iZP0peoQ4R8-00000-00000608-00001245 Newman (she/her): Oh Tony did you just start the recording okay Okay, no auto done oh okay. iZP0peoQ4R8-00001-00001529-00002013 Newman (she/her): You know, it looks like we have some people here all right, I think we are live. iZP0peoQ4R8-00002-00002055-00002115 Toni Gardner (she/her): We are. iZP0peoQ4R8-00003-00002124-00002562 Newman (she/her): Alright, we are live so welcome everybody, welcome to the rebooting social media. iZP0peoQ4R8-00004-00002688-00003854 Newman (she/her): rsm assembly fellowship info session and we're going to give it just a couple more minutes as a few more people trickle in so feel free to grab your glasses, if you need them to read slides grab a glass of water. iZP0peoQ4R8-00005-00003918-00004647 Newman (she/her): Take a look out the window a deep breath as you like, and we will be kicking things off in about 90 seconds. iZP0peoQ4R8-00006-00005055-00005259 Newman (she/her): Welcome, welcome to those of you just joining. iZP0peoQ4R8-00007-00006084-00006666 Newman (she/her): So this session is being recorded for those of you who are just arriving we want to let you know the session is being recorded, so that we can share it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00008-00006687-00007539 Newman (she/her): on our website for those folks who couldn't make the Info session, however, since it is a webinar it will not be recording you we will not share your names, if you have questions, we will just. iZP0peoQ4R8-00009-00007575-00008700 Newman (she/her): respond to your questions as best we can, and in the spirit of honoring folks privacy and sometimes it's a little jarring when you hear something is being recorded when you join, but it's not recording you is just recording us. iZP0peoQ4R8-00010-00008814-00009429 Newman (she/her): So with that we're going to kick things off we'll start with doing some introductions to our team and then we're going to show you some slides give you a. iZP0peoQ4R8-00011-00009468-00010746 Newman (she/her): big picture overview of what it is we're up to and then mostly focused on the questions you all have for us so with that I will pass it over to my colleague giant chunk to introduce herself and we'll go around our virtual room here. iZP0peoQ4R8-00012-00010827-00012642 Joanne Cheung (she/her): hi everybody, my name is Joanne Chiang MAI pronouncer she her I used to be a workman client fellow back in 2017 2018 and super excited to be working with this wonderful team organizing the Institute for recruiting social media assembly fellowship so welcome everybody. iZP0peoQ4R8-00013-00012798-00012840 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Tony. iZP0peoQ4R8-00014-00012938-00014076 Toni Gardner (she/her): hi my name is Tony Gardner she her pronouns and I am the program coordinator for the Institute for rebooting social media becca hi everyone i'm good to be with you all. iZP0peoQ4R8-00015-00014138-00014841 Toni Gardner (she/her): Back at the basket she her pronouns i'm the director of Community at the berkman client Center have the great privilege of working with a bunch of maniacs. iZP0peoQ4R8-00016-00014888-00015885 Toni Gardner (she/her): together under this roof, and really excited about the prospects and the opportunities that this new rebooting social media fellowship program will hold for us. iZP0peoQ4R8-00017-00016266-00017763 Newman (she/her): Great and I am Sarah Newman, I go by Newman, which is my surname and I usually her pronouns i'm one of the senior advisors, to the Institute and staff member at the berkman client Center and the director of art education at metalab at Harvard and we are just being joined by. iZP0peoQ4R8-00018-00017898-00018198 Newman (she/her): One of the Institute P eyes, which is terrific. iZP0peoQ4R8-00019-00018225-00018732 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): hi, this is an exercise and shouldn't limit it just given my zoom identifier. iZP0peoQ4R8-00020-00018840-00019107 Newman (she/her): i'm changing your name now for you, Jonathan we're just doing intros. iZP0peoQ4R8-00021-00019200-00019365 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Well don't let me interrupt. iZP0peoQ4R8-00022-00019398-00020397 Newman (she/her): So, so that is me and we just going around the room so Professor Jonathan zittrain has just arrived little just pass it to you for a quick intro and then we're going to talk a bit about what rsm is. iZP0peoQ4R8-00023-00020403-00020481 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): which will pass oh. iZP0peoQ4R8-00024-00020517-00021438 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Hello i'm a sometime user of social media that is starting to get the impression that maybe it's not all consistently terrific. iZP0peoQ4R8-00025-00021489-00023007 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And i've taught on Internet architecture and governance and the shape and trajectory of new technologies for a number of years and i'm particularly interested in the ways in which. iZP0peoQ4R8-00026-00023151-00024291 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): The kind of structured and rigorous thinking of academia and openness to changing one's mind can itself be reflected in social media and the ways in which. iZP0peoQ4R8-00027-00024441-00025254 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): We can structure our Institute to really draw in people who don't formally identify all the time as academics. iZP0peoQ4R8-00028-00025368-00026214 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): to broaden the base of work and ideas and reach of what we can do in the public interest in that sense i'm. iZP0peoQ4R8-00029-00026286-00027999 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Particularly thrilled to be here for this and you know, is our colleague James mickens somewhere to be found, I maybe he I could just send along the link that I used and Joanne could appear a third time, maybe i'll do that oh you just did that okay great. iZP0peoQ4R8-00030-00028173-00028905 Newman (she/her): Great so mickens is just going to be joining us momentarily and with that we would like to just introduce. iZP0peoQ4R8-00031-00028950-00030120 Newman (she/her): A little bit more about what this Institute is so you all came to us from different places you're probably joining from all around the world, which is really exciting so thanks to those of you who are joining in the middle of the night, as it may be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00032-00030183-00030825 Newman (she/her): In your time zone at the Institute for rebooting social media is part of the larger brooklyn client Center. iZP0peoQ4R8-00033-00030864-00031566 Newman (she/her): Jonathan is one of the cofounders of the berkman client Center and he can speak more to that, but today's session, if you want to go to the next slide please. iZP0peoQ4R8-00034-00031629-00032439 Newman (she/her): will be specifically focused on the rsm assembly fellowship and we're going to be talking about the timeline some logistics. iZP0peoQ4R8-00035-00032481-00033483 Newman (she/her): The criteria for applicants and also some example projects and, as I said earlier, we're going to spend the majority of the time trying to answer your questions. iZP0peoQ4R8-00036-00033561-00034851 Newman (she/her): Before we proceed, however, we would like to introduce Professor James mickens, who is the Co P, I of the Institute who's just joining us and megan's if you don't mind just saying hello to folks I will turn it over to you, while I also change your name. iZP0peoQ4R8-00037-00035022-00036012 James Mickens (he/him): sounds good, well glad to see so many of you in this wondrous virtual universe that we created so yeah i'm one of the Faculty co directors, for the institute. iZP0peoQ4R8-00038-00036069-00037377 James Mickens (he/him): My background is in computer science, so I worked at Microsoft research for seven years before I came over to Harvard where I became a professor of computer science and i'm really excited to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00039-00037422-00038283 James Mickens (he/him): Work with the Institute for rebooting social media to sort of gather folks from a variety of backgrounds to tackle some of the important problems. iZP0peoQ4R8-00040-00038328-00039192 James Mickens (he/him): In the space and as i'm sure we'll hear throughout the session, one of the things that we're really excited about for the fellowship program is to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00041-00039294-00040965 James Mickens (he/him): bring together a bunch of folks who will be generative who will create some concrete artifacts, whether they be prototypes or policy documents or things like that that will really try to move the needle in the short to medium term in terms of making. iZP0peoQ4R8-00042-00041124-00042978 James Mickens (he/him): Making the the world of online social discourse better for everyone, and so I can also speak a little bit more broadly about some of the the pillars that we at the Institute, are trying to focus on, and so, if we can go to the next slide. iZP0peoQ4R8-00043-00043233-00044238 James Mickens (he/him): Great Thank you so much So here we have a wall of text so don't worry about reading it all, let me give you a high level overview of what we're trying to do. iZP0peoQ4R8-00044-00044298-00045087 James Mickens (he/him): With the Institute, as I sort of alluded to earlier we're looking for people who want to be generative who want to do stuff. iZP0peoQ4R8-00045-00045111-00045933 James Mickens (he/him): And so, broadly speaking, there are three pillars that we're interested in three sort of areas a specific focus that we want to look at. iZP0peoQ4R8-00046-00046023-00047019 James Mickens (he/him): With the fellowship program that will be talking about today, so the first pillar is what we call technology and policy development. iZP0peoQ4R8-00047-00047079-00048549 James Mickens (he/him): And so here, this is, you know leaning a lot on these ideas that I mentioned earlier, being generative and creating a tangible ideas and prototypes this could be code, you know, say, a software that somehow, for example. iZP0peoQ4R8-00048-00048657-00049284 James Mickens (he/him): reduces the amount of online harassment, that you might see an online social media that makes it easier to identify. iZP0peoQ4R8-00049-00049329-00050256 James Mickens (he/him): Instances of misinformation right so there's software artifacts that would fall under this first pillar there's also policies. iZP0peoQ4R8-00050-00050331-00051528 James Mickens (he/him): That might fall under this first pillar, so, in other words, we would see it as very beneficial if assembly of fellows could come in and talk about concrete ways forward to define, for example. iZP0peoQ4R8-00051-00051621-00052821 James Mickens (he/him): better ways of interaction between industry in between legislators or civil society we'd also consider tools. iZP0peoQ4R8-00052-00052902-00053349 James Mickens (he/him): sort of frameworks that are concrete that might help, for example. iZP0peoQ4R8-00053-00053397-00054549 James Mickens (he/him): People inside of companies to better respond to the needs of users who are outside of the company things like that so anyway so pillow run that's technology and policy development now pillar two. iZP0peoQ4R8-00054-00054621-00056061 James Mickens (he/him): We call that analysts analysis, in theory, and so the basic idea here is that fellows who would come and work under this pillar would really help us to understand the basic underpinnings of how. iZP0peoQ4R8-00055-00056100-00057317 James Mickens (he/him): Digital social spheres operate as it turns out understanding how online social media operates is very complicated, we had a workshop in the fall, where we looked at. iZP0peoQ4R8-00056-00057387-00057954 James Mickens (he/him): Online social media through the lens of crisis, science, you know crisis science is something like. iZP0peoQ4R8-00057-00058038-00058902 James Mickens (he/him): Environmental science, or something like conservation biology, how do we preserve endangered species, and so, in both of those cases conversation. iZP0peoQ4R8-00058-00058979-00059727 James Mickens (he/him): Conservation biology and climate science, we have these really complex systems that we're trying to understand. iZP0peoQ4R8-00059-00059802-00060842 James Mickens (he/him): We don't fully have a grapple on how they operate, and yet there is a lot of urgency, to try to address the problems of, for example, endangered species or climate change because. iZP0peoQ4R8-00060-00060917-00062010 James Mickens (he/him): The harms that will arise if we don't deal with these things are are very severe and very damaging so in Pillar to we want to bring in people who are going to look at. iZP0peoQ4R8-00061-00062088-00063336 James Mickens (he/him): sort of these basic principles that govern how people and algorithms and platforms interact with each other so example outputs from this particular pillar might be academic papers. iZP0peoQ4R8-00062-00063423-00064221 James Mickens (he/him): but also public facing things like op eds other types of public writing having public events where we convene. iZP0peoQ4R8-00063-00064296-00065196 James Mickens (he/him): Actual users or people from civil society to talk about the impacts that social media has on us all, and so I want to mention that, even in this pillar. iZP0peoQ4R8-00064-00065277-00066240 James Mickens (he/him): analysis in theory that sounds you know, at first glance, perhaps very, very hands off and very abstract, but as you'll see in the example outputs we really do want people. iZP0peoQ4R8-00065-00066348-00067263 James Mickens (he/him): who work on this pillar to also be generative and to also have outputs that are public facing So then, finally, if you look at pillar three. iZP0peoQ4R8-00066-00067314-00068838 James Mickens (he/him): So pillar three we call building the field and so pillars three is going to focus specifically on building interest and expertise amongst students and professionals who hopefully will later on, go work. iZP0peoQ4R8-00067-00068904-00069801 James Mickens (he/him): on social media in some capacity, whether they go to the social media companies themselves or maybe they try to improve social media from the outside. iZP0peoQ4R8-00068-00069870-00070506 James Mickens (he/him): As an ethnography for as a politician, as an activist, but we want it, we want to sort of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00069-00070554-00072003 James Mickens (he/him): Provide venues for these folks to talk about these pressing issues to exchange ideas into try to build a community of folks who want to improve the online social media ecosystem. iZP0peoQ4R8-00070-00072090-00072858 James Mickens (he/him): In an important aspect of pillars three is that we want to make sure that we're empowering voices that aren't traditionally heard from. iZP0peoQ4R8-00071-00072924-00073959 James Mickens (he/him): When we look at the study of online social media, we want to make sure that we look at diversity broadly read terms of gender, religion, all these types of things. iZP0peoQ4R8-00072-00074040-00075138 James Mickens (he/him): And we want to make sure that we also have good coverage of different academic approaches towards understanding online social media so example outputs for. iZP0peoQ4R8-00073-00075183-00076434 James Mickens (he/him): This pillar include various types of public events conference write ups and maybe even curriculum for classes right so maybe even new ideas about how we should teach. iZP0peoQ4R8-00074-00076539-00077103 James Mickens (he/him): The sort of art and science of social media to students, not just in engineering classes. iZP0peoQ4R8-00075-00077145-00077664 James Mickens (he/him): Of course it's computer scientists who will build the infrastructure, but also in the field of design or in the field. iZP0peoQ4R8-00076-00077700-00079194 James Mickens (he/him): of public policy we want to make sure that we embed an understanding of how these social media ecosystems work across the curriculum and so with that I will now pass the baton over to Joanne. iZP0peoQ4R8-00077-00079344-00079875 Joanne Cheung (she/her): All right, thank you McKinsey so everyone, as you know, as you see. iZP0peoQ4R8-00078-00080055-00081225 Joanne Cheung (she/her): This institute sits within grand ambitions so there's a lot that we wish to change and change happens in a lot of different ways, but, of course, in order to make change tactical. iZP0peoQ4R8-00079-00081330-00082293 Joanne Cheung (she/her): A fellowship structure this fellowship structure is kind of very agile it's six months so Tony if you could go to the next slide what i'll talk through is. iZP0peoQ4R8-00080-00082323-00082965 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Some of the backend stuff so the application timeline i'll talk through a little bit of the structure of the fellowship itself. iZP0peoQ4R8-00081-00083004-00084492 Joanne Cheung (she/her): and also what we might be looking for, so all of this really is to create kind of a tactical structure in which a community of fellows can work together to make tangible and demonstrate progress. iZP0peoQ4R8-00082-00084600-00086178 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So, in terms of the application timeline You all know that the call was launched last week and may six will be the closing of the application, then we will go through a brief review period and you should for applicants, you should receive. iZP0peoQ4R8-00083-00086289-00087702 Joanne Cheung (she/her): offers to be received towards the end of May, so this is a pretty quick turnaround process for applications and for ones who've opened the application portal you'll see that, hopefully, it should not be too overwhelming, but our intention really is to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00084-00087906-00088968 Joanne Cheung (she/her): is to help clarify what kinds of projects could be accomplished within this kind of structure, so we want to hold grand ambitions, but we also want. iZP0peoQ4R8-00085-00089037-00089649 Joanne Cheung (she/her): tactical progress, so the application itself, hopefully, will help tease out some of these some of these details. iZP0peoQ4R8-00086-00089748-00090768 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So basically before the first week of June, we should have finalized our cohort and the fellowship itself will look to a kickoff in mid October. iZP0peoQ4R8-00087-00090855-00092001 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So next slide please and in terms of the fellowship itself, it will be a hybrid fellowship running for six months, with three periods in which folks are going to be together in person. iZP0peoQ4R8-00088-00092067-00093384 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So this will be a kickoff for one week in Cambridge in mid October and midpoint check in in January and in early April a one week final celebration. iZP0peoQ4R8-00089-00093450-00094536 Joanne Cheung (she/her): And then, in the interim, it is our intention that we keep the momentum momentum going so there will be structured check ins, there will be structured connections. iZP0peoQ4R8-00090-00094566-00095547 Joanne Cheung (she/her): With a broader network of folks at berkman client Center and the broader network of folks working on rebooting social media, including are visiting scholars and as well as. iZP0peoQ4R8-00091-00095610-00096474 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Many other projects that are ongoing, so this is meant to be an expansion of everybody's networks to help boost understanding and make connections and cross pollinate ideas. iZP0peoQ4R8-00092-00096513-00097737 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So all of this is to say, hopefully, this is a flexible enough structure to make tangible progress and also be a bigger platform for exploring ideas next slide please. iZP0peoQ4R8-00093-00097848-00098676 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So just to recap the logistics it'll be a six months fellowship it'll be part time or defining that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00094-00098727-00100227 Joanne Cheung (she/her): loosely and I think the the reason there is that we know every project is different and for projects that are ambitious, sometimes you need to you know, there will be surprises that come up so we trust fellows to structure their time as they see fit. iZP0peoQ4R8-00095-00100344-00101523 Joanne Cheung (she/her): And so, running from mid October to April with three weeks in person in Cambridge Massachusetts at Berkeley client Center itself, and then the remainder. iZP0peoQ4R8-00096-00101607-00102911 Joanne Cheung (she/her): hybrid and so, in terms of stipend we have 18,000 available for all fellows if needed, and then also We understand that there's travel involved to be together in person to build community, so we also are. iZP0peoQ4R8-00097-00102945-00103899 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Making any base travel assistance available, and we can discuss that on a case by case basis, so overall we're looking at a cohort of 12 to 15 assembly fellows. iZP0peoQ4R8-00098-00103953-00104355 Joanne Cheung (she/her): And so, beyond the stipend and beyond the community of of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00099-00104408-00105501 Joanne Cheung (she/her): fellows and that became the Community so there's also some additional university resources at harvard's itself to help with the work, so this includes workspace in the berkman clan Center. iZP0peoQ4R8-00100-00105555-00106749 Joanne Cheung (she/her): offices library access, so this includes everything you know journal subscriptions things to help with back and research potential audit courses, and this is if you're spending a lot more time. iZP0peoQ4R8-00101-00106818-00107832 Joanne Cheung (she/her): In Cambridge, then this is something that you will be able to discuss on a case by case basis with professors themselves and would have to get their approval. iZP0peoQ4R8-00102-00107885-00109557 Joanne Cheung (she/her): And then of course connecting connections to visiting scholars, who are part of the rebooting social media institute berkman client fellows are large and also the greater Harvard so lots of great folks doing related work on this next slide please. iZP0peoQ4R8-00103-00109668-00110319 Joanne Cheung (she/her): In a quick word on what we are looking for, so this is, from our perspective and we're also looking to be surprised so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00104-00110382-00111126 Joanne Cheung (she/her): If there are things that you believe, are you know, is really going to make a dent in this mission, then please tell us all about it in your application. iZP0peoQ4R8-00105-00111171-00112385 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So, first of all we're looking for uniqueness and that this is something that what you're proposing to do through this fellowship should be something that you can't do in another context, so that we want the support through. iZP0peoQ4R8-00106-00112428-00113004 Joanne Cheung (she/her): The fellowship and through the institute to be something that's going to create some unique impact. iZP0peoQ4R8-00107-00113064-00113955 Joanne Cheung (she/her): we're also looking for something that's well scoped so of course this is a six months fellowship and as part time, so we understand that you might be doing other things simultaneously. iZP0peoQ4R8-00108-00113988-00115203 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So what you're proposing to do, should be right sized for this structure and and something that should be tangible should be produced by the end so to the point of tangible outputs Is there something that will be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00109-00115433-00116486 Joanne Cheung (she/her): completed and demonstrated by the end of the six months, not to say that that thing is going to fix everything about our broken online information ecosystem, but nevertheless it should be something that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00110-00116580-00117597 Joanne Cheung (she/her): is very clearly demonstrating progress in the right direction and then finally future past, so does your proposed project have a potential pastor further develop. iZP0peoQ4R8-00111-00117642-00118389 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Beyond the fellowship so it's not something that's going to wrap up and be all end all but something that has a lot of potential to become something bigger. iZP0peoQ4R8-00112-00118518-00119229 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So with that there's a couple more additional considerations that i'll pass to my colleague Tony to talk about and I think we're already seeing some questions. iZP0peoQ4R8-00113-00119250-00119742 Joanne Cheung (she/her): floating in through chat that might be touched on that might touch on some of it so hopefully those will answer some of those questions, too. iZP0peoQ4R8-00114-00119904-00121113 Toni Gardner (she/her): Yes, so i'd like to just touch on a few more considerations, this is a professional level fellowship so only professional level applicants are eligible, and this could. iZP0peoQ4R8-00115-00121208-00122295 Toni Gardner (she/her): This can be people that are not full time students, but if you are a full time undergraduate masters level or PhD student, you are unfortunately not eligible for this program. iZP0peoQ4R8-00116-00122364-00122628 Toni Gardner (she/her): But we do have other programs that you may be interested in. iZP0peoQ4R8-00117-00122673-00124308 Toni Gardner (she/her): um in terms of international applicants We work very closely with the Harvard International Office becca here and a few other wonderful staff members at the berkman Center, and this is just support visa paperwork for eligible international fellows. iZP0peoQ4R8-00118-00124374-00124883 Toni Gardner (she/her): However, I will note that, given the restrictive nature of the H1 B sponsorship visa. iZP0peoQ4R8-00119-00124929-00126450 Toni Gardner (she/her): We regretfully, cannot accept H1 beholders into the program at this time, other visa types may or may not be eligible, but like I said we work closely with the International Office, and you know we can we can work to to get that checked out for you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00120-00126531-00128043 Toni Gardner (she/her): We also wanted to note that all participants will be required to sign a contributor license agreement or a cla, and this will need to be signed by both you and your home institution in order to assign appropriate rights to the work that comes out of the program Thank you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00121-00128360-00129480 Newman (she/her): Great so with that jonathan's a transit can actually speak a bit more about some previous assembly projects and i'd also like to ask those of you who can to try to put your. iZP0peoQ4R8-00122-00129525-00130634 Newman (she/her): Questions into the Q amp a tool, even though I said, both places were fine I actually think the Q amp a tool is better, so that they don't get lost in the stream of zoom chats, but we are tending to questions in both places. iZP0peoQ4R8-00123-00130746-00131007 Newman (she/her): And over to Jonathan to talk about some previous projects. iZP0peoQ4R8-00124-00131036-00131130 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Thanks so much human. iZP0peoQ4R8-00125-00131259-00132117 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): So our program here inherits a lot of the momentum and the structure and the spirit behind a program called assembly. iZP0peoQ4R8-00126-00132222-00133779 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Assembly, I think lasted about five years and repeated iterations and the idea of assembly, was to allow people who aren't typically within academia to spend some time. iZP0peoQ4R8-00127-00133833-00134676 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): On a campus and with other folks thinking about the public interest around the given topic, where the problems are thorny enough. iZP0peoQ4R8-00128-00134721-00135876 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And the understanding about how to solve them as fuzzy enough and the suspicion is that good solutions will require a lot of moving parts, at one time across disciplines and sectors. iZP0peoQ4R8-00129-00136017-00137493 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): That pulling people together from different quarters, maybe could make a difference past assemblies included topics such as the ethics and governance of artificial intelligence cyber security and, as you can see from this slide. iZP0peoQ4R8-00130-00137622-00138744 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): These are some projects that emerged from assembly driven nearly entirely by the participants who themselves had a mix of engineering policy product design. iZP0peoQ4R8-00131-00138900-00139965 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Other sort of talents brought to the table and, as you can see that one of them is called a blind spot, that is an example of a sort of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00132-00140139-00140859 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): runway that somebody typically on the consumer side at a company or institution is about to deploy some kind of machine learning. iZP0peoQ4R8-00133-00140931-00141987 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): understands that there could be some problems lurking and a blind spot is at least able to take some of the known unknowns and help somebody on that consumer side. iZP0peoQ4R8-00134-00142026-00142803 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): walk through some of the biggest questions about the data they're about to feed into the model that uses they have for it, etc, etc. iZP0peoQ4R8-00135-00142854-00143916 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And in fact that implicates a project right next door to it on the slide, which is the data nutrition project that Newman, among others, has been instrumental in and data nutrition. iZP0peoQ4R8-00136-00143973-00145458 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): says it's amazing that data sets get passed around like kind of Christmas fruitcakes and you inherit that data, you feed your model with it, but have no particular idea of its limits it's bias sees what's within it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00137-00145512-00146490 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And so dmp is designed to facilitate the labeling of a data set by the people who are first creating it or adapting it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00138-00146514-00147345 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): So that downstream users might have a better sense of what to expect, and maybe Newman, if there's anything you want to add about it but that's an example of something. iZP0peoQ4R8-00139-00147408-00148602 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): That requires technical expertise and understanding of machine learning inputs and outputs and flaws and it requires a policy sense of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00140-00148692-00150270 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): What future regulation might ask for and typically regulators don't like to ask for the impossible, so to be able to demonstrate that it's possible to meaningfully label data as a way of then having regulators consider subsidies or requirements or other. iZP0peoQ4R8-00141-00150378-00151749 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): combinations of carrots and sticks to have people who are producing data that is being used in new systems think a little bit more about labeling it for each of these projects. iZP0peoQ4R8-00142-00151866-00152565 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): they're really exploring areas where there hasn't been a lot of activity and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00143-00152628-00153522 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Looking to raise the profile of the problem to hazard a solution to pilot it and then to see where it might go and that's very much the spirit. iZP0peoQ4R8-00144-00153585-00154983 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): I think, in which we hope you would take up some of the projects here I think there's an enduring sense, including around the future of social media that there's not a whole lot of reflective kind of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00145-00155169-00155697 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): supervision and thought around these things, and this solutions. iZP0peoQ4R8-00146-00155784-00156888 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): For many of the problems, maybe not all of them aren't conceived of yet or written down and to have a group in the public interest, however, that is determined by each person. iZP0peoQ4R8-00147-00156933-00157623 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): really thinking through these problems in a supportive environment and an intellectually challenging environment and in one that can help. iZP0peoQ4R8-00148-00157674-00158919 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): provide links as needed industry to government other academics that's kind of what we're aiming for, with this program and what Assembly to my I did so well so maybe back to you Newman. iZP0peoQ4R8-00149-00159396-00160851 Newman (she/her): Great Thank you so much Thank you so much, Jonathan and just one last slide for you all here and then we're going to go to your terrific questions that are streaming in through multiple multiple channels Tony Would you mind just taking us to the last slide please. iZP0peoQ4R8-00150-00161133-00162057 Newman (she/her): Thank you so just to sum up as and then we'll go into discussion with this esteemed panel of folks i'm sitting beside me, virtually and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00151-00162138-00162864 Newman (she/her): This is really prioritizing folks who have a professional interest in social media and stewarding a healthy online information ecosystem. iZP0peoQ4R8-00152-00162930-00164169 Newman (she/her): Now you can be it doesn't have to be specifically one of the terms that we've used on the call for applicants, but if you're working in social media and you're doing this professionally or you care to be doing more of this professionally we would welcome an application from you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00153-00164358-00165660 Newman (she/her): were specifically prioritizing folks that already have a project in mind or already have a project underway, so that, during a six month part time fellowship, we can see the most impact from work. iZP0peoQ4R8-00154-00165696-00166509 Newman (she/her): And we've decided to you know prioritize for that, as this is an urgent problem and we want to see a lot of impact in a short period of time in this during this pop up Institute. iZP0peoQ4R8-00155-00166653-00167544 Newman (she/her): And of course we also are looking for expertise, since it's a professional fellowship and that would include in whether it's technical engineering policy work. iZP0peoQ4R8-00156-00167625-00168168 Newman (she/her): building institutions really thinking about what that means in this era that we're now living in and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00157-00168225-00168927 Newman (she/her): And if you also believe that you have something else that's another compelling reason or another compelling project that you would like to bring to us, please do apply. iZP0peoQ4R8-00158-00168984-00169614 Newman (she/her): And so, with that we are going to I think there's one more slide where you can find our contact information and there's also a. iZP0peoQ4R8-00159-00169650-00170637 Newman (she/her): General contact information on on our institute website, which we can also throw into the chat and with that we will open it up to questions, and so what I would suggest to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00160-00170703-00171399 Newman (she/her): My co panelists here is that we take a look at the questions in the Q amp a tool, I guess. iZP0peoQ4R8-00161-00171441-00172299 Newman (she/her): I can just MC here, and maybe i'll take a look at the questions in that in the Q amp a tool and then ask different folks to weigh in If that sounds good to everybody. iZP0peoQ4R8-00162-00172344-00173172 Newman (she/her): For those of you who have are having trouble accessing the Q amp a tool on your interface if you're, for example on a phone or something feel free to use the chat and we're doing our best to answer those. iZP0peoQ4R8-00163-00173217-00173676 Newman (she/her): as well, so the first question, I would actually like to throw back to Professor is a trend. iZP0peoQ4R8-00164-00173769-00174972 Newman (she/her): Which is how sorry have any past fellows use the fellowship as a functional startup incubator, that is, have any fellows founded startups to scale and expand the work product they created during the fellowship. iZP0peoQ4R8-00165-00175005-00176268 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): that's a good question I don't know that that's happened with assembly, but there's no reason that couldn't or shouldn't that maybe it meshes a little bit with some of the licensing issues. iZP0peoQ4R8-00166-00176415-00177528 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Our kind of commitment is to the public domain and the free exchange of ideas and then, if somebody wants to further run with the outputs of the program in some way. iZP0peoQ4R8-00167-00177672-00178482 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Whether it's for profit, not for profit, you know, whatever it might be I think we'd be quite happy to see that happen. iZP0peoQ4R8-00168-00178668-00178833 Newman (she/her): Great Thank you and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00169-00178959-00179964 Newman (she/her): I think the The important thing is that this work is not going to be on, and this is something that was mentioned previously, this work will not be owned by your companies and this work would be intended to be for. iZP0peoQ4R8-00170-00180042-00180654 Newman (she/her): Social good in the public domain in some capacity, whether that spins into something else later. iZP0peoQ4R8-00171-00180699-00181308 Newman (she/her): it's not you know the intellectual property will not be owned by your professional organization, and that is paperwork that we need to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00172-00181395-00182553 Newman (she/her): Make sure is signed by off all fellows employers in advance the next question I would like to turn over to Professor mickens, how do we define social media, what about social media Jason technologies like Ai. iZP0peoQ4R8-00173-00182730-00183345 James Mickens (he/him): I love getting these wide ranging philosophical questions it's what is the matrix it's hard to say so, I think that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00174-00183465-00184251 James Mickens (he/him): You know we're taking a pretty broad view of what social media is very broadly speaking, we're thinking of social media as. iZP0peoQ4R8-00175-00184350-00185412 James Mickens (he/him): Online mechanisms that allow people who are possibly physically distant to communicate to collaborate to learn about news events to learn about other things. iZP0peoQ4R8-00176-00185475-00187137 James Mickens (he/him): that are happening sort of in real life and in virtual worlds, so if you think that what you're doing is sort of social media narrowly defined or social media Jason you should definitely apply, I think, with respect to the particular topic of Ai you know, the goal of this particular. iZP0peoQ4R8-00177-00187248-00187902 James Mickens (he/him): fellowship is not to focus sort of on a narrowly defined Ai projects, so you know if you have a specific. iZP0peoQ4R8-00178-00187944-00188598 James Mickens (he/him): burning desire to add more layers to neural nets don't let life change it go do it, you know embrace that fire. iZP0peoQ4R8-00179-00188673-00189492 James Mickens (he/him): But you know that's not probably appropriate for this fellowship now if you have a way to, for example, use machine learning to better. iZP0peoQ4R8-00180-00189537-00190593 James Mickens (he/him): Understand misinformation online or things like that to better identify instances of abuse of that that abuse can be a stop that's a great fit. iZP0peoQ4R8-00181-00190623-00191523 James Mickens (he/him): Right so, even if there would be sort of like a core Ai focus if it relates in some way to the online social media writ large that's great you should definitely apply. iZP0peoQ4R8-00182-00191715-00192180 Newman (she/her): hey Thank you so much, and another question we have is about. iZP0peoQ4R8-00183-00192273-00193371 Newman (she/her): Current employer, what about if your future employer is different than your current employer, what about students who are graduating in May, and it will be working industry before October so yeah these are good questions, so the fellowship is not. iZP0peoQ4R8-00184-00193422-00194358 Newman (she/her): open to full time students, if you it is really geared for professionals, if you happen to be graduating in May, and you will be a professional, in your view. iZP0peoQ4R8-00185-00194400-00194988 Newman (she/her): by October, then you are eligible to apply I would specify in your application if you're between. iZP0peoQ4R8-00186-00195024-00196305 Newman (she/her): Employers if you're a freelancer all of that stuff is fine, you don't have to work for a company to be eligible, we would like you to feel like you're muted or beyond mid career or beyond that's really who this is geared toward we have other programs that are geared towards more. iZP0peoQ4R8-00187-00196440-00197208 Newman (she/her): You know, early career folks so that is up to you to self define, but I would say yes just get as much specificity, as you can in your application. iZP0peoQ4R8-00188-00197265-00198522 Newman (she/her): And we have this follow up question from the same same person, which is around public health and, yes, of course, Kobe is legitimate concern and we are going to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00189-00198570-00199674 Newman (she/her): make good decisions responsible decisions based on how things are looking in October, we will would not want to put anybody at risk Harvard has been extremely responsible, in my view, and very proactive in terms of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00190-00199698-00201102 Newman (she/her): making recommendations that are well suited to everybody's well being so of course we're going to be sending out announcements, in June, and then we will make decisions as needed as the world changes and that's the reality that we live in now. iZP0peoQ4R8-00191-00201333-00202158 Newman (she/her): So we have another question, and maybe Joanne you would like to take this one is this program intended for non academics, or those in academia. iZP0peoQ4R8-00192-00202206-00202968 Newman (she/her): or those hoping to transition out of academia and interested in building practical applications of their research are those folks encouraged to apply. iZP0peoQ4R8-00193-00203067-00204258 Joanne Cheung (she/her): I think I would just reorient back to the pillars of this Institute and will we wish to accomplish through this fellowship is really anchored in technology and policy development and so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00194-00204324-00205206 Joanne Cheung (she/her): What that means is using the structure to build tangible and demonstrated outputs so this could be as Professor making said earlier, it could be code. iZP0peoQ4R8-00195-00205287-00205779 Joanne Cheung (she/her): It could be policy or it could be anything within that range of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00196-00205857-00206921 Joanne Cheung (she/her): You know it's hard to create any of these things, within six weeks part time right, but it should be demonstrated by parts of that so that is at least signals towards becoming something bigger. iZP0peoQ4R8-00197-00206964-00207864 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So I think in terms of your background to be able to do that, I think we are open minded So if you if you believe that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00198-00207933-00208386 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Your academic background gives you the kinds of knowledge to be able to do that, and you also have the skills. iZP0peoQ4R8-00199-00208431-00209646 Joanne Cheung (she/her): To work in technology policy development we welcome your application so we we don't want to make requirements just in terms of what resumes look good on paper but we're really encouraged towards the mission of the Institute. iZP0peoQ4R8-00200-00209853-00211098 Newman (she/her): paid, and thank you Joanne and i'm wondering if Professor determine if you could give some examples some concrete examples of non tangible outputs and and specific examples of like you don't want. iZP0peoQ4R8-00201-00211158-00211791 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): It sounds like you may have been a part of us may have more examples of non tangible outputs within but um. iZP0peoQ4R8-00202-00211926-00211971 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): well. iZP0peoQ4R8-00203-00212130-00214421 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): I mean for Assembly at least least i'm there was a project called equalize which may even have been renamed since that started from the premise that it's all well and good, that Twitter and Facebook, for example on social media happened to strip out any excess data, which is to say. iZP0peoQ4R8-00204-00214542-00215415 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): metadata around photos that we're constantly posting that have the location of where the photo was taken like down to like two meter resolution. iZP0peoQ4R8-00205-00215457-00216623 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And like that just you take the photo with a smartphone that comes with the photo and if that just got passed, along with your tweet or your insta post, even if you had otherwise location turned off. iZP0peoQ4R8-00206-00216663-00217458 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): that'd be a huge privacy issue in it originally back in the day it was and so it's just good corporate practice to strip that out now. iZP0peoQ4R8-00207-00217533-00218589 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): comes along something like clear view Ai that is scraping billions of images and associated tags off of social media against the terms of service of that social media. iZP0peoQ4R8-00208-00218621-00219726 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And then turning around an offering to those who can pay for it, a service to arbitrarily identify anyone in the world at any point if you've ever had their photo on social media. iZP0peoQ4R8-00209-00219777-00221123 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And that's like a disaster, I can't believe, that is, that is the state of things right now in 2022 so the equalized project on experimented with so called adversarial perturbations in machine learning as a way of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00210-00221169-00221969 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): adding a little fuzzy to the photo not visible to the human eye, but that greatly confuses a categorization engine, like that of clear view and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00211-00222066-00222714 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): That project was with an eye, not just towards having people have to run some software on their photos before they post them. iZP0peoQ4R8-00212-00222813-00223383 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): But it's a demonstration so that platforms like Facebook and Twitter could responsibly as they do with exit date. iZP0peoQ4R8-00213-00223458-00224391 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Add that fuzzing to make the life of a clear view a little bit harder that's an example of a project that has a tangible output, there was some running code that did the adversarial perturbation. iZP0peoQ4R8-00214-00224423-00225446 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): That was sensitive to some of the lowercase people clinical dynamics of trying to get the companies on board once it was demonstrated to kind of help their own customers. iZP0peoQ4R8-00215-00225480-00226164 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Privacy along a little bit and that's an example of thinking about new institutions or institutional relationships. iZP0peoQ4R8-00216-00226230-00228171 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): for allocating responsibility for these big problems that nobody owns right now, nobody is taking responsibility for owning so that to me, is an example of an output sensitive to multiple moving parts that is both tangible and intangible and perhaps quite useful to the world. iZP0peoQ4R8-00217-00228327-00228546 James Mickens (he/him): And one thing i'll just add there really quickly. iZP0peoQ4R8-00218-00228617-00229506 James Mickens (he/him): You know, in terms of like what is a non tangible output look like like what are we not looking like I you know it's kind of tricky right, I think the way that we're thinking about it, though, is that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00219-00229536-00230492 James Mickens (he/him): We really want the fellowship participants here to be generative and then not be doing like quote unquote just academic work, and I say this, by the way, as an academic. iZP0peoQ4R8-00220-00230523-00231462 James Mickens (he/him): Like i'm talking about sometimes the things that you know people in my spirit do but, for example, things that we wouldn't be as excited about are you know very theoretical. iZP0peoQ4R8-00221-00231519-00232275 James Mickens (he/him): Academic papers that you know don't have a lot of near term relevancy to the way that social media is currently used today. iZP0peoQ4R8-00222-00232335-00233238 James Mickens (he/him): Right that's a fine output, you know just in general, you know we need sort of that type of research being done, but I think we're looking for for work that has. iZP0peoQ4R8-00223-00233294-00234371 James Mickens (he/him): A greater likelihood of being impactful in the short to medium term that's grounded in sort of current challenges that we have with respect to misinformation or online abuse or things like that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00224-00234462-00235638 James Mickens (he/him): And that sort of is is an artifact that other people in the field could look at and say that's great it's very relevant right now I could pick this up or I could hand this to someone else and they could start running with this and start making. iZP0peoQ4R8-00225-00235710-00235971 James Mickens (he/him): A really impactful and fairly immediate change. iZP0peoQ4R8-00226-00236112-00237078 Newman (she/her): Thanks so much i'm becca Would you mind speaking to the question around How does this fit into the broader family of berkman program the perfect line Center programs and affiliations. iZP0peoQ4R8-00227-00237123-00237216 Newman (she/her): or thanks Newman. iZP0peoQ4R8-00228-00237237-00238392 Toni Gardner (she/her): um it's a great question because it's something that we are thinking a lot about to as the Center develops new slates of programs new ways of bringing people together and new ways of fostering Community I think one of the greatest. iZP0peoQ4R8-00229-00238425-00239400 Toni Gardner (she/her): contributions that we make as a Center is bringing people together in dialogue, and so the rsm assembly fellowships are definitely designed. iZP0peoQ4R8-00230-00239430-00240269 Toni Gardner (she/her): To be in conversation with broader parts of the berkman climate community, we will be having all Community events where everybody will be put in touch. iZP0peoQ4R8-00231-00240369-00241134 Toni Gardner (she/her): There will be different ways of asynchronously communicating through list serves and discussion boards and other stuff within the Community internally. iZP0peoQ4R8-00232-00241266-00242181 Toni Gardner (she/her): There are different types of interventions that we have at the Center through working groups and discussion groups and people swinging through where we're going to be working to invite. iZP0peoQ4R8-00233-00242205-00243017 Toni Gardner (she/her): All people who are under the umbrella at the berkman client community and sort of mixing up ways that people can meet one another can share ideas. iZP0peoQ4R8-00234-00243057-00244191 Toni Gardner (she/her): Whether that's on a specific topic substantively or whether it's a specific mode or method or way that somebody does work those different ways of gathering. iZP0peoQ4R8-00235-00244263-00245196 Toni Gardner (she/her): are done here, and we fully expect folks from the assembly of fellowship to be participating in those things as well, and then, finally, I think. iZP0peoQ4R8-00236-00245241-00246405 Toni Gardner (she/her): You know the broader berkman client community is here in his around the world, and we always want to help to facilitate connections ways of people helping one another we're very privileged to be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00237-00246446-00247437 Toni Gardner (she/her): bringing together people who are generous and curious and who want to engage with one another, so that's definitely one of the the benefits of being in the program and being part of the network. iZP0peoQ4R8-00238-00247584-00247683 Toni Gardner (she/her): and obligations. iZP0peoQ4R8-00239-00247878-00248148 Newman (she/her): Thank you so much becca and let's see. iZP0peoQ4R8-00240-00248319-00249165 Newman (she/her): Given the interdisciplinary nature of our work, our folks able to collaborate with colleagues within the cohort different projects to life, for example, or policy folks be able to pair up with engineers within the cohort. iZP0peoQ4R8-00241-00249201-00249804 Newman (she/her): If so, what would you expect to see an application to reflect this or is expected that each individual deliver one project. iZP0peoQ4R8-00242-00249828-00250578 Newman (she/her): Many things so we've had a number of questions along these lines, and this is a departure from previous assembly fellowships so it's good to note this. iZP0peoQ4R8-00243-00250605-00251253 Newman (she/her): We are allowing we are encouraging folks to apply as individuals with a project idea, ideally, something that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00244-00251316-00252012 Newman (she/her): is already somewhat underway and would really benefit from this six month fellowship and the platform that rsm and Harvard provides. iZP0peoQ4R8-00245-00252069-00252861 Newman (she/her): That said, we all can't do everything in some cases folks have teammates we are only accepting individual applications, however, if you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00246-00252882-00253827 Newman (she/her): are accepted, and you have others on your team that you might be working with that's fine you can be the representative and the fellowship of your team to this question, in particular, if you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00247-00253914-00255225 Newman (she/her): You know, are working on a project, and you have others within your cohort who have certain skills that maybe they can contribute absolutely we encourage that the benefit of doing something that's interdisciplinary is to allow this kind of cross pollination, but. iZP0peoQ4R8-00248-00255315-00256263 Newman (she/her): different from previous assembly years we really are prioritizing the spirit of impactful work that is going to make you know meaningful change in the world projects that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00249-00256305-00257192 Newman (she/her): already have some drive behind them and where you believe that you are, you are able without needing a team of folks that you're looking for within the fellowship. iZP0peoQ4R8-00250-00257250-00258069 Newman (she/her): to sort of execute on this i'm not sure if that answers it fully i'm not sure if others Joanne maybe want to chime in here to clarify anything. iZP0peoQ4R8-00251-00258489-00259164 Newman (she/her): Basically, we don't know we don't always know exactly what's going to happen, but we want you to come in with an idea that you feel confident that you can undertake. iZP0peoQ4R8-00252-00259191-00259380 Newman (she/her): And then the magic of a fellowship happens. iZP0peoQ4R8-00253-00259398-00260100 Newman (she/her): And you meet amazing people and they help in unexpected ways, but we're not designing for that, so if that makes sense. iZP0peoQ4R8-00254-00260265-00260571 Joanne Cheung (she/her): I think this is a it's kind of a chicken and egg question right like. iZP0peoQ4R8-00255-00260646-00261606 Joanne Cheung (she/her): We want to create the openness and the potential for great things to happen and those things could include serendipitous collaboration, because we hope to recruit a cohort of amazing people. iZP0peoQ4R8-00256-00261663-00262617 Joanne Cheung (she/her): But That being said, showing up without an agenda tends to not produce good outcomes, by the end of six months, so for folks were coming in, we intend. iZP0peoQ4R8-00257-00262644-00263667 Joanne Cheung (she/her): For them to have a clear sense of a roadmap of what they hope to do, and I think that also, we hope, will make it easier for finding collaborations and sparking collaborations so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00258-00263754-00265020 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Not having anything carved in stone, but we are very open and again I think our intent is to create demonstrable impact through this fellowship so we're open to any and all ways to achieve that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00259-00265224-00266028 Newman (she/her): Great and we have another question, I think, Professor is a trend i'd like to turn this one to you I work as an executive for a social media company to the project, need to be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00260-00266169-00267138 Newman (she/her): collaborated with are deployed by our company and we use resources of the company, but or how would the agreement, the cla with company look look like. iZP0peoQ4R8-00261-00267186-00268227 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): yeah the cla in the past for Assembly has been intentionally quite simple and the kind of thing that is meant to sort of go down easy for a company that's like what is this now. iZP0peoQ4R8-00262-00268278-00269259 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And having the company understand that this is really valuable professional development within their workforce and that it's an employee taking initiative. iZP0peoQ4R8-00263-00269340-00270105 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): While sometimes it's taken a while to get the cla is signed off upon because you know it goes through process at the respective companies. iZP0peoQ4R8-00264-00270276-00271308 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): I think they've always come through i've never seen an instance in which it hasn't worked out, but that's in part because the cla is you know pretty simple and direct and for the clear purpose. iZP0peoQ4R8-00265-00271347-00272319 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): of being able to have kind of the way an attorney at a law firm might do pro bono work for the world Okay, this is a section of. iZP0peoQ4R8-00266-00272376-00273504 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): The job that is pro bono for the for the benefit of the public and that attorney might be using some of the resources of the law firm to do it there, you know typing on a computer that's a work computer. iZP0peoQ4R8-00267-00273618-00274653 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): or using some element of you know, legal research that is subsidized by the firm and so similar there might be elements of that the cla is meant to say. iZP0peoQ4R8-00268-00274713-00275688 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Whatever is going through this program is something that is part of what goes to the world so i'm the substance if you're at a particular company. iZP0peoQ4R8-00269-00275751-00277059 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Your idea could be something that doesn't particularly implicate the company imagine you work one place but you're really into Wikipedia and you have some idea of how Wikipedia can have a content moderation system that etc, etc. iZP0peoQ4R8-00270-00277104-00277875 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And in that sense, I actually see Wikipedia itself as a form of social media taking Professor because his broad view of what social media is. iZP0peoQ4R8-00271-00277917-00278646 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): But you also might say, you know what within my company if we were able to implement the following feature, and at the same time. iZP0peoQ4R8-00272-00278697-00279621 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): If we implemented this feature in our service or our software and there were somebody else that was able to do X and it was clear from a regulatory perspective that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00273-00279696-00280107 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): We wouldn't be stepping on any toes, then that would be really cool. iZP0peoQ4R8-00274-00280155-00281298 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): that's a project for which it would kind of be up to the participant to see what's the right amount of institutional commitment and buy into that idea before proposing but being able, just to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00275-00281352-00282204 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): test something out to play with it, and then to figure out when does it become a pilot and when does that pilot become something. iZP0peoQ4R8-00276-00282249-00282966 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): aiming towards prime time all of those are steps that might happen, even after the fellowships happened, it would just in the application be good to say. iZP0peoQ4R8-00277-00283038-00283761 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): exactly where things stand, and you know what your sense of your own project it so it could be within the company could be outside of it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00278-00283950-00285186 Newman (she/her): Great Thank you, and then we have another source, we have about 10 more minutes we're getting through as many of these as we can, and thanks to you all for such terrific questions and for the panelists for these rapid fire responses. iZP0peoQ4R8-00279-00285324-00285975 Newman (she/her): sorry about that um The next question i'd like to turn to Professor mickens, which is what is this perspective. iZP0peoQ4R8-00280-00285999-00287172 Newman (she/her): Of rsm on boundary pushing work, for example, how would the Institute respond to a project about the social norms behind nudity policies and algorithms and social media platforms specifically my work. iZP0peoQ4R8-00281-00287196-00287766 Newman (she/her): asks questions about the impact of these models on the LGBT community women and sex workers. iZP0peoQ4R8-00282-00288030-00288210 Newman (she/her): So boundary pushing what do we think about that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00283-00288255-00289161 James Mickens (he/him): Great I think we are, we are plus one on that, I think that you know, one of the big things that we want to do with the Institute is make sure that communities who. iZP0peoQ4R8-00284-00289287-00290124 James Mickens (he/him): have been traditionally sort of under focused upon don't don't try to do this sentence tree on that the grammar is jacked up, but people who have not been studied as extensively. iZP0peoQ4R8-00285-00290178-00291021 James Mickens (he/him): These people use social media to, and so I think it's it's actually something that we we seek out to have sort of a broad portfolio of projects. iZP0peoQ4R8-00286-00291042-00291846 James Mickens (he/him): You know, some of these products may end up looking quote unquote very technical, some may end up looking quote unquote very, very social science heavy. iZP0peoQ4R8-00287-00291927-00292713 James Mickens (he/him): You know, and not focus as much on some of the nuts and bolts of how the packets get sent around the Internet or things like that, but at a high level, I think we encourage. iZP0peoQ4R8-00288-00292785-00293511 James Mickens (he/him): proposals that will look at some unexplored areas of the social media space so yeah I think we would encourage you to apply. iZP0peoQ4R8-00289-00293700-00293916 Newman (she/her): Great thanks, thank you, Professor mickens. iZP0peoQ4R8-00290-00294054-00294285 Newman (she/her): All right, Joanna turn this one to you. iZP0peoQ4R8-00291-00294444-00295497 Newman (she/her): The project i'm hoping to pitches for a global self context that tends towards high touch and not high tech it involves mentorship low data is human and not data. iZP0peoQ4R8-00292-00295536-00296466 Newman (she/her): Sorry, is human and not data centered and is focused around annotation using a fact checking framework, none of these words are used in the call does this still resonate. iZP0peoQ4R8-00293-00296562-00296784 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So i'll say two things one is that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00294-00296967-00298329 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Projects like this certainly are important to improving the broader state of the Global Information ecosystem and social media, so I think looking at projects like this specifically. iZP0peoQ4R8-00295-00298389-00299550 Joanne Cheung (she/her): If we were to evaluate them on their merit, certainly, you know there's it's hard to object to them, I think the way I think about projects like this is how it's kind of going back to the first. iZP0peoQ4R8-00296-00299625-00301125 Joanne Cheung (she/her): criteria that I talked about earlier, which is uniqueness, how does this project stand to uniquely benefit from the structure of this fellowship so what that means is this timeframe of six months, a hybrid approach collaboration with. iZP0peoQ4R8-00297-00301278-00302097 Joanne Cheung (she/her): collaboration with other folks who are specifically focused on technology and policy but also brought our academics we're also going to be present. iZP0peoQ4R8-00298-00302139-00302862 Joanne Cheung (she/her): At Harvard who are the visiting scholars so with all of this and also Harvard as a platform would that benefit this project. iZP0peoQ4R8-00299-00302886-00304239 Joanne Cheung (she/her): and in what ways with this benefit that project, so I would orient it less on the specifics of the project itself, but more What about this structure could help accelerate the project that you're talking about So hopefully that answers the question. iZP0peoQ4R8-00300-00304527-00304668 Newman (she/her): Great thanks so much Joanne. iZP0peoQ4R8-00301-00304785-00304911 Newman (she/her): All right, let's see. iZP0peoQ4R8-00302-00305022-00305385 Newman (she/her): Tony Do you see any questions jumping out that you'd like to touch on. iZP0peoQ4R8-00303-00305937-00306381 Newman (she/her): i'll grab one while you're looking Tony so there's a question about professional or academic references. iZP0peoQ4R8-00304-00306408-00307365 Newman (she/her): Either one of those is fine, the purpose of the references is folks who know you know, the quality of your work know the type of person, you are and can speak to those things, so it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00305-00307413-00308841 Newman (she/her): can be academic references, it can be professional references from industry is really dependent on the person and it's really whoever will best it's it's less about having a big fancy name and much more about somebody who can speak to what you would bring as an individual to this fellowship. iZP0peoQ4R8-00306-00309516-00310590 Newman (she/her): Okay, that we have another so there's understandably a lot of interest in this idea of you know potential collaboration and we don't want to discourage collaboration, so there is another question it. iZP0peoQ4R8-00307-00310728-00311793 Newman (she/her): Will participants, be able to take part in each other's proposals at an early stage to find affinities, yes, I do kickoff weekend October, which will be one week in residence coven you know safety permitting. iZP0peoQ4R8-00308-00311862-00312414 Newman (she/her): In mid October will be a chance to be like a one week design sprint where folks will be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00309-00312444-00313536 Newman (she/her): Creating roadmaps challenged about their ideas thinking about the ways in which this fellowship can be particularly valuable to what they're trying to do, and absolutely should there be synergies across projects or. iZP0peoQ4R8-00310-00313560-00314355 Newman (she/her): Across individuals that would be the time to unpack That, however, we do want people to come in with ideas of what they would like to accomplish, and so we are. iZP0peoQ4R8-00311-00314454-00315003 Newman (she/her): We don't want you to expect like tend to come in and say, well, I need to find two engineers and like. iZP0peoQ4R8-00312-00315036-00315771 Newman (she/her): A front end designer and also, I need a policy expert we wouldn't let you to come in with those needs, because folks are going to have other things that they want to do, but. iZP0peoQ4R8-00313-00315798-00316758 Newman (she/her): We do want to attract folks that are collaborative in nature, generous and interdisciplinary and, as we said before, we will encourage that kind of magic to happen. iZP0peoQ4R8-00314-00317112-00318117 Toni Gardner (she/her): i'm seeing a question, do you already have an inbox full of referrals and projects that need staffing or help or That would be good for a fellowship applicant to work on. iZP0peoQ4R8-00315-00318180-00319143 Toni Gardner (she/her): And I think the answer for this particular program is no, we really are looking for unique and new projects, but if anybody else wants to elaborate that please feel free to jump in. iZP0peoQ4R8-00316-00319395-00320160 Newman (she/her): yeah I think that's you know that's exactly right where the projects can be gone under way that ought to be brand new but we aren't going to be assigned a new projects. iZP0peoQ4R8-00317-00320196-00320874 Newman (she/her): there's a lot of projects in the world that folks are working on, we want you to bring those to this fellowship to continue working on them and. iZP0peoQ4R8-00318-00320904-00321513 Newman (she/her): There are as joanne's and others have mentioned a cohort of visiting scholars coming in, that will be working on their research. iZP0peoQ4R8-00319-00321534-00322389 Newman (she/her): There is other kinds of programming, there are you know students at ALS and broadly there's a great cohort of brooklyn client fellows coming in. iZP0peoQ4R8-00320-00322419-00322839 Newman (she/her): I can see becca doing the little fellows dance for those who it's going to be an amazing community but. iZP0peoQ4R8-00321-00322866-00323784 Newman (she/her): The fellows coming into the rsm assembly fellowship will not be assigned projects or will not have a menu of projects to choose from, it is up to you to propose something in your application. iZP0peoQ4R8-00322-00324087-00324450 Newman (she/her): Okay, we have a question to any social media companies provide funding to the Institute. iZP0peoQ4R8-00323-00324519-00325596 Newman (she/her): And is there a perfect potential conflict of interest if a proposed fellowship project is a threat to the existing business models of these social media companies, I think, professors are trained well any of us could answer this but furniture professors a trim. iZP0peoQ4R8-00324-00325614-00326034 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): It would be seriously unfortunate if you're like yes, we only want ideas that are. iZP0peoQ4R8-00325-00326052-00327060 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Completely aligned with the existing business models, with the company so know that place that setting up for a bad clip That is exactly not what we are saying. iZP0peoQ4R8-00326-00327207-00328284 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): You know it's a little trite to invoke you know the Harvard veritas motto, but the whole point here is to have a demilitarized zone where ideas get tested. iZP0peoQ4R8-00327-00328389-00329616 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): On criteria and on merits and define what those merits are argue about what would be good figure out what the data would be that would help show what's good or what's bad under the criteria and the values we're talking about. iZP0peoQ4R8-00328-00329658-00330264 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): All of that can be foreground and, in fact, for our participants, I think, often from the commercial sector. iZP0peoQ4R8-00329-00330366-00331743 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): It can its way, be just quite expanding to not have front and Center wait a minute is this completely aligned with some other person at the company is idea of corporate strategy, the purpose here is. iZP0peoQ4R8-00330-00331788-00332979 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Again, to conceive oneself, or what the public interest is and work on it, and I can speak more generally, I think, in my thinking about the Institute for rebooting social media. iZP0peoQ4R8-00331-00333198-00333936 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): we're not just we're not just saying unplug it and plug it back in it'll it'll go back to the state, it was in before it somehow messed up. iZP0peoQ4R8-00332-00334014-00335202 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): But rather really thinking about what are practical doable plausible short medium term incremental interventions and by whom. iZP0peoQ4R8-00333-00335274-00337047 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): And the other things are like what would a clean slate look like what if we had completely different incentives for different pieces of the ecosystem producing the social media, we have right now, and those are also questions we're really eager to ask and try to answer so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00334-00337191-00338169 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): No it's, it is not might be worth describing those conflicts with business models, as part of just the This is why this might be hard to do. iZP0peoQ4R8-00335-00338211-00339675 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): But there's not some central filter of us with that and no we're not taking funding from any of the social media companies, we do have funding, because without it we wouldn't have funding and we list our donors, which include. iZP0peoQ4R8-00336-00339816-00340494 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): The Craig newmark philanthropies Reid Hoffman a knight foundation. iZP0peoQ4R8-00337-00340620-00341379 Jonathan Zittrain (he/him): Our 12 foundation and am I missing anybody at the moment that's that's who we have so far yeah. iZP0peoQ4R8-00338-00341472-00342261 Newman (she/her): And just to add on to that one of the exciting things about this fellowship is specifically that because we have fundraised in advance for the fellowship. iZP0peoQ4R8-00339-00342318-00343293 Newman (she/her): Critical work as welcome it's not funded by social media companies and it's we ought to be critical, and we are critical and that's one of the reasons that this pop up Institute. iZP0peoQ4R8-00340-00343353-00344220 Newman (she/her): decided to take three years to address and tackle some of the challenges with social media, rather than the predecessor program which was one year, at a time, it was like well. iZP0peoQ4R8-00341-00344250-00344817 Newman (she/her): We can do this much in one year why don't we give it full three years and really see see what we can do in that time. iZP0peoQ4R8-00342-00344937-00345993 Newman (she/her): So we're going to we have we're going five minutes over For those of you would like to stay thanks again for all the terrific questions we're going to try to get to sorry about the noise, if you can hear that i'm going to try to get to the last couple. iZP0peoQ4R8-00343-00346056-00346767 Newman (she/her): That we have and, as you know, there's an a contact email on the website if we didn't get to your question, or if you have another question that comes up. iZP0peoQ4R8-00344-00346899-00347664 Newman (she/her): there's a question about and Joanne, I would like to try this one over to you from can you speak to how fully conceptualized project project proposals need to be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00345-00347703-00348267 Newman (she/her): For example, is it worth applying if you have a general idea of what you want to accomplish but don't yet have much of a roadmap. iZP0peoQ4R8-00346-00348402-00348555 Joanne Cheung (she/her): I would say absolutely. iZP0peoQ4R8-00347-00348570-00349923 Joanne Cheung (she/her): So the way I might think about this is, if you have a concrete sense of what the problem is so if you have a clear problem definition, but you might not know exactly how to build something or what might solve that problem absolutely so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00348-00350055-00351150 Joanne Cheung (she/her): I think in the other way, maybe, if you have something that you are building, but you might be still flushing out the problem that's fine too so it's not like you need to have a full fledged plan for what you plan on doing. iZP0peoQ4R8-00349-00351213-00352386 Joanne Cheung (she/her): But more that if you have kind of a unique perspective on a problem that you wish to solve within this very huge space, so you know not so an example, might be. iZP0peoQ4R8-00350-00352620-00353469 Joanne Cheung (she/her): Like the business model behind corporate vc fund a social media is broken i'm gonna solve that that's too big right, but if you have something that's like. iZP0peoQ4R8-00351-00353511-00354234 Joanne Cheung (she/her): A little more specific and I won't give any examples, because I think that my bias you but you kind of get get the idea so. iZP0peoQ4R8-00352-00354303-00355887 Joanne Cheung (she/her): You know if he even for policy you can't just say like okay like rethink anti trust like that might be too big, so you don't need a specific plan, but at least have a have a bite sized problem that's tackle within six months period. iZP0peoQ4R8-00353-00356172-00357030 Newman (she/her): Thanks Joanne we have a question about continuing affiliation with because he became see For those of you who are just coming to this acronym is for the brooklyn Klein Center. iZP0peoQ4R8-00354-00357177-00357450 Newman (she/her): Becker Professor mickens which one of you like to speak to that. iZP0peoQ4R8-00355-00357741-00357822 James Mickens (he/him): yeah becca go for. iZP0peoQ4R8-00356-00357915-00358542 Toni Gardner (she/her): happy to i'm kind of like hotel California, you can check out, but you never leave right at the berkman Center. iZP0peoQ4R8-00357-00358641-00359391 Toni Gardner (she/her): You know I speak of privileges and I think one of the great privileges, we have, as an institution is really being able to maintain relationships. iZP0peoQ4R8-00358-00359412-00360546 Toni Gardner (she/her): with people who come through our networks and continue to turn back to them, they continue to turn to us in different ways, and sometimes that relationship is formal if it's fitting for that person. iZP0peoQ4R8-00359-00360576-00361266 Toni Gardner (she/her): To hold a different role or be collaborating with the Center through one of our other programs or forums other times it's informal. iZP0peoQ4R8-00360-00361311-00362535 Toni Gardner (she/her): The most important thing is that you know affiliation isn't necessary in order to do good work together so that's something we're really proud of and happy to foster amongst the Community, so it depends. iZP0peoQ4R8-00361-00362589-00363255 Toni Gardner (she/her): As far as formality but as far as opportunities and ways to continue to remain part of the network, absolutely no question, there. iZP0peoQ4R8-00362-00363414-00363858 James Mickens (he/him): And I think that's one of the things that I like the most about the Community that it is a community. iZP0peoQ4R8-00363-00363885-00364614 James Mickens (he/him): And there are plenty of people who, for example, gone through prior assembly fellowships that I still staying in touch with we still brainstorm about things. iZP0peoQ4R8-00364-00364644-00365409 James Mickens (he/him): And like in a certain sense, like whether that's like an official bk see collaboration or not, almost as besides the point you know it's really that you know you've met someone. iZP0peoQ4R8-00365-00365466-00365931 James Mickens (he/him): You have a good connection with them their Community you continue to talk and that's really, the important thing. iZP0peoQ4R8-00366-00366210-00366942 Newman (she/her): Great so we've answered the questions all the questions in the Q amp a I know that some questions have come in through the chat that we haven't gone to. iZP0peoQ4R8-00367-00366963-00367500 Newman (she/her): in as much detail as we would like, but for those of you have a question that's particular to your individual case. iZP0peoQ4R8-00368-00367530-00368286 Newman (she/her): feel free to send us an email about that particular circumstance, we tried to answer the questions that were most applicable to the broad group that's attending today. iZP0peoQ4R8-00369-00368370-00369852 Newman (she/her): And with that Thank you to everybody here, and thanks to all of you for coming, and we will be posting this on our website soon and so feel free to revisit it and review any answers that you forgot that we already said. iZP0peoQ4R8-00370-00370104-00370194 Newman (she/her): Thanks everybody. iaA7TLmCLF0-00000-00000664-00001071 Did you like that sloshing sound of the waves crashing the riprap? iaA7TLmCLF0-00001-00001071-00001567 This is what we're gonna see in some waterfront properties in Lake Wylie. iaA7TLmCLF0-00002-00001567-00001960 are you thinking of buying a waterfront home for sale on lake wylie in north iaA7TLmCLF0-00003-00001960-00002335 carolina or south carolina what are the waterfront iaA7TLmCLF0-00004-00002335-00002856 homes for sale going for are there homes for sale on the main iaA7TLmCLF0-00005-00002856-00003239 channel or on the coves stay tuned because iaA7TLmCLF0-00006-00003239-00004568 these are the topics that i will be talking about today iaA7TLmCLF0-00007-00004568-00004896 hi my name is lynn alvarez a realtor with the ally group iaA7TLmCLF0-00008-00004896-00005200 of exp realty in charlotte north carolina iaA7TLmCLF0-00009-00005200-00005623 i create youtube videos about real estate neighborhood tours iaA7TLmCLF0-00010-00005623-00006055 and tips and tricks for home buyers and home sellers iaA7TLmCLF0-00011-00006055-00006551 lake wylie a man-made lake is located on the south and north carolina border iaA7TLmCLF0-00012-00006551-00007240 and has 13 400 acres of surface area and 325 miles of shoreline south iaA7TLmCLF0-00013-00007240-00007888 carolina cities that are on lake wiley are tega kay lake wylie iaA7TLmCLF0-00014-00007888-00008624 fort mill clover york and rock hill the north carolina cities iaA7TLmCLF0-00015-00008624-00009407 are charlotte zip code 28278 and belmont 28012 iaA7TLmCLF0-00016-00009407-00009992 as of july 23 2020 there are 47 waterfront homes for sale on lake wiley iaA7TLmCLF0-00017-00009992-00010511 ranging from 564 999 iaA7TLmCLF0-00018-00010511-00011079 to 6 million 190 000 i'm going to show you the least iaA7TLmCLF0-00019-00011079-00011415 expensive waterfront home for sale in lake wylie iaA7TLmCLF0-00020-00011415-00011720 located in the beautiful golf and waterfront community iaA7TLmCLF0-00021-00011720-00012079 called the palisades this home is a new construction iaA7TLmCLF0-00022-00012079-00012520 and should be finished very soon it has four bedrooms iaA7TLmCLF0-00023-00012520-00013259 three full baths car garage with 2 858 square feet and listed at iaA7TLmCLF0-00024-00013259-00014000 564 999 see its location on delay as of this iaA7TLmCLF0-00025-00014000-00014287 date next is the most expensive lake wiley iaA7TLmCLF0-00026-00014287-00014823 waterfront home listed at 6 million 190 000 iaA7TLmCLF0-00027-00014823-00015184 it is located in a prestigious waterfront community called iaA7TLmCLF0-00028-00015184-00015647 the sanctuary in charlotte this stunning beauty sits on an iaA7TLmCLF0-00029-00015647-00016200 11 acre wooded lot with 1900 feet of shoreline iaA7TLmCLF0-00030-00016200-00016792 it has six bedrooms eight full baths three half baths eight car garage wow iaA7TLmCLF0-00031-00016792-00017159 that's incredible and a spectacular pool with two iaA7TLmCLF0-00032-00017159-00017551 waterfalls are you looking for a new construction iaA7TLmCLF0-00033-00017551-00018015 home on the water this european style home is located in iaA7TLmCLF0-00034-00018015-00018312 belmont north carolina to be built with a iaA7TLmCLF0-00035-00018312-00018904 proposed december 2020 completion date this home with four bedrooms three full iaA7TLmCLF0-00036-00018904-00019264 baths two half baths three car garage has a iaA7TLmCLF0-00037-00019264-00019704 master bedroom down and a basement buy it at one million iaA7TLmCLF0-00038-00019704-00020215 hundred forty five thousand dollars some people have different criteria when iaA7TLmCLF0-00039-00020215-00020704 they look for a home some love the sunset so how about this iaA7TLmCLF0-00040-00020704-00020984 home with its southwest oriented backyard iaA7TLmCLF0-00041-00020984-00021464 to enjoy a beautiful sunset this lovely property has an iaA7TLmCLF0-00042-00021464-00021951 unobstructed main channel view on a peninsula shaped lot iaA7TLmCLF0-00043-00021951-00022464 this four bedroom three and a half bath home in a gated country club community iaA7TLmCLF0-00044-00022464-00022936 can be yours for one million three hundred ninety five thousand dollars iaA7TLmCLF0-00045-00022936-00023279 disclosure the properties i've mentioned are not iaA7TLmCLF0-00046-00023279-00023615 brokered by our company however because of iaA7TLmCLF0-00047-00023615-00024168 idx reciprocity they are on our website and that is why i can tell you more iaA7TLmCLF0-00048-00024168-00024528 about them if you want to schedule an appointment iaA7TLmCLF0-00049-00024528-00025136 please give me a call at 704-975-2429 or you can look down iaA7TLmCLF0-00050-00025136-00025704 below and schedule an appointment it's very easy to navigate our website iaA7TLmCLF0-00051-00025704-00026063 just click the property on the map and it will take you to the detailed iaA7TLmCLF0-00052-00026063-00026488 information of the home please log in by typing your name email iaA7TLmCLF0-00053-00026488-00026832 address and phone number once you're registered iaA7TLmCLF0-00054-00026832-00027256 you can go back to your website anytime this is so much easier and iaA7TLmCLF0-00055-00027256-00027744 faster than going to zillow trulia or realtor.com where you need to iaA7TLmCLF0-00056-00027744-00028191 contact an agent first before seeing homes on their website iaA7TLmCLF0-00057-00028191-00028624 there are many beautiful waterfront homes for sale in belmont north carolina iaA7TLmCLF0-00058-00028624-00028983 which is north of lake wylie and west of charlotte iaA7TLmCLF0-00059-00028983-00029583 tega kay waterfront homes for sale charlotte nc waterfront homes for sale iaA7TLmCLF0-00060-00029583-00029944 clover south carolina waterfront homes for sale iaA7TLmCLF0-00061-00029944-00030472 waterfront new construction homes for sale even lake wylie waterfront lots for iaA7TLmCLF0-00062-00030472-00030847 sale can be found on our website at living in iaA7TLmCLF0-00063-00030847-00031183 greater charlotte.com iaA7TLmCLF0-00064-00031256-00031672 if you're also interested in lake norman waterfront homes for sale iaA7TLmCLF0-00065-00031672-00032008 or mountain island lake waterfront homes for sale iaA7TLmCLF0-00066-00032008-00032544 or any type of property in different cities or neighborhoods iaA7TLmCLF0-00067-00032544-00032847 they are available on our website which is iaA7TLmCLF0-00068-00032847-00033319 living in greater charlotte.com are you thinking of purchasing a home iaA7TLmCLF0-00069-00033319-00033816 soon or maybe in a year or two by the time you make a decision on iaA7TLmCLF0-00070-00033816-00034216 buying a waterfront home in lake wylie there are new listings on iaA7TLmCLF0-00071-00034216-00034591 the market but don't worry our website has new iaA7TLmCLF0-00072-00034591-00034984 properties for sale in lake valley and other areas we cover iaA7TLmCLF0-00073-00034984-00035568 every hour and every day we have a lot of out-of-town buyers looking to buy iaA7TLmCLF0-00074-00035568-00035896 waterfront properties in lake wylie lake norman iaA7TLmCLF0-00075-00035896-00036336 and mountain island lake if you're thinking of relocating to charlotte iaA7TLmCLF0-00076-00036336-00036736 north carolina we will send you a relocation guide iaA7TLmCLF0-00077-00036736-00037256 please see the description below thank you for watching if you liked this iaA7TLmCLF0-00078-00037256-00037528 video and you learned something about lake wylie iaA7TLmCLF0-00079-00037528-00037944 please make a comment below please hit that like button iaA7TLmCLF0-00080-00037944-00038496 subscribe and click that bell button so you'll be notified every time we have iaA7TLmCLF0-00081-00038496-00039040 a new video as always thank you for watching i'm lynn iaA7TLmCLF0-00082-00039040-00039568 alvarez a realtor with the ali group of exp realty in charlotte north carolina iaA7TLmCLF0-00083-00039568-00039968 if you have any questions about lake wally and the surrounding areas iaA7TLmCLF0-00084-00039968-00040968 please call or text me at 704-975-2429 or you can send me an email at lynn iaA7TLmCLF0-00085-00040968-00042384 @lynnalvarez.com thank you again and i hope to talk to you soon iaA7TLmCLF0-00086-00042528-00042736 you idveIv-2SqM-00000-00000000-00000200 Cycle Reece is interesting igBxesRuLAu-00000-00000000-00000396 There are two main types of Affordable Learning Solutions: igBxesRuLAu-00001-00000396-00000873 Open Educational Resources and Library Resources! igBxesRuLAu-00002-00000873-00001429 Open educational resources are course materials that are freely available and openly licensed igBxesRuLAu-00003-00001430-00002190 so that faculty can do the five R’s: revise, remix, reuse, redistribute, and retain (copyright, that is). igBxesRuLAu-00004-00002190-00002893 You can download the material to tailor it to your course, save a copy locally, and share it back out with attribution. igBxesRuLAu-00005-00002893-00003399 You’ll know if something is an OER by whether or not it has a Creative Commons license. igBxesRuLAu-00006-00003400-00004010 These licenses specify exactly how you can use it! We’ll talk more about that in a moment. igBxesRuLAu-00007-00004010-00004420 Some people wonder whether free materials can possibly be any good. igBxesRuLAu-00008-00004420-00004850 One way that academics handle questions of quality is through peer review. igBxesRuLAu-00009-00004850-00005390 So for example, many of the text books in the Open Textbook Library have been reviewed by other faculty igBxesRuLAu-00010-00005390-00005760 for accuracy, clarity, organization, and other criteria. igBxesRuLAu-00011-00005760-00006083 The evaluation rubric is available online. igBxesRuLAu-00012-00006083-00006599 But instructors also know that textbooks from traditional publishers aren't always perfect either. igBxesRuLAu-00013-00006600-00007000 If you find an error or problem with a text book that’s under traditional copyright, igBxesRuLAu-00014-00007000-00007580 all you can do about it is wait for the next and even more expensive edition to arrive. igBxesRuLAu-00015-00007580-00008050 If the textbook is openly licensed, though, you can download it and make your own version igBxesRuLAu-00016-00008050-00008236 that fixes the problems you've found. igBxesRuLAu-00017-00008236-00008829 You can make a version that's uniquely relevant to California or that solves accessibility problems in the original. igBxesRuLAu-00018-00008830-00009323 Then, you can share back to the Commons so that other people don't have to repeat your work. igBxesRuLAu-00019-00009323-00010216 With Open Educational Resources faculty have a lot more control over the quality of their course materials than with a traditional publisher textbook. igBxesRuLAu-00020-00010216-00010653 Of course, there are infinite options for course materials beyond textbooks. igBxesRuLAu-00021-00010653-00011039 You may instead choose chapters from a few different textbooks. igBxesRuLAu-00022-00011040-00011490 You can search repositories for different kinds of learning objects to support your course. igBxesRuLAu-00023-00011490-00012016 A repository of open content that I recommend is the California Open Online Library. igBxesRuLAu-00024-00012016-00012653 There are many other places to look including Merlot, OER Commons, and more. igBxesRuLAu-00025-00012653-00013186 There are four basic types of Creative Commons licenses which can also be combined in certain ways. igBxesRuLAu-00026-00013186-00013976 All of the licenses mandate attribution, but creators can also choose to prohibit commercial uses or derivative works, or require that users share alike. igBxesRuLAu-00027-00013976-00014893 If you run across content that you want to use, but it doesn’t have an assigned license, you can still always contact the copyright holder. igBxesRuLAu-00028-00014893-00015223 Library resources are not Open Educational Resources. igBxesRuLAu-00029-00015223-00015909 They're almost always under copyright restrictions subject to a contract with a database provider and password protected. igBxesRuLAu-00030-00015910-00016540 Yet these are high quality resources that students are already paying for access to with their tuition and fees. igBxesRuLAu-00031-00016540-00017100 One way to make use of library resources is to replace a textbook with an ebook that the library licenses. igBxesRuLAu-00032-00017100-00017436 If you do this, please contact a librarian first. igBxesRuLAu-00033-00017436-00018259 You will need to make sure that the ebook license allows for unlimited simultaneous use in order to accommodate an entire class. igBxesRuLAu-00034-00018260-00018680 If you would like to use an ebook but it's not in the library catalog, a igBxesRuLAu-00035-00018680-00019420 librarian can investigate whether it's feasible for the library or your department to purchase a license that will support its use as a textbook. igBxesRuLAu-00036-00019420-00020116 Depending on the vendors, students will have varying ability to read on different platforms, save, download, or print. igBxesRuLAu-00037-00020116-00020799 You'll want to check out all of these use questions before the term starts so you’re prepared to help your students. igBxesRuLAu-00038-00020800-00021273 If your class uses a course pack then library resources could be a really good fit. igBxesRuLAu-00039-00021273-00021869 When you give a list of articles and book chapters to the bookstore or copy shop, they go out to the Copyright Clearance Center igBxesRuLAu-00040-00021870-00022336 and purchase permissions for your class before they print and sell the course pack. igBxesRuLAu-00041-00022336-00022919 In many cases students are already paying for access to those exact articles and chapters through their tuition and fees igBxesRuLAu-00042-00022920-00023230 because the library has already licensed them. igBxesRuLAu-00043-00023230-00023490 Students should not pay twice. igBxesRuLAu-00044-00023490-00024070 Going through your syllabus and figuring out where the library already has access to your content might require the help of a librarian. ikXE-7XrOmY-00000-00000072-00000672 eight niche market examples with untapped business potential updated ikXE-7XrOmY-00001-00000672-00001016 hey guys have you ever heard of saying jack of all trades master of none ikXE-7XrOmY-00002-00001080-00001488 well that's what happens if you don't have a good niche okay you're not good at any of them ikXE-7XrOmY-00003-00001488-00001992 so you really need to master one thing and in this video i'm going to show you eight niches ikXE-7XrOmY-00004-00001992-00002592 that you have got to check out because there's so much money to be made and it's not that hard to do ikXE-7XrOmY-00005-00002592-00002944 at the end of this video you're going to have that information you're going to have the ability ikXE-7XrOmY-00006-00002944-00003376 to attack one of those markets and make a bunch of money so let's get going hey if you haven't ikXE-7XrOmY-00007-00003376-00003752 subscribed so far make sure you hit that subscribe button down there don't forget to do that ikXE-7XrOmY-00008-00003752-00004152 turn it from red to gray and don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're ikXE-7XrOmY-00009-00004152-00004656 notified each and every time i do a new video or i go live don't forget to give me a thumbs up in ikXE-7XrOmY-00010-00004656-00005056 this video okay it helps the algorithm i would really appreciate it so let's check them out ikXE-7XrOmY-00011-00005056-00005520 what are these eight niches okay i'm excited to share them with you before we get too deep into ikXE-7XrOmY-00012-00005520-00005976 this though let's talk about what a niche is okay i don't want to not define that before i ikXE-7XrOmY-00013-00005976-00006480 give you a niche and you don't know what it is a niche is nothing more than a particular market an ikXE-7XrOmY-00014-00006480-00007288 area of interest okay so each niche can be broken down into more and more different categories okay ikXE-7XrOmY-00015-00007288-00007968 so let's say you were selling shoes okay so that's that's that's a really broad nice shoes okay and ikXE-7XrOmY-00016-00007968-00008544 then you break it down to women okay so we break it down to women and then we break it down to ikXE-7XrOmY-00017-00008544-00009064 women who do athletic type things so now we're talking about athletic shoes ikXE-7XrOmY-00018-00009128-00009712 so we could break it down even further and say women who have athletic shoes who are between the ikXE-7XrOmY-00019-00009712-00010272 age of 18 and 24 because that style is going to be a lot more different than a 65 year old woman ikXE-7XrOmY-00020-00010272-00010744 who's into athletics okay so what we want to do is keep breaking down that niche to where it's very ikXE-7XrOmY-00021-00010744-00011168 specific and that way you're going to call out those customers and you're going to get more sales ikXE-7XrOmY-00022-00011168-00011888 the first category is conscious customers now according to a survey done by ibm 6 out of 10 ikXE-7XrOmY-00023-00011888-00012456 consumers said they would change their spending habits based on their conscious consumerism and ikXE-7XrOmY-00024-00012456-00012912 what does that mean that means that maybe they want to go vegan maybe they want to go without ikXE-7XrOmY-00025-00012912-00013447 chemicals in their household and use all natural maybe they're into all organic but these conscious ikXE-7XrOmY-00026-00013447-00014040 consumers are a huge niche in the market right now and what i'd like to do is show you a few examples ikXE-7XrOmY-00027-00014040-00014463 now of companies that are going after that niche let's check out the first one here which is ikXE-7XrOmY-00028-00014463-00015080 bees wrap okay they're looking to replace plastic wrap with options made from beeswax ikXE-7XrOmY-00029-00015080-00015608 this is a natural alternative to food storage and it's not only environmentally friendly but it's ikXE-7XrOmY-00030-00015608-00016096 also more cost effective for consumers because it's reusable they can use it over and over again ikXE-7XrOmY-00031-00016176-00016696 more niche products ideas would be like reusable drinking straws cruelty free cosmetics ikXE-7XrOmY-00032-00016696-00017376 a vegan friendly apparel and products of the same vegan friendly apparel and other like products ikXE-7XrOmY-00033-00017376-00018024 let's check out our next category now number two is health and wellness now this is a category ikXE-7XrOmY-00034-00018024-00018528 that's been big forever i mean it's been big forever but it's even gotten bigger so let's check ikXE-7XrOmY-00035-00018528-00019568 it out now in 2020 health and wellness reached a 3.31 trillion dollar sales which is huge but if ikXE-7XrOmY-00036-00019568-00020048 you think about it in 2020 you know some things happened there there were people that were a ikXE-7XrOmY-00037-00020048-00020528 little concerned about germs and health and their wellness and all that but it also goes into their ikXE-7XrOmY-00038-00020528-00020976 spirituality too so let's check out an example of somebody who has targeted this health and ikXE-7XrOmY-00039-00020976-00021448 wellness and what they did we're going to look at happiness abscess let's go check it out now okay ikXE-7XrOmY-00040-00021448-00021912 so they found their place in health and wellness niche through selling scents its products contain ikXE-7XrOmY-00041-00021912-00022464 specific combination of scents that improve your state of well-being and happiness each scent ikXE-7XrOmY-00042-00022464-00023328 is developed by a neurologist wow and packaged in a soap tin candle or perfume customers can ikXE-7XrOmY-00043-00023328-00023912 enjoy anytime they need a lift okay pretty cool stuff the product opportunities of this niche are ikXE-7XrOmY-00044-00023912-00024600 endless food and beverage and personal beauty skin care immunity digital products like ebooks recipes ikXE-7XrOmY-00045-00024600-00025016 even though you don't have to be an expert to start a business in this niche it's really ikXE-7XrOmY-00046-00025016-00025464 a good idea to team up with a professional to develop safe products for your consumers ikXE-7XrOmY-00047-00025464-00026168 there's everything from melatonin infused gummies to you know mushroom infused coffees to all kinds ikXE-7XrOmY-00048-00026168-00026760 of stuff that work in this niche number three pet owners oh my gosh pet owners my wife has ikXE-7XrOmY-00049-00026760-00027272 a channel on youtube you can check it out it's the furry family coach but her name is jessica ikXE-7XrOmY-00050-00027272-00028016 elfisher so you can check that out but the pet area is huge guys in 2020 alone there was 99 ikXE-7XrOmY-00051-00028016-00028632 billion dollars sold for pet owners uh that's a huge market and it's growing and growing growing ikXE-7XrOmY-00052-00028632-00029120 and the way we actually look at our animals now and the way we did 20 30 50 years ago ikXE-7XrOmY-00053-00029120-00029552 is hugely different they are family members now they are family members to almost all of us ikXE-7XrOmY-00054-00029552-00030016 we look at them differently in the united states not so much in third world countries but in the ikXE-7XrOmY-00055-00030016-00030512 us we've kind of figured that out that they're probably one of the most helpful things for our ikXE-7XrOmY-00056-00030512-00031056 health and wellness and mental stability is to have a good animal around so we want to take care ikXE-7XrOmY-00057-00031056-00031527 of them and we want to treat them like a family member now check out this site only natural pet ikXE-7XrOmY-00058-00031583-00032152 only natural pet is a great niche business example of this market it sells everything ikXE-7XrOmY-00059-00032152-00032752 including natural food flea and tick repellent outdoor gear toys beds and much more a pet owner ikXE-7XrOmY-00060-00032752-00033440 can come into its website and find anything they need for their pup while most people own fish or ikXE-7XrOmY-00061-00033440-00034072 dogs or cats there's also unique pets like horses lizards turtles even chickens each come with their ikXE-7XrOmY-00062-00034072-00034544 own potential opportunities and keep in mind there's also a lot of ancillary products like ikXE-7XrOmY-00063-00034640-00035008 pet cameras to check on your animals i know we have them to check on our animals ikXE-7XrOmY-00064-00035008-00035512 photos that are customizable to t-shirts and hats and the such uh organic food for your pet there's ikXE-7XrOmY-00065-00035512-00036112 so many areas that you could sell in the pet arena number four travelers travelers are huge wasn't so ikXE-7XrOmY-00066-00036112-00036680 much in 2020 however now it's coming back and it's coming back real strong and people are looking for ikXE-7XrOmY-00067-00036680-00037232 more economical ways to travel something that doesn't use up as much energy that type of thing ikXE-7XrOmY-00068-00037232-00037680 but travel industry is huge right now guys and there's so many ancillary products you can sell to ikXE-7XrOmY-00069-00037680-00038152 this industry let's check out this site now called nomadic let's run over there real quick it's a ikXE-7XrOmY-00070-00038152-00038576 luggage brand geared towards travelers especially digital nomads which i know a bunch of those ikXE-7XrOmY-00071-00038576-00039304 people who prioritize functionality you can see this audience focus represented across the entire ikXE-7XrOmY-00072-00039304-00039776 business from its product to its copywriting there's all kinds of products including say ikXE-7XrOmY-00073-00039776-00040328 smartphone accessories and technology that help you be more productive while on the road ikXE-7XrOmY-00074-00040328-00040648 athletic clothing that's more comfortable i know when i was a kid it was a big thing ikXE-7XrOmY-00075-00040648-00041032 if somebody went on a flight they got all dressed up to go on a flight that's not the case anymore ikXE-7XrOmY-00076-00041032-00041528 okay people want to be more comfortable they even have things like scratch maps for people to keep ikXE-7XrOmY-00077-00041528-00041944 track of all the places that they've visited so there's a lot of different products you could sell ikXE-7XrOmY-00078-00041944-00042480 to this market the next category i want to talk about is home owners this category has changed ikXE-7XrOmY-00079-00042480-00043008 dramatically over the years it's not what it used to be but it creates a heck of an opportunity for ikXE-7XrOmY-00080-00043008-00043376 somebody who wants to make some money now as you can see from this chart right here ikXE-7XrOmY-00081-00043448-00043904 home ownership's been all over the place it looks like its peak was in 2005 ikXE-7XrOmY-00082-00043904-00044432 uh and that was right before the 2008 bubble right where everybody lost their home and then it was at ikXE-7XrOmY-00083-00044432-00045104 its low it looks like around 200 2015 2016 but you can see the increase now the definition of ikXE-7XrOmY-00084-00045104-00045600 being a homeowner is also changing homes are increasingly turned into investment properties ikXE-7XrOmY-00085-00045600-00046248 or shared spaces that generate additional passive income thanks to companies like airbnb or vrbo ikXE-7XrOmY-00086-00046320-00046936 that paved a way for august to launch its own line of keyless entry and home security products ikXE-7XrOmY-00087-00046936-00047488 for homeowners one of the main features is guest access allowing host to grant access to renters ikXE-7XrOmY-00088-00047488-00048112 for specified time periods so here's their site right here here's their site right here august and ikXE-7XrOmY-00089-00048112-00048768 it has an explanation of how their product works it says smart locks are an upgrade to existing ikXE-7XrOmY-00090-00048768-00049376 door lock and have added features such as keyless entry guest access and automatic lock and unlock ikXE-7XrOmY-00091-00049376-00049896 features now there's so many other products you can sell to homeowners it can be security cameras ikXE-7XrOmY-00092-00049896-00050488 it could be no drill blinds that go into a home to customize it all kinds of things that people are ikXE-7XrOmY-00093-00050488-00050952 using maybe to rent out their home where they didn't do that before so this is also a huge ikXE-7XrOmY-00094-00050952-00051424 market the next area i want to tell you about is work from home work from home is amazing i'm able ikXE-7XrOmY-00095-00051424-00052040 to do it my wife's able to do it and when polled 80 of companies said that they are going to let ikXE-7XrOmY-00096-00052040-00052591 their employees work from home at least part of the time and a lot of those companies said 47 ikXE-7XrOmY-00097-00052591-00053064 percent that said that full time they could work from home because they understand it's actually to ikXE-7XrOmY-00098-00053064-00053496 their benefit if they can get the same work done they don't have to supply a desk and a computer ikXE-7XrOmY-00099-00053496-00053967 and lighting and air