110953-00111153 well we never explain why or what MOPB-qWOdFo-00469-00111154-00111372 happens when you just try to compare the MOPB-qWOdFo-00470-00111373-00111632 object the reference variables directly MOPB-qWOdFo-00471-00111633-00112056 so on line 16 this is going to print MOPB-qWOdFo-00472-00112057-00112299 true and the reason is that when you use MOPB-qWOdFo-00473-00112300-00112494 double equals on an object reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00474-00112495-00112695 what it's comparing is whether the MOPB-qWOdFo-00475-00112696-00112968 references refer to the same object and MOPB-qWOdFo-00476-00112969-00113157 at this point they do because I set them MOPB-qWOdFo-00477-00113158-00113466 equal to each other on line 15 now down MOPB-qWOdFo-00478-00113467-00113679 here on line 17 I create a new person MOPB-qWOdFo-00479-00113680-00113922 object and save it in you so now at this MOPB-qWOdFo-00480-00113923-00114201 point I have two person objects in my MOPB-qWOdFo-00481-00114202-00114399 program I created one on line 14 that I MOPB-qWOdFo-00482-00114400-00114750 created the second on line 17 and me has MOPB-qWOdFo-00483-00114751-00114978 a reference to one of them and you has a MOPB-qWOdFo-00484-00114979-00115286 reference to the other so now if I print MOPB-qWOdFo-00485-00115288-00115431 at the very bottom whether those two MOPB-qWOdFo-00486-00115432-00115776 reference variables are equal it's going MOPB-qWOdFo-00487-00115777-00115944 to print false because they refer to MOPB-qWOdFo-00488-00115945-00116074 different objects MOPB-qWOdFo-00489-00116075-00116293 let's just confirm that this is the case MOPB-qWOdFo-00490-00116294-00117003 okay good so this is an important MOPB-qWOdFo-00491-00117004-00117202 distinction to understand and I know MOPB-qWOdFo-00492-00117203-00117525 this is new and so let's try to MOPB-qWOdFo-00493-00117526-00117721 understand this by the way of some MOPB-qWOdFo-00494-00117722-00118033 helpful analogies so a reference is not MOPB-qWOdFo-00495-00118033-00118333 the thing it refers to that's the most MOPB-qWOdFo-00496-00118333-00118474 important thing to remember when you MOPB-qWOdFo-00497-00118475-00118708 think about references a reference is a MOPB-qWOdFo-00498-00118708-00119194 different thing it refers to the object MOPB-qWOdFo-00499-00119195-00119401 but it is not the object so you guys MOPB-qWOdFo-00500-00119402-00119654 think of some real-world examples of MOPB-qWOdFo-00501-00119655-00119989 references you guys use these all the MOPB-qWOdFo-00502-00119990-00120258 time you may not have understood them as MOPB-qWOdFo-00503-00120259-00120765 such but yeah uh okay well okay the MOPB-qWOdFo-00504-00120766-00120958 person's name right what so if I wrote MOPB-qWOdFo-00505-00120958-00121263 your name on a on a piece of paper and MOPB-qWOdFo-00506-00121264-00121491 then I gave it to someone that piece of MOPB-qWOdFo-00507-00121492-00121635 paper is now a reference it refers to MOPB-qWOdFo-00508-00121636-00121884 you I can write down your name on ten MOPB-qWOdFo-00509-00121885-00122034 pieces of paper and give them to ten MOPB-qWOdFo-00510-00122035-00122229 different people now all of those people MOPB-qWOdFo-00511-00122230-00122427 have a reference to you how many copies MOPB-qWOdFo-00512-00122428-00122733 of you is there in the system what but MOPB-qWOdFo-00513-00122734-00122914 there are ten reference what's another MOPB-qWOdFo-00514-00122915-00123388 example yeah yeah so business card they MOPB-qWOdFo-00515-00123389-00123504 might have some Oh what one other MOPB-qWOdFo-00516-00123505-00123714 information is a business card have up MOPB-qWOdFo-00517-00123715-00124108 here's here's another example this is MOPB-qWOdFo-00518-00124108-00124215 card would have your name when else MOPB-qWOdFo-00519-00124216-00124500 other information would it have on it MOPB-qWOdFo-00520-00124501-00124908 yeah your address yeah so an address is MOPB-qWOdFo-00521-00124909-00125186 a great example right a street address MOPB-qWOdFo-00522-00125188-00125490 so I live somewhere I know that's hard MOPB-qWOdFo-00523-00125491-00125586 to believe MOPB-qWOdFo-00524-00125588-00125835 I don't like drop in from the ceiling of MOPB-qWOdFo-00525-00125836-00126031 Lincoln Hall every day and then they put MOPB-qWOdFo-00526-00126032-00126214 me back there at night and turn take out MOPB-qWOdFo-00527-00126215-00126564 my batteries so I have a I have a house MOPB-qWOdFo-00528-00126565-00126793 - nice house actually the house is an MOPB-qWOdFo-00529-00126794-00126949 address I'm certainly not giving you the MOPB-qWOdFo-00530-00126950-00127419 address particularly not on March 1st so MOPB-qWOdFo-00531-00127420-00127768 but if I if I give you ten different MOPB-qWOdFo-00532-00127769-00127933 copies of the address to my house I MOPB-qWOdFo-00533-00127933-00128415 still only have one house so the address MOPB-qWOdFo-00534-00128416-00128715 is a reference to my house it allows you MOPB-qWOdFo-00535-00128716-00128857 to find my house you could take my MOPB-qWOdFo-00536-00128858-00128983 address and you could stick it in Google MOPB-qWOdFo-00537-00128983-00129108 Maps and you can find my house and then MOPB-qWOdFo-00538-00129109-00129247 you could go there and throw eggs at it MOPB-qWOdFo-00539-00129248-00129418 or whatever MOPB-qWOdFo-00540-00129419-00129544 the other thing I want to point out is MOPB-qWOdFo-00541-00129545-00129880 that change is made by anybody who has a MOPB-qWOdFo-00542-00129881-00130168 reference to my house all change the MOPB-qWOdFo-00543-00130169-00130327 same house so again if one of you MOPB-qWOdFo-00544-00130328-00130450 decides to combine and paint my house MOPB-qWOdFo-00545-00130451-00130633 yellow then the next person who has a MOPB-qWOdFo-00546-00130633-00130756 reference of the house when they come by MOPB-qWOdFo-00547-00130757-00130963 they're gonna see that change that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00548-00130964-00131203 because there's only one object but MOPB-qWOdFo-00549-00131204-00131485 there can be many references to it I can MOPB-qWOdFo-00550-00131486-00131608 also give me references of different MOPB-qWOdFo-00551-00131609-00131767 types I could give one of you a street MOPB-qWOdFo-00552-00131768-00131905 address I could give the other GPS MOPB-qWOdFo-00553-00131906-00132070 coordinates I could give somebody else MOPB-qWOdFo-00554-00132071-00132301 like a plot number in Champaign system MOPB-qWOdFo-00555-00132302-00132529 where every every plot is assigned a MOPB-qWOdFo-00556-00132530-00132619 number or whatever and you could all use MOPB-qWOdFo-00557-00132620-00132757 that to find my house so there's MOPB-qWOdFo-00558-00132758-00132952 different ways to refer to it a phone MOPB-qWOdFo-00559-00132953-00133201 number same thing you can give out your MOPB-qWOdFo-00560-00133202-00133324 phone number to a bunch of people you MOPB-qWOdFo-00561-00133325-00133534 still only have one phone if one of them MOPB-qWOdFo-00562-00133535-00133735 calls you and you're talking on the MOPB-qWOdFo-00563-00133736-00133849 phone with somebody else the phone is MOPB-qWOdFo-00564-00133850-00133884 busy MOPB-qWOdFo-00565-00133885-00134134 alright so change is made by anybody who MOPB-qWOdFo-00566-00134135-00134269 has a reference if someone calls you and MOPB-qWOdFo-00567-00134270-00134485 leave some voicemail then you have one MOPB-qWOdFo-00568-00134486-00134629 more voicemail in your mailbox MOPB-qWOdFo-00569-00134630-00134890 I can also you can also have multiple MOPB-qWOdFo-00570-00134891-00135064 phone numbers that refer to the same MOPB-qWOdFo-00571-00135065-00135310 phone you may or may not know this but MOPB-qWOdFo-00572-00135311-00135517 the phone company maintains a mapping MOPB-qWOdFo-00573-00135518-00135739 between phone number and what's your MOPB-qWOdFo-00574-00135740-00136024 actual devices that's why when you MOPB-qWOdFo-00575-00136025-00136204 switch devices you don't have to get a MOPB-qWOdFo-00576-00136205-00136324 new phone number because they just MOPB-qWOdFo-00577-00136325-00136498 change the mapping that they have right MOPB-qWOdFo-00578-00136499-00136648 so when someone calls your number they MOPB-qWOdFo-00579-00136649-00136828 look up you know which device should MOPB-qWOdFo-00580-00136829-00136993 ring and then they send a signal to that MOPB-qWOdFo-00581-00136994-00137140 device and it starts ringing and you MOPB-qWOdFo-00582-00137141-00137311 establish a connection but I can also MOPB-qWOdFo-00583-00137312-00137503 have 10 different phone numbers that MOPB-qWOdFo-00584-00137504-00137833 return refer to the same device all MOPB-qWOdFo-00585-00137834-00137950 right so phone number is a good example MOPB-qWOdFo-00586-00137951-00138166 of a reference social security number is MOPB-qWOdFo-00587-00138167-00138451 one way to refer to a person again I can MOPB-qWOdFo-00588-00138452-00138625 give you lots of different copies of my MOPB-qWOdFo-00589-00138626-00138769 social security number there's still MOPB-qWOdFo-00590-00138770-00138913 only one person so these are all MOPB-qWOdFo-00591-00138914-00139201 examples of references the reference is MOPB-qWOdFo-00592-00139202-00139495 not the thing that it refers to it MOPB-qWOdFo-00593-00139496-00139933 allows us to locate that thing but it is MOPB-qWOdFo-00594-00139934-00140496 not the thing itself so when we copy MOPB-qWOdFo-00595-00140497-00141025 references we don't copy the thing that MOPB-qWOdFo-00596-00141026-00141304 they refer to again let's go back to our MOPB-qWOdFo-00597-00141305-00141523 analogy if I give you one of you a copy MOPB-qWOdFo-00598-00141524-00141766 of the address to my house and you make MOPB-qWOdFo-00599-00141767-00142000 a copy of it for a friend say you guys MOPB-qWOdFo-00600-00142001-00142177 for dinner and you know you guys write MOPB-qWOdFo-00601-00142178-00142312 it down and a couple pieces of paper MOPB-qWOdFo-00602-00142313-00142546 you're not copying my house you're MOPB-qWOdFo-00603-00142547-00142678 copying a reference to my house so I MOPB-qWOdFo-00604-00142679-00142804 still only have one house MOPB-qWOdFo-00605-00142805-00143275 do you now have several references so MOPB-qWOdFo-00606-00143276-00143425 again you know if I copy a phone number MOPB-qWOdFo-00607-00143426-00143632 I don't have two phones right a copy a MOPB-qWOdFo-00608-00143633-00143758 street address I don't have two houses MOPB-qWOdFo-00609-00143759-00143995 right if I copy a social security number MOPB-qWOdFo-00610-00143996-00144283 I don't copy the person I just have two MOPB-qWOdFo-00611-00144284-00144514 references to the same the same MOPB-qWOdFo-00612-00144515-00144991 underlying thing and so what that means MOPB-qWOdFo-00613-00144992-00145267 so so here's an example so I have a MOPB-qWOdFo-00614-00145268-00145651 person object called me and I initially MOPB-qWOdFo-00615-00145652-00145885 this is null I set it to refer to this MOPB-qWOdFo-00616-00145886-00146107 one person that exists in the city in MOPB-qWOdFo-00617-00146108-00146659 the system okay so and then I create a MOPB-qWOdFo-00618-00146660-00147232 new person reference on line six and I MOPB-qWOdFo-00619-00147233-00147445 have it refer to the same object I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00620-00147446-00147703 copying the reference not copying the MOPB-qWOdFo-00621-00147704-00148174 object so on line seven how many person MOPB-qWOdFo-00622-00148175-00148570 objects are there in my program one the MOPB-qWOdFo-00623-00148571-00148774 way to answer that question and you guys MOPB-qWOdFo-00624-00148775-00148963 are gonna there's gonna be questions on MOPB-qWOdFo-00625-00148964-00149146 upcoming quizzes and homeworks that are MOPB-qWOdFo-00626-00149147-00149260 going to require you to think about this MOPB-qWOdFo-00627-00149261-00149581 here's the trick if you don't see new MOPB-qWOdFo-00628-00149582-00149848 there's no new object so the number of MOPB-qWOdFo-00629-00149849-00150109 times new is called is the number of MOPB-qWOdFo-00630-00150110-00150262 objects that exist of that type in the MOPB-qWOdFo-00631-00150263-00150541 system here I've called new once on line MOPB-qWOdFo-00632-00150542-00150850 five that's it and so it doesn't matter MOPB-qWOdFo-00633-00150851-00151057 how many different reference variables I MOPB-qWOdFo-00634-00151058-00151312 create of type person and have them MOPB-qWOdFo-00635-00151313-00151477 refer to the same object I could create MOPB-qWOdFo-00636-00151478-00151792 a hundred if I only see new beam called MOPB-qWOdFo-00637-00151793-00152116 once then there's only one object if MOPB-qWOdFo-00638-00152117-00152233 it's called in a loop you have to count MOPB-qWOdFo-00639-00152234-00152353 the number of times as loop runs or MOPB-qWOdFo-00640-00152354-00152677 whatever but here there's one person and MOPB-qWOdFo-00641-00152678-00153037 so here's what's gonna happen so when I MOPB-qWOdFo-00642-00153038-00153415 get now to line eight you and me refer MOPB-qWOdFo-00643-00153416-00153763 to the same object and remember right I MOPB-qWOdFo-00644-00153764-00153925 told you that changes that you make to MOPB-qWOdFo-00645-00153926-00154156 an object using a reference affect the MOPB-qWOdFo-00646-00154157-00154315 underlying object and so anybody with a MOPB-qWOdFo-00647-00154316-00154453 reference to that object can see those MOPB-qWOdFo-00648-00154454-00154723 changes so here's an example on line MOPB-qWOdFo-00649-00154724-00154780 eight MOPB-qWOdFo-00650-00154781-00155098 I use the me variable to change the age MOPB-qWOdFo-00651-00155099-00155467 of this person to ten and then on line MOPB-qWOdFo-00652-00155468-00155812 nine I use the you reference variable to MOPB-qWOdFo-00653-00155813-00156040 print off the age of the person so I use MOPB-qWOdFo-00654-00156041-00156175 one reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00655-00156176-00156433 to change the age the second reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00656-00156434-00156816 to print the age and indeed I see that MOPB-qWOdFo-00657-00156817-00157141 the you reference refers to the same MOPB-qWOdFo-00658-00157142-00157477 object because it has recorded the MOPB-qWOdFo-00659-00157478-00157818 change that was made using the me MOPB-qWOdFo-00660-00157819-00158104 alright I actually have a diagram to MOPB-qWOdFo-00661-00158105-00158254 show this this is pretty kind of helpful MOPB-qWOdFo-00662-00158255-00158428 right this is one of the first places in MOPB-qWOdFo-00663-00158429-00158584 the class where it's nice to actually MOPB-qWOdFo-00664-00158585-00159097 have a picture to look at so here's what MOPB-qWOdFo-00665-00159098-00159397 happens line by line let me go back okay MOPB-qWOdFo-00666-00159398-00159777 at this point what I've created is a MOPB-qWOdFo-00667-00159778-00160060 variable called me that is going to that MOPB-qWOdFo-00668-00160061-00160327 is able to store a reference to a person MOPB-qWOdFo-00669-00160328-00160510 object doesn't store one yet because I MOPB-qWOdFo-00670-00160511-00160714 haven't initialize it right now it's MOPB-qWOdFo-00671-00160715-00160858 sort of nothing that stories no I tried MOPB-qWOdFo-00672-00160859-00160969 to use it I've got a null pointer MOPB-qWOdFo-00673-00160970-00161346 exception once I initialize it now I MOPB-qWOdFo-00674-00161347-00161713 have a reference variable called me that MOPB-qWOdFo-00675-00161714-00161941 stores a reference to a type to an MOPB-qWOdFo-00676-00161942-00162244 object of type person and I've created MOPB-qWOdFo-00677-00162245-00162532 that object over here using new so MOPB-qWOdFo-00678-00162533-00162841 here's my object initially because the MOPB-qWOdFo-00679-00162842-00163114 default value for intz and java that are MOPB-qWOdFo-00680-00163115-00163279 not initialized to zero initially my MOPB-qWOdFo-00681-00163280-00163708 ages here okay so now here's what this MOPB-qWOdFo-00682-00163709-00163954 looks like after I create this second MOPB-qWOdFo-00683-00163955-00164173 reference variable I've got two MOPB-qWOdFo-00684-00164174-00164398 reference variables each stores a MOPB-qWOdFo-00685-00164399-00164557 reference to an object of type person MOPB-qWOdFo-00686-00164558-00164932 and now they both refer to the same MOPB-qWOdFo-00687-00164933-00165253 person so I've got one object in the MOPB-qWOdFo-00688-00165254-00165718 system two references to it and that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00689-00165719-00166192 why if for example I use me to change MOPB-qWOdFo-00690-00166193-00166555 the age to ten so I use me followed by MOPB-qWOdFo-00691-00166556-00166759 the taught notation to access the aged MOPB-qWOdFo-00692-00166760-00166978 instance variable of this person class MOPB-qWOdFo-00693-00166979-00167311 and then I set it to ten if I then use MOPB-qWOdFo-00694-00167312-00167590 you to essentially retrieve the age and MOPB-qWOdFo-00695-00167591-00168016 print it off I get the same down so this MOPB-qWOdFo-00696-00168017-00168202 is you know again when you start working MOPB-qWOdFo-00697-00168203-00168505 with we've we have kept this under the MOPB-qWOdFo-00698-00168506-00168772 covers for now but now is the right poet MOPB-qWOdFo-00699-00168773-00168895 too tart talking about it because it MOPB-qWOdFo-00700-00168896-00169210 really does affect how things work this MOPB-qWOdFo-00701-00169211-00169503 is also a concept that is incredibly MOPB-qWOdFo-00702-00169504-00169632 important to computer science some MOPB-qWOdFo-00703-00169633-00169812 references are incredibly powerful I MOPB-qWOdFo-00704-00169813-00169944 think I have a slide about that at some MOPB-qWOdFo-00705-00169945-00170172 point so I'll wait till that point to MOPB-qWOdFo-00706-00170173-00170310 give my little spiel about how awesome MOPB-qWOdFo-00707-00170311-00170541 references are the references as an idea MOPB-qWOdFo-00708-00170542-00170808 get used all over the place they're MOPB-qWOdFo-00709-00170809-00171024 computer science right many many MOPB-qWOdFo-00710-00171025-00171333 different ways and you'll see them again MOPB-qWOdFo-00711-00171334-00171474 particularly when you start to program MOPB-qWOdFo-00712-00171475-00171618 in other languages something we just MOPB-qWOdFo-00713-00171619-00171756 call them pointers and there's some MOPB-qWOdFo-00714-00171757-00171873 rules about pointers that may be a MOPB-qWOdFo-00715-00171874-00171981 little different than references but MOPB-qWOdFo-00716-00171982-00172191 essentially they're very similar it's MOPB-qWOdFo-00717-00172192-00172374 something that refers to an underlying MOPB-qWOdFo-00718-00172375-00172707 object alright so I just did this MOPB-qWOdFo-00719-00172708-00172896 alright so let's do a slightly more MOPB-qWOdFo-00720-00172897-00173169 interesting example let's say I want to MOPB-qWOdFo-00721-00173170-00173637 swap the references that the reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00722-00173638-00173793 that me stores with the reference that MOPB-qWOdFo-00723-00173794-00174084 you stores so here what I've done is MOPB-qWOdFo-00724-00174085-00174216 I've created a slightly more complex MOPB-qWOdFo-00725-00174217-00174453 class that allows me to create it using MOPB-qWOdFo-00726-00174454-00174801 an initial value for the age and I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00727-00174802-00175026 gonna swap these I want to swap these MOPB-qWOdFo-00728-00175027-00175272 two values so essentially I want the me MOPB-qWOdFo-00729-00175273-00175533 reference variable to store a reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00730-00175534-00175821 to the object that was created with MOPB-qWOdFo-00731-00175822-00176093 initial age of 18 I'm going back in time MOPB-qWOdFo-00732-00176094-00176373 forcing you to go forward in time and MOPB-qWOdFo-00733-00176374-00176607 then I want the you reference variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00734-00176608-00176991 to refer to the person object that has a MOPB-qWOdFo-00735-00176992-00177555 value of 38 right so so here's how I do MOPB-qWOdFo-00736-00177556-00177714 this in job the first thing I need to do MOPB-qWOdFo-00737-00177715-00178023 is I need a temporary variable the MOPB-qWOdFo-00738-00178024-00178152 reason I need a temporary remember this MOPB-qWOdFo-00739-00178153-00178371 is just a reference variable the reason MOPB-qWOdFo-00740-00178372-00178524 I need a temporary variable is if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00741-00178525-00178782 don't have this I will lose one of the MOPB-qWOdFo-00742-00178783-00179013 values because I need to set one of the MOPB-qWOdFo-00743-00179014-00179295 references to the other object and then MOPB-qWOdFo-00744-00179296-00179457 set the other back to the first one and MOPB-qWOdFo-00745-00179458-00179568 if I do that without a temporary MOPB-qWOdFo-00746-00179569-00179730 variable I'm not gonna I'm gonna lose MOPB-qWOdFo-00747-00179731-00179886 track you can try it at home but the MOPB-qWOdFo-00748-00179887-00180237 temporary variable is no so now I've got MOPB-qWOdFo-00749-00180238-00180738 two references to the me object the MOPB-qWOdFo-00750-00180739-00180924 object sorry I shouldn't call it the MOPB-qWOdFo-00751-00180925-00181128 meet object the object with age 38 I've MOPB-qWOdFo-00752-00181129-00181365 got two references to it one it's stored MOPB-qWOdFo-00753-00181366-00181560 in the reference variable me the second MOPB-qWOdFo-00754-00181561-00181814 is stored in the reference variable temp MOPB-qWOdFo-00755-00181815-00182238 so now what I'm ready to do is change me MOPB-qWOdFo-00756-00182239-00182454 so that's the first thing I'm gonna do MOPB-qWOdFo-00757-00182455-00182758 so now I'm gonna set me as equal to you MOPB-qWOdFo-00758-00182759-00182996 so now I've done half of what I wanted MOPB-qWOdFo-00759-00182997-00183224 to do me now refers to the object with MOPB-qWOdFo-00760-00183225-00183719 age 18 the problem is so does view so MOPB-qWOdFo-00761-00183720-00184039 the last step is to take you and set it MOPB-qWOdFo-00762-00184040-00184276 to the value of temp temp still held a MOPB-qWOdFo-00763-00184277-00184598 reference to the object with age 38 so MOPB-qWOdFo-00764-00184599-00184862 now once I've set you to temp I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00765-00184863-00185036 copying the reference from temp to you MOPB-qWOdFo-00766-00185037-00185288 you now refers to the object with age 38 MOPB-qWOdFo-00767-00185289-00185549 me refers to the object with H 18 the MOPB-qWOdFo-00768-00185550-00185689 temporary variable is hanging out there MOPB-qWOdFo-00769-00185690-00185822 and I don't need that anymore and so I MOPB-qWOdFo-00770-00185823-00185963 can just ignore it right so I can MOPB-qWOdFo-00771-00185964-00186154 essentially ditch the temporary variable MOPB-qWOdFo-00772-00186155-00186281 at this point and I've accomplished what MOPB-qWOdFo-00773-00186282-00186659 I wanted to it by questions about this MOPB-qWOdFo-00774-00186660-00187001 before we go on this is it's tricky MOPB-qWOdFo-00775-00187002-00187199 stuff should about references in general MOPB-qWOdFo-00776-00187200-00187916 yeah MOPB-qWOdFo-00777-00187917-00188162 ah great question okay so the question MOPB-qWOdFo-00778-00188163-00188462 is let's see we're talking about this MOPB-qWOdFo-00779-00188463-00188789 step right yeah so the question is when MOPB-qWOdFo-00780-00188790-00189173 I change me to you why doesn't temp also MOPB-qWOdFo-00781-00189174-00189704 change so me you in temp our variables MOPB-qWOdFo-00782-00189705-00190257 that store a reference and if so if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00783-00190258-00190520 had changed the age of the person that MOPB-qWOdFo-00784-00190521-00190760 neighbor first to then temp would see MOPB-qWOdFo-00785-00190761-00191123 the change but if I changed so this step MOPB-qWOdFo-00786-00191124-00191324 right here if I set me equal to you MOPB-qWOdFo-00787-00191325-00191595 temp is unaffected by this so what I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-00788-00191596-00191858 doing is I'm setting me I'm popping the MOPB-qWOdFo-00789-00191859-00192104 reference from you which refers to the MOPB-qWOdFo-00790-00192105-00192290 person with age eighteen into the MOPB-qWOdFo-00791-00192291-00192728 variable me temp is still sitting here MOPB-qWOdFo-00792-00192729-00192878 and it still has a reference to this MOPB-qWOdFo-00793-00192879-00193257 original person so that so if I change MOPB-qWOdFo-00794-00193258-00193487 the object that a reference for first MOPB-qWOdFo-00795-00193488-00193709 two that change is visible by anybody MOPB-qWOdFo-00796-00193710-00193847 who has a reference to the object if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00797-00193848-00194050 changed the reference variable itself MOPB-qWOdFo-00798-00194051-00194319 that change is only limited to that door MOPB-qWOdFo-00799-00194320-00194636 does that make sense yeah this but MOPB-qWOdFo-00800-00194637-00194832 that's a great thing to start wrapping MOPB-qWOdFo-00801-00194833-00195011 your mind around that difference the MOPB-qWOdFo-00802-00195012-00195179 difference between reassigning our MOPB-qWOdFo-00803-00195180-00195444 reference variable and making a change MOPB-qWOdFo-00804-00195445-00195689 to the underlying body other questions MOPB-qWOdFo-00805-00195690-00195945 about this example a good place to pause MOPB-qWOdFo-00806-00195946-00196298 for a minute and catch your breath good MOPB-qWOdFo-00807-00196299-00196596 or get our bearings a little bit here MOPB-qWOdFo-00808-00196597-00196983 yeah MOPB-qWOdFo-00809-00196984-00197217 yeah so great great question so the MOPB-qWOdFo-00810-00197218-00197337 question is like what do I mean when I MOPB-qWOdFo-00811-00197338-00197529 discard tab at this point I don't need MOPB-qWOdFo-00812-00197530-00197652 the temporary variable to do anything MOPB-qWOdFo-00813-00197653-00197715 anymore MOPB-qWOdFo-00814-00197716-00197961 yeah I can just go on and forget about MOPB-qWOdFo-00815-00197962-00198183 right yeah great question so the MOPB-qWOdFo-00816-00198184-00198462 question is like you know I remember I MOPB-qWOdFo-00817-00198463-00198708 only introduced temp here in order to MOPB-qWOdFo-00818-00198709-00198915 solve this problem right and let me show MOPB-qWOdFo-00819-00198916-00199035 you what would have happened if I didn't MOPB-qWOdFo-00820-00199036-00199263 have temp right so if I didn't have temp MOPB-qWOdFo-00821-00199264-00199512 I would have gotten to this point and I MOPB-qWOdFo-00822-00199513-00199731 would have no variable storing a MOPB-qWOdFo-00823-00199732-00199964 reference to the person with age 38 MOPB-qWOdFo-00824-00199965-00200253 right so if I hadn't if I hadn't copied MOPB-qWOdFo-00825-00200254-00200433 the reference before I started you'd get MOPB-qWOdFo-00826-00200434-00200628 here you'd have me and you both MOPB-qWOdFo-00827-00200629-00200814 referring to the person with age 18 but MOPB-qWOdFo-00828-00200815-00201006 then you're like oh oh how do I get a MOPB-qWOdFo-00829-00201007-00201260 reference to the person with age 38 and MOPB-qWOdFo-00830-00201261-00201468 actually we'll talk about this next week MOPB-qWOdFo-00831-00201469-00201702 what happens at this point if I don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00832-00201703-00201963 have a temporary variable it's that Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00833-00201964-00202428 being Kluber says huh nobody has a MOPB-qWOdFo-00834-00202429-00202695 reference to the person with age 38 and MOPB-qWOdFo-00835-00202696-00202962 therefore that person might as well MOPB-qWOdFo-00836-00202963-00203199 non-existent right and it'll actually go MOPB-qWOdFo-00837-00203200-00203637 ahead and remove that person yeah talk MOPB-qWOdFo-00838-00203638-00203727 about this we talk about garbage MOPB-qWOdFo-00839-00203728-00203859 collection next week this is one of the MOPB-qWOdFo-00840-00203860-00204132 cool things about references you think MOPB-qWOdFo-00841-00204133-00204474 about it if if nobody here here's an MOPB-qWOdFo-00842-00204475-00204744 algae if no one knew what the address to MOPB-qWOdFo-00843-00204745-00205134 my house was including me and my wife my MOPB-qWOdFo-00844-00205135-00205371 dog forgot where it was right the house MOPB-qWOdFo-00845-00205371-00205686 might as well not exist it's possible MOPB-qWOdFo-00846-00205687-00205941 somewhere in America there's a house MOPB-qWOdFo-00847-00205942-00206129 that nobody knows about MOPB-qWOdFo-00848-00206130-00206433 right that house might as well not exist MOPB-qWOdFo-00849-00206434-00206655 right if you went to that house and tore MOPB-qWOdFo-00850-00206656-00206802 it down and destroyed it don't do that MOPB-qWOdFo-00851-00206803-00206994 by the way because it's possible that MOPB-qWOdFo-00852-00206994-00207237 somebody does know where it is right but MOPB-qWOdFo-00853-00207238-00207339 if you did that nobody would notice MOPB-qWOdFo-00854-00207340-00207494 right because nobody wants for the MOPB-qWOdFo-00855-00207496-00207657 houses right and so that's how Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00856-00207658-00208026 cleans up after you once you don't MOPB-qWOdFo-00857-00208027-00208278 once you have no references to an object MOPB-qWOdFo-00858-00208279-00208491 Java knows that it's safe to take that MOPB-qWOdFo-00859-00208492-00208698 object and discard its content so that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00860-00208698-00208860 how Java manages memory and that's a MOPB-qWOdFo-00861-00208861-00208989 preview of what we'll talk about a MOPB-qWOdFo-00862-00208990-00209157 little bit more next week not something MOPB-qWOdFo-00863-00209158-00209319 we're gonna talk about in depth but it's MOPB-qWOdFo-00864-00209319-00209508 fun and it's a cool application of MOPB-qWOdFo-00865-00209509-00209669 reference one of the reasons the Chavez MOPB-qWOdFo-00866-00209671-00209859 reference system works the way that it MOPB-qWOdFo-00867-00209860-00209988 does MOPB-qWOdFo-00868-00209989-00210463 okay so so again we can do this right so MOPB-qWOdFo-00869-00210464-00210580 this is the little piece of code that we MOPB-qWOdFo-00870-00210581-00210919 just wrote and once it finished its MOPB-qWOdFo-00871-00210919-00211135 executing anywhere now 38 I have bad MOPB-qWOdFo-00872-00211136-00211804 news for you you're actually 39 sorry so MOPB-qWOdFo-00873-00211805-00211939 yeah so this is this is the same piece MOPB-qWOdFo-00874-00211940-00212119 of code that we just wrote and again you MOPB-qWOdFo-00875-00212119-00212233 know I would encourage you to try MOPB-qWOdFo-00876-00212234-00212341 writing this without the temporary MOPB-qWOdFo-00877-00212342-00212503 variable just convince yourself that it MOPB-qWOdFo-00878-00212504-00212734 works this is one of those things that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00879-00212735-00212980 like very you know it's like a little MOPB-qWOdFo-00880-00212981-00213160 baby interview question right like if MOPB-qWOdFo-00881-00213161-00213298 you were interviewing for a job they MOPB-qWOdFo-00882-00213298-00213451 might ask you to do this just to make MOPB-qWOdFo-00883-00213452-00213592 sure that you're like a sane human being MOPB-qWOdFo-00884-00213592-00213769 that can do any sort of programming at MOPB-qWOdFo-00885-00213769-00213967 all right you know cuz there's a little MOPB-qWOdFo-00886-00213967-00214171 pattern to it you know you you set the MOPB-qWOdFo-00887-00214171-00214327 temporary variable you always set the MOPB-qWOdFo-00888-00214328-00214486 temporary variable to point to the first MOPB-qWOdFo-00889-00214487-00214681 variable that you're gonna reassign if MOPB-qWOdFo-00890-00214682-00214837 you set the temporary variable to you MOPB-qWOdFo-00891-00214838-00215092 then you're stuck again right so if I MOPB-qWOdFo-00892-00215092-00215311 set temp is equal to you I set me is MOPB-qWOdFo-00893-00215312-00215488 equal to you now I have 3 references MOPB-qWOdFo-00894-00215489-00215632 that refer to you and none that refer to MOPB-qWOdFo-00895-00215633-00215842 me and so there's no way to reassign you MOPB-qWOdFo-00896-00215842-00216325 online love okay so let's talk about MOPB-qWOdFo-00897-00216326-00216541 another implication of how references MOPB-qWOdFo-00898-00216542-00217142 work when you call a function in Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00899-00217144-00217615 that takes an object as an argument what MOPB-qWOdFo-00900-00217616-00217908 it actually takes is an object reference MOPB-qWOdFo-00901-00217909-00218101 and so when you call that function MOPB-qWOdFo-00902-00218102-00218239 what's actually happening behind the MOPB-qWOdFo-00903-00218240-00218523 scenes is that Java is making a copy of MOPB-qWOdFo-00904-00218525-00218667 the reference that you provide as an MOPB-qWOdFo-00905-00218669-00219144 argument and so any chand what that MOPB-qWOdFo-00906-00219146-00219369 means is that any change is made by that MOPB-qWOdFo-00907-00219371-00219727 function to that object are visible to MOPB-qWOdFo-00908-00219728-00220009 the caller so here's an example I've got MOPB-qWOdFo-00909-00220010-00220303 a new person that I'm created on line 11 MOPB-qWOdFo-00910-00220304-00220669 age 38 and then I'm calling this MOPB-qWOdFo-00911-00220669-00220885 function called birthday birthday takes MOPB-qWOdFo-00912-00220886-00221185 as an argument a person it decides to MOPB-qWOdFo-00913-00221186-00221367 call that person reference to set and MOPB-qWOdFo-00914-00221369-00221692 what it does is it returns to set oh MOPB-qWOdFo-00915-00221692-00222088 sorry it sets the it increments the age MOPB-qWOdFo-00916-00222089-00222406 of that person using plus plus and then MOPB-qWOdFo-00917-00222407-00222613 it returns the new age so this is kind MOPB-qWOdFo-00918-00222614-00222760 of what would happen when you have a MOPB-qWOdFo-00919-00222761-00223121 birthday your age goes up MOPB-qWOdFo-00920-00223123-00223459 so what's gonna happen is that when I MOPB-qWOdFo-00921-00223460-00223704 call this it's actually going to modify MOPB-qWOdFo-00922-00223705-00224038 that person object that I created on MOPB-qWOdFo-00923-00224039-00224461 line 11 so it doesn't you know so there MOPB-qWOdFo-00924-00224462-00224590 there are other places where you might MOPB-qWOdFo-00925-00224591-00224788 expect you to get a whole copy of the MOPB-qWOdFo-00926-00224789-00224983 object and you only the changes would be MOPB-qWOdFo-00927-00224984-00225096 visible inside the function MOPB-qWOdFo-00928-00225098-00225346 but the changes are actually visible to MOPB-qWOdFo-00929-00225346-00225388 the caller MOPB-qWOdFo-00930-00225389-00225562 so so here's how this looks so again if MOPB-qWOdFo-00931-00225563-00225742 we go through a diagram showing what MOPB-qWOdFo-00932-00225742-00226021 happens to the reference so on line 11 I MOPB-qWOdFo-00933-00226021-00226344 now got a reference of type person a job MOPB-qWOdFo-00934-00226346-00226573 a reference variable that can refer to MOPB-qWOdFo-00935-00226573-00226807 an object of type person and I've MOPB-qWOdFo-00936-00226808-00227023 initialized it to refer to a new person MOPB-qWOdFo-00937-00227023-00227304 object that I'm initialized with age 38 MOPB-qWOdFo-00938-00227305-00227862 when I call birthday while birthday runs MOPB-qWOdFo-00939-00227863-00228144 birthday now has its own copy of a MOPB-qWOdFo-00940-00228146-00228469 reference that refers to the same person MOPB-qWOdFo-00941-00228469-00228808 object and so when it calls to set it MOPB-qWOdFo-00942-00228809-00228942 can call that reference whatever it was MOPB-qWOdFo-00943-00228944-00229173 but when it calls to set dot age plus MOPB-qWOdFo-00944-00229175-00229483 plus it's incrementing the value of the MOPB-qWOdFo-00945-00229484-00229663 only person object that we've created MOPB-qWOdFo-00946-00229664-00229882 inside the system a person that until MOPB-qWOdFo-00947-00229883-00230511 the minute before had aged 38 so when I MOPB-qWOdFo-00948-00230512-00230821 call birthday dot birthday and I pass it MOPB-qWOdFo-00949-00230821-00231244 that person I now have a world where I MOPB-qWOdFo-00950-00231244-00231529 have two references to this person the MOPB-qWOdFo-00951-00231530-00231754 reference me that I created on line 11 MOPB-qWOdFo-00952-00231755-00231982 and the reference to Seth that was MOPB-qWOdFo-00953-00231983-00232111 created when I called the birthday MOPB-qWOdFo-00954-00232112-00232600 function to set called a birthday called MOPB-qWOdFo-00955-00232601-00232896 to CH plus plus that changes the age of MOPB-qWOdFo-00956-00232898-00233479 this person when I'm done yeah so when MOPB-qWOdFo-00957-00233480-00233746 I'm done I when the function stops MOPB-qWOdFo-00958-00233746-00234033 running that reference no longer exists MOPB-qWOdFo-00959-00234034-00234321 but the me reference that I created MOPB-qWOdFo-00960-00234323-00234538 before I called the function still MOPB-qWOdFo-00961-00234539-00234717 refers to the same object and it has MOPB-qWOdFo-00962-00234719-00235039 changed so this means that it's possible MOPB-qWOdFo-00963-00235040-00235351 and very useful in fact to write Java MOPB-qWOdFo-00964-00235352-00235684 methods that modify the objects that MOPB-qWOdFo-00965-00235685-00236019 they're passed so in this case birthday MOPB-qWOdFo-00966-00236021-00236407 modifies the object to set MOPB-qWOdFo-00967-00236408-00236533 the reason it can do this is because it MOPB-qWOdFo-00968-00236534-00236782 gets a reference to the object and so MOPB-qWOdFo-00969-00236783-00237001 now those changes are now visible to the MOPB-qWOdFo-00970-00237002-00237208 caller when the function finishes MOPB-qWOdFo-00971-00237209-00237573 running my me object is not the same as MOPB-qWOdFo-00972-00237575-00237771 before I called before I called it at MOPB-qWOdFo-00973-00237773-00238414 age 38 now and as age 39 okay good so MOPB-qWOdFo-00974-00238415-00238587 again here's a little example of this MOPB-qWOdFo-00975-00238588-00239227 and you can see that this works all MOPB-qWOdFo-00976-00239228-00239500 right you keep going deeper to the MOPB-qWOdFo-00977-00239501-00239551 rabbit hole MOPB-qWOdFo-00978-00239552-00240001 so in Java an array that has an object MOPB-qWOdFo-00979-00240002-00240535 type stores references to Java objects MOPB-qWOdFo-00980-00240536-00240931 it doesn't store objects themselves this MOPB-qWOdFo-00981-00240932-00240996 is interesting MOPB-qWOdFo-00982-00240998-00241192 okay so here's here's the more complex MOPB-qWOdFo-00983-00241192-00241432 piece of code to look at before we break MOPB-qWOdFo-00984-00241433-00241876 up today so I've got my person class MOPB-qWOdFo-00985-00241877-00242155 I've got a constructor for it on line MOPB-qWOdFo-00986-00242156-00242569 seven I'm creating an array the Sun MOPB-qWOdFo-00987-00242569-00242734 array of objects its array of object MOPB-qWOdFo-00988-00242735-00242932 references this is an array that can MOPB-qWOdFo-00989-00242933-00243486 store references to four person objects MOPB-qWOdFo-00990-00243487-00244125 initially what does that array contain MOPB-qWOdFo-00991-00244126-00244746 so I see new on line seven but that's MOPB-qWOdFo-00992-00244748-00244992 new in front of an array declaration how MOPB-qWOdFo-00993-00244994-00245196 many person objects have been created MOPB-qWOdFo-00994-00245198-00245841 after line seven completes running zero MOPB-qWOdFo-00995-00245842-00246079 first one that's created in this code is MOPB-qWOdFo-00996-00246080-00246514 on line not so given that you know now MOPB-qWOdFo-00997-00246515-00246759 that arrays store object references MOPB-qWOdFo-00998-00246760-00247096 every value of that array is set to what MOPB-qWOdFo-00999-00247096-00247314 now MOPB-qWOdFo-01000-00247315-00247546 there's no objects in the system so MOPB-qWOdFo-01001-00247546-00247846 there has to be not right so on line MOPB-qWOdFo-01002-00247846-00248019 seven now I have an array that stores MOPB-qWOdFo-01003-00248021-00248281 references to person objects but every MOPB-qWOdFo-01004-00248282-00248530 one of those references is known now MOPB-qWOdFo-01005-00248531-00248659 what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go MOPB-qWOdFo-01006-00248660-00249010 through that array and I'm going to make MOPB-qWOdFo-01007-00249011-00249298 I'm gonna fill it with new person MOPB-qWOdFo-01008-00249298-00249546 objects so I'm gonna set every person MOPB-qWOdFo-01009-00249548-00249766 reference inside that an array to a new MOPB-qWOdFo-01010-00249767-00250138 person object and I start with persons MOPB-qWOdFo-01011-00250139-00250501 of age 18 and that what gets stored in MOPB-qWOdFo-01012-00250502-00250648 the first slot the second sockets i MOPB-qWOdFo-01013-00250648-00251083 attain etcetera okay now so at this MOPB-qWOdFo-01014-00251084-00251356 point how many person objects are there MOPB-qWOdFo-01015-00251357-00251860 and are there in the system before I see MOPB-qWOdFo-01016-00251861-00252250 a new person inside my loop and that MOPB-qWOdFo-01017-00252251-00252409 loop is going to run four times because MOPB-qWOdFo-01018-00252410-00252592 it runs the length of the person array MOPB-qWOdFo-01019-00252592-00252763 which I initialized before on line sub MOPB-qWOdFo-01020-00252764-00253015 okay so now I have four person objects MOPB-qWOdFo-01021-00253016-00253234 and I have an array that stores MOPB-qWOdFo-01022-00253235-00253741 references to them on line 11 I create MOPB-qWOdFo-01023-00253742-00254011 another array of references to person MOPB-qWOdFo-01024-00254012-00254319 objects called same people and then I do MOPB-qWOdFo-01025-00254321-00254523 something interesting so on this loop MOPB-qWOdFo-01026-00254525-00254977 from line 12 to 14 am i creating new MOPB-qWOdFo-01027-00254978-00255388 persons inside this loop do you see new MOPB-qWOdFo-01028-00255389-00255841 anywhere no what I'm doing is I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-01029-00255842-00256269 copying the references from my original MOPB-qWOdFo-01030-00256271-00256537 array into the new array so at this MOPB-qWOdFo-01031-00256538-00256732 point I've got one array of object MOPB-qWOdFo-01032-00256733-00256906 references of size four that's refers to MOPB-qWOdFo-01033-00256907-00257194 the four people that I created in this MOPB-qWOdFo-01034-00257194-00257533 loop I also have a second array of size MOPB-qWOdFo-01035-00257534-00257607 four MOPB-qWOdFo-01036-00257608-00257965 that has references to those same person MOPB-qWOdFo-01037-00257966-00258168 objects so every person that I've MOPB-qWOdFo-01038-00258169-00258426 created now has two references to it one MOPB-qWOdFo-01039-00258427-00258627 that's stored in the people array the MOPB-qWOdFo-01040-00258628-00258801 second that's stored in the same people MOPB-qWOdFo-01041-00258802-00259128 right now what I'm going to do is I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-01042-00259129-00259260 going to go through that people around MOPB-qWOdFo-01043-00259261-00259460 I'm going to increment everybody's age MOPB-qWOdFo-01044-00259461-00259710 that's what the third for loop does and MOPB-qWOdFo-01045-00259711-00259953 now I'm going to go through that second MOPB-qWOdFo-01046-00259954-00260181 array of references and I'm going to MOPB-qWOdFo-01047-00260182-00260493 print off everybody's age and the point MOPB-qWOdFo-01048-00260494-00260646 of this example is to convince you that MOPB-qWOdFo-01049-00260647-00260859 arrays store references because if this MOPB-qWOdFo-01050-00260860-00261153 works what should happen is that every MOPB-qWOdFo-01051-00261154-00261422 one of these h plus plus should modify MOPB-qWOdFo-01052-00261423-00261913 the same person objects that same people MOPB-qWOdFo-01053-00261914-00262143 has references to so let's see how this MOPB-qWOdFo-01054-00262144-00262668 works all right so so again I go through MOPB-qWOdFo-01055-00262669-00263022 I create my array of person references I MOPB-qWOdFo-01056-00263023-00263709 fill it with new people say for now MOPB-qWOdFo-01057-00263710-00263991 let's just remove this so initially I MOPB-qWOdFo-01058-00263992-00264588 have people with ages 18 19 20 and 21 MOPB-qWOdFo-01059-00264589-00264873 now in the loop that starts on line 17 I MOPB-qWOdFo-01060-00264874-00265165 go through my people array and I MOPB-qWOdFo-01061-00265166-00265548 increment everybody's age by 10 make you MOPB-qWOdFo-01062-00265549-00265806 think 10 years into the future well we MOPB-qWOdFo-01063-00265807-00265872 could be doing MOPB-qWOdFo-01064-00265873-00266118 where will you be I don't know some of MOPB-qWOdFo-01065-00266119-00266322 you will be 28 I'm gonna be 29 MOPB-qWOdFo-01066-00266323-00266727 I may be 30 very now so then the reason MOPB-qWOdFo-01067-00266728-00266943 that this works is because people and MOPB-qWOdFo-01068-00266944-00267294 sane people both hold for references but MOPB-qWOdFo-01069-00267295-00267516 those references both refer to the same MOPB-qWOdFo-01070-00267517-00268063 four objects another thing I could do MOPB-qWOdFo-01071-00268064-00269004 here see just to convince you of this MOPB-qWOdFo-01072-00269005-00269232 let's print off whether the references MOPB-qWOdFo-01073-00269233-00269447 are the same so we're gonna print MOPB-qWOdFo-01074-00269448-00269781 whether it people is equal to same MOPB-qWOdFo-01075-00269782-00270183 people hi and I can do this because I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-01076-00270184-00270354 comparing references to each other and MOPB-qWOdFo-01077-00270355-00270627 you'll see that it's true every slot of MOPB-qWOdFo-01078-00270628-00270894 saying people has a reference to the MOPB-qWOdFo-01079-00270895-00271113 same object stored in the same position MOPB-qWOdFo-01080-00271114-00271650 in people okay so now we know how to MOPB-qWOdFo-01081-00271651-00272052 copy references it's easy just take a MOPB-qWOdFo-01082-00272053-00272277 reference variable and copy a reference MOPB-qWOdFo-01083-00272278-00272460 from another variable that's very MOPB-qWOdFo-01084-00272461-00272919 straightforward copying objects is less MOPB-qWOdFo-01085-00272920-00273177 straightforward so if I actually want a MOPB-qWOdFo-01086-00273178-00273636 new object that's a copy of an existing MOPB-qWOdFo-01087-00273637-00273906 object that's not the same as copying a MOPB-qWOdFo-01088-00273907-00274023 reference if I copy a reference I have MOPB-qWOdFo-01089-00274024-00274503 two references but one object if I if MOPB-qWOdFo-01090-00274504-00274758 you copy the address to my house you MOPB-qWOdFo-01091-00274759-00274911 have two pieces of paper that have the MOPB-qWOdFo-01092-00274912-00275031 address to my house on them two MOPB-qWOdFo-01093-00275032-00275169 references but I still only have one MOPB-qWOdFo-01094-00275170-00275340 house if I actually want to copy the MOPB-qWOdFo-01095-00275341-00275817 house that is harder we have a couple of MOPB-qWOdFo-01096-00275818-00276081 options there's actually no built-in way MOPB-qWOdFo-01097-00276082-00276504 in Java to do this object provides MOPB-qWOdFo-01098-00276505-00276798 something called clone but that actually MOPB-qWOdFo-01099-00276799-00277199 doesn't always do exactly what we want MOPB-qWOdFo-01100-00277200-00277428 alternatively you can create your own MOPB-qWOdFo-01101-00277429-00277704 way to copy objects as part of your MOPB-qWOdFo-01102-00277705-00278025 object for example this is a common MOPB-qWOdFo-01103-00278026-00278268 pattern you'll see here that I've added MOPB-qWOdFo-01104-00278269-00278643 a constructor to my person on line six MOPB-qWOdFo-01105-00278644-00278859 this is an interesting constructor MOPB-qWOdFo-01106-00278860-00279056 because it takes as an argument a MOPB-qWOdFo-01107-00279057-00279297 reference to another object of type MOPB-qWOdFo-01108-00279298-00279612 person this is sometimes called a copy MOPB-qWOdFo-01109-00279613-00279939 constructor because what it does is it MOPB-qWOdFo-01110-00279940-00280173 creates a new object that's a copy of MOPB-qWOdFo-01111-00280174-00280464 whatever reference I pass it do I pass MOPB-qWOdFo-01112-00280465-00280665 in a reference to a person other and I'm MOPB-qWOdFo-01113-00280666-00280911 saying please create a new object that's MOPB-qWOdFo-01114-00280912-00281115 the same as this one the nice thing MOPB-qWOdFo-01115-00281116-00281343 about this is that it gives you the MOPB-qWOdFo-01116-00281344-00281523 opportunity to decide how you want to MOPB-qWOdFo-01117-00281524-00281760 copy the object there are cases where MOPB-qWOdFo-01118-00281761-00281925 you want to copy certain fields you MOPB-qWOdFo-01119-00281926-00282105 don't want to copy other fields if you MOPB-qWOdFo-01120-00282106-00282294 implement a copy constructor you get to MOPB-qWOdFo-01121-00282295-00282429 make those MOPB-qWOdFo-01122-00282430-00282751 all right I'm going to come back and MOPB-qWOdFo-01123-00282752-00282916 talk about this next time I'm just a MOPB-qWOdFo-01124-00282917-00283047 couple of announcements but we're very MOPB-qWOdFo-01125-00283048-00283365 close to being done MOPB-qWOdFo-01126-00283366-00283720 all right so fp2 let's do on Monday it MOPB-qWOdFo-01127-00283721-00283810 looks like people making pretty good MOPB-qWOdFo-01128-00283811-00284005 progress on this we have office hours MOPB-qWOdFo-01129-00284006-00284167 today as usual we have our servers the MOPB-qWOdFo-01130-00284168-00284389 weekend please ask on the forum come in MOPB-qWOdFo-01131-00284390-00284656 get this one done I have my usual office MOPB-qWOdFo-01132-00284657-00284803 hours today from 1:00 to 3:00 MOPB-qWOdFo-01133-00284804-00285043 I look forward to see you guys there MOPB-qWOdFo-01134-00285044-00285211 fill out the course feedback form if you MOPB-qWOdFo-01135-00285212-00285307 have things that you'd like to share MOPB-qWOdFo-01136-00285308-00285436 with us I will see you all on Monday MOPB-qWOdFo-01137-00285437-00285745 have a great weekend MOSh8tw9FxY-00000-00000046-00000383 EPCOT as a theme park at the Walt Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00001-00000384-00000767 World Resort in Bay Lake Florida it is MOSh8tw9FxY-00002-00000768-00000983 owned and operated by the Walt Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00003-00000984-00001082 Company MOSh8tw9FxY-00004-00001083-00001331 through its parks experiences and MOSh8tw9FxY-00005-00001332-00001664 products division inspired by an MOSh8tw9FxY-00006-00001664-00001955 unrealized concept developed by Walt MOSh8tw9FxY-00007-00001955-00002268 Disney the park opened on October 1st MOSh8tw9FxY-00008-00002269-00002663 1982 as Epcot Center and was the second MOSh8tw9FxY-00009-00002664-00002897 of four theme parks built at Walt Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00010-00002898-00002992 World MOSh8tw9FxY-00011-00002993-00003413 after the Magic Kingdom spanning 305 MOSh8tw9FxY-00012-00003414-00003833 acres 123 hectares more than twice the MOSh8tw9FxY-00013-00003834-00004124 size of the Magic Kingdom park Epcot is MOSh8tw9FxY-00014-00004125-00004388 dedicated to the celebration of human MOSh8tw9FxY-00015-00004389-00004631 achievement namely technological MOSh8tw9FxY-00016-00004632-00004888 innovation and international culture and MOSh8tw9FxY-00017-00004889-00005143 is often referred to as a permanent MOSh8tw9FxY-00018-00005144-00005504 World's Fair Epcot was originally MOSh8tw9FxY-00019-00005505-00005747 conceived by Walt Disney during the MOSh8tw9FxY-00020-00005748-00006002 early development of Walt Disney World MOSh8tw9FxY-00021-00006003-00006275 as an experimental planned community MOSh8tw9FxY-00022-00006276-00006442 that would serve as a center for MOSh8tw9FxY-00023-00006443-00006739 American innovation and urban living MOSh8tw9FxY-00024-00006740-00007214 known as Epcot the idea included an MOSh8tw9FxY-00025-00007215-00007531 urban city center residential areas and MOSh8tw9FxY-00026-00007533-00007838 a series of mass transportation systems MOSh8tw9FxY-00027-00007839-00008123 that would connect the community after MOSh8tw9FxY-00028-00008123-00008699 Disney's death in 1966 the Epcot concept MOSh8tw9FxY-00029-00008700-00008914 was abandoned as the company had MOSh8tw9FxY-00030-00008915-00009128 uncertainty about maintaining an MOSh8tw9FxY-00031-00009129-00009556 operating City in the 1970s wet MOSh8tw9FxY-00032-00009557-00009835 enterprises began developing a second MOSh8tw9FxY-00033-00009836-00010078 theme park for the resort to supplement MOSh8tw9FxY-00034-00010079-00010378 Magic Kingdom as that parks popularity MOSh8tw9FxY-00035-00010379-00010771 grew the new park maintained the idea of MOSh8tw9FxY-00036-00010772-00011012 showcasing modern innovation through MOSh8tw9FxY-00037-00011013-00011288 avant-garde entertainment attractions as MOSh8tw9FxY-00038-00011289-00011546 well as the addition of a world nation's MOSh8tw9FxY-00039-00011547-00011885 exposition the newly designed park MOSh8tw9FxY-00040-00011886-00012245 featuring two sections future world and MOSh8tw9FxY-00041-00012246-00012631 World Showcase opened as Epcot Center in MOSh8tw9FxY-00042-00012632-00012888 1982 MOSh8tw9FxY-00043-00012889-00013330 1994 the park was renamed to Epcot MOSh8tw9FxY-00044-00013331-00013754 dropping the acronym n Center from the MOSh8tw9FxY-00045-00013755-00013900 name MOSh8tw9FxY-00046-00013901-00014425 in 2018 Epcot hosted 12.4 for 4 million MOSh8tw9FxY-00047-00014426-00014653 guests ranking it as the fourth most MOSh8tw9FxY-00048-00014654-00014971 visited theme park in North America and MOSh8tw9FxY-00049-00014972-00015241 the seventh most visited theme park in MOSh8tw9FxY-00050-00015241-00015568 the world the park is represented by MOSh8tw9FxY-00051-00015569-00016355 spaceship earth a geodesic sphere MOSh8tw9FxY-00052-00016356-00016924 topic dedications MOSh8tw9FxY-00053-00016925-00017244 the theme park opened on October 1st MOSh8tw9FxY-00054-00017245-00017629 1982 the dedication plaque near the MOSh8tw9FxY-00055-00017630-00017983 entrance states to all who come to this MOSh8tw9FxY-00056-00017984-00018453 place of joy hope and friendship welcome MOSh8tw9FxY-00057-00018454-00018695 caught as inspired by Walt Disney's MOSh8tw9FxY-00058-00018696-00019047 creative vision here human achievements MOSh8tw9FxY-00059-00019048-00019239 are celebrated through imagination MOSh8tw9FxY-00060-00019240-00019553 wonders of enterprise and concepts of a MOSh8tw9FxY-00061-00019554-00019814 future that promises new and exciting MOSh8tw9FxY-00062-00019815-00020177 benefits for all may Epcot Center MOSh8tw9FxY-00063-00020178-00020522 entertain inform and inspire and above MOSh8tw9FxY-00064-00020523-00020808 all may it instill a new sense of belief MOSh8tw9FxY-00065-00020809-00021080 and pride in man's ability to shape a MOSh8tw9FxY-00066-00021081-00021264 world that offers hope to people MOSh8tw9FxY-00067-00021265-00021888 everywhere MOSh8tw9FxY-00068-00021889-00022778 topic history MOSh8tw9FxY-00069-00022779-00023422 topic experimental concept MOSh8tw9FxY-00070-00023423-00023767 the parks name Epcot was previously an MOSh8tw9FxY-00071-00023768-00024000 acronym for experimental prototype MOSh8tw9FxY-00072-00024001-00024330 community of tomorrow a utopian city of MOSh8tw9FxY-00073-00024331-00024628 the future planned by Walt Disney often MOSh8tw9FxY-00074-00024629-00025171 interchanging city and community in Walt MOSh8tw9FxY-00075-00025172-00025528 Disney's words Epcot will take its cue MOSh8tw9FxY-00076-00025529-00025827 from the new ideas and new technologies MOSh8tw9FxY-00077-00025829-00026083 that are now emerging from the creative MOSh8tw9FxY-00078-00026083-00026508 centers of American industry it will be MOSh8tw9FxY-00079-00026510-00026773 a community of tomorrow that will never MOSh8tw9FxY-00080-00026774-00027025 be completed but will always be MOSh8tw9FxY-00081-00027026-00027245 introducing and testing and MOSh8tw9FxY-00082-00027247-00027526 demonstrating new materials and new MOSh8tw9FxY-00083-00027527-00027907 systems and Epcot will always be a MOSh8tw9FxY-00084-00027908-00028195 showcase to the world of the ingenuity MOSh8tw9FxY-00085-00028195-00028458 and imagination of American free MOSh8tw9FxY-00086-00028460-00028658 enterprise MOSh8tw9FxY-00087-00028659-00028935 his original vision was for a model MOSh8tw9FxY-00088-00028936-00029154 community which would have been home to MOSh8tw9FxY-00089-00029155-00029465 20,000 residents and a testbed for City MOSh8tw9FxY-00090-00029466-00029829 Planning as well as organization it was MOSh8tw9FxY-00091-00029830-00030026 to have been built in the shape of a MOSh8tw9FxY-00092-00030027-00030263 circle with businesses and commercial MOSh8tw9FxY-00093-00030264-00030494 areas at its center with community MOSh8tw9FxY-00094-00030495-00030773 buildings schools and recreational MOSh8tw9FxY-00095-00030774-00031043 complexes around it while residential MOSh8tw9FxY-00096-00031044-00031264 neighborhoods would line the perimeter MOSh8tw9FxY-00097-00031265-00031629 this radial plan concept is strongly MOSh8tw9FxY-00098-00031630-00031886 influenced by British planner Avenue Sir MOSh8tw9FxY-00099-00031887-00032287 Howard and his garden cities of tomorrow MOSh8tw9FxY-00100-00032288-00032510 transportation would have been provided MOSh8tw9FxY-00101-00032511-00032777 by monorails and people movers like that MOSh8tw9FxY-00102-00032778-00033067 in Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland MOSh8tw9FxY-00103-00033068-00033302 automobile traffic would be kept MOSh8tw9FxY-00104-00033303-00033567 underground leaving pedestrians safe MOSh8tw9FxY-00105-00033568-00033957 above ground the original model of Epcot MOSh8tw9FxY-00106-00033958-00034250 can still be seen by passengers riding MOSh8tw9FxY-00107-00034251-00034450 the Tomorrowland Transit Authority MOSh8tw9FxY-00108-00034451-00034710 attraction in the Magic Kingdom park MOSh8tw9FxY-00109-00034711-00034940 when the people mover enters the show MOSh8tw9FxY-00110-00034941-00035168 house four stitches Great Escape the MOSh8tw9FxY-00111-00035169-00035387 remaining portion of the model is MOSh8tw9FxY-00112-00035388-00035663 visible on the left when facing forward MOSh8tw9FxY-00113-00035664-00036071 behind glass Walt Disney was not able to MOSh8tw9FxY-00114-00036072-00036329 obtain funding and permission to start MOSh8tw9FxY-00115-00036330-00036602 work on his Florida property until he MOSh8tw9FxY-00116-00036603-00036965 agreed to first build Magic Kingdom he MOSh8tw9FxY-00117-00036966-00037238 died nearly five years before Magic MOSh8tw9FxY-00118-00037239-00037694 Kingdom open topic concept scrapped MOSh8tw9FxY-00119-00037695-00037967 after Walt Disney's death Walt Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00120-00037968-00038223 Productions decided that it did not want MOSh8tw9FxY-00121-00038224-00038454 to be in the business of running a city MOSh8tw9FxY-00122-00038455-00038774 without Walt's guidance the model MOSh8tw9FxY-00123-00038775-00039062 community of celebration Florida has MOSh8tw9FxY-00124-00039063-00039285 been mentioned as a realization of MOSh8tw9FxY-00125-00039286-00039587 Disney's original vision but celebration MOSh8tw9FxY-00126-00039588-00039879 is based on concepts of new urbanism MOSh8tw9FxY-00127-00039880-00040040 which is radically different from MOSh8tw9FxY-00128-00040041-00040385 Disney's modernist and futurist visions MOSh8tw9FxY-00129-00040386-00040692 however the idea of Epcot was MOSh8tw9FxY-00130-00040693-00040935 instrumental in prompting the state of MOSh8tw9FxY-00131-00040936-00041156 Florida to create the Reedy Creek MOSh8tw9FxY-00132-00041157-00041474 Improvement District our CID and the MOSh8tw9FxY-00133-00041475-00041744 cities of Bay Lake and Reedy Creek now MOSh8tw9FxY-00134-00041745-00042057 Lake Buena Vista a legislative mekin MOSh8tw9FxY-00135-00042058-00042369 allowing Disney to exercise governmental MOSh8tw9FxY-00136-00042370-00042753 powers over Walt Disney World control MOSh8tw9FxY-00137-00042754-00043035 over the RCI Diaz vested in the MOSh8tw9FxY-00138-00043036-00043239 landowners of the district and the MOSh8tw9FxY-00139-00043240-00043455 promise of an actual city in the MOSh8tw9FxY-00140-00043456-00043608 district would have meant that the MOSh8tw9FxY-00141-00043609-00043884 powers of the RC ID would have been MOSh8tw9FxY-00142-00043885-00044112 distributed among the landowners in MOSh8tw9FxY-00143-00044113-00044481 Epcot because the idea of Epcot was MOSh8tw9FxY-00144-00044482-00044766 never implemented Disney remained almost MOSh8tw9FxY-00145-00044767-00044991 the sole landowner in the district MOSh8tw9FxY-00146-00044992-00045222 allowing it to maintain control of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00147-00045223-00045573 RC ID in the cities of Bay Lake and Lake MOSh8tw9FxY-00148-00045574-00045873 Buena Vista Disney further cemented this MOSh8tw9FxY-00149-00045874-00046173 control by D annexing celebration from MOSh8tw9FxY-00150-00046174-00046572 the RC ID the original plans for the MOSh8tw9FxY-00151-00046573-00046833 park showed indecision over the parks MOSh8tw9FxY-00152-00046834-00047199 purpose some Imagineers wanted it to MOSh8tw9FxY-00153-00047200-00047396 represent the cutting edge of technology MOSh8tw9FxY-00154-00047397-00047672 while others wanted it to showcase MOSh8tw9FxY-00155-00047673-00048018 international cultures and customs at MOSh8tw9FxY-00156-00048019-00048336 one point a model of the futuristic park MOSh8tw9FxY-00157-00048337-00048597 was pushed together against a model of a MOSh8tw9FxY-00158-00048598-00048870 World's Fair international theme and the MOSh8tw9FxY-00159-00048871-00049167 two were combined the park was MOSh8tw9FxY-00160-00049168-00049464 originally named Epcot Center to reflect MOSh8tw9FxY-00161-00049465-00049703 the ideals and values of the city MOSh8tw9FxY-00162-00049704-00050013 it was constructed for an estimated MOSh8tw9FxY-00163-00050014-00050331 eight hundred million dollars to 1.4 MOSh8tw9FxY-00164-00050332-00050574 billion dollars and took three years to MOSh8tw9FxY-00165-00050575-00050757 build at the time the largest MOSh8tw9FxY-00166-00050758-00051102 construction project on earth the MOSh8tw9FxY-00167-00051103-00051201 parking lot MOSh8tw9FxY-00168-00051202-00051517 serving the park is 141 acres MOSh8tw9FxY-00169-00051519-00051834 fifty-seven hectares including bus area MOSh8tw9FxY-00170-00051835-00052278 and can accommodate 11,000 211 vehicles MOSh8tw9FxY-00171-00052279-00052602 grass areas hold additional 500 plus MOSh8tw9FxY-00172-00052603-00053021 vehicles before it opened on October 1st MOSh8tw9FxY-00173-00053022-00053376 1982 Walt Disney World Ambassador MOSh8tw9FxY-00174-00053377-00053637 Jeannie field introduced e-card on MOSh8tw9FxY-00175-00053638-00053979 Walker Disney's chairman and CEO who MOSh8tw9FxY-00176-00053979-00054363 dedicated Epcot Center Walker also MOSh8tw9FxY-00177-00054364-00054645 presented a family with lifetime passes MOSh8tw9FxY-00178-00054646-00054959 for the to Walt Disney World theme parks MOSh8tw9FxY-00179-00054960-00055292 his remarks were followed by Florida MOSh8tw9FxY-00180-00055294-00055503 Governor Bob Graham and William MOSh8tw9FxY-00181-00055504-00056304 ellinghouse president of AT&T MOSh8tw9FxY-00182-00056304-00056999 topic opening an operation as park MOSh8tw9FxY-00183-00057000-00057275 as part of the opening day ceremony MOSh8tw9FxY-00184-00057276-00057584 dancers and band members performed we've MOSh8tw9FxY-00185-00057585-00057914 just begun to dream the Sherman Brothers MOSh8tw9FxY-00186-00057915-00058195 wrote a song especially for the occasion MOSh8tw9FxY-00187-00058196-00058658 entitled the World Showcase March during MOSh8tw9FxY-00188-00058659-00058928 the finale doves and many sets of MOSh8tw9FxY-00189-00058929-00059279 balloons were released performing groups MOSh8tw9FxY-00190-00059279-00059546 representing countries from all over the MOSh8tw9FxY-00191-00059547-00059921 world performed in World Showcase water MOSh8tw9FxY-00192-00059922-00060170 was gathered from major rivers across MOSh8tw9FxY-00193-00060171-00060410 the globe and emptied into the parks MOSh8tw9FxY-00194-00060411-00060623 fountain of Nations ceremonial MOSh8tw9FxY-00195-00060624-00060991 containers to mark the opening located MOSh8tw9FxY-00196-00060992-00061196 at the front of the park is a plaque MOSh8tw9FxY-00197-00061197-00061591 bearing Walker's opening day dedication MOSh8tw9FxY-00198-00061592-00061951 in November 2016 it was announced at the MOSh8tw9FxY-00199-00061952-00062266 destination D fan event that Epcot would MOSh8tw9FxY-00200-00062267-00062549 be receiving a major transformation that MOSh8tw9FxY-00201-00062550-00062774 would help transition the park into MOSh8tw9FxY-00202-00062775-00063066 being more Disney timeless relevant MOSh8tw9FxY-00203-00063067-00063280 family-friendly while keeping the MOSh8tw9FxY-00204-00063282-00063644 original vision alive no further details MOSh8tw9FxY-00205-00063645-00064076 were mentioned in July 2017 the Walt MOSh8tw9FxY-00206-00064077-00064322 Disney Company announced that Epcot MOSh8tw9FxY-00207-00064323-00064616 would undergo a multi-year redesign an MOSh8tw9FxY-00208-00064616-00064829 expansion plan that would introduce MOSh8tw9FxY-00209-00064829-00065098 guardians of the galaxy and ratatouille MOSh8tw9FxY-00210-00065099-00065363 attractions to future world and World MOSh8tw9FxY-00211-00065364-00065632 Showcase respectively as well as MOSh8tw9FxY-00212-00065633-00065849 maintaining the original vision and MOSh8tw9FxY-00213-00065850-00066518 spirit for the park MOSh8tw9FxY-00214-00066519-00067059 topic areas MOSh8tw9FxY-00215-00067060-00067365 Epcot is divided into two main themed MOSh8tw9FxY-00216-00067366-00067694 areas future world and World Showcase MOSh8tw9FxY-00217-00067695-00068073 the World Showcase usually opens two MOSh8tw9FxY-00218-00068074-00068319 hours after park opening and remains MOSh8tw9FxY-00219-00068320-00068595 open later than the future world section MOSh8tw9FxY-00220-00068596-00068693 of the park MOSh8tw9FxY-00221-00068694-00069030 most major attractions in future world MOSh8tw9FxY-00222-00069031-00069360 remain open until the parks closing time MOSh8tw9FxY-00223-00069361-00069714 a secondary park date is located between MOSh8tw9FxY-00224-00069715-00069993 the France and United Kingdom pavilions MOSh8tw9FxY-00225-00069994-00070239 of World Showcase and as known as the MOSh8tw9FxY-00226-00070240-00070599 International gateway the International MOSh8tw9FxY-00227-00070600-00070887 gateway is directly accessible to guests MOSh8tw9FxY-00228-00070888-00071148 arriving from the nearby Epcot area MOSh8tw9FxY-00229-00071149-00071483 resorts and Disney's Hollywood Studios MOSh8tw9FxY-00230-00071484-00071850 beginning in late 2019 guests from MOSh8tw9FxY-00231-00071851-00072053 Disney's Art of Animation Resort MOSh8tw9FxY-00232-00072054-00072387 disney's caribbean beach resort disney's MOSh8tw9FxY-00233-00072388-00072690 pop Century Resort and Disney's Riviera MOSh8tw9FxY-00234-00072691-00072951 Resort will be able to ride the Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00235-00072952-00073206 skyline or gondola to the International MOSh8tw9FxY-00236-00073207-00073788 Gateway MOSh8tw9FxY-00237-00073789-00074553 topic future world future world consists MOSh8tw9FxY-00238-00074554-00074817 of a variety of avant-garde pavilions MOSh8tw9FxY-00239-00074818-00075078 that explore innovative aspects and MOSh8tw9FxY-00240-00075079-00075350 applications including technology and MOSh8tw9FxY-00241-00075351-00075597 science with each pavilion featuring MOSh8tw9FxY-00242-00075598-00075963 self-contained attractions future world MOSh8tw9FxY-00243-00075964-00076250 also serves as the parks main entrance MOSh8tw9FxY-00244-00076251-00076491 and features spaceship earth a large MOSh8tw9FxY-00245-00076492-00076785 geodesic sphere structure which houses a MOSh8tw9FxY-00246-00076786-00077148 themed attraction inside originally MOSh8tw9FxY-00247-00077149-00077430 future world opened with five pavilions MOSh8tw9FxY-00248-00077431-00077744 with imagination and horizons pavilions MOSh8tw9FxY-00249-00077745-00077957 opening the following year and the MOSh8tw9FxY-00250-00077958-00078138 living seas and wonders of life MOSh8tw9FxY-00251-00078139-00078587 pavilions opening in 1986 and 1989 MOSh8tw9FxY-00252-00078588-00078972 respectively additionally each pavilion MOSh8tw9FxY-00253-00078973-00079209 of future world featured a unique MOSh8tw9FxY-00254-00079210-00079497 circular logo which was featured on park MOSh8tw9FxY-00255-00079498-00079740 signage and the attractions themselves MOSh8tw9FxY-00256-00079741-00080013 the pavilions are now instead identified MOSh8tw9FxY-00257-00080014-00080262 by name and recognized by the main MOSh8tw9FxY-00258-00080263-00080631 attractions housed inside the logos MOSh8tw9FxY-00259-00080632-00080900 including that of Epcot itself have been MOSh8tw9FxY-00260-00080901-00081186 phased out over recent years but some MOSh8tw9FxY-00261-00081187-00081399 images are still scattered throughout MOSh8tw9FxY-00262-00081400-00081771 the park including merchandising world MOSh8tw9FxY-00263-00081772-00082106 of motion horizons wonders of life and MOSh8tw9FxY-00264-00082107-00082667 universe of energy closed in 1996 1999 MOSh8tw9FxY-00265-00082668-00083207 2007 and 2017 respectively in the future MOSh8tw9FxY-00266-00083208-00083472 some new developments will be coming to MOSh8tw9FxY-00267-00083473-00083736 future world including the addition of a MOSh8tw9FxY-00268-00083737-00084000 roller coaster based on the guardians of MOSh8tw9FxY-00269-00084001-00084249 the galaxy films and the removal of MOSh8tw9FxY-00270-00084250-00084591 interventions there will also be a new MOSh8tw9FxY-00271-00084592-00084840 space themed restaurant in between the MOSh8tw9FxY-00272-00084841-00085138 mission space and test track attractions MOSh8tw9FxY-00273-00085139-00085451 it will be operated by patina Restaurant MOSh8tw9FxY-00274-00085452-00085751 Group which also operates the two MOSh8tw9FxY-00275-00085752-00086013 restaurants in the Italy Pavilion via MOSh8tw9FxY-00276-00086014-00086306 Napoli and tudo Italia MOSh8tw9FxY-00277-00086307-00086543 the current pavilions and attractions MOSh8tw9FxY-00278-00086544-00086812 located in futureworld include the MOSh8tw9FxY-00279-00086813-00087065 following spaceship earth interventions MOSh8tw9FxY-00280-00087066-00087353 mission space test track the seas with MOSh8tw9FxY-00281-00087354-00087647 nemo & friends turtle talk with crush MOSh8tw9FxY-00282-00087648-00087928 the land Sauron and living with the land MOSh8tw9FxY-00283-00087929-00088230 imagination journey into imagination MOSh8tw9FxY-00284-00088231-00088667 with figment play pavillion opening 2021 MOSh8tw9FxY-00285-00088668-00088957 formerly Festival Centre and wonders of MOSh8tw9FxY-00286-00088958-00089358 life MOSh8tw9FxY-00287-00089359-00089955 topic corporate sponsorships MOSh8tw9FxY-00288-00089956-00090273 each Pavilion was initially sponsored by MOSh8tw9FxY-00289-00090274-00090500 a corporation which helped fund its MOSh8tw9FxY-00290-00090501-00090747 construction and maintenance in return MOSh8tw9FxY-00291-00090748-00091001 for the corporation's logos and some MOSh8tw9FxY-00292-00091002-00091217 marketing elements appearing throughout MOSh8tw9FxY-00293-00091218-00091586 the pavilion for example universe of MOSh8tw9FxY-00294-00091587-00091937 energy was sponsored by Exxon from 1982 MOSh8tw9FxY-00295-00091938-00092286 to 2004 and the land was sponsored by MOSh8tw9FxY-00296-00092287-00092766 Kraft from 1982 to 1993 then Nestle II MOSh8tw9FxY-00297-00092767-00093076 from 1993 to 2009 MOSh8tw9FxY-00298-00093077-00093487 each pavilion contains a private VIP MOSh8tw9FxY-00299-00093488-00093848 area for its sponsor with offices MOSh8tw9FxY-00300-00093849-00094161 lounges and reception areas hidden away MOSh8tw9FxY-00301-00094162-00094523 from regular park guests while some MOSh8tw9FxY-00302-00094524-00094736 pavilions still retain active MOSh8tw9FxY-00303-00094737-00094982 sponsorships in recent years several MOSh8tw9FxY-00304-00094983-00095276 pavilions have lost sponsorships due to MOSh8tw9FxY-00305-00095277-00095513 lack of interest from partner companies MOSh8tw9FxY-00306-00095514-00095892 in renewing expiring agreement after MOSh8tw9FxY-00307-00095893-00096285 General Electric left horizons in 1993 MOSh8tw9FxY-00308-00096286-00096549 it closed for a couple of years then MOSh8tw9FxY-00309-00096550-00096782 reopened temporarily while neighboring MOSh8tw9FxY-00310-00096783-00097061 attractions universe of energy and world MOSh8tw9FxY-00311-00097062-00097379 of motion were renovated MetLife MOSh8tw9FxY-00312-00097380-00097754 sponsored wonders of life from 1989 to MOSh8tw9FxY-00313-00097755-00098204 2001 until that area was closed current MOSh8tw9FxY-00314-00098205-00098442 active sponsorships include the MOSh8tw9FxY-00315-00098443-00098611 following MOSh8tw9FxY-00316-00098612-00098986 test track is presented by Chevrolet MOSh8tw9FxY-00317-00098987-00099259 living with the land is presented by MOSh8tw9FxY-00318-00099260-00099634 Chiquita club cool as presented by MOSh8tw9FxY-00319-00099635-00099887 coca-cola MOSh8tw9FxY-00320-00099888-00100242 color topia as presented by Glidden MOSh8tw9FxY-00321-00100243-00100655 the spectacular is presented by Mirada MOSh8tw9FxY-00322-00100656-00101446 Garden Grill as presented by Smuckers MOSh8tw9FxY-00323-00101447-00102032 Topic World Showcase MOSh8tw9FxY-00324-00102033-00102292 world's showcase as a large area MOSh8tw9FxY-00325-00102293-00102557 reminiscent of a permanent World's Fair MOSh8tw9FxY-00326-00102558-00102866 containing 11 pavilions each themed and MOSh8tw9FxY-00327-00102867-00103111 dedicated to represent a specific MOSh8tw9FxY-00328-00103113-00103454 country the pavilions surround the world MOSh8tw9FxY-00329-00103455-00103763 showcase Lagoon a large man-made lake MOSh8tw9FxY-00330-00103764-00103979 located in the center of world's MOSh8tw9FxY-00331-00103980-00104332 showcase with a perimeter of 1.2 miles MOSh8tw9FxY-00332-00104333-00104807 1.9 kilometers in clockwise order the MOSh8tw9FxY-00333-00104808-00105200 eleven pavilions are United States of MOSh8tw9FxY-00334-00105201-00105416 America MOSh8tw9FxY-00335-00105417-00105631 pan MOSh8tw9FxY-00336-00105632-00106371 Rocko France United Kingdom Canada MOSh8tw9FxY-00337-00106372-00107323 Mexico Norway China Germany a tally of MOSh8tw9FxY-00338-00107324-00107661 the 11 pavilions only Morocco and Norway MOSh8tw9FxY-00339-00107663-00107920 were not present at the parks opening as MOSh8tw9FxY-00340-00107921-00108276 they were added in 1984 and 1988 MOSh8tw9FxY-00341-00108277-00108651 respectively each pavilion contains MOSh8tw9FxY-00342-00108652-00108982 themed architecture landscapes Street MOSh8tw9FxY-00343-00108983-00109286 scapes attractions shops and restaurants MOSh8tw9FxY-00344-00109287-00109527 representing the respective countries MOSh8tw9FxY-00345-00109528-00109839 culture and cuisine in an effort to MOSh8tw9FxY-00346-00109840-00110061 maintain the authenticity of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00347-00110062-00110325 represented countries the pavilions are MOSh8tw9FxY-00348-00110326-00110574 primarily staffed by citizens of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00349-00110575-00110794 respective countries as part of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00350-00110795-00111049 cultural representative program through MOSh8tw9FxY-00351-00111050-00111489 q1 visa agreements some pavilions also MOSh8tw9FxY-00352-00111490-00111786 contain themed rides shows and live MOSh8tw9FxY-00353-00111787-00112002 entertainment representative of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00354-00112003-00112348 respective country the only pavilion MOSh8tw9FxY-00355-00112349-00112549 that is directly sponsored by the MOSh8tw9FxY-00356-00112550-00112803 government of its respective country as MOSh8tw9FxY-00357-00112804-00113061 Morocco the remaining pavilions are MOSh8tw9FxY-00358-00113062-00113313 primarily sponsored by private companies MOSh8tw9FxY-00359-00113314-00113596 with affiliations to the represented MOSh8tw9FxY-00360-00113597-00114024 countries originally the showcase was to MOSh8tw9FxY-00361-00114025-00114204 include partnerships with the MOSh8tw9FxY-00362-00114205-00114456 governments of the different countries MOSh8tw9FxY-00363-00114457-00114915 according to Disney's 1975 annual report MOSh8tw9FxY-00364-00114916-00115207 the Showcase would MOSh8tw9FxY-00365-00115208-00115456 offer participating countries of MOSh8tw9FxY-00366-00115457-00115714 permanent installation for such features MOSh8tw9FxY-00367-00115715-00115999 as themed restaurants and shops product MOSh8tw9FxY-00368-00116000-00116314 exhibits industrial displays cultural MOSh8tw9FxY-00369-00116315-00116596 presentations a trade center and even MOSh8tw9FxY-00370-00116597-00116958 special facilities for business meetings MOSh8tw9FxY-00371-00116958-00117214 major sponsorships for each MOSh8tw9FxY-00372-00117215-00117469 participating nation will be asked to MOSh8tw9FxY-00373-00117470-00117730 provide the capital to cover the cost of MOSh8tw9FxY-00374-00117731-00117936 designing developing and constructing MOSh8tw9FxY-00375-00117938-00118213 its attraction and/or ride and all MOSh8tw9FxY-00376-00118214-00118489 exhibits as well as the pavilion itself MOSh8tw9FxY-00377-00118490-00118840 it will also have the responsibility for MOSh8tw9FxY-00378-00118841-00119122 funding the housing for its employees in MOSh8tw9FxY-00379-00119123-00119470 the international village its land lease MOSh8tw9FxY-00380-00119471-00119704 will cover the cost of maintaining the MOSh8tw9FxY-00381-00119705-00120058 attraction for a minimum of 10 years MOSh8tw9FxY-00382-00120058-00120291 the Disney organization will be MOSh8tw9FxY-00383-00120292-00120547 responsible for area development MOSh8tw9FxY-00384-00120548-00120734 including the construction of MOSh8tw9FxY-00385-00120735-00121123 transportation systems and utilities we MOSh8tw9FxY-00386-00121124-00121389 will also build and operate the internal MOSh8tw9FxY-00387-00121390-00121648 people moving system the courtyard of MOSh8tw9FxY-00388-00121649-00122394 nations and central theatre facility MOSh8tw9FxY-00389-00122395-00122754 topic proposed pavilions and unused MOSh8tw9FxY-00390-00122755-00123178 locations MOSh8tw9FxY-00391-00123179-00123449 pavilions for Brazil the Philippines MOSh8tw9FxY-00392-00123450-00123846 Puerto Rico Russia Switzerland Costa MOSh8tw9FxY-00393-00123847-00124178 Rica Spain Venezuela United Arab MOSh8tw9FxY-00394-00124179-00124439 Emirates and Israel have occasionally MOSh8tw9FxY-00395-00124440-00124625 been rumored as potential future MOSh8tw9FxY-00396-00124626-00124883 pavilions but have never made it past MOSh8tw9FxY-00397-00124884-00125250 the planning phases to date the Israeli MOSh8tw9FxY-00398-00125251-00125491 Spanish and an Equatorial Africa MOSh8tw9FxY-00399-00125492-00125748 pavilion blending elements of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00400-00125749-00126006 cultures of countries such as Kenya and MOSh8tw9FxY-00401-00126007-00126294 Zaire were even announced as coming soon MOSh8tw9FxY-00402-00126295-00126774 in 1982 but never took off instead a MOSh8tw9FxY-00403-00126775-00127044 small African themed refreshment shop MOSh8tw9FxY-00404-00127045-00127308 known as the outpost currently resides MOSh8tw9FxY-00405-00127308-00127725 where Equatorial Africa was to be Israel MOSh8tw9FxY-00406-00127726-00128039 five African countries Eritrea Ethiopia MOSh8tw9FxY-00407-00128040-00128465 Kenya Namibia and South Africa as well MOSh8tw9FxY-00408-00128466-00128739 as eight other countries Brazil Chile MOSh8tw9FxY-00409-00128740-00129168 India Indonesia New Zealand Saudi Arabia MOSh8tw9FxY-00410-00129169-00129477 Scotland and Sweden took part in the MOSh8tw9FxY-00411-00129478-00129702 Millennium village during the Millennium MOSh8tw9FxY-00412-00129703-00130056 celebration there are currently eight MOSh8tw9FxY-00413-00130057-00130275 undeveloped spots for countries around MOSh8tw9FxY-00414-00130276-00130616 the world showcase including the space MOSh8tw9FxY-00415-00130617-00130964 occupied by the outpost in between the MOSh8tw9FxY-00416-00130965-00131303 locations of the current countries two MOSh8tw9FxY-00417-00131304-00131540 of the potential locations on either MOSh8tw9FxY-00418-00131541-00131808 side of the United Kingdom are currently MOSh8tw9FxY-00419-00131809-00132195 occupied by world show place two more MOSh8tw9FxY-00420-00132196-00132399 lie on either side of the American MOSh8tw9FxY-00421-00132400-00132684 adventure though this pavilions use of MOSh8tw9FxY-00422-00132685-00132927 reversed forced perspective may preclude MOSh8tw9FxY-00423-00132928-00133185 the construction of additional buildings MOSh8tw9FxY-00424-00133186-00133544 as they would ruin the illusion MOSh8tw9FxY-00425-00133545-00133886 topic alcohol policy unlike Magic MOSh8tw9FxY-00426-00133887-00134189 Kingdom which up until 2012 did not MOSh8tw9FxY-00427-00134190-00134483 serve alcohol and now only serves it in MOSh8tw9FxY-00428-00134484-00134786 all table service locations most stores MOSh8tw9FxY-00429-00134787-00135069 and restaurants at Epcot especially in MOSh8tw9FxY-00430-00135070-00135341 the world showcase serve and/or sell a MOSh8tw9FxY-00431-00135342-00135665 variety of alcoholic beverages including MOSh8tw9FxY-00432-00135666-00136001 specialty drinks craft beers wines and MOSh8tw9FxY-00433-00136002-00136235 spirits reflective of the respective MOSh8tw9FxY-00434-00136236-00136625 countries the park also hosts the Epcot MOSh8tw9FxY-00435-00136626-00136916 International Food & Wine Festival an MOSh8tw9FxY-00436-00136917-00137189 annual event featuring food and drink MOSh8tw9FxY-00437-00137190-00137469 samplings from all over the world along MOSh8tw9FxY-00438-00137470-00137702 with live entertainment and special MOSh8tw9FxY-00439-00137703-00138257 exhibits MOSh8tw9FxY-00440-00138258-00138922 topic the World Showcase adventure MOSh8tw9FxY-00441-00138923-00139183 originally based on the Disney Channel MOSh8tw9FxY-00442-00139184-00139514 animated series Kim Possible the World MOSh8tw9FxY-00443-00139515-00139775 Showcase adventure as an interactive MOSh8tw9FxY-00444-00139776-00140006 mobile attraction taking place in MOSh8tw9FxY-00445-00140007-00140231 several pavilions throughout the world MOSh8tw9FxY-00446-00140232-00140621 showcase the attraction as an electronic MOSh8tw9FxY-00447-00140622-00140867 scavenger hunt that has guests using MOSh8tw9FxY-00448-00140868-00141250 special communicators in actuality MOSh8tw9FxY-00449-00141251-00141569 customized cell phones to help teenage MOSh8tw9FxY-00450-00141570-00141833 crime fighter's Kim Possible and Ron MOSh8tw9FxY-00451-00141834-00142229 stoppable Salva crime or disrupt in MOSh8tw9FxY-00452-00142230-00142591 evildoers plans for global domination MOSh8tw9FxY-00453-00142592-00143033 the communicator is able to trigger MOSh8tw9FxY-00454-00143034-00143279 specific events within the pavilion MOSh8tw9FxY-00455-00143280-00143552 grounds that provide clues to completing MOSh8tw9FxY-00456-00143553-00143969 the adventure launched in January 2009 MOSh8tw9FxY-00457-00143970-00144287 and presented by Verizon Wireless the MOSh8tw9FxY-00458-00144288-00144545 adventure as included in park admission MOSh8tw9FxY-00459-00144546-00144926 it was succeeded by agent P's world MOSh8tw9FxY-00460-00144927-00145178 showcase adventure based on Disney's MOSh8tw9FxY-00461-00145179-00146071 Phineas and Ferb on June 23rd 2012 MOSh8tw9FxY-00462-00146072-00146813 topic illuminations reflections of Earth MOSh8tw9FxY-00463-00146814-00147105 illuminations reflections of Earth as an MOSh8tw9FxY-00464-00147106-00147369 award-winning show taking place in the MOSh8tw9FxY-00465-00147370-00147627 world showcase Lagoon every night at the MOSh8tw9FxY-00466-00147628-00147959 parks closing time usually 9:00 p.m. MOSh8tw9FxY-00467-00147960-00148389 it features fireworks lasers fire and MOSh8tw9FxY-00468-00148390-00148689 water fountains time to a musical score MOSh8tw9FxY-00469-00148690-00149058 over the world showcase lagoon a large MOSh8tw9FxY-00470-00149059-00149391 rotating globe with curved LED screens MOSh8tw9FxY-00471-00149392-00149631 as the centerpiece of the show and is MOSh8tw9FxY-00472-00149632-00149889 used to display images of people and MOSh8tw9FxY-00473-00149890-00150237 places the current version premiered as MOSh8tw9FxY-00474-00150238-00150405 part of the park's millennium MOSh8tw9FxY-00475-00150406-00150822 celebration in 2000 the show tells the MOSh8tw9FxY-00476-00150823-00151083 story of Earth and as divided into three MOSh8tw9FxY-00477-00151084-00151640 movements titled chaos order and meaning MOSh8tw9FxY-00478-00151641-00152019 the music has an African tribal sound to MOSh8tw9FxY-00479-00152020-00152322 it to emphasize the idea of humanity as MOSh8tw9FxY-00480-00152323-00152604 a single unified tribe on this planet MOSh8tw9FxY-00481-00152605-00152895 the lagoon is surrounded by 19 large MOSh8tw9FxY-00482-00152896-00153174 torches signifying the first nineteenth MOSh8tw9FxY-00483-00153175-00153426 centuries of the Common Era and the show MOSh8tw9FxY-00484-00153427-00153654 culminates in the globe opening like a MOSh8tw9FxY-00485-00153655-00153921 lotus blossom to reveal a twentieth MOSh8tw9FxY-00486-00153922-00154173 torch representing the now completed MOSh8tw9FxY-00487-00154174-00154477 20th century MOSh8tw9FxY-00488-00154478-00154802 topic annual events Epcot hosts a number MOSh8tw9FxY-00489-00154803-00155081 of special events during the year the MOSh8tw9FxY-00490-00155082-00155309 Epcot International Flower and Garden MOSh8tw9FxY-00491-00155310-00155747 Festival inaugurated in 1994 uses MOSh8tw9FxY-00492-00155748-00155975 specially themed floral displays MOSh8tw9FxY-00493-00155976-00156233 throughout the park including topiary MOSh8tw9FxY-00494-00156234-00156611 sculptures of Disney characters guests MOSh8tw9FxY-00495-00156612-00156836 can meet gardening experts and learn new MOSh8tw9FxY-00496-00156837-00157100 ideas they can use in their own home MOSh8tw9FxY-00497-00157101-00157484 gardens the 18th annual event was MOSh8tw9FxY-00498-00157485-00157886 scheduled for March 2nd to May 15 each MOSh8tw9FxY-00499-00157887-00158144 event takes more than a full year to MOSh8tw9FxY-00500-00158145-00158453 plan in more than 20,000 cast member MOSh8tw9FxY-00501-00158454-00158837 hours the Epcot International Food and MOSh8tw9FxY-00502-00158838-00159251 Wine Festival inaugurated in 1995 draws MOSh8tw9FxY-00503-00159252-00159512 amateur and professional gourmets to MOSh8tw9FxY-00504-00159513-00159749 sample delicacies from all around the MOSh8tw9FxY-00505-00159750-00160025 world including nations that do not have MOSh8tw9FxY-00506-00160026-00160365 a permanent presence in World Showcase MOSh8tw9FxY-00507-00160366-00160661 celebrity chefs are often on hand to MOSh8tw9FxY-00508-00160662-00161048 host the event in 2008 the festival MOSh8tw9FxY-00509-00161049-00161333 featured the BOK used or USA the MOSh8tw9FxY-00510-00161334-00161629 American semi-final of the biennial bak MOSh8tw9FxY-00511-00161630-00162008 used or cooking competition the Epcot MOSh8tw9FxY-00512-00162009-00162232 International Festival of the Arts MOSh8tw9FxY-00513-00162233-00162581 inaugurated in 2017 is a festival MOSh8tw9FxY-00514-00162582-00162827 showcasing visual culinary and MOSh8tw9FxY-00515-00162828-00163214 performing arts the first annual event MOSh8tw9FxY-00516-00163215-00163550 took place on weekends from January 13th MOSh8tw9FxY-00517-00163551-00163925 through February 20th 2017 the third MOSh8tw9FxY-00518-00163926-00164213 annual Epcot International Festival of MOSh8tw9FxY-00519-00164214-00164515 the Arts took place January 18th to MOSh8tw9FxY-00520-00164516-00164869 February 25th 2019 MOSh8tw9FxY-00521-00164870-00165145 the Epcot International Festival of the MOSh8tw9FxY-00522-00165146-00165423 holidays as Epcot's annual holiday MOSh8tw9FxY-00523-00165424-00165804 celebration the World Showcase pavilions MOSh8tw9FxY-00524-00165805-00166053 feature storytellers describing their MOSh8tw9FxY-00525-00166054-00166309 nation's holiday traditions and three MOSh8tw9FxY-00526-00166310-00166560 nightly performances of the candlelight MOSh8tw9FxY-00527-00166561-00166791 processional featuring an auditioned MOSh8tw9FxY-00528-00166792-00167013 mass choir and a celebrity guest MOSh8tw9FxY-00529-00167014-00167364 narrating the story of Christmas during MOSh8tw9FxY-00530-00167365-00167679 the festival illuminations reflections MOSh8tw9FxY-00531-00167680-00167925 of Earth features a special extended MOSh8tw9FxY-00532-00167926-00168283 ending on New Year's Eve the park offers MOSh8tw9FxY-00533-00168284-00168571 a variety of additional entertainment MOSh8tw9FxY-00534-00168572-00168900 including live DJ dance areas throughout MOSh8tw9FxY-00535-00168901-00169140 the park and a special New Year's Eve MOSh8tw9FxY-00536-00169141-00169383 countdown edition of illuminations MOSh8tw9FxY-00537-00169384-00170069 reflections of Earth MOSh8tw9FxY-00538-00170070-00171002 topic attendance MOSh8tw9FxY-00539-00171003-00171399 topic the official album of Walt Disney MOSh8tw9FxY-00540-00171400-00171930 World Epcot Center MOSh8tw9FxY-00541-00171931-00172245 the official album of Walt Disney World MOSh8tw9FxY-00542-00172246-00172542 Epcot Center was the official album for MOSh8tw9FxY-00543-00172543-00173013 Epcot Center in 1983 it was originally MOSh8tw9FxY-00544-00173014-00173316 released on LP and audio cassette and as MOSh8tw9FxY-00545-00173317-00174006 no longer being produced MOSh8tw9FxY-00546-00174007-00174568 topic tracklisting MOSh8tw9FxY-00547-00174569-00175104 side 1 main entrance medley instrumental MOSh8tw9FxY-00548-00175105-00175404 329 MOSh8tw9FxY-00549-00175405-00175734 dream the American adventure in the MOSh8tw9FxY-00550-00175735-00176071 world showcase 327 MOSh8tw9FxY-00551-00176072-00176451 energy you make the world go round MOSh8tw9FxY-00552-00176452-00176872 universe of energy 148 MOSh8tw9FxY-00553-00176873-00177261 the computer song Epcot computer central MOSh8tw9FxY-00554-00177262-00177467 232 MOSh8tw9FxY-00555-00177468-00177904 magic journeys journey into imagination MOSh8tw9FxY-00556-00177905-00178120 336 MOSh8tw9FxY-00557-00178121-00178527 Canada you're a lifetime journey MOSh8tw9FxY-00558-00178528-00178916 hada in the world showcased 3:22 side to MOSh8tw9FxY-00559-00178917-00179349 universe of energy universe of energy to MOSh8tw9FxY-00560-00179350-00179535 14 MOSh8tw9FxY-00561-00179536-00180078 listen to the land the land 259 MOSh8tw9FxY-00562-00180079-00180375 one little spark journey into MOSh8tw9FxY-00563-00180376-00180694 imagination 3:40 MOSh8tw9FxY-00564-00180695-00181084 it's fun to be free world of motion MOSh8tw9FxY-00565-00181085-00181278 2:14 MOSh8tw9FxY-00566-00181279-00181712 makin memories journey into imagination MOSh8tw9FxY-00567-00181713-00181924 326 MOSh8tw9FxY-00568-00181925-00182488 kitchen cabaret medley the land 220 MOSh8tw9FxY-00569-00182489-00182982 boogy Woogy bakery boy meat Diddy's MOSh8tw9FxY-00570-00182983-00183652 veggie veggie fruit fruit MOSh8tw9FxY-00571-00183653-00184228 topic C also MOSh8tw9FxY-00572-00184229-00184699 list of Epcot attractions Epcot resort MOSh8tw9FxY-00573-00184700-00185149 area Westcott MR1fJ52tNAE-00000-00000030-00000463 [Music] MR1fJ52tNAE-00001-00000463-00000676 with the renewal of the Canada Science MR1fJ52tNAE-00002-00000677-00000866 and Technology Museum one of the things MR1fJ52tNAE-00003-00000867-00001025 that we're most proud of is its impact MR1fJ52tNAE-00004-00001026-00001216 on the local community as many of you MR1fJ52tNAE-00005-00001217-00001439 know we're not in the downtown core we MR1fJ52tNAE-00006-00001440-00001609 don't benefit necessarily directly from MR1fJ52tNAE-00007-00001610-00001759 the tourism market from the city of MR1fJ52tNAE-00008-00001760-00001934 ottawa what we do have though is MR1fJ52tNAE-00009-00001935-00002204 extremely loyal members we cater to the MR1fJ52tNAE-00010-00002205-00002417 region's family's extremely well and so MR1fJ52tNAE-00011-00002418-00002626 we serve all the citizens of Ottawa that MR1fJ52tNAE-00012-00002627-00002816 many of them live in the suburbs you get MR1fJ52tNAE-00013-00002817-00003034 a lot of visitors don't kid yourself but MR1fJ52tNAE-00014-00003035-00003188 the impact on there on the local MR1fJ52tNAE-00015-00003189-00003445 community on a fabric of Ottawa is MR1fJ52tNAE-00016-00003446-00003668 striking every day I run into people MR1fJ52tNAE-00017-00003669-00003836 telling me about either the hatchery MR1fJ52tNAE-00018-00003836-00004019 when they were children the train the MR1fJ52tNAE-00019-00004020-00004184 crazy kitchen and we're absolutely MR1fJ52tNAE-00020-00004185-00004370 ingrained in the upbringing of many of MR1fJ52tNAE-00021-00004371-00004541 the Aequitas residents tourists are MR1fJ52tNAE-00022-00004542-00004847 absolutely important and vital but we MR1fJ52tNAE-00023-00004848-00005009 have a community role that's extremely MR1fJ52tNAE-00024-00005010-00005216 important and we're very proud of that MR1fJ52tNAE-00025-00005217-00005342 and we look forward to being able to MR1fJ52tNAE-00026-00005343-00005468 continue to serve the community and MR1fJ52tNAE-00027-00005469-00005828 remember 2017 when we reopen MTYvq3wxbG8-00000-00000022-00000031 [Music] MTYvq3wxbG8-00001-00000032-00000191 today we're going to be talking about MTYvq3wxbG8-00002-00000192-00000415 everything i wish i knew before becoming MTYvq3wxbG8-00003-00000416-00000562 a youtuber MTYvq3wxbG8-00004-00000563-00000703 [Music] MTYvq3wxbG8-00005-00000704-00000911 the first thing is to have a financial MTYvq3wxbG8-00006-00000911-00001087 plan MTYvq3wxbG8-00007-00001088-00001262 youtube just won't make money for the MTYvq3wxbG8-00008-00001263-00001535 first few years like any business it MTYvq3wxbG8-00009-00001536-00001687 might fail so MTYvq3wxbG8-00010-00001688-00001871 you have to have a backup plan in how MTYvq3wxbG8-00011-00001872-00002030 you're going to make money i see a lot MTYvq3wxbG8-00012-00002032-00002159 of these videos being like i want to MTYvq3wxbG8-00013-00002160-00002326 quit my nine to five job and become a MTYvq3wxbG8-00014-00002327-00002526 youtuber but honestly i think that's a MTYvq3wxbG8-00015-00002527-00002758 dumbest idea unless your channel is MTYvq3wxbG8-00016-00002759-00002991 already taking off i made a plan of like MTYvq3wxbG8-00017-00002992-00003191 how i was gonna make money in one year MTYvq3wxbG8-00018-00003192-00003375 how much i was gonna make how i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00019-00003376-00003551 gonna make it and i pitched it to my MTYvq3wxbG8-00020-00003552-00003759 parents to see if they would allow me to MTYvq3wxbG8-00021-00003760-00003895 drop out of school i basically told them MTYvq3wxbG8-00022-00003896-00004086 i'd freelance make websites consult MTYvq3wxbG8-00023-00004087-00004415 instagram brands and make income by MTYvq3wxbG8-00024-00004416-00004606 doing that and i was able to dedicate MTYvq3wxbG8-00025-00004607-00004806 time to youtube because i had that MTYvq3wxbG8-00026-00004807-00004991 source of income unless you have a lot MTYvq3wxbG8-00027-00004992-00005231 of savings or a sugar daddy i really do MTYvq3wxbG8-00028-00005232-00005447 recommend to not depend on youtube in MTYvq3wxbG8-00029-00005448-00005670 the first three years i remember my MTYvq3wxbG8-00030-00005671-00005863 first seven years of youtube i didn't MTYvq3wxbG8-00031-00005864-00006079 make a single dollar because i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00032-00006080-00006327 figuring out how to edit how to pick you MTYvq3wxbG8-00033-00006328-00006591 know a niche and if you MTYvq3wxbG8-00034-00006592-00006791 on top of all that add pressure of MTYvq3wxbG8-00035-00006792-00007078 making money it's gonna be overwhelming MTYvq3wxbG8-00036-00007079-00007310 and you're gonna make yourself quit and MTYvq3wxbG8-00037-00007311-00007487 i find that's the reason why it's so MTYvq3wxbG8-00038-00007488-00007614 hard to start youtube channel today is MTYvq3wxbG8-00039-00007615-00007855 because we're so focused on you know MTYvq3wxbG8-00040-00007856-00008078 looking at money and success because MTYvq3wxbG8-00041-00008079-00008223 everyone else is making money like the MTYvq3wxbG8-00042-00008224-00008439 truth is most creators that you're like MTYvq3wxbG8-00043-00008440-00008623 looking after don't make money from MTYvq3wxbG8-00044-00008624-00008751 youtube in the very beginning like i MTYvq3wxbG8-00045-00008752-00008983 don't give a if they say they have MTYvq3wxbG8-00046-00008984-00009206 a rolls royce i know so many people that MTYvq3wxbG8-00047-00009207-00009399 rent lamborghinis and like have this MTYvq3wxbG8-00048-00009400-00009687 image of being wealthy but in reality MTYvq3wxbG8-00049-00009688-00009871 that money is not from youtube and it's MTYvq3wxbG8-00050-00009872-00010087 just a false perception of like MTYvq3wxbG8-00051-00010088-00010374 what the first beginnings of a crater MTYvq3wxbG8-00052-00010375-00010510 journey looks like MTYvq3wxbG8-00053-00010511-00010791 the second thing that i wish i knew was MTYvq3wxbG8-00054-00010792-00011014 to plan on making new friends because MTYvq3wxbG8-00055-00011015-00011199 you're gonna most likely lose your MTYvq3wxbG8-00056-00011200-00011342 current ones MTYvq3wxbG8-00057-00011343-00011495 i know that's pretty harsh and like MTYvq3wxbG8-00058-00011496-00011687 shade that sounds like really depressing MTYvq3wxbG8-00059-00011688-00011878 but the truth is the people that you're MTYvq3wxbG8-00060-00011879-00012055 friends with from kindergarten or high MTYvq3wxbG8-00061-00012056-00012319 school or even college most likely won't MTYvq3wxbG8-00062-00012320-00012542 support your goals and will go down a MTYvq3wxbG8-00063-00012543-00012742 different path being a youtuber is MTYvq3wxbG8-00064-00012743-00012927 essentially being self-employed and if MTYvq3wxbG8-00065-00012928-00013111 your friends are all employed they might MTYvq3wxbG8-00066-00013112-00013375 not understand you know what you're MTYvq3wxbG8-00067-00013376-00013519 doing and i remember for me when i MTYvq3wxbG8-00068-00013519-00013686 dropped out of school MTYvq3wxbG8-00069-00013687-00013815 every single one of my friends i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00070-00013816-00013983 like dumb for MTYvq3wxbG8-00071-00013984-00014166 taking a risk and i'm never gonna make MTYvq3wxbG8-00072-00014168-00014311 any money i think someone literally in MTYvq3wxbG8-00073-00014312-00014486 school was like jade's like gonna end up MTYvq3wxbG8-00074-00014487-00014711 homeless instead of listening to them i MTYvq3wxbG8-00075-00014712-00014894 tried to find a new group of people that MTYvq3wxbG8-00076-00014895-00015111 