hedIJk9zMmc-00001-00000050-00000293 Heloo WhatsApp gayss turkeyturist
hgG2TmNldWy-00000-00000963-00001641 What makes jesus christ unique in a world of gods and gurus? Well if there is
hgG2TmNldWy-00001-00001641-00002151 one unique characteristic about the God of the Bible it is that he is holy
hgG2TmNldWy-00002-00002205-00002723 Now if you consider the Greco-Roman times that Jesus Christ lived in, or if
hgG2TmNldWy-00003-00002723-00003198 you go all the way back to the ancient civilizations the concept of a holy God
hgG2TmNldWy-00004-00003198-00003681 does not occur much. Gods and goddesses according to them were subject to
hgG2TmNldWy-00005-00003681-00004191 passions like human beings. There was murder, rape, incest and all kinds of
hgG2TmNldWy-00006-00004191-00004704 immorality among those that were considered as gods and goddesses. But the
hgG2TmNldWy-00007-00004704-00005412 Bible very clearly says that God is a holy God. In the Bible the holiness of
hgG2TmNldWy-00008-00005412-00006000 God is the only characteristic that is elevated to the third degree. In Isaiah
hgG2TmNldWy-00009-00006000-00006512 chapter 6, prophet Isaiah 6 sees the Lord sitting on a throne. And around the throne of God
hgG2TmNldWy-00010-00006512-00007070 there were seraphims. Now seraphims are angelic heavenly beings. And these
hgG2TmNldWy-00011-00007070-00007653 seraphims around the throne of god were singing holy, holy, holy is the lord of
hgG2TmNldWy-00012-00007653-00008253 hosts. The New Testament testifies that Jesus Christ during his time on earth
hgG2TmNldWy-00013-00008253-00008924 lived a perfectly holy life. He is described as the one without sin in Hebrews
hgG2TmNldWy-00014-00008924-00009347 chapter 4 verse 15 and as the one who committed no sin in first Peter
hgG2TmNldWy-00015-00009347-00009981 chapter 2 verse 22. And as him who had no sin in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 was
hgG2TmNldWy-00016-00009981-00010506 21.The Old Testament prophetically describes Jesus Christ as the righteous
hgG2TmNldWy-00017-00010506-00011132 one in Isaiah chapter 53 verse 11. And as the one who loved righteousness and
hgG2TmNldWy-00018-00011132-00011975 hated wickedness in Psalm 45 was verse 7. SoJesus Christ is a holy God. However
hgG2TmNldWy-00019-00011975-00012617 holiness is not just one attribute of God. In fact holiness can be defined as
hgG2TmNldWy-00020-00012617-00013188 all of God's character. All the other attributes of God are an extension of
hgG2TmNldWy-00021-00013188-00013463 his holiness. God is love
hgG2TmNldWy-00022-00013463-00014076 because he's holy, God is righteous because he's holy, God is a judge because
hgG2TmNldWy-00023-00014076-00014313 he is holy and God will have
hgG2TmNldWy-00024-00014313-00014974 mercy because he is holy. So all the other attributes of God are an extension
hgG2TmNldWy-00025-00014974-00015733 of his holiness. So God is a holy God. But that is not where the bible ends. The bible
hgG2TmNldWy-00026-00015733-00016276 does not say that God is holy and he's going to condemn all of us. But the Bible
hgG2TmNldWy-00027-00016276-00016756 says because he is holy he acted in love towards us.
hgG2TmNldWy-00028-00016756-00017179 The Bible says that all of us are sinners and there is no way we sinful
hgG2TmNldWy-00029-00017179-00017761 men and women can have a relationship with a holy God. And that is why
hgG2TmNldWy-00030-00017761-00018235 God in His love sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth. And Jesus Christ
hgG2TmNldWy-00031-00018235-00018730 came down to this earth and he died on the cross and paid the penalty of our
hgG2TmNldWy-00032-00018730-00019378 sins and that is the story of the Bible. It is not man trying to find God but God
hgG2TmNldWy-00033-00019378-00019939 reaching out to man so that man can be saved from the judgment to come. And this
hgG2TmNldWy-00034-00019939-00020716 is something very unique and found only in the Bible. That God, a holy God acted in
hgG2TmNldWy-00035-00020716-00021053 love towards humans
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hlQBmTBUDru-00000-00000463-00001152 Hi guys we are going to continue to work out for the abs and legs and buttocks
hlQBmTBUDru-00001-00001272-00001592 don't forget to put your one kilo
hlQBmTBUDru-00002-00001864-00002248 Ankle weights in your ankles
hlQBmTBUDru-00003-00002704-00003328 one kilo each so we start like this up
hlQBmTBUDru-00004-00003408-00004264 up let me go a bit further so the camera doesn't cut my leg yes so two three
hlQBmTBUDru-00005-00005264-00006888 other side now in english one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so now
hlQBmTBUDru-00006-00006976-00007968 knee up to the chest in into the chest straighten the leg and up so in and up and backwards okay
hlQBmTBUDru-00007-00007968-00009144 slowly don't want to hurt yourself and one two three make sure you're reading five six
hlQBmTBUDru-00008-00009288-00010200 seven oh i can feel it eight it is okay other leg one two now in German dry
hlQBmTBUDru-00009-00010656-00011784 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
hlQBmTBUDru-00010-00011784-00013119 so now because I can feel it I go to the abs and elbow up a knee one two three four I only count
hlQBmTBUDru-00011-00013119-00014568 here on one side five six seven and eight and nine ten and twelve straighten leg attach one
hlQBmTBUDru-00012-00014704-00015663 two make sure the elbow sorry the shoulder goes up the hand goes up like if I'm trying to touch
hlQBmTBUDru-00013-00015663-00016448 the ceiling okay I keep my neck nice and straight I don't want to strengthen and make pain here
hlQBmTBUDru-00014-00016512-00018512 so basically looking with the face looking up so one two three four five six seven eight yeah
hlQBmTBUDru-00015-00018904-00019360 so we did that one we did that one and now I'm going to go
hlQBmTBUDru-00016-00019568-00019784 here with both legs up one
hlQBmTBUDru-00017-00020056-00020456 two so i'm going to do two sets today
hlQBmTBUDru-00018-00020520-00021312 because i'm a bit tired yes you can do normally three sets but now today i'm tired and i have to
hlQBmTBUDru-00019-00021312-00021984 go to work so three four five six seven eight how many do i have i forgot
hlQBmTBUDru-00020-00022160-00023200 anyway now we go backwards one okay here normally you have the back part if you don't wear anything
hlQBmTBUDru-00021-00023376-00024160 on your back like clothing sounds like you know what two let's go down the leg
hlQBmTBUDru-00022-00024320-00025384 three, so straight bend go backwards straight and go backwards
hlQBmTBUDru-00023-00025936-00026783 the slower you come down the better
hlQBmTBUDru-00024-00027376-00029192 good oh my god so we go again up three four five six seven and eight we do eight one two three four
hlQBmTBUDru-00025-00029192-00030568 you're gonna go against six seven and eight knee to the chest and up one two three four good five
hlQBmTBUDru-00026-00030776-00032560 six seven and eight good one two three four five six seven and eight
hlQBmTBUDru-00027-00032776-00033440 okay we're going to do one set off the dog pin basically this is here out
hlQBmTBUDru-00028-00033440-00034112 i try to not push so much this hip to the other side so one two correct
hlQBmTBUDru-00029-00034288-00036312 three four five six seven and eight other side one three two three four five six seven and eight whoa
hlQBmTBUDru-00030-00036528-00036864 that one we didn't do before so we'll do one more after the abs
hlQBmTBUDru-00031-00037096-00037208 take a breath relax
hlQBmTBUDru-00032-00037832-00039040 and we continue are you ready go knees and elbow to the city one two three four five
hlQBmTBUDru-00033-00039168-00040816 six seven and eight and one two three four five six seven and eight
hlQBmTBUDru-00034-00041024-00041520 okay so right here one oh i brought the four two
hlQBmTBUDru-00035-00041752-00041776 three
hlQBmTBUDru-00036-00042160-00042184 four
hlQBmTBUDru-00037-00042416-00042456 five
hlQBmTBUDru-00038-00042688-00042872 six seven eight
hlQBmTBUDru-00039-00043440-00043928 take a breath and we go backwards one
hlQBmTBUDru-00040-00044192-00044216 two
hlQBmTBUDru-00041-00044560-00044984 three you can also go straight four
hlQBmTBUDru-00042-00045272-00045304 five
hlQBmTBUDru-00043-00045584-00045608 six
hlQBmTBUDru-00044-00045928-00045976 seven
hlQBmTBUDru-00045-00046288-00046384 eight
hlQBmTBUDru-00046-00046704-00048320 one two three four five six seven and eight other side and one two three four
hlQBmTBUDru-00047-00048480-00049432 five six seven and eight stretch
hlQBmTBUDru-00048-00049832-00050584 relaxing all your back to the floor
hlQBmTBUDru-00049-00050832-00051984 we made it see you next training
hnkvWLvaC6g-00000-00000052-00000237 Chapter 11 of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00001-00000237-00000902 dinosaurs with special reference to the American Museum collections by William Diller, Matthew
hnkvWLvaC6g-00002-00001015-00001325 This LibriVox recording is in the public domain
hnkvWLvaC6g-00003-00001540-00001884 Recording by Jeffrey, Smith, New Orleans, Louisiana
hnkvWLvaC6g-00004-00002107-00002321 Chapter 11 part 3
hnkvWLvaC6g-00005-00002478-00002783 Feeding habits of the giant dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00006-00002917-00003554 We still have to solve one of the most perplexing problems of fossil physiology
hnkvWLvaC6g-00007-00003664-00003879 How did the very small head?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00008-00003952-00004152 provided with light jaws
hnkvWLvaC6g-00009-00004212-00004628 slender and spoon shaped teeth confined to the anterior region
hnkvWLvaC6g-00010-00004764-00005168 suffice to provide food for these monsters I
hnkvWLvaC6g-00011-00005278-00005666 Have advanced the idea that the food of Diplodocus
hnkvWLvaC6g-00012-00005734-00005984 consisted of some very abundant and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00013-00006048-00006284 nutritious species of water plant
hnkvWLvaC6g-00014-00006400-00006677 That the clawed feet were used in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00015-00006706-00007022 Uprooting such plants while the delicate
hnkvWLvaC6g-00016-00007042-00007608 anterior teeth were employed only for drawing them out of the water that the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00017-00007629-00008012 Plants were drawn down the throat in large quantities without
hnkvWLvaC6g-00018-00008079-00008218 mastication
hnkvWLvaC6g-00019-00008218-00008747 Since there were no grinding or back teeth whatever in this animal
hnkvWLvaC6g-00020-00008940-00009605 Unfortunately for this theory it is now found that the front feet were not provided with many claws
hnkvWLvaC6g-00021-00009643-00010037 There being only a single claw on the inner side
hnkvWLvaC6g-00022-00010189-00010919 Nevertheless by some such means as this these enormous animals could have obtained sufficient food in the water
hnkvWLvaC6g-00023-00010957-00011162 to support their great bulk
hnkvWLvaC6g-00024-00011320-00011532 The carnivorous dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00025-00011700-00012488 Mingling with the larger bones in the quarry are the more or less perfect remains of swamp Turtles of dwarf
hnkvWLvaC6g-00026-00012553-00013094 crocodiles of the entirely different group of plated dinosaurs or
hnkvWLvaC6g-00027-00013183-00013383 Stegosaurus, but especially
hnkvWLvaC6g-00028-00013422-00013847 two entirely distinct kinds of large and small
hnkvWLvaC6g-00029-00013947-00014147 flesh-eating dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00030-00014197-00014697 The latter rounded out and gave variety to the dinosaur society
hnkvWLvaC6g-00031-00014697-00015057 And there is no doubt that they served the savage
hnkvWLvaC6g-00032-00015057-00015587 but useful purpose rendered familiar by the doctrine of Malthus of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00033-00015655-00015790 checking
hnkvWLvaC6g-00034-00015790-00015931 overpopulation
hnkvWLvaC6g-00035-00015931-00016238 These fierce animals had the same remote
hnkvWLvaC6g-00036-00016294-00017079 Ancestry as the giant dinosaurs, but had gradually acquired entirely different habits and appearance
hnkvWLvaC6g-00037-00017251-00017741 Far inferior in size they were superior in agility
hnkvWLvaC6g-00038-00017860-00018395 exclusively bipedal with very long powerful hind limbs upon
hnkvWLvaC6g-00039-00018395-00018710 Which they advanced by running or springing and?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00040-00018736-00019358 With short four limbs the exact uses of which are difficult to ascertain
hnkvWLvaC6g-00041-00019510-00020018 Both hands and feet were provided with powerful tearing claws on
hnkvWLvaC6g-00042-00020104-00020669 The hind foot is the back claw so characteristic of the birds which?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00043-00020725-00020925 during the Triassic period
hnkvWLvaC6g-00044-00020932-00021464 Left its faint impression almost everywhere in the famous, Connecticut Valley
hnkvWLvaC6g-00045-00021517-00021717 imprints of these animals
hnkvWLvaC6g-00046-00021823-00022614 That the four limb and hand were of some distinct use is proved by the enormous size of the thumb claw
hnkvWLvaC6g-00047-00022717-00023463 While the hand may not have conveyed food to the mouth it may have served to seize and tear the prey
hnkvWLvaC6g-00048-00023529-00024152 As to the actual pose in feeding there can be little doubt as to its general
hnkvWLvaC6g-00049-00024214-00024455 similarity to that of the wrapped or ease
hnkvWLvaC6g-00050-00024511-00024822 Among the birds as suggested to me by dr.
hnkvWLvaC6g-00051-00024883-00025054 Wortman
hnkvWLvaC6g-00052-00025054-00025727 One of the hind feet rested on the prey the other upon the ground the body being further
hnkvWLvaC6g-00053-00025773-00026159 balanced or supported by the vertebrae of the tail
hnkvWLvaC6g-00054-00026283-00026985 The animal was thus in a position to apply its teeth and exert all the power of it's very powerful
hnkvWLvaC6g-00055-00027019-00027347 Arched back in tearing off its food
hnkvWLvaC6g-00056-00027475-00027926 That the gristle of the bone or cartilage was very palatable is
hnkvWLvaC6g-00057-00027997-00028316 Attested not only by the tooth marks upon these bones
hnkvWLvaC6g-00058-00028353-00028841 But by many similar markings found in the bone cabin quarry
hnkvWLvaC6g-00059-00028989-00029219 the bird catching dinosaur
hnkvWLvaC6g-00060-00029325-00029927 Of all the bird-like dinosaurs, which have been discovered none possesses greater
hnkvWLvaC6g-00061-00029986-00030381 Similitude to the birds than the gem of the quarry
hnkvWLvaC6g-00062-00030414-00030719 The little animal about seven feet in length
hnkvWLvaC6g-00063-00030741-00031292 Which we have named ornithol estie's or the bird catching dinosaur?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00064-00031293-00031772 it was a marvel of speed agility and delicacy of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00065-00031849-00032049 construction
hnkvWLvaC6g-00066-00032077-00032654 Externally its bones are simple and solid looking but as a matter of fact
hnkvWLvaC6g-00067-00032655-00033278 They are mere shells the walls being hardly thicker than paper the entire
hnkvWLvaC6g-00068-00033358-00033947 interior of the bone having been removed by the action of the same marvelous law of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00069-00034012-00034385 adaptation which sculptured the vertebrae of its huge
hnkvWLvaC6g-00070-00034459-00034636 contemporaries
hnkvWLvaC6g-00071-00034636-00034769 There is no evidence
hnkvWLvaC6g-00072-00034769-00035510 However that these hollow bones were filled with air from the lungs as in the case of the bones of birds
hnkvWLvaC6g-00073-00035616-00035864 the foot is bird-like the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00074-00035934-00036182 Hand is still more so in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00075-00036265-00037016 Fact no dinosaur hand has ever before been found which so closely mimics that of a bird
hnkvWLvaC6g-00076-00037050-00037174 in the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00077-00037174-00037294 great
hnkvWLvaC6g-00078-00037294-00037622 elongation of the 1st or index finger in the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00079-00037738-00038315 abbreviation of the thumb and middle finger and in the reduction of the ring finger
hnkvWLvaC6g-00080-00038449-00038844 these fingers with sharp claws were not strong enough for
hnkvWLvaC6g-00081-00038878-00039539 climbing and the only special fitness we have been able to imagine is that they were used for the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00082-00039559-00039845 grasping of a light and the agile prey
hnkvWLvaC6g-00083-00039982-00040665 another reason for the venture of designating this animal as the bird-catcher is that the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00084-00040705-00041238 jurassic birds not thus far discovered in america but known from the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00085-00041299-00041876 Archaeopteryx of Germany were not so active or such strong fliers as
hnkvWLvaC6g-00086-00041932-00042132 existing birds in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00087-00042157-00042570 Fact they were not unlike the little dinosaur itself
hnkvWLvaC6g-00088-00042694-00042883 They were toothed
hnkvWLvaC6g-00089-00042883-00043410 Long-tailed short armed the body was feathered instead of scaled
hnkvWLvaC6g-00090-00043465-00043751 They rose slowly from the ground
hnkvWLvaC6g-00091-00043873-00044525 This renders it probable that they were the prey of the smaller pneumatic built dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00092-00044572-00044789 Such as the present animal
hnkvWLvaC6g-00093-00044890-00045600 This hypothetical bird catcher seems to have been designed to spring upon a delicately built prey
hnkvWLvaC6g-00094-00045637-00046187 the structure being the very antipode of that of the large carnivorous
hnkvWLvaC6g-00095-00046252-00046452 dinosaurs a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00096-00046495-00046716 difficulty in the bird catching theory
hnkvWLvaC6g-00097-00046759-00047342 Namely that the teeth are not as sharp as one would expect to find them in a flesh eater is
hnkvWLvaC6g-00098-00047410-00048071 Somewhat offset by the similarity of the teeth to those of the bird eating monitor lizards
hnkvWLvaC6g-00099-00048160-00048446 Moranis which are not especially sharp
hnkvWLvaC6g-00100-00048613-00048885 The great yield of the quarry
hnkvWLvaC6g-00101-00048991-00049120 our
hnkvWLvaC6g-00102-00049120-00049422 explorations in the quarry began in the spring of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00103-00049486-00049953 1898 and have continued ever since during favorable weather
hnkvWLvaC6g-00104-00050077-00050468 The total area explored at the close of the 6th year
hnkvWLvaC6g-00105-00050524-00050925 Was seven thousand two hundred and fifty square feet
hnkvWLvaC6g-00106-00051082-00051591 Not one of the twelve foot squares into which the quarry was plotted
hnkvWLvaC6g-00107-00051613-00052251 Lacked its covering of bones and in some cases the bones were two or three deep
hnkvWLvaC6g-00108-00052366-00052850 Each year, we have expected to come to the end of this great deposit
hnkvWLvaC6g-00109-00052851-00053427 But it still yields a large return although we have reason to believe that we have
hnkvWLvaC6g-00110-00053479-00053679 exhausted the richest portions
hnkvWLvaC6g-00111-00053776-00053976 We have taken up
hnkvWLvaC6g-00112-00054073-00054623 483 parts of animals some of which may belong to the same individuals
hnkvWLvaC6g-00113-00054739-00054939 These were packed in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00114-00055027-00055440 275 boxes representing a gross weight of nearly
hnkvWLvaC6g-00115-00055576-00055776 100,000 pounds
hnkvWLvaC6g-00116-00055842-00056358 Reckoning from the number of five bones. We reach as a rough estimate of the total
hnkvWLvaC6g-00117-00056440-00056748 73 animals of the following kinds
hnkvWLvaC6g-00118-00056887-00057098 Jayant herbivorous dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00119-00057175-00057334 44
hnkvWLvaC6g-00120-00057334-00057767 plated herbivorous dinosaurs or Stegosaurus 3
hnkvWLvaC6g-00121-00057895-00058353 iguana dance or smaller herbivorous dinosaurs 4
hnkvWLvaC6g-00122-00058477-00058793 large carnivorous dinosaurs 6
hnkvWLvaC6g-00123-00058909-00059079 small carnivorous
hnkvWLvaC6g-00124-00059079-00059279 dinosaurs 3
hnkvWLvaC6g-00125-00059377-00059577 Crocodiles 4
hnkvWLvaC6g-00126-00059620-00059752 Turtles
hnkvWLvaC6g-00127-00059752-00059914 5
hnkvWLvaC6g-00128-00059914-00060635 But this represents only a part of the whole deposit, which we know to be of twice the extent already
hnkvWLvaC6g-00129-00060705-00061067 Explored and these figures do not include the bones
hnkvWLvaC6g-00130-00061067-00061662 Which were partly washed out and used in the construction of the bone cabin
hnkvWLvaC6g-00131-00061762-00062409 The grand total would probably include parts of over 100 giant dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00132-00062554-00062921 the struggle for existence among the dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00133-00063070-00063828 never in the whole history of the world as we now know it have there been such remarkable land scenes as
hnkvWLvaC6g-00134-00063859-00064430 Were presented when the reign of these titanic reptiles was at its climax
hnkvWLvaC6g-00135-00064576-00065318 It was also the prevailing life picture of England, Germany, South America and India
hnkvWLvaC6g-00136-00065425-00066173 We can imagine herds of these creatures from 50 to 80 feet in length with limbs and gait
hnkvWLvaC6g-00137-00066223-00066531 analogous to those of gigantic elephants
hnkvWLvaC6g-00138-00066550-00067064 But with bodies extending through the long flexible and tapering necks
hnkvWLvaC6g-00139-00067123-00067863 Into the diminutive heads and reaching back into the equally long and still more tapering
hnkvWLvaC6g-00140-00067897-00068071 tails
hnkvWLvaC6g-00141-00068071-00068789 The four or five varieties which existed together were each fitted to some special mode of life
hnkvWLvaC6g-00142-00068845-00069431 Some living more exclusively on land others for longer periods in the water
hnkvWLvaC6g-00143-00069552-00070019 The competition for existence was not only with the great carnivorous
hnkvWLvaC6g-00144-00070075-00070667 dinosaurs, but with other kinds of herbivorous dinosaurs the iguanodons
hnkvWLvaC6g-00145-00070708-00071285 Which had much smaller bodies to sustain and a much superior tooth
hnkvWLvaC6g-00146-00071368-00071568 for the taking of food
hnkvWLvaC6g-00147-00071656-00071907 the cutting off of this giant dinosaur
hnkvWLvaC6g-00148-00071998-00072261 Dynasty was nearly if not quite
hnkvWLvaC6g-00149-00072361-00072561 simultaneous the world over
hnkvWLvaC6g-00150-00072639-00073010 The explanation which is deducible from similar?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00151-00073060-00073713 catastrophes to other large types of animals is that a very large frame with a limited and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00152-00073738-00074516 Specialized set of teeth fitted only to a certain special food is a dangerous combination of characters
hnkvWLvaC6g-00153-00074611-00075114 Such a monster organism is no longer a Dapp table any
hnkvWLvaC6g-00154-00075195-00075387 serious change of conditions
hnkvWLvaC6g-00155-00075387-00076137 Which would tend to eliminate the special food would also eliminate these great animals as a necessary?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00156-00076186-00076386 consequence
hnkvWLvaC6g-00157-00076390-00076740 There is an entirely different class of explanations
hnkvWLvaC6g-00158-00076752-00077525 However to be considered which are consistent both with the continued fitness of structure of the giant
hnkvWLvaC6g-00159-00077548-00078032 dinosaurs themselves and with the survival of their special food
hnkvWLvaC6g-00160-00078132-00078332 such for example as the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00161-00078388-00078995 introduction of a new enemy more deadly even than the great carnivorous dinosaurs
hnkvWLvaC6g-00162-00079126-00079733 Among such theories the most ingenious is that of the late Professor cope who?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00163-00079765-00080045 Suggested that some of the small inoffensive
hnkvWLvaC6g-00164-00080102-00080169 and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00165-00080169-00080798 inconspicuous forms of Jurassic mammals of the size of the shrew and the Hedgehog
hnkvWLvaC6g-00166-00080892-00081688 Contracted the habit of seeking out the nests of these dinosaurs knowing through the shells of their eggs and thus
hnkvWLvaC6g-00167-00081717-00081917 destroying the young
hnkvWLvaC6g-00168-00081942-00082399 the appearance our evolution of any egg destroying animals whether
hnkvWLvaC6g-00169-00082437-00083192 Reptiles or mammals which could attack this great race at such a defenseless point would be rapidly
hnkvWLvaC6g-00170-00083220-00083420 followed by its extinction
hnkvWLvaC6g-00171-00083541-00084167 we must accordingly be on the alert for all possible theories of extinction and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00172-00084249-00084441 these theories
hnkvWLvaC6g-00173-00084441-00084976 Themselves will fall under the universal principle of the survival of the fittest
hnkvWLvaC6g-00174-00085043-00085439 Until we approximate or actually hit upon the truth
hnkvWLvaC6g-00175-00085575-00086045 fossil hunting by boat in canada by Barnum brown
hnkvWLvaC6g-00176-00086175-00086675 How do you know where to look for fossils is a common question in?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00177-00086775-00087542 General it. May be answered that the surface of North America has been pretty well explored by government surveys and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00178-00087621-00088180 scientific expeditions and the geologic age of the larger areas
hnkvWLvaC6g-00179-00088248-00088407 determined
hnkvWLvaC6g-00180-00088407-00088660 most important in determining the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00181-00088689-00089350 geologic sequence of the Earth's strata are the fossil remains of animal and plant life a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00182-00089463-00090167 grouping of distinct species of fossils correlated with stratigraphic characters in the rocks
hnkvWLvaC6g-00183-00090234-00090434 determines these subdivisions
hnkvWLvaC6g-00184-00090513-00090977 when a collection of fossils is desired to represent a certain period
hnkvWLvaC6g-00185-00091065-00091417 Exploring parties are sent to these known areas
hnkvWLvaC6g-00186-00091548-00091731 sometimes however
hnkvWLvaC6g-00187-00091731-00091836 chance
hnkvWLvaC6g-00188-00091836-00092237 information leads up to most important discoveries such as
hnkvWLvaC6g-00189-00092298-00092845 resulted from the work of the past two seasons in Alberta Canada a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00190-00092961-00093674 visitor to the museum mister JL Wagner while examine our mineral collections
hnkvWLvaC6g-00191-00093708-00094240 Saw the large bones in the reptile hall and remarked to the curator of mineralogy
hnkvWLvaC6g-00192-00094320-00095005 That he had seen many similar bones near his ranch in the Red Deer Canyon of Alberta
hnkvWLvaC6g-00193-00095136-00095627 After talking some time an invitation was extended to the writer
hnkvWLvaC6g-00194-00095661-00095978 To visit his home and prospect to the canyon
hnkvWLvaC6g-00195-00096105-00096755 Accordingly in the fall of 1909 a preliminary trip was made to the locality
hnkvWLvaC6g-00196-00096855-00097262 from Didsbury a little town north of Calgary the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00197-00097287-00097660 writer drove eastward 90 miles to the Red Deer River
hnkvWLvaC6g-00198-00097710-00098117 through a portion of the newly opened Grain Belt of Alberta
hnkvWLvaC6g-00199-00098217-00098708 Destined in the near future to produce a large part of the world's bread
hnkvWLvaC6g-00200-00098820-00099152 Near the railroad the land is mostly under cultivation
hnkvWLvaC6g-00201-00099204-00099312 and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00202-00099312-00099890 comfortable homes and bountiful grain fields testify to the rich nature of the soil a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00203-00099978-00100663 Few miles eastward the brush land gives way to a level expanse of grass covered Prairie
hnkvWLvaC6g-00204-00100722-00101030 Dotted here and there by large and small lakes
hnkvWLvaC6g-00205-00101108-00101308 probably of glacial origin
hnkvWLvaC6g-00206-00101457-00102140 Mile after mile the road follows section lines and one is rarely out of sight of the house of some
hnkvWLvaC6g-00207-00102180-00102820 Homesteader it is through this level farmland that the Red Deer River winds its way
hnkvWLvaC6g-00208-00102888-00103183 Flowing through a canyon far below the surface
hnkvWLvaC6g-00209-00103307-00103585 near Wagner's ranch the canyon was
hnkvWLvaC6g-00210-00103641-00104437 Prospected and so many bones found that it appeared most desirable to do extended searching along the river
hnkvWLvaC6g-00211-00104589-00104797 Usually fossils are found in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00212-00104858-00105607 Badlands where extensive areas are denuded of grass and the surface eroded into hills and ravines
hnkvWLvaC6g-00213-00105642-00105792 a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00214-00105792-00106183 camp is located near some spring or stream and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00215-00106245-00106724 collectors ride or walk over miles of these exposures in each direction
hnkvWLvaC6g-00216-00106820-00107108 Till the region is thoroughly explored quite
hnkvWLvaC6g-00217-00107234-00107503 Different are the conditions on the Red Deer River
hnkvWLvaC6g-00218-00107658-00108304 Cutting through the Prairie land the River had formed a canyon two to five hundred feet deep and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00219-00108357-00108613 Rarely more than a mile wide at the top
hnkvWLvaC6g-00220-00108698-00109423 In places the walls are nearly perpendicular and the river winds in its narrow valley
hnkvWLvaC6g-00221-00109487-00109762 Touching one side then crossing to the other
hnkvWLvaC6g-00222-00109805-00110557 So that it is impossible to follow up or down its course any great distance even on horseback
hnkvWLvaC6g-00223-00110694-00111259 It was evident that the most feasible way to work these banks was from a boat
hnkvWLvaC6g-00224-00111434-00112195 Consequently in the summer of nineteen ten our party proceeded to the town of Red Deer where the
hnkvWLvaC6g-00225-00112211-00112361 Calgary Edmonton
hnkvWLvaC6g-00226-00112361-00112561 railroad crosses the river
hnkvWLvaC6g-00227-00112628-00113140 There a flatboat 12 by 30 feet in dimension was
hnkvWLvaC6g-00228-00113172-00113948 constructed on line similar to a Western ferryboat having a carrying capacity of 8 tons with a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00229-00113990-00114406 22 foot or at each end to direct its course
hnkvWLvaC6g-00230-00114509-00114913 The rapid current averaging about 4 miles per hour
hnkvWLvaC6g-00231-00114996-00115354 precluded any thought of going upstream in a large boat
hnkvWLvaC6g-00232-00115379-00116146 So it was constructed on line sufficiently generous to form a living boat as well as to carry the seasons
hnkvWLvaC6g-00233-00116169-00116369 collection of fossils
hnkvWLvaC6g-00234-00116429-00117118 supplied with a season's provisions lumber for boxes and plaster for encasing bones
hnkvWLvaC6g-00235-00117167-00117466 We began our fossil cruise down a canyon
hnkvWLvaC6g-00236-00117515-00118153 Which wants echoed songs of the bois Brule for this was at one time the FIR?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00237-00118187-00118453 territory of the Great Hudson Bay Company
hnkvWLvaC6g-00238-00118596-00119131 No more interesting or instructive journey has ever been taken by the writer
hnkvWLvaC6g-00239-00119240-00119440 high up on the plateau
hnkvWLvaC6g-00240-00119448-00119857 buildings and haystacks proclaim a well settled country
hnkvWLvaC6g-00241-00119879-00120628 But habitations are rarely seen from the River and for miles. We floated through picturesque solitude
hnkvWLvaC6g-00242-00120692-00120946 unbroken saved by the roar of the rapids
hnkvWLvaC6g-00243-00121133-00121459 Especially characteristic of this Canyon are the slides
hnkvWLvaC6g-00244-00121502-00122254 Where the current setting against the bank has undermined it until a mountain of Earth slips into the river in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00245-00122279-00122641 some cases almost choking its course a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00246-00122796-00123596 Continual sorting thus goes on the finer material being carried away while the boulders are left as barriers
hnkvWLvaC6g-00247-00123626-00124000 forming slow-moving reaches of calm water and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00248-00124064-00124330 stretches of Rapids difficult to navigate
hnkvWLvaC6g-00249-00124398-00124580 during low water
hnkvWLvaC6g-00250-00124580-00125236 In one of these slides we found several small mammal jaws and teeth not known before
hnkvWLvaC6g-00251-00125288-00125488 from Canada
hnkvWLvaC6g-00252-00125492-00125872 associated with fossil clam shells of Eocene age
hnkvWLvaC6g-00253-00125997-00126553 The long mid summer days in latitude 52 degrees gave many working hours
hnkvWLvaC6g-00254-00126576-00127276 But with frequent stops to prospect the banks. We rarely floated more than 20 miles per day an
hnkvWLvaC6g-00255-00127427-00127900 Occasional flock of ducks and geese were disturbed as our boat approached and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00256-00127940-00128617 Bank beaver houses were frequently passed, but few of the animals were seen during the daytime
hnkvWLvaC6g-00257-00128745-00128945 tying the boat to a tree at night
hnkvWLvaC6g-00258-00128984-00129742 We would go ashore to camp among the trees where after dinner pipes were smoked in the glow of a great campfire
hnkvWLvaC6g-00259-00129870-00130027 Only a fossil hunter
hnkvWLvaC6g-00260-00130027-00130675 Or a desert traveler can fully appreciate the luxury of abundant wood and running water in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00261-00130751-00131515 The stillness of the night the underworld was alive and many little feet rustled the leaves where daylight
hnkvWLvaC6g-00262-00131540-00131740 Disclosed no sound
hnkvWLvaC6g-00263-00131820-00132200 Then the beaver and muskrats swam up to investigate this new
hnkvWLvaC6g-00264-00132249-00132718 Intruder while from the treetops came the constant query who?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00265-00132960-00133645 For seventy miles the country is thickly wooded with pine and poplar the stately spruce trees
hnkvWLvaC6g-00266-00133679-00133872 silhouetted against the sky
hnkvWLvaC6g-00267-00133872-00134162 Adding a charm to the ever-changing scene
hnkvWLvaC6g-00268-00134313-00135079 Nature has also been kind the treeless regions beyond for underneath the fertile Prairie veins of good lignite coal
hnkvWLvaC6g-00269-00135102-00135619 Of varying thickness are successively cut by the river in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00270-00135702-00136138 Many places these are worked in the river banks during winter
hnkvWLvaC6g-00271-00136236-00136918 One vein of excellent quality is 18 feet thick though usually they are much thinner
hnkvWLvaC6g-00272-00137016-00137635 The government right has been taken to mine most of this coal outcropping along the river
hnkvWLvaC6g-00273-00137748-00138229 Along the upper portion of the stream our banks of Eocene age
hnkvWLvaC6g-00274-00138273-00138590 from which shells and mammal jaws were secured
hnkvWLvaC6g-00275-00138600-00139316 but near the town of content where the river bends southward a new series of rocks appeared and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00276-00139347-00139790 In these our search was rewarded by finding dinosaur bones
hnkvWLvaC6g-00277-00139848-00140116 similar to those seen at Wagner's ranch
hnkvWLvaC6g-00278-00140279-00140791 Specimens were found in increasing numbers as we continued our journey and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00279-00140867-00141268 Progress down the river was necessarily much slower
hnkvWLvaC6g-00280-00141432-00142013 Frequently the boat would be tied up a week or more at one camp while we searched the banks
hnkvWLvaC6g-00281-00142071-00142274 Examining the cliffs layer by layer
hnkvWLvaC6g-00282-00142326-00142567 that no fossil might escape
hnkvWLvaC6g-00283-00142650-00142803 observation
hnkvWLvaC6g-00284-00142803-00143521 With the little dinghy the opposite side of the river was reached so that both sides were covered at the same time
hnkvWLvaC6g-00285-00143538-00143738 from one camp
hnkvWLvaC6g-00286-00143745-00144014 As soon as a mile or more had been
hnkvWLvaC6g-00287-00144090-00144751 Prospected or a new specimen secured the boat was dropped down to a new convenient Anchorage
hnkvWLvaC6g-00288-00144864-00145498 Box after box was added to the collection until scarcely a cubit space remained unoccupied
hnkvWLvaC6g-00289-00145557-00145847 on board our fossil Ark
hnkvWLvaC6g-00290-00145962-00146115 We're Prairie
hnkvWLvaC6g-00291-00146115-00146884 Badlands are eroded in innumerable buttes and ravines. It is always doubtful if one seen all
hnkvWLvaC6g-00292-00146936-00147193 Exposures so there was peculiar
hnkvWLvaC6g-00293-00147272-00147589 satisfaction in making a thorough search of these
hnkvWLvaC6g-00294-00147647-00148087 riverbanks knowing that few if any fossils had escaped
hnkvWLvaC6g-00295-00148139-00148332 observation on
hnkvWLvaC6g-00296-00148332-00148555 account of the heavy rainfall and frequent
hnkvWLvaC6g-00297-00148604-00149155 Sliding of banks new fossils are exposed every season so that in a few
hnkvWLvaC6g-00298-00149184-00149539 Years these same banks can again be explored
hnkvWLvaC6g-00299-00149595-00149745 profitably
hnkvWLvaC6g-00300-00149745-00150472 This River will become as classic hunting ground for reptile remains as the Badlands of South
hnkvWLvaC6g-00301-00150500-00150700 Dakota are for mammals
hnkvWLvaC6g-00302-00150822-00151303 although the summer days are long in this latitude the season is short and
hnkvWLvaC6g-00303-00151367-00151780 thousands of geese flying southward foretell the early winter
hnkvWLvaC6g-00304-00151901-00152491 Where the temperature is not infrequently forty to sixty degrees below zero in winter?
hnkvWLvaC6g-00305-00152532-00153032 It is difficult to think of a time when a warm climate could have prevailed
hnkvWLvaC6g-00306-00153072-00153484 Yet such condition is indicated by the fossil plants
hnkvWLvaC6g-00307-00153575-00154354 When the weather became too cold to work with plaster the fossils were shipped from a branch railroad 45 miles
hnkvWLvaC6g-00308-00154383-00154906 Distant the camp material was stored for the winter and with block-and-tackle
hnkvWLvaC6g-00309-00154964-00155503 The big boat was hauled up on shore above the reach of high water in
hnkvWLvaC6g-00310-00155591-00155721 the summer of
hnkvWLvaC6g-00311-00155721-00156175 1911 the boat was recalled and again launched when we
hnkvWLvaC6g-00312-00156191-00156652 Continued our search from the point at which work closed the previous year
hnkvWLvaC6g-00313-00156744-00157261 During the summer we were visited by the museum's president, Professor Henry
hnkvWLvaC6g-00314-00157313-00157870 Fairfield Osborn and one of the trustees mr.. Madison grant a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00315-00157991-00158569 Canoeing trip one of great interest and pleasure was taken with our visitors covering
hnkvWLvaC6g-00316-00158651-00158998 250 miles down the river from the town of Red Deer
hnkvWLvaC6g-00317-00159086-00159604 During which valuable material was added to the collection and important
hnkvWLvaC6g-00318-00159669-00159896 geological data secured as
hnkvWLvaC6g-00319-00159959-00160396 a result of the canoe in work the museum is enriched by a
hnkvWLvaC6g-00320-00160454-00160981 Magnificent collection of cretaceous fossils some of which are new to science
hnkvWLvaC6g-00321-00161115-00161401 end of chapter 11 part 3
hnkvWLvaC6g-00322-00161520-00162050 End of dinosaurs with special reference to the american museum
hnkvWLvaC6g-00323-00162104-00162412 collections by William Diller, Matthew
i2FUjr_WLvy-00000-00001201-00001648 Julia: What can I observe in my river landscape, how do people,
i2FUjr_WLvy-00001-00001648-00002216 animals, plants and water live together? Julia: Paul, do you want to come with
i2FUjr_WLvy-00002-00002216-00002608 me to explore our riverscape? Paul: Yes, that sounds like fun! 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00003-00002608-00003040 Julia: Where are we going? Which part of the river are we interesed in?   
i2FUjr_WLvy-00004-00003040-00003640 Paul: Shall we go to the Sill? We can see many types of human impact there. There is a highway,
i2FUjr_WLvy-00005-00003640-00004152 a tunnel, a big construction site, residential houses, and the river has been straightened.  
i2FUjr_WLvy-00006-00004152-00004704 Julia: yes, great idea! Paul: We have to take a lot of things with us:
i2FUjr_WLvy-00007-00004704-00005264 pencils, a writing pad, crayons, a sharpener, thermos bottle and snacks,
i2FUjr_WLvy-00008-00005264-00005712 cell phone, and a camera.  Julia: Let’s go! We are multispecies
i2FUjr_WLvy-00009-00005712-00006272 ethnographers now, observing animals, plants, and humans, and how they live together.
i2FUjr_WLvy-00010-00006352-00006880 We will make fieldnotes with drawings, sketches, texts, photos and sound recordings. 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00011-00006880-00007344 Paul: The water is quite cold, nobody would swim here. 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00012-00007344-00007768 Julia: Look at the big construction site! Paul: I'll take a picture
i2FUjr_WLvy-00013-00007768-00008192 of the construction site. Julia: The river is all gray because it's been
i2FUjr_WLvy-00014-00008192-00008760 polluted by the construction site. I wonder what this means for the animals who live in the water. 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00015-00008760-00009344 Paul: And I wouldn't drink from it either!  Paul: But the bank is sandy here, a good place
i2FUjr_WLvy-00016-00009344-00009944 to have a party. I found a barbecue place and garbage, lots of empty bottles. So this is a place
i2FUjr_WLvy-00017-00009944-00010214 where people like to spend time together.  Julia: Look there’s also a mattress; maybe
i2FUjr_WLvy-00018-00010214-00010320 homeless people spend the night here? Paul:
i2FUjr_WLvy-00019-00010320-00010680 Now we should start writing down our observations so we can remember everything later. 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00020-00010680-00011432 Paul: I’m also doing a sketch with a bird's eye view so I can show who and what can be seen here.
i2FUjr_WLvy-00021-00011432-00011952 That way we can better see the patterns. The point is not to draw beautifully, but to capture the
i2FUjr_WLvy-00022-00011952-00012680 things we find important in our observations.  Julia: Car noise is very noticeable here; you can
i2FUjr_WLvy-00023-00012680-00013272 hardly hear the river at all. I’m going to add crossbars for all noise sources to your sketch.
i2FUjr_WLvy-00024-00013360-00013684 The more crossbars, the louder the noise. Julia:
i2FUjr_WLvy-00025-00013872-00014263 Look there's a fish ladder, do you remember when the city built it
i2FUjr_WLvy-00026-00014344-00014744 because the embankment was so obstructed?  Paul: The river was originally straightened like
i2FUjr_WLvy-00027-00014744-00015247 this to protect the neighbourhood from floods. Julia: But that meant that the fish couldn't swim
i2FUjr_WLvy-00028-00015247-00015912 upstream any more. So a lot of fish species lost their habitat here. Because of the fish ladder,
i2FUjr_WLvy-00029-00015912-00016400 more fish have come back here.  Paul: Still, the embankment is very
i2FUjr_WLvy-00030-00016400-00016840 steep and the river cannot flow freely. And I wonder how the built-up bank affects the
i2FUjr_WLvy-00031-00016840-00017288 animals? Remember we learned that young fish and larvae need protected spaces in bays. 
i2FUjr_WLvy-00032-00017288-00017928 Julia: I wonder what kind of fish are here, if any? Let's interview Prof. Müller.
i2FUjr_WLvy-00033-00018040-00018600 She is an ecologist.  Paul: Hello, do you guys come here often?  
i2FUjr_WLvy-00034-00018600-00019192 Teenagers (female voice): Yes! We like to meet here because we can be on our own
i2FUjr_WLvy-00035-00019192-00019448 and do what we like. Julia: What kind of
i2FUjr_WLvy-00036-00019448-00019760 impression does the river make on you?  Teenagers (female voice): Here in the lower
i2FUjr_WLvy-00037-00019760-00020288 section, the trees on the bank are very nice because they provide shade in the summer and
i2FUjr_WLvy-00038-00020288-00020912 there are birds chirping in the trees. It might be nicer if the bank wasn't so steep and paved.
i2FUjr_WLvy-00039-00020912-00021520 Then we would have more space to hang out. Julia: Look, Paul, how much we collected and
i2FUjr_WLvy-00040-00021520-00022008 learned today. If we write a research report about this then others can learn
i2FUjr_WLvy-00041-00022008-00022280 something about our river community. Paul stands at the desk with notes and says:
i2FUjr_WLvy-00042-00022280-00022584 And I will write a rap song about the river with the young people we met!
i2LXhAnpss4-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4090 BRINGS A NEW REALITY TO GAMES Go Home Annie Animated Background
i4ipfxdPE-0-00000-00000056-00000278 [sounds]
i4ipfxdPE-0-00001-00000278-00000440 do, do, do
i4ipfxdPE-0-00002-00000440-00000912 man, i don't know man, I don't know anything.
i4aadZIW5e8-00000-00000090-00000184 >> Jimena: Hi, you all.
i4aadZIW5e8-00001-00000237-00000436 Today we're talking about how discrimination shows
i4aadZIW5e8-00002-00000436-00000567 up in a workplace.
i4aadZIW5e8-00003-00000627-00000861 And we're going to be using different examples based
i4aadZIW5e8-00004-00000861-00001390 on transphobia, on that we see we will apply throughout pretty
i4aadZIW5e8-00005-00001390-00001608 much through all of the oppressions.
i4aadZIW5e8-00006-00001719-00001847 One of the things noticed is
i4aadZIW5e8-00007-00001866-00002287 that discrimination is not often done blatantly or overtly.
i4aadZIW5e8-00008-00002287-00002712 Most of the people who are participating in it have no clue
i4aadZIW5e8-00009-00002712-00003020 that that might be contributing to it.
i4aadZIW5e8-00010-00003094-00003362 We tend to notice this stuff as it's happening,
i4aadZIW5e8-00011-00003362-00003698 not in direct one person comparisons but more
i4aadZIW5e8-00012-00003698-00004061 when it happens across large broad patterns.
i4aadZIW5e8-00013-00004108-00004598 And so it's important for us to have large scale studies done
i4aadZIW5e8-00014-00004606-00004850 on how wage gaps are creeping in
i4aadZIW5e8-00015-00004888-00005336 or on how naming patterns show up in resumes.
i4aadZIW5e8-00016-00005382-00005501 We'll get to that in just a second.
i4aadZIW5e8-00017-00005515-00005773 But in terms of the wage gap, something that's important
i4aadZIW5e8-00018-00005773-00006022 to notice is that we've known about it for decades.
i4aadZIW5e8-00019-00006058-00006275 We've been trained to work on it, trying to work on it
i4aadZIW5e8-00020-00006283-00006780 for decades, and it is closing at an incredibly slow rate.
i4aadZIW5e8-00021-00006875-00007260 Protections have it for white woman to actually catch
i4aadZIW5e8-00022-00007260-00007597 up with white men to have a decent paycheck.
i4aadZIW5e8-00023-00007621-00008060 That final equal paycheck is projected to be around 2056.
i4aadZIW5e8-00024-00008129-00008521 So that means that if you are white maybe sense you are
i4aadZIW5e8-00025-00008521-00008700 probably younger than me,
i4aadZIW5e8-00026-00008700-00008942 maybe by the time you require you'll get
i4aadZIW5e8-00027-00008942-00009037 that one good paycheck.
i4aadZIW5e8-00028-00009126-00009413 News is not so good if you are black or Latina.
i4aadZIW5e8-00029-00009468-00009749 For black woman, we're expecting over 100 --
i4aadZIW5e8-00030-00009749-00010063 and I can't remember that I'll list in the source --
i4aadZIW5e8-00031-00010108-00010223 100 and something years.
i4aadZIW5e8-00032-00010229-00010644 But for Latina's, we're looking at 232 years to close
i4aadZIW5e8-00033-00010650-00010916 that wage gap if we keep going the way we've been going.
i4aadZIW5e8-00034-00010965-00011249 So in my case, we would be looking at like great, great,
i4aadZIW5e8-00035-00011249-00011607 great, great -- I'm not sure how many greats granddaughters
i4aadZIW5e8-00036-00011610-00011823 in there for her to get to her first decent paycheck.
i4aadZIW5e8-00037-00011901-00012132 So we know that that wage gap is there.
i4aadZIW5e8-00038-00012186-00012395 We're doing some stuff about it.
i4aadZIW5e8-00039-00012447-00012659 I think it's going pretty slow.
i4aadZIW5e8-00040-00012680-00012990 I would advocate that this gap should be closing faster.
i4aadZIW5e8-00041-00013058-00013467 We'll talk a little bit about how that gap may be created,
i4aadZIW5e8-00042-00013485-00013684 what's keeping it going, and maybe some
i4aadZIW5e8-00043-00013684-00013927 of ways to shorten it.
i4aadZIW5e8-00044-00013979-00014624 The other thing to note is that paying tax is a concept that has
i4aadZIW5e8-00045-00014631-00015200 to deal with how much woman's products are priced at.
i4aadZIW5e8-00046-00015200-00015564 So if you have the same Razor, pink and blue,
i4aadZIW5e8-00047-00015591-00015970 the pink Razor usually cost a lot more than the blue one does.
i4aadZIW5e8-00048-00016022-00016372 And woman's products, multivitamins, [inaudible],
i4aadZIW5e8-00049-00016546-00016813 consistently gets priced higher than men's products.
i4aadZIW5e8-00050-00016813-00017069 And we got to wonder why that is.
i4aadZIW5e8-00051-00017069-00017356 And it's a pattern that holds over different cities,
i4aadZIW5e8-00052-00017356-00017600 different stores, different products so much
i4aadZIW5e8-00053-00017600-00017842 so that we start to say hey, that's not great.
i4aadZIW5e8-00054-00017928-00018272 And so if we put the two together between the wage gap
i4aadZIW5e8-00055-00018272-00018511 in which woman earn less and then the pink tax
i4aadZIW5e8-00056-00018511-00018947 in which woman pay more, as you build that up over a lifetime,
i4aadZIW5e8-00057-00018947-00019249 it's a whole lot of paying more and not getting enough.
i4aadZIW5e8-00058-00019330-00019531 Let's talk about some of the patterns that show
i4aadZIW5e8-00059-00019531-00019714 up when it comes to discrimination
i4aadZIW5e8-00060-00019726-00019924 and employment specifically.
i4aadZIW5e8-00061-00020008-00020131 The tricky thing about it is
i4aadZIW5e8-00062-00020131-00020342 that folks won't tell you any more
i4aadZIW5e8-00063-00020342-00020511 that you're not getting a job because you're a woman.
i4aadZIW5e8-00064-00020521-00020722 It won't be that explicit or overt.
i4aadZIW5e8-00065-00020796-00021090 It just may be that one resume gets
i4aadZIW5e8-00066-00021090-00021293 to be considered a little bit shiny
i4aadZIW5e8-00067-00021293-00021587 or one resume just doesn't get pulled from the pile.
i4aadZIW5e8-00068-00021610-00022041 So there's interesting studies done on naming on resumes
i4aadZIW5e8-00069-00022089-00022435 like who gets a call back or doesn't.
i4aadZIW5e8-00070-00022435-00022791 And consistently, when folks have white sounding names,
i4aadZIW5e8-00071-00022791-00023061 they get a lot more call backs
i4aadZIW5e8-00072-00023061-00023341 than when folks have black sounding names or Latina names.
i4aadZIW5e8-00073-00023383-00023751 I always wonder how much it cost me in my career in the states
i4aadZIW5e8-00074-00023755-00023940 to have a name like Jimena Alvarado [assumed spelling].
i4aadZIW5e8-00075-00023940-00024252 I always asked my students what it's like for them
i4aadZIW5e8-00076-00024252-00024398 to read my name on the roster.
i4aadZIW5e8-00077-00024398-00024732 And if they get a little bit nervous when reading my name,
i4aadZIW5e8-00078-00024732-00025074 if they're a little weirded out about not knowing how
i4aadZIW5e8-00079-00025074-00025299 to say it -- some of my students report
i4aadZIW5e8-00080-00025299-00025484 that their employers have told them
i4aadZIW5e8-00081-00025484-00025663 that if they can't pronounce their name,
i4aadZIW5e8-00082-00025694-00025908 don't even call them back.
i4aadZIW5e8-00083-00025908-00026079 How many call backs did I miss out on
i4aadZIW5e8-00084-00026079-00026335 because my name would intimidate people?
i4aadZIW5e8-00085-00026335-00026588 Well, maybe it just get stuck at the bottom of the pile.
i4aadZIW5e8-00086-00026588-00027001 One of my students did a final project on --
i4aadZIW5e8-00087-00027071-00027364 she carried out an action project.
i4aadZIW5e8-00088-00027402-00027800 She loved the coffee shop by her house and had been wanting
i4aadZIW5e8-00089-00027800-00027918 to get a job there for years.
i4aadZIW5e8-00090-00027918-00028306 And she'd see they put out help wanted signs out,
i4aadZIW5e8-00091-00028306-00028436 and she'd leave her resume.
i4aadZIW5e8-00092-00028467-00028713 She had a non Anglo name.
i4aadZIW5e8-00093-00028722-00029033 And she'd never get a call back.
i4aadZIW5e8-00094-00029033-00029162 And when she was taking my class,
i4aadZIW5e8-00095-00029162-00029619 she decided to actually go for it and rewrote her resume.
i4aadZIW5e8-00096-00029619-00029912 Kept everything the same, changed one letter on her name
i4aadZIW5e8-00097-00029912-00030213 so that now it was a mainstream U.S. name just
i4aadZIW5e8-00098-00030213-00030317 by changing one letter.
i4aadZIW5e8-00099-00030408-00030811 And within the span of our term, she got a call back
i4aadZIW5e8-00100-00030811-00030994 to come in for an interview.
i4aadZIW5e8-00101-00031045-00031453 And she interviewed, and she applied for the job.
i4aadZIW5e8-00102-00031453-00031698 And at the end of the interview she let the manager know what
i4aadZIW5e8-00103-00031701-00031998 had happened and said I'd been applying for this job
i4aadZIW5e8-00104-00031998-00032289 for three years and I've never gotten a call back.
i4aadZIW5e8-00105-00032289-00032681 I find it odd that when I submitted an Anglo name I got I
i4aadZIW5e8-00106-00032686-00032785 call back at that point.
i4aadZIW5e8-00107-00032901-00033103 These are some cases in which we can kind
i4aadZIW5e8-00108-00033103-00033416 of see the discrimination happening more clearly,
i4aadZIW5e8-00109-00033482-00033691 but often it just goes unnoticed.
i4aadZIW5e8-00110-00033723-00034250 Often it's just a conversation that doesn't get had.
i4aadZIW5e8-00111-00034250-00034734 The example of Ben Bars, the transgender scientist,
i4aadZIW5e8-00112-00034759-00035111 shows us that we can see sexism happening
i4aadZIW5e8-00113-00035111-00035223 in interesting ways, right.
i4aadZIW5e8-00114-00035232-00035705 So when Ben Bars was published under Ben instead of Barbara,
i4aadZIW5e8-00115-00035705-00036026 which was the original name he was assigned,
i4aadZIW5e8-00116-00036203-00036433 he overheard somebody saying that his --
i4aadZIW5e8-00117-00036479-00036715 Ben Bars work was so much better than his sisters.
i4aadZIW5e8-00118-00036773-00036995 And again, Ben Bars didn't have a sister.
i4aadZIW5e8-00119-00036995-00037268 And this is showing us how we will tend
i4aadZIW5e8-00120-00037268-00037443 to value mens work more.
i4aadZIW5e8-00121-00037477-00037719 It'll just get noticed more and praised more even
i4aadZIW5e8-00122-00037719-00037891 if it's the exact same person.
i4aadZIW5e8-00123-00037961-00038198 Likewise, the studies to non transgender folks
i4aadZIW5e8-00124-00038207-00038492 and how their pay changes before and after transition,
i4aadZIW5e8-00125-00038533-00038900 the fact that a transgender woman's pay drops
i4aadZIW5e8-00126-00038900-00039302 after transitioning let's us know that even
i4aadZIW5e8-00127-00039302-00039509 for the same individual, even if they accumulate --
i4aadZIW5e8-00128-00039527-00039708 as they accumulate more experience,
i4aadZIW5e8-00129-00039790-00040004 the drop in pay is saying
i4aadZIW5e8-00130-00040004-00040202 that we consistently value woman's less.
i4aadZIW5e8-00131-00040214-00040601 And again, it's not one person where somebody says oh,
i4aadZIW5e8-00132-00040629-00040829 I'm coming to you from human resources and now
i4aadZIW5e8-00133-00040829-00040990 that you're a woman we're going to pay you less.
i4aadZIW5e8-00134-00041016-00041109 It doesn't work that way.
i4aadZIW5e8-00135-00041150-00041396 It shows up in broad patterns over years.
i4aadZIW5e8-00136-00041457-00041747 We can see somebody's not getting a promotion etc. etc.
i4aadZIW5e8-00137-00041747-00042201 And likewise, transmen's salaries tend to take a bump
i4aadZIW5e8-00138-00042209-00042573 up after transitioning.
i4aadZIW5e8-00139-00042616-00043094 We think of this concept of horizontally segregation
i4aadZIW5e8-00140-00043094-00043319 and a vertical segregation, and that's really important
i4aadZIW5e8-00141-00043347-00043607 to figure out who we're clumping into which kinds of jobs
i4aadZIW5e8-00142-00043649-00043910 and also which kinds of jobs are valued more or less.
i4aadZIW5e8-00143-00043989-00044412 So the care taking jobs, the jobs that assimulate caretaking
i4aadZIW5e8-00144-00044462-00044978 such as serving people, feeding people, cleaning people,
i4aadZIW5e8-00145-00045016-00045369 caretaking people, being an emotional support for people.
i4aadZIW5e8-00146-00045383-00045888 These are caretaking job skills are considered less valuable.
i4aadZIW5e8-00147-00045896-00046171 So when it comes to the abilities needed
i4aadZIW5e8-00148-00046171-00046526 to soothe somebody, for example, call center work which I did
i4aadZIW5e8-00149-00046531-00046852 for many years, when you have to deal with an irate customer,
i4aadZIW5e8-00150-00046888-00047191 that's not considered an important valuable skill
i4aadZIW5e8-00151-00047191-00047587 that should get paid as much as for example, engineering skills.
i4aadZIW5e8-00152-00047639-00047860 However, they're both very difficult jobs
i4aadZIW5e8-00153-00047865-00048082 and they have different skill sets.
i4aadZIW5e8-00154-00048116-00048482 One is considered valuable and one is not.
i4aadZIW5e8-00155-00048540-00049121 In thinking about the notion of a two person career
i4aadZIW5e8-00156-00049167-00049681 in which one worker has a built in assistant at home,
i4aadZIW5e8-00157-00049681-00049991 somebody who's figuring out what goes on the grocery list
i4aadZIW5e8-00158-00050003-00050158 and dealing with these kids
i4aadZIW5e8-00159-00050158-00050336 and all the logistics that come with life.
i4aadZIW5e8-00160-00050374-00050537 If we were to compare the two workers,
i4aadZIW5e8-00161-00050568-00050872 the one with the home assistant is likely
i4aadZIW5e8-00162-00050872-00051137 to shine a little bit brighter and is likely
i4aadZIW5e8-00163-00051137-00051380 to just be considered a little bit more competent
i4aadZIW5e8-00164-00051387-00051530 or focused or put together.
i4aadZIW5e8-00165-00051583-00051836 The worker who doesn't have an assistant
i4aadZIW5e8-00166-00051836-00052083 at home could be considered as more distracted,
i4aadZIW5e8-00167-00052104-00052310 less valuable, less important.
i4aadZIW5e8-00168-00052364-00052531 So when it comes to promotions
i4aadZIW5e8-00169-00052531-00052816 and raises they just not -- may not shine.
i4aadZIW5e8-00170-00052919-00053369 In thinking about this notion of discrimination in employment,
i4aadZIW5e8-00171-00053433-00053616 this is an odd situation
i4aadZIW5e8-00172-00053616-00053884 in which being liked is directly connected
i4aadZIW5e8-00173-00053884-00054038 to how fat your wallet is.
i4aadZIW5e8-00174-00054144-00054531 So if you are not liked or people are uncomfortable
i4aadZIW5e8-00175-00054531-00054846 with you at work, this can actually impact how much money
i4aadZIW5e8-00176-00054846-00054972 you bring in.
i4aadZIW5e8-00177-00054972-00055075 There are tons of situations
i4aadZIW5e8-00178-00055075-00055263 in which people help each other out at work.
i4aadZIW5e8-00179-00055302-00055520 Somebody gives you a tip it's like oh, don't use that machine
i4aadZIW5e8-00180-00055520-00055786 because that one sticks or oh, you want to stay away
i4aadZIW5e8-00181-00055786-00055979 from the boss today because they're having a bad day.
i4aadZIW5e8-00182-00055983-00056146 Or oh, there's a thing happening,
i4aadZIW5e8-00183-00056146-00056319 you should apply for it.
i4aadZIW5e8-00184-00056347-00056640 All this information is really, really valuable and it's part
i4aadZIW5e8-00185-00056640-00056820 of socializing somebody into a job.
i4aadZIW5e8-00186-00056853-00057361 And when you are a less liked at work you just may not come
i4aadZIW5e8-00187-00057361-00057444 across that information.
i4aadZIW5e8-00188-00057444-00057637 It's not that anybody's trying to be mean at you,
i4aadZIW5e8-00189-00057676-00057870 it's just that nobody thinks to tell you the thing
i4aadZIW5e8-00190-00057870-00058101 because they weren't hanging out with you in the lunchroom.
i4aadZIW5e8-00191-00058191-00058427 And this is direct money in your pocket.
i4aadZIW5e8-00192-00058477-00058614 Now, the thing of it is people
i4aadZIW5e8-00193-00058614-00058989 with oppressed identities are often considered
i4aadZIW5e8-00194-00058989-00059124 to be less likable.
i4aadZIW5e8-00195-00059166-00059458 They're just a little bit off.
i4aadZIW5e8-00196-00059472-00059749 People are a little less comfortable with them,
i4aadZIW5e8-00197-00059805-00059992 they don't bring them in as much.
i4aadZIW5e8-00198-00060027-00060282 So if we think of somebody for example,
i4aadZIW5e8-00199-00060288-00060609 who is a non dominant religion or who is not religious at all,
i4aadZIW5e8-00200-00060641-00061005 people may just get a little bit more nervous around them
i4aadZIW5e8-00201-00061005-00061180 and just not include them in the conversation.
i4aadZIW5e8-00202-00061212-00061619 Or somebody who has a very large size may be considered just
i4aadZIW5e8-00203-00061632-00061714 less cool.
i4aadZIW5e8-00204-00061774-00061959 They don't get hung out with that much.
i4aadZIW5e8-00205-00062017-00062535 If we think of all of the steps that go into a job,
i4aadZIW5e8-00206-00062535-00062785 everything from writing the job description
i4aadZIW5e8-00207-00062819-00063176 to the interview process, to the socialization process,
i4aadZIW5e8-00208-00063187-00063542 to the training process, to a promotion process, to wage
i4aadZIW5e8-00209-00063542-00063944 and salary discussions, these are all little points in time
i4aadZIW5e8-00210-00063944-00064410 in which discrimination can seep in in pretty unnoticed ways.
i4aadZIW5e8-00211-00064410-00064591 It can be the name.
i4aadZIW5e8-00212-00064620-00064786 Somebody just got uncomfortable with the name.
i4aadZIW5e8-00213-00064811-00065134 Who would of thought that being named David was a privilege
i4aadZIW5e8-00214-00065144-00065333 or that being named Jenny was a privilege
i4aadZIW5e8-00215-00065364-00065635 and that being named Jenny may help you get a job
i4aadZIW5e8-00216-00065635-00065943 where being named Jimena may have kept me from getting a job.
i4aadZIW5e8-00217-00066026-00066316 These are things that aren't direct
i4aadZIW5e8-00218-00066334-00066528 in which somebody says oh, let's not give her a name
i4aadZIW5e8-00219-00066528-00066701 because her name -- let's not give her a job
i4aadZIW5e8-00220-00066701-00067090 because her name is Jimena, it just doesn't show up.
i4aadZIW5e8-00221-00067118-00067450 And as you add up all these little tiny things
i4aadZIW5e8-00222-00067460-00067628 through the lifecycle of a job,
i4aadZIW5e8-00223-00067701-00067942 you start to recognize that they'll add up.
i4aadZIW5e8-00224-00068006-00068222 And this may be part of what's happening when it comes
i4aadZIW5e8-00225-00068229-00068519 to the wage gap is that we have little instances
i4aadZIW5e8-00226-00068533-00068732 in which discrimination can seep in.
i4aadZIW5e8-00227-00068795-00068984 And so if we're talking about ways to solve it,
i4aadZIW5e8-00228-00069010-00069274 if we know there's going to be sexus discrimination
i4aadZIW5e8-00229-00069274-00069496 and say even when we don't want to do it,
i4aadZIW5e8-00230-00069496-00069629 it's going to show up, right.
i4aadZIW5e8-00231-00069649-00070093 McMaster University did a large wage gap study on it's workplace
i4aadZIW5e8-00232-00070093-00070422 and recognize that there was a large portion
i4aadZIW5e8-00233-00070442-00070645 of a salary difference that they couldn't justify
i4aadZIW5e8-00234-00070645-00070707 in any other way.
i4aadZIW5e8-00235-00070730-00071017 It wasn't based on seniority, it wasn't based on years
i4aadZIW5e8-00236-00071017-00071399 of experience, etc. etc. They recognized that it had
i4aadZIW5e8-00237-00071399-00071565 to with a gender wage gap.
i4aadZIW5e8-00238-00071605-00071905 And so they're the first and only place that I know
i4aadZIW5e8-00239-00071905-00072219 of that actively went out and paid their woman more
i4aadZIW5e8-00240-00072219-00072576 and said okay, we see we've been shorting you, here's the money
i4aadZIW5e8-00241-00072576-00072657 that we're shorting you.
i4aadZIW5e8-00242-00072712-00073076 It would be interesting to check to see if that wage gap pops
i4aadZIW5e8-00243-00073076-00073297 up in five years or in ten years.
i4aadZIW5e8-00244-00073327-00073577 So even though they shoved the gap closed one time,
i4aadZIW5e8-00245-00073617-00073875 it may show up again.
i4aadZIW5e8-00246-00073926-00074336 And so it may be a good idea to base our decision on indicators
i4aadZIW5e8-00247-00074336-00074454 and say let's study this.
i4aadZIW5e8-00248-00074505-00074778 See is here a wage gap, let's shove it closed again.
i4aadZIW5e8-00249-00074815-00075184 And then please, let's check again and shove it closed again.
i4aadZIW5e8-00250-00075250-00075473 If we know that we're going to have a sexus wage gap,
i4aadZIW5e8-00251-00075497-00075887 we might say well, we're going to make sure to keep
i4aadZIW5e8-00252-00075887-00076027 that in mind as we're interviewing
i4aadZIW5e8-00253-00076048-00076499 and avoid the patterns that have us choose men over woman.
i4aadZIW5e8-00254-00076547-00076835 Likewise, if we know that we have a racist gap
i4aadZIW5e8-00255-00076864-00077074 in which we're more likely to pick woman --
i4aadZIW5e8-00256-00077099-00077445 I'm sorry, to pick people with Anglo names than with names
i4aadZIW5e8-00257-00077445-00077824 that aren't Anglo then let's make sure to pay attention
i4aadZIW5e8-00258-00077833-00078299 to not let those resumes stick to the bottom of the pile.
i4aadZIW5e8-00259-00078362-00078741 Whatever we're doing right now is working
i4aadZIW5e8-00260-00078772-00078942 but really, really slowly.
i4aadZIW5e8-00261-00078991-00079306 That wage gap has shrunk a tiny, tiny percentage
i4aadZIW5e8-00262-00079306-00079862 over the last 50 years, and I really don't have 50 or 150
i4aadZIW5e8-00263-00079904-00080258 or 232 years to wait for this wage gap to close.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00000-00000049-00000364 In the last video we saw that the two chair shapes, or the
i6qSOcPz8JY-00001-00000364-00000708 two chair configurations of just plain vanilla
i6qSOcPz8JY-00002-00000708-00000936 cyclohexane, were equally stable.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00003-00000936-00001256 There was nothing that would imply that this is more stable
i6qSOcPz8JY-00004-00001256-00001419 than that or vice versa.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00005-00001419-00001761 What we want to do in this video is address what happens
i6qSOcPz8JY-00006-00001761-00002109 if, instead of just a pure cyclohexane, what if we added
i6qSOcPz8JY-00007-00002109-00002229 a methyl group to it?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00008-00002229-00002529 And so instead of just a cyclohexane, let's think about
i6qSOcPz8JY-00009-00002529-00002974 a methylcyclohexane, so we know what to do when we're
i6qSOcPz8JY-00010-00002974-00003052 naming things.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00011-00003052-00003572 So methylcyclohexane will look like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00012-00003572-00003734 We'll have a hexagon here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00013-00003734-00003999 This is the way we've been drawing it historically.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00014-00003999-00004186 We've been drawing it just like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00015-00004186-00004318 And then we'll have a methyl group.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00016-00004318-00004604 And you could literally just draw a methyl group like this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00017-00004604-00004812 or maybe like this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00018-00004812-00005103 And by implication, you have a carbon here, essentially a CH3
i6qSOcPz8JY-00019-00005103-00005295 group here, and, of course, you have another hydrogen
i6qSOcPz8JY-00020-00005295-00005407 bonded here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00021-00005407-00005736 Now, if you were to draw this methyl group in three
i6qSOcPz8JY-00022-00005736-00006035 dimensions like this, it would look just like our different
i6qSOcPz8JY-00023-00006035-00006398 chair positions before, but instead of this H being just
i6qSOcPz8JY-00024-00006398-00006622 an H, we could make this entire methyl group, so we
i6qSOcPz8JY-00025-00006622-00007120 could turn this CH3 right here, so this-- let me draw it
i6qSOcPz8JY-00026-00007120-00007301 out in a different color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00027-00007301-00007684 We could make this carbon that implicitly has three hydrogens
i6qSOcPz8JY-00028-00007684-00008036 on it, so this is a CH3 group that is a methyl group that's
i6qSOcPz8JY-00029-00008036-00008117 right there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00030-00008117-00008467 We could substitute one of these hydrogens with it, and
i6qSOcPz8JY-00031-00008467-00008725 then this would be one of the shapes of this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00032-00008725-00009125 methylcyclohexane, CH3.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00033-00009125-00009341 Let me write it down, just to practice our naming.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00034-00009341-00009466 So this is methylcyclohexane.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00035-00010006-00010266 Now, this is one of their chair positions, and then if
i6qSOcPz8JY-00036-00010266-00010588 this were to flip down and the other side were to flip up,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00037-00010588-00010912 the other chair position would take this methyl group from
i6qSOcPz8JY-00038-00010912-00011169 being in an axial position, and it would put it in an
i6qSOcPz8JY-00039-00011169-00011295 equatorial position.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00040-00011295-00011470 So this is the same group right here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00041-00011470-00011574 Let me put a circle around it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00042-00011574-00011723 It's a whole group.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00043-00011723-00011884 That's the CH3.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00044-00011884-00012188 Now, the question we want to answer in this video, is one
i6qSOcPz8JY-00045-00012188-00012561 of these two configurations going to be more stable?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00046-00012561-00012796 Now, you might just be able to eyeball it looking at this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00047-00012796-00013162 diagram, and say, hey, when we're in the position where
i6qSOcPz8JY-00048-00013162-00013478 the methyl group is in the axial position, it's going to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00049-00013478-00013730 be closer to all of these other carbons over here,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00050-00013730-00013891 closer to their electron clouds.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00051-00013891-00014071 Maybe it has higher potential energy.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00052-00014071-00014208 Maybe it'll want to spring away.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00053-00014208-00014447 And if that was what you're guessing or what you're kind
i6qSOcPz8JY-00054-00014447-00014756 of eyeballing, you'd be right, because in this position, this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00055-00014756-00015022 methyl is much further away from all of the stuff out
i6qSOcPz8JY-00056-00015022-00015262 here, so there'll be less, I guess you can consider it,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00057-00015262-00015768 electron cloud crowding, if you will.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00058-00015768-00016241 Now, to see that a little bit more clear, I want to do what
i6qSOcPz8JY-00059-00016241-00016459 we call a double Newman diagram.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00060-00016459-00016642 And really, that's the whole motivation of this video is to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00061-00016642-00016754 kind of expose you to that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00062-00016754-00017126 A Newman diagram isn't just useful for simple things like
i6qSOcPz8JY-00063-00017126-00017279 a butane or an ethane.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00064-00017279-00017481 You can actually do it with cyclical rings.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00065-00017481-00017811 And to do the Newman diagram, let me number these carbons.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00066-00017811-00017943 So we could number them like this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00067-00017943-00018502 So this is carbon one, two, three, four, five, six.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00068-00018502-00018796 And you don't have to call this one methylcyclohexane,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00069-00018796-00019237 because whenever you have only one group attached to the
i6qSOcPz8JY-00070-00019237-00019576 ring, you implicitly start numbering at the carbon that
i6qSOcPz8JY-00071-00019576-00019682 the group is attached.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00072-00019682-00019857 So that is the one carbon over here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00073-00019857-00020403 This is the one carbon, two, three, four, five, six.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00074-00020403-00020774 And over here, once again, is the one carbon, two, three,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00075-00020774-00020985 four, five, six.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00076-00020985-00021358 Now, what I want to do is draw two Newman projections, and
i6qSOcPz8JY-00077-00021358-00021507 both of them will involve-- well, actually, I'll draw
i6qSOcPz8JY-00078-00021507-00021724 four, but you'll see what I'm talking about in a second.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00079-00021724-00021903 So the first Newman projection, I'm going to start
i6qSOcPz8JY-00080-00021903-00022361 at that carbon right over there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00081-00022361-00022522 So let's think about what that would look like.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00082-00022522-00022723 So we're at the front.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00083-00022723-00022910 We're staring straight on to that carbon.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00084-00022910-00023228 So this carbon's in the front, this carbon over here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00085-00023228-00023461 This carbon, carbon number two, is in the back.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00086-00023461-00023547 So let me label this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00087-00023547-00023855 This is carbon number one that we're looking head on.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00088-00023855-00024015 Now, right in the axial position you
i6qSOcPz8JY-00089-00024015-00024117 have that methyl group.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00090-00024117-00024280 So let me draw that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00091-00024280-00024891 So in the axial position you have that methyl group right
i6qSOcPz8JY-00092-00024891-00024981 over there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00093-00024981-00025263 And then in the equatorial position right here, you have
i6qSOcPz8JY-00094-00025263-00025362 this hydrogen.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00095-00025362-00025619 Let me draw that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00096-00025619-00025870 So you have this hydrogen.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00097-00025870-00026170 And then over here, this bond right over here, this gets us
i6qSOcPz8JY-00098-00026170-00026352 to another CH2 group.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00099-00026352-00026545 Let me draw that like this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00100-00026545-00026924 So that gets us to another CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00101-00026924-00027080 That's a CH2 right there, right?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00102-00027080-00027327 Or maybe I should circle it like this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00103-00027327-00027458 This whole thing is a CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00104-00027458-00027666 So it's bonded to the carbon, but the carbon has two
i6qSOcPz8JY-00105-00027666-00027770 hydrogens on it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00106-00027770-00028154 And this is actually carbon number six.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00107-00028154-00028245 So this is the front.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00108-00028245-00028526 Now, if we're staring straight and carbon number two is right
i6qSOcPz8JY-00109-00028526-00028745 behind it-- let me draw carbon number two.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00110-00028745-00028905 I'll do it in this blue color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00111-00028905-00029304 So carbon number two, that bigger circle.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00112-00029304-00029620 Now carbon number two, what's going on over there?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00113-00029620-00029999 It has a hydrogen in the axial position going straight down.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00114-00030388-00030566 This hydrogen right over there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00115-00030566-00031068 And it has another hydrogen going equatorial.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00116-00031068-00031344 So this green hydrogen right here is going equatorial.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00117-00031344-00031497 It looks like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00118-00031497-00031792 And then it connects to carbon number three,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00119-00031792-00031906 which is another CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00120-00031906-00032106 It has two hydrogens branching off of it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00121-00032399-00032533 In front, we have carbon number one.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00122-00032533-00032769 In the back, we have carbon number two.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00123-00032769-00033004 Let me color code it a little better.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00124-00033004-00033167 Carbon number two.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00125-00033167-00033571 And then carbon number two branches off to-- so if you
i6qSOcPz8JY-00126-00033571-00034085 think of this branch right here, that's carbon number two
i6qSOcPz8JY-00127-00034085-00034444 branching off to carbon number three, or CH3 right there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00128-00034444-00034620 Let me do that in a new color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00129-00034620-00034840 So this is actually a CH2 group.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00130-00034840-00034913 That's a CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00131-00034913-00035235 This is a carbon, and it has two hydrogens, right?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00132-00035235-00035443 So this is a CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00133-00035443-00035917 This is carbon number three right there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00134-00035917-00036392 And then that goes-- and actually, I'll pause there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00135-00036392-00036823 What I'll do now is I'll draw another Newman projection, but
i6qSOcPz8JY-00136-00036823-00037419 for this Newman projection, we'll be looking straight on
i6qSOcPz8JY-00137-00037419-00037783 our carbon number five.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00138-00037783-00038054 We're going to see we're going to form a ring because the
i6qSOcPz8JY-00139-00038054-00038213 first Newman projection we just did
i6qSOcPz8JY-00140-00038213-00038343 essentially covers this bond.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00141-00038343-00038601 This bond is sitting straight into the screen the way I did
i6qSOcPz8JY-00142-00038601-00038641 it right now.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00143-00038641-00038987 Carbon number two is directly behind carbon number one.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00144-00038987-00039367 So I guess the opposite side of the ring is five to four.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00145-00039367-00039607 If you look at, here, one to two is there, and then five to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00146-00039607-00039711 four is just like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00147-00039711-00039923 So you can imagine when we're doing the Newman projections,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00148-00039923-00040192 we're looking straight on here on the left Newman projection.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00149-00040192-00040437 We're going to look straight in that direction on the right
i6qSOcPz8JY-00150-00040437-00040537 Newman projection.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00151-00040537-00041040 So if we have carbon number five in front, what are its
i6qSOcPz8JY-00152-00041040-00041188 bonds going to look like?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00153-00041188-00041665 Well, it's going to bond to carbon number six over here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00154-00041665-00042007 So we can make this right-- let me do that
i6qSOcPz8JY-00155-00042007-00042145 in a different color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00156-00042145-00042618 This right here, this bond right here is this bond right
i6qSOcPz8JY-00157-00042618-00042919 here to that same CH2 that our first Newman
i6qSOcPz8JY-00158-00042919-00043076 projection bonded to.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00159-00043076-00043407 And then he's going to have two hydrogens.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00160-00043407-00043503 I haven't drawn them here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00161-00043503-00043676 Let me draw them, just so you can see them.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00162-00043676-00043942 It's going to have two hydrogens, one in an axial
i6qSOcPz8JY-00163-00043942-00044331 position and one in an equatorial position.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00164-00044331-00044542 It's hard to see now, but he's going to have one hydrogen in
i6qSOcPz8JY-00165-00044542-00044826 an axial and one in an equatorial position.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00166-00044826-00044974 And then in the back we're going to draw
i6qSOcPz8JY-00167-00044974-00045071 carbon number four.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00168-00045071-00045357 And carbon number four, I will do in this green color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00169-00045357-00045614 So carbon number four-- actually, , well, yeah I'll do
i6qSOcPz8JY-00170-00045614-00045858 carbon number four in that green color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00171-00045858-00046072 This is really just an exercise in visualization.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00172-00046072-00046199 That's why I wanted to do it with you.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00173-00046199-00046548 So carbon number four has an axial hydrogen, so it has a
i6qSOcPz8JY-00174-00046548-00046679 hydrogen pointing straight down.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00175-00046679-00046847 That hydrogen is that hydrogen.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00176-00046847-00047224 It has an equatorial hydrogen going out like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00177-00047224-00047489 And then it bonds to carbon number three.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00178-00047489-00048111 So this bond right here is this bond just like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00179-00048111-00048458 So what do we see immediately when we
i6qSOcPz8JY-00180-00048458-00048605 draw this chair position?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00181-00048605-00048907 When our methyl group is in the axial
i6qSOcPz8JY-00182-00048907-00049014 position, what do we see?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00183-00049014-00049581 Methyl in axial position.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00184-00049581-00049793 We see that it's gauche, or gowche.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00185-00049793-00049949 I don't know the best way to pronounce it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00186-00049949-00050381 It's only 60 degrees away from carbon number three.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00187-00050381-00050701 This is only 60 degrees, or a dihedral angle.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00188-00050701-00051013 When you use the Newman projection, this is only a
i6qSOcPz8JY-00189-00051013-00051358 60-degree angle.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00190-00051358-00051830 It is gauche to carbon number three.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00191-00051830-00051988 So maybe they're crowding each other a little bit.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00192-00051988-00052307 Let's compare it to the situation where our methyl
i6qSOcPz8JY-00193-00052307-00052801 group is equatorial, where the carbon that it's attached to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00194-00052801-00052949 is on the down part of the chair.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00195-00052949-00053191 Let's see what that Newman projection looks like.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00196-00053191-00053429 So same thing.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00197-00053429-00053648 Let me scroll over to the right a little bit.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00198-00053648-00054257 So this is this configuration and it's in equilibrium with
i6qSOcPz8JY-00199-00054257-00054466 this configuration right here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00200-00054466-00054620 We'll do the exact same exercise.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00201-00054620-00054704 Carbon number one.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00202-00054704-00055108 But now carbon number one, in carbon number one right here,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00203-00055108-00055525 the hydrogen is now axial and it's pointing straight down.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00204-00055525-00055657 Let me draw that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00205-00055657-00056083 So we have a hydrogen pointing straight down now.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00206-00056083-00056749 Hydrogen's pointing down and now the CH3 is in an
i6qSOcPz8JY-00207-00056749-00057091 equatorial position, which you can see more clearly on this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00208-00057091-00057152 than over here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00209-00057152-00057401 So you have a CH3.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00210-00057401-00057614 The methyl group is right there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00211-00057614-00058092 And now this bond to carbon number six
i6qSOcPz8JY-00212-00058092-00058217 will look like this.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00213-00058459-00058589 So you have a CH2.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00214-00058589-00058926 This is number six right over there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00215-00058926-00059151 And now if we were to go to the back, if we were go to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00216-00059151-00059449 carbon number two in the back, which we had done in the blue
i6qSOcPz8JY-00217-00059449-00059713 color before, so I'll do it in the blue color again.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00218-00059713-00060060 Carbon number two in black, it has a hydrogen in the axial
i6qSOcPz8JY-00219-00060060-00060346 position going straight up.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00220-00060346-00060465 That's that hydrogen right there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00221-00060465-00060674 It has a hydrogen going straight up.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00222-00060674-00061141 It has another hydrogen over here, and then it bonds to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00223-00061141-00061739 carbon number three in the back, so CH2 over here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00224-00061739-00061934 So this guy's the same thing as this guy, but now we've
i6qSOcPz8JY-00225-00061934-00062294 flipped configurations, so he bonds to that guy in the back.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00226-00062294-00062684 And now we do the Newman diagram looking straight on to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00227-00062684-00063087 carbon number five, or looking, actually, straight on
i6qSOcPz8JY-00228-00063087-00063230 to-- right, carbon number five.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00229-00063230-00063617 So we're looking straight in this direction for this Newman
i6qSOcPz8JY-00230-00063617-00063665 projection.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00231-00063665-00063910 Now we're going to look straight in this direction for
i6qSOcPz8JY-00232-00063910-00064066 our other Newman projection.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00233-00064066-00064620 So carbon number five, if we draw it in the front-- I
i6qSOcPz8JY-00234-00064620-00064889 haven't drawn it here, but it has a hydrogen at the axial
i6qSOcPz8JY-00235-00064889-00065078 position, and it has a hydrogen in
i6qSOcPz8JY-00236-00065078-00065240 the equatorial position.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00237-00065240-00065843 So carbon number five, if we look at this, and this is
i6qSOcPz8JY-00238-00065843-00066080 really-- if you're getting a little stressed out about this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00239-00066080-00066249 because it's a little hard to understand, you
i6qSOcPz8JY-00240-00066249-00066336 might want to rewatch.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00241-00066336-00066659 This is really just an example of visualizations.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00242-00066659-00066848 I really hope this isn't confusing you.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00243-00066848-00067095 If you find this really daunting, this isn't going to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00244-00067095-00067413 really trip you up in the rest of organic chemistry, but if
i6qSOcPz8JY-00245-00067413-00067520 you can get it, it's even better.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00246-00067520-00067703 You'll be that much better at visualizing
i6qSOcPz8JY-00247-00067703-00067872 some of these molecules.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00248-00067872-00068224 So if we look straight on at carbon number five, we have a
i6qSOcPz8JY-00249-00068224-00068482 hydrogen in the axial position coming straight down.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00250-00068825-00069100 It is bonded.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00251-00069100-00069718 Carbon number five is bonded to carbon number six, which is
i6qSOcPz8JY-00252-00069718-00070115 right over there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00253-00070115-00070245 So let me make it very clear.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00254-00070245-00070488 So this bond right here, I want to do it
i6qSOcPz8JY-00255-00070488-00070707 in a different color.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00256-00070707-00071033 This bond it right here is the same thing as this one.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00257-00071033-00071299 This is a really good way to-- if you can do this, then your
i6qSOcPz8JY-00258-00071299-00071549 brain is pretty good at translating between Newman
i6qSOcPz8JY-00259-00071549-00071809 projections and these kind of seat diagrams
i6qSOcPz8JY-00260-00071809-00071929 that we have up here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00261-00071929-00072150 So this is this bond.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00262-00072150-00072675 This axial hydrogen is this axial hydrogen.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00263-00072675-00072913 And then we have another hydrogen.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00264-00072913-00073158 We have this hydrogen right here, which would
i6qSOcPz8JY-00265-00073158-00073255 be that like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00266-00073255-00073503 And then behind it, you have carbon number four.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00267-00073503-00074005 Carbon number four is like that, so carbon number four,
i6qSOcPz8JY-00268-00074005-00074129 draw a circle.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00269-00074129-00074505 It has a hydrogen in its axial position, another hydrogen
i6qSOcPz8JY-00270-00074505-00074790 like that, and then it bonds to carbon number three.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00271-00074790-00074977 So this was number three right here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00272-00074977-00075112 So just like that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00273-00075112-00075361 So what do we see about this methyl group here?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00274-00075361-00075788 In this situation, this methyl group is anti-.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00275-00075788-00075920 There's two ways to think about it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00276-00075920-00076327 It's dihedral angle versus carbon number
i6qSOcPz8JY-00277-00076327-00076585 three is now 180 degrees.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00278-00076585-00076824 Over here it was gauche.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00279-00076824-00077108 Its dihedral angle to carbon number three was 60 degrees.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00280-00077108-00077287 Now, it's 180 degrees.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00281-00077287-00077426 So it's much further.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00282-00077426-00077634 And now its dihedral angle to carbon number
i6qSOcPz8JY-00283-00077634-00078000 six is also 120 degrees.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00284-00078000-00078355 So in this situation, where our methyl group is
i6qSOcPz8JY-00285-00078355-00078582 equatorial, it's axial here.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00286-00078582-00078865 It's equatorial here when we jumped back down because
i6qSOcPz8JY-00287-00078865-00078970 notice, it's parallel.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00288-00078970-00079206 The bond is parallel to parts of the ring.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00289-00079206-00079473 In this situation, we are farther away from the other
i6qSOcPz8JY-00290-00079473-00079557 methyl groups.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00291-00079557-00079749 There's less crowding, and so this is
i6qSOcPz8JY-00292-00079749-00079923 a more stable situation.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00293-00079923-00081323 So you could say it is anti-configuration relative to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00294-00081323-00081749 carbon number three, while over here, it was gauche to
i6qSOcPz8JY-00295-00081749-00081865 carbon number three.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00296-00081865-00081939 I don't know if I'm saying it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00297-00081939-00082027 Is it gowche, gauche?
i6qSOcPz8JY-00298-00082027-00082161 I don't know the best way to pronounce it.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00299-00082161-00082333 So in this case, there's less crowding.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00300-00082333-00082961 This is more stable, lower potential energy.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00301-00082961-00083086 So hopefully you found that interesting.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00302-00083086-00083467 This was really a way, just an exercise in being able to go
i6qSOcPz8JY-00303-00083467-00083632 from this visualization to kind of this
i6qSOcPz8JY-00304-00083632-00083804 double Newman diagram.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00305-00083804-00084055 And if it makes it any easier, the way you could think about
i6qSOcPz8JY-00306-00084055-00084455 it is we're kind of viewing in this Newman diagram right
i6qSOcPz8JY-00307-00084455-00084748 here, where this carbon number six is this carbon number six.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00308-00084748-00084945 This CH2 is this one back there.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00309-00084945-00085175 So when we're looking at it from this, we're kind of
i6qSOcPz8JY-00310-00085175-00085594 looking at this hexane ring from this direction.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00311-00085594-00085735 We see this in front.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00312-00085735-00085983 This is this, and we see that in back.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00313-00085983-00086109 That is that.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00314-00086109-00086267 Over here, same thing.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00315-00086267-00086965 We're looking at it directly from this direction.
i6qSOcPz8JY-00316-00086965-00087366 We see this guy on top is over here, and this guy on the
i6qSOcPz8JY-00317-00087366-00087491 bottom is over here.
i8aEjURE_R0-00000-00000000-00000512 Come on you guys, hurry! Like, wait up for me!
i8aEjURE_R0-00001-00000512-00001661 Hmm... [chuckles] Yeah.
i8aEjURE_R0-00002-00001661-00001788 Stupid monster! [monster grunts]
i8aEjURE_R0-00003-00001788-00001862 That's it, Daphne!
i8aEjURE_R0-00004-00001862-00001952 [monster grunts] Hi-ya!
i8aEjURE_R0-00005-00001952-00002107 [monster grunts] How do you like that?
i8aEjURE_R0-00006-00002107-00002242 Way to go, Velma! [gang cheering]
i8aEjURE_R0-00007-00002242-00002361 [barking] ...and another one!
i8aEjURE_R0-00008-00002361-00002480 Oh, did you want your mommy?
i8aEjURE_R0-00009-00002480-00002773 Cartoon Network LA dot com [cartoon sound effect]
i8aEjURE_R0-00010-00002773-00002976 [monster grunts] You won't see this on TV.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00000-00000001-00000311 [anchor 1] A Toronto woman says she camps outside her daughter's school
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00001-00000313-00000633 each day all day  in case her child needs help.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00002-00000634-00000887 [anchor 2] The teen lives with a condition that affects her mobility,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00003-00000889-00001126 and her school struggles  with accommodation.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00004-00001151-00001412 CTV's Andrew Brennan reports on their story
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00005-00001431-00001604 and what they hope can be done.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00006-00001605-00001801 [Michelle Cousins] Honey, do you need me right now?