conditioning and all those things an office rental for an employee they're ikXE-7XrOmY-00100-00053967-00054528 going to actually save money now this next site is pretty cool because i work in coffee shops and i'm ikXE-7XrOmY-00101-00054528-00054944 always out in them you know working on my computer and so forth but this place here took it a step ikXE-7XrOmY-00102-00054944-00055352 further this is called freelancer at work and it's an example of a company serving this niche ikXE-7XrOmY-00103-00055352-00055944 market of freelancers with products that can help attract potential clients they sell laptop decals ikXE-7XrOmY-00104-00055944-00056552 that advertise what you do wherever you choose to work from that's a pretty cool idea keeping these ikXE-7XrOmY-00105-00056552-00057152 remote workers motivations and lifestyles in mind can help you identify product ideas and help them ikXE-7XrOmY-00106-00057208-00057688 and the companies that employ them achieve their goals now there's so many other products they ikXE-7XrOmY-00107-00057688-00058167 could be you know toys for your desk right they could be stuff like that they could be decor for ikXE-7XrOmY-00108-00058167-00058664 the home they could be supplies that help you work in a coffee shop maybe it's a stand for ikXE-7XrOmY-00109-00058664-00059160 the computer or your phone or whatever there's so many different items you can sell to these people ikXE-7XrOmY-00110-00059160-00059760 who actually work from home or a coffee shop the next category is locals yeah locals a lot of big ikXE-7XrOmY-00111-00059760-00060296 businesses are actually focusing on locals now people who are self-identifying in their town ikXE-7XrOmY-00112-00060296-00060855 now i know we're moving to taxes soon and we're going to be at austin austin's a huge tech town ikXE-7XrOmY-00113-00060855-00061488 and people want to identify all kinds of sayings on hats and shirts and you know whatever posters ikXE-7XrOmY-00114-00061488-00061984 uh wall hangings that have to do with austin are hugely popular so are they for san diego ikXE-7XrOmY-00115-00061984-00062560 and los angeles people are actually wanting to self-identify with their town now so you can sell ikXE-7XrOmY-00116-00062560-00063055 products for locals now here's another cool thing a lot of people may not live in the town they want ikXE-7XrOmY-00117-00063055-00063536 to live in but they want to represent that town so you can sell to them too and number eight the ikXE-7XrOmY-00118-00063536-00064176 last one i want to tell you about is people who are self-sufficient self-sufficient people now we ikXE-7XrOmY-00119-00064176-00064824 own a company called survival cave food been in existence for over 10 years and we certainly do ikXE-7XrOmY-00120-00064824-00065248 sell to people who want to be self-sufficient we sell survival food and those people want to have ikXE-7XrOmY-00121-00065248-00065712 food in case an emergency comes up they have a food supply and they don't have to worry about ikXE-7XrOmY-00122-00065712-00066136 it that's another area that you could get into and hey if you want to sell survival cave food check ikXE-7XrOmY-00123-00066136-00066768 out our site right there survivalcave food and you could maybe become a retailer of our products too ikXE-7XrOmY-00124-00066768-00067192 so there you have it eight niches that you can make a lot of money in ikXE-7XrOmY-00125-00067192-00067664 starting right now i hope you enjoyed this video if you got something out of it give me a comment ikXE-7XrOmY-00126-00067664-00068016 below let me know what you thought of it maybe you have a question about starting your business ikXE-7XrOmY-00127-00068016-00068440 i've sold millions of dollars in both digital and physical products online i'll be happy to ikXE-7XrOmY-00128-00068440-00068840 help you out and answer any questions you may have or maybe you had some success that you just ikXE-7XrOmY-00129-00068840-00069256 want to tell the rest of us about we would love to hear it put it in that comment section below ikXE-7XrOmY-00130-00069256-00069632 thank you so much for watching this video don't forget to subscribe hit that big subscribe ikXE-7XrOmY-00131-00069632-00070120 button down there don't forget to what ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're ikXE-7XrOmY-00132-00070120-00070560 notified each and every time i do a new video and upload it or i go live which i do often ikXE-7XrOmY-00133-00070560-00070992 give me a thumbs up if you don't mind it really helps the youtube algorithm and i also i have ikXE-7XrOmY-00134-00070992-00071568 a prize for you and that prize is a course below it's a 97 value course you can get absolutely free ikXE-7XrOmY-00135-00071568-00072032 for a limited time so hurry up and do it there's a link below you can grab that any of the things ikXE-7XrOmY-00136-00072032-00072456 i talk about in this video i have links below so you can also check those out thank you so much for ikXE-7XrOmY-00137-00072456-00073040 watching this video and i'll see you in the next one hey thanks for watching my video don't forget ikXE-7XrOmY-00138-00073040-00073624 to subscribe to my channel and click that little bell right here so you can be notified every time ikXE-7XrOmY-00139-00073624-00074384 i do a new video also click on one of those videos there keep watching on my channel ikXE-7XrOmY-00140-00074680-00074730 you inxyuuJuoTQ-00000-00000466-00000752 What means solidarity to you? inxyuuJuoTQ-00001-00000780-00001410 I believe solidarity starts on the small scale, in the familly, at the workplace. inxyuuJuoTQ-00002-00001410-00001986 At the moment, we perceive solidarity is necessary on the big scale, too. inxyuuJuoTQ-00003-00001988-00002536 For people who left everything behind and are coming to us, looking for shelter. inxyuuJuoTQ-00004-00002536-00002684 To me this is solidarity. inxyuuJuoTQ-00005-00002700-00003026 Keeping everything in sight inxyuuJuoTQ-00006-00003026-00003392 and preferably not thinking about yourself only. inxyuuJuoTQ-00007-00003429-00003906 Offering one's assistance. inxyuuJuoTQ-00008-00003946-00004456 Being concerned with and accepting other people. inxyuuJuoTQ-00009-00004478-00004720 How can you show solidarity towards other people? inxyuuJuoTQ-00010-00004762-00005220 You can help by giving refugees lessons in German or by donating for charity. inxyuuJuoTQ-00011-00005270-00005492 Or just by giving a hand yourself. inxyuuJuoTQ-00012-00005506-00005706 Schooling, language lessons. inxyuuJuoTQ-00013-00005722-00006078 We must stop identifying those people as foreigners or strangers inxyuuJuoTQ-00014-00006078-00006468 and start identifying them as human beings that are coming here. inxyuuJuoTQ-00015-00006484-00007168 And we must get to know them in person instead of just hearing from them on the internet or the news. inxyuuJuoTQ-00016-00007168-00007504 Connect actively, no matter how. inxyuuJuoTQ-00017-00007530-00008048 Many people who come here are traumatized, and we must try to allay their fears inxyuuJuoTQ-00018-00008048-00008382 and to show them that they are welcome here. inxyuuJuoTQ-00019-00008422-00008686 What are possible limits to solidarity? inxyuuJuoTQ-00020-00008720-00008998 Basically I am quite open. inxyuuJuoTQ-00021-00008998-00009528 There's different kinds of people, and it's the same here. inxyuuJuoTQ-00022-00009528-00009870 So no, I do not have any reservations whatsoever. inxyuuJuoTQ-00023-00009890-00010140 I can't see any limits to solidarity, quite the contrary: inxyuuJuoTQ-00024-00010140-00010690 We must see how the municipalities can be reconditioned inxyuuJuoTQ-00025-00010690-00011010 in order to find appropriate accommodation. inxyuuJuoTQ-00026-00011050-00011230 Sure there are limits -- inxyuuJuoTQ-00027-00011240-00011440 but where? inxyuuJuoTQ-00028-00011650-00012436 Maybe when I get the feeling that my willingness to help is being abused. ine-yCi_VJY-00000-00000000-00000270 Joe the Puppet: So, you drag (bleeped) all the way across your face ine-yCi_VJY-00001-00000270-00000420 To see what? ine-yCi_VJY-00002-00000420-00000570 Mutant Enemy: Just in time, Este. ine-yCi_VJY-00003-00000869-00001203 *Welcome to Middle of Nowhere* ine-yCi_VJY-00004-00001203-00001386 Joe: Just tell me, ME. ine-yCi_VJY-00005-00001386-00001603 Mutant Enemy: If I tell you, you won't believe this, Este, I swear. ine-yCi_VJY-00006-00001603-00001720 Joe: (Groans) Ok. ine-yCi_VJY-00007-00002100-00002270 Mutant Enemy: JOE! ine-yCi_VJY-00008-00002270-00002453 Take a good hard look over there. ine-yCi_VJY-00009-00002520-00002653 Joe: I don't see anything. ine-yCi_VJY-00010-00002653-00002753 Mutant Enemy: Just watch, homie. ine-yCi_VJY-00011-00002853-00002986 Who do you see, hoes? ine-yCi_VJY-00012-00002986-00003086 Joe: NOBODY! ine-yCi_VJY-00013-00003086-00003220 Mutant Enemy: Chill the (bleeped) out! ine-yCi_VJY-00014-00003770-00004036 Joe: Just... Just (bleeped) tell me, please! ine-yCi_VJY-00015-00004036-00004120 Nope.avi ine-yCi_VJY-00016-00004120-00004320 Joe: Motherfu- ine-yCi_VJY-00017-00004320-00004420 Whitty: What the hell?! ine-yCi_VJY-00018-00004420-00004536 Mutant Enemy: You made it! ine-yCi_VJY-00019-00004703-00005036 Evil Dashie: I ain't about to get beaten to death by some angry patrol car. ine-yCi_VJY-00020-00005036-00005153 Are you sure about that? ine-yCi_VJY-00021-00005153-00005220 What?! ine-yCi_VJY-00022-00005220-00005453 Countach: Gotcha, b**ch! inX9x8WWiHM-00000-00000672-00000784 Hello guys inX9x8WWiHM-00001-00000784-00000956 Here speks Revolta once again inX9x8WWiHM-00002-00001052-00001214 now we have a championship game inX9x8WWiHM-00003-00001264-00001506 if i´m not mistaken, i´m already a champion inX9x8WWiHM-00004-00001520-00001752 as you can see i have 11 advantage points inX9x8WWiHM-00005-00001810-00002032 and miss playing the game today 3 points inX9x8WWiHM-00006-00002084-00002304 tomorrow game 6 points inX9x8WWiHM-00007-00002338-00002550 and the match the day after tomorrow 9 points inX9x8WWiHM-00008-00002556-00002714 that´s why i´m already champion inX9x8WWiHM-00009-00002780-00002876 unfortunately inX9x8WWiHM-00010-00002880-00003172 i´ve already been eliminated from the champions and the cup inX9x8WWiHM-00011-00003256-00003386 as you can see inX9x8WWiHM-00012-00003415-00003614 the tactic i´m going to use is going to be inX9x8WWiHM-00013-00003614-00003746 3-1-3n-1-2 inX9x8WWiHM-00014-00003758-00004026 he will play in 3-2-2-1-2 inX9x8WWiHM-00015-00004132-00004284 i´m going to play in the middle inX9x8WWiHM-00016-00004284-00004474 because he has no DMC inX9x8WWiHM-00017-00004790-00004932 as you can see here inX9x8WWiHM-00018-00005008-00005212 let me select the opponent inX9x8WWiHM-00019-00005474-00006000 in last season i win the league, i win the champions league and i was in 3 on cup inX9x8WWiHM-00020-00006018-00006256 this season i will win the league inX9x8WWiHM-00021-00006286-00006602 and i was eliminated in the other competitions inX9x8WWiHM-00022-00006788-00007031 the tactical orders i´m going to use inX9x8WWiHM-00023-00007031-00007194 team mentality= attaking inX9x8WWiHM-00024-00007206-00007417 Focus passing= midex, passing style= mixed inX9x8WWiHM-00025-00007418-00007659 force counter-attacks= off, pressing style= low inX9x8WWiHM-00026-00007666-00007931 Tackling style= hard, Marking style= zonal, inX9x8WWiHM-00027-00007931-00008120 Play offside trap= On inX9x8WWiHM-00028-00008198-00008357 i will play Offside trap on because inX9x8WWiHM-00029-00008357-00008671 i´m playing on counter-attack, and whenever you play in counter-attack inX9x8WWiHM-00030-00008672-00008926 you must have offside trap On inX9x8WWiHM-00031-00009250-00009776 if you guys play with Hard tackling style inX9x8WWiHM-00032-00009826-00010094 the defenses with the maximum morale inX9x8WWiHM-00033-00010094-00010254 not to do on penalties inX9x8WWiHM-00034-00010442-00010662 and the game will start and you can see inX9x8WWiHM-00035-00010662-00010874 he does not have DMC inX9x8WWiHM-00036-00011236-00011400 and i´ll try to explore this inX9x8WWiHM-00037-00011410-00011644 because he´s playing a lot by the wings inX9x8WWiHM-00038-00011654-00011962 i will start with more ball possession inX9x8WWiHM-00039-00012256-00012586 and the opponent tries to leave for the attack but loses the ball inX9x8WWiHM-00040-00012684-00012784 Maczkowiak inX9x8WWiHM-00041-00012936-00013152 Boateng passes to Karim inX9x8WWiHM-00042-00013200-00013320 Jadidi inX9x8WWiHM-00043-00013676-00013823 and the pass failed inX9x8WWiHM-00044-00015332-00015562 ball intercepted and Karim gets the ball back inX9x8WWiHM-00045-00015576-00015834 Silva da Rosa passes to Prelle inX9x8WWiHM-00046-00015935-00016073 Prelle runs inX9x8WWiHM-00047-00016187-00016295 crosses inX9x8WWiHM-00048-00016326-00016475 Jadidi miss the pass inX9x8WWiHM-00049-00017426-00017724 one more attack, Silva da Rosa what is going to do.... Passes to Prelle inX9x8WWiHM-00050-00017724-00018030 Prelle passes to Karim and shots against defender inX9x8WWiHM-00051-00018278-00018422 my team is pushing hard inX9x8WWiHM-00052-00018520-00018794 Barrasa recover the ball and pass to Silva da Rosa inX9x8WWiHM-00053-00018794-00019016 Makzkowiak tries to overtake inX9x8WWiHM-00054-00019056-00019328 and Score GOALLLLLLLL "Makzkowiak" inX9x8WWiHM-00055-00019392-00019506 and 1-0 inX9x8WWiHM-00056-00019702-00019990 Prelle crosses inX9x8WWiHM-00057-00019990-00020106 and ball intercepted inX9x8WWiHM-00058-00021014-00021270 Barrasa try to pass to Boateng but misses inX9x8WWiHM-00059-00021670-00021790 as you can see inX9x8WWiHM-00060-00021834-00022008 we have much more ball possession inX9x8WWiHM-00061-00022056-00022192 but we have few shots inX9x8WWiHM-00062-00022222-00022434 let´s make the attack more effective inX9x8WWiHM-00063-00022526-00022736 we do not need more ball possission anymore inX9x8WWiHM-00064-00022780-00023008 dammit my mistake and i select defense inX9x8WWiHM-00065-00023436-00023674 no 1-1 inX9x8WWiHM-00066-00023854-00024196 Silva da Rossa passes to Prelle passes to Barrasa inX9x8WWiHM-00067-00024306-00024406 Great GOALLLLLLLL inX9x8WWiHM-00068-00024520-00024570 2-1 inX9x8WWiHM-00069-00025820-00025974 and i´m going to go on the counter-attack inX9x8WWiHM-00070-00026058-00026205 Silva da Rosa inX9x8WWiHM-00071-00026360-00026638 passes to Maczkowiak and Goalllllllllllllllllllllll inX9x8WWiHM-00072-00026719-00026821 3-1 inX9x8WWiHM-00073-00027524-00027695 corner but intercepted ball inX9x8WWiHM-00074-00027829-00027941 let´s do this inX9x8WWiHM-00075-00028294-00028430 play to the middle inX9x8WWiHM-00076-00028538-00028638 middle inX9x8WWiHM-00077-00039070-00039600 Goal Boateng scores, as you can see play in the middle is working inX9x8WWiHM-00078-00039892-00040188 i was thinking here inX9x8WWiHM-00079-00040256-00040440 My goalkeeper is playing poorly inX9x8WWiHM-00080-00040546-00040760 let´s make the attack more effective now inX9x8WWiHM-00081-00040798-00041118 i was thinking if he did not improve the grade, i´ll have to inX9x8WWiHM-00082-00041174-00041376 ball intercepted, inX9x8WWiHM-00083-00041444-00041564 i will have to press higher inX9x8WWiHM-00084-00041660-00041842 i´ll wait until 60 minutes inX9x8WWiHM-00085-00042612-00042846 no, he does not get better, let´s try this inX9x8WWiHM-00086-00043129-00043288 high pressure inX9x8WWiHM-00087-00043622-00043764 let´s see what happens inX9x8WWiHM-00088-00043989-00044275 Cobert with long pass, large demarcation inX9x8WWiHM-00089-00044275-00044412 Silva kick ball over the beam inX9x8WWiHM-00090-00045836-00045936 ball intercepted inX9x8WWiHM-00091-00047282-00047530 lets see if the goalkeeper better the grade inX9x8WWiHM-00092-00047720-00047938 Van Roy is playing poorly inX9x8WWiHM-00093-00049240-00049342 offside inX9x8WWiHM-00094-00050450-00050592 everything is tired inX9x8WWiHM-00095-00051867-00052184 Prelle assist Boatend and shoots over the bar inX9x8WWiHM-00096-00052202-00052302 what a failure inX9x8WWiHM-00097-00052560-00052893 what a failure and my goalkeeper continue playing poorly inX9x8WWiHM-00098-00052904-00053091 not confident inX9x8WWiHM-00099-00053296-00053424 let´s put it here inX9x8WWiHM-00100-00053591-00053938 is tired but let´s put it here number 6 inX9x8WWiHM-00101-00054354-00054686 Englesson will join the game inX9x8WWiHM-00102-00054788-00055005 Englesson will join inX9x8WWiHM-00103-00055064-00055190 here inX9x8WWiHM-00104-00055317-00055424 this one inX9x8WWiHM-00105-00055667-00055767 by Pedrosa inX9x8WWiHM-00106-00056394-00056590 Maczkowiak makes an Hat-trick inX9x8WWiHM-00107-00058081-00058365 Cobert passes the ball to Barrasa inX9x8WWiHM-00108-00058466-00058676 Barrasa passes to Karim passes to boateng inX9x8WWiHM-00109-00058679-00059016 and Maczkowiak makes an POKER inX9x8WWiHM-00110-00059108-00059294 Maczkowiak score 4 Goals inX9x8WWiHM-00111-00059428-00059710 is not over yet, Maczkowiak is unstoppable today inX9x8WWiHM-00112-00059710-00059817 failed the pass inX9x8WWiHM-00113-00060175-00060338 and the game is over inX9x8WWiHM-00114-00060459-00060624 1 more great win inX9x8WWiHM-00115-00061016-00061327 best player in the field with a score of 10 and Man-of-the-Match Maczkowiak inX9x8WWiHM-00116-00062028-00062208 i want to thank the fans inX9x8WWiHM-00117-00063367-00063560 it was a good game inX9x8WWiHM-00118-00063916-00064146 we are already champions of league inX9x8WWiHM-00119-00064307-00064637 these last games are for inX9x8WWiHM-00120-00064804-00065020 to place the reserves inX9x8WWiHM-00121-00065174-00065336 to rotate squad inX9x8WWiHM-00122-00065621-00065826 the classification here inX9x8WWiHM-00123-00065948-00066126 Silva da Rosa best goal scorer inX9x8WWiHM-00124-00066128-00066306 Maczkowiak too inX9x8WWiHM-00125-00066434-00066734 and it was like today´s game, i hope you enjoyed it inX9x8WWiHM-00126-00066738-00066950 Leave you Like (Thumbs Up) inX9x8WWiHM-00127-00066954-00067338 Subscribe to continue to see my season that is almost over inX9x8WWiHM-00128-00067360-00067660 i hope you enjoyed the video, i hoje you see us the next time. inX9x8WWiHM-00129-00067660-00067876 thank you and Cya j3pBaJ2bcC0-00000-00000257-00000363 My name is Jason Mitchell, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00001-00000363-00000529 and I'm a developer at Valve. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00002-00000529-00000738 Today, some colleagues and I would like to share with you j3pBaJ2bcC0-00003-00000738-00001099 the details of the player movement in Half-Life: Alyx. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00004-00001099-00001448 Traversing space is a fundamental challenge in VR generally, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00005-00001448-00001593 and we have spent considerable effort j3pBaJ2bcC0-00006-00001593-00001767 on our locomotion system. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00007-00001767-00001898 We'd like to take this opportunity j3pBaJ2bcC0-00008-00001898-00002050 to talk about some of our early prototypes j3pBaJ2bcC0-00009-00002050-00002248 and some of the more interesting things j3pBaJ2bcC0-00010-00002248-00002425 we learned along the way. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00011-00002425-00002635 In Half-Life Alyx, we decided to support j3pBaJ2bcC0-00012-00002635-00002916 three different types of player locomotion: j3pBaJ2bcC0-00013-00002916-00003331 Blink teleport, shift teleport, and continuous locomotion. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00014-00003434-00003661 Continuous locomotion is the most similar j3pBaJ2bcC0-00015-00003661-00004011 to traditional WASD mouse and keyboard controls. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00016-00004011-00004184 This allows players to move smoothly j3pBaJ2bcC0-00017-00004184-00004472 through the environment without teleporting. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00018-00004472-00004603 In both teleport modes, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00019-00004603-00004796 the player uses a targeting interface j3pBaJ2bcC0-00020-00004796-00005124 to select the location where they would like to move. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00021-00005124-00005377 In blink teleport, the screen turns black, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00022-00005377-00005612 the player is moved to the target location, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00023-00005612-00005816 and the screen fades back up from black j3pBaJ2bcC0-00024-00005816-00006006 with the player at the new position. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00025-00006006-00006271 This all takes place in a fraction of a second. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00026-00006271-00006462 Shift teleport is similar, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00027-00006462-00006625 except the screen doesn't go black, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00028-00006625-00006973 and the player is rapidly moved to the selected location. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00029-00006973-00007162 Today, we're going to dive into the details j3pBaJ2bcC0-00030-00007162-00007390 of the blink and shift teleport modes. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00031-00007750-00007995 Since we already shipped blink teleport in The Lab, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00032-00007995-00008282 it was a natural place for us to start our development. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00033-00008282-00008488 The Lab had a combination of specifically authored j3pBaJ2bcC0-00034-00008488-00008732 teleportation locations and room-scale spaces, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00035-00008732-00008955 which was where we started our prototypes. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00036-00008955-00009159 While the targeting reticle worked well in The Lab, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00037-00009159-00009354 it turned out to be distracting to players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00038-00009354-00009620 in the more realistic environments of our game. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00039-00009620-00009770 In order to present an indicator j3pBaJ2bcC0-00040-00009770-00009957 that was more physically grounded in the world, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00041-00009957-00010164 we began experimenting with showing the player's feet j3pBaJ2bcC0-00042-00010164-00010316 at the target location. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00043-00010316-00010516 This had the added benefit of enabling the player j3pBaJ2bcC0-00044-00010516-00010674 to select the desired orientation j3pBaJ2bcC0-00045-00010674-00010893 at the teleport destination. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00046-00010893-00011117 The presentation of the feet implied the volume j3pBaJ2bcC0-00047-00011117-00011289 that the player's body would occupy, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00048-00011289-00011417 which was especially important j3pBaJ2bcC0-00049-00011417-00011592 when moving to cover during combat. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00050-00011700-00011872 We also experimented with presenting j3pBaJ2bcC0-00051-00011872-00012049 the visualization of player footprints, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00052-00012049-00012336 not just at the destination, but along the current path. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00053-00012336-00012523 Players had a great reaction to this j3pBaJ2bcC0-00054-00012523-00012756 because it allowed them to visualize themselves moving j3pBaJ2bcC0-00055-00012756-00012904 over and around obstacles, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00056-00012903-00013115 as well as understand why some desired movements j3pBaJ2bcC0-00057-00013116-00013205 may not be valid. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00058-00013375-00013522 Those virtual footsteps you see j3pBaJ2bcC0-00059-00013522-00013840 are a visual representation of our pathing system. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00060-00013840-00013999 Initially, we tried repurposing j3pBaJ2bcC0-00061-00013999-00014186 our existing nav mesh system, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00062-00014186-00014526 which is the same one our AI uses to navigate. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00063-00014526-00014835 In practice, however, this proved to be too rigid. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00064-00014835-00015193 The nav mesh system precomputes all possible movement paths. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00065-00015193-00015316 And while that's efficient, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00066-00015316-00015594 it didn't support the locomotion and interaction desires j3pBaJ2bcC0-00067-00015594-00015769 of our players or our designers, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00068-00015769-00016041 who were building very dynamic environments. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00069-00016041-00016277 So this led us to our next series of tests, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00070-00016277-00016640 using the well-known ASTAR system to build routes. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00071-00016640-00016865 Our ASTAR-based teleport pathing approach j3pBaJ2bcC0-00072-00016865-00017047 was successful in that it freed players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00073-00017047-00017309 from having to micromanage their teleport targeting. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00074-00017309-00017556 But ultimately, it was too computationally intensive, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00075-00017556-00017828 so we had to explore more efficient solutions. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00076-00017828-00018010 During these early experiments, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00077-00018010-00018256 two things became pretty clear to us. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00078-00018256-00018431 First, players have a strong tendency j3pBaJ2bcC0-00079-00018431-00018570 to focus on the destination, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00080-00018570-00018688 and the rest of their environment j3pBaJ2bcC0-00081-00018688-00018863 is seen as a potential obstacle j3pBaJ2bcC0-00082-00018863-00019078 to them getting where they want to go. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00083-00019078-00019267 Second, players imagine themselves j3pBaJ2bcC0-00084-00019267-00019497 to have super-human speed and agility. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00085-00019497-00019705 Playtesters would happily tell us that, yes, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00086-00019705-00019858 in fact, they could reach that spot j3pBaJ2bcC0-00087-00019858-00019965 by squeezing through a gap, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00088-00019965-00020335 catapulting over an object, or sliding under an obstacle. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00089-00020335-00020631 Ultimately, our initial tests and playtesters' desires j3pBaJ2bcC0-00090-00020631-00020791 led us to the system we have today, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00091-00020791-00021002 the main goals of which are to ensure j3pBaJ2bcC0-00092-00021002-00021141 that the end player position j3pBaJ2bcC0-00093-00021141-00021360 is a valid place for the player's body j3pBaJ2bcC0-00094-00021360-00021572 and that the path to get there is viable. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00095-00021671-00021835 To get to this point, we had to solve j3pBaJ2bcC0-00096-00021835-00022017 a whole variety of problems. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00097-00022017-00022228 Some of the more interesting ones are things like j3pBaJ2bcC0-00098-00022228-00022517 how player height has an impact on pathing. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00099-00022517-00022770 Also, building player trust in the system j3pBaJ2bcC0-00100-00022770-00023073 and keeping players grounded in the world just using audio. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00101-00023308-00023478 When we talk about a viable path, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00102-00023478-00023748 we mean one where the representation of the player's body j3pBaJ2bcC0-00103-00023748-00024042 in the virtual environment stays intact. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00104-00024042-00024338 Players obviously can't squeeze in between jail bars j3pBaJ2bcC0-00105-00024338-00024549 or fit into a tiny mouse hole j3pBaJ2bcC0-00106-00024549-00024844 or do things like jump hundreds of feet up onto ledges. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00107-00024844-00025102 But they can crawl, turn, or contort, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00108-00025102-00025276 or engage in their environment in a way j3pBaJ2bcC0-00109-00025276-00025476 that stays true to their physical shape. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00110-00025560-00025788 Traditional video games put the world in front of you, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00111-00025788-00026002 and, as a player, you have expectations j3pBaJ2bcC0-00112-00026001-00026339 about your ability to navigate and act on the world. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00113-00026339-00026501 But movement in VR generates j3pBaJ2bcC0-00114-00026501-00026700 so many more player expectations j3pBaJ2bcC0-00115-00026700-00027000 because the world completely envelops the player. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00116-00027000-00027222 Players actually lean around corners. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00117-00027222-00027563 They even get down on the floor to try to peek under doors. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00118-00027563-00027727 It turns out that the height at which j3pBaJ2bcC0-00119-00027727-00028055 players view the virtual environment is very important. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00120-00028055-00028291 We as humans are strongly attuned to the perspective j3pBaJ2bcC0-00121-00028291-00028491 that our height gives us on the real world, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00122-00028492-00028674 and it was essential that we preserve this j3pBaJ2bcC0-00123-00028674-00028941 in the virtual environment in Half-Life Alyx. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00124-00028941-00029108 The result of this is that the extent j3pBaJ2bcC0-00125-00029108-00029355 of each player's virtual body is subtly different j3pBaJ2bcC0-00126-00029355-00029620 due to the variation of their real-world height. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00127-00029620-00029839 And this affects the way paths are computed. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00128-00029839-00030145 In fact, early on, we would get hard-to-reproduce bugs j3pBaJ2bcC0-00129-00030145-00030485 from players banging their virtual head on low-hanging pipes j3pBaJ2bcC0-00130-00030485-00030733 'cause they were unable to teleport through certain areas. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00131-00030733-00030880 And it was only later that we realized j3pBaJ2bcC0-00132-00030880-00031189 all those bugs were coming from our taller colleagues. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00133-00031307-00031576 At the time, our system required players to crouch down j3pBaJ2bcC0-00134-00031576-00031883 to the minimum height along their desired teleport path. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00135-00031883-00032020 But players frequently failed j3pBaJ2bcC0-00136-00032020-00032208 to notice that or understand it. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00137-00032208-00032364 They were focused on their goal, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00138-00032364-00032519 not realizing that, halfway through their path, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00139-00032519-00032774 there was an obstacle they needed to crouch under j3pBaJ2bcC0-00140-00032774-00032938 during their movement. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00141-00032938-00033080 So to solve this, we decided j3pBaJ2bcC0-00142-00033080-00033263 on a standard minimum body size, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00143-00033263-00033388 which was used to validate j3pBaJ2bcC0-00144-00033388-00033575 the middle portions of the teleport path j3pBaJ2bcC0-00145-00033575-00033767 and only required that the start and end positions j3pBaJ2bcC0-00146-00033767-00034099 could support the actual presence of the full-size player. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00147-00034376-00034557 At the core of all Half-Life games j3pBaJ2bcC0-00148-00034557-00034714 is a particular mix of story, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00149-00034714-00034937 puzzle, and combat experiences. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00150-00034937-00035176 In order for the combat experiences in particular j3pBaJ2bcC0-00151-00035176-00035300 to succeed in VR, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00152-00035300-00035551 it was essential that we built players' trust j3pBaJ2bcC0-00153-00035551-00035723 in the teleport system. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00154-00035723-00035942 Ultimately, we wanted the teleport interface j3pBaJ2bcC0-00155-00035942-00036170 to fade into the background, enabling players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00156-00036170-00036432 to concentrate fully on the combat scenarios. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00157-00036432-00036576 This meant that the teleport system j3pBaJ2bcC0-00158-00036576-00036789 had to perform a player's desired movement j3pBaJ2bcC0-00159-00036789-00037143 even if they were performing quick and coarse gestures. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00160-00037143-00037369 During development, we discovered two key elements j3pBaJ2bcC0-00161-00037369-00037586 that were essential to gaining players' trust: j3pBaJ2bcC0-00162-00037586-00037834 Prioritizing movement along the floor j3pBaJ2bcC0-00163-00037834-00038034 and, under certain conditions, moving players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00164-00038034-00038257 only partially along their desired paths. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00165-00038343-00038483 If you think about a traditional j3pBaJ2bcC0-00166-00038483-00038642 first-person control scheme, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00167-00038642-00039016 you have forward, back, left, right, strafing. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00168-00039016-00039235 All of these movements happen in a plane. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00169-00039235-00039408 When the player wants to leave the plane, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00170-00039408-00039556 they have to do something explicit, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00171-00039556-00039752 like jump or climb a ladder. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00172-00039752-00039905 Prioritizing the floor j3pBaJ2bcC0-00173-00039905-00040209 is the teleportation version of that concept. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00174-00040209-00040487 In combat, the player's focus is, as you would expect, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00175-00040487-00040713 on the enemy and not on the environment. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00176-00040713-00040998 Playtesting has shown us that players teleport targeting j3pBaJ2bcC0-00177-00040998-00041268 becomes frantic and imprecise in these situations. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00178-00041268-00041425 And even under these conditions, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00179-00041425-00041695 our system needs to match player expectations. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00180-00041695-00041937 Typically, players want to stay in contact with the floor j3pBaJ2bcC0-00181-00041937-00042190 and move out of danger, not jump up and down j3pBaJ2bcC0-00182-00042190-00042337 on all the objects in their environment j3pBaJ2bcC0-00183-00042337-00042479 in the middle of a battle. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00184-00042479-00042754 Floor prioritization achieves this. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00185-00042754-00042932 Another way that our teleportation system j3pBaJ2bcC0-00186-00042932-00043075 achieves reliable results, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00187-00043075-00043290 even when used quickly and imprecisely, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00188-00043290-00043571 is by moving players partially along their desired path j3pBaJ2bcC0-00189-00043571-00043738 in certain cases. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00190-00043738-00043821 In the heat of battle, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00191-00043821-00044061 players focus on quickly repositioning themselves j3pBaJ2bcC0-00192-00044061-00044205 for tactical advantage. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00193-00044205-00044340 Instead of requiring the player j3pBaJ2bcC0-00194-00044340-00044630 to precisely specify a valid teleport destination, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00195-00044630-00044904 partial movement moves the player as close as possible j3pBaJ2bcC0-00196-00044904-00045202 to the desired location along the valid movement path. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00197-00045202-00045388 As a result, players don't have to shift j3pBaJ2bcC0-00198-00045388-00045555 their mental focus away from their enemy j3pBaJ2bcC0-00199-00045555-00045738 in order to move during battle. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00200-00045738-00045960 Another variation of partial movement j3pBaJ2bcC0-00201-00045960-00046122 occurs at drop-offs. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00202-00046122-00046335 Heights are very impactful in VR, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00203-00046335-00046504 and dropping into a new environment, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00204-00046504-00046671 especially one that was not visible j3pBaJ2bcC0-00205-00046671-00046826 prior to committing to the teleport, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00206-00046826-00047015 can be very disorienting. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00207-00047015-00047256 To address this, we also perform partial movement j3pBaJ2bcC0-00208-00047256-00047397 when a player's end position j3pBaJ2bcC0-00209-00047397-00047652 is not visible from their starting position. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00210-00047652-00047794 The result is a movement up to j3pBaJ2bcC0-00211-00047794-00048017 the edge of the cliff or the drop-down, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00212-00048017-00048163 creating a natural pause j3pBaJ2bcC0-00213-00048163-00048375 that allows the player to view the terrain below j3pBaJ2bcC0-00214-00048375-00048678 and make a better informed decision about how to proceed. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00215-00048678-00048791 While we want the locomotion system j3pBaJ2bcC0-00216-00048791-00048998 to become effectively invisible, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00217-00048998-00049240 it's also important that the player's subconscious j3pBaJ2bcC0-00218-00049240-00049493 remains aware of their presence in the virtual world. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00219-00049493-00049721 Sounds are used as a constant, subtle reminder j3pBaJ2bcC0-00220-00049721-00049906 of the player's presence in the game. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00221-00050060-00050273 Teleporting in The Lab and SteamVR j3pBaJ2bcC0-00222-00050273-00050511 is supported with a relatively abstract sound. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00223-00050511-00050660 But that's not consistent j3pBaJ2bcC0-00224-00050660-00050891 with the more grounded realism of Half-Life j3pBaJ2bcC0-00225-00050891-00051063 or with the visual and haptic cues j3pBaJ2bcC0-00226-00051063-00051317 we are providing players in Half-Life: Alyx. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00227-00051317-00051548 So rather than a simple, abstract j3pBaJ2bcC0-00228-00051548-00051711 teleport confirmation sound, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00229-00051711-00052024 we use audio to describe the player's locomotion j3pBaJ2bcC0-00230-00052024-00052144 after they teleport. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00231-00052315-00052570 This isn't something that's limited to teleporting. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00232-00052754-00052946 We use sound to describe and support j3pBaJ2bcC0-00233-00052946-00053131 all kinds of body movement. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00234-00053131-00053480 For example, a player moving their arm to grab ammo, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00235-00053480-00053665 crouching, turning, and twisting j3pBaJ2bcC0-00236-00053665-00053860 are all movements supported with sound. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00237-00054017-00054198 When we were developing this technology, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00238-00054198-00054351 we began with just playing j3pBaJ2bcC0-00239-00054351-00054580 some basic Half-Life footstep sounds j3pBaJ2bcC0-00240-00054580-00054733 after each teleportation. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00241-00054830-00054929 Players responded well, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00242-00054929-00055225 so we experimented with using the distance traveled j3pBaJ2bcC0-00243-00055225-00055428 to drive footstep volume and timing. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00244-00055697-00055887 They also started providing feedback j3pBaJ2bcC0-00245-00055887-00056146 that they expected to hear a louder, heavier sound j3pBaJ2bcC0-00246-00056146-00056429 when they teleported from a high to a low area, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00247-00056429-00056749 effectively jumping down in virtual space. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00248-00056749-00056988 This kind of feedback convinced us that players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00249-00056988-00057341 were feeling as if they had a physical presence in VR. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00250-00057341-00057649 They began to expect their weight to impact the environment j3pBaJ2bcC0-00251-00057649-00057829 and hear the results. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00252-00057829-00057973 We implemented that feature j3pBaJ2bcC0-00253-00057973-00058194 and iterated based on further feedback. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00254-00058421-00058623 Now that the game is in the hands of customers, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00255-00058624-00058767 it's exciting to see that players j3pBaJ2bcC0-00256-00058767-00058987 who prefer different styles of VR locomotion j3pBaJ2bcC0-00257-00058987-00059122 have been able to select the option that's j3pBaJ2bcC0-00258-00059122-00059308 most comfortable for them. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00259-00059308-00059438 Interestingly, the fact that we implemented j3pBaJ2bcC0-00260-00059438-00059677 multiple locomotion systems together j3pBaJ2bcC0-00261-00059677-00059811 meant that each of them were stronger j3pBaJ2bcC0-00262-00059811-00060048 because they could borrow ideas from each other. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00263-00060048-00060375 For example, the fluidity of continuous locomotion j3pBaJ2bcC0-00264-00060375-00060676 influenced the design of the teleport system. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00265-00060676-00060917 Likewise, the audio cues that we developed j3pBaJ2bcC0-00266-00060917-00061145 to summarize the player movement during teleports j3pBaJ2bcC0-00267-00061145-00061405 were integrated back into the continuous locomotion mode j3pBaJ2bcC0-00268-00061405-00061642 to provide the same kind of player feedback. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00269-00061642-00061851 So in the end, no matter which j3pBaJ2bcC0-00270-00061851-00062064 locomotion method players select, j3pBaJ2bcC0-00271-00062064-00062234 they'll be able to move confidently j3pBaJ2bcC0-00272-00062234-00062494 through the complex environments of Half-Life: Alyx. j3pBaJ2bcC0-00273-00062700-00063201 (((NO-SYSTEMS))) j3t9U17uXUg-00000-00000212-00000296 I regret it so much j3t9U17uXUg-00001-00000316-00000448 I should have helped j3t9U17uXUg-00002-00001022-00001222 It's very stressful j3t9U17uXUg-00003-00001222-00001390 and it can probably lead to depression j3t9U17uXUg-00004-00001390-00001520 if you are depressed j3t9U17uXUg-00005-00001536-00001886 you would probably thinking of ending your life! j3t9U17uXUg-00006-00004314-00004622 FFFA provides two types of products to our beneficiaries j3t9U17uXUg-00007-00004644-00004892 One of them we called it - ready to eat meals j3t9U17uXUg-00008-00004914-00005198 distributed in a packeted j3t9U17uXUg-00009-00005216-00005382 does not need to be refrigerated j3t9U17uXUg-00010-00005382-00005516 has a long life span. j3t9U17uXUg-00011-00005516-00005728 with a variety of menus j3t9U17uXUg-00012-00005768-00005968 We also provides frozen meals j3t9U17uXUg-00013-00006042-00006242 and soon we will be introducing j3t9U17uXUg-00014-00006264-00006636 an innovative concept by placing vending machines j3t9U17uXUg-00015-00006666-00006959 for those who have registered with us j3t9U17uXUg-00016-00006978-00007118 will go to the vending machines j3t9U17uXUg-00017-00007118-00007364 that will be at the void decks of rental houses j3t9U17uXUg-00018-00008128-00008454 Of All many stories that I come across j3t9U17uXUg-00019-00008482-00008838 this is the closest to my heart j3t9U17uXUg-00020-00008870-00009070 He is a professional j3t9U17uXUg-00021-00009094-00009350 but he suffered a disease j3t9U17uXUg-00022-00009378-00009630 flesh eating bacteria j3t9U17uXUg-00023-00009694-00010164 when he lost his teaching job j3t9U17uXUg-00024-00010188-00010296 and his family j3t9U17uXUg-00025-00010364-00010614 2 or 3 days before j3t9U17uXUg-00026-00010614-00010760 fasting month j3t9U17uXUg-00027-00010858-00011060 he requested for dates j3t9U17uXUg-00028-00011068-00011268 and pocky biscuit j3t9U17uXUg-00029-00011268-00011586 I laughed at his request. j3t9U17uXUg-00030-00011806-00012060 Very hard to say... j3t9U17uXUg-00031-00012330-00012724 He died 2 days after j3t9U17uXUg-00032-00012760-00012960 and i regret it j3t9U17uXUg-00033-00013984-00014184 Based on that incident j3t9U17uXUg-00034-00014206-00014466 whenever a person request something from me j3t9U17uXUg-00035-00014510-00014758 I will never rest j3t9U17uXUg-00036-00014758-00014966 until i tried and managed to fulfil the request. j3t9U17uXUg-00037-00016690-00017150 Its Sad...we have become disabled j3t9U17uXUg-00038-00017200-00017464 because we have no leg j3t9U17uXUg-00039-00017464-00017582 to think about it j3t9U17uXUg-00040-00017602-00017802 when I lost my leg j3t9U17uXUg-00041-00017844-00018254 as if I am worthless j3t9U17uXUg-00042-00018278-00018450 and i am unable to work. j3t9U17uXUg-00043-00018468-00018616 I am shocked j3t9U17uXUg-00044-00018644-00019036 on why he should face that situation j3t9U17uXUg-00045-00019134-00019650 having unstable income j3t9U17uXUg-00046-00019676-00019864 It is so stressful j3t9U17uXUg-00047-00019896-00020130 and may lead to depression j3t9U17uXUg-00048-00020274-00020748 you would probably thinking of jumping down. j3t9U17uXUg-00049-00020874-00021074 I spoke to him that j3t9U17uXUg-00050-00021142-00021368 FFFA will provide you a box j3t9U17uXUg-00051-00021376-00021576 of our ready to eat meals j3t9U17uXUg-00052-00021630-00021766 What do you think you want to eat j3t9U17uXUg-00053-00021766-00021860 Just eat j3t9U17uXUg-00054-00021860-00022048 What is high on sugar, don't eat j3t9U17uXUg-00055-00022184-00022318 Sometimes, we will not understand j3t9U17uXUg-00056-00022318-00022522 our family members' thoughts j3t9U17uXUg-00057-00022522-00022748 It is a big burden to them j3t9U17uXUg-00058-00022810-00022994 When I heard about him j3t9U17uXUg-00059-00022994-00023148 I felt that j3t9U17uXUg-00060-00023322-00023522 it is our duty j3t9U17uXUg-00061-00023542-00023742 as a community member j3t9U17uXUg-00062-00023742-00023878 to help him. j3t9U17uXUg-00063-00023878-00024212 We should never give up j3t9U17uXUg-00064-00024232-00024482 and should not blame our fate j3t9U17uXUg-00065-00024518-00024862 this is a test in our life j3t9U17uXUg-00066-00024904-00025396 I would like to thank Free Food For All j3t9U17uXUg-00067-00025592-00026060 for the food distribution j3t9U17uXUg-00068-00026430-00026792 It really helps to lift my burden j3t9U17uXUg-00069-00026868-00027206 What I see from the food they gave me j3t9U17uXUg-00070-00027339-00027576 It is a healthy food j3t9U17uXUg-00071-00027758-00027958 Food is important j3t9U17uXUg-00072-00027983-00028188 and needed by everyone. j3t9U17uXUg-00073-00028222-00028692 I humbly hope and request j3t9U17uXUg-00074-00028726-00029014 for everyone & community j3t9U17uXUg-00075-00029032-00029554 our campaigns is to help our less fortunate society j3t9U17uXUg-00076-00029588-00029788 Please help us j3t9U17uXUg-00077-00029827-00030072 by becoming our sponsors j3t9U17uXUg-00078-00030072-00030198 or volunteers j3t9U17uXUg-00079-00030238-00030582 or share the words around. j7rKQ9x8Gay-00000-00000003-00000357 hey everybody I find myself getting bullied in comments and I know I've j7rKQ9x8Gay-00001-00000357-00000783 opened myself to a whole nother group of people and that's fine and I'm an adult j7rKQ9x8Gay-00002-00000783-00001134 and like if I have to block you that's what I'm gonna do because I don't have j7rKQ9x8Gay-00003-00001134-00001512 to allow you to hang out in my pool like most of my viewers you know like j7rKQ9x8Gay-00004-00001512-00001880 bullying or shit-talking or like harassing people it's never going j7rKQ9x8Gay-00005-00001880-00002294 anywhere in the community and I'll just block you everywhere as many different j7rKQ9x8Gay-00006-00002294-00003230 you know profiles as you can create who is a youtuber here on the platform just j7rKQ9x8Gay-00007-00003230-00003702 did her video the dark side of Jake Paul with Shane Dawson and she's been getting j7rKQ9x8Gay-00008-00003702-00005264 a few things to say so make sure that you stay tuned what is up everybody this j7rKQ9x8Gay-00009-00005264-00005721 is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the j7rKQ9x8Gay-00010-00005721-00006046 solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health j7rKQ9x8Gay-00011-00006046-00006419 sometimes I take things from the YouTube community or just pop culture in general j7rKQ9x8Gay-00012-00006419-00006806 your try to teach you how to improve your mental health but also a mental j7rKQ9x8Gay-00013-00006806-00007245 health advocate so I try to decrease the stigma increase awareness and all that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00014-00007245-00007563 kind of stuff so if it needs that make sure you subscribe and ring that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00015-00007563-00008054 notification bell because I make a ton of videos so let's break it down real j7rKQ9x8Gay-00016-00008054-00008375 quick for those of you who are in a cave and you don't know what's going on with j7rKQ9x8Gay-00017-00008375-00008739 the scene Dawson series about Jay Paul basically Shane Dawson is doing a series j7rKQ9x8Gay-00018-00008739-00009192 about Jay Paul she believes that Jake might be a sociopath in his first j7rKQ9x8Gay-00019-00009192-00009665 episode he talked with commentary youtuber by the name of I'm Albert in j7rKQ9x8Gay-00020-00009665-00010077 this second episode we talked with Kati Morton who has almost a half a million j7rKQ9x8Gay-00021-00010077-00010452 subscribers she's a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist if you watch the j7rKQ9x8Gay-00022-00010452-00010821 videos on link up in the info card I sang her praises she's a very smart j7rKQ9x8Gay-00023-00010821-00011271 well-educated woman and like she she knows her stuff when it comes to mental j7rKQ9x8Gay-00024-00011271-00011607 health and therapy and things like that so that's one of the reason she's so j7rKQ9x8Gay-00025-00011607-00012302 popular on the platform now in the video she she talks about sociopaths in a not j7rKQ9x8Gay-00026-00012302-00012786 so kind way and basically I was just going through in j7rKQ9x8Gay-00027-00012786-00013238 Serbia today I follow Katie on Instagram and I saw her story and I'm like god I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00028-00013238-00013619 need to talk about this so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna play you a majority j7rKQ9x8Gay-00029-00013619-00014028 of her Instagram story no comeback no more breaking apart okay hey everybody I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00030-00014028-00014358 had a video alive today and I want to talk a little bit about it because I've j7rKQ9x8Gay-00031-00014358-00014727 gotten a few comments not a ton but just a few comments that I think it's kind of j7rKQ9x8Gay-00032-00014727-00015213 important to address your concerns now those comments that I received were j7rKQ9x8Gay-00033-00015213-00015555 people saying that they were like disappointed that I would say that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00034-00015555-00015972 people that sociopaths or people with antisocial personality disorder can't be j7rKQ9x8Gay-00035-00015972-00016319 fixed and that's not really what I'm saying what I'm saying is they don't j7rKQ9x8Gay-00036-00016319-00016713 care to be and that's because if you listen to a whole video you have to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00037-00016713-00017106 understand that people who are sociopaths don't feel bad about j7rKQ9x8Gay-00038-00017106-00017541 themselves they don't want to get better and so it's not really that we're saying j7rKQ9x8Gay-00039-00017541-00017832 they're unfixable and they're terrible and bull you should stay away from them j7rKQ9x8Gay-00040-00017832-00018144 it's just like they don't really feel bad and for those of us who are not j7rKQ9x8Gay-00041-00018144-00018618 sociopaths that's really hard for us to understand because we feel bad about it j7rKQ9x8Gay-00042-00018618-00018981 but just keep in mind that they don't and I know that that's kind of difficult j7rKQ9x8Gay-00043-00018981-00019317 to understand but I don't know all um you can swipe up here to watch the video j7rKQ9x8Gay-00044-00019317-00019662 and listen but I'd love to hear your thoughts and also a lot of people are j7rKQ9x8Gay-00045-00019662-00019998 talking about sociopaths and Psychopaths mean different words one's born with it j7rKQ9x8Gay-00046-00019998-00020373 one's created and I know that there's a lot of information online that supports j7rKQ9x8Gay-00047-00020373-00020691 that but diagnostically speaking from a clinician standpoint there is no j7rKQ9x8Gay-00048-00020691-00021153 difference and that's just all I have to say about but as always you have every j7rKQ9x8Gay-00049-00021153-00021504 right to have your own opinion my opinion is not the one and only thing j7rKQ9x8Gay-00050-00021504-00021840 that is important that's why I love to have conversations with you in the j7rKQ9x8Gay-00051-00021840-00022209 comments but I hope you found today's video interesting I did a ton of j7rKQ9x8Gay-00052-00022209-00022581 research I read a bunch of books about this topic so I hope you like it hey j7rKQ9x8Gay-00053-00022581-00022923 everybody I find myself getting bullied in comments and I know I've opened j7rKQ9x8Gay-00054-00022923-00023343 myself to a whole nother group of people and that's fine and I'm an adult and j7rKQ9x8Gay-00055-00023343-00023685 like if I have to block you that's what I'm gonna do because I don't have to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00056-00023685-00024147 allow you to hang out in my pool because this is my pool but just to address the j7rKQ9x8Gay-00057-00024147-00024633 people that are like how dare you talk about sociopaths as they are and like j7rKQ9x8Gay-00058-00024633-00024978 dehumanize them I'm not dehumanizing them what I'm doing is telling people j7rKQ9x8Gay-00059-00024978-00025392 what to look out for because if you haven't recognized this sociopaths j7rKQ9x8Gay-00060-00025392-00025860 sociopathy you're antisocial or antisocial personality disorder j7rKQ9x8Gay-00061-00025860-00026287 they don't have empathy for other people and often utilize other people to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00062-00026287-00026818 further their own gain which can be really hurtful to a lot of us and that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00063-00026818-00027225 means that if there's only four percent of the population four percent of j7rKQ9x8Gay-00064-00027225-00027643 population otherwise known as one and twenty five people have this I don't j7rKQ9x8Gay-00065-00027643-00028111 want any of us to fall victim to their manipulation and sure those people that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00066-00028111-00028375 can make them sound like they're bad people but if you're using people for j7rKQ9x8Gay-00067-00028375-00028752 your own gain and not in a thoughtful manner and if you're not helping people j7rKQ9x8Gay-00068-00028752-00029058 in a loving manner that I'm sorry but I'm gonna protect the ninety six percent j7rKQ9x8Gay-00069-00029058-00029500 of people who might be negatively affected and if you are the four percent j7rKQ9x8Gay-00070-00029500-00029853 then you should get help but we know statistically speaking that those with j7rKQ9x8Gay-00071-00029853-00030291 antisocial personality disorder don't get help and when they do get help they j7rKQ9x8Gay-00072-00030291-00030543 actually use the information that it would gain from a therapist such as j7rKQ9x8Gay-00073-00030543-00031036 myself as a way to hurt others and this isn't meant to stigmatize other mental j7rKQ9x8Gay-00074-00031036-00031338 illnesses you guys know me I've been putting out videos forever about all j7rKQ9x8Gay-00075-00031338-00031803 sorts of mental illnesses and so if you feel upset or hurt by that that actually j7rKQ9x8Gay-00076-00031803-00032319 means you're not a sociopath and just know that we need to be more aware we j7rKQ9x8Gay-00077-00032319-00032634 need to talk about it more nobody talks about it that's really the whole goal of j7rKQ9x8Gay-00078-00032634-00033150 the video is just to educate and let you know that's it just know that like most j7rKQ9x8Gay-00079-00033150-00033597 of my viewers you know like bullying or shit-talking or like harassing people is j7rKQ9x8Gay-00080-00033597-00033912 never going anywhere in the community and I'll just block you everywhere j7rKQ9x8Gay-00081-00033912-00034408 as many different you know profiles you can create because that's just not nice j7rKQ9x8Gay-00082-00034408-00034927 and I think overall I'm just upset that people would think that I would want to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00083-00034927-00035308 stigmatize mental illness more that just shows you don't know me and I think j7rKQ9x8Gay-00084-00035308-00035800 that's sad to me and disappointing because I have like a thousand videos to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00085-00035800-00036174 prove the opposite thing j7rKQ9x8Gay-00087-00043724-00044807 difficult yesterday about me to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00088-00046724-00047613 everybody all right understand here's the thing on the same day so yesterday j7rKQ9x8Gay-00089-00047613-00048435 Kati Morton posted a video on her channel is his sociopath doctor Kent j7rKQ9x8Gay-00090-00048435-00048795 Kiehl published a book in 2014 of his findings from doing research on male j7rKQ9x8Gay-00091-00048795-00049227 inmates and I know yes it's just males and yes these are only people in prisons j7rKQ9x8Gay-00092-00049227-00049677 now he was able to compare the brains using structural MRI data of inmates who j7rKQ9x8Gay-00093-00049677-00050139 had scored high on hair psychopathy checklist meaning that they were already j7rKQ9x8Gay-00094-00050139-00050505 Psychopaths that's what that checklist tells us and he compared those brains j7rKQ9x8Gay-00095-00050505-00050748 with those who did not score high on that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00096-00050748-00051326 checklist so they're not a sociopath what they found was astounding j7rKQ9x8Gay-00097-00051326-00051888 sociopaths showed reduced gray matter in the orbital frontal cortex amygdala j7rKQ9x8Gay-00098-00051888-00052560 hippocampus insula temporal lobe and the int anterior and the posterior cingulate j7rKQ9x8Gay-00099-00052560-00053504 meaning that the entire paralimbic circuitry was impaired rewired soulless j7rKQ9x8Gay-00100-00053504-00053922 because I talked about how science has proven neuroplasticity on how it can j7rKQ9x8Gay-00101-00053922-00054375 rewire our brain so Katie through her extensive research she learned that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00102-00054375-00055067 sociopaths actually have different brain chemistry than the average person so j7rKQ9x8Gay-00103-00055067-00055419 like when you look at that when you look at that I look at it in the realm of j7rKQ9x8Gay-00104-00055419-00055904 mental illness like this person's brain is not functioning properly right with j7rKQ9x8Gay-00105-00055904-00056271 these different parts of the brain interacting with each other and how j7rKQ9x8Gay-00106-00056271-00056682 there's decreased grey matter grey matter like they're not experiencing j7rKQ9x8Gay-00107-00056682-00057171 empathy in the same way that somebody should right so what I would say what I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00108-00057171-00057507 would argue is that we need to do more researchers to see how we could fix that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00109-00057507-00057879 you know because I don't like the idea like every one of these people you know j7rKQ9x8Gay-00110-00057879-00058203 obviously every human being has a mother and a father right a lot of them have j7rKQ9x8Gay-00111-00058203-00058541 brothers sisters you know and stuff like that so even criminals like I'm of the j7rKQ9x8Gay-00112-00058541-00058812 belief that criminals should be rehabilitated but if people are j7rKQ9x8Gay-00113-00058812-00059337 biologically different where their brain cannot empathize or how the conscience j7rKQ9x8Gay-00114-00059337-00059705 you know the good and bad and stuff like that like I think we need to fund some j7rKQ9x8Gay-00115-00059705-00059949 research to figure out how do we fix that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00116-00059949-00060408 you know lock it away forever and then they're separated from the families and j7rKQ9x8Gay-00117-00060408-00060755 all that kind of stuff so again when I can see where some of some of the people j7rKQ9x8Gay-00118-00060755-00061113 were kind of offended or disagree was she said like I'm the drug addict an j7rKQ9x8Gay-00119-00061113-00061599 alcoholic in recovery okay watching her video with shame about j7rKQ9x8Gay-00120-00061599-00062192 yo paths like so many addicts so many people in active addiction have j7rKQ9x8Gay-00121-00062192-00062724 sociopaths sociopathic tendencies right like everything I did was to get I would j7rKQ9x8Gay-00122-00062724-00063258 manipulate Allah I would cheat steal I not only did it to get and use drugs or j7rKQ9x8Gay-00123-00063258-00063699 get and drink alcohol I also did it you know to women I did it to friends and j7rKQ9x8Gay-00124-00063699-00064095 family otherwise I would say exactly what they needed to hear so I could get j7rKQ9x8Gay-00125-00064095-00064602 what I wanted right but I am six years clean and sober if you ask anybody who j7rKQ9x8Gay-00126-00064602-00065180 knows me I am rehabilitated so like I don't believe that people are lost j7rKQ9x8Gay-00127-00065180-00065583 causes when it comes to the sociopaths though it's difficult because we know j7rKQ9x8Gay-00128-00065583-00065877 their brains are different and I don't know if science has gotten there but I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00129-00065877-00066618 don't think anybody's lost cause okay now now the pro Katie Borden side I get j7rKQ9x8Gay-00130-00066618-00067251 it I get what she's saying okay for those of you who don't know I I'll link j7rKQ9x8Gay-00131-00067251-00067650 down in the description below shameless plug I wrote a book called j7rKQ9x8Gay-00132-00067650-00068106 caught in the crossfire a book for anybody who's been affected by a drug j7rKQ9x8Gay-00133-00068106-00068445 addict or an alcoholic right because most people they want to know how do I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00134-00068445-00068814 help them how do I help this person but in the book I explain why sometimes you j7rKQ9x8Gay-00135-00068814-00069204 got to cut that person out of your life right anyway so I get what Katie's j7rKQ9x8Gay-00136-00069204-00069657 saying like it's tough and like as mental health professionals we got to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00137-00069657-00070134 tell you that tough stuff that isn't always so nice and it's not so warm and j7rKQ9x8Gay-00138-00070134-00070350 fuzzy and lovey-dovey and stuff like that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00139-00070350-00070776 like for me personally I did not get clean and sober and people until people j7rKQ9x8Gay-00140-00070776-00071340 cut ties with me they had to let me go my mom was ready to let me die because I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00141-00071340-00071715 was killing myself and refusing to get help you know what I mean so so like j7rKQ9x8Gay-00142-00071715-00072039 it's difficult like now that I'm in recovery and I've worked at treatment j7rKQ9x8Gay-00143-00072039-00072369 centers and things like that I have to tell people when they get so blind you j7rKQ9x8Gay-00144-00072369-00072975 gotta cut your best friend out of your life you gotta cut your mom we have to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00145-00072975-00073362 tell people that and that's where I see exactly where Katie Morton's coming from j7rKQ9x8Gay-00146-00073362-00074082 like in her Instagram story she stays that you know one out of every 25 people j7rKQ9x8Gay-00147-00074082-00074657 right or socio so review on this is trying to protect j7rKQ9x8Gay-00148-00074657-00075230 the majority of people and yes like it's true so as mental health professionals j7rKQ9x8Gay-00149-00075230-00075701 we are stuck in this tricky situation you know so I will say this like Katie j7rKQ9x8Gay-00150-00075701-00076076 ended her video by saying like those of you who follow me and you know me like j7rKQ9x8Gay-00151-00076076-00076646 you know better than that right okay this is where I talk about how you know j7rKQ9x8Gay-00152-00076646-00077063 people have like black and white thinking this is a symptom of borderline j7rKQ9x8Gay-00153-00077063-00077486 personality disorder but a lot of people struggle with black my thinking even j7rKQ9x8Gay-00154-00077486-00077684 though you don't have borderline personality disorder j7rKQ9x8Gay-00155-00077684-00078026 that's all Katie saying those things like my brain because I struggle with j7rKQ9x8Gay-00156-00078026-00078635 black I think you wanted me to put Katie from the whole good pile into the call j7rKQ9x8Gay-00157-00078635-00079352 myself down and say wait wait look what does she believe who is she as a person j7rKQ9x8Gay-00158-00079352-00079985 and let me tell you one of my favorite videos by Kati Morton which as many j7rKQ9x8Gay-00159-00079985-00080509 views as should have is she made a video dedicated to the fact that California j7rKQ9x8Gay-00160-00080509-00081323 years ago California passed a bill to get a ton a ton of funding for mental j7rKQ9x8Gay-00161-00081323-00081725 health right to help the homeless in California to provide better mental j7rKQ9x8Gay-00162-00081725-00082130 health care they got a ton of money but what they're doing is is they didn't do j7rKQ9x8Gay-00163-00082130-00082466 anything with that money another reallocating that money and Katie took j7rKQ9x8Gay-00164-00082466-00083087 time on her channel to stray away from her normal content and basically do some j7rKQ9x8Gay-00165-00083087-00083801 mental health advocacy right there shows me as a person who Kati Morton is and me j7rKQ9x8Gay-00166-00083801-00084311 and her we're fighting the same fight to try to get more awareness out there to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00167-00084311-00084773 help people get better mental healthcare and all that kind of stuff so so please j7rKQ9x8Gay-00168-00084773-00085157 if you're watching this like like if you don't know Katie Morton very well like j7rKQ9x8Gay-00169-00085157-00085469 goes check out some of our videos you'll learn to understand her as a person I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00170-00085469-00085952 hope my video and my voice on the subject kind of offered you some insight j7rKQ9x8Gay-00171-00085952-00086351 and like I said I'm torn on it like I don't know if I would necessarily have j7rKQ9x8Gay-00172-00086351-00086774 worded it the way she did Shane Dawson is j7rKQ9x8Gay-00173-00086774-00087336 so is his hand true you know so there might have been things cut out but I j7rKQ9x8Gay-00174-00087336-00087902 know Katie loves all people and hopes for the best but like she said it's very j7rKQ9x8Gay-00175-00087902-00088347 hard with sociopaths because they might just be pretending to get help so in my j7rKQ9x8Gay-00176-00088347-00088704 opinion we need to fund research and see how we can help those people you know j7rKQ9x8Gay-00177-00088704-00089007 what I mean but anyways let me know your thoughts down in the comment below j7rKQ9x8Gay-00178-00089007-00089430 comment section below I hope this offered you a new point of view j7rKQ9x8Gay-00179-00089430-00089754 alright but that's all I got for you if you like this video please give it a j7rKQ9x8Gay-00180-00089754-00090048 thumbs up and if you're new I'm always making videos to help you out with your j7rKQ9x8Gay-00181-00090048-00090324 mental and emotional well-being make sure you subscribe and bring that j7rKQ9x8Gay-00182-00090324-00090677 notification up huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on j7rKQ9x8Gay-00183-00090677-00091082 patreon I actually have a shirt that says mental health increase awareness j7rKQ9x8Gay-00184-00091082-00091494 decrease the stigma boom click on the rewind soul merch shop if you want to j7rKQ9x8Gay-00185-00091494-00092024 grab yourself one alright thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time j7OP_RXJgs4-00000-00000168-00000612 As we’ve already discussed, “privacy” is a slippery concept. j7OP_RXJgs4-00001-00000612-00001053 It’s hard to pin down and provide any exact definition for it that doesn’t immediately j7OP_RXJgs4-00002-00001053-00001521 suffer from numerous counter-examples or logical inconsistencies or similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00003-00001521-00001785 But we’re not giving up so easily! j7OP_RXJgs4-00004-00001785-00002202 Just because the concept of “privacy” can’t be defined in some simple and straightforward j7OP_RXJgs4-00005-00002202-00002661 way doesn’t mean that we can’t learn an awful lot about it by looking at how it’s j7OP_RXJgs4-00006-00002661-00003007 been approached and discussed in different times and places. j7OP_RXJgs4-00007-00003007-00003436 After all, every legal system in the world protects at least some aspects of privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00008-00003436-00004018 And yes, the law might never be entirely satisfactory, in terms of staying relevant and up-to-date j7OP_RXJgs4-00009-00004018-00004282 with all the latest technological developments. j7OP_RXJgs4-00010-00004282-00004798 But an overview of the way legal privacy protections have grown and expanded over time, and the j7OP_RXJgs4-00011-00004798-00005309 resulting ripples this has caused in related legal and conceptual research, might allow j7OP_RXJgs4-00012-00005309-00005848 us to better appreciate which way privacy is currently headed: its general thrust and j7OP_RXJgs4-00013-00005848-00006023 direction, right here and right now. j7OP_RXJgs4-00014-00006023-00006242 So, let’s do that! j7OP_RXJgs4-00015-00006242-00006697 However, before that, a few small things we need to get out of the way, just to make sure j7OP_RXJgs4-00016-00006697-00006951 we’re all starting from the same place. j7OP_RXJgs4-00017-00006951-00007364 The first is to say a few words about how and why the law grows and develops and changes j7OP_RXJgs4-00018-00007364-00007476 over time. j7OP_RXJgs4-00019-00007476-00007976 Well, the simple answer is that the law develops to deal with those things that people in society j7OP_RXJgs4-00020-00007976-00008152 are concerned about. j7OP_RXJgs4-00021-00008152-00008643 Not just anything, of course, but the sorts of things that enough people are concerned j7OP_RXJgs4-00022-00008643-00009182 enough about, and that don’t come into obvious conflict with already existing law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00023-00009182-00009706 So, for instance, it used to be that not enough people were concerned enough for there to j7OP_RXJgs4-00024-00009706-00010315 be laws safeguarding the well-being of children, and so children tended to be abused and exploited j7OP_RXJgs4-00025-00010315-00010634 and put to work in dangerous factories and so on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00026-00010634-00011122 As time went on, however, enough people became concerned enough with the well-being of children j7OP_RXJgs4-00027-00011122-00011593 that many countries began implementing laws forbidding child abuse, child exploitation, j7OP_RXJgs4-00028-00011593-00011850 child labor, and so on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00029-00011850-00011996 And it’s not just in the past. j7OP_RXJgs4-00030-00011996-00012404 We’re currently living through these sorts of developments right now too. j7OP_RXJgs4-00031-00012404-00012863 For instance, an increasing number of people are becoming increasingly concerned about j7OP_RXJgs4-00032-00012863-00013294 the climate, and so there’s a push for this to be reflected in the law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00033-00013294-00013823 However, doing so often clashes with existing laws, such as laws on the legal rights and j7OP_RXJgs4-00034-00013823-00014134 responsibilities of corporations and such. j7OP_RXJgs4-00035-00014134-00014281 Where will this all end? j7OP_RXJgs4-00036-00014281-00014381 Who knows? j7OP_RXJgs4-00037-00014381-00014816 But like in the case of child labor, there’s a good chance our children or grandchildren j7OP_RXJgs4-00038-00014816-00015350 will look back on the current developments under way as long overdue and morally necessary, j7OP_RXJgs4-00039-00015350-00015651 whatever they ultimately wind up being. j7OP_RXJgs4-00040-00015651-00016197 Now, so far this should all be pretty obvious to everybody: the law changes in ways that j7OP_RXJgs4-00041-00016197-00016455 reflect a society’s concerns. j7OP_RXJgs4-00042-00016455-00016940 Slowly and reactively, sure, and sometimes also insufficiently, but it still tracks, j7OP_RXJgs4-00043-00016940-00017439 in some sense, the sorts of things that people in a society tend to be most concerned about. j7OP_RXJgs4-00044-00017439-00017915 So, that’s the “why”, but what about the “how”? j7OP_RXJgs4-00045-00017915-00018148 How does the law develop over time? j7OP_RXJgs4-00046-00018148-00018745 Well, very basically, we could say that the two major forces at play are legislation and j7OP_RXJgs4-00047-00018745-00019131 precedent, so let’s talk a little about each. j7OP_RXJgs4-00048-00019131-00019723 Legislation is what happens when lawmakers, such as elected politicians, develop new laws j7OP_RXJgs4-00049-00019723-00019884 for their country. j7OP_RXJgs4-00050-00019884-00020356 This happens in most legal systems in the world, but is the fundamental and primary j7OP_RXJgs4-00051-00020356-00020848 source of all law in so-called “civil law” or “Roman law” systems, which is what j7OP_RXJgs4-00052-00020848-00021312 we find in most of the non-English-speaking and non-Islamic world. j7OP_RXJgs4-00053-00021312-00021784 In these civil law systems, lawmakers first develop legislation, and then the courts hear j7OP_RXJgs4-00054-00021784-00022276 cases relevant to that legislation and try to decide the cases in accordance with it. j7OP_RXJgs4-00055-00022276-00022729 They have quite a lot of freedom to interpret how the legislation applies to any individual j7OP_RXJgs4-00056-00022729-00023250 case, but, for the very same reason, the final court decisions don’t usually hold that j7OP_RXJgs4-00057-00023250-00023637 much weight for other related cases in the future. j7OP_RXJgs4-00058-00023637-00024187 Precedent, on the other hand, is when courts are required to take prior court decisions j7OP_RXJgs4-00059-00024187-00024845 into account, especially those decisions that were made in the higher courts of a country. j7OP_RXJgs4-00060-00024845-00025364 And although civil law systems will also sometimes put a little weight on how prior cases have j7OP_RXJgs4-00061-00025364-00025938 been decided, it’s an absolutely fundamental and primary source of the law in so-called j7OP_RXJgs4-00062-00025938-00026420 “common-law” systems, which is what we find in most of the English-speaking world. j7OP_RXJgs4-00063-00026420-00026858 In these common law systems, courts not only interpret existing legislation in a way that j7OP_RXJgs4-00064-00026858-00027452 is strongly binding, or at least highly persuasive, on future cases, but they also have the ability j7OP_RXJgs4-00065-00027452-00027993 to develop entire areas of law where there is no legislation of any kind, merely by looking j7OP_RXJgs4-00066-00027993-00028493 at the precedents set by relevant previous court cases. j7OP_RXJgs4-00067-00028493-00028948 On the one hand, this makes the courts in common-law systems far more powerful players j7OP_RXJgs4-00068-00028948-00029412 in actually developing the law, compared to the courts in civil-law systems, where they j7OP_RXJgs4-00069-00029412-00029602 only apply it. j7OP_RXJgs4-00070-00029602-00030089 On the other hand, it can also sometimes leave common-law court decisions a little more uncertain j7OP_RXJgs4-00071-00030089-00030463 and open to interpretation than in civil-law systems. j7OP_RXJgs4-00072-00030463-00030989 In fact, when reading common-law case reports, you can often vaguely hint the outline of j7OP_RXJgs4-00073-00030989-00031510 some sort of general legal principle, which arises out of all the cited cases collectively, j7OP_RXJgs4-00074-00031510-00031985 rather than from any single case, but only really exists in the minds of the judges and j7OP_RXJgs4-00075-00031985-00032519 legal scholars and others working on interpreting the meanings of the precedents in this way. j7OP_RXJgs4-00076-00032519-00033045 It can sometimes be almost like poetry: you only really intuit glimpses of the real meaning j7OP_RXJgs4-00077-00033045-00033463 somewhere behind the words of the case reports you’re reading. j7OP_RXJgs4-00078-00033463-00033803 OK, so legislation and precedent. j7OP_RXJgs4-00079-00033803-00034402 Civil-law systems emphasize legislation, while common-law systems emphasize both legislation j7OP_RXJgs4-00080-00034402-00034567 and precedent. j7OP_RXJgs4-00081-00034567-00035059 Now, in both cases, the law still needs to develop in accordance with the major concerns j7OP_RXJgs4-00082-00035059-00035227 in society. j7OP_RXJgs4-00083-00035227-00035725 But the way those concerns feed into the law differs for each source of the law, in a rather j7OP_RXJgs4-00084-00035725-00035978 interesting way. j7OP_RXJgs4-00085-00035978-00036500 When it comes to legislation, in both civil- and common-law systems, the question is how j7OP_RXJgs4-00086-00036500-00036941 lawmakers keep track of what people in a society are concerned enough about, so that they know j7OP_RXJgs4-00087-00036941-00037306 what sorts of things to develop legislation for. j7OP_RXJgs4-00088-00037306-00037922 Well, sometimes, of course, they’re elected on a specifically profiled political platform, j7OP_RXJgs4-00089-00037922-00038286 so you can expect that if they gain enough political power, then they’ll start developing j7OP_RXJgs4-00090-00038286-00038669 legislation on their specific profile issues. j7OP_RXJgs4-00091-00038669-00039199 Other times, societal concerns come up organically, in a way that no one party or politician is j7OP_RXJgs4-00092-00039199-00039634 profiled for or against, but which still needs to be dealt with. j7OP_RXJgs4-00093-00039634-00040086 Like the development of a new and potentially quite harmful technology or similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00094-00040086-00040612 So, for instance, think social media, and all the current concerns lawmakers around j7OP_RXJgs4-00095-00040612-00041100 the world have about it, despite it not really being any sort of concern for anybody around j7OP_RXJgs4-00096-00041100-00041311 20 years ago. j7OP_RXJgs4-00097-00041311-00041700 But either way, whether they’re profiled toward some specific piece of legislation j7OP_RXJgs4-00098-00041700-00042378 or not, lawmakers will spend a lot of time looking at legal scholarly work, so research j7OP_RXJgs4-00099-00042378-00042659 done by legal researchers. j7OP_RXJgs4-00100-00042659-00043233 This could be, for instance, academic articles, where legal scholars argue for one point or j7OP_RXJgs4-00101-00043233-00043666 another, like that two existing pieces of legislation are in conflict and so need to j7OP_RXJgs4-00102-00043666-00044180 be revised, or that some specific court case proves that there is some missing legislation j7OP_RXJgs4-00103-00044180-00044441 that needs to be developed, or similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00104-00044441-00044844 The politicians probably don’t read these articles themselves (after all, they were j7OP_RXJgs4-00105-00044844-00045406 elected to lead, not to read) but they will typically have various advisory committees j7OP_RXJgs4-00106-00045406-00045946 and specialist hearings and so on, so their legal advisor nerds can bring them up to speed. j7OP_RXJgs4-00107-00045946-00046613 Now, when it comes to precedent, the tracking of societal concerns is a little different. j7OP_RXJgs4-00108-00046613-00047053 Because precedent is binding, or at least persuasive, in common-law systems, there is j7OP_RXJgs4-00109-00047053-00047619 a crucial need to publish reports of all cases that provide some sort of precedent, for future j7OP_RXJgs4-00110-00047619-00047774 cases to rely on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00111-00047774-00048326 These will generally include lengthy reasoning, by the court, about why it has reached a specific j7OP_RXJgs4-00112-00048326-00048676 decision, and on the basis of what prior precedents. j7OP_RXJgs4-00113-00048676-00049116 These case reports are then pored over and picked apart by legal scholars, as they look j7OP_RXJgs4-00114-00049116-00049604 to, for example, develop a view of the hidden underlying general legal principles that arise j7OP_RXJgs4-00115-00049604-00050078 from a collection of precedents, or maybe point out how some specific court’s decision j7OP_RXJgs4-00116-00050078-00050503 is actually in conflict with other precedents that the case may not have considered, or j7OP_RXJgs4-00117-00050503-00050650 similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00118-00050650-00051287 And this has a substantial corrective impact on the work of the courts: in their decisions, j7OP_RXJgs4-00119-00051287-00051784 common-law courts will often cite legal research when deciding cases, as a way of backing up j7OP_RXJgs4-00120-00051784-00051926 their reasoning. j7OP_RXJgs4-00121-00051926-00052332 In common-law systems, there is, in other words, a sort of symbiotic back-and-forth j7OP_RXJgs4-00122-00052332-00052663 between court decisions and legal research. j7OP_RXJgs4-00123-00052663-00053088 The court decisions form the basis for what the research focuses on, while the research j7OP_RXJgs4-00124-00053088-00053471 can then often become the basis for subsequent court decisions. j7OP_RXJgs4-00125-00053471-00053701 And on and on it goes. j7OP_RXJgs4-00126-00053701-00054398 So, as I hope you can see, in both cases, in both legislation and precedent, legal research j7OP_RXJgs4-00127-00054398-00054755 has a large impact on the way the law develops. j7OP_RXJgs4-00128-00054755-00054929 And the legal scholars themselves? j7OP_RXJgs4-00129-00054929-00055233 Well, here comes a crucial point. j7OP_RXJgs4-00130-00055233-00055814 When legal scholars are doing basic work, on a wide-ranging and contentious topic like j7OP_RXJgs4-00131-00055814-00056408 privacy, well, then they tend to be quite concerned with what the concept of “privacy” j7OP_RXJgs4-00132-00056408-00056570 really means. j7OP_RXJgs4-00133-00056570-00057139 And for this, more often than not, they will turn to philosophers, and their research. j7OP_RXJgs4-00134-00057139-00057645 Now, philosophers typically work on developing strong, robust concepts, but don’t usually j7OP_RXJgs4-00135-00057645-00058003 care all that much about their application in practice. j7OP_RXJgs4-00136-00058003-00058430 Instead, it’s normally the legal scholars who take the philosophical definitions and j7OP_RXJgs4-00137-00058430-00058980 work with them to try to kind of translate them into possible real legal applications, j7OP_RXJgs4-00138-00058980-00059527 whether in the form of explicit legislation or implicit precedent principles. j7OP_RXJgs4-00139-00059527-00060107 And personally, as a philosopher by background, I have to say: this is kind of neat! j7OP_RXJgs4-00140-00060107-00060645 After all, who would’ve thought that abstract and complex philosophy might actually be so j7OP_RXJgs4-00141-00060645-00061157 practically relevant to, well, all of us? j7OP_RXJgs4-00142-00061157-00061585 Not only that, but this is also where it starts to get really interesting! j7OP_RXJgs4-00143-00061585-00062133 You see, once the law develops, a sort of feedback effect can happen here. j7OP_RXJgs4-00144-00062133-00062583 Because the law is a sort of baseline for everybody in a society, this means that legal j7OP_RXJgs4-00145-00062583-00063204 scholars, and, yes, even philosophers, will often have stuff to say about new legal developments, j7OP_RXJgs4-00146-00063204-00063516 whether we’re talking about legislation or precedent. j7OP_RXJgs4-00147-00063516-00063982 So not only does philosophical research on some concept occasionally dictate the form j7OP_RXJgs4-00148-00063982-00064497 of some real-world legal development, but the legal development will then itself become j7OP_RXJgs4-00149-00064497-00064945 the focus of new philosophical and legal research on the same concept. j7OP_RXJgs4-00150-00064945-00065612 So, perhaps I define “privacy” some way, publish my definition in legal-ish philosophy j7OP_RXJgs4-00151-00065612-00066038 journals, influence a bunch of legal scholars, who then use my definition of “privacy” j7OP_RXJgs4-00152-00066038-00066570 to suggest new legislation or some new interpretation of precedent, which then kind of trickles j7OP_RXJgs4-00153-00066570-00067156 up to lawmakers or courts who apply it in practice, which then gives me more real-world j7OP_RXJgs4-00154-00067156-00067457 cases to reflect on in my conceptual work. j7OP_RXJgs4-00155-00067457-00067951 It’s sort of like if you tell your friend that you have this great idea for a Finnish j7OP_RXJgs4-00156-00067951-00068388 tango cover band, and then she takes your idea and runs with it, and creates her own j7OP_RXJgs4-00157-00068388-00068998 hugely successful Finnish tango cover band, playing all the most famous songs, like “Satumaa” j7OP_RXJgs4-00158-00068998-00069529 or “Suo sana vain”, but in a slightly new and different way, and you then use her j7OP_RXJgs4-00159-00069529-00069964 band’s success to revise and refine your understanding of what Finnish tango is really j7OP_RXJgs4-00160-00069964-00070444 all about, and come with a new and improved idea for an even better Finnish tango cover j7OP_RXJgs4-00161-00070444-00070544 band. j7OP_RXJgs4-00162-00070544-00071079 Really, the virtuous-circle possibilities are almost endless! j7OP_RXJgs4-00163-00071079-00071789 OK, so the law develops in a way that mirrors major concerns in society, and philosophers j7OP_RXJgs4-00164-00071789-00072351 and legal scholars play a big role in how the law, whether in legislation or in precedent, j7OP_RXJgs4-00165-00072351-00072812 develops its concepts, which directly determines what specific sorts of cases the resulting j7OP_RXJgs4-00166-00072812-00073193 legal developments will actually apply to. j7OP_RXJgs4-00167-00073193-00073629 And then that very same legal development forms a new baseline for further conceptual j7OP_RXJgs4-00168-00073629-00074224 and legal research on the topic, which again feeds into legal developments, and so on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00169-00074224-00074351 Noice! j7OP_RXJgs4-00170-00074351-00074868 So, with that out of the way, let’s now talk about legal privacy protections throughout j7OP_RXJgs4-00171-00074868-00075025 history. j7OP_RXJgs4-00172-00075025-00075294 And I’m going to start with English common law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00173-00075294-00075408 Why England? j7OP_RXJgs4-00174-00075408-00075949 Well, first because it’s one of the world’s longest-standing continuous legal systems, j7OP_RXJgs4-00175-00075949-00076402 and therefore gives us a broader historical scope than almost any other country from which j7OP_RXJgs4-00176-00076402-00076852 to investigate the development of legal privacy protections over time. j7OP_RXJgs4-00177-00076852-00077377 But also because it forms the historical basis for United States common law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00178-00077377-00077576 And why is US law so important? j7OP_RXJgs4-00179-00077576-00077766 Again, two reasons. j7OP_RXJgs4-00180-00077766-00078316 First, because specific legal developments in the US during the 20th century led to by j7OP_RXJgs4-00181-00078316-00078825 far the most extensive privacy research, by both legal scholars and philosophers, that j7OP_RXJgs4-00182-00078825-00079034 the world has so far seen. j7OP_RXJgs4-00183-00079034-00079538 And second, because no matter where in the world you live today, US privacy law still j7OP_RXJgs4-00184-00079538-00080082 impacts you, in the way that it, for instance, regulates the behavior of multinational tech j7OP_RXJgs4-00185-00080082-00080568 conglomerates, like when Facebook stores and processes data from your account in giant j7OP_RXJgs4-00186-00080568-00081121 server farms on American soil, regardless where in the world you happen to be located. j7OP_RXJgs4-00187-00081121-00081448 Alright, let’s get started! j7OP_RXJgs4-00188-00081448-00082089 Now, if we begin with English law, we can see early development of legal protections j7OP_RXJgs4-00189-00082089-00082776 of personal physical space and goods, in relation to law on trespass, nuisance and harassment. j7OP_RXJgs4-00190-00082776-00083170 Further down the line, English law developed protections against revealing some sorts of j7OP_RXJgs4-00191-00083170-00083367 information about others. j7OP_RXJgs4-00192-00083367-00083750 If the information was false, it would be covered by defamation law, while if it was j7OP_RXJgs4-00193-00083750-00084205 true it might be covered by blackmail law, or perhaps confidentiality law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00194-00084205-00084701 I’m gonna dwell on this last one a little, because it provides a great example of how j7OP_RXJgs4-00195-00084701-00085087 English legal privacy protections have developed over time. j7OP_RXJgs4-00196-00085087-00085705 To start with, in 1576, English courts recognized the need to protect all communication between j7OP_RXJgs4-00197-00085705-00086187 a lawyer and their client, so that your lawyer couldn’t be forced to testify against you j7OP_RXJgs4-00198-00086187-00086364 in court. j7OP_RXJgs4-00199-00086364-00086802 Similar protections were established three years later, between spouses. j7OP_RXJgs4-00200-00086802-00087480 Quite a bit later, in 1741, a case involving Jonathan Swift (of Gulliver’s Travels) found j7OP_RXJgs4-00201-00087480-00087973 that even if you sent a letter to somebody else, and it was, so to say, their physical j7OP_RXJgs4-00202-00087973-00088397 property, they still couldn’t publish the contents of that letter, as it remained your j7OP_RXJgs4-00203-00088397-00088497 property. j7OP_RXJgs4-00204-00088497-00088935 Basically, it was still your ideas and words, so others couldn’t just use those however j7OP_RXJgs4-00205-00088935-00089193 they saw fit. j7OP_RXJgs4-00206-00089193-00089682 More importantly, the eighteenth century also saw the development of various so-called “duties j7OP_RXJgs4-00207-00089682-00089875 of non-disclosure”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00208-00089875-00090354 This area of the law started small but eventually grew, over the centuries, to a prohibition j7OP_RXJgs4-00209-00090354-00090809 on any of a number of different recognized confidential relationships. j7OP_RXJgs4-00210-00090809-00091250 So, this would be things like that business partners couldn’t steal ideas from each j7OP_RXJgs4-00211-00091250-00091475 other and present as their own. j7OP_RXJgs4-00212-00091475-00091957 Or that academic journals couldn’t publish lectures submitted by a diligent student taking j7OP_RXJgs4-00213-00091957-00092351 notes, without the lecturer’s express consent to publish. j7OP_RXJgs4-00214-00092351-00092687 Or that a photographer couldn’t use the negatives from a private photo shoot with j7OP_RXJgs4-00215-00092687-00093235 a paying client for the sake of making and selling Christmas cards in his shop. j7OP_RXJgs4-00216-00093235-00093829 But the really big case, the arguably most important privacy case in world history, was j7OP_RXJgs4-00217-00093829-00094175 Prince Albert v Strange, from 1849. j7OP_RXJgs4-00218-00094175-00094510 So, here’s how the case went. j7OP_RXJgs4-00219-00094510-00094975 Prince Albert and his family, including his wife Queen Victoria, had made a number of j7OP_RXJgs4-00220-00094975-00095402 drawings and etchings for their own personal use and amusement. j7OP_RXJgs4-00221-00095402-00095947 They commissioned a royal printer to make copies of these, and without the printer’s j7OP_RXJgs4-00222-00095947-00096483 knowledge, one of his employees took some of the copies for himself. j7OP_RXJgs4-00223-00096483-00096891 He sold them, and they eventually made their way into the hands of the defendant, Mr. Strange, j7OP_RXJgs4-00224-00096891-00097426 who wanted to not only exhibit them, but had also printed a catalog describing them to j7OP_RXJgs4-00225-00097426-00097626 potential buyers. j7OP_RXJgs4-00226-00097626-00098044 The queen and her husband sued for the prevention of the exhibition and the publication of the j7OP_RXJgs4-00227-00098044-00098218 catalog. j7OP_RXJgs4-00228-00098218-00098644 Since the case wasn’t very obviously covered by previous precedent, but kind of fit in j7OP_RXJgs4-00229-00098644-00099351 under a general-principle expansion of various previous cases, the court claimed an “original j7OP_RXJgs4-00230-00099351-00099875 and independent jurisdiction”, and found in the royal family’s favor, arguing that j7OP_RXJgs4-00231-00099875-00100198 “privacy is the right invaded”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00232-00100198-00100623 Now, this is worth pausing for a moment to reflect on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00233-00100623-00101219 I didn’t mention it yet, but there is not, nor has there ever been, any general right j7OP_RXJgs4-00234-00101219-00101382 to privacy in English law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00235-00101382-00101891 There have been numerous attempts to legislate one in Parliament over the years, but it’s j7OP_RXJgs4-00236-00101891-00102057 never come to be. j7OP_RXJgs4-00237-00102057-00102636 So for the court, in Prince Albert, to argue that “privacy is the right invaded” was j7OP_RXJgs4-00238-00102636-00103208 really quite a surprising statement, and one that would later come to have a pivotal impact j7OP_RXJgs4-00239-00103208-00103711 on US privacy law, a fact I’ll return to in a moment. j7OP_RXJgs4-00240-00103711-00104156 Staying in England for now, various legal developments in the 20th century help to illustrate j7OP_RXJgs4-00241-00104156-00104629 some really very central features of legal protections of privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00242-00104629-00105110 One important case was that of Kaye v Robertson, from 1991. j7OP_RXJgs4-00243-00105110-00105573 In this case, the well-known actor Gordon Kaye was recovering in hospital after a serious j7OP_RXJgs4-00244-00105573-00105763 traffic accident. j7OP_RXJgs4-00245-00105763-00106211 After several days on life-support, followed by a period in intensive care, he was moved j7OP_RXJgs4-00246-00106211-00106330 to a private room. j7OP_RXJgs4-00247-00106330-00107008 A journalist from the tabloid newspaper Sunday Sport then surreptitiously gained access to j7OP_RXJgs4-00248-00107008-00107602 Kaye’s room and interviewed and took photos of him, before being removed by hospital security. j7OP_RXJgs4-00249-00107602-00108058 Kaye couldn’t remember the whole thing just 15 minutes later. j7OP_RXJgs4-00250-00108058-00108625 Through friends, he tried to stop the tabloid from publishing the interview, by suing them, j7OP_RXJgs4-00251-00108625-00109180 on the basis of malicious falsehood, libel, passing off, and trespass to the person. j7OP_RXJgs4-00252-00109180-00109680 The court, however, disagreed with all the claims, except malicious falsehood, which j7OP_RXJgs4-00253-00109680-00110210 meant that the tabloid was only prohibited from making any statement that Kaye had consented j7OP_RXJgs4-00254-00110210-00110768 to the interview or photos, but no prohibition otherwise on their publication. j7OP_RXJgs4-00255-00110768-00111278 The judges did argue that the case clearly showed there was a need to legislate privacy j7OP_RXJgs4-00256-00111278-00111668 protections in the UK, but that their hands were tied. j7OP_RXJgs4-00257-00111668-00112316 Now, what this case really shows, is that legal privacy protections often tend to clash j7OP_RXJgs4-00258-00112316-00112888 with legal protections of other societal values, such as freedom of speech and freedom of the j7OP_RXJgs4-00259-00112888-00113016 press. j7OP_RXJgs4-00260-00113016-00113519 In fact, this is a recurring feature of privacy, and one we can see popping up again and again j7OP_RXJgs4-00261-00113519-00114127 in the UK legal context, whether it’s about the now-defunct Murdoch-owned tabloid News j7OP_RXJgs4-00262-00114127-00114644 of the World hacking into teenage murder victim Milly Dowler’s phone voicemail after she j7OP_RXJgs4-00263-00114644-00115229 was reported missing, or various Premier League footballers using the English court system j7OP_RXJgs4-00264-00115229-00115793 to stop tabloids from publishing details about their intimate and illicit affairs. j7OP_RXJgs4-00265-00115793-00116344 In all these cases, the question typically boils down to: how much is protecting privacy j7OP_RXJgs4-00266-00116344-00116846 worth, how much is public interest in the details of the situation worth, and which j7OP_RXJgs4-00267-00116846-00117176 one should win out in this particular case? j7OP_RXJgs4-00268-00117176-00117715 Now, if we zoom out from England for a moment and look at Europe, there are two primary j7OP_RXJgs4-00269-00117715-00118008 sources of legal privacy protections. j7OP_RXJgs4-00270-00118008-00118495 One is the European Convention on Human Rights, and its article 8, which provides another j7OP_RXJgs4-00271-00118495-00119090 nice illustration of the balancing act that legal privacy protections must play. j7OP_RXJgs4-00272-00119090-00119635 Article 8 states that every person has a “right to respect for her private and family life, j7OP_RXJgs4-00273-00119635-00120100 her home and her correspondence”, and that no authority can interfere with this right j7OP_RXJgs4-00274-00120100-00120620 except “as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in j7OP_RXJgs4-00275-00120620-00121085 the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, j7OP_RXJgs4-00276-00121085-00121490 for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for j7OP_RXJgs4-00277-00121490-00121778 the protection of the rights and freedoms of others”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00278-00121778-00122258 In other words, just like in the English tabloid cases, at the level of the Council of Europe, j7OP_RXJgs4-00279-00122258-00122711 which includes far more countries than just the European Union, the fundamental right j7OP_RXJgs4-00280-00122711-00123426 to privacy is explicitly balanced against various other values and interests in society. j7OP_RXJgs4-00281-00123426-00123948 And if we zoom back in a little, this time to the European Union, then we get the General j7OP_RXJgs4-00282-00123948-00124355 Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, from 2018. j7OP_RXJgs4-00283-00124355-00124754 I take it most of you are familiar with this, and I’ll have a lot more to say about it j7OP_RXJgs4-00284-00124754-00125314 in the next video, when we discuss privacy and data security, but at this stage it’s j7OP_RXJgs4-00285-00125314-00125527 worth noting just two things. j7OP_RXJgs4-00286-00125527-00126217 First, that the GDPR, as a legal EU instrument, must be implemented in full in all EU member j7OP_RXJgs4-00287-00126217-00126317 states. j7OP_RXJgs4-00288-00126317-00126657 So it has real force of law, in other words. j7OP_RXJgs4-00289-00126657-00127226 And second, the GDPR has already had a large-scale impact on the way that many of the multinational j7OP_RXJgs4-00290-00127226-00127759 tech conglomerates work, given that it regulates, among many other things, the transfer of any j7OP_RXJgs4-00291-00127759-00128310 personal data about EU citizens and denizens to anywhere else outside the EU, including j7OP_RXJgs4-00292-00128310-00128513 the US. j7OP_RXJgs4-00293-00128513-00128999 So yeah, there’s a whole patchwork of legal privacy protections in England, and they’ve j7OP_RXJgs4-00294-00128999-00129490 developed and multiplied over time, but there is no general right to privacy in the country. j7OP_RXJgs4-00295-00129490-00129899 Well, there is a general right to privacy according to the European Convention on Human j7OP_RXJgs4-00296-00129899-00130453 Rights (of which the UK is, even after Brexit, still a signatory), but how this right is j7OP_RXJgs4-00297-00130453-00130920 interpreted varies somewhat between countries, and is stymied by the fact that the European j7OP_RXJgs4-00298-00130920-00131486 Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has an insane backlog of cases, on the latest count j7OP_RXJgs4-00299-00131486-00131977 upward of some 60,000 or so still waiting to be heard. j7OP_RXJgs4-00300-00131977-00132471 And then, in the European Union, the GDPR has been a monumental development in legal j7OP_RXJgs4-00301-00132471-00132674 privacy protections these past few years. j7OP_RXJgs4-00302-00132674-00133100 But, as I already said before, that’s something I’ll talk more about in the next video. j7OP_RXJgs4-00303-00133100-00133447 OK, that’s England and Europe out of the way. j7OP_RXJgs4-00304-00133447-00134069 Now let’s rewind, all the way back to 1849 and Prince Albert v Strange. j7OP_RXJgs4-00305-00134069-00134502 First and foremost, and as I already mentioned, US common law was, at the time, still citing j7OP_RXJgs4-00306-00134502-00134817 English court cases as precedent. j7OP_RXJgs4-00307-00134817-00135302 And as regards Prince Albert, the result of the case was that two young legal scholars j7OP_RXJgs4-00308-00135302-00135940 wrote an article, in 1890, called “The Right to Privacy”, which would change US privacy j7OP_RXJgs4-00309-00135940-00136114 law forever. j7OP_RXJgs4-00310-00136114-00136691 The authors, Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis, were what we today might call, well, a tad j7OP_RXJgs4-00311-00136691-00137002 hysterical about technological developments. j7OP_RXJgs4-00312-00137002-00137265 Basically, they worried about two things. j7OP_RXJgs4-00313-00137265-00137725 First, they worried about the flourishing of so-called “yellow papers”, basically j7OP_RXJgs4-00314-00137725-00138188 the tabloids of the late 19th century, and the way that these papers printed gossip and j7OP_RXJgs4-00315-00138188-00138384 rumors with abandon. j7OP_RXJgs4-00316-00138384-00139040 Second, they worried about the recent development, in 1888, of Eastman Dry Plate Company’s j7OP_RXJgs4-00317-00139040-00139612 so-called “Kodak” camera, a new technology that allowed point-and-shoot photography at j7OP_RXJgs4-00318-00139612-00140166 an affordable price, and which completely revolutionized media access to photography. j7OP_RXJgs4-00319-00140166-00140698 And, more importantly, which all of a sudden made covert photography possible in a way j7OP_RXJgs4-00320-00140698-00140919 it had never been before. j7OP_RXJgs4-00321-00140919-00141472 Therefore, in the view of Warren and Brandeis, these two factors taken together had jointly j7OP_RXJgs4-00322-00141472-00141959 “invaded the sacred precincts of private and domestic life; and … threaten to make j7OP_RXJgs4-00323-00141959-00142375 good the prediction that ‘what is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the j7OP_RXJgs4-00324-00142375-00142821 house-tops’ ”. More interesting for us here, however, was j7OP_RXJgs4-00325-00142821-00143274 that they reached a conclusion not that we needed to legislate some sort of new right j7OP_RXJgs4-00326-00143274-00143927 to privacy, but rather that its existence was already implied by existing precedent, j7OP_RXJgs4-00327-00143927-00144222 in particular Prince Albert v Strange. j7OP_RXJgs4-00328-00144222-00144813 In their view, what had originally served as a primitive notion of a right to life, j7OP_RXJgs4-00329-00144813-00145341 had over time expanded to include various rights about more than just the physical being j7OP_RXJgs4-00330-00145341-00145510 of a person. j7OP_RXJgs4-00331-00145510-00145946 These included protections from assault, as opposed to just from battery, from nuisance, j7OP_RXJgs4-00332-00145946-00146498 and from slander and libel, as well as protections of both tangible and intangible property, j7OP_RXJgs4-00333-00146498-00146839 such as trademarks, and literary and artistic works. j7OP_RXJgs4-00334-00146839-00147419 A legal right to privacy was then, they argued, only the next stage of this natural expansion j7OP_RXJgs4-00335-00147419-00147582 of the common law. j7OP_RXJgs4-00336-00147582-00148102 All the courts needed to do was to recognize this, and voilà, a legal general right to j7OP_RXJgs4-00337-00148102-00148451 privacy would be established in the US! j7OP_RXJgs4-00338-00148451-00148905 They then went on to analyze what this sort of right to privacy would look like, in some j7OP_RXJgs4-00339-00148905-00149463 detail, and thereby wrote the first real philosophical article on the concept of privacy; what it j7OP_RXJgs4-00340-00149463-00149854 was, why it was valuable, how to protect it within the legal system of the time, and so j7OP_RXJgs4-00341-00149854-00149958 on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00342-00149958-00150551 Now, the US courts were initially somewhat slow to adopt Warren and Brandeis’s recommendations, j7OP_RXJgs4-00343-00150551-00150837 but they started doing so increasingly over time. j7OP_RXJgs4-00344-00150837-00151495 By the mid-20th century, there were already hundreds of cases either directly or indirectly j7OP_RXJgs4-00345-00151495-00151720 inspired by Warren and Brandeis. j7OP_RXJgs4-00346-00151720-00152315 In 1960, legal scholar William Prosser took the many cases, and grouped them all into j7OP_RXJgs4-00347-00152315-00152531 four basic categories. j7OP_RXJgs4-00348-00152531-00152647 1. j7OP_RXJgs4-00349-00152647-00152920 Intrusion into a person’s seclusion or solitude. j7OP_RXJgs4-00350-00152920-00153325 So, basically, bothering others in their private space. j7OP_RXJgs4-00351-00153325-00153437 2. j7OP_RXJgs4-00352-00153437-00153739 Public disclosure of embarrassing private facts. j7OP_RXJgs4-00353-00153739-00154157 At least when not coupled with a threat, since then it would become about blackmail rather j7OP_RXJgs4-00354-00154157-00154332 than just privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00355-00154332-00154439 3. j7OP_RXJgs4-00356-00154439-00154984 Publicity which places a person in a false light, that is, which gives an incorrect (and j7OP_RXJgs4-00357-00154984-00155387 probably harmful) impression of somebody, like by quoting them selectively and out of j7OP_RXJgs4-00358-00155387-00155523 context. j7OP_RXJgs4-00359-00155523-00155660 And 4. j7OP_RXJgs4-00360-00155660-00155841 Appropriation of a person’s likeness. j7OP_RXJgs4-00361-00155841-00156255 So, for instance, using someone’s photo, without their consent, for some stupid ad j7OP_RXJgs4-00362-00156255-00156490 campaign or similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00363-00156490-00157040 Interestingly, in publishing this taxonomy of privacy cases, Prosser was trying to describe, j7OP_RXJgs4-00364-00157040-00157545 in a systematic way, how privacy case law had developed up to that point. j7OP_RXJgs4-00365-00157545-00158111 But the effect of his publication was a different one: it basically set in stone the way in j7OP_RXJgs4-00366-00158111-00158484 which all privacy cases were considered from then on. j7OP_RXJgs4-00367-00158484-00158958 In other words, after Prosser, the courts all referred back to his four-part taxonomy j7OP_RXJgs4-00368-00158958-00159255 when considering any relevant privacy case. j7OP_RXJgs4-00369-00159255-00159814 Now, once again, this is where it starts getting really interesting. j7OP_RXJgs4-00370-00159814-00160375 Both Warren and Brandeis, and Prosser, show how conceptual research can impact legal practice, j7OP_RXJgs4-00371-00160375-00160636 in quite significant ways. j7OP_RXJgs4-00372-00160636-00161252 But the truly bizarre twist in this entire story belongs to the US Supreme Court. j7OP_RXJgs4-00373-00161252-00161737 OK, so for those of you who don’t know, the Supreme Court in the United States has j7OP_RXJgs4-00374-00161737-00162312 one main focus: to protect and apply the US Constitution to the various cases it hears. j7OP_RXJgs4-00375-00162312-00162603 And it has enormous power in doing so. j7OP_RXJgs4-00376-00162603-00163170 For instance, not only do all its cases constitute binding precedent in US common law, it also j7OP_RXJgs4-00377-00163170-00163664 has the ability to, for instance, nullify existing legislation, if it finds that the j7OP_RXJgs4-00378-00163664-00164002 legislation is in conflict with the US Constitution. j7OP_RXJgs4-00379-00164002-00164520 The Court consists of nine justices, who decide cases by simple majority, for or against. j7OP_RXJgs4-00380-00164520-00165062 As I’m sure you can appreciate, given its immense power, there’s a reason why both j7OP_RXJgs4-00381-00165062-00165521 Democrats and Republicans are so obsessed with strategizing about how to get their own j7OP_RXJgs4-00382-00165521-00165977 “progressive” or “conservative” nominations onto the Court. j7OP_RXJgs4-00383-00165977-00166176 But back to privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00384-00166176-00166362 This is where it starts getting weird. j7OP_RXJgs4-00385-00166362-00167083 You see, in 1965, the Supreme Court heard a very important case: Griswold v Connecticut. j7OP_RXJgs4-00386-00167083-00167488 The case concerned a state law in Connecticut making it illegal to provide contraceptives j7OP_RXJgs4-00387-00167488-00167665 to married couples. j7OP_RXJgs4-00388-00167665-00168073 The Court found that the state law was in conflict with the US Constitution and its j7OP_RXJgs4-00389-00168073-00168544 amendments, but in doing so, the different justices based their reasoning on completely j7OP_RXJgs4-00390-00168544-00168703 different chains of logic. j7OP_RXJgs4-00391-00168703-00169229 So, Justice Douglas, writing for the court, argued that this sort of right to a “zone j7OP_RXJgs4-00392-00169229-00169820 of privacy” emanated from several constitutional amendments: the First, concerning freedom j7OP_RXJgs4-00393-00169820-00170375 of speech, the Third, concerning the protection of an individual’s home, the Fourth, concerning j7OP_RXJgs4-00394-00170375-00170888 protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, and the Fifth, concerning protection j7OP_RXJgs4-00395-00170888-00171238 against abuse of government authority in legal procedures. j7OP_RXJgs4-00396-00171238-00171820 Alright, already here it’s a bit conceptually unclear, but fair enough. j7OP_RXJgs4-00397-00171820-00172425 But then, in concurring opinions, Justice Goldberg argued instead that privacy emanated j7OP_RXJgs4-00398-00172425-00172897 from the Ninth amendment, which states that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of j7OP_RXJgs4-00399-00172897-00173511 certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00400-00173511-00174003 And Justices Harlan and White, also concurring, argued that it was based on the Fourteenth j7OP_RXJgs4-00401-00174003-00174272 amendment, about due process. j7OP_RXJgs4-00402-00174272-00174571 So, conceptually, this was a complete mess. j7OP_RXJgs4-00403-00174571-00175030 None of the Justices seemed to be able to agree on what a constitutional right to privacy j7OP_RXJgs4-00404-00175030-00175392 came from, even if they agreed it existed. j7OP_RXJgs4-00405-00175392-00175965 And, as if this wasn’t problematic enough, the Supreme Court then went on to expand its j7OP_RXJgs4-00406-00175965-00176574 conception of privacy numerous times, like in Eisenstadt v Baird in 1972, arguing that j7OP_RXJgs4-00407-00176574-00177029 this right to privacy protected the contraceptive and sexual choices of all individuals, regardless j7OP_RXJgs4-00408-00177029-00177175 of their marital status. j7OP_RXJgs4-00409-00177175-00177757 Or in the landmark 1973 case Roe v Wade, which found that the same sort of principle applied j7OP_RXJgs4-00410-00177757-00178250 to the choice of having an abortion (although, obviously, we need to note that in 2022 the j7OP_RXJgs4-00411-00178250-00178724 Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade as precedent, so it no longer applies). j7OP_RXJgs4-00412-00178724-00179364 Or, more important for present purposes, the 1977 case of Whalen v Roe (no relation to j7OP_RXJgs4-00413-00179364-00179570 the Roe in Roe v Wade). j7OP_RXJgs4-00414-00179570-00180032 The case concerned New York state laws that required the collection and storage of information j7OP_RXJgs4-00415-00180032-00180497 about certain sorts of drug prescriptions, including the name of the prescribing doctor, j7OP_RXJgs4-00416-00180497-00180858 the pharmacy dispensing the drug, the name and dosage of the drug, and the name, address, j7OP_RXJgs4-00417-00180858-00181120 and age of the patient receiving it. j7OP_RXJgs4-00418-00181120-00181640 In its ruling in the case, the Supreme Court recognized a dual nature of its conception j7OP_RXJgs4-00419-00181640-00182255 of privacy, arguing that one aspect of it concerned “the individual interest in avoiding j7OP_RXJgs4-00420-00182255-00182870 disclosure of personal matters”, while the other concerned “the interest in independence j7OP_RXJgs4-00421-00182870-00183302 in making certain kinds of important decisions”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00422-00183302-00183476 And there you have it. j7OP_RXJgs4-00423-00183476-00184029 Privacy, starting from something like an extremely limited English legal protection prohibiting j7OP_RXJgs4-00424-00184029-00184557 lawyers from being forced to testify against their own clients in court, had, through Warren j7OP_RXJgs4-00425-00184557-00185161 and Brandeis, Prosser, and Supreme Court case law, come to mean both a protection against j7OP_RXJgs4-00426-00185161-00185627 having certain forms of personal information divulged to others, as well as a protection j7OP_RXJgs4-00427-00185627-00186080 from interference with making certain kinds of important life decisions. j7OP_RXJgs4-00428-00186080-00186607 Now, this is where we leave the law, and move to philosophy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00429-00186607-00187082 Because after this, the privacy philosophers went a little crazy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00430-00187082-00187301 As did several legal scholars. j7OP_RXJgs4-00431-00187301-00187778 Essentially, you could say they all broke into two general camps: one camp thought that j7OP_RXJgs4-00432-00187778-00188360 the latter, “important-life-decisions” type of privacy was warranted and conceptually j7OP_RXJgs4-00433-00188360-00188891 appropriate, and another camp whose members argued that it was fundamentally mistaken, j7OP_RXJgs4-00434-00188891-00189251 and proof only of the Supreme Court’s conceptual confusion. j7OP_RXJgs4-00435-00189251-00189778 In their view, these sorts of decisions were perhaps about autonomy, or liberty, or something j7OP_RXJgs4-00436-00189778-00190037 similar, but definitely not privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00437-00190037-00190488 And so, the debates between the two camps rocked back and forth for years, with numerous j7OP_RXJgs4-00438-00190488-00190925 philosophers adding their own suggested definitions of “privacy” to the discussion. j7OP_RXJgs4-00439-00190925-00191397 Now, I won’t bore you with all the details about this, but suffice it to say that the j7OP_RXJgs4-00440-00191397-00192013 Supreme Court view of privacy, with its shaky conceptual foundations and slowly expanding j7OP_RXJgs4-00441-00192013-00192544 definition, manages to nicely illustrate one very central and crucial question regarding j7OP_RXJgs4-00442-00192544-00192734 the concept of “privacy”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00443-00192734-00193265 And that is just this: When we define an emotionally loaded and important j7OP_RXJgs4-00444-00193265-00193699 concept, such as “privacy”, who decides what the definition should and should not j7OP_RXJgs4-00445-00193699-00193930 cover? j7OP_RXJgs4-00446-00193930-00194466 For most philosophers of privacy, the answer is probably “well, just use my definition”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00447-00194466-00194677 But let’s see if we can’t do better than that. j7OP_RXJgs4-00448-00194677-00195091 Alright, first and foremost, let’s talk about how we define concepts. j7OP_RXJgs4-00449-00195091-00195638 Let’s say I define the concept “chair” as “four-legged wooden seating furniture j7OP_RXJgs4-00450-00195638-00195776 for one person”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00451-00195776-00196005 Alright, now how about this? j7OP_RXJgs4-00452-00196005-00196399 It looks like a chair, but it’s not wooden, it’s metal. j7OP_RXJgs4-00453-00196399-00196633 Now, what is the appropriate response to this? j7OP_RXJgs4-00454-00196633-00197072 Actually, it turns out, there are two equally valid responses. j7OP_RXJgs4-00455-00197072-00197625 The first possibility is to say “Oh, right, I guess I need to go and change my definition, j7OP_RXJgs4-00456-00197625-00198063 into something else, like ‘four-legged seating furniture for one person’ ”. Then it covers j7OP_RXJgs4-00457-00198063-00198539 both wood, and metal, and plastic, and any other possible materials. j7OP_RXJgs4-00458-00198539-00199034 But perhaps then we run into other issues, which require further revisions of our definition, j7OP_RXJgs4-00459-00199034-00199500 like a three-legged chair, or a throne (“is it really a chair?”), or similar. j7OP_RXJgs4-00460-00199500-00199933 Alright, so that’s one way of responding to our definition running into a perceived j7OP_RXJgs4-00461-00199933-00200121 counter-example. j7OP_RXJgs4-00462-00200121-00200610 But the other way we could respond would be, as philosophers tend to call it, to bite the j7OP_RXJgs4-00463-00200610-00201226 bullet, and respond with a simple “sorry, that’s not a chair, because it’s not wooden”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00464-00201226-00201589 If somebody were to question this conclusion, we could simply respond by saying something j7OP_RXJgs4-00465-00201589-00202119 like that most people use most of their concepts in very sloppy and irresponsible ways, and j7OP_RXJgs4-00466-00202119-00202533 so the fact that our definition isn’t to everybody’s taste makes little or no difference. j7OP_RXJgs4-00467-00202533-00202942 It might still be a stronger and more coherent definition than the common one. j7OP_RXJgs4-00468-00202942-00203460 So, basically, everyone who disagrees with the definition can get lost. j7OP_RXJgs4-00469-00203460-00203970 And this, in a nutshell, summarizes what is going on between the two privacy camps. j7OP_RXJgs4-00470-00203970-00204404 On the one hand, there are philosophers and legal scholars who argue that the Supreme j7OP_RXJgs4-00471-00204404-00204983 Court expansion of privacy is correct, and that privacy is, basically, whatever people j7OP_RXJgs4-00472-00204983-00205137 think it is. j7OP_RXJgs4-00473-00205137-00205403 Do people have incoherent views about it? j7OP_RXJgs4-00474-00205403-00205523 No problem! j7OP_RXJgs4-00475-00205523-00206080 We can just throw different incompatible definitions together, neatly separated by an “or”. j7OP_RXJgs4-00476-00206080-00206626 So, then, privacy might be defined as being all about personal information or all about j7OP_RXJgs4-00477-00206626-00206875 important life decisions (or both). j7OP_RXJgs4-00478-00206875-00207232 Let’s call this a “wide” definition of privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00479-00207232-00207830 The most extreme example of this is probably legal scholar Daniel Solove’s lucid 2006 j7OP_RXJgs4-00480-00207830-00208356 article “A Taxonomy of Privacy”, where he lists not two but sixteen separate ways j7OP_RXJgs4-00481-00208356-00208594 in which privacy can be harmed. j7OP_RXJgs4-00482-00208594-00208804 What is privacy, in Solove’s view? j7OP_RXJgs4-00483-00208804-00209352 As his article has it, any or all of the sixteen options he presents. j7OP_RXJgs4-00484-00209352-00209785 On the other hand, those who argue that the Supreme Court expansion of privacy is wrong, j7OP_RXJgs4-00485-00209785-00210278 and that privacy is really only about personal information, and nothing else, will typically j7OP_RXJgs4-00486-00210278-00210606 defend their definitions with a sort of dismissive shrug. j7OP_RXJgs4-00487-00210606-00210757 “You don’t like my definition? j7OP_RXJgs4-00488-00210757-00211094 Well, sucks to be you, get over it.” j7OP_RXJgs4-00489-00211094-00211430 Especially if they have good solid arguments to support that their definition really does j7OP_RXJgs4-00490-00211430-00211890 solve some other problems, or provides a better way of approaching specific issues. j7OP_RXJgs4-00491-00211890-00212188 Let’s call this a “narrow” definition of privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00492-00212188-00212784 Now, I hope you all understand that I’m oversimplifying what is, in reality, a rather j7OP_RXJgs4-00493-00212784-00213046 nuanced and complex debate. j7OP_RXJgs4-00494-00213046-00213479 But I think that even if I’m oversimplifying, I’m still highlighting an important fundamental j7OP_RXJgs4-00495-00213479-00213951 difference in how different philosophers and legal scholars think about concepts and their j7OP_RXJgs4-00496-00213951-00214063 definitions. j7OP_RXJgs4-00497-00214063-00214585 Either they are far more flexible and permissive, with an attendant risk of developing a clumsy j7OP_RXJgs4-00498-00214585-00215086 and possibly somewhat incoherent but very wide definition of privacy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00499-00215086-00215580 Or they are far more strict and limited, with an attendant risk of developing a precise j7OP_RXJgs4-00500-00215580-00216073 and coherent narrow definition of privacy, but one that is too far removed from the way j7OP_RXJgs4-00501-00216073-00216684 the term is actually used in society, so as to render it largely irrelevant. j7OP_RXJgs4-00502-00216684-00216848 And what’s better? j7OP_RXJgs4-00503-00216848-00217056 Honestly, who knows? j7OP_RXJgs4-00504-00217056-00217677 A concept that balloons and expands too much can become too all-encompassing, thereby dissolving j7OP_RXJgs4-00505-00217677-00217908 into some sort of vague meaninglessness. j7OP_RXJgs4-00506-00217908-00218452 But a concept that is kept restricted in the face of other people’s conflicting views j7OP_RXJgs4-00507-00218452-00218782 risks becoming completely irrelevant. j7OP_RXJgs4-00508-00218782-00218900 How do we solve this? j7OP_RXJgs4-00509-00218900-00219131 Well, I wish I knew. j7OP_RXJgs4-00510-00219131-00219419 Fortunately, though, I don’t think we need to. j7OP_RXJgs4-00511-00219419-00220002 I mean, we might be drawn more to wide or to narrow approaches, but I don’t think j7OP_RXJgs4-00512-00220002-00220523 we will ever establish which one is ultimately better, or more true, because we don’t know j7OP_RXJgs4-00513-00220523-00220884 how we would ever properly assess something like that. j7OP_RXJgs4-00514-00220884-00221213 On the other hand, this probably doesn’t matter so much, because we’ve already made j7OP_RXJgs4-00515-00221213-00221789 significant progress on a number of other fronts, which are worth summarizing. j7OP_RXJgs4-00516-00221789-00222378 First of all, the concept of “privacy” is hotly contested, by many people, and this j7OP_RXJgs4-00517-00222378-00222882 has real-life implications, for instance in legal cases that may find that privacy, on j7OP_RXJgs4-00518-00222882-00223406 some specific legal definition, has not been threatened or harmed, even if you might very j7OP_RXJgs4-00519-00223406-00223588 much feel that it has. j7OP_RXJgs4-00520-00223588-00223887 Like Kaye v Robertson. j7OP_RXJgs4-00521-00223887-00224269 Understanding this, we can appreciate that influencing how definitions of privacy are j7OP_RXJgs4-00522-00224269-00224885 developed, in philosophical and legal research, can have very big real-life implications, j7OP_RXJgs4-00523-00224885-00225138 and so are worth taking seriously. j7OP_RXJgs4-00524-00225138-00225635 Second, we can also appreciate that no matter which definition of “privacy” we’re j7OP_RXJgs4-00525-00225635-00226087 presented with, the historical thrust of the concept so far indicates that it will continue j7OP_RXJgs4-00526-00226087-00226688 to change and develop over time, not least as new technologies are developed and launched j7OP_RXJgs4-00527-00226688-00226842 into the world. j7OP_RXJgs4-00528-00226842-00227388 In other words, the concept of “privacy” is always in some state of flux, and we probably j7OP_RXJgs4-00529-00227388-00227814 won’t ever be able to pin it down completely. j7OP_RXJgs4-00530-00227814-00228311 Third, we know that whatever your definition of privacy might be, it will typically always j7OP_RXJgs4-00531-00228311-00228800 need to be balanced against other societal values and interests, like freedom of the j7OP_RXJgs4-00532-00228800-00229356 press, or the ability of a government to undertake reasonable criminal investigations. j7OP_RXJgs4-00533-00229356-00229851 How far these various values and interests trump the others obviously remains an open j7OP_RXJgs4-00534-00229851-00230348 question, and may well vary a lot from one individual case to another. j7OP_RXJgs4-00535-00230348-00230785 But that any proposed protection of privacy will typically need to be balanced against j7OP_RXJgs4-00536-00230785-00231102 something else, that holds true regardless. j7OP_RXJgs4-00537-00231102-00231605 Finally, although this sort of lack of any clear and determinate definition of “privacy” j7OP_RXJgs4-00538-00231605-00232203 might be seen as deeply dissatisfying, I don’t actually think having a clear and universally j7OP_RXJgs4-00539-00232203-00232728 agreed definition is at all necessary to make progress on various privacy issues in our j7OP_RXJgs4-00540-00232728-00232846 own societies today. j7OP_RXJgs4-00541-00232846-00233378 I could say a lot more about this, but I will leave it for the two following videos in this j7OP_RXJgs4-00542-00233378-00233478 series. j7OP_RXJgs4-00543-00233478-00233881 In the first of these, we’ll discuss, in far more practical detail than what I’ve j7OP_RXJgs4-00544-00233881-00234334 done here, how privacy and data security intersect with each other, and what the implications j7OP_RXJgs4-00545-00234334-00234482 of this are. j7OP_RXJgs4-00546-00234482-00234948 Then, after that, we will talk about the relationships between the two general components of the j7OP_RXJgs4-00547-00234948-00235292 Supreme Court’s definition: privacy and autonomy. j7OP_RXJgs4-00548-00235292-00235790 And, as we will see there, I don’t think we need precise definitions, of either term j7OP_RXJgs4-00549-00235790-00236190 in either case, to make substantial progress on these issues. j7OP_RXJgs4-00550-00236190-00236461 I look forward to continuing our conversation! j8Y3Oo45GGk-00000-00000069-00000496 It’s a journey through Australia’s past and the history of its people, from the 1800s to j8Y3Oo45GGk-00001-00000498-00000574 the present. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00003-00000601-00001034 The old Customs House building in Melbourne is home to Australia’s largest immigration j8Y3Oo45GGk-00004-00001036-00001126 museum. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00007-00001166-00001579 This is where visitors can hear stories about people from all over the world, who’ve j8Y3Oo45GGk-00008-00001581-00001901 migrated to Australia during the past 200 years. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00011-00001941-00002460 It’s an opportunity for Australians to learn about our history and our national j8Y3Oo45GGk-00012-00002462-00002580 identity. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00013-00002582-00002958 Immigration has shaped Australia’s identity. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00014-00002960-00003483 People who have migrated have brought their culture and customs, and that’s really j8Y3Oo45GGk-00015-00003485-00004015 changed and sculpted the face of Australia and who we are today. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00017-00004045-00004413 The museum re-creates the real-life stories of people who have made the long journey to j8Y3Oo45GGk-00018-00004415-00004938 a new life in Australia, through a rich mix of moving images, memories and memorabilia. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00019-00004940-00005423 The range of exhibitions includes personal stories, community galleries and a timeline j8Y3Oo45GGk-00020-00005425-00005599 of Australian migration history. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00023-00005641-00006131 There is also information on how people travelled to Australia, so we have a replica of j8Y3Oo45GGk-00024-00006133-00006293 a ship that you can walk through. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00026-00006322-00006693 From the reasons people made the long the journey to Australia, to their moment of j8Y3Oo45GGk-00027-00006695-00007195 arrival in a strange new country, and the impact on indigenous communities, exhibitions j8Y3Oo45GGk-00028-00007198-00007468 examine the many dimensions of migration. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00029-00007470-00008067 Australia has relied on immigration to nation-build and populate the country for the j8Y3Oo45GGk-00030-00008198-00008625 past 200 years, so the museum looks at reasons why people migrate, their motivation, we j8Y3Oo45GGk-00031-00008627-00008940 also look at personal stories. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00034-00008998-00009260 2009 is a particularly appropriate time to visit. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00037-00009318-00009658 This year Australia celebrates the 60th anniversary of citizenship. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00039-00009688-00010236 Since 1949, more than four million people have chosen to become Australian citizens. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00042-00010298-00010713 It’s a great place to learn about citizenship, we have lots of information. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00043-00010715-00011048 Citizenship and migration are intrinsically linked. j8Y3Oo45GGk-00045-00011090-00011658 The Immigration Museum is located in Melbourne's CBD, and is open daily. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00000-00000020-00000819 Let’s get a fresh diagram, exactly the same as before. How do we actually use it? jqGuYbs5BJ8-00001-00000819-00001140 Let’s say we get the sentence: “Moo.” jqGuYbs5BJ8-00002-00001140-00001639 We can already see that it starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, jqGuYbs5BJ8-00003-00001639-00002060 but let’s run it through the automaton to see what happens. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00004-00002060-00002620 Beginning from the start state (which is '1'), we take each character in turn, jqGuYbs5BJ8-00005-00002620-00002900 following the transition for each one. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00006-00002900-00003620 The first character ‘M’ is uppercase, so we follow the ‘U’ transition to State 3. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00007-00003620-00004320 Then we have a lowercase ‘o’, so we follow the ‘L’ transition which loops around and back to State 3. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00008-00004320-00004920 Another lowercase ‘o’, so again we follow the ‘L’ transition back to State 3. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00009-00004920-00005640 And lastly we have a full stop so we follow the ‘S’ transition to State 4. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00010-00005740-00006220 So, we’ve gone through the string of letters and ended up at State 4. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00011-00006220-00006820 Remember from before that this is an accepting state because it has two circles. jqGuYbs5BJ8-00012-00006820-00007340 Since we ended up in an accepting state, the sentence “Moo.” is accepted; jqGuYbs5BJ8-00013-00007340-00008000 it does indeed start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. jqNtkq0tp3k-00000-00000000-00000303 BPM: 150 K3Y: E MINOR jrHPaIewDII-00000-00000063-00000273 Hi, my name is Skylar. jrHPaIewDII-00001-00000273-00000444 I use she/they prronouns. jrHPaIewDII-00002-00000444-00000723 I'm a junior and an international student, jrHPaIewDII-00003-00000723-00001098 and I'm majoring in psychology and education and French. jrHPaIewDII-00004-00001098-00001474 I just got off the plane, and I'm finally in Boston. jrHPaIewDII-00005-00001474-00001848 To get back on campus, I had to travel a lot. jrHPaIewDII-00006-00001848-00002184 I went from Beijing, China, to Singapore, jrHPaIewDII-00007-00002184-00002628 and stayed there for more than 14 days in self-quarantine, jrHPaIewDII-00008-00002628-00003060 then from Singapore to Los Angeles, then to Boston. jrHPaIewDII-00009-00003060-00003549 And tomorrow, I finally get to move back on campus. jrHPaIewDII-00010-00003549-00003911 I spent my fall semester in Tibet and in Beijing jrHPaIewDII-00011-00003911-00004362 doing internships while taking Mount Holyoke classes remotely jrHPaIewDII-00012-00004362-00004653 at night because of the time difference. jrHPaIewDII-00013-00004653-00005022 I'm so excited to finally move back on campus jrHPaIewDII-00014-00005022-00005274 after more than six months. jrHPaIewDII-00015-00005274-00005718 I miss the campus, and I miss my friends so much. jrHPaIewDII-00016-00005718-00005958 I know the experience for the spring semester jrHPaIewDII-00017-00005958-00006324 is going to be quite different because of the pandemic, jrHPaIewDII-00018-00006324-00006618 but I really look forward to it. jE8bP0GR04E-00000-00000002-00000248 Yall ready? Yall ready? Yall ready? welcome to the jE8bP0GR04E-00001-00000258-00000356 Upside Down Smilie Show jE8bP0GR04E-00002-00000357-00000635 where we talk about real life but we don't take life too seriously my name is jE8bP0GR04E-00003-00000635-00000829 Shereene and we have Dhara here jE8bP0GR04E-00004-00000829-00001149 and Dhara is a dentist and a friend from high school jE8bP0GR04E-00005-00001149-00001647 yeah that's kind of crazy and we recently reconnected and jE8bP0GR04E-00006-00001647-00002460 today we want to talk about single ladies. She is a 32 year old single jE8bP0GR04E-00007-00002460-00002871 woman I wanted to have her here to come and talk about her story and your jE8bP0GR04E-00008-00002871-00003398 journey what is it like being single and a little bit older older for South Asian jE8bP0GR04E-00009-00003398-00003686 culture yeah like I feel like for American people they're like oh you're jE8bP0GR04E-00010-00003686-00004095 so young oh wow yeah in our culture it's like if jE8bP0GR04E-00011-00004095-00004532 you're not getting married and right after college you haven't met that jE8bP0GR04E-00012-00004532-00004986 person there's something wrong with you My friends tell me that their jE8bP0GR04E-00013-00004986-00005319 parents have been like what are you doing, what are you doing wrong or jE8bP0GR04E-00014-00005319-00005771 you're being too picky and especially like for girls in our culture jE8bP0GR04E-00015-00005771-00006287 being thirty anything after that is pretty much you're expired like nobody jE8bP0GR04E-00016-00006287-00006645 wants to talk to you you're getting to a point where your childbearing age jE8bP0GR04E-00017-00006645-00007068 becomes an issue it's like they don't want to rush into getting married and jE8bP0GR04E-00018-00007068-00007539 then having kids right away so once you hit 30 it's like downhill for girls in jE8bP0GR04E-00019-00007539-00007959 our culture which is messed up I think it's like your looks. People jE8bP0GR04E-00020-00007962-00008298 are like Oh once you hit 30 you're not looking young anymore I'm like we jE8bP0GR04E-00021-00008316-00008608 We still look young jE8bP0GR04E-00022-00008608-00008760 I feel like Iook the best jE8bP0GR04E-00023-00008760-00008876 I've ever looked jE8bP0GR04E-00024-00008880-00009048 I feel like a part of why I jE8bP0GR04E-00025-00009048-00009168 Feel like I look the best right now jE8bP0GR04E-00026-00009168-00009516 because I'm super confident yeah and I know what I want and I'm just like you jE8bP0GR04E-00027-00009554-00010319 you're you.And that takes times. When you're single the biggest issue is most women jE8bP0GR04E-00028-00010319-00010583 want to get into something because that you feel like that's the next step of jE8bP0GR04E-00029-00010583-00011009 life like you finished school now you got a job and you're like well my jE8bP0GR04E-00030-00011009-00011570 friends are getting married yeah I have to get married but for me I just timing jE8bP0GR04E-00031-00011570-00012032 was a huge issue with dating like you both people have to be in the right jE8bP0GR04E-00032-00012032-00012614 place and right time to kind of talk and discuss what's important to you and if jE8bP0GR04E-00033-00012614-00013001 you don't know who you are it's kind of hard to express those things you know jE8bP0GR04E-00034-00013001-00013343 you don't know what you want for your life and that's the thing you're kind of jE8bP0GR04E-00035-00013343-00013793 told from a very young age this is how life should be. I'll be honest I didn't grow jE8bP0GR04E-00036-00013793-00014240 up in a family that taught me how to communicate properly yeah show love jE8bP0GR04E-00037-00014240-00014702 properly so when I was in relationships I always had those issues and I didn't jE8bP0GR04E-00038-00014702-00015236 understand why and then I decided to literally do some soul-searching by jE8bP0GR04E-00039-00015236-00015820 myself and decide to be single for three years as my own choice and during those jE8bP0GR04E-00040-00015820-00016348 three years I kind of found myself and for women that's more common I just know jE8bP0GR04E-00041-00016348-00016820 a lot of women that will solo travel or they'll try to go figure things out by jE8bP0GR04E-00042-00016820-00017204 seeing a therapist reading books but I don't think guys do that as much and jE8bP0GR04E-00043-00017204-00017552 like later or it's somewhat pushing them to figure it out yeah and I think jE8bP0GR04E-00044-00017552-00017963 especially like in our community you know mental health is not really jE8bP0GR04E-00045-00017963-00018373 something that is even addressed but I mean it is like the premise of the jE8bP0GR04E-00046-00018373-00018788 show right like let's communicate let's like talk about things looks like figure jE8bP0GR04E-00047-00018788-00019270 ourselves out so we can be better people in society and then I think jE8bP0GR04E-00048-00019270-00019568 that you naturally end up attracting jE8bP0GR04E-00049-00019568-00019709 that right person jE8bP0GR04E-00050-00019709-00020047 attracting like the right energy and then it just like naturally happens jE8bP0GR04E-00051-00020047-00020593 but I know I've been out of the game for a long time like how is it like dating jE8bP0GR04E-00052-00020593-00020968 in general? Or with the apps and stuff. jE8bP0GR04E-00053-00020968-00021232 That all fascinates me. So in South Asian culture is jE8bP0GR04E-00054-00021232-00021862 interesting like today cuz I'll date almost any race I'm open to any race there are jE8bP0GR04E-00055-00021862-00022270 certain things that I do look for in somebody but I mean there's South Asian jE8bP0GR04E-00056-00022270-00022855 apps like Dil Mil which my god the stories that I hear on Dil Mil are jE8bP0GR04E-00057-00022855-00023398 just crazy yeah I think there's good stories about every which way of meeting jE8bP0GR04E-00058-00023398-00023806 yeah you just have to be open-minded when you're close-minded is when you jE8bP0GR04E-00059-00023806-00024307 start picking and choosing and it closes you off to that also be open is real jE8bP0GR04E-00060-00024307-00024616 like I think that's extremely cuz you never know where you can meet someone jE8bP0GR04E-00061-00024616-00025021 you never know like who your soulmate is a lot of girls want to blame themselves jE8bP0GR04E-00062-00025021-00025543 for things not working out yeah and it's like sometimes it's not meant to be or jE8bP0GR04E-00063-00025543-00026116 timing is bad or you guys just bad at communicating and it's okay though it's jE8bP0GR04E-00064-00026116-00026527 like I mean you're not supposed to get along with everybody like that's not the jE8bP0GR04E-00065-00026527-00026951 point of this yeah it's let it go when something doesn't happen. jE8bP0GR04E-00066-00026951-00027108 I feel like jE8bP0GR04E-00067-00027108-00027766 with Indian men and women it almost feels like the guys kind of feel like jE8bP0GR04E-00068-00027766-00028273 they have like all the choosing and then the girls need to be like perfect yeah jE8bP0GR04E-00069-00028273-00028666 There's so much pressure to be like oh I can't be like I jE8bP0GR04E-00070-00028666-00029110 got to be perfect I got to be proper yeah so then these Indian guys like me jE8bP0GR04E-00071-00029110-00029472 oh yeah I want to be like Girl, no! Be yourself because if they jE8bP0GR04E-00072-00029472-00029847 don't like who you are and if that's who you are right like it's actually gonna jE8bP0GR04E-00073-00029847-00030054 come out.You can't fake it jE8bP0GR04E-00074-00030064-00030426 your whole life like and it's just like don't restrict who jE8bP0GR04E-00075-00030426-00030885 you are for someone else because who you are is perfect yeah what you have to jE8bP0GR04E-00076-00030885-00031263 offer is perfect but and that's the thing no you have to know who you are jE8bP0GR04E-00077-00031263-00031851 yeah where you get into something like I had to as a single girl I had to go like jE8bP0GR04E-00078-00031851-00032307 I have weekend's a lot by myself doing nothing and it's gonna depressing when a jE8bP0GR04E-00079-00032307-00032720 lot of your friends I had two really good friends that found men right at the jE8bP0GR04E-00080-00032720-00033468 same time they like those are my girls that I party with and you feel left out jE8bP0GR04E-00081-00033468-00033562 Then I have no one to hang out with jE8bP0GR04E-00082-00033562-00033843 and I was happy for them they found great men I have to jE8bP0GR04E-00083-00033843-00034281 learn I need to make friends that fit my lifestyle so I made a ton of new friends jE8bP0GR04E-00084-00034281-00034668 but that took to make good friends as adult it's hard. You have to have a good jE8bP0GR04E-00085-00034668-00034991 network of friends you need a community yeah I truly believe in that jE8bP0GR04E-00086-00034991-00035424 you have to have good people around yeah and you can't don't hold it in because jE8bP0GR04E-00087-00035424-00035775 that makes you feel even more lonely you're good friends we'll listen to you jE8bP0GR04E-00088-00035775-00036183 and try to understand and be there for you but it's a part of the process to jE8bP0GR04E-00089-00036183-00036537 learn to be alone yeah like you have to learn to love yourself jE8bP0GR04E-00090-00036537-00037014 yeah a lot of the time too and I didn't really love myself until I spent time jE8bP0GR04E-00091-00037014-00037410 with myself and listen to how I myself talk and yeah jE8bP0GR04E-00092-00037410-00037797 because some of those issues you kind of bring into a relationship if you can't jE8bP0GR04E-00093-00037797-00038297 figure it out I dated a lot of guys that we had issues communicating they jE8bP0GR04E-00094-00038297-00038649 had issues from their pasts I had a issues from my past yeah those want to be jE8bP0GR04E-00095-00038649-00038994 of those things I have to heal myself and figure things out on my own I did a jE8bP0GR04E-00096-00038994-00039396 lot of solo traveling like I did a lot of trips by myself which can be really jE8bP0GR04E-00097-00039396-00039716 scary as a single woman travelling the world jE8bP0GR04E-00098-00039716-00039809 I feel like in general jE8bP0GR04E-00099-00039809-00040106 communicating if you're lonely right now jE8bP0GR04E-00100-00040106-00040562 talk to people about it one thing that kind of made things worse social media jE8bP0GR04E-00101-00040562-00040806 social media is great through things like this but then when everybody's jE8bP0GR04E-00102-00040806-00041219 posting about their boyfriends and girlfriends and changing their statuses jE8bP0GR04E-00103-00041219-00041765 proposals and these big things it's like it kind of makes single people jE8bP0GR04E-00104-00041765-00042209 feel sad that their life isn't like that and right but you got to realize people jE8bP0GR04E-00105-00042209-00042555 only post the good things on Facebook sometimes it's like it's your Instagram jE8bP0GR04E-00106-00042555-00043034 you have to understand that's only part of these people's lives right jE8bP0GR04E-00107-00043034-00043530 and it that's something that for a lot of girls especially the younger girls jE8bP0GR04E-00108-00043530-00043958 that kind of grew up with this in high school cuz we didn't social media jE8bP0GR04E-00109-00043958-00044246 as much say I've gone to concerts by myself yeah my friend jE8bP0GR04E-00110-00044246-00044672 Chelsea she's married now but she taught me that she would buy tickets jE8bP0GR04E-00111-00044672-00045024 sometimes and sometimes she'd buy two to she convince me but she couldn't find jE8bP0GR04E-00112-00045024-00045452 somebody if she really liked the artist you go cuz you like the art don't hold jE8bP0GR04E-00113-00045452-00045927 back don't wait till you have a companion to do things like you know jE8bP0GR04E-00114-00045927-00046275 your life is to enjoy and you can enjoy it right now jE8bP0GR04E-00115-00046275-00046616 you're putting out amazing energy and people are like that getting attracted jE8bP0GR04E-00116-00046616-00047130 to it and the right person will see that and see that light that's jE8bP0GR04E-00117-00047130-00047516 coming out of you and want to be a part of that being genuine is extremely jE8bP0GR04E-00118-00047516-00047906 important don't be someone you're not even on dating profiles like girls want jE8bP0GR04E-00119-00047906-00048330 to put the best picture up and like I always ask guys like what you know jE8bP0GR04E-00120-00048330-00048668 what's the worst date that they've ever been on or what have you dealt with as a jE8bP0GR04E-00121-00048668-00049077 guy and the dating experience yeah we'd say like girls don't look like their jE8bP0GR04E-00122-00049077-00049577 pictures yeah or they don't really the personality doesn't match how they felt jE8bP0GR04E-00123-00049577-00049952 when they were texting sometimes date for fun so you should date just to jE8bP0GR04E-00124-00049952-00050453 figure out what you like don't like yes try new things and like if you talk jE8bP0GR04E-00125-00050453-00050894 about your intentions early on some guys will be for it some guys won't be don't jE8bP0GR04E-00126-00050894-00051281 try to change a guy's minds that is not really looking for something serious you jE8bP0GR04E-00127-00051281-00051675 said like date around to like see what you want I think a lot of times people jE8bP0GR04E-00128-00051675-00051987 think they know exactly what they want they want this they want this they want jE8bP0GR04E-00129-00051987-00052291 this and there's so many boxes jE8bP0GR04E-00130-00052291-00052404 that you're trying to check jE8bP0GR04E-00131-00052422-00052899 I think try to be open-minded I understand like sometimes with culture jE8bP0GR04E-00132-00052899-00053415 and like profession but you have to think like you know what if that jE8bP0GR04E-00133-00053415-00053792 person loses their job is that what defines them just be yourself and jE8bP0GR04E-00134-00053792-00054303 yourself is good enough. Whoever you're supposed to be with male female and jE8bP0GR04E-00135-00054303-00054741 they'll recognize it and appreciate you for it and they jE8bP0GR04E-00136-00054741-00055164 will be attracted to who you are and and they'll try to make it work if you don't jE8bP0GR04E-00137-00055164-00055626 feel like someone's putting the effort that you want it's okay to let it go jE8bP0GR04E-00138-00055626-00056007 get what you're asking for you ask it for like a big diamond ring and a big jE8bP0GR04E-00139-00056007-00056304 house like right off the bat those are kind of superficial things so what are jE8bP0GR04E-00140-00056304-00056630 you gonna get in return superficial things yeah so you kind of jE8bP0GR04E-00141-00056630-00057005 have to look more deeper in what you want what values and that's how you were jE8bP0GR04E-00142-00057005-00057429 able to talk and have a relationship like Shereene and like where you can talk jE8bP0GR04E-00143-00057429-00057720 about your feelings and talk about issues you have and grow in the same jE8bP0GR04E-00144-00057720-00058071 direction but if you focus on the superficial stuff that won't happen jE8bP0GR04E-00145-00058071-00058371 right because I don't think the superficial stuff are gonna get you jE8bP0GR04E-00146-00058371-00058742 through life no not through the hard times even the happy times cuz then you jE8bP0GR04E-00147-00058742-00059007 enjoy the happy times in a deeper level. jE8bP0GR04E-00148-00059007-00059364 Thank you so much for being here! jE8bP0GR04E-00149-00059364-00059498 Thank you all for for watching jE8bP0GR04E-00150-00059498-00059872 we do this every single week. Bye! jF3cc3HNnO0-00000-00000010-00000076 TALK WITH COMMUNITIES ABOUT THE jF3cc3HNnO0-00001-00000076-00000083 TALK WITH COMMUNITIES ABOUT THE jF3cc3HNnO0-00002-00000083-00001181 TALK WITH COMMUNITIES ABOUT THE 100 PERCENT CAMPAIGN. jF3cc3HNnO0-00003-00001181-00001187 TALK WITH COMMUNITIES ABOUT THE 100 PERCENT CAMPAIGN. jF3cc3HNnO0-00004-00001187-00001251 TALK WITH COMMUNITIES ABOUT THE 100 PERCENT CAMPAIGN. >>> WITH TAX SEASON UNDERWAY, jF3cc3HNnO0-00005-00001251-00001257 100 PERCENT CAMPAIGN. >>> WITH TAX SEASON UNDERWAY, jF3cc3HNnO0-00006-00001257-00001341 100 PERCENT CAMPAIGN. >>> WITH TAX SEASON UNDERWAY, STUDENTS AT BEMIDJI STATE jF3cc3HNnO0-00007-00001341-00001348 >>> WITH TAX SEASON UNDERWAY, STUDENTS AT BEMIDJI STATE jF3cc3HNnO0-00008-00001348-00001418 >>> WITH TAX SEASON UNDERWAY, STUDENTS AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY ARE OFFERING TO HELP. jF3cc3HNnO0-00009-00001418-00001424 STUDENTS AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY ARE OFFERING TO HELP. jF3cc3HNnO0-00010-00001424-00001484 STUDENTS AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY ARE OFFERING TO HELP. STUDENTS FROM AN INCOME TAX jF3cc3HNnO0-00011-00001484-00001491 UNIVERSITY ARE OFFERING TO HELP. STUDENTS FROM AN INCOME TAX jF3cc3HNnO0-00012-00001491-00001551 UNIVERSITY ARE OFFERING TO HELP. STUDENTS FROM AN INCOME TAX CLASS AT BSU WILL FILE YOUR jF3cc3HNnO0-00013-00001551-00001558 STUDENTS FROM AN INCOME TAX CLASS AT BSU WILL FILE YOUR jF3cc3HNnO0-00014-00001558-00001621 STUDENTS FROM AN INCOME TAX CLASS AT BSU WILL FILE YOUR FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES FOR jF3cc3HNnO0-00015-00001621-00001628 CLASS AT BSU WILL FILE YOUR FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES FOR jF3cc3HNnO0-00016-00001628-00001654 CLASS AT BSU WILL FILE YOUR FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES FOR FREE. jF3cc3HNnO0-00017-00001654-00001661 FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES FOR FREE. jF3cc3HNnO0-00018-00001661-00001768 FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES FOR FREE. EACH VOLUNTEER THAT HELPS FILE jF3cc3HNnO0-00019-00001768-00001775 FREE. EACH VOLUNTEER THAT HELPS FILE jF3cc3HNnO0-00020-00001775-00002105 FREE. EACH VOLUNTEER THAT HELPS FILE TAXES IS CERTIFIED TO DO SO. jF3cc3HNnO0-00021-00002105-00002112 EACH VOLUNTEER THAT HELPS FILE TAXES IS CERTIFIED TO DO SO. jF3cc3HNnO0-00022-00002112-00002302 EACH VOLUNTEER THAT HELPS FILE TAXES IS CERTIFIED TO DO SO. >> WE ACTUALLY -- THE IRS HAS jF3cc3HNnO0-00023-00002302-00002308 TAXES IS CERTIFIED TO DO SO. >> WE ACTUALLY -- THE IRS HAS jF3cc3HNnO0-00024-00002308-00002519 TAXES IS CERTIFIED TO DO SO. >> WE ACTUALLY -- THE IRS HAS SOME GUIDELINES THERE AND WE jF3cc3HNnO0-00025-00002519-00002525 >> WE ACTUALLY -- THE IRS HAS SOME GUIDELINES THERE AND WE jF3cc3HNnO0-00026-00002525-00002766 >> WE ACTUALLY -- THE IRS HAS SOME GUIDELINES THERE AND WE ACTUALLY TAKE SOME TESTS OR jF3cc3HNnO0-00027-00002766-00002772 SOME GUIDELINES THERE AND WE ACTUALLY TAKE SOME TESTS OR jF3cc3HNnO0-00028-00002772-00002902 SOME GUIDELINES THERE AND WE ACTUALLY TAKE SOME TESTS OR EXAMS, AND YOU HAVE TO PASS jF3cc3HNnO0-00029-00002902-00002909 ACTUALLY TAKE SOME TESTS OR EXAMS, AND YOU HAVE TO PASS jF3cc3HNnO0-00030-00002909-00003009 ACTUALLY TAKE SOME TESTS OR EXAMS, AND YOU HAVE TO PASS THOSE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN jF3cc3HNnO0-00031-00003009-00003016 EXAMS, AND YOU HAVE TO PASS THOSE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN jF3cc3HNnO0-00032-00003016-00003329 EXAMS, AND YOU HAVE TO PASS THOSE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED TO HELP jF3cc3HNnO0-00033-00003329-00003336 THOSE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED TO HELP jF3cc3HNnO0-00034-00003336-00003416 THOSE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED TO HELP OUT AND VOLUNTEER WITH FILING jF3cc3HNnO0-00035-00003416-00003423 ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED TO HELP OUT AND VOLUNTEER WITH FILING jF3cc3HNnO0-00036-00003423-00003553 ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED TO HELP OUT AND VOLUNTEER WITH FILING TAXES. jF3cc3HNnO0-00037-00003553-00003560 OUT AND VOLUNTEER WITH FILING TAXES. jF3cc3HNnO0-00038-00003560-00003660 OUT AND VOLUNTEER WITH FILING TAXES. >> THERE ARE AROUND 11 jF3cc3HNnO0-00039-00003660-00003666 TAXES. >> THERE ARE AROUND 11 jF3cc3HNnO0-00040-00003666-00003927 TAXES. >> THERE ARE AROUND 11 VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING THE jF3cc3HNnO0-00041-00003927-00003933 >> THERE ARE AROUND 11 VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING THE jF3cc3HNnO0-00042-00003933-00004120 >> THERE ARE AROUND 11 VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING THE COMMUNITY ON THEIR TAX RETURNS jF3cc3HNnO0-00043-00004120-00004127 VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING THE COMMUNITY ON THEIR TAX RETURNS jF3cc3HNnO0-00044-00004127-00004240 VOLUNTEERS ASSISTING THE COMMUNITY ON THEIR TAX RETURNS AND AS MANY AS 20 RETURNS ARE jF3cc3HNnO0-00045-00004240-00004247 COMMUNITY ON THEIR TAX RETURNS AND AS MANY AS 20 RETURNS ARE jF3cc3HNnO0-00046-00004247-00004607 COMMUNITY ON THEIR TAX RETURNS AND AS MANY AS 20 RETURNS ARE MADE EACH NIGHT. jF3cc3HNnO0-00047-00004607-00004614 AND AS MANY AS 20 RETURNS ARE MADE EACH NIGHT. jF3cc3HNnO0-00048-00004614-00004841 AND AS MANY AS 20 RETURNS ARE MADE EACH NIGHT. >> IT'S A GREAT TOOL FOR jF3cc3HNnO0-00049-00004841-00004848 MADE EACH NIGHT. >> IT'S A GREAT TOOL FOR jF3cc3HNnO0-00050-00004848-00005081 MADE EACH NIGHT. >> IT'S A GREAT TOOL FOR STUDENTS TO UTILIZE TO GET REAL jF3cc3HNnO0-00051-00005081-00005088 >> IT'S A GREAT TOOL FOR STUDENTS TO UTILIZE TO GET REAL jF3cc3HNnO0-00052-00005088-00005188 >> IT'S A GREAT TOOL FOR STUDENTS TO UTILIZE TO GET REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE BUT ALSO GIVING jF3cc3HNnO0-00053-00005188-00005195 STUDENTS TO UTILIZE TO GET REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE BUT ALSO GIVING jF3cc3HNnO0-00054-00005195-00005308 STUDENTS TO UTILIZE TO GET REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE BUT ALSO GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY AS WELL. jF3cc3HNnO0-00055-00005308-00005315 LIFE EXPERIENCE BUT ALSO GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY AS WELL. jF3cc3HNnO0-00056-00005315-00005488 LIFE EXPERIENCE BUT ALSO GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY AS WELL. IF YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH jF3cc3HNnO0-00057-00005488-00005495 BACK TO THE COMMUNITY AS WELL. IF YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH jF3cc3HNnO0-00058-00005495-00005628 BACK TO THE COMMUNITY AS WELL. IF YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH TAXES, BECAUSE TAXES CAN BE A jF3cc3HNnO0-00059-00005628-00005635 IF YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH TAXES, BECAUSE TAXES CAN BE A jF3cc3HNnO0-00060-00005635-00005889 IF YOU NEED SOME HELP WITH TAXES, BECAUSE TAXES CAN BE A REALLY SCARY WORD, RIGHT, SO YOU jF3cc3HNnO0-00061-00005889-00005895 TAXES, BECAUSE TAXES CAN BE A REALLY SCARY WORD, RIGHT, SO YOU jF3cc3HNnO0-00062-00005895-00006015 TAXES, BECAUSE TAXES CAN BE A REALLY SCARY WORD, RIGHT, SO YOU KNOW, WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME ON jF3cc3HNnO0-00063-00006015-00006022 REALLY SCARY WORD, RIGHT, SO YOU KNOW, WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME ON jF3cc3HNnO0-00064-00006022-00006046 REALLY SCARY WORD, RIGHT, SO YOU KNOW, WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME ON HERE. jF3cc3HNnO0-00065-00006046-00006052 KNOW, WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME ON HERE. jF3cc3HNnO0-00066-00006052-00006166 KNOW, WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME ON HERE. WE CAN HELP THEM OUT, EXPLAIN jF3cc3HNnO0-00067-00006166-00006172 HERE. WE CAN HELP THEM OUT, EXPLAIN jF3cc3HNnO0-00068-00006172-00006286 HERE. WE CAN HELP THEM OUT, EXPLAIN HOW THINGS WORK AND HOPEFULLY jF3cc3HNnO0-00069-00006286-00006292 WE CAN HELP THEM OUT, EXPLAIN HOW THINGS WORK AND HOPEFULLY jF3cc3HNnO0-00070-00006292-00006453 WE CAN HELP THEM OUT, EXPLAIN HOW THINGS WORK AND HOPEFULLY GIVE THEM A BETTER UNDERSTANDING jF3cc3HNnO0-00071-00006453-00006459 HOW THINGS WORK AND HOPEFULLY GIVE THEM A BETTER UNDERSTANDING jF3cc3HNnO0-00072-00006459-00006526 HOW THINGS WORK AND HOPEFULLY GIVE THEM A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHERE THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE jF3cc3HNnO0-00073-00006526-00006533 GIVE THEM A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHERE THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE jF3cc3HNnO0-00074-00006533-00006599 GIVE THEM A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHERE THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING. jF3cc3HNnO0-00075-00006599-00006606 OF WHERE THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING. jF3cc3HNnO0-00076-00006606-00006820 OF WHERE THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING. >> YOU CAN GET YOUR TAX FILED AT jF3cc3HNnO0-00077-00006820-00006826 GOING. >> YOU CAN GET YOUR TAX FILED AT jF3cc3HNnO0-00078-00006826-00007040 GOING. >> YOU CAN GET YOUR TAX FILED AT MEMORIAL HALL, ROOM 250 AT jF3cc3HNnO0-00079-00007040-00007047 >> YOU CAN GET YOUR TAX FILED AT MEMORIAL HALL, ROOM 250 AT jF3cc3HNnO0-00080-00007047-00007137 >> YOU CAN GET YOUR TAX FILED AT MEMORIAL HALL, ROOM 250 AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY EVERY jF3cc3HNnO0-00081-00007137-00007143 MEMORIAL HALL, ROOM 250 AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY EVERY jF3cc3HNnO0-00082-00007143-00007290 MEMORIAL HALL, ROOM 250 AT BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY EVERY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHT jGnhIxbMff0-00000-00000029-00000491 When you create a new guide, you don't have to start from scratch. jGnhIxbMff0-00001-00000492-00001352 LibGuides makes it easy to use existing content, from individual assets, all the way to entire pages. jGnhIxbMff0-00002-00001352-00002026 All you have to do when adding new content is select "reuse existing." jGnhIxbMff0-00003-00002026-00002600 You'll need to know the name of the guide and the piece you're looking for. jGnhIxbMff0-00004-00002600-00002952 When you choose to reuse, you have two options. jGnhIxbMff0-00005-00002952-00003510 You can map the item, which is the default, or you can copy the item jGnhIxbMff0-00006-00003510-00003890 by checking the "copy" tick box. jGnhIxbMff0-00007-00004090-00004648 Mapping means the item in your guide is directly connected to the original. jGnhIxbMff0-00008-00004648-00004848 You won't be able to edit it jGnhIxbMff0-00009-00004848-00005522 but changes made to the original will automatically be applied to the mapped version. jGnhIxbMff0-00010-00005522-00006140 On the other hand, copying creates a new asset or page in the LibGuides system. jGnhIxbMff0-00011-00006140-00006562 The connection between the original and the new copy is broken. jGnhIxbMff0-00012-00006562-00007154 You can edit the copy but it will not be updated if the original changes. jGnhIxbMff0-00013-00007154-00007645 Remember that you are responsible for maintaining the items you create. jGnhIxbMff0-00014-00007645-00008042 We encourage you to map content whenever possible. jGnhIxbMff0-00015-00008145-00008844 If you are looking for something to reuse, check out the repository guide. jGnhIxbMff0-00016-00008844-00009658 This is where we keep the master copies of elements that are commonly used on UWM guides. jGnhIxbMff0-00017-00009750-00010272 When you map content from the LibGuides repository, you can be sure that jGnhIxbMff0-00018-00010272-00010686 the LibGuides administrators will make sure it stays up-to-date! jGKhoOAsQdQ-00000-00000024-00000531 Today we are learning how to describe and characterize uniaxial minerals. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00001-00000531-00001065 Our goal is to determine a uniaxial mineral's optic sign or whether it is optically jGKhoOAsQdQ-00002-00001065-00001536 positive or negative. Note that this is different from having positive or jGKhoOAsQdQ-00003-00001536-00002135 negative relief. Here's how we do that. Step 1- find and center your grain, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00004-00002135-00002799 switch to cross polarized light. Step 2 - switch to the highest magnification and jGKhoOAsQdQ-00005-00002799-00003369 focus. Verify your grain choice. The best grains of the mineral of interest will jGKhoOAsQdQ-00006-00003369-00003965 have the lowest retardation. Step 3 - insert the Bertrand lens. On this jGKhoOAsQdQ-00007-00003965-00004485 microscope, it is a switch labeled BL above the cross polarizer. On many jGKhoOAsQdQ-00008-00004485-00004941 microscopes, you will also need to switch on a condensing lens here. This is the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00009-00004941-00005496 ideal image you will obtain. We call this the uniaxial optic axis interference jGKhoOAsQdQ-00010-00005496-00005935 figure. In a uniaxial mineral you'll notice it resembles the shape of a cross. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00011-00005935-00006489 The arms of the cross are called Isogyres. The center of the figure where the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00012-00006489-00007009 isogyres cross is where the optic axis is centered - this is called the melatope. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00013-00007009-00007659 Uniaxial minerals get their name because they have one optic axis. In all minerals, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00014-00007659-00008043 interference color bands circle the figure. Sometimes we don't see them jGKhoOAsQdQ-00015-00008043-00008445 because they are outside of our field of view. In the microscope these bands are jGKhoOAsQdQ-00016-00008445-00009000 called Isochromes and they increase in order from the center. Step four - note the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00017-00009000-00009461 interference colors in all four quadrants. In this example all four jGKhoOAsQdQ-00018-00009461-00010257 quadrants are a first-order white. Step 5- insert the (gypsum) accessory plate. Step 6 - jGKhoOAsQdQ-00019-00010257-00010697 observe the interference color changes. Here the northeast and southwest jGKhoOAsQdQ-00020-00010697-00011184 quadrants went from white to blue when we inserted the accessory plate and the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00021-00011184-00011796 northwest and southeast quadrants went from white to orange. Also note that the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00022-00011796-00012204 interference color of the Isogyres is now a first-order magenta with the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00023-00012204-00012681 addition of the accessory plate. Step 7 - using the Michel Levy chart, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00024-00012681-00012995 determine which quadrant exhibited the most significant increase in jGKhoOAsQdQ-00025-00012995-00013483 interference color with the addition of accessory plate. The northwest exhibited jGKhoOAsQdQ-00026-00013483-00014016 a first-order orange and the northeast exhibited a second-order blue. Step 8 - jGKhoOAsQdQ-00027-00014016-00014401 characterize the mineral as positive or negative based on these charts. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00028-00014401-00014905 If the mineral is uniaxial negative, the fast ray of the accessory plate will jGKhoOAsQdQ-00029-00014905-00015322 cause an increase in retardation and interference colors in the direction it jGKhoOAsQdQ-00030-00015322-00015850 is inserted. If the mineral is uniaxial positive, the fast ray of the accessory jGKhoOAsQdQ-00031-00015850-00016324 plate will cause a decrease, or less of an increase, in retardation and jGKhoOAsQdQ-00032-00016324-00016765 interference colors in the direction it is inserted. Since we saw more of an jGKhoOAsQdQ-00033-00016765-00017212 increase in the north east, south west quadrants, this mineral is uniaxial jGKhoOAsQdQ-00034-00017212-00017749 positive. More often than not the melatop will be outside of your field of jGKhoOAsQdQ-00035-00017749-00018250 view, but you can still characterize the optic sign. In this example we see one jGKhoOAsQdQ-00036-00018250-00018688 isogyre coming up through the center of our field of view. We need to rotate and jGKhoOAsQdQ-00037-00018688-00019135 reconstruct our quadrants in order to determine the optics sign. As I rotate, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00038-00019135-00019638 notice how the isogyres come in and out of the frame. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00039-00020229-00020743 As I rotate again, notice how I go through the Northwest into the southwest jGKhoOAsQdQ-00040-00020743-00021296 over to the southeast and up again to the Northeast. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00041-00021296-00021773 This is a schematic of the view we currently have in our microscope. Again, I jGKhoOAsQdQ-00042-00021773-00022373 move from the Northeast to the northwest. Then, I insert my accessory plate and jGKhoOAsQdQ-00043-00022373-00022723 observe the changes. Watch as I rotate from the northwest, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00044-00022723-00023312 pass the magenta isogyre, into the northeast, and then rotate back into the jGKhoOAsQdQ-00045-00023312-00023801 northwest. This is the same uniaxial positive mineral that we observed before. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00046-00023801-00024257 Our interference color changes are the same but our mineral grain is oriented jGKhoOAsQdQ-00047-00024257-00024806 differently now. It's your turn to try an example. Here I go from plane polarized jGKhoOAsQdQ-00048-00024806-00025208 light to cross polarized light. I've chosen a green with low retardation, jGKhoOAsQdQ-00049-00025208-00025889 then I switch to the highest objective, focus, and then put in my jGKhoOAsQdQ-00050-00025889-00026287 condensing lens and my Bertrand lens. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00051-00026420-00026831 Take a moment now to orient your quadrants. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00052-00027633-00028086 Now I will insert the accessory plate. Take note of the interference color jGKhoOAsQdQ-00053-00028086-00028331 changes. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00054-00029181-00029789 So is this mineral uniaxial negative or uniaxial positive? Here are the charts jGKhoOAsQdQ-00055-00029789-00030227 for some help. If you answered uniaxial negative, you jGKhoOAsQdQ-00056-00030227-00030744 are correct. Here are some things to remember and some helpful tips. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00057-00030744-00031125 Try to find the lowest interference color and largest grain of your mineral for an jGKhoOAsQdQ-00058-00031125-00031262 interference figure. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00059-00031262-00031605 Most uniaxial interference figures are not perfect jGKhoOAsQdQ-00060-00031605-00032106 Take your time to look for the right grain. Be patient finding the Isogyres jGKhoOAsQdQ-00061-00032106-00032324 and then again in orienting them. jGKhoOAsQdQ-00062-00032324-00032610 The reference circles provided are only for jGKhoOAsQdQ-00063-00032610-00033200 microscopes where a gypsum accessory blade is inserted from the southeast. jHX2XndWuDU-00000-00002160-00002972 There is a technology, discovered years ago, on which we have worked quite a lot called penetrating peptides. jHX2XndWuDU-00001-00003030-00004544 They can act as smugglers, crossing borders with a backpack. We are developing this technology and we have found that, jHX2XndWuDU-00002-00004546-00004920 in principle, we can get these molecules there and test their action. jHX2XndWuDU-00003-00004920-00005890 This is a great opportunity to apply cannabis derivatives to treat pain. jHX2XndWuDU-00004-00005890-00006481 Very severe pain is treated with drugs that have many undesirable effects, but they are effective. jHX2XndWuDU-00005-00006481-00007300 And low-intensity pain is also treated with drugs that have undesirable effects, but can also be used. jHX2XndWuDU-00006-00007300-00008248 But there is a whole area of moderate pain for which neither group of drugs is effective and right now we are orphans. jHX2XndWuDU-00007-00008248-00009086 Here is where cannabis derivatives may prove useful, but of course, cannabis derivatives have many undesirable effects; we must curb these effects. jHX2XndWuDU-00008-00009086-00009998 This technology can precisely allow us to enter such an interesting market with a compound that has many undesirable effects, such as cannabis, jHX2XndWuDU-00009-00009998-00011188 but avoiding its undesirable effects by associating cannabis with this new chemical entity we are trying to develop. jHX2XndWuDU-00010-00011188-00011942 The main advantage of CaixaImpulse is that it spurs on academic groups to adopt a perspective that jHX2XndWuDU-00011-00011942-00012850 we sometimes have but is sometimes not easy to achieve, of transfer, direct application in an industrial context. jHX2XndWuDU-00012-00012850-00014176 But we must still refine, we must try harder to make this possible by the systemic administration of our potential drug candidates. jIFuyQBDMny-00000-00000017-00000471 What would you think if I told you that after taking a few measurements of my jIFuyQBDMny-00001-00000471-00000957 daughter's height and calculating the average, I reported her height as jIFuyQBDMny-00002-00000957-00001407 139.7834 centimeters tall jIFuyQBDMny-00003-00001407-00001851 now hopefully you'd pause and think it really doesn't make much sense to report jIFuyQBDMny-00004-00001851-00002376 someone's height to within a micrometer that's less than the width of a hair. jIFuyQBDMny-00005-00002376-00002796 Now if you did come to that conclusion you would be demonstrating that you jIFuyQBDMny-00006-00002796-00003339 understand there's no point in reporting too many digits of precision in a jIFuyQBDMny-00007-00003339-00003773 quantity you should only use as many numbers as is relevant to the level of jIFuyQBDMny-00008-00003773-00004400 uncertainty in your quantity and this concept is referred to as the number of significant figures. jIFuyQBDMny-00009-00004400-00004689 The number of significant figures in a quantity is jIFuyQBDMny-00010-00004689-00005085 simply the number of digits that are meaningful. It's related to the precision jIFuyQBDMny-00011-00005085-00005484 of your measurement and it's a useful bit of scientific jargon that helps when jIFuyQBDMny-00012-00005484-00005944 estimating quantities and errors and it's best explained with some examples jIFuyQBDMny-00013-00005944-00006332 So here are some numbers I've written down. First of all jIFuyQBDMny-00014-00006332-00006722 any zeros at the start of a number are not counted, that's because they don't jIFuyQBDMny-00015-00006722-00007172 contribute to the magnitude of the quantity. So 0.007 jIFuyQBDMny-00016-00007172-00007827 has just one significant figure. After the first nonzero all subsequent digits jIFuyQBDMny-00017-00007827-00008574 are significant so 0.107 has three significant figures and 2300.1 jIFuyQBDMny-00018-00008574-00009075 has five significant figures now all zeros to the right of a decimal jIFuyQBDMny-00019-00009075-00009593 place are significant so for example 6.300 has four jIFuyQBDMny-00020-00009593-00010136 significant figures and that's because you're specifying that the value is jIFuyQBDMny-00021-00010136-00010632 6.300 and not 6.301. Now there's always a bit jIFuyQBDMny-00022-00010632-00011443 of ambiguity when you have large integer numbers so if I write down 57,000 jIFuyQBDMny-00023-00011443-00012138 then it's not clear whether I mean two significant figures here or whether I jIFuyQBDMny-00024-00012138-00012614 mean there's a full five significant figures so this relates to quantifying jIFuyQBDMny-00025-00012614-00013361 your uncertainty so I'm not sure is this plus or minus a hundred say or is it jIFuyQBDMny-00026-00013361-00013958 plus or minus a half. So if it was plus or minus 100 then I've got say two or three significant jIFuyQBDMny-00027-00013958-00014513 figures but if it was plus or minus 0.5 then I would have be having five jIFuyQBDMny-00028-00014513-00014996 significant figures. So one way to get around this ambiguity is to specify the jIFuyQBDMny-00029-00014996-00015533 uncertainty as I just did and another way is to use what's called scientific jIFuyQBDMny-00030-00015533-00016480 notation or standard form so I can write 57,000 as 5.7×10⁴ jIFuyQBDMny-00031-00016480-00016832 and if I write it like that then I know there are only two jIFuyQBDMny-00032-00016832-00017687 significant figures here. But if I was to write it like this then all those zeroes jIFuyQBDMny-00033-00017687-00018058 that I've specifically written down after the despot jIFuyQBDMny-00034-00018058-00019102 these ones count is significant. So this is two sig figs again and this is five jIFuyQBDMny-00035-00019315-00019739 One more thing I need to say about significant figures is that errors or jIFuyQBDMny-00036-00019739-00020231 uncertainties are only ever given with one significant figure and the jIFuyQBDMny-00037-00020231-00020684 measurement that has this uncertainty should have no digits in decimal places jIFuyQBDMny-00038-00020684-00021338 smaller than that uncertainty. So in our examples here the first one is a good jIFuyQBDMny-00039-00021338-00021901 measurement but the second one is not acceptable in the second example you jIFuyQBDMny-00040-00021901-00022619 have to round off the last digit. Now remember my example at the beginning of jIFuyQBDMny-00041-00022619-00022961 the video I said I measured my daughter's height as jIFuyQBDMny-00042-00022961-00023423 139.7824 centimeters but the uncertainty in this jIFuyQBDMny-00043-00023423-00023926 height measurement is really much more like 0.1 centimeter so it really only jIFuyQBDMny-00044-00023926-00024600 makes sense to write 139.8±0.1cm jKdIdDAiPQ0-00000-00000517-00000617 hello everyone jKdIdDAiPQ0-00001-00000617-00001369 We are studying the gospel of Mark for our reflection in this Liturgical Year B. However, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00002-00001369-00002138 for five weeks, from the seventeenth to twenty first Sunday, we read chapter six of the gospel jKdIdDAiPQ0-00003-00002138-00002650 of John in which Jesus reveals Himself as the bread of life. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00004-00002650-00003272 Today, we resume the study of the gospel of Mark from the seventh chapter. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00005-00003272-00004010 While Jesus was really busy preaching, teaching and healing throughout Galilee, some Jews, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00006-00004010-00004547 particularly the Pharisees and scribes, were constantly watching Jesus, hoping to find jKdIdDAiPQ0-00007-00004547-00005019 some fault with Him or some reason to discredit Him. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00008-00005019-00005498 One such instance is today's gospel story. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00009-00005498-00006098 Mark writes that some Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem once found Jesus' disciples jKdIdDAiPQ0-00010-00006098-00006692 eating without washing their hands and asked Jesus why his disciples failed to observe jKdIdDAiPQ0-00011-00006692-00007084 the tradition of the elders, Mark (7:2). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00012-00007084-00007456 We must note three things here: jKdIdDAiPQ0-00013-00007456-00007947 The Pharisees and scribes were the powerful and influential sects of Judaism at the time jKdIdDAiPQ0-00014-00007947-00008271 of Jesus. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00015-00008271-00008740 These two groups of people considered themselves righteous because of their strict observance jKdIdDAiPQ0-00016-00008740-00009109 of the Law of Moses. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00017-00009109-00009445 The fact that they were from Jerusalem matters a lot. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00018-00009445-00010065 Because it would turn out to be a place of Jesus' suffering and death. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00019-00010065-00010595 To better understand the confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees and scribes, we need jKdIdDAiPQ0-00020-00010595-00011360 a quick review of the cultural context and purity laws of the Jews at the time of Jesus. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00021-00011360-00011993 The tradition of the washing of hands dates back to the time of Moses, when Temple priests, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00022-00011993-00012536 before performing any ritual, were required to wash their hands, and make themselves pure jKdIdDAiPQ0-00023-00012536-00012881 and ready to offer a sacrifice, Exodus (30:17-21). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00024-00012881-00013468 But then, the Pharisees gradually inserted this ritual washing into the routines of daily jKdIdDAiPQ0-00025-00013468-00013979 life and wanted all Jewish people to observe it. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00026-00013979-00014651 Some of the key times to wash the hands include: before prayer, when leaving a cemetery, after jKdIdDAiPQ0-00027-00014651-00015412 using latrine or bathroom, prior to going up to bless people, before eating and so on. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00028-00015412-00015954 But the most important of these washings is the washing of hands before eating or handling jKdIdDAiPQ0-00029-00015954-00016178 any food. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00030-00016178-00016711 Even today, orthodox and traditional Jews look upon the washing prior to eating with jKdIdDAiPQ0-00031-00016711-00017386 such rigidity, that those who wilfully neglect its practice are said to make themselves liable jKdIdDAiPQ0-00032-00017386-00017583 to excommunication. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00033-00017583-00018148 However, the mere fact that only "some" of Jesus' disciples did not wash their hands jKdIdDAiPQ0-00034-00018148-00018819 before eating tells us that not all Jews at the time of Jesus followed the same practice. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00035-00018819-00019343 However, Mark writes that "all Jews" were keeping the tradition of washing their hands jKdIdDAiPQ0-00036-00019343-00019955 carefully before they ate; purifying themselves after their return from marketplaces; and jKdIdDAiPQ0-00037-00019955-00020337 cleansing cooking utensils and beds. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00038-00020337-00021014 Now, Jesus knew that the question that the Pharisees had posed to him was simply implied jKdIdDAiPQ0-00039-00021014-00021344 accusation and criticism. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00040-00021344-00021965 They did not simply ask Jesus why His disciples did not wash their hands before eating or jKdIdDAiPQ0-00041-00021965-00022308 how He regarded the practice of handwashing. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00042-00022308-00022948 Rather, they accused his disciples of breaking the tradition of the elders. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00043-00022948-00023511 They claimed that all the traditions, passed down through successive generations, are oral jKdIdDAiPQ0-00044-00023511-00024078 laws and that they have authority equal to the written Law of Moses, which came from jKdIdDAiPQ0-00045-00024078-00024178 God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00046-00024178-00024795 Effectively, then, they were saying that his disciples violated not just a human tradition jKdIdDAiPQ0-00047-00024795-00025393 but a tradition of divine origin, a command of God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00048-00025393-00025732 Jesus responded by strongly denouncing them. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00049-00025732-00026338 He quoted the Prophet Isaiah in reference to such people, saying, "Well did Isaiah prophesy jKdIdDAiPQ0-00050-00026338-00026608 about you hypocrites. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00051-00026608-00027119 This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they jKdIdDAiPQ0-00052-00027119-00027526 worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00053-00027526-00028151 You disregard God's commandment but cling to human tradition", Isaiah (29:13). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00054-00028151-00028580 By saying that Isaiah was right when He had prophesied about the religious leaders and jKdIdDAiPQ0-00055-00028580-00029127 teachers of the Law, Jesus was saying that the prophet's words apply just as much as jKdIdDAiPQ0-00056-00029127-00029867 to Jesus' contemporaries as they did to the people of Isaiah's time, eight hundred years jKdIdDAiPQ0-00057-00029867-00030182 earlier. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00058-00030182-00030857 What had happened among God's people in Isaiah's day was now happening again during Jesus' jKdIdDAiPQ0-00059-00030857-00030957 ministry. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00060-00030957-00031529 They were hypocrites who were only merely honouring God with their lips while their jKdIdDAiPQ0-00061-00031529-00031719 hearts were far from Him. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00062-00031719-00032066 Their worship was vain, fruitless and futile. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00063-00032066-00032642 They were strictly enforcing the legalistic traditions but were neglecting God's teachings jKdIdDAiPQ0-00064-00032642-00033606 on understanding, compassion, mercy, tolerance, gentleness, justice, faithfulness, patience, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00065-00033606-00033962 forgiveness, and love. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00066-00033962-00034472 And then Jesus turned to all who had gathered around him and said, "Nothing that enters jKdIdDAiPQ0-00067-00034472-00035119 one from outside can defile that person, but the things that come out from within are what jKdIdDAiPQ0-00068-00035119-00035237 defile. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00069-00035237-00035915 From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, theft, murder, adultery, greed, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00070-00035915-00036497 malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00071-00036497-00036948 All these evils come from within and they defile", Mark (7:21-23). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00072-00036948-00037569 In other words, Jesus was saying that whatever their practice, whichever traditions they jKdIdDAiPQ0-00073-00037569-00038066 did or did not uphold, they were not the things that, by themselves, would make them belong jKdIdDAiPQ0-00074-00038066-00038680 to God's kingdom or inherit eternal life or obtain peace and joy. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00075-00038680-00039297 He reminded them that unlike food that simply passes through one's system, that which is jKdIdDAiPQ0-00076-00039297-00039546 produced in the heart affects the whole person. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00077-00039546-00040200 "For it is from within, from the heart, that evil intentions come", Mark (7:21a). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00078-00040200-00040672 That is to say, the heart is the centre of human will and rationality. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00079-00040672-00041211 The heart is the place from which all kinds of intentions arise. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00080-00041211-00041903 Finally, Jesus concluded the teaching with a list of things capable of making a person jKdIdDAiPQ0-00081-00041903-00042253 impure or corrupting a person's heart. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00082-00042253-00043128 Some, like theft, murder and adultery are actions, and others, like greed, malice, deceit, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00083-00043128-00043893 licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance and folly, are character traits and attitudes. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00084-00043893-00044462 All come, Jesus said, from disordered or corrupted hearts. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00085-00044462-00044715 Defilement dwells deep within. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00086-00044715-00045109 The source of defilement is more internal than external. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00087-00045109-00045977 It's more about who a person is than about the food or filth a person avoids. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00088-00045977-00046258 What is the message for us? jKdIdDAiPQ0-00089-00046258-00046903 Jesus neither rejected nor denied the validity of either the Law of Moses in general or its jKdIdDAiPQ0-00090-00046903-00047661 individual commandments; nor denounced worship practices; nor did He say that they are unimportant. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00091-00047661-00048124 He only rebuked the people for their failure to uphold it or their distortion of tradition jKdIdDAiPQ0-00092-00048124-00048844 in order to circumvent the law and engage in empty worship practices. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00093-00048844-00049490 Some people, when using such texts to discourage people who are engaged in rituals and devotions, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00094-00049490-00050045 are dismissing all outward religious practices and traditions as "vain worship", "meaningless" jKdIdDAiPQ0-00095-00050045-00050323 or "a waste of time". jKdIdDAiPQ0-00096-00050323-00050751 For them, Scripture alone is sufficient for our faith in Jesus. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00097-00050751-00051376 But Christ's words in the gospel today teach us that both the Scriptures and Traditions jKdIdDAiPQ0-00098-00051376-00051725 are important to our faith in Him. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00099-00051725-00052505 We, Catholic Christians, have inherited lots of religious customs, ritual signs and practices. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00100-00052505-00053311 They are ceremonies and sacraments, such as, baptism, the Eucharist, prayers for the sick, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00101-00053311-00054049 Holy Orders, marriage, confirmation, confession or penance; daily practices such as prayers jKdIdDAiPQ0-00102-00054049-00054719 at table, bedside and other times; observances such as regular church attendance, fasting, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00103-00054719-00055407 giving to charity, novenas, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; sacramentals such as rosary jKdIdDAiPQ0-00104-00055407-00056291 beads, holy images, statues, pictures, holy water, incense, candles; gestures and postures, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00105-00056291-00056851 such as making the sign of the cross with holy water upon entering the church, standing, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00106-00056851-00057392 kneeling, sitting, bowing during prayers or Mass, etc. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00107-00057392-00057991 All these are so meaningful and help us express our faith in God and worship God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00108-00057991-00058692 However, we must, as Jesus says, "worship Him in spirit and truth", John (4:24). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00109-00058692-00059208 That means, our worship must be reverential and wholehearted - Ephesians (5:18), not dull jKdIdDAiPQ0-00110-00059208-00059714 and half-hearted, internal - Psalm (103:1), not external, simple - 2 Corinthians (11:2-4), jKdIdDAiPQ0-00111-00059714-00060314 not ritualistic, real and sincere, not fake - Matthew (15:25), serious - Psalm (2:10-12) jKdIdDAiPQ0-00112-00060314-00061004 not flippant, humbling - Micah (6:8) not boastful, clean - Psalm (29:2), and thankful - Psalm jKdIdDAiPQ0-00113-00061004-00061104 (100). jKdIdDAiPQ0-00114-00061104-00061649 Because certain religious practices have become so much a part of our lives that they become jKdIdDAiPQ0-00115-00061649-00062191 just habits with no meaning attached to them. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00116-00062191-00062802 During the Mass, we can stand, kneel and bow to express our reverence, honor, humility jKdIdDAiPQ0-00117-00062802-00063489 and obedience to God and still not really show our reverence and honor internally; we jKdIdDAiPQ0-00118-00063489-00064050 can sit to listen and meditate on the Word God and still cling to worldly thoughts and jKdIdDAiPQ0-00119-00064050-00064150 feelings. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00120-00064150-00064862 We can pray standing up or sitting down or kneeling and still never really pray. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00121-00064862-00065387 Upon entering the church, we can dip a finger in holy water and do the sign of the cross jKdIdDAiPQ0-00122-00065387-00066032 to remind ourselves of our own baptism and to free ourselves from uncleanness and still jKdIdDAiPQ0-00123-00066032-00066206 have sin in our heart. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00124-00066206-00066786 We can sing every song in the book to praise and thank God and still not really giving jKdIdDAiPQ0-00125-00066786-00067027 our thanks and praises to Him. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00126-00067027-00067481 We can read and hear the Word of God and still not know God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00127-00067481-00068069 We can worship in beautiful churches all our life and never really experience the holy jKdIdDAiPQ0-00128-00068069-00068169 ground. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00129-00068169-00068641 We can receive the Body and Blood of Christ every time and still never believe in the jKdIdDAiPQ0-00130-00068641-00069157 presence of God in the Eucharist or commune with God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00131-00069157-00069729 However, today's gospel is a reminder that in the event of someone breaking a tradition jKdIdDAiPQ0-00132-00069729-00070474 or doctrine, the teaching of God to show mercy, love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness jKdIdDAiPQ0-00133-00070474-00071154 takes precedence over all traditions and practices, for God is more concerned with who we are jKdIdDAiPQ0-00134-00071154-00071882 on the inside than our outward ceremonial gestures. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00135-00071882-00072569 Jesus neither dismisses the issue of defilement as insignificant nor does he denounce hygienic jKdIdDAiPQ0-00136-00072569-00072943 practices before eating or when handling food. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00137-00072943-00073564 We must care for our heart - our "physical" heart as well as our "spiritual" heart. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00138-00073564-00074177 However, Jesus' words remind us that we must take greater care, though, of our spiritual jKdIdDAiPQ0-00139-00074177-00074977 heart because from within comes all kinds of evil acts and thinking and which, in turn, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00140-00074977-00075818 makes us unclean and affects us drastically, and robs us of joy and peace. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00141-00075818-00076373 Jesus did not say that our hearts are utterly corrupt and wholly polluted. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00142-00076373-00076743 Plenty of good thoughts and intentions come from our hearts. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00143-00076743-00077393 So, let us free ourselves from distractions and unnecessary arguments about external acts jKdIdDAiPQ0-00144-00077393-00078169 and signs of our faith and focus more on preparing our hearts, and thereby our entire selves, jKdIdDAiPQ0-00145-00078169-00078311 for the kingdom of God. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00146-00078311-00078443 (P) Amen. jKdIdDAiPQ0-00147-00078443-00078542 God Bless You! jKas3G6LJVg-00000-00000008-00000434 At the height of the Great Depression tens of thousands of Americans moved to the USSR jKas3G6LJVg-00001-00000434-00000884 to see if they could get a better life, but did they? Many ended up in labor camps and as jKas3G6LJVg-00002-00000884-00001268 the Cold War started the USA didn't want to admit that so many had left for their rival jKas3G6LJVg-00003-00001268-00001718 and the USSR didn't want to make a big deal of Americans helping the Soviet economy. Many of jKas3G6LJVg-00004-00001718-00002132 them were forgotten to history and the country of their birth. So were these Americans stupid for jKas3G6LJVg-00005-00002132-00002534 leaving? The USSR had a great International reputation in this era. They were marketed jKas3G6LJVg-00006-00002534-00003032 as the ideal place for workers. Ws we know the reality was never that rose-tinted. So no they jKas3G6LJVg-00007-00003032-00003397 weren't stupid they were desperate people leaving a country that had done very little jKas3G6LJVg-00008-00003397-00003854 to help them in the biggest financial crisis ever seen. Hindsight doesn't make them stupid jM47xkcKwq4-00000-00000024-00000324 so Shani thank you so much for being here at Christ for the Nations jM47xkcKwq4-00001-00000324-00000684 I want to start with some light things are you interested in sports jM47xkcKwq4-00002-00000768-00001242 I am interested in sports favorite sports team oh no so you're actually like playing jM47xkcKwq4-00003-00001242-00001584 sports I watch people I'm sorry you know what jM47xkcKwq4-00004-00001584-00002148 let me just say my husband is a football fan and he watched the Cowboys last night jM47xkcKwq4-00005-00002148-00002550 I actually drove by the state of yeah okay I'm sorry guys jM47xkcKwq4-00006-00002550-00002814 he was just watching okay so I was driving by and I was like jM47xkcKwq4-00007-00002814-00003342 there it is you're watching it in Israel and I'm not watching I'm just driving by but yeah jM47xkcKwq4-00008-00003342-00003942 so I don't actually have time to watch sports I do apologize but I do have some very very jM47xkcKwq4-00009-00003942-00004704 avid soccer fans on our team in Israel so did you play sports any at all I did okay jM47xkcKwq4-00010-00004704-00005598 I played basketball, did track and field some field hockey and volleyball jM47xkcKwq4-00011-00005736-00006240 favorite movie favorite movie I have to confess this okay jM47xkcKwq4-00012-00006744-00007170 my favorite movie, you know my daughter asked me this the other day and I was like jM47xkcKwq4-00013-00007170-00007464 I guess I would only pick my favorite movie by a jM47xkcKwq4-00014-00007464-00007962 movie that I've seen more than once but honestly anything in the Marvel verse jM47xkcKwq4-00015-00008166-00008712 I did put my limits on "Doctor Strange" too didn't go out for that one jM47xkcKwq4-00016-00008712-00008982 but that last one that last one was terrible, wasn't it ? jM47xkcKwq4-00017-00008982-00009516 it was I so did not like it, I like sci-fi jM47xkcKwq4-00018-00009516-00009948 I stop at the you know the witches that want to send you to hell type thing, that kind of thing jM47xkcKwq4-00019-00009948-00010278 okay I know it's in a different universe that they're doing it but it's still jM47xkcKwq4-00020-00010338-00010668 all right what about favorite food? we're just trying to get jM47xkcKwq4-00021-00010668-00011310 favorite food favorite food I'm a big fan of the shawarma yeah jM47xkcKwq4-00022-00011550-00011988 what's a shawarma? no no I know shawarma sure cultural it's cultural bias, jM47xkcKwq4-00023-00012060-00012258 I'm just teasing you I'm just well it's just you jM47xkcKwq4-00024-00012258-00012863 get meat and you get fresh salads and it's and it's like very readily available in Israel so jM47xkcKwq4-00025-00012863-00013356 but I'm a very big pasta fan as well yeah travel destination favorite jM47xkcKwq4-00026-00013356-00013626 place that you've been favorite place I've been jM47xkcKwq4-00027-00013818-00014213 my favorite Beach is Galveston Texas I know I know jM47xkcKwq4-00028-00014213-00014466 you need to go to Jamaica Galveston Texas? jM47xkcKwq4-00029-00014532-00014880 yeah look I live in Israel what am I going to say the Holy Land? jM47xkcKwq4-00030-00014969-00015384 no I'll tell you why, I'll tell you why for all of you haters out there jM47xkcKwq4-00031-00015546-00015972 because I'm a desert creature which means it doesn't rain in the summer jM47xkcKwq4-00032-00015972-00016482 and when I went to Galveston Texas it's this long straight beach with nobody okay? jM47xkcKwq4-00033-00016482-00016962 I live in a country where everyone's like this okay there's nobody there and it rains and I'm jM47xkcKwq4-00034-00016962-00017244 drinking Starbucks coffee and I'm like this is a beautiful moment jM47xkcKwq4-00035-00017244-00017628 okay so all you have this beautiful Jamaica vacations which I can't afford to go because jM47xkcKwq4-00036-00017628-00018084 I'm on the mission field okay it's all right one of these days you guys can send me there jM47xkcKwq4-00037-00018084-00018312 and I will tell you all about the Caribbeans and how much I love them, jM47xkcKwq4-00038-00018312-00018798 but in the meantime although Switzerland I'm a big fan, in fact when I went to Switzerland jM47xkcKwq4-00039-00018798-00019392 I had a revelation then when God said he gave us the promised land that's all he meant it was the jM47xkcKwq4-00040-00019392-00019968 promised land not the best land just the promised land okay so Switzerland is definitely up there jM47xkcKwq4-00041-00019968-00020532 are you a Netflix fan or no? honestly when it comes to Netflix jM47xkcKwq4-00042-00020670-00021420 I only watch if I'm on a run or something I can't like sit and watch and I pretty much just jM47xkcKwq4-00043-00021420-00021792 try to figure out what it is my kids were watching and check up to make sure it's not too terrible jM47xkcKwq4-00044-00021792-00022230 so that's that's the extent of mine sorry no no that's fine you're busy jM47xkcKwq4-00045-00022230-00022878 what about favorite book favorite book? my favorite author is Michael J Sullivan, jM47xkcKwq4-00046-00022998-00023172 oh who knows him? jM47xkcKwq4-00047-00023172-00023640 you I want to talk to you at the end okay now he's he is a New York Times bestseller jM47xkcKwq4-00048-00023640-00023976 but he wrote a trilogy called "The Rare Revelation" not a believer, jM47xkcKwq4-00049-00023976-00024606 but really an incredible author that I felt had this WOW storyline that jM47xkcKwq4-00050-00024606-00025320 was very parallel to the church and Israel and so he entirely unintentionally did it but it was one jM47xkcKwq4-00051-00025320-00025494 of those moments of like yes this is jM47xkcKwq4-00052-00025578-00026172 this is someone who understands history and how history develops and how stories jM47xkcKwq4-00053-00026172-00026730 change you know when we tell it from generation to generation so that and of course C.S Lewis jM47xkcKwq4-00054-00026730-00027108 oh I love C.S Lewis have you ever read "The Four Loves"? jM47xkcKwq4-00055-00027108-00027372 I love that book "The Four Loves" "The Four Loves"? jM47xkcKwq4-00056-00027372-00027983 yeah you need to read that one it is exceptional have you guys read "The Four Loves"? jM47xkcKwq4-00057-00027983-00028433 yeah revolutionaries full disclosure I don't actually I'm a writer for a living jM47xkcKwq4-00058-00028433-00028727 I don't actually read because I don't have time but I do audiobooks so anything that I can find jM47xkcKwq4-00059-00028800-00029082 audible I devour in terms of C.S Lewis jM47xkcKwq4-00060-00029082-00029580 oh okay, your passions, what are your passions ? as we're getting to know you what yeah jM47xkcKwq4-00061-00029580-00030288 what would you say these are my passions? my passion is my team and my family jM47xkcKwq4-00062-00030288-00031014 I have five kids and a husband at home and I have a team of 20 Israelis jM47xkcKwq4-00063-00031014-00031512 that are make up the Maoz Israel team we also have offices around the world jM47xkcKwq4-00064-00031512-00032088 and I love to see them grow into who they're going to become that's really jM47xkcKwq4-00065-00032088-00032412 like the thing that makes me the happiest when someone comes from the outside jM47xkcKwq4-00066-00032412-00032754 and they're like I know so and so and ever since they've been involved with you guys jM47xkcKwq4-00067-00032754-00033186 they're just blooming as a person blooming in their gift so that's something that jM47xkcKwq4-00068-00033186-00033324 makes me very happy and of course music jM47xkcKwq4-00069-00033324-00033750 I was about to say that I really singing you know people first, projects later jM47xkcKwq4-00070-00034044-00034878 so yeah we have a recording studio in Jerusalem and we have a team of 20 Israelis that are they jM47xkcKwq4-00071-00034878-00035490 work in media and music essentially really have a vision to see the restoration of modern jM47xkcKwq4-00072-00035490-00036084 day Levites or modern day psalmists writing worship in Hebrew also Arabic jM47xkcKwq4-00073-00036192-00036666 and really want to see the Holy Land filled with worship and so that's something that's jM47xkcKwq4-00074-00036666-00036882 very much a passion of mine passion for yours jM47xkcKwq4-00075-00036882-00037236 okay what about idiosyncrasies because we all have those jM47xkcKwq4-00076-00037236-00037530 we might have the passion we definitely have passions jM47xkcKwq4-00077-00037530-00037842 but the idiosyncrasies those unique things about us jM47xkcKwq4-00078-00037842-00038514 that you know it really defines who you are in a unique way, what are those one or two? jM47xkcKwq4-00079-00038592-00039150 I would say one of the ones that gets mentioned the most is that I sound American but I'm not jM47xkcKwq4-00080-00039228-00039600 and so inevitably I mean I'm born and raised in Israel jM47xkcKwq4-00081-00039738-00040320 in the fourth grade my parents flew to the states who actually stayed here at CFN for two years my jM47xkcKwq4-00082-00040320-00040776 brother went to a special school because he was dyslexic in ADHD jM47xkcKwq4-00083-00040776-00041106 and he was in the fourth grade and couldn't spell his name which was three letters jM47xkcKwq4-00084-00041106-00041574 and so he came here and during that time I lost my Israeli accent jM47xkcKwq4-00085-00041574-00042174 which has been both a blessing and a curse in terms of my credibility as being a Ministry jM47xkcKwq4-00086-00042174-00042654 leader in Israel and saying I'm Israeli and they're like no you're and then I don't know jM47xkcKwq4-00087-00042654-00043062 the American social rules and so inevitably I say something and they're like that is the jM47xkcKwq4-00088-00043062-00043668 rudest American I've ever I'm like "no no I'm a nice Israeli, I'm not a rude American" jM47xkcKwq4-00089-00043668-00044514 so that is something that is a noted often unintentionally so apologies jM47xkcKwq4-00090-00044514-00044850 ahead of time if I say anything from up here that's like why did she say that? jM47xkcKwq4-00091-00044850-00045264 you're good with accents, I mean for you I do special for you it's really jM47xkcKwq4-00092-00045264-00045840 it's good good American lovely country we love you Israeli it's really special jM47xkcKwq4-00093-00045840-00046662 that's good, isn't it? yeah that's good all right tell me a little bit about you being the jM47xkcKwq4-00094-00046662-00047220 granddaughter of Gordon and Freda Lindsay you have you know you were born into a family that's jM47xkcKwq4-00095-00047220-00047712 well known well-established beautiful history, rich legacy jM47xkcKwq4-00096-00047712-00048264 how do you feel to be a part of that? was it always good? did you were there points jM47xkcKwq4-00097-00048264-00048756 in your life where you wanted to run from it? how did you respond or react to that reality? jM47xkcKwq4-00098-00048756-00049368 right, so I would say when when we grew up because I didn't grow up on campus I grew up in jM47xkcKwq4-00099-00049368-00049902 Israel and in the summers we would come and visit which again was this back and forth culture shock jM47xkcKwq4-00100-00049902-00050268 and we were the barbaric Israelis that didn't have any class jM47xkcKwq4-00101-00050268-00050694 or anything and we just called this Grandma's School jM47xkcKwq4-00102-00050694-00051054 we're like we're going to Grandma's school and we don't know a whole lot of course everyone's jM47xkcKwq4-00103-00051054-00051605 so much older but then interestingly enough when I graduated high school jM47xkcKwq4-00104-00051605-00052212 I didn't I didn't come straight to CFN you need to repent I did eventually end up here jM47xkcKwq4-00105-00052212-00052560 but there was a revival going on one in Pensacola, Florida jM47xkcKwq4-00106-00052824-00053370 and I went to school there and I actually learned more about my grandparents there jM47xkcKwq4-00107-00053370-00053754 than I did just growing because you know when it's family you're feeding jM47xkcKwq4-00108-00053754-00054102 and you're you know stop hitting each other and you know that's the conversations jM47xkcKwq4-00109-00054102-00054336 and then I go over there and they're teaching all this stuff jM47xkcKwq4-00110-00054336-00054779 and there's like all these books that if you go to the footnotes it's like Gordon Lindsay Gordon jM47xkcKwq4-00111-00054779-00055062 Lindsay Gordon Lindsay Gordon Lindsay because he documented so much jM47xkcKwq4-00112-00055062-00055355 of what was happening he was so involved in like jM47xkcKwq4-00113-00055355-00055722 working together and collaborating with you know different people which was a big No-No jM47xkcKwq4-00114-00055722-00056100 back then was like you do your own thing someone from a different denomination you jM47xkcKwq4-00115-00056100-00056405 don't talk to them because clearly one of you guys is going to hell jM47xkcKwq4-00116-00056405-00057078 so like it was just this very kind of separatists kind of jM47xkcKwq4-00117-00057078-00057594 attitude and he very much wanted to work with all sorts of people so and he he was a writer jM47xkcKwq4-00118-00057594-00058314 as well and he documented a lot so I gained a real appreciation of the impact that he had jM47xkcKwq4-00119-00058314-00059226 outside of the circle of CFN when I went there yeah so um so yeah so basically at that point jM47xkcKwq4-00120-00059358-00059838 um when I finished there then we came here and spent two years doing the third year jM47xkcKwq4-00121-00059838-00060396 worship school right when it was getting started and got to spend some time with my grandmother jM47xkcKwq4-00122-00060516-00060779 knowing that you know at some point I wouldn't have that so jM47xkcKwq4-00123-00060779-00061788 that was very very special time for me and yeah so I really on my dad's side my my grandmother was jM47xkcKwq4-00124-00061788-00062484 from Russia and my grandfather is from India and so I know I came out white but it's just all my jM47xkcKwq4-00125-00062484-00062796 brother came out darkness I tan well I do, jM47xkcKwq4-00126-00062916-00063360 but we don't actually know what my dad was because he grew up in orphanage and he's got jM47xkcKwq4-00127-00063360-00063726 curly hair and Indians usually have straight hair anyway so we're kind of like somewhere in between jM47xkcKwq4-00128-00063726-00064488 Africa and and India is our origin but in any case I was never close jM47xkcKwq4-00129-00064488-00064829 to my family on his side because he grew up so disconnected from them jM47xkcKwq4-00130-00064979-00065376 and so really on my grandmother's side that was I only ever had one grandmother jM47xkcKwq4-00131-00065376-00065730 so it's like how do you even beat that like my only concept of a grandmother jM47xkcKwq4-00132-00065730-00066036 is someone who never retires is always like doing something jM47xkcKwq4-00133-00066036-00066318 is known to everybody else's mom you know jM47xkcKwq4-00134-00066510-00066804 and still she found time for us which I really appreciated jM47xkcKwq4-00135-00066930-00067632 what have you taken from their legacy, that you're walking with in your present life? And will you jM47xkcKwq4-00136-00067632-00068106 will take in your future with you any gems? I like to call them you know spiritual gyms, jM47xkcKwq4-00137-00068106-00068580 that you say, whoa I saw that in my grandma and I want that in my life. jM47xkcKwq4-00138-00068742-00069324 I think the biggest thing that I've taken away that has kind of been passed on to my parents jM47xkcKwq4-00139-00069324-00070302 and I think also to the rest of the family is that we understand our destiny jM47xkcKwq4-00140-00070452-00071022 as helping other people, reach their destiny and really just even the concept jM47xkcKwq4-00141-00071022-00071172 of pouring yourself into having a school jM47xkcKwq4-00142-00071172-00071592 where other people are coming and training and you know growing into who they are is jM47xkcKwq4-00143-00071592-00071820 what we're supposed to do it is our destiny to see other people jM47xkcKwq4-00144-00071820-00072066 so that's why I was saying even early on like when I see people jM47xkcKwq4-00145-00072066-00072552 that are I'm working with and they're, you know people have different jM47xkcKwq4-00146-00072552-00072978 giftings and mine is seeing potential in people I can be like this like you just did this you jM47xkcKwq4-00147-00072978-00073356 just said something about putting screws in a drawer and that I just jM47xkcKwq4-00148-00073356-00073752 know that you're going to be good at XYZ you know that's which I do that with my team jM47xkcKwq4-00149-00073752-00074082 and they're like you knew that back then when I said this I'm like yes yes jM47xkcKwq4-00150-00074262-00074784 so I think their ability to see potential in people and want to pour into that jM47xkcKwq4-00151-00074784-00075216 and really receive joy out of seeing other people shine jM47xkcKwq4-00152-00075216-00075714 is something that I've always enjoyed I really appreciated seeing jM47xkcKwq4-00153-00075714-00076242 my grandmother you know it's not that they never owned a home they did jM47xkcKwq4-00154-00076344-00077082 but she did not need earthly things like she had stuff that she loved jM47xkcKwq4-00155-00077082-00077262 she had a nice couch and she had pictures jM47xkcKwq4-00156-00077262-00077472 and she had all this stuff that people came from all over the world jM47xkcKwq4-00157-00077658-00078348 but she just, you know when I don't fault other people for having nice things jM47xkcKwq4-00158-00078348-00078666 because you know you see Solomon and you're like God bless Solomon jM47xkcKwq4-00159-00078666-00079074 and oh my gosh did you guys ever read what he did with his like throne with the six Lions jM47xkcKwq4-00160-00079074-00079464 so there's like there's nothing wrong with someone who's successful in that end jM47xkcKwq4-00161-00079464-00080196 but when I saw you know all these ministers from her generation with these huge grandiose things jM47xkcKwq4-00162-00080196-00080448 and she's living in this rented apartment on campus jM47xkcKwq4-00163-00080448-00080688 and she's fine with that and I'm just like that's just cool jM47xkcKwq4-00164-00080688-00080940 that's just cool well that's good, jM47xkcKwq4-00165-00080940-00081228 let's give it up for mom Lindsay yes it's true jM47xkcKwq4-00166-00081336-00081762 I was amazed when I came here years ago and I saw that too jM47xkcKwq4-00167-00081762-00082116 I thought whoa she's living on campus just like all of us jM47xkcKwq4-00168-00082116-00082524 I was totally impressed with that so I can just imagine how you felt jM47xkcKwq4-00169-00082626-00082980 talk to me a little bit about your past in the sense jM47xkcKwq4-00170-00082980-00083664 that I know you're a minister with worship and you're reaching the nations but jM47xkcKwq4-00171-00083664-00084192 we all have a testimony, we all have something before the anointing fell upon us jM47xkcKwq4-00172-00084192-00084486 and God is using us mightily I don't know it jM47xkcKwq4-00173-00084486-00084882 so if you can touch on that just a little bit what have you walked through any brokenness jM47xkcKwq4-00174-00084948-00085326 any wounds of your heart that you had to hold on to God jM47xkcKwq4-00175-00085326-00086010 find God in the darkness is what I like to call it right, it's a bit of a long story jM47xkcKwq4-00176-00086010-00086412 so I'm gonna try to summarize but overall so growing up in Israel jM47xkcKwq4-00177-00086412-00086736 and kind of try to give you that the con this is going to sound very grandiose jM47xkcKwq4-00178-00086736-00087078 but just to give you context my generation, jM47xkcKwq4-00179-00087330-00087882 my parents immigrated to Israel in their 20s my mom in her 20s my dad in his 30s jM47xkcKwq4-00180-00087882-00088338 and that generation had children so when they immigrated to Israel jM47xkcKwq4-00181-00088338-00088596 there was a handful of believers in the whole country jM47xkcKwq4-00182-00088596-00088956 Jewish believers, I'm not talking about Catholics and you know all the other people jM47xkcKwq4-00183-00088956-00089508 that built those weird things anyway sorry did I say that is this online jM47xkcKwq4-00184-00089808-00090222 but my generation was essentially the children of those jM47xkcKwq4-00185-00090222-00090576 who immigrated the first generation of Jews jM47xkcKwq4-00186-00090630-00090966 who were believers who were born and raised in Israel in 2000 years jM47xkcKwq4-00187-00091302-00091788 okay so we had no role models of how to do this my parents didn't have any model of like jM47xkcKwq4-00188-00091788-00092244 how do you raise believing kids in Israel and we didn't have any role models jM47xkcKwq4-00189-00092244-00092634 and how do we like understand who we are as people jM47xkcKwq4-00190-00092796-00093312 so it's you know all your friends are secular I had one believing a friend in Jerusalem jM47xkcKwq4-00191-00093312-00093894 and one up north and I saw them twice a year so like once in one holiday and once we pass jM47xkcKwq4-00192-00093894-00094128 over here in Sukkot you know in Jerusalem jM47xkcKwq4-00193-00094254-00094962 Sukkot is the Feast of Tabernacles and this is before phones and faxes jM47xkcKwq4-00194-00094962-00095238 and I said yes I said before faxes jM47xkcKwq4-00195-00095418-00096150 before internet yeah so there we did have telephones jM47xkcKwq4-00196-00096150-00096480 okay let's not get too but it was very expensive to call jM47xkcKwq4-00197-00096480-00097128 then and so the process of growing up and developing a personality jM47xkcKwq4-00198-00097128-00097500 and your social skills and finding someone who will you know you can jM47xkcKwq4-00199-00097500-00097770 even talk to about the Lord and how you're chasing the Lord together jM47xkcKwq4-00200-00097770-00098112 and how you know different struggles that you have and questions that you have didn't have jM47xkcKwq4-00201-00098112-00098886 that at all and so I think somewhere around my teen years jM47xkcKwq4-00202-00098886-00099366 it was really this abrupt shock of we moved to the states for two years