supported me and i literally joined an MTYvq3wxbG8-00077-00015112-00015303 instagram engagement group now if you MTYvq3wxbG8-00078-00015304-00015463 guys know what an instagram engagement MTYvq3wxbG8-00079-00015463-00015607 group is it's really cringy but MTYvq3wxbG8-00080-00015608-00015822 basically it's a group of like 10 or 20 MTYvq3wxbG8-00081-00015823-00016022 people that like comment on each other MTYvq3wxbG8-00082-00016023-00016215 it's the dumbest thing honestly but it MTYvq3wxbG8-00083-00016216-00016422 worked and i got motivated and i felt in MTYvq3wxbG8-00084-00016423-00016630 a weird way a sense of community if MTYvq3wxbG8-00085-00016631-00016919 you're able to join a creator house MTYvq3wxbG8-00086-00016920-00017135 i know they're expensive but i like MTYvq3wxbG8-00087-00017136-00017343 recently moved into a crypto crater MTYvq3wxbG8-00088-00017344-00017543 house called launch house anybody can MTYvq3wxbG8-00089-00017544-00017694 apply if you guys want you guys can use MTYvq3wxbG8-00090-00017695-00017975 my link below it's in beverly hills but MTYvq3wxbG8-00091-00017976-00018143 i was really skeptical because i would MTYvq3wxbG8-00092-00018144-00018271 say i've been a youtuber for now 10 MTYvq3wxbG8-00093-00018272-00018439 years right so i don't really need MTYvq3wxbG8-00094-00018440-00018639 launch house necessarily a start but it MTYvq3wxbG8-00095-00018640-00018879 was so beneficial to be in a house full MTYvq3wxbG8-00096-00018880-00019079 of people that were content creators MTYvq3wxbG8-00097-00019080-00019375 entrepreneurs founders it was so fun and MTYvq3wxbG8-00098-00019376-00019607 everyone was like hilarious and MTYvq3wxbG8-00099-00019608-00019775 it was kind of expensive but if you're MTYvq3wxbG8-00100-00019776-00019911 able to like get a house with your MTYvq3wxbG8-00101-00019912-00020055 friends it doesn't have to be in beverly MTYvq3wxbG8-00102-00020056-00020247 hills um hopefully all of them are MTYvq3wxbG8-00103-00020248-00020407 creators and just make and like do MTYvq3wxbG8-00104-00020408-00020639 it for a month it's so beneficial and i MTYvq3wxbG8-00105-00020640-00020830 think that like it really gets you out MTYvq3wxbG8-00106-00020831-00020950 of the bubble of people that don't MTYvq3wxbG8-00107-00020951-00021143 believe in you and gets you into a new MTYvq3wxbG8-00108-00021144-00021278 bubble of people that will motivate you MTYvq3wxbG8-00109-00021279-00021422 and keep you going when things get tough MTYvq3wxbG8-00110-00021423-00021607 the third thing i wish i knew was when MTYvq3wxbG8-00111-00021608-00021830 you start to make a dollar on youtube MTYvq3wxbG8-00112-00021831-00022230 invest it 100 back into your channel MTYvq3wxbG8-00113-00022231-00022358 don't buy MTYvq3wxbG8-00114-00022359-00022655 designer i know it's tempting but i MTYvq3wxbG8-00115-00022656-00022878 remember when i first got my first 100 MTYvq3wxbG8-00116-00022879-00023086 check on youtube i reinvested back into MTYvq3wxbG8-00117-00023087-00023391 my channel and got an editor and MTYvq3wxbG8-00118-00023392-00023550 used that money to pay her to edit MTYvq3wxbG8-00119-00023551-00023750 videos and i could make more content now MTYvq3wxbG8-00120-00023751-00023871 it's not going to always return MTYvq3wxbG8-00121-00023872-00023999 immediately like you know if you put a MTYvq3wxbG8-00122-00024000-00024111 hundred bucks in you're gonna get ten MTYvq3wxbG8-00123-00024112-00024230 thousand sometimes you put a hundred MTYvq3wxbG8-00124-00024231-00024375 dollars in and then you lose twenty MTYvq3wxbG8-00125-00024376-00024527 dollars because you're like going MTYvq3wxbG8-00126-00024528-00024671 negative and then you make two hundred MTYvq3wxbG8-00127-00024672-00024799 dollars right like sometimes it's not MTYvq3wxbG8-00128-00024800-00024935 linear but MTYvq3wxbG8-00129-00024936-00025103 when you're a youtuber you really need MTYvq3wxbG8-00130-00025104-00025439 to stop editing and work on MTYvq3wxbG8-00131-00025440-00025711 ideas concepts producing more content MTYvq3wxbG8-00132-00025712-00025911 because the more content you make the MTYvq3wxbG8-00133-00025912-00026087 more views you get the more audiences MTYvq3wxbG8-00134-00026088-00026206 you get and MTYvq3wxbG8-00135-00026207-00026462 it's not always linear but it does help MTYvq3wxbG8-00136-00026463-00026743 grow your revenue and then you can relax MTYvq3wxbG8-00137-00026744-00026918 now of course i'm a huge proponent of MTYvq3wxbG8-00138-00026919-00027199 self-care get yourself that louis v bag MTYvq3wxbG8-00139-00027200-00027374 if that's your dream but you need to get MTYvq3wxbG8-00140-00027375-00027631 in a habit of like reinvesting back MTYvq3wxbG8-00141-00027632-00027879 because it really trains you to MTYvq3wxbG8-00142-00027880-00028135 spend on growing for the long term not MTYvq3wxbG8-00143-00028136-00028318 just the short term my fourth thing i MTYvq3wxbG8-00144-00028319-00028470 wish i knew was just take a MTYvq3wxbG8-00145-00028472-00028583 break MTYvq3wxbG8-00146-00028583-00028767 you need to be able to understand when MTYvq3wxbG8-00147-00028768-00028902 it's a high season and you've got to MTYvq3wxbG8-00148-00028904-00029079 grind it out and when it's a low season MTYvq3wxbG8-00149-00029080-00029270 and it's time to take a break because no MTYvq3wxbG8-00150-00029272-00029495 youtuber or entrepreneur can MTYvq3wxbG8-00151-00029495-00029743 grind 24 7. i don't care MTYvq3wxbG8-00152-00029744-00029927 if you watch garyvee just kidding we MTYvq3wxbG8-00153-00029927-00030127 love yuri it's just like you need to MTYvq3wxbG8-00154-00030127-00030407 know when to take a break and i MTYvq3wxbG8-00155-00030408-00030639 personally took way too long MTYvq3wxbG8-00156-00030639-00030870 before i like slowed down my uploads MTYvq3wxbG8-00157-00030872-00031127 like it was awful i would like be so fed MTYvq3wxbG8-00158-00031127-00031270 up with myself if i didn't upload every MTYvq3wxbG8-00159-00031272-00031446 single day because i was uploading daily MTYvq3wxbG8-00160-00031447-00031631 i know and i think like MTYvq3wxbG8-00161-00031632-00031839 it's really important to at the same MTYvq3wxbG8-00162-00031839-00031983 time you know invest all your money and MTYvq3wxbG8-00163-00031983-00032118 be diligent MTYvq3wxbG8-00164-00032119-00032431 don't beat yourself up if you take a MTYvq3wxbG8-00165-00032432-00032543 break MTYvq3wxbG8-00166-00032544-00032679 so i have a therapist and i see her once MTYvq3wxbG8-00167-00032680-00032902 a week because i'm genzy and anxious MTYvq3wxbG8-00168-00032903-00033143 like everyone observed but um she told MTYvq3wxbG8-00169-00033144-00033318 me this like really interesting quote at MTYvq3wxbG8-00170-00033319-00033479 one of our sessions and she's like MTYvq3wxbG8-00171-00033480-00033655 anything you're afraid of happened in MTYvq3wxbG8-00172-00033656-00033790 the past you're not worried about it in MTYvq3wxbG8-00173-00033791-00034062 the future MTYvq3wxbG8-00174-00034063-00034295 what does that mean for example i was so MTYvq3wxbG8-00175-00034296-00034487 nervous to take a break from youtube MTYvq3wxbG8-00176-00034488-00034655 like if i take a break my opportunity's MTYvq3wxbG8-00177-00034656-00034855 gonna be missed and i'm gonna like wake MTYvq3wxbG8-00178-00034856-00034999 up one day and have like MTYvq3wxbG8-00179-00035000-00035174 no money a new youtube channel which is MTYvq3wxbG8-00180-00035175-00035335 not true like if you sleep like an extra MTYvq3wxbG8-00181-00035336-00035495 hour you're gonna be fine what i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00182-00035496-00035687 afraid about wasn't losing money in like MTYvq3wxbG8-00183-00035688-00035839 the future it was something in the past MTYvq3wxbG8-00184-00035840-00035983 that happened so for example when i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00185-00035984-00036311 younger um my family lost to the house MTYvq3wxbG8-00186-00036312-00036383 we MTYvq3wxbG8-00187-00036384-00036551 um i was like eight years old we had to MTYvq3wxbG8-00188-00036552-00036774 move from la to texas because the MTYvq3wxbG8-00189-00036775-00037095 recession hit and i basically you know MTYvq3wxbG8-00190-00037096-00037311 lost all my friends and money was really MTYvq3wxbG8-00191-00037312-00037527 tough and i realized because i grew up MTYvq3wxbG8-00192-00037528-00037655 in that environment MTYvq3wxbG8-00193-00037656-00037839 that i'm older i'm still holding on to MTYvq3wxbG8-00194-00037840-00037983 those memories and i'm not actually MTYvq3wxbG8-00195-00037984-00038190 afraid of like the future i'm actually MTYvq3wxbG8-00196-00038191-00038287 afraid of something in the past MTYvq3wxbG8-00197-00038288-00038479 repeating most often than not it's your MTYvq3wxbG8-00198-00038480-00038679 anxiety talking if you're afraid to take MTYvq3wxbG8-00199-00038680-00038895 a break ask yourself why and then ask MTYvq3wxbG8-00200-00038896-00038999 yourself if it's something that's MTYvq3wxbG8-00201-00039000-00039174 actually gonna happen or you're just MTYvq3wxbG8-00202-00039175-00039390 afraid of the past yeah i know you MTYvq3wxbG8-00203-00039391-00039502 didn't expect to click on a youtube MTYvq3wxbG8-00204-00039503-00039718 video and get all therapisty well that's MTYvq3wxbG8-00205-00039719-00039839 the vibe on the daydream amongst the MTYvq3wxbG8-00206-00039840-00039943 channel MTYvq3wxbG8-00207-00039944-00040167 the next thing i wish i knew was MTYvq3wxbG8-00208-00040168-00040399 to make 100 videos before judging MTYvq3wxbG8-00209-00040400-00040599 yourself guys i know it's so easy to MTYvq3wxbG8-00210-00040600-00040895 like make a video spend 10 hours editing MTYvq3wxbG8-00211-00040896-00041055 it filming it uploading it and then MTYvq3wxbG8-00212-00041056-00041174 you're like MTYvq3wxbG8-00213-00041175-00041383 there's no views on it if that's your MTYvq3wxbG8-00214-00041384-00041551 10th video MTYvq3wxbG8-00215-00041552-00041727 do not judge yourself MTYvq3wxbG8-00216-00041728-00041918 and make another video because it's like MTYvq3wxbG8-00217-00041919-00042046 if you haven't made 100 youtube videos MTYvq3wxbG8-00218-00042047-00042223 on your channel MTYvq3wxbG8-00219-00042224-00042407 shut the up because MTYvq3wxbG8-00220-00042408-00042551 like you really just want to get in a MTYvq3wxbG8-00221-00042552-00042735 habit of like learning in the first few MTYvq3wxbG8-00222-00042736-00042846 videos that you don't want to think MTYvq3wxbG8-00223-00042847-00043087 about optimizing so that actually goes MTYvq3wxbG8-00224-00043088-00043246 into the sponsor of today's video and MTYvq3wxbG8-00225-00043247-00043558 someone i work with dearly vidiq MTYvq3wxbG8-00226-00043559-00043774 iq is the best tool for any creator to MTYvq3wxbG8-00227-00043775-00044046 get started viticu has a daily idea MTYvq3wxbG8-00228-00044047-00044255 generation tool that basically generates MTYvq3wxbG8-00229-00044256-00044574 daily youtube ideas using powerful ai MTYvq3wxbG8-00230-00044575-00044727 and if you're someone that's struggling MTYvq3wxbG8-00231-00044728-00045030 to get up to 100 videos and uploading MTYvq3wxbG8-00232-00045031-00045239 then use daily ideas for example i have MTYvq3wxbG8-00233-00045240-00045383 no idea what to make this week so i MTYvq3wxbG8-00234-00045384-00045558 literally used daily ideas with MTYvq3wxbG8-00235-00045559-00045687 searching through some of the ideas some MTYvq3wxbG8-00236-00045688-00045790 of them were bad some of them were MTYvq3wxbG8-00237-00045791-00045958 amazing and i found one that was like MTYvq3wxbG8-00238-00045959-00046158 holy i'm gonna make this video and MTYvq3wxbG8-00239-00046159-00046335 that's why this video title is what you MTYvq3wxbG8-00240-00046336-00046558 see today vidiq has other tools as well MTYvq3wxbG8-00241-00046559-00046799 such as keyword research so your titles MTYvq3wxbG8-00242-00046800-00047015 get as many views as possible it helps MTYvq3wxbG8-00243-00047016-00047167 you compare thumbnails to make sure your MTYvq3wxbG8-00244-00047168-00047383 videos stand out so go check out vidiq MTYvq3wxbG8-00245-00047384-00047551 today and sign up using my link in the MTYvq3wxbG8-00246-00047552-00047686 description you guys know that i've MTYvq3wxbG8-00247-00047687-00047879 worked with vidiq for actually almost a MTYvq3wxbG8-00248-00047880-00048095 year now my face is on the website so i MTYvq3wxbG8-00249-00048096-00048295 truly stand by them and you should check MTYvq3wxbG8-00250-00048296-00048446 them out also let me know if you guys MTYvq3wxbG8-00251-00048447-00048679 like this chit chat get ready with me MTYvq3wxbG8-00252-00048680-00048886 video i was like watching youtuber MTYvq3wxbG8-00253-00048887-00049015 michelle fawn MTYvq3wxbG8-00254-00049016-00049151 make this video recently of like her MTYvq3wxbG8-00255-00049152-00049286 just doing makeup and talking about like MTYvq3wxbG8-00256-00049287-00049479 anti-work and i was like oh my god like MTYvq3wxbG8-00257-00049480-00049767 this is so fun i want to do the same so MTYvq3wxbG8-00258-00049768-00049911 let me know in the comments or give this MTYvq3wxbG8-00259-00049912-00050102 video a thumbs up if you like the vibe MTYvq3wxbG8-00260-00050103-00050279 or the next thing i wish i knew before MTYvq3wxbG8-00261-00050280-00050502 starting a youtube channel is MTYvq3wxbG8-00262-00050503-00050830 to watch youtubers that are small MTYvq3wxbG8-00263-00050831-00051007 i know this is like kind of weird but MTYvq3wxbG8-00264-00051008-00051174 like i think so often MTYvq3wxbG8-00265-00051175-00051326 which you know it's not a bad thing we MTYvq3wxbG8-00266-00051327-00051630 can watch like mr beast and like arac MTYvq3wxbG8-00267-00051632-00051854 and like really big youtubers and we MTYvq3wxbG8-00268-00051855-00051999 just sit there and look at their view MTYvq3wxbG8-00269-00052000-00052238 count and be like god damn it like MTYvq3wxbG8-00270-00052239-00052503 learning from the best is important but MTYvq3wxbG8-00271-00052504-00052654 it's not good for your mental health i MTYvq3wxbG8-00272-00052655-00052766 think it's so important not to watch MTYvq3wxbG8-00273-00052767-00052935 youtubers with just viral content but MTYvq3wxbG8-00274-00052936-00053094 people that have been here for like 10 MTYvq3wxbG8-00275-00053095-00053350 years for example michelle phan you know MTYvq3wxbG8-00276-00053351-00053599 she's been making content since like 28 MTYvq3wxbG8-00277-00053600-00053838 2008. her content strategy is just super MTYvq3wxbG8-00278-00053839-00053991 interesting to me and i watch her MTYvq3wxbG8-00279-00053991-00054223 because i don't always want to watch the MTYvq3wxbG8-00280-00054224-00054471 mr beasts where they chase trends MTYvq3wxbG8-00281-00054472-00054663 and you know that can get me in the loop MTYvq3wxbG8-00282-00054664-00054830 of like not thinking long term and MTYvq3wxbG8-00283-00054832-00054959 especially if you're starting out and MTYvq3wxbG8-00284-00054960-00055142 you're smaller like make sure you're MTYvq3wxbG8-00285-00055144-00055375 purposely consciously watching people MTYvq3wxbG8-00286-00055376-00055487 that are like MTYvq3wxbG8-00287-00055488-00055671 veterans or people that maybe have quote MTYvq3wxbG8-00288-00055672-00055950 unquote like slower the long-term growth MTYvq3wxbG8-00289-00055951-00056094 there's this quote that's like the five MTYvq3wxbG8-00290-00056095-00056223 people you found yourself is who you MTYvq3wxbG8-00291-00056224-00056447 become but it's also like if you watch MTYvq3wxbG8-00292-00056448-00056599 only people that make viral content MTYvq3wxbG8-00293-00056600-00056791 you're gonna only make content reviews MTYvq3wxbG8-00294-00056791-00056991 right and like virality and that might MTYvq3wxbG8-00295-00056991-00057159 not be what you want so you might want MTYvq3wxbG8-00296-00057160-00057447 to shake it up add some variety and like MTYvq3wxbG8-00297-00057448-00057599 watch a bunch of other creators that MTYvq3wxbG8-00298-00057600-00057726 maybe don't have like the most amount of MTYvq3wxbG8-00299-00057727-00057911 views but you like their style MTYvq3wxbG8-00300-00057912-00058103 all right so the last thing i wish i MTYvq3wxbG8-00301-00058104-00058375 knew is um you need to build security in MTYvq3wxbG8-00302-00058376-00058663 yourself not in the numbers MTYvq3wxbG8-00303-00058664-00058854 i know like everyone is like don't care MTYvq3wxbG8-00304-00058855-00059054 about views be patient that shit's hard MTYvq3wxbG8-00305-00059055-00059166 like MTYvq3wxbG8-00306-00059167-00059391 i think all of us are human and we find MTYvq3wxbG8-00307-00059391-00059591 self-worth in the way people think about MTYvq3wxbG8-00308-00059591-00059815 us and how many people love us you know MTYvq3wxbG8-00309-00059816-00060047 my advice to that is like find a way to MTYvq3wxbG8-00310-00060048-00060366 find self-worth beyond a view count or MTYvq3wxbG8-00311-00060367-00060519 how much money you make basically this MTYvq3wxbG8-00312-00060520-00060830 girl in tech talk i found was like MTYvq3wxbG8-00313-00060832-00060966 oh MTYvq3wxbG8-00314-00060967-00061175 i up MTYvq3wxbG8-00315-00061176-00061366 no MTYvq3wxbG8-00316-00061367-00061542 whatever i was watching the other day MTYvq3wxbG8-00317-00061544-00061679 and there's this girl that was basically MTYvq3wxbG8-00318-00061679-00061991 like i am a sugar baby and i have a MTYvq3wxbG8-00319-00061991-00062199 sugar daddy and i make like 10k a month MTYvq3wxbG8-00320-00062200-00062326 and she was saying how like she was MTYvq3wxbG8-00321-00062327-00062503 making all this money and she really MTYvq3wxbG8-00322-00062504-00062638 just did it because she wanted to find MTYvq3wxbG8-00323-00062639-00062823 out financial security MTYvq3wxbG8-00324-00062824-00063071 and she started making 10k a month 20 30 MTYvq3wxbG8-00325-00063072-00063175 000 MTYvq3wxbG8-00326-00063176-00063335 and she realized there was no amount of MTYvq3wxbG8-00327-00063336-00063430 money MTYvq3wxbG8-00328-00063432-00063559 you know thirty thousand dollars is a MTYvq3wxbG8-00329-00063560-00063775 lot right but like for her MTYvq3wxbG8-00330-00063776-00063894 there was no amount of money that would MTYvq3wxbG8-00331-00063895-00064079 make her feel more secure because the MTYvq3wxbG8-00332-00064079-00064206 more amount of money she had she MTYvq3wxbG8-00333-00064207-00064335 actually felt like MTYvq3wxbG8-00334-00064336-00064550 she had more to lose and it was just MTYvq3wxbG8-00335-00064551-00064742 such an interesting perspective of like MTYvq3wxbG8-00336-00064744-00064887 money and like what we're really going MTYvq3wxbG8-00337-00064888-00065175 after because like i used to think that MTYvq3wxbG8-00338-00065176-00065335 when i have five thousand dollars in my MTYvq3wxbG8-00339-00065336-00065567 bank account i'm secure now it's like MTYvq3wxbG8-00340-00065568-00065719 ten thousand that was twenty thousand MTYvq3wxbG8-00341-00065720-00065911 hundred like it doesn't matter i MTYvq3wxbG8-00342-00065912-00066094 realized like even for me MTYvq3wxbG8-00343-00066095-00066294 i was struggling to like find security MTYvq3wxbG8-00344-00066295-00066503 in myself you know like i can handle MTYvq3wxbG8-00345-00066504-00066703 things if money is ever an issue i'll MTYvq3wxbG8-00346-00066704-00066871 figure it out but it's just really MTYvq3wxbG8-00347-00066872-00067031 important to figure out and ask yourself MTYvq3wxbG8-00348-00067032-00067135 like what are you really striving MTYvq3wxbG8-00349-00067136-00067359 towards and how do you define your value MTYvq3wxbG8-00350-00067360-00067526 outside the numbers i don't think it's MTYvq3wxbG8-00351-00067527-00067750 bad to be very um proud of your MTYvq3wxbG8-00352-00067751-00067991 accomplishments and find confidence in MTYvq3wxbG8-00353-00067992-00068199 what you've done but don't let that just MTYvq3wxbG8-00354-00068200-00068382 be the only thing MTYvq3wxbG8-00355-00068383-00068519 i just want to let you know this is the MTYvq3wxbG8-00356-00068520-00068726 hardest thing to do MTYvq3wxbG8-00357-00068727-00068894 doing your eyeliner and making a youtube MTYvq3wxbG8-00358-00068895-00069006 video is MTYvq3wxbG8-00359-00069007-00069175 so hard but i don't think they MTYvq3wxbG8-00360-00069176-00069350 did a shabby job MTYvq3wxbG8-00361-00069351-00069503 anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this MTYvq3wxbG8-00362-00069504-00069687 video and you learned a little bit of MTYvq3wxbG8-00363-00069688-00069855 something i'm going to start to upload a MTYvq3wxbG8-00364-00069856-00069982 lot more content so if you like this MTYvq3wxbG8-00365-00069983-00070223 video subscribe um i know in the past MTYvq3wxbG8-00366-00070224-00070399 few months i was kind of inactive MTYvq3wxbG8-00367-00070400-00070543 honestly i was just in my head i was MTYvq3wxbG8-00368-00070544-00070775 like so focused on like MTYvq3wxbG8-00369-00070776-00070919 getting the most viral video and i MTYvq3wxbG8-00370-00070920-00071079 forgot of like how to make a video just MTYvq3wxbG8-00371-00071080-00071247 sit down and talk so if you're watching MTYvq3wxbG8-00372-00071248-00071367 this video right now and you got this MTYvq3wxbG8-00373-00071368-00071606 far thank you so so much i love you guys MTYvq3wxbG8-00374-00071607-00071711 so much MTYvq3wxbG8-00375-00071712-00071894 shout out to the comment winner MTYvq3wxbG8-00376-00071895-00072094 shout out to the MTYvq3wxbG8-00377-00072095-00072335 winner comment on this post to be MTYvq3wxbG8-00378-00072336-00072655 featured in the next episode MTYvq3wxbG8-00379-00072656-00072855 um i love you guys so much i hope you MTYvq3wxbG8-00380-00072856-00073103 guys like my makeup look and i'll see MTYvq3wxbG8-00381-00073104-00073614 you guys the next one MTYvq3wxbG8-00382-00073615-00074406 [Music] MTYvq3wxbG8-00383-00074407-00074616 you MUZ2XlUYJYg-00000-00000052-00000303 games for Windows as a discontinued MUZ2XlUYJYg-00001-00000304-00000530 brand owned by Microsoft and introduced MUZ2XlUYJYg-00002-00000531-00000795 in 2006 to coincide with the release of MUZ2XlUYJYg-00003-00000796-00001065 the Windows Vista operating system the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00004-00001066-00001281 brand itself represents a standardized MUZ2XlUYJYg-00005-00001282-00001497 technical certification program an MUZ2XlUYJYg-00006-00001498-00001671 online service for Windows games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00007-00001672-00001866 bringing a measure of regulation to the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00008-00001867-00002108 PC game market in much the same way that MUZ2XlUYJYg-00009-00002109-00002298 console manufacturers regulate their MUZ2XlUYJYg-00010-00002299-00002595 platforms the branding program was open MUZ2XlUYJYg-00011-00002596-00002759 to both first party and third-party MUZ2XlUYJYg-00012-00002760-00002957 publishers games for Windows was MUZ2XlUYJYg-00013-00002958-00003158 promoted through convention kiosks and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00014-00003159-00003390 through other forums as early as 2005 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00015-00003390-00003672 the promotional push culminated in a MUZ2XlUYJYg-00016-00003672-00003894 deal with Ziff Davis media to rename the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00017-00003895-00004101 computer gaming world magazine two games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00018-00004102-00004380 for Windows the official magazine the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00019-00004381-00004623 first gfw issue was published for MUZ2XlUYJYg-00020-00004624-00004992 November 2006 in 2008 Ziff Davis MUZ2XlUYJYg-00021-00004993-00005205 announced that the magazine would cease MUZ2XlUYJYg-00022-00005206-00005406 to be published though online content MUZ2XlUYJYg-00023-00005407-00005607 would still be updated and maintained in MUZ2XlUYJYg-00024-00005608-00005940 2013 Microsoft announced that Xbox PC MUZ2XlUYJYg-00025-00005941-00006123 market place would cease operations MUZ2XlUYJYg-00026-00006124-00006228 which would result in the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00027-00006229-00006438 discontinuation of the games for Windows MUZ2XlUYJYg-00028-00006439-00006713 brand in spite of this announcement the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00029-00006714-00006927 company stated that content previously MUZ2XlUYJYg-00030-00006928-00007095 purchased could still be accessed via MUZ2XlUYJYg-00031-00007095-00007295 the games for Windows Live client MUZ2XlUYJYg-00032-00007296-00007855 software MUZ2XlUYJYg-00033-00007856-00008407 topic certification MUZ2XlUYJYg-00034-00008408-00008668 Gamze certified by Microsoft feature a MUZ2XlUYJYg-00035-00008669-00009016 prominent games for windows logo border MUZ2XlUYJYg-00036-00009017-00009208 across the top of their packaging in a MUZ2XlUYJYg-00037-00009209-00009397 manner similar to games developed for MUZ2XlUYJYg-00038-00009398-00009733 the Xbox 360 software must meet certain MUZ2XlUYJYg-00039-00009734-00009973 requirements mandated by Microsoft in MUZ2XlUYJYg-00040-00009974-00010135 order to display the brand on its MUZ2XlUYJYg-00041-00010136-00010492 packaging these requirements include an MUZ2XlUYJYg-00042-00010493-00010828 easy install option that installs the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00043-00010829-00011062 title on a PC in the fewest possible MUZ2XlUYJYg-00044-00011063-00011368 steps and mouse clicks compatibility MUZ2XlUYJYg-00045-00011369-00011821 with Xbox 360 peripherals n only on Xbox MUZ2XlUYJYg-00046-00011822-00012334 360 and Windows or only on Windows stamp MUZ2XlUYJYg-00047-00012335-00012649 for game packaging compatibility with MUZ2XlUYJYg-00048-00012650-00012949 the game's explorer compatibility with MUZ2XlUYJYg-00049-00012950-00013234 x64 processors with proper installation MUZ2XlUYJYg-00050-00013235-00013491 and execution on 64-bit versions of MUZ2XlUYJYg-00051-00013493-00013705 Windows Vista and Windows 7 games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00052-00013706-00014050 themselves can be 32-bit support for MUZ2XlUYJYg-00053-00014051-00014272 normal and wide screen resolutions such MUZ2XlUYJYg-00054-00014272-00014782 as 4 to 3 aspect ratio 800 by 600 1024 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00055-00014783-00015588 by 768 16 to 9 aspect ratio 1280 by 720 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00056-00015588-00016186 1920 by 1080 and 16:10 aspect ratio 1280 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00057-00016187-00017077 by 800 1440 by 900 1680 by 1050 1920 by MUZ2XlUYJYg-00058-00017078-00017497 1200 support for parental controls and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00059-00017498-00017800 family safety features support for MUZ2XlUYJYg-00060-00017801-00017938 launching from Windows Media Center MUZ2XlUYJYg-00061-00017939-00018147 Microsoft claimed that it had increased MUZ2XlUYJYg-00062-00018148-00018358 its sales of games for Windows branded MUZ2XlUYJYg-00063-00018359-00018535 games in stores that had been giving the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00064-00018536-00018730 games greater focus and stated that it MUZ2XlUYJYg-00065-00018731-00018907 planned to increase marketing efforts MUZ2XlUYJYg-00066-00018908-00019476 for the brand MUZ2XlUYJYg-00067-00019477-00019980 topic features MUZ2XlUYJYg-00068-00019981-00020319 you MUZ2XlUYJYg-00069-00020320-00020946 topic cross-platform compatibility MUZ2XlUYJYg-00070-00020947-00021199 certain games certified under the games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00071-00021200-00021424 for Windows brand including Shadowrun MUZ2XlUYJYg-00072-00021425-00021586 and uno featured cross-platform MUZ2XlUYJYg-00073-00021587-00021814 compatibility allowing gamers to play MUZ2XlUYJYg-00074-00021815-00022081 against each other across Xbox 360 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00075-00022082-00022282 consoles and traditional Windows Vista MUZ2XlUYJYg-00076-00022283-00022918 or Windows 7 PCs MUZ2XlUYJYg-00077-00022919-00023587 topic online play starting with Halo 2 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00078-00023588-00023920 on May 31st 2007 certain games for MUZ2XlUYJYg-00079-00023921-00024091 Windows titles have access to MUZ2XlUYJYg-00080-00024092-00024307 Microsoft's live network for online play MUZ2XlUYJYg-00081-00024308-00024523 and other features including voice chat MUZ2XlUYJYg-00082-00024524-00024727 instant messaging and friends lists MUZ2XlUYJYg-00083-00024728-00024937 accessed from an in-game menu called the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00084-00024938-00025270 guide users can log in with their Xbox MUZ2XlUYJYg-00085-00025271-00025486 Live gamertags to gain achievements and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00086-00025487-00025693 play games and chat across platforms MUZ2XlUYJYg-00087-00025694-00025864 with games that support cross-platform MUZ2XlUYJYg-00088-00025864-00026182 compatibility some features including MUZ2XlUYJYg-00089-00026183-00026386 cross-platform multiplayer gaming and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00090-00026387-00026572 multiplayer achievements initially MUZ2XlUYJYg-00091-00026573-00026785 required a subscription to the Xbox Live MUZ2XlUYJYg-00092-00026786-00027256 Gold however on July 22nd 2008 Microsoft MUZ2XlUYJYg-00093-00027257-00027430 announced that all games for Windows MUZ2XlUYJYg-00094-00027431-00027645 functionality would be free for existing MUZ2XlUYJYg-00095-00027647-00027805 and future members and that early MUZ2XlUYJYg-00096-00027806-00028002 adopters of the technology would receive MUZ2XlUYJYg-00097-00028004-00028225 refunds for previously incurred charges MUZ2XlUYJYg-00098-00028226-00028519 in addition Microsoft launched a games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00099-00028520-00028768 for Windows Live Marketplace similar to MUZ2XlUYJYg-00100-00028769-00028987 the Xbox Live Marketplace which allowed MUZ2XlUYJYg-00101-00028988-00029206 users to download or purchase content MUZ2XlUYJYg-00102-00029207-00029452 such as game demos add-ons and gamer MUZ2XlUYJYg-00103-00029452-00029652 picks with Microsoft Points the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00104-00029654-00029848 publisher of a title would determine if MUZ2XlUYJYg-00105-00029849-00030106 an item required to be purchased at the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00106-00030107-00030322 same time Microsoft announced its MUZ2XlUYJYg-00107-00030323-00030511 intentions to make the games for Windows MUZ2XlUYJYg-00108-00030512-00030718 Live client software interface more MUZ2XlUYJYg-00109-00030719-00030901 friendly and to reduce the technical MUZ2XlUYJYg-00110-00030902-00031517 requirements for developers MUZ2XlUYJYg-00111-00031518-00032052 topic games Explorer MUZ2XlUYJYg-00112-00032054-00032295 the game's explorer included with all MUZ2XlUYJYg-00113-00032297-00032491 versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00114-00032492-00032737 is a special folder that showcases the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00115-00032738-00032953 games installed on a user's computer and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00116-00032954-00033157 their related information when a MUZ2XlUYJYg-00117-00033158-00033352 compatible game is installed the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00118-00033353-00033559 operating system adds a shortcut of the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00119-00033560-00033733 game to the game's Explorer and can MUZ2XlUYJYg-00120-00033734-00033859 optionally download additional MUZ2XlUYJYg-00121-00033860-00034105 information such as game packaging and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00122-00034106-00034545 content rating information eg ESRB PEGI MUZ2XlUYJYg-00123-00034546-00034831 ACB s-- arrow through the developers own MUZ2XlUYJYg-00124-00034832-00035062 game definition file or from information MUZ2XlUYJYg-00125-00035063-00035233 provided by the internet although this MUZ2XlUYJYg-00126-00035234-00035487 feature was discontinued since 2016 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00127-00035488-00035782 Windows Experience Index information is MUZ2XlUYJYg-00128-00035783-00036016 also displayed within the interface the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00129-00036017-00036220 feature was removed entirely in Windows MUZ2XlUYJYg-00130-00036221-00036628 10 v1 8:03 games Explorer supports MUZ2XlUYJYg-00131-00036629-00036805 custom commands for games and also MUZ2XlUYJYg-00132-00036806-00037018 includes shortcuts to configure various MUZ2XlUYJYg-00133-00037019-00037255 operating system components which may be MUZ2XlUYJYg-00134-00037256-00037441 pertinent to gamers such as audio MUZ2XlUYJYg-00135-00037442-00037696 devices display devices firewall MUZ2XlUYJYg-00136-00037697-00037999 settings and game controllers in Windows MUZ2XlUYJYg-00137-00038000-00038242 Vista games Explorer allows developers MUZ2XlUYJYg-00138-00038243-00038449 to expose game metadata and thumbnails MUZ2XlUYJYg-00139-00038450-00038620 to the interface and windows search MUZ2XlUYJYg-00140-00038621-00038845 through a shell handler the game's MUZ2XlUYJYg-00141-00038846-00039046 Explorer is fully compatible with the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00142-00039047-00039238 parental controls feature included in MUZ2XlUYJYg-00143-00039239-00039526 Windows Vista and Windows 7 parental MUZ2XlUYJYg-00144-00039527-00039736 controls allows parents to include or MUZ2XlUYJYg-00145-00039737-00039928 preclude certain games from being played MUZ2XlUYJYg-00146-00039929-00040141 based on their content rating and/or MUZ2XlUYJYg-00147-00040142-00040330 title and can also block games from MUZ2XlUYJYg-00148-00040331-00040639 being played altogether compatibility MUZ2XlUYJYg-00149-00040640-00040813 typically depends on the age or MUZ2XlUYJYg-00150-00040814-00041014 popularity of a game with newer games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00151-00041015-00041302 having better compatibility if a game is MUZ2XlUYJYg-00152-00041303-00041536 incompatible a user can manually add a MUZ2XlUYJYg-00153-00041537-00041731 game by dragging and dropping it to the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00154-00041732-00042295 game's Explorer MUZ2XlUYJYg-00155-00042296-00042811 topic tray and play MUZ2XlUYJYg-00156-00042812-00043039 tray and play is a technology developed MUZ2XlUYJYg-00157-00043040-00043290 by Microsoft for Windows Vista that MUZ2XlUYJYg-00158-00043291-00043504 allows users to insert a game disc into MUZ2XlUYJYg-00159-00043505-00043714 an optical disc drive and play the game MUZ2XlUYJYg-00160-00043715-00043864 while it installs itself in the MUZ2XlUYJYg-00161-00043865-00044059 background and streams off the disc with MUZ2XlUYJYg-00162-00044060-00044296 minimal or zero caching in a manner MUZ2XlUYJYg-00163-00044297-00044596 similar to a game console the first and MUZ2XlUYJYg-00164-00044597-00044779 only commercial game known to use this MUZ2XlUYJYg-00165-00044780-00044977 technology as the Windows version of MUZ2XlUYJYg-00166-00044978-00045521 Halo 2 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00167-00045522-00046257 topic Xbox 360 peripheral compatibility MUZ2XlUYJYg-00168-00046258-00046500 part of the games for windows initiative MUZ2XlUYJYg-00169-00046501-00046740 involved ensuring that Xbox 360 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00170-00046741-00046995 peripherals such as the Xbox 360 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00171-00046996-00047187 controller and wireless gaming receiver MUZ2XlUYJYg-00172-00047188-00047580 worked across Windows platforms Xbox 360 MUZ2XlUYJYg-00173-00047581-00047790 peripherals not only work with certified MUZ2XlUYJYg-00174-00047791-00047994 games but also with the default games MUZ2XlUYJYg-00175-00047995-00048204 included with Windows Vista such as MUZ2XlUYJYg-00176-00048205-00048777 minesweeper MUZ2XlUYJYg-00177-00048778-00049332 topic see also MUZ2XlUYJYg-00178-00049333-00049755 directx list of games for windows titles MUZ2XlUYJYg-00179-00049756-00050082 list of games for Windows Live titles MUZ2XlUYJYg-00180-00050083-00050476 list of Windows games on demand list of MUZ2XlUYJYg-00181-00050477-00050838 Xbox games on Windows Live anywhere MUZ2XlUYJYg-00182-00050839-00051226 PC gaming Alliance MVN7cRExVw0-00000-00000040-00001135 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00001-00001136-00001174 i MVN7cRExVw0-00002-00001175-00001782 just realized that bill was a mile high MVN7cRExVw0-00003-00001784-00002118 to protect my heart MVN7cRExVw0-00004-00002119-00002607 but now i'm alone stuck on the inside MVN7cRExVw0-00005-00002608-00003167 the heart doesn't need a castle MVN7cRExVw0-00006-00003168-00004206 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00007-00004207-00004919 just watch MVN7cRExVw0-00008-00004920-00005335 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00009-00005336-00006199 is it really love if it can't hear MVN7cRExVw0-00010-00006200-00007573 just watch me MVN7cRExVw0-00011-00007573-00008483 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00012-00008484-00008778 oh MVN7cRExVw0-00013-00008779-00009831 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00014-00009832-00010478 i criticized myself for trusting lies MVN7cRExVw0-00015-00010479-00010814 i know i can't hide MVN7cRExVw0-00016-00010815-00011078 cause then i'd be alone stuck on the MVN7cRExVw0-00017-00011079-00011303 inside MVN7cRExVw0-00018-00011304-00011638 the heart doesn't need a castle MVN7cRExVw0-00019-00011639-00012811 it needs a bridge MVN7cRExVw0-00020-00012812-00013619 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00021-00013619-00014038 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00022-00014040-00014447 is it really love if it can't do you a MVN7cRExVw0-00023-00014447-00014558 part MVN7cRExVw0-00024-00014559-00016274 is it really is MVN7cRExVw0-00025-00016275-00017478 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00026-00017479-00018283 [Music] MVN7cRExVw0-00027-00018284-00018584 is MYCnCzDOFqg-00000-00000168-00000415 hey there my name is morenton fair MYCnCzDOFqg-00001-00000416-00000782 and i am indigenous but you don't sound MYCnCzDOFqg-00002-00000783-00001079 look or act indigenous MYCnCzDOFqg-00003-00001080-00001254 i've heard these things i've felt these MYCnCzDOFqg-00004-00001255-00001439 things and for a long time i believed MYCnCzDOFqg-00005-00001440-00001607 these things MYCnCzDOFqg-00006-00001607-00001814 my biological father was an indigenous MYCnCzDOFqg-00007-00001816-00001910 man MYCnCzDOFqg-00008-00001911-00002142 adopted as a child into a family of MYCnCzDOFqg-00009-00002143-00002439 white farmers and chuck wagon racers MYCnCzDOFqg-00010-00002440-00002663 he left me at a very young age and i MYCnCzDOFqg-00011-00002664-00002807 never felt his influence MYCnCzDOFqg-00012-00002808-00003102 i never truly felt connected to him and MYCnCzDOFqg-00013-00003103-00003191 with him MYCnCzDOFqg-00014-00003192-00003486 i also lost my ties i lost anything that MYCnCzDOFqg-00015-00003488-00003575 held me close MYCnCzDOFqg-00016-00003576-00003831 to the beauty of my relations and their MYCnCzDOFqg-00017-00003832-00004038 culture MYCnCzDOFqg-00018-00004039-00004279 now let's fast forward a bit i spent a MYCnCzDOFqg-00019-00004280-00004438 good chunk of my childhood MYCnCzDOFqg-00020-00004439-00004775 not caring true colonization MYCnCzDOFqg-00021-00004776-00004935 coming out of the last two years of high MYCnCzDOFqg-00022-00004936-00005135 school i didn't want to receive MYCnCzDOFqg-00023-00005136-00005327 post-secondary funding from my band at MYCnCzDOFqg-00024-00005328-00005495 waterhem lake first nation MYCnCzDOFqg-00025-00005496-00005670 i argued with my mother about it for MYCnCzDOFqg-00026-00005671-00005822 months it felt wrong MYCnCzDOFqg-00027-00005823-00006134 it felt like i was receiving money for MYCnCzDOFqg-00028-00006135-00006486 being something that i wasn't then MYCnCzDOFqg-00029-00006487-00006975 on august 9th 2016 something shifted MYCnCzDOFqg-00030-00006976-00007246 an indigenous boy not even five years MYCnCzDOFqg-00031-00007247-00007359 older than me MYCnCzDOFqg-00032-00007359-00007751 at the time was shot dead MYCnCzDOFqg-00033-00007752-00008006 the details of which have been exhausted MYCnCzDOFqg-00034-00008008-00008134 so much at this point MYCnCzDOFqg-00035-00008136-00008446 that i won't be discussing it here the MYCnCzDOFqg-00036-00008447-00008735 point is i felt angry MYCnCzDOFqg-00037-00008736-00009095 angrier than i've ever felt before MYCnCzDOFqg-00038-00009096-00009287 i felt as though the world i lived in MYCnCzDOFqg-00039-00009288-00009439 was falling apart MYCnCzDOFqg-00040-00009440-00009639 it was a quaint feeling and one i've MYCnCzDOFqg-00041-00009640-00009927 never really felt or talked about before MYCnCzDOFqg-00042-00009928-00010135 i began digging digging into all the MYCnCzDOFqg-00043-00010136-00010271 injustices MYCnCzDOFqg-00044-00010272-00010606 that had been brought against like my MYCnCzDOFqg-00045-00010607-00010959 my people and my culture MYCnCzDOFqg-00046-00010960-00011159 this had ripped a band-aid right off my MYCnCzDOFqg-00047-00011160-00011327 metaphorical wound MYCnCzDOFqg-00048-00011328-00011574 my history my family and my culture this MYCnCzDOFqg-00049-00011575-00011783 entire life i had been running away from MYCnCzDOFqg-00050-00011784-00011999 my whole childhood MYCnCzDOFqg-00051-00012000-00012335 i was ashamed of myself MYCnCzDOFqg-00052-00012336-00012559 a year and some later i decided to take MYCnCzDOFqg-00053-00012560-00012695 on music as a profession MYCnCzDOFqg-00054-00012696-00012966 build a brand write songs create art MYCnCzDOFqg-00055-00012967-00012999 play MYCnCzDOFqg-00056-00013000-00013263 shows the whole nine yards i called MYCnCzDOFqg-00057-00013263-00013455 myself an indigenous musician MYCnCzDOFqg-00058-00013456-00013775 again feeling guilty feeling like i MYCnCzDOFqg-00059-00013776-00013966 wasn't deserving of that title feeling MYCnCzDOFqg-00060-00013968-00014151 like it was disingenuous and MYCnCzDOFqg-00061-00014152-00014351 wrong for me to use that name when MYCnCzDOFqg-00062-00014352-00014535 there's so many other people MYCnCzDOFqg-00063-00014536-00014727 more enriched in the language the MYCnCzDOFqg-00064-00014728-00014894 culture the knowledge MYCnCzDOFqg-00065-00014895-00015279 than i was i stuck with it i decided MYCnCzDOFqg-00066-00015280-00015455 that as long as i was making an effort MYCnCzDOFqg-00067-00015456-00015663 to improve and consistently challenging MYCnCzDOFqg-00068-00015663-00015766 myself MYCnCzDOFqg-00069-00015768-00015943 by learning more and more about who i MYCnCzDOFqg-00070-00015944-00016207 was and who we are as people MYCnCzDOFqg-00071-00016208-00016422 as long as i keep supporting my brothers MYCnCzDOFqg-00072-00016423-00016671 and sisters who are struggling so MYCnCzDOFqg-00073-00016672-00016958 so much more than i am as long as i MYCnCzDOFqg-00074-00016959-00017191 don't let my ancestors my culture and my MYCnCzDOFqg-00075-00017192-00017247 people MYCnCzDOFqg-00076-00017248-00017543 get erased and as long as i keep moving MYCnCzDOFqg-00077-00017544-00017599 forward MYCnCzDOFqg-00078-00017600-00017879 pushing to take on more knowledge as MYCnCzDOFqg-00079-00017880-00018039 long as i do these things MYCnCzDOFqg-00080-00018040-00018463 i can proudly say that i am indigenous MYCnCzDOFqg-00081-00018464-00018719 all right moving moving on from that MYCnCzDOFqg-00082-00018720-00018935 long-winded introduction MYCnCzDOFqg-00083-00018936-00019175 um i'm going to be sharing some songs MYCnCzDOFqg-00084-00019176-00019439 with you guys today the first of which MYCnCzDOFqg-00085-00019440-00019743 uh i wrote about this MYCnCzDOFqg-00086-00019744-00020063 specific subject matter of discovering MYCnCzDOFqg-00087-00020064-00020175 my identity MYCnCzDOFqg-00088-00020176-00020478 and figuring out who i was as a person MYCnCzDOFqg-00089-00020479-00020814 and as an indigenous artist um i wrote MYCnCzDOFqg-00090-00020815-00020886 this song MYCnCzDOFqg-00091-00020887-00021063 with forrest eagle speaker from the MYCnCzDOFqg-00092-00021064-00021214 north sound he is a MYCnCzDOFqg-00093-00021215-00021607 wonderful guy and he really helped MYCnCzDOFqg-00094-00021608-00021975 this song uh come to life i'd say uh MYCnCzDOFqg-00095-00021976-00022255 yeah and it hasn't been released yet so MYCnCzDOFqg-00096-00022256-00022303 it's a MYCnCzDOFqg-00097-00022304-00022447 little bit of a sneak preview for you MYCnCzDOFqg-00098-00022448-00022607 guys it's called drop the weight MYCnCzDOFqg-00099-00022608-00022958 i hope you enjoy it MYCnCzDOFqg-00100-00022959-00023558 take me as i am just a man in his guitar MYCnCzDOFqg-00101-00023559-00024127 lost inside my dreams MYCnCzDOFqg-00102-00024128-00024447 i worked my way here i MYCnCzDOFqg-00103-00024448-00024958 wrote some simple songs now i wonder MYCnCzDOFqg-00104-00024959-00025111 what it means MYCnCzDOFqg-00105-00025112-00025311 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00106-00025312-00025894 cause in my head i'm fighting with MYCnCzDOFqg-00107-00025895-00026487 the ghosts of my identity MYCnCzDOFqg-00108-00026488-00026843 and in my heart i'm MYCnCzDOFqg-00109-00026844-00027118 keeping peace with MYCnCzDOFqg-00110-00027119-00027505 everything that matters to me MYCnCzDOFqg-00111-00027506-00027743 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00112-00027744-00028223 drop the weight off your shoulders MYCnCzDOFqg-00113-00028224-00028527 this road is long and it's not waiting MYCnCzDOFqg-00114-00028527-00028911 for you MYCnCzDOFqg-00115-00028912-00029383 now that you're growing older MYCnCzDOFqg-00116-00029383-00029955 it's time to do the things you need to MYCnCzDOFqg-00117-00029956-00030883 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00118-00030883-00031151 do MYCnCzDOFqg-00119-00031152-00031511 come and get your love i've been waiting MYCnCzDOFqg-00120-00031512-00031687 all night long MYCnCzDOFqg-00121-00031688-00032255 to find out if i'm really good enough MYCnCzDOFqg-00122-00032256-00032590 cause out here it's a war and through MYCnCzDOFqg-00123-00032591-00033007 every open door it's hard for birds like MYCnCzDOFqg-00124-00033008-00033055 me MYCnCzDOFqg-00125-00033056-00033423 to really sew MYCnCzDOFqg-00126-00033424-00033806 cause in my head MYCnCzDOFqg-00127-00033807-00035167 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00128-00035168-00035509 with everything that matters to me MYCnCzDOFqg-00129-00035510-00035823 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00130-00035824-00036295 drop the weight off your shoulders MYCnCzDOFqg-00131-00036296-00036590 this road is long and it's not waiting MYCnCzDOFqg-00132-00036591-00036677 for you MYCnCzDOFqg-00133-00036678-00036967 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00134-00036968-00037430 now that you're growing all day MYCnCzDOFqg-00135-00037431-00037883 it's time to do the things you need to MYCnCzDOFqg-00136-00037884-00037999 do MYCnCzDOFqg-00137-00038000-00039436 it's time for you to break MYCnCzDOFqg-00138-00039437-00040367 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00139-00040368-00040759 alrighty so this next song MYCnCzDOFqg-00140-00040760-00041062 is called gleaming it was off of the ep MYCnCzDOFqg-00141-00041063-00041230 that i released two years ago MYCnCzDOFqg-00142-00041231-00041535 called tonight's performer um MYCnCzDOFqg-00143-00041536-00041783 it's just about finding your own path MYCnCzDOFqg-00144-00041784-00041895 and MYCnCzDOFqg-00145-00041896-00042071 trying to figure things out for yourself MYCnCzDOFqg-00146-00042072-00042207 and not letting MYCnCzDOFqg-00147-00042208-00042471 outside influences affect you and just MYCnCzDOFqg-00148-00042472-00042702 pushing your own path forward MYCnCzDOFqg-00149-00042703-00043043 so yeah white MYCnCzDOFqg-00150-00043044-00043343 ceilings fill my thoughts MYCnCzDOFqg-00151-00043344-00043751 these dreams i'm dreaming you've led me MYCnCzDOFqg-00152-00043752-00044106 off the track MYCnCzDOFqg-00153-00044107-00044855 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00154-00044856-00045230 these emotions i'm feeling the wounds MYCnCzDOFqg-00155-00045231-00045415 that are bleeding MYCnCzDOFqg-00156-00045416-00045967 the lions are feeding their kids MYCnCzDOFqg-00157-00045968-00046490 i love these cheating nonsense MYCnCzDOFqg-00158-00046491-00046979 shouldn't tell you how to live MYCnCzDOFqg-00159-00046980-00047374 dreaming of the stars tonight MYCnCzDOFqg-00160-00047375-00047807 i see them gleaming inside your MYCnCzDOFqg-00161-00047808-00048190 eyes no surprises MYCnCzDOFqg-00162-00048191-00048502 filled with lies and see MYCnCzDOFqg-00163-00048503-00049083 them gleaming inside your MYCnCzDOFqg-00164-00049084-00049262 eyes MYCnCzDOFqg-00165-00049263-00051726 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00166-00051727-00052035 i am one MYCnCzDOFqg-00167-00052036-00052711 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00168-00052712-00053247 don't let the spirits tell you MYCnCzDOFqg-00169-00053248-00053599 what's you're supposed to do MYCnCzDOFqg-00170-00053600-00053903 oh dreaming MYCnCzDOFqg-00171-00053904-00054207 of the stars tonight MYCnCzDOFqg-00172-00054208-00054599 i see them bleeping inside MYCnCzDOFqg-00173-00054600-00055071 your eyes no surprise is MYCnCzDOFqg-00174-00055072-00055844 filled with lies your MYCnCzDOFqg-00175-00055845-00056082 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00176-00056083-00056271 eyes MYCnCzDOFqg-00177-00056272-00057982 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00178-00057983-00058438 i am a dreamer MYCnCzDOFqg-00179-00058439-00058999 and the world is too MYCnCzDOFqg-00180-00059000-00059479 i can see it clearer MYCnCzDOFqg-00181-00059479-00059919 than any one of your MYCnCzDOFqg-00182-00059920-00060294 own dreaming of the MYCnCzDOFqg-00183-00060295-00060615 stars tonight i see MYCnCzDOFqg-00184-00060616-00060959 them creeping inside your MYCnCzDOFqg-00185-00060960-00061359 eyes no surprises MYCnCzDOFqg-00186-00061360-00061879 filled with lies MYCnCzDOFqg-00187-00061879-00063363 inside your eyes MYCnCzDOFqg-00188-00063364-00065655 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00189-00065656-00065903 cool fantastic hope everyone's having a MYCnCzDOFqg-00190-00065904-00066015 good time so far MYCnCzDOFqg-00191-00066016-00066247 this next song was written by my lovely MYCnCzDOFqg-00192-00066248-00066319 fiance MYCnCzDOFqg-00193-00066320-00066694 and it's about wilderness and the magic MYCnCzDOFqg-00194-00066695-00066982 of feeling connected to nature and the MYCnCzDOFqg-00195-00066983-00067191 sadness of having to leave it MYCnCzDOFqg-00196-00067192-00067445 it's called senses MYCnCzDOFqg-00197-00067446-00069767 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00198-00069768-00070258 well i haven't MYCnCzDOFqg-00199-00070259-00071215 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00200-00071216-00071635 of the water MYCnCzDOFqg-00201-00071636-00072882 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00202-00072883-00073487 life MYCnCzDOFqg-00203-00073488-00073847 well i haven't MYCnCzDOFqg-00204-00073848-00074171 left yet but i MYCnCzDOFqg-00205-00074172-00074503 already missed the MYCnCzDOFqg-00206-00074504-00074991 sound of the laughter MYCnCzDOFqg-00207-00074992-00075471 through the trees but my soul MYCnCzDOFqg-00208-00075472-00075807 is wilderness MYCnCzDOFqg-00209-00075808-00078319 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00210-00078320-00078687 when i haven't MYCnCzDOFqg-00211-00078688-00079019 left yet but i MYCnCzDOFqg-00212-00079020-00079326 already missed the MYCnCzDOFqg-00213-00079327-00080175 smell of the situation MYCnCzDOFqg-00214-00080176-00081830 begin to swell up MYCnCzDOFqg-00215-00081831-00082682 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00216-00082683-00082795 oh MYCnCzDOFqg-00217-00082796-00083782 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00218-00083783-00084223 but i already miss your MYCnCzDOFqg-00219-00084224-00084782 touch light light MYCnCzDOFqg-00220-00084783-00085094 like fingertips MYCnCzDOFqg-00221-00085095-00085658 will forever love you so much MYCnCzDOFqg-00222-00085659-00086967 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00223-00086968-00089014 the world MYCnCzDOFqg-00224-00089015-00089560 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00225-00089561-00090438 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00226-00090439-00090638 hey there we're gonna take a quick break MYCnCzDOFqg-00227-00090639-00090775 from the MYCnCzDOFqg-00228-00090776-00091023 uh regular scheduled music and i'm gonna MYCnCzDOFqg-00229-00091024-00091087 do a MYCnCzDOFqg-00230-00091088-00091303 quick breakdown of how i do my MYCnCzDOFqg-00231-00091304-00091511 songwriting and how i wrote MYCnCzDOFqg-00232-00091512-00091879 specifically my newest single ecstasy um MYCnCzDOFqg-00233-00091880-00092038 i'm gonna play it first and then we're MYCnCzDOFqg-00234-00092039-00092247 gonna talk about it so yeah it goes a MYCnCzDOFqg-00235-00092248-00092671 little something like this follow MYCnCzDOFqg-00236-00092672-00093015 you i will not fall asleep i MYCnCzDOFqg-00237-00093016-00093367 don't know what to do i'll do i know MYCnCzDOFqg-00238-00093368-00093703 it's true i feel so much love MYCnCzDOFqg-00239-00093704-00094103 i feel it all day long i feel it all day MYCnCzDOFqg-00240-00094104-00094599 long MYCnCzDOFqg-00241-00094600-00095079 i want you to know me MYCnCzDOFqg-00242-00095080-00095471 your love is my ecstasy MYCnCzDOFqg-00243-00095472-00096711 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00244-00096712-00097062 growing frailty my hand it's all we MYCnCzDOFqg-00245-00097063-00097359 kneeling when i stand the sun i sleep MYCnCzDOFqg-00246-00097360-00097615 soak in the vulnerability MYCnCzDOFqg-00247-00097616-00098082 you know it's just you and me for MYCnCzDOFqg-00248-00098083-00098266 transparency MYCnCzDOFqg-00249-00098267-00100823 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00250-00100824-00101335 there were storms all around me MYCnCzDOFqg-00251-00101336-00101711 what i didn't know never MYCnCzDOFqg-00252-00101712-00102961 killed me MYCnCzDOFqg-00253-00102963-00103494 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00254-00103495-00104439 be my one and only MYCnCzDOFqg-00255-00104440-00104943 i want you to hold me MYCnCzDOFqg-00256-00104944-00106839 your love is ecstasy MYCnCzDOFqg-00257-00106840-00107183 alrighty so let's uh let's break it down MYCnCzDOFqg-00258-00107183-00107599 um that song was the MYCnCzDOFqg-00259-00107600-00107790 uh newest song i released it's called MYCnCzDOFqg-00260-00107791-00108119 ecstasy if you didn't catch that MYCnCzDOFqg-00261-00108120-00108295 and my songwriting process for most of MYCnCzDOFqg-00262-00108296-00108471 my songs is actually like MYCnCzDOFqg-00263-00108472-00108966 a little bit weird i like to think um MYCnCzDOFqg-00264-00108967-00109183 i almost always have the instruments MYCnCzDOFqg-00265-00109183-00109319 first MYCnCzDOFqg-00266-00109320-00109678 whether that's um synths or drums or MYCnCzDOFqg-00267-00109679-00109878 bass or whatever or a full track MYCnCzDOFqg-00268-00109879-00110215 already done i'll always have some sense MYCnCzDOFqg-00269-00110216-00110407 of instruments done before i even touch MYCnCzDOFqg-00270-00110408-00110527 the lyrics MYCnCzDOFqg-00271-00110528-00110878 and i'll i'll do that because MYCnCzDOFqg-00272-00110879-00111199 i find lyrics very difficult to write um MYCnCzDOFqg-00273-00111200-00111447 a lot of the time it's by feel so i'll MYCnCzDOFqg-00274-00111448-00111671 come up with a melody first so with the MYCnCzDOFqg-00275-00111672-00111823 case of ecstasy MYCnCzDOFqg-00276-00111824-00112440 in the chorus MYCnCzDOFqg-00277-00112441-00112799 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00278-00112800-00113095 and i came up with this melody before i MYCnCzDOFqg-00279-00113096-00113254 had lyrics done i just MYCnCzDOFqg-00280-00113255-00113590 sang la de da di da da random words here MYCnCzDOFqg-00281-00113591-00113671 and there MYCnCzDOFqg-00282-00113672-00115119 i knew hold me i wanted to MYCnCzDOFqg-00283-00115120-00115431 so i just kind of MYCnCzDOFqg-00284-00115432-00115734 fill in the gaps afterwards and so MYCnCzDOFqg-00285-00115735-00116063 i i had you know MYCnCzDOFqg-00286-00116064-00116383 i want you to hold me something MYCnCzDOFqg-00287-00116383-00116543 something something i needed something MYCnCzDOFqg-00288-00116544-00116727 that fit in there and so eventually i MYCnCzDOFqg-00289-00116728-00116823 came up with MYCnCzDOFqg-00290-00116824-00117071 like after thinking about it for a while MYCnCzDOFqg-00291-00117072-00117247 and trying a bunch of different things i MYCnCzDOFqg-00292-00117248-00117471 settled on MYCnCzDOFqg-00293-00117472-00117923 your love is my ecstasy MYCnCzDOFqg-00294-00117924-00118158 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00295-00118159-00118463 it just it just worked um and the pieces MYCnCzDOFqg-00296-00118464-00118639 kind of fell into place MYCnCzDOFqg-00297-00118640-00118975 and so often let let's just let's just MYCnCzDOFqg-00298-00118976-00119166 try something let's do MYCnCzDOFqg-00299-00119167-00119492 let's do some random chords like MYCnCzDOFqg-00300-00119493-00120423 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00301-00120424-00120783 so here's three random chords and i MYCnCzDOFqg-00302-00120783-00120958 would just like come up with a melody MYCnCzDOFqg-00303-00120959-00121095 i'd go like one MYCnCzDOFqg-00304-00121096-00122132 one in the winter MYCnCzDOFqg-00305-00122133-00122831 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00306-00122832-00123190 something like that and so i would just MYCnCzDOFqg-00307-00123191-00123399 come up with a melody and a flow that i MYCnCzDOFqg-00308-00123400-00123519 liked MYCnCzDOFqg-00309-00123520-00123871 and then the lyrics would come after so MYCnCzDOFqg-00310-00123872-00124102 in that example MYCnCzDOFqg-00311-00124103-00124719 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00312-00124720-00125031 um i just kind of feel out what MYCnCzDOFqg-00313-00125032-00125375 the feeling of it is and i'll MYCnCzDOFqg-00314-00125376-00125543 sing words that i associate with that MYCnCzDOFqg-00315-00125544-00125799 feeling so MYCnCzDOFqg-00316-00125800-00126223 walk with me dear in the summertime i'll MYCnCzDOFqg-00317-00126224-00126710 thought i'll follow you in near and far MYCnCzDOFqg-00318-00126711-00126931 near and far i don't know so MYCnCzDOFqg-00319-00126932-00127047 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00320-00127048-00127383 so i just make i i just fill in the gaps MYCnCzDOFqg-00321-00127383-00127454 with words MYCnCzDOFqg-00322-00127455-00127678 until something cohesive comes together MYCnCzDOFqg-00323-00127679-00127775 like MYCnCzDOFqg-00324-00127776-00128199 like like um i heard MYCnCzDOFqg-00325-00128200-00128502 i heard ed sheeran describe songwriting MYCnCzDOFqg-00326-00128503-00128607 like turning on MYCnCzDOFqg-00327-00128608-00128863 a old faucet and all that gunk and MYCnCzDOFqg-00328-00128864-00129039 grossness is going to come out MYCnCzDOFqg-00329-00129040-00129199 and then eventually he'll have clean MYCnCzDOFqg-00330-00129200-00129454 water so MYCnCzDOFqg-00331-00129455-00129663 he was talking about writing as many MYCnCzDOFqg-00332-00129664-00129814 songs as you can and half of them are MYCnCzDOFqg-00333-00129815-00129958 going to be garbage but i take that MYCnCzDOFqg-00334-00129959-00130014 approach MYCnCzDOFqg-00335-00130015-00130295 with even just the songwriting itself so MYCnCzDOFqg-00336-00130296-00130566 i'll just come up with phrases that fit MYCnCzDOFqg-00337-00130567-00130686 the melody MYCnCzDOFqg-00338-00130688-00130839 until i find one that just sounds MYCnCzDOFqg-00339-00130840-00131143 absolutely perfect so MYCnCzDOFqg-00340-00131144-00131566 i'll walk through the park on a sunday MYCnCzDOFqg-00341-00131567-00131966 the people i'll walk through a park on a MYCnCzDOFqg-00342-00131967-00132143 sunday MYCnCzDOFqg-00343-00132144-00132393 the people they sit and stare MYCnCzDOFqg-00344-00132394-00132535 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00345-00132536-00132839 and i don't know where i'm going MYCnCzDOFqg-00346-00132840-00133175 but i know i'll end up somewhere and MYCnCzDOFqg-00347-00133176-00133199 i'll MYCnCzDOFqg-00348-00133200-00133543 you know that that was completely MYCnCzDOFqg-00349-00133544-00133783 off the top of the head nothing you know MYCnCzDOFqg-00350-00133784-00133927 and so i just kind of MYCnCzDOFqg-00351-00133928-00134214 keep throwing things out there and until MYCnCzDOFqg-00352-00134215-00134343 something sticks and then MYCnCzDOFqg-00353-00134344-00134687 from there i'll kind of extrapolate MYCnCzDOFqg-00354-00134688-00134743 further MYCnCzDOFqg-00355-00134744-00135039 so if i'm singing about going to a park MYCnCzDOFqg-00356-00135040-00135278 on a sunday MYCnCzDOFqg-00357-00135279-00135607 um maybe i'll MYCnCzDOFqg-00358-00135608-00135863 talk about something was in the air MYCnCzDOFqg-00359-00135864-00136102 there was a girl with some hair MYCnCzDOFqg-00360-00136103-00136447 you know and i'll oh i'll kind of just MYCnCzDOFqg-00361-00136448-00136671 let it flow and see where it goes and so MYCnCzDOFqg-00362-00136672-00136919 ecstasy was a similar thing to that MYCnCzDOFqg-00363-00136920-00137283 um anyways that was my MYCnCzDOFqg-00364-00137284-00137687 songwriting process i also do MYCnCzDOFqg-00365-00137688-00137911 all of my own production as well so on MYCnCzDOFqg-00366-00137912-00138087 any songs where i have some MYCnCzDOFqg-00367-00138088-00138375 crazy synths or some pound and bass MYCnCzDOFqg-00368-00138376-00138502 that's all me as well MYCnCzDOFqg-00369-00138503-00138863 so um often that's where i find the most MYCnCzDOFqg-00370-00138864-00138990 joy in creating music MYCnCzDOFqg-00371-00138991-00139366 is the uh instrumentation part of it MYCnCzDOFqg-00372-00139367-00139551 and so i'll spend a lot of time doing MYCnCzDOFqg-00373-00139552-00139678 that and then MYCnCzDOFqg-00374-00139679-00139895 when it comes time to write lyrics i can MYCnCzDOFqg-00375-00139896-00140063 just listen to what i've created over MYCnCzDOFqg-00376-00140064-00140159 and over MYCnCzDOFqg-00377-00140160-00140471 and write some lyrics down to it so that MYCnCzDOFqg-00378-00140472-00140511 is MYCnCzDOFqg-00379-00140512-00140847 always a plus anyways um MYCnCzDOFqg-00380-00140848-00141166 i'm gonna wrap up here and play you guys MYCnCzDOFqg-00381-00141167-00141223 one more MYCnCzDOFqg-00382-00141224-00141599 song this next song this last song MYCnCzDOFqg-00383-00141600-00141975 is up up up it's a song about MYCnCzDOFqg-00384-00141976-00142287 uh doing your doing your best to MYCnCzDOFqg-00385-00142288-00142543 push forward uh past anything that MYCnCzDOFqg-00386-00142544-00142671 stands in your way MYCnCzDOFqg-00387-00142672-00142943 and then once you're up at the top just MYCnCzDOFqg-00388-00142944-00143111 staying there and not letting anything MYCnCzDOFqg-00389-00143112-00143366 drag you back down MYCnCzDOFqg-00390-00143367-00143575 my name is morenton fair and i hope MYCnCzDOFqg-00391-00143576-00143687 everybody has a MYCnCzDOFqg-00392-00143688-00144047 wonderful rest of their day MYCnCzDOFqg-00393-00144048-00144283 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00394-00144284-00144683 i need help MYCnCzDOFqg-00395-00144684-00144953 seeing straight MYCnCzDOFqg-00396-00144954-00145431 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00397-00145432-00145972 oh these MYCnCzDOFqg-00398-00145973-00146559 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00399-00146560-00146939 well i will MYCnCzDOFqg-00400-00146940-00147598 breathe in your soul MYCnCzDOFqg-00401-00147599-00147726 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00402-00147727-00148099 and my soul MYCnCzDOFqg-00403-00148100-00148632 wants yours in the cold MYCnCzDOFqg-00404-00148633-00149878 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00405-00149879-00150125 it's MYCnCzDOFqg-00406-00150126-00150847 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00407-00150848-00151159 there's a fire in my heart MYCnCzDOFqg-00408-00151160-00153336 and it's never going out MYCnCzDOFqg-00409-00153337-00154083 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00410-00154084-00154263 i MYCnCzDOFqg-00411-00154264-00155190 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00412-00155191-00155519 well i don't MYCnCzDOFqg-00413-00155520-00155950 know where i'm going MYCnCzDOFqg-00414-00155951-00156407 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00415-00156408-00156759 i know well MYCnCzDOFqg-00416-00156760-00156996 i'm up here MYCnCzDOFqg-00417-00156997-00158166 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00418-00158167-00158301 there's a fire MYCnCzDOFqg-00419-00158302-00158990 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00420-00158991-00159478 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00421-00159479-00159903 there's a fire in my heart MYCnCzDOFqg-00422-00159904-00160726 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00423-00160727-00161083 straight help MYCnCzDOFqg-00424-00161084-00161479 me MYCnCzDOFqg-00425-00161480-00162685 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00426-00162686-00165014 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00427-00165015-00165425 it's never going out MYCnCzDOFqg-00428-00165426-00165990 [Music] MYCnCzDOFqg-00429-00165991-00167463 there's a fire in my heart MYCnCzDOFqg-00430-00167464-00167807 help me MYCnCzDOFqg-00431-00167808-00168384 be okay MYcxdr8NWOu-00000-00000041-00000329 hello everyone and welcome to this a MYcxdr8NWOu-00001-00000330-00000451 live stream debate MYcxdr8NWOu-00002-00000452-00000698 my name is Bruno di Bavaria and the MYcxdr8NWOu-00003-00000699-00000904 director-general of the center on MYcxdr8NWOu-00004-00000905-00001136 regulation in Europe said the MYcxdr8NWOu-00005-00001137-00001349 independent think-tank focusing on the MYcxdr8NWOu-00006-00001350-00001673 regulation of energy mobility and the MYcxdr8NWOu-00007-00001673-00001916 sectors we will deal with today taken MYcxdr8NWOu-00008-00001917-00002264 media no matter were you watching us MYcxdr8NWOu-00009-00002265-00002537 from the covered 19 pandemic is most MYcxdr8NWOu-00010-00002538-00002867 certainly impacted your life but could MYcxdr8NWOu-00011-00002868-00003095 it also be a game changer for a MYcxdr8NWOu-00012-00003096-00003308 relationship and that of public MYcxdr8NWOu-00013-00003309-00003626 authorities with online platforms before MYcxdr8NWOu-00014-00003627-00003859 this outbreak platforms had already MYcxdr8NWOu-00015-00003860-00004067 significantly changed the ways we work MYcxdr8NWOu-00016-00004068-00004424 we interact with AI we learn they had MYcxdr8NWOu-00017-00004425-00004636 also been and still are subject to to a MYcxdr8NWOu-00018-00004637-00004813 lot of attention on behalf of of MYcxdr8NWOu-00019-00004814-00005047 regulators of policymakers from all over MYcxdr8NWOu-00020-00005048-00005338 the world and they are concerned about a MYcxdr8NWOu-00021-00005339-00005536 number of big texts practices and MYcxdr8NWOu-00022-00005537-00005818 behaviors which impact competition uses MYcxdr8NWOu-00023-00005819-00006038 and consumers choice experience and MYcxdr8NWOu-00024-00006039-00006254 privacy and sometimes even the MYcxdr8NWOu-00025-00006255-00006592 democratic process now with the covet 19 MYcxdr8NWOu-00026-00006593-00006898 situation and even more crude light is MYcxdr8NWOu-00027-00006900-00007139 cast on the role of platforms and the MYcxdr8NWOu-00028-00007140-00007423 issues around them in today's world the MYcxdr8NWOu-00029-00007425-00007751 crisis is highlighting the benefits the MYcxdr8NWOu-00030-00007752-00008071 opportunities and the risks generated by MYcxdr8NWOu-00031-00008072-00008312 the online platform economy and those MYcxdr8NWOu-00032-00008313-00008585 are bigger than ever and in my view it MYcxdr8NWOu-00033-00008586-00008953 is also forcing us to wonder whether to MYcxdr8NWOu-00034-00008954-00009103 fully enjoy the benefits and MYcxdr8NWOu-00035-00009104-00009287 opportunities and mitigate the risks MYcxdr8NWOu-00036-00009288-00009509 some form of enhanced cooperation MYcxdr8NWOu-00037-00009510-00009806 between platforms and governments based MYcxdr8NWOu-00038-00009807-00010078 on clear and enforceable principles and MYcxdr8NWOu-00039-00010079-00010310 rules should not be assertively MYcxdr8NWOu-00040-00010311-00010631 considered that is why this debate as MYcxdr8NWOu-00041-00010632-00010901 the question of whether we are heading MYcxdr8NWOu-00042-00010902-00011216 towards the post covet 19 digital deal MYcxdr8NWOu-00043-00011217-00011446 between check and governments with a big MYcxdr8NWOu-00044-00011447-00011713 question mark and to address the the MYcxdr8NWOu-00045-00011714-00011909 topic in a meaningful way MYcxdr8NWOu-00046-00011910-00012326 we have gathers two global players thank MYcxdr8NWOu-00047-00012327-00012631 you wholeheartedly - to both of them for MYcxdr8NWOu-00048-00012632-00012890 their Swift positive response to sales MYcxdr8NWOu-00049-00012891-00013213 invitation teleport all the European MYcxdr8NWOu-00050-00013215-00013394 Commissioner for the internal market MYcxdr8NWOu-00051-00013394-00013565 is playing a key role in the development MYcxdr8NWOu-00052-00013566-00013783 of the Commission's forthcoming MYcxdr8NWOu-00053-00013784-00014041 proposals for new rules for the digital MYcxdr8NWOu-00054-00014043-00014291 age so good evening commissioner and MYcxdr8NWOu-00055-00014291-00014552 very great to have you with us good MYcxdr8NWOu-00056-00014553-00014791 evening good evening good evening order MYcxdr8NWOu-00057-00014791-00015062 I'm also delighted to welcome Mark MYcxdr8NWOu-00058-00015063-00015293 Zuckerberg the the father chairman and MYcxdr8NWOu-00059-00015294-00015554 CEO of Facebook who's joining us from MYcxdr8NWOu-00060-00015555-00015833 California so therefore good morning MYcxdr8NWOu-00061-00015834-00016346 Mark Zuckerberg thanks turn off its I'm MYcxdr8NWOu-00062-00016347-00016483 glad to be joining thank you for having MYcxdr8NWOu-00063-00016484-00016529 me MYcxdr8NWOu-00064-00016530-00016859 so before we start our conversation I'd MYcxdr8NWOu-00065-00016860-00017096 like to remind viewers that they have MYcxdr8NWOu-00066-00017097-00017330 the the possibility to ask questions via MYcxdr8NWOu-00067-00017331-00017572 slide Oh with the code slash they're MYcxdr8NWOu-00068-00017573-00017822 digital and I've no doubt that they will MYcxdr8NWOu-00069-00017823-00018172 make good use of the facility so let's MYcxdr8NWOu-00070-00018173-00018403 begin with with the roll of platforms MYcxdr8NWOu-00071-00018404-00018662 and the collaboration between them and MYcxdr8NWOu-00072-00018663-00018899 governments during that the carpet 19 MYcxdr8NWOu-00073-00018900-00019202 crisis Mark Zuckerberg what's what is MYcxdr8NWOu-00074-00019203-00019349 your experience so far what has been MYcxdr8NWOu-00075-00019350-00019550 your experience so far and what are you MYcxdr8NWOu-00076-00019551-00020042 views on that well and this is a an MYcxdr8NWOu-00077-00020043-00020222 emergency on a lot of different fronts MYcxdr8NWOu-00078-00020223-00020483 it's a health emergency it's an economic MYcxdr8NWOu-00079-00020484-00020834 emergency it's a security emergency MYcxdr8NWOu-00080-00020835-00021146 around things like misinformation and MYcxdr8NWOu-00081-00021147-00021409 it's also a social crisis where people MYcxdr8NWOu-00082-00021410-00021544 need to stay connected more than ever MYcxdr8NWOu-00083-00021545-00021746 and you know I think frankly everyone is MYcxdr8NWOu-00084-00021747-00021893 trying to figure this out at once and MYcxdr8NWOu-00085-00021894-00022219 that does require a greater degree of MYcxdr8NWOu-00086-00022220-00022556 partnership between governments and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00087-00022557-00022880 the private sector to adapt quickly and MYcxdr8NWOu-00088-00022881-00023100 you know part of what I've appreciated MYcxdr8NWOu-00089-00023101-00023456 in in terms of the engagement that we've MYcxdr8NWOu-00090-00023457-00023722 been able to have with the Commissioner MYcxdr8NWOu-00091-00023723-00024002 here but also other others around the MYcxdr8NWOu-00092-00024003-00024215 world is that during this time you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00093-00024216-00024419 it's not just about you know what MYcxdr8NWOu-00094-00024420-00024671 regulations are on the books you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00095-00024672-00024934 the Commissioner here for example is is MYcxdr8NWOu-00096-00024935-00025265 very has been very proactive about MYcxdr8NWOu-00097-00025266-00025394 reaching out when there are things that MYcxdr8NWOu-00098-00025395-00025537 we can be doing to be helpful MYcxdr8NWOu-00099-00025538-00025712 correctively as well so let me let me MYcxdr8NWOu-00100-00025713-00026058 give you a few examples you know for one MYcxdr8NWOu-00101-00026060-00026261 and one of the things that were very MYcxdr8NWOu-00102-00026262-00026411 focused on is fighting misinformation MYcxdr8NWOu-00103-00026412-00026519 and MYcxdr8NWOu-00104-00026520-00026888 we work very hard to make sure that we MYcxdr8NWOu-00105-00026889-00027080 have good collaboration within MYcxdr8NWOu-00106-00027081-00027275 intelligence community and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00107-00027276-00027485 governments around the world to make MYcxdr8NWOu-00108-00027486-00027695 sure that we can find any kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-00109-00027695-00027956 coordinated information campaigns coming MYcxdr8NWOu-00110-00027957-00028154 from any governments and we've had a MYcxdr8NWOu-00111-00028155-00028430 good collaboration here both formally MYcxdr8NWOu-00112-00028431-00028730 and informally to share data on what MYcxdr8NWOu-00113-00028731-00028967 we're seeing from from different MYcxdr8NWOu-00114-00028968-00029249 countries give tips on where we think MYcxdr8NWOu-00115-00029250-00029533 risks might be coming and in general MYcxdr8NWOu-00116-00029535-00029735 we've been able to really step up the MYcxdr8NWOu-00117-00029736-00029969 efforts to fight misinformation we've MYcxdr8NWOu-00118-00029970-00030167 taken down hundreds of thousands of MYcxdr8NWOu-00119-00030168-00030437 pieces of harmful misinformation and our MYcxdr8NWOu-00120-00030438-00030658 independent fact-checking program has MYcxdr8NWOu-00121-00030658-00030962 yielded more than 50 million warnings MYcxdr8NWOu-00122-00030963-00031211 being shown on on pieces of content that MYcxdr8NWOu-00123-00031212-00031610 might be that are false related to covin MYcxdr8NWOu-00124-00031611-00031841 which we know that that works because MYcxdr8NWOu-00125-00031842-00032060 ninety-five percent of the time when MYcxdr8NWOu-00126-00032061-00032210 someone sees a piece of content with a MYcxdr8NWOu-00127-00032211-00032318 label on it they don't end up clicking MYcxdr8NWOu-00128-00032319-00032504 through so this is a really good MYcxdr8NWOu-00129-00032505-00032816 collaboration if we have a moment let me MYcxdr8NWOu-00130-00032817-00033050 give another example which is that right MYcxdr8NWOu-00131-00033051-00033284 now more than ever people really need to MYcxdr8NWOu-00132-00033285-00033449 stay connected to the people that they MYcxdr8NWOu-00133-00033450-00033716 love and care about you know we've seen MYcxdr8NWOu-00134-00033717-00033890 in a lot of countries for example in MYcxdr8NWOu-00135-00033891-00034196 Italy usage of Arc Services went up by MYcxdr8NWOu-00136-00034197-00034604 more than 70% you know usage of group MYcxdr8NWOu-00137-00034605-00034916 video calling went up by 10x so you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00138-00034917-00035144 that was in percent but one of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00139-00035145-00035267 things that's been very important is MYcxdr8NWOu-00140-00035268-00035441 making sure that the video networks are MYcxdr8NWOu-00141-00035442-00035645 sorry the internet networks MYcxdr8NWOu-00142-00035646-00036011 stay running so the Commissioner you MYcxdr8NWOu-00143-00036012-00036311 know and his team gave us a call because MYcxdr8NWOu-00144-00036312-00036614 he was getting feedback from from the MYcxdr8NWOu-00145-00036615-00036806 the internet operators across Europe MYcxdr8NWOu-00146-00036807-00037004 that there might be an issue and you MYcxdr8NWOu-00147-00037005-00037163 know very quickly we were able to work MYcxdr8NWOu-00148-00037164-00037487 together to to reduce the bandwidth that MYcxdr8NWOu-00149-00037488-00037889 our services consumed to not use HD MYcxdr8NWOu-00150-00037890-00038162 video by default during this period and MYcxdr8NWOu-00151-00038163-00038312 to make sure that the networks could MYcxdr8NWOu-00152-00038313-00038453 stay healthy so people could stay MYcxdr8NWOu-00153-00038454-00038684 connected and I think those are just two MYcxdr8NWOu-00154-00038685-00038945 examples of of the type of collaboration MYcxdr8NWOu-00155-00038946-00039203 that I think frankly has been very MYcxdr8NWOu-00156-00039204-00039452 productive and helpful and that that I MYcxdr8NWOu-00157-00039453-00039698 appreciate as someone trying to do our MYcxdr8NWOu-00158-00039699-00039783 best to help out MYcxdr8NWOu-00159-00039784-00039942 period in the private sector I think we MYcxdr8NWOu-00160-00039943-00040185 need that kind of partnership Thank You MYcxdr8NWOu-00161-00040186-00040407 Commissioner Commissioner Bratton from MYcxdr8NWOu-00162-00040408-00040662 from the very from the very beginning of MYcxdr8NWOu-00163-00040663-00040911 the lockdown you have been personally in MYcxdr8NWOu-00164-00040912-00041169 touch with a number of platform CEOs MYcxdr8NWOu-00165-00041170-00041635 what do you draw from those contacts you MYcxdr8NWOu-00166-00041636-00041796 know we just you know it could so so MYcxdr8NWOu-00167-00041797-00041998 weird we are here talking of the crisis MYcxdr8NWOu-00168-00041999-00042223 like it was over and like if you ever MYcxdr8NWOu-00169-00042224-00042495 hear two door lessons we are still in MYcxdr8NWOu-00170-00042496-00042748 this crisis but it's true that I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00171-00042749-00043173 it's good to stop for a while and to to MYcxdr8NWOu-00172-00043174-00043425 think about what we learned so far I MYcxdr8NWOu-00173-00043426-00043626 said so far because it isn't at the end MYcxdr8NWOu-00174-00043627-00043948 of the game of course when it happens MYcxdr8NWOu-00175-00043949-00044262 when it happens let's come back to back MYcxdr8NWOu-00176-00044263-00044595 to the beginning of March we are at the MYcxdr8NWOu-00177-00044596-00045111 time peak in Italy to tell you the truth MYcxdr8NWOu-00178-00045112-00045382 a lot of countries where she is thinking MYcxdr8NWOu-00179-00045383-00045633 that it will be contained in Italy but MYcxdr8NWOu-00180-00045634-00045857 then of course it moves fast and MYcxdr8NWOu-00181-00045858-00046041 entertain you the truth also MYcxdr8NWOu-00182-00046042-00046236 I have the feeling after all the MYcxdr8NWOu-00183-00046237-00046599 contacts I had that some countries that MYcxdr8NWOu-00184-00046600-00046873 be friends including in the u.s. we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00185-00046874-00047073 sinking we're still sinking as a time MYcxdr8NWOu-00186-00047074-00047358 that they will be protected when I say MYcxdr8NWOu-00187-00047359-00047615 country means also maybe governments and MYcxdr8NWOu-00188-00047616-00048081 when I saw this I started it was MYcxdr8NWOu-00189-00048082-00048336 extremely important to anticipate so the MYcxdr8NWOu-00190-00048337-00048561 first key word is anticipation is such MYcxdr8NWOu-00191-00048562-00048957 an unbelievable situation anticipation MYcxdr8NWOu-00192-00048958-00049123 means for me as a commissioner in charge MYcxdr8NWOu-00193-00049124-00049386 of the LA market and and and digital MYcxdr8NWOu-00194-00049387-00049937 West to say hey if we are obliged to be MYcxdr8NWOu-00195-00049938-00050301 confined or together here in Europe we MYcxdr8NWOu-00196-00050302-00050477 were still single in Europe at that time MYcxdr8NWOu-00197-00050478-00050817 what will happen will have maybe one one MYcxdr8NWOu-00198-00050818-00050985 heart one two thirds of the population MYcxdr8NWOu-00199-00050986-00051285 sing at home and then I said to myself MYcxdr8NWOu-00200-00051286-00051675 because you know in my past I I am I MYcxdr8NWOu-00201-00051676-00051811 have a previous life before being a MYcxdr8NWOu-00202-00051812-00052071 commissioner you know and and another MYcxdr8NWOu-00203-00052072-00052296 widget telecommunication and I said you MYcxdr8NWOu-00204-00052297-00052486 know the telecom networks the tree MYcxdr8NWOu-00205-00052487-00052849 bridge well just not designed for this MYcxdr8NWOu-00206-00052850-00053111 kind of situation so MYcxdr8NWOu-00207-00053112-00053407 now we will probably ask our fellow MYcxdr8NWOu-00208-00053408-00053638 citizens to stay at home we will MYcxdr8NWOu-00209-00053639-00054007 probably ask them to to rock at home to MYcxdr8NWOu-00210-00054008-00054323 a - to learn 2010 as the macro as does MYcxdr8NWOu-00211-00054324-00054623 for all right he say and and of course MYcxdr8NWOu-00212-00054624-00054757 if we spend a lot of time with a MYcxdr8NWOu-00213-00054758-00054953 favorite podcast by other platforms for MYcxdr8NWOu-00214-00054954-00055132 video platform streaming and so on or MYcxdr8NWOu-00215-00055133-00055474 gaming's and then I should weigh maybe MYcxdr8NWOu-00216-00055475-00055853 the networks will not be strong enough MYcxdr8NWOu-00217-00055854-00056149 or boost enough to support all these so MYcxdr8NWOu-00218-00056150-00056315 we try to make some evaluation MYcxdr8NWOu-00219-00056316-00056551 calculation if I focus nobody at that MYcxdr8NWOu-00220-00056552-00056587 time MYcxdr8NWOu-00221-00056588-00056788 don't release my data nobody nobody MYcxdr8NWOu-00222-00056789-00056972 could could could could even imagine MYcxdr8NWOu-00223-00056973-00057272 this situation and the continental MYcxdr8NWOu-00224-00057273-00057572 Europe and now on the planet no one no MYcxdr8NWOu-00225-00057573-00057890 one so I had very frank description MYcxdr8NWOu-00226-00057891-00058216 immediately with of course with with MYcxdr8NWOu-00227-00058217-00058426 some summer some seals you mentioned MYcxdr8NWOu-00228-00058427-00058778 mention a few from Netflix or as things MYcxdr8NWOu-00229-00058779-00059029 of course Disney of course mark of MYcxdr8NWOu-00230-00059030-00059191 course Yahoo MYcxdr8NWOu-00231-00059192-00059481 I mean orders I mean all the brick being MYcxdr8NWOu-00232-00059482-00059980 broadcasters and I said you know maybe MYcxdr8NWOu-00233-00059981-00060238 it will be appropriate to see if we can MYcxdr8NWOu-00234-00060239-00060457 transition to anticipate what will MYcxdr8NWOu-00235-00060458-00060712 happen and to reduce from from sd to HD MYcxdr8NWOu-00236-00060713-00061073 and and we know you know I said you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00237-00061074-00061231 we're in the same boat when the same MYcxdr8NWOu-00238-00061232-00061379 planet we don't know what will happen MYcxdr8NWOu-00239-00061379-00061748 but we better take decisions immediately MYcxdr8NWOu-00240-00061749-00062021 to be prepared and has been extremely MYcxdr8NWOu-00241-00062022-00062263 impressed by the reaction immediately MYcxdr8NWOu-00242-00062264-00062522 everyone everyone and mark knows it very MYcxdr8NWOu-00243-00062523-00062854 well everyone he said in less than 24 MYcxdr8NWOu-00244-00062855-00062879 hours MYcxdr8NWOu-00245-00062879-00063163 yes Commissioner we do it we have been MYcxdr8NWOu-00246-00063164-00063329 the first one to her to ask them and MYcxdr8NWOu-00247-00063329-00063509 Europe or at that time the center of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00248-00063510-00063763 pandemic in us it was almost nothing at MYcxdr8NWOu-00249-00063764-00064093 that time nobody and then of course we MYcxdr8NWOu-00250-00064094-00064273 stopped to discuss and to attend and to MYcxdr8NWOu-00251-00064274-00064624 see how together we could cope with the MYcxdr8NWOu-00252-00064625-00065007 situation because again we had to invent MYcxdr8NWOu-00253-00065008-00065611 our way to to be able to to react in MYcxdr8NWOu-00254-00065612-00066146 this unprecedented situation so here is MYcxdr8NWOu-00255-00066147-00066470 definitely such that's something that MYcxdr8NWOu-00256-00066471-00066752 that I'm in favor is always when we have MYcxdr8NWOu-00257-00066753-00066908 this kind of situation but not only in MYcxdr8NWOu-00258-00066909-00067073 this is probably a lesson that we will MYcxdr8NWOu-00259-00067074-00067361 offer the future let's discuss let's MYcxdr8NWOu-00260-00067362-00067556 explain our problems at the end of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00261-00067557-00067885 day we were present of course we MYcxdr8NWOu-00262-00067886-00068135 represent our fellow citizens we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00263-00068136-00068381 working for them everyone is coming from MYcxdr8NWOu-00264-00068382-00068672 its own constituency now I'm coming from MYcxdr8NWOu-00265-00068673-00068849 the political side I explained my MYcxdr8NWOu-00266-00068850-00069059 problem and we find solution together MYcxdr8NWOu-00267-00069060-00069371 this is really what happened and I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00268-00069372-00069740 it is important including to start to MYcxdr8NWOu-00269-00069741-00070124 think about the day after but if we look MYcxdr8NWOu-00270-00070125-00070358 if we look at the the next stage we you MYcxdr8NWOu-00271-00070359-00070715 talked about anticipation and obviously MYcxdr8NWOu-00272-00070716-00070985 we're thinking about the exit plans the MYcxdr8NWOu-00273-00070986-00071432 the recovery plans in your view what MYcxdr8NWOu-00274-00071433-00071702 what should what are you expecting from MYcxdr8NWOu-00275-00071703-00072086 from tech 444 the exit and the recovery MYcxdr8NWOu-00276-00072087-00072794 phase you know a newer and what we MYcxdr8NWOu-00277-00072795-00073088 usually I mean usually again we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00278-00073089-00073241 still into crises and everybody MYcxdr8NWOu-00279-00073242-00073559 understand that but still what we could MYcxdr8NWOu-00280-00073560-00073847 say if we look at history and and it is MYcxdr8NWOu-00281-00073848-00074135 an historical moment for for us in MYcxdr8NWOu-00282-00074136-00074336 Europe which Albert Roberta girls on the MYcxdr8NWOu-00283-00074337-00074669 planet usually usually in this kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-00284-00074670-00075029 crisis you see an accelerator of trends MYcxdr8NWOu-00285-00075030-00075335 so what are the trends today which will MYcxdr8NWOu-00286-00075336-00075617 drive probably not a little recovery but MYcxdr8NWOu-00287-00075618-00076112 so evolution of industry and at large of MYcxdr8NWOu-00288-00076113-00076415 our future first we believe strongly and MYcxdr8NWOu-00289-00076416-00076682 that in Europe the Green Deal because we MYcxdr8NWOu-00290-00076683-00077111 believe that with before other crisis it MYcxdr8NWOu-00291-00077112-00077423 was extremely important everyone is so MYcxdr8NWOu-00292-00077424-00077711 concerned about its own relation between MYcxdr8NWOu-00293-00077712-00077957 himself and the environment and the MYcxdr8NWOu-00294-00077958-00078218 planet and the climate and of course now MYcxdr8NWOu-00295-00078219-00078506 this has been an fascist with of course MYcxdr8NWOu-00296-00078507-00078710 this disease MYcxdr8NWOu-00297-00078711-00079079 everybody understand that we are we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00298-00079080-00079355 smashing that at the end of the day MYcxdr8NWOu-00299-00079356-00079607 there is probably the only borders with MYcxdr8NWOu-00300-00079608-00079817 which the virus is not bit MYcxdr8NWOu-00301-00079818-00080107 but is between a humanity and the virus MYcxdr8NWOu-00302-00080108-00080423 so this concern about Green Deal will be MYcxdr8NWOu-00303-00080424-00080537 more important than ever MYcxdr8NWOu-00304-00080538-00080729 and then strongly believe it will be MYcxdr8NWOu-00305-00080730-00080930 accelerated but the second one of course MYcxdr8NWOu-00306-00080931-00081203 is digitization and of course we are we MYcxdr8NWOu-00307-00081204-00081382 already knew that it was an extremely MYcxdr8NWOu-00308-00081383-00081676 important trend which was part by the MYcxdr8NWOu-00309-00081677-00081869 way of our strategies you know in Europe MYcxdr8NWOu-00310-00081870-00082147 and of course now then we had we had MYcxdr8NWOu-00311-00082148-00082465 half of the population of our planet MYcxdr8NWOu-00312-00082466-00082688 confined and still a lot of them are MYcxdr8NWOu-00313-00082689-00082967 still confine staying at home working at MYcxdr8NWOu-00314-00082968-00083219 home entertaining at home learning at MYcxdr8NWOu-00315-00083220-00083319 home MYcxdr8NWOu-00316-00083320-00083741 socializing at home so yes of course for MYcxdr8NWOu-00317-00083742-00083936 a lot of a lot of our fellow citizens MYcxdr8NWOu-00318-00083937-00084188 here in Europe but elsewhere in the MYcxdr8NWOu-00319-00084189-00084544 world and believe me I am a strong MYcxdr8NWOu-00320-00084545-00084791 believer that for some of them they when MYcxdr8NWOu-00321-00084792-00085106 they choose to use tarry working and now MYcxdr8NWOu-00322-00085107-00085363 they know it's working from for a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-00323-00085364-00085586 them they when they choose to use zoom MYcxdr8NWOu-00324-00085587-00085880 or any kind of systems and now it's part MYcxdr8NWOu-00325-00085881-00086150 of our life and we learn and on an MYcxdr8NWOu-00326-00086151-00086474 accelerated way so yes it will of I'm a MYcxdr8NWOu-00327-00086475-00086681 strong believer on that it will have MYcxdr8NWOu-00328-00086682-00086942 been a very important impact on our way MYcxdr8NWOu-00329-00086943-00087236 to walk and to learn together a very MYcxdr8NWOu-00330-00087237-00087665 strong impact ok thank you Mark how do MYcxdr8NWOu-00331-00087666-00087851 you see at least at this stage MYcxdr8NWOu-00332-00087852-00088130 Facebook's role and contribution in MYcxdr8NWOu-00333-00088131-00088457 that's will be the exit and the recovery MYcxdr8NWOu-00334-00088458-00088715 plan is currently being developed by by MYcxdr8NWOu-00335-00088716-00089129 governments all over the place well it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00336-00089130-00089414 a number of fronts like I was just MYcxdr8NWOu-00337-00089415-00089585 talking about I mean there's a there's a MYcxdr8NWOu-00338-00089586-00089768 social component of people needing to MYcxdr8NWOu-00339-00089769-00089926 stay connected to the people they care MYcxdr8NWOu-00340-00089927-00090113 about and work with so I mean I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00341-00090114-00090440 the remote work and telework theme that MYcxdr8NWOu-00342-00090441-00090542 the Commissioner was just talking about MYcxdr8NWOu-00343-00090543-00090784 is a relevant and important one MYcxdr8NWOu-00344-00090785-00090976 misinformation making sure that people MYcxdr8NWOu-00345-00090977-00091196 get access to accurate information we we MYcxdr8NWOu-00346-00091197-00091463 we limit the spread of misinformation is MYcxdr8NWOu-00347-00091464-00091649 an ongoing battle but I think in periods MYcxdr8NWOu-00348-00091650-00091807 of high uncertainty like this it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00349-00091808-00092065 especially important which is why I MYcxdr8NWOu-00350-00092066-00092426 specifically wanted to call out the MYcxdr8NWOu-00351-00092427-00092567 collaboration that we've had both of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00352-00092568-00092780 Commissioner and other parts of MYcxdr8NWOu-00353-00092781-00092960 government and including working closely MYcxdr8NWOu-00354-00092961-00093112 with MYcxdr8NWOu-00355-00093113-00093313 with vice-president Yerevan in her MYcxdr8NWOu-00356-00093314-00093703 office on that as well the health crisis MYcxdr8NWOu-00357-00093704-00093835 I think it is going to be with us for a MYcxdr8NWOu-00358-00093836-00093955 while so there are a number of things MYcxdr8NWOu-00359-00093956-00094153 that we're doing there to work with MYcxdr8NWOu-00360-00094154-00094419 folks to to basically provide insights MYcxdr8NWOu-00361-00094420-00094721 one of the efforts there that that that MYcxdr8NWOu-00362-00094722-00094942 I'm particularly proud of is we've MYcxdr8NWOu-00363-00094943-00095165 worked with a number of universities to MYcxdr8NWOu-00364-00095166-00095557 run widespread surveys on facebook MYcxdr8NWOu-00365-00095558-00095773 asking people what kind of symptoms MYcxdr8NWOu-00366-00095774-00096010 they're feeling and the idea here is MYcxdr8NWOu-00367-00096011-00096163 that you know right now we don't have MYcxdr8NWOu-00368-00096164-00096322 the capacity to test everyone for the MYcxdr8NWOu-00369-00096323-00096612 virus but if you can ask people broadly MYcxdr8NWOu-00370-00096613-00096892 and give a statistically accurate sample MYcxdr8NWOu-00371-00096893-00097117 of you know what what symptoms people MYcxdr8NWOu-00372-00097118-00097303 are feeling you can get a sense of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00373-00097304-00097522 prevalence of those symptoms and every MYcxdr8NWOu-00374-00097523-00097891 local region across the world and that MYcxdr8NWOu-00375-00097892-00098124 can be very valuable data to help MYcxdr8NWOu-00376-00098125-00098322 governments and local health officials MYcxdr8NWOu-00377-00098323-00098590 make decisions on how to open up and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00378-00098591-00098828 and how quickly we can safely open up MYcxdr8NWOu-00379-00098829-00099163 the economy and start jump-starting and MYcxdr8NWOu-00380-00099164-00099440 getting things back to normal there and MYcxdr8NWOu-00381-00099441-00099541 there were a lot of challenges in MYcxdr8NWOu-00382-00099542-00099781 getting that to work you know we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00383-00099782-00099919 working with academics the way Facebook MYcxdr8NWOu-00384-00099920-00100290 doesn't get access to any people's MYcxdr8NWOu-00385-00100291-00100516 direct responses about what symptoms MYcxdr8NWOu-00386-00100517-00100630 they're having I mean we don't we don't MYcxdr8NWOu-00387-00100631-00100849 want to see the raw health data and MYcxdr8NWOu-00388-00100850-00100951 that's that they're obviously a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-00389-00100952-00101224 privacy concerns with that but we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00390-00101225-00101353 helping academics do that kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-00391-00101354-00101485 research and that I think is ending up MYcxdr8NWOu-00392-00101486-00101701 being very valuable is a source of data MYcxdr8NWOu-00393-00101702-00101917 for governments to make these decisions MYcxdr8NWOu-00394-00101918-00102286 and then I mean looking forward this is MYcxdr8NWOu-00395-00102287-00102663 clearly going to be a very big economic MYcxdr8NWOu-00396-00102664-00103009 recession and and long painful recovery MYcxdr8NWOu-00397-00103010-00103228 as well and you know one of the big MYcxdr8NWOu-00398-00103229-00103552 things that we focus on is is helping MYcxdr8NWOu-00399-00103553-00103796 small businesses around the world there MYcxdr8NWOu-00400-00103797-00104032 are more than 25 million small MYcxdr8NWOu-00401-00104033-00104278 businesses that use our services in MYcxdr8NWOu-00402-00104279-00104605 Europe alone the vast majority of use MYcxdr8NWOu-00403-00104606-00104803 our services for free to have a presence MYcxdr8NWOu-00404-00104804-00105064 online and reach people across Facebook MYcxdr8NWOu-00405-00105065-00105356 and Instagram and whatsapp and and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00406-00105357-00105727 messenger smaller set of those advertise MYcxdr8NWOu-00407-00105728-00105950 and and that's basically what makes fr MYcxdr8NWOu-00408-00105951-00106223 our business but you know small MYcxdr8NWOu-00409-00106224-00106373 businesses are the vast majority of our MYcxdr8NWOu-00410-00106374-00106490 business so we're variable MYcxdr8NWOu-00411-00106491-00106673 and with making sure that small MYcxdr8NWOu-00412-00106674-00106898 businesses can grow and thrive and right MYcxdr8NWOu-00413-00106899-00107114 now they need a few things to make sure MYcxdr8NWOu-00414-00107115-00107231 that they can survive and get through MYcxdr8NWOu-00415-00107232-00107570 this period one is just the financial MYcxdr8NWOu-00416-00107571-00107840 support and we launched a 100 million MYcxdr8NWOu-00417-00107841-00108116 dollar Grants program that's going to MYcxdr8NWOu-00418-00108117-00108326 provide grants to more than 30,000 small MYcxdr8NWOu-00419-00108327-00108493 businesses around the world MYcxdr8NWOu-00420-00108494-00108811 including a bunch in across Europe to MYcxdr8NWOu-00421-00108813-00109103 try to provide financial support another MYcxdr8NWOu-00422-00109104-00109628 piece is is just that we're as through MYcxdr8NWOu-00423-00109629-00109745 this period a lot of businesses are MYcxdr8NWOu-00424-00109746-00110039 relying more on internet tools right if MYcxdr8NWOu-00425-00110040-00110233 you a lot of businesses that previously MYcxdr8NWOu-00426-00110234-00110378 just had a physical storefront are MYcxdr8NWOu-00427-00110379-00110600 coming online for the first time and a MYcxdr8NWOu-00428-00110601-00110933 lot of ones that had a storefront before MYcxdr8NWOu-00429-00110933-00111083 are now finding that that's their MYcxdr8NWOu-00430-00111083-00111263 primary way of selling stuff and MYcxdr8NWOu-00431-00111264-00111545 reaching customers and we're working on MYcxdr8NWOu-00432-00111546-00111760 a number of different tools to basically MYcxdr8NWOu-00433-00111761-00111998 accelerate that and in fact we actually MYcxdr8NWOu-00434-00111999-00112145 have a big announcement coming up MYcxdr8NWOu-00435-00112146-00112457 tomorrow where you know we've had some MYcxdr8NWOu-00436-00112458-00112616 long term commerce tools that we've been