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00007-00001802-00002084 [Andrew Brennan]  You can find Michelle Cousins here every school day
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00008-00002103-00002381 in her van, down the street  from her daughter's school.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00009-00002401-00002687 Colette is 14 years old, in grade nine.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00010-00002708-00003085 She has arthrogryposis, which affects her mobility.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00011-00003087-00003297 [Cousins] I'm the one who greets her  when she gets off the bus,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00012-00003299-00003463 I help her get into the school,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00013-00003464-00003689 I help her take her coat off, I give her a kiss, and she goes in.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00014-00003691-00003940 And then I hop back in my van, and I find a parking spot.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00015-00003966-00004262 [Andrew] She waits for her daughter  to call to use the bathroom.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00016-00004299-00004551 Normally, it would be a task  for educational assistants,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00017-00004553-00004997 but this, Cousin says, is the best way to ensure her daughter's dignity
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00018-00005019-00005229 until the board finds a workaround.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00019-00005262-00005591 She says she tried to flag issues last October
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00020-00005592-00005966 before Colette was accepted  to Marshal McLuhan in May.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00021-00005968-00006158 Cousins says she was told in June,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00022-00006187-00006407 everything would be ready for Colette in the fall
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00023-00006434-00006794 but found out otherwise  the day before school started.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00024-00006795-00006957 [Cousins] Grab bars weren't installed,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00025-00006958-00007152 the elevator company didn't come in
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00026-00007154-00007367 and inspect the inv- elevator to modify it.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00027-00007380-00007654 [Andrew] And of nine  educational assistants at the school,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00028-00007656-00007975 only two, she says, are able to lift her daughter.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00029-00008009-00008342 If there was a fire drill, she says the plan she had to sign off on 
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00030-00008344-00008668 was leaving Colette in a stairwell.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00031-00008669-00008976 [Lepofsky] Students with disabilities  are treated like an afterthought.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00032-00008978-00009158 [Andrew] An advocate who is on a committee
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00033-00009159-00009473 to address accessibility barriers in education
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00034-00009475-00009938 says the Ministry of Education has been  sitting on recommendations for months,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00035-00009980-00010346 [Lepofsky] And individual parents from one end of this province to another
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00036-00010370-00010701 have to keep fighting those barriers  one at a time.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00037-00010703-00010915 [Andrew] Education Minister Stephen Lecce's office
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00038-00010916-00011335 says its consulting currently with  the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00039-00011373-00011547 The Toronto Catholic District School Board
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00040-00011548-00011841 says it wouldn't comment  on this specific case,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00041-00011855-00012243 but did say the school has an elevator, accessible washroom,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00042-00012263-00012435 and an operable Hoyer lift.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00043-00012467-00012771 Support staff are also available and assigned as needed
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00044-00012793-00013118 to assist any student  that may require accommodations.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00045-00013119-00013371 Cousins says she disagrees  with much of that.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00046-00013373-00013609 Right now, she's searching for a supplier,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00047-00013611-00013887 waiting for new equipment to come, then test it,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00048-00013889-00014076 and then for staff to be trained.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00049-00014077-00014240 [Cousins] We're playing catch up.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00050-00014241-00014410 Now they're working tirelessly,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00051-00014411-00014593 and I do believe, individually, they do care,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00052-00014616-00014784 but I just sit there, and it's just a mess.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00053-00014785-00015041 [Andrew] Cousins says she and Colette picked the school
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00054-00015043-00015203 in part because of the environment,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00055-00015205-00015586 the programming, as well as the administration and staff,
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00056-00015587-00015823 but she says that she expects to be waiting
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00057-00015825-00016166 outside of the school in her van just in case her daughter needs her
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00058-00016168-00016385 at least until Christmas for the resources
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00059-00016413-00016817 that she says are needed for her daughter  to attend school independently.
iu2WZ2wXZVc-00060-00016859-00017081 Andrew Brennan, CTV News.
iueYms1tRyI-00000-00002513-00002743 OCT 31,Saturday
iueYms1tRyI-00001-00002743-00002933 Who
iueYms1tRyI-00002-00002933-00003279 woke me up?
iueYms1tRyI-00003-00003279-00003626 I was planning to sleep late this morning, 
iueYms1tRyI-00004-00003626-00003910 but I woke up early because of the construction noise.
iueYms1tRyI-00005-00003910-00004203 I organize my bedding.
iueYms1tRyI-00006-00004203-00004486 Let's have breakfast.
iueYms1tRyI-00007-00004486-00004983 I bought a port for drip, but I've never used it before.
iueYms1tRyI-00008-00004983-00005280 I eat soup every morning these days.
iueYms1tRyI-00009-00005280-00005603 All I need to do is pour the boiled water.
iueYms1tRyI-00010-00005603-00005833 My small healing point these days is
iueYms1tRyI-00011-00005833-00006150 eating warm soup
iueYms1tRyI-00012-00006150-00006453 with cold wind.
iueYms1tRyI-00013-00006453-00006750 Pour hot water into the soup powder
iueYms1tRyI-00014-00006750-00007126 and mix roughly.
iueYms1tRyI-00015-00007476-00007806 I was very busy until yesterday.
iueYms1tRyI-00016-00007806-00008170 I'm going to rest after work today.
iueYms1tRyI-00017-00008520-00009026 Half soup and half lump.
iueYms1tRyI-00018-00009026-00009340 After washing the dish,
iueYms1tRyI-00019-00009340-00009706 I'm going to throw this tumbler away.
iueYms1tRyI-00020-00009706-00010176 It's very messy 
iueYms1tRyI-00021-00010176-00010630 because it's been used for a long time.
iueYms1tRyI-00022-00010630-00011050 I work while drinking coffee.
iueYms1tRyI-00023-00011050-00011250 The end,
iueYms1tRyI-00024-00011250-00011606 I check the blanket pad
iueYms1tRyI-00025-00011606-00011973 that I have not checked yet and it was delivered on Monday.
iueYms1tRyI-00026-00011973-00012360 I'll wash this.
iueYms1tRyI-00027-00012850-00013173 I pour a lot of fabric softener for a good scent.
iueYms1tRyI-00028-00013173-00013506 I also clean my house.
iueYms1tRyI-00029-00013506-00013886 And I organize my drawers.
iueYms1tRyI-00030-00013886-00014203 I just kept putting it in, and it's a mess.
iueYms1tRyI-00031-00014203-00014513 I have been to Busan for a week
iueYms1tRyI-00032-00014513-00014886 and have been busy ever since,
iueYms1tRyI-00033-00014886-00015330 so I didn't have time to clean up.
iueYms1tRyI-00034-00015330-00015796 The laundry is done.
iueYms1tRyI-00035-00015796-00016140 The sound of construction is making me tired.
iueYms1tRyI-00036-00016140-00016510 I thought it was a simple project, but it's been going on for a while
iueYms1tRyI-00037-00016510-00016960 I washed dolls, too.
iueYms1tRyI-00038-00016960-00017300 I've had some rest.
iueYms1tRyI-00039-00017300-00017546 Let's have lunch.
iueYms1tRyI-00040-00017546-00017896 I'll cook cream pasta.
iueYms1tRyI-00041-00017896-00018183 I don't like cream pasta,
iueYms1tRyI-00042-00018183-00018493 so it's not an ordinary recipe.
iueYms1tRyI-00043-00018493-00018836 First, cut the chungyang pepper.
iueYms1tRyI-00044-00018836-00019180 First, cut the chungyang pepper.
iueYms1tRyI-00045-00019180-00019493 I need onions,
iueYms1tRyI-00046-00019493-00019806 but there's no onions in my house.
iueYms1tRyI-00047-00019806-00020330 Make lemonade base while water boils.
iueYms1tRyI-00048-00020860-00021286 I also squashed half the lemon in the refrigerator.
iueYms1tRyI-00049-00021286-00021750 I adding honey to this and add sparkling water and ice at the end
iueYms1tRyI-00050-00021750-00022153 I put honey in it and sparkling water and ice will be added later.
iueYms1tRyI-00051-00022646-00023093 And later, I will add sparkling water and ice.
iueYms1tRyI-00052-00023093-00023276 Stir-fry bacon,
iueYms1tRyI-00053-00023276-00023410 1 spoon of minced garlic,
iueYms1tRyI-00054-00023410-00023543 chungyang red pepper,
iueYms1tRyI-00055-00023543-00023923 and hall pepperoncino in a pan.
iueYms1tRyI-00056-00024296-00024543 When the bacon is cooked, add noodles,
iueYms1tRyI-00057-00024543-00024906 a lot of garlic powder (important),
iueYms1tRyI-00058-00024906-00025160 a little milk,
iueYms1tRyI-00059-00025160-00025376 two cheddar cheese,
iueYms1tRyI-00060-00025376-00025743 and a little salt.
iueYms1tRyI-00061-00025743-00026013 Almost done.
iueYms1tRyI-00062-00026013-00026233 It's a little bit thick 
iueYms1tRyI-00063-00026233-00026600 because I'm not put onions in it
iueYms1tRyI-00064-00026600-00027003 Lastly, sprinkle parsley powder.
iueYms1tRyI-00065-00027450-00027796 This is cream pasta hater's cream pasta.
iueYms1tRyI-00066-00027796-00028226 So thick.
iueYms1tRyI-00067-00028226-00028680 I know this is failed.
iueYms1tRyI-00068-00028680-00029026 But it is delicious because of its strong garlic scent.
iueYms1tRyI-00069-00029026-00029583 If I had onions, I could make the best pasta.
iueYms1tRyI-00070-00029583-00029806 I ate it all.
iueYms1tRyI-00071-00029806-00030246 And finish the meal with fresh lemonade.
iueYms1tRyI-00072-00031130-00031593 I wash the dishes.
iueYms1tRyI-00073-00031593-00031930 Good job!
iueYms1tRyI-00074-00031930-00032376 I unbox things I bought in Busan and received in packages.
iueYms1tRyI-00075-00032376-00032810 I was so busy that I didn't have time to open these.
iueYms1tRyI-00076-00032810-00033190 This is AESOP lip cream 
iueYms1tRyI-00077-00033190-00033503 that my friend gave me as a present.
iueYms1tRyI-00078-00033503-00033886 My friend gave me a gift that I spent a lot of money in Busan.
iueYms1tRyI-00079-00033886-00034233 Moist
iueYms1tRyI-00080-00034233-00034556 I bought these at a prop shop in Busan.
iueYms1tRyI-00081-00034556-00035170 These are the postcards and posters I bought from Margarine Studios.
iueYms1tRyI-00082-00035170-00035450 So cute!
iueYms1tRyI-00083-00035450-00035876 And this is a baby axe that my friend gave me as a gift.
iueYms1tRyI-00084-00035876-00036473 I'll use this to cut butter and cheese.
iueYms1tRyI-00085-00036473-00036863 And these were delivered as packages.
iueYms1tRyI-00086-00036863-00037280 I bought a STANLEY bottle.
iueYms1tRyI-00087-00037280-00037610 I like the design of the HELIOS Bottle,
iueYms1tRyI-00088-00037610-00038070 but it can be used longer.
iueYms1tRyI-00089-00038070-00038433 I want to take this bottle for a fall picnic.
iueYms1tRyI-00090-00038433-00038716 Oh, here are the stickers.
iueYms1tRyI-00091-00038716-00039000 And I bought a new candle in two years.
iueYms1tRyI-00092-00039000-00039396 This is a Christmas Eve candle.
iueYms1tRyI-00093-00039396-00039736 Is it ok?
iueYms1tRyI-00094-00039736-00040150 This is a sweet cherry scent.
iueYms1tRyI-00095-00040150-00040533 My mini unboxing is over.
iueYms1tRyI-00096-00040533-00040973 I'm gonna put this poster on the closet door.
iueYms1tRyI-00097-00041303-00041643 If  I hang knitwear for a long time, it will stretch 
iueYms1tRyI-00098-00041643-00042220 so I switch it with a poster.
iueYms1tRyI-00099-00042220-00042623 And now I clean up my suitcase
iueYms1tRyI-00100-00042623-00042980 and wash my pouches.
iueYms1tRyI-00101-00042980-00043296 I'm a little hungry again,
iueYms1tRyI-00102-00043296-00043686 so I'll have a snack time.
iueYms1tRyI-00103-00043686-00044083 Bake the gink gonut in the air fryer at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
iueYms1tRyI-00104-00044083-00044510 I want to eat 300 each, but I'm holding it in because of poison.
iueYms1tRyI-00105-00044510-00044896 If I can I wanna eat 300 of gink gonut.
iueYms1tRyI-00106-00044896-00045290 But I only eat 20 for my health.
iueYms1tRyI-00107-00045290-00045636 I really love gink gonut.
iueYms1tRyI-00108-00045706-00046126 Finish the work that I thought was over while drinking coffee with gink gonut.
iueYms1tRyI-00109-00046126-00046606 DOBBY wasn't free.
iueYms1tRyI-00110-00047566-00048053 The pouch is also washed.
iueYms1tRyI-00111-00048053-00048293 mY house is full of the scent of fabric softener.
iueYms1tRyI-00112-00048523-00048830 And the sound of construction is overflowing.
iueYms1tRyI-00113-00048830-00049163 I'm tired from the sound of construction all day.
iueYms1tRyI-00114-00049163-00049586 i eat more gink gonut and work hard.
iueYms1tRyI-00115-00049586-00050020 Gink gonut,,,The wood smells bad, but it's okay.
iueYms1tRyI-00116-00050473-00050686 The blanket pad is dry.
iueYms1tRyI-00117-00050836-00051103 Somebody stop the construction, please.
iueYms1tRyI-00118-00051103-00051520 I'm so tired that I'm taking a break.
iueYms1tRyI-00119-00051520-00051863 I fell asleep for a while and woke up again because I was hungry.
iueYms1tRyI-00120-00051863-00052279 I have a simple dinner.
iueYms1tRyI-00121-00052279-00052640 I couldn't afford to cook these days.
iueYms1tRyI-00122-00052640-00052900 So I bought Soy Sauce Marinated Shrimp and ate it with rice.
iueYms1tRyI-00123-00052900-00053179 A bowl of rice and six shrimps
iueYms1tRyI-00124-00053179-00053393 Perfect proportion.
iueYms1tRyI-00125-00053393-00053853 I'll mix the soy sauce with the rice.
iueYms1tRyI-00126-00053853-00054176 It's Lit
iueYms1tRyI-00127-00054176-00054420 I'm going to eat gim bugak, too.
iueYms1tRyI-00128-00054420-00054723 For me, gim bugak is like a snack.
iueYms1tRyI-00129-00054723-00055016 It's really delicious.
iueYms1tRyI-00130-00055016-00055320 My dinner is done.
iueYms1tRyI-00131-00055320-00055633 I ate all three meals with this menu one day.
iueYms1tRyI-00132-00055633-00055950 It looks delicious.
iueYms1tRyI-00133-00055950-00056133 Have a spoonful of rice 
iueYms1tRyI-00134-00056133-00056413 and a bite of MARINATED SHRIMP
iueYms1tRyI-00135-00056413-00056636 and eat gim buckak.
iueYms1tRyI-00136-00056636-00056926 Perfect combination
iueYms1tRyI-00137-00057056-00057440 When it's too salty, eat fried eggs.
iueYms1tRyI-00138-00057440-00057796 When did I eat all of this?
iueYms1tRyI-00139-00057796-00058220 I'm too lazy to wash the dishes, so I'm looking at my phone
iueYms1tRyI-00140-00058220-00058490 After washing the dishes,
iueYms1tRyI-00141-00058490-00058860 I'm gonna share the cat food that I didn't do because I was lazy.
iueYms1tRyI-00142-00058860-00059236 These days, the number of cats in the neighborhood is increasing, 
iueYms1tRyI-00143-00059236-00059683 so the food is decreasing quickly.
iueYms1tRyI-00144-00059683-00060003 I have it wrapped little by little
iueYms1tRyI-00145-00060003-00060400 and kept near my house.
iueYms1tRyI-00146-00060400-00060853 I'm done.
iueYms1tRyI-00147-00060853-00061246 I'm going to throw away the recycling trash and give the cat food.
iueYms1tRyI-00148-00061246-00061579 Enjoy your meal.
iueYms1tRyI-00149-00061579-00062013 I came for a walk in the park.
iueYms1tRyI-00150-00062120-00062460 Looking at the fallen leaves reminds me of something.
iueYms1tRyI-00151-00062460-00062766 Chocolate macaron.
iueYms1tRyI-00152-00062766-00063090 I'm here to buy macaroons.
iueYms1tRyI-00153-00063090-00063406 But I still don't want to go home right away.
iueYms1tRyI-00154-00063406-00063803 So  I walk around the park once and go home.
iueYms1tRyI-00155-00063803-00064276 I tried to watch macaroons while watching Netflix at home.
iueYms1tRyI-00156-00064516-00064876 But I decided to enjoy Halloween vibes a little bit.
iueYms1tRyI-00157-00064876-00065233 I simply decorated the house.
iueYms1tRyI-00158-00066096-00066196 I'll have this macaron tomorrow.
iueYms1tRyI-00159-00068480-00068716 I watch Sabrina.
iueYms1tRyI-00160-00068846-00069203 I also change the color of the lights.
iueYms1tRyI-00161-00069643-00070000 Trick or treat!
iueYms1tRyI-00162-00070000-00070446 Beer and macaron don't go together.
iueYms1tRyI-00163-00070446-00071016 Gim bugak is good.
iueYms1tRyI-00164-00071633-00072130 Nearly-headless snoopu
iueYms1tRyI-00165-00072130-00072696 I fully enjoy and organize the Halloween atmosphere.
iueYms1tRyI-00166-00072696-00072970 This is the song that I listened to at Disney last Halloween.
iueYms1tRyI-00167-00072970-00073310 I miss Disney.
iueYms1tRyI-00168-00073310-00073813 I was tired, so I cleaned quickly.
iueYms1tRyI-00169-00073813-00074116 I ordered food to eat tomorrow online and slept.
iueYms1tRyI-00170-00074140-00074480 NOV 1st Sunday
iueYms1tRyI-00171-00074480-00074820 After organizing the food I received in the morning, I fell asleep again.
iueYms1tRyI-00172-00074820-00075100 It's going to rain all day today.
iueYms1tRyI-00173-00075100-00075390 I turned on the light because I thought it would be dark all day.
iueYms1tRyI-00174-00075390-00075826 I'll have soup too.
iueYms1tRyI-00175-00076603-00077010 And hot coffee.
iueYms1tRyI-00176-00077480-00077990 For the hard work of the bees, I even ate a drop of honey.
iueYms1tRyI-00177-00078206-00078536 It's my breakfast.
iueYms1tRyI-00178-00078536-00078796 I dropped the toast.
iueYms1tRyI-00179-00078796-00079400 I watch Emily in Paris.
iueYms1tRyI-00180-00079400-00079870 The toast is too hard.My front teeth are precious.
iueYms1tRyI-00181-00079870-00080313 My front teeth are precious.
iueYms1tRyI-00182-00080313-00080723 I enjoy drinking warm coffee mixed with honey these days.
iueYms1tRyI-00183-00080723-00081053 After breakfast, I lay back in bed.
iueYms1tRyI-00184-00081053-00081503 I eat yesterday's jelly for dessert.
iueYms1tRyI-00185-00081503-00081893 I received a package of body wash and cream.
iueYms1tRyI-00186-00081893-00082333 It's so dry these days that my body is even dry.
iueYms1tRyI-00187-00082333-00082796 I didn't wash, but I put on lotion.
iueYms1tRyI-00188-00082796-00083173 Let's have lunch.
iueYms1tRyI-00189-00083173-00083570 I'm going to eat webfoot octopus.
iueYms1tRyI-00190-00083570-00083776 Wash bean sprouts
iueYms1tRyI-00191-00083776-00084066 and lettuce and perilla leaves.
iueYms1tRyI-00192-00084066-00084566 Cut lettuce and perilla leaves into bite-sized pieces.
iueYms1tRyI-00193-00084566-00084950 Then boil bean sprouts in boiling water.
iueYms1tRyI-00194-00085210-00085666 Three minutes later, I'll take out bean sprouts.
iueYms1tRyI-00195-00085666-00086030 Leave a little bit of bean sprouts
iueYms1tRyI-00196-00086030-00086156 and add some red pepper powder,
iueYms1tRyI-00197-00086156-00086326 green onion,
iueYms1tRyI-00198-00086326-00086530 and salt to make bean sprout soup.
iueYms1tRyI-00199-00086530-00086910 Bean sprout soup is cooked.
iueYms1tRyI-00200-00086910-00087143 And season boiled bean sprouts.
iueYms1tRyI-00201-00087143-00087290 Add half a spoon of minced garlic,
iueYms1tRyI-00202-00087290-00087573 a little salt,
iueYms1tRyI-00203-00087573-00087776 a little sesame,
iueYms1tRyI-00204-00087776-00088050 and a little sesame oil.
iueYms1tRyI-00205-00088050-00088356 It's done.
iueYms1tRyI-00206-00088356-00088690 Then stir-fry webfoot octopus.
iueYms1tRyI-00207-00088690-00089000 Stir-fry a lot because the amount decreases when stir-frying.
iueYms1tRyI-00208-00089326-00089596 I only used onions for vegetables.
iueYms1tRyI-00209-00089596-00089876 I ordered trimmed onion by mistake because I was sleepy.
iueYms1tRyI-00210-00089876-00090216 Comfortable but not in good condition.
iueYms1tRyI-00211-00090216-00090630 Simmer until the soup is boiled down.
iueYms1tRyI-00212-00090630-00090833 Put bean sprouts on top of rice 
iueYms1tRyI-00213-00090833-00091086 Then put lettuce and perilla leaves on top of bean sprouts.
iueYms1tRyI-00214-00091086-00091353 This bowl is smaller than my appetite.
iueYms1tRyI-00215-00091353-00091673 I need a bigger bowl.
iueYms1tRyI-00216-00091673-00091926 GOT7  - Just right
iueYms1tRyI-00217-00091926-00092193 Put webfoot octopus on lettuce and perilla leaves.
iueYms1tRyI-00218-00092193-00092533 I have to boil the soup more, but I just eat it because I'm hungry.
iueYms1tRyI-00219-00092533-00092766 The onion has increased the amount, so I left some.
iueYms1tRyI-00220-00092766-00093153 Add sesame oil last.
iueYms1tRyI-00221-00093153-00093463 My lunch is ready.
iueYms1tRyI-00222-00093463-00093713 Rice topped with webfoot octopus
iueYms1tRyI-00223-00093713-00094036 And spicy bean sprout soup.
iueYms1tRyI-00224-00094036-00094433 Mix well and eat.
iueYms1tRyI-00225-00094433-00094710 There were too many lettuce, so I added more rice.
iueYms1tRyI-00226-00094710-00095023 There was too much rice, so I added more webfoot octopus.
iueYms1tRyI-00227-00095023-00095346 There were so many webfoot octopus that I added more bean sprouts.
iueYms1tRyI-00228-00095740-00096006 There was too much topping, so I added more rice.
iueYms1tRyI-00229-00096006-00096300 It's almost 4 servings.
iueYms1tRyI-00230-00096300-00096636 I brought water because it was spicy.
iueYms1tRyI-00231-00096636-00096916 And put more sesame oil.
iueYms1tRyI-00232-00096916-00097183 I can eat it all.
iueYms1tRyI-00233-00097183-00097500 I can do.
iueYms1tRyI-00234-00097500-00097853 I ate hard until the last bite.
iueYms1tRyI-00235-00097853-00098160 After washing dishes, 
iueYms1tRyI-00236-00098160-00098546 I go to the mart.
iueYms1tRyI-00237-00098546-00098806 But um,,,
iueYms1tRyI-00238-00098806-00099160 As soon as I left home, my cell phone turned off.
iueYms1tRyI-00239-00099160-00099513 I charge my phone and make a smoothie.
iueYms1tRyI-00240-00099513-00099796 milk
iueYms1tRyI-00241-00099796-00100053 vanilla powder
iueYms1tRyI-00242-00100053-00100300 2 Instant coffee
iueYms1tRyI-00243-00100300-00100656 Jollypong.
iueYms1tRyI-00244-00100656-00101020 Then blend it with ice.
iueYms1tRyI-00245-00101020-00101386 The person who made the Jori Pong smoothie is a genius.
iueYms1tRyI-00246-00101386-00101936 There is no room for Jollypong because the cup is small.
iueYms1tRyI-00247-00101936-00102513 I put Jollypong separately.
iueYms1tRyI-00248-00102513-00102926 I put Jollypong separately.
iueYms1tRyI-00249-00102926-00103350 My weight is increasing day by day.
iueYms1tRyI-00250-00104408-00104658 I ate 4 servings of rice and 1 large Jollypong,
iueYms1tRyI-00251-00104658-00104949 so I was full.
iueYms1tRyI-00252-00104949-00105282 I'll have a simple dinner.
iueYms1tRyI-00253-00105408-00105825 Heat the hard roll.
iueYms1tRyI-00254-00105825-00106135 These are the ingredients for hard roll.
iueYms1tRyI-00255-00106135-00106569 Cut the onions
iueYms1tRyI-00256-00106569-00107099 and bacon.
iueYms1tRyI-00257-00107099-00107452 I should have defrosted the hard roll at room temperature.
iueYms1tRyI-00258-00107452-00107902 I defrosted the hard roll with the air fryer and it became too crispy.
iueYms1tRyI-00259-00107902-00108275 It's all broken.
iueYms1tRyI-00260-00108275-00108629 I gave up the shape and cut it with scissors.
iueYms1tRyI-00261-00108842-00109165 Dig out the bread.
iueYms1tRyI-00262-00109165-00109645 I dug it up perfectly.
iueYms1tRyI-00263-00109645-00110108 Spread tomato sauce on the hard roll.
iueYms1tRyI-00264-00110352-00110692 Then add bacon and onions.
iueYms1tRyI-00265-00111222-00111589 Cover with mozzarella cheese.
iueYms1tRyI-00266-00111902-00112329 Then bake the bacon in the air fryer until it's cooked.
iueYms1tRyI-00267-00113082-00113465 Even if you're full, you'll eat this.
iueYms1tRyI-00268-00113465-00113995 Take out onions and bacon.
iueYms1tRyI-00269-00113995-00114452 Good.
iueYms1tRyI-00270-00114452-00114905 Emily in Paris's Gabriel is so handsome.
iueYms1tRyI-00271-00114905-00115355 I recommend you to watch it.
iueYms1tRyI-00272-00115355-00115785 I had apple juice
iueYms1tRyI-00273-00115785-00116272 and macaron for dessert.
iueYms1tRyI-00274-00116272-00116685 I had a complete rest at home today after a long time.
iueYms1tRyI-00275-00116815-00117158 Thank you for watching until the end of the day.
iueYms1tRyI-00276-00117158-00117325 See you in the next video!
iueYms1tRyI-00277-00117325-00117532 Goodbye!
ivUyFqiyOKE-00000-00000010-00000080 I'LL GIVE YOU CLEAN GLOOSD THES.
ivUyFqiyOKE-00001-00000080-00000086 I'LL GIVE YOU CLEAN GLOOSD THES.  
ivUyFqiyOKE-00035-00003400-00003406 ADVERTISING PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH NEARLY $2,000.  
ivUyFqiyOKE-00037-00003533-00003540 NEARLY $2,000. >> WE'RE A SMALL RURAL AREA, SO  
iwVJB3GLcu8-00000-00000069-00000407 [ Music ]
iwVJB3GLcu8-00001-00000407-00000647 >> Those are really cool animals because they're--
iwVJB3GLcu8-00002-00000647-00000827 they're like a striped horse,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00003-00000827-00001054 except they're actually really really smart.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00004-00001054-00001191 And every single one is different;
iwVJB3GLcu8-00005-00001191-00001431 there are never two zebras that look exactly the same.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00006-00001431-00001998 The difference between the plain zebra and Grevy's zebra;
iwVJB3GLcu8-00007-00001998-00002185 it's a little bit hard to tell unless they're standing next
iwVJB3GLcu8-00008-00002185-00002459 to each other, but a Grevy's zebra is much much bigger,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00009-00002459-00002699 they have enormous ears, but like a donkey,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00010-00002699-00002979 and their stripes are beautiful, very very fine,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00011-00002979-00003186 but they also behave completely differently.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00012-00003186-00003493 So as zebras like to stay in big groups together,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00013-00003493-00003736 Grevy's zebras much prefer to be on their own;
iwVJB3GLcu8-00014-00003736-00003850 they're a lot more independent
iwVJB3GLcu8-00015-00003850-00004053 so their behaviour is very different as well.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00016-00004053-00004661 [ Music ]
iwVJB3GLcu8-00017-00004661-00004988 As a keeper that looks after zebras, a lot of people ask me
iwVJB3GLcu8-00018-00004988-00005231 if a zebra is black and white striped or white
iwVJB3GLcu8-00019-00005231-00005425 with black stripes, and the answer
iwVJB3GLcu8-00020-00005425-00005668 to that is they're actually black underneath
iwVJB3GLcu8-00021-00005668-00005885 and the white stripes are on top, and we know that because
iwVJB3GLcu8-00022-00005885-00006152 when we have to shave a zebra maybe for an injection
iwVJB3GLcu8-00023-00006152-00006426 or an operation the skin is actually black.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00024-00006426-00006586 So I reckon, if you ever saw a bald zebra,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00025-00006586-00006750 it would definitely be a black zebra.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00026-00006750-00007213 [ Music ]
iwVJB3GLcu8-00027-00007213-00007464 Well, you can look at our zebras here and you'll see Banjo
iwVJB3GLcu8-00028-00007464-00007811 and all his posse here actually have lots and lots of food,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00029-00007811-00007917 so they're really lucky.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00030-00007917-00008054 At Werribee Zoo they never have to worry
iwVJB3GLcu8-00031-00008054-00008204 about that sort of thing.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00032-00008204-00008528 But for Grevy's zebra out in the wild, the biggest battle
iwVJB3GLcu8-00033-00008528-00008735 for them is getting enough to eat and enough to drink,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00034-00008735-00008908 because they're competing with livestock,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00035-00008908-00009078 which are owned by the local people.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00036-00009078-00009195 So that's probably the greatest threat
iwVJB3GLcu8-00037-00009195-00009352 to Grevy's zebra is just competition
iwVJB3GLcu8-00038-00009352-00009552 with cattle and livestock.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00039-00009552-00009983 [ Music ]
iwVJB3GLcu8-00040-00009983-00010346 Sounds really strange to think about buying beads,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00041-00010346-00010620 helping zebras; it kind of-- how does that all fit together,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00042-00010620-00010890 but actually it does help zebras.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00043-00010890-00011267 Because when we buy beads through Zoos Victoria it means
iwVJB3GLcu8-00044-00011267-00011468 that the women and the families
iwVJB3GLcu8-00045-00011468-00011718 in Northern Kenya are earning income from beads;
iwVJB3GLcu8-00046-00011718-00011925 they don't have to rely on livestock as much.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00047-00011925-00012205 And if there are less livestock in Northern Kenya
iwVJB3GLcu8-00048-00012205-00012442 that means there's more room for Grevy's zebra.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00049-00012442-00012619 And that means they don't have to compete for things
iwVJB3GLcu8-00050-00012619-00012962 like the grass and the water, and all that stuff.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00051-00012962-00013076 So while that sounds a bit weird,
iwVJB3GLcu8-00052-00013076-00013349 buying beads actually really does help zebra.
iwVJB3GLcu8-00053-00013349-00015131 [ Music ]
ixkeZSC1Odk-00000-00000000-00000240 Subscribe Channel for News Updates
ixPjE_gRUWy-00000-00000048-00000148 Hi!
ixPjE_gRUWy-00001-00000148-00000248 Today is about "to log."
ixPjE_gRUWy-00002-00000248-00000520 In dictionary is "to identify on a website page with name and password" and I thought
ixPjE_gRUWy-00003-00000520-00001399 of course that the website is a person, even if is a company behind that is still a human
ixPjE_gRUWy-00004-00001399-00002628 being and is interesting how we want to log to the other,we want to communicate with the
ixPjE_gRUWy-00005-00002628-00003289 other.For me "to log" means to connect at your emotions first and the other to connect
ixPjE_gRUWy-00006-00003289-00004439 too to his emotions and in that moment is clear a natural login is produced and in the
ixPjE_gRUWy-00007-00004439-00004766 moment this thing is not happening, when I don't connect at my real emotions and I don't
ixPjE_gRUWy-00008-00004766-00005256 truly communicate to the other I think this moment is like a puzzle from where few pieces
ixPjE_gRUWy-00009-00005256-00005905 are missing.It seems interesting to me to log to each other through our own emotions
ixPjE_gRUWy-00010-00005905-00006465 and to have the guts to say "Look,today I am sad" . To stop hiding everything behind
ixPjE_gRUWy-00011-00006465-00006703 other masks.What is your opinion?
ixPjE_gRUWy-00012-00006703-00006750 Bye!
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00000-00000040-00000368 well i mean i understand of course that one could have a whole course
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00001-00000368-00000984 on data anonymization especially if one would like to do it in practice with the with real data and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00002-00000984-00001607 you know learning the tools to anonymize data but in general i hope that this you know 60 minutes
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00003-00001607-00002120 that we can spend together maybe there's something useful and maybe there's some useful links for you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00004-00002232-00002640 so in general i'm going to cover kind of the context and the concepts
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00005-00002640-00003040 on (pseudo-)anonymisation and of course why are we going to do it and why do we need to do it
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00006-00003136-00003647 and then i think that the best way to understand anonymization is to understand re-identification
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00007-00003647-00004552 so when we can kind of go back and re-identify our subjects our data then in general i'm gonna be the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00008-00004552-00005040 rest of the lecture the point three and four will be more practical so how can we actually do it
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00009-00005104-00005712 before and after the data has been collected and what kind of workflows can we adopt when
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00010-00005712-00006336 for example anonymous anonymization is not possible and finally i'm gonna cover a couple of
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00011-00006440-00007088 uh remarks on anonymization ethics and open science so let's start immediately with the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00012-00007088-00007576 references there's a very good page that we have been sharing and you maybe have
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00013-00007576-00008264 bumped across in the past which is by the finnish social science archive from tampere
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00014-00008328-00008928 and there there's lots of content very detailed content if you want to know more about
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00015-00008928-00009600 anonymization find more references and in general also our page in how to handle personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00016-00009664-00010232 in research is very useful what i want to stress and what you might have heard already please
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00017-00010232-00010816 remember this web this email address research data at aalto.fi because we follow it we monitor
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00018-00010816-00011416 it and you can ask anything about research data management anonymization personal data handling etc
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00019-00011632-00012328 all right so i hope everyone is fine this morning and you are happy and willing to hear more about
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00020-00012328-00012968 anonymization so let's start with some concepts and definitions so we all agree on what is what
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00021-00013047-00013647 and in general the context anonymization can be used in multiple contexts in companies in
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00022-00013704-00014352 financial institutions etc but in our case is basically for research data and specifically
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00023-00014352-00014912 it's the context of research data with human participants which translates to personal
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00024-00014912-00015680 data so personal data is a broad concept under the eu gdpr general data protection regulation
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00025-00015680-00016240 i guess you might have heard about it and in general personal data is any data about a living
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00026-00016240-00017056 individual from which they can be identified so accept it that whether you collect information
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00027-00017056-00017624 from an individual or you're working with information of persons and individuals you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00028-00017624-00018400 are working with personal data there's no there's no way out then one when it comes to personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00029-00018400-00019144 it's good to remember kind of how can i say different level of identifiability of the data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00030-00019272-00019912 so the data that you handle might contain direct identifiers which is for example the person name
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00031-00019984-00020536 or well these days even the email address can be uh can be a direct identifier or the personal
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00032-00020536-00021176 identification number you know so something that is that basically can single you out and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00033-00021176-00022064 and like unique identification and then of course there's also less how can i say direct identifier
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00034-00022064-00022584 but still as they call them strong indirect identifiers which would basically mean you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00035-00022584-00023104 that given a phone number maybe it's not immediate but just looking at the phone number that i know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00036-00023104-00023632 is the person but it's not that difficult to you know look up the phone number in a registry or
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00037-00023632-00024312 maybe even google it and re-identify the person and the list goes on with many types of these
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00038-00024312-00025024 strong indirect identifiers and finally there are also indirect identifiers so they're not as strong
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00039-00025088-00025808 but once again when you start linking them with you know other information or in general given
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00040-00025808-00026320 enough data as we will see in the examples given enough of these indirect identifiers
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00041-00026320-00027248 you can basically identify a single individual there are of course techniques to reduce the risk
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00042-00027248-00027936 of processing this type of you know personal data which can be sensitive as well so pseudonymization
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00043-00027936-00028800 and anonymization are basically recommended to kind of you know reduce the identifiability of
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00044-00028800-00029432 your subject as much as you can so that you know you can basically process the data with
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00045-00029432-00030064 minimum risks for the individual you are you're working with so pseudonymization is the concept
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00046-00030064-00030880 that kind of tries to remove or replace some of the personal data with the whether it's fake data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00047-00030880-00031552 or in general you know to make the data more difficult to be re-identified however we should
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00048-00031552-00032168 remember that pseudonymized data is still personal data meaning that given the key that was used to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00049-00032232-00032744 anonymize the data pseudonymize the data or giving enough other data you can still re-identify
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00050-00032744-00033304 the subject anonymization which is still it's it's instead it's something a little bit more strict
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00051-00033416-00034096 basically to anonymize personal data would mean to irreversibly remove identifying information so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00052-00034096-00034840 in the ideal case of anonymized data there is no mathematical way to go back to the to the original
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00053-00034840-00035816 subject so in the context of not just science but in general with data privacy they often talk about
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00054-00035816-00036480 reasonably lightly because sometimes we can't reach this kind of you know mathematical certainty
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00055-00036480-00037224 that the data is fully anonymized in general you know i would kind of always recommend to play it
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00056-00037224-00037880 safe that if you're not fully sure that the data that you are working with can be fully anonymized
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00057-00037944-00038472 just call it pseudonymized and and basically treat it as personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00058-00038744-00039208 then of course one might ask er you know why do we need to anonymize personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00059-00039208-00039960 can't we just work with the fully fully uh non-anonymous personal data of course you can you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00060-00039960-00040720 are allowed to work with any data that you need but in general within the gdpr there are legal
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00061-00040720-00041344 legal requirements that you know you should not store personal data in the indefinitely so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00062-00041416-00042216 in general it's after the use of the personal data that you did you need to destroy it then it can be
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00063-00042216-00042800 destroyed in a way that you can still reuse it in the future or then maybe you you just lose it and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00064-00042800-00043320 you can't use it anymore but there are not just only legal requirement one should also think of
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00065-00043320-00044152 ethics and ethics and law are not the same thing so if one look at the tenk um guidelines from 2019
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00066-00044152-00044712 which are linked here in the bottom it's written that personal data must be removed from research
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00067-00044712-00045360 data when it is no longer necessary in order to carry out the research and in general protect the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00068-00045360-00045872 privacy and research publication and protect the privacy of your other individuals of your subjects
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00069-00046064-00046640 finally to finish the first part there are of course other concepts that we will come across
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00070-00046640-00047440 in the next parts and these concepts as you notice every slide has some references in the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00071-00047440-00048080 in the in the bottom where you can read kind of you know the references that i've been using here
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00072-00048080-00048488 the three concepts that we will i would like to also introduce is the concept of de-
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00073-00048488-00049000 identification which is um kind of related to pseudonymization it's a
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00074-00049000-00049392 type of pseudonymization you know you can think of the identification
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00075-00049448-00050128 as the process of removing the strong identifiers so you collected some questionnaire and there are
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00076-00050128-00050712 names and surnames and email addresses you remove those before sharing the questionnaire with your
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00077-00050712-00051224 with your collaborators for example so it's de-identified but it's still pseudonymous it's
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00078-00051224-00051855 still personal data and then there's the inverse process that i briefly mentioned earlier so the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00079-00051855-00052488 so-called de-anonymization or re-identification where basically it is possible it is often
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00080-00052488-00053016 possible to recover the identities of the individual individuals from an anonymized data set
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00081-00053096-00053624 and this is for example the case because the technology has advanced so that we are able to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00082-00053624-00054304 you know re-identify these people or maybe because more information about the same individuals has
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00083-00054304-00054944 become available from another source and the third concept that is very important is minimization so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00084-00054944-00055600 the concept of minimization is like it relates the kind of good practices in research that you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00085-00055600-00056160 should consider and think only about the minimum amount of personal data necessary to accomplish
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00086-00056160-00056616 your task so the minimum amount of personal data necessary to answer your question
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00087-00056704-00057344 so you shouldn't it's not recommended to collect personal data just in case they might be useful
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00088-00057344-00058296 in the future you should basically justify your data and your data collection okay
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00089-00058352-00058944 so i continue with the presentation but of course you can write questions in the in the chat that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00090-00058944-00059496 we can go through it later for the second part i think that the best way to understand
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00091-00059496-00060167 anonymization is to actually through example of re-identification so i don't know of course the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00092-00060167-00060720 background of the people listening here so i'm just assuming that you're not statisticians or
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00093-00060784-00061279 professionals in machine learning so i'm going to show you some examples intuitive examples that you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00094-00061279-00061920 can kind of understand why anonymization is important what are the risks in kind of bad
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00095-00061920-00062848 practices and non-anonymizing the data so let's i simulated a small village with 300 individuals and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00096-00062960-00063624 what you can see here so called a histogram where for every age range you see the number of you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00097-00063624-00064176 the number of people who live in this village so people who are in their 40s there's some
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00098-00064176-00064848 45 of them and you can already see by giving this histogram so even though here we don't
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00099-00064848-00065432 know the exact age of each citizen of this village but there's already one person who
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00100-00065432-00066000 is more than 100 year old and it's just a single one and most likely the people of the village know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00101-00066000-00066768 who is this person who is 100 year old so already here even though we just have one data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00102-00066832-00067584 information for all the individuals but this you know is enough to re-identify at least one one
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00103-00067584-00068336 person if instead of using kind of the decade age of the individuals we could actually ask for their
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00104-00068392-00068904 current age like the number how old they are then the histogram starts to look a little bit
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00105-00068904-00069496 more fine-grained and now suddenly there is only one individual who is what might that be i don't
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00106-00069496-00070176 know 46 and now there's only one individual who is maybe what is this 99 and one individual so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00107-00070176-00070888 by now asking for more details for a more more refined age of the individuals we start you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00108-00070888-00071608 re-identifying many many single individuals and then to the extreme if we start asking for the day
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00109-00071608-00072408 of birth and even the time of birth so now this is exactly the how many seconds kind of how many
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00110-00072520-00073008 how much time you have lived in your life and basically we can re-identify almost everybody
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00111-00073008-00073792 just just in my simulation only a couple of cases had a very very similar date of birth and time of
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00112-00073792-00074392 birth so we could call that this would be twins basically but in general with this
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00113-00074392-00075096 refined information we can single out every single individual of the village so this is called k
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00114-00075168-00075880 anonymity equals to one which basically means that our records are you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00115-00075976-00076680 like every single record is really identifiable so having a very low k anonymity means that it's it's
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00116-00076680-00077392 a very the data is full of direct identifiers so what would be the best solution the best
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00117-00077392-00077952 solution is to kind of group together different age range so now we're grouping together three
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00118-00077952-00078672 people younger than 20 people between 20 and 40 people between 40 and 60 and people above 60 and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00119-00078672-00079520 now in every in every age range there are about 70 individuals so now the k anonymity is about 70
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00120-00079584-00080096 which means that you know each person containing the release cannot be distinguished from at least
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00121-00080168-00080728 the basically you know 70 individuals where these information also appear in the release
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00122-00080864-00081432 so this anonymization method is called generalization so now it would be almost
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00123-00081432-00082016 if if this is the data that we publish it would be impossible to re-identify a single individual
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00124-00082112-00082744 however you might have played this game when you were younger the game is guess who
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00125-00082744-00083448 that basically with the series of questions you can start identifying which which subject which
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00126-00083448-00084120 person the your opponent is so you can start by asking a question like is the person you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00127-00084120-00084728 is he wearing a hat and you would and if your opponent starts saying yes you can just you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00128-00084728-00085312 know single out all the people are wearing a hat so if you have played this game on average with
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00129-00085312-00085880 four questions with four pieces of information you can uniquely uniquely identify a character
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00130-00085952-00086640 so even though each single piece of information would be you know with the high k anonymity as
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00131-00086720-00087360 the more data you start adding the more the so-called anonymous data is not anonymous anymore
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00132-00087456-00088200 this was proved quite recently in a nice paper in nature nature nature communication so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00133-00088200-00088840 in this case they had the huge data set of the population of massachusetts and they look at these
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00134-00088896-00089560 basic attributes they call them so date of birth gender and the zip code so the postal code and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00135-00089560-00090128 with just these three attributes you see this blue distribution here this would basically mean that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00136-00090192-00090912 you know that some individuals but not too many they were uniquely identified but many
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00137-00090912-00091360 individuals you know they were you kind of identify them with the 80
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00138-00091472-00091888 but as soon as you are the fourth attribute let's say the number of cars
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00139-00091888-00092648 that people have immediately the curve changes so by just having date of birth gender zip code
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00140-00092648-00093352 and number of cars you have you can re-identify uniquely many many individuals in this data set
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00141-00093352-00093888 and of course you know with others there's some there's some error in general they notice that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00142-00093888-00094376 if you start adding these attributes like you know race citizenship school
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00143-00094440-00095136 etc etc when you reach kind of when you have 14 and 15 attributes that's enough to basically
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00144-00095136-00096128 re-identify almost 100 % of the american population so you know it's uh it it makes you think that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00145-00096128-00096696 the more data you collect from your subject the lower is going to be the so-called k anonymity and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00146-00096696-00097232 the more re-identifiable and the more difficult would be to anonymize this data if not impossible
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00147-00097376-00097920 i tweeted some time ago something similar that i'd like to take part two surveys and there was
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00148-00097920-00098496 a nice survey about the finnish education system especially for doctoral or ex-doctoral students
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00149-00098568-00099008 and they were promising to sharing data and make sure that the data is anonymized
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00150-00099008-00099448 but when i started answering the data they start asking me where did i go to my master
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00151-00099448-00100032 where did i got my doctoral degree and what is the field and that's enough i mean if you're good with
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00152-00100032-00100752 google you can find who i am so it's difficult to promise to your participant you know just answer
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00153-00100752-00101296 to my questionnaire everything will be fine you will be anonymous especially if you don't specify
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00154-00101296-00101880 how you will anonymize the data i had no idea if they were planning to put italy i'm from italy if
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00155-00101880-00102360 they were trying to put italy with the rest of europe so we kind of join it together or if they
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00156-00102360-00102959 were planning to release the data with the country list so in general in this link that i shared here
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00157-00102959-00103528 which is telling the red shadows at the beginning there are kind of techniques that we can use
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00158-00103672-00104248 for you know minimize at least the data doesn't mean that we remove all the risks of re-identifying
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00159-00104248-00104935 an individual but you know in this page from the fsd you you get a nice kind of way of dealing
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00160-00104935-00105888 with direct identifier or strong and normal indirect identifiers then more when when the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00161-00105888-00106608 data starts to get more complex then we can get the so-called re-identification from fingerprinting
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00162-00106608-00107183 so so far so far i gave you examples from kind of questionnaires from so-called background data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00163-00107280-00107832 but if you start collecting more rich data and practically basically anything related
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00164-00107832-00108248 to their to the body of an individual the fingerprints from the finger dna
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00165-00108311-00109008 eye movements brain activity you can call it and there is a paper that re-identifies individuals
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00166-00109008-00109728 from from how they walk or work out their voice or the phase trades so anonymization full
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00167-00109728-00110328 anonymization becomes practically impossible unless you want to make the data unusable
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00168-00110432-00111111 so unless you destroy a good part of the data so in this case we need to deal with pseudonymization
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00169-00111111-00111608 so we still of course remove the direct identifiers but we know that it's personal data and we need
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00170-00111608-00112320 to handle it as personal data there's some nice examples from machine learning where for example
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00171-00112320-00112720 in this case the face is well pixelated this is a paper from google
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00172-00112792-00113328 from the people at google research they started from an image you know you would expect that a
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00173-00113328-00113983 face like this is anonymous enough and you can share it but they have a technology that they can
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00174-00113983-00114616 basically reconstruct the face based on learned faces of course you know it's not identical to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00175-00114616-00115304 the ground truth you know there are errors but you can understand that once again with enough data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00176-00115304-00115920 this is just a single image imagine if we have a video of this a pixelated face moving around
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00177-00115920-00116568 you would kind of basically start going towards the the kind of the person who was pixelated
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00178-00116672-00117368 the same was proved also for mri images when we share for example brain images as
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00179-00117368-00117872 many at aalto are working with brain images we don't need to share for example the nose and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00180-00117872-00118408 the mouth that part of the face so this would be the eye here with my mouse that i'm showing so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00181-00118576-00119096 um basically when you share this type of data you remove the face because the face is of course a
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00182-00119096-00119664 strong identifier but in this paper that i linked here in the bottom they were basically able to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00183-00119664-00120224 re-synthesize the faces of individuals it's not of course identical if you look at the nose and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00184-00120224-00120752 the mouth here it's not exactly the same nose and mouth of the reconstructed one but you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00185-00120752-00121392 know once again with enough data it would be possible to basically reconstruct the faces
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00186-00121456-00122096 that's a nice another machine learning paper where they show for example that given the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00187-00122096-00122464 voice from a recording they were able to synthesize the face
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00188-00122528-00122824 and once again the algorithm is not perfect but you can understand that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00189-00122824-00123416 you know it's not too bad so the face that was synthesized from the from the voice is not too
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00190-00123416-00124008 different from the face of the person you can already estimate kind of you know age gender
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00191-00124008-00124920 ethnicity and all this kind of extra identifiers so in general to finish this second part
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00192-00125088-00125720 you should also think in those cases when you're studying rare population in those cases of course
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00193-00125720-00126311 it becomes impossible to anonymize fully the data whether you are studying individuals with a rare
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00194-00126311-00126968 disease that is only a handful in the world or individuals who are famous famous painters famous
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00195-00127048-00127783 musicians celebrities you know so in that case it's impossible to be anonymous so maybe
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00196-00127783-00128488 often actually you might actually release the identity of the person you study like you write
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00197-00128488-00129456 a monography about a famous musician all right so now to the part three this would be a little bit more
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00198-00129456-00130288 in practice or at least as much as we can in these 60 minutes but at least i give you an overview
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00199-00130288-00130888 of the techniques and tools that are available and then you know according to your data what
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00200-00130888-00131344 would be the best and of course at the end we can have a chat more interactive chat on
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00201-00131416-00131952 on what type of data you work with and what would be the best tool for your case so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00202-00132072-00132864 anonymization before data collection is maybe the best meaning that the so-called as they define it
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00203-00132864-00133536 privacy by design so this would basically mean that if you plan your research with minimization
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00204-00133536-00134032 in mind you already know the minimum amount of personal data that you need to collect
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00205-00134096-00134512 you can justify the data and the protocol the data collection protocol
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00206-00134576-00135128 so that for example it's explicitly mentioned in the dmp in the data management plan or in the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00207-00135128-00135920 registration and in general you try to favor more structural data rather than unstructured data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00208-00135920-00136480 which for example for questionnaires it's better like i showed earlier that you know you ask
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00209-00136624-00137160 something with the multiple choice let's say your age are you between 20 and 40 or are
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00210-00137160-00137864 you older than 60 rather than just asking the subject to write whatever they want if you let
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00211-00137864-00138320 the freedom of the subject of the data subject to write whatever they want they might even
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00212-00138320-00138888 start writing their name and their surname and suddenly your anonymous data plan gets
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00213-00138888-00139600 ruined because people have identified themselves when they start answering open questions so the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00214-00139600-00140160 data management plan should mention about this and of course it's not just about legal aspects
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00215-00140160-00140720 you also should consider the ethical aspect meaning that for some types of data especially
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00216-00140832-00141352 so-called health data or medical data if you collect this type of data you might still need to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00217-00141352-00141928 retain the strong identifier for a while because for example you collect the brain image and you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00218-00142008-00142480 after looking at the brain images you identify that the subject needs to go to the hospital
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00219-00142480-00143032 or get a visit with the specialist so you you should still be able to contact the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00220-00143032-00143576 subjects call the person and and tell about it so you know it's a it's a balance we want to be
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00221-00143640-00144384 as minimal as possible but in some cases we still need to handle strong identifiers and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00222-00144584-00145368 so the other case of course is that we give we get data from other sources let's say registry
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00223-00145368-00146336 data or biobank data or you know other data sets where they might be full of personal data strong
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00224-00146336-00146936 identifiers and then before starting the work of processing the data you want to anonymize this
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00225-00146936-00147640 data so anonymization after the data collection so the table that i showed earlier from the fsd
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00226-00147640-00148456 shows nice kind of ways of destroying part of the data or obfuscate or generalize like we showed in
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00227-00148456-00149024 the example of the age so that you you know that you can get rid of many backgrounds information
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00228-00149080-00149592 but things start to get more difficult when you start collecting data from the body let's say
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00229-00149704-00150256 medical images from mri or or i don't know heart rate and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00230-00150416-00151048 so in those cases it's a bit of a case by case situation and maybe at the end we could actually
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00231-00151048-00151608 have a round off if you if you want to tell about what type of data do you deal with then what would
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00232-00151608-00152368 be you know your technique for anonymizing it i list also some geospatial data for those who
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00233-00152368-00153112 work with those with gps and those kind of signals so when we come at the tools
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00234-00153112-00153504 as i said it would be nice to maybe have a longer workshop where we could actually
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00235-00153504-00154232 go through these tools and test them and learn them maybe i kind of sorted them in order of um
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00236-00154232-00154976 of generalized generalisability the first one from open aire is is quite a good one but i understand
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00237-00154976-00155632 of course that with this tool maybe the barrier to start using them might be a little bit high
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00238-00155632-00156184 so you know if you know that you don't have a big data set that you can do things kind
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00239-00156184-00156728 of you know in a more manual way just go with the way that you want but if you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00240-00156728-00157376 understand that you you know you might have health data or medical data or other biomedical data then
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00241-00157376-00157976 it's it's good to know what are the best tools for your for your type of data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00242-00158248-00158952 okay so now there's section four and then basically we are soon done and we can
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00243-00158952-00159688 talk so in support i'm going to talk about kind of workflows when anonymization is not possible
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00244-00159760-00160400 because unfortunately as you kind of understood already anonymization or full anonymization is
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00245-00160480-00161016 makes the data so trivial that maybe it makes even the data unusable so in practice we
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00246-00161016-00161408 are often dealing with pseudonymization which means that we are dealing with personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00247-00161528-00162112 so if anonymization is not possible we need to use a secure workflow because this is personal
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00248-00162112-00162664 data and you're not going to start uploading personal data from your study participants to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00249-00162744-00163608 you know to some public forum or or google drive etc so there are other lectures in this series
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00250-00163608-00164272 that cover how to handle personal data and how to store and share personal data but here i'm
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00251-00164272-00164800 trying to give you more the perspective of how to actually use the data so knowing assuming
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00252-00164800-00165328 that you know what is the best and safest place for your data there are different techniques
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00253-00165328-00166072 on how to process the data so most likely here i'm talking about quantitative analysis approaches
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00254-00166072-00166728 where maybe you run some code and some software that processes numbers but this is also valid for
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00255-00166728-00167368 qualitative research so even if we are talking about interviews that you need to listen to and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00256-00167368-00168008 you know annotate you can still adopt this kind of safe workflows for personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00257-00168160-00168784 so in general you want to have the data stored in a secure place which basically means not on
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00258-00168784-00169384 your laptop not in your home but on a remote aalto server for aalto people at least
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00259-00169456-00170096 and then you bring the code to your data so i will show some examples specific for aalto
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00260-00170168-00170720 but the usual case is this case a where the code and the data are exactly on the same system
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00261-00170720-00171040 so for example you access a computer that is in your office
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00262-00171096-00171664 you access it from home and there is the data and also the code that you need to run and then there
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00263-00171664-00172264 are more complex solutions like the so-called federated analysis federated learning where i
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00264-00172264-00172904 will basically give a little bit more overview we don't have time to really cover more advanced
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00265-00172904-00173656 technologies where for example the data might live somewhere else not with your code but you
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00266-00173656-00174384 can query the data in a safe way so the beacons for example it's a nice way of dealing with the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00267-00174384-00175072 genomics data so that you only request from a big genome database what you need for your analysis
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00268-00175176-00176024 without basically accessing the individual level data or then a nice work here is that you can
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00269-00176024-00176560 actually synthesize let's say that you have data from the registry of fin- about all the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00270-00176560-00177144 finnish population which is very sensitive you can actually generate some fake data that has the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00271-00177144-00177688 same statistical properties of the original data and then you can work with the fake data even on
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00272-00177688-00178328 your laptop because then it's just fake data it's not it's not data about an individual anymore so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00273-00178488-00179224 for the more common case of having the data and the code in the same place like we have at aalto um
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00274-00179224-00179920 some of these workflows are listed in our website scicomp.aalto.fi that basically covers education
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00275-00179920-00180616 training for scientific computing but basically we are talking about remote computing so do not
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00276-00180616-00181440 process personal data on your laptop but use for example this vdi aalto.fi which is a good system
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00277-00181440-00181944 where you can get through the web browser and access to the machine that is in the aalto network
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00278-00182040-00182680 or if you have higher requests higher needs when it comes to computational needs
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00279-00182680-00183208 you can use jupyterhub or basically other the so-called triton high performance cluster
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00280-00183288-00184248 high performance computing cluster then aalto is kind of fine with this kind of normal cases or
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00281-00184248-00184792 not too sensitive data but if the data starts to become very sensitive let's say that you have
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00282-00184792-00185688 data from millions of citizens then we recommend moving out from aalto and using services like csc
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00283-00185688-00186272 epouta where the idea is similar to what we can provide at aalto but they are the level
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00284-00186272-00186792 of security where the actual data store is so-called military level so it's a really in
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00285-00186792-00187576 a bunker room underground and nobody can really access physically access the data and even it's
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00286-00187576-00188328 also very difficult to access it from from remote but in general if you are in doubt you know where
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00287-00188328-00188888 to find us and especially in this scientificcomputing aalto scientific computing we are able to
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00288-00188888-00189336 help you with these types of workflows if you want to learn or if you want to improve your workflow
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00289-00189472-00190200 and then i want to briefly mention the federated analysis approach where this is very useful if
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00290-00190200-00190704 you work with data from other parties where for example you work with data from hospitals and the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00291-00190704-00191240 data are not allowed to leave the hospital then you can actually work on your machine
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00292-00191320-00191976 with for example simulated data and fake data and then send the code kind of you know ship
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00293-00191976-00192568 the analysis to the different hospital or to the different partners and basically to the companies
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00294-00192568-00193000 or to the hospital that actually own the data it's not just for hospital can also be you know they
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00295-00193000-00193584 work with companies but they don't want to give you their sensitive data you can basically prepare
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00296-00193584-00194064 package all the analysis that you need to do they run it for you and they give you back
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00297-00194120-00194920 whatever statistics whatever measurements that you can use for publications all right then there are
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00298-00194920-00195384 other solutions that i'm not really covering here like so-called confidential computing
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00299-00195464-00196144 so basically heavy use of encryption and so called containers docker containers and stuff like that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00300-00196144-00196928 i'm gonna actually cover a bit these things on the session on how to make your code reusable
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00301-00197048-00197560 and other blockchain solutions where basically the data and the code are distributed
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00302-00197560-00198288 i wouldn't i'm quite against blockchain solutions i don't think the data should never should should
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00303-00198288-00198912 go around so my personal opinion is that the first that it's going to keep separating the data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00304-00198912-00199616 in the analysis part and that the data should be stored you know in the safest place possible
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00305-00199720-00200424 all right we're basically done so there's enough time for some questions and understanding your
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00306-00200424-00201008 cases so the final things that i want to mention is that of course anonymization comes
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00307-00201088-00201544 with ethical implications and it's related of course to open science
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00308-00201640-00202400 so in general opening and sharing the data must be part of the transparent process of doing research
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00309-00202464-00203224 if you you can of course trust your scientists trust that the scientists trust your collaborator
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00310-00203296-00203936 but there have been way too many cases in the past where trust is not enough we want to validate the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00311-00203936-00204472 results that have been published and if they work if they are results that contain personal data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00312-00204472-00204976 we need to find a way to you know reuse the personal data that was used in other
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00313-00204976-00205784 studies build on top of their studies and you know basically have a full transparent processes when
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00314-00205784-00206504 it comes to doing research aalto has recently we have recently released an open science policy
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00315-00206640-00207232 which is uh covers everything from the not just the opening of the of the results the openings of
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00316-00207232-00207936 the publication but also opening the data opening the code opening the protocols that are being used
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00317-00207936-00208616 basically to make the process as transparent as possible so open science practices are good
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00318-00208671-00209232 for for you for the researchers because it has been shown that they bring higher citations they
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00319-00209232-00209776 bring higher impact to your to your work you know it's then it gets easier to apply for grants and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00320-00209776-00210488 and get recognized but of course it's also useful for science itself because you are
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00321-00210488-00211223 basically contributing to a reproducible science that other people can you know maybe generalize
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00322-00211223-00211967 so extend build on top and of course we need to think also sustainability if you produced a very
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00323-00211967-00212616 good data set it would share it so that others can you know reanalyze it and find and
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00324-00212696-00213544 and get you know more new new results but of course you know we want to be as open as
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00325-00213544-00214360 possible as closed as necessary as the gdpr says so we need to be careful especially when we are
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00326-00214360-00214976 dealing with data that we cannot be sure that it's fully anonymous so the question the key question
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00327-00214976-00215432 becomes that can pseudonymized data be open and shared this is the question that i
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00328-00215432-00215919 hear many times and it's it doesn't have an easy answer and it's always on the case-by-case space
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00329-00216016-00216544 so in general sharing with the eu partner institutions can be done because other eu
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00330-00216544-00217328 countries they kind of you know they follow the gdpr so they have systems available for basically
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00331-00217328-00217888 following the requirements of the of the gdpr but it's still good to you know maybe talk with
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00332-00217888-00218519 the lawyers before sharing data around we have solutions at aalto on for example how to share
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00333-00218519-00219048 personal and sensitive data with collaborators around europe then things start to get a little
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00334-00219048-00219744 bit more complicated if the countries involved are not in the eu so that the organizations from
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00335-00219744-00220367 come from countries that are outside the eu they need to basically prove that they can keep the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00336-00220367-00221080 same level of confidentiality and security as the gdpr wants so it's once again at this stage
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00337-00221232-00221592 kind of you know an agreement between parties needs to be needs to be done
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00338-00221696-00222408 and then when it comes to data opening especially personal data opening the process is not fully
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00339-00222408-00223000 how can i say standardized i am a strong advocate for personal data opening but it's
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00340-00223000-00223623 um it's something that you know here we start we need to start collaborating with the subjects
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00341-00223623-00224071 so we need to start asking for the individuals the so-called secondary use of their data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00342-00224128-00224680 do you allow as a as a participant that your data that your personal data is going to be
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00343-00224680-00225128 shared with people that we don't know already who they're going to be shared for purposes that we
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00344-00225128-00225784 don't know yet so there are solutions in clinical trials or in brain images like i'm listing here
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00345-00225784-00226623 where you might attach to your data also so called data use agreement basically you give the data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00346-00226623-00227200 to another group another research group and you set some rules that for example they should not
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00347-00227200-00227719 re-identify the individuals in the data set or they should not use the data set for something
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00348-00227784-00228271 for something unethical but of course the ethical implications are still there because
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00349-00228328-00229023 at some point there might be a data leak or abuses of those data and we cannot promise you know
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00350-00229088-00229392 that everything will be fine just because we trust
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00351-00229392-00230071 people and but this is a topic that it's still ongoing and it would be nice to find
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00352-00230152-00230856 a solution in general the researchers and the subject data and the data subject they should
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00353-00230856-00231344 kind of understand together when there are high risks or when the risks are really low that
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00354-00231344-00232016 there is no harm for the subject to open their for example health data or questionnaire data
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00355-00232392-00233160 so well basically we kind of covered this final final remarks already mentioned them
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00356-00233160-00233519 but in general if we think also the kind of ethical
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00357-00233519-00234032 perspectives what i was just saying is that we cannot promise you know what
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00358-00234264-00234823 the future because of new machine learning technologies or or you know advancement or
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00359-00234823-00235560 more data that becomes available so although it can be impossible to re-identify an individual
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00360-00235560-00235967 there are still data given by person who might not be approving their usage of the
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00361-00235967-00236744 data so even if you are able to fully anonymize your data and basically once you you might even
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00362-00236744-00237176 prove mathematically that the data is fully anonymous there is no way to reidentify anyone
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00363-00237240-00237816 and so you can treat it as non-personal data and do what you want it might some people might still
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00364-00237816-00238344 consider that it's unethical that for example you know if i took part of your study for a
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00365-00238344-00238808 specific purpose even though you anonymize the data and i know that you can't identify who i am
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00366-00238808-00239296 maybe i would have not wanted to give you my answers if then if i would have known
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00367-00239296-00239976 that this secondary purpose is where kind of you know outside of my moral ideals or other things
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00368-00239976-00240480 so there's a nice section on why ethics is an important mission anonymization in this book
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00369-00240480-00241056 that i linked here so for those who want to know more that's a that's a good starting point
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00370-00241223-00241808 all right i think i'm in time because i was trying to use 45 minutes and now it's 10 43 so
i_AEu4Xz3GA-00371-00241992-00242608 maybe if then people want to start talking we can stop the recording and
iFlhogxOdtk-00000-00000028-00000463 Welcome to the Addiction Counselor Exam Review. This presentation is part of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00001-00000463-00001834 Addiction Counselor certification training. Go to http://www.ALLCEUs.com/certificate-tracks to learn more about our specialty certificates starting at
iFlhogxOdtk-00002-00001834-00002665 149 dollars. Hi everybody and welcome to case management and service coordination
iFlhogxOdtk-00003-00002665-00003135 in a recovery-oriented system of care this is a review for the addiction
iFlhogxOdtk-00004-00003135-00003628 counselor certification exam we're going to start out by talking about the
iFlhogxOdtk-00005-00003628-00003976 recovery oriented system of care and service coordination and then we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00006-00003976-00004425 going to move on from there so you might be saying well what is a
iFlhogxOdtk-00007-00004425-00004930 recovery-oriented system of care basically it's creating instead of a
iFlhogxOdtk-00008-00004930-00005532 single agency or whatever that serves a few needs of the person it's creating a
iFlhogxOdtk-00009-00005532-00006171 system that meets all of the needs of the person and recognizes that recovery
iFlhogxOdtk-00010-00006171-00006613 is episodic people will have problems and then they'll hit a plateau things
iFlhogxOdtk-00011-00006613-00006886 will get better they'll go into remission whatever you want to call it
iFlhogxOdtk-00012-00006886-00007483 and then they may need services again may be different types of services so
iFlhogxOdtk-00013-00007483-00007915 recovery oriented systems a system of care is one that provides comprehensive
iFlhogxOdtk-00014-00007915-00008464 services and is there for the lifetime of the person it's not just okay we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00015-00008464-00008986 here for you for 16 weeks and then good luck it affirms the real potential for
iFlhogxOdtk-00016-00008986-00009493 permanent resolution of behavioral health problems it offers solutions to
iFlhogxOdtk-00017-00009493-00009954 behavioral health problems on a community and cultural level so again
iFlhogxOdtk-00018-00009954-00010402 it's not just an agency it's an entire community buying in the social service
iFlhogxOdtk-00019-00010402-00011020 network preferably law enforcement as well getting churches getting community
iFlhogxOdtk-00020-00011020-00011457 organizations involved to make sure that we're meeting all of the biopsychosocial
iFlhogxOdtk-00021-00011457-00011964 needs and a lot of times communities you know social services meets the Bayeux
iFlhogxOdtk-00022-00011964-00012424 needs the medical the food well those are the two big ones and sometimes
iFlhogxOdtk-00023-00012424-00012978 housing but in recovery oriented system of care we also may need child care
iFlhogxOdtk-00024-00012978-00013408 transportation recreation other things for people too
iFlhogxOdtk-00025-00013408-00013916 you so they don't feel isolated this is one of the reasons that a lot of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00026-00013916-00014503 eldercare drop-in centers have opened in order to create a place where people can
iFlhogxOdtk-00027-00014503-00015241 go and socialize with people who share some sort of similar aspects it's a
iFlhogxOdtk-00028-00015241-00015652 shift away from risk management and relapse prevention toward encouraging
iFlhogxOdtk-00029-00015652-00016105 clients to self define goals and take responsibility for achieving them so
iFlhogxOdtk-00030-00016105-00016461 instead of going okay how can we keep this person from getting depressed again
iFlhogxOdtk-00031-00016461-00016936 we're gonna say how can we help this person achieve their highest quality of
iFlhogxOdtk-00032-00016936-00017257 life you know instead of saying we're going to prevent them from going
iFlhogxOdtk-00033-00017257-00017761 backwards we're going to say how can we propel them forwards but they need to
iFlhogxOdtk-00034-00017761-00018199 identify what goals are important and take responsibility for achieving them
iFlhogxOdtk-00035-00018199-00018592 and you know we're there as that safety net so to speak we're there to provide
iFlhogxOdtk-00036-00018592-00019216 resources but they need to be the ones to actually do the hard work and it's a
iFlhogxOdtk-00037-00019216-00019684 shift away from emergency room and acute care models to one of sustained recovery
iFlhogxOdtk-00038-00019684-00020185 management which include wraparound recovery support services this can
iFlhogxOdtk-00039-00020185-00020811 include drop-in centers case management social service needs community
iFlhogxOdtk-00040-00020811-00021508 activities that can be done the the limits there's very few limits respite
iFlhogxOdtk-00041-00021508-00022003 care that's another big one in the prevention of child abuse and neglect is
iFlhogxOdtk-00042-00022003-00022339 to make sure that there are respite care centers where parents can bring their
iFlhogxOdtk-00043-00022339-00022957 children for even just a few hours to get a breather if they need it there's
iFlhogxOdtk-00044-00022957-00023407 an emphasis on post treatment monitoring so when people are in treatment they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00045-00023407-00023745 symptomatic we know that or they wouldn't be in treatment then when
iFlhogxOdtk-00046-00023745-00024181 they're not symptomatic anymore or they've achieved their goals they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00047-00024181-00024679 discharged from treatment that's great but a recovery-oriented system of care
iFlhogxOdtk-00048-00024679-00025000 says we don't just let them get to the top of the mountain and go well good
iFlhogxOdtk-00049-00025000-00025453 luck hope you stay up there and don't fall a recovery-oriented system of care
iFlhogxOdtk-00050-00025453-00026133 follows them or monitors or provides check-ins after treatment to make sure
iFlhogxOdtk-00051-00026133-00026563 people aren't starting down towards a relapse to make sure they're maintaining
iFlhogxOdtk-00052-00026563-00027139 their health related behave to help them achieve their goals you
iFlhogxOdtk-00053-00027139-00027689 know one of their goals was symptom remediation they got that but remember
iFlhogxOdtk-00054-00027689-00028118 we're not just preventing relapse we're propelling forward towards their
iFlhogxOdtk-00055-00028118-00028637 highest quality of life it provides stage appropriate recovery education and
iFlhogxOdtk-00056-00028637-00028906 remember when we talk about stage appropriate we're talking about
iFlhogxOdtk-00057-00028906-00029354 Prochaska and DiClemente stages of change pre contemplation contemplation
iFlhogxOdtk-00058-00029354-00030056 preparation action and maintenance it provides peer recovery coaching it's not
iFlhogxOdtk-00059-00030056-00030527 practical to have a therapist calling and checking in on patients every week
iFlhogxOdtk-00060-00030527-00030974 for three years after they discharge you know number one we can't build for it
iFlhogxOdtk-00061-00030974-00031345 number two I would have so many clients I would never do anything but follow-ups
iFlhogxOdtk-00062-00031345-00031795 so peer recovery coaching and peer support services in the community is
iFlhogxOdtk-00063-00031795-00032261 where a lot of the post treatment monitoring happens as well as primary
iFlhogxOdtk-00064-00032261-00032924 care physicians who hopefully see their people at least once a year there's an
iFlhogxOdtk-00065-00032924-00033362 emphasis on assertive linkages to recovery communities we want to make
iFlhogxOdtk-00066-00033362-00033788 sure that people can connect with other people who have similar issues
iFlhogxOdtk-00067-00033788-00034378 depression support anxiety support grief recovery divorce support early
iFlhogxOdtk-00068-00034378-00034994 intervention is important if there's a problem or re intervention as they say
iFlhogxOdtk-00069-00034994-00035630 if the person starts to exhibit relapse warning signs or decompensation we want
iFlhogxOdtk-00070-00035630-00035969 to be able to get them back into treatment quickly and not go well
iFlhogxOdtk-00071-00035969-00036380 there's a six-week wait you know good luck hope you can stay stable for that
iFlhogxOdtk-00072-00036380-00036824 long so early reinter vention says when we see a problem
iFlhogxOdtk-00073-00036824-00037325 we've got intervention level services if you look at your a sam that's you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00074-00037325-00037838 below outpatient that's like outpatient groups where we can get people in so
iFlhogxOdtk-00075-00037838-00038228 they can start connecting with services right away before the problem gets bad
iFlhogxOdtk-00076-00038228-00038563 think about if you have a cut on your arm
iFlhogxOdtk-00077-00038563-00039131 early re intervention if you will would be making sure that if after you come
iFlhogxOdtk-00078-00039131-00039503 from home from the hospital and you've gotten stitches and everything if you
iFlhogxOdtk-00079-00039503-00039995 look down one morning and it's inflamed and hot and pussy you can get back into
iFlhogxOdtk-00080-00039995-00040457 the hospital right away to get it taken care of versus waiting
iFlhogxOdtk-00081-00040457-00041062 you know five days until your doctor can get you in to clean it out so that keeps
iFlhogxOdtk-00082-00041062-00041474 the infection from getting worse same sort of thing with mental health
iFlhogxOdtk-00083-00041474-00041918 stuff and it helps people maintain functional ability in all life
iFlhogxOdtk-00084-00041918-00042512 activities recovery in illness instead of recovery from illness what does that
iFlhogxOdtk-00085-00042512-00043001 mean that means if somebody has major depression for example or if somebody
iFlhogxOdtk-00086-00043001-00043589 has a substance use disorder okay that may be something that they may be
iFlhogxOdtk-00087-00043589-00044150 dealing with for a good deal of their life but that doesn't mean that they
iFlhogxOdtk-00088-00044150-00044591 can't have a really high quality of life so it doesn't mean that you can't
iFlhogxOdtk-00089-00044591-00044963 recover and you can't have a high quality of life until this is gone
iFlhogxOdtk-00090-00044963-00045563 it means okay so you've got major depressive disorder when you get your
iFlhogxOdtk-00091-00045563-00045914 symptoms under control when it's in remission let's help you achieve your
iFlhogxOdtk-00092-00045914-00046373 highest quality of life so you're not recovering from it you're accepting that
iFlhogxOdtk-00093-00046373-00046790 it might be part of your life for a while and you're recovering despite it
iFlhogxOdtk-00094-00046790-00047368 so to speak the goals are to foster health and resilience activities
iFlhogxOdtk-00095-00047368-00047873 encourage people to get enough sleep get good nutrition get good medical care
iFlhogxOdtk-00096-00047873-00048353 keep on their medications like they're supposed to get rest and Recreation and
iFlhogxOdtk-00097-00048353-00048845 work-life balance all that happy stuff increase permanent housing and a sense
iFlhogxOdtk-00098-00048845-00049412 of home and belonging so we want to help people find a safe place to stay where
iFlhogxOdtk-00099-00049412-00050102 it is home it's not just somewhere that they're happened to be sleeping at night
iFlhogxOdtk-00100-00050102-00050600 it feels home which means it feels safe and it feels like they belong there it
iFlhogxOdtk-00101-00050600-00051022 ensures gainful employment and access to education to provide a sense of purpose
iFlhogxOdtk-00102-00051022-00051563 so we want to make sure we get the Workforce Development Board involved in
iFlhogxOdtk-00103-00051563-00052072 the recovery oriented system of care to ensure that people are getting access if
iFlhogxOdtk-00104-00052072-00052583 they can work to education or to jobs if they're not able to work because of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00105-00052583-00052997 level of their disability they have access to volunteer work or supported
iFlhogxOdtk-00106-00052997-00053499 employment it enhances communities by increasing the availability of
iFlhogxOdtk-00107-00053499-00054102 necessary supports from and for peers family and community so by bringing the
iFlhogxOdtk-00108-00054102-00054513 recovery oriented system of care together that means we're involving
iFlhogxOdtk-00109-00054513-00054927 peers we're involving like others and we're saying let's help you support one
iFlhogxOdtk-00110-00054927-00055202 another you know there's the professionals out here when you need
iFlhogxOdtk-00111-00055202-00055722 them but a lot can be done by sharing your own support and sharing your own
iFlhogxOdtk-00112-00055722-00056316 stories and your own successes and it reduces barriers to social inclusion
iFlhogxOdtk-00113-00056316-00056729 it helps communities see that people with addictions and people with
iFlhogxOdtk-00114-00056729-00057377 depression are not you know problematic or they're not weird or different
iFlhogxOdtk-00115-00057377-00057963 they're the same it helps educate people about how prevalent addiction and
iFlhogxOdtk-00116-00057963-00058514 anxiety and depression and bipolar and all that stuff really is and encourages
iFlhogxOdtk-00117-00058514-00059145 them to see the person who has depression as a person not as a
iFlhogxOdtk-00118-00059145-00059677 depressed person counselor functions in recovery oriented systems of care
iFlhogxOdtk-00119-00059677-00060210 include identifying gaps and services so you know where I am now there's no
iFlhogxOdtk-00120-00060210-00060672 public transportation so that's one gap you know getting clients to where they
iFlhogxOdtk-00121-00060672-00061164 need to go to medical appointments to counseling appointments to work can be a
iFlhogxOdtk-00122-00061164-00061892 problem identifying emerging needs and trends well you know right now in 2018
iFlhogxOdtk-00123-00061892-00062535 there's a huge emerging trend in opiate abuse and need for education about
iFlhogxOdtk-00124-00062535-00063063 opiate addiction and treatment options for opiate abuse and monitoring system
iFlhogxOdtk-00125-00063063-00063504 effectiveness you know of the people that enter the system no matter where
iFlhogxOdtk-00126-00063504-00063924 they come in they come in through social services or their medical doctor or law
iFlhogxOdtk-00127-00063924-00064227 enforcement you know probation and parole
iFlhogxOdtk-00128-00064227-00064866 however they enter the system are they successful at getting their symptoms to
iFlhogxOdtk-00129-00064866-00065395 remit and starting to achieve a high quality of life as they define it
iFlhogxOdtk-00130-00065395-00065961 guiding principles of recovery emerge from hope and our person-centered which
iFlhogxOdtk-00131-00065961-00066545 include self efficacy and self direction so the client is going to decide their
iFlhogxOdtk-00132-00066545-00066874 goals and we are going to help them develop
iFlhogxOdtk-00133-00066874-00067404 I can do attitude you know to believe that they can't accomplish their goals
iFlhogxOdtk-00134-00067404-00068092 it's nonlinear and occurs by a many pathways recovery doesn't all wait well
iFlhogxOdtk-00135-00068092-00068491 it almost never goes in a straight line and always forward it's two steps
iFlhogxOdtk-00136-00068491-00068962 forward one step back three steps forward a half step back you know it's
iFlhogxOdtk-00137-00068962-00069360 kind of like this kind of like doing the cha-cha more than a straight line and
iFlhogxOdtk-00138-00069360-00069841 sometimes it takes a hard left turn you know a client maybe on a good course of
iFlhogxOdtk-00139-00069841-00070261 recovery I can think of one in particular that I had she was doing
iFlhogxOdtk-00140-00070261-00070600 really well in recovery and then she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer
iFlhogxOdtk-00141-00070600-00071113 well that was a hard left turn so recovery activities that we're gonna
iFlhogxOdtk-00142-00071113-00071494 keep going out this way they got derailed for a little while until she
iFlhogxOdtk-00143-00071494-00072007 got her cancer in remission and then she circled back around but the recovery
iFlhogxOdtk-00144-00072007-00072385 oriented system of care said all right we recognize what your needs aren't
iFlhogxOdtk-00145-00072385-00072805 right now so let's figure out what we can do with your treatment plan in order
iFlhogxOdtk-00146-00072805-00073314 to continue to help you you know not go backwards and move forwards at the same
iFlhogxOdtk-00147-00073314-00073972 time it's holistic incorporating the mind body spirit and community a lot of
iFlhogxOdtk-00148-00073972-00074539 times we forget community in there so we're encouraging people to engage their
iFlhogxOdtk-00149-00074539-00074968 spirituality we're encouraging people to engage their community for support and a
iFlhogxOdtk-00150-00074968-00075420 sense of belonging and a sense of connectedness it's supported by peers
iFlhogxOdtk-00151-00075420-00075981 and allies and allies or counselors and case workers and all of us professionals
iFlhogxOdtk-00152-00075981-00076464 that are involved in the process but it's also supported by peers we're peers
iFlhogxOdtk-00153-00076464-00076942 are out there going hey been there done that let me give you a helping hand or
iFlhogxOdtk-00154-00076942-00077482 let me be a sounding board you can bounce stuff off of it's supported
iFlhogxOdtk-00155-00077482-00077920 through relationships and social networks within the family among peers
iFlhogxOdtk-00156-00077920-00078388 you know think about 12-step meetings those are a perfect example of peer
iFlhogxOdtk-00157-00078388-00079156 support and the 12-step meetings and the 12-step well each different 12-step
iFlhogxOdtk-00158-00079156-00079579 meeting tends to form their own sort of little family you have home groups where
iFlhogxOdtk-00159-00079579-00080197 you form sort of your own family faith groups are out there to also support
iFlhogxOdtk-00160-00080197-00080676 these relationships and the community hopefully you get some buy-in from the
iFlhogxOdtk-00161-00080676-00081306 politicians from government to support financially some of the resources that
iFlhogxOdtk-00162-00081306-00081852 need to be there to provide a recovery-oriented system of care it's
iFlhogxOdtk-00163-00081852-00082389 culturally based and influenced so what a recovery-oriented system of care looks
iFlhogxOdtk-00164-00082389-00082942 like in you know the middle of New York City is going to be different than what
iFlhogxOdtk-00165-00082942-00083427 one looks like in the middle of Lebanon Tennessee and
iFlhogxOdtk-00166-00083427-00083992 that's okay it's based on the culture that's here and the resources that are
iFlhogxOdtk-00167-00083992-00084556 here it's supported by addressing trauma and based on respect of individual
iFlhogxOdtk-00168-00084556-00085036 family and community strengths and responsibilities what's important in
iFlhogxOdtk-00169-00085036-00085531 this community what's important for people you know what does the client
iFlhogxOdtk-00170-00085531-00085942 thinks important what does the community think is important and how can we align
iFlhogxOdtk-00171-00085942-00086387 those goals how can we make that work for everybody
iFlhogxOdtk-00172-00086387-00086979 three core components of a Rusk recovery oriented system of care collaborate
iFlhogxOdtk-00173-00086979-00087391 collaborative decision-making and individual empowerment we don't do
iFlhogxOdtk-00174-00087391-00088056 things two or four clients we talk with them we empower them to do
iFlhogxOdtk-00175-00088056-00088630 everything they can and we assist them when needed continuity of services and
iFlhogxOdtk-00176-00088630-00088932 supports there's no wrong door which is what I talked about earlier it
iFlhogxOdtk-00177-00088932-00089370 doesn't matter if the person you know came in contact with law enforcement and
iFlhogxOdtk-00178-00089370-00089736 that's how they got referred to counseling or through social services or
iFlhogxOdtk-00179-00089736-00090205 through their medical doctor or the emergency room however they got here
iFlhogxOdtk-00180-00090205-00090620 they're here you know we want to make sure that everybody in that safety net
iFlhogxOdtk-00181-00090620-00091080 knows how to refer to the different agencies so clients can get connected
iFlhogxOdtk-00182-00091080-00091585 with the appropriate resources easily because in a rusk and in any community
iFlhogxOdtk-00183-00091585-00092017 when you start getting 15 20 services together it can get a little bit
iFlhogxOdtk-00184-00092017-00092394 overwhelming sometimes especially to someone who is struggling just to deal
iFlhogxOdtk-00185-00092394-00092773 with life on life's terms so that's where we step in and we go
iFlhogxOdtk-00186-00092773-00093131 alright let me help you get these referrals and get you on the right path
iFlhogxOdtk-00187-00093131-00093550 once they start making progress forward they generally feel in power
iFlhogxOdtk-00188-00093550-00094066 and take on more of the responsibilities themselves and services are available
iFlhogxOdtk-00189-00094066-00094633 for as long as needed it's not a well you have eight authorized sessions so
iFlhogxOdtk-00190-00094633-00094816 let's see what we can do and then you're on your own
iFlhogxOdtk-00191-00094816-00095269 it may be you have eight authorized sessions and then I need to refer you
iFlhogxOdtk-00192-00095269-00095785 somewhere else or to a different program because you know a lot of private
iFlhogxOdtk-00193-00095785-00096214 practitioners can't just do pro bono services and totally get that but a
iFlhogxOdtk-00194-00096214-00096736 rasca allows for opportunities and options so a person doesn't just kind of
iFlhogxOdtk-00195-00096736-00097336 hit a wall and drop and it's also based on service quality and responsiveness
iFlhogxOdtk-00196-00097336-00097840 services are evidence-based you know we want to provide things that have there
iFlhogxOdtk-00197-00097840-00098275 they may not be evidence-based best practices you know we may not be using
iFlhogxOdtk-00198-00098275-00098662 every single one of those but there's research evidence that says this works
iFlhogxOdtk-00199-00098662-00099142 and it's available to you it's developmentally and culturally
iFlhogxOdtk-00200-00099142-00099619 appropriate gender-specific trauma-informed family focused and
iFlhogxOdtk-00201-00099619-00100072 staged appropriate so for some of these four evidence-based do you want to go to
iFlhogxOdtk-00202-00100072-00100603 tip 42 which will help you look learn about treating persons with co-occurring
iFlhogxOdtk-00203-00100603-00101224 disorders for trauma-informed there is a tip and I can't remember what tip number
iFlhogxOdtk-00204-00101224-00101658 it is but there is a treatment improvement protocol through Samsa on
iFlhogxOdtk-00205-00101658-00102283 working with people with trauma and staged appropriate that's tip 35 which
iFlhogxOdtk-00206-00102283-00102691 is motivational interviewing which will walk you through the steps of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00207-00102691-00103256 different types of interventions that are useful for each stage of change
iFlhogxOdtk-00208-00103256-00103643 recovery management in a recovery-oriented system of care
iFlhogxOdtk-00209-00103643-00104092 treatment doesn't need to be voluntary but success depends on personal
iFlhogxOdtk-00210-00104092-00104767 engagement my first job out of college out of graduate school was working as
iFlhogxOdtk-00211-00104767-00105355 the liaison to probation and parole so all of my clients were involuntary they
iFlhogxOdtk-00212-00105355-00105904 were there because the judge said they had to be well that's wonderful but you
iFlhogxOdtk-00213-00105904-00106315 know they weren't gonna make much progress if I wasn't able to get them
iFlhogxOdtk-00214-00106315-00106889 personally engaged so it became a matter of me figuring out how to
iFlhogxOdtk-00215-00106889-00107573 helped them see how this might work for them one they wanted to get off
iFlhogxOdtk-00216-00107573-00108091 probation well in order to do that they had to complete my program so that was
iFlhogxOdtk-00217-00108091-00108470 step one they would at least show up but I wanted them to do more than show up I
iFlhogxOdtk-00218-00108470-00109108 wanted them to get engaged so - what can you what can you get out of this what
iFlhogxOdtk-00219-00109108-00109504 can I teach in these groups because I had the luxury of being able to you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00220-00109504-00110270 prove provide a fair amount of different topics in groups but what types of
iFlhogxOdtk-00221-00110270-00110657 topics are meaningful as long as you're paying for counseling you might as well
iFlhogxOdtk-00222-00110657-00111074 get something out of it what can I help you work on and if they didn't have
iFlhogxOdtk-00223-00111074-00111526 anything specific we would work on something general like motivation or
iFlhogxOdtk-00224-00111526-00111950 coping skills but we would apply it to their everyday life and say okay now how
iFlhogxOdtk-00225-00111950-00112516 could this improve next week full recovery often comes from episodic
iFlhogxOdtk-00226-00112516-00113086 nonlinear treatment so remember get better leave treatment for a while be in
iFlhogxOdtk-00227-00113086-00113582 the community something else happens they may need treatment again may not be
iFlhogxOdtk-00228-00113582-00113933 mental health treatment it may be medical treatment but we need to make
iFlhogxOdtk-00229-00113933-00114374 sure that the person is healthy mind body and spirit in order to prevent any
iFlhogxOdtk-00230-00114374-00114938 sort of relapse previous treatment and relapse is not indicative of a poor
iFlhogxOdtk-00231-00114938-00115448 prognosis previous treatment and relapse means we missed something you know there
iFlhogxOdtk-00232-00115448-00116080 was not a adequate support network or we didn't adequately identify all of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00233-00116080-00116716 presenting issues generally relapse is viewed as evidence of the severity of
iFlhogxOdtk-00234-00116716-00117107 the condition rather than a cause for discharge so if you're working with a
iFlhogxOdtk-00235-00117107-00117572 client in outpatient and they relapse it just breaks my heart especially if
iFlhogxOdtk-00236-00117572-00118015 they're in intensive outpatient but in any program regardless at the level of
iFlhogxOdtk-00237-00118015-00118828 intensity if they relapse that means that that behavior whatever they did was
iFlhogxOdtk-00238-00118828-00119329 more rewarding serve the purpose solve the problem better than what we
iFlhogxOdtk-00239-00119329-00119863 were offering so we need to back up and go okay didn't realize that you were in
iFlhogxOdtk-00240-00119863-00120275 that much pain or you know this wasn't working for you we need to figure out an
iFlhogxOdtk-00241-00120275-00120767 their way to meet that need but relapse is a learning opportunity and evidence
iFlhogxOdtk-00242-00120767-00121207 of the severity of the condition I know I said that twice but it's important
iFlhogxOdtk-00243-00121207-00121793 recovery management is a time sustained recovery focused collaboration between
iFlhogxOdtk-00244-00121793-00122453 consumers and service providers so we're working together in a team with our
iFlhogxOdtk-00245-00122453-00122884 clients with the goal of stabilizing and managing the ebb and flow of
iFlhogxOdtk-00246-00122884-00123467 co-occurring disorders until full recovery is achieved or self management
iFlhogxOdtk-00247-00123467-00123821 as possible some people may experience full recovery
iFlhogxOdtk-00248-00123821-00124247 never have another episode wonderful some people get to the point where
iFlhogxOdtk-00249-00124247-00124775 they're in remission and self-management is possible and then you know if they
iFlhogxOdtk-00250-00124775-00125317 have another episode then they can re-enter the re-enter the system
iFlhogxOdtk-00251-00125317-00125813 recovery management spans three phases pre recovery identification and
iFlhogxOdtk-00252-00125813-00126406 engagement recovery initiation and stabilization and recovery maintenance
iFlhogxOdtk-00253-00126406-00126842 so pre recovery identification and engagement is your outreach and your
iFlhogxOdtk-00254-00126842-00127410 intervention services where we you know the social worker at social services
iFlhogxOdtk-00255-00127410-00127928 realizes that mom needs to come in and need some assistance with substance
iFlhogxOdtk-00256-00127928-00128474 abuse or something so she sends Sally over to be assessed and enrolled in a
iFlhogxOdtk-00257-00128474-00129056 substance abuse program so then we we get Sally and it's our job to assess and
iFlhogxOdtk-00258-00129056-00129632 engage once she's engaged then we can initiate treatment and help her get
iFlhogxOdtk-00259-00129632-00130111 stabilized and then hope her in that maintenance period for a little while
iFlhogxOdtk-00260-00130111-00130694 then discharge and discharge her back to that recovery oriented system of care to
iFlhogxOdtk-00261-00130694-00131438 the community where she can maintain her recovery so all of this in order to make
iFlhogxOdtk-00262-00131438-00131947 this happen requires a great amount of service coordination and case management
iFlhogxOdtk-00263-00131947-00132461 so service coordination is a client level collaborative process designed to
iFlhogxOdtk-00264-00132461-00132860 help individuals access needed services did you know how overwhelming it can get
iFlhogxOdtk-00265-00132860-00133355 for us figuring out who to refer to and stuff it's even more overwhelming for
iFlhogxOdtk-00266-00133355-00133789 clients select the most appropriate services we
iFlhogxOdtk-00267-00133789-00134197 need as clinicians and case managers we need to be aware of what the
iFlhogxOdtk-00268-00134197-00134662 requirements are and what the appropriate referral is for each
iFlhogxOdtk-00269-00134662-00135151 individual agency I don't want to refer somebody to a program just to have them
iFlhogxOdtk-00270-00135151-00135559 get there and the program says oh you don't qualify for these services so it's
iFlhogxOdtk-00271-00135559-00136009 important that I make good referrals which means I need to know I need to be
iFlhogxOdtk-00272-00136009-00136708 really familiar with the different agencies in my system of care facilitate
iFlhogxOdtk-00273-00136708-00137203 linkage with those services now depending on the client the severity of
iFlhogxOdtk-00274-00137203-00137680 their problems we may assist them in contacting the agency and making the
iFlhogxOdtk-00275-00137680-00138367 referral or we may make it for them and say okay you've got an appointment you
iFlhogxOdtk-00276-00138367-00138735 know with doctor so-and-so on Tuesday at 3 p.m.
