mak7zOGw00g-00000-00000000-00000031 foreign mak7zOGw00g-00002-00006876-00007063 [Applause] mak7zOGw00g-00003-00007064-00007534 [Music] mak7zOGw00g-00004-00007536-00007809 babies mak7zOGw00g-00006-00012120-00012421 foreign mak7zOGw00g-00008-00020584-00020879 [Music] mak7zOGw00g-00009-00020880-00021180 foreign mdhS8bU00yM-00000-00000096-00000574 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00001-00000575-00000805 do mdhS8bU00yM-00002-00000806-00002671 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00003-00002672-00003126 oh mdhS8bU00yM-00004-00003127-00005359 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00005-00005360-00005601 my mdhS8bU00yM-00006-00005602-00006015 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00007-00006016-00006450 oh mdhS8bU00yM-00008-00006451-00007323 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00009-00007323-00007417 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00010-00007418-00007737 [Applause] mdhS8bU00yM-00011-00007738-00007838 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00012-00007839-00008156 [Applause] mdhS8bU00yM-00013-00008158-00008846 [Music] mdhS8bU00yM-00014-00008847-00009056 you meDgDbmkM1c-00000-00000000-00001117 foreign meDgDbmkM1c-00001-00001118-00002430 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00002-00002431-00003515 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00003-00003515-00004889 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00004-00004890-00005730 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00005-00005731-00006358 [Applause] meDgDbmkM1c-00006-00006359-00006931 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00007-00006931-00007145 thank you meDgDbmkM1c-00008-00007147-00007945 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00009-00007945-00009693 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00010-00009694-00010564 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00011-00010565-00011146 foreign meDgDbmkM1c-00012-00011147-00012167 [Music] meDgDbmkM1c-00013-00012168-00012181 [Applause] meDgDbmkM1c-00014-00012182-00012495 [Music] meRX-4O6jmY-00000-00000972-00001298 my name for the purposes of this evening meRX-4O6jmY-00001-00001299-00001579 and within this part of my life is meRX-4O6jmY-00002-00001580-00001930 Allison as an anonymity order it's there meRX-4O6jmY-00003-00001932-00002165 to bring check my family and my children meRX-4O6jmY-00004-00002166-00002476 I had a relationship with the man I knew meRX-4O6jmY-00005-00002477-00002813 as Mark Cassidy for five years and we meRX-4O6jmY-00006-00002814-00003056 live together officially we lived meRX-4O6jmY-00007-00003057-00003211 together for four of those years but we meRX-4O6jmY-00008-00003213-00003371 really kind of live together for all meRX-4O6jmY-00009-00003372-00003625 five he virtually moved in to my flat meRX-4O6jmY-00010-00003626-00003896 within a matter of months of us starting meRX-4O6jmY-00011-00003897-00004136 to see each other I was a member of the meRX-4O6jmY-00012-00004137-00004388 Kali brooch center which was an meRX-4O6jmY-00013-00004389-00004592 independent on a line political group in meRX-4O6jmY-00014-00004593-00004847 Hackney that have members who were meRX-4O6jmY-00015-00004848-00005054 anarchists marxist members of the Labour meRX-4O6jmY-00016-00005055-00005429 Party the particular areas of work that meRX-4O6jmY-00017-00005430-00005653 I was interested in was anti-fascism meRX-4O6jmY-00018-00005654-00005957 anti-racism police monitoring and trade meRX-4O6jmY-00019-00005958-00006341 unionism mark joined a meeting that I meRX-4O6jmY-00020-00006342-00006724 wasn't act where he attended a black meRX-4O6jmY-00021-00006725-00006905 justice campaign meeting that the column meRX-4O6jmY-00022-00006906-00007106 right center was supporting where he met meRX-4O6jmY-00023-00007106-00007394 mark met cough and Mark got chatting to meRX-4O6jmY-00024-00007395-00007634 him and then mark Cassidy came along to meRX-4O6jmY-00025-00007634-00007847 Colin wrote Santa meetings where I met meRX-4O6jmY-00026-00007848-00008255 him and we started an intimate meRX-4O6jmY-00027-00008256-00008585 relationship within a matter of well meRX-4O6jmY-00028-00008586-00008836 probably about six to eight weeks later meRX-4O6jmY-00029-00008837-00009200 I want to start with an anecdote from my meRX-4O6jmY-00030-00009201-00009458 daughter who is now nine years old I meRX-4O6jmY-00031-00009459-00009671 vote we very very recently told our meRX-4O6jmY-00032-00009672-00010238 children about this story but before meRX-4O6jmY-00033-00010239-00010439 this time we settled the claim in meRX-4O6jmY-00034-00010440-00010638 november of last year and meRX-4O6jmY-00035-00010639-00010814 many of you probably aware there was a meRX-4O6jmY-00036-00010815-00011088 unprecedented public apology by the Mets meRX-4O6jmY-00037-00011089-00011418 and one morning before my was taking my meRX-4O6jmY-00038-00011419-00011700 daughter to school Helen and another one meRX-4O6jmY-00039-00011701-00011892 at the women in the case were on good meRX-4O6jmY-00040-00011893-00012039 morning britain being interviewed by meRX-4O6jmY-00041-00012040-00012489 piers morgan about the apology and i meRX-4O6jmY-00042-00012490-00012609 said to my daughter i just want to watch meRX-4O6jmY-00043-00012610-00012813 this TV thing very quickly before we go meRX-4O6jmY-00044-00012813-00012944 to school thinking that she wouldn't meRX-4O6jmY-00045-00012945-00013068 really be interested in she won't really meRX-4O6jmY-00046-00013069-00013386 watch it and it was on and then she went meRX-4O6jmY-00047-00013387-00013638 mummy that's Helen on the television and meRX-4O6jmY-00048-00013638-00013922 I said oh yeah yeah it's good white meRX-4O6jmY-00049-00013923-00014076 shield the television who's that man meRX-4O6jmY-00050-00014077-00014219 behind him there was a big picture of meRX-4O6jmY-00051-00014220-00014433 mark Kennedy behind her who is kind of meRX-4O6jmY-00052-00014434-00014763 the brand of our story and my husband meRX-4O6jmY-00053-00014763-00015263 came in and said oh he stole her bike my meRX-4O6jmY-00054-00015265-00015563 daughter said what do you mean and and I meRX-4O6jmY-00055-00015565-00015711 said well no that's not he's actually it meRX-4O6jmY-00056-00015712-00015936 true he didn't sell her like he you know meRX-4O6jmY-00057-00015937-00016077 Helen was involved in the mcdonalds meRX-4O6jmY-00058-00016078-00016446 campaign yes well he was spying on her meRX-4O6jmY-00059-00016447-00016599 for the police and the police were meRX-4O6jmY-00060-00016600-00016830 sharing information when the dorms and meRX-4O6jmY-00061-00016831-00016986 she said what do you mean I said well he meRX-4O6jmY-00062-00016987-00017202 pretended to be her friend and he was meRX-4O6jmY-00063-00017203-00017367 actually a spy for the Metropolitan meRX-4O6jmY-00064-00017368-00017877 Police and her response was how rude and meRX-4O6jmY-00065-00017878-00018108 then she said but mommy how do I know meRX-4O6jmY-00066-00018109-00018396 you're not police officer and I said meRX-4O6jmY-00067-00018397-00018575 well it's more likely that I'm rim or my meRX-4O6jmY-00068-00018576-00018828 heaven really and then it was left and meRX-4O6jmY-00069-00018829-00019203 then about two months later from know meRX-4O6jmY-00070-00019204-00019481 where we were going to school and she meRX-4O6jmY-00071-00019482-00019755 said mommy you know there's undercover meRX-4O6jmY-00072-00019756-00020043 police officers yeah she said did they meRX-4O6jmY-00073-00020044-00020228 did any of them have children or meRX-4O6jmY-00074-00020229-00020367 families with the people that they were meRX-4O6jmY-00075-00020368-00020667 spying on her myself well yeah they did meRX-4O6jmY-00076-00020668-00020922 actually and she's not shook her head meRX-4O6jmY-00077-00020923-00021206 and said friends is one thing but meRX-4O6jmY-00078-00021207-00021444 children and families that's just out of meRX-4O6jmY-00079-00021445-00021810 hand and I tell this story because meRX-4O6jmY-00080-00021811-00022065 children are feature quite largely in meRX-4O6jmY-00081-00022066-00022406 our experience of this because there are meRX-4O6jmY-00082-00022407-00022532 some women who meRX-4O6jmY-00083-00022533-00022733 have had children with undercover police meRX-4O6jmY-00084-00022734-00022988 officers not none there's one woman in meRX-4O6jmY-00085-00022989-00023225 particular who you didn't know until 25 meRX-4O6jmY-00086-00023226-00023600 years later there are other people other meRX-4O6jmY-00087-00023601-00023867 women who desperately wanted children meRX-4O6jmY-00088-00023868-00024086 and through this experience would you meRX-4O6jmY-00089-00024087-00024245 not like that opportunity because there meRX-4O6jmY-00090-00024246-00024503 is a fertility was stolen by these men meRX-4O6jmY-00091-00024504-00024731 and then there are other women like me meRX-4O6jmY-00092-00024732-00024875 who have been fortunate enough to go on meRX-4O6jmY-00093-00024876-00025103 to have children but still stop her at meRX-4O6jmY-00094-00025104-00025244 some point have to explain to the meRX-4O6jmY-00095-00025245-00025526 children what this story is of what meRX-4O6jmY-00096-00025527-00025750 happened to us and so when people say to meRX-4O6jmY-00097-00025751-00025982 me are you over it now now what your meRX-4O6jmY-00098-00025983-00026170 apology is it closure we put it to bed meRX-4O6jmY-00099-00026172-00026444 and the reality for me is that it are meRX-4O6jmY-00100-00026445-00026639 not going to be over it's going to be meRX-4O6jmY-00101-00026639-00026807 something that I carry with me for the meRX-4O6jmY-00102-00026808-00026981 rest of my life and becomes part of who meRX-4O6jmY-00103-00026982-00027473 i am i'm going to show you a video in a meRX-4O6jmY-00104-00027474-00027745 moment and the purpose of this video is meRX-4O6jmY-00105-00027747-00027970 originally it was rigidly making quite meRX-4O6jmY-00106-00027972-00028130 different reasons for them for this meRX-4O6jmY-00107-00028131-00028445 evening but it was to show the impact of meRX-4O6jmY-00108-00028445-00028886 the experience on my life and this story meRX-4O6jmY-00109-00028887-00029063 and not just mine but the other women meRX-4O6jmY-00110-00029064-00029370 and the other core participants who meRX-4O6jmY-00111-00029372-00029648 reported their stories of the press this meRX-4O6jmY-00112-00029649-00029810 drawer has been in the public domain now meRX-4O6jmY-00113-00029811-00030095 for a while it's been in newspapers it's meRX-4O6jmY-00114-00030095-00030329 been in parliament it's been told in meRX-4O6jmY-00115-00030330-00030548 court and it's been told in meetings meRX-4O6jmY-00116-00030549-00030737 like this but the purpose of this video meRX-4O6jmY-00117-00030738-00030968 I hope will show where the story meRX-4O6jmY-00118-00030969-00031157 actually took place which was the meRX-4O6jmY-00119-00031158-00031402 intimacy of mine and my family and my meRX-4O6jmY-00120-00031404-00031781 friends home when in the 1990s when I meRX-4O6jmY-00121-00031782-00032065 met mark general in 1995 I was a in meRX-4O6jmY-00122-00032066-00032402 Lycia media studies teacher and because meRX-4O6jmY-00123-00032402-00032702 of that I was particularly interested in meRX-4O6jmY-00124-00032702-00033005 video and video editing and I had video meRX-4O6jmY-00125-00033006-00033218 camera many many years before most meRX-4O6jmY-00126-00033219-00033434 people would have had a video camera and meRX-4O6jmY-00127-00033435-00033790 I had basic editing skills as well the meRX-4O6jmY-00128-00033791-00034106 reason I say that is it's because other meRX-4O6jmY-00129-00034107-00034232 people or the other women in our meRX-4O6jmY-00130-00034233-00034345 situation meRX-4O6jmY-00131-00034346-00034501 haven't got this kind of video footage meRX-4O6jmY-00132-00034502-00034882 but it if they had that experience of meRX-4O6jmY-00133-00034883-00035074 being a teacher in that way or had they meRX-4O6jmY-00134-00035075-00035349 had they had it now perhaps something I meRX-4O6jmY-00135-00035350-00035458 think now they're a bit wiser to meRX-4O6jmY-00136-00035459-00035707 literally police but other people would meRX-4O6jmY-00137-00035708-00035836 have been able other women would have meRX-4O6jmY-00138-00035837-00036133 similar videos to this in other words meRX-4O6jmY-00139-00036134-00036298 other people have got the same other meRX-4O6jmY-00140-00036299-00036457 women of the same experience of these meRX-4O6jmY-00141-00036458-00036733 men being in their homes socializing meRX-4O6jmY-00142-00036734-00036948 with their friends and being in very meRX-4O6jmY-00143-00036949-00037177 central to their lives for many many meRX-4O6jmY-00144-00037178-00037645 years our stories are deeply personal meRX-4O6jmY-00145-00037646-00037893 and one of the things that I've got to meRX-4O6jmY-00146-00037894-00038052 talk about a little bit after the video meRX-4O6jmY-00147-00038053-00038404 is the embarrassment that I see in meRX-4O6jmY-00148-00038405-00038724 people's eyes when they talk to me meRX-4O6jmY-00149-00038725-00038926 particularly men when they talk to me meRX-4O6jmY-00150-00038927-00039208 about this experience menacing acutely meRX-4O6jmY-00151-00039209-00039511 embarrassed by this whole topic and feel meRX-4O6jmY-00152-00039512-00039693 much more comfortable in my opinion meRX-4O6jmY-00153-00039694-00040006 talking about the infiltration of black meRX-4O6jmY-00154-00040007-00040273 justice campaigns the appalling pneus of meRX-4O6jmY-00155-00040274-00040712 stealing dead babies identities the the meRX-4O6jmY-00156-00040713-00040968 blacklisting the various abuses and meRX-4O6jmY-00157-00040969-00041230 there's no hierarchy of oppression they meRX-4O6jmY-00158-00041231-00041401 all tell that all of these stories are meRX-4O6jmY-00159-00041402-00041589 part of a picture of the metropolitan meRX-4O6jmY-00160-00041590-00041793 police abuse through undercover policing meRX-4O6jmY-00161-00041794-00042070 but I mention the embarrassment because meRX-4O6jmY-00162-00042071-00042327 I'm going to show you some very deeply meRX-4O6jmY-00163-00042328-00042673 personal home videos but I'm showing meRX-4O6jmY-00164-00042674-00042811 them to you because I want you to meRX-4O6jmY-00165-00042812-00043051 understand the level of intrusion and meRX-4O6jmY-00166-00043052-00043293 the level of intimacy that these meRX-4O6jmY-00167-00043294-00043671 operations penetrated it's eight minutes meRX-4O6jmY-00168-00043672-00043845 long it's just under eight minutes and meRX-4O6jmY-00169-00043846-00044110 it comes from about eight hours of video meRX-4O6jmY-00170-00044111-00044482 so it's really a very snapshot and Mark meRX-4O6jmY-00171-00044483-00044733 Cassidy as you'll be able to see was not meRX-4O6jmY-00172-00044734-00044992 camera shy and in my opinion the reason meRX-4O6jmY-00173-00044993-00045211 mark Cassidy was not camera shy was meRX-4O6jmY-00174-00045212-00045468 because he didn't he never believed one meRX-4O6jmY-00175-00045469-00045730 moment that we would discover that he meRX-4O6jmY-00176-00045731-00045985 was not smart Cassidy but mark jela and meRX-4O6jmY-00177-00045986-00046224 whilst mark Cassidy didn't exist it meRX-4O6jmY-00178-00046225-00046395 doesn't really matter who I have a meRX-4O6jmY-00179-00046396-00046445 picture meRX-4O6jmY-00180-00046446-00047202 okay and who I have to deal meRX-4O6jmY-00181-00047203-00047487 so there's a couple of bits of that that meRX-4O6jmY-00182-00047488-00047808 every time I see her I'm reminded the meRX-4O6jmY-00183-00047809-00048045 wanted man the lyrics to that Johnny meRX-4O6jmY-00184-00048046-00048255 Cash song or if you ever see me coming meRX-4O6jmY-00185-00048256-00048429 and you know who I am don't tell nobody meRX-4O6jmY-00186-00048430-00048942 because I'm the wanted man the splitting meRX-4O6jmY-00187-00048943-00049260 of the chair when he stands up he says meRX-4O6jmY-00188-00049261-00049658 that's our best chair that he's so meRX-4O6jmY-00189-00049659-00049911 invested in this identity but he meRX-4O6jmY-00190-00049912-00050121 believes that's you know his family home meRX-4O6jmY-00191-00050122-00050547 when clearly isn't and to my grandma he meRX-4O6jmY-00192-00050548-00050748 tells her that he's estranged from his meRX-4O6jmY-00193-00050749-00051077 mother which I suspect strongly as a lie meRX-4O6jmY-00194-00051078-00051317 when people see that one of the things meRX-4O6jmY-00195-00051319-00051477 they ask for one things they say and meRX-4O6jmY-00196-00051478-00051753 people who knew us together say I feel meRX-4O6jmY-00197-00051754-00051978 really did love you and I think he meRX-4O6jmY-00198-00051979-00052299 really cared for you and until I meRX-4O6jmY-00199-00052300-00052521 discovered about three years ago that he meRX-4O6jmY-00200-00052522-00052788 was married with three children I allow meRX-4O6jmY-00201-00052789-00053166 for that possibility the fact is though meRX-4O6jmY-00202-00053166-00053376 that we don't know whether that's true I meRX-4O6jmY-00203-00053377-00053565 don't believe that people like him have meRX-4O6jmY-00204-00053566-00053796 the emotional capacity in the way that I meRX-4O6jmY-00205-00053797-00054155 understand love but moreover any genuine meRX-4O6jmY-00206-00054157-00054329 feelings that any of these officers may meRX-4O6jmY-00207-00054330-00054483 or may not have had for us are actually meRX-4O6jmY-00208-00054484-00054692 irrelevant because they should never meRX-4O6jmY-00209-00054694-00055103 have been in our lives the key there's meRX-4O6jmY-00210-00055104-00055464 the fact also is the when I watch it I meRX-4O6jmY-00211-00055465-00055829 remember why I loved him and I also know meRX-4O6jmY-00212-00055830-00056097 why I didn't suspect anything and people meRX-4O6jmY-00213-00056098-00056259 sometimes say to me again didn't you meRX-4O6jmY-00214-00056260-00056433 ever suspect didn't you ever think there meRX-4O6jmY-00215-00056434-00056739 was something of it funny and although meRX-4O6jmY-00216-00056740-00056904 if you know there were a few incidents meRX-4O6jmY-00217-00056904-00057066 that I've talked about elsewhere about meRX-4O6jmY-00218-00057066-00057276 the credit card or how a bad card and meRX-4O6jmY-00219-00057277-00057426 how I found out his name is gentleman meRX-4O6jmY-00220-00057427-00057704 stuff but i did this suspect you know meRX-4O6jmY-00221-00057705-00058157 and i think that shows what convincing a meRX-4O6jmY-00222-00058158-00058383 convincing active her on if it was an meRX-4O6jmY-00223-00058384-00058616 act or however they operated it meRX-4O6jmY-00224-00058617-00058953 certainly it was it was very convincing meRX-4O6jmY-00225-00058954-00059097 and it was not just me it was everybody meRX-4O6jmY-00226-00059098-00059508 who he met were similarly dude there are meRX-4O6jmY-00227-00059509-00059640 a few key issues that i just want to meRX-4O6jmY-00228-00059641-00059666 draw meRX-4O6jmY-00229-00059667-00059930 attention to before closing one is the meRX-4O6jmY-00230-00059932-00060066 issue that I know Harriet's going to meRX-4O6jmY-00231-00060066-00060210 talk about a little bit more but is the meRX-4O6jmY-00232-00060211-00060407 police's positions of neither confirm or meRX-4O6jmY-00233-00060408-00060675 deny because whilst they have Megan meRX-4O6jmY-00234-00060676-00060879 technology to those seven of us in the meRX-4O6jmY-00235-00060879-00061215 case you have second they are still meRX-4O6jmY-00236-00061216-00061347 maintaining a position of neither meRX-4O6jmY-00237-00061348-00061575 confirm nor deny with Mark Jenna and meRX-4O6jmY-00238-00061576-00061785 Helen's ex-partner John Donne's and meRX-4O6jmY-00239-00061786-00062061 there's been no disclosure and I applied meRX-4O6jmY-00240-00062062-00062394 for a mitad a DP a request some time ago meRX-4O6jmY-00241-00062395-00062654 and resubmitted it and have been told meRX-4O6jmY-00242-00062655-00062801 there's nothing the Metropolitan Police meRX-4O6jmY-00243-00062802-00062963 Commissioner has to offer me there's meRX-4O6jmY-00244-00062964-00063165 nothing that I that they have that they meRX-4O6jmY-00245-00063166-00063450 are obliged to give me so I am still meRX-4O6jmY-00246-00063451-00063672 none the wiser about my mark Jenna was meRX-4O6jmY-00247-00063673-00063912 in my life or what information he holds meRX-4O6jmY-00248-00063913-00064079 on me or what information the police meRX-4O6jmY-00249-00064080-00064391 hold on me or why and without those meRX-4O6jmY-00250-00064392-00064701 answers I can't really make sense of meRX-4O6jmY-00251-00064702-00064947 those five years or the subsequent years meRX-4O6jmY-00252-00064948-00065267 of searching in the forthcoming public meRX-4O6jmY-00253-00065269-00065478 inquiry one of the things I want answers meRX-4O6jmY-00254-00065479-00065925 tim is is who knew who authorized it why meRX-4O6jmY-00255-00065926-00066312 was he in my life and who else has been meRX-4O6jmY-00256-00066313-00066576 affected so through our searching and meRX-4O6jmY-00257-00066577-00066861 through our detective work and through meRX-4O6jmY-00258-00066862-00067104 coming together with various other meRX-4O6jmY-00259-00067105-00067221 people we've managed to establish meRX-4O6jmY-00260-00067222-00067509 certain facts about our stories but meRX-4O6jmY-00261-00067510-00067707 there are many many women and other meRX-4O6jmY-00262-00067708-00067890 people who will have been spotted on who meRX-4O6jmY-00263-00067891-00068142 don't know and unless we are told to meRX-4O6jmY-00264-00068143-00068307 cover names of the officers in these meRX-4O6jmY-00265-00068308-00068493 squads then we're not going to know the meRX-4O6jmY-00266-00068494-00068721 scale of these deployments and that for meRX-4O6jmY-00267-00068722-00069063 me is essential the other key issue meRX-4O6jmY-00268-00069064-00069492 which I appeal has been I think we've meRX-4O6jmY-00269-00069493-00069648 raised it but I don't feel it's been meRX-4O6jmY-00270-00069649-00069960 sufficiently brought to light in the meRX-4O6jmY-00271-00069961-00070191 public domain is the institutional meRX-4O6jmY-00272-00070192-00070563 sexism of these operations it seems to meRX-4O6jmY-00273-00070564-00070787 me that the attitude of race and meRX-4O6jmY-00274-00070788-00071016 actually many people who hear about meRX-4O6jmY-00275-00071017-00071226 these stories are the women are meRX-4O6jmY-00276-00071227-00071631 dispensable the of the officers in the meRX-4O6jmY-00277-00071632-00071888 SDS certainly at the time when when meRX-4O6jmY-00278-00071889-00072218 Jenna was deployed had to be married meRX-4O6jmY-00279-00072219-00072498 they had to be married because the idea meRX-4O6jmY-00280-00072499-00072560 was that meRX-4O6jmY-00281-00072561-00072797 would have something to go back to that meRX-4O6jmY-00282-00072798-00073010 somehow they wouldn't turn later or go meRX-4O6jmY-00283-00073011-00073391 wrong unlike Nick Johnson the fictional meRX-4O6jmY-00284-00073392-00073622 character in pitam of its recent BBC meRX-4O6jmY-00285-00073623-00074026 drama undercover who is not married so meRX-4O6jmY-00286-00074027-00074225 there's a double deceit going on so it's meRX-4O6jmY-00287-00074226-00074372 not just the activists the women meRX-4O6jmY-00288-00074373-00074549 activists who are being manipulated and meRX-4O6jmY-00289-00074550-00074776 deceived but it's the wives of these meRX-4O6jmY-00290-00074777-00075190 officers who had to be there in order to meRX-4O6jmY-00291-00075191-00075582 be deployed they had to have been meRX-4O6jmY-00292-00075583-00076154 deceived and manipulated it feels to me meRX-4O6jmY-00293-00076155-00076361 that women are there in the eyes of the meRX-4O6jmY-00294-00076362-00076646 police to be used they are either there meRX-4O6jmY-00295-00076647-00077075 as a target all they are there to offer meRX-4O6jmY-00296-00077076-00077360 credibility and cover to these officers meRX-4O6jmY-00297-00077361-00077537 I was somebody who was trusted in our meRX-4O6jmY-00298-00077538-00077804 group people knew who I was and they meRX-4O6jmY-00299-00077805-00078059 knew who my family were my mum want to meRX-4O6jmY-00300-00078060-00078437 the center a little bit as well or we meRX-4O6jmY-00301-00078438-00078700 were considered to be a perk of the job meRX-4O6jmY-00302-00078701-00079013 now I don't know which of those is the meRX-4O6jmY-00303-00079014-00079205 case can I just ask that lady who's meRX-4O6jmY-00304-00079206-00079334 about to take a photograph you weren't meRX-4O6jmY-00305-00079335-00079426 here earlier but there are no meRX-4O6jmY-00306-00079427-00080335 photographs of the stage meRX-4O6jmY-00307-00080336-00080935 yeah it's for me if you block my head up meRX-4O6jmY-00308-00080936-00081169 so women are there to be it feels to me meRX-4O6jmY-00309-00081170-00081307 women and there's for you I have a meRX-4O6jmY-00310-00081308-00081487 memory of mark very early on when I meRX-4O6jmY-00311-00081488-00081584 thought one of our first dates meRX-4O6jmY-00312-00081585-00081826 encounters where we were sitting outside meRX-4O6jmY-00313-00081827-00082129 apart and he said the next day Cohen meRX-4O6jmY-00314-00082130-00082322 stokely one of his mates from work had meRX-4O6jmY-00315-00082323-00082513 driven past and seen us outside drinking meRX-4O6jmY-00316-00082514-00082732 that pub and he'd said that I had nice meRX-4O6jmY-00317-00082733-00083222 tits and that kind of that language has meRX-4O6jmY-00318-00083223-00083471 stayed with me because with hindsight I meRX-4O6jmY-00319-00083472-00083648 realized that that person who is driving meRX-4O6jmY-00320-00083649-00083962 past was not his colleague from his meRX-4O6jmY-00321-00083963-00084142 carpentry firm that he told me that he meRX-4O6jmY-00322-00084143-00084335 worked in South London but was actually meRX-4O6jmY-00323-00084336-00084460 another member of the Metropolitan meRX-4O6jmY-00324-00084461-00084763 Police the other thing that we're told meRX-4O6jmY-00325-00084764-00085046 sometimes is that it was just a meRX-4O6jmY-00326-00085047-00085472 relationship that everyone's been lied meRX-4O6jmY-00327-00085473-00085782 to that's what happens in relationships meRX-4O6jmY-00328-00085783-00086204 there's nothing special there and not meRX-4O6jmY-00329-00086205-00086386 only were our relationships ones with meRX-4O6jmY-00330-00086387-00086573 state-sponsored fictional characters meRX-4O6jmY-00331-00086574-00086943 paid for by taxpayers money but by meRX-4O6jmY-00332-00086944-00087238 sidelining these experiences as just meRX-4O6jmY-00333-00087239-00087410 relationships the politics and the meRX-4O6jmY-00334-00087411-00087625 sexual politics that underpins them is meRX-4O6jmY-00335-00087626-00087913 stripped away and I feel that again has meRX-4O6jmY-00336-00087914-00088085 somehow been sidelined in some of the meRX-4O6jmY-00337-00088086-00088386 discussions about them to come replacing meRX-4O6jmY-00338-00088387-00088600 the other thing I want to mention is the meRX-4O6jmY-00339-00088601-00088882 damage and the paranoia that I meRX-4O6jmY-00340-00088883-00089203 experienced and standing here and I I meRX-4O6jmY-00341-00089204-00089431 you know I'm confident I'm confident meRX-4O6jmY-00342-00089432-00089749 public speaker and through solidarity of meRX-4O6jmY-00343-00089750-00089911 working with the other woman women have meRX-4O6jmY-00344-00089912-00090278 the legal team I am confident to stand meRX-4O6jmY-00345-00090279-00090688 here and speak out but mark disappeared meRX-4O6jmY-00346-00090689-00091087 from my life 16 years ago and the damage meRX-4O6jmY-00347-00091088-00091357 that I experienced and the acute meRX-4O6jmY-00348-00091358-00091567 paranoia I experience for many many meRX-4O6jmY-00349-00091568-00091855 years has subsided now but is still meRX-4O6jmY-00350-00091856-00092131 there and you know I still make jokes meRX-4O6jmY-00351-00092132-00092299 with friends about being followed I'm meRX-4O6jmY-00352-00092300-00092578 still sensitive to thinking my email meRX-4O6jmY-00353-00092579-00092665 correspondence meRX-4O6jmY-00354-00092666-00092886 and my internet and my telephone calls meRX-4O6jmY-00355-00092887-00093121 are tapped but for about three or four meRX-4O6jmY-00356-00093122-00093349 years after he disappeared I was meRX-4O6jmY-00357-00093350-00093505 searching and searching and searching meRX-4O6jmY-00358-00093506-00093750 for him because I suspected that he was meRX-4O6jmY-00359-00093751-00094123 either mi5 or Special Branch and I was meRX-4O6jmY-00360-00094124-00094473 acutely paranoid and seriously very ill meRX-4O6jmY-00361-00094474-00094869 and I had very profound issues as do meRX-4O6jmY-00362-00094870-00095155 many of the women around trusting new meRX-4O6jmY-00363-00095156-00095566 people and because I still don't know meRX-4O6jmY-00364-00095567-00095799 because they've disclosed nothing I meRX-4O6jmY-00365-00095800-00096061 still don't know about some of those meRX-4O6jmY-00366-00096062-00096294 experiences that I had some of those meRX-4O6jmY-00367-00096295-00096535 things that I believe that I saw some of meRX-4O6jmY-00368-00096536-00096667 those things that I believe that meRX-4O6jmY-00369-00096668-00096957 happened for example a magpie being in meRX-4O6jmY-00370-00096958-00097342 my closed bedroom window and my neighbor meRX-4O6jmY-00371-00097343-00097551 upstairs have us come it come get it out meRX-4O6jmY-00372-00097552-00097735 there were things that happened that I meRX-4O6jmY-00373-00097736-00097965 don't know whether they were meRX-4O6jmY-00374-00097966-00098230 coincidences figments of my imagination meRX-4O6jmY-00375-00098231-00098590 or low-level harassment to intimidate me meRX-4O6jmY-00376-00098591-00098734 by the police and to put me off my meRX-4O6jmY-00377-00098735-00099262 search so I want to finish with the meRX-4O6jmY-00378-00099263-00099442 point that I made earlier about no high meRX-4O6jmY-00379-00099443-00099843 rock is of oppression there are many meRX-4O6jmY-00380-00099844-00100105 elements to the Metropolitan Police's meRX-4O6jmY-00381-00100106-00100405 modus operandi in terms of their meRX-4O6jmY-00382-00100406-00100587 undercover deployment and I've listed meRX-4O6jmY-00383-00100588-00100830 some of those already but I want to make meRX-4O6jmY-00384-00100831-00101118 clear that I feel very strongly that one meRX-4O6jmY-00385-00101119-00101299 of one experience is no worse than meRX-4O6jmY-00386-00101300-00101572 another so having the block your meRX-4O6jmY-00387-00101573-00101824 violation of bodily integrity is that meRX-4O6jmY-00388-00101825-00102178 what is that worse than having your dead meRX-4O6jmY-00389-00102179-00102644 child's identity stolen is it worse than meRX-4O6jmY-00390-00102645-00102906 is it worse than denied having the meRX-4O6jmY-00391-00102907-00103191 opportunity to have a child or is it meRX-4O6jmY-00392-00103192-00103407 worth losing your livelihood through meRX-4O6jmY-00393-00103408-00103707 blacklisting or is it worse being spied meRX-4O6jmY-00394-00103708-00103852 upon because you were fighting for meRX-4O6jmY-00395-00103853-00104082 justice because one of your members of meRX-4O6jmY-00396-00104083-00104271 your family was killed in police custody meRX-4O6jmY-00397-00104272-00104541 and I think when people start to imply meRX-4O6jmY-00398-00104542-00104642 that one is worse meRX-4O6jmY-00399-00104643-00104785 another we get into very dangerous meRX-4O6jmY-00400-00104786-00104993 ground but I want to highlight the meRX-4O6jmY-00401-00104994-00105230 institutional sexism that within within meRX-4O6jmY-00402-00105231-00105524 the whole picture because the whole meRX-4O6jmY-00403-00105525-00105950 picture is profoundly shopping so meRX-4O6jmY-00404-00105951-00106076 falling in love with an undercover meRX-4O6jmY-00405-00106077-00106271 police officer is confusing and meRX-4O6jmY-00406-00106272-00106589 disturbing and it's where the personal meRX-4O6jmY-00407-00106590-00106817 and the political intersect in the most meRX-4O6jmY-00408-00106818-00107054 profound ways and although as I've meRX-4O6jmY-00409-00107055-00107243 explained that the trial caused me meRX-4O6jmY-00410-00107244-00107555 serious psychological damage i'm also meRX-4O6jmY-00411-00107556-00107816 very grateful for the solidarity the meRX-4O6jmY-00412-00107817-00108038 love and the commitment and the meRX-4O6jmY-00413-00108039-00108338 comradeship that I've experienced from meRX-4O6jmY-00414-00108339-00108551 the women who I've taken out the case meRX-4O6jmY-00415-00108552-00108779 with and through our legal team and meRX-4O6jmY-00416-00108780-00109076 through our very many supporters thank meRX-4O6jmY-00417-00109077-00109285 you mjQaGeFJlrY-00000-00000139-00000707 my presentation is about my journey with mjQaGeFJlrY-00001-00000708-00000941 yet in my contribution to the next class mjQaGeFJlrY-00002-00000942-00001187 so I'm doing it this year as the rails mjQaGeFJlrY-00003-00001188-00001382 girls Summer of Code team with my mjQaGeFJlrY-00004-00001383-00001682 wonderful partner Artie and you're gonna mjQaGeFJlrY-00005-00001682-00001922 hear more about that program later from mjQaGeFJlrY-00006-00001923-00002363 the team and I think when you start to mjQaGeFJlrY-00007-00002364-00002633 contribute and getting your mind from it mjQaGeFJlrY-00008-00002634-00002975 can be one of the larger tackles things mjQaGeFJlrY-00009-00002976-00003158 to tackle it seems like this huge mjQaGeFJlrY-00010-00003159-00003590 imposing tool that everyone seems to mjQaGeFJlrY-00011-00003590-00003875 know about you're not quite sure where mjQaGeFJlrY-00012-00003876-00004061 to go and if you make a mistake maybe mjQaGeFJlrY-00013-00004061-00004336 I'm homes getting angry with you but as mjQaGeFJlrY-00014-00004337-00004499 you start to learn and pull back the mjQaGeFJlrY-00015-00004500-00004684 curtain you start to see appears the mjQaGeFJlrY-00016-00004685-00004943 levers and buttons that make it work mjQaGeFJlrY-00017-00004944-00005056 sorry mjQaGeFJlrY-00018-00005057-00005393 it starts with pick clothes you get this mjQaGeFJlrY-00019-00005394-00005570 download of all these files on your mjQaGeFJlrY-00020-00005571-00005825 computer and you think oh okay great mjQaGeFJlrY-00021-00005826-00006293 what's this time to explore and you have mjQaGeFJlrY-00022-00006294-00006470 the opportunity either to fork it or you mjQaGeFJlrY-00023-00006470-00006689 can check it out and your own branch if mjQaGeFJlrY-00024-00006690-00006856 you don't have sorry you have the mjQaGeFJlrY-00025-00006858-00007025 opportunity to have your own branch so mjQaGeFJlrY-00026-00007026-00007184 you can fork it if you don't have some mjQaGeFJlrY-00027-00007184-00007435 permission and get everything on your mjQaGeFJlrY-00028-00007436-00007648 machine so you can start working and mjQaGeFJlrY-00029-00007648-00007976 then you need to have some idea about it mjQaGeFJlrY-00030-00007977-00008167 so if only you had more information when mjQaGeFJlrY-00031-00008168-00008428 you had a brain I've either collection mjQaGeFJlrY-00032-00008429-00008651 of the commands that I use to find out mjQaGeFJlrY-00033-00008652-00008860 more information about what I'm working mjQaGeFJlrY-00034-00008861-00009203 on and these are the heart of my mjQaGeFJlrY-00035-00009204-00009428 commands for when I'm making my commits mjQaGeFJlrY-00036-00009429-00009748 to the wonderful contacts app so mjQaGeFJlrY-00037-00009749-00009995 unfortunately five minutes is a little mjQaGeFJlrY-00038-00009996-00010121 bit short to explain what all these mjQaGeFJlrY-00039-00010122-00010334 commands do but if you're not sure I mjQaGeFJlrY-00040-00010335-00010564 definitely recommend looking at the mjQaGeFJlrY-00041-00010565-00010762 slides and checking them all out later mjQaGeFJlrY-00042-00010763-00010999 these are the ones for when I'm feeling mjQaGeFJlrY-00043-00011000-00011252 a little bit cowardly or a little bit mjQaGeFJlrY-00044-00011253-00011459 unsure of what I'm doing and I'm kind of mjQaGeFJlrY-00045-00011460-00011692 think I better stash that and make sure mjQaGeFJlrY-00046-00011693-00011920 that I'm up today and then I can get my mjQaGeFJlrY-00047-00011921-00012230 changes back later and these are the mjQaGeFJlrY-00048-00012231-00012401 ones where I'm out in the woods and I'm mjQaGeFJlrY-00049-00012402-00012847 like oh yeah not you work and they mjQaGeFJlrY-00050-00012848-00013024 really help you get out as mjQaGeFJlrY-00051-00013025-00013429 situation and this is if you need to mjQaGeFJlrY-00052-00013430-00013702 squash any wicked witches that you find mjQaGeFJlrY-00053-00013703-00013947 in the codebase it's kind of really mjQaGeFJlrY-00054-00013949-00014206 useful so you've made all you commit mjQaGeFJlrY-00055-00014207-00014419 your your work up there and now it's mjQaGeFJlrY-00056-00014419-00014605 time to make the pull request which can mjQaGeFJlrY-00057-00014606-00014854 be incredibly nerve-racking you're mjQaGeFJlrY-00058-00014855-00015106 worried about if you commit something mjQaGeFJlrY-00059-00015107-00015307 wrong and then the app maintainer is mjQaGeFJlrY-00060-00015308-00015883 shouting at you or if you by accident mjQaGeFJlrY-00061-00015884-00016066 have written back hard and then you get mjQaGeFJlrY-00062-00016066-00016408 negative review so before you send your mjQaGeFJlrY-00063-00016409-00016678 lovely commits off a few tips would be mjQaGeFJlrY-00064-00016679-00016909 to add some keywords make sure you mjQaGeFJlrY-00065-00016910-00017263 reference the issue add labels as mjQaGeFJlrY-00066-00017264-00017547 reviewers and I think one of the things mjQaGeFJlrY-00067-00017548-00017722 when I was getting started with many mjQaGeFJlrY-00068-00017723-00017932 people crisis I kind of thought this is mjQaGeFJlrY-00069-00017933-00018076 the face that the review would be mjQaGeFJlrY-00070-00018077-00018247 pulling and that they would be judging mjQaGeFJlrY-00071-00018248-00018726 my code very harshly and then you wait mjQaGeFJlrY-00072-00018727-00018988 and you wait a bit longer because mjQaGeFJlrY-00073-00018989-00019174 normally they're not online exactly the mjQaGeFJlrY-00074-00019175-00019441 same time as you but eventually it's mjQaGeFJlrY-00075-00019442-00019719 coming back and generally this has been mjQaGeFJlrY-00076-00019720-00019891 my experience but it's a very positive mjQaGeFJlrY-00077-00019892-00020059 response you get a little bit mjQaGeFJlrY-00078-00020060-00020316 refactoring you learn a little bit more mjQaGeFJlrY-00079-00020317-00020599 but generally it's a positive and a very mjQaGeFJlrY-00080-00020600-00021078 friendly cobia so congratulations you're mjQaGeFJlrY-00081-00021079-00021222 now officially can call yourself a mjQaGeFJlrY-00082-00021223-00021652 contributor and and my takeaways would mjQaGeFJlrY-00083-00021653-00021799 be to ask lots of questions mjQaGeFJlrY-00084-00021800-00022090 don't be afraid commit often and with mjQaGeFJlrY-00085-00022091-00022375 very relative commit messages so you can mjQaGeFJlrY-00086-00022376-00022552 look back for yourself and remember what mjQaGeFJlrY-00087-00022553-00022717 you did but also so that others can see mjQaGeFJlrY-00088-00022718-00022824 what you were doing mjQaGeFJlrY-00089-00022825-00023140 make PRS and get reviews on your code mjQaGeFJlrY-00090-00023141-00023386 before you go too far down the wrong mjQaGeFJlrY-00091-00023387-00023650 path and if you make a mistake it can mjQaGeFJlrY-00092-00023651-00023878 generally be reset there's very little mjQaGeFJlrY-00093-00023879-00024202 you can do to really mess it up so mjQaGeFJlrY-00094-00024203-00024427 you'll also have a great time and as you mjQaGeFJlrY-00095-00024428-00024628 can see I managed to get a copy of the mjQaGeFJlrY-00096-00024629-00025008 group photo from yesterday ahead of time mjQaGeFJlrY-00097-00025009-00025226 so thank you very much mjQaGeFJlrY-00098-00025227-00026070 [Applause] mk66rrpxiJo-00000-00000110-00000383 the Philippine assembly elections were mk66rrpxiJo-00001-00000384-00000593 held in the Philippines on November 2nd mk66rrpxiJo-00002-00000594-00001514 1909 results the top bar represents mk66rrpxiJo-00003-00001515-00001732 seats 1 while the bottom bar represents mk66rrpxiJo-00004-00001734-00002575 the proportion of votes received note mk66rrpxiJo-00005-00002576-00003334 see also Commission on Elections mk66rrpxiJo-00006-00003335-00003767 politics of the Philippines Philippine mk66rrpxiJo-00007-00003768-00004568 elections external links official mk66rrpxiJo-00008-00004569-00004970 website of the Commission on Elections mkLXjC_ue6E-00000-00000064-00000271 so we're now recording and i want to mkLXjC_ue6E-00001-00000272-00000511 introduce maggie murphy who's going to mkLXjC_ue6E-00002-00000512-00000686 talk about digital primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00003-00000687-00000966 collections and resources thanks man all mkLXjC_ue6E-00004-00000967-00001143 right i'm i'm talking to a giant mkLXjC_ue6E-00005-00001144-00001358 audience right now i'm going to mkLXjC_ue6E-00006-00001359-00001775 act like i am um so good morning uh so mkLXjC_ue6E-00007-00001776-00002023 this is part two um of mkLXjC_ue6E-00008-00002023-00002223 uh the teaching and learning with mkLXjC_ue6E-00009-00002224-00002542 primary sources miniseries um so mkLXjC_ue6E-00010-00002543-00002655 yesterday mkLXjC_ue6E-00011-00002656-00002926 uh uh the uncg mkLXjC_ue6E-00012-00002927-00003071 special collections and university mkLXjC_ue6E-00013-00003072-00003390 archives team talked about mkLXjC_ue6E-00014-00003392-00003519 their mkLXjC_ue6E-00015-00003520-00003783 primary source environment for students mkLXjC_ue6E-00016-00003784-00003919 and faculty mkLXjC_ue6E-00017-00003920-00004159 including what they have mkLXjC_ue6E-00018-00004160-00004375 in terms of print and physical mkLXjC_ue6E-00019-00004376-00004631 materials and objects and also digitally mkLXjC_ue6E-00020-00004632-00004927 today i'm going to be focusing on mkLXjC_ue6E-00021-00004928-00005254 the primary source collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00022-00005255-00005375 that we mkLXjC_ue6E-00023-00005376-00005527 pay for mkLXjC_ue6E-00024-00005528-00005759 from various vendors and other tools mkLXjC_ue6E-00025-00005760-00005918 that you can use mkLXjC_ue6E-00026-00005919-00006095 for teaching and learning with primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00027-00006096-00006222 sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00028-00006223-00006399 so not original content to the mkLXjC_ue6E-00029-00006400-00006631 university but things that we provide mkLXjC_ue6E-00030-00006631-00006878 students and faculty with access to mkLXjC_ue6E-00031-00006879-00007042 through the mkLXjC_ue6E-00032-00007043-00007383 libraries um so hello i'm maggie murphy mkLXjC_ue6E-00033-00007384-00007695 i use she her pronouns i am the visual mkLXjC_ue6E-00034-00007695-00007903 art and humanities librarian mkLXjC_ue6E-00035-00007904-00008103 my liaison areas are art history mkLXjC_ue6E-00036-00008104-00008295 interior architecture languages mkLXjC_ue6E-00037-00008296-00008542 literatures and cultures philosophy mkLXjC_ue6E-00038-00008543-00008855 religious studies and my uh email mkLXjC_ue6E-00039-00008856-00009263 address is murphy mkLXjC_ue6E-00040-00009264-00009446 and mkLXjC_ue6E-00041-00009447-00009727 i am also always happy to work with mkLXjC_ue6E-00042-00009728-00009814 folks mkLXjC_ue6E-00043-00009815-00010231 doing research related to humanity's uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00044-00010232-00010414 information and data sometimes coming mkLXjC_ue6E-00045-00010415-00010567 from social sciences and things like mkLXjC_ue6E-00046-00010568-00010814 that i'll get referrals um when they mkLXjC_ue6E-00047-00010815-00011119 have a sort of history of x question mkLXjC_ue6E-00048-00011120-00011367 um related to their you know original mkLXjC_ue6E-00049-00011368-00011631 empirical research mkLXjC_ue6E-00050-00011632-00011870 um so uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00051-00011871-00012070 when we talk about primary sources it's mkLXjC_ue6E-00052-00012071-00012263 always conceptually messy the term mkLXjC_ue6E-00053-00012264-00012551 primary source means different things in mkLXjC_ue6E-00054-00012552-00012727 different disciplines mkLXjC_ue6E-00055-00012728-00013022 today i am talking about primary sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00056-00013023-00013358 from primarily a humanities lens mkLXjC_ue6E-00057-00013359-00013519 some of these resources are definitely mkLXjC_ue6E-00058-00013519-00013727 going to be also used in the social mkLXjC_ue6E-00059-00013728-00013935 sciences and sometimes even stem fields mkLXjC_ue6E-00060-00013936-00014094 etc mkLXjC_ue6E-00061-00014095-00014271 so the disciplinary conventions around mkLXjC_ue6E-00062-00014272-00014607 what constitutes a primary source um uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00063-00014608-00014735 you know mkLXjC_ue6E-00064-00014736-00014847 there are mkLXjC_ue6E-00065-00014847-00015103 are different you know in in uh stem mkLXjC_ue6E-00066-00015104-00015383 fields you know original empirical data mkLXjC_ue6E-00067-00015384-00015630 is a primary source a research study for mkLXjC_ue6E-00068-00015631-00015783 students when they read the research mkLXjC_ue6E-00069-00015784-00015919 study published in a journal that's mkLXjC_ue6E-00070-00015919-00016063 primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00071-00016063-00016286 in humanities and arts it's usually uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00072-00016287-00016639 historical and creative mkLXjC_ue6E-00073-00016640-00016807 publications information mkLXjC_ue6E-00074-00016808-00016958 objects etc mkLXjC_ue6E-00075-00016959-00017158 um so uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00076-00017159-00017358 when we provide access to the libraries mkLXjC_ue6E-00077-00017359-00017550 to primary sources there's two different mkLXjC_ue6E-00078-00017551-00017886 models um one are our subscription-based mkLXjC_ue6E-00079-00017887-00018222 resources and uh one is what we purchase mkLXjC_ue6E-00080-00018223-00018447 outright and so most of the collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00081-00018448-00018622 i'm going to talk about today are things mkLXjC_ue6E-00082-00018623-00018783 that we have purchased and have mkLXjC_ue6E-00083-00018784-00019047 perpetual access to they come from a mkLXjC_ue6E-00084-00019048-00019439 different group of funds um than uh when mkLXjC_ue6E-00085-00019440-00019686 we purchase um books for different mkLXjC_ue6E-00086-00019687-00020039 departments um and so uh our primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00087-00020040-00020143 source collections that i'm going to mkLXjC_ue6E-00088-00020144-00020478 talk about today have um uh in them all mkLXjC_ue6E-00089-00020479-00020807 kinds of documents ephemera images um mkLXjC_ue6E-00090-00020808-00020935 etc mkLXjC_ue6E-00091-00020936-00021207 but there are also sources of primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00092-00021208-00021375 source material mkLXjC_ue6E-00093-00021376-00021535 that you will find mkLXjC_ue6E-00094-00021536-00021799 through the libraries mkLXjC_ue6E-00095-00021800-00021991 and also in mkLXjC_ue6E-00096-00021992-00022243 free online mkLXjC_ue6E-00097-00022244-00022399 repositories mkLXjC_ue6E-00098-00022400-00022622 not from special collections university mkLXjC_ue6E-00099-00022623-00022791 archives but from other mkLXjC_ue6E-00100-00022792-00023119 cultural institutions outside of uncg mkLXjC_ue6E-00101-00023120-00023414 linked to from our library website mkLXjC_ue6E-00102-00023415-00023535 um so mkLXjC_ue6E-00103-00023536-00023855 we have many e-books that constitute or mkLXjC_ue6E-00104-00023856-00024039 contain primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00105-00024040-00024414 information things like uh translated uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00106-00024415-00024575 you know historical text from other mkLXjC_ue6E-00107-00024576-00024758 languages source books which are mkLXjC_ue6E-00108-00024759-00025014 compilations or anthologies of you know mkLXjC_ue6E-00109-00025015-00025199 transcribed letters and diaries and all mkLXjC_ue6E-00110-00025200-00025342 kinds of things mkLXjC_ue6E-00111-00025343-00025622 and those are easily findable through a mkLXjC_ue6E-00112-00025623-00025774 catalog search mkLXjC_ue6E-00113-00025775-00026022 there are a bunch of online repositories mkLXjC_ue6E-00114-00026023-00026358 hatitrust internet archive and for mkLXjC_ue6E-00115-00026360-00026535 public domain texts mkLXjC_ue6E-00116-00026536-00026767 so anything published before january 1st mkLXjC_ue6E-00117-00026768-00027118 1927 now um uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00118-00027119-00027446 it will um be accessible for free if mkLXjC_ue6E-00119-00027447-00027646 google has scanned it as a pdf that you mkLXjC_ue6E-00120-00027647-00027839 can download and keep through google mkLXjC_ue6E-00121-00027839-00028014 books that's not true of anything mkLXjC_ue6E-00122-00028016-00028295 copyrighted through google books um you mkLXjC_ue6E-00123-00028295-00028470 can do some searching sometimes through mkLXjC_ue6E-00124-00028472-00028639 full text in google books for mkLXjC_ue6E-00125-00028639-00028839 copyrighted text but that's not the mkLXjC_ue6E-00126-00028839-00028983 primary access point you want to get mkLXjC_ue6E-00127-00028983-00029167 those through the library catalog mkLXjC_ue6E-00128-00029168-00029367 for our periodicals um we have mkLXjC_ue6E-00129-00029368-00029558 historical newspapers and magazines mkLXjC_ue6E-00130-00029560-00029799 through proquest that are based on a mkLXjC_ue6E-00131-00029800-00029974 subscription model we subscribe to the mkLXjC_ue6E-00132-00029975-00030190 database we also have things through mkLXjC_ue6E-00133-00030191-00030351 proquest history vault which i'll talk mkLXjC_ue6E-00134-00030352-00030551 about in a second that is content that mkLXjC_ue6E-00135-00030552-00030711 we have purchased or have perpetual mkLXjC_ue6E-00136-00030712-00030887 access to mkLXjC_ue6E-00137-00030888-00031239 um but jstor uh which is a subscription mkLXjC_ue6E-00138-00031239-00031495 database that we again pay for annual mkLXjC_ue6E-00139-00031495-00031662 access to has a lot of historical mkLXjC_ue6E-00140-00031663-00031911 periodicals um and then through the mkLXjC_ue6E-00141-00031912-00032070 library of congress there's chronicling mkLXjC_ue6E-00142-00032072-00032318 america which is in our database list mkLXjC_ue6E-00143-00032319-00032455 there's also the british library mkLXjC_ue6E-00144-00032456-00032631 newspaper archive mkLXjC_ue6E-00145-00032632-00032879 which is uh through the british library mkLXjC_ue6E-00146-00032880-00033046 but is a mkLXjC_ue6E-00147-00033047-00033135 something that we don't have mkLXjC_ue6E-00148-00033136-00033343 subscription access to you can create a mkLXjC_ue6E-00149-00033344-00033511 trial account and download a certain mkLXjC_ue6E-00150-00033512-00033774 number of free issues before they ask mkLXjC_ue6E-00151-00033775-00033902 you to pay mkLXjC_ue6E-00152-00033903-00034095 and then for images there are all kinds mkLXjC_ue6E-00153-00034096-00034374 of images in art store and jstor which mkLXjC_ue6E-00154-00034375-00034543 um they are mkLXjC_ue6E-00155-00034544-00034623 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00156-00034624-00034839 consolidating into a single platform mkLXjC_ue6E-00157-00034840-00035095 which will be jstor um and then through mkLXjC_ue6E-00158-00035096-00035471 uh one great uh open source online mkLXjC_ue6E-00159-00035472-00035671 collection for images along with all of mkLXjC_ue6E-00160-00035672-00035846 these other types of content is the mkLXjC_ue6E-00161-00035847-00036062 digital public library of america which mkLXjC_ue6E-00162-00036063-00036367 is also in our database list mkLXjC_ue6E-00163-00036368-00036583 um so when i'm talking about our mkLXjC_ue6E-00164-00036584-00036951 database list um what i am talking about mkLXjC_ue6E-00165-00036952-00037159 uh on the library website um let me mkLXjC_ue6E-00166-00037160-00037518 close that for a second mkLXjC_ue6E-00167-00037519-00037662 is uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00168-00037663-00037895 at mkLXjC_ue6E-00169-00037896-00038071 there is this mkLXjC_ue6E-00170-00038072-00038462 databases uh link up in the top red box mkLXjC_ue6E-00171-00038463-00038783 um and this brings you to our a to z mkLXjC_ue6E-00172-00038784-00038974 database portal mkLXjC_ue6E-00173-00038975-00039262 um and we have content um mkLXjC_ue6E-00174-00039263-00039535 uh organized by subject different types mkLXjC_ue6E-00175-00039536-00039759 of databases and you'll see archival is mkLXjC_ue6E-00176-00039760-00040127 one uh newspaper is another um mkLXjC_ue6E-00177-00040128-00040343 and then vendors this is uh not a mkLXjC_ue6E-00178-00040344-00040518 complete listing in fact we don't really mkLXjC_ue6E-00179-00040519-00040783 organize our databases by vendors except mkLXjC_ue6E-00180-00040784-00040999 when access is provided through the nc mkLXjC_ue6E-00181-00041000-00041167 live consortium mkLXjC_ue6E-00182-00041168-00041399 which includes public libraries and mkLXjC_ue6E-00183-00041400-00041495 other mkLXjC_ue6E-00184-00041496-00041702 institutions across the state mkLXjC_ue6E-00185-00041703-00041855 where mkLXjC_ue6E-00186-00041856-00042062 not just uncg affiliates but if you have mkLXjC_ue6E-00187-00042063-00042246 a public library card or mkLXjC_ue6E-00188-00042247-00042502 a state library card or things like that mkLXjC_ue6E-00189-00042503-00042623 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00190-00042624-00042895 you can have access through nc live mkLXjC_ue6E-00191-00042896-00043215 so for a lot of our primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00192-00043216-00043615 collections um we have some title level mkLXjC_ue6E-00193-00043616-00043735 access mkLXjC_ue6E-00194-00043736-00043951 or module level access through the a to mkLXjC_ue6E-00195-00043952-00044079 z list mkLXjC_ue6E-00196-00044080-00044358 but for each of our large content mkLXjC_ue6E-00197-00044359-00044702 providers there is a usually and a mkLXjC_ue6E-00198-00044703-00044935 unified directory of all of the mkLXjC_ue6E-00199-00044936-00045087 collections and modules we have mkLXjC_ue6E-00200-00045088-00045374 associated with them so knowing these mkLXjC_ue6E-00201-00045375-00045639 four names um mkLXjC_ue6E-00202-00045640-00045790 will help you mkLXjC_ue6E-00203-00045791-00046079 figure out what are all of the primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00204-00046080-00046311 source collections that we have access mkLXjC_ue6E-00205-00046312-00046646 to through these different um vendors or mkLXjC_ue6E-00206-00046647-00046879 content providers mkLXjC_ue6E-00207-00046880-00047135 um and so each of these is listed by mkLXjC_ue6E-00208-00047136-00047239 name mkLXjC_ue6E-00209-00047240-00047527 in the a to z list and so searching mkLXjC_ue6E-00210-00047528-00047743 these uh i have links here embedded in mkLXjC_ue6E-00211-00047744-00047951 the slides but searching these will also mkLXjC_ue6E-00212-00047952-00048183 uh in the database bringing you to the mkLXjC_ue6E-00213-00048184-00048455 top level portal for each of these um mkLXjC_ue6E-00214-00048456-00048743 primary source collection providers mkLXjC_ue6E-00215-00048744-00048967 um and so i'm going to go back to full mkLXjC_ue6E-00216-00048968-00049311 screen mkLXjC_ue6E-00217-00049312-00049462 no i don't want a percentage of you okay mkLXjC_ue6E-00218-00049463-00049639 whatever um so mkLXjC_ue6E-00219-00049640-00050023 adam matthew um is a uh uh uk based mkLXjC_ue6E-00220-00050024-00050343 company um and last year i think this mkLXjC_ue6E-00221-00050344-00050511 was still last year i have lost all mkLXjC_ue6E-00222-00050512-00050879 sense of time um uh we through uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00223-00050880-00051158 consortial access through um acerle mkLXjC_ue6E-00224-00051159-00051446 which is the association of southeastern mkLXjC_ue6E-00225-00051447-00051623 research libraries i think sam would mkLXjC_ue6E-00226-00051624-00051726 know mkLXjC_ue6E-00227-00051727-00051942 because she worked with the carolina mkLXjC_ue6E-00228-00051944-00052294 consortium on aceral stuff um uh we mkLXjC_ue6E-00229-00052295-00052671 acquired um through acerl the full mkLXjC_ue6E-00230-00052672-00052999 catalog of adam matthew content uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00231-00053000-00053263 published uh before 2020. so they're mkLXjC_ue6E-00232-00053264-00053479 still adding new content and they may be mkLXjC_ue6E-00233-00053479-00053711 things that we elect um to purchase but mkLXjC_ue6E-00234-00053712-00053911 the vast majority of their catalog of mkLXjC_ue6E-00235-00053912-00054103 primary source content is now available mkLXjC_ue6E-00236-00054104-00054247 to us mkLXjC_ue6E-00237-00054248-00054575 and again these individual databases mkLXjC_ue6E-00238-00054576-00054742 and collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00239-00054744-00054950 most of them are available through this mkLXjC_ue6E-00240-00054951-00055191 a to z guide but sometimes it gets mkLXjC_ue6E-00241-00055191-00055526 confusing um uh what mkLXjC_ue6E-00242-00055527-00055766 is something that should be added as an mkLXjC_ue6E-00243-00055767-00056063 individual title to the a to z guide and mkLXjC_ue6E-00244-00056064-00056287 what um is actually part of a larger mkLXjC_ue6E-00245-00056288-00056535 collection and so if you get confused at mkLXjC_ue6E-00246-00056536-00056735 any point about what is available to you mkLXjC_ue6E-00247-00056736-00056982 primary source wise i really recommend mkLXjC_ue6E-00248-00056983-00057191 checking out these top level directories mkLXjC_ue6E-00249-00057191-00057375 for each of these so i'm going to click mkLXjC_ue6E-00250-00057376-00057623 on am explorer mkLXjC_ue6E-00251-00057624-00057719 and so mkLXjC_ue6E-00252-00057720-00058166 am explorer is uh the uh portal for the mkLXjC_ue6E-00253-00058167-00058335 content that we have available through mkLXjC_ue6E-00254-00058336-00058582 adam matthew and it is organized mkLXjC_ue6E-00255-00058583-00058879 alphabetically um and so each of these mkLXjC_ue6E-00256-00058879-00059038 constitutes they have a digital help mkLXjC_ue6E-00257-00059039-00059175 center they added this to the top mkLXjC_ue6E-00258-00059176-00059366 recently and so this has things about mkLXjC_ue6E-00259-00059367-00059694 video tutorials and um different uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00260-00059695-00059894 tips about using the adam matthew mkLXjC_ue6E-00261-00059895-00060175 platform each of these collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00262-00060176-00060342 will have different kinds of mkLXjC_ue6E-00263-00060344-00060566 supplementary content some of them have mkLXjC_ue6E-00264-00060567-00060838 timelines and and video essays and mkLXjC_ue6E-00265-00060839-00060991 things like that mkLXjC_ue6E-00266-00060991-00061206 some of them have just sort of more mkLXjC_ue6E-00267-00061207-00061463 streamlined searching portals for each mkLXjC_ue6E-00268-00061464-00061735 of these um there is a mkLXjC_ue6E-00269-00061736-00062087 topical description of what is in here mkLXjC_ue6E-00270-00062088-00062350 um and so if you have some keywords mkLXjC_ue6E-00271-00062351-00062638 around um you know people mkLXjC_ue6E-00272-00062639-00062879 places mkLXjC_ue6E-00273-00062879-00063071 points in time things like that where mkLXjC_ue6E-00274-00063072-00063215 you want to quickly see if we have mkLXjC_ue6E-00275-00063216-00063430 content related to that you can hit mkLXjC_ue6E-00276-00063432-00063638 control or mkLXjC_ue6E-00277-00063639-00063919 apple or command if you're on a mac um mkLXjC_ue6E-00278-00063920-00064079 up here to bring up a little search mkLXjC_ue6E-00279-00064079-00064279 thing in your browser and so if i'm like mkLXjC_ue6E-00280-00064279-00064503 what kind of content do we have related mkLXjC_ue6E-00281-00064504-00064687 to um mkLXjC_ue6E-00282-00064688-00064871 uh china and there were a bunch of mkLXjC_ue6E-00283-00064872-00065023 things related to china there but so we mkLXjC_ue6E-00284-00065024-00065191 can see there's eight mentions of china mkLXjC_ue6E-00285-00065191-00065454 on the page and so there's this uh one mkLXjC_ue6E-00286-00065455-00065726 china database and then another and then mkLXjC_ue6E-00287-00065727-00066055 another um and if china was mentioned mkLXjC_ue6E-00288-00066056-00066294 anywhere in these other uh databases mkLXjC_ue6E-00289-00066295-00066575 there's one like mass observation online mkLXjC_ue6E-00290-00066576-00066847 which is the history um an invaluable mkLXjC_ue6E-00291-00066848-00067182 resource for sociologists um uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00292-00067183-00067282 about mkLXjC_ue6E-00293-00067283-00067455 um uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00294-00067456-00067599 like government oversight and mkLXjC_ue6E-00295-00067600-00067815 observation and um mkLXjC_ue6E-00296-00067816-00068071 privacy uh we have things like medieval mkLXjC_ue6E-00297-00068072-00068359 family life and travel writing and um mkLXjC_ue6E-00298-00068360-00068638 different kinds of content that uh come mkLXjC_ue6E-00299-00068639-00068894 from different cultural institutions mkLXjC_ue6E-00300-00068895-00069006 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00301-00069007-00069335 with our online uh primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00302-00069336-00069519 archives um mkLXjC_ue6E-00303-00069520-00069815 uh some of these collections uh were mkLXjC_ue6E-00304-00069816-00070182 first turned into micro form mkLXjC_ue6E-00305-00070183-00070431 microfilm or microfiche and then later mkLXjC_ue6E-00306-00070432-00070671 scanned digitally and some of them were mkLXjC_ue6E-00307-00070672-00070911 digitized from the original object so mkLXjC_ue6E-00308-00070912-00071247 the quality of these documents um mkLXjC_ue6E-00309-00071248-00071543 it really depends on how they were mkLXjC_ue6E-00310-00071544-00071735 they made their way to a digital mkLXjC_ue6E-00311-00071736-00071959 collection originally mkLXjC_ue6E-00312-00071960-00072191 um and so you can quickly figure out um mkLXjC_ue6E-00313-00072192-00072494 you know what are the sort of more uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00314-00072495-00072759 recent so archives direct um some of mkLXjC_ue6E-00315-00072760-00073094 these have definitely come from um mkLXjC_ue6E-00316-00073095-00073359 a microfilm uh if i go to mkLXjC_ue6E-00317-00073360-00073615 archives direct here mkLXjC_ue6E-00318-00073616-00073823 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00319-00073824-00073975 and mkLXjC_ue6E-00320-00073976-00074206 uh these are like confidential print mkLXjC_ue6E-00321-00074207-00074438 latin america this was all microfilm mkLXjC_ue6E-00322-00074439-00074719 first and then scanned digitally um and mkLXjC_ue6E-00323-00074720-00074862 so uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00324-00074863-00075143 so this is all our adam matthew content mkLXjC_ue6E-00325-00075144-00075391 like i mentioned um and there is a lot mkLXjC_ue6E-00326-00075392-00075550 here and each one of these is a mkLXjC_ue6E-00327-00075551-00075791 different collection of documents mkLXjC_ue6E-00328-00075792-00076047 ephemera you know manuscripts notebooks mkLXjC_ue6E-00329-00076048-00076326 correspondence maps all kinds of things mkLXjC_ue6E-00330-00076327-00076494 that can be used for mkLXjC_ue6E-00331-00076495-00076711 teaching and learning adam matthews also mkLXjC_ue6E-00332-00076712-00076991 provides mkLXjC_ue6E-00333-00076992-00077159 help and mkLXjC_ue6E-00334-00077160-00077455 support for instructors using primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00335-00077456-00077606 source content from adam matthew mkLXjC_ue6E-00336-00077607-00077767 collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00337-00077768-00077935 in their mkLXjC_ue6E-00338-00077936-00078062 classes mkLXjC_ue6E-00339-00078063-00078191 and so mkLXjC_ue6E-00340-00078192-00078447 you can actually reach out to them mkLXjC_ue6E-00341-00078448-00078638 about their different uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00342-00078639-00078943 resources um under contact us um they'll mkLXjC_ue6E-00343-00078944-00079271 work with faculty on um syllabi uh so mkLXjC_ue6E-00344-00079272-00079406 identifying like this is what i'm mkLXjC_ue6E-00345-00079407-00079575 teaching this semester what does adam mkLXjC_ue6E-00346-00079576-00079815 matthew have in their various uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00347-00079816-00080031 collections and modules that i could use mkLXjC_ue6E-00348-00080032-00080231 to integrate um and through primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00349-00080232-00080575 sources um and so uh they have all kinds mkLXjC_ue6E-00350-00080576-00080831 of stuff available here um and they uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00351-00080832-00080975 have um mkLXjC_ue6E-00352-00080976-00081231 like dedicated staff of that support mkLXjC_ue6E-00353-00081232-00081447 faculty teaching with adam matthew mkLXjC_ue6E-00354-00081448-00081606 resources mkLXjC_ue6E-00355-00081607-00081967 going back here um to my slide um the mkLXjC_ue6E-00356-00081968-00082071 next provider that we're going to mkLXjC_ue6E-00357-00082072-00082311 quickly take a look at is gail mkLXjC_ue6E-00358-00082312-00082518 and so archives unbound is one of their mkLXjC_ue6E-00359-00082519-00082694 sort of subsidiary mkLXjC_ue6E-00360-00082695-00082847 