MYcxdr8NWOu-00437-00112617-00112949 working on building and I don't want to MYcxdr8NWOu-00438-00112950-00113117 preempt my announcement tomorrow by MYcxdr8NWOu-00439-00113118-00113351 saying exactly what it is now but you MYcxdr8NWOu-00440-00113352-00113456 know there are a lot of things we've MYcxdr8NWOu-00441-00113457-00113693 been working on for a while and since MYcxdr8NWOu-00442-00113694-00113879 this crisis hit I've been meeting with MYcxdr8NWOu-00443-00113880-00114101 our small business commerce team every MYcxdr8NWOu-00444-00114102-00114314 single day to make sure that we can MYcxdr8NWOu-00445-00114315-00114464 accelerate that work because it's going MYcxdr8NWOu-00446-00114465-00114641 to be I think it could be very helpful MYcxdr8NWOu-00447-00114642-00114893 to a lot of small businesses and getting MYcxdr8NWOu-00448-00114894-00115064 through this period and thriving as they MYcxdr8NWOu-00449-00115065-00115292 come out the other side you know we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00450-00115293-00115442 doing more of their work online so MYcxdr8NWOu-00451-00115443-00115607 there's certainly a lot of different MYcxdr8NWOu-00452-00115608-00115865 fronts on this but but I think more MYcxdr8NWOu-00453-00115866-00116078 business and more life will be conducted MYcxdr8NWOu-00454-00116079-00116276 online coming out of this and we need to MYcxdr8NWOu-00455-00116277-00116390 make sure that the tools that we've MYcxdr8NWOu-00456-00116391-00116705 built are robust enough to support that MYcxdr8NWOu-00457-00116706-00116963 and and and help support the economy and MYcxdr8NWOu-00458-00116964-00117464 recovery the the exit phase and most MYcxdr8NWOu-00459-00117465-00117692 likely the the beginning of the recovery MYcxdr8NWOu-00460-00117693-00117985 phase from covet 19 will coincide with MYcxdr8NWOu-00461-00117986-00118301 the the publication of new European MYcxdr8NWOu-00462-00118302-00118547 Commission proposals on the regulation MYcxdr8NWOu-00463-00118548-00118880 of online platforms now before MYcxdr8NWOu-00464-00118881-00119102 addressing specific topics I'd like to MYcxdr8NWOu-00465-00119103-00119420 relate the first questions from from the MYcxdr8NWOu-00466-00119421-00119809 the audience which is addressed you to MYcxdr8NWOu-00467-00119810-00119886 really MYcxdr8NWOu-00468-00119888-00120179 and the question is the following MYcxdr8NWOu-00469-00120180-00120438 platforms carry out a wide range of MYcxdr8NWOu-00470-00120439-00120781 activities from social media to app MYcxdr8NWOu-00471-00120782-00121041 stores to facilitating travel bookings MYcxdr8NWOu-00472-00121042-00121361 do you think Commissioner that MYcxdr8NWOu-00473-00121363-00121657 regulation should vary to take account MYcxdr8NWOu-00474-00121658-00122020 of these different activities and if so MYcxdr8NWOu-00475-00122021-00122538 how no and you know you mentioned it we MYcxdr8NWOu-00476-00122539-00122724 are working on in the SA probably what MYcxdr8NWOu-00477-00122725-00122869 you had in mind when you when you said MYcxdr8NWOu-00478-00122870-00123031 that we're working on dicen it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00479-00123032-00123181 extremely clear that we are working on MYcxdr8NWOu-00480-00123182-00123421 the DSD and the Charro's we only intend MYcxdr8NWOu-00481-00123422-00123856 to to present our proposal at the end of MYcxdr8NWOu-00482-00123857-00124128 this year but much much coming back to MYcxdr8NWOu-00483-00124129-00124440 your to your question and going back to MYcxdr8NWOu-00484-00124441-00124788 work watch mark just said it is a it is MYcxdr8NWOu-00485-00124789-00125037 true that we have seen in this crisis a MYcxdr8NWOu-00486-00125038-00125478 lot of habits changing not worth MYcxdr8NWOu-00487-00125479-00125801 mentioning as a need and totally true MYcxdr8NWOu-00488-00125802-00126183 online which says who drastically during MYcxdr8NWOu-00489-00126184-00126516 of course the crisis moderate more than MYcxdr8NWOu-00490-00126517-00126758 one hundred percent almost every single MYcxdr8NWOu-00491-00126759-00127099 member stage here in Europe so many MYcxdr8NWOu-00492-00127100-00127308 people I used to it now MYcxdr8NWOu-00493-00127309-00127701 so and they have been educated and when MYcxdr8NWOu-00494-00127702-00127890 you start to do this of course you will MYcxdr8NWOu-00495-00127891-00128395 use it so it's true that we I just MYcxdr8NWOu-00496-00128396-00128637 wanted to come back of what we learned MYcxdr8NWOu-00497-00128638-00129000 during this situation and what I was I MYcxdr8NWOu-00498-00129001-00129658 was keen to tour to enhance is it again MYcxdr8NWOu-00499-00129658-00130038 that we have to invent we have to invent MYcxdr8NWOu-00500-00130039-00130512 together our future we have to do this MYcxdr8NWOu-00501-00130513-00130791 we did it we have been a belt we have MYcxdr8NWOu-00502-00130792-00131064 been able to invent a way working MYcxdr8NWOu-00503-00131065-00131439 together doing during this very period MYcxdr8NWOu-00504-00131440-00131818 and and and and again it was at fun the MYcxdr8NWOu-00505-00131819-00132111 requested grant which is invention we MYcxdr8NWOu-00506-00132112-00132363 will contact not not every day but at MYcxdr8NWOu-00507-00132364-00132657 least every week with all the platforms MYcxdr8NWOu-00508-00132658-00132847 explaining the problem that we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00509-00132848-00133140 finding solutions together with that in MYcxdr8NWOu-00510-00133141-00133175 your MYcxdr8NWOu-00511-00133176-00133457 concerns but to be able just you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00512-00133458-00133858 what to serve just being able to help MYcxdr8NWOu-00513-00133859-00134209 without any other things behind mine and MYcxdr8NWOu-00514-00134210-00134429 that's from the extremely important MYcxdr8NWOu-00515-00134430-00134678 because of course platforms are playing MYcxdr8NWOu-00516-00134679-00135047 a huge role today and tomorrow and if MYcxdr8NWOu-00517-00135048-00135182 they want to continue to play these MYcxdr8NWOu-00518-00135183-00135566 phones they have to learn how to discuss MYcxdr8NWOu-00519-00135567-00135881 with us corporate with us and not know MYcxdr8NWOu-00520-00135882-00136118 this very well I tried him but as I said MYcxdr8NWOu-00521-00136119-00136397 to everyone when the Sunday where your MYcxdr8NWOu-00522-00136398-00136613 business we appreciate your business MYcxdr8NWOu-00523-00136614-00137057 but it's not us we should adapt MYcxdr8NWOu-00524-00137058-00137393 ourselves to you advisor reserved this MYcxdr8NWOu-00525-00137394-00137786 is which is we are democracy we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00526-00137787-00137987 representing foreign 50 million people MYcxdr8NWOu-00527-00137988-00138293 and of course we need to make sure that MYcxdr8NWOu-00528-00138294-00138721 this will continue with our our own MYcxdr8NWOu-00529-00138722-00139013 democratic systems and now we come MYcxdr8NWOu-00530-00139014-00139355 regarding two platforms of course we are MYcxdr8NWOu-00531-00139356-00139634 working on ex ante regulation MYcxdr8NWOu-00532-00139635-00139940 you know like in telecoms and I think it MYcxdr8NWOu-00533-00139941-00140192 worked pretty well in telecoms and we MYcxdr8NWOu-00534-00140193-00140393 will we will do this again for the MYcxdr8NWOu-00535-00140394-00140570 platforms because of course we MYcxdr8NWOu-00536-00140571-00140858 understand that in some situations the MYcxdr8NWOu-00537-00140859-00141140 platforms could play an extremely MYcxdr8NWOu-00538-00141141-00141377 important let's say event a system equal MYcxdr8NWOu-00539-00141378-00141686 of gatekeepers which is important mark MYcxdr8NWOu-00540-00141687-00141944 spoke about SME I'm responsible for the MYcxdr8NWOu-00541-00141945-00142238 internal markets not was my job is to MYcxdr8NWOu-00542-00142239-00142448 make sure that everyone has the same MYcxdr8NWOu-00543-00142449-00142787 access to sell its product if you are a MYcxdr8NWOu-00544-00142788-00142973 small SME in Portugal you must be able MYcxdr8NWOu-00545-00142974-00143255 to sell it in Poland or in Hungary or in MYcxdr8NWOu-00546-00143256-00143498 France and only I mean the way you will MYcxdr8NWOu-00547-00143499-00143642 use it in the truth you will use it MYcxdr8NWOu-00548-00143643-00143894 important to me I have to make sure that MYcxdr8NWOu-00549-00143895-00144209 it is done on the fairway equitable for MYcxdr8NWOu-00550-00144210-00144535 everyone and there is no not again and MYcxdr8NWOu-00551-00144536-00144803 things which will which will destroy MYcxdr8NWOu-00552-00144804-00145348 also a fair access / fair competition so MYcxdr8NWOu-00553-00145349-00145916 you know why why I am I am in this very MYcxdr8NWOu-00554-00145917-00146279 situation more and I'm very cautious MYcxdr8NWOu-00555-00146280-00146495 with what I will tell you now the MYcxdr8NWOu-00556-00146496-00146729 again as an a dimension we are still MYcxdr8NWOu-00557-00146730-00147164 Enterprise we are now we are now to MYcxdr8NWOu-00558-00147165-00147446 learn how to live with the virus and by MYcxdr8NWOu-00559-00147447-00147686 the way platforms are we have to MYcxdr8NWOu-00560-00147687-00148016 cooperate also with this in mind but MYcxdr8NWOu-00561-00148017-00148493 still if we are talking about the day MYcxdr8NWOu-00562-00148494-00148915 after the exists prodigy the world after MYcxdr8NWOu-00563-00148916-00149408 we learn we learn day after day so far MYcxdr8NWOu-00564-00149409-00149825 during the last two months how to walk MYcxdr8NWOu-00565-00149826-00150320 together while respecting who we are and MYcxdr8NWOu-00566-00150321-00150686 I think it makes me more positive that MYcxdr8NWOu-00567-00150687-00150946 you know the less I will regulate the MYcxdr8NWOu-00568-00150947-00151175 better it will be because then I know MYcxdr8NWOu-00569-00151176-00151364 that will be able to change and to adapt MYcxdr8NWOu-00570-00151365-00151703 things which are important faster but at MYcxdr8NWOu-00571-00151704-00151916 the end of the day if you cannot find a MYcxdr8NWOu-00572-00151917-00152273 way we will regulate of course so let's MYcxdr8NWOu-00573-00152274-00152483 let's take perhaps one let's take a MYcxdr8NWOu-00574-00152484-00152879 couple of specific issues where MYcxdr8NWOu-00575-00152880-00153080 obviously there's a lot of interest in MYcxdr8NWOu-00576-00153081-00153389 what both of you have to say mark you MYcxdr8NWOu-00577-00153390-00153833 talked about already chasing fake news MYcxdr8NWOu-00578-00153834-00154463 in related to to truly covet 19 but this MYcxdr8NWOu-00579-00154464-00154742 and so that's why I'd like to - then we MYcxdr8NWOu-00580-00154743-00155009 stay one of one minute or two on content MYcxdr8NWOu-00581-00155010-00155171 moderation of illegal and harmful MYcxdr8NWOu-00582-00155172-00155522 contents I think it's and I think it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00583-00155523-00155663 administration of what the Commissioner MYcxdr8NWOu-00584-00155664-00155882 just said it's an interest of all MYcxdr8NWOu-00585-00155883-00156041 parties a good phase in the digital MYcxdr8NWOu-00586-00156042-00156320 ecosystem to make content moderation MYcxdr8NWOu-00587-00156321-00156641 efforts effective obviously the public MYcxdr8NWOu-00588-00156642-00156845 interests the public authorities MYcxdr8NWOu-00589-00156846-00157097 interest is self evidence but I suppose MYcxdr8NWOu-00590-00157098-00157325 the the platforms commercial interest as MYcxdr8NWOu-00591-00157326-00157646 well not least because such MYcxdr8NWOu-00592-00157647-00157811 effectiveness would would alleviate MYcxdr8NWOu-00593-00157812-00158192 major concern major concerns that that MYcxdr8NWOu-00594-00158193-00158453 brands have that they ads may be placed MYcxdr8NWOu-00595-00158454-00158816 in the the unwanted context of face new MYcxdr8NWOu-00596-00158817-00159095 book for fake news of hate speech of MYcxdr8NWOu-00597-00159096-00159443 violent videos of other similarly an MYcxdr8NWOu-00598-00159444-00159710 acceptable environment so mark what's MYcxdr8NWOu-00599-00159711-00159849 your assessment MYcxdr8NWOu-00600-00159850-00160044 of the effectiveness of the measures MYcxdr8NWOu-00601-00160045-00160374 which have been taken so far too swiftly MYcxdr8NWOu-00602-00160375-00160907 remove Amedeo and and harmful content MYcxdr8NWOu-00603-00160908-00161259 sure thanks so before diving into that I MYcxdr8NWOu-00604-00161260-00161529 mean just to echo a couple of points MYcxdr8NWOu-00605-00161530-00161760 that that that the Commissioner just MYcxdr8NWOu-00606-00161761-00162039 made on around governance I do think MYcxdr8NWOu-00607-00162040-00162147 that when you're talking about MYcxdr8NWOu-00608-00162148-00162480 challenges like this whether it's free MYcxdr8NWOu-00609-00162481-00162818 expression and content moderation or MYcxdr8NWOu-00610-00162819-00163203 kind of economic fairness having a model MYcxdr8NWOu-00611-00163204-00163559 where we can partner more closely with MYcxdr8NWOu-00612-00163560-00163968 governments to not just have a sense of MYcxdr8NWOu-00613-00163969-00164169 what is is kind of written down into the MYcxdr8NWOu-00614-00164170-00164472 law but proactively what they would like MYcxdr8NWOu-00615-00164473-00164819 to see us be doing that's very helpful MYcxdr8NWOu-00616-00164820-00165108 because as as the Commissioner said I MYcxdr8NWOu-00617-00165109-00165267 mean the governments are the ones who MYcxdr8NWOu-00618-00165268-00165549 are democratically elected and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00619-00165550-00165702 getting that feedback and having that MYcxdr8NWOu-00620-00165703-00166002 kind of a trusted partnership is is is MYcxdr8NWOu-00621-00166003-00166344 is just a very important part of this as MYcxdr8NWOu-00622-00166345-00166653 is on our part just being increasingly MYcxdr8NWOu-00623-00166654-00166812 proactive I mean these are big issues MYcxdr8NWOu-00624-00166813-00167154 and it's the big shift that we've made MYcxdr8NWOu-00625-00167155-00167421 on the content moderation side is if you MYcxdr8NWOu-00626-00167422-00167592 go back to when when I started the MYcxdr8NWOu-00627-00167593-00167823 company we used to look at content MYcxdr8NWOu-00628-00167824-00167973 reactively so people could post what MYcxdr8NWOu-00629-00167974-00168153 they wanted and if someone had an issue MYcxdr8NWOu-00630-00168154-00168342 with something they reported it and then MYcxdr8NWOu-00631-00168343-00168489 it would go into a queue and someone on MYcxdr8NWOu-00632-00168490-00168798 our team would find what would basically MYcxdr8NWOu-00633-00168799-00168960 look at it and evaluate whether it MYcxdr8NWOu-00634-00168961-00169287 followed the rules and increasingly what MYcxdr8NWOu-00635-00169288-00169467 we're just finding is that you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00636-00169468-00169713 we're a bigger company now artificial MYcxdr8NWOu-00637-00169714-00169869 intelligence has advanced significantly MYcxdr8NWOu-00638-00169870-00170244 so so we can have computers and MYcxdr8NWOu-00639-00170245-00170436 automated systems look at a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-00640-00170437-00170601 content proactively we can afford to MYcxdr8NWOu-00641-00170602-00170913 hire at this point more than 30,000 MYcxdr8NWOu-00642-00170914-00171135 people to help do content review so we MYcxdr8NWOu-00643-00171136-00171288 have a responsibility to do that I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00644-00171289-00171546 and what we've basically done over the MYcxdr8NWOu-00645-00171547-00171807 last few years is we've upgraded all of MYcxdr8NWOu-00646-00171808-00172167 our content review systems to now we we MYcxdr8NWOu-00647-00172168-00172773 go ourselves not just on mamrie goal at MYcxdr8NWOu-00648-00172774-00172953 this point is what percent of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00649-00172954-00173162 content that's going to be harmful can MYcxdr8NWOu-00650-00173163-00173384 our systems proactively identify and MYcxdr8NWOu-00651-00173385-00173654 take down before anyone even sees it so MYcxdr8NWOu-00652-00173655-00173894 some of that is AI some of those human MYcxdr8NWOu-00653-00173895-00174122 systems if a person has to see it and MYcxdr8NWOu-00654-00174123-00174431 record it to us you know I mean we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00655-00174432-00174521 not going to catch everything ourselves MYcxdr8NWOu-00656-00174522-00174737 but but but in general if someone else MYcxdr8NWOu-00657-00174738-00174854 to report it to us then that means that MYcxdr8NWOu-00658-00174855-00175076 we should be doing even better in the MYcxdr8NWOu-00659-00175077-00175304 future so there's there's still a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-00660-00175305-00175655 innovation to happen here a lot of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00661-00175656-00175808 time when when there are bad actors MYcxdr8NWOu-00662-00175809-00176132 there especially sophisticated ones like MYcxdr8NWOu-00663-00176133-00176405 state actors it really helps to have the MYcxdr8NWOu-00664-00176406-00176567 collaboration with the intelligence MYcxdr8NWOu-00665-00176568-00176774 community and different governments so MYcxdr8NWOu-00666-00176775-00176996 you can share intelligence on the MYcxdr8NWOu-00667-00176997-00177119 different threats that we're seeing so MYcxdr8NWOu-00668-00177120-00177268 we can look into those those are often MYcxdr8NWOu-00669-00177269-00177551 much more sophisticated and deeper MYcxdr8NWOu-00670-00177552-00177833 investigations but we're getting a lot MYcxdr8NWOu-00671-00177834-00177983 better at this I think our our systems MYcxdr8NWOu-00672-00177984-00178322 are continually improving you know just MYcxdr8NWOu-00673-00178323-00178541 to give you one sense of this you know MYcxdr8NWOu-00674-00178542-00178729 every six months we release a MYcxdr8NWOu-00675-00178730-00178955 transparency report on how well we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00676-00178956-00179150 doing it proactively identifying and MYcxdr8NWOu-00677-00179151-00179489 taking down harmful content and we break MYcxdr8NWOu-00678-00179490-00179801 it down across you know there are about MYcxdr8NWOu-00679-00179802-00180038 20 categories of harmful content that we MYcxdr8NWOu-00680-00180039-00180227 that we track and are working on yes MYcxdr8NWOu-00681-00180228-00180589 everything from from hate speech to MYcxdr8NWOu-00682-00180590-00181064 misinformation to child exploitation to MYcxdr8NWOu-00683-00181065-00181472 terrorism to incitement of violence all MYcxdr8NWOu-00684-00181473-00181589 the different kinds of things that you'd MYcxdr8NWOu-00685-00181590-00181853 be worried about and each one is is a MYcxdr8NWOu-00686-00181854-00182045 different challenge to build an AI MYcxdr8NWOu-00687-00182046-00182384 system or train lots of people to be MYcxdr8NWOu-00688-00182385-00182564 able to go identify those and we just MYcxdr8NWOu-00689-00182565-00182744 get better and better at identifying MYcxdr8NWOu-00690-00182745-00182903 more of the stuff proactively I think in MYcxdr8NWOu-00691-00182904-00183146 the last cycle I think it was now it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00692-00183147-00183365 more than 80% of the hate speech that we MYcxdr8NWOu-00693-00183366-00183674 take down our AI systems are able to MYcxdr8NWOu-00694-00183675-00183863 identify before anyone even sees it and MYcxdr8NWOu-00695-00183864-00184190 that's up from you know a couple of MYcxdr8NWOu-00696-00184191-00184310 years ago I think we were only at around MYcxdr8NWOu-00697-00184311-00184697 15% so it's just the state of that's a MYcxdr8NWOu-00698-00184698-00184841 lot of hard work that's going into that MYcxdr8NWOu-00699-00184842-00185021 and improving it but there's a lot more MYcxdr8NWOu-00700-00185022-00185276 that we can do as well if I have time MYcxdr8NWOu-00701-00185277-00185423 I'd love to add one more thing as well MYcxdr8NWOu-00702-00185424-00185645 which is on the governance around MYcxdr8NWOu-00703-00185646-00185894 content moderation one of the things MYcxdr8NWOu-00704-00185895-00186056 that that is becoming increasingly clear MYcxdr8NWOu-00705-00186057-00186453 to me is that as a private company MYcxdr8NWOu-00706-00186454-00186753 we shouldn't be making so many important MYcxdr8NWOu-00707-00186754-00186921 decisions about what content is allowed MYcxdr8NWOu-00708-00186922-00187045 on the internet and allowed on our MYcxdr8NWOu-00709-00187046-00187384 services by ourselves there needs to be MYcxdr8NWOu-00710-00187385-00187740 some more independent governance around MYcxdr8NWOu-00711-00187741-00187957 that and in some cases that will be MYcxdr8NWOu-00712-00187958-00188334 national regulation but we're also in MYcxdr8NWOu-00713-00188335-00188470 the countries that haven't done that MYcxdr8NWOu-00714-00188471-00188656 we're not just waiting for governments MYcxdr8NWOu-00715-00188657-00188893 to act we've we've put in place this MYcxdr8NWOu-00716-00188894-00189096 group that we call the independent MYcxdr8NWOu-00717-00189097-00189343 oversight board which it started as a MYcxdr8NWOu-00718-00189344-00189504 group of twenty people and it's going to MYcxdr8NWOu-00719-00189505-00189726 continue to grow and basically it's a MYcxdr8NWOu-00720-00189727-00189982 group that people in our community can MYcxdr8NWOu-00721-00189983-00190203 appeal to if they think that we've made MYcxdr8NWOu-00722-00190204-00190393 the wrong decision on whether a piece of MYcxdr8NWOu-00723-00190394-00190614 content should stay up or or get taken MYcxdr8NWOu-00724-00190615-00190788 down from our services and this MYcxdr8NWOu-00725-00190789-00190962 oversight board will have the authority MYcxdr8NWOu-00726-00190963-00191281 to make final and binding decisions on MYcxdr8NWOu-00727-00191282-00191451 whether content stays out for comes down MYcxdr8NWOu-00728-00191452-00191695 on our services so that means that even MYcxdr8NWOu-00729-00191696-00191901 if I or anyone else at Facebook MYcxdr8NWOu-00730-00191902-00192126 disagrees with what they say what they MYcxdr8NWOu-00731-00192127-00192309 decide is the thing that's gonna stick MYcxdr8NWOu-00732-00192310-00192646 and it's meant to you know this board MYcxdr8NWOu-00733-00192647-00192885 it's not going to you know look at MYcxdr8NWOu-00734-00192886-00193050 hundreds of thousands of cases at all MYcxdr8NWOu-00735-00193051-00193258 it'll probably look at their dozens or MYcxdr8NWOu-00736-00193259-00193437 maybe over time hundreds of cases but MYcxdr8NWOu-00737-00193438-00193683 it's gonna pick the cases that are the MYcxdr8NWOu-00738-00193684-00193878 most important and challenging and MYcxdr8NWOu-00739-00193879-00194133 precedent setting for the policies of MYcxdr8NWOu-00740-00194134-00194310 our service and potentially other MYcxdr8NWOu-00741-00194311-00194565 services on the Internet and I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00742-00194566-00194748 it's an example of a model of MYcxdr8NWOu-00743-00194749-00194971 independent governance that a company MYcxdr8NWOu-00744-00194972-00195147 like ours can try to embark on and MYcxdr8NWOu-00745-00195148-00195435 proactively take on and we announced I MYcxdr8NWOu-00746-00195436-00195537 think just in the last couple of weeks MYcxdr8NWOu-00747-00195538-00195808 that the first 20 members it's an MYcxdr8NWOu-00748-00195809-00196018 incredibly impressive group of people MYcxdr8NWOu-00749-00196019-00196260 from diverse backgrounds countries MYcxdr8NWOu-00750-00196261-00196497 around the world one of the co-chairs is MYcxdr8NWOu-00751-00196498-00196727 the former prime minister of Denmark MYcxdr8NWOu-00752-00196728-00197052 Helle thorning-schmidt incredibly MYcxdr8NWOu-00753-00197053-00197258 impressive and one of the things that MYcxdr8NWOu-00754-00197259-00197671 that all of the folks involved in this MYcxdr8NWOu-00755-00197672-00197857 have is a strong commitment to human MYcxdr8NWOu-00756-00197858-00198066 rights and a very strong understanding MYcxdr8NWOu-00757-00198067-00198249 of the importance of free expression to MYcxdr8NWOu-00758-00198250-00198434 help us arbitrate these decisions so MYcxdr8NWOu-00759-00198435-00198627 I'll stop there but I mean this is a MYcxdr8NWOu-00760-00198628-00198897 huge area that we've just put tremendous MYcxdr8NWOu-00761-00198898-00199101 energy into and will continue it's it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00762-00199102-00199299 it's obviously very important to get MYcxdr8NWOu-00763-00199300-00199533 right thank you it is it is indeed a MYcxdr8NWOu-00764-00199534-00199749 huge area MYcxdr8NWOu-00765-00199750-00199964 I think I would like to come back to the MYcxdr8NWOu-00766-00199965-00200177 issue of governance and as the the MYcxdr8NWOu-00767-00200178-00200358 Commissioner about that in a minute but MYcxdr8NWOu-00768-00200359-00200612 we have a question here to which perhaps MYcxdr8NWOu-00769-00200613-00200738 you could you could give a short answer MYcxdr8NWOu-00770-00200739-00201089 mark if that's agreeable somebody is MYcxdr8NWOu-00771-00201090-00201353 asking us and you're like like I like I MYcxdr8NWOu-00772-00201354-00201561 like just Commissioner wins with MYcxdr8NWOu-00773-00201562-00201776 governance just in the second person MYcxdr8NWOu-00774-00201777-00202202 EJ if I may because concerning the MYcxdr8NWOu-00775-00202203-00202475 elimination of fake news and and the MYcxdr8NWOu-00776-00202476-00202760 viewer says that we acknowledge that MYcxdr8NWOu-00777-00202761-00203138 Facebook has put in place a number of MYcxdr8NWOu-00778-00203139-00203406 things to eliminate fake news but some MYcxdr8NWOu-00779-00203407-00203571 of us for fact-checked MYcxdr8NWOu-00780-00203572-00203793 Corrections to be shared with those MYcxdr8NWOu-00781-00203794-00204026 who've seen misinformation what do you MYcxdr8NWOu-00782-00204027-00204287 think about this is this at all feasible MYcxdr8NWOu-00783-00204288-00204723 is this the right solution yeah I think MYcxdr8NWOu-00784-00204724-00204887 that there there are a number of cases MYcxdr8NWOu-00785-00204888-00205055 where that where that certainly makes MYcxdr8NWOu-00786-00205056-00205269 sense and around covin we actually MYcxdr8NWOu-00787-00205269-00205653 started rolling out a new policy so that MYcxdr8NWOu-00788-00205654-00206087 if you share something or directly MYcxdr8NWOu-00789-00206088-00206360 interact with with something that later MYcxdr8NWOu-00790-00206361-00206567 gets marked as false by a fact-checker MYcxdr8NWOu-00791-00206569-00206807 we will then retroactively we send you a MYcxdr8NWOu-00792-00206808-00207327 notification and kind of show a link to MYcxdr8NWOu-00793-00207328-00207746 a list of here's some debunked memes or MYcxdr8NWOu-00794-00207748-00207923 kind of misinformation that's going MYcxdr8NWOu-00795-00207925-00208085 around so you can get the right MYcxdr8NWOu-00796-00208086-00208280 information on that I think figuring out MYcxdr8NWOu-00797-00208281-00208559 the right of ways to do this at scale is MYcxdr8NWOu-00798-00208560-00208706 gonna be something that we're working on MYcxdr8NWOu-00799-00208707-00208827 for a long time now I don't think MYcxdr8NWOu-00800-00208828-00209019 there's a single right answer it's this MYcxdr8NWOu-00801-00209019-00209240 is a system that will be improving over MYcxdr8NWOu-00802-00209241-00209646 time but certainly you know what we try MYcxdr8NWOu-00803-00209646-00209916 to do is focus on the efficiency of we MYcxdr8NWOu-00804-00209917-00210252 want to identify something if it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00805-00210253-00210390 problematic we want to get to it as MYcxdr8NWOu-00806-00210391-00210548 quickly as possible before it spreads MYcxdr8NWOu-00807-00210550-00210896 you know similar to to kovat or virus MYcxdr8NWOu-00808-00210898-00211191 you know that's spreading quickly the MYcxdr8NWOu-00809-00211192-00211305 ability to get to it quickly and MYcxdr8NWOu-00810-00211306-00211596 identified quickly limits most of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00811-00211596-00211788 harm so that's been the most of our MYcxdr8NWOu-00812-00211789-00211989 efforts but certainly I do think the MYcxdr8NWOu-00813-00211990-00212246 question that you're asking about you MYcxdr8NWOu-00814-00212248-00212408 know when when some people have seen it MYcxdr8NWOu-00815-00212409-00212667 how do you help them get access to to MYcxdr8NWOu-00816-00212667-00212823 accurate information as is another MYcxdr8NWOu-00817-00212823-00213105 important mitigation to study and work MYcxdr8NWOu-00818-00213106-00213228 as well and we already starting to do MYcxdr8NWOu-00819-00213229-00213510 that Thank You commissioner and sorry MYcxdr8NWOu-00820-00213511-00214001 for having not interrupted you but I MYcxdr8NWOu-00821-00214002-00214251 would like to ask you about about this MYcxdr8NWOu-00822-00214252-00214448 issue of governance clearly when we talk MYcxdr8NWOu-00823-00214450-00214794 about the the current experience in the MYcxdr8NWOu-00824-00214794-00215205 area of content moderation we have the MYcxdr8NWOu-00825-00215206-00215421 EU code of practice and this information MYcxdr8NWOu-00826-00215421-00215691 which was adopted in 2018 which is an MYcxdr8NWOu-00827-00215692-00215940 example of collaboration between the MYcxdr8NWOu-00828-00215941-00216216 platforms and the Commission but which MYcxdr8NWOu-00829-00216217-00216450 is based on self regulate least self MYcxdr8NWOu-00830-00216451-00216708 regulatory standards now do you think MYcxdr8NWOu-00831-00216709-00216960 that this is the kind of governance MYcxdr8NWOu-00832-00216961-00217376 which is sufficient adequate may be MYcxdr8NWOu-00833-00217377-00217619 complemented by other forms of MYcxdr8NWOu-00834-00217621-00218136 governance well few things percentage MYcxdr8NWOu-00835-00218137-00218313 information no I don't think it's a MYcxdr8NWOu-00836-00218314-00218442 difference because it's either ganghwa MYcxdr8NWOu-00837-00218442-00218739 importance and and we have to invent it MYcxdr8NWOu-00838-00218740-00218982 and we will never do enough let's be MYcxdr8NWOu-00839-00218983-00219296 clear in term of this information we MYcxdr8NWOu-00840-00219298-00219606 will never do Anna this is a disease of MYcxdr8NWOu-00841-00219607-00219936 the century so everything which is done MYcxdr8NWOu-00842-00219937-00220267 has to be followed you know what we know MYcxdr8NWOu-00843-00220269-00220602 we have here in the Commission I don't MYcxdr8NWOu-00844-00220603-00220914 know five or six Commissioner not in MYcxdr8NWOu-00845-00220915-00221073 charge of this information but having MYcxdr8NWOu-00846-00221073-00221385 interests on with information this is MYcxdr8NWOu-00847-00221386-00221709 the reality it's a huge issue and of MYcxdr8NWOu-00848-00221710-00221964 course I'm here is the thing with you MYcxdr8NWOu-00849-00221965-00222432 telling you that I was able to witness a MYcxdr8NWOu-00850-00222433-00222669 lot of progress and especially during MYcxdr8NWOu-00851-00222669-00222944 the crisis and yes we had discussions MYcxdr8NWOu-00852-00222946-00223182 with many platforms including Mark and I MYcxdr8NWOu-00853-00223183-00223419 really appreciate the efforts sometimes MYcxdr8NWOu-00854-00223419-00223742 it works sometimes it didn't but at the MYcxdr8NWOu-00855-00223744-00224094 end the day what I need what I need to MYcxdr8NWOu-00856-00224094-00224550 to to to to convince all my bodies here MYcxdr8NWOu-00857-00224551-00224829 and also the Parliament is to MYcxdr8NWOu-00858-00224830-00225069 demonstrate that we are progressing and MYcxdr8NWOu-00859-00225069-00225380 we from a CEO myself I like kpi's MYcxdr8NWOu-00860-00225381-00225639 including in these informations that's MYcxdr8NWOu-00861-00225640-00225879 important so of course we need to follow MYcxdr8NWOu-00862-00225880-00226080 the progress and if I'm not able to MYcxdr8NWOu-00863-00226081-00226410 report with strong kpi's MYcxdr8NWOu-00864-00226411-00226721 we will have to regulate stronger so MYcxdr8NWOu-00865-00226723-00226926 that's why the corporation that's why MYcxdr8NWOu-00866-00226927-00227186 I'm optimistic with the kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-00867-00227187-00227400 population that we have tablets with the MYcxdr8NWOu-00868-00227401-00227748 platform's we all understand they all MYcxdr8NWOu-00869-00227748-00227934 understand that we have been able to MYcxdr8NWOu-00870-00227935-00228219 pass hopefully this situation together MYcxdr8NWOu-00871-00228219-00228482 let's invent the future together MYcxdr8NWOu-00872-00228483-00228837 but make sure that this issue is MYcxdr8NWOu-00873-00228838-00229130 extremely important for our democracy MYcxdr8NWOu-00874-00229131-00229548 extremely so we will not be keen on here MYcxdr8NWOu-00875-00229548-00229823 we will be extremely attentive now MYcxdr8NWOu-00876-00229825-00230007 coming back on governance I really MYcxdr8NWOu-00877-00230008-00230157 appreciate that I said before the way to MYcxdr8NWOu-00878-00230158-00230361 our remark I think it's a very good idea MYcxdr8NWOu-00879-00230362-00230573 of this oversight board I think it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00880-00230575-00230917 important when when you when you operate MYcxdr8NWOu-00881-00230919-00231248 such important platform it's not MYcxdr8NWOu-00882-00231250-00231516 systemic it is extremely important when MYcxdr8NWOu-00883-00231517-00231765 you will see you at the end of the day MYcxdr8NWOu-00884-00231766-00232005 you are the only one the only one to be MYcxdr8NWOu-00885-00232006-00232329 responsible no one else but you have an MYcxdr8NWOu-00886-00232330-00232590 obligation and especially in these days MYcxdr8NWOu-00887-00232591-00232905 we are with a purpose the purpose of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00888-00232906-00233307 company is more important than the MYcxdr8NWOu-00889-00233308-00233652 statute you have an obligation is to MYcxdr8NWOu-00890-00233653-00233910 make you do diligence when you take the MYcxdr8NWOu-00891-00233911-00234114 decisions and of course when you are on MYcxdr8NWOu-00892-00234115-00234386 I don't I don't want you to give me any MYcxdr8NWOu-00893-00234387-00234735 advice of any kind but understand what MYcxdr8NWOu-00894-00234736-00234987 I'm trying to tell you is when you are MYcxdr8NWOu-00895-00234988-00235442 the CEO of an important platform I mean MYcxdr8NWOu-00896-00235444-00235650 you have to deal with a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-00897-00235651-00235896 stakeholders a lot of the colors so it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00898-00235896-00236112 important of course that you have bodies MYcxdr8NWOu-00899-00236113-00236358 could be rather a body could be your MYcxdr8NWOu-00900-00236359-00236550 bottom director could be any kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-00901-00236551-00236901 things to help you to understand what MYcxdr8NWOu-00902-00236902-00237090 these technologies have to tell you MYcxdr8NWOu-00903-00237091-00237312 because at the end of the day the MYcxdr8NWOu-00904-00237313-00237596 mission of a CEO is to be mature reason MYcxdr8NWOu-00905-00237596-00237933 to everyone and then to take your MYcxdr8NWOu-00906-00237934-00238161 decision at at the end of the day it MYcxdr8NWOu-00907-00238162-00238331 will be mark will be responsible MYcxdr8NWOu-00908-00238332-00238827 nobody else I'd like to move because I MYcxdr8NWOu-00909-00238828-00239055 see that time is passing so fast and and MYcxdr8NWOu-00910-00239056-00239267 we have so many so many areas still to MYcxdr8NWOu-00911-00239269-00239619 to tackle and I promised you to end this MYcxdr8NWOu-00912-00239619-00239821 by by seven MYcxdr8NWOu-00913-00239821-00240267 russell's time so data portability data MYcxdr8NWOu-00914-00240269-00240621 sharing I mean this is a huge issue it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00915-00240623-00240886 it's a set of issues which are drawing MYcxdr8NWOu-00916-00240887-00241162 the attention of regulators and and also MYcxdr8NWOu-00917-00241163-00241501 I should say think bankers because and MYcxdr8NWOu-00918-00241502-00241633 I'm not saying that because Sarah is MYcxdr8NWOu-00919-00241634-00241821 going to publish on the 15th of June a MYcxdr8NWOu-00920-00241823-00242029 new report on the economic implications MYcxdr8NWOu-00921-00242030-00242215 and regulatory challenge of the MYcxdr8NWOu-00922-00242216-00242530 portability of personal data if I may if MYcxdr8NWOu-00923-00242531-00242976 you pardon my my free advertising but MYcxdr8NWOu-00924-00242977-00243364 mark you have publicly acknowledged the MYcxdr8NWOu-00925-00243365-00243733 fact that if users share data with one MYcxdr8NWOu-00926-00243734-00243976 service they should be able to move it MYcxdr8NWOu-00927-00243977-00244261 to another but you have and I think you MYcxdr8NWOu-00928-00244262-00244438 have a point there you're one facade of MYcxdr8NWOu-00929-00244439-00244588 the balance which has to be achieved MYcxdr8NWOu-00930-00244589-00244951 between Portability and privacy could MYcxdr8NWOu-00931-00244952-00245142 you please briefly develop your your MYcxdr8NWOu-00932-00245144-00245536 point on that yeah sure I think this is MYcxdr8NWOu-00933-00245537-00245836 a really important point and in general MYcxdr8NWOu-00934-00245837-00246265 I've been very in favor of of data MYcxdr8NWOu-00935-00246266-00246652 portability and I think that having the MYcxdr8NWOu-00936-00246653-00246907 right regulation to enforce this would MYcxdr8NWOu-00937-00246908-00247261 be very helpful in general I don't think MYcxdr8NWOu-00938-00247262-00247489 anyone is against the idea that you MYcxdr8NWOu-00939-00247490-00247639 should be able to take your data from MYcxdr8NWOu-00940-00247640-00247842 one service to another I think all of MYcxdr8NWOu-00941-00247844-00248071 the hard questions are in how you define MYcxdr8NWOu-00942-00248071-00248317 what is your data and especially in the MYcxdr8NWOu-00943-00248317-00248571 context of social services what is MYcxdr8NWOu-00944-00248573-00248881 another person's data so for example no MYcxdr8NWOu-00945-00248882-00249175 one's gonna say ok you uploaded photos MYcxdr8NWOu-00946-00249176-00249316 to Facebook you shouldn't be able to MYcxdr8NWOu-00947-00249317-00249478 take those to another service of course MYcxdr8NWOu-00948-00249479-00249640 you should be able to and that's why MYcxdr8NWOu-00949-00249641-00249814 we're already working on an industry MYcxdr8NWOu-00950-00249815-00249958 consortium that we call the data MYcxdr8NWOu-00951-00249959-00250194 transfer project to enable that to make MYcxdr8NWOu-00952-00250196-00250402 it's that you can easily take photos and MYcxdr8NWOu-00953-00250403-00250639 other content that is clearly yours and MYcxdr8NWOu-00954-00250640-00250986 transfer it to whether it's Google or MYcxdr8NWOu-00955-00250987-00251311 smaller companies however you want to MYcxdr8NWOu-00956-00251312-00251544 make that really easy the harder MYcxdr8NWOu-00957-00251546-00251884 questions come in things that are not MYcxdr8NWOu-00958-00251885-00252073 obviously your data so for example on MYcxdr8NWOu-00959-00252073-00252454 the home page of Facebook on the website MYcxdr8NWOu-00960-00252455-00252757 we show which of your friends birthdays MYcxdr8NWOu-00961-00252758-00252964 it is today and the reason that we're MYcxdr8NWOu-00962-00252965-00253104 able to do that is MYcxdr8NWOu-00963-00253105-00253254 because your friends put in with their MYcxdr8NWOu-00964-00253255-00253482 birthdays so you didn't put that in it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00965-00253483-00253932 not obviously your data but your friends MYcxdr8NWOu-00966-00253933-00254042 kind of put that in and now we're using MYcxdr8NWOu-00967-00254044-00254226 that just to basically be able to tell MYcxdr8NWOu-00968-00254227-00254451 you that it's their birthday and of MYcxdr8NWOu-00969-00254452-00254550 course they said that it was okay to MYcxdr8NWOu-00970-00254551-00254823 share it with your friends so it's it's MYcxdr8NWOu-00971-00254823-00255060 it's um it makes sense to show that but MYcxdr8NWOu-00972-00255061-00255153 now the question is from your MYcxdr8NWOu-00973-00255154-00255410 perspective should you be able to take MYcxdr8NWOu-00974-00255411-00255690 those friends birthdays and export that MYcxdr8NWOu-00975-00255691-00255981 from Facebook to your calendar right so MYcxdr8NWOu-00976-00255982-00256200 the calendar on your iPhone or whatever MYcxdr8NWOu-00977-00256201-00256421 calendar you use and you know at first MYcxdr8NWOu-00978-00256423-00256635 blush it seems like the answer to that MYcxdr8NWOu-00979-00256636-00256898 should obviously be yes right it's and MYcxdr8NWOu-00980-00256900-00257085 why should Facebook be the the only MYcxdr8NWOu-00981-00257086-00257376 service that that can provide you with MYcxdr8NWOu-00982-00257377-00257523 birthday reminders you should be able to MYcxdr8NWOu-00983-00257523-00257642 get those birthday reminders wherever MYcxdr8NWOu-00984-00257644-00257802 you want but where I think this gets MYcxdr8NWOu-00985-00257803-00257988 hard is you didn't put those birthdays MYcxdr8NWOu-00986-00257989-00258315 in a friended so what privacy rights do MYcxdr8NWOu-00987-00258316-00258548 your friends have over where you export MYcxdr8NWOu-00988-00258550-00259008 that data to do your friends need to now MYcxdr8NWOu-00989-00259009-00259311 sign off and every single person agree MYcxdr8NWOu-00990-00259312-00259461 that they're okay with you exporting MYcxdr8NWOu-00991-00259462-00259650 that data to your calendar because if MYcxdr8NWOu-00992-00259651-00259796 that needs to happen then in practice MYcxdr8NWOu-00993-00259798-00259977 it's just gonna be too difficult and no MYcxdr8NWOu-00994-00259978-00260117 developers gonna bother building that MYcxdr8NWOu-00995-00260119-00260379 integration and it's gonna be it might MYcxdr8NWOu-00996-00260380-00260523 be kind of annoying to request that from MYcxdr8NWOu-00997-00260523-00260808 all of your friends so where we draw the MYcxdr8NWOu-00998-00260809-00261198 line on what is your data and what is MYcxdr8NWOu-00999-00261198-00261510 your friends is is I think a very MYcxdr8NWOu-01000-00261511-00261717 critical question here and this isn't MYcxdr8NWOu-01001-00261717-00261984 just an abstract thing I think you know MYcxdr8NWOu-01002-00261985-00262233 our platform started off more open and MYcxdr8NWOu-01003-00262234-00262530 on the side of data portability and to MYcxdr8NWOu-01004-00262531-00262719 be clear that's exactly one of the MYcxdr8NWOu-01005-00262720-00262851 reasons why we got into the issues MYcxdr8NWOu-01006-00262852-00263004 around Cambridge analytical that we got MYcxdr8NWOu-01007-00263005-00263220 into because our platform used to work MYcxdr8NWOu-01008-00263221-00263466 in the way where a person could more MYcxdr8NWOu-01009-00263467-00263697 easily sign into an app and bring data MYcxdr8NWOu-01010-00263698-00263850 that their friends had shared with them MYcxdr8NWOu-01011-00263851-00264012 under the idea that if a friend had MYcxdr8NWOu-01012-00264013-00264231 shared something with you for you to be MYcxdr8NWOu-01013-00264232-00264378 able to see and use that you should be MYcxdr8NWOu-01014-00264379-00264600 able to use that in a different app but MYcxdr8NWOu-01015-00264601-00264735 obviously we've seen the downsides of MYcxdr8NWOu-01016-00264736-00264858 that right which is that if you bring MYcxdr8NWOu-01017-00264859-00264984 data that a friend has shared with you MYcxdr8NWOu-01018-00264985-00265200 to another app and that happens up being MYcxdr8NWOu-01019-00265201-00265515 malicious then now a lot of people's MYcxdr8NWOu-01020-00265516-00265653 data can be used in a way that they MYcxdr8NWOu-01021-00265654-00265869 didn't expect so getting the nuance MYcxdr8NWOu-01022-00265870-00266103 right on data portability I think is MYcxdr8NWOu-01023-00266104-00266247 extremely important and we have to MYcxdr8NWOu-01024-00266248-00266390 recognize that there MYcxdr8NWOu-01025-00266391-00266703 our direct trade-offs about openness and MYcxdr8NWOu-01026-00266704-00267038 and privacy and if our directive is we MYcxdr8NWOu-01027-00267039-00267176 just want to lock everything down from a MYcxdr8NWOu-01028-00267177-00267328 privacy perspective as much as possible MYcxdr8NWOu-01029-00267329-00267548 then it won't be as possible to have as MYcxdr8NWOu-01030-00267549-00267722 open of an ecosystem as you want and MYcxdr8NWOu-01031-00267723-00267976 that's gonna mean making compromises on MYcxdr8NWOu-01032-00267977-00268244 innovation and competition and academic MYcxdr8NWOu-01033-00268245-00268510 research and things like that but I also MYcxdr8NWOu-01034-00268511-00268697 understand that you can't just go full MYcxdr8NWOu-01035-00268698-00268892 on to the openness side because then MYcxdr8NWOu-01036-00268893-00269134 you're compromising privacy so getting MYcxdr8NWOu-01037-00269135-00269291 the balance right is not something that MYcxdr8NWOu-01038-00269292-00269605 I think any one private company should MYcxdr8NWOu-01039-00269606-00269752 should basically have to make that kind MYcxdr8NWOu-01040-00269753-00270020 of a social values or judgment call for MYcxdr8NWOu-01041-00270021-00270218 society I think that this is exactly the MYcxdr8NWOu-01042-00270219-00270389 kind of thing that a regulatory MYcxdr8NWOu-01043-00270390-00270668 framework would be very very helpful for MYcxdr8NWOu-01044-00270669-00270842 for helping industry balance these two MYcxdr8NWOu-01045-00270843-00271166 important values around openness and and MYcxdr8NWOu-01046-00271167-00271514 privacy Thanks before before giving the MYcxdr8NWOu-01047-00271515-00271729 floor to the to the Commissioner just a MYcxdr8NWOu-01048-00271730-00271997 very very short question on the data MYcxdr8NWOu-01049-00271998-00272216 transfer project that you mentioned it's MYcxdr8NWOu-01050-00272217-00272465 a it's an initiative which which you MYcxdr8NWOu-01051-00272466-00272744 have launched with with Apple Google MYcxdr8NWOu-01052-00272745-00272975 Microsoft Twitter to create an MYcxdr8NWOu-01053-00272976-00273140 open-source service to service data MYcxdr8NWOu-01054-00273141-00273392 portability platform the question is MYcxdr8NWOu-01055-00273393-00273676 very simple is that initiative open to MYcxdr8NWOu-01056-00273677-00274134 to smaller players for instance EU based MYcxdr8NWOu-01057-00274135-00274469 it should be emits it's in open project MYcxdr8NWOu-01058-00274470-00274766 and I mean we work closely with some of MYcxdr8NWOu-01059-00274767-00274930 the larger services just to directly MYcxdr8NWOu-01060-00274931-00275134 make sure that they're compatible but MYcxdr8NWOu-01061-00275135-00275326 the idea is to make it said there's an MYcxdr8NWOu-01062-00275327-00275680 open protocol where anyone can can MYcxdr8NWOu-01063-00275681-00276010 basically take photos from Facebook or MYcxdr8NWOu-01064-00276011-00276212 content that's clearly theirs and and MYcxdr8NWOu-01065-00276213-00276376 any service should be able to integrate MYcxdr8NWOu-01066-00276377-00276614 that so that way they can transfer from MYcxdr8NWOu-01067-00276615-00276882 from Facebook from Google or from Apple MYcxdr8NWOu-01068-00276883-00277108 to anywhere else and it's it's a work in MYcxdr8NWOu-01069-00277109-00277327 progress so it may not be that MYcxdr8NWOu-01070-00277328-00277613 everything is implemented today but but MYcxdr8NWOu-01071-00277614-00277763 that's certainly the vision of where MYcxdr8NWOu-01072-00277764-00277865 we're where we're going MYcxdr8NWOu-01073-00277866-00278251 we I hope this is kind of the be clear MYcxdr8NWOu-01074-00278252-00278509 this this part is clear and obviously MYcxdr8NWOu-01075-00278510-00278683 good in terms of data portability I MYcxdr8NWOu-01076-00278684-00278870 think the the parts that get a lot more MYcxdr8NWOu-01077-00278871-00279109 challenging are some of the nuances MYcxdr8NWOu-01078-00279110-00279430 around how you define what more than MYcxdr8NWOu-01079-00279431-00279620 just your photos and and data that you MYcxdr8NWOu-01080-00279621-00279704 directly put in MYcxdr8NWOu-01081-00279705-00279821 your data that you should be able to MYcxdr8NWOu-01082-00279822-00279983 export I think those are just harder MYcxdr8NWOu-01083-00279984-00280232 questions that we'll have to debate okay MYcxdr8NWOu-01084-00280233-00280451 Thank You Commissioner you've announced MYcxdr8NWOu-01085-00280452-00280691 earlier this year the the development of MYcxdr8NWOu-01086-00280692-00281000 a new strategy for data so what are your MYcxdr8NWOu-01087-00281001-00281267 plans to foster innovation to enhance MYcxdr8NWOu-01088-00281268-00281807 that a mobility fluidity so when we MYcxdr8NWOu-01089-00281808-00282149 speak up a data we have to start to MYcxdr8NWOu-01090-00282150-00282398 thing of two kind of data first personal MYcxdr8NWOu-01091-00282399-00282569 data this is the one we are speaking MYcxdr8NWOu-01092-00282570-00282881 about now that region three interesting MYcxdr8NWOu-01093-00282882-00283181 comment from for maroc but about the MYcxdr8NWOu-01094-00283182-00283442 stickiness of you of your own data today MYcxdr8NWOu-01095-00283443-00283811 you know our velocities and just as a MYcxdr8NWOu-01096-00283812-00284044 fitting and more and more it will be MYcxdr8NWOu-01097-00284045-00284426 probably a stronger feeling increasing MYcxdr8NWOu-01098-00284427-00284687 with months and years that the data I MYcxdr8NWOu-01099-00284688-00284957 mean they belong to them and you know MYcxdr8NWOu-01100-00284958-00285251 this has been the GDP are now more MYcxdr8NWOu-01101-00285252-00285464 involved and especially in Europe the MYcxdr8NWOu-01102-00285465-00285713 feeling is that of course my data is MYcxdr8NWOu-01103-00285714-00286028 part of myself it's my line it's me but MYcxdr8NWOu-01104-00286029-00286235 of course we are perfectly aware that on MYcxdr8NWOu-01105-00286236-00286598 this personal aspect the access to data MYcxdr8NWOu-01106-00286599-00286880 is the number one asset for the platform MYcxdr8NWOu-01107-00286881-00287372 economy and forward shot you know a MYcxdr8NWOu-01108-00287373-00287876 Nobel Prize speaker but with the dual MYcxdr8NWOu-01109-00287877-00287918 class MYcxdr8NWOu-01110-00287919-00288272 Meera's it's important in this in this MYcxdr8NWOu-01111-00288273-00288773 platform economy but but competition MYcxdr8NWOu-01112-00288774-00289046 will come competition will come and you MYcxdr8NWOu-01113-00289047-00289238 will have some platforms following this MYcxdr8NWOu-01114-00289239-00289511 possibility probably faster than you MYcxdr8NWOu-01115-00289512-00289712 think so I think it's always important MYcxdr8NWOu-01116-00289713-00290039 to anticipate at the end of the day what MYcxdr8NWOu-01117-00290040-00290270 your customers are willing to have I MYcxdr8NWOu-01118-00290271-00290426 remember in the good old time when I was MYcxdr8NWOu-01119-00290427-00290831 a German telco company we had this MYcxdr8NWOu-01120-00290832-00291152 vision of portability it tooks here it MYcxdr8NWOu-01121-00291153-00291362 was impossible as a legend of the day it MYcxdr8NWOu-01122-00291363-00291599 happened so guess what we know it will MYcxdr8NWOu-01123-00291600-00291746 happen it will happen MYcxdr8NWOu-01124-00291747-00292112 arising like like always it's a and I MYcxdr8NWOu-01125-00292113-00292304 think it was extremely interesting to to MYcxdr8NWOu-01126-00292305-00292550 listen to mark to what Mark said because MYcxdr8NWOu-01127-00292551-00292862 it's not easy it's not an easy an easy MYcxdr8NWOu-01128-00292863-00293100 an easy way to return to find MYcxdr8NWOu-01129-00293101-00293380 but you know what are we doing what are MYcxdr8NWOu-01130-00293381-00293557 we talking about since almost one hour a MYcxdr8NWOu-01131-00293558-00293962 lot together is how to frame this cross MYcxdr8NWOu-01132-00293963-00294475 dimension the data space the lattice MYcxdr8NWOu-01133-00294476-00294799 path is still a little bit how to MYcxdr8NWOu-01134-00294800-00295060 regulate how to organize it we are still MYcxdr8NWOu-01135-00295061-00295312 at the very beginning it will take MYcxdr8NWOu-01136-00295313-00295603 probably one generation and and it will MYcxdr8NWOu-01137-00295604-00295855 take time but let me tell you something MYcxdr8NWOu-01138-00295856-00296020 that in term of data for the personal MYcxdr8NWOu-01139-00296021-00296461 data yes more and more the customers MYcxdr8NWOu-01140-00296462-00296719 will understand and we will will request MYcxdr8NWOu-01141-00296720-00296962 that the data belongs to that they will MYcxdr8NWOu-01142-00296963-00297217 ask for portability one way or the other MYcxdr8NWOu-01143-00297218-00297490 the certain aspect is of course of the MYcxdr8NWOu-01144-00297491-00297652 industry our data and that's something MYcxdr8NWOu-01145-00297653-00297781 totally different MYcxdr8NWOu-01146-00297782-00298060 we are the very beginning of industry MYcxdr8NWOu-01147-00298061-00298231 that and it is mainly where I where I MYcxdr8NWOu-01148-00298232-00298540 focus at remember well the strategy for MYcxdr8NWOu-01149-00298541-00298750 the EU because it's starting now and MYcxdr8NWOu-01150-00298751-00299041 because of course reported budget before MYcxdr8NWOu-01151-00299042-00299281 the crisis so we are working how to MYcxdr8NWOu-01152-00299282-00299668 maintain of course industry right MYcxdr8NWOu-01153-00299669-00299887 everywhere in the world was ending in MYcxdr8NWOu-01154-00299888-00300079 Europe but it's true that we are pretty MYcxdr8NWOu-01155-00300080-00300313 advanced in terms of industry data in MYcxdr8NWOu-01156-00300314-00300502 your probably more than the US and MYcxdr8NWOu-01157-00300503-00300859 modern China so I know very well that we MYcxdr8NWOu-01158-00300860-00301236 have to be an agility to work hard MYcxdr8NWOu-01159-00301237-00301698 together to make sure that the next huge MYcxdr8NWOu-01160-00301699-00302101 industrail data platform layer of course MYcxdr8NWOu-01161-00302102-00302314 will be you can because I think we are MYcxdr8NWOu-01162-00302315-00302556 everything here including the market and MYcxdr8NWOu-01163-00302557-00302899 and that's where we are working now and MYcxdr8NWOu-01164-00302900-00303058 of course I could comment more but this MYcxdr8NWOu-01165-00303059-00303196 will take another for the our MYcxdr8NWOu-01166-00303197-00303367 description but this isn't this is MYcxdr8NWOu-01167-00303368-00303586 basically where we where we are focusing MYcxdr8NWOu-01168-00303587-00303802 also our efforts to things again in a MYcxdr8NWOu-01169-00303803-00304179 natural of course first access to data MYcxdr8NWOu-01170-00304180-00304483 data ownership this will be part of our MYcxdr8NWOu-01171-00304484-00304723 gatekeeper regulation and of course the MYcxdr8NWOu-01172-00304724-00305011 second one inhibit fear that thank you MYcxdr8NWOu-01173-00305012-00305293 I have a follow-up for you coming from MYcxdr8NWOu-01174-00305294-00305659 the audience and I really broadcast has MYcxdr8NWOu-01175-00305660-00305830 complained that they have no access to MYcxdr8NWOu-01176-00305831-00306169 the data generated by by users consuming MYcxdr8NWOu-01177-00306170-00306391 their content on platforms MYcxdr8NWOu-01178-00306392-00306595 contributes to an unlevel playing field MYcxdr8NWOu-01179-00306596-00306934 between traditional AVMs providers and MYcxdr8NWOu-01180-00306935-00307189 the platforms regarding advertising MYcxdr8NWOu-01181-00307190-00307381 regulation at the time where MYcxdr8NWOu-01182-00307382-00307657 broadcasters are severely hit by covet MYcxdr8NWOu-01183-00307658-00307909 19 what does the Commission envisage to MYcxdr8NWOu-01184-00307910-00308080 do to remedy that situation MYcxdr8NWOu-01185-00308081-00308395 tario at all no that's a very important MYcxdr8NWOu-01186-00308396-00308560 issue and I had many many description MYcxdr8NWOu-01187-00308561-00308740 with what Cass felt like hard again MYcxdr8NWOu-01188-00308741-00308938 because that props that's particularly MYcxdr8NWOu-01189-00308939-00309163 important for media and broadcasters and MYcxdr8NWOu-01190-00309164-00309409 especially today so we are working on MYcxdr8NWOu-01191-00309410-00309595 such we are working on that because we MYcxdr8NWOu-01192-00309596-00309736 want to maintain a level playing field MYcxdr8NWOu-01193-00309737-00310024 here between a broadcaster and platform MYcxdr8NWOu-01194-00310025-00310255 that's absolutely mandatory so we find MYcxdr8NWOu-01195-00310256-00310399 ways that something that who we love MYcxdr8NWOu-01196-00310400-00310758 also and again also with the same spirit MYcxdr8NWOu-01197-00310759-00311098 we will discuss and and we will find MYcxdr8NWOu-01198-00311099-00311278 ways with broadcaster and I will discuss MYcxdr8NWOu-01199-00311279-00311533 also which platforms and I hope that MYcxdr8NWOu-01200-00311534-00311806 with the goodwill that we are creating MYcxdr8NWOu-01201-00311807-00312136 we will invent here also a way so that MYcxdr8NWOu-01202-00312137-00312370 everyone will be good and good MYcxdr8NWOu-01203-00312371-00312673 confortable so that that's I think I'm MYcxdr8NWOu-01204-00312674-00312889 good a good transition to my last MYcxdr8NWOu-01205-00312890-00313129 question which is basically the title of MYcxdr8NWOu-01206-00313130-00313324 our debate so what's a post card 19 MYcxdr8NWOu-01207-00313325-00313591 digital deal between tech and MYcxdr8NWOu-01208-00313592-00313801 government's with a question mark at the MYcxdr8NWOu-01209-00313802-00314200 end defining acceptable practices and MYcxdr8NWOu-01210-00314201-00314440 rules for tech which would enhance the MYcxdr8NWOu-01211-00314441-00314623 benefits and opportunities while MYcxdr8NWOu-01212-00314624-00314971 mitigating risk is proving to be a very MYcxdr8NWOu-01213-00314972-00315223 very complex exercise which has already MYcxdr8NWOu-01214-00315224-00315445 been occupying regulators policy making MYcxdr8NWOu-01215-00315446-00315706 for a number of years and the platform's MYcxdr8NWOu-01216-00315707-00315943 themselves I think that's what you both MYcxdr8NWOu-01217-00315944-00316138 saying that they're clearly part of the MYcxdr8NWOu-01218-00316139-00316387 solution but as we've seen with the MYcxdr8NWOu-01219-00316388-00316669 examples of content moderation data MYcxdr8NWOu-01220-00316670-00317074 portability self-regulation alone is for MYcxdr8NWOu-01221-00317075-00317227 most of the issues clearly not MYcxdr8NWOu-01222-00317228-00317509 sufficient but on the other hand equally MYcxdr8NWOu-01223-00317510-00317728 government's do not have all the tools MYcxdr8NWOu-01224-00317729-00318067 not need nor all the the instruments in MYcxdr8NWOu-01225-00318068-00318388 the hands to fix those issues alone so MYcxdr8NWOu-01226-00318389-00318679 my questions to you are straight MYcxdr8NWOu-01227-00318680-00318952 forwards do you agree with the need for MYcxdr8NWOu-01228-00318953-00319243 a digital deal or perhaps in less MYcxdr8NWOu-01229-00319244-00319573 flamboyant words a mutual understanding MYcxdr8NWOu-01230-00319574-00319727 between governments and MYcxdr8NWOu-01231-00319728-00319985 but if so what would be the guiding MYcxdr8NWOu-01232-00319986-00320282 principles that could be envisioned for MYcxdr8NWOu-01233-00320283-00320571 what kind of governance so wants to MYcxdr8NWOu-01234-00320572-00320889 start perhaps Marc and will will leave MYcxdr8NWOu-01235-00320890-00321058 the last word to the commissioner MYcxdr8NWOu-01236-00321059-00321324 Marc since you had started so sure sure MYcxdr8NWOu-01237-00321325-00321779 I'm happy to I think you're you're right MYcxdr8NWOu-01238-00321780-00322014 I think that one of the big themes of MYcxdr8NWOu-01239-00322015-00322317 this conversation has been the increased MYcxdr8NWOu-01240-00322318-00322655 need for partnership there are clearly a MYcxdr8NWOu-01241-00322656-00322955 lot of nuances and how the platforms get MYcxdr8NWOu-01242-00322956-00323459 developed that it's very hard to get MYcxdr8NWOu-01243-00323460-00323702 those exact nuances right in regulation MYcxdr8NWOu-01244-00323703-00324080 but then it's also true that that MYcxdr8NWOu-01245-00324081-00324455 basically the platforms shouldn't be MYcxdr8NWOu-01246-00324456-00324785 left to govern themselves so you need MYcxdr8NWOu-01247-00324786-00324977 regulation and you need cooperation and MYcxdr8NWOu-01248-00324978-00325200 a deeper partnership with with MYcxdr8NWOu-01249-00325201-00325365 institutions that are directly MYcxdr8NWOu-01250-00325366-00325623 accountable to the people as democratic MYcxdr8NWOu-01251-00325624-00325760 institutions so I think you need both MYcxdr8NWOu-01252-00325761-00326051 and and having that partnership is MYcxdr8NWOu-01253-00326052-00326300 really is is I think going to be an MYcxdr8NWOu-01254-00326301-00326708 increasingly important theme and and one MYcxdr8NWOu-01255-00326709-00326967 plug that I want to make is just from MYcxdr8NWOu-01256-00326968-00327101 the governments that we've worked with MYcxdr8NWOu-01257-00327102-00327417 there really is a variance in in in MYcxdr8NWOu-01258-00327418-00327615 individuals and institutions who MYcxdr8NWOu-01259-00327616-00327935 understand technology and who take the MYcxdr8NWOu-01260-00327936-00328127 time to engage in the details of how MYcxdr8NWOu-01261-00328128-00328392 these platforms work and craft more MYcxdr8NWOu-01262-00328393-00328601 thoughtful approaches and I do think MYcxdr8NWOu-01263-00328602-00328749 that's important the Commissioner is MYcxdr8NWOu-01264-00328750-00328998 saying that it of course is our MYcxdr8NWOu-01265-00328999-00329115 responsibility to make sure that we MYcxdr8NWOu-01266-00329116-00329357 educate the public and governments and MYcxdr8NWOu-01267-00329358-00329708 institutions but but also I I just want MYcxdr8NWOu-01268-00329709-00329820 to call out that I think that the MYcxdr8NWOu-01269-00329821-00330042 partnerships that we're able to have and MYcxdr8NWOu-01270-00330043-00330152 the engagements with different MYcxdr8NWOu-01271-00330153-00330299 governments do vary based on how MYcxdr8NWOu-01272-00330300-00330570 sophisticated they are and how much time MYcxdr8NWOu-01273-00330571-00330897 they put into learning about about the MYcxdr8NWOu-01274-00330898-00331130 issues and the nuances of how the MYcxdr8NWOu-01275-00331131-00331274 platforms operate so I would encourage MYcxdr8NWOu-01276-00331275-00331649 folks to keep on doing that one kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-01277-00331650-00331805 overarching theme though that I would MYcxdr8NWOu-01278-00331806-00331925 say is when you're asking about whether MYcxdr8NWOu-01279-00331926-00332166 there needs to be a digital new digital MYcxdr8NWOu-01280-00332167-00332579 deal and I just think it's inevitable MYcxdr8NWOu-01281-00332580-00332980 I think there are big questions around MYcxdr8NWOu-01282-00332981-00333243 balancing things like it's free MYcxdr8NWOu-01283-00333244-00333572 expression and safety privacy MYcxdr8NWOu-01284-00333573-00334044 competition in in kind of and more huge MYcxdr8NWOu-01285-00334045-00334338 huge questions and I don't think that MYcxdr8NWOu-01286-00334339-00334448 there's a question that there's gonna be MYcxdr8NWOu-01287-00334449-00334773 regulation I think the question is whose MYcxdr8NWOu-01288-00334774-00335075 framework is going to win around the MYcxdr8NWOu-01289-00335076-00335343 world and what I worry about is right MYcxdr8NWOu-01290-00335344-00335523 now I think that they were emerging two MYcxdr8NWOu-01291-00335524-00335721 very different frameworks that are MYcxdr8NWOu-01292-00335722-00335948 underpinned by by very different sets of MYcxdr8NWOu-01293-00335949-00336219 values you know just to kind of be blunt MYcxdr8NWOu-01294-00336220-00336516 about it I think that there is a a model MYcxdr8NWOu-01295-00336517-00336846 that is coming out of countries like MYcxdr8NWOu-01296-00336847-00337113 China that tend to have very different MYcxdr8NWOu-01297-00337114-00337331 values than Western countries that are MYcxdr8NWOu-01298-00337332-00337583 more democratic and I think right now a MYcxdr8NWOu-01299-00337584-00337730 lot of a lot of other countries are MYcxdr8NWOu-01300-00337731-00338046 looking at China and-and-and their MYcxdr8NWOu-01301-00338047-00338180 economy and the companies that are MYcxdr8NWOu-01302-00338181-00338405 coming out of there and saying hey that MYcxdr8NWOu-01303-00338406-00338603 model looks like maybe it might work MYcxdr8NWOu-01304-00338604-00338844 maybe it gives our government more MYcxdr8NWOu-01305-00338845-00338984 control over different things so it MYcxdr8NWOu-01306-00338985-00339158 might be attractive in different ways to MYcxdr8NWOu-01307-00339159-00339369 you know force everyone to localize data MYcxdr8NWOu-01308-00339370-00339758 and and and make its that you know just MYcxdr8NWOu-01309-00339759-00340004 basically you don't have to respect MYcxdr8NWOu-01310-00340005-00340229 human rights as that quite quite as much MYcxdr8NWOu-01311-00340230-00340719 in in kind of how however society gets MYcxdr8NWOu-01312-00340720-00340958 run and I just think that's really MYcxdr8NWOu-01313-00340959-00341187 dangerous and I worry about that kind of MYcxdr8NWOu-01314-00341188-00341490 model spreading to to other countries MYcxdr8NWOu-01315-00341491-00341750 and I think that the best antidote to MYcxdr8NWOu-01316-00341751-00341964 that is having a clear regulatory MYcxdr8NWOu-01317-00341965-00342318 framework that comes out of Western MYcxdr8NWOu-01318-00342319-00342594 democratic countries and that can become MYcxdr8NWOu-01319-00342595-00342789 a standard around the world that we can MYcxdr8NWOu-01320-00342790-00343028 show works well and that that becomes MYcxdr8NWOu-01321-00343029-00343274 more attractive to countries that are MYcxdr8NWOu-01322-00343275-00343440 kind of thinking more on the on the edge MYcxdr8NWOu-01323-00343441-00343587 about which direction they want to go in MYcxdr8NWOu-01324-00343588-00343757 because I do think that that's gonna get MYcxdr8NWOu-01325-00343758-00344027 decided the next probably five or ten MYcxdr8NWOu-01326-00344028-00344238 years if I had to guess I think a lot of MYcxdr8NWOu-01327-00344239-00344372 countries are kind of deciding which MYcxdr8NWOu-01328-00344373-00344603 direction they want their internet and MYcxdr8NWOu-01329-00344604-00344745 technology policies which are MYcxdr8NWOu-01330-00344746-00344933 increasingly becoming more important to MYcxdr8NWOu-01331-00344934-00345069 overall economic policies which MYcxdr8NWOu-01332-00345070-00345302 direction they're going to go in so you MYcxdr8NWOu-01333-00345303-00345383 know one of the things that I've MYcxdr8NWOu-01334-00345384-00345578 appreciated about the European MYcxdr8NWOu-01335-00345579-00345864 engagement on these issues is that when MYcxdr8NWOu-01336-00345865-00346259 you're upsets policy is they often MYcxdr8NWOu-01337-00346260-00346305 become MYcxdr8NWOu-01338-00346306-00346503 standards around the world right so gdpr MYcxdr8NWOu-01339-00346504-00346716 is a good example of that it it you know MYcxdr8NWOu-01340-00346717-00346908 technically and legally only applies in MYcxdr8NWOu-01341-00346909-00347136 Europe but you know once a company like MYcxdr8NWOu-01342-00347137-00347403 ours goes and implements all the work MYcxdr8NWOu-01343-00347404-00347610 that needs to be done for GDP our it's MYcxdr8NWOu-01344-00347611-00347841 not like we're gonna then go give people MYcxdr8NWOu-01345-00347842-00348048 in other countries lesser privacy MYcxdr8NWOu-01346-00348049-00348255 protections we've done the work to MYcxdr8NWOu-01347-00348256-00348483 comply so we're you know so we might as MYcxdr8NWOu-01348-00348484-00348608 well offer that everywhere and I think MYcxdr8NWOu-01349-00348609-00348975 some of the things that are getting that MYcxdr8NWOu-01350-00348976-00349077 they're basically getting thought MYcxdr8NWOu-01351-00349078-00349260 through on these other issues whether MYcxdr8NWOu-01352-00349261-00349457 it's around expression and safety MYcxdr8NWOu-01353-00349458-00349665 misinformation just these different MYcxdr8NWOu-01354-00349666-00349899 areas I think that there really needs to MYcxdr8NWOu-01355-00349900-00350108 be leadership and setting up a framework MYcxdr8NWOu-01356-00350109-00350460 and and I think that in a lot of places MYcxdr8NWOu-01357-00350461-00350796 Europe is continues to lead the way here MYcxdr8NWOu-01358-00350797-00350967 and including in a bunch of the examples MYcxdr8NWOu-01359-00350968-00351159 that we talked about here you know the MYcxdr8NWOu-01360-00351160-00351378 conversation that the Commissioner had MYcxdr8NWOu-01361-00351379-00351542 with with me and our team about MYcxdr8NWOu-01362-00351543-00351756 preserving bandwidth and Europe during MYcxdr8NWOu-01363-00351757-00352002 kovat I mean that you know after we had MYcxdr8NWOu-01364-00352003-00352200 that within 24 hours we turned around we MYcxdr8NWOu-01365-00352201-00352356 changed our policy we didn't just change MYcxdr8NWOu-01366-00352357-00352521 in Europe we basically changed it around MYcxdr8NWOu-01367-00352522-00352734 the world you know that's that's not MYcxdr8NWOu-01368-00352735-00352956 necessarily a democratic policy but but MYcxdr8NWOu-01369-00352957-00353127 it's just an example of kind of having MYcxdr8NWOu-01370-00353128-00353316 having a framework that comes from MYcxdr8NWOu-01371-00353317-00353466 institutions that have these more MYcxdr8NWOu-01372-00353467-00353676 democratic values ends up being MYcxdr8NWOu-01373-00353677-00353931 important for establishing kind of a MYcxdr8NWOu-01374-00353932-00354090 better system around the world and I MYcxdr8NWOu-01375-00354091-00354195 just think we have a joint MYcxdr8NWOu-01376-00354196-00354435 responsibility to to help develop this MYcxdr8NWOu-01377-00354436-00354678 and as someone leading a private company MYcxdr8NWOu-01378-00354679-00354912 I want to make sure that we engage in a MYcxdr8NWOu-01379-00354913-00355200 way where we can help develop that but MYcxdr8NWOu-01380-00355201-00355305 certainly we can't develop the MYcxdr8NWOu-01381-00355306-00355548 regulations and and that's gonna need to MYcxdr8NWOu-01382-00355549-00355740 come from governments and I hope that MYcxdr8NWOu-01383-00355741-00356070 this can come in in a timely way so that MYcxdr8NWOu-01384-00356071-00356259 way this kind of democratic governance MYcxdr8NWOu-01385-00356260-00356487 becomes more of the norm and becomes MYcxdr8NWOu-01386-00356488-00356649 more solidified across the world I think MYcxdr8NWOu-01387-00356650-00356837 that that is under right now but we can MYcxdr8NWOu-01388-00356838-00357054 but I still think we have time to MYcxdr8NWOu-01389-00357055-00357285 solidify this thank you thank you very MYcxdr8NWOu-01390-00357286-00357534 much commissioner MYcxdr8NWOu-01391-00357535-00357753 a new governance for the relationship MYcxdr8NWOu-01392-00357754-00358230 between platforms and governments yes MYcxdr8NWOu-01393-00358231-00358497 this is really what I'm trying to build MYcxdr8NWOu-01394-00358498-00358704 a new you you definitely understand this MYcxdr8NWOu-01395-00358705-00359004 and I'm glad that we're what I'm outside MYcxdr8NWOu-01396-00359005-00359384 it's true that again MYcxdr8NWOu-01397-00359385-00359576 you mentioned what we did in Europe with MYcxdr8NWOu-01398-00359577-00359846 the GDR what we did together when we MYcxdr8NWOu-01399-00359847-00360056 decided hey we have an issue here how MYcxdr8NWOu-01400-00360057-00360275 could we do stick together and then MYcxdr8NWOu-01401-00360276-00360557 deciding to reduce the bandwidth in MYcxdr8NWOu-01402-00360558-00360744 lesson that went abroad because it was MYcxdr8NWOu-01403-00360745-00361025 the interest of everyone including by MYcxdr8NWOu-01404-00361026-00361437 the way its own customers so I strongly MYcxdr8NWOu-01405-00361438-00361644 believe that that chest this is what we MYcxdr8NWOu-01406-00361645-00361982 are engaging in having the dialogue to MYcxdr8NWOu-01407-00361983-00362343 twist a the right governance well MYcxdr8NWOu-01408-00362344-00362592 let's be clear let's be clear if he MYcxdr8NWOu-01409-00362593-00363010 wants to have the right set of goggles MYcxdr8NWOu-01410-00363011-00363587 you need to have a very clear and strong MYcxdr8NWOu-01411-00363588-00363998 value and in Europe we have these values MYcxdr8NWOu-01412-00363999-00364331 they are clear and by the way if you MYcxdr8NWOu-01413-00364332-00364703 understand extremely well the center of MYcxdr8NWOu-01414-00364704-00364943 our pile on which we are building our MYcxdr8NWOu-01415-00364944-00365276 continent year after there you MYcxdr8NWOu-01416-00365277-00365585 understand how you need to behave and MYcxdr8NWOu-01417-00365586-00365852 and I think that when you are running a MYcxdr8NWOu-01418-00365853-00366080 system it platform is extremely MYcxdr8NWOu-01419-00366081-00366383 important to understand these values so MYcxdr8NWOu-01420-00366384-00366584 that you will be able to anticipate and MYcxdr8NWOu-01421-00366585-00366939 even better to work together with us to MYcxdr8NWOu-01422-00366940-00367280 build your after the new governance MYcxdr8NWOu-01423-00367281-00367590 because we will not do this overnight we MYcxdr8NWOu-01424-00367591-00367799 will not do this overnight we will have MYcxdr8NWOu-01425-00367800-00368171 to build it year after year but in in MYcxdr8NWOu-01426-00368172-00368592 between since you know as I think it's MYcxdr8NWOu-01427-00368593-00368876 extremely important to anticipate what MYcxdr8NWOu-01428-00368877-00369158 could we what could create some quote MYcxdr8NWOu-01429-00369159-00369401 unquote bad reaction which will force us MYcxdr8NWOu-01430-00369402-00369875 to regulate let's speak about taxes you MYcxdr8NWOu-01431-00369876-00370068 know I have been to see you myself but I MYcxdr8NWOu-01432-00370069-00370274 always talk to my team don't try to be MYcxdr8NWOu-01433-00370275-00370518 too smart pay taxes by the way you have MYcxdr8NWOu-01434-00370519-00370784 to pay taxes don't go to heaven pay MYcxdr8NWOu-01435-00370785-00370859 taxes MYcxdr8NWOu-01436-00370860-00371054 don't be too smart with doctors it's an MYcxdr8NWOu-01437-00371055-00371279 important issue of countries by your MYcxdr8NWOu-01438-00371280-00371534 bridge so don't be too smart don't be MYcxdr8NWOu-01439-00371535-00371672 too smart it may be something that we MYcxdr8NWOu-01440-00371673-00371858 need to learn in the in the in the day MYcxdr8NWOu-01441-00371859-00372050 to come because we are showing into a MYcxdr8NWOu-01442-00372051-00372245 difficult world where you will have a MYcxdr8NWOu-01443-00372246-00372492 lot of economical problem especially for MYcxdr8NWOu-01444-00372493-00372670 what suppose a car be quiet MYcxdr8NWOu-01445-00372671-00372925 which probably harder for non-payment so MYcxdr8NWOu-01446-00372926-00373213 we need to find a way together again MYcxdr8NWOu-01447-00373214-00373456 two two two two gentlemen that's MYcxdr8NWOu-01448-00373457-00373723 extremely important be careful to help MYcxdr8NWOu-01449-00373724-00374062 the our internal market don't play a MYcxdr8NWOu-01450-00374063-00374263 role where you will be a systemic player MYcxdr8NWOu-01451-00374264-00374515 of the gatekeeper not following other to MYcxdr8NWOu-01452-00374516-00374820 play with be careful with the democracy MYcxdr8NWOu-01453-00374821-00375031 anticipate what could happen control MYcxdr8NWOu-01454-00375032-00375304 ever be careful with this information it MYcxdr8NWOu-01455-00375305-00375733 could have been bad bad impact and what MYcxdr8NWOu-01456-00375734-00375904 is extremely important for us including MYcxdr8NWOu-01457-00375905-00376102 our values and you know at the end of MYcxdr8NWOu-01458-00376103-00376291 the day I think there is something that MYcxdr8NWOu-01459-00376292-00376690 is extremely important in our ability to MYcxdr8NWOu-01460-00376691-00377125 work together to try to design together MYcxdr8NWOu-01461-00377126-00377506 the right government's tools and and and MYcxdr8NWOu-01462-00377507-00377764 behavior I think we should understand MYcxdr8NWOu-01463-00377765-00378337 that especially for the digital market MYcxdr8NWOu-01464-00378338-00378661 and more than that for the information MYcxdr8NWOu-01465-00378662-00379165 society at large because something is MYcxdr8NWOu-01466-00379166-00379411 not provisioned it doesn't mean that MYcxdr8NWOu-01467-00379412-00379705 it's authorized and I think this is this MYcxdr8NWOu-01468-00379706-00379933 sentence is extremely important it is MYcxdr8NWOu-01469-00379934-00380212 probably at the core of the garage I MYcxdr8NWOu-01470-00380213-00380419 would like to beat with the platforms MYcxdr8NWOu-01471-00380420-00380749 for the future thank you thank you very MYcxdr8NWOu-01472-00380750-00381004 much we we have received many many more MYcxdr8NWOu-01473-00381005-00381291 questions and some very very exciting MYcxdr8NWOu-01474-00381292-00381637 but unfortunately due to time MYcxdr8NWOu-01475-00381638-00381865 constraints I'm afraid we now have to MYcxdr8NWOu-01476-00381866-00382273 conclude this conversation I can tell MYcxdr8NWOu-01477-00382274-00382465 you that that we observe will will MYcxdr8NWOu-01478-00382466-00382738 definitely continue to to investigate MYcxdr8NWOu-01479-00382739-00382978 the many complex dimensions and MYcxdr8NWOu-01480-00382979-00383209 implications of online platforms MYcxdr8NWOu-01481-00383210-00383485 regulation and to provide independent MYcxdr8NWOu-01482-00383486-00383650 fact-based analysis and policy MYcxdr8NWOu-01483-00383651-00383830 recommendation or how to address those MYcxdr8NWOu-01484-00383831-00384061 and I think this is very much in line MYcxdr8NWOu-01485-00384062-00384298 with what you gentlemen have been MYcxdr8NWOu-01486-00384299-00384601 discussing today and and the way you've MYcxdr8NWOu-01487-00384602-00384970 been discussing it which is basically MYcxdr8NWOu-01488-00384971-00385186 also the purpose of our contribution of MYcxdr8NWOu-01489-00385187-00385450 a think-tank on the one hand to secure MYcxdr8NWOu-01490-00385451-00385690 all citizens users and consumers access MYcxdr8NWOu-01491-00385691-00386041 to quality competitive digital services MYcxdr8NWOu-01492-00386042-00386470 that uphold their democratic rights and MYcxdr8NWOu-01493-00386471-00386677 empowered them economically and socially MYcxdr8NWOu-01494-00386678-00387061 and on the other hand to be conducive to MYcxdr8NWOu-01495-00387062-00387370 sustainable innovative investment so MYcxdr8NWOu-01496-00387371-00387673 once again I'd like to thank very very MYcxdr8NWOu-01497-00387674-00388113 much or two guests Mark Zuckerberg and MYcxdr8NWOu-01498-00388114-00388360 Commissioner Jarry godo for their MYcxdr8NWOu-01499-00388361-00388474 participation MYcxdr8NWOu-01500-00388475-00388738 thanks a lot also to to the great serve MYcxdr8NWOu-01501-00388739-00389044 team and in particular to to lo nga who MYcxdr8NWOu-01502-00389045-00389305 has organized this event thank you to to MYcxdr8NWOu-01503-00389306-00389517 the teams of the two speakers who have MYcxdr8NWOu-01504-00389518-00389839 helped us in putting this together the MYcxdr8NWOu-01505-00389840-00390082 video of this life will be available on MYcxdr8NWOu-01506-00390083-00390400 Sarah's YouTube channel shortly and to MYcxdr8NWOu-01507-00390401-00390550 be kept informed about our activities MYcxdr8NWOu-01508-00390551-00390916 just visit sir dot u and register to our MYcxdr8NWOu-01509-00390917-00391204 newsletter bye bye I hope to see you MYcxdr8NWOu-01510-00391205-00391585 again soon thank you thank you thank you MYcxdr8NWOu-01511-00391586-00392532 bye bye MYcxdr8NWOu-01512-00392533-00392740 you MZ4_fIIhwAu-00000-00000012-00000280 the secondary sector of the economy MZ4_fIIhwAu-00001-00000281-00000551 includes industries that produce a MZ4_fIIhwAu-00002-00000552-00000802 finished usable product or are involved MZ4_fIIhwAu-00003-00000803-00001195 in construction this sector generally MZ4_fIIhwAu-00004-00001196-00001441 takes the output of the primary sector MZ4_fIIhwAu-00005-00001442-00001693 and manufactures finished goods or where MZ4_fIIhwAu-00006-00001694-00001889 they are suitable for use by other MZ4_fIIhwAu-00007-00001889-00002165 businesses for export or sale to MZ4_fIIhwAu-00008-00002166-00002542 domestic consumers this sector is often MZ4_fIIhwAu-00009-00002543-00002780 divided into light industry and heavy MZ4_fIIhwAu-00010-00002781-00003058 industry many of these industries MZ4_fIIhwAu-00011-00003059-00003322 consume large quantities of energy and MZ4_fIIhwAu-00012-00003323-00003563 require factories and machinery to MZ4_fIIhwAu-00013-00003564-00003815 convert raw materials into Goods and MZ4_fIIhwAu-00014-00003815-00004136 products they also produce waste MZ4_fIIhwAu-00015-00004137-00004388 materials and waste heat that may cause MZ4_fIIhwAu-00016-00004389-00004597 environmental problems or cause MZ4_fIIhwAu-00017-00004598-00004963 pollution the secondary sector supports MZ4_fIIhwAu-00018-00004964-00005281 both the primary and tertiary sector MZ4_fIIhwAu-00019-00005282-00005554 some economists contrast wealth MZ4_fIIhwAu-00020-00005555-00005843 producing sectors in an economy such as MZ4_fIIhwAu-00021-00005844-00006061 manufacturing with the service sector MZ4_fIIhwAu-00022-00006062-00006326 which tends to be wealth consuming one MZ4_fIIhwAu-00023-00006327-00006616 examples of service may include retail MZ4_fIIhwAu-00024-00006617-00006941 insurance and government these MZ4_fIIhwAu-00025-00006942-00007175 economists contend that an economy MZ4_fIIhwAu-00026-00007176-00007370 begins to decline as its wealth MZ4_fIIhwAu-00027-00007370-00007591 producing sector shrinks to MZ4_fIIhwAu-00028-00007592-00007841 manufacturing is an important activity MZ4_fIIhwAu-00029-00007842-00008066 to promote economic growth and MZ4_fIIhwAu-00030-00008067-00008371 development nations that export MZ4_fIIhwAu-00031-00008372-00008621 manufactured products tend to generate MZ4_fIIhwAu-00032-00008622-00008885 higher marginal GDP growth which MZ4_fIIhwAu-00033-00008886-00009167 supports higher incomes and marginal tax MZ4_fIIhwAu-00034-00009168-00009410 revenue needed to fund the quality of MZ4_fIIhwAu-00035-00009411-00009667 life initiatives such as healthcare and MZ4_fIIhwAu-00036-00009668-00010021 infrastructure in the economy the field MZ4_fIIhwAu-00037-00010022-00010262 is an important source for engineering MZ4_fIIhwAu-00038-00010263-00010544 job opportunities among developed MZ4_fIIhwAu-00039-00010545-00010784 countries it is an important source of MZ4_fIIhwAu-00040-00010785-00011033 well-paying jobs for the middle class to MZ4_fIIhwAu-00041-00011034-00011303 facilitate greater social mobility for MZ4_fIIhwAu-00042-00011304-00011713 successive generations on the economy MZ4_fIIhwAu-00043-00011714-00012143 equals equals see also MZsA_VTf8dY-00000-00000003-00000179 welcome to moomoomath and science in MZsA_VTf8dY-00001-00000180-00000380 this video I'd like to talk about MZsA_VTf8dY-00002-00000381-00000790 elements first compounds an element is a MZsA_VTf8dY-00003-00000791-00001073 pure substance in other words an element MZsA_VTf8dY-00004-00001074-00001385 cannot be broken down into a simpler MZsA_VTf8dY-00005-00001386-00001625 substance by physical or chemical means MZsA_VTf8dY-00006-00001626-00001973 an element is made up of only one type MZsA_VTf8dY-00007-00001973-00002300 of atom an atom consists of a proton MZsA_VTf8dY-00008-00002301-00002650 Neutron and an electron some common MZsA_VTf8dY-00009-00002651-00002971 examples of elements would be carbon MZsA_VTf8dY-00010-00002972-00003395 oxygen or iron the elements are arranged MZsA_VTf8dY-00011-00003396-00003602 on the periodic table based on their MZsA_VTf8dY-00012-00003603-00003920 number of protons for example sodium has MZsA_VTf8dY-00013-00003921-00004475 11 protons potassium has 19 the number MZsA_VTf8dY-00014-00004476-00004718 of protons of an element always stays MZsA_VTf8dY-00015-00004719-00005093 the same each element also has its own MZsA_VTf8dY-00016-00005094-00005540 unique set of properties a compound is a MZsA_VTf8dY-00017-00005541-00005713 pure substance of two or more elements MZsA_VTf8dY-00018-00005714-00006056 chemically combined elements combine MZsA_VTf8dY-00019-00006057-00006395 during a chemical change a particle of a MZsA_VTf8dY-00020-00006396-00006683 compound is called a molecule when the MZsA_VTf8dY-00021-00006684-00006875 elements combine chemically a new MZsA_VTf8dY-00022-00006876-00007301 substance is created this this compound MZsA_VTf8dY-00023-00007302-00007510 has different properties than the MZsA_VTf8dY-00024-00007511-00007831 elements that make it up hydrogen and MZsA_VTf8dY-00025-00007833-00008066 oxygen are gases but they combine to MZsA_VTf8dY-00026-00008067-00008369 make liquid water here are some items MZsA_VTf8dY-00027-00008370-00008699 that combine to make compounds table MZsA_VTf8dY-00028-00008700-00009106 salt is sodium and chlorine glucose a MZsA_VTf8dY-00029-00009107-00009434 type of sugar is made of carbon hydrogen MZsA_VTf8dY-00030-00009435-00009616 and oxygen MZsA_VTf8dY-00031-00009617-00009905 when elements create a compound they MZsA_VTf8dY-00032-00009906-00010301 always join in a specific ratio the MZsA_VTf8dY-00033-00010302-00010603 ratio of water is to hydrogen to one MZsA_VTf8dY-00034-00010604-00010955 oxygen if a compound has a different MZsA_VTf8dY-00035-00010956-00011330 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen then it is MZsA_VTf8dY-00036-00011331-00011726 not water glucose a type of sugar has a MZsA_VTf8dY-00037-00011727-00012212 ratio of six carbon to 12 hydrogen to MZsA_VTf8dY-00038-00012213-00012372 six oxygen MZsA_VTf8dY-00039-00012373-00012737 glucose will always have the same ratio MZsA_VTf8dY-00040-00012738-00013011 compounds are all around you in the food MZsA_VTf8dY-00041-00013012-00013362 you eat your school supplies and even MZsA_VTf8dY-00042-00013363-00013644 yourself so there we go MZsA_VTf8dY-00043-00013644-00013953 elements verse compounds thanks for MZsA_VTf8dY-00044-00013954-00014133 watching and moomoomath uploads a new MZsA_VTf8dY-00045-00014134-00014384 math and science video every day please MZsA_VTf8dY-00046-00014385-00014747 subscribe and share MaMQ7R1ObkA-00000-00001807-00002999 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00001-00003000-00004421 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00002-00004422-00005024 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00003-00005025-00005493 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00004-00005494-00005770 they should know about you my life and MaMQ7R1ObkA-00005-00005771-00006017 sort of kinda what 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MaMQ7R1ObkA-00041-00046229-00046654 the relative channel you on another MaMQ7R1ObkA-00043-00054453-00055371 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00044-00055372-00056785 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00045-00056786-00059705 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00046-00059707-00060008 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00047-00060009-00060854 Enda hello MaMQ7R1ObkA-00048-00060855-00062363 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00049-00062364-00065091 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00050-00065092-00067191 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00051-00067192-00067633 Patera in the design department in only MaMQ7R1ObkA-00052-00067634-00068230 lucky there is a mechanical correlator MaMQ7R1ObkA-00053-00068231-00068815 finnegans I'd need a certain animal in MaMQ7R1ObkA-00054-00068816-00069010 the door MaMQ7R1ObkA-00055-00069011-00070702 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00057-00074406-00075328 [Music] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00059-00079655-00079894 [Applause] MaMQ7R1ObkA-00060-00079895-00080174 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00001-00011175-00011394 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00002-00011395-00014015 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00003-00014016-00016727 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00004-00016728-00017319 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00005-00017320-00019671 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00006-00019672-00021943 negative Mbc1bFA4QAI-00007-00021944-00022358 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00008-00022359-00024536 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00010-00042773-00043551 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00011-00043552-00046541 that Mbc1bFA4QAI-00012-00046542-00049388 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00013-00049389-00051297 [Music] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00014-00051298-00051887 [Applause] Mbc1bFA4QAI-00015-00051888-00054623 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00016-00054624-00057479 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00017-00057479-00058919 foreign Mbc1bFA4QAI-00018-00058920-00059183 foreign MggMnv9FP40-00000-00000304-00000854 a plus a good morning welcome to Coach's MggMnv9FP40-00001-00000855-00001053 Corner here on works ninety-six seven MggMnv9FP40-00002-00001054-00001284 wor X I'm Jordan Mayer for the third MggMnv9FP40-00003-00001285-00001515 straight week sitting in at four Timmy T MggMnv9FP40-00004-00001516-00001727 in a sense today not that you won't hear MggMnv9FP40-00005-00001728-00001868 Timmy tease boys today and that is MggMnv9FP40-00006-00001869-00002058 because we're talking Shawn volleyball MggMnv9FP40-00007-00002059-00002307 and Tim Torrance is joining me good MggMnv9FP40-00008-00002308-00002490 morning Tim good morning Jordan how are MggMnv9FP40-00009-00002491-00002702 you sir good you not too bad a late MggMnv9FP40-00010-00002703-00002856 night for football last night now we're MggMnv9FP40-00011-00002857-00002993 talking volleyball this morning and what MggMnv9FP40-00012-00002994-00003120 a better weekend with the draw being MggMnv9FP40-00013-00003121-00003245 held tomorrow night yep goal tomorrow MggMnv9FP40-00014-00003246-00003618 night 7:00 o'clock through the IHSA a TV MggMnv9FP40-00015-00003619-00003806 network that they have looking forward MggMnv9FP40-00016-00003807-00004059 to it find out who we play in our MggMnv9FP40-00017-00004060-00004280 sectional down at South Central I'm MggMnv9FP40-00018-00004281-00004452 gonna have a little get-together at my MggMnv9FP40-00019-00004453-00004589 house tomorrow evening with the players MggMnv9FP40-00020-00004590-00004836 so we can kind of do it as a group and MggMnv9FP40-00021-00004837-00005084 looking forward to it but season it MggMnv9FP40-00022-00005085-00005277 seems like it just got started and now MggMnv9FP40-00023-00005278-00005528 we're winding it down and I don't know MggMnv9FP40-00024-00005529-00005714 where the time goes well and Travis and MggMnv9FP40-00025-00005715-00005900 I were talking last night about how we MggMnv9FP40-00026-00005901-00006095 are already talked about the end for cuz MggMnv9FP40-00027-00006096-00006252 soccer sectionals or this week MggMnv9FP40-00028-00006253-00006456 volleyball draws tomorrow then the MggMnv9FP40-00029-00006456-00006623 football draws the following Sunday and MggMnv9FP40-00030-00006625-00006731 we're already talking about basketball MggMnv9FP40-00031-00006733-00006840 it's hard to believe the fall sports MggMnv9FP40-00032-00006841-00006990 seasons already yeah yeah I get MggMnv9FP40-00033-00006991-00007140 basketball schedules on my desk right MggMnv9FP40-00034-00007141-00007329 place schedule together for broadcast MggMnv9FP40-00035-00007330-00007503 and it's it's funny that the seasons MggMnv9FP40-00036-00007504-00007778 moves you know so quickly but they do MggMnv9FP40-00037-00007779-00008045 they move they move by quick and it's MggMnv9FP40-00038-00008047-00008298 it's it's one of those where when you MggMnv9FP40-00039-00008299-00008544 have two or three matches every week you MggMnv9FP40-00040-00008545-00008748 don't have a lot of practice time and it MggMnv9FP40-00041-00008749-00009096 just kind of seems to fly by and for us MggMnv9FP40-00042-00009097-00009279 you know we've had three matches this MggMnv9FP40-00043-00009280-00009576 week we only had Wednesday and Thursday MggMnv9FP40-00044-00009577-00009852 to prepare for Friday's match after MggMnv9FP40-00045-00009853-00009978 Monday and Tuesday's matches will MggMnv9FP40-00046-00009979-00010113 practice today and then get ready for MggMnv9FP40-00047-00010114-00010236 next week where we have three matches MggMnv9FP40-00048-00010237-00010476 again and let's go ahead and talk about MggMnv9FP40-00049-00010477-00010695 this season you this your third year MggMnv9FP40-00050-00010696-00010980 being a head coach and this is a program MggMnv9FP40-00051-00010981-00011175 that is very very young this year you MggMnv9FP40-00052-00011176-00011322 have a couple of your upperclassmen that MggMnv9FP40-00053-00011323-00011451 are here this morning we'll talk to them MggMnv9FP40-00054-00011452-00011655 in a little bit but a lot of freshmen MggMnv9FP40-00055-00011656-00011952 came in you had very very good numbers MggMnv9FP40-00056-00011953-00012168 this year for Shaw poly ball so that had MggMnv9FP40-00057-00012169-00012351 to at least have you optimistic heading MggMnv9FP40-00058-00012352-00012693 into the season it did 16 is is the MggMnv9FP40-00059-00012694-00012866 biggest there's we've had since I've MggMnv9FP40-00060-00012867-00013003 been here this is my fifth year coaching MggMnv9FP40-00061-00013004-00013250 first two years as JV in the last three MggMnv9FP40-00062-00013251-00013430 as varsity and MggMnv9FP40-00063-00013431-00013631 it's nice to start to have those numbers MggMnv9FP40-00064-00013632-00013919 continue to grow I mean it was a little MggMnv9FP40-00065-00013920-00014156 better last year but again 16 this year MggMnv9FP40-00066-00014157-00014541 but one senior two juniors five MggMnv9FP40-00067-00014541-00014930 sophomores and eight freshman and and MggMnv9FP40-00068-00014931-00015246 with those numbers we've got some kids MggMnv9FP40-00069-00015247-00015431 that have come into play that that MggMnv9FP40-00070-00015432-00015608 either haven't played a lot or haven't MggMnv9FP40-00071-00015609-00015911 played much at all maybe didn't play MggMnv9FP40-00072-00015912-00016080 junior high but decided to come out and MggMnv9FP40-00073-00016081-00016256 play some some high school volleyball MggMnv9FP40-00074-00016257-00016536 and that's for us it's it's in a small MggMnv9FP40-00075-00016537-00016722 school situation it's about you know MggMnv9FP40-00076-00016723-00016875 putting numbers together you can't get MggMnv9FP40-00077-00016876-00017091 healthy unless you have some numbers it MggMnv9FP40-00078-00017092-00017384 would be great if we had 11 12 13 kids MggMnv9FP40-00079-00017385-00017661 that were outstanding quality club MggMnv9FP40-00080-00017662-00017946 volleyball year yeah yeah blah blah blah MggMnv9FP40-00081-00017947-00018117 and all that but we don't have that so MggMnv9FP40-00082-00018118-00018369 we have to build from within and try to MggMnv9FP40-00083-00018370-00018581 go and and do the best we can with what MggMnv9FP40-00084-00018582-00018803 we have and and I the kids have made MggMnv9FP40-00085-00018804-00019122 some remarkable progress this year we MggMnv9FP40-00086-00019123-00019272 haven't we haven't progressed to the MggMnv9FP40-00087-00019273-00019409 point where I feel you know comfortable MggMnv9FP40-00088-00019410-00019650 with it we we take a step forward we'll MggMnv9FP40-00089-00019651-00019953 take two steps back and but with a young MggMnv9FP40-00090-00019954-00020127 team you just keep building and and MggMnv9FP40-00091-00020128-00020289 they've got a lot of talent they just MggMnv9FP40-00092-00020290-00020436 haven't put it all together yeah MggMnv9FP40-00093-00020437-00020684 when you go to coach more or less a MggMnv9FP40-00094-00020685-00020880 bunch of freshmen which is that them MggMnv9FP40-00095-00020881-00021039 freshmen sophomores the vast majority of MggMnv9FP40-00096-00021040-00021177 your team how much do you rely on your MggMnv9FP40-00097-00021178-00021336 upperclassmen when it comes to coaching MggMnv9FP40-00098-00021337-00021590 well I have to rely on a lot and I put a MggMnv9FP40-00099-00021591-00021825 lot of a lot of emphasis on them and MggMnv9FP40-00100-00021826-00022115 what they do they're the leaders of the MggMnv9FP40-00101-00022116-00022580 team I expect them to keep everybody in MggMnv9FP40-00102-00022581-00022728 line and do what they need to do and MggMnv9FP40-00103-00022729-00022981 teach them as they need to teach them MggMnv9FP40-00104-00022982-00023271 sometimes and it goes true and coaching MggMnv9FP40-00105-00023272-00023489 for myself it was my philosophy I think MggMnv9FP40-00106-00023490-00023792 I don't like to over coach I like them MggMnv9FP40-00107-00023793-00023993 too they're gonna make mistakes you want MggMnv9FP40-00108-00023994-00024140 to correct the mistakes but if you try MggMnv9FP40-00109-00024141-00024290 to correct every mistake they make on MggMnv9FP40-00110-00024291-00024564 the court that's all you would do every MggMnv9FP40-00111-00024565-00024746 time and and I want them to kind of MggMnv9FP40-00112-00024747-00024914 suffer some growing pains and then MggMnv9FP40-00113-00024915-00025106 understand what it's going to be when MggMnv9FP40-00114-00025107-00025308 they do it correctly and they start to MggMnv9FP40-00115-00025309-00025580 see success and for the freshmen it's MggMnv9FP40-00116-00025581-00025743 it's been a struggle at times because MggMnv9FP40-00117-00025744-00025952 they they don't understand the game as MggMnv9FP40-00118-00025953-00026298 well as what they need to and you have MggMnv9FP40-00119-00026299-00026530 you know such a young team and MggMnv9FP40-00120-00026531-00026692 it at least makes you happy for the MggMnv9FP40-00121-00026693-00026977 future but at times how frustrating can MggMnv9FP40-00122-00026977-00027214 it be this year when you you want to MggMnv9FP40-00123-00027214-00027420 kind of sometimes just go ballistic but MggMnv9FP40-00124-00027422-00027622 you know with freshmen you have to be MggMnv9FP40-00125-00027623-00027742 patient at the varsity level because MggMnv9FP40-00126-00027743-00027931 right it's there's a such a difference MggMnv9FP40-00127-00027932-00028087 between junior high university well I've MggMnv9FP40-00128-00028088-00028342 had I've had a few parents this year you MggMnv9FP40-00129-00028343-00028474 