jM47xkcKwq4-00203-00099366-00099702 and suddenly I'm in this Christian bubble and mind you when I say Christian bubble jM47xkcKwq4-00204-00099702-00099930 I know that it was all sweet but as an Israeli who didn't jM47xkcKwq4-00205-00099930-00100200 understand Christian culture I got in trouble all the jM47xkcKwq4-00206-00100200-00100464 time for saying all sorts of stuff and I'm like what I don't even know jM47xkcKwq4-00207-00100464-00100812 it's like they're like you spent a lot of time on the fence jM47xkcKwq4-00208-00100812-00101178 like at recess right they put you on the fence when you're in trouble so you can watch jM47xkcKwq4-00209-00101178-00101556 everybody else play because the best thing to do with a kid that's causing problems jM47xkcKwq4-00210-00101556-00101952 is not give them any time to get their energy out you know just make them stand there and anyway jM47xkcKwq4-00211-00102114-00102516 so yeah some of you guys are out there like huh no that is that is kind of dumb jM47xkcKwq4-00212-00102588-00103176 anyway but the the thing was is I went from I'm the only believer in my jM47xkcKwq4-00213-00103176-00103583 school and I am proud of it and I will tell you that I was born twice jM47xkcKwq4-00214-00103583-00103854 let me tell you in Hebrew saying you were born twice jM47xkcKwq4-00215-00103854-00104340 sounds just as dumb as a just not not born again you were born twice and then my teacher jM47xkcKwq4-00216-00104340-00104496 would come and be like can you explain to me this jM47xkcKwq4-00217-00104496-00104694 you're born twice thing that your parents are telling you jM47xkcKwq4-00218-00104694-00105174 and I'd have to sit and explain and then they'd call and then I come to the states jM47xkcKwq4-00219-00105174-00105533 and I go into this Christian bubble where everybody's a believer jM47xkcKwq4-00220-00105696-00106061 but nobody really understands my culture so my fourth grade teacher jM47xkcKwq4-00221-00106061-00106266 when they had the Parent-Teacher meeting she's like jM47xkcKwq4-00222-00106368-00107280 your daughter is very so Jewish you know I was like what does that even mean like jM47xkcKwq4-00223-00107280-00107483 what do you even define his choice but I think she just jM47xkcKwq4-00224-00107550-00107844 meant rude and wild and barbaric but anyway jM47xkcKwq4-00225-00108006-00108420 so it was just so you understand why I keep saying that in Israel jM47xkcKwq4-00226-00108480-00108978 let's just say in the states or in western culture when you want to honor someone jM47xkcKwq4-00227-00108978-00109296 and show them respect you want to make them feel good, right? jM47xkcKwq4-00228-00109296-00109668 yeah that dress looks great on you even if it doesn't you know like jM47xkcKwq4-00229-00109668-00110028 that's you're you're going to do a great job even though you know they probably won't like jM47xkcKwq4-00230-00110028-00110256 that kind of thing right so in Israel we honor you jM47xkcKwq4-00231-00110256-00110496 by letting you know what we really think right? jM47xkcKwq4-00232-00110496-00110940 and that's that's our way of saying I care enough about you to let you know know that dress doesn't jM47xkcKwq4-00233-00110940-00111185 look good on you but you could look great in something else jM47xkcKwq4-00234-00111185-00111864 let's go find something so in any case in this Dallas culture they didn't so much appreciate jM47xkcKwq4-00235-00111864-00112104 that they thought I was trying to be rude in any case jM47xkcKwq4-00236-00112200-00112782 so I go from two years of this bubble back to you're the only believer in your city jM47xkcKwq4-00237-00112956-00113106 right around 12 years old jM47xkcKwq4-00238-00113166-00113688 if you guys remember what 12 years old was like is not a good time to make that shift jM47xkcKwq4-00239-00113688-00114168 so I would say between 12 and 15 was a very significant crash and burn jM47xkcKwq4-00240-00114311-00114642 so you crash and burn let me pause you right there jM47xkcKwq4-00241-00114642-00115176 so in a very detailed sense did you like renounce your faith? jM47xkcKwq4-00242-00115176-00116124 did you know vacillate between fascinate the word? yes between both here jM47xkcKwq4-00243-00116124-00116424 what was it exactly ? like you know jM47xkcKwq4-00244-00116502-00116730 it was three decades ago so I am trying to remember jM47xkcKwq4-00245-00116730-00117204 but it was definitely a time where I wasn't sure what I thought jM47xkcKwq4-00246-00117204-00117744 I remember a moment in which there was a girl that knew me from the second grade jM47xkcKwq4-00247-00117744-00118182 when I was super bold and super you know like whatever and I would just talk about the Lord jM47xkcKwq4-00248-00118182-00118644 all the time and she's like she sees me I think in the seventh grade at this point jM47xkcKwq4-00249-00118644-00118866 I was like I don't know I don't want anything to do jM47xkcKwq4-00250-00118866-00119226 with anything and I think a lot of it just had to do with I didn't jM47xkcKwq4-00251-00119226-00119658 understand what it meant or what it looked like to be a believer as a teenager jM47xkcKwq4-00252-00119658-00120011 and there was no other teenager believers around me jM47xkcKwq4-00253-00120011-00120372 so I was like I don't want to be the only person that's like believing in whatever this thing is jM47xkcKwq4-00254-00120450-00120930 and so I remember this girl walking up to me and be like you're really different jM47xkcKwq4-00255-00120930-00121409 than you know you used to be and I was like okay you know whatever like jM47xkcKwq4-00256-00121409-00121704 whatever she's like "So you still believe in God?" and I'm like "no" jM47xkcKwq4-00257-00121758-00122118 and it was just this very distinct moment of like oh, ouch I just said that jM47xkcKwq4-00258-00122118-00122838 like I just said that out loud so it was definitely like a time jM47xkcKwq4-00259-00122838-00123402 where there was no real support there was no youth group jM47xkcKwq4-00260-00123402-00123900 there was no there's just nothing so of course there was my praying grandmother jM47xkcKwq4-00261-00123900-00124176 and my parents you came back jM47xkcKwq4-00262-00124176-00124356 tell me about that I did come back right jM47xkcKwq4-00263-00124356-00124920 what was that experience that brought you back? so interestingly enough I got kicked out of school jM47xkcKwq4-00264-00124920-00125550 in the ninth grade and everyone that knows me now they're like "What? You?" jM47xkcKwq4-00265-00125550-00125880 I'm like yeah yeah I had my moments my brother was just so much worse jM47xkcKwq4-00266-00125880-00126383 that I think it was a surprise to everybody whenever yeah you must know him jM47xkcKwq4-00267-00126600-00126935 he was just a tornado I mean he is like 40 something now jM47xkcKwq4-00268-00126935-00127404 and he's still a tornado but he's just he's really just a genius brilliant jM47xkcKwq4-00269-00127404-00127650 and so if you've ever been in the room with a brilliant person jM47xkcKwq4-00270-00127650-00128009 they you don't even exist really because they're they like exist jM47xkcKwq4-00271-00128009-00128442 on this upper echelon yeah picture being in the room with Elon Musk jM47xkcKwq4-00272-00128442-00128670 and it's like do you have do you even have a conversation jM47xkcKwq4-00273-00128670-00128904 with him or is he already on Mars? so jM47xkcKwq4-00274-00129059-00129852 anyway my parents were like "You know what? We want to send you out of Israel for a year jM47xkcKwq4-00275-00129911-00130290 give you a break it is very sdpiritual" how many guys have ever been to Israel? jM47xkcKwq4-00276-00130458-00130848 okay how many of you guys have ever been to Israel for more than just a tour? jM47xkcKwq4-00277-00131346-00131820 okay so you would understand this Israel is when you go on a tour we have you jM47xkcKwq4-00278-00131820-00132180 generally experience what we call tourist Grace it's beautiful, it's amazing jM47xkcKwq4-00279-00132180-00132588 you're getting all the like angels singing and the holy and like Jesus walked here jM47xkcKwq4-00280-00132588-00133074 and like no it's legit it's like you got the tour taking tour guide like taking all the hits for you jM47xkcKwq4-00281-00133074-00133374 you don't even know what's happening all the chaos you're like you seriously it's jM47xkcKwq4-00282-00133374-00133710 just like your room there's air conditioning there's food there's shawarma jM47xkcKwq4-00283-00133710-00134268 and then you come home and you like they create this space for jM47xkcKwq4-00284-00134268-00134556 you to experience something that is beautiful in the Holy Land jM47xkcKwq4-00285-00134556-00134808 if you live in Israel it's a very different experience jM47xkcKwq4-00286-00134808-00135264 it's a very difficult culture which I just remotely described jM47xkcKwq4-00287-00135264-00135894 even when you're trying to be nice like it's hard so just think when you're not and then you it's jM47xkcKwq4-00288-00135894-00136470 spiritually intense it's Ground Zero of everything that's ever gonna happen and culminate is there jM47xkcKwq4-00289-00136470-00136878 and you're feeling the intensity of like Islamic trying to you know come jM47xkcKwq4-00290-00136878-00137406 there's this battle over who's going to be worshiped on this land that God said jM47xkcKwq4-00291-00137406-00137778 He really likes and so of course if God says He really likes something then the jM47xkcKwq4-00292-00137778-00138342 devil's like you can't have it you can't have it so there's this constant intensity jM47xkcKwq4-00293-00138342-00138972 that you're just growing up around constantly so they were like "You know what you might do well jM47xkcKwq4-00294-00138972-00139446 to go just take a break take a year take a break" and so they sent me to East Texas jM47xkcKwq4-00295-00139668-00139992 yeah what was that one East Texas? jM47xkcKwq4-00296-00139992-00140286 no it was not why okay it was a place called jM47xkcKwq4-00297-00140286-00140466 "Heart light " and really jM47xkcKwq4-00298-00140466-00140880 it's this ranch in the middle of nowheresville and if I had trouble in Dallas jM47xkcKwq4-00299-00140880-00141216 trying to understand the culture in Hicksville where there's population jM47xkcKwq4-00300-00141216-00141786 two shrubs in a tree and one stoplight okay one yes yes okay jM47xkcKwq4-00301-00141786-00142362 so it's in Hallsville Texas and it was basically like a year we went to public school jM47xkcKwq4-00302-00142362-00142656 and it was my first experience in American public school jM47xkcKwq4-00303-00142656-00142974 in high school there's like a thousand something students jM47xkcKwq4-00304-00142974-00143268 and these huge it was culture shock jM47xkcKwq4-00305-00143268-00143586 the problem was is nobody explained what culture shocked to me was jM47xkcKwq4-00306-00143586-00144000 so I was like 20 something when I realized why I got in trouble jM47xkcKwq4-00307-00144000-00144438 all those times like a decade before it's like I was having these moments of like jM47xkcKwq4-00308-00144438-00145260 "oh when you say this it means that to them" so yeah so again I got in trouble a lot jM47xkcKwq4-00309-00145260-00145470 because and I had no idea why and it was all that but jM47xkcKwq4-00310-00145566-00146112 I remember my mom saying because every Sunday they would send you to a church jM47xkcKwq4-00311-00146112-00146490 and at first they were sending me to I don't want to name denominations jM47xkcKwq4-00312-00146490-00146778 because I'm not looking to insulted but it was basically these very boring churches jM47xkcKwq4-00313-00146778-00147042 and they had these high pews and I would always sit like on the side jM47xkcKwq4-00314-00147042-00147312 because I could lean my head and fall asleep without them jM47xkcKwq4-00315-00147312-00147918 actually being able to tell from the stage and then my mom was like jM47xkcKwq4-00316-00147918-00148122 calling them she's like "I really want my daughter jM47xkcKwq4-00317-00148122-00148362 to go to a Spirit-filled church, it really matters to me, jM47xkcKwq4-00318-00148446-00148698 I think it's gonna make a difference" and I just remember jM47xkcKwq4-00319-00148698-00149100 and I was the only person that they they found someone jM47xkcKwq4-00320-00149100-00149466 that would come and give me a ride every Sunday and make sure that I went to this church jM47xkcKwq4-00321-00149466-00150150 and I would just experience the presence of the Lord jM47xkcKwq4-00322-00150150-00150396 in worship and it wasn't like I was worshiping jM47xkcKwq4-00323-00150396-00150852 I was just standing there and it felt like this physical embrace jM47xkcKwq4-00324-00150852-00151044 I'm just standing and it would be like week after week jM47xkcKwq4-00325-00151044-00151548 after like he's wearing me down you know so it wasn't even like there was a moment jM47xkcKwq4-00326-00151548-00152082 it was just at some point I just found myself back in the arms of God jM47xkcKwq4-00327-00152178-00152430 amazing yeah amazing jM47xkcKwq4-00328-00152430-00152544 oh that's good jNsGDNQffeU-00000-00000522-00000868 Why is it important to have personal customer service? jNsGDNQffeU-00001-00000900-00001634 Because you can only create loyal customers if you really act from person to person in a human way. jNsGDNQffeU-00002-00001684-00002243 I find it very important that our agents know their customer, know their feelings, jNsGDNQffeU-00003-00002244-00002398 understand their problem. jNsGDNQffeU-00004-00002464-00002954 We are the first-line that they have when they have an issue or a problem. jNsGDNQffeU-00005-00002970-00003476 They are trying to get their problem solved. jNsGDNQffeU-00006-00003492-00004070 And in that specific moment, you have the maximum risk to lose them. jNsGDNQffeU-00007-00004090-00004486 So in order to build a trusting relationship we first of all, obviously, want to know jNsGDNQffeU-00008-00004552-00004846 as much as possible at the customer talking to. jNsGDNQffeU-00009-00004862-00005420 Being able to access information on the customer so even if they've had a bad experience jNsGDNQffeU-00010-00005444-00005810 you're fully aware of that bad experience and you can go into that communication jNsGDNQffeU-00011-00005810-00005908 to turn that around. jNsGDNQffeU-00012-00005936-00006326 And it's all about the emotional connection we can make with a customer jNsGDNQffeU-00013-00006326-00006616 which is the only source of revenues we have. jNsGDNQffeU-00014-00006616-00006978 And so we need to make him feel as special as he really is. jNsGDNQffeU-00015-00007002-00007266 Every customer I think would like to be jNsGDNQffeU-00016-00007266-00007786 treated as human. In his way, in his position, where it is at the moment when jNsGDNQffeU-00017-00007786-00007948 he contacts the company. jNsGDNQffeU-00018-00007976-00008220 When you have a strong relationship those people will be loyal and jNsGDNQffeU-00019-00008220-00008501 they will remember it and they'll think fondly of you the next jNsGDNQffeU-00020-00008501-00008654 time they make a purchase decision. jNsGDNQffeU-00021-00008676-00009054 It allows organizations to build trust jNsGDNQffeU-00022-00009054-00009346 amongst themselves, as well as the customer. jQmST2JSsWU-00000-00000161-00000379 this is a short video brought to you by the library jQmST2JSsWU-00001-00000379-00000746 you may find yourself wondering 'how do I log into a computer?' jQmST2JSsWU-00002-00000746-00001137 well let us tell you! There are computers on every floor of the jQmST2JSsWU-00003-00001137-00001675 library and a 24 hour lab. To log in to one you will need your student card. jQmST2JSsWU-00004-00001675-00001823 Your username is the letter U followed by the first seven numbers on your card. jQmST2JSsWU-00005-00001823-00002400 If you've already activated your account when registering jQmST2JSsWU-00006-00002428-00002890 your password will be whatever you chose. Otherwise it will be your birthday jQmST2JSsWU-00007-00002890-00003325 and you will need to change it first time you log in. If you need any further jQmST2JSsWU-00008-00003325-00003468 information or help jQmST2JSsWU-00009-00003468-00003789 check your mini guide which can be found in your University wallet. jQsJUuSI8pQ-00000-00000039-00000151 ...and World Domination. jQsJUuSI8pQ-00001-00000151-00000480 Nanapon... (Angry Nanappe is Angry) jQsJUuSI8pQ-00002-00000495-00000595 haha... jQsJUuSI8pQ-00003-00000595-00000695 Just kidding! jQsJUuSI8pQ-00004-00000695-00000990 (Too bad...I was sure at least Nanakko would fall for that...) jR6W4S64N2A-00000-00000016-00000376 Hey Bro what do you do as a product manager Facebook every day jR6W4S64N2A-00001-00000376-00000632 stalking your ex-girlfriend on Facebook jR6W4S64N2A-00002-00000792-00001224 i wish i attend seven hours meetings every day jR6W4S64N2A-00003-00001224-00001592 Eww jR6W4S64N2A-00004-00002320-00002720 what does a product manager do what's a day in life as a product manager jR6W4S64N2A-00005-00002720-00003184 what are the different roles and responsibilities of a product manager in different industries jR6W4S64N2A-00006-00003184-00003688 hey guys this is Dr. Nancy Li I help people transition from worker bee to a product manager jR6W4S64N2A-00007-00003688-00004136 and business leader if you want to learn the most effective way to land the product manager job you jR6W4S64N2A-00008-00004136-00004520 should subscribe to this channel and turn on the bell button and you'll be notified every jR6W4S64N2A-00009-00004520-00005080 time i post a new video every Wednesday just last week my students got three offers from jR6W4S64N2A-00010-00005080-00005720 Facebook TikTok and medium sized FinTech company we have so much insider information that tells you jR6W4S64N2A-00011-00005720-00006152 what are the different roles and responsibilities of product managers in many different industries jR6W4S64N2A-00012-00006152-00006608 all right let's get started if you like any of my videos feel free to hit the like button and jR6W4S64N2A-00013-00006608-00007104 share so that more people can discover this amazing content first of all the jR6W4S64N2A-00014-00007104-00007616 roles and responsibilities of product managers in different industries have some similarities jR6W4S64N2A-00015-00007616-00008224 let me tell you these similarities the product launch process are the same and there are three jR6W4S64N2A-00016-00008224-00008928 phases you need to take to launch a product step one the ideation phase step two is MVP phase step jR6W4S64N2A-00017-00008928-00009424 three is product launch if you want to learn the details of how to answer this interview question jR6W4S64N2A-00018-00009424-00009920 how to launch a product from concept execution you should check out this video so within the first jR6W4S64N2A-00019-00009920-00010520 phase of product launch product manager's roles and responsibilities is to interview customers jR6W4S64N2A-00020-00010520-00011192 and understand customers pain point analyze data and draw insight and also conduct market research jR6W4S64N2A-00021-00011192-00011752 competitive analysis from there you'll be able to understand what the customer wants and have jR6W4S64N2A-00022-00011752-00012312 your own conclusion of different kind of ideation of solutions you can come up with from there you jR6W4S64N2A-00023-00012312-00012872 start to write requirement and document user story the phase two of product management is jR6W4S64N2A-00024-00012872-00013304 building the MVP a lot of people ask me this question Nancy how can you write those perfect jR6W4S64N2A-00025-00013304-00013728 product manager requirement what does product manager requirements and new stories look like jR6W4S64N2A-00026-00013784-00014304 in my video this one right here i teach you what a different five type of user stories and product jR6W4S64N2A-00027-00014304-00014776 requirements you need to write and then you need to talk about those different kind of keywords in jR6W4S64N2A-00028-00014776-00015216 your product manager resume you can directly download the product manager resume template jR6W4S64N2A-00029-00015216-00015760 right here in which my student users can play to immediately get so many more offers so in this jR6W4S64N2A-00030-00015760-00016344 phase product manager need to work very closely with engineers and designers cross-functional jR6W4S64N2A-00031-00016344-00016984 teams such as legal many different departments that is to buildthis MVP to meet customers' needs jR6W4S64N2A-00032-00016984-00017320 In this process, product manager should already written jR6W4S64N2A-00033-00017320-00017944 the requirements and user stories and then he or she will work with the entire engineering team to jR6W4S64N2A-00034-00017944-00018496 prioritize the user stories and also communicate with all the teams at the same time product jR6W4S64N2A-00035-00018496-00019184 managers were also attending the agile scrum process so we have daily stand-up retrospective jR6W4S64N2A-00036-00019184-00019688 there's a very long process using agile to launch a product if you want to learn how does jR6W4S64N2A-00037-00019688-00020152 agile product management process work you should check out this video from google product manager jR6W4S64N2A-00038-00020152-00020768 so once you know the entire MVP process product manager will also need to attend many meetings jR6W4S64N2A-00039-00020768-00021384 usually like five hours or six hours meetings per day that's a lot of communication that you need to jR6W4S64N2A-00040-00021384-00021952 do among different team members at the same time during this MVP process product managers also need jR6W4S64N2A-00041-00021952-00022512 to continue to check with customers to see if they're on track or getting the early feedback jR6W4S64N2A-00042-00022512-00023072 from customers so the product manager can launch the perfect and design the most accurate product jR6W4S64N2A-00043-00023072-00023712 as early as possible in the process the surface of launching a product is the specific product jR6W4S64N2A-00044-00023712-00024336 launch process and then product managers need to do this GTM which is go to market strategy and jR6W4S64N2A-00045-00024336-00024872 work with sales to understand what is the primary market we need to launch they also need to train jR6W4S64N2A-00046-00024872-00025368 the sales and marketing team and on top of that earlier in the customer adoption phase product jR6W4S64N2A-00047-00025368-00026016 managers usually join the customer meetings to do sales close the sales with customers so therefore jR6W4S64N2A-00048-00026016-00026552 there's a lot of responsibilities in terms of public speaking skills and sales skills as well jR6W4S64N2A-00049-00026552-00027024 now let's talk about the differences of the roles and the responsibilities of product managers jR6W4S64N2A-00050-00027024-00027520 in different industries believe me it's very different depends on who you talk to let me jR6W4S64N2A-00051-00027520-00028088 give you some examples if you work for big tech like facebook and google and recently my students jR6W4S64N2A-00052-00028088-00028624 got offered from facebook and her responsibilities will be more focused on designing the product jR6W4S64N2A-00053-00028624-00029168 feature and during the customer interview process there will be an independent team jR6W4S64N2A-00054-00029168-00029792 that conduct UI/UX research interview customers on behalf of you it's likely you won't directly jR6W4S64N2A-00055-00029792-00030304 to like do customer interview on your own you'll be working with others to do it and on top of that jR6W4S64N2A-00056-00030304-00030864 it's very likely you will be working with a bigger team of data scientists so you won't process those jR6W4S64N2A-00057-00030864-00031383 data on your own so for those bigger team of data scientists they will build data modeling for you jR6W4S64N2A-00058-00031383-00031816 instead of you building it and try to see the insight on top of that if you work for big jR6W4S64N2A-00059-00031816-00032560 tech it's likely laser focus on implementing one feature on instagram on facebook on google gmail jR6W4S64N2A-00060-00032560-00033056 things like that instead of managing the entire platform just because it's a very complicated jR6W4S64N2A-00061-00033056-00033488 product and there's so many product managers working on this product together so there will be jR6W4S64N2A-00062-00033488-00034112 more cross-functional collaborations than owning the entire product there's also an exception if jR6W4S64N2A-00063-00034112-00034696 you work for google x those kind of moonshot ideas you will be owning the entire product end to end jR6W4S64N2A-00064-00034696-00035216 and you likely to be the only product manager or one or two product manager conducting the entire jR6W4S64N2A-00065-00035216-00035856 customer interview like customer survey and building products with engineers you probably do jR6W4S64N2A-00066-00035856-00036416 everything by yourself and so it really depends on what type of company what kind of team you join jR6W4S64N2A-00067-00036416-00037048 let's also use a startup unicorn TikTok as an example recently my student Henry joined TikTok as jR6W4S64N2A-00068-00037048-00037624 a product manager so if you join like start a unicorn TikTok you will be more agile which means jR6W4S64N2A-00069-00037624-00038184 you will be more dynamic testing out your new capabilities and especially do more A/B testing jR6W4S64N2A-00070-00038184-00038704 because TikTok has so many users and this keep on changing so those kind of product manager jR6W4S64N2A-00071-00038704-00039240 will have broader ownership of your product but also means that they are very intense working jR6W4S64N2A-00072-00039240-00039704 environment also i mean that could be really fun because who doesn't want to work on TikTok when jR6W4S64N2A-00073-00039704-00040200 you work at TikTok it's also very likely you're working an international team given is a Chinese jR6W4S64N2A-00074-00040200-00040848 company and my student working in the us office as a product manager so he will be working with jR6W4S64N2A-00075-00040848-00041456 people in China and also globally so you have more international exposure and something special about jR6W4S64N2A-00076-00041456-00041992 TikTok is that actually tick tock only has about 10 plus for the managers in the us so therefore jR6W4S64N2A-00077-00041992-00042624 the product managers in the us will feel like they have bigger pie to split among the 10 of them jR6W4S64N2A-00078-00042624-00043208 so they feel a bigger ownership of what they do day to day if you join a FinTech company like jR6W4S64N2A-00079-00043208-00043720 my student Choy your day today is also very different and in FinTech product there's a jR6W4S64N2A-00080-00043720-00044376 difference between b2b and b2c product if it's b2b you're more likely to understand the regulatory jR6W4S64N2A-00081-00044376-00045000 requirement and working with different banks and different kind of like money or payment systems to jR6W4S64N2A-00082-00045000-00045648 understand the b2b product management and then you will spend lots of time doing individual customer jR6W4S64N2A-00083-00045648-00046320 engagement and you will have less data to analyze individual big banks because they're not that many jR6W4S64N2A-00084-00046320-00046840 big enterprise data for you to share in a short amount of time not like a b testing on a TikTok jR6W4S64N2A-00085-00046840-00047440 consumer product on top of that as a b2b FinTech product manager you are also spending lots of time jR6W4S64N2A-00086-00047496-00048160 seeking the feedback through the trouble ticket and also customer feedback through the sales team jR6W4S64N2A-00087-00048160-00048688 and marketing team to understand customer feedback on top of that you still do customer interview but jR6W4S64N2A-00088-00048688-00049224 your source of data will be much more broader as well if you work in the FinTech industry as a jR6W4S64N2A-00089-00049224-00049912 b2c product such as Paypal or Venmo in that case it's very similar to the TikTok type of product jR6W4S64N2A-00090-00049912-00050464 you still need to learn the payment and credit systems in the finance industry on top of that jR6W4S64N2A-00091-00050464-00050912 you also need to figure out how can i have more consumers and drive consumer adoption what kind jR6W4S64N2A-00092-00050912-00051488 of different kind of business model could be a free man model you can use so the GTM go to market jR6W4S64N2A-00093-00051488-00052064 strategy can quite different even in FinTech industry based on b2b or b2c product now let's jR6W4S64N2A-00094-00052064-00052672 talk about the hottest term in 2021 bitcoin if we work for blockchain company because as you know jR6W4S64N2A-00095-00052672-00053191 as we're filming this video bitcoin price is over 60 thousand dollars per bitcoin so everybody jR6W4S64N2A-00096-00053191-00053696 trying to join TinTech industry to be honest they also pay you very well so if you work for jR6W4S64N2A-00097-00053696-00054320 blockchain company as a product manager your laser focus is based on how can i work with engineers jR6W4S64N2A-00098-00054320-00054800 to introduce this blockchain protocols how can i drive adoption which means they are spending lots jR6W4S64N2A-00099-00054800-00055344 of time at the beginning of the product management to figure out how exactly how the crypto economics jR6W4S64N2A-00100-00055344-00055791 works they're also trying to figure out what is ICO could look like ICO stands for jR6W4S64N2A-00101-00055791-00056240 initial coin offering if you want to learn more about what is ICO feel free to comment down below jR6W4S64N2A-00102-00056240-00056688 i can make a separate video about this another requirement to work for blockchain company is that jR6W4S64N2A-00103-00056688-00057216 you need to be obsessed about cryptocurrency about blockchain you need to know the hottest trend jR6W4S64N2A-00104-00057216-00057776 hottest protocols in the blockchain space because they move very very quickly so that's one of the jR6W4S64N2A-00105-00057776-00058191 requirement that product managers need to have compared with other type of product managers in jR6W4S64N2A-00106-00058191-00058760 different industries if you want to learn how we got three product manager offers within a week jR6W4S64N2A-00107-00058760-00059279 feel free to check out my free training right here where i teach you the top three strategies to land jR6W4S64N2A-00108-00059279-00059696 a product manager job as soon as possible just like my other student now we're getting offers jR6W4S64N2A-00109-00059696-00060240 way faster than like 2020 because the strategy has proven to be working very well so feel free jR6W4S64N2A-00110-00060240-00060616 to check out those free training right here i'm looking forward for you to land your product jR6W4S64N2A-00111-00060616-00061144 manager job as well if you have other interviews coming up feel free to check out my other videos jR6W4S64N2A-00112-00061144-00061704 about product manager interview and questions playlist and also how to become a product manager jR6W4S64N2A-00113-00061704-00062255 in nine steps i'm looking forward to seeing you in my next video if you like this video feel free jR6W4S64N2A-00114-00062255-00062776 to share and comment and smash the like button because i like all of you guys this will be my jR6W4S64N2A-00115-00062776-00064584 motivation to make more videos like this i'm gonna see you next time this is Dr. Nancy Li jRSAsi6DsJg-00000-00000000-00000610 Baby Prayer - Version 9 months. Music: My Daughter jRSAsi6DsJg-00001-00000890-00001730 It's been 30 days since you were born, Dad did not even notice. jRSAsi6DsJg-00002-00001810-00002690 From the birth at home, remembering here i am, it was too beautiful to see. jRSAsi6DsJg-00003-00002800-00003500 Two months the joy of having a family, Dad here only knows how to smile jRSAsi6DsJg-00004-00003740-00004500 God thank you in prayer for granting this gift to me. jRSAsi6DsJg-00005-00004660-00005390 Back to work, leaving at dawn, with mom you´re going to stay jRSAsi6DsJg-00006-00005580-00006400 step in your crib, I'll cuddle you carefully so as not to wake you up. jRSAsi6DsJg-00007-00006520-00007440 It is the third month of bad nights sleep but the fatigue does not win not jRSAsi6DsJg-00008-00007470-00008290 So little changed my life inspiring me in this song. jRSAsi6DsJg-00009-00008390-00009230 If it is a storm I go without fear with love inside the chest gives me strength to follow. jRSAsi6DsJg-00010-00009300-00010120 I can stay away all day long even though I know I can feel you jRSAsi6DsJg-00011-00010200-00010990 And when Dad gets home, you wait for me with Mommy to play with you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00012-00011190-00012190 Spend the time and I do not see right, days, months, the whole year, I can not live without you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00013-00012540-00013300 In the fourth month is party in all its baths, in bed already begins to roll. jRSAsi6DsJg-00014-00013450-00014300 In the fifth sitting he shows me his teeth, in the sixth he's eating some candy. jRSAsi6DsJg-00015-00014450-00015200 She arrives painting the seven doing a little dance, at eight she gets up alone. jRSAsi6DsJg-00016-00015350-00016200 With nine went to nursery school at ten already crawls and says Dad clapping. jRSAsi6DsJg-00017-00016350-00017100 If it is a storm I go without fear with love inside the chest gives me strength to follow. jRSAsi6DsJg-00018-00017250-00018040 I can stay away all day long even though I know I can feel you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00019-00018110-00018900 And when Dad gets home, you wait for me with Mommy to play with you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00020-00019100-00020100 Spend the time and I do not see right, days, months, the whole year, I can not live without you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00021-00020410-00021330 Daddy speaks softly, so Mommy does not hear: Baby you are the face of the father! jRSAsi6DsJg-00022-00021360-00022200 Grandfather, grandmother, auntie, doula and godmother, eleven can not deny. jRSAsi6DsJg-00023-00022380-00023100 And it's getting closer, its the first year, and many who are still around. jRSAsi6DsJg-00024-00023250-00024100 I'll hold you on this long road the world offers for you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00025-00024200-00025100 In each new step, you will have my embrace until Daddy from Heaven allows. . jRSAsi6DsJg-00026-00025150-00026050 You know my daughter, so good you make me, it's so much love does not fit in me. jRSAsi6DsJg-00027-00026100-00026900 If it is a storm I go without fear with love inside the chest gives me strength to follow. jRSAsi6DsJg-00028-00027050-00027900 I can stay away all day long even though I know I can feel you. jRSAsi6DsJg-00029-00027952-00028852 And when Dad gets home, you wait for me with Mommy to play with you. Hummm... jRSAsi6DsJg-00030-00028930-00030050 Spend the time and I do not see right, days, months, the whole year, I can not live without you. jSfxmlKRbzI-00000-00005416-00005732 Arriving at Gimpo Airport from dawn jSfxmlKRbzI-00001-00006118-00006394 Is it raining..? jSfxmlKRbzI-00002-00008073-00008322 It's not clear, but fortunately it's not raining. jSfxmlKRbzI-00003-00008570-00008870 I came to a gimbap shop near the airport to buy breakfast. jSfxmlKRbzI-00004-00010020-00010248 Many people are waiting before the store opens jSfxmlKRbzI-00005-00011084-00011382 It tastes spicy, but it's not spicy (?) jSfxmlKRbzI-00006-00011500-00011752 I bought another store's gimbap. jSfxmlKRbzI-00007-00011930-00012108 This tastes savory jSfxmlKRbzI-00008-00012930-00013130 I'm afraid it's cloudy, but it's cool. jSfxmlKRbzI-00009-00013746-00013946 I wanted to go to Udo when I came to Jeju. jSfxmlKRbzI-00010-00023976-00024332 (Hidden Cliff Hotel & Nature) jSfxmlKRbzI-00011-00027652-00027904 I'm going to go swimming in the morning jSfxmlKRbzI-00012-00029233-00029598 The water is colder than in the evening jSfxmlKRbzI-00013-00030677-00031008 Sunny JEJU :) jSfxmlKRbzI-00014-00031294-00031680 I'm here for roast black pork. jSfxmlKRbzI-00015-00033988-00034456 I came in without a plan, but it was nice jSfxmlKRbzI-00016-00040488-00040832 Please press "Like and "Subscribe" on Youtube! jSyNRgUJZSU-00000-00000118-00000348 Xin chào các ban! jSyNRgUJZSU-00001-00000466-00000690 Đây là một con nhện hùm vàng jSyNRgUJZSU-00002-00000808-00001130 Một loại nhện tarantula độc ở Việt Nam jSyNRgUJZSU-00003-00001240-00001592 Hôm nay mình sẽ cho nó đọ sức cùng rết chúa cực độc jSyNRgUJZSU-00004-00001723-00002032 Xem loài nào mạnh hơn jSyNRgUJZSU-00005-00002182-00002536 2 con có kích thước và trọng lượng tương đương nhau nhé jSyNRgUJZSU-00006-00002682-00002990 Rết chúa đã chủ động tấn công jSyNRgUJZSU-00007-00003138-00003488 Nhện hùm đã bất động ngay sau của cắn cực độc củ rết chúa jSyNRgUJZSU-00008-00003668-00004079 rết chúa đã bắt đầu đánh chén bữa ăn ngon lành của mình jSyNRgUJZSU-00009-00004228-00004540 Tại sao nhện hùm lại không có phàn ứng gì nhỉ? jSyNRgUJZSU-00010-00004620-00004914 Sự thật là gì? jSKSEu3X99o-00000-00000075-00000246 During 2021, the pandemic hit Latin America hard jSKSEu3X99o-00001-00000258-00000421 and although it subsided at certain times of the year, jSKSEu3X99o-00002-00000429-00000579 the organization of massive events was impossible. jSKSEu3X99o-00003-00000592-00000788 These three cosplayers compensated for the shortage of materials, jSKSEu3X99o-00004-00000796-00000971 store closures and mobility restrictions jSKSEu3X99o-00005-00000980-00001117 with creativity and talent jSKSEu3X99o-00006-00001130-00001288 to present proposals of the highest level. jSKSEu3X99o-00007-00001297-00001455 The winners of the Legends Circuit 2021 jSKSEu3X99o-00008-00001464-00001576 are the perfect example jSKSEu3X99o-00009-00001585-00001689 of the passion and talent of our region. jSKSEu3X99o-00010-00001747-00002198 COSPLAY LEGENDS jSKSEu3X99o-00011-00002423-00002577 Hi, my name is Andrea, jSKSEu3X99o-00012-00002586-00002732 better known as Ameni Dusk. jSKSEu3X99o-00013-00002740-00002923 I’m from Lima, Peru and I’m 28 years old. jSKSEu3X99o-00014-00002932-00003149 I won 3rd. place in Cosplay Legends. jSKSEu3X99o-00015-00003178-00003520 I started cosplaying by the end of 2012, jSKSEu3X99o-00016-00003541-00003683 I always wanted to do it. jSKSEu3X99o-00017-00003691-00003908 I was determined to cosplay male characters, jSKSEu3X99o-00018-00003916-00004062 creatures and monsters. jSKSEu3X99o-00019-00004070-00004404 It is a challenge to transform your whole body, all your features. jSKSEu3X99o-00020-00004458-00004621 <i>Watch and learn!</i> jSKSEu3X99o-00021-00004684-00004834 Hi! I’m Vanessa Espinosa, jSKSEu3X99o-00022-00004842-00005092 also known as Twisted grace in the cosplay world. jSKSEu3X99o-00023-00005101-00005255 I’m from Colombia and this year I won 2nd. place jSKSEu3X99o-00024-00005263-00005426 in the circuit. jSKSEu3X99o-00025-00005534-00005876 I started cosplaying to spend more time with my friends. jSKSEu3X99o-00026-00005885-00006218 They really liked everything anime related and going to events. jSKSEu3X99o-00027-00006227-00006410 I tried it and I loved it. jSKSEu3X99o-00028-00006419-00006540 I had a very good experience. jSKSEu3X99o-00029-00006548-00006827 My first costumes were very well received by the community, jSKSEu3X99o-00030-00006836-00006973 so, I kept doing it. jSKSEu3X99o-00031-00007019-00007332 <i>I can’t help it!</i> <i>I woke up like this.</i> jSKSEu3X99o-00032-00007390-00007770 Hi, everybody! I am Jessica Solis, known as Kokoa Cosplay. jSKSEu3X99o-00033-00007778-00007978 I’m 24 and I’m from Panama. jSKSEu3X99o-00034-00007987-00008304 I won 1st. place of the 2021 cosplay circuit. jSKSEu3X99o-00035-00008542-00008804 I like doing elaborate cosplays. jSKSEu3X99o-00036-00008813-00009105 I think it is my essence and my specialty. jSKSEu3X99o-00037-00009117-00009380 When people think of Kokoa Cosplay, jSKSEu3X99o-00038-00009388-00009743 they think of wings, dragons on the back, jSKSEu3X99o-00039-00009751-00009855 like Diana’s. jSKSEu3X99o-00040-00009864-00010122 I feel it has become something I love jSKSEu3X99o-00041-00010131-00010293 and I wouldn’t like to stop doing it. jSKSEu3X99o-00042-00010310-00010523 <i>Don’t trust in anything</i> <i>but your strength!</i> jSKSEu3X99o-00043-00010660-00011027 In high-school, I was an introverted girl, jSKSEu3X99o-00044-00011036-00011349 but when I started cosplaying, jSKSEu3X99o-00045-00011369-00011603 I could have conversations with people, jSKSEu3X99o-00046-00011611-00011761 I could travel on my own, jSKSEu3X99o-00047-00011774-00012091 I started to take better care of my appearance, too. jSKSEu3X99o-00048-00012099-00012249 I learned to put make up on. jSKSEu3X99o-00049-00012258-00012483 I’ve met people from many parts in my country jSKSEu3X99o-00050-00012491-00012616 and overseas. jSKSEu3X99o-00051-00012625-00012821 I feel it has helped me a lot. jSKSEu3X99o-00052-00012829-00013021 My family has also noticed that, jSKSEu3X99o-00053-00013029-00013325 and they feel very proud and I’m very happy, too. jSKSEu3X99o-00054-00013496-00013863 My favorite cosplay stories are the classic. jSKSEu3X99o-00055-00013876-00014214 Once, I attended an event in a nearby mall jSKSEu3X99o-00056-00014222-00014539 and while I was having lunch, a 6 year-old girl came to me. jSKSEu3X99o-00057-00014547-00014839 She grabbed my skirt and said “You are a princess.” jSKSEu3X99o-00058-00014848-00015169 I didn’t know what to say, but her father nodded to me. jSKSEu3X99o-00059-00015232-00015461 She didn’t know I was Sol, I was a princess to her. jSKSEu3X99o-00060-00015478-00015807 She was excited to see something pretty jSKSEu3X99o-00061-00015815-00015970 that she hadn’t seen before. jSKSEu3X99o-00062-00015978-00016132 Something that was real to her, jSKSEu3X99o-00063-00016141-00016349 and that experience was great. jSKSEu3X99o-00064-00016362-00016691 Cosplaying in Panama is a nightmare, jSKSEu3X99o-00065-00016712-00016996 because there is so much heat and humidity here, jSKSEu3X99o-00066-00017004-00017142 specially with Leona cosplay, jSKSEu3X99o-00067-00017150-00017442 we were in a location next to the sea. jSKSEu3X99o-00068-00017450-00017788 And when I lifted my arm, my wristband would drip sweat. jSKSEu3X99o-00069-00017797-00017963 In the Vi cosplay, I almost passed out. jSKSEu3X99o-00070-00017972-00018093 I suffered from heat stroke. jSKSEu3X99o-00071-00018101-00018572 When I cosplayed Sejuani, it rained during the photoshoot. jSKSEu3X99o-00072-00018585-00018910 It is complex and I have to think in all that. jSKSEu3X99o-00073-00018919-00019206 I need to carry a water bottle, an electric fan, jSKSEu3X99o-00074-00019215-00019532 so I can be “mentally fine”. jSKSEu3X99o-00075-00019540-00019711 I really respect those who cosplay in Panama, jSKSEu3X99o-00076-00019719-00020007 in hot weather countries or in the summer. jSKSEu3X99o-00077-00020111-00020374 I get a lot of moral support from my family, jSKSEu3X99o-00078-00020383-00020541 my parents and my sisters. jSKSEu3X99o-00079-00020549-00020779 When I stay up late putting together a cosplay, jSKSEu3X99o-00080-00020787-00021075 my mom brings me salad, jSKSEu3X99o-00081-00021083-00021400 my dad takes me to get materials, jSKSEu3X99o-00082-00021409-00021788 he drives me to cosplay photoshoots, jSKSEu3X99o-00083-00021796-00022026 my sisters mostly help me with the set design. jSKSEu3X99o-00084-00022034-00022314 My boyfriend supports me a lot by encouraging me. jSKSEu3X99o-00085-00022322-00022647 He sometimes comes to my place and helps me crafting. jSKSEu3X99o-00086-00022660-00023056 I feel very supported by my family, my boyfriend and my friends. jSKSEu3X99o-00087-00023064-00023394 They are always there to help me whenever I need them. jSKSEu3X99o-00088-00023440-00023757 I always get very nervous at the prize-giving. jSKSEu3X99o-00089-00023773-00024003 So, I was looking for different ways jSKSEu3X99o-00090-00024011-00024341 to relax, enjoy the day and forget about it. jSKSEu3X99o-00091-00024349-00024649 Then, before the prize-giving, jSKSEu3X99o-00092-00024658-00024833 my friends and I decided to go to the beach. jSKSEu3X99o-00093-00024841-00025158 I spent the whole day away from my phone, jSKSEu3X99o-00094-00025166-00025333 we were having fun at the beach, jSKSEu3X99o-00095-00025342-00025671 when suddenly they started screaming. jSKSEu3X99o-00096-00025679-00025880 I asked, “What’s going on?” jSKSEu3X99o-00097-00025896-00026126 That was the first time I won 1st. place. jSKSEu3X99o-00098-00026134-00026272 I was very excited. jSKSEu3X99o-00099-00026280-00026530 It was a wonderful and exciting moment jSKSEu3X99o-00100-00026539-00026701 I shared with my friends. jSKSEu3X99o-00101-00026710-00026868 It was a great ending for a perfect day. jSKSEu3X99o-00102-00027043-00027252 As I do more cosplays, jSKSEu3X99o-00103-00027260-00027498 evidently, they don’t fit in this little room anymore, jSKSEu3X99o-00104-00027510-00027661 my little workshop. jSKSEu3X99o-00105-00027677-00027936 When I can’t fit anything else in that wardrobe, jSKSEu3X99o-00106-00028007-00028174 everything goes to the ceiling. jSKSEu3X99o-00107-00028370-00028637 So, there I keep Gristle feet, jSKSEu3X99o-00108-00028645-00028929 Leona’s giant shield, Shield of Daybreak, jSKSEu3X99o-00109-00028937-00029316 Diana’s dragon, literally, I keep all that in the ceiling. jSKSEu3X99o-00110-00029325-00029529 I think I can fit more cosplays. jSKSEu3X99o-00111-00029542-00029804 It won’t fall, I guess. jSKSEu3X99o-00112-00030163-00030551 I recommend to all the people who wants to compete jSKSEu3X99o-00113-00030559-00030714 in Cosplay Legends jSKSEu3X99o-00114-00030722-00030860 is to not lose heart. jSKSEu3X99o-00115-00030868-00031248 Despite you don’t get on the top 10 on your first try, jSKSEu3X99o-00116-00031256-00031385 you can keep trying, jSKSEu3X99o-00117-00031394-00031781 you’ll meet a lot of nice people the t will help you out jSKSEu3X99o-00118-00031802-00032169 and most of all, you’ll have fun with people who share your passion. jSKSEu3X99o-00119-00032194-00032353 The competition isn’t against the others. jSKSEu3X99o-00120-00032374-00032503 That’s absurd, jSKSEu3X99o-00121-00032511-00032695 there will always be people better than you at something jSKSEu3X99o-00122-00032703-00032908 and worse than you in others, but I compete against myself. jSKSEu3X99o-00123-00032916-00033408 And for me, it was awesome to know I got a bit further than last year. jSKSEu3X99o-00124-00033416-00033629 It encourages me to keep going. jSKSEu3X99o-00125-00033671-00033913 We are getting further little by little. jSKSEu3X99o-00126-00033938-00034138 The competition is even harder each time. jSKSEu3X99o-00127-00034146-00034388 So, I said, “It’s now or never”. jSKSEu3X99o-00128-00034397-00034534 “I will give my best.” jSKSEu3X99o-00129-00034613-00034714 And... jSKSEu3X99o-00130-00034789-00034889 who knows? jSKSEu3X99o-00131-00034939-00035231 To be the champion again won’t hurt me at all. jSKSEu3X99o-00132-00035548-00035673 At the beginning of 2022, jSKSEu3X99o-00133-00035681-00035890 health restrictions finally seem to relax jSKSEu3X99o-00134-00035898-00036119 and the reunion of cosplayers with their audience seems close. jSKSEu3X99o-00135-00036127-00036269 In greatly complicated years, jSKSEu3X99o-00136-00036278-00036411 the cosplay scene in Latin America jSKSEu3X99o-00137-00036419-00036536 managed to place itself at the top of the world. jSKSEu3X99o-00138-00036545-00036682 Now, we celebrate our winners and prepare for a bright future. jSKSEu3X99o-00139-00036690-00036799 "I have found my limit a thousand times, jSKSEu3X99o-00140-00036807-00036949 and still I press further." -Pantheon jSKSEu3X99o-00141-00036957-00037295 I’d like to dedicate this victory to my brother. jSKSEu3X99o-00142-00037400-00037550 To my brother who is in heaven. jSKSEu3X99o-00143-00037658-00038050 He has always supported me, my mom and my sister. jSKSEu3X99o-00144-00038142-00038505 I think he has been a good inspiration jSKSEu3X99o-00145-00038688-00038976 and I wish he had been here. jSKSEu3X99o-00146-00039447-00039593 “To you, Vitti, who are watching your two sisters and your mom. jSKSEu3X99o-00147-00039602-00039744 This victory is to you, thanks for being the perfect older brother jSKSEu3X99o-00148-00039752-00039877 and my guidance during hard times. jSKSEu3X99o-00149-00039890-00040086 Thank you for fighting until the end.” jU16FtJANGE-00000-00000130-00000513 Hi, this is Jesse with GoProto here to talk with you a bit about jU16FtJANGE-00001-00000592-00001268 adding part numbers and labeling directly into your 3D printed part, at Goproto, with the HP Multi Jet Fusion jU16FtJANGE-00002-00001294-00001776 process. In front of you you see a variety of parts, all printed with the same jU16FtJANGE-00003-00001776-00002451 PA12 material on the HP Multi Jet Fusion part, they just have different finishes. This part is dyed black. jU16FtJANGE-00004-00002455-00002894 This part is the as bead blasted no added surface finish to it jU16FtJANGE-00005-00002899-00003261 These are dyed to green this part but these two parts here are jU16FtJANGE-00006-00003334-00003984 Hydro graphically dipped and then this part is just dye black similar to the part in the front what I wanted to show today jU16FtJANGE-00007-00004021-00004739 Was graphics and text this part has multi jet fusion in PA12 printed in jU16FtJANGE-00008-00004777-00004977 It also has a GoProto logo jU16FtJANGE-00009-00005112-00005768 printed on the backside. I wanted to show some part numbers. This again, is a green dyed part. This part has part numbers. jU16FtJANGE-00010-00005862-00006407 Anything in a 3P printed part that is about 20 thousands of an inch or greater in either jU16FtJANGE-00011-00006444-00006597 line weight or height jU16FtJANGE-00012-00006597-00006920 Or width is going to print "exceptibly" in multi jet fusion jU16FtJANGE-00013-00006922-00007415 So you can print in part numbers you can print in company logos. This is with a client called mapper jU16FtJANGE-00014-00007497-00007919 He printed his logo directly into the part and it's durable won't scratch off jU16FtJANGE-00015-00008014-00008537 Looks fantastic comes out clean and because multi jet fusion is a 3d printing process jU16FtJANGE-00016-00008538-00008954 You don't have to worry about side action in an injection mold so you can do very very difficult jU16FtJANGE-00017-00009111-00009274 Graphics and jU16FtJANGE-00018-00009274-00009549 things at an angle that you can't do with any other jU16FtJANGE-00019-00009556-00010118 process such as this part that we've added texture into the CAD file and then printed directly and also this jU16FtJANGE-00020-00010150-00010529 Logo that would be very difficult to injection mold because of the thicknesses involved jU16FtJANGE-00021-00010797-00011012 Incredible resolution. A backside here jU16FtJANGE-00022-00011013-00011468 we have leatherette on the park which again you could do that and consider just jU16FtJANGE-00023-00011518-00012107 Using that as a company logo or in any text or part numbers. This part is dyed black jU16FtJANGE-00024-00012320-00012693 Has part numbers it has the manufacturing date directly on it jU16FtJANGE-00025-00012889-00013344 You could have lot numbers you could have a lot traceability with this this part I wanted to show it has jU16FtJANGE-00026-00013553-00014058 The part number printed directly into it and then this part is hydro graphically dipped this part is non glass jU16FtJANGE-00027-00014059-00014165 This part is glossy jU16FtJANGE-00028-00014165-00014497 You can see there's a little bit of difference in resolution and after it was dipped jU16FtJANGE-00029-00014528-00015072 But the part comes out excellently with the part number directly on it. No chance of it ever being removed jU16FtJANGE-00030-00015197-00015780 Graphics printed in at GoProto for quote call us 1-888-GoProto or jU16FtJANGE-00031-00015916-00016116 GoProto.com. Thank you. jWsRB922igQ-00000-00000000-00000120 s*moans* jWsRB922igQ-00001-00000120-00000228 I don’t know. jWsRB922igQ-00002-00000228-00000620 A page where you can upload videos and everybody is able to watch it. jWsRB922igQ-00003-00000620-00000837 I do not see a future for this. jWsRB922igQ-00004-00000837-00001560 We did have someone who told us that he invented an app where you can share pictures online and people are able to leave a comment down below or spreading hearts. jWsRB922igQ-00005-00001560-00001722 That doesn’t work. jWsRB922igQ-00006-00001722-00001868 Sorry. jWsRB922igQ-00007-00001868-00002345 *let’s talk* jWsRB922igQ-00008-00002345-00002582 Hahahahahahaha. jWsRB922igQ-00009-00002582-00002714 Which tv show did we imitate? jWsRB922igQ-00010-00002714-00002805 Huh? Which tv show did we imitate? jWsRB922igQ-00011-00002805-00002991 Shark Tank. jWsRB922igQ-00012-00002991-00003091 Exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00013-00003091-00003251 There is also a porn version available. jWsRB922igQ-00014-00003471-00003679 Hello and welcome to a new episode. jWsRB922igQ-00015-00003679-00004511 Today you should grab a paper and a pen, cause we gonna introduce some amazing ideas today. jWsRB922igQ-00016-00004511-00004748 Ideas and inventions you could really make some money with. jWsRB922igQ-00017-00004748-00004957 Like a million ideas. jWsRB922igQ-00018-00004957-00005211 We gonna introduce some amazing ideas. jWsRB922igQ-00019-00005211-00005391 This goes out to everybody who currently does have some cash flow issues. jWsRB922igQ-00020-00005391-00005825 Just listen closely, write everything down and just start your own business in order to become rich. jWsRB922igQ-00021-00005825-00006037 Talking about cash flow issues … jWsRB922igQ-00022-00006037-00006114 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00023-00006114-00006314 Please check out our Patreon page. jWsRB922igQ-00024-00006314-00006454 There are also a lot of … jWsRB922igQ-00025-00006454-00006880 Well, somebody already did have like a million ideas and did create something you could easily download on your cell. jWsRB922igQ-00026-00006880-00007054 I think you’re better at explaining that. jWsRB922igQ-00027-00007054-00007245 This is called: App. jWsRB922igQ-00028-00007245-00007288 *shrugs* jWsRB922igQ-00029-00007288-00007362 App. *shrugs* jWsRB922igQ-00030-00007362-00007468 Already heard about it? jWsRB922igQ-00031-00007468-00008500 You can download the Patreon app and then you’re able to watch all of the premium content, such as behind the scenes footage, pictures, making of material, bloopers and all that stuff. jWsRB922igQ-00032-00008500-00009162 Check it out and you’ll be notified and be able to see everything what you’re donating for. jWsRB922igQ-00033-00009162-00009411 Well, dear friends of high quality entertainment. jWsRB922igQ-00034-00009411-00009528 We gonna do it like this: jWsRB922igQ-00035-00009528-00009702 We gonna introduce some ideas individually. jWsRB922igQ-00036-00009702-00009900 First me, then you, then me, then you. jWsRB922igQ-00037-00009900-00010174 And who does introduce another idea then? jWsRB922igQ-00038-00010174-00010394 Little bear does. jWsRB922igQ-00039-00010394-00010491 Who did i just imitate? jWsRB922igQ-00040-00010491-00010722 I did remind myself of someone at the end. jWsRB922igQ-00041-00010722-00011431 Yeah, that lady from „Melodys Star“ who did animate the people to take a ride on the carousel. jWsRB922igQ-00042-00011431-00011702 Actually I wanted to be Oliver Geißen - *famous northern German tv host* jWsRB922igQ-00043-00011702-00011800 For real? jWsRB922igQ-00044-00011800-00012100 *Another imitation of Oliver Geißen* jWsRB922igQ-00045-00012100-00012274 What does he always say? jWsRB922igQ-00046-00012274-00012434 Aww, my dear fella. jWsRB922igQ-00047-00012434-00012522 My dear fella. jWsRB922igQ-00048-00012522-00012600 We do have some awesome ideas to show you guys. jWsRB922igQ-00049-00012600-00012754 You’re too fast. jWsRB922igQ-00050-00012754-00013022 You’re more like the „Melody Star“ and „Breakdance“ jWsRB922igQ-00051-00013022-00013197 Yet another round, guys. jWsRB922igQ-00052-00013197-00013431 Taking off for another wild ride. jWsRB922igQ-00053-00013431-00013534 Whoop Whoop. jWsRB922igQ-00054-00013534-00014248 Okay guys, you need to know that we not gonna talk about obvious ideas, such as beaming and stuff like that. jWsRB922igQ-00055-00014248-00014297 Huh?! jWsRB922igQ-00056-00014297-00014722 I’m not gonna talk about obvious ideas such as beaming. jWsRB922igQ-00057-00014722-00015031 We gonna talk about ideas which are … jWsRB922igQ-00058-00015031-00015560 Well, I did choose some ideas, which would change my own and everybody else’s life drastically for the better. jWsRB922igQ-00059-00015560-00015691 I’m gonna spew them out now. jWsRB922igQ-00060-00015691-00015854 Why does it not exist?! jWsRB922igQ-00061-00015854-00016277 The pill, which does reverse the taste buds. jWsRB922igQ-00062-00016277-00016362 Oh. jWsRB922igQ-00063-00016362-00016451 It must be possible. jWsRB922igQ-00064-00016451-00016640 It must be possible that you take a pill … jWsRB922igQ-00065-00016640-00016765 You know that. jWsRB922igQ-00066-00016765-00016960 Eating something sour. jWsRB922igQ-00067-00016960-00017331 Or when you do brush your teeth and you’re drinking an orange juice afterwards … jWsRB922igQ-00068-00017331-00017471 Everything does taste disgusting, right? jWsRB922igQ-00069-00017471-00017522 Hmm. Everything does taste disgusting, right? jWsRB922igQ-00070-00017522-00017674 Everything does taste disgusting. jWsRB922igQ-00071-00017674-00017740 Yeah, yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00072-00017740-00018351 But when you do take a pill, which does reverse the taste buds making all the yummy and tasty stuff such as french fries and burgers … Ewww. jWsRB922igQ-00073-00018351-00018465 This is disgusting. jWsRB922igQ-00074-00018465-00018562 I can’t eat that. jWsRB922igQ-00075-00018562-00018580 Ugh! I can’t eat that. jWsRB922igQ-00076-00018580-00018600 Go away with that. Ugh! I can’t eat that. jWsRB922igQ-00077-00018600-00018791 But all the healthy stuff. jWsRB922igQ-00078-00018791-00019411 A green smoothie, low-fat curd and a nice tasty salad totally blows me away. jWsRB922igQ-00079-00019411-00019482 I want that! jWsRB922igQ-00080-00019482-00019685 I mean, there has to be a way to do that. jWsRB922igQ-00081-00019685-00019868 There has to be way for sure. jWsRB922igQ-00082-00019871-00020202 I mean, there are some people who do not like stuff like that in general, right? jWsRB922igQ-00083-00020202-00020294 Do you believe that? jWsRB922igQ-00084-00020294-00020360 Either all of them are liars … Do you believe that? jWsRB922igQ-00085-00020360-00020434 Either all of them are liars … jWsRB922igQ-00086-00020434-00020520 Yeah, yeah! jWsRB922igQ-00087-00020520-00020808 Or they already did take that pill and we don’t know anything about it. jWsRB922igQ-00088-00020808-00021111 Or they’re just insane. jWsRB922igQ-00089-00021111-00021331 There are people like that. jWsRB922igQ-00090-00021331-00021531 French fries? jWsRB922igQ-00091-00021531-00021648 No, thank you. jWsRB922igQ-00092-00021648-00022171 I do have a friend with whom I went to Dunkin Donut’s and he was just eating like a half donut and was like: jWsRB922igQ-00093-00022171-00022174 Wow, I’m so … jWsRB922igQ-00094-00022174-00022345 Yeah, this is way too sweet for me. Wow, I’m so … jWsRB922igQ-00095-00022345-00022380 Ugh, I am sooo full. Wow, I’m so … jWsRB922igQ-00096-00022380-00022457 Ugh, I am sooo full. jWsRB922igQ-00097-00022457-00022662 Yeah, that’s too sweet for my taste. jWsRB922igQ-00098-00022662-00022811 And I am sitting there with a dozen and I’m like: jWsRB922igQ-00099-00022811-00022894 „I’m gonna get another box“ jWsRB922igQ-00100-00022894-00023245 Being an entrepreneur, cause we’re hosting „Shark Tank“ right now - jWsRB922igQ-00101-00023245-00023562 You don’t have to make them super expensive, cause everybody around the world would actually buy that pill. jWsRB922igQ-00102-00023562-00023628 For sure. jWsRB922igQ-00103-00023628-00023914 But wouldn’t it be a bad thing if everybody would look like super hot. jWsRB922igQ-00104-00023914-00024071 Just imagine everybody does look as hot as we do. jWsRB922igQ-00105-00024071-00024174 Everybody looking super hot and sexy. jWsRB922igQ-00106-00024174-00024374 That’d be rad. jWsRB922igQ-00107-00024374-00025148 This goes out to all scientists now, cause it’s such a simple thing. jWsRB922igQ-00108-00025148-00025291 An easy chemical formula. jWsRB922igQ-00109-00025291-00025437 You didn’t drop Chemistry, right? jWsRB922igQ-00110-00025437-00025600 That’s why you’re able to follow up on this. jWsRB922igQ-00111-00025600-00025891 Listen you’ll just buy a company, okay? jWsRB922igQ-00112-00025891-00026157 You have to be 3.27 ounces of quicksilver … jWsRB922igQ-00113-00026157-00026248 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00114-00026248-00026314 Yeah. Yeah? jWsRB922igQ-00115-00026314-00026425 100 bucks. jWsRB922igQ-00116-00026425-00026471 That’s nothing. jWsRB922igQ-00117-00026471-00026565 It’s nothing. jWsRB922igQ-00118-00026565-00026702 Basically it’s half of a kebab. jWsRB922igQ-00119-00026702-00026802 it’s an investment. jWsRB922igQ-00120-00026802-00026920 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00121-00026920-00027600 Buy 3.27 ounces of quicksilver and a pair of plastic tweezers. jWsRB922igQ-00122-00027600-00028139 Take out an electron out of every atomic particle and what is the result? jWsRB922igQ-00123-00028139-00028314 3.27 ounces of pure gold. jWsRB922igQ-00124-00028314-00028400 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00125-00028400-00028560 That’s only $41.216. jWsRB922igQ-00126-00028560-00028608 *laughs* That’s only $41.216. jWsRB922igQ-00127-00028608-00028797 I mean, you did make perfect profit then, right? jWsRB922igQ-00128-00028797-00028871 Exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00129-00028871-00029042 Just repeat the process until you became fucking rich … jWsRB922igQ-00130-00029042-00029105 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00131-00029105-00029188 And um … jWsRB922igQ-00132-00029188-00029445 I think this is such an awesome idea. jWsRB922igQ-00133-00029445-00029528 Great idea. jWsRB922igQ-00134-00029528-00029865 This is just how it works. jWsRB922igQ-00135-00029865-00029988 Buying cheap. jWsRB922igQ-00136-00029988-00030102 Selling expensive. jWsRB922igQ-00137-00030102-00030191 Exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00138-00030191-00030331 You would have to … jWsRB922igQ-00139-00030331-00030462 Little warning if you would like to try this at home. jWsRB922igQ-00140-00030462-00030825 Take a pair of plastic tweezers, cause there is danger of getting an electric shock then. jWsRB922igQ-00141-00030825-00030877 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00142-00030877-00030991 You’d have to be careful then. jWsRB922igQ-00143-00030991-00031108 Very high benefit. jWsRB922igQ-00144-00031108-00031331 High risk. jWsRB922igQ-00145-00031331-00031362 High benefit. jWsRB922igQ-00146-00031362-00031405 Yeah. High benefit. jWsRB922igQ-00147-00031405-00031528 This is … jWsRB922igQ-00148-00031528-00031657 There have to be such things as well … jWsRB922igQ-00149-00031657-00031722 Yeah, yeah. There have to be such things as well … jWsRB922igQ-00150-00031722-00031962 I mean, you have to take some risks if you wanna become rich. jWsRB922igQ-00151-00031962-00032037 Yeah, true. jWsRB922igQ-00152-00032037-00032225 I wish I’d have 100 bucks. jWsRB922igQ-00153-00032225-00032439 That’s exactly the problem. jWsRB922igQ-00154-00032439-00032728 I personally do not have a pair of plastic tweezers. jWsRB922igQ-00155-00032728-00032831 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00156-00032831-00033711 I think people should invest in an island where you could send all dickheads to. jWsRB922igQ-00157-00033711-00033840 For example: jWsRB922igQ-00158-00033840-00033988 You could come to me and be like: jWsRB922igQ-00159-00033988-00034491 „Listen, I wanna send away my girlfriend for 50 bucks.“ jWsRB922igQ-00160-00034491-00034600 „She’s driving me nuts“ „Listen, I wanna send away my girlfriend for 50 bucks.“ jWsRB922igQ-00161-00034600-00035317 Well, it won’t be long for only 50 bucks, but let’s say sending her away for the weekend. jWsRB922igQ-00162-00035317-00035777 And this island is full of douches, dickheads and idiots. jWsRB922igQ-00163-00035777-00036145 Well, all those bastards from the G20 summit or the little moron’s with their mp3 cell phones. jWsRB922igQ-00164-00036145-00036231 They’re all the same. Well, all those bastards from the G20 summit or the little moron’s with their mp3 cell phones. jWsRB922igQ-00165-00036231-00036437 I thought you’d say something like YouTube island? jWsRB922igQ-00166-00036437-00036557 YouTube island. jWsRB922igQ-00167-00036557-00037000 They can go there then, throwing stones at each other. jWsRB922igQ-00168-00037000-00037437 They can listen to their fucking loud music on their mp3 cell phones, just smashing their heads. jWsRB922igQ-00169-00037437-00037711 I think this is a real market. jWsRB922igQ-00170-00037711-00038337 Well, If I would have the chance to send you away just for a day and just see what happens … jWsRB922igQ-00171-00038337-00038574 I’d pay 5 bucks then. jWsRB922igQ-00172-00038574-00038651 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00173-00038651-00038837 If every human being would be able to beam themselves. jWsRB922igQ-00174-00038837-00039117 I mean, not like in „Jumper“ that’d be unsafe. jWsRB922igQ-00175-00039117-00039231 You can’t do it that way. jWsRB922igQ-00176-00039231-00039308 Nah. jWsRB922igQ-00177-00039308-00039471 I mean, just from my political point of view. jWsRB922igQ-00178-00039471-00039508 You just can’t do that. jWsRB922igQ-00179-00039508-00039554 Yeah. You just can’t do that. jWsRB922igQ-00180-00039554-00039862 That’s why I would invent a beamport instead of an airport. jWsRB922igQ-00181-00039862-00040171 People could go there and they will be beamed in some kinda container and will reach their desired destination. jWsRB922igQ-00182-00040171-00040431 But you don’t like that idea and that’s why we gonna talk about something else. jWsRB922igQ-00183-00040431-00040688 We gonna talk about - The wishing table. jWsRB922igQ-00184-00040688-00041065 Why is it not possible to buy a table, like the one we do sit at right now - in a furniture store and it’s like: jWsRB922igQ-00185-00041065-00041177 Table, set yourself. Why is it not possible to buy a table, like the one we do sit at right now - in a furniture store and it’s like: jWsRB922igQ-00186-00041177-00041757 And this table does know what you would like to eat just by listening to the sound of your voice. jWsRB922igQ-00187-00041757-00042168 Yeah, cause we do transport a lot with the sound of our voice. jWsRB922igQ-00188-00042168-00042431 For example saying „I LOVE YOU SO MUCH“ *in the most romantic way* jWsRB922igQ-00189-00042431-00042665 Then you just recognize … jWsRB922igQ-00190-00042665-00042771 Maybe … jWsRB922igQ-00191-00042771-00042931 Mental illness advanced. jWsRB922igQ-00192-00042931-00042991 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00193-00042991-00043051 Exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00194-00043051-00043340 And the table does know what I’d totally dig at the moment. jWsRB922igQ-00195-00043340-00044482 It does set itself with all the food I wanna eat and then it’s a lil’ like in that Simpson’s episode where they’re living in that house from the future - it actually does clear itself afterwards as well. jWsRB922igQ-00196-00044482-00044934 Well, in that Simpson’s episode everything is being destroyed and you don’t have to wash the dishes anymore. jWsRB922igQ-00197-00044934-00045982 Meaning the table does set itself and you can just start eating and when you do use the words: Clear yourself - everything is gone and you don’t have to wash dishes ever again, no more leftovers … jWsRB922igQ-00198-00045982-00046105 That’s what … jWsRB922igQ-00199-00046105-00046380 IKEA is so stupid! Why didn’t they invent something like that? jWsRB922igQ-00200-00046380-00046522 They just don’t know what people actually want. IKEA is so stupid! Why didn’t they invent something like that? jWsRB922igQ-00201-00046522-00046611 But you could … jWsRB922igQ-00202-00046611-00046680 You know what? But you could … jWsRB922igQ-00203-00046680-00046720 Yeah? jWsRB922igQ-00204-00046720-00046857 Just the way you did talk about it … jWsRB922igQ-00205-00046857-00046954 That idea is $1,000,000 worth. jWsRB922igQ-00206-00046954-00047042 It totally is! jWsRB922igQ-00207-00047042-00047148 Nobody does know! jWsRB922igQ-00208-00047148-00047191 Yeah! jWsRB922igQ-00209-00047191-00047451 Cause they’re all stupid. jWsRB922igQ-00210-00047451-00047700 Exactly, that’s why we gonna share the ideas - free of charge. jWsRB922igQ-00211-00047700-00047782 Cause we’re incredibly nice. jWsRB922igQ-00212-00047782-00047825 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00213-00047825-00047934 Yeah, dude, cause we’re nice. jWsRB922igQ-00214-00047934-00048051 And beautiful. jWsRB922igQ-00215-00048051-00048202 And nice. jWsRB922igQ-00216-00048202-00048442 And I am more of a tech guy, right? jWsRB922igQ-00217-00048442-00048585 That’s why I would … jWsRB922igQ-00218-00048585-00048985 Shoutout to all manufacturers of two-wheelers. jWsRB922igQ-00219-00048985-00049145 I do have an amazing idea. jWsRB922igQ-00220-00049145-00049240 Not the e-bike … jWsRB922igQ-00221-00049240-00050177 You just create a bike with a smaller front wheel, so you’re always going down hill. jWsRB922igQ-00222-00050177-00050325 You don’t have to use the pedal … jWsRB922igQ-00223-00050325-00050420 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00224-00050420-00050757 And you just take a seat and it’s moving automatically. jWsRB922igQ-00225-00050757-00050874 A shrinking machine. jWsRB922igQ-00226-00050874-00051271 There is this movie from the 1980’s where people got shrinked and why don’t they do that for … jWsRB922igQ-00227-00051271-00051365 Seriously. jWsRB922igQ-00228-00051365-00051482 Seriously, yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00229-00051482-00051574 What is wrong with that? jWsRB922igQ-00230-00051574-00052251 And then you do insert the batteries the wrong way and everything will become bigger. jWsRB922igQ-00231-00052251-00052568 You’re able to create a gigantic donut then and everybody is able to eat from it. jWsRB922igQ-00232-00052568-00052645 *laughs* You’re able to create a gigantic donut then and everybody is able to eat from it. jWsRB922igQ-00233-00052645-00052737 Yeah, exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00234-00052737-00052814 And everything is fine. jWsRB922igQ-00235-00052814-00053105 Then you take that pill which does reverse the taste buds and … jWsRB922igQ-00236-00053105-00053208 Right. jWsRB922igQ-00237-00053208-00053357 Well, donut’s are always delicious. jWsRB922igQ-00238-00053357-00053468 Oh, really? jWsRB922igQ-00239-00053468-00053482 Always? jWsRB922igQ-00240-00053482-00053545 Always. Always? jWsRB922igQ-00241-00053545-00053577 Always. jWsRB922igQ-00242-00053577-00053628 Hmm. jWsRB922igQ-00243-00053628-00053717 Nah, jWsRB922igQ-00244-00053717-00053831 Nah, nah, nah, the pill has to … jWsRB922igQ-00245-00053831-00054105 But why should you take a pill that the donut does taste disgusting? jWsRB922igQ-00246-00054105-00054340 Well, then let’s create a gigantic smoothie. jWsRB922igQ-00247-00054340-00054448 A gigantic smoothie. jWsRB922igQ-00248-00054448-00054557 We gonna create a smoothie ocean. jWsRB922igQ-00249-00054557-00054642 Um, yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00250-00054642-00054705 Smoothie ocean. jWsRB922igQ-00251-00054705-00054797 Then you could … jWsRB922igQ-00252-00054797-00054931 All fish would be healthy then. Then you could … jWsRB922igQ-00253-00054931-00055108 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00254-00055108-00055228 That’s just perfect. jWsRB922igQ-00255-00055228-00055297 Perfect. jWsRB922igQ-00256-00055297-00055594 Well, we do have sooo many amazing ideas. jWsRB922igQ-00257-00055594-00055688 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00258-00055688-00055814 Yeah, cause we’re … jWsRB922igQ-00259-00055814-00055937 Cause we’re so damn smart. jWsRB922igQ-00260-00055937-00056085 Cause we do have entrepreneurship. jWsRB922igQ-00261-00056085-00056191 Yeah, we do. jWsRB922igQ-00262-00056191-00056394 We’re also thinking - outside of the box - jWsRB922igQ-00263-00056394-00056497 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00264-00056497-00056625 Exactly, exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00265-00056625-00057271 That being said, I would like to address this to all farmers. jWsRB922igQ-00266-00057271-00057854 Just invent fruits and vegetables which are light weight (less than 0 ounces) jWsRB922igQ-00267-00057854-00058545 Yeah, everybody could go to the check out, putting it on the scale and it will be -5 pounds. jWsRB922igQ-00268-00058545-00058620 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00269-00058620-00058637 Yeah, and … Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00270-00058637-00058700 *shrugs* Yeah, and … Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00271-00058700-00058794 You will get a refund. jWsRB922igQ-00272-00058794-00058877 Exactly. jWsRB922igQ-00273-00058877-00059520 You do buy a cucumber, which does weigh -5 pounds, going to the check out, getting a refund and you will leave the grocery store with money + cucumber. jWsRB922igQ-00274-00059520-00059745 Repeat this procedure as long as you became rich … jWsRB922igQ-00275-00059745-00059911 Nothing left to worry about. jWsRB922igQ-00276-00059911-00060082 Same idea. jWsRB922igQ-00277-00060082-00060197 Well, similar idea. jWsRB922igQ-00278-00060197-00060748 Why don’t we all get a tattoo with the symbol of the deposit bottle? jWsRB922igQ-00279-00060748-00060937 Putting the arm in the machine. jWsRB922igQ-00280-00060937-00061365 Man, this idea is $1,000,000 worth. jWsRB922igQ-00281-00061365-00062340 First one who does send us a picture of a tattoo with the symbol of the deposit bottles will receive $0.29 from us. jWsRB922igQ-00282-00062340-00063048 Even though I’m like super famous and I’m an incredibly rich guy … jWsRB922igQ-00283-00063048-00063328 Um …I’m still doing chores myself. jWsRB922igQ-00284-00063477-00063517 What?! jWsRB922igQ-00285-00063517-00063585 *snorts* jWsRB922igQ-00286-00063585-00063622 I think … *snorts* jWsRB922igQ-00287-00063622-00063751 Yeah, yeah, I’m still down-to-earth. jWsRB922igQ-00288-00063751-00063851 Don’t you have a wife?! jWsRB922igQ-00289-00063851-00063908 Nah … jWsRB922igQ-00290-00063908-00064105 *evil laugh* jWsRB922igQ-00291-00064105-00064462 I think you should put a rack … *silly moment* jWsRB922igQ-00292-00064462-00064585 *snorts* jWsRB922igQ-00293-00064585-00064888 You’re a lil’ silly today. jWsRB922igQ-00294-00064888-00065148 Well, you put a rack … jWsRB922igQ-00295-00065148-00065251 Yeah, okay. jWsRB922igQ-00296-00065251-00065485 You put a rack in the middle of the room, which does suck in all of the dust. jWsRB922igQ-00297-00065485-00065820 But it really just does suck in the dust. jWsRB922igQ-00298-00065820-00066231 No objects, which are heavier than dust. jWsRB922igQ-00299-00066231-00066765 For example a paper clip or something like that. jWsRB922igQ-00300-00066765-00067000 Nothing does happen with that. jWsRB922igQ-00301-00067000-00067340 But dust will be sucked in from every direction. jWsRB922igQ-00302-00067340-00067580 You don’t have to use the vacuum cleaner ever again. jWsRB922igQ-00303-00067580-00067711 Awesome. jWsRB922igQ-00304-00067711-00067720 No more dusting … jWsRB922igQ-00305-00067720-00067725 *perfect imitation of a vacuum cleaner* No more dusting … jWsRB922igQ-00306-00067725-00067848 Cause everything will be *perfect imitation of a vacuum cleaner* No more dusting … jWsRB922igQ-00307-00067848-00067960 … within seconds. jWsRB922igQ-00308-00067960-00068097 That’s such an awesome thingy. jWsRB922igQ-00309-00068097-00068234 What do you think? jWsRB922igQ-00310-00068234-00068351 How many people would buy that? jWsRB922igQ-00311-00068351-00068408 Everybody. jWsRB922igQ-00312-00068408-00068462 Everybody. So many … jWsRB922igQ-00313-00068462-00068465 Everybody. jWsRB922igQ-00314-00068465-00068662 You know what you could do with the dust as well? jWsRB922igQ-00315-00068662-00068757 No. jWsRB922igQ-00316-00068757-00068980 You could just take the pill for the taste buds and then the dust will taste super delicious. jWsRB922igQ-00317-00068980-00069037 That’d be awesome. jWsRB922igQ-00318-00069265-00069545 Eating without regrets. jWsRB922igQ-00319-00069545-00069691 Eating without regrets and then … Eating without regrets. jWsRB922igQ-00320-00069691-00069734 Right? Eating without regrets and then … jWsRB922igQ-00321-00069734-00070045 Do you know that EMS-training method? jWsRB922igQ-00322-00070045-00070380 You will get some small shocks while doing your work out and that does stimulate your muscles. jWsRB922igQ-00323-00070380-00070480 Yeah, heard about it. jWsRB922igQ-00324-00070480-00070617 But you didn’t try it. jWsRB922igQ-00325-00070617-00070705 *laughs* Nah. jWsRB922igQ-00326-00070705-00070828 Why does it not exist? jWsRB922igQ-00327-00070828-00071720 A gym suit, which you’re wearing at night while you’re asleep and you’ll get some small shocks. jWsRB922igQ-00328-00071720-00071725 But you actually do not move. A gym suit, which you’re wearing at night while you’re asleep and you’ll get some small shocks. jWsRB922igQ-00329-00071725-00072120 It does give your body impulses, which are the same as if you’d work out in the gym. But you actually do not move. jWsRB922igQ-00330-00072120-00072122 Ah, okay. It does give your body impulses, which are the same as if you’d work out in the gym. But you actually do not move. jWsRB922igQ-00331-00072122-00072237 You do not move. Ah, okay. jWsRB922igQ-00332-00072237-00072345 But your body does receive these impulses and your muscles are like: jWsRB922igQ-00333-00072345-00072348 „Oh, he’s working out right now.“ jWsRB922igQ-00334-00072348-00072554 Does it not exist? „Oh, he’s working out right now.“ jWsRB922igQ-00335-00072554-00072754 The whole gym suit kinda thing? jWsRB922igQ-00336-00072754-00072848 The suits, yeah, yeah … jWsRB922igQ-00337-00072848-00073000 But you really need to work out while wearing it. jWsRB922igQ-00338-00073000-00073002 Ah, okay. jWsRB922igQ-00339-00073002-00073065 Nah. Ah, okay. jWsRB922igQ-00340-00073065-00073328 The impulses have to be very low, so you’re still able to sleep. jWsRB922igQ-00341-00073328-00073654 So, you’re putting on that suit, which does stimulate your muscles. jWsRB922igQ-00342-00073654-00073874 And every morning you’d be like: jWsRB922igQ-00343-00073874-00074211 „ Damn, that was an intense night work out.“ jWsRB922igQ-00344-00074211-00074351 Ah, yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00345-00074351-00074517 That’s also a great idea. jWsRB922igQ-00346-00074517-00074628 Awesome idea. jWsRB922igQ-00347-00074628-00075008 Or strong impulses and you take a strong sleeping pill … jWsRB922igQ-00348-00075008-00075200 Yeah, or heroin … jWsRB922igQ-00349-00075200-00075320 Well, I have … jWsRB922igQ-00350-00075320-00075511 I don’t know the money is lying on the street. jWsRB922igQ-00351-00075628-00075702 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00352-00075702-00075757 it does exist. jWsRB922igQ-00353-00075757-00075805 It does exist. it does exist. jWsRB922igQ-00354-00075805-00076240 I mean, we’re sitting here for like 10 minutes and people will become rich with these ideas. jWsRB922igQ-00355-00076240-00076354 I mean, how is that possible? jWsRB922igQ-00356-00076354-00076922 Well, if you guys are not becoming incredibly rich and you don’t donate it on Patreon … jWsRB922igQ-00357-00076922-00077151 Ah, I dunno. jWsRB922igQ-00358-00077151-00077217 Something’s going terribly wrong. jWsRB922igQ-00359-00077217-00077320 Are we … Something’s going terribly wrong. jWsRB922igQ-00360-00077320-00077545 Serious talk … jWsRB922igQ-00361-00077545-00077660 No kidding. jWsRB922igQ-00362-00077660-00077925 Are we the smartest people in the whole wide world? jWsRB922igQ-00363-00077925-00078128 It seems. jWsRB922igQ-00364-00078128-00078131 Yeah, it does. It seems. jWsRB922igQ-00365-00078131-00078251 Yeah, it does. jWsRB922igQ-00366-00078251-00078354 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00367-00078354-00078548 Such people would claim to be the smartest. jWsRB922igQ-00368-00078548-00078705 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00369-00078705-00078905 See, that’s just how it is, guys. jWsRB922igQ-00370-00078905-00079188 But before we’re coming to the end of this video … jWsRB922igQ-00371-00079188-00079397 This goes out to all non-entrepreneurs: jWsRB922igQ-00372-00079397-00079545 I have yet another great idea. jWsRB922igQ-00373-00079545-00080177 Just by falling asleep, dreaming about finding a genie which does offer you 3 wishes and the 1st wish is: jWsRB922igQ-00374-00080177-00080317 This is not a dream. jWsRB922igQ-00375-00080317-00080622 *laughs* jWsRB922igQ-00376-00080622-00080805 Talking about dreaming … jWsRB922igQ-00377-00080805-00081051 Please give this video a thumbs up. jWsRB922igQ-00378-00081051-00081820 Subscribe to our channel, activate the little bell, then you’ll be notified as soon as we did upped a new video and you won’t miss anything. jWsRB922igQ-00379-00081820-00082174 and please check out an amazing website called: Patreon jWsRB922igQ-00380-00082174-00082345 *www.patreon.com/LassMalReden* and please check out an amazing website called: Patreon jWsRB922igQ-00381-00082345-00082597 That being said: jWsRB922igQ-00382-00082597-00082848 A huge THANK YOU goes out to Sonja and Becky. jWsRB922igQ-00383-00082848-00083125 Everybody who did watch our videos from the beginning …. jWsRB922igQ-00384-00083125-00083605 We’re so sorry, but this was the last episode … *Say whaaaat?!* jWsRB922igQ-00385-00083605-00083751 … Before summer break. jWsRB922igQ-00386-00083751-00083925 Obviously, we’re not completely gone. jWsRB922igQ-00387-00083925-00084777 We gonna do a break for 14 days now and then there will be some fresh ideas and more awesome content and *let’s talk aka LMR* will be back for a 2nd season. jWsRB922igQ-00388-00084777-00084885 Thank you so so much, guys for being there the past few months. jWsRB922igQ-00389-00084885-00084997 <3 <3 <3 Thank you so so much, guys for being there the past few months. jWsRB922igQ-00390-00084997-00085854 Um, we would be so happy if you’d continue supporting us watching our videos. jWsRB922igQ-00391-00085854-00085985 That being said: jWsRB922igQ-00392-00085985-00086454 Enjoy your summer time - We’re already looking forward to see you guys again real soon and never forget: jWsRB922igQ-00393-00086454-00086582 Shine on! jWsRB922igQ-00394-00086582-00086880 ————————————————— jWsRB922igQ-00395-00086880-00086954 *tear jerker* jWsRB922igQ-00396-00086954-00087071 The last episode! :’( jWsRB922igQ-00397-00087071-00087451 This was the last episode! jWsRB922igQ-00398-00087451-00087797 I’m so sad that we don’t see each other for two weeks now. jWsRB922igQ-00399-00087797-00087905 That’s really sad. jWsRB922igQ-00400-00087905-00087985 But you know what I’m gonna do? jWsRB922igQ-00401-00087985-00088202 I’m just gonna do what everybody does. jWsRB922igQ-00402-00088202-00088411 Watching all our videos, reminiscing. jWsRB922igQ-00403-00088411-00088468 Crazy. jWsRB922igQ-00404-00088468-00088600 There are repetitions, right? jWsRB922igQ-00405-00088600-00088717 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00406-00088717-00089017 People just go to our channel, click on a video and then they can rewatch everything. jWsRB922igQ-00407-00089017-00089062 Yeah. jWsRB922igQ-00408-00089062-00089251 *perfect English* jWsRB922igQ-00409-00089251-00089528 Did you actually watch one of our first videos lately? jWsRB922igQ-00410-00089528-00089742 No. jWsRB922igQ-00411-00089742-00089860 Ohhh. jWsRB922igQ-00412-00089860-00089985 What we did look like … jWsRB922igQ-00413-00089985-00090142 Well, i only do watch the most recent ones we just uploaded … jWsRB922igQ-00414-00090142-00090174 Yeah. Well, i only do watch the most recent ones we just uploaded … jWsRB922igQ-00415-00090174-00090348 But I do watch them like 10,000 times then. jWsRB922igQ-00416-00090348-00090471 Oh, that’s you? jWsRB922igQ-00417-00090471-00090551 Thank you. jWsRB922igQ-00418-00090551-00090611 Thank you for the views. Thank you. jWsRB922igQ-00419-00090611-00090685 You’re welcome. jWsRB922igQ-00420-00090685-00090762 Do you also click on the commercials? You’re welcome. jWsRB922igQ-00421-00090762-00090848 Nah. jWsRB922igQ-00422-00090848-00090928 Pity. jWsRB922igQ-00423-00090928-00091140 We did upload so much stuff - 3 months. jWsRB922igQ-00424-00091140-00091380 We did release a lot of episodes. jWsRB922igQ-00425-00091380-00091491 Yeah, true. jWsRB922igQ-00426-00091502-00091680 There’s even more content available on Patreon. jWsRB922igQ-00427-00091680-00091888 Yeah, I really have to talk about this now. jWsRB922igQ-00428-00091888-00092308 I did some research on Patreon. jWsRB922igQ-00429-00092308-00092545 I did look up other content creators and did check out their stuff. jWsRB922igQ-00430-00092545-00092760 We do not need to be shy. jWsRB922igQ-00431-00092760-00092968 I mean, look at us. jWsRB922igQ-00432-00092968-00093117 We don’t need not be shy. jWsRB922igQ-00433-00093117-00093385 We did such an awesome job. jWsRB922igQ-00434-00093385-00093488 Totally. jWsRB922igQ-00435-00093488-00093768 And we do have a lot more great ideas, right? jWsRB922igQ-00436-00093768-00093860 It was so much fun. jWsRB922igQ-00437-00093860-00093928 Would you like to share an idea? It was so much fun. jWsRB922igQ-00438-00093928-00094108 Except those two months we did argue all the time. jWsRB922igQ-00439-00094108-00094240 But we only did it off camera. jWsRB922igQ-00440-00094240-00094402 Nobody did notice that. jWsRB922igQ-00441-00094402-00094582 I don’t think so. jWsRB922igQ-00442-00094582-00094722 Nah. jWsRB922igQ-00443-00094722-00094920 Awesome, man. jWsRB922igQ-00444-00094920-00095002 An idea? jWsRB922igQ-00445-00095002-00095202 What idea do you wanna hear? jWsRB922igQ-00446-00095202-00095340 A topic … jWsRB922igQ-00447-00095340-00095605 Which we could talk about. jWsRB922igQ-00448-00095605-00095962 Oh, the new Star Wars movie - Talking about that? jWsRB922igQ-00449-00095962-00096011 Yeah … jWsRB922igQ-00450-00096011-00096094 Um … Yeah … jWsRB922igQ-00451-00096094-00096102 I have an idea for the next game. Um … Yeah … jWsRB922igQ-00452-00096102-00096194 Nah. Um … I have an idea for the next game. jWsRB922igQ-00453-00096194-00096297 Go ahead. jWsRB922igQ-00454-00096297-00096594 We do mast and the one who’s first to have an orgasm does win. jWsRB922igQ-00455-00096594-00096688 Ah, winner. jWsRB922igQ-00456-00096688-00096960 I’m gonna win that game finally again. jWsRB922igQ-00457-00096960-00097157 Shall we kiss each other before we say goodbye? jWsRB922igQ-00458-00097157-00097300 Definitely not. jWsRB922igQ-00459-00097300-00097382 We already did handshake. jWsRB922igQ-00460-00097382-00097460 *laughs* We already did handshake. jWsRB922igQ-00461-00097460-00097660 Bye. jXzA-maX5yI-00000-00000976-00001580 In this section, we looked at project example videos. These were made by my jXzA-maX5yI-00001-00001580-00002148 students. We saw a training video, which was pretty creative. We saw an issue video, jXzA-maX5yI-00002-00002148-00002532 which brought up some interesting issues, especially some feeling and personal jXzA-maX5yI-00003-00002532-00002984 ideas, that I liked a lot. Entrepreneur pitch video, which is not jXzA-maX5yI-00004-00002984-00003468 easy, but I got interested, and public service announcement video, working with jXzA-maX5yI-00005-00003468-00003748 a non-profit. I think they captured that feeling very well. jXzA-maX5yI-00006-00003748-00004428 These example videos really show us that you can on a very low budget with some jXzA-maX5yI-00007-00004428-00004907 planning, some work, and some effort, and a little bit of creativity, make some nice jXzA-maX5yI-00008-00004907-00005373 videos that's aren't bad, and don't look terrible. I actually like jXzA-maX5yI-00009-00005373-00006223 them and can say they're pretty good videos. jXM2nW0ADQI-00000-00000000-00000200 Angel baby - lyrics jb1Fuov9mfI-00000-00001754-00002322 so Venezuela... Land of grace, oil and miss universes...for a while I've been jb1Fuov9mfI-00001-00002322-00002927 wanting to do this since I've not only lived most of the lovely and rosey and jb1Fuov9mfI-00002-00002927-00003414 peaceful years of the bolivarian Revolution myself but I actually worked jb1Fuov9mfI-00003-00003414-00004089 and fought and hustle to support those who oppose the catastrophe there was jb1Fuov9mfI-00004-00004089-00004719 Chavez and later Maduro back in college I actually put on hold my jb1Fuov9mfI-00005-00004719-00005103 career in chemistry because I couldn't stop engagement politically afterwards jb1Fuov9mfI-00006-00005103-00005643 they even quitted a scholarship to do a doctorate in Japan because all I wanted jb1Fuov9mfI-00007-00005643-00006189 was to go back and want to go back home and keep fighting the good fight from jb1Fuov9mfI-00008-00006189-00006854 there I went directly to the big leagues as part if a team charged with the jb1Fuov9mfI-00009-00006854-00007479 with centralizing the contact data from volunteers all jb1Fuov9mfI-00010-00007479-00008064 over the country and then verifying that data well I was in fact responsible for jb1Fuov9mfI-00011-00008064-00008628 for the whole team's operations, I was part of the jb1Fuov9mfI-00012-00008628-00009257 campaign of Henrique Capriles Radonski in 2012 and 2013 so yeah I know my shit jb1Fuov9mfI-00013-00009257-00010281 basically and then 2015 I just left Venezuela because you know I like food jb1Fuov9mfI-00014-00010281-00011036 I like having access to groceries and medicine and I especially like not jb1Fuov9mfI-00015-00011036-00011618 having that constant and horrifying feeling that behind every corner jb1Fuov9mfI-00016-00011618-00012460 something horrible awairts you and you'll get only mugged if you're lucky jb1Fuov9mfI-00017-00012460-00013333 so yeah again Venezuela land of grace, oil, miss universes and the patient zero jb1Fuov9mfI-00018-00013920-00014593 of the modern Authoriarian's playbook in the Western Hemisphere. What jb1Fuov9mfI-00019-00014593-00015112 I want is then to share the story from my point of view and from the very start jb1Fuov9mfI-00020-00015112-00015601 all from my perspective so don't expect any kind of balance okay I will dish on jb1Fuov9mfI-00021-00015601-00016465 those who deserve it according to me. that said, let's talk Chavez. So Chavez jb1Fuov9mfI-00022-00016465-00017152 was a very average tending to failing officer in the military nobody knew who jb1Fuov9mfI-00023-00017152-00017797 the hell he was in 1992 when he had his breakout multimedia project you know jb1Fuov9mfI-00024-00017797-00018553 February the 4th the day it dawn with a coup turns out little Hugo and some of jb1Fuov9mfI-00025-00018553-00019147 his friends who will come back into the story later don't worry they have been jb1Fuov9mfI-00026-00019147-00019672 really really naughty and they had been spending a lot of time conspiring to top jb1Fuov9mfI-00027-00019672-00020137 the government by for us since they deemed the democratic framework and jb1Fuov9mfI-00028-00020137-00020716 especially the political party is participating in it as a corrupted pile jb1Fuov9mfI-00029-00020716-00021211 of hot garbage that was impossible to save ever even work with so they jb1Fuov9mfI-00030-00021211-00022004 literally wanted to clean the states they even actually they even wanted to jb1Fuov9mfI-00031-00022004-00022626 institute a hygiene committee if it sounds Orwellian enough but in any jb1Fuov9mfI-00032-00022626-00023188 case the coup the coup started somewhere around 4 a.m. and by 8 a.m. and it was jb1Fuov9mfI-00033-00023188-00023757 all over they did took some buildings I guess the most emblematic moment the jb1Fuov9mfI-00034-00023757-00024322 most implemented one must be V T V better way the state Broadcasting jb1Fuov9mfI-00035-00024322-00024784 Network but other than that they achieve nothing militarily jb1Fuov9mfI-00036-00024784-00025672 but socially and politically it was an earthquake you see in the early 90s jb1Fuov9mfI-00037-00025672-00026125 trust in the government and the institution couldn't have been any lower jb1Fuov9mfI-00038-00026125-00026737 I mean the country had been in the middle of an economic crisis that have jb1Fuov9mfI-00039-00026737-00027394 slowly been showing the cracks in Venezuelan society it all culminated in jb1Fuov9mfI-00040-00027394-00028239 early 1989 with the huge riots collectively called El Caracazo jb1Fuov9mfI-00041-00028239-00028753 we'll return to that point later you know but for now just keep in mind that jb1Fuov9mfI-00042-00028753-00029174 the people felt betrayed and mocked by the government and the political parties jb1Fuov9mfI-00043-00029174-00029912 and political elites so when they saw Chavez they thought well at least jb1Fuov9mfI-00044-00029912-00030553 somebody's trying to do something Chavez went to jail of course I mean we used to jb1Fuov9mfI-00045-00030553-00031087 be a regular country you know but the ripple effect of his actions were jb1Fuov9mfI-00046-00031087-00031813 immediate that much of a shock it was a few months after here's another group of jb1Fuov9mfI-00047-00031813-00032255 army men tried another coup and every smaller coup which failed of jb1Fuov9mfI-00048-00032255-00032906 course and the government went into your panic mode the Congress decided to jb1Fuov9mfI-00049-00032906-00033397 indict the president at the time Carlos Andres Perez and the Supreme Court trialed and jb1Fuov9mfI-00050-00033397-00033916 sentenced him to home arrest in an attempt to offer like a sacrifice lamb to the jb1Fuov9mfI-00051-00033916-00034684 people to help them turn the page and move on but well I mean the people did jb1Fuov9mfI-00052-00034684-00035357 take the lamb, gladly, but they did not forget a thing. I mean it was horrible 1989 jb1Fuov9mfI-00053-00035357-00036002 was horrible in Venezuela, so the old bipartisan system was basically over the jb1Fuov9mfI-00054-00036002-00036731 1993 elections were as contested as they could have been to give you an idea the jb1Fuov9mfI-00055-00036731-00037082 winner Rafael Caldera was one of the original jb1Fuov9mfI-00056-00037082-00037651 founders of one of the two big old national parties then got kicked out and jb1Fuov9mfI-00057-00037651-00038432 now despite maybe he found another party for president and won by calling his jb1Fuov9mfI-00058-00038432-00038864 supporters his roaches but in case of into things relevant about these man's jb1Fuov9mfI-00059-00038864-00039587 germ we're in the first place his willingness and complicity in the whole jb1Fuov9mfI-00060-00039587-00040358 anti-party, anti-politics narrative that had been circulated in each and jb1Fuov9mfI-00061-00040358-00040961 every subset of the Venezuelan society I mean he was really jb1Fuov9mfI-00062-00040961-00041597 salty from from all the getting kicked out thing and I mean he had jb1Fuov9mfI-00063-00041597-00042182 previously been the third President of democratic Venezuela as well how dare they jb1Fuov9mfI-00064-00042182-00042746 you know and indeed you know that helped him win the election so of course he was jb1Fuov9mfI-00065-00042746-00043610 gonna keep that card no but but also like he's he unexpectedly and without any jb1Fuov9mfI-00066-00043610-00044174 good reason other than trying to mess with his political enemies he he fully jb1Fuov9mfI-00067-00044174-00044738 pardoned and released Chavez just like that he later on tried to justify and jb1Fuov9mfI-00068-00044738-00045434 even to apologize about it but in any case Chavez was not free to roam and do jb1Fuov9mfI-00069-00045434-00046079 as he pleased which he did but he got busy those years getting ready for the jb1Fuov9mfI-00070-00046079-00046721 1998 elections you know like really on the down low he started a political jb1Fuov9mfI-00071-00046721-00047387 movement called MBR-200 don't mean I don't remember exactly the jb1Fuov9mfI-00072-00047387-00047975 name I think it's MBR-2000 there were a lot of things involved in this jb1Fuov9mfI-00073-00047975-00048366 movement this political movement you know but one of the things that was most jb1Fuov9mfI-00074-00048366-00048854 remarkable and was unusual about this movement about this movement is that he jb1Fuov9mfI-00075-00048854-00049460 started calling for the integration of the Armed Forces into civilian and jb1Fuov9mfI-00076-00049460-00050112 especially governmental affairs because and I'm paraphrasing of course jb1Fuov9mfI-00077-00050112-00050558 we needed some logistical support to get things back to work and who could jb1Fuov9mfI-00078-00050558-00051034 do who could do it better than the disciplined people from military jb1Fuov9mfI-00079-00051034-00051514 you know so and this is a message that resonates with venezuelans very very jb1Fuov9mfI-00080-00051514-00052444 well because we have a long long long history of wanting and waiting for a jb1Fuov9mfI-00081-00052444-00052960 strong man who will discipline and bring order to the government clean it up and jb1Fuov9mfI-00082-00052960-00053674 you know like get everyone back into course and I mean I guess military jb1Fuov9mfI-00083-00053674-00054180 figures already have the look for the role you know so it helped as well the jb1Fuov9mfI-00084-00054180-00054705 Chavez was in my opinion and I sincerely hoped that one day experts in jb1Fuov9mfI-00085-00054705-00055504 academics and I don't know historians or whatever study Chavez study how Chavez jb1Fuov9mfI-00086-00055504-00055980 was to me one of the most charismatic people who has ever lived in the world jb1Fuov9mfI-00087-00055980-00056494 like seriously the man had such power and control over the cover those who jb1Fuov9mfI-00088-00056494-00057115 listened to him and he perfected it in such an amazing way that I just feel jb1Fuov9mfI-00089-00057115-00057616 sometimes that there were there was very little to stop him you know even if jb1Fuov9mfI-00090-00057616-00057997 Venezuela was a country with the appropriate mechanisms to avoid people jb1Fuov9mfI-00091-00057997-00058789 like that from getting into power but out of the force of charisma alone the you jb1Fuov9mfI-00092-00058789-00059302 know the system always apologetically tried and would find a way to give him jb1Fuov9mfI-00093-00059302-00060010 what he wanted but anyway the movement became a political party MVR jb1Fuov9mfI-00094-00060010-00060552 Movimiento Quinta Republica, Movement for the Fifth Republic and soon enough jb1Fuov9mfI-00095-00060552-00061158 Chavez was getting more and more momentum and I remember those elections jb1Fuov9mfI-00096-00061158-00061861 clearly I mean I was 13 years old and they were crazy crazy as hell I mean a jb1Fuov9mfI-00097-00061861-00062479 former Miss Universe from 1981 named Irene Saez started the race on the lead jb1Fuov9mfI-00098-00062479-00063277 and with a really really good traction now now you can giggle at the idea but jb1Fuov9mfI-00099-00063277-00063862 she had already proven herself as an efficient and uncorrupted public jb1Fuov9mfI-00100-00063862-00064285 administrator when she took a couple of terms as mayor of one of Caracas jb1Fuov9mfI-00101-00064285-00064666 municipalities so being a miss was actually a plus for jb1Fuov9mfI-00102-00064666-00065191 her not a minus her downfall was actually when she struck a deal with one of the jb1Fuov9mfI-00103-00065191-00065794 oh so last season OG parties again she didn't lose points with the people for jb1Fuov9mfI-00104-00065794-00066324 being because she was a former Miss Universe she lose she lost the crowd jb1Fuov9mfI-00105-00066324-00067048 because she accepted the support of the Venezuela equivalent of the GOP so jb1Fuov9mfI-00106-00067048-00067666 so you can imagine how people were so fed up of the old bipartisan jb1Fuov9mfI-00107-00067666-00068137 system that everything they touched seen and was for a long time politically jb1Fuov9mfI-00108-00068137-00069195 toxic Chavez began thus branding himself as a revolutionary who wanted to really jb1Fuov9mfI-00109-00069195-00069841 subvert the state as a whole because I'm paraphrasing of course I don't jb1Fuov9mfI-00110-00069841-00070543 remember exactly his words but TLDR he said the institution's in place by the jb1Fuov9mfI-00111-00070543-00071094 Constitution of 1961 the basis of the democratic state of Venezuela we're all jb1Fuov9mfI-00112-00071094-00071512 set up from the beginning and managed in a way that excluded the disadvantaged jb1Fuov9mfI-00113-00071512-00072223 ones and kept the political and economic elites comfortably in power where they jb1Fuov9mfI-00114-00072223-00072702 could you know keep stealing the money that should have been you know invested jb1Fuov9mfI-00115-00072702-00073405 on the people remember Veneuela had a lot of oil money so Chavez said jb1Fuov9mfI-00116-00073405-00074023 that that corruption and the system itself was designed in a way to keep jb1Fuov9mfI-00117-00074023-00074575 people poor and the political elites stealing the money was was was keeping jb1Fuov9mfI-00118-00074575-00075377 them poor which is it's not entirely false so his solution was a revolution jb1Fuov9mfI-00119-00075377-00076243 he put on his red beret and he put on the table the idea of changing the constitution as the jb1Fuov9mfI-00120-00076243-00076762 main campaign promise kind of like Trump's wall to consecrate jb1Fuov9mfI-00121-00076762-00077368 on it the principle of direct democracy inclusion social equality joint jb1Fuov9mfI-00122-00077368-00077648 cooperation between army party and civilian jb1Fuov9mfI-00123-00077648-00078445 all properly packaged and sold as very distorted and in many many cases plain jb1Fuov9mfI-00124-00078445-00079000 twisted or made-up elements from Simón Bolívar's philosophical and political jb1Fuov9mfI-00125-00079000-00079505 thought just as a quick side note for those who don't know Bolivar it's like jb1Fuov9mfI-00126-00079505-00079961 the venezuela in Washington except that he's even bigger for us you know he's an jb1Fuov9mfI-00127-00079961-00080405 even bigger deal for us he's more than a national hero for Venezuela for most jb1Fuov9mfI-00128-00080405-00080902 Venezuelans he's the foundation myth of the country so you can imagine how jb1Fuov9mfI-00129-00080902-00081461 appealing that message was for many you know even for you know like rational jb1Fuov9mfI-00130-00081461-00082245 people like academics and stuff so his main opponent who was Henrique Salas Romer jb1Fuov9mfI-00131-00082245-00082786 he had been governor of relatively wealthy state and had done an okay job jb1Fuov9mfI-00132-00082786-00083366 putting finances in order people saw him as you know as an honest jb1Fuov9mfI-00133-00083366-00084064 man and he kept investing in the states something that was seen as unusual from jb1Fuov9mfI-00134-00084064-00084647 a local mandatary you know since they always had been using this old jb1Fuov9mfI-00135-00084647-00085049 excuse of Caracas is not sending enough resources so we there's nothing we can jb1Fuov9mfI-00136-00085049-00085600 do which was originally like a cover-up for corruption and just a really really jb1Fuov9mfI-00137-00085600-00086198 lousy job of administration but in any case Salas Romer wasn't a jb1Fuov9mfI-00138-00086198-00086845 great speaker as Chavez but he had one thing to he has advantage which was fear jb1Fuov9mfI-00139-00086845-00087280 as Chavez kept getting stronger on the polls the campaign began to coalesce jb1Fuov9mfI-00140-00087280-00087880 into a two camps showdown Salas Romer was the only one who was close enough to him jb1Fuov9mfI-00141-00087880-00088492 to put up a fight so everyone you know like went behind him and the message of jb1Fuov9mfI-00142-00088492-00089062 his campaign began to take every week darker and darker tones with a bunch of jb1Fuov9mfI-00143-00089062-00089510 you know visions of the future the indeed try to expose Chavez of smoke and jb1Fuov9mfI-00144-00089510-00089950 mirrors covering only a violent and grim outcome for the country if he was jb1Fuov9mfI-00145-00089950-00090751 elected but those were the days of the beginning of that saying "no vale yo jb1Fuov9mfI-00146-00090751-00091138 no creo" which roughly could be translated as naah jb1Fuov9mfI-00147-00091138-00092287 there's no way that'll happen i don't believe that he would be incapable of doing that, no vale yo no creo jb1Fuov9mfI-00148-00092287-00093212 turns out hindsight is a bitch and thus the fear and all the eerly predictions of jb1Fuov9mfI-00149-00093212-00093907 the future were not enough. Chavez won. Not by a landslide but a jb1Fuov9mfI-00150-00093907-00094762 comfortable margin that left no doubt of the winner I remember the night we had jb1Fuov9mfI-00151-00094762-00095488 only one TV back in the house so we all gather in the living room to listen you jb1Fuov9mfI-00152-00095488-00096155 know to watch the results and listen to you to his speech when he won. All my jb1Fuov9mfI-00153-00096155-00096493 family voted for him there were crazy supporters of Chavez no they were more jb1Fuov9mfI-00154-00096493-00097022 than happy they we're like crazy happy. Me too was kind of excited jb1Fuov9mfI-00155-00097022-00097762 because even though I was young I already had a bunch of political ideas jb1Fuov9mfI-00156-00097762-00098317 and and concepts and and of stuff in my head because my grandpa and I we used to jb1Fuov9mfI-00157-00098317-00098912 debate all the time he was a staunch communist communist so we used to clash jb1Fuov9mfI-00158-00098912-00099512 a lot whenever his answers would be in conflict with my understanding for jb1Fuov9mfI-00159-00099512-00100379 democracy was there were some really heated debates anyway I remember feeling I remember feeling jb1Fuov9mfI-00160-00100379-00100972 reassured with his speech because even though all of my family supported him I jb1Fuov9mfI-00161-00100972-00101810 secretly wanted him to lose because you know I had that gut feeling that this jb1Fuov9mfI-00162-00101810-00102778 man he's covering something this this this is not all of it so I I told jb1Fuov9mfI-00163-00102778-00103224 myself I remember watching him I told myself well I'm sure it'd all be jb1Fuov9mfI-00164-00103224-00103578 alright how wrong was little me. jb1Fuov9mfI-00165-00103578-00103878 That's where we begin with Chavez he was jb1Fuov9mfI-00166-00103878-00104618 democratically elected everything was you know the way it was supposed to be jb1Fuov9mfI-00167-00104618-00105318 so what happened well we're gonna find that out soon enough jb1Fuov9mfI-00168-00105318-00105675 trust me so I hope you join me on the next video where we're going to talk jb1Fuov9mfI-00169-00105675-00106401 about the first years of Chavez and the new constitution why that was so such jb1Fuov9mfI-00170-00106401-00107118 key part of his playbook I think at the end of each episode what jb1Fuov9mfI-00171-00107118-00107928 we're gonna do is try to write down exactly his strategy in order for you jb1Fuov9mfI-00172-00107928-00108668 to recognize those signals whenever you see them in the discourse of a candidate jb1Fuov9mfI-00173-00108668-00109641 so you can choose correctly and you can avoid putting your country through the jb1Fuov9mfI-00174-00109641-00110199 hell that Venezuela is living right now if you liked it you can just hit the jb1Fuov9mfI-00175-00110199-00110675 like button and share whatever I don't know jb1Fuov9mfI-00176-00110691-00111796 thank you for listening jbpL1My8rok-00000-00000000-00000756 yeah that's right after pretty much a year Manny MUAa finally opened up about jbpL1My8rok-00001-00000756-00001236 his experience being cancelled and as someone who's been canceled myself I jbpL1My8rok-00002-00001236-00002379 thought this would be the perfect time to break that video down and discuss it jbpL1My8rok-00003-00002417-00002918 what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the jbpL1My8rok-00004-00002918-00003296 problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel what I try to jbpL1My8rok-00005-00003296-00003654 do is take different topics going on in the YouTube community and try to see jbpL1My8rok-00006-00003654-00003989 what lessons we can pull from them to improve our own mental and emotional jbpL1My8rok-00007-00003989-00004407 well-being so if you're into that stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that jbpL1My8rok-00008-00004407-00004902 notification bell so two quick things I am releasing this video today September jbpL1My8rok-00009-00004902-00005357 first so if you catch it in time my brand new book cancelled inside YouTube jbpL1My8rok-00010-00005357-00005877 canceled culture you can get the e-book for free until the end of day two day jbpL1My8rok-00011-00005877-00006411 I've been doing it all month long and we have over 1200 downloads already crazy jbpL1My8rok-00012-00006411-00006801 so get yourself a copy there's also an audiobook if you want to buy that it's jbpL1My8rok-00013-00006801-00007281 only ten bucks but anyways after today the e-book the pdf version is only three jbpL1My8rok-00014-00007281-00007722 bucks the other one is five dollars but anyways like if you want to learn more jbpL1My8rok-00015-00007722-00008120 about cancel culture and why it's so toxic and what it's like to go through jbpL1My8rok-00016-00008120-00008493 it it's one of the many reasons I wrote this book so make sure you check out the jbpL1My8rok-00017-00008493-00008699 description check out the pin comment down below jbpL1My8rok-00018-00008699-00009399 second thing is I wrote down so many notes from manisManny MUAs video and I had the jbpL1My8rok-00019-00009399-00009854 biggest smile on my face the whole time so make sure to subscribe because jbpL1My8rok-00020-00009854-00010278 there's gonna be a two-parter okay in this video I'm going to be talking about jbpL1My8rok-00021-00010278-00010736 what mani was discussing when it comes to cancel culture and