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00361-00082848-00083182 collection names as well um so gail mkLXjC_ue6E-00362-00083183-00083382 primary sources here you can cross mkLXjC_ue6E-00363-00083383-00083615 search of a mkLXjC_ue6E-00364-00083616-00083823 through sorry let me add mkLXjC_ue6E-00365-00083824-00083991 a word in there all available digital mkLXjC_ue6E-00366-00083992-00084326 archives from this single interface mkLXjC_ue6E-00367-00084327-00084647 or you can enter into any of their sort mkLXjC_ue6E-00368-00084648-00084967 of subsidiary collections here um so the mkLXjC_ue6E-00369-00084968-00085231 gale stuff that we have access to uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00370-00085232-00085567 mostly focuses um as you can see on the mkLXjC_ue6E-00371-00085568-00085999 18th and 19th centuries um and uh the uk mkLXjC_ue6E-00372-00086000-00086271 um that is what gail's um primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00373-00086272-00086526 sources are focused on uh archives mkLXjC_ue6E-00374-00086527-00086799 unbound um this is where you get into mkLXjC_ue6E-00375-00086800-00087006 more of their manuscripts and ephemera mkLXjC_ue6E-00376-00087007-00087126 and stuff mkLXjC_ue6E-00377-00087127-00087359 and so they have it organized here by mkLXjC_ue6E-00378-00087360-00087503 different um mkLXjC_ue6E-00379-00087504-00087575 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00380-00087576-00087847 you know curricular topics um mkLXjC_ue6E-00381-00087848-00088118 and so uh you can also mkLXjC_ue6E-00382-00088119-00088255 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00383-00088256-00088415 what's the word i'm looking for uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00384-00088416-00088735 create an account um so that you can uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00385-00088736-00088991 add content from different collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00386-00088992-00089199 into one place if you are conducting mkLXjC_ue6E-00387-00089200-00089479 research or students are doing um mkLXjC_ue6E-00388-00089480-00089582 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00389-00089583-00089862 group work or things like that um so all mkLXjC_ue6E-00390-00089863-00090062 of our gail content you can search mkLXjC_ue6E-00391-00090063-00090271 through all of it you can choose mkLXjC_ue6E-00392-00090272-00090503 individual collections you can go into mkLXjC_ue6E-00393-00090504-00090775 the separate archives unbound portal mkLXjC_ue6E-00394-00090776-00090926 where you get into mkLXjC_ue6E-00395-00090927-00091047 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00396-00091048-00091182 different kinds of primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00397-00091183-00091406 documents and then down at the bottom mkLXjC_ue6E-00398-00091407-00091679 they have some integrated um mkLXjC_ue6E-00399-00091680-00092055 data analysis tools um that use some mkLXjC_ue6E-00400-00092056-00092318 open source text analysis features um mkLXjC_ue6E-00401-00092319-00092518 including the topic finder and term mkLXjC_ue6E-00402-00092519-00092647 frequency mkLXjC_ue6E-00403-00092648-00092926 so you can enter a keyword and see mkLXjC_ue6E-00404-00092927-00093135 how it is used in various documents over mkLXjC_ue6E-00405-00093136-00093359 time mkLXjC_ue6E-00406-00093360-00093471 so mkLXjC_ue6E-00407-00093472-00093774 another major provider of primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00408-00093775-00094071 collections is proquest and so i mkLXjC_ue6E-00409-00094072-00094303 mentioned earlier mkLXjC_ue6E-00410-00094304-00094526 proquest historical newspapers i would mkLXjC_ue6E-00411-00094527-00094711 consider that a source of primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00412-00094712-00095079 materials for uh the humanities but mkLXjC_ue6E-00413-00095080-00095294 those are those are subscriptions that mkLXjC_ue6E-00414-00095295-00095438 we renew annually mkLXjC_ue6E-00415-00095439-00095694 history vault is what they conceptualize mkLXjC_ue6E-00416-00095695-00095782 as mkLXjC_ue6E-00417-00095783-00096167 their primary source kind of modules um mkLXjC_ue6E-00418-00096168-00096423 and so if we go to proquest history mkLXjC_ue6E-00419-00096424-00096774 vault here they can tell us um what is mkLXjC_ue6E-00420-00096775-00096999 in history vault and so here is what we mkLXjC_ue6E-00421-00097000-00097159 have available mkLXjC_ue6E-00422-00097160-00097350 through uncg mkLXjC_ue6E-00423-00097351-00097623 through proquest history fall mkLXjC_ue6E-00424-00097624-00097838 and so each of these is an individual mkLXjC_ue6E-00425-00097839-00097999 module that has mkLXjC_ue6E-00426-00098000-00098343 collections underneath it so if i go to mkLXjC_ue6E-00427-00098344-00098703 um american politics and society mkLXjC_ue6E-00428-00098704-00098991 here you can see um you know we have uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00429-00098992-00099287 different collections and papers um mkLXjC_ue6E-00430-00099288-00099518 related to that and it actually brings mkLXjC_ue6E-00431-00099519-00099718 us just into again another giant mkLXjC_ue6E-00432-00099719-00099959 directory here um alphabetical of the mkLXjC_ue6E-00433-00099960-00100231 different modules um and so you can see mkLXjC_ue6E-00434-00100232-00100438 uh what we have you can do again a mkLXjC_ue6E-00435-00100439-00100694 control f search some of the history mkLXjC_ue6E-00436-00100695-00100838 vault um mkLXjC_ue6E-00437-00100839-00101094 collections are going to be again mkLXjC_ue6E-00438-00101095-00101255 in this list mkLXjC_ue6E-00439-00101256-00101535 um by title uh but the easiest thing to mkLXjC_ue6E-00440-00101536-00101838 do if you want to see so this is mkLXjC_ue6E-00441-00101839-00102038 some of them individually but it's not mkLXjC_ue6E-00442-00102039-00102223 all of them it's just some of the ones mkLXjC_ue6E-00443-00102224-00102471 that are used for various classes so if mkLXjC_ue6E-00444-00102472-00102710 you want to see what we have access to mkLXjC_ue6E-00445-00102711-00102854 completely through history vault i mkLXjC_ue6E-00446-00102855-00103102 recommend going in through history vault mkLXjC_ue6E-00447-00103103-00103247 and again if you want to mkLXjC_ue6E-00448-00103248-00103534 find am explorer mkLXjC_ue6E-00449-00103535-00103942 in this listing you just search that mkLXjC_ue6E-00450-00103943-00104142 oh it's because i have a filter already mkLXjC_ue6E-00451-00104143-00104654 i think clear all filters mkLXjC_ue6E-00452-00104655-00104871 just search this maybe there's they put mkLXjC_ue6E-00453-00104872-00105502 a space in there mkLXjC_ue6E-00454-00105503-00105878 uh i know that uh our our team for this mkLXjC_ue6E-00455-00105879-00106151 nick and marcy were looking at this this mkLXjC_ue6E-00456-00106152-00106423 morning and getting added um mkLXjC_ue6E-00457-00106424-00106775 the direct link to am explorer is this mkLXjC_ue6E-00458-00106776-00106958 right here which i'll put in the chat it mkLXjC_ue6E-00459-00106959-00107271 should be in the database list um mkLXjC_ue6E-00460-00107272-00107686 and hopefully will be very soon um uh if mkLXjC_ue6E-00461-00107688-00107895 i'm not sure why it's not showing up mkLXjC_ue6E-00462-00107896-00108199 um and then gale primary sources again mkLXjC_ue6E-00463-00108200-00108351 you should be able to search for this mkLXjC_ue6E-00464-00108352-00108495 and pull it up mkLXjC_ue6E-00465-00108496-00108695 in the database list there it is am mkLXjC_ue6E-00466-00108696-00108854 explorer should be there i'm not sure mkLXjC_ue6E-00467-00108855-00109063 why it's not um mkLXjC_ue6E-00468-00109064-00109302 but uh check again later today or mkLXjC_ue6E-00469-00109303-00109431 whenever you're watching this it should mkLXjC_ue6E-00470-00109432-00109519 be there mkLXjC_ue6E-00471-00109520-00109831 um and then lastly redux um mkLXjC_ue6E-00472-00109832-00110134 the top level search for readex is redex mkLXjC_ue6E-00473-00110135-00110343 all search mkLXjC_ue6E-00474-00110344-00110678 um and so this shows you we have 15 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00475-00110679-00110934 databases of collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00476-00110935-00110983 through mkLXjC_ue6E-00477-00110984-00111151 [Music] mkLXjC_ue6E-00478-00111152-00111254 redux mkLXjC_ue6E-00479-00111255-00111575 and it's another primary source provider mkLXjC_ue6E-00480-00111576-00111823 we have things around mkLXjC_ue6E-00481-00111824-00111927 african mkLXjC_ue6E-00482-00111928-00112263 american diaspora um african mkLXjC_ue6E-00483-00112264-00112558 newspapers from the continent um and mkLXjC_ue6E-00484-00112559-00112831 then also we have um mkLXjC_ue6E-00485-00112832-00113063 some things related to the atlantic mkLXjC_ue6E-00486-00113064-00113215 world and caribbean mkLXjC_ue6E-00487-00113216-00113343 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00488-00113344-00113702 culture newspapers etc and so this these mkLXjC_ue6E-00489-00113703-00114063 are some areas where we don't have mkLXjC_ue6E-00490-00114064-00114215 a lot of coverage in some of our other mkLXjC_ue6E-00491-00114216-00114423 primary source collections mkLXjC_ue6E-00492-00114424-00114590 and then we also have mkLXjC_ue6E-00493-00114591-00114895 the evans and shaw shoemaker mkLXjC_ue6E-00494-00114896-00115166 collections here uh which cover um mkLXjC_ue6E-00495-00115167-00115519 american uh historical periodicals a lot mkLXjC_ue6E-00496-00115520-00115751 of journals and um mkLXjC_ue6E-00497-00115752-00115934 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00498-00115935-00116199 magazines that were published in the mkLXjC_ue6E-00499-00116200-00116510 18th and 19th century in the us mkLXjC_ue6E-00500-00116511-00116839 um so these are are again our main mkLXjC_ue6E-00501-00116840-00116990 providers of our primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00502-00116991-00117215 collections each one has mkLXjC_ue6E-00503-00117216-00117407 a top level directory of all of the mkLXjC_ue6E-00504-00117408-00117607 collections available each of these mkLXjC_ue6E-00505-00117608-00117847 different platforms have their own mkLXjC_ue6E-00506-00117848-00118151 search interfaces and various mkLXjC_ue6E-00507-00118152-00118383 tools that they provide mkLXjC_ue6E-00508-00118383-00118599 for engaging with their primary sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00509-00118600-00118751 that you can check out if you have any mkLXjC_ue6E-00510-00118752-00118902 questions about using any of these you mkLXjC_ue6E-00511-00118903-00119175 can reach out to me or to your liaison mkLXjC_ue6E-00512-00119176-00119383 librarian mkLXjC_ue6E-00513-00119383-00119623 but there is a new tool that i wanted to mkLXjC_ue6E-00514-00119624-00120063 mention from adam matthew and sage um we mkLXjC_ue6E-00515-00120064-00120190 have a mkLXjC_ue6E-00516-00120191-00120407 database called sage research methods mkLXjC_ue6E-00517-00120408-00120631 that you may be mkLXjC_ue6E-00518-00120632-00120895 familiar with and so sage research mkLXjC_ue6E-00519-00120896-00121207 is created to help researchers uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00520-00121208-00121302 become mkLXjC_ue6E-00521-00121303-00121502 familiar with various types of research mkLXjC_ue6E-00522-00121503-00121631 methods mkLXjC_ue6E-00523-00121632-00121919 for their own research projects mkLXjC_ue6E-00524-00121920-00122078 similarly mkLXjC_ue6E-00525-00122079-00122231 this new tool mkLXjC_ue6E-00526-00122232-00122399 uh which is called mkLXjC_ue6E-00527-00122400-00122671 research methods primary sources that's mkLXjC_ue6E-00528-00122672-00122831 what they decided to name it there's no mkLXjC_ue6E-00529-00122832-00123086 colon in it or anything mkLXjC_ue6E-00530-00123088-00123375 is from adam matthew and sage and it mkLXjC_ue6E-00531-00123376-00123566 serves a mkLXjC_ue6E-00532-00123567-00123886 a similar mkLXjC_ue6E-00533-00123888-00123983 role mkLXjC_ue6E-00534-00123983-00124190 it's a tool to support students in mkLXjC_ue6E-00535-00124191-00124454 humanities and social sciences mkLXjC_ue6E-00536-00124455-00124623 in research methods mkLXjC_ue6E-00537-00124624-00124871 related to primary sources specifically mkLXjC_ue6E-00538-00124872-00125143 um uh as they are mkLXjC_ue6E-00539-00125144-00125454 kind of uh conceptualized in humanities mkLXjC_ue6E-00540-00125455-00125678 and social science disciplines so what mkLXjC_ue6E-00541-00125679-00125886 are primary sources in these disciplines mkLXjC_ue6E-00542-00125888-00126054 what are the types of documents that you mkLXjC_ue6E-00543-00126055-00126247 use what uh how do you engage with these mkLXjC_ue6E-00544-00126248-00126358 materials mkLXjC_ue6E-00545-00126359-00126639 um and so uh this tool um they have mkLXjC_ue6E-00546-00126640-00126871 different uh modules set up uh there's mkLXjC_ue6E-00547-00126872-00127039 learning tools case studies practice mkLXjC_ue6E-00548-00127040-00127278 resources and data sets mkLXjC_ue6E-00549-00127279-00127483 and if you go into it mkLXjC_ue6E-00550-00127483-00127671 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00551-00127672-00127886 great mkLXjC_ue6E-00552-00127888-00128127 uh again we were kind of tinkering mkLXjC_ue6E-00553-00128128-00128447 around with this this morning mkLXjC_ue6E-00554-00128448-00128631 uh this database list before this mkLXjC_ue6E-00555-00128632-00128775 webinar it's a great time to start mkLXjC_ue6E-00556-00128776-00128999 messing with your links um here we go mkLXjC_ue6E-00557-00129000-00129390 and so you can see each of these here um mkLXjC_ue6E-00558-00129391-00129590 there's also a user guide mkLXjC_ue6E-00559-00129591-00129902 these different types of resources mkLXjC_ue6E-00560-00129903-00130039 that you can mkLXjC_ue6E-00561-00130040-00130334 use both to assign to students and have mkLXjC_ue6E-00562-00130335-00130558 them engage with independently mkLXjC_ue6E-00563-00130559-00130790 um and so mkLXjC_ue6E-00564-00130791-00130919 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00565-00130920-00131127 you know what types of sources are used mkLXjC_ue6E-00566-00131128-00131302 in different disciplines how do you mkLXjC_ue6E-00567-00131303-00131566 formulate research questions mkLXjC_ue6E-00568-00131567-00131683 what is an mkLXjC_ue6E-00569-00131684-00131966 archive uh you know what are mkLXjC_ue6E-00570-00131967-00132151 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00571-00132152-00132447 ways to engage with digital tools for mkLXjC_ue6E-00572-00132448-00132702 research et cetera so this is mkLXjC_ue6E-00573-00132703-00132983 intended to support uh study of and with mkLXjC_ue6E-00574-00132984-00133311 primary sources for students mkLXjC_ue6E-00575-00133312-00133559 and all of these things can be linked to mkLXjC_ue6E-00576-00133560-00133759 individually assigned to students mkLXjC_ue6E-00577-00133760-00133959 students can create individual accounts mkLXjC_ue6E-00578-00133960-00134111 to save their progress and things like mkLXjC_ue6E-00579-00134112-00134231 that mkLXjC_ue6E-00580-00134232-00134511 i also just quickly wanted to mention a mkLXjC_ue6E-00581-00134512-00134711 couple of additional resources that i mkLXjC_ue6E-00582-00134712-00134863 like when we're talking about teaching mkLXjC_ue6E-00583-00134864-00135078 and learning with primary sources that mkLXjC_ue6E-00584-00135079-00135223 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00585-00135224-00135383 i have linked to here mkLXjC_ue6E-00586-00135384-00135790 the first is the tps collective mkLXjC_ue6E-00587-00135791-00136190 which is a resource created by mkLXjC_ue6E-00588-00136191-00136439 various librarians archives information mkLXjC_ue6E-00589-00136440-00136590 professionals mkLXjC_ue6E-00590-00136591-00136878 and so they have um mkLXjC_ue6E-00591-00136879-00137031 developed this online community of mkLXjC_ue6E-00592-00137032-00137143 practice mkLXjC_ue6E-00593-00137144-00137343 there are various online events and mkLXjC_ue6E-00594-00137344-00137487 things like that but they also have this mkLXjC_ue6E-00595-00137488-00137823 teaching tools section which includes a mkLXjC_ue6E-00596-00137824-00138102 toolkit for the primary source literacy mkLXjC_ue6E-00597-00138103-00138399 guidelines which uh the school folks may mkLXjC_ue6E-00598-00138400-00138566 have mentioned yesterday mkLXjC_ue6E-00599-00138567-00138719 which is a mkLXjC_ue6E-00600-00138720-00138951 a set of learning goals associated with mkLXjC_ue6E-00601-00138952-00139183 um teaching and learning uh with primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00602-00139184-00139487 sources in higher education but also um mkLXjC_ue6E-00603-00139488-00139654 yeah like i said lesson plans assessment mkLXjC_ue6E-00604-00139655-00139887 tools etc there are ideas for how to mkLXjC_ue6E-00605-00139888-00140143 integrate primary sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00606-00140144-00140383 into the classroom for working with mkLXjC_ue6E-00607-00140384-00140495 students mkLXjC_ue6E-00608-00140496-00140631 um mkLXjC_ue6E-00609-00140632-00140983 there is also uh from last year no two mkLXjC_ue6E-00610-00140984-00141159 years ago now i think it was 2020 or mkLXjC_ue6E-00611-00141160-00141327 maybe it was i'm going to click on it mkLXjC_ue6E-00612-00141328-00141495 and tell you the date give me one second mkLXjC_ue6E-00613-00141496-00141911 uh it was march 2021 um ithaca snr which mkLXjC_ue6E-00614-00141912-00142199 is the research wing of ithaca which is mkLXjC_ue6E-00615-00142200-00142471 uh the nonprofit that runs jstor art mkLXjC_ue6E-00616-00142472-00142847 store um and a couple of other platforms mkLXjC_ue6E-00617-00142848-00143031 um and proquest apparently also mkLXjC_ue6E-00618-00143032-00143271 contributed to this research um this is mkLXjC_ue6E-00619-00143272-00143519 a large research report this is just the mkLXjC_ue6E-00620-00143520-00143847 executive summary here uh about um how mkLXjC_ue6E-00621-00143848-00144135 primary sources are used in classrooms mkLXjC_ue6E-00622-00144136-00144487 in various disciplines um and how uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00623-00144488-00144695 both vendors and libraries can better mkLXjC_ue6E-00624-00144696-00144871 support the needs of instructors so if mkLXjC_ue6E-00625-00144872-00145039 you're curious about these research mkLXjC_ue6E-00626-00145040-00145311 findings this again is a study from last mkLXjC_ue6E-00627-00145312-00145614 year that was published um we also have mkLXjC_ue6E-00628-00145615-00146047 a great tutorial um through uh the uncg mkLXjC_ue6E-00629-00146048-00146375 libraries tutorial platform uh called mkLXjC_ue6E-00630-00146376-00146535 understanding different source types and mkLXjC_ue6E-00631-00146536-00146759 this also gets into mkLXjC_ue6E-00632-00146760-00146959 um one of the uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00633-00146960-00147151 the pages in this tutorial talks about mkLXjC_ue6E-00634-00147152-00147302 the different types of primary sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00635-00147303-00147478 in different disciplines mkLXjC_ue6E-00636-00147479-00147607 but also mkLXjC_ue6E-00637-00147608-00147839 how to think about integrating primary mkLXjC_ue6E-00638-00147840-00148223 sources using a b method where mkLXjC_ue6E-00639-00148224-00148487 the e exhibit is a great place to refer mkLXjC_ue6E-00640-00148488-00148743 to and integrate primary sources mkLXjC_ue6E-00641-00148744-00149071 for students and then lastly um i didn't mkLXjC_ue6E-00642-00149072-00149423 link i didn't actually mkLXjC_ue6E-00643-00149424-00149678 hyperlink that in my slides but there is mkLXjC_ue6E-00644-00149679-00150078 trophy um which is a free open source mkLXjC_ue6E-00645-00150079-00150183 tool mkLXjC_ue6E-00646-00150184-00150566 that uh students and faculty can use um mkLXjC_ue6E-00647-00150567-00150823 if you are downloading images from mkLXjC_ue6E-00648-00150824-00151119 archives or taking your own images on an mkLXjC_ue6E-00649-00151120-00151326 archived visit mkLXjC_ue6E-00650-00151327-00151478 to mkLXjC_ue6E-00651-00151479-00151695 organize the images mkLXjC_ue6E-00652-00151696-00152054 as well as catalog them mkLXjC_ue6E-00653-00152055-00152311 annotate them all kinds of things so mkLXjC_ue6E-00654-00152312-00152414 that mkLXjC_ue6E-00655-00152415-00152647 you are not just sort of digging through mkLXjC_ue6E-00656-00152648-00152959 a google folder um with a bunch of you mkLXjC_ue6E-00657-00152960-00153231 know uh nonsense um mkLXjC_ue6E-00658-00153232-00153390 named you know automatic strings of mkLXjC_ue6E-00659-00153391-00153775 numbers or photo zero seven point jpeg mkLXjC_ue6E-00660-00153776-00154031 or whatever um of your images it allows mkLXjC_ue6E-00661-00154032-00154302 you to create a searchable mkLXjC_ue6E-00662-00154303-00154519 database of images related to your mkLXjC_ue6E-00663-00154520-00154783 research mkLXjC_ue6E-00664-00154784-00154999 you can enter all kinds of information mkLXjC_ue6E-00665-00155000-00155214 about them where they came from mkLXjC_ue6E-00666-00155215-00155423 technical metadata and then you can also mkLXjC_ue6E-00667-00155424-00155599 add notes related to them so it's really mkLXjC_ue6E-00668-00155600-00155807 helpful for organizing mkLXjC_ue6E-00669-00155808-00155935 images mkLXjC_ue6E-00670-00155936-00156287 of primary source material mkLXjC_ue6E-00671-00156288-00156502 and it is free open source mkLXjC_ue6E-00672-00156503-00156814 and i am able to help you mkLXjC_ue6E-00673-00156815-00157175 set it up and use it uh whether it's you mkLXjC_ue6E-00674-00157176-00157407 a graduate student faculty member or you mkLXjC_ue6E-00675-00157408-00157647 want undergraduate students to use it um mkLXjC_ue6E-00676-00157648-00157887 it is made by the same folks that have mkLXjC_ue6E-00677-00157888-00158014 made uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00678-00158015-00158278 zotero which is for mkLXjC_ue6E-00679-00158279-00158359 your mkLXjC_ue6E-00680-00158360-00158807 bibliographic uh information um uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00681-00158808-00158983 about books and journals and things like mkLXjC_ue6E-00682-00158984-00159326 that it uh serves a similar role but for mkLXjC_ue6E-00683-00159327-00159671 images um of your research data uh and mkLXjC_ue6E-00684-00159672-00160119 so that's uh the chnm uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00685-00160120-00160478 here um and so that is mkLXjC_ue6E-00686-00160479-00160663 pretty much all i had because i wanted mkLXjC_ue6E-00687-00160664-00160823 to keep this short and sweet just a mkLXjC_ue6E-00688-00160824-00161135 quick overview of uh the primary source mkLXjC_ue6E-00689-00161136-00161239 environment mkLXjC_ue6E-00690-00161240-00161566 primarily for the humanities at uncg the mkLXjC_ue6E-00691-00161567-00161751 things that we provide access to and mkLXjC_ue6E-00692-00161752-00161926 support for mkLXjC_ue6E-00693-00161927-00162166 that is outside of the archival mkLXjC_ue6E-00694-00162167-00162399 resources and special collections that mkLXjC_ue6E-00695-00162400-00162535 we have mkLXjC_ue6E-00696-00162536-00162687 uh in our mkLXjC_ue6E-00697-00162688-00162814 uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00698-00162815-00163063 martha blakeney hodges special mkLXjC_ue6E-00699-00163064-00163383 collections in university archives um mkLXjC_ue6E-00700-00163384-00163590 and so if you have any questions about mkLXjC_ue6E-00701-00163591-00163943 this please feel free again to email me mkLXjC_ue6E-00702-00163944-00164190 or to reach out to your uh subject mkLXjC_ue6E-00703-00164191-00164495 liaison um who can support you in this mkLXjC_ue6E-00704-00164496-00164831 uh or um conference with me uh mkLXjC_ue6E-00705-00164832-00165111 if you have any questions or ideas about mkLXjC_ue6E-00706-00165112-00165254 how you would like to use any of this mkLXjC_ue6E-00707-00165255-00165431 content mkLXjC_ue6E-00708-00165432-00165766 and that's about it for me mkLXjC_ue6E-00709-00165767-00166007 great dan i'm i'm excited that uh you mkLXjC_ue6E-00710-00166008-00166183 found this helpful mkLXjC_ue6E-00711-00166184-00166302 yay mkLXjC_ue6E-00712-00166303-00166559 so i dropped a link to the assessment if mkLXjC_ue6E-00713-00166560-00166799 um you want to take it and i will also mkLXjC_ue6E-00714-00166800-00166983 send an email out i just want to note i mkLXjC_ue6E-00715-00166984-00167119 did put in the chat mkLXjC_ue6E-00716-00167120-00167311 um and for anyone watching the recording mkLXjC_ue6E-00717-00167312-00167535 your trophy webinar that you did i guess mkLXjC_ue6E-00718-00167536-00167766 a while ago yeah mkLXjC_ue6E-00719-00167767-00167935 and that was another again just like mkLXjC_ue6E-00720-00167936-00168183 super quick overview and maybe not the mkLXjC_ue6E-00721-00168184-00168447 problem it's our most viewed webinar mkLXjC_ue6E-00722-00168448-00168743 okay period in a sentence it's over it's mkLXjC_ue6E-00723-00168744-00169007 almost 200 views um that's a lot for us mkLXjC_ue6E-00724-00169008-00169254 yeah i guess it's caught a grassroots mkLXjC_ue6E-00725-00169255-00169463 movement on youtube mkLXjC_ue6E-00726-00169464-00169790 um but yeah trophy is very cool um i'm mkLXjC_ue6E-00727-00169791-00170054 yeah going to talk to actually a mkLXjC_ue6E-00728-00170055-00170278 studio art faculty member about using it mkLXjC_ue6E-00729-00170279-00170478 to organize their reference images that mkLXjC_ue6E-00730-00170479-00170631 they use in their work mkLXjC_ue6E-00731-00170632-00170790 um which is like a different way of mkLXjC_ue6E-00732-00170791-00171111 thinking about uh you know research data mkLXjC_ue6E-00733-00171112-00171223 so mkLXjC_ue6E-00734-00171224-00171407 yes okay mkLXjC_ue6E-00735-00171408-00171654 well we're right at 11 30. wow great mkLXjC_ue6E-00736-00171655-00171919 time management um maggie go reward mkLXjC_ue6E-00737-00171920-00172087 yourself with the starbucks yeah i was mkLXjC_ue6E-00738-00172088-00172295 like i'm gonna have six slides and mkLXjC_ue6E-00739-00172296-00172495 that's it mkLXjC_ue6E-00740-00172496-00172878 so um thanks for coming and um we'll be mkLXjC_ue6E-00741-00172879-00173166 in touch with the recording happy friday mkLXjC_ue6E-00742-00173167-00173302 i hope you all are able to enjoy your mkLXjC_ue6E-00743-00173303-00173623 weekend uh however y'all do that and mkLXjC_ue6E-00744-00173624-00173775 i'll see mkLXjC_ue6E-00745-00173776-00173990 all of you all soon thanks mkLXjC_ue6E-00746-00173991-00174291 bye ml1EUZ8XTnE-00000-00000000-00000041 [Music] ml1EUZ8XTnE-00001-00000042-00000087 foreign ml1EUZ8XTnE-00003-00004382-00004927 thank you ml1EUZ8XTnE-00004-00004928-00006109 [Music] ml1EUZ8XTnE-00005-00006110-00006378 so true ml1EUZ8XTnE-00006-00006379-00007019 [Music] ml1EUZ8XTnE-00007-00007020-00007223 inside the destruction ml1EUZ8XTnE-00009-00012884-00013116 the destruction ml1EUZ8XTnE-00011-00016206-00016329 foreign ml1EUZ8XTnE-00012-00016330-00018491 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00000-00000689-00001503 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00001-00001504-00001695 in this [__] man you know i'm coming no1KmcmRFYQ-00002-00001696-00001814 you're the black like whatever you want no1KmcmRFYQ-00003-00001816-00001942 to call it no1KmcmRFYQ-00004-00001943-00002191 clear no1KmcmRFYQ-00005-00002192-00002326 got my [__] falling in this [__] with no1KmcmRFYQ-00006-00002327-00002515 me man y'all know i'll be coming no1KmcmRFYQ-00007-00002516-00004573 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00008-00004574-00005162 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00009-00005163-00005647 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00010-00005648-00006384 he keeps no1KmcmRFYQ-00011-00006385-00007154 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00012-00007155-00007764 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00013-00007765-00010183 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00014-00010184-00010335 i might have to ice some [__] if what no1KmcmRFYQ-00015-00010336-00010519 baby say he don't like some [__] in his no1KmcmRFYQ-00016-00010520-00010663 bushes all night we sit all black no1KmcmRFYQ-00017-00010664-00010895 coconut smack tightly grip dirty on some no1KmcmRFYQ-00018-00010896-00011078 sheisty [__] these guys see me act like no1KmcmRFYQ-00019-00011079-00011463 a [__] i'm a gang member the same no1KmcmRFYQ-00020-00011464-00012988 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00021-00012990-00014296 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00022-00014297-00015494 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00023-00015495-00015647 me don't walk from a disc get close with no1KmcmRFYQ-00024-00015647-00015847 my feet no1KmcmRFYQ-00025-00015847-00016047 these [__] they dying for now i told no1KmcmRFYQ-00026-00016047-00016175 them in public if you ain't gonna bugger no1KmcmRFYQ-00027-00016176-00016350 these [__] no1KmcmRFYQ-00028-00016351-00017599 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00029-00017600-00017992 so no1KmcmRFYQ-00030-00017993-00019207 [Music] no1KmcmRFYQ-00031-00019208-00019415 you noMRnc_AGwg-00000-00001384-00001591 xbox live major nelson here it is the noMRnc_AGwg-00001-00001592-00001823 moment you've been waiting for noMRnc_AGwg-00002-00001823-00002159 unboxing of xbox one let's see what's in noMRnc_AGwg-00003-00002160-00002287 the box so this is what it looks like noMRnc_AGwg-00004-00002288-00002463 it's gorgeous turn it around here you noMRnc_AGwg-00005-00002464-00002639 can see everything that's in the box i'm noMRnc_AGwg-00006-00002640-00002775 not gonna show you there we're gonna noMRnc_AGwg-00007-00002776-00003047 break into this bad boy right now noMRnc_AGwg-00008-00003048-00003286 first thing you notice right up top is noMRnc_AGwg-00009-00003288-00003615 we have the connect sensor here's this noMRnc_AGwg-00010-00003615-00003767 beautiful little sensor i'm going to pop noMRnc_AGwg-00011-00003768-00004111 that down here noMRnc_AGwg-00012-00004112-00004303 see that right there talk about each one noMRnc_AGwg-00013-00004304-00004447 of these items in a minute noMRnc_AGwg-00014-00004448-00004686 next up we have of course noMRnc_AGwg-00015-00004687-00004943 headset oh it's gonna be beautiful noMRnc_AGwg-00016-00004944-00005183 following that the controller itself put noMRnc_AGwg-00017-00005184-00005502 that here next up we have a 4k rated noMRnc_AGwg-00018-00005503-00005654 hdmi cable noMRnc_AGwg-00019-00005655-00006031 some paperwork including the manual noMRnc_AGwg-00020-00006032-00006231 xbox one sticker noMRnc_AGwg-00021-00006232-00006606 over here we have the uh the power cord noMRnc_AGwg-00022-00006608-00006783 here's the power brick and then noMRnc_AGwg-00023-00006784-00006967 underneath we have noMRnc_AGwg-00024-00006968-00007342 the beautiful console all wrapped up noMRnc_AGwg-00025-00007343-00007495 waiting for you noMRnc_AGwg-00026-00007495-00007798 to take a look at it are you ready noMRnc_AGwg-00027-00007800-00008278 take a look at this noMRnc_AGwg-00028-00008279-00008399 all right i have everything laid out noMRnc_AGwg-00029-00008400-00008599 here on the table let's go through each noMRnc_AGwg-00030-00008600-00008871 item one by one first up we have some noMRnc_AGwg-00031-00008872-00009055 paperwork here including your owner's noMRnc_AGwg-00032-00009056-00009278 manual as well as a little sticker and noMRnc_AGwg-00033-00009279-00009431 if you were lucky enough to get your noMRnc_AGwg-00034-00009432-00009695 hands on a day one edition this is where noMRnc_AGwg-00035-00009696-00009846 you'll find your code for your digital noMRnc_AGwg-00036-00009847-00010095 exclusive now over here we have the xbox noMRnc_AGwg-00037-00010096-00010431 one console liquid black beautiful you noMRnc_AGwg-00038-00010432-00010623 can see right on the front here it's a noMRnc_AGwg-00039-00010624-00010871 slot loading blu-ray drive let me spin noMRnc_AGwg-00040-00010872-00011063 it around on the side here uh you can noMRnc_AGwg-00041-00011064-00011295 see you've got a super speed usb 3.0 noMRnc_AGwg-00042-00011296-00011503 port as well as a binding button to get noMRnc_AGwg-00043-00011504-00011695 your controller set up and then on the noMRnc_AGwg-00044-00011696-00011951 back we have the ports from left to noMRnc_AGwg-00045-00011952-00012159 right we have the power port we have the noMRnc_AGwg-00046-00012160-00012431 hdmi output to your television noMRnc_AGwg-00047-00012432-00012663 followed by the spdif or optical audio noMRnc_AGwg-00048-00012664-00012759 out noMRnc_AGwg-00049-00012760-00013015 then we have hdmi in which is uh from noMRnc_AGwg-00050-00013016-00013238 your satellite or cable box noMRnc_AGwg-00051-00013240-00013558 next to that we have two usb 3 super noMRnc_AGwg-00052-00013559-00013815 speed ports next to that is connect now noMRnc_AGwg-00053-00013816-00014103 connect is an ir blaster so you can use noMRnc_AGwg-00054-00014104-00014311 that or if your system requires it you noMRnc_AGwg-00055-00014312-00014479 can use an ir out port and that's this noMRnc_AGwg-00056-00014480-00014743 guy right here next to that is a gigabit noMRnc_AGwg-00057-00014744-00015007 ethernet port followed by a kensington noMRnc_AGwg-00058-00015008-00015255 security lock and inside we have a 500 noMRnc_AGwg-00059-00015256-00015535 gigabyte hard drive an 8 core x86 noMRnc_AGwg-00060-00015536-00015783 processor and wireless networking noMRnc_AGwg-00061-00015784-00016038 connectivity all on board next up we noMRnc_AGwg-00062-00016040-00016343 have an hdmi cable now this is a 4k noMRnc_AGwg-00063-00016344-00016607 capable hdmi cable that we're including noMRnc_AGwg-00064-00016608-00016743 in the box noMRnc_AGwg-00065-00016744-00016975 also we have of course the power supply noMRnc_AGwg-00066-00016976-00017215 next we have the xbox one controller noMRnc_AGwg-00067-00017216-00017430 with over 40 improvements we have a noMRnc_AGwg-00068-00017431-00017719 newly designed d-pad we have impulse noMRnc_AGwg-00069-00017720-00017839 triggers on the back here which are noMRnc_AGwg-00070-00017840-00018055 going to change the way you game and noMRnc_AGwg-00071-00018056-00018199 then of course you can see this is the noMRnc_AGwg-00072-00018200-00018399 special day one edition which has a noMRnc_AGwg-00073-00018400-00018799 little logo there and a chrome d-pad hot noMRnc_AGwg-00074-00018800-00018999 next we have the connect sensor which noMRnc_AGwg-00075-00019000-00019255 has improved gesture and voice control a noMRnc_AGwg-00076-00019256-00019471 greater field of view so it will work in noMRnc_AGwg-00077-00019472-00019767 almost any room and 1080p video for noMRnc_AGwg-00078-00019768-00019879 skype noMRnc_AGwg-00079-00019880-00020063 and both the day one and standard noMRnc_AGwg-00080-00020064-00020255 editions of the console include this noMRnc_AGwg-00081-00020256-00020567 mono chat headset improved comfort noMRnc_AGwg-00082-00020568-00020807 in-line audio controls and improved noMRnc_AGwg-00083-00020808-00021047 audio quality for in-game chat one more noMRnc_AGwg-00084-00021048-00021222 thing i haven't shown you the on off noMRnc_AGwg-00085-00021223-00021383 switch we've done something pretty cool noMRnc_AGwg-00086-00021384-00023614 here i'll see you gamescom noMRnc_AGwg-00087-00023615-00023823 you n0lnrRd8_nM-00000-00000000-00000286 hey friends I am back n0lnrRd8_nM-00001-00000287-00000463 with one more parenting style n0lnrRd8_nM-00002-00000463-00000721 authoritative parenting Style n0lnrRd8_nM-00003-00000722-00001019 authoritative parenting is characterized n0lnrRd8_nM-00004-00001019-00001243 by reasonable demands and high n0lnrRd8_nM-00005-00001244-00001577 responsiveness at the same time parents n0lnrRd8_nM-00006-00001578-00001841 might have high expectations for their n0lnrRd8_nM-00007-00001842-00002063 children they also give them the n0lnrRd8_nM-00008-00002064-00002267 resources and support the need to n0lnrRd8_nM-00009-00002268-00002525 succeed parents who exhibit this style n0lnrRd8_nM-00010-00002526-00002776 listen to their kids and provide love n0lnrRd8_nM-00011-00002777-00003065 and warmth in addition to limits and n0lnrRd8_nM-00012-00003066-00003340 fair discipline this parenting style n0lnrRd8_nM-00013-00003342-00003706 avoids punishment and threats and n0lnrRd8_nM-00014-00003707-00004003 instead relies on strategies such as n0lnrRd8_nM-00015-00004004-00004445 posterior reinforcement n0lnrRd8_nM-00016-00004446-00004697 traditionally the authoritative branding n0lnrRd8_nM-00017-00004698-00004967 style has been identified as the most n0lnrRd8_nM-00018-00004968-00005202 effective and helpful to a child n0lnrRd8_nM-00019-00005203-00005483 research suggests that parents should n0lnrRd8_nM-00020-00005484-00005729 flexibly deploy parenting techniques n0lnrRd8_nM-00021-00005730-00006017 based on their personal goals and the n0lnrRd8_nM-00022-00006018-00006281 unique behavior of each child n0lnrRd8_nM-00023-00006282-00006592 and the characteristics of authoritative n0lnrRd8_nM-00024-00006593-00006748 parenting n0lnrRd8_nM-00025-00006750-00007133 are administering Fair consistent fair n0lnrRd8_nM-00026-00007134-00007420 and consistent discipline when rules are n0lnrRd8_nM-00027-00007422-00007667 broken allowing children to express n0lnrRd8_nM-00028-00007668-00007978 opinions encouraging children to discuss n0lnrRd8_nM-00029-00007979-00008335 options expressing warmth and nurturing n0lnrRd8_nM-00030-00008336-00008573 listening to their children n0lnrRd8_nM-00031-00008574-00008891 placing limits consequences and n0lnrRd8_nM-00032-00008892-00009083 expectations on their children's n0lnrRd8_nM-00033-00009084-00009274 Behavior n0lnrRd8_nM-00034-00009275-00009509 while the expectations of authoritative n0lnrRd8_nM-00035-00009510-00009845 parents are high these kinds of parents n0lnrRd8_nM-00036-00009846-00010145 also can be flexible if there are extra n0lnrRd8_nM-00037-00010146-00010421 nothing circumstances authoritative n0lnrRd8_nM-00038-00010422-00010846 parents will adjust their response n0lnrRd8_nM-00039-00010847-00011146 accordingly parents with this style are n0lnrRd8_nM-00040-00011147-00011417 able to adjust and adapt their approach n0lnrRd8_nM-00041-00011418-00011717 depending on the situation their child's n0lnrRd8_nM-00042-00011718-00011974 needs and other factors that may be n0lnrRd8_nM-00043-00011975-00012085 present n0lnrRd8_nM-00044-00012086-00012364 discipline then takes into account all n0lnrRd8_nM-00045-00012365-00012592 variables including their child's n0lnrRd8_nM-00046-00012593-00012988 Behavior and the situation n0lnrRd8_nM-00047-00012989-00013344 mostly authoritative parents are n0lnrRd8_nM-00048-00013345-00013686 commanding but supportive focused on n0lnrRd8_nM-00049-00013687-00014021 reinforcing desirable behaviors n0lnrRd8_nM-00050-00014022-00014308 and they provide structure guidelines n0lnrRd8_nM-00051-00014309-00014615 and expectations n0lnrRd8_nM-00052-00014616-00014975 in authoritative parenting parent has n0lnrRd8_nM-00053-00014976-00015227 significant involvement in a child's n0lnrRd8_nM-00054-00015228-00015449 life n0lnrRd8_nM-00055-00015450-00015769 effects of authoritative parenting n0lnrRd8_nM-00056-00015769-00016108 experts say that authoritative parenting n0lnrRd8_nM-00057-00016109-00016433 style is identified as best approach to n0lnrRd8_nM-00058-00016434-00016739 parenting research has repeatedly shown n0lnrRd8_nM-00059-00016740-00016997 that children raised by authoritative n0lnrRd8_nM-00060-00016998-00017308 parents tend to be more capable happy n0lnrRd8_nM-00061-00017309-00017567 and successful n0lnrRd8_nM-00062-00017568-00017880 children of authority parenting are n0lnrRd8_nM-00063-00017881-00018179 self-confident about their abilities to n0lnrRd8_nM-00064-00018180-00018419 learn new things develop good social n0lnrRd8_nM-00065-00018420-00018694 skills among them have good emotional n0lnrRd8_nM-00066-00018695-00018994 control and regulation creativity n0lnrRd8_nM-00067-00018995-00019186 factors n0lnrRd8_nM-00068-00019187-00019458 problem solving abilities n0lnrRd8_nM-00069-00019459-00020094 self-esteem self-reliance relationships n0lnrRd8_nM-00070-00020095-00020375 authoritative parents also allow n0lnrRd8_nM-00071-00020376-00020657 children to act independently this n0lnrRd8_nM-00072-00020658-00020969 Freedom teaches kids that they are n0lnrRd8_nM-00073-00020970-00021239 capable of accomplishing things on their n0lnrRd8_nM-00074-00021240-00021647 own helping to faster strong self-esteem n0lnrRd8_nM-00075-00021648-00022014 and self-confidence n0lnrRd8_nM-00076-00022015-00022403 example of authoritative parenting two n0lnrRd8_nM-00077-00022404-00022655 young boys steal candy from the grocery n0lnrRd8_nM-00078-00022656-00022763 store n0lnrRd8_nM-00079-00022764-00023027 how authoritative parent will deal with n0lnrRd8_nM-00080-00023028-00023314 the situation n0lnrRd8_nM-00081-00023315-00023483 the child n0lnrRd8_nM-00082-00023484-00023764 of the authoritative parent finally n0lnrRd8_nM-00083-00023765-00024077 arrives at home he receives a fair n0lnrRd8_nM-00084-00024078-00024421 punishment that fits the nature of the n0lnrRd8_nM-00085-00024422-00024743 transgression the boy is grounded for n0lnrRd8_nM-00086-00024744-00025121 two weeks and must return the candy and n0lnrRd8_nM-00087-00025122-00025258 apologize n0lnrRd8_nM-00088-00025259-00025589 to the store owner n0lnrRd8_nM-00089-00025590-00025906 and the boy parents talk to him about n0lnrRd8_nM-00090-00025907-00026218 why stealing is wrong n0lnrRd8_nM-00091-00026219-00026417 and the boys n0lnrRd8_nM-00092-00026418-00026723 parents are supportive and encourage him n0lnrRd8_nM-00093-00026724-00027185 not to engage in such Behavior again n0lnrRd8_nM-00094-00027186-00027420 and another parenting style is n0lnrRd8_nM-00095-00027422-00027731 authoritarian parenting n0lnrRd8_nM-00096-00027732-00028007 mostly authoritarian parents are strict n0lnrRd8_nM-00097-00028008-00028223 and unsupportive n0lnrRd8_nM-00098-00028224-00028618 and they mostly focus on punishing on n0lnrRd8_nM-00099-00028619-00028733 mistakes n0lnrRd8_nM-00100-00028733-00029177 rules that are often harshly enforced n0lnrRd8_nM-00101-00029177-00029458 their rules are very harsh n0lnrRd8_nM-00102-00029460-00029752 and there is very little involvement in n0lnrRd8_nM-00103-00029754-00030143 in their child's life n0lnrRd8_nM-00104-00030144-00030479 whereas in authoritarian parenting the n0lnrRd8_nM-00105-00030480-00030790 other boy has authoritarian parents so n0lnrRd8_nM-00106-00030791-00031055 his consequences look quite different n0lnrRd8_nM-00107-00031056-00031457 for example n0lnrRd8_nM-00108-00031458-00031720 of authoritarian parenting might look in n0lnrRd8_nM-00109-00031722-00032057 this circumstance when the boy arises n0lnrRd8_nM-00110-00032058-00032417 home with the candy he is yelled by both n0lnrRd8_nM-00111-00032418-00032735 the parents his father spanks him his n0lnrRd8_nM-00112-00032736-00032957 father orders him to spend rest of the n0lnrRd8_nM-00113-00032958-00033311 night in his room without dinner n0lnrRd8_nM-00114-00033312-00033587 here in the here in this situation we n0lnrRd8_nM-00115-00033588-00033779 can notice that the child with n0lnrRd8_nM-00116-00033780-00034049 authoritative parents was disciplined n0lnrRd8_nM-00117-00034050-00034211 but with support n0lnrRd8_nM-00118-00034212-00034481 and guidance for encouraging the desired n0lnrRd8_nM-00119-00034482-00034774 future behavior on the other hand the n0lnrRd8_nM-00120-00034775-00035039 child with authoritarian parents was not n0lnrRd8_nM-00121-00035040-00035393 given supports or love and received no n0lnrRd8_nM-00122-00035394-00035693 feedback or guidance about why the theft n0lnrRd8_nM-00123-00035694-00035968 was wrong n0lnrRd8_nM-00124-00035969-00036277 yeah I can suggest to all the parents n0lnrRd8_nM-00125-00036278-00036605 that authoritative parenting is the best n0lnrRd8_nM-00126-00036606-00036877 style to approach children n0lnrRd8_nM-00127-00036878-00037133 and for parenting n0lnrRd8_nM-00128-00037134-00037412 thank you n19LspEhsIY-00000-00000010-00000322 the Andes or Andean mountains Spanish n19LspEhsIY-00001-00000323-00000551 cordillera de los Andes are the longest n19LspEhsIY-00002-00000552-00000715 continental mountain range in the world n19LspEhsIY-00003-00000716-00000938 forming a continuous Highland along the n19LspEhsIY-00004-00000939-00001217 western edge of South America this range n19LspEhsIY-00005-00001218-00001433 is about seven thousand kilometres four n19LspEhsIY-00006-00001434-00001651 thousand three hundred miles long about n19LspEhsIY-00007-00001652-00002083 200 to 700 kilometers 120 to 430 miles n19LspEhsIY-00008-00002084-00002363 wide widest between 18 degrees south and n19LspEhsIY-00009-00002364-00002566 20 degrees south latitude and of an n19LspEhsIY-00010-00002567-00002767 average height of about 4,000 meters n19LspEhsIY-00011-00002768-00003106 13,000 feet the Andes extend from north n19LspEhsIY-00012-00003107-00003304 to south through seven South American n19LspEhsIY-00013-00003306-00003527 countries Venezuela Colombia Ecuador n19LspEhsIY-00014-00003528-00003961 Peru Bolivia Chile and Argentina along n19LspEhsIY-00015-00003963-00004124 their length the Andes are split into n19LspEhsIY-00016-00004125-00004367 several ranges separated by intermediate n19LspEhsIY-00017-00004368-00004640 depressions the Andes are the location n19LspEhsIY-00018-00004641-00004841 of several high plateaus some of which n19LspEhsIY-00019-00004842-00005114 host major cities such as Quito Bogota n19LspEhsIY-00020-00005115-00005444 arequipa Medellin Sucre Merida and La n19LspEhsIY-00021-00005445-00005732 Paz the Altiplano plateau is the world's n19LspEhsIY-00022-00005733-00005968 second highest after the Tibetan Plateau n19LspEhsIY-00023-00005969-00006233 these ranges are in turn grouped into n19LspEhsIY-00024-00006234-00006436 three major divisions based on climate n19LspEhsIY-00025-00006437-00006677 the tropical Andes the dry Andes and the n19LspEhsIY-00026-00006678-00006977 wet Andes the Andes Mountains are the n19LspEhsIY-00027-00006978-00007148 world's highest mountain range outside n19LspEhsIY-00028-00007148-00007423 Asia the highest mountain outside Asia n19LspEhsIY-00029-00007424-00007688 Argentina's Mount Aconcagua rises to an n19LspEhsIY-00030-00007689-00008052 elevation of about 6,000 961 meters n19LspEhsIY-00031-00008053-00008488 22,000 838 feet above sea level the peak n19LspEhsIY-00032-00008489-00008726 of Chimborazo in the Ecuadorian Andes as n19LspEhsIY-00033-00008727-00008891 farther from the Earth's center than any n19LspEhsIY-00034-00008892-00009031 other location on the Earth's surface n19LspEhsIY-00035-00009032-00009277 due to the equatorial bulge resulting n19LspEhsIY-00036-00009278-00009509 from the Earth's rotation the world's n19LspEhsIY-00037-00009510-00009691 highest volcanoes are in the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00038-00009692-00009937 including ojos del Salado on the Chile n19LspEhsIY-00039-00009938-00010219 Argentina border which rises to 6,000 n19LspEhsIY-00040-00010220-00010777 893 meters 22600 15 feet the Andes are n19LspEhsIY-00041-00010778-00010987 also part of the American Cordillera a n19LspEhsIY-00042-00010988-00011221 chain of mountain ranges Cordillera that n19LspEhsIY-00043-00011222-00011356 consists of an almost continuous n19LspEhsIY-00044-00011357-00011573 sequence of mountain ranges that form n19LspEhsIY-00045-00011574-00011869 the western backbone of North America n19LspEhsIY-00046-00011870-00012088 Central America South America and n19LspEhsIY-00047-00012089-00012461 Antarctica n19LspEhsIY-00048-00012462-00012993 topic etymology n19LspEhsIY-00049-00012994-00013254 the etymology of the word Andes has been n19LspEhsIY-00050-00013255-00013488 debated the majority consensus is that n19LspEhsIY-00051-00013488-00013691 it derives from the Quechua word and E n19LspEhsIY-00052-00013693-00014043 which means East as in an tcu Quechua n19LspEhsIY-00053-00014044-00014328 for East region one of the four regions n19LspEhsIY-00054-00014329-00014819 of the Inca Empire n19LspEhsIY-00055-00014821-00015280 topic geography n19LspEhsIY-00056-00015281-00015508 the Andes can be divided into three n19LspEhsIY-00057-00015509-00015805 sections the southern Andes south of n19LspEhsIY-00058-00015806-00016132 lillico in Argentina and Chile the n19LspEhsIY-00059-00016133-00016383 central Andes in Peru and Bolivia and n19LspEhsIY-00060-00016384-00016678 the northern Andes in Venezuela Colombia n19LspEhsIY-00061-00016679-00016908 and Ecuador in the northern part of the n19LspEhsIY-00062-00016909-00017143 Andes the isolated Sierra Nevada de n19LspEhsIY-00063-00017144-00017338 Santa Marta Range is often considered to n19LspEhsIY-00064-00017339-00017617 be part of the Andes the term Cordillera n19LspEhsIY-00065-00017618-00017858 comes from the Spanish word cordell n19LspEhsIY-00066-00017859-00018217 meaning rope the Andes range is about n19LspEhsIY-00067-00018218-00018574 200 kilometres 124 miles wide throughout n19LspEhsIY-00068-00018575-00018793 its length except in the Bolivian flexor n19LspEhsIY-00069-00018794-00019155 where it is about 640 kilometres 398 n19LspEhsIY-00070-00019156-00019471 miles wide the leeward Antilles islands n19LspEhsIY-00071-00019472-00019735 Aruba Bonaire and curaçao which lie in n19LspEhsIY-00072-00019736-00019900 the Caribbean Sea off the coast of n19LspEhsIY-00073-00019901-00020077 Venezuela were thought to represent the n19LspEhsIY-00074-00020078-00020263 submerged peaks of the extreme northern n19LspEhsIY-00075-00020264-00020439 edge of the Andes range but ongoing n19LspEhsIY-00076-00020440-00020677 geological studies indicate that such a n19LspEhsIY-00077-00020678-00020875 simplification does not do justice to n19LspEhsIY-00078-00020876-00021075 the complex tectonic boundary between n19LspEhsIY-00079-00021076-00021594 the South American and Caribbean plates n19LspEhsIY-00080-00021595-00022112 topic geology n19LspEhsIY-00081-00022113-00022358 the Andes are a Mesozoic tertiary n19LspEhsIY-00082-00022359-00022637 orogenic belts along the Pacific Ring of n19LspEhsIY-00083-00022638-00022691 Fire n19LspEhsIY-00084-00022692-00022862 a zone of volcanic activity that n19LspEhsIY-00085-00022863-00023048 encompasses the Pacific Rim of the n19LspEhsIY-00086-00023049-00023213 Americas as well as the Asia Pacific n19LspEhsIY-00087-00023214-00023486 region the Andes are the result of n19LspEhsIY-00088-00023487-00023708 tectonic plate processes caused by the n19LspEhsIY-00089-00023709-00023933 subduction of oceanic crust beneath the n19LspEhsIY-00090-00023934-00024143 South American plate it is the result of n19LspEhsIY-00091-00024144-00024332 a convergent plate boundary between the n19LspEhsIY-00092-00024333-00024530 Nazca plate and the South American plate n19LspEhsIY-00093-00024531-00024716 the main cause of the rise of the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00094-00024717-00024905 as the compression of the western rim of n19LspEhsIY-00095-00024906-00025070 the South American plate due to the n19LspEhsIY-00096-00025071-00025253 subduction of the Nazca plate in the n19LspEhsIY-00097-00025254-00025535 Antarctic plate to the east the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00098-00025536-00025739 range is bounded by several sedimentary n19LspEhsIY-00099-00025739-00026020 basins such as Orinoco Amazon basin n19LspEhsIY-00100-00026022-00026255 Madre de Dios and Gran Chaco that n19LspEhsIY-00101-00026256-00026399 separate the Andes from the ancient n19LspEhsIY-00102-00026400-00026695 cratons in eastern South America in the n19LspEhsIY-00103-00026697-00026891 South the Andes share a long boundary n19LspEhsIY-00104-00026892-00027167 with the former Patagonia terrain to the n19LspEhsIY-00105-00027168-00027398 west the Andes end at the Pacific Ocean n19LspEhsIY-00106-00027399-00027577 although the Peru Chile Trench can be n19LspEhsIY-00107-00027579-00027758 considered their ultimate western limit n19LspEhsIY-00108-00027758-00028039 from a geographical approach the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00109-00028041-00028187 are considered to have their western n19LspEhsIY-00110-00028188-00028358 boundaries marked by the appearance of n19LspEhsIY-00111-00028358-00028526 coastal lowlands and a less rugged n19LspEhsIY-00112-00028527-00028820 topography the Andes Mountains also n19LspEhsIY-00113-00028820-00029020 contain large quantities of iron ore n19LspEhsIY-00114-00029022-00029204 located in many mountains within the n19LspEhsIY-00115-00029205-00029539 range the Andean origin has a series of n19LspEhsIY-00116-00029541-00029786 bends or or oak lines the Bolivian or n19LspEhsIY-00117-00029787-00029999 oak line is a seaward concave bending in n19LspEhsIY-00118-00030000-00030200 the coast of South America and the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00119-00030201-00030419 Mountains at about 18 degrees south at n19LspEhsIY-00120-00030420-00030623 this point the orientation of the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00121-00030624-00030851 turns from Northwest in Peru to south in n19LspEhsIY-00122-00030852-00031139 Chile and Argentina the Andean segments n19LspEhsIY-00123-00031139-00031316 north and south of the ORAC line have n19LspEhsIY-00124-00031317-00031556 been rotated 15 degrees to 20 degrees n19LspEhsIY-00125-00031557-00031695 counterclockwise and clockwise n19LspEhsIY-00126-00031697-00032033 respectively the Bolivian Oro Kline area n19LspEhsIY-00127-00032033-00032252 overlaps with the area of maximum width n19LspEhsIY-00128-00032252-00032464 of the Altiplano plateau and according n19LspEhsIY-00129-00032466-00032758 to a sacs 1988 the ORAC line is related n19LspEhsIY-00130-00032760-00033026 to crustal shortening the specific point n19LspEhsIY-00131-00033027-00033242 at 18 degrees south where the coast line n19LspEhsIY-00132-00033243-00033487 bends is known as the Arica elbow n19LspEhsIY-00133-00033488-00033779 further south lies the maipo Oro kleiner n19LspEhsIY-00134-00033780-00034046 maipo transition zone located between 30 n19LspEhsIY-00135-00034047-00034295 degrees south and 38 degrees south with n19LspEhsIY-00136-00034296-00034511 a break in trend at 33 degrees south n19LspEhsIY-00137-00034512-00034700 near the southern tip of the Andes lies n19LspEhsIY-00138-00034701-00035121 the Patagonian Oro Kline n19LspEhsIY-00139-00035122-00035608 topic orogeny n19LspEhsIY-00140-00035609-00035806 the western rim of the South American n19LspEhsIY-00141-00035807-00036046 plate has been the place of several pre n19LspEhsIY-00142-00036047-00036229 Andean origin ease since at least the n19LspEhsIY-00143-00036230-00036439 late Proterozoic and early Paleozoic n19LspEhsIY-00144-00036440-00036643 when several terrains and micro n19LspEhsIY-00145-00036644-00036837 continents collided and amalgamated with n19LspEhsIY-00146-00036838-00037021 the ancient cratons of eastern south n19LspEhsIY-00147-00037022-00037237 america by then the south american part n19LspEhsIY-00148-00037238-00037510 of Gondwana the formation of the modern n19LspEhsIY-00149-00037511-00037702 Andes began with the events of the n19LspEhsIY-00150-00037703-00037930 Triassic when Pangaea began the breakup n19LspEhsIY-00151-00037931-00038092 that resulted in developing several n19LspEhsIY-00152-00038093-00038377 rifts the development continued through n19LspEhsIY-00153-00038378-00038593 the Jurassic period it was during the n19LspEhsIY-00154-00038594-00038803 Cretaceous period that the Andes began n19LspEhsIY-00155-00038804-00038944 to take their present form by the n19LspEhsIY-00156-00038945-00039121 uplifting faulting and folding of n19LspEhsIY-00157-00039122-00039319 sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the n19LspEhsIY-00158-00039320-00039589 ancient cratons to the east the rise of n19LspEhsIY-00159-00039590-00039771 the Andes has not been constant as n19LspEhsIY-00160-00039772-00039943 different regions have had different n19LspEhsIY-00161-00039944-00040162 degrees of tectonic stress uplift and n19LspEhsIY-00162-00040163-00040471 erosion tectonic forces above the n19LspEhsIY-00163-00040472-00040671 subduction zone along the entire west n19LspEhsIY-00164-00040672-00040882 coast of South America where the Nazca n19LspEhsIY-00165-00040883-00041062 plate and a part of the Antarctic plate n19LspEhsIY-00166-00041063-00041239 are sliding beneath the South American n19LspEhsIY-00167-00041240-00041401 plate continue to produce an ongoing n19LspEhsIY-00168-00041402-00041640 orogenic event resulting in minor to n19LspEhsIY-00169-00041641-00041860 major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions n19LspEhsIY-00170-00041861-00042154 to this day in the extreme south a major n19LspEhsIY-00171-00042155-00042387 transform fault separates Tierra del n19LspEhsIY-00172-00042388-00042685 Fuego from the small Scotia plate across n19LspEhsIY-00173-00042686-00043012 the 1,000 kilometres 620 miles wide n19LspEhsIY-00174-00043013-00043192 Drake Passage lied the mountains of the n19LspEhsIY-00175-00043193-00043402 Antarctic Peninsula south of the Scotia n19LspEhsIY-00176-00043403-00043521 plate which appeared to be a n19LspEhsIY-00177-00043522-00043717 continuation of the Andes chain the n19LspEhsIY-00178-00043718-00043896 regions immediately east of the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00179-00043897-00044077 experienced a series of changes n19LspEhsIY-00180-00044078-00044358 resulting from the Andean orogeny parts n19LspEhsIY-00181-00044359-00044548 of the Sun Tzu's origin in Amazonian n19LspEhsIY-00182-00044549-00044737 cratan disappeared from the surface of n19LspEhsIY-00183-00044738-00045037 earth being overridden by the Andes the n19LspEhsIY-00184-00045038-00045252 Sierras de Cordoba where the effects of n19LspEhsIY-00185-00045253-00045430 the ancient pampy and orogeny can be n19LspEhsIY-00186-00045431-00045490 observed n19LspEhsIY-00187-00045491-00045646 oh they're modern uplift and relief to n19LspEhsIY-00188-00045647-00045858 the Andean orogeny in the tertiary n19LspEhsIY-00189-00045859-00046140 further south in southern patagonia the n19LspEhsIY-00190-00046141-00046354 onset of the Andean orogeny caused the n19LspEhsIY-00191-00046355-00046543 mag Elaine's Basin to evolve from being n19LspEhsIY-00192-00046544-00046737 an extensional back-arc basin in the n19LspEhsIY-00193-00046738-00046965 Mesozoic to being a compressional forlán n19LspEhsIY-00194-00046966-00047366 basin in the Cenozoic n19LspEhsIY-00195-00047367-00047853 topic volcanism n19LspEhsIY-00196-00047854-00048081 the Andes range has many active n19LspEhsIY-00197-00048082-00048321 volcanoes distributed in four volcanic n19LspEhsIY-00198-00048322-00048552 zone separated by areas of inactivity n19LspEhsIY-00199-00048553-00048831 the Andean volcanism as a result of n19LspEhsIY-00200-00048832-00049008 subduction of the Nazca plate and n19LspEhsIY-00201-00049009-00049173 Antarctic plate underneath the South n19LspEhsIY-00202-00049174-00049434 American plate the belt is subdivided n19LspEhsIY-00203-00049435-00049668 into four main volcanic zones that are n19LspEhsIY-00204-00049669-00049854 separated from each other by volcanic n19LspEhsIY-00205-00049855-00050136 gaps the volcanoes of the belt are n19LspEhsIY-00206-00050137-00050337 diverse in terms of activity style n19LspEhsIY-00207-00050338-00050616 projects and morphology while some n19LspEhsIY-00208-00050617-00050787 differences can be explained by which n19LspEhsIY-00209-00050788-00051030 volcanic zone a volcano belongs to there n19LspEhsIY-00210-00051031-00051198 are significant differences inside n19LspEhsIY-00211-00051199-00051369 volcanic zones and even between n19LspEhsIY-00212-00051370-00051645 neighboring volcanoes despite being a n19LspEhsIY-00213-00051646-00051854 type location for Cal Cal collect and n19LspEhsIY-00214-00051855-00052101 subduction volcanism the Andean volcanic n19LspEhsIY-00215-00052102-00052290 belt has a large range of volcano n19LspEhsIY-00216-00052291-00052536 tectonic settings such as rift systems n19LspEhsIY-00217-00052537-00052737 and extensional zones transgression n19LspEhsIY-00218-00052738-00052794 Alphonzo n19LspEhsIY-00219-00052795-00053010 subduction of mid-ocean ridges and sea n19LspEhsIY-00220-00053011-00053199 mount chains apart from a large range of n19LspEhsIY-00221-00053200-00053391 crustal thicknesses and magma ascent n19LspEhsIY-00222-00053391-00053574 paths and different amount of crustal n19LspEhsIY-00223-00053575-00053926 assimilations n19LspEhsIY-00224-00053927-00054512 topic or deposits and evaporates n19LspEhsIY-00225-00054513-00054761 the Andes Mountains hosts large or in n19LspEhsIY-00226-00054762-00054962 salt deposits and some of their eastern n19LspEhsIY-00227-00054963-00055172 fold and thrust belt acts as traps for n19LspEhsIY-00228-00055173-00055342 commercially exploitable amounts of n19LspEhsIY-00229-00055344-00055595 hydrocarbons in the four lines of the n19LspEhsIY-00230-00055596-00055769 Atacama Desert some of the largest n19LspEhsIY-00231-00055770-00056000 porphyry copper mineralization occurs n19LspEhsIY-00232-00056001-00056201 making Chile and Peru the first and n19LspEhsIY-00233-00056202-00056404 second largest exporters of copper in n19LspEhsIY-00234-00056405-00056680 the world porphyry copper in the western n19LspEhsIY-00235-00056682-00056885 slopes of the Andes has been generated n19LspEhsIY-00236-00056886-00057091 by hydrothermal fluids mostly water n19LspEhsIY-00237-00057092-00057278 during the cooling of plutons or n19LspEhsIY-00238-00057279-00057517 volcanic systems the porphyry n19LspEhsIY-00239-00057519-00057722 mineralization further benefited from n19LspEhsIY-00240-00057723-00057892 the dry climate that let them largely n19LspEhsIY-00241-00057894-00058061 out of the disturbing actions of n19LspEhsIY-00242-00058062-00058340 meteoric water the dry climate in the n19LspEhsIY-00243-00058341-00058538 central western Andes has also led to n19LspEhsIY-00244-00058539-00058741 the creation of extensive saltpeter n19LspEhsIY-00245-00058742-00058942 deposits which were extensively mined n19LspEhsIY-00246-00058944-00059075 until the invention of synthetic n19LspEhsIY-00247-00059076-00059380 nitrates yet another result of the dry n19LspEhsIY-00248-00059382-00059588 climate are the solarz of atacama and n19LspEhsIY-00249-00059589-00059779 uyuni the first one being the largest n19LspEhsIY-00250-00059780-00059987 source of lithium today and the second n19LspEhsIY-00251-00059988-00060137 the world's largest reserve of the n19LspEhsIY-00252-00060138-00060410 element early Mesozoic and Mia gene n19LspEhsIY-00253-00060411-00060592 pollutant ism in Bolivia's Cordillera n19LspEhsIY-00254-00060594-00060829 central created the Bolivian tin Belt as n19LspEhsIY-00255-00060830-00061066 well as the famous now depleted deposits n19LspEhsIY-00256-00061067-00061596 of Cerro Rico de potosí n19LspEhsIY-00257-00061597-00062107 soppec climate and hydrology n19LspEhsIY-00258-00062108-00062321 the climate in the Andes varies greatly n19LspEhsIY-00259-00062322-00062569 depending on latitude altitude and n19LspEhsIY-00260-00062570-00062836 proximity to the sea temperature n19LspEhsIY-00261-00062837-00063001 atmospheric pressure and humidity n19LspEhsIY-00262-00063002-00063256 decrease in higher elevations the n19LspEhsIY-00263-00063257-00063473 southern section is rainy and cool the n19LspEhsIY-00264-00063474-00063730 central section is dry the northern n19LspEhsIY-00265-00063731-00063949 Andes are typically rainy and warm with n19LspEhsIY-00266-00063950-00064150 an average temperature of 18 degrees n19LspEhsIY-00267-00064151-00064409 Celsius 64 degrees Fahrenheit in n19LspEhsIY-00268-00064410-00064673 Colombia the climate is known to change n19LspEhsIY-00269-00064674-00064897 drastically in rather short distances n19LspEhsIY-00270-00064898-00065125 rainforests exist just miles away from n19LspEhsIY-00271-00065126-00065392 the snow-covered peak cotopaxi the n19LspEhsIY-00272-00065393-00065563 mountains have a large effect on the n19LspEhsIY-00273-00065564-00065848 temperatures of nearby areas the snow n19LspEhsIY-00274-00065849-00066079 line depends on the location it is at n19LspEhsIY-00275-00066080-00066517 between 4500 and 4800 meters fourteen n19LspEhsIY-00276-00066518-00066692 thousand eight hundred and fifteen n19LspEhsIY-00277-00066693-00066866 thousand seven hundred feet in the n19LspEhsIY-00278-00066867-00067099 tropical Ecuadorian Colombian Venezuelan n19LspEhsIY-00279-00067100-00067363 and more than Peruvian Andes rising to n19LspEhsIY-00280-00067364-00067529 four thousand eight hundred to five n19LspEhsIY-00281-00067530-00067774 thousand two hundred meters 15 thousand n19LspEhsIY-00282-00067775-00067975 seven hundred to seventeen thousand one n19LspEhsIY-00283-00067976-00068167 hundred feet in the drier mountains of n19LspEhsIY-00284-00068168-00068350 southern Peru South to northern Chile n19LspEhsIY-00285-00068351-00068569 South to about thirty degrees south then n19LspEhsIY-00286-00068570-00068743 descending to four thousand five hundred n19LspEhsIY-00287-00068744-00068972 meters fourteen thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00288-00068973-00069238 sixty feet on aconcagua at 32 degrees n19LspEhsIY-00289-00069239-00069466 south two thousand meters six thousand n19LspEhsIY-00290-00069467-00069667 six hundred feet at forty degrees south n19LspEhsIY-00291-00069668-00069880 five hundred meters one thousand six n19LspEhsIY-00292-00069881-00070069 hundred forty feet at fifty degrees n19LspEhsIY-00293-00070070-00070346 south and only three hundred metres 980 n19LspEhsIY-00294-00070347-00070588 feet in Tierra del Fuego at