iFlhogxOdtk-00277-00138735-00139252 whenever possible it is a lot more empowering and more likely that the
iFlhogxOdtk-00278-00139252-00139666 client is going to show up if they make the appointment themselves sometimes
iFlhogxOdtk-00279-00139666-00139989 they need to do it when they're in your office because they're intimidated by
iFlhogxOdtk-00280-00139989-00140428 calling and making an appointment but whenever possible we facilitate these
iFlhogxOdtk-00281-00140428-00140818 linkages we make sure they get in connection with the right person instead
iFlhogxOdtk-00282-00140818-00141160 of having to call and go through a switchboard of options going I don't
iFlhogxOdtk-00283-00141160-00141556 know if you're the right person that talked to facilitating linkages gets
iFlhogxOdtk-00284-00141556-00141940 them directly to the right extension to the right person to do what they need to
iFlhogxOdtk-00285-00141940-00142447 do case management promotes continued retention and services by monitoring
iFlhogxOdtk-00286-00142447-00142720 participation you know we check in make sure they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00287-00142720-00143074 going to their appointments make sure that this service is helping them if not
iFlhogxOdtk-00288-00143074-00143545 what what else needs to happen we coordinate multiple services when
iFlhogxOdtk-00289-00143545-00144133 necessary and advocate for continued participation sometimes the agency will
iFlhogxOdtk-00290-00144133-00144454 say well our census is full and we've got a waiting list I need to discharge
iFlhogxOdtk-00291-00144454-00145132 this person and as a case manager or a clinician it may become up to us to
iFlhogxOdtk-00292-00145132-00145522 advocate for that person to stay in services for another certain period of
iFlhogxOdtk-00293-00145522-00146140 time in order to prevent relapse objectives of case management include
iFlhogxOdtk-00294-00146140-00146593 maintaining continuity of care so we're not just discharging and then referring
iFlhogxOdtk-00295-00146593-00146940 and going well I hope that went well we're making sure that the handoff goes
iFlhogxOdtk-00296-00146940-00147558 smoothly and that every time a client is referred the handoff goes smoothly and
iFlhogxOdtk-00297-00147558-00147980 every organization involved in that clients care knows what every other
iFlhogxOdtk-00298-00147980-00148371 organization is doing there's a single point of contact which is the case
iFlhogxOdtk-00299-00148371-00148947 manager usually and we keep good records so we're not duplicating services and
iFlhogxOdtk-00300-00148947-00149642 we're not contouring contradicting each other either case management establishes
iFlhogxOdtk-00301-00149642-00150116 relationships with gatekeepers like I was talking about we know what the
iFlhogxOdtk-00302-00150116-00150612 requirements are at each program so we know who an appropriate referral would
iFlhogxOdtk-00303-00150612-00151197 be we develop contracts or memorandums of understanding which specify available
iFlhogxOdtk-00304-00151197-00151970 slots so for example I may work with a day treatment drop-in center and I may
iFlhogxOdtk-00305-00151970-00152427 develop a Memorandum of Understanding where they insure me they will always
iFlhogxOdtk-00306-00152427-00152958 have three slots available for our clients that way I know I once I reach
iFlhogxOdtk-00307-00152958-00153416 that three level then I can't refer there anymore because they have clients
iFlhogxOdtk-00308-00153416-00153897 coming in from other providers but they will take up to guarantee that they will
iFlhogxOdtk-00309-00153897-00154428 have slot a slot for up to three of my clients at any one time and mo use also
iFlhogxOdtk-00310-00154428-00154914 identify consequences for failure to implement specified activities or
iFlhogxOdtk-00311-00154914-00155553 procedures so if I refer Sally over to this drop-in center and she gets there
iFlhogxOdtk-00312-00155553-00156009 and they say we can't admit you were full right now and I know that I've only
iFlhogxOdtk-00313-00156009-00156624 got one patient in that program and they promised me three slots then I have sort
iFlhogxOdtk-00314-00156624-00157074 of a leg of to stand on just go back to that organization and go the contract
iFlhogxOdtk-00315-00157074-00157770 says now what the consequences are are between your CEO and and the executives
iFlhogxOdtk-00316-00157770-00158240 and the legal team but a lot of times it really benefits people to be in these
iFlhogxOdtk-00317-00158240-00158673 recovery oriented systems of care to keep their slots full so they don't want
iFlhogxOdtk-00318-00158673-00159254 to get booted case management ensures accountability following up on the
iFlhogxOdtk-00319-00159254-00159675 referral with the client and the referral source measuring outcomes with
iFlhogxOdtk-00320-00159675-00160152 client satisfaction client outcomes and service issue
iFlhogxOdtk-00321-00160152-00160695 outcomes like did involving this client with this service reduced the number of
iFlhogxOdtk-00322-00160695-00161237 days that they were in residential you know that's obviously a good thing and
iFlhogxOdtk-00323-00161237-00161778 it works case management works on the principle of efficiency know the system
iFlhogxOdtk-00324-00161778-00162360 and make it work case management is necessary because of
iFlhogxOdtk-00325-00162360-00162936 poor courts poor service coordination lack of service continuity and
iFlhogxOdtk-00326-00162936-00163572 difficulty of clients negotiating the gap between services without case
iFlhogxOdtk-00327-00163572-00164166 management you have fifteen independent organizations operating with their own
iFlhogxOdtk-00328-00164166-00164679 rules regulations and kind of in isolation and when you have a case
iFlhogxOdtk-00329-00164679-00165048 manager it helps coordinate these services to make sure clients are
iFlhogxOdtk-00330-00165048-00165549 getting the right services at the right time at the right intensity and making
iFlhogxOdtk-00331-00165549-00166128 sure that clients are able to access them without getting lost in the mix the
iFlhogxOdtk-00332-00166128-00166550 case manager acts as the human link between the client and service providers
iFlhogxOdtk-00333-00166550-00166914 we're out there we're holding the clients hand and we reach out and we
iFlhogxOdtk-00334-00166914-00167481 grab that agency's hand and we link them together and and so on and so forth we
iFlhogxOdtk-00335-00167481-00167889 develop contracts with providers for identified services control case
iFlhogxOdtk-00336-00167889-00168495 management funds act as a single point of entry for clients and develop missing
iFlhogxOdtk-00337-00168495-00169092 service elements so if you can have a case management organization serving as
iFlhogxOdtk-00338-00169092-00169518 your single point of entry that doesn't negate no wrong door
iFlhogxOdtk-00339-00169518-00169994 that means if somebody comes in from Social Services and needs assistance
iFlhogxOdtk-00340-00169994-00170496 they will refer to the case management agency and the case manager will assess
iFlhogxOdtk-00341-00170496-00170871 this person and say let's figure out what all your needs are so I can help
iFlhogxOdtk-00342-00170871-00171525 you develop a plan and we can figure out how to link you in with things and case
iFlhogxOdtk-00343-00171525-00172020 managers also develop missing service elements if transportation is a missing
iFlhogxOdtk-00344-00172020-00172461 service element the case management agency will figure out you know is there
iFlhogxOdtk-00345-00172461-00172995 a way we can work with local churches for example that have church buses to
iFlhogxOdtk-00346-00172995-00173472 facilitate tree facilitate transportation you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00347-00173472-00174078 maybe one week a month one week a month or a quarter each church volunteers to
iFlhogxOdtk-00348-00174078-00174699 do transportation service coordination and case management approaches include
iFlhogxOdtk-00349-00174699-00175130 intensive assertive community treatment which is comprehensive multidisciplinary
iFlhogxOdtk-00350-00175130-00175851 and community-based the act program as you may know it or the fact program case
iFlhogxOdtk-00351-00175851-00176303 managers go out into the community visit clients at their homes check on their
iFlhogxOdtk-00352-00176303-00176666 medications you know they go to the home make sure it's clean make sure you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00353-00176666-00177017 the client is bathing or whatever count their meds to make sure that they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00354-00177017-00177615 taking their pills and check in with them each week at least sometimes more
iFlhogxOdtk-00355-00177615-00178038 often in order to assure that they're stable and not needing additional
iFlhogxOdtk-00356-00178038-00178851 services clinical case managers can provide counseling and some intervention
iFlhogxOdtk-00357-00178851-00179439 services strengths strengths based case managers obviously identify clients
iFlhogxOdtk-00358-00179439-00179826 strengths and help them build on those and in order to achieve their highest
iFlhogxOdtk-00359-00179826-00180522 quality of life brokerage case managers coordinate services but they provide few
iFlhogxOdtk-00360-00180522-00180939 if any services so brokerage case managers are the people that say come to
iFlhogxOdtk-00361-00180939-00181350 me let me figure out where to refer you to and they refer out they don't do any
iFlhogxOdtk-00362-00181350-00181638 of the case management they don't do any psychoeducation
iFlhogxOdtk-00363-00181638-00182313 none of that stuff they are a coordinator and that's it integrated
iFlhogxOdtk-00364-00182313-00182748 case management is family focused and strengths based and it uses an
iFlhogxOdtk-00365-00182748-00183155 independent facilitator to bring all relevant people including providers
iFlhogxOdtk-00366-00183155-00183615 family and natural supports to the table so integrated case management really
iFlhogxOdtk-00367-00183615-00184054 brings the community and the support systems in instead of just having the
iFlhogxOdtk-00368-00184054-00184512 agencies involved we're bringing everybody to the table the team then
iFlhogxOdtk-00369-00184512-00184950 works in partnership with the family to create a safety based comprehensive plan
iFlhogxOdtk-00370-00184950-00185502 addressing the needs of all family members recognizing that you know mental
iFlhogxOdtk-00371-00185502-00185982 illness or substance abuse affects everybody in the family and if somebody
iFlhogxOdtk-00372-00185982-00186339 else in the family starts to become symptomatic with something you know it's
iFlhogxOdtk-00373-00186339-00186823 going to negatively impact the whole family system so what does the family
iFlhogxOdtk-00374-00186823-00187360 how can we provide a resilient family to support the identified patient and each
iFlhogxOdtk-00375-00187360-00188044 other case management offers a single point of contact for clients if client
iFlhogxOdtk-00376-00188044-00188548 driven and strengths based and involves advocacy between services with seemingly
iFlhogxOdtk-00377-00188548-00189052 contradictory requirements to serve the best interest of the clients so we want
iFlhogxOdtk-00378-00189052-00189589 to look at you know if you combine law enforcement with counseling and and this
iFlhogxOdtk-00379-00189589-00190096 is your problem solving courts for example yeah you know I would rather my
iFlhogxOdtk-00380-00190096-00190570 clients didn't go back to jail but sometimes you know we need to work
iFlhogxOdtk-00381-00190570-00191191 together in order to increase motivation and help clients achieve what they need
iFlhogxOdtk-00382-00191191-00191749 to achieve with aid we advocate with agencies families legal systems and
iFlhogxOdtk-00383-00191749-00192373 legislative bodies and we may recommend sanctions to encourage client compliance
iFlhogxOdtk-00384-00192373-00192946 and motivation case management is community-based for the most part with
iFlhogxOdtk-00385-00192946-00193380 the accept with the exception of brokerage case management its pragmatic
iFlhogxOdtk-00386-00193380-00193891 it meets the client where they are it says in this point in time what needs do
iFlhogxOdtk-00387-00193891-00194316 you have we're not going to look at over here or back then what do you need right
iFlhogxOdtk-00388-00194316-00194979 now we'll worry about the future in the future it is anticipate ory based on the
iFlhogxOdtk-00389-00194979-00195429 natural course of the clients presenting issues so we identify where the client
iFlhogxOdtk-00390-00195429-00195934 is right now and then we speculate you know if they're needing to go into
iFlhogxOdtk-00391-00195934-00196495 intensive residential right now for 60 days okay we also know that they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00392-00196495-00196828 going to get discharged from intensive residential in 60 days and they're going
iFlhogxOdtk-00393-00196828-00197185 to need to have somewhere to go after that so a case manager would start
iFlhogxOdtk-00394-00197185-00197698 working on that at the beginning so they were assured that they had something
iFlhogxOdtk-00395-00197698-00198100 lined up or help the client have something lined up for when they get out
iFlhogxOdtk-00396-00198100-00198816 of treatment it's flexible to individual needs and culturally sensitive the case
iFlhogxOdtk-00397-00198816-00199285 managers role is to coordinate manage link advocate and support clients in
iFlhogxOdtk-00398-00199285-00199753 their quest to maximize their quality of life and achieve as much independence as
iFlhogxOdtk-00399-00199753-00200210 possible basic prerequisites to be a case manager
iFlhogxOdtk-00400-00200210-00200615 can you establish rapport are you a good listener can you establish a therapeutic
iFlhogxOdtk-00401-00200615-00201106 alliance can you maintain boundaries and this can be really hard sometimes to
iFlhogxOdtk-00402-00201106-00202027 maintain boundaries and not try to tear caretaker or parent or you know overly
iFlhogxOdtk-00403-00202027-00202424 become overly involved in a client's case so you need to be able to maintain
iFlhogxOdtk-00404-00202424-00202967 boundaries and say you need to be empowered to do this case managers have
iFlhogxOdtk-00405-00202967-00203402 to be non-judgmental recognize the importance of family social networks and
iFlhogxOdtk-00406-00203402-00203972 community in the process of recovery understand the variety of insurance and
iFlhogxOdtk-00407-00203972-00204356 payment options available because in order to access all these services they
iFlhogxOdtk-00408-00204356-00204773 got to be paid for somehow so case managers are typically experts on how
iFlhogxOdtk-00409-00204773-00205307 can we get that funded they understand culture and respond in a culturally
iFlhogxOdtk-00410-00205307-00205727 sensitive manner they understand the value of an interdisciplinary approach
iFlhogxOdtk-00411-00205727-00206398 to treatment case managers you know are the first to tell you that generally for
iFlhogxOdtk-00412-00206398-00206821 somebody to recover they need multiple different types of services so we need
iFlhogxOdtk-00413-00206821-00207413 to look at them from a biopsychosocial environmental perspective and case
iFlhogxOdtk-00414-00207413-00207844 managers serve as both facilitator of referrals and an advocate for the client
iFlhogxOdtk-00415-00207844-00208490 as a facilitator the case manager composes the team figures out what
iFlhogxOdtk-00416-00208490-00208910 resources are needed who's going to be on the team notifies everybody in the
iFlhogxOdtk-00417-00208910-00209456 team of meetings because we all need to get together now with you know the
iFlhogxOdtk-00418-00209456-00209852 computer and technology now we can do virtual meetings so people don't have to
iFlhogxOdtk-00419-00209852-00210179 haul their butts all the way to one particular place and lose a bunch of
iFlhogxOdtk-00420-00210179-00210782 billable hours but they do need to participate in the meetings the
iFlhogxOdtk-00421-00210782-00211169 facilitator the case manager chairs the meeting they're the one who's
iFlhogxOdtk-00422-00211169-00211544 coordinating everything they're not going to tell the doctor what to do and
iFlhogxOdtk-00423-00211544-00211901 the counselor what to do but they are going to take all this information and
iFlhogxOdtk-00424-00211901-00212498 figure out how it all weaves together and help resolve any disputes or
iFlhogxOdtk-00425-00212498-00212975 whatever between the different agencies they maintain team focus on the client
iFlhogxOdtk-00426-00212975-00213373 you know this is not about who's going to make the most money or who needs a
iFlhogxOdtk-00427-00213373-00213844 slot filled it's about what does the client need at this point in time and
iFlhogxOdtk-00428-00213844-00214384 ensures clients desires and needs are adequately represented and considered so
iFlhogxOdtk-00429-00214384-00214831 it's important for the case manager to stand up and go no Sally said she really
iFlhogxOdtk-00430-00214831-00215317 didn't want to go to residential or Sally said she was really not ready to
iFlhogxOdtk-00431-00215317-00215956 discharge from from residential for all these reasons so we need to stand up and
iFlhogxOdtk-00432-00215956-00216515 say this is what the client really wants ideally empowering the client to write a
iFlhogxOdtk-00433-00216515-00217001 narrative or at least bullet points about all the reasons that they want
iFlhogxOdtk-00434-00217001-00217417 this and that it's imperative to their recovery so we can help them learn how
iFlhogxOdtk-00435-00217417-00217844 to advocate for themselves even if they're not in the team meeting we can
iFlhogxOdtk-00436-00217844-00218469 present that for them service coordination and referral
iFlhogxOdtk-00437-00218469-00218892 referral is the process of facilitating the clients use of available resources
iFlhogxOdtk-00438-00218892-00219291 and support systems to meet needs identified in assessment and treatment
iFlhogxOdtk-00439-00219291-00219710 planning it involves identifying needs of the clients which cannot be met by
iFlhogxOdtk-00440-00219710-00220094 the agency regardless of whether the client is receiving case management
iFlhogxOdtk-00441-00220094-00220491 services so if you're a clinician and you don't have a case manager that you
iFlhogxOdtk-00442-00220491-00220967 can refer to you still make referrals we make referrals all the time and
iFlhogxOdtk-00443-00220967-00221453 referrals are important in appropriate referrals may lead to drop out if
iFlhogxOdtk-00444-00221453-00222000 clients hopes get up and then they're denied access to services so again so
iFlhogxOdtk-00445-00222000-00222371 important that you know why it's important to go there and you make sure
iFlhogxOdtk-00446-00222371-00222840 the handoff goes well I don't want to refer somebody I remember my doctor
iFlhogxOdtk-00447-00222840-00223571 referred me to ob/gyn at one point and I went there and I sat for three and a
iFlhogxOdtk-00448-00223571-00224102 half hours in the waiting room after my appointment time and nobody said boo or
iFlhogxOdtk-00449-00224102-00224561 could tell me when the next when I was going to get seen so I finally left and
iFlhogxOdtk-00450-00224561-00225002 I was like no I'm gonna find my own referral source from now on so it's
iFlhogxOdtk-00451-00225002-00225492 important to remember you know that everybody has to play on the team and
iFlhogxOdtk-00452-00225492-00225869 the client can't be denied access for services or ignored
iFlhogxOdtk-00453-00225869-00226394 you know inadequate follow-up also leads to premature dropout so we need to
iFlhogxOdtk-00454-00226394-00226788 followup with the clients and go how did that go did you feel like this person
iFlhogxOdtk-00455-00226788-00227364 was able to help you etc if not you know let me understand what went wrong and I
iFlhogxOdtk-00456-00227364-00227898 can give you a different referral counselors must know resources in their
iFlhogxOdtk-00457-00227898-00228473 community the processes for making the resort the referral the limitations what
iFlhogxOdtk-00458-00228473-00229010 the cost is who can access those services the requirements you know if
iFlhogxOdtk-00459-00229010-00229592 somebody has to be clean drug-free for 30 days and have transportation or
iFlhogxOdtk-00460-00229592-00229930 whatever the requirements are to participate in the program
iFlhogxOdtk-00461-00229930-00230496 sometimes programs have requirements of they cannot have certain mental health
iFlhogxOdtk-00462-00230496-00231011 disorders or be on certain medications it's important to know that and you need
iFlhogxOdtk-00463-00231011-00231542 to know confidentiality counselor should visit referral agencies initially
iFlhogxOdtk-00464-00231542-00231978 and get to know them and then send me annually after that this is not always
iFlhogxOdtk-00465-00231978-00232617 possible what we used to do in my clinic was we would divide up the different
iFlhogxOdtk-00466-00232617-00233060 referral agencies and we would go and each person would visit four of them
iFlhogxOdtk-00467-00233060-00233817 semi-annually that was doable each person going to all 27 agencies
iFlhogxOdtk-00468-00233817-00234458 semi-annually was not doable potential problems and referrals can arise from
iFlhogxOdtk-00469-00234458-00234985 differences in agency functioning differences in eligibility criteria
iFlhogxOdtk-00470-00234985-00235602 inadequate data sharing conflicting treatment plans and it's important to
iFlhogxOdtk-00471-00235602-00236069 remember that moving between agencies may interrupt continuity of care so for
iFlhogxOdtk-00472-00236069-00236569 example one of the biggest eligibility issues for example you may have a lot of
iFlhogxOdtk-00473-00236569-00237102 programs in your community that accept Medicaid whatever it's called in your
iFlhogxOdtk-00474-00237102-00237351 state here it's called 10 care in Florida it's called
iFlhogxOdtk-00475-00237351-00238017 Medicaid but there are also a lot of treatment centers that don't accept
iFlhogxOdtk-00476-00238017-00238580 Medicaid so it's important to make sure that even though you both serve clients
iFlhogxOdtk-00477-00238580-00239163 a bit similar some socioeconomic status you know the treatment center may have
iFlhogxOdtk-00478-00239163-00239778 state funding dollars to provide services whereas you provide services
iFlhogxOdtk-00479-00239778-00240489 that are funded by Medicaid so just important to know potential
iFlhogxOdtk-00480-00240489-00241004 referral sources marriage and family and mental health counselors abuse and
iFlhogxOdtk-00481-00241004-00241606 trauma counseling resources primary care women's health nutrition Dietetics
iFlhogxOdtk-00482-00241606-00242060 holistic practitioners pain management legal services
iFlhogxOdtk-00483-00242060-00242492 this can include criminal as well as civil you know child custody domestic
iFlhogxOdtk-00484-00242492-00243035 violence etc financial counseling helping people get out of bankruptcy
iFlhogxOdtk-00485-00243035-00243594 figure out how to make their make their bills housing career counseling and
iFlhogxOdtk-00486-00243594-00243951 educational planning we want to make sure we can help them become financially
iFlhogxOdtk-00487-00243951-00244566 independent and religious spiritual and faith support this is not an exhaustive
iFlhogxOdtk-00488-00244566-00244960 list but these are some of the big ones that we need to know how to refer
iFlhogxOdtk-00489-00244960-00245509 clients to in order to meet their biopsychosocial needs and help them be
iFlhogxOdtk-00490-00245509-00246032 think about Maslow's hierarchy they have to have those biological and safety
iFlhogxOdtk-00491-00246032-00246398 needs met before they can make much progress with depression or substance
iFlhogxOdtk-00492-00246398-00247026 abuse potential referral sources include also include career counseling and
iFlhogxOdtk-00493-00247026-00247586 educational planning LGBTQ support 12-step meetings and there are 12-step
iFlhogxOdtk-00494-00247586-00247931 meetings for depression there are 12-step meetings for a lot of things not
iFlhogxOdtk-00495-00247931-00248573 just alcoholism the Veterans Administration know what services they
iFlhogxOdtk-00496-00248573-00249167 provide people sometimes need referrals for child care whether it be all the
iFlhogxOdtk-00497-00249167-00249842 time child care or child care while they're in treatment and transportation
iFlhogxOdtk-00498-00249898-00250326 potential reasons why we might make a referral if your agency doesn't provide
iFlhogxOdtk-00499-00250326-00250716 that service and your your agency is not going to provide all those services I
iFlhogxOdtk-00500-00250716-00251153 just listed the counselor may not be the best person to provide the service
iFlhogxOdtk-00501-00251153-00251779 services for example issues of sexual identity issues require special training
iFlhogxOdtk-00502-00251779-00252267 working with small children require special training I don't have training
iFlhogxOdtk-00503-00252267-00252758 and play therapy so I would make a referral to a play therapist the
iFlhogxOdtk-00504-00252758-00253094 counselor believes there might be a conflict of interest if somebody comes
iFlhogxOdtk-00505-00253094-00253737 in and you know that you know their husband's brother or something
iFlhogxOdtk-00506-00253737-00254304 you might need to make a referral when I worked at the clinic that I worked at in
iFlhogxOdtk-00507-00254304-00254658 Florida my husband was a full-time law enforcement officer
iFlhogxOdtk-00508-00254658-00255192 so whenever law enforcement officers came in especially ones from his
iFlhogxOdtk-00509-00255192-00255741 department but any of them that came in I generally recused myself from their
iFlhogxOdtk-00510-00255741-00256428 case even if they entered one of my programs the counselor recognizes the
iFlhogxOdtk-00511-00256428-00256773 need for a different level of care if you're an outpatient therapist and you
iFlhogxOdtk-00512-00256773-00257166 recognize your client really needs intensive outpatient or residential then
iFlhogxOdtk-00513-00257166-00257601 you're probably gonna make a referral the counselor should explain the
iFlhogxOdtk-00514-00257601-00258057 rationale for any referrals to facilitate participation why is it that
iFlhogxOdtk-00515-00258057-00258537 you're referring me to this dentist or this doctor or this chiropractor or
iFlhogxOdtk-00516-00258537-00259032 whatever it is and generally it's pretty obvious but we want to make sure that
iFlhogxOdtk-00517-00259032-00259461 clients understand why why it's important and how it will benefit their
iFlhogxOdtk-00518-00259461-00259946 recovery from their mental health issue familiarize the client with the agency
iFlhogxOdtk-00519-00259946-00260367 to quell their anxieties what's it going to be like when I walk in there is it
iFlhogxOdtk-00520-00260367-00260723 this big building is it this little building is that one person is it this
iFlhogxOdtk-00521-00260723-00261375 huge clinic what's what should I expect contact the referral source in the
iFlhogxOdtk-00522-00261375-00261792 clients presence or have the client contact the referral source in your
iFlhogxOdtk-00523-00261792-00262161 presence so you can give them a little support when they're making the
iFlhogxOdtk-00524-00262161-00262611 appointments have the clients scheduled the actual appointment this is one of
iFlhogxOdtk-00525-00262611-00263019 the biggest reasons for client no-shows if somebody makes an appointment for
iFlhogxOdtk-00526-00263019-00263523 them at a time that they find is inconvenient so they don't show up give
iFlhogxOdtk-00527-00263523-00263913 the client the contact name and number and the agency address so after all this
iFlhogxOdtk-00528-00263913-00264486 is done right all the information down and give it to the client document the
iFlhogxOdtk-00529-00264486-00264918 referral and follow-up in the client record you want to make sure to follow
iFlhogxOdtk-00530-00264918-00265434 up both remember with the client and whoever you referred the client to just
iFlhogxOdtk-00531-00265434-00265998 to make sure that both of you or everybody's on the same page dual
iFlhogxOdtk-00532-00265998-00266337 diagnosis or co-occurring disorders indicates the presence of both mental
iFlhogxOdtk-00533-00266337-00266760 health and addiction issues people with co-occurring issues often experience
iFlhogxOdtk-00534-00266760-00267114 more severe emotional social and physical problem
iFlhogxOdtk-00535-00267114-00267744 than someone with only one issue medical mental health and addictive disorders
iFlhogxOdtk-00536-00267744-00268263 all influence each other think about somebody who's got chronic pain from
iFlhogxOdtk-00537-00268263-00268754 fibromyalgia you know that can lead them to feeling depressed and hopeless which
iFlhogxOdtk-00538-00268754-00269448 can trigger an addiction relapse it can also make them overuse painkillers in
iFlhogxOdtk-00539-00269448-00270015 order to get relief from the pain so I mean they all interact so a relapse or a
iFlhogxOdtk-00540-00270015-00270574 problem in any one area could precipitate relapse in all of the areas
iFlhogxOdtk-00541-00270574-00271173 Yuson withdrawal of substances can both cause mood social and physical
iFlhogxOdtk-00542-00271173-00271689 conditions if you've seen anybody in detox you know that their mood can get
iFlhogxOdtk-00543-00271689-00272295 pretty erratic and they don't feel well and it can impact social relationships
iFlhogxOdtk-00544-00272295-00272831 you know their friends who are still using you know it's gonna they're gonna
iFlhogxOdtk-00545-00272831-00273224 have to figure out how to negotiate that and they may have alienated some of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00546-00273224-00273792 people who didn't use and they want to build that back up but during this
iFlhogxOdtk-00547-00273792-00274373 period of addiction you know there are mood social and physical complications
iFlhogxOdtk-00548-00274373-00275088 there is a continuum of the disorder you know and all disorders from depression
iFlhogxOdtk-00549-00275088-00275565 to addiction in terms of the severity you know you can have mild depression
iFlhogxOdtk-00550-00275565-00276072 you can have what we used to call substance abuse but mild substance use
iFlhogxOdtk-00551-00276072-00276623 disorder - very very severe it varies in its chronicity people with major
iFlhogxOdtk-00552-00276623-00277124 depressive disorder may have one episode every couple of years other people may
iFlhogxOdtk-00553-00277124-00277647 have two or three episodes per year and the disability or degree of impairment
iFlhogxOdtk-00554-00277647-00278121 in functioning so some people and this kind of goes with severity but not
iFlhogxOdtk-00555-00278121-00278973 always if you have how much does this impact your ability to work I mean
iFlhogxOdtk-00556-00278973-00279473 somebody who has a severe major depressive episode once every three
iFlhogxOdtk-00557-00279473-00279939 years probably will not have the degree of impairment that someone who has a
iFlhogxOdtk-00558-00279939-00280497 mild case of depressive disorder or persistent depressive
iFlhogxOdtk-00559-00280497-00281163 disorder will experience because they're depressed most of the time for extended
iFlhogxOdtk-00560-00281163-00281625 periods of time which will impact their work differently so they actually even
iFlhogxOdtk-00561-00281625-00282291 though the severity is less the chronicity may contribute to significant
iFlhogxOdtk-00562-00282291-00282966 disability treatment plans are designed with the provider to identify treatment
iFlhogxOdtk-00563-00282966-00283377 objectives necessary to achieve goals every single agency is going to have
iFlhogxOdtk-00564-00283377-00283791 their own version of a service plan or a treatment plan but the case manager
iFlhogxOdtk-00565-00283791-00284538 needs to compile all of this and create sort of a master recovery plan a service
iFlhogxOdtk-00566-00284538-00284892 plan service plan is an umbrella document which ties together all of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00567-00284892-00285315 treatment plans from various providers and the short term goals and objectives
iFlhogxOdtk-00568-00285315-00285819 because if you've got 15 people working or agencies working with this person
iFlhogxOdtk-00569-00285819-00286104 they're gonna have 15 different treatment plans and they're probably
iFlhogxOdtk-00570-00286104-00286446 gonna be sitting there going I don't know what to do first there's not enough
iFlhogxOdtk-00571-00286446-00286896 hours in the day so the case manager can help them sit down and look and say all
iFlhogxOdtk-00572-00286896-00287336 right let's figure out what needs to be done first what's step one step two step
iFlhogxOdtk-00573-00287336-00287813 three and break it down so it's not so overwhelming to the client the
iFlhogxOdtk-00574-00287813-00288339 comprehensive service plan provides long term goals where do we hope to go what
iFlhogxOdtk-00575-00288339-00288840 does a rich and meaningful life look like to you but current status narrative
iFlhogxOdtk-00576-00288840-00289275 so we can see where we're starting from and the identification of required
iFlhogxOdtk-00577-00289275-00289709 services supports and resources so this is when the case manager says all right
iFlhogxOdtk-00578-00289709-00290292 in order to get Jon from here point A to point B these are the services supports
iFlhogxOdtk-00579-00290292-00290640 and resources he's going to need and this is the order I'm going to make the
iFlhogxOdtk-00580-00290640-00290894 referrals
iFlhogxOdtk-00581-00290958-00291460 linkages goes beyond providing a list of resources and involves developing a
iFlhogxOdtk-00582-00291460-00291856 network of known resources and contacts so we're not just referring people out
iFlhogxOdtk-00583-00291856-00292226 going well there are these three people over here I found on the web
iFlhogxOdtk-00584-00292226-00292643 we actually have interacted with these agencies we're familiar with their their
iFlhogxOdtk-00585-00292643-00293213 services and we have a contact there so we can link the person remember I said
iFlhogxOdtk-00586-00293213-00293606 you're it's kind of like holding the clients hand and holding the providers
iFlhogxOdtk-00587-00293606-00294095 hand and putting their hands together we're actually making that linkage we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00588-00294095-00294459 not just going here good luck
iFlhogxOdtk-00589-00294493-00295115 linking monitoring and adverse advocacy is the foundation for successful
iFlhogxOdtk-00590-00295115-00295574 implementation and is based on interdisciplinary team planning effort
iFlhogxOdtk-00591-00295574-00296051 and this includes the client if you're making this treatment plan without the
iFlhogxOdtk-00592-00296051-00296549 client then you miss the boat somewhere because they need to be the driving
iFlhogxOdtk-00593-00296549-00297080 force behind every treatment and service plan the client will help decide goals
iFlhogxOdtk-00594-00297080-00297641 and priorities as will the team the team helps assign responsibilities for each
iFlhogxOdtk-00595-00297641-00297931 goal because the clients probably not going to do everything by him or herself
iFlhogxOdtk-00596-00297931-00298598 and everybody on the team including the client reach consensus in the overall
iFlhogxOdtk-00597-00298598-00298942 approaches and objectives
iFlhogxOdtk-00598-00298957-00299435 service coordination encompasses administrative clinical and evaluative
iFlhogxOdtk-00599-00299435-00299870 activities that bring the client treatment services community agencies
iFlhogxOdtk-00600-00299870-00300470 and other resources together to focus on needs in an identified recovery plan so
iFlhogxOdtk-00601-00300470-00300929 case manager does service coordination we're kind of pulling the different
iFlhogxOdtk-00602-00300929-00301505 strings or if you want to think of it as a big big machine in a in a factory or
iFlhogxOdtk-00603-00301505-00301874 flipping the different switches at different times service coordination
iFlhogxOdtk-00604-00301874-00302243 includes case management which collaborates with the client and their
iFlhogxOdtk-00605-00302243-00302684 significant others coordination of treatment and referral services to
iFlhogxOdtk-00606-00302684-00303197 address issues contributing to and caused by addictive behaviors liaison
iFlhogxOdtk-00607-00303197-00303728 activities with community resources so we're constantly engaging going how can
iFlhogxOdtk-00608-00303728-00304175 we help you how can you help us how can we make this process go more smoothly an
iFlhogxOdtk-00609-00304175-00304853 ongoing evaluation of treatment progress and client needs service coordination in
iFlhogxOdtk-00610-00304853-00305402 addition to case management also involves client advocacy the tasks of
iFlhogxOdtk-00611-00305402-00305822 service coordination include initiating and collaborating with the referral
iFlhogxOdtk-00612-00305822-00306293 source creating a warm referral so I'm not just calling this agency for the
iFlhogxOdtk-00613-00306293-00306668 first time going hey I'm doctor Snipes you know I know you've never met me
iFlhogxOdtk-00614-00306668-00307127 before but I have this client who needs your services so I'm gonna give him your
iFlhogxOdtk-00615-00307127-00307739 number and let him call you that's cold the person doesn't know you and they
iFlhogxOdtk-00616-00307739-00308120 still don't know anything about the client a warm referral is you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00617-00308120-00308456 you've already established a connection with the agency they kind of know who
iFlhogxOdtk-00618-00308456-00309125 you are and you call up and I have this client obviously within the bounds of
iFlhogxOdtk-00619-00309125-00309653 HIPAA I have this client Sam Smith who I've referred to your agency here his
iFlhogxOdtk-00620-00309653-00310505 main presenting issues just so you can open a file and be ready for him service
iFlhogxOdtk-00621-00310505-00310892 coordination also involves obtaining reviewing and interpreting all relevant
iFlhogxOdtk-00622-00310892-00311231 screening assessment and treatment planning information so again we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00623-00311231-00311971 gathering from all the players in the in the team to figure out exactly what's
iFlhogxOdtk-00624-00311971-00312460 going on we confirm client eligibility for admission and continued readiness
iFlhogxOdtk-00625-00312460-00313069 for change for any of these resources so we're monitoring their eligibility and
iFlhogxOdtk-00626-00313069-00313387 their motivation if we don't think they're ready to do this if their
iFlhogxOdtk-00627-00313387-00313792 motivation is waned they're saying I don't think I need to go there we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00628-00313792-00314086 gonna let the team know and we're going to adjust the service plan accordingly
iFlhogxOdtk-00629-00314086-00314653 or hopefully we can increase their motivation but we want to complete
iFlhogxOdtk-00630-00314653-00315103 necessary administrative procedures for admission and coordinate all treatment
iFlhogxOdtk-00631-00315103-00315652 activities with services provided to the client by other resources so again we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00632-00315652-00316243 just making sure that the right switches get flipped at the right time we
iFlhogxOdtk-00633-00316243-00316681 establish realistic recovery expectations including the nature of
iFlhogxOdtk-00634-00316681-00317062 services we let them know what it's going to be like you know we don't want
iFlhogxOdtk-00635-00317062-00317428 them to think it's going to be a cakewalk or a vacation but we don't want
iFlhogxOdtk-00636-00317428-00317770 them to think it's going to be like jail either so let them know what this
iFlhogxOdtk-00637-00317770-00318241 programs gonna be like what are the program goals and procedures what are
iFlhogxOdtk-00638-00318241-00318744 the rules regarding client conduct the client rights and responsibilities a
iFlhogxOdtk-00639-00318744-00319351 general schedule of treatment activities the costs of treatment and facts
iFlhogxOdtk-00640-00319351-00319870 impacting their duration of treatment now where I used to work this was what
iFlhogxOdtk-00641-00319870-00320317 we did in orientation but if you've got a case manager who's serving as your
iFlhogxOdtk-00642-00320317-00320746 single point of contact they can do this orientation piece for you and make sure
iFlhogxOdtk-00643-00320746-00321235 that the client is on board with everything before they begin with your
iFlhogxOdtk-00644-00321235-00321883 program types of services that we want to look for mental health physical
iFlhogxOdtk-00645-00321883-00322402 health including you know people with substance use issues may have liver
iFlhogxOdtk-00646-00322402-00323287 issues including hepatitis brain issues including alcoholic dementia as well as
iFlhogxOdtk-00647-00323287-00323914 cognitive deficits from fetal alcohol issues HIV tuberculosis STDs the whole
iFlhogxOdtk-00648-00323914-00324457 range they need a comprehensive physical evaluation and access to services job
iFlhogxOdtk-00649-00324457-00324889 skills employment opportunities interpersonal skills
iFlhogxOdtk-00650-00324889-00325366 helping them learn how to effectively communicate assertively communicate and
iFlhogxOdtk-00651-00325366-00326074 manage their frustration and either anxiety or aggression because sometimes
iFlhogxOdtk-00652-00326074-00326578 that when people are detoxing or in early recovery their frustration their
iFlhogxOdtk-00653-00326578-00327043 patience fuse is about that thin or that small so we want to make sure that they
iFlhogxOdtk-00654-00327043-00327472 have effective interpersonal skills to get them through even when they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00655-00327472-00327931 feeling like they're barely getting through the day training in education
iFlhogxOdtk-00656-00327931-00328573 legal services housing services food child care and transportation service
iFlhogxOdtk-00657-00328573-00328870 coordination is essential to prevent clients from falling through the cracks
iFlhogxOdtk-00658-00328870-00329431 it fosters a more holistic view of the client as not just a person with an
iFlhogxOdtk-00659-00329431-00330118 addiction or a person with depression but a person so you know sometimes in
iFlhogxOdtk-00660-00330118-00330643 the old way of doing if the client no-shows because they can't find the
iFlhogxOdtk-00661-00330643-00331171 sitter the old way would say well they're being non-compliant the new way
iFlhogxOdtk-00662-00331171-00331507 would say you know what maybe they're being a responsible parent because
iFlhogxOdtk-00663-00331507-00331936 they're taking care of their kid and yes it would have been ideal to have a
iFlhogxOdtk-00664-00331936-00332323 backup but if the sitter calls five minutes before they're supposed to be
iFlhogxOdtk-00665-00332323-00332812 there and says I've got strep throat sometimes there's nothing you can do so
iFlhogxOdtk-00666-00332812-00333358 we want to view the client in terms of and all the clients behaviors in terms
iFlhogxOdtk-00667-00333358-00334003 of why did the client do this and what does it possibly mean and obviously we
iFlhogxOdtk-00668-00334003-00334462 want to look at you know how does this make sense and how was this the best
iFlhogxOdtk-00669-00334462-00335131 choice that the client saw at that point in time challenges to collaboration and
iFlhogxOdtk-00670-00335131-00335584 service coordination include the use of a different assessment tools at each
iFlhogxOdtk-00671-00335584-00336124 agency to gather the same information it can produce a fragmented picture of the
iFlhogxOdtk-00672-00336124-00336748 client unless it's all integrated because the vocational rehab is going to
iFlhogxOdtk-00673-00336748-00337129 get different information than mental health is going to get so they're all
iFlhogxOdtk-00674-00337129-00337594 getting different bits and pieces if you use the same instrument or the same
iFlhogxOdtk-00675-00337594-00338092 instruments plural then the client has to tell the same exact thing like
iFlhogxOdtk-00676-00338092-00338443 17 different times and that gets frustrating and a lot of times clients
iFlhogxOdtk-00677-00338443-00338907 will drop out because they're just like I can't do this again
iFlhogxOdtk-00678-00338907-00339424 agreeing with which agency or clinician is the lead or primary contact for the
iFlhogxOdtk-00679-00339424-00339970 client and other agencies is another collaboration issue case managers you
iFlhogxOdtk-00680-00339970-00340393 know if you can have a Memorandum of Understanding that has identifies for
iFlhogxOdtk-00681-00340393-00341110 example the case manager as being the primary point of contact that can help
iFlhogxOdtk-00682-00341110-00341542 in order to figure out who's who's lead who's the one that's you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00683-00341542-00342052 coordinating or directing this other challenges can include funding and
iFlhogxOdtk-00684-00342052-00342610 eligibility barriers for example some places will not admit persons with a
iFlhogxOdtk-00685-00342610-00343210 forcible felony so you need to know what services are out there so if you can't
iFlhogxOdtk-00686-00343210-00343612 refer to this treatment center because the person has a forcible felony then
iFlhogxOdtk-00687-00343612-00344149 what treatment center can you refer to there may be difficult to treat clients
iFlhogxOdtk-00688-00344149-00344581 and differing staff credentials where they're arguing over the best way to
iFlhogxOdtk-00689-00344581-00345172 treat a client so that can make collaboration a little bit difficult but
iFlhogxOdtk-00690-00345172-00345790 ideally the case manager or the you know team lead is able to help negotiate
iFlhogxOdtk-00691-00345790-00346534 these differences challenges can occur at three levels personal challenges
iFlhogxOdtk-00692-00346534-00347113 including attitudes and attributes you know if you are a psychiatrist and you
iFlhogxOdtk-00693-00347113-00347656 think that every client needs to have 60 days of clean time in an unrestricted
iFlhogxOdtk-00694-00347656-00348168 environment before they can be on antidepressants and then you have a
iFlhogxOdtk-00695-00348168-00348574 addiction counselor who says there's no way my clients going to get 60 days of
iFlhogxOdtk-00696-00348574-00348868 clean time in an unrestricted environment unless he's on
iFlhogxOdtk-00697-00348868-00349363 antidepressants then you're gonna have difficulty because your attitudes are
iFlhogxOdtk-00698-00349363-00350011 different about how to treat things and and what's necessary professionally you
iFlhogxOdtk-00699-00350011-00350373 may have different theoretical beliefs or approaches to treatment of addiction
iFlhogxOdtk-00700-00350373-00351057 one may be tough love the other one may be strengths based empowerment and
iFlhogxOdtk-00701-00351057-00351424 organizational challenges we're different
iFlhogxOdtk-00702-00351424-00351754 zatia pnes don't recognize the need for a partnership so they don't want to play
iFlhogxOdtk-00703-00351754-00352153 with your recovery-oriented system of care they're like if you need us refer
iFlhogxOdtk-00704-00352153-00352765 to us but i don't have time for all your meetings lack of a shared mission lack
iFlhogxOdtk-00705-00352765-00353200 of ownership by senior management and ownership means senior management says
iFlhogxOdtk-00706-00353200-00353791 this is my team and i will be responsible for what happens and what my
iFlhogxOdtk-00707-00353791-00354313 agency does you know and I will make sure that we own up to our contracts and
iFlhogxOdtk-00708-00354313-00354811 facilitate these referrals a lack of trust between agencies which often
iFlhogxOdtk-00709-00354811-00355306 happens after senior management lacks ownership where agencies have gotten
iFlhogxOdtk-00710-00355306-00355806 into partnerships before and one has not fulfilled their end of the bargain so
iFlhogxOdtk-00711-00355806-00356290 then there's no trust that anything's going to happen or they've gotten into
iFlhogxOdtk-00712-00356290-00356734 partnerships before and one agency has demanded to have their way the whole
iFlhogxOdtk-00713-00356734-00357094 time unclear guidelines for collaboration and
iFlhogxOdtk-00714-00357094-00357658 lack of a process for monitoring and managing the collaborative process so we
iFlhogxOdtk-00715-00357658-00358318 need to make sure that just like in a family counseling session we are
iFlhogxOdtk-00716-00358318-00358846 regularly checking in with every single team player to make sure that they're
iFlhogxOdtk-00717-00358846-00359308 getting their needs met they're getting the resources they need etc and we're
iFlhogxOdtk-00718-00359308-00360270 communicating effectively so recovery oriented systems of care provide a
iFlhogxOdtk-00719-00360270-00360847 basically a lifelong a safety net for people in order to help them achieve
iFlhogxOdtk-00720-00360847-00361480 their highest quality of life the goal is to help people live with learn how to
iFlhogxOdtk-00721-00361480-00361900 live with any disorder that they may have and achieve their highest quality
iFlhogxOdtk-00722-00361900-00362521 of life we recognize that treatment is not linear it is episodic and it can go
iFlhogxOdtk-00723-00362521-00362995 up and down and sometimes it can take a hard left the recovery oriented system
iFlhogxOdtk-00724-00362995-00363697 of care has services that are able to meet all of the needs of people and that
iFlhogxOdtk-00725-00363697-00364177 includes and services include the involvement of family community
iFlhogxOdtk-00726-00364177-00364669 spiritual leaders as well as the individual to make sure that you know
iFlhogxOdtk-00727-00364669-00365030 everybody is getting their needs met in an affordable
iFlhogxOdtk-00728-00365030-00365915 way because like I said we can't provide 24/7 clinical services to everybody who
iFlhogxOdtk-00729-00365915-00366278 might possibly need some which is why community support groups and
iFlhogxOdtk-00730-00366278-00366812 intervention level groups and you know community based activities and supports
iFlhogxOdtk-00731-00366812-00367340 are really really helpful already I hope this gave you some things to think about
iFlhogxOdtk-00732-00367340-00367832 for recovery oriented system of care case management service coordination and
iFlhogxOdtk-00733-00367832-00368518 referral for prepare preparing for your addiction counselor certification exam
iHQcITlFa8c-00000-00000829-00001116 What color was your year?
iHQcITlFa8c-00001-00001116-00001546 Christmas with my own mood.
iHQcITlFa8c-00002-00001557-00001941 At Daiso, where i can feel the end of the year,
iHQcITlFa8c-00003-00001941-00002356 I brought a few things after combining them.
iHQcITlFa8c-00004-00002605-00003012 I'm going to make a white Christmas centerpiece this year.
iHQcITlFa8c-00005-00003020-00003292 The total cost of the ingredients is 15,000 won.
iHQcITlFa8c-00006-00003292-00003716 I'm going to use this tree set to make a centerpiece.
iHQcITlFa8c-00007-00003716-00004046 Harmony branches with small pine cones to use together.
iHQcITlFa8c-00008-00004046-00004387 If i mix it with a tree branch to make it look like it's snowing,
iHQcITlFa8c-00009-00004390-00004732 I thought it would go well with.
iHQcITlFa8c-00010-00004733-00004993 Candle set.
iHQcITlFa8c-00011-00004993-00005450 I'll remove the leaves of this Pongpong branch and use it as an ornament.
iHQcITlFa8c-00012-00005558-00005789 It's a magnolia flower branch.
iHQcITlFa8c-00013-00005793-00006137 I'm only going to use the details of the branches.
iHQcITlFa8c-00014-00006137-00006513 Floral foam for flower arrangement.
iHQcITlFa8c-00015-00006565-00006854 Lastly, LED lights!
iHQcITlFa8c-00016-00006895-00007386 You can control the light in 8 modes.
iHQcITlFa8c-00017-00007569-00008058 Let's first dismantle the tree.
iHQcITlFa8c-00018-00008058-00008258 I'm going to put it in the floral foam,
iHQcITlFa8c-00019-00008258-00008512 so I'm going to cut the branches.
iHQcITlFa8c-00020-00008512-00008852 Spread it out well.
iHQcITlFa8c-00021-00008942-00009381 Cut the parts where the branches start.
iHQcITlFa8c-00022-00009381-00009833 I'm going to use only these three tones for the ornament.
iHQcITlFa8c-00023-00009833-00010200 I'll put the red ones aside.
iHQcITlFa8c-00024-00010200-00010500 I'm going to use it on a different tree.
iHQcITlFa8c-00025-00010500-00010856 Cut other branches so that they can arrange flowers.
iHQcITlFa8c-00026-00010856-00011204 Ready, done!
iHQcITlFa8c-00027-00011268-00011621 You can use this floral foam without wetting it in water.
iHQcITlFa8c-00028-00011626-00011799 Cut it in half vertically,
iHQcITlFa8c-00029-00011799-00012075 I'm going to make a long row center piece.
iHQcITlFa8c-00030-00012075-00012364 I connected it to the remaining branches.
iHQcITlFa8c-00031-00012365-00012677 It's good to fix it one more time with a glue gun.
iHQcITlFa8c-00032-00012677-00012947 Let's put the tree branches first.
iHQcITlFa8c-00033-00012949-00013350 Fill in the sides and corners first.
iHQcITlFa8c-00034-00013350-00013805 Insert it in a proper combination with the short branches.
iHQcITlFa8c-00035-00013805-00014261 The point is to stick it in indifferently.
iHQcITlFa8c-00036-00014261-00014551 If it's filled up,
iHQcITlFa8c-00037-00014551-00014933 Insert the snowy branches in between.
iHQcITlFa8c-00038-00014933-00015277 Put candles on it, too.
iHQcITlFa8c-00039-00015350-00015696 I'll fill it up pretty no matter where I look.
iHQcITlFa8c-00040-00015800-00016000 Point pong-pong.
iHQcITlFa8c-00041-00016012-00016310 On one side, I put a branch to hang the ornament.
iHQcITlFa8c-00042-00016312-00016558 The ornament matches the tone of gold and white.
iHQcITlFa8c-00043-00016558-00016858 My tip to make this look prettier is
iHQcITlFa8c-00044-00016858-00017104 make various volumes and
iHQcITlFa8c-00045-00017104-00017433 arranged them to look odd from one view.
iHQcITlFa8c-00046-00017433-00017773 Put it on to the last point and it's done!
iHQcITlFa8c-00047-00017903-00018410 It's enough not to spend a lot of money.
iHQcITlFa8c-00048-00018410-00018702 Everyone who touched this video,
iHQcITlFa8c-00049-00018704-00019204 I hope your end of the year shines warm with your own color♥
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00000-00002164-00002398 Deadly...🔪🔪🔪
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00001-00003148-00003386 Twix Bar 🍫
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00002-00004700-00004904 Famous Twix caramel pull!
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00003-00005640-00005944 Who thought I was going to cheat and eat this?!
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00004-00006652-00006881 😜😜😜
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00005-00008562-00009098 Don't worry. This is a straight edge, not a knife. It isn't sharp enough to cut me!
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00006-00009834-00010234 Have you ever wondered what the inside of a Twix looked like?
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00007-00011834-00012050 Playing with the caramel layer.
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00008-00022906-00023346 ☠️RIP☠️ Biscuit layer
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00009-00029280-00029677 Honey 🍯🍯🍯
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00010-00032064-00032472 Comment: "🍯🍯🍯" If you like sticky sounds!
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00011-00039156-00039480 Have you ever played with mud as a child?
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00012-00039848-00040152 This is kind of like that! Except sticky...😂
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00013-00047478-00047758 🧡Love y'all!🧡
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00014-00049456-00049916 Sorry! My camera decided to disobey...
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00015-00054800-00055088 🧡 Sweet heart! Literally.
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00016-00057990-00058690 For those of you who are new, I am living the Keto lifestyle. Which is why I can not eat these sugar treats.
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00017-00066970-00067298 This is actually a great way to relieve stress. 😅
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00018-00071786-00072018 🙂🙂🙂
iJfGmxpC_Z8-00019-00072230-00072524 😨😨😨
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00000-00000000-00001008 (Music playing)
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00001-00001008-00001592 Laws affecting how registered automotive  workshops (or RAWs), operate have changed.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00002-00001592-00001828 But we’ve introduced  transitional arrangements
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00003-00001828-00002272 to help you ease into the new  Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) laws.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00004-00002272-00002508 If you’re a registered automotive workshop
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00005-00002508-00002700 operating under the MVSA,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00006-00002700-00003032 you can still apply to import vehicles from the Interim SEVs List
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00007-00003032-00003308 until 31 March 2023.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00008-00003308-00003544 And from the MVSA SEVs Register
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00009-00003544-00003800 until 30 April 2023.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00010-00003800-00003924 After that date,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00011-00003924-00004212 vehicle owners will need to apply to import their vehicles
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00012-00004212-00004472 under the RVS legislation,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00013-00004472-00004684 however, you will still be able to supply vehicles
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00014-00004684-00005060 under your old approvals  until 30 June 2023
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00015-00005060-00005288 If you apply to be an RVS RAW now –
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00016-00005288-00005388 rather than later –
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00017-00005388-00005624 you’ll be able to take advantage of the benefits.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00018-00005624-00005748 For example,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00019-00005748-00006008 you’ll have access to a wider range of vehicles,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00020-00006008-00006264 because, when you become an RVS RAW,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00021-00006264-00006631 you don’t lose your MVSA approval (if you have one)…
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00022-00006631-00006856 So you’ll have access to vehicles on the:
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00023-00006856-00007064 • MVSA SEVs Register
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00024-00007064-00007290 • the Interim SEVS List, and the
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00025-00007290-00007495 • RVSA SEVs Register.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00026-00007495-00007744 And you don’t need to pay for your first annual levy
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00027-00007744-00007964 until you’re ready to start operating.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00028-00007964-00008108 As an RVS RAW,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00029-00008108-00008400 you can manufacture or modify certain vehicles
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00030-00008400-00008628 in accordance with their Model Reports,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00031-00008628-00009092 so they can be entered on the Register of Approved Vehicles (or RAV).
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00032-00009092-00009348 The RAV is an online database of vehicles
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00033-00009348-00009604 that meet the requirements of the RVS laws
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00034-00009604-00009912 and are approved to be provided to the Australian market.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00035-00009912-00010148 You can modify or manufacture:
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00036-00010148-00010280 • a vehicle entered on the
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00037-00010280-00010731 Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicle Register (SEVs Register), OR
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00038-00010732-00011044 • a used 2 or 3-wheeled vehicle, OR
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00039-00011044-00011512 • a road vehicle that is subject to a second stage of manufacture.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00040-00011512-00011952 If you’re continuing to work as an MVSA RAW during the transitional year,
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00041-00011952-00012092 please note that:
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00042-00012092-00012364 • you have until 31 March 2023
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00043-00012364-00012688 to apply to import a vehicle on the Interim SEVs List
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00044-00012688-00012932 • or until 30 April 2023
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00045-00012932-00013288 for vehicles from the MVSA SEVs Register, and
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00046-00013288-00013868 • all these vehicles must be plated and supplied no later than 30 June 2023.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00047-00013868-00014100 So, beat the last minute rush…
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00048-00014100-00014344 …Lock in your RVS RAW approval now
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00049-00014344-00014740 and start operating as an  RVS RAW when it suits you.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00050-00014740-00014940 Go to the department’s ROVER portal
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00051-00014940-00015332 to create an account and apply to be an RVS RAW today.
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00052-00015332-00015508 Road vehicle standards –
iKyE6bQ8CNQ-00053-00015508-00015816 keeping Australians safe on our roads.
ipve15w7k4u-00000-00000015-00000142 One of the interesting things about money
ipve15w7k4u-00001-00000160-00000240 is the economists,
ipve15w7k4u-00002-00000240-00000328 the experts,
ipve15w7k4u-00003-00000328-00000460 don't understand it very well at all.
ipve15w7k4u-00004-00000460-00000715 I used to be a volunteer at the brittish museum
ipve15w7k4u-00005-00000715-00000891 and I used to work at the money gallery
ipve15w7k4u-00006-00000891-00001046 we thought when we were setting this gallery up
ipve15w7k4u-00007-00001046-00001155 we would stick a sign on the wall
ipve15w7k4u-00008-00001155-00001318 that said: "this is money"
ipve15w7k4u-00009-00001318-00001570 with one sentence, one paragraph explanation
ipve15w7k4u-00010-00001652-00001878 then we realised we could not actually explain money at all
ipve15w7k4u-00011-00001878-00002099 so they just skipped that part of the gallery
ipve15w7k4u-00012-00002099-00002224 most of the money in the economy is actually
ipve15w7k4u-00013-00002224-00002475 just numbers in a computer system
ipve15w7k4u-00014-00002475-00002712 and we still think of it as cash but actually
ipve15w7k4u-00015-00002712-00002950 most money now is electronic
ipve15w7k4u-00016-00002950-00003168 the question is: where does that money come from?
ipve15w7k4u-00017-00003168-00003376 and unlike the cash which is
ipve15w7k4u-00018-00003376-00003576 only created by governments and central banks
ipve15w7k4u-00019-00003616-00003941 the money that is actually using for most of the economy is
ipve15w7k4u-00020-00003941-00004135 created by commercial banks
ipve15w7k4u-00021-00004208-00004467 so they create money every time somebody takes out a loan
ipve15w7k4u-00022-00004467-00004675 you walk into a bank and take out a mortgage
ipve15w7k4u-00023-00004675-00004954 that money isn't coming from somebody elses bank account
ipve15w7k4u-00024-00004954-00005105 it's actually new money
ipve15w7k4u-00025-00005105-00005350 that is created effectively out of nothing
ipve15w7k4u-00026-00005350-00005425 through the accounting
ipve15w7k4u-00027-00005433-00005674 banks do this with the trick of double entry bookkeeping
ipve15w7k4u-00028-00005674-00005843 so when you go into the bank
ipve15w7k4u-00029-00005843-00005990 and you take out a loan
ipve15w7k4u-00030-00005992-00006122 the bank does two things
ipve15w7k4u-00031-00006122-00006258 in one column of it's books
ipve15w7k4u-00032-00006258-00006399 it enters a liability
ipve15w7k4u-00033-00006421-00006585 this is the money that the bank has created
ipve15w7k4u-00034-00006585-00006714 and put into your account
ipve15w7k4u-00035-00006714-00006894 in the other column of its books
ipve15w7k4u-00036-00006894-00007102 the bank enters an asset
ipve15w7k4u-00037-00007102-00007310 this is the money that you owe back to the bank
ipve15w7k4u-00038-00007359-00007534 now everything is ok
ipve15w7k4u-00039-00007534-00007717 because the two numbers cancel out
ipve15w7k4u-00040-00007717-00007896 all of the money that we are using
ipve15w7k4u-00041-00007896-00008012 is created as debt
ipve15w7k4u-00042-00008012-00008171 for every pound that is in you bank account
ipve15w7k4u-00043-00008171-00008372 somebody else, somewhere, has a pound of debt
ipve15w7k4u-00044-00008372-00008744 the entire money supply is on loan from the banking system
ipve15w7k4u-00045-00008744-00008949 and what that means is
ipve15w7k4u-00046-00008949-00009229 that we have to pay interest on all of the money that is being created
ipve15w7k4u-00047-00009229-00009528 in the UK this interest adds up to
ipve15w7k4u-00048-00009564-00009815 £200 Billion per year
ipve15w7k4u-00049-00009815-00009984 that has been transferred from the public
ipve15w7k4u-00050-00009984-00010141 to the financial sector
ipve15w7k4u-00051-00010141-00010408 the burden of servicing this interest means that
ipve15w7k4u-00052-00010408-00010660 businesses and families have this obligation to
ipve15w7k4u-00053-00010660-00010810 keep earning money
ipve15w7k4u-00054-00010810-00011034 to repay all this debt
ipve15w7k4u-00055-00011034-00011200 but actually the debt can never be repaid
ipve15w7k4u-00056-00011200-00011366 it's a catch 22
ipve15w7k4u-00057-00011403-00011646 as an individual you want to pay off your debts
ipve15w7k4u-00058-00011646-00011845 but if everyone in society did that
ipve15w7k4u-00059-00011845-00012013 there wouldn't be any money left
ipve15w7k4u-00060-00012013-00012231 because money actually is debt
ipve15w7k4u-00061-00012247-00012451 so if we all pay off our debts
ipve15w7k4u-00062-00012451-00012682 then our current economic system would collapse
ipve15w7k4u-00063-00012696-00012886 what we need to do to fix the money system
ipve15w7k4u-00064-00012886-00013133 is to remove the power to create money from the banks
ipve15w7k4u-00065-00013146-00013364 return it to some democratic,
ipve15w7k4u-00066-00013364-00013575 transparent and accountable body
ipve15w7k4u-00067-00013575-00013789 and make sure that money is created
ipve15w7k4u-00068-00013789-00013929 in the public interest
ipve15w7k4u-00069-00013929-00014138 and spent into the real economy
ipve15w7k4u-00070-00014138-00014347 instead of being pumped into property bubbles
ipve15w7k4u-00071-00014347-00014481 and financial markets
ipve15w7k4u-00072-00014481-00014652 if we had a monetary system
ipve15w7k4u-00073-00014652-00014809 in which governments had sovereign control
ipve15w7k4u-00074-00014809-00014982 over the money supply
ipve15w7k4u-00075-00014982-00015158 then it would be
ipve15w7k4u-00076-00015158-00015373 perfectly legitimate for governments to invest
ipve15w7k4u-00077-00015400-00015627 in the things that we know that we need
ipve15w7k4u-00078-00015627-00015839 in order to create a good society
ipve15w7k4u-00079-00015839-00015996 a low carbon society
ipve15w7k4u-00080-00015996-00016168 a society which is sustainable
ipve15w7k4u-00081-00016168-00016434 a society in which we have more equality
ipve15w7k4u-00082-00016444-00016606 the money system is absolutely
ipve15w7k4u-00083-00016606-00016708 key to that vision
ipve15w7k4u-00084-00016708-00016822 in such a system
ipve15w7k4u-00085-00016822-00016937 we'd still have banks
ipve15w7k4u-00086-00016937-00017030 but they would only
ipve15w7k4u-00087-00017030-00017141 be allowed to loan money
ipve15w7k4u-00088-00017141-00017224 which had been deposited with them
ipve15w7k4u-00089-00017224-00017437 it would reduce inflation in the economy
ipve15w7k4u-00090-00017437-00017663 it would allow us to reduce resource use
ipve15w7k4u-00091-00017663-00017934 and it would give us a much more stable financial system
ipve15w7k4u-00092-00017934-00018033 with that kind of framework
ipve15w7k4u-00093-00018033-00018142 an independent monetary authority
ipve15w7k4u-00094-00018142-00018350 with the money supply actually
ipve15w7k4u-00095-00018350-00018525 under sovereign control but
ipve15w7k4u-00096-00018525-00018702 regulated by an independent authority
ipve15w7k4u-00097-00018702-00018913 is a much, much safer route
ipve15w7k4u-00098-00018913-00019065 than anything we've had before
ipve15w7k4u-00099-00019800-00020100 Subtitles by the Amara.org community
iT1AljV-OSQ-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience?
iT1AljV-OSQ-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer
iT1AljV-OSQ-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is
iT1AljV-OSQ-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service
iT1AljV-OSQ-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else
iT1AljV-OSQ-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation
iT1AljV-OSQ-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii
iT1AljV-OSQ-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are
iT1AljV-OSQ-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now
iT1AljV-OSQ-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service
iVmR3_NlwBk-00000-00000264-00000996 How do you know  how much you've done in terms of fulfilling the part that  you are to play in everything
iVmR3_NlwBk-00001-00001003-00001238 and the thing that just came immediately
iVmR3_NlwBk-00002-00001248-00001426 to my mind was,
iVmR3_NlwBk-00003-00001466-00001755 when Jesus starts out of sentence in the Course with
iVmR3_NlwBk-00004-00001810-00002098 "the one right use of judgment,"
iVmR3_NlwBk-00005-00002160-00002610 'cause to me that's a fascinating way to begin a sentence,
iVmR3_NlwBk-00006-00002652-00003048 because  Jesus is known for the Sermon on the Mount and
iVmR3_NlwBk-00007-00003060-00003396 most specifically for teaching in the Bible
iVmR3_NlwBk-00008-00003411-00003668 " judge not lest you be judged ",
iVmR3_NlwBk-00009-00003697-00004010 so when Jesus Christ  starts out a sentence with
iVmR3_NlwBk-00010-00004072-00004352 "the one right use of judgment"
iVmR3_NlwBk-00011-00004362-00004742 that gets my attention , that peaks  my attention.
iVmR3_NlwBk-00012-00004742-00005036 I can't wait to hear what he's going to follow that with
iVmR3_NlwBk-00013-00005074-00005372 and in the Course he says, the one right use of judgment,
iVmR3_NlwBk-00014-00005394-00005836 is the question, "how do you feel?"
iVmR3_NlwBk-00015-00005924-00006202 So he's saying that
iVmR3_NlwBk-00016-00006222-00006978 we still have this barometer in us that can still tell us how tuned in we are,
iVmR3_NlwBk-00017-00006980-00007184 how align we are with Spirit,
iVmR3_NlwBk-00018-00007194-00007334 "  how do you feel ?"
iVmR3_NlwBk-00019-00007359-00007722 and so I would add this one word at the end of that
iVmR3_NlwBk-00020-00007728-00007912 how do, how do I feel now?
iVmR3_NlwBk-00021-00008020-00008456 That is telling me how things are going
iVmR3_NlwBk-00022-00008540-00008884 and if you keep that barometer  open
iVmR3_NlwBk-00023-00008884-00009122 you keep tuned in and you pay attention to that
iVmR3_NlwBk-00024-00009134-00009606 wow ! That's taking us all the way back to the gateway to Heaven.
iVmR3_NlwBk-00025-00009624-00009926 That we are responsible for how we feel
iVmR3_NlwBk-00026-00009972-00010340 and we are being informed and
iVmR3_NlwBk-00027-00010346-00010576 instructed on how to purify our hearts
iVmR3_NlwBk-00028-00010578-00011014 and to live, in joy and peace
iVmR3_NlwBk-00029-00011032-00011306 in the presence of the Creator.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00000-00000138-00000212 fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00001-00000212-00000286 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00002-00000286-00000373 fasho, fashizzy, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00003-00000472-00000545 fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00004-00000545-00000614 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00005-00000614-00000693 fasho, fashizzy, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00006-00000789-00000862 fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00007-00000862-00000934 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00008-00000934-00001017 fasho, fashizzy, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00009-00001116-00001187 fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00010-00001187-00001261 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00011-00001261-00001393 fasho, fashizzy, fashizzy.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00012-00001465-00001626 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00013-00001626-00001697 fasho, fashizzy, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00014-00001760-00001927 the hottest girl in the city,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00015-00001927-00002038 the hottest girl in the city, you know?
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00016-00002100-00002268 if he ain't with me, then he trippin,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00017-00002268-00002375 if he ain't with me then he trippin, for sure.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00018-00002437-00002612 i'm off the edge, your boy will miss me,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00019-00002612-00002812 i'm off the edge, your boy will miss me, for sure.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00020-00002930-00003000 oh,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00021-00003000-00003110 boy, it's hard to leave you,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00022-00003110-00003274 boy, it's hard to leave you, but i gotta let go.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00023-00003274-00003449 i decided,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00024-00003449-00003624 i decided, i don't like this,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00025-00003624-00003933 oh, i can't heal or hide this.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00026-00003933-00004119 boy, you love me?
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00027-00004119-00004200 boy, you love me? not surprising.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00028-00004200-00004283 boy, you love me? not surprising. (not surprising, 'prising.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00029-00004283-00004364 so what's the point in trying? (not surprising, 'prising.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00030-00004364-00004500 so what's the point in trying?
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00031-00004500-00004588 so what's the point in trying? (there's no point in trying.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00032-00004588-00004671 pick the last piece, (there's no point in trying.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00033-00004671-00004779 pick the last piece,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00034-00004779-00004859 i was hiding.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00035-00004859-00004951 i was hiding. (i was hiding, hiding.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00036-00004951-00005011 there's nothing left inside me. (i was hiding, hiding.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00037-00005011-00005228 there's nothing left inside me.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00038-00005228-00005418 but i'll ride it,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00039-00005418-00005511 but i'll ride it, 'cause i'm forced to.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00040-00005511-00005620 but i'll ride it, 'cause i'm forced to. (forced to.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00041-00005620-00005869 (piece it all together.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00042-00005869-00006196 (you're a liar, a pretender.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00043-00006196-00006417 (taking me down with you.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00044-00006479-00006571 (and i don't want you.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00045-00006571-00006672 oh no. (and i don't want you.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00046-00006731-00006931 i won't repeat, (fasho, fashizzy, i know.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00047-00006969-00007209 everything you do feels so naughty to me,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00048-00007209-00007326 everything you do feels so naughty to me, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00049-00007326-00007547 you'll find your heartbeat,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00050-00007662-00007993 around the time that i let go.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00051-00008100-00008165 (fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00052-00008165-00008238 (fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00053-00008238-00008331 (fasho, fashizzy, i know.)
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00054-00008347-00008520 say it ain't so.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00055-00008534-00008799 boy, you need to gain my respect, 
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00056-00008799-00008953 boy, you need to gain my respect, and you're bound to.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00057-00009000-00009154 let me know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00058-00009245-00009343 fasho.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00059-00009413-00009556 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00060-00009556-00009658 fasho, fashizzy, i know.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00061-00009707-00009885 the hottest girl in the city,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00062-00009885-00009982 the hottest girl in the city, you know?
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00063-00010052-00010238 if he ain't with me, then he trippin,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00064-00010238-00010333 if he ain't with me, then he trippin, for sure.
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00065-00010400-00010474 fasho,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00066-00010474-00010550 fasho, fashizzy,
iVuM2Bv3vdo-00067-00010550-00010736 fashizzy.
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00000-00000072-00000653 hello guys and welcome to a new video. I'm finally back after a very long break and in case you don'tknow
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00001-00000653-00001080 one month ago I made a post about an injury I had in my thumb which forced me to take a long
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00002-00001080-00001560 break from the game, this injury has many different names like Gamers thumb or texting thumb and it
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00003-00001560-00002004 starts with pain around the joints that spreads all the way across the back of your thumb and
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00004-00002004-00002496 it can happen to anyone whether you're gaming or texting or using computers at work, so I want to
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00005-00002496-00002952 tell you guys real quick what I did to recover from it because as Gamers we're very vulnerable
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00006-00002952-00003462 to this injury and not many people know about it including me. I had to do my own research
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00007-00003462-00003942 But before we start I want to tell you guys about a free way to earn rewards: lootboy is a free app
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00008-00003942-00004692 available on iOS, Android, app gallery and PC with over 15 million registered users and a 4.6 Stars
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00009-00004692-00005160 rating on Google Play, this app provides free loot packs that you can open using loot coins
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00010-00005160-00005652 and premium loot packs that you can open either with real money or for free using diamonds which
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00011-00005652-00006144 you can collect by finishing tasks, so I'm gonna be using diamonds to open 10 warzone 2 premium
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00012-00006144-00006606 loot packs just make sure you read the description of the pack you're opening, so in this pack I'll be
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00013-00006606-00007171 getting four random reward cards and One Premium card that has a chance of getting either COD points
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00014-00007171-00007673 or other rewards including full PC games. like in this pack I got four random rewards: two
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00015-00007673-00008250 free starter packs one in villagers and heroes and another in Blood of Titans as well as 2 000 loot
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00016-00008250-00008796 coins that I can use to open other free packs and a free tier 3 US Cruiser ship in World of
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00017-00008796-00009336 Warships as for the Premium Pack I didn't get COD points but instead I won a full PC game for free
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00018-00009336-00009876 and as an extra reward for opening a bundle of 10 packs you get a free black market bonus loot pack
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00019-00009876-00010404 that includes cheat chips which you can exchange for rewards of your choice. loot boy doesn't only
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00020-00010404-00010878 give you the chance to win free rewards but it also allows you to meet other fellow gamers in
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00021-00010878-00011340 the chat radar section, just set your own gaming preferences and it will automatically match you
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00022-00011340-00011748 with other Gamers that share the same interest so you don't have to game alone. check out the
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00023-00011748-00012174 link in the description and by using my code Lootboy will give you a free Community loot pack
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00024-00012174-00012636 exclusive for new users only and you can redeem it from the settings by clicking redeem code
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00025-00012918-00013391 back to the video on how to deal with Gamers Thumb in three simple steps: the first and
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00026-00013391-00013878 the most important thing I did is to stop playing immediately and take a long rest because the more
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00027-00013878-00014352 you play the worse it gets and the recommended rest duration is between four to six weeks and
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00028-00014352-00014808 in my case I took seven weeks of rest because my injury was really bad as I kept playing
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00029-00014808-00015258 despite the pain and during these seven weeks I avoided using my hand unless I really had to
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00030-00015378-00015925 the second thing I did during the rest are hand exercises and there are so many exercises onYoutube
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00031-00015925-00016338 but be careful because some of these are actually misleading and can make your injury worse
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00032-00016338-00016746 but anyway I'll leave a link in the description to the best and the most efficient one that actually
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00033-00016746-00017394 helped me with my injury and finally get yourself a hand splint, you can find them in pharmacies just
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00034-00017394-00017796 make sure you get the right one because there are different ones for different injuries so what it
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00035-00017796-00018290 does: first of all it keeps the thumb in a fixed position to avoid the pain caused by moving your thumb
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00036-00018290-00018708 and second of all it helps a little with the recovery process. now let's move on to the gameplay
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00037-00018708-00019176 and you know every time I take a break I become Rusty, my aim and movement are so bad I'm sure a
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00038-00019176-00019590 lot of you guys can relate to that so I always wait for Alcatraz to come out because it's the
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00039-00019590-00020046 best and the fastest way to get your skills back so this game was a bit challenging mainly for the
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00040-00020046-00020490 fact that I was still in the process of recovering my skill back and it had a bad start but I made
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00041-00020490-00020934 a nice comeback and the late game was so much fun, I hope you guys enjoy and let's get started
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00042-00023472-00023826 I got overconfident there, the enemy was low so I went to finish him off
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00043-00023826-00024156 with the remaining five bullets but his teammate was there and kinda messed up
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00044-00024156-00024528 my rush and I got stuck reloading and to make things worse I really wanted to land
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00045-00024528-00025092 on Cell house to go for a Revenge but the game decided to throw me near docks
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00046-00026939-00027300 this has become an annoying Trend by many shotgun players where they would
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00047-00027300-00027702 wait for you behind cover to push them to get an easy kill, I expected this one
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00048-00027702-00028116 to camp at this corner but he chose to Camp underground so I surprised him from the top
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00049-00028116-00028560 and honestly sometimes I just take my chances and rush them anyway because it gets boring
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00050-00031632-00031980 unlike the first death I think I did well here; I knocked 2 but I
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00051-00031980-00032304 got sandwiched by the other two and they melted me from both sides but
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00052-00032304-00032598 luckily this time the game gave me a chance to get my revenge
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00053-00051552-00051894 I hope you guys enjoyed the gameplay and if you did a like would be highly
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00054-00051894-00052290 appreciated and remember to try and avoid playing for long hours and rest your hands
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00055-00052290-00052662 so you don't end up like me and don't forget to check out loot boy and use my code
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00056-00052662-00052896 thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next video
iWLlsFSS2Hc-00057-00052975-00053175 PEACE <3
iXZ8IKnluME-00000-00000891-00000981 In this final task,
iXZ8IKnluME-00001-00000981-00001134 I'll combine all the individual parameters
iXZ8IKnluME-00002-00001134-00001493 into one layer representing the combination of all parameters.
iXZ8IKnluME-00003-00001493-00001825 This will represent the acceptable area for helipad locations.
iXZ8IKnluME-00004-00001825-00002193 Then I will run a clip algorithm on airports to determine which airports
iXZ8IKnluME-00005-00002193-00002336 meet all those criteria.
iXZ8IKnluME-00006-00002336-00002707 I'll open up the graphical modeler. I'll show you a different way to open the model
iXZ8IKnluME-00007-00002707-00002749 here.
iXZ8IKnluME-00008-00002749-00003152 I'm going to go to Processing, Graphical Modeler and then I'll
iXZ8IKnluME-00009-00003152-00003600 hit the Open button and select our Helipad Site Selection model.
iXZ8IKnluME-00010-00003600-00003965 This open model dialogue will default to your
iXZ8IKnluME-00011-00003965-00004280 "my data folder" that was set as your preferences.
iXZ8IKnluME-00012-00004280-00004744 That's another way to open up your model. I'll expand this so we can see the
iXZ8IKnluME-00013-00004744-00004805 whole thing.
iXZ8IKnluME-00014-00004805-00005232 I can combine the water buffer,  the county roads buffer,
iXZ8IKnluME-00015-00005232-00005554 and the three-mile ring around Corpus Christi using
iXZ8IKnluME-00016-00005554-00005950 the intersect algorithm.  This will compute the area of overlap between those three
iXZ8IKnluME-00017-00005950-00006023 areas.
iXZ8IKnluME-00018-00006023-00006544 I'm going to go to the Algorithms tab,  expand QGIS geo-algorithms,
iXZ8IKnluME-00019-00006544-00007088 expand Vector Overlay and double-click on Intersection.
iXZ8IKnluME-00020-00007088-00007711 The input layer is going to be the difference algorithm, intersect layer is
iXZ8IKnluME-00021-00007711-00007864 going to be a fixed distance buffer.
iXZ8IKnluME-00022-00007864-00008225 I believe that we want the one for roads, I think it'll be the second one.
iXZ8IKnluME-00023-00008225-00008544 If not, we can adjust that later.
iXZ8IKnluME-00024-00008544-00008944 And here we need more than two inputs to this intersect.
iXZ8IKnluME-00025-00008944-00009395 We'll click this ellipsis button to open up the multiple selection window
iXZ8IKnluME-00026-00009395-00009741 and we're going to choose the third fixed distance buffer which should be the water
iXZ8IKnluME-00027-00009741-00009802 features.
iXZ8IKnluME-00028-00009802-00010167 Click OK. We'll click Ok on this and make sure it's
iXZ8IKnluME-00029-00010167-00010611 picking up on the right inputs.  So, yes it's got the two distance buffers, one from water,
iXZ8IKnluME-00030-00010611-00011039 one from roads and then the difference algorithm.  Finally I'll clip the airports with the
iXZ8IKnluME-00031-00011039-00011264 output of the Intersect giving me the final solution.
iXZ8IKnluME-00032-00011264-00011936 I'm going to double click on clip;  the input layer is going to be
iXZ8IKnluME-00033-00011936-00012275 the "clipped from algorithm" which is the airports,
iXZ8IKnluME-00034-00012275-00012620 clip player is going to be the intersection
iXZ8IKnluME-00035-00012620-00012928 and here we are going to name the output
iXZ8IKnluME-00036-00012928-00013444 Final Solution.
iXZ8IKnluME-00037-00013444-00013988 Now I'll click OK.  Let me expand this so we can see
iXZ8IKnluME-00038-00013988-00014688 the whole thing.
iXZ8IKnluME-00039-00015127-00015412 There's our whole model. I'm going to click Save to save the model
iXZ8IKnluME-00040-00015412-00016006 and my model is complete. So I'm going to close it. I'm going to expand models,  expand GST 102
iXZ8IKnluME-00041-00016006-00016655 and right-click on this and choose "execute".  It's a little bit bigger than the first
iXZ8IKnluME-00042-00016655-00016725 time we ran it because it's
iXZ8IKnluME-00043-00016725-00017200 got all these different inputs to it. I'm going to fill out the parameters and run it.
iXZ8IKnluME-00044-00017200-00017320 Road is the input for roads,
iXZ8IKnluME-00045-00017320-00017686 airports for airports and counties for counties,
iXZ8IKnluME-00046-00017686-00018114 water for water features,  city boundaries layer.
iXZ8IKnluME-00047-00018114-00018425 The county name attribute is going to be
iXZ8IKnluME-00048-00018425-00019004 County. The city boundaries attribute is going to be name.
iXZ8IKnluME-00049-00019004-00019338 Road attributes is going to be route type.
iXZ8IKnluME-00050-00019338-00019791 I'm going to click the ellipsis button to choose the name of the final solution file
iXZ8IKnluME-00051-00019791-00020122 and you can choose save to a temporary file or save to file.
iXZ8IKnluME-00052-00020122-00020625 I'll click that and I'm gonna go to my C- Drive where my
iXZ8IKnluME-00053-00020625-00020994 lab data folder is. Go into lab 5,
iXZ8IKnluME-00054-00020994-00021295 lab 5 data,  my data.  I'm going to
iXZ8IKnluME-00055-00021295-00021929 call this "final solution".  This will be the shapefile that is the final solution
iXZ8IKnluME-00056-00021929-00021988 of the
iXZ8IKnluME-00057-00021988-00022443 analysis. This other output is the Nueces County Boundary.
iXZ8IKnluME-00058-00022443-00022768 I'll save this to the same location
iXZ8IKnluME-00059-00022768-00023240 and call it Nueces County. Dot shape.
iXZ8IKnluME-00060-00023240-00023541 so I've got my
iXZ8IKnluME-00061-00023541-00023869 entire model fleshed out and I'll click run
iXZ8IKnluME-00062-00023869-00024298 and watch all of
iXZ8IKnluME-00063-00024298-00024635 the progress bars go by as different aspects of the model
iXZ8IKnluME-00064-00024635-00025223 get completed. Okay, so there we go
iXZ8IKnluME-00065-00025223-00025808 we have our final solution added. Let's open up the attribute table for this
iXZ8IKnluME-00066-00025808-00026135 and that should be the correct
iXZ8IKnluME-00067-00026135-00026503 solution, Cuddihy Field, which means there's one
iXZ8IKnluME-00068-00026503-00026891 airport that meets all the criteria.  In this lab you've been exposed to both
iXZ8IKnluME-00069-00026891-00027041 site selection modeling
iXZ8IKnluME-00070-00027041-00027376 and the use of the graphical model in building a workflow.
iXZ8IKnluME-00071-00027376-00027764 Building a model certainly is time-consuming but the benefits are
iXZ8IKnluME-00072-00027764-00027974 many, especially if this is a work flow you're going to have to
iXZ8IKnluME-00073-00027974-00028352 perform many times. If I open up this model and choose Edit
iXZ8IKnluME-00074-00028352-00028688 notice that there is a button here for
iXZ8IKnluME-00075-00028688-00029060 exporting the models and image. This will create graphic
iXZ8IKnluME-00076-00029060-00029414 file like a JPEG that can be included in a report or presentation.
iXZ8IKnluME-00077-00029414-00029736 This can help you explain the technical workflow to others.
iXZ8IKnluME-00078-00029736-00030141 Another advantage of setting up an analysis in the graphical modeler
iXZ8IKnluME-00079-00030141-00030539 is if a client changes their mind on the distance from Corpus Christi
iXZ8IKnluME-00080-00030539-00030956 you could simply adjust that buffer distance in the model and then rerun it.
iXZ8IKnluME-00081-00030956-00031104 to see other solution changed.
iXZ8IKnluME-00082-00031104-00031444 Without the model you'd be starting from scratch in that scenario
iXZ8IKnluME-00083-00031444-00031832 This model can now be run against a similar set of data on a different site
iXZ8IKnluME-00084-00031832-00031997 such as Seattle or Boston.
iXZ8IKnluME-00085-00031997-00032383 If you were to run it against another set of data,  some of the parameters that the
iXZ8IKnluME-00086-00032383-00032593 Extract by Attribute would have to be edited,
iXZ8IKnluME-00087-00032593-00033098 however that  is easily done and models allow you to streamline these big workflows.
iXZ8IKnluME-00088-00033098-00033409 You essentially created a custom tool for
iXZ8IKnluME-00089-00033409-00033777 determining helipad locations with these parameters that could be run anywhere.
ia4BHhCQbxk-00000-00000003-00000711 Hi everyone, it's Agnes and I've got a viewers question from 'A.' 'A' says:
ia4BHhCQbxk-00001-00000711-00001596 What does 1st best feel like? How will I know if I am feeling at 1st best? Now,
ia4BHhCQbxk-00002-00001596-00002421 good question 'A.' Firstly I'm going to talk about what it feels like to feel 2nd best and
ia4BHhCQbxk-00003-00002421-00003105 then I will rewind. When you feel 2nd best you feel unloved, unwanted, not good enough
ia4BHhCQbxk-00004-00003105-00003945 and that you're not a priority and that you're not important. So if you're feeling 1st best it is the
ia4BHhCQbxk-00005-00003945-00004758 opposite. 1st best is a feeling of feeling loved, of feeling wanted, feeling at peace, feeling that
ia4BHhCQbxk-00006-00004758-00005355 you have enough love okay. Because when you're in the 2nd best you feel like you don't have enough
ia4BHhCQbxk-00007-00005355-00006066 love so when you're in 1st best you feel like you do have enough love. So good question 'A'
ia4BHhCQbxk-00008-00006066-00006801 because sometimes it seems obvious but it's not, when you break something down the mechanics of it
ia4BHhCQbxk-00009-00006801-00007350 what does it actually mean. Because we hear the words but how does it actually feel was
ia4BHhCQbxk-00010-00007350-00007944 a good question. So I hope that's explained it a little bit. I will put down below a playlist
ia4BHhCQbxk-00011-00007944-00008664 I did called '1st Best / 2nd Best' and another playlist I did about third parties because these
ia4BHhCQbxk-00012-00008664-00009297 subjects seem to go hand in hand. So lots of love everyone and I will see you in the next YouTube.
iboCzMold-Y-00000-00000318-00000522 Greetings traveler...
iboCzMold-Y-00001-00000702-00001106 We've been waiting a long  time for you.
iboCzMold-Y-00002-00001119-00001601 The ancient, Fabulous Fear Machine calls you.
iboCzMold-Y-00003-00001700-00001927 Use it, and everything you've ever dreamt of...
iboCzMold-Y-00004-00001927-00002202 will be within your reach.
iboCzMold-Y-00005-00002304-00002510 What are your deepest desires?
iboCzMold-Y-00006-00002526-00002717 Power?
iboCzMold-Y-00007-00002810-00002901 Wealth?
iboCzMold-Y-00008-00002917-00003127 Glory?
iboCzMold-Y-00009-00003220-00003523 The Machine and its Agents will aid you.
iboCzMold-Y-00010-00003614-00003919 In return, we ask for the merest token:
iboCzMold-Y-00011-00004003-00004601 Your story will become a part of the Machine, forever...
iboCzMold-Y-00012-00004706-00004907 Are you willing to pay this price?
iboCzMold-Y-00013-00005012-00005221 *screams of terror*
iboCzMold-Y-00014-00005221-00005518 Then, insert your coin.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00000-00001040-00001356 PORT OF VILANOVA I LA GELTRÚ
ib_yOPS0EGc-00001-00003084-00003279 HOOKS WITHOUT BIRDS
ib_yOPS0EGc-00003-00005124-00005588 We leave the port at 2 or 2:30 am
ib_yOPS0EGc-00004-00005620-00005852 and get to the fishing ground.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00005-00005912-00006060 We haul the longlines.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00006-00006072-00006604 If everything works fine, it takes between 4 and 4.5 hours.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00007-00006652-00006944 This is a bottom longline.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00008-00007059-00007544 We always try to catch longline hake,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00009-00007592-00007920 which is the highest-valued fish.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00010-00008064-00008412 But we might also catch forkbeards, rockfish, congers,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00011-00008448-00008596 blackmouth catsharks...
ib_yOPS0EGc-00012-00009512-00009756 Longline fishing is one of the most selective
ib_yOPS0EGc-00013-00009768-00010096 and eco-friendly fishing activities in the marine environment.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00014-00010108-00010464 Though other unwanted species might get caught too.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00015-00010508-00010920 When the longline sinks, birds try to feed on the bait.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00016-00011000-00011244 Sometimes, they manage to steal it,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00017-00011260-00011504 but other times, they get hooked.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00018-00011824-00012088 I'm Jaume, the skipper. He's the engineer.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00019-00012156-00012356 He's my first cousin.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00020-00012436-00012552 His name's Josep.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00021-00012576-00012940 At around 8 or 10, we went to school but already fished.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00022-00012976-00013412 On Saturday, our fathers went fishing. That was years ago.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00023-00013432-00013884 We went with our fathers on a little boat
ib_yOPS0EGc-00024-00013904-00014091 from a very young age.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00025-00014280-00014704 The longline hake is distinguished by the way it dies.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00026-00014884-00015176 It dies on the hook and in the box.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00027-00015228-00015536 It doesn't choke in a net,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00028-00015560-00015891 it isn't dragged inside a sack full of mud.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00029-00015916-00016156 It's the cleanest way of dying.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00030-00016184-00016624 As though you fished it with a rod on the beach and put it in a box.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00031-00016640-00016864 And from the box to the kitchen.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00032-00023432-00023600 CURRENTLY IT IS ESTIMATED
ib_yOPS0EGc-00034-00024884-00025332 Shearwaters and Audouin's gulls are the most affected species.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00035-00025392-00025768 They're endemic to the Mediterranean and are protected.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00036-00025836-00026276 Among them is the Balearic shearwater, which is critically endangered.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00037-00026327-00026624 It's a migratory and diving species.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00038-00026636-00026944 It usually follows fishing ships to find food.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00039-00027000-00027295 Nowadays, there are only around 3,000 breeding pairs.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00040-00027312-00027568 They only breed on the Balearic Islands.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00041-00027639-00027868 If the decreasing trend continues,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00042-00027888-00028183 they could become extinct in around 40 years.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00043-00028400-00028883 The bycatch in longlines is a primary cause for their decline.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00044-00029283-00029608 Shearwaters have a long lifespan, a late maturity
ib_yOPS0EGc-00045-00029620-00029832 and breed a single chick per year.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00046-00029848-00030283 This makes them very sensitive to the mortality caused by fishing.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00048-00031532-00031732 DEPT. OF ANIMAL BIOLOGY
ib_yOPS0EGc-00049-00033332-00033604 This bird was caught in a bottom longliner
ib_yOPS0EGc-00050-00033616-00033788 in Vilanova i la Geltrú
ib_yOPS0EGc-00051-00033852-00034040 that was fishing hake
ib_yOPS0EGc-00052-00034080-00034476 near the coast, at around 10 miles out.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00053-00034564-00035036 It tried to get the bait while they were setting the longline.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00054-00035096-00035400 It ended up swallowing the hook
ib_yOPS0EGc-00055-00035452-00035744 and the bait simultaneously.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00056-00035904-00036304 It got caught and, since bottom longlines sink fast,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00057-00036484-00036988 there was no time to free it, it sunk and drowned to death.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00058-00037076-00037576 Many Balearic shearwaters get hooked in the port in Vilanova, don't they?