tell me I don't yell at the kids enough MggMnv9FP40-00130-00028475-00028843 and and I think is in my philosophy is MggMnv9FP40-00131-00028844-00029035 if I get up and yell at them every time MggMnv9FP40-00132-00029036-00029242 they make a mistake that's all I would MggMnv9FP40-00133-00029243-00029431 accomplish and I think sometimes you MggMnv9FP40-00134-00029432-00029764 bring down the the the morale when you MggMnv9FP40-00135-00029764-00030045 when you are constantly on them it they MggMnv9FP40-00136-00030047-00030169 have to have an opportunity to make MggMnv9FP40-00137-00030170-00030511 mistakes their high school kids but in MggMnv9FP40-00138-00030512-00030757 the same note there are times and we saw MggMnv9FP40-00139-00030758-00030976 last night at Crothersville where we MggMnv9FP40-00140-00030977-00031132 just kind of stand around and we're MggMnv9FP40-00141-00031133-00031300 waiting on somebody else to make a play MggMnv9FP40-00142-00031301-00031458 and from my upperclassmen MggMnv9FP40-00143-00031458-00031819 Jake's Macalester my only senior abigail MggMnv9FP40-00144-00031820-00032020 hill and phoebe grote my two juniors I MggMnv9FP40-00145-00032020-00032280 rely on them to be leaders on the floor MggMnv9FP40-00146-00032281-00032551 so when things aren't going well I want MggMnv9FP40-00147-00032552-00032814 them to step in but in the same token MggMnv9FP40-00148-00032815-00033073 they still have the standard of play MggMnv9FP40-00149-00033074-00033331 that they need to uphold and sometimes MggMnv9FP40-00150-00033332-00033609 it's it's hard to make that transition MggMnv9FP40-00151-00033610-00033907 the last thing I want to do is tell you MggMnv9FP40-00152-00033908-00034036 you made a mistake and then turn around MggMnv9FP40-00153-00034037-00034231 the next play what do I do i shanked MggMnv9FP40-00154-00034232-00034627 Bahl myself so it's hard to find that MggMnv9FP40-00155-00034628-00034924 happy medium sometimes but I do rely on MggMnv9FP40-00156-00034925-00035176 my upperclassmen a lot to step in and MggMnv9FP40-00157-00035177-00035389 lead they lead a practice they leave MggMnv9FP40-00158-00035390-00035635 during games we make sure that that MggMnv9FP40-00159-00035636-00035848 things are done and then I'll give you MggMnv9FP40-00160-00035849-00036160 an example we had we had a situation a MggMnv9FP40-00161-00036161-00036390 few weeks ago where we we forgot the the MggMnv9FP40-00162-00036391-00036615 balls the water bottles on an away game MggMnv9FP40-00163-00036616-00037068 and it was a mistake that everybody made MggMnv9FP40-00164-00037069-00037371 but I don't expect my upperclassmen at MggMnv9FP40-00165-00037372-00037615 this point in the game to to make sure MggMnv9FP40-00166-00037616-00037915 that they're to grab the equipment to MggMnv9FP40-00167-00037916-00038059 make sure it's on the bus I expect the MggMnv9FP40-00168-00038060-00038242 underclassmen to do that but the MggMnv9FP40-00169-00038243-00038395 upperclassmen I want them to make sure MggMnv9FP40-00170-00038396-00038577 that things are getting done and so we MggMnv9FP40-00171-00038578-00038686 you know it was a learning experience MggMnv9FP40-00172-00038687-00038962 for everybody kind of the hard way but MggMnv9FP40-00173-00038963-00039205 we did learn and let's talk about the MggMnv9FP40-00174-00039206-00039383 games themselves you did play last night MggMnv9FP40-00175-00039384-00039601 dropped a four-set decision to MggMnv9FP40-00176-00039602-00039719 Crothersville MggMnv9FP40-00177-00039720-00039950 but you've won three four matches over MggMnv9FP40-00178-00039951-00040142 the last couple of weeks you've eaten in MggMnv9FP40-00179-00040143-00040310 Trimble County meeting Christian Academy MggMnv9FP40-00180-00040311-00040457 at Madison MggMnv9FP40-00181-00040458-00040631 you know you've also had a lot of MggMnv9FP40-00182-00040632-00040766 matches that you've lost that have gone MggMnv9FP40-00183-00040767-00041060 to five and four so talk about that we MggMnv9FP40-00184-00041061-00041303 we started out the season with a win at MggMnv9FP40-00185-00041304-00041612 Medora Medora only had six young ladies MggMnv9FP40-00186-00041613-00041822 on their program so it was a struggle MggMnv9FP40-00187-00041823-00042035 for them but it was our very first game MggMnv9FP40-00188-00042036-00042254 with with our young kids and it was kind MggMnv9FP40-00189-00042255-00042422 of a struggle for us as I look back on MggMnv9FP40-00190-00042423-00042737 it now and then we went for a while MggMnv9FP40-00191-00042738-00043103 without a victory and we finally got a MggMnv9FP40-00192-00043104-00043268 win over Trimble County a couple of MggMnv9FP40-00193-00043269-00043400 weeks ago and then turned around and MggMnv9FP40-00194-00043401-00043499 played him in the southwestern MggMnv9FP40-00195-00043500-00043730 tournament got a win as well and then MggMnv9FP40-00196-00043731-00043919 Christian Academy of Madison we played MggMnv9FP40-00197-00043920-00044240 them excuse me last Monday and got a win MggMnv9FP40-00198-00044241-00044483 over them as well but it seems like MggMnv9FP40-00199-00044484-00044792 every match we've won the last three the MggMnv9FP40-00200-00044793-00045056 to Trimble matches and the cam match MggMnv9FP40-00201-00045057-00045434 we've taken it to five sets which is MggMnv9FP40-00202-00045435-00045755 good because we get a win and it's bad MggMnv9FP40-00203-00045756-00045947 because we really should have closed it MggMnv9FP40-00204-00045948-00046112 out earlier than that but just couldn't MggMnv9FP40-00205-00046113-00046325 get the job done but looking at the MggMnv9FP40-00206-00046326-00046718 Medora match and then moving forward the MggMnv9FP40-00207-00046719-00046898 team has made a lot of progress you know MggMnv9FP40-00208-00046899-00047231 it's it's a situation for us where it's MggMnv9FP40-00209-00047232-00047438 it's a slow progress it's never as fast MggMnv9FP40-00210-00047439-00047654 as what a coach wants it to be MggMnv9FP40-00211-00047655-00048014 we've developed but not as as rapidly we MggMnv9FP40-00212-00048015-00048140 still make some of the same mistakes MggMnv9FP40-00213-00048141-00048257 we've made at the beginning of the MggMnv9FP40-00214-00048258-00048407 season and those are the challenges that MggMnv9FP40-00215-00048408-00048536 we're trying to correct going into MggMnv9FP40-00216-00048537-00048845 sectional in a couple of weeks but the MggMnv9FP40-00217-00048846-00049025 team has progressed the maturity has MggMnv9FP40-00218-00049026-00049304 gotten better we just have some things MggMnv9FP40-00219-00049305-00049481 we need to clean up this last week of MggMnv9FP40-00220-00049482-00049670 the season to prepare for protection and MggMnv9FP40-00221-00049671-00049817 couple weeks I want to ask you this MggMnv9FP40-00222-00049818-00049976 because grace is here with you this MggMnv9FP40-00223-00049977-00050222 morning who is I think plays every sport MggMnv9FP40-00224-00050223-00050462 Shaw has to offer and and she's offered MggMnv9FP40-00225-00050463-00050717 to drive the bus - so have you let her MggMnv9FP40-00226-00050718-00051008 do that no no no no you don't trust her MggMnv9FP40-00227-00051009-00051245 grabbing the bus no no alright see what MggMnv9FP40-00228-00051246-00051529 she does to you great but talk about MggMnv9FP40-00229-00051530-00051754 when you have your senior who you know MggMnv9FP40-00230-00051755-00052004 we incur I personally encourage kids to MggMnv9FP40-00231-00052004-00052157 be a multi-sport athlete I think that's MggMnv9FP40-00232-00052158-00052433 good with someone who is a three-sport MggMnv9FP40-00233-00052434-00052625 athlete in one season how do you cope MggMnv9FP40-00234-00052626-00052726 with that well MggMnv9FP40-00235-00052727-00053011 it's it's it's as difficult for that for MggMnv9FP40-00236-00053012-00053170 the coach and not only me but for the MggMnv9FP40-00237-00053171-00053379 other two sports but it's difficult for MggMnv9FP40-00238-00053380-00053494 the coach to do this for the player MggMnv9FP40-00239-00053495-00053955 chief she is and I think I'm telling you MggMnv9FP40-00240-00053957-00054103 this right this past week correct me if MggMnv9FP40-00241-00054104-00054289 I'm wrong grace you had volleyball MggMnv9FP40-00242-00054290-00054514 Monday Tuesday soccer Wednesday Thursday MggMnv9FP40-00243-00054515-00054682 volleyball last night you're gonna run MggMnv9FP40-00244-00054683-00054904 cross-country today right so that's her MggMnv9FP40-00245-00054904-00055204 week so when we don't play soccer or MggMnv9FP40-00246-00055204-00055372 soccer when we don't play volleyball on MggMnv9FP40-00247-00055373-00055558 Wednesday Thursday I don't see her MggMnv9FP40-00248-00055559-00055819 because she's at soccer work she's gonna MggMnv9FP40-00249-00055820-00055966 practice volleyball this morning then MggMnv9FP40-00250-00055966-00056091 she's gonna run cross-country this MggMnv9FP40-00251-00056092-00056308 afternoon so her available practice time MggMnv9FP40-00252-00056309-00056740 is really limited on the other hand I MggMnv9FP40-00253-00056741-00057001 mean I've spent four years with this MggMnv9FP40-00254-00057002-00057232 young lady and and you're right she MggMnv9FP40-00255-00057233-00057463 plays about everything she possibly can MggMnv9FP40-00256-00057464-00058004 and she's a very gifted athlete not many MggMnv9FP40-00257-00058005-00058309 athletes boy or girl have the ability to MggMnv9FP40-00258-00058310-00058570 do what she does to have the talent to MggMnv9FP40-00259-00058571-00058744 play multiple sports and play them very MggMnv9FP40-00260-00058745-00058880 well MggMnv9FP40-00261-00058882-00059263 it's it's it's a little frustrating for MggMnv9FP40-00262-00059264-00059454 me because as Molly ball is her number MggMnv9FP40-00263-00059455-00059641 one sport I think she could take it to MggMnv9FP40-00264-00059641-00059896 the next level on the other hand she's MggMnv9FP40-00265-00059897-00060052 helping out other teams and I think MggMnv9FP40-00266-00060053-00060220 that's fantastic especially at a small MggMnv9FP40-00267-00060221-00060436 school so you know you cope with it the MggMnv9FP40-00268-00060437-00060658 best you can you know and we'll take her MggMnv9FP40-00269-00060659-00060847 any way we can get her she'll do the MggMnv9FP40-00270-00060848-00061054 same thing in the spring we'll play two MggMnv9FP40-00271-00061054-00061312 sports she'll do softball and track so MggMnv9FP40-00272-00061313-00061479 and I deal with the same thing then but MggMnv9FP40-00273-00061480-00061692 I this is my seventh season my eighth MggMnv9FP40-00274-00061694-00061927 season with her will be softball so we MggMnv9FP40-00275-00061928-00062079 spend a lot of time during the school MggMnv9FP40-00276-00062080-00062454 year together and she's she's she's a MggMnv9FP40-00277-00062455-00062785 good one to have around because when her MggMnv9FP40-00278-00062786-00062941 mind is focused in the right direction MggMnv9FP40-00279-00062941-00063141 she can do a lot of things for a team MggMnv9FP40-00280-00063142-00063358 and and we saw her last night I mean she MggMnv9FP40-00281-00063359-00063550 when it comes to blocking when it comes MggMnv9FP40-00282-00063551-00063733 to kills when it comes to back row serve MggMnv9FP40-00283-00063734-00063940 receive when it comes to digs I mean she MggMnv9FP40-00284-00063941-00064153 can do a multitude of things because MggMnv9FP40-00285-00064154-00064380 she's just gifted she's worked hard I MggMnv9FP40-00286-00064382-00064491 don't want to take anything away from MggMnv9FP40-00287-00064492-00064689 her work ethic because she works hard MggMnv9FP40-00288-00064690-00065050 most of the time like most kids do is it MggMnv9FP40-00289-00065051-00065221 all the time though is it enough to see MggMnv9FP40-00290-00065222-00065404 the coach probably not but I'll take MggMnv9FP40-00291-00065404-00065557 what I can get with her but MggMnv9FP40-00292-00065558-00065763 you know she has a lot of challenges off MggMnv9FP40-00293-00065764-00066022 the the volleyball court with with her MggMnv9FP40-00294-00066023-00066199 other sport so you know you just you MggMnv9FP40-00295-00066200-00066430 focus on when you have her and what she MggMnv9FP40-00296-00066431-00066631 can do for you and you just support her MggMnv9FP40-00297-00066632-00066813 when she's off the court and the best MggMnv9FP40-00298-00066814-00067026 you can to you know because you you want MggMnv9FP40-00299-00067027-00067165 her to excel on the rest of the sports MggMnv9FP40-00300-00067166-00067405 as well Tim you got a I could tell a MggMnv9FP40-00301-00067406-00067569 colorful couple girls that are here this MggMnv9FP40-00302-00067570-00067897 morning and the thing I was when I was MggMnv9FP40-00303-00067898-00068094 talking with coach Wilson last week for MggMnv9FP40-00304-00068095-00068137 football MggMnv9FP40-00305-00068138-00068428 one thing that him and his players that MggMnv9FP40-00306-00068429-00068617 were with him we're talking about was MggMnv9FP40-00307-00068618-00068769 the camaraderie and just how much the MggMnv9FP40-00308-00068770-00068962 players just thoroughly enjoyed being MggMnv9FP40-00309-00068963-00069154 around each other and that's one of the MggMnv9FP40-00310-00069155-00069256 things that they all said that they're MggMnv9FP40-00311-00069257-00069363 gonna miss more than anything they said MggMnv9FP40-00312-00069364-00069544 wins and losses are you know that's part MggMnv9FP40-00313-00069545-00069766 of the game you want to win but the bond MggMnv9FP40-00314-00069767-00069951 you build is kind of the most important MggMnv9FP40-00315-00069952-00070119 thing how close is the bond with this MggMnv9FP40-00316-00070120-00070572 team sometimes painfully close actually MggMnv9FP40-00317-00070573-00070822 I'm not going to tell you they enjoy MggMnv9FP40-00318-00070823-00071143 being around each other all the time but MggMnv9FP40-00319-00071144-00071428 most of the time yeah and went and I've MggMnv9FP40-00320-00071429-00071692 told these these girls more than once MggMnv9FP40-00321-00071693-00071994 when they when they're working together MggMnv9FP40-00322-00071995-00072193 on the court they're a really fun team MggMnv9FP40-00323-00072194-00072409 to watch be and last night we had a lot MggMnv9FP40-00324-00072410-00072613 of instances where we worked together we MggMnv9FP40-00325-00072614-00072934 we got good passes we got good sets we MggMnv9FP40-00326-00072935-00073206 got good we got good kills and they're a MggMnv9FP40-00327-00073207-00073351 fun team to watch when they work the MggMnv9FP40-00328-00073352-00073519 ball north and south when they go side MggMnv9FP40-00329-00073520-00073846 to side not so much it looks like a MggMnv9FP40-00330-00073847-00074080 bunch of kids running around on a MggMnv9FP40-00331-00074081-00074356 playground sometimes but you know they MggMnv9FP40-00332-00074357-00074599 they do well together and again in the MggMnv9FP40-00333-00074600-00074773 small school when you have such small MggMnv9FP40-00334-00074774-00075055 classes and small groups that you kind MggMnv9FP40-00335-00075056-00075340 of get to know everybody it's not like MggMnv9FP40-00336-00075341-00075456 the bigger schools where you have more MggMnv9FP40-00337-00075457-00075649 kids and you kind of just touch the MggMnv9FP40-00338-00075650-00075876 surface but you know I think this group MggMnv9FP40-00339-00075877-00076194 of volleyball kids it has grown together MggMnv9FP40-00340-00076195-00076467 they've worked together they practice MggMnv9FP40-00341-00076468-00076746 together so you spend a lot of time and MggMnv9FP40-00342-00076747-00076881 it's just kind of like coaching you MggMnv9FP40-00343-00076882-00077057 spend a lot of time with them so you MggMnv9FP40-00344-00077058-00077346 know I've adopted 16 kids during the MggMnv9FP40-00345-00077347-00077616 course of the fall season to become one MggMnv9FP40-00346-00077617-00077769 of my family because I spend as much or MggMnv9FP40-00347-00077770-00077892 more time with them than I do at home MggMnv9FP40-00348-00077893-00078204 with my own family so it's a it's you MggMnv9FP40-00349-00078205-00078381 get to know them you know and as I MggMnv9FP40-00350-00078382-00078562 mentioned earlier in the first segment MggMnv9FP40-00351-00078563-00079001 you know they they have times with you MggMnv9FP40-00352-00079002-00079207 and they have times without you but MggMnv9FP40-00353-00079208-00079431 their life is important off the MggMnv9FP40-00354-00079432-00079716 volleyball court how the day goes MggMnv9FP40-00355-00079717-00079965 you know what they do you know they have MggMnv9FP40-00356-00079966-00080112 ups and downs in their personal lives MggMnv9FP40-00357-00080113-00080300 too so you got to deal with with that MggMnv9FP40-00358-00080301-00080432 because sometimes they bring it with MggMnv9FP40-00359-00080433-00080651 them to practice their game so you have MggMnv9FP40-00360-00080652-00080981 to figure ways to to to be positive MggMnv9FP40-00361-00080982-00081243 influences in their lives and you know MggMnv9FP40-00362-00081244-00081488 two of them here we have Abigail Hill we MggMnv9FP40-00363-00081489-00081711 have grace talk with what these two have MggMnv9FP40-00364-00081712-00082007 meant to the team as I said Grace's is a MggMnv9FP40-00365-00082008-00082538 as a four-year volleyball player she her MggMnv9FP40-00366-00082539-00082694 and I as I mentioned have been together MggMnv9FP40-00367-00082695-00083018 for a lot of seasons she's I know she's MggMnv9FP40-00368-00083019-00083163 tired of looking at me every season MggMnv9FP40-00369-00083164-00083325 except for winter months and then she MggMnv9FP40-00370-00083326-00083622 gets to look at Terry King so but it's MggMnv9FP40-00371-00083623-00083898 it's she's enjoyable I enjoy being MggMnv9FP40-00372-00083899-00084222 around her she's got a very warped sense MggMnv9FP40-00373-00084223-00084441 of humor a lot of times so you have to MggMnv9FP40-00374-00084442-00084729 learn to deal with that the the only MggMnv9FP40-00375-00084730-00085161 thing grace does that probably she MggMnv9FP40-00376-00085162-00085434 doesn't need to do is she doesn't really MggMnv9FP40-00377-00085435-00085854 know when to be serious because she MggMnv9FP40-00378-00085855-00086091 likes to liven things up and and that's MggMnv9FP40-00379-00086092-00086271 just grace and again you'll learn to MggMnv9FP40-00380-00086272-00086507 deal with it but she is she's a joy to MggMnv9FP40-00381-00086508-00086744 be around I'm gonna miss her when she's MggMnv9FP40-00382-00086745-00087030 gone she's our only senior this year so MggMnv9FP40-00383-00087031-00087281 she brings a lot to the table for us and MggMnv9FP40-00384-00087282-00087476 for Abigail she this is her third year MggMnv9FP40-00385-00087477-00087837 with us her and phoebe grote who's MggMnv9FP40-00386-00087838-00088098 taking the SAT this morning so she's not MggMnv9FP40-00387-00088099-00088371 with us today but abigail is our setter MggMnv9FP40-00388-00088372-00088550 this year it's the first year that that MggMnv9FP40-00389-00088551-00088866 she's full-time sat and for anybody that MggMnv9FP40-00390-00088867-00089085 wants to give it a whirl setting is a MggMnv9FP40-00391-00089086-00089376 very very difficult thing to do MggMnv9FP40-00392-00089377-00089704 and for a first-year varsity center I MggMnv9FP40-00393-00089705-00089818 mean she said a little bit in their MggMnv9FP40-00394-00089819-00089986 freshmen and sophomore years but for MggMnv9FP40-00395-00089987-00090243 this year to be a full-time setter we've MggMnv9FP40-00396-00090244-00090438 relied on her a lot she's had some MggMnv9FP40-00397-00090439-00090651 successes she's had some failures and MggMnv9FP40-00398-00090652-00090856 you and you're going to have but she's MggMnv9FP40-00399-00090857-00091186 getting better we we tend to tweak as we MggMnv9FP40-00400-00091187-00091390 go and and we talked to her about some MggMnv9FP40-00401-00091391-00091648 some things we saw and I saw a couple MggMnv9FP40-00402-00091649-00091788 things last night we're gonna talk about MggMnv9FP40-00403-00091789-00091932 here in just a little bit after we leave MggMnv9FP40-00404-00091933-00092118 here about the things to change to make MggMnv9FP40-00405-00092119-00092394 her better but but she's she's like MggMnv9FP40-00406-00092395-00092716 Grace when you look at them and you MggMnv9FP40-00407-00092717-00092901 instruct them on things that they need MggMnv9FP40-00408-00092902-00093115 to do they don't give you that blank MggMnv9FP40-00409-00093116-00093343 stare they look at you and they nod MggMnv9FP40-00410-00093344-00093481 their head and they understand what MggMnv9FP40-00411-00093482-00093628 you're now whether they do it or not MggMnv9FP40-00412-00093629-00093847 remains to be seen but they at least MggMnv9FP40-00413-00093848-00094032 acknowledge with the respect that you're MggMnv9FP40-00414-00094033-00094198 trying to instruct them to do some MggMnv9FP40-00415-00094199-00094486 different things and and we're looking MggMnv9FP40-00416-00094487-00094690 forward to Abigail and going to MggMnv9FP40-00417-00094691-00094855 sectional and then having her again next MggMnv9FP40-00418-00094856-00095065 year as our setter and and what she can MggMnv9FP40-00419-00095066-00095343 do for us and you know both of these two MggMnv9FP40-00420-00095344-00095521 are great examples of leaders for our MggMnv9FP40-00421-00095522-00095769 team and and I'm very pleased to have MggMnv9FP40-00422-00095770-00095929 them on our schedule and again I'm just MggMnv9FP40-00423-00095930-00096079 looking here at the two of them how much MggMnv9FP40-00424-00096080-00096196 they're smiling and having a good old MggMnv9FP40-00425-00096197-00096466 time just the two of them and you know MggMnv9FP40-00426-00096467-00096850 and I think it's out there but sometimes MggMnv9FP40-00427-00096851-00096993 a little too good MggMnv9FP40-00428-00096994-00097321 see see girls but at the end of the day MggMnv9FP40-00429-00097322-00097587 though when you look back these could be MggMnv9FP40-00430-00097588-00097723 girls who when they leave here they MggMnv9FP40-00431-00097724-00097885 could talk about how great you were as a MggMnv9FP40-00432-00097886-00098047 coach and again the wins and losses MggMnv9FP40-00433-00098048-00098215 those are part of the game but they MggMnv9FP40-00434-00098216-00098329 could talk about maybe just you as a MggMnv9FP40-00435-00098330-00098473 coach how much fun it was playing for MggMnv9FP40-00436-00098474-00098682 you because of the camaraderie that that MggMnv9FP40-00437-00098683-00098842 just how much fun they just enjoyed MggMnv9FP40-00438-00098843-00099175 being around each other right and great MggMnv9FP40-00439-00099176-00099582 coach no okay coach yes I'm learning I'm MggMnv9FP40-00440-00099583-00099712 learning like they are and they know MggMnv9FP40-00441-00099713-00100036 that and and but I'm hoping that what MggMnv9FP40-00442-00100037-00100336 they get out of being on a volleyball MggMnv9FP40-00443-00100337-00100504 team for being with this program what MggMnv9FP40-00444-00100505-00100747 will carry them you know beyond high MggMnv9FP40-00445-00100748-00100897 school and that's what I want I want MggMnv9FP40-00446-00100898-00101137 them to be impacted by what they do and MggMnv9FP40-00447-00101138-00101368 what they learn you know volleyball and MggMnv9FP40-00448-00101369-00101617 any sport is more than just playing a MggMnv9FP40-00449-00101618-00101830 game it's that's the impact you have off MggMnv9FP40-00450-00101831-00102000 the floor and off the field or off the MggMnv9FP40-00451-00102001-00102275 court and I hope they have an impact MggMnv9FP40-00452-00102276-00102524 of what it takes to be successful in MggMnv9FP40-00453-00102525-00102922 life because a lot of what they do will MggMnv9FP40-00454-00102923-00103210 we'll parlay into their life after high MggMnv9FP40-00455-00103211-00103343 school there's a reason this is called MggMnv9FP40-00456-00103344-00103553 academic based athletics because not MggMnv9FP40-00457-00103554-00103703 just about the wins and losses stop MggMnv9FP40-00458-00103704-00103831 preparing them for the next level of MggMnv9FP40-00459-00103832-00104107 life exactly Tim go ahead and introduce MggMnv9FP40-00460-00104108-00104300 them well we'll let grace talk first MggMnv9FP40-00461-00104301-00104532 because she's our lone senior and again MggMnv9FP40-00462-00104533-00104870 she's been with us for years most of her MggMnv9FP40-00463-00104871-00105179 her freshman year was spent at the the MggMnv9FP40-00464-00105180-00105431 JV level but you know for freshmen or MggMnv9FP40-00465-00105432-00105623 for sophomore in junior years she split MggMnv9FP40-00466-00105624-00105910 a little time I think at the sophomore MggMnv9FP40-00467-00105911-00106205 year on JV and then the last two seasons MggMnv9FP40-00468-00106206-00106418 it's been strictly varsity and and for MggMnv9FP40-00469-00106419-00106598 us we've got kids some kids playing this MggMnv9FP40-00470-00106599-00106810 year both ways on JV and varsity just MggMnv9FP40-00471-00106811-00107011 because we have the number situation and MggMnv9FP40-00472-00107013-00107236 the talent situation but you know if I MggMnv9FP40-00473-00107238-00107383 wanted to grace if I asked her right now MggMnv9FP40-00474-00107384-00107603 I can you play me a set of JV she'd go MggMnv9FP40-00475-00107604-00107801 yeah all right so she just she just MggMnv9FP40-00476-00107802-00107975 likes to play I mean that's just the way MggMnv9FP40-00477-00107976-00108179 she is and I can put her out there in MggMnv9FP40-00478-00108180-00108488 just about any situation and she'll MggMnv9FP40-00479-00108489-00108695 succeed at it one of the things that I MggMnv9FP40-00480-00108696-00108905 know she wanted to do this year was play MggMnv9FP40-00481-00108906-00109076 back row cuz last year she was only a MggMnv9FP40-00482-00109077-00109223 front row player she wanted to play all MggMnv9FP40-00483-00109224-00109403 the way around in all six positions and MggMnv9FP40-00484-00109404-00109609 and I think she's for the most part MggMnv9FP40-00485-00109610-00109802 proven that she belongs on the floor MggMnv9FP40-00486-00109803-00110011 does she make mistakes yep does she hit MggMnv9FP40-00487-00110013-00110180 the ball every time I wondered - nope MggMnv9FP40-00488-00110181-00110390 that she does she put herself in the MggMnv9FP40-00489-00110391-00110558 right position all the time nope MggMnv9FP40-00490-00110558-00110771 but does she understand the whys and MggMnv9FP40-00491-00110772-00110996 what four is absolutely and I don't even MggMnv9FP40-00492-00110997-00111149 have to all we have to do is make eye MggMnv9FP40-00493-00111150-00111341 contact and and she knows I don't have MggMnv9FP40-00494-00111342-00111473 to get up and scream at her I don't have MggMnv9FP40-00495-00111474-00111656 to get up and yell at her I typically MggMnv9FP40-00496-00111657-00111839 don't have to point she knows when she MggMnv9FP40-00497-00111840-00111965 wouldn't she's not where she's supposed MggMnv9FP40-00498-00111966-00112135 to be she will look at me and tell me I MggMnv9FP40-00499-00112136-00112367 need to be right there and and that to MggMnv9FP40-00500-00112368-00112691 me identifying where you need to be is MggMnv9FP40-00501-00112692-00112940 one thing now putting herself there the MggMnv9FP40-00502-00112941-00113120 next time is a whole different story but MggMnv9FP40-00503-00113121-00113492 I'm so proud of what she does for Shaw MggMnv9FP40-00504-00113493-00113686 high school and and and the sports she MggMnv9FP40-00505-00113688-00113843 plays and the effort that she's given me MggMnv9FP40-00506-00113844-00114026 over now three and a half years it's MggMnv9FP40-00507-00114027-00114218 it's been a pleasure to be around her MggMnv9FP40-00508-00114219-00114281 all right MggMnv9FP40-00509-00114282-00114440 well let's talk with her then million MggMnv9FP40-00510-00114441-00114623 dollar woman who does everything MggMnv9FP40-00511-00114624-00114794 how are you grace MggMnv9FP40-00512-00114795-00114953 I'm doing wonderful so why don't you go MggMnv9FP40-00513-00114954-00115151 ahead and talk about your senior year MggMnv9FP40-00514-00115152-00115411 well it's busy it's definitely busy but MggMnv9FP40-00515-00115413-00115625 that's what makes it fun you're only in MggMnv9FP40-00516-00115626-00115772 high school for four years so you might MggMnv9FP40-00517-00115773-00115933 as well do everything you can while you MggMnv9FP40-00518-00115934-00116228 are in high school is that why you apply MggMnv9FP40-00519-00116229-00116381 all three sports like in the fall you do MggMnv9FP40-00520-00116382-00116705 too and I'm not trying to be joking I'd MggMnv9FP40-00521-00116706-00116876 say that is that why don't you just want MggMnv9FP40-00522-00116877-00117023 to have fun and just do anything you can MggMnv9FP40-00523-00117024-00117257 well I ran cross-country and played MggMnv9FP40-00524-00117258-00117473 volleyball my freshman year that's when MggMnv9FP40-00525-00117474-00117626 I started I was the first year I've ever MggMnv9FP40-00526-00117627-00117827 played a volleyball and then I didn't MggMnv9FP40-00527-00117828-00117974 play soccer too my junior year because MggMnv9FP40-00528-00117975-00118183 they didn't have a girl soccer team and MggMnv9FP40-00529-00118184-00118360 I was kind of like I'm not gonna play MggMnv9FP40-00530-00118361-00118577 that much and then last year my brother MggMnv9FP40-00531-00118578-00118754 was a freshman so I was like we'll both MggMnv9FP40-00532-00118755-00118907 play together it'll get him a good MggMnv9FP40-00533-00118908-00119156 chance to play so that's when I started MggMnv9FP40-00534-00119157-00119455 doing three how do you enjoy that I MggMnv9FP40-00535-00119456-00119696 honestly love it it's always you're MggMnv9FP40-00536-00119697-00119906 always doing something and this is the MggMnv9FP40-00537-00119907-00120143 best of my grades are during the fall MggMnv9FP40-00538-00120144-00120404 because I have to manage my time so well MggMnv9FP40-00539-00120405-00120620 okay so in this in the winter you're I MggMnv9FP40-00540-00120621-00121483 can't I'll have to do this well and you MggMnv9FP40-00541-00121484-00121655 talk about this and you know you've MggMnv9FP40-00542-00121656-00121786 played volleyball now for four years MggMnv9FP40-00543-00121788-00121960 what's it been like playing for Tim for MggMnv9FP40-00544-00121961-00122189 four years it's so much fun like you MggMnv9FP40-00545-00122190-00122390 every year there's a new set of freshmen MggMnv9FP40-00546-00122391-00122576 and you just learn to grow with them MggMnv9FP40-00547-00122577-00122729 people that you've never thought you'd MggMnv9FP40-00548-00122730-00122903 be friends with you're best friends with MggMnv9FP40-00549-00122904-00123176 like you guys views become a family talk MggMnv9FP40-00550-00123177-00123338 about the you know we've talked about MggMnv9FP40-00551-00123339-00123575 camaraderie and the relationship what's MggMnv9FP40-00552-00123576-00123689 your relationship work with the rest of MggMnv9FP40-00553-00123690-00123934 the team well we all get mad each other MggMnv9FP40-00554-00123935-00124186 and we all yell each other sometimes but MggMnv9FP40-00555-00124188-00124292 then at the end of the day we're all MggMnv9FP40-00556-00124293-00124496 best friends were like sisters to each MggMnv9FP40-00557-00124497-00124664 other like I'd do anything for these MggMnv9FP40-00558-00124665-00125033 girls and you mentioned as a senior MggMnv9FP40-00559-00125033-00125258 you're the lone one how often do you MggMnv9FP40-00560-00125258-00125483 step in and tell the freshmen hey do MggMnv9FP40-00561-00125483-00125702 this that way Tim not enough to step in MggMnv9FP40-00562-00125703-00125924 I told probably a couple of times a game MggMnv9FP40-00563-00125925-00126160 I try to do it as nice as I can and I'm MggMnv9FP40-00564-00126161-00126358 like I don't mean to be mean like it's MggMnv9FP40-00565-00126359-00126503 just how I'm coming off right now like MggMnv9FP40-00566-00126504-00126611 so MggMnv9FP40-00567-00126613-00126819 I kind of always kind of just step in MggMnv9FP40-00568-00126820-00126981 and be like you just take a step forward MggMnv9FP40-00569-00126982-00127239 or don't breach like things I did as a MggMnv9FP40-00570-00127240-00127464 freshman do what are some of the you MggMnv9FP40-00571-00127465-00127665 have a couple weeks left here in the MggMnv9FP40-00572-00127666-00127797 season hopefully more than maybe a MggMnv9FP40-00573-00127798-00127905 couple weeks depending on what happens MggMnv9FP40-00574-00127906-00128043 in the sectional what are some of the MggMnv9FP40-00575-00128044-00128309 goals you have left in the season just MggMnv9FP40-00576-00128310-00128486 to give it all that we've got and to MggMnv9FP40-00577-00128488-00128786 finish the Year Strong we might not win MggMnv9FP40-00578-00128788-00128928 sectional it would be great if we did MggMnv9FP40-00579-00128929-00129158 but just if we go out and play with MggMnv9FP40-00580-00129159-00129321 everything we have and put everything MggMnv9FP40-00581-00129322-00129584 into it your senior where you gonna be MggMnv9FP40-00582-00129585-00129681 heading to school or where you looking MggMnv9FP40-00583-00129682-00129977 at I have I'm looking at Montana State MggMnv9FP40-00584-00129978-00130409 UK Purdue and maybe Ohio State and I MggMnv9FP40-00585-00130410-00130596 want a major in animal science with the MggMnv9FP40-00586-00130597-00130773 pre-med focus okay you have three of MggMnv9FP40-00587-00130774-00130958 those schools that are in this area and MggMnv9FP40-00588-00130959-00131292 then you have this school which has the MggMnv9FP40-00589-00131293-00131697 population of that barn out there so why MggMnv9FP40-00590-00131698-00131988 are you why is that school possible well MggMnv9FP40-00591-00131989-00132165 it kind of popped up one day and I was MggMnv9FP40-00592-00132166-00132291 looking into it and I went and visited MggMnv9FP40-00593-00132292-00132531 in May and it's absolutely beautiful I MggMnv9FP40-00594-00132532-00132720 love the campus I love everything about MggMnv9FP40-00595-00132721-00132756 it MggMnv9FP40-00596-00132757-00133071 it's just it's far yes it is and not MggMnv9FP40-00597-00133072-00133437 much there all right well grace best of MggMnv9FP40-00598-00133438-00133560 luck to you okay thank you MggMnv9FP40-00599-00133561-00133899 all right greats McAllister and Tim now MggMnv9FP40-00600-00133900-00134135 we're gonna be talking with a junior and MggMnv9FP40-00601-00134136-00134388 young lady also multi-sport athlete but MggMnv9FP40-00602-00134389-00134616 she does just one sport all right that's MggMnv9FP40-00603-00134617-00134829 right she only does one and that's MggMnv9FP40-00604-00134830-00135036 volleyball and I want to go back to MggMnv9FP40-00605-00135037-00135207 grace one more time because we talked MggMnv9FP40-00606-00135208-00135345 about her three sports but one of the MggMnv9FP40-00607-00135346-00135594 things that you may not know is that her MggMnv9FP40-00608-00135595-00135840 family owns a farm so when she's not MggMnv9FP40-00609-00135841-00136158 busy playing she's farming with her MggMnv9FP40-00610-00136159-00136539 parents so she stays really busy so it's MggMnv9FP40-00611-00136540-00136686 not like she goes home on the weekend MggMnv9FP40-00612-00136687-00136800 and just laze around and does nothing MggMnv9FP40-00613-00136801-00136974 she has farm work to doing chores too MggMnv9FP40-00614-00136975-00137139 there so I couldn't do it do you have a MggMnv9FP40-00615-00137140-00137439 life grace MggMnv9FP40-00616-00137440-00137790 but Abigail again she's our jr. one of MggMnv9FP40-00617-00137791-00137982 our - Phoebe grody is our other junior MggMnv9FP40-00618-00137983-00138159 again she's taken the SAT this morning MggMnv9FP40-00619-00138160-00138540 but but these two they have done a great MggMnv9FP40-00620-00138541-00138888 job coming in and playing and I'm gonna MggMnv9FP40-00621-00138889-00139107 mention Phoebe real quick she led us in MggMnv9FP40-00622-00139108-00139323 serving last year for freshman year a MggMnv9FP40-00623-00139324-00139518 couple of years ago I wouldn't let her MggMnv9FP40-00624-00139519-00139674 serve because she couldn't get the ball MggMnv9FP40-00625-00139675-00139803 over the net and then she comes in her MggMnv9FP40-00626-00139804-00139944 sophomore year and Lisa since serving MggMnv9FP40-00627-00139945-00140079 and I think that's a testament to her MggMnv9FP40-00628-00140080-00140376 work ethic on on trying to learn and MggMnv9FP40-00629-00140377-00140550 understand the game MggMnv9FP40-00630-00140551-00140879 she's our libero our back row specialist MggMnv9FP40-00631-00140880-00141111 and again she's done a nice job so you MggMnv9FP40-00632-00141112-00141270 got a ways to go before we get to where MggMnv9FP40-00633-00141271-00141629 we need to be but it'sit's a having her MggMnv9FP40-00634-00141630-00141858 as one of our three leaders is nice MggMnv9FP40-00635-00141859-00142077 because she can direct traffic on the MggMnv9FP40-00636-00142078-00142164 floor as well MggMnv9FP40-00637-00142165-00142460 Abigail again as I mentioned our setter MggMnv9FP40-00638-00142461-00142776 and it's it's been good at times and a MggMnv9FP40-00639-00142777-00143049 little bit of a struggle of time but but MggMnv9FP40-00640-00143050-00143454 she does work hard she understands where MggMnv9FP40-00641-00143455-00143658 she needs to be we've got things to MggMnv9FP40-00642-00143659-00143958 tweak with her that that will make her a MggMnv9FP40-00643-00143959-00144333 much better setter but you know she's MggMnv9FP40-00644-00144334-00144501 kind of like Grace if I ask her to drive MggMnv9FP40-00645-00144502-00144660 the bus she would she wouldn't she MggMnv9FP40-00646-00144661-00144939 wouldn't shy away from it and it's it's MggMnv9FP40-00647-00144940-00145224 nice to have kids that have multiple MggMnv9FP40-00648-00145225-00145466 talent and and have an open mind to do MggMnv9FP40-00649-00145467-00145647 that sometimes you talk to a kid about MggMnv9FP40-00650-00145648-00145875 what we need you to do this why can't MggMnv9FP40-00651-00145876-00146031 you know and I don't I don't think I MggMnv9FP40-00652-00146032-00146190 could tell either one of these two or MggMnv9FP40-00653-00146191-00146337 either one of the three upperclassmen MggMnv9FP40-00654-00146338-00146439 that I need them to do something they MggMnv9FP40-00655-00146440-00146688 tell me they couldn't do it they do MggMnv9FP40-00656-00146689-00146862 everything that the coach has asked them MggMnv9FP40-00657-00146863-00147123 to do and and they do it to the best of MggMnv9FP40-00658-00147124-00147341 their ability we're just not to that to MggMnv9FP40-00659-00147342-00147582 that point yet but we're working hard to MggMnv9FP40-00660-00147583-00148133 get there and we're let's now talk with MggMnv9FP40-00661-00148134-00148410 Abigail Gail good morning hello how are MggMnv9FP40-00662-00148411-00148902 you doing today so are you gonna drive MggMnv9FP40-00663-00148903-00149274 the bus now like Tim said you would do I MggMnv9FP40-00664-00149275-00149562 mean I was good but I don't know you're MggMnv9FP40-00665-00149563-00149798 probably right MggMnv9FP40-00666-00149799-00150113 okay well so your third year playing MggMnv9FP40-00667-00150114-00150161 volleyball MggMnv9FP40-00668-00150162-00150383 so you started here your first year was MggMnv9FP40-00669-00150384-00150526 Tim's first years that Coach talk about MggMnv9FP40-00670-00150527-00150701 what it's been like playing for him it's MggMnv9FP40-00671-00150702-00150944 been really fun we've obviously had her MggMnv9FP40-00672-00150945-00151211 ups and downs as he said but Tim he's MggMnv9FP40-00673-00151212-00151457 just a really good guy he's a really MggMnv9FP40-00674-00151458-00151649 good coach he's given me a lot of good MggMnv9FP40-00675-00151650-00151883 advice and I just love playing for him MggMnv9FP40-00676-00151884-00152113 he's the best good sometimes when he MggMnv9FP40-00677-00152114-00152249 gets upset he'll sometimes take it out MggMnv9FP40-00678-00152250-00152408 on his employees or so I've heard MggMnv9FP40-00679-00152409-00153241 and I don't know how I know that but you MggMnv9FP40-00680-00153242-00153415 know as a junior you are one of the MggMnv9FP40-00681-00153416-00153604 leaders aren't many upperclassmen this MggMnv9FP40-00682-00153605-00153848 year what is it like playing with so MggMnv9FP40-00683-00153849-00153995 many young people and freshmen and MggMnv9FP40-00684-00153996-00154574 sophomores it's difficult because we're MggMnv9FP40-00685-00154575-00154931 young and obviously the freshmen they MggMnv9FP40-00686-00154932-00155060 don't have a lot of experience with MggMnv9FP40-00687-00155061-00155353 varsity volleyball so and it's a much MggMnv9FP40-00688-00155354-00155531 different story between junior high and MggMnv9FP40-00689-00155532-00155771 varsity it just it just is and we're MggMnv9FP40-00690-00155772-00156056 young and we still need to work on MggMnv9FP40-00691-00156057-00156206 certain things and we're still getting MggMnv9FP40-00692-00156207-00156451 used to our rotation and where we need MggMnv9FP40-00693-00156452-00156829 to be so it's a difficult area your role MggMnv9FP40-00694-00156830-00157037 as a setter talk about what you've done MggMnv9FP40-00695-00157038-00157484 this year well I have to be in the MggMnv9FP40-00696-00157485-00157721 middle front all the time no matter what MggMnv9FP40-00697-00157722-00157966 I have to get the second ball unless you MggMnv9FP40-00698-00157967-00158159 know it's five miles away from me and I MggMnv9FP40-00699-00158160-00158518 can't get it but I try to MggMnv9FP40-00700-00158519-00158818 the hitters as much as I can so we can MggMnv9FP40-00701-00158819-00159048 get an opportunity to potentially win MggMnv9FP40-00702-00159049-00159276 the point but it doesn't always work MggMnv9FP40-00703-00159277-00159568 that way we just got to get a good pass MggMnv9FP40-00704-00159569-00159765 and I got to get a good set and we can MggMnv9FP40-00705-00159766-00160077 work with it you've got this week left MggMnv9FP40-00706-00160078-00160243 of the regular season obviously you'll MggMnv9FP40-00707-00160244-00160437 know about your sectional and Sunday MggMnv9FP40-00708-00160438-00160590 night talk about your final week and MggMnv9FP40-00709-00160591-00160870 then heading into the sectional well we MggMnv9FP40-00710-00160871-00161097 play Madison on Monday so I think that MggMnv9FP40-00711-00161098-00161364 will be a little difficult just MggMnv9FP40-00712-00161365-00162036 considering and then our sectional we I MggMnv9FP40-00713-00162037-00162234 think three get moved up in the MggMnv9FP40-00714-00162235-00163251 sectional we have more difficult teams MggMnv9FP40-00715-00163252-00163539 in our sectional so that we just got to MggMnv9FP40-00716-00163540-00163740 give it all we got and I'm really sad MggMnv9FP40-00717-00163741-00163950 this is the last week because I really MggMnv9FP40-00718-00163951-00164250 love this sport and I'm gonna miss it so MggMnv9FP40-00719-00164251-00164460 yeah we do other sports as well at other MggMnv9FP40-00720-00164461-00164644 sports do us I play basketball and MggMnv9FP40-00721-00164645-00164904 tennis so you don't see you don't get MggMnv9FP40-00722-00164905-00165048 much of an offseason you go from one MggMnv9FP40-00723-00165049-00165256 sport right to another yeah talk about MggMnv9FP40-00724-00165257-00165513 what that how that affects your school MggMnv9FP40-00725-00165514-00165864 and just your life isn't as a whole it MggMnv9FP40-00726-00165865-00166104 keeps me busy but it also teaches me MggMnv9FP40-00727-00166105-00166369 time management skills because you gotta MggMnv9FP40-00728-00166370-00166539 you have to fit in time for your MggMnv9FP40-00729-00166540-00166803 schoolwork and got to keep your grades MggMnv9FP40-00730-00166804-00167175 up and it's it teaches you really good MggMnv9FP40-00731-00167176-00167550 time management skills and yeah well I'm MggMnv9FP40-00732-00167551-00169215 not gonna ask you about all right Tim as MggMnv9FP40-00733-00169216-00169379 we get ready to wrap up the show here MggMnv9FP40-00734-00169380-00169681 fun group of girls yeah they are they MggMnv9FP40-00735-00169682-00169950 are a very unique group they're a fun MggMnv9FP40-00736-00169951-00170336 group you know and as I said earlier MggMnv9FP40-00737-00170337-00170628 we've got eight freshmen and Gail MggMnv9FP40-00738-00170629-00170796 mentioned it's kind of frustrating at MggMnv9FP40-00739-00170797-00171003 times because we've got five of those MggMnv9FP40-00740-00171004-00171198 eight to play some significant varsity MggMnv9FP40-00741-00171199-00171716 minutes are points for us so it's it's a MggMnv9FP40-00742-00171717-00172107 it's a learning curve for everybody it's MggMnv9FP40-00743-00172108-00172428 a it's a patient learning curve and MggMnv9FP40-00744-00172429-00172659 sometimes that's as difficult does MggMnv9FP40-00745-00172660-00172819 anything you've ever done is to be MggMnv9FP40-00746-00172820-00173182 patient but it is what it is and again MggMnv9FP40-00747-00173183-00173337 every coach in America wants their kids MggMnv9FP40-00748-00173338-00173565 to accelerate their their ability a MggMnv9FP40-00749-00173566-00173754 whole lot faster than what it is but MggMnv9FP40-00750-00173755-00174003 when you're dealing with you know 14 15 MggMnv9FP40-00751-00174004-00174234 16 year-old high school kids it's got to MggMnv9FP40-00752-00174235-00174363 come at the pace that it has to count MggMnv9FP40-00753-00174364-00174564 and they're so easy to do with I'm sure MggMnv9FP40-00754-00174565-00175069 right they again they are a fun group to MggMnv9FP40-00755-00175070-00175420 be around all the time no I mean it's MggMnv9FP40-00756-00175421-00175650 just it's kind of like kind of like your MggMnv9FP40-00757-00175651-00175785 family you know you love your family to MggMnv9FP40-00758-00175786-00175996 death but you know sometimes too much MggMnv9FP40-00759-00175997-00176194 time with them can be too much so you MggMnv9FP40-00760-00176195-00176421 know these this group is is a good group MggMnv9FP40-00761-00176422-00176746 to be around if we if we can just get a MggMnv9FP40-00762-00176747-00176896 little more focused I think we'll be a MggMnv9FP40-00763-00176897-00177249 lot better and we can just you know MggMnv9FP40-00764-00177250-00177462 challenging them to change some of the MggMnv9FP40-00765-00177463-00177698 things that they do has been a challenge MggMnv9FP40-00766-00177699-00177943 but if we can get them to do that and MggMnv9FP40-00767-00177944-00178128 just change some of the mentality and MggMnv9FP40-00768-00178129-00178257 that's what we've got to really work MggMnv9FP40-00769-00178258-00178449 hard on the last couple of weeks is it's MggMnv9FP40-00770-00178450-00178665 changing our mentality and accepting MggMnv9FP40-00771-00178666-00178878 some of those things outside the box MggMnv9FP40-00772-00178879-00179103 that we have right now we've always done MggMnv9FP40-00773-00179104-00179229 it this way so this is the way I always MggMnv9FP40-00774-00179230-00179460 know how to do it you know what we may MggMnv9FP40-00775-00179461-00179593 need to change it to do something MggMnv9FP40-00776-00179594-00179751 different to make us more successful and MggMnv9FP40-00777-00179752-00180046 getting outside that comfort zone a lot MggMnv9FP40-00778-00180047-00180315 for these kids has been very challenging MggMnv9FP40-00779-00180316-00180513 excellent well Timmy tee and I MggMnv9FP40-00780-00180514-00180681 appreciate you joining me this morning MggMnv9FP40-00781-00180682-00181029 and best of luck in this final week I MggMnv9FP40-00782-00181030-00181201 know you have three game three matches MggMnv9FP40-00783-00181202-00181343 this week and then sectionals so best of MggMnv9FP40-00784-00181344-00181471 luck to you alright thanks appreciate a MggMnv9FP40-00785-00181472-00181683 rather be on that side of the table MggMnv9FP40-00786-00181684-00181828 thanks Jordan MggMnv9FP40-00787-00181829-00181945 well maybe you can do that again next MggMnv9FP40-00788-00181946-00182179 week all right well thank you very much MggMnv9FP40-00789-00182180-00182350 Tim towards Sean Paul evolving very much MggMnv9FP40-00790-00182351-00182545 two greats McAllister Abigail Hill I MggMnv9FP40-00791-00182546-00182695 don't know the name of you young that's MggMnv9FP40-00792-00182696-00182957 Laura Noble oh hi Lauren well thank you MggMnv9FP40-00793-00182958-00183178 for showing up as well so big gal for MggMnv9FP40-00794-00183179-00183298 joining us this morning we're gonna step MggMnv9FP40-00795-00183299-00183431 away we'll get one more break in and MggMnv9FP40-00796-00183432-00183565 send it back to the best Friday music MggMnv9FP40-00797-00183566-00183758 this has been Coach's Corner live for MggMnv9FP40-00798-00183759-00183934 the McDonald's on Madison's hilltop here MggMnv9FP40-00799-00183935-00184570 on works 96 7 a routine is a good thing MggMnv9FP40-00800-00184571-00184960 to have and sometimes a routine is a MggMnv9FP40-00801-00184961-00185374 good thing to break start your morning MggMnv9FP40-00802-00185375-00185575 at McDonald's with a hot savory MggMnv9FP40-00803-00185576-00185779 breakfast prepared fresh every morning MggMnv9FP40-00804-00185780-00185983 like a sausage McMuffin with egg or MggMnv9FP40-00805-00185984-00186172 bacon egg and cheese biscuit that you MggMnv9FP40-00806-00186173-00186358 can now mix and match for just four MggMnv9FP40-00807-00186359-00186593 bucks until 11:00 a.m. because if you MggMnv9FP40-00808-00186594-00186763 don't deserve a morning that's a little MggMnv9FP40-00809-00186764-00187008 easier and a lot tastier who does MgGT-__0EXY-00000-00000000-00000305 this is Central Coast Health where you MgGT-__0EXY-00001-00000306-00000539 can find your place and opportunities at MgGT-__0EXY-00002-00000540-00000821 your fingertips here you're a vital part MgGT-__0EXY-00003-00000822-00001073 of a community a community where you can MgGT-__0EXY-00004-00001074-00001289 make a difference because every day MgGT-__0EXY-00005-00001290-00001474 you're helping keep the Central Coast MgGT-__0EXY-00006-00001475-00001763 safe and well here you'll be supported MgGT-__0EXY-00007-00001764-00002009 to learn to build your career and do MgGT-__0EXY-00008-00002010-00002225 what you're passionate about you'll find MgGT-__0EXY-00009-00002226-00002500 a place where curiosity is nurtured and MgGT-__0EXY-00010-00002501-00002675 Innovation is at the heart of everything MgGT-__0EXY-00011-00002676-00002926 we do and what's more you'll feel MgGT-__0EXY-00012-00002927-00003160 inspired because the facilities are MgGT-__0EXY-00013-00003161-00003413 world class and our people are shaping MgGT-__0EXY-00014-00003414-00003713 the future of healthcare here being part MgGT-__0EXY-00015-00003714-00003988 of a team feels more like family that's MgGT-__0EXY-00016-00003989-00004211 because we care about our patients but MgGT-__0EXY-00017-00004212-00004469 we care about our people too this means MgGT-__0EXY-00018-00004470-00004756 you'll feel supported and valued it also MgGT-__0EXY-00019-00004757-00004954 means you'll have time to spend with MgGT-__0EXY-00020-00004955-00005243 your family your friends and time to do MgGT-__0EXY-00021-00005244-00005452 what's important to you whether it's MgGT-__0EXY-00022-00005453-00005693 getting out and finding an adventure or MgGT-__0EXY-00023-00005694-00005933 relaxing and taking it slow you'll MgGT-__0EXY-00024-00005934-00006154 discover the life style is yours for the MgGT-__0EXY-00025-00006155-00006377 taking and the opportunities are waiting MgGT-__0EXY-00026-00006378-00006854 Central Coast Health find your place MgbyN6vTdZ4-00000-00005939-00006256 check out the latest issue of vagabond MgbyN6vTdZ4-00001-00006257-00006509 travel photography magazine with MgbyN6vTdZ4-00002-00006509-00006755 pictures of the Dalai Lama in India and MgbyN6vTdZ4-00003-00006756-00006995 Ladakh in the Himalayas the link is MgbyN6vTdZ4-00004-00006995-00007217 below MiW-2Er8hc4-00000-00000017-00000422 next I would like to invite dr. Jonghyun MiW-2Er8hc4-00001-00000423-00000638 all the way from America and George MiW-2Er8hc4-00002-00000639-00000802 Mason University who will talk to us MiW-2Er8hc4-00003-00000803-00002365 about big data as a barrier to entry MiW-2Er8hc4-00004-00002366-00002642 Thank You Ollie and thank you everybody MiW-2Er8hc4-00005-00002643-00002858 here and it's just a pleasure to be here MiW-2Er8hc4-00006-00002859-00003023 in Latvian it's a wonderful country so MiW-2Er8hc4-00007-00003024-00003158 far in few the few days that I've been MiW-2Er8hc4-00008-00003159-00003490 here so I'm gonna go quickly I don't MiW-2Er8hc4-00009-00003492-00003622 have as long as Christian I don't know MiW-2Er8hc4-00010-00003623-00003854 how that worked out but I have 20 MiW-2Er8hc4-00011-00003854-00004072 minutes so I really want to go through MiW-2Er8hc4-00012-00004073-00004295 the process of how to think about big MiW-2Er8hc4-00013-00004296-00004554 data in the context of competition law MiW-2Er8hc4-00014-00004555-00004958 and the economics of that and so first MiW-2Er8hc4-00015-00004959-00005195 of all how do we use data and the term MiW-2Er8hc4-00016-00005196-00005422 Big Data unfortunately has taken a life MiW-2Er8hc4-00017-00005423-00005501 of its own MiW-2Er8hc4-00018-00005502-00005738 it's when we hear it we immediately MiW-2Er8hc4-00019-00005739-00005929 start thinking of certain concepts and MiW-2Er8hc4-00020-00005930-00006140 maybe even if it's nefarious and it's MiW-2Er8hc4-00021-00006141-00006383 bad but at its heart big data is a lot MiW-2Er8hc4-00022-00006384-00006569 of data and what is data in of itself MiW-2Er8hc4-00023-00006570-00006878 it's facts and statistics we use to make MiW-2Er8hc4-00024-00006879-00007133 decisions analysis and the way that we MiW-2Er8hc4-00025-00007134-00007298 use it in their competition context is MiW-2Er8hc4-00026-00007298-00007534 that firms we assume are maximizing MiW-2Er8hc4-00027-00007536-00007748 profits and profits are based on a MiW-2Er8hc4-00028-00007748-00007948 number of factors primarily price and MiW-2Er8hc4-00029-00007950-00008156 quantity but also the quality of your MiW-2Er8hc4-00030-00008156-00008363 product the level of innovation and the MiW-2Er8hc4-00031-00008364-00008582 cost structure that you can have so to MiW-2Er8hc4-00032-00008583-00008807 the extent that firms can use data to MiW-2Er8hc4-00033-00008808-00009026 improve those elements improving their MiW-2Er8hc4-00034-00009027-00009346 profitability which in turn improves MiW-2Er8hc4-00035-00009347-00009517 their their consumer surplus and MiW-2Er8hc4-00036-00009518-00009758 consumer valuation then that can be a MiW-2Er8hc4-00037-00009759-00010003 very good thing and so data can be very MiW-2Er8hc4-00038-00010004-00010210 good and firms can use it in positive MiW-2Er8hc4-00039-00010211-00010433 ways of course not always positive but MiW-2Er8hc4-00040-00010434-00010706 that's the the central idea so I want to MiW-2Er8hc4-00041-00010707-00010888 start with not so big data let's go back MiW-2Er8hc4-00042-00010889-00011110 to an era that's outside of the current MiW-2Er8hc4-00043-00011111-00011467 era of internet and I want to talk about MiW-2Er8hc4-00044-00011468-00011713 a and P I don't know if you guys have MiW-2Er8hc4-00045-00011714-00011933 heard of this grocery change if you're MiW-2Er8hc4-00046-00011934-00012083 if you're really young you probably MiW-2Er8hc4-00047-00012084-00012403 haven't but it's the great Atlantic MiW-2Er8hc4-00048-00012404-00012685 Pacific and T Company which was from MiW-2Er8hc4-00049-00012686-00013105 1915 to 1975 was the dominant MiW-2Er8hc4-00050-00013106-00013296 supermarket chain in the MiW-2Er8hc4-00051-00013297-00013650 it was the Amazon and Walmart of its age MiW-2Er8hc4-00052-00013651-00013890 and I want to give you a quote from from MiW-2Er8hc4-00053-00013891-00014069 URIs and nectar line who did some MiW-2Er8hc4-00054-00014071-00014385 research on an PMP grocery chain was a MiW-2Er8hc4-00055-00014386-00014580 vertically integrated retailer that made MiW-2Er8hc4-00056-00014581-00014790 use of unprecedented scale and MiW-2Er8hc4-00057-00014791-00015009 innovation to offer consumers a wider MiW-2Er8hc4-00058-00015010-00015263 range of products than the competition MiW-2Er8hc4-00059-00015265-00015569 at lower prices so its success was MiW-2Er8hc4-00060-00015571-00015909 primarily due to four key factors the MiW-2Er8hc4-00061-00015910-00016122 first was it was vertically integrated MiW-2Er8hc4-00062-00016122-00016284 in its own distribution it owned its MiW-2Er8hc4-00063-00016285-00016464 distribution which was very different MiW-2Er8hc4-00064-00016465-00016809 for its time the second it want very MiW-2Er8hc4-00065-00016810-00016998 deep discounts from wholesalers and MiW-2Er8hc4-00066-00016999-00017205 we'll see that this actually got them in MiW-2Er8hc4-00067-00017206-00017499 trouble very similar to Walmart today MiW-2Er8hc4-00068-00017500-00017796 they source their products at a very MiW-2Er8hc4-00069-00017797-00018042 aggressively low price which then they MiW-2Er8hc4-00070-00018043-00018227 in turn pass on to their consumers MiW-2Er8hc4-00071-00018228-00018435 number three is also vertically MiW-2Er8hc4-00072-00018436-00018624 integration but this is in food MiW-2Er8hc4-00073-00018625-00018861 production not only they own their MiW-2Er8hc4-00074-00018862-00019029 distribution networks but they actually MiW-2Er8hc4-00075-00019030-00019323 made their own food and products which MiW-2Er8hc4-00076-00019324-00019608 at that time was revolutionary and MiW-2Er8hc4-00077-00019609-00019836 number four and relevant for today is MiW-2Er8hc4-00078-00019837-00020115 how they use data they were one of the MiW-2Er8hc4-00079-00020116-00020408 first to use data in a way to really MiW-2Er8hc4-00080-00020409-00020718 improve their products see how customers MiW-2Er8hc4-00081-00020719-00020964 were responding to prices and quality MiW-2Er8hc4-00082-00020965-00021201 offerings and made adjustments based off MiW-2Er8hc4-00083-00021202-00021419 that let me again give you a quote from MiW-2Er8hc4-00084-00021420-00021597 URIs and nectar line that really MiW-2Er8hc4-00085-00021598-00021780 highlights how they use big data which MiW-2Er8hc4-00086-00021781-00021948 is a little bit different from how we MiW-2Er8hc4-00087-00021949-00022169 think of big data today but at the time MiW-2Er8hc4-00088-00022170-00022431 it was big data ampie use such data to MiW-2Er8hc4-00089-00022432-00022644 meet previously unrecognized regional MiW-2Er8hc4-00090-00022645-00022878 preferences Philadelphians had found MiW-2Er8hc4-00091-00022879-00023064 like they're butter lightly salted with MiW-2Er8hc4-00092-00023065-00023313 light straw color where's New Englanders MiW-2Er8hc4-00093-00023314-00023565 preferred more salt and a deeper yellow MiW-2Er8hc4-00094-00023566-00023922 coloration and the company's massive MiW-2Er8hc4-00095-00023923-00024147 sales data allowed a mp's bakeries to MiW-2Er8hc4-00096-00024148-00024309 forecast demand with a high degree of MiW-2Er8hc4-00097-00024310-00024588 accuracy minimizing returns of stale MiW-2Er8hc4-00098-00024589-00024786 bread and doughnuts and thus reducing MiW-2Er8hc4-00099-00024787-00025130 costs and ultimately retail prices so MiW-2Er8hc4-00100-00025131-00025455 getting big data and improving bread and MiW-2Er8hc4-00101-00025456-00025672 butter literally their bread and butter MiW-2Er8hc4-00102-00025673-00026031 was part of the ANP strategy I don't MiW-2Er8hc4-00103-00026032-00026238 know if you guys have that term here MiW-2Er8hc4-00104-00026239-00026523 bread and butter in the u.s. that means MiW-2Er8hc4-00105-00026524-00026631 what you're really good at so MiW-2Er8hc4-00106-00026632-00026775 was literally what they were good at so MiW-2Er8hc4-00107-00026776-00027129 that was kind of a fun example but this MiW-2Er8hc4-00108-00027130-00027510 created backlash in the US they MiW-2Er8hc4-00109-00027511-00027683 instituted a number of things that MiW-2Er8hc4-00110-00027685-00028002 actually went after a MP and their model MiW-2Er8hc4-00111-00028002-00028289 the first was state and federal taxes MiW-2Er8hc4-00112-00028291-00028641 were passed specifically against retail MiW-2Er8hc4-00113-00028642-00028998 chains like a MP but exempted local MiW-2Er8hc4-00114-00028999-00029325 chains or local stores that didn't have MiW-2Er8hc4-00115-00029326-00029508 the same model so they were increasing MiW-2Er8hc4-00116-00029508-00029760 their costs based on this to help other MiW-2Er8hc4-00117-00029761-00030039 competitors they also passed what is MiW-2Er8hc4-00118-00030039-00030282 still with us today in the u.s. in 1936 MiW-2Er8hc4-00119-00030283-00030489 the robinson-patman Act and what this MiW-2Er8hc4-00120-00030489-00030882 did is it it made it illegal to price MiW-2Er8hc4-00121-00030883-00031172 discriminate and what this means is that MiW-2Er8hc4-00122-00031173-00031530 wholesalers who gave a MP a better price MiW-2Er8hc4-00123-00031531-00031808 it was deemed to be illegal you had to MiW-2Er8hc4-00124-00031810-00032112 give everybody that lower price or you MiW-2Er8hc4-00125-00032113-00032418 don't give anybody that lower price and MiW-2Er8hc4-00126-00032419-00032694 it's still in the books today but it's MiW-2Er8hc4-00127-00032695-00032934 completely neglected in the u.s. price MiW-2Er8hc4-00128-00032935-00033159 discrimination is a phenomenon that MiW-2Er8hc4-00129-00033160-00033414 occurs every day in the US and it's not MiW-2Er8hc4-00130-00033415-00033639 illegal even though on the books it MiW-2Er8hc4-00131-00033640-00033879 technically is according to the Robinson MiW-2Er8hc4-00132-00033880-00034080 Patman now but that was passed MiW-2Er8hc4-00133-00034081-00034329 specifically to address and peace more MiW-2Er8hc4-00134-00034330-00034602 aggressive wholesale prices and and MiW-2Er8hc4-00135-00034603-00034875 finally the Sherman Act which is the MiW-2Er8hc4-00136-00034876-00035106 primary act along with the Clayton and MiW-2Er8hc4-00137-00035107-00035331 FTC acts in the u.s. that governs MiW-2Er8hc4-00138-00035332-00035649 antitrust the Department of Justice MiW-2Er8hc4-00139-00035650-00035844 brought a criminal case against the MiW-2Er8hc4-00140-00035845-00036183 executives for various anti-competitive MiW-2Er8hc4-00141-00036184-00036450 practices and they even contemplated MiW-2Er8hc4-00142-00036451-00036729 breaking up and P now the administration MiW-2Er8hc4-00143-00036730-00036966 changed and and the case eventually lost MiW-2Er8hc4-00144-00036967-00037203 steam even though the DOJ won at the MiW-2Er8hc4-00145-00037204-00037401 district ended and the appeals court MiW-2Er8hc4-00146-00037402-00037635 level they finally made a consent that MiW-2Er8hc4-00147-00037636-00037896 wasn't very very strong but ultimately MiW-2Er8hc4-00148-00037897-00038196 that really did hamper the company and MiW-2Er8hc4-00149-00038197-00038418 it started their slow decline pretty MiW-2Er8hc4-00150-00038419-00038583 much soon after all these changes were MiW-2Er8hc4-00151-00038584-00039051 made so why do I start with that why why MiW-2Er8hc4-00152-00039052-00039225 am i talking about a MP when we're MiW-2Er8hc4-00153-00039226-00039363 probably more interested in big data MiW-2Er8hc4-00154-00039364-00039672 maybe we're interested in AP but here's MiW-2Er8hc4-00155-00039673-00039936 something from the Economist MiW-2Er8hc4-00156-00039937-00040155 an article they wrote the Internet MiW-2Er8hc4-00157-00040156-00040470 tightens alphabet which is Google Amazon MiW-2Er8hc4-00158-00040471-00040710 Apple Facebook and Microsoft look MiW-2Er8hc4-00159-00040711-00040953 unstoppable old ways of thinking about MiW-2Er8hc4-00160-00040954-00041207 competition divides in the era of oil MiW-2Er8hc4-00161-00041208-00041540 look outdated in what has come to be MiW-2Er8hc4-00162-00041541-00041784 called the data economy a new approach MiW-2Er8hc4-00163-00041785-00042345 is needed so ok do we need a new MiW-2Er8hc4-00164-00042346-00042746 approach because these firms in addition MiW-2Er8hc4-00165-00042747-00042924 to other things own a lot of big data MiW-2Er8hc4-00166-00042925-00043158 well we've talked about what big data is MiW-2Er8hc4-00167-00043159-00043434 others have addressed it it's really the MiW-2Er8hc4-00168-00043435-00043824 volume the depth and the detail of the MiW-2Er8hc4-00169-00043825-00044012 data has changed since the ANP times MiW-2Er8hc4-00170-00044013-00044070 right MiW-2Er8hc4-00171-00044071-00044343 so that's what's the big difference in MiW-2Er8hc4-00172-00044344-00044685 addition it's how we analyze that data MiW-2Er8hc4-00173-00044686-00045027 and our ability to unlock value from MiW-2Er8hc4-00174-00045028-00045296 that data and the tools we use is also MiW-2Er8hc4-00175-00045297-00045665 different and before I want to go on I MiW-2Er8hc4-00176-00045666-00046011 do want to say small differences in MiW-2Er8hc4-00177-00046012-00046425 firm's abilities to unlock and extract MiW-2Er8hc4-00178-00046426-00046752 value from data can create very long MiW-2Er8hc4-00179-00046753-00047001 competitive distances over time so what MiW-2Er8hc4-00180-00047002-00047190 do I mean by that let me just throw up a MiW-2Er8hc4-00181-00047191-00047706 brief graph here so let me explain this MiW-2Er8hc4-00182-00047707-00047982 this is let's say you are improving your MiW-2Er8hc4-00183-00047983-00048287 product at a 1% rate and this shows you MiW-2Er8hc4-00184-00048288-00048639 after five years 10 years and 15 years 5 MiW-2Er8hc4-00185-00048640-00048969 10 and 50 so let's say that you MiW-2Er8hc4-00186-00048970-00049077 personally are improving your MiW-2Er8hc4-00187-00049078-00049419 intellectual capital 1% each year well MiW-2Er8hc4-00188-00049420-00049656 after 15 years you're going to be 22 MiW-2Er8hc4-00189-00049657-00049854 percent better which is great and that's MiW-2Er8hc4-00190-00049855-00050085 why we learn if we try to improve MiW-2Er8hc4-00191-00050086-00050280 ourself because over time we hopefully MiW-2Er8hc4-00192-00050281-00050565 are getting better and ours let's say MiW-2Er8hc4-00193-00050566-00050756 that you have a 5 percent growth rate MiW-2Er8hc4-00194-00050757-00051006 right you're improving yourself or your MiW-2Er8hc4-00195-00051007-00051219 product or your profits at a five MiW-2Er8hc4-00196-00051220-00051521 percent rate which is obviously a lot MiW-2Er8hc4-00197-00051522-00051789 more than one but it's not a crazy MiW-2Er8hc4-00198-00051790-00052014 difference you can see that you're MiW-2Er8hc4-00199-00052015-00052232 starting to really unlock value over MiW-2Er8hc4-00200-00052233-00052596 time let me just point you to a 15 MiW-2Er8hc4-00201-00052597-00052803 percent growth rate so you are 15 MiW-2Er8hc4-00202-00052804-00052978 percent better than your competitor MiW-2Er8hc4-00203-00052979-00053343 at unlocking value from data you can see MiW-2Er8hc4-00204-00053344-00053584 that over time your competitive distance MiW-2Er8hc4-00205-00053585-00053824 is going to grow exponentially and the MiW-2Er8hc4-00206-00053825-00054022 reason why I Ellis trait this is because MiW-2Er8hc4-00207-00054023-00054318 very small differences in how firms can MiW-2Er8hc4-00208-00054319-00054712 unlock and extract value from data over MiW-2Er8hc4-00209-00054713-00055000 a number of years will turn out to be MiW-2Er8hc4-00210-00055001-00055246 firms are very large and you have very MiW-2Er8hc4-00211-00055247-00055459 small companies even if they started in MiW-2Er8hc4-00212-00055460-00055900 a very similar place I emphasize that MiW-2Er8hc4-00213-00055901-00056116 because I think someone mentioned MiW-2Er8hc4-00214-00056116-00056350 earlier how there's data available but MiW-2Er8hc4-00215-00056351-00056566 sometimes state governments as well as MiW-2Er8hc4-00216-00056566-00056742 firms don't quite know what to do with MiW-2Er8hc4-00217-00056744-00056953 it and so McKinsey and company they did MiW-2Er8hc4-00218-00056954-00057154 some research looking through various MiW-2Er8hc4-00219-00057154-00057448 industries and firms about their ability MiW-2Er8hc4-00220-00057449-00057841 to unlock value from data and I won't go MiW-2Er8hc4-00221-00057841-00058153 through all the all the statistics on MiW-2Er8hc4-00222-00058154-00058401 this it's very very hard to read and MiW-2Er8hc4-00223-00058402-00058626 it's small but they go through various MiW-2Er8hc4-00224-00058627-00058818 industries and the darker it is more MiW-2Er8hc4-00225-00058819-00059104 intense they're using big data high tech MiW-2Er8hc4-00226-00059104-00059350 note no surprise automobile finances MiW-2Er8hc4-00227-00059351-00059623 resources media they're all sort of MiW-2Er8hc4-00228-00059624-00059781 heavy and big data in the various MiW-2Er8hc4-00229-00059782-00060010 aspects of big data but as we go down MiW-2Er8hc4-00230-00060011-00060178 here travel and tourism healthcare MiW-2Er8hc4-00231-00060179-00060466 building materials they're using big MiW-2Er8hc4-00232-00060466-00060712 data a lot less even within industries MiW-2Er8hc4-00233-00060713-00061003 the ability for firms to unlock the data MiW-2Er8hc4-00234-00061004-00061321 is uneven the main conclusion is that MiW-2Er8hc4-00235-00061322-00061516 when we hear big data we immediately MiW-2Er8hc4-00236-00061516-00061743 think that oh that means that they have MiW-2Er8hc4-00237-00061744-00062067 a competitive advantage rather maybe we MiW-2Er8hc4-00238-00062069-00062256 should rethink of how we think of big MiW-2Er8hc4-00239-00062257-00062493 data rather they do not they unlock the MiW-2Er8hc4-00240-00062494-00062671 value from big data better than their MiW-2Er8hc4-00241-00062672-00063162 competitors so what are the virtues of MiW-2Er8hc4-00242-00063163-00063351 big data and we'll talk about devices as MiW-2Er8hc4-00243-00063352-00063576 well the virtues is it can certainly MiW-2Er8hc4-00244-00063577-00063748 lower costs and generate great MiW-2Er8hc4-00245-00063749-00064143 efficiencies Walmart to which might MiW-2Er8hc4-00246-00064144-00064356 surprise some is pretty much one of the MiW-2Er8hc4-00247-00064357-00064666 largest big data firms in the u.s. they MiW-2Er8hc4-00248-00064666-00064885 use an enormous amount of data much more MiW-2Er8hc4-00249-00064886-00065043 than a lot of these internet companies MiW-2Er8hc4-00250-00065044-00065256 and while they have an online presence MiW-2Er8hc4-00251-00065257-00065446 it's primarily for their MiW-2Er8hc4-00252-00065447-00065775 brick-and-mortar stores improve product MiW-2Er8hc4-00253-00065776-00066051 quality Christian mentioned the superior MiW-2Er8hc4-00254-00066052-00066238 algorithm of Google and that takes a lot MiW-2Er8hc4-00255-00066239-00066340 of effort MiW-2Er8hc4-00256-00066341-00066447 there's a lot of there's still MiW-2Er8hc4-00257-00066448-00066681 competition more so in the US and I MiW-2Er8hc4-00258-00066682-00066946 think in Europe being is still used in MiW-2Er8hc4-00259-00066947-00067359 the US so it's go but but it's certainly MiW-2Er8hc4-00260-00067360-00067743 fading they implement almost 500 to 600 MiW-2Er8hc4-00261-00067744-00067947 algorithmic changes every day they're MiW-2Er8hc4-00262-00067948-00068262 conducting experiments constantly Amazon MiW-2Er8hc4-00263-00068263-00068499 is in a very similar boat they are MiW-2Er8hc4-00264-00068500-00068664 always innovating and changing their MiW-2Er8hc4-00265-00068665-00068898 product based on user data an MiW-2Er8hc4-00266-00068899-00069186 advertising targeting to the extent that MiW-2Er8hc4-00267-00069187-00069363 we get advertising and I'm not saying we MiW-2Er8hc4-00268-00069364-00069639 all like advertising we might like like MiW-2Er8hc4-00269-00069640-00069954 it during certain times given that we're MiW-2Er8hc4-00270-00069955-00070140 having advertising we prefer to be MiW-2Er8hc4-00271-00070141-00070335 better advertising and certainly firms MiW-2Er8hc4-00272-00070336-00070473 are using that to target advertising MiW-2Er8hc4-00273-00070474-00070743 better but perhaps there are vices to MiW-2Er8hc4-00274-00070744-00071075 big data right in the primary advice MiW-2Er8hc4-00275-00071076-00071412 that people are hypothesizing is does it MiW-2Er8hc4-00276-00071413-00071757 allow a small group of firms this this MiW-2Er8hc4-00277-00071758-00071841 Fang the MiW-2Er8hc4-00278-00071842-00072342 Facebook Google Amazon Apple does it MiW-2Er8hc4-00279-00072343-00072558 give rise to competition issues the fact MiW-2Er8hc4-00280-00072559-00072789 that they have this big data is it MiW-2Er8hc4-00281-00072790-00073059 creating a barrier to entry that doesn't MiW-2Er8hc4-00282-00073060-00073416 allow a competitive and vibrant market MiW-2Er8hc4-00283-00073417-00073728 for consumer attention they're so far MiW-2Er8hc4-00284-00073729-00073878 ahead with this data they just keep MiW-2Er8hc4-00285-00073879-00074094 getting more and no one can catch up and MiW-2Er8hc4-00286-00074095-00074319 so we effectively have a monopoly is MiW-2Er8hc4-00287-00074320-00074754 that's what's happening and finally MiW-2Er8hc4-00288-00074755-00074910 there are privacy and consumer MiW-2Er8hc4-00289-00074911-00075129 protection concerns but that's sort of MiW-2Er8hc4-00290-00075130-00075378 outside the scope of what I do and so it MiW-2Er8hc4-00291-00075379-00075531 will be outside the scope of what I want MiW-2Er8hc4-00292-00075532-00075906 to talk about but before we do that I MiW-2Er8hc4-00293-00075907-00076021 want to talk a little bit about MiW-2Er8hc4-00294-00076022-00076200 causality and causality is really MiW-2Er8hc4-00295-00076201-00076587 important to economists and it's often I MiW-2Er8hc4-00296-00076588-00076743 think misunderstood in terms of MiW-2Er8hc4-00297-00076744-00077031 causality first our firms successful MiW-2Er8hc4-00298-00077032-00077385 because of big data or is big data a MiW-2Er8hc4-00299-00077386-00077811 byproduct of success or maybe just to MiW-2Er8hc4-00300-00077812-00078024 stop with the questions per se and MiW-2Er8hc4-00301-00078025-00078402 framing a different way is big data one MiW-2Er8hc4-00302-00078403-00078657 component of many in which firms compete MiW-2Er8hc4-00303-00078658-00078897 with each other you can imagine that MiW-2Er8hc4-00304-00078898-00079080 innovation is incredibly important in MiW-2Er8hc4-00305-00079081-00079581 these areas if and Medicare and medicine MiW-2Er8hc4-00306-00079582-00079723 consumer products as well MiW-2Er8hc4-00307-00079724-00080018 Internet we wouldn't probably ding firms MiW-2Er8hc4-00308-00080019-00080304 for having great innovative products but MiW-2Er8hc4-00309-00080305-00080487 it creates competitive distance we MiW-2Er8hc4-00310-00080488-00080661 wouldn't call innovation a barrier to MiW-2Er8hc4-00311-00080662-00080947 entry but in a similar way and you can MiW-2Er8hc4-00312-00080948-00081265 make some analogies if you have data and MiW-2Er8hc4-00313-00081266-00081450 you unlock it in a way that creates MiW-2Er8hc4-00314-00081451-00081668 value and it starts creating competitive MiW-2Er8hc4-00315-00081669-00081918 distance why are we viewing that MiW-2Er8hc4-00316-00081919-00082198 necessarily it's different as innovation MiW-2Er8hc4-00317-00082199-00082522 perfect per se because in one respect it MiW-2Er8hc4-00318-00082523-00083197 is a form of innovation second big data MiW-2Er8hc4-00319-00083198-00083606 in of itself does not give you success MiW-2Er8hc4-00320-00083607-00083982 we can go no further than Google+ I MiW-2Er8hc4-00321-00083983-00084324 don't know if you guys ever got Google+ MiW-2Er8hc4-00322-00084325-00084675 here in Latvia but in the u.s. there was MiW-2Er8hc4-00323-00084676-00084997 a dud I mean Google had all the data you MiW-2Er8hc4-00324-00084998-00085297 can imagine but it's basically been MiW-2Er8hc4-00325-00085298-00085696 closed as a failed social experiment in MiW-2Er8hc4-00326-00085697-00086025 terms of social media and Google was MiW-2Er8hc4-00327-00086026-00086323 huge well if you have very smaller MiW-2Er8hc4-00328-00086324-00086661 search engine not certain social media MiW-2Er8hc4-00329-00086662-00086941 that's very successful even on a small MiW-2Er8hc4-00330-00086942-00087381 scale in the US and growing take google MiW-2Er8hc4-00331-00087382-00087810 ITA ITA is this upstream firm that had a MiW-2Er8hc4-00332-00087811-00087993 lot of the travel data and Google MiW-2Er8hc4-00333-00087994-00088165 purchased them and a lot of people were MiW-2Er8hc4-00334-00088166-00088384 upset about that they predicted that MiW-2Er8hc4-00335-00088385-00088597 Google would put Expedia and Travelocity MiW-2Er8hc4-00336-00088598-00088891 out of business and that is has proved MiW-2Er8hc4-00337-00088892-00088986 not to be true MiW-2Er8hc4-00338-00088987-00089290 so even having ITA and all the data they MiW-2Er8hc4-00339-00089291-00089509 have they are still well behind these MiW-2Er8hc4-00340-00089510-00089890 travel firms take for instance uber and MiW-2Er8hc4-00341-00089891-00090046 lyft they entered and they were MiW-2Er8hc4-00342-00090047-00090225 successful in the u.s. because they had MiW-2Er8hc4-00343-00090226-00090448 a different business model a two-sided MiW-2Er8hc4-00344-00090449-00090732 platform which Christiaan said you know MiW-2Er8hc4-00345-00090733-00090906 what is Google a two-sided platform or MiW-2Er8hc4-00346-00090907-00091101 not so I'll interject and say they are MiW-2Er8hc4-00347-00091102-00091384 because I will agree according to the MiW-2Er8hc4-00348-00091385-00091593 OECD definition it probably isn't but MiW-2Er8hc4-00349-00091594-00091701 that's part of the problem with MiW-2Er8hc4-00350-00091702-00091916 platforms is that there's a lot of MiW-2Er8hc4-00351-00091917-00092110 definitions there's no canonical MiW-2Er8hc4-00352-00092111-00092323 definition but at its heart to side MiW-2Er8hc4-00353-00092324-00092596 platforms are about cross group effects MiW-2Er8hc4-00354-00092597-00092903 where the presence of one group MiW-2Er8hc4-00355-00092904-00093092 affects the valuation and demand of MiW-2Er8hc4-00356-00093093-00093296 another group to the extent that you MiW-2Er8hc4-00357-00093297-00093482 have at least one cross group effect and MiW-2Er8hc4-00358-00093483-00093695 typically you have to you have a MiW-2Er8hc4-00359-00093696-00094109 two-sided market in my view okay but MiW-2Er8hc4-00360-00094110-00094361 uber and lyft they entered even though MiW-2Er8hc4-00361-00094362-00094451 taxicabs MiW-2Er8hc4-00362-00094452-00094646 they have enormous amount of data they MiW-2Er8hc4-00363-00094647-00094814 never never tracked it at least in the MiW-2Er8hc4-00364-00094815-00095057 US and now that's changing there they're MiW-2Er8hc4-00365-00095058-00095315 more incentivized to become automated MiW-2Er8hc4-00366-00095316-00095543 and track sort of their passengers and MiW-2Er8hc4-00367-00095544-00095738 their their demands and their pricing MiW-2Er8hc4-00368-00095739-00095921 but at the time ooh BRR and lyft came in MiW-2Er8hc4-00369-00095922-00096107 with superior model and gained a lot of MiW-2Er8hc4-00370-00096108-00096284 share right so he wasn't data per se MiW-2Er8hc4-00371-00096285-00096625 that made them successful MiW-2Er8hc4-00372-00096626-00097052 okay so role of scale and and success MiW-2Er8hc4-00373-00097053-00097295 this is falling on the theme I just MiW-2Er8hc4-00374-00097296-00097550 mentioned earlier I want to talk about MiW-2Er8hc4-00375-00097551-00097751 open table do you guys have a open table MiW-2Er8hc4-00376-00097752-00098053 here so what it is is it a reservation MiW-2Er8hc4-00377-00098054-00098378 platform you join and restaurants join MiW-2Er8hc4-00378-00098379-00098522 and allows you to make reservations MiW-2Er8hc4-00379-00098523-00098837 without calling the restaurant and so MiW-2Er8hc4-00380-00098838-00098996 what open table tried to do when they MiW-2Er8hc4-00381-00098997-00099236 first started is to gain scale they try MiW-2Er8hc4-00382-00099237-00099404 to get as many restaurants as possible MiW-2Er8hc4-00383-00099405-00099569 they try to get as many consumers as MiW-2Er8hc4-00384-00099570-00099761 possible and they were almost about to MiW-2Er8hc4-00385-00099762-00099950 go out of business but they changed MiW-2Er8hc4-00386-00099951-00100166 their strategy they said well let's just MiW-2Er8hc4-00387-00100167-00100466 get really really exclusive good MiW-2Er8hc4-00388-00100467-00100718 restaurants and forget about trying to MiW-2Er8hc4-00389-00100719-00100895 sign up the McDonald's of the world so MiW-2Er8hc4-00390-00100896-00100997 no one cared well you can't make a MiW-2Er8hc4-00391-00100998-00101135 reservation and become I don't know what MiW-2Er8hc4-00392-00101136-00101180 I'm talking about MiW-2Er8hc4-00393-00101181-00101507 but really of the reservation world the MiW-2Er8hc4-00394-00101508-00101660 McDonald's of the worlds they didn't MiW-2Er8hc4-00395-00101661-00101912 want those let's curate it and get just MiW-2Er8hc4-00396-00101913-00102140 the best restaurants and that really MiW-2Er8hc4-00397-00102141-00102371 started their growth and they sort of MiW-2Er8hc4-00398-00102372-00102563 maintain that model today they don't MiW-2Er8hc4-00399-00102564-00102749 have that every restaurant in the US but MiW-2Er8hc4-00400-00102750-00102971 they have a lot of the important ones so MiW-2Er8hc4-00401-00102972-00103268 that's another episode where it's not MiW-2Er8hc4-00402-00103269-00103718 data per se it's a type of data and how MiW-2Er8hc4-00403-00103719-00103877 you use it for your particular business MiW-2Er8hc4-00404-00103878-00104342 model that can determine success okay so MiW-2Er8hc4-00405-00104343-00104546 the final topic I want to discuss is is MiW-2Er8hc4-00406-00104547-00104858 Big Data of barrier to entry for those MiW-2Er8hc4-00407-00104858-00105077 of us who are interested in competition MiW-2Er8hc4-00408-00105078-00105326 law this is a term of art a barrier to MiW-2Er8hc4-00409-00105327-00105628 entry is something that prohibits and MiW-2Er8hc4-00410-00105629-00105983 limits entry entry is incredibly MiW-2Er8hc4-00411-00105983-00106261 important in the context of competition MiW-2Er8hc4-00412-00106263-00106486 analysis along with efficiencies it MiW-2Er8hc4-00413-00106488-00106721 moves us from the static world to a MiW-2Er8hc4-00414-00106722-00106936 dynamic analysis of competition and MiW-2Er8hc4-00415-00106938-00107147 that's really what you need to do when MiW-2Er8hc4-00416-00107148-00107330 you especially when you talk about these MiW-2Er8hc4-00417-00107331-00107485 internet platforms MiW-2Er8hc4-00418-00107486-00107675 and companies if you're in the static MiW-2Er8hc4-00419-00107676-00107908 world you're going to be very dated very MiW-2Er8hc4-00420-00107909-00108259 soon so what I want to do is walk you MiW-2Er8hc4-00421-00108260-00108440 through the evolution of the thought of MiW-2Er8hc4-00422-00108441-00108719 big data or excuse me barriers to entry MiW-2Er8hc4-00423-00108720-00108929 and then mix it in with the context of MiW-2Er8hc4-00424-00108930-00109151 big data and obviously I don't have a MiW-2Er8hc4-00425-00109152-00109384 ton of time so I'll do this very quickly MiW-2Er8hc4-00426-00109385-00109636 and we're gonna move from Bane to MiW-2Er8hc4-00427-00109638-00110024 Stiegler to dem sets now there's a lot MiW-2Er8hc4-00428-00110025-00110294 here but effectively Joe Bain from MiW-2Er8hc4-00429-00110295-00110564 Harvard was one of the pioneers of MiW-2Er8hc4-00430-00110565-00110729 defining barriers to entry and what he MiW-2Er8hc4-00431-00110730-00110996 effectively said is barriers to entry MiW-2Er8hc4-00432-00110997-00111263 are are exogenous factors within an MiW-2Er8hc4-00433-00111264-00111479 industry that allow firms in that MiW-2Er8hc4-00434-00111480-00111656 industry to earn price above marginal MiW-2Er8hc4-00435-00111657-00111926 cost price above marginal cost is the MiW-2Er8hc4-00436-00111927-00112148 code word and economics for monopoly MiW-2Er8hc4-00437-00112149-00112364 type profits doesn't mean you're the MiW-2Er8hc4-00438-00112365-00112544 single seller it just means you have a MiW-2Er8hc4-00439-00112545-00112790 high degree of market power what MiW-2Er8hc4-00440-00112791-00112976 determines market power and what MiW-2Er8hc4-00441-00112977-00113216 determines the preservation of that MiW-2Er8hc4-00442-00113217-00113441 market power and Bain basically said MiW-2Er8hc4-00443-00113442-00113657 well there are characteristics of MiW-2Er8hc4-00444-00113658-00113858 industries that will help you predict MiW-2Er8hc4-00445-00113858-00114245 whether firms get market power and he MiW-2Er8hc4-00446-00114246-00114535 listed a few economies of scale was one MiW-2Er8hc4-00447-00114536-00114660 the most important that he mentioned MiW-2Er8hc4-00448-00114661-00114928 differentiated products was another and MiW-2Er8hc4-00449-00114929-00115268 so this view of the world has MiW-2Er8hc4-00450-00115269-00115509 subsequently been rejected there has an MiW-2Er8hc4-00451-00115510-00115783 intuitive appeal right is there MiW-2Er8hc4-00452-00115784-00115955 characteristics of the market that keep MiW-2Er8hc4-00453-00115956-00116188 firms out that you can't compete with MiW-2Er8hc4-00454-00116189-00116458 right there's an appeal to that and MiW-2Er8hc4-00455-00116458-00116744 because of those characteristics you're MiW-2Er8hc4-00456-00116745-00116903 going to have a certain performance and MiW-2Er8hc4-00457-00116904-00117128 you're gonna have certain conduct so MiW-2Er8hc4-00458-00117129-00117326 we've called that paradigm the structure MiW-2Er8hc4-00459-00117327-00117569 conduct performance paradigm which for MiW-2Er8hc4-00460-00117570-00117782 those who are in competition most likely MiW-2Er8hc4-00461-00117783-00117899 have learned that paradigm and MiW-2Er8hc4-00462-00117900-00118120 empirically it's shown to be invalid MiW-2Er8hc4-00463-00118121-00118640 right so we've moved on can we move to MiW-2Er8hc4-00464-00118641-00118805 something more sophisticated George MiW-2Er8hc4-00465-00118806-00118949 Stigler did from the University of MiW-2Er8hc4-00466-00118950-00119222 Chicago and he refined Bane's definition MiW-2Er8hc4-00467-00119223-00119420 just slightly what he said or bears the MiW-2Er8hc4-00468-00119421-00119630 entries are costs that in MiW-2Er8hc4-00469-00119631-00119951 excuse me entrants have to incur but MiW-2Er8hc4-00470-00119952-00120215 incumbents those already in the market MiW-2Er8hc4-00471-00120216-00120491 do not so what are examples of that MiW-2Er8hc4-00472-00120492-00120827 classic examples are patents patents are MiW-2Er8hc4-00473-00120828-00121001 things that allow let's say the MiW-2Er8hc4-00474-00121002-00121172 incumbent to initially start a market MiW-2Er8hc4-00475-00121173-00121439 but since you're prohibited from using MiW-2Er8hc4-00476-00121440-00121748 that idea as an entrant you have to MiW-2Er8hc4-00477-00121749-00122063 design around it so presumably that MiW-2Er8hc4-00478-00122064-00122279 makes you more inefficient to compete in MiW-2Er8hc4-00479-00122280-00122824 that market in a similar way MiW-2Er8hc4-00480-00122825-00123023 grandfathered regulations what that MiW-2Er8hc4-00481-00123024-00123365 means is that after a firm enters the MiW-2Er8hc4-00482-00123366-00123578 regulation changes or they lobby for a MiW-2Er8hc4-00483-00123579-00123779 change in the regulation that makes it MiW-2Er8hc4-00484-00123780-00124052 more difficult and onerous for new firms MiW-2Er8hc4-00485-00124053-00124238 coming in so that old firms are MiW-2Er8hc4-00486-00124239-00124418 grandfathered in in that they don't have MiW-2Er8hc4-00487-00124419-00124622 to conform to the new regulation whereas MiW-2Er8hc4-00488-00124623-00124861 the new firms do so they again are now MiW-2Er8hc4-00489-00124863-00125180 more disadvantaged and the the virtue of MiW-2Er8hc4-00490-00125181-00125438 stigler's definition over Bains is it MiW-2Er8hc4-00491-00125439-00125747 was getting at real exogenous factors MiW-2Er8hc4-00492-00125748-00125993 that can disadvantage an entrant MiW-2Er8hc4-00493-00125994-00126323 relative to the incumbent but now I MiW-2Er8hc4-00494-00126324-00126632 think that we the best one the one that MiW-2Er8hc4-00495-00126633-00126905 we've moved to largely certainly The MiW-2Er8hc4-00496-00126906-00127172 Economist's in the u.s. is dem sets MiW-2Er8hc4-00497-00127173-00127439 definition and he's basically saying MiW-2Er8hc4-00498-00127440-00127838 that look all these ideas of exogenous MiW-2Er8hc4-00499-00127839-00128083 factors affecting your performance is MiW-2Er8hc4-00500-00128084-00128351 wrong in that a lot of this stuff is MiW-2Er8hc4-00501-00128352-00128588 endogenous the level of product MiW-2Er8hc4-00502-00128589-00128836 differentiation is a firm choice not MiW-2Er8hc4-00503-00128838-00129122 exogenously determined so rather than MiW-2Er8hc4-00504-00129123-00129385 focusing on what is and what is not a MiW-2Er8hc4-00505-00129386-00129661 barrier to entry let's focus in on what MiW-2Er8hc4-00506-00129663-00129869 really what are the things that an MiW-2Er8hc4-00507-00129870-00130031 entrant has to overcome to compete MiW-2Er8hc4-00508-00130032-00130226 successfully within each market so MiW-2Er8hc4-00509-00130227-00130406 effectively it's a fact-based inquiry MiW-2Er8hc4-00510-00130407-00130679 about entry rather than labeling things MiW-2Er8hc4-00511-00130680-00131098 for all markets as barriers to entry so MiW-2Er8hc4-00512-00131099-00131336 leading to Big Data where where does MiW-2Er8hc4-00513-00131337-00131534 this put us with big data I want to take MiW-2Er8hc4-00514-00131535-00131732 the dem sets approach and say rather MiW-2Er8hc4-00515-00131733-00131921 than saying big data is a barrier to MiW-2Er8hc4-00516-00131922-00132212 entry and then we start thinking oh that MiW-2Er8hc4-00517-00132213-00132476 protects the incumbent let's look at MiW-2Er8hc4-00518-00132477-00132755 each market and say how is data used in MiW-2Er8hc4-00519-00132756-00132914 those markets MiW-2Er8hc4-00520-00132915-00133268 and subsequently water that what's the MiW-2Er8hc4-00521-00133269-00133478 history of firms in their entry in this MiW-2Er8hc4-00522-00133479-00133673 market did they all need the big data MiW-2Er8hc4-00523-00133674-00134006 maybe or did they come in successfully MiW-2Er8hc4-00524-00134007-00134297 without big data and big data was really MiW-2Er8hc4-00525-00134298-00134558 a byproduct of the success and not MiW-2Er8hc4-00526-00134559-00134759 really the predictor of the success per MiW-2Er8hc4-00527-00134760-00135473 se okay so let me conclude with just a MiW-2Er8hc4-00528-00135474-00135695 couple of studies that really conform MiW-2Er8hc4-00529-00135696-00135977 with this dem sets idea and these MiW-2Er8hc4-00530-00135978-00136235 studies are ongoing in the US and so MiW-2Er8hc4-00531-00136236-00136502 they certainly could involve and you MiW-2Er8hc4-00532-00136503-00136718 might have studies that come up with MiW-2Er8hc4-00533-00136719-00136859 different conclusions but this one the MiW-2Er8hc4-00534-00136860-00137057 first one is by Lambert and Tucker MiW-2Er8hc4-00535-00137058-00137318 Katherine Tucker who was at MIT they MiW-2Er8hc4-00536-00137319-00137501 they looked at search engines and their MiW-2Er8hc4-00537-00137502-00137714 use of big data and they concluded that MiW-2Er8hc4-00538-00137715-00137999 it does not give them a sustainable MiW-2Er8hc4-00539-00138000-00138302 competitive advantage first you don't MiW-2Er8hc4-00540-00138303-00138545 need a lot of data to improve your MiW-2Er8hc4-00541-00138546-00138812 product it's really how you use the data MiW-2Er8hc4-00542-00138813-00139150 and second the historic value of data MiW-2Er8hc4-00543-00139151-00139412 depreciates very quickly so someone asks MiW-2Er8hc4-00544-00139413-00139562 how long should we keep data well MiW-2Er8hc4-00545-00139563-00139691 certain types of data you might want to MiW-2Er8hc4-00546-00139692-00139871 keep for a while but certainly for MiW-2Er8hc4-00547-00139872-00140096 Google the valve that it depreciates MiW-2Er8hc4-00548-00140097-00140411 very very quickly and so it's not your MiW-2Er8hc4-00549-00140412-00140713 history per se it's your current period MiW-2Er8hc4-00550-00140714-00141059 Shep and Wambach the origin of many MiW-2Er8hc4-00551-00141060-00141227 innovative startups illustrates that MiW-2Er8hc4-00552-00141228-00141386 companies were smaller but possibly more MiW-2Er8hc4-00553-00141387-00141596 specialized data sets analyzed the MiW-2Er8hc4-00554-00141597-00141857 experiences made challenging companies MiW-2Er8hc4-00555-00141858-00142010 so again it's the type of data that you MiW-2Er8hc4-00556-00142011-00142193 have your business model and how it MiW-2Er8hc4-00557-00142194-00142418 feeds into improving your product rather MiW-2Er8hc4-00558-00142419-00142877 than sheer size per se I want to point MiW-2Er8hc4-00559-00142878-00143122 to another paper by Boonton and Clements MiW-2Er8hc4-00560-00143123-00143390 where they talk about an episode in 2008 MiW-2Er8hc4-00561-00143391-00143567 the European Commission considered entry MiW-2Er8hc4-00562-00143568-00143774 unlikely by firms offering MiW-2Er8hc4-00563-00143775-00144140 internet-based map applications yet the MiW-2Er8hc4-00564-00144141-00144215 year after MiW-2Er8hc4-00565-00144216-00144530 Guu they were looking at TomTom the year MiW-2Er8hc4-00566-00144531-00144698 after Google entered with their own MiW-2Er8hc4-00567-00144699-00145097 navigation based system so I don't want MiW-2Er8hc4-00568-00145098-00145370 to just pick on the Europeans Commission MiW-2Er8hc4-00569-00145371-00145565 well why not it's kind of fun but in the MiW-2Er8hc4-00570-00145566-00145739 u.s. we always do it I'm sure you do the MiW-2Er8hc4-00571-00145740-00146093 same for the US it's all fun but at the MiW-2Er8hc4-00572-00146094-00146220 end of the day MiW-2Er8hc4-00573-00146221-00146469 King markets especially these type of MiW-2Er8hc4-00574-00146470-00146769 markets is very difficult and so we have MiW-2Er8hc4-00575-00146770-00146997 to be very flexible in our tools and so MiW-2Er8hc4-00576-00146998-00147273 the main message is just because firms MiW-2Er8hc4-00577-00147274-00147500 have big data to label them monopolies MiW-2Er8hc4-00578-00147501-00147720 incumbents and insurmountable I think MiW-2Er8hc4-00579-00147721-00148154 can make bad competition decisions so MiW-2Er8hc4-00580-00148155-00149310 with that I want to optically questions MiW-2Er8hc4-00581-00149311-00150548 anyone thank you for presentation at the MiW-2Er8hc4-00582-00150549-00150723 beginning you were talking about a and P MiW-2Er8hc4-00583-00150724-00151185 being as a very successful company that MiW-2Er8hc4-00584-00151186-00151388 used use data and you said that it's MiW-2Er8hc4-00585-00151389-00151608 vertically integrated and that there was MiW-2Er8hc4-00586-00151609-00151949 one of the successes now thinking about MiW-2Er8hc4-00587-00151950-00152232 the big companies big tech companies MiW-2Er8hc4-00588-00152233-00152525 like Google and about their strategies MiW-2Er8hc4-00589-00152526-00152858 are they're actually acquiring smaller MiW-2Er8hc4-00590-00152859-00153183 smaller startups for example deepmind MiW-2Er8hc4-00591-00153184-00153449 or Internet of Things companies and MiW-2Er8hc4-00592-00153450-00153716 they're moving into into these new areas MiW-2Er8hc4-00593-00153717-00154056 don't you think that this is also kind MiW-2Er8hc4-00594-00154057-00154286 of a risk and don't you think that MiW-2Er8hc4-00595-00154287-00154537 competition authority should actually MiW-2Er8hc4-00596-00154538-00155106 look at for example mergers where the MiW-2Er8hc4-00597-00155107-00155310 outside probably they don't raise any MiW-2Er8hc4-00598-00155311-00155515 concerns but then when you think about MiW-2Er8hc4-00599-00155516-00155861 this possibility of vertical integration MiW-2Er8hc4-00600-00155862-00156101 and what it does to the market power the MiW-2Er8hc4-00601-00156102-00156329 income of the big tech companies so MiW-2Er8hc4-00602-00156330-00156515 maybe what's your review and that no I MiW-2Er8hc4-00603-00156516-00156710 and it's a very good question and it's a MiW-2Er8hc4-00604-00156711-00157068 big question in the US and that should MiW-2Er8hc4-00605-00157069-00157235 we allow or maybe have different MiW-2Er8hc4-00606-00157236-00157410 standards for firms that have a large MiW-2Er8hc4-00607-00157411-00157647 share in the sense that they are MiW-2Er8hc4-00608-00157648-00157893 purchasing competitors who at the time MiW-2Er8hc4-00609-00157894-00158060 are not competitively significant but MiW-2Er8hc4-00610-00158061-00158259 can be over time and represent a threat MiW-2Er8hc4-00611-00158260-00158576 to those firms and they see that so one MiW-2Er8hc4-00612-00158577-00158813 question one thought though is if we had MiW-2Er8hc4-00613-00158814-00158966 a special rule then it effectively MiW-2Er8hc4-00614-00158967-00159179 penalize his firms after a certain size MiW-2Er8hc4-00615-00159180-00159464 for making acquisitions which I think MiW-2Er8hc4-00616-00159465-00159582 most would accept MiW-2Er8hc4-00617-00159583-00159762 can be pro-competitive in certain MiW-2Er8hc4-00618-00159763-00159948 instances it allows them to improve MiW-2Er8hc4-00619-00159949-00160226 their product much faster and if you MiW-2Er8hc4-00620-00160227-00160391 have a large platform the interesting MiW-2Er8hc4-00621-00160392-00160571 thing is if you can implement that MiW-2Er8hc4-00622-00160572-00160826 quality improvement from purchasing an MiW-2Er8hc4-00623-00160827-00161061 innovative startup it actually affects MiW-2Er8hc4-00624-00161062-00161300 more people and they might be able to MiW-2Er8hc4-00625-00161301-00161619 implement it more quickly and so we lose MiW-2Er8hc4-00626-00161620-00161808 that consumer benefit but I hear you MiW-2Er8hc4-00627-00161809-00162111 about the thought of the harm and I MiW-2Er8hc4-00628-00162112-00162273 think that's a real thing and I think MiW-2Er8hc4-00629-00162274-00162513 that's a very fair concern you know a MiW-2Er8hc4-00630-00162514-00162653 lot of people in the u.s. point to MiW-2Er8hc4-00631-00162654-00163023 Facebook purchasing Instagram and now MiW-2Er8hc4-00632-00163024-00163257 Instagram is the number two social MiW-2Er8hc4-00633-00163258-00163529 network in the US and everyone's like oh MiW-2Er8hc4-00634-00163530-00163821 but if it was if we stopped it they MiW-2Er8hc4-00635-00163822-00164066 could have been an independent