fifty-five n19LspEhsIY-00295-00070589-00070801 degrees south from 50 degrees south n19LspEhsIY-00296-00070802-00071021 several of the larger glaciers descend n19LspEhsIY-00297-00071022-00071212 to sea level the Andes of Chile and n19LspEhsIY-00298-00071213-00071459 Argentina can be divided in two climatic n19LspEhsIY-00299-00071460-00071692 and glaciological zones the dry Andes n19LspEhsIY-00300-00071693-00071968 and the wet Andes since the dry Andes n19LspEhsIY-00301-00071969-00072142 extend from the latitudes of Atacama n19LspEhsIY-00302-00072143-00072342 Desert to the area of Maule River n19LspEhsIY-00303-00072343-00072572 precipitation is more sporadic and there n19LspEhsIY-00304-00072573-00072838 are strong temperature oscillations the n19LspEhsIY-00305-00072839-00072986 line of equilibrium may shift n19LspEhsIY-00306-00072987-00073180 drastically over short periods of time n19LspEhsIY-00307-00073181-00073387 leaving a whole glacier in the ablation n19LspEhsIY-00308-00073388-00073746 area or in the accumulation area n19LspEhsIY-00309-00073747-00073962 in the high Andes of central Chile and n19LspEhsIY-00310-00073963-00074163 Mendoza province brought glaciers are n19LspEhsIY-00311-00074164-00074346 larger and more common than glaciers n19LspEhsIY-00312-00074347-00074538 this is due to the high exposure to n19LspEhsIY-00313-00074539-00074742 solar radiation though precipitation n19LspEhsIY-00314-00074743-00074913 increases with the height there are semi n19LspEhsIY-00315-00074914-00075138 arid conditions in the nearly 7,000 n19LspEhsIY-00316-00075139-00075315 meters towering highest mountains of the n19LspEhsIY-00317-00075316-00075579 Andes this dry steppe climate is n19LspEhsIY-00318-00075580-00075729 considered to be typical of the n19LspEhsIY-00319-00075730-00075996 subtropical position at 32 to 34 degrees n19LspEhsIY-00320-00075997-00076221 south the valley bottoms have no woods n19LspEhsIY-00321-00076222-00076497 just dwarfs scrub the largest glaciers n19LspEhsIY-00322-00076498-00076749 as eg the Plomo glacier in the n19LspEhsIY-00323-00076750-00076953 cleanse glaciers do not even reach ten n19LspEhsIY-00324-00076954-00077136 kilometers in length and have an only n19LspEhsIY-00325-00077137-00077412 insignificant ice thickness at glacial n19LspEhsIY-00326-00077413-00077754 times however see 20,000 years ago the n19LspEhsIY-00327-00077755-00077964 glaciers were over ten times longer on n19LspEhsIY-00328-00077965-00078198 the east side of this section of the n19LspEhsIY-00329-00078199-00078495 Mendoza Andes they flowed down to 2060 n19LspEhsIY-00330-00078496-00078909 metres and on the west side to see 1220 n19LspEhsIY-00331-00078910-00079167 meters ASL the massifs of Cerro n19LspEhsIY-00332-00079168-00079599 Aconcagua 6900 61 meters Cerro tupungato n19LspEhsIY-00333-00079600-00079866 six thousand five hundred fifty meters n19LspEhsIY-00334-00079867-00080067 and navato jungle six thousand one n19LspEhsIY-00335-00080068-00080241 hundred ten meters are tens of n19LspEhsIY-00336-00080242-00080424 kilometers away from each other and were n19LspEhsIY-00337-00080425-00080619 connected by a joint ice stream network n19LspEhsIY-00338-00080620-00080913 the Andes dendritic glacier arms ie n19LspEhsIY-00339-00080914-00081138 components of Valley glaciers were up to n19LspEhsIY-00340-00081139-00081507 100 12.5 kilometers long over 1020 he n19LspEhsIY-00341-00081508-00081732 one thousand two hundred fifty metres n19LspEhsIY-00342-00081733-00081900 thick and over spanned a vertical n19LspEhsIY-00343-00081901-00082305 distance of 5150 altitude meters the n19LspEhsIY-00344-00082306-00082455 climatic glacier snowline n19LspEhsIY-00345-00082456-00082758 ela was lowered from currently 4,600 n19LspEhsIY-00346-00082759-00083368 meters to 3,200 meters at glacial times n19LspEhsIY-00347-00083369-00083858 topic flora n19LspEhsIY-00348-00083859-00084095 the Andean region cuts across several n19LspEhsIY-00349-00084096-00084329 natural and floristic regions due to its n19LspEhsIY-00350-00084330-00084539 extension from Caribbean Venezuela to n19LspEhsIY-00351-00084540-00084761 cold windy and wet Cape Horn passing n19LspEhsIY-00352-00084762-00084940 through the hyper arid Atacama Desert n19LspEhsIY-00353-00084941-00085247 rain forests and tropical dry forests n19LspEhsIY-00354-00085248-00085412 used to encircle much of the northern n19LspEhsIY-00355-00085413-00085601 Andes but are now greatly diminished n19LspEhsIY-00356-00085602-00085829 especially in the Chaco and Inter Andean n19LspEhsIY-00357-00085830-00086081 valleys of Colombia opposite of the n19LspEhsIY-00358-00086082-00086270 humid andean slopes are the relatively n19LspEhsIY-00359-00086271-00086501 dry ambient slopes in most of western n19LspEhsIY-00360-00086502-00086792 Peru Chile and Argentina along with n19LspEhsIY-00361-00086793-00086981 several inter Andean vias they are n19LspEhsIY-00362-00086982-00087170 typically dominated by deciduous n19LspEhsIY-00363-00087171-00087398 woodland shrub and xeric vegetation n19LspEhsIY-00364-00087399-00087590 reaching the extreme in the slopes near n19LspEhsIY-00365-00087591-00087823 the virtually lifeless Atacama Desert n19LspEhsIY-00366-00087824-00088127 about 30,000 species of vascular plants n19LspEhsIY-00367-00088128-00088337 live in the Andes with roughly half n19LspEhsIY-00368-00088338-00088541 being endemic to the region surpassing n19LspEhsIY-00369-00088542-00088811 the diversity of any other hotspot the n19LspEhsIY-00370-00088812-00089051 small tree cinchona pubescens a source n19LspEhsIY-00371-00089052-00089216 of quinine which is used to treat n19LspEhsIY-00372-00089217-00089447 malaria is found widely in the andes as n19LspEhsIY-00373-00089448-00089720 far south as bolivia other important n19LspEhsIY-00374-00089721-00089924 crops that originated from the andes are n19LspEhsIY-00375-00089925-00090194 tobacco and potatoes the high-altitude n19LspEhsIY-00376-00090195-00090434 polylepis forests and woodlands are n19LspEhsIY-00377-00090435-00090629 found in the Andean areas of Colombia n19LspEhsIY-00378-00090630-00090974 Ecuador Peru Bolivia and Chile these n19LspEhsIY-00379-00090975-00091196 trees by locals referred to as Quenya n19LspEhsIY-00380-00091197-00091400 yaagh well and other names can be found n19LspEhsIY-00381-00091401-00091874 at altitudes of 4,500 meters 14700 60 n19LspEhsIY-00382-00091875-00091997 feet above sea level n19LspEhsIY-00383-00091998-00092240 it remains unclear if the patchy n19LspEhsIY-00384-00092241-00092435 distribution of these forests and n19LspEhsIY-00385-00092436-00092636 woodlands is natural or the result of n19LspEhsIY-00386-00092637-00092810 clearing which began during the Incan n19LspEhsIY-00387-00092811-00093095 period regardless in modern times the n19LspEhsIY-00388-00093096-00093302 clearance has accelerated and the trees n19LspEhsIY-00389-00093303-00093446 are now considered to be highly n19LspEhsIY-00390-00093447-00093614 endangered with some believing that as n19LspEhsIY-00391-00093615-00093836 little as 10% of the original woodland n19LspEhsIY-00392-00093837-00094248 remains n19LspEhsIY-00393-00094249-00094666 topic fauna n19LspEhsIY-00394-00094667-00094921 the Andes are rich in fauna with almost n19LspEhsIY-00395-00094922-00095185 1000 species of which roughly two-thirds n19LspEhsIY-00396-00095186-00095380 are endemic to the region the Andes are n19LspEhsIY-00397-00095381-00095536 the most important region in the world n19LspEhsIY-00398-00095537-00095863 for amphibians the diversity of animals n19LspEhsIY-00399-00095864-00096079 in the Andes is high with almost 600 n19LspEhsIY-00400-00096080-00096447 species of mammals 13% endemic more than n19LspEhsIY-00401-00096448-00096745 1,700 species of birds about one-third n19LspEhsIY-00402-00096746-00097024 endemic more than 600 species of reptile n19LspEhsIY-00403-00097025-00097375 about 45% endemic and almost 400 species n19LspEhsIY-00404-00097376-00097612 of fish about one-third endemic the n19LspEhsIY-00405-00097613-00097807 vicuna and guanaco can be found living n19LspEhsIY-00406-00097808-00097984 in the Altiplano while the closely n19LspEhsIY-00407-00097985-00098182 related domesticated llama and alpaca n19LspEhsIY-00408-00098183-00098404 are widely kept by locals as pack n19LspEhsIY-00409-00098405-00098653 animals and for their meat and wool the n19LspEhsIY-00410-00098654-00098860 crepuscular active during dawn and dusk n19LspEhsIY-00411-00098861-00099070 chinchillas to threatened members of the n19LspEhsIY-00412-00099071-00099283 rodent order inhabit the Andes alpine n19LspEhsIY-00413-00099284-00099598 regions the Andean Condor the largest n19LspEhsIY-00414-00099599-00099730 bird of its kind in the Western n19LspEhsIY-00415-00099731-00099940 Hemisphere occurs throughout much of the n19LspEhsIY-00416-00099941-00100120 Andes but generally in very low n19LspEhsIY-00417-00100121-00100390 densities other animals found in the n19LspEhsIY-00418-00100391-00100582 relatively open habitats of the high n19LspEhsIY-00419-00100583-00100852 Andes include the huemul cougar foxes in n19LspEhsIY-00420-00100853-00101059 the genus sudha low pecks and for birds n19LspEhsIY-00421-00101060-00101275 certain species of tenements notably n19LspEhsIY-00422-00101276-00101515 members of the genus Nothe prokta andean n19LspEhsIY-00423-00101516-00101752 goose giant coot flamingos mainly n19LspEhsIY-00424-00101753-00101992 associated with hypersaline lakes lesser n19LspEhsIY-00425-00101993-00102226 rhea Andean flicker diadem Sandpiper n19LspEhsIY-00426-00102227-00102499 clever miners Sierra finches and dica n19LspEhsIY-00427-00102500-00102708 finches Lake Titicaca hosts several n19LspEhsIY-00428-00102709-00102874 endemics among them the highly n19LspEhsIY-00429-00102875-00103083 endangered titicaca flightless grieve in n19LspEhsIY-00430-00103084-00103381 Titicaca water frog a few species of n19LspEhsIY-00431-00103382-00103624 hummingbirds notably some Hill stars can n19LspEhsIY-00432-00103625-00103920 be seen at altitudes above 4,000 metres n19LspEhsIY-00433-00103921-00104188 13100 feet but far higher diversities n19LspEhsIY-00434-00104189-00104347 can be found at lower altitudes n19LspEhsIY-00435-00104348-00104581 especially in the humid Andean forests n19LspEhsIY-00436-00104582-00104896 cloud forests growing on slopes in n19LspEhsIY-00437-00104897-00105183 Colombia Ecuador Peru Bolivia and far n19LspEhsIY-00438-00105184-00105459 northwestern Argentina these forest n19LspEhsIY-00439-00105460-00105643 types which includes the Yungas and n19LspEhsIY-00440-00105644-00105841 parts of the Chaco are very rich in n19LspEhsIY-00441-00105842-00106035 flora and fauna although few large n19LspEhsIY-00442-00106036-00106252 mammals exist exceptions being the n19LspEhsIY-00443-00106253-00106432 threatened mountain tapir spectacled n19LspEhsIY-00444-00106433-00106621 bear in yellow tailed woolly monkey n19LspEhsIY-00445-00106622-00106849 Birds of humid Andean forests include n19LspEhsIY-00446-00106850-00107038 mountain took hens quetzel Zin the n19LspEhsIY-00447-00107039-00107215 Andean of the rock while mixed n19LspEhsIY-00448-00107216-00107460 species flocks dominated by tanagers and n19LspEhsIY-00449-00107461-00107689 furna Reds commonly are seen in contrast n19LspEhsIY-00450-00107690-00107902 to several vocal but typically cryptic n19LspEhsIY-00451-00107903-00108023 species of wrens n19LspEhsIY-00452-00108024-00108230 tapika losen ant pitous a number of n19LspEhsIY-00453-00108231-00108446 species such as the royal sink loads in n19LspEhsIY-00454-00108447-00108599 white broad tits pine tail are n19LspEhsIY-00455-00108600-00108773 associated with polylepis and n19LspEhsIY-00456-00108774-00109273 consequently also threatened n19LspEhsIY-00457-00109274-00109764 topic human activity n19LspEhsIY-00458-00109765-00110001 the Andes Mountains form a north-south n19LspEhsIY-00459-00110002-00110265 axis of cultural influences a long n19LspEhsIY-00460-00110266-00110442 series of cultural development n19LspEhsIY-00461-00110443-00110640 culminated in the expansion of the Inca n19LspEhsIY-00462-00110641-00110841 civilization and Inca Empire in the n19LspEhsIY-00463-00110842-00111039 central Andes during the 15th century n19LspEhsIY-00464-00111040-00111333 the Incas formed this civilization n19LspEhsIY-00465-00111333-00111536 through imperialistic militarism as well n19LspEhsIY-00466-00111538-00111744 as careful and meticulous governmental n19LspEhsIY-00467-00111745-00111996 management the government sponsored the n19LspEhsIY-00468-00111997-00112197 construction of aqueducts and roads in n19LspEhsIY-00469-00112198-00112409 addition to pre-existing installations n19LspEhsIY-00470-00112410-00112656 some of these constructions are still in n19LspEhsIY-00471-00112657-00112998 existence today devastated by European n19LspEhsIY-00472-00112999-00113193 diseases to which they had no immunity n19LspEhsIY-00473-00113194-00113483 and civil wars in 1532 the Incas were n19LspEhsIY-00474-00113484-00113700 defeated by an alliance composed of tens n19LspEhsIY-00475-00113701-00113904 of thousands of allies from Nations they n19LspEhsIY-00476-00113905-00114189 had subjugated eg wonka's Chachapoyas n19LspEhsIY-00477-00114190-00114453 khan yaris and a small army of 180 n19LspEhsIY-00478-00114454-00114669 Spaniards led by Francisco Pizarro n19LspEhsIY-00479-00114670-00114942 one of the few inca sites the Spanish n19LspEhsIY-00480-00114943-00115136 never found in their conquest was Machu n19LspEhsIY-00481-00115138-00115356 Picchu which lay hidden on a peak on the n19LspEhsIY-00482-00115357-00115511 eastern edge of the Andes where they n19LspEhsIY-00483-00115513-00115788 descend to the Amazon the main surviving n19LspEhsIY-00484-00115789-00115971 languages of the Andean peoples are n19LspEhsIY-00485-00115972-00116159 those of the Quechua and Aymara language n19LspEhsIY-00486-00116160-00116451 families woodbine parrish and joseph n19LspEhsIY-00487-00116452-00116655 barkley Pentland surveyed a large part n19LspEhsIY-00488-00116656-00117289 of the Bolivian Andes from 1826 to 1827 n19LspEhsIY-00489-00117290-00117761 topic cities n19LspEhsIY-00490-00117763-00118010 in modern times the largest cities in n19LspEhsIY-00491-00118011-00118242 the Andes are Bogota Colombia with a n19LspEhsIY-00492-00118243-00118511 population of about 8 million Santiago n19LspEhsIY-00493-00118513-00118842 Chile and Medellin Colombia Lima is a n19LspEhsIY-00494-00118843-00119043 coastal city adjacent to the Andes and n19LspEhsIY-00495-00119044-00119238 is the largest city of all Andean n19LspEhsIY-00496-00119239-00119493 countries it is the seat of the Andean n19LspEhsIY-00497-00119494-00119834 community of nations BlogPaws Bolivia's n19LspEhsIY-00498-00119835-00120000 seat of government is the highest n19LspEhsIY-00499-00120001-00120177 capital city in the world at an n19LspEhsIY-00500-00120178-00120507 elevation of approximately 3,600 50 n19LspEhsIY-00501-00120508-00120686 meters eleven thousand nine hundred n19LspEhsIY-00502-00120688-00120900 seventy-five feet parts of the La Paz n19LspEhsIY-00503-00120901-00121109 conurbation including the city of El n19LspEhsIY-00504-00121110-00121334 Alto extend up to four thousand two n19LspEhsIY-00505-00121335-00121542 hundred meters thirteen thousand seven n19LspEhsIY-00506-00121543-00121757 hundred eighty feet n19LspEhsIY-00507-00121758-00121976 other cities in or near the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00508-00121977-00122327 include arequipa cusco 1ko Cajamarca n19LspEhsIY-00509-00122328-00122633 juliaca who a new co Huaraz and puno in n19LspEhsIY-00510-00122633-00122675 peru n19LspEhsIY-00511-00122676-00123023 quito cuenca ambato loja riobamba and n19LspEhsIY-00512-00123024-00123272 Ibarra in ecuador Cochabamba or or au n19LspEhsIY-00513-00123273-00123581 Sucre and tarita in Bolivia Mendoza - n19LspEhsIY-00514-00123582-00123857 cumin Salta and San Juan in Argentina n19LspEhsIY-00515-00123858-00124139 Kalama and rancagua in Chile Cali kukuda n19LspEhsIY-00516-00124140-00124391 bukhara manga ibague way pereira n19LspEhsIY-00517-00124392-00124658 pasto paul Mira papi an Tanja n19LspEhsIY-00518-00124658-00124922 Villavicencio and manizales in Colombia n19LspEhsIY-00519-00124923-00125204 and Barquisimeto san cristobal Merida n19LspEhsIY-00520-00125205-00125474 and Valera in Venezuela the cities of n19LspEhsIY-00521-00125475-00125744 Caracas Valencia and Marek I are in the n19LspEhsIY-00522-00125745-00125930 Venezuelan coastal range which is a n19LspEhsIY-00523-00125931-00126133 debatable extension of the Andes at the n19LspEhsIY-00524-00126134-00126626 northern extreme of South America n19LspEhsIY-00525-00126627-00127070 topic transportation n19LspEhsIY-00526-00127071-00127323 cities and large towns are connected n19LspEhsIY-00527-00127324-00127521 with asphalt paved roads while smaller n19LspEhsIY-00528-00127522-00127725 towns are often connected by dirt roads n19LspEhsIY-00529-00127726-00127890 which may require a four-wheel-drive n19LspEhsIY-00530-00127891-00128172 vehicle the rough terrain has n19LspEhsIY-00531-00128173-00128349 historically put the costs of building n19LspEhsIY-00532-00128350-00128558 highways and railroads that cross the n19LspEhsIY-00533-00128559-00128733 Andes out of reach of most neighboring n19LspEhsIY-00534-00128733-00128913 countries even with modern civil n19LspEhsIY-00535-00128914-00129201 engineering practices for example the n19LspEhsIY-00536-00129202-00129386 main crossover of the Andes between n19LspEhsIY-00537-00129388-00129554 Argentina and Chile is still n19LspEhsIY-00538-00129555-00129686 accomplished through the Paso n19LspEhsIY-00539-00129688-00129993 Internacional las Libertadores only n19LspEhsIY-00540-00129994-00130182 recently the ends of some highways that n19LspEhsIY-00541-00130183-00130358 came rather close to one another from n19LspEhsIY-00542-00130359-00130533 the east in the West have been connected n19LspEhsIY-00543-00130533-00130773 much of the transportation of passengers n19LspEhsIY-00544-00130774-00131129 is done via aircraft however there is n19LspEhsIY-00545-00131130-00131322 one railroad that connects Chile with n19LspEhsIY-00546-00131323-00131516 Argentina via the Andes and there are n19LspEhsIY-00547-00131517-00131688 others that make the same connection via n19LspEhsIY-00548-00131689-00131973 southern bolivia see railroad maps of n19LspEhsIY-00549-00131974-00132249 that region there are multiple highways n19LspEhsIY-00550-00132250-00132501 in Bolivia that crossed the Andes some n19LspEhsIY-00551-00132502-00132672 of these were built during a period of n19LspEhsIY-00552-00132673-00132888 war between Bolivia and Paraguay in n19LspEhsIY-00553-00132889-00133101 order to transport Bolivian troops and n19LspEhsIY-00554-00133102-00133265 their supplies to the war front in the n19LspEhsIY-00555-00133266-00133458 lowlands of southeastern Bolivia and n19LspEhsIY-00556-00133459-00133770 western Paraguay for decades Chile n19LspEhsIY-00557-00133771-00133968 claimed ownership of land on the eastern n19LspEhsIY-00558-00133969-00134259 side of the Andes however these claims n19LspEhsIY-00559-00134260-00134511 were given up in about 1870 during the n19LspEhsIY-00560-00134512-00134709 War of the Pacific between Chile the n19LspEhsIY-00561-00134710-00134949 Allied Bolivia and Peru in a diplomatic n19LspEhsIY-00562-00134950-00135135 deal to keep Argentina out of the war n19LspEhsIY-00563-00135136-00135396 the Chilean army and Chilean Navy n19LspEhsIY-00564-00135397-00135633 defeated the combined forces of Bolivia n19LspEhsIY-00565-00135634-00135861 and Peru and Chile took over Bolivia's n19LspEhsIY-00566-00135862-00136089 only province on the Pacific coast some n19LspEhsIY-00567-00136090-00136284 land from Peru that was returned to Peru n19LspEhsIY-00568-00136285-00136548 decades later Bolivia has been a n19LspEhsIY-00569-00136549-00136737 completely landlocked country ever since n19LspEhsIY-00570-00136738-00137013 it mostly uses seaports in eastern n19LspEhsIY-00571-00137014-00137240 Argentina and Uruguay for international n19LspEhsIY-00572-00137241-00137445 trade because it's diplomatic relations n19LspEhsIY-00573-00137446-00137610 with Chile have been suspended since n19LspEhsIY-00574-00137611-00138000 1978 because of the tortuous terrain in n19LspEhsIY-00575-00138001-00138195 places villages and towns in the n19LspEhsIY-00576-00138196-00138438 mountains to which travel via motorized n19LspEhsIY-00577-00138439-00138677 vehicles as of little use are still n19LspEhsIY-00578-00138678-00138885 located in the high Andes of Argentina n19LspEhsIY-00579-00138886-00139229 Bolivia Peru and Ecuador locally the n19LspEhsIY-00580-00139230-00139434 relatives of the camel the llama and the n19LspEhsIY-00581-00139435-00139647 alpaca continue to carry out important n19LspEhsIY-00582-00139648-00139860 uses as pack animals but this use has n19LspEhsIY-00583-00139861-00140069 generally diminished in modern times n19LspEhsIY-00584-00140070-00140279 donkeys mules and n19LspEhsIY-00585-00140280-00140674 are also useful n19LspEhsIY-00586-00140675-00141179 topic agriculture n19LspEhsIY-00587-00141180-00141419 the ancient peoples of the Andes such as n19LspEhsIY-00588-00141420-00141590 the Incas have practiced irrigation n19LspEhsIY-00589-00141591-00141902 techniques for over 6,000 years because n19LspEhsIY-00590-00141903-00142088 of the mountain slopes terracing has n19LspEhsIY-00591-00142089-00142385 been a common practice terracing however n19LspEhsIY-00592-00142386-00142583 was only extensively employed after n19LspEhsIY-00593-00142584-00142805 Incan Imperial expansions to fuel their n19LspEhsIY-00594-00142806-00143090 expanding realm the potato holds a very n19LspEhsIY-00595-00143091-00143306 important role as an internally consumed n19LspEhsIY-00596-00143307-00143609 staple crop maize was also an important n19LspEhsIY-00597-00143610-00143786 crop for these people and was used for n19LspEhsIY-00598-00143787-00143981 the production of chicha important to n19LspEhsIY-00599-00143982-00144278 Andean native people currently tobacco n19LspEhsIY-00600-00144279-00144485 cotton and coffee are the main export n19LspEhsIY-00601-00144486-00144833 crops coca despite eradication programs n19LspEhsIY-00602-00144834-00145043 in some countries remains an important n19LspEhsIY-00603-00145044-00145256 crop for legal local use in a mildly n19LspEhsIY-00604-00145257-00145445 stimulating herbal tea and both n19LspEhsIY-00605-00145446-00145637 controversial E and illegally for the n19LspEhsIY-00606-00145638-00146015 production of cocaine n19LspEhsIY-00607-00146016-00146501 topic irrigation n19LspEhsIY-00608-00146502-00146771 in unirrigated land pasture is the most n19LspEhsIY-00609-00146772-00147038 common type of land use in the rainy n19LspEhsIY-00610-00147039-00147269 season summer part of the rangeland is n19LspEhsIY-00611-00147270-00147506 used for cropping mainly potatoes barley n19LspEhsIY-00612-00147507-00147818 broad beans and wheat irrigation is n19LspEhsIY-00613-00147819-00148028 helpful in advancing the sowing data of n19LspEhsIY-00614-00148029-00148208 the summer crops which guarantees an n19LspEhsIY-00615-00148209-00148370 early yield in the period of food n19LspEhsIY-00616-00148371-00148691 shortage also by early sowing maize can n19LspEhsIY-00617-00148692-00148877 be cultivated higher up in the mountains n19LspEhsIY-00618-00148878-00149240 till 3,800 meters in addition it makes n19LspEhsIY-00619-00149241-00149402 cropping in the dry season winter n19LspEhsIY-00620-00149403-00149618 possible and allows the cultivation of n19LspEhsIY-00621-00149619-00149822 frost resistant vegetable crops like n19LspEhsIY-00622-00149823-00150181 onion and carrot n19LspEhsIY-00623-00150182-00150643 topic mining n19LspEhsIY-00624-00150644-00150883 the Andes rose to fame for their mineral n19LspEhsIY-00625-00150884-00151065 wealth during the Spanish conquest of n19LspEhsIY-00626-00151066-00151161 South America n19LspEhsIY-00627-00151162-00151396 although Andean Amerindian people's n19LspEhsIY-00628-00151397-00151629 crafted ceremonial jewelry of gold and n19LspEhsIY-00629-00151630-00151834 other metals the mineralization of the n19LspEhsIY-00630-00151835-00152020 Andes were first mined in large scale n19LspEhsIY-00631-00152021-00152304 after the Spanish arrival potosi in n19LspEhsIY-00632-00152305-00152494 present-day Bolivia and Cerro de Pasco n19LspEhsIY-00633-00152495-00152727 in Peru were one of the principal mines n19LspEhsIY-00634-00152728-00152927 of the Spanish Empire in the new world n19LspEhsIY-00635-00152928-00153235 Rio de la Plata and Argentina derived n19LspEhsIY-00636-00153236-00153488 their names from the silver of potosi n19LspEhsIY-00637-00153489-00153741 currently mining in the Andes of Chile n19LspEhsIY-00638-00153742-00153949 and Peru places these countries as the n19LspEhsIY-00639-00153950-00154186 1st and 3rd major producers of copper in n19LspEhsIY-00640-00154187-00154236 the world n19LspEhsIY-00641-00154237-00154495 Peru also contains the fourth largest n19LspEhsIY-00642-00154496-00154638 gold mine in the world n19LspEhsIY-00643-00154639-00154878 the Yanacocha the Bolivian Andes n19LspEhsIY-00644-00154879-00155064 produced principally tin although n19LspEhsIY-00645-00155065-00155269 historically silver mining had a huge n19LspEhsIY-00646-00155270-00155475 impact on the economy of 17th century n19LspEhsIY-00647-00155476-00155821 Europe there is a long history of mining n19LspEhsIY-00648-00155822-00156003 in the Andes from the Spanish silver n19LspEhsIY-00649-00156004-00156237 mines in potosi in the 16th century to n19LspEhsIY-00650-00156238-00156414 the vast current porphyry copper n19LspEhsIY-00651-00156415-00156636 deposits of chuquicamata and Escondida n19LspEhsIY-00652-00156637-00156931 in Chile and takua Paulo in Peru other n19LspEhsIY-00653-00156932-00157168 metals including iron gold and ten in n19LspEhsIY-00654-00157169-00157377 addition to nonmetallic resources are n19LspEhsIY-00655-00157378-00157720 important n19LspEhsIY-00656-00157721-00158214 topic geeks n19LspEhsIY-00657-00158215-00158430 this list contains some of the major n19LspEhsIY-00658-00158431-00158703 peaks in the andes mountain range the n19LspEhsIY-00659-00158704-00158931 highest peak is aconcagua of Argentina n19LspEhsIY-00660-00158932-00159328 see below n19LspEhsIY-00661-00159329-00159831 topic Argentina n19LspEhsIY-00662-00159832-00160489 aconcagua 6900 61 meters 22800 38 feet n19LspEhsIY-00663-00160490-00161198 cero Bonett 6750 9 meters 22100 75 feet n19LspEhsIY-00664-00161199-00161907 Galan 5912 meters 19,000 396 feet Merced n19LspEhsIY-00665-00161908-00162507 area 6700 20 meters 20 2014 7 feet this n19LspEhsIY-00666-00162508-00162725 ease six thousand seven hundred ninety n19LspEhsIY-00667-00162726-00162924 five meters 22 thousand two hundred n19LspEhsIY-00668-00162925-00163307 ninety three feet n19LspEhsIY-00669-00163308-00163969 topic border between Argentina and Chile n19LspEhsIY-00670-00163970-00164401 cerro bayo 5,400 one meters seventeen n19LspEhsIY-00671-00164402-00164708 thousand seven hundred twenty feet cerro n19LspEhsIY-00672-00164709-00165119 fitzroy 3375 meters eleven thousand n19LspEhsIY-00673-00165120-00165311 seventy three feet or three thousand n19LspEhsIY-00674-00165312-00165533 four hundred five meters Patagonia n19LspEhsIY-00675-00165534-00165818 also known as cerro chalten cerro n19LspEhsIY-00676-00165819-00166525 Escorial 5447 meters 17800 71 feet court n19LspEhsIY-00677-00166526-00166712 in delhi zoo fur five thousand four n19LspEhsIY-00678-00166713-00166878 hundred sixty three meters n19LspEhsIY-00679-00166879-00167486 17900 23 feet fall so a zoo fur 5890 n19LspEhsIY-00680-00167487-00167981 meters 19,000 324 feet incahuasi six n19LspEhsIY-00681-00167982-00168288 thousand six hundred twenty meters 20 n19LspEhsIY-00682-00168289-00168460 1719 feet n19LspEhsIY-00683-00168461-00168700 Listeria five thousand six hundred n19LspEhsIY-00684-00168701-00168935 ninety seven meters eighteen thousand n19LspEhsIY-00685-00168936-00169345 six hundred ninety one feet Louella KO n19LspEhsIY-00686-00169346-00169910 6739 meters 22,000 110 feet my PO five n19LspEhsIY-00687-00169911-00170120 thousand two hundred sixty four meters n19LspEhsIY-00688-00170121-00170341 seventeen thousand two hundred seventy n19LspEhsIY-00689-00170342-00170537 feet Marmol AO n19LspEhsIY-00690-00170538-00170873 6000 110 meters twenty thousand forty n19LspEhsIY-00691-00170874-00171352 six feet ojos del Salado 6890 three n19LspEhsIY-00692-00171353-00171557 meters twenty two thousand six hundred n19LspEhsIY-00693-00171558-00171690 fifteen feet n19LspEhsIY-00694-00171691-00171968 Kolka five thousand four hundred seven n19LspEhsIY-00695-00171969-00172175 meters seventeen thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00696-00172176-00172511 forty feet Sierra Nevada de Laguna's n19LspEhsIY-00697-00172512-00172868 bravas six thousand 127 meters 20 n19LspEhsIY-00698-00172869-00173183 thousand one hundred two feet so compa n19LspEhsIY-00699-00173184-00173647 six thousand 51 meters 19,000 852 feet n19LspEhsIY-00700-00173648-00173975 nevado tres cruces six thousand seven n19LspEhsIY-00701-00173976-00174328 hundred forty nine meters 22,000 142 n19LspEhsIY-00702-00174329-00174748 feet south summit 3 region truly adore n19LspEhsIY-00703-00174749-00175043 3491 meters eleven thousand four hundred n19LspEhsIY-00704-00175044-00175564 fifty three feet two pagado 6570 meters n19LspEhsIY-00705-00175565-00175760 twenty one thousand five hundred fifty n19LspEhsIY-00706-00175761-00176125 five feet Nacimiento six thousand four n19LspEhsIY-00707-00176126-00176318 hundred ninety two meters twenty one n19LspEhsIY-00708-00176319-00176773 thousand two hundred ninety nine feet n19LspEhsIY-00709-00176774-00177303 topic Bolivia n19LspEhsIY-00710-00177304-00177750 Zankou uma 6400 27 meters twenty one n19LspEhsIY-00711-00177751-00178227 thousand eighty six feet kibriya 5860 n19LspEhsIY-00712-00178228-00178870 meters 19200 26 feet chacaltaya 5422 n19LspEhsIY-00713-00178871-00179097 meters seventeen thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00714-00179098-00179439 eighty nine feet huayna Potosi six n19LspEhsIY-00715-00179440-00179632 thousand eighty eight meters nineteen n19LspEhsIY-00716-00179633-00179864 thousand nine hundred seventy four feet n19LspEhsIY-00717-00179865-00180336 alam poo 6368 meters twenty thousand n19LspEhsIY-00718-00180337-00180607 eight hundred ninety-two feet illimani n19LspEhsIY-00719-00180608-00180825 six thousand four hundred thirty eight n19LspEhsIY-00720-00180826-00181035 meters twenty-one thousand one hundred n19LspEhsIY-00721-00181036-00181357 twenty two feet Lera muah WA five n19LspEhsIY-00722-00181358-00181536 thousand five hundred twenty meters n19LspEhsIY-00723-00181537-00181784 eighteen thousand one hundred ten feet n19LspEhsIY-00724-00181785-00182076 mrs. Oda pack uni five thousand four n19LspEhsIY-00725-00182077-00182304 hundred meters seventeen thousand seven n19LspEhsIY-00726-00182305-00182616 hundred twenty feet nevado Anna Yash see n19LspEhsIY-00727-00182617-00182841 five thousand seven hundred fifty meters n19LspEhsIY-00728-00182842-00182979 eighteen thousand eight hundred n19LspEhsIY-00729-00182980-00183122 sixty-five feet n19LspEhsIY-00730-00183123-00183397 neva dohsa Hama six thousand five n19LspEhsIY-00731-00183398-00183851 hundred forty two meters 20 1463 feet n19LspEhsIY-00732-00183852-00184128 Patti lopata five thousand three hundred n19LspEhsIY-00733-00184129-00184345 meters seventeen thousand three hundred n19LspEhsIY-00734-00184346-00184704 ninety feet Tata sabaha five thousand n19LspEhsIY-00735-00184705-00185049 four hundred thirty meters 17800 fifteen n19LspEhsIY-00736-00185050-00185400 feet n19LspEhsIY-00737-00185401-00186023 topic border between Bolivia and Chile n19LspEhsIY-00738-00186024-00186589 akka tango 6000 52 meters 19800 56 feet n19LspEhsIY-00739-00186590-00187163 Mitch insha 5,300 5 meters 17400 5 feet n19LspEhsIY-00740-00187164-00187732 I are you flooding 5160 3 meters 16900 n19LspEhsIY-00741-00187733-00188329 39 feet leak on cobbler 5900 20 meters n19LspEhsIY-00742-00188330-00188893 19,400 23 feet ulka 5,400 7 meters n19LspEhsIY-00743-00188894-00189389 17,000 740 feet parinacota six thousand n19LspEhsIY-00744-00189390-00189593 three hundred forty eight meters twenty n19LspEhsIY-00745-00189594-00189832 thousand eight hundred twenty seven feet n19LspEhsIY-00746-00189833-00190091 parma five thousand four hundred twenty n19LspEhsIY-00747-00190092-00190310 meters seventeen thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00748-00190311-00190841 eighty two feet Pommery 6282 meters 20 n19LspEhsIY-00749-00190842-00191268 thousand six hundred ten feet n19LspEhsIY-00750-00191269-00191780 topic Chile n19LspEhsIY-00751-00191781-00192326 monte san valentin 4058 meters 13300 14 n19LspEhsIY-00752-00192327-00192830 feet cerro paine grande 2884 meters nine n19LspEhsIY-00753-00192831-00193066 thousand four hundred sixty two feet n19LspEhsIY-00754-00193067-00193346 Sarah maka see two thousand three n19LspEhsIY-00755-00193347-00193544 hundred meters seven thousand five n19LspEhsIY-00756-00193545-00193889 hundred forty six feet Monte Darwin see n19LspEhsIY-00757-00193890-00194198 two thousand five hundred meters 8200 n19LspEhsIY-00758-00194199-00194284 two feet n19LspEhsIY-00759-00194285-00194687 volcan Hudson see 1,900 meters six n19LspEhsIY-00760-00194688-00194914 thousand two hundred thirty four feet n19LspEhsIY-00761-00194915-00195299 cerro castillo de Navarre see 1,100 n19LspEhsIY-00762-00195300-00195767 meters 3609 feet mount Tarn see point n19LspEhsIY-00763-00195768-00195986 eight to five meters two thousand seven n19LspEhsIY-00764-00195987-00196319 hundred seven feet polaris see five n19LspEhsIY-00765-00196320-00196481 thousand nine hundred ninety three n19LspEhsIY-00766-00196482-00196676 meters nineteen thousand six hundred n19LspEhsIY-00767-00196677-00197195 sixty two feet a Komachi see 6046 meters n19LspEhsIY-00768-00197196-00197378 nineteen thousand eight hundred thirty n19LspEhsIY-00769-00197379-00197759 six feet n19LspEhsIY-00770-00197760-00198239 topic Colombia n19LspEhsIY-00771-00198240-00198685 nevado del hula 5000 365 meters n19LspEhsIY-00772-00198686-00199277 17600 two feet nevado del ruiz 5321 n19LspEhsIY-00773-00199278-00199864 meters 17,000 457 feet nevado Delta Lima n19LspEhsIY-00774-00199865-00200435 5200 5 meters 17,000 77 feet Pico pan de n19LspEhsIY-00775-00200436-00200674 azúcar five thousand two hundred meters n19LspEhsIY-00776-00200675-00201071 17,000 sixty feet Hritik Cuba negra five n19LspEhsIY-00777-00201072-00201251 thousand three hundred twenty meters n19LspEhsIY-00778-00201252-00201443 seventeen thousand four hundred fifty n19LspEhsIY-00779-00201444-00201764 four feet nevado del Kumble four n19LspEhsIY-00780-00201765-00201977 thousand seven hundred sixty four meters n19LspEhsIY-00781-00201978-00202234 15 thousand six hundred thirty feet n19LspEhsIY-00782-00202235-00202697 cerro negro de may asker 4445 meters n19LspEhsIY-00783-00202698-00202895 fourteen thousand five hundred eighty n19LspEhsIY-00784-00202896-00203327 three feet Hritik Cuba blanco 5410 n19LspEhsIY-00785-00203328-00203543 meters seventeen thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00786-00203544-00203903 forty nine feet nevado del quindío five n19LspEhsIY-00787-00203904-00204098 thousand two hundred fifteen meters n19LspEhsIY-00788-00204099-00204346 seventeen thousand one hundred ten feet n19LspEhsIY-00789-00204347-00204836 pure achi 4655 meters fifteen thousand n19LspEhsIY-00790-00204837-00205123 two hundred seventy-two feet santa n19LspEhsIY-00791-00205125-00205544 isabel 4955 meters sixteen thousand two n19LspEhsIY-00792-00205544-00205873 hundred fifty seven feet dona wanna four n19LspEhsIY-00793-00205875-00206212 thousand one hundred fifty meters 13600 n19LspEhsIY-00794-00206213-00206539 15 feet Galeras four thousand two n19LspEhsIY-00795-00206540-00206705 hundred seventy six meters n19LspEhsIY-00796-00206706-00206911 fourteen thousand twenty nine feet n19LspEhsIY-00797-00206912-00207039 Azurill n19LspEhsIY-00798-00207040-00207319 four thousand seventy meters thirteen n19LspEhsIY-00799-00207321-00207789 thousand three hundred fifty three feet n19LspEhsIY-00800-00207790-00208313 topic Ecuador n19LspEhsIY-00801-00208314-00208896 anteye sauna 5750 two meters 18,000 871 n19LspEhsIY-00802-00208896-00208948 feet n19LspEhsIY-00803-00208950-00209216 chi Amba five thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00804-00209217-00209421 ninety meters eighteen thousand nine n19LspEhsIY-00805-00209421-00209913 hundred ninety six feet Chimborazo 6268 n19LspEhsIY-00806-00209914-00210098 meters twenty thousand five hundred n19LspEhsIY-00807-00210100-00210450 sixty-four feet Corazon four thousand n19LspEhsIY-00808-00210451-00210614 seven hundred ninety meters n19LspEhsIY-00809-00210615-00211101 15700 15 feet cotopaxi five thousand n19LspEhsIY-00810-00211102-00211253 eight hundred ninety seven meters n19LspEhsIY-00811-00211254-00211457 nineteen thousand three hundred forty n19LspEhsIY-00812-00211458-00211781 seven feet l altar five thousand three n19LspEhsIY-00813-00211782-00212009 hundred twenty meters seventeen thousand n19LspEhsIY-00814-00212010-00212301 four hundred fifty four feet ill Aneesa n19LspEhsIY-00815-00212302-00212487 five thousand two hundred forty eight n19LspEhsIY-00816-00212488-00212621 meters n19LspEhsIY-00817-00212621-00213023 17200 18 feet pichincha four thousand n19LspEhsIY-00818-00213025-00213242 seven hundred eighty four meters fifteen n19LspEhsIY-00819-00213244-00213500 thousand six hundred ninety six feet n19LspEhsIY-00820-00213501-00214108 quilotoa 3914 meters 12800 41 feet n19LspEhsIY-00821-00214109-00214346 prevented or three thousand five hundred n19LspEhsIY-00822-00214348-00214592 sixty two meters eleven thousand six n19LspEhsIY-00823-00214594-00214896 hundred eighty six feet sangai five n19LspEhsIY-00824-00214896-00215067 thousand two hundred thirty meters n19LspEhsIY-00825-00215067-00215267 seventeen thousand one hundred fifty n19LspEhsIY-00826-00215269-00215592 nine feet tungurahua five thousand n19LspEhsIY-00827-00215592-00215801 twenty three meters sixteen thousand n19LspEhsIY-00828-00215802-00216169 four hundred eighty feet n19LspEhsIY-00829-00216171-00216696 topic Peru n19LspEhsIY-00830-00216696-00217340 alpamayo 5947 meters 19500 11 feet n19LspEhsIY-00831-00217341-00217919 artisan Raju 6000 25 meters 19,700 67 n19LspEhsIY-00832-00217921-00218571 feet karna sorrow 5960 meters 19500 54 n19LspEhsIY-00833-00218571-00219157 feet chump 6100 6 meters 20,000 33 feet n19LspEhsIY-00834-00219158-00219666 Cora Pune 6377 meters 20 thousand nine n19LspEhsIY-00835-00219667-00219804 hundred twenty-two feet n19LspEhsIY-00836-00219805-00220403 el misti 5800 22 metres 19,000 101 feet n19LspEhsIY-00837-00220404-00221032 el Toro 5,800 30 meters 19,000 127 feet n19LspEhsIY-00838-00221033-00221723 who Ondoy 6395 meters 20,000 981 feet n19LspEhsIY-00839-00221723-00222102 huascaran 6700 68 meters n19LspEhsIY-00840-00222103-00222632 22,000 205 feet Jerry shankha 6000 94 n19LspEhsIY-00841-00222633-00222873 meters 19 thousand nine hundred ninety n19LspEhsIY-00842-00222873-00223203 three feet puma solo five thousand nine n19LspEhsIY-00843-00223204-00223566 hundred ninety one meters 19,000 656 n19LspEhsIY-00844-00223567-00223913 feet Reese act six thousand forty meters n19LspEhsIY-00845-00223914-00224555 19800 16 feet Rondo 5870 meters 19 n19LspEhsIY-00846-00224556-00224867 thousand two hundred fifty nine feet sir n19LspEhsIY-00847-00224869-00225382 Oppo 6000 127 meters 20,000 102 feet n19LspEhsIY-00848-00225383-00226005 Sal Kente 6200 71 meters 20 thousand 574 n19LspEhsIY-00849-00226006-00226084 feet n19LspEhsIY-00850-00226085-00226732 Syria Norte 5860 meters 19200 26 feet n19LspEhsIY-00851-00226733-00227040 Cielo Grande six thousand three hundred n19LspEhsIY-00852-00227041-00227526 forty four meters 20814 feet cooee tape n19LspEhsIY-00853-00227527-00227573 Alanna n19LspEhsIY-00854-00227575-00227775 five thousand five hundred fifty seven n19LspEhsIY-00855-00227776-00227946 meters eighteen thousand two hundred n19LspEhsIY-00856-00227946-00228080 thirty-two feet n19LspEhsIY-00857-00228081-00228366 yara paha six thousand six hundred n19LspEhsIY-00858-00228367-00228884 thirty-five meters 20 1768 feet yara n19LspEhsIY-00859-00228885-00229269 Pacheco 6089 meters 19 thousand nine n19LspEhsIY-00860-00229269-00229726 hundred seventy seven feet n19LspEhsIY-00861-00229727-00230215 topic Venezuela n19LspEhsIY-00862-00230216-00230508 pico bolivar five thousand seven meters n19LspEhsIY-00863-00230509-00230703 sixteen thousand four hundred twenty n19LspEhsIY-00864-00230704-00230817 seven feet n19LspEhsIY-00865-00230817-00231064 pico humboldt four thousand nine hundred n19LspEhsIY-00866-00231065-00231192 forty meters n19LspEhsIY-00867-00231192-00231739 16200 seven feet pico bomp hland 4880 n19LspEhsIY-00868-00231740-00231980 meters sixteen thousand ten feet n19LspEhsIY-00869-00231981-00232242 Pecola Concha four thousand nine hundred n19LspEhsIY-00870-00232244-00232734 twenty meters 16,000 142 feet pico n19LspEhsIY-00871-00232735-00232942 piedras blancas four thousand seven n19LspEhsIY-00872-00232942-00233135 hundred forty meters n19LspEhsIY-00873-00233136-00233559 15500 51 feet Pico Ella gila four n19LspEhsIY-00874-00233560-00233798 thousand one hundred eighty meters n19LspEhsIY-00875-00233800-00234255 13700 14 feet pico el Toro four thousand n19LspEhsIY-00876-00234256-00234474 seven hundred twenty nine meters fifteen n19LspEhsIY-00877-00234475-00234804 thousand five hundred fifteen feet pico n19LspEhsIY-00878-00234805-00234996 el Leon four thousand seven hundred n19LspEhsIY-00879-00234998-00235157 forty meters n19LspEhsIY-00880-00235158-00235560 15500 51 feet pico mccoon you four n19LspEhsIY-00881-00235561-00235785 thousand six hundred nine meters fifteen n19LspEhsIY-00882-00235786-00236325 thousand one hundred twenty one feet n19LspEhsIY-00883-00236326-00236837 topic see also n19LspEhsIY-00884-00236838-00237187 Andean geology a scientific journal n19LspEhsIY-00885-00237188-00237404 Endocyte line n19LspEhsIY-00886-00237405-00237755 appoo god Cordillera mountains in the n19LspEhsIY-00887-00237756-00238037 philippines list of longest mountain n19LspEhsIY-00888-00238038-00238319 chains on earth mountain passes of the n19LspEhsIY-00889-00238319-00238850 andes rocky mountains n19LspEhsIY-00890-00238851-00239369 topic notes n19LspEhsIY-00891-00239369-00239882 topic references n19LspEhsIY-00892-00239883-00240421 topic bibliography n19LspEhsIY-00893-00240421-00240823 bigger John 2005 the Andes a guide for n19LspEhsIY-00894-00240823-00241101 climbers 3d Scotland Andes publishing n19LspEhsIY-00895-00241102-00241441 ISBN oh nine five three six zero eight n19LspEhsIY-00896-00241442-00241634 seven two seven n19LspEhsIY-00897-00241635-00242067 Dirac Eadie 2001 wild winds adventures n19LspEhsIY-00898-00242069-00242508 in the highest Andes Cordy DPP ISBN nine n19LspEhsIY-00899-00242509-00242698 seven eight one eight eight four nine n19LspEhsIY-00900-00242698-00243156 eight zero eight one seven n19LspEhsIY-00901-00243157-00243725 topic external links n19LspEhsIY-00902-00243726-00244125 University of Arizona Andes geology blue n19LspEhsIY-00903-00244126-00244396 planet biomes org climate an animal life n19LspEhsIY-00904-00244396-00244723 of the Andes discovered - Peru org n19LspEhsIY-00905-00244723-00244962 regions and micro climates in the Andes n19LspEhsIY-00906-00244963-00245346 peak list org complete list of mountains n19LspEhsIY-00907-00245348-00245544 in South America with an elevation at n19LspEhsIY-00908-00245546-00245832 above 1500 meters four thousand nine n19LspEhsIY-00909-00245833-00246135 hundred twenty feet n1LdpQpgVNI-00002-00007938-00008662 foreign n1LdpQpgVNI-00004-00012078-00013021 MPS n1LdpQpgVNI-00005-00013022-00013399 there is no a single day n1LdpQpgVNI-00006-00013400-00014165 is MP n1LdpQpgVNI-00007-00014166-00014963 foreign n1LdpQpgVNI-00009-00019428-00020394 [Music] n1LdpQpgVNI-00010-00020395-00021766 it is n1LdpQpgVNI-00011-00021767-00022672 [Music] n1LdpQpgVNI-00012-00022673-00024738 foreign n1LdpQpgVNI-00013-00024739-00025775 [Applause] n1LdpQpgVNI-00014-00025776-00026296 [Music] n1LdpQpgVNI-00015-00026297-00026967 electrons n1LdpQpgVNI-00016-00026968-00029855 [Music] n1LdpQpgVNI-00017-00029856-00030104 foreign n2MjJ-03PqM-00000-00000194-00000710 [Music] n2MjJ-03PqM-00001-00000711-00002023 [Music] n2MjJ-03PqM-00002-00002023-00002126 title n2MjJ-03PqM-00003-00002127-00002383 harry mcclary's brumpus at the vet n2MjJ-03PqM-00004-00002384-00002487 author n2MjJ-03PqM-00005-00002488-00002734 lindley dodd down at the vets there were n2MjJ-03PqM-00006-00002735-00003023 all kinds of pets with troubles and woes n2MjJ-03PqM-00007-00003024-00003295 from their ears to their toes n2MjJ-03PqM-00008-00003296-00003535 sniffles and snuffles n2MjJ-03PqM-00009-00003536-00003854 and doses of flu itches and stitches and n2MjJ-03PqM-00010-00003855-00004070 tummy ache too n2MjJ-03PqM-00011-00004071-00004375 so many animals watchful and wary and n2MjJ-03PqM-00012-00004376-00004743 hairy mccleary from donaldson's dairy n2MjJ-03PqM-00013-00004744-00005022 there were miserable dogs cantankerous n2MjJ-03PqM-00014-00005023-00005175 cats n2MjJ-03PqM-00015-00005176-00005551 a rabbit with pimples and rickety rats n2MjJ-03PqM-00016-00005552-00005854 mice with the sneezes a goat in a rage n2MjJ-03PqM-00017-00005855-00006095 and cassie the cockatoo locked in her n2MjJ-03PqM-00018-00006096-00006247 cage n2MjJ-03PqM-00019-00006248-00006614 cassie had claws and troublesome beak n2MjJ-03PqM-00020-00006615-00006870 she saw something twitch so she gave it n2MjJ-03PqM-00021-00006872-00006983 a tweak n2MjJ-03PqM-00022-00006984-00007246 she pulled it so hard that she plucked n2MjJ-03PqM-00023-00007247-00007519 out her hair and harry mcclary jumped n2MjJ-03PqM-00024-00007520-00007695 high in the air n2MjJ-03PqM-00025-00007695-00008031 a bowl full of mice was bundled about n2MjJ-03PqM-00026-00008031-00008199 over it went n2MjJ-03PqM-00027-00008200-00008431 and the mice tumbled out n2MjJ-03PqM-00028-00008432-00008687 four fussy budgies with grandmother n2MjJ-03PqM-00029-00008688-00008967 gough flew out pf their cage when the n2MjJ-03PqM-00030-00008968-00009174 bottom dropped off n2MjJ-03PqM-00031-00009175-00009431 grizzly mcduff with a bottle brushed n2MjJ-03PqM-00032-00009432-00009767 tail leaped out of his basket n2MjJ-03PqM-00033-00009768-00010087 and over the rail the poppadam kittens n2MjJ-03PqM-00034-00010088-00010342 from parkinson place squeezed through n2MjJ-03PqM-00035-00010343-00010663 and opening and joined in the chase n2MjJ-03PqM-00036-00010664-00011031 barnacle beasley forgot he was sore he n2MjJ-03PqM-00037-00011032-00011223 bumbled and clattered n2MjJ-03PqM-00038-00011224-00011487 all over the floor then custard the n2MjJ-03PqM-00039-00011488-00011799 labrador muffin mcclay and noodle the n2MjJ-03PqM-00040-00011800-00012070 poodle decided to play n2MjJ-03PqM-00041-00012071-00012351 they skidded and scampered they slid all n2MjJ-03PqM-00042-00012352-00012599 around and bottles and boxes came n2MjJ-03PqM-00043-00012600-00012838 tumbling down n2MjJ-03PqM-00044-00012839-00013158 what a kerfuffle a scramble of pores a n2MjJ-03PqM-00045-00013159-00013511 tangle of bodies a jumble of jaws n2MjJ-03PqM-00046-00013512-00013775 with squawking and yowling and mournful n2MjJ-03PqM-00047-00013776-00014030 meow they really were making a terrible n2MjJ-03PqM-00048-00014031-00014151 row n2MjJ-03PqM-00049-00014152-00014343 out came the vet n2MjJ-03PqM-00050-00014344-00014591 i'll fix them she said n2MjJ-03PqM-00051-00014591-00014919 but fell over instead giza the goat n2MjJ-03PqM-00052-00014919-00015271 crashed into a cage he butted the bars n2MjJ-03PqM-00053-00015272-00015471 in a thundering rage n2MjJ-03PqM-00054-00015472-00015815 cassie got mad she rattled her beak n2MjJ-03PqM-00055-00015816-00016038 she saw something twitch n2MjJ-03PqM-00056-00016040-00016230 so she gave it a n2MjJ-03PqM-00057-00016231-00016531 tweak n3sDCgDTPWg-00000-00000023-00000340 Bell spaceship paradox is a thought n3sDCgDTPWg-00001-00000341-00000665 experiment in special relativity it was n3sDCgDTPWg-00002-00000666-00001037 designed by E Dhawan and M Baron in 1959 n3sDCgDTPWg-00003-00001038-00001298 and became more widely known when J s n3sDCgDTPWg-00004-00001299-00001584 Bell included a modified version a n3sDCgDTPWg-00005-00001585-00001847 delicate string or thread hangs between n3sDCgDTPWg-00006-00001848-00002185 two spaceships both spaceships start n3sDCgDTPWg-00007-00002186-00002474 accelerating simultaneously and equally n3sDCgDTPWg-00008-00002475-00002729 as measured in the inertial frame s thus n3sDCgDTPWg-00009-00002730-00002987 having the same velocity at all times in n3sDCgDTPWg-00010-00002988-00003224 s therefore they are all subject to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00011-00003225-00003490 same Lorentz contraction so the entire n3sDCgDTPWg-00012-00003492-00003754 assembly seems to be equally contracted n3sDCgDTPWg-00013-00003755-00003944 in the S frame with respect to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00014-00003945-00004279 length at the start therefore at first n3sDCgDTPWg-00015-00004280-00004499 sight it might appear that the thread n3sDCgDTPWg-00016-00004500-00004874 will not break during acceleration this n3sDCgDTPWg-00017-00004875-00005161 argument however is incorrect as shown n3sDCgDTPWg-00018-00005162-00005513 by Diwan and Baron and bell the distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00019-00005514-00005738 between the spaceships does not undergo n3sDCgDTPWg-00020-00005739-00005993 Lorentz contraction with respect to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00021-00005994-00006259 distance at the start because in s it is n3sDCgDTPWg-00022-00006260-00006493 effectively defined to remain the same n3sDCgDTPWg-00023-00006494-00006734 due to the equal and simultaneous n3sDCgDTPWg-00024-00006734-00007009 acceleration of both spaceships in s it n3sDCgDTPWg-00025-00007011-00007220 also turns out that the rest length n3sDCgDTPWg-00026-00007220-00007435 between the two has increased in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00027-00007436-00007676 frames in which they are momentarily at n3sDCgDTPWg-00028-00007677-00007945 rest s because the accelerations of the n3sDCgDTPWg-00029-00007947-00008210 spaceships are not simultaneous here due n3sDCgDTPWg-00030-00008211-00008570 to relativity of simultaneity the thread n3sDCgDTPWg-00031-00008571-00008798 on the other hand being a physical n3sDCgDTPWg-00032-00008799-00009008 object held together by electrostatic n3sDCgDTPWg-00033-00009009-00009355 forces maintains the same rest length n3sDCgDTPWg-00034-00009356-00009701 thus in frame s it must be Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00035-00009702-00009938 contracted which result can also be n3sDCgDTPWg-00036-00009939-00010205 derived when the electromagnetic fields n3sDCgDTPWg-00037-00010206-00010546 of bodies in motion are considered so n3sDCgDTPWg-00038-00010547-00010820 calculations made in both frames show n3sDCgDTPWg-00039-00010821-00011060 that the thread will break in s due to n3sDCgDTPWg-00040-00011061-00011317 the non simultaneous acceleration and n3sDCgDTPWg-00041-00011318-00011519 the increasing distance between the n3sDCgDTPWg-00042-00011520-00011728 spaceships and in s due to length n3sDCgDTPWg-00043-00011729-00012020 contraction of the thread in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00044-00012021-00012256 following the rest length or proper n3sDCgDTPWg-00045-00012257-00012439 length of an object is its length n3sDCgDTPWg-00046-00012440-00012698 measured in the object's rest frame this n3sDCgDTPWg-00047-00012699-00012896 length corresponds to the proper n3sDCgDTPWg-00048-00012897-00013096 distance between two events in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00049-00013097-00013316 special case when these events are n3sDCgDTPWg-00050-00013316-00013368 measure n3sDCgDTPWg-00051-00013369-00013597 simultaneously at the endpoints in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00052-00013597-00014419 objects rest frame topic Dhawan and n3sDCgDTPWg-00053-00014419-00015088 Baron Dhawan and Baron stated the fort n3sDCgDTPWg-00054-00015088-00015469 experiment by writing consider two n3sDCgDTPWg-00055-00015469-00015757 identically constructed rockets at rest n3sDCgDTPWg-00056-00015758-00016027 in an inertial frame air sled 'im face n3sDCgDTPWg-00057-00016028-00016333 the same direction and be situated one n3sDCgDTPWg-00058-00016334-00016702 behind the other if we suppose that at a n3sDCgDTPWg-00059-00016703-00016959 pre-arranged time both rockets are n3sDCgDTPWg-00060-00016960-00017287 simultaneously with respect to s fired n3sDCgDTPWg-00061-00017288-00017569 up then their velocities with respect to n3sDCgDTPWg-00062-00017570-00017794 s are always equal throughout the n3sDCgDTPWg-00063-00017795-00018037 remainder of the experiment even though n3sDCgDTPWg-00064-00018038-00018418 they are functions of time this means by n3sDCgDTPWg-00065-00018419-00018715 definition that with respect to s the n3sDCgDTPWg-00066-00018716-00018946 distance between the two Rockets does n3sDCgDTPWg-00067-00018947-00019201 not change even when they speed up to n3sDCgDTPWg-00068-00019202-00019597 relativistic velocities then this setup n3sDCgDTPWg-00069-00019598-00019858 is repeated again but this time the back n3sDCgDTPWg-00070-00019859-00020080 of the first rocket is connected with n3sDCgDTPWg-00071-00020081-00020314 the front of the second rocket by a silk n3sDCgDTPWg-00072-00020315-00020769 thread they concluded according to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00073-00020770-00021040 special theory the thread must contract n3sDCgDTPWg-00074-00021041-00021280 with respect to s because it has a n3sDCgDTPWg-00075-00021281-00021619 velocity with respect to s however since n3sDCgDTPWg-00076-00021620-00021892 the Rockets maintain a constant distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00077-00021893-00022204 apart with respect to s the thread which n3sDCgDTPWg-00078-00022205-00022399 we have assumed to be taught at the n3sDCgDTPWg-00079-00022400-00022729 start cannot contract therefore a stress n3sDCgDTPWg-00080-00022730-00022942 must form until for high enough n3sDCgDTPWg-00081-00022943-00023221 velocities the thread finally reaches n3sDCgDTPWg-00082-00023222-00023608 its elastic limit and breaks dhawan and n3sDCgDTPWg-00083-00023609-00023884 baron also discussed the result from the n3sDCgDTPWg-00084-00023885-00024144 viewpoint of inertial frames momentarily n3sDCgDTPWg-00085-00024145-00024376 calm moving with the first rocket by n3sDCgDTPWg-00086-00024377-00024819 applying a Lorentz transformation since n3sDCgDTPWg-00087-00024820-00026394 t equals t minus v x c2 one n3sDCgDTPWg-00088-00026395-00027538 - v2c - display style script style T n3sDCgDTPWg-00089-00027539-00028095 equals T V X C caret - s QR t 1 V carrot n3sDCgDTPWg-00090-00028097-00028579 2 C carrot - each frame used here has a n3sDCgDTPWg-00091-00028580-00028839 different synchronization scheme because n3sDCgDTPWg-00092-00028841-00029920 of the V X C - display style VX C carrot n3sDCgDTPWg-00093-00029920-00030606 - factor it can be shown that as V n3sDCgDTPWg-00094-00030607-00031057 display style V increases the front n3sDCgDTPWg-00095-00031058-00031255 rocket will not only appear to be a n3sDCgDTPWg-00096-00031256-00031474 larger distance from the back rocket n3sDCgDTPWg-00097-00031475-00031648 with respect to an instantaneous n3sDCgDTPWg-00098-00031649-00031939 inertial frame but also to have started n3sDCgDTPWg-00099-00031939-00032404 at an earlier time they concluded one n3sDCgDTPWg-00100-00032405-00032644 may conclude that whenever a body is n3sDCgDTPWg-00101-00032645-00032869 constrained to move in such a way that n3sDCgDTPWg-00102-00032870-00033079 all parts of it have the same n3sDCgDTPWg-00103-00033080-00033328 acceleration with respect to an inertial n3sDCgDTPWg-00104-00033329-00033685 frame or alternatively in such a way n3sDCgDTPWg-00105-00033686-00033898 that with respect to an inertial frame n3sDCgDTPWg-00106-00033899-00034225 its dimensions are fixed and there is no n3sDCgDTPWg-00107-00034226-00034513 rotation then such a body must in n3sDCgDTPWg-00108-00034514-00034884 general experience relativistic stresses n3sDCgDTPWg-00109-00034885-00035176 then they discussed the objection that n3sDCgDTPWg-00110-00035177-00035404 there should be no difference between up n3sDCgDTPWg-00111-00035405-00035605 the distance between two ends of a n3sDCgDTPWg-00112-00035606-00035857 connected rod and B the distance between n3sDCgDTPWg-00113-00035858-00036133 two unconnected objects which move with n3sDCgDTPWg-00114-00036134-00036358 the same velocity with respect to an n3sDCgDTPWg-00115-00036359-00036715 inertial frame Dajuan and baron removed n3sDCgDTPWg-00116-00036716-00037096 those objections by arguing since the n3sDCgDTPWg-00117-00037097-00037336 Rockets are constructed exactly the same n3sDCgDTPWg-00118-00037337-00037612 way and starting at the same moment in s n3sDCgDTPWg-00119-00037613-00037852 with the same acceleration they must n3sDCgDTPWg-00120-00037853-00038086 have the same velocity all of the time n3sDCgDTPWg-00121-00038087-00038302 in s thus they are traveling the same n3sDCgDTPWg-00122-00038303-00038602 distances in s so their mutual distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00123-00038603-00038965 cannot change in this frame otherwise if n3sDCgDTPWg-00124-00038966-00039217 the distance were to contract in s then n3sDCgDTPWg-00125-00039218-00039445 this would imply different velocities of n3sDCgDTPWg-00126-00039446-00039667 the Rockets in this frame as well which n3sDCgDTPWg-00127-00039668-00039733 contradict n3sDCgDTPWg-00128-00039734-00039900 it's the initial assumption of equal n3sDCgDTPWg-00129-00039901-00040282 construction and acceleration they also n3sDCgDTPWg-00130-00040283-00040522 argued that there indeed is a difference n3sDCgDTPWg-00131-00040523-00040801 between a and B case a is the ordinary n3sDCgDTPWg-00132-00040802-00041056 case of length contraction based on the n3sDCgDTPWg-00133-00041057-00041383 concept of the rods rest length l0 in s0 n3sDCgDTPWg-00134-00041384-00041671 which always stays the same as long as n3sDCgDTPWg-00135-00041672-00041998 the rod can be seen as rigid under those n3sDCgDTPWg-00136-00041999-00042312 circumstances the rod is contracted in s n3sDCgDTPWg-00137-00042313-00042556 but the distance cannot be seen as rigid n3sDCgDTPWg-00138-00042557-00042850 in case B because it is increasing due n3sDCgDTPWg-00139-00042851-00043153 to unequal accelerations in s0 and the n3sDCgDTPWg-00140-00043154-00043312 Rockets would have to exchange n3sDCgDTPWg-00141-00043313-00043534 information with each other and adjust n3sDCgDTPWg-00142-00043535-00043726 their velocities in order to compensate n3sDCgDTPWg-00143-00043727-00043999 for this all of those complications n3sDCgDTPWg-00144-00044000-00045220 don't arise in case our topic Bell in n3sDCgDTPWg-00145-00045221-00045424 bells version of the thought experiment n3sDCgDTPWg-00146-00045425-00045762 three spaceships a b and c are initially n3sDCgDTPWg-00147-00045763-00045964 at rest in a common inertial reference n3sDCgDTPWg-00148-00045965-00046060 frame n3sDCgDTPWg-00149-00046061-00046336 B and C being equidistant array then a n3sDCgDTPWg-00150-00046337-00046637 signal is sent from a to reach B and C n3sDCgDTPWg-00151-00046638-00046939 simultaneously causing B and C starting n3sDCgDTPWg-00152-00046940-00047187 to accelerate in the vertical direction n3sDCgDTPWg-00153-00047188-00047380 having been pre-programmed with n3sDCgDTPWg-00154-00047381-00047658 identical acceleration profiles while a n3sDCgDTPWg-00155-00047659-00047926 stays at rest in its original reference n3sDCgDTPWg-00156-00047927-00048258 frame according to Bell this implies n3sDCgDTPWg-00157-00048259-00048631 that B and C as CNAs rest frame will n3sDCgDTPWg-00158-00048632-00048852 have at every moment the same velocity n3sDCgDTPWg-00159-00048853-00049162 and so remain displaced one from the n3sDCgDTPWg-00160-00049163-00049573 other by a fixed distance now if a n3sDCgDTPWg-00161-00049574-00049821 fragile thread is tied between B and C n3sDCgDTPWg-00162-00049822-00050089 it's not long enough anymore due to n3sDCgDTPWg-00163-00050090-00050346 length contractions thus it will break n3sDCgDTPWg-00164-00050347-00050665 he concluded that the artificial n3sDCgDTPWg-00165-00050666-00050937 prevention of the natural contraction n3sDCgDTPWg-00166-00050938-00051342 imposes intolerable stress Bell reported n3sDCgDTPWg-00167-00051344-00051586 that he encountered much skepticism from n3sDCgDTPWg-00168-00051587-00051988 a distinguished experimentalist when he n3sDCgDTPWg-00169-00051989-00052276 presented the paradox to attempt to n3sDCgDTPWg-00170-00052277-00052546 resolve the dispute an informal and non n3sDCgDTPWg-00171-00052547-00052830 systematic survey of opinion at CERN was n3sDCgDTPWg-00172-00052832-00053110 held according to Bell n3sDCgDTPWg-00173-00053111-00053479 was clear consensus which asserted n3sDCgDTPWg-00174-00053479-00053590 incorrectly n3sDCgDTPWg-00175-00053591-00053848 that the string would not break bail n3sDCgDTPWg-00176-00053849-00054259 goes on to add of course many people who n3sDCgDTPWg-00177-00054260-00054475 get the wrong answer at first get the n3sDCgDTPWg-00178-00054476-00054753 right answer on further reflection n3sDCgDTPWg-00179-00054754-00055029 usually they feel obliged to work out n3sDCgDTPWg-00180-00055030-00055309 how things look to observers B or C they n3sDCgDTPWg-00181-00055310-00055626 find that B for example C C drifting n3sDCgDTPWg-00182-00055627-00055866 further and further behind so that a n3sDCgDTPWg-00183-00055867-00056116 given piece of thread can no longer span n3sDCgDTPWg-00184-00056116-00056434 the distance it is only after working n3sDCgDTPWg-00185-00056435-00056655 this out and perhaps only with a n3sDCgDTPWg-00186-00056657-00056904 residual feeling of unease that such n3sDCgDTPWg-00187-00056905-00057172 people finally accept a conclusion which n3sDCgDTPWg-00188-00057173-00057409 is perfectly trivial in terms of A's n3sDCgDTPWg-00189-00057410-00057613 account of things including the n3sDCgDTPWg-00190-00057614-00058092 Fitzgerald contraction topic importance n3sDCgDTPWg-00191-00058094-00058329 of length contraction in general it was n3sDCgDTPWg-00192-00058330-00058573 concluded by Diwan and Baron and bell n3sDCgDTPWg-00193-00058574-00058849 that relativistic stresses arise when n3sDCgDTPWg-00194-00058850-00059086 all parts of an object are accelerated n3sDCgDTPWg-00195-00059087-00059284 the same way with respect to an inertial n3sDCgDTPWg-00196-00059285-00059556 frame and that length contraction has n3sDCgDTPWg-00197-00059557-00059935 real physical consequences for instance n3sDCgDTPWg-00198-00059936-00060148 Bell argued that the length contraction n3sDCgDTPWg-00199-00060149-00060391 of objects as well as the lack of length n3sDCgDTPWg-00200-00060391-00060646 contraction between objects in frame s n3sDCgDTPWg-00201-00060647-00060900 can be explained using relativistic n3sDCgDTPWg-00202-00060901-00061221 electromagnetism the distorted n3sDCgDTPWg-00203-00061222-00061474 electromagnetic intermolecular fields n3sDCgDTPWg-00204-00061475-00061729 caused moving objects to contract or to n3sDCgDTPWg-00205-00061729-00061936 become stressed if hindered from doing n3sDCgDTPWg-00206-00061937-00062374 so in contrast no such forces act on the n3sDCgDTPWg-00207-00062375-00062655 space between objects generally Richard n3sDCgDTPWg-00208-00062657-00062878 Fineman demonstrated how the Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00209-00062879-00063112 transformation can be derived from the n3sDCgDTPWg-00210-00063113-00063349 case of the potential of a charge moving n3sDCgDTPWg-00211-00063350-00063625 with constant velocity as represented by n3sDCgDTPWg-00212-00063626-00063966 the Leonid Wishard potential as to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00213-00063967-00064257 historical aspect Fineman alluded to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00214-00064258-00064447 circumstance that Hendrik Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00215-00064448-00064707 arrived essentially the same way at the n3sDCgDTPWg-00216-00064708-00064996 Lorentz transformation see also history n3sDCgDTPWg-00217-00064997-00065193 of Lorentz transformations n3sDCgDTPWg-00218-00065194-00065665 however Petkov 2009 and Franklin 2009 n3sDCgDTPWg-00219-00065666-00066028 interpret this paradox differently they n3sDCgDTPWg-00220-00066029-00066235 agreed with the result that the string n3sDCgDTPWg-00221-00066236-00066487 will break due to unequal acceleration n3sDCgDTPWg-00222-00066488-00066736 in the rocket frames which causes the n3sDCgDTPWg-00223-00066737-00066985 rest length between them to increase see n3sDCgDTPWg-00224-00066986-00067243 the minkovski diagram in the analysis n3sDCgDTPWg-00225-00067244-00067600 section however they denied the idea n3sDCgDTPWg-00226-00067601-00067822 that those stresses are caused by length n3sDCgDTPWg-00227-00067823-00068053 contraction in s this is because in n3sDCgDTPWg-00228-00068054-00068326 their opinion length contraction has no n3sDCgDTPWg-00229-00068327-00068560 physical reality but is merely the n3sDCgDTPWg-00230-00068561-00068821 result of a Lawrence transformation ie a n3sDCgDTPWg-00231-00068822-00069103 rotation in four dimensional space which n3sDCgDTPWg-00232-00069104-00069361 by itself can never cause any stress at n3sDCgDTPWg-00233-00069362-00069679 