ib_yOPS0EGc-00059-00037588-00037892 Yes, it's an important area for Balearic shearwaters
ib_yOPS0EGc-00060-00037928-00038404 A large number of birds of this species go there to feed.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00061-00038576-00039024 When fishermen incidentally catch them and we are not onboard,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00062-00039056-00039532 they keep them for us so we can later study here
ib_yOPS0EGc-00063-00039576-00039912 the effects of the mortality in longline fishing
ib_yOPS0EGc-00064-00039960-00040116 on shearwaters
ib_yOPS0EGc-00065-00040132-00040456 and other captured species, the most sensitive ones.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00066-00041008-00041220 Our research team is led
ib_yOPS0EGc-00067-00041232-00041516 by professor and researcher Jacob González Solís,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00068-00041528-00041808 with vast experience in the study of seabirds.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00069-00042160-00042468 In order to determine the incidental catch rates
ib_yOPS0EGc-00070-00042484-00042784 we have initiated a program of on-board observers,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00071-00042824-00043072 which is coordinated by Vero Cortés
ib_yOPS0EGc-00072-00043100-00043500 and assisted by degree and master students
ib_yOPS0EGc-00073-00043516-00043828 from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00074-00043852-00044216 So far, we've carried out around 200 fishing trips.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00075-00044248-00044764 This way, we can determine the bycatch rates,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00076-00044792-00045260 how many birds per hooks set are caught by accident.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00077-00045284-00045508 One of the fundamental concerns
ib_yOPS0EGc-00078-00045544-00045876 is that sometimes there are massive catches
ib_yOPS0EGc-00079-00045892-00046296 of hundreds of individuals in a single setting.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00080-00046344-00046664 These numbers of catches are hardly sustainable,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00081-00046676-00047044 mainly when talking about species like the Balearic shearwater,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00082-00047056-00047352 which only has around 3,000 breeding pairs.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00083-00047428-00047668 In that sense, it's important to determine
ib_yOPS0EGc-00084-00047680-00047916 the scope of these massive catches
ib_yOPS0EGc-00085-00047948-00048296 but also very difficult, as they happen very seldom.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00086-00048320-00048608 Moreover, it's important to determine
ib_yOPS0EGc-00087-00048644-00048900 how to modify the fishing activity
ib_yOPS0EGc-00088-00048924-00049380 so that longlines catch as few birds as possible.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00089-00049516-00049684 In this sense,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00090-00049720-00050216 they've been testing mitigation measures for years in the Southern Ocean,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00091-00050236-00050528 some of which have proved to be highly effective.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00092-00050604-00051044 In the context of our project, we're trying to adapt these measures
ib_yOPS0EGc-00093-00051068-00051412 to the reality of the longline fleet in the Spanish Levant
ib_yOPS0EGc-00094-00051436-00051844 and determine which of them are the most effective ones.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00095-00052012-00052444 We're testing four different measures to mitigate bycatch.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00096-00052732-00053032 Placing bird-scaring lines over the longline
ib_yOPS0EGc-00097-00053044-00053264 to be able to deter birds.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00098-00053679-00053916 Adding weights or using smaller floats
ib_yOPS0EGc-00099-00053928-00054324 so that the longline sinks faster and birds cannot steal the bait.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00100-00054655-00054848 Using artificial baits,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00101-00054864-00055128 since they're less attractive to birds.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00102-00055452-00055684 Setting the longline during the night
ib_yOPS0EGc-00103-00055700-00055972 when birds are less active.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00104-00056688-00057144 PORT OF EL MASNOU
ib_yOPS0EGc-00105-00058100-00058228 I visited Pep Arcos,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00106-00058240-00058484 coordinator of SEO/BirdLife's marine programme,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00107-00058500-00058800 an association devoted to the conservation of birds.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00108-00058832-00059100 I wanted to get his view on this conflict.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00109-00059208-00059540 SEO/BirdLife proposed, what one could call,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00110-00059552-00059872 important areas for the conservation of seabirds.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00111-00059952-00060372 What we did was to identify and propose these areas
ib_yOPS0EGc-00112-00060448-00061028 which later the Spanish Government adopted as its own
ib_yOPS0EGc-00113-00061096-00061512 to make its proposal regarding birds for the network Natura 2000,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00114-00061532-00061944 that is, the Special Protection Areas for Birds or ZEPA.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00115-00061964-00062291 We must take into account that if an area is protected,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00116-00062308-00062664 it doesn't only affect fishing, but also other activities.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00117-00062684-00063108 For instance, a harmful activity for fishermen
ib_yOPS0EGc-00118-00063120-00063316 is oil exploration.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00119-00063344-00063867 Unfortunately, at present we see several instances of this in Spain.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00120-00063924-00064136 Thus, an oil exploration company
ib_yOPS0EGc-00121-00064148-00064464 or another facility making a serious impact
ib_yOPS0EGc-00122-00064500-00064852 that affects an area of the network Natura 2000
ib_yOPS0EGc-00123-00064888-00065191 will face a lot more restrictions.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00124-00065204-00065524 Eventually, this will not only benefit the ecosystem
ib_yOPS0EGc-00125-00065536-00065872 or the marine environment, but also the fisheries sector,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00126-00065884-00066348 a sector that is really at work everyday.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00127-00066384-00066800 So, as long as the marine environment is in good condition.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00128-00066832-00067060 birds benefit from it.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00129-00067096-00067636 Birds are indicators of the state of the marine environment.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00130-00067680-00067860 I think it's a common goal.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00131-00070208-00070740 Birds eat the sardine, which is in the hook to get the hake.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00132-00070764-00071304 I don't want to catch birds or protected species
ib_yOPS0EGc-00133-00071336-00071724 or turtles or ocean sunfish, or any protected living things.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00134-00071736-00072060 I cast a sardine and it gets caught by whatever,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00135-00072136-00072396 eaten by whatever, not by what I want.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00136-00072412-00072828 It's very important for fishermen to understand the problem
ib_yOPS0EGc-00137-00072928-00073188 that bycatch represents.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00138-00073204-00073472 It's also very important that they understand
ib_yOPS0EGc-00139-00073484-00073860 it's not a fight against them, but one we want to fight with them.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00140-00073872-00074068 So we must seek solutions,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00141-00074080-00074312 specially when they can be very simple
ib_yOPS0EGc-00142-00074332-00074724 and having experience in other areas in the world that proves it.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00143-00074744-00074980 They can be of direct benefit to them
ib_yOPS0EGc-00144-00075008-00075396 and, above all, of direct benefit to the marine environment.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00145-00075424-00075772 After testing the different mitigation measures,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00146-00075816-00076192 the final solutions won't be the implementation of a single measure.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00147-00076220-00076560 Instead, we'll have to face a more complex scenario
ib_yOPS0EGc-00148-00076596-00076876 where we'll have to combine some of them
ib_yOPS0EGc-00149-00076904-00077288 according to the conditions: the kind of vessel,
ib_yOPS0EGc-00150-00077308-00077700 the time of year or the time of day.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00151-00077960-00078160 The conservation of the Balearic shearwater
ib_yOPS0EGc-00152-00078172-00078480 and other seabirds is entirely in our hands.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00153-00078540-00078876 We must work together to find and apply formulas
ib_yOPS0EGc-00154-00078896-00079260 that allow for more efficient and eco-friendly longline fishing.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00155-00079280-00079548 Thus, we'll achieve a good coexistence
ib_yOPS0EGc-00156-00079560-00079796 between fishermen and seabirds in our seas.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00157-00079828-00080280 Because fish should be the only ones to get caught in those hooks.
ib_yOPS0EGc-00158-00081944-00082200 <i>One year later,</i> <i>researchers have concluded</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00159-00082212-00082664 <i>that night setting and bird-scaring lines</i> <i>are the best mitigation measures</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00160-00082676-00082988 <i>to reduce bycatch of seabirds</i> <i>without affecting fishing activity.</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00161-00083008-00083312 <i>They continue to work on increasing</i> <i>the efficacy and adaptation</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00162-00083324-00083608 <i>of the measures that reduce</i> <i>the bycatch of seabirds</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00163-00083620-00083844 <i>in Mediterranean bottom longliners.</i>
ib_yOPS0EGc-00164-00084248-00084624 HOOKS WITHOUT BIRDS
igQdxAOP-Pc-00000-00001019-00001218 So today what I'm going to talk about
igQdxAOP-Pc-00001-00001218-00001444 is quality, food quality, what that
igQdxAOP-Pc-00002-00001444-00001711 means, and different issues with respect
igQdxAOP-Pc-00003-00001711-00002201 to valuation of food quality and consumers' perception of food
igQdxAOP-Pc-00004-00002201-00002284 quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00005-00002284-00002564 So I'm going to say today that demand for food quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00006-00002564-00002935 is a really complex issue and understanding demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00007-00002935-00003322 So I just wanted to emphasise that demand is not attitudes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00008-00003322-00003646 Demand is actually the value that people place on it.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00009-00003646-00003729 So I'm an economist.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00010-00003729-00003871 I have to make that point, right?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00011-00003871-00004185 We look at demand and supply, and demand
igQdxAOP-Pc-00012-00004185-00004452 is about a mixture of price and quantity
igQdxAOP-Pc-00013-00004452-00004872 and the price people are willing to pay for things.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00014-00004872-00005279 I'm going to say that consumers' perceptions of quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00015-00005279-00005443 are really heterogeneous.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00016-00005443-00005743 So if I were to do a survey of all of you guys in this room
igQdxAOP-Pc-00017-00005743-00006054 and ask you to write a sentence explaining what
igQdxAOP-Pc-00018-00006054-00006259 food quality means to you, I would
igQdxAOP-Pc-00019-00006259-00006608 get as many different answers as there are people in this room.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00020-00006608-00006804 And some of them I might be able to segment you
igQdxAOP-Pc-00021-00006804-00006983 into different groups of people.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00022-00006983-00007219 So that's what I mean by heterogeneous, that people
igQdxAOP-Pc-00023-00007219-00007575 differ in terms of what they perceive quality to mean
igQdxAOP-Pc-00024-00007575-00007758 or how they determine quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00025-00007758-00007908 I'm also going to say that consumers
igQdxAOP-Pc-00026-00007908-00008166 make trade-offs among different quality attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00027-00008166-00008556 For example, sometimes price, particularly on wine,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00028-00008556-00008852 when people are unknowledgeable or unsure about products,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00029-00008852-00009107 they use price sometimes to signal quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00030-00009107-00009499 So how do we determine quality as food consumers really
igQdxAOP-Pc-00031-00009499-00009860 depends upon a lot to do with our background, our values,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00032-00009860-00010089 our perceptions, our experiences,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00033-00010089-00010260 and that we make trade-offs all the time.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00034-00010260-00010674 So I might really want to buy a certain product, for example,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00035-00010674-00010975 that's animal welfare friendly or free range.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00036-00010975-00011232 But if it's too expensive, I can't afford to buy it.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00037-00011232-00011335 So I make trade-offs.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00038-00011335-00011576 That's what I mean by that point.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00039-00011576-00011834 And finally, the point I want everybody to walk away with
igQdxAOP-Pc-00040-00011834-00012202 is that consumers' intentions don't equal demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00041-00012202-00012461 So all those surveys that are done all the time
igQdxAOP-Pc-00042-00012461-00012729 about attitudes, yeah, so attitudes give you
igQdxAOP-Pc-00043-00012729-00012977 insight on how preferences might be changing
igQdxAOP-Pc-00044-00012977-00013185 and how demand might be shifting.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00045-00013185-00013331 But over time we've got to remember
igQdxAOP-Pc-00046-00013331-00013719 that price, particularly when it comes to food,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00047-00013719-00013863 does play a role.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00048-00013863-00014150 And I'll talk about what I mean by that a little bit more.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00049-00014150-00014616 So just in the last few weeks, what we mean by quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00050-00014616-00014877 or what we think about for quality in this country
igQdxAOP-Pc-00051-00014877-00014994 has changed.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00052-00014994-00015212 So what's quality from an economist's standpoint
igQdxAOP-Pc-00053-00015212-00015499 when we look at this when we're doing consumer research?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00054-00015499-00015805 So we would put quality, quality cues,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00055-00015805-00016015 cues people use when they're buying food--
igQdxAOP-Pc-00056-00016015-00016229 and this is research across the globe--
igQdxAOP-Pc-00057-00016229-00016538 kind of put this researchers working on consumer behaviour
igQdxAOP-Pc-00058-00016538-00016750 and around food quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00059-00016750-00016948 We put these in three different categories.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00060-00016948-00017165 The first one is search attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00061-00017165-00017436 And search attributes really have something to do with,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00062-00017436-00017615 when I pick up a package at the store,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00063-00017615-00017925 things I can look at the package and search for and see.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00064-00017925-00018015 It might be price.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00065-00018015-00018174 It might be country of origin.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00066-00018174-00018338 It might be nutrition.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00067-00018338-00018565 It might be a grade or a standard like meat
igQdxAOP-Pc-00068-00018565-00018833 if the MSA logo's on there.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00069-00018833-00019083 It might be the APL logo on pork.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00070-00019083-00019383 Experience attributes are more the technical quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00071-00019383-00019538 attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00072-00019538-00019796 Those might be things about, how does it feel in my mouth?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00073-00019796-00019888 How does it taste?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00074-00019888-00019969 Is it sweet?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00075-00019969-00020192 Is it spicy?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00076-00020192-00020265 Is it chewy?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00077-00020265-00020477 Is it tough when it comes to meat?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00078-00020477-00020660 All those things, their experience.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00079-00020660-00021232 Now, I might buy a brand and I find that that brand really
igQdxAOP-Pc-00080-00021232-00021558 has poor taste, poor experience quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00081-00021558-00021807 And so I associate, then, quality with the brand
igQdxAOP-Pc-00082-00021807-00022004 based on my experience.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00083-00022004-00022197 So then finally, the third one, and this
igQdxAOP-Pc-00084-00022197-00022667 is one that's really growing in terms of an attribute or a cue
igQdxAOP-Pc-00085-00022667-00022889 that consumers use to determine quality,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00086-00022889-00023089 and these are credence attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00087-00023089-00023669 These are things like organic, free range, fair trade.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00088-00023669-00023992 They're attributes that may or may not
igQdxAOP-Pc-00089-00023992-00024329 signal traditional quality or technical quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00090-00024329-00024639 But they're things consumers associate with quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00091-00024639-00024962 And they require some sort of system to verify.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00092-00024962-00025154 Otherwise they're just a marketing claim.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00093-00025154-00025474 So they are related to the process of the food product
igQdxAOP-Pc-00094-00025474-00025797 or how it's grown, process or production attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00095-00025797-00026049 So when we try to estimate demand for quality,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00096-00026049-00026199 again, like I said, it's much more
igQdxAOP-Pc-00097-00026199-00026375 than just doing an attitudinal survey,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00098-00026375-00026524 because we have to think about this.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00099-00026524-00026734 So research would show that consumers,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00100-00026734-00026908 when they're determining their willingness
igQdxAOP-Pc-00101-00026908-00027118 to pay for something or the value they'll place,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00102-00027118-00027380 whether or not they're going to ultimately buy it versus
igQdxAOP-Pc-00103-00027380-00027619 say they'll buy it or say they're interested,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00104-00027619-00027758 it's these things on the right.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00105-00027758-00027925 So their values, their knowledge,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00106-00027925-00028127 things we call priors, attitudes,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00107-00028127-00028358 trust in certain companies, and even things
igQdxAOP-Pc-00108-00028358-00028500 like sociodemographics.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00109-00028500-00028744 It might have to do with I'm originally American,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00110-00028744-00029020 so I might value American more than,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00111-00029020-00029275 say, Chinese and be OK with a product that's
igQdxAOP-Pc-00112-00029275-00029445 from the United States.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00113-00029445-00029585 It might have to do with income.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00114-00029585-00029732 It might have to do with age.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00115-00029732-00029913 All those things influence demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00116-00029913-00030118 Study shows it time and time again.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00117-00030118-00030358 It might have to do on the left hand side
igQdxAOP-Pc-00118-00030358-00030645 with things like the perceived value for money,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00119-00030645-00030977 the eating enjoyment, the nutrition, the satiation
igQdxAOP-Pc-00120-00030977-00031139 that we're going to get out of it.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00121-00031139-00031363 So when we look at food quality cues,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00122-00031363-00031613 there's really now this myriad of things,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00123-00031613-00031895 this many things from traditional to environmental,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00124-00031895-00032133 ethical, production processes, health,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00125-00032133-00032389 nutritional, geographical, and then where
igQdxAOP-Pc-00126-00032389-00032605 does food safety fit in there.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00127-00032605-00032878 Because embedded in many of these things
igQdxAOP-Pc-00128-00032878-00033116 is perceptions about food safety.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00129-00033116-00033284 When we do research with consumers
igQdxAOP-Pc-00130-00033284-00033535 and ask them why they buy free range,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00131-00033535-00033812 you'll hear a certain section of our segment of consumers
igQdxAOP-Pc-00132-00033812-00034049 say because they think it's healthier or safer.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00133-00034049-00034222 And I'll show you some research on that.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00134-00034222-00034558 So this is just some examples of the different quality cues
igQdxAOP-Pc-00135-00034558-00034732 that are on products of food.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00136-00034732-00034907 So this is an actual product.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00137-00034907-00035221 I've covered or [? Narissa ?] covered up the brand there,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00138-00035221-00035367 but you can guess what brand it is.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00139-00035367-00035543 But just to show you, this is a package
igQdxAOP-Pc-00140-00035543-00035752 that I actually bought of chicken that we actually
igQdxAOP-Pc-00141-00035752-00035981 bought for our household and the different information.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00142-00035981-00036260 You have a brand, a certification that
igQdxAOP-Pc-00143-00036260-00036506 has some underpinning system underneath of it,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00144-00036506-00036872 a production claim-- free from added hormones and growth
igQdxAOP-Pc-00145-00036872-00037221 promotants-- and then other types of production
igQdxAOP-Pc-00146-00037221-00037487 claims, so RSPCA certified
igQdxAOP-Pc-00147-00037487-00037739 This is even, now we're seeing more and more back
igQdxAOP-Pc-00148-00037739-00037907 of package information.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00149-00037907-00038112 This is from a package of beef where
igQdxAOP-Pc-00150-00038112-00038450 it's talking about certified pasture fed, Meat Standards
igQdxAOP-Pc-00151-00038450-00038735 Australia, livestock welfare certified.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00152-00038735-00038911 So that's all the information.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00153-00038911-00039212 So it's not surprising that in our research in Australia
igQdxAOP-Pc-00154-00039212-00039584 we're seeing in the eight or so years I've been doing research
igQdxAOP-Pc-00155-00039584-00039723 here, we're hearing more and more
igQdxAOP-Pc-00156-00039723-00040021 consumers say that they're really confused,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00157-00040021-00040235 and they're getting more cynical.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00158-00040235-00040482 There's a lack of understanding about what things
igQdxAOP-Pc-00159-00040482-00040852 there actually signal quality, what signals safety.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00160-00040852-00041125 They perceive, for example, claims like organic
igQdxAOP-Pc-00161-00041125-00041529 to mean safer, healthier, better for the environment, guaranteed
igQdxAOP-Pc-00162-00041529-00041656 improved welfare.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00163-00041656-00041923 Now, none of those necessarily fit under organic.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00164-00041923-00042204 This is a study we've done this year, just an online study.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00165-00042204-00042351 It's not published yet, so I should
igQdxAOP-Pc-00166-00042351-00042572 say that it hasn't been under peer review.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00167-00042572-00042807 But this is just actually showing you,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00168-00042807-00043040 we presented these different labels
igQdxAOP-Pc-00169-00043040-00043245 to consumers, a large sample of consumers.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00170-00043245-00043420 And just to show you, these are percentage
igQdxAOP-Pc-00171-00043420-00043692 of people that say, for example, that the different
igQdxAOP-Pc-00172-00043692-00043921 certifications signal safer.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00173-00043921-00044099 And these are where I get concerned
igQdxAOP-Pc-00174-00044099-00044351 when I am looking at this from a policy standpoint.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00175-00044351-00044860 So, 20% perceive RSPCA approved farming to mean
igQdxAOP-Pc-00176-00044860-00045055 that it's safer or healthier.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00177-00045055-00045464 Or the Australian certified organic, 26%
igQdxAOP-Pc-00178-00045464-00045633 perceive it to be safer.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00179-00045633-00045919 37% perceive it to be healthier.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00180-00045919-00046146 That label actually has nothing to do necessarily
igQdxAOP-Pc-00181-00046146-00046355 with healthier.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00182-00046355-00046555 OK, so consumers are increasingly
igQdxAOP-Pc-00183-00046555-00046784 conflicted about what quality means.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00184-00046784-00047024 And if we're looking at valuing it,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00185-00047024-00047559 so, consumers' value of quality, we value public things.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00186-00047559-00047796 So we place a value on public attributes
igQdxAOP-Pc-00187-00047796-00048068 or altruistic attributes, social values,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00188-00048068-00048313 so things around the environment, local--
igQdxAOP-Pc-00189-00048313-00048588 whether or not it was grown locally-- workers, society,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00190-00048588-00048704 animal welfare.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00191-00048704-00048978 We value all those public attributes as well as
igQdxAOP-Pc-00192-00048978-00049105 private values.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00193-00049105-00049490 So ultimately, what determines my willingness
igQdxAOP-Pc-00194-00049490-00049624 to pay for quality?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00195-00049624-00049880 It's a mix of these things, and it probably
igQdxAOP-Pc-00196-00049880-00050096 has to do with my purchasing scenario too.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00197-00050096-00050337 If I'm at the store with a three-year-old
igQdxAOP-Pc-00198-00050337-00050560 chucking a temper tantrum at 6 o'clock at night,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00199-00050560-00050706 I just want to get out of the store
igQdxAOP-Pc-00200-00050706-00050955 and make sure that the product's safe.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00201-00050955-00051277 So I just want to show you a quick example of a beef study
igQdxAOP-Pc-00202-00051277-00051546 that we did to kind of support what I'm saying here.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00203-00051546-00051938 This was done in 2010, so take that into account.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00204-00051938-00052190 These results would probably be different undoubtedly
igQdxAOP-Pc-00205-00052190-00052345 if I did it today.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00206-00052345-00052628 What we did is we actually did an online study.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00207-00052628-00052855 And in this study we asked consumers a whole bunch
igQdxAOP-Pc-00208-00052855-00053033 of attitudinal questions.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00209-00053033-00053381 But before about, if they'd buy products
igQdxAOP-Pc-00210-00053381-00053548 with different certifications, what they
igQdxAOP-Pc-00211-00053548-00053738 perceived those certifications to mean.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00212-00053738-00054039 And this was around meat, and if they
igQdxAOP-Pc-00213-00054039-00054375 thought about what country of origin it was from,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00214-00054375-00054610 if they wanted additional safety certifications.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00215-00054610-00054802 And I'm only going to show you a small amount.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00216-00054802-00055012 But before we asked them about attitudes,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00217-00055012-00055339 we actually had them participate in a simulated shopping
igQdxAOP-Pc-00218-00055339-00055404 experiment.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00219-00055404-00055577 These are called choice experiments.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00220-00055577-00055752 They're used a lot by the private sector
igQdxAOP-Pc-00221-00055752-00056089 to predict demand for products, everything from your phones
igQdxAOP-Pc-00222-00056089-00056511 to your clothes to food products.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00223-00056511-00056730 So they get screenshots like this,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00224-00056730-00056998 and they're asked to choose which products you'd want.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00225-00056998-00057088 Price is varying.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00226-00057088-00057226 Different attributes are varying,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00227-00057226-00057516 and you can see even fat contents varying in these.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00228-00057516-00057673 So just to give you an idea, these
igQdxAOP-Pc-00229-00057673-00057794 are the different attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00230-00057794-00057989 So we looked at everything from grain and grass
igQdxAOP-Pc-00231-00057989-00058642 fed, different local brands, the Heart Tick, Australian beef.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00232-00058642-00059041 And these are some South Australian brands, as well as
igQdxAOP-Pc-00233-00059041-00059301 King Island Beef, so a variety of brands,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00234-00059301-00059673 and then different claims like hormone free, antibiotic free.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00235-00059673-00059938 And when we asked them, I just want to show you what I mean
igQdxAOP-Pc-00236-00059938-00060351 that what people say is important to them
igQdxAOP-Pc-00237-00060351-00060641 doesn't actually translate into buying behaviour.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00238-00060641-00060861 So, out of our consumers, 30% said
igQdxAOP-Pc-00239-00060861-00061177 that they were very concerned about hormones and antibiotics.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00240-00061177-00061416 OK, so just take that into account.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00241-00061416-00061685 38% said they believe it's really important
igQdxAOP-Pc-00242-00061685-00062023 to purchase local.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00243-00062023-00062287 This is to show you just misperceptions.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00244-00062287-00062558 So I don't want to pick on any label or certification.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00245-00062558-00062764 Let's pick the National Heart Foundation just
igQdxAOP-Pc-00246-00062764-00063021 to show you in 2010 misperceptions
igQdxAOP-Pc-00247-00063021-00063284 among a representative sample of beef consumers.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00248-00063284-00063560 Roughly 40% of the consumers in this study
igQdxAOP-Pc-00249-00063560-00063830 ticked that they thought National Heart Foundation,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00250-00063830-00064050 a product with National Heart Foundation on it,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00251-00064050-00064228 to be a safer choice.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00252-00064228-00064490 Now, that claim has nothing to do with safety.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00253-00064490-00064911 So, rightly or wrongly, it's misleading consumers.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00254-00064911-00065149 Perceptions of production claims.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00255-00065149-00065376 Grain-fed beef, better quality tender,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00256-00065376-00065724 that's the kind of things that we want it to be signalling.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00257-00065724-00066005 Hormone and antibiotic free, to have less food safety
igQdxAOP-Pc-00258-00066005-00066280 risks, that's not necessarily the case.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00259-00066280-00066598 Hormone and antibiotic free, to be better for my health.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00260-00066598-00067040 Again, not necessarily the case, but yet over 25% of consumers
igQdxAOP-Pc-00261-00067040-00067212 perceived it to mean that.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00262-00067212-00067410 So this is just giving you an idea.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00263-00067410-00067658 It's not that people are trying to get consumers to believe
igQdxAOP-Pc-00264-00067658-00067808 this, but it's showing you that this
igQdxAOP-Pc-00265-00067808-00068033 is signalling potentially improper or misleading
igQdxAOP-Pc-00266-00068033-00068224 information to consumers.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00267-00068224-00068652 OK, so, in this study, 30% of consumers said that
igQdxAOP-Pc-00268-00068652-00069214 it's extremely important to them whether or not the animals have
igQdxAOP-Pc-00269-00069214-00069540 had hormones or antibiotics used in the production practise.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00270-00069540-00069937 And 38% I think said local is really important.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00271-00069937-00070285 Now, when it comes down to that choice experiment and what was
igQdxAOP-Pc-00272-00070285-00070537 actually impacting or influencing their buying
igQdxAOP-Pc-00273-00070537-00070822 behaviour, that's what this is showing.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00274-00070822-00071209 So, 35% of the buying decision-- and this is the aggregate.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00275-00071209-00071491 This is on average for the sample of consumers we used,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00276-00071491-00072021 the 1,100 some consumers-- 35% of that is influenced by price.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00277-00072021-00072211 Obviously higher price makes them
igQdxAOP-Pc-00278-00072211-00072378 less likely to buy the product.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00279-00072378-00072920 46% of the buying behaviour is influenced by the internal fat,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00280-00072920-00073081 so marbling in the steak.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00281-00073081-00073330 And then external fat, 11%.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00282-00073330-00073708 When it comes down to the impact of these credence cues--
igQdxAOP-Pc-00283-00073708-00074042 so whether it's health or forage claims or production, whichever
igQdxAOP-Pc-00284-00074042-00074584 ones I showed you-- they're less than 5%.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00285-00074584-00074931 They play a very small role, even though consumers
igQdxAOP-Pc-00286-00074931-00075092 said it was important to them.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00287-00075092-00075209 And this is stimulated.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00288-00075209-00075393 So if you get in an actual setting
igQdxAOP-Pc-00289-00075393-00075635 where people are putting their money where their mouth is,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00290-00075635-00075936 essentially, it would probably be even less, OK?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00291-00075936-00076024 That's the aggregate.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00292-00076024-00076177 So we have done segmentation, and we
igQdxAOP-Pc-00293-00076177-00076389 do show there are segments that value these and are
igQdxAOP-Pc-00294-00076389-00076645 more likely to actually have them influence their buying
igQdxAOP-Pc-00295-00076645-00076695 decision.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00296-00076695-00076832 But that's at the aggregate.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00297-00076832-00076995 So I think I'll skip this one.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00298-00076995-00077350 It's basically just showing that even though marbling-- higher
igQdxAOP-Pc-00299-00077350-00077728 marble-- from a quality standpoint is higher quality,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00300-00077728-00078131 consumers actually place a lower value on higher marbled.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00301-00078131-00078561 So a technical quality attribute such as marbling, higher
igQdxAOP-Pc-00302-00078561-00078980 marbled, producers get paid more for higher marbled beef, right?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00303-00078980-00079299 So higher marbled is higher valued from the production
igQdxAOP-Pc-00304-00079299-00079435 side of things.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00305-00079435-00079773 Consumers in this study actually discounted it,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00306-00079773-00079921 because they see it as fat.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00307-00079921-00080204 Ew, fat, bad.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00308-00080204-00080505 So, also, if we look at the health claim,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00309-00080505-00080904 the only one that was really had kind of a high average value
igQdxAOP-Pc-00310-00080904-00081098 was the Heart Tick.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00311-00081098-00081507 If we look in MSA, but it's still only $0.17, very small,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00312-00081507-00081878 that's in terms of a premium less than 1% premium.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00313-00081878-00082064 If we look at production certifications,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00314-00082064-00082371 environmentally sustainable was the highest valued one,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00315-00082371-00082523 but the hormone and antibiotic free
igQdxAOP-Pc-00316-00082523-00082703 that had the highest share of people saying
igQdxAOP-Pc-00317-00082703-00082953 that it was important, it wasn't even significant
igQdxAOP-Pc-00318-00082953-00083208 when it came out to looking at the willingness to pay values.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00319-00083208-00083585 Certified humane was actually discounted in this study.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00320-00083585-00083706 Now, there's lots of caveats.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00321-00083706-00084052 So my final slide here, some key messages.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00322-00084052-00084358 Attitudes do not equal demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00323-00084358-00084502 Attitudes don't equal demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00324-00084502-00084678 So just because, for example, let's
igQdxAOP-Pc-00325-00084678-00084825 talk about country of origin.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00326-00084825-00085123 People say country of origin is very important to them, right?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00327-00085123-00085280 They use it to help signal quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00328-00085280-00085430 That doesn't mean that they're going
igQdxAOP-Pc-00329-00085430-00085865 to pay more for product that has that information on it.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00330-00085865-00086045 That doesn't mean they're going to pay more
igQdxAOP-Pc-00331-00086045-00086377 for Australian product.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00332-00086377-00086792 A complex set of factors help determine consumer demand.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00333-00086792-00087175 So demand is more about more than just attitudes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00334-00087175-00087465 It comes down to this huge set of things that determine
igQdxAOP-Pc-00335-00087465-00087601 our purchasing behaviour.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00336-00087601-00087945 And what an average consumer buys on a normal shopping
igQdxAOP-Pc-00337-00087945-00088258 experience on a Saturday or a Sunday for food
igQdxAOP-Pc-00338-00088258-00088694 differs when they're buying it for a special occasion.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00339-00088694-00088969 Quality, there's technical quality attributes.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00340-00088969-00089207 And as we showed with marbling, technical quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00341-00089207-00089519 is not always in line with what consumers place a value on.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00342-00089519-00089758 So the example of higher marbled being higher valued
igQdxAOP-Pc-00343-00089758-00090213 to the industry, yet consumers discount it in the supermarket.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00344-00090213-00090390 Consumers' perceptions of quality
igQdxAOP-Pc-00345-00090390-00090606 are really heterogeneous, really varied.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00346-00090606-00090878 Everybody in here has different perceptions of quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00347-00090878-00091019 And they're really dynamic.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00348-00091019-00091363 Issues like the berry scare changes probably the importance
igQdxAOP-Pc-00349-00091363-00091615 and often times just for a short amount of time,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00350-00091615-00091926 places the importance we place on things like country
igQdxAOP-Pc-00351-00091926-00092489 of origin or certain-- when the big animal welfare issue broke
igQdxAOP-Pc-00352-00092489-00092673 out related to live export.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00353-00092673-00092930 For awhile, probably, people placed a higher value
igQdxAOP-Pc-00354-00092930-00093286 on certified humane type of products.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00355-00093286-00093367 It's a treadmill.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00356-00093367-00093690 So we were doing some work last week with the meat industry.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00357-00093690-00094087 And as one South Australian meat retailer said,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00358-00094087-00094246 it's just really frustrating that she
igQdxAOP-Pc-00359-00094246-00094476 feels like she's constantly on this treadmill of trying
igQdxAOP-Pc-00360-00094476-00094653 to figure out what consumers want.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00361-00094653-00094942 It's exhausting was her quote.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00362-00094942-00095250 And strategy is really essential for signalling quality.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00363-00095250-00095630 So we need to think about, do we want brands or labels?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00364-00095630-00095945 Do we want certifications that anybody can adopt,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00365-00095945-00096341 or is it more important to build brand, our brand strategy, what
igQdxAOP-Pc-00366-00096341-00096455 our brand means?
igQdxAOP-Pc-00367-00096455-00096811 And the very last point is, really, credibility is crucial.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00368-00096811-00097157 And this is where I argue a lot that when it comes to food
igQdxAOP-Pc-00369-00097157-00097430 labelling and things around these credence attributes,
igQdxAOP-Pc-00370-00097430-00097781 that Australia really needs to look at having some standards
igQdxAOP-Pc-00371-00097781-00098218 so that organic means the same thing or free range means
igQdxAOP-Pc-00372-00098218-00098477 the same thing, so that we start having a national standard
igQdxAOP-Pc-00373-00098477-00098687 for what that means.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00374-00098687-00098912 And that's probably after doing a lot of work
igQdxAOP-Pc-00375-00098912-00099141 on that when I was living in the United States
igQdxAOP-Pc-00376-00099141-00099399 and understanding what Europe does around those standards
igQdxAOP-Pc-00377-00099399-00099449 too.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00378-00099449-00099984 So I just think that there's potentially an opportunity
igQdxAOP-Pc-00379-00099984-00100207 to gain more value for the people who
igQdxAOP-Pc-00380-00100207-00100476 are interested in producing products
igQdxAOP-Pc-00381-00100476-00100710 with those unique credence attributes
igQdxAOP-Pc-00382-00100710-00100887 for us to have a standard in this country
igQdxAOP-Pc-00383-00100887-00101157 like they do in other countries where those are really valued.
igQdxAOP-Pc-00384-00101157-00101360 And that's it.
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ihFV1zD5EMg-00000-00000210-00000858 what's going on what's going on what's going on Ballers welcome to another episode and this
ihFV1zD5EMg-00001-00000858-00001506 is beyond the ball with Jonathan Jones and y'all you know the focus here is we always like to lock
ihFV1zD5EMg-00002-00001506-00002160 in and talk about how we can further help student athletes Elevate talking about stories strategies
ihFV1zD5EMg-00003-00002160-00002946 and success so today man I'm I'm super excited man I got I got my guy on here man Mr Mr Josh Phillips
ihFV1zD5EMg-00004-00002946-00003522 he's a junior at Grambling State but man when I was watching the last chance you docu-series
ihFV1zD5EMg-00005-00003522-00004206 and I I just really could appreciate his spirit I could really appreciate my man's hunger he was
ihFV1zD5EMg-00006-00004206-00004986 out here okay and then he was throwing that thing down something crucial Josh man what are you doing
ihFV1zD5EMg-00007-00004986-00005478 how's everybody doing it's a pleasure to be on the show and I appreciate I appreciate all the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00008-00005478-00006012 love and watching uh watching uh last chance you getting to see a little bit me on there
ihFV1zD5EMg-00009-00006126-00006936 yeah bro pleasure to be here yeah man most most definitely man most most definitely so man Josh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00010-00006936-00007626 so like I mean I know we just were introduced to you like you know at elac out there and you know
ihFV1zD5EMg-00011-00007626-00008256 like LA and everything like that but bro like where where where is the upbringing for you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00012-00008256-00009066 are you born and raised Cali where are you born uh yeah so pretty much born and raised Kylie uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00013-00009066-00009696 born in L.A and then early on actually moved over to London where most of my family is from
ihFV1zD5EMg-00014-00009696-00010242 and uh lived over there for a couple years as a kid actually happened to have a dual citizenship
ihFV1zD5EMg-00015-00010242-00010866 over there in the United Kingdom as well and just ended up moving back to California uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00016-00010920-00011262 uh with my moms and kind of moved all all around Cali SoCal
ihFV1zD5EMg-00017-00011406-00011850 wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait you lived in London bro yeah
ihFV1zD5EMg-00018-00011958-00012564 all my my mom everything originally from over there she came over here uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00019-00012618-00013097 the nursing and everything and just ended up staying over here but we went back when
ihFV1zD5EMg-00020-00013097-00013847 I was a kid with me and my brother so we uh lived over there with dual citizens for there and here
ihFV1zD5EMg-00021-00013902-00014388 man so we're looking to go that's home as well so looking to go back over there sometime
ihFV1zD5EMg-00022-00014472-00014868 wow what was it like like growing up a little bit in London like spending some
ihFV1zD5EMg-00023-00014868-00015288 time there what was that like in comparison to like being you know being in on the west
ihFV1zD5EMg-00024-00015288-00015978 coast and everything like that yeah uh I only have a couple memories that I was I was around
ihFV1zD5EMg-00025-00016044-00016764 for four years old at the time when I was I spent like two years up there but it's just a lot
ihFV1zD5EMg-00026-00016764-00017388 different just mainly mostly I remember just how the accidents and how people talk from I used to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00027-00017388-00017856 have an accent when I was a little kid apparently from my mom telling me uh in the changing that but
ihFV1zD5EMg-00028-00018072-00018336 I don't think it's it's that much different from what I've experienced
ihFV1zD5EMg-00029-00018336-00018720 my family over the UK is just like the people I know over here just
ihFV1zD5EMg-00030-00018780-00019044 it's called the delivery from a little bit of a different lifestyle
ihFV1zD5EMg-00031-00019158-00019656 yeah yeah man that's man that's dope though that's dope because everybody you know a lot a lot of
ihFV1zD5EMg-00032-00019656-00020112 people because I I've talked with some people even are around me and a lot of times depending on you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00033-00020112-00020598 know the community people are brought up in some people haven't even been like 30 miles maybe 15
ihFV1zD5EMg-00034-00020598-00021186 miles outside of their overall community so man I think that's just a great opportunity you know
ihFV1zD5EMg-00035-00021186-00021804 for you getting getting ahead I think that I do think that is some special I'll be I have
ihFV1zD5EMg-00036-00021906-00022374 it's our family over the world and being able to just go outside even basketball brought me that
ihFV1zD5EMg-00037-00022374-00022830 too being able to travel a lot most of the way I've been able to see even all of this country
ihFV1zD5EMg-00038-00022830-00023334 just do basketball and being able to travel around with my teams Au teams and our college teams
ihFV1zD5EMg-00039-00023394-00023718 just came to experience different different parts of the country and we're
ihFV1zD5EMg-00040-00023874-00024348 man yeah that's what's up bro yeah that's that's definitely what's up that's what's up
ihFV1zD5EMg-00041-00024540-00025236 Josh what so from you you know being being a junior college player you know hooping doing
ihFV1zD5EMg-00042-00025236-00025662 the open gym doing the weight doing like all that stuff and then one day you find
ihFV1zD5EMg-00043-00025662-00026310 out that y'all about to have cameras all around you all the time like yeah
ihFV1zD5EMg-00044-00026394-00026814 like what was that like because you live in like a real life Truman Show so like what what
ihFV1zD5EMg-00045-00026814-00027474 was that yeah so think of it like that it was it was a little bit scary I kind of thought oh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00046-00027474-00027858 they're going I didn't know how big it'll be at first when they said oh Netflix gonna be filming
ihFV1zD5EMg-00047-00027858-00028320 I thought they might come a couple days a week through this but they were there from the very
ihFV1zD5EMg-00048-00028320-00028872 from summertime for every single day following cameras while I'm walking out the gym I gotta
ihFV1zD5EMg-00049-00028926-00029526 do it on the the hoverboard follow me with the camera doing stuff like that so it's it was a
ihFV1zD5EMg-00050-00029526-00030024 little shocking uh after I decided to tune it out didn't think I'd really be on there much
ihFV1zD5EMg-00051-00030024-00030383 and then it kind of picked up or you getting my stuff here you're getting my stuff there
ihFV1zD5EMg-00052-00030444-00030966 it's like all right this this is just what's gonna happen I guess the Cambridge is going to be around
ihFV1zD5EMg-00053-00030966-00031542 follow me everywhere like I tried just not to look at them try to act like they weren't there but
ihFV1zD5EMg-00054-00031883-00032280 like I mean I understand that right like I understand try not to look at it but like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00055-00032280-00032892 knowing that a camera is on you in practice like it like doesn't it go harder or is it one
ihFV1zD5EMg-00056-00032892-00033216 of those things to wear after a while like it just it just becomes like it's normally
ihFV1zD5EMg-00057-00033216-00033474 like ah you know I'm not worried about that it's just a regular part of practice
ihFV1zD5EMg-00058-00033546-00034110 yeah it kind of came like that after a while where it was a regular part but it's kind of like I do
ihFV1zD5EMg-00059-00034110-00034614 want to show out as well I'm gonna if I could dunk a bomb and dunk the ball I kind of want to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00060-00034614-00035202 get this especially in games of their practices I know it's like an eye over my shoulder so I'm
ihFV1zD5EMg-00061-00035202-00035784 gonna go I'm gonna go a little bit harder just because I know if everybody's already watching me
ihFV1zD5EMg-00062-00035784-00036336 in the gym not everybody's watching me on here I'm not uh everybody in the world is going to see this
ihFV1zD5EMg-00063-00036432-00037194 oh yeah man at some point it was kind of I know that you know who the camera dudes are they are
ihFV1zD5EMg-00064-00037194-00037776 like a person that basil until it's kind of like oh they're just dead I'm like Dave just filmed me
ihFV1zD5EMg-00065-00037998-00038604 fair enough man fair enough so the so so the interest the interesting thing for me is like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00066-00038604-00039138 and just like what you were sharing knowing that they're following you every day you know for a
ihFV1zD5EMg-00067-00039138-00039576 span of however long it was right because you said the summer all the way through so that's like some
ihFV1zD5EMg-00068-00039576-00040476 months which is which is crazy um but even in the amount of time that they followed you there's only
ihFV1zD5EMg-00069-00040476-00040842 like a little bit of your story that we got to see like I didn't even know just like what you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00070-00040842-00041442 said the part about you know you being raised a little bit in London yeah but like what did we
ihFV1zD5EMg-00071-00041442-00041874 not see on last chance you and I ain't telling you know spoilers nothing like that but you know this
ihFV1zD5EMg-00072-00041874-00042396 was not this wasn't on the series so this ain't just spoiler yeah right but but what did we not
ihFV1zD5EMg-00073-00042396-00043116 see on on the docu-series you know that that lets us a little bit more into who is Josh Phillips
ihFV1zD5EMg-00074-00043218-00043764 uh they did they did cut off a lot of stuff I had him want to talk about on the show as much
ihFV1zD5EMg-00075-00043764-00044304 I mean we talked about it but they cut it out it's about my family life and kind of how I had grew up
ihFV1zD5EMg-00076-00044304-00044880 because I didn't have the the smoothest upbringing uh the reason I even moved to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00077-00044880-00045348 London away from family uh here was because of domestic violence things and things with
ihFV1zD5EMg-00078-00045348-00045930 my dad being in safer home programs going to better women's shelters and stuff like that so
ihFV1zD5EMg-00079-00046056-00046392 there was stuff just with my family that they didn't get the interview any of my
ihFV1zD5EMg-00080-00046392-00046914 family members uh and things on those notes so they did kind of keep it a lot
ihFV1zD5EMg-00081-00046914-00047526 more personal just about me and sharing through my autism and basketball Journey
ihFV1zD5EMg-00082-00047724-00048384 yeah yeah man yeah so so talk so talk a little bit more about that Josh just with uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00083-00048612-00049380 talk a little bit more about the about your journey with autism and the reason why I'm asking
ihFV1zD5EMg-00084-00049380-00049770 that is because like I was even telling my wife when I when I was watching the show because my
ihFV1zD5EMg-00085-00049770-00050292 my understanding and this this is this is my own ignorance right but my understanding was typically
ihFV1zD5EMg-00086-00050292-00050994 when you know I I think of an individual who is who is living with with autism or you know who has
ihFV1zD5EMg-00087-00050994-00051864 been diagnosed with autism my understanding was the individual typically isn't as high functioning
ihFV1zD5EMg-00088-00051864-00052308 and I'm like but I'm like wait a minute you know I'm seeing you up and down the court I'm
ihFV1zD5EMg-00089-00052308-00052908 saying you know all this and I'm like wait a minute so it was shocking to me so just like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00090-00052908-00053364 just just talk a little bit more about that y'all help me understand man give give me some clear
ihFV1zD5EMg-00091-00053448-00054354 um but with that I am high functioning uh and I'm kind of proud that not a lot of people can
ihFV1zD5EMg-00092-00054354-00055032 tell or notice because it took me a long time to get here I used to have times in school where I
ihFV1zD5EMg-00093-00055091-00055524 was shut down being a fetal position being a fetal position out on the playground for two
ihFV1zD5EMg-00094-00055524-00056208 hours because I shut down during uh during recess had my hood up uh never talked to nobody was
ihFV1zD5EMg-00095-00056208-00056928 non-verbal at first uh but it's just been a lot of things that especially my mom my family have
ihFV1zD5EMg-00096-00057054-00057690 put me through and just like helped me and go into things ABA therapy and all these stuff that kind
ihFV1zD5EMg-00097-00057690-00058344 of helped me be able to function a lot better and one of those just happened to be Sports as well
ihFV1zD5EMg-00098-00058344-00058817 so they thought it would be a good idea to be put in some sports so I tried a lot of different
ihFV1zD5EMg-00099-00058817-00059346 things before basketball I was I skateboarded just because as a solo thing I skateboarded a
ihFV1zD5EMg-00100-00059346-00059850 lot as a kid and even growing up I played soccer at first played just different things just kind
ihFV1zD5EMg-00101-00059850-00060564 of get into some social activity and then like be able to let out some emotions as well and I kind
ihFV1zD5EMg-00102-00060564-00061224 of just saw my brother playing basketball because he uh my brother's two years older than me and he
ihFV1zD5EMg-00103-00061224-00061776 it was kind of my motivation for that he would we would walk home from school go to the gym
ihFV1zD5EMg-00104-00061776-00062370 every day he would just take me to take me and oh even if it's just us playing we're gonna play
ihFV1zD5EMg-00105-00062370-00062838 one-on-one doing this just play one-on-one and everybody's like okay I gotta get good at this now
ihFV1zD5EMg-00106-00062838-00063222 I want to be as good as something because I want to I want to win these games when we're playing
ihFV1zD5EMg-00107-00063222-00063864 one-on-one I want to and then be better than the old heads in the gym at 24. and through that I
ihFV1zD5EMg-00108-00063864-00064500 kind of was able to put some of my other stuff to the side okay I had I have this and I'm going
ihFV1zD5EMg-00109-00064500-00064950 basketball I mean a lot of stuff with autism I don't got to talk or really be social with
ihFV1zD5EMg-00110-00064950-00065376 people as much because I mean we're just hoping I don't have to really express myself like that or
ihFV1zD5EMg-00111-00065484-00066102 do a lot of things as well it's basketball so I get to kind of just be me on the court
ihFV1zD5EMg-00112-00066198-00066840 without a lot of the outside a lot of the outside distractions and things that would get to me
ihFV1zD5EMg-00113-00066996-00067398 and then kind of motivated me to play growing up behind my brother
ihFV1zD5EMg-00114-00067584-00068652 ah yeah yeah man so so like through this journey when has there ever been a point to where you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00115-00068652-00069216 needed to communicate that to teammates or or it was more so you know this was something that you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00116-00069216-00069642 didn't necessarily feel you needed to communicate to teammates because it wasn't affecting anything
ihFV1zD5EMg-00117-00069642-00070398 or anything like that just in your you know in the journey yeah well for me uh I never have I never
ihFV1zD5EMg-00118-00070398-00070866 have until I I got up here to Grandma and told the teammate before about my autism I haven't
ihFV1zD5EMg-00119-00070866-00071430 really told anybody in my life my coaches some of my coaches knew uh because of school IEPs and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00120-00071430-00072192 things in my areau coaches told them my mom but never never any teammates because I didn't think
ihFV1zD5EMg-00121-00072192-00072978 it mattered as much even if I had something I was just passionate for the game if I if I had any
ihFV1zD5EMg-00122-00072978-00073536 type of breakdown of this it could all just be put to patented passion to the game and they wouldn't
ihFV1zD5EMg-00123-00073536-00073938 really be thinking too much too much about it or they didn't need to know about my autism
ihFV1zD5EMg-00124-00074040-00074640 because it didn't affect how it was on it didn't affect how we gonna play together on the court so
ihFV1zD5EMg-00125-00074784-00075150 and then outside of that I'm just kind of isolated to myself so it's not really
ihFV1zD5EMg-00126-00075228-00075606 something that would come up or I just kind of I really just kept it to myself
ihFV1zD5EMg-00127-00075738-00076110 some coaches had known but I really just am pretty private about it
ihFV1zD5EMg-00128-00076206-00076782 uh I wouldn't have told Netflix at first if they didn't come to me with it because Mosley uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00129-00076848-00077430 they say we know about this and we do want to talk about it and I just kind of had to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00130-00077430-00077826 make that decision there am I going am I going to tell the world about this and let everybody
ihFV1zD5EMg-00131-00077826-00078456 know the secret that I behind in my whole life that I have autism or people like that
ihFV1zD5EMg-00132-00078654-00079668 what made you decide to tell the world Josh uh my fiance really uh I called my girl on the phone and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00133-00079740-00080208 I was like because I I thought maybe they might find out was like hey they found out about this
ihFV1zD5EMg-00134-00080208-00080532 they found out I got autism I'm about to have my interview and they just asked me
ihFV1zD5EMg-00135-00080592-00081138 if they if they could talk about it and I was I was I was on the side I really don't want
ihFV1zD5EMg-00136-00081138-00081696 to tell anybody but then she says and like a lot of people my president told me my family
ihFV1zD5EMg-00137-00081792-00082302 that is something I should be proud of and that I should talk about it and let people
ihFV1zD5EMg-00138-00082302-00082686 know about myself because there's nothing that I'd to be ashamed of because of it
ihFV1zD5EMg-00139-00082770-00083220 that if anything it's just a strength it's one of the added strengths to what I have
ihFV1zD5EMg-00140-00083304-00083754 then I should be proud of proud of this and what I've been able to get because of it and why not
ihFV1zD5EMg-00141-00083754-00084210 share it with the world that people aren't going to look at me differently people aren't going hate
ihFV1zD5EMg-00142-00084210-00084828 on me because of it because that's more of the months that I had that I was gonna get looked
ihFV1zD5EMg-00143-00084828-00085452 at a lot differently maybe get some hate because of it and looked at like I was different or weird
ihFV1zD5EMg-00144-00085770-00086106 that's kind of the stigma I've kind of had behind in my life for my life
ihFV1zD5EMg-00145-00086160-00087006 so it is it is good to see the positives that have that have come from me sharing it that it has been
ihFV1zD5EMg-00146-00087006-00087534 seen as a positive thing and that that is really nice so has it been has like did you feel uh did
ihFV1zD5EMg-00147-00087534-00087996 you feel like a a weight was lifted off of you when you like when you shared did you feel like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00148-00087996-00088524 a weight after you shared and you know after you you start getting some people you're sharing you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00149-00088524-00089088 know some positive encouragement some affirmation like were you like like I feel I feel lighter now
ihFV1zD5EMg-00150-00089088-00089580 I feel a little bit better now yeah I kind of have it's not something that I've really thought about
ihFV1zD5EMg-00151-00089580-00090144 but just hearing you say that it's in practice when I'm or in a lot of things whenever I'm
ihFV1zD5EMg-00152-00090144-00090630 acting how I would normally act which I know might be a little different than others it's kind of
ihFV1zD5EMg-00153-00090696-00091344 people know people know now instead of just thinking that they can maybe put a reason to it
ihFV1zD5EMg-00154-00091344-00091992 if I'm acting little some type of way rather than just oh he's just acting weird they kind of have
ihFV1zD5EMg-00155-00092112-00092658 I wouldn't want to use it for as an excuse but oh he has autism and this he might not be the most
ihFV1zD5EMg-00156-00092658-00093252 social he might not do this instead of just he don't like anybody or he's anti-social and he just
ihFV1zD5EMg-00157-00093252-00093846 don't want to talk to people I think it kind of Has Lifted the weight off my shoulders and having
ihFV1zD5EMg-00158-00093846-00094554 to hide it a lot and not tell anybody about it now anybody could know and I will be open about it
ihFV1zD5EMg-00159-00094614-00095070 and because I've seen that isn't something that people are like oh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00160-00095172-00095496 in our shock because of it or think I'm weird because of it
ihFV1zD5EMg-00161-00095496-00096294 it makes me more open to to just tell people and be living in that and kind of live that truth
ihFV1zD5EMg-00162-00096516-00097020 for sure for sure for sure so if there's you know if so if there's somebody out there you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00163-00097020-00097518 know that's hearing this uh episode and you know they you know they seeing you and they they've
ihFV1zD5EMg-00164-00097518-00098058 learned about your story and everything like that and like let's say they may have a child that you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00165-00098058-00098712 know has been diagnosed with with autism um and you know they they may be in that stage of where
ihFV1zD5EMg-00166-00098712-00099132 they just don't understand or don't know how to relate to that child like is there a word
ihFV1zD5EMg-00167-00099132-00099600 of encouragement or something that you know you would just share with them knowing that knowing
ihFV1zD5EMg-00168-00099600-00100008 that you've gone the route uh with your mom and the learning and all the different things
ihFV1zD5EMg-00169-00100008-00100830 that you've you've been able to learn thus far I would say that even if your child is difficult and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00170-00100902-00101340 maybe you may feel that you can't relate to them the most just find the little things that
ihFV1zD5EMg-00171-00101478-00101928 that y'all might enjoy together that they might enjoy and just appreciate those that even if they
ihFV1zD5EMg-00172-00102072-00102420 aren't the most talkative but they still love you even if it's in their own way
ihFV1zD5EMg-00173-00102420-00102792 but there's still a lot of love there even if it's not communicated the best
ihFV1zD5EMg-00174-00102900-00103278 and just make sure to show them well even even if they don't
ihFV1zD5EMg-00175-00103380-00103968 understand it or take it the best all the time yeah man that's real man that's real that's real
ihFV1zD5EMg-00176-00104088-00104556 so I saw you talking about your brother uh because I saw you know because I I mean I
ihFV1zD5EMg-00177-00104556-00105126 feel like I I saw the I saw like the sizzle reel that he that he put together for you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00178-00105198-00105738 um so where where is your brother not like is he still in Cali or where where is your brother how's
ihFV1zD5EMg-00179-00105738-00106350 y'all he's still with Cali he's been pooping over the place he just came back he came back
ihFV1zD5EMg-00180-00106350-00106956 from Africa in the summertime moving over there in the prayer League uh and then just looking to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00181-00106956-00107640 go for more obviously overseas stuff he's just been hoping he uh there's a lot of Social Media
ihFV1zD5EMg-00182-00107640-00108264 stuff as well being on Tick Tock trying to get on Instagram and everything like that so he he's back
ihFV1zD5EMg-00183-00108264-00108702 in Cali but I've been kind of more out in the South now so I haven't really been back there
ihFV1zD5EMg-00184-00108702-00109361 hooping with him and being able to spend that time with him but he's still over there living good
ihFV1zD5EMg-00185-00109511-00109980 that's what's up so I okay because when I started when I saw the video I just assumed that he was
ihFV1zD5EMg-00186-00109980-00110418 like a videographer but that's dope to know that you know he's still hoof and everything like that
ihFV1zD5EMg-00187-00110418-00111276 yeah he ain't no videographer uh we both we we uh both more kids edit videos and stuff like that but
ihFV1zD5EMg-00188-00111276-00111911 he just he just put that together in his free time and watch the show found some clips and uh because
ihFV1zD5EMg-00189-00111911-00112338 he had been his watch that he was supported me a lot wanted to watch it all the first day being
ihFV1zD5EMg-00190-00112338-00112776 watched it he said I had to go back I started recording these clips I put them all together
ihFV1zD5EMg-00191-00112776-00113358 so you have some I just want to send this to you and made it for me and it was kind of a great a
ihFV1zD5EMg-00192-00113358-00113808 great thing to put out at the time it was just a great I thought it was an amazing video to be
ihFV1zD5EMg-00193-00113808-00114294 able to have and then to share with everybody so I of course want to shout them out on that and just
ihFV1zD5EMg-00194-00114450-00114954 because he's showing a lot of love and I really appreciated it yeah man I mean I think that's like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00195-00114954-00115488 a super super dope full circle moment especially knowing that you know he was the one that like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00196-00115488-00116064 like that was with you when when you were starting out hooping and everything like that and now you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00197-00116064-00116622 know he's overseas hooping but you know you're you're you're going through the ranks the Juco and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00198-00116622-00117114 you know now you have division one program and and then he did the tape that's pretty that's pretty
ihFV1zD5EMg-00199-00117114-00117540 dope man that's a dope full circle moment that's a dope full circle yeah I think it is though full
ihFV1zD5EMg-00200-00117540-00117942 circle we supposed to get the I think and calling them on the phone we both get to appreciate where
ihFV1zD5EMg-00201-00117942-00118559 we're at right now because no we or other people didn't think we would even get this far he'd think
ihFV1zD5EMg-00202-00118559-00119130 he'll be playing pro thinking I'd be here D1 uh being able to get what I could get I think we we
ihFV1zD5EMg-00203-00119130-00119633 both appreciate it more than more than anything I was like we like to share that together and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00204-00119633-00120204 now it's kind of old everybody people get to see you hooping um everybody can see who won
ihFV1zD5EMg-00205-00120204-00120714 on the TV really on the TV screen and you made it where you're supposed to be and we still just
ihFV1zD5EMg-00206-00120714-00121320 looking forwards he gonna go get what he deserves still as a pro level I'm gonna get what I deserve
ihFV1zD5EMg-00207-00121320-00121818 here at college and just make the most of it and that's how I make the most of the moment as well
ihFV1zD5EMg-00208-00121968-00122694 I'm with you man I'm with you Josh why why Grambling and what's that HBCU lifestyle
ihFV1zD5EMg-00209-00122694-00123618 for you like because I know it's way different than the West Coast uh-huh yeah so grappling uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00210-00123618-00123996 they just felt like when I was when I was on the phone with them and they had offered me and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00211-00123996-00124602 everything I felt like family it just kind of that that southern love and that HBC you love they felt
ihFV1zD5EMg-00212-00124602-00125124 like they just felt like it was a good program they gonna take care of me and coming down here
ihFV1zD5EMg-00213-00125124-00125838 to this out I had uh before I came I left Cali and I was in Alabama with my with my girl living down
ihFV1zD5EMg-00214-00125838-00126204 there so I got to experience the South a little bit and I'm kind of like I love it down here
ihFV1zD5EMg-00215-00126258-00126792 Southern Hospitality Southern Charm everything is it's kind of it's kind of nice it's more of
ihFV1zD5EMg-00216-00126792-00127464 a quiet life then I went down to Grandma and I was like yeah I love it uh apcu I already seen all the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00217-00127464-00128022 fans be coming out showing they got the stepping on the major Reds in the band and everything so
ihFV1zD5EMg-00218-00128142-00128783 this is a a nice environment and a good place I would love to hoop at and then a little bit
ihFV1zD5EMg-00219-00128783-00129432 I could see uh the southern ball favorite is Big a lot more and Cali balls a little running gun Steph
ihFV1zD5EMg-00220-00129432-00129959 Curry type a little bit of ball like that and down south they kind of like to utilize The Bigs
ihFV1zD5EMg-00221-00130032-00130932 Play Play that bully ball to kind of fit my play style fair enough man yeah we've been able
ihFV1zD5EMg-00222-00130932-00131496 to knock off uh some good teams this year on this season going on and looking to make a good run so
ihFV1zD5EMg-00223-00131580-00132102 I think it's all it's all been nice starting Commerce play today that's that's dope man
ihFV1zD5EMg-00224-00132102-00132474 that's dope that's dope all right so now now we're gonna we're gonna get ready to transition
ihFV1zD5EMg-00225-00132474-00132960 Josh gonna get ready to transition man and now this is the dear student athletes segment right
ihFV1zD5EMg-00226-00132960-00133410 and this is the segment where I give you the opportunity just to share you know a nugget of
ihFV1zD5EMg-00227-00133410-00134004 wisdom or just some insight that you want to share with the current student athlete or uh
ihFV1zD5EMg-00228-00134004-00134826 aspiring student athlete so you got the floor Josh you got the floor okay well dear student athletes
ihFV1zD5EMg-00229-00134928-00135408 I would say just no matter what sports you're doing what position you're in doesn't work the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00230-00135408-00136068 hardest that you can no matter what you can't you can't teach you can't teach effort so you might
ihFV1zD5EMg-00231-00136068-00136536 as well give all that you can because it's going to show and it could that that alone could take
ihFV1zD5EMg-00232-00136536-00136914 you budget even if you're not the most talented and most skilled you could have the most effort
ihFV1zD5EMg-00233-00136914-00137604 on a team and that is going to put you at the top and just appreciate the moment while you're there
ihFV1zD5EMg-00234-00137604-00138030 just take it take some time to appreciate appreciate playing in high school or middle
ihFV1zD5EMg-00235-00138030-00138708 school playing at AAU appreciate all those games you're not gonna get them back and he was going
ihFV1zD5EMg-00236-00138708-00139158 to be looking you're going to be looking back on him for a long time just missing those moments
ihFV1zD5EMg-00237-00139380-00139968 there it is there it is oh I like it I like it I like it all right all right so now now we're
ihFV1zD5EMg-00238-00139968-00140190 going we're going to lighten up a little bit y'all it's gonna lighten up a little bit and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00239-00140190-00140760 this is the segment I like to call this or that all right so this is gonna be a little bit of
ihFV1zD5EMg-00240-00140760-00141270 Rapid Fire and I'm gonna ask you you know you're gonna get two options you're gonna say one or the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00241-00141270-00142206 other Josh are you ready I'll go over the ready go ahead let's get to pancakes or waffles waffles
ihFV1zD5EMg-00242-00142398-00143256 Popeyes or Chick-fil-A Papa uh I'd say Chick-fil-A I don't know I'll go Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A
ihFV1zD5EMg-00243-00143322-00144432 oh man all right all right West Coast are the Dirty South oh um so abroad are the states
ihFV1zD5EMg-00244-00144696-00145152 off the interstate interstate
ihFV1zD5EMg-00245-00145326-00146412 fair enough some are our winner summertime work hard or play hard work hard there it is
ihFV1zD5EMg-00246-00146928-00147462 fair enough man fair enough fair enough man Josh I'm about to let you get ready to get out of here
ihFV1zD5EMg-00247-00147462-00147960 but before we do uh I always like to just give you the opportunity to this is what I call the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00248-00147960-00148494 winner circle of the week and this opportunity for you to to shout out somebody that you feels like
ihFV1zD5EMg-00249-00148494-00148992 either an underdog or somebody just you know hasn't hasn't received their just do yet and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00250-00148992-00149448 you're like John I want to shout them out because they dope and I think you should have them on your
ihFV1zD5EMg-00251-00149448-00150186 show next so who would that person be for you uh for me that person would be honestly my teammate
ihFV1zD5EMg-00252-00150186-00150864 and my roommate Cartier Gordon I think he going on he going out this season and he been through a lot
ihFV1zD5EMg-00253-00150864-00151560 uh he uh he worked he working he worked real hard and work his ass off to be where he had today and
ihFV1zD5EMg-00254-00151632-00152064 he's someone over here he's someone over here that I respect and I think it's bringing a lot to
ihFV1zD5EMg-00255-00152148-00152724 my place died in Grambling as well you help him put you up and puts a team forward so
ihFV1zD5EMg-00256-00152796-00153306 I was outside him there we go there we go Josh please let all the people
ihFV1zD5EMg-00257-00153306-00153660 know where they can how they can find you follow you connect with you at this time
ihFV1zD5EMg-00258-00153744-00154362 uh you can find me and follow me on Instagram at Josh Phillips with uh3ls and then uh also
ihFV1zD5EMg-00259-00154362-00154980 on Twitter at josh2 Phillips there we go there we go man Josh I appreciate you man taking the
ihFV1zD5EMg-00260-00154980-00155526 time that to sit down for for the interview uh bro really really means a lot and like I told
ihFV1zD5EMg-00261-00155526-00156216 you before we we locked in and bro I wish wish you all the best man have locked in I appreciate you
ihFV1zD5EMg-00262-00156216-00156606 having me on here it was great coming to talking with you uh you know we're gonna stay in touch
ihFV1zD5EMg-00263-00156606-00157224 and we're gonna be locked in I just appreciate the love most definitely most definitely everybody out
ihFV1zD5EMg-00264-00157224-00157692 there if you if you're watching this on YouTube be sure to smash the uh subscribe button and also
ihFV1zD5EMg-00265-00157692-00158208 drop a comment down below man show Josh some love because man he's really out here changing
ihFV1zD5EMg-00266-00158208-00158724 the game in more ways than just on the floor uh so so be make sure to stay tapped in with
ihFV1zD5EMg-00267-00158724-00159240 with him and family this is beyond the ball where we help you succeed beyond your degree
ijOupsidX6g-00000-00000422-00000976 The political scandal in the United States that erupted late last year has taken an unexpected
ijOupsidX6g-00001-00000976-00001144 turn.
ijOupsidX6g-00002-00001144-00001585 A criminal case was opened against Donald Trump.
ijOupsidX6g-00003-00001585-00001994 And this time the storming of the Capitol was innocent.
ijOupsidX6g-00004-00001994-00002572 The politician is accused, paradoxically, of an attempt to rig the elections.
ijOupsidX6g-00005-00002572-00003127 The Fulton County Prosecutor's Office (Georgia) has opened a criminal case against Donald
ijOupsidX6g-00006-00003127-00003678 Trump, suspecting him of trying to rig the election results in Georgia.
ijOupsidX6g-00007-00003678-00004142 This is all about the same Trump phone call to Republican Brad Raffensperger, during which
ijOupsidX6g-00008-00004142-00004591 the president asked for evidence of fraud by Democrats in Georgia.
ijOupsidX6g-00009-00004591-00005072 Raffensperger, in turn, assured Trump that there were no election violations, but the
ijOupsidX6g-00010-00005072-00005408 president did not believe the Republican.
ijOupsidX6g-00011-00005408-00005905 According to media reports, Trump literally intimidated his interlocutor with criminal
ijOupsidX6g-00012-00005905-00006297 prosecution if he did not find evidence.
ijOupsidX6g-00013-00006297-00006781 Fulton's prosecutors interpret this as incitement to rigging elections.
ijOupsidX6g-00014-00006781-00007265 If proven guilty, Trump could face up to three years in prison.
ijOupsidX6g-00015-00007265-00007941 He may also be accused of interfering with the activities of those in charge of the elections.
ijOupsidX6g-00016-00007941-00008398 Fulton's prosecutor Fanny Willis has already asked Raffensperger to keep the documents
ijOupsidX6g-00017-00008398-00008672 confirming Trump's call.
ijOupsidX6g-00018-00008672-00008888 Here are excerpts from that famous call.
ijOupsidX6g-00019-00008888-00009396 “We won this election in Georgia and there’s nothing wrong with saying that, Brad.
ijOupsidX6g-00020-00009396-00009818 And the people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry.
ijOupsidX6g-00021-00009818-00010265 There are 2,236 absentee ballots, exact numbers that have been made by accounting firms, law
ijOupsidX6g-00022-00010265-00010517 firms, and so on.
ijOupsidX6g-00023-00010517-00010973 And even if you divide them in half, divide the remainder in half and divide them in half
ijOupsidX6g-00024-00010973-00011256 again, that will be more votes than we need.
ijOupsidX6g-00025-00011256-00011356 ”
ijOupsidX6g-00026-00011356-00011756 “Well, Mr. President, the problem is that you have incorrect data.
ijOupsidX6g-00027-00011756-00012086 We talked to the congressmen and they were surprised.
ijOupsidX6g-00028-00012086-00012701 There was a man named Mr. Brainard who came to these meetings and presented the data.
ijOupsidX6g-00029-00012701-00013004 And he said that there were dead people, there were more than 5,000 of them.
ijOupsidX6g-00030-00013004-00013266 In fact, there were two of them.
ijOupsidX6g-00031-00013266-00013368 Two.
ijOupsidX6g-00032-00013368-00013581 Two dead people voted.
ijOupsidX6g-00033-00013581-00013741 So this is wrong.
ijOupsidX6g-00034-00013741-00013906 There were only two people.
ijOupsidX6g-00035-00013906-00014391 “Because you know what they did and do not report it, this, you know, this is a crime,
ijOupsidX6g-00036-00014391-00014678 this is a criminal offense, you cannot allow this.
ijOupsidX6g-00037-00014678-00015112 “Mister President, you have people who provide information and we have people who provide
ijOupsidX6g-00038-00015112-00015263 information.
ijOupsidX6g-00039-00015263-00015475 And then it comes to court.
ijOupsidX6g-00040-00015475-00015721 And then the court has to make a decision.
ijOupsidX6g-00041-00015721-00015941 We must stand for our numbers.
ijOupsidX6g-00042-00015941-00016152 We believe our numbers are correct.
ijOupsidX6g-00043-00016152-00016252 "
ijOupsidX6g-00044-00016252-00016621 “Well, by law, you're not allowed to give false election results, okay?
ijOupsidX6g-00045-00016621-00016954 You cannot do this; it is a wrong election result.
ijOupsidX6g-00046-00016954-00017288 You know, the people of Georgia know this was a scam.
ijOupsidX6g-00047-00017288-00017680 And Brad, we just want the truth, it's simple.
ijOupsidX6g-00048-00017680-00017780 "
ijOupsidX6g-00049-00017780-00018188 It is curious that Trump in conversation refers to the data of accounting firms, and Raffensperger
ijOupsidX6g-00050-00018188-00018565 - to conversations with congressmen.
ijOupsidX6g-00051-00018565-00019087 The investigation comes as President Trump faces a second impeachment trial in Washington
ijOupsidX6g-00052-00019087-00019563 this week, allegedly for his role in fomenting the actions of the gang that attacked the
ijOupsidX6g-00053-00019563-00019801 Capitol on January 6.
ijOupsidX6g-00054-00019801-00020334 Jason Miller, Trump's senior adviser, said Wednesday in a statement that “the timing
ijOupsidX6g-00055-00020334-00020804 here is not accidental, given today's impeachment trial.
ijOupsidX6g-00056-00020804-00021234 This is simply the latest attempt by Democrats to score political points by continuing their
ijOupsidX6g-00057-00021234-00021645 witch-hunt against President Trump, and everyone sees right through it.
ijOupsidX6g-00058-00021645-00021745 "
ijOupsidX6g-00059-00021745-00022141 “Just because they started an investigation does not mean District Attorney Willis is
ijOupsidX6g-00060-00022141-00022668 going to submit it to a grand jury,” said Joshua Morrison, a former senior assistant
ijOupsidX6g-00061-00022668-00023109 district attorney for Fulton County who once worked closely with Miss Willis.
ijOupsidX6g-00062-00023109-00023458 “Look at the impeachment process,” he added.
ijOupsidX6g-00063-00023458-00024694 "[Democrats] are going to give up [against Trump] everything they have."
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imka-MqmpCE-00000-00000556-00001127 Hello my name is Sam Hume and I come from Scotland and I teach here at
imka-MqmpCE-00001-00001127-00001643 Leeward Community College I am a linguist and I very much enjoy
imka-MqmpCE-00002-00001643-00002138 everything to do with language I grew up in Scotland which is very similar to
imka-MqmpCE-00003-00002138-00002621 Hawaii except cold I enjoy teaching students
imka-MqmpCE-00004-00002621-00002996 from all over the world I have taught myself all over the world
imka-MqmpCE-00005-00002996-00003553 I taught in Russia and in Germany and on the east coast of the United States and
imka-MqmpCE-00006-00003553-00004307 in Florida I've also worked as a dancer and have also worked in Disney World so
imka-MqmpCE-00007-00004307-00005051 I have quite a long occupational history behind me I very much enjoy teaching my
imka-MqmpCE-00008-00005051-00005530 students English as a Second Language I teach reading writing listening and
imka-MqmpCE-00009-00005530-00006080 speaking and here at Leeward I very much enjoy watching my students achieve their
imka-MqmpCE-00010-00006080-00006661 goals it is very important to study the language of the country that you're in
imka-MqmpCE-00011-00006661-00007240 and therefore it is for me it is a joy to learn about the cultures and the
imka-MqmpCE-00012-00007240-00007663 different languages that my students speak so I look forward to seeing you in
imka-MqmpCE-00013-00007663-00008173 my classes here at Leeward and thank you for letting me introduce myself to you
imka-MqmpCE-00014-00008173-00008472 Aloha
jo6mX2FP0ak-00000-00000010-00000056 SPORTS RIGHT NOW, AND WE'LL
jo6mX2FP0ak-00001-00000056-00000063 SPORTS RIGHT NOW, AND WE'LL  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00003-00000106-00000113 SPORTS RIGHT NOW, AND WE'LL FOR THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00009-00000580-00000587 IMPACT THIS CHANGE COULD HAVE. >> FOR A CITY TO THE BAY, THE  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00011-00000730-00000737 >> FOR A CITY TO THE BAY, THE NEWS OF RELAXED WALLEYE  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00019-00001334-00001341 GOOD OLD CONVERSATION. LAST WEEK THE MINNESOTA  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00029-00002235-00002242 OBJECTIVES. >> WE HAVE A SURPLUS OF FISH  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00039-00003256-00003263 GOING TO BE HITTING AS EARLY AS THIS FALL.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00041-00003413-00003420 THIS FALL. THEY'RE GOING TO END UP STAYING  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00045-00003753-00003760 IN THAT SLOT FOR A LONG TIME. WE DON'T NEED THAT MANY OF THEM.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00047-00003910-00003917 WE DON'T NEED THAT MANY OF THEM. >> THE CURRENT REGULATION ON  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00053-00004454-00004461 RELEASE OF ALL WALLEYE 20 TO 26 INCHES LONG WITH POSSESSION  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00057-00004898-00004904 OF FOUR FISH, ONE OF WHICH CAN BE LONGER THAN 26 INCHES.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00059-00005085-00005091 BE LONGER THAN 26 INCHES. THE NEW PROPOSAL WOULD RELAX  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00061-00005191-00005198 THE NEW PROPOSAL WOULD RELAX THOSE RULES.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00063-00005355-00005362 THOSE RULES. HOWEVER, REGULATIONS COULD  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00067-00005822-00005829 RETURN IN THE NEAR FUTURE. >> WHAT WE DO KNOW IS MORTALITY  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00069-00006306-00006312 >> WHAT WE DO KNOW IS MORTALITY IS CONSTANT, AND WE CAN HAVE  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00083-00007420-00007427 CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00085-00007620-00007627 NOW. >> FOR THE CITY OF WALKER, THEIR  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00097-00008725-00008732 WALLEYE REGULATIONS IS WELCOMED NEWS.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00099-00008868-00008875 NEWS. >> TOURISM IS OUR NO. 1 THING,  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00100-00008875-00009042 NEWS. >> TOURISM IS OUR NO. 1 THING, SO WITHOUT OUR TOURISTS AND
jo6mX2FP0ak-00101-00009042-00009049 >> TOURISM IS OUR NO. 1 THING, SO WITHOUT OUR TOURISTS AND  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00111-00009726-00009733 SPORTS, WE ARE DEFINITELY IN TROUBLE.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00113-00009896-00009903 TROUBLE. WE NEED THEM, AND WE NEED THEM  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00117-00010206-00010213 TO COME KEEP COMING, SO OUR LAKE IS OUR NO. 1 THING.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00119-00010423-00010430 IS OUR NO. 1 THING. >> THE HOPE IS THAT IF THE  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00121-00010573-00010580 >> THE HOPE IS THAT IF THE PROPOSED CHANGE IS GRANTED THE  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00127-00011044-00011051 POPULARITY OF AN ALREADY POPULAR LAKE.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00129-00011157-00011164 LAKE. >> MAKING THESE CHANGES WITH OUR  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00137-00011825-00011831 THEM, FISHERMEN AND FISHER WOMEN, TO OUR TOWN.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00139-00011995-00012001 WOMEN, TO OUR TOWN. >> BUT THE PROPOSED CHANGE IS  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00140-00012001-00012125 WOMEN, TO OUR TOWN. >> BUT THE PROPOSED CHANGE IS NOT A DONE DEAL.
jo6mX2FP0ak-00141-00012125-00012132 >> BUT THE PROPOSED CHANGE IS NOT A DONE DEAL.  
jo6mX2FP0ak-00143-00012242-00012248 NOT A DONE DEAL. INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS WILL BE  
j25Wj8NOEX0-00000-00000000-00000200 sting nation channel
j2hrKtwzYE8-00000-00000451-00000780 Hi and welcome to the continuing teacher education offices.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00001-00000806-00001018 What do you guy do here?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00002-00001036-00001198 We offer online AQ &
j2hrKtwzYE8-00003-00001198-00001492 ABQ courses for teachers who want to upgrade their qualifications.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00004-00001510-00001660 How many sessions do you offer?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00005-00001670-00002174 We offer eight sessions a year. What's the wait time like if I have a
j2hrKtwzYE8-00006-00002174-00002594 question about a course or application requirement? We answer all email
j2hrKtwzYE8-00007-00002594-00002886 inquiries within one to two business days.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00008-00002914-00003254 What happens if I enroll in a course, but need to drop it?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00009-00003302-00003414 If you drop the course within the
j2hrKtwzYE8-00010-00003414-00003826 first week of it the session, you will receive a 100% refund.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00011-00003856-00004102 Who teaches your courses?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00012-00004148-00004556 Our instructors have either a master's degree or specialist
j2hrKtwzYE8-00013-00004557-00004953 designation in their subject area as well as substantial experience teaching
j2hrKtwzYE8-00014-00004953-00005523 in Ontario schools. How long is Queens been offering AQ and ABQ courses?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00015-00005523-00005886 We've been offering AQ and a ABQ courses for over 20 years now.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00016-00005886-00006132 What if I need tech support?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00017-00006136-00006326 If you have any tech questions
j2hrKtwzYE8-00018-00006328-00006616 you can reach out to Ian and Sarah and they'll be able to help you out.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00019-00006673-00006864 Who designs your courses?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00020-00006864-00007112 We have a team of instructional designers and writers who are
j2hrKtwzYE8-00021-00007112-00007492 collaboratively together to write courses they made OCT regulations and guidelines
j2hrKtwzYE8-00022-00007564-00007768 And where should I go for more information?
j2hrKtwzYE8-00023-00007800-00007894 For more information
j2hrKtwzYE8-00024-00007894-00008212 you can reach out to us at www.coursesforteachers.ca
j2hrKtwzYE8-00025-00008212-00008452 or check in with us at Facebook and Twitter.
j2hrKtwzYE8-00026-00008498-00008670 Thanks see you online
j2hrKtwzYE8-00027-00009408-00009614 you
j3aRRmkn5DE-00000-00000035-00000333 Hi, I'm Xiomara. I will be participating in the first
j3aRRmkn5DE-00001-00000333-00000923 Latin American LibreOffice Conference on July 19 and 20 at the National University
j3aRRmkn5DE-00002-00000923-00001343 of Asuncion, in Paraguay, where I will be sharing the experience of the
j3aRRmkn5DE-00003-00001343-00001762 University of Costa Rica in the migration to Free Software, Open Source and
j3aRRmkn5DE-00004-00001762-00002041 Open Standards. You are cordially invited.
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00000-00000134-00000466 I'm in your!!! Ileheart♥
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00001-00000466-00001213 With that said, it's me, Dengeki Playstation's on-trial-period official Vtuber, Ileheart
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00002-00001214-00001580 Also known as Denheart!!!!!!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00003-00001700-00002023 The occasional yet rare sponsored video has come again!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00004-00002023-00002678 We'll be doing another Dengeki Playstation magazine showcase this month!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00005-00002710-00003608 Ileheart will now majestically present the DengekiPS going on sale on 2/28!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00006-00004200-00004546 Is there... You know, will there be no gag this month?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00007-00004837-00005013 I'm going to do it normally, you know...?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00008-00005364-00005555 I have a bad feeling about this...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00009-00005839-00006162 Dengeki Playstation, I love you!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00010-00006445-00006904 And the cover of this month's DengekiPS is...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00011-00007150-00007423 Devil May Cry 5!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00012-00007423-00007772 This amazingly cool cover will be on display!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00013-00007868-00008226 And this volume's Brave Neptunia content is about...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00014-00008226-00008466 D!L!C!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00015-00008826-00009122 The "Hero Sentai Braveranger Set" and
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00016-00009130-00009442 the "Swimsuit Costume Set" are getting showcased.
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00017-00009442-00009882 Both DLCs are cute and flavorful!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00018-00009900-00010234 If you like Nep, you gotta get both!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00019-00010266-00010403 (Which does Ileheart like?)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00020-00010403-00010453 Wugh
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00021-00010453-00010503 Hmmm
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00022-00010525-00010625 Hm? What...?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00023-00010638-00010850 Ah... Ahem...  (For some reason, Ileheart's reaction is incomprehensible)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00024-00010874-00010984 Hm....
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00025-00011074-00011700 I, just as any normal person would, perhaps like the Swimsuit costume set?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00026-00011700-00012148 Noire's and Compa's designs are... my... favorites!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00027-00012402-00012786 Either way, all of them are incredible and brave costumes, so
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00028-00012786-00012934 You gotta check them out!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00029-00013011-00013107 Aand!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00030-00013107-00013406 This month's Dengeki Neptalk and
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00031-00013406-00013751 Denpile Publications are highly acclaimed!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00032-00014012-00014641 Personally, Ileheart loved Mizuno-P's column...!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00033-00014736-00015219 She's writing about how her nephews like games
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00034-00015219-00015877 And she's asking them about whether they dream about making games
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00035-00015878-00016247 It's a pretty savory and interesting text!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00036-00016363-00017010 Ileheart likes how it feels like a new type of manzai, so please do check out the Denpa Sisters 4koma as well!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00037-00017688-00017836 Can I keep going? (Whispering)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00038-00018138-00018300 A-a-a-and!!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00039-00018300-00018506 Next is the long-awaited~~
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00040-00018506-00018648 Ileheart Corner!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00042-00019006-00019392 The Dengeki Ileheart Corner, which started a while ago!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00043-00019400-00019984 What could fate have in store for the Ileheart game whose title and genre have been erased? (Monotone)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00044-00020190-00020365 Hmm, well, because of that...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00045-00020402-00020902 Last month, Ileheart gathered suggestions for her game's title
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00046-00020902-00021332 And there were so many suggestions that it was shocking
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00047-00021332-00021768 And I was very happy about that, thank you, everyone who applied!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00048-00021841-00021944 But, well...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00049-00022010-00022110 Y'know...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00050-00022110-00022486 In reverse to that happiness, most suggestions had stuff like
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00051-00022524-00022864 "Meat" or "Rejected" in them
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00052-00022864-00023509 Maybe it's just me, but it was almost as if they were teasing Ileheart
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00053-00023509-00023821 Even though you bastards like Ileheart...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00054-00023822-00024102 "They're so tsundere" was what I figured!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00055-00024124-00024174 Hm?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00056-00024220-00024320 They're just being tsundere, right?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00057-00024520-00025120 Either way! Ileheart picked some titles to publish and left a comment on them!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00058-00025120-00025617 So if you applied, you have to check it out because maybe you've been featured!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00060-00025698-00025817 (Wrap it up)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00061-00026166-00026554 And that's all for this month's DengekiPS' articles!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00062-00026606-00027094 Ilehearters that got interested, please do buy this volume!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00063-00027933-00028074 What? It's really the end?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00064-00028095-00028205 (Yeah)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00065-00028254-00028418 Wasn't it, like, a super normal video?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00066-00028445-00028588 (What are you hoping for?)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00067-00028588-00028980 Huh?! It's because you guys always prepare something weird
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00068-00028980-00029163 I'm just being wary, it's not like...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00069-00029164-00029383 It's not like I'm hoping for anything!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00070-00029383-00029730 To begin with, the mosaic thing from last time, it was totally different from what you told me!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00071-00029730-00030044 I was the one getting mosaic'd, what was the meaning of that?!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00072-00030076-00030210 I got called Mosaheart
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00073-00030210-00030474 If it sounds bad, it's also bad for me, so, like
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00074-00030474-00030812 Why do I seem to be taking the comedian route?!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00075-00030812-00031172 First, compared to the galaxy...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00076-00031172-00031618 I said it wrong, comparing to how I was treated on the first episode (there's a galactic gap of care and-)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00077-00031808-00032054 ~Backstage~
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00078-00032274-00032324 (Here, take it)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00080-00032500-00032912 This is...! The Brave Neptune figure of Neptune!!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00081-00032994-00033449 This figure... it appeared on the cover of DengekiPS, right?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00082-00033554-00033823 This boooouncey feeling it has is so cute!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00083-00033892-00034128 But, wait, hm, what is this
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00084-00034132-00034332 Her shoes are panda slippers!! (Slippers come with the Dengeki Special pack)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00085-00034332-00034544 Her shoes are panda slippers!!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00086-00034642-00034942 This is so amazing...
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00087-00034942-00035398 Neptune figures are all so cute, I'm so happy.
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00088-00035398-00035598 I'll put it on my room!