Facebook MiW-2Er8hc4-00636-00164067-00164235 against Instagram and that sounds like a MiW-2Er8hc4-00637-00164236-00164600 nice world but let me ask posit this as MiW-2Er8hc4-00638-00164601-00164811 well at the time they purchased them MiW-2Er8hc4-00639-00164812-00165132 Instagram had 12 employees they were in MiW-2Er8hc4-00640-00165133-00165393 existence for one year and they had MiW-2Er8hc4-00641-00165394-00165618 revenues of like 50 million dollars and MiW-2Er8hc4-00642-00165619-00165972 they were losing money you know if we MiW-2Er8hc4-00643-00165973-00166127 got could get in our hot tub time MiW-2Er8hc4-00644-00166128-00166277 machine did you guys get that movie here MiW-2Er8hc4-00645-00166278-00166536 at the Hot Tub Time Machine let's talk MiW-2Er8hc4-00646-00166537-00166731 about the flux capacitor the the back of MiW-2Er8hc4-00647-00166732-00166841 the future oh that's better MiW-2Er8hc4-00648-00166842-00167073 let's get out of the hot tub the flux MiW-2Er8hc4-00649-00167074-00167375 capacitor if we go back in time you know MiW-2Er8hc4-00650-00167376-00167528 maybe we could have stopped that but MiW-2Er8hc4-00651-00167529-00167760 those facts are very difficult to say oh MiW-2Er8hc4-00652-00167761-00167975 they should have jumped in secondly MiW-2Er8hc4-00653-00167976-00168243 what's the counterfactual given that MiW-2Er8hc4-00654-00168244-00168522 they purchase Instagram do we want them MiW-2Er8hc4-00655-00168523-00168788 to fail and say oh it's ok they went out MiW-2Er8hc4-00656-00168789-00169016 of business Instagram sucked isn't it MiW-2Er8hc4-00657-00169017-00169214 kind of the result we want that they MiW-2Er8hc4-00658-00169215-00169490 purchase and a start-up they innovated MiW-2Er8hc4-00659-00169491-00169647 invested a lot of money MiW-2Er8hc4-00660-00169648-00169809 and they're now actually a successful MiW-2Er8hc4-00661-00169810-00170121 firm like what would we want what would MiW-2Er8hc4-00662-00170122-00170373 be like a good purchase of Instagram is MiW-2Er8hc4-00663-00170374-00170646 its kind of successful but it's not so I MiW-2Er8hc4-00664-00170647-00170854 find the counterfactual is odd that MiW-2Er8hc4-00665-00170855-00171113 because they're successful that means it MiW-2Er8hc4-00666-00171114-00171425 was anti-competitive maybe because MiW-2Er8hc4-00667-00171426-00171539 they're successful it was MiW-2Er8hc4-00668-00171540-00171887 pro-competitive it's just a thought but MiW-2Er8hc4-00669-00171888-00172143 an excellent issue and really probably MiW-2Er8hc4-00670-00172144-00172359 the number one issue in the conferences MiW-2Er8hc4-00671-00172360-00173263 I go to in the u.s. that issue thank you MiW-2Er8hc4-00672-00173264-00173927 any other questions okay thank you very MiW-2Er8hc4-00673-00173928-00174053 much done MiW-2Er8hc4-00674-00174054-00174368 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00000-00000135-00000607 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00001-00000608-00001034 is MjgsziN59rE-00002-00001035-00002655 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00003-00002872-00004638 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00004-00004639-00005111 oh MjgsziN59rE-00005-00005112-00007851 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00006-00007852-00008110 [Music] MjgsziN59rE-00007-00008111-00009487 these MjgsziN59rE-00008-00009488-00009811 this MjmJXynLY78-00000-00000799-00001676 [Applause] MjmJXynLY78-00001-00001677-00002000 [Music] MjefJvT46lg-00000-00000112-00000536 alright so hello everybody ah I don't MjefJvT46lg-00001-00000537-00000994 see my slides on yeah okay okay so my MjefJvT46lg-00002-00000996-00001220 name is the runas and I am wordpress MjefJvT46lg-00003-00001221-00001516 plugin developer half of my time the MjefJvT46lg-00004-00001517-00001757 other half I'm also a teacher I teach MjefJvT46lg-00005-00001757-00002000 web development in local college and as MjefJvT46lg-00006-00002001-00002176 you can see from the slide probably I'm MjefJvT46lg-00007-00002177-00002350 pretty involved in WordPress community MjefJvT46lg-00008-00002351-00002888 to as a lot of things in life this one MjefJvT46lg-00009-00002889-00003091 this project started with a blog post so MjefJvT46lg-00010-00003092-00003476 wrote something on the internet and the MjefJvT46lg-00011-00003477-00003715 internet responded back and the problem MjefJvT46lg-00012-00003717-00003974 is not a problem but wrote about jetpack MjefJvT46lg-00013-00003975-00004195 do you know what jetpack is who knows MjefJvT46lg-00014-00004196-00004579 what jetpack is okay ah do you like jet MjefJvT46lg-00015-00004580-00005288 pack okay every do you hate jetpack okay MjefJvT46lg-00016-00005289-00005461 so that's a strange audience because MjefJvT46lg-00017-00005462-00005618 whenever you talk about it on the MjefJvT46lg-00018-00005619-00005743 internet and that's probably the MjefJvT46lg-00019-00005744-00006215 difference apparently jetpack is a very MjefJvT46lg-00020-00006216-00006578 heated issue we be drama hashtag some MjefJvT46lg-00021-00006579-00006839 people hate it ah say that it slows down MjefJvT46lg-00022-00006840-00006983 your sides it's very bloated and MjefJvT46lg-00023-00006984-00007175 everything other people say it's a cool MjefJvT46lg-00024-00007176-00007502 thing I use it all the time I love it so MjefJvT46lg-00025-00007503-00007717 basically on the inner that Internet MjefJvT46lg-00026-00007718-00008092 everybody has an opinion about everybody MjefJvT46lg-00027-00008093-00008444 but whenever you ask the people who hate MjefJvT46lg-00028-00008445-00008648 it so you say that's below to the slows MjefJvT46lg-00029-00008649-00008989 down your side what's your data about it MjefJvT46lg-00030-00008990-00009214 how do you know it slows down your side MjefJvT46lg-00031-00009215-00009610 and the answer usually is a friend of a MjefJvT46lg-00032-00009611-00009821 friend of a friend had a website that MjefJvT46lg-00033-00009822-00010205 was slow and was using jetpack and if MjefJvT46lg-00034-00010206-00010535 you go even more in the details it it MjefJvT46lg-00035-00010536-00010778 appears that the CAD like gazillion MjefJvT46lg-00036-00010779-00011135 plugins running on it a horrible caching MjefJvT46lg-00037-00011136-00011327 strategy or no caching strategy at all MjefJvT46lg-00038-00011328-00011785 and it was not really jetpack and if you MjefJvT46lg-00039-00011786-00012308 go to the data actually there isn't much MjefJvT46lg-00040-00012309-00012731 of it if you google jetpack performance MjefJvT46lg-00041-00012732-00012994 review or something like that you will MjefJvT46lg-00042-00012995-00013178 probably find one study it's an MjefJvT46lg-00043-00013179-00013334 interesting study MjefJvT46lg-00044-00013335-00013680 from guys from brute protect they did MjefJvT46lg-00045-00013681-00013860 measurements and studies really MjefJvT46lg-00046-00013861-00013977 interesting but there's one small MjefJvT46lg-00047-00013978-00014294 problem with it the guys are working at MjefJvT46lg-00048-00014296-00014637 automatic the makers of jet pack so it's MjefJvT46lg-00049-00014638-00015090 clear conflict of interest so that got MjefJvT46lg-00050-00015091-00015291 me thinking that got to tickle the MjefJvT46lg-00051-00015291-00015797 academic person in me what about a MjefJvT46lg-00052-00015799-00016097 proper study what if somebody took MjefJvT46lg-00053-00016099-00016476 jetpack and conducted an independent MjefJvT46lg-00054-00016477-00016977 research on it they would have a clear MjefJvT46lg-00055-00016978-00017223 methodology everything would be defined MjefJvT46lg-00056-00017224-00017457 how you did it and why you did it that MjefJvT46lg-00057-00017458-00017832 way and also it would be reproducible so MjefJvT46lg-00058-00017833-00018057 that means that anybody could do the MjefJvT46lg-00059-00018058-00018318 same thing and test if they get the same MjefJvT46lg-00060-00018319-00018810 result and also compared to other MjefJvT46lg-00061-00018811-00019026 plugins because of course you can do a MjefJvT46lg-00062-00019027-00019224 lot of stuff the jetpack does with other MjefJvT46lg-00063-00019225-00019518 plugins so what did what the difference MjefJvT46lg-00064-00019519-00019911 is performance-wise that was an MjefJvT46lg-00065-00019912-00020253 ambitious project ah I was going to do a MjefJvT46lg-00066-00020254-00020508 lot of stuff about it and everything but MjefJvT46lg-00067-00020509-00020742 then life got in the way as it often MjefJvT46lg-00068-00020743-00021174 does so the actual parameters of what I MjefJvT46lg-00069-00021175-00021378 did will be a little bit less ambitious MjefJvT46lg-00070-00021379-00021750 but still ah first of all about the MjefJvT46lg-00071-00021751-00021915 system so i had the digital ocean MjefJvT46lg-00072-00021916-00022110 droplet that i was using for something MjefJvT46lg-00073-00022111-00022344 else and it wasn't using it anymore so MjefJvT46lg-00074-00022345-00022725 that's why i used it so well it's pretty MjefJvT46lg-00075-00022726-00022950 standard stuff and there was nothing MjefJvT46lg-00076-00022951-00023106 else resin running on it so it's MjefJvT46lg-00077-00023107-00023355 basically a sandbox there were no MjefJvT46lg-00078-00023356-00023613 external things that could influence it MjefJvT46lg-00079-00023614-00023925 I was also using pretty standard stack MjefJvT46lg-00080-00023926-00024381 so you bun to and jinx PHP MySQL more at MjefJvT46lg-00081-00024382-00024732 DB and most recent versions of MjefJvT46lg-00082-00024733-00025050 everything wordpress jetpack and the MjefJvT46lg-00083-00025051-00025431 standard seen 2060 we can let you can MjefJvT46lg-00084-00025432-00025632 get everything on the internet pretty MjefJvT46lg-00085-00025633-00025782 much for free except for digital ocean MjefJvT46lg-00086-00025783-00026031 and I'm pretty sure that's not a big MjefJvT46lg-00087-00026032-00026538 cost about content so I I didn't want to MjefJvT46lg-00088-00026539-00026724 run it on a completely empty side MjefJvT46lg-00089-00026725-00027020 so what we did I had a couple students MjefJvT46lg-00090-00027022-00027393 go to Wikipedia and basically steal a MjefJvT46lg-00091-00027394-00027633 bit of content from it so we took all MjefJvT46lg-00092-00027633-00027861 the countries descriptions all the MjefJvT46lg-00093-00027862-00028191 capital city descriptions and some other MjefJvT46lg-00094-00028192-00028583 cities to make at least 600 posters but MjefJvT46lg-00095-00028585-00028842 just a simple not not so big website but MjefJvT46lg-00096-00028843-00029327 still some content on it ah and what MjefJvT46lg-00097-00029329-00029562 were we measuring because i am a MjefJvT46lg-00098-00029563-00029787 back-end developer so it was mostly MjefJvT46lg-00099-00029788-00030048 looking into the backend stuff so we MjefJvT46lg-00100-00030049-00030327 looked how how much memory was the MjefJvT46lg-00101-00030327-00030594 website using what was PHP execution MjefJvT46lg-00102-00030595-00031005 time how how many queries did we get to MjefJvT46lg-00103-00031006-00031358 the database and how much assets loca MjefJvT46lg-00104-00031360-00031539 loca acid scripts and styles and MjefJvT46lg-00105-00031539-00031858 external assets scripted cells were MjefJvT46lg-00106-00031860-00032289 loaded and also how many external MjefJvT46lg-00107-00032289-00032568 requests was a plug-in making because MjefJvT46lg-00108-00032569-00032730 jetpack some parts of Jetpack they are MjefJvT46lg-00109-00032731-00032943 based on stuff that is sitting on MjefJvT46lg-00110-00032944-00033183 automatic servers so that was also MjefJvT46lg-00111-00033184-00033411 interesting and that can be expensive in MjefJvT46lg-00112-00033412-00033927 terms of performance and how was it MjefJvT46lg-00113-00033928-00034121 measured so at first I was thinking MjefJvT46lg-00114-00034122-00034302 maybe I'll take an excellent plugin MjefJvT46lg-00115-00034303-00034449 that's called query monitor because it MjefJvT46lg-00116-00034450-00034659 was actually already counting all that MjefJvT46lg-00117-00034660-00035004 stuff but then I thought well my very MjefJvT46lg-00118-00035005-00035190 monitor is nice plugin but again it's MjefJvT46lg-00119-00035191-00035496 not too small a plugin so i wanted MjefJvT46lg-00120-00035497-00035771 something more lightweight so i build a MjefJvT46lg-00121-00035772-00036105 custom one oh that's what I do it's MjefJvT46lg-00122-00036106-00036396 basically doing all its stuff at the MjefJvT46lg-00123-00036397-00036603 shoot-down hook and if you know your MjefJvT46lg-00124-00036604-00036771 wordpress hooks that's pretty much the MjefJvT46lg-00125-00036772-00036987 last thing that you can do the last MjefJvT46lg-00126-00036988-00037146 place where you can hook in then MjefJvT46lg-00127-00037147-00037344 wordpress is pretty much done with MjefJvT46lg-00128-00037345-00037764 everything that did that and then I was MjefJvT46lg-00129-00037765-00038121 loading a homepage of of the of the blog MjefJvT46lg-00130-00038122-00038396 nine times measuring all this stuff MjefJvT46lg-00131-00038397-00038874 storing it in into a CSV file and when I MjefJvT46lg-00132-00038875-00039063 was calculating things I would discard MjefJvT46lg-00133-00039064-00039462 the biggest and smallest value to make MjefJvT46lg-00134-00039463-00039756 you may go away all the flukes that MjefJvT46lg-00135-00039757-00039890 might have happened that something was MjefJvT46lg-00136-00039891-00040089 loading very long or something MjefJvT46lg-00137-00040090-00040340 and made an average of all of the MjefJvT46lg-00138-00040341-00040812 remaining seven so we have any questions MjefJvT46lg-00139-00040813-00041043 on the metal dodgy part does it seem MjefJvT46lg-00140-00041044-00041307 something that would be interesting all MjefJvT46lg-00141-00041308-00041583 right so now let's go to the results so MjefJvT46lg-00142-00041584-00041784 the results were as following first MjefJvT46lg-00143-00041785-00042207 memory usage so with just activating MjefJvT46lg-00144-00042208-00042465 jetpack nothing else you just download MjefJvT46lg-00145-00042466-00042755 the plugin and press the activate button MjefJvT46lg-00146-00042756-00043185 it would add almost half a megabyte of MjefJvT46lg-00147-00043186-00043506 memory usage and that wouldn't be too MjefJvT46lg-00148-00043507-00043868 bad but with just simple side that's MjefJvT46lg-00149-00043869-00044283 actually fourteen percent increase if MjefJvT46lg-00150-00044284-00044702 you activate activate one jetpack module MjefJvT46lg-00151-00044703-00045129 on average it would grow to almost MjefJvT46lg-00152-00045130-00045318 three-quarters of a megabyte and that's MjefJvT46lg-00153-00045319-00045525 twenty-two percent 24 almost twenty MjefJvT46lg-00154-00045526-00045858 three percent increase the least MjefJvT46lg-00155-00045859-00046049 increase would be from infinitive scroll MjefJvT46lg-00156-00046050-00046274 and the most increase will be from MjefJvT46lg-00157-00046275-00046590 sharing module on Jetpack there is also MjefJvT46lg-00158-00046591-00046743 an option when you install it and MjefJvT46lg-00159-00046744-00046971 activate it and they say we have this MjefJvT46lg-00160-00046972-00047277 set of recommended modules so you can MjefJvT46lg-00161-00047278-00047442 just click one button and turn on a MjefJvT46lg-00162-00047443-00047768 whole bunch of modules so if you do that MjefJvT46lg-00163-00047769-00048225 that's two megabytes of additional MjefJvT46lg-00164-00048226-00048518 memory and that's sixty one percent MjefJvT46lg-00165-00048519-00048937 increase and if you activated everything MjefJvT46lg-00166-00048938-00049371 that becomes two point five megabytes MjefJvT46lg-00167-00049372-00049640 increase keeping in mind that WordPress MjefJvT46lg-00168-00049641-00049935 itself when having no Jack back in style MjefJvT46lg-00169-00049936-00050327 jet pack installed would use 3.3 MjefJvT46lg-00170-00050328-00050618 megabytes of RAM that's a pretty big MjefJvT46lg-00171-00050619-00050996 increase right but the thing is MjefJvT46lg-00172-00050997-00051279 WordPress websites they do not exist in MjefJvT46lg-00173-00051279-00051542 right nature with just WordPress and jet MjefJvT46lg-00174-00051544-00051794 pack you always have other plugins and MjefJvT46lg-00175-00051795-00052029 if you factor in that you have a lot of MjefJvT46lg-00176-00052029-00052254 other stuff going on this increase does MjefJvT46lg-00177-00052254-00052650 not it's not that big a deal anymore but MjefJvT46lg-00178-00052651-00052901 now in the numbers it looks quite bad MjefJvT46lg-00179-00052902-00053249 right when you look at execution times MjefJvT46lg-00180-00053250-00053472 you can also see an MjefJvT46lg-00181-00053473-00054060 is of 0 point 0 7 6 seconds again that's MjefJvT46lg-00182-00054061-00054379 not what this doesn't look so bad right MjefJvT46lg-00183-00054380-00054765 but keeping in mind that the whole word MjefJvT46lg-00184-00054766-00055047 press on that set up would generate in MjefJvT46lg-00185-00055048-00055497 all point 18 seconds that becomes quite MjefJvT46lg-00186-00055498-00055785 bigger but the problem I have this MjefJvT46lg-00187-00055786-00056148 results is actually made a mistake of MjefJvT46lg-00188-00056149-00056478 using such a good system such a fast MjefJvT46lg-00189-00056479-00056825 system that the results fluctuate a lot MjefJvT46lg-00190-00056826-00057119 and yeah I have like thirty percent MjefJvT46lg-00191-00057120-00057390 difference plus or minus of what results MjefJvT46lg-00192-00057391-00057615 aren't everything falls into the margin MjefJvT46lg-00193-00057616-00057909 of error so to have reliable results on MjefJvT46lg-00194-00057910-00058125 this you would have to run either on a MjefJvT46lg-00195-00058126-00058515 much slower system or a lot more data to MjefJvT46lg-00196-00058516-00059040 make it more reliable now internals MjefJvT46lg-00197-00059041-00059298 eight of database how do you think with MjefJvT46lg-00198-00059299-00059707 it fair is it a big drag on a database MjefJvT46lg-00199-00059708-00060119 it's jet big jet back big well okay MjefJvT46lg-00200-00060120-00060356 let's give some baseline so if you just MjefJvT46lg-00201-00060357-00060909 have activated jetpack it would add one MjefJvT46lg-00202-00060910-00061601 query if you activates related posts or MjefJvT46lg-00203-00061602-00061856 custom CSS that would add one more so we MjefJvT46lg-00204-00061857-00062201 have two more queries if you activate MjefJvT46lg-00205-00062202-00062405 extra bridges are infinite scroll that MjefJvT46lg-00206-00062406-00062666 would add free queries and if you MjefJvT46lg-00207-00062667-00062862 activate all recommended modules it's MjefJvT46lg-00208-00062863-00063165 seven quirks and if you activate MjefJvT46lg-00209-00063166-00063375 everything that's plus ten queries and MjefJvT46lg-00210-00063376-00063923 do you think that's a lot MjefJvT46lg-00211-00063924-00064187 if you look again at just plain MjefJvT46lg-00212-00064188-00064832 WordPress with 2016 that's a lot sorry I MjefJvT46lg-00213-00064833-00065024 didn't have that because WordPress MjefJvT46lg-00214-00065025-00065618 itself only has 11 queries by itself but MjefJvT46lg-00215-00065619-00065921 that's just WordPress itself with MjefJvT46lg-00216-00065922-00066182 nothing else on it but if you take any MjefJvT46lg-00217-00066183-00066605 site in nature as I say on home page you MjefJvT46lg-00218-00066606-00067004 would have anywhere from 50-70 up to 200 MjefJvT46lg-00219-00067005-00067223 queries in the front page and then you MjefJvT46lg-00220-00067224-00067474 take that into account 10 plus queries MjefJvT46lg-00221-00067475-00068267 again not so much difference assets if MjefJvT46lg-00222-00068268-00068609 you just take WordPress it would load MjefJvT46lg-00223-00068610-00068867 six internal scripts from the same MjefJvT46lg-00224-00068868-00069169 server five internal styles from the MjefJvT46lg-00225-00069170-00069422 same server and one external style MjefJvT46lg-00226-00069423-00069878 that's the font from google fonts if you MjefJvT46lg-00227-00069879-00070478 add or recommended modules that's plus MjefJvT46lg-00228-00070479-00070838 one plus two plus two scripts and plus MjefJvT46lg-00229-00070839-00071165 two styles if we have all modules that's MjefJvT46lg-00230-00071166-00071630 plus 11 script food 13 scripts and 4 MjefJvT46lg-00231-00071631-00072056 plus 11 styles so this is actually quite MjefJvT46lg-00232-00072057-00072313 a lot in terms of that this is quite MjefJvT46lg-00233-00072314-00072626 quite a lot and the most stuff is being MjefJvT46lg-00234-00072627-00073055 added by infinite scroll gravatar and a MjefJvT46lg-00235-00073056-00073751 photo also lacks so this one so how much MjefJvT46lg-00236-00073752-00073976 external HTTP request does happen on MjefJvT46lg-00237-00073977-00074141 home page when you have jetpack MjefJvT46lg-00238-00074142-00074863 activated what do you think 5 10 25 any MjefJvT46lg-00239-00074864-00075440 takers in five actually zero on front MjefJvT46lg-00240-00075441-00075704 end when you're just loading a site as a MjefJvT46lg-00241-00075705-00076025 simple view user viewer it doesn't add MjefJvT46lg-00242-00076026-00076592 anything there 0 so in conclusion what MjefJvT46lg-00243-00076593-00076793 we've learned is that jetpack will MjefJvT46lg-00244-00076794-00076973 always add at least half a megabyte of MjefJvT46lg-00245-00076974-00077266 memory usage and up to 2.5 MjefJvT46lg-00246-00077267-00077575 ah there is also a difference in MjefJvT46lg-00247-00077576-00077803 execution time but it would be better to MjefJvT46lg-00248-00077804-00077980 have more data on that before any MjefJvT46lg-00249-00077981-00078337 definitive conclusions but only a MjefJvT46lg-00250-00078338-00078574 handful of modules add additional assets MjefJvT46lg-00251-00078575-00078919 and not not that much of them and no MjefJvT46lg-00252-00078920-00079660 remote request on homepage as I said I MjefJvT46lg-00253-00079661-00079867 was not a bit more ambitious on that and MjefJvT46lg-00254-00079868-00080086 as always we have research we have MjefJvT46lg-00255-00080087-00080254 always have to say what you're going to MjefJvT46lg-00256-00080255-00080536 do next with what you've had so first MjefJvT46lg-00257-00080537-00080854 thing is I didn't have one I didn't MjefJvT46lg-00258-00080855-00081097 manage to find time to test other MjefJvT46lg-00259-00081098-00081349 plugins that you could do feature by MjefJvT46lg-00260-00081350-00081520 feature comparison for example if you're MjefJvT46lg-00261-00081521-00081748 using contact forms from jet pack or if MjefJvT46lg-00262-00081749-00081895 you're using something like contact MjefJvT46lg-00263-00081896-00082137 forms and what's the difference there MjefJvT46lg-00264-00082138-00082363 that is something that would be really MjefJvT46lg-00265-00082364-00082519 interesting to see and that is something MjefJvT46lg-00266-00082520-00082773 that I'm definitely planning on doing MjefJvT46lg-00267-00082774-00083233 another thing is what I realized also MjefJvT46lg-00268-00083234-00083533 that for a lot of modules the dirty work MjefJvT46lg-00269-00083534-00083812 is not happening on the home page so MjefJvT46lg-00270-00083813-00084034 whenever testing them you have to look MjefJvT46lg-00271-00084035-00084280 in two different places so if you're MjefJvT46lg-00272-00084281-00084568 using something like related posts so it MjefJvT46lg-00273-00084569-00084739 will not all the dirty work it will not MjefJvT46lg-00274-00084740-00085114 show up on on your on your home page MjefJvT46lg-00275-00085115-00085363 would have to go to a single page to see MjefJvT46lg-00276-00085364-00085588 what happens or if you have comments MjefJvT46lg-00277-00085589-00085816 activated that's also where it happens MjefJvT46lg-00278-00085817-00086137 if you have something that is more on an MjefJvT46lg-00279-00086138-00086392 administration side you have to see what MjefJvT46lg-00280-00086393-00086626 effect does it have on the admin panel MjefJvT46lg-00281-00086627-00087307 also also for execution times we have MjefJvT46lg-00282-00087308-00087577 definitely need molded more data to be MjefJvT46lg-00283-00087578-00087970 more definitive on that but there is MjefJvT46lg-00284-00087971-00088183 also thing whenever I talk about it I MjefJvT46lg-00285-00088184-00088387 can see okay so i'm looking at jetpack MjefJvT46lg-00286-00088388-00088678 and everything so they say are you using MjefJvT46lg-00287-00088679-00088804 jetpack yourself and would you'd MjefJvT46lg-00288-00088805-00089155 recommend it to your client so there is MjefJvT46lg-00289-00089156-00089416 a discussion to be had on that because MjefJvT46lg-00290-00089417-00089910 it all depends on your goals if you need MjefJvT46lg-00291-00089911-00090226 control and flexibility there are a lot MjefJvT46lg-00292-00090227-00090481 of great plugins that give you that you MjefJvT46lg-00293-00090482-00090650 can activate contact form 7 MjefJvT46lg-00294-00090651-00090914 have a gazillion settings to make it MjefJvT46lg-00295-00090915-00091226 look and work just the way you need but MjefJvT46lg-00296-00091227-00091415 if you just need a simple contact form MjefJvT46lg-00297-00091416-00092024 maybe you don't need all those and with MjefJvT46lg-00298-00092025-00092363 jet pack what you get is stability that MjefJvT46lg-00299-00092364-00092528 means you can install that plug-in and MjefJvT46lg-00300-00092529-00092786 pretty much forget about it because then MjefJvT46lg-00301-00092787-00093005 the new version comes in you just update MjefJvT46lg-00302-00093006-00093269 it and it would still work because there MjefJvT46lg-00303-00093270-00093434 is a big company behind it they do a lot MjefJvT46lg-00304-00093435-00093818 of testing about it and you're pretty MjefJvT46lg-00305-00093819-00094046 much guaranteed that nothing will break MjefJvT46lg-00306-00094047-00094295 from updating jetpack but if you're MjefJvT46lg-00307-00094296-00094567 using yet another contact forms plugin MjefJvT46lg-00308-00094568-00094925 that somebody did and that has like 20 MjefJvT46lg-00309-00094926-00095207 active users and they come up with a new MjefJvT46lg-00310-00095208-00095576 version can you always be sure that the MjefJvT46lg-00311-00095577-00095897 update will not break anything not MjefJvT46lg-00312-00095898-00096149 anymore so it all depends on your goals MjefJvT46lg-00313-00096150-00096464 if you want more control sometimes MjefJvT46lg-00314-00096465-00096827 having separate things will be much more MjefJvT46lg-00315-00096828-00097097 useful for you but if you need just MjefJvT46lg-00316-00097098-00097253 something that just works and you don't MjefJvT46lg-00317-00097254-00097634 need to do anything with it then you MjefJvT46lg-00318-00097635-00097817 just activated it have a couple of MjefJvT46lg-00319-00097818-00097973 settings and that's all right with you MjefJvT46lg-00320-00097974-00098294 and it's okay but if you need control MjefJvT46lg-00321-00098295-00098627 and undo tinker with the thing then jet MjefJvT46lg-00322-00098628-00098822 pack will probably be not the right MjefJvT46lg-00323-00098823-00099038 thing for you but in terms of MjefJvT46lg-00324-00099039-00099209 performance of course you're getting a MjefJvT46lg-00325-00099210-00099491 hit because you are loading a lot of MjefJvT46lg-00326-00099492-00099740 things on your side but it's actually MjefJvT46lg-00327-00099741-00100076 quite well coded so it doesn't add that MjefJvT46lg-00328-00100077-00100871 much bloat okay do you have any MjefJvT46lg-00329-00100872-00101327 questions for me MjefJvT46lg-00330-00101328-00102120 so go through okay do you have some data MjefJvT46lg-00331-00102121-00102450 if you uninstalled jetpack after it's MjefJvT46lg-00332-00102451-00102852 all in the same like in start or they MjefJvT46lg-00333-00102853-00103239 have some queries not yet but this is MjefJvT46lg-00334-00103240-00103404 the thing that I'm going to do just like MjefJvT46lg-00335-00103405-00103607 as I come of this cage it's actually MjefJvT46lg-00336-00103608-00103706 interesting yeah that would be MjefJvT46lg-00337-00103707-00103971 interesting but I'm pretty sure it will MjefJvT46lg-00338-00103972-00104306 come up the same but I'm going to check MjefJvT46lg-00339-00104307-00104598 that that's interesting not yet hey MjefJvT46lg-00340-00104599-00104748 there was a question there and this MjefJvT46lg-00341-00104749-00104970 question down there so mother fro watch MjefJvT46lg-00342-00104971-00105480 out hi make a good talk we were talking MjefJvT46lg-00343-00105481-00105789 about automated tests before lunch and MjefJvT46lg-00344-00105790-00106034 and you were also had some points here MjefJvT46lg-00345-00106035-00106263 about comparable or other plugins and MjefJvT46lg-00346-00106264-00106425 stuff like that like would it be MjefJvT46lg-00347-00106426-00106722 possible to try to do this on a larger MjefJvT46lg-00348-00106723-00106908 scale and maybe even automate some of MjefJvT46lg-00349-00106908-00107190 these things to you know try to get data MjefJvT46lg-00350-00107191-00107510 for more plugins ah one of the things MjefJvT46lg-00351-00107511-00107775 making more even more automated yes yeah MjefJvT46lg-00352-00107776-00107940 it's actually pretty ready for that MjefJvT46lg-00353-00107941-00108134 because all the data is already in CSV MjefJvT46lg-00354-00108135-00108359 so you can just basically take it and do MjefJvT46lg-00355-00108360-00108624 stuff with it and all the measurement MjefJvT46lg-00356-00108625-00108813 happens if you pass a some query to it MjefJvT46lg-00357-00108814-00108993 so basically it's pretty ready for that MjefJvT46lg-00358-00108994-00109227 and the one of the things why I haven't MjefJvT46lg-00359-00109228-00109685 done this yet is I know quite a lot of MjefJvT46lg-00360-00109686-00109956 plugins myself but I i'm pretty sure i MjefJvT46lg-00361-00109957-00110193 don't know the whole 40,000 that we have MjefJvT46lg-00362-00110194-00110652 in the repo and the thing is you can MjefJvT46lg-00363-00110653-00110834 take the most popular in the class but MjefJvT46lg-00364-00110835-00111123 that will not always be a fair MjefJvT46lg-00365-00111124-00111492 comparison because it's like comparing i MjefJvT46lg-00366-00111493-00111807 know a bicycle and a rolls-royce right MjefJvT46lg-00367-00111808-00112085 it's very different things so for a MjefJvT46lg-00368-00112086-00112281 proper got this comparison also is MjefJvT46lg-00369-00112282-00112491 interesting because this is how people MjefJvT46lg-00370-00112492-00112716 change I don't want jetpack that module MjefJvT46lg-00371-00112717-00113108 installed contact form 7 but feature MjefJvT46lg-00372-00113109-00113319 wise it's not a fair comparison because MjefJvT46lg-00373-00113320-00113502 you're loading jus a lot more data and MjefJvT46lg-00374-00113503-00113754 and if doing this kind of comparison I'm MjefJvT46lg-00375-00113755-00114006 pretty sure jetpack will come ahead all MjefJvT46lg-00376-00114007-00114276 of the time so what would be very MjefJvT46lg-00377-00114277-00114441 interesting it would be defined small MjefJvT46lg-00378-00114442-00114630 find small plugins that do pretty much MjefJvT46lg-00379-00114631-00114681 the same MjefJvT46lg-00380-00114682-00114929 think the jetpack does but for that I MjefJvT46lg-00381-00114930-00115151 would I really need I've asked it on my MjefJvT46lg-00382-00115152-00115293 blog before but I would really need MjefJvT46lg-00383-00115294-00115506 actual input from the people who know MjefJvT46lg-00384-00115507-00116002 plugins they do pretty much the same MjefJvT46lg-00385-00116003-00116499 questions no no and ok I have everyone's MjefJvT46lg-00386-00116500-00116849 afraid of that Q by Frank ok i also have MjefJvT46lg-00387-00116850-00117011 one one more thing to say it and i said MjefJvT46lg-00388-00117013-00117318 i have to be independent of interest and MjefJvT46lg-00389-00117319-00117519 full disclosure i have to say that they MjefJvT46lg-00390-00117520-00117723 are received a twenty dollar donation MjefJvT46lg-00391-00117724-00117965 from matt mullenweg for this so i'm a MjefJvT46lg-00392-00117966-00118510 bit biased yeah i have a question MjefJvT46lg-00393-00118511-00118751 basically what tools did you use to MjefJvT46lg-00394-00118752-00118991 perform a test or in short terms i'm MjefJvT46lg-00395-00118992-00119162 guessing that's in your blog post as MjefJvT46lg-00396-00119163-00119453 well yeah so as i said before i want i MjefJvT46lg-00397-00119454-00119654 wanted to use very long at all but one MjefJvT46lg-00398-00119655-00119840 of the reasons is having data exported MjefJvT46lg-00399-00119841-00120195 easily i ended up coding it myself yeah MjefJvT46lg-00400-00120196-00120573 so it is not public yet but i'm going to MjefJvT46lg-00401-00120574-00120791 publish that also together with the raw MjefJvT46lg-00402-00120792-00121098 data that i have AA you will be able to MjefJvT46lg-00403-00121099-00121589 find this on my blog so this will come MjefJvT46lg-00404-00121590-00121782 up on a couple days i guess when i have MjefJvT46lg-00405-00121783-00122148 time to sit down and write it down but MjefJvT46lg-00406-00122149-00122375 it will be open source and anybody could MjefJvT46lg-00407-00122376-00122579 use it for measuring this or anything MjefJvT46lg-00408-00122580-00122963 else yeah do we have I think we have MjefJvT46lg-00409-00122964-00123120 time for one more question or something MjefJvT46lg-00410-00123121-00123389 yeah up in the back so you're one makes MjefJvT46lg-00411-00123390-00123833 a good throw in fact and you mentioned MjefJvT46lg-00412-00123834-00124103 about activating jetpack yeah and you MjefJvT46lg-00413-00124104-00124250 connected with the wordpress account at MjefJvT46lg-00414-00124251-00124487 that point i have data of connected and MjefJvT46lg-00415-00124488-00124841 not connected also are actually making MjefJvT46lg-00416-00124842-00125384 it connected will lowers the amount of MjefJvT46lg-00417-00125385-00125660 off of code you're loading because it MjefJvT46lg-00418-00125661-00125852 probably doesn't have all this all this MjefJvT46lg-00419-00125853-00126125 interface saying for please activate me MjefJvT46lg-00420-00126126-00126491 but it's it's close okay and you haven't MjefJvT46lg-00421-00126492-00126749 tested with development mode no not in MjefJvT46lg-00422-00126750-00127194 development mode okay thank you yeah so MjefJvT46lg-00423-00127195-00127538 a big thank you to our unas and let's MjefJvT46lg-00424-00127539-00127784 get ready MkstykYhKdA-00000-00000016-00000191 welcome everyone this is the open MkstykYhKdA-00001-00000192-00000455 session uh thank you for coming MkstykYhKdA-00002-00000456-00000734 so anna is in her final year of a phd in MkstykYhKdA-00003-00000735-00000919 health economics at the university of MkstykYhKdA-00004-00000919-00001247 manchester funded by welcome and the phd MkstykYhKdA-00005-00001248-00001415 is evaluating the effectiveness of MkstykYhKdA-00006-00001416-00001639 community approaches at protecting and MkstykYhKdA-00007-00001639-00001798 improving health and well-being and MkstykYhKdA-00008-00001800-00002014 reducing inequalities MkstykYhKdA-00009-00002016-00002199 this paper is evaluating the health and MkstykYhKdA-00010-00002200-00002350 well-being returns of social MkstykYhKdA-00011-00002351-00002599 participation and the role of community MkstykYhKdA-00012-00002600-00002926 asset infrastructure so fire away MkstykYhKdA-00013-00002927-00003231 okay perfect hi well so yeah that was a MkstykYhKdA-00014-00003232-00003422 really nice introduction thank you MkstykYhKdA-00015-00003423-00003590 so just go straight into the theory MkstykYhKdA-00016-00003592-00003927 behind like what is social participation MkstykYhKdA-00017-00003928-00004054 so oh MkstykYhKdA-00018-00004055-00004343 i'm not consuming ages there we go so MkstykYhKdA-00019-00004344-00004543 social participation it comes under the MkstykYhKdA-00020-00004544-00004815 umbrella of social capital um MkstykYhKdA-00021-00004816-00005047 and this social capital from the putnam MkstykYhKdA-00022-00005048-00005175 definition MkstykYhKdA-00023-00005176-00005343 um it's to do with connections with MkstykYhKdA-00024-00005344-00005551 others that enrich people's lives and MkstykYhKdA-00025-00005552-00005702 these connections have two parts which MkstykYhKdA-00026-00005703-00005831 is the tangible part which is a MkstykYhKdA-00027-00005832-00006031 membership of community groups which MkstykYhKdA-00028-00006032-00006279 leads into the social participation and MkstykYhKdA-00029-00006280-00006439 the intangible part which is the MkstykYhKdA-00030-00006440-00006678 community trust element MkstykYhKdA-00031-00006679-00006927 so we focus predominantly on this um MkstykYhKdA-00032-00006928-00007087 social participation is just something MkstykYhKdA-00033-00007088-00007255 we can measure MkstykYhKdA-00034-00007256-00007487 but there's another concept that builds MkstykYhKdA-00035-00007488-00007623 into um MkstykYhKdA-00036-00007623-00007887 both these which is asset mapping MkstykYhKdA-00037-00007888-00008223 so this is to do with um MkstykYhKdA-00038-00008224-00008431 identifying things within the community MkstykYhKdA-00039-00008432-00008678 that can enable people to engage in MkstykYhKdA-00040-00008679-00008927 social participation social capital and MkstykYhKdA-00041-00008928-00009159 helps build community trust so these can MkstykYhKdA-00042-00009160-00009359 be physical spaces such as MkstykYhKdA-00043-00009360-00009639 parks and MkstykYhKdA-00044-00009640-00009814 leisure centers youth clubs or MkstykYhKdA-00045-00009815-00010142 institutions like schools universities MkstykYhKdA-00046-00010143-00010406 associations such as the groups or MkstykYhKdA-00047-00010407-00010551 individuals who have knowledge and MkstykYhKdA-00048-00010552-00010735 skills with to MkstykYhKdA-00049-00010736-00011046 engage to run these sort of groups and MkstykYhKdA-00050-00011047-00011271 additionally local economies such as um MkstykYhKdA-00051-00011272-00011495 there's local budgets that put direct MkstykYhKdA-00052-00011496-00011678 money into like museums MkstykYhKdA-00053-00011679-00011999 and community groups MkstykYhKdA-00054-00012000-00012223 so the introduction why we um MkstykYhKdA-00055-00012224-00012406 investigate why this is an interesting MkstykYhKdA-00056-00012407-00012614 topic so social capital has been shown MkstykYhKdA-00057-00012615-00012974 to broadly improve um health outcomes MkstykYhKdA-00058-00012975-00013151 this was found in a recent systematic MkstykYhKdA-00059-00013152-00013415 review however there's been MkstykYhKdA-00060-00013416-00013679 issues with working out what part of MkstykYhKdA-00061-00013680-00013943 social capital and contributes most to MkstykYhKdA-00062-00013944-00014103 health could this be the tangible part MkstykYhKdA-00063-00014104-00014238 which is the community groups or the MkstykYhKdA-00064-00014240-00014463 intangible part which is part of MkstykYhKdA-00065-00014463-00014622 community trust MkstykYhKdA-00066-00014623-00014815 and there's in there's issues with which MkstykYhKdA-00067-00014816-00015007 one contributes more MkstykYhKdA-00068-00015008-00015207 social participation has led to improved MkstykYhKdA-00069-00015208-00015463 health outcomes and additionally reduced MkstykYhKdA-00070-00015463-00015822 mortality so there's important MkstykYhKdA-00071-00015823-00015991 associations with individuals outcome MkstykYhKdA-00072-00015991-00016238 but there are endogenicity concerns MkstykYhKdA-00073-00016240-00016455 around social participation MkstykYhKdA-00074-00016456-00016639 such as reverse causality those are MkstykYhKdA-00075-00016640-00016943 better health more likely to engage in MkstykYhKdA-00076-00016944-00017111 social participation but social MkstykYhKdA-00077-00017112-00017286 participation is linked to better health MkstykYhKdA-00078-00017287-00017519 improving health and also this selection MkstykYhKdA-00079-00017520-00017639 bias MkstykYhKdA-00080-00017640-00017807 additionally access to these community MkstykYhKdA-00081-00017808-00018094 assets facilitates social participation MkstykYhKdA-00082-00018095-00018294 especially those community assets that MkstykYhKdA-00083-00018295-00018679 are um close and proximity and people MkstykYhKdA-00084-00018680-00018839 can walk to them MkstykYhKdA-00085-00018840-00019086 so we aim to estimate what the health MkstykYhKdA-00086-00019087-00019222 and well-being returns to social MkstykYhKdA-00087-00019223-00019447 participation and also if these effects MkstykYhKdA-00088-00019448-00019558 vary by MkstykYhKdA-00089-00019559-00019863 um probability of participating because MkstykYhKdA-00090-00019864-00020030 we've found that there's a MkstykYhKdA-00091-00020031-00020263 different socio-economic status and MkstykYhKdA-00092-00020264-00020439 there's a predictor of social MkstykYhKdA-00093-00020440-00020583 participation MkstykYhKdA-00094-00020584-00020814 so the data that we use for this and we MkstykYhKdA-00095-00020815-00020919 use the MkstykYhKdA-00096-00020920-00021135 uk household longitudinal study and MkstykYhKdA-00097-00021136-00021350 we've got the special license for this MkstykYhKdA-00098-00021351-00021550 which means the lso is specialized so MkstykYhKdA-00099-00021551-00021735 that's the certain level of geography MkstykYhKdA-00100-00021736-00021911 that we have that we can identify the MkstykYhKdA-00101-00021912-00022103 individuals within the survey MkstykYhKdA-00102-00022104-00022294 and we measure social participation from MkstykYhKdA-00103-00022295-00022519 the social and intrigue interest group MkstykYhKdA-00104-00022520-00022822 membership component so people are asked MkstykYhKdA-00105-00022823-00023014 within the survey i'm going to um about MkstykYhKdA-00106-00023015-00023230 what types of organizations they're part MkstykYhKdA-00107-00023231-00023311 of MkstykYhKdA-00108-00023312-00023511 and here are the types of groups that MkstykYhKdA-00109-00023512-00023719 they can list that they're a member of MkstykYhKdA-00110-00023720-00023919 and we use this as our social MkstykYhKdA-00111-00023920-00024158 participation indicator so if anyone MkstykYhKdA-00112-00024159-00024358 answers yes to any of those groups then MkstykYhKdA-00113-00024359-00024567 we um mark them as MkstykYhKdA-00114-00024568-00024719 someone who engages in social MkstykYhKdA-00115-00024720-00024975 participation and if they say no then MkstykYhKdA-00116-00024976-00025103 they are not MkstykYhKdA-00117-00025104-00025311 so then the outcomes that we look at so MkstykYhKdA-00118-00025312-00025503 we have the health and well-being so for MkstykYhKdA-00119-00025504-00025639 the health we just use the general MkstykYhKdA-00120-00025639-00025806 self-assessed health score which we MkstykYhKdA-00121-00025807-00026062 reverse code it such that poor is now MkstykYhKdA-00122-00026063-00026223 one and MkstykYhKdA-00123-00026224-00026439 excellent health is five MkstykYhKdA-00124-00026439-00026743 and then for well-being we use the sf-12 MkstykYhKdA-00125-00026744-00026951 mental health component MkstykYhKdA-00126-00026952-00027151 and this is derived from six questions MkstykYhKdA-00127-00027152-00027390 using a six point like point scale so MkstykYhKdA-00128-00027391-00027502 the questions that people these MkstykYhKdA-00129-00027504-00027702 questions are about mental health if MkstykYhKdA-00130-00027704-00027958 they accomplish less and make them work MkstykYhKdA-00131-00027960-00028158 less carefully whether they felt calm MkstykYhKdA-00132-00028160-00028351 and peaceful how much energy that they MkstykYhKdA-00133-00028352-00028590 had and whether they felt depressed and MkstykYhKdA-00134-00028591-00028774 also if this mental health interfered MkstykYhKdA-00135-00028775-00029102 with social interactions then this scale MkstykYhKdA-00136-00029104-00029327 and then from this that basically turned MkstykYhKdA-00137-00029327-00029590 into a score from zero to 100 with a MkstykYhKdA-00138-00029591-00029783 mean of 50 and then it's given a MkstykYhKdA-00139-00029783-00030055 standard deviation of 10. MkstykYhKdA-00140-00030056-00030214 so this is our model as i mentioned MkstykYhKdA-00141-00030216-00030414 before we had some endogenetic concerns MkstykYhKdA-00142-00030416-00030614 so we had social participation on either MkstykYhKdA-00143-00030616-00030831 health or well-being we has issues of MkstykYhKdA-00144-00030832-00031023 reverse causality so this reverse MkstykYhKdA-00145-00031024-00031302 causality so this um led to the MkstykYhKdA-00146-00031303-00031495 idea of using an instrument variable and MkstykYhKdA-00147-00031495-00031735 as we said before community assets were MkstykYhKdA-00148-00031736-00031974 found um to be a good predictor of MkstykYhKdA-00149-00031975-00032231 social participation MkstykYhKdA-00150-00032232-00032462 the community asset data that we collect MkstykYhKdA-00151-00032463-00032783 is on community centers sports centers MkstykYhKdA-00152-00032784-00033031 places of worship youth clubs and assets MkstykYhKdA-00153-00033032-00033199 of community value MkstykYhKdA-00154-00033200-00033399 and we use um an indicator if they're MkstykYhKdA-00155-00033400-00033599 within one kilometer MkstykYhKdA-00156-00033600-00033959 of an individual's lsoa centroid MkstykYhKdA-00157-00033960-00034111 just a quick note on these assets of MkstykYhKdA-00158-00034112-00034311 community value these are and these are MkstykYhKdA-00159-00034312-00034559 special ones that individuals MkstykYhKdA-00160-00034560-00034807 nominate within their community MkstykYhKdA-00161-00034808-00034943 with their local authority and they have MkstykYhKdA-00162-00034944-00035231 special um MkstykYhKdA-00163-00035232-00035446 look like protection and that they can't MkstykYhKdA-00164-00035447-00035702 be disposed of and then individuals want MkstykYhKdA-00165-00035703-00035990 to keep them that in their community MkstykYhKdA-00166-00035991-00036262 of these five community assets we have MkstykYhKdA-00167-00036263-00036518 to geo code this data so we have to get MkstykYhKdA-00168-00036519-00036671 their coordinates of MkstykYhKdA-00169-00036672-00036846 all of these data points some of them MkstykYhKdA-00170-00036847-00037046 are a lot easier to get some of them MkstykYhKdA-00171-00037047-00037246 involved googling which was quite time MkstykYhKdA-00172-00037247-00037359 consuming MkstykYhKdA-00173-00037360-00037551 but that's why um MkstykYhKdA-00174-00037552-00037774 we focused our findings just on greater MkstykYhKdA-00175-00037775-00037990 manchester because it allowed us to have MkstykYhKdA-00176-00037991-00038095 a good MkstykYhKdA-00177-00038096-00038271 urban area of MkstykYhKdA-00178-00038272-00038479 of the uk but also MkstykYhKdA-00179-00038480-00038639 meant it wasn't too time consuming MkstykYhKdA-00180-00038640-00038830 getting all the data so for an example MkstykYhKdA-00181-00038831-00039046 for the community centers how we MkstykYhKdA-00182-00039047-00039246 calculated and MkstykYhKdA-00183-00039247-00039430 whether an individual had them within MkstykYhKdA-00184-00039431-00039646 that area this we use this example MkstykYhKdA-00185-00039647-00039862 within stockport so the person's house MkstykYhKdA-00186-00039863-00040007 is in the middle and as you can see MkstykYhKdA-00187-00040008-00040127 there's MkstykYhKdA-00188-00040128-00040495 um a community center here here here MkstykYhKdA-00189-00040496-00040646 here and here MkstykYhKdA-00190-00040647-00040902 so basically we use a program a MkstykYhKdA-00191-00040903-00041095 statistical program that then calculates MkstykYhKdA-00192-00041096-00041279 which one's the closest MkstykYhKdA-00193-00041280-00041551 which would be this one and then whether MkstykYhKdA-00194-00041552-00041702 and then afterwards we then see if MkstykYhKdA-00195-00041703-00041927 that's within one kilometer radius of MkstykYhKdA-00196-00041928-00042190 the individual's lso centroid and we do MkstykYhKdA-00197-00042191-00042423 this across the five assets MkstykYhKdA-00198-00042424-00042695 community assets MkstykYhKdA-00199-00042696-00042807 um MkstykYhKdA-00200-00042808-00042999 so the next part the methods that we use MkstykYhKdA-00201-00043000-00043127 to answer this we use the marginal MkstykYhKdA-00202-00043128-00043295 treatment effects model as this allows MkstykYhKdA-00203-00043296-00043527 us to both use an instrument variable MkstykYhKdA-00204-00043528-00043646 specification MkstykYhKdA-00205-00043647-00043846 but also allows us to estimate the MkstykYhKdA-00206-00043847-00044023 treatment effects across probability of MkstykYhKdA-00207-00044024-00044302 treated so we can estimate um the MkstykYhKdA-00208-00044303-00044439 treatment effects of someone with a high MkstykYhKdA-00209-00044440-00044655 probability of attending MkstykYhKdA-00210-00044656-00044895 participating in social but MkstykYhKdA-00211-00044896-00045062 participating in social participation MkstykYhKdA-00212-00045063-00045302 that's a lot worse or compared to low MkstykYhKdA-00213-00045303-00045439 probability MkstykYhKdA-00214-00045440-00045630 so the first stage we model and social MkstykYhKdA-00215-00045631-00045958 participation which is uh contains our MkstykYhKdA-00216-00045959-00046135 assets whether they're within one MkstykYhKdA-00217-00046136-00046383 kilometer of someone's lso centroid and MkstykYhKdA-00218-00046384-00046574 a range of controls which MkstykYhKdA-00219-00046575-00046823 i include at individual level household MkstykYhKdA-00220-00046824-00047111 level and area level just MkstykYhKdA-00221-00047112-00047295 and then from that first stage we use MkstykYhKdA-00222-00047296-00047455 the first stage estimates in the second MkstykYhKdA-00223-00047456-00047558 stage MkstykYhKdA-00224-00047559-00047839 to estimate the effect on the outcomes MkstykYhKdA-00225-00047840-00048015 and we use the same set of individual MkstykYhKdA-00226-00048016-00048262 household and area level controls that MkstykYhKdA-00227-00048263-00048446 and in the final stage we estimate these MkstykYhKdA-00228-00048447-00048583 treatment effects MkstykYhKdA-00229-00048584-00048799 across the propensity scores as from the MkstykYhKdA-00230-00048800-00048943 first stage it's slightly more MkstykYhKdA-00231-00048944-00049127 complicated than a traditional MkstykYhKdA-00232-00049128-00049374 instrument variable model but it's MkstykYhKdA-00233-00049375-00049535 because we're able to see if there's MkstykYhKdA-00234-00049536-00049743 heterogeneous effects across the MkstykYhKdA-00235-00049744-00049935 participation levels rather than just MkstykYhKdA-00236-00049936-00050118 looking at the average person in the MkstykYhKdA-00237-00050119-00050262 middle MkstykYhKdA-00238-00050263-00050486 we opted for this so additionally we can MkstykYhKdA-00239-00050487-00050695 estimate the average treatment effect MkstykYhKdA-00240-00050696-00050895 the average treatment effect untreated MkstykYhKdA-00241-00050896-00051039 so those with high probability of MkstykYhKdA-00242-00051040-00051279 attending an entre and then MkstykYhKdA-00243-00051279-00051487 average treatment average treatment MkstykYhKdA-00244-00051488-00051687 effect on untreated which is the low MkstykYhKdA-00245-00051688-00051902 probability and then the local average MkstykYhKdA-00246-00051903-00052070 treatment effects which is the compliers MkstykYhKdA-00247-00052071-00052350 which is a traditional iv model MkstykYhKdA-00248-00052351-00052638 so these are the results these are um MkstykYhKdA-00249-00052639-00052879 column one refers to the summary MkstykYhKdA-00250-00052879-00053103 statistics and then column two is the MkstykYhKdA-00251-00053104-00053454 first stage results for the model MkstykYhKdA-00252-00053455-00053663 so for youth clubs and within greater MkstykYhKdA-00253-00053664-00053911 manchester 54.3 MkstykYhKdA-00254-00053912-00054150 of the individuals had a youth center MkstykYhKdA-00255-00054151-00054359 within one kilometer of their house MkstykYhKdA-00256-00054360-00054566 by less sorry centroid MkstykYhKdA-00257-00054567-00054647 and MkstykYhKdA-00258-00054648-00054859 um they had a MkstykYhKdA-00259-00054860-00055150 46.7 had an asset a community value MkstykYhKdA-00260-00055151-00055366 within one kilometer of their house MkstykYhKdA-00261-00055367-00055487 so the MkstykYhKdA-00262-00055488-00055791 second column refers to um the average MkstykYhKdA-00263-00055791-00056015 marginal effect on social participation MkstykYhKdA-00264-00056016-00056271 so here um those individuals who had a MkstykYhKdA-00265-00056272-00056479 youth club within one kilometer at their MkstykYhKdA-00266-00056479-00056591 house MkstykYhKdA-00267-00056591-00056799 they were 6.3 percentage points more MkstykYhKdA-00268-00056800-00057047 likely to engage in social participation MkstykYhKdA-00269-00057048-00057247 than those who did not MkstykYhKdA-00270-00057248-00057415 simulate um MkstykYhKdA-00271-00057416-00057623 for assets community value whereas the MkstykYhKdA-00272-00057624-00057838 rest um they either had MkstykYhKdA-00273-00057839-00058103 counter-intuitive um effects or they MkstykYhKdA-00274-00058104-00058287 weren't significant MkstykYhKdA-00275-00058288-00058591 so these are the um results so the graph MkstykYhKdA-00276-00058591-00058742 here is the marginal treatment effects MkstykYhKdA-00277-00058744-00059191 graph so on the um on the bottom axis MkstykYhKdA-00278-00059191-00059430 it's unobserved resistance to treatment MkstykYhKdA-00279-00059432-00059575 but the easiest way to see is on the MkstykYhKdA-00280-00059576-00059679 right hand side it's the lower MkstykYhKdA-00281-00059679-00059991 probability of social participation and MkstykYhKdA-00282-00059991-00060119 the left hand side is the high MkstykYhKdA-00283-00060120-00060406 probability of social participation MkstykYhKdA-00284-00060407-00060623 so the treatment effects are then placid MkstykYhKdA-00285-00060624-00060742 across MkstykYhKdA-00286-00060744-00060823 each MkstykYhKdA-00287-00060824-00061038 like quintile at the bottom MkstykYhKdA-00288-00061039-00061166 so MkstykYhKdA-00289-00061167-00061375 those with high probability of engaging MkstykYhKdA-00290-00061376-00061703 in social participation had positive and MkstykYhKdA-00291-00061704-00061959 significant returns to their health with MkstykYhKdA-00292-00061960-00062182 the average treatment untreated effect MkstykYhKdA-00293-00062183-00062375 showing a 2.2 MkstykYhKdA-00294-00062376-00062766 increase in self-assessed health MkstykYhKdA-00295-00062767-00062926 and then for well-being we find a MkstykYhKdA-00296-00062927-00063111 similar trend with those of high MkstykYhKdA-00297-00063112-00063335 probability of engaging in social MkstykYhKdA-00298-00063336-00063599 participation having positive MkstykYhKdA-00299-00063600-00063750 significant returns to their health MkstykYhKdA-00300-00063751-00063959 whereas low probability MkstykYhKdA-00301-00063960-00064135 showing negative MkstykYhKdA-00302-00064136-00064335 effects MkstykYhKdA-00303-00064336-00064519 similarly the average treatment affects MkstykYhKdA-00304-00064520-00064775 untreated showed a 20 MkstykYhKdA-00305-00064776-00064950 increase in the well-being score MkstykYhKdA-00306-00064951-00065399 compared to normal participants MkstykYhKdA-00307-00065400-00065582 so what we find is that community asset MkstykYhKdA-00308-00065583-00065767 infrastructure is a strong predictor of MkstykYhKdA-00309-00065768-00065943 social participation particularly the MkstykYhKdA-00310-00065944-00066126 youth clubs and the assets of community MkstykYhKdA-00311-00066127-00066238 value MkstykYhKdA-00312-00066239-00066487 and there are significant returns to MkstykYhKdA-00313-00066488-00066694 those who are more likely to engage in MkstykYhKdA-00314-00066695-00066975 social participation however this MkstykYhKdA-00315-00066976-00067206 result actually could lead to widely MkstykYhKdA-00316-00067207-00067463 existing widening of existing health MkstykYhKdA-00317-00067464-00067719 inequalities this is because we find MkstykYhKdA-00318-00067720-00067935 that those of higher socio economic MkstykYhKdA-00319-00067936-00068175 status are more likely to engage MkstykYhKdA-00320-00068176-00068487 so this those people already have um MkstykYhKdA-00321-00068488-00068687 better health outcomes so MkstykYhKdA-00322-00068688-00068991 in order to have equitable health health MkstykYhKdA-00323-00068992-00069175 gains then we should be empowering MkstykYhKdA-00324-00069176-00069463 individuals of low social participation MkstykYhKdA-00325-00069464-00069631 rates such as those of low socio MkstykYhKdA-00326-00069632-00070006 economic status to engage with um these MkstykYhKdA-00327-00070007-00070231 policies of nominating nominating these MkstykYhKdA-00328-00070232-00070415 assets to community values MkstykYhKdA-00329-00070416-00070591 and this is one way that um health MkstykYhKdA-00330-00070592-00070791 inequalities could be MkstykYhKdA-00331-00070792-00070911 addressed MkstykYhKdA-00332-00070912-00071015 thank you MkstykYhKdA-00333-00071016-00071215 that's brilliant thank you anna it's MkstykYhKdA-00334-00071216-00071471 really interesting um a really nice MkstykYhKdA-00335-00071472-00071726 example of using the um MkstykYhKdA-00336-00071727-00072055 lsoa as well data so the special license MkstykYhKdA-00337-00072056-00072223 data i'm sure you've got stories about MkstykYhKdA-00338-00072224-00072535 accessing that data as well as well MkstykYhKdA-00339-00072536-00072823 so nicole anderly is a research fellow MkstykYhKdA-00340-00072824-00072959 in the economics department at the MkstykYhKdA-00341-00072960-00073159 university of aberdeen prior to this MkstykYhKdA-00342-00073160-00073343 position she held a fellowship at MkstykYhKdA-00343-00073344-00073526 queen's university belfast where she MkstykYhKdA-00344-00073527-00073823 also received her phd in psychology in MkstykYhKdA-00345-00073824-00073967 her current role she's working on a MkstykYhKdA-00346-00073968-00074223 project examining health and variable MkstykYhKdA-00347-00074224-00074455 payment contracts her her interests MkstykYhKdA-00348-00074456-00074687 include financial decision making debt MkstykYhKdA-00349-00074688-00074950 advice and stress oh i'm sure you can MkstykYhKdA-00350-00074951-00075167 help us all out MkstykYhKdA-00351-00075168-00075382 over to you nicole MkstykYhKdA-00352-00075383-00075567 um thank you very much for the MkstykYhKdA-00353-00075568-00075782 introduction and i should apologize in MkstykYhKdA-00354-00075783-00075975 advance as well if your um live MkstykYhKdA-00355-00075976-00076182 transcript goes haywire here so i'm not MkstykYhKdA-00356-00076183-00076431 sure it can manage my accent but um i'll MkstykYhKdA-00357-00076432-00076623 do my best to speak clearly MkstykYhKdA-00358-00076624-00076815 so and yes i have quite an MkstykYhKdA-00359-00076816-00076982 interdisciplinary background and the MkstykYhKdA-00360-00076983-00077159 team that i'm representing today is very MkstykYhKdA-00361-00077160-00077359 interdisciplinary as well MkstykYhKdA-00362-00077360-00077543 so we have keith bender and janice MkstykYhKdA-00363-00077544-00077767 teodosiu who are both in the economics MkstykYhKdA-00364-00077768-00077999 department at the university of aberdeen MkstykYhKdA-00365-00078000-00078271 and julia allen and daniel powell who MkstykYhKdA-00366-00078272-00078511 are in the health psychology group also MkstykYhKdA-00367-00078512-00078791 at the university of aberdeen and so i MkstykYhKdA-00368-00078792-00079023 want to talk today about an empirical MkstykYhKdA-00369-00079024-00079350 analysis from a larger isrc grant on MkstykYhKdA-00370-00079351-00079599 performance related pay MkstykYhKdA-00371-00079600-00080015 and um performance rated pay or prp is MkstykYhKdA-00372-00080016-00080279 when your payment contract depends on MkstykYhKdA-00373-00080280-00080535 your performance or your output MkstykYhKdA-00374-00080536-00080815 so um in its most straightforward sense MkstykYhKdA-00375-00080816-00080959 you can maybe think of the delivery MkstykYhKdA-00376-00080960-00081167 drivers if you're ordering food and they MkstykYhKdA-00377-00081168-00081431 can choose to be paid by prp so that MkstykYhKdA-00378-00081432-00081647 means that they get paid per delivery MkstykYhKdA-00379-00081648-00081815 that they make MkstykYhKdA-00380-00081816-00081982 but there's also um MkstykYhKdA-00381-00081983-00082206 jobs where maybe you're paid partial prp MkstykYhKdA-00382-00082207-00082399 so you have a portion of your salary MkstykYhKdA-00383-00082400-00082606 which is fixed and then a portion of MkstykYhKdA-00384-00082607-00082726 your salary MkstykYhKdA-00385-00082727-00082862 which varies depending on your MkstykYhKdA-00386-00082863-00083150 performance so commission-based um MkstykYhKdA-00387-00083151-00083462 jobs or um a lot of jobs in finance for MkstykYhKdA-00388-00083463-00083718 example or partial prp MkstykYhKdA-00389-00083719-00084015 and because this um kind of MkstykYhKdA-00390-00084016-00084206 the the prevalence of prp differs MkstykYhKdA-00391-00084207-00084406 depending on exactly which definition of MkstykYhKdA-00392-00084407-00084559 prp you use MkstykYhKdA-00393-00084560-00084735 um it means that it could be between 10 MkstykYhKdA-00394-00084736-00084950 to 40 percent of workers in europe or MkstykYhKdA-00395-00084951-00085167 the us but i hope i've kind of convinced MkstykYhKdA-00396-00085168-00085311 you that there's a significant portion MkstykYhKdA-00397-00085312-00085479 of the population who are employed on MkstykYhKdA-00398-00085480-00085823 these contracts and traditionally um MkstykYhKdA-00399-00085824-00086062 employers kind of like these contracts MkstykYhKdA-00400-00086063-00086215 because they're associated with higher MkstykYhKdA-00401-00086216-00086479 productivity and also higher earnings MkstykYhKdA-00402-00086480-00086662 for the employee MkstykYhKdA-00403-00086663-00086871 but actually in the past two decades or MkstykYhKdA-00404-00086872-00087071 so and there's been an emerging MkstykYhKdA-00405-00087072-00087279 literature which has found kind of an MkstykYhKdA-00406-00087280-00087575 association between people on prp and MkstykYhKdA-00407-00087576-00087799 also poor health outcomes MkstykYhKdA-00408-00087800-00087975 and so if you think about these health MkstykYhKdA-00409-00087976-00088143 outcomes there seems to be roughly three MkstykYhKdA-00410-00088144-00088391 different pathways in which this could MkstykYhKdA-00411-00088392-00088591 happen so the first pathway is very MkstykYhKdA-00412-00088592-00088838 simple and people on prp contracts are MkstykYhKdA-00413-00088839-00089094 more likely to get into an accidents and MkstykYhKdA-00414-00089095-00089359 injuries so um truckers for example who MkstykYhKdA-00415-00089360-00089550 are paid by prp are more likely to have MkstykYhKdA-00416-00089551-00089799 accidents and you can think of it um if MkstykYhKdA-00417-00089800-00089926 you think about the delivery driver MkstykYhKdA-00418-00089927-00090006 again MkstykYhKdA-00419-00090007-00090247 um if you are incentivized to work MkstykYhKdA-00420-00090248-00090447 harder or work faster then you might be MkstykYhKdA-00421-00090448-00090759 likely to cut corners and maybe hurry so MkstykYhKdA-00422-00090760-00090975 that you can make that next delivery and MkstykYhKdA-00423-00090976-00091159 then um you might be likely to put MkstykYhKdA-00424-00091160-00091350 yourself at risk as well but we see this MkstykYhKdA-00425-00091351-00091655 across a wide range of industries MkstykYhKdA-00426-00091656-00091887 the second pathway is that if you're MkstykYhKdA-00427-00091888-00092087 working in prp and you're MkstykYhKdA-00428-00092088-00092311 trying to prove to um MkstykYhKdA-00429-00092312-00092599 work harder or work longer hours then MkstykYhKdA-00430-00092600-00092759 you might have a trade-off between MkstykYhKdA-00431-00092760-00092967 working harder and MkstykYhKdA-00432-00092968-00093159 healthy activities during your leisure MkstykYhKdA-00433-00093160-00093391 time so you might have less time for MkstykYhKdA-00434-00093392-00093726 physical activity for example or cooking MkstykYhKdA-00435-00093727-00093935 and you might be more likely to engage MkstykYhKdA-00436-00093936-00094223 in activities such as drinking alcohol MkstykYhKdA-00437-00094224-00094374 and drug use as kind of a coping MkstykYhKdA-00438-00094375-00094631 mechanism and for dealing with the kind MkstykYhKdA-00439-00094632-00094926 of hard work during your working hours MkstykYhKdA-00440-00094927-00095174 and then finally a third pathway is MkstykYhKdA-00441-00095175-00095367 simply that prp is MkstykYhKdA-00442-00095368-00095662 um inherently more stressful than fixed MkstykYhKdA-00443-00095663-00095815 pay so we know that if you're working in MkstykYhKdA-00444-00095816-00096087 prp then you're more likely to have a MkstykYhKdA-00445-00096088-00096318 higher variable income stream which is MkstykYhKdA-00446-00096319-00096543 considered more stressful and although MkstykYhKdA-00447-00096544-00096759 we're very good as humans at bouncing MkstykYhKdA-00448-00096760-00096935 back from kind of brief episodes of MkstykYhKdA-00449-00096936-00097103 stress and MkstykYhKdA-00450-00097104-00097391 if we're suffering with long-term stress MkstykYhKdA-00451-00097392-00097606 and then that can eventually compromise MkstykYhKdA-00452-00097607-00097782 the immune system and make us more MkstykYhKdA-00453-00097783-00097974 susceptible to these other conditions MkstykYhKdA-00454-00097975-00098287 that i've listed here MkstykYhKdA-00455-00098288-00098550 and of course there are some gaps in the MkstykYhKdA-00456-00098551-00098694 current literature MkstykYhKdA-00457-00098695-00098974 and so one of those gaps is that the MkstykYhKdA-00458-00098975-00099191 people who work in prp MkstykYhKdA-00459-00099192-00099543 are um a self-selected sample so people MkstykYhKdA-00460-00099544-00099711 who choose to MkstykYhKdA-00461-00099712-00099943 work in prp jobs might have specific MkstykYhKdA-00462-00099944-00100199 unobservable characteristics which also MkstykYhKdA-00463-00100200-00100462 affect their health okay so maybe it's MkstykYhKdA-00464-00100463-00100671 that people who work in prp are just MkstykYhKdA-00465-00100672-00100855 more tolerant of risk MkstykYhKdA-00466-00100856-00101103 and if you're more tolerant of risk and MkstykYhKdA-00467-00101104-00101271 then maybe you're also more likely to MkstykYhKdA-00468-00101272-00101487 engage in healthy behavior or unhealthy MkstykYhKdA-00469-00101488-00101671 behavior and which is risky to your MkstykYhKdA-00470-00101672-00101838 health and these two poor health MkstykYhKdA-00471-00101839-00102094 outcomes so that's that's one issue MkstykYhKdA-00472-00102095-00102303 the second issue is that really a lot of MkstykYhKdA-00473-00102304-00102582 this um data has looked at self-reported MkstykYhKdA-00474-00102583-00102806 measures of health and and there's a MkstykYhKdA-00475-00102807-00103015 lack of physiological measures of health MkstykYhKdA-00476-00103016-00103223 and so it's possible that if you're MkstykYhKdA-00477-00103224-00103375 struggling with your mental health MkstykYhKdA-00478-00103376-00103566 already which some of these people in MkstykYhKdA-00479-00103567-00103790 prp seem to do then you might also be MkstykYhKdA-00480-00103791-00103990 more likely to read your physical health MkstykYhKdA-00481-00103991-00104151 as worse MkstykYhKdA-00482-00104152-00104334 and we did actually run MkstykYhKdA-00483-00104335-00104582 an experiment where we MkstykYhKdA-00484-00104583-00104839 examined the difference between um prp MkstykYhKdA-00485-00104840-00104934 and MkstykYhKdA-00486-00104935-00105047 fixed MkstykYhKdA-00487-00105048-00105263 groups and we found that those in prp MkstykYhKdA-00488-00105264-00105478 have higher levels of cortisol and but MkstykYhKdA-00489-00105479-00105678 of course it's an experiment so it was a MkstykYhKdA-00490-00105679-00105871 very small homogeneous group MkstykYhKdA-00491-00105872-00105999 and um MkstykYhKdA-00492-00106000-00106223 of course we could only look at cortisol MkstykYhKdA-00493-00106224-00106486 um after acute stress so we don't really MkstykYhKdA-00494-00106488-00106702 know anything about the chronic stress MkstykYhKdA-00495-00106703-00106871 so in the current paper what we wanted MkstykYhKdA-00496-00106872-00107215 to do was to address these issues by um MkstykYhKdA-00497-00107216-00107383 first of all statistically correcting MkstykYhKdA-00498-00107383-00107647 for some of the self-selection and by MkstykYhKdA-00499-00107648-00107815 using instruments MkstykYhKdA-00500-00107816-00108047 and and secondly we wanted to look at MkstykYhKdA-00501-00108048-00108247 biological health markers as well as MkstykYhKdA-00502-00108248-00108390 self-reported health just to get a MkstykYhKdA-00503-00108391-00108558 slightly fuller picture MkstykYhKdA-00504-00108559-00108854 and we used data from wave 2 of the uk MkstykYhKdA-00505-00108855-00109127 hls so um MkstykYhKdA-00506-00109128-00109286 what's really good about the uk hls is MkstykYhKdA-00507-00109288-00109510 that they include an item about prp MkstykYhKdA-00508-00109511-00109766 although only in every other way MkstykYhKdA-00509-00109767-00110039 and in wave 2 and 3 they also include a MkstykYhKdA-00510-00110040-00110190 nurse assessment which has this MkstykYhKdA-00511-00110191-00110471 biological health data um MkstykYhKdA-00512-00110472-00110671 so because of that we were able to use MkstykYhKdA-00513-00110672-00110878 wave 2 because it included both the prp MkstykYhKdA-00514-00110879-00111102 measure and the nurse assessment MkstykYhKdA-00515-00111103-00111351 and although of course only um on a kind MkstykYhKdA-00516-00111352-00111575 of subset of the sample so i've shown a MkstykYhKdA-00517-00111576-00111775 graph here which kind of shows how we go MkstykYhKdA-00518-00111776-00112007 from a relatively large sample into a MkstykYhKdA-00519-00112008-00112247 much smaller sample used in our analysis MkstykYhKdA-00520-00112248-00112454 and we only used those who are and said MkstykYhKdA-00521-00112455-00112647 that they were employees so nobody who MkstykYhKdA-00522-00112648-00112854 is self-employed or am studying or MkstykYhKdA-00523-00112855-00112975 retired MkstykYhKdA-00524-00112976-00113223 and we only use those who are between 18 MkstykYhKdA-00525-00113224-00113519 and 65 so they can typical labor force MkstykYhKdA-00526-00113520-00113678 and only those who completed the nurse MkstykYhKdA-00527-00113679-00113863 assessment model MkstykYhKdA-00528-00113864-00114151 now within that group um there's kind of MkstykYhKdA-00529-00114152-00114327 different estimates or there's MkstykYhKdA-00530-00114328-00114471 differences between the sample that MkstykYhKdA-00531-00114472-00114647 completed the self-report data and then MkstykYhKdA-00532-00114648-00114831 slightly fewer people completed the MkstykYhKdA-00533-00114832-00114990 blood pressure data or gave their blood MkstykYhKdA-00534-00114991-00115295 pressure and even fewer people and MkstykYhKdA-00535-00115296-00115486 gave blood so that we have blood marker MkstykYhKdA-00536-00115488-00115686 data for them so in order to kind of MkstykYhKdA-00537-00115688-00115919 maximize the sample that we have for MkstykYhKdA-00538-00115920-00116054 these different groups of measures that MkstykYhKdA-00539-00116055-00116278 we're interested in and we split them MkstykYhKdA-00540-00116279-00116454 into three different samples so the MkstykYhKdA-00541-00116455-00116623 samples overlap MkstykYhKdA-00542-00116624-00116831 very much so but they are slightly MkstykYhKdA-00543-00116832-00116934 slightly different just because we MkstykYhKdA-00544-00116935-00117095 wanted to have as many respondents as MkstykYhKdA-00545-00117096-00117319 possible for each of the health measures MkstykYhKdA-00546-00117320-00117519 and we have a range of health variables MkstykYhKdA-00547-00117520-00117702 so first of all we have four measures of MkstykYhKdA-00548-00117703-00117886 self-reported health which have all MkstykYhKdA-00549-00117888-00118071 coded so that higher values here MkstykYhKdA-00550-00118072-00118327 indicate better health we have the ghq MkstykYhKdA-00551-00118328-00118510 and which is a general mental health MkstykYhKdA-00552-00118511-00118743 over the past four weeks and we included MkstykYhKdA-00553-00118744-00119054 one item where people rate their general MkstykYhKdA-00554-00119055-00119254 health from one to five and then we have MkstykYhKdA-00555-00119255-00119423 the two um MkstykYhKdA-00556-00119424-00119719 the two components of sf12 so MkstykYhKdA-00557-00119720-00119895 the physical component summary and the MkstykYhKdA-00558-00119896-00120095 mental component summary which really MkstykYhKdA-00559-00120096-00120302 are quality of life measures which look MkstykYhKdA-00560-00120303-00120510 at how much your everyday is MkstykYhKdA-00561-00120511-00120702 everyday activity is limited due to your MkstykYhKdA-00562-00120703-00120854 physical health or due to your mental MkstykYhKdA-00563-00120855-00121023 health MkstykYhKdA-00564-00121024-00121286 and then we have um the two groups of MkstykYhKdA-00565-00121288-00121463 biological variables so we have blood MkstykYhKdA-00566-00121464-00121654 pressure which includes systolic blood MkstykYhKdA-00567-00121655-00121807 pressure diastolic blood pressure and MkstykYhKdA-00568-00121808-00122054 then we created a binary variable where MkstykYhKdA-00569-00122055-00122286 we um predicted the probability that you MkstykYhKdA-00570-00122288-00122510 would be above the clinical cutoff for MkstykYhKdA-00571-00122511-00122647 high blood pressure MkstykYhKdA-00572-00122648-00122910 and then we also have um two MkstykYhKdA-00573-00122911-00123078 inflammatory markers MkstykYhKdA-00574-00123079-00123358 from the from the blood samples MkstykYhKdA-00575-00123359-00123590 so and we have c-reactive protein and MkstykYhKdA-00576-00123591-00123727 fibrinogen MkstykYhKdA-00577-00123728-00123943 both of which indicate worse health if MkstykYhKdA-00578-00123944-00124151 they are higher or more inflammation MkstykYhKdA-00579-00124152-00124334 and and they're both they're both MkstykYhKdA-00580-00124335-00124558 associated with acute stress as well as MkstykYhKdA-00581-00124559-00124766 chronic stress okay so i just thought MkstykYhKdA-00582-00124767-00124951 this was quite interesting if we only MkstykYhKdA-00583-00124952-00125231 look at very simple comparisons of um MkstykYhKdA-00584-00125232-00125414 the prp group and the fixed salary MkstykYhKdA-00585-00125415-00125519 employees MkstykYhKdA-00586-00125520-00125751 and we just compare them on these MkstykYhKdA-00587-00125752-00125966 various health measures what we actually MkstykYhKdA-00588-00125967-00126119 see is that MkstykYhKdA-00589-00126120-00126407 the people um in the prp group have MkstykYhKdA-00590-00126408-00126654 better self-reported general health and MkstykYhKdA-00591-00126655-00126886 physical health c-reactive protein and MkstykYhKdA-00592-00126888-00127143 fibrinogen and so all of which MkstykYhKdA-00593-00127144-00127334 suggesting that actually they are MkstykYhKdA-00594-00127335-00127614 healthier than um than the fixed salary MkstykYhKdA-00595-00127615-00127719 sample MkstykYhKdA-00596-00127720-00127871 and you might think that this seems like MkstykYhKdA-00597-00127872-00128047 the complete opposite of everything i've MkstykYhKdA-00598-00128048-00128263 said so far and you would be right it's MkstykYhKdA-00599-00128264-00128351 very MkstykYhKdA-00600-00128352-00128510 different to the literature that we've MkstykYhKdA-00601-00128511-00128686 already spoken about and there's a MkstykYhKdA-00602-00128688-00128895 couple of reasons for that so first of MkstykYhKdA-00603-00128896-00129158 all the prp sample are likely to be MkstykYhKdA-00604-00129159-00129375 um much younger they are likely to be MkstykYhKdA-00605-00129376-00129583 higher educated and they're likely to MkstykYhKdA-00606-00129583-00129807 earn more off which are also associated MkstykYhKdA-00607-00129808-00130039 with health so and that tells us that MkstykYhKdA-00608-00130040-00130175 it's really important to control for MkstykYhKdA-00609-00130176-00130334 these things in regressions when we run MkstykYhKdA-00610-00130335-00130471 these analyses MkstykYhKdA-00611-00130472-00130671 and then finally we also have this issue MkstykYhKdA-00612-00130672-00130878 with self-selection and previously i MkstykYhKdA-00613-00130879-00131063 talked about risk tolerance but we have MkstykYhKdA-00614-00131064-00131231 self-selection the other way as well MkstykYhKdA-00615-00131232-00131375 which is that if you have a propensity MkstykYhKdA-00616-00131376-00131566 to poor health then you're probably less MkstykYhKdA-00617-00131567-00131823 likely to work in a prp job where your MkstykYhKdA-00618-00131824-00132214 output determines your income MkstykYhKdA-00619-00132215-00132414 so what we did is we run endogenous MkstykYhKdA-00620-00132415-00132599 treatment models where we estimated MkstykYhKdA-00621-00132600-00132799 regression for each health outcome and MkstykYhKdA-00622-00132800-00132959 then we included these MkstykYhKdA-00623-00132960-00133190 instruments which predict selecting into MkstykYhKdA-00624-00133191-00133447 prp but that shouldn't predict the MkstykYhKdA-00625-00133448-00133678 health outcome in question MkstykYhKdA-00626-00133679-00133935 so and we included covariates such as MkstykYhKdA-00627-00133936-00134111 income and whether they worked in a MkstykYhKdA-00628-00134112-00134383 manual or non-manual work and occupation MkstykYhKdA-00629-00134384-00134607 category age gender education level MkstykYhKdA-00630-00134608-00134854 marvel status ethnicity hours work per MkstykYhKdA-00631-00134855-00135078 week and country of residence in the uk MkstykYhKdA-00632-00135079-00135214 and then we also included a couple of MkstykYhKdA-00633-00135215-00135447 health covariates so we included bmi MkstykYhKdA-00634-00135448-00135647 whether they had ever been a smoker and MkstykYhKdA-00635-00135648-00135847 also for the biological markers we MkstykYhKdA-00636-00135848-00136039 included taking prescribed medication MkstykYhKdA-00637-00136040-00136231 because some medications can affect both MkstykYhKdA-00638-00136232-00136375 your blood pressure and MkstykYhKdA-00639-00136376-00136551 these markers in the blood MkstykYhKdA-00640-00136552-00136702 and then finally we have the two MkstykYhKdA-00641-00136703-00136927 instruments so the two instruments are MkstykYhKdA-00642-00136928-00137190 firm size as well as a percentage share MkstykYhKdA-00643-00137191-00137447 of prp workers in the occupation that we MkstykYhKdA-00644-00137448-00137566 work in MkstykYhKdA-00645-00137567-00137911 and so firm size um predicts uh working MkstykYhKdA-00646-00137912-00138143 in a prp job because larger firms are MkstykYhKdA-00647-00138144-00138399 more likely to use prp but there's no MkstykYhKdA-00648-00138400-00138566 reason for why firm size should predict MkstykYhKdA-00649-00138567-00138831 your health in the uk anyway and then MkstykYhKdA-00650-00138832-00139014 and percentage of share of prp workers MkstykYhKdA-00651-00139015-00139159 in your occupation if you work in an MkstykYhKdA-00652-00139160-00139319 occupation where it's very common to MkstykYhKdA-00653-00139320-00139527 have mprp contracts then you are more MkstykYhKdA-00654-00139528-00139814 likely to work in prp but the um but MkstykYhKdA-00655-00139815-00140014 this percentage here shouldn't affect MkstykYhKdA-00656-00140015-00140223 your um your health outcome and so we MkstykYhKdA-00657-00140224-00140407 tested this as well in regressions and MkstykYhKdA-00658-00140408-00140566 indeed we found that they do they are MkstykYhKdA-00659-00140567-00140759 significant predictors of prp but they MkstykYhKdA-00660-00140760-00140919 are not significant predictors of health MkstykYhKdA-00661-00140920-00141247 once you control for prp MkstykYhKdA-00662-00141248-00141502 okay so um what i've done here is i've MkstykYhKdA-00663-00141503-00141687 only shown you MkstykYhKdA-00664-00141688-00141895 the marginal effect of MkstykYhKdA-00665-00141896-00142159 working in prp on the health outcomes i MkstykYhKdA-00666-00142160-00142335 haven't shown you any of the covariates MkstykYhKdA-00667-00142336-00142495 because we would be here all day if that MkstykYhKdA-00668-00142496-00142735 was the case and i've also included the MkstykYhKdA-00669-00142736-00142943 kind of means for the overall sample MkstykYhKdA-00670-00142944-00143143 below so that you can get an idea of MkstykYhKdA-00671-00143144-00143343 what effect size this is MkstykYhKdA-00672-00143344-00143639 um on the on that means so you can see MkstykYhKdA-00673-00143640-00143966 for example that the mean and ghk 12 is MkstykYhKdA-00674-00143967-00144223 25 out of a possible 36 MkstykYhKdA-00675-00144224-00144607 but the prp group are likely to um MkstykYhKdA-00676-00144608-00144919 have 6.9 units less than the fixed MkstykYhKdA-00677-00144920-00145078 salary group so quite a quite a big MkstykYhKdA-00678-00145079-00145231 effect really MkstykYhKdA-00679-00145232-00145454 and what we see here is that prp is a MkstykYhKdA-00680-00145455-00145702 significant predictor of um worse MkstykYhKdA-00681-00145703-00145911 general health and MkstykYhKdA-00682-00145912-00146175 um worse self-reported mental health MkstykYhKdA-00683-00146176-00146343 they have higher systolic blood pressure MkstykYhKdA-00684-00146344-00146671 and higher levels of fibrinogen MkstykYhKdA-00685-00146672-00146831 and so MkstykYhKdA-00686-00146832-00146966 it's not that we see a significant MkstykYhKdA-00687-00146967-00147183 effect of prp across the board but we do MkstykYhKdA-00688-00147184-00147407 see it on a range of variables which are MkstykYhKdA-00689-00147408-00147607 connected to chronic stress MkstykYhKdA-00690-00147608-00147814 interestingly we also see that it MkstykYhKdA-00691-00147815-00148054 predicts less activity limitation due to MkstykYhKdA-00692-00148055-00148311 physical health so and there's no MkstykYhKdA-00693-00148312-00148511 apparent reasons for why that would be MkstykYhKdA-00694-00148512-00148702 and but it is possible that our sample MkstykYhKdA-00695-00148703-00148911 is doesn't really contain any people MkstykYhKdA-00696-00148912-00149135 with severe mobility issues MkstykYhKdA-00697-00149136-00149414 and it might also be that this is um MkstykYhKdA-00698-00149415-00149526 something MkstykYhKdA-00699-00149527-00149735 severe impact on your health it wouldn't MkstykYhKdA-00700-00149736-00149966 be seen until you work in prp for a very MkstykYhKdA-00701-00149967-00150126 long time and so maybe our sample MkstykYhKdA-00702-00150127-00150343 doesn't capture that MkstykYhKdA-00703-00150344-00150502 what we did see also was that there were MkstykYhKdA-00704-00150503-00150799 several covariates which predict um MkstykYhKdA-00705-00150800-00151078 these health outcomes and that includes MkstykYhKdA-00706-00151079-00151343 gender as well as um whether you work in MkstykYhKdA-00707-00151344-00151559 manual or non-manual employment so what MkstykYhKdA-00708-00151560-00151766 we decided to do was just to look at the MkstykYhKdA-00709-00151767-00151935 same regressions but within these MkstykYhKdA-00710-00151936-00152166 specific sub samples just to dig a MkstykYhKdA-00711-00152167-00152326 little bit deeper there MkstykYhKdA-00712-00152327-00152471 and what we can see here is that MkstykYhKdA-00713-00152472-00152663 although there's um plenty of results MkstykYhKdA-00714-00152664-00152790 which are very similar across the MkstykYhKdA-00715-00152791-00152975 different sub samples there are a few MkstykYhKdA-00716-00152976-00153383 differences so we see that um MkstykYhKdA-00717-00153384-00153735 the effect of prp leading to um better MkstykYhKdA-00718-00153736-00153878 activity limitation due to physical MkstykYhKdA-00719-00153879-00154095 health seems to actually be driven by MkstykYhKdA-00720-00154096-00154414 male workers and and also we can see MkstykYhKdA-00721-00154415-00154687 that male workers have and that is a MkstykYhKdA-00722-00154688-00154895 sample where we see the impact of prp on MkstykYhKdA-00723-00154896-00155199 higher cv active protein and fibrinogen MkstykYhKdA-00724-00155200-00155366 and whereas actually if we look at the MkstykYhKdA-00725-00155367-00155614 female sample or the non-manual sample MkstykYhKdA-00726-00155615-00155799 and we see that they have slightly lower MkstykYhKdA-00727-00155800-00156047 levels of c-reactive protein MkstykYhKdA-00728-00156048-00156326 and again and we weren't sure why we see MkstykYhKdA-00729-00156327-00156487 these results and i'm very happy to hear MkstykYhKdA-00730-00156488-00156726 any suggestions that you might have and MkstykYhKdA-00731-00156727-00156935 one thing is that we do predict or we do MkstykYhKdA-00732-00156936-00157175 control for how many hours they work but MkstykYhKdA-00733-00157176-00157390 we don't have any information about kind MkstykYhKdA-00734-00157391-00157583 of their shift schedules or anything MkstykYhKdA-00735-00157584-00157766 like that and so it might be that MkstykYhKdA-00736-00157767-00157919 working in prp allows for some MkstykYhKdA-00737-00157920-00158151 flexibility and which is very much MkstykYhKdA-00738-00158152-00158335 appreciated in certain sub samples we MkstykYhKdA-00739-00158336-00158599 know from other studies that women might MkstykYhKdA-00740-00158600-00158790 appreciate flexibility in the workplace MkstykYhKdA-00741-00158791-00159039 more due to other factors and so maybe MkstykYhKdA-00742-00159040-00159231 that cancels out some of the effect of MkstykYhKdA-00743-00159232-00159526 prp on health MkstykYhKdA-00744-00159527-00159799 okay so to conclude uh we have some MkstykYhKdA-00745-00159800-00160071 evidence for prp workers um suffering MkstykYhKdA-00746-00160072-00160302 from worse mental health and biomarkers MkstykYhKdA-00747-00160303-00160447 and specifically when we look at those MkstykYhKdA-00748-00160448-00160654 related to chronic stress MkstykYhKdA-00749-00160655-00160871 and we do see some affections as well MkstykYhKdA-00750-00160872-00160990 and male workers seem to have better MkstykYhKdA-00751-00160991-00161151 quality of life regarding physical MkstykYhKdA-00752-00161152-00161359 health and we see some of the opposite MkstykYhKdA-00753-00161360-00161623 effects in specifically female and MkstykYhKdA-00754-00161624-00161878 non-manual worker samples MkstykYhKdA-00755-00161879-00162047 there are some limitations to our study MkstykYhKdA-00756-00162048-00162311 so we only have a very broad measure of MkstykYhKdA-00757-00162312-00162519 prp and we don't know whether they're MkstykYhKdA-00758-00162520-00162807 working in full prp or impartial prp and MkstykYhKdA-00759-00162808-00162975 we would expect to see different effects MkstykYhKdA-00760-00162976-00163214 so people who are working in full prp MkstykYhKdA-00761-00163215-00163311 um MkstykYhKdA-00762-00163312-00163535 will are likely to be more stressed and MkstykYhKdA-00763-00163536-00163726 and we can't tease that apart and we MkstykYhKdA-00764-00163727-00163863 also don't have any information about MkstykYhKdA-00765-00163864-00164078 risk preference or personality traits MkstykYhKdA-00766-00164079-00164326 although we do include um smoking as MkstykYhKdA-00767-00164327-00164583 kind of a proxy for risk MkstykYhKdA-00768-00164584-00164743 and we do think that self-selection MkstykYhKdA-00769-00164744-00164943 should control for some of that MkstykYhKdA-00770-00164944-00165111 however we do think that we have some MkstykYhKdA-00771-00165112-00165335 results that suggest that using prp MkstykYhKdA-00772-00165336-00165559 contracts can have and a detrimental MkstykYhKdA-00773-00165560-00165783 effect on the employed population MkstykYhKdA-00774-00165784-00166023 and this is something that employers MkstykYhKdA-00775-00166024-00166175 should take notice of because even MkstykYhKdA-00776-00166176-00166390 though prp leads to higher productivity MkstykYhKdA-00777-00166391-00166663 we also know that work-related stress MkstykYhKdA-00778-00166664-00166838 leads to high absences in the workplace MkstykYhKdA-00779-00166839-00167038 so that might actually cancel out that MkstykYhKdA-00780-00167039-00167359 positive effect for employers MkstykYhKdA-00781-00167360-00167526 okay thank you very much i've included a MkstykYhKdA-00782-00167527-00167687 link here to our website if you would MkstykYhKdA-00783-00167688-00167926 like to read more about our um project MkstykYhKdA-00784-00167927-00168078 and i'm very happy to take any questions MkstykYhKdA-00785-00168079-00168263 if there are any MkstykYhKdA-00786-00168264-00168575 so thank you very much and we'll move on MkstykYhKdA-00787-00168576-00168926 to our final speaker who is mel de lang MkstykYhKdA-00788-00168927-00169071 do you want to MkstykYhKdA-00789-00169072-00169351 share your presentation mel MkstykYhKdA-00790-00169352-00169543 and i will introduce you MkstykYhKdA-00791-00169544-00169831 so mel de lange is a welcome trust MkstykYhKdA-00792-00169832-00170231 funded phd student in the mrc MkstykYhKdA-00793-00170232-00170471 integrative epidemiology unit at the MkstykYhKdA-00794-00170472-00170654 university of bristol she has a masters MkstykYhKdA-00795-00170655-00170814 of research in health and well-being MkstykYhKdA-00796-00170815-00171054 from bristol university mel's current MkstykYhKdA-00797-00171055-00171271 phd research looks at the effects of the MkstykYhKdA-00798-00171272-00171438 spring and autumn clock changes on MkstykYhKdA-00799-00171439-00171647 cardiovascular outcomes and depressive MkstykYhKdA-00800-00171648-00171823 symptoms in the uk MkstykYhKdA-00801-00171824-00172023 her wider research interests include MkstykYhKdA-00802-00172024-00172231 exploring the effects of modifiable risk MkstykYhKdA-00803-00172232-00172447 factors for disease such as sleep MkstykYhKdA-00804-00172448-00172719 nutrition and physical activity sounds MkstykYhKdA-00805-00172720-00172911 all sounds fascinating so over to you MkstykYhKdA-00806-00172912-00173007 mel MkstykYhKdA-00807-00173008-00173343 okay hello everyone um so today i'm MkstykYhKdA-00808-00173344-00173526 going to talk to you about some research MkstykYhKdA-00809-00173527-00173807 that i did for my master's dissertation MkstykYhKdA-00810-00173808-00174071 which looked at the time windows that MkstykYhKdA-00811-00174072-00174375 people eat within each day and whether MkstykYhKdA-00812-00174376-00174711 this is related to metabolic health MkstykYhKdA-00813-00174712-00174935 so research is increasingly showing that MkstykYhKdA-00814-00174936-00175159 when we eat in addition to what and how MkstykYhKdA-00815-00175160-00175383 much we eat is important for our weight MkstykYhKdA-00816-00175384-00175551 and health MkstykYhKdA-00817-00175552-00175775 time restricted eating is a form of MkstykYhKdA-00818-00175776-00176047 fasting that involves limiting food take MkstykYhKdA-00819-00176048-00176271 to a certain time period each day MkstykYhKdA-00820-00176272-00176487 usually 12 hours or less MkstykYhKdA-00821-00176488-00176743 without changing the quantity or quality MkstykYhKdA-00822-00176744-00177014 of your diet MkstykYhKdA-00823-00177015-00177287 in general fasting is believed to be MkstykYhKdA-00824-00177288-00177502 beneficial for health because it causes MkstykYhKdA-00825-00177503-00177751 the body to switch from burning glucose MkstykYhKdA-00826-00177752-00177975 to burning fat for energy and gives the MkstykYhKdA-00827-00177976-00178254 body time to rest repair itself MkstykYhKdA-00828-00178255-00178526 in addition time restricted eating is MkstykYhKdA-00829-00178527-00178695 thought to be beneficial for metabolic MkstykYhKdA-00830-00178696-00178878 health because it works for the body's MkstykYhKdA-00831-00178879-00179119 own natural circadian rhythm MkstykYhKdA-00832-00179120-00179375 animal studies strongly suggest that MkstykYhKdA-00833-00179376-00179654 time restricted eating is beneficial for MkstykYhKdA-00834-00179655-00179887 metabolic health however the evidence MkstykYhKdA-00835-00179888-00180271 from human studies is less convincing MkstykYhKdA-00836-00180272-00180495 so for example studies of ramadan MkstykYhKdA-00837-00180496-00180711 fasting suggests that time restricted MkstykYhKdA-00838-00180712-00180847 eating is MkstykYhKdA-00839-00180848-00181087 beneficial for healthy individuals but MkstykYhKdA-00840-00181088-00181383 not necessarily other subgroups MkstykYhKdA-00841-00181384-00181607 meanwhile small-scale clinical trials MkstykYhKdA-00842-00181608-00181775 suggest that whilst adherence to MkstykYhKdA-00843-00181776-00182102 time-restricted regimes is high they MkstykYhKdA-00844-00182103-00182326 offer little metabolic benefit over MkstykYhKdA-00845-00182327-00182551 normal eating patterns MkstykYhKdA-00846-00182552-00182799 other researchers looked at what eating MkstykYhKdA-00847-00182800-00183054 windows people naturally eat within in MkstykYhKdA-00848-00183055-00183223 the real world MkstykYhKdA-00849-00183224-00183471 and by daily eating window we mean the MkstykYhKdA-00850-00183472-00183711 time between when somebody first starts MkstykYhKdA-00851-00183712-00183895 eating or drinking in the morning and MkstykYhKdA-00852-00183896-00184071 when they finish eating or drinking in MkstykYhKdA-00853-00184072-00184214 the evening MkstykYhKdA-00854-00184215-00184366 and studies have shown that generally MkstykYhKdA-00855-00184367-00184607 most people eat for a period of over 12 MkstykYhKdA-00856-00184608-00184863 hours a day so could potentially benefit MkstykYhKdA-00857-00184864-00185119 from time restricted eating MkstykYhKdA-00858-00185120-00185319 however the number of studies conducted MkstykYhKdA-00859-00185320-00185478 is small and it's difficult to MkstykYhKdA-00860-00185479-00185735 generalize the results because of small MkstykYhKdA-00861-00185736-00185926 sample sizes MkstykYhKdA-00862-00185927-00186126 in addition there's been little research MkstykYhKdA-00863-00186127-00186350 looking at the link between daily eating MkstykYhKdA-00864-00186351-00186543 window and metabolic health and there's MkstykYhKdA-00865-00186544-00186926 been little research done in the uk MkstykYhKdA-00866-00186927-00187102 this means that the true potential of MkstykYhKdA-00867-00187103-00187287 time-restricted eating to improve the MkstykYhKdA-00868-00187288-00187799 metabolic health of uk adults is unclear MkstykYhKdA-00869-00187800-00188102 the aim of this research was to evaluate MkstykYhKdA-00870-00188103-00188287 the potential use of time-restricted MkstykYhKdA-00871-00188288-00188519 eating as a dietary intervention to MkstykYhKdA-00872-00188520-00188711 improve the metabolic health of uk MkstykYhKdA-00873-00188712-00188823 adults MkstykYhKdA-00874-00188824-00189095 more specifically we wanted to use a MkstykYhKdA-00875-00189096-00189383 large representative sample of uk adults MkstykYhKdA-00876-00189384-00189623 to identify what length of daily eating MkstykYhKdA-00877-00189624-00189935 window people eat within in the uk MkstykYhKdA-00878-00189936-00190066 we wanted to identify the MkstykYhKdA-00879-00190067-00190271 socio-demographics and health behaviours MkstykYhKdA-00880-00190272-00190438 of those with a longer daily eating MkstykYhKdA-00881-00190439-00190575 window MkstykYhKdA-00882-00190576-00190726 and we also wanted to explore where MkstykYhKdA-00883-00190727-00190926 there's a relationship between metabolic MkstykYhKdA-00884-00190927-00191214 health and length daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-00885-00191215-00191407 and then finally we wanted to formulate MkstykYhKdA-00886-00191408-00191590 recommendations as to whether time MkstykYhKdA-00887-00191591-00191766 restricted eating could be used to MkstykYhKdA-00888-00191767-00192023 improve the health of uk adults and if MkstykYhKdA-00889-00192024-00192247 so what daily eating window could be MkstykYhKdA-00890-00192248-00192375 feasible MkstykYhKdA-00891-00192376-00192638 to do this we conducted a secondary data MkstykYhKdA-00892-00192639-00192935 analysis of the uk national diet and MkstykYhKdA-00893-00192936-00193135 nutrition survey MkstykYhKdA-00894-00193136-00193399 the ndns is a cross-sectional survey MkstykYhKdA-00895-00193400-00193719 conducted every year to examine the MkstykYhKdA-00896-00193720-00193983 nutritional intake and eating habits of MkstykYhKdA-00897-00193984-00194263 the uk population aged one and a half MkstykYhKdA-00898-00194264-00194407 and over MkstykYhKdA-00899-00194408-00194631 it collects data from a representative MkstykYhKdA-00900-00194632-00194926 sample of the uk population MkstykYhKdA-00901-00194927-00195166 data collection takes place in two MkstykYhKdA-00902-00195167-00195326 different stages MkstykYhKdA-00903-00195327-00195663 in stage one participants are visited by MkstykYhKdA-00904-00195664-00195854 an interviewer MkstykYhKdA-00905-00195855-00196095 they complete a computer-assisted MkstykYhKdA-00906-00196096-00196271 personal interview they have their MkstykYhKdA-00907-00196272-00196487 height and weight measured MkstykYhKdA-00908-00196488-00196671 they complete a physical activity MkstykYhKdA-00909-00196672-00196799 questionnaire MkstykYhKdA-00910-00196800-00196999 and they complete a four-day food diary MkstykYhKdA-00911-00197000-00197166 which i'll talk a little bit more about MkstykYhKdA-00912-00197167-00197463 in a second MkstykYhKdA-00913-00197464-00197654 for those who complete three or four MkstykYhKdA-00914-00197655-00197863 days of the food diary are then visited MkstykYhKdA-00915-00197864-00198031 by a nurse MkstykYhKdA-00916-00198032-00198207 they have their fasting blood sample MkstykYhKdA-00917-00198208-00198302 taken MkstykYhKdA-00918-00198303-00198463 their waist and hip measurements are MkstykYhKdA-00919-00198464-00198719 taken and their blood pressure is MkstykYhKdA-00920-00198720-00199078 measured this is an example of the food MkstykYhKdA-00921-00199079-00199414 diary used in the ndns MkstykYhKdA-00922-00199415-00199623 so as you can see as well as information MkstykYhKdA-00923-00199624-00199831 on what people are eating there's MkstykYhKdA-00924-00199832-00200111 information on the time of each eating MkstykYhKdA-00925-00200112-00200495 occasion in hours and minutes