all thus the occurrence of such stresses n3sDCgDTPWg-00234-00069680-00069955 in all reference frames including s and n3sDCgDTPWg-00235-00069956-00070147 the breaking of the string is supposed n3sDCgDTPWg-00236-00070148-00070338 to be the effect of relativistic n3sDCgDTPWg-00237-00070339-00070855 acceleration alone topic discussions and n3sDCgDTPWg-00238-00070856-00071260 publications Paul nor Aki 1962 gives n3sDCgDTPWg-00239-00071261-00071479 three arguments why the string should n3sDCgDTPWg-00240-00071480-00071851 not break while Edmund Dhawan 1963 n3sDCgDTPWg-00241-00071852-00072085 showed in a reply that his original n3sDCgDTPWg-00242-00072086-00072448 analysis still remains valid many years n3sDCgDTPWg-00243-00072449-00072643 later and after Bell's book n3sDCgDTPWg-00244-00072644-00072901 Matsuda and Kinoshita reported receiving n3sDCgDTPWg-00245-00072902-00073165 much criticism after publishing an n3sDCgDTPWg-00246-00073166-00073342 article on their independently n3sDCgDTPWg-00247-00073343-00073594 rediscovered version of the paradox in a n3sDCgDTPWg-00248-00073595-00073966 Japanese journal Matsuda and Kinoshita n3sDCgDTPWg-00249-00073967-00074251 do not cite specific papers however n3sDCgDTPWg-00250-00074252-00074518 stating only that these objections were n3sDCgDTPWg-00251-00074519-00074773 written in Japanese however in most n3sDCgDTPWg-00252-00074774-00075022 publications it is agreed that stresses n3sDCgDTPWg-00253-00075023-00075226 arise in the string with some n3sDCgDTPWg-00254-00075227-00075499 reformulations modifications and n3sDCgDTPWg-00255-00075500-00075754 different scenarios such as by Everton n3sDCgDTPWg-00256-00075755-00076429 Wang sness 1960 Dhawan 1963 romaine 1963 n3sDCgDTPWg-00257-00076430-00076930 ever 1972 Ghosh Dean and Logan of 1998 n3sDCgDTPWg-00258-00076931-00077352 Tattaglia and Ruggiero 2003 Cornwall n3sDCgDTPWg-00259-00077353-00078124 2005 Flores 2005 SEM a 2006 styie 2007 n3sDCgDTPWg-00260-00078125-00078730 Freund 2008 Reds ik 2008 para Gogh 2009 n3sDCgDTPWg-00261-00078731-00079324 Reds ik 2009 GU 2009 Petkov 2009 n3sDCgDTPWg-00262-00079325-00079869 Franklin 2009 Miller 2010 fern Flores 20 n3sDCgDTPWg-00263-00079870-00080349 eleven Kastner 2012 notarial 2014 Lewis n3sDCgDTPWg-00264-00080350-00080610 and Barnes in sticker 2018 n3sDCgDTPWg-00265-00080611-00081048 ba-caw 2018 a similar problem was also n3sDCgDTPWg-00266-00081049-00081261 discussed in relation to angular n3sDCgDTPWg-00267-00081262-00081807 accelerations grande 1979 McGregor 1981 n3sDCgDTPWg-00268-00081808-00082902 Grahn 1980 to 2003 topic relativistic n3sDCgDTPWg-00269-00082903-00083943 solution of the problem topic rotating n3sDCgDTPWg-00270-00083944-00084567 disc Bell's spaceship paradox is not n3sDCgDTPWg-00271-00084568-00084792 about preserving the rest length between n3sDCgDTPWg-00272-00084793-00085059 objects as inborn rigidity but about n3sDCgDTPWg-00273-00085060-00085257 preserving the distance in an inertial n3sDCgDTPWg-00274-00085258-00085521 frame relative to which the objects are n3sDCgDTPWg-00275-00085522-00085737 in motion for which the ehrenfest n3sDCgDTPWg-00276-00085738-00086079 paradox is an example historically n3sDCgDTPWg-00277-00086080-00086358 Albert Einstein had already recognized n3sDCgDTPWg-00278-00086359-00086553 in the course of his development of n3sDCgDTPWg-00279-00086554-00086739 general relativity that the n3sDCgDTPWg-00280-00086740-00086964 circumference of a rotating disc is n3sDCgDTPWg-00281-00086965-00087195 measured to be larger in the Corot ating n3sDCgDTPWg-00282-00087196-00087366 frame than the one measured in an n3sDCgDTPWg-00283-00087367-00087779 inertial frame Einstein explained in n3sDCgDTPWg-00284-00087780-00088218 1916 we suppose that the circumference n3sDCgDTPWg-00285-00088219-00088473 and diameter of a circle have been n3sDCgDTPWg-00286-00088474-00088707 measured with the standard measuring rod n3sDCgDTPWg-00287-00088708-00088944 infinitely small compared with the n3sDCgDTPWg-00288-00088945-00089196 radius and that we have the quotient of n3sDCgDTPWg-00289-00089197-00089580 the two results if this experiment were n3sDCgDTPWg-00290-00089581-00089814 performed with measuring rods at rest n3sDCgDTPWg-00291-00089815-00090150 relatively to the Galilean system K the n3sDCgDTPWg-00292-00090151-00090513 quotient would be PI with measuring rods n3sDCgDTPWg-00293-00090514-00090822 at rest relatively to K the quotient n3sDCgDTPWg-00294-00090823-00091167 would be greater than pi this is readily n3sDCgDTPWg-00295-00091168-00091395 understood if we envisage the whole n3sDCgDTPWg-00296-00091396-00091800 process of measuring from the stationary n3sDCgDTPWg-00297-00091801-00092187 system K and take into consideration n3sDCgDTPWg-00298-00092188-00092409 that the measuring rods applied to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00299-00092410-00092613 periphery undergoes a Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00300-00092614-00092892 contraction while the ones applied along n3sDCgDTPWg-00301-00092893-00093216 the radius do not hence you n3sDCgDTPWg-00302-00093217-00093494 Creedy in geometry does not apply to K n3sDCgDTPWg-00303-00093495-00093819 as pointed out more precisely by n3sDCgDTPWg-00304-00093820-00094436 Einstein in 1919 the relation is given u n3sDCgDTPWg-00305-00094437-00095375 equals gamma u 0 display style u equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00306-00095376-00096074 gamma u underscore 0 u display style you n3sDCgDTPWg-00307-00096075-00096303 being the circumference in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00308-00096304-00097017 corrugating frame u 0 display style you n3sDCgDTPWg-00309-00097018-00097505 underscore 0 in the laboratory frame n3sDCgDTPWg-00310-00097506-00098085 gamma display style gamma is the Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00311-00098086-00099546 factor 1 1 minus V 2 see to display n3sDCgDTPWg-00312-00099547-00100103 style 1s QR t 1 v carat to see carat 2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00313-00100104-00100400 therefore it's impossible to bring a n3sDCgDTPWg-00314-00100401-00100596 disk from the state of rest into n3sDCgDTPWg-00315-00100597-00100934 rotation in a born rigid manner instead n3sDCgDTPWg-00316-00100935-00101190 stresses arise during the phase of n3sDCgDTPWg-00317-00101191-00101481 accelerated rotation until the diskant n3sDCgDTPWg-00318-00101482-00102291 is the state of uniform rotation topic n3sDCgDTPWg-00319-00102292-00102972 immediate acceleration similarly in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00320-00102973-00103215 case of Bell's spaceship paradox the n3sDCgDTPWg-00321-00103216-00103510 relation between the initial rest length n3sDCgDTPWg-00322-00103511-00104100 L displaced I'll L between the ships n3sDCgDTPWg-00323-00104101-00104328 identical to the moving length in s n3sDCgDTPWg-00324-00104329-00104565 after acceleration and the new rest n3sDCgDTPWg-00325-00104566-00105246 length L display style L in s after n3sDCgDTPWg-00326-00105247-00106233 acceleration is l equals gamma L display n3sDCgDTPWg-00327-00106233-00106578 style l equals gamma L n3sDCgDTPWg-00328-00106579-00106794 this length increase can be calculated n3sDCgDTPWg-00329-00106795-00107154 in different ways for instance if the n3sDCgDTPWg-00330-00107155-00107388 acceleration is finished the ships will n3sDCgDTPWg-00331-00107389-00107646 constantly remain at the same location n3sDCgDTPWg-00332-00107647-00107913 in the final rest frame s so it's only n3sDCgDTPWg-00333-00107914-00108132 necessary to compute the distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00334-00108133-00108378 between the x-coordinates transformed n3sDCgDTPWg-00335-00108379-00109188 from s to s if X a display style X n3sDCgDTPWg-00336-00109189-00110734 underscore and X B equals x a plus L n3sDCgDTPWg-00337-00110735-00111099 display style X underscore B equals X n3sDCgDTPWg-00338-00111100-00111458 underscore R plus L are the ship's n3sDCgDTPWg-00339-00111459-00111702 positions in s the positions in their n3sDCgDTPWg-00340-00111703-00112671 new rest frame s are X a equals gamma X n3sDCgDTPWg-00341-00112672-00114734 a minus V T X B equals gamma X a plus L n3sDCgDTPWg-00342-00114735-00116718 minus V T L equals x b- x a equals gamma n3sDCgDTPWg-00343-00116719-00117006 l display style begin aligned X n3sDCgDTPWg-00344-00117007-00117342 underscore R and equals gamma left X n3sDCgDTPWg-00345-00117343-00117642 underscore R Vermont right X underscore n3sDCgDTPWg-00346-00117643-00118047 B and equals gamma left X underscore R n3sDCgDTPWg-00347-00118048-00118350 plus L Vermont right L and equals x n3sDCgDTPWg-00348-00118351-00118701 underscore B X underscore R and equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00349-00118702-00119009 gamma L end aligned another method was n3sDCgDTPWg-00350-00119010-00119430 shown by Diwan 1963 who demonstrated the n3sDCgDTPWg-00351-00119431-00119717 importance of relativity of simultaneity n3sDCgDTPWg-00352-00119718-00119966 the perspective of frame air n3sDCgDTPWg-00353-00119967-00120239 is described in which both ships will be n3sDCgDTPWg-00354-00120240-00120455 at rest after the acceleration is n3sDCgDTPWg-00355-00120456-00120535 finished n3sDCgDTPWg-00356-00120536-00120793 the ships are accelerating n3sDCgDTPWg-00357-00120794-00121836 simultaneously at T a equals T be n3sDCgDTPWg-00358-00121838-00122174 displaced I'll t underscore R equals T n3sDCgDTPWg-00359-00122175-00122648 underscore be in s assuming acceleration n3sDCgDTPWg-00360-00122649-00122930 in infinitesimal small time though B is n3sDCgDTPWg-00361-00122931-00123194 accelerating and stopping in s before a n3sDCgDTPWg-00362-00123195-00123484 due to relativity of simultaneity with n3sDCgDTPWg-00363-00123485-00124564 the time difference delta T equals T B n3sDCgDTPWg-00364-00124565-00126592 minus T a equals gamma t be minus V X be n3sDCgDTPWg-00365-00126593-00128072 c2 minus gamma T a minus v XA c2 equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00366-00128073-00128432 gamma VLC to display style begin aligned n3sDCgDTPWg-00367-00128433-00128798 delta T and equals T underscore B T n3sDCgDTPWg-00368-00128799-00129109 underscore R equals gamma lift T n3sDCgDTPWg-00369-00129110-00129497 underscore B phrack V X underscore b/c n3sDCgDTPWg-00370-00129498-00129859 caret to write gamma left t underscore R n3sDCgDTPWg-00371-00129860-00130238 frac V X underscore a C carrot to write n3sDCgDTPWg-00372-00130239-00130619 and equals frac gamma V L C carrot to n3sDCgDTPWg-00373-00130620-00130898 end aligned since the ships are moving n3sDCgDTPWg-00374-00130899-00131129 with the same velocity in s before n3sDCgDTPWg-00375-00131130-00131405 acceleration the initial rest length L n3sDCgDTPWg-00376-00131406-00131702 display style L in s is shortened in s n3sDCgDTPWg-00377-00131703-00132104 by lol D equals L gamma display style L n3sDCgDTPWg-00378-00132105-00132404 underscore old equals L gamma due to n3sDCgDTPWg-00379-00132405-00132743 length contraction this distance starts n3sDCgDTPWg-00380-00132744-00133019 to increase after became to stop because n3sDCgDTPWg-00381-00133020-00133238 a is now moving away from B with n3sDCgDTPWg-00382-00133239-00133331 constant for n3sDCgDTPWg-00383-00133332-00133649 city during delta T display style delta n3sDCgDTPWg-00384-00133650-00134041 T until a stops as well Dajuan arrived n3sDCgDTPWg-00385-00134042-00134321 at the relation in different notation l n3sDCgDTPWg-00386-00134322-00134720 equals lol D plus V delta T equals L n3sDCgDTPWg-00387-00134721-00135103 gamma plus gamma V 2 LC 2 equals gamma L n3sDCgDTPWg-00388-00135104-00135439 display style begin aligned L and equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00389-00135440-00135797 L underscore old plus V delta T equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00390-00135798-00136193 frack L gamma plus frack gamma V carrot n3sDCgDTPWg-00391-00136194-00136583 2 L C carrot 2 and equals gamma L end n3sDCgDTPWg-00392-00136584-00136874 aligned it was also noted by several n3sDCgDTPWg-00393-00136875-00137086 authors that the constant length in s n3sDCgDTPWg-00394-00137087-00137287 and the increased length in s is n3sDCgDTPWg-00395-00137288-00137483 consistent with the length contraction n3sDCgDTPWg-00396-00137484-00137854 formula l equals L gamma display style l n3sDCgDTPWg-00397-00137855-00138139 equals L gamma because the initial rest n3sDCgDTPWg-00398-00138140-00138451 length L display style L is increased by n3sDCgDTPWg-00399-00138452-00138751 gamma display style gamma in S which is n3sDCgDTPWg-00400-00138752-00139078 contracted in s by the same factor so it n3sDCgDTPWg-00401-00139079-00140269 stays the same in s L see Oh in T ah n3sDCgDTPWg-00402-00140270-00141486 equals L gamma equals gamma L gamma n3sDCgDTPWg-00403-00141487-00142153 equals L display style L underscore cont n3sDCgDTPWg-00404-00142154-00142532 R equals L gamma equals gamma L gamma n3sDCgDTPWg-00405-00142533-00142912 equals L summarizing while the rest n3sDCgDTPWg-00406-00142913-00143221 distance between the ships increases to n3sDCgDTPWg-00407-00143222-00144004 gamma L display style gamma L in s the n3sDCgDTPWg-00408-00144005-00144250 relativity principle requires that the n3sDCgDTPWg-00409-00144251-00144499 string whose physical Constitution is n3sDCgDTPWg-00410-00144500-00144994 unaltered maintains its rest length L n3sDCgDTPWg-00411-00144995-00145534 display style L in its new rest system s n3sDCgDTPWg-00412-00145535-00145825 therefore it breaks in s due to the n3sDCgDTPWg-00413-00145826-00146131 increasing distance between the ships as n3sDCgDTPWg-00414-00146132-00146386 explained above the same is also n3sDCgDTPWg-00415-00146387-00146665 obtained by only considering the start n3sDCgDTPWg-00416-00146666-00146899 frame s using length contraction of the n3sDCgDTPWg-00417-00146900-00147143 string or the contraction of it's moving n3sDCgDTPWg-00418-00147144-00147361 molecular fields while the distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00419-00147362-00147608 between the ship stays the same due to n3sDCgDTPWg-00420-00147609-00148489 equal acceleration topic constant proper n3sDCgDTPWg-00421-00148490-00149077 acceleration instead of instantaneous n3sDCgDTPWg-00422-00149078-00149386 changes of direction special relativity n3sDCgDTPWg-00423-00149387-00149621 also allow us to describe the more n3sDCgDTPWg-00424-00149622-00149878 realistic scenario of constant proper n3sDCgDTPWg-00425-00149879-00150148 acceleration ie the acceleration n3sDCgDTPWg-00426-00150149-00150421 indicated by a car moving accelerometer n3sDCgDTPWg-00427-00150422-00150772 this leads to hyperbolic motion in which n3sDCgDTPWg-00428-00150773-00151009 the observer continuously changes n3sDCgDTPWg-00429-00151010-00151953 momentary inertial frames x equals C to n3sDCgDTPWg-00430-00151954-00153840 alpha 1 plus alpha t c2 minus 1 equals C n3sDCgDTPWg-00431-00153841-00155610 to alpha cos Alpha Tau C minus 1 C tau n3sDCgDTPWg-00432-00155611-00156056 equals C to alpha a sin alpha T C CT n3sDCgDTPWg-00433-00156057-00156368 equals C 2 alpha shine Alpha Tau C n3sDCgDTPWg-00434-00156369-00156691 display style begin aligned xn equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00435-00156692-00157135 fracked C carrot 2 alpha left sqr t1 n3sDCgDTPWg-00436-00157136-00157576 plus left frac alpha T C right carrot 2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00437-00157577-00157975 minus 1 right equals frac C carrot 2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00438-00157976-00158420 alpha left Kosh frac alpha tau C minus 1 n3sDCgDTPWg-00439-00158421-00158809 right C tau in equals frac C carrot 2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00440-00158810-00159158 alpha operator named hacen frac alpha T n3sDCgDTPWg-00441-00159159-00159610 C quad-core equals frac C carrot 2 alpha n3sDCgDTPWg-00442-00159611-00159926 shine frac alpha tau C n3sDCgDTPWg-00443-00159927-00160240 aligned where tea display style tea is n3sDCgDTPWg-00444-00160241-00160457 the coordinate time in the external n3sDCgDTPWg-00445-00160458-00160736 inertial frame and towel display style n3sDCgDTPWg-00446-00160737-00160973 towel the proper time in the momentary n3sDCgDTPWg-00447-00160974-00161215 frame and the momentary velocity is n3sDCgDTPWg-00448-00161216-00161739 given by V equals alpha t1 plus alpha T n3sDCgDTPWg-00449-00161740-00163097 c2 equals C then Alpha Tau C display n3sDCgDTPWg-00450-00163098-00163562 style V equals frak alpha t SQ r t1 plus n3sDCgDTPWg-00451-00163563-00163939 lift frak alpha t c right carrot 2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00452-00163940-00164464 equals c fan frak alpha tau C the n3sDCgDTPWg-00453-00164465-00164708 mathematical treatment of this paradox n3sDCgDTPWg-00454-00164709-00164912 is similar to the treatment of born n3sDCgDTPWg-00455-00164913-00165269 rigid motion however rather than ask n3sDCgDTPWg-00456-00165270-00165524 about the separation of spaceships with n3sDCgDTPWg-00457-00165525-00165754 the same acceleration in an inertial n3sDCgDTPWg-00458-00165755-00166015 frame the problem of born rigid motion n3sDCgDTPWg-00459-00166016-00166349 asks what acceleration profile is n3sDCgDTPWg-00460-00166350-00166649 required by the second spaceship so that n3sDCgDTPWg-00461-00166650-00166856 the distance between the spaceships n3sDCgDTPWg-00462-00166857-00167154 remains constant in their proper frame n3sDCgDTPWg-00463-00167155-00167428 in order for the two spaceships n3sDCgDTPWg-00464-00167429-00167648 initially at rest in an inertial frame n3sDCgDTPWg-00465-00167649-00167938 to maintain a constant proper distance n3sDCgDTPWg-00466-00167939-00168176 the lead spaceship must have a lower n3sDCgDTPWg-00467-00168177-00168529 proper acceleration this born rigid n3sDCgDTPWg-00468-00168530-00168802 frame can be described by using Rindler n3sDCgDTPWg-00469-00168803-00169276 coordinates Kotla molar coordinates see n3sDCgDTPWg-00470-00169277-00171039 t equals x plus c 2 alpha shine alpha t n3sDCgDTPWg-00471-00171040-00172859 see y equals y x equals x plus c2 n3sDCgDTPWg-00472-00172860-00173846 alpha cos alpha T C - C 2 alpha Z equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00473-00173847-00174200 Z T equals tau display style begin n3sDCgDTPWg-00474-00174201-00174602 aligned Courtin equals left x+ fracked C n3sDCgDTPWg-00475-00174603-00174953 carrot 2 alpha bright shine frack alpha n3sDCgDTPWg-00476-00174954-00175463 T C and y equals y X and equals left x+ n3sDCgDTPWg-00477-00175464-00175841 fracked C carrot 2 alpha right gosh frac n3sDCgDTPWg-00478-00175842-00176249 alpha T C frac C carrot 2 alpha and n3sDCgDTPWg-00479-00176250-00176699 zierden equals Z end aligned T equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00480-00176700-00177083 tau the condition of born rigidity n3sDCgDTPWg-00481-00177084-00177338 requires that the proper acceleration of n3sDCgDTPWg-00482-00177339-00178066 the spaceships differs by alpha 2 equals n3sDCgDTPWg-00483-00178067-00179762 alpha 1 1 plus alpha 1 lc2 display style n3sDCgDTPWg-00484-00179763-00180116 alpha underscore 2 equals frac alpha n3sDCgDTPWg-00485-00180117-00180425 underscore 1 1 plus frac alpha n3sDCgDTPWg-00486-00180426-00180958 underscore 1 l c carrot 2 and the length n3sDCgDTPWg-00487-00180959-00182393 L equals x2 minus x1 display style L n3sDCgDTPWg-00488-00182394-00182723 equals x underscore two carrot prime X n3sDCgDTPWg-00489-00182724-00183161 underscore 1 carrot prime measured in n3sDCgDTPWg-00490-00183162-00183413 the Rindler frame or momentary inertial n3sDCgDTPWg-00491-00183414-00183677 frame by one of the observers is Lorentz n3sDCgDTPWg-00492-00183678-00185072 contracted to l equals x 2 minus x n3sDCgDTPWg-00493-00185073-00185507 one display style L equals x underscore n3sDCgDTPWg-00494-00185508-00185912 two X underscore one in the external n3sDCgDTPWg-00495-00185913-00186958 inertial frame by l equals L cosh alpha n3sDCgDTPWg-00496-00186959-00188825 T C equals L 1 minus V 2 C 2 display n3sDCgDTPWg-00497-00188826-00189224 style l equals frak l cosh frak alpha T n3sDCgDTPWg-00498-00189225-00189752 C equals l SQ r t1 frak v carrot to see n3sDCgDTPWg-00499-00189753-00190148 carrot 2 which is the same result as n3sDCgDTPWg-00500-00190149-00190508 above consequently in the case of born n3sDCgDTPWg-00501-00190509-00190781 rigidity the constancy of length L in n3sDCgDTPWg-00502-00190782-00191039 the momentary frame implies that L in n3sDCgDTPWg-00503-00191040-00191303 the external frame decreases constantly n3sDCgDTPWg-00504-00191304-00191665 the thread doesn't break however in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00505-00191666-00191909 case of Bell spaceship paradox the n3sDCgDTPWg-00506-00191910-00192158 condition of born rigidity is broken n3sDCgDTPWg-00507-00192159-00192410 because the constancy of length L in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00508-00192411-00192659 external frame implies the L in the n3sDCgDTPWg-00509-00192660-00192904 momentary frame increases the thread n3sDCgDTPWg-00510-00192905-00193163 breaks in addition the expression for n3sDCgDTPWg-00511-00193164-00193358 the distance increase between two n3sDCgDTPWg-00512-00193359-00193553 observers having the same proper n3sDCgDTPWg-00513-00193554-00193775 acceleration becomes also more n3sDCgDTPWg-00514-00193776-00194609 complicated in the momentary frame topic n3sDCgDTPWg-00515-00194610-00195433 see also hyperbolic motion relativity n3sDCgDTPWg-00516-00195434-00195919 physical paradox Rindell a coordinates n3sDCgDTPWg-00517-00195920-00196526 sup Alize paradox twin paradox n5azj_duvaY-00000-00000038-00000457 Richard Henry Lee January 20th 1732 to n5azj_duvaY-00001-00000458-00000811 June 1917 94 was an American statesman n5azj_duvaY-00002-00000813-00000989 from Virginia best known for the lira n5azj_duvaY-00003-00000990-00001183 solution the motion in the Second n5azj_duvaY-00004-00001184-00001354 Continental Congress calling for the n5azj_duvaY-00005-00001355-00001527 colonies independence from Great Britain n5azj_duvaY-00006-00001528-00001801 he was a signatory to the Articles of n5azj_duvaY-00007-00001802-00002063 Confederation and his resolution for n5azj_duvaY-00008-00002064-00002459 independence II of June 1776 led to the n5azj_duvaY-00009-00002460-00002617 United States Declaration of n5azj_duvaY-00010-00002618-00002891 Independence which Lee signed he also n5azj_duvaY-00011-00002892-00003107 served a one-year term as the president n5azj_duvaY-00012-00003108-00003290 of the Congress of the Confederation and n5azj_duvaY-00013-00003290-00003463 was a United States Senator from n5azj_duvaY-00014-00003464-00003833 Virginia from 1789 to 1792 serving n5azj_duvaY-00015-00003834-00004006 during part of that time as the second n5azj_duvaY-00016-00004007-00004231 president pro tempore of the upper house n5azj_duvaY-00017-00004232-00004486 he was a member of the Lee family a n5azj_duvaY-00018-00004487-00004691 historically influential family in n5azj_duvaY-00019-00004692-00005313 Virginia politics n5azj_duvaY-00020-00005314-00005739 topic early life in education n5azj_duvaY-00021-00005740-00005911 you n5azj_duvaY-00022-00005912-00006102 he was born in Westmoreland County n5azj_duvaY-00023-00006103-00006381 Virginia to call Thomas Lee and Hanna n5azj_duvaY-00024-00006382-00006639 Harrison ledwell Lee on January 20th n5azj_duvaY-00025-00006640-00006984 1732 he was raised and came from a line n5azj_duvaY-00026-00006986-00007206 of military officers diplomats and n5azj_duvaY-00027-00007208-00007524 legislators his father Thomas Lee was n5azj_duvaY-00028-00007525-00007693 the governor of Virginia before his n5azj_duvaY-00029-00007694-00008023 death in 1750 Lee spent most of his n5azj_duvaY-00030-00008023-00008233 early life in Stratford Virginia with n5azj_duvaY-00031-00008234-00008506 his family at Stratford Hall here he was n5azj_duvaY-00032-00008507-00008668 tutored and taught in a variety of n5azj_duvaY-00033-00008669-00008874 skills and witnessed the very beginning n5azj_duvaY-00034-00008875-00009070 of political career as his father sent n5azj_duvaY-00035-00009071-00009229 him around to neighboring planters with n5azj_duvaY-00036-00009230-00009376 the intention for Lee to become n5azj_duvaY-00037-00009377-00009562 associated with neighboring men of like n5azj_duvaY-00038-00009563-00009976 prominence in 1748 at 16 Lee left n5azj_duvaY-00039-00009977-00010174 Virginia free Yorkshire England to n5azj_duvaY-00040-00010175-00010374 complete his formal education at Queen n5azj_duvaY-00041-00010375-00010663 Elizabeth grammar school Wakefield both n5azj_duvaY-00042-00010664-00011023 of his parents died in 1750 and in 1753 n5azj_duvaY-00043-00011024-00011233 after touring Europe he returned to n5azj_duvaY-00044-00011234-00011419 Virginia to help his brothers settle the n5azj_duvaY-00045-00011420-00012107 estate his parents had left behind n5azj_duvaY-00046-00012108-00012607 topic courier n5azj_duvaY-00047-00012608-00012969 in 1757 Lee was appointed Justice of the n5azj_duvaY-00048-00012971-00013138 Peace in Westmoreland County n5azj_duvaY-00049-00013138-00013441 in 1758 he was elected to the Virginia n5azj_duvaY-00050-00013441-00013693 House of Burgesses where he met Patrick n5azj_duvaY-00051-00013694-00013978 Henry an early advocate of independence n5azj_duvaY-00052-00013979-00014158 Lee became one of the first to create n5azj_duvaY-00053-00014159-00014347 Committees of Correspondence among the n5azj_duvaY-00054-00014347-00014551 many independence minded Americans in n5azj_duvaY-00055-00014552-00014953 the various colonies in 1766 almost 10 n5azj_duvaY-00056-00014954-00015157 years before the American Revolutionary n5azj_duvaY-00057-00015158-00015363 War Lee is credited with having authored n5azj_duvaY-00058-00015365-00015547 the Westmoreland resolution which was n5azj_duvaY-00059-00015547-00015760 publicly signed by prominent landowners n5azj_duvaY-00060-00015761-00015946 who met at Leeds Town Westmoreland n5azj_duvaY-00061-00015947-00016414 County Virginia On February 27 1766 this n5azj_duvaY-00062-00016415-00016606 resolution was signed by four brothers n5azj_duvaY-00063-00016607-00016804 of George Washington as well as Gilbert n5azj_duvaY-00064-00016805-00017339 Campbell n5azj_duvaY-00065-00017340-00017891 topic American Revolution n5azj_duvaY-00066-00017892-00018230 in August 1774 Li was chosen as a n5azj_duvaY-00067-00018231-00018365 delegate to the First Continental n5azj_duvaY-00068-00018366-00018647 Congress in Philadelphia in Lee's n5azj_duvaY-00069-00018648-00019001 resolution On June 7th 1776 during the n5azj_duvaY-00070-00019002-00019208 Second Continental Congress Lee put n5azj_duvaY-00071-00019209-00019376 forth the motion to the Continental n5azj_duvaY-00072-00019377-00019550 Congress to declare independence from n5azj_duvaY-00073-00019551-00019789 Great Britain which read in part n5azj_duvaY-00074-00019790-00020030 resolved that these United colonies are n5azj_duvaY-00075-00020031-00020204 and of right ought to be free and n5azj_duvaY-00076-00020205-00020351 independent states that they are n5azj_duvaY-00077-00020352-00020513 absolved from all allegiance to the n5azj_duvaY-00078-00020514-00020642 British crown and that all political n5azj_duvaY-00079-00020643-00020864 connection between them and the state of n5azj_duvaY-00080-00020865-00021005 Great Britain is and ought to be totally n5azj_duvaY-00081-00021006-00021314 dissolved Lee had returned to Virginia n5azj_duvaY-00082-00021315-00021539 by the time Congress voted on and n5azj_duvaY-00083-00021540-00021749 adopted the Declaration of Independence n5azj_duvaY-00084-00021750-00021908 but he signed the document when he n5azj_duvaY-00085-00021909-00022169 returned to Congress n5azj_duvaY-00086-00022170-00022422 topic president of Congress Lee was n5azj_duvaY-00087-00022423-00022622 elected the sixth president of Congress n5azj_duvaY-00088-00022623-00022820 under the Articles of Confederation on n5azj_duvaY-00089-00022821-00023130 November 30th 1784 in the French arms n5azj_duvaY-00090-00023131-00023400 Tavern Trenton New Jersey On January n5azj_duvaY-00091-00023401-00023733 11th 1785 Congress convened in the old n5azj_duvaY-00092-00023734-00023942 New York City Hall and Lee presided over n5azj_duvaY-00093-00023943-00024283 that Congress until November 23rd 1785 n5azj_duvaY-00094-00024284-00024542 although he was not paid a salary for n5azj_duvaY-00095-00024543-00024725 his office as president his household n5azj_duvaY-00096-00024726-00024936 expenses were paid by Congress in the n5azj_duvaY-00097-00024937-00025086 amount of twelve thousand two hundred n5azj_duvaY-00098-00025087-00025331 three dollars and thirteen cents please n5azj_duvaY-00099-00025332-00025643 Congress was most active in 1784 passing n5azj_duvaY-00100-00025644-00025814 numerous legislation including n5azj_duvaY-00101-00025816-00025994 establishing the United States dollar n5azj_duvaY-00102-00025995-00026165 tied to the Spanish dollar as the n5azj_duvaY-00103-00026166-00026442 national currency his most pressing n5azj_duvaY-00104-00026443-00026645 issue however was to settle the state's n5azj_duvaY-00105-00026647-00026852 territorial disputes over the Northwest n5azj_duvaY-00106-00026853-00027111 Territory throughout his term Lee n5azj_duvaY-00107-00027112-00027306 remained steadfast that the release of n5azj_duvaY-00108-00027307-00027480 states territorial claims on the n5azj_duvaY-00109-00027481-00027657 Northwest Territory would enable the n5azj_duvaY-00110-00027658-00027833 federal government to fund itself with n5azj_duvaY-00111-00027834-00028121 land sales he believed that the urgency n5azj_duvaY-00112-00028122-00028277 of this measure was paramount because n5azj_duvaY-00113-00028278-00028470 borrowing more foreign money was no n5azj_duvaY-00114-00028470-00028617 longer prudent and he abhorred the n5azj_duvaY-00115-00028618-00028911 movement to establish federal taxes the n5azj_duvaY-00116-00028912-00029124 sale of these vast federal lands he n5azj_duvaY-00117-00029125-00029325 concluded was the nation's only hope to n5azj_duvaY-00118-00029326-00029520 pay off the war debt and adequately fund n5azj_duvaY-00119-00029520-00029783 federal government debate began on the n5azj_duvaY-00120-00029784-00030068 expansion of the ordinance of 1785 and n5azj_duvaY-00121-00030069-00030237 Thomas Jefferson's survey method n5azj_duvaY-00122-00030238-00030423 hundreds of ten geographical miles n5azj_duvaY-00123-00030424-00030677 square each mile containing six thousand n5azj_duvaY-00124-00030678-00030945 eighty six and four to ten THS of a foot n5azj_duvaY-00125-00030945-00031170 and subdivided into lots of one mile n5azj_duvaY-00126-00031170-00031506 square each for 850 and four to 10 ths n5azj_duvaY-00127-00031507-00031926 of an acre on April 14 on May 3rd 1785 n5azj_duvaY-00128-00031927-00032118 William Grayson of Virginia made a n5azj_duvaY-00129-00032119-00032333 motion seconded by James Monroe to n5azj_duvaY-00130-00032334-00032549 change seven miles square to six mile n5azj_duvaY-00131-00032550-00032736 square and the current u.s. survey n5azj_duvaY-00132-00032737-00033012 system was born Lee wrote to his friend n5azj_duvaY-00133-00033013-00033221 and colleague Samuel Adams I hope we n5azj_duvaY-00134-00033222-00033389 shall shortly finish our plan for n5azj_duvaY-00135-00033390-00033555 disposing of the western lands to n5azj_duvaY-00136-00033556-00033735 discharge the oppressive public debt n5azj_duvaY-00137-00033736-00033927 created by the war and I think that if n5azj_duvaY-00138-00033928-00034071 this source of revenue be rightly n5azj_duvaY-00139-00034072-00034274 managed that these Republic's may soon n5azj_duvaY-00140-00034275-00034427 be discharged from that state of n5azj_duvaY-00141-00034428-00034620 oppression and distress that an indebted n5azj_duvaY-00142-00034621-00034899 people must invariably feel the state's n5azj_duvaY-00143-00034900-00035058 relinquished their right to this test n5azj_duvaY-00144-00035059-00035262 tract of land and the land ordinance of n5azj_duvaY-00145-00035263-00035565 1785 was passed on May 20th seventeen n5azj_duvaY-00146-00035566-00035874 85 the federal government however lacked n5azj_duvaY-00147-00035875-00036045 the resources to manage the newly n5azj_duvaY-00148-00036046-00036246 surveyed lands because Native Americans n5azj_duvaY-00149-00036247-00036456 refused to relinquish a large percentage n5azj_duvaY-00150-00036457-00036624 of the planted land and most of the n5azj_duvaY-00151-00036625-00036792 territory remained too dangerous for n5azj_duvaY-00152-00036793-00037053 settlement this either required troops n5azj_duvaY-00153-00037054-00037224 to eject the Native Americans our n5azj_duvaY-00154-00037225-00037416 capital to purchase their land fairly n5azj_duvaY-00155-00037417-00037581 ensuring the peaceful sale and n5azj_duvaY-00156-00037582-00037845 settlement additionally the small amount n5azj_duvaY-00157-00037846-00038046 of federal land that was not in dispute n5azj_duvaY-00158-00038047-00038187 by the Native Americans was n5azj_duvaY-00159-00038188-00038367 enthusiastically being occupied by n5azj_duvaY-00160-00038368-00038598 Western settlers that had no faith in a n5azj_duvaY-00161-00038599-00038781 respect for the Congress as a federal n5azj_duvaY-00162-00038782-00039039 authority the settlers claimed the land n5azj_duvaY-00163-00039040-00039234 of squatters and the Congress was unable n5azj_duvaY-00164-00039235-00039390 to muster the capital to send n5azj_duvaY-00165-00039391-00039600 magistrates let alone troops to enforce n5azj_duvaY-00166-00039601-00039825 the $1.00 per acre fear acquired for a n5azj_duvaY-00167-00039826-00040092 clear federal land title with the states n5azj_duvaY-00168-00040093-00040302 no longer in control of the lands and no n5azj_duvaY-00169-00040303-00040494 federal magistrates or troops to enforce n5azj_duvaY-00170-00040495-00040722 the laws a tide of Western squatters n5azj_duvaY-00171-00040723-00040898 flowed into the Northwest Territory n5azj_duvaY-00172-00040899-00041142 Lee's plan to fill the federal treasury n5azj_duvaY-00173-00041143-00041355 with the proceeds of land sales failed n5azj_duvaY-00174-00041356-00041553 but the survey system developed under n5azj_duvaY-00175-00041554-00041826 the land ordinance of 1785 is still used n5azj_duvaY-00176-00041827-00042346 today n5azj_duvaY-00177-00042347-00042891 topic political offices n5azj_duvaY-00178-00042892-00043125 justice of the peace for Westmoreland n5azj_duvaY-00179-00043126-00043557 County Virginia 1757 Virginia House of n5azj_duvaY-00180-00043558-00044073 Burgesses 1758 to 1775 member of the n5azj_duvaY-00181-00044074-00044607 Continental Congress 1774 to 1779 1784 n5azj_duvaY-00182-00044608-00045120 to 1785 1787 a signer of the Declaration n5azj_duvaY-00183-00045121-00045549 of Independence 1776 Virginia House of n5azj_duvaY-00184-00045550-00046152 Delegates 1777 1780 1785 president of n5azj_duvaY-00185-00046153-00046397 the Confederation Congress November 30th n5azj_duvaY-00186-00046398-00046905 1784 to November 4th 1785 United States n5azj_duvaY-00187-00046906-00047208 Senator from Virginia March 4 1789 to n5azj_duvaY-00188-00047209-00047486 October 8th 1792 n5azj_duvaY-00189-00047487-00047742 president pro tempore during the second n5azj_duvaY-00190-00047743-00048498 Congress April 18th to October 8th 1792 n5azj_duvaY-00191-00048499-00049113 topic personal life and family n5azj_duvaY-00192-00049114-00049460 li was the son of call Thomas Lee hun n5azj_duvaY-00193-00049461-00049935 1692 1750 of Stratford Hall Westmoreland n5azj_duvaY-00194-00049936-00050169 Co Virginia Thomas married Hannah n5azj_duvaY-00195-00050170-00050652 Harrison ledwell 1701 to 1750 Lee n5azj_duvaY-00196-00050653-00050997 married first on December 5th 1757 and a n5azj_duvaY-00197-00050998-00051380 late 17:38 to 1768 daughter of William n5azj_duvaY-00198-00051382-00051675 eilat and Elizabeth Eskridge 1719 and n5azj_duvaY-00199-00051676-00051999 died December 12th 1768 at-chan till n5azj_duvaY-00200-00052000-00052197 Westmoreland Co Virginia n5azj_duvaY-00201-00052198-00052449 the couple had six children four of whom n5azj_duvaY-00202-00052450-00052803 survived infancy Lee remarried in June n5azj_duvaY-00203-00052804-00053223 or July 1769 two and Gaskins Pinkard the n5azj_duvaY-00204-00053224-00053424 couple had seven children five of whom n5azj_duvaY-00205-00053425-00053748 survived infancy Lee honored his brother n5azj_duvaY-00206-00053749-00053988 Francis Lightfoot Lee another signer of n5azj_duvaY-00207-00053989-00054179 the Articles of Confederation and the n5azj_duvaY-00208-00054180-00054378 Declaration of Independence by naming n5azj_duvaY-00209-00054379-00054657 his fourth son after him Richard Henry n5azj_duvaY-00210-00054658-00054999 Lee died on June 19 1794 at the age of n5azj_duvaY-00211-00055000-00055583 62 n5azj_duvaY-00212-00055584-00056222 topic legacy Richard Henry Lee n5azj_duvaY-00213-00056223-00056495 elementary school in Rossmore California n5azj_duvaY-00214-00056496-00056711 and Richard Henry Lee school in Chicago n5azj_duvaY-00215-00056712-00056951 Illinois are named in his honor Richard n5azj_duvaY-00216-00056952-00057170 Henry Lee Elementary in Glen Burnie n5azj_duvaY-00217-00057171-00057491 Maryland is also named after him late in n5azj_duvaY-00218-00057491-00057780 1941 a Liberty Ship was named for him n5azj_duvaY-00219-00057782-00058079 the chantilly archaeological site was n5azj_duvaY-00220-00058079-00058244 listed on the National Register of n5azj_duvaY-00221-00058245-00058991 Historic Places in 1971 n5azj_duvaY-00222-00058992-00059570 topic in popular culture n5azj_duvaY-00223-00059571-00059795 Lee is portrayed as a character in the n5azj_duvaY-00224-00059796-00060182 musical 1776 he was portrayed by Ron n5azj_duvaY-00225-00060183-00060410 Holgate in both the Broadway cast and in n5azj_duvaY-00226-00060411-00060782 the 1972 film in one scene Lee performs n5azj_duvaY-00227-00060783-00061042 a song called the Lee's of old Virginia n5azj_duvaY-00228-00061044-00061304 in which he explains how he knows he n5azj_duvaY-00229-00061304-00061475 will be able to convince the Virginia n5azj_duvaY-00230-00061476-00061649 House of Burgesses to allow him to n5azj_duvaY-00231-00061650-00061871 propose independence and celebrates his n5azj_duvaY-00232-00061872-00062066 own status as a Lee one of the first n5azj_duvaY-00233-00062066-00062329 families of Virginia the character is n5azj_duvaY-00234-00062330-00062552 presented as vain but not very bright n5azj_duvaY-00235-00062553-00062720 serving the play as a comic device n5azj_duvaY-00236-00062721-00062876 rather than a historically based n5azj_duvaY-00237-00062877-00063185 portrayal of Lee Lee is portrayed by n5azj_duvaY-00238-00063186-00063391 Paul Fitzgerald in the HBO miniseries n5azj_duvaY-00239-00063392-00063734 John Adams although Lee had returned to n5azj_duvaY-00240-00063735-00063926 Virginia and thus was not present to n5azj_duvaY-00241-00063927-00064049 vote on the resolution for independence n5azj_duvaY-00242-00064050-00064298 the miniseries portrays him as being n5azj_duvaY-00243-00064299-00064484 present and casting the vote for the n5azj_duvaY-00244-00064485-00064766 Virginia delegation the miniseries to n5azj_duvaY-00245-00064766-00064949 show the fact that Lee always had his n5azj_duvaY-00246-00064950-00065129 hand wrapped in black silk to hide the n5azj_duvaY-00247-00065129-00065513 deformation caused by a hunting accident nrJSS0k0rkA-00000-00000038-00000954 [Music] nrJSS0k0rkA-00001-00000955-00001237 it was a good morning and welcome to nrJSS0k0rkA-00002-00001238-00001427 Coach's Corner live for the McDonald's nrJSS0k0rkA-00003-00001428-00001627 on Madison's hilltop we do this every nrJSS0k0rkA-00004-00001628-00001772 Saturday morning from the McDonald's nrJSS0k0rkA-00005-00001773-00002042 here on the hilltop I'm Jordan Baron in nrJSS0k0rkA-00006-00002043-00002246 a way I'm sitting in for Timmy tee this nrJSS0k0rkA-00007-00002247-00002384 morning but you're still gonna hear his nrJSS0k0rkA-00008-00002385-00002527 voice because of course the head coach nrJSS0k0rkA-00009-00002528-00002758 of psalmody Hilltoppers softball pretty nrJSS0k0rkA-00010-00002759-00002915 good night for them last night Tim joins nrJSS0k0rkA-00011-00002916-00003062 me this morning good morning sir good nrJSS0k0rkA-00012-00003063-00003251 morning Jordan how are you sir good you nrJSS0k0rkA-00013-00003252-00003463 not too bad so you got a pretty good nrJSS0k0rkA-00014-00003464-00003611 night last night it was a good night nrJSS0k0rkA-00015-00003611-00003838 last night a good way to finish out the nrJSS0k0rkA-00016-00003839-00004208 regular season with a win kind of a good nrJSS0k0rkA-00017-00004209-00004466 way to to wrap up the regular season on nrJSS0k0rkA-00018-00004467-00004843 a high note and and hopefully it shows nrJSS0k0rkA-00019-00004844-00005104 the girls that when they go out and nrJSS0k0rkA-00020-00005105-00005356 execute and do things good things will nrJSS0k0rkA-00021-00005357-00005504 happen and we saw some a lot of nrJSS0k0rkA-00022-00005505-00005686 positives last night well you know and nrJSS0k0rkA-00023-00005687-00005831 also a big thing not only getting it nrJSS0k0rkA-00024-00005832-00006029 your regular season finale some momentum nrJSS0k0rkA-00025-00006030-00006172 going into the sectional but was also on nrJSS0k0rkA-00026-00006173-00006308 senior night where you honor three nrJSS0k0rkA-00027-00006309-00006428 seniors that you've had the privilege of nrJSS0k0rkA-00028-00006429-00006641 being with now yeah the seniors it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00029-00006642-00006830 always great to get a win on senior nrJSS0k0rkA-00030-00006831-00007048 night it's it's great to honor them it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00031-00007050-00007277 sad to see them go but it's it's great nrJSS0k0rkA-00032-00007278-00007448 to honor them and then see them all nrJSS0k0rkA-00033-00007448-00007673 contribute as they did last night and nrJSS0k0rkA-00034-00007673-00007913 you know we we scored 14 runs last night nrJSS0k0rkA-00035-00007914-00008098 it was we and we had been shut out the nrJSS0k0rkA-00036-00008100-00008288 three previous game so that's kind of nrJSS0k0rkA-00037-00008289-00008519 big for us and but to get a win on nrJSS0k0rkA-00038-00008520-00008696 senior night you know kind of an nrJSS0k0rkA-00039-00008697-00008867 emotional night for everybody and and it nrJSS0k0rkA-00040-00008868-00009085 went well and that's you know we're nrJSS0k0rkA-00041-00009086-00009239 we're happy that we got it you and I nrJSS0k0rkA-00042-00009240-00009419 have talked multiple times about you nrJSS0k0rkA-00043-00009420-00009667 know softball baseball it all amounts to nrJSS0k0rkA-00044-00009668-00009863 the same thing when you coach a team a nrJSS0k0rkA-00045-00009864-00010055 big thing you got to teach them and you nrJSS0k0rkA-00046-00010056-00010205 have to hope they learn our fundamentals nrJSS0k0rkA-00047-00010206-00010438 because the fundamentals are probably 75 nrJSS0k0rkA-00048-00010439-00010667 to 80% of it we work on fundamentals nrJSS0k0rkA-00049-00010668-00010867 everyday simple stuff you know just nrJSS0k0rkA-00050-00010868-00011006 throwing and catching and hitting and nrJSS0k0rkA-00051-00011007-00011164 just the basic things that we do when nrJSS0k0rkA-00052-00011165-00011609 it's it's learning by repetition they we nrJSS0k0rkA-00053-00011610-00011735 try to get them to do the right thing nrJSS0k0rkA-00054-00011736-00011956 every day so that will kind of stick in nrJSS0k0rkA-00055-00011957-00012095 their mind that they don't have to think nrJSS0k0rkA-00056-00012096-00012453 about it sometimes that's successful and nrJSS0k0rkA-00057-00012454-00012811 sometimes it's not but we keep plugging nrJSS0k0rkA-00058-00012812-00013010 away and and I think as long as they nrJSS0k0rkA-00059-00013011-00013051 under nrJSS0k0rkA-00060-00013052-00013276 then that that you know if they can get nrJSS0k0rkA-00061-00013277-00013459 it in their mindset to break those bad nrJSS0k0rkA-00062-00013460-00013624 habits or those habits they developed nrJSS0k0rkA-00063-00013625-00013861 and doing a different way I think you nrJSS0k0rkA-00064-00013862-00014038 know better things will happen and and nrJSS0k0rkA-00065-00014038-00014257 we've seen a lot of progress since the nrJSS0k0rkA-00066-00014258-00014527 1st of March when we started softball we nrJSS0k0rkA-00067-00014528-00014707 saw progress and there in conditioning nrJSS0k0rkA-00068-00014708-00015091 back in January in February so it's it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00069-00015091-00015288 it's continual improvement it's getting nrJSS0k0rkA-00070-00015290-00015438 better today better today than you were nrJSS0k0rkA-00071-00015440-00015691 yesterday and they've done a nice job nrJSS0k0rkA-00072-00015691-00015982 with that as I told him last night in nrJSS0k0rkA-00073-00015983-00016269 our postgame meeting you know they we nrJSS0k0rkA-00074-00016271-00016561 want them to desire more every time they nrJSS0k0rkA-00075-00016562-00016900 go out and if they give us a little more nrJSS0k0rkA-00076-00016901-00017050 we're gonna learn a little more than nrJSS0k0rkA-00077-00017051-00017341 that and you know just it's it's the nrJSS0k0rkA-00078-00017342-00017557 demanding part of the game where you nrJSS0k0rkA-00079-00017558-00017692 want to try to get better every time you nrJSS0k0rkA-00080-00017693-00017830 go out and and they've done that nrJSS0k0rkA-00081-00017831-00018004 throughout the season it's not at the nrJSS0k0rkA-00082-00018005-00018220 level we want it to be at yet but it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00083-00018221-00018472 it's getting there you talked about you nrJSS0k0rkA-00084-00018473-00018625 know wins and losses are part of the nrJSS0k0rkA-00085-00018626-00018754 game but just talk about what this group nrJSS0k0rkA-00086-00018755-00018937 does this year has meant to you as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00087-00018938-00019102 whole just getting to know them as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00088-00019103-00019392 team they're an interesting group nrJSS0k0rkA-00089-00019393-00019765 they're a fun group you know three nrJSS0k0rkA-00090-00019766-00019987 seniors two genius five sophomores and a nrJSS0k0rkA-00091-00019988-00020302 freshman a lot of inexperience but a lot nrJSS0k0rkA-00092-00020303-00020620 of experience each one brings a little nrJSS0k0rkA-00093-00020621-00020796 something different to the table nrJSS0k0rkA-00094-00020797-00021070 you know pitchers and catchers are nrJSS0k0rkA-00095-00021071-00021256 probably the the premium spot in nrJSS0k0rkA-00096-00021257-00021484 softball and and I've got a senior at nrJSS0k0rkA-00097-00021485-00021778 each spot predominantly taking care of nrJSS0k0rkA-00098-00021779-00022066 things you know shin and I tell she's nrJSS0k0rkA-00099-00022067-00022201 been our catcher for three years she's nrJSS0k0rkA-00100-00022202-00022354 essentially caught every inning for the nrJSS0k0rkA-00101-00022355-00022645 last three seasons Kristen's non grasses nrJSS0k0rkA-00102-00022646-00022870 as pitched for us predominantly the last nrJSS0k0rkA-00103-00022871-00023101 three seasons you know mostly most of nrJSS0k0rkA-00104-00023102-00023407 the innings of every game you know we've nrJSS0k0rkA-00105-00023408-00023548 had some kids filling in here and their nrJSS0k0rkA-00106-00023549-00023743 charity Green has played at this season nrJSS0k0rkA-00107-00023744-00023863 I think I counted last night she's nrJSS0k0rkA-00108-00023864-00024034 played five different positions as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00109-00024035-00024217 senior you know we've asked her to do nrJSS0k0rkA-00110-00024218-00024355 some different things and I feel nrJSS0k0rkA-00111-00024356-00024685 comfortable putting her in in certain nrJSS0k0rkA-00112-00024686-00024853 situations because I feel like she can nrJSS0k0rkA-00113-00024854-00025066 handle it if you would have been I just nrJSS0k0rkA-00114-00025067-00025194 told the coaches this the other day if nrJSS0k0rkA-00115-00025195-00025381 you would have told me at the beginning nrJSS0k0rkA-00116-00025382-00025573 of season that that I would have enough nrJSS0k0rkA-00117-00025574-00025708 confidence and charity to put her in nrJSS0k0rkA-00118-00025708-00025955 different positions I would have doubted nrJSS0k0rkA-00119-00025956-00026264 but now I'm I'm comfortable with putting nrJSS0k0rkA-00120-00026264-00026408 her anywhere and letting her do what she nrJSS0k0rkA-00121-00026408-00026579 needs to do and given the effort that nrJSS0k0rkA-00122-00026580-00026815 she needs to give and you know and they nrJSS0k0rkA-00123-00026816-00027047 all three know as everybody knows that nrJSS0k0rkA-00124-00027048-00027239 that's on this you know program within nrJSS0k0rkA-00125-00027239-00027412 this program whatever they give us we're nrJSS0k0rkA-00126-00027413-00027650 gonna ask him for a little bit more you nrJSS0k0rkA-00127-00027651-00027926 mentioned how this group has been a fun nrJSS0k0rkA-00128-00027927-00028211 group to work with you know each group nrJSS0k0rkA-00129-00028212-00028355 is special in their own right what are nrJSS0k0rkA-00130-00028356-00028717 you gonna remember most about this team nrJSS0k0rkA-00131-00028718-00029033 there's there's there's highs and lows nrJSS0k0rkA-00132-00029033-00029411 like it is for every program but one of nrJSS0k0rkA-00133-00029412-00029567 the things that kind of sticks in my nrJSS0k0rkA-00134-00029568-00029870 mind that this group will do this has nrJSS0k0rkA-00135-00029870-00030190 probably been the most vocal group of nrJSS0k0rkA-00136-00030191-00030617 girls I've had in five seasons a lot of nrJSS0k0rkA-00137-00030618-00030881 times especially for a program that's nrJSS0k0rkA-00138-00030882-00031049 struggled you you get down you get nrJSS0k0rkA-00139-00031050-00031177 behind you get behind early and nrJSS0k0rkA-00140-00031179-00031521 everybody kind of goes silent this group nrJSS0k0rkA-00141-00031522-00031832 seems to be pretty vocal a regardless to nrJSS0k0rkA-00142-00031833-00032036 what the score is and and that's what I nrJSS0k0rkA-00143-00032037-00032423 like because when we do radio when we do nrJSS0k0rkA-00144-00032424-00032663 a basketball game if it's a blowout nrJSS0k0rkA-00145-00032664-00032837 score you don't focus on the score you nrJSS0k0rkA-00146-00032838-00032984 focus on the each individual slide nrJSS0k0rkA-00147-00032985-00033149 that's what we try to do it regardless nrJSS0k0rkA-00148-00033150-00033326 to what the score is and we're trying to nrJSS0k0rkA-00149-00033327-00033490 focus on each pitch whether it's offense nrJSS0k0rkA-00150-00033491-00033790 or defense and and this group has been a nrJSS0k0rkA-00151-00033791-00033977 little more engaged for the entire nrJSS0k0rkA-00152-00033978-00034139 season and I think I've seen in five nrJSS0k0rkA-00153-00034140-00034385 seasons and that had to make you feel nrJSS0k0rkA-00154-00034386-00034523 great about it last night because you nrJSS0k0rkA-00155-00034524-00034688 know you get a victory on senior night nrJSS0k0rkA-00156-00034689-00034874 and you have sectionals coming up in nrJSS0k0rkA-00157-00034875-00035071 just a couple of days you got a very nrJSS0k0rkA-00158-00035072-00035231 very favorable drawl probably about as nrJSS0k0rkA-00159-00035232-00035423 good of a draw as you can get yeah it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00160-00035424-00035675 it's it's one of the better goals we've nrJSS0k0rkA-00161-00035676-00036005 gotten you know I guess a best-case nrJSS0k0rkA-00162-00036006-00036170 scenario would be we would have drawn nrJSS0k0rkA-00163-00036171-00036467 into a semifinal game against the team nrJSS0k0rkA-00164-00036468-00036608 we could compete with but we'll take nrJSS0k0rkA-00165-00036609-00036935 what we get going Borden we have to go nrJSS0k0rkA-00166-00036936-00037082 all the way the lanes bill to play but nrJSS0k0rkA-00167-00037083-00037331 it is what it is last year we went 2-2 nrJSS0k0rkA-00168-00037332-00037502 Borden to play Lanesville this you were nrJSS0k0rkA-00169-00037503-00037646 going to go to ladies go to play Borden nrJSS0k0rkA-00170-00037647-00037925 so it's not a short road trip but but it nrJSS0k0rkA-00171-00037926-00038090 gives us an opportunity I think from nrJSS0k0rkA-00172-00038091-00038306 last night to build through practice nrJSS0k0rkA-00173-00038307-00038495 today we'll work on things that we we nrJSS0k0rkA-00174-00038496-00038663 were a little bit short on last night nrJSS0k0rkA-00175-00038664-00038801 and then we'll get into Monday and nrJSS0k0rkA-00176-00038802-00038951 hopefully you know put that into play nrJSS0k0rkA-00177-00038952-00039149 let's talk about the seniors that are nrJSS0k0rkA-00178-00039150-00039303 with you today of course they nrJSS0k0rkA-00179-00039304-00039444 with you now your you've been in shop nrJSS0k0rkA-00180-00039445-00039645 for five seasons this is one of your nrJSS0k0rkA-00181-00039646-00039825 first groups that you've taken through nrJSS0k0rkA-00182-00039826-00039963 all four years talk about how they've nrJSS0k0rkA-00183-00039964-00040110 progressed over the years and what nrJSS0k0rkA-00184-00040111-00040269 they've meant to you personally in the nrJSS0k0rkA-00185-00040270-00040524 program well Tim you know you and I tell nrJSS0k0rkA-00186-00040525-00040767 these girls every tell every group the nrJSS0k0rkA-00187-00040768-00041004 same thing is when we're in the season nrJSS0k0rkA-00188-00041005-00041307 they become a part of my family because nrJSS0k0rkA-00189-00041308-00041541 we spend so much time together day in nrJSS0k0rkA-00190-00041542-00041733 and day out and I feel like they're an nrJSS0k0rkA-00191-00041734-00041985 extension of my immediate family and you nrJSS0k0rkA-00192-00041986-00042126 know you become attached to them and nrJSS0k0rkA-00193-00042127-00042276 then you see him the next year then you nrJSS0k0rkA-00194-00042277-00042516 see in the next year and for charity and nrJSS0k0rkA-00195-00042517-00042651 for Shanna and they've been with me for nrJSS0k0rkA-00196-00042652-00042825 three years Kristen's been with me for nrJSS0k0rkA-00197-00042826-00042987 four years actually five years because nrJSS0k0rkA-00198-00042988-00043290 she came to to us during practice and nrJSS0k0rkA-00199-00043291-00043434 her eighth grade year so we've spent a nrJSS0k0rkA-00200-00043435-00043599 lot of time together between those three nrJSS0k0rkA-00201-00043600-00043824 through you know three and four seasons nrJSS0k0rkA-00202-00043825-00044028 five seasons and you know you become nrJSS0k0rkA-00203-00044029-00044214 attached to them and you you've kind of nrJSS0k0rkA-00204-00044215-00044349 get to know them and their personal nrJSS0k0rkA-00205-00044350-00044493 lives and what they do and what their nrJSS0k0rkA-00206-00044494-00044790 interests are and and kind of their good nrJSS0k0rkA-00207-00044791-00045090 points and weaker points and you know it nrJSS0k0rkA-00208-00045091-00045414 it carries beyond softball to try to nrJSS0k0rkA-00209-00045415-00045716 build these kids to make good decisions nrJSS0k0rkA-00210-00045717-00045906 because when they get out in the world nrJSS0k0rkA-00211-00045907-00046059 we want them to make good decisions too nrJSS0k0rkA-00212-00046060-00046344 and you know one of the things I like to nrJSS0k0rkA-00213-00046345-00046497 see is them make good decisions on the nrJSS0k0rkA-00214-00046498-00046695 field that way I feel more comfortable nrJSS0k0rkA-00215-00046696-00046794 that when they get out in the world nrJSS0k0rkA-00216-00046795-00046920 they're going to make good decisions as nrJSS0k0rkA-00217-00046921-00047376 well but you know you just become very nrJSS0k0rkA-00218-00047377-00047622 good with with you know very close with nrJSS0k0rkA-00219-00047623-00047967 them and and again you know I've said it nrJSS0k0rkA-00220-00047968-00048242 a couple of times you know I hope that nrJSS0k0rkA-00221-00048243-00048504 us as coaches we've made them better nrJSS0k0rkA-00222-00048505-00048789 people and I know as a coach they've nrJSS0k0rkA-00223-00048790-00049026 made me a better person because I have nrJSS0k0rkA-00224-00049027-00049305 to coach based on what their personality nrJSS0k0rkA-00225-00049306-00049557 is and and sometimes you have to maybe nrJSS0k0rkA-00226-00049558-00049758 go against what you think sometimes we nrJSS0k0rkA-00227-00049759-00049941 you know we hear the radio ads play on nrJSS0k0rkA-00228-00049942-00050070 our station all the time about how nrJSS0k0rkA-00229-00050071-00050292 Sports is not just about Championships nrJSS0k0rkA-00230-00050293-00050397 it's not just about winning and losing nrJSS0k0rkA-00231-00050398-00050655 it's about helping you mold as they get nrJSS0k0rkA-00232-00050656-00050868 older and maybe that's something you nrJSS0k0rkA-00233-00050869-00051018 know wins and losses again that's nrJSS0k0rkA-00234-00051019-00051198 whatever but now you can look back and nrJSS0k0rkA-00235-00051199-00051351 say that was a successful group because nrJSS0k0rkA-00236-00051352-00051495 now look at what they're doing right and nrJSS0k0rkA-00237-00051496-00051558 and nrJSS0k0rkA-00238-00051559-00051711 you know when you have a program that nrJSS0k0rkA-00239-00051712-00051995 struggles with numbers and you trying to nrJSS0k0rkA-00240-00051996-00052269 put together you know you talked about nrJSS0k0rkA-00241-00052270-00052425 fundamentals we're trying to be better nrJSS0k0rkA-00242-00052426-00052686 fundamentally and you get kids that come nrJSS0k0rkA-00243-00052687-00052979 to your program that you know they nrJSS0k0rkA-00244-00052980-00053184 haven't played before or they played nrJSS0k0rkA-00245-00053185-00053337 very little and so we go back to nrJSS0k0rkA-00246-00053338-00053472 fundamentals and trying to teach nrJSS0k0rkA-00247-00053473-00053634 fundamentals and what they need to do nrJSS0k0rkA-00248-00053635-00053826 and how they need to do it and you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00249-00053827-00054015 instead of us focusing on some nrJSS0k0rkA-00250-00054016-00054240 intangible stuff with you know stealing nrJSS0k0rkA-00251-00054241-00054420 and base running and and you know how to nrJSS0k0rkA-00252-00054421-00054579 play defense and cut-offs and that nrJSS0k0rkA-00253-00054579-00054767 you're just working on hitting and nrJSS0k0rkA-00254-00054769-00055011 catching and fielding and just the basic nrJSS0k0rkA-00255-00055012-00055323 things but you know this group has nrJSS0k0rkA-00256-00055324-00055620 progressed you know each one of the nrJSS0k0rkA-00257-00055621-00055839 three seniors as the other eight have nrJSS0k0rkA-00258-00055840-00056073 they progress to the point where you nrJSS0k0rkA-00259-00056074-00056241 know things two and three years ago they nrJSS0k0rkA-00260-00056241-00056523 couldn't do they can do now and I've nrJSS0k0rkA-00261-00056524-00056784 seen it from from all the kids as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00262-00056785-00057060 matter of fact one of my sophomores nrJSS0k0rkA-00263-00057061-00057303 Johanna Leatherman we I found the video nrJSS0k0rkA-00264-00057304-00057441 on my phone of her hitting off the tee nrJSS0k0rkA-00265-00057441-00057588 last year during her freshman year I nrJSS0k0rkA-00266-00057589-00057699 just found it the other day when I was nrJSS0k0rkA-00267-00057700-00058035 looking for something and the video from nrJSS0k0rkA-00268-00058036-00058266 then compared to how she hits now is nrJSS0k0rkA-00269-00058266-00058554 like night and day and you know that and nrJSS0k0rkA-00270-00058554-00058779 game enforces she's working hard we're nrJSS0k0rkA-00271-00058779-00058926 working hard and we're trying to all nrJSS0k0rkA-00272-00058927-00059040 achieve the same goal nrJSS0k0rkA-00273-00059041-00059169 well let's talk about some of the other nrJSS0k0rkA-00274-00059170-00059322 players that have been with you this nrJSS0k0rkA-00275-00059323-00059474 year all right I mentioned the seniors nrJSS0k0rkA-00276-00059475-00059778 Kristen Snodgrass charity green and chin nrJSS0k0rkA-00277-00059779-00060104 and I tell our juniors our grace nrJSS0k0rkA-00278-00060105-00060453 McAllister and Jessie Stewart five nrJSS0k0rkA-00279-00060454-00060873 sophomores Johanna Leatherman Katie nrJSS0k0rkA-00280-00060874-00061215 Dewar stock becca Hillenburg amy corbin nrJSS0k0rkA-00281-00061216-00061428 sanchez and then our friend presley nrJSS0k0rkA-00282-00061429-00061620 coots and then our freshmen Jalen Lee nrJSS0k0rkA-00283-00061621-00061953 and you we mentioned the numbers here nrJSS0k0rkA-00284-00061954-00062124 you know at a school like Shaw I know it nrJSS0k0rkA-00285-00062125-00062298 was a struggle when I was there you have nrJSS0k0rkA-00286-00062299-00062594 dual sport athletes and talk about how nrJSS0k0rkA-00287-00062595-00062859 that has played into a factor this year nrJSS0k0rkA-00288-00062860-00063179 for you well you know and with such a nrJSS0k0rkA-00289-00063180-00063582 small school and small numbers you you nrJSS0k0rkA-00290-00063583-00063857 want them to be as active as they can be nrJSS0k0rkA-00291-00063858-00064079 playing dual sports and I was just nrJSS0k0rkA-00292-00064080-00064345 thinking the other day nrJSS0k0rkA-00293-00064346-00064603 the Great's McCallister's she's she will nrJSS0k0rkA-00294-00064604-00064933 actually have played six sports in this nrJSS0k0rkA-00295-00064934-00065170 school year she played three in the fall nrJSS0k0rkA-00296-00065171-00065407 played basketball and then two here in nrJSS0k0rkA-00297-00065408-00065605 the in the spring with track and nrJSS0k0rkA-00298-00065606-00065950 softball so and she played soccer nrJSS0k0rkA-00299-00065951-00066193 volleyball and cross-country in the fall nrJSS0k0rkA-00300-00066194-00066616 so and that's that's tough it's tough to nrJSS0k0rkA-00301-00066617-00066817 play one or two sports during the course nrJSS0k0rkA-00302-00066818-00066958 of an entire school you're much less nrJSS0k0rkA-00303-00066959-00067387 sick so but you know she grace ran track nrJSS0k0rkA-00304-00067388-00067558 and played softball Kristin played nrJSS0k0rkA-00305-00067559-00067804 tennis and played softball you know you nrJSS0k0rkA-00306-00067805-00068002 you you're glad that we're helping nrJSS0k0rkA-00307-00068003-00068266 programs you you want them to be able to nrJSS0k0rkA-00308-00068267-00068479 contribute as much as they can in in nrJSS0k0rkA-00309-00068480-00068782 different spots but it's it's it's a nrJSS0k0rkA-00310-00068783-00068944 challenge to four coaches because you're nrJSS0k0rkA-00311-00068945-00069124 not spending as much time as you as you nrJSS0k0rkA-00312-00069125-00069268 want to need to be spending with them nrJSS0k0rkA-00313-00069269-00069436 but you know all of the coaches over nrJSS0k0rkA-00314-00069437-00069604 they understand that that's just the way nrJSS0k0rkA-00315-00069605-00069793 it works and you have to deal with it nrJSS0k0rkA-00316-00069794-00069991 and make the best of it it's it's better nrJSS0k0rkA-00317-00069992-00070183 to do that then then not have the nrJSS0k0rkA-00318-00070184-00070354 numbers to be able to play well and it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00319-00070355-00070492 almost hard to tell kids especially nrJSS0k0rkA-00320-00070493-00070753 these days hey don't participate no no nrJSS0k0rkA-00321-00070754-00070999 and you know and for me I wouldn't want nrJSS0k0rkA-00322-00071000-00071206 to tell a kid that to begin with and nrJSS0k0rkA-00323-00071207-00071407 number two if they're playing in another nrJSS0k0rkA-00324-00071408-00071563 sport and their conditioning in another nrJSS0k0rkA-00325-00071564-00071677 sport and they're doing other things nrJSS0k0rkA-00326-00071678-00071860 they're staying active they're they're nrJSS0k0rkA-00327-00071861-00072064 you know they may be doing something in nrJSS0k0rkA-00328-00072065-00072217 another sport that may be helping them nrJSS0k0rkA-00329-00072218-00072433 in the sport you're coaching so you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00330-00072434-00072790 that activity you know we like we just nrJSS0k0rkA-00331-00072791-00073174 don't want them to overdo it and I'm not nrJSS0k0rkA-00332-00073175-00073375 sure how you can you know monitor that nrJSS0k0rkA-00333-00073376-00073582 where they don't run themselves down but nrJSS0k0rkA-00334-00073583-00073729 you know you do the best you can with nrJSS0k0rkA-00335-00073730-00073873 what you have to work with and you and nrJSS0k0rkA-00336-00073874-00074023 you work with what you can I wonder if nrJSS0k0rkA-00337-00074024-00074242 that's a school record of some sort six nrJSS0k0rkA-00338-00074243-00074392 sports in a season I really do wonder nrJSS0k0rkA-00339-00074393-00074668 that's amazing I mean kudos to her that nrJSS0k0rkA-00340-00074669-00074818 ever doing that I mean that is awesome nrJSS0k0rkA-00341-00074819-00075097 I'd rather see that than not you know we nrJSS0k0rkA-00342-00075098-00075223 mentioned you're gonna be losing a few nrJSS0k0rkA-00343-00075224-00075415 seniors talk about the junior high nrJSS0k0rkA-00344-00075416-00075538 program real quick because one of the nrJSS0k0rkA-00345-00075539-00075727 most important things for any program to nrJSS0k0rkA-00346-00075728-00075883 be successful you look at the major nrJSS0k0rkA-00347-00075884-00076183 schools like Silver Creek and Greensburg nrJSS0k0rkA-00348-00076184-00076399 Franklin County South Dearborn they all nrJSS0k0rkA-00349-00076400-00076615 have very very good feeder programs nrJSS0k0rkA-00350-00076616-00076843 Shaul right now has a very solid junior