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00089-00035640-00035714 (Nah)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00090-00035714-00035764 Huh?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00091-00035792-00035842 (You're just borrowing it)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00093-00036138-00036371 Ileheart isn't getting this as a gift...?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00094-00036554-00037160 Isn't Ileheart doing a lot more for DengekiPS than Compa is?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00096-00037242-00037481 Isn't this a reward for that?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00097-00037508-00037682 (We're all equal)
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00098-00037744-00038440 Can't I get some special treatment due to the current state of net literacy?
j4JKwsu4Vmc-00099-00038636-00039036 I'll check if MoldWorks won't buy it for me and put it under their expenses later...
j92oE85U4HE-00000-00001324-00001514 We have nothing to lose
j92oE85U4HE-00001-00001636-00001838 We can all be winners
j92oE85U4HE-00002-00001904-00002186 [Alec Oxenford – OLX & Letgo Founder ] I think I’m sort of realizing it.
j92oE85U4HE-00003-00002200-00002880 That every single person, every woman, every child, every man, every grandparent,
j92oE85U4HE-00004-00002888-00003444 everyone in this world is a unique event in the history of this universe.
j92oE85U4HE-00005-00003676-00004546 There will never again be a Mary, an Ann, a Joe, a Peter, a Sophia, never again.
j92oE85U4HE-00006-00004668-00005104 There won’t be one moving forward, and there wasn’t one in the past.
j92oE85U4HE-00007-00005360-00005850 Meaning, what Agustin, or Sophia, or Peter, or Ann, or Jacinta, or whomever can contribute,
j92oE85U4HE-00008-00005948-00006296 if they don’t contribute it, we are all left without it.
j92oE85U4HE-00009-00006409-00006818 It’s not replaceable. Because another one like me does not exist.
j92oE85U4HE-00010-00006858-00007573 He never existed, nor will he ever exist. My contribution to the universe, to society, is entirely unique.
j92oE85U4HE-00011-00007662-00008050 So, if I don’t have a chance to contribute, the whole world is poorer because of that.
j92oE85U4HE-00012-00008114-00008702 Imagine if this affects millions and millions of women. How poor the rest of us become!
j92oE85U4HE-00013-00008760-00009664 It’s a fundamental issue, of personal interest, to find a society where everyone can express themselves
j92oE85U4HE-00014-00009696-00010100 and develop their potential. Because we are all better off in that case.
j92oE85U4HE-00015-00010124-00010766 Because you can’t do it alone. That’s something I learned very well as an entrepreneur.
j92oE85U4HE-00016-00010828-00011648 The impact a single person can have is a tiny fraction of the impact one can have as part of a team.
j92oE85U4HE-00017-00011684-00013282 And a team with the logical characteristics of diversity, openness and fun- the fun part is actually very important.
j92oE85U4HE-00018-00013294-00014082 I’ve seen this with time that most teams that make the greatest impact are the teams that have a good time.
j92oE85U4HE-00019-00014128-00014802 Teams that generate change, that have impact, change the world, are the teams that are laughing all the time,
j92oE85U4HE-00020-00014802-00014966 they're having fun.
j92oE85U4HE-00021-00014966-00015474 And in order to get to fun and to having a good time, diversity is essential.
j92oE85U4HE-00022-00015491-00016402 Imagine a team made up of clones, they’re all the same, they’re clones. Who can have fun in that environment?
j92oE85U4HE-00023-00016408-00016958 It’s the most boring thing there is: there’s nothing new, nothing – what can someone who is exactly like me give me?
j92oE85U4HE-00024-00017034-00017256 Nothing. It’s like hanging out with a mirror all day.
j92oE85U4HE-00025-00017274-00017902 While if I have diversity, if I have something complementary, different personalities,
j92oE85U4HE-00026-00017944-00018662 different vocations, different styles, different energy levels, that’s really fun.
j92oE85U4HE-00027-00018784-00019164 It peaks my curiosity, it engages me, it’s spectacular.
j92oE85U4HE-00028-00019208-00019610 When we repeat the same thing over and over again, people get used to it being that way.
j92oE85U4HE-00029-00019626-00019802 We don’t question enough.
j92oE85U4HE-00030-00019856-00020778 That’s what happened, the centuries it took for us to have a serious debate about a woman’s role.
j92oE85U4HE-00031-00020872-00021234 Centuries and centuries – and why? Because for centuries we hadn’t had it.
j92oE85U4HE-00032-00021288-00021714 So, people would say “it’s always been this way. Why should we change it now?
j92oE85U4HE-00033-00021840-00022306 It’s been this way for 2,000 years, obviously, it’s logical for it to be this way.”
j92oE85U4HE-00034-00022322-00022494 No. Evidently, it’s not logical.
j92oE85U4HE-00035-00022494-00022766 Even though it had been that way for 2,000 years.
j92oE85U4HE-00036-00022890-00023302 The status quo has a huge power over us and it greatly conditions us.
j92oE85U4HE-00037-00023332-00024338 So, I love that there are people who dare to denounce and dare to become indignant before the rest.
j92oE85U4HE-00038-00024364-00024634 That’s why I love artists.
j92oE85U4HE-00039-00024680-00025460 Because, in their own way, artists, who I consider to be the most sensitive members of society, are ahead of the curve.
j92oE85U4HE-00040-00025482-00026204 They see, they live, they feel, the essence of what is coming before the rest of us. They see it before us.
j92oE85U4HE-00041-00026208-00027118 And often, in my opinion, they turn it into art, which the rest of us, with some time, understand a little better.
j92oE85U4HE-00042-00027132-00027339 Clearly, a more female world is coming.
j92oE85U4HE-00043-00027358-00027908 There’s plenty of interpretations. There’s an astrological one, which says we’re entering a new era,
j92oE85U4HE-00044-00028000-00028662 where the world becomes much more – I say this because I have a friend who is an astrologist
j92oE85U4HE-00045-00028668-00028858 who always fills my head with this stuff.
j92oE85U4HE-00046-00028858-00029892 But in a more concrete sense, I see it because the macho strategy in a more informed world,
j92oE85U4HE-00047-00029904-00031004 and where muscles stop being so relevant, the brain and emotions in particular start to become much more relevant,
j92oE85U4HE-00048-00031004-00031586 is a world that asks for and demands a lot more feminism.
j92oE85U4HE-00049-00031592-00032668 Because women have advantages when it comes to sensitivity and emotions that men don’t have.
j92oE85U4HE-00050-00032706-00033966 So, in a world where it’s no longer acceptable to threaten people with a stick to do things they don’t want to do,
j92oE85U4HE-00051-00034040-00034432 just by giving some space, the natural balance is restored.
j92oE85U4HE-00052-00034458-00034898 And I think we’re moving towards a world where we all will reap benefits
j92oE85U4HE-00053-00034928-00035632 of some of the particular and better characteristics women possess.
j92oE85U4HE-00054-00035674-00036044 And we, as men, will be able to relax a little. Which is also great.
j92oE85U4HE-00055-00036094-00036452 It’s great to sometimes take the passenger seat.
j92oE85U4HE-00056-00036490-00037090 We have this mandate that tells us “no, men have to always lead, they have to do this and that”.
j92oE85U4HE-00057-00037106-00037366 “He's the man of the house”.  What does that mean?
j92oE85U4HE-00058-00037602-00038064 I spend the whole day making decisions, and whenever I can avoid making decisions and just think
j92oE85U4HE-00059-00038102-00038552 and look around and smile and see how others make good decisions, or make mistakes,
j92oE85U4HE-00060-00038576-00038850 and see how they learn, that’s awesome.
j92oE85U4HE-00061-00038906-00039756 To move away from the steering wheel a little, to step aside from the steering wheel, is also great.
j92oE85U4HE-00062-00039844-00040438 And I think we’re moving towards a world where we’ll see a lot more double-commands,
j92oE85U4HE-00063-00040482-00041166 and in some cases a total female command. And that’s great for men, also.
j92oE85U4HE-00064-00041234-00042114 The key is for men to understand that they aren’t losing anything, they’re gaining something.
j92oE85U4HE-00065-00042202-00042962 So, to me, the takeaway message is – you hear others say “men loses power because women are gaining power”
j92oE85U4HE-00066-00042962-00043360 it’s not a fight: we are complementary. We all win.
j92oE85U4HE-00067-00043372-00043638 One plus one equals four, five, seven, I don’t know.
j92oE85U4HE-00068-00043660-00044634 So, to give that space, at least I don’t see it as a contest. I see it as if suddenly
j92oE85U4HE-00069-00044646-00045002 we’re all pushing towards the same side, a better world.
j92oE85U4HE-00070-00045184-00046486 I spoke to a coach we have, he says that occidental society is very obsessed with discussions and
j92oE85U4HE-00071-00046496-00047512 and the need to have consensus, but a consensus based on forcing different opinions to seem similar.
j92oE85U4HE-00072-00047556-00047796 And he says that that isn’t good,
j92oE85U4HE-00073-00047830-00048656 we don't need have consensus, which is uniformity of opinions, but alignment behind a common objective.
j92oE85U4HE-00074-00048714-00048958 With different opinions, different visions.
j92oE85U4HE-00075-00048958-00049362 Because suddenly, we have more – if we’re all aligned behind a common objective,
j92oE85U4HE-00076-00049402-00049996 like prosperity, we want an overall happier society, if that’s the objective, to suddenly add
j92oE85U4HE-00077-00050026-00050628 different perspectives enriches decision-making and makes it more possible to reach the objective.
j92oE85U4HE-00078-00050658-00051166 Whereas if the objective is for all of us to agree, and we are never going to agree, we don’t move forward.
j92oE85U4HE-00079-00051244-00051696 We all end up being on one side of the debate, later we’re all on the other side, it’s a power struggle.
j92oE85U4HE-00080-00051705-00052041 Power isn’t what matters; what matters is to reach the objective.
j92oE85U4HE-00081-00052108-00052646 In order to do that, we have to broaden our horizons and realize that women can help us, men,
j92oE85U4HE-00082-00052652-00053241 reach our objectives better than we could by ourselves. It changes our perspectives.
j92oE85U4HE-00083-00053252-00053722 The first ones to be interested in a more equitable world, once we understand it, are us, men.
j92oE85U4HE-00084-00053805-00054408 We are bearing a disproportional burden and fulfilling a role that doesn’t correspond to us.
j92oE85U4HE-00085-00054467-00055036 It doesn’t align, in my opinion, with the essence of what we came here to do.
j92oE85U4HE-00086-00055162-00056329 It has much more to do with a historical legacy, lack of maturity, and based on rules that today are obsolete.
j92oE85U4HE-00087-00056440-00057191 At different times in the history of the world, when the world was much more hostile,
j92oE85U4HE-00088-00057298-00058474 where we couldn’t develop our souls, we needed to survive, and in many cases, there was violence
j92oE85U4HE-00089-00058476-00059304 and imminent dangers all the time, a division of roles may have made sense for everyone’s survival.
j92oE85U4HE-00090-00059379-00059779 Because one had more muscles, they could run faster, fight a lion, etc.
j92oE85U4HE-00091-00059812-00060360 But in a world like ours, where we’ve luckily left the survival phase behind,
j92oE85U4HE-00092-00060382-00060808 we can now develop our potential, we can aspire to happiness, not just survival.
j92oE85U4HE-00093-00060838-00061922 In that world, all of us together, with the greatest diversity we can attain, respecting each other,
j92oE85U4HE-00094-00061998-00062244 we have more chances for success. A lot more chances for success.
j92oE85U4HE-00095-00062298-00062446 But you have to get it.
j92oE85U4HE-00096-00062478-00063102 You can’t view this as a society of winners and losers. The great thing is that we can all be winners.
j92oE85U4HE-00097-00063176-00063417 If we change our outlook, we'll change the world
j92oE85U4HE-00098-00064590-00064700 We have nothing to lose
jrly9oA6dnQ-00000-00000115-00000617 We continue today reviewing the fundamentals This time we will go over some concepts in
jrly9oA6dnQ-00001-00000617-00001010 molecular biology With a focus on understanding 'omics data
jrly9oA6dnQ-00002-00001010-00001544 that we will need during this course If at any point you get lost or encounter
jrly9oA6dnQ-00003-00001544-00001943 unfamiliar concepts, just pause the video and make a comment about it.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00004-00001943-00002330 We will revisit any confusing points later
jrly9oA6dnQ-00005-00002330-00002815 First of all, we must recognized that there will be very important differences between
jrly9oA6dnQ-00006-00002815-00003370 eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms In this course we will primarily deal with
jrly9oA6dnQ-00007-00003370-00003827 prokaryotic examples, but the principles of data analysis should be very similar
jrly9oA6dnQ-00008-00003827-00004492 So, let us begin by bringing up the idea of the central dogma of molecular biology
jrly9oA6dnQ-00009-00004492-00005023 As originally stated by Francis Crick, the central dogma simply says that information
jrly9oA6dnQ-00010-00005023-00005705 can be transferred from nucleic acids to other nucleic acids and from nucleic acids to proteins,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00011-00005705-00006111 but it cannot be transferred from protein to proteins or back to nucleic acids
jrly9oA6dnQ-00012-00006111-00006712 However, a more common interpretation of the central dogma is as follows:
jrly9oA6dnQ-00013-00006712-00007166 The fundamental molecule storing information is the DNA
jrly9oA6dnQ-00014-00007166-00007715 And in order to maintain and spread information through time (and generations) DNA must undergo
jrly9oA6dnQ-00015-00007715-00008177 replication Next, information stored in DNA is transferred
jrly9oA6dnQ-00016-00008177-00008754 by base complementarity in small packets to RNA through the process of transcription
jrly9oA6dnQ-00017-00008754-00009469 Finally, this information is decoded by triplets (or codons) to sequences of amino acids to
jrly9oA6dnQ-00018-00009469-00010197 produce proteins in the process of translation Evidently, this is all about the flow of information:
jrly9oA6dnQ-00019-00010197-00010503 How information is stored, transferred, and decoded
jrly9oA6dnQ-00020-00010503-00011098 This information is ultimately used, in the form of proteins, to produce some biological
jrly9oA6dnQ-00021-00011098-00011663 activity, either indirectly through the synthesis of metabolites or directly by protein action
jrly9oA6dnQ-00022-00011663-00012230 However, as you may already know, this process is not so neatly linear
jrly9oA6dnQ-00023-00012230-00012723 For example, RNA molecules are known to produce biological action themselves
jrly9oA6dnQ-00024-00012723-00013234 through the catalysis of reactions, And DNA molecules can also be functional by
jrly9oA6dnQ-00025-00013234-00013718 themselves, notably through physical protection of other DNA fragments
jrly9oA6dnQ-00026-00013718-00014216 and other structural activity Moreover, we now know that information in
jrly9oA6dnQ-00027-00014216-00014766 viral RNA can be transferred back to DNA in a process called retro-transcription,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00028-00014766-00015263 And we also know that information in proteins can be transferred to other proteins, as is
jrly9oA6dnQ-00029-00015263-00015803 the case of proteins with a misfolding pattern that can be transmitted to regularly folded
jrly9oA6dnQ-00030-00015803-00016347 proteins, called prions (short for proteinaceous infectious particle)
jrly9oA6dnQ-00031-00016347-00016951 Therefore, the ostentatiously dubbed “central dogma” is rather a misnomer
jrly9oA6dnQ-00032-00016951-00017563 We have never really accepted it as dogma, but rather as a useful model to begin understanding
jrly9oA6dnQ-00033-00017563-00018056 the complexities of information flow in biological systems at the molecular level
jrly9oA6dnQ-00034-00018056-00018789 However, the centrality of information to molecular biology is of note, because it establishes
jrly9oA6dnQ-00035-00018789-00019273 the deep interconnection with information and data sciences that we will explore during
jrly9oA6dnQ-00036-00019273-00019373 this course
jrly9oA6dnQ-00037-00019373-00020163 Now, let’s focus on these four groups of molecules: DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites
jrly9oA6dnQ-00038-00020163-00020670 How do we currently study large collections of these molecules in high-throughput in what
jrly9oA6dnQ-00039-00020670-00020952 are called the ’omics sciences?
jrly9oA6dnQ-00040-00020952-00021339 The most common setup is the analysis of isolate cultures
jrly9oA6dnQ-00041-00021339-00021906 Isolate cultures are a collection of many genetically identical cells, typically derived
jrly9oA6dnQ-00042-00021906-00022109 from a single mother cell
jrly9oA6dnQ-00043-00022109-00022624 The most common ’omics techniques applied to isolates are: the study of complete genomes,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00044-00022624-00023083 or genomics, the snapshot study of all transcribed RNA
jrly9oA6dnQ-00045-00023083-00023750 at a given time, or transcriptomics, the identification of all proteins expressed
jrly9oA6dnQ-00046-00023750-00024343 at a given time, or proteomics, and the detection of biochemical signatures
jrly9oA6dnQ-00047-00024343-00024997 for all metabolites at a given time, or metabolomics, which is ideally complemented with genetic
jrly9oA6dnQ-00048-00024997-00025306 and/or biochemical studies
jrly9oA6dnQ-00049-00025306-00025937 Importantly, this type of setup is limited to organisms that we can grow in culture,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00050-00025937-00026437 and there are other alternatives One is by characterizing single cells, which
jrly9oA6dnQ-00051-00026437-00027025 can be directly extracted from the environments through single-cell genomics, transcriptomics,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00052-00027025-00027287 proteomics, and metabolomics.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00053-00027287-00027787 Another option is trying to characterize entire communities altogether
jrly9oA6dnQ-00054-00027787-00028531 The studies of: all the DNA, transcribed RNA, and expressed proteins from entire communities
jrly9oA6dnQ-00055-00028531-00029108 are called metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00056-00029108-00029741 Entire communities, including the surrounding milieu, can also be studied through metabolomics.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00057-00029741-00030408 Finally, we can also characterize entire communities using DNA without studying the entire collection,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00058-00030408-00030922 just by focusing on marker genes, and this is called barcoding
jrly9oA6dnQ-00059-00030922-00031551 These are only some ’omics, techniques, Many other exist, but beware of the uncontrolled
jrly9oA6dnQ-00060-00031551-00032214 growth of unwarranted ’omics neologisms, sometimes referred to as “bad-omics”
jrly9oA6dnQ-00061-00032214-00032502 Have you encountered any bad-omics in the literature?
jrly9oA6dnQ-00062-00032502-00032708 Share them in the comments!
jrly9oA6dnQ-00063-00032708-00033284 In this course, we’ll mostly focus on genomics, metagenomics, barcoding, and transcriptomics,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00064-00033284-00033780 and we will mention some aspects of single-cell genomics and metabolic reconstructions
jrly9oA6dnQ-00065-00033780-00034427 In fact, we will mostly focus on the analysis of DNA sequence data, so let’s dig a little
jrly9oA6dnQ-00066-00034427-00034597 deeper on this one molecule
jrly9oA6dnQ-00067-00034597-00035366 In a typical prokaryote DNA is normally organized in a single circular chromosome of about 1
jrly9oA6dnQ-00068-00035366-00036091 to 5 million base pairs, and oftentimes one or more plasmids of a few thousand base pairs
jrly9oA6dnQ-00069-00036091-00036474 Do you know any examples of prokaryotes with more than one chromosome?
jrly9oA6dnQ-00070-00036474-00036897 How about linear chromosomes instead of circular ones?
jrly9oA6dnQ-00071-00036897-00037416 If we zoom in, we can find regions of the genome that are transcribe to RNA, called
jrly9oA6dnQ-00072-00037416-00037840 genes One of the traditional problems in bioinformatics
jrly9oA6dnQ-00073-00037840-00038406 is the prediction of coding regions, or genes, based solely on the DNA sequences.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00074-00038406-00038933 Although this problem is not fully solved yet, we nowadays have highly accurate algorithms
jrly9oA6dnQ-00075-00038933-00039334 for gene prediction, often based on Markov modeling
jrly9oA6dnQ-00076-00039334-00039805 Most of you are likely very familiar with these concepts, at least in some model organism
jrly9oA6dnQ-00077-00039805-00040447 Therefore, I’ll quickly go through a few concepts just to refresh terminology:
jrly9oA6dnQ-00078-00040447-00040843 Reading frame: Each of six ways in which a DNA sequence can
jrly9oA6dnQ-00079-00040843-00041111 be divided in triplets (codons)
jrly9oA6dnQ-00080-00041111-00041572 Codon table: The specific genetic code followed by the
jrly9oA6dnQ-00081-00041572-00041997 molecular machinery in an organism
jrly9oA6dnQ-00082-00041997-00042433 Start and stop codon: Special codons that indicate the beginning
jrly9oA6dnQ-00083-00042433-00042693 and end of a coding region, respectively
jrly9oA6dnQ-00084-00042693-00043291 Operon: Region of DNA with consecutive genes transcribed
jrly9oA6dnQ-00085-00043291-00043494 together, sharing a single promoter
jrly9oA6dnQ-00086-00043494-00044152 Transcriptional regulation: Mechanisms by which cells control the transcription
jrly9oA6dnQ-00087-00044152-00044486 of DNA to RNA
jrly9oA6dnQ-00088-00044486-00044846 Inter-genic region: Stretch of DNA located between genes, part
jrly9oA6dnQ-00089-00044846-00044996 of the non-coding DNA
jrly9oA6dnQ-00090-00044996-00045622 If you’re unfamiliar with any of these concepts, or feel like you need a refresher, please
jrly9oA6dnQ-00091-00045622-00046130 pause the video and look up any terms you need, or just ask about it in the comments
jrly9oA6dnQ-00092-00046130-00046538 If you feel very confident about all these terms, check out the comments and try to answer
jrly9oA6dnQ-00093-00046538-00046800 any questions others might have
jrly9oA6dnQ-00094-00046800-00047344 Now let’s review a very special cluster of genes, the ribosomal RNA operon
jrly9oA6dnQ-00095-00047344-00047903 This is a collection of RNA genes that form the ribosome, which is the molecular machinery
jrly9oA6dnQ-00096-00047903-00048188 that performs the process of translation
jrly9oA6dnQ-00097-00048188-00048809 All currently known life forms require ribosomes to produce functional proteins, and both prokaryotes
jrly9oA6dnQ-00098-00048809-00049197 and eukaryotes have ribosomal RNA genes organized in operons
jrly9oA6dnQ-00099-00049197-00049875 Here, we will focus on a specific gene, the ribosomal RNA component of the small ribosome
jrly9oA6dnQ-00100-00049875-00050616 subunit, which is also called 16S rRNA gene in prokaryotes and 18S rRNA gene in eukaryotes
jrly9oA6dnQ-00101-00050616-00051146 This single gene served as the foundation of the famous three-domain model of the tree
jrly9oA6dnQ-00102-00051146-00051675 of life proposed by Woese and Fox, and it’s still used as the backbone of contemporary
jrly9oA6dnQ-00103-00051675-00051807 prokaryotic taxonomy
jrly9oA6dnQ-00104-00051807-00052522 This model divides all living organisms in three ancestral domains: Bacteria (sometimes
jrly9oA6dnQ-00105-00052522-00053026 referred to as Eubacteria), Archaea, and Eukarya
jrly9oA6dnQ-00106-00053026-00053581 Bacteria and Archaea share many characteristics, and are therefore frequently studied together.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00107-00053581-00054124 We refer to both of these domains as prokaryotes, but note here that the group of prokaryotes
jrly9oA6dnQ-00108-00054124-00054426 is not a monophyletic group
jrly9oA6dnQ-00109-00054426-00054916 In the study of eukaryotes, sometimes the focus shifts from the 18S towards the adjacent
jrly9oA6dnQ-00110-00054916-00055506 intergenic sequences known as ITS1 and ITS2, especially for barcoding
jrly9oA6dnQ-00111-00055506-00056158 In the study of prokaryotes, however, barcoding continues to focus on the 16S rRNA gene
jrly9oA6dnQ-00112-00056158-00056594 Here you can see the small ribosomal subunit of Thermus thermophilus
jrly9oA6dnQ-00113-00056594-00057258 Along the 16S gene, some regions are highly conserved between organisms, even distant
jrly9oA6dnQ-00114-00057258-00057607 ones, whereas some regions are highly variable
jrly9oA6dnQ-00115-00057607-00058070 These variable regions are very important, because they allow us to distinguish between
jrly9oA6dnQ-00116-00058070-00058554 closely related organisms In fact, most barcoding studies don’t actually
jrly9oA6dnQ-00117-00058554-00059075 use the entire 16S gene, but only one or two of these variable regions
jrly9oA6dnQ-00118-00059075-00059579 This brings up the issue of genetic resolution, which we will explore later in course
jrly9oA6dnQ-00119-00059579-00060241 Now, I have been representing genes with boxes, but of course we got to remember that these
jrly9oA6dnQ-00120-00060241-00060688 boxes are nothing but a representation of sequences of nucleotides
jrly9oA6dnQ-00121-00060688-00061104 The reading of these strings of nucleotides is called DNA sequencing,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00122-00061104-00061532 and it is the basis for obtaining digitalized DNA sequence data
jrly9oA6dnQ-00123-00061532-00062132 DNA sequencing has been advancing very rapidly since the early 2000s, when sequencing a million
jrly9oA6dnQ-00124-00062132-00062454 base pairs would cost about 5 thousand US dollars
jrly9oA6dnQ-00125-00062454-00062869 It is often compared to the prediction of Moore’s law
jrly9oA6dnQ-00126-00062869-00063354 According to Moore’s law, the number of transistors produced in the world is expected
jrly9oA6dnQ-00127-00063354-00063851 to double every two years Applied to DNA sequencing, it is often interpreted
jrly9oA6dnQ-00128-00063851-00064441 as: the cost of sequencing is expected to halve every two years, as shown here
jrly9oA6dnQ-00129-00064441-00065054 In reality, DNA sequencing costs have actually dropped at a much faster rate, underscoring
jrly9oA6dnQ-00130-00065054-00065549 the importance of continued computational advances in software for the analysis of sequence
jrly9oA6dnQ-00131-00065549-00066157 data, since we cannot possibly expect hardware to advance as fast as DNA sequencing data
jrly9oA6dnQ-00132-00066157-00066257 is being produced
jrly9oA6dnQ-00133-00066257-00066917 This big drop around 2008 marks the transition of most laboratories from Sanger sequencing
jrly9oA6dnQ-00134-00066917-00067361 to short-read next-generation sequencing, or NGS.
jrly9oA6dnQ-00135-00067361-00067883 We are currently on the verge of a similar transition, now from NGS to high-throughput
jrly9oA6dnQ-00136-00067883-00068005 long-read sequencing
jrly9oA6dnQ-00137-00068005-00068630 Finally, let’s review the two most common strategies to sequence entire genomes or other
jrly9oA6dnQ-00138-00068630-00068750 large fragments of DNA
jrly9oA6dnQ-00139-00068750-00069382 Traditionally, a common strategy has been to break large molecules of DNA into pieces
jrly9oA6dnQ-00140-00069382-00069981 of intermediate size, or large fragments, and then shear and sequence each of these
jrly9oA6dnQ-00141-00069981-00070373 fragments separately, to then reconstruct them computationally using
jrly9oA6dnQ-00142-00070373-00070755 assembly techniques In this strategy, the assembly has to deal
jrly9oA6dnQ-00143-00070755-00071242 with a smaller sequence space, therefore improving accuracy and quality,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00144-00071242-00071798 but it also requires significant effort on the laboratory processing of each large fragment
jrly9oA6dnQ-00145-00071798-00071979 separately
jrly9oA6dnQ-00146-00071979-00072473 A more commonly used strategy nowadays is to simply shear entire genomes into small
jrly9oA6dnQ-00147-00072473-00072839 fragments to be sequenced, and then attempt a full assembly
jrly9oA6dnQ-00148-00072839-00073343 This is called whole-genome shotgun, and it’s the basis for most genomics and metagenomics
jrly9oA6dnQ-00149-00073343-00073782 studies However, we might be able to entirely bypass
jrly9oA6dnQ-00150-00073782-00074333 this whole problem of requiring short fragments soon with the advent of accurate long reads
jrly9oA6dnQ-00151-00074333-00074950 To recap, we discussed the central dogma of molecular biology, as well as the exceptions
jrly9oA6dnQ-00152-00074950-00075364 to it We talked about the major ’omics techniques,
jrly9oA6dnQ-00153-00075364-00075862 and focused on genomes and genes We talked in some detail about the ribosomal
jrly9oA6dnQ-00154-00075862-00076387 RNA gene and the three domains of life And we briefly discussed DNA sequencing.
jtgycc6H43Y-00000-00000128-00000703 I came across a quote recently while listening to an address given in 1933 by the Pulitzer Prize
jtgycc6H43Y-00001-00000703-00001320 winning historian and philosopher Will Durant. It seemed to be a speech centered on statesmanship,
jtgycc6H43Y-00002-00001320-00001807 its contents were intriguing and the quote which I mentioned was given at the speech’s conclusion.
jtgycc6H43Y-00003-00001864-00002272 He said … “One of the functions of statesmanship is to limit liberty,
jtgycc6H43Y-00004-00002272-00002656 in order to limit inequality, in order to preserve the same.”
jtgycc6H43Y-00005-00002768-00003152 I believe its message to be important and would like to illuminate it if I can.
jtgycc6H43Y-00006-00003256-00003744 It can be observed that throughout history the realization of liberty within a society
jtgycc6H43Y-00007-00003744-00004296 has always corresponded with an increasing state of inequality; in like manner the
jtgycc6H43Y-00008-00004296-00004824 closer liberty comes to being complete the more apparent and egregious the situation becomes.
jtgycc6H43Y-00009-00004920-00005560 The reason for this is simple, Biology, the natural state of man is one of inequality,
jtgycc6H43Y-00010-00005560-00006096 and what is liberty and freedom in its completed form but man’s return to a natural state,
jtgycc6H43Y-00011-00006096-00006559 free from the control and hindrances placed upon him by societal rules and regulations.
jtgycc6H43Y-00012-00006672-00007112 This state of affairs is nowhere more apparent than on the economic front
jtgycc6H43Y-00013-00007112-00007736 since wealth tends to flow uphill. What we see in a state which approaches, more or less, complete
jtgycc6H43Y-00014-00007736-00008280 liberty, is an increasing concentration of wealth to a select few individuals and organizations,
jtgycc6H43Y-00015-00008368-00008936 this course of events is destined for but a single conclusion, which is this. That when
jtgycc6H43Y-00016-00008936-00009536 this wealth inequality reaches its threshold and the citizenry become angered and dispossessed they
jtgycc6H43Y-00017-00009536-00010016 begin to organize against the established power, and once sufficient resistance has
jtgycc6H43Y-00018-00010016-00010536 been gained proceed to disassemble those systems which brought about their perceived sufferings.
jtgycc6H43Y-00019-00010648-00011192 This cycle begins once more upon the destruction of its predecessor, building back those same
jtgycc6H43Y-00020-00011192-00011808 systems which will inevitably bring about its successor, so on and on Ad Nauseum.
jtgycc6H43Y-00021-00011920-00012448 Thus the importance of maintaining some semblance of equality in what is accrued by each individual
jtgycc6H43Y-00022-00012448-00013072 and/or organization becomes clear and is even necessary to maintaining unity within a given
jtgycc6H43Y-00023-00013072-00013719 state. In some degree the established authority would be wise to utilize their centralized control
jtgycc6H43Y-00024-00013719-00014400 to limit freedom and the excessive widening of the economic gap if they wish to avoid revolution
jtgycc6H43Y-00025-00014400-00014952 and revolt, thus “one of the functions of statesmanship is to limit liberty,
jtgycc6H43Y-00026-00014952-00015328 in order to limit inequality, in order to preserve the same.”
jtgycc6H43Y-00027-00015480-00015952 I chose to illuminate this topic and these words due to its continued poignancy
jtgycc6H43Y-00028-00015952-00016480 throughout the history of organized society as well as because even in our day the hostile
jtgycc6H43Y-00029-00016480-00016984 debate between parties rages on, just as it had in the days of Plato and Aristotle.
jtgycc6H43Y-00030-00017080-00017456 The debate of course is on the amount to which the state should intervene on
jtgycc6H43Y-00031-00017456-00017968 behalf of the dispossessed. In the west we refer to this centralized government aid
jtgycc6H43Y-00032-00017968-00018456 as “The Welfare State,” and I believe it fair to say that it is as much trusted
jtgycc6H43Y-00033-00018456-00019072 by one party as it is distrusted by the other. I will save that discussion for a later video;
jtgycc6H43Y-00034-00019128-00019544 so if you are interested in this topic and others like it, be sure to like the
jtgycc6H43Y-00035-00019544-00020536 video and subscribe. As always thank you for talking philosophy with me, until next time.
jwuxtM2QiiA-00000-00000010-00000143 >>> HI, EVERYONE.
jwuxtM2QiiA-00001-00000143-00000150 >>> HI, EVERYONE.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00002-00000150-00000356 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US.
jwuxtM2QiiA-00003-00000356-00000363 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00013-00001488-00001494 ROLLING DOWN A STEEP EMBANKMENT IN BRAINERD.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00015-00001561-00001568 IN BRAINERD. 48-YEAR-OLD TODD HAROLD HAGEN OF  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00021-00001971-00001978 ON FIFTH STREET IN BRAINERD AT AROUND 8:00 P.M. LAST NIGHT WHEN  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00023-00002108-00002115 AROUND 8:00 P.M. LAST NIGHT WHEN HE CROSSED INTO THE WRONG LANE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00027-00002432-00002439 AND DROVE OFF THE ROAD DOWN A STEEP EMBANKMENT.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00029-00002632-00002639 STEEP EMBANKMENT. THE 2011 CHRYSLER SEDAN WAS ON  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00037-00003593-00003600 END TO END, AS WELL AS ROLLING OVER AS IT WENT DOWN THE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00039-00003670-00003676 OVER AS IT WENT DOWN THE EMBANKMENT  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00041-00003800-00003807 EMBANKMENT >> THE INITIAL INDICATIONS ARE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00059-00005558-00005565 WAS THE LONE OCCUPANT OF THE VEHICLE.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00060-00005565-00005672 WAS THE LONE OCCUPANT OF THE VEHICLE. >>Dennis:  SOMEONE DRIVING BY
jwuxtM2QiiA-00061-00005672-00005678 VEHICLE. >>Dennis:  SOMEONE DRIVING BY  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00062-00005678-00005745 VEHICLE. >>Dennis:  SOMEONE DRIVING BY THE SCENE MADE THE 911 CALL AND
jwuxtM2QiiA-00063-00005745-00005752 >>Dennis:  SOMEONE DRIVING BY THE SCENE MADE THE 911 CALL AND  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00064-00005752-00005872 >>Dennis:  SOMEONE DRIVING BY THE SCENE MADE THE 911 CALL AND FIRE CREWS HAD TO USE
jwuxtM2QiiA-00065-00005872-00005879 THE SCENE MADE THE 911 CALL AND FIRE CREWS HAD TO USE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00079-00007113-00007120 CARE IN THE TWIN CITIES. >> EARLY INDICATIONS ARE WE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00085-00007627-00007634 IN THE CRASH AS IT REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00087-00007864-00007871 INVESTIGATION. THOSE DETAILS WE WON'T BE ABLE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00089-00008014-00008021 THOSE DETAILS WE WON'T BE ABLE TO COME OUT UNTIL THEY'RE  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00091-00008164-00008171 TO COME OUT UNTIL THEY'RE REVIEWED BY A PROSECUTOR.  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00093-00008248-00008254 REVIEWED BY A PROSECUTOR. >>Dennis:  HAGEN'S CONDITION IS  
jwuxtM2QiiA-00095-00008374-00008381 >>Dennis:  HAGEN'S CONDITION IS UNKNOWN, AND THE BRAINERD POLICE  
jztBS3qO_DY-00000-00000400-00000600 sorry buddy
jzaRHgu8UVY-00000-00001064-00001639 all right guys so welcome to ci reaction yes we're back again you already know the name it's coco
jzaRHgu8UVY-00001-00001639-00002272 man so today um today i'm here with some superstar you understand some superstar was i we didn't
jzaRHgu8UVY-00002-00002272-00002800 come here to play we didn't come here to play all right so are we now wasting my time let's walk out
jzaRHgu8UVY-00003-00002864-00003424 let's give it up for my new artist i mean the latest guy in town you understand
jzaRHgu8UVY-00004-00004144-00004680 charlie i think everything is gone yeah yeah yeah yeah so charlie
jzaRHgu8UVY-00005-00004736-00005152 um this is the new artist um hey introduce yourself today
jzaRHgu8UVY-00006-00005152-00005640 um we go by the name funky culture me personally i'm called bad boy dilly
jzaRHgu8UVY-00007-00006008-00006352 i mean um he's having um one of his new single outs
jzaRHgu8UVY-00008-00006352-00006816 so i want you guys to go and stream so um about me yes
jzaRHgu8UVY-00009-00007056-00007744 yes so charlie chairman yeah bad boy daily um was a new or not um it's called
jzaRHgu8UVY-00010-00007744-00008120 india we had don't die but in your dinners
jzaRHgu8UVY-00011-00008344-00008760 i mean what is the inspiration behind and don't die poor i mean that's my favorite
jzaRHgu8UVY-00012-00008760-00009264 track you understand yeah no nightmare is all about the youth and the streets
jzaRHgu8UVY-00013-00009264-00009480 you know everybody nobody wants to die pogba
jzaRHgu8UVY-00014-00009616-00010768 visits the main concept and it's also a prayer oh sorry not right now you're just so sure yeah
jzaRHgu8UVY-00015-00010768-00011304 i know i like my views my viewers know my cure so they just want to listen to um you understand
jzaRHgu8UVY-00016-00017216-00017568 all right guys welcome back to the channel you understand hey please subscribe
jzaRHgu8UVY-00017-00017568-00018384 to subscribe to the channel subscribe now subscribe subscribe
jzaRHgu8UVY-00018-00019016-00019784 yeah and i stay alone and i also have my own work i'm doing so so enjoying
jzaRHgu8UVY-00019-00021096-00021664 i want a beauty salon like a beauty center oh okay like i think a barbarian shop or something
jzaRHgu8UVY-00020-00021664-00022584 like honestly a barbie shop with everything like that i don't know about the best buy at home
jzaRHgu8UVY-00021-00023312-00024072 we started uh primary that's where we started but it wasn't that serious but me particularly
jzaRHgu8UVY-00022-00024072-00024672 i was very serious in the music but later on i get to meet my brother and we start from
jzaRHgu8UVY-00023-00024672-00025288 shs so after shs then we took it to another level so that's where we started so who is this your
jzaRHgu8UVY-00024-00025288-00026783 brother are you talking about um his name is jared bill my music name is rainy boy rainy boy yeah
jzaRHgu8UVY-00025-00027383-00027760 i mean the person said oh i'll become the lawyer i'll become a pilot
jzaRHgu8UVY-00026-00027760-00028616 mission my was to become a counselor or a doctor but on the line
jzaRHgu8UVY-00027-00032312-00032568 how how are you guys able to collaborate on things
jzaRHgu8UVY-00028-00032672-00033320 yeah then maybe and i would say the love we have for the music thing sometimes we have to
jzaRHgu8UVY-00029-00033320-00033968 leave the school to meet and and so that's how we we used to communicate don't you think that
jzaRHgu8UVY-00030-00034664-00035072 music on the music the school behind
jzaRHgu8UVY-00031-00036128-00036784 mention the name to them again the name is funky culture and the new song is also out in your day
jzaRHgu8UVY-00032-00036784-00037576 so yes um just give them your social media and the social media handles funky culture everywhere like
jzaRHgu8UVY-00033-00037576-00038488 funky spelling to them k f-u-n-k-y k u l t u r e for your culture okay okay so are
jzaRHgu8UVY-00034-00038488-00039000 we about doing a reaction you need um the new video you understand so um yo
jzaRHgu8UVY-00035-00039000-00040784 i bet give me the dj play the song game we can do a harry good one in here dang yes
jzaRHgu8UVY-00036-00041784-00042184 bad boys
jzaRHgu8UVY-00037-00047640-00048168 i mean the guy is trying cut pushing on so you guys should i mean subscribe to our channel
jzaRHgu8UVY-00038-00048168-00048896 you understand support the movement and let's get this going it's your boy coco subscribe to
jzaRHgu8UVY-00039-00048896-00049576 the youtube channel and then follow my guide to all social media platforms thanks peace out bye
jABIrLzPJUy-00000-00000003-00000952 a lone explorer
jABIrLzPJUy-00001-00000952-00001605 on a mission to reveal the grandeur of Saturn its rings and moons
jABIrLzPJUy-00002-00001972-00002825 after 20 years in space NASA's Cassini spacecraft is running out of fuel and so
jABIrLzPJUy-00003-00002825-00003310 to protect moons of Saturn I could have conditions suitable for
jABIrLzPJUy-00004-00003310-00003754 life a spectacular end has been planned for this long-lived
jABIrLzPJUy-00005-00003754-00004688 traveler from Earth
jABIrLzPJUy-00006-00004688-00005606 and off of the space plan to protect the center we have planted the tower
jABIrLzPJUy-00007-00005907-00006373 in 2004 following a seven-year journey through the solar system
jABIrLzPJUy-00008-00006373-00006913 Cassini arrived at Saturn that's why burn attitude or pointing position light
jABIrLzPJUy-00009-00006913-00007645 up the Rockets the spacecraft carried a passenger the european avoidance pro the
jABIrLzPJUy-00010-00007645-00008307 first human-made object to land on a world in the distant outer solar system
jABIrLzPJUy-00011-00008424-00009082 for over a decade Cassini has shared the wonders of Saturn and its family of icy
jABIrLzPJUy-00012-00009082-00009703 moons taking us to astounding worlds where methane rivers run to a methane
jABIrLzPJUy-00013-00009703-00010357 see where Jets of ice and gas are blasting material into space from a
jABIrLzPJUy-00014-00010357-00011263 liquid water ocean that might Harbor the ingredients for life and Saturn a giant
jABIrLzPJUy-00015-00011263-00011871 world ruled by raging storms and delicate harmonies of gravity
jABIrLzPJUy-00016-00012006-00013244 now Cassini has one last daring assignment
jABIrLzPJUy-00017-00013309-00014213 Cassini's grand finale is a brand new adventure 22 dives through the space
jABIrLzPJUy-00018-00014213-00015137 between Saturn and its rings as it repeatedly Braves this unexplored region
jABIrLzPJUy-00019-00015137-00015659 Cassini seeks new insights about the origins of the rains and the nature of
jABIrLzPJUy-00020-00015659-00016327 the planets interior closer to Saturn than ever before
jABIrLzPJUy-00021-00016814-00017537 on the final orbit Cassini will plunge into Saturn fighting to keep its antenna
jABIrLzPJUy-00022-00017537-00018474 pointed at earth as it transmits its farewell in the sky is a Saturn
jABIrLzPJUy-00023-00018474-00018837 the journey ends
jABIrLzPJUy-00024-00018837-00019501 as Cassini becomes part of the planet itself
jCQv-cGYEkk-00000-00000239-00000555 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00001-00000580-00000780 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00002-00000780-00000830 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00003-00000841-00001041 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00004-00001041-00001091 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00005-00001091-00001141 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00006-00001147-00001347 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00007-00001347-00001397 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00008-00001397-00001447 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00009-00001474-00001524 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00010-00001524-00001574 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00011-00001574-00001624 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00012-00001624-00001674 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00013-00001706-00001906 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00014-00001906-00001956 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00015-00001956-00002006 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00016-00002009-00002209 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00017-00002209-00002259 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00018-00002259-00002309 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00019-00002316-00002516 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00020-00002516-00002566 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00021-00002566-00002616 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00022-00002617-00002817 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00023-00002817-00002867 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00024-00002867-00002917 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00025-00002919-00002969 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00026-00002969-00003019 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00027-00003019-00003069 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00028-00003069-00003119 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00029-00003160-00003360 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00030-00003360-00003410 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00031-00003420-00003620 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00032-00003620-00003670 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00033-00003670-00003720 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00034-00003741-00003941 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00035-00003941-00003991 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00036-00003991-00004041 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00037-00004042-00004242 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00038-00004242-00004292 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00039-00004325-00004375 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00040-00004375-00004425 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00041-00004425-00004475 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00042-00004555-00004755 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00043-00004755-00004805 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00044-00004805-00004855 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00045-00004863-00005063 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00046-00005063-00005113 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00047-00005205-00005405 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00048-00005405-00005455 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00049-00005455-00005505 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00050-00005510-00005710 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00051-00005710-00005760 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00052-00005760-00005810 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00053-00005817-00006017 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00054-00006017-00006067 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00055-00006128-00006328 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00056-00006328-00006378 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00057-00006378-00006428 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00058-00006475-00006675 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00059-00006675-00006725 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00060-00006725-00006775 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00061-00006786-00006986 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00062-00006986-00007036 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00063-00007036-00007086 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00064-00007090-00007290 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00065-00007290-00007340 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00066-00007340-00007390 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00067-00007397-00007597 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00068-00007597-00007647 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00069-00007668-00007868 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00070-00007868-00007918 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00071-00007918-00007968 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00072-00007970-00008170 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jCQv-cGYEkk-00073-00008170-00008220 Mahie Gill Speaks On her Relationship
jFjrudEUYFE-00000-00000000-00000543 The volume of a cone varies jointly with the square of the radius and the height.
jFjrudEUYFE-00001-00000543-00000905 If the volume of a cone is 25 pi cubic meters
jFjrudEUYFE-00002-00000959-00001374 when the radius is 5 meters and the height is 3 meters, determine the
jFjrudEUYFE-00003-00001374-00001968 variation constant. For review the basic joint variation equation is y equals k
jFjrudEUYFE-00004-00001968-00002649 times x times z and we say y varies jointly with x and z. k is a constant
jFjrudEUYFE-00005-00002649-00003275 of variation or variation constant. Let's write the variation equation from the
jFjrudEUYFE-00006-00003275-00003761 given information. Again we're given the volume varies jointly so we have V
jFjrudEUYFE-00007-00003761-00004395 equals the variation constant k and then it varies jointly with the square of the
jFjrudEUYFE-00008-00004395-00005025 radius and the height so we have x r squared times h. This is the joint
jFjrudEUYFE-00009-00005025-00005325 variation equation for the volume of a cone.
jFjrudEUYFE-00010-00005325-00005991 Our goal here to determine the value of k, a variation constant, when the volume V
jFjrudEUYFE-00011-00005991-00006479 is equal to 25 pi cubic meters.
jFjrudEUYFE-00012-00006479-00007265 The radius is 5 meters and the height is 3 meters so let's substitute these
jFjrudEUYFE-00013-00007265-00007890 values into our equation and solve for k. Performing the substitution, we have 25
jFjrudEUYFE-00014-00007890-00008993 pi equals k times r squared is 5 squared times h where h is 3. Simplifying on the right
jFjrudEUYFE-00015-00008993-00009702 side 5 squared is 25. 25 times 3 is 75. The right side simplifies to 75k.
jFjrudEUYFE-00016-00009806-00010160 So we have 25 pi equals 75k.
jFjrudEUYFE-00017-00010160-00011009 To solve for k, we divide both sides by 75. On the right side,  this simplifies to 1k or k.
jFjrudEUYFE-00018-00011009-00011561 k equals, notice here the fraction simplifies.  25 and 75 share a common
jFjrudEUYFE-00019-00011561-00011738 factor of 25.
jFjrudEUYFE-00020-00011738-00012485 there are 3 25's in 75 and 1 25 and 25. Therefore the left side simplifies to
jFjrudEUYFE-00021-00012485-00012614 one-third pi.
jFjrudEUYFE-00022-00012614-00013028 So k equals one-third pi.
jFjrudEUYFE-00023-00013028-00013348 Or if we want k equals pi divided by 3.
jFjrudEUYFE-00024-00013348-00013778 k is the variation constant, so this is what this question is asking for.
jFjrudEUYFE-00025-00013888-00014384 However now that we know k let's go ahead and write the volume formula for
jFjrudEUYFE-00026-00014384-00014972 cone. To do this,  we substitute k back into our volume formula. We have the
jFjrudEUYFE-00027-00014972-00015665 volume V equals one-third pi times r squared times h.  This is the volume
jFjrudEUYFE-00028-00015665-00015851 formula for a cone.
jFjrudEUYFE-00029-00015851-00015950 I hope you found this helpful.
jHYKT5_jM5y-00000-00000733-00001611 Today, more and more electronic devices deal with high data transfer rates.
jHYKT5_jM5y-00001-00001611-00002150 In order to prevent signal distortion during transmission through conductors, high speeds
jHYKT5_jM5y-00002-00002150-00002537 require the use of printed circuit boards with impedance.
jHYKT5_jM5y-00003-00003564-00004086 The impedance is tested by a reflectometer on test coupons.
jHYKT5_jM5y-00004-00004086-00004637 The measurement allows for checking the correctness of the theoretical calculations, and makes
jHYKT5_jM5y-00005-00004637-00005097 sure that the impedance value is within the specified values.
jHYKT5_jM5y-00006-00005410-00006096 Providing a given impedance rate is necessary for increasing interference immunity, and
jHYKT5_jM5y-00007-00006096-00006636 reducing the number of errors when transmitting a signal at a high frequency.
jJuMjZslEco-00000-00000000-00000531 Hello Fifth Grade and welcome to our Earth Day book talk!
jJuMjZslEco-00001-00000531-00001050 I'm Miss Schaefer and I will be presenting three books that have to do with kids
jJuMjZslEco-00002-00001050-00001407 who want to save their part of the world, and their environment.
jJuMjZslEco-00003-00001500-00002298 Will they succeed? Who knows?  Our first book is Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar.
jJuMjZslEco-00004-00002298-00002607 This book takes place in Heathcliff, Pennsylvania.
jJuMjZslEco-00005-00002733-00003389 Tamaya Dhilwaddi, who is in fifth grade, and her friend, Marshall Walsh, both go to
jJuMjZslEco-00006-00003389-00003984 a private school. They--their private school stands for ideals that they have
jJuMjZslEco-00007-00003984-00004200 on their coat of arms on their uniform
jJuMjZslEco-00008-00004200-00004628 these ideals are inscribed: "Truth and Valor."
jJuMjZslEco-00009-00004746-00005207 Tamaya always does her best to live up to these ideals, but as she's been getting
jJuMjZslEco-00010-00005207-00005294 older
jJuMjZslEco-00011-00005294-00005598 she realizes that being good is not cool anymore.
jJuMjZslEco-00012-00005682-00006180 This puts a strain on her relationship with her best friend Marshall Walsh who
jJuMjZslEco-00013-00006180-00006479 is two years older than her. One day,
jJuMjZslEco-00014-00006479-00007017 Marshall decides that they're going to take the shortcut home through the woods
jJuMjZslEco-00015-00007017-00007308 which are completely off limits.
jJuMjZslEco-00016-00007308-00007617 Tamaya does not want to break the rules--she's so scared of it--
jJuMjZslEco-00017-00007709-00008279 little does she know that Marshall has been threatened by a much older and much
jJuMjZslEco-00018-00008279-00008853 meaner kid named Chad Hilagas, who has just moved into town. Marshall wants to
jJuMjZslEco-00019-00008853-00009045 avoid a fight with Chad,
jJuMjZslEco-00020-00009045-00009363 so they cut through the woods. As they're walking through the woods,
jJuMjZslEco-00021-00009363-00009864 it gets scarier and scarier for Tamaya. She keeps asking Marshall what they're
jJuMjZslEco-00022-00009864-00010356 doing there when suddenly Chad appears and he starts beating Marshall up
jJuMjZslEco-00023-00010356-00010886 Tamaya does her best and tries to protect her friend Marshall and slams of fist
jJuMjZslEco-00024-00010886-00011127 full of mud into Chad's face.
jJuMjZslEco-00025-00011127-00011504 They get away, but later
jJuMjZslEco-00026-00011504-00011983 Tamaya notices a horrifying red rash on her hand.
jJuMjZslEco-00027-00011983-00012295 The next day at school,
jJuMjZslEco-00028-00012295-00012694 Chad is reported missing and students are asked where he could be.
jJuMjZslEco-00029-00012763-00013333 Tamaya wants to do the right thing but she's also afraid of getting in trouble.
jJuMjZslEco-00030-00013483-00013957 She knows that Chad is still out there somewhere in the woods with some
jJuMjZslEco-00031-00013957-00014359 mysterious fuzzy mud coated on his face.
jJuMjZslEco-00032-00014652-00015191 Our next book is Saving Wonder by Mary Knight!
jJuMjZslEco-00033-00015191-00015816 This book takes place in the Appalachian Mountains in Wonder Gap, Kentucky.
jJuMjZslEco-00034-00015816-00016119 It's a beautiful location.
jJuMjZslEco-00035-00016119-00016794 Now, in this book we have seventh grader, Curly Hines who has lived in the
jJuMjZslEco-00036-00016794-00016971 mountains his entire life.
jJuMjZslEco-00037-00016971-00017550 However, he's lost almost his entire family to coal mining accidents.
jJuMjZslEco-00038-00017550-00017850 He lives with his Pawpaw who's much older
jJuMjZslEco-00039-00017913-00018420 (his granfather). And his Pawpaw gives him a word to learn every week so that
jJuMjZslEco-00040-00018420-00018819 he can become good with words and a convincing arguer.
jJuMjZslEco-00041-00018876-00019344 Curly doesn't understand what this is all for until some of the events in the
jJuMjZslEco-00042-00019344-00019638 book unfold.
jJuMjZslEco-00043-00019638-00020049 Curly's best friend is Jules Cavenaugh, also a seventh grader. They grew up
jJuMjZslEco-00044-00020049-00020499 together. They played in the same tree, which they called old Charlie after her
jJuMjZslEco-00045-00020499-00021024 horse, and they just enjoy the view of Red Hawk Mountain which was right
jJuMjZslEco-00046-00021024-00021678 outside Curly's window. One day, a "bad boy" moves to town,
jJuMjZslEco-00047-00021729-00022239 his name is JD, and he's the new coal boss's son!
jJuMjZslEco-00048-00022239-00022785 Jules is really interested in JD right away, but at this
jJuMjZslEco-00049-00022785-00023286 point, Curly is feeling a little bit more interested in Jules as a girlfriend.
jJuMjZslEco-00050-00023355-00023973 He doesn't know how to feel. He wants to let her be able to hang out with JD. And he
jJuMjZslEco-00051-00023973-00024972 also doesn't want to hate JD. So, Curly tends to pull out his harmonica and play
jJuMjZslEco-00052-00024972-00025398 a lonesome song to make himself feel better in these situations.
jJuMjZslEco-00053-00025556-00025860 [Harmonica Instrumental]
jJuMjZslEco-00054-00025957-00026220 [Harmonica Instrumental]
jJuMjZslEco-00055-00026220-00027561 But it's not all about Curly. One day, Curly realizes that the new coal boss is
jJuMjZslEco-00056-00027561-00028107 fixing to take off the top of the mountain in Wonder Gap. The mountain that
jJuMjZslEco-00057-00028107-00028520 he's looked at his whole life! He's lost everything else: his whole family, his mom
jJuMjZslEco-00058-00028520-00029154 his dad, his little brother, and now maybe even Jules to the coal boss's son! He
jJuMjZslEco-00059-00029154-00029802 decides he has to do something, even if it means getting thrown out of town. Will
jJuMjZslEco-00060-00029802-00030024 Curly be all alone in the fight?
jJuMjZslEco-00061-00030024-00030687 Will he ever get his life back to the way it was before JD
jJuMjZslEco-00062-00030687-00031086 came to town with this father intent on taking off the top of the mountain?
jJuMjZslEco-00063-00031143-00031542 You'll have to read Saving Wonder to know.
jJuMjZslEco-00064-00031784-00032270 Our last book is Hoot, by Carl Hiaasen.
jJuMjZslEco-00065-00032270-00032955 This book is set in central Florida. Our main character, Roy Eberhardt, has just
jJuMjZslEco-00066-00032955-00033194 moved there from Montana.
jJuMjZslEco-00067-00033194-00033542 Roy has been moving around his entire life.
jJuMjZslEco-00068-00033542-00034034 He spends a couple years here a couple years there because his father
jJuMjZslEco-00069-00034034-00034524 works for the government in some mysterious law enforcement job, and is
jJuMjZslEco-00070-00034524-00034994 always getting promoted and moved around the country. Roy doesn't seem to mind
jJuMjZslEco-00071-00034994-00035105 too much;
jJuMjZslEco-00072-00035105-00035765 he's pretty adaptable. However, he also runs into bullies everywhere he goes.
jJuMjZslEco-00073-00035765-00036131 So, when he moves in to Coconut Cove, Florida,
jJuMjZslEco-00074-00036203-00036938 he's missing Montana, and there's a new bully--of course!--named Dana Matherson.
jJuMjZslEco-00075-00036938-00037637 Dana's none too smart, however, so Roy doesn't hate him--he kind of just tries
jJuMjZslEco-00076-00037637-00037758 to avoid him.
jJuMjZslEco-00077-00037758-00038624 Dana ends up giving him horrible nicknames like "cowgirl" and "Roy Rogers
jJuMjZslEco-00078-00038624-00039338 Eberhardt" and even "Tex."
jJuMjZslEco-00079-00039461-00039764 I don't know about you, but I think Tex a pretty tough name.
jJuMjZslEco-00080-00039764-00040358 Not too much of a--you know--a bully term. However, Roy rolls with it.
jJuMjZslEco-00081-00040412-00040940 He loves Montana. He doesn't mind about the cowboys, but Dana is kinda picking on
jJuMjZslEco-00082-00040940-00041033 him a lot,
jJuMjZslEco-00083-00041033-00041564 so he has to deal with that. However, Roy has other things on his mind than just
jJuMjZslEco-00084-00041564-00041915 some dumb bully. One day, from the school bus
jJuMjZslEco-00085-00041915-00042671 he sees this blond child running and running and running--and he's barefoot!
jJuMjZslEco-00086-00042743-00043175 Roy has to get to the bottom of this situation! This child should be in school,
jJuMjZslEco-00087-00043175-00043404 just like him! He looks like he's about the same
jJuMjZslEco-00088-00043404-00043854 age. However, he's running away from the school bus instead of to the school bus.
jJuMjZslEco-00089-00043914-00044376 So, Roy decides to find out what's what he follows the kid after school--
jJuMjZslEco-00090-00044376-00044928 the running kid. Eventually he learns that this kid has no name except Mullet
jJuMjZslEco-00091-00044928-00045195 Fingers because he can catch
jJuMjZslEco-00092-00045195-00045504 mullet, a fish, with his bare hands.
jJuMjZslEco-00093-00045558-00046119 It takes a lot of patience. However, Roy is still confused. Why is this kid not in
jJuMjZslEco-00094-00046119-00046215 school?
jJuMjZslEco-00095-00046215-00046821 Eventually he finds out that there are these little owls that burrow in the
jJuMjZslEco-00096-00046821-00047394 ground that are on a construction site not too far from where he saw Mullet
jJuMjZslEco-00097-00047394-00048039 Fingers. He, Mullet Fingers, and Mullet Fingers' step sister, who go to school
jJuMjZslEco-00098-00048039-00048240 to--They go to school together
jJuMjZslEco-00099-00048240-00048969 Roy and her--They have to do something to save these birds! Will they save them?
jJuMjZslEco-00100-00048969-00049638 Will Mullet Fingers get picked up by law enforcement, or even Roy's father?!
jJuMjZslEco-00101-00049638-00049905 You'll have to read Hoot to find out.
jO_r_kbp790-00000-00000063-00000190 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE.
jO_r_kbp790-00001-00000190-00000360 THIS IS YOUR WEEK IN NAVY HISTORY.
jO_r_kbp790-00002-00000413-00000720 DECEMBER 22ND 1775, CONGRESS COMMISSIONED THE
jO_r_kbp790-00003-00000720-00000830 FIRST NAVAL OFFICERS.
jO_r_kbp790-00004-00000830-00001051 THE OFFICERS INCLUDED COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE
jO_r_kbp790-00005-00001051-00001341 FLEET ESEK HOPKINS, CAPTAIN ABRAHAM WHIPPLE,
jO_r_kbp790-00006-00001341-00001564 AND 13 LIEUTENANTS INCLUDING JOHN PAUL JONES.
jO_r_kbp790-00007-00001664-00002001 DECEMBER 22ND 1942, SAM DAUSER TOOK THE OATH OF
jO_r_kbp790-00008-00002001-00002215 OFFICE AS SUPERINTENDENT OF THE NAVY NURSE CORPS.
jO_r_kbp790-00009-00002288-00002495 DAUSER BECAME THE FIRST FEMALE CAPTAIN IN THE U-S
jO_r_kbp790-00010-00002495-00002812 NAVY WHEN SHE WAS PROMOTED FEBRUARY 26, 1944.
jO_r_kbp790-00011-00002812-00003283 ON DECEMBER 24TH 1814, THE WAR OF 1812 ENDED WHEN THE
jO_r_kbp790-00012-00003283-00003410 TREATY OF GHENT WAS SIGNED.
jO_r_kbp790-00014-00003683-00003903 TERRITORY, AND BOTH COUNTRIES PLEDGED TO WORK
jO_r_kbp790-00015-00003903-00004034 TOWARD ENDING THE SLAVE TRADE.
jO_r_kbp790-00016-00004087-00004320 AMERICA, GAINED INFLUENCE AS A FOREIGN POWER.
jO_r_kbp790-00017-00004320-00004601 TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT NAVAL HISTORY, VISIT THE
jO_r_kbp790-00018-00004601-00004771 NAVAL HISTORY AND HERITAGE COMMAND WEBSITE.
jPTflsSRhLo-00000-00000318-00000390 Is it good?
jPTflsSRhLo-00001-00000390-00000570 Yeah that's what I thought.
jPTflsSRhLo-00002-00000919-00001104 Margherita Pizza in a bite!
jPTflsSRhLo-00003-00001104-00001362 You will need a muffin tin, pizza dough,
jPTflsSRhLo-00004-00001362-00001528 basil, mozzarella cheese
jPTflsSRhLo-00005-00001570-00001802 and tomato sauce, I like Don Pepino
jPTflsSRhLo-00006-00001992-00002336 Spray your muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray
jPTflsSRhLo-00007-00002398-00002646 Start portioning out golf ball sized
jPTflsSRhLo-00008-00002676-00002908 pieces of dough into the muffin tin
jPTflsSRhLo-00009-00002908-00003092 If it starts to stick to your fingers
jPTflsSRhLo-00010-00003092-00003178 just use a little bit of flour
jPTflsSRhLo-00011-00003247-00003456 Time to get crazy with the sauce
jPTflsSRhLo-00012-00003524-00003811 place about a tablespoon on each pizza bite
jPTflsSRhLo-00013-00003911-00004264 Final prep step is a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese
jPTflsSRhLo-00014-00004264-00004608 Again, go crazy with it here if you're a cheese lover
jPTflsSRhLo-00015-00004748-00004980 Bake at 450 F degrees for 10 minutes
jPTflsSRhLo-00016-00005076-00005276 Once they're finished baking
jPTflsSRhLo-00017-00005344-00005432 and puffed up
jPTflsSRhLo-00018-00005432-00005636 start sprinkling your fresh chopped basil
jPTflsSRhLo-00019-00005644-00005748 all over the top
jPTflsSRhLo-00020-00005822-00006174 Time to start plating up your margherita pizza bites
jPTflsSRhLo-00021-00006244-00006531 Careful though they're gonna be really hot
jPTflsSRhLo-00022-00006786-00006978 Dish out some extra marinara
jPTflsSRhLo-00023-00006994-00007073 for dipping
jPTflsSRhLo-00024-00007073-00007220 and you are in business!
jTwY3IT3bF0-00000-00000003-00000621 Hi everyone. In a very short video I'm going to show to upload your spatial
jTwY3IT3bF0-00001-00000621-00001367 data layers to your Web GIS. You'll need QGIS for that
jTwY3IT3bF0-00002-00001923-00002510 and you'll need NextGIS Connect and I would assume that you have Web GIS already
jTwY3IT3bF0-00003-00002510-00003057 created and you added the connection to Web GIS to Connect
jTwY3IT3bF0-00004-00003057-00004545 Okay, everything is set up. Now add a layer
jTwY3IT3bF0-00005-00004545-00004784 style it a little bit
jTwY3IT3bF0-00006-00005394-00006376 and after I will create a group to keep this layer in and simply
jTwY3IT3bF0-00007-00006376-00007150 say Import selected layer. The layer is being imported and the style
jTwY3IT3bF0-00008-00007150-00007684 representing this layer is also being created. Now the data are uploaded in the cloud.
jTwY3IT3bF0-00009-00007684-00008602 We can also create a web map right here selecting the style
jTwY3IT3bF0-00010-00008602-00009520 that we've added from QGIS. Here's our web map and simply open it in
jTwY3IT3bF0-00011-00009520-00010792 the browser. You'll have all your data right there.
jTwY3IT3bF0-00012-00010792-00011142 That's it, thank you all for watching and bye.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00000-00000003-00000223 What's your favorite brand on social media right now?
jVR1fCMwnMu-00001-00000246-00000276 Oh, yeah.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00002-00000276-00000470 Easy. Old Spice. Why?
jVR1fCMwnMu-00003-00000470-00000633 I work with them, and they're,
jVR1fCMwnMu-00004-00000633-00000774 they're awesome.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00005-00000810-00000940 That smells so nice.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00006-00000940-00001004 I'm going to
jVR1fCMwnMu-00007-00001004-00001224 100% say, Dunkin'. I love coffee.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00008-00001224-00001344 I'm obsessed with coffee.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00009-00001344-00001421 I love Dunkin'.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00010-00001421-00001614 They collaborate with TikTokers.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00011-00001614-00001758 Myself being one of them.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00012-00001758-00002062 I'll give it a little shameless promo. Coffee, good marketing,
jVR1fCMwnMu-00013-00002072-00002258 Amen. Is the TSA a brand?
jVR1fCMwnMu-00014-00002258-00002439 Because their social media is fucking sick.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00015-00002439-00002796 Because you can, like, ask TSA, like, can I bring this entire lasagna?
jVR1fCMwnMu-00016-00002809-00003153 And they will literally hit you back and be like, no, you cannot bring that lasagna.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00017-00003153-00003303 No you cannot bring those nunchucks.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00018-00003303-00003410 I love what Twitter's doing.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00019-00003410-00003653 I'm excited by this new ownership.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00020-00003653-00003933 I think that they've got a lot of room for innovation.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00021-00003933-00004164 I like a lot of personal influencer brands right now.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00022-00004164-00004364 There's a lot of people that I've been finding through
jVR1fCMwnMu-00023-00004364-00004601 like reels and TikToks that communities have on YouTube.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00024-00004614-00004944 And I've just been really resonating with all of their personal experiences
jVR1fCMwnMu-00025-00004951-00005125 over kind of the bigger brands.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00026-00005125-00005241 I feel like all of the NFL
jVR1fCMwnMu-00027-00005241-00005679 teams are really fun on TikTok because they still follow the rules.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00028-00005679-00005899 Unlike some of like the really popular brands on TikTok.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00029-00005925-00006222 But they find a way to, like, make it feel more like a community.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00030-00006226-00006583 Mifland. And they are a black-owned  streetwear brand.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00031-00006583-00006746 They've been around for about ten years.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00032-00006746-00007097 They started with leather goods but they transitioned into more
jVR1fCMwnMu-00033-00007120-00007394 everyday items, and that's when the brand really started to pop.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00034-00007423-00007647 We're now to the point where they probably sell
jVR1fCMwnMu-00035-00007647-00007954 thousands of units and have become one of the kind of like
jVR1fCMwnMu-00036-00007954-00008288 prime examples of what resilience in their brand looks like.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00037-00008288-00008605 And also what happens when you lift up underrepresented brands.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00038-00008605-00008782 It becomes something that's bigger
jVR1fCMwnMu-00039-00008782-00009159 and could also now become one of these brands who not only employ
jVR1fCMwnMu-00040-00009159-00009479 but really kind of shape the culture in this world.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00041-00009486-00009943 Foxtrot. They're a like  bodega-type style store,
jVR1fCMwnMu-00042-00009953-00010196 and they're just really cool. They have really fun content. Anything
jVR1fCMwnMu-00043-00010196-00010560 Netflix like, I feel like that drives what I love, what I see.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00044-00010560-00010727 I think Netflix does a good job.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00045-00010727-00010947 I love what Shondaland does with all of her shows.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00046-00010974-00011091 RuPaul's Drag Race.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00047-00011091-00011448 I'm a huge follower, but they just they do such a great job of incorporating
jVR1fCMwnMu-00048-00011448-00011711 like the contestants, and it's just very natural.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00049-00011711-00011758 I love it.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00050-00011758-00011921 Xbox Game Pass.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00051-00011921-00012162 They are a fantastic brand that really connects
jVR1fCMwnMu-00052-00012162-00012429 to the gaming community while also really effectively
jVR1fCMwnMu-00053-00012429-00012652 like launching new titles, launching new products.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00054-00012652-00012866 They do it so seamlessly and so creatively.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00055-00012896-00013089 That it's a masterclass in marketing.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00056-00013089-00013376 Xbox and Riot Games because like, I really appreciate the way that
jVR1fCMwnMu-00057-00013383-00013687 being in gaming social, that they listen to their players.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00058-00013687-00013893 They really, like, galvanize their audiences,
jVR1fCMwnMu-00059-00013893-00014010 they galvanize their communities.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00060-00014010-00014144 They really try to like,
jVR1fCMwnMu-00061-00014144-00014447 you know, just put a lot of emphasis into hearing from their players.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00062-00014451-00014517 Xbox.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00063-00014637-00014898 What's your second favorite brand on social right now?
jVR1fCMwnMu-00064-00014901-00015098 I kind of like the food industry right now.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00065-00015098-00015155 I'm enjoying
jVR1fCMwnMu-00066-00015155-00015525 like seeing where fast food's playing, kind of where they're branching out.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00067-00015528-00015995 When I look at a Chipotle, for example, they do a great job of not just partnering
jVR1fCMwnMu-00068-00015995-00016332 with creators on a paid basis, but really celebrating their fans
jVR1fCMwnMu-00069-00016332-00016513 and their creativity. Aviation Gin.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00070-00016513-00016646 I know Adweek loves them.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00071-00016646-00016753 I think they're doing great work.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00072-00016753-00017087 Yikes. Taco Bell probably. They've been a lot of fun recently.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00073-00017087-00017310 I really enjoy all their content with Doja Cat.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00074-00017343-00017600 I'm obsessed. It's so good. It's really great content right now.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00075-00017604-00017741 I have to say, McDonald's.
jVR1fCMwnMu-00076-00017741-00017961 I feel like it's a classic, but like they're always
jVR1fCMwnMu-00077-00017961-00018251 just doing something new and cool and it's like a lot of the times
jVR1fCMwnMu-00078-00018254-00018458 they have ideas that I wish I could steal. So.
jbDinxSWcpc-00000-00028339-00028839 Read the description for more on my theory/ joke, lol!
jgLh-SqW8a4-00000-00000036-00000498 so hey guys welcome to my YouTube channel my name is Misha and this is the first ever
jgLh-SqW8a4-00001-00000498-00000984 video on my YouTube channel so let's begin so before starting I would like to introduce myself
jgLh-SqW8a4-00002-00001068-00001842 uh my name is Mishra I'm a 23 year old undergraduate from nit warangal and currently I
jgLh-SqW8a4-00003-00001842-00002652 am working as a technical consultant at genpact so yeah there's basically that's all there is to know
jgLh-SqW8a4-00004-00002652-00003228 about me so the next question would arise why am I starting my YouTube channel what is the motivation
jgLh-SqW8a4-00005-00003228-00004122 behind so basically see I always wanted you see to start a YouTube channel like uh like it was always
jgLh-SqW8a4-00006-00004122-00004752 my passion to start YouTube like to do YouTube seriously okay but uh there were a lot of reasons
jgLh-SqW8a4-00007-00004752-00005430 that I couldn't make it make it really happen like I mainly due to lack of self-motivation
jgLh-SqW8a4-00008-00005430-00006042 like I was really I didn't have that confidence to start or something new something to present
jgLh-SqW8a4-00009-00006042-00006618 content in front of so many people and I used to procrastinate a lot like I used to keep delay
jgLh-SqW8a4-00010-00006618-00007458 doing that same thing for months and days and days and weeks and months and so on so yeah and fear of
jgLh-SqW8a4-00011-00007458-00008112 criticism I use and of course fear of failing like what if I fail what will people say so yeah and I
jgLh-SqW8a4-00012-00008112-00008892 know many of you guys are also going through the same so that was always keeping me from
jgLh-SqW8a4-00013-00008988-00009738 starting my own channel starting YouTube but now now that is my main fuel for motivation like I
jgLh-SqW8a4-00014-00009738-00010650 really want to create content that I could be proud of like that could add small bit of value
jgLh-SqW8a4-00015-00010650-00011394 in life in my life in another's life okay I'm not in for such high goals like creating a very
jgLh-SqW8a4-00016-00011472-00012144 huge impact but yeah a small bit of impact I will be and the main thing is like I really want to
jgLh-SqW8a4-00017-00012216-00013026 improve myself I want to overcome my fear my fear of criticism and failing I used to my fear my
jgLh-SqW8a4-00018-00013026-00013662 habit of procrastinating a lot I want to be like held responsible for work because I really want
jgLh-SqW8a4-00019-00013662-00014382 to create content that I am interested in and I really want to do it so that's one of the reasons
jgLh-SqW8a4-00020-00014382-00015156 and to be honest till now I always the this youtubing and starting YouTube channel was always
jgLh-SqW8a4-00021-00015156-00015828 in my books like yeah I will start someday but to be honest now I seriously want to pursue it so
jgLh-SqW8a4-00022-00015912-00016488 this is my first video and guess this is a start let's see where this will take me
jgLh-SqW8a4-00023-00016542-00017370 and for the last part like uh it like what would be my channel be about like what domain I will be
jgLh-SqW8a4-00024-00017370-00018216 making videos like on like will it be Tech will it be education will it be Finance or some other fear
jgLh-SqW8a4-00025-00018216-00019104 so see to be honest I haven't thought about my domain or idea like any particular domain or idea
jgLh-SqW8a4-00026-00019104-00020064 on which I will making videos uh like see I'm open to like various ideas like I am a very big Tech
jgLh-SqW8a4-00027-00020064-00020760 Enthusiast so maybe I'll make some tech videos from user's perspective as you get to do that
jgLh-SqW8a4-00028-00020760-00021444 in a minute or maybe I'll I'll read a lot of books so I'll make some book reviews or recommendations
jgLh-SqW8a4-00029-00021444-00022002 in fact I'm trying I'm starting this and thinking of starting this Channel with a book review only
jgLh-SqW8a4-00030-00022170-00022980 like And subscribe for that also and as I said I want to create content from like if I'm
jgLh-SqW8a4-00031-00022980-00023586 that I enjoy that I enjoy making videos on and it could be anything like it could be text
jgLh-SqW8a4-00032-00023586-00024138 related like it could be some literature related it would be some Finance related
jgLh-SqW8a4-00033-00024138-00024870 so I'm open to all I just want to enjoy the process okay overcome all my issues
jgLh-SqW8a4-00034-00024942-00025704 and fears this is my male motivation and this is what I'm gonna do uh I'm thinking of making some
jgLh-SqW8a4-00035-00025704-00026268 educational educational videos also like coding and all for that there will be a separate video
jgLh-SqW8a4-00036-00026364-00027252 so like uh for that I'll make a separate video and as I said like if I'm making a tech video so I'll
jgLh-SqW8a4-00037-00027252-00028314 be like from there out of tech reviewers out there very good very uh capable reviewers are there so
jgLh-SqW8a4-00038-00028314-00029112 I've been making videos if I want to like the tech I use from a user's point of view like day to day
jgLh-SqW8a4-00039-00029112-00029964 usage and all so yeah that's the idea I'm working on and let's see where this takes me so hey guys
jgLh-SqW8a4-00040-00029964-00030780 if you have made it this far I really hope you do I just want to request you to like and so
jgLh-SqW8a4-00041-00030780-00031254 share this video And subscribe to my channel if you want to support me in this journey because
jgLh-SqW8a4-00042-00031350-00032058 uh I really want to do this it had been my passion for a long time so yeah I really
jgLh-SqW8a4-00043-00032058-00032568 want to continue this seriously and let's see where this takes me so see you next time
jhllXksvujc-00000-00000000-00000479 Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA
jhllXksvujc-00001-00000215-00000666 Academy. My name is Denys van Kempen and
jhllXksvujc-00002-00000479-00000959 in this video tutorial series we will
jhllXksvujc-00003-00000666-00001175 discuss what's new with SAP HANA SPS 12.
jhllXksvujc-00004-00000959-00001545 The topic of this video tutorial is
jhllXksvujc-00005-00001175-00001826 Backup and Recovery. So what's new. We
jhllXksvujc-00006-00001545-00002078 have two major new features and two
jhllXksvujc-00007-00001826-00002331 enhancements. Major new feature is that
jhllXksvujc-00008-00002078-00002568 you can now scheduled backups using the
jhllXksvujc-00009-00002331-00002847 SAP HANA cockpit. Also new is that you
jhllXksvujc-00010-00002568-00003057 can resume a recovery that has been
jhllXksvujc-00011-00002847-00003261 interrupted. And then there are some
jhllXksvujc-00012-00003057-00003557 enhancements to the SAP HANA Cockpit
jhllXksvujc-00013-00003261-00003914 into the recovery process as a whole.
jhllXksvujc-00014-00003557-00004182 Brief overview of scheduling. To create
jhllXksvujc-00015-00003914-00004344 schedule in the SAP HANA Cockpit you
jhllXksvujc-00016-00004182-00004598 need the role SAP HANA backup roles
jhllXksvujc-00017-00004344-00004866 scheduler. Scheduling leverages the
jhllXksvujc-00018-00004598-00005082 XS job architecture. So you need to
jhllXksvujc-00019-00004866-00005361 have set this up first. For this you
jhllXksvujc-00020-00005082-00005610 would use the XS job dashboard which
jhllXksvujc-00021-00005361-00005850 is accessible from the SAP HANA XS
jhllXksvujc-00022-00005610-00006093 administration tool and to work with
jhllXksvujc-00023-00005850-00006335 this you need the SAP HANA XS admin
jhllXksvujc-00024-00006093-00006651 roles, job administrator. The job
jhllXksvujc-00025-00006335-00006956 administrator has to activate the XS
jhllXksvujc-00026-00006651-00007145 job scheduler and assign a user to the
jhllXksvujc-00027-00006956-00007515 job. We’ll take a look at that in a
jhllXksvujc-00028-00007145-00007745 moment. Resume recovery will speed up the
jhllXksvujc-00029-00007515-00008006 recovery process. If you have a full
jhllXksvujc-00030-00007745-00008186 backup and a number of Delta backups you
jhllXksvujc-00031-00008006-00008346 no longer need to restore this as a
jhllXksvujc-00032-00008186-00008613 whole. That should anything go wrong
jhllXksvujc-00033-00008346-00008886 during the recovery process you can
jhllXksvujc-00034-00008613-00009143 resume it in the intermediate faces. The
jhllXksvujc-00035-00008886-00009396 way it works is that during recovery SAP
jhllXksvujc-00036-00009143-00009582 HANA sets fallback point and so you can
jhllXksvujc-00037-00009396-00009903 resume a recovery from a certain
jhllXksvujc-00038-00009582-00010118 fallback point. For lock recovery this is
jhllXksvujc-00039-00009903-00010382 configurable in the global that ini file
jhllXksvujc-00040-00010118-00010638 with the lock recovery resume point
jhllXksvujc-00041-00010382-00010821 interval parameter. To visualize here we
jhllXksvujc-00042-00010638-00011142 have the difference between SPS 11,
jhllXksvujc-00043-00010821-00011447 previous release of SAP HANA and SPS
jhllXksvujc-00044-00011142-00011742 12. In 11 we did the data recovery in
jhllXksvujc-00045-00011447-00012065 the lock replay in one block using the
jhllXksvujc-00046-00011742-00012314 fallback points. In SPS 12 you can now
jhllXksvujc-00047-00012065-00012521 separate the delta backup recovery part
jhllXksvujc-00048-00012314-00012812 from the full backup recovery part and
jhllXksvujc-00049-00012521-00012953 do the lock replay at intervals. If
jhllXksvujc-00050-00012812-00013169 everything is working properly of course
jhllXksvujc-00051-00012953-00013279 probably won't benefit much from this
jhllXksvujc-00052-00013169-00013512 feature. But should
jhllXksvujc-00053-00013279-00013756 anything go wrong the fallback points
jhllXksvujc-00054-00013512-00013975 can significantly reduce the time to
jhllXksvujc-00055-00013756-00014190 recovery. Now you can recover a
jhllXksvujc-00056-00013975-00014481 database using the SAP HANA Studio or
jhllXksvujc-00057-00014190-00014706 on the console using SQL and you flag
jhllXksvujc-00058-00014481-00015063 the trigger a resume of the recovery is
jhllXksvujc-00059-00014706-00015276 the using region keywords in the recover
jhllXksvujc-00060-00015063-00015531 database statement. Below an excerpt of
jhllXksvujc-00061-00015276-00015754 the backup log and here we can see the
jhllXksvujc-00062-00015531-00016020 fallback points written to the log with
jhllXksvujc-00063-00015754-00016234 the timestamp. Let's take a look at a
jhllXksvujc-00064-00016020-00016473 live system to see how this works. I'm
jhllXksvujc-00065-00016234-00016750 connected here to the SAP HANA Cockpit
jhllXksvujc-00066-00016473-00017040 as a backup admin which has the
jhllXksvujc-00067-00016750-00017307 privileges to perform backups. Here we
jhllXksvujc-00068-00017040-00017607 have the backup tile indicating the last
jhllXksvujc-00069-00017307-00017895 successful backup selecting it will open
jhllXksvujc-00070-00017607-00018118 the backup catalog a minor enhancement
jhllXksvujc-00071-00017895-00018373 is that we can now select the prefix to
jhllXksvujc-00072-00018118-00018618 be displayed and if we create a new
jhllXksvujc-00073-00018373-00018856 backup. The estimated backup size is
jhllXksvujc-00074-00018618-00019134 displayed so if you switch between
jhllXksvujc-00075-00018856-00019335 incremental and complete you can see how
jhllXksvujc-00076-00019134-00019522 much space you need in your backup
jhllXksvujc-00077-00019335-00019765 destination. This was already available
jhllXksvujc-00078-00019522-00019972 on SAP HANA Studio and with SPS 12
jhllXksvujc-00079-00019765-00020169 this has been added to the Cockpit. You
jhllXksvujc-00080-00019972-00020404 can create a schedule using the create
jhllXksvujc-00081-00020169-00020610 schedule button here and view current
jhllXksvujc-00082-00020404-00020809 schedules in the go to schedules link.
jhllXksvujc-00083-00020610-00021115 When the XS job scheduler is not
jhllXksvujc-00084-00020809-00021309 active backups cannot be scheduled. So we
jhllXksvujc-00085-00021115-00021609 need to activate this first. As mentioned
jhllXksvujc-00086-00021309-00021840 for this we have the XS admin tool
jhllXksvujc-00087-00021609-00022059 and the XS job dashboard and here
jhllXksvujc-00088-00021840-00022434 you will need to enable the scheduler
jhllXksvujc-00089-00022059-00022716 for all jobs and assign a user to this
jhllXksvujc-00090-00022434-00022947 backup job. Set a password and save job.
jhllXksvujc-00091-00022716-00023197 Now I'm using here the same backup admin
jhllXksvujc-00092-00022947-00023379 as I'm connected to in production
jhllXksvujc-00093-00023197-00023565 system. Of course this would not make a
jhllXksvujc-00094-00023379-00023838 lot of sense. You would have a lower
jhllXksvujc-00095-00023565-00024168 privileged user to perform this task. If
jhllXksvujc-00096-00023838-00024363 I return out to my Cockpit and refresh
jhllXksvujc-00097-00024168-00024573 the message will have disappeared. So I
jhllXksvujc-00098-00024363-00024795 can create a schedule. In the backup
jhllXksvujc-00099-00024573-00025065 settings area I can select the backup
jhllXksvujc-00100-00024795-00025368 type complete, incremental, differential.
jhllXksvujc-00101-00025065-00025506 The destination type. If backupint would
jhllXksvujc-00102-00025368-00025677 have been configured I could have
jhllXksvujc-00103-00025506-00025897 selected this as well. Plus any
jhllXksvujc-00104-00025677-00026208 additional backup in parameter. The
jhllXksvujc-00105-00025897-00026473 prefix and a destination and then in the
jhllXksvujc-00106-00026208-00026692 backup schedule settings area
jhllXksvujc-00107-00026473-00027016 need to provide a unique scheduler name.
jhllXksvujc-00108-00026692-00027247 I will use Academy here. The start time
jhllXksvujc-00109-00027016-00027520 of the schedule and the recurrence. So
jhllXksvujc-00110-00027247-00027691 this could be weekly or monthly and you
jhllXksvujc-00111-00027520-00027985 can let the week start on Sunday or on
jhllXksvujc-00112-00027691-00028189 Monday. I will select here Monday. I want
jhllXksvujc-00113-00027985-00028501 to weekly backup on Monday, Tuesday,
jhllXksvujc-00114-00028189-00028762 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. For
jhllXksvujc-00115-00028501-00028995 example hit midnight and I can then save
jhllXksvujc-00116-00028762-00029326 my schedule. Note that once I’ve created the
jhllXksvujc-00117-00028995-00029632 schedule I can either pause it or delete
jhllXksvujc-00118-00029326-00029916 it but it's no longer possible to modify
jhllXksvujc-00119-00029632-00030118 it. Okay concerning the recovery
jhllXksvujc-00120-00029916-00030420 enhancements there's not much to show
jhllXksvujc-00121-00030118-00030702 you except dimension parameter. Lock
jhllXksvujc-00122-00030420-00030976 recovery resume point interval which
jhllXksvujc-00123-00030702-00031239 defaults to 1800 and here you can set it
jhllXksvujc-00124-00030976-00031708 to a different value between 0 and
jhllXksvujc-00125-00031239-00031983 18,000. What's new for SAP HANA SPS 12
jhllXksvujc-00126-00031708-00032206 backup and recovery is documented in the
jhllXksvujc-00127-00031983-00032419 release note how to create backups and
jhllXksvujc-00128-00032206-00032629 how to perform a recovery and work with
jhllXksvujc-00129-00032419-00032890 the SAP HANA Cockpit is documented in
jhllXksvujc-00130-00032629-00033121 HANA administration guide. You can read
jhllXksvujc-00131-00032890-00033373 or download both guides free of charge
jhllXksvujc-00132-00033121-00033607 from the help portal on help.SAP
jhllXksvujc-00133-00033373-00033906 .com. Thank you for watching this SAP
jhllXksvujc-00134-00033607-00033906 HANA Academy video.
jjRehxoIJlM-00000-00001972-00002760 Two new icon themes have been added: Colibre, which is now the default on Windows, along with Karasa Jaga.
jjRehxoIJlM-00001-00002764-00003429 Image handling has been improved, so documents with many images will load and display more smoothly.
jjRehxoIJlM-00002-00003429-00004107 It's now possible to sign ODF documents with ECDSA keys on Linux and macOS.
jjRehxoIJlM-00003-00004107-00005100 For shapes and backgrounds, a new set of fill gradients is now available, while the background images dialog has been redesigned to be easier to use.
jjRehxoIJlM-00004-00005105-00005830 The online help system has been extended with example files, to help you see how features in the software work.
jjRehxoIJlM-00005-00005834-00006609 It's now even easier to customize toolbars and menus, thanks to the new gear button in the Customize dialog.
jjRehxoIJlM-00006-00006612-00007054 And thanks to our worldwide community, the user interface has been translated into additional
jjRehxoIJlM-00007-00007054-00008009 languages, while dictionaries and auto-correct tools have been improved for many languages as well.
jjRehxoIJlM-00008-00008017-00008750 In the header and footer menus, new options let you quickly add page numbers and page counts.
jjRehxoIJlM-00009-00008757-00009420 The EPUB export feature has been improved, and gives you more options for customising metadata.
jjRehxoIJlM-00010-00009427-00010142 It's now possible to generate a signature line using Insert > Signature Line.
jjRehxoIJlM-00011-00010142-00010740 New chapter numbering styles, which spell out cardinal and ordinal numbers, are now available.
jjRehxoIJlM-00012-00010740-00011786 Finally, performance when converting documents to XHTML has been greatly improved.
jjRehxoIJlM-00013-00011786-00012972 In Calc, the spreadsheet, images that are anchored to cells can now be sorted.
jjRehxoIJlM-00014-00012972-00014019 In addition, there are now three anchor types: to a cell, as usual; to a cell with resizing when the cell size changes; and to a page.
jjRehxoIJlM-00015-00014028-00014659 The options dialog lets you customise cell highlight colours.
jjRehxoIJlM-00016-00014659-00015390 When you're merging cells, the dialog box now shows a graphical depiction of the process in advance.
jjRehxoIJlM-00017-00015391-00016061 When linking a sheet to external data, CSV files can now be used as data sources.
jjRehxoIJlM-00018-00016061-00017029 Parallel formula compiling on the CPU is now supported, for a significant performance boost.
jjRehxoIJlM-00019-00017029-00017570 New drawing styles have been added, while existing ones have been cleaned up.
jjRehxoIJlM-00020-00017570-00018575 The menu in Draw was reorganised to be more intuitive, and a new Page menu was added.
jjRehxoIJlM-00021-00018575-00019710 In LibreOffice Online, the cloud-based version of the suite, many new dialog boxes have been added, including spelling and grammar, cell formatting and area fill.
jjRehxoIJlM-00022-00019718-00020410 In Calc, it's now possible to collapse or expand any group of columns or rows with a single click.
jjRehxoIJlM-00023-00020410-00021300 Finally, performance and security has been improved as well, making LibreOffice Online a great complement to the desktop version of the suite.
jjRehxoIJlM-00024-00021300-00021800 A big thanks to the whole LibreOffice community for making this release happen!
jjRehxoIJlM-00025-00021800-00022200 But there's more to come - help us with LibreOffice 6.2!
jjRehxoIJlM-00026-00022200-00022800 We're already working on the next release, so join our worldwide community, and help to add and test new features.
jjT_rpWSV5A-00000-00000000-00000102 What is OOO?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00001-00000105-00000192 (Oops)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00002-00000194-00000294 It looks like this
jjT_rpWSV5A-00003-00000297-00000382 (What is that?) I have no clue
jjT_rpWSV5A-00004-00000385-00000506 (How about this?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00005-00000508-00000573 (??)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00006-00000575-00000647 It's not special enough
jjT_rpWSV5A-00007-00000649-00000739 Will it sell?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00008-00000752-00000821 (We'll see)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00009-00000824-00000941 Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
jjT_rpWSV5A-00010-00000943-00001065 This phone case is so cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00011-00001068-00001165 (Excited)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00012-00001234-00001320 (Drop-dead sexy♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00013-00001345-00001558 (BBOM)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00014-00001562-00001773 (CHICA BBOM SHOPPING)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00015-00001775-00001901 (LACHICA merch idea meeting)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00016-00002005-00002230 (Congrats on LACHICA merch production♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00017-00002232-00002367 (The merch maker is flustered)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00018-00002370-00002519 (Flustered) [oround] You're prettier in person
jjT_rpWSV5A-00019-00002521-00002659 (I accept) Thank you
jjT_rpWSV5A-00020-00002665-00002791 (Embarrassed)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00021-00002794-00002891 (...)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00022-00002910-00003126 (We complied with the COVID-19 guidelines) Be humble, my friend!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00023-00003178-00003422 [oround] We proposed the production
jjT_rpWSV5A-00024-00003427-00003590 of Lachica merch
jjT_rpWSV5A-00025-00003592-00003686 (I love it)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00026-00003689-00004053 How did you all react when you got the call?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00027-00004056-00004217 On the one hand, we were extremely thrilled
jjT_rpWSV5A-00028-00004228-00004361 But on the other hand...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00029-00004363-00004441 Will they sell?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00030-00004514-00004627 (LOL)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00031-00004630-00004708 (Curious) I wonder...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00032-00004708-00004899 Who would buy it?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00033-00004904-00005016 If no one buys them,
jjT_rpWSV5A-00034-00005019-00005166 we will use them
jjT_rpWSV5A-00035-00005168-00005247 (Correct answer)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00036-00005249-00005397 (The merch are for Lachica members) I want them
jjT_rpWSV5A-00037-00005418-00005736 We're getting a chance to make Lachica merch
jjT_rpWSV5A-00038-00005739-00006009 because this team is being loved
jjT_rpWSV5A-00039-00006036-00006302 (Grateful) [Gabee] People love us
jjT_rpWSV5A-00040-00006304-00006474 We at oround offer services
jjT_rpWSV5A-00041-00006476-00006643 that allow anyone and everyone
jjT_rpWSV5A-00042-00006652-00006933 to make custom design products
jjT_rpWSV5A-00043-00006942-00007136 and sell them on our app
jjT_rpWSV5A-00044-00007138-00007354 (I can't wait) It's really great
jjT_rpWSV5A-00045-00007356-00007537 You can make money sitting down
jjT_rpWSV5A-00046-00007540-00007691 (Interested) and even when you're sleeping
jjT_rpWSV5A-00047-00007709-00007931 (Excited by money talk)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00048-00007934-00008048 (Are we going to be rich?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00049-00008079-00008245 (#merch concept) People associate Lachica with the words
jjT_rpWSV5A-00050-00008248-00008342 "beautiful" and...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00051-00008366-00008518 (Touched) (Surprised) "Beautiful"?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00052-00008569-00008697 You think we're beautiful?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00053-00008699-00008772 (Happy♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00054-00008789-00009036 [oround] So we came up with this concept
jjT_rpWSV5A-00055-00009038-00009156 ("Charlie's Angels") This is what
jjT_rpWSV5A-00056-00009158-00009295 (I love Angels♥) we came up with
jjT_rpWSV5A-00057-00009311-00009452 Then, we'd be five Angels?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00058-00009455-00009621 (Lachica Ninja Team) Like "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00059-00009630-00009728 (It's hilarious)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00060-00009730-00009986 I love this concept
jjT_rpWSV5A-00061-00009989-00010279 I think it'll be a fun concept
jjT_rpWSV5A-00062-00010312-00010507 (Yes) (True) that people will like
jjT_rpWSV5A-00063-00010509-00010732 (Lachica is fun) We're a fun and witty team
jjT_rpWSV5A-00064-00010734-00010934 It'd be great if we can do something
jjT_rpWSV5A-00065-00010937-00011160 witty and stylish
jjT_rpWSV5A-00066-00011165-00011514 Our team color is pink
jjT_rpWSV5A-00067-00011517-00011835 (Lachica is pink!) Maybe we can do something in pink
jjT_rpWSV5A-00068-00011839-00012188 Let me show you some samples
jjT_rpWSV5A-00069-00012192-00012509 This is a basic hoodie
jjT_rpWSV5A-00070-00012511-00012635 (Checking the fabric!) This is nice
jjT_rpWSV5A-00071-00012638-00012776 - It'll be warm - The hood is thick too!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00072-00012789-00012886 It has fleece lining
jjT_rpWSV5A-00073-00012939-00013088 (Pink hoodie) This pink is so pretty
jjT_rpWSV5A-00074-00013091-00013291 (The perfect Lachica color) This is the perfect color for Lachica
jjT_rpWSV5A-00075-00013297-00013406 (Satisfied) I love this color
jjT_rpWSV5A-00076-00013415-00013624 Can we do all three colors?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00077-00013626-00013781 Black, white, and pink
jjT_rpWSV5A-00078-00013784-00014214 People that like simple designs wear black and white
jjT_rpWSV5A-00079-00014233-00014425 Can we put the establishment...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00080-00014427-00014610 (???) The date this team was created
jjT_rpWSV5A-00081-00014612-00014682 "Since"? "Since"?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00082-00014716-00014858 (You know what I mean?) (Embarrassed) Yes, "Since"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00083-00014861-00014976 (I love it♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00084-00014979-00015113 (Lachica Since 2019)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00085-00015116-00015300 (I want slippers) I'd love slippers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00086-00015303-00015395 Me too
jjT_rpWSV5A-00087-00015411-00015553 They're so useful
jjT_rpWSV5A-00088-00015556-00015785 We always dance in slippers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00089-00015788-00016029 What words should we put on the slippers?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00090-00016032-00016279 I was thinking "Hey" on here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00091-00016281-00016615 and the Lachica logo on here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00092-00016617-00016783 ("Hey" on both slippers?) Then "Hey," "Hey"?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00093-00016785-00016943 Hey! Hey!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00094-00016955-00017017 (Hehe)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00095-00017019-00017150 (How about this?) "He" and "y"?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00096-00017186-00017344 (Separately?) He-y
jjT_rpWSV5A-00097-00017346-00017499 (They're serious about "Hey") Or add four e's
jjT_rpWSV5A-00098-00017509-00017721 Heeeey
jjT_rpWSV5A-00099-00017723-00017875 (What is the final design...?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00100-00017879-00018001 (Curious) What does "Hey" mean?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00101-00018004-00018106 It can be used in many ways
jjT_rpWSV5A-00102-00018109-00018261 It can be "Hi"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00103-00018264-00018383 Or "You're right"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00104-00018385-00018468 Hey
jjT_rpWSV5A-00105-00018470-00018568 (We saw it in person♥) You can use it like that
jjT_rpWSV5A-00106-00018573-00018673 Or when you're scolding. Hey!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00107-00018755-00018832 - Get it together - Hey! Hey! Hey!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00108-00018834-00018934 (She's heard that a lot)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00109-00018953-00019033 When they tease me
jjT_rpWSV5A-00110-00019052-00019156 Hey! Hey! Hey!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00111-00019171-00019315 ("Hey" has many meanings)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00112-00019328-00019569 Gabee, you want to do slippers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00113-00019571-00019779 So we'll definitely make them
jjT_rpWSV5A-00114-00019782-00019865 (Yay♥) I love slippers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00115-00019867-00020056 Slippers are really great
jjT_rpWSV5A-00116-00020058-00020240 We always wear slippers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00117-00020242-00020375 in the waiting room
jjT_rpWSV5A-00118-00020400-00020523 (Proud) (Proud) It'll boost our confidence
jjT_rpWSV5A-00119-00020526-00020699 These are Lachica merch
jjT_rpWSV5A-00120-00020701-00020807 (Are you jealous?) Do you want them?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00121-00020809-00020922 (I love it)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00122-00020924-00021004 (Do you want slippers?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00123-00021025-00021416 What else would you like to make?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00124-00021419-00021621 Phone cases
jjT_rpWSV5A-00125-00021644-00021713 Griptok!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00126-00021715-00021830 (Griptok?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00127-00021925-00022066 (Quietly) What is a Griptok?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00128-00022076-00022247 (Shocked)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00129-00022250-00022375 (Embarrassed)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00130-00022377-00022479 (The truth is...) I don't know either
jjT_rpWSV5A-00131-00022485-00022659 (They both got it)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00132-00022661-00022750 The phone holder!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00133-00022753-00022906 (I know that) Phone holder!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00134-00022957-00023074 (Tired)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00135-00023084-00023572 [oround] We can do jelly cases and hard cases
jjT_rpWSV5A-00136-00023575-00023695 What about this?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00137-00023697-00023807 A lot of people
jjT_rpWSV5A-00138-00023809-00023977 decorate their phones
jjT_rpWSV5A-00139-00024020-00024143 - You know? - Yes
jjT_rpWSV5A-00140-00024145-00024278 A phone decoration set would be great
jjT_rpWSV5A-00141-00024334-00024427 Can we do that?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00142-00024553-00024749 (It's) (a great idea?) We'll put "Lachica" at the bottom
jjT_rpWSV5A-00143-00024751-00024874 (That's great) So people can decorate their phones
jjT_rpWSV5A-00144-00024877-00024971 Like stickers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00145-00025022-00025221 Lachica fans can use them to decorate however they want
jjT_rpWSV5A-00146-00025273-00025451 (??????) I love straps
jjT_rpWSV5A-00147-00025454-00025658 (The master phone decorator)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00148-00025709-00025850 (Bling) (Bling) When did you buy this?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00149-00025853-00025963 (LOL) (They think Rian is hilarious)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00150-00025965-00026114 (She's hilarious) Even her phone is making me laugh
jjT_rpWSV5A-00151-00026117-00026280 Kyahahahaha
jjT_rpWSV5A-00152-00026282-00026369 And a key ring!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00153-00026389-00026561 A fan gave it to me as a present
jjT_rpWSV5A-00154-00026564-00026769 Can we also do a key ring?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00155-00026771-00026896 (That key ring is cute)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00156-00026916-00027080 [oround] H_1, tell us your ideas
jjT_rpWSV5A-00157-00027082-00027206 (Ah!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00158-00027209-00027376 My phone case is transparent
jjT_rpWSV5A-00159-00027380-00027540 (Gentle) I don't have the phone holder
jjT_rpWSV5A-00160-00027543-00027697 I like to keep it simple
jjT_rpWSV5A-00161-00027720-00027820 Do you want to make Lachica merch?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00162-00027838-00027967 Lachica merch...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00163-00027973-00028109 (Yes?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00164-00028141-00028260 (Touched by H_1's decision) Thanks, Hyewon
jjT_rpWSV5A-00165-00028263-00028347 (Kidding) She doesn't want to do it
jjT_rpWSV5A-00166-00028350-00028515 (LOL)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00167-00028518-00028687 (Embarrassed) (Embarrassed) No, no
jjT_rpWSV5A-00168-00028710-00028908 (Even Buddha_H_1 loves the phone case) This phone case is really cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00169-00028930-00029120 As Rian said
jjT_rpWSV5A-00170-00029123-00029559 [oround] we will try to come up with something
jjT_rpWSV5A-00171-00029587-00029756 (We'll make some cute designs) simple and stylish
jjT_rpWSV5A-00172-00029778-00030106 (Lachica merch meeting is over!) Thank you
jjT_rpWSV5A-00173-00030109-00030249 [CHICA BBOM SHOPPING]
jjT_rpWSV5A-00174-00030252-00030402 (How did the Lachica merch turn out?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00175-00030501-00030666 Can we see everyone? Yes
jjT_rpWSV5A-00176-00030669-00030765 Let's say hi first
jjT_rpWSV5A-00177-00030788-00031011 Hi
jjT_rpWSV5A-00178-00031044-00031184 Guys!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00179-00031229-00031425 (★Lachica home shopping★) We're going to host a home shopping show
jjT_rpWSV5A-00180-00031427-00031636 Wow!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00181-00031639-00031978 We designed some Lachica merch
jjT_rpWSV5A-00182-00031981-00032080 Yes!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00183-00032088-00032369 They're coming out today, hence home shopping show
jjT_rpWSV5A-00184-00032378-00032462 I can't wait
jjT_rpWSV5A-00185-00032464-00032746 Wow, are we going to dominate the home shopping world?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00186-00032748-00032915 It's not a real home shopping broadcast, right?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00187-00032917-00032983 It's not
jjT_rpWSV5A-00188-00032985-00033105 (Disappointed) That's what I was hoping, though...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00189-00033107-00033216 (Really?) That's what you were hoping?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00190-00033230-00033293 (Sad) Yes...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00191-00033295-00033438 (LOL)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00192-00033440-00033580 You should ask them
jjT_rpWSV5A-00193-00033628-00033701 (Flustered) No, I can't
jjT_rpWSV5A-00194-00033703-00033817 My mom will buy all the products
jjT_rpWSV5A-00195-00033829-00033945 Kyahahahaha
jjT_rpWSV5A-00196-00033972-00034201 (A show host face?) You'd make a great home shopping host
jjT_rpWSV5A-00197-00034204-00034404 Finally the merchant can get to work
jjT_rpWSV5A-00198-00034408-00034552 She's thoroughly prepared
jjT_rpWSV5A-00199-00034555-00034720 The pigtails are something
jjT_rpWSV5A-00200-00034722-00034850 You should be our model today
jjT_rpWSV5A-00201-00034853-00034929 (???)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00202-00034932-00035036 (Refusing) No, I'm...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00203-00035038-00035158 (Flapping) (Flapping)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00204-00035162-00035279 I shouldn't say my "yapper", right?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00205-00035282-00035389 (LOL)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00206-00035391-00035488 Then...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00207-00035494-00035692 Simeez and I can be the models
jjT_rpWSV5A-00208-00035695-00035769 That'd be great
jjT_rpWSV5A-00209-00035771-00035869 What about H_1?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00210-00035871-00035999 H_1, what do you want to do?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00211-00036001-00036132 H_1 is...