MkstykYhKdA-00926-00200496-00200726 so participants are asked to continue MkstykYhKdA-00927-00200727-00200966 their normal eating habits and record MkstykYhKdA-00928-00200967-00201166 the information as they go along rather MkstykYhKdA-00929-00201167-00201438 than relying on memory MkstykYhKdA-00930-00201439-00201590 and they MkstykYhKdA-00931-00201591-00201775 complete the diaries on three or four MkstykYhKdA-00932-00201776-00201935 continuous days MkstykYhKdA-00933-00201936-00202207 with the start day randomized to ensure MkstykYhKdA-00934-00202208-00202590 a representation of all days of the week MkstykYhKdA-00935-00202591-00202831 in our study we included all MkstykYhKdA-00936-00202832-00203054 participants who taken part in any of MkstykYhKdA-00937-00203055-00203383 the years one to nine of the ndns MkstykYhKdA-00938-00203384-00203702 we only included adults aged 19 or over MkstykYhKdA-00939-00203703-00203966 who completed three or four days of the MkstykYhKdA-00940-00203967-00204247 food diaries MkstykYhKdA-00941-00204248-00204614 this gave us a total sample of 682 MkstykYhKdA-00942-00204615-00204783 participants MkstykYhKdA-00943-00204784-00204975 of those around three quarters were MkstykYhKdA-00944-00204976-00205286 visited by the nurse and just over half MkstykYhKdA-00945-00205287-00205558 provided a blood sample MkstykYhKdA-00946-00205559-00205814 our exposure variables were our measures MkstykYhKdA-00947-00205815-00206110 of metabolic health so bmi MkstykYhKdA-00948-00206111-00206286 waist hip ratio MkstykYhKdA-00949-00206287-00206558 systolic and diastolic blood pressure MkstykYhKdA-00950-00206559-00206855 cholesterol triglycerides c-reactive MkstykYhKdA-00951-00206856-00207382 protein hba1c and glucose concentrations MkstykYhKdA-00952-00207383-00207598 had length of daily eating window as the MkstykYhKdA-00953-00207600-00207758 outcome variable because we wanted to MkstykYhKdA-00954-00207759-00207927 understand the associations in the MkstykYhKdA-00955-00207928-00208175 context of how much daily eating windows MkstykYhKdA-00956-00208176-00208438 change MkstykYhKdA-00957-00208439-00208679 we also included a variety of MkstykYhKdA-00958-00208680-00208855 sociodemographic and health behavior MkstykYhKdA-00959-00208856-00209175 variables in our analyses so MkstykYhKdA-00960-00209176-00209431 age gender ethnicity MkstykYhKdA-00961-00209432-00209727 employment education and also MkstykYhKdA-00962-00209728-00209975 behavior variables like physical MkstykYhKdA-00963-00209976-00210223 activity sleep smoking and alcohol MkstykYhKdA-00964-00210223-00210415 consumption MkstykYhKdA-00965-00210416-00210606 in terms of data analysis it's worth MkstykYhKdA-00966-00210607-00210871 noting that the ndns data are fully MkstykYhKdA-00967-00210871-00211110 anonymized and they are weighted for MkstykYhKdA-00968-00211111-00211351 selection and non-response bias at each MkstykYhKdA-00969-00211352-00211751 stage of the data collection process MkstykYhKdA-00970-00211752-00211975 in terms of statistical analysis we MkstykYhKdA-00971-00211976-00212175 conducted a simple linear regression MkstykYhKdA-00972-00212176-00212303 analysis MkstykYhKdA-00973-00212304-00212515 to examine the relationship between MkstykYhKdA-00974-00212516-00212767 socio-demographics and health behaviors MkstykYhKdA-00975-00212767-00212998 and length of daily eating window and MkstykYhKdA-00976-00213000-00213239 then we conducted a multiple linear MkstykYhKdA-00977-00213240-00213431 regression analysis adjusting for MkstykYhKdA-00978-00213432-00213615 confounders to look at the relationship MkstykYhKdA-00979-00213616-00213846 between metabolic health and length of MkstykYhKdA-00980-00213848-00214031 daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-00981-00214032-00214263 moving on to our results MkstykYhKdA-00982-00214264-00214479 in our study the mean daily eating MkstykYhKdA-00983-00214480-00214894 window was 13 hours and 33 minutes and MkstykYhKdA-00984-00214896-00215191 78 of participants had a daily eating MkstykYhKdA-00985-00215192-00215631 window of over 12 hours MkstykYhKdA-00986-00215632-00215894 our simple linear regression analysis MkstykYhKdA-00987-00215896-00216087 showed a number of characteristics MkstykYhKdA-00988-00216088-00216310 associated with having a longer daily MkstykYhKdA-00989-00216311-00216527 eating window MkstykYhKdA-00990-00216528-00216839 these included being older MkstykYhKdA-00991-00216840-00217110 white and male MkstykYhKdA-00992-00217111-00217382 being degree educated MkstykYhKdA-00993-00217383-00217591 being employed MkstykYhKdA-00994-00217592-00217798 not smoking MkstykYhKdA-00995-00217800-00218071 having a higher calorie intake MkstykYhKdA-00996-00218071-00218223 having a higher proportion of your MkstykYhKdA-00997-00218223-00218510 calories coming from sugar MkstykYhKdA-00998-00218511-00218734 getting less sleep MkstykYhKdA-00999-00218735-00218998 being more physically active MkstykYhKdA-01000-00219000-00219231 drinking alcohol more frequently MkstykYhKdA-01001-00219232-00219455 and having a higher fruit and vegetable MkstykYhKdA-01002-00219456-00219575 intake MkstykYhKdA-01003-00219576-00219798 our multiple linear regression analysis MkstykYhKdA-01004-00219800-00219942 showed that after adjusting for MkstykYhKdA-01005-00219944-00220071 confounders MkstykYhKdA-01006-00220071-00220334 bmi or waist hip ratio and ldl MkstykYhKdA-01007-00220335-00220558 cholesterol so-called bad cholesterol MkstykYhKdA-01008-00220559-00220767 were negatively associated with length MkstykYhKdA-01009-00220767-00220934 of daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-01010-00220935-00221191 and we also found that hdl cholesterol MkstykYhKdA-01011-00221192-00221415 cholesterol was positively associated MkstykYhKdA-01012-00221416-00221631 with that daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-01013-00221632-00221863 so these results were the opposite of MkstykYhKdA-01014-00221864-00222127 what we expected um because they suggest MkstykYhKdA-01015-00222128-00222303 that worse metabolic health is MkstykYhKdA-01016-00222304-00222542 associated with a shorter daily eating MkstykYhKdA-01017-00222544-00222727 window MkstykYhKdA-01018-00222728-00222975 but in keeping with what we did expect MkstykYhKdA-01019-00222976-00223263 crp which is a measure of inflammation MkstykYhKdA-01020-00223264-00223455 was positively associated with the MkstykYhKdA-01021-00223456-00223727 length of daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-01022-00223728-00223982 it's worth noting here that the effect MkstykYhKdA-01023-00223983-00224215 sizes for the metabolic markers we found MkstykYhKdA-01024-00224216-00224431 were too small to be meaningful in the MkstykYhKdA-01025-00224432-00224558 real world MkstykYhKdA-01026-00224559-00224846 and also we found no association between MkstykYhKdA-01027-00224848-00225055 daily eating window and our other MkstykYhKdA-01028-00225056-00225367 measures of metabolic health so MkstykYhKdA-01029-00225367-00225719 hba1c glucose blood pressure MkstykYhKdA-01030-00225719-00225927 and triglycerides MkstykYhKdA-01031-00225928-00226119 the strengths of this study include the MkstykYhKdA-01032-00226119-00226415 large nationally representative sample MkstykYhKdA-01033-00226416-00226671 as well as the wide variety of MkstykYhKdA-01034-00226671-00226958 nutrition health and socioeconomic MkstykYhKdA-01035-00226959-00227382 variables available in the ndns MkstykYhKdA-01036-00227383-00227551 the limitations include the fact that MkstykYhKdA-01037-00227552-00227791 people tend to under report in food MkstykYhKdA-01038-00227792-00228006 diaries MkstykYhKdA-01039-00228007-00228263 so they may accidentally or deliberately MkstykYhKdA-01040-00228264-00228463 forget that glass of wine or snack that MkstykYhKdA-01041-00228464-00228710 they had before bed and so their actual MkstykYhKdA-01042-00228711-00228958 daily eating window may be longer than MkstykYhKdA-01043-00228959-00229215 that recorded MkstykYhKdA-01044-00229216-00229494 also participants only recorded one time MkstykYhKdA-01045-00229496-00229703 point for each eating occasion not a MkstykYhKdA-01046-00229704-00229919 start and a finish time MkstykYhKdA-01047-00229919-00230198 so again that actual daily eating window MkstykYhKdA-01048-00230200-00230567 may be different from what they report MkstykYhKdA-01049-00230567-00230831 the cross-sectional design of the study MkstykYhKdA-01050-00230832-00231006 means that we only have a snapshot of MkstykYhKdA-01051-00231007-00231223 people's eating patterns and metabolic MkstykYhKdA-01052-00231223-00231310 health MkstykYhKdA-01053-00231311-00231503 um it means we only have associations MkstykYhKdA-01054-00231504-00231663 not causal relationships because there MkstykYhKdA-01055-00231664-00231942 may be residual confounding MkstykYhKdA-01056-00231944-00232119 and also having daily eating windows the MkstykYhKdA-01057-00232119-00232310 outcome variable make it quite difficult MkstykYhKdA-01058-00232311-00232567 to interpret whether the results are MkstykYhKdA-01059-00232567-00232863 clinically meaningful um so it'd be MkstykYhKdA-01060-00232864-00233023 useful to look at the relationship in MkstykYhKdA-01061-00233023-00233215 the other direction so having daily MkstykYhKdA-01062-00233216-00233551 eating window as the exposure variable MkstykYhKdA-01063-00233552-00233798 because there are differences in MkstykYhKdA-01064-00233800-00234055 metabolic metabolic markers such as MkstykYhKdA-01065-00234056-00234198 weight that are MkstykYhKdA-01066-00234200-00234558 recognized to be clinically significant MkstykYhKdA-01067-00234559-00234798 so the results of our study suggest that MkstykYhKdA-01068-00234800-00234967 time restricted eating could be a MkstykYhKdA-01069-00234967-00235231 feasible intervention for uk adults MkstykYhKdA-01070-00235232-00235439 because having a daily eating window of MkstykYhKdA-01071-00235440-00235687 12 hours would only require a short MkstykYhKdA-01072-00235688-00235855 reduction in daily eating window for MkstykYhKdA-01073-00235856-00236046 most people MkstykYhKdA-01074-00236048-00236375 we also found distinct sociodemographic MkstykYhKdA-01075-00236376-00236623 and health behaviors associated with a MkstykYhKdA-01076-00236623-00236871 longer daily eating window so these MkstykYhKdA-01077-00236871-00237134 people could be identified and targeted MkstykYhKdA-01078-00237135-00237231 um MkstykYhKdA-01079-00237232-00237567 by time-restricted eating interventions MkstykYhKdA-01080-00237567-00237671 however MkstykYhKdA-01081-00237671-00237903 we found inconsistent associations MkstykYhKdA-01082-00237904-00238079 between metabolic health and daily MkstykYhKdA-01083-00238080-00238334 eating window and the effect sizes are MkstykYhKdA-01084-00238335-00238615 too small to be meaningful MkstykYhKdA-01085-00238616-00238831 on this basis it's not possible to MkstykYhKdA-01086-00238832-00239015 recommend time-streamed eating to MkstykYhKdA-01087-00239016-00239215 improve the metabolic health of uk MkstykYhKdA-01088-00239216-00239519 adults future research in this area MkstykYhKdA-01089-00239519-00239806 could use longitudinal data to look at MkstykYhKdA-01090-00239807-00240063 people's long-term eating habits and MkstykYhKdA-01091-00240064-00240334 their long-term metabolic health MkstykYhKdA-01092-00240335-00240687 it would also be useful to look at the MkstykYhKdA-01093-00240688-00240887 timing of the daily eating window kind MkstykYhKdA-01094-00240888-00241079 of earlier in the day versus later in MkstykYhKdA-01095-00241080-00241246 the day and whether this is related to MkstykYhKdA-01096-00241248-00241534 metabolic health MkstykYhKdA-01097-00241535-00241775 future studies could also use more MkstykYhKdA-01098-00241776-00242023 objective accurate and passive measures MkstykYhKdA-01099-00242023-00242271 of food typing and as laura johnson MkstykYhKdA-01100-00242271-00242519 mentioned this morning so wrist-worn MkstykYhKdA-01101-00242519-00242775 accelerometers wearable cameras and MkstykYhKdA-01102-00242776-00243175 continuous glucose monitors MkstykYhKdA-01103-00243176-00243471 thank you for listening Mm8spDVHaKo-00000-00000000-00000470 and as Asian mythology is part of Mm8spDVHaKo-00001-00000471-00000767 curriculum and here were discussing the Mm8spDVHaKo-00002-00000768-00001061 case study on agile testing by one of Mm8spDVHaKo-00003-00001062-00001374 the leading software industry cognizant Mm8spDVHaKo-00004-00001375-00002072 so let's begin with the summary so Mm8spDVHaKo-00005-00002073-00002291 testing plays an important role in the Mm8spDVHaKo-00006-00002292-00002508 software development lifecycle Mm8spDVHaKo-00007-00002509-00002696 combination sometimes takes on Mm8spDVHaKo-00008-00002697-00002921 significant risks by ignoring effective Mm8spDVHaKo-00009-00002922-00003104 testing mechanisms that may cause some Mm8spDVHaKo-00010-00003105-00003515 highly functioning software risks such Mm8spDVHaKo-00011-00003515-00003826 as customers desires dissatisfaction Mm8spDVHaKo-00012-00003827-00004106 competitive threats product revenue Mm8spDVHaKo-00013-00004107-00004663 losses and so on at the development Mm8spDVHaKo-00014-00004664-00004997 level an ignorance in testing can lead Mm8spDVHaKo-00015-00004998-00005504 to technical project challenges so the Mm8spDVHaKo-00016-00005505-00005847 challenges are cost overruns or Mm8spDVHaKo-00017-00005848-00006293 estimation shuttle overruns overlook Mm8spDVHaKo-00018-00006294-00006595 functionalities or developer tests a Mm8spDVHaKo-00019-00006597-00006835 communication which results in Mm8spDVHaKo-00020-00006836-00007334 compromising quality what is exactly in Mm8spDVHaKo-00021-00007334-00007658 a child testing a child testing is a Mm8spDVHaKo-00022-00007659-00007964 software testing practice that follows Mm8spDVHaKo-00023-00007965-00008395 the principle of HR software development Mm8spDVHaKo-00024-00008396-00008726 agile development integrates testing Mm8spDVHaKo-00025-00008727-00008899 into the development process other than Mm8spDVHaKo-00026-00008900-00009349 keeping it as separate and distinct SDLC Mm8spDVHaKo-00027-00009350-00009728 face as idream uses a whole team Mm8spDVHaKo-00028-00009729-00010003 approach the bacon quality to the Mm8spDVHaKo-00029-00010004-00010849 software product the whole team approach Mm8spDVHaKo-00030-00010850-00011120 allows the testing team to collaborate Mm8spDVHaKo-00031-00011121-00011294 actively with the development team Mm8spDVHaKo-00032-00011295-00011594 helping them identifying and transfer Mm8spDVHaKo-00033-00011595-00011806 issues into an executable specifications Mm8spDVHaKo-00034-00011807-00012212 that else encoding before the start of Mm8spDVHaKo-00035-00012213-00012395 testing the development teams detailed Mm8spDVHaKo-00036-00012396-00012677 design documents must be approved so Mm8spDVHaKo-00037-00012678-00012893 that test case creation can start both Mm8spDVHaKo-00038-00012894-00013319 coding and testing as form incrementally Mm8spDVHaKo-00039-00013319-00013691 and iteratively in strengths what Mm8spDVHaKo-00040-00013691-00013882 exactly miss prentace Mm8spDVHaKo-00041-00013883-00014197 so here's a set of period is a set Mm8spDVHaKo-00042-00014198-00014458 period of time during which specific Mm8spDVHaKo-00043-00014459-00014729 task must be completed and made ready Mm8spDVHaKo-00044-00014730-00015058 for review sprints begin with the Mm8spDVHaKo-00045-00015059-00015428 planning meeting during the meeting the Mm8spDVHaKo-00046-00015429-00015791 product owner the development and the Mm8spDVHaKo-00047-00015791-00016047 testing team factory upon exactly which Mm8spDVHaKo-00048-00016048-00016277 activities will be complete children Mm8spDVHaKo-00049-00016278-00016766 sprint the duration of splendid manga Mm8spDVHaKo-00050-00016767-00017047 the scrum master who is the team Mm8spDVHaKo-00051-00017048-00017500 facilitator at the end of sprints the Mm8spDVHaKo-00052-00017501-00017830 team presents is the team presents his Mm8spDVHaKo-00053-00017831-00018194 completed work to the product owner the Mm8spDVHaKo-00054-00018195-00018455 product owner uses a criteria to either Mm8spDVHaKo-00055-00018456-00018974 accept or reject the work now see the Mm8spDVHaKo-00056-00018975-00019306 process of agile testing developers and Mm8spDVHaKo-00057-00019307-00019661 tester defines the Sprint goal QA team Mm8spDVHaKo-00058-00019662-00019847 defines a testing scope that is a Mm8spDVHaKo-00059-00019848-00020097 testing plan which is validated and Mm8spDVHaKo-00060-00020098-00020503 approved by the entire team and the Mm8spDVHaKo-00061-00020504-00020894 client development team starts a new Mm8spDVHaKo-00062-00020895-00021308 mutation of module 3 a team begins work Mm8spDVHaKo-00063-00021309-00021655 begins work on the test case design and Mm8spDVHaKo-00064-00021656-00021836 handed over the development team and Mm8spDVHaKo-00065-00021837-00022199 project sponsors from the business side Mm8spDVHaKo-00066-00022200-00022577 to review here a team then begins Mm8spDVHaKo-00067-00022578-00022922 testing on the QA environment when code Mm8spDVHaKo-00068-00022923-00023168 is ready to test after the end of each Mm8spDVHaKo-00069-00023169-00023506 sprint QA work with the development to Mm8spDVHaKo-00070-00023507-00023705 execute test cases in the development Mm8spDVHaKo-00071-00023706-00024008 environment in order to identify the Mm8spDVHaKo-00072-00024009-00024256 early-stage defects so the developers Mm8spDVHaKo-00073-00024257-00024449 can fix them during the next town on the Mm8spDVHaKo-00074-00024450-00024794 priority basis this process is then Mm8spDVHaKo-00075-00024795-00024934 repeated throughout the development Mm8spDVHaKo-00076-00024935-00025421 process automated test is our run daily Mm8spDVHaKo-00077-00025422-00025744 throughout the hdl-c Mm8spDVHaKo-00078-00025745-00025958 whiteboard stand-up meetings are Mm8spDVHaKo-00079-00025958-00026239 conducted daily involving members for Mm8spDVHaKo-00080-00026240-00026395 all the teams so it with the product Mm8spDVHaKo-00081-00026397-00026668 development support intestine Mm8spDVHaKo-00082-00026669-00026954 some important elements of agile testing Mm8spDVHaKo-00083-00026955-00027326 includes testers and cue managers as Mm8spDVHaKo-00084-00027327-00027880 members of the agent team development Mm8spDVHaKo-00085-00027881-00028207 note is manual testing it's regression Mm8spDVHaKo-00086-00028208-00028592 once a majority of Co is completed there Mm8spDVHaKo-00087-00028593-00028846 isn't the last planned sprint the minor Mm8spDVHaKo-00088-00028847-00029230 revision testicle starts pouring defects Mm8spDVHaKo-00089-00029231-00029437 fixes continuously during the space but Mm8spDVHaKo-00090-00029438-00029892 this is to add vanish to the product Mm8spDVHaKo-00091-00029893-00030167 pre-production deployment is dependent Mm8spDVHaKo-00092-00030168-00030404 on the approval of this managers testing Mm8spDVHaKo-00093-00030405-00030826 record the deployment only occurs if the Mm8spDVHaKo-00094-00030827-00031161 report depicts green status for all Mm8spDVHaKo-00095-00031162-00031687 application modules Oh what are there is Mm8spDVHaKo-00096-00031688-00031974 fun advantages of a child testing Mm8spDVHaKo-00097-00031975-00032212 distinct problems are discussed and Mm8spDVHaKo-00098-00032213-00032510 refined as a team the child process Mm8spDVHaKo-00099-00032511-00032887 often requires having entry and exit Mm8spDVHaKo-00100-00032888-00033205 criteria for stories if you see a child Mm8spDVHaKo-00101-00033206-00033412 testing and shows that each requirement Mm8spDVHaKo-00102-00033413-00033793 is well-defined and measurable which Mm8spDVHaKo-00103-00033794-00033982 allows us specialist to determine Mm8spDVHaKo-00104-00033983-00034237 whether the requirement was actually Mm8spDVHaKo-00105-00034238-00034686 completed or not three participants and Mm8spDVHaKo-00106-00034687-00035068 the big picture requirements right stage Mm8spDVHaKo-00107-00035069-00035401 thus ensuring that testing estimates Mm8spDVHaKo-00108-00035402-00035652 aren't overlooked Mm8spDVHaKo-00109-00035653-00035893 autom automated tests are fully Mm8spDVHaKo-00110-00035894-00036098 leveraged to implement regression Mm8spDVHaKo-00111-00036099-00036427 testing quality becomes the combined Mm8spDVHaKo-00112-00036428-00036868 team's responsibility rather than just Mm8spDVHaKo-00113-00036869-00037376 only that of the distinctive let's see Mm8spDVHaKo-00114-00037377-00037664 the disadvantages the team may struggles Mm8spDVHaKo-00115-00037665-00037924 to adapt the changes challenges and Mm8spDVHaKo-00116-00037925-00038362 estimations and sizing requirements to a Mm8spDVHaKo-00117-00038363-00038573 sometime prevented from executing the Mm8spDVHaKo-00118-00038574-00038930 test case for whole team for whole Mm8spDVHaKo-00119-00038931-00039115 iteration living the team struggling to Mm8spDVHaKo-00120-00039116-00039404 finish the task not asking the right Mm8spDVHaKo-00121-00039405-00039782 questions so he may not ask you the Mm8spDVHaKo-00122-00039783-00039935 right questions at the time of Mm8spDVHaKo-00123-00039936-00040262 implementation addition of new user Mm8spDVHaKo-00124-00040263-00040777 stores into the current regression so Mm8spDVHaKo-00125-00040778-00041012 how the cop isn't have started with the Mm8spDVHaKo-00126-00041013-00041192 gel testing so they've started with Mm8spDVHaKo-00127-00041193-00041468 daily stand-up meetings start breaking Mm8spDVHaKo-00128-00041469-00041719 things into equations the scrum master Mm8spDVHaKo-00129-00041720-00042061 product owner and each developer QA Mm8spDVHaKo-00130-00042062-00042408 writer should attain planning meetings Mm8spDVHaKo-00131-00042409-00042664 the end of the iteration of the demos Mm8spDVHaKo-00132-00042665-00042958 and respective the ventilating Mm8spDVHaKo-00133-00042959-00043261 continuously and focus on what is Mm8spDVHaKo-00134-00043262-00043702 important so this is the case teri Mm8spDVHaKo-00135-00043703-00043969 reference I have tip it from a cognizant Mm8spDVHaKo-00136-00043970-00044243 xx contain sites the case for HIV Mm8spDVHaKo-00137-00044244-00044644 testing thank you MnneLo-qzNI-00000-00000112-00000327 the recent series MnneLo-qzNI-00001-00000328-00000759 loki explores interesting themes MnneLo-qzNI-00002-00000760-00001183 of what is the nature of reality MnneLo-qzNI-00003-00001184-00001527 the free will that we prove MnneLo-qzNI-00004-00001528-00001887 and can apply and other MnneLo-qzNI-00005-00001888-00002295 components in a smart way MnneLo-qzNI-00006-00002296-00002702 it asks what reality MnneLo-qzNI-00007-00002703-00003031 is and how we perceive it MnneLo-qzNI-00008-00003032-00003383 and it may be surprising to you that MnneLo-qzNI-00009-00003384-00003686 reality is not necessarily MnneLo-qzNI-00010-00003688-00004038 a fixed known MnneLo-qzNI-00011-00004039-00004343 definitive system MnneLo-qzNI-00012-00004344-00004670 we constantly push against its MnneLo-qzNI-00013-00004671-00004911 boundaries MnneLo-qzNI-00014-00004912-00005231 my name is david orban and this is the MnneLo-qzNI-00015-00005232-00005391 context MnneLo-qzNI-00016-00005392-00005972 season 4 episode 6. MnneLo-qzNI-00017-00005973-00006343 [Music] MnneLo-qzNI-00018-00006344-00006783 if you watched the series loki MnneLo-qzNI-00019-00006784-00007119 you will have been subjected MnneLo-qzNI-00020-00007120-00007551 to stimulating action scenes MnneLo-qzNI-00021-00007552-00007891 and wonderful MnneLo-qzNI-00022-00007892-00008223 representation of alternative MnneLo-qzNI-00023-00008224-00008678 worlds with very careful MnneLo-qzNI-00024-00008679-00009039 design and storytelling but also to MnneLo-qzNI-00025-00009040-00009303 provocative ideas about MnneLo-qzNI-00026-00009304-00009606 how does reality form and what is our MnneLo-qzNI-00027-00009607-00009695 role MnneLo-qzNI-00028-00009696-00009983 in not only understanding it but MnneLo-qzNI-00029-00009984-00010078 potentially MnneLo-qzNI-00030-00010079-00010446 shaping it today i want to MnneLo-qzNI-00031-00010447-00010799 talk about three concepts MnneLo-qzNI-00032-00010800-00011183 in my own way and MnneLo-qzNI-00033-00011184-00011503 this series of definitions MnneLo-qzNI-00034-00011504-00011806 and details that i am going to give MnneLo-qzNI-00035-00011807-00012110 may not exactly correspond to what MnneLo-qzNI-00036-00012111-00012359 the official understanding or MnneLo-qzNI-00037-00012360-00012567 description or adoption of the terms MnneLo-qzNI-00038-00012568-00012838 that i'm using is going to be but i want MnneLo-qzNI-00039-00012839-00012894 to MnneLo-qzNI-00040-00012895-00013191 stick my to my own ways because i MnneLo-qzNI-00041-00013191-00013327 believe they are actually MnneLo-qzNI-00042-00013328-00013638 useful and potentially more useful than MnneLo-qzNI-00043-00013640-00013951 the mainstream definitions i want to MnneLo-qzNI-00044-00013952-00014071 talk about MnneLo-qzNI-00045-00014072-00014463 the megaverse the multiverse MnneLo-qzNI-00046-00014463-00014822 and the metaverse and how MnneLo-qzNI-00047-00014823-00015199 we are mapping out the meaning the MnneLo-qzNI-00048-00015200-00015303 implication MnneLo-qzNI-00049-00015304-00015527 the theoretical underpinnings and MnneLo-qzNI-00050-00015528-00015655 potentially the MnneLo-qzNI-00051-00015656-00016063 practical consequences of these concepts MnneLo-qzNI-00052-00016063-00016366 so let's start MnneLo-qzNI-00053-00016368-00016711 the megaverse is the MnneLo-qzNI-00054-00016712-00017039 set of possible physical MnneLo-qzNI-00055-00017040-00017463 universes as they uh MnneLo-qzNI-00056-00017464-00017847 group together with their boundaries MnneLo-qzNI-00057-00017848-00018175 touching and pushing and MnneLo-qzNI-00058-00018176-00018543 with potentially MnneLo-qzNI-00059-00018544-00018903 complementary or slightly deferring MnneLo-qzNI-00060-00018904-00019319 physical laws creating MnneLo-qzNI-00061-00019320-00019711 fairly difficult MnneLo-qzNI-00062-00019712-00020071 to penetrate surfaces MnneLo-qzNI-00063-00020072-00020327 now when i'm talking about universes MnneLo-qzNI-00064-00020328-00020511 grouping together MnneLo-qzNI-00065-00020512-00020878 and the boundaries yes MnneLo-qzNI-00066-00020879-00021255 i am talking about a physical space MnneLo-qzNI-00067-00021256-00021607 but this space is not necessarily MnneLo-qzNI-00068-00021608-00022007 our three-dimensional space plus time MnneLo-qzNI-00069-00022008-00022303 space-time as we have understood it for MnneLo-qzNI-00070-00022304-00022358 the past MnneLo-qzNI-00071-00022359-00022758 hundred years but it may be MnneLo-qzNI-00072-00022759-00023119 of a more complex and a more MnneLo-qzNI-00073-00023120-00023519 complete set of dimensions MnneLo-qzNI-00074-00023520-00023847 the explorations that we are conducting MnneLo-qzNI-00075-00023848-00024263 in the nature of our MnneLo-qzNI-00076-00024264-00024639 elementary particles and the MnneLo-qzNI-00077-00024640-00024950 forces that bind them and have them MnneLo-qzNI-00078-00024951-00025335 interact are indicating that indeed MnneLo-qzNI-00079-00025336-00025447 there MnneLo-qzNI-00080-00025448-00025822 can potentially be more MnneLo-qzNI-00081-00025823-00026246 physical dimensions than not what appear MnneLo-qzNI-00082-00026247-00026527 to our senses in our day-to-day MnneLo-qzNI-00083-00026527-00026631 experience MnneLo-qzNI-00084-00026632-00026902 the megaverse groups together universes MnneLo-qzNI-00085-00026904-00026958 that MnneLo-qzNI-00086-00026960-00027311 are uh self-contained in the sense MnneLo-qzNI-00087-00027312-00027655 that the um speed MnneLo-qzNI-00088-00027656-00028087 of light is the ultimate limit of MnneLo-qzNI-00089-00028088-00028470 causal interaction in MnneLo-qzNI-00090-00028472-00028862 a given volume of space-time MnneLo-qzNI-00091-00028863-00029199 and as universes expand MnneLo-qzNI-00092-00029200-00029502 or contract the boundaries of MnneLo-qzNI-00093-00029504-00029887 causal interaction in turn MnneLo-qzNI-00094-00029888-00030214 change the surfaces MnneLo-qzNI-00095-00030216-00030687 of different types of universes MnneLo-qzNI-00096-00030688-00031118 touching are the MnneLo-qzNI-00097-00031119-00031446 places where we can observe and MnneLo-qzNI-00098-00031447-00031814 prove the existence of multiple MnneLo-qzNI-00099-00031816-00032214 uh complementary physical universes MnneLo-qzNI-00100-00032216-00032527 composing the megaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00101-00032527-00032862 the reason why this matters is because MnneLo-qzNI-00102-00032863-00032935 we can MnneLo-qzNI-00103-00032936-00033271 ask ourselves why are MnneLo-qzNI-00104-00033272-00033535 uh the laws and parameters of our MnneLo-qzNI-00105-00033536-00033631 particular MnneLo-qzNI-00106-00033632-00033967 universe the way they are what are the MnneLo-qzNI-00107-00033968-00034118 differences in the laws and the MnneLo-qzNI-00108-00034119-00034255 parameters of MnneLo-qzNI-00109-00034256-00034502 the other universe is composing the MnneLo-qzNI-00110-00034503-00034655 megaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00111-00034656-00034967 and as we ask about these MnneLo-qzNI-00112-00034968-00035318 values and those differences MnneLo-qzNI-00113-00035319-00035618 possibly realize that they are MnneLo-qzNI-00114-00035619-00035751 evolutionary MnneLo-qzNI-00115-00035752-00036055 selection criteria that lead MnneLo-qzNI-00116-00036056-00036359 to one or another of these MnneLo-qzNI-00117-00036360-00036639 sets of values and sets of parameters MnneLo-qzNI-00118-00036640-00036815 now we know MnneLo-qzNI-00119-00036816-00037135 that in our universe the MnneLo-qzNI-00120-00037136-00037527 evolution of matter and energy itself MnneLo-qzNI-00121-00037528-00037839 leads to the formation MnneLo-qzNI-00122-00037840-00038183 of stars to planets to MnneLo-qzNI-00123-00038184-00038511 biological life and to MnneLo-qzNI-00124-00038512-00038879 intelligent life we can then ask MnneLo-qzNI-00125-00038880-00039159 ourselves if other sets of values and MnneLo-qzNI-00126-00039160-00039255 other MnneLo-qzNI-00127-00039256-00039502 types of parameters in other universes MnneLo-qzNI-00128-00039503-00039655 within the megaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00129-00039656-00039990 can do the same MnneLo-qzNI-00130-00039991-00040446 let's now talk about the MnneLo-qzNI-00131-00040447-00040935 multiverse the multiverse MnneLo-qzNI-00132-00040936-00041383 is the quantum mechanical interpretation MnneLo-qzNI-00133-00041384-00041718 of the MnneLo-qzNI-00134-00041719-00042030 probability distribution of MnneLo-qzNI-00135-00042031-00042351 events ending up with a given MnneLo-qzNI-00136-00042352-00042655 outcome rather than another and MnneLo-qzNI-00137-00042656-00042967 instead of leaving the MnneLo-qzNI-00138-00042968-00043302 assumption that these possible MnneLo-qzNI-00139-00043303-00043799 alternatives selected by MnneLo-qzNI-00140-00043800-00044262 random invisible processes the MnneLo-qzNI-00141-00044263-00044630 multiverse interpretation of MnneLo-qzNI-00142-00044631-00045015 the quantum mechanical phenomena MnneLo-qzNI-00143-00045016-00045358 posits that actually the MnneLo-qzNI-00144-00045359-00045790 multiverse is a physical reality MnneLo-qzNI-00145-00045791-00046167 that indeed all the possible outcomes MnneLo-qzNI-00146-00046168-00046551 of events play out and it is their MnneLo-qzNI-00147-00046552-00046943 interaction that brings about MnneLo-qzNI-00148-00046944-00047335 the results that we can then MnneLo-qzNI-00149-00047336-00047639 observe or that actually there MnneLo-qzNI-00150-00047640-00048015 are multiple outcomes MnneLo-qzNI-00151-00048016-00048343 all being observed in one or another MnneLo-qzNI-00152-00048344-00048807 of the instantiations of the multiverse MnneLo-qzNI-00153-00048808-00049174 the various universes in the MnneLo-qzNI-00154-00049175-00049502 multiverse do not MnneLo-qzNI-00155-00049503-00049807 exist in physically MnneLo-qzNI-00156-00049808-00050190 adjacent spaces they do MnneLo-qzNI-00157-00050191-00050502 interact through quantum mechanical MnneLo-qzNI-00158-00050503-00050967 processes the MnneLo-qzNI-00159-00050968-00051490 enormous apparently wasteful MnneLo-qzNI-00160-00051491-00051799 multiplication of the instances of the MnneLo-qzNI-00161-00051800-00051902 universe MnneLo-qzNI-00162-00051903-00052230 occurs through each and MnneLo-qzNI-00163-00052232-00052582 every quantum mechanical event MnneLo-qzNI-00164-00052583-00052887 through each and every interaction of MnneLo-qzNI-00165-00052888-00053238 of particles in a number that MnneLo-qzNI-00166-00053239-00053647 is difficult to conceive or represent MnneLo-qzNI-00167-00053648-00053966 and to calculate with MnneLo-qzNI-00168-00053967-00054335 our um understanding of MnneLo-qzNI-00169-00054336-00054679 physics and of quantum mechanics MnneLo-qzNI-00170-00054679-00055094 is still very limited even though MnneLo-qzNI-00171-00055095-00055430 quantum mechanics is actually one of the MnneLo-qzNI-00172-00055432-00055671 most powerful theories we have MnneLo-qzNI-00173-00055672-00056023 and is the most precise MnneLo-qzNI-00174-00056024-00056415 theory we have where prediction MnneLo-qzNI-00175-00056416-00056679 and measurement correspond to the MnneLo-qzNI-00176-00056679-00056887 maximum number of digits MnneLo-qzNI-00177-00056888-00057303 when we compare the two now MnneLo-qzNI-00178-00057304-00057575 the multiverse interpretation of quantum MnneLo-qzNI-00179-00057576-00057726 mechanics MnneLo-qzNI-00180-00057727-00058054 is a minority view MnneLo-qzNI-00181-00058055-00058399 but there are very interesting MnneLo-qzNI-00182-00058400-00058887 implications if we take it seriously MnneLo-qzNI-00183-00058888-00059223 there are uh people who view MnneLo-qzNI-00184-00059224-00059526 the possibility of uh MnneLo-qzNI-00185-00059527-00059919 building and using quantum computers MnneLo-qzNI-00186-00059920-00060303 as actually our uh reaching out MnneLo-qzNI-00187-00060304-00060687 into multiple universes into in the MnneLo-qzNI-00188-00060688-00061079 multi multiverse and executing those MnneLo-qzNI-00189-00061079-00061303 calculations in parallel MnneLo-qzNI-00190-00061304-00061703 and then bringing back the results uh as MnneLo-qzNI-00191-00061704-00062023 the superposition of uh MnneLo-qzNI-00192-00062024-00062375 entangled particles collapses uh MnneLo-qzNI-00193-00062376-00062687 when we read out uh what the end MnneLo-qzNI-00194-00062688-00063082 result of the calculation is MnneLo-qzNI-00195-00063083-00063415 the uh multiverse MnneLo-qzNI-00196-00063416-00063787 is a fascinating view of uh MnneLo-qzNI-00197-00063788-00064182 alternative possibilities uh those who MnneLo-qzNI-00198-00064183-00064606 uh want to think about MnneLo-qzNI-00199-00064607-00064942 what they should be doing MnneLo-qzNI-00200-00064944-00065247 what their decisions should MnneLo-qzNI-00201-00065248-00065582 imply what are the consequences of MnneLo-qzNI-00202-00065583-00065703 decisions they MnneLo-qzNI-00203-00065704-00065903 have made in the past or will make in MnneLo-qzNI-00204-00065904-00066055 the future MnneLo-qzNI-00205-00066056-00066463 can actually take a bird's-eye MnneLo-qzNI-00206-00066464-00066815 view mentally and MnneLo-qzNI-00207-00066816-00067119 try to understand how these MnneLo-qzNI-00208-00067120-00067438 multiple choices lead to different MnneLo-qzNI-00209-00067439-00067775 outcomes and then of course sort MnneLo-qzNI-00210-00067776-00068006 those different choices according to MnneLo-qzNI-00211-00068007-00068319 their value systems in order to maximize MnneLo-qzNI-00212-00068320-00068655 desirable outcomes once again MnneLo-qzNI-00213-00068656-00069055 the evolutionary selection processes MnneLo-qzNI-00214-00069056-00069375 that can MnneLo-qzNI-00215-00069376-00069775 allow pruning of the MnneLo-qzNI-00216-00069776-00070271 possibilities is what we assume MnneLo-qzNI-00217-00070272-00070679 we are doing when we apply what we label MnneLo-qzNI-00218-00070680-00071038 free will there are those who MnneLo-qzNI-00219-00071039-00071423 believe that free will indeed emerges MnneLo-qzNI-00220-00071424-00071799 from the underpinning MnneLo-qzNI-00221-00071800-00072071 quantum mechanical processes and there MnneLo-qzNI-00222-00072072-00072150 are those MnneLo-qzNI-00223-00072151-00072431 who believe that while free will is a MnneLo-qzNI-00224-00072432-00072559 useful MnneLo-qzNI-00225-00072560-00072950 uh term that we adopt MnneLo-qzNI-00226-00072951-00073415 as individuals and as social groups MnneLo-qzNI-00227-00073416-00073791 there is no uh scientific grounding MnneLo-qzNI-00228-00073792-00074106 that can lead from MnneLo-qzNI-00229-00074107-00074550 deterministic laws to MnneLo-qzNI-00230-00074551-00074982 actions that are non-deterministic MnneLo-qzNI-00231-00074983-00075287 introducing in the middle as they say MnneLo-qzNI-00232-00075288-00075582 some magical component or or MnneLo-qzNI-00233-00075583-00075719 metaphysical MnneLo-qzNI-00234-00075720-00076247 process instead MnneLo-qzNI-00235-00076248-00076662 the metaverse finally is MnneLo-qzNI-00236-00076663-00076982 what we are now MnneLo-qzNI-00237-00076983-00077411 building as the MnneLo-qzNI-00238-00077412-00077838 digitization of our world MnneLo-qzNI-00239-00077839-00078167 proceeding at MnneLo-qzNI-00240-00078168-00078603 jolting paces at an increasing rate of MnneLo-qzNI-00241-00078604-00079006 acceleration is overlaying MnneLo-qzNI-00242-00079007-00079350 uh the physical world with MnneLo-qzNI-00243-00079351-00079694 additional um layers of MnneLo-qzNI-00244-00079695-00080062 meaning and understanding and MnneLo-qzNI-00245-00080063-00080438 ability to analyze and act on those MnneLo-qzNI-00246-00080439-00080871 layers or act within those layers MnneLo-qzNI-00247-00080872-00081182 and as we connect the digital layer to MnneLo-qzNI-00248-00081183-00081335 the physical layer MnneLo-qzNI-00249-00081336-00081615 the metaverse of course has a MnneLo-qzNI-00250-00081616-00081767 consequence MnneLo-qzNI-00251-00081768-00082247 in the physical world as well MnneLo-qzNI-00252-00082248-00082615 the simulation hypothesis asks MnneLo-qzNI-00253-00082616-00082926 if uh it is MnneLo-qzNI-00254-00082927-00083223 possible that an outcome of the MnneLo-qzNI-00255-00083224-00083462 technological evolution MnneLo-qzNI-00256-00083463-00083775 of uh intelligent species MnneLo-qzNI-00257-00083776-00084094 leads to the building and MnneLo-qzNI-00258-00084095-00084467 the deployment of metaverses that are MnneLo-qzNI-00259-00084468-00084831 indistinguishable from any physical MnneLo-qzNI-00260-00084832-00085135 layer or the reverse MnneLo-qzNI-00261-00085136-00085350 there are those who are asking MnneLo-qzNI-00262-00085351-00085471 themselves MnneLo-qzNI-00263-00085472-00085799 if the foundation of the physical MnneLo-qzNI-00264-00085800-00085879 reality MnneLo-qzNI-00265-00085880-00086255 that we observe is itself digital MnneLo-qzNI-00266-00086256-00086591 if say space-time emerges MnneLo-qzNI-00267-00086592-00086999 naturally from the interaction of MnneLo-qzNI-00268-00087000-00087462 completely abstract networks of nodes MnneLo-qzNI-00269-00087463-00087879 at depths of MnneLo-qzNI-00270-00087880-00088311 resolution that certainly MnneLo-qzNI-00271-00088312-00088662 not today and maybe never we will MnneLo-qzNI-00272-00088663-00089047 able to probe now MnneLo-qzNI-00273-00089048-00089462 uh the people who play video games MnneLo-qzNI-00274-00089463-00089815 uh of course have a very direct MnneLo-qzNI-00275-00089816-00090094 understanding of the power of the MnneLo-qzNI-00276-00090095-00090215 metaverse to MnneLo-qzNI-00277-00090216-00090575 create alternate realities MnneLo-qzNI-00278-00090576-00090903 and simulating at MnneLo-qzNI-00279-00090904-00091311 increasing degrees of resolution and MnneLo-qzNI-00280-00091312-00091615 fidelity reality is that MnneLo-qzNI-00281-00091616-00091911 however uh do not necessarily correspond MnneLo-qzNI-00282-00091912-00092118 to our own MnneLo-qzNI-00283-00092119-00092518 once again enables us to explore MnneLo-qzNI-00284-00092519-00092967 things that can be ask ourselves MnneLo-qzNI-00285-00092968-00093303 things that should be and choose MnneLo-qzNI-00286-00093304-00093687 among them the MnneLo-qzNI-00287-00093688-00093999 question if indeed our physical MnneLo-qzNI-00288-00094000-00094367 reality is at what you would call MnneLo-qzNI-00289-00094368-00094703 the base layer or MnneLo-qzNI-00290-00094704-00095031 if it stands MnneLo-qzNI-00291-00095032-00095399 on top of other layers MnneLo-qzNI-00292-00095400-00095871 with turtles all the way down MnneLo-qzNI-00293-00095872-00096231 is not meaningless and MnneLo-qzNI-00294-00096232-00096655 i confess to the chauvinistic MnneLo-qzNI-00295-00096656-00096979 supposition and preference to be MnneLo-qzNI-00296-00096980-00097294 instantiated in the blaze layer MnneLo-qzNI-00297-00097295-00097655 but i do understand that this comes from MnneLo-qzNI-00298-00097656-00097974 a limitation of my own sets of MnneLo-qzNI-00299-00097975-00098062 preferences MnneLo-qzNI-00300-00098063-00098374 and i am striving to embrace MnneLo-qzNI-00301-00098375-00098735 a view that does not necessarily MnneLo-qzNI-00302-00098736-00098855 distinguish MnneLo-qzNI-00303-00098856-00099191 um to assign a MnneLo-qzNI-00304-00099192-00099599 higher value to a MnneLo-qzNI-00305-00099600-00099911 more basic layer than a MnneLo-qzNI-00306-00099912-00100167 what you would call simulated layer MnneLo-qzNI-00307-00100168-00100287 instead MnneLo-qzNI-00308-00100288-00100782 i want to become more MnneLo-qzNI-00309-00100783-00101111 detached and better able to MnneLo-qzNI-00310-00101112-00101487 abstract myself in order to once again MnneLo-qzNI-00311-00101488-00101806 understand what are the evolutionary MnneLo-qzNI-00312-00101807-00102143 processes that can lead MnneLo-qzNI-00313-00102144-00102463 from one metaverse layer to the building MnneLo-qzNI-00314-00102464-00102654 of the next one and the next one MnneLo-qzNI-00315-00102655-00103047 and so on so MnneLo-qzNI-00316-00103048-00103494 magaverse multiverse metaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00317-00103495-00103894 these are three different ways MnneLo-qzNI-00318-00103895-00104230 in which we are mapping and MnneLo-qzNI-00319-00104231-00104590 understanding the nature of reality MnneLo-qzNI-00320-00104591-00104878 and you will have noticed that i MnneLo-qzNI-00321-00104879-00104983 introduced MnneLo-qzNI-00322-00104983-00105327 a completely orthogonal concept MnneLo-qzNI-00323-00105328-00105663 of evolutionary fitness MnneLo-qzNI-00324-00105664-00106023 in each of them indeed MnneLo-qzNI-00325-00106024-00106423 uh i'm a universal darvinist MnneLo-qzNI-00326-00106424-00106847 i do believe that the concept of MnneLo-qzNI-00327-00106848-00107166 evolution and natural selection can MnneLo-qzNI-00328-00107167-00107263 apply MnneLo-qzNI-00329-00107264-00107615 and does apply not only in biology MnneLo-qzNI-00330-00107616-00107951 but in every process that has MnneLo-qzNI-00331-00107952-00108278 the ability to create MnneLo-qzNI-00332-00108279-00108631 copies of itself with variation MnneLo-qzNI-00333-00108632-00109071 within the constraints of a set of MnneLo-qzNI-00334-00109072-00109454 parameters that implement MnneLo-qzNI-00335-00109455-00109763 the selection processes um MnneLo-qzNI-00336-00109764-00109878 [Music] MnneLo-qzNI-00337-00109879-00110263 pruning eventual alternatives MnneLo-qzNI-00338-00110264-00110678 so what i also MnneLo-qzNI-00339-00110679-00110927 mentioned in each of these MnneLo-qzNI-00340-00110928-00111086 [Music] MnneLo-qzNI-00341-00111088-00111415 three ways of looking at reality MnneLo-qzNI-00342-00111416-00111943 is that the reasoning around them MnneLo-qzNI-00343-00111944-00112254 allows us to ask what are these MnneLo-qzNI-00344-00112255-00112366 evolutionary MnneLo-qzNI-00345-00112367-00112695 forces but also to MnneLo-qzNI-00346-00112696-00113086 apply our own preferences MnneLo-qzNI-00347-00113088-00113334 and then execute and act on those MnneLo-qzNI-00348-00113335-00113463 preferences MnneLo-qzNI-00349-00113464-00113863 in order to have a reality emerge that MnneLo-qzNI-00350-00113864-00114102 is desirable to us MnneLo-qzNI-00351-00114103-00114431 and this is a power MnneLo-qzNI-00352-00114432-00114775 that we can assume and MnneLo-qzNI-00353-00114776-00115134 we can embody of creating MnneLo-qzNI-00354-00115135-00115463 reality comparing the reality we MnneLo-qzNI-00355-00115464-00115790 create with models that we want and MnneLo-qzNI-00356-00115791-00116143 go out in the universe MnneLo-qzNI-00357-00116144-00116510 that lives in the megaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00358-00116511-00116754 the multiverse and the metaverse MnneLo-qzNI-00359-00116755-00117039 simultaneously MnneLo-qzNI-00360-00117040-00117375 with our full wonder MnneLo-qzNI-00361-00117376-00117695 and full enjoyment of MnneLo-qzNI-00362-00117696-00118047 our existence thank you very much for MnneLo-qzNI-00363-00118048-00118407 watching or listening to this episode of MnneLo-qzNI-00364-00118408-00118734 the context i enjoy MnneLo-qzNI-00365-00118735-00119143 recording them and if you feel that MnneLo-qzNI-00366-00119144-00119551 they are valuable please MnneLo-qzNI-00367-00119552-00119886 become a sponsor a supporter MnneLo-qzNI-00368-00119888-00120190 a benefactor on patreon MnneLo-qzNI-00369-00120191-00120575 at patreon.com david orban MnneLo-qzNI-00370-00120576-00121896 thank you N0HBH9L7p3E-00000-00000000-00001231 foreign N0HBH9L7p3E-00001-00001232-00002063 [Music] N0HBH9L7p3E-00002-00002064-00002815 [Music] N0HBH9L7p3E-00003-00002816-00003134 [Music] N0HBH9L7p3E-00004-00003135-00003435 oh N2vbOiI4JRo-00000-00000152-00002658 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00001-00002659-00003055 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00002-00003056-00003351 i don't wanna be with nobody N2vbOiI4JRo-00003-00003352-00003622 it's just with you N2vbOiI4JRo-00004-00003623-00003990 put your body on my body for you it's N2vbOiI4JRo-00005-00003992-00004270 true N2vbOiI4JRo-00006-00004271-00004312 one N2vbOiI4JRo-00007-00004313-00005606 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00008-00005607-00005879 you take my breath away N2vbOiI4JRo-00009-00005880-00006216 and when the time comes N2vbOiI4JRo-00010-00006217-00008544 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00011-00008545-00009823 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00012-00009824-00010008 is N2vbOiI4JRo-00013-00010009-00011910 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00014-00011911-00012491 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00015-00012492-00012812 a girl N2vbOiI4JRo-00016-00012813-00013375 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00017-00013376-00013811 for you N2vbOiI4JRo-00018-00013812-00015799 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00019-00015800-00016598 oh N2vbOiI4JRo-00020-00016599-00017998 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00021-00017999-00018207 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00022-00018208-00018497 no N2vbOiI4JRo-00023-00018498-00019303 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00024-00019304-00019630 do it for you N2vbOiI4JRo-00025-00019631-00019886 [Music] N2vbOiI4JRo-00026-00019887-00020095 you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00000-00000000-00000158 hey guys how's it going so today we're N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00001-00000159-00000295 going to be doing some perennial N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00002-00000296-00000511 planting you can see this gorgeous color N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00003-00000512-00000638 right behind me N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00004-00000639-00000799 a huge gator load of beautiful N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00005-00000800-00000935 perennials so we have three different N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00006-00000936-00001127 varieties that are going to three N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00007-00001128-00001319 different locations in our garden check N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00008-00001320-00001487 all of these out N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00009-00001488-00001639 very different shades of pink we're N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00010-00001639-00001807 dealing with here i mean you know you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00011-00001807-00001967 look at something like this this is a N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00012-00001968-00002151 brand new echinacea coming out next year N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00013-00002152-00002447 2023 but you put this color of pink up N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00014-00002448-00002607 next to this color N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00015-00002608-00002767 boy they look wildly different like this N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00016-00002768-00002966 one's so much more cool in its N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00017-00002967-00003118 undertones than this one is this one's N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00018-00003119-00003327 got a lot more warmth to it but they're N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00019-00003328-00003606 all gorgeous so this one is a double N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00020-00003607-00003999 coated raspberry beret double echinacea N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00021-00004000-00004254 aren't these gorgeous and big so the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00022-00004255-00004406 flowers can reach up to four inch N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00023-00004407-00004647 diameter and they grow about 20 inches N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00024-00004648-00004927 tall two feet wide echinacea do really N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00025-00004928-00005102 well here for us i know they do well for N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00026-00005103-00005311 a lot of you guys too in a real full sun N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00027-00005312-00005606 area they attract pollinators N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00028-00005607-00005783 i think they're resistant to deer even N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00029-00005784-00005927 we don't deal with deer in our garden N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00030-00005928-00006086 like i know a lot of you guys have N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00031-00006087-00006254 really intense deer pressure in fact N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00032-00006255-00006463 we've only seen deer in our space they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00033-00006464-00006591 weren't even actually in our in our N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00034-00006592-00006798 garden they were in the neighbor's field N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00035-00006800-00007014 and that was five or six years ago like N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00036-00007015-00007175 the first or second year we were in this N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00037-00007176-00007263 place N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00038-00007264-00007503 so anyway uh there are zone four through N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00039-00007504-00007687 eight the thing i like so much about N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00040-00007688-00007878 echinacea like ours in the garden aren't N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00041-00007879-00008078 blooming yet uh these you know have been N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00042-00008079-00008335 grown on to bloom a little bit sooner uh N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00043-00008336-00008487 but when they're in their natural rhythm N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00044-00008488-00008655 they usually start blooming about N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00045-00008656-00008839 mid-summer and then they provide color N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00046-00008840-00008999 through the whole season it's not N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00047-00009000-00009183 something a plant that i ever deadhead N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00048-00009184-00009310 because i like the seed heads the way N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00049-00009311-00009478 they look are really beautiful they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00050-00009479-00009687 provide forage for wildlife and they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00051-00009688-00009846 look beautiful in the wintertime too so N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00052-00009847-00010014 they just provide so much color through N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00053-00010015-00010231 that like kind of dog days of summer and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00054-00010232-00010359 then through the rest of the season i N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00055-00010360-00010503 just love them and i think they're gonna N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00056-00010504-00010687 look gorgeous tucked in over here on the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00057-00010688-00010887 west side maybe near some of that purple N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00058-00010888-00011103 blooming penstemon so we'll get some N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00059-00011104-00011263 early color from the penstemon and then N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00060-00011264-00011478 these can pick up and be some color N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00061-00011479-00011606 later on N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00062-00011607-00011823 next we have another salvia so we N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00063-00011824-00012110 recently planted in fact right here we N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00064-00012111-00012431 planted the pink profusion which i love N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00065-00012432-00012767 this one is called back to the fuchsia N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00066-00012768-00012999 i've not ever planted this one before N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00067-00013000-00013263 and it looks very different from the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00068-00013263-00013494 pink profusion in that the bloom spikes N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00069-00013495-00013751 are much thicker like just the diameter N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00070-00013752-00013911 of these much thicker N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00071-00013912-00014103 and they've got a little bit larger of a N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00072-00014104-00014263 growth habit and you can just tell that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00073-00014263-00014463 based on like looking at this versus N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00074-00014463-00014575 looking at N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00075-00014576-00014751 you know the pink profusion which you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00076-00014752-00014966 know we're kind of far from them but N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00077-00014968-00015183 anyway also these have a lighter colored N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00078-00015184-00015438 calyx than the peak perfusion so they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00079-00015440-00015638 just have a different a different vibe N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00080-00015640-00015879 to them but let me tell you what if you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00081-00015880-00016135 want a pollinator attracting plant N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00082-00016136-00016311 this is the type to put in your garden N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00083-00016312-00016607 any kind of salvia any kind of veronica N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00084-00016608-00016927 i mean they are just loaded all of the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00085-00016928-00017063 time in fact these were sitting on the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00086-00017064-00017239 ground near the greenhouse this morning N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00087-00017240-00017399 when i went to pick them up and put them N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00088-00017400-00017543 here in the gator they were covered in N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00089-00017544-00017711 honeybees just covered N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00090-00017712-00017911 absolutely wonderful and i've got a few N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00091-00017912-00018039 sitting up there as well we're going to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00092-00018040-00018222 do a large drift out in the south garden N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00093-00018223-00018439 with these these are a zone three N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00094-00018440-00018663 through eight just incredibly tough and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00095-00018664-00018863 they are also resistant to deer and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00096-00018864-00019079 rabbits and then peeking up in the back N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00097-00019080-00019263 there we've got in this stilby called N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00098-00019264-00019447 montgomery N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00099-00019448-00019711 aren't these phenomenal look at how N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00100-00019712-00019863 gorgeous that is N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00101-00019864-00020143 so they grow two feet by two feet uh N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00102-00020144-00020399 still be in our area do tend to want to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00103-00020400-00020567 be protected a little bit from the harsh N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00104-00020568-00020791 afternoon sun although like the tag says N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00105-00020792-00021071 sun or shade in a shadier location you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00106-00021072-00021271 won't get quite as much bloom production N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00107-00021272-00021494 as you would in a sunnier spot but i N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00108-00021495-00021750 think i've got a really great spot right N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00109-00021751-00021991 over here so underneath this lilac which N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00110-00021992-00022263 i'm going to try to save we actually N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00111-00022264-00022511 have our irrigation system N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00112-00022512-00022783 runs a flush every day to flush any N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00113-00022784-00022967 sediment or whatever out so this whole N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00114-00022968-00023158 area stays really moist N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00115-00023159-00023447 which this plant also appreciates a lot N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00116-00023448-00023622 so you can see that i haven't put much N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00117-00023623-00023799 in here in fact the lilac will probably N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00118-00023800-00024022 be happier if we've got plants in here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00119-00024023-00024255 that'll utilize more of the moisture so N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00120-00024256-00024542 i'm hoping let me just tuck this one N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00121-00024543-00024807 right in here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00122-00024808-00025127 oh i think that's so pretty and even if N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00123-00025128-00025342 it doesn't have as many blooms as it N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00124-00025343-00025558 could out in the sun i think the deep N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00125-00025559-00025822 glossy green leaves are beautiful N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00126-00025823-00026102 contrasting the lamium down below N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00127-00026104-00026279 i do need to do some cleanup on the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00128-00026280-00026495 bottom of this lilac here but i think N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00129-00026495-00026662 that's going to be a really pretty look N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00130-00026663-00026870 let's grab another one real quick N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00131-00026872-00027070 i'm gonna have to check with erin on N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00132-00027072-00027279 where all the irrigation is over here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00133-00027280-00027414 because you know since there is that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00134-00027416-00027702 flush i know that there's some kind of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00135-00027704-00027951 tubes or pipes in here somewhere N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00136-00027952-00028207 but these are also pollinator attractors N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00137-00028208-00028351 in terms of bees and they're resistant N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00138-00028352-00028623 to deer and rabbits as well look at that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00139-00028624-00028870 this spot just needed it we do plan on N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00140-00028872-00029079 finishing the sprinter hedge too N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00141-00029080-00029327 this year possibly i mean N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00142-00029327-00029470 kind of nice to have a little break in N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00143-00029472-00029639 it too okay guys let's just get all this N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00144-00029639-00029790 planting done and then i'll tour you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00145-00029791-00029967 through show you how it all ended up N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00146-00029968-00030308 looking N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00147-00030310-00033019 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00148-00033020-00033931 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00149-00033932-00035131 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00150-00035132-00036459 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00151-00036460-00038702 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00152-00038703-00040123 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00153-00040124-00041882 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00154-00041883-00042778 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00155-00042779-00044855 [Music] N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00156-00044856-00045030 all done and i'm really excited about N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00157-00045031-00045167 each one of these plants i think they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00158-00045168-00045351 all look really good where they ended up N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00159-00045352-00045623 so there's the astilbe N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00160-00045624-00045902 so so beautiful in this location i mean N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00161-00045903-00046046 whether or not we end up doing the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00162-00046047-00046246 boxwood hedge you can see i never got N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00163-00046247-00046423 around to trimming it this spring N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00164-00046424-00046590 however the weather is so nice i could N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00165-00046591-00046855 probably still do it but either way if N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00166-00046856-00047111 we decide to finish the boxwood hedge N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00167-00047112-00047335 i'll dig up the lamium and move that in N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00168-00047336-00047511 because i love lamium i think that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00169-00047512-00047743 brings such a bright color to this area N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00170-00047744-00047902 but we'll still be able to see those N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00171-00047903-00048151 bloom spikes peeking up above the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00172-00048152-00048358 boxwoods these are really good for cut N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00173-00048359-00048518 flowers too N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00174-00048519-00048751 so i mean just another reason why to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00175-00048752-00049007 grow will still be just awesome and it N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00176-00049008-00049271 was surprisingly easy to dig right here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00177-00049272-00049518 i didn't run into any tubes or pipes N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00178-00049519-00049727 and only one hole had a little root in N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00179-00049728-00049799 it N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00180-00049800-00049999 i was expecting to find lilac roots N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00181-00050000-00050223 everywhere and i just didn't so N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00182-00050224-00050374 yeah pretty easy planting and the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00183-00050375-00050615 echinacea ended up all in the same spot N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00184-00050616-00050767 right over here so you can kind of see a N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00185-00050768-00050958 little bit of a straight-on view we've N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00186-00050959-00051174 got a viburnum in the back and then N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00187-00051175-00051494 penstemon and then roses oregano let me N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00188-00051495-00051654 walk down the pathway this way so you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00189-00051655-00051854 can see the color from a little bit more N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00190-00051855-00052079 of a distance entering in the west side N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00191-00052079-00052279 you can see all the color editions this N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00192-00052279-00052382 spring N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00193-00052383-00052511 and we'll probably be able to see it a N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00194-00052512-00052647 little bit easier once we get a little N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00195-00052648-00052815 closer on it but i can see that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00196-00052816-00053071 saturated deep pink down there and i N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00197-00053072-00053223 love it N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00198-00053224-00053375 love love it so we've got the purple N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00199-00053376-00053623 veronica here i'll do something probably N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00200-00053624-00053894 blue like maybe lamb's ear in between i N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00201-00053895-00054030 think that would be a really nice kind N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00202-00054032-00054375 of grounding bold leaf plant but i ended N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00203-00054376-00054591 up putting all of the echinacea in one N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00204-00054591-00054766 spot so there are 10 of them i spaced N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00205-00054767-00054975 them roughly two feet apart which they N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00206-00054976-00055207 grow about that maybe a little bit less N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00207-00055208-00055479 so we should have a nice big patch of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00208-00055479-00055694 the echinacea right here so excited N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00209-00055695-00055871 about that to the left of it here we do N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00210-00055872-00056079 have a mary rose david austin and then N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00211-00056079-00056335 we have drops of jupiter oregano which N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00212-00056336-00056566 have a very dark kind of mavi pink bloom N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00213-00056567-00056863 which are just starting to produce buds N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00214-00056864-00056982 right now N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00215-00056983-00057166 love this bright pop of green right here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00216-00057167-00057382 though i think it's so refreshing N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00217-00057383-00057615 then stand by me lavender clematis which N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00218-00057616-00057791 first year it always kind of looks like N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00219-00057791-00057982 this so if you plant yours and it's kind N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00220-00057983-00058230 of like a little sad looking N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00221-00058232-00058438 the next year it comes up so nice and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00222-00058439-00058630 robust and it's just because i didn't N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00223-00058632-00058894 have the staking system in place you'll N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00224-00058895-00059159 notice that i did end up getting a whole N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00225-00059160-00059326 bunch more of these round stakes from N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00226-00059327-00059454 gardner supply we'll link them down N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00227-00059455-00059630 below because they look pretty they're N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00228-00059632-00059863 heavy duty metal and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00229-00059864-00060030 yeah they're super functional and easy N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00230-00060032-00060247 to use so these will be in place next N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00231-00060248-00060430 year as these break dormancy and start N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00232-00060432-00060615 coming up they can just grow N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00233-00060616-00060823 fill in you know these N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00234-00060824-00060975 trellises and it'll keep them all N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00235-00060976-00061166 upright which i let these just kind of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00236-00061167-00061311 flop on the ground for the first couple N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00237-00061312-00061471 of weeks after i planted them and you N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00238-00061472-00061623 know right behind the echinacea i have N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00239-00061624-00061806 the midnight masquerade penstemon which N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00240-00061807-00062142 i adore it's got a very cool lavender N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00241-00062144-00062438 color and i was unsure if i liked those N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00242-00062439-00062663 two colors together i actually kind of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00243-00062664-00062982 do however this one will just be N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00244-00062983-00063247 maybe wrapping up its bloom season while N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00245-00063248-00063406 this one's just getting going so they'll N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00246-00063407-00063630 overlap a little bit but it'll be nice N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00247-00063632-00063847 to have two successions of color one N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00248-00063848-00064015 very different from the other in this N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00249-00064016-00064230 spot things are just shaping up so nice N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00250-00064232-00064447 over here so now we need to head out to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00251-00064448-00064630 the south garden to look at the salvia N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00252-00064632-00064830 oh look at it it'll still be echinacea N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00253-00064832-00065094 so pretty okay we're just at the opening N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00254-00065095-00065391 of this grass path area you can see the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00255-00065391-00065575 nepeta over here is looking gorgeous and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00256-00065576-00065750 you know we planted the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00257-00065751-00066111 heliopsis here and the agastacky N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00258-00066112-00066735 look at that salvia oh my goodness N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00259-00066736-00066926 look at that beautiful thing N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00260-00066927-00067159 so we've got some really pretty baptisia N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00261-00067160-00067359 over here called what is that called N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00262-00067360-00067526 yellow meringue maybe N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00263-00067527-00067759 boy how come i cannot remember but it's N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00264-00067760-00068023 just phenomenal look at that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00265-00068024-00068191 we've got more of the drops of jupiter N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00266-00068192-00068375 oregano and the stand by me lavender N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00267-00068376-00068511 clematis N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00268-00068512-00068903 and then this nice big drift of salvia N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00269-00068904-00069079 which will just be a nice big thick kind N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00270-00069080-00069279 of block out here we've got a blue N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00271-00069280-00069487 shadow father jello bottle brush right N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00272-00069488-00069663 there and i'm gonna do something lower N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00273-00069664-00069791 right in front N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00274-00069792-00070087 so i kind of started digging holes N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00275-00070088-00070247 right up next to the grass and it just N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00276-00070248-00070471 looked way too tall to be out closer to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00277-00070472-00070703 the grass maybe up against the oregano N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00278-00070704-00070943 was why it looks so tall so i decided to N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00279-00070944-00071111 bump a few back but i think that's going N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00280-00071112-00071335 to be a really pretty pocket of pink out N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00281-00071336-00071599 here a cooling aspect you can see we N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00282-00071600-00071838 still haven't mulched in fact N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00283-00071839-00072031 this will help a lot let me show you our N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00284-00072032-00072199 mulch last year you know we did wood N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00285-00072200-00072479 chips out here because they were free N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00286-00072480-00072735 free is nice and it did cover up all the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00287-00072736-00072935 dust we had going on out here look at N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00288-00072936-00073126 this over here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00289-00073127-00073399 just delivered this is compost N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00290-00073400-00073550 so this is what we're going to be going N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00291-00073551-00073806 over all of the wood chips with N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00292-00073807-00073967 here hopefully this next week look at N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00293-00073968-00074119 how beautiful N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00294-00074120-00074287 so it can help feed the soil it'll N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00295-00074288-00074638 probably help speed up the decomposition N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00296-00074639-00074903 process of the wood chips as well N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00297-00074904-00075087 but that will contrast the plants N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00298-00075088-00075294 beautifully i can't wait and i am N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00299-00075295-00075455 thankful that the wood chips are here N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00300-00075456-00075662 because they are helping keep dust down N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00301-00075663-00075862 keeping weeds at bay keeping moisture in N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00302-00075863-00076015 the soil a little bit more but it does N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00303-00076016-00076231 make it look kind of dry especially some N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00304-00076232-00076367 of these older wood chips these are N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00305-00076368-00076487 fresher N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00306-00076488-00076655 these are older and they're just kind of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00307-00076656-00076847 like white blonde N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00308-00076848-00076999 and then we do have a bunch of soil N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00309-00077000-00077143 hanging out from areas where we've N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00310-00077144-00077311 planted things N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00311-00077312-00077479 so just imagine that with a nice dark N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00312-00077480-00077631 mulch everywhere oh it's going to be N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00313-00077632-00077823 beautiful and here's the road view of N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00314-00077824-00078038 the salvia eventually this will be so N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00315-00078039-00078206 full you won't be able to see N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00316-00078207-00078294 the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00317-00078295-00078550 back side of the bed from the driveway N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00318-00078551-00078719 but it looks really pretty right now and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00319-00078720-00078871 that is going to be it for today the N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00320-00078872-00079006 breeze is starting to pick up a little N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00321-00079007-00079119 bit in fact we're supposed to have N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00322-00079120-00079399 storms tonight a cold front coming in we N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00323-00079400-00079694 had high temps last week of 89 which for N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00324-00079695-00079847 this time of year is not bad i'm not N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00325-00079848-00080111 complaining but tomorrow's high is 57 N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00326-00080112-00080326 which is awesome the next day is like 60 N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00327-00080327-00080438 and then we're going to warm back up N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00328-00080439-00080687 gradually but i'm welcoming all the cool N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00329-00080688-00080871 temperatures that N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00330-00080872-00081087 want to come our way and the moisture we N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00331-00081088-00081231 got a ton of rain last night and N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00332-00081232-00081406 supposed to get rain tonight tomorrow N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00333-00081407-00081575 and possibly the next day it's just N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00334-00081576-00081703 wonderful plants are loving it i'm N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00335-00081704-00081887 loving it thank you guys so much for N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00336-00081888-00082031 watching and we will see you in the next N5Q2EZ4HDBE-00337-00082032-00082336 video bye N6uWim2xvyA-00000-00000031-00000394 Henry Prather Fletcher April 10th 1873 N6uWim2xvyA-00001-00000395-00000724 to July 10th 1959 was an American N6uWim2xvyA-00002-00000725-00001433 diplomat who served under six presidents N6uWim2xvyA-00003-00001434-00002102 topic early life Fletcher was born in N6uWim2xvyA-00004-00002103-00002406 Greencastle Pennsylvania in 1873 to N6uWim2xvyA-00005-00002407-00002805 Lewis Henry Fletcher 1839 to 1927 and N6uWim2xvyA-00006-00002806-00003215 Martha Ellen May row Fletcher 1842 1896 N6uWim2xvyA-00007-00003215-00003507 his siblings included James Gilmore N6uWim2xvyA-00008-00003508-00003882 Fletcher 1875 to 1960 David Watson N6uWim2xvyA-00009-00003883-00004236 Fletcher 1880 to 1957 and Florence N6uWim2xvyA-00010-00004237-00004665 Fletcher 1883 to 1957 he was the fourth N6uWim2xvyA-00011-00004666-00004842 cousin once-removed of William McKinley N6uWim2xvyA-00012-00004843-00005022 Fletcher planned to attend Princeton N6uWim2xvyA-00013-00005023-00005211 University but his family could not N6uWim2xvyA-00014-00005212-00005429 afford to send him therefore he studied N6uWim2xvyA-00015-00005430-00005622 law and shorthand in his uncle's law N6uWim2xvyA-00016-00005623-00005804 office shortly after beginning to N6uWim2xvyA-00017-00005805-00006009 practice law the spanish-american war N6uWim2xvyA-00018-00006010-00006218 broke out in the United States declared N6uWim2xvyA-00019-00006219-00006570 war on Spain in 1898 Fletcher joined N6uWim2xvyA-00020-00006570-00006777 Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders as a N6uWim2xvyA-00021-00006778-00006995 private in troop K he served in the US N6uWim2xvyA-00022-00006997-00007218 Army both in Cuba and in the Philippines N6uWim2xvyA-00023-00007219-00007808 for two years N6uWim2xvyA-00024-00007809-00008306 topic career N6uWim2xvyA-00025-00008307-00008546 after returning from the Philippines he N6uWim2xvyA-00026-00008547-00008708 entered the diplomatic service under N6uWim2xvyA-00027-00008709-00008924 President Roosevelt's administration as N6uWim2xvyA-00028-00008925-00009149 secondary secretary of the United States N6uWim2xvyA-00029-00009150-00009539 Legation in Havana Cuba in 1903 he was N6uWim2xvyA-00030-00009540-00009770 transferred to piping and then in 1905 N6uWim2xvyA-00031-00009771-00010019 as Secretary to the legation in Lisbon N6uWim2xvyA-00032-00010020-00010376 Portugal in 1907 he returned to China N6uWim2xvyA-00033-00010377-00010574 and was negotiated an agreement whereby N6uWim2xvyA-00034-00010575-00010826 US capital was allowed to participate on N6uWim2xvyA-00035-00010827-00011042 equal terms with European capital for N6uWim2xvyA-00036-00011043-00011246 the first time as a reward President N6uWim2xvyA-00037-00011247-00011423 William Howard Taft named him US N6uWim2xvyA-00038-00011424-00011762 Minister to Chile in 1909 he was in that N6uWim2xvyA-00039-00011763-00012044 position until 1914 by which time the N6uWim2xvyA-00040-00012045-00012221 mission had been raised to the status of N6uWim2xvyA-00041-00012222-00012410 an embassy making him the first United N6uWim2xvyA-00042-00012411-00012716 States ambassador to Chile he served in N6uWim2xvyA-00043-00012717-00013096 that role until March 9 1916 in 1916 N6uWim2xvyA-00044-00013097-00013310 President Woodrow Wilson appointed him N6uWim2xvyA-00045-00013311-00013568 United States ambassador to Mexico his N6uWim2xvyA-00046-00013569-00013751 term coinciding with the height of World N6uWim2xvyA-00047-00013752-00014126 War one On January 19 1917 the German N6uWim2xvyA-00048-00014127-00014372 Secretary of State Arthur Zimmerman sent N6uWim2xvyA-00049-00014372-00014606 a message to Mexico promising Texas New N6uWim2xvyA-00050-00014607-00014834 Mexico and Arizona to Mexico if it N6uWim2xvyA-00051-00014835-00015088 entered the war on German side the note N6uWim2xvyA-00052-00015090-00015290 was intercepted in Washington and made N6uWim2xvyA-00053-00015291-00015466 public and is considered one of the N6uWim2xvyA-00054-00015468-00015656 immediate causes for the United States N6uWim2xvyA-00055-00015657-00015922 entering the war six weeks later he N6uWim2xvyA-00056-00015923-00016144 presented his credentials on March 3rd N6uWim2xvyA-00057-00016144-00016444 1917 and served as ambassador in Mexico N6uWim2xvyA-00058-00016445-00016790 until January 25th 1919 when he returned N6uWim2xvyA-00059-00016791-00017021 to the United States in 1920 after N6uWim2xvyA-00060-00017022-00017243 directing the State Department's Latin N6uWim2xvyA-00061-00017244-00017456 American affairs for a year he resigned N6uWim2xvyA-00062-00017457-00017636 and was appointed Undersecretary of N6uWim2xvyA-00063-00017637-00017813 state by President warren g harding N6uWim2xvyA-00064-00017814-00018178 serving from march 8th 1921 to march 6th N6uWim2xvyA-00065-00018179-00018503 1922 under secretary charles evans used N6uWim2xvyA-00066-00018504-00018707 thereafter he served as ambassador to N6uWim2xvyA-00067-00018708-00019069 belgium from 1922 until 1924 under both N6uWim2xvyA-00068-00019070-00019253 harding and his successor calvin N6uWim2xvyA-00069-00019254-00019421 coolidge who became president after N6uWim2xvyA-00070-00019422-00019892 Harding's death in 1923 in 1923 he was N6uWim2xvyA-00071-00019893-00020081 sent to the pan-american conference in N6uWim2xvyA-00072-00020082-00020318 Santiago taking the place of Secretary N6uWim2xvyA-00073-00020319-00020522 of State Charles Evans Hughes who had N6uWim2xvyA-00074-00020523-00020819 declined to go at that time the United N6uWim2xvyA-00075-00020820-00021062 States Secretary of State was ex officio N6uWim2xvyA-00076-00021063-00021250 chair of the pan-american conference N6uWim2xvyA-00077-00021251-00021464 although that changed in Santiago after N6uWim2xvyA-00078-00021465-00021644 Latin American criticism from N6uWim2xvyA-00079-00021645-00022040 April 2nd 1924 to August 3rd 1929 he was N6uWim2xvyA-00080-00022041-00022222 appointed by Coolidge and served as the N6uWim2xvyA-00081-00022223-00022486 ambassador to Italy he was on close N6uWim2xvyA-00082-00022487-00022658 terms with the Italian dictator Benito N6uWim2xvyA-00083-00022659-00023254 Mussolini N6uWim2xvyA-00084-00023255-00023753 topic later career N6uWim2xvyA-00085-00023754-00024097 on April 22nd 1930 President Hoover N6uWim2xvyA-00086-00024098-00024280 appointed him chairman of the United N6uWim2xvyA-00087-00024281-00024439 States tariff Commission after the N6uWim2xvyA-00088-00024440-00024745 Tariff Act of 1930 he was said to have N6uWim2xvyA-00089-00024746-00024947 accomplished more work in one year than N6uWim2xvyA-00090-00024948-00025103 what had been done in the previous seven N6uWim2xvyA-00091-00025104-00025472 from 1934 to 1936 he was the chairman of N6uWim2xvyA-00092-00025473-00025669 the Republican Party and was a delegate N6uWim2xvyA-00093-00025670-00025808 to the Republican national conventions N6uWim2xvyA-00094-00025808-00026595 in 1936 and 1940 N6uWim2xvyA-00095-00026597-00027133 topic personal life N6uWim2xvyA-00096-00027133-00027602 in 1917 he married Beatrice Bend 1874 to N6uWim2xvyA-00097-00027604-00027886 1941 a daughter of George H Bend a N6uWim2xvyA-00098-00027887-00028018 member of the New York Stock Exchange N6uWim2xvyA-00099-00028019-00028354 who had gone bankrupt Ben's sister Amy N6uWim2xvyA-00100-00028355-00028750 Bend 1872 1957 was married to Courtland N6uWim2xvyA-00101-00028751-00029145 F bishop in 1899 Henry and Beatrice did N6uWim2xvyA-00102-00029147-00029263 not have any children N6uWim2xvyA-00103-00029264-00029530 he died in 1959 at his home in Newport N6uWim2xvyA-00104-00029531-00029704 Rhode Island and is buried in Arlington N6uWim2xvyA-00105-00029705-00030004 National Cemetery he left an estate N6uWim2xvyA-00106-00030005-00030217 worth three million dollars and donated N6uWim2xvyA-00107-00030218-00030402 his personal papers to the Library of N6uWim2xvyA-00108-00030404-00030601 Congress he also left a portrait of N6uWim2xvyA-00109-00030602-00030817 George Washington by Edward Savage to N6uWim2xvyA-00110-00030818-00031551 the National Gallery in Washington DC N6uWim2xvyA-00111-00031552-00032095 topic honors N6uWim2xvyA-00112-00032095-00032357 19:29 grand cordon of the order of N6uWim2xvyA-00113-00032358-00032572 Leopold N7Y82Yz86zM-00001-00016840-00017048 you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00000-00000294-00000907 [Music] NrHVvaSL1ZU-00001-00000908-00001124 hi I'm welcome to another episode of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00002-00001125-00001337 Tech Talk travel I've got a wonderful NrHVvaSL1ZU-00003-00001338-00001523 guest with me today mr. morritz classman NrHVvaSL1ZU-00004-00001524-00001748 from customer alliance more it's great NrHVvaSL1ZU-00005-00001748-00001862 to have you here thanks for joining us NrHVvaSL1ZU-00006-00001863-00001955 thanks for having me NrHVvaSL1ZU-00007-00001955-00002156 Morris let's start by perhaps your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00008-00002157-00002306 background like we do with every other NrHVvaSL1ZU-00009-00002307-00002555 person that we have on the show talk to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00010-00002556-00002696 us a little bit about your your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00011-00002697-00002987 background from humble beginnings to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00012-00002988-00003155 where you are today and what was your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00013-00003156-00003494 motivation to start a company like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00014-00003495-00003803 customer alliance yeah sure so we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00015-00003804-00003970 started already like 10 years ago NrHVvaSL1ZU-00016-00003971-00004160 yeah a long time I still consider as a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00017-00004161-00004322 startup but many people say we are not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00018-00004323-00004586 anymore and back then I was still in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00019-00004587-00004790 university and I actually wanted to go NrHVvaSL1ZU-00020-00004791-00005099 into banking and then by coincidence I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00021-00005100-00005302 met tossing again it's unlike my NrHVvaSL1ZU-00022-00005303-00005602 co-founder and we knew each other from NrHVvaSL1ZU-00023-00005603-00005884 high school and Boston he had all that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00024-00005885-00006065 Hotel background like studied Hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00025-00006066-00006329 Management at Hotel apprenticeship and I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00026-00006330-00006493 myself I had not only banking but also NrHVvaSL1ZU-00027-00006494-00006683 IT background and when we just set NrHVvaSL1ZU-00028-00006684-00006946 together and said hey let's do something NrHVvaSL1ZU-00029-00006947-00007163 in the hospitality space and that's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00030-00007164-00007321 basically how we started so it was not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00031-00007322-00007510 really a strategic decision it was more NrHVvaSL1ZU-00032-00007511-00007859 like let's try it out and then we just NrHVvaSL1ZU-00033-00007859-00008027 started and remember that we had like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00034-00008028-00008246 5,000 euros for the first year so we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00035-00008247-00008519 were like should we buy to reprint NrHVvaSL1ZU-00036-00008520-00008735 business cards or not we not do it and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00037-00008736-00008966 then over the years we became more and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00038-00008967-00009260 more professional I would say and now NrHVvaSL1ZU-00039-00009261-00009587 like 10 years after we 95 employees here NrHVvaSL1ZU-00040-00009588-00009799 in Berlin yeah fantastic and overall how NrHVvaSL1ZU-00041-00009800-00010034 many customers and customers we have NrHVvaSL1ZU-00042-00010035-00010274 around 7,000 customers but they're not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00043-00010275-00010496 all hotel customers right you do focus NrHVvaSL1ZU-00044-00010497-00010784 on other disciplines as well yes so we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00045-00010785-00011069 we come from the hotel industry yeah so NrHVvaSL1ZU-00046-00011070-00011242 a big chunk of our customers our hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00047-00011243-00011449 customers but we are now also expanding NrHVvaSL1ZU-00048-00011450-00011720 into our other verticals so we have a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00049-00011721-00011938 lot of big automotive customers working NrHVvaSL1ZU-00050-00011939-00012098 with us managing their dealerships NrHVvaSL1ZU-00051-00012099-00012385 across Europe with us and I find that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00052-00012386-00012551 really interesting because really you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00053-00012552-00012799 get like from every industry you get NrHVvaSL1ZU-00054-00012800-00012997 different insights on how they work with NrHVvaSL1ZU-00055-00012998-00013149 the customers and then you can come NrHVvaSL1ZU-00056-00013150-00013397 find ya and give different inspirations NrHVvaSL1ZU-00057-00013399-00013666 to those other customers do you see some NrHVvaSL1ZU-00058-00013668-00014049 major focuses