nrJSS0k0rkA-00351-00076844-00077005 high program the future looks bright nrJSS0k0rkA-00352-00077006-00077260 well last year was the first year that nrJSS0k0rkA-00353-00077261-00077363 that we nrJSS0k0rkA-00354-00077364-00077588 dabbled in the junior-high program I've nrJSS0k0rkA-00355-00077589-00077855 tried to to start at the first two or nrJSS0k0rkA-00356-00077856-00077979 three years and there wasn't enough nrJSS0k0rkA-00357-00077980-00078155 numbers but last year they were able to nrJSS0k0rkA-00358-00078156-00078321 get enough kids to come out and play and nrJSS0k0rkA-00359-00078322-00078510 then this year we have a full-fledged nrJSS0k0rkA-00360-00078511-00078821 junior high team with a full schedule nrJSS0k0rkA-00361-00078822-00079163 and that's so important because now nrJSS0k0rkA-00362-00079164-00079353 we're going to be getting kids that have nrJSS0k0rkA-00363-00079354-00079572 experience on the field instead of ones nrJSS0k0rkA-00364-00079573-00079742 that don't have experience on the field nrJSS0k0rkA-00365-00079743-00080097 and hopefully that will allow us as nrJSS0k0rkA-00366-00080098-00080298 varsity coaches to be a little bit more nrJSS0k0rkA-00367-00080299-00080448 liberal with what we're doing and nrJSS0k0rkA-00368-00080449-00080685 training in this we still want to focus nrJSS0k0rkA-00369-00080686-00080871 on fundamentals we just don't have to nrJSS0k0rkA-00370-00080872-00081159 focus as much on fundamentals you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00371-00081160-00081506 Collin Toller Laine Turner they kind of nrJSS0k0rkA-00372-00081507-00081648 take care of the junior high program nrJSS0k0rkA-00373-00081649-00081873 Julie Bowen as well so you know that nrJSS0k0rkA-00374-00081874-00082104 having a full-fledged junior high team nrJSS0k0rkA-00375-00082105-00082310 this year and I don't know exactly what nrJSS0k0rkA-00376-00082311-00082499 their numbers are but I know it's 13 14 nrJSS0k0rkA-00377-00082500-00082862 15 kids and that's outstanding most of nrJSS0k0rkA-00378-00082863-00083091 the kids on that program on that team nrJSS0k0rkA-00379-00083092-00083537 are sixth and seventh graders so yeah nrJSS0k0rkA-00380-00083538-00083754 it's it's if everybody sticks with it nrJSS0k0rkA-00381-00083755-00083979 and we hope hope that they do it's going nrJSS0k0rkA-00382-00083980-00084234 to be nice for the varsity program I nrJSS0k0rkA-00383-00084235-00084419 don't know if we'll ever get to the nrJSS0k0rkA-00384-00084420-00084698 point where we'll have a JV team at the nrJSS0k0rkA-00385-00084699-00084891 level we're at at high school but at nrJSS0k0rkA-00386-00084892-00085091 least a junior pride junior high program nrJSS0k0rkA-00387-00085092-00085319 will help us considerably let's look nrJSS0k0rkA-00388-00085320-00085532 ahead now you have against sectionals nrJSS0k0rkA-00389-00085533-00085679 coming up on Monday you're taking on the nrJSS0k0rkA-00390-00085680-00085854 board and Lady Braves now what two or nrJSS0k0rkA-00391-00085855-00085988 three years ago they were the state nrJSS0k0rkA-00392-00085989-00086279 champions and they are down this year a nrJSS0k0rkA-00393-00086280-00086478 little down this year I haven't really nrJSS0k0rkA-00394-00086479-00086681 you know we're gonna worry about that nrJSS0k0rkA-00395-00086682-00086867 I'll take care of looking at board and nrJSS0k0rkA-00396-00086868-00087161 coming up today and tomorrow but I know nrJSS0k0rkA-00397-00087162-00087287 they're down a little bit but there are nrJSS0k0rkA-00398-00087288-00087419 a couple of years removed from a state nrJSS0k0rkA-00399-00087420-00087723 championship and they experience what nrJSS0k0rkA-00400-00087724-00087899 every program does the ups and downs of nrJSS0k0rkA-00401-00087900-00088071 having you know the players they need to nrJSS0k0rkA-00402-00088072-00088274 be at that level and then you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00403-00088275-00088430 sometimes you don't have the the nrJSS0k0rkA-00404-00088431-00088625 restocking that you want with with nrJSS0k0rkA-00405-00088626-00088799 players you need and and it's a it's a nrJSS0k0rkA-00406-00088800-00088961 more of a challenge and that's kind of nrJSS0k0rkA-00407-00088962-00089168 what makes coaching fun for me is making nrJSS0k0rkA-00408-00089169-00089387 sure that we try to develop kids the nrJSS0k0rkA-00409-00089388-00089553 best we can to get them to the level we nrJSS0k0rkA-00410-00089554-00089681 need to get them out to play at the nrJSS0k0rkA-00411-00089682-00089853 varsity level but you know we're going nrJSS0k0rkA-00412-00089854-00090066 to go into Monday with the with the the nrJSS0k0rkA-00413-00090067-00090230 mindset that we have an opportunity to nrJSS0k0rkA-00414-00090231-00090494 win and move on to Tuesday night and nrJSS0k0rkA-00415-00090495-00090765 you know it's it's like with every sport nrJSS0k0rkA-00416-00090766-00090990 if you walk into the game thinking you nrJSS0k0rkA-00417-00090991-00091299 don't have a chance you don't if we walk nrJSS0k0rkA-00418-00091300-00091436 into the game thinking we have an nrJSS0k0rkA-00419-00091437-00091743 opportunity we have an opportunity now nrJSS0k0rkA-00420-00091744-00091890 what would it mean for this team to just nrJSS0k0rkA-00421-00091891-00092124 pull off the victory of Monday um it nrJSS0k0rkA-00422-00092125-00092328 would be big in a lot of different ways nrJSS0k0rkA-00423-00092329-00092630 I mean just kind of keeping things nrJSS0k0rkA-00424-00092631-00092867 simplistic it just means we get to play nrJSS0k0rkA-00425-00092868-00093105 another night of softball for one but to nrJSS0k0rkA-00426-00093106-00093362 go and you know have a tough season you nrJSS0k0rkA-00427-00093363-00093512 know we started with 16 straight losses nrJSS0k0rkA-00428-00093513-00093800 before we picked up a win this year you nrJSS0k0rkA-00429-00093801-00094049 know it's it's it's big promote for nrJSS0k0rkA-00430-00094050-00094446 morale you know winning kind of you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00431-00094447-00094736 it it it kind of as a domino effect when nrJSS0k0rkA-00432-00094737-00095006 you win everybody gets that fever to do nrJSS0k0rkA-00433-00095007-00095150 it again and do it again you know we nrJSS0k0rkA-00434-00095151-00095342 hope that from last night getting that nrJSS0k0rkA-00435-00095343-00095610 victory over Christian Academy that that nrJSS0k0rkA-00436-00095611-00095766 we have an opportunity to put the ball nrJSS0k0rkA-00437-00095767-00095916 in play and we can play defense and we nrJSS0k0rkA-00438-00095917-00096090 can make the right plays and you know we nrJSS0k0rkA-00439-00096091-00096261 can communicate when we need to and just nrJSS0k0rkA-00440-00096262-00096459 the little things that we need to do to nrJSS0k0rkA-00441-00096460-00096725 be successful but if we can do that even nrJSS0k0rkA-00442-00096726-00096926 if we if we can't win on Monday but we nrJSS0k0rkA-00443-00096927-00097142 still play a quality game you know that nrJSS0k0rkA-00444-00097143-00097319 still means a lot to us having some fun nrJSS0k0rkA-00445-00097320-00097503 here with this group you know Tim was nrJSS0k0rkA-00446-00097504-00097722 talking a little bit ago about how much nrJSS0k0rkA-00447-00097723-00097899 fun this group is you can tell just they nrJSS0k0rkA-00448-00097900-00098037 all enjoy being around each other and nrJSS0k0rkA-00449-00098038-00098241 sometimes Tim that's even better than nrJSS0k0rkA-00450-00098242-00098529 the wins the losses well it is you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00451-00098530-00098742 everybody kind of stays on the up-and-up nrJSS0k0rkA-00452-00098743-00099005 for the most part and they they've got nrJSS0k0rkA-00453-00099006-00099257 they've got their own little niche that nrJSS0k0rkA-00454-00099258-00099474 they all have and bring to the table and nrJSS0k0rkA-00455-00099475-00099719 you kind of come especially these these nrJSS0k0rkA-00456-00099720-00099954 seniors you kind of come to understand nrJSS0k0rkA-00457-00099955-00100230 what everyday means to them and it's nrJSS0k0rkA-00458-00100231-00100463 it's a fun group to be around let's go nrJSS0k0rkA-00459-00100464-00100580 ahead and meet them Tim on generators nrJSS0k0rkA-00460-00100581-00100785 all right I've got Kristen Snodgrass nrJSS0k0rkA-00461-00100786-00101028 she'll talk first and we'll she's our nrJSS0k0rkA-00462-00101029-00101201 pitcher she and I tell our catcher and nrJSS0k0rkA-00463-00101202-00101519 then it'll be cherry green our utility nrJSS0k0rkA-00464-00101520-00101681 person who has played almost every nrJSS0k0rkA-00465-00101682-00101892 position she's third she's short she's nrJSS0k0rkA-00466-00101893-00102066 left she's right she's second she can nrJSS0k0rkA-00467-00102067-00102222 play a lot of different positions but nrJSS0k0rkA-00468-00102223-00102402 we'll start with Kristen snark all right nrJSS0k0rkA-00469-00102403-00102597 well hello Kristen good morning good nrJSS0k0rkA-00470-00102598-00102740 morning how are you doing I'm good how nrJSS0k0rkA-00471-00102741-00102956 are you not too bad so talk about your nrJSS0k0rkA-00472-00102957-00103188 four years playing softball for Tim at nrJSS0k0rkA-00473-00103189-00103699 Shaw total I coach all for 25 years he's nrJSS0k0rkA-00474-00103700-00103872 the best coaches I probably ever had nrJSS0k0rkA-00475-00103873-00104224 this year this team was probably the nrJSS0k0rkA-00476-00104225-00104367 most fun to be around nrJSS0k0rkA-00477-00104368-00104667 I enjoy softball you know again we nrJSS0k0rkA-00478-00104668-00104791 talked about it you picked up your first nrJSS0k0rkA-00479-00104792-00104926 win last night B you said you've had nrJSS0k0rkA-00480-00104927-00105052 some of the most fun you've had this nrJSS0k0rkA-00481-00105053-00105292 year why this year I think the girls are nrJSS0k0rkA-00482-00105293-00105459 just really fun to be around they always nrJSS0k0rkA-00483-00105460-00105775 are positive and ready to play so I nrJSS0k0rkA-00484-00105776-00105898 think that definitely makes the nrJSS0k0rkA-00485-00105899-00106051 difference is it a team that you'll nrJSS0k0rkA-00486-00106052-00106246 remember when you're done here yes so nrJSS0k0rkA-00487-00106247-00106465 it's definitely weight now talk about as nrJSS0k0rkA-00488-00106466-00106666 a senior one who you've played since you nrJSS0k0rkA-00489-00106667-00106897 were an eighth grader what is your role nrJSS0k0rkA-00490-00106898-00107125 to the younger kids on the team um just nrJSS0k0rkA-00491-00107126-00107266 to be a role model try to stay positive nrJSS0k0rkA-00492-00107267-00107494 always that's kind of hard sometimes for nrJSS0k0rkA-00493-00107495-00107821 me as pitching some long innings are nrJSS0k0rkA-00494-00107822-00108084 kind of hard to say positive but I try nrJSS0k0rkA-00495-00108085-00108301 my hardest to talk about what last night nrJSS0k0rkA-00496-00108302-00108424 meant to you because it was your senior nrJSS0k0rkA-00497-00108425-00108633 night you go out there you grab a nrJSS0k0rkA-00498-00108634-00108834 victory on senior night talk about what nrJSS0k0rkA-00499-00108835-00109198 that meant to you personally I just nrJSS0k0rkA-00500-00109199-00109399 don't really give because these girls nrJSS0k0rkA-00501-00109400-00109627 have been improving all year long and nrJSS0k0rkA-00502-00109628-00109833 they've been working hard so to finally nrJSS0k0rkA-00503-00109834-00110074 pick up this win meant a lot you have nrJSS0k0rkA-00504-00110075-00110224 sectionals coming up on Monday what nrJSS0k0rkA-00505-00110225-00110395 would a victory in a sectional mean for nrJSS0k0rkA-00506-00110396-00110650 you nrJSS0k0rkA-00507-00110651-00110833 all four years we haven't really had a nrJSS0k0rkA-00508-00110833-00111019 victory that I know of in a sexual game nrJSS0k0rkA-00509-00111020-00111253 so that would be really cool to get one nrJSS0k0rkA-00510-00111254-00111490 finally we were talking about the junior nrJSS0k0rkA-00511-00111491-00111664 high program just a minute ago what's nrJSS0k0rkA-00512-00111665-00111802 your message to those young junior high nrJSS0k0rkA-00513-00111803-00112057 kids just to always work hard they're a nrJSS0k0rkA-00514-00112058-00112303 pretty good team so I think once they nrJSS0k0rkA-00515-00112304-00112555 become seniors or juniors in high school nrJSS0k0rkA-00516-00112556-00112699 I think their team will be really good nrJSS0k0rkA-00517-00112700-00112884 now you're a senior where are you gonna nrJSS0k0rkA-00518-00112885-00113041 be heading to school uh University have nrJSS0k0rkA-00519-00113042-00113188 any Annapolis are you gonna be studying nrJSS0k0rkA-00520-00113189-00113476 nursing nursing okay well Kristen thank nrJSS0k0rkA-00521-00113477-00113575 you very much and best of luck to you nrJSS0k0rkA-00522-00113576-00113827 okay q Kristensen I grass one of three nrJSS0k0rkA-00523-00113828-00114064 seniors that are joining us here this nrJSS0k0rkA-00524-00114065-00114280 morning again she said she's gonna be nrJSS0k0rkA-00525-00114281-00114367 heading to the University of nrJSS0k0rkA-00526-00114368-00114514 Indianapolis shall we the starting nrJSS0k0rkA-00527-00114515-00114703 pitcher for the lady Hilltoppers and now nrJSS0k0rkA-00528-00114704-00114973 we are joined by charity greens it your nrJSS0k0rkA-00529-00114974-00115144 name correct yep charity green good nrJSS0k0rkA-00530-00115145-00115369 morning good morning are you doing good nrJSS0k0rkA-00531-00115370-00115780 what happened to your eye nrJSS0k0rkA-00532-00115781-00116125 tim was hitting me balls and I missed it nrJSS0k0rkA-00533-00116126-00116377 I caught it with my face did you catch nrJSS0k0rkA-00534-00116378-00116833 it at least no okay we'll talk about nrJSS0k0rkA-00535-00116833-00117016 you've been playing three years he said nrJSS0k0rkA-00536-00117017-00117244 you're kind of a utility player talk nrJSS0k0rkA-00537-00117245-00117411 about your experience playing softball nrJSS0k0rkA-00538-00117413-00117810 cha well I started my sophomore year and nrJSS0k0rkA-00539-00117811-00118035 it was basically because Kristin came nrJSS0k0rkA-00540-00118036-00118195 out to me and she's like we need players nrJSS0k0rkA-00541-00118196-00118453 you're going to play softball and I was nrJSS0k0rkA-00542-00118454-00118621 like okay I'll do it nrJSS0k0rkA-00543-00118622-00118858 and ever since I've never regretted that nrJSS0k0rkA-00544-00118858-00119068 decision so you're very happy with the nrJSS0k0rkA-00545-00119069-00119191 decision you made yes nrJSS0k0rkA-00546-00119192-00119385 so talk about what this group this year nrJSS0k0rkA-00547-00119386-00119559 has meant to you just as a whole being nrJSS0k0rkA-00548-00119560-00119824 around I feel like sometimes we can nrJSS0k0rkA-00549-00119825-00120031 really get on each other's nerves but nrJSS0k0rkA-00550-00120032-00120169 then other times we can be like the nrJSS0k0rkA-00551-00120170-00120394 biggest family you know you mentioned nrJSS0k0rkA-00552-00120395-00120604 families again we talked about you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00553-00120605-00120829 all the success you could have on the nrJSS0k0rkA-00554-00120830-00121083 field you know as far as skill wise but nrJSS0k0rkA-00555-00121084-00121303 sometimes the family aspect is the thing nrJSS0k0rkA-00556-00121304-00121519 you'll remember the most is that what nrJSS0k0rkA-00557-00121520-00121624 you're gonna remember most about this nrJSS0k0rkA-00558-00121625-00121686 yes nrJSS0k0rkA-00559-00121688-00122050 now when you look forward to Monday what nrJSS0k0rkA-00560-00122051-00122191 do you want to see happen with the team nrJSS0k0rkA-00561-00122192-00122398 on Monday effort nrJSS0k0rkA-00562-00122399-00122599 I want everybody to put in a whole bunch nrJSS0k0rkA-00563-00122600-00122842 of effort and everyone gives it 101 nrJSS0k0rkA-00564-00122843-00123049 percent let's look back on your three nrJSS0k0rkA-00565-00123050-00123229 years at Shaw what's been your favorite nrJSS0k0rkA-00566-00123230-00123916 memory so far yeah maybe I know I think nrJSS0k0rkA-00567-00123917-00124072 my favorite memory this year is when I nrJSS0k0rkA-00568-00124073-00124228 call it a pop fly and fell on my butt nrJSS0k0rkA-00569-00124229-00124468 everyone laughed at me and that was a nrJSS0k0rkA-00570-00124469-00124710 good memory for you yeah cuz I caught nrJSS0k0rkA-00571-00124711-00124966 the ball okay that's fair what's your nrJSS0k0rkA-00572-00124967-00125158 message to younger younger girls that nrJSS0k0rkA-00573-00125158-00125293 are thinking about playing softball in nrJSS0k0rkA-00574-00125294-00125559 the future years I'd say just jump in nrJSS0k0rkA-00575-00125560-00125808 and do it it may be scary at first it nrJSS0k0rkA-00576-00125809-00126025 was definitely scary for me but you'll nrJSS0k0rkA-00577-00126026-00126214 get used to it in Tim's an amazing coach nrJSS0k0rkA-00578-00126215-00126343 there you go nrJSS0k0rkA-00579-00126344-00126499 talk about what he's meant to you over nrJSS0k0rkA-00580-00126500-00127279 here for years just him personally you nrJSS0k0rkA-00581-00127280-00127573 could say whatever you want he's uh I nrJSS0k0rkA-00582-00127574-00127836 think he's meant a lot to me he's kind nrJSS0k0rkA-00583-00127838-00128095 of giving me a lot of positivity you nrJSS0k0rkA-00584-00128096-00128263 know pulled me aside sometimes if I'm nrJSS0k0rkA-00585-00128264-00128632 having a bad day and he just I'm gonna nrJSS0k0rkA-00586-00128633-00128707 miss him a lot nrJSS0k0rkA-00587-00128708-00128839 so he's meant more to you than just a nrJSS0k0rkA-00588-00128840-00129001 coach he's just a great person to you nrJSS0k0rkA-00589-00129002-00129133 what are you gonna be heading for nrJSS0k0rkA-00590-00129133-00129223 college next year nrJSS0k0rkA-00591-00129224-00129406 Ivy Tech Ivy Tech what you gonna study nrJSS0k0rkA-00592-00129407-00129622 nursing nursing okay yeah a group of nrJSS0k0rkA-00593-00129623-00129844 nurses here thank you very much charity nrJSS0k0rkA-00594-00129845-00130090 and best of luck to you you do all right nrJSS0k0rkA-00595-00130091-00130291 so one more senior to chat with this nrJSS0k0rkA-00596-00130292-00130597 morning and that is the catcher Shannon nrJSS0k0rkA-00597-00130598-00130780 I tell Shannon good morning good morning nrJSS0k0rkA-00598-00130781-00130969 how are you doing this morning I'm all nrJSS0k0rkA-00599-00130970-00131197 how are you I'm doing well so talk about nrJSS0k0rkA-00600-00131198-00131380 your year this year for softball and nrJSS0k0rkA-00601-00131381-00131509 what these three years of child meant to nrJSS0k0rkA-00602-00131510-00131710 you might their user Shah have nrJSS0k0rkA-00603-00131711-00131896 definitely they've been really hard nrJSS0k0rkA-00604-00131897-00132070 obviously I've caught three full seasons nrJSS0k0rkA-00605-00132071-00132223 of catching so it's definitely difficult nrJSS0k0rkA-00606-00132224-00132541 on a person and but they've pushed me to nrJSS0k0rkA-00607-00132542-00132772 be a better player overall and it nrJSS0k0rkA-00608-00132773-00133042 brought me back into soft why did I quit nrJSS0k0rkA-00609-00133043-00133207 playing soccer for a few years and then nrJSS0k0rkA-00610-00133208-00133495 I came back into it so it brought me my nrJSS0k0rkA-00611-00133496-00133768 love back for the sport and it's grown nrJSS0k0rkA-00612-00133769-00134017 and it's made my love for it even nrJSS0k0rkA-00613-00134018-00134209 stronger you mentioned that you you nrJSS0k0rkA-00614-00134210-00134335 stepped away from her for a while what nrJSS0k0rkA-00615-00134336-00134440 drew you back into it nrJSS0k0rkA-00616-00134441-00134686 um just obviously I saw that they needed nrJSS0k0rkA-00617-00134687-00134926 players and I thought I could definitely nrJSS0k0rkA-00618-00134927-00135130 be a benefit to their team and so and nrJSS0k0rkA-00619-00135131-00135316 obviously Kristin came out to me and she nrJSS0k0rkA-00620-00135317-00135377 was nrJSS0k0rkA-00621-00135378-00135732 hey we need players and so I said yes nrJSS0k0rkA-00622-00135733-00135926 I'll do it and I've never regretted that nrJSS0k0rkA-00623-00135927-00136368 decision is that a fact time yes so you nrJSS0k0rkA-00624-00136369-00136545 know you've been there for three years nrJSS0k0rkA-00625-00136546-00136763 you got your victory last night on nrJSS0k0rkA-00626-00136764-00136913 senior night what was that moment when nrJSS0k0rkA-00627-00136914-00137058 you that find a lot happened it was your nrJSS0k0rkA-00628-00137059-00137196 senior night you finally got that first nrJSS0k0rkA-00629-00137197-00137520 one that all the hard work and all the nrJSS0k0rkA-00630-00137521-00137745 time we've put in our practices has nrJSS0k0rkA-00631-00137746-00138069 finally paid off you look ahead as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00632-00138070-00138243 senior you look at some of the younger nrJSS0k0rkA-00633-00138244-00138369 players that are all some of them are nrJSS0k0rkA-00634-00138370-00138575 even here today what's your message to nrJSS0k0rkA-00635-00138576-00138809 them as they sit here just to stick with nrJSS0k0rkA-00636-00138810-00139088 it and to put enough ER and to give it a nrJSS0k0rkA-00637-00139089-00139395 hundred percent and to also if you do nrJSS0k0rkA-00638-00139396-00139622 make a mistake in practice or a game nrJSS0k0rkA-00639-00139623-00139859 learn from it and build on it and to nrJSS0k0rkA-00640-00139860-00140106 keep going forward you've been with him nrJSS0k0rkA-00641-00140107-00140234 for three years what's he meant to you nrJSS0k0rkA-00642-00140235-00140477 mm-hmm he's pushed me to be about our nrJSS0k0rkA-00643-00140478-00140762 player and a better person he's believed nrJSS0k0rkA-00644-00140763-00141021 in me the whole three years and has just nrJSS0k0rkA-00645-00141022-00141171 kept pushing me and pushing me and nrJSS0k0rkA-00646-00141172-00141473 pushing me so you have sectionals coming nrJSS0k0rkA-00647-00141474-00141657 up on Monday and be active way to nrJSS0k0rkA-00648-00141658-00141812 capture seniors with the victory in the nrJSS0k0rkA-00649-00141813-00141971 sectional wouldn't it yes it definitely nrJSS0k0rkA-00650-00141972-00142281 would be where are you a University of nrJSS0k0rkA-00651-00142282-00142454 Southern Indiana okay what are you gonna nrJSS0k0rkA-00652-00142455-00142763 study dental hygiene dental hygiene okay nrJSS0k0rkA-00653-00142764-00142991 all right well Shannon thank you very nrJSS0k0rkA-00654-00142992-00143185 much and best of luck okay thank you nrJSS0k0rkA-00655-00143186-00143595 man Tim you got a interesting group of nrJSS0k0rkA-00656-00143596-00143729 three seniors here this morning yeah nrJSS0k0rkA-00657-00143730-00143970 they they bring a little something nrJSS0k0rkA-00658-00143971-00144110 different to the table and but they nrJSS0k0rkA-00659-00144111-00144326 they're all special and you know and nrJSS0k0rkA-00660-00144327-00144623 they talk about as I mentioned earlier nrJSS0k0rkA-00661-00144624-00144911 you know things that I've done with them nrJSS0k0rkA-00662-00144912-00145124 and but they've also made me a better nrJSS0k0rkA-00663-00145125-00145269 coach and a better person to being nrJSS0k0rkA-00664-00145270-00145451 around them and you know pushing them nrJSS0k0rkA-00665-00145452-00145697 you know and we talked earlier about you nrJSS0k0rkA-00666-00145698-00145904 know we we want a hundred percent when nrJSS0k0rkA-00667-00145905-00146024 they give it we want a hundred and one nrJSS0k0rkA-00668-00146025-00146159 percent when they give it we went a nrJSS0k0rkA-00669-00146160-00146264 hundred and two percent we're always nrJSS0k0rkA-00670-00146265-00146450 asking for more and all three of the nrJSS0k0rkA-00671-00146451-00146603 seniors know and the other eight know nrJSS0k0rkA-00672-00146604-00146888 that you know once we get to a point nrJSS0k0rkA-00673-00146889-00147062 we're not satisfied with it when we make nrJSS0k0rkA-00674-00147063-00147248 a great play where we're not gonna be nrJSS0k0rkA-00675-00147249-00147496 satisfied we want that to happen again nrJSS0k0rkA-00676-00147497-00147693 when we're at the play we get a base hit nrJSS0k0rkA-00677-00147694-00147986 we we want that to continue the next nrJSS0k0rkA-00678-00147987-00148158 time we want you know good baserunning nrJSS0k0rkA-00679-00148159-00148425 we you know it's just a demanding thing nrJSS0k0rkA-00680-00148426-00148734 timeout and even though we talk about nrJSS0k0rkA-00681-00148735-00148983 you know them being a fun group and nrJSS0k0rkA-00682-00148984-00149352 having a great time and having some fun nrJSS0k0rkA-00683-00149353-00149574 times when you're a family not every nrJSS0k0rkA-00684-00149575-00149869 family gets along all the time so those nrJSS0k0rkA-00685-00149870-00150078 rough spots sometimes but you work nrJSS0k0rkA-00686-00150079-00150234 through them and that's part of you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00687-00150235-00150406 life's lessons is figuring how to work nrJSS0k0rkA-00688-00150407-00150585 through them and and making things nrJSS0k0rkA-00689-00150586-00150816 better for the next time and you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00690-00150817-00150957 it's a great group nrJSS0k0rkA-00691-00150958-00151137 you know that's led by the three seniors nrJSS0k0rkA-00692-00151138-00151353 and then the other eight that we're nrJSS0k0rkA-00693-00151354-00151509 hopefully going to see for another few nrJSS0k0rkA-00694-00151510-00151773 more years is I'm looking forward to it nrJSS0k0rkA-00695-00151774-00151881 but we're gonna miss the three seniors nrJSS0k0rkA-00696-00151882-00152082 they're all talking to these younger nrJSS0k0rkA-00697-00152083-00152293 kids and you know wanting to you know nrJSS0k0rkA-00698-00152294-00152454 get them involved in stick with that you nrJSS0k0rkA-00699-00152455-00152577 know and Kristen mentioned you know the nrJSS0k0rkA-00700-00152578-00152794 junior high team in a few years you see nrJSS0k0rkA-00701-00152795-00152919 the numbers get better and better nrJSS0k0rkA-00702-00152920-00153135 potentially could have a pretty special nrJSS0k0rkA-00703-00153136-00153300 season maybe here I hope so nrJSS0k0rkA-00704-00153301-00153519 you know we're hoping that and and again nrJSS0k0rkA-00705-00153520-00153696 you know as I told the seniors and I nrJSS0k0rkA-00706-00153697-00153868 tell every senior class that that's come nrJSS0k0rkA-00707-00153869-00154053 through you know you're setting that the nrJSS0k0rkA-00708-00154054-00154209 groundwork for the next group that comes nrJSS0k0rkA-00709-00154210-00154365 through so we want to always make sure nrJSS0k0rkA-00710-00154366-00154590 we lead by example and I think I think nrJSS0k0rkA-00711-00154591-00154710 these three has done a pretty good job nrJSS0k0rkA-00712-00154711-00154896 this year leading by example and you nrJSS0k0rkA-00713-00154897-00155010 know if I'm not there at four o'clock nrJSS0k0rkA-00714-00155011-00155181 when we start practice they get things nrJSS0k0rkA-00715-00155182-00155313 rolling they know what they're supposed nrJSS0k0rkA-00716-00155314-00155518 to do and for me it makes me proud as a nrJSS0k0rkA-00717-00155519-00155697 coach to see them take the initiative to nrJSS0k0rkA-00718-00155698-00155940 go forward excellent well Tim thank you nrJSS0k0rkA-00719-00155941-00156060 very much for joining me this morning nrJSS0k0rkA-00720-00156061-00156181 and best of all come on okay nrJSS0k0rkA-00721-00156182-00156312 thanks Joe I'd appreciate it big thanks nrJSS0k0rkA-00722-00156313-00156519 to Tim Torrance and the seniors for nrJSS0k0rkA-00723-00156520-00156627 chatting with me this morning Kristen nrJSS0k0rkA-00724-00156628-00156795 Stan Christian and I tell charity green nrJSS0k0rkA-00725-00156796-00156972 thanks decison Torrance back in studio nrJSS0k0rkA-00726-00156973-00157152 got one more commercial to get in we'll nrJSS0k0rkA-00727-00157153-00157272 send it back to the best variety music nrJSS0k0rkA-00728-00157273-00157540 here on works 1967 w4x nrJSS0k0rkA-00729-00157541-00160249 [Music] nsdO33xS0cU-00000-00002232-00002522 and I am able and honored to represent nsdO33xS0cU-00001-00002523-00002828 that spirit of civic activism and nsdO33xS0cU-00002-00002829-00003149 introducing on behalf of our younger nsdO33xS0cU-00003-00003150-00003467 generation Gennari connais if you would nsdO33xS0cU-00004-00003468-00004318 just come forward and I will I will nsdO33xS0cU-00005-00004319-00004535 meanwhile give Jinora a proper nsdO33xS0cU-00006-00004536-00004820 introduction ari was born in 2007 in nsdO33xS0cU-00007-00004821-00005093 Houston Texas she is a fifth grade honor nsdO33xS0cU-00008-00005094-00005258 roll student at Gregory Lincoln nsdO33xS0cU-00009-00005259-00005422 Education Center in Houston Independent nsdO33xS0cU-00010-00005423-00005549 School District nsdO33xS0cU-00011-00005550-00005735 she is the first-place winner of nsdO33xS0cU-00012-00005736-00006056 Houston's 21st annual guardare Martin nsdO33xS0cU-00013-00006057-00006307 Luther King jr. oratory competition nsdO33xS0cU-00014-00006308-00006431 Jinora nsdO33xS0cU-00015-00006431-00006584 thankfully believes in civic engagement nsdO33xS0cU-00016-00006584-00006809 and running for office and voting to nsdO33xS0cU-00017-00006809-00006968 change things she believes that young nsdO33xS0cU-00018-00006969-00007163 people were committed to helping their nsdO33xS0cU-00019-00007164-00007364 communities should be convinced to run nsdO33xS0cU-00020-00007365-00007546 for local state and even national nsdO33xS0cU-00021-00007547-00007769 offices because we need sympathetic nsdO33xS0cU-00022-00007770-00008095 people who can change things I hope that nsdO33xS0cU-00023-00008097-00008399 Gennari will be one of those please join nsdO33xS0cU-00024-00008400-00008550 me in welcoming her nsdO33xS0cU-00025-00008551-00009410 [Applause] nsdO33xS0cU-00026-00009411-00009846 look around you on your street in your nsdO33xS0cU-00027-00009847-00010173 city or in your country what do you see nsdO33xS0cU-00028-00010174-00010502 well I will tell you what I see I see nsdO33xS0cU-00029-00010503-00010791 people living in tents under the freeway nsdO33xS0cU-00030-00010792-00011157 and under bridges I see parents going to nsdO33xS0cU-00031-00011158-00011400 jail because they used a Fuss address nsdO33xS0cU-00032-00011401-00011628 just so the child could get a good nsdO33xS0cU-00033-00011629-00011961 education I see people getting thicker nsdO33xS0cU-00034-00011962-00012171 and even dying because they can't afford nsdO33xS0cU-00035-00012172-00012426 the medical attention they need to stay nsdO33xS0cU-00036-00012427-00012843 alive and the years leading up to 1968 nsdO33xS0cU-00037-00012844-00013143 dr. Martin Luther King jr. looked around nsdO33xS0cU-00038-00013144-00013488 and saw these same problems it has been nsdO33xS0cU-00039-00013488-00013791 50 years in the situation for the poor nsdO33xS0cU-00040-00013791-00014061 our education system and healthcare nsdO33xS0cU-00041-00014062-00014355 system have been virtually the same the nsdO33xS0cU-00042-00014356-00014652 premise of dr. King's dream of improving nsdO33xS0cU-00043-00014653-00014907 the lives of the poor and granting equal nsdO33xS0cU-00044-00014908-00015201 and fair access to education and health nsdO33xS0cU-00045-00015202-00015228 care nsdO33xS0cU-00046-00015229-00015630 has not been fully realized if dr. King nsdO33xS0cU-00047-00015631-00015879 were alive today he would be proud of nsdO33xS0cU-00048-00015880-00016038 our country's achievements and civil nsdO33xS0cU-00049-00016038-00016329 rights he would marvel to see our first nsdO33xS0cU-00050-00016330-00016596 black president Barack Obama but he'll nsdO33xS0cU-00051-00016597-00016866 be disappointed in our large homeless nsdO33xS0cU-00052-00016867-00017112 populations are failing schools and nsdO33xS0cU-00053-00017113-00017367 struggling health care system my dream nsdO33xS0cU-00054-00017368-00017562 for today's world is to eliminate nsdO33xS0cU-00055-00017563-00017897 poverty and for every human being to nsdO33xS0cU-00056-00017898-00018225 have equal and fair access to education nsdO33xS0cU-00057-00018226-00018519 in health in health care in April of nsdO33xS0cU-00058-00018520-00018882 1968 dr. King planned to hold the poor nsdO33xS0cU-00059-00018883-00019266 people's March in Washington 3,000 poor nsdO33xS0cU-00060-00019267-00019503 people of diverse backgrounds sent up nsdO33xS0cU-00061-00019504-00019794 tents on the Washington Mall he wanted nsdO33xS0cU-00062-00019795-00020028 the top officials of our government to nsdO33xS0cU-00063-00020029-00020196 pay attention to the problems of poor nsdO33xS0cU-00064-00020197-00020505 Americans he felt that the nation was nsdO33xS0cU-00065-00020506-00020769 more invested in the Vietnam War than nsdO33xS0cU-00066-00020770-00020949 ending poverty and building up its nsdO33xS0cU-00067-00020950-00021261 people here in America and one of his nsdO33xS0cU-00068-00021262-00021549 speeches dr. King said it is estimated nsdO33xS0cU-00069-00021550-00021756 that we spend three hundred and nsdO33xS0cU-00070-00021757-00021953 twenty-two thousand dollars on each nsdO33xS0cU-00071-00021954-00022246 enemy we kill in the Vietnam War nsdO33xS0cU-00072-00022247-00022438 he's been in the so-called war on nsdO33xS0cU-00073-00022439-00022726 poverty fifty-three dollars for each nsdO33xS0cU-00074-00022727-00023041 person who's classified as poor my nsdO33xS0cU-00075-00023042-00023248 solution to these problems are very nsdO33xS0cU-00076-00023249-00023545 similar to dr. King knees I want all of nsdO33xS0cU-00077-00023546-00023761 our top government officials to take nsdO33xS0cU-00078-00023762-00024013 poverty Finland public schools and nsdO33xS0cU-00079-00024014-00024310 health care seriously the way to do this nsdO33xS0cU-00080-00024311-00024610 is to political action and voting like nsdO33xS0cU-00081-00024611-00024859 dr. King said we must also realize that nsdO33xS0cU-00082-00024860-00025072 the problems of racial injustice and nsdO33xS0cU-00083-00025073-00025384 economic injustice cannot be solved nsdO33xS0cU-00084-00025385-00025612 without a radical redistribution of nsdO33xS0cU-00085-00025613-00025939 political and economic power well I nsdO33xS0cU-00086-00025939-00026169 believe we cannot change things with nsdO33xS0cU-00087-00026170-00026374 some of the current politicians we have nsdO33xS0cU-00088-00026375-00026716 an office now but like dr. King I have a nsdO33xS0cU-00089-00026717-00027016 dream I have a dream definite sincere nsdO33xS0cU-00090-00027017-00027280 can people here in America donor eyes nsdO33xS0cU-00091-00027281-00027505 some young people who are committed to nsdO33xS0cU-00092-00027506-00027781 helping their communities I believe if nsdO33xS0cU-00093-00027782-00028014 we could visit these people turned for nsdO33xS0cU-00094-00028016-00028339 local say in even national offices that nsdO33xS0cU-00095-00028339-00028486 we could vote for them and have nsdO33xS0cU-00096-00028487-00028705 sympathetic people and parody can change nsdO33xS0cU-00097-00028706-00028995 things if we can do this then will be nsdO33xS0cU-00098-00028997-00029277 the true realization of to Nora's dream nsdO33xS0cU-00099-00029279-00029650 and dr. King's I have a dream speech dr. nsdO33xS0cU-00100-00029651-00029926 King said I have a dream that one day nsdO33xS0cU-00101-00029927-00030199 right here in Alabama little black boys nsdO33xS0cU-00102-00030200-00030451 and little black girls will be able to nsdO33xS0cU-00103-00030452-00030619 join hands with little white boys and nsdO33xS0cU-00104-00030620-00030850 little white girls and sisters and nsdO33xS0cU-00105-00030851-00030901 brothers nsdO33xS0cU-00106-00030902-00031158 well I believe all of these children who nsdO33xS0cU-00107-00031160-00031381 are joining hands are not hungry nsdO33xS0cU-00108-00031382-00031558 I've had a good night's sleep in a nsdO33xS0cU-00109-00031558-00031770 decent home and have received the best nsdO33xS0cU-00110-00031770-00032095 education and the best healthcare then nsdO33xS0cU-00111-00032095-00032386 we will be able to say that dr. King's nsdO33xS0cU-00112-00032387-00033098 dream has really come true thank you nsdO33xS0cU-00113-00033099-00033210 you nsdO33xS0cU-00114-00033211-00033672 [Applause] nt8Gl5Q45H0-00000-00000155-00000311 [Music] nt8Gl5Q45H0-00001-00000312-00000495 linkedin you're really nt8Gl5Q45H0-00002-00000496-00000655 looking to build and nurture nt8Gl5Q45H0-00003-00000656-00000886 relationships with the right individuals nt8Gl5Q45H0-00004-00000888-00001087 to build your network and to grow your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00005-00001088-00001183 network nt8Gl5Q45H0-00006-00001184-00001303 um nt8Gl5Q45H0-00007-00001304-00001439 you know there's nt8Gl5Q45H0-00008-00001440-00001687 that that's that's the way we leverage nt8Gl5Q45H0-00009-00001688-00001823 linkedin especially if you're an agency nt8Gl5Q45H0-00010-00001823-00002063 owner producer that's the way we can we nt8Gl5Q45H0-00011-00002064-00002279 can um help you kind of formulate that nt8Gl5Q45H0-00012-00002280-00002367 as well nt8Gl5Q45H0-00013-00002368-00002455 so nt8Gl5Q45H0-00014-00002456-00002726 assets right so we believe that nt8Gl5Q45H0-00015-00002727-00003023 creating certain marketing assets such nt8Gl5Q45H0-00016-00003024-00003279 as a video right so nt8Gl5Q45H0-00017-00003279-00003447 you might put together like a two or nt8Gl5Q45H0-00018-00003447-00003743 three minute video on your agency or nt8Gl5Q45H0-00019-00003744-00003919 you know sharing with somebody from the nt8Gl5Q45H0-00020-00003920-00004070 heart as a producer like sharing nt8Gl5Q45H0-00021-00004071-00004222 somebody from the heart nt8Gl5Q45H0-00022-00004223-00004470 this is this is what i do to help my my nt8Gl5Q45H0-00023-00004471-00004670 clients this is the problems that we nt8Gl5Q45H0-00024-00004671-00004919 help to solve this is like the end nt8Gl5Q45H0-00025-00004920-00005054 results or nt8Gl5Q45H0-00026-00005055-00005295 you know testimonial videos you can put nt8Gl5Q45H0-00027-00005296-00005486 those in the featured section of your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00028-00005487-00005767 profile and it becomes a really powerful nt8Gl5Q45H0-00029-00005768-00006006 selling tool for you it's like having nt8Gl5Q45H0-00030-00006007-00006279 i call it my marketing asset vault it's nt8Gl5Q45H0-00031-00006280-00006542 like you have these assets in that are nt8Gl5Q45H0-00032-00006543-00006719 in the featured section nt8Gl5Q45H0-00033-00006720-00007087 that really um are are like your tools nt8Gl5Q45H0-00034-00007088-00007359 to help be your silent salesperson nt8Gl5Q45H0-00035-00007359-00007542 when someone's checking your profile out nt8Gl5Q45H0-00036-00007543-00007663 right so when they check out your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00037-00007664-00007798 profile they can go on there and they nt8Gl5Q45H0-00038-00007800-00007991 can check out a video about you nt8Gl5Q45H0-00039-00007992-00008255 they can see there's testimonial videos nt8Gl5Q45H0-00040-00008256-00008463 they can see that there's featured you nt8Gl5Q45H0-00041-00008464-00008631 might create this featured article or nt8Gl5Q45H0-00042-00008632-00008751 something like that nt8Gl5Q45H0-00043-00008752-00008927 very very powerful nt8Gl5Q45H0-00044-00008928-00009151 very very important uh to have that and nt8Gl5Q45H0-00045-00009152-00009406 then you know really talking about your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00046-00009407-00009567 agency at the bottom nt8Gl5Q45H0-00047-00009568-00009742 you know optimizing the way you nt8Gl5Q45H0-00048-00009743-00010039 articulate what your agency does what nt8Gl5Q45H0-00049-00010040-00010142 you do nt8Gl5Q45H0-00050-00010143-00010478 uh and it's very benefit oriented or nt8Gl5Q45H0-00051-00010479-00010599 heavy on nt8Gl5Q45H0-00052-00010600-00010903 solving problems and and benefits to nt8Gl5Q45H0-00053-00010904-00011095 working with you that's the way we kind nt8Gl5Q45H0-00054-00011096-00011255 of look at your profile nt8Gl5Q45H0-00055-00011256-00011455 hugely important when someone connects nt8Gl5Q45H0-00056-00011456-00011551 with you nt8Gl5Q45H0-00057-00011552-00011663 they they're going to go right to your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00058-00011664-00011863 profile and check you out so we want to nt8Gl5Q45H0-00059-00011864-00012078 make sure that that's optimized another nt8Gl5Q45H0-00060-00012079-00012246 thing that's really important nt8Gl5Q45H0-00061-00012247-00012495 is your title so right underneath your nt8Gl5Q45H0-00062-00012496-00012687 picture on your profile you're going to nt8Gl5Q45H0-00063-00012688-00012927 see like an opportunity there's a way um nt8Gl5Q45H0-00064-00012928-00013111 you can either actually put like a mini nt8Gl5Q45H0-00065-00013112-00013279 um video in there which we can share nt8Gl5Q45H0-00066-00013280-00013486 that's a little bit more advanced uh but nt8Gl5Q45H0-00067-00013487-00013799 most importantly people are gonna see nt8Gl5Q45H0-00068-00013800-00013975 who you are they're gonna be able to see nt8Gl5Q45H0-00069-00013976-00014247 in in 10 seconds or less what you're all nt8Gl5Q45H0-00070-00014247-00015072 about nt8Gl5Q45H0-00071-00015072-00017847 [Music] nt8Gl5Q45H0-00072-00017848-00018056 you nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00000-00000000-00000209 earning a warm ice-free coastline with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00001-00000210-00000419 resources to sustain a lot more life nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00002-00000420-00000668 though experts have of course debunked nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00003-00000669-00000844 its imaginative suggestions and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00004-00000846-00001025 downplayed its significance ever since nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00005-00001026-00001279 yet while most have general faith in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00006-00001280-00001466 map making of modern experts it may be nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00007-00001467-00001627 significant that the actual satellite nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00008-00001628-00001823 images of what officials claim is a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00009-00001823-00002035 fully explored continent are actually nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00010-00002036-00002227 composited together in a mosaic with a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00011-00002228-00002396 gaping hole in the middle around the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00012-00002397-00002683 South Pole this is supposedly the truest nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00013-00002684-00002846 picture of Antarctica that we're given nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00014-00002847-00003098 courtesy of a NASA Landsat program which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00015-00003099-00003302 admittedly continually replaces and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00016-00003303-00003488 edits the composite including when nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00017-00003489-00003695 whiteout strikes so the question that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00018-00003696-00003899 remains is are we seeing what's really nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00019-00003900-00004156 there these satellite images are often nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00020-00004157-00004367 stunning and give us a photo realistic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00021-00004368-00004574 picture of our planet but like a video nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00022-00004575-00004822 game with convincing graphics satellite nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00023-00004823-00004985 images are still only a representation nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00024-00004986-00005195 of what's really there they have flaws nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00025-00005196-00005411 and like all maps the images simply nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00026-00005412-00005647 aren't the actual territory that may nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00027-00005648-00005836 seem like a nitpicky point but it's an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00028-00005837-00006011 important distinction to make especially nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00029-00006012-00006211 when we see large portions of what look nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00030-00006212-00006416 like painted over blurred out areas of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00031-00006417-00006589 the continent where bases are supposed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00032-00006590-00007309 to be located considering even nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00033-00007311-00007567 super-secretive area 51 shows up pretty nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00034-00007568-00007730 clear on Google Earth you have to ask nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00035-00007731-00007939 yourself what's really in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00036-00007940-00008185 that in 2017 we still supposedly don't nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00037-00008186-00008408 have sophisticated enough technology for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00038-00008409-00008653 the general public to see it nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00039-00008654-00008870 investigations at West Antarctica and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00040-00008871-00009026 East Antarctica are actually two nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00041-00009027-00009209 continents separated by an under ice nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00042-00009210-00009419 channel have largely been upheld the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00043-00009420-00009584 Transantarctic mountains in the chain of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00044-00009585-00009767 mountains up the palmer peninsula nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00045-00009768-00009944 connect with the Andes range nearly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00046-00009945-00010085 touching South America where they were nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00047-00010086-00010324 once connected by a land bridge the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00048-00010325-00010513 questions began as soon as Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00049-00010514-00010774 was quote-unquote found have they or nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00050-00010775-00010999 will they unearth something significant nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00051-00011000-00011299 from humanity's past despite being told nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00052-00011300-00011503 the entire continent is basically an icy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00053-00011504-00011684 barren wasteland where hardly anything nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00054-00011685-00011855 could survive Earth arrived with no nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00055-00011856-00012035 native human population other than nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00056-00012036-00012328 visiting scientists without people nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00057-00012329-00012626 without life without vegetation nature nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00058-00012627-00012713 is most nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00059-00012714-00013027 - man earlier reports show this is nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00060-00013028-00013361 simply not the case all the way back in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00061-00013362-00013477 1893 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00062-00013478-00013738 captain Larson reported discovering nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00063-00013740-00014005 petrified wood and worms on Seymour nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00064-00014006-00014291 Island as well as a captivating area nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00065-00014291-00014572 with dozens of clay balls placed on top nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00066-00014574-00014831 of what looked like pillars which had nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00067-00014832-00015008 the appearance of having been made by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00068-00015009-00015236 the hand of man but these were later nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00069-00015237-00015509 dismissed as basalt that happened to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00070-00015510-00015680 collapse into the appearance of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00071-00015681-00015983 carefully sculpted clay balls on top of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00072-00015984-00016466 pillars between 1928 and 1930 then nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00073-00016467-00016703 commander richard byrd completed the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00074-00016704-00016967 first of five major modern expeditions nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00075-00016968-00017252 to explore the antarctic and right away nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00076-00017253-00017489 his team were captivated by evidence nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00077-00017490-00017681 that there had once been a warmer nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00078-00017682-00017891 climate while they were surveying vast nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00079-00017892-00018175 tracts of otherwise icy land at the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00080-00018176-00018422 bottom of the earth this expedition nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00081-00018423-00018653 which cost four hundred thousand dollars nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00082-00018654-00018968 was financed by Edsel Ford and john d nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00083-00018969-00019322 rockefeller jr. among others a 1930 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00084-00019323-00019547 article on birds first mission noted nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00085-00019548-00019799 quote they expect in time to solve what nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00086-00019800-00019997 is perhaps the world's greatest mystery nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00087-00019998-00020294 the existence of extensive vegetation of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00088-00020295-00020491 a vast uplands near the South Pole nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00089-00020492-00020681 thousands of years ago nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00090-00020682-00020975 noting sufficient geological evidence to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00091-00020976-00021263 prove that at one time Antarctica was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00092-00021264-00021481 once warm enough to support at least a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00093-00021482-00021850 rich vegetable life in 1947 the US Navy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00094-00021851-00022078 claimed they found a place they named nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00095-00022079-00022300 the bunker Oasis though it may have been nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00096-00022301-00022583 explored earlier the Soviets established nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00097-00022584-00022769 a research station there during their nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00098-00022770-00023056 expedition in 1956 at the now-defunct nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00099-00023057-00023396 polish a B Dabrowski polar station and a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00100-00023397-00023717 fascinating 200 square mile iceless area nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00101-00023718-00023933 at the same time it was noted that the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00102-00023934-00024140 Russians move so much equipment and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00103-00024141-00024443 supplies into the oases that Australian nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00104-00024444-00024662 and New Zealand diplomats were convinced nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00105-00024663-00024844 they may be setting out permanent air nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00106-00024845-00025139 and submarine bases there no wonder that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00107-00025140-00025306 one of the most compelling anomalies nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00108-00025307-00025450 spotted on satellite images of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00109-00025451-00025688 Antarctica is only 35 miles from the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00110-00025689-00025925 Soviet base and what appears to many to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00111-00025926-00026047 be a domed metal nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00112-00026048-00026257 over some sort of underground entrance nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00113-00026258-00026494 in the meantime no one has even nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00114-00026495-00026674 confirmed or fully debunked the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00115-00026675-00026872 suspicions of conspiracy theorists on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00116-00026873-00027151 what this image even shows throughout nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00117-00027152-00027358 further wide-scale explorations in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00118-00027358-00027574 40s and 50s scientists on military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00119-00027575-00027777 expeditions reported finding ice-free nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00120-00027779-00028006 Oasis with waterfalls cascading down nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00121-00028007-00028245 rocky cliffs into dry valleys containing nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00122-00028247-00028480 freshwater lakes on the interior of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00123-00028481-00028695 continent mountain ranges reaching nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00124-00028697-00028923 thousands of feet above icy wastes nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00125-00028924-00029236 fossilized trees and even the remains of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00126-00029237-00029599 petrified forests in 1957 the US nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00127-00029600-00029761 military acknowledged finding at least nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00128-00029762-00029992 two other Oasis locations in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00129-00029993-00030166 only a few hundred miles from the South nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00130-00030167-00030402 Pole both free of ice and large enough nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00131-00030404-00030652 to house entire air bases but the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00132-00030652-00030844 military wouldn't disclose the locations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00133-00030845-00030988 to prevent other nations from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00134-00030989-00031174 potentially establishing bases there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00135-00031175-00031447 these oases reportedly have a radically nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00136-00031448-00031602 different climate from the rest of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00137-00031604-00031827 continent places free of ice and snow nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00138-00031829-00032029 where the soil can reach temperatures of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00139-00032030-00032335 77 degrees Fahrenheit at midday and warm nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00140-00032336-00032551 winds blow over freshwater lakes where nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00141-00032552-00032773 strange specimens grow while nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00142-00032774-00032971 transversing the interior a seismologist nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00143-00032972-00033217 gave his account in 1958 of coming nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00144-00033218-00033388 across a fresh lake a hundred yards nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00145-00033389-00033571 across with pinkish flowers growing in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00146-00033572-00033727 the bottom of it which he could not nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00147-00033728-00033985 identify experts have concluded these nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00148-00033986-00034189 areas could sustain year-round human nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00149-00034190-00034423 settlements yet these highly contrasted nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00150-00034424-00034618 landscapes are often difficult to spot nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00151-00034619-00034792 when browsing through satellite imagery nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00152-00034793-00035049 for whatever reason nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00153-00035050-00035305 Antarctica's past life as a tropical nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00154-00035306-00035599 oasis is further upheld by the discovery nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00155-00035600-00035896 of geothermal heated lakes where almost nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00156-00035897-00036148 any form of life could have survived and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00157-00036149-00036400 even continued up until this point even nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00158-00036401-00036580 while the rest of the continent froze nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00159-00036581-00036876 over the Russians at Vostok station nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00160-00036877-00037150 confirmed the discovery of a huge nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00161-00037151-00037417 freshwater lake buried nearly two miles nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00162-00037418-00037654 under the ice cap that they named Lake nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00163-00037655-00037945 Vostok it has attracted a great deal of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00164-00037946-00038101 attention ever since they've nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00165-00038102-00038314 successfully drilled through the ice cap nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00166-00038315-00038584 and collected active biological samples nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00167-00038585-00038818 of living bacteria from a liquid lake nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00168-00038819-00038983 that has otherwise been an isolated nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00169-00038984-00039298 ecosystem for what scientists claim is nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00170-00039299-00039382 as much as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00171-00039383-00039631 fifteen million years located at the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00172-00039632-00039943 so-called south pole of cold lake vostok nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00173-00039944-00040258 as nearly as big as Lake Ontario and at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00174-00040259-00040489 six thousand square miles in surface nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00175-00040490-00040759 area a hundred and sixty miles in length nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00176-00040760-00041077 and 30 miles of width it measures to an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00177-00041078-00041338 astounding depth of more than 2,600 feet nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00178-00041339-00041599 at some points its scientists claim they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00179-00041600-00041917 found more than 3500 life-forms as well nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00180-00041918-00042172 as rich fossil evidence from a time that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00181-00042173-00042337 they've up until now know nothing about nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00182-00042338-00042568 even more curious however was the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00183-00042569-00042877 confirmed discovery of a huge magnetic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00184-00042878-00043069 anomaly on the east coast of this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00185-00043070-00043438 underground lake that spans a vast 65 by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00186-00043439-00043738 47 miles mainstream scientists nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00187-00043739-00043936 hypothesize that a thinning of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00188-00043937-00044179 Earth's crust at that location caused nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00189-00044180-00044260 the anomaly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00190-00044261-00044494 while others suggested a meteorite hit nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00191-00044495-00044719 there while still others suggest that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00192-00044720-00044977 the dimensions of such a significant nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00193-00044978-00045229 magnetic anomaly could signify a lost nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00194-00045230-00045424 city on the shores of the underground nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00195-00045425-00045703 lake with so much secrecy shrouding nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00196-00045704-00045892 Antarctica do you think the public would nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00197-00045893-00046078 be told if something were found there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00198-00046079-00046339 interestingly it parallels the plot to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00199-00046340-00046717 the film 2001 a Space Odyssey scientists nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00200-00046718-00046945 on the moon unearthed a vast tycho nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00201-00046946-00047161 magnetic anomaly that proves to be a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00202-00047162-00047490 monolithic signal device from an unseen nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00203-00047491-00047806 extraterrestrial race hundreds of these nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00204-00047807-00048049 sub glacial lakes are known to exist and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00205-00048050-00048241 most remain still unexplored nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00206-00048242-00048484 however when scientists drilled under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00207-00048485-00048691 the ice cap of a much shallower and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00208-00048692-00048931 smaller sub glacial lake known as Lake nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00209-00048932-00049176 Whillans they found living jellyfish nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00210-00049177-00049513 crustaceans and even a dense translucent nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00211-00049514-00049768 pink fish and what they said was an old nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00212-00049769-00050053 ecosystem eroding from the ice hovering nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00213-00050054-00050302 above the lake these finds and more nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00214-00050303-00050599 continue to fuel speculation as they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00215-00050600-00050830 have over the past century