jjT_rpWSV5A-00212-00036137-00036287 She's dressed for Halloween today
jjT_rpWSV5A-00213-00036290-00036428 Kyahaha
jjT_rpWSV5A-00214-00036430-00036581 (What role will H_1 play?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00215-00036583-00036699 We're here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00216-00036701-00036782 Let's go
jjT_rpWSV5A-00217-00036785-00036889 Let's go
jjT_rpWSV5A-00218-00036892-00037254 (To the studio!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00219-00037256-00037364 (Excited) (Excited)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00220-00037393-00037537 I'm so excited
jjT_rpWSV5A-00221-00037584-00037807 (Super excited) Let's go. I'm so excited
jjT_rpWSV5A-00222-00037827-00038052 (Entering with excitement) Wow, hello
jjT_rpWSV5A-00223-00038055-00038182 (Surprised)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00224-00038197-00038332 Look!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00225-00038370-00038463 This is like a shopping mall
jjT_rpWSV5A-00226-00038465-00038600 (Bling-bling pink set!) Wow, this is huge
jjT_rpWSV5A-00227-00038603-00038685 I hope we can
jjT_rpWSV5A-00228-00038687-00038911 (Wishing) (Wishing) get shopping mall related jobs after this
jjT_rpWSV5A-00229-00038977-00039252 (Found something) They're over here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00230-00039323-00039399 Come here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00231-00039401-00039566 Our names are on here
jjT_rpWSV5A-00232-00039719-00039889 Look. Stickers
jjT_rpWSV5A-00233-00039945-00040176 (Lachica vibe stickers) This is so Lachica
jjT_rpWSV5A-00234-00040179-00040415 - "Hello." "Hey" - "XOXO"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00235-00040418-00040626 (Excited)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00236-00040628-00040707 (!!!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00237-00040775-00040847 Wow!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00238-00040880-00040964 They made these
jjT_rpWSV5A-00239-00040966-00041134 Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
jjT_rpWSV5A-00240-00041136-00041257 (Wow)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00241-00041259-00041408 ("HEY" slippers!) They made them just as we said
jjT_rpWSV5A-00242-00041421-00041530 Wow
jjT_rpWSV5A-00243-00041533-00041646 (Just as we discussed in the meeting!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00244-00041648-00041765 This is what we wanted
jjT_rpWSV5A-00245-00041789-00041999 This pink is so cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00246-00042002-00042130 (There's also black) Oh, black
jjT_rpWSV5A-00247-00042133-00042232 (I love black♥) Black, black!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00248-00042235-00042322 Oh my gosh
jjT_rpWSV5A-00249-00042418-00042550 This is so my style
jjT_rpWSV5A-00250-00042552-00042672 (The black slippers are pretty too)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00251-00042675-00042755 (Shoop)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00252-00042758-00042836 What do you think?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00253-00042925-00043061 That's cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00254-00043064-00043193 They're so cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00255-00043195-00043302 I'll also put them on
jjT_rpWSV5A-00256-00043330-00043443 (Black) (Pink) So cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00257-00043511-00043630 Hey
jjT_rpWSV5A-00258-00043669-00043857 Let's open these too
jjT_rpWSV5A-00259-00043923-00044089 (She already opened it) (Unboxing!) Oh, yes
jjT_rpWSV5A-00260-00044131-00044331 Ta-la-la-la
jjT_rpWSV5A-00261-00044344-00044462 (My name♥) "Rian"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00262-00044469-00044548 Wow
jjT_rpWSV5A-00263-00044569-00044627 So cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00264-00044655-00044731 Oh!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00265-00044770-00044848 Wow!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00266-00044954-00045023 Ah!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00267-00045060-00045163 (Pink hoodie♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00268-00045187-00045340 This phone case is so cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00269-00045343-00045422 (Very excited♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00270-00045424-00045556 I love this phone case
jjT_rpWSV5A-00271-00045561-00045679 (They love the phone cases) The phone case is really cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00272-00045750-00045868 Thank you so much
jjT_rpWSV5A-00273-00045870-00045953 Wahh!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00274-00045957-00046081 (Crying)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00275-00046171-00046285 (She already put it on↘) So cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00276-00046288-00046373 Wow!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00277-00046375-00046548 I love the black
jjT_rpWSV5A-00278-00046551-00046724 (Black hoodie) Wow, this is cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00279-00046737-00046871 (Strong preference) I love black
jjT_rpWSV5A-00280-00046874-00047033 I have the white one
jjT_rpWSV5A-00281-00047088-00047218 I love it
jjT_rpWSV5A-00282-00047220-00047407 (You can choose the color to your taste) [Simeez] All the colors are cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00283-00047420-00047520 I want to try this on
jjT_rpWSV5A-00284-00047530-00047758 - Yes, let's try them on - Yes
jjT_rpWSV5A-00285-00047813-00048029 It looks really comfortable
jjT_rpWSV5A-00286-00048070-00048234 I'll try it on
jjT_rpWSV5A-00287-00048439-00048545 That's cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00288-00048548-00048642 This is really cute!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00289-00048644-00048884 (Excited)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00290-00048939-00049017 (What do you think?)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00291-00049041-00049240 (Sexy) I'm the model
jjT_rpWSV5A-00292-00049242-00049341 (Model pose)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00293-00049344-00049413 (It's really cute) That's cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00294-00049415-00049489 Really?
jjT_rpWSV5A-00295-00049532-00049707 (Compliments make Rian dance!) [Gabee] So cute
jjT_rpWSV5A-00296-00049709-00049781 (In that case...!) Okay
jjT_rpWSV5A-00297-00049783-00049873 (Hair flip)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00298-00049880-00049990 (Drop-dead sexy♥)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00299-00049992-00050115 (She's hilarious)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00300-00050118-00050266 (Merch unboxing over!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00301-00050269-00050447 (Next episode) The stylish shopping show
jjT_rpWSV5A-00302-00050450-00050603 "CHICA BBOM SHOPPING"
jjT_rpWSV5A-00303-00050606-00050686 Lachica merch!
jjT_rpWSV5A-00304-00050688-00050888 (Revealing for the first time! The cute and glamorous merch lineup!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00305-00050891-00050985 (Yo, yo)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00306-00050988-00051240 (Neat product description!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00307-00051242-00051491 (Amazing reactions!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00308-00051493-00051587 (Don't miss it!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00309-00051589-00051736 (Hey! Get excited!)
jjT_rpWSV5A-00310-00051739-00051848 [CHICA BBOM SHOPPING]
jla6WnH6mJY-00000-00000000-00000200 Thanks for watching subscribe my channel for more videos
kotKCZaI8RM-00000-00000040-00000696 hello everyone, I'm Lesya and this is a master class on how to make a fabulous macrame bird
kotKCZaI8RM-00001-00000696-00001224 with your own hands friends this is an unusual macrame for this
kotKCZaI8RM-00002-00001224-00001823 craft you don't need a special cord, you can just use yarn and any ring
kotKCZaI8RM-00003-00002408-00002984 you can also decorate this unusual decor with a beautiful bead
kotKCZaI8RM-00004-00004392-00004600 cotton yarn is suitable for such creativity, which is not slippery
kotKCZaI8RM-00005-00005464-00006288 so you can also use thread for embroidery i love unusual handmade home decor
kotKCZaI8RM-00006-00006392-00007284 but i cant buy special materials for macrame so i came up with simple yarn technique
kotKCZaI8RM-00007-00009112-00009488 so my friends love to receive such handmade gifts
kotKCZaI8RM-00008-00009552-00011384 i previously made a macrame angel out of yarn i will post the link to the master class above
kotKCZaI8RM-00009-00012840-00014184 oh
kotKCZaI8RM-00010-00015263-00015663 oh this will be my first macrame bird
kotKCZaI8RM-00011-00015663-00016984 this is a great DIY gift idea this decor can be decorated with beads or can be done for home decor
kotKCZaI8RM-00012-00020792-00021184 oh
kotKCZaI8RM-00013-00024000-00025384 you may need a different number of bundles, it depends on the diameter of the ring
kotKCZaI8RM-00014-00027824-00028183 hmm
kotKCZaI8RM-00015-00030072-00030983 do
kotKCZaI8RM-00016-00031536-00032383 do
kotKCZaI8RM-00017-00033136-00033784 do
kotKCZaI8RM-00018-00038704-00039384 do
kotKCZaI8RM-00019-00062504-00063184 hmm
kotKCZaI8RM-00020-00065880-00065984 bye
kotKCZaI8RM-00021-00066736-00068784 so oh
kotKCZaI8RM-00022-00069400-00069736 I use Stronghold hairspray to set the desired shape of the craft,
kotKCZaI8RM-00023-00070144-00072064 so it works great, any hairspray will do.
kotKCZaI8RM-00024-00072064-00072984 so let the craft dry and cut off the excess threads as you like
kotKCZaI8RM-00025-00074616-00075784 oh
kotKCZaI8RM-00026-00075840-00077184 um
kotKCZaI8RM-00027-00077312-00077592 I decided to add shine to my magic bird,
kotKCZaI8RM-00028-00077656-00078584 I just string the beads on the threads and once again fix everything with hairspray
kotKCZaI8RM-00029-00080120-00080632 i really like the result it turned out a great talisman
kotKCZaI8RM-00030-00080744-00081480 i will decorate my box with them so this decor can be made in any colors and sizes
kotKCZaI8RM-00031-00081544-00082272 subscribe friends so as not to miss new unusual ideas for needlework on this channel
kotKCZaI8RM-00032-00082272-00082784 you will find many ways to make stylish things with your own hands
kotKCZaI8RM-00033-00085072-00085080 you
k0pI5CP5KLk-00000-00000000-00000258 Monthly income: $1 Million
k0pI5CP5KLk-00001-00000272-00000621 Net worth 2023: $100 million
k0pI5CP5KLk-00002-00000625-00001096 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, fun-loving, adventurous, and creative
k0J2FVfvRMk-00000-00000000-00000731 I think a good starting point for our discussion would be the ancient Vedic culture of India one of the world's great and
k0J2FVfvRMk-00001-00000754-00001395 One of the world's earliest religions the Rig Veda is is considered by all scholars. I think to be one of the most
k0J2FVfvRMk-00002-00001495-00001835 beautiful composite of religious hymns and deep philosophical
k0J2FVfvRMk-00003-00001900-00002603 discussions and and yet when one reads the Rig Veda carefully one discovers an enormous emphasis on a mysterious
k0J2FVfvRMk-00004-00002680-00002925 apparently hallucinogenic substance called soma
k0J2FVfvRMk-00005-00003001-00003768 Yes, you're quite right the ninth mandala of the Rig Veda is entirely devoted to singing the praises of
k0J2FVfvRMk-00006-00003820-00004076 Soma, and yet we do not know
k0J2FVfvRMk-00007-00004077-00004721 What soma is or was our Gordon Wasson spent a considerable portion of his life?
k0J2FVfvRMk-00008-00004803-00005492 researching this problem and reached the conclusion that soma was Amanita muscaria a
k0J2FVfvRMk-00009-00005584-00006239 Mushroom that is symbiotic to pine and birch trees throughout much of the North temperate zone
k0J2FVfvRMk-00010-00006328-00006528 however
k0J2FVfvRMk-00011-00006579-00007052 Scholars have cast doubt on his identification of soma nevertheless
k0J2FVfvRMk-00012-00007173-00007586 What we learn from wasps and scholarship is that?
k0J2FVfvRMk-00013-00007650-00008348 plants with hallucinogenic chemical principles in them have had an enormous impact on shaping the
k0J2FVfvRMk-00014-00008383-00008948 psychology of various cultures both preliterate and literate throughout the world
k0J2FVfvRMk-00015-00008992-00009707 It seems quite clear that the references to soma and the Rig Veda were not really symbolic they refer to some actual
k0J2FVfvRMk-00016-00009736-00009944 Plant substance. Oh yes definitely
k0J2FVfvRMk-00017-00010000-00010490 some sort of plant substance was prepared and ingested by a
k0J2FVfvRMk-00018-00010534-00010847 priesthood who then used the ecstatic
k0J2FVfvRMk-00019-00010885-00011393 Experience induced by that plant as the basis for all of their
k0J2FVfvRMk-00020-00011449-00011649 metaphysical and philosophical
k0J2FVfvRMk-00021-00011668-00011912 speculations on the nature of the universe
k0J2FVfvRMk-00022-00011992-00012314 The case of soma is by no means unique
k0J2FVfvRMk-00023-00012406-00012606 my own field of
k0J2FVfvRMk-00024-00012667-00013208 Interest was the amazon basin where we don't have a great
k0J2FVfvRMk-00025-00013305-00013830 In literature, but we do have an extensive oral tradition and a tradition
k0J2FVfvRMk-00026-00013885-00014340 Of hallucinogenic plant use that persists to the present day
k0J2FVfvRMk-00027-00015201-00015401 You
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00000-00000000-00000840 casting live from sunny California this episode layer 1 and Layer Two everyone's talking about
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00001-00000840-00001434 it but what is it actually how does it matter to you let's find out that's what we're going
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00002-00001434-00002118 to talk about today so layer one and Layer Two how did it originate and by the way the
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00003-00002118-00002592 people who know me they know I have my own blockchain startup it's called Bitoku labs
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00004-00002592-00003192 and we're building a storage layer for Solana and other smart contract chains do check it
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00005-00003192-00003744 out the link is in the description because we have the launch of our public node sale
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00006-00003744-00004308 real soon so don't miss out on it layer 1 and layer 2 it all originated because
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00007-00004452-00005160 um you know there is that thing called blockchain Trilemma right it's often depicted as a triangle
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00008-00005160-00006180 and the three things in the Trilemma are decentralization security and scalability so
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00009-00006180-00006876 these three things and you read that often everywhere they make you think that it's
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00010-00006876-00007626 impossible to solve right it's like if you make something scalable it must be either insecure or
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00011-00007626-00008382 it must be not Center not decentralized right and and the same thing with the other thing there is a
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00012-00008382-00008940 correlation between those obviously so if you have any given blockchain and you know it all started
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00013-00008940-00009822 out with Bitcoin if you make Bitcoin more secure so make the difficulty larger then it'll become
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00014-00009822-00010596 less scalable and it'll become slower and you know the block um times become longer and stuff
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00015-00010596-00011238 like that but you know Bitcoin is not the only blockchain out there and Bitcoin is a layer one
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00016-00011238-00011928 right Ethereum is a layer one and there is lots of other layer one blockchains it just means it's the
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00017-00011928-00012612 pure blockchain as it was invented there's nothing on top of it that tries to fix the Trilemma right
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00018-00012612-00013266 that's why people are building those Layer Two because they are on top of you know on top of
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00019-00013266-00014010 the layer ones right and they have been created in our order to be performant and be scalable
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00020-00014088-00014730 within the framework that the level one sets right so the level one gives the security
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00021-00014730-00015413 right all transactions are being settled on that security layer with what you know and
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00022-00015413-00016212 um but then you know with with the layer twos there are many different versions right there are
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00023-00016212-00016812 most of them on the Ethereum side are Roll-Ups and that's because Ethereum is a smart contract chain
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00024-00016812-00017622 right so but there is also layer Twos for Bitcoin right and Bitcoin has no smart contracts Bitcoin
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00025-00017622-00018432 is just blockchain 1.0 right it's that simple only money thing and there is the lightning Network so
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00026-00018432-00019104 lightning Network on top of Bitcoin is a layer two and you deposit something into lightning it's fast
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00027-00019104-00019824 because lightning is something that's centralized on top of Bitcoin and it can do fast and cheap
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00028-00019824-00020346 transactions but then you know every now and then when you have a certain number of lightning
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00029-00020346-00020994 transactions together it will be sent to the Bitcoin Network in one transaction and that way
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00030-00020994-00021492 the transaction fees are kind of shared among all the guys that were in that that lightning block
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00031-00021552-00022224 so it's a cool thing to fix one of bitcoin's problems um slow transactions High transaction
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00032-00022224-00023160 fees and um yeah that's a layer too and we have layer twos on Ethereum a lot and you know they
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00033-00023160-00023664 usually work with what's called what's called Roll-Ups that would be a subject for another video
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00034-00023730-00024582 um that I I make another time but um you know most of these Roll-Ups work with there's optimistic
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00035-00024582-00025236 Roll-Ups optimistic rollups just assume the transaction is safe and then if nobody complains
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00036-00025236-00025860 within a week then the transaction is going to be final and I think we all agree that you know
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00037-00025860-00026639 this is can only be used for a certain amount of of real-life applications so there are also zero
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00038-00026639-00027233 knowledge Layer Two Zero knowledge means there are proofs zero knowledge proofs and actually those
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00039-00027233-00028008 are not proofs so that's a fun fact here um it's called ZK snarks so a snark is called a succinct
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00040-00028127-00028866 um succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge and the interesting thing here
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00041-00028866-00029333 it's called argument of knowledge it's not called proof of knowledge right and that's
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00042-00029333-00030018 because there is a slight possibility that the proof could not be true so and you know that's
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00043-00030018-00030564 a general effect of Life nothing's for sure you know nobody knows if the sun will go up tomorrow
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00044-00030732-00031439 um and nobody knows you know if if the universe as we know it it could just be gone any moment
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00045-00031650-00032148 hello hello hey did somebody turn off the universe hey turn it on again
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00046-00032292-00032904 all right okay thank you all right so we've got that back that was my little attempt to entertain
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00047-00032904-00033498 you in a live stream so if you like that um give give the video a thumbs up if you did not like it
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00048-00033498-00034104 and it was just not your kind of humor give it a thumbs up anyways just so that I stop asking you
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00049-00034104-00034650 for it forever is there actually forever well we don't know that's a subject of a different video
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00050-00034704-00035418 so we have those two layer twos um optimistic layer twos and uh a zero knowledge layer twos
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00051-00035502-00036048 um example for for zero knowledge Layer Two on Ethereum is called Loop ring it's
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00052-00036048-00036666 it's being used for trading um you know assets and stuff like that you you couldn't do that
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00053-00036666-00037158 with an optimistic roll-up right because you have to wait a week until your transactions
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00054-00037158-00037866 are finalized it's not a great choice for defy um an optimistic roll up on Ethereum is called
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00055-00037866-00038700 um it's called Arbitrum so there's lots of stuff out there I personally believe that there is ways
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00056-00038700-00039474 out of the blockchain Trilemma without having to go for uh for Roll-Ups and then it doesn't end
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00057-00039474-00040074 with the Roll-Ups then you know even with Roll-Ups it doesn't really scale so we need a thing called
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00058-00040074-00040644 Sharding which is you know in the works on on Ethereum and makes life even more complicated
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00059-00040644-00041496 than with l2s because l2s are all silos right you trade in one L2 and you want to you know
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00060-00041496-00042138 have some price discovery of what's the price of this and that asset in another L2 you'd have to
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00061-00042138-00042894 get your your asset out of the L2 into eth go to Ethereum and then put it in the other L2 right so
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00062-00042894-00043764 it creates a lot of pain in the butt to to to use these l2s and um with Solana for example and you
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00063-00043764-00044322 know I'm not associated with Solana I'm not into other blockchains before that until I found out
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00064-00044322-00044886 about Solana and it's just so scalable without sacrificing the decentralization or without
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00065-00044886-00045564 centralized sacrificing the security so that's why we decided to build our Bitoku blockchain the
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00066-00045564-00046158 storage blockchain that gives a storage layer to Solana we build that on Solana first and
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00067-00046158-00046668 then in other steps later in the future we might connect it to other smart contract chains as well
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00068-00046800-00047472 the launch of the Bitoku founders nodes is coming up November 5th don't miss it click
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00069-00047472-00048006 the link in the description to make sure you get your node at the time of the launch because
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00070-00048006-00048714 you will never get it cheaper after that so the layer ones and layer twos um you know why
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00071-00048714-00049410 why is now the time to understand it there is so much going on on discussions and you can make so
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00072-00049410-00050154 many investments in the marketplace into Ethereum into Solana into you know all the tokens of the S
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00073-00050154-00050784 of the l2s and stuff like that just keep in mind so that's why it's important to learn this right
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00074-00050784-00051450 now because we're in the middle of crypto winter right the next Bull Run is coming you want to be
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00075-00051450-00052140 part of that bull run and you want to make your own decision what is the best thing to invest in
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00076-00052140-00052794 is it any of the layer twos is it any of the layer ones what is the best technology and I
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00077-00052794-00053412 gave you you know just the tip of the iceberg in this video what the layer one and layer 2
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00078-00053412-00054078 differences really are and I hope you now you have enough understanding at least to you know
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00079-00054078-00054755 do some web research on your own find out about all these different things and build your opinion
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00080-00054755-00055536 because the next Bull Run is coming and you want to have your opinion ready and make your bet on
k4Vpv3tcPw4-00081-00055536-00056244 these things that you think will be the best all right thanks for watching catch you next time bye
k5zAMgQs2u4-00000-00000336-00000911 So, Jai and I started DeepSource in December 2018. Both of us had been software developers,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00001-00000911-00001408 we had been working on open-source projects and startups, and we started the company to
k5zAMgQs2u4-00002-00001408-00001832 build a better static-analysis platform for developers and engineering teams.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00003-00001832-00002376 Like how the last decade was focused on the correctness of writing code by implementing
k5zAMgQs2u4-00004-00002376-00002824 tests and things like that — we believe the next decade is going to be correctness plus quality of code.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00005-00002912-00003528 We have been able to assemble a team of people who deeply care about building developer tools
k5zAMgQs2u4-00006-00003528-00003800 and building tools that help people write better code every day.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00007-00003872-00004208 I think collaboration really drives the work culture at DeepSource.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00008-00004208-00004648 Being in this environment that really fosters creativity and openness
k5zAMgQs2u4-00009-00004648-00005208 allows you to tackle problems that are both big and small with relative confidence.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00010-00005208-00005784 At DeepSource, it's always been about genuinely helping developers and that reflects
k5zAMgQs2u4-00011-00005784-00006344 in our culture, and in our team, and it reflects in everything we do. We want to make sure that
k5zAMgQs2u4-00012-00006344-00006880 we're making it a place where they're challenged by their work and they're excited by it,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00013-00006880-00007368 and have a lot of time for their personal side projects, things like that as well.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00014-00007368-00007959 You know, I think this is an unwritten philosophy of DeepSource and it reflects the kind of people
k5zAMgQs2u4-00015-00007959-00008368 I'm working with and the quality of people — the kind of knowledge they have is that:
k5zAMgQs2u4-00016-00008552-00008960 you just huddle around a bunch of very creative, talented people
k5zAMgQs2u4-00017-00008960-00009384 and give them the means and the freedom to do good work. And in the end,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00018-00009384-00009720 whatever they present to the world or present to you is always going to be excellent.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00019-00009800-00010352 You're not really bound to a team. If a problem looks interesting enough, or you have a cool idea,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00020-00010440-00010680 well, you just take ownership of it and do it.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00021-00010680-00011424 As a person whose career was built on mentorship, I consider it a good primer for collaboration.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00022-00011424-00012016 And at DeepSource. I really like that mentor relationship because
k5zAMgQs2u4-00023-00012016-00012376 they listen to you more than they want to give you an input. So that helps.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00024-00012376-00012616 One of the sprints of the month is the Hack Week — where
k5zAMgQs2u4-00025-00012696-00013160 we just build what we want to see in DeepSource. No questions asked. So at the start of the sprint,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00026-00013160-00013728 everyone huddles up on a zoom call. We just say what we are planning to build. For the rest of the
k5zAMgQs2u4-00027-00013728-00014080 week — execute it, and take it to completion. If not, just roll over to the next Hack Week.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00028-00014136-00014576 Most people in the team right now did not have a background in static analysis.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00029-00014576-00015008 The folks who did not have that background are the people who've contributed
k5zAMgQs2u4-00030-00015088-00015856 immensely to the product simply because of their unique perspectives, their ideas, and things that
k5zAMgQs2u4-00031-00015968-00016247 they would have wished to see as a developer themselves
k5zAMgQs2u4-00032-00016319-00016672 If you're even a small individual developer, the first thing you do after you
k5zAMgQs2u4-00033-00016672-00017008 create your project or initiate a repository is set up CI.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00034-00017008-00017416 Static analysis was looked to more like a checklist as part of your compliance,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00035-00017416-00017872 not really something which you use on a day-by-day basis, and that is changing.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00036-00017872-00018328 You know, nowadays people care about quality and large enterprises are
k5zAMgQs2u4-00037-00018328-00018656 shifting towards caring about the quality of code and security of code,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00038-00018656-00019000 and how we can do all of this before the code is released to production.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00039-00019000-00019512 I think to be successful at DeepSource, or for us to be successful as a company,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00040-00019592-00020056 we have to make our users successful. Developers who use DeepSource every day to write good code,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00041-00020120-00020648 organizations who rely on DeepSource to systemize their code quality and security — for us to be
k5zAMgQs2u4-00042-00020648-00021120 successful, we have to make them successful. So as someone who's working at DeepSource,
k5zAMgQs2u4-00043-00021192-00021536 you need to keep the user at the center of everything that we do every day.
k5zAMgQs2u4-00044-00021592-00021904 If you look at it, at least in the last few years, what we’ve started seeing
k5zAMgQs2u4-00045-00021904-00022312 is: that engineering teams and engineering organizations have started investing more
k5zAMgQs2u4-00046-00022312-00022952 in improving developer productivity. And,being a part of DeepSource, you get to
k5zAMgQs2u4-00047-00023008-00023384 build tools in end, that a developer like you will be using in another company.
k79IA7V-v3I-00000-00000360-00001232 all right hello everybody welcome to our bias and algorithms 2.0 workshop today thank you for coming
k79IA7V-v3I-00001-00001520-00001912 and we've just got some information if you want to put any kind of comment
k79IA7V-v3I-00002-00001912-00002312 um or unmute yourself during this presentation we're just going to
k79IA7V-v3I-00003-00002312-00002704 um you're going to appear in the recording so just a little disclaimer there
k79IA7V-v3I-00004-00002960-00003408 and we're just going to go ahead and introduce ourselves so my name is Leah Valetta;
k79IA7V-v3I-00005-00003408-00003744 i use she/her/hers pronouns and i am the GTA
k79IA7V-v3I-00006-00003744-00004120 in the teaching and learning programs department in the Hodges library
k79IA7V-v3I-00007-00004344-00004776 and hi everyone my name is Grace Therrell, i also use she/her pronouns
k79IA7V-v3I-00008-00004832-00005120 and i am an online learning librarian in Hodges
k79IA7V-v3I-00009-00005616-00006040 all right so what we're going to do today we're going to have 30 minute workshop that
k79IA7V-v3I-00010-00006040-00006512 is going to be recorded and then we're going to have 30 minutes of unrecorded Q&A afterwards
k79IA7V-v3I-00011-00006800-00007304 and we are going to review just a little bit about what algorithms are and how we
k79IA7V-v3I-00012-00007304-00007776 see them in our lives. we're going to um hear from some of you about how you might see them
k79IA7V-v3I-00013-00007776-00008296 in your lives because i'm sure you do. then we're going to go on to talk about how algorithms affect
k79IA7V-v3I-00014-00008352-00008904 what information we see in our lives um kind of some review from last time but a lot of new
k79IA7V-v3I-00015-00008904-00009504 stuff in there as well. and then last we're going to kind of just generally explore how algorithms
k79IA7V-v3I-00016-00009504-00009984 might affect the information that you see even here at the library in your academic research
k79IA7V-v3I-00017-00010360-00010936 all right so first we're just going to talk about what they are and where you might see them.
k79IA7V-v3I-00018-00011112-00011624 so what an algorithm is - so again, we talked about this a little bit in our workshop last
k79IA7V-v3I-00019-00011624-00012152 semester about algorithms, so if you want a little bit more on this introduction, just send you to
k79IA7V-v3I-00020-00012152-00012904 that first workshop but generally an algorithm is a rule-based process for solving problems and an
k79IA7V-v3I-00021-00012904-00013480 important point there is just that they sort of change depending on how you interact with them.
k79IA7V-v3I-00022-00013672-00014344 they're very dynamic; they're always moving. all right so we're going to just go ahead and
k79IA7V-v3I-00023-00014344-00015168 um hear from you all if you want to go to this padlet link, we're sure that a lot of you have
k79IA7V-v3I-00024-00015168-00015800 are familiar with algorithms in some way, we see them so often in our digital lives um
k79IA7V-v3I-00025-00015800-00016136 and if you use social media, you might even be more attuned to this
k79IA7V-v3I-00026-00016240-00016656 but since we figured it's likely that you've encountered them, we are just curious to hear
k79IA7V-v3I-00027-00016656-00017416 about where you see algorithms in your life, online, anything like that and any kind of
k79IA7V-v3I-00028-00017680-00018080 just ideas that you have about them so where you see them
k79IA7V-v3I-00029-00018360-00018904 and anything else you want to say about where you see them. all right,
k79IA7V-v3I-00030-00018904-00019696 let's see. suggested ads - that's always a good one, the macaro-, socks, we're seeing some socks
k79IA7V-v3I-00031-00019696-00020208 with pets' faces on them, definitely, shopping websites, google scholar results, good one
k79IA7V-v3I-00032-00020840-00021184 those ads, those ads are- the ads are real;
k79IA7V-v3I-00033-00021352-00021912 i feel like ads are probably where a lot of us see algorithms and how or i feel like ads
k79IA7V-v3I-00034-00021912-00022384 are one of the ways that we notice, really, algorithms because like they're so responsive
k79IA7V-v3I-00035-00022472-00022864 to all of the things that we search for and stuff so yeah like socks with your
k79IA7V-v3I-00036-00022864-00023336 with pets faces on them; if you've got a cat or a hamster even or something i don't know
k79IA7V-v3I-00037-00023568-00024056 i like that the people you may know section, that one can be weird sometimes, too
k79IA7V-v3I-00038-00024240-00024872 eerily accurate algorithm every now and then for sure media, how things are organized, definitely
k79IA7V-v3I-00039-00025032-00025376 autofill responses, that's also a really good one
k79IA7V-v3I-00040-00025376-00025832 yeah i didn't even think about autofill but i guess we kind of we talked about that
k79IA7V-v3I-00041-00025832-00026344 in our first algorithm workshop. Leah and i did um when we looked a little bit at like
k79IA7V-v3I-00042-00026344-00026783 google and we looked at our individual auto filled responses and how different they were
k79IA7V-v3I-00043-00027208-00027672 we even looked at like, work computer versus home computers like dramatically different stuff. so
k79IA7V-v3I-00044-00027848-00028408 yeah awesome. well thank you, guys, for sharing this; definitely gives us a good start and um this
k79IA7V-v3I-00045-00028408-00028904 is some of the stuff that Grace and i were talking about when we were planning this workshop um
k79IA7V-v3I-00046-00028904-00029736 so yeah we definitely feel you on a lot of those ones; they are everywhere. all right so now that
k79IA7V-v3I-00047-00029736-00030288 we've kind of talked about where we see them, how they come up in our everyday experiences,
k79IA7V-v3I-00048-00030288-00031008 we're just going to kind of talk about the context of algorithms. um so in the last session
k79IA7V-v3I-00049-00031008-00031695 we talked about how algorithms are not neutral and they reflect a very specific priority of an
k79IA7V-v3I-00050-00031695-00032288 organization and sometimes they can reflect the dominant cultural narratives that we experience
k79IA7V-v3I-00051-00032368-00032952 which can exclude people who don't necessarily fit neatly into those narratives. um but we wanted to
k79IA7V-v3I-00052-00032952-00033520 be clear that while algorithms are not neutral they are also not- and again we touched on this
k79IA7V-v3I-00053-00033520-00034016 a little bit, but they are also not inherently good or inherently bad so if you want to go to
k79IA7V-v3I-00054-00034016-00034792 the next slide. um so i guess in order to get the most from our information and from our media, you
k79IA7V-v3I-00055-00034792-00035440 kind of just need to look at the context of the algorithm which isn't always easy, um but we can't
k79IA7V-v3I-00056-00035440-00036160 really avoid algorithms honestly at this point um nor should we because sometimes they can be really
k79IA7V-v3I-00057-00036160-00036744 useful. so we just sort of wanted to take the time to draw attention to the fact that a lot of times
k79IA7V-v3I-00058-00036904-00037136 being algorithmically literate, if you will,
k79IA7V-v3I-00059-00037224-00037808 is more about just understanding how you're interacting with the algorithm and how the
k79IA7V-v3I-00060-00037808-00038264 algorithm is interacting with you and just sort of understanding that context. so you can still
k79IA7V-v3I-00061-00038264-00038776 use your social media or whatever, you don't have to feel like, oh it's you know, generating all of
k79IA7V-v3I-00062-00038776-00039200 these algorithms, like i don't want anything to do with it; that's not really what we're saying,
k79IA7V-v3I-00063-00039200-00039832 um we're just saying that by examining the context surrounding the service that you're using,
k79IA7V-v3I-00064-00039832-00040384 you can gain some clarity about what you're actually getting and why and that can be really
k79IA7V-v3I-00065-00040384-00040976 helpful to sort of making sense of all of this algorithmically generated
k79IA7V-v3I-00066-00040976-00041800 information. um so you know maybe an algorithm is prioritizing a certain type of information,
k79IA7V-v3I-00067-00041800-00042376 but maybe that's exactly the information that you needed or maybe getting ads is annoying but
k79IA7V-v3I-00068-00042376-00042896 maybe it also really helps you find things that you need, so they're not all good or all bad
k79IA7V-v3I-00069-00043016-00043560 but they do have specific contexts. so when dealing with algorithms, it's really about
k79IA7V-v3I-00070-00043560-00044088 just understanding that they're- they're um thinking about what they're doing there and who
k79IA7V-v3I-00071-00044168-00044560 they're serving and then kind of being able to use them in this context.
k79IA7V-v3I-00072-00044616-00045136 so we have come up with some questions and this is not at all an exhaustive list,
k79IA7V-v3I-00073-00045136-00045552 so if you even think of any while we're going through these feel free to throw them in the chat
k79IA7V-v3I-00074-00045552-00046000 um but we just made this list of questions that we thought would be useful to consider
k79IA7V-v3I-00075-00046000-00046464 that will kind of help you make sense of the overarching structure of the algorithm
k79IA7V-v3I-00076-00046544-00047032 and make it a little bit easier for you to appreciate the content that you're looking at
k79IA7V-v3I-00077-00047328-00048072 because sometimes it's a little easier to see what you're supposed to be getting out
k79IA7V-v3I-00078-00048072-00048632 of a service and what the service maybe is getting out of you using the service because
k79IA7V-v3I-00079-00048632-00049384 um we especially probably all see this with things that are free; if you're not paying for a service,
k79IA7V-v3I-00080-00049440-00050024 you're probably paying with something, either your data or your attention or your time or something
k79IA7V-v3I-00081-00050024-00050672 like that, so that's kind of what we're trying to get going thinking about today. so some questions
k79IA7V-v3I-00082-00050672-00051112 that we have are just what organization is hosting this service, very simply. so
k79IA7V-v3I-00083-00051168-00051936 um just you know what are they, are they a social media outlet, is it google,
k79IA7V-v3I-00084-00051936-00052328 is it something else? is it a job search engine, is it a clothing company?
k79IA7V-v3I-00085-00052328-00052912 um and just kind of thinking about like, what is this organization and what are they trying to do?
k79IA7V-v3I-00086-00052984-00053767 um how is it funded? how can you tell; um it's not always that easy to tell how something is funded,
k79IA7V-v3I-00087-00053767-00054384 but if you can't tell why or um you know what what other stakeholders are involved in this
k79IA7V-v3I-00088-00054632-00055224 and what benefits and drawbacks are they are there to using the algorithm or the service,
k79IA7V-v3I-00089-00055224-00055696 you might know that this algorithm is taking a certain amount of your data
k79IA7V-v3I-00090-00055696-00056191 and then you might have to sort of balance that with what like how much
k79IA7V-v3I-00091-00056191-00056776 you need the service. what is the service providing you? um is it working with you, um
k79IA7V-v3I-00092-00056879-00057367 that kind of thing. and again this is a really vague overarching question, it's not one that's
k79IA7V-v3I-00093-00057367-00057744 meant to have an answer. it's just kind of something to consider while you're interacting
k79IA7V-v3I-00094-00057744-00058416 with these algorithms. and then finally, is the algorithm, like, what type of information is
k79IA7V-v3I-00095-00058416-00059000 the algorithm prioritizing? is it prioritizing the best information in terms of quality, is it
k79IA7V-v3I-00096-00059079-00059672 prioritizing sponsored information, or is it prioritizing something else entirely? is it
k79IA7V-v3I-00097-00059672-00060488 using your data for this information? is it um just simply giving you the results that paid to
k79IA7V-v3I-00098-00060488-00061096 be at the top, at the top, what exactly is the structure of the prioritization of the system
k79IA7V-v3I-00099-00061096-00061824 that you're using that is using an algorithm. and i just wanted to add here that this isn't really
k79IA7V-v3I-00100-00061888-00062416 easy; like you're not gonna have a checklist and go through and satisfactorily check them all off
k79IA7V-v3I-00101-00062416-00062984 and be like, great, i can use this algorithm um sometimes it's really hard to figure out funding
k79IA7V-v3I-00102-00062984-00063512 information; it might take you like way too much time to even gather all of this information
k79IA7V-v3I-00103-00063512-00063991 before using a service, but just understanding that there's a value in just considering it
k79IA7V-v3I-00104-00063991-00064464 and just being aware that there might be things going on that you can't see and this might be
k79IA7V-v3I-00105-00064464-00065024 impacting the information that you are ultimately giving to interact with. and on that note i will
k79IA7V-v3I-00106-00065024-00065536 pass it off to Grace to kind of talk about how this fits into your academic research
k79IA7V-v3I-00107-00065912-00066568 thanks, yeah, so you know we kind of reviewed what algorithms are and we've talked a little bit
k79IA7V-v3I-00108-00066568-00067104 about how they show up, put them into context, and and ask some of these questions but i'm
k79IA7V-v3I-00109-00067104-00067552 sure you're wondering if you're watching this video, right, if you're here in this workshop,
k79IA7V-v3I-00110-00067656-00068328 you're probably like but what about the research? right. i have to do research, i have to have,
k79IA7V-v3I-00111-00068392-00068888 you know, sources for my assignments; like how does this do me any good when i'm doing research
k79IA7V-v3I-00112-00068952-00069448 um and that's a totally valid question. so now that we've kind of talked about these things,
k79IA7V-v3I-00113-00069448-00069880 we're going to put it in more of a research context. so when you're doing research on
k79IA7V-v3I-00114-00069880-00070320 a topic for an assignment and you search for information, right, whether you're looking for
k79IA7V-v3I-00115-00070392-00070832 a scholarly source or a peer-reviewed source, whether you're looking for a primary resource,
k79IA7V-v3I-00116-00070832-00071280 whether you're looking for a news article, if you're just learning to gain some background
k79IA7V-v3I-00117-00071280-00071792 background information - whatever you're looking for, um right, how can you think about algorithms
k79IA7V-v3I-00118-00071792-00072312 and understand how they're affecting the results that you're seeing? so to talk about this we're
k79IA7V-v3I-00119-00072312-00072952 going to look at a sample research topic and we're going to explore the different results that we see
k79IA7V-v3I-00120-00072952-00073616 first when we search in these different places um hopefully this will work, if it doesn't then we've
k79IA7V-v3I-00121-00073616-00074232 got screenshots so no worries but we're going to try to see them in real time so we can scroll and
k79IA7V-v3I-00122-00074232-00074672 interact a little bit more um but all of the searching platforms that we're going to look
k79IA7V-v3I-00123-00074672-00075296 at use algorithms, every single one, and they use these algorithms to determine what results we see
k79IA7V-v3I-00124-00075296-00075856 and what results we see first basically what the algorithm is programmed to think is most relevant
k79IA7V-v3I-00125-00075856-00076272 so again let's see what this looks like. so we're going to pretend that we're doing research on
k79IA7V-v3I-00126-00076272-00076720 black lives matter and the black lives matter movement um and so we're going to look at four
k79IA7V-v3I-00127-00076720-00077176 different places that you might go to look for information and again we're just going to kind
k79IA7V-v3I-00128-00077176-00077832 of see what search results pull up first um and think more about how that algorithm affects what
k79IA7V-v3I-00129-00077832-00078840 search results you're seeing when you research. so first we have google right, regular old google, um
k79IA7V-v3I-00130-00079024-00079840 and so i guess my question for you here um is what do you notice about the kinds of results
k79IA7V-v3I-00131-00079840-00080464 that google gives us first? go ahead and type an answer into the chat um but i will scroll a little
k79IA7V-v3I-00132-00080464-00081384 bit but looking at these results that google gives us what are you noticing about these results?
k79IA7V-v3I-00133-00081968-00082576 so we have an answer, mostly news stories. yeah we have a lot of news here um so right here in this
k79IA7V-v3I-00134-00082576-00083232 black right we've got news stories um if we scroll down we've got the new york times that's news
k79IA7V-v3I-00135-00083304-00084136 um the guardian, bbc, we also have somebody who said social media websites um so yeah again
k79IA7V-v3I-00136-00084136-00084792 if you scroll down here's black lives matter on facebook, black lives matter on twitter, um we get
k79IA7V-v3I-00137-00084792-00085616 the profiles over here in this box. um somebody's also said the related searches are interesting.
k79IA7V-v3I-00138-00085616-00086288 yeah so down here at the bottom um the mission statement, timeline, protest, riots, news, essay,
k79IA7V-v3I-00139-00086288-00086784 foundation, picture um so yeah thinking about those related searches as well so yeah lots of
k79IA7V-v3I-00140-00086784-00087312 different things that we're seeing here um we are getting a lot of general information
k79IA7V-v3I-00141-00087312-00087800 right so the very first thing it points us to is this home page um and then also the wikipedia;
k79IA7V-v3I-00142-00087800-00088328 as you can see i've clicked on the wikipedia link before um because it's it's a different
k79IA7V-v3I-00143-00088328-00089248 color oh even look it says i visited this page on march 8th 2021 um so yeah it shows us um
k79IA7V-v3I-00144-00089392-00089824 right it shows us more of this general information; that's what it's prioritizing um
k79IA7V-v3I-00145-00089928-00090304 another thing is that it's potentially privileging certain information based on
k79IA7V-v3I-00146-00090304-00090744 the search engine optimization, which is a fancy computer science algorithm word
k79IA7V-v3I-00147-00090800-00091184 um or phrase the SEO, maybe you've heard you've heard the term SEO,
k79IA7V-v3I-00148-00091248-00091648 um but that's something within the algorithm, right, that it's prioritizing. so like
k79IA7V-v3I-00149-00091648-00092120 people can pay more money and get their search results bumped up near the top um
k79IA7V-v3I-00150-00092240-00092928 it also could be and very likely is privileging or potentially ad revenue resources right so
k79IA7V-v3I-00151-00092928-00093384 if you click on social media, if you go to a news website, if you go to just a regular website,
k79IA7V-v3I-00152-00093384-00093936 right, chances are you're probably gonna see ads and google is an advertising company um so it's
k79IA7V-v3I-00153-00093936-00094336 also privileging the information and the sources that are going to generate that ad revenue which
k79IA7V-v3I-00154-00094336-00095000 is going to make google money. um so again like Leah said earlier, this is not an inherently good
k79IA7V-v3I-00155-00095000-00095536 or bad thing, it's just something to recognize and think about so when you're going to google
k79IA7V-v3I-00156-00095536-00096000 those these might be the kinds of um sources, the kind of information that's going to be popped up
k79IA7V-v3I-00157-00096000-00096464 to the top um so if you're looking for news, if you're looking for more general information, if
k79IA7V-v3I-00158-00096464-00096960 you want to find social media sources, google is probably a really good place to start. and again
k79IA7V-v3I-00159-00096960-00097632 just thinking about what kinds of things you're going to find there. next we are going to turn to
k79IA7V-v3I-00160-00097824-00098440 the library um so this is onesearch; if you've used the library's website before oh the giant
k79IA7V-v3I-00161-00098440-00099176 cursor is back, the giant cursor left earlier - um if you've used the library website before to
k79IA7V-v3I-00162-00099176-00099760 search for things um if you've used onesearch this will look familiar to you um and again i'm
k79IA7V-v3I-00163-00099760-00100216 going to ask you the same question here so like if when i'm searching black lives matter what do
k79IA7V-v3I-00164-00100216-00100984 you notice about about the kind of results that one search gives us first, what do we see here
k79IA7V-v3I-00165-00101568-00101704 i'll scroll a little bit
k79IA7V-v3I-00166-00102312-00102992 so we have an answer lots of books and ebooks yeah um something, so this is something that's
k79IA7V-v3I-00167-00103064-00103568 more content related, so conflict, versus all lives matter, protests, etc. some history,
k79IA7V-v3I-00168-00103648-00104328 yeah definitely, um yeah the content is interesting for sure; it's not as general,
k79IA7V-v3I-00169-00104328-00104735 right? it's a little bit more specific here um we also had a response that said lots of
k79IA7V-v3I-00170-00104735-00105488 books and ebooks, right, so one search is a library resource, right, we pay for this. um
k79IA7V-v3I-00171-00105544-00106192 and what it does is it searches what the library owns, what the library pays for, so if you notice
k79IA7V-v3I-00172-00106248-00106759 when we say lots of books and ebooks that is like directly from the library's collection. and so one
k79IA7V-v3I-00173-00106759-00107264 search is prioritizing those library resources, right, there are some streaming videos in here
k79IA7V-v3I-00174-00107328-00108152 um if we loaded - let's see, don't want to ruin this - we loaded more results - i'm always worried
k79IA7V-v3I-00175-00108152-00108664 about doing these things live um if we load more results, right here's an article here
k79IA7V-v3I-00176-00108735-00109144 here's another article, another article, so like the further down we get it starts pulling in some
k79IA7V-v3I-00177-00109144-00109680 articles but it's going to prioritize those things that the library owns, the library collection
k79IA7V-v3I-00178-00109680-00110064 um so the e-books and the books the things that you can check out from Hodges library,
k79IA7V-v3I-00179-00110064-00110608 are the things that we directly pay for as part of our collection. um so yeah it's interesting to
k79IA7V-v3I-00180-00110608-00111040 see the con the content change a little bit but also the type of information that you're seeing
k79IA7V-v3I-00181-00111040-00111616 right even with something like one search an algorithm is determining what's the most relevant
k79IA7V-v3I-00182-00111616-00112248 and for a lot of sources especially if you start with a more general topic but even if you're
k79IA7V-v3I-00183-00112248-00112711 looking at something more specific, it's probably, one search is probably going to try to bump up
k79IA7V-v3I-00184-00112792-00113335 the most relevant library owned resources in the library collection. it's probably going to bump
k79IA7V-v3I-00185-00113335-00113911 those up first and prioritize that information. so again, just something to think about um as you're
k79IA7V-v3I-00186-00113911-00114320 doing your research, just asking these questions and noticing what kinds of things you see.
k79IA7V-v3I-00187-00114472-00114864 so we've got two more left to look at google we looked at one search, now we're going to go
k79IA7V-v3I-00188-00114864-00115416 into a couple of databases and you've probably used a library database for your research; if you
k79IA7V-v3I-00189-00115416-00115976 haven't it's coming the first one we're going to look at is pretty general and this one is called
k79IA7V-v3I-00190-00115976-00116680 academic search complete. it's a very general database that searches um a lot of disciplines at
k79IA7V-v3I-00191-00116680-00117264 the same time so it's not like an english database or a political science database or a chemistry
k79IA7V-v3I-00192-00117264-00117944 database or anything like that; it searches all different um all different disciplines. so
k79IA7V-v3I-00193-00117944-00118432 again, same question: when you're looking at this um what what results are we seeing first,
k79IA7V-v3I-00194-00118432-00119183 what is the algorithm bumping up to the top, what do you notice here about these search results?
k79IA7V-v3I-00195-00119559-00120583 as i scroll a little bit
k79IA7V-v3I-00196-00121024-00121183 is anything here different
k79IA7V-v3I-00197-00121424-00122216 or noticeable about these ones? all right so uh we have someone who said some international
k79IA7V-v3I-00198-00122216-00122672 perspectives, so maybe we're starting to get outside a little bit maybe we're broadening up
k79IA7V-v3I-00199-00122744-00123432 um events related to the black lives matter movement yeah oh this just keeps going
k79IA7V-v3I-00200-00123552-00124008 so one of the interesting things um you know if you looked at google right like it shows you one
k79IA7V-v3I-00201-00124008-00124472 page and you have to go another page one search it stops after a few this one just keeps going
k79IA7V-v3I-00202-00124672-00125640 um so let's see keywords aren't in as many titles um we're getting images yeah so um
k79IA7V-v3I-00203-00125856-00126304 right so we have video results here; we have some images. i wanted to see again
k79IA7V-v3I-00204-00126304-00126744 hopefully this works um if i add quotation marks; i didn't do this earlier. sometimes
k79IA7V-v3I-00205-00126744-00127224 it's not necessary, other times it's helpful to add quotation marks oh i did it i ruined it
k79IA7V-v3I-00206-00127552-00128224 this is why you don't touch things um okay so we're just- oh the back button worked. so we're
k79IA7V-v3I-00207-00128224-00128992 seeing some similar resources okay um so yeah again just seeing um you know if we put things
k79IA7V-v3I-00208-00128992-00129583 in quotation marks, it might it might change a little bit but yeah right so um if you can see
k79IA7V-v3I-00209-00129583-00130159 here in some of these um like this one right here, so we have subject black lives matter movement
k79IA7V-v3I-00210-00130232-00131104 um here subjects black lives matter movement, subject, subject, subject, subject, right. um
k79IA7V-v3I-00211-00131104-00131616 so in academic search complete you know as i'm looking at this, one of the things that i noticed
k79IA7V-v3I-00212-00131744-00132176 is that when you search something in academic search complete, it prioritizes what's in this
k79IA7V-v3I-00213-00132176-00132808 subject field. so this one has black lives matter in the subject field and it has black lives matter
k79IA7V-v3I-00214-00132808-00133432 um in the title but it's not necessarily prioritizing something based obviously on
k79IA7V-v3I-00215-00133432-00134064 content or obviously on the title um it's really prioritizing what's in its subject field, right,
k79IA7V-v3I-00216-00134064-00134736 as opposed to one search um where if you remember back here we have lots of different things that
k79IA7V-v3I-00217-00134736-00135256 have black lives matter in the title and academic search complete doesn't necessarily pull things
k79IA7V-v3I-00218-00135256-00135816 with black lives matter in the title. you can change that here where you um type in your
k79IA7V-v3I-00219-00135816-00136320 search terms, when you select a field, there's an option right here to do title so if you really
k79IA7V-v3I-00220-00136320-00136928 care about your search term or your topic being in the title um you can click that and you can
k79IA7V-v3I-00221-00136928-00137328 kind of see what that does. i'm not going to do it because clearly the quotation marks
k79IA7V-v3I-00222-00137328-00137704 that didn't like and this probably would mess it up too and wouldn't show anything
k79IA7V-v3I-00223-00137768-00138208 um so again just just a different way that this algorithm works. right it's going to
k79IA7V-v3I-00224-00138208-00138816 give you different kinds of information the content is going to be different and again
k79IA7V-v3I-00225-00138816-00139224 what it's prioritizing and what the information that it's privileging and the information that it
k79IA7V-v3I-00226-00139224-00139944 pushes up to the top is going to be different um than the other things that you use. and so finally
k79IA7V-v3I-00227-00139944-00140456 we're going to look at one last database which is a more subject-specific database. so if you're
k79IA7V-v3I-00228-00140456-00141232 doing subject-specific research um this database is called the PAIS index oh no continue working um
k79IA7V-v3I-00229-00141304-00141936 this is kind of a public policy database so it deals with a lot of policy law, things like that;
k79IA7V-v3I-00230-00142000-00142496 it is more of a political science database. so again as i've been asking the same question
k79IA7V-v3I-00231-00142552-00144384 what do you notice about the results that this is giving us first, anything that we notice here
k79IA7V-v3I-00232-00144824-00145184 lots of scholarly journals, no images, so far
k79IA7V-v3I-00233-00145184-00145784 yeah yeah we're not getting images or videos like we did on academic search complete that's for sure
k79IA7V-v3I-00234-00146464-00147032 i think something that i also notice- um here we go, another answer some of these
k79IA7V-v3I-00235-00147032-00147728 don't actually relate to the BLM movement sure um yeah something that Leah and i noticed when
k79IA7V-v3I-00236-00147728-00148072 we were planning this workshop, when we were talking about these things and looking at these
k79IA7V-v3I-00237-00148136-00149016 is that um like p-i-a-p PAIS tends to really focus on that law and policy
k79IA7V-v3I-00238-00149016-00149496 and so like a lot of these seem more negatively skewed right um
k79IA7V-v3I-00239-00149768-00150080 which is really really interesting. i'm talking
k79IA7V-v3I-00240-00150080-00150824 about violence um police violence we have protests, fatal interactions and crime um
k79IA7V-v3I-00241-00151048-00151800 so again something that like maybe is is relating the movement to criminal activity um something to
k79IA7V-v3I-00242-00151800-00152720 be aware of if you're searching for for this kind of topic in this database um yeah and i'm sure too
k79IA7V-v3I-00243-00152720-00153368 so we have don't relate um i'm sure too if we actually put in the quotation marks,
k79IA7V-v3I-00244-00153472-00154152 which again i didn't do, um encountered a problem right so this happens sometimes um
k79IA7V-v3I-00245-00154152-00154592 it'll time you out of searches, not a big deal, um session ended. excellent.
k79IA7V-v3I-00246-00154752-00155480 um so yeah we can go back to the slides at this point and there is a um there is a screenshot
k79IA7V-v3I-00247-00155480-00155928 here and i think i actually did quotation marks on this one so maybe you can see a little bit better
k79IA7V-v3I-00248-00155928-00156504 that if you use quotation marks um you might get you'll prob- you'll get more relevant results
k79IA7V-v3I-00249-00156504-00157160 but i just forgot to do that today but yeah um it's really interesting to see the kinds of,
k79IA7V-v3I-00250-00157264-00157680 again the kinds of sources that you're going to get because of the algorithm
k79IA7V-v3I-00251-00157680-00158256 right because the database is only is looking at a different subset of materials um and the
k79IA7V-v3I-00252-00158256-00158888 way that the algorithm works, it might decide to privilege um certain information over others, so
k79IA7V-v3I-00253-00158976-00159544 that's just kind of a larger thing for you to consider um here are just some
k79IA7V-v3I-00254-00159544-00159880 some general things to keep in mind as you move forward as you're doing your research.
k79IA7V-v3I-00255-00159936-00160368 um just a reminder that again all searching platforms, including our library resources,
k79IA7V-v3I-00256-00160368-00160912 use algorithms right and again an algorithm is not inherently good or bad; we're not saying that
k79IA7V-v3I-00257-00160912-00161512 they're neutral um they're created by people, they are not neutral, but algorithms are useful
k79IA7V-v3I-00258-00161512-00162048 and we use them every day and even the library resources that you are going to look, you're
k79IA7V-v3I-00259-00162048-00162408 going to be using to look for research like, one search, databases, all of these use algorithms
k79IA7V-v3I-00260-00162464-00162920 um and it's just helpful to understand how the algorithms impact the results that you see
k79IA7V-v3I-00261-00162920-00163240 so when you're doing research understanding what information is going to be privileged
k79IA7V-v3I-00262-00163304-00163864 um what information might pop up first, what the database is assuming is most relevant for you,
k79IA7V-v3I-00263-00163864-00164136 and knowing that you might have to do a little bit of digging or you might have
k79IA7V-v3I-00264-00164136-00164480 to look in several different places to get the sources that are best for your research
k79IA7V-v3I-00265-00164544-00164936 right um the best and the best source of information for your research is not always
k79IA7V-v3I-00266-00164936-00165488 necessarily going to be the first one or in the first place that you search so searching a lot of
k79IA7V-v3I-00267-00165488-00165992 different um platforms to get lots of different kinds of information is probably going to be a
k79IA7V-v3I-00268-00165992-00166440 good move. and then just paying attention to where you search and what results you get,
k79IA7V-v3I-00269-00166440-00167040 right? the whole point of this is hopefully not to bog us down a lot of different things but just to
k79IA7V-v3I-00270-00167040-00167496 to increase our awareness and just ask us to start paying attention, right, just pay attention, ask
k79IA7V-v3I-00271-00167496-00167976 questions, um be thoughtful when you're searching and when you're doing research and that can be
k79IA7V-v3I-00272-00167976-00168632 really helpful um and maybe we'll we'll spark some questions that we would love to chat with
k79IA7V-v3I-00273-00168632-00169184 you about because this stuff is really interesting to us. um so we have just the reference um
k79IA7V-v3I-00274-00169280-00169936 for the definition we we um talked about at the very beginning of the workshop
k79IA7V-v3I-00275-00169992-00170504 and then all of the screenshots again are from our own um feeds and accounts, our own searches.
k79IA7V-v3I-00276-00170504-00171096 so thank you so much for being with us today um if you have questions about how algorithms show
k79IA7V-v3I-00277-00171096-00171552 up in research, if you want to talk more about algorithms, if you need help finding sources,
k79IA7V-v3I-00278-00171552-00172264 um any of that, you can always chat with us on the library website or you can schedule a
k79IA7V-v3I-00279-00172264-00172776 consultation via email or through our consultation form if you would like some one-on-one time with
k79IA7V-v3I-00280-00172776-00173376 the librarian. we can help you kind of navigate those databases, navigate library resources, and
k79IA7V-v3I-00281-00173448-00174056 help you with your research. so do feel free to reach out to us and so that's
k79IA7V-v3I-00282-00174056-00174456 it again thank you so much for being here today; we really appreciate your time and attention.
k79IA7V-v3I-00283-00174576-00175344 um next week we are starting our AMA sessions, so we have two AMA sessions.
k79IA7V-v3I-00284-00175344-00175752 these are not going to be recorded, they're just drop-in sessions where you can come and ask
k79IA7V-v3I-00285-00175752-00176128 librarians, ask a couple of librarians any questions you have about research so
k79IA7V-v3I-00286-00176192-00176856 um feel free to register for that if you're interested um and again thank you so much for
k79IA7V-v3I-00287-00176856-00177736 being here and now we are going to stop the recording um and we will enter into q a time
k9JIKTJyKm8-00000-00000003-00000429 So to understand electromagnetic induction quantitatively, we have to
k9JIKTJyKm8-00001-00000429-00000917 understand magnetic flux. And flux is not a particularly alien concept; you're
k9JIKTJyKm8-00002-00000917-00001191 worrying about flux whenever you're trying to put your solar panels on your
k9JIKTJyKm8-00003-00001191-00001512 roof so they catch the most sunlight. And you're worrying about flux whenever
k9JIKTJyKm8-00004-00001512-00002034 you're trying to avoid getting wet in the rain. In general flux is the flow of
k9JIKTJyKm8-00005-00002034-00002622 some physical quantity. So one example might be rain. Rain comes
k9JIKTJyKm8-00006-00002622-00003066 down comes down in a particular direction and it comes down sometimes in
k9JIKTJyKm8-00007-00003066-00003375 different directions in different places. And also different amounts in different
k9JIKTJyKm8-00008-00003375-00003768 places. So you might have a bit where it's raining heavily and hard and going
k9JIKTJyKm8-00009-00003768-00004110 in that direction, and then a bit where it's raining quite lightly. And more
k9JIKTJyKm8-00010-00004110-00004647 straight down. And so rain is described as a vector field, which remember it's
k9JIKTJyKm8-00011-00004647-00005076 just a vector at each point in space. And what are the units of this vector? Well
k9JIKTJyKm8-00012-00005076-00005480 it's a certain amount of water which I guess we'd measure in kilograms, your SI unit,
k9JIKTJyKm8-00013-00005480-00006023 per second per square metre. So if we have a football field, we'll gather more
k9JIKTJyKm8-00014-00006023-00006500 water than if we have a small glass. And so this vector field has units of
k9JIKTJyKm8-00015-00006500-00006972 kilograms of water per second per square metre. So if we wait for an hour we'll
k9JIKTJyKm8-00016-00006972-00007308 get more water than if we wait for one second. So the other example we talked
k9JIKTJyKm8-00017-00007308-00007745 about with sunlight. Now sunlight comes in pretty uniformly at a particular
k9JIKTJyKm8-00018-00007745-00008084 angle. If we're out in space looking at a really big scale of course it would be
k9JIKTJyKm8-00019-00008084-00008556 spreading out in all directions. But down here on earth it comes in pretty evenly.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00020-00008556-00008925 So that's also a vector field and what are the units of that? Well, sunlight gives
k9JIKTJyKm8-00021-00008925-00009300 us energy, so we have a certain amount of energy and again we have a certain amount
k9JIKTJyKm8-00022-00009300-00009839 of energy per second and per square metre. Which also the same thing as a
k9JIKTJyKm8-00023-00009839-00010245 watt per square metre. So you might be trying to catch all this rain into a
k9JIKTJyKm8-00024-00010245-00010599 rain tank so that you can avoid the horrible drought coming up. Or you might
k9JIKTJyKm8-00025-00010599-00010947 be trying to catch this sunlight on a solar panel so you can free yourself
k9JIKTJyKm8-00026-00010947-00011433 from energy costs. Or you might be trying to find out how much magnetic field is
k9JIKTJyKm8-00027-00011433-00012011 going through a loop of wire, or possibly even multiple loops of wire. The total
k9JIKTJyKm8-00028-00012011-00012398 flux going through each of these three areas is going to depend on a few things.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00029-00012398-00012825 It's going to depend on the strength of the vector field, so if you have more
k9JIKTJyKm8-00030-00012825-00013220 watts per square metre, you're going to get more energy coming through. If you
k9JIKTJyKm8-00031-00013220-00013622 have more kilograms per second per square metre, you can have more water
k9JIKTJyKm8-00032-00013622-00013953 coming through. And if you have more magnetic field, you can have more
k9JIKTJyKm8-00033-00013953-00014306 magnetic flux coming through. Secondly it's going to depend on the size of the
k9JIKTJyKm8-00034-00014306-00014684 area: the bigger the area, the more flux you're going to have coming through. And
k9JIKTJyKm8-00035-00014684-00015030 finally it's also going to depend on the angle. So doesn't matter if you have an
k9JIKTJyKm8-00036-00015030-00015552 absolutely enormous solar panel, if you angle it wrong and the sunlight misses
k9JIKTJyKm8-00037-00015552-00015863 it goes straight past, it just hits the edge. So it's
k9JIKTJyKm8-00038-00015863-00016335 not exactly the size of the area that matters, it's the size of the area
k9JIKTJyKm8-00039-00016335-00016800 perpendicular to the vector field. So it's really this area here (insert ref) that matters,
k9JIKTJyKm8-00040-00016800-00017216 not the area of the actual solar cell.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00041-00017411-00017861 So the magnetic flux through the coil is usually defined by the symbol capital
k9JIKTJyKm8-00042-00017861-00018586 Phi, and it's just equal to the magnetic field times the perpendicular area.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00043-00018598-00019114 Now if the magnetic field changes direction through your coil, then you've
k9JIKTJyKm8-00044-00019114-00019543 got a more complicated thing to do because you have to break your area up
k9JIKTJyKm8-00045-00019543-00019888 into little pieces of area such that you had a piece of area so small the
k9JIKTJyKm8-00046-00019888-00020242 magnetic field is basically going in constant direction. And then you can
k9JIKTJyKm8-00047-00020242-00020542 calculate the flux to that little piece of area and then add up all those pieces
k9JIKTJyKm8-00048-00020542-00020950 of flux. But we won't do things are that complicated in calculation. So coming
k9JIKTJyKm8-00049-00020950-00021319 back to electromagnetism, remember that what Faraday found was the current was
k9JIKTJyKm8-00050-00021319-00021775 generated by a changing magnetic field. And after more detailed experiments and
k9JIKTJyKm8-00051-00021775-00022060 analysis it was found that the electromagnetic force, in other words the
k9JIKTJyKm8-00052-00022060-00022438 voltage around that loop, was equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00053-00022438-00022951 Until use the capital Delta describe a change as before, and we used the B to
k9JIKTJyKm8-00054-00022951-00023419 denote the magnetic flux and then we've got this Delta Phi over Delta T; that's the
k9JIKTJyKm8-00055-00023419-00023848 rate of change of magnetic flux. And so that voltage will be applied to every
k9JIKTJyKm8-00056-00023848-00024286 loop that we have in this coil. And so if we have multiple windings of that coil,
k9JIKTJyKm8-00057-00024286-00024754 we're going to get that voltage for each one of them. And so the total voltage is
k9JIKTJyKm8-00058-00024754-00025173 going to be just the number of loops times the rate of change of magnetic
k9JIKTJyKm8-00059-00025173-00025407 flux.
k9JIKTJyKm8-00060-00025415-00025825 And that is now known as Faraday's law
krsWn48Jj5Y-00000-00007720-00008584 so
krsWn48Jj5Y-00001-00010568-00011384 so
krsWn48Jj5Y-00002-00011632-00012784 so
krsWn48Jj5Y-00003-00016144-00016984 do
krsWn48Jj5Y-00004-00021720-00021728 you
ksaWmSuMnE8-00000-00000309-00001018 Welcome to another edition of Anglican Unscripted, Episode 604. I am Kevin
ksaWmSuMnE8-00001-00001018-00001828 Kallsen. I'm George Conger. Today's June 16, 2020
ksaWmSuMnE8-00002-00002501-00003051 This is one of those longer episodes. Not for you, guys. It is for George and I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00003-00003051-00003582 because we've had technical difficulties and we just had weed whacker and leaf
ksaWmSuMnE8-00004-00003582-00004073 blower difficulties. I think we now have a quiet studio and working computers oh
ksaWmSuMnE8-00005-00004073-00004821 I so hope we do. Part of taping Anglican Unscripted is just the fun of being on
ksaWmSuMnE8-00006-00004821-00005273 the cutting edge of technology where you can record this over the internet at two
ksaWmSuMnE8-00007-00005273-00005835 different places. George is in Florida some 1800 miles away from me and I press
ksaWmSuMnE8-00008-00005835-00006477 the record button and most days it works flawlessly. Today we've had some flaws
ksaWmSuMnE8-00009-00006477-00006995 and noises. We're beyond that now, I hope If you see me doing this I'm making sure
ksaWmSuMnE8-00010-00006995-00007641 that I press the record button. It's just a curious panic I have. So George
ksaWmSuMnE8-00011-00007641-00008064 before I get started I always want to remind people, when I check my show notes
ksaWmSuMnE8-00012-00008064-00008769 that we need to like, share, comment, subscribe and if you want, please listen
ksaWmSuMnE8-00013-00008769-00009172 to the podcast. I do this every week because it helps promote the show
ksaWmSuMnE8-00014-00009172-00009878 YouTube and Facebook and Google have algorithms where they see if something
ksaWmSuMnE8-00015-00009878-00010431 becomes popular, they promote it and it's kind of like free advertising. I don't
ksaWmSuMnE8-00016-00010431-00010784 want to pay for advertising to Google or Facebook. That costs money and that's a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00017-00010784-00011316 horrible use of your donations. So if I can get free advertising through your
ksaWmSuMnE8-00018-00011316-00011895 clicks, I'm gonna ask you to do that. Not to puff myself up, George. I mean I'm a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00019-00011895-00012431 very humble character when you get to know me. How's your week going, George?
ksaWmSuMnE8-00020-00012431-00013290 well I am in a state of wonder and joy that's because I've had to pray a lot
ksaWmSuMnE8-00021-00013290-00013890 hmm things are going pretty- it's pretty dicey- now that's not a good word
ksaWmSuMnE8-00022-00013890-00014322 it's pretty rotten out there. Yeah. Country's in miserable shape the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00023-00014322-00014969 Episcopal Church is in dreadful shape. My parishioners have cabin fever and so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00024-00014969-00015365 they're fighting over- some people are fighting over things that are just in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00025-00015365-00015750 it's not essential and unimportant but they're
ksaWmSuMnE8-00026-00015750-00016533 Oh Kevin I won't say it's as bad as condo board politics but it's bad. People
ksaWmSuMnE8-00027-00016533-00017157 getting mad at other people over things that. We have a discrepancy in the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00028-00017157-00017739 Finance Committee. We have two accountants fighting as if blood is
ksaWmSuMnE8-00029-00017739-00018243 in the streets right now, over how to account for a gift of stock. Every jot
ksaWmSuMnE8-00030-00018243-00018945 and tittle must be accounted for, yes. And so you know that and it's
ksaWmSuMnE8-00031-00018945-00019509 broken down into accusations of bad faith and things that just is so- so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00032-00019509-00020163 what's the answer? Well once upon a time when I was young and I've always been an
ksaWmSuMnE8-00033-00020163-00020598 American and my American Express Card sometimes works. The answer was I could
ksaWmSuMnE8-00034-00020598-00021117 fix it through my strengthen, my ego, or I can pay for it to go away. I've reached
ksaWmSuMnE8-00035-00021117-00021684 the point in my life where I must trust totally in Jesus Christ. I can't fix 60
ksaWmSuMnE8-00036-00021684-00022230 year olds behaving like six-year-olds. I have the same experience. I mean I've
ksaWmSuMnE8-00037-00022230-00022704 raised three children. I know how children act. I know how to slowly take a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00038-00022704-00023115 child who's having an emotional breakdown. I know how to get them to
ksaWmSuMnE8-00039-00023115-00023795 relax and start to think or take a nap. Think with reason. I can do that however
ksaWmSuMnE8-00040-00023795-00024297 I'm on the condo board. I can't seem to get 60 year olds and 65 year olds to
ksaWmSuMnE8-00041-00024297-00024843 take a breath and step back and stop being so emotional. This Covid thing, this
ksaWmSuMnE8-00042-00024843-00025368 lockdown thing, this whole new newness that we're living into inside the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00043-00025368-00026076 church and outside the church is just craziness, and it's hard to watch. It's
ksaWmSuMnE8-00044-00026076-00026408 hard to live through but what we're called to live through this. It's
ksaWmSuMnE8-00045-00026408-00026882 interesting we're living in a time where nobody understands reconciliation again
ksaWmSuMnE8-00046-00026882-00027582 we're the church. Of course we understand reconciliation. We will reconciled once
ksaWmSuMnE8-00047-00027582-00028320 2,000 years ago for all time and we just need to live into that, George. I wish
ksaWmSuMnE8-00048-00028320-00028614 times were simple, but they're not. But we're called to be Christians in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00049-00028614-00029144 complicated times and in simple times and if you have any questions, email me
ksaWmSuMnE8-00050-00029144-00029789 I'll explain how that works. We had an email this week from a viewer who's an
ksaWmSuMnE8-00051-00029789-00030461 Episcopal priest in a diocese. I don't want to name the diocese. East of- No west
ksaWmSuMnE8-00052-00030461-00031025 of Connecticut. There. That'll give you the range. Our Rhode island
ksaWmSuMnE8-00053-00031025-00031676 viewers are safe. Yes, oh yeah he's not from Rhode Island. So west of Connecticut and
ksaWmSuMnE8-00054-00031676-00032180 he goes Kevin, I think I'm a typical case study. I'm an Episcopal priest
ksaWmSuMnE8-00055-00032180-00032836 I'm Orthodox, evangelical but I'm in the Episcopal Church and up until recently
ksaWmSuMnE8-00056-00032836-00033269 things have been going pretty good. I've been able to grow my church, it's been
ksaWmSuMnE8-00057-00033269-00033598 healthy have been able to raise my family in this wonderful neighborhood
ksaWmSuMnE8-00058-00033598-00034421 but now my bishop has gone hostile and which is okay but now they wanted to, you
ksaWmSuMnE8-00059-00034421-00034940 know impose things upon parishes that just weren't- we're not willing to do
ksaWmSuMnE8-00060-00034940-00035345 anymore How do I find something else? How do I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00061-00035345-00035693 move to the ACNA? How do I find the different diocese with the Episcopal
ksaWmSuMnE8-00062-00035693-00036242 Church? What do I do to move out from under a hostile
ksaWmSuMnE8-00063-00036242-00036821 bishop? It's a great question. Then he lists the things he wants to keep and
ksaWmSuMnE8-00064-00036821-00037271 that makes it more difficult. I want to keep my pension. Who doesn't want
ksaWmSuMnE8-00065-00037271-00037697 to keep their pension? When the ACNA was about to form and people are
ksaWmSuMnE8-00066-00037697-00038198 being deposed in the Episcopal Church the biggest concern a lot of clergy had
ksaWmSuMnE8-00067-00038198-00038810 is like I'm 60 and I'm about to lose my pension by moving in ACNA. That's
ksaWmSuMnE8-00068-00038810-00039323 a hard hard thing to swallow. I remember Bishop Duncan losing his pension after
ksaWmSuMnE8-00069-00039323-00039893 all those years of service. That's hard. That's a sacrifice, and I said
ksaWmSuMnE8-00070-00039893-00040424 Well this is something we can talk about on the show because George is an
ksaWmSuMnE8-00071-00040424-00040859 Episcopal priest. I don't know if you're fully vested in the pension plan yet but
ksaWmSuMnE8-00072-00040859-00041359 I think you understand the sacrifices that you may one day have to make if
ksaWmSuMnE8-00073-00041359-00041939 your bishop becomes hostile. Now you're under Greg Brewer. Not a hostile
ksaWmSuMnE8-00074-00041939-00042311 bishop. Probably one of the three remaining safe bishops in the Episcopal
ksaWmSuMnE8-00075-00042311-00042845 Church. I'm thinking Albany, Dallas, Central Florida. If you were under maybe
ksaWmSuMnE8-00076-00042845-00043274 a Charles Benison. Things would be a little different for you. I once was
ksaWmSuMnE8-00077-00043274-00043754 under Charles Bennison. Oh that's right. And that's  what moved me to
ksaWmSuMnE8-00078-00043754-00044699 Central Florida by roundabout way  well I would- if under Bennison, I would
ksaWmSuMnE8-00079-00044699-00045443 not have been permitted to write, to have a public voice, all of my writing over
ksaWmSuMnE8-00080-00045443-00045905 the years. This show itself would have been forbidden. Bishop Bennison was
ksaWmSuMnE8-00081-00045905-00046580 a believer in free speech for me but not for thee. Bishop Bennison would write was
ksaWmSuMnE8-00082-00046580-00046964 notorious for writing these diocesan letters in the diocesan
ksaWmSuMnE8-00083-00046964-00047501 newspaper and I remember one when I was in seminary, where he basically said, it
ksaWmSuMnE8-00084-00047501-00047900 was an Easter letter and he recounted how Jesus was a sinner just like you and
ksaWmSuMnE8-00085-00047900-00048341 me. Even though I was a sinner and I haven't gotten my degree yet, I sort of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00086-00048341-00049223 knew there was something not right with that but the situation you described
ksaWmSuMnE8-00087-00049223-00049811 of the writer is one that I think is shared by hundreds upon hundreds of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00088-00049811-00050486 Episcopal clergy, where for the most part they've been able to prosper in their
ksaWmSuMnE8-00089-00050486-00051017 settings. Their churches are happy places They're doing well but and we've gone
ksaWmSuMnE8-00090-00051017-00051599 through the stresses over the past 10+ years, and they were not in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00091-00051599-00052424 dioceses where it was made an immediate issue. Right. That was my situation. I've
ksaWmSuMnE8-00092-00052424-00053003 been called to minister among a group of people and I've been- did relatively
ksaWmSuMnE8-00093-00053003-00053462 successful at it and I've got five/six hundred people for whom I provide
ksaWmSuMnE8-00094-00053462-00054310 spiritual and pastoral and liturgical support and worship. Why wreck that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00095-00054310-00055111 because I disagree with things farther up the food chain, when their influences
ksaWmSuMnE8-00096-00055111-00055670 apart from having the word Episcopal on the store and using the Episcopal book
ksaWmSuMnE8-00097-00055670-00056411 Common Prayer and dressing like I'm in the Union. You know that my church has so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00098-00056411-00056917 little in common in what the message  that the sort of the mainstream of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00099-00056917-00057280 the Episcopal Church has right now. Why worry about it? Yeah. But now we're in a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00100-00057280-00057824 world with Bishop Love being actively persecuted, where we're seeing the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00101-00057824-00058553 cancel culture of the world percolate into the Episcopal Church in a massive
ksaWmSuMnE8-00102-00058553-00059225 way and so people who- I have great deal of empathy. I don't want to move my
ksaWmSuMnE8-00103-00059225-00059816 children out of their schools. My wife has a good job and we need her income. My
ksaWmSuMnE8-00104-00059816-00060476 parish is happy and why do I want to wreck everything? We don't have a million
ksaWmSuMnE8-00105-00060476-00060833 dollars in the bank to gauge in a lawsuit, that depending upon which state
ksaWmSuMnE8-00106-00060833-00061526 were in, we may win or we may lose. Mm-hmm What do I do? Well you basically run out
ksaWmSuMnE8-00107-00061526-00062075 the clock. Just you know realize that you've reached the heights of your
ksaWmSuMnE8-00108-00062075-00062546 career ambitions and for many of us if you're like in a normal American, we're
ksaWmSuMnE8-00109-00062546-00062870 all careerists in some sense and that's a little disappointing to hear that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00110-00062870-00063385 you're never going to be top dog. You run out the clock, stay where you are
ksaWmSuMnE8-00111-00063385-00063923 keep the bishop far away. Don't talk about what the craziness. Don't share the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00112-00063923-00064373 bishops messages and people will be born. They'll die. They'll go through a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00113-00064373-00064736 confirmation class and every so often they'll come to you say what is this I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00114-00064736-00065165 read in the newspaper and you'll do what  have done over the years, say don't
ksaWmSuMnE8-00115-00065165-00065654 worry about that. That's a different brand of Episcopal. You know
ksaWmSuMnE8-00116-00065654-00066335 yeah you know don't worry. Second you can join the Anglican Church in North
ksaWmSuMnE8-00117-00066335-00066878 America or some of the other continuing churches but then you have the immediate
ksaWmSuMnE8-00118-00066878-00067517 financial prospect of- you're not going to be able to have the financial support
ksaWmSuMnE8-00119-00067517-00067982 if you stay in the same place. Right. You're not going to have the finances
ksaWmSuMnE8-00120-00067982-00068561 that you once had. That's just the facts of life and if you try to take your
ksaWmSuMnE8-00121-00068561-00068998 parish with you. The Episcopal Church will go after you personally
ksaWmSuMnE8-00122-00068998-00069451 and unless you're independently wealthy you could easily be bankrupt
ksaWmSuMnE8-00123-00069451-00069874 you could easily you know not be able to forward your children's college
ksaWmSuMnE8-00124-00069874-00070501 tuitions. You would not be able to keep and maintain your house. It's a battle that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00125-00070501-00071029 you have to decide is that what you want to fight and then you have the phenomena
ksaWmSuMnE8-00126-00071029-00071353 that we see in Central Florida in the last year, we've had three ACNA
ksaWmSuMnE8-00127-00071353-00072115 priest become rector's here. I had the Brust's just went to Central Florida
ksaWmSuMnE8-00128-00072115-00072619 Ellis and Cindy. Ellis and Cynthia Brust. Ellis was one of the sort of the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00129-00072619-00073276 founders of the ACNA through the AMIA and his wife Cynthia was the press officer
ksaWmSuMnE8-00130-00073276-00073678 for many years Ellis Brust accepted a call as the rector
ksaWmSuMnE8-00131-00073678-00074104 of st. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Fort Pierce and Cynthia of Hope Episcopal
ksaWmSuMnE8-00132-00074104-00074598 Church in Melbourne. So he's going to be received back into the Episcopal Church
ksaWmSuMnE8-00133-00074598-00075480 yeah I mean wow and you know the St. Andrews is a moderately well-off
ksaWmSuMnE8-00134-00075480-00076021 Fort Pierce is not the nicest place but it's the church where the the old
ksaWmSuMnE8-00135-00076021-00076609 Floridian the guys who own hundred thousand acre cattle ranches come to church on
ksaWmSuMnE8-00136-00076609-00077617 Sunday so it's not a sacrifice by any means. So we have people from outside
ksaWmSuMnE8-00137-00077617-00078040 you know people and then we I've  friends who have asked me, can you help
ksaWmSuMnE8-00138-00078040-00078553 me find a job? It's not so much, can you help me find a job, but let me know if
ksaWmSuMnE8-00139-00078553-00078943 there's an opening and there's a wonderful woman who moved to the Diocese
ksaWmSuMnE8-00140-00078943-00079576 of Central Florida from the Diocese of Springfield to be a rector and there are
ksaWmSuMnE8-00141-00079576-00080014 other people who try to get here because it's a safe place. Now one of the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00142-00080014-00080827 problems is not every church is a church that you envision being in Florida. We're
ksaWmSuMnE8-00143-00080827-00081307 not all on the beaches. We don't all have retiree congregations. We have a lot of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00144-00081307-00081697 poor rural working-class church, just like every
ksaWmSuMnE8-00145-00081697-00082219 other diocese and so people, when they move here, more often than not have
ksaWmSuMnE8-00146-00082219-00082751 to take a drop in the type of church. So from a suburban
ksaWmSuMnE8-00147-00082751-00083255 church in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago come to Central Florida
ksaWmSuMnE8-00148-00083255-00083675 you're moving into a church that has beautiful- you may have beautiful
ksaWmSuMnE8-00149-00083675-00084038 Tiffany windows, wonderful stonework into a church where the air-conditioning
ksaWmSuMnE8-00150-00084038-00084598 smells like molding. You have a tin roof and across the street is a trailer park
ksaWmSuMnE8-00151-00084598-00085268 but- It's Florida- God is worshipped. God be praised because Bethesda-by-the-sea in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00152-00085268-00085702 Palm Beach has got a lot of people wanting to be rector there, and recently
ksaWmSuMnE8-00153-00085702-00086018 and their new rector swallowed the kool-aid do so that's the longer good
ksaWmSuMnE8-00154-00086018-00086381 place, but that's different diocese. But the point is that it's a real
ksaWmSuMnE8-00155-00086381-00087179 phenomena. Where do you go? What do you do? And I don't know the answer. It's up
ksaWmSuMnE8-00156-00087179-00087824 to you. Where is God calling you and how do you know? Do you wait
ksaWmSuMnE8-00157-00087824-00088238 until you've timed out in the Episcopal Church and then go start a parish for
ksaWmSuMnE8-00158-00088238-00088858 the ACNA or do you stay within and John Stott's advice to people in the Church of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00159-00088858-00089465 England, until his death about a year or two ago- more than that but yeah
ksaWmSuMnE8-00160-00089465-00090050 it was five years ago. That's alright. Well he still is a presence in my mind. That's
ksaWmSuMnE8-00161-00090050-00090557 his advice and the issue hasn't changed Yeah his advice was to stay where you
ksaWmSuMnE8-00162-00090557-00091061 are and fight the good fight and that advice holds true for the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00163-00091061-00091496 Episcopal Church. It's not- but every man, every woman has to decide where the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00164-00091496-00092189 conscious lies on this point. Indeed and I bring this up again because you and I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00165-00092189-00092981 are gonna talk about Bishop Love trial. Bishop Love in the realm of Christendom
ksaWmSuMnE8-00166-00092981-00093572 in the kingdom has done nothing wrong. He has done exactly as scripture says. He
ksaWmSuMnE8-00167-00093572-00094102 has been a perfect Bishop. He was a perfect clergyman before that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00168-00094102-00094760 outstanding, above reproach. He was brought up on charges by the Episcopal
ksaWmSuMnE8-00169-00094760-00095204 Church- by the clergy in his diocese. I'm sorry, by the clergy in his diocese
ksaWmSuMnE8-00170-00095204-00095628 because he would not allow them to perform same-sex marriages
ksaWmSuMnE8-00171-00095628-00096333 Mm-hm. And that trial was on Friday and I can't believe we're bringing up a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00172-00096333-00097233 Christian man, a bishop on trial for this. Well it was on broadcast via Facebook
ksaWmSuMnE8-00173-00097233-00097860 live- Zoom yeah. Well it was on Zoom for the participants. Okay. And then you could
ksaWmSuMnE8-00174-00097860-00098514 watch but not speak via Facebook live and it was actually at
ksaWmSuMnE8-00175-00098514-00098949 the same time as our Friday morning broadcast but I did catch a few minutes
ksaWmSuMnE8-00176-00098949-00099480 of it and it was as I expected. Nothing more than a rehash of the pleadings and
ksaWmSuMnE8-00177-00099480-00099933 if you'd like to read the pleadings, just go to Anglican Ink and look at the Love
ksaWmSuMnE8-00178-00099933-00100527 story and you'll find a link to the website where the motions- there were
ksaWmSuMnE8-00179-00100527-00101103 motion for summary judgment by both the church attorney on behalf prosecuting
ksaWmSuMnE8-00180-00101103-00101600 and Bishop Love's attorney defending and we talked about what those issues were
ksaWmSuMnE8-00181-00101600-00102083 Allen Haley has an article in Anglican Ink this morning where he talks not so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00182-00102083-00102492 much about the trial issues but how it got to this point and the utter
ksaWmSuMnE8-00183-00102492-00103347 ridiculousness of the whole matter but Bishop Love is- if it were fair and just
ksaWmSuMnE8-00184-00103347-00103830 trial, he would be acquitted honorably Absolutely. But one of the things that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00185-00103830-00104418 Alan Haley pointed out is that we have this anomaly of the judge if you will is
ksaWmSuMnE8-00186-00104418-00104850 Bishop Nick Knisely a Rhode Island. Who I've met and I think is a lovely splendid
ksaWmSuMnE8-00187-00104850-00105246 man. He's very liberal but he's a decent honorable fellow who wants the good. He
ksaWmSuMnE8-00188-00105246-00105843 just has a different worldview. He's also the co-author of the resolution
ksaWmSuMnE8-00189-00105843-00106460 Bishop Love is accused of violating. So- Hold on, that can't be. That's- I forget the term
ksaWmSuMnE8-00190-00106460-00106917 we use for that, but that's- you're not supposed to be able to judge on
ksaWmSuMnE8-00191-00106917-00107322 stuff where you're involved. Well tell that to the Episcopal Supreme Court.
ksaWmSuMnE8-00192-00107322-00107842 Conflict of internet. South Carolina Supreme Court.