or areas that really do NrHVvaSL1ZU-00059-00014050-00014169 stand out to you that are quite NrHVvaSL1ZU-00060-00014169-00014322 different between industries where NrHVvaSL1ZU-00061-00014322-00014627 things are done a little differently yes NrHVvaSL1ZU-00062-00014628-00014769 I would NrHVvaSL1ZU-00063-00014769-00015015 so my point of view is so in the hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00064-00015016-00015303 industry they focus a lot about you know NrHVvaSL1ZU-00065-00015304-00015501 in our case like on the reviews out NrHVvaSL1ZU-00066-00015502-00015687 there so how my reviews on Google NrHVvaSL1ZU-00067-00015688-00015906 Facebook TripAdvisor so they really care NrHVvaSL1ZU-00068-00015907-00016125 about the reputation of you know where NrHVvaSL1ZU-00069-00016126-00016233 as for example we mentioned the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00070-00016234-00016401 automotive industry when you look at NrHVvaSL1ZU-00071-00016402-00016806 those clients they really focus on a bit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00072-00016807-00016959 more I would say on the customer NrHVvaSL1ZU-00073-00016960-00017205 experience so for example the clients we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00074-00017206-00017422 have they have such sophisticated NrHVvaSL1ZU-00075-00017423-00017688 business workflows on how to follow up NrHVvaSL1ZU-00076-00017689-00017869 with unsatisfied customers for example NrHVvaSL1ZU-00077-00017870-00018159 and that is something that we are now NrHVvaSL1ZU-00078-00018160-00018330 transferring to our hotel industry NrHVvaSL1ZU-00079-00018331-00018561 customers as well and they say hey why NrHVvaSL1ZU-00080-00018562-00018750 don't you do like a workflow such as NrHVvaSL1ZU-00081-00018751-00018993 this and its really benefitting versus NrHVvaSL1ZU-00082-00018994-00019215 where we say it like to other customers NrHVvaSL1ZU-00083-00019216-00019394 come out of automotive industry for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00084-00019395-00019694 example tell them hey check out your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00085-00019695-00019878 Google reviews and do something about it NrHVvaSL1ZU-00086-00019879-00020124 so yeah we really like that how those NrHVvaSL1ZU-00087-00020125-00020421 different industries interact with each NrHVvaSL1ZU-00088-00020422-00020556 other yeah you know in terms of global NrHVvaSL1ZU-00089-00020557-00020625 footprint NrHVvaSL1ZU-00090-00020626-00020868 you've got overall 7,000 customers but NrHVvaSL1ZU-00091-00020869-00020982 whereabouts are they are they NrHVvaSL1ZU-00092-00020983-00021225 specifically in Europe or do you reach NrHVvaSL1ZU-00093-00021226-00021411 out into Asia and the Americas as well NrHVvaSL1ZU-00094-00021412-00021711 mm-hmm yeah mainly Europe I mean we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00095-00021712-00021867 coincidentally have some customers in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00096-00021868-00022194 Asia and yes but what we really want to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00097-00022195-00022446 be is like a European player as our main NrHVvaSL1ZU-00098-00022447-00022671 markets are the duck the german-speaking NrHVvaSL1ZU-00099-00022672-00022964 countries followed by Spain Italy and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00100-00022965-00023343 France and Poland okay okay now 10 years NrHVvaSL1ZU-00101-00023344-00023669 ago you started the company over that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00102-00023670-00023916 time I'm sure you've probably been faced NrHVvaSL1ZU-00103-00023917-00024108 with many different challenges and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00104-00024109-00024330 obstacles that you've had to work around NrHVvaSL1ZU-00105-00024331-00024567 or get get through what what are some of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00106-00024568-00024837 the key ones that as a company starting NrHVvaSL1ZU-00107-00024838-00025097 out in in the space would you say were NrHVvaSL1ZU-00108-00025098-00025290 the biggest challenges for you and how NrHVvaSL1ZU-00109-00025291-00025542 did you get around them what were your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00110-00025543-00025839 ways of resolving them so I think from a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00111-00025839-00026124 business perspective obviously in the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00112-00026125-00026343 beginning it was learning how to run a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00113-00026344-00026508 company you know back then we were like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00114-00026510-00026689 24 years or didn't have a key would NrHVvaSL1ZU-00115-00026689-00026893 never worked actually before only to the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00116-00026894-00027082 University so how to run a company and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00117-00027083-00027430 then basically the more we grew it was NrHVvaSL1ZU-00118-00027431-00027592 also how to make sure not to a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00119-00027593-00027775 money right so I remember to Austin and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00120-00027776-00027985 I we had many nights we were not sure NrHVvaSL1ZU-00121-00027986-00028220 how to pay salaries the month after so NrHVvaSL1ZU-00122-00028222-00028618 there was a big thing that occupied us NrHVvaSL1ZU-00123-00028619-00028864 back then and now I think what's really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00124-00028864-00029158 interesting is that we are what we did NrHVvaSL1ZU-00125-00029158-00029392 maybe like a year or two ago as we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00126-00029393-00029587 basically changed from the pure online NrHVvaSL1ZU-00127-00029588-00029877 reputation management more to a guest NrHVvaSL1ZU-00128-00029879-00030142 experience management solution so not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00129-00030143-00030499 only managing the last point of customer NrHVvaSL1ZU-00130-00030500-00030679 touch but after the poncho but also NrHVvaSL1ZU-00131-00030680-00030858 managing the communication pre and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00132-00030860-00031168 during stay and that was really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00133-00031169-00031375 interesting important for us because we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00134-00031376-00031585 were luckily in a comfortable situation NrHVvaSL1ZU-00135-00031586-00031804 right we have and still have like a big NrHVvaSL1ZU-00136-00031805-00031945 part of our business that is highly NrHVvaSL1ZU-00137-00031945-00032080 profitable and working well and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00138-00032081-00032314 customers are satisfied but we said ok NrHVvaSL1ZU-00139-00032314-00032536 we feel like industry is changing a bit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00140-00032537-00032797 more and we we want to we want to evolve NrHVvaSL1ZU-00141-00032798-00032938 a bit more in the product side so that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00142-00032939-00033241 was really interesting to extend the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00143-00033242-00033409 product yeah let's talk a little bit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00144-00033410-00033577 about that customer journey because a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00145-00033578-00033730 lot of hotels kind of miss that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00146-00033731-00034030 opportunity and I think it's a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00147-00034031-00034138 people are talking about it a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00148-00034139-00034339 people are aware of it what do you think NrHVvaSL1ZU-00149-00034340-00034501 hotels really need to focus on when it NrHVvaSL1ZU-00150-00034502-00034792 comes to to booking process to pre stay NrHVvaSL1ZU-00151-00034793-00035206 to stay and then to the departure so we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00152-00035207-00035416 always say we want to empower businesses NrHVvaSL1ZU-00153-00035417-00035704 to provide an outstanding and effortless NrHVvaSL1ZU-00154-00035705-00035917 guest experience and I think the word NrHVvaSL1ZU-00155-00035918-00036121 effortless is really important here all NrHVvaSL1ZU-00156-00036122-00036370 right so what I mean by that is that as NrHVvaSL1ZU-00157-00036371-00036505 you said not only they get the right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00158-00036506-00036688 information at the right time but also I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00159-00036689-00036868 feel like a great guest experience if NrHVvaSL1ZU-00160-00036869-00037078 it's is if it's really effortless to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00161-00037079-00037327 interact with the hotel so to submit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00162-00037328-00037480 your information to prepare your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00163-00037481-00037711 check-in or to submit a guest request NrHVvaSL1ZU-00164-00037712-00037891 when you're in there one also really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00165-00037892-00038080 effortless to get a high quality answer NrHVvaSL1ZU-00166-00038081-00038479 from the from from the hotel and what I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00167-00038480-00039067 mean by that is that that I think what NrHVvaSL1ZU-00168-00039068-00039250 if from our type perspective its most NrHVvaSL1ZU-00169-00039251-00039463 important to really think as a guest NrHVvaSL1ZU-00170-00039464-00039690 point of view and when I look at the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00171-00039691-00039805 industry I think a lot NrHVvaSL1ZU-00172-00039806-00040033 people are still looking at those let's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00173-00040034-00040213 call it over there systems and more like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00174-00040214-00040408 from operational point of view but not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00175-00040409-00040567 really about the guest experience right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00176-00040568-00040813 and then once you make sure that it's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00177-00040814-00040987 effortless you provide like really nice NrHVvaSL1ZU-00178-00040988-00041158 information then you can also NrHVvaSL1ZU-00179-00041159-00041350 differentiate between business and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00180-00041351-00041782 leisure travelers even more humid and I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00181-00041783-00042163 would even argue yes there are a couple NrHVvaSL1ZU-00182-00042164-00042343 of main differences like business and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00183-00042344-00042628 leisure but overall it's not like you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00184-00042629-00042768 have to build like ten different NrHVvaSL1ZU-00185-00042769-00043024 customer or guest joins right I would NrHVvaSL1ZU-00186-00043025-00043321 argue like two or three guest journeys NrHVvaSL1ZU-00187-00043322-00043498 depending on different types are more NrHVvaSL1ZU-00188-00043499-00043678 than enough ok let's talk a little bit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00189-00043679-00043888 about technologies now obviously voice NrHVvaSL1ZU-00190-00043889-00044092 and chat bots are becoming quite NrHVvaSL1ZU-00191-00044093-00044413 prevalent now in in general technology NrHVvaSL1ZU-00192-00044414-00044650 what's customer alliances approach NrHVvaSL1ZU-00193-00044651-00044893 towards voice and chat bots and what are NrHVvaSL1ZU-00194-00044894-00045124 you doing if anything to integrate those NrHVvaSL1ZU-00195-00045125-00045286 services into your platform NrHVvaSL1ZU-00196-00045287-00045496 I don't think voice and chat BOTS are NrHVvaSL1ZU-00197-00045497-00045901 effortless when I look at the existing NrHVvaSL1ZU-00198-00045902-00046066 solutions out there and let's be a bit NrHVvaSL1ZU-00199-00046067-00046237 more generic like I would say I would NrHVvaSL1ZU-00200-00046238-00046495 argue Amazon Alexis probably the best NrHVvaSL1ZU-00201-00046496-00046624 thing out there right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00202-00046625-00046906 but is it really easy to interact with NrHVvaSL1ZU-00203-00046907-00047170 Amazon Alexa right I mean we also don't NrHVvaSL1ZU-00204-00047171-00047749 have fun what do you have nothing I have NrHVvaSL1ZU-00205-00047750-00048007 Amazon Alexa at home and it's it works NrHVvaSL1ZU-00206-00048008-00048163 in specific use cases as you know right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00207-00048164-00048478 play this radio station or put a time or NrHVvaSL1ZU-00208-00048479-00048610 two eight minutes because I'm cooking NrHVvaSL1ZU-00209-00048611-00048793 right but if you asked like a generic NrHVvaSL1ZU-00210-00048794-00049060 question it doesn't work right and what NrHVvaSL1ZU-00211-00049061-00049285 I'm what I mean is that if you've now NrHVvaSL1ZU-00212-00049286-00049495 put Amazon an excellent who like a hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00213-00049496-00049774 room or wherever in their journey it's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00214-00049775-00050020 not not easy to get the right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00215-00050021-00050242 information for you right because most NrHVvaSL1ZU-00216-00050243-00050464 likely it will not really understand you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00217-00050465-00050683 like chatbots for example they work NrHVvaSL1ZU-00218-00050684-00050890 perfectly if you you're on the website NrHVvaSL1ZU-00219-00050891-00051127 and you wanna book a hotel in that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00220-00051128-00051361 scenario they work right if you have a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00221-00051362-00051591 generic question they most likely don't NrHVvaSL1ZU-00222-00051592-00051964 work so I feel like yes it will be NrHVvaSL1ZU-00223-00051965-00052357 important but not there yet and what I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00224-00052358-00052554 do like though is the approach from NrHVvaSL1ZU-00225-00052555-00052686 intercom NrHVvaSL1ZU-00226-00052687-00052962 intercoms like a more generic software NrHVvaSL1ZU-00227-00052963-00053289 company and I the approach that they do NrHVvaSL1ZU-00228-00053290-00053492 with the chat bots is they don't pretend NrHVvaSL1ZU-00229-00053494-00053729 to be human so you ask a question and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00230-00053730-00054060 then the bot answers and says hey sorry NrHVvaSL1ZU-00231-00054061-00054273 no humans at the moment available but NrHVvaSL1ZU-00232-00054274-00054479 here are like three different answers on NrHVvaSL1ZU-00233-00054480-00054692 what might help you did that help yes or NrHVvaSL1ZU-00234-00054694-00054951 no so I like it because they don't try NrHVvaSL1ZU-00235-00054952-00055241 to pretend to be human and that really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00236-00055242-00055541 helps a lot right yeah but to answer NrHVvaSL1ZU-00237-00055542-00055800 over all right now I don't feel like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00238-00055801-00056189 voice and chat right now is effortless NrHVvaSL1ZU-00239-00056190-00056484 maybe in a year - okay so better site NrHVvaSL1ZU-00240-00056485-00056646 that have what what type of time frame NrHVvaSL1ZU-00241-00056647-00056796 would you what do you think that it NrHVvaSL1ZU-00242-00056797-00057099 might be at that point I don't know NrHVvaSL1ZU-00243-00057100-00057317 let's see I'm just gonna so for me right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00244-00057319-00057576 I always try to watch a bit more but NrHVvaSL1ZU-00245-00057577-00057795 only a hospitality needs but there's no NrHVvaSL1ZU-00246-00057796-00057975 more industry agnostic because I think NrHVvaSL1ZU-00247-00057976-00058245 there's a lot of very good technology NrHVvaSL1ZU-00248-00058246-00058407 that is not in their time in the string NrHVvaSL1ZU-00249-00058408-00058766 and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm NrHVvaSL1ZU-00250-00058767-00058947 going to be gonna watch that keep on NrHVvaSL1ZU-00251-00058948-00059184 watching that and once it's really good NrHVvaSL1ZU-00252-00059185-00059445 with Amazon Alexa then we will integrate NrHVvaSL1ZU-00253-00059446-00059807 it all right now obviously you also deal NrHVvaSL1ZU-00254-00059808-00060150 with hotel is yeah yourself day today in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00255-00060151-00060396 your opinion what type of behavior makes NrHVvaSL1ZU-00256-00060397-00060729 a modern hotel today a smart hotel yeah NrHVvaSL1ZU-00257-00060729-00060857 what what are some of the things that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00258-00060858-00061044 smart hoteliers are doing with their NrHVvaSL1ZU-00259-00061045-00061175 business and how are they applying NrHVvaSL1ZU-00260-00061176-00061405 technology into their business that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00261-00061407-00061749 makes you go that's clever automating NrHVvaSL1ZU-00262-00061750-00061998 workflows mmm-hmm like when I look at NrHVvaSL1ZU-00263-00061999-00062282 Hotel years I see that there's a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00264-00062283-00062642 manual processes that can easily be be NrHVvaSL1ZU-00265-00062644-00062879 automated could maybe some examples I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00266-00062880-00063123 wasn't a trip in new yes my family yeah NrHVvaSL1ZU-00267-00063124-00063324 and then we book like a really nice NrHVvaSL1ZU-00268-00063325-00063663 hotel I think was 35 rooms and this guy NrHVvaSL1ZU-00269-00063664-00063861 asked me like mainly when's your arrival NrHVvaSL1ZU-00270-00063862-00064079 time and I replied by email hey my NrHVvaSL1ZU-00271-00064080-00064272 arrival times at 4 p.m. and that's like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00272-00064273-00064667 such an easy example on thing you could NrHVvaSL1ZU-00273-00064669-00064836 automate right just automate that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00274-00064837-00065049 message and then you will easily save NrHVvaSL1ZU-00275-00065050-00065310 like 1 minute per guess everyday right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00276-00065311-00065739 and I see a lot of a lot of examples NrHVvaSL1ZU-00277-00065740-00065836 like that in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00278-00065837-00066010 that's right over like what we spoke NrHVvaSL1ZU-00279-00066011-00066334 about earlier automate the process of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00280-00066335-00066496 free you know lack of the business NrHVvaSL1ZU-00281-00066497-00066754 workflow to to reply to unsatisfied NrHVvaSL1ZU-00282-00066755-00067005 customers right so I see a lot of hotels NrHVvaSL1ZU-00283-00067006-00067285 just looking through their reviews NrHVvaSL1ZU-00284-00067286-00067431 through the feedbacks and see how NrHVvaSL1ZU-00285-00067432-00067611 there's a negative review here that's a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00286-00067612-00067816 negative negative guests feedback here NrHVvaSL1ZU-00287-00067817-00068031 maybe I replied tomorrow maybe somebody NrHVvaSL1ZU-00288-00068032-00068193 already did it but why don't you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00289-00068194-00068398 automate that and have a specific NrHVvaSL1ZU-00290-00068399-00068562 workflow so that we make sure that you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00291-00068563-00068815 react with them I don't know like 48 NrHVvaSL1ZU-00292-00068816-00069012 hours or whatever you the workflow is NrHVvaSL1ZU-00293-00069013-00069237 there and I think there's a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00294-00069238-00069474 examples dance but I also see that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00295-00069475-00069638 changing quite a lot know that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00296-00069639-00070125 interfaces are more which is a good NrHVvaSL1ZU-00297-00070126-00070551 thing I think the interface problem will NrHVvaSL1ZU-00298-00070552-00070891 be solved soon yeah it's like I always NrHVvaSL1ZU-00299-00070892-00071175 wonder how long it will take until those NrHVvaSL1ZU-00300-00071176-00071454 legacy systems are replaced by new ones NrHVvaSL1ZU-00301-00071455-00071757 right I think you're the only one it NrHVvaSL1ZU-00302-00071758-00071866 will be quite interesting NrHVvaSL1ZU-00303-00071867-00072148 I think one I think also a lot of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00304-00072149-00072411 existing players will change right and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00305-00072412-00072600 like I don't even mean Oracle right but NrHVvaSL1ZU-00306-00072601-00072904 there are some players there that have NrHVvaSL1ZU-00307-00072905-00073037 like a really high customer satisfaction NrHVvaSL1ZU-00308-00073038-00073285 but I hear more and more voices know NrHVvaSL1ZU-00309-00073286-00073494 that there are people I get losing trust NrHVvaSL1ZU-00310-00073495-00073644 because they still have to pay so much NrHVvaSL1ZU-00311-00073645-00073881 for interface right so I think just from NrHVvaSL1ZU-00312-00073882-00074157 a business perspective it needs to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00313-00074158-00074361 change right if I was the CEO such a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00314-00074362-00074548 company I mean that would be a big NrHVvaSL1ZU-00315-00074549-00074704 dangerous and saying hey customers are NrHVvaSL1ZU-00316-00074705-00074953 getting dissatisfied because of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00317-00074954-00075109 interface price so I believe that will NrHVvaSL1ZU-00318-00075110-00075361 change a lot and then also with players NrHVvaSL1ZU-00319-00075362-00075679 such as Impala things will be so much NrHVvaSL1ZU-00320-00075680-00075726 easier NrHVvaSL1ZU-00321-00075727-00075991 whatever what I will I'm also really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00322-00075992-00076315 curious to see it's like more like for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00323-00076316-00076504 example industry agnostic CRM systems NrHVvaSL1ZU-00324-00076505-00076822 how they will be us right and I now see NrHVvaSL1ZU-00325-00076823-00077035 for example is here more and more big NrHVvaSL1ZU-00326-00077036-00077284 hotel chains thinking or implementing NrHVvaSL1ZU-00327-00077285-00077554 Salesforce for example the event that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00328-00077555-00077718 will be really interesting because that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00329-00077719-00077929 has a big implication because not only NrHVvaSL1ZU-00330-00077930-00078265 api's will be free but also what is NrHVvaSL1ZU-00331-00078266-00078555 happening to to existing solutions that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00332-00078556-00078768 are now being replaced by in this case NrHVvaSL1ZU-00333-00078769-00078969 sales was currently when I speak to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00334-00078970-00079153 hotel chains most of them they are not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00335-00079154-00079195 paying for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00336-00079196-00079438 faces was there such a big Jesus The NrHVvaSL1ZU-00337-00079439-00079642 Vindicator I give it to you for free the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00338-00079643-00079867 small ones they are paying you for the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00339-00079868-00080344 interface right and I mean for the small NrHVvaSL1ZU-00340-00080345-00080479 ones that will be interesting to see how NrHVvaSL1ZU-00341-00080480-00080656 fast they change because a big one you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00342-00080657-00080851 can I would actually re can change NrHVvaSL1ZU-00343-00080852-00081169 faster but the small ones will change a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00344-00081170-00081526 lot it's a bit more difficult because NrHVvaSL1ZU-00345-00081527-00081793 there's a big market area in the sales NrHVvaSL1ZU-00346-00081794-00082051 process actually alright so for like a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00347-00082052-00082285 new player PMS player to it to approach NrHVvaSL1ZU-00348-00082286-00082546 all the big change that's I mean it's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00349-00082547-00082776 still a big difficult job but it's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00350-00082777-00083026 really hard if you want to go for the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00351-00083027-00083221 independent hotels and one by one try to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00352-00083222-00083389 make them switch the system yeah NrHVvaSL1ZU-00353-00083390-00083605 so that's why a lot of those systems NrHVvaSL1ZU-00354-00083606-00083785 will stay for them - sure sure but I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00355-00083786-00083944 think also the the other factors that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00356-00083945-00084082 make it hard there are other factors NrHVvaSL1ZU-00357-00084083-00084286 it's not just that with the independence NrHVvaSL1ZU-00358-00084287-00084600 and the longer the long term for example NrHVvaSL1ZU-00359-00084601-00084985 cost time trust there's there's a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00360-00084986-00085189 philosophy one that trust is a big one NrHVvaSL1ZU-00361-00085190-00085501 so it's an interesting dynamic oh yeah NrHVvaSL1ZU-00362-00085502-00085561 sure NrHVvaSL1ZU-00363-00085562-00085738 and then I totally feel the pain right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00364-00085739-00086236 I'm sure just thinking from our company NrHVvaSL1ZU-00365-00086237-00086485 case it's like I'm switching our cm NrHVvaSL1ZU-00366-00086486-00086908 system that's that's huge right yeah not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00367-00086909-00087043 sure if I really want to do that no NrHVvaSL1ZU-00368-00087044-00087277 exactly yeah that's a big deal it's not NrHVvaSL1ZU-00369-00087278-00087424 dissimilar to changing a PMS and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00370-00087425-00087619 changing a payment is a big deal then NrHVvaSL1ZU-00371-00087620-00087814 yeah okay great NrHVvaSL1ZU-00372-00087815-00087994 it's also just another one in relation NrHVvaSL1ZU-00373-00087995-00088242 to online the online reputation world NrHVvaSL1ZU-00374-00088243-00088513 what components do you feel are making NrHVvaSL1ZU-00375-00088514-00088696 the most progress and have the most NrHVvaSL1ZU-00376-00088697-00088942 potential in that at the moment one part NrHVvaSL1ZU-00377-00088943-00089107 would be like automating workflows that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00378-00089108-00089506 I definitely feel what we spoke about NrHVvaSL1ZU-00379-00089507-00089914 earlier and then also could come back to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00380-00089915-00090109 an example we had earlier like I feel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00381-00090110-00090373 like the biggest impact you have on your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00382-00090374-00090688 own your reputation out there is that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00383-00090689-00090901 you proactively address the issues that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00384-00090902-00091120 they are in there with the preset NrHVvaSL1ZU-00385-00091121-00091324 message that's actually a quick fix to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00386-00091325-00091492 set the expectations at the beginning NrHVvaSL1ZU-00387-00091493-00091831 and will lead to to better reviews after NrHVvaSL1ZU-00388-00091832-00092068 the stay so I really believe the biggest NrHVvaSL1ZU-00389-00092069-00092278 influence or no like the biggest changed NrHVvaSL1ZU-00390-00092279-00092425 on a reputation management is really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00391-00092426-00092551 combining NrHVvaSL1ZU-00392-00092552-00092803 like the poster analysis with NrHVvaSL1ZU-00393-00092804-00092998 expectation management at the beginning NrHVvaSL1ZU-00394-00092999-00093247 of the journey okay that I really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00395-00093248-00093376 believe do you think that there's any NrHVvaSL1ZU-00396-00093377-00093594 gap in today's technology offering for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00397-00093595-00093963 hotels overall and if so where are those NrHVvaSL1ZU-00398-00093964-00094015 gaps NrHVvaSL1ZU-00399-00094016-00094231 what's from your again your experience NrHVvaSL1ZU-00400-00094232-00094366 when you're coming in with your products NrHVvaSL1ZU-00401-00094367-00094638 do you generally see there's a real gap NrHVvaSL1ZU-00402-00094639-00094969 there doesn't fall under our area so I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00403-00094970-00095194 can't really do much better but I can NrHVvaSL1ZU-00404-00095195-00095293 see it do you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00405-00095294-00095500 just general experience do you see where NrHVvaSL1ZU-00406-00095501-00095707 there may be gaps in technology today NrHVvaSL1ZU-00407-00095708-00095976 it's interesting right so and when we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00408-00095977-00096138 talked about a couple of examples before NrHVvaSL1ZU-00409-00096139-00096550 but maybe two it's not to answer your NrHVvaSL1ZU-00410-00096551-00096784 question but to step a step and step NrHVvaSL1ZU-00411-00096785-00096961 back sure how to look at what what is NrHVvaSL1ZU-00412-00096962-00097126 happening so there are a couple of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00413-00097127-00097387 things that I always try to watch like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00414-00097388-00097579 in general when I look at software NrHVvaSL1ZU-00415-00097580-00097713 particularly our case obviously NrHVvaSL1ZU-00416-00097714-00098082 hospitality software's like and one part NrHVvaSL1ZU-00417-00098083-00098673 is definitely what will happen to two NrHVvaSL1ZU-00418-00098674-00099057 players that are just scraping public NrHVvaSL1ZU-00419-00099058-00099151 available data NrHVvaSL1ZU-00420-00099152-00099379 yeah in our case it was like you know NrHVvaSL1ZU-00421-00099380-00099625 showing reviews on booking TripAdvisor NrHVvaSL1ZU-00422-00099626-00099868 at Sarah I mean there's value in that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00423-00099869-00100150 but I believe that value from showing NrHVvaSL1ZU-00424-00100151-00100393 public available information will be NrHVvaSL1ZU-00425-00100394-00100618 commoditize so what I'm trying to say is NrHVvaSL1ZU-00426-00100619-00100774 that will be really interesting to see NrHVvaSL1ZU-00427-00100775-00101013 how those players that today are purely NrHVvaSL1ZU-00428-00101014-00101256 relying on showing public data how they NrHVvaSL1ZU-00429-00101257-00101601 will be evolved in five years and my NrHVvaSL1ZU-00430-00101602-00101838 answer is this is not a valid business NrHVvaSL1ZU-00431-00101839-00102160 case in five years time right then I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00432-00102161-00102319 also see especially in the hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00433-00102320-00102507 industry they're like it's you know we NrHVvaSL1ZU-00434-00102508-00102693 spoke about guest experience and gets NrHVvaSL1ZU-00435-00102694-00102889 journeyer like looking at the gas NrHVvaSL1ZU-00436-00102890-00103155 journey there's so many different niche NrHVvaSL1ZU-00437-00103156-00103380 players in the hotel guest journey right NrHVvaSL1ZU-00438-00103381-00103588 there's players like upsetting solutions NrHVvaSL1ZU-00439-00103589-00103801 there's player like Inhofe solutions NrHVvaSL1ZU-00440-00103802-00103978 there's player like post butt plugs that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00441-00103979-00104208 only do like post communications then NrHVvaSL1ZU-00442-00104209-00104433 there's different systems and I believe NrHVvaSL1ZU-00443-00104434-00104944 that this fragmented markets that will NrHVvaSL1ZU-00444-00104945-00105139 not stay in that way I mean there has to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00445-00105140-00105411 be some consolidation across there the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00446-00105413-00105604 communication journey and I think that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00447-00105605-00105793 will also be quite interesting to see NrHVvaSL1ZU-00448-00105794-00105909 what's happening there NrHVvaSL1ZU-00449-00105910-00106110 of those different niche players connect NrHVvaSL1ZU-00450-00106111-00106410 or even merged with other yeah surface NrHVvaSL1ZU-00451-00106411-00106669 so so those are like different trends NrHVvaSL1ZU-00452-00106670-00106903 that I'm always watching yeah it NrHVvaSL1ZU-00453-00106904-00107044 certainly is don't ever in this extreme NrHVvaSL1ZU-00454-00107045-00107200 we don't know and and the other one that NrHVvaSL1ZU-00455-00107201-00107470 we spoke about earlier to really see NrHVvaSL1ZU-00456-00107471-00107766 what is happening what those non hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00457-00107767-00107938 tech players how they are coming into NrHVvaSL1ZU-00458-00107939-00108196 the industry yeah so I know we spoke NrHVvaSL1ZU-00459-00108197-00108378 about intercom they are now trying to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00460-00108379-00108574 build a hotel team that would be really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00461-00108575-00108769 interesting for all those chatbots out NrHVvaSL1ZU-00462-00108770-00109102 there you know like this morning I had a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00463-00109103-00109321 discussion with one of our team members NrHVvaSL1ZU-00464-00109322-00109495 and we are talking about new set of NrHVvaSL1ZU-00465-00109496-00109758 systems right and yes there are some NrHVvaSL1ZU-00466-00109759-00109978 specialized Hotel newsletter systems NrHVvaSL1ZU-00467-00109979-00110164 right but it will be really interesting NrHVvaSL1ZU-00468-00110165-00110320 to see how they will compete in the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00469-00110321-00110706 future with major right so there's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00470-00110707-00110902 software where there's always different NrHVvaSL1ZU-00471-00110903-00111139 pressures from different angles so it's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00472-00111140-00111258 really interesting to see that and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00473-00111259-00111556 obviously I was try to watch it to to NrHVvaSL1ZU-00474-00111557-00111745 make sure that we don't fall behind you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00475-00111746-00111928 yeah before we started the interview you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00476-00111929-00112059 mentioned to me that you've just NrHVvaSL1ZU-00477-00112060-00112266 returned from a six-week break in the US NrHVvaSL1ZU-00478-00112267-00112399 with your family NrHVvaSL1ZU-00479-00112400-00112603 what were your when you typically book NrHVvaSL1ZU-00480-00112604-00112795 your travel how do you do it obviously NrHVvaSL1ZU-00481-00112796-00112945 you do business travel and you've NrHVvaSL1ZU-00482-00112946-00113119 traveled with the family with young NrHVvaSL1ZU-00483-00113120-00113389 children how do you go about the to what NrHVvaSL1ZU-00484-00113390-00113563 what's different in your booking process NrHVvaSL1ZU-00485-00113564-00113814 and what are you looking for as a NrHVvaSL1ZU-00486-00113815-00114133 traveler interesting question so for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00487-00114133-00114313 business traveler it's like I just want NrHVvaSL1ZU-00488-00114314-00114607 to have like a decent hotel near the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00489-00114608-00114783 root location right and it needs to be NrHVvaSL1ZU-00490-00114784-00115033 really easy easy to book right and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00491-00115033-00115252 obviously I always try to book direct NrHVvaSL1ZU-00492-00115253-00115468 but sometimes when it's too hard I to be NrHVvaSL1ZU-00493-00115469-00115734 honest I put on booking.com if it's too NrHVvaSL1ZU-00494-00115735-00116283 complicated to poke direct and in the in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00495-00116284-00116610 the States when we were there then then NrHVvaSL1ZU-00496-00116611-00116824 you know like with my two kids three and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00497-00116825-00117040 five years old I was really looking for NrHVvaSL1ZU-00498-00117041-00117285 a swimming pool like a nice kids area NrHVvaSL1ZU-00499-00117286-00117448 Sarah writes for me the most really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00500-00117449-00117838 important see how how other people see NrHVvaSL1ZU-00501-00117839-00118081 those areas areas in there right and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00502-00118082-00118288 also I always want to have this more NrHVvaSL1ZU-00503-00118289-00118554 like a unique feeling as everybody every NrHVvaSL1ZU-00504-00118555-00118761 guest once happened I found that really NrHVvaSL1ZU-00505-00118763-00119173 interesting because I booked this you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00506-00119174-00119536 Boutique Hotel Airport I thought it was NrHVvaSL1ZU-00507-00119538-00119822 a hotel and was like really awesome you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00508-00119823-00120085 know where we ended up I ended up in the NrHVvaSL1ZU-00509-00120086-00120409 resort from needle and needles like like NrHVvaSL1ZU-00510-00120410-00120668 a brand from Airbnb actually I'm just NrHVvaSL1ZU-00511-00120669-00120908 like a big it's like a big massive hotel NrHVvaSL1ZU-00512-00120908-00121280 different apartments yeah that's the I NrHVvaSL1ZU-00513-00121281-00121486 think that bricks and mortar approach NrHVvaSL1ZU-00514-00121488-00121757 yeah and it was amazing because I was NrHVvaSL1ZU-00515-00121758-00121973 thinking I have this nice boutique you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00516-00121974-00122213 know like individual experience but then NrHVvaSL1ZU-00517-00122214-00122573 I ended up in that place and I found NrHVvaSL1ZU-00518-00122574-00122741 that really interesting right this is NrHVvaSL1ZU-00519-00122742-00122876 where you a little disappointed with NrHVvaSL1ZU-00520-00122877-00123065 that what was your initial was reaction NrHVvaSL1ZU-00521-00123066-00123248 to that you know I was really curious NrHVvaSL1ZU-00522-00123249-00123484 about because I had the feeling I know NrHVvaSL1ZU-00523-00123485-00123641 this is like new and then I looked NrHVvaSL1ZU-00524-00123642-00123815 afterwards I looked it up on obviously NrHVvaSL1ZU-00525-00123816-00123920 on the website it's around there's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00526-00123921-00124151 basically just two or three of those NrHVvaSL1ZU-00527-00124152-00124331 resorts currently I find that we're NrHVvaSL1ZU-00528-00124332-00124598 interesting to see how how in this case NrHVvaSL1ZU-00529-00124599-00124901 Airbnb is now going so much deeper in NrHVvaSL1ZU-00530-00124902-00125078 the value chain and you know building NrHVvaSL1ZU-00531-00125079-00125465 their own their own brand well that's NrHVvaSL1ZU-00532-00125466-00125579 funny mention that because they were NrHVvaSL1ZU-00533-00125580-00125831 actually pilot or test sites that air NrHVvaSL1ZU-00534-00125832-00125983 B&B is started I think there's a couple NrHVvaSL1ZU-00535-00125984-00126200 of them yeah in Florida or as much as NrHVvaSL1ZU-00536-00126201-00126431 where you were so that's very interested NrHVvaSL1ZU-00537-00126432-00126617 and it makes a very clear statement as NrHVvaSL1ZU-00538-00126618-00126854 well from air B&B about what their NrHVvaSL1ZU-00539-00126855-00127004 directions are even though they haven't NrHVvaSL1ZU-00540-00127005-00127208 been shy about that is yeah definitely NrHVvaSL1ZU-00541-00127208-00127367 yeah very interesting yeah NrHVvaSL1ZU-00542-00127368-00127580 very good okay Morris listen thank you NrHVvaSL1ZU-00543-00127581-00127697 so much it's been great to have you on NrHVvaSL1ZU-00544-00127698-00127925 thank you really appreciate you taking NrHVvaSL1ZU-00545-00127926-00128216 the time there talking with us and guys NrHVvaSL1ZU-00546-00128217-00128396 as well thank you very much for watching NrHVvaSL1ZU-00547-00128397-00128648 I hope you enjoyed that and make sure NrHVvaSL1ZU-00548-00128649-00128858 you hit subscribe the belt button as NrHVvaSL1ZU-00549-00128858-00129146 well for the notifications also make NrHVvaSL1ZU-00550-00129147-00129353 sure you come to our new websites and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00551-00129354-00129557 subscribe to us there for all of this NrHVvaSL1ZU-00552-00129558-00129794 great content as well as download our NrHVvaSL1ZU-00553-00129795-00130130 apps for Android and iOS so until next NrHVvaSL1ZU-00554-00130131-00130517 time it's bye for now and NrHVvaSL1ZU-00555-00130518-00132370 [Music] NrTjiZx9MvI-00000-00000054-00000389 New Horizons as an interplanetary space NrTjiZx9MvI-00001-00000390-00000621 probe that was launched as a part of NrTjiZx9MvI-00002-00000622-00001002 NASA's new frontiers program engineered NrTjiZx9MvI-00003-00001002-00001251 by the Johns Hopkins University Applied NrTjiZx9MvI-00004-00001252-00001610 Physics Laboratory APL and the Southwest NrTjiZx9MvI-00005-00001611-00002001 Research Institute SW RI with a team led NrTjiZx9MvI-00006-00002002-00002295 by S Allen Stern the spacecraft was NrTjiZx9MvI-00007-00002296-00002598 launched in 2006 with the primary NrTjiZx9MvI-00008-00002599-00002871 mission to perform a flyby study of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00009-00002872-00003210 Pluto system in 2015 and a secondary NrTjiZx9MvI-00010-00003211-00003513 mission to flyby and study one or more NrTjiZx9MvI-00011-00003514-00003852 other Kuiper belt objects KBO's in the NrTjiZx9MvI-00012-00003853-00004140 decade to follow which as of 2019 NrTjiZx9MvI-00013-00004141-00004647 includes 2014 mu 69 it is the fifth NrTjiZx9MvI-00014-00004648-00004875 space probe to achieve the escape NrTjiZx9MvI-00015-00004876-00005088 velocity needed to leave the solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00016-00005089-00005661 system on January 19 2006 New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00017-00005662-00005952 was launched from Cape Canaveral Air NrTjiZx9MvI-00018-00005953-00006203 Force Station by an Atlas V rocket NrTjiZx9MvI-00019-00006204-00006512 directly into an earth and solar escape NrTjiZx9MvI-00020-00006513-00006798 trajectory with a speed of about sixteen NrTjiZx9MvI-00021-00006798-00007319 point two six km/s 10.10 miles per NrTjiZx9MvI-00022-00007320-00007609 second fifty-eight thousand five hundred NrTjiZx9MvI-00023-00007610-00008024 km/h 36 thousand four hundred miles per NrTjiZx9MvI-00024-00008025-00008391 hour it was the fastest man-made object NrTjiZx9MvI-00025-00008392-00008684 ever launched from Earth after a brief NrTjiZx9MvI-00026-00008685-00008978 encounter with asteroid one three to NrTjiZx9MvI-00027-00008979-00009389 five to four APL New Horizons proceeded NrTjiZx9MvI-00028-00009390-00009656 to Jupiter making its closest approach NrTjiZx9MvI-00029-00009657-00010202 on February 28 2007 at a distance of 2.3 NrTjiZx9MvI-00030-00010203-00010673 million kilometers 1.4 million miles the NrTjiZx9MvI-00031-00010674-00010944 Jupiter flyby provided a gravity assist NrTjiZx9MvI-00032-00010945-00011240 that increased New Horizons speed the NrTjiZx9MvI-00033-00011241-00011562 flyby also enabled a general test of new NrTjiZx9MvI-00034-00011563-00011805 horizons scientific capabilities NrTjiZx9MvI-00035-00011806-00012030 returning data about the planet's NrTjiZx9MvI-00036-00012031-00012462 atmosphere moons and magnetosphere most NrTjiZx9MvI-00037-00012463-00012740 of the post Jupiter voyage was spent in NrTjiZx9MvI-00038-00012741-00012999 hibernation mode to preserve onboard NrTjiZx9MvI-00039-00013000-00013254 systems except for brief annual NrTjiZx9MvI-00040-00013255-00013376 checkouts NrTjiZx9MvI-00041-00013377-00013808 on December 6 2014 New Horizons was NrTjiZx9MvI-00042-00013809-00014024 brought back on line for the Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00043-00014025-00014291 encounter an instrument checkout began NrTjiZx9MvI-00044-00014291-00014843 on January 15 2015 the spacecraft began NrTjiZx9MvI-00045-00014844-00015299 its approach phase to Pluto on July 14 NrTjiZx9MvI-00046-00015300-00015683 2015 at eleven forty nine coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-00047-00015684-00015977 Universal Time it flew twelve thousand NrTjiZx9MvI-00048-00015978-00016250 five hundred kilometers seven thousand NrTjiZx9MvI-00049-00016251-00016496 eight hundred miles above the surface of NrTjiZx9MvI-00050-00016497-00016790 Pluto making it the first spacecraft to NrTjiZx9MvI-00051-00016791-00017215 explore the dwarf planet on October 25th NrTjiZx9MvI-00052-00017216-00017717 2016 at 21 48 coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-00053-00017718-00017975 the last of the recorded data from the NrTjiZx9MvI-00054-00017976-00018224 Pluto flyby was received from New NrTjiZx9MvI-00055-00018225-00018593 Horizons having completed its flyby of NrTjiZx9MvI-00056-00018594-00018920 Pluto New Horizons then maneuvered for a NrTjiZx9MvI-00057-00018921-00019214 flyby of Kuiper belt object for eight NrTjiZx9MvI-00058-00019215-00019673 six nine five eight 201 for MU sixty NrTjiZx9MvI-00059-00019674-00020027 nine Ultima Thule which occurred on NrTjiZx9MvI-00060-00020028-00020435 January 1st 2019 when it was forty three NrTjiZx9MvI-00061-00020436-00020705 point four astronomical units from the NrTjiZx9MvI-00062-00020706-00021212 Sun in August 2018 NASA cited results by NrTjiZx9MvI-00063-00021213-00021491 Alice on new horizons to confirm the NrTjiZx9MvI-00064-00021492-00021854 existence of a hydrogen wall at the NrTjiZx9MvI-00065-00021855-00022154 outer edges of the solar system this NrTjiZx9MvI-00066-00022155-00022631 wall was first detected in 1992 by the NrTjiZx9MvI-00067-00022632-00023341 two Voyager spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00068-00023342-00024199 topic history in August 1992 JPL NrTjiZx9MvI-00069-00024200-00024463 scientist Robertsdale called Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00070-00024464-00024744 Discoverer Clyde Tombaugh requesting NrTjiZx9MvI-00071-00024745-00025015 permission to visit his planet I told NrTjiZx9MvI-00072-00025016-00025342 him he was welcome to it Tombaugh later NrTjiZx9MvI-00073-00025343-00025624 remembered though he's got to go one NrTjiZx9MvI-00074-00025625-00026017 long cold trip the call eventually led NrTjiZx9MvI-00075-00026018-00026305 to a series of proposed Pluto missions NrTjiZx9MvI-00076-00026306-00026745 leading up to New Horizons stam adea's NrTjiZx9MvI-00077-00026747-00027073 Tom criminis head of the Applied Physics NrTjiZx9MvI-00078-00027074-00027412 Laboratory space division one of many NrTjiZx9MvI-00079-00027413-00027615 entrants in the new frontiers program NrTjiZx9MvI-00080-00027616-00027973 competition formed the new horizons team NrTjiZx9MvI-00081-00027974-00028332 with Allen Stern in December 2000 NrTjiZx9MvI-00082-00028333-00028608 appointed as the project's principal NrTjiZx9MvI-00083-00028610-00028867 investigator Stern was described by NrTjiZx9MvI-00084-00028868-00029182 criminis as the personification of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00085-00029183-00029319 Pluto mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00086-00029320-00029638 New Horizons was based largely on NrTjiZx9MvI-00087-00029639-00030001 Stern's work since Pluto 350 and NrTjiZx9MvI-00088-00030002-00030246 involved most of the team from Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00089-00030247-00030649 Kuiper express the New Horizons proposal NrTjiZx9MvI-00090-00030650-00030880 was one of five that were officially NrTjiZx9MvI-00091-00030881-00031024 submitted to NASA NrTjiZx9MvI-00092-00031025-00031333 it was later selected as one of two NrTjiZx9MvI-00093-00031333-00031608 finalists to be subject to a three month NrTjiZx9MvI-00094-00031610-00032064 concept study in June 2001 the other NrTjiZx9MvI-00095-00032066-00032377 finalists Posse Pluto and outer solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00096-00032377-00032652 system Explorer was a separate but NrTjiZx9MvI-00097-00032654-00032911 similar Pluto mission concept by the NrTjiZx9MvI-00098-00032912-00033220 University of Colorado Boulder led by NrTjiZx9MvI-00099-00033221-00033546 principal investigator Larry W Esposito NrTjiZx9MvI-00100-00033547-00033898 and supported by the JPL Lockheed Martin NrTjiZx9MvI-00101-00033899-00034255 and the University of California however NrTjiZx9MvI-00102-00034256-00034594 the APL in addition to being supported NrTjiZx9MvI-00103-00034595-00034876 by Pluto Kuiper express developers at NrTjiZx9MvI-00104-00034877-00035077 the Goddard Space Flight Center and NrTjiZx9MvI-00105-00035078-00035359 Stanford University were at an advantage NrTjiZx9MvI-00106-00035360-00035590 they had recently developed near NrTjiZx9MvI-00107-00035591-00035802 shoemaker for NASA which had NrTjiZx9MvI-00108-00035803-00036177 successfully entered orbit around 433 NrTjiZx9MvI-00109-00036178-00036421 eros earlier in the year and would later NrTjiZx9MvI-00110-00036422-00036687 land on the asteroid to scientific NrTjiZx9MvI-00111-00036688-00037030 an engineering fanfare in November 2001 NrTjiZx9MvI-00112-00037031-00037362 New Horizons was officially selected for NrTjiZx9MvI-00113-00037363-00037567 funding as part of the new frontiers NrTjiZx9MvI-00114-00037568-00037883 program however the new NASA NrTjiZx9MvI-00115-00037884-00038124 Administrator appointed by the Bush NrTjiZx9MvI-00116-00038125-00038404 administration Sean O'Keefe was not NrTjiZx9MvI-00117-00038405-00038614 supportive of New Horizons and NrTjiZx9MvI-00118-00038615-00038892 effectively canceled it by not including NrTjiZx9MvI-00119-00038893-00039318 it in NASA's budget for 2003 NASA's NrTjiZx9MvI-00120-00039319-00039574 associate administrator for the science NrTjiZx9MvI-00121-00039575-00039843 Mission Directorate ed Weiler prompted NrTjiZx9MvI-00122-00039844-00040074 Stern to lobby for the funding of New NrTjiZx9MvI-00123-00040075-00040290 Horizons in hopes of the mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00124-00040291-00040515 appearing in the Planetary Science NrTjiZx9MvI-00125-00040516-00040914 decadal survey a prioritized wish list NrTjiZx9MvI-00126-00040915-00041196 compiled by the United States National NrTjiZx9MvI-00127-00041197-00041467 Research Council that reflects the NrTjiZx9MvI-00128-00041468-00041748 opinions of the scientific community NrTjiZx9MvI-00129-00041749-00042027 after an intense campaign to gain NrTjiZx9MvI-00130-00042028-00042321 support for New Horizons the planetary NrTjiZx9MvI-00131-00042322-00042717 science decadal survey of 2003 to 2013 NrTjiZx9MvI-00132-00042718-00043198 was published in the summer of 2002 New NrTjiZx9MvI-00133-00043199-00043474 Horizons topped the list of projects NrTjiZx9MvI-00134-00043475-00043699 considered the highest priority among NrTjiZx9MvI-00135-00043700-00043920 the scientific community in the NrTjiZx9MvI-00136-00043921-00044199 medium-sized category ahead of missions NrTjiZx9MvI-00137-00044200-00044614 to the moon and even Jupiter ylor stated NrTjiZx9MvI-00138-00044615-00044846 that it was a result that his NrTjiZx9MvI-00139-00044847-00045155 administration was not going to fight NrTjiZx9MvI-00140-00045156-00045424 funding for the mission was finally NrTjiZx9MvI-00141-00045425-00045673 secured following the publication of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00142-00045674-00045936 report and Stern's team were finally NrTjiZx9MvI-00143-00045937-00046132 able to start building the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00144-00046133-00046377 and its instruments with a planned NrTjiZx9MvI-00145-00046378-00046755 launch in January 2006 and arrival at NrTjiZx9MvI-00146-00046756-00046974 Pluto in 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-00147-00046975-00047245 Alice Bowman became Mission Operations NrTjiZx9MvI-00148-00047246-00047865 Manager NrTjiZx9MvI-00149-00047866-00048412 topic mission profile NrTjiZx9MvI-00150-00048413-00048756 New Horizons is the first mission in NrTjiZx9MvI-00151-00048757-00049026 NASA's new frontiers mission category NrTjiZx9MvI-00152-00049027-00049265 larger and more expensive than the NrTjiZx9MvI-00153-00049266-00049521 discovery missions but smaller than the NrTjiZx9MvI-00154-00049522-00049884 flagship program the cost of the mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00155-00049885-00050142 including spacecraft and instrument NrTjiZx9MvI-00156-00050143-00050382 development launch vehicle mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00157-00050383-00050727 operations data analysis and education NrTjiZx9MvI-00158-00050728-00051068 public outreach is approximately 700 NrTjiZx9MvI-00159-00051069-00051479 million dollars over 15 years 2001 to NrTjiZx9MvI-00160-00051479-00051869 2016 the spacecraft was built primarily NrTjiZx9MvI-00161-00051870-00052271 by Southwest Research Institute SW RI NrTjiZx9MvI-00162-00052272-00052505 and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics NrTjiZx9MvI-00163-00052507-00052872 Laboratory the missions principal NrTjiZx9MvI-00164-00052873-00053136 investigator is Alan stern of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00165-00053137-00053397 Southwest Research Institute formerly NrTjiZx9MvI-00166-00053398-00053804 NASA associate administrator after NrTjiZx9MvI-00167-00053805-00053976 separation from the launch vehicle NrTjiZx9MvI-00168-00053977-00054312 overall control was taken by Mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00169-00054313-00054582 Operations Center Mach at the Applied NrTjiZx9MvI-00170-00054583-00054849 Physics Laboratory in Howard County NrTjiZx9MvI-00171-00054850-00055197 Maryland the science instruments are NrTjiZx9MvI-00172-00055198-00055446 operated at clyde tombaugh science NrTjiZx9MvI-00173-00055447-00055803 operations center t SOC in boulder NrTjiZx9MvI-00174-00055804-00056187 colorado navigation is performed at NrTjiZx9MvI-00175-00056188-00056466 various contractor facilities whereas NrTjiZx9MvI-00176-00056466-00056729 the navigational positional data and NrTjiZx9MvI-00177-00056730-00057003 related celestial reference frames are NrTjiZx9MvI-00178-00057004-00057215 provided by the Naval Observatory NrTjiZx9MvI-00179-00057216-00057489 Flagstaff station through headquarters NrTjiZx9MvI-00180-00057490-00057854 NASA and JPL kinetics is the lead on the NrTjiZx9MvI-00181-00057855-00058122 New Horizons navigation team and is NrTjiZx9MvI-00182-00058123-00058359 responsible for planning trajectory NrTjiZx9MvI-00183-00058360-00058614 adjustments as the spacecraft speeds NrTjiZx9MvI-00184-00058615-00058940 toward the outer solar system NrTjiZx9MvI-00185-00058941-00059176 coincidentally the Naval Observatory NrTjiZx9MvI-00186-00059177-00059417 Flagstaff station was where the NrTjiZx9MvI-00187-00059419-00059657 photographic plates were taken for the NrTjiZx9MvI-00188-00059658-00059940 discovery of Pluto's moon Charon and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00189-00059941-00060257 Naval Observatory as itself not far from NrTjiZx9MvI-00190-00060258-00060530 the Lowell Observatory where Pluto was NrTjiZx9MvI-00191-00060532-00060679 discovered NrTjiZx9MvI-00192-00060679-00061011 New Horizons was originally planned as a NrTjiZx9MvI-00193-00061012-00061317 voyage to the only unexplored planet in NrTjiZx9MvI-00194-00061318-00061674 the solar system when the spacecraft was NrTjiZx9MvI-00195-00061675-00061972 launched Pluto was still classified as a NrTjiZx9MvI-00196-00061973-00062232 planet later to be reclassified as a NrTjiZx9MvI-00197-00062233-00062469 dwarf planet by the International NrTjiZx9MvI-00198-00062470-00062904 Astronomical Union IAU some members of NrTjiZx9MvI-00199-00062905-00063207 the New Horizons team including Alan NrTjiZx9MvI-00200-00063208-00063541 Stern disagree with the IAU definition NrTjiZx9MvI-00201-00063541-00063792 and still describe Pluto as the ninth NrTjiZx9MvI-00202-00063793-00063899 planet NrTjiZx9MvI-00203-00063900-00064242 Pluto's satellites Nix and Hydra also NrTjiZx9MvI-00204-00064243-00064461 have a connection with the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00205-00064462-00064674 the first letters of their names NrTjiZx9MvI-00206-00064675-00065122 NNH are the initials of New Horizons the NrTjiZx9MvI-00207-00065123-00065394 moons discoverers chose these names for NrTjiZx9MvI-00208-00065395-00065635 this reason plus Nix and hydras NrTjiZx9MvI-00209-00065636-00065910 relationship to the mythological Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00210-00065911-00066153 in addition to the science equipment NrTjiZx9MvI-00211-00066154-00066403 there are several cultural artifacts NrTjiZx9MvI-00212-00066404-00066703 traveling with the spacecraft these NrTjiZx9MvI-00213-00066704-00067305 include a collection of 430 4738 names NrTjiZx9MvI-00214-00067306-00067560 stored on a compact disc a piece of NrTjiZx9MvI-00215-00067561-00067869 Scaled Composites --is SpaceShipOne not NrTjiZx9MvI-00216-00067870-00068292 yet explored USPS stamp and a flag of NrTjiZx9MvI-00217-00068293-00068517 the United States along with other NrTjiZx9MvI-00218-00068518-00068866 mementos about 30 grams one ounce of NrTjiZx9MvI-00219-00068867-00069123 clyde tombaugh's ashes are aboard the NrTjiZx9MvI-00220-00069124-00069385 spacecraft to commemorate his discovery NrTjiZx9MvI-00221-00069386-00069865 of Pluto in 1930 a Florida State quarter NrTjiZx9MvI-00222-00069866-00070135 coin whose design commemorates human NrTjiZx9MvI-00223-00070136-00070428 exploration is included officially as a NrTjiZx9MvI-00224-00070429-00070798 trim weight one of the science packages NrTjiZx9MvI-00225-00070799-00071073 a dust counter is named after Venetia NrTjiZx9MvI-00226-00071074-00071406 Burney who as a child suggested the name NrTjiZx9MvI-00227-00071407-00071791 Pluto after its discovery NrTjiZx9MvI-00228-00071792-00072157 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00229-00072158-00072487 topic goal NrTjiZx9MvI-00230-00072488-00072650 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00231-00072651-00072931 the goal of the mission is to understand NrTjiZx9MvI-00232-00072932-00073223 the formation of the Plutonian system NrTjiZx9MvI-00233-00073224-00073460 the Kuiper belt and the transformation NrTjiZx9MvI-00234-00073461-00073829 of the early solar system the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00235-00073830-00074074 collected data on the atmospheres NrTjiZx9MvI-00236-00074075-00074419 surfaces interiors and environments of NrTjiZx9MvI-00237-00074420-00074792 Pluto and its moons it will also study NrTjiZx9MvI-00238-00074793-00075112 other objects in the Kuiper belt by way NrTjiZx9MvI-00239-00075113-00075434 of comparison new horizons gathered five NrTjiZx9MvI-00240-00075435-00075755 thousand times as much data at Pluto as NrTjiZx9MvI-00241-00075756-00076093 mariner did at the Red Planet some of NrTjiZx9MvI-00242-00076094-00076306 the questions the mission attempts to NrTjiZx9MvI-00243-00076307-00076517 answer are what is Pluto's atmosphere NrTjiZx9MvI-00244-00076518-00076775 made of and how does it behave NrTjiZx9MvI-00245-00076776-00077056 what does its surface look like are NrTjiZx9MvI-00246-00077057-00077419 there large geological structures how do NrTjiZx9MvI-00247-00077420-00077668 solar wind particles interact with NrTjiZx9MvI-00248-00077669-00077960 Pluto's atmosphere specifically the NrTjiZx9MvI-00249-00077961-00078277 missions science objectives are to NrTjiZx9MvI-00250-00078278-00078568 map the surface composition of Pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-00251-00078569-00078948 Charon characterize the geology and NrTjiZx9MvI-00252-00078949-00079290 morphology of pluto and charon NrTjiZx9MvI-00253-00079291-00079567 characterize the neutral atmosphere of NrTjiZx9MvI-00254-00079568-00079960 Pluto and its escape rate search for an NrTjiZx9MvI-00255-00079961-00080247 atmosphere around Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-00256-00080248-00080523 map surface temperatures on pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-00257-00080524-00080901 charon search for rings and additional NrTjiZx9MvI-00258-00080902-00081317 satellites around Pluto conduct similar NrTjiZx9MvI-00259-00081318-00081561 investigations of one or more Kuiper NrTjiZx9MvI-00260-00081562-00082115 belt objects NrTjiZx9MvI-00261-00082116-00082789 topic design and construction NrTjiZx9MvI-00262-00082790-00083104 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00263-00083105-00083788 topic spacecraft subsystems the NrTjiZx9MvI-00264-00083789-00084067 spacecraft is comparable in size and NrTjiZx9MvI-00265-00084068-00084358 general shape to a grand piano and has NrTjiZx9MvI-00266-00084359-00084607 been compared to a piano glued to a NrTjiZx9MvI-00267-00084608-00084942 cocktail bar sized satellite dish as a NrTjiZx9MvI-00268-00084943-00085231 point of departure the team took NrTjiZx9MvI-00269-00085232-00085510 inspiration from the Ulysses spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00270-00085511-00085728 which also carried a radioisotope NrTjiZx9MvI-00271-00085729-00086149 thermoelectric generator RTG and dish on NrTjiZx9MvI-00272-00086150-00086401 a box in box structure through the outer NrTjiZx9MvI-00273-00086402-00086770 solar system many subsystems and NrTjiZx9MvI-00274-00086771-00087013 components have flight heritage from NrTjiZx9MvI-00275-00087014-00087337 APL's contour spacecraft which in turn NrTjiZx9MvI-00276-00087338-00087776 had heritage from APL's x spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00277-00087777-00088106 New Horizons body forms a triangle NrTjiZx9MvI-00278-00088107-00088727 almost 0.76 meters 2.5 feet thick the NrTjiZx9MvI-00279-00088728-00089030 Pioneers have hexagonal bodies whereas NrTjiZx9MvI-00280-00089031-00089372 the voyagers Galileo and Cassini Huygens NrTjiZx9MvI-00281-00089373-00089786 have decagonal hollow bodies a 7075 NrTjiZx9MvI-00282-00089787-00090107 aluminium alloy tube forms the main NrTjiZx9MvI-00283-00090108-00090338 structural column between the launch NrTjiZx9MvI-00284-00090339-00090668 vehicle adapter ring at the rear and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00285-00090669-00091082 2.1 meters 6 feet 11 in radio dish NrTjiZx9MvI-00286-00091083-00091445 antenna affixed to the front flat side NrTjiZx9MvI-00287-00091446-00091763 the titanium fuel tank is in this tube NrTjiZx9MvI-00288-00091764-00092099 the RTG attaches with a four sided NrTjiZx9MvI-00289-00092100-00092423 titanium mount resembling a grey pyramid NrTjiZx9MvI-00290-00092424-00092813 or stepstool titanium provides strength NrTjiZx9MvI-00291-00092814-00093107 and thermal isolation the rest of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00292-00093108-00093425 triangle is primarily sandwich panels of NrTjiZx9MvI-00293-00093426-00093755 thin aluminium face sheet less than 160 NrTjiZx9MvI-00294-00093756-00094187 for thinner 0.40 millimeters bonded to NrTjiZx9MvI-00295-00094188-00094544 aluminium honeycomb core the structure NrTjiZx9MvI-00296-00094545-00094820 is larger than strictly necessary with NrTjiZx9MvI-00297-00094821-00095165 empty space inside the structure is NrTjiZx9MvI-00298-00095166-00095435 designed to act as shielding reducing NrTjiZx9MvI-00299-00095436-00095711 electronics errors caused by radiation NrTjiZx9MvI-00300-00095712-00096151 from the RTG also the mass distribution NrTjiZx9MvI-00301-00096152-00096391 required for a spinning spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00302-00096392-00096851 demands a wider triangle the interior NrTjiZx9MvI-00303-00096852-00097112 structure is painted black to equalize NrTjiZx9MvI-00304-00097113-00097438 temperature by radiative heat transfer NrTjiZx9MvI-00305-00097439-00097751 over all the spacecraft is thoroughly NrTjiZx9MvI-00306-00097752-00098039 blanketed to retain heat unlike the NrTjiZx9MvI-00307-00098040-00098348 pioneers and voyagers the radio dish is NrTjiZx9MvI-00308-00098349-00098651 also enclosed in blankets that extend to NrTjiZx9MvI-00309-00098652-00099014 the body the heat from the RTG adds NrTjiZx9MvI-00310-00099015-00099293 warmth to the spacecraft while it is in NrTjiZx9MvI-00311-00099294-00099623 the outer solar system while in the NrTjiZx9MvI-00312-00099624-00099914 inner solar system the spacecraft must NrTjiZx9MvI-00313-00099915-00100058 prevent overheating NrTjiZx9MvI-00314-00100059-00100316 hence electronic activity as limited NrTjiZx9MvI-00315-00100317-00100535 power is diverted to shunts with NrTjiZx9MvI-00316-00100536-00100814 attached radiators and louvers are open NrTjiZx9MvI-00317-00100815-00101044 to radiate excess heat NrTjiZx9MvI-00318-00101045-00101305 while the spacecraft is cruising and NrTjiZx9MvI-00319-00101306-00101536 actively in the cold outer solar system NrTjiZx9MvI-00320-00101537-00101826 the louvers are closed and the shunt NrTjiZx9MvI-00321-00101827-00102106 regulator reroute spout to electric NrTjiZx9MvI-00322-00102107-00102632 heaters NrTjiZx9MvI-00323-00102633-00103234 topic propulsion and attitude control NrTjiZx9MvI-00324-00103235-00103644 New Horizons has both spin-stabilized NrTjiZx9MvI-00325-00103645-00103977 crews and 3-axis stabilized science NrTjiZx9MvI-00326-00103978-00104256 modes controlled entirely with hydrazine NrTjiZx9MvI-00327-00104257-00104607 monopropellant additional post-launch NrTjiZx9MvI-00328-00104608-00105006 delta v of over 290 meters per second NrTjiZx9MvI-00329-00105007-00105519 1,000 km/h 650 miles per hour is NrTjiZx9MvI-00330-00105520-00105848 provided by a 77 kilograms NrTjiZx9MvI-00331-00105849-00106296 170 pounds internal tank helium is used NrTjiZx9MvI-00332-00106297-00106551 as a pressure n't with an elastomeric NrTjiZx9MvI-00333-00106552-00106898 diaphragm assisting expulsion the NrTjiZx9MvI-00334-00106899-00107151 spacecraft's on-orbit mass including NrTjiZx9MvI-00335-00107152-00107552 fuel is over 470 kilograms NrTjiZx9MvI-00336-00107553-00107829 1040 pounds on the Jupiter flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-00337-00107830-00108165 trajectory but would have been only 400 NrTjiZx9MvI-00338-00108166-00108630 45 kilograms 981 pounds for the backup NrTjiZx9MvI-00339-00108631-00108947 direct flight option to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00340-00108948-00109248 significantly had the backup option been NrTjiZx9MvI-00341-00109249-00109494 taken this would have meant less fuel NrTjiZx9MvI-00342-00109495-00109908 for later Kuiper belt operations there NrTjiZx9MvI-00343-00109908-00110364 are 16 thrusters on New Horizons for 4.4 NrTjiZx9MvI-00344-00110365-00111069 and 1.0 l BF and twelve 0.9 n 0.2 lbf NrTjiZx9MvI-00345-00111070-00111414 plumbed in two redundant branches the NrTjiZx9MvI-00346-00111415-00111672 larger thrusters are used primarily for NrTjiZx9MvI-00347-00111673-00111927 trajectory Corrections and the small NrTjiZx9MvI-00348-00111928-00112245 ones previously used on Cassini and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00349-00112246-00112473 Voyager spacecraft are used primarily NrTjiZx9MvI-00350-00112474-00112784 for attitude control and spin up spin NrTjiZx9MvI-00351-00112785-00113166 down maneuvers to star cameras are used NrTjiZx9MvI-00352-00113167-00113481 to measure the spacecraft attitude they NrTjiZx9MvI-00353-00113482-00113655 are mounted on the face of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00354-00113656-00113877 spacecraft and provide attitude NrTjiZx9MvI-00355-00113878-00114204 information while in spin stabilized or NrTjiZx9MvI-00356-00114205-00114573 three axis mode in between the time of NrTjiZx9MvI-00357-00114574-00114848 star camera readings spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00358-00114849-00115089 orientation is provided by dual NrTjiZx9MvI-00359-00115090-00115371 redundant miniature inertial measurement NrTjiZx9MvI-00360-00115372-00115782 units each unit contains three solid NrTjiZx9MvI-00361-00115783-00115982 state gyroscopes and three NrTjiZx9MvI-00362-00115983-00116331 accelerometers to add cold Sun sensors NrTjiZx9MvI-00363-00116332-00116559 provide attitude determination NrTjiZx9MvI-00364-00116560-00116893 one detects the angle to the Sun whereas NrTjiZx9MvI-00365-00116894-00117108 the other measures spin rate and NrTjiZx9MvI-00366-00117109-00118239 clocking topic power a cylindrical NrTjiZx9MvI-00367-00118240-00118524 radioisotope thermoelectric generator NrTjiZx9MvI-00368-00118525-00118813 RTG protrudes in the plane of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00369-00118814-00119108 triangle from one vertex of the triangle NrTjiZx9MvI-00370-00119109-00119764 the RTG provided 240 5.7 W of power at NrTjiZx9MvI-00371-00119765-00119978 launch and was predicted to drop NrTjiZx9MvI-00372-00119979-00120390 approximately 3.5 W every year decaying NrTjiZx9MvI-00373-00120391-00120757 to 202 W by the time of its encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-00374-00120758-00121096 with the Plutonian system in 2015 and NrTjiZx9MvI-00375-00121097-00121303 will decay too far to power the NrTjiZx9MvI-00376-00121304-00121678 transmitters in the 2030s there are no NrTjiZx9MvI-00377-00121679-00122016 onboard batteries since RTG output is NrTjiZx9MvI-00378-00122017-00122248 predictable and load transients are NrTjiZx9MvI-00379-00122249-00122511 handled by a capacitor bank and fast NrTjiZx9MvI-00380-00122513-00123001 circuit breakers as of January 2019 the NrTjiZx9MvI-00381-00123002-00123475 power output of the RTG is about 190 W NrTjiZx9MvI-00382-00123476-00124110 the RTG model GP HS RTG was originally a NrTjiZx9MvI-00383-00124111-00124456 spare from the Cassini mission the RTG NrTjiZx9MvI-00384-00124457-00124869 contains nine point seven five kilograms NrTjiZx9MvI-00385-00124870-00125347 21.5 pounds of plutonium-238 oxide NrTjiZx9MvI-00386-00125348-00125728 pellets each pellet is clad in iridium NrTjiZx9MvI-00387-00125729-00126108 then encased in a graphite shell it was NrTjiZx9MvI-00388-00126109-00126397 developed by the US Department of Energy NrTjiZx9MvI-00389-00126398-00126690 of the materials and fuels complex a NrTjiZx9MvI-00390-00126691-00127023 part of the Idaho National Laboratory NrTjiZx9MvI-00391-00127024-00127440 the original RTG design called for ten NrTjiZx9MvI-00392-00127441-00127768 point nine kilograms 24 pounds of NrTjiZx9MvI-00393-00127769-00128047 plutonium but a unit less powerful than NrTjiZx9MvI-00394-00128048-00128320 the original design goal was produced NrTjiZx9MvI-00395-00128321-00128545 because of delays at the United States NrTjiZx9MvI-00396-00128546-00128848 Department of Energy including security NrTjiZx9MvI-00397-00128849-00129103 activities that delayed plutonium NrTjiZx9MvI-00398-00129104-00129439 production the mission parameters and NrTjiZx9MvI-00399-00129440-00129727 observations sequence had to be modified NrTjiZx9MvI-00400-00129728-00129940 for the reduced wattage NrTjiZx9MvI-00401-00129941-00130168 not all instruments can operate NrTjiZx9MvI-00402-00130169-00130549 simultaneously the Department of Energy NrTjiZx9MvI-00403-00130550-00130807 transferred the space battery program NrTjiZx9MvI-00404-00130808-00131188 from Ohio to Argonne in 2002 because of NrTjiZx9MvI-00405-00131189-00131554 security concerns the amount of NrTjiZx9MvI-00406-00131555-00131893 radioactive plutonium in the RTG is NrTjiZx9MvI-00407-00131894-00132166 about one-third the amount on board the NrTjiZx9MvI-00408-00132167-00132415 Cassini Huygens probe when it launched NrTjiZx9MvI-00409-00132416-00132850 in 1997 that Cassini launch was NrTjiZx9MvI-00410-00132851-00133141 protested by some the United States NrTjiZx9MvI-00411-00133142-00133393 Department of Energy estimated the NrTjiZx9MvI-00412-00133394-00133639 chances of a launch accident that would NrTjiZx9MvI-00413-00133640-00133921 release radiation into the atmosphere at NrTjiZx9MvI-00414-00133922-00134299 1 in 350 and monitored the launch as it NrTjiZx9MvI-00415-00134300-00134692 always does when RT G's are involved it NrTjiZx9MvI-00416-00134693-00134971 was estimated that a worst-case scenario NrTjiZx9MvI-00417-00134972-00135286 of total dispersal of onboard plutonium NrTjiZx9MvI-00418-00135287-00135553 would spread the equivalent radiation of NrTjiZx9MvI-00419-00135554-00135865 80 percent the average annual dosage in NrTjiZx9MvI-00420-00135866-00136111 North America from background radiation NrTjiZx9MvI-00421-00136112-00136480 over an area with a radius of 105 NrTjiZx9MvI-00422-00136481-00137218 kilometers 65 miles NrTjiZx9MvI-00423-00137219-00137896 topic flight computer the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00424-00137897-00138211 carries two computer systems the command NrTjiZx9MvI-00425-00138212-00138436 and data handling system and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00426-00138437-00138793 guidance and control processor each of NrTjiZx9MvI-00427-00138794-00139030 the two systems is duplicated for NrTjiZx9MvI-00428-00139031-00139353 redundancy for a total of four computers NrTjiZx9MvI-00429-00139354-00139654 the processor used for its flight NrTjiZx9MvI-00430-00139655-00139954 computers is the Mongoose V a 12 NrTjiZx9MvI-00431-00139955-00140242 megahertz radiation hardened version of NrTjiZx9MvI-00432-00140243-00140674 the MIPS our 3,000 CPU multiple NrTjiZx9MvI-00433-00140675-00140956 redundant clocks and timing routines are NrTjiZx9MvI-00434-00140957-00141235 implemented in hardware and software to NrTjiZx9MvI-00435-00141236-00141574 help prevent faults and downtime to NrTjiZx9MvI-00436-00141575-00141859 conserve heat and mass spacecraft and NrTjiZx9MvI-00437-00141860-00142072 instrument electronics are housed NrTjiZx9MvI-00438-00142073-00142432 together in I EMS integrated electronics NrTjiZx9MvI-00439-00142433-00142881 modules there are two redundant IEMs NrTjiZx9MvI-00440-00142882-00143122 including other functions such as NrTjiZx9MvI-00441-00143123-00143395 instrument and radio electronics NrTjiZx9MvI-00442-00143396-00143803 each IEM contains nine boards the NrTjiZx9MvI-00443-00143804-00144093 software of the probe runs on nucleus NrTjiZx9MvI-00444-00144094-00144406 RTOS operating system there have been NrTjiZx9MvI-00445-00144407-00144736 two safing events that sent the NrTjiZx9MvI-00446-00144737-00145215 spacecraft into safe mode on March 19 NrTjiZx9MvI-00447-00145216-00145500 2007 the command and data handling NrTjiZx9MvI-00448-00145501-00145774 computer experienced an uncorrectable NrTjiZx9MvI-00449-00145775-00146104 memory error and rebooted itself causing NrTjiZx9MvI-00450-00146105-00146470 the spacecraft to go into safe mode the NrTjiZx9MvI-00451-00146471-00146728 craft fully recovered within two days NrTjiZx9MvI-00452-00146729-00146971 with some data loss on Jupiter's NrTjiZx9MvI-00453-00146972-00147084 magnetic al NrTjiZx9MvI-00454-00147085-00147436 no impact on the subsequent mission was NrTjiZx9MvI-00455-00147437-00147599 expected NrTjiZx9MvI-00456-00147600-00148076 on July 4th 2015 there was a CPU safing NrTjiZx9MvI-00457-00148077-00148322 event caused by / assignment of NrTjiZx9MvI-00458-00148323-00148568 commanded science operations on the NrTjiZx9MvI-00459-00148569-00148828 crafts approach to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00460-00148829-00149093 fortunately the craft was able to NrTjiZx9MvI-00461-00149094-00149339 recover within 2 days without major NrTjiZx9MvI-00462-00149340-00149977 impacts on its mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00463-00149978-00150313 topic telecommunications and data NrTjiZx9MvI-00464-00150314-00150874 handling communication with the NrTjiZx9MvI-00465-00150875-00151225 spacecraft is via x-band the craft had a NrTjiZx9MvI-00466-00151226-00151531 communication rate of 38 kilobits per NrTjiZx9MvI-00467-00151532-00151840 second at Jupiter at Pluto's distance a NrTjiZx9MvI-00468-00151841-00152086 rate of approximately 1 kilobit per NrTjiZx9MvI-00469-00152087-00152394 second per transmitter was expected NrTjiZx9MvI-00470-00152395-00152695 besides the low data rate Pluto's NrTjiZx9MvI-00471-00152696-00153021 distance also causes a latency of about NrTjiZx9MvI-00472-00153022-00153631 4.5 hours one way the 70 meters 230 feet NrTjiZx9MvI-00473-00153632-00154012 NASA deep space network DSN dishes are NrTjiZx9MvI-00474-00154013-00154282 used to relay commands once it is beyond NrTjiZx9MvI-00475-00154283-00154711 Jupiter the spacecraft uses dual modular NrTjiZx9MvI-00476-00154712-00154909 redundancy transmitters and receivers NrTjiZx9MvI-00477-00154910-00155247 and either right or left-hand circular NrTjiZx9MvI-00478-00155248-00155599 polarization the downlink signal is NrTjiZx9MvI-00479-00155600-00155881 amplified by dual redundant 12 watt NrTjiZx9MvI-00480-00155882-00156286 traveling wave tube amplifiers TW tas NrTjiZx9MvI-00481-00156287-00156652 mounted on the body under the dish the NrTjiZx9MvI-00482-00156653-00157009 receivers are new low-power designs the NrTjiZx9MvI-00483-00157010-00157266 system can be controlled to power both NrTjiZx9MvI-00484-00157267-00157642 TW TAS at the same time and transmit a NrTjiZx9MvI-00485-00157643-00157933 dual polarized downlink signal to the NrTjiZx9MvI-00486-00157934-00158203 DSN that nearly doubles the downlink NrTjiZx9MvI-00487-00158204-00158632 rate DSN tests early in the mission with NrTjiZx9MvI-00488-00158633-00158869 this dual polarization combining NrTjiZx9MvI-00489-00158870-00159079 technique were successful and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00490-00159080-00159376 capability is now considered operational NrTjiZx9MvI-00491-00159377-00159661 when the spacecraft power budget permits NrTjiZx9MvI-00492-00159662-00160177 both TW TAS to be powered in addition to NrTjiZx9MvI-00493-00160178-00160399 the high gain antenna there are two NrTjiZx9MvI-00494-00160400-00160681 backup low-gain antennas and a medium NrTjiZx9MvI-00495-00160682-00161002 gain dish the high gain dish has a NrTjiZx9MvI-00496-00161003-00161296 Cassegrain reflector layout composite NrTjiZx9MvI-00497-00161297-00161560 construction of 2 point 1 meter NrTjiZx9MvI-00498-00161561-00161986 7 feet diameter providing over 42 DB i NrTjiZx9MvI-00499-00161987-00162274 of gain and a half power beam width of NrTjiZx9MvI-00500-00162275-00162634 about a degree the prime focus medium NrTjiZx9MvI-00501-00162635-00163041 gain antenna with a 0.3 meter one foot NrTjiZx9MvI-00502-00163042-00163336 aperture and 10 degrees half power beam NrTjiZx9MvI-00503-00163337-00163576 width is mounted to the back of the high NrTjiZx9MvI-00504-00163577-00163941 gain antennas secondary reflector the NrTjiZx9MvI-00505-00163942-00164212 forward low gain antenna is stacked atop NrTjiZx9MvI-00506-00164213-00164572 the feet of the medium gain antenna the NrTjiZx9MvI-00507-00164573-00164848 aft low gain antenna is mounted within NrTjiZx9MvI-00508-00164849-00165046 the launch adapter at the rear of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00509-00165047-00165415 spacecraft this antenna was used only NrTjiZx9MvI-00510-00165416-00165718 for early mission phases near Earth just NrTjiZx9MvI-00511-00165719-00165991 after launch and for emergencies if the NrTjiZx9MvI-00512-00165992-00166372 spacecraft had lost attitude control NrTjiZx9MvI-00513-00166373-00166677 New Horizons recorded scientific NrTjiZx9MvI-00514-00166678-00166918 instrument data to its solid-state NrTjiZx9MvI-00515-00166919-00167170 memory buffer at each encounter then NrTjiZx9MvI-00516-00167171-00167487 transmitted the data to earth data NrTjiZx9MvI-00517-00167488-00167750 storage is done on to low-power NrTjiZx9MvI-00518-00167751-00168085 solid-state recorders one primary one NrTjiZx9MvI-00519-00168086-00168423 backup holding up to 8 gigabytes each NrTjiZx9MvI-00520-00168424-00168702 because of the extreme distance from NrTjiZx9MvI-00521-00168703-00168951 Pluto and the Kuiper belt only one NrTjiZx9MvI-00522-00168952-00169195 buffer load at those encounters can be NrTjiZx9MvI-00523-00169196-00169575 saved this is because New Horizons would NrTjiZx9MvI-00524-00169576-00169902 require approximately 16 months after NrTjiZx9MvI-00525-00169903-00170103 leaving the vicinity of Pluto to NrTjiZx9MvI-00526-00170104-00170362 transmit the buffer load back to earth NrTjiZx9MvI-00527-00170363-00170761 at Pluto's distance radio signals from NrTjiZx9MvI-00528-00170762-00171043 the space probe back to earth took 4 NrTjiZx9MvI-00529-00171044-00171460 hours and 25 minutes to traverse 4.7 NrTjiZx9MvI-00530-00171461-00171736 billion kilometres of space part of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00531-00171737-00171927 reason for the delay between the NrTjiZx9MvI-00532-00171928-00172186 gathering of and transmission of data is NrTjiZx9MvI-00533-00172187-00172388 that all of the New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00534-00172389-00172759 instrumentation is body mounted in order NrTjiZx9MvI-00535-00172760-00173011 for the cameras to record data the NrTjiZx9MvI-00536-00173012-00173248 entire probe must turn and the NrTjiZx9MvI-00537-00173249-00173451 one-degree wide beam of the high-gain NrTjiZx9MvI-00538-00173452-00173789 antenna was not pointing toward Earth NrTjiZx9MvI-00539-00173790-00174121 previous spacecraft such as the Voyager NrTjiZx9MvI-00540-00174122-00174377 program probes had a rotatable NrTjiZx9MvI-00541-00174378-00174725 instrumentation platform a scan platform NrTjiZx9MvI-00542-00174726-00174978 that could take measurements from NrTjiZx9MvI-00543-00174979-00175275 virtually any angle without losing radio NrTjiZx9MvI-00544-00175276-00175561 contact with earth New Horizons was NrTjiZx9MvI-00545-00175562-00175807 mechanically simplified to save weight NrTjiZx9MvI-00546-00175808-00176025 shorten the schedule and improve NrTjiZx9MvI-00547-00176026-00176394 reliability during its 15-year lifetime NrTjiZx9MvI-00548-00176395-00176778 the Voyager 2 scan platform jammed at NrTjiZx9MvI-00549-00176779-00177012 Saturn and the demands of long time NrTjiZx9MvI-00550-00177013-00177268 exposures at outer planets led to a NrTjiZx9MvI-00551-00177269-00177511 change of plans such that the entire NrTjiZx9MvI-00552-00177512-00177777 probe was rotated to make photos at NrTjiZx9MvI-00553-00177778-00178062 Uranus and Neptune similar to how New NrTjiZx9MvI-00554-00178063-00178731 Horizons rotated NrTjiZx9MvI-00555-00178732-00179328 topic science payload NrTjiZx9MvI-00556-00179329-00179625 New Horizons carries seven instruments NrTjiZx9MvI-00557-00179626-00179943 three optical instruments two plasma NrTjiZx9MvI-00558-00179944-00180207 instruments a dust sensor and a radio NrTjiZx9MvI-00559-00180208-00180561 science receiver radiometer the NrTjiZx9MvI-00560-00180562-00180741 instruments are to be used to NrTjiZx9MvI-00561-00180742-00181044 investigate the global geology surface NrTjiZx9MvI-00562-00181045-00181286 composition surface temperature NrTjiZx9MvI-00563-00181287-00181536 atmospheric pressure atmospheric NrTjiZx9MvI-00564-00181537-00181821 temperature and escape rate of Pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-00565-00181822-00182223 its moons the rated power as 21 watts NrTjiZx9MvI-00566-00182224-00182466 though not all instruments operate NrTjiZx9MvI-00567-00182467-00182832 simultaneously in addition New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00568-00182833-00183183 has an ultra stable oscillator subsystem NrTjiZx9MvI-00569-00183184-00183450 which may be used to study and test the NrTjiZx9MvI-00570-00183451-00183705 Pioneer anomaly towards the end of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00571-00183706-00184005 spacecraft's life NrTjiZx9MvI-00572-00184006-00184343 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00573-00184344-00184685 topic long-range reconnaissance imager NrTjiZx9MvI-00574-00184686-00185085 lorry NrTjiZx9MvI-00575-00185086-00185383 the long-range reconnaissance imager NrTjiZx9MvI-00576-00185384-00185710 lorry is a long focal length imager NrTjiZx9MvI-00577-00185711-00185926 designed for high resolution and NrTjiZx9MvI-00578-00185927-00186304 responsivity at visible wavelengths the NrTjiZx9MvI-00579-00186305-00186634 instrument is equipped with a 1024 x NrTjiZx9MvI-00580-00186635-00186978 1024 pixel by 12 bits per pixel NrTjiZx9MvI-00581-00186979-00187318 monochromatic CCD imager giving a NrTjiZx9MvI-00582-00187319-00187639 resolution of five new rad approximately NrTjiZx9MvI-00583-00187640-00188068 one arc SEC the CCD is chilled far below NrTjiZx9MvI-00584-00188069-00188359 freezing by a passive radiator on the NrTjiZx9MvI-00585-00188360-00188710 anti-solar face of the spacecraft this NrTjiZx9MvI-00586-00188711-00188937 temperature differential requires NrTjiZx9MvI-00587-00188938-00189202 insulation and isolation from the rest NrTjiZx9MvI-00588-00189203-00189613 of the structure the 208 point 3 NrTjiZx9MvI-00589-00189614-00190015 millimeters 8.20 in aperture Ritchie's NrTjiZx9MvI-00590-00190016-00190264 routine mirrors and metering structure NrTjiZx9MvI-00591-00190265-00190516 are made of silicon carbide to boost NrTjiZx9MvI-00592-00190517-00190750 stiffness reduce weight and prevent NrTjiZx9MvI-00593-00190751-00191146 warping at low temperatures the optical NrTjiZx9MvI-00594-00191147-00191416 elements sit in a composite light shield NrTjiZx9MvI-00595-00191417-00191689 and mount with titanium and fiberglass NrTjiZx9MvI-00596-00191690-00192082 for thermal isolation overall mass is NrTjiZx9MvI-00597-00192083-00192442 eight point six kilograms 19 pounds with NrTjiZx9MvI-00598-00192443-00192712 the optical tube assembly Oda weighing NrTjiZx9MvI-00599-00192713-00193159 about 5.6 kilograms 12 pounds for one of NrTjiZx9MvI-00600-00193160-00193447 the largest silicon carbide telescopes NrTjiZx9MvI-00601-00193448-00193708 flown at the time now surpassed by NrTjiZx9MvI-00602-00193709-00194020 Herschel for viewing on public websites NrTjiZx9MvI-00603-00194021-00194377 the 12 bit per pixel Lorri images are NrTjiZx9MvI-00604-00194378-00194730 converted to 8-bit per pixel JPEG images NrTjiZx9MvI-00605-00194731-00195085 these public images do not contain the NrTjiZx9MvI-00606-00195086-00195288 full dynamic range of brightness NrTjiZx9MvI-00607-00195289-00195565 information available from the raw Lorri NrTjiZx9MvI-00608-00195566-00195804 images files NrTjiZx9MvI-00609-00195805-00196095 principal investigator Andy Chang NrTjiZx9MvI-00610-00196096-00196416 applied physics laboratory data Laurie NrTjiZx9MvI-00611-00196417-00196631 image search at Jubal NrTjiZx9MvI-00612-00196632-00197159 ado NrTjiZx9MvI-00613-00197160-00197975 topic solar wind around Pluto swap solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00614-00197976-00198313 wind around Pluto swap is a toroidal NrTjiZx9MvI-00615-00198314-00198584 electrostatic analyzer and retarding NrTjiZx9MvI-00616-00198585-00198974 potential analyzer RPA that makes up one NrTjiZx9MvI-00617-00198975-00199220 of the two instruments comprising New NrTjiZx9MvI-00618-00199221-00199541 Horizons plasma and high-energy particle NrTjiZx9MvI-00619-00199542-00199823 spectrometer suite Pam the other being NrTjiZx9MvI-00620-00199824-00200335 PEP SSI swap measures particles of up to NrTjiZx9MvI-00621-00200336-00200708 6.5 Kevin because of the tenuous solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00622-00200709-00201008 wind at Pluto's distance the instrument NrTjiZx9MvI-00623-00201009-00201269 is designed with the largest aperture of NrTjiZx9MvI-00624-00201270-00201656 any such instrument ever flown NrTjiZx9MvI-00625-00201657-00201978 principal investigator david McComas NrTjiZx9MvI-00626-00201979-00202625 Southwest Research Institute NrTjiZx9MvI-00627-00202626-00202964 topic Pluto energetic particle NrTjiZx9MvI-00628-00202965-00203347 spectrometers science investigation PEP NrTjiZx9MvI-00629-00203348-00203839 SSI NrTjiZx9MvI-00630-00203840-00204163 Pluto energetic particles spectrometer NrTjiZx9MvI-00631-00204164-00204532 science investigation PEP SSI is a NrTjiZx9MvI-00632-00204533-00204840 time-of-flight ion and electron sensor NrTjiZx9MvI-00633-00204841-00205073 that makes up one of the two instruments NrTjiZx9MvI-00634-00205075-00205360 comprising New Horizons plasma and NrTjiZx9MvI-00635-00205361-00205638 high-energy particle spectrometer suite NrTjiZx9MvI-00636-00205639-00206029 Pam the other being swap unlike swap NrTjiZx9MvI-00637-00206030-00206344 which measures particles of up to 6.5 NrTjiZx9MvI-00638-00206344-00206973 keV PEP SSI goes up to one MeV principal NrTjiZx9MvI-00639-00206975-00207336 investigator Ralph McNutt junior Applied NrTjiZx9MvI-00640-00207337-00207916 Physics Laboratory NrTjiZx9MvI-00641-00207917-00208380 topic Alice NrTjiZx9MvI-00642-00208381-00208669 Alice is an ultraviolet imaging NrTjiZx9MvI-00643-00208669-00208879 spectrometer that is one of two NrTjiZx9MvI-00644-00208880-00209161 photographic instruments comprising new NrTjiZx9MvI-00645-00209162-00209446 horizons Pluto exploration remote NrTjiZx9MvI-00646-00209446-00209731 sensing investigation Percy the other NrTjiZx9MvI-00647-00209732-00210165 being the Ralph telescope it resolves NrTjiZx9MvI-00648-00210166-00210463 1024 wavelength bands in the far and NrTjiZx9MvI-00649-00210464-00210846 extreme ultraviolet from 50 to 180 NrTjiZx9MvI-00650-00210848-00211273 nanometers over 30 to view fields its NrTjiZx9MvI-00651-00211273-00211546 goal is to determine the composition of NrTjiZx9MvI-00652-00211546-00211873 Pluto's atmosphere this Allis instrument NrTjiZx9MvI-00653-00211873-00212125 is derived from another Alice aboard NrTjiZx9MvI-00654-00212126-00212527 ASA's rosetta spacecraft principal NrTjiZx9MvI-00655-00212528-00212830 investigator Alan Stern Southwest NrTjiZx9MvI-00656-00212831-00213190 Research Institute in August 2018 NASA NrTjiZx9MvI-00657-00213191-00213517 confirmed based on results by Alice on NrTjiZx9MvI-00658-00213517-00213846 the new Horizons spacecraft hydrogen NrTjiZx9MvI-00659-00213848-00214111 wall at the outer edges of the solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00660-00214112-00214489 system that was first detected in 1992 NrTjiZx9MvI-00661-00214490-00215205 by the two Voyager spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00662-00215206-00215865 topic ralph telescope the ralph NrTjiZx9MvI-00663-00215866-00216252 telescope 75 millimeters in aperture is NrTjiZx9MvI-00664-00216253-00216531 one of two photographic instruments that NrTjiZx9MvI-00665-00216532-00216855 make up new horizons Pluto exploration NrTjiZx9MvI-00666-00216856-00217167 remote sensing investigation Percy with NrTjiZx9MvI-00667-00217167-00217409 the other being the Alice instrument NrTjiZx9MvI-00668-00217410-00217880 Ralph has two separate channels MV IC NrTjiZx9MvI-00669-00217881-00218171 multispectral visible imaging camera a NrTjiZx9MvI-00670-00218173-00218517 visible light CCD imager with broadband NrTjiZx9MvI-00671-00218517-00218832 and color channels and Lisa linear Adel NrTjiZx9MvI-00672-00218833-00219078 on imaging spectral array a near NrTjiZx9MvI-00673-00219079-00219465 infrared imaging spectrometer lisa has NrTjiZx9MvI-00674-00219466-00219714 derived from a similar instrument on the NrTjiZx9MvI-00675-00219715-00220113 Earth observing one spacecraft Ralph was NrTjiZx9MvI-00676-00220114-00220353 named after Alice's husband on the NrTjiZx9MvI-00677-00220354-00220584 honeymooners and was designed after NrTjiZx9MvI-00678-00220585-00221052 Alice on June 23rd 2017 NASA announced NrTjiZx9MvI-00679-00221053-00221214 that it has renamed the leisa NrTjiZx9MvI-00680-00221215-00221478 instruments to the Lisa Hardaway NrTjiZx9MvI-00681-00221479-00221838 infrared mapping spectrometer in honor NrTjiZx9MvI-00682-00221839-00222117 of Lisa Hardaway the ralph program NrTjiZx9MvI-00683-00222117-00222396 manager at Ball Aerospace who died in NrTjiZx9MvI-00684-00222396-00222850 January 2017 at age 50 NrTjiZx9MvI-00685-00222851-00223150 principal investigator Alan Stern NrTjiZx9MvI-00686-00223151-00223803 Southwest Research Institute NrTjiZx9MvI-00687-00223804-00224133 topic Venetia Burney student dust NrTjiZx9MvI-00688-00224134-00224862 counter VBS DC the Venetia Burney NrTjiZx9MvI-00689-00224863-00225273 student dust counter VBS DC built by NrTjiZx9MvI-00690-00225273-00225534 students at the University of Colorado NrTjiZx9MvI-00691-00225535-00225821 Boulder is operating periodically to NrTjiZx9MvI-00692-00225823-00226185 make dust measurements it consists of a NrTjiZx9MvI-00693-00226186-00226584 detector panel about 460 millimeters x NrTjiZx9MvI-00694-00226585-00227058 300 millimeters 18 in x 12 in mounted on NrTjiZx9MvI-00695-00227059-00227325 the anti solar face of the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00696-00227326-00227625 the RAM direction and an electronics box NrTjiZx9MvI-00697-00227626-00227948 within the spacecraft the detector NrTjiZx9MvI-00698-00227950-00228267 contains 14 poly vinylidene difluoride NrTjiZx9MvI-00699-00228267-00228723 PVDF panels 12 science and 2 reference NrTjiZx9MvI-00700-00228723-00229048 which generate voltage when impacted NrTjiZx9MvI-00701-00229050-00229455 effective collecting area is 0.125 NrTjiZx9MvI-00702-00229456-00230021 square meters 1.35 square feet no dust NrTjiZx9MvI-00703-00230023-00230298 counter has operated past the orbit of NrTjiZx9MvI-00704-00230298-00230610 Uranus models of dust in the outer solar NrTjiZx9MvI-00705-00230611-00230889 system especially the Kuiper belt are NrTjiZx9MvI-00706-00230890-00231333 speculative the VBS DC has always turned NrTjiZx9MvI-00707-00231334-00231533 on measuring the masses of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00708-00231534-00231773 interplanetary and interstellar dust NrTjiZx9MvI-00709-00231775-00232026 particles in the range of nano and NrTjiZx9MvI-00710-00232027-00232350 picograms as they collide with the PVDF NrTjiZx9MvI-00711-00232351-00232544 panels mounted on the New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00712-00232546-00232980 spacecraft the measured data is expected NrTjiZx9MvI-00713-00232981-00233151 to greatly contribute to the NrTjiZx9MvI-00714-00233152-00233400 understanding of the dust spectra of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00715-00233401-00233757 solar system the dust spectra can then NrTjiZx9MvI-00716-00233758-00234017 be compared with those from observations NrTjiZx9MvI-00717-00234019-00234285 of other stars giving new clues as to NrTjiZx9MvI-00718-00234286-00234561 where earth-like planets can be found in NrTjiZx9MvI-00719-00234562-00234900 the universe the dust counter is named NrTjiZx9MvI-00720-00234901-00235146 for Venetia Burney who first suggested NrTjiZx9MvI-00721-00235146-00235662 the name pluto at the age of 11 a 13 NrTjiZx9MvI-00722-00235663-00235973 minute short film about the vb SDC NrTjiZx9MvI-00723-00235975-00236211 garnered an Emmy Award for student NrTjiZx9MvI-00724-00236212-00236602 achievement in 2006 NrTjiZx9MvI-00725-00236603-00236942 principal investigator Mihaly hora knee NrTjiZx9MvI-00726-00236942-00237619 University of Colorado Boulder NrTjiZx9MvI-00727-00237621-00238355 topic radio science experiment Rex NrTjiZx9MvI-00728-00238356-00238727 the radio science experiment Rex used an NrTjiZx9MvI-00729-00238728-00238930 ultra stable crystal oscillator NrTjiZx9MvI-00730-00238931-00239210 essentially a calibrated crystal in a NrTjiZx9MvI-00731-00239211-00239416 miniature oven and some additional NrTjiZx9MvI-00732-00239417-00239710 electronics to conduct radio science NrTjiZx9MvI-00733-00239711-00239978 investigations using the communications NrTjiZx9MvI-00734-00239979-00240305 channels these are small enough to fit NrTjiZx9MvI-00735-00240306-00240605 on a single card because there are two NrTjiZx9MvI-00736-00240606-00240851 redundant communications subsystems NrTjiZx9MvI-00737-00240852-00241136 there are two identical Rex circuit NrTjiZx9MvI-00738-00241137-00241344 boards NrTjiZx9MvI-00739-00241346-00241666 principal investigators Len Tyler and NrTjiZx9MvI-00740-00241667-00242379 ivan lins kit Stanford University NrTjiZx9MvI-00741-00242380-00242960 topic journey to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00742-00242961-00243305 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00743-00243306-00243792 topic launched NrTjiZx9MvI-00744-00243794-00244248 on September 24 2005 the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-00745-00244250-00244506 arrived at the Kennedy Space Center on NrTjiZx9MvI-00746-00244507-00244855 board a c-17 Globemaster 3 for launch NrTjiZx9MvI-00747-00244856-00245188 preparations the launch of New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00748-00245189-00245512 was originally scheduled for January NrTjiZx9MvI-00749-00245513-00245880 11th 2006 but was initially delayed NrTjiZx9MvI-00750-00245881-00246333 until January 17 2006 to allow for NrTjiZx9MvI-00751-00246334-00246592 borescope inspections of the Atlas V's NrTjiZx9MvI-00752-00246592-00246988 kerosene tank further delays related to NrTjiZx9MvI-00753-00246989-00247260 