that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00216-00050831-00051127 Antarctica is holding on to secret links nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00217-00051128-00051445 to mankind's past and possibly the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00218-00051446-00051682 remnants of ancient civilizations which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00219-00051683-00051865 could have resided there and warmer nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00220-00051866-00052252 times despite the appearance of being nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00221-00052253-00052471 completely peaceful and solely dedicated nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00222-00052472-00052575 to Internet nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00223-00052576-00052840 cooperative scientific research and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00224-00052841-00053025 despite the public being repeatedly told nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00225-00053026-00053221 for decades that Antarctica officially nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00226-00053222-00053578 holds quote no military value the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00227-00053579-00053763 massive continent and its surrounding nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00228-00053764-00053955 islands in the polar region are of great nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00229-00053956-00054267 strategic significance the place doesn't nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00230-00054268-00054547 just lay idle and ownerless and this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00231-00054548-00054774 surrounds perhaps the biggest secret of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00232-00054775-00055023 Antarctica an open and rather obvious nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00233-00055024-00055404 one the 1959 antarctic treaty signed by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00234-00055405-00055591 a dozen nations that include the u.s. nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00235-00055591-00055878 argentina australia Chile New Zealand nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00236-00055879-00056061 Norway Russia France and the United nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00237-00056062-00056304 Kingdom put in place the appearance of a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00238-00056305-00056460 harmonious international atmosphere nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00239-00056461-00056757 where cold war hostilities are rejected nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00240-00056758-00056961 and peace is permanent but in reality nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00241-00056962-00057235 major military forces remain embedded nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00242-00057236-00057405 there outwardly serving as the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00243-00057406-00057606 custodians of man's activities on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00244-00057607-00057867 continent and it remains true with now nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00245-00057868-00058299 53 signatories significantly the 1959 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00246-00058300-00058538 treaty immediately followed the 1957 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00247-00058539-00058842 1958 international geophysical year nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00248-00058843-00059047 which organized dozens of nations to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00249-00059048-00059232 participate in the Antarctic and other nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00250-00059233-00059382 parts of the globe to establish nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00251-00059383-00059625 permanent scientific bases and conduct nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00252-00059626-00059811 unprecedented exploration and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00253-00059812-00060054 experimentation the recommendation to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00254-00060055-00060405 make 5758 an igy event was initiated by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00255-00060406-00060673 astrophysicist dr. James Van Allen who nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00256-00060674-00060859 was working with a navy to test his nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00257-00060860-00060997 developing theories about the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00258-00060998-00061182 geomagnetic forces that surround the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00259-00061183-00061390 planet including the intense bands of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00260-00061391-00061585 harmful radiation that bear Van Allen's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00261-00061586-00061851 name meteorologists and Navy contractor nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00262-00061852-00062053 Harry Wexler was working closely on this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00263-00062054-00062256 research as well and was appointed chief nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00264-00062257-00062385 US scientist for the International nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00265-00062386-00062655 Geophysical Year which created a dual nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00266-00062656-00062901 pretext for upper atmosphere tests and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00267-00062902-00063051 weather experiments that serve both nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00268-00063052-00063273 military and scientific interests and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00269-00063274-00063453 for creating a permanent military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00270-00063454-00063669 backbone that could provide continuous nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00271-00063670-00063885 support for bases transport and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00272-00063886-00064153 logistics the main job that faced the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00273-00064154-00064321 Seabees during the second year at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00274-00064322-00064572 Antarctica was the building of five new nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00275-00064573-00064860 bases each of these stations would nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00276-00064861-00065020 supply vital information nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00277-00065021-00065260 with a very good scientific project of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00278-00065261-00065512 the ipy program science gave the US nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00279-00065513-00065728 Russia and Great Britain's military the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00280-00065729-00065923 justification needed for a permanent nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00281-00065924-00066241 mission in the South Pole operation deep nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00282-00066242-00066559 freeze was commenced by the US and 1955 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00283-00066560-00066781 two years before the International nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00284-00066782-00067060 Geophysical Year sending thousands of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00285-00067061-00067276 naval and Air Force troops as well as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00286-00067277-00067498 militarized construction units from the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00287-00067499-00067750 Navy Seabees to carve out permanent nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00288-00067751-00067981 bases to support the scientific effort nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00289-00067982-00068206 in less than one month highlights of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00290-00068207-00068457 exact map been photographed over a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00291-00068458-00068682 million square miles of territory nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00292-00068683-00068941 operation deep freeze created a never nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00293-00068942-00069100 ending permanent mission for the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00294-00069101-00069376 military amid a climate of international nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00295-00069377-00069661 cooperation the opportunity for cover nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00296-00069662-00070000 and secrecy was astounding in proposing nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00297-00070001-00070213 the basis members of the US National nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00298-00070214-00070447 Security Council forced an improbable nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00299-00070448-00070672 merger between their national military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00300-00070673-00070885 goals and the International Geophysical nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00301-00070886-00071257 Year program silencing early opposition nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00302-00071258-00071512 from the scientific community via the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00303-00071513-00071731 recognition that a military backed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00304-00071732-00071923 mission channeled through the National nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00305-00071924-00072126 Science Foundation would bring nearly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00306-00072127-00072331 unlimited funds for the projects they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00307-00072332-00072553 had championed albeit at the cost of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00308-00072554-00072748 quietly acknowledging that parallel nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00309-00072749-00072957 military activities were taking place nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00310-00072958-00073225 largely in secret the activities of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00311-00073226-00073498 operation deep freeze 1 the glacier with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00312-00073499-00073732 Admiral - second board made a notable nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00313-00073733-00073981 cruise around the Antarctic on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00314-00073982-00074188 purpose of this voyage was to locate nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00315-00074189-00074476 suitable sites for more i G Y stations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00316-00074477-00074716 to be established in later operations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00317-00074717-00074986 the glaciers cruise around the calculus nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00318-00074987-00075217 brought deep-freeze 1 to a successful nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00319-00075218-00075295 conclusion nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00320-00075296-00075544 under the treaty territorial claims are nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00321-00075545-00075748 not addressed though new claims are nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00322-00075749-00076003 prohibited with the status quo on ice nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00323-00076004-00076182 the u.s. British and Russian nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00324-00076183-00076435 installations remain like Antarctica's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00325-00076436-00076693 other secrets frozen from political nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00326-00076694-00076972 interference but this form of peace can nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00327-00076973-00077203 be deceiving and Pillai anything lurking nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00328-00077204-00077473 just beneath the surface with the treaty nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00329-00077474-00077842 not taking effect until 1961 operation nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00330-00077843-00078076 deep freeze was a huge pre-emptive nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00331-00078077-00078292 military mobilization effort to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00332-00078293-00078484 establish a permanent foothold on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00333-00078485-00078799 continent the only real question is how nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00334-00078800-00079009 far did they get there have been many nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00335-00079010-00079198 rumors about underground bases on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00336-00079199-00079419 Antarctica but by their very virtue nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00337-00079420-00079618 they're difficult to confirm and as a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00338-00079619-00079857 result legends rumors and imaginations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00339-00079858-00080088 run wild and yet there is solid evidence nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00340-00080089-00080317 to support the idea that a significant nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00341-00080318-00080532 military industrial complex is indeed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00342-00080533-00080737 embedded underneath Antarctica's icy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00343-00080738-00081013 facade most of the early expeditions to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00344-00081014-00081207 antarctica and the later 1800s and early nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00345-00081208-00081442 1900s were largely concerned with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00346-00081443-00081646 establishing claims and merely surviving nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00347-00081647-00081862 the harsh environment with improved nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00348-00081863-00082099 technology flight became viable as did nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00349-00082100-00082282 ice breaking ships and specialized nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00350-00082283-00082519 vehicles for ice cap terrain in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00351-00082520-00082792 1920s u.s. navy admiral richard e byrd nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00352-00082793-00082996 achieved fame as the first person to fly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00353-00082997-00083194 over both the north and south poles nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00354-00083195-00083479 though not without controversy Byrd's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00355-00083480-00083704 first of five expeditions to Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00356-00083705-00083959 from 1928 to 1929 was privately nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00357-00083960-00084136 sponsored by backers including the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00358-00084137-00084376 Rockefellers and Ford's seeking uranium nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00359-00084377-00084619 coal and shale deposits gold copper and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00360-00084620-00084835 other exploitable minerals as well as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00361-00084836-00085129 locations to establish base camps Byrd nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00362-00085130-00085342 established little America among other nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00363-00085343-00085534 camps which was later plunged into the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00364-00085535-00085806 sea by the shifting ice Byrd's second nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00365-00085807-00086134 1934 to 1935 expedition focused more on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00366-00086135-00086371 weather publicly the expedition was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00367-00086372-00086536 mostly known for Byrd's dramatic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00368-00086537-00086722 wintering in alone and a meteorological nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00369-00086723-00086929 station where he nearly died of carbon nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00370-00086930-00087163 monoxide poisoning from a poorly vented nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00371-00087164-00087334 stove yet he lived to publish a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00372-00087335-00087538 best-selling account of it behind the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00373-00087539-00087738 drama it was a major effort to study the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00374-00087739-00087955 relationship between seismic activity nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00375-00087956-00088198 geomagnetic forces atmosphere and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00376-00088199-00088247 weather nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00377-00088248-00088463 James Van Allen who discovered the Van nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00378-00088464-00088628 Allen radiation belts that bear his name nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00379-00088629-00088856 took part in Byrd's second expedition as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00380-00088857-00089048 assistant to the chief scientist and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00381-00089049-00089252 later became a driving force in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00382-00089253-00089477 Antarctic weather experimentation while nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00383-00089478-00089684 Byrd helped the u.s. secure its claims nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00384-00089685-00089975 there Hitler's right-hand man Hermann nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00385-00089976-00090158 Goering personally signed off on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00386-00090159-00090434 Germany's third expedition to Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00387-00090435-00090755 and its first since before World War one nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00388-00090756-00091004 this became the infamous new Schwaben nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00389-00091005-00091289 land nazi expedition launched in 1938 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00390-00091290-00091589 and completed officially in 1939 just nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00391-00091590-00091892 before initiating war with Poland it was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00392-00091893-00092083 to be a secret reconnaissance expedition nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00393-00092084-00092438 with only 33 members plus the ship's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00394-00092439-00092705 crew following a German whaling nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00395-00092706-00093056 expedition in 1937 to 38 it aimed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00396-00093057-00093281 ostensibly at increasing the production nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00397-00093282-00093497 of fat for the coming war effort however nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00398-00093498-00093668 the real mission was clearly to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00399-00093669-00093920 establish permanent basis for Nazi raids nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00400-00093921-00094199 and other naval activities the Nazi nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00401-00094200-00094436 staked out claims and dropped flags from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00402-00094437-00094811 planes over a large 230 1000 square nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00403-00094812-00095165 kilometer area taking some 16,000 aerial nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00404-00095166-00095408 color photos along with prospector data nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00405-00095409-00095621 to support legal claims based on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00406-00095622-00095804 right of exploration utterly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00407-00095805-00096086 disregarding previous claims by Norway / nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00408-00096087-00096338 Queen Maud land finding out about the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00409-00096339-00096506 secret mission through their German nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00410-00096507-00096737 diplomat Norway quickly attempted to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00411-00096738-00096977 annex the territory by decree three days nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00412-00096978-00097190 before the Nazi expedition even reached nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00413-00097191-00097430 Antarctica but it didn't deter Germany nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00414-00097431-00097787 who issued a decree in August 1939 after nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00415-00097788-00098000 the mission establishing a German nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00416-00098001-00098261 Antarctic sector officially called new nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00417-00098262-00098528 schwaben land less than a year later in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00418-00098529-00098843 1940 Germany had invaded and occupied nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00419-00098844-00099152 both Norway and Queen Maud land nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00420-00099153-00099392 even mainstream historians admit nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00421-00099393-00099632 officially that there is evidence of at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00422-00099633-00099887 least minor Nazi coastal bases in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00423-00099888-00100136 Antarctica ones that were large enough nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00424-00100137-00100346 to dock German battleships during the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00425-00100347-00100610 war but there's no clear record of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00426-00100611-00100889 activities beyond that unofficially nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00427-00100890-00101150 rumors alleged that several Nazi u-boats nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00428-00101151-00101354 that disappeared from the records had nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00429-00101355-00101564 carried top officials including Hitler nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00430-00101565-00101813 to the South Pole after the war and that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00431-00101814-00101987 a more extensive and permanent base nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00432-00101988-00102278 existed if this holds any truth one nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00433-00102279-00102497 possible location for a substantial nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00434-00102498-00102776 fortress would have been the 200 square nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00435-00102777-00103091 mile ice-free Schirrmacher Oasis which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00436-00103092-00103298 the Nazis had first identified from the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00437-00103299-00103507 air and which supported numerous nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00438-00103508-00103751 international stations after the war nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00439-00103752-00104107 either way after their 1938-39 new nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00440-00104108-00104321 Schwaben land expedition commenced nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00441-00104322-00104584 admiral byrd was sent to antarctica from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00442-00104585-00104908 39 to 40 on a US government sponsored nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00443-00104909-00105149 mission to establish permanent bases nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00444-00105150-00105398 further exploration and most assuredly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00445-00105399-00105733 to spy on nazi efforts there in turn nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00446-00105734-00106001 news of nazi bases drove support for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00447-00106002-00106172 building more american bases there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00448-00106173-00106379 though modern scholars have tried to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00449-00106380-00106625 downplay the existence of nazi bases nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00450-00106626-00106895 news reports of the time captured the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00451-00106896-00107185 concern as this article highlights that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00452-00107186-00107396 quote the capture of a secret nazi nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00453-00107397-00107678 hideout proves valuable naval bases can nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00454-00107679-00108008 be built in ice fields it also stated nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00455-00108008-00108203 quote they're hidden away in some nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00456-00108204-00108404 undisclosed quarter of the Antarctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00457-00108405-00108661 Quadrant a British naval patrol recently nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00458-00108663-00108961 found a Nazi naval base true it was only nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00459-00108963-00109169 of small dimensions the others nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00460-00109170-00109379 sufficiently enough equipped to have nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00461-00109380-00109684 repaired even the Graf Spee referring to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00462-00109685-00109880 the notorious Nazi commercial Raider nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00463-00109881-00110140 that was attacking British Commerce a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00464-00110141-00110507 1942 article asked u.s. naval bases in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00465-00110508-00110761 the Antarctic and began discussing quote nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00466-00110763-00110975 the possibility of using the Antarctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00467-00110976-00111176 continent as one of the jumping-off nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00468-00111177-00111380 places for the great naval offensive nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00469-00111381-00111602 that would wipe japan's Rising Sun flag nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00470-00111603-00111910 off the face of the southern seas and it nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00471-00111911-00112106 discussed how it would become a pivot nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00472-00112107-00112168 from which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00473-00112169-00112329 we could guard and control both the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00474-00112330-00112549 South Atlantic and the South Pacific nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00475-00112550-00112761 clearly Antarctica had become an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00476-00112762-00113037 important military position Admiral Byrd nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00477-00113038-00113218 also made this point at the time of his nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00478-00113219-00113514 1940 expedition saying as we all know nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00479-00113515-00113709 the Panama Canal may be under attack nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00480-00113710-00113925 someday it may even be destroyed by a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00481-00113926-00114162 hostile power the Navy has to think of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00482-00114163-00114424 such a possible eventuality that is why nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00483-00114425-00114673 Antarctica looms and strategic value nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00484-00114674-00114900 the British formalized its efforts to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00485-00114901-00115113 surveil and counter Nazi presence in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00486-00115114-00115287 Antarctic during World War 2 under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00487-00115288-00115503 operation tavern where they sought to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00488-00115504-00115783 establish major Antarctic bases the name nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00489-00115783-00116023 Tavern references a famous charlatan and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00490-00116024-00116187 street performer from the 17th century nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00491-00116188-00116433 whose trickery and guile to hawk snake nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00492-00116434-00116634 oil cures and put on provocative acts nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00493-00116635-00116886 the mission sought to utilize any nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00494-00116887-00117183 pretext to occupy key and Arctic islands nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00495-00117184-00117435 and counter illegitimate Nazi claims and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00496-00117436-00117673 Queen Maud land the British saw it as a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00497-00117674-00117909 power play to stave off axis domination nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00498-00117910-00118069 of the southern most routes especially nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00499-00118070-00118266 between South America's tip and the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00500-00118267-00118509 Upper Peninsula Britain reported not nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00501-00118510-00118710 only Nazi bases there but vexing nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00502-00118711-00118941 Japanese whaling expeditions as well and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00503-00118942-00119109 a definitive move was needed to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00504-00119110-00119349 outmaneuver Nazi friendly Argentina who nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00505-00119350-00119545 held the de facto claim to influence nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00506-00119546-00119766 over the region the British occupied nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00507-00119767-00119944 several key positions including nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00508-00119945-00120177 deception island a tiny doughnut shaped nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00509-00120178-00120349 piece of land known for having the only nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00510-00120350-00120576 ideal sheltered Anchorage in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00511-00120577-00120849 but also host to an active volcano under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00512-00120850-00121132 its calm waters as well as Hope Bay an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00513-00121133-00121348 ice-free coast on the tip of Palmer nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00514-00121349-00121618 Peninsula as well as the more northern nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00515-00121619-00121795 Falkland Islands which it had first nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00516-00121796-00122122 claimed in 1908 in short this is closely nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00517-00122123-00122313 related to why Britain felt strongly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00518-00122314-00122458 enough about the place to fight a war nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00519-00122458-00122674 with Argentina for the Falkland Islands nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00520-00122675-00122904 in the 1980s long after Britain's Empire nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00521-00122905-00123193 had supposedly faded these strongholds nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00522-00123194-00123411 and others were necessary to defend the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00523-00123412-00123579 important passage routes between the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00524-00123580-00123840 South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans vital nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00525-00123841-00124008 to the commercial and military affairs nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00526-00124009-00124231 of both Britain and America as well as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00527-00124232-00124456 to contend for supremacy in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00528-00124457-00124659 in World War two the British fired upon nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00529-00124660-00124914 the Germans notorious Graf Spee pocket nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00530-00124915-00125184 battleship in 1939 during the Battle of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00531-00125185-00125466 River Plate a previous report indicated nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00532-00125467-00125485 that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00533-00125486-00125648 British believe the Graf Spee was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00534-00125649-00125849 docking at a covert base in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00535-00125850-00126074 and raided its commercial vessels though nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00536-00126075-00126272 it wasn't heavily damaged the Graf Spee nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00537-00126273-00126473 was forced to scuttle to Uruguay and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00538-00126474-00126661 abandon crew after its critical fuel nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00539-00126663-00126863 cleaning system was destroyed captain nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00540-00126864-00127121 Langsdorf committed suicide and dozens nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00541-00127122-00127223 of people died nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00542-00127224-00127403 the quiet battle for control of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00543-00127404-00127664 Southern Oceans had now cost blood under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00544-00127665-00127909 tab Aaron Britton tore down argentinian nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00545-00127910-00128099 flags and destroyed whaling stations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00546-00128100-00128264 that could supposedly be used by the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00547-00128265-00128492 nazis and set up their own bases and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00548-00128493-00128714 stations to replace them and the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00549-00128715-00128945 post-war era britain made fresh claims nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00550-00128946-00129119 over the South Shetland Islands the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00551-00129120-00129293 South Georgia Islands and the Falkland nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00552-00129294-00129638 Islands even after the 1959 treaty more nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00553-00129639-00129848 secretly the British built a significant nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00554-00129849-00130082 base known as mod Heim base on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00555-00130083-00130258 mainland of eastern Antarctica and in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00556-00130259-00130433 the general vicinity of the Nazis new nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00557-00130433-00130622 Schwaben land base and Queen Maud land nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00558-00130623-00130844 an advanced base was also built in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00559-00130845-00131018 ice-free portions of the mountains near nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00560-00131019-00131222 the pyramid nunna tuck but it remains a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00561-00131223-00131411 little-known and obscure even on modern nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00562-00131412-00131651 satellite images utilizing underground nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00563-00131652-00131858 tunnels to connect tiny research huts nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00564-00131859-00132053 and a sophisticated system to protect nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00565-00132054-00132257 the base from snow and ice damage over nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00566-00132258-00132461 time in fact it is very hard to find any nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00567-00132462-00132656 mentions or any information at all about nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00568-00132657-00132923 the mod Heim bases in newspapers after nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00569-00132924-00133229 the mid 1950s it was with the assertion nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00570-00133230-00133379 of British power on the southern nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00571-00133380-00133628 continent the US Admiral Richard Ebert nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00572-00133629-00133859 launched Operation hygiene and with the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00573-00133860-00134102 wartime conclusion of operation tavern nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00574-00134103-00134321 British interest in the Antarctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00575-00134322-00134501 essentially rolled over into allied nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00576-00134502-00134738 interest with the u.s. almost seamlessly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00577-00134739-00134945 continuing during the us-led military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00578-00134946-00135227 invasion to conquer Antarctica it was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00579-00135228-00135454 completely unprecedented Admiral Richard nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00580-00135455-00135722 Byrd and Rear Admiral Richard Cruzan led nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00581-00135723-00135950 some forty seven hundred men and brought nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00582-00135951-00136250 thirteen Navy vessels an icebreaker ship nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00583-00136251-00136511 an aircraft carrier battleships a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00584-00136512-00136760 state-of-the-art submarine and a fleet nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00585-00136761-00136966 of planes and helicopters developed for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00586-00136967-00137150 the extreme cold to surround the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00587-00137151-00137426 continent and establish new bases this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00588-00137427-00137657 largest ever polar deployment served as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00589-00137658-00137891 an exercise for cold weather warfare to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00590-00137892-00138104 oppose communist aggression and came nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00591-00138105-00138308 with the talking points of protecting nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00592-00138309-00138488 against an enemy operating from the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00593-00138489-00138761 poles and able to mobilize very quickly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00594-00138762-00138989 thus the u.s. intended to establish a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00595-00138990-00139226 permanent presence there at the missions nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00596-00139227-00139511 conclusion Byrd told reporters embedded nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00597-00139512-00139745 with them quote the almost terrifying nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00598-00139746-00139985 rate of speed at which our world is nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00599-00139986-00140306 shrinking was the great object lesson we nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00600-00140307-00140495 can no longer believe that distance nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00601-00140496-00140752 guarantees us safety that oceans at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00602-00140753-00140924 poles will be our ever protecting nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00603-00140925-00141161 no-man's land if he could succeed in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00604-00141162-00141379 taking four thousand young Americans nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00605-00141380-00141604 into the cold and unknown Antarctic that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00606-00141605-00141869 others could do the same as well but nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00607-00141870-00142054 Admiral Byrd was forced to retreat from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00608-00142055-00142285 the mission after only a few months nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00609-00142286-00142538 newspaper accounts blame the ice and the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00610-00142539-00142793 freezing up of the waterways the same nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00611-00142794-00142970 excuse mentioned ahead of time and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00612-00142971-00143195 papers before the expedition departed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00613-00143196-00143404 some have claimed that Byrd met a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00614-00143405-00143696 superior force that even possessed UFO nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00615-00143697-00143878 aircraft that drove bird out of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00616-00143879-00144149 Antarctica but this account is largely nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00617-00144150-00144347 substantiated by a quote which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00618-00144348-00144601 attributed Admiral Byrd saying in case nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00619-00144602-00144860 of a new war the continental US would be nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00620-00144861-00145090 attacked by flying objects which could nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00621-00145091-00145321 fly pole to pole at incredible speeds nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00622-00145322-00145598 however retrieval of the article this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00623-00145599-00145852 quote was said to appear in dated March nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00624-00145853-00146203 5th 1947 and written by Lee Van Atta an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00625-00146204-00146447 international news service correspondent nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00626-00146448-00146660 who accompanied the expedition carried a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00627-00146661-00146786 different account with a few nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00628-00146787-00146975 similarities from which grains of truth nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00629-00146976-00147226 were plucked it read quote Rear Admiral nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00630-00147227-00147506 Richard II Byrd warned that the u.s. nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00631-00147507-00147739 must guard against any future invasion nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00632-00147740-00147950 by hostile aircraft from across the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00633-00147951-00148193 polar regions of the earth which bears a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00634-00148194-00148469 resemblance yet a different meaning from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00635-00148470-00148714 the phrase flying objects which could nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00636-00148715-00148973 fly a pole to pole the Admiral declared nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00637-00148974-00149183 it is no scare phrase but a bitter nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00638-00149184-00149456 reality to state that conflict should it nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00639-00149457-00149687 ever come again will lash out at our nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00640-00149688-00149960 nation over one or both poles Birds nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00641-00149961-00150127 warning was couched in the postwar nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00642-00150128-00150413 narrative of a Soviet threat which Byrd nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00643-00150414-00150650 used after the war to justify cold nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00644-00150651-00150851 weather Cold War training near both nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00645-00150852-00151102 poles which Byrd initially oversaw nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00646-00151103-00151310 unless her known as the fact that the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00647-00151311-00151554 u.s. followed up the very next year in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00648-00151555-00151915 1947 to 48 with operation windmill which nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00649-00151916-00152144 continued survey operations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00650-00152145-00152341 even more significantly further the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00651-00152342-00152561 study of electromagnetic effects on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00652-00152562-00152750 weather at the South Pole though the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00653-00152751-00153001 mission was also aborted early the u.s. nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00654-00153002-00153218 hesitated and backed off from a planned nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00655-00153219-00153439 operation Highjump - due to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00656-00153440-00153656 international pressure and suspicions nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00657-00153657-00153845 about the militarization of the South nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00658-00153846-00154097 Pole instead adopted for the peaceful nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00659-00154098-00154327 approach of operation deep freeze that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00660-00154328-00154646 began a few years later in 1955 just nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00661-00154647-00154847 ahead of the international treaty it nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00662-00154848-00155113 should be noted just after World War two nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00663-00155114-00155345 the first nuclear war that it was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00664-00155346-00155551 mentioned multiple times in the papers nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00665-00155552-00155822 that not only was Antarctica a probable nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00666-00155823-00156533 source of cold we found nothing cold in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00667-00156534-00156899 a great day region messenger it's not nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00668-00156900-00157118 covenants know enough to supply the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00669-00157119-00157433 whole world quite a lot but also of vast nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00670-00157434-00157666 stores of uranium which multiple nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00671-00157667-00157859 countries including Britain were down nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00672-00157860-00158618 there in search of coal so we think nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00673-00158619-00158881 there's oil there and there's evidence nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00674-00158882-00159218 probably you in the year after world war nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00675-00159219-00159478 two ended at the same time papers were nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00676-00159479-00159674 quietly announcing in tiny articles nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00677-00159675-00159845 buried in their back pages that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00678-00159846-00160075 Antarctica might be hiding large stores nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00679-00160076-00160307 of uranium under its ice a law and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00680-00160308-00160523 diplomacy professor at Tufts College was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00681-00160524-00160721 warning that the new free areas of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00682-00160722-00160951 world like Antarctica would become under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00683-00160952-00161183 the 1959 treaty only a dozen years later nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00684-00161184-00161389 should be placed under the control of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00685-00161390-00161624 the United Nations quote thereby nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00686-00161625-00161863 establishing the first tiny toehold of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00687-00161864-00162137 world government and practice professor nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00688-00162138-00162328 Leo gross went on to say that the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00689-00162329-00162514 suspected presence of uranium in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00690-00162515-00162790 Antarctica necessitates the UN to act nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00691-00162791-00163019 right away to quote start a pool of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00692-00163020-00163235 world government into which the nations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00693-00163236-00163460 could one day jump themselves as many nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00694-00163461-00163637 believe they will have to do before nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00695-00163638-00163803 lasting world order can be established nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00696-00163804-00164081 is that any secret is there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00697-00164082-00164195 that would be the only thing that would nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00698-00164196-00164408 be practical to actually go after I nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00699-00164409-00164527 suppose everything else would be nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00700-00164528-00164878 economically unfeasible wouldn't it well nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00701-00164879-00165154 as we recklessly expend their resources nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00702-00165155-00165449 the time of common we can we'll have to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00703-00165450-00165637 go after that stuff down there well you nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00704-00165638-00165797 know I avoid what you said about a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00705-00165798-00165986 uranium I'm not sure about that I don't nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00706-00165987-00166129 want to have any well fight nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00707-00166130-00166307 oh the Antarctic I'm already is there a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00708-00166308-00166496 competition among other nations to try nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00709-00166497-00166753 to get information about Antarctica and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00710-00166754-00166915 to possibly to secure some of these nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00711-00166916-00167437 resources well yes and there are seven nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00712-00167438-00167701 nations very much interested during the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00713-00167702-00167834 construction of these major nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00714-00167835-00168095 installations tunnels were dug between nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00715-00168096-00168347 buildings tunnels were dug for supplies nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00716-00168348-00168596 and utility units and for specialized nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00717-00168597-00168860 equipment underground entrances and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00718-00168861-00169097 bases were expanded and reinforced to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00719-00169098-00169298 protect against the harsh weather were nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00720-00169299-00169474 there secret underground military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00721-00169475-00169718 facilities constructed during or after nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00722-00169719-00169804 this time nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00723-00169805-00170053 were there any banned weapons tests or nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00724-00170054-00170294 military activities and installations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00725-00170295-00170531 that went fully operational before the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00726-00170532-00170824 Antarctic Treaty said in the answers are nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00727-00170825-00171124 mostly silent like the vast icy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00728-00171125-00171398 wastelands that have intrigued so many nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00729-00171399-00171664 searchers below the surface of a giant nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00730-00171665-00172034 ice cap some very interesting nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00731-00172035-00172279 disclosures were Declassified about US nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00732-00172280-00172484 military installations in Greenland nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00733-00172485-00172702 which took place in the 1960s with the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00734-00172703-00172994 cooperation of Denmark and NATO this is nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00735-00172995-00173362 the story of camp century nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00736-00173363-00173635 the city under ice while feeding nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00737-00173636-00173853 European allies in the American people a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00738-00173854-00174061 highly publicized cover story about the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00739-00174062-00174235 triumphs over nature and building an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00740-00174236-00174429 underground city for research under the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00741-00174430-00174712 ice at Greenland's camp century the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00742-00174713-00175090 basic concept was simple a system of 23 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00743-00175091-00175270 trenches would be dug into the ice cap nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00744-00175271-00175513 and then covered with steel arches and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00745-00175514-00175732 snow branching off the main nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00746-00175733-00175953 communication trench would be a series nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00747-00175954-00176154 of lateral trenches housing complete nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00748-00176155-00176475 research laboratory and test facilities nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00749-00176476-00176739 modern living quarters and recreation nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00750-00176740-00177019 areas and a complex of support nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00751-00177020-00177232 facilities the Pentagon kept its real nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00752-00177233-00177475 activities a secret only later did the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00753-00177476-00177694 truth about top secret project iceworm nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00754-00177695-00177934 surface the Pentagon was attempting to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00755-00177935-00178140 put in place mobile nuclear launching nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00756-00178141-00178333 sites that would utilize thousands of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00757-00178334-00178597 miles of tunnels to station ICBMs from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00758-00178598-00178831 theoretically random positions all nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00759-00178832-00179076 without Denmark's knowledge or consent nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00760-00179077-00179352 later an escape act would be placed at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00761-00179353-00179599 the end of a small wooden forum for an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00762-00179600-00179764 emergency action where similar nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00763-00179765-00179989 installations attempted in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00764-00179990-00180199 like Greenland's camp century nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00765-00180200-00180448 Antarctica's McMurdo and Byrd stations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00766-00180449-00180733 also featured a nuclear reactor as well nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00767-00180734-00181087 as under ice tunnels 16 of these escape nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00768-00181088-00181246 hatches were strategically located nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00769-00181247-00181483 throughout the various tunnels the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00770-00181484-00181711 inconvenient fact is that the u.s. lied nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00771-00181712-00181876 to its international allies about nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00772-00181877-00182113 nuclear weapon sites in Greenland so nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00773-00182114-00182277 it's fair game to question whether they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00774-00182278-00182485 did the same in this seemingly peaceful nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00775-00182486-00182707 and cooperative atmosphere frigid ice nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00776-00182708-00183007 and penguin research the same questions nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00777-00183008-00183193 apply to Admiral Byrd's equally nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00778-00183194-00183274 publicized nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00779-00183275-00183540 operation icebox a tentative plan to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00780-00183541-00183736 partner with private corporations and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00781-00183737-00184036 bury food surplus in Antarctica perhaps nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00782-00184037-00184246 it was just another cover for building nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00783-00184247-00184423 an extensive underground tunnel system nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00784-00184424-00184672 it was talked about in interviews and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00785-00184673-00184857 papers from the time nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00786-00184858-00185205 but seemingly never materialized this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00787-00185206-00185427 diagram shows how they can effortlessly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00788-00185428-00185691 dig a continuous trench then place nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00789-00185692-00185916 shipping containers and ribéry for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00790-00185917-00186273 long-term storage the article advertised nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00791-00186274-00186552 quote we plan to bury a cache of a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00792-00186553-00186780 hundred loaves of bread every year over nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00793-00186781-00187005 the next hundred years we won't be here nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00794-00187006-00187200 to finish the experiment but our nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00795-00187201-00187410 