ksaWmSuMnE8-00193-00107842-00108181 You've got a judge whose husband is an activist, who's an active
ksaWmSuMnE8-00194-00108181-00108609 member of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina
ksaWmSuMnE8-00195-00108609-00109015 basically parroting the National church's arguments and she's judging the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00196-00109015-00109681 case. So how could we possibly complain about the Love trial when the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00197-00109681-00110155 Supreme Court of South Carolina decides it doesn't you know conflict of interest
ksaWmSuMnE8-00198-00110155-00110883 isn't an issue. But so you know it's a fool's game to bet on the outcome. Now
ksaWmSuMnE8-00199-00110883-00111370 if you want to play political insider baseball. The political insider
ksaWmSuMnE8-00200-00111370-00111826 baseball is he'll be acquitted, but you'll get such a muddied decision that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00201-00111826-00112444 it's only pertinent to Bishop Love and it will find a technicality. Okay this
ksaWmSuMnE8-00202-00112444-00112933 was not filed on the correct date, it's 20 minutes late. The reason why Michael
ksaWmSuMnE8-00203-00112933-00113358 Curry doesn't want to force the issue. Michael Curry does not want to go into
ksaWmSuMnE8-00204-00113358-00113748 the next Lambeth conference and have the Episcopal Church be the issue again and
ksaWmSuMnE8-00205-00113748-00114316 if Bill Love is stripped of his Episcopal Authority for upholding Book
ksaWmSuMnE8-00206-00114316-00114769 of Common Prayer as it currently stands. Read Alan Haley's article if you really
ksaWmSuMnE8-00207-00114769-00115126 want understand what's going on. If Bill Love is going to be persecuted for not
ksaWmSuMnE8-00208-00115126-00115855 bowing to the political whims of the mob Michael Curry needs to act and Nick
ksaWmSuMnE8-00209-00115855-00116436 Knisely needs to give a decision that satisfies the partisans who want Bishop
ksaWmSuMnE8-00210-00116436-00117048 Love's head but preserves the Episcopal Church's place in the wider Communion. I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00211-00117048-00117640 can't imagine how it will look to Michael Curry if Bishop Love had penned
ksaWmSuMnE8-00212-00117640-00118318 a letter asking Archbishop Justin Welby for depot, you know help oversee me
ksaWmSuMnE8-00213-00118318-00118884 because I'm being persecuted for upholding the Book of Common Prayer in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00214-00118884-00119515 my province. Well, here's the kicker about Justin Welby. Under George
ksaWmSuMnE8-00215-00119515-00119859 Carey. George Carey would have done it. Under Rowen Williams
ksaWmSuMnE8-00216-00119859-00120384 we have famous correspondent between John Howe and Rowan Williams, which we
ksaWmSuMnE8-00217-00120384-00120834 have published on Anglican Ink. Go into the archives where Rowan Williams says
ksaWmSuMnE8-00218-00120834-00121372 the primary instrument of communion is the diocese, not the National Church so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00219-00121372-00121647 that you John Howe and can still be in communion with
ksaWmSuMnE8-00220-00121647-00122161 me even if you are- even if you think of breaking with the Episcopal Church
ksaWmSuMnE8-00221-00122161-00122858 Justin Welby, who was brought in as the great evangelical hope against the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00222-00122858-00123543 liberal Rowan Williams and the methodical George Carey, Justin Welby has
ksaWmSuMnE8-00223-00123543-00124344 been such a disappointment that you know he- well I don't want to make this the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00224-00124344-00125315 Justin Welby show but he will not even when we have agreement, he will not honor
ksaWmSuMnE8-00225-00125315-00125739 primates meetings commitments to do this about the Episcopal Church
ksaWmSuMnE8-00226-00125739-00126399 he will not honor any of this stuff they'll find a way to fudge it. So if
ksaWmSuMnE8-00227-00126399-00127061 Bill Love reached out to Justin Welby it's like reaching out to a wet noodle. I
ksaWmSuMnE8-00228-00127061-00127626 mean it's not gonna support you but at the same token, that lack
ksaWmSuMnE8-00229-00127626-00128103 of spine, that lack of internal compass that desire to smooth and smother
ksaWmSuMnE8-00230-00128103-00128565 things over and kick the can down the road actually is helpful for Bill Love
ksaWmSuMnE8-00231-00128565-00129093 in the legal sense because Welby doesn't want to have an issue that will
ksaWmSuMnE8-00232-00129093-00129597 alienate the global South. He's already lost GAFCON and he wants to be able
ksaWmSuMnE8-00233-00129597-00130344 to pursuit preserve the global south loyalty but if Bishop Love gets hammered
ksaWmSuMnE8-00234-00130344-00131025 for being faithful Christian being in essence. a sacrificial lamb for the rages of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00235-00131025-00131769 the crazies in the Episcopal Church. It's bad news internationally. Yeah well we'll
ksaWmSuMnE8-00236-00131769-00132339 just see what happens. I'm surprised I mean, it's 2020. Are they gonna have a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00237-00132339-00132678 general convention next year? That's been canceled though, isn't it? The General
ksaWmSuMnE8-00238-00132678-00133269 Convention is postponed. Yeah. Next year's 2021 General Convention
ksaWmSuMnE8-00239-00133269-00134037 which was to be in Baltimore has been postponed and the public reasons are the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00240-00134037-00134709 Covid 19 and I think that may be true on certain levels because General
ksaWmSuMnE8-00241-00134709-00135123 Convention is a collection of geriatrics, the deputies. Don't want them there.
ksaWmSuMnE8-00242-00135123-00135699 With a few crazy- you get the Looney Tunes there as well. Crazy kids
ksaWmSuMnE8-00243-00135699-00136146 who they're now all walking off to be in Seattle this year so they may not come
ksaWmSuMnE8-00244-00136146-00136737 to General Convention but the second is the Episcopal Church it's a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00245-00136737-00137274 multi-million dollar extravaganza and bishops send eight people. Four clergy
ksaWmSuMnE8-00246-00137274-00137838 four deputies, plus their bishops, for a week. Baltimore's not a cheap city in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00247-00137838-00138552 Not cheap at all. And the Episcopal Church insists on only holding it in
ksaWmSuMnE8-00248-00138552-00138996 Union venues so they're not getting any cheap- they're not gonna be at the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00249-00138996-00139866 Marriott. I think and the Covid 19 has just destroyed diocesan cash flow so
ksaWmSuMnE8-00250-00139866-00140325 They're not gonna have the money to do this. I've heard churches- I don't know if
ksaWmSuMnE8-00251-00140325-00140708 your church, but many diocese don't send money until this is over
ksaWmSuMnE8-00252-00140708-00141430 you know, we're forgiving you three, four months worth of assessment. Well it did
ksaWmSuMnE8-00253-00141430-00142260 they're saying don't send money now... it's the forgiveness part that is being left
ksaWmSuMnE8-00254-00142260-00142653 unsaid. Uh yeah. I made that up. I didn't hear forgiveness. I said I see we're
ksaWmSuMnE8-00255-00142653-00143400 saying there. So- and it's like this PPP money. Our church
ksaWmSuMnE8-00256-00143400-00143811 is debating whether we accept it because the strings. iIf you really read the fine
ksaWmSuMnE8-00257-00143811-00144414 print. The strings are such that you know what is three, you know two months salary
ksaWmSuMnE8-00258-00144414-00145182 for me and the secretary, is it worth having the government in your face? So we
ksaWmSuMnE8-00259-00145182-00145880 have to figure and fortunately where we have several months cash on hand even
ksaWmSuMnE8-00260-00145880-00146267 before all this. So we're not against the wall like most Episcopal
ksaWmSuMnE8-00261-00146267-00146879 churches are, who don't have trusts. Yeah I think that our vestry meeting it was a
ksaWmSuMnE8-00262-00146879-00147346 20 second, 30 second topic. Good. Yeah we don't want that
ksaWmSuMnE8-00263-00147346-00147826 We don't want Uncle Sam and you know you know in control of our purse
ksaWmSuMnE8-00264-00147826-00148191 strings.Wwell interesting show. We finally got one recorded. What's this? Our second
ksaWmSuMnE8-00265-00148191-00148680 or third take. I'm glad we finally got one done and here's the thing, we're
ksaWmSuMnE8-00266-00148680-00149185 going to be doing Tuesdays and Fridays recording because the difficulty is you
ksaWmSuMnE8-00267-00149185-00149686 have staff meeting via zoom every Monday by the time we're done with that, by the
ksaWmSuMnE8-00268-00149686-00150102 time I'm done with my Monday emergencies, we're both brain dead. It's not worth
ksaWmSuMnE8-00269-00150102-00150475 listening to us on a Monday and then we do Fridays and Fridays is a good
ksaWmSuMnE8-00270-00150475-00150946 clean up for all the week of news. So please pay attention. Then how do we get
ksaWmSuMnE8-00271-00150946-00151416 to know when the new show comes out? you gotta subscribe. Go to youtube. Subscribe
ksaWmSuMnE8-00272-00151416-00152076 I'm Kevin Kallsen. I'm George Conger and you've been watching episode 604 of
ksaWmSuMnE8-00273-00152076-00152376 Anglican Unscripted
kv0XbVMf_lM-00000-00001064-00001464 What a nice view!!!  The sky covered by thousands of birds.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00001-00002489-00002860 Twice a year, billions of birds  migrate as seasons change,
kv0XbVMf_lM-00002-00002860-00003479 seeking overwintering areas or safe nesting areas with sufficient feed for their young ones.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00003-00003600-00004000 Unfortunately, some of these birds may carry pathogens
kv0XbVMf_lM-00004-00004000-00004424 that can harm people and animals as they  move across geographic borders.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00005-00004964-00005608 One of the dangerous diseases of recent years –  avian influenza – is associated with migratory birds.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00006-00005684-00006234 Outbreaks of avian influenza have led to the death or  culling of millions of poultry and pigs
kv0XbVMf_lM-00007-00006234-00006672 and untold millions of dollars  in losses to farmers and producers.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00008-00006742-00007126 Avian influenza is also a deadly  disease that affects humans.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00009-00007200-00007695 Since its inception in 1964, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division
kv0XbVMf_lM-00010-00007695-00008098 is working with rural communities and veterinary  services around the world
kv0XbVMf_lM-00011-00008098-00008630 applying nuclear and related techniques to reduce the  risk of diseases in farm animals,
kv0XbVMf_lM-00012-00008630-00008924 including those of risk to humans.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00013-00008974-00009396 A specific focus is on technologies that allow the  identification of a pathogen
kv0XbVMf_lM-00014-00009396-00009689 before the outbreak of the disease.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00015-00009690-00010310 In the case of avian influenza, the stable isotope  composition of a bird’s feathers, claws or beaks
kv0XbVMf_lM-00016-00010310-00010728 reveals where the migrating bird began its journey;
kv0XbVMf_lM-00017-00010728-00011052 molecular techniques can detect  the presence of viruses,
kv0XbVMf_lM-00018-00011052-00011430 such as avian influenza, in droppings of infected birds;
kv0XbVMf_lM-00019-00011430-00011818 and can pinpoint the species of birds that are infected.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00020-00012236-00012566 Combining the information gathered  by these techniques,
kv0XbVMf_lM-00021-00012566-00012900 researchers can track those birds as they travel,
kv0XbVMf_lM-00022-00012954-00013291 determine where they come from,  what paths they have taken
kv0XbVMf_lM-00023-00013597-00013869 and which species are carrying the virus.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00024-00013869-00014419 This gives veterinary services a head start in predicting  sites at higher risk of outbreaks.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00025-00014566-00015116 Nuclear and nuclear related techniques are highly  accurate, sensitive and non-invasive.
kv0XbVMf_lM-00026-00015116-00015609 Their use offers tremendous advantages for disease  monitoring in wild birds
kv0XbVMf_lM-00027-00015609-00016037 and can contribute effectively to reducing the risk of   diseases spreading.
kv-OoULnxIk-00000-00000088-00001272 Let's talk about area just a little; say we have a polar curve
kv-OoULnxIk-00001-00001488-00003176 r equals f(theta), and theta is defined on some closed interval.
kv-OoULnxIk-00002-00003464-00004384 This inequality, theta between alpha and beta,
kv-OoULnxIk-00003-00004760-00005784 gives you a "cone" like that, and r equals f(theta)
kv-OoULnxIk-00004-00006048-00006448 gives you some kind of curve.
kv-OoULnxIk-00005-00006736-00007480 And we are going to find the area of this region.
kv-OoULnxIk-00006-00007848-00008104 Our formula, though, is that
kv-OoULnxIk-00007-00008104-00008784 A is the integral from alpha to beta
kv-OoULnxIk-00008-00009056-00010096 of one half the radius squared d theta
kv-OoULnxIk-00009-00010448-00011216 Probably the most commonly used application of this formula
kv-OoULnxIk-00010-00011320-00011936 is not to find areas of regions that look like this
kv-OoULnxIk-00011-00012544-00013400 but rather to find areas
kv-OoULnxIk-00012-00013816-00014344 of close regions like this.
kv-OoULnxIk-00013-00014504-00015304 And the way you can use this formula to find an area of a closed region?
kv-OoULnxIk-00014-00015432-00016008 Well when theta equals zero you're here,
kv-OoULnxIk-00015-00016119-00016984 and as theta increases you go about the curve,
kv-OoULnxIk-00016-00017192-00018416 and when theta reaches 2 * pi you wind up back where you started.
kv-OoULnxIk-00017-00018416-00019784 So to find the area of a region like this, let alpha be zero, beta be 2 * pi.
kv-OoULnxIk-00018-00019920-00020456 Let's look at an example, r equals
kv-OoULnxIk-00019-00020520-00021184 two times (one plus the cosine of theta)
kv-OoULnxIk-00020-00021504-00022400 The shape that this equation gives us is called a cardoid
kv-OoULnxIk-00021-00022808-00023328 because it looks like a heart.
kv-OoULnxIk-00022-00023528-00023984 Let's find the area of this region;
kv-OoULnxIk-00023-00024304-00024736 here is the general formula,
kv-OoULnxIk-00024-00024736-00025568 the if we plug this in for r,
kv-OoULnxIk-00025-00025776-00026072 and we remember our trick,
kv-OoULnxIk-00026-00026368-00028183 that for the area of an enclosed region we go from zero to 2 * pi,
kv-OoULnxIk-00027-00028920-00029983 here's the integral we get; and now it's just a matter of
kv-OoULnxIk-00028-00029983-00030448 whether or not we can evaluate this thing.
kv-OoULnxIk-00029-00030632-00031448 2 squared is four, times one half,
kv-OoULnxIk-00030-00031944-00032408 that will give us two ...
kv-OoULnxIk-00031-00032408-00032952 (one plus the cosine) squared is
kv-OoULnxIk-00032-00032952-00034320 one plus two times the cosine of theta plus the cosine squared of theta.
kv-OoULnxIk-00033-00034624-00035360 So one, no problem, the cosine, no problem,
kv-OoULnxIk-00034-00035496-00036392 the cosine squared ... we never really spent a lot of time
kv-OoULnxIk-00035-00036488-00037728 on even powers, but the trick here is that the cosine squared
kv-OoULnxIk-00036-00037824-00038536 is (one plus the cosine of two theta)
kv-OoULnxIk-00037-00039168-00039440 divided by two.
kv-OoULnxIk-00038-00039664-00040784 Now we multiply this two through,
kv-OoULnxIk-00039-00041040-00041488 we get the integral from zero to two pi,
kv-OoULnxIk-00040-00041704-00042504 two plus (four times the cosine of theta)
kv-OoULnxIk-00041-00042712-00044232 plus 1 plus (the cosine of 2 theta) d theta.
kv-OoULnxIk-00042-00044344-00045176 So this 2 and this 1 give us 3,
kv-OoULnxIk-00043-00045304-00045784 the antiderivative of 3 is 3 * theta
kv-OoULnxIk-00044-00046008-00046552 the antiderivative of the cosine is the sine,
kv-OoULnxIk-00045-00046928-00047952 here we'll have one half the sine of (2 * theta)
kv-OoULnxIk-00046-00048272-00049352 evaluated from zero to 2 *pi, and when we stick
kv-OoULnxIk-00047-00049352-00049840 2 * pi in, this becomes 6 * pi.
kv-OoULnxIk-00048-00050160-00050800 The sine of 2 * pi and the sine of 4 * pi are both 0,
kv-OoULnxIk-00049-00050912-00051248 so this is the only non-zero term,
kv-OoULnxIk-00050-00051367-00052760 stick zero in we get zero, zero, zero, so the area of this region is 6 * pi
kwZnXk0cso4-00000-00000000-00000225 [MUSIC PLAYING]
kwZnXk0cso4-00001-00001285-00001741 Faculty need to let students know when assignments are due.
kwZnXk0cso4-00002-00001741-00002068 We can't just leave it as an open-ended assignment
kwZnXk0cso4-00003-00002068-00002392 that it looks like it's not due till the end of the semester.
kwZnXk0cso4-00004-00002392-00002557 We need to be able to say, OK, you
kwZnXk0cso4-00005-00002557-00002900 need to respond to this question by a certain amount of time,
kwZnXk0cso4-00006-00002900-00003245 which gives the faculty member the opportunity
kwZnXk0cso4-00007-00003245-00003433 to grade their work and get feedback straight
kwZnXk0cso4-00008-00003433-00003688 to the student in a timely manner
kwZnXk0cso4-00009-00003688-00003950 to let them know that, yes, you're doing great.
kwZnXk0cso4-00010-00003950-00004363 Or think about this in your next response.
kwZnXk0cso4-00011-00004363-00004592 How can you improve on the response?
kwZnXk0cso4-00012-00004592-00004942 If we provide the timeline for the students
kwZnXk0cso4-00013-00004942-00005242 to get their work done, it gives the faculty member
kwZnXk0cso4-00014-00005242-00005530 a timeline in which to get them proper feedback
kwZnXk0cso4-00015-00005530-00005677 on how they're doing.
kwZnXk0cso4-00016-00005677-00006089 Well, the immediate feedback is as a learning principle.
kwZnXk0cso4-00017-00006089-00006580 It's good to provide feedback within the same day or the day
kwZnXk0cso4-00018-00006580-00006781 after a student submits things.
kwZnXk0cso4-00019-00006781-00006988 That becomes a challenge for instructors
kwZnXk0cso4-00020-00006988-00007270 if you have a lot of activities in your course
kwZnXk0cso4-00021-00007270-00007567 that require assessment and feedback.
kwZnXk0cso4-00022-00007567-00007867 But if students are going to modify their future behavior,
kwZnXk0cso4-00023-00007867-00008137 they have to understand what they
kwZnXk0cso4-00024-00008137-00008377 have done wrong in the present.
kwZnXk0cso4-00025-00008377-00008692 So that's why we always advocate for faculty
kwZnXk0cso4-00026-00008692-00009055 to give frequent and immediate feedback.
kwZnXk0cso4-00027-00009055-00009238 In an online environment, students
kwZnXk0cso4-00028-00009238-00009688 find it very frustrating when they send an email or a message
kwZnXk0cso4-00029-00009688-00009967 and they don't hear back from a professor for days or weeks.
kwZnXk0cso4-00030-00009967-00010165 And so it's really important that they
kwZnXk0cso4-00031-00010165-00010381 get that instant feedback or as instant
kwZnXk0cso4-00032-00010381-00010723 as possible when they don't have the face-to-face possibility.
kwZnXk0cso4-00033-00010723-00010976 I let my students know on the syllabus
kwZnXk0cso4-00034-00010976-00011344 that I will respond to their emails
kwZnXk0cso4-00035-00011344-00011677 within 24 hours or their messages on Blackboard.
kwZnXk0cso4-00036-00011677-00012031 And I always, if I don't have an answer right away for them,
kwZnXk0cso4-00037-00012031-00012376 I let them know that I will find the answer for them
kwZnXk0cso4-00038-00012376-00012703 and respond as soon as I possibly can.
kwZnXk0cso4-00039-00012703-00013180 I think sometimes students have the expectation
kwZnXk0cso4-00040-00013180-00013405 that a professor will be available 24 hours
kwZnXk0cso4-00041-00013405-00013528 a day, 7 days a week.
kwZnXk0cso4-00042-00013528-00013888 And so a potential pitfalls is if a professor
kwZnXk0cso4-00043-00013888-00014257 doesn't let a student know that they might not
kwZnXk0cso4-00044-00014257-00014568 respond over a weekend or over a vacation
kwZnXk0cso4-00045-00014568-00014818 or something like that, that a student can become frustrated
kwZnXk0cso4-00046-00014818-00014916 easily.
kwZnXk0cso4-00047-00014916-00015250 My courses, and the courses that I help other folks design,
kwZnXk0cso4-00048-00015250-00015583 I always advocate and practice myself a lot
kwZnXk0cso4-00049-00015583-00015811 of small-stakes assessments.
kwZnXk0cso4-00050-00015811-00016180 For example, in my course I assess every discussion post.
kwZnXk0cso4-00051-00016180-00016463 And I provide feedback on those that I find unacceptable,
kwZnXk0cso4-00052-00016463-00016634 and I explain the reason why.
kwZnXk0cso4-00053-00016634-00017242 And I have, perhaps, as many as 200 or 300 discussion posts
kwZnXk0cso4-00054-00017242-00017572 that are required in a course that I teach.
kwZnXk0cso4-00055-00017572-00017770 And so that's a lot of feedback.
kwZnXk0cso4-00056-00017770-00018181 And once students, however, get through the initial couple
kwZnXk0cso4-00057-00018181-00018557 of discussion forums and they've seen what kinds of mistakes
kwZnXk0cso4-00058-00018557-00018820 they can make, they make them less and less frequent.
kwZnXk0cso4-00059-00018820-00019090 So my job as the feedback-provider
kwZnXk0cso4-00060-00019090-00019264 gets easier as the course matures.
kwZnXk0cso4-00061-00019264-00019729 I know that some instructors use an application which
kwZnXk0cso4-00062-00019729-00019950 is like a clipboard, which saves responses
kwZnXk0cso4-00063-00019950-00020096 so that they can be reused, they're
kwZnXk0cso4-00064-00020096-00020345 like reusable responses.
kwZnXk0cso4-00065-00020345-00020605 Other people just simply write their responses
kwZnXk0cso4-00066-00020605-00021040 in Microsoft Word and then copy and paste them as appropriate.
kwZnXk0cso4-00067-00021040-00021559 But you have to have some way of making your job efficient.
kwZnXk0cso4-00068-00021559-00021722 An instructor is going to burn out
kwZnXk0cso4-00069-00021722-00021910 if they're spending hours and hours and hours
kwZnXk0cso4-00070-00021910-00022381 in every course they teach providing feedback to students.
kwZnXk0cso4-00071-00022381-00022789 For providing extensive feedback on important assignments
kwZnXk0cso4-00072-00022789-00022918 is also important.
kwZnXk0cso4-00073-00022918-00023191 But providing quick and dirty feedback
kwZnXk0cso4-00074-00023191-00023567 on repetitive assignments can also be equally productive,
kwZnXk0cso4-00075-00023567-00023713 as it shapes the student's behavior
kwZnXk0cso4-00076-00023713-00023941 to be more and more what you want.
kwZnXk0cso4-00077-00023941-00024130 Instructors are good at reminding students
kwZnXk0cso4-00078-00024130-00024318 that it's important to keep up.
kwZnXk0cso4-00079-00024318-00024460 And so instructional designers are
kwZnXk0cso4-00080-00024460-00024962 good at reminding instructors that it's important to keep up.
kwZnXk0cso4-00081-00024962-00025270 If you fall behind or take a few days off,
kwZnXk0cso4-00082-00025270-00025504 the quantity of work that you face
kwZnXk0cso4-00083-00025504-00025735 can be a little bit depressing.
kwZnXk0cso4-00084-00025735-00026173 So logging on and replying rapidly to students
kwZnXk0cso4-00085-00026173-00026297 is important.
kwZnXk0cso4-00086-00026297-00026560 I also recommend that, in important discussions where
kwZnXk0cso4-00087-00026560-00026866 feedback needs to be provided right away for mistakes,
kwZnXk0cso4-00088-00026866-00027183 subscribe to the discussion forum so that you know almost--
kwZnXk0cso4-00089-00027183-00027547 your cell phone dings every time somebody puts a post in.
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kwZnXk0cso4-00092-00027877-00028161 [MUSIC PLAYING]
kxfm8f82bPc-00000-00000000-00000200 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00022-00004400-00004600 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00026-00005200-00005400 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00028-00005350-00005400 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00029-00005350-00005400 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00030-00005350-00005400 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
kxfm8f82bPc-00031-00005350-00005400 God Of War Gameplay | RTX 3070 4K DLSS Ultra
k_-rjsXImfk-00000-00000017-00000668 In this video we look at several analysis design methods used in statistical papers.
k_-rjsXImfk-00001-00000668-00001164 This is part four in the Navigating Statistics in Research series.
k_-rjsXImfk-00002-00001164-00001704 The analysis design is a description of the statistical methods used by authors to develop
k_-rjsXImfk-00003-00001704-00001934 an understanding of the results.
k_-rjsXImfk-00004-00001934-00002489 It is found throughout both the methods section and results section, and is usually integrated
k_-rjsXImfk-00005-00002489-00003125 into the same paragraphs that focus on results or measurement evaluation.
k_-rjsXImfk-00006-00003125-00003744 The focus of the analysis is on what steps are taken or what tests and adjustments are
k_-rjsXImfk-00007-00003744-00004280 made to ensure the analysis method will work in the current situation.
k_-rjsXImfk-00008-00004280-00004860 In the methods section, we will see descriptions on what steps are taken to ensure appropriate
k_-rjsXImfk-00009-00004860-00005335 selection of specimens or survey respondents it made.
k_-rjsXImfk-00010-00005335-00005930 If it is an experiment involving groups and controls, the author will describe how the
k_-rjsXImfk-00011-00005930-00006447 groups were chosen, what the main differences are between the groups, and the steps taken
k_-rjsXImfk-00012-00006447-00006865 to ensure independence between the groups.
k_-rjsXImfk-00013-00006865-00007502 The key concepts that both author and reader consider are: whether there are any biases
k_-rjsXImfk-00014-00007502-00007970 or confounding variables introduced by the measurement methods; and whether there is
k_-rjsXImfk-00015-00007970-00008558 sufficient independence between the variables and between the groups.
k_-rjsXImfk-00016-00008558-00009160 Some of the analysis decisions can only be determined after looking at the results.
k_-rjsXImfk-00017-00009160-00009772 Most analysis methods come with a set of assumptions, so the first stage of presenting the results
k_-rjsXImfk-00018-00009772-00010208 typically addresses testing the assumptions against the obtained data.
k_-rjsXImfk-00019-00010208-00010675 If it passes the test, then the designated analysis can progress.
k_-rjsXImfk-00020-00010675-00011315 However, if it doesn’t pass the test, then either the analysis method has to be changed
k_-rjsXImfk-00021-00011315-00012102 to an alternative method, or the data altered in an appropriate way to meet the assumptions.
k_-rjsXImfk-00022-00012102-00012550 At times, certain data points can dominate an analysis.
k_-rjsXImfk-00023-00012550-00013121 This is only apparent after we have looked at the results, that is, after the analysis
k_-rjsXImfk-00024-00013121-00013221 is complete.
k_-rjsXImfk-00025-00013221-00013898 So, statisticians have developed post-analysis tests to assess the validity of the results
k_-rjsXImfk-00026-00013898-00014222 and ways to deal with the problem data points.
k_-rjsXImfk-00027-00014222-00014754 This is the end of the fourth video in the Navigating Statistics in Research series.
kAFuahvrH80-00000-00000256-00000640 Hello everyone and welcome to The Rooftop, the home of
kAFuahvrH80-00001-00000640-00001071 good news worth shouting about. This is where we share positive stories
kAFuahvrH80-00002-00001071-00001455 about the issues that matter and campaigns that make a difference.
kAFuahvrH80-00003-00001456-00001912 I am Ian Morton and welcome to Rooftop TV.
kAFuahvrH80-00004-00002134-00002608 So this week, we have had, a as ever, a couple of really
kAFuahvrH80-00005-00002608-00002959 heartwarming stories about what can happen when community
kAFuahvrH80-00006-00002960-00003415 comes together to support those in need. So the first story for this week is
kAFuahvrH80-00007-00003508-00003847 about a couple of Syrian refugees called
kAFuahvrH80-00008-00003847-00004184 Youssef and Zaher who have been making personal protective
kAFuahvrH80-00009-00004184-00004768 equipment for a care home in Sheffield, or PPE as we now know it. So Youssef and
kAFuahvrH80-00010-00004768-00005048 Zaher have been training other tailors and
kAFuahvrH80-00011-00005048-00005376 seamstresses to make PPE for the care home in Sheffield
kAFuahvrH80-00012-00005376-00005807 The idea came about through a project
kAFuahvrH80-00013-00005807-00006144 which is supported by the charity World Jewish Relief
kAFuahvrH80-00014-00006144-00006472 which they're doing in collaboration with the Refugee Council
kAFuahvrH80-00015-00006472-00006792 Now, the pair wanted to give back to the community which has
kAFuahvrH80-00016-00006792-00007215 just welcomed them so warmly since they came to the country to settle here and I
kAFuahvrH80-00017-00007215-00007479 thought Zaher's comment was particularly touching
kAFuahvrH80-00018-00007479-00007864 He said, "Even when I have problems I like
kAFuahvrH80-00019-00007864-00008247 to help others as it raises my spirit. I'm not doing
kAFuahvrH80-00020-00008247-00008679 this for the reward, I'm doing it to help those in need."
kAFuahvrH80-00021-00008679-00009047 Thank you so much Zaher and Youssef. A really great story
kAFuahvrH80-00022-00009047-00009536 And thank you to World Jewish Relief for tipping us off about it.
kAFuahvrH80-00023-00009536-00009920 Now our next story is about an inspiring 16 year old
kAFuahvrH80-00024-00009922-00010336 from London who started an initiative to address loneliness
kAFuahvrH80-00025-00010336-00010896 in care homes. So, Nina Anderson, she's managed, while she's doing her
kAFuahvrH80-00026-00010896-00011304 school work to get more than 50 primary schools
kAFuahvrH80-00027-00011304-00011752 to match with a care home each where the pupils then write letters to the
kAFuahvrH80-00028-00011752-00012128 care home residents. The scheme is called Community Senior Letters
kAFuahvrH80-00029-00012128-00012464 and it's resulted in a number of
kAFuahvrH80-00030-00012464-00012984 friendships formed between the pupils and the care home residents.
kAFuahvrH80-00031-00012984-00013295 It's yet another inspiring story that we've  seen from a young person
kAFuahvrH80-00032-00013295-00013800 during Covid-19. As I say, particularly so since Nina has been doing her homework
kAFuahvrH80-00033-00013800-00014263 her school work while running this really inspiring project
kAFuahvrH80-00034-00014263-00014656 So thank you so much Nina and, you know, a really great reminder of how
kAFuahvrH80-00035-00014656-00015119 important kindness is during these times. You know, we see
kAFuahvrH80-00036-00015119-00015568 a divergence of opinion, especially on social media at the moment
kAFuahvrH80-00037-00015568-00016095 across a range of topics and, you know, I think what is often missing is
kAFuahvrH80-00038-00016095-00016559 human kindness and this is a great example of that.
kAFuahvrH80-00039-00016559-00016944 So our final story this week is about a campaign to end fuel poverty.
kAFuahvrH80-00040-00016944-00017384 So what fuel poverty is is when a household
kAFuahvrH80-00041-00017384-00017928 can't afford to keep adequately warm in the colder weather
kAFuahvrH80-00042-00017928-00018336 because of the income of that household
kAFuahvrH80-00043-00018336-00018912 Now, in England 10 percent of the country, 10 percent are already in
kAFuahvrH80-00044-00018912-00019280 fuel poverty which is a whopping 2.4 million people
kAFuahvrH80-00045-00019280-00019615 Now, the End Fuel Poverty Coalition this week has claimed that
kAFuahvrH80-00046-00019615-00020184 an extra 200,000 people or rather 200,000 households
kAFuahvrH80-00047-00020184-00020712 are likely to fall into fuel poverty because of the economic downturn which
kAFuahvrH80-00048-00020712-00021072 we all face right now. Now the coalition has called for urgent
kAFuahvrH80-00049-00021072-00021423 action. It has written to Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister
kAFuahvrH80-00050-00021423-00021848 and it's given him four practical steps that the government can take
kAFuahvrH80-00051-00021848-00022312 to end fuel poverty. You can also lend your support for the campaign
kAFuahvrH80-00052-00022312-00022720 there's a petition on change.org and the petition address is
kAFuahvrH80-00053-00022720-00023056 www.change.org/endfuelpoverty
kAFuahvrH80-00054-00023298-00023543 Well, that's all we've got time for this week folks.
kAFuahvrH80-00055-00023543-00023776 Thank you for joining us. You can find out more about
kAFuahvrH80-00056-00023776-00024136 today's stories and all the other positive news stories
kAFuahvrH80-00057-00024136-00024543 on our website which is therooftop.news.
kAFuahvrH80-00058-00024543-00024976 You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at @newsfromtherooftop
kAFuahvrH80-00059-00024976-00025336 We're also on Twitter and the Twitter handle is
kAFuahvrH80-00060-00025336-00025783 @newsfromrooftop
kAFuahvrH80-00061-00025783-00026191 And, as ever, we love to hear about your positive stories. Please do keep sending
kAFuahvrH80-00062-00026191-00026432 them in. If there's anything at all you want us to shout about
kAFuahvrH80-00063-00026432-00026952 email us editor@therooftop.news
kAFuahvrH80-00064-00026952-00027519 I'm Ian Morton. This is The Rooftop, the home of good news worth shouting about.
kAFuahvrH80-00065-00027519-00027912 Thank you so much for joining us.
kAFuahvrH80-00066-00027912-00028250 Stay well and we'll see you next week. Take care.
kC76P3-30fM-00000-00001948-00002648 We are considering q R decomposition of n by n invertible matrix using reflectors. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00001-00002786-00003486 we will discuss this q R decomposition and then after that I want to consider approximation
kC76P3-30fM-00002-00003701-00004401 of a continuous function by polynomials in the 2 norm. So, that is known as least square
kC76P3-30fM-00003-00004555-00005255 approximation. We have already considered best approximation in the infinity norm. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00004-00005300-00006000 now this will be best approximation in the 2 norm. So, first we look at the q R decomposition
kC76P3-30fM-00005-00006282-00006433 of an invertible matrix.
kC76P3-30fM-00006-00006433-00007133 So, we have a to be an invertible matrix of size n and our aim is to find an orthogonal
kC76P3-30fM-00007-00007328-00008028 matrix q; that means, matrix which satisfies q transpose q is equal to identity and an
kC76P3-30fM-00008-00008089-00008789 upper triangular matrix R, such that a is equal to q into r. So, this we are going to
kC76P3-30fM-00009-00008855-00009128 achieve using reflectors.
kC76P3-30fM-00010-00009128-00009828 So, let me recall the reflectors, if you have 2 vectors in R n, such that x is not equal
kC76P3-30fM-00011-00010045-00010745 to y and the euclidian norm of x and y, they are the same. Then what we do is, we look
kC76P3-30fM-00012-00011020-00011720 at parallelogram with sides as x and y. The diagonals of this parallelogram, they will
kC76P3-30fM-00013-00011900-00012600 be given by vector x plus y and vector x minus y. We consider a unit vector in the direction
kC76P3-30fM-00014-00012934-00013634 of x minus y, which is given by u is equal to x minus y divided by its norm and v is
kC76P3-30fM-00015-00013738-00014438 a unit vector along the other diagonal. So, v is x plus y divided by its norm. These 2
kC76P3-30fM-00016-00014615-00015254 unit vectors u and v, they are going to be perpendicular. So, inner product of u with
kC76P3-30fM-00017-00015254-00015954 v is equal to 0. What we want is a reflector, which will take vector x to vector y. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00018-00016272-00016973 we want orthogonal matrix q such that q x is equal to y. So, we look at the reflection
kC76P3-30fM-00019-00016993-00017693 in the line along the direction of v. The reflector q will be given by identity matrix
kC76P3-30fM-00020-00018045-00018331 minus 2 u u transpose.
kC76P3-30fM-00021-00018331-00019031 When you look at q into u, that is going to be u minus 2 u u transpose u. U being a unit
kC76P3-30fM-00022-00019501-00020151 vector u transpose u will be equal to 1. So, we have u minus 2 u, So, that is equal to
kC76P3-30fM-00023-00020151-00020851 minus u. On the other hand when I look at q of v, it will be v minus 2 u u transpose
kC76P3-30fM-00024-00021068-00021768 v, since u and v are perpendicular to each other, q of v will be equal to v. So, thus
kC76P3-30fM-00025-00021981-00022581 if you define u and v in this fashion and look at q to be equal to identity minus 2
kC76P3-30fM-00026-00022581-00023281 u u transpose, it has got property, that q u is equal to minus u and q of v is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00027-00023387-00024031 to v. Now, look at vector x. This we write as x
kC76P3-30fM-00028-00024031-00024731 plus y by 2 plus x minus y by 2. Q of u is equal to minus u. U is x minus y divided by
kC76P3-30fM-00029-00025154-00025854 norm of x minus y. And hence q of x minus y by 2 will be minus of x minus y by 2 because
kC76P3-30fM-00030-00026235-00026935 x minus y by 2 is perpendicular to vector u. Q of v is equal to v and hence q of x plus
kC76P3-30fM-00031-00027120-00027820 y by 2 will be equal to x plus y by 2 and thus we get q of x is equal to y.
kC76P3-30fM-00032-00028044-00028744 We have achieved the fact that if x and y are vectors which are not equal with the same
kC76P3-30fM-00033-00028764-00029464 euclidian norm, then we can find q, such that q x is equal to y. Now, let us look at the
kC76P3-30fM-00034-00029597-00030297 properties of q. First of all q transpose is going to be equal to q. Q x is equal to
kC76P3-30fM-00035-00030500-00031200 y and consider q square. So, this will be identity minus 2 u u transpose multiplied
kC76P3-30fM-00036-00031517-00032217 by itself. So, when you multiply, you are going to have identity minus 2 u u transpose
kC76P3-30fM-00037-00032429-00033129 minus 2 u u transpose plus four u u transpose u u transpose. This u transpose u is going
kC76P3-30fM-00038-00033529-00034229 to be equal to 1 because u is a unit vector. So, thus we have here four u u transpose,
kC76P3-30fM-00039-00034244-00034944 which will get canceled with this minus four u u transpose and you have q square is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00040-00034950-00035650 to identity. Thus q transpose is equal to q and q square is equal to identity. So, this
kC76P3-30fM-00041-00035842-00036542 matrix q is going to be orthogonal matrix. So, our q is the desired matrix which takes
kC76P3-30fM-00042-00036764-00037297 vector x to vector y and it is a orthogonal matrix.
kC76P3-30fM-00043-00037297-00037997 Now, look at our n by n matrix. So, it is a invertible matrix. So, what we are going
kC76P3-30fM-00044-00038117-00038817 to do is, we are first going to look at the first column, a 1 1 a 3 1 a n 1. This column
kC76P3-30fM-00045-00038878-00039578 will be a non-0 column, because a is invertible. This column, what we want to do is, we want
kC76P3-30fM-00046-00039860-00040560 to reduce a to an upper triangular form. That means, we want to introduce zeroes in the
kC76P3-30fM-00047-00040896-00041596 first column below the diagonal. That is what we are going to do using reflectors. So, now
kC76P3-30fM-00048-00041685-00042385 we have got the first column. It is a non-0 vector. We want to convert it into a vector,
kC76P3-30fM-00049-00042772-00043472 which has only first entry to be non-0 and all other entries to be 0. Since the new vector
kC76P3-30fM-00050-00043724-00044424 should have the same euclidian norm as the original vector, the first entry, it should
kC76P3-30fM-00051-00044425-00045125 be norm of the first column or it should be minus of norm of the first column.
kC76P3-30fM-00052-00045403-00046103 So, here take vector x to be equal to a 1 1 a 2 1 a n 1 the first column, vector y to
kC76P3-30fM-00053-00046465-00047165 be sigma 1 0 0 0 where sigma 1 is nothing, but euclidian norm of x; that means, a 1 1
kC76P3-30fM-00054-00047334-00048034 square plus a 2 1 square plus a n 1 square whole thing raise to half. Then euclidian
kC76P3-30fM-00055-00048262-00048962 norm of y is equal to norm of x, even if I write here minus sigma 1, then also this property
kC76P3-30fM-00056-00049339-00050039 will be satisfy. So, thus we have got 2 vectors, which I have got the same norm, then we know
kC76P3-30fM-00057-00050120-00050820 how to construct a orthogonal matrix q, such that q x is equal to y. So, sigma 1 is the
kC76P3-30fM-00058-00050976-00051676 norm of this vector, we look at u to be equal to x minus y divided by its norm and then
kC76P3-30fM-00059-00051908-00052608 q 1 is equal to identity minus 2 u u transpose, then q 1 of x is going to be equal to y. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00060-00053039-00053739 thus we can reduce the first column to a column of the form sigma 1 0 0 0.
kC76P3-30fM-00061-00054057-00054757 Now, let me look at the norm of x minus y. Norm of x minus y is given by the square of
kC76P3-30fM-00062-00055605-00056305 all the entries, sum it up and then its square root. So, it is going to be summation a I
kC76P3-30fM-00063-00056333-00057033 1 square minus 2 times sigma 1 a 1 1 plus sigma 1 square. Sigma 1 square is the norm
kC76P3-30fM-00064-00057406-00058106 of x, so, it is summation a I 1 square and hence norm of x minus y will be equal to 2
kC76P3-30fM-00065-00058323-00058723 sigma 1 into sigma 1 minus a 1 1.
kC76P3-30fM-00066-00058723-00059414 So, we have calculated, we need to calculate sigma 1, we need to calculate. Once you calculate
kC76P3-30fM-00067-00059414-00060114 sigma 1, norm of x minus y is given by this quantity. Then q 1 is identity minus 2 u u
kC76P3-30fM-00068-00060324-00061024 transpose. This we have calculated that is 2 sigma 1 sigma 1 minus a 1 1 and sigma 1
kC76P3-30fM-00069-00061236-00061936 is this. So, now we are not going to calculate q 1 explicitly as a matrix. What we want to
kC76P3-30fM-00070-00062264-00062964 do is apply q 1 to a. So, we will look at the columns of a, we will call them as C 1
kC76P3-30fM-00071-00063141-00063841 C 2 C n and we need to look at the action of q 1 on each column. So, we have q 1 a is
kC76P3-30fM-00072-00064269-00064969 equal to q 1 C 1 C 3 C n the columns of a, this will be q 1 C 1 q 1 C 2 q 1 C n. Q 1
kC76P3-30fM-00073-00065551-00065988 C 1 is going to be vector sigma 1 and then 0 0 0.
kC76P3-30fM-00074-00065988-00066688 Look at q 1 C 2, q 1 is identity minus 2 u u transpose and hence q 1 C 2 will be C 2
kC76P3-30fM-00075-00067088-00067788 minus 2 u u transpose C 2. So, this is nothing, but inner product of C 2 and u. So, the second
kC76P3-30fM-00076-00067952-00068652 column will be given by original column C 2 minus 2 times, this inner product multiplied
kC76P3-30fM-00077-00068850-00069550 by vector u, and similarly for the other columns q 1 C 3 q 1 C 4 and q 1 C n. Then look at
kC76P3-30fM-00078-00069985-00070685 this q 1 into a. The first column is reduced to sigma 1 and then 0 0 0. The second third
kC76P3-30fM-00079-00071058-00071637 nth column, they will all get modified. So, I am denoting the modified entries of the
kC76P3-30fM-00080-00071637-00072337 matrix as a 1 2 super script 1 a 2 2 superscript 1 and so on. So, this is about the first column.
kC76P3-30fM-00081-00072622-00073322 Now, what we want is, we will look at the second column, and in the second column, we
kC76P3-30fM-00082-00073343-00074043 want to introduce zeros below the diagonal. Now, in the process, we do not want our first
kC76P3-30fM-00083-00074166-00074866 column to be disturbed, because we have already achieved the desired form. So, what we will
kC76P3-30fM-00084-00074885-00075585 do is, we will look at this n minus 1 by n minus 1 sub matrix. And then we will look
kC76P3-30fM-00085-00075691-00076391 at the first column of that n minus 1 by n minus 1 sub matrix and find a orthogonal matrix
kC76P3-30fM-00086-00076726-00077426 of size n minus 1, which will reduce the first column of this smaller matrix 2 a vector of
kC76P3-30fM-00087-00077772-00078436 the form here it will be non-0 and rest of the things they are going to be 0.
kC76P3-30fM-00088-00078436-00079136 So, find n minus 1 by n minus 1 matrix q 2 tilde, such that q 2 tilde of this vector
kC76P3-30fM-00089-00079706-00080406 of size n minus 1. It becomes sigma 2 and then all the entries to be 0, where sigma
kC76P3-30fM-00090-00080699-00081399 2 will be norm of this vector. So, this is q 2 tilde next what we do is, we add the entries
kC76P3-30fM-00091-00082381-00083081 to q 2 tilde and obtain a n by n matrix q 2. So, q 2 is going to be 1 here, this will
kC76P3-30fM-00092-00083443-00084143 be a row vector of length n minus 1, this will be column vector of length n minus 1
kC76P3-30fM-00093-00084188-00084524 and then this will be q 2 tilde.
kC76P3-30fM-00094-00084524-00085224 Then, when you consider q 2 q 1 a, because of the nature of q 2, the first row and first
kC76P3-30fM-00095-00085668-00086368 column of our original matrix will not be changed and you will get here sigma 1 remaining
kC76P3-30fM-00096-00086611-00087311 entries 0, here sigma 2 and remaining entries 0 and then so, on. Then we will go to a third
kC76P3-30fM-00097-00087698-00088398 column. So, we will look at a matrix of size n minus 2 and using the same idea we continue.
kC76P3-30fM-00098-00088613-00089313 So, like that we will find matrices q 1 q 2 q n minus 1, such that when you pre multiply
kC76P3-30fM-00099-00089942-00090642 a by this matrix, what you get is upper triangular matrix R. Each of q I is going to be a symmetric
kC76P3-30fM-00100-00090799-00091499 matrix and its square will be identity. So, each q I will be orthogonal matrix.
kC76P3-30fM-00101-00091569-00092269 So, q I square is identity; that means, inverse of q I is equal to q I and hence from here,
kC76P3-30fM-00102-00092424-00093124 I will get a to be equal to q 1 q 2 q n minus 1 into R. Look at this product, that is going
kC76P3-30fM-00103-00093613-00094313 to be our matrix q. Since q 1 q 2 q n minus 1 they are orthogonal, their product also
kC76P3-30fM-00104-00094591-00095291 will be orthogonal, here we had q I transpose is equal to q I, but when you take their product,
kC76P3-30fM-00105-00095351-00096030 it will not be a symmetric matrix, but what we want is, we want q to be orthogonal. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00106-00096030-00096730 q transpose q will be, when you take the transpose, you change the order. So, it will be q n minus
kC76P3-30fM-00107-00096842-00097542 1 q n minus 2 q 1 and then q 1 q 2 q n, q 1 square will be identity then q 2 square
kC76P3-30fM-00108-00097655-00098355 will be identity and then, so on. So, that is how we get q R decomposition of
kC76P3-30fM-00109-00098527-00099227 a matrix a, where a is invertible and q is going to be an orthogonal matrix, R is going
kC76P3-30fM-00110-00099527-00100227 to be an upper triangular matrix. Such a decomposition is not unique, but then for the uniqueness,
kC76P3-30fM-00111-00100569-00101269 we can impose some conditions on the diagonal entries of the matrix R. For example, we if
kC76P3-30fM-00112-00101381-00102081 we say that R should be such that, all diagonal entries they are bigger than 0, then the q
kC76P3-30fM-00113-00102273-00102973 R decomposition with this additional condition is going to be unique. Now, we are going to
kC76P3-30fM-00114-00103060-00103755 look at an example of a 2 by 2 matrix and we want to find its q R decomposition.
kC76P3-30fM-00115-00103755-00104455 So, a is matrix with first column to be 1 1 and second column to be 2 3. The determinant
kC76P3-30fM-00116-00104663-00105363 of this matrix is going to be equal to 1 and hence it is a invertible matrix. The first
kC76P3-30fM-00117-00105428-00106128 column I denote by x. So, x is equal to 1 1. Its norm is going to be root 2. Define
kC76P3-30fM-00118-00106528-00107228 y to be equal to vector root 2 0. So, thus x and y, they have got the same norm. Next
kC76P3-30fM-00119-00107575-00108275 look at u is equal to x minus y divided by norm of x minus y and q to be equal to identity
kC76P3-30fM-00120-00108534-00109234 minus 2 u u transpose. We have seen that such a matrix q will be such that q x is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00121-00109394-00110094 to y. And I said that we are not going to calculate q explicitly, what we need is its
kC76P3-30fM-00122-00110305-00111005 action on the columns, but since it is a illustrative example of size 2, let us calculate the what
kC76P3-30fM-00123-00111286-00111428 q looks like.
kC76P3-30fM-00124-00111428-00112128 So, here is our vector 1 1 y is vector root 2 0, when you consider x minus y into x minus
kC76P3-30fM-00125-00112435-00113135 y transpose. So, this will be vector 1 minus root 2 1 and then transpose will be a row
kC76P3-30fM-00126-00113161-00113861 vector 1 minus root 2 1. So, take the multiplication. So, this will be 1 minus root 2 square 1 minus
kC76P3-30fM-00127-00113983-00114683 root 2 1 minus root 2 and then 1. So, thus and also norm of x minus y square, it is going
kC76P3-30fM-00128-00114924-00115624 to be equal to 4 minus 2 root 2. So, this is this matrix and norm is going to be 4 minus
kC76P3-30fM-00129-00115922-00116263 2 root 2, because we are going to divide by this norm here.
kC76P3-30fM-00130-00116263-00116963 Now, q is equal to identity matrix minus 2 x minus y x minus y transpose upon norm of
kC76P3-30fM-00131-00117169-00117869 x minus y square, this is the identity matrix 2 4 minus 2 root 2 was norm of norm square
kC76P3-30fM-00132-00118226-00118926 of this x minus y and this matrix, we have seen that it is 1 minus root 2 square 1 minus
kC76P3-30fM-00133-00119014-00119714 root 2 1 minus root 2 1. So, now one can simplify and then see that q is equal to 1 by root
kC76P3-30fM-00134-00120271-00120971 2 1 1 1 minus 1. Notice the columns of q, they have norm to be equal to 1 and they are
kC76P3-30fM-00135-00121286-00121935 perpendicular to each other. So, this is our q, and now let us look at r.
kC76P3-30fM-00136-00121935-00122635 So, a is 1 2 1 3 the columns of q are nothing, but the vectors, column vectors of a ortho
kC76P3-30fM-00137-00123014-00123714 normalized. So, we have got this and then one can check that q into a is going to give
kC76P3-30fM-00138-00123791-00124491 us this matrix r. So, it becomes an upper triangular matrix 1 by root 2 2 0 5 minus
kC76P3-30fM-00139-00124788-00125488 1. Now, since q transpose is equal to q inverse, a is equal to q into R. So, this is our original
kC76P3-30fM-00140-00125832-00126532 matrix, this we have written as a product of orthogonal matrix q and then upper triangular
kC76P3-30fM-00141-00126626-00127278 matrix r. Now, we were saying that the diagonal entries
kC76P3-30fM-00142-00127278-00127978 of R should be positive. Here we have got this entry to be negative, but then it can
kC76P3-30fM-00143-00128005-00128705 be adjusted with the entries of q. So, q into R is here. So, if I consider q cap and R cap,
kC76P3-30fM-00144-00129002-00129702 where q cap is 1 by root 2 1 1 minus 1 one and R cap to be this, then q cap is also orthogonal
kC76P3-30fM-00145-00130175-00130875 matrix and R cap is upper triangular matrix. So, this is q R decomposition using the reflectors
kC76P3-30fM-00146-00131528-00132169 and now we are going to look at the q R method, we had already defined it. So, I just want
kC76P3-30fM-00147-00132169-00132840 to state the method again and its convergence.
kC76P3-30fM-00148-00132840-00133540 So, the q R method consists of writing a as q 0 into R 0. So, a is the our starting matrix,
kC76P3-30fM-00149-00133986-00134686 we find its q R decomposition and then we define a 1 to be q 0 and R 0 multiplied in
kC76P3-30fM-00150-00134864-00135564 the reverse order. Then find the q R decomposition of this new matrix. Once you find this q and
kC76P3-30fM-00151-00136005-00136646 R, you multiply them in reverse order, matrix multiplication is not commutative, so, you
kC76P3-30fM-00152-00136646-00137346 are going to get a different matrix in general. Like that when you reach a m, then find its
kC76P3-30fM-00153-00137517-00138217 q R decomposition and then a m plus 1 is equal to R m into q m. So, you see in the q R method,
kC76P3-30fM-00154-00138538-00139238 one needs to calculate this q R decomposition at each stage and that is why we wanted some
kC76P3-30fM-00155-00139308-00139653 efficient way of doing the q R decomposition.
kC76P3-30fM-00156-00139653-00140353 So, here is the theorem, here is a sufficient condition for convergence of q R method. So,
kC76P3-30fM-00157-00140646-00141346 let a be a real n by n matrix with Eigen values lambda 1 lambda 2 lambda n, such that mod
kC76P3-30fM-00158-00141463-00142135 lambda 1 bigger than mod lambda 2 bigger than mod lambda n bigger than 0. The matrix is
kC76P3-30fM-00159-00142135-00142835 real. So, its Eigen values they are either real or they are going to be complex conjugating
kC76P3-30fM-00160-00142863-00143529 pairs. But because of this condition that no 2 Eigen values they have the same modulus,
kC76P3-30fM-00161-00143529-00144229 all Eigen values they are going to be real. Then a m converges to an upper triangular
kC76P3-30fM-00162-00144350-00144883 matrix that contains lambda I in the diagonal position.
kC76P3-30fM-00163-00144883-00145583 If a in addition is symmetric, then a m converge the sequence a m converges to a diagonal matrix.
kC76P3-30fM-00164-00145933-00146633 Symmetric real matrices, they are going to be diagonalizable. And in general, if you
kC76P3-30fM-00165-00146865-00147565 have a matrix a, then we know that there exist a similarity transformation which will convert
kC76P3-30fM-00166-00147837-00148537 a to a upper triangular matrix. So, this is what we try to achieve iteratively in the
kC76P3-30fM-00167-00148775-00149475 q R method. If this condition is not satisfied, then the iterates in the q R decomposition,
kC76P3-30fM-00168-00149867-00150016 they may not converge.
kC76P3-30fM-00169-00150016-00150716 So, here is an example, look at matrix a 2 by 2 matrix with entries as 0 1 1 0, then
kC76P3-30fM-00170-00151059-00151759 the Eigen values they are given by minus 1 and 1. So, that means, 2 Eigen values they
kC76P3-30fM-00171-00151827-00152521 will have the same modulus. A is a symmetric matrix and a square is equal to identity.
kC76P3-30fM-00172-00152521-00153221 So, a itself is a orthogonal matrix and hence its q R decomposition can be q 0 is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00173-00153420-00154120 to a and R 0 is equal to identity, but in that case, I will get a 1 to be equal to R
kC76P3-30fM-00174-00154185-00154885 0 into q 0 which is same as a. So, that means, all the iterates they are going to be equal
kC76P3-30fM-00175-00154963-00155663 to the original matrix a, and in this case a m s they do not converge to a diagonal matrix.
kC76P3-30fM-00176-00155953-00156653 So, this is about the q R method, we could not prove the convergence of q R method, but
kC76P3-30fM-00177-00156725-00157425 that is beyond the scope of the first course on a elementary numerical analysis. Now, what
kC76P3-30fM-00178-00157465-00158165 I want to do is, I want to look at least square approximation of a continuous function by
kC76P3-30fM-00179-00158172-00158872 using polynomial. Now, before that let me just mention that the q R decomposition, it
kC76P3-30fM-00180-00159117-00159594 can be used to find solution of system of linear equation.
kC76P3-30fM-00181-00159594-00160294 So, we have got a system a x is equal to b, where as a is invertible matrix, we have written
kC76P3-30fM-00182-00160354-00161044 a is equal to q into R, where q is orthogonal and R is upper triangular. So, the original
kC76P3-30fM-00183-00161044-00161744 system becomes q R x is equal to b, this is equivalent to 2 systems q y is equal to b
kC76P3-30fM-00184-00161750-00162450 and R x is equal to y. So, first solve this that is nothing, but y is equal to q transpose
kC76P3-30fM-00185-00162457-00162995 b and then solve R x is equal to y by back substitution.
kC76P3-30fM-00186-00162995-00163665 However the number of computations for q R decomposition they are going to be of the
kC76P3-30fM-00187-00163665-00164365 order of 2 n cube by 2 multiplications and 2 n cube by 3 additions, which is twice as
kC76P3-30fM-00188-00164475-00165175 expensive as the as compared to the L U decomposition. So, that is why one does not use q R decomposition
kC76P3-30fM-00189-00165308-00165613 for solution of system of linear equations.
kC76P3-30fM-00190-00165613-00166313 Now, let us look at the polynomial approximation. We had looked at Bernstein polynomials and
kC76P3-30fM-00191-00166337-00167037 then the disadvantage of Bernstein polynomials was slow convergence and it does not reproduce
kC76P3-30fM-00192-00167159-00167859 the polynomial. So, that is why what we did was, we looked at the best approximation.
kC76P3-30fM-00193-00167921-00168621 Now, in the best approximation, our aim is to find p n star, such that the error in the
kC76P3-30fM-00194-00168964-00169546 maximum norm or the infinity norm that is minimize. So, that means, we are trying to
kC76P3-30fM-00195-00169546-00170246 do the best, as for as the error is concerned, but then there exists a unique best approximation
kC76P3-30fM-00196-00170349-00171049 p n star, but in order to find is, we need a iterative method. So, that is why the best
kC76P3-30fM-00197-00171150-00171850 approximation, it was not advisable or we did not consider the best approximation, now
kC76P3-30fM-00198-00171873-00172476 what I want to do is, I want to consider the best approximation, but instead of infinity
kC76P3-30fM-00199-00172476-00172721 norm in the 2 norm.
kC76P3-30fM-00200-00172721-00173421 So, our space is C a b, on that we have got this inner product, inner product of f and
kC76P3-30fM-00201-00173557-00174257 g as integral a to b f x into g x d x. Take f and g to be real valued functions. This
kC76P3-30fM-00202-00174522-00175222 inner product, it induces a norm for elements of C a b and that is integral a to b f x square
kC76P3-30fM-00203-00175624-00176324 d x whole thing raise to half. So, that is the 2 norm and now we are going to look at
kC76P3-30fM-00204-00176405-00176938 the best approximation from the space of polynomials in the 2 norm.
kC76P3-30fM-00205-00176938-00177638 So, that is known as the least-squares approximation that p n is the space of polynomials of degree
kC76P3-30fM-00206-00177988-00178688 less than are equal to n. F is a continuous function we want to find a polynomial of degree
kC76P3-30fM-00207-00178732-00179432 less than or equal to n, such that norm of f minus p n star is its 2 norm is equal to
kC76P3-30fM-00208-00179803-00180503 minimum of norm of f minus p n 2 norm when p n varies over script p n. We have to show
kC76P3-30fM-00209-00180665-00181365 the existence of such a best approximation p n star and then the way to find such p n
kC76P3-30fM-00210-00181563-00182263 star. So, for that purpose, we are going to use what are known as Legendre polynomials.
kC76P3-30fM-00211-00182367-00183067 So, look at the functions 1 x x square x cube and. So, on.
kC76P3-30fM-00212-00183187-00183880 So, that is linearly independent, apply gram Schmidt Roth normalization process to it,
kC76P3-30fM-00213-00183880-00184580 then you will get the Legendre polynomial. So, q 0 q 1 q 2, these are going to be Legendre
kC76P3-30fM-00214-00184662-00185362 polynomials with the property, that q I is polynomial of exact degree I and they are
kC76P3-30fM-00215-00185723-00186423 mutually perpendicular. So, inner product of q I with q j is 1, if I is equal to j and
kC76P3-30fM-00216-00186450-00187150 0 if I not equal to j. The gram schmidt orthonormalization process has the property that span of 1 x
kC76P3-30fM-00217-00187533-00188233 x square x raise to n. If I look at the first n plus 1 functions here, then that is going
kC76P3-30fM-00218-00188237-00188937 to be same as span of first n plus 1 Legendre polynomials q 0 q 1 q 2 and. So, on.
kC76P3-30fM-00219-00189112-00189812 So, span of q 0 q 1 q n will be same as span of 1 x x raise to n and that is nothing, but
kC76P3-30fM-00220-00190028-00190728 the space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to n. Q I is a polynomial of degree
kC76P3-30fM-00221-00190800-00191500 I, they are they form a Roth normal set and hence linearly independent. So, q 0 q 1 q
kC76P3-30fM-00222-00191888-00192588 n will be a basis for the space of polynomial. 1 x x square x raise to n, that is also basis
kC76P3-30fM-00223-00192947-00193554 for space of polynomials of degree less than are equal to n. So, here is another basis.
kC76P3-30fM-00224-00193554-00194254 So, when I look at a polynomial p n of degree less than or equal to n, I can write uniquely
kC76P3-30fM-00225-00194563-00195263 as a linear combination of q 0 q 1 q n. So, thus alpha 0 alpha 1 alpha n, these are scalars.
kC76P3-30fM-00226-00195690-00196390 Now, look at our claim is that the best approximation in the 2 norm is going to be given by summation
kC76P3-30fM-00227-00196700-00197400 j goes from 0 to n, inner product of f with q j q j, f is a given continuous function.
kC76P3-30fM-00228-00197675-00198375 Q 0 q 1 q 2 etcetera, these are the Legendre polynomial. So, look at this p n star and
kC76P3-30fM-00229-00198391-00199091 we want to show that norm of f minus p n star is less than or equal to norm of f minus p
kC76P3-30fM-00230-00199121-00199812 n. So, we are showing the existence and then show that it is the best approximation. If
kC76P3-30fM-00231-00199812-00200512 I take inner product of p n star with q I, then by linearity of inner product in the
kC76P3-30fM-00232-00200620-00201320 first variable, it will be summation j goes from 0 to n f comma q j q j comma q I.
kC76P3-30fM-00233-00201345-00202045 Now, this will be 1 only when j is equal to I and hence it is inner product of f with
kC76P3-30fM-00234-00202191-00202891 q I for I going from 0 1 up to n. So, thus f minus p n star q I will be 0, for I is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00235-00203164-00203864 to 0 1 up to n. Q 0 q 1 q n these are basis for the polynomials of degree less than o
kC76P3-30fM-00236-00204186-00204886 equal to n, and thus f minus p n star will be perpendicular to each polynomial of degree
kC76P3-30fM-00237-00205044-00205658 less than or equal to n and it is this property we will use to show this inequality.
kC76P3-30fM-00238-00205658-00206358 So, f minus p n star is perpendicular to each polynomial of degree less than or equal to
kC76P3-30fM-00239-00206673-00207373 n. Since q 1 q 2 q n they form a basis for sequence of for a space of polynomials of
kC76P3-30fM-00240-00207655-00208355 degree less than or equal to n. Consider f minus p n norm square, add and subtract p
kC76P3-30fM-00241-00208548-00209248 n star. So, f minus p n star plus p n star minus p n, f minus p n star is perpendicular
kC76P3-30fM-00242-00209369-00209704 to each polynomial of degree less than or equal to n.
kC76P3-30fM-00243-00209704-00210404 So, it will be perpendicular to this polynomial. And hence by Pythagoras theorem, it will be
kC76P3-30fM-00244-00210509-00211209 norm of f minus p n star square plus norm of p n star minus p n square, and thus norm
kC76P3-30fM-00245-00211389-00212089 of f minus p n star is less than or equal to norm of f minus p n, p n belong into script
kC76P3-30fM-00246-00212183-00212883 p. So, unlike in the case of best approximation by polynomials in the infinity norm in the
kC76P3-30fM-00247-00213392-00214092 case of best approximation in the 2 norm, we can find the best approximation explicitly.
kC76P3-30fM-00248-00214542-00215242 In case of infinity norm, we needed to go to a iteration process.
kC76P3-30fM-00249-00215296-00215996 So, thus we have considered polynomial approximation of a continuous function. So, there are various
kC76P3-30fM-00250-00216169-00216869 ways. So, one was Bernstein polynomial approximation, then there was the best approximation in the
kC76P3-30fM-00251-00217179-00217879 infinity norm, then approximation by interpolating polynomials and now approximation best approximation
kC76P3-30fM-00252-00218333-00219033 in the 2 norm. Now, all these approximations, they have some desirable properties, some
kC76P3-30fM-00253-00219381-00220081 not so, desirable properties. Now, what I am going to do is, I am going to recall what
kC76P3-30fM-00254-00220296-00220996 all results we have proved in this course. So, our course, this is the last lecture.
kC76P3-30fM-00255-00221130-00221830 So, now I want to recall what all things we did briefly. I have already talked about the
kC76P3-30fM-00256-00222100-00222800 approximation of continuous function by polynomials in various ways and then we started with the
kC76P3-30fM-00257-00223156-00223856 interpolating polynomial. Many of the topics in this course, they were based on this interpolating
kC76P3-30fM-00258-00223998-00224698 polynomial. We proved existence of and uniqueness of interpolating polynomial by using Lagrange
kC76P3-30fM-00259-00224933-00225633 functions or Lagrange polynomials, but then such a definition is not recursive; that means,
kC76P3-30fM-00260-00225679-00226379 if we find a polynomial of degree n and then add 1 more interpolation points, then we have
kC76P3-30fM-00261-00226394-00227094 to do all the work again. So, that is why we looked at the divided difference form or
kC76P3-30fM-00262-00227101-00227357 the Newton's form of the polynomial.
kC76P3-30fM-00263-00227357-00228057 So, then Newton's form is given by, you have got x 0 x 1 x n to be distinct points in interval
kC76P3-30fM-00264-00228156-00228804 a b, then there is a unique interpolating polynomial of degree less than or equal to
kC76P3-30fM-00265-00228804-00229504 n. That polynomial is given by this form. This is known as Newton's form and if from
kC76P3-30fM-00266-00229823-00230523 p n to p n plus 1, I have to go I have to just add 1 more extra term. The error in the
kC76P3-30fM-00267-00230938-00231638 interpolating polynomial, it is given by f x minus p n x is equal to divided difference
kC76P3-30fM-00268-00231698-00232398 based on x 0 x 1 x n x and then multiplied by x minus x 0 x minus x n.
kC76P3-30fM-00269-00232484-00233184 So, this was a very important formula, because when we use this polynomial approximation
kC76P3-30fM-00270-00233421-00234121 for various problems, then we need to know what is the error involved. Now, the first
kC76P3-30fM-00271-00234373-00235073 topic we considered was numerical integration, all continuous functions they are Riemann
kC76P3-30fM-00272-00235128-00235828 integral, but when it comes to finding the integral, it is not easy, for some functions,
kC76P3-30fM-00273-00236155-00236855 yes, but otherwise the definition using Riemann sums is not of much use in numerical analysis,
kC76P3-30fM-00274-00237121-00237821 when we want to calculate the integral. So, now integral a to b f x d x will be approximately
kC76P3-30fM-00275-00237965-00238665 equal to integral a to b p n x d x. This p n x if you write it in the Lagrange form;
kC76P3-30fM-00276-00238680-00239380 that means, summation f x I l I x, where l I x is this polynomial of degree n, then integral
kC76P3-30fM-00277-00239590-00240290 a to b p n x d x, it is given by summation w I f x y where w I is integral a to b l I
kC76P3-30fM-00278-00240727-00241427 x d x. So, thus integral a to b f x d x is approximately equal to summation w I f x I,
kC76P3-30fM-00279-00241769-00242469 i goes from 0 to n. Choices of n and of the interpolating point, they give raise to varies
kC76P3-30fM-00280-00242715-00243415 numerical quadrature rules and the rules which we have considered the basic rules, these
kC76P3-30fM-00281-00243511-00244211 are the midpoint rule, when you are considering the constant polynomial with the interpolation
kC76P3-30fM-00282-00244405-00245105 point to be the midpoint, trapezoidal rule when you consider the approximation by linear
kC76P3-30fM-00283-00245154-00245854 polynomial with interpolation points to be the end points or Simpson's rule when you
kC76P3-30fM-00284-00246034-00246734 consider approximation by quadratic polynomials with 3 interpolation points as the 2 end points
kC76P3-30fM-00285-00246856-00247556 and the midpoint and these are all special cases of Newton cotes formulae, where you
kC76P3-30fM-00286-00247652-00248326 sub divide your interval into n equal parts and take your interpolation points as the
kC76P3-30fM-00287-00248326-00249026 n plus 1 partition points. Now, once we got basic rules, then we considered
kC76P3-30fM-00288-00249254-00249954 composite rules. So, composite rule is divide your interval a b into smaller sub intervals
kC76P3-30fM-00289-00250104-00250804 and then on each sub interval, apply a numerical integration. We also considered Gaussian integration,
kC76P3-30fM-00290-00250894-00251585 where we started with integral a to b f x d x to be approximately equal to summation
kC76P3-30fM-00291-00251585-00252285 w I f x I and treated w I the weights and x I the nodes as unknowns to achieve the maximum
kC76P3-30fM-00292-00252910-00253610 exactitude. The way we did numerical integration, for the numerical differentiation we use the
kC76P3-30fM-00293-00253734-00254434 same idea, that polynomials are infinitely many times differentiable. So, consider a
kC76P3-30fM-00294-00254469-00255169 interpolating polynomial and then derivative of it will give you an approximation to derivative
kC76P3-30fM-00295-00255333-00256033 of a function. And this later we used for finite difference method for the solution
kC76P3-30fM-00296-00256267-00256500 of differential equations.
kC76P3-30fM-00297-00256500-00257200 Then important topic was system of linear equations. So, Ax is equal to b with the assumption
kC76P3-30fM-00298-00257325-00258025 that a is n by n invertible matrix. First we considered gauss elimination method, this
kC76P3-30fM-00299-00258117-00258817 gauss elimination method is equivalent to L u decomposition of a matrix a, where l is
kC76P3-30fM-00300-00258866-00259405 unit lower triangular matrix; that means, the diagonal entries are equal to 1 and u
kC76P3-30fM-00301-00259405-00260105 is upper triangular. Next we considered gauss elimination with partial pivoting and in that
kC76P3-30fM-00302-00260354-00261054 case, it is equivalent to L u decomposition of not matrix a, but matrix p into a, where
kC76P3-30fM-00303-00261366-00262005 p is a permutation matrix; that means, the matrix obtained from the identity matrix by
kC76P3-30fM-00304-00262005-00262705 finite number of row interchanges. If your matrix a is positive definite, then you have
kC76P3-30fM-00305-00262841-00263541 got what is known as colicky decomposition. We have L u decomposition for a matrix a under
kC76P3-30fM-00306-00263671-00264077 certain conditions. One of the conditions are in fact, necessary
kC76P3-30fM-00307-00264077-00264777 and sufficient condition is, look at the principle minors, if they are all not equal to 0, then
kC76P3-30fM-00308-00264998-00265698 you can write a as l into u, if a is positive definite, then we can write it as g into g
kC76P3-30fM-00309-00265982-00266682 transpose where g is going to be a lower triangular matrix. So, this will need half the number
kC76P3-30fM-00310-00266808-00267508 of computations as compared to l u decomposition, but it will be possible only for positive
kC76P3-30fM-00311-00267554-00268181 definite matrices. So, we have the colicky decomposition of a positive definite matrix
kC76P3-30fM-00312-00268181-00268881 as a is equal to g g transpose, we also considered iterative methods for solution of a x is equal
kC76P3-30fM-00313-00269219-00269859 to b and those were the Jacobi and gauss-sidle method.
kC76P3-30fM-00314-00269859-00270559 We looked at vector and matrix norms. So, for the vector, we considered mainly 1 norm
kC76P3-30fM-00315-00270632-00271332 2 norm and infinity norm. 2 norm is the well-known Euclidian norm. Once you fix vector norm,
kC76P3-30fM-00316-00271544-00272244 then we define induced matrix norm as norm a is equal to maximum norm a x by norm x x
kC76P3-30fM-00317-00272354-00273054 not equal to 0. And then corresponding to 1 vector norm and infinity vector norm we
kC76P3-30fM-00318-00273171-00273871 have got a formula for norm a in terms of its value of its entries a I j. For norm a
kC76P3-30fM-00319-00274375-00275075 2 we have to be satisfied only with an upper bound we want to solve a x is equal to b,
kC76P3-30fM-00320-00275211-00275911 but then because of the finite precision of computers, instead of a x is equal to b, we
kC76P3-30fM-00321-00275971-00276671 will be solving a nearby system. There will be, instead of a there will be a plus delta
kC76P3-30fM-00322-00276748-00277448 a, instead of the right hand side b, you will have b plus delta b and instead of x the computed
kC76P3-30fM-00323-00277491-00278191 solution will be x plus delta x. One wants to know what is the error between
kC76P3-30fM-00324-00278416-00279116 x and x cap. The exact solution and the computed solution. So, relative error is norm of x
kC76P3-30fM-00325-00279253-00279953 minus x cap by norm x some vector norm and then we showed that this will be less than
kC76P3-30fM-00326-00280123-00280823 or equal to the error in the coefficient matrix error in the right hand side and in that what
kC76P3-30fM-00327-00280893-00281593 comes into crucially into picture is the condition number norm a into norm a inverse. For a x
kC76P3-30fM-00328-00281670-00282245 is equal to b, we looked at the iterative methods which were Jacobi and gauss-sidle
kC76P3-30fM-00329-00282245-00282385 methods.
kC76P3-30fM-00330-00282385-00283085 Then we wanted to look at the solution of non- linear equations f x is equal to 0, this
kC76P3-30fM-00331-00283104-00283804 is related to finding a fix point of a method g of C is equal to c. So, we considered Picard's,
kC76P3-30fM-00332-00283880-00284580 it fixed point iteration and in detai,l the Newton's method, secant method also regular
kC76P3-30fM-00333-00284798-00285346 falsi method for finding 0 of a function.
kC76P3-30fM-00334-00285346-00286046 Differential equations, we looked at initial value problem, here there were 2 types of
kC76P3-30fM-00335-00286138-00286820 methods, single step methods such as Euler and range kite methods, these are classical
kC76P3-30fM-00336-00286820-00287518 methods and multi-step methods such as Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton which are relatively of
kC76P3-30fM-00337-00287518-00288218 recent origin method and the important thing is the stability of the methods which we are
kC76P3-30fM-00338-00288306-00289006 considered in detail. Then we looked at the boundary value problem
kC76P3-30fM-00339-00289086-00289658 and for the boundary value problem the method which we considered was the finite difference
kC76P3-30fM-00340-00289658-00290358 method, where the derivatives are replaced by finite differences. So, that finishes our
kC76P3-30fM-00341-00290515-00291101 course and it was a pleasure to give this course. So, thank you.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00000-00000161-00000839 [music]
kD-EtzvEGYk-00001-00001112-00001521 This is AEDT1160U, Digital Communication Technologies.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00002-00001554-00001714 This week we are discussing
kD-EtzvEGYk-00003-00001716-00002024 Online Presence  and Online Identity Management.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00004-00002126-00002317 The title of this video clip is,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00005-00002319-00002651 "Building Trust or Who Are You?  in Bits and Pieces."
kD-EtzvEGYk-00006-00002902-00003133 When Jen started talking her father, Harry,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00007-00003134-00003339 into promoting his business online,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00008-00003370-00003618 he was very skeptical about the whole idea
kD-EtzvEGYk-00009-00003620-00003977 of interacting with customers through the Internet.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00010-00004053-00004326 He needed to meet the individuals in person.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00011-00004363-00004686 After all, this is what he did all his life –
kD-EtzvEGYk-00012-00004687-00005073 talk to them, observe how they reacted and interacted
kD-EtzvEGYk-00013-00005074-00005245 in order to do business with them.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00014-00005330-00005564 How could he make sure that the person
kD-EtzvEGYk-00015-00005565-00005957 who pretended to be Frank Smith from Alberta, for example,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00016-00005958-00006398 and who was interested in buying several items from his shop was real?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00017-00006450-00006734 Maybe he was a group of teenagers who were bored
kD-EtzvEGYk-00018-00006736-00007057 and wanted to do a prank on a random catch on the Internet.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00019-00007203-00007498 The Analysis Questions   for this video clip are –
kD-EtzvEGYk-00020-00007613-00007770 Define online identity.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00021-00007794-00007948 How is it created?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00022-00008019-00008235 Do we all have online identities?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00023-00008245-00008566 And what are the risks  related to our online identity?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00024-00008740-00008980 When Harry searched for "Frank Smith" in Google,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00025-00008993-00009261 he found Frank Smith the psycholinguist
kD-EtzvEGYk-00026-00009263-00009749 who was famous for his contributions  in linguistics and cognitive psychology.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00027-00009839-00010149 He also found Frank Smith who was a car dealer,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00028-00010159-00010329 Frank Smith the musician,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00029-00010330-00010722 and Frank Smith the professor  at a very well known university,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00030-00010740-00011119 whose research was about technology and international security.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00031-00011236-00011526 Harry also found Frank Smith beverages,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00032-00011542-00011794 Frank Smith the famous baseball pitcher,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00033-00011795-00011965 and many more.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00034-00012059-00012395 First, how can Harry be sure that individuals
kD-EtzvEGYk-00035-00012396-00012655 who will be contacting him were real?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00036-00012720-00012959 Second, Harry wondered,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00037-00012961-00013254 how could he create his unique online identity
kD-EtzvEGYk-00038-00013256-00013629 and avoid being confused with any other Harry Campbell?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00039-00013697-00013883 In fact, Harry Googled his name
kD-EtzvEGYk-00040-00013884-00014276 and he found that he shared his name with an artist, with a professor,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00041-00014278-00014530 with a Scotch footballer, and more.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00042-00014547-00014884 On LinkedIn, there were more than 800 different profiles
kD-EtzvEGYk-00043-00014885-00015087 with or related to his name.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00044-00015148-00015504 Third, Harry wondered, how can he make sure
kD-EtzvEGYk-00045-00015505-00015880 that only correct information about him was shared online?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00046-00015909-00016155 How could he create a real online identity,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00047-00016156-00016575 and manage his online reputation, and the reputation of his business?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00048-00016674-00017066 As a first step, Jenny and Jack were able to convince Harry that
kD-EtzvEGYk-00049-00017067-00017404 if he really wanted to control what was said about him online,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00050-00017405-00017776 he had no other choice but to have an online presence.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00051-00017856-00018250 Jen explains, if I was in the kitchen with Jack
kD-EtzvEGYk-00052-00018252-00018490 talking about you and accusing you of eating
kD-EtzvEGYk-00053-00018491-00018664 all my birthday cake,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00054-00018698-00018921 would you know about our conversation
kD-EtzvEGYk-00055-00018924-00019090 if you were not in the same room?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00056-00019112-00019339 Would you be able to defend yourself?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00057-00019429-00019584 If mom came in
kD-EtzvEGYk-00058-00019585-00019817 and we convinced her that you were guilty,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00059-00019830-00020069 and then she started hiding dessert from you,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00060-00020071-00020399 would you ever know why she was behaving like this?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00061-00020579-00020772 At least, in this case,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00062-00020774-00021002 you could suspect  that something was wrong
kD-EtzvEGYk-00063-00021003-00021165 and question her about it.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00064-00021218-00021396 Now, let's say that you went out
kD-EtzvEGYk-00065-00021398-00021585 with some friends to the lake for a swim,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00066-00021632-00021884 and one of your friends was taking pictures.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00067-00021885-00022263 Then, without informing you, was posting them on his wall
kD-EtzvEGYk-00068-00022265-00022447 and tagging all the person
kD-EtzvEGYk-00069-00022449-00022717 appearing in these pictures,  including you.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00070-00022787-00023124 One of these pictures was not really appropriate,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00071-00023126-00023310 but your friend found it funny
kD-EtzvEGYk-00072-00023311-00023537 and didn't think that you would mind sharing it.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00073-00023666-00023867 A week later, your employee,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00074-00023868-00024274 who happened to be connected with your friend's cousin on Facebook,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00075-00024326-00024490 saw the inappropriate picture
kD-EtzvEGYk-00076-00024491-00024821 and unintentionally joked about it with the other employees.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00077-00024957-00025232 When you finally paid attention  to what your employees
kD-EtzvEGYk-00078-00025233-00025509 were laughing about  every time you passed by,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00079-00025510-00025680 it was already too late.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00080-00025823-00026197 In other words, if you were with us in the kitchen,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00081-00026205-00026502 you would have prevented us accusing you of eating the cake.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00082-00026583-00026918 If you were on Facebook, you would have prevented your friends
kD-EtzvEGYk-00083-00026919-00027158 to post inappropriate picture of you.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00084-00027222-00027541 To control your reputation, you need to be present.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00085-00027641-00027933 Jack understood Harry's worries and skepticism
kD-EtzvEGYk-00086-00027935-00028255 about who would be at the other end of his online interactions.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00087-00028322-00028481 To answer Harry's question,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00088-00028482-00028761 Jack explained that whenever he was contacted
kD-EtzvEGYk-00089-00028763-00029063 through email or through any social networking site,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00090-00029065-00029469 he usually asked the person  or the company to give him a link
kD-EtzvEGYk-00091-00029470-00029727 to their profile page or company page.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00092-00029774-00030155 He also asked to have the person contact number and address,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00093-00030157-00030327 and even video conferenced
kD-EtzvEGYk-00094-00030329-00030582 with the person via Skype or Google Hangout
kD-EtzvEGYk-00095-00030583-00030750 when it was possible.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00096-00030829-00031094 Harry needed to make sure that when his friends
kD-EtzvEGYk-00097-00031095-00031368 or clients searched for him online,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00098-00031370-00031781 they would be directed to his page and he wanted also to monitor
kD-EtzvEGYk-00099-00031782-00031989 what was said about him on the Internet.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00100-00032097-00032409 Jack walked Harry through creating his Facebook page
kD-EtzvEGYk-00101-00032411-00032594 and adding friends to his list.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00102-00032648-00032999 He also showed him how he could access other's pages
kD-EtzvEGYk-00103-00033000-00033360 and how to get notified whenever they posted a new status
kD-EtzvEGYk-00104-00033361-00033528 or shared new information.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00105-00033655-00033903 He then showed him other web services
kD-EtzvEGYk-00106-00033904-00034125 such as about.me and Vizify
kD-EtzvEGYk-00107-00034126-00034404 that allowed users to create person pages
kD-EtzvEGYk-00108-00034407-00034721 or even websites  powered by user's own data.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00109-00034826-00035085 Jack explained that there were strategies to follow
kD-EtzvEGYk-00110-00035087-00035379 in order to attract Internet users to your page,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00111-00035380-00035760 such as intentionally using keywords or hooks
kD-EtzvEGYk-00112-00035761-00036120 that would be relevant to the product and services he would be offering,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00113-00036121-00036340 and that would attract his clientele,
kD-EtzvEGYk-00114-00036341-00036759 or linking his online accounts to maximize his popularity.
kD-EtzvEGYk-00115-00036812-00037159 What else could Harry do  in order to build his online identity?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00116-00037160-00037487 And how will he be able to manage his online reputation?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00117-00037654-00037919 The Synthesis Questions  for this video clip are –
kD-EtzvEGYk-00118-00037921-00038298 How can we be certain of the identity of the person
kD-EtzvEGYk-00119-00038299-00038501 we are interacting with online?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00120-00038567-00038894 What strategy, or strategies, should we follow
kD-EtzvEGYk-00121-00038896-00039147 to foster an advantageous online identity?
kD-EtzvEGYk-00122-00039148-00039597 And to which extent would we be able to control our online reputation?
kE5vgbPB4vy-00000-00000112-00000488 so we'll just go ahead and say that like spring in 2020 there's already a pattern
kE5vgbPB4vy-00001-00000488-00001472 of ransomware um from my perspective um you can almost visualize and kind of see um how it was
kE5vgbPB4vy-00002-00001472-00002248 spreading and almost see where like the next event was going to occur from my perspective anyways so
kE5vgbPB4vy-00003-00002248-00002960 when ransomware took down like ces in 2020 like it just it made complete sense i seen i just seen it
kE5vgbPB4vy-00004-00002960-00003856 all around and so that semester in class i began to dissect and do like post-mortems for my class
kE5vgbPB4vy-00005-00003944-00004472 not not like in class but like hey did you hear this happen this week and oh remember
kE5vgbPB4vy-00006-00004472-00004912 last week when i talked about that this is how it relates right in a networking class
kE5vgbPB4vy-00007-00004976-00005432 when we began to talk about you know networks in general and computer networks you know
kE5vgbPB4vy-00008-00005520-00005784 the course you would take at an upper division computer science class
kE5vgbPB4vy-00009-00005960-00006600 when in that class it just i painted the picture for all of the students in that course and
kE5vgbPB4vy-00010-00006808-00007488 hi i'm eddie uh csgb go runners
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00000-00000021-00000800 I’m representing Dorcas Muthoni, one of the Inductees who could not be able to come.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00001-00000800-00001706 She just had a baby about a month ago, so she was not able to travel.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00002-00001706-00002724 One thing that I guess has contributed to Dorcas being selected as an Inductee is trying
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00003-00002724-00003904 to get many more women into careers in computing by building capacity in Africa and she did
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00004-00003904-00005192 by starting an organization called ARTICS Africa that has got chapters in more than
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00005-00005192-00005523 22 countries.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00006-00005523-00006746 What happens is we train women in IT, especially system administration and Linux.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00007-00006746-00007168 That means developing capacity for the Internet, especially women.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00008-00007168-00007693 There are few women who are in IT, especially in Africa.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00009-00007693-00008748 That prompted Dorcas to start the organization ARTICS, which now has helped enhance and build
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00010-00008748-00009835 capacity and encouraged more women to get into IT.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00011-00009835-00010702 This has happened through the various trainings that we have given to the women.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00012-00010702-00010993 Training them in system Linux administration.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00013-00010993-00012004 You know Linux is one of the open source operating systems that a lot of organizations use to
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00014-00012004-00012667 run the service that, of course, runs the Internet.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00015-00012667-00013577 We’ve created capacity for various countries, African countries especially, by training
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00016-00013577-00013705 more and more women.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00017-00013705-00014566 We’ve carried out trainings in Senegal, Dakar, and a lot of the participants are coming
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00018-00014566-00014765 from the universities.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00019-00014765-00015388 I either have final year students or third year students who are finishing; they are
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00020-00015388-00016158 getting out into the job market, and of course with the LInux system administration skills,
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00021-00016158-00017273 we’ve impacted some knowledge into them that they can be able to run networks in various
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00022-00017273-00018039 organizations.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00023-00018039-00018536 The future of the Internet is very bright.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00024-00018536-00019569 This has brought together a lot of people, especially looking at Africa.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00025-00019569-00020487 It’s reaching people, helping them; it gets solutions to problems.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00026-00020487-00020988 Especially like in medicine or in health.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00027-00020988-00022120 There are some areas where people do not want to get into work...Some of this, like the
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00028-00022120-00022948 Internet, has made it possible for doctors, where they are, to be able to administer through
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00029-00022948-00023222 some of the Apps...E-Health.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00030-00023222-00023747 Famine also, and so many other areas.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00031-00023747-00024967 I can say that the Internet has a bright future.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00032-00024967-00026022 My greatest concerns, especially currently, is the security of the Internet.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00033-00026022-00026241 Especially for the younger children.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00034-00026241-00027156 They’re so much on the Internet, probably trying to control it, that maybe it’s not
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00035-00027156-00027578 good.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00036-00027578-00028757 Controlling it for the smaller, younger children I think is a major concern.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00037-00028757-00029924 Sooner or later, I believe there could be solutions that could aid in maybe saving or
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00038-00029924-00031005 protecting the internet that is not good for some of our generations.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00039-00031005-00032136 I hope that we’ll be able to control the content that is being put on the Internet.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00040-00032136-00033258 This is for consumption for the various age groups because currently I think small children
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00041-00033258-00033997 can be able to access some of the information that is not probably good for their consumption.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00042-00033997-00035103 I also hope that speaking about Africa, there are some areas where connectivity has not
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00043-00035103-00035366 got into.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00044-00035366-00036600 We hope that organizations like Internet Society and others and our governments of course will
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00045-00036600-00037462 be able to build infrastructure in some of these areas that do not have connectivity
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00046-00037462-00038325 because that’s a challenge and looking at what the Internet can do, I believe people
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00047-00038325-00039099 should have the connections….or the benefits that come with Internet they’ll be able
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00048-00039099-00039966 to harvest from it.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00049-00039966-00041488 I think the actions that can be given to make the Internet better are one, I think the security
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00050-00041488-00041603 bit of it.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00051-00041603-00042199 I think we need to do a little more of the security aspects because there’s a lot of
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00052-00042199-00042936 sidebar security concerns that are coming up currently, but I believe that the engineers
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00053-00042936-00043452 will come up with solutions that come up with some of the problems.