low cloud ceiling conditions downrange NrTjiZx9MvI-00754-00247261-00247467 and high winds and technical NrTjiZx9MvI-00755-00247469-00247777 difficulties unrelated to the rocket NrTjiZx9MvI-00756-00247778-00248065 itself prevented launch for a further NrTjiZx9MvI-00757-00248066-00248362 two days the probe finally lifted off NrTjiZx9MvI-00758-00248363-00248673 from pad 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force NrTjiZx9MvI-00759-00248673-00249028 Station Florida directly south of space NrTjiZx9MvI-00760-00249029-00249415 shuttle launch complex 39 at 1900 NrTjiZx9MvI-00761-00249416-00249804 coordinated Universal Time on January 19 NrTjiZx9MvI-00762-00249805-00250303 2006 the center second stage ignited at NrTjiZx9MvI-00763-00250304-00250659 19 hours four minutes and 43 seconds NrTjiZx9MvI-00764-00250660-00250942 coordinated Universal time and burned NrTjiZx9MvI-00765-00250942-00251394 for five minutes 25 seconds it really NrTjiZx9MvI-00766-00251396-00251823 dat 1932 coordinated Universal Time and NrTjiZx9MvI-00767-00251825-00252241 burned for nine minutes 47 seconds the NrTjiZx9MvI-00768-00252242-00252715 ATK star 48 B third stage ignited at 19 NrTjiZx9MvI-00769-00252716-00253066 hours 42 minutes and 37 seconds NrTjiZx9MvI-00770-00253067-00253344 coordinated Universal Time and burned NrTjiZx9MvI-00771-00253346-00253777 for one minute 28 seconds combined these NrTjiZx9MvI-00772-00253778-00254050 burns successfully sent the probe on a NrTjiZx9MvI-00773-00254051-00254367 solar escape trajectory at sixteen point NrTjiZx9MvI-00774-00254369-00254596 two six kilometers per second NrTjiZx9MvI-00775-00254596-00254896 fifty-eight thousand five hundred 36 NrTjiZx9MvI-00776-00254896-00255340 km/h 36 thousand three hundred seventy NrTjiZx9MvI-00777-00255341-00255519 three miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-00778-00255519-00255889 New Horizons took only nine hours to NrTjiZx9MvI-00779-00255890-00256138 pass the moon's orbit although there NrTjiZx9MvI-00780-00256139-00256387 were backup launch opportunities in NrTjiZx9MvI-00781-00256388-00256903 February 2006 and February 2007 only the NrTjiZx9MvI-00782-00256904-00257179 first 23 days of the 2000 NrTjiZx9MvI-00783-00257180-00257471 six window permitted the Jupiter flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-00784-00257473-00257803 any launch outside that period would NrTjiZx9MvI-00785-00257804-00258028 have forced the spacecraft to fly a NrTjiZx9MvI-00786-00258029-00258307 slower trajectory directly to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00787-00258308-00258589 delaying its encounter by five to six NrTjiZx9MvI-00788-00258590-00258814 years the probe was launched by a NrTjiZx9MvI-00789-00258815-00259255 Lockheed Martin Atlas V 551 rocket with NrTjiZx9MvI-00790-00259256-00259504 a third-stage added to increase the NrTjiZx9MvI-00791-00259505-00259896 heliocentric escape speed this was the NrTjiZx9MvI-00792-00259898-00260271 first launch of the Atlas V 551 NrTjiZx9MvI-00793-00260271-00260569 configuration which uses five solid NrTjiZx9MvI-00794-00260569-00260844 rocket boosters and the first Atlas V NrTjiZx9MvI-00795-00260846-00261214 with a third-stage previous flights had NrTjiZx9MvI-00796-00261215-00261559 used zero two or three solid boosters NrTjiZx9MvI-00797-00261560-00261988 but never five the vehicle AVO one Oh NrTjiZx9MvI-00798-00261989-00262444 Wade 573 thousand one hundred sixty NrTjiZx9MvI-00799-00262445-00262531 kilograms NrTjiZx9MvI-00800-00262532-00262777 1 million two hundred sixty three NrTjiZx9MvI-00801-00262778-00263062 thousand six hundred pounds at liftoff NrTjiZx9MvI-00802-00263063-00263320 and had earlier been slightly damaged NrTjiZx9MvI-00803-00263321-00263536 when Hurricane Wilma swept across NrTjiZx9MvI-00804-00263537-00264094 Florida on October 24th 2005 one of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00805-00264095-00264376 solid rocket boosters was hit by a door NrTjiZx9MvI-00806-00264377-00264622 the booster was replaced with an NrTjiZx9MvI-00807-00264623-00264892 identical unit rather than inspecting NrTjiZx9MvI-00808-00264893-00265153 Andry qualifying the original the launch NrTjiZx9MvI-00809-00265154-00265396 was dedicated to the memory of launch NrTjiZx9MvI-00810-00265397-00265657 conductor Daniel Sorokin who was NrTjiZx9MvI-00811-00265658-00265954 described by space program officials as NrTjiZx9MvI-00812-00265955-00266206 one of the most influential people in NrTjiZx9MvI-00813-00266207-00266885 the history of space travel NrTjiZx9MvI-00814-00266886-00267799 topic inner solar system NrTjiZx9MvI-00815-00267800-00268389 topic trajectory Corrections NrTjiZx9MvI-00816-00268390-00268872 On January 28 and 30 2006 mission NrTjiZx9MvI-00817-00268873-00269115 controllers guided the probe through its NrTjiZx9MvI-00818-00269116-00269445 first trajectory correction maneuver TCM NrTjiZx9MvI-00819-00269446-00269691 which was divided into two parts NrTjiZx9MvI-00820-00269692-00270206 TCM 1a and TCM 1b the total velocity NrTjiZx9MvI-00821-00270207-00270485 change of these two Corrections was NrTjiZx9MvI-00822-00270486-00270723 about 18 meters per second NrTjiZx9MvI-00823-00270724-00271190 65 km/h 40 miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-00824-00271191-00271539 TCM 1 was accurate enough to permit the NrTjiZx9MvI-00825-00271540-00271872 cancellation of TCM 2 the second of NrTjiZx9MvI-00826-00271873-00272129 three originally scheduled Corrections NrTjiZx9MvI-00827-00272130-00272646 on March 9 2006 controllers performed NrTjiZx9MvI-00828-00272647-00273021 TCM 3 the last of three scheduled course NrTjiZx9MvI-00829-00273022-00273428 corrections the engines burned for 76 NrTjiZx9MvI-00830-00273429-00273666 seconds adjusting the spacecraft's NrTjiZx9MvI-00831-00273667-00273956 velocity by about one point one six NrTjiZx9MvI-00832-00273957-00274464 meters per second 4.2 km/h two point six NrTjiZx9MvI-00833-00274465-00274606 miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-00834-00274607-00274907 further trajectory manoeuvres were not NrTjiZx9MvI-00835-00274908-00275340 needed until September 25th 2007 seven NrTjiZx9MvI-00836-00275341-00275619 months after the Jupiter flyby when the NrTjiZx9MvI-00837-00275620-00275978 engines were fired for 15 minutes and 37 NrTjiZx9MvI-00838-00275979-00276222 seconds changing the spacecraft's NrTjiZx9MvI-00839-00276223-00276522 velocity by two point three seven meters NrTjiZx9MvI-00840-00276523-00276972 per second 8.5 km/h five point three NrTjiZx9MvI-00841-00276973-00277326 miles per hour followed by another TCM NrTjiZx9MvI-00842-00277327-00277628 almost three years later on June 30th NrTjiZx9MvI-00843-00277629-00277976 2010 that lasted thirty five point six NrTjiZx9MvI-00844-00277977-00278228 seconds when New Horizons had already NrTjiZx9MvI-00845-00278229-00278526 reached the halfway point in time travel NrTjiZx9MvI-00846-00278527-00278803 to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-00847-00278804-00279121 you NrTjiZx9MvI-00848-00279122-00279475 topic in flight tests and crossing of NrTjiZx9MvI-00849-00279476-00279842 Mars orbit NrTjiZx9MvI-00850-00279843-00280263 during the week of February 20th 2006 NrTjiZx9MvI-00851-00280264-00280554 controllers conducted initial in flight NrTjiZx9MvI-00852-00280555-00280785 tests of free onboard science NrTjiZx9MvI-00853-00280786-00281040 instruments the Alice ultraviolet NrTjiZx9MvI-00854-00281041-00281436 imaging spectrometer the PP SSI plasma NrTjiZx9MvI-00855-00281437-00281730 sensor and the Laurie long-range visible NrTjiZx9MvI-00856-00281731-00282063 spectrum camera no scientific NrTjiZx9MvI-00857-00282064-00282345 measurements or images were taken but NrTjiZx9MvI-00858-00282346-00282594 instrument electronics and in the case NrTjiZx9MvI-00859-00282595-00282906 of Alice some electromechanical systems NrTjiZx9MvI-00860-00282907-00283101 were shown to be functioning correctly NrTjiZx9MvI-00861-00283102-00283572 on April 7 2006 the spacecraft passed NrTjiZx9MvI-00862-00283573-00283911 the orbit of Mars moving at roughly 21 NrTjiZx9MvI-00863-00283912-00284535 kilometers per second 76,000 km/h 47,000 NrTjiZx9MvI-00864-00284536-00284793 miles per hour away from the Sun at a NrTjiZx9MvI-00865-00284794-00285691 solar distance of 243 million kilometers NrTjiZx9MvI-00866-00285692-00286732 topic asteroid 130 2524 APL NrTjiZx9MvI-00867-00286733-00287035 because of the need to conserve fuel for NrTjiZx9MvI-00868-00287036-00287281 possible encounters with Kuiper belt NrTjiZx9MvI-00869-00287282-00287568 objects subsequent to the Pluto flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-00870-00287569-00287851 intentional encounters with objects in NrTjiZx9MvI-00871-00287852-00288150 the asteroid belt were not planned after NrTjiZx9MvI-00872-00288151-00288526 launch the new horizons team scanned the NrTjiZx9MvI-00873-00288527-00288790 spacecraft's trajectory to determine if NrTjiZx9MvI-00874-00288791-00289075 any asteroids would by chance be close NrTjiZx9MvI-00875-00289076-00289249 enough for observation NrTjiZx9MvI-00876-00289250-00289675 in May 2006 it was discovered that new NrTjiZx9MvI-00877-00289676-00289933 horizons would pass close to the tiny NrTjiZx9MvI-00878-00289934-00290814 asteroid 132,000 524 APL on June 13 2006 NrTjiZx9MvI-00879-00290815-00291150 closest approach occurred at 405 NrTjiZx9MvI-00880-00291151-00291463 coordinated Universal Time at a distance NrTjiZx9MvI-00881-00291464-00292305 of 100 1867 kilometers 63,000 297 miles NrTjiZx9MvI-00882-00292306-00292660 the asteroid was imaged by Ralph's use NrTjiZx9MvI-00883-00292661-00292909 of Laurie was not possible because of NrTjiZx9MvI-00884-00292910-00293197 proximity to the Sun which gave the team NrTjiZx9MvI-00885-00293198-00293449 a chance to test Ralph's capabilities NrTjiZx9MvI-00886-00293450-00293710 and make observations of the asteroids NrTjiZx9MvI-00887-00293711-00293965 composition as well as light and phase NrTjiZx9MvI-00888-00293966-00294363 curves the asteroid was estimated to be NrTjiZx9MvI-00889-00294364-00294946 2.5 kilometres 1.6 miles in diameter the NrTjiZx9MvI-00890-00294947-00295189 spacecraft successfully tracked the NrTjiZx9MvI-00891-00295190-00295504 rapidly moving asteroid over June 10 to NrTjiZx9MvI-00892-00295505-00296171 12 2006 NrTjiZx9MvI-00893-00296172-00296837 topic first Pluto sighting the first NrTjiZx9MvI-00894-00296838-00297137 images of Pluto from New Horizons were NrTjiZx9MvI-00895-00297138-00297629 acquired September 21 to 24 2006 during NrTjiZx9MvI-00896-00297630-00297974 a test of Lorri they were released on NrTjiZx9MvI-00897-00297975-00298487 November 28 2006 the images taken from a NrTjiZx9MvI-00898-00298488-00298802 distance of approximately 4.2 billion NrTjiZx9MvI-00899-00298803-00299221 kilometers 2.6 billion miles 28 NrTjiZx9MvI-00900-00299222-00299468 astronomical units confirmed the NrTjiZx9MvI-00901-00299469-00299729 spacecraft's ability to track distant NrTjiZx9MvI-00902-00299730-00299966 targets critical for maneuvering toward NrTjiZx9MvI-00903-00299967-00300771 Pluto and other Kuiper belt objects NrTjiZx9MvI-00904-00300772-00301323 topic Jupiter encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-00905-00301324-00301680 New Horizons used lorry to take its NrTjiZx9MvI-00906-00301681-00301905 first photographs of Jupiter on NrTjiZx9MvI-00907-00301906-00302427 September 4 2006 from a distance of 291 NrTjiZx9MvI-00908-00302428-00302852 million kilometers 181 million miles NrTjiZx9MvI-00909-00302853-00303199 more detailed exploration of the system NrTjiZx9MvI-00910-00303200-00303585 began in January 2007 with an infrared NrTjiZx9MvI-00911-00303586-00303868 image of the moon Callisto as well as NrTjiZx9MvI-00912-00303869-00304099 several black-and-white images of NrTjiZx9MvI-00913-00304100-00304242 Jupiter itself NrTjiZx9MvI-00914-00304243-00304567 New Horizons received a gravity assist NrTjiZx9MvI-00915-00304568-00304873 from Jupiter with its closest approach NrTjiZx9MvI-00916-00304874-00305245 at 5 hours 43 minutes and 40 seconds NrTjiZx9MvI-00917-00305246-00305563 coordinated Universal Time on February NrTjiZx9MvI-00918-00305564-00306013 28 2007 when it was 2.3 million NrTjiZx9MvI-00919-00306014-00306367 kilometers 1.4 million miles from NrTjiZx9MvI-00920-00306368-00306739 Jupiter the flyby increased New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00921-00306740-00307098 speed by 4 kilometers per second NrTjiZx9MvI-00922-00307099-00307479 14,000 kilometers per hour 9,000 miles NrTjiZx9MvI-00923-00307480-00307752 per hour accelerating the probe to a NrTjiZx9MvI-00924-00307753-00308157 velocity of 23 kilometers per second 83 NrTjiZx9MvI-00925-00308158-00308499 thousand kilometers per hour 51 thousand NrTjiZx9MvI-00926-00308500-00308767 miles per hour relative to the Sun and NrTjiZx9MvI-00927-00308768-00309049 shortening its voyage to Pluto by 3 NrTjiZx9MvI-00928-00309050-00309340 years the flyby was the center of a four NrTjiZx9MvI-00929-00309341-00309598 month intensive observation campaign NrTjiZx9MvI-00930-00309599-00309994 lasting from January to June being an NrTjiZx9MvI-00931-00309995-00310297 ever changing scientific target Jupiter NrTjiZx9MvI-00932-00310298-00310498 has been observed intermittently since NrTjiZx9MvI-00933-00310499-00310752 the end of the Galileo mission in NrTjiZx9MvI-00934-00310753-00311183 September 2003 knowledge about Jupiter NrTjiZx9MvI-00935-00311184-00311416 benefited from the fact that New NrTjiZx9MvI-00936-00311417-00311634 Horizons instruments were built using NrTjiZx9MvI-00937-00311635-00311949 the latest technology especially in the NrTjiZx9MvI-00938-00311950-00312199 area of cameras representing a NrTjiZx9MvI-00939-00312200-00312466 significant improvement over Galileo's NrTjiZx9MvI-00940-00312467-00312753 cameras which were modified versions of NrTjiZx9MvI-00941-00312754-00313032 Voyager cameras which in turn were NrTjiZx9MvI-00942-00313033-00313401 modified Mariner cameras the Jupiter NrTjiZx9MvI-00943-00313402-00313672 encounter also served as a shakedown and NrTjiZx9MvI-00944-00313673-00314000 dress rehearsal for the Pluto encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-00945-00314001-00314317 because Jupiter is much closer to Earth NrTjiZx9MvI-00946-00314318-00314610 than Pluto the communications link NrTjiZx9MvI-00947-00314611-00314869 transmit multiple loadings of the memory NrTjiZx9MvI-00948-00314870-00315118 buffer thus the mission returned more NrTjiZx9MvI-00949-00315119-00315388 data from the Jovian system than it was NrTjiZx9MvI-00950-00315389-00315673 expected to transmit from Pluto one of NrTjiZx9MvI-00951-00315674-00315876 the main goals during the Jupiter NrTjiZx9MvI-00952-00315877-00316152 encounter was observing its atmospheric NrTjiZx9MvI-00953-00316153-00316383 conditions and analyzing the structure NrTjiZx9MvI-00954-00316384-00316738 and composition of its clouds heat NrTjiZx9MvI-00955-00316739-00316977 induced lightning strikes in the polar NrTjiZx9MvI-00956-00316978-00317376 regions and waves that indicate violent NrTjiZx9MvI-00957-00317377-00317610 storm activity were observed and NrTjiZx9MvI-00958-00317611-00317923 measured the little red spot spanning up NrTjiZx9MvI-00959-00317924-00318252 to 70% of Earth's diameter was imaged NrTjiZx9MvI-00960-00318253-00318533 from up close for the first time NrTjiZx9MvI-00961-00318534-00318790 recording from different angles and NrTjiZx9MvI-00962-00318791-00318957 illumination conditions NrTjiZx9MvI-00963-00318958-00319230 New Horizons took detailed images of NrTjiZx9MvI-00964-00319231-00319533 Jupiter's faint ring system discovering NrTjiZx9MvI-00965-00319534-00319798 debris left over from recent collisions NrTjiZx9MvI-00966-00319799-00319974 within the Rings or from other NrTjiZx9MvI-00967-00319975-00320314 unexplained phenomena the search for NrTjiZx9MvI-00968-00320315-00320526 undiscovered moons within the Rings NrTjiZx9MvI-00969-00320527-00320812 showed no results traveling through NrTjiZx9MvI-00970-00320813-00321080 Jupiter's magnetosphere New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-00971-00321081-00321366 collected valuable particle readings NrTjiZx9MvI-00972-00321367-00321729 bubbles of plasma that are thought to be NrTjiZx9MvI-00973-00321730-00322005 formed from material ejected by the moon NrTjiZx9MvI-00974-00322006-00322748 Io were noticed in the magnetic tail NrTjiZx9MvI-00975-00322749-00323423 topic Jovian moons the four largest NrTjiZx9MvI-00976-00323424-00323717 moons of Jupiter were in poor positions NrTjiZx9MvI-00977-00323718-00324008 for observation the necessary path of NrTjiZx9MvI-00978-00324009-00324245 the gravity assist maneuver meant that NrTjiZx9MvI-00979-00324246-00324482 new horizons passed millions of NrTjiZx9MvI-00980-00324483-00324719 kilometers from any of the Galilean NrTjiZx9MvI-00981-00324720-00325052 moons still its instruments were NrTjiZx9MvI-00982-00325053-00325349 intended for small dim targets so they NrTjiZx9MvI-00983-00325350-00325598 were scientifically useful on large NrTjiZx9MvI-00984-00325599-00325970 distant moons emphasis was put on NrTjiZx9MvI-00985-00325971-00326255 Jupiter's innermost Galilean moon Io NrTjiZx9MvI-00986-00326256-00326597 whose active volcanoes shoot out tons of NrTjiZx9MvI-00987-00326598-00326831 material into Jupiter's magnetosphere NrTjiZx9MvI-00988-00326832-00327251 and further out of 11 observed eruptions NrTjiZx9MvI-00989-00327252-00327614 three were seen for the first time that NrTjiZx9MvI-00990-00327615-00327950 of T V Ashtar reached an altitude of up NrTjiZx9MvI-00991-00327951-00328493 to 330 kilometres 210 miles the event NrTjiZx9MvI-00992-00328494-00328772 gave scientists an unprecedented look NrTjiZx9MvI-00993-00328773-00328991 into the structure and motion of the NrTjiZx9MvI-00994-00328992-00329234 rising plume and its subsequent fall NrTjiZx9MvI-00995-00329235-00329615 back to the surface infrared signatures NrTjiZx9MvI-00996-00329616-00329956 of a further 36 volcanoes were noticed NrTjiZx9MvI-00997-00329957-00330245 Callisto's surface was analyzed with NrTjiZx9MvI-00998-00330246-00330518 Lisa revealing how lighting and viewing NrTjiZx9MvI-00999-00330519-00330782 conditions affect infrared spectrum NrTjiZx9MvI-01000-00330783-00331139 readings of its surface water ice minor NrTjiZx9MvI-01001-00331140-00331436 moons such as Amalthea had their orbits NrTjiZx9MvI-01002-00331437-00331772 solutions refined the cameras determined NrTjiZx9MvI-01003-00331773-00332036 their positions acting as reverse NrTjiZx9MvI-01004-00332037-00332680 optical navigation NrTjiZx9MvI-01005-00332681-00333282 topic outer solar system NrTjiZx9MvI-01006-00333283-00333633 after passing Jupiter New Horizons spent NrTjiZx9MvI-01007-00333634-00333891 most of its journey towards Pluto in NrTjiZx9MvI-01008-00333892-00334182 hibernation mode redundant components as NrTjiZx9MvI-01009-00334183-00334440 well as guidance and control systems NrTjiZx9MvI-01010-00334441-00334725 were shut down to extend their lifecycle NrTjiZx9MvI-01011-00334726-00335004 decrease operation costs and free the NrTjiZx9MvI-01012-00335005-00335270 Deep Space Network for other missions NrTjiZx9MvI-01013-00335271-00335586 during hibernation mode the on-board NrTjiZx9MvI-01014-00335587-00335847 computer monitored the probes systems NrTjiZx9MvI-01015-00335848-00336090 and transmitted a signal back to earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01016-00336091-00336426 a green code if everything was NrTjiZx9MvI-01017-00336427-00336795 functioning as expected or a red code if NrTjiZx9MvI-01018-00336796-00337017 mission controls assistance was needed NrTjiZx9MvI-01019-00337018-00337353 the probe was activated for about two NrTjiZx9MvI-01020-00337354-00337581 months a year so that the instruments NrTjiZx9MvI-01021-00337582-00337788 could be calibrated and the systems NrTjiZx9MvI-01022-00337789-00338175 checked the first hibernation mode cycle NrTjiZx9MvI-01023-00338176-00338529 started On June 28 2007 NrTjiZx9MvI-01024-00338530-00338864 the second cycle began on December 16 NrTjiZx9MvI-01025-00338865-00339363 2008 the third cycle on August 27 2009 NrTjiZx9MvI-01026-00339364-00339774 and the fourth cycle on august 29 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-01027-00339775-00339999 after a 10-week test NrTjiZx9MvI-01028-00340000-00340275 New Horizons crossed the orbit of Saturn NrTjiZx9MvI-01029-00340276-00340719 on June 8 2008 and Uranus on March 18 NrTjiZx9MvI-01030-00340720-00341139 2011 after astronomers announced the NrTjiZx9MvI-01031-00341140-00341424 discovery of two new moons in the Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01032-00341425-00341709 system Kerberos and Styx mission NrTjiZx9MvI-01033-00341710-00341922 planners started contemplating the NrTjiZx9MvI-01034-00341923-00342162 possibility of the probe running into NrTjiZx9MvI-01035-00342163-00342438 unseen debris and dust left over from NrTjiZx9MvI-01036-00342439-00342716 ancient collisions between the moons a NrTjiZx9MvI-01037-00342717-00343068 study based on 18 months of computer NrTjiZx9MvI-01038-00343069-00343326 simulations earth-based telescope NrTjiZx9MvI-01039-00343327-00343581 observations and occultation zuv the NrTjiZx9MvI-01040-00343582-00343788 Pluto system revealed that the NrTjiZx9MvI-01041-00343789-00344055 possibility of a catastrophic collision NrTjiZx9MvI-01042-00344056-00344409 with debris or dust was less than 0.3 NrTjiZx9MvI-01043-00344410-00344714 percent on the probe scheduled course if NrTjiZx9MvI-01044-00344715-00345084 the hazard increased new horizons could NrTjiZx9MvI-01045-00345085-00345279 have used one of two possible NrTjiZx9MvI-01046-00345280-00345681 contingency plans the so-called SH B OTS NrTjiZx9MvI-01047-00345682-00345972 safe haven by other trajectories the NrTjiZx9MvI-01048-00345973-00346182 probe could have continued on its NrTjiZx9MvI-01049-00346183-00346410 present trajectory with the antennae NrTjiZx9MvI-01050-00346411-00346698 facing the incoming particles so the NrTjiZx9MvI-01051-00346699-00346953 more vital systems would be protected or NrTjiZx9MvI-01052-00346954-00347214 it could have positioned its antenna to NrTjiZx9MvI-01053-00347215-00347435 make a course correction that would take NrTjiZx9MvI-01054-00347436-00347709 it just 3,000 kilometers from the NrTjiZx9MvI-01055-00347710-00347960 surface of Pluto where it was expected NrTjiZx9MvI-01056-00347961-00348198 that the atmospheric drag would have NrTjiZx9MvI-01057-00348199-00348399 cleaned the surrounding space of NrTjiZx9MvI-01058-00348400-00348657 possible debris while in hibernation NrTjiZx9MvI-01059-00348658-00349026 mode in July 2012 New Horizons started NrTjiZx9MvI-01060-00349027-00349370 gathering scientific data with swap PEP NrTjiZx9MvI-01061-00349371-00349842 SSI and VB SDC although it was NrTjiZx9MvI-01062-00349843-00350109 originally planned to activate just the NrTjiZx9MvI-01063-00350110-00350472 VB SDC other instruments were powered on NrTjiZx9MvI-01064-00350473-00350724 the initiative of principal investigator NrTjiZx9MvI-01065-00350725-00350997 Alan Stern who decided they could use NrTjiZx9MvI-01066-00350998-00351242 the opportunity to collect valuable NrTjiZx9MvI-01067-00351243-00351633 Heliospheric data before activating the NrTjiZx9MvI-01068-00351634-00351903 other two instruments ground tests were NrTjiZx9MvI-01069-00351904-00352149 conducted to make sure that the expanded NrTjiZx9MvI-01070-00352150-00352374 data gathering in this phase of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01071-00352375-00352610 mission would not limit available energy NrTjiZx9MvI-01072-00352611-00352917 memory and fuel in the future and that NrTjiZx9MvI-01073-00352918-00353142 all systems are functioning during the NrTjiZx9MvI-01074-00353143-00353481 flyby the first set of data was NrTjiZx9MvI-01075-00353482-00353829 transmitted in January 2013 during a NrTjiZx9MvI-01076-00353830-00354113 three week activation from hibernation NrTjiZx9MvI-01077-00354114-00354465 the command and data handling software NrTjiZx9MvI-01078-00354466-00354714 was updated to address the problem of NrTjiZx9MvI-01079-00354715-00355317 computer resets NrTjiZx9MvI-01080-00355318-00356002 topic possible neptune trojan targets NrTjiZx9MvI-01081-00356003-00356266 other possible targets were Neptune NrTjiZx9MvI-01082-00356267-00356608 Trojans the probes trajectory to Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01083-00356609-00356872 past near Neptune's trailing Lagrange NrTjiZx9MvI-01084-00356873-00357292 point l5 which may host hundreds of NrTjiZx9MvI-01085-00357293-00357625 bodies in one to one resonance in late NrTjiZx9MvI-01086-00357626-00358081 2013 New Horizons passed within 1.2 NrTjiZx9MvI-01087-00358082-00358375 astronomical units 180 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01088-00358376-00358756 kilometers 110 million miles of the high NrTjiZx9MvI-01089-00358757-00359208 inclination l5 neptune trojan 2011 HM NrTjiZx9MvI-01090-00359209-00359584 102 which was identified shortly before NrTjiZx9MvI-01091-00359585-00359917 by the New Horizons kbo search survey NrTjiZx9MvI-01092-00359918-00360160 team while searching for more distant NrTjiZx9MvI-01093-00360161-00360487 objects for New Horizons to flyby after NrTjiZx9MvI-01094-00360488-00360945 it's 2015 Pluto encounter at that range NrTjiZx9MvI-01095-00360946-00361330 2011 HM 102 would have been bright NrTjiZx9MvI-01096-00361331-00361564 enough to be detectable by New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01097-00361565-00361852 Lorri instrument however the new NrTjiZx9MvI-01098-00361853-00362152 horizons team eventually decided that NrTjiZx9MvI-01099-00362153-00362572 they would not target 2011 HM 102 for NrTjiZx9MvI-01100-00362573-00362818 observations because the preparations NrTjiZx9MvI-01101-00362819-00363557 for the Pluto approach took precedence NrTjiZx9MvI-01102-00363558-00364000 topic observations of Pluto and Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01103-00364001-00364442 2013-14 NrTjiZx9MvI-01104-00364443-00364913 images from July 1st to 3 2013 by Lori NrTjiZx9MvI-01105-00364914-00365165 were the first by the probe to resolve NrTjiZx9MvI-01106-00365166-00365491 Pluto and Charon as separate objects on NrTjiZx9MvI-01107-00365492-00365798 July 14 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-01108-00365799-00366044 mission controllers performed a sixth NrTjiZx9MvI-01109-00366045-00366389 trajectory correction maneuver TCM since NrTjiZx9MvI-01110-00366390-00366647 its launch to enable the craft to reach NrTjiZx9MvI-01111-00366648-00367229 Pluto between July 19 to 24 2014 New NrTjiZx9MvI-01112-00367230-00367541 Horizons lori snapped 12 images of NrTjiZx9MvI-01113-00367542-00367826 Charon revolving around Pluto covering NrTjiZx9MvI-01114-00367827-00368111 almost one full rotation at distances NrTjiZx9MvI-01115-00368112-00368600 ranging from about 429 to 422 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01116-00368601-00369140 kilometers 267 million to 262 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01117-00369141-00369608 miles in August 2014 astronomers made NrTjiZx9MvI-01118-00369609-00369851 high-precision measurements of Pluto's NrTjiZx9MvI-01119-00369852-00370130 location and orbit around the Sun using NrTjiZx9MvI-01120-00370131-00370247 the Atacama Large NrTjiZx9MvI-01121-00370248-00370604 millimeter/submillimeter Array Alma to NrTjiZx9MvI-01122-00370605-00370867 help NASA's new Horizons spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01123-00370868-00371270 accurately home in on Pluto on December NrTjiZx9MvI-01124-00371271-00371621 6th 2014 mission controllers sent a NrTjiZx9MvI-01125-00371622-00372002 signal for the craft to wake up from its NrTjiZx9MvI-01126-00372003-00372269 final Pluto approach hibernation and NrTjiZx9MvI-01127-00372270-00372599 begin regular operations the crafts NrTjiZx9MvI-01128-00372600-00372965 response that it was awake arrived to NrTjiZx9MvI-01129-00372966-00373330 earth on December 7th 2014 at 2:30 NrTjiZx9MvI-01130-00373331-00374037 coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-01131-00374038-00374607 topic Pluto approach NrTjiZx9MvI-01132-00374608-00374919 distant encounter operations at Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01133-00374920-00375363 began on January 4th 2015 at this date NrTjiZx9MvI-01134-00375364-00375576 images of the targets with the onboard NrTjiZx9MvI-01135-00375577-00375879 Lorri imager plus the Ralph telescope NrTjiZx9MvI-01136-00375880-00376226 would only be a few pixels in width NrTjiZx9MvI-01137-00376227-00376518 investigators began taking Pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-01138-00376519-00376758 background star field images to assist NrTjiZx9MvI-01139-00376759-00376998 mission navigators in the design of NrTjiZx9MvI-01140-00376999-00377262 course correcting engine maneuvers that NrTjiZx9MvI-01141-00377263-00377538 would precisely modify the trajectory of NrTjiZx9MvI-01142-00377539-00377816 New Horizons to aim the approach On NrTjiZx9MvI-01143-00377817-00378330 January 15 2015 NASA gave a brief update NrTjiZx9MvI-01144-00378331-00378564 of the timeline of the approach and NrTjiZx9MvI-01145-00378565-00378906 departure phases On February 12 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01146-00378907-00379296 NASA released new images of Pluto taken NrTjiZx9MvI-01147-00379297-00379629 from January 25th to 31 from the NrTjiZx9MvI-01148-00379630-00379998 approaching probe New Horizons was more NrTjiZx9MvI-01149-00379999-00380175 than two hundred three million NrTjiZx9MvI-01150-00380176-00380559 kilometres 126 million miles away from NrTjiZx9MvI-01151-00380560-00380847 Pluto when it began taking the photos NrTjiZx9MvI-01152-00380848-00381096 which showed Pluto and its largest moon NrTjiZx9MvI-01153-00381097-00381504 Charon the exposure time was too short NrTjiZx9MvI-01154-00381505-00381774 to see Pluto's smaller much fainter NrTjiZx9MvI-01155-00381775-00382224 moons investigators compiled a series of NrTjiZx9MvI-01156-00382225-00382542 images of the moons Nix and Hydra taken NrTjiZx9MvI-01157-00382543-00382895 from January 27th through February 8th NrTjiZx9MvI-01158-00382896-00383301 2015 beginning at a range of 201 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01159-00383302-00383829 kilometers 125 million miles Pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-01160-00383830-00384093 Charon appear as a single overexposed NrTjiZx9MvI-01161-00384094-00384420 object at the center the right side NrTjiZx9MvI-01162-00384421-00384681 image has been processed to remove the NrTjiZx9MvI-01163-00384682-00384999 background star field the yet smaller NrTjiZx9MvI-01164-00385000-00385332 two moons Kerberos and Styx were seen on NrTjiZx9MvI-01165-00385333-00385764 photos taken on April 25th starting May NrTjiZx9MvI-01166-00385765-00386058 11th the hazard search was performed by NrTjiZx9MvI-01167-00386059-00386298 looking for unknown objects that could NrTjiZx9MvI-01168-00386299-00386559 be a danger to the spacecraft such as NrTjiZx9MvI-01169-00386560-00386832 rings or more moons which were possible NrTjiZx9MvI-01170-00386833-00387099 to avoid by a course change also in NrTjiZx9MvI-01171-00387100-00387327 regards to the approach phase during NrTjiZx9MvI-01172-00387328-00387813 January 2015 on August 21st 2012 the NrTjiZx9MvI-01173-00387814-00387890 team now NrTjiZx9MvI-01174-00387891-00388091 that they would spend mission time NrTjiZx9MvI-01175-00388092-00388360 attempting long-range observations of NrTjiZx9MvI-01176-00388361-00388584 the Kuiper belt object temporarily NrTjiZx9MvI-01177-00388585-00389032 designated V&H ooo for now designated NrTjiZx9MvI-01178-00389033-00389438 2011 kW 48 when the object was at a NrTjiZx9MvI-01179-00389439-00389774 distance from new horizons of 75 Giga NrTjiZx9MvI-01180-00389775-00390302 meters 0.5 0 astronomical units the NrTjiZx9MvI-01181-00390303-00390542 object would be too distant to resolve NrTjiZx9MvI-01182-00390543-00390767 surface features or take spectroscopy NrTjiZx9MvI-01183-00390768-00390979 but it would be able to make NrTjiZx9MvI-01184-00390980-00391238 observations that cannot be made from NrTjiZx9MvI-01185-00391239-00391496 Earth namely a phase curve and a search NrTjiZx9MvI-01186-00391497-00391868 for small moons a second object was NrTjiZx9MvI-01187-00391869-00392185 planned to be observed in June 2015 and NrTjiZx9MvI-01188-00392186-00392495 a third in September after the flyby the NrTjiZx9MvI-01189-00392496-00392726 team hoped to observe a dozen such NrTjiZx9MvI-01190-00392727-00392924 objects through 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-01191-00392925-00393269 on April 15 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01192-00393270-00393539 Pluto was imaged showing a possible NrTjiZx9MvI-01193-00393540-00394098 polar cap NrTjiZx9MvI-01194-00394099-00394634 topic software glitch NrTjiZx9MvI-01195-00394635-00395035 on July 4th 2015 New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01196-00395036-00395339 experienced a software anomaly and went NrTjiZx9MvI-01197-00395340-00395618 into safe mode preventing the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01198-00395619-00395903 from performing scientific observations NrTjiZx9MvI-01199-00395904-00396131 until engineers could resolve the NrTjiZx9MvI-01200-00396132-00396536 problem on July 5th NASA announced that NrTjiZx9MvI-01201-00396537-00396737 the problem was determined to be a NrTjiZx9MvI-01202-00396738-00397025 timing flaw in a command sequence used NrTjiZx9MvI-01203-00397026-00397280 to prepare the spacecraft for its flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-01204-00397281-00397502 and the spacecraft would resume NrTjiZx9MvI-01205-00397503-00397870 scheduled science operations on July 7th NrTjiZx9MvI-01206-00397871-00398225 the science observations lost because of NrTjiZx9MvI-01207-00398226-00398447 the anomaly were judged to have no NrTjiZx9MvI-01208-00398448-00398708 impact on the missions main objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01209-00398709-00398966 and minimal impact on other objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01210-00398967-00399257 the timing flaw consisted of performing NrTjiZx9MvI-01211-00399258-00399623 two tasks simultaneously compressing NrTjiZx9MvI-01212-00399624-00399884 previously acquired data to release NrTjiZx9MvI-01213-00399885-00400169 space for more data and making a second NrTjiZx9MvI-01214-00400170-00400412 copy of the approach command sequence NrTjiZx9MvI-01215-00400413-00400664 that together overloaded the NrTjiZx9MvI-01216-00400665-00401042 spacecraft's primary computer after the NrTjiZx9MvI-01217-00401043-00401303 overload was detected the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01218-00401304-00401567 performed as designed it switched from NrTjiZx9MvI-01219-00401568-00401804 the primary computer to the backup NrTjiZx9MvI-01220-00401805-00402080 computer entered safe mode and sent a NrTjiZx9MvI-01221-00402081-00402428 distress call back to earth the distress NrTjiZx9MvI-01222-00402429-00402692 call was received the afternoon of July NrTjiZx9MvI-01223-00402693-00402971 4th which alerted engineers that they NrTjiZx9MvI-01224-00402972-00403238 needed to contact the spacecraft to get NrTjiZx9MvI-01225-00403239-00403516 more information and resolve the issue NrTjiZx9MvI-01226-00403517-00403823 the resolution was that the problem NrTjiZx9MvI-01227-00403824-00404081 happened as part of preparations for the NrTjiZx9MvI-01228-00404082-00404342 approach and was not expected to happen NrTjiZx9MvI-01229-00404343-00404594 again because no similar tasks were NrTjiZx9MvI-01230-00404595-00404768 planned for the remainder of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01231-00404769-00405365 encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-01232-00405366-00406015 topic Pluto system encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-01233-00406016-00406261 the closest approach of the New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01234-00406262-00406659 spacecraft to Pluto occurred at 11:49 NrTjiZx9MvI-01235-00406660-00407011 coordinated Universal Time on July 14 NrTjiZx9MvI-01236-00407012-00407371 2015 at a range of twelve thousand four NrTjiZx9MvI-01237-00407372-00407638 hundred seventy two kilometers seven NrTjiZx9MvI-01238-00407639-00407896 thousand seven hundred fifty miles from NrTjiZx9MvI-01239-00407897-00408163 the surface and thirteen thousand six NrTjiZx9MvI-01240-00408164-00408373 hundred fifty eight kilometers eight NrTjiZx9MvI-01241-00408374-00408625 thousand four hundred eighty seven miles NrTjiZx9MvI-01242-00408626-00408999 from the center of Pluto telemetry data NrTjiZx9MvI-01243-00409000-00409285 confirming a successful flyby and a NrTjiZx9MvI-01244-00409286-00409525 healthy spacecraft were received on NrTjiZx9MvI-01245-00409526-00409743 earth from the vicinity of the Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01246-00409745-00410053 system on July 15 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01247-00410054-00410460 zero hours 52 minutes and 37 seconds NrTjiZx9MvI-01248-00410462-00410800 coordinated Universal Time after 22 NrTjiZx9MvI-01249-00410801-00411043 hours of planned radio silence NrTjiZx9MvI-01250-00411043-00411277 due to the spacecraft being pointed NrTjiZx9MvI-01251-00411278-00411637 toward the Pluto system mission managers NrTjiZx9MvI-01252-00411638-00411964 estimated a one in 10,000 chance that NrTjiZx9MvI-01253-00411964-00412174 debris could have destroyed it during NrTjiZx9MvI-01254-00412175-00412420 the flyby preventing it from sending NrTjiZx9MvI-01255-00412421-00412762 data to earth the first details of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01256-00412763-00413038 encounter were received the next day but NrTjiZx9MvI-01257-00413039-00413254 the download of the complete data set NrTjiZx9MvI-01258-00413255-00413514 through the two kilobits per second data NrTjiZx9MvI-01259-00413516-00413821 downlink took just over 15 months an NrTjiZx9MvI-01260-00413822-00414262 analysis of the data will take longer NrTjiZx9MvI-01261-00414263-00414600 you NrTjiZx9MvI-01262-00414601-00414955 topic objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01263-00414956-00415112 you NrTjiZx9MvI-01264-00415113-00415370 the mission science objectives are NrTjiZx9MvI-01265-00415371-00415682 grouped in three distinct priorities the NrTjiZx9MvI-01266-00415683-00416051 primary objectives were required the NrTjiZx9MvI-01267-00416052-00416414 secondary objectives were expected to be NrTjiZx9MvI-01268-00416415-00416743 met but were not demanded the tertiary NrTjiZx9MvI-01269-00416744-00417101 objectives were desired these objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01270-00417102-00417330 could have been skipped in favor of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01271-00417331-00417674 above objectives an objective to measure NrTjiZx9MvI-01272-00417675-00417978 any magnetic field of Pluto was dropped NrTjiZx9MvI-01273-00417979-00418287 a magnetometer instrument could not be NrTjiZx9MvI-01274-00418288-00418512 implemented within a reasonable mass NrTjiZx9MvI-01275-00418513-00418914 budget and schedule and swap and PPSS I NrTjiZx9MvI-01276-00418914-00419201 could do an indirect job detecting some NrTjiZx9MvI-01277-00419202-00419612 magnetic field around Pluto primary NrTjiZx9MvI-01278-00419613-00420012 objectives required characterize the NrTjiZx9MvI-01279-00420013-00420324 global geology and morphology of pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01280-00420325-00420520 and charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01281-00420521-00420814 map chemical compositions of pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-01282-00420816-00421245 charon surfaces characterize the neutral NrTjiZx9MvI-01283-00421246-00421562 non-ionized atmosphere of Pluto and its NrTjiZx9MvI-01284-00421563-00421928 escape rate secondary objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01285-00421929-00422287 expected characterize the time NrTjiZx9MvI-01286-00422288-00422552 variability of Pluto's surface and NrTjiZx9MvI-01287-00422553-00422933 atmosphere image select Pluto and Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01288-00422934-00423235 areas in stereo NrTjiZx9MvI-01289-00423236-00423541 map the terminators day/night border of NrTjiZx9MvI-01290-00423542-00423925 pluto and charon with high resolution NrTjiZx9MvI-01291-00423926-00424222 map the chemical compositions of select NrTjiZx9MvI-01292-00424222-00424462 pluto and charon areas with high NrTjiZx9MvI-01293-00424463-00424831 resolution characterize Pluto's NrTjiZx9MvI-01294-00424832-00425064 ionosphere upper layer of the atmosphere NrTjiZx9MvI-01295-00425066-00425445 and its interaction with the solar wind NrTjiZx9MvI-01296-00425446-00425760 search for neutral species such as NrTjiZx9MvI-01297-00425762-00426124 molecular hydrogen hydrocarbons hydrogen NrTjiZx9MvI-01298-00426125-00426352 cyanide and other night rolls in the NrTjiZx9MvI-01299-00426353-00426697 atmosphere search for any Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01300-00426697-00426885 atmosphere NrTjiZx9MvI-01301-00426886-00427185 determine Bolla metric bond albedo's for NrTjiZx9MvI-01302-00427186-00427525 pluto and charon map surface NrTjiZx9MvI-01303-00427526-00427889 temperatures of pluto and charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01304-00427889-00428150 map any additional surfaces of outermost NrTjiZx9MvI-01305-00428151-00428635 moons Nix Hydra Kerberos and Styx NrTjiZx9MvI-01306-00428635-00429010 tertiary objectives desired NrTjiZx9MvI-01307-00429012-00429272 characterize the energetic particle NrTjiZx9MvI-01308-00429273-00429681 environment at pluto and charon refine NrTjiZx9MvI-01309-00429682-00430038 both parameters radii masses and orbits NrTjiZx9MvI-01310-00430039-00430389 of pluto and charon search for NrTjiZx9MvI-01311-00430389-00430653 additional moons and any rings the new NrTjiZx9MvI-01312-00430654-00430970 Horizons flyby of the Pluto system was NrTjiZx9MvI-01313-00430971-00431216 fully successful meeting and in many NrTjiZx9MvI-01314-00431217-00431535 cases exceeding the Pluto objectives set NrTjiZx9MvI-01315-00431535-00431739 out for it by NASA and the National NrTjiZx9MvI-01316-00431739-00432444 Academy of Sciences NrTjiZx9MvI-01317-00432445-00433006 topic flyby details NrTjiZx9MvI-01318-00433007-00433328 New Horizons passed within twelve NrTjiZx9MvI-01319-00433329-00433742 thousand five hundred kilometers 7800 NrTjiZx9MvI-01320-00433743-00434054 miles of Pluto with his closest approach NrTjiZx9MvI-01321-00434055-00434549 on July 14th 2015 at 11:50 coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-01322-00434550-00434897 Universal Time New Horizons had a NrTjiZx9MvI-01323-00434897-00435158 relative velocity of thirteen point NrTjiZx9MvI-01324-00435159-00435449 seven eight kilometers per second forty NrTjiZx9MvI-01325-00435450-00435725 nine thousand six hundred kilometers per NrTjiZx9MvI-01326-00435726-00436016 hour 30 thousand eight hundred miles per NrTjiZx9MvI-01327-00436017-00436304 hour at its closest approach and came as NrTjiZx9MvI-01328-00436305-00436541 close as 28 thousand eight hundred NrTjiZx9MvI-01329-00436542-00436808 kilometers seventeen thousand nine NrTjiZx9MvI-01330-00436809-00437047 hundred miles to Karen NrTjiZx9MvI-01331-00437047-00437366 starting three point two days before the NrTjiZx9MvI-01332-00437367-00437633 closest approach long range imaging NrTjiZx9MvI-01333-00437634-00437878 included the mapping of Pluto and Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01334-00437879-00438401 240 kilometers 25 miles resolution this NrTjiZx9MvI-01335-00438402-00438692 is half the rotation period of the Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01336-00438693-00438959 Charon system and allowed imaging of all NrTjiZx9MvI-01337-00438960-00439364 sides of both bodies close range imaging NrTjiZx9MvI-01338-00439364-00439637 was repeated twice per day in order to NrTjiZx9MvI-01339-00439638-00439885 search for surface changes caused by NrTjiZx9MvI-01340-00439887-00440147 localized snowfall or surface NrTjiZx9MvI-01341-00440147-00440543 cryovolcanism because of Pluto's tilt a NrTjiZx9MvI-01342-00440543-00440792 portion of the northern hemisphere would NrTjiZx9MvI-01343-00440793-00441146 be in shadow at all times during the NrTjiZx9MvI-01344-00441147-00441455 flyby engineers expected Lorri to be NrTjiZx9MvI-01345-00441456-00441707 able to obtain select images with NrTjiZx9MvI-01346-00441708-00441997 resolution as high as 50 meters per NrTjiZx9MvI-01347-00441999-00442304 pixel 160 feet px NrTjiZx9MvI-01348-00442305-00442684 if closest distance were around 12,500 NrTjiZx9MvI-01349-00442685-00443051 kilometres an MV IC was expected to NrTjiZx9MvI-01350-00443052-00443377 obtain for color global dayside maps at NrTjiZx9MvI-01351-00443378-00443876 1.6 kilometers one-mile resolution lori NrTjiZx9MvI-01352-00443877-00444206 and MV IC attempted to overlap their NrTjiZx9MvI-01353-00444207-00444512 respective coverage areas to form stereo NrTjiZx9MvI-01354-00444513-00444854 pairs lace obtained hyperspectral NrTjiZx9MvI-01355-00444855-00445285 near-infrared maps at 7 kilometers PX NrTjiZx9MvI-01356-00445285-00445817 4.3 miles px globally and 0.6 kilometers NrTjiZx9MvI-01357-00445818-00446297 px 0.37 miles PX 4 so NrTjiZx9MvI-01358-00446297-00446651 elected areas meanwhile Alice NrTjiZx9MvI-01359-00446652-00446914 characterized the atmosphere both by NrTjiZx9MvI-01360-00446916-00447130 emissions of atmospheric molecules NrTjiZx9MvI-01361-00447131-00447413 airglow and by dimming of background NrTjiZx9MvI-01362-00447414-00447643 stars as they pass behind Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01363-00447645-00448039 occultation during and after closest NrTjiZx9MvI-01364-00448041-00448433 approach swap and PPSS I sampled the NrTjiZx9MvI-01365-00448434-00448672 high atmosphere and its effects on the NrTjiZx9MvI-01366-00448673-00449120 solar wind VB SDC searched for dust NrTjiZx9MvI-01367-00449121-00449410 inferring meteoroid collision rates and NrTjiZx9MvI-01368-00449412-00449834 any invisible rings Rex performed active NrTjiZx9MvI-01369-00449835-00450100 and passive radio science the NrTjiZx9MvI-01370-00450101-00450356 communications dish on earth measured NrTjiZx9MvI-01371-00450357-00450587 the disappearance and reappearance of NrTjiZx9MvI-01372-00450588-00450839 the radio occultation signal as the NrTjiZx9MvI-01373-00450839-00451235 probe flew by behind Pluto the results NrTjiZx9MvI-01374-00451235-00451502 resolved Pluto's diameter by their NrTjiZx9MvI-01375-00451503-00451757 timing an atmospheric density and NrTjiZx9MvI-01376-00451758-00451979 Composition by their weakening and NrTjiZx9MvI-01377-00451980-00452342 strengthening pattern Alice can perform NrTjiZx9MvI-01378-00452343-00452635 similar occultation x' using sunlight NrTjiZx9MvI-01379-00452637-00452906 instead of radio beacons previous NrTjiZx9MvI-01380-00452907-00453172 missions had the spacecraft transmitted NrTjiZx9MvI-01381-00453173-00453499 through the atmosphere to earth downlink NrTjiZx9MvI-01382-00453500-00453827 Pluto's mass and mass distribution were NrTjiZx9MvI-01383-00453828-00454106 evaluated by the gravitational tug on NrTjiZx9MvI-01384-00454107-00454466 the spacecraft as the spacecraft speeds NrTjiZx9MvI-01385-00454467-00454754 up and slows down the radio signal NrTjiZx9MvI-01386-00454755-00455093 exhibited a Doppler shift the Doppler NrTjiZx9MvI-01387-00455093-00455347 shift was measured by comparison with NrTjiZx9MvI-01388-00455348-00455567 the ultra-stable oscillator in the NrTjiZx9MvI-01389-00455568-00455963 communications electronics reflected NrTjiZx9MvI-01390-00455964-00456172 sunlight from Charon allowed some NrTjiZx9MvI-01391-00456173-00456439 imaging observations of the night side NrTjiZx9MvI-01392-00456439-00456668 backlighting by the Sun gave an NrTjiZx9MvI-01393-00456668-00456920 opportunity to highlight any rings or NrTjiZx9MvI-01394-00456921-00457285 atmospheric Hayes's Rex performed NrTjiZx9MvI-01395-00457287-00457942 radiometry of the night side NrTjiZx9MvI-01396-00457943-00458546 topic satellite observations NrTjiZx9MvI-01397-00458547-00458949 New Horizons best spatial resolution of NrTjiZx9MvI-01398-00458950-00459306 the small satellites is 330 meters per NrTjiZx9MvI-01399-00459307-00459852 pixel 1080 feet px at Nick's 780 meters NrTjiZx9MvI-01400-00459853-00460380 px 2560 feet px at Hydra and NrTjiZx9MvI-01401-00460381-00460797 approximately 1.8 kilometers the X one NrTjiZx9MvI-01402-00460797-00461246 point one miles px at Kerberos and Styx NrTjiZx9MvI-01403-00461247-00461493 estimates for the dimensions of these NrTjiZx9MvI-01404-00461493-00461799 bodies are Nix at forty nine point eight NrTjiZx9MvI-01405-00461800-00462237 times thirty three point two times 31.1 NrTjiZx9MvI-01406-00462238-00464553 km/h 1 x 30.9 km/h sat in times nine NrTjiZx9MvI-01407-00464554-00464864 kilometers eleven point eight times six NrTjiZx9MvI-01408-00464866-00465204 point two times five point six miles and NrTjiZx9MvI-01409-00465205-00465534 sticks at sixteen times nine times eight NrTjiZx9MvI-01410-00465535-00465839 kilometers nine point nine times five NrTjiZx9MvI-01411-00465841-00466235 point six times 5.0 miles initial NrTjiZx9MvI-01412-00466237-00466470 predictions envisioned Kerberos as a NrTjiZx9MvI-01413-00466471-00466722 relatively large and massive object NrTjiZx9MvI-01414-00466722-00466977 whose dark surface led to it having a NrTjiZx9MvI-01415-00466978-00467322 faint reflection this proved to be wrong NrTjiZx9MvI-01416-00467322-00467625 as images obtained by new horizons on NrTjiZx9MvI-01417-00467626-00467913 July 14th and sent back to earth in NrTjiZx9MvI-01418-00467914-00468237 October 2015 revealed that Kerr Burris NrTjiZx9MvI-01419-00468238-00468609 was smaller in size 19 kilometers 12 NrTjiZx9MvI-01420-00468610-00468891 miles across with a highly reflective NrTjiZx9MvI-01421-00468892-00469116 surface suggesting the presence of NrTjiZx9MvI-01422-00469117-00469416 relatively clean water ice similarly to NrTjiZx9MvI-01423-00469417-00470183 the rest of Pluto's smaller moons NrTjiZx9MvI-01424-00470184-00470963 topic post Pluto events soon after the NrTjiZx9MvI-01425-00470964-00471284 Pluto flyby in July 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01426-00471285-00471497 New Horizons reported that the NrTjiZx9MvI-01427-00471497-00471760 spacecraft was healthy its flight path NrTjiZx9MvI-01428-00471762-00472031 was within the margins and science data NrTjiZx9MvI-01429-00472032-00472280 of the Pluto Charon system had been NrTjiZx9MvI-01430-00472281-00472646 recorded the spacecraft's immediate task NrTjiZx9MvI-01431-00472647-00472964 was to begin returning the 6.25 NrTjiZx9MvI-01432-00472964-00473321 gigabytes of information collected the NrTjiZx9MvI-01433-00473322-00473610 free space path loss at its distance of NrTjiZx9MvI-01434-00473612-00474013 4.5 light hours 3 billion kilometres is NrTjiZx9MvI-01435-00474014-00474371 approximately 300 3 decibels at 7 NrTjiZx9MvI-01436-00474372-00474722 gigahertz using the high gain antenna NrTjiZx9MvI-01437-00474722-00474974 and transmitting at full power the NrTjiZx9MvI-01438-00474975-00475460 signal from a IRP is +8 3 DBM and at NrTjiZx9MvI-01439-00475460-00475688 this distance the signal reaching earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01440-00475689-00476213 is minus 220 DBM the received signal NrTjiZx9MvI-01441-00476214-00476375 level RSL NrTjiZx9MvI-01442-00476376-00476645 using one on arrayed deep space network NrTjiZx9MvI-01443-00476646-00477026 antenna with 72 DB I of forward gain NrTjiZx9MvI-01444-00477027-00477551 equals minus 148 DBM because of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01445-00477552-00477914 extremely low RSL it could only transmit NrTjiZx9MvI-01446-00477914-00478247 data at 1 to 2 kilobits per second by NrTjiZx9MvI-01447-00478247-00478643 March 30th 2016 New Horizons had reached NrTjiZx9MvI-01448-00478643-00478889 the halfway point of transmitting this NrTjiZx9MvI-01449-00478889-00479216 data the transfer was completed on NrTjiZx9MvI-01450-00479217-00479762 October 25th 2016 at 21 48 coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-01451-00479763-00480010 Universal Time when the last piece of NrTjiZx9MvI-01452-00480012-00480383 data part of a Pluto Charon observation NrTjiZx9MvI-01453-00480384-00480731 sequence by the Ralph blaze' imager was NrTjiZx9MvI-01454-00480732-00481028 received by the Johns Hopkins University NrTjiZx9MvI-01455-00481029-00481313 Applied Physics Laboratory at a distance NrTjiZx9MvI-01456-00481314-00481796 of 43 astronomical units 6.4 3 billion NrTjiZx9MvI-01457-00481797-00482228 kilometres 4.00 billion miles from the NrTjiZx9MvI-01458-00482229-00482654 Sun and 0.4 astronomical units 60 NrTjiZx9MvI-01459-00482655-00482999 million kilometres 37 million miles from NrTjiZx9MvI-01460-00483000-00483364 Ultima Thule as of November 2018 New NrTjiZx9MvI-01461-00483366-00483530 Horizons is heading in NrTjiZx9MvI-01462-00483531-00483660 the direction of the constellation NrTjiZx9MvI-01463-00483662-00484226 Sagittarius at 14.10 km/s NrTjiZx9MvI-01464-00484227-00484502 eight point seven six miles per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01465-00484503-00484817 two point nine seven astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01466-00484818-00485164 of relative to the Sun the brightness of NrTjiZx9MvI-01467-00485166-00485435 the Sun from the spacecraft is magnitude NrTjiZx9MvI-01468-00485435-00486168 minus eighteen point five NrTjiZx9MvI-01469-00486168-00486760 topic mission extension NrTjiZx9MvI-01470-00486762-00487052 the New Horizons team requested and NrTjiZx9MvI-01471-00487053-00487306 received a mission extension through NrTjiZx9MvI-01472-00487307-00487646 2021 to explore additional Kuiper belt NrTjiZx9MvI-01473-00487647-00488075 objects KBO's funding was secured on NrTjiZx9MvI-01474-00488076-00488300 July 1st 2016 NrTjiZx9MvI-01475-00488301-00488603 during this Kuiper belt extended mission NrTjiZx9MvI-01476-00488604-00488903 CEM the spacecraft has performed a close NrTjiZx9MvI-01477-00488904-00489167 flyby of Ultima Thule and will conduct NrTjiZx9MvI-01478-00489168-00489407 more distant observations on an NrTjiZx9MvI-01479-00489408-00489617 additional two dozen objects and NrTjiZx9MvI-01480-00489618-00490447 possibly make a flyby of another KBO NrTjiZx9MvI-01481-00490447-00491407 topic Kuiper belt object mission NrTjiZx9MvI-01482-00491408-00491954 topic target background NrTjiZx9MvI-01483-00491955-00492221 mission planners searched for one or NrTjiZx9MvI-01484-00492222-00492472 more additional Kuiper belt objects NrTjiZx9MvI-01485-00492474-00492818 KBO's of the order of 50 to 100 NrTjiZx9MvI-01486-00492818-00493238 kilometers 31 to 62 miles in diameter as NrTjiZx9MvI-01487-00493239-00493478 targets for flybys similar to the NrTjiZx9MvI-01488-00493479-00493850 spacecrafts Plutonian encounter however NrTjiZx9MvI-01489-00493851-00494183 despite the large population of KBO's NrTjiZx9MvI-01490-00494184-00494420 many factors limited the number of NrTjiZx9MvI-01491-00494421-00494780 possible targets because the flight path NrTjiZx9MvI-01492-00494781-00495050 was determined by the Pluto flyby and NrTjiZx9MvI-01493-00495051-00495356 the probe only had 33 kilograms of NrTjiZx9MvI-01494-00495357-00495593 hydrazine propellant remaining the NrTjiZx9MvI-01495-00495593-00495833 object to be visited needed to be within NrTjiZx9MvI-01496-00495834-00496058 a cone of less than a degrees with NrTjiZx9MvI-01497-00496059-00496400 extending from Pluto the target also NrTjiZx9MvI-01498-00496401-00496735 needed to be within 55 astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01499-00496737-00497068 units because beyond 55 astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01500-00497070-00497318 units the communications link will NrTjiZx9MvI-01501-00497318-00497645 become too weak and the RTG power output NrTjiZx9MvI-01502-00497646-00497872 will have decayed significantly enough NrTjiZx9MvI-01503-00497874-00498308 to hinder observations desirable KBO's NrTjiZx9MvI-01504-00498309-00498617 would be well over 50 kilometres 30 NrTjiZx9MvI-01505-00498618-00498947 miles in diameter neutral in color to NrTjiZx9MvI-01506-00498947-00499193 contrast with the reddish Pluto and if NrTjiZx9MvI-01507-00499193-00499447 possible have a moon that imparts a NrTjiZx9MvI-01508-00499449-00499969 wobble NrTjiZx9MvI-01509-00499970-00500747 topic search in 2011 mission scientists NrTjiZx9MvI-01510-00500748-00500995 started a dedicated search for suitable NrTjiZx9MvI-01511-00500996-00501434 KBO's using ground telescopes large NrTjiZx9MvI-01512-00501435-00501686 ground telescopes with wide field NrTjiZx9MvI-01513-00501687-00502010 cameras notably the twin six point five NrTjiZx9MvI-01514-00502011-00502316 meter Magellan telescopes in Chile the NrTjiZx9MvI-01515-00502317-00502610 eight point two meter Subaru Observatory NrTjiZx9MvI-01516-00502611-00502889 in Hawaii and the Canada France Hawaii NrTjiZx9MvI-01517-00502890-00503141 telescope were used to search for NrTjiZx9MvI-01518-00503142-00503522 potential targets by participating in a NrTjiZx9MvI-01519-00503523-00503771 citizen science project called ice NrTjiZx9MvI-01520-00503772-00504006 hunters the public helped to scan NrTjiZx9MvI-01521-00504007-00504314 telescopic images for possible suitable NrTjiZx9MvI-01522-00504315-00504633 mission candidates the ground-based NrTjiZx9MvI-01523-00504634-00504875 search resulted in the discovery of NrTjiZx9MvI-01524-00504876-00505319 about 143 KBO's of potential interest NrTjiZx9MvI-01525-00505320-00505559 but none of these were close enough to NrTjiZx9MvI-01526-00505560-00505956 the flight path of New Horizons only the NrTjiZx9MvI-01527-00505957-00506202 Hubble Space Telescope was deemed likely NrTjiZx9MvI-01528-00506203-00506508 to find a suitable target in time for a NrTjiZx9MvI-01529-00506509-00507056 successful KBO mission On June 16 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-01530-00507057-00507412 time on Hubble was granted for a search NrTjiZx9MvI-01531-00507413-00507719 Hubble has a much greater ability to NrTjiZx9MvI-01532-00507720-00507975 find suitable KBO's than ground NrTjiZx9MvI-01533-00507976-00508358 telescopes the probability that a target NrTjiZx9MvI-01534-00508359-00508619 for New Horizons would be found was NrTjiZx9MvI-01535-00508620-00509443 estimated beforehand at about 95 percent NrTjiZx9MvI-01536-00509443-00510053 topic suitable KBO's NrTjiZx9MvI-01537-00510054-00510482 on October 15 2014 it was revealed that NrTjiZx9MvI-01538-00510483-00510716 Hubble's search had uncovered three NrTjiZx9MvI-01539-00510717-00511025 potential targets temporarily designated NrTjiZx9MvI-01540-00511026-00511664 pt.1 potential target 1 PT 2 and PT 3 by NrTjiZx9MvI-01541-00511664-00512042 the new horizons team all are objects NrTjiZx9MvI-01542-00512043-00512384 with estimated diameters in the 30 to 55 NrTjiZx9MvI-01543-00512385-00512768 kilometers 19 to 30 4 miles range and NrTjiZx9MvI-01544-00512768-00512993 were too small to be seen by ground NrTjiZx9MvI-01545-00512993-00513359 telescopes each were at distances from NrTjiZx9MvI-01546-00513360-00513697 the Sun of ranging from 43 to 44 NrTjiZx9MvI-01547-00513697-00513938 astronomical units which would put the NrTjiZx9MvI-01548-00513939-00514433 encounters in the 2018 2019 period the NrTjiZx9MvI-01549-00514434-00514652 initial estimated probabilities that NrTjiZx9MvI-01550-00514653-00514922 these objects were reachable within New NrTjiZx9MvI-01551-00514922-00515297 Horizons fuel budget are 100 percent 7 NrTjiZx9MvI-01552-00515297-00515714 percent and 97 percent respectively all NrTjiZx9MvI-01553-00515714-00516095 are members of the cold low inclination NrTjiZx9MvI-01554-00516096-00516422 low eccentricity classical Kuiper belt NrTjiZx9MvI-01555-00516422-00516668 and thus are very different from Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01556-00516668-00517141 PT 1 given the temporary designation 1 1 NrTjiZx9MvI-01557-00517142-00517735 101 1 3 y on the HST website the most NrTjiZx9MvI-01558-00517737-00517982 favorably situated object has a NrTjiZx9MvI-01559-00517983-00518405 magnitude of 26 point 8 is 32 45 NrTjiZx9MvI-01560-00518406-00518756 kilometers 19 to 28 miles in diameter NrTjiZx9MvI-01561-00518757-00519172 and was encountered in January 2019 a NrTjiZx9MvI-01562-00519172-00519460 course changed to reach it required NrTjiZx9MvI-01563-00519462-00519842 about 35% of new horizons available NrTjiZx9MvI-01564-00519843-00520135 trajectory adjustment fuel supply a NrTjiZx9MvI-01565-00520135-00520463 mission to PT 3 was in some ways NrTjiZx9MvI-01566-00520464-00520679 preferable in that it is brighter and NrTjiZx9MvI-01567-00520680-00521039 therefore probably larger than PT 1 but NrTjiZx9MvI-01568-00521039-00521270 the greater fuel requirements to reach NrTjiZx9MvI-01569-00521271-00521495 it would have left less for maneuvering NrTjiZx9MvI-01570-00521496-00521810 and unforeseen events once sufficient NrTjiZx9MvI-01571-00521810-00522110 orbital information was provided the NrTjiZx9MvI-01572-00522110-00522356 Minor Planet Center gave provisional NrTjiZx9MvI-01573-00522357-00522697 designations to the three target KBO's NrTjiZx9MvI-01574-00522697-00523435 2014 mu 69 PT 1 2014 os 390 NrTjiZx9MvI-01575-00523436-00524068 pt2 and 2014 pn7 t PT 3 by the fall of NrTjiZx9MvI-01576-00524069-00524662 2014 a possible fourth target 2014 MT 69 NrTjiZx9MvI-01577-00524663-00524896 had been eliminated by follow-up NrTjiZx9MvI-01578-00524897-00525304 observations PT 2 was out of the running NrTjiZx9MvI-01579-00525305-00525679 before the Pluto flyby the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01580-00525680-00526025 will also study almost 20 KBO's from NrTjiZx9MvI-01581-00526026-00526539 afar NrTjiZx9MvI-01582-00526540-00527101 topic KBO selection NrTjiZx9MvI-01583-00527102-00527917 on August 28 2015 4 8 6 9 5 8 201 for MU NrTjiZx9MvI-01584-00527918-00528384 69 PT 1 was chosen as the fly by target NrTjiZx9MvI-01585-00528385-00528703 the necessary course adjustment was NrTjiZx9MvI-01586-00528704-00529006 performed with 4 engine firings between NrTjiZx9MvI-01587-00529007-00529531 October 22nd and November 4th 2015 the NrTjiZx9MvI-01588-00529532-00529978 flyby occurred on January 1st 2019 at 0 NrTjiZx9MvI-01589-00529979-00530789 33 coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-01590-00530790-00531611 topic observations of other KBO's aside NrTjiZx9MvI-01591-00531612-00531884 from its flyby of four eight six nine NrTjiZx9MvI-01592-00531885-00532430 five eight 201 for MU 69 the extended NrTjiZx9MvI-01593-00532431-00532706 mission for New Horizons calls for the NrTjiZx9MvI-01594-00532707-00532970 spacecraft to conduct observations of NrTjiZx9MvI-01595-00532971-00533234 and look for ring systems around between NrTjiZx9MvI-01596-00533235-00533813 25 and 35 different KBO's in addition it NrTjiZx9MvI-01597-00533814-00534104 will continue to study the gas dust and NrTjiZx9MvI-01598-00534105-00534338 plasma composition of the Kuiper belt NrTjiZx9MvI-01599-00534339-00534608 before the mission extension ends in NrTjiZx9MvI-01600-00534609-00534977 2021 on November 2nd 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01601-00534978-00535517 New Horizons imaged KBO 15800 tenor on NrTjiZx9MvI-01602-00535518-00535805 with the Lorri instrument from 280 NrTjiZx9MvI-01603-00535806-00536159 million kilometers away 170 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01604-00536160-00536603 miles 1.9 astronomical units showing the NrTjiZx9MvI-01605-00536604-00536801 shape of the object and one or two NrTjiZx9MvI-01606-00536802-00537254 details this KBO was again imaged by the NrTjiZx9MvI-01607-00537255-00537635 Lorri instrument on April 7th 8th 2016 NrTjiZx9MvI-01608-00537636-00537956 from a distance of 111 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01609-00537957-00538465 kilometers 69 million miles 0.74 NrTjiZx9MvI-01610-00538466-00538826 astronomical units the new images NrTjiZx9MvI-01611-00538827-00539039 allowed the science team to further NrTjiZx9MvI-01612-00539040-00539528 refine the location of 15800 10 iran to NrTjiZx9MvI-01613-00539529-00539963 within 1,000 kilometres 620 miles and to NrTjiZx9MvI-01614-00539964-00540242 determine its rotational period of five NrTjiZx9MvI-01615-00540243-00540617 point four seven hours in July 2016 NrTjiZx9MvI-01616-00540618-00540908 the Lorri camera captured some distant NrTjiZx9MvI-01617-00540909-00541211 images of power from 2.1 billion NrTjiZx9MvI-01618-00541212-00541666 kilometres away 1.3 billion miles 14 NrTjiZx9MvI-01619-00541667-00541967 astronomical units the oblique view will NrTjiZx9MvI-01620-00541968-00542228 complement earth-based observations to NrTjiZx9MvI-01621-00542229-00542435 study the objects light scattering NrTjiZx9MvI-01622-00542436-00542843 properties on December 5th 2017 when New NrTjiZx9MvI-01623-00542844-00543191 Horizons was 40 point 9 astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01624-00543192-00543473 units from Earth a calibration image of NrTjiZx9MvI-01625-00543474-00543710 the Wishing Well cluster marked the most NrTjiZx9MvI-01626-00543711-00543989 distant image from Earth ever taken by a NrTjiZx9MvI-01627-00543990-00544142 spacecraft break NrTjiZx9MvI-01628-00544143-00544487 the 27-year record set by voyager ones NrTjiZx9MvI-01629-00544488-00544895 famous pale blue dot two hours later NrTjiZx9MvI-01630-00544896-00545180 New Horizons surpassed its own record NrTjiZx9MvI-01631-00545181-00545570 imaging the Kuiper belt objects 2012 Hz NrTjiZx9MvI-01632-00545571-00546164 84 and 2012 80 85 from a distance of 0.5 NrTjiZx9MvI-01633-00546165-00546596 0 and 0.3 for astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01634-00546597-00546929 respectively these are the closest NrTjiZx9MvI-01635-00546930-00547208 images taken of a Kuiper belt object NrTjiZx9MvI-01636-00547209-00547511 besides Pluto and Ultima Thule as of NrTjiZx9MvI-01637-00547512-00548218 February 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-01638-00548219-00548599 topic encounter with four eight six nine NrTjiZx9MvI-01639-00548600-00549818 five eight 201 for MU 69 NrTjiZx9MvI-01640-00549819-00550352 topic objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01641-00550353-00550679 science objectives of the flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-01642-00550680-00550914 characterizing the geology and NrTjiZx9MvI-01643-00550915-00551342 morphology of 2014 mu 69 nicknamed NrTjiZx9MvI-01644-00551343-00551670 ultima thule and mapping the surface NrTjiZx9MvI-01645-00551671-00551949 composition by searching for ammonia NrTjiZx9MvI-01646-00551950-00552341 carbon monoxide methane and water ice NrTjiZx9MvI-01647-00552342-00552630 searches will be conducted for orbiting NrTjiZx9MvI-01648-00552631-00552945 moonlets okoma rings and the surrounding NrTjiZx9MvI-01649-00552946-00553263 environment additional objectives NrTjiZx9MvI-01650-00553264-00553452 include NrTjiZx9MvI-01651-00553453-00553743 mapping the surface geology to learn how NrTjiZx9MvI-01652-00553744-00554100 it formed and evolved measuring the NrTjiZx9MvI-01653-00554101-00554481 surface temperature mapping the 3d NrTjiZx9MvI-01654-00554482-00554706 surface topography and surface NrTjiZx9MvI-01655-00554707-00554970 composition to learn how it is similar NrTjiZx9MvI-01656-00554971-00555245 to and different from comments such as NrTjiZx9MvI-01657-00555246-00555618 67p churyumov-gerasimenko and dwarf NrTjiZx9MvI-01658-00555619-00556029 planets such as Pluto searching for any NrTjiZx9MvI-01659-00556030-00556320 signs of activity such as a cloud like NrTjiZx9MvI-01660-00556321-00556719 coma searching for and studying any NrTjiZx9MvI-01661-00556720-00557106 satellites or rings measuring or NrTjiZx9MvI-01662-00557107-00557662 constraining the mass NrTjiZx9MvI-01663-00557663-00558572 topic targeting maneuvers 2014 mu 69 as NrTjiZx9MvI-01664-00558573-00558812 the first object to be targeted for a NrTjiZx9MvI-01665-00558813-00559060 flyby that was discovered after the NrTjiZx9MvI-01666-00559061-00559445 spacecraft was launched New Horizons is NrTjiZx9MvI-01667-00559446-00559906 planned to come within 3,500 kilometers NrTjiZx9MvI-01668-00559907-00560426 2,200 miles of 2014 mu 69 three times NrTjiZx9MvI-01669-00560427-00560675 closer than the spacecraft's earlier NrTjiZx9MvI-01670-00560676-00561020 encounter with Pluto images with a NrTjiZx9MvI-01671-00561021-00561368 resolution of up to 30 meters 98 feet NrTjiZx9MvI-01672-00561369-00561643 per pixel are expected the new mission NrTjiZx9MvI-01673-00561644-00562060 began on October 22nd 2015 when New NrTjiZx9MvI-01674-00562061-00562318 Horizons carried out the first in a NrTjiZx9MvI-01675-00562319-00562550 series of four initial targeting NrTjiZx9MvI-01676-00562551-00562789 maneuvers designed to send it toward NrTjiZx9MvI-01677-00562790-00563335 2014 mu 69 the maneuver which started at NrTjiZx9MvI-01678-00563336-00563729 approximately 1950 coordinated Universal NrTjiZx9MvI-01679-00563730-00563987 Time and used two of the spacecraft's NrTjiZx9MvI-01680-00563988-00564299 small hydrazine fueled thrusters lasted NrTjiZx9MvI-01681-00564300-00564605 approximately 16 minutes and changed the NrTjiZx9MvI-01682-00564606-00564868 spacecraft's trajectory by about 10 NrTjiZx9MvI-01683-00564869-00565205 meters per second 33 feet per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01684-00565206-00565535 the remaining three targeting maneuvers NrTjiZx9MvI-01685-00565536-00565934 took place on October 25th October 28th NrTjiZx9MvI-01686-00565935-00566704 and November 4th 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01687-00566705-00567225 topic approach phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01688-00567226-00567489 the craft was brought out of its NrTjiZx9MvI-01689-00567490-00567845 hibernation at approximately 0:33 NrTjiZx9MvI-01690-00567846-00568248 coordinated Universal Time SCT on June NrTjiZx9MvI-01691-00568249-00568722 5th 2018 6:12 coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-01692-00568723-00569070 ERT earth received time in order to NrTjiZx9MvI-01693-00569071-00569370 prepare for the approach phase after NrTjiZx9MvI-01694-00569371-00569635 verifying its health status the NrTjiZx9MvI-01695-00569636-00569881 spacecraft transitioned from a spin NrTjiZx9MvI-01696-00569882-00570219 stabilized mode to a 3-axis stabilized NrTjiZx9MvI-01697-00570220-00570702 mode on August 13th 2018 the official NrTjiZx9MvI-01698-00570703-00571104 approach phase began on August 16th 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-01699-00571105-00571523 and continued through December 24th 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-01700-00571524-00571831 the first distant images from New NrTjiZx9MvI-01701-00571832-00572104 Horizons were acquired starting in early NrTjiZx9MvI-01702-00572105-00572354 September 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-01703-00572355-00572731 New Horizons made its first detection of NrTjiZx9MvI-01704-00572732-00573300 2014 mu 69 on August 16th 2018 from a NrTjiZx9MvI-01705-00573301-00573762 distance of 107 million miles 172 NrTjiZx9MvI-01706-00573763-00574269 million kilometers at that time 2014 mu NrTjiZx9MvI-01707-00574270-00574662 69 was visible at magnitude 20 against a NrTjiZx9MvI-01708-00574663-00574879 crowded stellar background in the NrTjiZx9MvI-01709-00574880-00575058 direction of the constellation NrTjiZx9MvI-01710-00575059-00575674 Sagittarius NrTjiZx9MvI-01711-00575675-00576406 topic core phase the core phase began a NrTjiZx9MvI-01712-00576407-00576685 week before the encounter and continued NrTjiZx9MvI-01713-00576686-00577036 for two days after the encounter the NrTjiZx9MvI-01714-00577037-00577336 spacecraft flew by the object at a speed NrTjiZx9MvI-01715-00577337-00577948 of 50 1,500 km/h 32,000 miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-01716-00577949-00578230 fourteen point three kilometers per NrTjiZx9MvI-01717-00578231-00578773 second and within 3,500 kilometers 2,200 NrTjiZx9MvI-01718-00578774-00579136 miles the majority of the science data NrTjiZx9MvI-01719-00579137-00579430 was collected within 48 hours of the NrTjiZx9MvI-01720-00579431-00579685 closest approach in a phase called the NrTjiZx9MvI-01721-00579686-00580018 inner core closest approach occurred NrTjiZx9MvI-01722-00580019-00580525 January 1st 2019 at 533 coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-01723-00580526-00580861 Universal Time s CET at which point it NrTjiZx9MvI-01724-00580862-00581158 was forty three point four astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01725-00581159-00581506 units from the Sun at this distance the NrTjiZx9MvI-01726-00581507-00581803 one-way transit time for radio signals NrTjiZx9MvI-01727-00581804-00582088 between Earth and New Horizons was six NrTjiZx9MvI-01728-00582089-00582457 hours confirmation that the craft had NrTjiZx9MvI-01729-00582458-00582673 succeeded in filling its digital NrTjiZx9MvI-01730-00582674-00582934 recorders with data only arrived on NrTjiZx9MvI-01731-00582935-00583231 earth 10 hours later at fifteen twenty NrTjiZx9MvI-01732-00583232-00583979 nine coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-01733-00583980-00584518 topic data download NrTjiZx9MvI-01734-00584519-00584777 after the encounter preliminary NrTjiZx9MvI-01735-00584778-00585070 high-priority data was sent to earth on NrTjiZx9MvI-01736-00585071-00585626 January 1st and to 2019 on January 9th NrTjiZx9MvI-01737-00585627-00585856 New Horizons returned to a NrTjiZx9MvI-01738-00585857-00586127 spin-stabilized mode to prepare to send NrTjiZx9MvI-01739-00586128-00586378 the remainder of its data back to earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01740-00586379-00586727 this download is expected to take 20 NrTjiZx9MvI-01741-00586728-00586966 months at a data rate of one to two NrTjiZx9MvI-01742-00586967-00587275 kilobits per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01743-00587276-00587640 you NrTjiZx9MvI-01744-00587641-00588574 topic post-2014 mu 69 encounter events NrTjiZx9MvI-01745-00588575-00588955 after the spacecraft's passage by 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-01746-00588956-00589336 mu 69 the instrument continues to have NrTjiZx9MvI-01747-00589337-00589624 sufficient power to be operational until NrTjiZx9MvI-01748-00589625-00590086 the 2030s team leader Allen Stern stated NrTjiZx9MvI-01749-00590087-00590353 the potential for a third flyby in the NrTjiZx9MvI-01750-00590354-00590629 2020s at the outer edges of the Kuiper NrTjiZx9MvI-01751-00590630-00590989 belt this depends on a suitable Kuiper NrTjiZx9MvI-01752-00590990-00591238 belt object still to be found or NrTjiZx9MvI-01753-00591239-00591427 confirmed close enough to the NrTjiZx9MvI-01754-00591428-00591763 spacecraft's current trajectory in NrTjiZx9MvI-01755-00591764-00592111 addition New Horizons may take a picture NrTjiZx9MvI-01756-00592112-00592330 of Earth from its distance in the Kuiper NrTjiZx9MvI-01757-00592331-00592588 belt but only after completing all NrTjiZx9MvI-01758-00592589-00592987 planned KBO flybys this is because NrTjiZx9MvI-01759-00592988-00593281 pointing a camera towards Earth risks it NrTjiZx9MvI-01760-00593282-00593987 being damaged by sunlight NrTjiZx9MvI-01761-00593988-00594505 topic speed NrTjiZx9MvI-01762-00594506-00594877 New Horizons has been called the fastest NrTjiZx9MvI-01763-00594878-00595231 spacecraft ever launched because it left NrTjiZx9MvI-01764-00595232-00595477 earth at sixteen point two six NrTjiZx9MvI-01765-00595478-00595711 kilometers per second fifty-eight NrTjiZx9MvI-01766-00595712-00596164 thousand five hundred 36 km/h 36 NrTjiZx9MvI-01767-00596165-00596395 thousand three hundred seventy three NrTjiZx9MvI-01768-00596396-00596659 miles per hour faster than any other NrTjiZx9MvI-01769-00596660-00596995 spacecraft it is also the first NrTjiZx9MvI-01770-00596996-00597259 spacecraft launched directly into a NrTjiZx9MvI-01771-00597260-00597547 solar escape trajectory which requires NrTjiZx9MvI-01772-00597548-00597826 an approximate speed while near Earth of NrTjiZx9MvI-01773-00597827-00598135 sixteen point five kilometers per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01774-00598136-00598387 fifty-nine thousand kilometers per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-01775-00598388-00598666 thirty seven thousand miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-01776-00598667-00598999 plus additional Delta V to cover air and NrTjiZx9MvI-01777-00599000-00599251 gravity drag all to be provided by the NrTjiZx9MvI-01778-00599252-00599629 launch vehicle however it is not the NrTjiZx9MvI-01779-00599630-00599890 fastest spacecraft to leave the solar NrTjiZx9MvI-01780-00599891-00600400 system as of January 2018 this record is NrTjiZx9MvI-01781-00600401-00600724 held by Voyager one traveling at sixteen NrTjiZx9MvI-01782-00600725-00600991 point nine eight five kilometers per NrTjiZx9MvI-01783-00600992-00601060 second NrTjiZx9MvI-01784-00601061-00601711 sixty 1146 km/h 37 thousand nine hundred NrTjiZx9MvI-01785-00601712-00601990 ninety four miles per hour relative to NrTjiZx9MvI-01786-00601991-00602343 the Sun Voyager one attained greater NrTjiZx9MvI-01787-00602344-00602629 hyperbolic excess velocity than New NrTjiZx9MvI-01788-00602630-00602923 Horizons thanks to gravity assists by NrTjiZx9MvI-01789-00602924-00603267 Jupiter and Saturn when New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01790-00603268-00603531 reaches the distance of one hundred NrTjiZx9MvI-01791-00603532-00603820 astronomical units it will be traveling NrTjiZx9MvI-01792-00603821-00604093 at about thirteen kilometers per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01793-00604094-00604561 forty-seven thousand km/h 29,000 miles NrTjiZx9MvI-01794-00604562-00604843 per hour around four kilometers per NrTjiZx9MvI-01795-00604844-00605119 second fourteen thousand kilometers per NrTjiZx9MvI-01796-00605120-00605359 hour eight thousand nine hundred miles NrTjiZx9MvI-01797-00605360-00605656 per hour slower than Voyager 1 at that NrTjiZx9MvI-01798-00605657-00606034 distance the Parker Solar Probe can also NrTjiZx9MvI-01799-00606035-00606283 be measured as the fastest object NrTjiZx9MvI-01800-00606284-00606538 because of its orbital speed relative to NrTjiZx9MvI-01801-00606539-00606853 the Sun at perihelion ninety five point NrTjiZx9MvI-01802-00606854-00607087 three kilometers per second three NrTjiZx9MvI-01803-00607088-00607276 hundred forty three thousand kilometers NrTjiZx9MvI-01804-00607277-00607612 per hour two hundred thirteen thousand NrTjiZx9MvI-01805-00607613-00607813 miles per hour NrTjiZx9MvI-01806-00607814-00608089 because it remains in solar orbit it's NrTjiZx9MvI-01807-00608090-00608383 specific orbital energy relative to the NrTjiZx9MvI-01808-00608384-00608656 Sun is lower than New Horizons and other NrTjiZx9MvI-01809-00608657-00608926 artificial objects escaping the solar NrTjiZx9MvI-01810-00608927-00609057 system NrTjiZx9MvI-01811-00609058-00609508 New Horizons star 48 B third stage is NrTjiZx9MvI-01812-00609509-00609799 also on a hyperbolic escape trajectory NrTjiZx9MvI-01813-00609800-00610012 from the solar system and reached NrTjiZx9MvI-01814-00610013-00610192 Jupiter before the New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01815-00610193-00610489 spacecraft it was expected to cross NrTjiZx9MvI-01816-00610490-00610902 Pluto's orbit on October 15th 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01817-00610903-00611215 because it is not in controlled flight NrTjiZx9MvI-01818-00611216-00611470 it did not receive the correct gravity NrTjiZx9MvI-01819-00611471-00611761 assist and passed within 200 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01820-00611762-00612171 kilometers 120 million miles of Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01821-00612172-00612511 the center second stage did not achieve NrTjiZx9MvI-01822-00612512-00612849 solar escape velocity and remains in a NrTjiZx9MvI-01823-00612850-00613520 heliocentric orbit NrTjiZx9MvI-01824-00613521-00614381 topic gallery NrTjiZx9MvI-01825-00614382-00615064 topic images of the launch NrTjiZx9MvI-01826-00615065-00615331 you NrTjiZx9MvI-01827-00615332-00616177 topic videos NrTjiZx9MvI-01828-00616178-00616814 topic timeline NrTjiZx9MvI-01829-00616815-00617067 you NrTjiZx9MvI-01830-00617068-00617664 topic preparation phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01831-00617665-00618133 January 8 2001 proposal team meets face NrTjiZx9MvI-01832-00618134-00618385 to face for the first time at the Johns NrTjiZx9MvI-01833-00618386-00618592 Hopkins University Applied Physics NrTjiZx9MvI-01834-00618593-00619144 Laboratory February 5th 2001 New NrTjiZx9MvI-01835-00619145-00619732 Horizons name chosen April 6 2001 New NrTjiZx9MvI-01836-00619733-00620083 Horizons proposal submitted to NASA it NrTjiZx9MvI-01837-00620084-00620344 was one of five proposals submitted NrTjiZx9MvI-01838-00620345-00620623 which were later narrowed to two for NrTjiZx9MvI-01839-00620624-00620905 phase of study Posse Pluto and outer NrTjiZx9MvI-01840-00620906-00621336 solar system Explorer and New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01841-00621337-00621862 November 29 2001 New Horizons proposals NrTjiZx9MvI-01842-00621863-00622353 selected by NASA started phase B study NrTjiZx9MvI-01843-00622354-00622773 March 2002 budgets zeroed by Bush NrTjiZx9MvI-01844-00622774-00623280 administration later overridden June 13 NrTjiZx9MvI-01845-00623281-00623611 2005 spacecraft departed Applied Physics NrTjiZx9MvI-01846-00623612-00623970 Laboratory for final testing it NrTjiZx9MvI-01847-00623971-00624304 undergoes final testing at Goddard Space NrTjiZx9MvI-01848-00624305-00624966 Flight Center GSF C September 24th 2005 NrTjiZx9MvI-01849-00624967-00625294 spacecraft shipped to Cape Canaveral it NrTjiZx9MvI-01850-00625295-00625591 was moved through Andrews Air Force Base NrTjiZx9MvI-01851-00625592-00625972 aboard a c-17 Globemaster 3 cargo NrTjiZx9MvI-01852-00625973-00626557 aircraft December 17 2005 spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01853-00626558-00626862 ready for in rocket positioning NrTjiZx9MvI-01854-00626863-00627076 transported from hazardous servicing NrTjiZx9MvI-01855-00627077-00627328 facility to vertical integration NrTjiZx9MvI-01856-00627329-00627802 facility at Space Launch Complex 41 NrTjiZx9MvI-01857-00627803-00628287 January 11th 2006 primary launch window NrTjiZx9MvI-01858-00628288-00628547 opened the launch was delayed for NrTjiZx9MvI-01859-00628548-00629150 further testing January 16 2006 rocket NrTjiZx9MvI-01860-00629151-00629493 moved on to launch pad Atlas V launcher NrTjiZx9MvI-01861-00629494-00629891 serial number.a vo 1 Oh roll doubt onto NrTjiZx9MvI-01862-00629892-00630512 pad January 17 2006 launch delayed NrTjiZx9MvI-01863-00630513-00630768 first-day launch attempt scrubbed NrTjiZx9MvI-01864-00630769-00630956 because of unacceptable weather NrTjiZx9MvI-01865-00630957-00631554 conditions high winds January 18 2006 NrTjiZx9MvI-01866-00631555-00631845 launch delayed again second launch NrTjiZx9MvI-01867-00631846-00632075 attempt scrubbed because of morning NrTjiZx9MvI-01868-00632076-00632252 power outage at the Applied Physics NrTjiZx9MvI-01869-00632253-00632903 Laboratory NrTjiZx9MvI-01870-00632904-00633456 topic launch phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01871-00633457-00633945 January 19 2006 successful launch at NrTjiZx9MvI-01872-00633946-00634303 1900 coordinated Universal Time after a NrTjiZx9MvI-01873-00634304-00635029 brief delay due to cloud cover NrTjiZx9MvI-01874-00635030-00635689 topic Jupiter pre encounter phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01875-00635690-00636212 April 7 2006 the probe past Mars orbit NrTjiZx9MvI-01876-00636213-00636695 1.5 astronomical units from Earth June NrTjiZx9MvI-01877-00636696-00637464 13 2006 flyby of asteroid 132,000 524 NrTjiZx9MvI-01878-00637465-00637854 APL the probe past closest to the NrTjiZx9MvI-01879-00637855-00638462 asteroid 130 mm 524 APL in the asteroid NrTjiZx9MvI-01880-00638463-00639020 belt at about 100 1867 kilometers at NrTjiZx9MvI-01881-00639021-00639483 4:05 coordinated Universal Time pictures NrTjiZx9MvI-01882-00639484-00640089 were taken November 28 2006 first image NrTjiZx9MvI-01883-00640090-00640428 of Pluto the image of Pluto was taken NrTjiZx9MvI-01884-00640429-00641022 from a great distance NrTjiZx9MvI-01885-00641023-00641660 topic Jupiter encounter phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01886-00641661-00642120 January 10th 2007 navigation exercise NrTjiZx9MvI-01887-00642121-00642472 near Jupiter long-distance observations NrTjiZx9MvI-01888-00642473-00642733 of Jupiter's outer moon Calero as a NrTjiZx9MvI-01889-00642734-00643300 navigation exercise february 28 2007 NrTjiZx9MvI-01890-00643301-00643675 Jupiter flyby closest approach occurred NrTjiZx9MvI-01891-00643676-00644035 at 5 hours 43 minutes and 40 seconds NrTjiZx9MvI-01892-00644036-00644472 coordinated Universal Time at 2.30 5 NrTjiZx9MvI-01893-00644473-00644910 million kilometres 20 1.21 9 kilometers NrTjiZx9MvI-01894-00644911-00645500 per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01895-00645501-00646139 topic Pluto pre encounter phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01896-00646140-00646584 June 8 2008 the probe past Saturn's NrTjiZx9MvI-01897-00646585-00647072 orbit 9.5 astronomical units from Earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01898-00647073-00647513 December 29 2009 the probe becomes NrTjiZx9MvI-01899-00647514-00647776 closer to Pluto than to earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01900-00647777-00648251 Pluto was then 32.7 astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01901-00648252-00648577 from Earth and the probe was 16.4 NrTjiZx9MvI-01902-00648578-00648883 astronomical units from Earth NrTjiZx9MvI-01903-00648884-00649261 February 25th 2010 New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01904-00649262-00649682 completed 2.38 billion kilometres one NrTjiZx9MvI-01905-00649683-00649967 point four eight billion miles half the NrTjiZx9MvI-01906-00649968-00650210 total travel distance of four point NrTjiZx9MvI-01907-00650211-00650516 seven six billion kilometres to point NrTjiZx9MvI-01908-00650517-00651095 nine six billion miles March 18 2011 the NrTjiZx9MvI-01909-00651096-00651407 probe passes Uranus's orbit this is the NrTjiZx9MvI-01910-00651408-00651640 fourth planetary orbit the spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-01911-00651641-00651877 crossed since its start NrTjiZx9MvI-01912-00651878-00652285 New Horizons reached Uranus's orbit at NrTjiZx9MvI-01913-00652286-00652802 2200 coordinated Universal Time December NrTjiZx9MvI-01914-00652803-00653180 2nd 2011 New Horizons draws closer to NrTjiZx9MvI-01915-00653181-00653486 Pluto than any other spacecraft has ever NrTjiZx9MvI-01916-00653487-00653885 been previously Voyager 1 held the NrTjiZx9MvI-01917-00653886-00654112 record for the closest approach NrTjiZx9MvI-01918-00654113-00654616 approximately 10.58 astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01919-00654617-00655052 february 11 2012 New Horizons reaches NrTjiZx9MvI-01920-00655053-00655322 the distance of 10 astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01921-00655323-00655678 from the Pluto system at around 450 5 NrTjiZx9MvI-01922-00655679-00656007 coordinated Universal Time NrTjiZx9MvI-01923-00656008-00656463 July 1st 2013 New Horizons captures its NrTjiZx9MvI-01924-00656464-00656838 first image of Karen Karen is clearly NrTjiZx9MvI-01925-00656839-00657078 separated from Pluto using the NrTjiZx9MvI-01926-00657079-00657467 long-range reconnaissance imager Lorri NrTjiZx9MvI-01927-00657468-00657777 October 25th 2013 NrTjiZx9MvI-01928-00657778-00658076 New Horizons reaches the distance of 5 NrTjiZx9MvI-01929-00658077-00658448 astronomical units from the Pluto system NrTjiZx9MvI-01930-00658449-00658911 July 20th 2014 photos of Pluto and NrTjiZx9MvI-01931-00658912-00659193 Charon images obtained showing both NrTjiZx9MvI-01932-00659194-00659400 bodies orbiting each other NrTjiZx9MvI-01933-00659401-00659904 distance 2.8 astronomical units August NrTjiZx9MvI-01934-00659905-00660306 25th 2014 the probe passes Neptune's NrTjiZx9MvI-01935-00660307-00660633 orbit this was the fifth planetary orbit NrTjiZx9MvI-01936-00660634-00661130 crossed December 7th 2014 New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01937-00661131-00661353 awakes from hibernation NrTjiZx9MvI-01938-00661354-00661659 NASA's deep sky network station at NrTjiZx9MvI-01939-00661660-00661938 Tidbinbilla Australia received a signal NrTjiZx9MvI-01940-00661939-00662199 confirming that it's successfully awoke NrTjiZx9MvI-01941-00662200-00662657 from hibernation January 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01942-00662658-00663015 observation of Kuiper belt object 2011 NrTjiZx9MvI-01943-00663016-00663462 kW 48 distant observations from a NrTjiZx9MvI-01944-00663463-00663738 distance of roughly 75 million NrTjiZx9MvI-01945-00663739-00664067 kilometers approximately 0.5 NrTjiZx9MvI-01946-00664068-00664322 astronomical units NrTjiZx9MvI-01947-00664323-00664741 January 15 2015 start of Pluto NrTjiZx9MvI-01948-00664742-00665152 observations New Horizons is now close NrTjiZx9MvI-01949-00665153-00665434 enough to Pluto and begins observing the NrTjiZx9MvI-01950-00665435-00666015 system March 10 to 11 2015 New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-01951-00666016-00666297 reaches the distance of one astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01952-00666298-00666760 unit from the Pluto system March 20th NrTjiZx9MvI-01953-00666761-00667126 2015 NASA invites the general public to NrTjiZx9MvI-01954-00667127-00667420 suggest names to surface features that NrTjiZx9MvI-01955-00667421-00667728 will be discovered on Pluto and Charon NrTjiZx9MvI-01956-00667729-00668011 May 15th 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01957-00668012-00668347 his exceed best Hubble Space Telescope NrTjiZx9MvI-01958-00668348-00668941 resolution NrTjiZx9MvI-01959-00668942-00669556 topic Pluto science phase NrTjiZx9MvI-01960-00669557-00670022 July 14 2015 flyby of the Pluto system NrTjiZx9MvI-01961-00670023-00670437 Pluto Charon Hydra Nix Kerberos and Styx NrTjiZx9MvI-01962-00670438-00670814 flyby of Pluto around 11 hours 49 NrTjiZx9MvI-01963-00670815-00671162 minutes and 57 seconds coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-01964-00671163-00671720 Universal Time at 12,500 kilometers 13.7 NrTjiZx9MvI-01965-00671721-00672033 eight kilometers per second Pluto as NrTjiZx9MvI-01966-00672034-00672416 32.9 astronomical units from Sun flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-01967-00672417-00672731 of Charon around 12 hours 3 minutes and NrTjiZx9MvI-01968-00672732-00673095 50 seconds coordinated Universal Time at NrTjiZx9MvI-01969-00673096-00673585 28,000 858 kilometers 30 no point 8 7 NrTjiZx9MvI-01970-00673586-00674129 kilometers per second July 14 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01971-00674130-00674510 - October 25th 2016 transmission of NrTjiZx9MvI-01972-00674511-00674743 collected data back to earth an ongoing NrTjiZx9MvI-01973-00674744-00674995 science discovery based on the NrTjiZx9MvI-01974-00674996-00675353 observations the bitrate of the downlink NrTjiZx9MvI-01975-00675354-00675679 is limited to 1 to 2 kilobits per second NrTjiZx9MvI-01976-00675680-00676085 so it took until October 25th 2016 to NrTjiZx9MvI-01977-00676086-00676741 transmit all of the data NrTjiZx9MvI-01978-00676742-00677272 topic four eight six nine five eight 201 NrTjiZx9MvI-01979-00677273-00678136 for MU 69 pre encounter phase October NrTjiZx9MvI-01980-00678137-00678502 22nd to November 4th 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01981-00678503-00678838 trajectory correction maneuver course NrTjiZx9MvI-01982-00678839-00679162 adjustments towards the January 2019 NrTjiZx9MvI-01983-00679163-00679501 flyby of ultima thule was performed in a NrTjiZx9MvI-01984-00679502-00679831 series of four thruster firings of 22 NrTjiZx9MvI-01985-00679832-00680299 minutes each november 2nd 2015 NrTjiZx9MvI-01986-00680300-00680805 observation of kbo 15800 tenor on NrTjiZx9MvI-01987-00680806-00681157 long-range observations from a distance NrTjiZx9MvI-01988-00681158-00681628 of 170 million miles 1.8 astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01989-00681629-00681688 units NrTjiZx9MvI-01990-00681689-00681954 the closest ever for any trans-neptunian NrTjiZx9MvI-01991-00681955-00682320 object other than pluto and ultima thule NrTjiZx9MvI-01992-00682321-00682825 more images were taken on April 17 2016 NrTjiZx9MvI-01993-00682826-00683340 at a range of 111 million miles 1.19 NrTjiZx9MvI-01994-00683341-00683916 astronomical units as well July 13 to 14 NrTjiZx9MvI-01995-00683917-00684474 2016 observation of kbo 50,000 quar NrTjiZx9MvI-01996-00684475-00684778 long-range observations from a distance NrTjiZx9MvI-01997-00684779-00685198 of 1.3 billion miles 14 astronomical NrTjiZx9MvI-01998-00685199-00685444 units gives mission scientists a NrTjiZx9MvI-01999-00685445-00685678 different perspective in order to study NrTjiZx9MvI-02000-00685679-00686121 the light scattering properties of cars NrTjiZx9MvI-02001-00686122-00686563 February 1st 2017 trajectory correction NrTjiZx9MvI-02002-00686564-00686848 maneuver a small course adjustment NrTjiZx9MvI-02003-00686849-00687286 towards the January 2019 flyby of 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-02004-00687287-00687715 mu 69 was performed with a 44 second NrTjiZx9MvI-02005-00687716-00687973 thruster firing NrTjiZx9MvI-02006-00687974-00688606 2017 to 2022 Kuiper belt objects KBO's NrTjiZx9MvI-02007-00688607-00688919 the probe will have opportunities to NrTjiZx9MvI-02008-00688920-00689225 perform observations of 10 to 20 kV NrTjiZx9MvI-02009-00689226-00689477 o--'s visible from the spacecraft's NrTjiZx9MvI-02010-00689478-00689879 trajectory after the Pluto system flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-02011-00689880-00690182 heliosphere data collection is expected NrTjiZx9MvI-02012-00690183-00690502 to begin December 9th NrTjiZx9MvI-02013-00690503-00690893 2017 trajectory correction maneuver this NrTjiZx9MvI-02014-00690894-00691340 delays the arrival at 2014 mu 69 by a NrTjiZx9MvI-02015-00691341-00691622 few hours optimizing coverage by NrTjiZx9MvI-02016-00691623-00692060 ground-based radio telescopes December NrTjiZx9MvI-02017-00692061-00692567 23rd 2017 to June 4th 2018 final NrTjiZx9MvI-02018-00692568-00692987 hibernation period before the KBO 2014 NrTjiZx9MvI-02019-00692988-00693314 mu 69 encounter NrTjiZx9MvI-02020-00693315-00693743 August 2018 to March 2019 distant NrTjiZx9MvI-02021-00693744-00694028 observations of at least a dozen distant NrTjiZx9MvI-02022-00694029-00694483 KBO's recovered by Subaru telescope in NrTjiZx9MvI-02023-00694484-00694912 2014 to 2017 enabling New Horizons NrTjiZx9MvI-02024-00694913-00695435 observations August 13th 2018 switched NrTjiZx9MvI-02025-00695436-00695950 from spin mode to 3 axis mode August 16 NrTjiZx9MvI-02026-00695951-00696398 2018 to December 24th 2018 approach NrTjiZx9MvI-02027-00696399-00696794 phase optical navigation search for NrTjiZx9MvI-02028-00696795-00697321 hazardous material around 2014 mu 69 NrTjiZx9MvI-02029-00697322-00697748 August 16th 2018 first detection of NrTjiZx9MvI-02030-00697749-00698348 Kuiper belt object 2014 mu 69 October NrTjiZx9MvI-02031-00698349-00698725 4th 2018 to December 2nd 2018 NrTjiZx9MvI-02032-00698726-00699002 opportunities for trajectory correction NrTjiZx9MvI-02033-00699003-00699329 maneuvers maneuvers scheduled for NrTjiZx9MvI-02034-00699330-00699602 October 4th and November 20th with NrTjiZx9MvI-02035-00699603-00699961 backups on October 23rd and December 2nd NrTjiZx9MvI-02036-00699962-00700476 respectively NrTjiZx9MvI-02037-00700477-00701022 topic 2014 mu 69 science phase and NrTjiZx9MvI-02038-00701023-00701418 beyond NrTjiZx9MvI-02039-00701419-00701897 January 1st 2019 flyby of Ultima Thule NrTjiZx9MvI-02040-00701898-00702314 the flyby occurred at 533 coordinated NrTjiZx9MvI-02041-00702315-00702545 Universal Time and is the outermost NrTjiZx9MvI-02042-00702546-00702839 close encounter of any solar system NrTjiZx9MvI-02043-00702840-00703360 object January 9th 2019 switch from NrTjiZx9MvI-02044-00703361-00703747 three axis mode to spin mode this ends NrTjiZx9MvI-02045-00703748-00704018 the Ultima Thule flyby marking the NrTjiZx9MvI-02046-00704019-00704437 beginning of the downlink phase 2019 NrTjiZx9MvI-02047-00704438-00704777 2020 downlink of data from the Ultima NrTjiZx9MvI-02048-00704778-00705091 Thule flyby predicted to take NrTjiZx9MvI-02049-00705092-00705650 approximately 20 months April 30th 2021 NrTjiZx9MvI-02050-00705651-00705968 end of extended mission it is expected NrTjiZx9MvI-02051-00705969-00706175 that the mission will be extended NrTjiZx9MvI-02052-00706176-00706397 further if the spacecraft remains NrTjiZx9MvI-02053-00706398-00706904 operational 2020s the probe may be able NrTjiZx9MvI-02054-00706905-00707339 to fly by 1/3 kbo the probe approached NrTjiZx9MvI-02055-00707340-00707672 Ultima Thule along its rotational axis NrTjiZx9MvI-02056-00707673-00707941 which simplified trajectory correction NrTjiZx9MvI-02057-00707942-00708208 maneuvers saving fuel that could be used NrTjiZx9MvI-02058-00708209-00708629 to target another KBO after the flyby NrTjiZx9MvI-02059-00708630-00708860 the spacecraft was left with 11 NrTjiZx9MvI-02060-00708861-00709291 kilograms 24 pounds of fuel NrTjiZx9MvI-02061-00709292-00709645 mid to late 2030s expected end of the NrTjiZx9MvI-02062-00709646-00710083 mission based on RTG decay heliosphere NrTjiZx9MvI-02063-00710084-00710299 data collection expected to be NrTjiZx9MvI-02064-00710300-00710569 intermittent if instrument power sharing NrTjiZx9MvI-02065-00710570-00711160 is required NrTjiZx9MvI-02066-00711161-00711777 topic post-mission phase NrTjiZx9MvI-02067-00711778-00712147 20:38 New Horizons will be 100 NrTjiZx9MvI-02068-00712148-00712504 astronomical units from the Sun if still NrTjiZx9MvI-02069-00712505-00712750 functioning the probe will explore the NrTjiZx9MvI-02070-00712751-00713017 outer heliosphere an interstellar space NrTjiZx9MvI-02071-00713018-00713770 along with the Voyager spacecraft NrTjiZx9MvI-02072-00713771-00714324 topic see also NrTjiZx9MvI-02073-00714325-00714717 equals equals notes