great-grandchildren will we could create nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00796-00187411-00187596 a permanent icebox for our food nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00797-00187597-00187845 surpluses in the Antarctic save on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00798-00187846-00188127 storage and contribute a great act of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00799-00188128-00188472 international goodwill again Greenland nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00800-00188473-00188646 may be a blueprint for what was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00801-00188647-00188913 attempted in Antarctica it should also nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00802-00188914-00189204 be noted that the 1961 Atomic Energy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00803-00189205-00189416 Commission had completed an extensive nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00804-00189417-00189705 labyrinth of underground tunnels in the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00805-00189706-00189897 Nevada desert for the purposes of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00806-00189898-00190173 underground nuclear testing the agency nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00807-00190174-00190413 told the AP at the time quote the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00808-00190414-00190611 tunnels are being constructed for any nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00809-00190612-00190908 use deemed necessary if and when the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00810-00190909-00191175 administration decides to resume nuclear nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00811-00191176-00191436 testing during operation Highjump an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00812-00191437-00191619 arctic submarine laboratory was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00813-00191620-00191793 dispatched to Antarctica from a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00814-00191794-00192003 California naval base where it tested nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00815-00192004-00192207 under ice operations with great success nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00816-00192208-00192441 this was a pivotal moment for underwater nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00817-00192442-00192681 and polar warfare prior to launch nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00818-00192682-00192963 Admiral Byrd contacted dr. Waldo Lyon nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00819-00192964-00193179 the top Naval Warfare submarine guy at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00820-00193180-00193404 their San Diego Base to ask him if there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00821-00193405-00193569 was any research he wanted to do in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00822-00193570-00193791 conjunction with the expedition Lian nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00823-00193792-00193974 asked to test a new submarine in the ice nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00824-00193975-00194250 filled waters and so they did this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00825-00194251-00194520 Antarctic deployment was the first major nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00826-00194521-00194751 field trial for sub Arctic submarine nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00827-00194752-00194985 conditions with success leading to new nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00828-00194986-00195159 capabilities such as breaking through nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00829-00195160-00195405 ice to surface and launching a nuclear nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00830-00195406-00195651 warhead from underwater in range of Cold nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00831-00195652-00195903 War targets anywhere on the map moreover nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00832-00195904-00196095 thousands of men were deployed to do nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00833-00196096-00196314 line distant early warning stations in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00834-00196315-00196545 North Canada and Greenland and as nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00835-00196546-00196719 submarines and aircraft patrolling the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00836-00196720-00196908 Bering Sea and northern Arctic waters nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00837-00196909-00197118 under training originally supervised by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00838-00197119-00197400 Admiral Byrd no further military tests nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00839-00197401-00197619 were ever admitted in Antarctica despite nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00840-00197620-00197849 a massive militarization on the ice nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00841-00197850-00198059 and what came of the breakthroughs in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00842-00198060-00198296 ice core drilling ice melting cryo BOTS nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00843-00198297-00198524 deep-sea sea lab experiments designed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00844-00198525-00198715 for Arctic waters and the 500 meter nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00845-00198716-00198998 depths of its continental shelf all of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00846-00198999-00199169 this must have made Antarctic is frozen nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00847-00199170-00199433 abyss more accessible yet has anything nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00848-00199434-00199690 significant been found have any base has nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00849-00199691-00199859 been constructed they are using tunnel nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00850-00199860-00200140 boring systems utilizing natural caves nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00851-00200141-00200537 or geothermal hotspots it's a big nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00852-00200538-00200795 continent so it's a very intriguing and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00853-00200796-00201248 perhaps plausible maybe again Greenland nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00854-00201249-00201413 may be a blueprint for what was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00855-00201414-00201649 attempted in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00856-00201650-00201923 another little-known and under explained nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00857-00201924-00202139 role in Antarctica is that of NASA nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00858-00202140-00202427 engineers who sent units to train for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00859-00202428-00202660 conditions that might be found in space nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00860-00202661-00202922 numerous press reports in the 50s and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00861-00202923-00203120 60s made the point of comparing nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00862-00203121-00203336 Antarctica's conditions to that of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00863-00203337-00203636 Moon and Mars cold unforgiving and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00864-00203637-00204011 remote high-ranking officials including nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00865-00204012-00204221 Verner von braun conducted special nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00866-00204222-00204548 training missions there including one to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00867-00204549-00204761 prepare for tunneled underground bases nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00868-00204762-00205015 on the moon like the ones in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00869-00205016-00205288 other NASA reports have remarked on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00870-00205289-00205564 similar mountainous terrain but did nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00871-00205565-00205796 these training missions for space travel nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00872-00205796-00206059 also double as an opportunity to upgrade nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00873-00206060-00206321 and expand military bases under peaceful nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00874-00206321-00206576 pretext in the region did NASA take nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00875-00206577-00206821 advantage of the reclusive area as a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00876-00206823-00207088 secret launching base how many Rockets nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00877-00207089-00207358 were being test-fired here and what was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00878-00207359-00207709 the real purpose and in early fall 1963 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00879-00207710-00207871 there were claims made that a nuclear nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00880-00207873-00208055 bomb was detonated on the Antarctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00881-00208056-00208298 continent but as it did not register nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00882-00208298-00208513 fallout it was believed have been set nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00883-00208514-00208679 off either in the upper atmosphere where nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00884-00208680-00208880 previous tests had been conducted or nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00885-00208881-00209161 underneath the ice sheet but the news nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00886-00209162-00209426 was smothered despite the fact that this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00887-00209427-00209828 August 1963 blast or test was detected nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00888-00209829-00210098 two days before the US and Russia signed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00889-00210098-00210307 the nuclear test ban treaty the White nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00890-00210308-00210446 House ordered the detection of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00891-00210446-00210644 explosion to be kept quiet until after nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00892-00210644-00210848 the Senate voted on ratifying the grand nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00893-00210848-00211094 sweeping treaty the DoD originally nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00894-00211094-00211169 denied nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00895-00211171-00211377 explosion took place and even tried to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00896-00211378-00211554 pass it off as a natural phenomenon nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00897-00211555-00211752 before later conceding that it had in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00898-00211753-00212013 fact happened the u.s. quietly pointed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00899-00212014-00212223 fingers at the Soviet Union and months nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00900-00212223-00212471 before his assassination JFK decided to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00901-00212473-00212684 call for inspections of Russian bases in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00902-00212685-00212916 Antarctica under the terms of the 1959 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00903-00212917-00213180 treaty though the US military initially nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00904-00213181-00213375 denied reports of a nuclear weapon being nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00905-00213376-00213627 detected the Navy quietly admitted that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00906-00213628-00213848 this was the case immediately the day nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00907-00213850-00214065 after Kennedy's assassination nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00908-00214066-00214292 we found it mentioned on page 12 a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00909-00214294-00214521 following page after page of details and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00910-00214521-00214764 emotional JFK assassination coverage nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00911-00214765-00214994 after that the issue seemed to disappear nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00912-00214996-00215238 from public view did the Russians the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00913-00215239-00215406 United States or a joint scientific nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00914-00215407-00215640 venture between multiple countries set nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00915-00215641-00215798 off a nuke in the upper atmosphere of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00916-00215800-00215946 the poles in order to create an nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00917-00215946-00216246 artificial EMP or aurora effect if they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00918-00216246-00216453 did it may have been allowed under the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00919-00216454-00216698 Antarctic Treaty if and only if it was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00920-00216700-00216969 purely for science and all Member States nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00921-00216969-00217257 agreed if so whatever they found or nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00922-00217258-00217464 tested has been kept entirely under nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00923-00217465-00217796 wraps the absolute biggest secret of all nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00924-00217798-00218040 in Antarctica is the electromagnetic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00925-00218041-00218298 energy that surrounds and saturates life nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00926-00218298-00218412 on planet Earth nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00927-00218413-00218679 how precisely does the magnetic energy nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00928-00218680-00218928 from the poles create and modify weather nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00929-00218929-00219201 why are the poles frozen why a huge land nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00930-00219202-00219441 mass at one pole and an open ring of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00931-00219442-00219648 ocean at the other could the poles shift nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00932-00219648-00219921 suddenly rapidly changing climate and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00933-00219921-00220203 destroying existing life could science nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00934-00220204-00220407 engineer the artificial melting of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00935-00220408-00220653 poles in order to extrapolate the riches nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00936-00220654-00220858 and resources buried underneath nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00937-00220859-00221117 scientist Antarctic explorers and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00938-00221119-00221360 military figures alike have discussed nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00939-00221361-00221748 how weather is made and controlled at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00940-00221748-00221906 the South Pole nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00941-00221907-00222212 along with the accumulation of 90% of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00942-00222213-00222476 the world's ice and 60% of its nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00943-00222477-00222740 freshwater reserves which also controls nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00944-00222741-00223129 oxygen content in the atmosphere and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00945-00223130-00223382 bird among others has hinted at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00946-00223383-00223571 controlling the weather something the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00947-00223571-00223781 Navy has always had a deep interest in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00948-00223782-00224071 they established camp sky high the first nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00949-00224073-00224381 upper atmosphere VLF summer station on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00950-00224382-00224603 Antarctica at the base of the Antarctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00951-00224604-00224831 Peninsula it carried miles of wires nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00952-00224832-00225077 spread out over the ice and sought to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00953-00225078-00225311 stimulate artificial or rural effects nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00954-00225312-00225536 that would reciprocate with its nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00955-00225537-00225790 conjugate radio site in Quebec Canada nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00956-00225791-00226142 resembling a gigantic peeled orange this nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00957-00226142-00226348 raw window was assembled from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00958-00226350-00226640 prefabricated curved sections inside it nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00959-00226641-00226850 contains special equipment used for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00960-00226851-00227044 recording weather conditions another nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00961-00227046-00227354 building unusual in its dimensions was nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00962-00227355-00227642 the Aurora airglow town skullenbones nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00963-00227642-00227867 journalist and op ed extraordinaire nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00964-00227867-00228113 William F Buckley visited the South Pole nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00965-00228114-00228308 and remarked on its used for weather nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00966-00228309-00228569 control interacting with scientists nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00967-00228569-00228788 studying hydrodynamics of the Earth's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00968-00228789-00229100 core as well as geomagnetic effects on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00969-00229101-00229154 weather nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00970-00229155-00229403 Harry Wexler the chief US scientist who nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00971-00229404-00229583 was experimenting with weather control nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00972-00229584-00229763 was put in charge of the International nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00973-00229764-00230108 Geophysical Year in 1958 this was the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00974-00230109-00230285 same year that Harry Wexler saw his nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00975-00230286-00230516 plans for bombarding the ionosphere with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00976-00230517-00230746 nuclear weapons undergo life tests in nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00977-00230748-00231119 the Navy's 1958 operation Argos creating nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00978-00231119-00231326 an artificial Aurora burst hundreds of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00979-00231327-00231523 miles away at magnetic correlates from nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00980-00231525-00231842 the firing positions the earth is a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00981-00231842-00232184 magnet it acts as a dipole surrounded by nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00982-00232185-00232406 a field of magnetic force we see that nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00983-00232407-00232571 the magnetic field extends a great nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00984-00232571-00232850 distance from the earth any one of these nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00985-00232851-00233075 field lines can be thought of as lying nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00986-00233076-00233339 in a shell advances in understanding the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00987-00233340-00233528 electromagnetic shield that protects the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00988-00233529-00233702 planet lent themselves to military nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00989-00233703-00233936 attempts to manipulate the weather the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00990-00233937-00234104 Navy confirmed that it could black out nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00991-00234105-00234308 satellite and radio communications with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00992-00234309-00234575 high-altitude explosions eventually nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00993-00234576-00234851 creating an EMP what were their plans at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00994-00234852-00234987 the south nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00995-00234988-00235213 Wechsler was deep into this weather nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00996-00235214-00235540 manipulation stuff and leading the 1957 nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00997-00235541-00235776 258 International Geophysical years nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00998-00235777-00236028 chief US scientists is very telling of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-00999-00236029-00236247 the research objects of Antarctica and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01000-00236248-00236529 his papers Wexler a detailed specific nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01001-00236530-00236767 designs for planetary scale manipulation nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01002-00236767-00236997 of the Earth's climate using short and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01003-00236998-00237262 long term radiation and inducing nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01004-00237263-00237483 artificial world wide climate change nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01005-00237484-00237699 another of his plans was to set off nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01006-00237700-00237876 enough hydrogen bombs in the Arctic nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01007-00237877-00238059 Circle to melt the ice and increase the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01008-00238060-00238326 world's temperature or conversely Wexler nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01009-00238327-00238518 proposed launching a fine powder into nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01010-00238519-00238728 equatorial orbit to reduce the earth's nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01011-00238729-00238905 temperature with permanent saturn-like nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01012-00238906-00239274 rings he also formulated a detailed plan nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01013-00239275-00239457 for bombarding the atmosphere with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01014-00239458-00239709 chlorine or bromine and punching a hole nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01015-00239710-00239973 in the stratospheric ozone layer proven nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01016-00239974-00240270 to work in military tests only to oppose nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01017-00240271-00240549 the same plan later Wexler was on a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01018-00240550-00240753 working vacation at the elite Woods Hole nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01019-00240754-00240954 Oceanographic Institute with which he nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01020-00240955-00241155 was affiliated when he died unexpectedly nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01021-00241156-00241470 of a heart attack in 1962 at the young nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01022-00241471-00241806 age of 51 just months earlier he gave a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01023-00241807-00242076 final speech to Woods Hole titled on the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01024-00242077-00242273 possibilities of climate control nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01025-00242274-00242523 explaining the mechanisms not just to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01026-00242524-00242721 see a few clouds but to permanently nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01027-00242722-00243153 control the Earth's climate the terms of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01028-00243154-00243453 the 1959 Antarctic Treaty barring nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01029-00243454-00243640 military activities in preserving the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01030-00243641-00243828 world's south of the 60 degrees south nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01031-00243829-00244074 latitude line for science does not apply nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01032-00244075-00244320 to u.s. Navy operations on the open seas nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01033-00244321-00244620 if any kind of atmospheric heater HAARP nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01034-00244621-00244939 device or SB x1 radar device or even a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01035-00244940-00245140 nuclear submarine is used to manipulate nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01036-00245141-00245346 or alter weather offshore there's no nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01037-00245347-00245535 jurisdiction over its activities there nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01038-00245536-00245793 outside of military doctrine and secret nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01039-00245794-00246192 government control and then there's the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01040-00246194-00246507 totality of it all support for nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01041-00246508-00246795 international scientific research trumps nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01042-00246796-00247047 all other considerations in Antarctica nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01043-00247048-00247342 or perhaps it has provided the ultimate nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01044-00247342-00247612 cover for maintaining a massive nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01045-00247613-00247888 permanent off-limits continent that is nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01046-00247889-00248133 one-and-a-half times the size of the US nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01047-00248134-00248311 and within which they nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01048-00248312-00248581 can run black projects away from the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01049-00248582-00248817 prying eyes of almost everyone else on nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01050-00248819-00249096 the planet between the big push with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01051-00249098-00249448 operation Highjump in 1946 where at nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01052-00249448-00249742 least 190 Americans were left behind a nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01053-00249742-00250021 continued operations on through the next nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01054-00250021-00250252 15 years when the US Navy and Air Force nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01055-00250253-00250528 became the de facto custodians of the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01056-00250529-00250750 southern continent the military took nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01057-00250751-00250939 responsibility for at least five nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01058-00250940-00251173 American permanent research stations nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01059-00251173-00251440 with underground facilities multiple nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01060-00251441-00251725 atomic reactors living quarters and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01061-00251726-00252013 supply and transport for thousands of nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01062-00252014-00252292 scientists around the continent Great nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01063-00252292-00252496 Britain had multiple expeditions to nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01064-00252496-00252748 Antarctica during the late 1800s the nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01065-00252748-00253092 early 1900's in World War one and with nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01066-00253094-00253323 classified operations during World War nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01067-00253325-00253617 two after which they never left and nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01068-00253619-00253804 their actions on the continent during nvzl3Ksjw1Q-01069-00253805-00254169 that time or even less publicized nwe07sVhwAY-00000-00000028-00000296 during the early modern period the Holy nwe07sVhwAY-00001-00000297-00000536 Roman Empire was divided into Imperial nwe07sVhwAY-00002-00000537-00000746 circles flattened circular in Perry nwe07sVhwAY-00003-00000747-00001010 German Reich's Gray's singular circulars nwe07sVhwAY-00004-00001011-00001229 and Perry Reich's Greece administrative nwe07sVhwAY-00005-00001230-00001420 groupings whose primary purposes were nwe07sVhwAY-00006-00001421-00001616 the organization of common defensive nwe07sVhwAY-00007-00001617-00001796 structure and the collection of Imperial nwe07sVhwAY-00008-00001797-00002081 taxes they were also used as a means of nwe07sVhwAY-00009-00002082-00002306 organization within the Imperial diet in nwe07sVhwAY-00010-00002307-00002584 the Imperial chamber court each circle nwe07sVhwAY-00011-00002585-00002767 had a circle diet although not every nwe07sVhwAY-00012-00002768-00002930 member of the circle diet would hold nwe07sVhwAY-00013-00002931-00003178 membership of the Imperial diet as well nwe07sVhwAY-00014-00003179-00003467 six imperial circles were introduced at nwe07sVhwAY-00015-00003468-00003842 the diet of Augsburg in 1500 in 1512 nwe07sVhwAY-00016-00003843-00004040 three more circles were added and the nwe07sVhwAY-00017-00004040-00004286 large Saxon circle was split into two so nwe07sVhwAY-00018-00004287-00004513 that from 1512 until the collapse of the nwe07sVhwAY-00019-00004514-00004738 Holy Roman Empire in the Napoleonic era nwe07sVhwAY-00020-00004739-00005002 there were ten Imperial circles the nwe07sVhwAY-00021-00005003-00005213 crown of Bohemia the Swiss Confederacy nwe07sVhwAY-00022-00005214-00005441 and Italy remained unanswered as did nwe07sVhwAY-00023-00005442-00005633 various minor territories which held nwe07sVhwAY-00024-00005634-00006263 Imperial immediacy nwe07sVhwAY-00025-00006264-00006769 topic formation nwe07sVhwAY-00026-00006770-00007105 initially the 1500 diet of Augsburg set nwe07sVhwAY-00027-00007106-00007320 up six Imperial circles as part of the nwe07sVhwAY-00028-00007322-00007741 Imperial reform the bavarian circle the nwe07sVhwAY-00029-00007742-00008160 Franconian circle the saxon circle the nwe07sVhwAY-00030-00008161-00008550 Swabian circle the upper Rhenish circle nwe07sVhwAY-00031-00008551-00008751 the lower Rhenish Westphalian circle nwe07sVhwAY-00032-00008752-00008943 originally the territories held by the nwe07sVhwAY-00033-00008944-00009156 Habsburg dynasty and the electors remain nwe07sVhwAY-00034-00009157-00009504 done encircled in 1512 the diet at Trier nwe07sVhwAY-00035-00009505-00009708 in Cologne organized these lands into nwe07sVhwAY-00036-00009709-00010023 three more circles the Austrian circle nwe07sVhwAY-00037-00010024-00010169 including the Habsburg territories nwe07sVhwAY-00038-00010170-00010524 inherited by Maximilian the first the nwe07sVhwAY-00039-00010525-00010695 Burgundy encircle including the nwe07sVhwAY-00040-00010696-00010899 patrimony of maximillian's late wife nwe07sVhwAY-00041-00010900-00011043 Mary of Burgundy nwe07sVhwAY-00042-00011044-00011328 the electoral Rhenish circle including nwe07sVhwAY-00043-00011329-00011532 the ecclesiastical electorates of meit's nwe07sVhwAY-00044-00011533-00011724 cologne and Trier and the secular nwe07sVhwAY-00045-00011725-00011925 electorate of the Palatinate also the nwe07sVhwAY-00046-00011926-00012222 saxon circle got divided into the lower nwe07sVhwAY-00047-00012223-00012546 Saxon circle the upper Saxon circle nwe07sVhwAY-00048-00012547-00012750 including the electorate's of Saxony and nwe07sVhwAY-00049-00012751-00012933 Brandenburg in view of French claims nwe07sVhwAY-00050-00012934-00013134 raised to maximillian's burgundy and nwe07sVhwAY-00051-00013135-00013404 heritage the 1512 diet initiated the nwe07sVhwAY-00052-00013405-00013584 official use of the name Holy Roman nwe07sVhwAY-00053-00013585-00013860 Empire of the German nation Latin sacrum nwe07sVhwAY-00054-00013861-00014106 Imperium Romanum nationís Germanic a in nwe07sVhwAY-00055-00014107-00014283 its final act though the Empire lost nwe07sVhwAY-00056-00014284-00014493 several western territories after the nwe07sVhwAY-00057-00014494-00014634 secession of the seven United nwe07sVhwAY-00058-00014635-00014888 Netherlands in 1581 and during the nwe07sVhwAY-00059-00014890-00015171 French and accessions of the 1679 peace nwe07sVhwAY-00060-00015172-00015249 of Nijmegen nwe07sVhwAY-00061-00015250-00015396 the ten circles remained largely nwe07sVhwAY-00062-00015397-00015687 unchanged until the early 1790s when the nwe07sVhwAY-00063-00015688-00015879 French Revolutionary Wars brought about nwe07sVhwAY-00064-00015880-00016094 significant changes to the political map nwe07sVhwAY-00065-00016095-00016654 of Europe nwe07sVhwAY-00066-00016655-00017255 topic onion circled territories nwe07sVhwAY-00067-00017256-00017483 a number of Imperial territories nwe07sVhwAY-00068-00017484-00017705 remained unanswered notably the lands of nwe07sVhwAY-00069-00017706-00017885 the Bohemian crown the old Swiss nwe07sVhwAY-00070-00017886-00018235 Confederacy and the Italian territories nwe07sVhwAY-00071-00018236-00018455 besides these there were also a nwe07sVhwAY-00072-00018456-00018686 considerable number of minor territories nwe07sVhwAY-00073-00018687-00018914 which retained Imperial immediacy such nwe07sVhwAY-00074-00018915-00019139 as individual imperial villages and the nwe07sVhwAY-00075-00019140-00019325 lands held by individual Imperial nwe07sVhwAY-00076-00019326-00019541 Knights nwVT9xLhkkg-00000-00000051-00000425 code page 437 as the character set of nwVT9xLhkkg-00001-00000426-00000716 the original IBM PC personal computer it nwVT9xLhkkg-00002-00000717-00001391 is also known as CP 437 om u.s. om 437 nwVT9xLhkkg-00003-00001392-00001775 PC 8 or DOS Latin us the set includes nwVT9xLhkkg-00004-00001776-00002210 ASCII codes 32 to 126 extended codes for nwVT9xLhkkg-00005-00002211-00002441 accented letters diacritics some Greek nwVT9xLhkkg-00006-00002442-00002668 letters icons and line drawing symbols nwVT9xLhkkg-00007-00002669-00002951 it is sometimes referred to as the OEM nwVT9xLhkkg-00008-00002952-00003502 font or high ASCII auras extended ASCII nwVT9xLhkkg-00009-00003503-00003820 one of many mutually incompatible ASCII nwVT9xLhkkg-00010-00003821-00004129 extensions this character set remains nwVT9xLhkkg-00011-00004130-00004363 the primary font in the core of any EGA nwVT9xLhkkg-00012-00004364-00004702 and vga compatible graphics card text nwVT9xLhkkg-00013-00004703-00004945 shown when a PC reboots before any other nwVT9xLhkkg-00014-00004946-00005128 font can be loaded from a storage medium nwVT9xLhkkg-00015-00005129-00005329 typically is rendered in this character nwVT9xLhkkg-00016-00005330-00005641 set many file formats developed at the nwVT9xLhkkg-00017-00005642-00005872 time of the IBM PC are based on code nwVT9xLhkkg-00018-00005873-00006396 page 437 as well nwVT9xLhkkg-00019-00006397-00006947 topic display adapters nwVT9xLhkkg-00020-00006948-00007270 the original IBM PC contained this fund nwVT9xLhkkg-00021-00007272-00007550 as a 9 x 14 pixels per character font nwVT9xLhkkg-00022-00007551-00007775 stored in the ROM of the IBM monochrome nwVT9xLhkkg-00023-00007776-00008111 display adapter MDA and an 8 x 8 pixels nwVT9xLhkkg-00024-00008112-00008312 per character font of the color graphics nwVT9xLhkkg-00025-00008313-00008702 adapter CGA cards the IBM enhanced nwVT9xLhkkg-00026-00008703-00009053 graphics adapter EGA contained an 8 x 14 nwVT9xLhkkg-00027-00009054-00009284 pixels per character version and the vga nwVT9xLhkkg-00028-00009285-00009653 contained a 9 x 16 version all these nwVT9xLhkkg-00029-00009654-00009863 display adapters have text modes in nwVT9xLhkkg-00030-00009864-00010043 which each character cell contains an nwVT9xLhkkg-00031-00010044-00010289 8-bit character code Point C details nwVT9xLhkkg-00032-00010290-00010595 giving 256 possible values for graphic nwVT9xLhkkg-00033-00010596-00010976 characters all 256 codes were assigned a nwVT9xLhkkg-00034-00010977-00011192 graphical character in ROM including the nwVT9xLhkkg-00035-00011193-00011453 codes from 0 to 31 that were reserved in nwVT9xLhkkg-00036-00011454-00011624 ASCII for non graphical control nwVT9xLhkkg-00037-00011625-00011987 characters various Eastern European pcs nwVT9xLhkkg-00038-00011988-00012191 used different character sets sometimes nwVT9xLhkkg-00039-00012192-00012431 user selectable via jumpers or CMOS nwVT9xLhkkg-00040-00012432-00012735 setup these sets were designed to match nwVT9xLhkkg-00041-00012736-00013010 437 as much as possible for instance nwVT9xLhkkg-00042-00013011-00013187 sharing the code points for many of the nwVT9xLhkkg-00043-00013188-00013361 line drawing characters while still nwVT9xLhkkg-00044-00013362-00013562 allowing text in a local language to be nwVT9xLhkkg-00045-00013563-00013977 displayed nwVT9xLhkkg-00046-00013978-00014438 topic alt codes nwVT9xLhkkg-00047-00014438-00014828 a legacy of code page 437 and other dos nwVT9xLhkkg-00048-00014829-00015002 code pages as the set of number nwVT9xLhkkg-00049-00015003-00015194 combinations used in Windows Alt key nwVT9xLhkkg-00050-00015194-00015472 codes the user could enter a character nwVT9xLhkkg-00051-00015474-00015659 by holding down the Alt key and entering nwVT9xLhkkg-00052-00015660-00015854 the three-digit Decimal Alt key code on nwVT9xLhkkg-00053-00015855-00016130 the numpad when Microsoft switched to nwVT9xLhkkg-00054-00016131-00016340 their proprietary character sets such as nwVT9xLhkkg-00055-00016341-00016673 CP 1 2 5 2 and later Unicode in Windows nwVT9xLhkkg-00056-00016674-00016850 the original codes were retained nwVT9xLhkkg-00057-00016851-00017066 Microsoft added the ability to type a nwVT9xLhkkg-00058-00017067-00017288 code in the actual character set such as nwVT9xLhkkg-00059-00017289-00017600 CP 1 2 5 2 by typing the numpad zero nwVT9xLhkkg-00060-00017601-00018063 before the digits nwVT9xLhkkg-00061-00018064-00018527 topic character set nwVT9xLhkkg-00062-00018528-00018853 the following tables show code page 437 nwVT9xLhkkg-00063-00018854-00019091 each character is shown with its nwVT9xLhkkg-00064-00019092-00019292 equivalent unicode code point and it's nwVT9xLhkkg-00065-00019293-00019565 decimal alt code see also the notes nwVT9xLhkkg-00066-00019566-00019766 below as there are multiple equivalent nwVT9xLhkkg-00067-00019767-00019978 unicode characters for some code points nwVT9xLhkkg-00068-00019979-00020269 although the ROM provides a graphic for nwVT9xLhkkg-00069-00020270-00020585 all 256 different possible 8-bit codes nwVT9xLhkkg-00070-00020586-00020786 some api's will not print some code nwVT9xLhkkg-00071-00020787-00021029 points in particular the range 1 to 31 nwVT9xLhkkg-00072-00021030-00021380 and the code at 127 instead they will nwVT9xLhkkg-00073-00021381-00021632 interpret them as control characters for nwVT9xLhkkg-00074-00021633-00021850 instance many methods of outputting text nwVT9xLhkkg-00075-00021851-00022088 on the original IBM PC would interpret nwVT9xLhkkg-00076-00022089-00022484 the codes for bell BS CR and LF many nwVT9xLhkkg-00077-00022485-00022685 printers were also unable to print these nwVT9xLhkkg-00078-00022686-00022979 characters letter number punctuation nwVT9xLhkkg-00079-00022980-00023421 symbol other undefined nwVT9xLhkkg-00080-00023422-00023924 topic notes nwVT9xLhkkg-00081-00023925-00024167 when translating to Unicode it should be nwVT9xLhkkg-00082-00024168-00024332 noted that some codes do not have a nwVT9xLhkkg-00083-00024333-00024545 unique single Unicode equivalent the nwVT9xLhkkg-00084-00024546-00025068 correct choice may depend upon context nwVT9xLhkkg-00085-00025069-00025567 topic history nwVT9xLhkkg-00086-00025568-00025920 the repertoire of code page 437 was nwVT9xLhkkg-00087-00025922-00026097 taken from the character set of Wang nwVT9xLhkkg-00088-00026098-00026308 word processing machines according to nwVT9xLhkkg-00089-00026308-00026473 Bill Gates in an interview with Gates nwVT9xLhkkg-00090-00026474-00026674 and Paul Allen that appeared in the 2nd nwVT9xLhkkg-00091-00026675-00026929 of October 1995 edition of Fortune nwVT9xLhkkg-00092-00026930-00027042 magazine nwVT9xLhkkg-00093-00027043-00027345 we were also fascinated by dedicated nwVT9xLhkkg-00094-00027347-00027543 word processors from Wang because we nwVT9xLhkkg-00095-00027544-00027727 believed that general purpose machines nwVT9xLhkkg-00096-00027727-00027982 could do that just as well that's why nwVT9xLhkkg-00097-00027983-00028183 when it came time to design the keyboard nwVT9xLhkkg-00098-00028183-00028423 for the IBM PC we put the funny Wang nwVT9xLhkkg-00099-00028424-00028665 character set into the machine you know nwVT9xLhkkg-00100-00028666-00028927 smiley faces and boxes and triangles and nwVT9xLhkkg-00101-00028927-00029170 stuff we were thinking we'd like to do a nwVT9xLhkkg-00102-00029170-00029362 clone of Wang word processing software nwVT9xLhkkg-00103-00029363-00029574 someday according to an interview with nwVT9xLhkkg-00104-00029575-00029877 David J Bradley developer of the PCs ROM nwVT9xLhkkg-00105-00029878-00030106 BIOS the characters were decided upon nwVT9xLhkkg-00106-00030107-00030283 during a four-hour meeting on a plane nwVT9xLhkkg-00107-00030283-00030499 trip from Seattle to Atlanta by Andy nwVT9xLhkkg-00108-00030500-00030724 Singh's responsible for the video card nwVT9xLhkkg-00109-00030725-00030952 Luigi bricht chief engineer for the PC nwVT9xLhkkg-00110-00030952-00031164 and himself the selection of graphic nwVT9xLhkkg-00111-00031166-00031486 characters has some internal logic table nwVT9xLhkkg-00112-00031487-00031602 rows 0 & 1 nwVT9xLhkkg-00113-00031603-00031993 codes 0 to 3100 hex to 1 fhe X are nwVT9xLhkkg-00114-00031994-00032193 assorted dingbats complimentary and nwVT9xLhkkg-00115-00032194-00032445 decorative characters the isolated nwVT9xLhkkg-00116-00032447-00032887 character 127 7 fhe X also belongs to nwVT9xLhkkg-00117-00032888-00033232 this group table rows 2 to 7 except nwVT9xLhkkg-00118-00033233-00033856 character 127 7fh GX codes 32 to 126 xx nwVT9xLhkkg-00119-00033857-00034068 hex to 7 a Hix are the standard ASCII nwVT9xLhkkg-00120-00034069-00034435 printable characters table rows 8 to 10 nwVT9xLhkkg-00121-00034436-00034983 8 hex to ahe x codes 128 to 175 80 hex 2 nwVT9xLhkkg-00122-00034984-00035139 effects are a selection of international nwVT9xLhkkg-00123-00035140-00035637 text characters table rows 11 to 13 bhe nwVT9xLhkkg-00124-00035638-00036240 x2 DHE x codes 176 to 223 bo hex 2d fhe nwVT9xLhkkg-00125-00036241-00036462 x our box drawing and block characters nwVT9xLhkkg-00126-00036463-00036690 this block is arranged so that nwVT9xLhkkg-00127-00036691-00037192 characters 192 to 223 co hex 2d fhe x nwVT9xLhkkg-00128-00037193-00037368 contain all the right arms and right nwVT9xLhkkg-00129-00037369-00037737 filled areas the original IBM pc MDA nwVT9xLhkkg-00130-00037738-00038049 display adapter stored the code page 437 nwVT9xLhkkg-00131-00038050-00038317 character glyphs as bitmaps 8 pixels nwVT9xLhkkg-00132-00038318-00038490 wide but for visual enhancement nwVT9xLhkkg-00133-00038491-00038700 displayed them every 9 pixels on screen nwVT9xLhkkg-00134-00038701-00038959 this range of characters had the nwVT9xLhkkg-00135-00038960-00039181 pixal column duplicated by special nwVT9xLhkkg-00136-00039182-00039367 hardware circuitry thus filling in gaps nwVT9xLhkkg-00137-00039368-00039769 in lines and filled areas table rows 14 nwVT9xLhkkg-00138-00039770-00040273 and 15 a hex and fhe x codes 224 to 255 nwVT9xLhkkg-00139-00040274-00040573 e0 hex to FF h e^x are devoted to nwVT9xLhkkg-00140-00040574-00040786 mathematical symbols where the first 12 nwVT9xLhkkg-00141-00040787-00040936 are a selection of Greek letters nwVT9xLhkkg-00142-00040937-00041320 commonly used in physics characters 244 nwVT9xLhkkg-00143-00041321-00041725 f4 hex and 245 f5 hex are the upper and nwVT9xLhkkg-00144-00041726-00041953 lower portion of an italic long s the nwVT9xLhkkg-00145-00041954-00042139 symbol used is the integral sign and nwVT9xLhkkg-00146-00042140-00042327 they can be extended with the character nwVT9xLhkkg-00147-00042328-00042670 179 b3 hex the vertical line of the box nwVT9xLhkkg-00148-00042671-00043024 drawing block character 244 could also nwVT9xLhkkg-00149-00043025-00043225 be used as a surrogate for the long s nwVT9xLhkkg-00150-00043226-00043759 character characters 249 f9 hex and 250 nwVT9xLhkkg-00151-00043760-00043930 thoughts are almost indistinguishable nwVT9xLhkkg-00152-00043931-00044143 the first is slightly larger than the nwVT9xLhkkg-00153-00044144-00044320 second which resembles the typographic nwVT9xLhkkg-00154-00044321-00044794 middle dot the character 255 FF h e^x is nwVT9xLhkkg-00155-00044795-00044995 merely blank and acts as a kind of nwVT9xLhkkg-00156-00044996-00045199 non-breaking space in order to arrange nwVT9xLhkkg-00157-00045200-00045442 math formulae most fonts for microsoft nwVT9xLhkkg-00158-00045443-00045643 windows include the special graphic nwVT9xLhkkg-00159-00045644-00045856 characters at the unicode index is shown nwVT9xLhkkg-00160-00045857-00046141 as they are part of the wgl for set that nwVT9xLhkkg-00161-00046142-00046366 microsoft encourages font designers to nwVT9xLhkkg-00162-00046367-00046564 support the monospaced raster font nwVT9xLhkkg-00163-00046565-00046774 family terminal was an early font that nwVT9xLhkkg-00164-00046775-00047116 replicated all code page 437 characters nwVT9xLhkkg-00165-00047117-00047329 at least at some resolutions to draw nwVT9xLhkkg-00166-00047330-00047488 these characters directly from these nwVT9xLhkkg-00167-00047489-00047722 code points a microsoft windows font nwVT9xLhkkg-00168-00047723-00047764 called nwVT9xLhkkg-00169-00047765-00047986 ms line draw replicates all of the code nwVT9xLhkkg-00170-00047987-00048310 page 437 characters thus providing one nwVT9xLhkkg-00171-00048311-00048517 way to display dos text on a modern nwVT9xLhkkg-00172-00048518-00048706 Windows machine as it was shown in DOS nwVT9xLhkkg-00173-00048707-00049194 with limitations nwVT9xLhkkg-00174-00049195-00049685 pick internationalization nwVT9xLhkkg-00175-00049686-00050014 code page 437 has a series of nwVT9xLhkkg-00176-00050015-00050257 international characters mainly values nwVT9xLhkkg-00177-00050258-00050780 128 to 175 80 hex 2 effects however it nwVT9xLhkkg-00178-00050781-00050977 lacks several characters important to nwVT9xLhkkg-00179-00050978-00051406 many Western languages Spanish AI o and nwVT9xLhkkg-00180-00051407-00052219 you French eh eh e é ê ï ï ô ô ô ü u + y nwVT9xLhkkg-00181-00052220-00052709 Portuguese eh eh eh-eh-eh ee i oh oh oh nwVT9xLhkkg-00182-00052710-00053056 oh and you catalan AE nwVT9xLhkkg-00183-00053057-00053591 aye-aye oh oh and you italian AE i oh nwVT9xLhkkg-00184-00053591-00054122 and you icelandic a I owe you why why nwVT9xLhkkg-00185-00054123-00054592 and Danish Norwegian oh and oh character nwVT9xLhkkg-00186-00054594-00054998 number 237 EDX the small phi closed form nwVT9xLhkkg-00187-00054999-00055190 could be used as a surrogate even though nwVT9xLhkkg-00188-00055191-00055369 it may not render well furthermore it nwVT9xLhkkg-00189-00055370-00055591 tends to map to unicode and or render in nwVT9xLhkkg-00190-00055592-00055838 unicode fonts as the open form Phi or nwVT9xLhkkg-00191-00055839-00056036 the closed vertical form Phi which are nwVT9xLhkkg-00192-00056037-00056300 even further from the O with stroke to nwVT9xLhkkg-00193-00056301-00056510 compensate the Danish Norwegian and nwVT9xLhkkg-00194-00056511-00056888 Icelandic code pages 865 and 861 nwVT9xLhkkg-00195-00056889-00057113 replaced cent sign with O and the yen nwVT9xLhkkg-00196-00057114-00057457 sign with O most Greek alphabet symbols nwVT9xLhkkg-00197-00057458-00057623 were omitted beyond the basic math nwVT9xLhkkg-00198-00057624-00057880 symbols they were included in the Greek nwVT9xLhkkg-00199-00057882-00058334 language code pages 737 and 869 along nwVT9xLhkkg-00200-00058335-00058525 with the cent pound sterling Pound and nwVT9xLhkkg-00201-00058526-00058756 yen yuan currency symbols it has a nwVT9xLhkkg-00202-00058757-00058957 couple of former European currency nwVT9xLhkkg-00203-00058958-00059191 symbols the floor in F Netherlands and nwVT9xLhkkg-00204-00059192-00059465 the Posada Spain the presence of the nwVT9xLhkkg-00205-00059466-00059713 last is unusual since the Spanish Posada nwVT9xLhkkg-00206-00059714-00059903 was never an internationally relevant nwVT9xLhkkg-00207-00059904-00060122 currency and also never had a symbol of nwVT9xLhkkg-00208-00060123-00060175 its own nwVT9xLhkkg-00209-00060176-00060654 it was simply abbreviated as PT PT a nwVT9xLhkkg-00210-00060655-00061201 PT's or PDAs Spanish models of the IBM nwVT9xLhkkg-00211-00061202-00061444 electric typewriter however also had a nwVT9xLhkkg-00212-00061445-00061766 single position devoted to it later dos nwVT9xLhkkg-00213-00061766-00062101 character sets such as code page 850 dos nwVT9xLhkkg-00214-00062102-00062453 Latin one code page 850 to dos Central nwVT9xLhkkg-00215-00062454-00062801 European encode page 737 dos Greek nwVT9xLhkkg-00216-00062802-00062972 filled the gaps for international use nwVT9xLhkkg-00217-00062973-00063067 with some nwVT9xLhkkg-00218-00063069-00063367 had ability with code page 437 by nwVT9xLhkkg-00219-00063369-00063548 retaining the single and double box nwVT9xLhkkg-00220-00063549-00063746 drawing characters while discarding the nwVT9xLhkkg-00221-00063747-00064016 mixed ones eg horizontal double vertical nwVT9xLhkkg-00222-00064016-00064429 single all code page 437 characters have nwVT9xLhkkg-00223-00064430-00064616 similar glyphs in Unicode and in nwVT9xLhkkg-00224-00064616-00064919 Microsoft's wgl for character set and nwVT9xLhkkg-00225-00064920-00065132 therefore are available in most fonts in nwVT9xLhkkg-00226-00065133-00065336 Microsoft Windows and also in the nwVT9xLhkkg-00227-00065337-00065582 default vga font of the linux kernel and nwVT9xLhkkg-00228-00065583-00066319 the iso 10646 fonts for x11 nwVT9xLhkkg-00229-00066320-00066842 topic see also nwVT9xLhkkg-00230-00066843-00067424 all codes NC ASCII semaa graphical nwVT9xLhkkg-00231-00067425-00067732 characters Atari Street character set nwVT9xLhkkg-00232-00067733-00068317 derived from code page 437 nwVT9xLhkkg-00233-00068318-00068854 topic notes nwVT9xLhkkg-00234-00068855-00069373 topic references nwVT9xLhkkg-00235-00069374-00069922 topic external links nwVT9xLhkkg-00236-00069923-00070498 IBM code page 437 reference chart IBM PC nwVT9xLhkkg-00237-00070499-00070723 memory mapped video graphics to Unicode nwVT9xLhkkg-00238-00070724-00071062 on official Unicode site nxgBQUrIALk-00000-00000056-00000223 for this problem we want to use nxgBQUrIALk-00001-00000224-00000335 transformations nxgBQUrIALk-00002-00000336-00000543 and the graph of f of x equals the nxgBQUrIALk-00003-00000544-00000703 absolute value of x nxgBQUrIALk-00004-00000704-00000919 to graph g of x equals the absolute nxgBQUrIALk-00005-00000919-00001054 value of negative x nxgBQUrIALk-00006-00001055-00001391 minus four g of x is equal to f nxgBQUrIALk-00007-00001392-00001718 of negative x minus four the negative nxgBQUrIALk-00008-00001719-00001998 x means that we will reflect the graph nxgBQUrIALk-00009-00002000-00002071 over the y nxgBQUrIALk-00010-00002072-00002391 axis however the graph of f of x nxgBQUrIALk-00011-00002392-00002687 is identical on both sides of the y axis nxgBQUrIALk-00012-00002688-00002895 so the graph of f of negative x nxgBQUrIALk-00013-00002896-00003158 is not going to change subtracting four nxgBQUrIALk-00014-00003159-00003263 from the function nxgBQUrIALk-00015-00003264-00003454 means that we will shift the graph down nxgBQUrIALk-00016-00003455-00003599 by four units nxgBQUrIALk-00017-00003600-00003927 so our new points are at one negative nxgBQUrIALk-00018-00003928-00004054 three nxgBQUrIALk-00019-00004055-00004247 and negative one negative three nxgBQUrIALk-00020-00004248-00004470 connecting the points we get the graph nxgBQUrIALk-00021-00004471-00004984 of g of x and this is a final answer nxxcy5LbYRY-00000-00000008-00000191 fantastic as well nxxcy5LbYRY-00001-00000192-00000407 so we're going to kick straight into it nxxcy5LbYRY-00002-00000408-00000671 the agenda for nxxcy5LbYRY-00003-00000672-00000878 today is we're going to talk about the nxxcy5LbYRY-00004-00000880-00001199 pre-sale the pancake listing withdrawal nxxcy5LbYRY-00005-00001200-00001431 rates of tokens some security updates nxxcy5LbYRY-00006-00001432-00001759 for the panda farm the panda app the nxxcy5LbYRY-00007-00001760-00002014 beta and 2.0 version nxxcy5LbYRY-00008-00002016-00002231 an update on panda 11 and then we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00009-00002232-00002471 going to share the entire punk panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00010-00002472-00002671 ecosystem with you so that's something nxxcy5LbYRY-00011-00002672-00002863 we're excited to share with you nxxcy5LbYRY-00012-00002864-00003118 so the token pre-sale is pretty much nxxcy5LbYRY-00013-00003119-00003422 done we started october 29th at 10 cents nxxcy5LbYRY-00014-00003423-00003663 it's now at 89 cents nxxcy5LbYRY-00015-00003664-00003879 and uh we actually had a couple of large nxxcy5LbYRY-00016-00003879-00004167 investors come in um actually back a few nxxcy5LbYRY-00017-00004168-00004327 probably a week ago now which pretty nxxcy5LbYRY-00018-00004328-00004479 much would have taken out the entire nxxcy5LbYRY-00019-00004480-00004583 pre-sale nxxcy5LbYRY-00020-00004584-00004767 we decided to hold those funds rather nxxcy5LbYRY-00021-00004768-00004886 than put them through the system nxxcy5LbYRY-00022-00004887-00005006 otherwise it would have pushed it nxxcy5LbYRY-00023-00005007-00005206 through to a dollar would have been done nxxcy5LbYRY-00024-00005207-00005415 and around christmas and new year we nxxcy5LbYRY-00025-00005416-00005559 wanted to give people a chance to at nxxcy5LbYRY-00026-00005560-00005759 least withdraw some of their bonus nxxcy5LbYRY-00027-00005760-00005943 wallet commissions if they want to and nxxcy5LbYRY-00028-00005944-00006070 you would have seen we put a five nxxcy5LbYRY-00029-00006071-00006351 percent per day withdrawal limit on that nxxcy5LbYRY-00030-00006352-00006518 but if we look at some perspective as nxxcy5LbYRY-00031-00006519-00006695 what's happened in the last two months nxxcy5LbYRY-00032-00006695-00006878 pretty much since the end of october nxxcy5LbYRY-00033-00006879-00007070 when we kicked off the pre-sale at 10 nxxcy5LbYRY-00034-00007072-00007359 cents you know bitcoin was at 62 000 nxxcy5LbYRY-00035-00007359-00007623 there so people who put money into nxxcy5LbYRY-00036-00007623-00007846 buying some punk panda tokens at the end nxxcy5LbYRY-00037-00007847-00008127 of october at 10 cents now it's gone nxxcy5LbYRY-00038-00008128-00008303 nine times its value so that would have nxxcy5LbYRY-00039-00008304-00008542 been like buying some bitcoin at that nxxcy5LbYRY-00040-00008543-00008807 same point and then bitcoin being worth nxxcy5LbYRY-00041-00008808-00009023 five hundred and sixty thousand us nxxcy5LbYRY-00042-00009024-00009223 dollars nxxcy5LbYRY-00043-00009224-00009342 so if you can mute yourself that would nxxcy5LbYRY-00044-00009343-00009535 be fantastic thank you nxxcy5LbYRY-00045-00009536-00009751 as far as the panda farm is concerned nxxcy5LbYRY-00046-00009752-00009999 there's around 77 000 registered nxxcy5LbYRY-00047-00010000-00010231 accounts on the panda farm uh not all of nxxcy5LbYRY-00048-00010232-00010367 those are people who have purchased nxxcy5LbYRY-00049-00010368-00010503 tokens but i guess they've got an nxxcy5LbYRY-00050-00010504-00010631 account there because they wanted to nxxcy5LbYRY-00051-00010632-00010774 refer someone they wanted to check the nxxcy5LbYRY-00052-00010775-00010974 price or they were getting set up for nxxcy5LbYRY-00053-00010975-00011278 when we listed on pancake so this is nxxcy5LbYRY-00054-00011279-00011423 what's really going to be top of mind nxxcy5LbYRY-00055-00011424-00011567 for a lot of people over the next couple nxxcy5LbYRY-00056-00011568-00011742 of weeks we're preparing to list on nxxcy5LbYRY-00057-00011743-00011999 pancake we're targeting the second to nxxcy5LbYRY-00058-00012000-00012214 third week of january for the public nxxcy5LbYRY-00059-00012215-00012431 listing on pancake swap of the token at nxxcy5LbYRY-00060-00012432-00012631 one dollar we need to establish the nxxcy5LbYRY-00061-00012632-00012846 liquidity pools there we're going to put nxxcy5LbYRY-00062-00012847-00013158 together a uh public panda blitz nxxcy5LbYRY-00063-00013159-00013343 marketing campaign so this is now going nxxcy5LbYRY-00064-00013344-00013566 to start to go out to the public nxxcy5LbYRY-00065-00013568-00013775 and that messaging is really going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00066-00013776-00013951 about the token it's not going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00067-00013952-00014199 about the app and the sports fantasy nxxcy5LbYRY-00068-00014200-00014366 because these are all things that are nxxcy5LbYRY-00069-00014368-00014599 supporting the growth of the token so nxxcy5LbYRY-00070-00014600-00014783 we're going to be pushing this out uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00071-00014784-00014966 from a marketing perspective so people nxxcy5LbYRY-00072-00014968-00015175 who are looking at crypto tokens are nxxcy5LbYRY-00073-00015176-00015471 saying okay what is this token um you nxxcy5LbYRY-00074-00015472-00015671 know what's their normal evaluation nxxcy5LbYRY-00075-00015672-00015847 process make sure they have access to nxxcy5LbYRY-00076-00015847-00016038 all of that information and what's the nxxcy5LbYRY-00077-00016040-00016191 business model that will potentially nxxcy5LbYRY-00078-00016191-00016415 support this token to make it a good one nxxcy5LbYRY-00079-00016416-00016599 for them to buy all right so just be nxxcy5LbYRY-00080-00016600-00016719 really aware of that we're going to nxxcy5LbYRY-00081-00016720-00016894 provide some marketing materials so our nxxcy5LbYRY-00082-00016895-00017103 communities can get involved and start nxxcy5LbYRY-00083-00017104-00017279 to post some of these things whether nxxcy5LbYRY-00084-00017280-00017422 it's on instagram whether it's on nxxcy5LbYRY-00085-00017423-00017639 twitter whether it's on facebook or nxxcy5LbYRY-00086-00017640-00017807 wherever you are if you're involved in nxxcy5LbYRY-00087-00017808-00017983 certain crypto groups nxxcy5LbYRY-00088-00017984-00018239 we will give the contract address only nxxcy5LbYRY-00089-00018240-00018543 after everything is all set up ready to nxxcy5LbYRY-00090-00018544-00018719 go and we're ready to start actually nxxcy5LbYRY-00091-00018720-00018911 taking buying okay nxxcy5LbYRY-00092-00018912-00019183 we will produce a how to buy and how to nxxcy5LbYRY-00093-00019184-00019479 sell video so people who have access to nxxcy5LbYRY-00094-00019480-00019727 tokens know how to go to pancake and buy nxxcy5LbYRY-00095-00019728-00019935 or how to go on there and sell nxxcy5LbYRY-00096-00019936-00020207 now when we do lists we certainly cannot nxxcy5LbYRY-00097-00020208-00020367 control the price especially if nxxcy5LbYRY-00098-00020368-00020567 speculators get involved nxxcy5LbYRY-00099-00020568-00020767 you know it really could go through the nxxcy5LbYRY-00100-00020768-00020967 roof i mean the price could just go nxxcy5LbYRY-00101-00020968-00021247 astronomical we can't control that up nxxcy5LbYRY-00102-00021248-00021455 but what we can do is we can look at nxxcy5LbYRY-00103-00021456-00021735 what we are doing already to support the nxxcy5LbYRY-00104-00021736-00021975 price and support the token growth over nxxcy5LbYRY-00105-00021976-00022175 time all right so i'm going to hand over nxxcy5LbYRY-00106-00022176-00022430 to alba our ceo because albert was nxxcy5LbYRY-00107-00022431-00022575 instrumental in putting together the nxxcy5LbYRY-00108-00022576-00022711 tokenomics nxxcy5LbYRY-00109-00022712-00023055 for the punk panda token and he was also nxxcy5LbYRY-00110-00023056-00023286 instrumental in looking at the six nxxcy5LbYRY-00111-00023287-00023455 different things that we've already put nxxcy5LbYRY-00112-00023456-00023775 in place to support and grow the token nxxcy5LbYRY-00113-00023776-00023967 price over time so albert uh do we have nxxcy5LbYRY-00114-00023968-00024111 you on the call if you can unmute nxxcy5LbYRY-00115-00024112-00024230 yourself please nxxcy5LbYRY-00116-00024231-00024542 uh yes i am hey listen you know what the nxxcy5LbYRY-00117-00024543-00024719 uh what the theme's gonna be for like nxxcy5LbYRY-00118-00024720-00024878 the next six weeks nxxcy5LbYRY-00119-00024879-00025030 help us nxxcy5LbYRY-00120-00025031-00025150 help you nxxcy5LbYRY-00121-00025151-00025358 help us help you because if you think nxxcy5LbYRY-00122-00025359-00025519 about it everybody that would want a nxxcy5LbYRY-00123-00025520-00025711 token at a discounted price in our nxxcy5LbYRY-00124-00025712-00025870 community they're already in our nxxcy5LbYRY-00125-00025872-00026094 community so what we have to do and nxxcy5LbYRY-00126-00026095-00026295 we're going to do it very quickly over nxxcy5LbYRY-00127-00026295-00026495 the next seven to ten days nxxcy5LbYRY-00128-00026495-00026702 we're going to build up another market nxxcy5LbYRY-00129-00026704-00026927 that will be very excited to go over and nxxcy5LbYRY-00130-00026927-00027118 buy the tokens that are going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00131-00027119-00027262 supplied by nxxcy5LbYRY-00132-00027263-00027590 you so help us help you so when we go on nxxcy5LbYRY-00133-00027591-00027831 this advertising blitz and this these nxxcy5LbYRY-00134-00027832-00028055 campaigns uh please help us with you nxxcy5LbYRY-00135-00028056-00028383 know posting reposting retweeting and nxxcy5LbYRY-00136-00028383-00028543 just going out to everybody that you nxxcy5LbYRY-00137-00028544-00028767 possibly can sorry about that nxxcy5LbYRY-00138-00028768-00028918 and then uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00139-00028919-00029102 so that'll make a world of difference if nxxcy5LbYRY-00140-00029104-00029367 everybody pitched in because 77 000 nxxcy5LbYRY-00141-00029368-00029599 people sitting there on the farm if 77 nxxcy5LbYRY-00142-00029600-00029918 000 people just get one person to take a nxxcy5LbYRY-00143-00029919-00030087 look at our website and everything nxxcy5LbYRY-00144-00030088-00030262 that's going to be