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00054-00043452-00044462 I know that currently doing a lot of ongoing work that are helping coming up with the solutions
kKR2UJA6ZE0-00055-00044462-00044868 to solve some of the cyber crime issues that we have.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00000-00000063-00000531 Wylie Burke: So I think we need to go on, but I -- we're
kQkmCK2G_zY-00001-00000531-00000889 scheduled to have what's called -- what we call and LC [spelled phonetically] pause,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00002-00000889-00001370 and I think it would be obvious that the few remarks that I want to make -- underscore
kQkmCK2G_zY-00003-00001370-00002056 the relevance of this conversation because I think this -- there are rules of the road
kQkmCK2G_zY-00004-00002056-00002443 that are going to have to be determined and they have to be informed by science, but also
kQkmCK2G_zY-00005-00002443-00002824 by considerations of policy.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00006-00002824-00003406 So let me just start by saying we actually are acquiring a growing body of empiric data
kQkmCK2G_zY-00007-00003406-00004040 about what participants think and what participants want around the issue of genomic data and
kQkmCK2G_zY-00008-00004040-00004330 around the issue of sharing of genomic data.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00009-00004330-00004890 And I think there are some very consistent messages emerging.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00010-00004890-00005410 Participants in research by definition, people who have agreed to be part of the research
kQkmCK2G_zY-00011-00005410-00005785 process, are strong supporters of research in general.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00012-00005785-00006262 They want research to be pursued, and they want it to be directed toward benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00013-00006262-00006714 And when you probe -- and I think our data are more limited on this point, but when you
kQkmCK2G_zY-00014-00006714-00007253 probe, it's pretty clear that there's a strong endorsement of societal benefit, and what
kQkmCK2G_zY-00015-00007253-00007972 I would say is a buying of the message of NIH, that is a buying of the idea that biomedical
kQkmCK2G_zY-00016-00007972-00008218 research leads to health benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00017-00008218-00008489 So, participants want to see that health benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00018-00008489-00008707 They're very supportive of that.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00019-00008707-00009279 They value information about how their samples are used and this is separable from their
kQkmCK2G_zY-00020-00009279-00009643 interest in the research being pursued to generate benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00021-00009643-00009954 They're interested in knowing how their samples are used.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00022-00009954-00010492 We've certainly heard from participants a great deal of pride in learning about how
kQkmCK2G_zY-00023-00010492-00011072 their research is -- how their samples help research move forward.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00024-00011072-00011686 Interestingly, also, I think in our studies and other studies there seems to be a consistent
kQkmCK2G_zY-00025-00011686-00012370 expectation that research participants will be told when their -- our research results
kQkmCK2G_zY-00026-00012370-00012717 that are relevant to them and that can provide personal benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00027-00012717-00013375 And here we see that among research participants there is, perhaps, an unrealistic expectation
kQkmCK2G_zY-00028-00013375-00013878 and an expectation that gets more unrealistic the more we build the kind of data resources
kQkmCK2G_zY-00029-00013878-00014335 that we're talking about at this meeting, which I think has implications for how we
kQkmCK2G_zY-00030-00014335-00015063 talk to participants and what kinds of promises and what kinds of transparency we provide.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00031-00015063-00015672 I will say it's an untested issued when you look at bullet two and bullet three here to
kQkmCK2G_zY-00032-00015672-00016408 what extent participants might be very satisfied with more information about aggregate results
kQkmCK2G_zY-00033-00016408-00017121 of research, because that isn't very often fed back to participants in venues or language
kQkmCK2G_zY-00034-00017121-00017769 that is accessible to them, and probably is something that we need to think more seriously
kQkmCK2G_zY-00035-00017769-00017869 about.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00036-00017869-00018352 I'm also including in parentheses here, certainly for the U.S., it's important to acknowledge
kQkmCK2G_zY-00037-00018352-00018876 there are substantial numbers of people within our population that are quite mistrustful
kQkmCK2G_zY-00038-00018876-00018988 of research.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00039-00018988-00019605 We have data to suggest that's higher -- those numbers are higher in individuals from minority
kQkmCK2G_zY-00040-00019605-00019705 populations.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00041-00019705-00020336 We also see from the controversies around newborn screening that is certainly by no
kQkmCK2G_zY-00042-00020336-00020608 means exclusive to minority populations.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00043-00020608-00021238 They're simply a subset of individuals who are very mistrustful of research, and we need
kQkmCK2G_zY-00044-00021238-00021365 to acknowledge that.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00045-00021365-00021917 I think it simply underscores our need to be responsible in how we communicate with
kQkmCK2G_zY-00046-00021917-00022244 participants about the research process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00047-00022244-00022805 I would propose as something we have to seriously think about as we think about the data resources
kQkmCK2G_zY-00048-00022805-00023428 here at this meeting that there is a limited, what I would call a limited ethical reach
kQkmCK2G_zY-00049-00023428-00023701 to that global consent.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00050-00023701-00023929 Informed consent is intended to support autonomy.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00051-00023929-00024405 If you go back to the Belmont Report and see what we're trying to accomplish within informed
kQkmCK2G_zY-00052-00024405-00025167 consent, it's to allow the voluntary participation in a research process that the participant
kQkmCK2G_zY-00053-00025167-00025826 is informed about fully enough that the participant can determine the risks and benefits of the
kQkmCK2G_zY-00054-00025826-00025926 process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00055-00025926-00026432 That's not what we're doing with global consent, and I think there're all sorts of reasons
kQkmCK2G_zY-00056-00026432-00027069 why, first of all creating data repositories and sharing data produces research benefit.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00057-00027069-00027745 I think there's logic to why we would use a global consent process, but what I think
kQkmCK2G_zY-00058-00027745-00028417 that tells us is that we can't stop with informed consent process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00059-00028417-00029230 That's part of a responsible research enterprise, but it's just the beginning.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00060-00029230-00029616 Participants do have an interest in prospective engagement.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00061-00029616-00029958 We have to acknowledge the return of results issue as I've mentioned.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00062-00029958-00030382 There's an expectation that, of course researchers are going to tell me stuff that's important
kQkmCK2G_zY-00063-00030382-00030482 to me.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00064-00030482-00030952 We have to be honest about when we can and when we can't, and I think we have to be very
kQkmCK2G_zY-00065-00030952-00031272 clear about why we can't.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00066-00031272-00031770 We have to be very comfortable with the idea that we may be creating research repositories
kQkmCK2G_zY-00067-00031770-00032519 where it really isn't practical to expect individual return of results.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00068-00032519-00033081 It -- the weighing of resources going into that process versus resources going into research,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00069-00033081-00033674 which may not make sense, but we need to engage participants in the conversation about that.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00070-00033674-00034241 We need to also think about the fact that even in the global consent participants retain
kQkmCK2G_zY-00071-00034241-00034593 the right to withdraw from research.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00072-00034593-00035248 That's kind of a bedrock of autonomy protections in the informed consent process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00073-00035248-00035859 But to meaningfully withdraw from your sample from dbGaP, or a central repository, you have
kQkmCK2G_zY-00074-00035859-00036041 to know what's going on.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00075-00036041-00036644 And, so a meaningful withdrawal opportunity means that we need to think very carefully
kQkmCK2G_zY-00076-00036644-00037075 about how we inform participants about how their samples are being used.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00077-00037075-00037494 And, in fact, that's something participants want us to inform them about.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00078-00037494-00037958 They want to understand the research process, and they want to understand what outcomes
kQkmCK2G_zY-00079-00037958-00038106 are available.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00080-00038106-00038816 All of this, I think, leads in a broad way to a need to think about stewardship of data
kQkmCK2G_zY-00081-00038816-00039461 resources as much as technical details as we talk about what would be involved in streamlining
kQkmCK2G_zY-00082-00039461-00040123 dbGaP access, central repository, any of the other models that we're considering.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00083-00040123-00040604 I want to pause here and just give you a little snippet of data from one of the focus groups
kQkmCK2G_zY-00084-00040604-00040704 that we've done.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00085-00040704-00041406 This is in an urban HMO, a predominantly white, very well educated population, very supportive
kQkmCK2G_zY-00086-00041406-00042157 of research, a source of data for the points I've just been making.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00087-00042157-00042772 But they're also quite mindful about realities in terms of data protection, and so there
kQkmCK2G_zY-00088-00042772-00043293 was this little back and forth between two participants in a focus group talking about,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00089-00043293-00044047 you know, you created database and sooner or later there's a computer that gets lost,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00090-00044047-00044391 somebody steals them, somebody hacks them, whatever.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00091-00044391-00044537 And this happens.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00092-00044537-00044949 We see this in the news that were referred to earlier today, and the second speaker comes
kQkmCK2G_zY-00093-00044949-00045435 right in and says, however, having said that we don't stop using banks.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00094-00045435-00046074 I think here and the reason why I'm showing you this particular quote is that I think
kQkmCK2G_zY-00095-00046074-00046369 participants in research by in large are going to be realistic.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00096-00046369-00046919 I don't think we need to make unrealistic promises to them, but we need to make promises
kQkmCK2G_zY-00097-00046919-00047190 that are as accurate as we can make them.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00098-00047190-00047630 We need to figure out what we can promise and what we can't promise, and, then, to go
kQkmCK2G_zY-00099-00047630-00048201 back to a discussion from an earlier session, we need to make the case that participating
kQkmCK2G_zY-00100-00048201-00048649 research is a good thing and generates benefits.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00101-00048649-00049216 And so to the extent that there are tradeoffs there's a reason for those tradeoffs.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00102-00049216-00049678 And I would propose -- and I just have three more slides -- that there are three elements
kQkmCK2G_zY-00103-00049678-00050206 that are key, and we can think about what all the different details under those are.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00104-00050206-00050400 One of them is governance.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00105-00050400-00051004 We really have to ask ourselves what model or models, there may not be a single one,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00106-00051004-00051654 of governance are going to be widely accepted as reasonable and fair as we build these structures.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00107-00051654-00052213 And that means we have to think about who's at the table making decisions, what protections
kQkmCK2G_zY-00108-00052213-00052910 can we promise, how is decision making authority allocated, how are differences resolved.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00109-00052910-00053576 All of these issues are going to be on the table anytime you have a governance of a structure,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00110-00053576-00054238 and we need to go into any kind of data repository structure thinking about these things.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00111-00054238-00054919 Transparency, I would argue, is a hugely important component and one that is largely lacking
kQkmCK2G_zY-00112-00054919-00055671 now in the interface between participants and genomic research processes.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00113-00055671-00056266 That means transparency about what the governance procedures are, who makes decisions.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00114-00056266-00056770 If somebody is going to be certified, who does it under what criteria, how does that
kQkmCK2G_zY-00115-00056770-00056870 happen?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00116-00056870-00057346 Exactly what are the procedures for data protection and what's our best estimate for what they
kQkmCK2G_zY-00117-00057346-00057446 provide?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00118-00057446-00057916 And, then, transparency about the research process, where did the data come from?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00119-00057916-00058380 I think it's a reasonable surmise that a lot of the people whose data are dbGaP don't know
kQkmCK2G_zY-00120-00058380-00058564 it.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00121-00058564-00058989 It would necessarily find it easy to figure it out if they do.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00122-00058989-00059451 And I think over time that's likely to be a problem for us.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00123-00059451-00059777 I think we need to make that information easy to find.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00124-00059777-00060500 I think how the data are used need to be very clear to people and what comes out of it.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00125-00060500-00061208 Most fundamentally, how can we back the argument that the creation of these data resources,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00126-00061208-00061829 these data sharing opportunities do accelerate the process and get us quicker to the kinds
kQkmCK2G_zY-00127-00061829-00062033 of benefits that participants care about?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00128-00062033-00062801 I think we really have to figure out how to explain that because lacking that sustaining
kQkmCK2G_zY-00129-00062801-00062989 participant interest long term may be a problem.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00130-00062989-00063475 And, then, finally, accountability, this has come up already, and I just want to underscore
kQkmCK2G_zY-00131-00063475-00063575 it.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00132-00063575-00064087 Things will go wrong, so what happens when they go wrong, and how do we know that they
kQkmCK2G_zY-00133-00064087-00064264 went wrong?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00134-00064264-00064888 What are the criteria for certification, and who's checking that those criteria are really
kQkmCK2G_zY-00135-00064888-00064988 being met?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00136-00064988-00065500 I think we can guarantee that as we create a certification process there will be people
kQkmCK2G_zY-00137-00065500-00065840 who submit fraudulent data seeking certification.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00138-00065840-00066523 So, how do we set up a system that's not onerous, but is reasonable?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00139-00066523-00067002 How do we keep track of whether data are used according to the rules that we've all agreed
kQkmCK2G_zY-00140-00067002-00067652 are fair and reasonable, and most significantly, what kind of consequences are there for bad
kQkmCK2G_zY-00141-00067652-00067752 behavior?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00142-00067752-00068358 I think the point about I know someone will go to jail if they do something wrong with
kQkmCK2G_zY-00143-00068358-00068645 the money in my bank is relevant here.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00144-00068645-00069191 I think part of generating trust is making sure that the consequences are there.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00145-00069191-00069427 So, that's all that I have to say.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00146-00069427-00069979 I just want to say that I think as I'm listening to the meeting and our discussions going forward,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00147-00069979-00070462 I think these are issues that need to be out there and need to be part of our discussion
kQkmCK2G_zY-00148-00070462-00071039 as we resolve scientific issues around the data sharing challenge.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00149-00071039-00071505 And, Mike, I don't know how much time you want to take for discussion now --
kQkmCK2G_zY-00150-00071505-00071637 Wylie Burke: Yeah.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00151-00071637-00071737 David?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00152-00071737-00071873 David Altshuler: So I guess, I mean, I think everything you
kQkmCK2G_zY-00153-00071873-00072511 said is very reasonable, but I guess the one thing that I'm puzzled by is I think you're
kQkmCK2G_zY-00154-00072511-00072933 -- in terms of saying we need to explain to people why this would accelerate progress
kQkmCK2G_zY-00155-00072933-00073377 I guess what you're saying is we need to disabuse them of the notion we must have created, but
kQkmCK2G_zY-00156-00073377-00073890 by sequencing a genome we could learn anything at all, because in my view sequencing a single
kQkmCK2G_zY-00157-00073890-00074245 genome the only way we can learn anything is if someone previously sequenced a lot of
kQkmCK2G_zY-00158-00074245-00074730 genomes and found a pattern that there was, you know, mutations in BRCA1 and look carefully
kQkmCK2G_zY-00159-00074730-00074947 at people who carried them and figure out what was going on.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00160-00074947-00075297 So, for anything we don't already know about it's a comparative process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00161-00075297-00075650 And I know that some people may not agree with that, but I think they're wrong.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00162-00075650-00076220 So, you know, so how like what you are saying I think is we have to disabuse them of the
kQkmCK2G_zY-00163-00076220-00076743 notion we must have created that somehow in the absence of comparative data we can interpret
kQkmCK2G_zY-00164-00076743-00077164 all this stuff, because I can't imagine how else otherwise they wouldn't understand this.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00165-00077164-00077412 Wylie Burke: No, I think there is some hype out there,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00166-00077412-00077885 and I think there is some room for disabusing people how simple and easy things might be,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00167-00077885-00078633 but I actually think the -- that what is actually going to happen when we take 70,000 genomes
kQkmCK2G_zY-00168-00078633-00079326 or 700,000 genomes and what kind of data are going to be important in non-genomic as well
kQkmCK2G_zY-00169-00079326-00080016 as genomic data and making sense of that and actually slowly figuring out, you know, biomedical
kQkmCK2G_zY-00170-00080016-00080241 problems and what we might do about them.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00171-00080241-00080689 I think that process is largely very opaque to much of the general public.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00172-00080689-00081108 I think we have an extraordinary opportunity to explain that, because we have an extraordinary
kQkmCK2G_zY-00173-00081108-00081352 opportunity to make progress.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00174-00081352-00081639 And it's going to take resources.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00175-00081639-00082060 You know, it's more than us having a press release about nifty papers.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00176-00082060-00082608 It's going to be probably gathering data about what kind of messaging really makes sense
kQkmCK2G_zY-00177-00082608-00083205 to people and what pieces of that process are most opaque and how we can explain them
kQkmCK2G_zY-00178-00083205-00083305 better.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00179-00083305-00083405 Debbie.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00180-00083405-00083708 Deborah Nickerson: I resonated with that in a very different
kQkmCK2G_zY-00181-00083708-00083808 way.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00182-00083808-00084507 Rather than overselling I think just telling people, the people who consented to be a part
kQkmCK2G_zY-00183-00084507-00085127 of any these studies that go in are extremely altruistic not knowing what was going to happen
kQkmCK2G_zY-00184-00085127-00085232 and they did it anyway.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00185-00085232-00085868 Even if you wrote down everything that could potentially happen to them, they did it anyway.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00186-00085868-00086629 So, I think that actually just laying out all the positives that could potentially come
kQkmCK2G_zY-00187-00086629-00087371 from this, not promising, but why a resource like this is very beneficial also helps.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00188-00087371-00087798 And I think calling for that is really very important.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00189-00087798-00088614 I agree that it's not to explain things have been over promised it's how this resource
kQkmCK2G_zY-00190-00088614-00089181 can generate new insights into human biology and science.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00191-00089181-00089818 And it's not necessarily going to generate tons of new papers or tons of new insights.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00192-00089818-00090500 It'll be a gradual thing as the data increases, but these are the kinds of tangible things
kQkmCK2G_zY-00193-00090500-00090602 that we've seen.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00194-00090602-00091101 And you can make models for how we've seen this as genomic has proceeded and how we've
kQkmCK2G_zY-00195-00091101-00091673 learned more and more, and you could make that available on the site, or something.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00196-00091673-00091799 Wylie Burke: Pearl.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00197-00091799-00091926 Pearl O'Rourke: Okay.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00198-00091926-00092086 I mean -- I think that's a great idea.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00199-00092086-00092777 I would expand it, though, and tried to avoid genetic exceptionalism and really go all of
kQkmCK2G_zY-00200-00092777-00093210 research, because unfortunately, with findings people well I said no to genetic research
kQkmCK2G_zY-00201-00093210-00093493 and that is like I said no to all research.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00202-00093493-00093993 One thing we are exploring is research notification to do the very celebratory manner.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00203-00093993-00094537 This is how, you know, -- these are the types of research we do and congratulations, and
kQkmCK2G_zY-00204-00094537-00095131 we're having a hell of a time getting it through our leadership, because you're afraid everybody
kQkmCK2G_zY-00205-00095131-00095231 is going to opt out.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00206-00095231-00095500 This has been a fascinating -- it's been a four-year navigation.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00207-00095500-00096347 Jeffrey Botkin: I think as productive and creative as this
kQkmCK2G_zY-00208-00096347-00096795 whole enterprise has been with sequencing and transition and development technology
kQkmCK2G_zY-00209-00096795-00097537 over the years what we failed to do is even come close to parallel that with an ability
kQkmCK2G_zY-00210-00097537-00097857 to converse and communicate with research participants.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00211-00097857-00098275 You know, and [unintelligible] language they're using now and to think that this is what we're
kQkmCK2G_zY-00212-00098275-00098768 presenting to folks in a written form and expecting them to have any real concept of
kQkmCK2G_zY-00213-00098768-00099254 what this is, because this type of research in particular, I think, is mostly conceptual.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00214-00099254-00099659 You know, it's not like telling somebody you'll take a drug and you'll probably get sick and
kQkmCK2G_zY-00215-00099659-00100047 your hair will fall out, and this is all very abstract sort of information.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00216-00100047-00100505 So I think there's real opportunities to try to think more creatively about how to communicate
kQkmCK2G_zY-00217-00100505-00101208 with animation and video and a film, perhaps, different technologies that can be brought
kQkmCK2G_zY-00218-00101208-00101608 to bear in this domain to give people a much better idea of what we're talking about with
kQkmCK2G_zY-00219-00101608-00101708 this.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00220-00101708-00101808 I certainly agree with you.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00221-00101808-00102136 I think the whole notion of having ongoing communication with research participants isn't
kQkmCK2G_zY-00222-00102136-00102795 likely to be successful, so we have to upfront get their trust and allow them to say, "Yeah,
kQkmCK2G_zY-00223-00102795-00102895 this looks good to me.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00224-00102895-00102995 I trust you.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00225-00102995-00103275 Do what you think is best with this sample to promotes science."
kQkmCK2G_zY-00226-00103275-00103515 And, then, live up to that trust.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00227-00103515-00103739 Wylie Burke: Pearl, did you want to --
kQkmCK2G_zY-00228-00103739-00103974 Pearl O'Rourke: One thing is I think we also need to focus
kQkmCK2G_zY-00229-00103974-00104456 us on health care providers who can be some of our best teachers.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00230-00104456-00104708 Wylie Burke: Good point.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00231-00104708-00104897 Any other comments?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00232-00104897-00105023 Oh, sorry.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00233-00105023-00105148 Last comment.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00234-00105148-00105608 Male Speaker: I'm going to refer back to your accountability
kQkmCK2G_zY-00235-00105608-00105817 slide that you have up here right now.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00236-00105817-00106242 Some day there'll be a posting by Wiki Leaks of a big chunk of dbGaP somewhere on a bit
kQkmCK2G_zY-00237-00106242-00106342 torn site.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00238-00106342-00106522 What are we going to do then?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00239-00106522-00107013 And, what will be the restrictions on people in the biomedical research community on using
kQkmCK2G_zY-00240-00107013-00107321 those data on which they can now get for free and everyone else can get for free from that
kQkmCK2G_zY-00241-00107321-00107421 bit torn site?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00242-00107421-00107608 Wylie Burke: From that what site?
kQkmCK2G_zY-00243-00107608-00107835 Male Speaker: Where you can download some data that someone's
kQkmCK2G_zY-00244-00107835-00108385 stole from DB Gapp and posted it in the same way Wiki Leaks posted all the Department of
kQkmCK2G_zY-00245-00108385-00108497 State cables.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00246-00108497-00108823 Brad Malin: We already had a leak like that a couple of
kQkmCK2G_zY-00247-00108823-00108979 years ago with AOL's data.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00248-00108979-00109760 So, you know, all of AOL put up the identified search queries as 650,000 consumers back in
kQkmCK2G_zY-00249-00109760-00109860 2006.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00250-00109860-00110080 That was re-identified by a couple of New York Times journalists.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00251-00110080-00110232 Male Speaker: That wasn't really a leak.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00252-00110232-00110528 Brad Malin: No, that wasn't really a leak, it was a disclosure
kQkmCK2G_zY-00253-00110528-00110628 --
kQkmCK2G_zY-00254-00110628-00110728 Male Speaker: It was a mistake.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00255-00110728-00110838 Brad Malin: -- but you can still get that dataset on torrent
kQkmCK2G_zY-00256-00110838-00111101 sites, and it's basically a taboo.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00257-00111101-00111519 You cannot publish on that dataset, and anybody who has tried to publish on that dataset has
kQkmCK2G_zY-00258-00111519-00112200 basically been barred from the information and retrieval research community.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00259-00112200-00112426 Wylie Burke: Well, I think that point -- that speaks to
kQkmCK2G_zY-00260-00112426-00112526 two things.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00261-00112526-00112783 One is we have to be realistic.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00262-00112783-00113249 We have to be in conversation with the public about what we're doing and why we're doing
kQkmCK2G_zY-00263-00113249-00113920 it, and potentially, what risks and if we think that there is a realistic possibility
kQkmCK2G_zY-00264-00113920-00114508 of a scenario like the one you described, we have to have consequences in place.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00265-00114508-00115243 I'm not trying to say any of that is simple, but I think the alternative approach, which
kQkmCK2G_zY-00266-00115243-00115753 is not to think about it, not talk about it, and then have it be a big disaster when it
kQkmCK2G_zY-00267-00115753-00116016 happens, it would be a big disaster for the research process.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00268-00116016-00116277 So I think that's why we have to be prospective about it.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00269-00116277-00116377 Male Speaker: Okay, so, we've had a very interesting day.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00270-00116377-00116477 We have presentations starting again tomorrow at 8:30, and after lunch we have two and a
kQkmCK2G_zY-00271-00116477-00116577 half hours to talk about what we've seen [inaudible] several things we want to talk a bit more
kQkmCK2G_zY-00272-00116577-00116677 about.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00273-00116677-00116777 And then I think we go through and try and decide a [inaudible] recommendations.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00274-00116777-00116877 And, so I encourage you folks to think about those issues.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00275-00116877-00116977 Think about Eric's comments earlier that we should have a small number of [inaudible]
kQkmCK2G_zY-00276-00116977-00117077 we can pursue ostensibly.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00277-00117077-00117177 Think about the issue very clearly of what we want to spend in terms of time on existing
kQkmCK2G_zY-00278-00117177-00117277 data, but frankly I think we want to be fairly careful not to do too much.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00279-00117277-00117377 Think more about how we are going forward.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00280-00117377-00117477 [inaudible] helps illustrates how we [inaudible] forward.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00281-00117477-00117577 My personal opinion is spending a lot of time on what we seem to [inaudible] go forward
kQkmCK2G_zY-00282-00117577-00117677 [inaudible] flexibility in terms of how we gather [inaudible].
kQkmCK2G_zY-00283-00117677-00117777 Thank you very much.
kQkmCK2G_zY-00284-00117777-00117777 [applause]
kQT761asnHy-00000-00000066-00000497 - Okay, pulmonary circulation, easy-peasy.
kQT761asnHy-00001-00000499-00000976 We've already gone crazy places.
kQT761asnHy-00002-00000979-00001147 We brought dirty blood back
kQT761asnHy-00003-00001150-00001556 through some flavor of vena cava into the right atrium,
kQT761asnHy-00004-00001558-00002243 into the right ventricle up the pulmonary trunk.
kQT761asnHy-00005-00002245-00002610 Do you agree that looks like a trunk that's going to branch
kQT761asnHy-00006-00002612-00003005 into left and right pulmonary arteries?
kQT761asnHy-00007-00003008-00003147 Super straightforward.
kQT761asnHy-00008-00003150-00003643 So, this is my pulmonary trunk.
kQT761asnHy-00009-00003645-00004005 Here is my pulmonary trunk. It forms that T.
kQT761asnHy-00010-00004008-00004460 And then these guys are taking blood away from the heart,
kQT761asnHy-00011-00004462-00005047 so these are my right and left pulmonary arteries.
kQT761asnHy-00012-00005050-00005485 So, the trunk is one thing that branches
kQT761asnHy-00013-00005487-00005705 into my pulmonary arteries,
kQT761asnHy-00014-00005708-00005976 one for the right side, one for the left side.
kQT761asnHy-00015-00005979-00006501 Who's going to bring blood back from the vein, from the lungs?
kQT761asnHy-00016-00006504-00006805 Pulmonary veins,
kQT761asnHy-00017-00006808-00007272 and these guys are pulmonary veins, and there's four of them,
kQT761asnHy-00018-00007275-00007497 two from each side of the heart
kQT761asnHy-00019-00007499-00007997 that dump blood back into the left atrium.
kQT761asnHy-00020-00007999-00008176 And then now you've got all your pieces.
kQT761asnHy-00021-00008179-00008464 Now we have all our great vessels.
kQT761asnHy-00022-00008466-00008610 Let's take a deep breath,
kQT761asnHy-00023-00008612-00009076 and let's do coronary circulation really fast.
kQT761asnHy-00024-00009079-00009201 In coronary circulation,
kQT761asnHy-00025-00009204-00009668 we're just going to look at how we feed the heart.
kQT761asnHy-00026-00009670-00010199 That's only if I can figure out how to turn off the computer.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00000-00001000-00001603 Sometimes I wish people would leave me the fuck alone.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00001-00001738-00002413 Sometimes I wish people would just let me be numb.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00002-00002545-00003419 Sometimes I wish I knew what the fuck was wrong. Sometimes I wish I could just
kT7XNRRLKwY-00003-00003419-00004847 heal it with a song. Sometimes I wish the world would just fuck off. Let me be an
kT7XNRRLKwY-00004-00004847-00005690 emotional wreck and don't watch me being soft. Sometimes I wish I could just
kT7XNRRLKwY-00005-00005690-00005968 fucking cry.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00006-00006595-00007561 Sometimes I feel like I put on a fake smile. Sometimes I wonder what it's like
kT7XNRRLKwY-00007-00007561-00008782 to feel alive. And then I feel the cold air on my skin at night. Sometimes I
kT7XNRRLKwY-00008-00008782-00009219 pretend that everything's alright.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00009-00009792-00010470 Sometimes I'm vulnerable and it makes me want to fight.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00010-00010566-00011222 Sometimes I wish people would just leave me be.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00011-00011277-00012102 But I also wish that they'd stay and just love me.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00012-00013030-00013624 Sometimes I wear a happy smiley mask.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00013-00014166-00014834 But behind it I'm crying and nobody should know that.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00014-00015597-00016276 So I put on a smile and say things are fine for a while until I break down alone.
kT7XNRRLKwY-00015-00016852-00018102 And while I'm hugging myself and lying to everyone else, I wish this could just be done.
kT--llYhSQQ-00000-00000094-00000516 Hello everyone! My name is Abdullah, and I am doctoral degree
kT--llYhSQQ-00001-00000516-00001046 student in the school of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University.
kT--llYhSQQ-00002-00001046-00001823 In this lecture today I am going to present a research paper (Denitrification Rates and
kT--llYhSQQ-00003-00001823-00002458 Their Controlling Factors in Streams of the Han River Basin with Different Land-Use
kT--llYhSQQ-00004-00002458-00003208 Patterns). Now let's jump up to starts our proceedings.
kT--llYhSQQ-00005-00003208-00004258 Alright, as you see from the outline of the journal PEDOSPHERE is one of the reputed journal
kT--llYhSQQ-00006-00004258-00004814 of the Elsevier publishers. Without further due it’s time to explore
kT--llYhSQQ-00007-00004814-00005650 this prestigious research works in a respective manner to dissect and pinpoint all important
kT--llYhSQQ-00008-00005650-00005898 outcomes one by one.
kT--llYhSQQ-00009-00005898-00006444 For this entire session we will go through the following contents.
kT--llYhSQQ-00010-00006444-00007040 The introduction of denitrification rate then research background followed by the current
kT--llYhSQQ-00011-00007040-00007623 state of the art. Next, we will checkout how this work focuses
kT--llYhSQQ-00012-00007623-00008270 by using different techniques and materials to overcome the challenges of the previous
kT--llYhSQQ-00013-00008270-00008889 studies. Then off course the outcomes and conclusion.
kT--llYhSQQ-00014-00008889-00009450 Before the dissection of the main research article initially it is very important to
kT--llYhSQQ-00015-00009450-00010048 know about the denitrification rate and its importance.
kT--llYhSQQ-00016-00010048-00010199 What is denitrification rate?
kT--llYhSQQ-00017-00010199-00010543 All right! now we will go through the research background which give us opportunity to explore
kT--llYhSQQ-00018-00010543-00010671 this broad area of the denitrification rate and overcome those challenges in the field.
kT--llYhSQQ-00019-00010671-00011256 Now I am going to start from the very 1st point from the slide which is followed by
kT--llYhSQQ-00020-00011256-00011356 rest.
kT--llYhSQQ-00021-00011356-00011892 To overcome the challenges in the current state of the art we set the following aims
kT--llYhSQQ-00022-00011892-00012559 and objectives. Starts from the very first point and followed
kT--llYhSQQ-00023-00012559-00012922 by the rest in the main slide.
kT--llYhSQQ-00024-00012922-00013491 In this section we will discuss about methodology of the current state of the art.
kT--llYhSQQ-00025-00013491-00014258 In this section the focus is site selection and sampling and method use to analyze and
kT--llYhSQQ-00026-00014258-00014868 measure the denitrification rate. As you can see from the fig. 1 (a) which shows
kT--llYhSQQ-00027-00014868-00015441 the arial view Han river basin and the selected 10 fields pictures of the following 9 studied
kT--llYhSQQ-00028-00015441-00016046 streams (CR, YA, WS, HR, GP, SN, AY, YJ, T). Fifth order streams in the Strahler stream
kT--llYhSQQ-00029-00016046-00016440 order were selected because the size of the fifth order streams should small enough to
kT--llYhSQQ-00030-00016440-00016736 be highly sensitive to general localized background N inputs.
kT--llYhSQQ-00031-00016736-00017170 In fig. 1 (b) show how the land use patterns is measured by using AutoCAD 2008.
kT--llYhSQQ-00032-00017170-00017906 In fig. 1 (c) those 10 sites in fig. 1 (a) divided into forests (YA, and CR-up), urban
kT--llYhSQQ-00033-00017906-00018456 (AY, YJ, SN., and T), and agricultural (GP, CR-down, WS, and HR).
kT--llYhSQQ-00034-00018456-00018944 All right! here we go to see how each habitat is classified.
kT--llYhSQQ-00035-00018944-00019373 A sampling site with a meandering part in the streams and with alluvial island because
kT--llYhSQQ-00036-00019373-00020081 the hyporheic exchange flow in fig. 2 (a). Four habitats with different microtopographic
kT--llYhSQQ-00037-00020081-00020682 characteristics, i.e., riparian, channel, front of alluvial island and back of alluvial
kT--llYhSQQ-00038-00020682-00021012 island, within each site were designated for sampling and in-situ measurements (fig. 2a).
kT--llYhSQQ-00039-00021012-00021118 For denitrification rates the in-situ way is used with acetylene blocking assay at the
kT--llYhSQQ-00040-00021118-00022152 sampling spots of the 4 habitats in 10 sites shown in fig. 2 (b).
kT--llYhSQQ-00041-00022152-00022711 For more secure measurement, a polyvinyl chloride chamber (45-cm height and 5.5-cm diameter)
kT--llYhSQQ-00042-00022711-00023484 was fixed by inserting its 15- cm base through the sediment in order to prevent any gaseous
kT--llYhSQQ-00043-00023484-00023847 leakages during the collection of sediment.
kT--llYhSQQ-00044-00023847-00025147 The last part of the methodology of this research are classified in 5 steps as seen from the
kT--llYhSQQ-00045-00025147-00026149 table and how the different methods used to go through each step accordingly.
kT--llYhSQQ-00046-00026149-00026487 Now table discussion in the main slide.
kT--llYhSQQ-00047-00026487-00027507 As the fig. 3. gives the clear explanation about the denitrification values in each habitats
kT--llYhSQQ-00048-00027507-00028208 depends on the inflow of the organic carbon and nutrients from vegetation and human activity
kT--llYhSQQ-00049-00028208-00029481 in the case of riparian zone for forest, same trend also seen in urban habitat, but this
kT--llYhSQQ-00050-00029481-00030569 time Ch and AI-B also shows some increasing trends, and finally in case of the agriculture
kT--llYhSQQ-00051-00030569-00031537 habitat the Ch is leading and over all ranges incline while AI-B slightly decline as in
kT--llYhSQQ-00052-00031537-00032360 the urban case we see significant increase. In conclusion the denitrification rate was
kT--llYhSQQ-00053-00032360-00032912 the highest in agricultural streams and lowest in forest stream because of the anthropological
kT--llYhSQQ-00054-00032912-00033715 disturbance likewise the sediment and stream denitrification rates were highest in agriculture
kT--llYhSQQ-00055-00033715-00034051 and lowest in the forest stream too.
kT--llYhSQQ-00056-00034051-00034637 In the outcomes of the research, we are going to discuss the following land use pattern
kT--llYhSQQ-00057-00034637-00034934 as seen from the table to denitrifying the community analysis.
kT--llYhSQQ-00058-00034934-00035096 The statistical analysis, i.e, MRPP method were performed for comparison of multiple
kT--llYhSQQ-00059-00035096-00035298 bacterial communities from different land user patterns.
kT--llYhSQQ-00060-00035298-00035900 From the table. 1 we seen average values of the denitrification rates which we discuss
kT--llYhSQQ-00061-00035900-00036552 in the last slide, but the average quantity of the denitrifying genes is not consistent
kT--llYhSQQ-00062-00036552-00037307 in each land use pattern. The A value is a statistic parameter for testing
kT--llYhSQQ-00063-00037307-00038363 the hypothesis in multiple groups in MRPP. The multiple data sets with A values > 0.3
kT--llYhSQQ-00064-00038363-00038700 imply that there are significant differences among the data.
kT--llYhSQQ-00065-00038700-00039668 Here the A values of MRPP were higher than 0.3 in a test among the streams and were much
kT--llYhSQQ-00066-00039668-00040400 lower than 0.3 in a test among the land-use patterns in both bacterial diversity sets
kT--llYhSQQ-00067-00040400-00041024 targeting nirS and nosZ (Table II). In parallel gene diversity analysis using
kT--llYhSQQ-00068-00041024-00041563 nirS and norZ also shows that land use types did not affect SDI.
kT--llYhSQQ-00069-00041563-00041793 In conclusion, phylogenetic diversities of the bacterial denitrifying genes (nirS and
kT--llYhSQQ-00070-00041793-00042450 nosZ) were different among the streams although denitrification rates were associated with
kT--llYhSQQ-00071-00042450-00042678 the watershed land-use patterns
kT--llYhSQQ-00072-00042678-00043538 As the above table clearly shows the details of multiple linear regression analysis and
kT--llYhSQQ-00073-00043538-00044981 back in the material and method section, we divide 10 sites into the following categories
kT--llYhSQQ-00074-00044981-00045640 in 9 streams to find out the soil biochemical properties.
kT--llYhSQQ-00075-00045640-00046144 LogDR=0.539pH+0.051〖NH〗_4^+-N −0.045WC−0.013GC−1.895 (R^2=0.536, P <0.001) among all the sites,
kT--llYhSQQ-00076-00046144-00046986 where WC is the water content and GC is the gravel content.
kT--llYhSQQ-00077-00046986-00048081 PH is positive which the controlling factor for denitrification because microbial activities
kT--llYhSQQ-00078-00048081-00050032 are greatly influenced by this term. 〖NO〗_3^- is a direct electron acceptor
kT--llYhSQQ-00079-00050032-00050738 for denitrifiers. Likewise, 〖NO〗_3^--N was a dominate limiting
kT--llYhSQQ-00080-00050738-00051996 factor in  sediment denitrification when exceed the threshold
kT--llYhSQQ-00081-00051996-00052627 concentration of 0.4 mg 〖NO〗_3^--N L^- (〖NO〗_3^--N concentration below 0.4 mg
kT--llYhSQQ-00082-00052627-00055124 〖NO〗_3^--N L^- is seen in table III). For forest stream sites the LogDR=0.099Temprature-1.186
kT--llYhSQQ-00083-00055124-00055954 (R^2=0.415, P <0.002) temperature was the only controlling factor.
kT--llYhSQQ-00084-00055954-00056944 For urban stream sites the LogDR=0.004DOC+1.683 (R^2=0.274, P <0.003) DOC was the only controlling
kT--llYhSQQ-00085-00056944-00058891 factor which is not in  the previous analysis.
kT--llYhSQQ-00086-00058891-00060080 For agricultural stream sites the LogDR=0.254Clay+0.016DOC-0.051WC+0.334 (R^2=0.721, P <0.001) clay content, DOC, and
kT--llYhSQQ-00087-00060080-00060627 water content was the controlling factor.
kT--llYhSQQ-00088-00060627-00061216 As the table clearly represents the water chemical properties of the 4 habitats with
kT--llYhSQQ-00089-00061216-00062813 different characteristics. DOC and 〖NH〗_4^+-N high concentration
kT--llYhSQQ-00090-00062813-00064214 in agricultural streams while forested streams had the lowest concentrations of 
kT--llYhSQQ-00091-00064214-00065157 these nutrients and urban streams intermediate concentrations. (Previous studies)
kT--llYhSQQ-00094-00074616-00075702 However, agricultural sites demonstrated the highest denitrification rates in both cases.
kT--llYhSQQ-00095-00075702-00076111 (Current study) Soil temperature over all study sites (21.0–38.0
kT--llYhSQQ-00096-00076111-00077061 ⁰C) varied more than water temperature (22.5–28.5⁰C) due to 
kT--llYhSQQ-00097-00077061-00078545 the lower thermal capacity of soil (Tables III and IV).
kT--llYhSQQ-00098-00078545-00080561 Soil and water temperatures were lowest in the forested stream sites, followed by the
kT--llYhSQQ-00100-00108080-00109474 of 
kT--llYhSQQ-00102-00115420-00116687 and an altered adiabatic lapse rate in urban areas can increase temperature.
kT--llYhSQQ-00103-00116687-00117377 Water conductivities were high in the urban stream sites as well as the agricultural stream
kT--llYhSQQ-00104-00117377-00118478 sites, possibly due to wastewater discharges and agricultural runoffs, respectively (Table
kT--llYhSQQ-00105-00118478-00119396 II). Higher pH values of the agricultural stream
kT--llYhSQQ-00106-00119396-00119953 sites might be due to the application of large volumes of alkaline fertilizers.
kT--llYhSQQ-00107-00119953-00120683 Except magnesium, the ionic concentrations of the agricultural stream sites and the urban
kT--llYhSQQ-00108-00120683-00121357 stream sites were three times higher than those of the world stream average.
kT--llYhSQQ-00109-00121357-00122421 Chloride concentrations of the urban stream sites (40.82 mg L−1) were five times the
kT--llYhSQQ-00110-00122421-00123366 world average (7.8 mg L−1), possibly due to the high sodium chloride concentration
kT--llYhSQQ-00111-00123366-00123960 of domestic wastewater.
kT--llYhSQQ-00114-00134903-00137591 one accordingly. Discuss whatever in the slide itself.
kT--llYhSQQ-00115-00137591-00139723 That’s all  from 
kT--llYhSQQ-00116-00139723-00140384 this presentation session and don’t forget to subscribe and like my YouTube channel and
kT--llYhSQQ-00117-00140384-00141019 press the bill icon that you could receive our new research contents.
kT--llYhSQQ-00118-00141019-00141354 Your kind comments will be appreciated.
kTSy1aCi3eU-00000-00000000-00000128 Smudging with Sage
kUcoKZwoebg-00000-00000024-00000648 do we make you sound like you are puppets on a string you are not because you're running the show
kUcoKZwoebg-00001-00000728-00001144 you came you're the leading edge you're in the contrast
kUcoKZwoebg-00002-00001144-00001592 you're making the decisions can you feel the difference between
kUcoKZwoebg-00003-00001728-00002240 your thinking of a thought step one and your receiving of a thought step three
kUcoKZwoebg-00004-00002464-00003112 we'll wait until you figure that out can you feel the difference this is a new thought for you isn't
kUcoKZwoebg-00005-00003112-00003679 it when you're exploring contrast you're thinking about it you're evaluating it you're measuring it
kUcoKZwoebg-00006-00003679-00004216 you're comparing it you're choosing from one thing in another in other words you're contemplating it
kUcoKZwoebg-00007-00004216-00004832 your thinking mechanism is really involved when you're in that contrasting mode but once you've
kUcoKZwoebg-00008-00004832-00005440 launched that rocket and once source has hold of it don't you think it would be a good idea for
kUcoKZwoebg-00009-00005440-00006288 you to listen in to see what source thinks about it and to see what resources have been gathered
kUcoKZwoebg-00010-00006288-00006856 up for you a steady stream of them so it's like source says all right we've got to beat on what
kUcoKZwoebg-00011-00006856-00007448 you want and you can keep exploring life and you can keep amending your desire and we'll keep
kUcoKZwoebg-00012-00007552-00008376 feeding to you impulses and suggestions about how you might enjoy the evolution of this desire
kUcoKZwoebg-00013-00008376-00009056 the most not how you can get to it the fastest not how you can justify your existence by getting
kUcoKZwoebg-00014-00009056-00009984 rid of this problem how you can enjoy the unfolding of this desire the most it's like
kUcoKZwoebg-00015-00010072-00010752 the new ice cream store opened oh they have so many beautiful things to choose from
kUcoKZwoebg-00016-00010856-00011504 and so you look and you choose and you get it and then do you scarf it as fast as you can
kUcoKZwoebg-00017-00011584-00012000 do you have an ice cream eating contest let's see who can make it disappear the faster
kUcoKZwoebg-00018-00012120-00012784 or do you lick it and savor it and slow it down
kUcoKZwoebg-00019-00013000-00013808 do you savor it do you make it last as long as you can do you enjoy it that's what your inner being
kUcoKZwoebg-00020-00013808-00014224 wishes for you on this journey let's just play with this for a minute so let's say
kUcoKZwoebg-00021-00014224-00014576 it's not like this but let's pretend just let's pretend that it took you
kUcoKZwoebg-00022-00014656-00015008 five years of contrast to ask for something
kUcoKZwoebg-00023-00015216-00015791 it's not like that but let's just say just for and now you've asked and now
kUcoKZwoebg-00024-00015904-00016872 you want it to manifest all of a sudden no you want it to manifest slowly and continue
kUcoKZwoebg-00025-00016872-00017480 to surprise and delight you with every stage of its evolution you want to feel in on it don't you
kUcoKZwoebg-00026-00017544-00018192 yeah you are too impatient to really understand what we're getting at here really to be fair
kUcoKZwoebg-00027-00018192-00018800 until you've meditated every day for a while we're talking maybe 30 days might be sooner but maybe
kUcoKZwoebg-00028-00018800-00019600 30 days so that you really know that you're in the receiving mode and you receive a thought that's so
kUcoKZwoebg-00029-00019600-00020312 compelling that you just can't not follow it and then it leads to something and leads to something
kUcoKZwoebg-00030-00020312-00020792 and leads to something and the pleasure just keeps coming and coming and coming and coming and coming
kUcoKZwoebg-00031-00020856-00021464 and you are actually a conscious witness to the unfolding of the thought that you know
kUcoKZwoebg-00032-00021464-00022072 you received because of meditation until that happens to you this is just a theory that you
kUcoKZwoebg-00033-00022072-00022808 could forget about tomorrow but once you actually begin meditating deliberately and
kUcoKZwoebg-00034-00022808-00023392 are acknowledging even during meditation ah this must be the receiving mode because i am chilled
kUcoKZwoebg-00035-00023520-00024224 and then an impulse or a thought comes and you know for sure you know for sure that you received
kUcoKZwoebg-00036-00024224-00024880 it and then the impulse is strong enough because you've been in the state of non-resistance so that
kUcoKZwoebg-00037-00024880-00025608 the impetus the momentum of the thought of source has enough momentum going that your impulse to act
kUcoKZwoebg-00038-00025608-00026368 on it is strong enough and you do and you witness the result of that successful receiving mode
kUcoKZwoebg-00039-00026439-00027127 that successful download of important information from broader perspective who knows about you and
kUcoKZwoebg-00040-00027127-00027760 loves you so much once you start doing that then you'll say the magic is back
kUcoKZwoebg-00041-00027760-00028376 in my life then you'll say i'm invincible then you'll say bring it on contrast because i just
kUcoKZwoebg-00042-00028376-00028824 love having a new thought because all you've got to do is put it over there in the vortex machine
kUcoKZwoebg-00043-00028824-00029264 and the vortex machine will attract all the cooperative components and when it's ready for me
kUcoKZwoebg-00044-00029264-00029704 source will tell me and i'll be ready for source to tell me because i'm ready every day for source
kUcoKZwoebg-00045-00029704-00030327 to tell me i don't just meditate occasionally yeah i have meditated you said i've meditated
kUcoKZwoebg-00046-00030327-00031120 i've meditated i am a meditator i meditate every day every day i put myself in the receiving mode
kUcoKZwoebg-00047-00031120-00031608 every day i know source has something to give me every day i'm ready to receive what i'm most ready
kUcoKZwoebg-00048-00031608-00032016 to receive every day i'm as ready as i'm ready and i'm only as ready as i'm ready and i don't know
kUcoKZwoebg-00049-00032016-00032360 how ready i am but i'm ready enough and i don't know how ready that really is but i'm ready enough
kUcoKZwoebg-00050-00032360-00032824 to sit and see how ready i am i don't know how ready i am esther was ready enough to want to move
kUcoKZwoebg-00051-00032824-00033336 her furniture around and if someone said what are you doing today and esther had said i'm moving all
kUcoKZwoebg-00052-00033336-00033760 of the furniture around in two houses i'm moving the furniture around they would have said is that
kUcoKZwoebg-00053-00033760-00034168 the most productive thing that you can think of to do today are there other more productive
kUcoKZwoebg-00054-00034168-00034600 things that you might do isn't there a book you might write don't you want to save humanity in
kUcoKZwoebg-00055-00034600-00035000 some way really oh yeah i want to do all those things but what i really want to do is just move
kUcoKZwoebg-00056-00035000-00035392 this furniture around well isn't there something else that would be more important for you to do
kUcoKZwoebg-00057-00035392-00035800 maybe but i can't think of it right now all i want to do is just move this furniture around it's all
kUcoKZwoebg-00058-00035800-00036176 i want to do i cannot not move this furniture around moving this furniture around just sounds
kUcoKZwoebg-00059-00036176-00036600 like the best idea i've ever ever had want to go on vacation no i want to move the furniture
kUcoKZwoebg-00060-00036600-00037008 around want to go to lunch no i want to move the furniture around want to write a book what doesn't
kUcoKZwoebg-00061-00037008-00037464 matter no one could offer anything fortunately she was alone and no one was offering anything to her
kUcoKZwoebg-00062-00037592-00038120 but what we're getting at is you have to be committed to not committed
kUcoKZwoebg-00063-00038328-00038920 you have to be committed to following the impulse when it comes and then when you begin making the
kUcoKZwoebg-00064-00038920-00039608 association between the impulse that came and the way it felt and the results of it
kUcoKZwoebg-00065-00039608-00040136 as you begin witnessing thoughts turning to things then you will know that you're onto
kUcoKZwoebg-00066-00040136-00040784 something really important we think this is a really good time for a segment of refreshing
kVuZ6HILiyA-00000-00000146-00000553 Darrell: Will be available a little later and a follow-up on our YouTube page.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00001-00000553-00001147 But with that, I'm going to turn things over.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00002-00001693-00002002 Kaycee Shiley: Good morning everybody.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00003-00002002-00002714 It is a chilly morning here in Tallahassee and I am trying to get my slides up.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00004-00002714-00003506 Can you all see those? All right.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00005-00003506-00003909 For those who don't know me, perfect, thank you.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00006-00003909-00004149 My name is Kaycee Shiley and I am the Youth Services Consultant
kVuZ6HILiyA-00007-00004149-00004784 for the Florida Library Youth Program, what we commonly referred to as FLYP.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00008-00004784-00005034 So if this is your first time on the line with us,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00009-00005034-00005323 thank you so much for spending your morning with us and welcome aboard.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00010-00005323-00005797 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Good morning.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00011-00005797-00006022 I'm Nancy Guidry-Hall, the State Data Coordinator here
kVuZ6HILiyA-00012-00006022-00006638 at the Division of Library and Information Services.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00013-00006638-00006773 Kaycee Shiley: And today we're going to be going through
kVuZ6HILiyA-00014-00006773-00007026 our Summer Library Program statistics.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00015-00007026-00007266 So by the time we get done this morning,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00016-00007266-00007718 you should have a better understanding of the purpose of these statistics,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00017-00007718-00007955 how they can help you at the library level
kVuZ6HILiyA-00018-00007955-00008442 and how we use them here at the state and up to the federal level.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00019-00008442-00008787 We're also going to cover the types of data that we are collecting,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00020-00008787-00009046 when that data is due.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00021-00009046-00009243 I will talk a little bit about our outreach and marketing
kVuZ6HILiyA-00022-00009243-00009578 and what we collect as far as that is concerned.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00023-00009578-00009773 And then we'll also go through Counting Opinions,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00024-00009773-00010114 which is the system that you will submit your statistics through,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00025-00010114-00010534 and we will cover some frequently ask questions that we get every year.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00026-00010534-00010806 Just as a note, this webinar is really focusing on
kVuZ6HILiyA-00027-00010806-00011184 the statistics portion of the Summer Library Program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00028-00011184-00011704 We're not going to be talking about actual program planning or programmatic ideas.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00029-00011704-00012088 While we do talk about some programming to provide examples
kVuZ6HILiyA-00030-00012088-00012299 of the data we're collecting,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00031-00012299-00012552 we're not going to go too in-depth with that.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00032-00012552-00012885 So if you're still looking for programming ideas,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00033-00012885-00013240 we did have a webinar back in January that is available on our YouTube channel,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00034-00013240-00013576 and we then also recorded several brainstorming sessions
kVuZ6HILiyA-00035-00013576-00013954 with summer staff around this date.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00036-00013954-00014126 So those are available on our YouTube channel
kVuZ6HILiyA-00037-00014126-00014610 if you are still looking for programming ideas.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00038-00014610-00014918 So with that, we're going to talk about why we collect these summer stats
kVuZ6HILiyA-00039-00014918-00015405 and how they can help you on your local, state and federal level.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00040-00015405-00015813 So for your library specifically, these statistics help determine the allotments
kVuZ6HILiyA-00041-00015813-00016430 and we give out allotments each year to libraries who opt-in to participate.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00042-00016430-00016769 An allotment is meant to help you supplement your funding
kVuZ6HILiyA-00043-00016769-00017073 for your Summer Library Program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00044-00017073-00017298 So we take those numbers and we put them into a formula
kVuZ6HILiyA-00045-00017298-00017680 to produce that amount of money that you get each year.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00046-00017680-00017974 And so this year, we are having some changes to our stats
kVuZ6HILiyA-00047-00017974-00018421 because with the changes that, you know,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00048-00018421-00018613 have happened over the last couple of years,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00049-00018613-00018912 it has changed the way that we collect statistics,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00050-00018912-00019232 and so we're having to reformulate that formula to make it,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00051-00019232-00019505 make sure that it is an equitable formula.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00052-00019505-00019846 And so you will see some of those changes as we kind of start to think ahead
kVuZ6HILiyA-00053-00019846-00020090 and how we can make these changes permanent
kVuZ6HILiyA-00054-00020090-00020400 and make that allotment work for everybody.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00055-00020400-00020741 These statistics also provide stories about your work
kVuZ6HILiyA-00056-00020741-00021066 and how you are meeting your community's needs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00057-00021066-00021387 That story is important to your library director.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00058-00021387-00021709 It's a story that you can take to your city or county commissioners
kVuZ6HILiyA-00059-00021709-00022155 and that you can share with other library funders and supporters.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00060-00022155-00022629 And, you know, as staff who are responsible for programming,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00061-00022629-00022974 being able to track these numbers helps you all decide
kVuZ6HILiyA-00062-00022974-00023272 what your youth and families want when it comes to programming
kVuZ6HILiyA-00063-00023272-00023581 and resources and what they need.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00064-00023581-00023830 And then also, especially over the last few years
kVuZ6HILiyA-00065-00023830-00024123 with virtual programming taking a front seat,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00066-00024123-00024448 I know a lot of libraries have been able to use this data
kVuZ6HILiyA-00067-00024448-00024737 to identify groups of people
kVuZ6HILiyA-00068-00024737-00025123 that have maybe been unable to attend in previous years,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00069-00025123-00025563 when it was just in person programming, and it's helped library staff
kVuZ6HILiyA-00070-00025563-00026438 to identify gaps in who they're missing from their library.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00071-00026438-00026610 Nancy Guidry-Hall: As Kaycee says, the data collected
kVuZ6HILiyA-00072-00026610-00027035 from the summer programs survey is used for a couple of things.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00073-00027035-00027389 It's compiled for a statewide view of community need
kVuZ6HILiyA-00074-00027389-00027897 and this can help us spot shifting trends in the services that libraries provide.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00075-00027897-00028264 When we take these statistics and compare or combine them
kVuZ6HILiyA-00076-00028264-00028653 with other data collected throughout the year, it paints a broad picture
kVuZ6HILiyA-00077-00028653-00028998 of library service around the state and we can then share
kVuZ6HILiyA-00078-00028998-00029379 that picture with our state leaders.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00079-00029379-00029785 The data is used for justification at the national level.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00080-00029785-00030403 This entire bureau, staff and all of our programs are fully funded by,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00081-00030403-00030794 and so completely dependent upon, federal funding through grants
kVuZ6HILiyA-00082-00030794-00031251 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00083-00031251-00031566 The IMLS has certain reporting requirements that are standard
kVuZ6HILiyA-00084-00031566-00032101 across the whole country and these statistics help us meet those requirements.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00085-00032101-00032408 Just as all of you do at the local level, these statistics
kVuZ6HILiyA-00086-00032408-00033096 help us make the case for how beneficial and far-reaching our federal dollars are.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00087-00033096-00033370 We can show that Florida libraries are consistently impacting
kVuZ6HILiyA-00088-00033370-00034071 their communities through these personal stories and the numbers..
kVuZ6HILiyA-00089-00034071-00035154 Are there any questions at this?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00090-00035303-00035459 Kaycee Shiley: All right.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00091-00035459-00035703 And if any questions pop-up as we are going through,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00092-00035703-00035922 please feel free to either throw them in the chat
kVuZ6HILiyA-00093-00035922-00036188 or you can use that hand raise button.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00094-00036188-00036458 It's always good to hear other people's voices.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00095-00036458-00036863 So one of the big questions that we can ask pretty early on
kVuZ6HILiyA-00096-00036863-00037202 is when do you need to have your stats submitted by?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00097-00037202-00038076 So the survey will open on July 18th 2022 and it will close on September 9th, 2022.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00098-00038076-00038495 Earlier or later last year, I sent out a pole across the state
kVuZ6HILiyA-00099-00038495-00039076 because I know that some of you have requested a later due date instead of August,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00100-00039076-00039527 and so we put it out to vote to the state, and you all were overwhelmingly
kVuZ6HILiyA-00101-00039527-00039887 on the same page that you would prefer a later date,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00102-00039887-00040239 knowing that that means that your allotments will come a little bit later
kVuZ6HILiyA-00103-00040239-00040685 in the month versus getting it at the beginning of the month.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00104-00040685-00041090 So you do have a little bit more time with that, although I do recommend that,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00105-00041090-00041447 if you are able to, especially if you're from a larger library system,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00106-00041447-00041804 may be working on these statistics throughout this summer,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00107-00041804-00042176 so that it's not one big job at the end of the summer.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00108-00042176-00042613 And just as a side note, whenever I send your follow of email with today's recording,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00109-00042613-00043116 I will also be sending out a one-page cheat sheet that has all of the states on it,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00110-00043116-00043647 so you can print it out for easy access, especially because that survey is not yet open.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00111-00043647-00044060 And then I'm also going to send out a Word version with the statistics in it,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00112-00044060-00044397 because I know for some of you that have multiple branches,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00113-00044397-00044669 it's easier to just send down a word document so that your branches
kVuZ6HILiyA-00114-00044669-00045600 can fill that information out and get it to you for you input into the system.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00115-00045600-00045898 Nancy Guidry-Hall: So what data do you need to collect?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00116-00045898-00046275 We're going to give you a breakdown of the data that you need to collect
kVuZ6HILiyA-00117-00046275-00046464 for the survey and what defines a program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00118-00046464-00046936 and who you count as attending these programs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00119-00046936-00047495 For the purpose of this survey, you're counting two types of programs;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00120-00047495-00047834 active and self-directed.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00121-00047834-00048114 Both of these categories combine all formats.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00122-00048114-00048645 They can both be in person, virtual or hybrid.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00123-00048645-00048943 Beginning this year, the Take and Make Kits are going to be
kVuZ6HILiyA-00124-00048943-00049466 counted as a separate category.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00125-00049466-00050058 For active programs, active programs are conducted before a live audience.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00126-00050058-00050371 They can be interactive, but they don't have to be.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00127-00050371-00050786 They can be in person, but they can also be virtual,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00128-00050786-00051068 and they might be a combination with an in person audience
kVuZ6HILiyA-00129-00051068-00051453 and an online audience viewing at the same time.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00130-00051453-00052139 The key qualifier for being an active program is being in real-time.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00131-00052139-00052584 Kaycee Shiley: So on the flip side of that, sorry, self-directed
kVuZ6HILiyA-00132-00052584-00053024 programs are not conducted before a live audience.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00133-00053024-00053288 So the patrons, your community members,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00134-00053288-00053707 they can participate in these programs on their own timing.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00135-00053707-00054399 They can be recorded live events that are put up for people to watch after the fact.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00136-00054399-00055016 They could be a Twitter challenge that players can join over the course of a week.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00137-00055016-00055333 So there's a lot of different types of self-directed programs
kVuZ6HILiyA-00138-00055333-00055618 and just as with the active program, you count the number of programs
kVuZ6HILiyA-00139-00055618-00056044 and the number and the program attendants as well.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00140-00056044-00056440 So again, the key here is they are not in real-time.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00141-00056440-00056727 So something I want to make sure that we specifically point out,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00142-00056727-00056962 because we made this point the first year
kVuZ6HILiyA-00143-00056962-00057258 we started incorporating self-directed programs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00144-00057258-00057776 But I think just over, you know, the chaos that has been the last couple of years,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00145-00057776-00058293 we have all maybe forgotten this piece about self-directed programs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00146-00058293-00058672 Prerecorded videos can be counted only when the videos
kVuZ6HILiyA-00147-00058672-00059056 are recorded for your specific library.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00148-00059056-00059671 So if you are purchasing access through a mass license or a mass subscription,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00149-00059671-00060101 those videos do not count towards your stats
kVuZ6HILiyA-00150-00060101-00060714 because it's not a program that was created specifically for your library.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00151-00060714-00061314 And so if, you know, let's say, you have a juggler that you usually bring in,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00152-00061314-00061588 but they're not yet comfortable coming into the library
kVuZ6HILiyA-00153-00061588-00061930 for an in person programming program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00154-00061930-00062508 and they want to pre-record a video just for you, that you can count.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00155-00062508-00062896 If you are just purchasing access to a video that somebody
kVuZ6HILiyA-00156-00062896-00063263 has created to send to libraries throughout the entire country,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00157-00063263-00063607 that is the type of thing that you would not count
kVuZ6HILiyA-00158-00063607-00064741 because it was not made specifically for your library.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00159-00064741-00065100 And there is a question in the chat about the date that the survey will open.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00160-00065100-00065947 It will be open July 18th through September 9th.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00161-00065947-00066055 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Okay.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00162-00066055-00066615 Well, let's look at a few examples of self-directed versus active programs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00163-00066615-00066954 One example is a scavenger hunt at the library.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00164-00066954-00067299 If you're just making the instructions and the list of items available for patrons
kVuZ6HILiyA-00165-00067299-00067941 to carry out at their own speed, that would count as a self-directed program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00166-00067941-00068314 If you have a scheduled event with a time limit for participants to report back
kVuZ6HILiyA-00167-00068314-00068996 to a base to compare results, for instance, that would count as an active program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00168-00068996-00069250 For a book club, if you have a scheduled meeting where participants
kVuZ6HILiyA-00169-00069250-00069904 get together either in person or online, count that as an active program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00170-00069904-00070210 If they're just making asynchronous comments on Facebook,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00171-00070210-00070623 you can count that as a self-directed program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00172-00070623-00071015 And it would be the same scenario for a Storytime;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00173-00071015-00071539 if you have a gathering of a live audience, in person or online
kVuZ6HILiyA-00174-00071539-00072007 or a combination of the two, it counts as active.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00175-00072007-00072304 If you are making a recording available, count the participants
kVuZ6HILiyA-00176-00072304-00073064 as part of the self-directed program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00177-00073064-00073322 Kaycee Shiley: Take and Make Kits or I know some libraries
kVuZ6HILiyA-00178-00073322-00073607 call these Grab and Go Kits.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00179-00073607-00074101 These have become increasingly popular over the last couple of years
kVuZ6HILiyA-00180-00074101-00074472 and we've been including them in the self-directed programs
kVuZ6HILiyA-00181-00074472-00074843 for the purposes of collecting statistics.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00182-00074843-00075276 So this year, we've actually broken this out into its own separate category.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00183-00075276-00075781 So for those who have been doing this, you will still count it.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00184-00075781-00076240 You're just going to input it in as its own separate entity.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00185-00076240-00076567 So Activity Kits, if you've not heard of them, or Grab and Go's,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00186-00076567-00077019 are little sort of bags that staff fill with activities or crafts
kVuZ6HILiyA-00187-00077019-00077562 that patrons can pick up with them and take them home and work on them.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00188-00077562-00077984 I recently picked one up from my local library for my daughter.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00189-00077984-00078386 It was about genealogy for kids and so it had family activities
kVuZ6HILiyA-00190-00078386-00078741 that she could complete at home,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00191-00078741-00078991 and it was a fantastic, just quick thing that
kVuZ6HILiyA-00192-00078991-00079253 I could grab and bring home for her to do.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00193-00079253-00079672 So it is new this year that we are counting these separately.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00194-00079672-00080013 So you're going to count the variety of kits that you create
kVuZ6HILiyA-00195-00080013-00080544 and you're going to count the number of kits taken by your patrons.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00196-00080544-00080896 And this will also be broken down into the intended age-group
kVuZ6HILiyA-00197-00080896-00081341 as your other programs are counted.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00198-00081341-00081815 So I'm a bit of a visual learner and so I wanted to
kVuZ6HILiyA-00199-00081815-00082232 provide an example, because this is new in how we're doing this.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00200-00082232-00082533 So let's say that your library creates eight different Take and Make Kits,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00201-00082533-00083010 but you put one type of kit out each week for patrons to take home.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00202-00083010-00083372 So you put 100 bags each week for eight weeks.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00203-00083372-00083639 And because this is a hypothetical scenario,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00204-00083639-00083975 we can make super neat and tidy numbers.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00205-00083975-00084485 So let's say that patrons took 75 bags every week.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00206-00084485-00084813 So you would count this as eight different types of kits.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00207-00084813-00085261 And then the total number of kids taken was 600.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00208-00085261-00085524 And if your library does not offer these kits, there is a spot
kVuZ6HILiyA-00209-00085524-00085765 and we will show that to you in a little bit,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00210-00085765-00086389 where you can just select non-applicable.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00211-00086389-00086488 Nancy Guidry-Hall: All right,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00212-00086488-00086749 let's talk a little bit more about virtual programming,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00213-00086749-00087130 and it definitely does count towards your statistics.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00214-00087130-00087562 You count your live virtual events as active programs
kVuZ6HILiyA-00215-00087562-00088051 and count the attendees to the live events as active program attendants.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00216-00088051-00088367 When you post a video of a program, the views of recordings
kVuZ6HILiyA-00217-00088367-00088802 are considered self-directed programming and then you count the views
kVuZ6HILiyA-00218-00088802-00089619 that watch the recording for one minute or longer.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00219-00089619-00089884 For livestreaming, you should be able to see how many people
kVuZ6HILiyA-00220-00089884-00090179 are watching during the active livestream on your screen
kVuZ6HILiyA-00221-00090179-00090792 and be sure to record that total soon after the live view has ended.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00222-00090792-00091120 For the count of the self-directed recording views,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00223-00091120-00091410 wait until the end of the summer collection period
kVuZ6HILiyA-00224-00091410-00092408 to get the total number of views for each program you posted.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00225-00092408-00092789 For a program that takes place both in person and virtually at the same time,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00226-00092789-00093452 counted as one active program and combine both sets of participants.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00227-00093452-00093837 If the recording of that program remains available after the live event,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00228-00093837-00094231 those views that are one minute or longer would be counted
kVuZ6HILiyA-00229-00094231-00095026 as part of a self-directed program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00230-00095026-00095277 Kaycee Shiley: So let's talk about outreach.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00231-00095277-00095543 You would count outreach activities as programming,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00232-00095543-00095922 so I know some of you may have already started your outreach activities.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00233-00095922-00096151 So you want to make sure that you do include these,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00234-00096151-00096557 because they do count towards your final statistics at the end of summer.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00235-00096557-00096869 And there's no set date to begin counting, because I know that some libraries,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00236-00096869-00097316 as I said, have already started promoting their summer program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00237-00097316-00097648 and some will start before school lets out.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00238-00097648-00098192 So we do know that some of you are still unable to get out into your communities.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00239-00098192-00098682 But some of you have been able to start going out into schools or community activities.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00240-00098682-00099156 So do know that even if your outreach activities are still purely virtual,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00241-00099156-00099349 you can count those.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00242-00099349-00100015 So if your team decided to livestream a commercial about your summer library program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00243-00100015-00100538 and you all create a skit, that would count as an active program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00244-00100538-00100915 And then for all the views that people watch after the live,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00245-00100915-00101272 that would be a self-directed program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00246-00101272-00101685 But in our digital age, it can be a little difficult to discern
kVuZ6HILiyA-00247-00101685-00102000 between what is outreach and what is marketing,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00248-00102000-00102418 because we do not collect marketing statistics at the state-level.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00249-00102418-00102748 Now you may decide that that's important to you all locally,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00250-00102748-00103059 because it's part of your local story that you need to tell,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00251-00103059-00103381 but we don't need them up here.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00252-00103381-00103682 And so it can be difficult to tell the difference.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00253-00103682-00104074 And so the way I look at it, and what helps me sort of visualize the difference,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00254-00104074-00104567 is that virtual outreach is something that I could just as easily do
kVuZ6HILiyA-00255-00104567-00104901 standing in a room in front of a group of people.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00256-00104901-00105416 So for instance, the you know, the live video commercial skit.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00257-00105416-00105789 That is something that could easily be done standing in a classroom full of kids,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00258-00105789-00106303 whereas things like creating Facebook events or putting out digital flyers
kVuZ6HILiyA-00259-00106303-00106888 or sending out e-news letters about your summer programming, that is more marketing.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00260-00106888-00107941 Those are the types of statistics we are not actively speaking at this point.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00261-00107941-00108293 So just as a note about these statistics.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00262-00108293-00108807 I guess I'm still sharing slides.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00263-00108807-00109504 Can everybody else see them?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00264-00109504-00109972 Okay.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00265-00109972-00110235 Some people can and some people can't.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00266-00110235-00111144 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to re-share and see if that helps.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00267-00111144-00111338 Okay.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00268-00111338-00111544 Hopefully that helped. All right.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00269-00111544-00112082 So whenever you are counting your programs, we do have them
kVuZ6HILiyA-00270-00112082-00112755 set up into different age groups and we will show you that breakdown here soon.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00271-00112755-00113058 But one thing that I think is important for you to remember is that
kVuZ6HILiyA-00272-00113058-00113608 you're counting these programs based on the intended target audience,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00273-00113608-00113862 not the age of attendees.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00274-00113862-00114379 So if you have 30 people show up for a preschool Storytime,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00275-00114379-00114751 15 of them are kids, 15 of them are adults.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00276-00114751-00115199 It all goes in that preschool Storytime, zero and five age range.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00277-00115199-00115414 The other thing that I think is important to remember
kVuZ6HILiyA-00278-00115414-00115790 is that we are only counting summer library programming.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00279-00115790-00116153 And so I know that some of you continue your regularly
kVuZ6HILiyA-00280-00116153-00116610 scheduled programming and just carry it in through the summer.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00281-00116610-00116940 If that regular, you know, say it's a knitting club
kVuZ6HILiyA-00282-00116940-00117262 that meets once a month all the year round,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00283-00117262-00117508 if they continue to meet,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00284-00117508-00118108 then you wouldn't necessarily count that as part of your Summer Library Program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00285-00118108-00118793 unless they decided to incorporate that Summer Library Program into their program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00286-00118793-00118983 Same goes with your Storytimes.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00287-00118983-00119291 If it's just business as usual, it's not really considered
kVuZ6HILiyA-00288-00119291-00119593 a specific Summer Library Program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00289-00119593-00120097 Those statistics will go in your annual statistical report.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00290-00120097-00120556 Also, just as a side note, if you are still offering virtual Storytimes
kVuZ6HILiyA-00291-00120556-00120982 for that zero to five age range, you could probably make the assumption
kVuZ6HILiyA-00292-00120982-00121449 that there is an adult watching alongside a really young child,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00293-00121449-00122438 so you could safely go ahead and double that number for that age range specifically.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00294-00122438-00122658 That was a lot of information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00295-00122658-00122908 I know some of you are still having screen problems.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00296-00122908-00123150 I'm not sure if our CE team can help with that
kVuZ6HILiyA-00297-00123150-00123542 because I'm showing that my screen is sharing.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00298-00123542-00123887 If you continue to have problems, just know that we are recording this
kVuZ6HILiyA-00299-00123887-00124393 and you should be able to view it that way, and I do apologize.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00300-00124393-00124675 I wish we had a quick fix for that.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00301-00124675-00124964 That was a lot of information about different types of data.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00302-00124964-00125921 Does anybody have any questions at this point?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00303-00125921-00126108 And again, you can type any questions in the chat
kVuZ6HILiyA-00304-00126108-00127131 or you can use that hand raise button?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00305-00127131-00127497 Nancy Guidry-Hall: All right, the next section is how to submit statistics.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00306-00127497-00127851 We're going to give you a brief tour of Counting Opinions,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00307-00127851-00128246 and this is the instrument used to collect your Summer Program data.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00308-00128246-00128508 A lot of you will be familiar with this.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00309-00128508-00129100 This is the URL, and this will be sent to you along with your login information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00310-00129100-00130078 There is one login per location and this information should be kept confidential.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00311-00130078-00130416 The reason being, anyone entering information into Counting Opinions
kVuZ6HILiyA-00312-00130416-00130868 can overwrite data already entered.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00313-00130868-00131345 So if your library has multiple branches or multiple summer reading coordinators,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00314-00131345-00131966 be sure to combine all of your summer reading statistics and report them as a total.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00315-00131966-00132595 Each branch cannot enter separate statistics, our system doesn't allow for that.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00316-00132595-00132971 If you're part of a cooperative, who enters the data
kVuZ6HILiyA-00317-00132971-00133411 would depend on how your allotments are received.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00318-00133411-00134020 A cooperative can decide to receive their allotments as a total or members
kVuZ6HILiyA-00319-00134020-00134497 can receive separate allotments and therefore you would
kVuZ6HILiyA-00320-00134497-00134920 enter your statistics separately.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00321-00134920-00135274 Kaycee Shiley: And we will be sending out these logins  and passwords
kVuZ6HILiyA-00322-00135274-00135533 no later than July 5th.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00323-00135533-00135829 So if July 5th comes and goes and you have not seen anything,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00324-00135829-00136308 make sure to check your spam folder, I tend to end up in people's junk mail a lot.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00325-00136308-00136621 I'm trying not to take it personally.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00326-00136621-00136975 And then, if it's not there, make sure that you reach out to us
kVuZ6HILiyA-00327-00136975-00137431 so that we can ensure that you do receive that login information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00328-00137431-00137996 If you are new in this position, please and I will have my email address at the end.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00329-00137996-00138240 Please make sure that you reach out to me ahead of time
kVuZ6HILiyA-00330-00138240-00138589 just to make sure that I have updated information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00331-00138589-00138903 I know we've had a lot of staff turnover across the state,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00332-00138903-00139381 so I've made a lot of updates already, but I know every year,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00333-00139381-00139679 there's just new people coming on board that I miss,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00334-00139679-00139925 and so please make sure that you do reach out ahead of time
kVuZ6HILiyA-00335-00139925-00140376 so that you can get that information when I send it out.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00336-00140376-00140703 And then I also recommend that when you do receive your login information,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00337-00140703-00141186 even though it's ahead of that survey open date, that you will go ahead
kVuZ6HILiyA-00338-00141186-00141846 and try logging in just to make sure that everything works the way it should.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00339-00141846-00142123 We will be testing these logins, but you know what, tech is going to tech
kVuZ6HILiyA-00340-00142123-00142523 and sometimes you can do all the prep you want and you know,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00341-00142523-00142802 issues will still crop up.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00342-00142802-00143327 So the sooner that we can solve those and resolve them, the better.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00343-00143327-00143834 And then Deb did put a question in the chat, asking if I will send the slides.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00344-00143834-00144205 Yes, when I will send to follow-up email that will have a link to this recording
kVuZ6HILiyA-00345-00144205-00144683 as well as the slides and the different, the cheat sheet
kVuZ6HILiyA-00346-00144683-00145373 and the Word doc with the stats as well.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00347-00145373-00145730 Nancy Guidry-Hall: The next screen is the login screen
kVuZ6HILiyA-00348-00145730-00146206 and after you log in you'll see the welcome screen.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00349-00146206-00146511 There should be a blue enter button at the bottom and
kVuZ6HILiyA-00350-00146511-00147232 this will take you to the page where you select the FLYP survey.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00351-00147232-00147482 Kaycee Shiley: And just a heads up about a potential glitch
kVuZ6HILiyA-00352-00147482-00147864 that we have identified in previous years,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00353-00147864-00148523 if you are the person in your library system who also logs into Counting Opinions
kVuZ6HILiyA-00354-00148523-00148898 for the annual statistical survey or any of these other statistics
kVuZ6HILiyA-00355-00148898-00149459 that we collect using a different login, sometimes Counting Opinions
kVuZ6HILiyA-00356-00149459-00149731 has the memory of an elephant.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00357-00149731-00150275 It never forgets, and so you may find that you have logged in with your FLYP login,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00358-00150275-00150819 which you are really staring at a different survey for a different login.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00359-00150819-00151048 Sometimes the system just gets a little stuck,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00360-00151048-00151251 and so I've had this happened in the past,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00361-00151251-00151629 where you know, I tried to log in to test Dade County's login information
kVuZ6HILiyA-00362-00151629-00151893 and it brought me into Alachua's survey
kVuZ6HILiyA-00363-00151893-00152435 because they were the last account that I had logged in under.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00364-00152435-00152906 So if this should happen to you, there's two ways to fix it.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00365-00152906-00153168 One is just to use a different browser.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00366-00153168-00153491 That's probably the easier way to pull it up.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00367-00153491-00153816 The other way, which, if you're anything like me, I
kVuZ6HILiyA-00368-00153816-00154292 try to avoid this at all costs, is clearing their cache.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00369-00154292-00154705 One of those two seem to fix it pretty reliably so if you run into that,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00370-00154705-00155446 we know, we're sorry, but there is a fix for it.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00371-00155446-00155694 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Another issue to watch for;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00372-00155694-00156192 when you get to the data input screen, it may be showing you last year's statistics
kVuZ6HILiyA-00373-00156192-00156567 and if this is the case, it'll,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00374-00156567-00157699 there'll be a bright red locked in the top right corner and a date will show 2021.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00375-00157699-00158038 If that's the case, click on the down arrow next to the 2021
kVuZ6HILiyA-00376-00158038-00158447 and choose 2022 from the drop list, and when the page refreshes,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00377-00158447-00159302 you should be seeing empty boxes for this year with last year's numbers to the right.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00378-00159302-00159599 Kaycee Shiley: So here you can see how we have the age groups divided out.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00379-00159599-00160315 We have that zero to 5, 6 to 11, 12 to 18, 19 and older, and then all ages,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00380-00160315-00160649 and the system will automatically total these up for you.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00381-00160649-00161151 So the nice thing is that you don't necessarily have to do that outside the system.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00382-00161151-00161491 So as a reminder, you're not trying to determine the age of attendees.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00383-00161491-00162009 This is based on who your target audience is and sometimes,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00384-00162009-00162519 as we all know, programs can sort of fall in that in between.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00385-00162519-00162774 So say, you're doing a middle school program, that could
kVuZ6HILiyA-00386-00162774-00163220 just as easily be hitting an 11 year-old as it could a 13 year-old.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00387-00163220-00163619 So whenever you, you know, kind of find yourselves in these
kVuZ6HILiyA-00388-00163619-00163915 in between gray areas of age,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00389-00163915-00164563 use your best professional judgment, pick the one that you think most applies.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00390-00164563-00164935 I just, they recommend that you are consistent.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00391-00164935-00165283 So if you're doing middle school specific programming,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00392-00165283-00165654 then you would need to make a decision locally if you are going to
kVuZ6HILiyA-00393-00165654-00166331 consistently count that as school aged or consistently count that as y-age.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00394-00166331-00166945 So at least there is consistency there.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00395-00166945-00167374 Then here is the new Take and Make section that we have added.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00396-00167374-00167743 So you can see that the age groups are the same and
kVuZ6HILiyA-00397-00167743-00168092 again, we have the total number of different kits.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00398-00168092-00168369 There's that not applicable box that you can check if your library
kVuZ6HILiyA-00399-00168369-00168937 does not even do this activity, and then you've got the total number of kits taken.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00400-00168937-00169356 And then I've circled that more because I wanted to draw attention
kVuZ6HILiyA-00401-00169356-00170020 that if you forget between now and then sort of what the parameters are for this,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00402-00170020-00170486 you can click that more and it's going to have all the instructions in it,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00403-00170486-00171281 and this is the same for the other two sections as well.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00404-00171281-00171464 Nancy Guidry-Hall: The next section is to indicate whether
kVuZ6HILiyA-00405-00171464-00171892 you use the available resources for your program planning.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00406-00171892-00172199 There is an open-ended comment space at the bottom.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00407-00172199-00172956 So if you didn't use the resources, please let us know why.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00408-00172956-00173188 Kaycee Shiley: And then we have our open-ended question section
kVuZ6HILiyA-00409-00173188-00173556 at the very end and if you've been here, you're probably looking at this going,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00410-00173556-00173857 that one's a lot bigger than it was last year.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00411-00173857-00174124 And we did add three new questions.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00412-00174124-00174451 Two of them are optional, and so the first question
kVuZ6HILiyA-00413-00174451-00175078 that we added this year that is new is how do you define success?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00414-00175078-00175468 And you know, I'm really interested to know how you in your library
kVuZ6HILiyA-00415-00175468-00175966 consider yourselves successful whenever you have finished your summer programming,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00416-00175966-00176329 because that's just going to help us help you more in the future.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00417-00176329-00176668 The questions that we have that have been the same, you know,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00418-00176668-00176947 what did you do differently this year.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00419-00176947-00177255 Please share any success stories from your Summer Program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00420-00177255-00177617 This is by far my favorite section to read,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00421-00177617-00177916 because you all do amazing things day in and day out,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00422-00177916-00178241 and so I love, it is always the first thing I go read
kVuZ6HILiyA-00423-00178241-00178643 whenever I download all of the survey results.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00424-00178643-00178910 And, because we know numbers are only half the story,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00425-00178910-00179316 I take the information from these success stories to include
kVuZ6HILiyA-00426-00179316-00179783 in my report up to the federal government.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00427-00179783-00179995 So the next question;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00428-00179995-00180270 what needs have you identified in your community
kVuZ6HILiyA-00429-00180270-00180633 and how can we help you meet those needs?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00430-00180633-00180998 This is another section that I really pay close attention to,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00431-00180998-00181427 because it helps me identify future training needs,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00432-00181427-00181817 future articles for the FLYP Forward newsletter.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00433-00181817-00182340 So I do pay very close attention to what you all put in that section.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00434-00182340-00182678 There's a spot for anything else you'd like to tell us,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00435-00182678-00183126 and then CSLP is always looking for feedback about the tiresome materials
kVuZ6HILiyA-00436-00183126-00183612 that they provide in the future and because they have to order materials pretty early on,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00437-00183612-00183963 it may take a year or two for them to incorporate that feedback,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00438-00183963-00184254 but they are desperately looking for it because they want to be able
kVuZ6HILiyA-00439-00184254-00184542 to best meet your needs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00440-00184542-00184943 And then optional question that we started, including last year,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00441-00184943-00185297 and I got some great information from it, was a spot for you to provide
kVuZ6HILiyA-00442-00185297-00185785 either the number of books your community read or the number of minutes,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00443-00185785-00186243 or, if your library is one of those, that your log consists of different activities,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00444-00186243-00186611 how many of those logs were completed?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00445-00186611-00187159 So this is just an opportunity for you to provide that information to us.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00446-00187159-00187630 So these two new optional questions, the first one: what steps did your library
kVuZ6HILiyA-00447-00187630-00188134 take this year to ensure equity and inclusion in your program,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00448-00188134-00188499 or what steps would you like to or plan to take in the future?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00449-00188499-00188942 I know that equity and inclusion is a huge conversation right now
kVuZ6HILiyA-00450-00188942-00189159 in library programming.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00451-00189159-00189414 I know some libraries are making it a point to include this information
kVuZ6HILiyA-00452-00189414-00189860 on their programming fliers to make sure that everybody feels welcome.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00453-00189860-00190438 So I'm curious what your library is doing or what you're hoping to do, moving forward.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00454-00190438-00190947 And then the other optional section down here is, you know,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00455-00190947-00191161 this past year, this past summer,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00456-00191161-00191681 I afterwards, I put together a special summer edition newsletter sharing your stories
kVuZ6HILiyA-00457-00191681-00192206 and your unique program ideas, and I'd really like for us to do that again.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00458-00192206-00192574 And so I wanted to give you an opportunity to tell me
kVuZ6HILiyA-00459-00192574-00192857 what you would like for me to include,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00460-00192857-00193155 if you would like, and because this is not really a point
kVuZ6HILiyA-00461-00193155-00193479 where repetition is necessary.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00462-00193479-00193807 If you put something in that, that question 25,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00463-00193807-00194129 about a success story that you would like to use,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00464-00194129-00194379 you can just feel free to put a note in there and say hey,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00465-00194379-00194889 used the dog getting adopted story from 25.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00466-00194889-00195136 But that would really go a long way to helping us make
kVuZ6HILiyA-00467-00195136-00196007 a great newsletter, just to share your stories and what you do.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00468-00196007-00196214 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Just as a technical note, when you're,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00469-00196214-00196475 especially when you're doing the open-ended questions,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00470-00196475-00196926 make sure you save often, I would suggest saving after each question,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00471-00196926-00197692 and it might be less frustrating if you just do your answers on a Word document
kVuZ6HILiyA-00472-00197692-00198238 and cut and paste them and then save, save often.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00473-00198238-00198979 Once you're finished entering all of the data, please lock your information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00474-00198979-00199702 There is a submit lock button at the top and the bottom of the survey.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00475-00199702-00200029 If your report happens to get locked too early
kVuZ6HILiyA-00476-00200029-00200515 or you need to revise something before the due date, contact one of us,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00477-00200515-00201133 we'll be happy to reopen it for you, if necessary up until the due date.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00478-00201133-00201790 Once that happens, you cannot go back in and make changes.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00479-00201790-00203123 Are there any questions at this point?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00480-00203123-00203326 Kaycee Shiley: All right.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00481-00203326-00204042 So we did include some frequently asked questions that seem to pop-up each year.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00482-00204042-00204336 Do we count passive programs?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00483-00204336-00204542 And yes, we do count them.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00484-00204542-00204778 We count them under self-directed programs.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00485-00204778-00205267 So we just use a different tone.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00486-00205267-00205459 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Do we count an activity as a program
kVuZ6HILiyA-00487-00205459-00205843 when a staff member is working one on one with a patron?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00488-00205843-00206147 And that depends;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00489-00206147-00206869 no, if it's just an activity that was originally intended for one on one.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00490-00206869-00207328 Yes, if you held a group program and only one person showed up,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00491-00207328-00207619 we do count it as a program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00492-00207619-00207811 Kaycee Shiley: We've all had that moment where we've been left
kVuZ6HILiyA-00493-00207811-00208318 with 15 boxes of pizza and nobody to eat them.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00494-00208318-00208704 So which social media video statistics do we pull?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00495-00208704-00209200 Because we know that stat's different on every platform and they constantly change.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00496-00209200-00209931 So if, if your particular platform has video views that are one minute or longer,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00497-00209931-00210312 that is the statistics we're looking for.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00498-00210312-00210694 You know, those one to three seconds, we look at it similarly to if you had a patron
kVuZ6HILiyA-00499-00210694-00210970 who happened to be walking by your programming room
kVuZ6HILiyA-00500-00210970-00211302 and they pop her head for just a second to see what was going on,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00501-00211302-00211581 and then they continued on down the hall.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00502-00211581-00211877 You wouldn't count that person as being a program attendee.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00503-00211877-00212166 However, that's not always available.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00504-00212166-00212869 So just pull the number the platform has if you don't have that one minute or longer.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00505-00212869-00213106 Nancy Guidry-Hall: Can we extend the due date?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00506-00213106-00213557 Sorry, no, the due date cannot be changed.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00507-00213557-00213725 All Summer Library Program statistics
kVuZ6HILiyA-00508-00213725-00214685 must be submitted by September 9th, 2022 at 11:59 PM.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00509-00214685-00214962 Kaycee Shiley: And just as a side note, I can promise you
kVuZ6HILiyA-00510-00214962-00215653 that neither Nancy nor I will be here at September 9th, 11:59 PM.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00511-00215653-00216224 So I definitely recommend not waiting until 11:59 PM,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00512-00216224-00216971 just because if something goes wrong, we wouldn't be here to help fix it.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00513-00216971-00217427 So that was all the information that we have for you all.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00514-00217427-00218450 Questions, comments?
kVuZ6HILiyA-00515-00218717-00219762 As a reminder, if you have a mic, you can hit that hand raised button.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00516-00220122-00220407 Here is my contact information;
kVuZ6HILiyA-00517-00220407-00220690 it's my phone number and my email address.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00518-00220690-00221015 So if you have any questions that come up after the fact or again,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00519-00221015-00221410 if you need to make sure that I have your contact information,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00520-00221410-00221894 if you are new in this staff position, please make sure that
kVuZ6HILiyA-00521-00221894-00222666 you reach out and let me know ahead of time.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00522-00222666-00222976 Nancy Guidry-Hall: And this is my contact information.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00523-00222976-00223312 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00524-00223312-00224163 especially about the data or about Counting Opinions.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00525-00224275-00224581 Kaycee Shiley: So that was all the information we had,
kVuZ6HILiyA-00526-00224581-00224856 so I'm happy to hang on for another minute just to make sure
kVuZ6HILiyA-00527-00224856-00225096 if any questions come through.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00528-00225096-00225442 But other than that, thank you all so much for taking
kVuZ6HILiyA-00529-00225442-00225795 time out of your busy schedule to come and join us.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00530-00225795-00226429 And good luck as you finished prepping and planning for your Summer Program.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00531-00226429-00226818 I cannot wait to see what everybody does.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00532-00226818-00227165 And Darrell also posted a link for a webinar survey.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00533-00227165-00227498 We are always looking to know how we can do things better
kVuZ6HILiyA-00534-00227498-00227750 and what we do that you like.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00535-00227750-00228186 So if you have one or two minutes to just fill that out, that would be great.
kVuZ6HILiyA-00536-00228186-00228632 Thank you everybody.
kVRbdmF9u84-00000-00000000-00000980 The album is "View-Monster" by Lemon Demon!
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00000-00001240-00001672 hi guys yuri here again welcome to yb plays music today i'm reacting
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00001-00001672-00002192 to another one from alip ba ta welcome to all the alipers again kopi mana kopi
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00002-00002192-00002848 i'm reacting to best i've ever had from vertical horizon originally and i actually don't know the
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00003-00002848-00003488 song this one has been suggested a lot since actually i started reacting to alip ba ta
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00004-00003488-00004064 but so far i haven't come to this song yet so i don't know the song i'm pretty curious
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00005-00004128-00004784 at least i don't think i know the song that said let's check this one out here we go
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00006-00005704-00005872 already uses that technique
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00007-00006096-00006584 i don't actually hear that much when he presses here on the strings
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00008-00006584-00006864 i have to listen to that again perhaps i missed it let's check it
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00009-00007088-00007368 a little bit a little bit it's very subtle
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00010-00007648-00007672 okay
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00011-00008088-00008584 oh well yeah you have to listen very carefully
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00012-00009328-00009984 i love this percussion
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00013-00010616-00011304 did you see that scratching on the chest of his guitar i haven't seen that before from alip let's
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00014-00011304-00012016 return to that moment i mean he uses the the side of his guitar or the part under the neck of his
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00015-00012016-00012712 guitar but the side there to tap uh he uses the strings actually to play this percussion as well
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00016-00012712-00013272 but it's the first time that i see him scratching on the surface of his guitar with his fingernails
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00017-00015784-00016256 i think his guitar is tuned differently as well let me check that with my guitar
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00018-00016576-00017472 i don't think he's tuned in e but let's check it to be sure i think it's tuned higher
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00019-00017824-00018424 it's tuned in f that's a pretty peculiar tuning actually
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00020-00018544-00019136 an f it's half its own higher okay didn't expect that tuning actually let me see
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00021-00019256-00021184 if it's in the description that tuning it's not hmm that's interesting
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00022-00021800-00022584 swift movements
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00023-00022936-00023640 tapping the notes on the top of his neck i don't think it's to actually play those notes
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00024-00023640-00024000 i think it's more as a percussion effect but i'm not sure let's check it
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00025-00024408-00024576 i think it's more a percussion effect
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00026-00025336-00025616 oh he changed the tune there let's check it
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00027-00026008-00026783 oh no no sorry it was pressing down
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00028-00027320-00028183 it all seems so easy again to scratch
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00029-00028352-00029583 i don't know the song
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00030-00030024-00030983 so
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00031-00032368-00032495 very interesting position
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00032-00033264-00033784 crazy
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00033-00034248-00034744 now you hear it more clearly the technique that he that he uses right there so pressing down on
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00034-00034744-00035320 the head of his guitar to raise the pitch of the string that he plays and you can hear it better
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00035-00035320-00035776 right now than it was in the beginning of the song it was more subtle right there
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00036-00035776-00036352 but right now we can hear it very clearly what he uses a lot of as well as that technique are
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00037-00036352-00037040 these hammer-on and pull off techniques with these very quick and swift riffs that he uses
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00038-00037040-00037640 and it's a very quick movement in which he doesn't play the strings every time he he plays the notes
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00039-00037696-00038296 because the hammer on and the pull-off is actually playing that string without using the right hand i
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00040-00038296-00038704 mean in this case you can hammer on and pull off with your right hand as well of course
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00041-00038816-00039256 but also what he uses a lot are these sliding techniques i haven't done a video
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00042-00039256-00039856 on that yet uh but the sliding techniques he uses a lot of times which makes it very
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00043-00039976-00040816 legato and smooth uh from the one position to the other while still having the sound and it's i said
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00044-00040816-00041352 in previous videos like it's it's very hard to be accurate with that technique because you have to
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00045-00041352-00041952 be very precise to go exactly to the fret you want to and not just to the fret but in the
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00046-00041952-00042744 right position in the fret just before the fret actually um and and a lot of times he also returns
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00047-00042744-00043584 to the fret he came from so going to that point and going back in one fell swoop is not that easy
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00048-00044840-00044984 i need some harmonics again
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00049-00046944-00047784 such a nice effect for scratching
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00050-00048160-00048744 it's very interesting that the scratching sound of course if you have very short fingernails you will
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00051-00048744-00049264 have a hard time to create to create that effect and it could be that if you play the electric
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00052-00049264-00049808 guitar and you use a plex from all of the times that you don't have long fingernails as a guitar
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00053-00049808-00050360 player and in this case it would be harder to create that effect because your fingernails
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00054-00050360-00050920 are pretty short it's probably still possible but you have to curve further to actually hit
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00055-00050920-00051488 the guitar with your nails if they are short now it's also very interesting the technique
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00056-00051488-00052008 that he uses in which he he presses down on the head of his guitar those strings
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00057-00052120-00052855 the one that blew me away and the reaction to numb of him is actually only when he uses the harmonics
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00058-00052855-00053384 with his right hand or with his left hand could be as well because if you don't do the harmonics
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00059-00053384-00054079 and you just press down on the frets you don't need to do that you can just bend up or bend
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00060-00054079-00054704 down the string to raise the pitch so it's kind of pointless to do it in that situation whilst if you
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00061-00054704-00055479 do harmonics which is touching on a particular part of the string playing the string and then
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00062-00055479-00056200 let the string go but the sound is still going then the only way to raise the pitch is to press
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00063-00056200-00056824 on the head of your guitar i mean in that case at least uh depends on the guitar of course as
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00064-00056824-00057584 well but in this case it's probably the only way to do that all right just a quick intermediate
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00065-00059791-00060008 yeah did you see these slide movements
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00066-00060104-00060576 let's check it again and he also did the hammer and pull-off technique a little beforehand
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00067-00061032-00061808 let's check it yeah the hammer on
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00068-00061808-00062191 this yes sliding
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00069-00063008-00064584 hammer on pull up that was very clear
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00070-00065279-00066168 you got an itch right there okay that was a an interesting ending so yeah very interesting
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00071-00066168-00066840 techniques again like always with alibata and in some videos i might say the same things but some
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00072-00066840-00067440 of you might not have seen my other reactions to alibata yet so it doesn't hurt to repeat some of
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00073-00067440-00067968 the techniques and and how he does some things i don't know everything guys when it comes to
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00074-00067968-00068632 guitar playing but uh i think i can provide some information for you guys that that don't play the
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00075-00068632-00069320 guitar at all or are beginners perhaps like i said on the last one guys there are so many songs that
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00076-00069320-00069872 i can react to that ali bata covered give your suggestions in the comment section below there
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00077-00069872-00070472 are too many to really sum them up right here but yeah i'll see when i'll do the next one thank you
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00078-00070472-00070928 so much for watching guys i leapers don't forget subscribe like and share the video also don't
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00079-00070928-00071456 forget to check out my other reactions to alibata i also have other reactions of course i have music
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00080-00071456-00072984 videos and tutorials for you guys to check out so thank you very much and see you guys next time bye
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00081-00074200-00075128 um but yeah i've but for but so far for to use to uh like for to be sure let's check
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00082-00075128-00075944 it okay didn't that's like i think it's more as an uh as a percussionist i think it's more than
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00083-00075944-00076768 as i think it's more as a and it's more here and it's more clear to uh why he makes a lot of views
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00084-00077056-00077688 and it's a very quick move in which he doesn't play every in in which he doesn't
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00085-00077752-00078296 so going um and and and that could be pass
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00086-00078504-00078680 and the and then
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00087-00078904-00079168 and then let this okay so like
kXa0DBMgXWQ-00088-00079240-00080120 okay so uh but some of you might have but some uh but yeah i'll see when i do