kind of break that jbpL1My8rok-00022-00010736-00011577 down but the next video I make I want to help teach all of you what we can learn jbpL1My8rok-00023-00011577-00011904 from what he's been through all right so this video we're going to be talking jbpL1My8rok-00024-00011904-00012429 about cancel culture but you guys like man I'll give you a little spoiler ahead jbpL1My8rok-00025-00012429-00012962 of time like if mani or anybody else can get through this like you can get jbpL1My8rok-00026-00012962-00013175 through some stuff you're going through and that's what jbpL1My8rok-00027-00013175-00013597 we're gonna be talking about in part two of the next video so anyways yeah it's jbpL1My8rok-00028-00013597-00014261 been about a year since drama get in one and oh my god like oh like cancel jbpL1My8rok-00029-00014261-00014734 culture I did a video the other day the witch hunt of Pro Jared and there's this jbpL1My8rok-00030-00014734-00015159 formula to witch hunts and one of them that really stands out to me one of the jbpL1My8rok-00031-00015159-00015740 factors in these witch hunts is how is started typically by something trivial jbpL1My8rok-00032-00015740-00016156 or there's lies that circulate and it could be both like like what happened to jbpL1My8rok-00033-00016156-00016651 Manny it was like oh my god he got exposed as being a bad friend or doing jbpL1My8rok-00034-00016651-00017035 or treating some friends poorly right and all of this happened which is jbpL1My8rok-00035-00017035-00017543 absolutely insane and yeah it affected him in a bunch of different ways jbpL1My8rok-00036-00017543-00018073 psychologically and I'm so glad that he opened up about this I remember a week jbpL1My8rok-00037-00018073-00018422 two weeks ago keemstar actually tweeted out that he jbpL1My8rok-00038-00018422-00018812 wanted to interview James Charles about what James Charles went through this jbpL1My8rok-00039-00018812-00019156 year you know when everything happened with talk to Westbrook and Jeffrey star jbpL1My8rok-00040-00019156-00019472 and everything and Jim's house was like you know what I just want to move jbpL1My8rok-00041-00019472-00019870 forward I just want to move forward and get past this right and I'm like dang jbpL1My8rok-00042-00019870-00020393 dude like when people get cancelled like we don't want to talk about it we just jbpL1My8rok-00043-00020393-00020804 want to have everybody forget about it and just move forward but like here's jbpL1My8rok-00044-00020804-00021119 the thing like so those of you who don't know me I've been clean and sober for jbpL1My8rok-00045-00021119-00021434 seven years I'm like I didn't want to talk about it I didn't want to share my jbpL1My8rok-00046-00021434-00021913 story but the thing is how am I supposed to help anybody who's about to go jbpL1My8rok-00047-00021913-00022481 through this if I don't share my story right so I'm so glad that manny has such jbpL1My8rok-00048-00022481-00022931 a big platform and he finally got to a place where he was willing to open up jbpL1My8rok-00049-00022931-00023323 about this and even though kind of bummed me out when Jan Schall said he jbpL1My8rok-00050-00023323-00023528 wasn't you're gonna want to do that interview where teams don't like jbpL1My8rok-00051-00023528-00024094 hopefully this is inspired James so like maybe even a year from now James is jbpL1My8rok-00052-00024094-00024790 willing to open up about his experience right because cancel culture is terrible jbpL1My8rok-00053-00024790-00025216 and let me discuss this a little bit later in the video but like listen it's jbpL1My8rok-00054-00025216-00025720 okay to disagree with people it's okay to not like people that's jbpL1My8rok-00055-00025720-00026398 but like joining in on the hate mob like that is not that is just it's so toxic jbpL1My8rok-00056-00026398-00026893 it's so toxic and so terrible so one of the things that Manny talks about is jbpL1My8rok-00057-00026893-00027538 this I'll show you a little clip and it was truly the most terrible thing I've jbpL1My8rok-00058-00027538-00028132 probably ever been through in my life emotionally and mentally it is probably jbpL1My8rok-00059-00028132-00028576 the worst thing I've ever gone through in my entire life and you guys cancel jbpL1My8rok-00060-00028576-00029005 culture basically says oh you've dub you're canceled jbpL1My8rok-00061-00029005-00029287 you'll never be brought back from life because you're literally dead in the jbpL1My8rok-00062-00029287-00029701 water hmm so there's a many things wrong with jbpL1My8rok-00063-00029701-00030085 that because you know what about for your forgiveness cancel culture does not jbpL1My8rok-00064-00030085-00030742 allow for growth and forgiveness and learning and allowing people to be jbpL1My8rok-00065-00030742-00031348 people yes yes like oh my god like all right it's so nice as somebody who's jbpL1My8rok-00066-00031348-00031902 been cancelled like it's so nice to hear somebody else discuss this like one of jbpL1My8rok-00067-00031902-00032236 the reasons we share our stories with one another whether it's you know your jbpL1My8rok-00068-00032236-00032589 your history of trauma or addiction or mental health or whatever is so we don't jbpL1My8rok-00069-00032589-00033085 feel alone right and what man is talking about is cancel culture doesn't give jbpL1My8rok-00070-00033085-00033733 people the opportunity to grow and and we're also not promoting forgiveness jbpL1My8rok-00071-00033733-00034171 like do you know how crazy that is like something I'm trying to teach people jbpL1My8rok-00072-00034171-00034708 right even my own son is like would you want to be forgiven would you expect jbpL1My8rok-00073-00034708-00035107 people to forgive you for this right like these things are black and white jbpL1My8rok-00074-00035107-00035578 like we're treating we're treating people who get cancelled for for these jbpL1My8rok-00075-00035578-00036121 silly trivial things like like they're a murderer or something like what but what jbpL1My8rok-00076-00036121-00036555 he was a bad friend like chill the hell out all right and it's absolutely jbpL1My8rok-00077-00036555-00037048 bananas and here's the thing like I I discussed this in the book a little bit jbpL1My8rok-00078-00037048-00037663 I think in the conclusion chapter like as somebody who is an advocate for you jbpL1My8rok-00079-00037663-00038092 know mental health and addiction like our prison system sucks right jbpL1My8rok-00080-00038092-00038497 like we punish people and it's not even just people who go who get locked up for jbpL1My8rok-00081-00038497-00038858 you know substance abuse and things like that but look at all prisons jbpL1My8rok-00082-00038858-00039365 system right like when people get out of prison it is so hard for them to get on jbpL1My8rok-00083-00039365-00039700 their feet get a job and repair their life you know what that's teaching them jbpL1My8rok-00084-00039700-00040184 but why even bother why even try to improve yourself because society is not jbpL1My8rok-00085-00040184-00040684 gonna forgive you and when I see canceled culture like just crash down on jbpL1My8rok-00086-00040684-00041272 somebody I'm just like do you not want this person to grow to become a better jbpL1My8rok-00087-00041272-00041828 person you know what I mean and I'm so proud of Manny for going out and seeking jbpL1My8rok-00088-00041828-00042143 therapy and doing stuff you know getting involved with it you know doing more jbpL1My8rok-00089-00042143-00042575 with his family and you know getting back into the gym and all that kind of jbpL1My8rok-00090-00042575-00043234 stuff but you guys like we have to have a society where we're willing to forgive jbpL1My8rok-00091-00043234-00043759 people all right like one of the worst things that we could do one of the worst jbpL1My8rok-00092-00043759-00044144 cognitive distortions that we can have is black-and-white thinking thinking jbpL1My8rok-00093-00044144-00044855 people are either all good or all bad no 99.9% of all of us human beings we jbpL1My8rok-00094-00044855-00045322 sit in the gray area we're good people who do some bad or stupid things jbpL1My8rok-00095-00045322-00045775 sometimes you know what I mean and it hurts and it sucks and it's jbpL1My8rok-00096-00045775-00046621 bullying imagine someone who has not same spot of me UK I'm 28 years old jbpL1My8rok-00097-00046621-00047177 imagine canceling someone who's 15 for something that they did imagine sending jbpL1My8rok-00098-00047177-00047771 them so much hate that they decide to hurt themselves for it in a very very jbpL1My8rok-00099-00047771-00048616 negative way you guys the suicide rates for LGBT youth are astronomical and it's jbpL1My8rok-00100-00048616-00049196 so sad imagine I can't even imagine someone getting even a percentage of the jbpL1My8rok-00101-00049196-00049456 hate that I got and where they would have to be mentally to be able to go jbpL1My8rok-00102-00049456-00049852 through that so right there he says one of the reasons he's sharing about this jbpL1My8rok-00103-00049852-00050162 is he imagines somebody else going through this and let me tell you this jbpL1My8rok-00104-00050162-00050737 this is probably the biggest reason that I wrote this book like so many of you jbpL1My8rok-00105-00050737-00051115 guys watching this like you know I know the majority of people aren't going to jbpL1My8rok-00106-00051115-00051616 go through what Manny MUA went through or even I went through jbpL1My8rok-00107-00051616-00051808 it out you know lesser level because I'm not as jbpL1My8rok-00108-00051808-00052282 of a youtuber but you guys like this is stuff that's happening at schools right jbpL1My8rok-00109-00052282-00052738 like when I was a kid like we didn't have social media like if people were jbpL1My8rok-00110-00052738-00053068 lucky they had those crappy Nokia cell phones with like snake on them and stuff jbpL1My8rok-00111-00053068-00053545 but now you can get canceled at your school you can get canceled at your jbpL1My8rok-00112-00053545-00053887 college and stuff right like cancel culture is this something that just jbpL1My8rok-00113-00053887-00054262 happens to youtubers and celebrities it's happening to people like I talked jbpL1My8rok-00114-00054262-00054649 about this in one of my last videos but I just finished a book call so so you've jbpL1My8rok-00115-00054649-00055276 been publicly shamed by Jon Ronson and most of that book is it's just normal jbpL1My8rok-00116-00055276-00055774 everyday people where canceled culture came after them and publicly shamed them jbpL1My8rok-00117-00055774-00056194 you know what I mean so one of the reasons why I finally decided to build jbpL1My8rok-00118-00056194-00056593 up the courage and just like write this book and share my experience is to help jbpL1My8rok-00119-00056593-00057070 others and oh my god and like I hope oh this might have to be a three parter jbpL1My8rok-00120-00057070-00057652 because if I see people harping on Manny for this video we're gonna talk about it jbpL1My8rok-00121-00057652-00058006 but anyways like when I released my book you know how many people you know how jbpL1My8rok-00122-00058006-00058339 many people are like oh my God look chris is trying to play the victim chris jbpL1My8rok-00123-00058339-00058799 is trying to do that and like I knew it I knew the second I sat down to write jbpL1My8rok-00124-00058799-00059569 that book I knew that was coming right but the thing is I have found meaning a jbpL1My8rok-00125-00059569-00060149 purpose in life to take my experience and help others that's just what I do jbpL1My8rok-00126-00060149-00060667 right so I will take all the backlash all of that from sharing my experience jbpL1My8rok-00127-00060667-00061027 and people say oh he's trying to play the victim or he oh he's not telling the jbpL1My8rok-00128-00061027-00061454 truth or blah blah blah blah whatever it is if I can help somebody else and like jbpL1My8rok-00129-00061454-00061912 I said over 1200 people have downloaded the book the free version so far like jbpL1My8rok-00130-00061912-00062494 cool I hope I've been able to help somebody and I know for a fact Manny is jbpL1My8rok-00131-00062494-00062926 helping people by sharing his story - yeah like you said like we have to talk jbpL1My8rok-00132-00062926-00063485 about this whenever I hear about people get cancelled getting cancelled and I jbpL1My8rok-00133-00063485-00064042 just heard about this with a game game developer but look at what happened to jbpL1My8rok-00134-00064042-00064598 Erica - earlier this summer you know what I mean like there were a million jbpL1My8rok-00135-00064598-00064958 different contributing factors though one of them was just the internet hate jbpL1My8rok-00136-00064958-00065392 mob just constantly on him egging him on and everything like that and it's like jbpL1My8rok-00137-00065392-00066098 we need to talk about this stuff we have to have conversations about this you jbpL1My8rok-00138-00066098-00066536 know what I mean like nothing's going to get better nothing is going to get like jbpL1My8rok-00139-00066536-00067076 nothing is going to change unless we have conversations about this and listen jbpL1My8rok-00140-00067076-00067463 check it out I know I do commentary here and I know there are other channels that jbpL1My8rok-00141-00067463-00067940 do commentary or they do drama or they do news right like you the audience like jbpL1My8rok-00142-00067940-00068392 if I could just teach you one thing like just one thing all right it's just jbpL1My8rok-00143-00068392-00068888 because you disagree with somebody's opinion doesn't mean that they shouldn't jbpL1My8rok-00144-00068888-00069425 have the right to discuss their opinions all right like we're humans we're going jbpL1My8rok-00145-00069425-00069797 to have different opinions I don't like seafood I thought like hell jbpL1My8rok-00146-00069797-00070268 some of you know I'm vegetarian we have different tastes in foods that doesn't jbpL1My8rok-00147-00070268-00070532 mean that I'm a bad person it doesn't mean that you're a bad person jbpL1My8rok-00148-00070532-00070868 so like broaden that scope what's your favorite color jbpL1My8rok-00149-00070868-00071324 alright mine sometimes blue or black or gray I like a bunch of different colors jbpL1My8rok-00150-00071324-00071759 but if those are your favorite colors who cares we all have different views jbpL1My8rok-00151-00071759-00072143 opinions and preferences and things like that it doesn't mean that you need to jbpL1My8rok-00152-00072143-00072620 cancel somebody just because you disagree with the way that they live or jbpL1My8rok-00153-00072620-00073058 the way that they see the world or the views or the opinions they have alright jbpL1My8rok-00154-00073058-00073562 because I'll be honest with you 90% of opinions are not hurting anybody jbpL1My8rok-00155-00073562-00074156 I know we like to think in this current political climate that words are harming jbpL1My8rok-00156-00074156-00074744 people but it's just if you cannot handle a differing opinion than yours jbpL1My8rok-00157-00074744-00075155 like that's a you problem all right like we need to take jbpL1My8rok-00158-00075155-00075503 accountability like I used to have a very screwed-up mental filter where I jbpL1My8rok-00159-00075503-00075941 got offended by everything and then I realize I'm like oh wait they're not the jbpL1My8rok-00160-00075941-00076352 problem I'm the problem like I have to just ask myself like why jbpL1My8rok-00161-00076352-00076814 does it matter if these other people have different views or opinions that I jbpL1My8rok-00162-00076814-00077366 do we all have our own different life experiences that make us the way we are jbpL1My8rok-00163-00077366-00077703 and I fully realize that want to say thank you to everyone who jbpL1My8rok-00164-00077703-00078073 allows me to continue to do what I love and to continue to do what I'm doing and jbpL1My8rok-00165-00078073-00078751 for you guys to be there for me to let me make mistakes to understand I'm going jbpL1My8rok-00166-00078751-00079213 to make them and that I'm doing the best that I can to be a positive role model jbpL1My8rok-00167-00079213-00079606 for you and for myself and for many family and for my friends and to jbpL1My8rok-00168-00079606-00079981 continue to grow as a human being you know as you fall down you got to get jbpL1My8rok-00169-00079981-00080485 back up that's just how it works so right there like Manny talks about how jbpL1My8rok-00170-00080485-00080833 he's still going to mess up but he also talked about right before that about jbpL1My8rok-00171-00080833-00081226 standing up for himself like check it out like both those things and I hope jbpL1My8rok-00172-00081226-00081634 everybody learns from that too like when you get cancelled you get so afraid jbpL1My8rok-00173-00081634-00082015 right like Manny talks about in his video like you know some people have jbpL1My8rok-00174-00082015-00082357 commented that he's not the same he's not his caddy and things like that he's jbpL1My8rok-00175-00082357-00082897 like he was just playing it up mate that might be yet that could be yet for me jbpL1My8rok-00176-00082897-00083455 personally like some of it like some of it was played up but a lot of it was jbpL1My8rok-00177-00083455-00084283 just who I am and four months after I got canceled I was so afraid to be me to jbpL1My8rok-00178-00084283-00084835 be Who I am and vocalize my opinions because I was so worried about how jbpL1My8rok-00179-00084835-00085393 people were going to take it or twist it and do whatever whatever they wanted to jbpL1My8rok-00180-00085393-00085702 with it you know what I mean and like Manny says like standing up for jbpL1My8rok-00181-00085702-00086164 yourself like if you believe in things like stand up for them all right like jbpL1My8rok-00182-00086164-00086527 people are gonna disagree with you and that's cool all right there are going to jbpL1My8rok-00183-00086527-00087103 be people who do agree with you and they will be on your side but like he said jbpL1My8rok-00184-00087103-00087595 he's still gonna mess up like hi I'm Chris I'm not perfect either I'm going jbpL1My8rok-00185-00087595-00088135 to screw up right and I don't think Manny ever said in his entire life that jbpL1My8rok-00186-00088135-00088582 he's perfect and he is the person that you should hold up on a pedestal right jbpL1My8rok-00187-00088582-00088930 it's something weird that we do with these parasocial relationships we're jbpL1My8rok-00188-00088930-00089494 like oh that person's successful so they must be a perfect human being like no jbpL1My8rok-00189-00089494-00089983 like Manny does makeup I make youtube videos and try to teach you about what jbpL1My8rok-00190-00089983-00090370 I've learned about life and mental health and addiction and all these other jbpL1My8rok-00191-00090370-00090851 things like we are you know next coming of Jesus we're all jbpL1My8rok-00192-00090851-00091523 going to screw up but again it goes back to forgiveness like I feel what people jbpL1My8rok-00193-00091523-00092111 have an issue doing is looking at the situation by swapping shoes and just jbpL1My8rok-00194-00092111-00092567 saying what I want to be forgiven for this you know what I mean and speaking jbpL1My8rok-00195-00092567-00093026 of messing up man he also talks about how recently he had a little drama in jbpL1My8rok-00196-00093026-00093737 the last week where he didn't give credit to another makeup artist for a jbpL1My8rok-00197-00093737-00094070 certain look and it was kind of like he saw the second person who did it so I jbpL1My8rok-00198-00094070-00094397 didn't know who the original came from and he publicly just said you know he jbpL1My8rok-00199-00094397-00094745 said sorry and he gave her credit and everything like that he goes on a thing jbpL1My8rok-00200-00094745-00095294 about like helping out small creators and lifting them up and like listen like jbpL1My8rok-00201-00095294-00095918 I just recently started following Manny probably within the last week or so so jbpL1My8rok-00202-00095918-00096242 right I started following I saw this happening I'm like what is what is going jbpL1My8rok-00203-00096242-00096674 on I'm like cheese like like you screwed up into oops oops jbpL1My8rok-00204-00096674-00097286 oopsie mistake right you know and the most we can do as human beings the most jbpL1My8rok-00205-00097286-00097898 we can do is when we're wrong we admit to it and we try to improve ourselves jbpL1My8rok-00206-00097898-00098429 that's all we can do and listen listen baby that's all we can expect from jbpL1My8rok-00207-00098429-00099020 anybody else too when somebody screws up all we can hope for is that they learn jbpL1My8rok-00208-00099020-00099521 from it and try to improve and try to grow from it alright so the last thing I jbpL1My8rok-00209-00099521-00100058 want to say before I let you go and do part two is like I I don't know if Manny jbpL1My8rok-00210-00100058-00100415 will ever watch this video but I want to apologize to Manny because when I was jbpL1My8rok-00211-00100415-00100784 covering you know lessons that we can learn from drama get and everything like jbpL1My8rok-00212-00100784-00101246 that like I was harsh I was brutal and that's the thing so many of us from the jbpL1My8rok-00213-00101246-00101555 outside looking in we're like here's what I would do here's what they should jbpL1My8rok-00214-00101555-00101789 have done here's how they should apologize here's how they should make jbpL1My8rok-00215-00101789-00102170 videos here's how they should act on social media all that stuff and that is jbpL1My8rok-00216-00102170-00102638 so like I was so dense and ignorant right like when I went through it like jbpL1My8rok-00217-00102638-00103175 nothing you do is right I think some of the more recent people who have gone jbpL1My8rok-00218-00103175-00103453 through this they've learned from people like jbpL1My8rok-00219-00103453-00103911 who went through it and screwed up massively like I talked about in my book jbpL1My8rok-00220-00103911-00104416 like I did everything wrong and I empathize with so many people now so jbpL1My8rok-00221-00104416-00104932 like yeah you know when we make videos like I was dumb enough to make videos jbpL1My8rok-00222-00104932-00105418 like breaking down Manny's apology and you see people doing this anytime an jbpL1My8rok-00223-00105418-00105964 apology comes out like jeez it's so crazy and I feel like such a chump you jbpL1My8rok-00224-00105964-00106260 know when you look back at your younger self even though for me it was just like jbpL1My8rok-00225-00106260-00106603 a year ago like you look back at your younger self you like what was I jbpL1My8rok-00226-00106603-00107182 thinking god I was a brutal human big but anyways I'm gonna link Manny's video jbpL1My8rok-00227-00107182-00107643 down below if you're new to my channel you have no idea what I'm talking about jbpL1My8rok-00228-00107643-00108193 but anyways don't forget you have until the end of day today midnight Pacific jbpL1My8rok-00229-00108193-00108655 time alright to grab yourself a free copy of my brand new book cancelled jbpL1My8rok-00230-00108655-00109090 inside YouTube cancer culture the ebook and yeah that's the link down in the jbpL1My8rok-00231-00109090-00109383 description down to the pink comment below alright anyways that's all I got jbpL1My8rok-00232-00109383-00109663 for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new jbpL1My8rok-00233-00109663-00109993 make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell because I'm making a jbpL1My8rok-00234-00109993-00110506 part 2 baby and maybe a part 3 if people start talking smack oh but a huge thank jbpL1My8rok-00235-00110506-00110782 you to everybody somewhere in the channel over on patreon you are all jbpL1My8rok-00236-00110782-00111036 amazing and a huge thank you to everybody who supports the channel in jbpL1My8rok-00237-00111036-00111463 other ways but my books all that kind of stuff alright thanks again for watching jbpL1My8rok-00238-00111463-00111801 I'll see you next time jgAqWvVXW1I-00000-00000501-00000720 Hello, friends of Tencent Video "Deep Well Roasted Goose" jgAqWvVXW1I-00001-00000720-00000817 I'm Yao Chen jgAqWvVXW1I-00002-00000817-00000938 =The MV was filmed in your hometown in Chongqing. How did you choose the location?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00003-00000938-00001252 Because I went to Chongqing for an event, jgAqWvVXW1I-00004-00001252-00001493 I went two days in advance and stayed up late to shoot the [MV] jgAqWvVXW1I-00005-00001493-00001983 If I decided to shoot in Chongqing, it’s because I was born and grew up in Chongqing jgAqWvVXW1I-00006-00001983-00002459 I also think this is the first EP released, so it feels more meaningful to go back to Chongqing. jgAqWvVXW1I-00007-00002459-00002582 =Did you share this EP with your family? What kind of evaluation did you get?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00008-00002582-00002964 Yes. When I listened to my dad and my mother, they thought it was better than "Nevermind" jgAqWvVXW1I-00009-00003018-00003212 My mother said "Nevermind" was like a quarrel jgAqWvVXW1I-00010-00003212-00003491 She said why I didn't release this type of song first? jgAqWvVXW1I-00011-00003491-00003687 She likes this type of song, she doesn’t like that kind of blablabla.. jgAqWvVXW1I-00012-00003687-00004019 The intact description she gave me is like a quarrel jgAqWvVXW1I-00013-00004019-00004425 =Sister Li forever God!!= jgAqWvVXW1I-00014-00004425-00004543 =Have you leaked this song to R1SE members before? How do they rate your new song? jgAqWvVXW1I-00015-00004564-00004852 When I was in the dormitory, I'll release it directly so everyone can hear it jgAqWvVXW1I-00016-00004852-00005037 They just asked without comment jgAqWvVXW1I-00017-00005037-00005161 "Do you want to shoot the MV?" jgAqWvVXW1I-00018-00005161-00005266 "Where did you choose to shoot the MV?" jgAqWvVXW1I-00019-00005266-00005423 "How about the lyrics? Let me see!" jgAqWvVXW1I-00020-00005423-00005554 There are a lot of questions like this. jgAqWvVXW1I-00021-00005554-00005675 =Did you encounter any confusion when writing lyrics? How to solve it?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00022-00005675-00005785 There's no problem with "No Need To Answer" jgAqWvVXW1I-00023-00005785-00006279 "No Need To Answer" is something I always want to say, so I write it relatively smoothly jgAqWvVXW1I-00024-00006279-00006702 but "Sunset of Mobius" is written in third person jgAqWvVXW1I-00025-00006702-00007309 so I asked many staff and my friend Fang Jie or other people jgAqWvVXW1I-00026-00007309-00007831 I asked because it's more difficult to think about what to say to Yao Chen from their point of view jgAqWvVXW1I-00027-00007831-00008049 because I don’t know how others think of me. jgAqWvVXW1I-00028-00008049-00008171 =Use one sentence to describe the meaning of the Mobius ring in your eyes, what do you think is it?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00029-00008171-00008483 Positive and negative, it walks the same way, jgAqWvVXW1I-00030-00008483-00008726 different faces, but the same eyes jgAqWvVXW1I-00031-00008726-00008934 back to back, but also face to face. jgAqWvVXW1I-00032-00008934-00009058 =Do you believe in the parallel world of infinite loops?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00033-00009058-00009504 I believe in parallel worlds, but I don’t believe in infinite loops jgAqWvVXW1I-00034-00009504-00009922 but I think there are cycles, but not necessarily infinite loops. jgAqWvVXW1I-00035-00009922-00010046 =Among all the songs released, which one is the most successful song?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00036-00010046-00010282 These two are not easy to come out jgAqWvVXW1I-00037-00010282-00010570 because after all, I added a lot of my own ideas jgAqWvVXW1I-00038-00010570-00010816 not only the lyrics, not just the music jgAqWvVXW1I-00039-00010816-00010983 Actually, when the MV was filming jgAqWvVXW1I-00040-00010983-00011207 there were also a lot of my own little ideas jgAqWvVXW1I-00041-00011207-00011419 so I did my best to do it. jgAqWvVXW1I-00042-00011419-00011539 =Have you ever started to feel that the ordinary demo recorded is a particularly amazing song?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00043-00011539-00011660 When I finished recording the song "No need to answer", jgAqWvVXW1I-00044-00011660-00012043 I felt very refreshed when I listened to the demo jgAqWvVXW1I-00045-00012043-00012342 and I felt like a vent point in the future jgAqWvVXW1I-00046-00012342-00012558 or anything can be passed through this song. jgAqWvVXW1I-00047-00012558-00012673 =What is the inspiration for the songs in the EP?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00048-00012673-00012865 The source of inspiration is my memo jgAqWvVXW1I-00049-00012865-00013216 but the thing written in it may be me looking at myself. jgAqWvVXW1I-00050-00013216-00013333 Writing lyrics in this EP, what kind of attitude do you want to convey through the lyrics? jgAqWvVXW1I-00051-00013333-00013470 What I want to say is jgAqWvVXW1I-00052-00013470-00013985 that we all need to give ourselves a quiet time or calm ourselves down jgAqWvVXW1I-00053-00013985-00014199 to look at ourselves from another angle. jgAqWvVXW1I-00054-00014199-00014864 Don’t pass other people’s delivery of you or what kind of external things affect your own judgment jgAqWvVXW1I-00055-00014864-00015097 because only we know ourselves best jgAqWvVXW1I-00056-00015097-00015398 and I hope everyone will let go of some of their questions and "No need to answer" them. jgAqWvVXW1I-00057-00015398-00015518 =Combined with the current serious situation of "involution", how do you view and deal with personal anxiety under involution?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00058-00015518-00015735 My personal view is jgAqWvVXW1I-00059-00015735-00015990 that you won't participate in the scroll if you work harder jgAqWvVXW1I-00060-00015990-00016339 After you go up, the scroll won't be able to scroll you. jgAqWvVXW1I-00061-00016339-00016631 =Will you feel anxious if there is an "involution" coming to you?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00062-00016631-00016757 I won't jgAqWvVXW1I-00063-00016757-00017131 because I believe in my own judgment or whatever you do jgAqWvVXW1I-00064-00017131-00017649 but I have my own judgment, I have my own rhythm, and I don't care about you jgAqWvVXW1I-00065-00017649-00017957 it's your business, it doesn't matter. jgAqWvVXW1I-00066-00017957-00018058 =Can't roll me?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00067-00018058-00018208 The volume may also roll over to me, jgAqWvVXW1I-00068-00018208-00018499 but my own mentality will not have much influence jgAqWvVXW1I-00069-00018499-00018694 I rushed to the top jgAqWvVXW1I-00070-00018794-00018915 =You're a hard-working person= jgAqWvVXW1I-00071-00018915-00019211 I am not a very hardworking person nor a very self-disciplined person. jgAqWvVXW1I-00072-00019211-00019520 I just want to achieve my own standard jgAqWvVXW1I-00073-00019520-00020175 If I can’t achieve my own minimum standard, I feel very unhappy or the test is very fruitful. jgAqWvVXW1I-00074-00020175-00020514 It’s possible to pay more, but I’m relaxed. jgAqWvVXW1I-00075-00020514-00020771 I go dancing every day. In the eyes of many people, jgAqWvVXW1I-00076-00020771-00020952 he works hard and works hard. jgAqWvVXW1I-00077-00020952-00021160 Actually, this may be just a thing for me. jgAqWvVXW1I-00078-00021160-00021339 If I don’t dance, it may be even more uncomfortable jgAqWvVXW1I-00079-00021339-00021580 I'm just making an analogy, it's not that I'm going to dance every day. jgAqWvVXW1I-00080-00021580-00021733 =It’s just that there is a standard of its own= jgAqWvVXW1I-00081-00021733-00021791 Right jgAqWvVXW1I-00082-00021791-00022032 Then this has nothing to do with hard work, jgAqWvVXW1I-00083-00022032-00022184 because I never feel that I work hard jgAqWvVXW1I-00084-00022184-00022692 I don't think that involution should be defined by hard work or dedication. jgAqWvVXW1I-00085-00022692-00022811 =Did you share your creative experience with your friends when you were working on EP production?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00086-00022811-00022882 Yes jgAqWvVXW1I-00087-00022882-00023089 In fact, we have communicated with Nannan jgAqWvVXW1I-00088-00023092-00023510 about how the song should be mixed or how it should be written. jgAqWvVXW1I-00089-00023510-00023596 We all communicated jgAqWvVXW1I-00090-00023596-00023951 because after we made the song, we all listened to the song, including Zhao Rang's song jgAqWvVXW1I-00091-00023951-00024115 we all discussed it together jgAqWvVXW1I-00092-00024115-00024247 (Zhao Rang song - WIT'U) jgAqWvVXW1I-00093-00024247-00024362 =Will there be any gains from communicating with friends about production?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00094-00024362-00024516 I think the gain is jgAqWvVXW1I-00095-00024516-00024875 that you can make a judgment and comparison from the perspective of others and yours jgAqWvVXW1I-00096-00024875-00025085 but it is more about yourself jgAqWvVXW1I-00097-00025085-00025255 It is your song and not the song of others jgAqWvVXW1I-00098-00025255-00025412 It is enough to have your own judgment. jgAqWvVXW1I-00099-00025412-00025527 =From "Nevermind" to the launch of the first EP after graduation, what do you think is the biggest changed in your music positioning compared to in the group? jgAqWvVXW1I-00100-00025527-00025667 In terms of music positioning, jgAqWvVXW1I-00101-00025667-00026030 I can now make music that I prefer to like, such as electronic music jgAqWvVXW1I-00102-00026299-00026783 And because in the group, we may have to consider more about the matter of chasing the sun jgAqWvVXW1I-00103-00026874-00027200 But now, there may be more of our own story jgAqWvVXW1I-00104-00027200-00027435 You can hold things in your own hands. jgAqWvVXW1I-00105-00027435-00027558 =What is your favorite element in this EP?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00106-00027558-00027892 Both songs are sung with falsetto in the chorus part jgAqWvVXW1I-00107-00027892-00028075 I am happy that that point is not bad jgAqWvVXW1I-00108-00028075-00028326 Then in terms of lyrics, I like it better jgAqWvVXW1I-00109-00028326-00028714 because it is the kind that can be very cancerous and comfortable after watching the audience jgAqWvVXW1I-00110-00028714-00029009 You can be on the bus by yourself and crying. jgAqWvVXW1I-00111-00029039-00029239 =So the purpose of this EP is to sing and cry for all the fans?= jgAqWvVXW1I-00112-00029239-00029393 That's not it, that's not it jgAqWvVXW1I-00113-00029393-00029506 This EP has no purpose jgAqWvVXW1I-00114-00029506-00029771 I want to show you a more diverse Yao Chen, jgAqWvVXW1I-00115-00029771-00029971 not the Yao Chen you see now. kou6olw1cb4-00000-00000003-00000378 Hey guys I'm glad to see you back on Machen Design kou6olw1cb4-00001-00000378-00001092 we will be learning to make a machine vise on Autodesk Inventor 2018 kou6olw1cb4-00002-00001254-00001536 this is an animated explosion of Machine Vise kou6olw1cb4-00003-00001536-00001955 let me guide you through the parts that the whole grey part is the body kou6olw1cb4-00004-00001955-00002764 then comes the screw rod, nuts, the lock nut, washer, screw M6, jaw grip kou6olw1cb4-00005-00002764-00003360 screw M6 again clamping plates and movable job so let's get started kou6olw1cb4-00006-00004460-00005244 let's start making the body of machine vise let's go to file kou6olw1cb4-00007-00005284-00005712 click on metric standard mm and create kou6olw1cb4-00008-00005789-00006407 click on start sketch 2D click on the XY plane kou6olw1cb4-00009-00006407-00007121 the bottom length is 230 mm we shall subtract the sides that is 5 and 5 kou6olw1cb4-00010-00007121-00007850 on each side let's go to line take the length as kou6olw1cb4-00011-00007850-00008803 230-5-5 let's go to line again kou6olw1cb4-00012-00008821-00009809 the vertical length is 85 mm let's draw the line from their 85 yeah kou6olw1cb4-00013-00010182-00010853 now the horizontal length is 40-5 kou6olw1cb4-00014-00010879-00011627 so 40 - 5 that is 35 the vertical length is 25 kou6olw1cb4-00015-00011627-00012455 let's go to line again 25 there we go now there's a small gap over there kou6olw1cb4-00016-00012455-00013187 the length is 5 for the line take it as 5 mm there we go kou6olw1cb4-00017-00013187-00013868 the length on the left side of the body that is the vertical length with be 27+30 kou6olw1cb4-00018-00013868-00014801 lets go to line and draw it up 27+30 that's 30+27 okay as 57 let's draw kou6olw1cb4-00019-00014801-00015394 a straight line to a point were there oh okay yeah let's draw vertical line kou6olw1cb4-00020-00015394-00016160 to connect those two lines so we're done with that now let's fillet it it has a kou6olw1cb4-00021-00016160-00017000 radius of 10 that's what a fillet type in 10 click on those two lines that one and kou6olw1cb4-00022-00017000-00017987 the other one okay now once this is done let's click on finish sketch so that kou6olw1cb4-00023-00017987-00018650 we can extrude the body let's go to extrude kou6olw1cb4-00024-00018650-00019331 the extrude length is 100 mm so extruding it by 100 mm would be appropriate I'm sorry kou6olw1cb4-00025-00019331-00019960 hundred okay yeah now that's done kou6olw1cb4-00026-00019972-00020501 perfect now we'll have to make these sides of it so let's go to origin kou6olw1cb4-00027-00020501-00021284 XZ plane let's go to origin XZ plane and then go to new sketch so once we go to a kou6olw1cb4-00028-00021284-00021820 new sketch let's draw the wing part of the body at this side part the distance kou6olw1cb4-00029-00021820-00022695 of seen has 115 mm we'll have a subtract 5 from that so 115-5 kou6olw1cb4-00030-00022731-00024143 yeah that's great 110 now we shall draw the vertical distance the length of the kou6olw1cb4-00031-00024143-00025112 vertical distance would be that one that's hundred or 154 -100 divided by 2 kou6olw1cb4-00032-00025112-00026152 154 in brackets minus hundred divided by 2 will get us 27 kou6olw1cb4-00033-00026152-00026891 perfect that is a small length that is that small length kou6olw1cb4-00034-00026891-00027489 now the radius is 13 so let's go to arc centre point let's click on the point draw a kou6olw1cb4-00035-00027489-00028720 30 mm radius that's right ah Now it is done now there's another arc of kou6olw1cb4-00036-00028720-00029455 8mm let's go to arc centre point arc of 8 click on ok kou6olw1cb4-00037-00029455-00029997 lets draw it perfect kou6olw1cb4-00038-00030431-00031189 now once this is done we have extended by 13 mm as it is shown in the diagram kou6olw1cb4-00039-00031264-00031969 13 and the other side will also be 13 kou6olw1cb4-00040-00032669-00033680 the length on each side is 40 so let's extend it to 40 by 2 kou6olw1cb4-00041-00034144-00034682 there is an arc which has the radius of 13 so let's draw that over there kou6olw1cb4-00042-00034682-00035713 let's go to arc centre point click on the point 13 enter let's draw the arc or be kou6olw1cb4-00043-00035713-00036395 one-fourth of it that would be 1/4 of a circle so once we watch this 13 let's kou6olw1cb4-00044-00036395-00036718 remove all the dimensions kou6olw1cb4-00045-00036809-00037787 now let's go to line join them all on that join this okay kou6olw1cb4-00046-00037787-00038621 now the bottom distance is 120 so we'll have to take the line command and draw a line of 120 kou6olw1cb4-00047-00038621-00039043 divided by 2 that's 60 kou6olw1cb4-00048-00039073-00039726 once this is done draw a line again draw a random line kou6olw1cb4-00049-00039726-00040579 then go to arc click on the last point final point click on lock kou6olw1cb4-00050-00040579-00041227 and click on the tangent click on this arc and then the line only when we do this it kou6olw1cb4-00051-00041227-00041737 comes properly or else to be disordered now let's remove the lock by deleting it kou6olw1cb4-00052-00041737-00042195 and let's trim the extra portion kou6olw1cb4-00053-00042251-00043298 trim that, trim that now this is done let's check it out from all the views kou6olw1cb4-00054-00043373-00044150 after we check them we will be extruding living kou6olw1cb4-00055-00044218-00044618 let's go to finish sketch kou6olw1cb4-00056-00044713-00046167 the height is 20 thats 20 mm click over there 20 okay so the extrusion is done kou6olw1cb4-00057-00046167-00046834 let's make the other sketch visible let's extrude that by 23 or extrude kou6olw1cb4-00058-00046834-00048103 next by 23 type in 23 okay sketch visibility's off let's mirror whatever kou6olw1cb4-00059-00048103-00048814 we have extruded for a.. click on the feature click on the middle plane kou6olw1cb4-00060-00048814-00049513 that would be a 1 okay so now this is done let's use plane in mid plane kou6olw1cb4-00061-00049513-00049869 so we can find the mid plane between the body on the other side also kou6olw1cb4-00062-00049869-00050392 yeah now we can mirror the whole thing on the other side for the mirror kou6olw1cb4-00063-00050392-00051196 click on feature click on everything put a mirror plane click on that even kou6olw1cb4-00064-00051196-00051934 that is done if you click OK okay let's make the whole plane invisible once we kou6olw1cb4-00065-00051934-00052632 are done with this let's start making the one that now we are done with that kou6olw1cb4-00066-00052632-00053354 let's go to that let's go over there right click new sketch kou6olw1cb4-00067-00053510-00054118 let's go to view view style wireframe kou6olw1cb4-00068-00054240-00055219 sketch let's draw a line the line would be 60 total length would be 60 so half kou6olw1cb4-00069-00055219-00056327 of 60 would be 30 60 divided by 2 30 the height would be 10 kou6olw1cb4-00070-00056415-00057505 draw a line then small length would be 60 minus 52 divided by 2 kou6olw1cb4-00071-00057546-00058308 at 60 - 52 / 2 kou6olw1cb4-00072-00058710-00059502 okay now a top length would be 13 so it's 10 - 3 kou6olw1cb4-00073-00059503-00060075 its 10-13 that would give us 3 kou6olw1cb4-00074-00060253-00060874 so distance between those two planes is nothing but forty so half of it would be 20 kou6olw1cb4-00075-00060874-00061578 let's go to line two a straight line kou6olw1cb4-00076-00061889-00062652 let's go for 20 forty divided by two kou6olw1cb4-00077-00062736-00063244 let's connect it with another line and delete the old line kou6olw1cb4-00078-00063674-00064079 let's delete that yeah let's do the other ones dimensions also kou6olw1cb4-00079-00064350-00064824 yeah all the dimensions are removed kou6olw1cb4-00080-00064966-00065686 let's go on making the whole sketch for the line extend the line till there kou6olw1cb4-00081-00066184-00066426 let's draw the mid line and connect it kou6olw1cb4-00083-00067252-00068760 now let's mirror them go to mirror select the lines 1 2 3 4 5 done mirror line kou6olw1cb4-00084-00068760-00069350 click on that line and click on apply so that's done let's click on the line and kou6olw1cb4-00085-00069350-00069860 correct them yeah totally done even down finish sketch kou6olw1cb4-00086-00070404-00070984 for the let's go to view here let's get back to view extrude kou6olw1cb4-00087-00071474-00072364 let's extrude the diagram which we made the whole length is to 230 - 40 -15 kou6olw1cb4-00089-00072603-00073581 - 5 to 230 - 40 minus 15 is also appropriate keep on that yeah kou6olw1cb4-00090-00073581-00074588 click on those two okay we're done with the body part half of it still lots is there kou6olw1cb4-00092-00075338-00075794 let's go to that part new sketch kou6olw1cb4-00093-00075968-00076714 the height is 30 so let's draw a line of 30 so that would be a midpoint for a circle kou6olw1cb4-00094-00076944-00078140 the circles diameters 32 lets go to circle click on circle 32 yes the smaller diameter kou6olw1cb4-00095-00078140-00079216 would be 12 that's done let's see from another view finish sketch we can kou6olw1cb4-00096-00079228-00079896 extrude this part extrude the inner circle is let it go inside cut it kou6olw1cb4-00097-00079984-00080070 okay kou6olw1cb4-00098-00080462-00081170 let's see outer circle by going to the x.25 make it visible extrude the outer part kou6olw1cb4-00099-00081366-00082108 by five okay now let me to sketch invisible we're kou6olw1cb4-00100-00082108-00082184 done with that kou6olw1cb4-00101-00082424-00083392 we shall do the same on the other side new sketch the height is 30 let's draw a line kou6olw1cb4-00102-00083442-00084436 of the height 30 let's draw a line of height 30 Circle Circle would be 32 kou6olw1cb4-00103-00084834-00085208 smaller diameter of 20 that's done kou6olw1cb4-00104-00085764-00086230 let's go to extrude select the inner circle kou6olw1cb4-00105-00086318-00087138 let's cut it out okay okay let's make the sketch by visible kou6olw1cb4-00106-00087308-00088092 let's click on extrude and extrude the part and that will be fine okay let's make the sketch invisible kou6olw1cb4-00108-00088420-00088532 now we're done with that kou6olw1cb4-00109-00089078-00089719 let's make the oil holes this 10 mm apart let's go click on that in new sketch kou6olw1cb4-00110-00089720-00090294 line click over there 10 millimeters kou6olw1cb4-00112-00091168-00092008 let's click on hole let's drag that over that scroll over, from sketch before the kou6olw1cb4-00113-00092008-00093054 option countersink click on that part the diameter would be 3 this would be 2 kou6olw1cb4-00114-00093864-00094054 we should increase the length kou6olw1cb4-00115-00094258-00094652 yeah let's pull it over their head go through okay kou6olw1cb4-00116-00094822-00094996 so one oil hole is done kou6olw1cb4-00117-00095470-00096038 let's right-click on that new sketch we shall make one more oil hole kou6olw1cb4-00118-00096039-00096541 right from the center that distance is 20 kou6olw1cb4-00119-00096541-00097179 let's click on line let go that 20 kou6olw1cb4-00120-00097469-00097762 finish catch kou6olw1cb4-00121-00097966-00098868 hole, from sketch, click on the sketch countersink this will be three kou6olw1cb4-00122-00099052-00099556 fine let's see from another angle another view let's pull it down so it kou6olw1cb4-00123-00099556-00099862 comes out yeah okay kou6olw1cb4-00124-00100388-00100438 lets go to view kou6olw1cb4-00125-00100438-00101282 wireframe yeah it's all proper both the oil holes are passing through kou6olw1cb4-00126-00101526-00102498 lets get back shaded with edge let's right-click new sketch let's right-click new sketch kou6olw1cb4-00127-00102498-00103459 the distance is 12.5 another two holes another two holes 12.5 kou6olw1cb4-00128-00103758-00104230 the distance between them us the distance between them a 60 60 /2 kou6olw1cb4-00129-00104230-00105148 would be 30 it's 30 on the other side and 60 on the other side kou6olw1cb4-00130-00105218-00105333 there it goes kou6olw1cb4-00131-00105709-00106226 yeah let's finish sketch go to hole click on kou6olw1cb4-00132-00106230-00107222 them from sketch, countersink that one click on that click on that diameter is 5 kou6olw1cb4-00133-00107446-00107814 deep is 13 okay kou6olw1cb4-00134-00108144-00108372 Threading to be given kou6olw1cb4-00135-00108372-00109076 Cick on that specification ISO metric size would be M6 for a fixed size and others kou6olw1cb4-00136-00109511-00109724 m6 okay kou6olw1cb4-00137-00109866-00110050 same thing should be done there kou6olw1cb4-00138-00110074-00110624 thread on that ISO metric type six kou6olw1cb4-00139-00110748-00110852 okay kou6olw1cb4-00140-00111408-00111628 lets go to fillet and fillet the edges kou6olw1cb4-00141-00111982-00112032 fillet kou6olw1cb4-00142-00112068-00112983 radius click oh there there there there there okay kou6olw1cb4-00143-00112983-00113172 wherever it is necessary kou6olw1cb4-00144-00113842-00114032 yeah going on kou6olw1cb4-00145-00115166-00115442 so finding all the parts for fillet kou6olw1cb4-00146-00115878-00116416 that one the other one kou6olw1cb4-00147-00116570-00117216 the other wing side yeah unsaved yeah apply kou6olw1cb4-00148-00117430-00118285 cancel let's put another radius of 5 it's really so cool yeah say it on the kou6olw1cb4-00149-00118285-00118927 other side okay apply cancel it kou6olw1cb4-00150-00119131-00119655 it's called a threading, click that one kou6olw1cb4-00151-00119730-00120458 specification is a ISO metric profile size is 12 cancel thread the other one is kou6olw1cb4-00152-00120458-00121026 ISO metric profile apply so we are almost done with it kou6olw1cb4-00153-00121026-00122104 let's got a file, iproperties, physical I choose a material to be iron that's cast iron kou6olw1cb4-00154-00122104-00122766 close let's save the file save as kou6olw1cb4-00155-00122959-00123676 the body of the Vice kou6olw1cb4-00156-00123768-00123850 save kou6olw1cb4-00157-00124330-00125104 the second part would be the Movable Jaw so let's go to file metric standard mm kou6olw1cb4-00158-00125104-00126530 create start sketch XY plane the distance is 50 and the height is 45 kou6olw1cb4-00159-00126530-00128303 let's add a rectangle that would be 50 and the height is 45 the height kou6olw1cb4-00160-00128303-00128938 again over there is 3 mm let's take a line extended kou6olw1cb4-00161-00128958-00129677 the horizontal length is five line let's extend it kou6olw1cb4-00162-00129733-00129794 five kou6olw1cb4-00163-00130133-00130796 so the height is 25 let's extended line again kou6olw1cb4-00164-00131359-00132154 the other distance that is the horizontal line that is 35mm line three five kou6olw1cb4-00165-00132154-00133149 yeah the height over there is 10 mm so let's go to line draw a line of 10 mm kou6olw1cb4-00166-00133149-00134329 draw it straight up 10 take another line for straight lines or intersects the top kou6olw1cb4-00167-00134329-00134556 line kou6olw1cb4-00168-00134640-00135225 okay it's cutting them kou6olw1cb4-00169-00135560-00136182 there should be a fillet over there let's go to fillet the fillet radius would be 10 kou6olw1cb4-00170-00136182-00136774 click on those two lines okay all done kou6olw1cb4-00171-00137094-00137604 fillet on the other side that's radius 3 click on those two lines kou6olw1cb4-00172-00137604-00137901 okay kou6olw1cb4-00173-00138148-00139024 finish sketch let's extrude apart the extrude lenght is 40 kou6olw1cb4-00174-00139530-00140758 the bottom part would be 40 yeah that's on both the sides oh yeah okay kou6olw1cb4-00175-00140759-00141228 let's go to extrusion one make the sketch visible kou6olw1cb4-00176-00141228-00141872 well the top part should also be extended by a length of 100 extrude kou6olw1cb4-00177-00141872-00142804 length is hundred extrude in both sides by 50 and 50 okay kou6olw1cb4-00178-00142804-00143623 now we got the outer covering with this the sketch is invisible the distance of that is kou6olw1cb4-00179-00143623-00144045 twenty-seven new sketch kou6olw1cb4-00180-00144418-00145736 let's go to line draw midline from there 27 yeah let's draw a circle of 20 kou6olw1cb4-00181-00145736-00146395 diameter circle 20 diameter kou6olw1cb4-00182-00146591-00147035 let's see from the other angle from the kou6olw1cb4-00183-00147035-00147575 sketch let's extrude it click on that let's make a hole over kou6olw1cb4-00184-00147575-00148244 there here yes going through click on OK kou6olw1cb4-00185-00148316-00149403 now we are left with four holes those are the two holes the distance kou6olw1cb4-00186-00149403-00150161 between them is 60 let's go to line let's see the middle line kou6olw1cb4-00188-00150525-00151459 15.5 let be the top distance click on line again 30 the other side would be kou6olw1cb4-00189-00151459-00152450 60 now we can make the holes just click on finish sketch kou6olw1cb4-00190-00152450-00153838 let's go to hole, from sketch over there and there the forth option that's countersink kou6olw1cb4-00191-00153884-00154712 the depth is 13 diameter is 5 kou6olw1cb4-00192-00155151-00155447 thirteen kou6olw1cb4-00193-00155450-00156700 this would be four okay to holds are done let's go see that kou6olw1cb4-00194-00156704-00157057 let's go to the bottom kou6olw1cb4-00195-00157321-00158151 two more holds the distance is 24 let's right-click new sketch line kou6olw1cb4-00196-00158151-00159102 draw the line from there okay center point of that line and the kou6olw1cb4-00197-00159102-00159689 distance would be 24 divided by 2 that is 12 kou6olw1cb4-00198-00159968-00160830 24 okay finish sketch let's make holes over there click on hole click on those kou6olw1cb4-00199-00160830-00161787 two points depth is 13 dammit as Phi as usual same thing okay kou6olw1cb4-00200-00161787-00162771 so we're done with the mobile jaw you have to give it properties ok threading kou6olw1cb4-00201-00162771-00163389 is left specification reading specification isometric profile things kou6olw1cb4-00202-00163389-00163742 fine up line kou6olw1cb4-00203-00164044-00165105 ready to begin for the polls on our dad specification is a metric profile kou6olw1cb4-00204-00165304-00166177 m600 for so go for size sex fly do the same thing for the other side kou6olw1cb4-00205-00166177-00166690 specification isometric size 6 applied kou6olw1cb4-00206-00166702-00167284 same thing would be done there click on that specification isometric size is 6 kou6olw1cb4-00207-00167284-00168443 apply see anything over there is metric size 6 apply we are done with this this kou6olw1cb4-00208-00168443-00169327 what a file and give it properties file I properties physical iodine cast apply kou6olw1cb4-00209-00169327-00169627 close kou6olw1cb4-00210-00169662-00170203 let's save the file save as kou6olw1cb4-00211-00170222-00170517 we'll be Jo kou6olw1cb4-00212-00170565-00170771 you kou6olw1cb4-00213-00170885-00172008 say okay let's design the third pot that is the JA grub let's go to file metric kou6olw1cb4-00214-00172008-00172979 standard mm create let's go to start to D scratch XY plane let's take a kou6olw1cb4-00215-00172979-00174285 rectangle of 28 and 100mm 28 and 100 that's handed over there and 28 in this kou6olw1cb4-00216-00174285-00175630 side that's been a sketch and extruded the extrude distance is 8 okay kou6olw1cb4-00217-00175630-00176849 click on OK new sketch we'll have to make two holes 260 meet 60 mm apart kou6olw1cb4-00218-00176849-00177873 height of 12.5 right of 12.5 mm 30 on each side 30 over 60 on the other side kou6olw1cb4-00219-00177873-00179121 let's finish catch and make holes hole click on those two points fourth option kou6olw1cb4-00220-00179121-00179723 that's countersink the diameter is 12 kou6olw1cb4-00221-00180062-00181437 the bellow diameter is 6.3 and the distance is 8 okay so we call it over kou6olw1cb4-00222-00181437-00181670 there kou6olw1cb4-00223-00182060-00182852 right click properties let's go talon kou6olw1cb4-00224-00182852-00183896 nulling 45 face so when all that let's go to i properties physical kou6olw1cb4-00225-00184322-00185231 it's steel cast which should also be named as Castile let's go to file and kou6olw1cb4-00226-00185231-00186248 save it it's called as geography and there we go let's make the 3d model of a kou6olw1cb4-00227-00186248-00187312 screw so let's go to file metric standard mm create start sketch XY plane kou6olw1cb4-00228-00187312-00188942 the distance would be 16 line 16 the height would be 12 draw a line that's 12 kou6olw1cb4-00229-00188942-00190330 divided by 2 6 on each side another line over there 6 divided by 2 would be 3 kou6olw1cb4-00230-00190330-00191678 distance is 16 minus 4 that would be 16 minus 4 and join the two points to ends kou6olw1cb4-00231-00191678-00192167 line click over there click over fin a sketch kou6olw1cb4-00232-00192167-00193148 let's revolve it click on the plane profile then the access okay this part kou6olw1cb4-00233-00193148-00193619 is done we'll have to get a notch over there of 1.6 mm distance let's make a kou6olw1cb4-00234-00193619-00195137 new sketch rectangle sketch for to plug it over there 1.6 B the length if in a kou6olw1cb4-00235-00195137-00196430 sketch let's extrude it cut it over there the distance is 1.9 so it cut to a kou6olw1cb4-00236-00196430-00197299 distance of 1.9 click on up here most of this crew is ready let's jump for it kou6olw1cb4-00237-00197299-00198299 click on the edge that would be one apply okay kou6olw1cb4-00238-00198299-00199120 threading let's click on that pod specification isometric profile done kou6olw1cb4-00239-00199120-00200554 apply let's given the property file I properties physical general metric Fe 4 kou6olw1cb4-00240-00200554-00201105 10 w apply file and let's save it kou6olw1cb4-00241-00201148-00201946 screw em 6 okay kou6olw1cb4-00242-00202247-00202909 let's come to the most important part screw rod let's make a 3d model of it kou6olw1cb4-00243-00202909-00204019 there's your a file metric standard mm create start 2d sketch XY plane as usual kou6olw1cb4-00244-00204175-00205453 the distance over the the length is 250 mm plus 40 so that would be 40 plus 250 kou6olw1cb4-00245-00205453-00208198 yeah that distance is 32 32 divided by 2 will be 16 the length is 40 okay one of kou6olw1cb4-00246-00208198-00209876 the line 16 the other length is 20 so 20 divided by 2 will be can do 2 distances kou6olw1cb4-00247-00209876-00211550 170 plus 40 that is 40 plus 170 let's connect them again the distance over kou6olw1cb4-00248-00211550-00212552 there is 12 so 12 divided by 2 would be 6 so 12 divided by 2 6 the land over kou6olw1cb4-00249-00212552-00213328 that is 18 mm again okay kou6olw1cb4-00250-00213689-00214606 that lent the stem click online take it over there if I let's join that kou6olw1cb4-00251-00214606-00215085 connected over there yeah well done kou6olw1cb4-00252-00215136-00215623 those watts let's trim it off kou6olw1cb4-00253-00215644-00216519 trim the other parts delete the dimensions trim trim them yeah all done kou6olw1cb4-00254-00216519-00217329 let's finish sketch and revolve it let's click on the wall yeah kou6olw1cb4-00255-00217329-00218157 click on the profile than the axis okay kou6olw1cb4-00256-00218460-00220323 let's fill out that part by a radius of 3 apply cancel X Z plane right-click new kou6olw1cb4-00257-00220323-00221323 sketch as usual let's draw a line to that distance of 20 let's also call over kou6olw1cb4-00258-00221323-00221863 there and let's cut it through kou6olw1cb4-00259-00222155-00223458 the line is 20 so good soak understand the diameter stands infinite sketch it's kou6olw1cb4-00260-00223458-00224569 eight steward so we cut through it yeah cut on both sides extended okay kou6olw1cb4-00261-00225410-00225925 let's help threading go to thread kou6olw1cb4-00262-00226222-00227292 the offset distance would be 40 and the length would be 170 specification I a kou6olw1cb4-00263-00227292-00228059 somatic profile okay apply cancel now in other threading kou6olw1cb4-00264-00228059-00228506 should be done click on full thread click on the end part of it kou6olw1cb4-00265-00228506-00230114 specification isometric profile apply cancel or of it is done this or tools kou6olw1cb4-00266-00230114-00230414 material kou6olw1cb4-00267-00230578-00232350 and added the materials not there that's why I'm adding it Fe for 10w metal apply kou6olw1cb4-00268-00232608-00234025 3d file AI properties physical search for Fei Fe apply close this go to file kou6olw1cb4-00269-00234025-00235261 and save it save it as screw rod say now we are ready with the screw rod let's go kou6olw1cb4-00270-00235261-00236292 to our next part let's make a washer screw let's go to file metric standard kou6olw1cb4-00271-00236292-00237117 mm and create 2d sketch XY plane as usual the diameter is 32 and the dime kou6olw1cb4-00272-00237117-00238192 inner diameter is 10.5 so yeah then a diameter is 10.5 let's X Oh kou6olw1cb4-00273-00238192-00238635 let's finish sketch and extruded kou6olw1cb4-00274-00238860-00239716 distance is 3 ok mmm let's go to file I property is give it kou6olw1cb4-00275-00239716-00240814 properties physical that would be Fe 4 10 w apply close file save it as let's kou6olw1cb4-00276-00240814-00241302 save it as washer see him kou6olw1cb4-00277-00241556-00242592 de nada let's go to file salad mmm create 2d sketch XY plane did not kou6olw1cb4-00278-00242592-00243484 diameter is 10 so cool let's take it as 10 mm kou6olw1cb4-00279-00243944-00245235 another one is a hexagon so nine distances 18.7 2/2 same thing on the kou6olw1cb4-00280-00245235-00246098 other side into two let's go to polygon say excited kou6olw1cb4-00281-00246098-00246935 click on the center extend it till that yeah done kou6olw1cb4-00282-00246998-00247511 let's delete the part delete that kou6olw1cb4-00283-00247581-00248544 finish sketch and let's extrude let's extrude it the distance is 8 so let's kou6olw1cb4-00284-00248544-00250431 give it as 8 mm okay okay could origin exit plane right leg in your sketch kou6olw1cb4-00285-00250431-00251361 let's draw a line from there to 1.5 you'll get to know what I'm doing kou6olw1cb4-00286-00251361-00252594 another line form they at 1.5 let's join them once that is done let's draw a line kou6olw1cb4-00287-00252594-00253582 over there and in this sketch let's revolve it that part then the kou6olw1cb4-00288-00253582-00254494 accesses over there cut it okay now we got to see that the midplane between kou6olw1cb4-00289-00254494-00255071 those two planes would be found and we will be mirroring it my plane is found kou6olw1cb4-00290-00255071-00255785 let's go to Mira feature meadow plane click on that kou6olw1cb4-00291-00255785-00257041 ok let's hide the male walking plane and visibility yeah then I properties kou6olw1cb4-00292-00257041-00258400 physical read he 14 w apply close let's save the nut save it as not what kou6olw1cb4-00293-00258400-00259396 else could be same a nut is ready now we are neither not the distance of 5 so kou6olw1cb4-00294-00259396-00260360 let's go rope extrude edit feature let's make that file ok this as simple as that kou6olw1cb4-00295-00260360-00260861 do not sew a different dimension the same thing save it as kou6olw1cb4-00296-00260861-00262204 lock not saved let's design the clamping plate for that we'll have to go to file kou6olw1cb4-00297-00262210-00263021 metric standard mm create as usual as we're a star sketch XY plane now the kou6olw1cb4-00298-00263021-00263708 dimension would be a rectangle that'd be a square 50 and 50 on either kou6olw1cb4-00299-00263708-00264583 sides four sides would be 50 50 50 50 50 and 50 kou6olw1cb4-00300-00264583-00265247 okay we got a square now we'll have to make holes through the square fin a kou6olw1cb4-00301-00265247-00266356 scratch next to it before that extrude it by 8 mm that's good as root 8 okay kou6olw1cb4-00302-00266356-00267269 once this is done your sketch over there let's take the center point between them kou6olw1cb4-00303-00267269-00268277 that would be 25 and the distance between them would be 24 it's 25 24 one kou6olw1cb4-00304-00268277-00269218 side let's divide by 2 12 and 24 till there if in a sketch let's make a holes kou6olw1cb4-00305-00269218-00269996 go there from sketch countersink the hole over there the hole over there kou6olw1cb4-00306-00269996-00270944 the whole diameters - well that would be 2 L the distance would be 8 as given and kou6olw1cb4-00307-00270944-00272066 the outer one would be 6.3 okay that's also done ok so we caught on clamping kou6olw1cb4-00308-00272066-00272896 technique for property is physical if he 14 W apply close file go to save as and kou6olw1cb4-00309-00272896-00273925 we name it as clamping plate so clamping plate is also ready saving Yahoo same kou6olw1cb4-00310-00273925-00274829 now we'll be making the assembly for all the parts that we have made now we are kou6olw1cb4-00311-00274829-00275240 down to our assembly so let's assemble all the parts let's go kou6olw1cb4-00312-00275240-00276281 to file create that's metric assembly standard mm create let's place it again kou6olw1cb4-00313-00276281-00277108 body of device yeah let's ground kou6olw1cb4-00314-00277219-00277934 now let's place the glamping plate let's rotate it right click rotate again kou6olw1cb4-00315-00277934-00278609 rotate yeah perfect now we'll have to constrain it let's go kou6olw1cb4-00316-00278609-00279209 to constrain type the first type solution would be the first type that's kou6olw1cb4-00317-00279209-00279863 made that selects the first body let's go through the axis of those two places kou6olw1cb4-00318-00279863-00280421 yeah apply now it might rotate so we'll have kou6olw1cb4-00319-00280421-00281162 to fix the other axis also look at that it's rotating go to constrain type 1 kou6olw1cb4-00320-00281162-00282029 solution 1 let's meet let's go through the axis and the other axis okay kou6olw1cb4-00321-00282029-00282812 apply so this can move front and back let's attach it or fix it over there so kou6olw1cb4-00322-00282812-00283673 again let's go to constrain choose that part then on the other side young apply kou6olw1cb4-00323-00283673-00284963 so it's fixed over there let's go to place and get back a movable job place kou6olw1cb4-00324-00284963-00285443 it over there we'd have to place it along the axis of the holes put a kou6olw1cb4-00325-00285443-00286097 constraint go to that axis and the body is access okay now it can move front and kou6olw1cb4-00326-00286097-00286891 back and rotate so it can slide so let's hold it still so it doesn't rotate kou6olw1cb4-00327-00286891-00287741 choose that part over there okay and the body done applied so it won't be able to kou6olw1cb4-00328-00287741-00288166 rotate be it can move front and back kou6olw1cb4-00329-00288190-00289079 let's place the jog wrap let's rotate it right like rotate Y 90 okay let's place kou6olw1cb4-00330-00289079-00289699 it over there constrain again will constrain it through the back part and kou6olw1cb4-00331-00289699-00290269 over that it's fixed so this can kou6olw1cb4-00332-00290456-00290809 so we'll have to fix it through the holes kou6olw1cb4-00333-00290809-00292361 let's see access let's constrain it through one hole oh yeah perfect kou6olw1cb4-00334-00292361-00293183 that will do it cancel oh it's rotating we'd have to constrain kou6olw1cb4-00335-00293183-00294605 it again let's click on constrain check the other hole now this will yeah click kou6olw1cb4-00336-00294605-00295861 on apply all done now let's place the screw rod okay we'll have to rotate it kou6olw1cb4-00337-00295861-00296435 rotate it again perfect now we'll use constraint to kou6olw1cb4-00338-00296435-00296792 place through the hole with help of the axis okay kou6olw1cb4-00339-00296792-00297670 let's attach it over there okay let's go to constrain click over there over there kou6olw1cb4-00340-00297670-00298820 done apply now that this is done let's get a few other parts let's get in the kou6olw1cb4-00341-00298820-00299855 washer rotate it okay go to constrain click on the axis of kou6olw1cb4-00342-00299855-00300587 that ya washer in the acts of the screw toward ya of it now let's attach it to kou6olw1cb4-00343-00300587-00302411 the body this part then the other one oh apply place another bolt or not rotated kou6olw1cb4-00344-00302411-00302638 Oh kou6olw1cb4-00345-00302751-00303940 constrain the pass-through that let pass through this yeah let's fix it over that kou6olw1cb4-00346-00304011-00305154 constrain choose the back part the back surface place it on the wall shop apply kou6olw1cb4-00347-00305154-00306058 let's get the lock nut place lock nut open rotate by Y 90 kou6olw1cb4-00348-00306058-00307153 degrees constrain axis access apply pull the friend now constrain it to the other kou6olw1cb4-00349-00307153-00308891 bolt but do not click on the no only not yeah apply let's place the screw em sex kou6olw1cb4-00350-00308891-00310180 yeah one two three four let's rotate the top two screws go to free rotate rotate kou6olw1cb4-00351-00310180-00311578 at perfect yes enter oh let's click on constrain constrains with the axis axis kou6olw1cb4-00352-00311578-00312118 over there axle of the screw again excess over there kou6olw1cb4-00353-00312118-00313146 perfect apply let's use the second option in constraint now that is flush kou6olw1cb4-00354-00313146-00314015 there on the screw and the surface what is flush do it gets in the two surfaces kou6olw1cb4-00355-00314015-00314920 aligned together let's do the same thing with other two screws access axis apply kou6olw1cb4-00356-00314920-00315241 flush it kou6olw1cb4-00357-00315293-00316145 shirt apply it so let's go to place and get the clamping plate kou6olw1cb4-00358-00316145-00317959 okay let's rotated free rotate hmm that's enough mostly constrain choose kou6olw1cb4-00359-00317959-00318823 the bottom access come on kou6olw1cb4-00360-00318991-00320430 yeah nice to be you're talking go to constrain and choose the other actions kou6olw1cb4-00361-00320473-00322667 that and that apply constrain click on that the other part apply let's get in kou6olw1cb4-00362-00322667-00323300 to screws let's go to screw one six copy that face it over there again paste kou6olw1cb4-00363-00323300-00324401 another one perfect copy them free rotate get them right constrain let go kou6olw1cb4-00364-00324401-00325403 through the axis axis Y axis accents apply second type of solution let's kou6olw1cb4-00365-00325403-00326149 flush for this cruise be self AC apply all this is none kou6olw1cb4-00366-00326606-00327466 now we'll have to go to file and save it as you should assembly in it or machine kou6olw1cb4-00367-00327466-00329338 wise machine was assembly same as I talked about earlier for college purpose kou6olw1cb4-00368-00329338-00330148 we'll have to make the drafting for that let's go to file metric then drawing en kou6olw1cb4-00369-00330148-00331066 si mm not a WG create we got a sheet right click on en si later then go to kou6olw1cb4-00370-00331066-00332194 sheet edit sheet a3 size okay a little bass it's and so the assembly kou6olw1cb4-00371-00332194-00332521 machine wise assembly god I am there we go kou6olw1cb4-00372-00332521-00332958 this first type of style it's rotated yeah kou6olw1cb4-00373-00332958-00333799 top view okay let's pull her to the left bottom let's get this section view kou6olw1cb4-00374-00333799-00335017 offered section or what their yeah the center point pull it down take it kou6olw1cb4-00375-00335017-00335850 towards the left take it up right click continue kou6olw1cb4-00376-00335850-00337270 first above style okay we got that let's pull it up effect we got the section kou6olw1cb4-00377-00337270-00338302 view yeah just align align just aligning it go to base choose our war machine kou6olw1cb4-00378-00338302-00339222 wise assembly okay second type of style the ISO view okay kou6olw1cb4-00379-00339222-00339943 let's place it over there now we'll have to start naming the body parts for that kou6olw1cb4-00380-00339943-00340948 it's got annotations star what balloons auto balloons like view said yeah click kou6olw1cb4-00381-00340948-00341338 on that I don't know more components left click kou6olw1cb4-00382-00341338-00342335 and drag select parameter is vertically effect we've got it over there applied kou6olw1cb4-00383-00342335-00343324 now we'll have to get the part list for a part list click on that okay that's kou6olw1cb4-00384-00343324-00343842 also done we'll place the part list over the right bottom kou6olw1cb4-00385-00344072-00344625 there's items quantity let's go to edit part list let's go to the first option kou6olw1cb4-00386-00344625-00345903 let's remove description and let's add material added click OK supply so we kou6olw1cb4-00387-00345903-00346533 have items quantity part number and materials we are done with our 2d kou6olw1cb4-00388-00346533-00347013 drafting this is how we make a machine wise thanks a lot guys for watching it kou6olw1cb4-00389-00347013-00347478 we will be back with other great videos of how to design other machine tools kou6olw1cb4-00390-00347478-00347768 thank you k2lpTSijm9o-00000-00004623-00004723 Welcome k2lpTSijm9o-00004-00014161-00014211 Click SUBSCRIBE k2lpTSijm9o-00005-00014211-00014261 THANKS k5UpAEYi4mM-00000-00000430-00000630 Scythe dominator k5UpAEYi4mM-00001-00000760-00001150 To control congestion of reaper Lubis votes on price of blood. k5UpAEYi4mM-00002-00001150-00001498 Her power is unpredictable like double edged sword. k5UpAEYi4mM-00003-00001498-00001884 She was natural born kid with her destiny imprinted deeply in her blood, k5UpAEYi4mM-00004-00001884-00002392 congestion of reaper have massive power that harms Elsword’s party. k5UpAEYi4mM-00005-00002398-00002792 Massive human blood is required to control the congestion. k5UpAEYi4mM-00006-00002792-00003176 It is huge risk to Lubis born between human and reaper, k5UpAEYi4mM-00007-00003186-00003572 and if it makes problem, her body may be cannot hold itself. k5UpAEYi4mM-00008-00003572-00003972 Even this risk, Lubis made a firm resolution k5UpAEYi4mM-00009-00003986-00004300 for her dear colleagues, and supervising that k5UpAEYi4mM-00010-00004304-00004490 they keep their destined ‘destiny of death’ correctly. k5UpAEYi4mM-00011-00004490-00004795 However, the first ritual was failed k5UpAEYi4mM-00012-00004795-00005133 due to abnormal discriminating value of reaper blood with human blood. k5UpAEYi4mM-00013-00005160-00005680 She did not have alternative way, so they visit ‘Chacha Buch’ of Bethma and got solution. k5UpAEYi4mM-00014-00005680-00005986 Chacha Buch said crystalizing the power k5UpAEYi4mM-00015-00006006-00006442 In front of the altar of Dragon’s nest, she finally succeeded to crystalizing blood k5UpAEYi4mM-00016-00006444-00007068 that can control congestion of reaper so that ‘the gem’ and its power. k5UpAEYi4mM-00017-00007092-00007638 The gem crystalized at that time is ‘Alpnir’ colored purple k5UpAEYi4mM-00018-00007814-00008284 Additionally, this Alpnir refers to each accessory gem in class advancement illusts k5UpAEYi4mM-00019-00008284-00008690 only high executives and her father were able to control it in Salazar. k5UpAEYi4mM-00020-00008690-00009126 When she was young, her father ‘Cien Luberion’ worried about her congestion, k5UpAEYi4mM-00021-00009140-00009732 so that he crystalized Alpnir, but as she grew up blood of reaper increased and control was being weaker. k5UpAEYi4mM-00022-00009732-00010088 Anyway Lubis got title ‘Scythe dominator’ which means she can control congestion of reaper k5UpAEYi4mM-00023-00010108-00010430 after she succeeded crystalizing, k5UpAEYi4mM-00024-00010430-00010906 but blood of human and blood of reaper assimilated with each other causing increase of unmanageable chaos. k5UpAEYi4mM-00025-00011180-00011456 Prison Breaker k5UpAEYi4mM-00026-00011570-00011870 Congestion of her body is being more uncontrollable k5UpAEYi4mM-00027-00011870-00012278 but ‘conntrol’ is obstructing a lot at battle with demon k5UpAEYi4mM-00028-00012286-00012448 so that she lose control by herself k5UpAEYi4mM-00029-00012448-00012818 Also, because she relied too much on the power, her consciousness was vanished gradually k5UpAEYi4mM-00030-00012818-00012969 and encroached into unconsciousness. k5UpAEYi4mM-00031-00012978-00013354 Meanwhile, her father and executives noticed she was in danger k5UpAEYi4mM-00032-00013354-00013599 then summoned and imprisoned her. k5UpAEYi4mM-00033-00013600-00013906 Lubis gave up everything, but suddenly k5UpAEYi4mM-00034-00013906-00014224 she heard resounding voice in her head. k5UpAEYi4mM-00035-00014226-00014552 The deeply resounding voice said to her like this. k5UpAEYi4mM-00036-00014552-00014958 “It is a huge waste that you extinct with price of blood…. Well, I will take the self-control instead.” k5UpAEYi4mM-00037-00014958-00015240 The scythe appeared in front of her told. k5UpAEYi4mM-00038-00015240-00015504 The scythe called itself ‘the judge of destiny’, and suggested contract to Lubis only because of ability that is only she has. k5UpAEYi4mM-00039-00015513-00016324 Because it was a frenetic circumstance, she accepted it for the moment. k5UpAEYi4mM-00040-00016324-00016896 Finally contract in inside of herself was finished, then massive force of El and force of reaper released from her body k5UpAEYi4mM-00041-00016896-00017092 and destroyed some part of prison. k5UpAEYi4mM-00042-00017092-00017412 She take the ‘reaper’s scythe’ in front of her, k5UpAEYi4mM-00043-00017416-00017798 and escaped from prison became turmoil then get back to Elrios k5UpAEYi4mM-00044-00017798-00018036 She dropped into Altera island, Elrios after ran away urgently. k5UpAEYi4mM-00045-00018036-00018370 Ponggos found she lost conscious and take her to village for taking care of her. k5UpAEYi4mM-00046-00018370-00018826 Lubis heard about Elsword’s party from Ponggos after she woke up k5UpAEYi4mM-00047-00018826-00019180 and started to go to join again even she was late. k5UpAEYi4mM-00048-00019186-00019536 However she remembered her past that her power harm them even she does not know why the memory arise, k5UpAEYi4mM-00049-00019536-00019964 she gave up joining and acting independently after agonizing. k5UpAEYi4mM-00050-00020376-00020844 Schwaryer Nebel k5UpAEYi4mM-00051-00020866-00021172 In the middle of fierce battle of Elrianode, k5UpAEYi4mM-00052-00021172-00021528 the reaper’s scythe and Lubis cognized their power is not enough k5UpAEYi4mM-00053-00021528-00022196 and saw prophecy showing Elsword’s destined destiny of death is corrupting through ‘Istania’ the eye of scarlet. k5UpAEYi4mM-00054-00022196-00022698 They felt power of reaper become relatively weaker because of power of Dicion and El. k5UpAEYi4mM-00055-00022698-00023102 Furthermore, reaper’s scythe was in charge of control and Lubis was in charge of human power k5UpAEYi4mM-00056-00023102-00023520 but that make each power acting separately and they noticed it is another problem. k5UpAEYi4mM-00057-00023520-00024004 They tried to find solution through ‘Allegro’, Feitha’s secretary k5UpAEYi4mM-00058-00024014-00024426 and they could find information that said there is secret temple near the statue of guardian of El who rule death k5UpAEYi4mM-00059-00024432-00024892 in underground chapel of Faitha and you can get power for controlling black fog k5UpAEYi4mM-00060-00024892-00025402 However, that place is literally eaten by ‘black colored fog’ and people get in there will not be back. k5UpAEYi4mM-00061-00025418-00025924 After heard this story, Lubis got into the secrete temple of underground chapel with her reaper’s scythe k5UpAEYi4mM-00062-00025924-00026348 and they are undergoing trial in black fog. k5UpAEYi4mM-00063-00026348-00026783 However, they faced more harsh situations than they expected and separated each other. k5UpAEYi4mM-00064-00026783-00027060 They were wandering in confusion because each controls herself and itself k5UpAEYi4mM-00065-00027060-00027281 and being weaker due to separation k5UpAEYi4mM-00066-00027282-00027639 After they get calm down, they find each other’s psychic space k5UpAEYi4mM-00067-00027639-00028254 and make double contraction named ‘Patency(Volante) Control(Devolante)’ k5UpAEYi4mM-00068-00028254-00028630 They make ‘vow of blood’ by accept each other’s power and become one k5UpAEYi4mM-00069-00028630-00028870 and then they eventually reach to the ultimatum of reaper. k5UpAEYi4mM-00070-00028870-00029474 At the moment of vow, Lubis revised her memory about her friend ‘Aisha’ and Elsword’s party k5UpAEYi4mM-00071-00029480-00029766 like phantasmagoria and realized something. k5UpAEYi4mM-00072-00029766-00030300 She also saw scene that Elsword says he will take care of everything and assimilate with El, and tell what she determined. k5UpAEYi4mM-00073-00030300-00030600 “If I won’t accept this power, you and I must be eaten by this black fog. k5UpAEYi4mM-00074-00030600-00031076 Even Elsword can make his hard determination in practice, if I hesitate I can’t keep their destination…!” k5UpAEYi4mM-00075-00031077-00031448 The contract was confirmed, purple light surround them, and suddenly the reaper’s scythe k5UpAEYi4mM-00076-00031448-00031750 transform into human. k5UpAEYi4mM-00077-00031750-00032005 The scythe is ‘Ceros Nidheg’. k5UpAEYi4mM-00078-00032006-00032350 He tells her about reaper’s blood and human’s blood coexist k5UpAEYi4mM-00079-00032362-00032727 and reborn as new reaper and accomplish the contract. k5UpAEYi4mM-00080-00032733-00033446 After finish contract in psychic space, the black fog of real world gathered around her and covers her as form of cape. k5UpAEYi4mM-00081-00033446-00033958 She finished the test of dark black, and received secret temple’s whole power of patency, k5UpAEYi4mM-00082-00033962-00034216 then finally she called as reaper controls black fog. k5UpAEYi4mM-00083-00034266-00034756 The identity of reaper’s scythe is ‘Ceros Nidheg’ the reaper of Salazar. k5UpAEYi4mM-00084-00034770-00035060 A hundred years ago in time of Erlios, k5UpAEYi4mM-00085-00035060-00035532 before the explosion of El he was master of scythe making from officer reapers and also he was alchemist. k5UpAEYi4mM-00086-00035532-00035886 However, after the explosion of El, due to the invasion of demons k5UpAEYi4mM-00087-00035906-00036188 he found out that reapers were degenerated into monster by the thing that demons having so called dark El k5UpAEYi4mM-00088-00036188-00036926 so he tried to warn to grand reaper, but demons degenerate him into monster by dark El. k5UpAEYi4mM-00089-00036972-00037252 Even he getting worse, he did not lose himself k5UpAEYi4mM-00090-00037252-00037652 he has stayed alive with a sorcery putting his soul into scythe that he made. k5UpAEYi4mM-00091-00037654-00038140 However, half of his body was become a monster so that it had only small amount of reaper’s blood k5UpAEYi4mM-00092-00038144-00038360 and could not get back to his body. He has been left for a long time k5UpAEYi4mM-00093-00038360-00038620 in the scythe, later, high reapers found the scythe k5UpAEYi4mM-00094-00038630-00039198 and they stored it in the scythe armory of prison. k5UpAEYi4mM-00095-00039204-00039672 No one could hear his voice, so long time has passed. k5UpAEYi4mM-00096-00039672-00040118 If he gain body with reaper’s blood and part of El which having regenerating ability k5UpAEYi4mM-00097-00040124-00040656 through reacting with that body, then he could get back to his body. k5UpAEYi4mM-00098-00040656-00041142 His adventure was started by meeting with Lubis imprisoned in prison. k6xt35UKRhI-00000-00000019-00000525 My name is Warrant Officer Courtney Lawrence, and I am the Assistant Director k6xt35UKRhI-00001-00000525-00000840 and Operations Officer for the Commandant's Own, the United States k6xt35UKRhI-00002-00000840-00000972 Marine Drum and Bugle Corps. k6xt35UKRhI-00003-00001540-00001889 Throughout our 85-year history, there's only ever been eleven officers for the k6xt35UKRhI-00004-00001889-00002246 Commandant's Own. I am the first female officer to fill that role. k6xt35UKRhI-00005-00002424-00002828 A year ago, I was a Staff Sergeant in the phoneme section of the horn line. k6xt35UKRhI-00006-00002866-00003044 I was also the horn line instructor, k6xt35UKRhI-00007-00003124-00003500 and we had a selection process to choose the next officer for the unit k6xt35UKRhI-00008-00003554-00004090 that included a interview and an audition of us conducting and k6xt35UKRhI-00009-00004090-00004230 rehearsing the unit, k6xt35UKRhI-00010-00004304-00004560 but once I was selected from that I attended the k6xt35UKRhI-00011-00004564-00005074 Warrant Officer Basic course at the Basic School in Quantico, Virginia, k6xt35UKRhI-00012-00005074-00005566 after which I came back and assumed my new duties as the Operations Officer and one k6xt35UKRhI-00013-00005566-00005756 one our Assistant Directors for the unit. k6xt35UKRhI-00014-00005874-00006468 I'm excited to be able to lead in a different capacity throughout this unit I've also been in the unit k6xt35UKRhI-00015-00006468-00006895 for eleven years, so I've had various responsibilities throughout my time here, k6xt35UKRhI-00016-00006895-00007494 and I'm excited to take on a new chapter in that journey. k7dYVRSJOKY-00000-00000013-00000221 Banburismus Zoom Room: And we are on the cloud! I'm going to hand over to you, Lena. I'm going to mute myself now. k7dYVRSJOKY-00001-00000222-00003002 Lena Karvovskaya: Welcome everyone to this uh special edition of the Data Conversations. I'm Lena Karvovskaya. I work at as a community manager for research data management and open science at the at the VU Amsterdam at the library there, and this session today is a part of The Turing way Book Dash. k7dYVRSJOKY-00002-00003043-00005069 Lena Karvovskaya: uh so, and and I will be the host, and we decided to start with a short presentation, explaining what the data conversations are and what the Turing Way is, so that both both communities attending kind of know about each other. So yeah, let's just move to the next slide. And uh, k7dYVRSJOKY-00003-00005118-00006868 Lena Karvovskaya: I will explain where i'm coming from. So I I work for the the If you, Amsterdam and uh, my role is to connect research data management uh to facilitate the research data management community at the fuel. And um k7dYVRSJOKY-00004-00006869-00009250 Lena Karvovskaya: the The this uh community involves a lot of support staff at various located at various departments of the University. So while I I work for the library. There are also people involved in research data management who work uh at the Grants office, at the legal department, at the various departments of it, and also involved in the volatility. k7dYVRSJOKY-00005-00009278-00011286 Lena Karvovskaya: And uh, my role is uh to connect this expertise and to make sure that researchers need help, that they actually get the help they need. And don't need to go separately to all of this, eh? Departments, and ask if this is the right place for that. k7dYVRSJOKY-00006-00011350-00013255 Lena Karvovskaya: Uh, we yeah, I guess we can also move to the next slide uh this uh, uh work i'm doing is uh part of the it like makes us also part of the larger open Science community. Amsterdam. Uh, this is um k7dYVRSJOKY-00007-00013278-00016271 Lena Karvovskaya: uh! This is a actually a bottom up initiative of researchers from Ufa who wanted to improve the way research is done, and they they started the Open Science Community, Amsterdam, and later other institutions in in I'm. Based in I'msterdam, like the few, and how they are joined, and the together we organize events and trainings. For example, in we we, we we now have a k7dYVRSJOKY-00008-00016272-00017541 Lena Karvovskaya: so for uh open Science Community. I, Amsterdam awards opens, and we want to uh award all kinds of projects, not only research, but also one hundred and fifty k7dYVRSJOKY-00009-00017543-00018931 Lena Karvovskaya: Erez agmoni. Yeah. Initiatives in the transparency stakeholder involvement, open education resources. So if if you're in Amsterdam and have a project, please consider submitting one hundred and fifty k7dYVRSJOKY-00010-00018980-00019120 Lena Karvovskaya: the next slide, please. k7dYVRSJOKY-00011-00019267-00020329 Lena Karvovskaya: We organize a lot of trainings and uh, including uh um, writing a data management plan uh software, like programming skills. k7dYVRSJOKY-00012-00020334-00020838 Lena Karvovskaya: Uh, also specific trainings for um k7dYVRSJOKY-00013-00020848-00022376 Lena Karvovskaya: uh tools like Osf and data verse, and we also have organized various training sessions on demand. And you can follow uh all our news on Twitter and through our newsletters uh next slide, please. k7dYVRSJOKY-00014-00022503-00025173 Lena Karvovskaya: Uh, we also have all kinds of uh events which uh which uh include the data conversations, but also uh events specifically. For example, for open access week or for Halloween, we try to make something uh fun. So we make we. We. We make escape rooms. And this year it was a software quarter escape your escape room, which you can try uh on your own, if you like. k7dYVRSJOKY-00015-00025175-00026199 Lena Karvovskaya: Uh, we also organize uh events with students, for example, movie nights and the student focus focused open science. Uh um, k7dYVRSJOKY-00016-00026216-00026343 events. k7dYVRSJOKY-00017-00026391-00026645 Lena Karvovskaya: Uh, can we move to the next slide? k7dYVRSJOKY-00018-00026679-00029476 Lena Karvovskaya: So today is a Yeah, returning to where we're here today. This is a few data conversations meeting. Uh It's originally started in two thousand and eighteen, and up Since then it was going. Is it over lunch or in online format? The goal of the data conversations was to bring researchers from different parts of the few together and to help them learn from each other about what is practical aspects of research process. k7dYVRSJOKY-00019-00029554-00029680 Lena Karvovskaya: Next slide, please, k7dYVRSJOKY-00020-00029795-00031735 Lena Karvovskaya: uh the online uh meetings are usually recorded, and you can find the fine. Watch them back on our Youtube Channel. Some of them are really insightful, and I recommend taking a look. We also deposit our slides uh it's in order. So all this uh output can be on there. k7dYVRSJOKY-00021-00031931-00032192 Lena Karvovskaya: I think that's that's my k7dYVRSJOKY-00022-00032382-00035202 Banburismus Zoom Room: great. Yes, I believe this was the last slide. Um, thanks so much. Lena. I feel like also through that presentation I got to learn more about your work to process um. So i'm gonna kind of give us a slap, dash, zoom through uh the world of uh the turning way. Um! What in the world all of us are doing in a physical room today? What the book dashes um, and then we'll get started with the really fun stuff which is learning from our speakers. k7dYVRSJOKY-00023-00035204-00035370 Banburismus Zoom Room: So with that. k7dYVRSJOKY-00024-00035408-00038193 Banburismus Zoom Room: So the current way is uh many things uh is an open source guide on science. And what this means is that it is a book on one hand. Um, but it's also a global community that contributes to it. And we aim um both on the organizing team and myself as a community manager. We into support uh a community folks working in and around data to make data science reproducible, ethical, collaborative, and inclusive for everyone. k7dYVRSJOKY-00025-00038195-00040425 Banburismus Zoom Room: And in order to do that, we rely on a lot of open source methods and processes. Meaning for project is hosted on Github, and we need to document as much of our own community practices out of the open for folks. Um, And in doing so throughout this whole process our Am. Is to really push for a culture of collaboration. Um, in many ways push for a culture shift and research and data science as we know it. k7dYVRSJOKY-00026-00040520-00043167 Banburismus Zoom Room: So with this in mind. Um, it's important to flag here that while we are hosted at the Alan Turing Institute, which is the Uk's National Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Um. We are hosted at the Turing that we are not exclusive to um Atlanta. Uh who is Co. Organizing the session today is a part of the core organizing team of the turn way as well as um i'm under the book Dash Committee. That's on the best, like the ones that we are in k7dYVRSJOKY-00027-00043168-00045310 Banburismus Zoom Room: now. Um, And really the turning way as a project is a compilation and a combination of researchers, contributors, um experts from really all across the world, many different institutions, and really happy to, and glad to be able to have uh the resources to be able to support. Other folks work to just sliding here. They are hosted by, and not exclusive too. k7dYVRSJOKY-00028-00045374-00046415 Banburismus Zoom Room: So a little bit more about the turning weight guides. Uh. So the turn I found it's origins in a reaction to the crisis of reproducibility and science. One hundred and one k7dYVRSJOKY-00029-00046416-00049405 Banburismus Zoom Room: um. Dr. Kirsty Whitaker, and a core team of close allies uh created the guide for reproducible research in two thousand and eighteen um, with the addition of Dr. The project Uh, who was community manager before myself. Um, The one guide of reproducible research expanded into five different guides that are related to project design, communication, collaboration, and ethical research, meaning that you realize how much to enable reproducibility and research. k7dYVRSJOKY-00030-00049406-00051885 Banburismus Zoom Room: We have to think about the origins of the research project itself. Um! How we communicate uh more broadly to different communities, how we collaborate and miss each other um as researchers. Um! And thinking really about the ethical ethics and ethical implications of one's work really all the way through. Um. We also document all of our practices, uh collectively, and what's called a community handbook that can be used by other open source communities k7dYVRSJOKY-00031-00051886-00051984 as well. k7dYVRSJOKY-00032-00052235-00055140 Banburismus Zoom Room: So with this in mind. Um, there are many different ways of getting involved in the project, and you hear more about the book dash in a second. Um! But we really aim to, you know. Expand beyond uh how we think of um collaborating on the open source project into many different ways, so you can develop and share the resource um within your own communities, and you can fix the link or type of which um many of us have been doing throughout Book touch. Um. You can share this resource and this um your own research team or your group k7dYVRSJOKY-00033-00055141-00058073 Banburismus Zoom Room: uh, you can re-review and update the guys that we currently have with us, and I will out here and a massive amount of shout out uh to the translation and localization team, which was an effort that was started a couple of years ago. Um! The answer to translate the trainway five guides, and you can look into um many different languages, and really to to create a resource that is fit for local context for people's own environments, and it will fly here that we have current translations. Um, k7dYVRSJOKY-00034-00058076-00058952 Banburismus Zoom Room: I believe on going in Spanish and Portuguese in Japanese, Turkish um, French and k7dYVRSJOKY-00035-00058963-00059640 Banburismus Zoom Room: Korea. I want to say I probably lost a few languages and and Arabic as well, of course, k7dYVRSJOKY-00036-00059662-00061214 Banburismus Zoom Room: and it's it's really, truly an incredible effort, and speaks to you know, folks creating the tools and the ways of working that are meaningful for them. Um! And of course, with all these in mind things to share uh best practices, and all of these different ways of working. k7dYVRSJOKY-00037-00061298-00064194 Banburismus Zoom Room: So with all of these things that I throw on your way. Um, I will flag here that the way that communication collaboration. Um really works within the Turing Way Community Series of community calls and events. Um. On a weekly or by monthly basis what are called collaboration cafes. Um, you know co-working calls as well a fiery side chats on a monthly or by monthly basis. Um! But really the crux and the core uh event of the turning. My community is what's called a book. Dash k7dYVRSJOKY-00038-00064195-00067188 Banburismus Zoom Room: Um. They're kind of a concentrated period of work within the project where people have time reserved within their schedules within their everyday life. Uh, to be able to, you know, make a concentrated conservation of whatever type of project um in the turing way, and that's what this stated conversation. Um co-host with lena is a part of we're really excited to be able to to be a part of of this um throughout the week. Um! And we encourage you um to check out what's called our community share up how k7dYVRSJOKY-00039-00067189-00068376 Banburismus Zoom Room: this Friday, which is where some folks will be talking about what they've been up to all throughout this week, and you can hear more about the book dash itself. So with that there's not too much to do. k7dYVRSJOKY-00040-00068386-00070668 Banburismus Zoom Room: I will say here a big shout out to folks in the book Dash Planning committee, i'm. I'm one of a much larger team of people, one of which is aerial here as well. Um, if you can wait. But i'm not sure if people were able to see that on the screen. Um, lena, of course. Um as well as any of the folks who been popping in and out throughout the day. So I think with that, k7dYVRSJOKY-00041-00070670-00070800 Banburismus Zoom Room: i'm gonna say k7dYVRSJOKY-00042-00070812-00071586 Banburismus Zoom Room: one last shout out to really just the the community of contributors and users who I really make the sharing way of what it is. Um k7dYVRSJOKY-00043-00071601-00073441 Banburismus Zoom Room: uh, all of us are part of this much uh broader commute Folks have made written, edited, maintain, translated uh the Triangle Guides and Community Handbook, and it really wouldn't be um what it is without the community, and with events without events like. So with that k7dYVRSJOKY-00044-00073448-00073769 Banburismus Zoom Room: I will stop sharing my screen here k7dYVRSJOKY-00045-00073805-00073920 Banburismus Zoom Room: and k7dYVRSJOKY-00046-00073926-00074192 Banburismus Zoom Room: Thank you um for a short introduction, k7dYVRSJOKY-00047-00074203-00074965 Banburismus Zoom Room: so i'll pass it back to Lena to get it started and pass it on to the good stuff, which will be hearing more from our speakers today. k7dYVRSJOKY-00048-00074992-00076592 Lena Karvovskaya: Yes, thank you. Uh. So to the the the structure of the meeting today that we will hear two short presentations, and after that there will be a joint discussion, and I would like to introduce our first speaker, Leanne Kimball k7dYVRSJOKY-00049-00076594-00078127 Lena Karvovskaya: and Leanne is a Phd candidate and open innovation, open science, open data, data, sharing and reuse at the Department of knowledge, information and Innovation of the School of Business and Economics at the Friday University. I'm. Down. So we work at the same university, k7dYVRSJOKY-00050-00078128-00078923 Lena Karvovskaya: and the title of your talk is the innovation process in Biomarkers discovery exploring the collaborative context of myriad. k7dYVRSJOKY-00051-00079075-00080029 Leighann Kimble: Thank you very much for that introduction. I will go ahead and share my screen. I hope you all are able to see it. k7dYVRSJOKY-00052-00080213-00080305 Leighann Kimble: Yes, k7dYVRSJOKY-00053-00080349-00081749 Leighann Kimble: yes, perfect, wonderful! Thank you. And so i'm very um Thankful to have been invited by Lena to join this conversation alongside the time way. Um! So, as mentioned, my area of research is within the open science k7dYVRSJOKY-00054-00081751-00082949 Leighann Kimble: innovation process. Um. So this, of course, is a very relevant topic for the research that i'm doing um, which is in the context of biomarker discovery for dementia research. k7dYVRSJOKY-00055-00082989-00084037 Leighann Kimble: So i'll be speaking to you all today a bit about my current research, and how this ties into this broader issue of openness as related to our data, k7dYVRSJOKY-00056-00084075-00085382 Leighann Kimble: and so to provide a little bit of context, I am working currently within an interdisciplinary group for biomarker discovery to address dementia, and this is called the Marriotta Project, k7dYVRSJOKY-00057-00085384-00086404 Leighann Kimble: and within this project the goal was to develop an interdisciplinary team that collaborates with one another to accelerate dementia research, and k7dYVRSJOKY-00058-00086405-00087897 Leighann Kimble: in particular, within work package five, which is the work package i'm within is this idea of process innovation. So how can we facilitate data, sharing and reuse and leverage collaboration in order to advance by a marker discovery. k7dYVRSJOKY-00059-00087913-00088881 Leighann Kimble: And so my role within this um consortium is to understand actually how data we use and sharing occurs within this collaborative contact. k7dYVRSJOKY-00060-00088992-00090038 Leighann Kimble: And the reason this is important is because when we look at innovation traditionally, uh, especially for those that are not familiar with innovation and the concept surrounding innovation. k7dYVRSJOKY-00061-00090039-00091282 Leighann Kimble: They really look at this as a linear process so being on the left hand side where you know you engage in a project. And then at the end you're going to have something innovative. Come out as an as an as an output of your research. k7dYVRSJOKY-00062-00091313-00092165 Leighann Kimble: But what we know and what we presented here is that, in fact, it looks quite different. So it's more of an emergent or open process, k7dYVRSJOKY-00063-00092182-00093006 Leighann Kimble: and because it's this emergent or open process, it's not a smooth line in understanding how innovation is being developed. k7dYVRSJOKY-00064-00093026-00094623 Leighann Kimble: And so really here, if we know that openness is important for innovation. If we say that data, sharing and collaboration are key to innovation, What we really need to look at is the process. So within these many different paths that can emerge, k7dYVRSJOKY-00065-00094624-00095291 Leighann Kimble: how do we get? What does innovation mean? What does that look like for? How data sharing and reuse occurs in practice. k7dYVRSJOKY-00066-00095339-00096990 Leighann Kimble: And so within the context of marijuana, the idea of openness and open innovation, and how that ties to advancing dementia research um goes into what the processes are within this consortium, k7dYVRSJOKY-00067-00096997-00097941 Leighann Kimble: and one of the challenges that came up in terms of a challenge to openness within the Marriotta project is actually an issue of unavoidable challenges. k7dYVRSJOKY-00068-00097951-00099545 Leighann Kimble: And so, in terms of opening the data and sharing, and so on. What we found quite early on is that this challenge to be open. So this lack of motivation to be open was not the case of the problem that we had within the consortium. k7dYVRSJOKY-00069-00099546-00100175 Leighann Kimble: Rather, we found there to be other practical challenges that were preventing or impeding openness. k7dYVRSJOKY-00070-00100215-00102119 Leighann Kimble: And so um! The first step in looking at this was Well, we said, Okay, we have collaboration. We're going to be open. We're going to share data and reuse data within this um consortium environment. But there was a challenge of delays in data sharing, which is, as we know, contrary to openness. k7dYVRSJOKY-00071-00102163-00103244 Leighann Kimble: But in looking at openness and wanting to provide fair data, we can't overlook the restrictions surrounding sharing, data, and one of those is Gdpr. k7dYVRSJOKY-00072-00103265-00104578 Leighann Kimble: And what happened with Gdpr. Of course, this is within the European Union, and is focused on not only protecting data, but also ensuring some type of standardization, so that there can be a free flow of data. k7dYVRSJOKY-00073-00104607-00105723 Leighann Kimble: However, in practice, what it appears to be is actually the problem, the cause of data sharing challenges and of me to not share data with you concerns around Gdpr. k7dYVRSJOKY-00074-00105833-00106321 Leighann Kimble: So with this in mind and this uh point of k7dYVRSJOKY-00075-00106332-00107268 Leighann Kimble: data not being shared because Gdpr compliance or because of considerations around that. But I focus on is, why is Gdpr challenged openness? What is happening? k7dYVRSJOKY-00076-00107303-00108659 Leighann Kimble: And So in looking at that, I am asked the question, What is the routine for data sharing within a different interdisciplinary consortium? And in particular, looking at what is the role of Gdpr within the routine of data sharing k7dYVRSJOKY-00077-00108763-00110547 Leighann Kimble: so as related to the collection like this. How do we figure this out? Um. I have been engaging in qualitative data collection focusing on process research. And what was important about this is to have a gamut of different actors. So not only the researchers themselves, k7dYVRSJOKY-00078-00110548-00111947 Leighann Kimble: but those that are the principal investigators looking at differences with post stock research as well as those that are meant to help the process. So the data, Stewart, the legal department personnel within this process. k7dYVRSJOKY-00079-00112120-00113297 Leighann Kimble: And so the initial findings, if we recap the problem is um data. Sharing data. Sharing is a is a challenge. There's a a barrier, and we think that the barrier is Gdpr k7dYVRSJOKY-00080-00113373-00114230 Leighann Kimble: um. And so, if we say we should easily have access to data, one of the first findings that I had was that data sharing is not rocket science. k7dYVRSJOKY-00081-00114293-00116337 Leighann Kimble: So, um within one of the principal investigators what they highlighted, and this was shared among researchers is that, you know, data sharing, sharing the file itself is not an issue at all. We can be open. We can figure out how to um incorporate the data that is needed from other researchers. And so it should not be a big problem. k7dYVRSJOKY-00082-00116339-00117290 Leighann Kimble: And yet what we ended up with is that it wasn't taking place. There were barriers to actually getting that physical data share that's shared between actors. k7dYVRSJOKY-00083-00117336-00118158 Leighann Kimble: So if this wasn't a researcher's issue, Perhaps it was something that the data do, or the legal department would know. How do you ensure Gdpr compliance? k7dYVRSJOKY-00084-00118202-00119626 Leighann Kimble: And so, and going to them? It was quite a simple process. You make sure your legal agreement is in place. You make a data request. You make sure that you have all of the metadata. So this idea, this principle of fairness that's needed, k7dYVRSJOKY-00085-00119633-00120001 Leighann Kimble: And then you ensure that the data is shared in compliance with Gdpr. k7dYVRSJOKY-00086-00120055-00120408 Leighann Kimble: So it looks something like this: a pretty simple process. k7dYVRSJOKY-00087-00120508-00121819 Leighann Kimble: However. Um! When we look at this we have two sides, so we have The data can be shared, or it cannot be shared, and we have the processes are followed that ensure data compliance, and again it doesn't appear to be rocket client. k7dYVRSJOKY-00088-00121899-00122429 Leighann Kimble: However, what we found is that the actual process looked a bit different, k7dYVRSJOKY-00089-00122493-00122867 Leighann Kimble: and this was due to ambiguity in the data sharing process. k7dYVRSJOKY-00090-00122894-00124745 Leighann Kimble: So because in lena mentioned researchers not being aware of where to go um in order to continue on with their research, ensuring how to ensure compliance, how to make their data open. What is metadata? These sorts of questions within the data sharing process created ambiguity. k7dYVRSJOKY-00091-00124813-00125831 Leighann Kimble: And so when we look at the actual routine, so, instead of it being this simple providing the documents that are needed, and the um agreement needed to move forward. k7dYVRSJOKY-00092-00125943-00126544 Leighann Kimble: The enacted routine actually occurred without getting some of these formal agreements and approvals, k7dYVRSJOKY-00093-00126604-00127488 Leighann Kimble: and that was because of these cycles of trying to figure out who to speak to and what was needed in order to ensure Gdpr compliance. k7dYVRSJOKY-00094-00127549-00128215 Leighann Kimble: So what we see is something, and from the researchers perspective that looks a lot more like this, and in the end k7dYVRSJOKY-00095-00128217-00129874 Leighann Kimble: um they don't necessarily make sure that uh Gdpr. Compliance is absolutely in place before sharing their data, which then creates problems later on down the line, when they are interacting with the data stewards and legal department to make sure that. Um. All of the compliance Is that k7dYVRSJOKY-00096-00129993-00130081 Leighann Kimble: so? k7dYVRSJOKY-00097-00130105-00131260 Leighann Kimble: Why is this important? Well, we see that the basic issue of ambiguity is due to the differences in data, sharing routines between organizations uh, but also between countries. k7dYVRSJOKY-00098-00131272-00133150 Leighann Kimble: So if we look at what is required to share data, what metadata is needed, how to protect our data. These seems these are issues of fairness on one hand, but also require an understanding of things such as sops that exist within so standard operating procedures within organizations k7dYVRSJOKY-00099-00133151-00134540 Leighann Kimble: to make sure that we don't only have the motivation to share data, but understand what is needed from the side of the data description. So the metadata, as well as on the side of insurance, ensuring compliance. So on the Gdpr side. k7dYVRSJOKY-00100-00134596-00136646 Leighann Kimble: And what we found is that this lack of communication um between the legal legal department and data stores and researchers is really the cost for that. So, for instance, at the view what we have and this did not take place within the context of the Zoo Um. But we do have more of those conversations happening between the legal department data stewards and researchers k7dYVRSJOKY-00101-00136647-00137946 Leighann Kimble: in figuring out how best to work with the data that they have, as well as figuring out how to understand Gdpr. Understand metadata and what is needed to move us on to fair practices. k7dYVRSJOKY-00102-00138053-00140857 Leighann Kimble: But we must keep in mind that this is due to a difference than familiarity of practice. So researchers are not necessarily in ensuring or requesting data from other organizations every day. This is not their work to know um what is needed, or what metadata should be provided. Um in requesting data from other organizations in compliance with Gdpr. And so that is why, making sure that that knowledge transfer happens from k7dYVRSJOKY-00103-00140858-00141144 Leighann Kimble: those outside of these research groups is important, k7dYVRSJOKY-00104-00141326-00144261 Leighann Kimble: because, if not, we end up with this deviation from the sop, which, while the end is still getting access to data, we Don't get to leverage, really making sure that the data is in Gdpr compliance. And also i'm sure that we are utilizing the data in a way that makes it um fair so sharing metadata, for instance, or it's providing all of the details regarding that data, and also following and documenting the process of um with that access to that, k7dYVRSJOKY-00105-00144262-00144960 Leighann Kimble: how they may have changed it along the way which prevents challenges for the stewardship and tracking of our data. k7dYVRSJOKY-00106-00145058-00145162 Leighann Kimble: So k7dYVRSJOKY-00107-00145246-00147988 Leighann Kimble: we assume here that Gdpr itself at the beginning was inhibiting to data sharing, so actually resulted in openness. I'm sorry in closeness in terms of data sharing um. But what i'm presenting here is that these issues are due to ambiguity. So we see in practice that a lot of the admin considerations in terms of how we can become more open with our data can be apparent inhibitors to openness and fairness of the data. k7dYVRSJOKY-00108-00147989-00149582 Leighann Kimble: Um. And so what they create are these challenges that, moving forward. We'll also have to consider, not only in how we can best share our data, but how we can leverage those within other disciplines, or perhaps even within other departments of our organization, k7dYVRSJOKY-00109-00149584-00150898 Leighann Kimble: to make sure that of course we are in compliance, but also that we don't have this um a assumed barrier to open S into this idea of open science due to um policy such as k7dYVRSJOKY-00110-00150952-00152791 Leighann Kimble: So I just wanted to share that, because I think it is a good case for understanding. Um. That, of course, openness, when we look at it as a concept, is one that is um practical. It's one that we can make sure is Um an active through collaboration and through data sharing. k7dYVRSJOKY-00111-00152792-00155781 Leighann Kimble: But also we have this other side of those barriers that may not always be documented. Those barriers to openness. And so, having more of these collaborative means of sharing what is needed for openness and Gdpr, as well as other challenges that emerge, um are very relevant. In in this case we see that even in the life sciences, So, in looking at developments of biomarker, research and dementia, it's a relevant topic, and hopefully resonate. For with other view, others of you that may be interested in open source. k7dYVRSJOKY-00112-00155783-00156703 Leighann Kimble: But perhaps some of these administrative, seemingly barriers um that you are encountering to your path to openness. k7dYVRSJOKY-00113-00156706-00157122 Leighann Kimble: So thank you very much. I will stop there. k7dYVRSJOKY-00114-00157218-00157442 Lena Karvovskaya: Thank you so much, k7dYVRSJOKY-00115-00157525-00159245 Lena Karvovskaya: so much. Uh Dr. Maxine. Uh Macintosh is the program. Lead on diverse data at genomics, England, where she works on reducing in the in the qualities, in access to genomics based personalized medicine. She is also the co-founder of the Grassroots organization, one health staff. k7dYVRSJOKY-00116-00159261-00160139 Lena Karvovskaya: She is passionate about supporting innovations, and the health care sector with a particular interest in promoting equality and access to those innovations k7dYVRSJOKY-00117-00160251-00160354 Lena Karvovskaya: and the k7dYVRSJOKY-00118-00160865-00163862 Maxine Mackintosh: perfect Thanks so much. Um, yeah, and thank you for the invitation. Uh, this is uh, really nice for me, because, uh, I've been a genomic stick in for just over a year now. But prior to that I was at the Iron Sharing Institute. So it's nice to um, you know. This costs a lot of new people. Um, it's nice to see kind of new walls. It's the same old walls and the them all brand so uh nice to you back home. Um! So uh, I guess since I left the train I I got a big, proper job um not to say that everyone else works with Join doesn't but it it. It was quite a jump for me, because I k7dYVRSJOKY-00119-00163864-00166306 Maxine Mackintosh: They went from effect to be writing crappy lines of code on a healthcare data that no one's ever going to use or look at um to a running a program that was all around how we can improve equity in genomics. And so twenty-five million pound program spread over a three years and and has the naughty issue of making one of the most inequitable areas of health. A ah and dynamics in data as actable as possible. So that was the task. k7dYVRSJOKY-00120-00166308-00167489 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So one of the I thought some people in you know this audience might not give to you. It's about to make, so I don't know very much about genomics, so I thought what I do is I k7dYVRSJOKY-00121-00167491-00168702 Maxine Mackintosh: um a few, I guess, uh kind of quite core conceptual issues that we grapple with the quite uh early on the program, and that, I think could be relevant to people from lots of different disciplines. So that's the background to it k7dYVRSJOKY-00122-00168740-00169102 Maxine Mackintosh: to to do so. k7dYVRSJOKY-00123-00169129-00172127 Maxine Mackintosh: So. Um for those, if you don't know a genomics, England is effectively a part of the Uk Government, so we are private company, but we're owned by the Department of Health, which is effectively um the Uk Government trying to be kind of quite trendy in a structure of innovation, and ostensibly we instruction in this way to make us um easier to partner with with the private sector, particularly Um, the pharmaceutical industry. Um, And the vision of what economics England is or does is that we provide, affecting the back end to what is called the Genomic Medicine Service, which is a live clinical service across um the healthcare k7dYVRSJOKY-00124-00172128-00174450 Maxine Mackintosh: to the Uk. If you have cancer, red disease. You are offered to genetic testing and her participants who um consent to their data being used for research that then goes into a research environment. And the idea is that we kind of reach this like heady goal of um uh kind of feeding live research and insight into a kind of live clinical services, kind of infinity, of feeding back insights and care. Um, at least that's the ambition. k7dYVRSJOKY-00125-00174452-00175307 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So, as I said, I run an initiative called diverse data, which is all around approving the diversity of the genomic data that we have. Um, Specifically, this is in England. k7dYVRSJOKY-00126-00175329-00178327 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So the end of the program is all around reducing inequalities, and we've got kind of three main outcomes. One is around trust building to date um for groups who've been excluded from precision medicine efforts. Another one is stimulation research community to to think more and do more um with. I guess the genomic information that today hasn't been used, and then laws lastly, is around um improving kind of having direct measurable improvements in in clinical um outcomes, particularly diagnosis and prognosis, and I I suspect we'll be setting ourselves up for feeling if we think we can have lots of impact on care in the next two years, k7dYVRSJOKY-00127-00178329-00178513 Maxine Mackintosh: and that is that we're going for. k7dYVRSJOKY-00128-00178559-00181555 Maxine Mackintosh: So so as a program, we're structured in in forming work streams so so kind of how of how we're going to address this problem. Um, and i'm not going to go into too too much detail, but their instruction into research, discovery engaging with communities that's communities both to the kind of grassroots patient level, but also, I guess, engaging kind of initiatives in in the institutions like the Turing, to make sure that every organization in in some way or not, has a sort of data, diversity, question, and initiative and activity in their area. Because, um be it genomics or shopping, or transport, there's a k7dYVRSJOKY-00129-00181557-00183437 Maxine Mackintosh: it's. It's it's probably our organization. Um. Thirdly, uh works you is around data and sequencing. This is the kind of most expensive bit of program. This is what we're gonna be doing quite a lot of hold, you know, sequencing. And then for the um building products, tools and behaviors, which I think is particularly relevant here for um uh like the Turing way plus type community, k7dYVRSJOKY-00130-00183438-00183612 Maxine Mackintosh: and probably many people in this call. k7dYVRSJOKY-00131-00183640-00186552 Maxine Mackintosh: So um, we're very much the market of kind of addressing inequalities in in a data-driven health. Um, we see this across lots of different areas, some in the uk it's becoming increasingly more significant, and there was a kind of national uh investigation that by the Secretary of State um on back of the fact that medical devices are increasingly seem to form, as well individuals with minority, ethnic background. Um! But in reality actually and I'm Again, i'm reading to the converted here. But whilst we often talk about data, we talk about bias models, k7dYVRSJOKY-00132-00186554-00188185 Maxine Mackintosh: actually the way in which bias can creep into these systems and is really quite heterogeneous. I mean, It's everything from you know, uh automating systemic biases to setting up study in a specific way. This is a very, very complex way in which um bias can enter into any data-driven system and health. k7dYVRSJOKY-00133-00188219-00191216 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So why diver state is specifically in this context. If you're not in the world of genomics, and you might not know this. If you're out. If you are in the world of genomics, you will have seen this graph about a million times. So i'm really really sorry. So um! The number of individuals included in G. Well, studies has kind of absolutely exploded over time, and we, on an exponential trajectory of statistical power here, which is very good for science. But actually, when you look into the kind of the make up of what this graph is showing, and we really just have a dominance of individuals of European ancestry. So so the Red here is k7dYVRSJOKY-00134-00191218-00191725 individuals who are of European ancestry. When we say you're paid, we kind of really mean like Northwestern Europe. k7dYVRSJOKY-00135-00191726-00193605 Maxine Mackintosh: Um, and whilst you know, in the kind of two thousand and fourteen, there was like a mild improvement in in the proportion Um! And this was from East Asian contributions to so predominantly Chinese, and really that Hasn't Um stood the test of time in terms of a positive trajectory. And so this for us is like the big database problem that we're really trying to address um in this program. k7dYVRSJOKY-00136-00193667-00194361 Maxine Mackintosh: Um, i'm going to kind of through this a we bit so. But obviously this is obviously in the fact that lots of our health care is increasing. Becoming digitized. k7dYVRSJOKY-00137-00194366-00197350 Maxine Mackintosh: It's obviously been quite a couple of years Um, looking at axes of inequalities in society, particularly around ethnicity. Um, and in genomics it's quite a kind of heady mix of complexity in terms of there's lots of national initiatives being set up to do kind of national, base sequencing in every country's kind of got its own. Um, there's a narrative around. Diversity is really just uh capturing human genetic variation. And and then, uh, you've got a kind of uncomfortable and sunny everyone who's based near the Houston Road. Um close proximity and history k7dYVRSJOKY-00138-00197352-00198576 Maxine Mackintosh: of uh, the the godfathers of Eugenics. Um, uh. So the bottom we've got golden, so make sure you know your cancel statisticians, because they often down the road. And so so this is the backdrop to the to the environment in which this this, this work is happening. k7dYVRSJOKY-00139-00198628-00200156 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. And so one of the things I want to just to talk about is that um, you know, a lot of people on this call will care about making that data science more equitable, making it open, making it fairer, and that in some respects feels inherently like no book and good. k7dYVRSJOKY-00140-00200158-00200949 Maxine Mackintosh: But everywhere we look for kind of realized that um decisions we made could introduce biases in ways that we might not like or notice or really realize. k7dYVRSJOKY-00141-00200950-00202187 Maxine Mackintosh: So there's a particularly nice phrase, I think captures quite well. But this of not we found ourselves in, which is, we must always expect science. We miss our represented, overstated and misunderstood, because it's complex, because the data, you know, is unending. And because people are strange, k7dYVRSJOKY-00142-00202192-00203487 Maxine Mackintosh: it's one of the things every time we start to make key decisions around this program we thought God like every you know It's like Whack them all with moral dilemma here, and and I guess the scary thing for me is, I went from, you know, writing lines of code and writing papers which k7dYVRSJOKY-00143-00203489-00204530 Maxine Mackintosh: you know the worst case scenario. Someone could kind of misrepresent your paper to the decision we were making. We're shifting tens of millions of pounds worth of funding, so it felt like the the stakes were quite high in terms of the decisions we were making around equity. k7dYVRSJOKY-00144-00204569-00205439 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So as a reminder, you know, this is not just a data problem. There is a whole pipeline by which, by it, using into a system. And so these are just some of the ways we started to think about addressing it. k7dYVRSJOKY-00145-00205458-00206867 Maxine Mackintosh: So decision number one is, How do you define who is under represented. So again, I'm. I'm. A. This is being using the context of genomics. But I've I've tried to make it as general as possible, so that if you give like no hoots about genomics, it's still relevant to you. k7dYVRSJOKY-00146-00206894-00208317 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So first of all, we did a review which said, Okay, Well, when we look at the the literature, what what counts as unrepresented, who counts as a minority here? And it was just like a total wild West of definition. Some people were talking about ancestry. So ancestry is a k7dYVRSJOKY-00147-00208319-00210245 Maxine Mackintosh: crude, sorry ethnicity is a crude proxy for ancestry, if you've never heard of ancestry before, and but you know the the definitions of ancestry was all over the place, the ways in which we drawing circles around it. Some people were saying ethnicity when they Actually, when ancestry some people were saying, Well, actually, the main thing is just around taking an intersectional lens, and we would be incorporating sex and gender and age, k7dYVRSJOKY-00148-00210246-00212040 Maxine Mackintosh: and then other individuals say much to the biggest R of outcomes is around your post code and not your genetic code. So that should be the focus. And actually, I think the point is that um there isn't a consistent way of defining diversity. Diversity is a thing that you to define, depending on what your outcome is. So, unless you have a very clear outcome k7dYVRSJOKY-00149-00212042-00214303 Maxine Mackintosh: that you know you want to go, for you have to select an access of diversity that matters to you. You can't simply say a group is diverse or not diverse. For example, in the Uk. If you are of African ancestry, you are a minority. If you have African ancestry, and you are based in Africa, you are not a minority that's a flip and state like sentence to say, but you cannot have a globally relevant and generalizable definition for diversity that simply does not exist. k7dYVRSJOKY-00150-00214381-00217076 Maxine Mackintosh: So a really good example of how this manifests in genomics is that? Um many people, I guess I think I like it in the genetics world. Don't have this kind of data Ethics lens again. I think many people in this room will know that they are not neutral. They represent key decisions that we make as flawed, biased races, misogynistic human beings, and and without recognizing that these days setting code, these social values is quite a big problem. So what one of the example that means in the genomics is taxonomies k7dYVRSJOKY-00151-00217077-00217750 Maxine Mackintosh: as part of diversifying genetic data. One of the things we think about is, how do we group and categories human beings? Um. k7dYVRSJOKY-00152-00217752-00220751 Maxine Mackintosh: Some of you might not know, but the notion of race and ethnicity were created to justify slavery and clonism. And in those categories of us grouping human beings is still something we use today for no really good reason. You know the color of your skin is not really genetic. It's, you know, mildly, in terms of the melanin. But really the the notion of racing out the ethnicity in the context of genetics is completely irrelevant. And yes, we keep leaning towards these paradigms of sorting human beings that have both ugly histories and irrelevant uses now. And so, without recognizing that just this this needs to k7dYVRSJOKY-00153-00220752-00221547 Maxine Mackintosh: human beings, has this ugly history. And if you're running a genetics program, and you Don't, address these two issues when you kind of setting yourself up for for potential failure. k7dYVRSJOKY-00154-00221583-00224079 Maxine Mackintosh: So one of the things we did is we kind of went around and asked everyone in the organization if you had, say twenty-five million pounds and three is um where would you prioritize your efforts for um um addressing a data gap, and some people came up with saying, Well, actually, really, we should be trying to be representative of the Uk ethnicity population and other people were saying, Well, you know, really, it's about uh, you know, addressing the wrongs, the past, and if a group has been really excluded to date, you should really be doubling down and investing in those groups. k7dYVRSJOKY-00155-00224080-00224984 Maxine Mackintosh: Other people are saying, Well, really, you should be investing in groups that if you were to have to create more data and and and drive more research through, would have the best cost savings to Nhs k7dYVRSJOKY-00156-00224994-00225375 Maxine Mackintosh: Again, The point is that people brought different value sets to answering this question. k7dYVRSJOKY-00157-00225409-00227131 Maxine Mackintosh: So we took all those different definitions of diversity, and we assess them against common bi ethical principles. And then we kind of came up with a matrix whereby we kind of evaluated different ways of thinking about diversity. And this was quite a good way of saying, There's not a wrong or right way of thinking about what is, who and what is on represented in in data and data science. Another way of kind of k7dYVRSJOKY-00158-00227133-00227788 Maxine Mackintosh: talking about. This is like your definition, fairness, or your object to function, depending on how statistically minded you are, and but without going through a kind of k7dYVRSJOKY-00159-00227790-00229136 Maxine Mackintosh: active and systematic process to recognize the values of driving your decisions. You could inadvertently, with a very well intentioned program and process. Um, you know bias uh or or or disadvantaged certain groups we might not have intended to k7dYVRSJOKY-00160-00229204-00231375 Maxine Mackintosh: decision. Number two is what even was a bias. So we we're supposed to be deviasing genomics. And actually we don't. We know where we should be looking for. In the first place, because we could one hand be addressing, You know huge issues of systemic racism on how we could be addressing a tiny little issues around data access um for certain day sets, and any of those are quite different types of problems. We didn't. We know where to start. k7dYVRSJOKY-00161-00231377-00232240 Maxine Mackintosh: Um. So we did the things that many people do. We' to kind of look for our data within our own data sets of genomics in, and to say, why were there any signals of of discrepancies? And we thought, well, actually, k7dYVRSJOKY-00162-00232241-00234819 Maxine Mackintosh: on further analysis, we found that, you know, just in cancer, for example, which is one of our main data sets broadly. We're representative of what we'd expect the Uk population to be. On further analysis we found a a kind of small bias, and with our variance with tid um. But you know, really, like representiveness, seemed like about as what we would expect, which was a bit of a problem, because we thought well that you the The point of the uh uh program was to address potential ancestor and biases, yet we we seem to perform quite well. k7dYVRSJOKY-00163-00234881-00236737 Maxine Mackintosh: So then we step back, and we said, Well, okay, that the kind of standard scientific way of just like doing a exploratory analysis into the rates of stuff isn't Lee, yielding good results. Um! Let's think about what a kind of health Equity audit looks like. And so a designer in our team severely. Who's um? A fantastic and creative creature k7dYVRSJOKY-00164-00236738-00238091 Maxine Mackintosh: She um effectively created a map of all the processes in the organization. So top right, you can probably see It's too small for you to actually see, because that's basically airing on our dirty laundry. But what you're looking at is a step by step process of our diagnostic pipelines, k7dYVRSJOKY-00165-00238112-00239065 Maxine Mackintosh: and within that she has marked every single um kind of key activity into decision that happens in our pipelines, and where that may or may not introduce a source of k7dYVRSJOKY-00166-00239081-00241012 Maxine Mackintosh: um. And this has been a quite helpful process because it's basically created a massive backlog of all the biased potential biased systems and bias processes and biased decisions. We have that we could maybe in a small way. Address, and if we address it's kind of death by thousand paid cuts. We'd we bit by bit, reduce the layers, and there's a potential bias exist within a system. k7dYVRSJOKY-00167-00241015-00242369 Maxine Mackintosh: But looking for bias looking for opportunities for health equity. Um is not something that we know. The industry is particularly good at. We don't really know where to look. And so, just going through this again more hypothesis, The way of thinking about bias was quite important one for us, k7dYVRSJOKY-00168-00242396-00243350 Maxine Mackintosh: and then we decided to kind of turn this into it, like you know, say over extended metaphor. So what you're looking at is the bias building. It was how we represent layers of bias. So on the far left we k7dYVRSJOKY-00169-00243352-00246223 Maxine Mackintosh: we've got kind of big Macro issues. Um, So the bottom is any data that goes into the genomics England. And then, by the time you get to the helicopters it's the way in which data is processed, and you know, by the time you get to think of it like That's the end of the pipeline. Um! The middle floor is You're looking at kind of a blueprint of decisions, and then, you know, on the right to looking at um kind of flower pots and and and and rugs in a room, and that could be things like. If you have the special character in your name, it on average, takes two weeks longer for you to get access to our um data, k7dYVRSJOKY-00170-00246223-00247592 Maxine Mackintosh: and that's because of the kind of computer says no problem. You're much more likely to be non non- British heritage, if you have a uh special character, your name. So that's like a tiny, tiny thing. But again you can just see how the layers, bit by bit, mount up to create a system of an equity. k7dYVRSJOKY-00171-00247669-00247868 Maxine Mackintosh: So. Lastly, um, k7dYVRSJOKY-00172-00247871-00250867 Maxine Mackintosh: Obviously the the data and balance is pretty massive. Um, as we can see by ancestry. Um, but that's obviously not just the answers. You can't just simply collect more data and expect that the problem will go away. Um! A good issue, and it will a good example of that. Anyone who's ever done. Any genetic analysis will know that. Um uh, it's quite easy to simply exclude non-europeans from your analysis, because it may the date it less met it more data, less clean. It makes your results, you know, often less accurate. Um, It makes an astronomyizable. So it's just easy to k7dYVRSJOKY-00173-00250869-00252289 Maxine Mackintosh: those individuals. From that. That's that happens all the time, although a bit, you know less and less. Now, that's not a data problem. That's a behavioral problem. So that's a kind of really common example of of of ways in which we can influence the system better, that doesn't simply about collecting data. k7dYVRSJOKY-00174-00252327-00254911 Maxine Mackintosh: So we felt that quite a lot of attention to being given to the to the data bit of things, and that there was increasing, uh, I guess, attention, awareness to the systemic issues. And so we thought, Well, actually, if you are Joe Blogs sing in your garage in the middle of Shropshire, how what you do. You know what you need to do personally to make your work as I as possible. So I've taken a line from Turing way here, and it's really around. How do you make working genomics um uh, k7dYVRSJOKY-00175-00254913-00256792 Maxine Mackintosh: and make it too easy not to do So We create an issue called Link twenty-three, which we'll be hoping to work with um the train way on as well. And really this is around how we collect and click tools to make dynamics as actual as possible. So here, tools, everything from a software package to address, like sample and balances in genomics, to hand it with how you speak to kind of path New Guinea spy dynamics like for us. k7dYVRSJOKY-00176-00256794-00259792 Maxine Mackintosh: Both of those extremes are tools. If it's practical support to make your life easier and make it easy to do equity work in genomics, and then it counts as a tool for us. And so we've just launched it. So kind of linked to the three dot world um We're going to be uh starting all kind of community building, community infrastructure, defining terms to funding standards, to find metadata labels, doing data dives on how to actually create all these tools, all of that is about to start. We've only just launched, and but really that's um building on the notion of the fact that sharing data Internationally, I think land work even within a smaller context k7dYVRSJOKY-00177-00259794-00260698 Maxine Mackintosh: outline that very well sharing the Internet internationally is very difficult. Collaborating on data international is very difficult, but he's working on tools together internationally is a little bit easier. k7dYVRSJOKY-00178-00260723-00263722 Maxine Mackintosh: Um, So i'm going to finish that. That gives you hope the counter through some of the kind of big uh equity type of decisions we work through as a program, and also how we kind of incorporate some of the open tools open science components into into solving this issue. Um: And yeah, I I I I was just writing emails now, like an amazing, brilliant team of people do all the actual thinking. Um, And I guess the only last thing is, if you are interested in knowing more about um, why uh data, diversity matters in genomics and health, and we've got very cool. A kind of crowdsourced story board k7dYVRSJOKY-00179-00263723-00265411 Maxine Mackintosh: to them at mine. The Gap dot Health, which kind of gives summaries of research and analysis and poetry and data visualizations. And basically we're we're in one of the ways to talk about data, bias and health. And so by we have a weed of those, and I will stop there. So I k7dYVRSJOKY-00180-00265426-00265675 Lena Karvovskaya: that's perfect. Thank you so much. It's uh. krtQMuqJVd4-00000-00000555-00000757 Hi Psych2Go fans. Welcome to our video. krtQMuqJVd4-00001-00000900-00001548 Have you heard the saying "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." How much do you believe in that? krtQMuqJVd4-00002-00001780-00002134 In a way, our friends do act as a reflection of ourselves. krtQMuqJVd4-00003-00002294-00002698 They certainly helped shape who we are and provide guidance in the paths we choose in life krtQMuqJVd4-00004-00002744-00003014 Friends help and change us for the better in many ways krtQMuqJVd4-00005-00003039-00003415 So having a close-knit group of people you can connect with is a positive thing krtQMuqJVd4-00006-00003486-00003972 Having said that, here are six types of friends you will most likely make in your lifetime krtQMuqJVd4-00007-00004472-00004672 1. The social butterfly krtQMuqJVd4-00008-00004848-00005150 This type of friend is likely one of the very first made when krtQMuqJVd4-00009-00005172-00005630 joining any new social environment, like a new neighborhood or school or new club krtQMuqJVd4-00010-00005676-00006116 They're always very friendly, welcoming, and they'll introduce you to everyone they know. krtQMuqJVd4-00011-00006184-00006480 They love being around people, and people seem to love being around them. krtQMuqJVd4-00012-00006559-00007022 They're boundlessly kind, considerate, and will always try to cheer you up when you're down. krtQMuqJVd4-00013-00007080-00007314 They like to organize get-togethers with everyone krtQMuqJVd4-00014-00007316-00007602 and make sure every single person there is enjoying themselves. krtQMuqJVd4-00015-00007656-00007988 Do you know anyone who might be a social butterfly in your circle? krtQMuqJVd4-00016-00008058-00008390 2. The fearless adventurer krtQMuqJVd4-00017-00008390-00008766 Ever thought of someone and thought, "yes, I'm going on an adventure." krtQMuqJVd4-00018-00008796-00009192 That person is probably your fearless adventurer. They're the fun friend. krtQMuqJVd4-00019-00009225-00009674 Someone we don't usually get acquainted with until we attend at least one or two get-togethers krtQMuqJVd4-00020-00009710-00010298 They often flow in and out of your life as they please, but you don't mind too much since it's always a blast when they're around. krtQMuqJVd4-00021-00010372-00010918 Bold, wild, vibrant, and outrageously funny. They're also the life of the party. krtQMuqJVd4-00022-00010920-00011348 They show you how to have fun get loose and they're always down for a good time. krtQMuqJVd4-00023-00011406-00011718 Maybe they invite you to have a spontaneous adventure with them, krtQMuqJVd4-00024-00011718-00012022 whether that be a fancy party or a 24-hour road trip. krtQMuqJVd4-00025-00012022-00012268 No matter what it is, You know it will be memorable. krtQMuqJVd4-00026-00012348-00012858 The fearless adventurer may not be the most dependable or stable of your friends, but you know krtQMuqJVd4-00027-00012858-00013356 they're always exciting to be around and you have a lot of great stories about the times you spent together. krtQMuqJVd4-00028-00013600-00013894 3. The secret keeper krtQMuqJVd4-00029-00013894-00014276 This type of friend is someone most of us need in our lives, no matter our age. krtQMuqJVd4-00030-00014336-00014697 The secret keeper is the one we tell all of our deepest, darkest secrets to. krtQMuqJVd4-00031-00014708-00015040 Whether it's during a quiet lunch hour or the middle of the night. krtQMuqJVd4-00032-00015074-00015441 They're trustworthy, empathetic and fiercely loyal. krtQMuqJVd4-00033-00015468-00015854 All you have to do is ask and they're ready to lend an ear or a shoulder for you to cry on. krtQMuqJVd4-00034-00015932-00016319 They can also give you great advice and can be brutally honest with you when needed. krtQMuqJVd4-00035-00016366-00016642 Far from being constantly coddling yes-men, krtQMuqJVd4-00036-00016642-00017050 they tell you what you need to hear and can help you gain insight into your situation. krtQMuqJVd4-00037-00017098-00017442 They'll never use your secrets against you or judge you for those secrets. krtQMuqJVd4-00038-00017492-00017784 Talking to them is easy, effortless, and comfortable. krtQMuqJVd4-00039-00017830-00018172 As such, you're more open with them than anyone else in your life. krtQMuqJVd4-00040-00018448-00018648 4. The mother figure krtQMuqJVd4-00041-00018686-00019010 The mother figure, despite the name, is not always female krtQMuqJVd4-00042-00019038-00019372 but is a person in the group who always tries to care for everyone's needs. krtQMuqJVd4-00043-00019414-00019936 They attend to their friends and put everyone else ahead of themselves without ever asking for anything in return. krtQMuqJVd4-00044-00019984-00020406 They're incredibly selfless, compassionate, and caring about those around them. krtQMuqJVd4-00045-00020470-00020694 As the unspoken, then-mother of the group, krtQMuqJVd4-00046-00020701-00020907 they're the ones turn to for help and support krtQMuqJVd4-00047-00020944-00021428 They look out for all their friends and are usually the first to stand up for you, should you be picked on. krtQMuqJVd4-00048-00021478-00021850 When conflict arises, they'll mediate and keep the peace in the group. krtQMuqJVd4-00049-00021886-00022020 They want everyone to get along. krtQMuqJVd4-00050-00022200-00022486 5. The good older sibling krtQMuqJVd4-00051-00022570-00023138 Have you watched a movie or TV series lately that has a strong, dependable, wise older sibling? krtQMuqJVd4-00052-00023138-00023292 Do you ever wish you had someone like that? krtQMuqJVd4-00053-00023404-00023604 Enter older sibling friend krtQMuqJVd4-00054-00023665-00024050 Having this kind of friend in your life will do wonders for expanding your opportunities krtQMuqJVd4-00055-00024050-00024233 while also enhancing your skills and knowledge. krtQMuqJVd4-00056-00024310-00024821 They guide you on your journey making sure you're going in the right direction, but don't fuss or smother. krtQMuqJVd4-00057-00024892-00025275 They teach you what they know, letting you in on all their best life hacks. krtQMuqJVd4-00058-00025308-00025682 They're your cheerleader and support team in everything you do. krtQMuqJVd4-00059-00025682-00025889 They're also usually inspirational. krtQMuqJVd4-00060-00025889-00026354 Motivating us to improve because we want to, not because we feel inadequate. krtQMuqJVd4-00061-00026392-00026933 There's a connection with them and you likely see them as the older sibling you always wanted but never had. krtQMuqJVd4-00062-00027050-00027389 And 6. the loyal best friend krtQMuqJVd4-00063-00027489-00027650 At the grand finale of this list, krtQMuqJVd4-00064-00027651-00027844 we have the loyal best friend. krtQMuqJVd4-00065-00027844-00028398 That golden Holy Grail person who's stuck by you through thick and thin through the years. krtQMuqJVd4-00066-00028458-00028856 You'll call on them for emergencies because you know that regardless of the situation, krtQMuqJVd4-00067-00028872-00029162 they'll always be there for you when you need them the most. krtQMuqJVd4-00068-00029177-00029538 You've shared so much together that they feel more like family than a friend. krtQMuqJVd4-00069-00029726-00030054 They're the first person you want to tell when something good happens krtQMuqJVd4-00070-00030072-00030449 and they've been by your side through all of your best and landmark-worthy moments. krtQMuqJVd4-00071-00030492-00031043 Whether it's watching movies at home, or going to a party or on vacation you love to spend time with them. krtQMuqJVd4-00072-00031131-00031724 Even if you've drifted apart or they're not currently in your life, the loyal best friend is definitely a friend krtQMuqJVd4-00073-00031724-00031924 you'll keep in your heart forever. krtQMuqJVd4-00074-00032045-00032476 If you have all these types of friends in your life, you are so lucky. krtQMuqJVd4-00075-00032532-00032945 True friendship is a rare and precious gift, so don't take it for granted krtQMuqJVd4-00076-00032997-00033197 Let them know you appreciate them. krtQMuqJVd4-00077-00033231-00033578 Can you think of people who are or have been in your life that fit these roles? krtQMuqJVd4-00078-00033630-00034202 Which types do you think you fulfill for others? You're probably helping someone and don't even realize it. krtQMuqJVd4-00079-00034251-00034584 Thank you for watching. Please like, share, and subscribe. krtQMuqJVd4-00080-00034584-00034814 Maybe you and a good friend can watch the next video together. krtQMuqJVd4-00081-00034866-00035066 See you next time. ktfqACx2d6y-00000-00000576-00001160 I fell on ice and I caught myself. ktfqACx2d6y-00001-00001362-00001634 My arm hurt but it wasn't a big ktfqACx2d6y-00002-00001639-00002132 deal. I thought it's just gonna go away but then as time went on it got my movement ktfqACx2d6y-00003-00002132-00002656 restricted and then-- When was that fall? --Like, mid-January... ktfqACx2d6y-00004-00002656-00003436 And then it got so I couldn't lift it. I couldn't go behind my back. It was just excruciatingly painful. ktfqACx2d6y-00005-00003556-00004335 She has been in so much pain. I have never as a person or physician seen anybody in so much pain ktfqACx2d6y-00006-00004335-00004889 non-stop. I mean, there was just no way... I ran into the ktfqACx2d6y-00007-00004889-00005421 orthopod and he asked , "How's Jenn doing?" and ktfqACx2d6y-00008-00005421-00005723 I said well we're gonna seek some other treatment because she can't live like ktfqACx2d6y-00009-00005724-00005920 this, Jim, she just can't. ktfqACx2d6y-00010-00006288-00006720 So here we are right after the procedure go ahead let's lift the arms up sideways both of them. ktfqACx2d6y-00011-00006820-00007088 Up you go. Go ahead! Wow! ktfqACx2d6y-00012-00007264-00007464 I'm gonna go slowly down though, right? ktfqACx2d6y-00013-00007640-00007900 That's like exactly like the videos online! ktfqACx2d6y-00014-00008260-00008660 You're actually a doctor, physician yourself. From a physician's perspective what would you say? ktfqACx2d6y-00015-00008692-00009272 I don't want to curse but it's hard to believe. You see, you hear a ktfqACx2d6y-00016-00009272-00009827 lot of.. I mean I went to an allopathic medical school and you know ktfqACx2d6y-00017-00009827-00010355 we hear a lot of things about chiropractors and things about it's not ktfqACx2d6y-00018-00010355-00010790 gonna work and I watch the video and I just couldn't believe it and now seeing ktfqACx2d6y-00019-00010790-00011225 it with my own eyes and I'm a painfully honest person and if it didn't work I'd ktfqACx2d6y-00020-00011225-00011657 look right into the camera and say, "That's crap." --And what do you say to the camera now? ktfqACx2d6y-00021-00011657-00012203 I'm saying, I'm saying... --It's amazing! --Yeah I can't I ktfqACx2d6y-00022-00012203-00012817 can't wait to run into the orthopod. When we run into the orthopod that was ktfqACx2d6y-00023-00012817-00013366 treating Jennifer I want her to go, "Hi Dr. Davidson. How are you?" He's not gonna ktfqACx2d6y-00024-00013368-00013568 believe it. ktfqACx2d6y-00025-00013604-00013872 I'm Jennifer Lysaght from Finley, Ohio and ktfqACx2d6y-00026-00013896-00014546 um I've had my frozen shoulder for probably three months maybe a little bit ktfqACx2d6y-00027-00014546-00015122 longer. I went to an orthopedic doctor. They did cortisone shots, physical ktfqACx2d6y-00028-00015122-00015784 therapy... Nothing really worked to get rid of the pain or help my range of motion ktfqACx2d6y-00029-00015796-00016487 so I started searching on the internet and found Dr. Austin and he helped me ktfqACx2d6y-00030-00016487-00016745 tremendously just like I can't believe from yesterday ktfqACx2d6y-00031-00016745-00017398 today has much better I'm feeling! So I do all the exercises I've got a lot of ktfqACx2d6y-00032-00017398-00018232 range of motion back and I'm in less pain and with no pain medication so... ktfqACx2d6y-00033-00018332-00018684 Amazing. Good. Come back down. ktfqACx2d6y-00034-00018684-00018868 Any pain you're dealing with coming up? ktfqACx2d6y-00035-00018880-00019160 And you're coming up just all by yourself. ktfqACx2d6y-00036-00019160-00019748 That is amazing! --Yeah, because I couldn't lift my arm past here. ktfqACx2d6y-00037-00020004-00020606 Yesterday I told Dr. Austin I'm a pediatrician and allopathic medicine and ktfqACx2d6y-00038-00020606-00021191 I can't believe it. I just I cannot. When she showed me the video online when ktfqACx2d6y-00039-00021191-00021764 she found that I just said no no and then we saw the cure rate was almost 100% and ktfqACx2d6y-00040-00021764-00022296 when she brought those arms up yesterday I just... I couldn't believe it. ktfqACx2d6y-00041-00022332-00022920 We are very thankful that we found Dr. Austin for sure! kzko3uA34nM-00000-00000106-00000383 What does Greek myth have to do with detective fiction? kzko3uA34nM-00001-00000383-00000514 Welcome to the Endless Knot. kzko3uA34nM-00002-00000514-00001732 Today we’re going to follow the “Clue” to find out. kzko3uA34nM-00003-00001732-00002018 The answer lies in the story of Ariadne and Theseus. kzko3uA34nM-00004-00002018-00002292 Ariadne was the daughter of Minos, King of Crete. kzko3uA34nM-00005-00002292-00002775 Minos failed to sacrifice a particular white bull to the sea god Poseidon as he’d promised, kzko3uA34nM-00006-00002775-00003227 and so that god punished him by making his wife Pasiphae (mother of Ariadne) fall in kzko3uA34nM-00007-00003227-00003759 love with the bull, and... well, let’s just say that the result was a half-man / half-bull, kzko3uA34nM-00008-00003759-00003904 the famous Minotaur. kzko3uA34nM-00009-00003904-00004330 So King Minos puts the Minotaur in the Labyrinth, puts his daughter Ariadne in charge of the kzko3uA34nM-00010-00004330-00004763 Labyrinth, and feeds the Minotaur the seven youths and seven maidens that Minos extracts kzko3uA34nM-00011-00004763-00004998 from the city of Athens as a tribute. kzko3uA34nM-00012-00004998-00005224 This is where Theseus comes into the story. kzko3uA34nM-00013-00005224-00005650 Theseus comes to Crete to kill the Minotaur and free Athens of its obligation. kzko3uA34nM-00014-00005650-00006071 Upon his arrival, Ariadne immediately falls in love with him, and promises to tell him kzko3uA34nM-00015-00006071-00006529 how to accomplish his task if he’ll promise to marry her and take her away with him. kzko3uA34nM-00016-00006529-00006964 She gives him a sword and a ball of thread for him to unravel as he goes into the Labyrinth. kzko3uA34nM-00017-00006964-00007373 After killing the Minotaur, he is able to retrace his path by following the thread and kzko3uA34nM-00018-00007373-00007473 escapes. kzko3uA34nM-00019-00007473-00007859 Theseus does then take Ariadne away with him, only to later abandon her on the deserted kzko3uA34nM-00020-00007859-00008175 island of Naxos on his way home to Athens. kzko3uA34nM-00021-00008175-00008275 Jerk. kzko3uA34nM-00022-00008275-00008681 Actually in some versions of the myth Theseus is made to leave her behind by a god, either kzko3uA34nM-00023-00008681-00009120 by Dionysus because he wanted her for himself, or by Athene, goddess of wisdom and protector kzko3uA34nM-00024-00009120-00009454 of heroes & of Athens, who leads him away for his own good. kzko3uA34nM-00025-00009454-00009879 This practice of assigning motivations to the gods, especially for seemingly inexplicable kzko3uA34nM-00026-00009879-00010333 or dishonourable actions by heroes, is common in Greek myth, and is sometimes seen as a kzko3uA34nM-00027-00010333-00010582 very early theory of emotions and psychology. kzko3uA34nM-00028-00010582-00010924 But what does all this have to do with the word clue? kzko3uA34nM-00029-00010924-00011517 Well the word used to be spelled c-l-e-w, and came from the Old English word clywen kzko3uA34nM-00030-00011517-00012027 which meant “ball”, particularly a ball of string or yarn, and in some parts of Northern kzko3uA34nM-00031-00012027-00012317 England and Scotland it’s still used in that sense. kzko3uA34nM-00032-00012317-00012718 When writing about the story of Ariadne, clew was the word English writers, like Geoffrey kzko3uA34nM-00033-00012718-00013263 Chaucer in the 14th century, would use: “Thereto have I a remedye in my thought, that, by a kzko3uA34nM-00034-00013263-00013813 clewe of twyn, as he hath gon, The same weye he may returne anon, Folwynge alwey the thred kzko3uA34nM-00035-00013813-00013926 as he hath come.” kzko3uA34nM-00036-00013926-00014387 In fact this mythological reference was so common that it came to have a figurative sense, kzko3uA34nM-00037-00014387-00014778 and gradually the literal meaning of “a ball of thread” disappeared leaving only kzko3uA34nM-00038-00014778-00015254 the meaning of “that which points the way to a solution”, by around the 17th century. kzko3uA34nM-00039-00015254-00015766 So a whole new meaning for the word grew out of one specific narrative reference. kzko3uA34nM-00040-00015766-00016254 Of course the textile arts are a common thread in Greek myth, from the story of Ariadne and kzko3uA34nM-00041-00016254-00016676 Theseus, to the spinning, measuring, and cutting of the metaphorical thread of life by the kzko3uA34nM-00042-00016676-00017007 three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. kzko3uA34nM-00043-00017007-00017414 The other really famous example is in the story of Penelope, wife of Odysseus, one of kzko3uA34nM-00044-00017414-00017581 the heroes at the Trojan War. kzko3uA34nM-00045-00017581-00017993 During Odysseus’ very long absence, a ten year siege at Troy followed by a ten year kzko3uA34nM-00046-00017993-00018443 return journey home, Penelope had to fend off the advances of many suitors who wanted kzko3uA34nM-00047-00018443-00018698 to marry her and take over the kingdom of Ithaca. kzko3uA34nM-00048-00018698-00019132 One of the ploys Penelope used was to ask the suitors for a delay until after she finished kzko3uA34nM-00049-00019132-00019384 weaving the death shroud for her father-in-law. kzko3uA34nM-00050-00019384-00019809 Secretly each night she unravelled the previous day’s progress, thus ensuring it would never kzko3uA34nM-00051-00019809-00020204 be complete--at least until her deception was discovered. kzko3uA34nM-00052-00020204-00020634 Like Ariadne’s ‘clew’, Penelope’s unravelling became a common narrative reference, kzko3uA34nM-00053-00020634-00020834 even in modern literature. kzko3uA34nM-00054-00020834-00021215 But back to the word “Clue”: it comes ultimately from an Indo-European root that kzko3uA34nM-00055-00021215-00021648 meant “to gather into a mass, conglomerate, or curl” and leads eventually through various kzko3uA34nM-00056-00021648-00022190 language paths like Germanic, Latin, and Greek to many modern English words such as glue, kzko3uA34nM-00057-00022190-00022562 globe, claw, clench, cling, and clay. kzko3uA34nM-00058-00022562-00022888 Through Greek we also get the word neuroglia or simply glia. kzko3uA34nM-00059-00022888-00023323 The glial cells in the brain support and protect the neurons, the main brain cells involved kzko3uA34nM-00060-00023323-00023779 in cognition, kind of gluing them together, hence the name, to collectively make up the kzko3uA34nM-00061-00023779-00024226 grey matter of the brain, though recent research suggests that the glial cell may also play kzko3uA34nM-00062-00024226-00024432 a more active role in cognition. kzko3uA34nM-00063-00024432-00024770 But neuroscientists still have a lot of threads to unpick before they’ll have completely kzko3uA34nM-00064-00024770-00025001 unravelled that mystery! kzko3uA34nM-00065-00025001-00025454 We now often think of clues, at least in terms of detective fiction as well as in real life kzko3uA34nM-00066-00025454-00026035 criminology, as trace evidence: fibres from clothing, DNA, footprints, etc. that a criminal kzko3uA34nM-00067-00026035-00026268 leaves behind at a crime scene. kzko3uA34nM-00068-00026268-00026776 This idea in forensic science was first formulated by Edmond Locard, that every contact will kzko3uA34nM-00069-00026776-00027183 leave a trace, and the criminal will both leave behind and take away physical evidence kzko3uA34nM-00070-00027183-00027387 which can be used to solve the crime. kzko3uA34nM-00071-00027387-00027656 This is now known as Locard’s Exchange Principal. kzko3uA34nM-00072-00027656-00028152 And perhaps the most famous and transformative example of trace evidence --and the most cliched kzko3uA34nM-00073-00028152-00028464 detective story clue--is the fingerprint. kzko3uA34nM-00074-00028464-00028839 The development of the science of fingerprinting in the 19th century is somewhat murky and kzko3uA34nM-00075-00028839-00028986 mired in controversy. kzko3uA34nM-00076-00028986-00029422 We’ll start the story with Henry Faulds, a Scottish physician who went to Japan to kzko3uA34nM-00077-00029422-00029545 found a hospital. kzko3uA34nM-00078-00029545-00029988 While there, Faulds became friends with a naturalist, Edward Morse, whose study of shell kzko3uA34nM-00079-00029988-00030462 mounds, basically dumping grounds for shells, had been praised by the likes of Charles Darwin. kzko3uA34nM-00080-00030462-00030825 Morse had also become interested in Japanese pottery because of the fragments that were kzko3uA34nM-00081-00030825-00031235 also often found in those shell mounds, and contributed significantly to the study of kzko3uA34nM-00082-00031235-00031410 Japanese ceramics. kzko3uA34nM-00083-00031410-00031818 Faulds accompanied his friend to the archaeological sites and noticed that he could see the labyrinthine kzko3uA34nM-00084-00031818-00032279 pattern of ridges of the potter’s fingerprints still visible on the surface of the fragments. kzko3uA34nM-00085-00032279-00032793 Struck by this clue preserved in the clay (remember, clay comes from that same IE root!) kzko3uA34nM-00086-00032793-00033186 he surmised that the pattern of these fingerprints was different for each individual and could kzko3uA34nM-00087-00033186-00033334 be used to identify them. kzko3uA34nM-00088-00033334-00033734 He began to study the matter, collecting fingerprints and experimenting, and determined that they kzko3uA34nM-00089-00033734-00034029 were permanent and unchanging over a person’s lifetime. kzko3uA34nM-00090-00034029-00034465 Then one day, Fauld’s hospital was burgled, and though the police suspected a staff member, kzko3uA34nM-00091-00034465-00034862 Faulds believed in the person’s innocence and used fingerprint evidence to prove it. kzko3uA34nM-00092-00034862-00035302 Seeing the obvious importance of his discovery, Faulds brought his idea first to Charles Darwin kzko3uA34nM-00093-00035302-00035546 who passed it on to his cousin Francis Galton. kzko3uA34nM-00094-00035546-00035983 Galton, like his and Darwin’s grandfather Erasmus Darwin, was a bit of a polymath. kzko3uA34nM-00095-00035983-00036475 In fact, that’s kind of the point with Galton, a member of the great Darwin-Wedgwood family kzko3uA34nM-00096-00036475-00036974 – that’s Wedgwood as in Josiah Wedgwood, noted not for studying pottery but making kzko3uA34nM-00097-00036974-00037074 it. kzko3uA34nM-00098-00037074-00037398 The family was filled with bright lights, and Galton was interested in studying the kzko3uA34nM-00099-00037398-00037926 inherited traits of talent and genius, coining both the concept and the word “eugenics”, kzko3uA34nM-00100-00037926-00038175 and the phrase “nature versus nurture”. kzko3uA34nM-00101-00038175-00038693 Galton was also a counting fanatic, and tried to quantify everything mathematically, including kzko3uA34nM-00102-00038693-00039320 women’s beauty, compiling a beauty-map of Britain (spoiler: London rated highest, Aberdeen kzko3uA34nM-00103-00039320-00039880 lowest), and the efficacy of prayer (spoiler: none at all), and developed the science of kzko3uA34nM-00104-00039880-00040349 statistics and the concepts of correlation, regression towards the mean, and standard kzko3uA34nM-00105-00040349-00040455 deviation. kzko3uA34nM-00106-00040455-00040747 So it’s not surprising that he’d be interested in fingerprinting. kzko3uA34nM-00107-00040747-00041226 Except, he wasn’t at first–and when he did turn his attention to it some years later, kzko3uA34nM-00108-00041226-00041681 he either ignored or forgot about the work of Faulds, leaving him feeling miffed, and kzko3uA34nM-00109-00041681-00042006 instead turned to the evidence of a man named William Herschel. kzko3uA34nM-00110-00042006-00042444 Herschel years earlier, unbeknownst to Faulds, began using fingerprints not for criminal kzko3uA34nM-00111-00042444-00042740 detection but for contract verification. kzko3uA34nM-00112-00042740-00043147 Herschel – and if his name sounds familiar, that’s because he was the grandson of the kzko3uA34nM-00113-00043147-00043649 famous astronomer of the same name who discovered Uranus and son of another famous astronomer kzko3uA34nM-00114-00043649-00044154 John Herschel, so I suppose genius ran in his family too – Herschel was an officer kzko3uA34nM-00115-00044154-00044596 in India, who, having trouble with people pretending their signatures had been forged, kzko3uA34nM-00116-00044596-00045141 hit upon the idea of taking fingerprints as well as signatures on contracts to avoid this. kzko3uA34nM-00117-00045141-00045550 Herschel had compiled a large collection of fingerprints which he passed on to Galton, kzko3uA34nM-00118-00045550-00046026 who established the scientific study of fingerprints and began a system for classification. kzko3uA34nM-00119-00046026-00046536 Herschel later sent Galton’s book on fingerprinting to an old friend in India, Henry Cotton, chief kzko3uA34nM-00120-00046536-00047026 secretary to the government of Bengal, who forwarded it to Edward Henry, the inspector-general kzko3uA34nM-00121-00047026-00047216 of police in Bengal. kzko3uA34nM-00122-00047216-00047679 Henry started to implement fingerprinting for police purposes, but finding Galton’s kzko3uA34nM-00123-00047679-00048126 classification system too complex, developed (with considerable help from two of his Bengali kzko3uA34nM-00124-00048126-00048613 assistants, Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose), a new simpler system, now known as the widely kzko3uA34nM-00125-00048613-00048808 used Henry Classification System. kzko3uA34nM-00126-00048808-00049246 Henry’s assistants didn’t, at least initially, get their deserved recognition for their work, kzko3uA34nM-00127-00049246-00049601 so I guess this story is full of failure to give credit where it’s due. kzko3uA34nM-00128-00049601-00050043 In any case, in 1901, a fingerprint bureau was established by Edward Henry, now assistant kzko3uA34nM-00129-00050043-00050518 commissioner of Scotland Yard, and in 1902 a man named Harry Jackson became the first kzko3uA34nM-00130-00050518-00050905 man in Britain to be convicted on the basis of fingerprint evidence for a thumbprint he kzko3uA34nM-00131-00050905-00051379 left on a freshly painted windowsill – the crime: burglary and the theft of a set of kzko3uA34nM-00132-00051379-00051479 billiard balls. kzko3uA34nM-00133-00051479-00052051 A few years later in 1905 the brothers Alfred and Albert Stratton were the first to be convicted kzko3uA34nM-00134-00052051-00052458 of a major crime, robbery and murder of a paint shop owner, due to a fingerprint they kzko3uA34nM-00135-00052458-00052681 left on the cashbox. kzko3uA34nM-00136-00052681-00053124 But getting back to clues in detective *fiction*, the 1903 Sherlock Holmes story “The Adventure kzko3uA34nM-00137-00053124-00053639 of the Norwood Builder” by Arthur Conan Doyle, set some years earlier in 1894, had kzko3uA34nM-00138-00053639-00054032 already featured fingerprint evidence in a murder case, not to mention many other stories kzko3uA34nM-00139-00054032-00054530 using trace evidence and other forensic techniques, such as footprints, tobacco ash, and handwriting kzko3uA34nM-00140-00054530-00055026 analysis – and, notably, the distinctive types of clay found on people’s shoes. kzko3uA34nM-00141-00055026-00055439 Sherlock Holmes as a detective is in fact famous for solving crimes by searching for kzko3uA34nM-00142-00055439-00055573 physical clues. kzko3uA34nM-00143-00055573-00055963 Agatha Christie later on poked a bit of fun at Conan Doyle’s famous detective, including kzko3uA34nM-00144-00055963-00056419 a very Holmes-like character, a police detective named Monsieur Giraud, in the novel Murder kzko3uA34nM-00145-00056419-00056539 on the Links. kzko3uA34nM-00146-00056539-00057050 Giraud is a meticulous clue-finder whom Hercule Poirot calls a “human foxhound”, and he kzko3uA34nM-00147-00057050-00057272 is misled in the case by trace evidence. kzko3uA34nM-00148-00057272-00057757 Poirot instead chooses to use his “little grey cells” (remember the neurons and glia kzko3uA34nM-00149-00057757-00058174 of the grey matter), and solves the case through criminal psychology. kzko3uA34nM-00150-00058174-00058877 As he says, “when you have two crimes precisely similar in design and execution, you find kzko3uA34nM-00151-00058877-00059104 the same brain behind them both. kzko3uA34nM-00152-00059104-00059534 I am looking for that brain, Monsieur Giraud, and I shall find it. kzko3uA34nM-00153-00059534-00059938 Here we have a true clue - a psychological clue. kzko3uA34nM-00154-00059938-00060441 You may know all about cigarettes and match ends, Monsieur Giraud, but I, Hercule Poirot, kzko3uA34nM-00155-00060441-00060796 know the mind of man.” kzko3uA34nM-00156-00060796-00061325 So like the Greeks using their gods as explanations for people’s actions, Poirot is concerned kzko3uA34nM-00157-00061325-00061537 with the motivations behind the crimes. kzko3uA34nM-00158-00061537-00061939 And this brings us full circle back to ancient Greek myth, which seems to have been a particular kzko3uA34nM-00159-00061939-00062121 inspiration for Agatha Christie. kzko3uA34nM-00160-00062121-00062628 Hercule Poirot’s name is obviously reminiscent of the Greek hero Hercules, whom Christie kzko3uA34nM-00161-00062628-00063091 specifically recalls with her book titled The Labours of Hercule, playing on the myth kzko3uA34nM-00162-00063091-00063295 of the 12 Labours of Hercules. kzko3uA34nM-00163-00063295-00063738 And one of her recurring characters, who is a mystery writer stand-in for Christie herself, kzko3uA34nM-00164-00063738-00064144 is named Ariadne Oliver, bringing us back to the story of the Labyrinth. kzko3uA34nM-00165-00064144-00064533 And finally, recalling both the figures of Ariadne and Penelope and the importance of kzko3uA34nM-00166-00064533-00064999 textiles in Greek myth is Miss Marple, who is always knitting in her books; in the novel kzko3uA34nM-00167-00064999-00065405 The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side, when she complains to her doctor about being old kzko3uA34nM-00168-00065405-00065744 and having to recuperate from an illness, this conversation occurs: kzko3uA34nM-00169-00065744-00066335 'And even my knitting - such a comfort that has always been, and I really am a good knitter. kzko3uA34nM-00170-00066335-00066770 Now I drop stitches all the time - and quite often I don't even know I dropped them.' kzko3uA34nM-00171-00066770-00066938 Haydock looked at her thoughtfully. kzko3uA34nM-00172-00066938-00067049 Then his eyes twinkled. kzko3uA34nM-00173-00067049-00067276 'There's always the opposite.' kzko3uA34nM-00174-00067276-00067471 'Now what do you mean by that?' kzko3uA34nM-00175-00067471-00067858 'If you can't knit, what about unravelling for a change? kzko3uA34nM-00176-00067858-00067966 Penelope did.' kzko3uA34nM-00177-00067966-00068162 'I'm hardly in her position.' kzko3uA34nM-00178-00068162-00068622 'But unravelling's rather in your line, isn't it?' kzko3uA34nM-00179-00068622-00069102 And so, we’ve followed the clew safely all the way through this labryinth of etymology, kzko3uA34nM-00180-00069102-00069385 myth, history, literature, and science. kzko3uA34nM-00181-00069385-00069791 I’ll be back soon with more etymological explorations and cultural connections, so kzko3uA34nM-00182-00069791-00070196 please subscribe to this channel; you can also sign up for email notifications of new kzko3uA34nM-00183-00070196-00070342 videos in the description below. kzko3uA34nM-00184-00070342-00070871 If you have comments or questions, I’m @Alliterative on Twitter, or leave them in the comment section; kzko3uA34nM-00185-00070871-00071207 you can also read more of my thoughts on my blog at alliterative.net k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00000-00001950-00003229 Salam Alikoum, and welcome to this little video of celebration you tell me what we are celebrating. Well this week discreetly the mathematical world celebrates the PI DAY k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00001-00003229-00003750 we asked the question of how to mark this event. We came then had the idea to calculate the value of PI number by a mini cluster based raspberry pi and here is the result. k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00002-00003750-00004450 We came then the idea to calculate the value of PI by a mini cluster based on Raspberry PI board and here is the result k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00003-00004050-00005850 Our cluster consists of 3 raspberry pi connected to each other via Ethernet. k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00004-00005850-00006150 The cluster uses the library of C language MPICH k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00005-00007250-00007650 And here is the result of the calculated with the example provided with the library k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00006-00007650-00008450 We get the value of pi in a time of 0.01 seconds to calculate. k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00007-00008750-00009350 But we are not we stop there way, we used another program that uses Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of PI with more or less accuracy k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00008-00010050-00011050 We invite you visite the course "the discovery of the random" from Openclassrooms.com for more information on this method k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00009-00011450-00012050 After some tests and measures we achieved the following performance k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00010-00012050-00012750 you noticed that the more points of the simulation increases more the cluster become effective k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00011-00012750-00014350 At the conclusion of this video we announce a series of tutorials that explain step by step how to performs set up your own open source cluster k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00012-00014550-00015350 Do not forget to subscribe to our youtube channel and follow us on our page and group on facebook k-w3tQ1y2qQ-00013-00015350-00015750 Happy pi day and Salam k_fD01xuDZo-00000-00000000-00000618 a lot of people know PewDiePie yeah this guy right here PewDiePie I strongly believe that k_fD01xuDZo-00001-00000618-00001302 he is a minimalist minimalist something like that basically what that means is that you don't buy k_fD01xuDZo-00002-00001302-00001992 much you don't have much and he has what six 10 12 million dollars something like that some crazy k_fD01xuDZo-00003-00001992-00002712 amount but he only has one pair of shoes and I think he only has one pair of shoes because he k_fD01xuDZo-00004-00002712-00003156 likes to use it for everything so I think if he goes and gets married he has one pair of shoes if k_fD01xuDZo-00005-00003156-00003660 he goes to the gym he has one pair of shoes if he goes running he has one pair of shoes k_fD01xuDZo-00006-00003720-00004380 uh could you imagine that if he plays football he's got one pair of shoes k_fD01xuDZo-00007-00004464-00005142 so as cool as it is for PewDiePie to be very minimalist whether the most minimalist k_fD01xuDZo-00008-00005220-00005868 less millionaires that I would probably know in life you gotta have maybe one or two pairs k_fD01xuDZo-00009-00005868-00006473 of shoes man just saying just saying all right see you guys in the next video subscribe smash k_fD01xuDZo-00010-00006473-00007140 like drop a comment let me know what you think about this video from me Mike Z gamer Gates kCSw4E0qzZU-00000-00000122-00000852 Instead of comparing some quantity to a set value, kCSw4E0qzZU-00001-00000852-00001278 we can also use inequalities when we want to compare kCSw4E0qzZU-00002-00001278-00001514 two different quantities, kCSw4E0qzZU-00003-00001514-00001682 both of which we have to set up kCSw4E0qzZU-00004-00001682-00001972 relatively complicated expressions for. kCSw4E0qzZU-00005-00002108-00002322 Let's see an example of a place where we need kCSw4E0qzZU-00006-00002322-00002424 to do that. kCSw4E0qzZU-00007-00002626-00002826 Suppose, Quinn is choosing between kCSw4E0qzZU-00008-00002826-00003016 two savings accounts. kCSw4E0qzZU-00009-00003064-00003378 The first account pays one percent interest. kCSw4E0qzZU-00010-00003422-00003758 The second account pays three percent interest, kCSw4E0qzZU-00011-00003758-00004004 but charges a twenty dollar fee at the beginning kCSw4E0qzZU-00012-00004004-00004116 of the year. kCSw4E0qzZU-00013-00004200-00004544 For how large a deposit will the second plan give kCSw4E0qzZU-00014-00004544-00004774 a larger final balance? kCSw4E0qzZU-00015-00004876-00005164 So, again, we're going to start by just writing down kCSw4E0qzZU-00016-00005164-00005488 what the inequality is that we're interested in. kCSw4E0qzZU-00017-00005596-00006000 We want to know, when the second account's kCSw4E0qzZU-00018-00006001-00006314 final balance will be greater than the first account's kCSw4E0qzZU-00019-00006314-00006452 final balance. kCSw4E0qzZU-00020-00006514-00006838 So, we need to write expressions for each kCSw4E0qzZU-00021-00006838-00007090 account's final balances. kCSw4E0qzZU-00022-00007122-00007328 What's our variable going to be? kCSw4E0qzZU-00023-00007422-00007902 The question is asking us, for how large a deposit? kCSw4E0qzZU-00024-00008138-00008498 So, I'm going to say, d equals. kCSw4E0qzZU-00025-00008568-00008886 We're talking about interest here which represents kCSw4E0qzZU-00026-00008886-00009100 a percent increase. kCSw4E0qzZU-00027-00009146-00009484 So, for the first plan, the starting balance kCSw4E0qzZU-00028-00009484-00009858 is just going to be, d, the initial deposit. kCSw4E0qzZU-00029-00009998-00010490 The percent change for the first account, kCSw4E0qzZU-00030-00010658-00010840 is one percent, kCSw4E0qzZU-00031-00011026-00011396 which is zero point zero one. kCSw4E0qzZU-00032-00011516-00011804 And therefore, the final balance will be, kCSw4E0qzZU-00033-00011804-00012228 one plus zero point zero one kCSw4E0qzZU-00034-00012450-00012661 times the initial deposit. kCSw4E0qzZU-00035-00012694-00012838 For the second plan, kCSw4E0qzZU-00036-00012896-00013090 now at the start of the year, kCSw4E0qzZU-00037-00013090-00013358 before the money starts earning interest, kCSw4E0qzZU-00038-00013391-00013697 the bank charges a twenty dollar fee. kCSw4E0qzZU-00039-00013750-00013976 So, at the start of the year, kCSw4E0qzZU-00040-00014047-00014396 we have d minus twenty dollars. kCSw4E0qzZU-00041-00014432-00014636 But now the percent change, kCSw4E0qzZU-00042-00014674-00015012 the second account pays three percent interest. kCSw4E0qzZU-00043-00015069-00015462 So, the percent change is three percent, kCSw4E0qzZU-00044-00015462-00015732 which is zero point zero three. kCSw4E0qzZU-00045-00015904-00016172 And therefore, the final amount kCSw4E0qzZU-00046-00016172-00016492 in the second account is, kCSw4E0qzZU-00047-00016492-00016840 one plus zero point zero three kCSw4E0qzZU-00048-00016902-00017088 times the starting amount, kCSw4E0qzZU-00049-00017088-00017508 which is d minus twenty. kCSw4E0qzZU-00050-00017628-00018074 OK, now we're ready to put this into our inequality. kCSw4E0qzZU-00051-00018118-00018650 The second account's final balance, that's this, kCSw4E0qzZU-00052-00018724-00019424 one plus zero point zero three times d minus twenty, kCSw4E0qzZU-00053-00019596-00020058 is greater than the first account's final balance. kCSw4E0qzZU-00054-00020058-00020200 That's this, kCSw4E0qzZU-00055-00020262-00020754 one plus zero point zero one d. kCSw4E0qzZU-00056-00020900-00021284 OK, now all that's left is to solve this inequality. kCSw4E0qzZU-00057-00021330-00021686 I'm going to start by simplifying my two expressions. kCSw4E0qzZU-00058-00021718-00021972 First, I'm going to actually do the addition. kCSw4E0qzZU-00059-00022032-00022506 One point zero three times d minus twenty kCSw4E0qzZU-00060-00022770-00023292 is greater than one point zero one times d. kCSw4E0qzZU-00061-00023522-00023674 Now, we'll distribute. kCSw4E0qzZU-00062-00023772-00024282 One point zero three times d minus - kCSw4E0qzZU-00063-00024306-00024588 Let's use a calculator for this multiplication. kCSw4E0qzZU-00064-00024678-00025270 One point zero three times twenty is, kCSw4E0qzZU-00065-00025486-00025677 twenty point six. kCSw4E0qzZU-00066-00026133-00026554 OK, now that both sides of the equation are simplified, kCSw4E0qzZU-00067-00026595-00026936 I need to get rid of the d term on one side. kCSw4E0qzZU-00068-00027089-00027339 I'm going to get rid of the d term on the left kCSw4E0qzZU-00069-00027339-00027595 because there's no constant on the right. kCSw4E0qzZU-00070-00027642-00028206 So, I'll subtract one point zero three d from both sides. kCSw4E0qzZU-00071-00028524-00029112 I'm left with negative twenty point six is greater than - kCSw4E0qzZU-00072-00029154-00029864 One point zero one minus one point zero three is, kCSw4E0qzZU-00073-00029864-00030444 negative zero point zero two d. kCSw4E0qzZU-00074-00030560-00030906 OK, now I need to get rid of that kCSw4E0qzZU-00075-00030906-00031102 negative point zero two. kCSw4E0qzZU-00076-00031180-00031445 Dividing because those are multiplied together. kCSw4E0qzZU-00077-00031633-00032024 Negative twenty point six divided by kCSw4E0qzZU-00078-00032026-00032252 negative point zero two, kCSw4E0qzZU-00079-00032386-00032800 is one thousand thirty. kCSw4E0qzZU-00080-00032882-00033076 I divided by a negative number, kCSw4E0qzZU-00081-00033076-00033314 so I have to reverse the inequality. kCSw4E0qzZU-00082-00033460-00033574 Less than d. kCSw4E0qzZU-00083-00033858-00034062 Rewriting that with the d on the left kCSw4E0qzZU-00084-00034062-00034224 because it's easier to read, kCSw4E0qzZU-00085-00034286-00034586 d is greater than one thousand thirty. kCSw4E0qzZU-00086-00034626-00034868 For what deposits then? kCSw4E0qzZU-00087-00035048-00035388 Will the second plan give a larger final balance? kCSw4E0qzZU-00088-00035458-00035896 For deposits more than one thousand thirty dollars. kD4cn59WXAk-00000-00000347-00000552 Hello NavigationTraders! kD4cn59WXAk-00001-00000552-00001108 In this video, I wanna take just a couple minutes to introduce you to a new tool, that kD4cn59WXAk-00002-00001108-00001544 we just released, and is now available in your members area. kD4cn59WXAk-00003-00001544-00002005 If you look down here under course downloads, you can see we added a new icon. kD4cn59WXAk-00004-00002005-00002222 It's called the earnings watch list. kD4cn59WXAk-00005-00002222-00002617 Now, remember, this is our first version of the earnings watch list. kD4cn59WXAk-00006-00002617-00002816 We really want your feedback. kD4cn59WXAk-00007-00002816-00003331 Let us know if there's anything that you think we can do, to improve this tool, to make your kD4cn59WXAk-00008-00003331-00003538 trading more efficient. kD4cn59WXAk-00009-00003538-00003863 To open the watch list, simply click on the icon button. kD4cn59WXAk-00010-00003863-00004462 I'm using a MAC, so it's simply going to download the spreadsheet here on my computer. kD4cn59WXAk-00011-00004462-00004611 Let's pull it up and take a look. kD4cn59WXAk-00012-00004611-00004872 Here's what it looks like when you open it up. kD4cn59WXAk-00013-00004872-00005189 First of all, there's a link to the video that you're watching now. kD4cn59WXAk-00014-00005189-00005577 If you ever need to go back and watch it, you'll have the link, when you open up the kD4cn59WXAk-00015-00005577-00005677 spreadsheet. kD4cn59WXAk-00016-00005677-00006115 Next, we made a small note here, the earnings data in the chart below is an estimate. kD4cn59WXAk-00017-00006115-00006689 Please confirm all earnings, dates, and times with your broker or the stocks website. kD4cn59WXAk-00018-00006689-00007247 The data source that we're using for this information is coming from the NASDAQ exchange. kD4cn59WXAk-00019-00007247-00007540 We can't guarantee that the information is accurate. kD4cn59WXAk-00020-00007540-00007997 Just make sure you confirm with your broker or the company's website, before you place kD4cn59WXAk-00021-00007997-00008244 any trade around a particular stock. kD4cn59WXAk-00022-00008244-00008344 All right. kD4cn59WXAk-00023-00008344-00008444 Here's what we've got. kD4cn59WXAk-00024-00008444-00008544 We've got the stock name. kD4cn59WXAk-00025-00008544-00008780 We've got the symbol. kD4cn59WXAk-00026-00008780-00009517 This spreadsheet is sorted in order of the nearest term, earnings announcement first. kD4cn59WXAk-00027-00009517-00009803 You can see at the time of this recording, it's October eighth. kD4cn59WXAk-00028-00009803-00010413 You can see October 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, and so on, all those earnings dates are in kD4cn59WXAk-00029-00010413-00010842 order from the most recent, down to the furthest date away. kD4cn59WXAk-00030-00010842-00011451 In the last column is either going to say AMC, which stands are for, after the market kD4cn59WXAk-00031-00011451-00012004 close, or BMO, which stands, before market open. kD4cn59WXAk-00032-00012004-00012434 You'll know the approximate time that, that stock is announcing their earnings on that kD4cn59WXAk-00033-00012434-00012549 specific date. kD4cn59WXAk-00034-00012549-00013203 Now, you'll notice, in some cases, that column is left blank, in this case for Goldman Sachs, kD4cn59WXAk-00035-00013203-00013834 because the NASDAQ data did not have an indication as to whether Goldman Sachs was announcing kD4cn59WXAk-00036-00013834-00014119 before the market opens or after the market closed. kD4cn59WXAk-00037-00014119-00014371 In that case, it'll just be left blank. kD4cn59WXAk-00038-00014371-00014813 In certain cases like this one, you can actually go to the platform and confirm whether that's kD4cn59WXAk-00039-00014813-00015161 an after market close, or before market open. kD4cn59WXAk-00040-00015161-00015577 If we open the Think or Swim platform, and take a look at Goldman Sachs, as you know kD4cn59WXAk-00041-00015577-00016103 from our earnings course, if you click on the little blue light bulb, the earnings announcement kD4cn59WXAk-00042-00016103-00016216 data will pop up. kD4cn59WXAk-00043-00016216-00016869 In this case, on 10/16, you can see they've listed it as, before market open. kD4cn59WXAk-00044-00016869-00017365 That's a really quick way to confirm the data, just to make sure it's correct, or if there's kD4cn59WXAk-00045-00017365-00017659 data missing, you can confirm that information. kD4cn59WXAk-00046-00017659-00018094 One other thing that you'll notice, if we scroll down as an example, and take a look kD4cn59WXAk-00047-00018094-00018627 at Apple, it has Apple listed to announce earnings on 11/1. kD4cn59WXAk-00048-00018627-00019195 However, if we go to the Think or Swim platform and take a look, you can see that on Apple, kD4cn59WXAk-00049-00019195-00019462 there's a question mark on the blue dot. kD4cn59WXAk-00050-00019462-00020109 If we click on that, it actually gives us an earnings date of 10/30 after market, as kD4cn59WXAk-00051-00020109-00020320 opposed to 11/1. kD4cn59WXAk-00052-00020320-00020676 That's because it's not completely confirmed. kD4cn59WXAk-00053-00020676-00021170 One thing to understand about this spreadsheet is, this is going to be updated every week. kD4cn59WXAk-00054-00021170-00021375 Once a week this is updated. kD4cn59WXAk-00055-00021375-00021826 Anytime you come to your members area, to open up the spreadsheet, is going to have kD4cn59WXAk-00056-00021826-00022111 the new, fresh, updated data. kD4cn59WXAk-00057-00022111-00022609 If something is missing, when you open it up initially, it may update the next week, kD4cn59WXAk-00058-00022609-00023286 because the NASDAQ data now has confirmed information and it'll be posted on the sheet kD4cn59WXAk-00059-00023286-00023434 as well. kD4cn59WXAk-00060-00023434-00023897 I hope this tool is helpful, for those of you who like to trade earnings announcements. kD4cn59WXAk-00061-00023897-00024431 Again, if you have any feedback at all, we would love to hear it, so we can continue kD4cn59WXAk-00062-00024431-00024727 to improve these tools, for our members. kD4cn59WXAk-00063-00024727-00024827 Thanks everybody. kD4cn59WXAk-00064-00024827-00024877 Happy trading! kDc2uUrwRYY-00001-00000082-00000132 Ready? kDc2uUrwRYY-00002-00000132-00000182 Set?! kDc2uUrwRYY-00003-00000182-00000232 Go! kDc2uUrwRYY-00004-00002718-00002870 Majin Sonic: The Fun Never Ends! kDc2uUrwRYY-00005-00007743-00007815 THREE, TWO, kDc2uUrwRYY-00006-00007815-00007865 ONE... GO! kDc5uS07IgU-00000-00000003-00000479 Oh, boy. A launching a website can be super stressful. So, this is part 2 of how kDc5uS07IgU-00001-00000479-00001898 to properly launch a website with SEO. So, let's continue our conversation around kDc5uS07IgU-00002-00001898-00002364 launching a new website. So, in the first part of the video, we talked about all kDc5uS07IgU-00003-00002364-00002805 the things you have to do before you hit the switch and it goes live. Now, that kDc5uS07IgU-00004-00002805-00003161 it's gone live, you're not done yet. We still got some things to take care of. kDc5uS07IgU-00005-00003161-00003663 So, let's take a look at my after launch checklist here. And see what else we need kDc5uS07IgU-00006-00003663-00004176 to get knitted up. The first one is there's a Google site checker for mobile kDc5uS07IgU-00007-00004176-00004653 responsiveness. Just type in Google mobile test and you'll be able to test kDc5uS07IgU-00008-00004653-00005021 your new website. Make sure it's really being given full credit for its mobile kDc5uS07IgU-00009-00005021-00005412 responsive quality. Then we're going to submit your site to local directories. kDc5uS07IgU-00010-00005412-00005921 Now, if you have a localized business, a dentist a mechanic shop. Anybody that has kDc5uS07IgU-00011-00005921-00006581 a walk-in presence, we use a tool called yext. And it is a paid service but kDc5uS07IgU-00012-00006581-00007070 it will get your listing into every possible local index that has service kDc5uS07IgU-00013-00007070-00007547 based businesses on it. So submit to yext. And get all that stuff taken care of so kDc5uS07IgU-00014-00007547-00007943 that you can be findable through all of those different directories. The next one kDc5uS07IgU-00015-00007943-00008397 is make sure your descriptions and photos are up-to-date. So, a lot of times kDc5uS07IgU-00016-00008397-00008861 when you launch a new website, you'll name all the photos --image1.JPEG. Image2. kDc5uS07IgU-00017-00008861-00009261 JPEG. And that's you're like, "Okay, fine. Fine. We'll do that for the launch." But kDc5uS07IgU-00018-00009261-00009650 then you have to go back and rename those photos where you want them to be kDc5uS07IgU-00019-00009650-00010043 findable in Google. So, it's supposed to image1.JPEG. You're going to name it... kDc5uS07IgU-00020-00010043-00010632 You're going to rename it to like SEO classes1.JPEG. SEOclasses2. kDc5uS07IgU-00021-00010632-00011070 JPEG or whatever key word you want that image to come up in Google Images search. kDc5uS07IgU-00022-00011070-00011486 Very important. Google Images is the number 2 way. People use Google.Iit's a kDc5uS07IgU-00023-00011486-00011928 very powerful visual search engine. So don't drop the ball at the last minute kDc5uS07IgU-00024-00011928-00012215 because you've launched your site. Go back and make sure to rename those kDc5uS07IgU-00025-00012215-00012759 photos, the key words, rather than image 1, image 2. Make sure to name your kDc5uS07IgU-00026-00012759-00013106 business with keywords you are trying to rank for as well. So, in your Yelp kDc5uS07IgU-00027-00013106-00013593 profiles, in your Glassdoor profile, anything that has your name in it a kDc5uS07IgU-00028-00013593-00013947 better beard Better Business Bureau listing. You want to make sure that you kDc5uS07IgU-00029-00013947-00014469 bake that keyword into that listing. So, like my son works for a BMW shop. I do kDc5uS07IgU-00030-00014469-00014765 all the marketing for them because I like to keep him out of my basement. kDc5uS07IgU-00031-00014765-00015309 Anyway, he's doing great. He loves fixie BMWs. And when I rolled into them, they kDc5uS07IgU-00032-00015309-00015693 had no clue about how to do any of this. And I actually created a lot of the kDc5uS07IgU-00033-00015693-00015912 elements on here based on the work that I did with them. kDc5uS07IgU-00034-00015912-00016380 So, we discovered after a long interview process with them. They wanted to become kDc5uS07IgU-00035-00016380-00016818 BMW repair experts. That's how they wanted to be found. So, I popped in to kDc5uS07IgU-00036-00016818-00017259 GoDaddy and we found that there's a huge amount of search volume for BMW repair kDc5uS07IgU-00037-00017259-00017886 experts. So, we bought (go figure) BMWrepairexperts.com for $13. kDc5uS07IgU-00038-00017886-00018444 Then we've proceeded to put the website together. Now, once their website got kDc5uS07IgU-00039-00018444-00018927 launched, I went to.. I went to their Yelp listing and added BMW repair expert kDc5uS07IgU-00040-00018927-00019332 to the back of their name. And then I went to their all the other sites that kDc5uS07IgU-00041-00019332-00019854 had them listed. And I added BMW repair experts. Now, they rank right underneath kDc5uS07IgU-00042-00019854-00020406 Ralph sharp which is the biggest BMW dealership in Colorado. So... And this is a kDc5uS07IgU-00043-00020406-00020850 small little garage. But they are killing it. And I just found out that they are kDc5uS07IgU-00044-00020850-00021225 going to be opening up a branch location right around the corner from my house kDc5uS07IgU-00045-00021225-00021753 and my son will be working there. Boom! Drop Mike walk off. I'm so excited. I can kDc5uS07IgU-00046-00021753-00022125 drop by and see him anytime I want. and he likes that really strangely. He still kDc5uS07IgU-00047-00022125-00022679 likes me. Funny. But it could happen. So, anyway, it's just a matter of knowing kDc5uS07IgU-00048-00022679-00023094 where you're pointing to. So they named their business the garage. The garage is kDc5uS07IgU-00049-00023094-00023481 not helpful because there's a Pilates garage. There's a yoga studio called the kDc5uS07IgU-00050-00023481-00023934 garage. This restaurants called the garage. It was a problem name. So, I was kDc5uS07IgU-00051-00023934-00024441 able to petition Yelp to go in and add BMW repair experts right to the name and kDc5uS07IgU-00052-00024441-00024848 it started clicking right away. They get business from all over the country. kDc5uS07IgU-00053-00024848-00025301 Because they came out of the gate saying they're experts. Okay. So, that's kDc5uS07IgU-00054-00025301-00025647 where you put your key word into your Google business listing. Your Yelp kDc5uS07IgU-00055-00025647-00026209 listing and any other listing sites associations you make belong to any kDc5uS07IgU-00056-00026209-00026736 accreditations, go back in there and add that keyword to all of those presences. kDc5uS07IgU-00057-00026736-00027062 Then of course, you want to make sure you go back and do a title tag and kDc5uS07IgU-00058-00027062-00027494 description tag audit. The title tag is that blue line that shows up in search kDc5uS07IgU-00059-00027494-00027878 results. And the description is what shows up right underneath there. So, let kDc5uS07IgU-00060-00027878-00028163 me go over to a new Google page and I'll show you what I mean. kDc5uS07IgU-00061-00028163-00028670 So, I'm going to type in the garage Denver. So, what we have here... Do you see kDc5uS07IgU-00062-00028670-00029127 right here where I've added BMW repair experts right to their Google Local kDc5uS07IgU-00063-00029127-00029645 listing. They now have 65 reviews. And I've only been doing their marketing for kDc5uS07IgU-00064-00029645-00030168 I think a little over 2 years now. So, they're cooling it which is great. But kDc5uS07IgU-00065-00030168-00030491 look there's also a bunch of other things called the garage. Alright, now kDc5uS07IgU-00066-00030491-00031022 here's the... Here is the Yelp profile for the garage. And we want to make sure... kDc5uS07IgU-00067-00031022-00031514 And then there's their website BMWrepairexperts.com. But what happens is kDc5uS07IgU-00068-00031514-00031847 when you're building the website, the findability sometimes gets tossed out kDc5uS07IgU-00069-00031847-00032244 the door for the design. So, make sure you go back in, look at your titles and your kDc5uS07IgU-00070-00032244-00032615 description tags and get those tweaked with the right keywords. Very, very, kDc5uS07IgU-00071-00032615-00033186 important. Now, let's talk about the final phase. Phase 3 which is all the ongoing kDc5uS07IgU-00072-00033186-00033684 elements that we need to keep our eyes on. The first one is set up an SEM kDc5uS07IgU-00073-00033684-00034337 rush tool or use keywords IO or keywords everywhere.com. Make sure you have kDc5uS07IgU-00074-00034337-00034827 something to keep tracking the performance of your website and how it kDc5uS07IgU-00075-00034827-00035280 ranks over time. It takes it's a little bit of time for Google to recognize the kDc5uS07IgU-00076-00035280-00035583 content that you've written and to then actually start ranking you for those kDc5uS07IgU-00077-00035583-00036006 keywords. So, have a tool in place it's going tO really give you that data that you kDc5uS07IgU-00078-00036006-00036491 need. You want to pull your keyword ranking report every week and watch kDc5uS07IgU-00079-00036491-00036890 carefully for improvements. So, if you're ranking under a whole set of keywords kDc5uS07IgU-00080-00036890-00037281 with your old site, you want to make sure that when you launch your new site. You kDc5uS07IgU-00081-00037281-00037616 have a hole you're watching all those keywords as well as all the new keywords kDc5uS07IgU-00082-00037616-00037931 you've planned to rank for. So, make sure to run that ranking report at least kDc5uS07IgU-00083-00037931-00038303 weekly, if not monthly. Then in SEM rush they have something kDc5uS07IgU-00084-00038303-00038666 called a project. And a projects where you could put everything. The social kDc5uS07IgU-00085-00038666-00039281 media, the RSS's. All the branding stuff in one project and you can run it. So, kDc5uS07IgU-00086-00039281-00039780 kind of an advanced move would be to run a project in sem rush. If you have kDc5uS07IgU-00087-00039780-00040168 questions about that, feel free to contact me or post a comment kDc5uS07IgU-00088-00040168-00040558 down below and I'll make sure to answer those questions. But setting up a project kDc5uS07IgU-00089-00040558-00040903 just helps you to keep your ears to the ground of all the things people are kDc5uS07IgU-00090-00040903-00041362 saying about your business. And there you go. Now, you've done a proper website kDc5uS07IgU-00091-00041362-00041773 launch. You've looked at all the indicators for what Google's looking for, kDc5uS07IgU-00092-00041773-00042208 how to make your existing content findable and ultimately how kDc5uS07IgU-00093-00042208-00042772 to track and record the progress. So, good job. You did it. Now start blogging and kDc5uS07IgU-00094-00042772-00042976 start socializing. You thought your job was done? kDc5uS07IgU-00095-00042976-00043489 Uh-uh. Get busy. Hey, don't forget to get part 1 of how to launch your website. kDc5uS07IgU-00096-00043489-00043936 It's in my YouTube channel. And stay tuned because we're going to continue to kDc5uS07IgU-00097-00043936-00044356 create great content that's going to make you the most findable business online. So, kDc5uS07IgU-00098-00044356-00044875 subscribe now. Hit the bell so I can tell you every time I've got a new one coming kDc5uS07IgU-00099-00044875-00045093 up. kEQLFzdhwV0-00000-00000000-00000200 свадебный_клип ДАВЛАТНАЗАР ШАБНАМ kEXB1v7lfNc-00000-00000014-00000295 Subscribe the channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvKR... kEXB1v7lfNc-00001-00000295-00000917 How to trick your brain into falling asleep (works fast) The inability to fall asleep kEXB1v7lfNc-00002-00000917-00001516 quickly is a frustrating experience, so much so that instead of getting tired, others are kEXB1v7lfNc-00003-00001516-00002161 so worked up of forcing themselves to sleep that they become frenzy and energised instead. kEXB1v7lfNc-00004-00002161-00002749 Here, we will be talking about the tips on how to trick your brain into hitting the hay kEXB1v7lfNc-00005-00002749-00002889 fast. kEXB1v7lfNc-00006-00002889-00003182 In a nutshell: 1. kEXB1v7lfNc-00007-00003182-00003703 Stop trying to fall asleep Remember the frustration and anxiety building kEXB1v7lfNc-00008-00003703-00004165 up on you because it takes so long for you to fall asleep? kEXB1v7lfNc-00009-00004165-00004723 And so, you end up being tense and thinking so much that you’re no longer relaxed and kEXB1v7lfNc-00010-00004723-00005139 sleep is the lasting thing your brain wants to do. kEXB1v7lfNc-00011-00005139-00005678 Rather than forcing yourself to sleep, do something relaxing instead to refocus your kEXB1v7lfNc-00012-00005678-00005790 mind. kEXB1v7lfNc-00013-00005790-00005903 2. kEXB1v7lfNc-00014-00005903-00006305 Put away your clock or any gadget that displays the time. kEXB1v7lfNc-00015-00006305-00006875 You’re lying in bed, wide awake feeling like it’s been hours when it’s only been kEXB1v7lfNc-00016-00006875-00006991 ten minutes. kEXB1v7lfNc-00017-00006991-00007572 In the end, you keep on checking the clock to see how many minutes have passed. kEXB1v7lfNc-00018-00007572-00007895 It’s time to stop this habit. kEXB1v7lfNc-00019-00007895-00008420 Tracking time will only fuel your worry about falling asleep quicker. kEXB1v7lfNc-00020-00008420-00009087 This then leads to feeling frustrated and anxious, making it much harder to fall asleep. kEXB1v7lfNc-00021-00009087-00009619 The best thing you can do is hide your clock and especially your cell phone. kEXB1v7lfNc-00022-00009619-00010089 Technology during bedtime will only make things worse. kEXB1v7lfNc-00023-00010089-00010195 3. kEXB1v7lfNc-00024-00010195-00010795 Use reverse psychology By this, we mean try staying awake. kEXB1v7lfNc-00025-00010795-00011395 It may sound counterproductive, but actually, if your brain "gives up" on sleep for a short kEXB1v7lfNc-00026-00011395-00011736 while, it may get tired on its own. kEXB1v7lfNc-00027-00011736-00012176 This specific trick is called Paradoxical Intention. kEXB1v7lfNc-00028-00012176-00012716 It involves remaining passively awake while completely avoiding sleep. kEXB1v7lfNc-00029-00012716-00013316 This aids in eliminating performance anxiety that can inhibit sleep onset. kEXB1v7lfNc-00030-00013316-00013674 Tell yourself ‘I will not sleep’ repeatedly. kEXB1v7lfNc-00031-00013674-00014191 The interesting thing about the brain is that it doesn’t process negatives well. kEXB1v7lfNc-00032-00014191-00014822 Thus, it interprets your action as a green signal to sleep, causing the eye muscles to kEXB1v7lfNc-00033-00014822-00014965 tire quickly. kEXB1v7lfNc-00034-00014965-00015065 4. kEXB1v7lfNc-00035-00015065-00015545 Lie still Another trick you can try is to stay fairly kEXB1v7lfNc-00036-00015545-00015703 motionless. kEXB1v7lfNc-00037-00015703-00016291 Movements like tossing and turning are considered by the body as signs that it’s time to wake kEXB1v7lfNc-00038-00016291-00016434 up. kEXB1v7lfNc-00039-00016434-00017006 Instead of doing those, take slow breaths and focus on the coziness of the duvet, the kEXB1v7lfNc-00040-00017006-00017223 cool air, blah blah. kEXB1v7lfNc-00041-00017223-00017849 Focus on one body part at a time and tell your mind that each one is asleep. kEXB1v7lfNc-00042-00017849-00017990 5. kEXB1v7lfNc-00043-00017990-00018520 Envision serenity This one is an old technique, but it works. kEXB1v7lfNc-00044-00018520-00019187 When you picture and focus on a relaxing setting, it calms your brain and relaxes your body. kEXB1v7lfNc-00045-00019187-00019684 This ‘imagery distraction’ occupies enough ‘cognitive space’ that you won’t have kEXB1v7lfNc-00046-00019684-00020148 to re-engage with worries and concerns during the pre-sleep period. kEXB1v7lfNc-00047-00020148-00020921 So, the next time you can’t sleep, envision a relaxing, happy place immediately. kEXB1v7lfNc-00048-00020921-00021304 Which of those tricks will you be trying out first? kEXB1v7lfNc-00049-00021304-00021815 Take your pick--they’re very easy to do, and you won’t lose anything if you try them kEXB1v7lfNc-00050-00021815-00021924 anyway. kEXB1v7lfNc-00051-00021924-00022098 Comment your answers below kFTdUogjjgo-00000-00000000-00000200 FREE DOWNLOAD IN DESCRIPTION kFY_oo-drPM-00000-00000260-00000764 The secret to good native advertising is knowing your audience and being able to kFY_oo-drPM-00001-00000764-00001074 measure the content that you're producing and learning from that kFY_oo-drPM-00002-00001074-00001400 measurement and again that comes up down to listening. kFY_oo-drPM-00003-00001400-00001500 So listen, listen, listen. kFY_oo-drPM-00004-00001680-00002091 The biggest challenge is that people aren't kFY_oo-drPM-00005-00002091-00002424 measuring it properly and so we can't get buy-in from the rest of the business. kFY_oo-drPM-00006-00002424-00002859 So we need to learn how to measure so that we can prove the effectiveness of kFY_oo-drPM-00007-00002859-00003300 it and so that everyone can see that it really is effective as what we keep kFY_oo-drPM-00008-00003300-00003400 telling people it is. kFY_oo-drPM-00009-00003570-00003965 The future of native advertising is personalisation. It's being kFY_oo-drPM-00010-00003965-00004542 able to understand the data and target it and find different ways to be able to kFY_oo-drPM-00011-00004542-00005189 produce unique content that speaks to one individual person. We've seen it a kFY_oo-drPM-00012-00005189-00005769 lot in terms of where artificial intelligence and virtual reality is going. I'm really kFY_oo-drPM-00013-00005769-00006114 really excited and also pretty scared about the future of native advertising kFY_oo-drPM-00014-00006114-00006588 or the future of marketing in general but I definitely think personalisation kFY_oo-drPM-00015-00006588-00006650 100%. kFcNXQ-dywE-00000-00000000-00000534 Hey, in Fortnite bride bomber looks almost the same as my wife kFcNXQ-dywE-00001-00000534-00000948 Except her waist is the size of my wife's neck... ha ha ha kFcNXQ-dywE-00002-00000948-00002025 Funny huh, hey Bros and Broats out there. Like what you see click Subscribe and Like the videos kFcNXQ-dywE-00003-00002025-00003001 Don't miss out.. Like and Subscribe for more... kG4hO7saGXE-00000-00000000-00000200 PROSPERITY AHEAD-NO LOOKING BACK kGOfciFT8sc-00000-00000000-00000592 (Saro) TLA is focused on teaching and learning practices that are effective in kGOfciFT8sc-00001-00000592-00001120 blended learning in k-12 classrooms across the country and that focus takes, kGOfciFT8sc-00002-00001120-00001504 you know, a few different shapes and forms but the work that I lead is really kGOfciFT8sc-00003-00001504-00002032 about understanding what is and isn't effective in terms of the practices that kGOfciFT8sc-00004-00002032-00002413 are implemented, the context in which they're implemented, and also the folks kGOfciFT8sc-00005-00002413-00002899 for whom they are implemented so both teachers and students. To this end kGOfciFT8sc-00006-00002899-00003448 we have released, last year, a measurement agenda that really outlines, what are all kGOfciFT8sc-00007-00003448-00003937 of the things that are still left for us to learn as a sector, what are the things -- kGOfciFT8sc-00008-00003937-00004420 what are the dissemination points that we really have not been utilizing, what kGOfciFT8sc-00009-00004420-00004864 are the competencies that we expect both researchers and educators, and other kGOfciFT8sc-00010-00004864-00005458 interested parties to have in order to help build this evidence base, and then kGOfciFT8sc-00011-00005458-00005848 what are the application steps that we want folks to take which include not kGOfciFT8sc-00012-00005848-00006333 just implementing evidence-based practices as we understand them but also kGOfciFT8sc-00013-00006333-00006787 surfacing new problems of practice back to the research community so that the kGOfciFT8sc-00014-00006787-00007087 questions of interest to the people who are actually doing this work are being kGOfciFT8sc-00015-00007087-00007777 answered by research. Broadly, I think of this as -- like our overall goal is really kGOfciFT8sc-00016-00007777-00008254 to connect what I call the research cycle and the implementation cycle which kGOfciFT8sc-00017-00008254-00008683 in many fields, not just in education, but especially in education and in many kGOfciFT8sc-00018-00008683-00009238 fields beyond innovations -- instructional innovations they really are disconnected kGOfciFT8sc-00019-00009238-00009856 and so the goal is to connect those two cycles. This fellowship in particular we kGOfciFT8sc-00020-00009856-00010249 really want to support the development of measurement professionals or researchers kGOfciFT8sc-00021-00010249-00010768 who have an eye or focus on problems of practice and the application of kGOfciFT8sc-00022-00010768-00011374 evidence in classrooms so we're not -- we're not looking for or wanting right kGOfciFT8sc-00023-00011374-00011863 now to support projects that are solely practitioner projects. We love action kGOfciFT8sc-00024-00011863-00012217 research and we think that, you know, each teacher probably should be a researcher kGOfciFT8sc-00025-00012217-00012574 in their classroom but that's not really the goal of this fellowship the goal of kGOfciFT8sc-00026-00012574-00013129 this fellowship is to build a pipeline of diverse research/measurement kGOfciFT8sc-00027-00013129-00013537 individual professionals, to build the capacity of the kGOfciFT8sc-00028-00013537-00013993 entire sector, to grow the number of individuals like this in the ecosystem kGOfciFT8sc-00029-00013993-00014566 and also to build a cohort or a Learning Network between the fellows themselves kGOfciFT8sc-00030-00014566-00014908 that hopefully will become well-established during the fellowship -- the kGOfciFT8sc-00031-00014908-00015409 one-year fellowship -- but will also continue to live beyond. And so someone kGOfciFT8sc-00032-00015409-00015811 asked me like, "What is your ideal outcome for the fellowship?" and I was like what kGOfciFT8sc-00033-00015811-00016273 an insightful question. I had not been asked to articulate it before but kGOfciFT8sc-00034-00016273-00016594 actually I think that's a really good way of helping folks understand like, "Am I kGOfciFT8sc-00035-00016594-00017101 a good fit for this? What will I get from this?" So, I think there are two parts to kGOfciFT8sc-00036-00017101-00017716 this ideal outcome. Really we want the fellow or each fellow to complete a kGOfciFT8sc-00037-00017716-00018250 study and to also disseminate those findings in way that really support the kGOfciFT8sc-00038-00018250-00018616 implementation of evidence-based blended learning practices, like I said in kGOfciFT8sc-00039-00018616-00019132 schools and classrooms. The second ideal outcome is really the kGOfciFT8sc-00040-00019132-00019459 building of a network or cohort and I like to think of it as a Learning kGOfciFT8sc-00041-00019459-00020038 Network that includes the other fellows, it includes TLA, and it also includes kGOfciFT8sc-00042-00020038-00020527 established researchers from TLA's Measurement Alliance and we hope that kGOfciFT8sc-00043-00020527-00020908 this network -- network will support fellows during the fellowship and also kGOfciFT8sc-00044-00020908-00021442 in their future career path. So help with problem solving during the -- during your kGOfciFT8sc-00045-00021442-00022072 study help with job searches, right? Because usually your study is the last part kGOfciFT8sc-00046-00022072-00022432 of your graduate degree and so soon after that you're going to be looking kGOfciFT8sc-00047-00022432-00022954 for employment, but also just general professional opportunities, helping fellows to kGOfciFT8sc-00048-00022954-00023452 begin to build, you know, a body of research that really represents their kGOfciFT8sc-00049-00023452-00023962 professional life or their career. That being said, I think I'm going to kGOfciFT8sc-00050-00023962-00024439 pause there and ask if anyone has questions about -- sort of what's the kGOfciFT8sc-00051-00024439-00025090 objective, what's TLA's underlying goals and the impetus for a fellowship like kGOfciFT8sc-00052-00025090-00025428 this. kGOfciFT8sc-00053-00025638-00025833 (Attendee) I do have a quick question and it's kGOfciFT8sc-00054-00025833-00026237 just a clarifying question for how many fellows kGOfciFT8sc-00055-00026237-00026864 you're looking to hire or take on because I know of a few graduate kGOfciFT8sc-00056-00026864-00027377 programs that have asked me as I kind of disseminate this out to share with kGOfciFT8sc-00057-00027377-00027914 others that they have a cadre of graduate students so if that -- if there's kGOfciFT8sc-00058-00027914-00028268 any consideration for potentially like a group of graduate students from a kGOfciFT8sc-00059-00028268-00028812 certain program that is really centered on blended learning study? kGOfciFT8sc-00060-00028932-00029120 (Saro) So right now kGOfciFT8sc-00061-00029120-00029627 we are willing, or -- and have funding quite frankly, to select up to five graduate kGOfciFT8sc-00062-00029627-00030278 students as fellows. I will say that the idea -- the notion of a cadre that's sort of kGOfciFT8sc-00063-00030278-00030683 based or housed within a particular program is a really intriguing one but kGOfciFT8sc-00064-00030683-00031058 one of the things we want to do is actually be able to expose fellows to kGOfciFT8sc-00065-00031058-00031523 other experiences, you know, folks that they would not otherwise have met, and we kGOfciFT8sc-00066-00031523-00032000 really want to focus on fellows that have a demonstrated need for this kGOfciFT8sc-00067-00032000-00032495 type of support. So we're looking for diversity in experience, diversity in kGOfciFT8sc-00068-00032495-00033062 philosophy, you know traditional diversity in identity, but really we kGOfciFT8sc-00069-00033062-00033467 want to -- we want to create a pipeline that offers this opportunity to folks kGOfciFT8sc-00070-00033467-00033956 who don't otherwise have it so I would say, maybe in the future that's something kGOfciFT8sc-00071-00033956-00034274 that we could consider but for right now I think we want to focus on five kGOfciFT8sc-00072-00034274-00034508 individuals. kGOfciFT8sc-00073-00034508-00035123 (Attendee) What kind of prerequisite experience with research or skills kGOfciFT8sc-00074-00035123-00035758 around data collection and such might a graduate -- might be required of a graduate student applying? kGOfciFT8sc-00075-00035758-00036227 (Saro) Sure, and so this jumps into kind of the eligibility question so I think I'll kGOfciFT8sc-00076-00036227-00036610 move on to that section after I answer this but that's a really good question. kGOfciFT8sc-00077-00036610-00037145 We are not necessarily looking for folks who have a lot of experience and kGOfciFT8sc-00078-00037145-00037651 expertise in this area rather we are looking for folks who are really kGOfciFT8sc-00079-00037651-00038306 motivated and excited and invested in developing these skills. We are also kGOfciFT8sc-00080-00038306-00038783 looking for studies that are highly aligned with the measurement agenda kGOfciFT8sc-00081-00038783-00039269 so for example if your study was going to be an ethnographic study that kGOfciFT8sc-00082-00039269-00039881 outlines the experiences of students in a blended setting that will probably get kGOfciFT8sc-00083-00039881-00040514 a little bit less priority from us than a study that really wants to have a kGOfciFT8sc-00084-00040514-00041009 comparison group and look and -- you know, take a variable sort of approach for kGOfciFT8sc-00085-00041009-00041489 lack of a better term, in understanding what effects might be. That being said kGOfciFT8sc-00086-00041489-00041900 we are really interested in, like I said, implementation conditions and constituents, kGOfciFT8sc-00087-00041900-00042452 so if you want to look at a subgroup of students sort of ethnographically in a kGOfciFT8sc-00088-00042452-00042887 larger setting where you know there is some evidence of effectiveness that kGOfciFT8sc-00089-00042887-00043253 already exists and so you want to look at a subgroup of students to see if kGOfciFT8sc-00090-00043253-00043610 their experiences and their effectiveness matches, that -- that's more kGOfciFT8sc-00091-00043610-00044042 like what we're looking for. The onus is actually being placed on the applicant kGOfciFT8sc-00092-00044042-00044492 to demonstrate or illustrate how their work is aligned with our measurement kGOfciFT8sc-00093-00044492-00045080 agenda so you know that's a kind of a formal way of saying I'm kind of open to kGOfciFT8sc-00094-00045080-00045686 being convinced by someone how aligned their work is with the agenda so I don't kGOfciFT8sc-00095-00045686-00046214 have really preconceived notions or want to study to look like X or Y. What I really kGOfciFT8sc-00096-00046214-00046871 want is for more of this work to be getting done in the field. So like I said, I'm kGOfciFT8sc-00097-00046871-00047237 gonna jump ahead to eligibility if you do have more questions about overview kGOfciFT8sc-00098-00047237-00047570 I'm going to leave a lot of time at the end to just ask, you know, any question kGOfciFT8sc-00099-00047570-00047666 that you have. kGOfciFT8sc-00100-00047666-00047939 So some of the questions that I've gotten in the past are like, kGOfciFT8sc-00101-00047939-00048374 "What if I'm between programs?" "Do I have to be a currently enrolled, degree kGOfciFT8sc-00102-00048374-00048989 seeking graduate student during the term of the fellowship?" So Fall -- September kGOfciFT8sc-00103-00048989-00049613 2017 through -- April -- I believe I sort of thought of as the end but kGOfciFT8sc-00104-00049613-00050021 actually we will continue to provide support through you know June, July, kGOfciFT8sc-00105-00050021-00050747 August if students need it -- or if fellows need it. So I'm, like I just said, really kGOfciFT8sc-00106-00050747-00051212 interested in how much your study is aligned with the agenda. I'm also super kGOfciFT8sc-00107-00051212-00051716 interested in who will be supervising this work so as the sort of fellowship kGOfciFT8sc-00108-00051716-00052124 coordinator here at TLA I am happy to be a mentor I expect to spend kGOfciFT8sc-00109-00052124-00052508 lots of time with these fellows but I am NOT going to be supervising the study kGOfciFT8sc-00110-00052508-00052985 nor am I going to be helping design the study so this is not a fellowship where kGOfciFT8sc-00111-00052985-00053459 you come in and I say here's a piece of work that we would love for you to do. kGOfciFT8sc-00112-00053459-00053873 So I would want to know who would be supervising I -- I do have an interest in kGOfciFT8sc-00113-00053873-00054401 the study supervisor whether it's a faculty person, a faculty advisor, or like kGOfciFT8sc-00114-00054401-00054914 say you're doing this as a part of your job, your actual supervisor, I am kGOfciFT8sc-00115-00054914-00055313 interested in that person having graduate level research experience and so a kGOfciFT8sc-00116-00055313-00055876 doctoral degree is probably preferred for, for who is supervising the work. I kGOfciFT8sc-00117-00055876-00056291 also am interested in like whether or not you already have data and kGOfciFT8sc-00118-00056291-00056759 participants in mind, or if you're still seeking them and then your demonstrated kGOfciFT8sc-00119-00056759-00057587 like I said diverse identity, philosophy, you know, experience and so I am flexible kGOfciFT8sc-00120-00057587-00058010 if you're in between programs I got a question like, "I plan to graduate with my kGOfciFT8sc-00121-00058010-00058586 master's degree this this summer but I don't plan to start my Ph.D. program until kGOfciFT8sc-00122-00058586-00059057 fall of 2018, does that make me not eligible?" and so I'm I guess my kGOfciFT8sc-00123-00059057-00059378 answer would be, "If you don't have a study that you're working on, you don't kGOfciFT8sc-00124-00059378-00059738 really have a supervisor, you're still recruiting participants, then you're kGOfciFT8sc-00125-00059738-00060131 probably not eligible; but if you're not currently enrolled and you have all of kGOfciFT8sc-00126-00060131-00060413 those things in place and you sort of have motivation and interest and kGOfciFT8sc-00127-00060413-00060863 investment and actually getting the study done, then I would say yes you are kGOfciFT8sc-00128-00060863-00061355 eligible go ahead and apply. Some folks have asked what the research looks like and kGOfciFT8sc-00129-00061355-00061802 so like I said I'm expecting the study to probably be already designed or at kGOfciFT8sc-00130-00061802-00062597 least you know, a design to be fairly well fleshed out and thought about. You kGOfciFT8sc-00131-00062597-00062960 may still be recruiting or looking for participants, that's okay and actually TLA kGOfciFT8sc-00132-00062960-00063473 does have some interest from a few folks already in like, "Oh can we have a fellow kGOfciFT8sc-00133-00063473-00064007 analyze our data?" and so if there is a really good match and we do have kGOfciFT8sc-00134-00064007-00064625 interested potential participants, we're happy to make that match. I'm expecting kGOfciFT8sc-00135-00064625-00064985 like I said that you would be doing this as a part of some established body of kGOfciFT8sc-00136-00064985-00065478 work, so either your degree program a line of research that you might be doing kGOfciFT8sc-00137-00065478-00065778 as a volunteer with a faculty person, might be something you're doing for kGOfciFT8sc-00138-00065778-00066237 publication, or it might be something that you're doing for work; and you have had kGOfciFT8sc-00139-00066237-00066840 graduated training in this field. And then, "what is the time commitment? what kGOfciFT8sc-00140-00066840-00067260 would the fellow spend their time doing?" I'm guessing that these fellows would kGOfciFT8sc-00141-00067260-00067650 probably be spending fifty percent or more of their time on -- on the research kGOfciFT8sc-00142-00067650-00068082 study. I'm assuming that they'd be at that stage in their program where the kGOfciFT8sc-00143-00068082-00068649 research is their priority maybe not, I'm -- I'm open, my interest is in the study kGOfciFT8sc-00144-00068649-00069156 getting completed and, you know, if you can figure out a way to manage your time kGOfciFT8sc-00145-00069156-00069536 and get it done with spending less time than that, then that's great as well kGOfciFT8sc-00146-00069536-00070025 for the fellowship itself the only commitment of time that we expect are kGOfciFT8sc-00147-00070025-00070782 monthly calls or virtual meetings, so they might be one-on-one, there will be kGOfciFT8sc-00148-00070782-00071352 a number of group cohort calls there will be no in-person requirement kGOfciFT8sc-00149-00071352-00071796 for any of these monthly check-ins. The only in-person requirement is that you kGOfciFT8sc-00150-00071796-00072186 attend the Blended and Personalized Learning Conference in Rhode Island at the kGOfciFT8sc-00151-00072186-00072600 beginning of April -- April 5th through 7th and so we expect you to attend the kGOfciFT8sc-00152-00072600-00073227 entire time. The fellowship will cover travel costs, you know, lodging, kGOfciFT8sc-00153-00073227-00073899 accommodation, and registration for the conference. I'm expecting that really the kGOfciFT8sc-00154-00073899-00074286 time that you spend for the fellowship would be a couple of hours per month kGOfciFT8sc-00155-00074286-00074979 maybe a half-day on, you know, very, very intensive months but my hope is that kGOfciFT8sc-00156-00074979-00075273 you're not actually spending any time on the fellowship that you wouldn't kGOfciFT8sc-00157-00075273-00075663 otherwise be spending on your research so, you know, we're here to support you, to kGOfciFT8sc-00158-00075663-00075927 help you troubleshoot, to answer questions you may have, to make kGOfciFT8sc-00159-00075927-00076287 connections you need to make, to provide resources that you might be interested kGOfciFT8sc-00160-00076287-00076806 in, so I'm not considering the time requirement for the fellowship to be kGOfciFT8sc-00161-00076806-00077529 additional time on top of the time spent on your research. Does anyone have any kGOfciFT8sc-00162-00077529-00077856 specific questions about eligibility before I move on to the application kGOfciFT8sc-00163-00077856-00078068 itself? kGOfciFT8sc-00164-00078461-00079149 Cool, and like I said, if they come up you can ask at the end. So the application -- can kGOfciFT8sc-00165-00079149-00079769 y'all see my screen? Good, that's probably what you've been kGOfciFT8sc-00166-00079769-00080333 looking at this whole time, although I can see you. The application describes a kGOfciFT8sc-00167-00080333-00080762 little bit of that background that I shared with you earlier, and the kGOfciFT8sc-00168-00080762-00081329 timeline. All of the information that is public -- that we formally put out there, is kGOfciFT8sc-00169-00081329-00081892 on this page so you should not have to go anywhere else but on this page in order to kGOfciFT8sc-00170-00081892-00082334 find the information that you need. If however you have questions that are not kGOfciFT8sc-00171-00082334-00082805 answered on this page, or in this recording, please do email me and even if kGOfciFT8sc-00172-00082805-00083267 you have questions that have been answered but you still aren't sure, email kGOfciFT8sc-00173-00083267-00083741 me. I encourage folks to err on the side of over-communicating. kGOfciFT8sc-00174-00083741-00084386 I am very happy to respond to any and all questions about the fellowship. As you kGOfciFT8sc-00175-00084386-00084665 can see from the timeline some of the really key dates: the application is kGOfciFT8sc-00176-00084665-00085085 currently open, you are free to submit, the deadline is August 31st kGOfciFT8sc-00177-00085085-00085979 and then the form itself consists of your basic information, we ask you to kGOfciFT8sc-00178-00085979-00086459 upload your resume, there is no page limit on the resume, and then list a kGOfciFT8sc-00179-00086459-00086957 reference, and then there are three key questions two of which are really the kGOfciFT8sc-00180-00086957-00087248 bulk of the application and then the last one is sort of like a bonus kGOfciFT8sc-00181-00087248-00087758 question. So the diversity, and the research study questions are the body of kGOfciFT8sc-00182-00087758-00088186 your application, this is where you are convincing me that you are really great fit kGOfciFT8sc-00183-00088186-00088835 and, you know, to get excited about the possibility of supporting your study. kGOfciFT8sc-00184-00088835-00089204 The dissemination question is really a sort of open one like I said you can think of kGOfciFT8sc-00185-00089204-00089579 it as a bonus question, you get some bonus points, one of the things we are kGOfciFT8sc-00186-00089579-00090017 really interested in measurement here at TLA is not just generating like I said kGOfciFT8sc-00187-00090017-00090380 evidence but really disseminating it in a way that it is likely to be kGOfciFT8sc-00188-00090380-00090947 implemented and so we want to know, are there ways that we are missing? Are there kGOfciFT8sc-00189-00090947-00091418 creative ways that you can think of that will enable you to share findings from kGOfciFT8sc-00190-00091418-00091997 your study that actually maximize the chances that educators will see it, will kGOfciFT8sc-00191-00091997-00092684 read it, understand it, and then do it? And then finally my contact information is kGOfciFT8sc-00192-00092684-00093014 at the end as well I should appear -- my email address kGOfciFT8sc-00193-00093014-00093578 should appear in several places on this page. One of the questions that I wanted to answer kGOfciFT8sc-00194-00093578-00093959 even though it hasn't yet been asked is that none of these questions have any kGOfciFT8sc-00195-00093959-00094616 kind of word, or page, or character limit and part of that is because my -- one of kGOfciFT8sc-00196-00094616-00095132 the -- my least favorite things about grant writing is like meeting the page kGOfciFT8sc-00197-00095132-00095507 limits I feel like why don't you just let me say what I need to say in the kGOfciFT8sc-00198-00095507-00095873 space that I need to say it? Now as a reviewer I completely understand and I kGOfciFT8sc-00199-00095873-00096320 do review IES grants and if they were longer than 25 pages I wouldn't be able to kGOfciFT8sc-00200-00096320-00096796 review, so I understand there is a place for limits but since this is my fellowship I kGOfciFT8sc-00201-00096796-00097352 get to throw that out the window and so what I will say is please take as many kGOfciFT8sc-00202-00097352-00097871 words as you need to be able to share with me all of the critical information kGOfciFT8sc-00203-00097871-00098507 that you think is important. So definitely include the things that we kGOfciFT8sc-00204-00098507-00098954 include in the question so on --for example in diversity we say you have to kGOfciFT8sc-00205-00098954-00099455 include a description of your need for, or the challenges that you have faced in kGOfciFT8sc-00206-00099455-00099989 the past in accessing opportunities like this fellowship will provide, so have you kGOfciFT8sc-00207-00099989-00100505 had barriers to financial support? Have you have barriers to research support? kGOfciFT8sc-00208-00100505-00101159 You know, do you have experiences where a certain group of students that you are kGOfciFT8sc-00209-00101159-00101546 particularly invested in would benefit from this type of work? That's what you kGOfciFT8sc-00210-00101546-00101990 would include there, and then anything else that you think is relevant. In the kGOfciFT8sc-00211-00101990-00102311 research study you definitely have to include a statement of your research kGOfciFT8sc-00212-00102311-00102809 problem, the theoretical or conceptual framework that you're using for your research kGOfciFT8sc-00213-00102809-00103205 design, your primary questions, your proposed design which includes your kGOfciFT8sc-00214-00103205-00103595 methods, your sample, your instruments and then here's where you would talk about kGOfciFT8sc-00215-00103595-00104054 how this study -- how you see this study aligns with our measurement agenda which kGOfciFT8sc-00216-00104054-00104617 is linked earlier in the page, and then finally your intended timeline kGOfciFT8sc-00217-00104697-00105156 Like I said, if you want to include other things that I don't ask for that you kGOfciFT8sc-00218-00105156-00105522 think make a compelling case for why you would be a great fit for this fellowship kGOfciFT8sc-00219-00105522-00105948 or why your study would be a really good fit for the fellowship please include kGOfciFT8sc-00220-00105948-00106488 those. At the end of the day I think they're still gonna be like okay well kGOfciFT8sc-00221-00106488-00107193 that's not very helpful. I say -- I'm not gonna give an actual page limit but I kGOfciFT8sc-00222-00107193-00107505 would say like keep in mind that I'm gonna be reading multiple of these and kGOfciFT8sc-00223-00107505-00108078 so if you can be -- the more concise that you can be and the less repetitive I kGOfciFT8sc-00224-00108078-00108702 think the better your chances are of me, you know, reviewing with a -- with a fresh kGOfciFT8sc-00225-00108702-00109476 and open sort of outlook. "Who can be a reference?" is also a question that I kGOfciFT8sc-00226-00109476-00110079 wanted to address before you know folks -- before folks started jumping the kGOfciFT8sc-00227-00110079-00110502 application. Anyone really can be a reference, I'm looking for someone who kGOfciFT8sc-00228-00110502-00111009 can speak specifically about you as an individual, your past experience, and your kGOfciFT8sc-00229-00111009-00111369 need for this type of support, and then if they can talk about your study kGOfciFT8sc-00230-00111369-00111888 specifically as well that would also be great. I'm guessing that a faculty advisor, kGOfciFT8sc-00231-00111888-00112347 someone supervising the research, would make a good reference. This person does kGOfciFT8sc-00232-00112347-00112785 not have to have a PhD or any kind of qualification other than they know you kGOfciFT8sc-00233-00112785-00113415 well, they know the study well, and they are excited about you as a potential fellow. kGOfciFT8sc-00234-00113415-00113889 If you have, so another question that I wanted to address is, you know, "What if kGOfciFT8sc-00235-00113889-00114444 you've already submitted an application and you want to change something?" I am kGOfciFT8sc-00236-00114444-00114861 going to allow it, I'm going to allow one change and I'm actually going to add kGOfciFT8sc-00237-00114861-00115338 this text to the site itself. I'm going to allow one change to the kGOfciFT8sc-00238-00115338-00115836 application. It will be done via email so please don't submit the form multiple kGOfciFT8sc-00239-00115836-00116247 times, if you do want to change something get in touch with me, basically what I'll kGOfciFT8sc-00240-00116247-00116577 ask you to do is forward -- so when you submit this form you're going to get a kGOfciFT8sc-00241-00116577-00116970 confirmation email with everything that you put in here. I will ask you to kGOfciFT8sc-00242-00116970-00117477 forward that to me and somehow indicate you know, what the new -- what the change is kGOfciFT8sc-00243-00117477-00117936 and what section it's in. So if you want to you know paste your old thing and do kGOfciFT8sc-00244-00117936-00118281 strike through and show me that, that's fine. If you want to just submit kGOfciFT8sc-00245-00118281-00118608 a whole new response and just preface it by saying you know here are the big changes kGOfciFT8sc-00246-00118608-00119031 that are in it, that's also fine, just make it clear to me like what the difference kGOfciFT8sc-00247-00119031-00119613 is. I think those were all of the questions that I wanted to get through kGOfciFT8sc-00248-00119613-00120231 based on -- about the application, so this is great I've only used 25 minutes of kGOfciFT8sc-00249-00120232-00120706 our time so we have a lot of time left for questions that you might have. kGOfciFT8sc-00250-00122383-00123051 I'm gonna put Emily on the spot because she just literally emailed kGOfciFT8sc-00251-00123051-00123627 me like 15 minutes ago and so -- also wasn't able kGOfciFT8sc-00252-00123627-00123978 to join at the very beginning so if Emily's you had specific questions, we're kGOfciFT8sc-00253-00123978-00124398 all friends here, let me start by saying that and so if you had specific kGOfciFT8sc-00254-00124398-00124970 questions about your eligibility, or the background, or your study, I say go for it. kGOfciFT8sc-00255-00124970-00125793 (Attendee) Yeah I guess my question is a little bit about you know previous research that I -- kGOfciFT8sc-00256-00125793-00126411 that I've been conducting and just -- I don't know, the flexibility to work kGOfciFT8sc-00257-00126411-00126918 with -- I mean like what's the -- is there a specific -- I've read through the, the kGOfciFT8sc-00258-00126918-00127386 online kind of the the goals, the different, the four different like standards kGOfciFT8sc-00259-00127386-00127785 that -- that're being looked at and, what I'm studying really is the kGOfciFT8sc-00260-00127785-00128262 competencies that's, that area is interesting to me and I've kind of kGOfciFT8sc-00261-00128262-00128745 started already building some kind of a measurement instrument around the kGOfciFT8sc-00262-00128745-00129321 teaching competencies about blended teaching and so -- just wondering if like kGOfciFT8sc-00263-00129321-00129879 how flexible this kind of fellowship is in integrating previous research and, and kGOfciFT8sc-00264-00129879-00130482 using you know The Learning Accelerator as a great resource for refining and building kGOfciFT8sc-00265-00130482-00130863 off of that, and then -- and disseminating and sharing, that kind of thing -- is that, kGOfciFT8sc-00266-00130863-00131271 is that outside of the scope of what you're looking for in someone who takes kGOfciFT8sc-00267-00131271-00131857 a fellowship like this? Or is that kind of not what you're looking for? kGOfciFT8sc-00268-00131857-00132412 (Saro) That's a great question. So I would say as long as you can define what is the -- kGOfciFT8sc-00269-00132412-00132880 what's the new stuff that you're going to end up with in the spring of 2018 kGOfciFT8sc-00270-00132880-00133433 then it, then it's completely fine to build on existing research this study doesn't kGOfciFT8sc-00271-00133433-00133853 have to be -- there's no requirement for this study to be you know brand new sort kGOfciFT8sc-00272-00133853-00134348 of foundational work in fact in many ways it's probably better if it is kGOfciFT8sc-00273-00134348-00134870 based on you know a line of work that exists especially if you're not in those kGOfciFT8sc-00274-00134870-00135257 sort of evidence generating type stage, but you're actually in the like kGOfciFT8sc-00275-00135257-00135842 identifying the competencies type stage. So I say yes as long as you are able to kGOfciFT8sc-00276-00135842-00136312 you know clearly articulate what -- what is being added to the field. kGOfciFT8sc-00277-00136312-00136478 (Attendee) Okay and the kGOfciFT8sc-00278-00136478-00137096 other question I had is kind of, who I mean I know The Learning Accelerator is kGOfciFT8sc-00279-00137096-00137579 sponsoring this fellowship specifically but are there specific other groups or kGOfciFT8sc-00280-00137579-00138020 corporations that are kind of behind this that maybe are looking for kGOfciFT8sc-00281-00138020-00138850 anything in particular or, or is it very -- is it open-ended? Is it, is it just -- yeah kGOfciFT8sc-00282-00138850-00139289 some of these institutions, it's kind of a side agenda, which I definitely don't kGOfciFT8sc-00283-00139289-00139664 get that vibe from The Learning Accelerator but, just want to be clear on you know kGOfciFT8sc-00284-00139664-00139964 how that -- how that fits in with scholarship and being sponsored by kGOfciFT8sc-00285-00139964-00140110 people you know? kGOfciFT8sc-00286-00140110-00140594 (Saro) Sure. So the -- this fellowship is completely, independently kGOfciFT8sc-00287-00140594-00141302 funded through TLA so you only have to worry about our interest, and as you kGOfciFT8sc-00288-00141302-00141740 have gleaned from the site we actually are fairly open and flexible with the kGOfciFT8sc-00289-00141740-00142070 direction that the work takes and how you choose to study, where you choose to kGOfciFT8sc-00290-00142070-00142669 study, all of those things. I will say the Measurement Alliance, kGOfciFT8sc-00291-00142669-00143353 who I have not actually asked specific members yet, but I do expect to include kGOfciFT8sc-00292-00143353-00143797 members of the Measurement Alliance mostly in a networking capacity and kGOfciFT8sc-00293-00143797-00144353 generally this support will probably come during the BPLC so we will have kGOfciFT8sc-00294-00144353-00144725 members of the Measurement Alliance present at BPLC, they'll get to kGOfciFT8sc-00295-00144725-00144997 hear about all of the studies, they'll get to meet you guys, kGOfciFT8sc-00296-00144997-00145508 they'll get to hear how excited we are about the fellows and then there will be kGOfciFT8sc-00297-00145508-00145946 time for you know more one-on-one kind of smaller group conversation so if kGOfciFT8sc-00298-00145946-00146276 there's someone there that a fellow really, really wants to talk to about kGOfciFT8sc-00299-00146276-00146876 their career, about their current work, about their path in this field, any of kGOfciFT8sc-00300-00146876-00147260 those things are fair game. I can tell you the types of organizations that are kGOfciFT8sc-00301-00147260-00147725 members of the Alliance so they're widely varied from independent kGOfciFT8sc-00302-00147725-00148409 consultants like Tom Clark and several others to established research kGOfciFT8sc-00303-00148409-00148777 institutions that are University based like the Michigan Virtual Learning kGOfciFT8sc-00304-00148777-00149456 Research Institute who is represented here, and who you know, as well as sort of kGOfciFT8sc-00305-00149456-00149984 non-institutional or non-University based research institutions like SRI, kGOfciFT8sc-00306-00149984-00150689 RAND, Mathematica, and then others in between so we have Bror Saxberg for kGOfciFT8sc-00307-00150689-00151127 example who was the chief Learning Officer at Kaplan and is soon going kGOfciFT8sc-00308-00151127-00151679 to join the CZI, the Chan Zuckerberg Institute, which is, you know, Mark kGOfciFT8sc-00309-00151679-00152297 Zuckerberg's and his wife's foundation, he is also a member of the Alliance so while I kGOfciFT8sc-00310-00152297-00152672 can't tell you specifically who you -- the fellows may have a chance to network kGOfciFT8sc-00311-00152672-00153134 with that's the group and at the very end of the measurement agenda page kGOfciFT8sc-00312-00153134-00153557 there's also a list of some of the folks who are part of the Alliance and also kGOfciFT8sc-00313-00153557-00153923 reviewed the measurement agenda so you can take a look there to see the kGOfciFT8sc-00314-00153923-00154364 types of folks. Again they're not going to be directive at all they actually kGOfciFT8sc-00315-00154364-00154871 have no say in who's selected, what the research looks like, or any of that. kGOfciFT8sc-00316-00154871-00155243 (Attendee) Okay, that's, that's great thank you that -- that kinda answers some of my lingering kGOfciFT8sc-00317-00155243-00155524 questions so. kGOfciFT8sc-00318-00155524-00156208 (Saro) Sure. I will say I probably have a perspective, you know, I -- my kGOfciFT8sc-00319-00156208-00156553 background is as a quantitative researcher and so I have been involved kGOfciFT8sc-00320-00156553-00157012 in a lot of RCTs in education so I am firmly of the camp that we can kGOfciFT8sc-00321-00157012-00157681 learn from RCTs, they are -- it's possible to conduct RCTs in education, but kGOfciFT8sc-00322-00157681-00158200 there is room especially in innovative settings like blended learning, there is kGOfciFT8sc-00323-00158200-00158791 room for a whole lot more and I am most interested in sort of implementation kGOfciFT8sc-00324-00158791-00159238 science and and how do we get -- even if it is an RCT that's conducted, how do we get kGOfciFT8sc-00325-00159238-00159520 the findings, and the recommendations, and the things that we've learned from that kGOfciFT8sc-00326-00159520-00160088 RCT into actual classrooms so kids can benefit. kGOfciFT8sc-00327-00160088-00160269 (Attendee) Yeah absolutely kGOfciFT8sc-00328-00160350-00160797 (Saro) Anyone else have any other questions? kGOfciFT8sc-00329-00160821-00161517 (Attendee) I know I already -- sorry I know I already asked a question but so if anybody has kGOfciFT8sc-00330-00161517-00162184 other questions please jump in. I do have a question about whether or not you kGOfciFT8sc-00331-00162184-00162859 have preference for the level that people work with? Say you know district kGOfciFT8sc-00332-00162859-00163260 level implementation, school level implementation, classroom level kGOfciFT8sc-00333-00163260-00163951 implementation, in terms of the size of the sample that people are working with, kGOfciFT8sc-00334-00163951-00164365 just because I know the people that I've reached out to so far with this kGOfciFT8sc-00335-00164365-00164863 opportunity, they might end up having that concern as they're putting together kGOfciFT8sc-00336-00164863-00165216 their study design. kGOfciFT8sc-00337-00165216-00165658 (Saro) Definitely, so that's a good question and we do. The focus of kGOfciFT8sc-00338-00165658-00166141 TLA right now is really on teaching and learning practices so I would say kGOfciFT8sc-00339-00166141-00166624 classroom/school level is probably our highest priority. That's not to say that kGOfciFT8sc-00340-00166624-00167080 other levels are not eligible, but we definitely will probably have a bias kGOfciFT8sc-00341-00167080-00167626 towards you know instructional practices, grouping practices, anything that happens kGOfciFT8sc-00342-00167626-00167973 in the classroom or at the school level. kGOfciFT8sc-00343-00168098-00168684 Which includes, you know, all of it. So dissemination that's primarily targeting kGOfciFT8sc-00344-00168684-00169035 those levels, competencies that are happening at the classroom or school level as well as kGOfciFT8sc-00345-00169036-00169502 application at the classroom and school level. kGOfciFT8sc-00346-00169728-00169938 I was going to say, so one of the questions kGOfciFT8sc-00347-00169938-00170511 we've gotten are from partners like you who like I said have a data set or a kGOfciFT8sc-00348-00170511-00171045 research question they would love to bring some of this capacity to bear on. I kGOfciFT8sc-00349-00171045-00171642 will say that's probably not the primary objective of this fellowship however if kGOfciFT8sc-00350-00171642-00172125 we do get applications from fellows who are -- we are very excited about and have kGOfciFT8sc-00351-00172125-00172533 research questions that are highly aligned with questions that we know some kGOfciFT8sc-00352-00172533-00173094 of our partners have, as well as are still seeking participants or you know may kGOfciFT8sc-00353-00173094-00173550 be seeking to expand their participant pool or may be looking for comparison kGOfciFT8sc-00354-00173550-00174003 groups that are not, you know, that they haven't recruited yet, then we will kGOfciFT8sc-00355-00174003-00174429 definitely be open to matching fellows up with organizations that have kGOfciFT8sc-00356-00174429-00174876 needs as well. But this is not like the for example Strategic Data Fellows kGOfciFT8sc-00357-00174876-00175446 project where really the goal is to match a fellow up with a district that kGOfciFT8sc-00358-00175446-00175616 has a need. kGOfciFT8sc-00359-00175628-00176336 Thanks for joining and I look forward to seeing your submissions! kGPvuE0SYQ8-00000-00000046-00000420 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00001-00000423-00000827 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ahh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00002-00000830-00001184 ♪ Ooh ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00003-00001187-00001628 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00004-00001631-00002358 ♪ I prefer we go upstairs hey ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00005-00002362-00003099 ♪ 'Cause I want to show you my room ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00006-00003103-00003326 ♪ And this California King size ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00007-00003329-00003533 ♪ Feel how nice the sheets are ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00008-00003536-00003907 ♪ Perfect thing to sleep on or freak on ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00009-00003910-00004674 ♪ Just in case you wanted to, baby ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00010-00004677-00005482 ♪ 'Cause I wanna lay it down wit' you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00011-00005485-00006252 ♪ And I ain't tryn' play round with you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00012-00006256-00006920 ♪ And I wanna lay it down wit' you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00013-00006923-00007770 ♪ And go to sleep, after we ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00014-00007774-00008535 ♪ This bedroom's nice and candle-lit (Ooh ahh) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00015-00008538-00009285 ♪ I've been in it dreamin' of you (You, you, you you) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00016-00009289-00009512 ♪ It's like honey suckle flowers ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00017-00009516-00009913 ♪ Stay a couple hours 'til the morning after ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00018-00009916-00010103 ♪ You don't have to but I'm glad to ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00019-00010106-00010363 ♪ Spend the end of eve with you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00020-00010366-00010850 ♪ (Spend the eve with you, you, you) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00021-00010854-00011488 ♪ 'Cause I wanna lay it down wit' you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00022-00011491-00011651 ♪ (Wanna lay it down wit' you) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00023-00011654-00012255 ♪ And I ain't tryn' play round with you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00024-00012258-00012425 ♪ (I'm not tryna be like a fool) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00025-00012429-00013042 ♪ And I wanna lay it down wit' you (Ooh) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00026-00013046-00014050 ♪ And go to sleep, after we (Go to sleep, after we, oh) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00027-00014053-00014330 ♪ Bad vibrations from my phone ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00028-00014334-00014728 ♪ Can't blow my high on airplane mode ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00029-00014731-00015091 ♪ My services belong to you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00030-00015094-00015492 ♪ The signal's strong, we set the mood ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00031-00015495-00015839 ♪ I said, bad vibrations from my phone ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00032-00015842-00016269 ♪ Can't blow my high on airplane mode ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00033-00016272-00016639 ♪ Tonight I just belong to you ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00034-00016643-00017460 ♪ The signal's strong, we set the mood (Ooh, ooh) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00035-00017464-00017884 ♪ The signal's strong, we set the mood ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00036-00017887-00018451 ♪ (Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo- hoo-hoo-hoo ) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00037-00018455-00018925 ♪ (Yeah) ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00038-00018928-00019179 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00039-00019182-00020176 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00040-00020180-00020467 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00041-00020470-00021207 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00042-00021211-00021391 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00043-00021394-00022889 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00044-00022889-00023586 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00045-00023590-00024114 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00046-00024117-00024928 ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00047-00024931-00026426 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00048-00026426-00026586 ♪♪♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00049-00026589-00026789 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00050-00026793-00026950 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ahh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00051-00026953-00027067 ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00052-00027070-00027510 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ kGPvuE0SYQ8-00053-00027514-00028375 ♪♪♪ kGWYtSdbDP4-00000-00000658-00001120 We’ve looked at the importance of a leader’s ability to influence, and work with, others. kGWYtSdbDP4-00001-00001120-00001482 What helps leaders to do that and can they develop these skills? kGWYtSdbDP4-00002-00001482-00001878 The concept of Emotional Intelligence was popularized by the author, Daniel Goleman kGWYtSdbDP4-00003-00001878-00002294 in 1996, though he was not responsible for its formulation. kGWYtSdbDP4-00004-00002294-00002861 Indeed, since 1996, many of the claims made about his conception of emotional intelligence kGWYtSdbDP4-00005-00002861-00003057 have been widely disputed. kGWYtSdbDP4-00006-00003057-00003607 Nonetheless, the idea captured the attention of the business world, as well as many manager’s kGWYtSdbDP4-00007-00003607-00003707 imaginations. kGWYtSdbDP4-00008-00003707-00004151 The idea of being emotionally open, balanced and receptive, made sense in accounting for kGWYtSdbDP4-00009-00004151-00004679 positive human interactions, and the success of some kinds of leadership, such as transformational kGWYtSdbDP4-00010-00004679-00004851 leadership, for example. kGWYtSdbDP4-00011-00004851-00005354 An insight of the emotional intelligence debate was that raw intelligence or IQ, has very kGWYtSdbDP4-00012-00005354-00005689 little to do with being able to control our emotions. kGWYtSdbDP4-00013-00005689-00006257 As Goleman notes ‘At best, IQ contributes about 20% to the factors that determine life kGWYtSdbDP4-00014-00006257-00006647 success, which leaves 80% to other factors.’ kGWYtSdbDP4-00015-00006647-00007157 Further, unlike IQ which is fairly stable throughout our lives, it was put forward that kGWYtSdbDP4-00016-00007157-00007748 Emotional Intelligence can be learned, since EQ is fundamentally a set of emotional competencies kGWYtSdbDP4-00017-00007748-00007910 or abilities. kGWYtSdbDP4-00018-00007910-00008193 So what exactly is emotional intelligence? kGWYtSdbDP4-00019-00008193-00008632 In lay terms, Goleman describes emotional intelligence as a set of abilities: kGWYtSdbDP4-00020-00008632-00009146 ‘such as being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations; to kGWYtSdbDP4-00021-00009146-00009640 control impulse and delay gratification; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from kGWYtSdbDP4-00022-00009640-00010075 swamping the ability to think; to empathise and to hope.’ kGWYtSdbDP4-00023-00010075-00010531 However Goleman was writing over 20 years ago, and since that time there has been a kGWYtSdbDP4-00024-00010531-00010995 proliferation of academics studies into the phenomenon of emotional intelligence. kGWYtSdbDP4-00025-00010995-00011563 While still a contested phenomenon in academic circles, Salovey and Mayer’s conception kGWYtSdbDP4-00026-00011563-00012006 of emotional intelligence, which has been subsequently developed and tested, appears kGWYtSdbDP4-00027-00012006-00012470 to be the most widely accepted view of what is constituted by emotional intelligence. kGWYtSdbDP4-00028-00012470-00012781 Mayer and his colleagues define emotional intelligence as: kGWYtSdbDP4-00029-00012781-00013213 ‘Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to carry out accurate reasoning about emotions kGWYtSdbDP4-00030-00013213-00013762 and the ability to use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought.’ kGWYtSdbDP4-00031-00013762-00014286 Specific ability-based approaches to Emotional Intelligence identify four specific competencies: kGWYtSdbDP4-00032-00014286-00014388 1. kGWYtSdbDP4-00033-00014388-00014871 Emotional perception and identification – the ability to accurately detect and interpret kGWYtSdbDP4-00034-00014871-00015553 emotional cues in faces, pictures, voices, and other cultural artifacts including one’s kGWYtSdbDP4-00035-00015553-00015773 own emotional responses. kGWYtSdbDP4-00036-00015773-00016215 Without the ability to perceive emotions, the other abilities related to emotional intelligence kGWYtSdbDP4-00037-00016215-00016776 are severely limited, as this ability represents a fundamental aspect of emotional intelligence kGWYtSdbDP4-00038-00016776-00017081 which makes the processing of emotional information possible. kGWYtSdbDP4-00039-00017081-00017181 2. kGWYtSdbDP4-00040-00017181-00017679 Use of emotional information in thinking – the ability to use emotions to prioritise cognitive kGWYtSdbDP4-00041-00017679-00018181 activities by enabling the user to focus on the ‘big picture’ or a more holistic view kGWYtSdbDP4-00042-00018181-00018358 of the situation. kGWYtSdbDP4-00043-00018358-00018792 Additionally, understanding that positive emotions are more likely to enhance creative kGWYtSdbDP4-00044-00018792-00018995 thinking in certain contexts. kGWYtSdbDP4-00045-00018995-00019539 Further, the user knows how to include or exclude emotions when undertaking tasks so kGWYtSdbDP4-00046-00019539-00020054 as to capitalise on these emotions or prevent certain emotions from undermining their ability kGWYtSdbDP4-00047-00020054-00020217 on that task. kGWYtSdbDP4-00048-00020217-00020326 3. kGWYtSdbDP4-00049-00020326-00020790 Reasoning about emotions through emotional appraisal, labelling and language – the kGWYtSdbDP4-00050-00020790-00021278 ability to accurately label and categorise feelings in self and others. kGWYtSdbDP4-00051-00021278-00021810 Additionally, the ability to respond or react appropriately to that information. kGWYtSdbDP4-00052-00021810-00022346 An individual high in EI, for example, can accurately comprehend complex relationships kGWYtSdbDP4-00053-00022346-00022929 among emotions or subtle variations in emotions and can respond in a sophisticated way to kGWYtSdbDP4-00054-00022929-00023248 those relationships and changes. kGWYtSdbDP4-00055-00023248-00023407 4. kGWYtSdbDP4-00056-00023407-00023927 Emotional self-management – the ability to self-regulate emotions in both ourselves kGWYtSdbDP4-00057-00023927-00024156 and in response to others. kGWYtSdbDP4-00058-00024156-00024650 An emotionally intelligent individual can reframe perceptions of situations and understand kGWYtSdbDP4-00059-00024650-00025176 which emotions are more likely to help in furthering their own goals and the goals of kGWYtSdbDP4-00060-00025176-00025276 others. kGWYtSdbDP4-00061-00025276-00025758 The study of emotional intelligence and its understanding by leaders is important, since kGWYtSdbDP4-00062-00025758-00026241 many studies have identified positive workplace outcomes in relation to leaders who possess kGWYtSdbDP4-00063-00026241-00026595 higher levels of emotional intelligence generally. kGWYtSdbDP4-00064-00026595-00026944 Such outcomes include: • higher workplace outcomes for themselves kGWYtSdbDP4-00065-00026944-00027308 and their teams • the creation of positive affect in those kGWYtSdbDP4-00066-00027308-00027774 around high EQ leaders and higher rank • higher merit increases and kGWYtSdbDP4-00067-00027774-00028062 • contribution to positive work environment generally. kGWYtSdbDP4-00068-00028062-00028608 At a minimum, it would seem that the understanding of emotional intelligence and a leader’s kGWYtSdbDP4-00069-00028608-00029069 questioning and development of their own emotional intelligence, is an essential component of kGWYtSdbDP4-00070-00029069-00029402 becoming a more effective leader in the workplace. kGWYtSdbDP4-00071-00029402-00029788 While the concept of emotional intelligence is still being researched and tested, there kGWYtSdbDP4-00072-00029788-00030230 exists sufficient evidence for leaders to invest in this important aspect of relating kGWYtSdbDP4-00073-00030230-00030295 to others. kJjSjE01mH4-00000-00002967-00003222 nkauj hmoob tiktok kJNtRMZTrBy-00000-00000600-00002067 Crown was used by Archbishop of Canterbury at actual moment of coronation Monarch swapped crown for lighter Imperial State Crown before leaving Abbey kJNtRMZTrBy-00001-00002217-00003703 This is the crown that appears in opening sequence of Netflix drama The Crown The Queen shares her memories of her Coronation Day on new BBC programme kJNtRMZTrBy-00002-00003853-00005188 Sixty five years ago, it was placed on the head of a 27-year-old Princess Elizabeth, signalling the moment she became Queen. kJNtRMZTrBy-00003-00005338-00006881 Now, for the first time since her Coronation in 1953, Her Majesty has been reunited with the glittering - but little seen - St Edward's Crown. kJNtRMZTrBy-00004-00007031-00008893 Although many associate the British monarch with the Imperial State Crown - normally sported at the State Opening of Parliament - the St Edward's Crown is used by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the actual moment of coronation. kJNtRMZTrBy-00005-00009043-00011684 Made for Charles II in 1661 by the Crown Jeweller, Robert Viner, it was a replacement for the original, medieval crown which had been melted down in 1649 by the Parliamentarians and was thought to date back to the 11th century royal saint, Edward the Confessor, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. kJNtRMZTrBy-00006-00011834-00014469 Scroll down for video Composed of a solid gold frame, set with tourmalines, white and yellow topazes, rubies, amethysts, sapphires, garnet, peridot, zircons, spinel, and aquamarines, mounted in enamelled gold collets, it also has a velvet cap with an ermine band. kJNtRMZTrBy-00007-00014619-00016476 Our present Queen's Coronation, which took place at Westminster Abbey on June 2 1953 after 16 months of planning, was watched by millions throughout the world for the first time on television. kJNtRMZTrBy-00008-00016626-00018508 At the moment the Archbishop of Canterbury placed the St Edward's Crown on the young sovereign's head, a fanfare was played by the State Trumpeters, triggering a gun salute from the Tower of London and a peal of the Abbey bells. kJNtRMZTrBy-00009-00018658-00020224 Despite being the nation's longest-reigning monarch, the Queen, who will celebrate her 92nd birthday in April, has never worn the St Edward's Crown again. kJNtRMZTrBy-00010-00020374-00021889 Indeed, aside from a brief glimpse behind glass when she opened the Jewel House at the Tower of London in 1994, she hasn't even seen it in the flesh. kJNtRMZTrBy-00011-00022039-00023619 St Edward's vs The Imperial State Crown St Edward's Crown is the crown that the Archbishop of Canterbury used at the actual moment of coronation in 1953. kJNtRMZTrBy-00012-00023769-00025162 However, Queen Elizabeth then exchanged the crown for the Imperial State Crown, which is much lighter, before leaving Westminster Abbey. kJNtRMZTrBy-00013-00025312-00026741 This crown, which is worn at the State Opening of Parliament, is also believed to feature in the opening credits of Netflix drama The Crown. kJNtRMZTrBy-00014-00026891-00028314 In series one of the show, actress Claire Foy - who plays the Queen - is seen trying on St Edward's Crown ahead of her coronation ceremony. kJNtRMZTrBy-00015-00028464-00030379 But Queen and crown have now been reunited again for a stunning new collaboration between BBC One and the Royal Collection Trust - the charity responsible for one of the largest and most important art collections in the world. kJNtRMZTrBy-00016-00030529-00032385 Entitled The Coronation, the hour-long film, will reveal the story behind the Crown Jewels - which consists of 140 items and 23,000 precious stones - and the ceremony in which they are used. kJNtRMZTrBy-00017-00032535-00034098 For the first time, the Queen will also personally share memories of the ceremony, as well as that of her father King George VI in 1937. kJNtRMZTrBy-00018-00034248-00036733 Viewing both private and official film footage, she recalls the day when the weight of both St Edward's Crown - and the hopes and expectations of a country recovering from war - were placed on her shoulders, saying: 'I've seen one Coronation, and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable.' kJNtRMZTrBy-00020-00040055-00042396 Charlotte Moore, BBC Director of Content said: 'It is a real honour to have Her Majesty The Queen revealing her intimate knowledge of the Crown Jewels - and fond childhood memories from when her father was crowned King George VI in this very special film for BBC One. kJNtRMZTrBy-00021-00042546-00043924 'In her own words, The Queen will bring to life the enduring symbolic importance of the Coronation ceremonies for modern audiences to enjoy.' kJNtRMZTrBy-00022-00044074-00046789 Other programmes in the BBC Royal Collection Season include Art, Passion & Power: The Story of the Royal Collection and Charles I's Treasures Reunited, as well as a radio broadcast revealing the captivating stories behind specific works of art in the Royal Collection through documentary material from the heavily-guarded Royal Archives. kJNtRMZTrBy-00023-00046939-00048279 The Coronation will be screened on BBC One on January 14 at 8pm. The history of St Edward's Crown kJNtRMZTrBy-00024-00048429-00049807 Named after Edward the Confessor, St Edward's Crown has been used to crown British monarchs at their coronations since the 13th century. kJNtRMZTrBy-00025-00049957-00051419 But in 1533 it was also used to crown the controversial second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn - unprecedented for a queen consort. kJNtRMZTrBy-00026-00051569-00053315 The original crown was a holy relic kept at Westminster Abbey, Edward's burial place, until it was melted down by Parliamentarians in 1649 during the English Civil War. kJNtRMZTrBy-00027-00053465-00055638 The present version of St Edward's Crown was made for Charles II in 1661. It was fashioned to closely resemble the medieval crown, with a heavy gold base and clusters of semi-precious stones, but the arches are very much Baroque. kJNtRMZTrBy-00028-00055788-00057266 The crown is solid gold, 12 inches tall and still weighs nearly 5lb - despite having been made lighter for the coronation of George V. kJNtRMZTrBy-00029-00057416-00059544 It is decorated with 444 precious and semi-precious stones including tourmalines, white and yellow topazes, rubies, amethysts, sapphires, garnet, peridot, zircons, spinel, and aquamarines. kJNtRMZTrBy-00030-00059694-00061903 The band of the crown is bordered by rows of gold beads and mounted with 16 clusters, each set with a rectangular or octagonal step-cut stone decorated in enamel with modelled acanthus leaves, surrounded by rose-cut topazes and aquamarines. kJNtRMZTrBy-00031-00062053-00064042 Its two arches are mounted with gold beads and stones. The monde - the orb near the top of the object, and which was replaced in 1685 - supports a cross-pattée, with drop-shaped beads and diamonds. kJNtRMZTrBy-00032-00064192-00065605 In 1671, one Thomas Blood briefly stole the crown from the Tower of London, flattening it with a mallet in an attempt to conceal it. kJNtRMZTrBy-00033-00065755-00067741 After the coronation of William III in 1689, monarchs chose to be crowned with a lighter, bespoke coronation crown or their state crown, while the heavy and unwieldy St Edward's Crown usually rested on the high altar. kJNtRMZTrBy-00034-00067891-00069838 Edward VII intended to revive the tradition of using St Edward's Crown in 1902, but on coronation day he was still recovering from an operation for appendicitis, and instead he wore the lighter Imperial State Crown. kJNtRMZTrBy-00035-00069988-00071263 It was George V, therefore, who became the first monarch to be crowned with St Edward's Crown in over 200 years. kJNtRMZTrBy-00036-00071413-00073833 Only six monarchs have been crowned using St Edward's Crown: Charles II (1661), James II (1685), William III (1689), George V (1911), (1937) and Elizabeth II (1953). kJNtRMZTrBy-00037-00073983-00076137 Until the early 20th century the stones adorning the crown were, remarkably, hired for the occasion of the coronation and then returned. It was only in 1911 that George V ensured the crown was permanently set with its semi-precious stones. kJNtRMZTrBy-00038-00076287-00078155 In 1953 Queen Elizabeth II adopted a stylised image of the crown for use in coats of arms, badges, logos and other insignia throughout the Commonwealth realms to symbolise her royal authority. kJNtRMZTrBy-00039-00078305-00079362 St Edward's Crown is currently on public display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. kMJcwgRarWI-00000-00000764-00001130 Have you ever spent an afternoon looking up at the sky trying to distinguish shapes in kMJcwgRarWI-00001-00001130-00001295 the clouds…like an elephant or a house? kMJcwgRarWI-00002-00001295-00001628 The clouds that you are mostly likely viewing are cumulus clouds. kMJcwgRarWI-00003-00001628-00001972 These clouds are usually easily distinguished from others because they look like puffs of kMJcwgRarWI-00004-00001972-00002193 cotton floating through the sky. kMJcwgRarWI-00005-00002193-00002551 Another good way to tell these clouds from others is that their lower portions are usually kMJcwgRarWI-00006-00002551-00003102 flat and fairly close to the ground, usually only little over 3000 feet. kMJcwgRarWI-00007-00003102-00003478 When cumulus clouds are not very tall they are good indicators of fair weather. kMJcwgRarWI-00008-00003478-00003878 However, when they rise vertically for many thousands of feet it can be a sign of impending kMJcwgRarWI-00009-00003878-00004039 bad weather. kMJcwgRarWI-00010-00004039-00004448 Eventually you may see the top of a cumulus cloud start to grow rounded towers and turn kMJcwgRarWI-00011-00004448-00005012 into what is called cumulius congestus clouds or towering cumulus. kMJcwgRarWI-00012-00005012-00005555 As cumulius congestus clouds continue to ascend they can develop into cumulonimbus clouds, kMJcwgRarWI-00013-00005555-00005932 which are most often referred to as thunderstorm clouds. kMJcwgRarWI-00014-00005932-00006276 Thunderstorm clouds are easily identified by their dark bases that may be no more than kMJcwgRarWI-00015-00006276-00006620 1000 feet above the Earth's surface. kMJcwgRarWI-00016-00006620-00006998 Remarkable amounts of energy can be released by the condensation of water vapor within kMJcwgRarWI-00017-00006998-00007828 a cumulonimbus cloud resulting in lightning, thunder, and even violent tornadoes. kMJcwgRarWI-00018-00007828-00008285 From the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service, I’m Glenn Owings, Exploring kMJcwgRarWI-00019-00008285-00008367 the Nature of Wyoming. kNy0qishzIg-00000-00000029-00000279 (piano music) kNy0qishzIg-00001-00000704-00000900 - I think we're one of the most important assets in Alaska. kNy0qishzIg-00002-00000900-00001317 Because the only enemy they really have is Alaska. kNy0qishzIg-00003-00001321-00001621 And we teach them how to fight that. kNy0qishzIg-00004-00001705-00001897 ^And this place wants you dead, it does kNy0qishzIg-00005-00001897-00002155 ^not like us in the winter time. kNy0qishzIg-00006-00002194-00002569 - The Army saw there was a need for over snow kNy0qishzIg-00007-00002706-00002985 mobility and mountain mobility, a couple name kNy0qishzIg-00008-00002985-00003398 changes later it became Northern Warfare Training Center. kNy0qishzIg-00009-00003398-00003590 ^They started looking around for a place to do that. kNy0qishzIg-00010-00003590-00004007 ^And in 1948, I believe it was, they came up here to Alaska. kNy0qishzIg-00011-00004104-00004275 - Being able to sustain through harsh kNy0qishzIg-00012-00004275-00004496 conditions pretty much wins the battle. kNy0qishzIg-00013-00004496-00004621 That's what we're trying to teach. kNy0qishzIg-00014-00004621-00004846 ^I think we've forgotten a lot of the stuff kNy0qishzIg-00015-00004846-00005018 ^because we're not really engaged with kNy0qishzIg-00016-00005018-00005368 ^direct combat, ya know with a cold region. kNy0qishzIg-00017-00005532-00005823 - Well, they can expect at least six days out in the field. kNy0qishzIg-00018-00005823-00006103 And for some of them, it's a significant kNy0qishzIg-00019-00006103-00006311 emotional event for them. kNy0qishzIg-00020-00006399-00006669 That was one of the design concepts that we came up kNy0qishzIg-00021-00006669-00006845 with when we did this, is to keep the kNy0qishzIg-00022-00006845-00007153 students outside as much as possible. kNy0qishzIg-00023-00007271-00007492 - We teach that bad days kill. kNy0qishzIg-00024-00007492-00007687 There's one bad day where you just don't wanna do it kNy0qishzIg-00025-00007687-00007938 anymore could be your last, so. kNy0qishzIg-00026-00007938-00008184 - The whole course and the point of it is to kNy0qishzIg-00027-00008184-00008438 teach people to bypass their own personal misery kNy0qishzIg-00028-00008438-00008822 to be able to lead other soldiers to success, so. kNy0qishzIg-00029-00008822-00009105 - I learned a lot, it put a lot of kNy0qishzIg-00030-00009160-00009397 the Army in perspective for me. kNy0qishzIg-00031-00009397-00009701 ^'Cause I had no idea that the Army is training to kNy0qishzIg-00032-00009701-00009943 ^repel down mountains, be in this type of weather kNy0qishzIg-00033-00009943-00010359 ^and that puts the future of the Army in perspective. kNy0qishzIg-00034-00010535-00010873 Like we might be fighting people in this kind of weather, kNy0qishzIg-00035-00010873-00011107 having to do this kind of training. kNy0qishzIg-00036-00011107-00011341 - Being pushed all the way to the edge kNy0qishzIg-00037-00011341-00011617 and then figuring out what you can handle. kNy0qishzIg-00038-00011617-00011955 And this school house definitely does that. kNy0qishzIg-00039-00011955-00012238 (classical music) kNyHFVxEbQQ-00003-00000943-00001255 Now I am starting first vlog of bankura series is Susunia Hills. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00004-00001255-00001600 In this series we will visit different places of bankura. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00005-00001639-00001739 So let's start. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00007-00004769-00005048 Now we are at bankura station. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00008-00005048-00005247 We are starting this journey from here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00009-00005247-00005575 First we will go to Chatna kNyHFVxEbQQ-00010-00005575-00005854 then we will go to Susunia by some shared van. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00026-00010011-00010211 Now I’ve reached Chatna kNyHFVxEbQQ-00027-00010211-00010342 to reach susunia we have to get off at this station kNyHFVxEbQQ-00028-00010413-00010755 To reach here there is only first & direct train from Kolkata kNyHFVxEbQQ-00029-00010797-00011140 “Rupasi Bangla Exp” which left from Santragachi station at 6:25AM kNyHFVxEbQQ-00030-00011290-00011390 and reach here around 10:15AM. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00031-00011487-00012000 There are lot’s of magic van and toto rickshaw to reach susunia from here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00032-00012027-00012373 They charge rupees 15 from each person. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00036-00014240-00014571 Now we have reached at susunia and walking towards the hill. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00037-00014571-00014704 Once Again informing kNyHFVxEbQQ-00038-00014704-00014937 that to reach here kNyHFVxEbQQ-00039-00015009-00015282 we have reach chatna first kNyHFVxEbQQ-00040-00015334-00015900 then from there by shared van or toto rickshaw have to reach here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00041-00015941-00016138 It takes around 20 minutes. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00042-00016188-00016436 Now it is rainy season that’s why it is offseason kNyHFVxEbQQ-00043-00016472-00016818 and less people comes here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00044-00016840-00017000 A few people are coming here by bike. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00045-00017082-00017760 In winter, lots of people come here for picnics. Once I’ve been here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00061-00026739-00026944 We are tracking up the hill. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00062-00026986-00027200 It’s a steep slope. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00063-00027303-00027632 We are tired being hiked for 2 minutes. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00066-00027941-00028402 Will see how long it takes to reach the top. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00067-00028402-00028503 We are started hiking at 12:58PM. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00068-00028900-00029220 We are tired being hiked for 2-3 minutes. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00071-00032445-00032600 It’s started raining after hiked for 5 minutes. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00072-00032600-00033200 We took shelter here at this closed shop. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00073-00033200-00033500 Will see how long have to stay here. Now We Came down kNyHFVxEbQQ-00083-00045778-00046110 Now We Came down kNyHFVxEbQQ-00084-00046110-00046358 We have hiked here for for 5 minutes. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00085-00046358-00046580 It was raining for 1 hour. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00086-00046580-00046952 Didn’t continue hike as there’s may have a possibility of avalanche so we came down kNyHFVxEbQQ-00087-00046952-00047400 I have collected some pictures from a traveler who had been at the top kNyHFVxEbQQ-00088-00047428-00047640 I will pest these here. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00089-00047682-00048006 Now I am going towards this tracking route. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00095-00050364-00050664 It's a wood of Polas. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00096-00050664-00050788 Looks great because of rain kNyHFVxEbQQ-00098-00052010-00052238 We are returning back. Sorry could not complete this journey. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00099-00052348-00052504 Again few words kNyHFVxEbQQ-00100-00052510-00052691 to reach here kNyHFVxEbQQ-00101-00052702-00052929 there is only direct train from Kolkata "Rupasi Bangla Exp” kNyHFVxEbQQ-00102-00052940-00053150 which left from Santragachi station at 6:25AM kNyHFVxEbQQ-00103-00053155-00053316 and reach here around 10:15AM kNyHFVxEbQQ-00104-00053324-00053685 For returning the same train which left here 5PM kNyHFVxEbQQ-00105-00053685-00053912 If we missed this “Rupasi Bangla Exp” kNyHFVxEbQQ-00106-00053912-00054052 there are 2 more trains kNyHFVxEbQQ-00107-00054052-00054304 “Rasya Rani Exp” , “Aranyk Exp” kNyHFVxEbQQ-00108-00054314-00054576 They both left from santragachi kNyHFVxEbQQ-00109-00054576-00054912 “Rasya Rani Exp” left here after 20 minutes of “Rupasi Bangla Exp” kNyHFVxEbQQ-00111-00055214-00055543 “Aranyk Exp” left here 7:50AM. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00114-00056072-00056336 If we are here through “Rasya Rani Exp” kNyHFVxEbQQ-00115-00056346-00056900 we have to wait 1 hour for “Hatia Passenger” at Bankura station kNyHFVxEbQQ-00117-00057332-00057455 “Rasya Rani Exp” are availabe 3 day a week kNyHFVxEbQQ-00118-00057524-00057766 Friday, Saturday, Monday. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00119-00057774-00057990 “Aranyk Exp” is not available for Sunday. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00128-00061213-00061531 Before I end this vlog kNyHFVxEbQQ-00129-00061543-00061830 a fer info, which was not possible to present here kNyHFVxEbQQ-00130-00061886-00062180 Like- If I want to come here by train or bus kNyHFVxEbQQ-00131-00062180-00062493 how I will reach here and and return from here kNyHFVxEbQQ-00132-00062493-00062755 And what are the foods we will get from here and it's price kNyHFVxEbQQ-00133-00062755-00062988 Hotel's bookings etc. kNyHFVxEbQQ-00135-00063198-00063409 I have wrote a blog regarding this kNyHFVxEbQQ-00136-00063409-00063755 You can visit by clicking the link in description kT-3CBcoMXM-00000-00000460-00001355 about social media branding in three minutes or less. Are you ready? are you ready? kT-3CBcoMXM-00001-00001355-00001959 OK. What's branding to you? You are your brand. I'm not here to tell you that you kT-3CBcoMXM-00002-00001959-00002360 should make specific color choices and a certain font that represents who you are kT-3CBcoMXM-00003-00002360-00002763 You are your brand! We are in a highly visible business that everything you do, kT-3CBcoMXM-00004-00002763-00003725 everything you say, everything you represent on social media, IS your brand. Would you agree? Yes. kT-3CBcoMXM-00005-00003761-00004184 So what makes you stand out? that's the one big question I have you. kT-3CBcoMXM-00006-00004184-00004839 If you can answer that sentence, well I sell real estate and I'll put your kT-3CBcoMXM-00007-00004839-00005517 property into the MLS. Is that your unique value proposition anymore? NO. Okay. kT-3CBcoMXM-00008-00005517-00005910 Where, what's your experience, your expertise, and your education. What sets kT-3CBcoMXM-00009-00005910-00006492 you apart from the competition? not just other brokerages, but other people kT-3CBcoMXM-00010-00006492-00006927 in your office. You are your brand, you are your own business so I want you to kT-3CBcoMXM-00011-00006927-00007406 identify in your head, the knowledge the experience, the expertise that's what kT-3CBcoMXM-00012-00007406-00007834 sets you apart and that's how you build a brand with social media. kT-3CBcoMXM-00013-00007834-00008334 OK, everything that you do, everything that you post, all the content you create kT-3CBcoMXM-00014-00008334-00008861 should be answering those three things. So start focusing on what matters most kT-3CBcoMXM-00015-00008861-00009410 and what matters most to you and is different for every person. kT-3CBcoMXM-00016-00009410-00010025 Right, you have to identify what your core values are and what you believe in. For kT-3CBcoMXM-00017-00010025-00010240 me kT-3CBcoMXM-00018-00010369-00011192 it's 3 F's -Family Fitness and Fun. Okay if you look at my social media. Most of kT-3CBcoMXM-00019-00011192-00011609 everything that I post has to do with my family have two kids that are four years old kT-3CBcoMXM-00020-00011609-00012374 and nine years old and a beautiful wife who is in real estate. Woot, Woot! kT-3CBcoMXM-00021-00012374-00012857 I won't call her out because she is here, she'll get embarrassed and will yell at me later on.OK, that's the majority of my. everything kT-3CBcoMXM-00022-00013408-00014628 that I do because that's who I am. the client, People like people who are like them. kT-3CBcoMXM-00023-00017256-00017656 Hey right. Part of the brand. kT-3CBcoMXM-00024-00017823-00018537 I managed to do that using video. It's the #1 thing that I added to my real estate business kT-3CBcoMXM-00025-00018537-00019080 in the last 10 years, that's made the biggest impact and I know that every kT-3CBcoMXM-00026-00019080-00019494 year is the year of the video, every year you come in triple play like oh this is it kT-3CBcoMXM-00027-00019494-00020151 I'm going to do it this year and I swear well this is this should be here because kT-3CBcoMXM-00028-00020151-00020570 I'm going to say why not you why not do something to make a difference because kT-3CBcoMXM-00029-00020570-00020909 the video is the biggest thing that you can do to have an impact on your kT-3CBcoMXM-00030-00020909-00021441 business but to also grant you with your core values this video we do know who I kT-3CBcoMXM-00031-00021441-00021867 am Who I am and what I represent and that's how it really do business kT-3CBcoMXM-00032-00021867-00022379 together so tell your story and any one of the kT-3CBcoMXM-00033-00022379-00022801 social media platforms and your brand will follow. Thank you! kUzDp_W0y60-00000-00000500-00000543 In this video, we’ll be working with the Work Energy Theorem, Mechanical energy and Chemical energy. kUzDp_W0y60-00001-00000543-00001253 In this video, we’ll be working with the Work Energy Theorem, Mechanical energy and Chemical energy. kUzDp_W0y60-00002-00001253-00001669 You can pause the video here and read the question. kUzDp_W0y60-00003-00001810-00002436 Assuming you have no idea how to start this question, let’s break this into steps: kUzDp_W0y60-00004-00002436-00003066 First, the question is asking us about saving on gas if we reduced the weight of the car kUzDp_W0y60-00005-00003256-00004083 Now, let’s look at the section talking about engines converting chemical energy into mechanical energy. kUzDp_W0y60-00006-00004083-00004636 If engines are converting energy, this means they’re doing work, so the work-energy theorem should come to mind. kUzDp_W0y60-00007-00004733-00005459 Let's look at some key words: we have drag and friction, which are non-conservative forces. kUzDp_W0y60-00008-00005460-00006186 At this point, you should also consider how they are doing work in this question. kUzDp_W0y60-00009-00006609-00006983 Let's review what we want to know from this question kUzDp_W0y60-00010-00006983-00007563 We want to know the gas savings when we reduce the mass of the car. kUzDp_W0y60-00011-00007563-00008146 To do this, we need the number of liters consumed in both cases kUzDp_W0y60-00012-00008146-00008723 To get this, we have to look at the amount of work the engine did. kUzDp_W0y60-00013-00008876-00009453 But before the start, we need to define our system which is the car. kUzDp_W0y60-00014-00009620-00010290 The engine is not going to be part of the system because it doesn't work to move the car. kUzDp_W0y60-00015-00010310-00010926 The force the engine exerts on the tires is internal so we don’t consider this. kUzDp_W0y60-00016-00010963-00011586 We’re going to say that the work done by the engine of the car is the work of the ground. kUzDp_W0y60-00017-00011833-00012363 The force of the car, which is caused by the engine, on the ground and the force of the ground on the car are action-reaction forces. kUzDp_W0y60-00018-00012893-00013069 This is Newton's third law. kUzDp_W0y60-00019-00013433-00014216 For any problem, we need a FBD and define our forces. kUzDp_W0y60-00020-00014276-00014759 So here we have the direction of motion, the Normal force and the Weight. kUzDp_W0y60-00021-00014760-00014936 We have friction, the drag force kUzDp_W0y60-00022-00015336-00015736 and we have Fground, which is the propelling force by the ground. kUzDp_W0y60-00023-00015736-00016136 This is the propulsion force that the ground exerts on the tires. kUzDp_W0y60-00024-00016316-00016699 Before we continue, we need to make two assumptions: kUzDp_W0y60-00025-00016700-00017573 the first is that the car moves at a constant speed and the second is that it’s travelling at a horizontal surface. kUzDp_W0y60-00026-00017573-00017863 This will make things easier to calculate. kUzDp_W0y60-00027-00018056-00018313 So here’s our Work-Energy Theorem. kUzDp_W0y60-00028-00018353-00018983 So in this equation, we have non-conservative forces and conservative forces. kUzDp_W0y60-00029-00019020-00019693 We actually don’t have any conservative forces doing work, so we can set this to zero. kUzDp_W0y60-00030-00019703-00020443 A conservative forces such as gravity doesn’t do work in this case because the car is on level ground. kUzDp_W0y60-00031-00020576-00021353 And based on our previous assumption about constant speed, we can set DeltaK to zero. kUzDp_W0y60-00032-00021550-00022136 When we consider our non-conservative forces, this is what we have. kUzDp_W0y60-00033-00022146-00022666 Remember we said that friction and drag are non-conservative forces, kUzDp_W0y60-00034-00022666-00023186 but we didn’t specific which friction it was which is now our task. kUzDp_W0y60-00035-00024106-00024433 The correct answer is rolling friction kUzDp_W0y60-00036-00024433-00024559 Let's see why. kUzDp_W0y60-00037-00024676-00025306 The flattening of the tires due to the contact of the ground causes rolling friction. kUzDp_W0y60-00038-00025306-00025759 It slows down the car so it’s opposite to the direction of motion. kUzDp_W0y60-00039-00025789-00026126 In case you're wondering about the other frictions kUzDp_W0y60-00040-00026126-00026586 kinetic friction and rolling friction don’t act at the same time kUzDp_W0y60-00041-00026586-00027163 and the propulsion force the ground exerts on the tire is already a type of static friction. kUzDp_W0y60-00042-00027163-00027563 So we will be solving for the rolling friction. kUzDp_W0y60-00043-00027663-00028256 Going back to the question, we have the work of drag plus the work of rolling friction plus the kUzDp_W0y60-00044-00028256-00028849 work of the propelling force of the ground equalling zero. kUzDp_W0y60-00045-00028900-00029550 Recall the definition of work which is W equals F, the Force, d, kUzDp_W0y60-00046-00029550-00030150 the magnitude of displacement and Cosine Theta, the angle between them. kUzDp_W0y60-00047-00030383-00030803 After we solve for the work of the drag and the friction work, we get negative drag work and kUzDp_W0y60-00048-00030803-00031226 negative friction work. kUzDp_W0y60-00049-00031266-00031896 We can plug that back in to our non-conservative force work equation. kUzDp_W0y60-00050-00031923-00032406 When we solve for Wground, this is our final equation. kZ__ghgF3Mo-00000-00000325-00000592 (Wind blowing) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00001-00000592-00000767 (Echoing knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00002-00000767-00000825 (Footstep) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00003-00000988-00001088 (Echoing knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00004-00001151-00001330 Lord Macbeth: Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell. kZ__ghgF3Mo-00005-00001330-00001393 (Knife unsheathing) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00006-00001493-00001543 (Footstep) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00007-00001543-00001705 Lord Macbeth: That summons thee to heaven... kZ__ghgF3Mo-00008-00001705-00001814 (Door opening) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00009-00001935-00002018 Lord Macbeth: ...or to hell. kZ__ghgF3Mo-00010-00002085-00002264 (Echoing knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00011-00002264-00002335 (Knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00012-00002335-00002439 (Choking sound) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00013-00002439-00002636 (Echoing knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00014-00002636-00002731 (Knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00015-00002827-00003019 (Echoing knock) kZ__ghgF3Mo-00016-00003019-00003078 (Knock) kaPlY_uL_-0-00000-00000000-00000459 Deleting a mnemonic phrase from a hardware wallet: does that make it possible to recover kaPlY_uL_-0-00001-00000459-00001038 if having access to the hardware wallet or is it still vulnerable from theft after deleting kaPlY_uL_-0-00002-00001140-00001465 it from the hardware wallets and only having the backup? kaPlY_uL_-0-00003-00001590-00002350 Harry, in most cases deleting the mnemonic phrase from the hardware wallet kaPlY_uL_-0-00004-00002350-00002781 ensures that it is permanently deleted. I think that is certainly the case kaPlY_uL_-0-00005-00002781-00003327 in hardware wallets that use a secure element and in Hardware wallets that have modern firmware kaPlY_uL_-0-00006-00003327-00003854 that are very careful to make sure that they properly erase and overwrite, with randomness, kaPlY_uL_-0-00007-00003954-00004686 the embedded flash memory effectively that is in the hardware wallet. kaPlY_uL_-0-00008-00004686-00005058 If we're talking about a lot of money and you intend to keep it kaPlY_uL_-0-00009-00005058-00005430 in coldstorage permanently and keep it only as a backup kaPlY_uL_-0-00010-00005430-00006132 of the mnemonic phrase, I would erase the hardware wallet, I would microwave the hardware wallet, kaPlY_uL_-0-00011-00006132-00006719 and then I would hit it with a hammer many, many times. Why not? kaPlY_uL_-0-00012-00006719-00007206 I am very sure the memory will not survive that. kaPlY_uL_-0-00013-00007206-00008229 Microwave ovens - turns out you can do more than just reheating stuff with it. kaPlY_uL_-0-00014-00008229-00008517 If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe, like, kaPlY_uL_-0-00015-00008517-00009192 and share. All my work is shared for free so if you want to support it, join me on patreon. kcIiyHzrTpg-00000-00000000-00000512 BREAKING: 08/22/17 KKK Leader Praises TRUMP’s Remarks On Charlottesville ke17clkpeuY-00000-00000040-00000448 my name is Stan Jacob time a consultant cardiologist in York today i wanted to do a ke17clkpeuY-00001-00000448-00001048 video on the subject of heart failure this video is called new hope for heart failure patients ke17clkpeuY-00002-00001048-00001632 a game changer arrives this video is about a new medication which could make a substantial ke17clkpeuY-00003-00001632-00002104 difference to patients with heart failure in the future so i thought i'd share this with ke17clkpeuY-00004-00002104-00002792 you the first thing is any form of heart disease if progressive will have an impact on the ability ke17clkpeuY-00005-00002792-00003320 of the heart to function as a pump so anything that affects the heart if it's left unchecked ke17clkpeuY-00006-00003320-00003832 over a period of time will affect the ability of the heart to pump blood out that condition where ke17clkpeuY-00007-00003832-00004456 the heart becomes unable to pump enough amounts of blood out is called heart failure and the problem ke17clkpeuY-00008-00004456-00004912 with heart failure is that those patients who have heart failure will in general not have as ke17clkpeuY-00009-00004912-00005536 good a quality of life as people who have strong hearts and in general people with heart failure or ke17clkpeuY-00010-00005536-00006216 weak hearts will not live as long as people with strong hearts so heart failure has a substantial ke17clkpeuY-00011-00006216-00006856 impact on both quality of life in terms of symptoms breathlessness tiredness exercise ke17clkpeuY-00012-00006856-00007656 intolerance leg swelling and also prognosis worsening heart failure more hospitalizations ke17clkpeuY-00013-00007736-00008272 increased risks of sudden death increased risk of progressive cardiac death we are always on ke17clkpeuY-00014-00008272-00008960 the lookout for medications which can have a beneficial impact both on quality of life and ke17clkpeuY-00015-00008960-00009560 quantity of life in patients with heart failure the good news is that we do have some very very ke17clkpeuY-00016-00009560-00010200 good medications now which have revolutionized how we treat heart failure and they have both resulted ke17clkpeuY-00017-00010200-00010824 in an improvement in quality of life and prognosis in such patients some of these medications are ke17clkpeuY-00018-00010824-00011384 ace inhibitors so something like ramipril parenteral lysinal these are ace inhibitors ke17clkpeuY-00019-00011456-00012080 and they've been shown to improve prognosis they reduce the risk of early death in patients with ke17clkpeuY-00020-00012080-00012863 heart failure number two beta blockers again these are medications called like bicycle carved along ke17clkpeuY-00021-00012863-00013568 nebula metoprolol again these are very effective and they help strengthen the heart up they stop ke17clkpeuY-00022-00013568-00014080 the heart from getting worse over a period of time and they have made a substantial impact on ke17clkpeuY-00023-00014080-00014816 prognosis there is another medication called spironolactone or mineralocorticoid receptor ke17clkpeuY-00024-00014816-00015456 antagonists viran electron or a pleura known again another set of medications which has had a huge ke17clkpeuY-00025-00015456-00015976 impact on how we manage heart failure and improves prognosis and actually what we find is that a ke17clkpeuY-00026-00015976-00016608 combination of all these three medications works much better than taking one of one medication and ke17clkpeuY-00027-00016608-00017264 none of the others so whenever i have a patient i try and get them on as as quickly on a combination ke17clkpeuY-00028-00017264-00017896 of all three medications even at the lowest doses because it makes a big impact there is now a ke17clkpeuY-00029-00017896-00018552 new medication called entresto which is again changing the landscape of heart failure and this ke17clkpeuY-00030-00018552-00019016 is now being used but i suspect that a lot of people with heart failure are still not getting ke17clkpeuY-00031-00019016-00019464 it and tresto is another medication that can make a huge difference but the medication i'm going to ke17clkpeuY-00032-00019464-00019936 talk about is something completely different and this is really new information but this ke17clkpeuY-00033-00019936-00020400 could really make a huge difference so i thought i'd talk you through it the medication i'm going ke17clkpeuY-00034-00020400-00021056 to talk to you about is a medication called dapagliflozin okay dapaglisterflozen is an ke17clkpeuY-00035-00021176-00022080 medication it's called it's an sglt2 inhibitor and the way it reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic ke17clkpeuY-00036-00022080-00022640 patients is it increases the amount of glucose we pass in a urine so it causes a condition called ke17clkpeuY-00037-00022640-00023200 glycosyria glucose passes out of the urine extra water pulses out of the urine and that's how it ke17clkpeuY-00038-00023200-00023720 works in its anti-diabetic role however there's a really interesting study that has just been ke17clkpeuY-00039-00023720-00024656 published called dapa hf dapa hyphen hf in dapper hf what the researchers were interested in doing ke17clkpeuY-00040-00024656-00025168 was to see whether this medication could have an impact in patients with heart failure not ke17clkpeuY-00041-00025168-00025752 all the patients were studied have were diabetic but everyone had heart failure they took i think ke17clkpeuY-00042-00025752-00026464 4 744 patients with heart failure and by heart failure i mean their ejection fraction on an ke17clkpeuY-00043-00026464-00027024 echocardiogram was less than 40 percent and they were randomized either just to placebo ke17clkpeuY-00044-00027024-00027472 with all these other medications i've talked about a centimeters beta blocker spironolactone ke17clkpeuY-00045-00027472-00028016 these patients were already on it but they were given a placebo versus being on them and ke17clkpeuY-00046-00028016-00028527 being given this agent called dapper and what they did was they followed these patients up ke17clkpeuY-00047-00028527-00029008 and the results have been incredible because what they found that patients who were given ke17clkpeuY-00048-00029008-00029760 the dapper had significantly less cardiovascular death less hospitalizations for heart failure and ke17clkpeuY-00049-00029760-00030312 better quality of life scores compared to those people who were given placebo so over and above ke17clkpeuY-00050-00030392-00031000 current optimal medications if you give these patients stepper they seem to do a lot better ke17clkpeuY-00051-00031000-00031512 and the most interesting thing is it didn't matter whether they were diabetic or not so the benefits ke17clkpeuY-00052-00031512-00032080 were seen even in patients who were not diabetic so here's an anti-diabetic medication but it seems ke17clkpeuY-00053-00032080-00032752 to benefit people who don't even have diabetes but have heart failure and there were really no major ke17clkpeuY-00054-00032752-00033440 or concerning side effects from this medication either so this is very interesting it's very new ke17clkpeuY-00055-00033440-00034056 i think there'll be a lot of more research around this study around this agent but i ke17clkpeuY-00056-00034056-00034520 think what we have is something that could be a game changer for patients with heart failure ke17clkpeuY-00057-00034520-00035064 the reason i wanted to do this video was because this is fairly groundbreaking research the problem ke17clkpeuY-00058-00035064-00035712 is that the research is just out but by the time it filters through and people start using dapper ke17clkpeuY-00059-00035712-00036328 on a sort of an everyday life and their patients may take a number of years in the meanwhile there ke17clkpeuY-00060-00036328-00036824 may be patients out there who have heart failure who are really struggling who are searching for ke17clkpeuY-00061-00036824-00037272 that additional medication that could make a difference if you are one of those patients ke17clkpeuY-00062-00037272-00037864 or if you know someone who has heart failure and they're struggling dapper may be the thing and it ke17clkpeuY-00063-00037864-00038336 it is available it is used in diabetic patients so it's a good idea to go and see a ke17clkpeuY-00064-00038336-00038952 cardiologist who has an interest and say look you know i'm on everything but i'm still struggling ke17clkpeuY-00065-00038952-00039384 how about dapper and maybe that might just make the difference ke59YC-ikfU-00000-00000594-00000860 NINA There's other additional values to studying ke59YC-ikfU-00001-00000861-00001526 globally with regard to making new really long-term friends, and friends that can carry ke59YC-ikfU-00002-00001526-00002141 you into new jobs or maybe even working overseas in the future. There's new doors and pathways ke59YC-ikfU-00003-00002141-00002721 that open when you're on exchange that you may not be open to if you stay home. ke59YC-ikfU-00004-00002721-00003173 With regard to the academic experience, it really taught me a lot about how to become ke59YC-ikfU-00005-00003173-00003839 adaptable and flexible to a new learning environment: how to approach understanding the needs and ke59YC-ikfU-00006-00003839-00004427 wants of new academics that I was working with, what calibre of work were they looking ke59YC-ikfU-00007-00004427-00004970 for, what was the kind of time constraints that I was given to complete that work? Also, ke59YC-ikfU-00008-00004971-00005496 mixing that in with a lifestyle change: having new social settings and social commitments, ke59YC-ikfU-00009-00005496-00005926 and also having new hobbies and recreational activities that were available to me that ke59YC-ikfU-00010-00005926-00006326 wouldn't be available at home. While I was on exchange, I feel like I developed ke59YC-ikfU-00011-00006326-00006630 a lot of skills both personally, academically, and with ke59YC-ikfU-00012-00006630-00007300 regards to my employability. I learned about resilience and flexibility with adapting to ke59YC-ikfU-00013-00007301-00007564 a new environment, to a new social setting, and ke59YC-ikfU-00014-00007564-00007881 to a new institutional framework. I also learned a lot about ke59YC-ikfU-00015-00007881-00008366 time management, and also my own ability to manage the different stresses that I have ke59YC-ikfU-00016-00008366-00008736 available to me, and to almost compartmentalise those for the ke59YC-ikfU-00017-00008736-00009097 most effective result. I think, as well, I learned a lot about ke59YC-ikfU-00018-00009097-00009635 communication, and specifically cross-cultural communication, and being able to share my ke59YC-ikfU-00019-00009635-00010132 understandings and conceptualisations and perspectives, and also integrate that understanding ke59YC-ikfU-00020-00010132-00010370 with what I'm learning around me. ke59YC-ikfU-00021-00010402-00011172 As well as that, I think I developed a lot with regard to my kind of—my ability to ke59YC-ikfU-00022-00011173-00011588 understand and problem-solve. Through that problem-solving, ke59YC-ikfU-00023-00011588-00012132 being able to be really resourceful I think, as well, was a really big part of it. kfiH0IwJzcA-00000-00001120-00001492 Hello and welcome to Do Try This at Home brought to you by the Institute of kfiH0IwJzcA-00001-00001492-00001903 Physics. We're making these films to help parents and carers across the UK kfiH0IwJzcA-00002-00001903-00002360 and Ireland get their kids excited and curious about the world around them. kfiH0IwJzcA-00003-00002360-00002880 My name's Jenny and welcome to my home. The activity I've got for you today kfiH0IwJzcA-00004-00002880-00003247 is out of this world. It's called the Toilet Roll Solar System, kfiH0IwJzcA-00005-00003247-00003568 perfect for anyone who likes space. What you'll need for this kfiH0IwJzcA-00006-00003568-00004407 is a toilet roll, a fresh clean one, some colouring pens or pencils, scissors, kfiH0IwJzcA-00007-00004407-00005055 some sheets of paper and a ruler. You'll also need a list of the planets kfiH0IwJzcA-00008-00005055-00005600 and their distances and sizes and you can find this on our website. kfiH0IwJzcA-00009-00005600-00005919 Now toilet roll's really horrible to draw on so we're going to draw the kfiH0IwJzcA-00010-00005919-00006184 planets on paper and then you can cut them out kfiH0IwJzcA-00011-00006184-00006528 and stick them on later. We're also going to need to shrink the kfiH0IwJzcA-00012-00006528-00006800 solar system to fit it onto a toilet roll kfiH0IwJzcA-00013-00006800-00007223 so the way we're going to do this is one sheet of toilet paper kfiH0IwJzcA-00014-00007223-00007847 is going to be 30 million kilometers and if we use this scale the Sun would kfiH0IwJzcA-00015-00007847-00008184 be this big. if the Sun was this big the Earth would kfiH0IwJzcA-00016-00008184-00008568 be too small to see so we're going to have to cheat. We're kfiH0IwJzcA-00017-00008568-00008928 going to make the Sun and the planets 100 times bigger kfiH0IwJzcA-00018-00008928-00009343 and if we did that the sun would be this big. kfiH0IwJzcA-00019-00009488-00010032 And if the sun is this big the Earth would be this big and that makes kfiH0IwJzcA-00020-00010032-00010472 everything a bit easier to see. The first thing you need to do is build kfiH0IwJzcA-00021-00010472-00010815 your worlds and I'm going to hand you over to two kfiH0IwJzcA-00022-00010815-00011584 planet building experts for this part. kfiH0IwJzcA-00023-00014047-00014440 Great! Now you've got your planets ready you're ready to stick them down and lay kfiH0IwJzcA-00024-00014440-00014976 out your toilet roll solar system. Let's go on the grand tour. kfiH0IwJzcA-00025-00014984-00015391 We're starting at the centre of the solar system with our Sun, kfiH0IwJzcA-00026-00015391-00015895 an ordinary star about halfway through its lifetime. kfiH0IwJzcA-00027-00015895-00016240 Place your loo roll to the edge of the Sun and roll out kfiH0IwJzcA-00028-00016240-00016672 two sheets to get to your first planet Mercury, kfiH0IwJzcA-00029-00016672-00017095 the smallest of the planets, just a little bit bigger than our moon kfiH0IwJzcA-00030-00017095-00017431 and covered in craters. kfiH0IwJzcA-00031-00017480-00018112 Next is Venus, another rocky planet with a thick poisonous atmosphere where kfiH0IwJzcA-00032-00018112-00018823 temperatures can reach over 470 degrees c. Third rock from the Sun, kfiH0IwJzcA-00033-00018823-00019208 our home. A little bigger than Venus the Earth is just kfiH0IwJzcA-00034-00019208-00019576 far enough away from our star for water to be a liquid kfiH0IwJzcA-00035-00019576-00019920 but not too far away that it's all frozen. kfiH0IwJzcA-00036-00019920-00020584 Moving on to Mars, the final rocky planet, it's about half as wide as the Earth. On kfiH0IwJzcA-00037-00020584-00021159 average it's a chilly minus 63 degrees c with ice caps made of solid carbon kfiH0IwJzcA-00038-00021159-00021776 dioxide. Leaving the small inner planets behind kfiH0IwJzcA-00039-00021776-00022456 we go out to Jupiter, the first of the gas giants, and it kfiH0IwJzcA-00040-00022456-00022928 really is giant –over 11 times as wide as Earth kfiH0IwJzcA-00041-00022928-00023287 and has a mass that is two and a half times greater kfiH0IwJzcA-00042-00023287-00023864 than the mass of all the other planets in the solar system put together. kfiH0IwJzcA-00043-00023864-00024615 Moving on we reach another gas giant, Saturn, the second largest planet in the kfiH0IwJzcA-00044-00024615-00025008 solar system and the lord of the rings. It isn't the kfiH0IwJzcA-00045-00025008-00025408 only planet to have rings but it definitely has the most beautiful kfiH0IwJzcA-00046-00025408-00025895 ones. Six down and two to go and there's a kfiH0IwJzcA-00047-00025895-00026304 reason that the last pair are called the outer planets. kfiH0IwJzcA-00048-00026304-00026808 It took the Voyager spacecraft five years to travel this distance. kfiH0IwJzcA-00049-00026808-00027383 About four Earths across, Uranus is an ice giant and was the first planet to be kfiH0IwJzcA-00050-00027383-00028016 discovered using a telescope. And finally up here in the loft, kfiH0IwJzcA-00051-00028016-00028416 four and a half billion kilometers out from the Sun, kfiH0IwJzcA-00052-00028416-00028775 we reach the last planet that we know about, kfiH0IwJzcA-00053-00028775-00029352 Neptune! Another ice giant about the same size as uranus and surrounded by kfiH0IwJzcA-00054-00029352-00029808 supersonic winds that take 165 years to complete kfiH0IwJzcA-00055-00029808-00030568 one lap around its host star the Sun. We got all the way to the loft it's such kfiH0IwJzcA-00056-00030568-00031039 a long way to Neptune and that's just in our solar system. kfiH0IwJzcA-00057-00031039-00031616 So let's roll it up, repairing any tears as we go, kfiH0IwJzcA-00058-00031616-00032283 and put it back into its box to treasure kfiH0IwJzcA-00059-00032283-00032695 forever. If you liked this film then please give kfiH0IwJzcA-00060-00032695-00033040 it a like and why not head on over to our website where there's lots more kfiH0IwJzcA-00061-00033040-00033984 activities that you can do at home. Thanks for watching and see you next time! kh3Q6WFTHMI-00000-00000069-00000405 We waited and waited for Ethereum 2.0, and now kh3Q6WFTHMI-00001-00000405-00000729 that the Merge is finally upon us, it's hard to kh3Q6WFTHMI-00002-00000729-00000846 contain our excitement. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00003-00000944-00001302 Ethereum 2.0 is going to really shake things up kh3Q6WFTHMI-00004-00001302-00001404 in the world of crypto. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00005-00001458-00001748 ETH 2.0 will be more scalable, more sustainable, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00006-00001748-00002034 more secure, and some are even saying it might kh3Q6WFTHMI-00007-00002034-00002397 outpace Visa. Those are some pretty hefty kh3Q6WFTHMI-00008-00002397-00002565 promises, so let's dive in. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00009-00002568-00002805 I'm Jackson DuMont, director of video at kh3Q6WFTHMI-00010-00002805-00003081 Cointelegraph. In this video, we'll explain what kh3Q6WFTHMI-00011-00003081-00003432 Ethereum 2.0 exactly is and answer many of the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00012-00003432-00003647 questions that may be lingering in your mind kh3Q6WFTHMI-00013-00003647-00003750 surrounding the Merge. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00014-00003759-00003965 If you haven't done so already, please consider kh3Q6WFTHMI-00015-00003965-00004179 leaving the like and clicking that subscribe kh3Q6WFTHMI-00016-00004179-00004398 button. We are the leading media for crypto news kh3Q6WFTHMI-00017-00004398-00004533 coverage and education. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00018-00005943-00006231 Why is the upgrade such a game changer? kh3Q6WFTHMI-00019-00006345-00006551 If you didn't already put two and two together, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00020-00006552-00006881 Ethereum 2.0, or ETH 2.0 for short, is a set of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00021-00006881-00007044 upgrades to the Ethereum blockchain. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00022-00007131-00007383 The new and improved Ethereum 2.0 uses a kh3Q6WFTHMI-00023-00007383-00007709 proof-of-stake protocol to verify transactions in kh3Q6WFTHMI-00024-00007709-00007941 place of a legacy proof-of-work algorithm. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00025-00008055-00008220 If you're not a crypto native and you're not kh3Q6WFTHMI-00026-00008220-00008469 familiar with all this lingo, stick around and kh3Q6WFTHMI-00027-00008469-00008673 we'll explain it in more detail later on in the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00028-00008673-00009006 video. But first, let's zoom out and look at the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00029-00009006-00009304 bigger picture. The "why" of all of this. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00030-00009304-00009564 And to figure out why something as drastic as kh3Q6WFTHMI-00031-00009564-00009834 Ethereum 2.0 is needed in the first place, we kh3Q6WFTHMI-00032-00009834-00010137 need to look at the three S's: scalability, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00033-00010137-00010326 security and sustainability. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00034-00010371-00010869 Scalability. Ethereum 1.0 could only handle an kh3Q6WFTHMI-00035-00010869-00011094 average of 13 transactions per second. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00036-00011106-00011343 So when the network is really busy processing kh3Q6WFTHMI-00037-00011343-00011607 transactions, the transactions will compete with kh3Q6WFTHMI-00038-00011607-00011892 another for a slot, and the cost per transaction kh3Q6WFTHMI-00039-00011892-00012048 can times skyrocket. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00040-00012063-00012414 Just how much? We've seen fees as high as $70 per kh3Q6WFTHMI-00041-00012414-00012651 transaction. That's like buying God of War kh3Q6WFTHMI-00042-00012652-00012834 Ragnarök every time you want to make a kh3Q6WFTHMI-00043-00012834-00013391 transaction. That's way too much. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00044-00013396-00013694 Ethereum 1.0 is running all these transactions on kh3Q6WFTHMI-00045-00013694-00013997 one single lane, but to reduce network congestion kh3Q6WFTHMI-00046-00013997-00014231 and increase transactions per second, Ethereum kh3Q6WFTHMI-00047-00014231-00014500 2.0 will split the load of the entire network kh3Q6WFTHMI-00048-00014501-00014719 among 63 other shards. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00049-00014756-00014963 This will lay the groundwork for the so called kh3Q6WFTHMI-00050-00014963-00015236 "surge", which can perform more than a 100,000 kh3Q6WFTHMI-00051-00015236-00015350 transactions per second. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00052-00015377-00015725 In comparison, Visa executes something like 1,700 kh3Q6WFTHMI-00053-00015725-00015833 transactions per second. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00054-00015866-00016136 Eventually, the shards may even become as fully kh3Q6WFTHMI-00055-00016136-00016343 executable as the Ethereum chain. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00056-00016346-00016610 At which point we'd have our old blockchain and kh3Q6WFTHMI-00057-00016610-00016761 63 new blockchains. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00058-00016763-00016937 Now that is an upgrade. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00059-00017039-00017228 Nice. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00060-00017228-00017501 Security. When it comes to decentralized networks, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00061-00017501-00017780 security is always a top priority. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00062-00017792-00018050 These two will make the network resistant to all kh3Q6WFTHMI-00063-00018050-00018263 forms of attacks, including what's known among kh3Q6WFTHMI-00064-00018263-00018522 the crypto community as 51% attacks. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00065-00018524-00018809 That's when malicious users gain control of more kh3Q6WFTHMI-00066-00018809-00019073 than 50% of a blockchain's computing power. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00067-00019100-00019394 The proof-of-stake system makes 51% attacks kh3Q6WFTHMI-00068-00019394-00019529 incredibly difficult. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00069-00019529-00019766 To carry out a successful attack, you'd have to kh3Q6WFTHMI-00070-00019766-00020084 control 51% of the validators, which means you'd kh3Q6WFTHMI-00071-00020084-00020297 have to own 51% of the capital. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00072-00020348-00020576 The transition to proof-of-stake makes Ethereum kh3Q6WFTHMI-00073-00020576-00020810 slightly more secured and decentralized. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00074-00020810-00021068 And just like fine wines or cheese, it'll only kh3Q6WFTHMI-00075-00021068-00021178 get better over time. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00076-00021179-00021428 The more people participate in the network, the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00077-00021428-00021653 more decentralized it will get and the more kh3Q6WFTHMI-00078-00021653-00021764 secure it will get. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00079-00021818-00022244 Sustainability. Ethereum 1.0 as proof-of-work kh3Q6WFTHMI-00080-00022244-00022532 mechanism requires tons of energy to secure the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00081-00022532-00022838 network. Miners increase their odds of success by kh3Q6WFTHMI-00082-00022838-00023090 acquiring increasingly power hungry mining kh3Q6WFTHMI-00083-00023090-00023351 equipment. This not only increases the Ethereum kh3Q6WFTHMI-00084-00023351-00023570 Network's energy consumption, but it also kh3Q6WFTHMI-00085-00023570-00023726 generates hardware waste. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00086-00023738-00023966 In fact, as a result of the legacy proof-of-work kh3Q6WFTHMI-00087-00023966-00024206 protocol, Ethereum has an annual power kh3Q6WFTHMI-00088-00024206-00024446 consumption approximately equal to that of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00089-00024446-00024698 Finland and a carbon footprint similar to kh3Q6WFTHMI-00090-00024698-00024911 Switzerland. But since miners staking their kh3Q6WFTHMI-00091-00024911-00025160 energy resources are no longer needed to secure kh3Q6WFTHMI-00092-00025160-00025502 transactions, Ethereum 2.0 will reduce its carbon kh3Q6WFTHMI-00093-00025502-00025777 footprint by 99.95%. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00094-00025814-00026081 And since proof-of-stake is roughly 2,000 times kh3Q6WFTHMI-00095-00026081-00026312 more efficient than proof-of-work, the energy kh3Q6WFTHMI-00096-00026312-00026582 expenditure will be equal to the cost of running kh3Q6WFTHMI-00097-00026582-00026858 a laptop for each node on the network. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00098-00026891-00027099 That's right. A laptop. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00099-00027099-00027287 Excited? I know I am. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00100-00027289-00027500 Now that we've built up the hype for the upgrade, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00101-00027500-00027717 let's dive into the technical details. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00102-00027719-00027917 How does Ethereum 2.0 work? kh3Q6WFTHMI-00103-00028106-00028338 You see, all this time, the legacy of Ethereum kh3Q6WFTHMI-00104-00028338-00028552 mainnet blockchain has been secured by a kh3Q6WFTHMI-00105-00028552-00028676 proof-of-work model. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00106-00028679-00028856 It's the Ethereum blockchain we're used to kh3Q6WFTHMI-00107-00028858-00029030 containing all the things we are familiar with: kh3Q6WFTHMI-00108-00029030-00029258 every transaction, smart contract and balance kh3Q6WFTHMI-00109-00029258-00029383 since July 2015. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00110-00029383-00029639 But proof-of-work is not just limited to Ethereum. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00111-00029657-00029864 It's a battle-tested approach to building kh3Q6WFTHMI-00112-00029864-00030155 cryptocurrencies, and it works a lot like this. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00113-00030188-00030455 Cryptocurrency miners use powerful computers to kh3Q6WFTHMI-00114-00030455-00030776 carry out complex math functions known as hashes. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00115-00030800-00031037 The miners are in a race to see who can solve the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00116-00031037-00031320 functions the fastest and validate transactions. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00117-00031322-00031570 And as they rush to the finish line, the mining kh3Q6WFTHMI-00118-00031570-00031852 process devours an ever increasing amount of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00119-00031852-00032177 electricity in attempt to verify each and every kh3Q6WFTHMI-00120-00032177-00032429 Ethereum transaction before they're recorded on a kh3Q6WFTHMI-00121-00032443-00032726 blockchain. But enough about proof-of-work. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00122-00032764-00033029 It's out with the old, in with the new. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00123-00033032-00033245 Proof-of-stake removes the miners from the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00124-00033245-00033521 equation altogether so that instead of machines' kh3Q6WFTHMI-00125-00033521-00033773 security networks, the responsibility falls on, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00126-00033773-00033977 well, responsible users. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00127-00033980-00034094 Here's how it works. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00128-00034109-00034418 Users who want to secure their network must stake kh3Q6WFTHMI-00129-00034418-00034808 at least 32 ETH and become known as validators. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00130-00034838-00035081 An algorithm looks at how much cryptocurrency kh3Q6WFTHMI-00131-00035081-00035345 users have locked up to select which lucky kh3Q6WFTHMI-00132-00035345-00035594 validator gets to add the next block on the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00133-00035594-00035882 blockchain. Essentially, this means that the more kh3Q6WFTHMI-00134-00035882-00036128 the validator stakes, the more likely it is that kh3Q6WFTHMI-00135-00036128-00036380 that particular validator will get to produce kh3Q6WFTHMI-00136-00036380-00036716 blocks. Needless to say, these validators have kh3Q6WFTHMI-00137-00036716-00036991 skin in the game. They're incentivized. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00138-00036991-00037211 Like miners are in the proof-of-work model by the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00139-00037211-00037403 block reward and transaction fees. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00140-00037421-00037646 To prevent validators from getting greedy and kh3Q6WFTHMI-00141-00037646-00037886 attempting to validate fraudulent transactions, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00142-00037886-00038207 the proof-of-stake system will slash a portion of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00143-00038207-00038309 their staked ETH. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00144-00038375-00038648 What does it take to upgrade the entire Ethereum kh3Q6WFTHMI-00145-00038648-00039040 infrastructure? Rome wasn't built in a day, and kh3Q6WFTHMI-00146-00039040-00039220 neither was Ethereum 2.0. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00147-00039248-00039447 75 years later. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00148-00039447-00039640 Ethereum developers have been working toward kh3Q6WFTHMI-00149-00039640-00039883 transitioning away from the proof-of-work model kh3Q6WFTHMI-00150-00039883-00040117 to a proof-of-stake model for quite some time. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00151-00040117-00040375 But tangible progress was finally made on kh3Q6WFTHMI-00152-00040375-00040696 December 1st, 2020 with the launch of the Beacon kh3Q6WFTHMI-00153-00040696-00041020 Chain. The Beacon Chain was created to introduce kh3Q6WFTHMI-00154-00041020-00041254 proof-of-stake into the Ethereum ecosystem. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00155-00041266-00041542 For over one and a half years, Ethereum has been kh3Q6WFTHMI-00156-00041542-00041845 running not one but two parallel blockchains kh3Q6WFTHMI-00157-00041845-00042130 simultaneously. One operates using the legacy kh3Q6WFTHMI-00158-00042130-00042351 proof-of-work protocol in the Ethereum mainnet kh3Q6WFTHMI-00159-00042352-00042655 blockchain as the execution layer, while the new kh3Q6WFTHMI-00160-00042655-00042901 Beacon Chain operates using proof-of-stake as the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00161-00042901-00043035 consensus layer. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00162-00043035-00043306 In a process you've probably heard of now known as kh3Q6WFTHMI-00163-00043306-00043549 the Merge, the current proof-of-work algorithm kh3Q6WFTHMI-00164-00043549-00043789 will be merged with a proof-of-stake system kh3Q6WFTHMI-00165-00043789-00044038 controlled and coordinated by the Beacon Chain. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00166-00044038-00044317 When these two systems finally come together, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00167-00044320-00044596 proof-of-work will be replaced by proof-of-stake, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00168-00044596-00044851 merging the entire transactional history of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00169-00044851-00045163 Ethereum. The Merge will be the most significant kh3Q6WFTHMI-00170-00045163-00045382 upgrade in the history of Ethereum and the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00171-00045382-00045682 ramifications of the Merge will be huge in the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00172-00045682-00046033 world of crypto. Full disclosure for any warriors kh3Q6WFTHMI-00173-00046033-00046347 out there, no transaction history will be lost. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00174-00046348-00046582 Your funds are completely safe. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00175-00046585-00046795 You don't even need to do anything. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00176-00046795-00047095 You can just sit back and watch some major crypto kh3Q6WFTHMI-00177-00047095-00047314 tech do its magic. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00178-00047317-00047461 Terms and conditions apply. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00179-00047509-00047764 After the Merge, the next big upgrade on the kh3Q6WFTHMI-00180-00047764-00048020 Ethereum horizon is, brace yourselves, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00181-00048022-00048229 introducing sharding to the network. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00182-00048247-00048538 Sharding is the process of splitting a database kh3Q6WFTHMI-00183-00048538-00048811 into multiple sets to spread the load, like kh3Q6WFTHMI-00184-00048811-00049036 opening up lanes in a highway to lessen traffic, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00185-00049036-00049312 sharding will reduce congestion on the network by kh3Q6WFTHMI-00186-00049312-00049624 giving Ethereum more capacity to store and access kh3Q6WFTHMI-00187-00049624-00049819 data instead of executing code. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00188-00049840-00050116 Sharding will eventually allow you and I to run kh3Q6WFTHMI-00189-00050116-00050356 Ethereum on our laptops or phones. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00190-00050356-00050584 As it scales up, and more and more people kh3Q6WFTHMI-00191-00050584-00050854 participate in a shared Ethereum, the more kh3Q6WFTHMI-00192-00050854-00051112 decentralized the network becomes and the more kh3Q6WFTHMI-00193-00051112-00051511 secure. And so, only by introducing sharding into kh3Q6WFTHMI-00194-00051511-00051844 the network can Ethereum 2.0 scale up far enough kh3Q6WFTHMI-00195-00051844-00052048 to achieve what it set out to do. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00196-00052075-00052380 The truth is, these upgrades were always part of kh3Q6WFTHMI-00197-00052380-00052486 the Ethereum roadmap. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00198-00052525-00052810 Since its inception, Ethereum has forged a path kh3Q6WFTHMI-00199-00052810-00053065 toward increasing scalability while preserving kh3Q6WFTHMI-00200-00053065-00053311 values that are deeply rooted in the space, kh3Q6WFTHMI-00201-00053311-00053602 values such as decentralization and transparency. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00202-00053655-00053899 But there are so many moving pieces and they're kh3Q6WFTHMI-00203-00053899-00054049 all so very cutting edge. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00204-00054049-00054394 So, only time will tell what Ethereum 2.0 will be kh3Q6WFTHMI-00205-00054394-00054649 able to achieve. If you enjoy the video, be sure kh3Q6WFTHMI-00206-00054649-00054866 to like it and leave us a comment below. kh3Q6WFTHMI-00207-00054866-00055041 And please don't forget to subscribe to our kh3Q6WFTHMI-00208-00055041-00055315 channel. The Cointelegraph Cryptopedia is your kh3Q6WFTHMI-00209-00055315-00055530 guide to the chaotic space of blockchain kh3Q6WFTHMI-00210-00055530-00055747 technology and cryptocurrencies. kkROpk_zgyY-00000-00000780-00001034 Yes, welcome to TenTen4 Kids again kkROpk_zgyY-00001-00001076-00001498 This time I have different vocabulary items as you see kkROpk_zgyY-00002-00001610-00001778 I have 18 vocabulary items kkROpk_zgyY-00003-00001818-00002216 In order to attract my students' attention or to revise the previous lesson, kkROpk_zgyY-00004-00002236-00002734 I want my students to "cut the cards" as a warm-up activity kkROpk_zgyY-00005-00002746-00002872 They cut the cards kkROpk_zgyY-00006-00002884-00003338 Then, they choose any of the cards here kkROpk_zgyY-00007-00003364-00003614 Which one to choose? Let's say television kkROpk_zgyY-00008-00003679-00003906 Of course, I will not see their card. kkROpk_zgyY-00009-00003928-00004158 They just memorize the card they've chosen, kkROpk_zgyY-00010-00004190-00004484 and they put the card at the top of the pile here kkROpk_zgyY-00011-00004576-00004998 yes, now I put the television somewhere in the middle here, kkROpk_zgyY-00012-00005014-00005168 and mix the cards kkROpk_zgyY-00013-00005331-00005516 Yes, cut it again! kkROpk_zgyY-00014-00005646-00005880 Not enough? Cut it again! kkROpk_zgyY-00015-00006026-00006076 Yes kkROpk_zgyY-00016-00006126-00006296 Let's mix the cards again kkROpk_zgyY-00017-00006384-00006659 Now, let's see whether I will be able to find their card or not kkROpk_zgyY-00018-00006991-00007105 Not this one kkROpk_zgyY-00019-00007196-00007315 Not again kkROpk_zgyY-00020-00007513-00007709 Can it be the one after this card? kkROpk_zgyY-00021-00008042-00008388 How is this possible then? Isn't it interesting? kkROpk_zgyY-00022-00008462-00008785 Shall we learn how I have found it? kkROpk_zgyY-00023-00008814-00009112 Before learning it, let's try it once more kkROpk_zgyY-00024-00009112-00009212 This time kkROpk_zgyY-00025-00009234-00009544 Let's talk about the "language focus" in this card trick kkROpk_zgyY-00026-00009610-00009738 Ok, we have cut the cards kkROpk_zgyY-00027-00009752-00009888 Super kkROpk_zgyY-00028-00009915-00010152 We've asked them to choose a card from here kkROpk_zgyY-00029-00010207-00010408 Which card will they choose? kkROpk_zgyY-00030-00010408-00010758 A bookcase? or a Bathtube? Ok. Let's say "bookcase" kkROpk_zgyY-00031-00010768-00011170 They put the card they choose at the top of the pile. Ok? kkROpk_zgyY-00032-00011268-00011380 Now kkROpk_zgyY-00033-00011494-00011594 Yes kkROpk_zgyY-00034-00011630-00011832 Let's find that card! kkROpk_zgyY-00035-00011896-00012246 Television kkROpk_zgyY-00036-00012318-00012586 Coffee table? kkROpk_zgyY-00037-00012682-00012782 Owen? kkROpk_zgyY-00038-00013388-00013716 Lamp, yes! Your card is here I think! kkROpk_zgyY-00039-00013822-00014076 Yeeees! Bookcase kkROpk_zgyY-00040-00014193-00014449 How is this possible? kkROpk_zgyY-00041-00014480-00014798 I'm mixing the cards kkROpk_zgyY-00042-00014798-00014948 I just memorize the card at the bottom of the pile kkROpk_zgyY-00043-00014980-00015140 The one at the bottom, rug! kkROpk_zgyY-00044-00015240-00015524 Then, I cut the cards. We know that kkROpk_zgyY-00045-00015524-00015626 there is a "rug" at the bottom of this pile kkROpk_zgyY-00046-00015666-00015944 I want them to choose a card from this pile kkROpk_zgyY-00047-00016001-00016101 Bed kkROpk_zgyY-00048-00016151-00016297 They put it here kkROpk_zgyY-00049-00016409-00016628 Yes, "rug" at the bottom of the pile kkROpk_zgyY-00050-00016638-00016855 is right above the card they have chosen kkROpk_zgyY-00051-00016855-00017125 Now, let's mix the cards. If you are lucky, kkROpk_zgyY-00052-00017129-00017381 those two cards will not get seperated from each other kkROpk_zgyY-00053-00017381-00017683 Try to mix the cards in a way that you will not let them get separeted kkROpk_zgyY-00054-00017717-00017947 Yes, what will happen now? kkROpk_zgyY-00055-00017947-00018207 After the card "rug", there will come your card. kkROpk_zgyY-00056-00018207-00018330 Right? kkROpk_zgyY-00057-00018391-00018680 Not a refrigerator. Not a lamp kkROpk_zgyY-00058-00018680-00018803 Television kkROpk_zgyY-00059-00018850-00019139 Armchair, chair kkROpk_zgyY-00060-00019156-00019293 Shower kkROpk_zgyY-00061-00019395-00019672 Yes! Now you will see the card you've chosen kkROpk_zgyY-00062-00019749-00020026 Yes! It is a bed kkROpk_zgyY-00063-00020026-00020261 That's it! I hope you got the trick :) kkROpk_zgyY-00064-00020261-00020569 Enjoy the trick in your lessons. l3pznzd-f-M-00000-00000000-00000426 Hi, it's Peter. And in this video you're going to learn how l3pznzd-f-M-00001-00000426-00000762 to open up a Jupyter notebook in three different ways. l3pznzd-f-M-00002-00000951-00001302 The first way to open up a Jupyter Notebook is by going to l3pznzd-f-M-00003-00001302-00002016 the Windows Start menu. Searching for Anaconda 3 and l3pznzd-f-M-00004-00002016-00002433 then looking for Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda 3 in l3pznzd-f-M-00005-00002433-00003324 parentheses. After you select this, a new Jupyter notebook l3pznzd-f-M-00006-00003327-00003510 will be opened in a web browser. l3pznzd-f-M-00007-00003674-00004076 The second way to open up a Jupyter Notebook is to use the l3pznzd-f-M-00008-00004076-00004535 Anaconda Prompt. To open a Jupyter notebook with the l3pznzd-f-M-00009-00004535-00005168 Anaconda Prompt, first you go to the Windows Start Menu select l3pznzd-f-M-00010-00005174-00005813 Anaconda 3 and then select Anaconda Prompt with Anaconda 3 l3pznzd-f-M-00011-00005813-00006392 in parentheses. This will open up a new Anaconda Prompt l3pznzd-f-M-00012-00006395-00006977 terminal window in that black terminal window, type jupyter l3pznzd-f-M-00013-00007178-00008063 space notebook and then hit enter. This will open up a new l3pznzd-f-M-00014-00008063-00008285 Jupyter notebook in a web browser. l3pznzd-f-M-00015-00008507-00008846 The third way to open up a Jupyter notebook is by using l3pznzd-f-M-00016-00008849-00009392 Anaconda Navigator. You can find Anaconda Navigator by going to l3pznzd-f-M-00017-00009392-00009986 the Windows Start Menu, looking for Anaconda 3 and then l3pznzd-f-M-00018-00009986-00010619 selecting Anaconda Navigator. This will open up the Anaconda l3pznzd-f-M-00019-00010619-00011309 Navigator application. Here you can see the Anaconda Navigator l3pznzd-f-M-00020-00011309-00011972 window and in the middle there's a tile for Jupyter notebook. To l3pznzd-f-M-00021-00011972-00012314 launch a Jupyter notebook from the Anaconda Navigator screen, l3pznzd-f-M-00022-00012335-00013265 click the launch button. This will open up a Jupyter notebook l3pznzd-f-M-00023-00013271-00013421 in a web browser tab. l3pznzd-f-M-00024-00013580-00013904 I hope you've learned one of the ways to open up a Jupyter l3pznzd-f-M-00025-00013904-00014138 notebook. Thanks for watching. l3CFYqXpQiE-00000-00000641-00001013 Trump Officials Scared For Their Lives After Being Tracked Down And Told What They Must l3CFYqXpQiE-00001-00001013-00001157 Do To Trump l3CFYqXpQiE-00002-00001157-00001760 Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-D) must be incredibly proud of her accomplishments, as her divisive l3CFYqXpQiE-00003-00001760-00002157 cries for mob-like attacks and disruption against members of the Trump administration l3CFYqXpQiE-00004-00002157-00002319 have apparently been heeded. l3CFYqXpQiE-00005-00002319-00002674 Waters told a crowd at a “Keep Families Together” rally – “If you see anybody l3CFYqXpQiE-00006-00002674-00003193 from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out l3CFYqXpQiE-00007-00003193-00003558 and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome l3CFYqXpQiE-00008-00003558-00003740 anymore, anywhere.” l3CFYqXpQiE-00009-00003740-00004184 The left is clearly taking her advice, as once again a member of the Trump administration l3CFYqXpQiE-00010-00004184-00004507 was simply trying to eat a meal and minding his own business. l3CFYqXpQiE-00011-00004507-00004962 A woman chose to confront EPA administrator Scott Pruitt at a restaurant in Washington, l3CFYqXpQiE-00012-00004962-00005143 DC, on Monday. l3CFYqXpQiE-00013-00005143-00005550 This is the most recent encounter in a series of harassment instigated by leftist progressive l3CFYqXpQiE-00014-00005550-00005946 activists and a Trump administration official while in public. l3CFYqXpQiE-00015-00005946-00006414 According to Facebook, the activist who chose to publically accost Pruit is Kristin Mink, l3CFYqXpQiE-00016-00006414-00006918 formerly Kristin Hoven, and a professed supporter of two times failed presidential candidate, l3CFYqXpQiE-00017-00006918-00007225 Hillary Clinton and a teacher at Sidwell Friends School. l3CFYqXpQiE-00018-00007225-00007639 It is notable that Sidwell Friends is considered “the Harvard of Washington’s private schools” l3CFYqXpQiE-00019-00007639-00008131 and educated Sasha and Malia Obama, as well as Chelsea Clinton, among other children of l3CFYqXpQiE-00020-00008131-00008311 Washington elites. l3CFYqXpQiE-00021-00008311-00008767 A self-described feminist and “nasty woman”, Mink’s Facebook page is a veritable ode l3CFYqXpQiE-00022-00008767-00009001 to leftist progressive ideologies. l3CFYqXpQiE-00023-00009001-00009514 A supporter of climate change, abortion, Black Lives Matter, as well as open borders and l3CFYqXpQiE-00024-00009514-00009978 the abolition of ICE, Mink has dedicated her social media profile as a veritable shrine l3CFYqXpQiE-00025-00009978-00010403 to her efforts to impeach the current sitting president, Donald Trump.’ l3CFYqXpQiE-00026-00010403-00010890 In one post, Mink laments the color of her own child’s skin, stating she is “ashamed” l3CFYqXpQiE-00027-00010890-00011272 and citing his white privilege as she does not fear he may someday d*e at the hands of l3CFYqXpQiE-00028-00011272-00011517 police officers due to his skin color. l3CFYqXpQiE-00029-00011517-00011922 Mink chose to accost Pruit while eating out in Washington, DC on Tuesday evening with l3CFYqXpQiE-00030-00011922-00012086 her young son in tow. l3CFYqXpQiE-00031-00012086-00012528 She approached Pruitt’s table and began berating him and urging him to resign. l3CFYqXpQiE-00032-00012528-00012988 The 33-year-old resident of Silver Springs, Maryland was dining with her husband Ryan l3CFYqXpQiE-00033-00012988-00013459 three tables over the Teaism restaurant just four blocks from his office at the EPA’s l3CFYqXpQiE-00034-00013459-00013559 headquarters. l3CFYqXpQiE-00035-00013559-00013931 When her husband pointed Pruitt out to her, she stated to the New York Post her initial l3CFYqXpQiE-00036-00013931-00014119 reaction was “he’s the worst.” l3CFYqXpQiE-00037-00014119-00014474 She then made the decision to confront him. l3CFYqXpQiE-00038-00014474-00014574  l3CFYqXpQiE-00039-00014574-00014874 While holding a notepad of prepared remarks, she sputtered out an introduction with her l3CFYqXpQiE-00040-00014874-00015034 young son on her hip. l3CFYqXpQiE-00041-00015034-00015488 The heavily tattooed Mink began reading to Pruitt from her prepared remarks, as her husband l3CFYqXpQiE-00042-00015488-00015718 recorded the entire debacle. l3CFYqXpQiE-00043-00015718-00016169 Mink stated – “Hi, uhm, I just wanted to urge you to resign because of what you’re l3CFYqXpQiE-00044-00016169-00016686 doing to the environment…This is my son, he loves animals, he loves clean air, he loves l3CFYqXpQiE-00045-00016686-00017199 clean water…We deserve to have someone at the EPA who actually does protect our environment; l3CFYqXpQiE-00046-00017199-00017579 someone who actually does believe in climate change and actually takes it seriously for l3CFYqXpQiE-00047-00017579-00018085 the benefit of all of us, including our children…So I would urge you to resign before your scandals l3CFYqXpQiE-00048-00018085-00018246 push you out.” l3CFYqXpQiE-00049-00018246-00018635 The video ends shortly after Mink finished stumbling rant at Pruitt and then Mink claims l3CFYqXpQiE-00050-00018635-00018919 Pruitt left the restaurant before she returned to her seat. l3CFYqXpQiE-00051-00018919-00019316 It has been mind boggling watching the left come to the conclusion that it is rational l3CFYqXpQiE-00052-00019316-00019795 and socially acceptable to harass politicians they do not like in public. l3CFYqXpQiE-00053-00019795-00020195 Throughout the exchange, Pruitt can be seen calmly looking at her, paying attention to l3CFYqXpQiE-00054-00020195-00020581 what she is saying, though he says nothing throughout the exchange he did thank her when l3CFYqXpQiE-00055-00020581-00020853 she was finished and Mink was allowed to speak freely. l3CFYqXpQiE-00056-00020853-00021145 “He literally said nothing,” she told The Post. l3CFYqXpQiE-00057-00021145-00021719 “He had no response, he had no defense, he had no apology, he did no explaining, he l3CFYqXpQiE-00058-00021719-00021906 did no denying.” l3CFYqXpQiE-00059-00021906-00022360 Mink then posted the video on Facebook and Twitter where it subsequently went viral. l3CFYqXpQiE-00060-00022360-00022472 The Post reports – l3CFYqXpQiE-00061-00022472-00022941 “Pruitt’s spokesman claimed he didn’t leave because of Mink, and he also thanked l3CFYqXpQiE-00062-00022941-00023117 her after she was done. l3CFYqXpQiE-00063-00023117-00023581 “Administrator Pruitt always welcomes input from Americans, whether they agree or disagree l3CFYqXpQiE-00064-00023581-00023844 with the decisions being made at EPA. l3CFYqXpQiE-00065-00023844-00024253 This is evident by him listening to her comments and going on to thank her, which is not shown l3CFYqXpQiE-00066-00024253-00024641 in the video,” EPA spokesman Lincoln Ferguson told The Post. l3CFYqXpQiE-00067-00024641-00025044 “His leaving had nothing to do with the confrontation, he had simply finished his l3CFYqXpQiE-00068-00025044-00025298 meal and needed to get back to the EPA for a briefing.” l3CFYqXpQiE-00069-00025298-00025798 Pruitt’s plate was covered in napkins – a sign that he had finished his meal – during l3CFYqXpQiE-00070-00025798-00025944 the encounter. l3CFYqXpQiE-00071-00025944-00026322 She told The Post she’s been protesting the Trump administration, including getting l3CFYqXpQiE-00072-00026322-00026750 arrested at the Hart Senate Office Building last week over the policy to separate parents l3CFYqXpQiE-00073-00026750-00026947 and children at the U.S. southern border. l3CFYqXpQiE-00074-00026947-00027372 ‘This wasn’t planned or organized, I literally just saw him and said you are the man who l3CFYqXpQiE-00075-00027372-00027885 is ruining the future, for the children, for the next generation,’ Mink said, explaining l3CFYqXpQiE-00076-00027885-00028195 she did what she did not as an activist but as a ‘mom and citizen.'” l3CFYqXpQiE-00077-00028195-00028701 Pruitt’s name has been added to a quickly expanding list of Trump administration officials l3CFYqXpQiE-00078-00028701-00029132 that have been publically accoasted, heckled, taunted, and asked to leave restaurants in l3CFYqXpQiE-00079-00029132-00029382 the Washington, D.C. area. l3CFYqXpQiE-00080-00029382-00029807 Recently, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was famously turned away l3CFYqXpQiE-00081-00029807-00030281 from the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia by its owner last month, and Homeland l3CFYqXpQiE-00082-00030281-00030789 Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielson was infamously heckled by a group of self-professed socialist l3CFYqXpQiE-00083-00030789-00031207 protesters who loudly interrupted her dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. l3CFYqXpQiE-00084-00031207-00031604 Trump aide Stephen Miller was also accused of being a “fascist” at a Mexican restaurant l3CFYqXpQiE-00085-00031604-00031754 in the DC area. l3CFYqXpQiE-00086-00031754-00032243 In response, Sanders is now actively receiving Secret Service protection, the first press l3CFYqXpQiE-00087-00032243-00032477 secretary ever to do so. l3CFYqXpQiE-00088-00032477-00032881 This also comes on the heels of threats against members of the Trump family and administration l3CFYqXpQiE-00089-00032881-00033269 and their families – no one was spared as even children have been threatened with rape l3CFYqXpQiE-00090-00033269-00033394 and kidnapping. l3CFYqXpQiE-00091-00033394-00033831 It begs to ask the question, now that these confrontations have become “trendy” largely l3CFYqXpQiE-00092-00033831-00034278 at the urging of radical leftist politicians like Waters, just how long will it be before l3CFYqXpQiE-00093-00034278-00034732 they cross the line into outright assault or even death, and unlike with Rep. Steve l3CFYqXpQiE-00094-00034732-00036076 Scalise (LA-R) they may be successful this time. l3NS8DAD6Fu-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video l3NS8DAD6Fu-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view l3NS8DAD6Fu-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. l3NS8DAD6Fu-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much l4vyreh-mly-00000-00000064-00001136 Like, Subscribe, And Share! l7bFSyn7B5y-00000-00000070-00000549 “I don’t have anything to hide; my life isn’t so interesting; why should I care l7bFSyn7B5y-00001-00000549-00000817 if companies are collecting my data?” l7bFSyn7B5y-00002-00000817-00001478 Today, let’s examine that argument and see why everyone, including you, should care about l7bFSyn7B5y-00003-00001478-00001862 companies respecting your privacy and personal data. l7bFSyn7B5y-00004-00001862-00002281 There are a lot of aspects of data collection you may have never thought about before, so l7bFSyn7B5y-00005-00002281-00002526 I think you’ll find this video pretty eye-opening. l7bFSyn7B5y-00006-00002526-00002720 So with that said, let’s jump right in l7bFSyn7B5y-00007-00002720-00003401 Let’s start by looking at what information is usually collected about us on a day to l7bFSyn7B5y-00008-00003401-00003501 day basis. l7bFSyn7B5y-00009-00003501-00003967 Companies such as Google and Facebook monitor your activity on their own sites, and on any l7bFSyn7B5y-00010-00003967-00004507 sites on which they serve ads or which use analytics tools provided by these companies, l7bFSyn7B5y-00011-00004507-00004737 which is probably most websites you visit. l7bFSyn7B5y-00012-00004737-00005221 There, they can learn about your interests, your shopping history, your location via your l7bFSyn7B5y-00013-00005221-00005752 IP address or GPS on your phone, and what kind of ads and content you enjoy most and l7bFSyn7B5y-00014-00005752-00005909 respond to best. l7bFSyn7B5y-00015-00005909-00006268 And that’s even if you don’t have any account on these platforms. l7bFSyn7B5y-00016-00006268-00006688 If you do have an account, they will be able to analyze even more about what you’re interested l7bFSyn7B5y-00017-00006688-00006942 in given how you use their services. l7bFSyn7B5y-00018-00006942-00007379 And large tech companies, as well as governments (which I’ll get to in a future video), are l7bFSyn7B5y-00019-00007379-00007893 able to use this seemingly benign data they have about you to compile a much more in-depth l7bFSyn7B5y-00020-00007893-00008140 profile on who you are. l7bFSyn7B5y-00021-00008140-00008586 Advertisers on Facebook, for example, can choose which demographics groups to show, l7bFSyn7B5y-00022-00008586-00009160 or not show, their ads to, based on users’ gender, age, location (with specificity down l7bFSyn7B5y-00023-00009160-00009686 to just a mile from any point, or you can target by congressional district, zip codes, l7bFSyn7B5y-00024-00009686-00009871 neighborhoods, etc.). l7bFSyn7B5y-00025-00009871-00010336 Also available for targeting are demographics including your education history including l7bFSyn7B5y-00026-00010336-00010852 where, when, and what you studied and what kind of degree you achieved, your occupation l7bFSyn7B5y-00027-00010852-00011392 and employer, your relationship status (including whether you’re in a long-distance relationship l7bFSyn7B5y-00028-00011392-00011946 for example), your device usage, what countries you’ve lived in, the ages of your children, l7bFSyn7B5y-00029-00011946-00012424 whether you or your friends recently got married, engaged, moved, or have a birthday coming l7bFSyn7B5y-00030-00012424-00012857 up, whether you’re at a new job or in a new relationship, whether you’re a frequent l7bFSyn7B5y-00031-00012857-00013276 traveler or commuter, what your political leanings are, what kinds of Facebook pages l7bFSyn7B5y-00032-00013276-00013922 you are an admin of, and only until very recently your race and ethnicity (which Facebook called l7bFSyn7B5y-00033-00013922-00014393 “multicultural affinity”), though it’s probably not too difficult to use the other l7bFSyn7B5y-00034-00014393-00014932 targeting options as a workaround to continue to target those groups. l7bFSyn7B5y-00035-00014932-00015497 Facebook also warns advertisers not to discriminate, but it has been done in the past, and clearly l7bFSyn7B5y-00036-00015497-00015716 isn’t difficult to do so. l7bFSyn7B5y-00037-00015716-00016173 But just wait, because in addition to all those things, advertisers can also target l7bFSyn7B5y-00038-00016173-00016701 people who are and are not interested in certain things, which runs such a wide gamut that l7bFSyn7B5y-00039-00016701-00016954 pretty much whatever you can think of is in there. l7bFSyn7B5y-00040-00016954-00017523 For example, there are activist groups; news organizations; genres of music, movies, art, l7bFSyn7B5y-00041-00017523-00018073 and books; foods and restaurants; businesses; online dating websites; hobbies; clothing l7bFSyn7B5y-00042-00018073-00018637 and fashion; celebrities; political issues; travel destinations; religious groups and l7bFSyn7B5y-00043-00018637-00019159 activities; and enough else that advertisers can pretty much target the exact people they l7bFSyn7B5y-00044-00019159-00019406 want to see a specific ad. l7bFSyn7B5y-00045-00019406-00019969 And of course, advertisers can combine any of these demographics, or choose to exclude l7bFSyn7B5y-00046-00019969-00020634 certain ones, to truly establish the exact audience they want to see their ads. l7bFSyn7B5y-00047-00020634-00021136 And much of this information is not determined by you directly sharing it with the platform. l7bFSyn7B5y-00048-00021136-00021668 Instead, they can use what they do know about you to guess these things using sophisticated l7bFSyn7B5y-00049-00021668-00021879 machine-learning algorithms. l7bFSyn7B5y-00050-00021879-00022136 And Facebook is not the only culprit. l7bFSyn7B5y-00051-00022136-00022703 Data brokers you’ve probably never heard of have data for hundreds of millions of individuals l7bFSyn7B5y-00052-00022703-00023158 in the US and around the world, and it is similarly robust. l7bFSyn7B5y-00053-00023158-00023742 They come up with all of it by compiling information from government records, social media profiles, l7bFSyn7B5y-00054-00023742-00024342 and partner businesses like retailers and news and travel websites, and many data brokers l7bFSyn7B5y-00055-00024342-00024671 buy and sell information with each other. l7bFSyn7B5y-00056-00024671-00025174 Now hopefully you agree with me that that’s creepy, but is it actually harmful to you l7bFSyn7B5y-00057-00025174-00025348 that companies know this information? l7bFSyn7B5y-00058-00025348-00025843 What’s the big deal if companies serve you ads for products that align better with what l7bFSyn7B5y-00059-00025843-00025977 you’re interested in? l7bFSyn7B5y-00060-00025977-00026527 After all, advertisers themselves aren’t able to look up this data for any one specific l7bFSyn7B5y-00061-00026527-00026643 person. l7bFSyn7B5y-00062-00026643-00027298 Well even if companies actually store this data securely and responsibly, it can still l7bFSyn7B5y-00063-00027298-00027450 be problematic. l7bFSyn7B5y-00064-00027450-00028047 It allows, for example, political campaigns, or even foreign governments trying to influence l7bFSyn7B5y-00065-00028047-00028600 political campaigns, to target advertisements to particularly vulnerable groups of people l7bFSyn7B5y-00066-00028600-00028944 with messages that they might specifically resonate with. l7bFSyn7B5y-00067-00028944-00029430 They can even offer multiple conflicting messages to different groups separately. l7bFSyn7B5y-00068-00029430-00029980 And you may think you personally wouldn’t fall for these things, but I disagree. l7bFSyn7B5y-00069-00029980-00030447 Even if you aren’t swayed quite as easily as some people may be by an internet ad, I l7bFSyn7B5y-00070-00030447-00030956 think that hyper-targeted messages like this contributes to the echo chamber effect for l7bFSyn7B5y-00071-00030956-00031456 everyone, where we are not exposed to people with different experiences but are instead l7bFSyn7B5y-00072-00031456-00031855 fed information that already aligns with what we enjoy and believe in. l7bFSyn7B5y-00073-00031855-00032330 This applies to political ads, not just of politicians and campaigns, but also special l7bFSyn7B5y-00074-00032330-00032618 interest groups and media outlets. l7bFSyn7B5y-00075-00032618-00033189 But it also applies to product advertisements, where you are already being fed messaging l7bFSyn7B5y-00076-00033189-00033634 designed to make you think a certain product or service will be helpful to you, or that l7bFSyn7B5y-00077-00033634-00033904 a certain brand is better or higher quality. l7bFSyn7B5y-00078-00033904-00034485 But, when you mix ad targeting into this, I’d argue that subliminal messaging can l7bFSyn7B5y-00079-00034485-00035011 take ahold of your subconscious in a much more profound way, as almost every ad you l7bFSyn7B5y-00080-00035011-00035383 see will be something that you might already have an attachment to. l7bFSyn7B5y-00081-00035383-00035865 And I also see a second problem that comes along with targeted advertising, which applies l7bFSyn7B5y-00082-00035865-00036389 to everyone, and that is that by giving your data to companies, it allows their machine l7bFSyn7B5y-00083-00036389-00037033 learning algorithms to learn more about everybody, and in a way, you are playing a role in the l7bFSyn7B5y-00084-00037033-00037406 exploitation of the most vulnerable groups in our society. l7bFSyn7B5y-00085-00037406-00037999 And to top it all off, the fact that big companies that have websites that serve a geographically l7bFSyn7B5y-00086-00037999-00038640 diverse audience can target ads based on location in order to squeeze out more profit puts local l7bFSyn7B5y-00087-00038640-00039239 businesses, like newspapers, on a level playing field, which is more like a disadvantage because l7bFSyn7B5y-00088-00039239-00039878 of the more robust resources the larger companies have, whereas before being able to serve localized l7bFSyn7B5y-00089-00039878-00040449 advertisements was an important leg up local businesses had on large national or multinational l7bFSyn7B5y-00090-00040449-00040553 corporations. l7bFSyn7B5y-00091-00040553-00041122 And all of those things are just the downsides if companies do safeguard the data they collect. l7bFSyn7B5y-00092-00041122-00041611 If they don’t properly store their data — and every company makes mistakes, whether l7bFSyn7B5y-00093-00041611-00042247 out of ignorance, negligence, or malice — that data can get in the hands of bad actors who l7bFSyn7B5y-00094-00042247-00042818 don’t abide by any privacy policy or terms of service that you may have ignored but still l7bFSyn7B5y-00095-00042818-00042922 did agree to. l7bFSyn7B5y-00096-00042922-00043376 I’ve linked in the description two fascinating New York Times articles where journalists l7bFSyn7B5y-00097-00043376-00044122 were provided anonymously with a massive — and yes, anonymized — dataset from a data collection l7bFSyn7B5y-00098-00044122-00044582 company and the journalists were able to track individuals’ whereabouts by using public l7bFSyn7B5y-00099-00044582-00045116 records to determine where an individual’s home and/or work location was, which could l7bFSyn7B5y-00100-00045116-00045809 easily be used to identify patterns that could give away the identity of almost any “anonymous” l7bFSyn7B5y-00101-00045809-00045960 dot on the map. l7bFSyn7B5y-00102-00045960-00046619 Oh yeah, and these individuals included government employees such as military officials, congresspeople l7bFSyn7B5y-00103-00046619-00047195 and secret service agents, which, if the wrong person got ahold of the data, could drastically l7bFSyn7B5y-00104-00047195-00047441 undermine national security. l7bFSyn7B5y-00105-00047441-00047656 And it wouldn’t be too far-fetched. l7bFSyn7B5y-00106-00047656-00048365 Data breaches happen all the time, at an average of more than one per day, as a result of hacks, l7bFSyn7B5y-00107-00048365-00049071 physical intrusion or theft, just plain carelessness, or bad actors within one of these data collection l7bFSyn7B5y-00108-00049071-00049628 companies leaking a dataset to the public; or they could hand it over to a foreign government l7bFSyn7B5y-00109-00049628-00049728 instead. l7bFSyn7B5y-00110-00049728-00050283 By the way, outside of advertising, companies that have so much data can use it to inform l7bFSyn7B5y-00111-00050283-00050756 other marketing and strategy decisions, so by giving companies your data, you're just l7bFSyn7B5y-00112-00050756-00051057 making them free money that you should really have rights to. l7bFSyn7B5y-00113-00051057-00051396 They shouldn’t be able to profit off of your existence. l7bFSyn7B5y-00114-00051396-00051915 Now you may reasonably respond, well if they can’t make money off of data collection l7bFSyn7B5y-00115-00051915-00052529 and targeted advertisements, then I’ll start having to pay for services out of pocket instead. l7bFSyn7B5y-00116-00052529-00053057 And that brings me to my last point on companies collecting data, which is about what alternatives l7bFSyn7B5y-00117-00053057-00053563 are available to our current data-funded online economy. l7bFSyn7B5y-00118-00053563-00054061 One option is something like scroll, which is a service in which users pay a monthly l7bFSyn7B5y-00119-00054061-00054639 fee, which is distributed directly to participating platforms in exchange for an ad-free experience l7bFSyn7B5y-00120-00054639-00054800 on their websites. l7bFSyn7B5y-00121-00054800-00055329 As of now, it does not work with a very diverse array of websites, but that could change, l7bFSyn7B5y-00122-00055329-00055908 and hopefully, one day there will be one service that takes care of paying for most every website, l7bFSyn7B5y-00123-00055908-00056463 but I acknowledge that it could easily end up being more like the array of streaming l7bFSyn7B5y-00124-00056463-00056860 services we now have that each offer something slightly different. l7bFSyn7B5y-00125-00056860-00057353 If you are worried about having to pay for everything online, though, services like social l7bFSyn7B5y-00126-00057353-00057961 media platforms may start having a paid option for more features in their services if targeted l7bFSyn7B5y-00127-00057961-00058479 advertising goes away, but they need the userbase enough that the free option likely won’t l7bFSyn7B5y-00128-00058479-00058580 entirely disappear. l7bFSyn7B5y-00129-00058580-00059260 Now Google, as a data collection and ad serving service relies on ads for around 84% of its l7bFSyn7B5y-00130-00059260-00059360 revenue. l7bFSyn7B5y-00131-00059360-00059966 But the truth is, for those who display those ads as a source of income, even targeted advertising l7bFSyn7B5y-00132-00059966-00060355 doesn’t fully pay the bills, it’s really only a supplement. l7bFSyn7B5y-00133-00060355-00060859 Full-time independent creators on YouTube need sponsorships, and news outlets need paying l7bFSyn7B5y-00134-00060859-00061491 subscribers, even though they serve ads which are probably targeted most of the time. l7bFSyn7B5y-00135-00061491-00061946 So would the internet look different with regulation to prevent the mass-scale data l7bFSyn7B5y-00136-00061946-00062179 harvesting currently taking place? l7bFSyn7B5y-00137-00062179-00062279 Yes. l7bFSyn7B5y-00138-00062279-00062521 But is it the end of the internet as we know it? l7bFSyn7B5y-00139-00062521-00062671 I don’t think so. l7bFSyn7B5y-00140-00062671-00063189 It’s impossible to say for sure, but I would argue that paying a few extra dollars a month l7bFSyn7B5y-00141-00063189-00063827 is a small price to pay for the right to protect [the] most basic aspects of your life. l7bFSyn7B5y-00142-00063827-00064099 And the price may not actually be so high. l7bFSyn7B5y-00143-00064099-00064739 Vox’s recode estimates a $35 dollar per month fee to completely eliminate all advertising l7bFSyn7B5y-00144-00064739-00064873 from the internet. l7bFSyn7B5y-00145-00064873-00065455 However, if we just eliminate the more harmful tracking that allows for targeted advertising, l7bFSyn7B5y-00146-00065455-00066127 I have estimated it would only be an average of about $22 per year per adult in the US. l7bFSyn7B5y-00147-00066127-00066628 And you already pay quite a bit to access the internet through your ISP or phone company l7bFSyn7B5y-00148-00066628-00066728 anyways. l7bFSyn7B5y-00149-00066728-00067215 Of course, eliminating advertising or targeted advertising could have ripple effects that l7bFSyn7B5y-00150-00067215-00067742 make either of those estimates irrelevant and far off, but the point is that it is within l7bFSyn7B5y-00151-00067742-00067867 reach. l7bFSyn7B5y-00152-00067867-00068306 Or Jeff Bezos could do us all a solid and single-handedly pay the difference necessary l7bFSyn7B5y-00153-00068306-00068786 for everyone in the US to never see targeted advertisements for about 40 years. l7bFSyn7B5y-00154-00068786-00069237 As for now, I suggest some simple steps to safeguard your online presence. l7bFSyn7B5y-00155-00069237-00069730 First, if you can help it, don’t use Facebook products, such as Facebook, Instagram, and l7bFSyn7B5y-00156-00069730-00069852 WhatsApp. l7bFSyn7B5y-00157-00069852-00070277 If you can’t stomach that, then try following the steps I have linked in the description l7bFSyn7B5y-00158-00070277-00070594 to limit tracking of those apps. l7bFSyn7B5y-00159-00070594-00071138 If you have a Google account, turn off targeted advertising, location history, and other activity l7bFSyn7B5y-00160-00071138-00071238 controls. l7bFSyn7B5y-00161-00071238-00071805 If you have an iPhone, similar controls exist to turn off analytics and targeted advertising. l7bFSyn7B5y-00162-00071805-00072537 Also, on your phone, make sure location services, and access to your microphone, photos, etc. l7bFSyn7B5y-00163-00072537-00072829 are disabled for every app you possibly can. l7bFSyn7B5y-00164-00072829-00073339 For browsing the internet, you should probably use a privacy focused browser on desktop and l7bFSyn7B5y-00165-00073339-00073915 mobile like Brave, or Firefox with strict tracking protection turned on, though at the l7bFSyn7B5y-00166-00073915-00074283 very least you should be avoiding Google Chrome at all costs. l7bFSyn7B5y-00167-00074283-00075075 You’ll be surprised at just how ubiquitous attempts at cross-site tracking are when you l7bFSyn7B5y-00168-00075075-00075175 use a browser that limits them. l7bFSyn7B5y-00169-00075175-00075594 You should also probably be using a search engine like DuckDuckGo if you’re particularly l7bFSyn7B5y-00170-00075594-00075951 committed, though I’ll be honest, I don’t even do that. l7bFSyn7B5y-00171-00075951-00076438 I also suggest using a cookie auto-deleter for as many sites as you can bear having to l7bFSyn7B5y-00172-00076438-00076966 log into again each time you want to use them (though if you’re using a password manager, l7bFSyn7B5y-00173-00076966-00077492 that’s not too big of a deal), and uBlock origin is a great idea too. l7bFSyn7B5y-00174-00077492-00077934 However, all that ad blocking and tracking protection will be taking some money away l7bFSyn7B5y-00175-00077934-00078158 from creators and site owners. l7bFSyn7B5y-00176-00078158-00078542 So you may want to consider donating to those people if you can. l7bFSyn7B5y-00177-00078542-00079082 In all honesty, donating even just a few dollars directly to individual creators often goes l7bFSyn7B5y-00178-00079082-00079562 significantly further than getting served ads, especially if you do so on some kind l7bFSyn7B5y-00179-00079562-00080105 of a recurring basis like by watching YouTube videos with YouTube Premium. l7bFSyn7B5y-00180-00080105-00080697 As I alluded to earlier, you should absolutely unequivocally use a password manager in order l7bFSyn7B5y-00181-00080697-00081188 to protect your data on multiple accounts in the event of a data breach, and turn on l7bFSyn7B5y-00182-00081188-00081849 multifactor authentication for as many accounts as possible, but especially any emails which l7bFSyn7B5y-00183-00081849-00082358 you use to sign up for other accounts, and via which you are likely able to reset your l7bFSyn7B5y-00184-00082358-00082627 password for said accounts. l7bFSyn7B5y-00185-00082627-00083121 And you could use a VPN as well, but for the average person it probably won’t make your l7bFSyn7B5y-00186-00083121-00083352 browsing all that much more secure or private. l7bFSyn7B5y-00187-00083352-00083700 I’ll leave plenty of links in the description for how to do all of these things. l7bFSyn7B5y-00188-00083700-00083992 But that’s about it, so, I hope you enjoyed this video. l7bFSyn7B5y-00189-00083992-00084391 If you did, please consider leaving a like on it, and I’ll be making a follow-up video l7bFSyn7B5y-00190-00084391-00084888 shortly about collection of data by governments, so subscribe if you don’t want to miss out l7bFSyn7B5y-00191-00084888-00085374 that, and please share this video if you think other people would benefit or learn from this l7bFSyn7B5y-00192-00085374-00085474 information. l7bFSyn7B5y-00193-00085474-00086063 Also, this video’s script, complete with comprehensive source citations and/or additional l7bFSyn7B5y-00194-00086063-00086702 commentary backing up and elaborating on pretty much every sentence in the video, is available l7bFSyn7B5y-00195-00086702-00087212 in the description, so please check that out for a much deeper look at any of the content l7bFSyn7B5y-00196-00087212-00087312 of this video. l7bFSyn7B5y-00197-00087312-00087789 I spend a long time writing these annotated scripts, in order for the videos to be of l7bFSyn7B5y-00198-00087789-00088323 the highest factual quality and accuracy, so I appreciate you taking a look. l7bFSyn7B5y-00199-00088323-00088811 And finally, as always if you think I missed anything, or if you have any other comments, l7bFSyn7B5y-00200-00088811-00089159 leave them below or send me an email at the address listed in the description. l7bFSyn7B5y-00201-00089159-00089562 But anyways, thank you all so much for watching, and I’ll see you all next time. l7bFSyn7B5y-00202-00089562-00089612 Goodbye. l8ojM8Fptuu-00000-00000000-00000200 Greetings, traveler. l8ojM8Fptuu-00001-00000256-00000515 'Tis I, a member of the Imperial Guard, l8ojM8Fptuu-00002-00000536-00000875 here to enlighten thee on the finest mode of transportation l8ojM8Fptuu-00003-00000875-00001028 in the land of Oblivion. l8ojM8Fptuu-00004-00001071-00001478 Methinks the trusty horse is the most efficient means of travel in this realm. l8ojM8Fptuu-00005-00001500-00002216 Its swiftness and endurance make it an ideal steed for traversing the vast and varied landscapes of Tamriel. l8ojM8Fptuu-00006-00002247-00002713 One may find horses at stables throughout the land and purchase one for a modest sum. l8ojM8Fptuu-00007-00002766-00003463 Riding a horse feels like a graceful dance, with the rhythm of its hooves and the gentle sway of its gait. l8ojM8Fptuu-00008-00003492-00004190 The wind rushes past as one gallops across the countryside, and the horse responds nimbly to the slightest touch of the reins. l8ojM8Fptuu-00009-00004212-00004491 It is a truly exhilarating experience. l8ojM8Fptuu-00010-00004503-00005000 But be warned, for there are dangers in the land that even the bravest horse may not overcome. l8ojM8Fptuu-00011-00005017-00005565 Bandits and marauders roam the roads, seeking to rob and slay unwary travelers. l8ojM8Fptuu-00012-00005588-00006146 And creatures of all sorts, from goblins to werewolves, lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce. l8ojM8Fptuu-00013-00006192-00006557 In these dangerous times, it is wise to be well-equipped and well-prepared. l8ojM8Fptuu-00014-00006574-00007159 A sturdy shield and a sharp blade are essential, and a magic spell or two can be most useful in a tight spot. l8ojM8Fptuu-00015-00007197-00007581 So heed my words, brave adventurer, and travel wisely and well. l8ojM8Fptuu-00016-00007612-00008100 May the gods watch over thee and keep thee safe on thy journeys through the realms of Oblivion. lwFyBs10qp4-00000-00000366-00000732 how to make the perfect Photoshop cut out lwFyBs10qp4-00001-00000732-00001019 hi I'm Jenni from ZAO studio lwFyBs10qp4-00002-00001019-00001412 last time we talked about five simple tools lwFyBs10qp4-00003-00001412-00001644 doing Photoshop selection lwFyBs10qp4-00004-00001644-00002454 the magic wand, the magnetic lasso, the quick selection, the color range, and the channels lwFyBs10qp4-00005-00002460-00002862 if you are interested in learning more about the five methods lwFyBs10qp4-00006-00002862-00003310 click the link above to watch the other video first lwFyBs10qp4-00007-00003310-00003704 if you already have some experience with Photoshop lwFyBs10qp4-00008-00003704-00003879 you probably know them already lwFyBs10qp4-00009-00003879-00004416 but as you know all these five tools offer just quick and dirty results lwFyBs10qp4-00010-00004416-00005034 that may not be perfect and may not satisfy all your needs lwFyBs10qp4-00011-00005034-00005440 if that's your case please keep watching lwFyBs10qp4-00012-00005440-00005992 because today I'm talking four more advanced techniques lwFyBs10qp4-00013-00005992-00006404 doing the perfect Photoshop selections lwFyBs10qp4-00014-00006790-00007130 okay the first is image adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00015-00007130-00007590 you can combine any selection tools with image adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00016-00007590-00007809 to achieve better results lwFyBs10qp4-00017-00007809-00008322 you may already tried one of the five methods I talked about last time lwFyBs10qp4-00018-00008322-00008856 so you have a selection but they're not as good as you want lwFyBs10qp4-00019-00008856-00009262 for example I use the magic wand lwFyBs10qp4-00020-00009262-00009604 and I want to select the sky area lwFyBs10qp4-00021-00009604-00010282 as there's not enough contrast between the tree and the background lwFyBs10qp4-00022-00010282-00010626 I'm not selecting everything I want lwFyBs10qp4-00023-00010626-00011268 you can see it's not perfect lwFyBs10qp4-00024-00011268-00011712 so what I can do for the case is to apply adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00025-00011712-00012400 to the image to give a higher contrast before I do the selection lwFyBs10qp4-00026-00012400-00012686 I should make a copy of the layer first lwFyBs10qp4-00027-00012686-00012956 so I'm not losing anything lwFyBs10qp4-00028-00012956-00013597 I drag the layer place it on top of the new layer symbol lwFyBs10qp4-00029-00013597-00013984 and now I have a new duplicated layer lwFyBs10qp4-00030-00013984-00014324 that I can apply all adjustments to lwFyBs10qp4-00031-00014324-00014604 I go to image > adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00032-00014604-00015266 you can see there's a whole list of adjustments Photoshop offers lwFyBs10qp4-00033-00015266-00015476 they're quite powerful lwFyBs10qp4-00034-00015476-00015972 I'll use the brightness and contrast as an example lwFyBs10qp4-00035-00015972-00016528 I'll give a higher contrast and higher brightness lwFyBs10qp4-00036-00016528-00017104 you can see that the sky got brighter and tree got darker lwFyBs10qp4-00037-00017104-00017538 you can also add multiple adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00038-00017538-00018150 and play around with all the options to achieve the best you can lwFyBs10qp4-00039-00018150-00018498 for example I will do a curve lwFyBs10qp4-00040-00018498-00019252 I'll make the darker part even darker the brighter part even brighter lwFyBs10qp4-00041-00019252-00019782 and now if I do the same magic wand lwFyBs10qp4-00042-00019782-00020088 I got much better selection lwFyBs10qp4-00043-00020088-00020562 so I can turn off the new layer go to the original layer lwFyBs10qp4-00044-00020562-00020960 and do the delete lwFyBs10qp4-00045-00020960-00021362 you can see now the result is much muc better lwFyBs10qp4-00046-00021810-00022270 as I just said image adjustements works pretty well lwFyBs10qp4-00047-00022270-00022602 combining with all selection tools lwFyBs10qp4-00048-00022602-00022852 and they are all quite straightforward lwFyBs10qp4-00049-00022852-00023336 but I do want to talk especially about the channel tool lwFyBs10qp4-00050-00023336-00023856 as it kind of works differently lwFyBs10qp4-00051-00023856-00024250 so what I did last time as you remembered lwFyBs10qp4-00052-00024250-00024902 I used channel tool to make a selection of the foreground of the image lwFyBs10qp4-00053-00024902-00025376 so I went to the channels panel and figured out that lwFyBs10qp4-00054-00025376-00025688 the blue channel has the most contract of the image lwFyBs10qp4-00055-00025688-00026183 and I made a direct selection based on the channel lwFyBs10qp4-00056-00026183-00026433 and that's what I got lwFyBs10qp4-00057-00026433-00026936 but as you know the black is not pure black lwFyBs10qp4-00058-00026936-00027320 and white is not pure white in this channel lwFyBs10qp4-00059-00027320-00027636 so our selection is not perfect lwFyBs10qp4-00060-00027636-00028444 so I can also apply adjustments to the channel layer before I make selection lwFyBs10qp4-00061-00028444-00029020 I should make a copy of the channel layer first to save the original lwFyBs10qp4-00062-00029020-00029454 and then make adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00063-00029454-00029747 I'll do a curve okay lwFyBs10qp4-00064-00029747-00031118 so I'll make the darker part black and make the brighter part white okay lwFyBs10qp4-00065-00031118-00031838 I also want to get rid of all the white details in the black region lwFyBs10qp4-00066-00031838-00032104 as I do want them to be selected lwFyBs10qp4-00067-00032104-00032774 I can simply use brush and select the black color lwFyBs10qp4-00068-00032774-00033258 and brush off all the white details lwFyBs10qp4-00069-00033258-00033826 I can also use white color to do the opposite part lwFyBs10qp4-00070-00033826-00034452 brush out of the gray stuff in the white region lwFyBs10qp4-00071-00034452-00034908 and now I have a perfect selection lwFyBs10qp4-00072-00034908-00035232 I can select based on this channel lwFyBs10qp4-00073-00035232-00035484 go back to the RGB Channel lwFyBs10qp4-00074-00035484-00035946 go back to the layer and do the delete lwFyBs10qp4-00075-00035946-00036216 and that's my perfect selection lwFyBs10qp4-00076-00036652-00037028 if you are selecting an objects with smooth edge lwFyBs10qp4-00077-00037028-00037402 and you want the selection to be perfectly smooth lwFyBs10qp4-00078-00037402-00037688 you can also use pen tool lwFyBs10qp4-00079-00037688-00038294 pen tool is here shortcut P first one in the box lwFyBs10qp4-00080-00038294-00038586 let's zoom in a little bit lwFyBs10qp4-00081-00038586-00039002 the pen tool requires some practice at first lwFyBs10qp4-00082-00039002-00039466 but as you'll get used to it it can be very helpful lwFyBs10qp4-00083-00039466-00039818 so it's basically a click to place anchor lwFyBs10qp4-00084-00039818-00040178 and drag to adjust curvature lwFyBs10qp4-00085-00040178-00040676 so click hold here drag to adjust lwFyBs10qp4-00086-00040676-00040886 click hold and drag lwFyBs10qp4-00087-00040886-00041506 you can also just click without dragging to place straight lines lwFyBs10qp4-00088-00041506-00042276 to close up a path simply click on the first anchor lwFyBs10qp4-00089-00042276-00043126 you can also simply adjust existing path by using the direct selection tool lwFyBs10qp4-00090-00043127-00043452 it's short shortcut A second in the box lwFyBs10qp4-00091-00043452-00043682 the white arrow lwFyBs10qp4-00092-00043682-00044374 you click on the anchor you want to move around you can move lwFyBs10qp4-00093-00044374-00045296 or click on the control handles to adjust the curvature lwFyBs10qp4-00094-00045296-00045720 so the path is a vector overlay in Photoshop lwFyBs10qp4-00095-00045720-00046072 it's not a real thing it's not pixels lwFyBs10qp4-00096-00046072-00046648 if in the path panel you deselect the layer it just disappear lwFyBs10qp4-00097-00046648-00047244 if you save the image right now the path will not show up lwFyBs10qp4-00098-00047244-00047964 but you can load the path by filling it or by making it a stroke lwFyBs10qp4-00099-00047964-00048268 or making into a selection lwFyBs10qp4-00100-00048268-00049214 so here I can select the path layer and use the load path as a selection lwFyBs10qp4-00101-00049214-00049604 okay now that's my cut out lwFyBs10qp4-00102-00050022-00050240 next is the mask lwFyBs10qp4-00103-00050240-00050530 the mask is a must in Photoshop lwFyBs10qp4-00104-00050530-00050770 you always need a here or there lwFyBs10qp4-00105-00050770-00051488 it can also combine with all selection tools and make it easier to twist around lwFyBs10qp4-00106-00051488-00052067 let me make a quick selection okay lwFyBs10qp4-00107-00052067-00052734 instead of doing a direct cut out I can load the selection as a mask lwFyBs10qp4-00108-00052734-00053384 so it's here in the layer panel add layer mask lwFyBs10qp4-00109-00053384-00053812 so now I transfer the selection into a mask lwFyBs10qp4-00110-00053812-00054472 you can see the black is the region that is masked off lwFyBs10qp4-00111-00054472-00054766 and white is not covered lwFyBs10qp4-00112-00054766-00055426 the good thing about mask is that everything in the layer is still preserved lwFyBs10qp4-00113-00055426-00056012 nothing is deleted so you can always bring things back easily lwFyBs10qp4-00114-00056012-00056390 I can make adjustments to the mask lwFyBs10qp4-00115-00056390-00056800 maybe invert the ctrl + I lwFyBs10qp4-00116-00056800-00057040 to invert the selection lwFyBs10qp4-00117-00057040-00057482 I can also use brush lwFyBs10qp4-00118-00057482-00058162 to brush the part I want as white lwFyBs10qp4-00119-00058162-00058829 and the part I don't want as black lwFyBs10qp4-00120-00058829-00059194 and that can combine with so the path tool lwFyBs10qp4-00121-00059194-00059928 to select the area I want to fill with white lwFyBs10qp4-00122-00059928-00060454 and in the path panel it's here lwFyBs10qp4-00123-00060454-00060887 filll path with foreground color lwFyBs10qp4-00124-00060887-00061102 okay lwFyBs10qp4-00125-00061536-00061860 finally the last one is a vector method lwFyBs10qp4-00126-00061860-00062184 and I call it path adjustments lwFyBs10qp4-00127-00062184-00062578 if you're more familiar with Illustrator than Photoshop lwFyBs10qp4-00128-00062578-00063094 or if you like vector editing more than raster editing lwFyBs10qp4-00129-00063094-00063379 you should definitely try it lwFyBs10qp4-00130-00063379-00064022 so let me have a quick selection first lwFyBs10qp4-00131-00064022-00064648 okay now I use the marquee tool or the M lwFyBs10qp4-00132-00064648-00065010 I right click on the selection lwFyBs10qp4-00133-00065010-00065498 find the make work path option and ok lwFyBs10qp4-00134-00065498-00065988 now you can say I've load the selection into a path lwFyBs10qp4-00135-00065988-00066532 I can easily adjust the path with the selection tool lwFyBs10qp4-00136-00066532-00067136 to move around all the anchors and play around with the curvatures lwFyBs10qp4-00137-00067136-00068406 I can also use the add anchor tool to add more anchors for judgments lwFyBs10qp4-00138-00068406-00068946 and to load the path back to a selection lwFyBs10qp4-00139-00068946-00069768 in the path panel I use this option load path as a selection lwFyBs10qp4-00140-00069768-00070004 okay lwFyBs10qp4-00141-00070468-00070960 so here are the nine ways of doing Photoshop selections lwFyBs10qp4-00142-00070960-00071384 all in all if you just want something quick and dirty lwFyBs10qp4-00143-00071388-00071764 you can try magic wand or magnetic lasso lwFyBs10qp4-00144-00071764-00072408 I would suggest quick selection tool as a combination of the previous two lwFyBs10qp4-00145-00072408-00072758 the color range is a quite helpful tool lwFyBs10qp4-00146-00072758-00073244 doing quick and neat selections lwFyBs10qp4-00147-00073244-00073682 if you have more time and want to learn more techniques lwFyBs10qp4-00148-00073682-00074028 you can try channels or the pen tools lwFyBs10qp4-00149-00074028-00074806 if your image don't have a good enough contrast to do a good selection lwFyBs10qp4-00150-00074806-00075330 you can do image adjustments before selection lwFyBs10qp4-00151-00075330-00075936 if you've got a selection already and want to make adjustments to the selection lwFyBs10qp4-00152-00075936-00076368 you can try masks if you like raster better lwFyBs10qp4-00153-00076368-00076934 or you can do path adjustments if you like vector better lwFyBs10qp4-00154-00076934-00077360 okay if you like my videos please subscribe lwFyBs10qp4-00155-00077360-00077550 and see you next time ly0PUND4w3g-00000-00001112-00001623 welcome to course two the bits and bytes of computer networking you might remember me from the ly0PUND4w3g-00001-00001623-00002112 lessons on the internet in the first course but you also might have jumped ahead in which case we ly0PUND4w3g-00002-00002112-00002656 were meeting for the first time my name is victor escobedo and i'm a corporate operations engineer ly0PUND4w3g-00003-00002656-00003128 my passion for it began way back when i was nine years old and my dad brought home our first ly0PUND4w3g-00004-00003128-00003672 computer he was a mechanical engineer and started using the computer to help him with his cad work ly0PUND4w3g-00005-00003728-00004079 this was the first time i was exposed to computers and later realized that ly0PUND4w3g-00006-00004079-00004560 you can install new software on it including computer games as i tinkered with the computer ly0PUND4w3g-00007-00004560-00005104 surely to my dad's dismay i became more and more interested in how it worked and eventually started ly0PUND4w3g-00008-00005104-00005688 to open up the case and peek inside i found pieces that could be removed and even some that shouldn't ly0PUND4w3g-00009-00005688-00006112 learning through trial and error along the way i couldn't really explain what it was ly0PUND4w3g-00010-00006112-00006623 but i just found the mechanics of how it all worked together so fascinating looking ly0PUND4w3g-00011-00006623-00007152 back these were the seeds that inspired my career but you see where i grew up going to college and ly0PUND4w3g-00012-00007152-00007688 pursuing a career wasn't exactly talked about or heavily encouraged i'm a first-generation ly0PUND4w3g-00013-00007688-00008112 mexican-american and there weren't a lot of people i knew pursuing a career in tech ly0PUND4w3g-00014-00008184-00008648 my friends and family were mostly worrying about graduating high school and making sure they had ly0PUND4w3g-00015-00008648-00009208 jobs not really thinking about longer term careers my school didn't have the resources ly0PUND4w3g-00016-00009208-00009712 to offer many technical classes and even though my father was working in mechanical engineering ly0PUND4w3g-00017-00009712-00010304 computers were a tool to him like a mill rule or hammer my parents encouraged me to work hard ly0PUND4w3g-00018-00010304-00010872 and pursue computers but they couldn't really give me advice about college or a career in tech ly0PUND4w3g-00019-00010872-00011240 to no real fault of their own they just didn't have the experience necessary ly0PUND4w3g-00020-00011344-00011800 when i decided to go to college i decided to try my hand at computer science since it could ly0PUND4w3g-00021-00011800-00012344 feed my curiosity for how computers worked at a more fundamental level i realized that having ly0PUND4w3g-00022-00012344-00012800 this foundational knowledge really allowed me to understand some of the higher level concepts ly0PUND4w3g-00023-00012800-00013440 that were important in a career in it so while in school i took my first job in i.t for a small ly0PUND4w3g-00024-00013440-00014016 local company i've been working in it for 12 years now with the last seven years being here at google ly0PUND4w3g-00025-00014080-00014624 i now work on managing deployments of large internal it projects for the company applying ly0PUND4w3g-00026-00014624-00015144 the knowledge i've picked up over the years in my initial help desk role to make sure that i ly0PUND4w3g-00027-00015144-00015744 understand how i'm impacting our users and various support teams in my role as a corporate operations ly0PUND4w3g-00028-00015744-00016263 engineer i'm responsible for understanding the impact of changes on our corporate infrastructure ly0PUND4w3g-00029-00016352-00016952 because of this networking skills are critical i need to understand not just how applications ly0PUND4w3g-00030-00016952-00017480 work on a single system but how they interact with all other systems in the company and even ly0PUND4w3g-00031-00017480-00018072 externally so now that you know a bit about me let's dig into the bits and bytes of networking ly0PUND4w3g-00032-00018192-00018720 computers communicate with each other a lot like how humans do take verbal communication as an ly0PUND4w3g-00033-00018720-00019240 example two people need to speak the same language and be able to hear each other to ly0PUND4w3g-00034-00019240-00019768 communicate effectively if there are loud noises one person might have to ask the other person to ly0PUND4w3g-00035-00019768-00020304 repeat themselves if one person only somewhat understands an idea being explained to them ly0PUND4w3g-00036-00020304-00020952 that person might ask for clarification one person might address only one other person or they may ly0PUND4w3g-00037-00020952-00021488 be speaking to a group and there's usually a greeting and a way to close the conversation ly0PUND4w3g-00038-00021576-00022144 the point is that humans follow a series of rules when they communicate and computers have to do the ly0PUND4w3g-00039-00022144-00022744 same this defined set of standards that computers must follow in order to communicate properly is ly0PUND4w3g-00040-00022744-00023392 called a protocol computer networking is the name we've given to the full scope of how computers ly0PUND4w3g-00041-00023392-00023968 communicate with each other networking involves ensuring that computers can hear each other ly0PUND4w3g-00042-00023968-00024512 that they speak protocols other computers can understand and that they repeat messages not fully ly0PUND4w3g-00043-00024512-00025144 delivered just like how humans communicate there are lots of models used to describe the different ly0PUND4w3g-00044-00025144-00025832 layers at play with computer networking but for this course we've selected the tcpip five layer ly0PUND4w3g-00045-00025832-00026520 model we'll also be touching on the other primary network model the osi model which has seven layers ly0PUND4w3g-00046-00026583-00027160 if you don't know what these models are or how they work don't worry we'll be deep diving into ly0PUND4w3g-00047-00027160-00027752 these topics throughout this course it's super important to know these types of layered models ly0PUND4w3g-00048-00027752-00028248 to learn about computer networking because it's a really layered affair the protocols ly0PUND4w3g-00049-00028248-00028839 at each layer carry the ones above them in order to get data from one place to the next ly0PUND4w3g-00050-00028920-00029424 think of the protocol used to get data from one end of a networking cable to the other ly0PUND4w3g-00051-00029424-00029944 it's totally different from the protocol used to get data from one side of the planet to the other ly0PUND4w3g-00052-00030008-00030560 but both of these protocols are required to work at the same time in order for things like ly0PUND4w3g-00053-00030560-00031160 the internet and business networks to work the way they do sometimes there are problems when ly0PUND4w3g-00054-00031160-00031608 computers on the internet or on these business networks try to communicate with each other and ly0PUND4w3g-00055-00031608-00032183 often it's up to an i.t support specialist to fix these problems this is why understanding ly0PUND4w3g-00056-00032183-00032776 computer networking is so important by the end of this course you'll be able to explain all ly0PUND4w3g-00057-00032776-00033360 five layers of our model not only that you'll be able to describe how computers determine where ly0PUND4w3g-00058-00033360-00034024 to send their messages and how network services like dns and dhcp work you'll also be able to ly0PUND4w3g-00059-00034024-00035184 use powerful tools to help you troubleshoot network issues are you ready let's dive in ly0PUND4w3g-00060-00035960-00036392 to really understand networking we need to understand all of the components involved ly0PUND4w3g-00061-00036392-00036728 we're talking about everything from the cables that connect devices to each other ly0PUND4w3g-00062-00036728-00037184 to the protocols that these devices use to communicate there are a bunch of models that ly0PUND4w3g-00063-00037184-00037744 help explain how network devices communicate but in this course we'll focus on a five layer model ly0PUND4w3g-00064-00037744-00038240 by the end of this lesson you'll be able to identify and describe each layer and what ly0PUND4w3g-00065-00038240-00038720 purpose it serves let's start at the bottom of our stack where we have what's known as the physical ly0PUND4w3g-00066-00038720-00039352 layer the physical layer is a lot like what it sounds it represents the physical devices that ly0PUND4w3g-00067-00039352-00039848 interconnect computers this includes the specifications for the networking cables ly0PUND4w3g-00068-00039848-00040320 and the connectors that join devices together along with specifications describing how signals ly0PUND4w3g-00069-00040320-00040856 are sent over these connections the second layer in our model is known as the data link layer ly0PUND4w3g-00070-00040936-00041424 some sources will call this layer the network interface or the network access layer at this ly0PUND4w3g-00071-00041424-00042056 layer we introduce our first protocols while the physical layer is all about cabling connectors and ly0PUND4w3g-00072-00042056-00042576 sending signals the data link layer is responsible for defining a common way of interpreting these ly0PUND4w3g-00073-00042576-00043168 signals so network devices can communicate lots of protocols exist at the data link layer but the ly0PUND4w3g-00074-00043168-00043672 most common is known as ethernet although wireless technologies are becoming more and more popular ly0PUND4w3g-00075-00043728-00044264 beyond specifying physical layer attributes the ethernet standards also define a protocol ly0PUND4w3g-00076-00044264-00044888 responsible for getting data to nodes on the same network or link the third layer the network ly0PUND4w3g-00077-00044888-00045472 layer is also sometimes called the internet layer it's this layer that allows different networks to ly0PUND4w3g-00078-00045472-00045976 communicate with each other through devices known as routers a collection of networks connected ly0PUND4w3g-00079-00045976-00046520 together through routers is an internetwork the most famous of these being the internet hopefully ly0PUND4w3g-00080-00046520-00047032 you've heard of it while the data link layer is responsible for getting data across a single link ly0PUND4w3g-00081-00047032-00047472 the network layer is responsible for getting data delivered across a collection of networks ly0PUND4w3g-00082-00047552-00047888 think of when a device on your home network connects with a server on the internet ly0PUND4w3g-00083-00047952-00048464 it's the network layer that helps get the data between these two locations the most common ly0PUND4w3g-00084-00048464-00049136 protocol used at this layer is known as ip or internet protocol ip is the heart of the internet ly0PUND4w3g-00085-00049136-00049736 and most small networks around the world network software is usually divided into client and server ly0PUND4w3g-00086-00049736-00050296 categories with the client application initiating a request for data and the server software ly0PUND4w3g-00087-00050296-00050920 answering the request across the network a single node may be running multiple client or server ly0PUND4w3g-00088-00050920-00051624 applications so you might run an email program and a web browser both client applications on your pc ly0PUND4w3g-00089-00051624-00052304 at the same time and your email and web server might both run on the same server even so emails ly0PUND4w3g-00090-00052304-00052784 end up in your email application and web pages end up in your web browser that's because our ly0PUND4w3g-00091-00052784-00053400 next layer the transport layer while the network layer delivers data between two individual nodes ly0PUND4w3g-00092-00053400-00054008 the transport layer sorts out which client and server programs are supposed to get that data when ly0PUND4w3g-00093-00054008-00054584 you heard about our network layer protocol ip you may have thought of tcp which is a pretty common ly0PUND4w3g-00094-00054584-00055144 phrase that's because the protocol most commonly used in the fourth layer the transport layer ly0PUND4w3g-00095-00055144-00055791 is known as tcp or transmission control protocol while often said together as the phrase tcpip ly0PUND4w3g-00096-00055848-00056255 to fully understand and troubleshoot networking issues it's important to know that they're ly0PUND4w3g-00097-00056255-00056840 entirely different protocols serving different purposes other transfer protocols also use ip ly0PUND4w3g-00098-00056840-00057520 to get around including a protocol known as udp or user datagram protocol the big difference between ly0PUND4w3g-00099-00057520-00058191 the two is that tcp provides mechanisms to ensure that data is reliably delivered while udp does not ly0PUND4w3g-00100-00058255-00058791 spoiler alert we'll cover differences between the tcp and udp transport protocols in more ly0PUND4w3g-00101-00058791-00059408 detail later for now it's important to know that the network layer in our case ip is responsible ly0PUND4w3g-00102-00059408-00060079 for getting data from one node to another also remember that the transport layer mostly tcp and ly0PUND4w3g-00103-00060079-00060648 udp is responsible for ensuring that data gets to the right applications running on those nodes ly0PUND4w3g-00104-00060736-00061312 last but not least the fifth layer is known as the application layer there are lots of different ly0PUND4w3g-00105-00061312-00061760 protocols at this layer and as you might have guessed from the name they're application specific ly0PUND4w3g-00106-00061760-00062304 protocols used to allow you to browse the web or send and receive email are some common ones the ly0PUND4w3g-00107-00062304-00062824 protocols at play in the application layer will be most familiar to you since they're ones you ly0PUND4w3g-00108-00062824-00063424 probably interacted with directly before even if you didn't realize it you can think of layers like ly0PUND4w3g-00109-00063424-00063991 different aspects of a package being delivered the physical layer is the delivery truck and the roads ly0PUND4w3g-00110-00063991-00064536 the data link layer is how the delivery trucks get from one intersection to the next over and ly0PUND4w3g-00111-00064536-00065272 over the network layer identifies which roads need to be taken to get from address a to address b the ly0PUND4w3g-00112-00065272-00065736 transport layer ensures that delivery driver knows how to knock on your door to tell you ly0PUND4w3g-00113-00065736-00066176 your package has arrived and the application layer is the contents of the package itself ly0PUND4w3g-00114-00066632-00067040 every computing device that we interact with on a day-to-day basis ly0PUND4w3g-00115-00067040-00067608 is a network device right computers aren't standalone anymore in any way from our phone ly0PUND4w3g-00116-00067608-00068024 to our tablet to our laptop to our desktops they're all networked in some way they're all ly0PUND4w3g-00117-00068024-00068448 talking to other computers to a lot of people networking is seen as some kind of black magic ly0PUND4w3g-00118-00068448-00069104 and uh you know only certain people really understand what's going on but in my experience ly0PUND4w3g-00119-00069160-00069824 an i.t support person who truly understands networking at a fundamental level is just able to ly0PUND4w3g-00120-00069824-00070296 perform every aspect of their job so much more successfully there are a lot of networking courses ly0PUND4w3g-00121-00070296-00070704 available uh this is actually something that people have been teaching in this manner you ly0PUND4w3g-00122-00070704-00071184 know like since the 90s but i think this course is really different because it focuses on so many ly0PUND4w3g-00123-00071184-00071760 practical cases as well as really focusing on the things that an i.t support person needs to know ly0PUND4w3g-00124-00071760-00072296 and not necessarily a network engineer we spend a lot of time on dns we spend a lot of time on ly0PUND4w3g-00125-00072296-00072776 different troubleshooting techniques and tools we spend a lot of time uh just focusing on the ly0PUND4w3g-00126-00072776-00074384 kinds of things that on a day-to-day basis someone in it actually needs to know about ly0PUND4w3g-00127-00074656-00075048 lots of different cables and network devices can be used to allow computers to properly ly0PUND4w3g-00128-00075048-00075480 communicate with each other by the end of this lesson you'll be able to identify and ly0PUND4w3g-00129-00075480-00076064 describe various networking cables and networking devices computer networking is a huge part of the ly0PUND4w3g-00130-00076064-00076624 day-to-day role of many it specialists and knowing how to differentiate different network devices ly0PUND4w3g-00131-00076624-00077144 will be essential to your success let's start with the most basic component of a wired network ly0PUND4w3g-00132-00077144-00077608 cables cables are what connect different devices to each other allowing data to be ly0PUND4w3g-00133-00077608-00078104 transmitted over them most network cables used today can be split into two categories ly0PUND4w3g-00134-00078104-00078584 copper and fiber copper cables are the most common form of networking cable ly0PUND4w3g-00135-00078640-00079208 they're made up of multiple pairs of copper wires inside plastic insulator you may already know ly0PUND4w3g-00136-00079208-00079792 that computers communicate in binary which people represent with ones and zeros the sending device ly0PUND4w3g-00137-00079792-00080280 communicates binary data across these copper wires by changing the voltage between two ranges ly0PUND4w3g-00138-00080352-00080904 the system at the receiving end is able to interpret these voltage changes as binary ones and ly0PUND4w3g-00139-00080904-00081464 zeros which can then be translated into different forms of data the most common forms of copper ly0PUND4w3g-00140-00081464-00082144 twisted pair cables used in networking are cat5 cat5e and cat6 cables these are all shorthand ways ly0PUND4w3g-00141-00082144-00082752 of saying category 5 or category 6 cables these categories have different physical characteristics ly0PUND4w3g-00142-00082752-00083208 like the number of twists in the pair of copper wires that result in different usable lengths ly0PUND4w3g-00143-00083208-00083920 and transfer rates cap 5 is older and has been mostly replaced by cat 5e and cat6 cables from ly0PUND4w3g-00144-00083920-00084376 the outside they all look about the same and even internally they're very similar to the naked eye ly0PUND4w3g-00145-00084456-00085000 the important thing to know is that differences in how the twisted pairs are arranged inside these ly0PUND4w3g-00146-00085000-00085624 cables can drastically alter how quickly data can be sent across them and how resistant these ly0PUND4w3g-00147-00085624-00086344 signals are to outside interference cat5e cables have mostly replaced those older cat5 cables ly0PUND4w3g-00148-00086344-00086904 because their internals reduce crosstalk crosstalk is when an electrical pulse on one ly0PUND4w3g-00149-00086904-00087464 wire is accidentally detected on another wire so the receiving end isn't able to understand ly0PUND4w3g-00150-00087464-00088040 the data causing a network error higher level protocols have methods for detecting missing data ly0PUND4w3g-00151-00088040-00088584 and asking for the data a second time but of course this takes up more time the higher ly0PUND4w3g-00152-00088584-00089216 quality specifications of a cat5e cable make it less likely that data needs to be retransmitted ly0PUND4w3g-00153-00089280-00089920 that means on average you can expect more data to be transferred in the same amount of time cat6 ly0PUND4w3g-00154-00089920-00090568 cables follow an even more strict specification to avoid crosstalk making those cables more expensive ly0PUND4w3g-00155-00090648-00091200 cat6 cables can transfer data faster and more reliably than cat5e cables can but because of ly0PUND4w3g-00156-00091200-00091760 their internal arrangement they have a shorter maximum distance when used at higher speeds the ly0PUND4w3g-00157-00091760-00092256 second primary form of networking cable is known as fiber short for fiber optic cables ly0PUND4w3g-00158-00092320-00092792 fiber cables contain individual optical fibers which are tiny tubes made out of ly0PUND4w3g-00159-00092792-00093368 glass about the width of a human hair these tubes of glass can transport beams of light ly0PUND4w3g-00160-00093368-00093968 unlike copper which uses electrical voltages fiber cables use pulses of light to represent the ones ly0PUND4w3g-00161-00093968-00094552 and zeros of the underlying data fiber is even sometimes used specifically in environments where ly0PUND4w3g-00162-00094552-00095032 there's a lot of electromagnetic interference from outside sources because this can impact ly0PUND4w3g-00163-00095032-00095624 data being sent across copper wires fiber cables can generally transport data quicker than copper ly0PUND4w3g-00164-00095624-00096192 cables can but they're much more expensive and fragile fiber can also transport data over much ly0PUND4w3g-00165-00096192-00096712 longer distances than copper can without suffering potential data loss now you know ly0PUND4w3g-00166-00096712-00097176 a lot more about the pros and cons of fiber cables but keep in mind you'll be way more ly0PUND4w3g-00167-00097176-00098184 likely to run into fiber cables in computer data centers than you would in an office or at home ly0PUND4w3g-00168-00098944-00099480 we're going to do a rundown of network devices in this video and the next one almost every ly0PUND4w3g-00169-00099480-00099952 it specialist will have to interact with these sorts of devices on a regular basis ly0PUND4w3g-00170-00099952-00100536 cables allow you to form point-to-point networking connections these are networks where only a single ly0PUND4w3g-00171-00100536-00101136 device at each end of the link exists not to knock point-to-point networking connections ly0PUND4w3g-00172-00101136-00101456 but they're not super useful in a world with billions of computers ly0PUND4w3g-00173-00101512-00101936 luckily there are network devices that allow for many computers to communicate with each other ly0PUND4w3g-00174-00102024-00102656 the most simple of these devices is a hub a hub is a physical layer device that allows for ly0PUND4w3g-00175-00102656-00103240 connections from many computers at once all the devices connected to a hub will end up talking to ly0PUND4w3g-00176-00103240-00103840 all other devices at the same time it's up to each system connected to the hub to determine if ly0PUND4w3g-00177-00103840-00104440 the incoming data was meant for them or to ignore it if it isn't this causes a lot of noise on the ly0PUND4w3g-00178-00104440-00105064 network and creates what's called a collision domain a collision domain is a network segment ly0PUND4w3g-00179-00105064-00105720 where only one device can communicate at a time if multiple systems try sending data at the same time ly0PUND4w3g-00180-00105720-00106208 the electrical pulses sent across the cable can interfere with each other this causes these ly0PUND4w3g-00181-00106208-00106752 systems to have to wait for a quiet period before they try sending their data again it really slows ly0PUND4w3g-00182-00106752-00107248 down network communications and is the primary reason hubs are fairly rare they're mostly a ly0PUND4w3g-00183-00107248-00107800 historical artifact today a much more common way of connecting many computers is with a more ly0PUND4w3g-00184-00107800-00108480 sophisticated device known as a network switch originally known as a switching hub a switch ly0PUND4w3g-00185-00108480-00108983 is very similar to a hub since you can connect many devices to it so they can communicate ly0PUND4w3g-00186-00108983-00109656 the difference is that while a hub is a layer 1 or physical layered device a switch is a layer 2 ly0PUND4w3g-00187-00109656-00110304 or data link device this means that a switch can actually inspect the contents of the ethernet ly0PUND4w3g-00188-00110304-00110952 protocol data being sent around the network determine which system the data is intended for ly0PUND4w3g-00189-00110952-00111535 and then only send that data to that one system this reduces or even completely ly0PUND4w3g-00190-00111535-00111944 eliminates the size of collision domains on a network if you guessed that this ly0PUND4w3g-00191-00111944-00113583 will lead to fewer re-transmissions and a higher overall throughput you're right ly0PUND4w3g-00192-00113664-00114192 hubs and switches are the primary devices used to connect computers on a single network usually ly0PUND4w3g-00193-00114192-00114880 referred to as a lan or local area network but we often want to send or receive data to computers on ly0PUND4w3g-00194-00114880-00115496 other networks this is where routers come into play a router is a device that knows how to ly0PUND4w3g-00195-00115496-00116080 forward data between independent networks while a hub is a layer 1 device and a switch is a layer ly0PUND4w3g-00196-00116080-00116711 2 device a router operates at layer 3 a network layer just like a switch can inspect ethernet data ly0PUND4w3g-00197-00116711-00117216 to determine where to send things a router can inspect ip data to determine where to send things ly0PUND4w3g-00198-00117280-00117728 routers store internal tables containing information about how to route traffic between ly0PUND4w3g-00199-00117728-00118280 lots of different networks all over the world the most common type of router you'll see is one for ly0PUND4w3g-00200-00118280-00118840 a home network or a small office these devices generally don't have very detailed routing tables ly0PUND4w3g-00201-00118911-00119392 the purpose of these routers is mainly just to take traffic originating from inside the home ly0PUND4w3g-00202-00119392-00120024 or office lan and to forward it along to the isp or internet service provider once traffic is at ly0PUND4w3g-00203-00120024-00120632 the isp a way more sophisticated type of router takes over these core routers form the backbone ly0PUND4w3g-00204-00120632-00121144 of the internet and are directly responsible for how we send and receive data all over the ly0PUND4w3g-00205-00121144-00121752 internet every single day core isp routers don't just handle a lot more traffic than a home or ly0PUND4w3g-00206-00121752-00122296 small office router they also have to deal with much more complexity in making decisions about ly0PUND4w3g-00207-00122296-00122888 where to send traffic a core router usually has many different connections to many other routers ly0PUND4w3g-00208-00122952-00123608 routers share data with each other via a protocol known as bgp or border gateway protocol that lets ly0PUND4w3g-00209-00123608-00124168 them learn about the most optimal paths to forward traffic when you open a web browser ly0PUND4w3g-00210-00124168-00124583 and load a web page the traffic between computers and the web servers could have ly0PUND4w3g-00211-00124583-00125176 traveled over dozens of different routers the internet is incredibly large and complicated ly0PUND4w3g-00212-00125176-00126183 and routers are global guides for getting traffic to the right places ly0PUND4w3g-00213-00126752-00127168 all of the network devices you've just learned about exist so that computers can communicate ly0PUND4w3g-00214-00127168-00127704 with each other whether they're in the same room or thousands of miles apart we've been calling ly0PUND4w3g-00215-00127704-00128272 these devices nodes and we'll keep doing that but it's also important to understand the concepts of ly0PUND4w3g-00216-00128272-00128848 servers and clients the simplest way to think of a server is as something that provides data ly0PUND4w3g-00217-00128848-00129376 to something requesting that data the thing receiving the data is referred to as a client ly0PUND4w3g-00218-00129440-00130032 while we often talk about nodes being servers or clients the reason our definition uses a word ly0PUND4w3g-00219-00130032-00130504 as vague as something is because it's not just nodes that can be servers or clients ly0PUND4w3g-00220-00130568-00131192 individual computer programs running on the same node can be servers and clients to each other too ly0PUND4w3g-00221-00131192-00131776 it's also important to call out that most devices aren't purely a server or a client almost all ly0PUND4w3g-00222-00131776-00132440 nodes are both at some point in time quite the multitasking overachievers that all being said ly0PUND4w3g-00223-00132440-00133104 in most network topographies each node is primarily either a server or a client sometimes ly0PUND4w3g-00224-00133104-00133704 we refer to an email server as an email server even though it's itself a client of a dns server ly0PUND4w3g-00225-00133776-00134488 why because its primary reason for existing is to serve data to clients likewise if a ly0PUND4w3g-00226-00134488-00134904 desktop machine occasionally acts as a server in the sense that it provides data to another ly0PUND4w3g-00227-00134904-00135544 computer its primary reason for existing is to fetch data from servers so that the user at the ly0PUND4w3g-00228-00135544-00136192 computer can do their work to sum up a server is anything that can provide data to a client ly0PUND4w3g-00229-00136192-00136872 but we also use the words to refer to the primary purpose of various nodes on our network got it ly0PUND4w3g-00230-00136872-00137512 cool now it's time for a short ungraded quiz to test you on the basics of these networking devices ly0PUND4w3g-00231-00138248-00138680 my name is sergey latorre and i'm a network engineer at google i officially work on the ly0PUND4w3g-00232-00138680-00139224 youtube tv product my team is called the linear tv operations team and basically we make sure ly0PUND4w3g-00233-00139224-00139728 that the live tv is always available for the customers to put it simply a network engineer ly0PUND4w3g-00234-00139728-00140184 is someone that will design the roads for the internet it's never a typical day as a network ly0PUND4w3g-00235-00140184-00140600 engineer it could be anywhere from break and fix issues it could be meetings it could be ly0PUND4w3g-00236-00140600-00141064 working on challenging problems or projects i think specifically for me and most network ly0PUND4w3g-00237-00141064-00141424 engineers it's going to be incident management when you work on an operational team you're the ly0PUND4w3g-00238-00141424-00141928 firefighters for the network and if the network goes down that means business will stop so for ly0PUND4w3g-00239-00141928-00142488 my specific product if our network goes down that means viewers won't be able to enjoy tv a recent ly0PUND4w3g-00240-00142488-00143136 incident for our team specifically was hurricane irma we had a lot of tv services in florida and ly0PUND4w3g-00241-00143136-00143416 people are trying to use their cell phones to watch the news or anything like that they won't be ly0PUND4w3g-00242-00143416-00143824 able to view the news so we had to react and come up with a plan when that hurricane came so the ly0PUND4w3g-00243-00143824-00144232 service was still available for people i believe networking is really important to us because ly0PUND4w3g-00244-00144232-00144672 it is the road to the internet this is how we use our devices every day without networks you ly0PUND4w3g-00245-00144672-00145160 wouldn't be able to enjoy the applications on your cell phone the websites you go to so it's hugely ly0PUND4w3g-00246-00145160-00145552 important without the network engineers and then architectures building these roadways or these ly0PUND4w3g-00247-00145552-00147184 virtual roadways you would not be able to enjoy these fun apps like snapchat or google search ly0PUND4w3g-00248-00147352-00147768 in some ways the physical layer of our network stack model is the most complex ly0PUND4w3g-00249-00147768-00148384 of all its main focus is on moving ones and zeros from one end of a link to the next ly0PUND4w3g-00250-00148456-00149008 but very complicated mathematics physics and electrical engineering principles are at play ly0PUND4w3g-00251-00149008-00149488 to transmit huge volumes of data across tiny wires at incredible speeds ly0PUND4w3g-00252-00149552-00150080 luckily for us most of that falls within a different realm what you an aspiring i.t ly0PUND4w3g-00253-00150080-00150544 support specialist needs to know about the physical layer is much more approachable ly0PUND4w3g-00254-00150600-00151144 by the end of this lesson you should have a solid foundation in aspects of the physical layer that ly0PUND4w3g-00255-00151144-00151648 will allow you to properly troubleshoot networking issues and set up new networks let's dive in ly0PUND4w3g-00256-00151728-00152352 the physical layer consists of devices and means of transmitting bits across computer networks ly0PUND4w3g-00257-00152352-00153032 a bit is the smallest representation of data that a computer can understand it's a one or a zero ly0PUND4w3g-00258-00153096-00153648 these ones and zeros sense across networks at the lowest level are what make up the frames ly0PUND4w3g-00259-00153648-00153992 and packets of data that we'll learn about when we cover the other layers ly0PUND4w3g-00260-00154088-00154488 the takeaway is that it doesn't matter whether you're streaming your favorite song ly0PUND4w3g-00261-00154488-00155064 emailing your boss or using an atm what you're really doing is sending ones and zeros across ly0PUND4w3g-00262-00155064-00155632 the physical layer of the many different networks between you and the server you're interacting with ly0PUND4w3g-00263-00155632-00156000 a standard copper network cable once connected to devices on both ends ly0PUND4w3g-00264-00156056-00156656 will carry a constant electrical charge ones and zeros are sent across those network cables through ly0PUND4w3g-00265-00156656-00157352 a process called modulation modulation is a way of varying the voltage of this charge moving across ly0PUND4w3g-00266-00157352-00158032 the cable when used for computer networks this kind of modulation is more specifically known as ly0PUND4w3g-00267-00158032-00158680 line coding it allows devices on either end of the link to understand that an electrical charge in ly0PUND4w3g-00268-00158680-00159296 a certain state is a zero and another state is a one through this seemingly simple technique modern ly0PUND4w3g-00269-00159296-00161184 networks are capable of moving 10 billion ones and zeros across a single network cable every second ly0PUND4w3g-00270-00161272-00161664 the most common type of cabling used for connecting computing devices is known as ly0PUND4w3g-00271-00161664-00162280 twisted pair it's called a twisted pair cable because it features pairs of copper wires ly0PUND4w3g-00272-00162280-00162832 that are twisted together these pairs act as a single conduit for information and their twisted ly0PUND4w3g-00273-00162832-00163304 nature helps protect against electromagnetic interference and crosstalk from neighboring pairs ly0PUND4w3g-00274-00163384-00164000 a standard cat6 cable has eight wires consisting of four twisted pairs inside a single jacket ly0PUND4w3g-00275-00164000-00164480 exactly how many pairs are actually in use depends on the transmission technology being used ly0PUND4w3g-00276-00164576-00165056 but in all modern forms of networking it's important to know that these cables allow for ly0PUND4w3g-00277-00165056-00165624 duplex communication duplex communication is the concept that information can flow ly0PUND4w3g-00278-00165624-00166184 in both directions across the cable on the flip side a process called simplex ly0PUND4w3g-00279-00166184-00166720 communication is unidirectional think about a baby monitor where the transmission of data ly0PUND4w3g-00280-00166720-00167304 only goes in one direction making it a simplex communication a phone call on the other hand ly0PUND4w3g-00281-00167304-00167928 is duplex since both parties can listen and speak the way networking cables ensure that duplex ly0PUND4w3g-00282-00167928-00168488 communication is possible is by reserving one or two pairs for communicating in one direction ly0PUND4w3g-00283-00168552-00168952 they then use the other one or two pairs for communicating in the other direction ly0PUND4w3g-00284-00169024-00169600 so devices on either side of a networking link can both communicate with each other at the exact ly0PUND4w3g-00285-00169600-00170280 same time this is known as full duplex if there's something wrong with the connection you might see ly0PUND4w3g-00286-00170280-00170896 a network linked to grade and report itself as operating as half duplex half duplex means that ly0PUND4w3g-00287-00170896-00172384 while communication is possible in each direction only one device can be communicating at a time ly0PUND4w3g-00288-00172752-00173192 the final steps of how the physical layer works take place at the endpoints of our ly0PUND4w3g-00289-00173192-00173776 network links twisted pair network cables are terminated with a plug that takes the individual ly0PUND4w3g-00290-00173776-00174464 internal wires and exposes them the most common plug is known as an rj45 or registered jack 45 ly0PUND4w3g-00291-00174552-00175024 it's one of many cable plug specifications but by far the most common in computer networking ly0PUND4w3g-00292-00175088-00175568 a network cable with an rj45 plug can connect to an rj45 network port ly0PUND4w3g-00293-00175640-00176136 network ports are generally directly attached to the devices that make up a computer network ly0PUND4w3g-00294-00176232-00176736 switches would have many network ports because their purpose is to connect many devices but ly0PUND4w3g-00295-00176736-00177328 servers and desktops usually only have one or two your laptop tablet or phone probably don't ly0PUND4w3g-00296-00177328-00177952 have any but we'll get to wireless networking in a later module most network ports have two ly0PUND4w3g-00297-00177952-00178576 small leds one is the link light and the other is the activity light the link light will be lit ly0PUND4w3g-00298-00178576-00179152 when a cable is properly connected to two devices that are both powered on the activity light will ly0PUND4w3g-00299-00179152-00179864 flash when data is actively transmitted across the cable a long time ago the flashing activity light ly0PUND4w3g-00300-00179864-00180480 corresponded directly to the ones and zeroes being sent today computer networks are so fast that ly0PUND4w3g-00301-00180480-00180936 the activity light doesn't really communicate much other than if there's any traffic or not ly0PUND4w3g-00302-00181016-00181616 on switches sometimes the same led is used for both link and activity status it might ly0PUND4w3g-00303-00181616-00182136 even indicate other things like link speed you'll have to read up on a particular piece of hardware ly0PUND4w3g-00304-00182136-00182624 you're working with but there will almost always be some troubleshooting data available to you ly0PUND4w3g-00305-00182624-00183256 through port lights sometimes a network port isn't connected directly to a device instead there might ly0PUND4w3g-00306-00183256-00183808 be network ports mounted in a wall or underneath your desk these ports are generally connected to ly0PUND4w3g-00307-00183808-00184384 the network via cables ran through the walls that eventually end at a patch panel a patch ly0PUND4w3g-00308-00184384-00185040 panel is a device containing many network ports but it does no other work it's just a container ly0PUND4w3g-00309-00185040-00185640 for the endpoints of many runs of cable additional cables are then generally ran from a patch panel ly0PUND4w3g-00310-00185640-00186384 to switches or routers to provide network access to the computers at the other end of those links ly0PUND4w3g-00311-00187568-00188016 wireless and cellular internet access are quickly becoming some of the most common ways ly0PUND4w3g-00312-00188016-00188488 to connect computing devices to networks and it's probably how you're connected right now so you ly0PUND4w3g-00313-00188488-00189000 might be surprised to hear that traditional cable networks are still the most common option you find ly0PUND4w3g-00314-00189000-00189624 in the workplace and definitely in the data center the protocol most widely used to send data across ly0PUND4w3g-00315-00189624-00190256 individual links is known as ethernet ethernet and the data link layer provide a means for software ly0PUND4w3g-00316-00190256-00190808 at higher levels of the stack to send and receive data one of the primary purposes of this layer ly0PUND4w3g-00317-00190808-00191336 is to essentially abstract away the need for any other layers to care about the physical layer ly0PUND4w3g-00318-00191336-00191808 and what hardware is in use by dumping this responsibility on the data link layer ly0PUND4w3g-00319-00191808-00192368 the internet transport and application layers can all operate the same no matter how the device ly0PUND4w3g-00320-00192368-00192896 they're running on is connected so for example your web browser doesn't need to know if it's ly0PUND4w3g-00321-00192896-00193520 running on a device connected via twisted pair or a wireless connection it just needs the underlying ly0PUND4w3g-00322-00193520-00194120 layers to send and receive data for it by the end of this lesson you'll be able to explain what mac ly0PUND4w3g-00323-00194120-00194672 addresses are and how they're used to identify computers you'll also know how to describe the ly0PUND4w3g-00324-00194672-00195112 various components that make up an ethernet frame and you'll be able to differentiate between ly0PUND4w3g-00325-00195112-00195792 unicast multicast and broadcast addresses lastly you'll be able to explain how cyclical redundancy ly0PUND4w3g-00326-00195792-00196376 checks help ensure the integrity of data sent via ethernet understanding these concepts will ly0PUND4w3g-00327-00196376-00196968 help you troubleshoot a variety of problems as an i.t support specialist warning a history lesson ly0PUND4w3g-00328-00196968-00197688 on old school technology is headed your way here goes ethernet is a fairly old technology it first ly0PUND4w3g-00329-00197688-00198328 came into being in 1980 and saw its first fully published standardization in 1983. since then ly0PUND4w3g-00330-00198328-00198928 a few changes have been introduced primarily in order to support ever-increasing bandwidth needs ly0PUND4w3g-00331-00198928-00199440 for the most part though the ethernet in use today is comparable to the ethernet standard as first ly0PUND4w3g-00332-00199440-00200032 published all those years ago in 1983 computer networking was totally different than it is today ly0PUND4w3g-00333-00200096-00200680 one of the notable differences in land topology was that the switch or switchable hub hadn't been ly0PUND4w3g-00334-00200680-00201176 invented yet this meant that frequently many or all devices on a network shared ly0PUND4w3g-00335-00201176-00201664 a single collision domain you might remember from our discussion about hubs and switches ly0PUND4w3g-00336-00201664-00202104 that a collision domain is a network segment where only one device can speak at a time ly0PUND4w3g-00337-00202184-00202768 this is because all data in a collision domain is sent to all the nodes connected to it if two ly0PUND4w3g-00338-00202768-00203344 computers were to send data across the wire at the same time this would result in literal collisions ly0PUND4w3g-00339-00203344-00203872 of the electrical current representing our ones and zeros leaving the end result unintelligible ly0PUND4w3g-00340-00203872-00204488 ethernet as a protocol solved this problem by using a technique known as carrier sense multiple ly0PUND4w3g-00341-00204488-00205023 access with collision detection doesn't exactly roll off the tongue we generally abbreviate ly0PUND4w3g-00342-00205023-00205808 this to csma cd csma cd is used to determine when the communications channels are clear ly0PUND4w3g-00343-00205808-00206423 and when a device is free to transmit data the way csma cd works is actually pretty simple ly0PUND4w3g-00344-00206480-00207023 if there's no data currently being transmitted on the network segment a node will feel free to send ly0PUND4w3g-00345-00207023-00207519 data if it turns out that two or more computers end up trying to send data at the same time ly0PUND4w3g-00346-00207519-00208056 the computers detect this collision and stop sending data each device involved with the ly0PUND4w3g-00347-00208056-00208680 collision then waits a random interval of time before trying to sand data again this random ly0PUND4w3g-00348-00208680-00209136 interval helps to prevent all the computers involved in the collision from colliding again ly0PUND4w3g-00349-00209136-00209623 the next time they try to transmit anything when a network segment is a collision domain ly0PUND4w3g-00350-00209696-00210280 it means that all devices on that segment receive all communication across the entire segment ly0PUND4w3g-00351-00210336-00210864 this means we need a way to identify which node the transmission was actually meant for ly0PUND4w3g-00352-00210944-00211560 this is where something known as a media access control address or mac address comes into play ly0PUND4w3g-00353-00211560-00212167 a mac address is a globally unique identifier attached to an individual network interface ly0PUND4w3g-00354-00212167-00212752 it's a 48-bit number normally represented by six groupings of two hexadecimal numbers ly0PUND4w3g-00355-00212816-00213360 just like how binary is a way to represent numbers with only two digits hexadecimal is ly0PUND4w3g-00356-00213360-00213960 a way to represent numbers using 16 digits since we don't have numerals to represent any individual ly0PUND4w3g-00357-00213960-00214816 digit larger than 9 hexadecimal numbers employ the letters a b c d e and f to represent the ly0PUND4w3g-00358-00214816-00215680 numbers 10 11 12 13 14 and 15. another way to reference each group of numbers in a mac address ly0PUND4w3g-00359-00215680-00216360 is in octet in octet in computer networking is any number that can be represented by eight bits ly0PUND4w3g-00360-00216432-00216952 in this case two hexadecimal digits can represent the same numbers that eight bits can ly0PUND4w3g-00361-00217040-00217648 now you may have noticed that we mentioned that mac addresses are globally unique which might ly0PUND4w3g-00362-00217648-00218288 have left you wondering how that could possibly be the short answer is that a 48-bit number is much ly0PUND4w3g-00363-00218288-00218808 larger than you might expect the total number of possible mac addresses that could exist is ly0PUND4w3g-00364-00218808-00220176 2 to the power of 48 or 281 trillion 474 billion 976 million 710 656 unique possibilities that's a ly0PUND4w3g-00365-00220176-00220808 whole lot of possibilities a mac address is split into two sections the first three octets of a mac ly0PUND4w3g-00366-00220808-00221544 address are known as the organizationally unique identifier or oui these are assigned to individual ly0PUND4w3g-00367-00221544-00222152 hardware manufacturers by the ieee or the institute of electrical and electronics engineers ly0PUND4w3g-00368-00222223-00222648 this is a useful bit of information to keep in your back pocket because it means that you can ly0PUND4w3g-00369-00222648-00223232 always identify the manufacturer of a network interface purely by its mac address the last ly0PUND4w3g-00370-00223232-00223744 three octets of a mac address can be assigned in any way that the manufacturer would like ly0PUND4w3g-00371-00223744-00224360 with the condition that they only assign each possible address once to keep all mac addresses ly0PUND4w3g-00372-00224360-00225080 globally unique ethernet uses mac addresses to ensure that the data it sends has both an address ly0PUND4w3g-00373-00225080-00225584 for the machine that sent the transmission as well as the one that the transmission was intended for ly0PUND4w3g-00374-00225671-00226160 in this way even on a network segment acting as a single collision domain ly0PUND4w3g-00375-00226160-00226984 each node on that network knows when traffic is intended for it ly0PUND4w3g-00376-00227744-00228319 so far we've discussed ways for one device to transmit data to one other device this is ly0PUND4w3g-00377-00228319-00229040 what's known as unicast a unicast transmission is always meant for just one receiving address ly0PUND4w3g-00378-00229119-00229680 at the ethernet level this is done by looking at a special bit in the destination mac address ly0PUND4w3g-00379-00229752-00230519 if the least significant bit in the first octet of a destination address is set to zero it means that ly0PUND4w3g-00380-00230519-00231096 ethernet frame is intended for only the destination address this means it would ly0PUND4w3g-00381-00231096-00231671 be sent to all devices on the collision domain but only actually received and processed by the ly0PUND4w3g-00382-00231671-00232232 intended destination if the least significant bit in the first octet of a destination address ly0PUND4w3g-00383-00232232-00232888 is set to 1 it means you're dealing with a multicast frame a multicast frame is similarly ly0PUND4w3g-00384-00232888-00233567 set to all devices on the local network segment what's different is that it will be accepted or ly0PUND4w3g-00385-00233567-00234128 discarded by each device depending on criteria aside from their own hardware mac address ly0PUND4w3g-00386-00234216-00234816 network interfaces can be configured to accept lists of configured multicast addresses for ly0PUND4w3g-00387-00234816-00235400 these sorts of communications the third type of ethernet transmission is known as broadcast ly0PUND4w3g-00388-00235400-00236056 an ethernet broadcast is sent to every single device on a lan this is accomplished by using ly0PUND4w3g-00389-00236056-00236656 a special destination known as a broadcast address the ethernet broadcast address is all f's ly0PUND4w3g-00390-00236744-00237384 ethernet broadcasts are used so that devices can learn more about each other don't worry ly0PUND4w3g-00391-00237384-00237912 you'll be learning more about broadcast and a technology known as address resolution protocol ly0PUND4w3g-00392-00237912-00239584 later in this course but for now let's move on to dissecting the ethernet frame ly0PUND4w3g-00393-00239640-00240176 to wrap up we'll round out your understanding of the basics of networking by dissecting an ethernet ly0PUND4w3g-00394-00240176-00240792 frame understanding the networking basics is the first step in building a really strong foundation ly0PUND4w3g-00395-00240792-00241504 of networking knowledge that you'll need in it support a data packet is an all-encompassing term ly0PUND4w3g-00396-00241504-00241992 that represents any single set of binary data being sent across a network link ly0PUND4w3g-00397-00242096-00242680 the term data packet isn't tied to any specific layer or technology it just represents a concept ly0PUND4w3g-00398-00242744-00243416 one set of data being sent from point a to point b data packets at the ethernet level are known ly0PUND4w3g-00399-00243416-00244167 as ethernet frames an ethernet frame is a highly structured collection of information presented in ly0PUND4w3g-00400-00244167-00244848 a specific order this way network interfaces at the physical layer can convert a stream of bits ly0PUND4w3g-00401-00244848-00245456 traveling across a link into meaningful data or vice versa almost all sections of an ethernet ly0PUND4w3g-00402-00245456-00246088 frame are mandatory and most of them have a fixed size the first part of an ethernet frame is known ly0PUND4w3g-00403-00246088-00246848 as the preamble a preamble is 8 bytes or 64 bits long and can itself be split into two sections ly0PUND4w3g-00404-00246919-00247567 the first seven bytes are a series of alternating ones and zeros these act partially as a buffer ly0PUND4w3g-00405-00247567-00248184 between frames and can also be used by the network interfaces to synchronize internal clocks they use ly0PUND4w3g-00406-00248184-00248919 to regulate the speed at which they send data this last byte in the preamble is known as the sfd ly0PUND4w3g-00407-00248919-00249400 or start frame delimiter this signals to a receiving device that the preamble ly0PUND4w3g-00408-00249400-00249944 is over and that the actual frame contents will now follow immediately following the start frame ly0PUND4w3g-00409-00249944-00250552 delimiter comes the destination mac address this is the hardware address of the intended recipient ly0PUND4w3g-00410-00250552-00251071 which is then followed by the source mac address or where the frame originated from don't forget ly0PUND4w3g-00411-00251071-00251656 that each mac address is 48 bits or 6 bytes long the next part of an ethernet frame is called the ly0PUND4w3g-00412-00251656-00252312 ether type field it's 16 bits long and used to describe the protocol of the contents of the frame ly0PUND4w3g-00413-00252312-00252632 we'll be doing a deep dive on what these protocols are a little later ly0PUND4w3g-00414-00252719-00253192 it's worth calling out that instead of the ether type field you could also find what's known as a ly0PUND4w3g-00415-00253192-00253904 vlan header it indicates that the frame itself is what's called a vlan frame if a vlan header ly0PUND4w3g-00416-00253904-00254688 is present the ether type field follows it vlan stands for virtual lan it's a technique that lets ly0PUND4w3g-00417-00254688-00255376 you have multiple logical lands operating on the same physical equipment any frame with a vlan tag ly0PUND4w3g-00418-00255376-00256040 will only be delivered out of a switch interface configured to relay that specific tag this way you ly0PUND4w3g-00419-00256040-00256752 can have a single physical network that operates like its multiple lands vlans are usually used to ly0PUND4w3g-00420-00256752-00257448 segregate different forms of traffic so you might see a company's ip phones operating on one vlan ly0PUND4w3g-00421-00257448-00258080 while all desktops operate on another after this you'll find the data payload of an ethernet frame ly0PUND4w3g-00422-00258144-00258752 a payload in networking terms is the actual data being transported which is everything that isn't a ly0PUND4w3g-00423-00258752-00259416 header the data payload of a traditional ethernet frame can be anywhere from 46 to 1500 bytes long ly0PUND4w3g-00424-00259488-00260056 this contains all of the data from higher layers such as the ip transport and application layers ly0PUND4w3g-00425-00260056-00260592 that's actually being transmitted following that data we have what's known as a frame check ly0PUND4w3g-00426-00260592-00261223 sequence this is a 4 byte or 32-bit number that represents a checksum value for the entire frame ly0PUND4w3g-00427-00261304-00261840 this checksum value is calculated by performing what's known as a cyclical redundancy check ly0PUND4w3g-00428-00261840-00262400 against the frame a cyclical redundancy check or crc is an important concept ly0PUND4w3g-00429-00262400-00262872 for data integrity and is used all over computing not just network transmissions ly0PUND4w3g-00430-00262928-00263544 a crc is basically a mathematical transformation that uses polynomial division to create a number ly0PUND4w3g-00431-00263544-00264152 that represents a larger set of data anytime you perform a crc against a set of data you should ly0PUND4w3g-00432-00264152-00264688 end up with the same checksum number the reason it's included in an ethernet frame is so that ly0PUND4w3g-00433-00264688-00265336 the receiving network interface can infer if it received uncorrupted data when a device gets ready ly0PUND4w3g-00434-00265336-00265832 to send an ethernet frame it collects all the information we just covered like the destination ly0PUND4w3g-00435-00265832-00266432 and originating mac addresses the data payload and so on then it performs a crc against that ly0PUND4w3g-00436-00266432-00266984 data and attaches the resulting checksum number as the frame check sequence at the end of the frame ly0PUND4w3g-00437-00267096-00267792 this data is then sent across a link and received at the other end here all the various fields of ly0PUND4w3g-00438-00267792-00268296 the ethernet frame are collected and now the receiving side performs a crc against that data ly0PUND4w3g-00439-00268392-00268920 if the checksum computed by the receiving end doesn't match the checksum in the frame check ly0PUND4w3g-00440-00268920-00269488 sequence field the data is thrown out this is because some amount of data must have been lost ly0PUND4w3g-00441-00269488-00270048 or corrupted during transmission it's then up to a protocol at a higher layer to decide if that ly0PUND4w3g-00442-00270048-00270688 data should be re-transmitted ethernet itself only reports on data integrity it doesn't perform data ly0PUND4w3g-00443-00270688-00271464 recovery you've gotten the basics of networking down nice work next up is a quiz you got this ly0PUND4w3g-00444-00271464-00271864 but even if you don't just review the material until you get more comfortable with this stuff ly0PUND4w3g-00445-00272312-00272856 if you are interested in it and you never went to school for it you don't have a cs degree anything ly0PUND4w3g-00446-00272856-00273448 like that i always tell people that half the people that i've worked with at google do not have ly0PUND4w3g-00447-00273448-00274032 a traditional i.t background um i've worked with people in i.t who were teachers um i knew people ly0PUND4w3g-00448-00274032-00274592 that were drama majors that were history majors you know chemists it has nothing to do with it ly0PUND4w3g-00449-00274592-00274992 right it's all about being able to connect with people being able to look at a problem ly0PUND4w3g-00450-00274992-00275504 and break it down into components that are each pretty easy to solve on their own um until you ly0PUND4w3g-00451-00275504-00276016 get the whole thing solved that's that's it right um learning the technical piece is ly0PUND4w3g-00452-00276072-00276472 is easy you can anyone can learn that piece for one i tell them like just go get your hands dirty ly0PUND4w3g-00453-00276472-00276776 right there's a lot of places where you can kind of just go and do this even at home right you ly0PUND4w3g-00454-00276776-00277160 probably have like a wireless network or something like go break it right go do that like get your ly0PUND4w3g-00455-00277160-00277672 hands dirty try it out set up a virtual machine and go and break it 100 different ways and then ly0PUND4w3g-00456-00277672-00278048 figure out all the different ways you can fix it it's going to give you the most like practical ly0PUND4w3g-00457-00278048-00278512 experience into it you're going to figure out whether finding the problems is actually something ly0PUND4w3g-00458-00278512-00278920 that gets you excited like oh cool i figured this out yeah and it'll it'll tell you whether this ly0PUND4w3g-00459-00278920-00279368 is like the right the right field for you um i wouldn't be dissuaded just because you don't think ly0PUND4w3g-00460-00279368-00280000 you have a technical background the technical background piece is the least important piece