fantastic nxxcy5LbYRY-00145-00030263-00030462 and as i said nxxcy5LbYRY-00146-00030463-00030623 as you know there's six different things nxxcy5LbYRY-00147-00030624-00030862 that we have done that we put in place nxxcy5LbYRY-00148-00030863-00031087 to make sure that nxxcy5LbYRY-00149-00031088-00031223 we can answer this question when nxxcy5LbYRY-00150-00031224-00031414 somebody asks it what are we doing to nxxcy5LbYRY-00151-00031416-00031614 make sure the price stays steady or nxxcy5LbYRY-00152-00031616-00031839 increases in value over time nxxcy5LbYRY-00153-00031839-00031999 and you know that we started with that nxxcy5LbYRY-00154-00032000-00032270 on day one strategy by actually mining nxxcy5LbYRY-00155-00032272-00032495 the token so the only way tokens can nxxcy5LbYRY-00156-00032495-00032702 come onto the market because you know nxxcy5LbYRY-00157-00032703-00032823 that everybody that bought on the nxxcy5LbYRY-00158-00032824-00033062 pre-sale ambassador founders founders nxxcy5LbYRY-00159-00033063-00033279 anybody like that there's a very strict nxxcy5LbYRY-00160-00033280-00033462 control on the release of the actual nxxcy5LbYRY-00161-00033463-00033615 tokens okay nxxcy5LbYRY-00162-00033616-00033823 so we can handle that and that's one of nxxcy5LbYRY-00163-00033824-00034023 the reasons that we wanted to hurry get nxxcy5LbYRY-00164-00034024-00034302 panned to play which is the panda 11 nxxcy5LbYRY-00165-00034303-00034471 into effect because nxxcy5LbYRY-00166-00034472-00034743 as people are putting tokens on pancake nxxcy5LbYRY-00167-00034744-00034887 panda 11 nxxcy5LbYRY-00168-00034888-00035095 should be in full gear by that time nxxcy5LbYRY-00169-00035096-00035335 going over and purchasing those tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00170-00035336-00035535 off of pancake bringing them back to nxxcy5LbYRY-00171-00035536-00035807 panda 11 for the sports fantasy people nxxcy5LbYRY-00172-00035808-00036079 that want to actually uh you know place nxxcy5LbYRY-00173-00036080-00036279 their wagers on the sports fantasy teams nxxcy5LbYRY-00174-00036280-00036455 that they put together there nxxcy5LbYRY-00175-00036456-00036646 so the six things that we've done is nxxcy5LbYRY-00176-00036647-00036887 that we have the 48 hour rule nxxcy5LbYRY-00177-00036888-00037127 we have the three percent buyback so no nxxcy5LbYRY-00178-00037128-00037302 matter where our source of revenue comes nxxcy5LbYRY-00179-00037303-00037495 in such as panda 11 if it creates a nxxcy5LbYRY-00180-00037496-00037630 thousand dollars with the revenue that nxxcy5LbYRY-00181-00037631-00037702 day nxxcy5LbYRY-00182-00037703-00037918 thirty dollars will be taken and we'll nxxcy5LbYRY-00183-00037919-00038167 go over to pancake purchase tokens and nxxcy5LbYRY-00184-00038168-00038399 they'll go into the buy back wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00185-00038400-00038559 and the one thing that we know that we nxxcy5LbYRY-00186-00038560-00038830 will do with this wallet every 90 days nxxcy5LbYRY-00187-00038831-00039007 we will burn 10 percent of the tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00188-00039008-00039215 that are in there in the future it may nxxcy5LbYRY-00189-00039216-00039399 be needed to resupply the market because nxxcy5LbYRY-00190-00039400-00039551 it can get that bad nxxcy5LbYRY-00191-00039552-00039727 or we'll just keep taking them out nxxcy5LbYRY-00192-00039728-00039902 taking them out and and uh and giving nxxcy5LbYRY-00193-00039903-00040071 them a burn when we say burn we're not nxxcy5LbYRY-00194-00040072-00040230 talking about actually burning nxxcy5LbYRY-00195-00040231-00040430 it'd be more of a charity support or nxxcy5LbYRY-00196-00040431-00040743 something that would go for a good cause nxxcy5LbYRY-00197-00040744-00040951 and uh the other things that we do is nxxcy5LbYRY-00198-00040952-00041327 that we have the utility case uses panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00199-00041328-00041439 11 nxxcy5LbYRY-00200-00041440-00041671 panda post panda meet as these things nxxcy5LbYRY-00201-00041672-00041879 are rolled out these are all case uses nxxcy5LbYRY-00202-00041880-00042102 for people to take the token well now nxxcy5LbYRY-00203-00042103-00042255 they don't really have to go sell it nxxcy5LbYRY-00204-00042256-00042439 because they have an actual use for it nxxcy5LbYRY-00205-00042440-00042583 one of the things that gives us our nxxcy5LbYRY-00206-00042584-00042815 strength is that people are already nxxcy5LbYRY-00207-00042816-00043030 using the products that we have billions nxxcy5LbYRY-00208-00043031-00043199 of people around the world are using the nxxcy5LbYRY-00209-00043200-00043367 products that we already have we're just nxxcy5LbYRY-00210-00043368-00043590 simply saying by using ours you have to nxxcy5LbYRY-00211-00043591-00043887 know you have the encryption and you get nxxcy5LbYRY-00212-00043888-00044015 paid for it nxxcy5LbYRY-00213-00044016-00044223 every 30 minutes and many of you have nxxcy5LbYRY-00214-00044224-00044430 acquired many many many tokens over nxxcy5LbYRY-00215-00044431-00044639 these two months and that's exactly what nxxcy5LbYRY-00216-00044640-00044927 we wanted and uh so with everything that nxxcy5LbYRY-00217-00044928-00045174 we're doing it's controlling the price nxxcy5LbYRY-00218-00045175-00045311 and we're going to be able to support nxxcy5LbYRY-00219-00045312-00045583 that price as it goes up and up because nxxcy5LbYRY-00220-00045584-00045815 the only way that any tokens can go into nxxcy5LbYRY-00221-00045816-00046023 the market and we've got the calculation nxxcy5LbYRY-00222-00046024-00046223 on every single token that was pre-mined nxxcy5LbYRY-00223-00046224-00046399 that could possibly come into the market nxxcy5LbYRY-00224-00046400-00046567 and the ones that are mined are entering nxxcy5LbYRY-00225-00046568-00046718 at 2100 nxxcy5LbYRY-00226-00046719-00046855 and so nxxcy5LbYRY-00227-00046856-00047030 taking those measurements is going to go nxxcy5LbYRY-00228-00047031-00047190 a long ways and always supporting the nxxcy5LbYRY-00229-00047191-00047335 price and we're just trying to nxxcy5LbYRY-00230-00047336-00047535 accomplish two simple things nxxcy5LbYRY-00231-00047536-00047695 low supply nxxcy5LbYRY-00232-00047696-00047895 high demand so with that let me turn it nxxcy5LbYRY-00233-00047896-00048062 back over to you and you can bring me nxxcy5LbYRY-00234-00048063-00048230 back on a little a little a little bit nxxcy5LbYRY-00235-00048231-00048318 later nxxcy5LbYRY-00236-00048319-00048590 fantastic albert thank you very much nxxcy5LbYRY-00237-00048591-00048671 so nxxcy5LbYRY-00238-00048672-00048886 let's move on now to the token nxxcy5LbYRY-00239-00048887-00049030 withdrawal rates i know a lot of people nxxcy5LbYRY-00240-00049031-00049183 have been asking about this different nxxcy5LbYRY-00241-00049184-00049311 aspects of this nxxcy5LbYRY-00242-00049312-00049479 so the way this is going to work is nxxcy5LbYRY-00243-00049480-00049590 there's two nxxcy5LbYRY-00244-00049591-00049830 categories of tokens the first one is nxxcy5LbYRY-00245-00049831-00050015 tokens that are sitting in staking nxxcy5LbYRY-00246-00050016-00050223 wallets so whether that's tokens that nxxcy5LbYRY-00247-00050224-00050455 you have as state tokens on the punk nxxcy5LbYRY-00248-00050456-00050567 panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00249-00050568-00050735 or whether it's tokens that are in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00250-00050736-00050951 staking wallet on the punk panda app nxxcy5LbYRY-00251-00050952-00051151 both of those will have exactly the same nxxcy5LbYRY-00252-00051152-00051423 withdrawal rates withdrawal options so nxxcy5LbYRY-00253-00051424-00051654 they'll be available after the pre-sale nxxcy5LbYRY-00254-00051655-00051879 of course the vesting schedule will nxxcy5LbYRY-00255-00051879-00052063 follow the pre-sale investing schedule i nxxcy5LbYRY-00256-00052064-00052263 should say which basically means any nxxcy5LbYRY-00257-00052264-00052414 tokens that you've got in your staking nxxcy5LbYRY-00258-00052415-00052654 wallets will come available 30 days nxxcy5LbYRY-00259-00052655-00052871 after listing and on the second month nxxcy5LbYRY-00260-00052872-00053023 after listing you'll get access to one nxxcy5LbYRY-00261-00053024-00053230 percent of your tokens two percent three nxxcy5LbYRY-00262-00053232-00053438 percent on a month by month basis nxxcy5LbYRY-00263-00053439-00053591 and the reason we've done it this way is nxxcy5LbYRY-00264-00053591-00053807 a to make it simple b to make sure the nxxcy5LbYRY-00265-00053808-00053966 rules are exactly the same whether nxxcy5LbYRY-00266-00053967-00054126 you've purchased tokens or whether nxxcy5LbYRY-00267-00054127-00054335 you've earned tokens through sharing the nxxcy5LbYRY-00268-00054336-00054542 app and using the app uh exactly the nxxcy5LbYRY-00269-00054544-00054711 same schedule for release on those nxxcy5LbYRY-00270-00054712-00055007 tokens also something to be uh important nxxcy5LbYRY-00271-00055008-00055303 to note is that the panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00272-00055304-00055535 monthly staking interest will end when nxxcy5LbYRY-00273-00055536-00055694 the pre-sale ends nxxcy5LbYRY-00274-00055695-00055966 and those tokens on the panda farm that nxxcy5LbYRY-00275-00055967-00056150 are in the staking wallet will start to nxxcy5LbYRY-00276-00056151-00056391 be recognized by the smart contract so nxxcy5LbYRY-00277-00056391-00056638 they'll be receiving additional ppm nxxcy5LbYRY-00278-00056639-00056999 tokens every 30 minutes the same as the nxxcy5LbYRY-00279-00057000-00057199 tokens are being rewarded in the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00280-00057200-00057342 app for staking as well so they're nxxcy5LbYRY-00281-00057344-00057511 coming into alignment no matter whether nxxcy5LbYRY-00282-00057512-00057647 they're in the farm or in the app if nxxcy5LbYRY-00283-00057648-00057823 you're holding tokens if they're staked nxxcy5LbYRY-00284-00057824-00057982 you'll get rewards every 30 minutes nxxcy5LbYRY-00285-00057983-00058175 based on how many you're holding the nxxcy5LbYRY-00286-00058176-00058479 second category of tokens uh tokens that nxxcy5LbYRY-00287-00058479-00058679 you have sitting in your bonus wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00288-00058679-00058911 from commissions in panda farm and that nxxcy5LbYRY-00289-00058912-00059079 will be the same withdrawal rates which nxxcy5LbYRY-00290-00059079-00059311 we announced last week so five percent nxxcy5LbYRY-00291-00059312-00059559 withdrawal per day which um you'll have nxxcy5LbYRY-00292-00059560-00059807 access to those actually from now and nxxcy5LbYRY-00293-00059808-00060063 also uh once it's listed on pancake nxxcy5LbYRY-00294-00060064-00060319 minimum fifty dollar withdrawal once we nxxcy5LbYRY-00295-00060320-00060519 get listed on pancake if somebody has nxxcy5LbYRY-00296-00060520-00060711 less than fifty dollars sitting in their nxxcy5LbYRY-00297-00060712-00060966 bonus wallet um we'll actually make a nxxcy5LbYRY-00298-00060967-00061182 mechanism so somebody can submit a nxxcy5LbYRY-00299-00061183-00061447 request to get that fifty dollars or nxxcy5LbYRY-00300-00061448-00061663 less than fifty dollars out to sell nxxcy5LbYRY-00301-00061664-00061847 because of course once the pre-sale is nxxcy5LbYRY-00302-00061848-00061999 done that amount is never going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00303-00062000-00062254 worth any more than 50 dollars nxxcy5LbYRY-00304-00062255-00062479 so with that um we've added some nxxcy5LbYRY-00305-00062479-00062647 security updates someone's doing some nxxcy5LbYRY-00306-00062648-00062871 drawing and let me see if we can remove nxxcy5LbYRY-00307-00062872-00063047 this nxxcy5LbYRY-00308-00063048-00063238 uh one second so nxxcy5LbYRY-00309-00063239-00063535 so much for the security huh nxxcy5LbYRY-00310-00063536-00063629 yeah very funny nxxcy5LbYRY-00311-00063629-00063847 [Laughter] nxxcy5LbYRY-00312-00063848-00064215 got people marking up our security files nxxcy5LbYRY-00313-00064216-00064606 uh how do i here we go nxxcy5LbYRY-00314-00064607-00064759 yeah and i just got off the phone with nxxcy5LbYRY-00315-00064760-00064926 the text it looks like it's going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00316-00064927-00065464 about nxxcy5LbYRY-00317-00065465-00067103 [Music] nxxcy5LbYRY-00318-00067104-00067575 now nxxcy5LbYRY-00319-00067576-00067782 okay uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00320-00067783-00067975 i'm not sure nxxcy5LbYRY-00321-00067976-00068191 yeah it looks like nxxcy5LbYRY-00322-00068192-00068350 are you unstable nxxcy5LbYRY-00323-00068351-00068694 i think so it looks like my um nxxcy5LbYRY-00324-00068695-00068847 my wi-fi might be dropping can you hear nxxcy5LbYRY-00325-00068848-00068975 me okay albert nxxcy5LbYRY-00326-00068976-00069191 yeah i can hear you now but i my wi-fi nxxcy5LbYRY-00327-00069192-00069350 went kind of bad also nxxcy5LbYRY-00328-00069351-00069631 okay all right so um let's keep moving nxxcy5LbYRY-00329-00069632-00069831 forward as far as the punk panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00330-00069832-00070006 we've done some security updates in nxxcy5LbYRY-00331-00070007-00070294 anticipation for the token listing make nxxcy5LbYRY-00332-00070295-00070526 sure everyone's assets are secured so nxxcy5LbYRY-00333-00070527-00070759 what you'll be able to do after this nxxcy5LbYRY-00334-00070760-00070999 actual update we're going to put a video nxxcy5LbYRY-00335-00071000-00071167 which will cover these next few slides nxxcy5LbYRY-00336-00071168-00071319 but just we'll talk through it here as nxxcy5LbYRY-00337-00071320-00071582 well when you log into your back office nxxcy5LbYRY-00338-00071583-00071806 you can actually go down to click on nxxcy5LbYRY-00339-00071807-00071911 account nxxcy5LbYRY-00340-00071912-00072103 and then on account you can click update nxxcy5LbYRY-00341-00072104-00072391 wallet address once you do that you'll nxxcy5LbYRY-00342-00072392-00072582 actually see this pop up and it's going nxxcy5LbYRY-00343-00072583-00072855 to prompt you to enter your smart chain nxxcy5LbYRY-00344-00072856-00073071 wallet address so make sure it's not nxxcy5LbYRY-00345-00073072-00073350 just a bnb wallet it needs to be bnb nxxcy5LbYRY-00346-00073351-00073511 smart chain wallet address whether nxxcy5LbYRY-00347-00073512-00073703 that's um on an exchange or whether it's nxxcy5LbYRY-00348-00073704-00073911 in your trust wallet or your meta mask nxxcy5LbYRY-00349-00073912-00074206 so enter in your wallet address into nxxcy5LbYRY-00350-00074207-00074471 here then you click on white list crypto nxxcy5LbYRY-00351-00074472-00074671 address this is important because it nxxcy5LbYRY-00352-00074672-00074871 means that nobody can actually take nxxcy5LbYRY-00353-00074872-00075047 funds out of your back office and send nxxcy5LbYRY-00354-00075048-00075199 it to their own wallet they'll only ever nxxcy5LbYRY-00355-00075200-00075367 be able to go to whatever wallet is nxxcy5LbYRY-00356-00075368-00075599 white listed which will be yours nxxcy5LbYRY-00357-00075600-00075767 the reason it will be yours is that once nxxcy5LbYRY-00358-00075768-00076015 you've white listed your wallet address nxxcy5LbYRY-00359-00076016-00076326 it's going to say enter your otp nxxcy5LbYRY-00360-00076327-00076535 so a one-time pin will be sent to your nxxcy5LbYRY-00361-00076536-00076775 email which is the email that's on file nxxcy5LbYRY-00362-00076776-00077023 in your punk panda farm address which of nxxcy5LbYRY-00363-00077024-00077175 course you've input that it can't be nxxcy5LbYRY-00364-00077176-00077262 changed nxxcy5LbYRY-00365-00077263-00077471 once you've put the one-time pin in nxxcy5LbYRY-00366-00077472-00077615 that's come to your email you'll click nxxcy5LbYRY-00367-00077616-00077919 approve and add crypto wallet address nxxcy5LbYRY-00368-00077920-00078119 and it will come up saying your smart nxxcy5LbYRY-00369-00078120-00078359 chain bnb wallet address added nxxcy5LbYRY-00370-00078360-00078694 successfully so once you've done that nxxcy5LbYRY-00371-00078695-00078894 you'll be able to place a withdrawal if nxxcy5LbYRY-00372-00078895-00079126 you have money in your bonus wallets now nxxcy5LbYRY-00373-00079127-00079303 if somebody tries to do a withdrawal nxxcy5LbYRY-00374-00079304-00079550 before whitelisting an address this is nxxcy5LbYRY-00375-00079551-00079711 what will come up add your wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00376-00079712-00079871 address for withdrawal and you have to nxxcy5LbYRY-00377-00079872-00080015 go through the process that we just nxxcy5LbYRY-00378-00080016-00080262 showed to whitelist an address with that nxxcy5LbYRY-00379-00080263-00080535 one-time pin coming to your email nxxcy5LbYRY-00380-00080536-00080799 so going forward any account changes and nxxcy5LbYRY-00381-00080800-00080991 withdrawals it'll mean that if anyone's nxxcy5LbYRY-00382-00080992-00081143 in there into your back office they're nxxcy5LbYRY-00383-00081144-00081359 trying to change your email your phone nxxcy5LbYRY-00384-00081360-00081550 number or the whitelisted address that nxxcy5LbYRY-00385-00081551-00081894 can only occur by submitting a ticket nxxcy5LbYRY-00386-00081895-00082175 via your back office now if that ticket nxxcy5LbYRY-00387-00082176-00082343 looks suspicious nxxcy5LbYRY-00388-00082344-00082526 a phone call will even be required to nxxcy5LbYRY-00389-00082527-00082847 change those details as added security nxxcy5LbYRY-00390-00082848-00083047 now as far as withdrawal requests from nxxcy5LbYRY-00391-00083048-00083262 the back office they'll be released nxxcy5LbYRY-00392-00083263-00083503 twice a day so any pending withdrawals nxxcy5LbYRY-00393-00083504-00083679 will sit there for up to 12 hours at the nxxcy5LbYRY-00394-00083680-00083943 most and they'll be released manually nxxcy5LbYRY-00395-00083944-00084079 by our team nxxcy5LbYRY-00396-00084080-00084335 so twice a day any withdrawal request nxxcy5LbYRY-00397-00084336-00084511 request will be cleared nxxcy5LbYRY-00398-00084512-00084750 now panda app this is pretty kind of nxxcy5LbYRY-00399-00084751-00084926 exciting the beta version we know has nxxcy5LbYRY-00400-00084927-00085111 given us a number of challenges but even nxxcy5LbYRY-00401-00085112-00085455 despite that we're now over 260 000 nxxcy5LbYRY-00402-00085456-00085718 users of the app so at this pace we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00403-00085719-00085943 growing at three to five thousand users nxxcy5LbYRY-00404-00085944-00086159 a day that would put us at two to three nxxcy5LbYRY-00405-00086160-00086382 million users by the end of the year if nxxcy5LbYRY-00406-00086383-00086567 we just continued our current pace but nxxcy5LbYRY-00407-00086568-00086831 we know things are going to ramp up um nxxcy5LbYRY-00408-00086832-00087175 even if those 260 000 users nxxcy5LbYRY-00409-00087176-00087423 introduce 10 friends each in the next 30 nxxcy5LbYRY-00410-00087424-00087655 days we're at 2.6 million in the next 30 nxxcy5LbYRY-00411-00087656-00087911 days so we're growing fast um one thing nxxcy5LbYRY-00412-00087912-00088047 we have let you down on and we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00413-00088048-00088382 frustrated is the one-time pin nxxcy5LbYRY-00414-00088383-00088615 code for registering a new account we nxxcy5LbYRY-00415-00088616-00088823 wanted to have that switched over nxxcy5LbYRY-00416-00088824-00089111 to an email verification and we haven't nxxcy5LbYRY-00417-00089112-00089271 achieved that yet we still actually nxxcy5LbYRY-00418-00089272-00089382 don't know nxxcy5LbYRY-00419-00089383-00089559 whether we can achieve that in a timely nxxcy5LbYRY-00420-00089560-00089703 manner if it looks like it's going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00421-00089704-00089903 too long we say hey you know what we nxxcy5LbYRY-00422-00089904-00090135 just persist with the current beta app nxxcy5LbYRY-00423-00090136-00090215 and nxxcy5LbYRY-00424-00090216-00090423 until we've got the panda 2.0 coming in nxxcy5LbYRY-00425-00090424-00090631 february if we can get that done we'll nxxcy5LbYRY-00426-00090632-00090831 let you know it can be done and when nxxcy5LbYRY-00427-00090832-00090975 it's done okay nxxcy5LbYRY-00428-00090976-00091055 so nxxcy5LbYRY-00429-00091056-00091294 um the panda app for the invite code nxxcy5LbYRY-00430-00091295-00091479 sending out a link so someone can join nxxcy5LbYRY-00431-00091480-00091647 the app instead of the code we'll advise nxxcy5LbYRY-00432-00091648-00091815 you on that one as well because those nxxcy5LbYRY-00433-00091816-00092150 two items being email will be related nxxcy5LbYRY-00434-00092151-00092375 so one thing that's been improved and nxxcy5LbYRY-00435-00092376-00092606 working very well is the panda ppm nxxcy5LbYRY-00436-00092607-00092815 rewards for staking in the app and nxxcy5LbYRY-00437-00092816-00092974 sharing the app the panda powers that's nxxcy5LbYRY-00438-00092975-00093143 running smoothly in fact people have nxxcy5LbYRY-00439-00093144-00093343 been earning some incredible ppm tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00440-00093344-00093526 from using and sharing the app so we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00441-00093527-00093655 going to show some of these here right nxxcy5LbYRY-00442-00093656-00093767 now nxxcy5LbYRY-00443-00093768-00093950 you know this is nxxcy5LbYRY-00444-00093951-00094262 a gentleman from nigeria uh patrick nxxcy5LbYRY-00445-00094263-00094591 21 000 ppm tokens he's built a team of nxxcy5LbYRY-00446-00094592-00094879 over 40 000 people using and sharing the nxxcy5LbYRY-00447-00094880-00095094 app this guy is incredible i never hear nxxcy5LbYRY-00448-00095095-00095279 from him he never complains he gets on nxxcy5LbYRY-00449-00095280-00095535 with his stuff he creates groups for his nxxcy5LbYRY-00450-00095536-00095711 messages to communicate whether it's a nxxcy5LbYRY-00451-00095712-00095903 telegram group or multiple whatsapp nxxcy5LbYRY-00452-00095904-00096150 groups he's just taking care of business nxxcy5LbYRY-00453-00096151-00096350 and i want to have a shout out um to let nxxcy5LbYRY-00454-00096351-00096503 patrick know that our thoughts are with nxxcy5LbYRY-00455-00096504-00096671 you because um nxxcy5LbYRY-00456-00096672-00096823 his mom unfortunately passed away nxxcy5LbYRY-00457-00096824-00096974 unexpectedly so our thoughts are with nxxcy5LbYRY-00458-00096975-00097182 you and we're all sending you our panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00459-00097183-00097279 support nxxcy5LbYRY-00460-00097280-00097455 so then we've got a gentleman uh in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00461-00097456-00097750 usa thirteen thousand uh tokens in his nxxcy5LbYRY-00462-00097751-00098047 wallet um we've got uh mikhail from uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00463-00098048-00098231 he's actually in the us but he's his nxxcy5LbYRY-00464-00098232-00098559 group is dominantly into russia 27 000 nxxcy5LbYRY-00465-00098560-00098759 ppm tokens so they're probably our two nxxcy5LbYRY-00466-00098760-00098999 biggest markets as far as users of the nxxcy5LbYRY-00467-00099000-00099374 app are russia and africa at the moment nxxcy5LbYRY-00468-00099375-00099559 all right now we've got a couple of nxxcy5LbYRY-00469-00099560-00099774 wallet holders uh one out of australia nxxcy5LbYRY-00470-00099775-00100174 29 000 one out of india 38 000 tokens so nxxcy5LbYRY-00471-00100175-00100438 think about this what other business do nxxcy5LbYRY-00472-00100439-00100743 you know of that you could take a free nxxcy5LbYRY-00473-00100744-00100991 product or a free service and take it to nxxcy5LbYRY-00474-00100992-00101167 people and they can have a free product nxxcy5LbYRY-00475-00101168-00101335 and a free service and they can be using nxxcy5LbYRY-00476-00101336-00101535 that to communicate and they could have nxxcy5LbYRY-00477-00101536-00101815 earned 38 000 us dollars worth of nxxcy5LbYRY-00478-00101816-00102135 rewards in two months that to me is nxxcy5LbYRY-00479-00102136-00102311 mind-blowing and we are just getting nxxcy5LbYRY-00480-00102312-00102639 started panda 11 update uh they've been nxxcy5LbYRY-00481-00102640-00102815 doing some test matches with the free nxxcy5LbYRY-00482-00102816-00103030 tokens that are in there at the moment nxxcy5LbYRY-00483-00103031-00103175 if you want to jump over there and have nxxcy5LbYRY-00484-00103176-00103447 a play with the panda 11 app that's fine nxxcy5LbYRY-00485-00103448-00103734 but until it's ready until it's tested nxxcy5LbYRY-00486-00103735-00103951 until we've got ppm tokens in there and nxxcy5LbYRY-00487-00103952-00104190 we know that it's easy to use nxxcy5LbYRY-00488-00104191-00104318 we're not going to be providing nxxcy5LbYRY-00489-00104319-00104542 questions and support tutorials in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00490-00104543-00104815 telegram group okay so just let them do nxxcy5LbYRY-00491-00104816-00104927 their thing nxxcy5LbYRY-00492-00104928-00105110 let them onboard people from the sports nxxcy5LbYRY-00493-00105111-00105263 fantasy community that are totally nxxcy5LbYRY-00494-00105264-00105527 outside of the panda community again if nxxcy5LbYRY-00495-00105528-00105702 you want to go over and play with it and nxxcy5LbYRY-00496-00105703-00105886 and and sort of get used to it that's nxxcy5LbYRY-00497-00105888-00106054 cool that's up to you nxxcy5LbYRY-00498-00106055-00106231 but don't come to us for support and ask nxxcy5LbYRY-00499-00106232-00106366 a thousand questions because we're going nxxcy5LbYRY-00500-00106367-00106566 to wait until it's done uh before we nxxcy5LbYRY-00501-00106567-00106727 start promoting it through the group uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00502-00106728-00106902 albert do you want to add anything to uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00503-00106903-00107110 to the the uh the conversation around nxxcy5LbYRY-00504-00107111-00107278 the panda 11 at the moment nxxcy5LbYRY-00505-00107279-00107631 yes i do it's uh from now until uh next nxxcy5LbYRY-00506-00107632-00107863 monday so about the next six days it's nxxcy5LbYRY-00507-00107864-00108071 just going to be free matches if anybody nxxcy5LbYRY-00508-00108072-00108302 wants to go participate in a free match nxxcy5LbYRY-00509-00108303-00108447 but there's really no reason that you nxxcy5LbYRY-00510-00108448-00108647 need to uh you're going to see on the nxxcy5LbYRY-00511-00108648-00108799 next page is nxxcy5LbYRY-00512-00108800-00109023 our ecosystem and it's going to point nxxcy5LbYRY-00513-00109024-00109190 out all these things that we have coming nxxcy5LbYRY-00514-00109191-00109319 in the future you're not going to get nxxcy5LbYRY-00515-00109320-00109495 involved in every single one of them but nxxcy5LbYRY-00516-00109496-00109654 you're going to clap as they're being nxxcy5LbYRY-00517-00109655-00109815 developed because they're going to use nxxcy5LbYRY-00518-00109816-00109958 ppm tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00519-00109959-00110254 and we're looking forward the first live nxxcy5LbYRY-00520-00110255-00110575 match where people will be taking ppm nxxcy5LbYRY-00521-00110576-00110799 and actually placing it and having their nxxcy5LbYRY-00522-00110800-00110958 sports fantasy team nxxcy5LbYRY-00523-00110959-00111223 uh be in play that day will be on monday nxxcy5LbYRY-00524-00111224-00111366 so we're looking very forward to that nxxcy5LbYRY-00525-00111367-00111447 day nxxcy5LbYRY-00526-00111448-00111823 and as marcus just said it's amazing 260 nxxcy5LbYRY-00527-00111824-00112071 000 people with an app that hasn't nxxcy5LbYRY-00528-00112072-00112302 worked and it all comes down to this nxxcy5LbYRY-00529-00112303-00112454 we are touching nxxcy5LbYRY-00530-00112455-00112751 a huge cross stream of people nxxcy5LbYRY-00531-00112752-00113086 we have the poverty czar of liberia nxxcy5LbYRY-00532-00113088-00113351 that wants to build this so he can nxxcy5LbYRY-00533-00113352-00113558 give right he can take uh give people nxxcy5LbYRY-00534-00113559-00113839 rice so they can give him one ppm nxxcy5LbYRY-00535-00113840-00114047 because that one ppm at one dollar can nxxcy5LbYRY-00536-00114048-00114286 feed a family of sin nxxcy5LbYRY-00537-00114288-00114358 so nxxcy5LbYRY-00538-00114359-00114534 we're touching people's lives there all nxxcy5LbYRY-00539-00114535-00114663 the way up to the biggest some of the nxxcy5LbYRY-00540-00114664-00114847 biggest leaders in the world nxxcy5LbYRY-00541-00114848-00115047 so that's credit that's such a huge nxxcy5LbYRY-00542-00115048-00115319 cross-section and everybody in between nxxcy5LbYRY-00543-00115320-00115527 and it comes down to i joke with leaders nxxcy5LbYRY-00544-00115528-00115686 all the time i call them out on the nxxcy5LbYRY-00545-00115688-00115839 webinars and i say look nxxcy5LbYRY-00546-00115840-00116175 you have 20 000 tokens in your in your nxxcy5LbYRY-00547-00116176-00116375 app right now so you've built a huge nxxcy5LbYRY-00548-00116376-00116607 panda palace let me ask you a question nxxcy5LbYRY-00549-00116608-00116807 which large package did you buy did you nxxcy5LbYRY-00550-00116808-00116975 do the thousand dollar package the 10 nxxcy5LbYRY-00551-00116976-00117158 000 the 20 000 nxxcy5LbYRY-00552-00117159-00117310 how did you because i mean you've nxxcy5LbYRY-00553-00117311-00117583 already made about 40 000 in one month nxxcy5LbYRY-00554-00117583-00117710 you know what package did you start with nxxcy5LbYRY-00555-00117711-00117910 give people advice well i started with nxxcy5LbYRY-00556-00117911-00118158 nothing i spent nothing really so you nxxcy5LbYRY-00557-00118159-00118327 started with zero and then about all nxxcy5LbYRY-00558-00118328-00118495 your leaders what package did they do nxxcy5LbYRY-00559-00118496-00118639 what would you recommend to all their nxxcy5LbYRY-00560-00118640-00118734 leaders nxxcy5LbYRY-00561-00118735-00118863 zero nxxcy5LbYRY-00562-00118864-00119134 i mean as marcus said just let that let nxxcy5LbYRY-00563-00119135-00119351 that thought sink in for a second where nxxcy5LbYRY-00564-00119352-00119534 can somebody just pick up nxxcy5LbYRY-00565-00119535-00119823 no money go out and just start building nxxcy5LbYRY-00566-00119824-00120063 an extremely lucrative business like nxxcy5LbYRY-00567-00120064-00120143 this nxxcy5LbYRY-00568-00120144-00120334 i i've never seen it i've never seen the nxxcy5LbYRY-00569-00120335-00120439 things that have happened here in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00570-00120440-00120614 last few months i've never seen them nxxcy5LbYRY-00571-00120615-00120847 happen anywhere where you have about nxxcy5LbYRY-00572-00120848-00121063 10 separate teams that have already nxxcy5LbYRY-00573-00121064-00121407 built over 10 000 to 20 000 members in nxxcy5LbYRY-00574-00121408-00121527 the first six to eight weeks that nxxcy5LbYRY-00575-00121528-00121639 they're involved nxxcy5LbYRY-00576-00121640-00121734 and nxxcy5LbYRY-00577-00121735-00121895 patrick our heart really does go out to nxxcy5LbYRY-00578-00121896-00122078 you sir i mean it's such an unexpected nxxcy5LbYRY-00579-00122079-00122302 so we're panda family we're completely nxxcy5LbYRY-00580-00122303-00122447 behind you sir nxxcy5LbYRY-00581-00122448-00122575 with that i'll turn it back to you nxxcy5LbYRY-00582-00122576-00122702 marcus nxxcy5LbYRY-00583-00122703-00122966 thank you albert so um we've got our nxxcy5LbYRY-00584-00122967-00123127 first nfts that are going to be coming nxxcy5LbYRY-00585-00123128-00123375 out the door uh this month january we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00586-00123376-00123686 gonna have uh panda profit and uh panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00587-00123688-00123927 play will be the first ones that uh get nxxcy5LbYRY-00588-00123928-00124166 optioned off uh auctioned off so we'll nxxcy5LbYRY-00589-00124167-00124375 keep you guys abreast of when that's nxxcy5LbYRY-00590-00124376-00124502 happening where it's happening and how nxxcy5LbYRY-00591-00124503-00124719 it's going and this is the last thing i nxxcy5LbYRY-00592-00124720-00125031 want to show you is the panda ecosystem nxxcy5LbYRY-00593-00125032-00125183 uh this is quite exciting and we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00594-00125183-00125358 going to make this available we're going nxxcy5LbYRY-00595-00125359-00125527 to send this image into the telegram nxxcy5LbYRY-00596-00125528-00125702 group because i think it will help nxxcy5LbYRY-00597-00125703-00125943 everybody to understand you know where nxxcy5LbYRY-00598-00125944-00126078 different things fit within the nxxcy5LbYRY-00599-00126079-00126295 ecosystem and how it all supports each nxxcy5LbYRY-00600-00126296-00126502 other so i'm going to talk through it nxxcy5LbYRY-00601-00126503-00126783 and then we'll close out the update so nxxcy5LbYRY-00602-00126783-00127078 we've got the the ppm smart contract and nxxcy5LbYRY-00603-00127079-00127351 every 30 minutes it's delivering tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00604-00127352-00127454 into nxxcy5LbYRY-00605-00127455-00127639 supply all right at the moment every 30 nxxcy5LbYRY-00606-00127640-00127943 minutes 2 100 tokens getting delivered nxxcy5LbYRY-00607-00127944-00128086 and then after a year we'll have a nxxcy5LbYRY-00608-00128088-00128263 halving schedule and then there'll only nxxcy5LbYRY-00609-00128264-00128447 be a thousand and fifty being delivered nxxcy5LbYRY-00610-00128448-00128799 into circulation so out of those 2100 nxxcy5LbYRY-00611-00128800-00128966 tokens 15 nxxcy5LbYRY-00612-00128967-00129119 is always going back to further nxxcy5LbYRY-00613-00129120-00129327 development in the company products nxxcy5LbYRY-00614-00129328-00129486 marketing everything that needs to keep nxxcy5LbYRY-00615-00129488-00129783 the business model moving forward 23 are nxxcy5LbYRY-00616-00129783-00130023 going to people in the panda app which nxxcy5LbYRY-00617-00130024-00130207 is for people who are holding tokens for nxxcy5LbYRY-00618-00130208-00130334 staking nxxcy5LbYRY-00619-00130335-00130590 50 percent are also going to the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00620-00130591-00130790 app which is for the panda pals nxxcy5LbYRY-00621-00130791-00130975 rewarding people who are sharing the app nxxcy5LbYRY-00622-00130976-00131087 with others nxxcy5LbYRY-00623-00131088-00131319 and it's monitoring their usage time nxxcy5LbYRY-00624-00131320-00131535 tracking down 12 levels who's using the nxxcy5LbYRY-00625-00131536-00131783 app the most all right then you've got nxxcy5LbYRY-00626-00131784-00132031 the final 12 percent is coming down to nxxcy5LbYRY-00627-00132032-00132190 the panda profit part of the business nxxcy5LbYRY-00628-00132191-00132383 which is the punk panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00629-00132384-00132527 because we're going to have obviously nxxcy5LbYRY-00630-00132528-00132775 defy opportunities but also already nxxcy5LbYRY-00631-00132776-00132966 there's staking there and as mentioned nxxcy5LbYRY-00632-00132967-00133207 before those people who have tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00633-00133208-00133527 staked on panda farm as soon as we list nxxcy5LbYRY-00634-00133528-00133751 those tokens will start to be recognized nxxcy5LbYRY-00635-00133752-00133878 for the smart contract and we're going nxxcy5LbYRY-00636-00133879-00134087 to have 12 of the tokens going into nxxcy5LbYRY-00637-00134088-00134295 panda farm every 30 minutes and being nxxcy5LbYRY-00638-00134296-00134447 shared with those people who are holding nxxcy5LbYRY-00639-00134448-00134647 tokens on the panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00640-00134648-00134911 now so the way to get tokens in this nxxcy5LbYRY-00641-00134912-00135119 system is that you can go to an exchange nxxcy5LbYRY-00642-00135120-00135359 once we're listed you can buy them nxxcy5LbYRY-00643-00135360-00135439 or nxxcy5LbYRY-00644-00135440-00135678 you can actually use and share the app nxxcy5LbYRY-00645-00135679-00135814 right that's the only ways you can get nxxcy5LbYRY-00646-00135815-00135983 tokens you can use and share the app or nxxcy5LbYRY-00647-00135984-00136183 you can go buy them on an exchange nxxcy5LbYRY-00648-00136184-00136335 people can sell them so they've got them nxxcy5LbYRY-00649-00136336-00136502 in the app they'll be able to sell them nxxcy5LbYRY-00650-00136503-00136647 on a public exchange starting with nxxcy5LbYRY-00651-00136648-00136902 pancake or if they've got tokens in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00652-00136903-00137102 punk panda farm they'll be able to sell nxxcy5LbYRY-00653-00137103-00137311 them in on an exchange nxxcy5LbYRY-00654-00137312-00137471 but there's actually many reasons and nxxcy5LbYRY-00655-00137472-00137735 ways people will actually need punk nxxcy5LbYRY-00656-00137736-00138023 panda tokens from a utility perspective nxxcy5LbYRY-00657-00138024-00138295 so the panda app is our strategy for nxxcy5LbYRY-00658-00138296-00138559 mass market acquisition worries no we've nxxcy5LbYRY-00659-00138560-00138999 got over 260 000 users of the apps so as nxxcy5LbYRY-00660-00139000-00139239 that app generates a massive global nxxcy5LbYRY-00661-00139240-00139478 community in a huge database nxxcy5LbYRY-00662-00139479-00139631 we know that a percentage of that nxxcy5LbYRY-00663-00139632-00139751 community nxxcy5LbYRY-00664-00139752-00140031 will come down and use either a free or nxxcy5LbYRY-00665-00140032-00140311 a paid version of our future products nxxcy5LbYRY-00666-00140312-00140551 some of them will come down and use a nxxcy5LbYRY-00667-00140552-00140735 paid version of panda post instead of nxxcy5LbYRY-00668-00140736-00140935 using dropbox and paying for that nxxcy5LbYRY-00669-00140936-00141111 they'll use the encrypted file sharing nxxcy5LbYRY-00670-00141112-00141327 service we have called panda posts nxxcy5LbYRY-00671-00141328-00141487 we know a percentage of the community nxxcy5LbYRY-00672-00141488-00141623 will come down and they want to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00673-00141624-00141895 involved in the panda farm for defined nxxcy5LbYRY-00674-00141896-00142071 staking opportunities nxxcy5LbYRY-00675-00142072-00142231 we know a percentage will want to use nxxcy5LbYRY-00676-00142232-00142423 the video conferencing service the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00677-00142424-00142526 vault nxxcy5LbYRY-00678-00142527-00142711 and we know a percentage will want to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00679-00142712-00142966 involved in the panda 11 sports fantasy nxxcy5LbYRY-00680-00142967-00143135 they'll want to play the past the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00681-00143136-00143351 game they want to buy items in the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00682-00143352-00143519 store or they want to be involved in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00683-00143520-00143711 nfts that we produce nxxcy5LbYRY-00684-00143712-00143839 so all of these things i've just nxxcy5LbYRY-00685-00143840-00144023 mentioned you can see green arrows nxxcy5LbYRY-00686-00144024-00144239 coming off the exchange nxxcy5LbYRY-00687-00144240-00144495 because somebody needs to go and buy nxxcy5LbYRY-00688-00144496-00144631 those tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00689-00144632-00144831 before they can go and stake them nxxcy5LbYRY-00690-00144832-00145071 on the panda farm nxxcy5LbYRY-00691-00145072-00145278 even with panda 11 if we've got a nxxcy5LbYRY-00692-00145279-00145654 million users over the next 100 120 days nxxcy5LbYRY-00693-00145655-00145799 we're going to have to make sure there's nxxcy5LbYRY-00694-00145800-00146126 a float of ppm tokens inside the panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00695-00146127-00146383 11 app so when people come in with their nxxcy5LbYRY-00696-00146384-00146535 bitcoin when they come in with their nxxcy5LbYRY-00697-00146536-00146759 aetherium with their tron with their bnb nxxcy5LbYRY-00698-00146760-00146990 they need to convert them to ppm tokens nxxcy5LbYRY-00699-00146991-00147319 because all of the matches will be 5 ppm nxxcy5LbYRY-00700-00147320-00147526 tokens to participate in this match 10 nxxcy5LbYRY-00701-00147527-00147759 ppm tokens 100 ppm tokens there'll be nxxcy5LbYRY-00702-00147760-00147943 different matches and different amounts nxxcy5LbYRY-00703-00147944-00148151 of tokens they will need to participate nxxcy5LbYRY-00704-00148152-00148335 in those different matches if people nxxcy5LbYRY-00705-00148336-00148511 want to use the paid version for nxxcy5LbYRY-00706-00148512-00148735 pandavault panda meet panda post they nxxcy5LbYRY-00707-00148736-00149023 need ppm tokens so this helps to show nxxcy5LbYRY-00708-00149024-00149199 the whole ecosystem and like albert nxxcy5LbYRY-00709-00149200-00149302 mentioned nxxcy5LbYRY-00710-00149303-00149614 just because we're releasing pan to play nxxcy5LbYRY-00711-00149615-00149743 you don't have to run down there and go nxxcy5LbYRY-00712-00149744-00149919 oh how do i use it how do i get involved nxxcy5LbYRY-00713-00149920-00150111 how do i get an account or how do i make nxxcy5LbYRY-00714-00150112-00150326 sure someone's not stealing my people nxxcy5LbYRY-00715-00150327-00150526 you have to worry about that you stay up nxxcy5LbYRY-00716-00150527-00150726 here doing what you're doing using the nxxcy5LbYRY-00717-00150727-00150823 app nxxcy5LbYRY-00718-00150824-00151102 sharing the app earning tokens because nxxcy5LbYRY-00719-00151103-00151375 all of the revenue produced by panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00720-00151376-00151671 play vault me post profit all of the nxxcy5LbYRY-00721-00151672-00151887 revenue is pushing up and supporting the nxxcy5LbYRY-00722-00151888-00152143 token price of all those ppm tokens that nxxcy5LbYRY-00723-00152144-00152326 you're holding that you either bought in nxxcy5LbYRY-00724-00152327-00152535 the pre-sale or you earned from using nxxcy5LbYRY-00725-00152536-00152743 and sharing the app all right so just nxxcy5LbYRY-00726-00152744-00152959 understand it's an ecosystem like out nxxcy5LbYRY-00727-00152960-00153102 there in the big wide world if you're a nxxcy5LbYRY-00728-00153103-00153278 duck don't worry about how do i be a nxxcy5LbYRY-00729-00153279-00153551 shark well you're a duck just be a duck nxxcy5LbYRY-00730-00153552-00153751 right or if you're a shark you're shark nxxcy5LbYRY-00731-00153752-00153919 you know what you don't just be who you nxxcy5LbYRY-00732-00153920-00154126 are do what you do work out how you fit nxxcy5LbYRY-00733-00154127-00154295 into the ecosystem nxxcy5LbYRY-00734-00154296-00154414 because some people are going to come nxxcy5LbYRY-00735-00154415-00154623 into panda play and for whatever reason nxxcy5LbYRY-00736-00154624-00154814 they might go i don't want to use the nxxcy5LbYRY-00737-00154815-00154902 app nxxcy5LbYRY-00738-00154903-00155071 you know and that's cool they're nxxcy5LbYRY-00739-00155072-00155254 participating and contributing to the nxxcy5LbYRY-00740-00155255-00155478 ecosystem and to the community in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00741-00155479-00155735 way that suits them so albert anything nxxcy5LbYRY-00742-00155736-00155902 you want to add before i move past this nxxcy5LbYRY-00743-00155903-00156095 slide and close out nxxcy5LbYRY-00744-00156096-00156447 no you did a beautiful job with it um nxxcy5LbYRY-00745-00156448-00156647 in the next two days we think we have a nxxcy5LbYRY-00746-00156648-00156775 wallet that's picked out that we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00747-00156776-00156951 going to recommend to everybody nxxcy5LbYRY-00748-00156952-00157078 so nxxcy5LbYRY-00749-00157079-00157183 when you nxxcy5LbYRY-00750-00157184-00157375 white list your when you white list your nxxcy5LbYRY-00751-00157376-00157519 address nxxcy5LbYRY-00752-00157520-00157671 i would wait about four or five hours nxxcy5LbYRY-00753-00157672-00157823 wait till we announce it in telegram nxxcy5LbYRY-00754-00157824-00157966 because they're almost done with nxxcy5LbYRY-00755-00157967-00158175 everything with the otp uh they're just nxxcy5LbYRY-00756-00158176-00158335 doing some double checks right now nxxcy5LbYRY-00757-00158336-00158478 probably within the next four hours nxxcy5LbYRY-00758-00158479-00158759 people can go into the uh into the nxxcy5LbYRY-00759-00158760-00158911 withdrawal section nxxcy5LbYRY-00760-00158912-00159143 and uh start white listing nxxcy5LbYRY-00761-00159144-00159390 the address that's there and in the next nxxcy5LbYRY-00762-00159391-00159551 two days we'll have a wallet that we nxxcy5LbYRY-00763-00159552-00159878 think is uh remarkably simple and easy nxxcy5LbYRY-00764-00159879-00160190 for everybody to use and nxxcy5LbYRY-00765-00160191-00160311 the big thing with that is you may know nxxcy5LbYRY-00766-00160312-00160431 how to do everything and you may have nxxcy5LbYRY-00767-00160432-00160663 know how to do metamask and trust wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00768-00160664-00160847 and all that but maybe you're gonna have nxxcy5LbYRY-00769-00160848-00161023 to spend a lot of time teaching all your nxxcy5LbYRY-00770-00161024-00161278 people and we think we have a wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00771-00161279-00161463 that just makes it so simple it's just nxxcy5LbYRY-00772-00161464-00161671 basically push and play nxxcy5LbYRY-00773-00161672-00161814 they're already got they already got the nxxcy5LbYRY-00774-00161815-00161911 uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00775-00161912-00162078 finance smart chain loaded on their nxxcy5LbYRY-00776-00162079-00162375 phone go over here push and play nxxcy5LbYRY-00777-00162376-00162607 and they're already on pancake connected nxxcy5LbYRY-00778-00162608-00162711 and that you don't have to go through nxxcy5LbYRY-00779-00162712-00162943 the chrome or anything like that so nxxcy5LbYRY-00780-00162944-00163151 we'll update you that we'll update you nxxcy5LbYRY-00781-00163152-00163326 that in the next couple days yeah it's nxxcy5LbYRY-00782-00163327-00163535 very important and and even if you do nxxcy5LbYRY-00783-00163536-00163783 whitelist an existing uh bnb smart chain nxxcy5LbYRY-00784-00163784-00163951 address in your trust well that's fine nxxcy5LbYRY-00785-00163952-00164078 because you're obviously just going to nxxcy5LbYRY-00786-00164079-00164271 be um you know pulling tokens from nxxcy5LbYRY-00787-00164272-00164431 wherever they are into your trust wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00788-00164432-00164623 and then if um once we get this update nxxcy5LbYRY-00789-00164624-00164751 for this other wallet you can always nxxcy5LbYRY-00790-00164752-00164951 send them to there to to be able to sell nxxcy5LbYRY-00791-00164952-00165199 them or whatever you need to do or you nxxcy5LbYRY-00792-00165200-00165407 can or you can import the actual wallet nxxcy5LbYRY-00793-00165408-00165647 itself the one that you have nxxcy5LbYRY-00794-00165648-00165790 perfect so nxxcy5LbYRY-00795-00165791-00166007 roadmap next 30 days guy when we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00796-00166008-00166223 really we're really ready to harvest you nxxcy5LbYRY-00797-00166224-00166375 know this is kind of exciting i know nxxcy5LbYRY-00798-00166376-00166543 it's been challenging and frustrating nxxcy5LbYRY-00799-00166544-00166735 through this pioneering phase but as you nxxcy5LbYRY-00800-00166736-00166902 can see earlier on people are getting nxxcy5LbYRY-00801-00166903-00167199 well well rewarded for um the actual nxxcy5LbYRY-00802-00167200-00167326 frustrations they've gone through and nxxcy5LbYRY-00803-00167327-00167543 using and sharing the app so panda play nxxcy5LbYRY-00804-00167544-00167719 we've got the web base uh launched nxxcy5LbYRY-00805-00167720-00167951 already uh onboarding sports fantasy nxxcy5LbYRY-00806-00167952-00168271 enthusiasts every single day um android nxxcy5LbYRY-00807-00168272-00168566 app and the ios app um will cut actually nxxcy5LbYRY-00808-00168567-00168854 come this month january so once that nxxcy5LbYRY-00809-00168855-00169087 kicks into play once we have the ios app nxxcy5LbYRY-00810-00169088-00169231 that's when our team has said listen nxxcy5LbYRY-00811-00169232-00169454 from that point 100 days we'll have 1 nxxcy5LbYRY-00812-00169455-00169726 million sports fantasy users onboarded nxxcy5LbYRY-00813-00169727-00169926 into the panda 11. nxxcy5LbYRY-00814-00169927-00170207 now we'll also have our first punk panda nxxcy5LbYRY-00815-00170208-00170487 nfts will be sold this month in january nxxcy5LbYRY-00816-00170488-00170695 obviously we're listing a token this nxxcy5LbYRY-00817-00170696-00170871 month so our target of course that we nxxcy5LbYRY-00818-00170872-00171014 had in the white paper we're going to nxxcy5LbYRY-00819-00171015-00171159 hit that i know everyone's going to be nxxcy5LbYRY-00820-00171160-00171263 excited nxxcy5LbYRY-00821-00171264-00171495 and probably one of also the biggest nxxcy5LbYRY-00822-00171496-00171695 exciting things is panda app 2.0 we're nxxcy5LbYRY-00823-00171696-00171887 actually ready to start testing that nxxcy5LbYRY-00824-00171888-00172102 internally within our team and some key nxxcy5LbYRY-00825-00172103-00172302 people in the next 10 days around the nxxcy5LbYRY-00826-00172303-00172495 15th of january nxxcy5LbYRY-00827-00172496-00172766 and then it'll be ready to release in nxxcy5LbYRY-00828-00172767-00172966 february you're not sure whether it's nxxcy5LbYRY-00829-00172967-00173135 the start of february but once it's nxxcy5LbYRY-00830-00173136-00173319 ready all tested nxxcy5LbYRY-00831-00173320-00173478 that's when we're going to explode i nxxcy5LbYRY-00832-00173479-00173671 mean because if we can just have an app nxxcy5LbYRY-00833-00173672-00173902 that's uh something someone can download nxxcy5LbYRY-00834-00173903-00174087 no issues downloading it they know it nxxcy5LbYRY-00835-00174088-00174278 instantly how to use it their contacts nxxcy5LbYRY-00836-00174279-00174390 sync nxxcy5LbYRY-00837-00174391-00174638 that's when we go from quarter a million nxxcy5LbYRY-00838-00174639-00174878 to two and a half million to 25 million nxxcy5LbYRY-00839-00174879-00174983 users nxxcy5LbYRY-00840-00174984-00175207 really in the blink of an eye the the nxxcy5LbYRY-00841-00175208-00175487 the will have unrestricted growth uh and nxxcy5LbYRY-00842-00175488-00175654 so i'm just saying get yourself ready nxxcy5LbYRY-00843-00175655-00175863 get yourself set up don't panic about nxxcy5LbYRY-00844-00175864-00176071 what we can do what we can't do today nxxcy5LbYRY-00845-00176072-00176311 tomorrow uh don't have short-sighted nxxcy5LbYRY-00846-00176312-00176511 thinking all right because what we need nxxcy5LbYRY-00847-00176512-00176687 to do is look at where's this project nxxcy5LbYRY-00848-00176688-00176895 going what attracted you to it is this a nxxcy5LbYRY-00849-00176896-00177143 long-term project do you think people in nxxcy5LbYRY-00850-00177144-00177302 the future are going to want a safe nxxcy5LbYRY-00851-00177303-00177551 secure private messaging app that pays nxxcy5LbYRY-00852-00177552-00177743 them every 30 minutes for using it and nxxcy5LbYRY-00853-00177744-00177966 sharing it because if you believe that nxxcy5LbYRY-00854-00177967-00178054 then nxxcy5LbYRY-00855-00178055-00178287 the pro token price can only go up as we nxxcy5LbYRY-00856-00178288-00178454 get more and more and more users and we nxxcy5LbYRY-00857-00178455-00178638 have more and more people buying and nxxcy5LbYRY-00858-00178639-00178911 using the paid services the token price nxxcy5LbYRY-00859-00178912-00179223 has to go up you know it's unbelievable nxxcy5LbYRY-00860-00179224-00179423 so what i want to do is close out say nxxcy5LbYRY-00861-00179424-00179654 thank you um albert if any closing nxxcy5LbYRY-00862-00179655-00179807 thoughts for you and then we'll close nxxcy5LbYRY-00863-00179808-00180014 out the update for today nxxcy5LbYRY-00864-00180015-00180175 just uh think about the numbers that he nxxcy5LbYRY-00865-00180176-00180343 said just go look at the history of nxxcy5LbYRY-00866-00180344-00180654 whatsapp dropbox viper what do they all nxxcy5LbYRY-00867-00180655-00180854 have in common it took them about one nxxcy5LbYRY-00868-00180855-00181038 year to get to one million registrations nxxcy5LbYRY-00869-00181039-00181175 but that is the one thing they all had nxxcy5LbYRY-00870-00181176-00181271 in common nxxcy5LbYRY-00871-00181272-00181471 well four years later every one of them nxxcy5LbYRY-00872-00181472-00181759 valued at at least 18 billion dollars or nxxcy5LbYRY-00873-00181760-00181926 more whatsapp was actually sold to nxxcy5LbYRY-00874-00181927-00182231 facebook for 19 billion they all had a nxxcy5LbYRY-00875-00182232-00182463 freemium model our model is freemium nxxcy5LbYRY-00876-00182464-00182638 almost all of our products you can start nxxcy5LbYRY-00877-00182639-00182895 off with free and then upgrade yourself nxxcy5LbYRY-00878-00182896-00183047 ladies and gentlemen nxxcy5LbYRY-00879-00183048-00183254 none of them had a tokenomics none of nxxcy5LbYRY-00880-00183255-00183423 them shared the revenue with their with nxxcy5LbYRY-00881-00183424-00183671 their actual community and stuff and we nxxcy5LbYRY-00882-00183672-00183854 are going to shatter this first year nxxcy5LbYRY-00883-00183855-00184007 we're going to shatter every number that nxxcy5LbYRY-00884-00184008-00184207 they had in their first year so just nxxcy5LbYRY-00885-00184208-00184343 keep that in mind nxxcy5LbYRY-00886-00184344-00184551 and uh i've always told people when nxxcy5LbYRY-00887-00184552-00184790 you're looking at a crypto project nxxcy5LbYRY-00888-00184791-00184919 look at it and say you know what if i nxxcy5LbYRY-00889-00184920-00185159 took the crypto out and i injected uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00890-00185160-00185351 fiat if i replace it with fbi would this nxxcy5LbYRY-00891-00185352-00185543 be a good business model nxxcy5LbYRY-00892-00185544-00185743 ask yourself that question would this be nxxcy5LbYRY-00893-00185744-00185887 a good business model if we took the nxxcy5LbYRY-00894-00185888-00186135 crypto out and we just put us dollars in nxxcy5LbYRY-00895-00186136-00186238 there instead nxxcy5LbYRY-00896-00186239-00186438 yes people would be getting paid us nxxcy5LbYRY-00897-00186439-00186647 dollars every 30 minutes it would be a nxxcy5LbYRY-00898-00186648-00186902 fantastic business opportunity the nxxcy5LbYRY-00899-00186903-00187087 crypto just allows us so many more nxxcy5LbYRY-00900-00187088-00187390 advantages like panda 11 panda 11 nxxcy5LbYRY-00901-00187391-00187631 uh not having to pay the tax there well nxxcy5LbYRY-00902-00187632-00187783 that means that when somebody wins on nxxcy5LbYRY-00903-00187784-00188071 our system or punk panda system that nxxcy5LbYRY-00904-00188072-00188311 means they get 33 more winnings to take nxxcy5LbYRY-00905-00188312-00188423 home nxxcy5LbYRY-00906-00188424-00188583 do you think that word is gonna nxxcy5LbYRY-00907-00188584-00188766 spread like wildfire over there that's nxxcy5LbYRY-00908-00188767-00188902 going to be the app that pays for those nxxcy5LbYRY-00909-00188903-00189102 uh all the sports fantasy people so with nxxcy5LbYRY-00910-00189103-00189343 that i turn back to you nxxcy5LbYRY-00911-00189344-00189511 all right let's throw back to our nxxcy5LbYRY-00912-00189512-00189702 hostess with the mostess or host i nxxcy5LbYRY-00913-00189703-00189999 should say not host this tw and then i'd nxxcy5LbYRY-00914-00190000-00190143 love to open up for everybody just to nxxcy5LbYRY-00915-00190144-00190414 say good night and and maybe just say uh nxxcy5LbYRY-00916-00190415-00190695 um from where you dialed in from i loved nxxcy5LbYRY-00917-00190696-00190887 hearing where everyone's from so tw any nxxcy5LbYRY-00918-00190888-00191047 closing thoughts before we open up the nxxcy5LbYRY-00919-00191048-00191335 mics for everybody nxxcy5LbYRY-00920-00191336-00191478 you're on mute sir nxxcy5LbYRY-00921-00191479-00191871 you're mute nxxcy5LbYRY-00922-00191872-00192199 yes i just want to thank you guys for an nxxcy5LbYRY-00923-00192200-00192463 exciting update to corporate nxxcy5LbYRY-00924-00192464-00192695 progress and you guys have done exactly nxxcy5LbYRY-00925-00192696-00192863 what you said you were going to do nxxcy5LbYRY-00926-00192864-00193014 you're going to work diligently and get nxxcy5LbYRY-00927-00193015-00193319 to get this project done the right way nxxcy5LbYRY-00928-00193320-00193575 have full disclosure to the community if nxxcy5LbYRY-00929-00193576-00193735 things don't happen the way you say it nxxcy5LbYRY-00930-00193736-00193878 gonna happen you gotta tell us let us nxxcy5LbYRY-00931-00193879-00194063 know what's going on you've been true to nxxcy5LbYRY-00932-00194064-00194223 your word and i think everybody in the nxxcy5LbYRY-00933-00194224-00194407 community should give the leadership a nxxcy5LbYRY-00934-00194408-00194631 hand just based on the hard work that nxxcy5LbYRY-00935-00194632-00194799 they put in over the last three to four nxxcy5LbYRY-00936-00194800-00195007 months actually longer than that but nxxcy5LbYRY-00937-00195008-00195175 behind the scenes these guys are working nxxcy5LbYRY-00938-00195176-00195335 tremendously i just think that everybody nxxcy5LbYRY-00939-00195336-00195519 should give these guys a hand and what i nxxcy5LbYRY-00940-00195520-00195775 want to say to them to the community is nxxcy5LbYRY-00941-00195776-00196031 thank you guys again for your patience nxxcy5LbYRY-00942-00196032-00196199 for your understanding for your nxxcy5LbYRY-00943-00196200-00196407 commitment for your hard work your nxxcy5LbYRY-00944-00196408-00196607 ambition your motivation and your nxxcy5LbYRY-00945-00196608-00196735 excitement nxxcy5LbYRY-00946-00196736-00196983 without that we couldn't work as hard as nxxcy5LbYRY-00947-00196984-00197271 we work you guys drive us to work hard nxxcy5LbYRY-00948-00197272-00197463 now we got one thing that we need from nxxcy5LbYRY-00949-00197464-00197807 you guys in the next 10 days we gotta nxxcy5LbYRY-00950-00197808-00198054 draw so many people from outside of this nxxcy5LbYRY-00951-00198055-00198366 community to that to that um listing and nxxcy5LbYRY-00952-00198367-00198631 the reason why is because as albert said nxxcy5LbYRY-00953-00198632-00198959 help us help you the more people that nxxcy5LbYRY-00954-00198960-00199214 see this outside of our community the nxxcy5LbYRY-00955-00199215-00199511 more value it brings to the tokens that nxxcy5LbYRY-00956-00199512-00199766 you just earned over the last few months nxxcy5LbYRY-00957-00199767-00200031 so what with that being said guys it's a nxxcy5LbYRY-00958-00200032-00200414 gift it's a gift from us to you from you nxxcy5LbYRY-00959-00200415-00200638 to us we're all in this thing together nxxcy5LbYRY-00960-00200639-00200887 as an ecosystem as marcus says some nxxcy5LbYRY-00961-00200888-00201126 parts we won't participate in but this nxxcy5LbYRY-00962-00201127-00201343 part you can participate in you can get nxxcy5LbYRY-00963-00201344-00201519 the word out outside of this community nxxcy5LbYRY-00964-00201520-00201766 about our listing and make a big be a nxxcy5LbYRY-00965-00201767-00202071 big part of your investment nxxcy5LbYRY-00966-00202072-00202295 that you put your blood sweat and tears nxxcy5LbYRY-00967-00202296-00202566 in over the last few months to skyrocket nxxcy5LbYRY-00968-00202567-00202663 and see nxxcy5LbYRY-00969-00202664-00202895 tremendous returns to come so with that nxxcy5LbYRY-00970-00202896-00203126 being said uh we're gonna do is unmute nxxcy5LbYRY-00971-00203127-00203399 everybody and just say goodnight and um nxxcy5LbYRY-00972-00203400-00203919 thank you guys pompanda out nxxcy5LbYRY-00973-00203920-00204119 good night guys thank you thank you very nxxcy5LbYRY-00974-00204120-00204951 much good night thank you so much nxxcy5LbYRY-00975-00204952-00205903 thank you nxxcy5LbYRY-00976-00205904-00206571 [Music] nxxcy5LbYRY-00977-00206573-00207142 [Music] nxxcy5LbYRY-00978-00207144-00207686 richard nxxcy5LbYRY-00979-00207687-00207855 all right good night everybody nxxcy5LbYRY-00980-00207856-00208110 good afternoon and good on you nxxcy5LbYRY-00981-00208111-00208319 and thank you for your time nxxcy5LbYRY-00982-00208319-00208618 thank you nxxcy5LbYRY-00983-00208619-00208878 [Music] nxCQYV1rmpE-00000-00000200-00000423 the past 25 years haven't actually been nxCQYV1rmpE-00001-00000424-00000695 a walk in the park for democracy but nxCQYV1rmpE-00002-00000696-00000774 idea nxCQYV1rmpE-00003-00000775-00001127 has done a lot to promote the quality nxCQYV1rmpE-00004-00001128-00001383 of democratic processes these days we nxCQYV1rmpE-00005-00001384-00001431 see nxCQYV1rmpE-00006-00001432-00001614 the fragility of democracy on full nxCQYV1rmpE-00007-00001616-00001839 display in the united states nxCQYV1rmpE-00008-00001839-00002079 but right there you see what matters nxCQYV1rmpE-00009-00002080-00002159 counting nxCQYV1rmpE-00010-00002160-00002463 tabulation the quality professionalism nxCQYV1rmpE-00011-00002464-00002647 independence and integrity of election nxCQYV1rmpE-00012-00002648-00002742 officials nxCQYV1rmpE-00013-00002743-00003007 those are the things where idea has nxCQYV1rmpE-00014-00003008-00003175 contributed so much nxCQYV1rmpE-00015-00003176-00003415 and where there is so much more to do so nxCQYV1rmpE-00016-00003415-00003551 happy birthday nxCQYV1rmpE-00017-00003552-00003815 and all the best for the important fight nxCQYV1rmpE-00018-00003815-00004487 for democracy going forward nxRqvP1izNU-00000-00000248-00000374 [Applause] nxRqvP1izNU-00001-00000375-00000886 [Music] nxRqvP1izNU-00002-00000888-00001257 so nxRqvP1izNU-00003-00001258-00002326 [Music] nxRqvP1izNU-00004-00002327-00002465 so nxRqvP1izNU-00006-00005496-00005698 never say never nxRqvP1izNU-00007-00005699-00005917 [Applause] nxRqvP1izNU-00008-00005918-00006054 [Music] nxRqvP1izNU-00009-00006055-00006355 forever nCdHsL8YLqE-00000-00000000-00000919 Cody Cody Cody what what happened just nCdHsL8YLqE-00001-00000921-00001085 kidding guys good morning and welcome nCdHsL8YLqE-00002-00001086-00001291 back to another vlog it is of course nCdHsL8YLqE-00003-00001292-00001532 gonna be super late and epic and great nCdHsL8YLqE-00004-00001533-00001735 all in one now if you guys didn't see my nCdHsL8YLqE-00005-00001736-00002066 last vlog which it is necessary that you nCdHsL8YLqE-00006-00002067-00002525 see that guys I almost died yeah I spent nCdHsL8YLqE-00007-00002526-00002908 the night in this van on Friday the 13th nCdHsL8YLqE-00008-00002909-00003220 great idea right no it's not a good idea nCdHsL8YLqE-00009-00003221-00003665 again I almost died now on a more nCdHsL8YLqE-00010-00003665-00003806 important note other than the fact that nCdHsL8YLqE-00011-00003807-00004202 I almost died anyways me and a family nCdHsL8YLqE-00012-00004203-00004420 are about to go bowling so I gotta get nCdHsL8YLqE-00013-00004421-00004619 ready for that know before I do that nCdHsL8YLqE-00014-00004620-00004904 let's have a little quick recap on that nCdHsL8YLqE-00015-00004905-00005168 jiu-jitsu seminars that watch yeah I was nCdHsL8YLqE-00016-00005169-00005408 that one of those so recap wait stop nCdHsL8YLqE-00017-00005409-00005591 right there you see professor Casillas nCdHsL8YLqE-00018-00005592-00005731 he's our professor he was teaching a nCdHsL8YLqE-00019-00005732-00005920 seminar and here's another quick short nCdHsL8YLqE-00020-00005921-00006077 clip of him now if we move on we could nCdHsL8YLqE-00021-00006078-00006202 see Logan yeah he's been a lot of her nCdHsL8YLqE-00022-00006203-00006311 videos and there's some random girl by nCdHsL8YLqE-00023-00006312-00006511 him now moving on we see most of my nCdHsL8YLqE-00024-00006512-00006703 coaches they're drilling and doing stuff nCdHsL8YLqE-00025-00006704-00006884 about drilling cuz they're really good nCdHsL8YLqE-00026-00006884-00007064 at that stuff and then sliding down the nCdHsL8YLqE-00027-00007065-00007189 mat we see me sitting there in the nCdHsL8YLqE-00028-00007190-00007412 corner by myself with the Jacob and this nCdHsL8YLqE-00029-00007413-00007583 other dude rolling by me and then nCdHsL8YLqE-00030-00007584-00007709 there's that dude standing up there nCdHsL8YLqE-00031-00007709-00007828 teaching them how to drill because my nCdHsL8YLqE-00032-00007829-00007928 brother's pretty clueless and doesn't nCdHsL8YLqE-00033-00007929-00008081 know what to do so that basically wraps nCdHsL8YLqE-00034-00008081-00008353 up the recap now time to get ready first nCdHsL8YLqE-00035-00008354-00008521 thing I need to do is take a shower nCdHsL8YLqE-00036-00008522-00008692 getting dressed is also kind of nCdHsL8YLqE-00037-00008693-00008885 mandatory I feel like the bowling alley nCdHsL8YLqE-00038-00008886-00009064 wouldn't like me very much if I came in nCdHsL8YLqE-00039-00009065-00009253 there half-naked I also have to finish nCdHsL8YLqE-00040-00009254-00009421 uploading this video and making the nCdHsL8YLqE-00041-00009422-00009626 thumbnail what it's all done now let's nCdHsL8YLqE-00042-00009627-00009769 go bowling nCdHsL8YLqE-00043-00009770-00010202 she is gonna switch to her left hand nCdHsL8YLqE-00044-00010203-00010451 she's trying to make herself nCdHsL8YLqE-00045-00010452-00010788 ambidextrous ambidextrous that's a big nCdHsL8YLqE-00046-00010789-00011034 word here and no one knows that means nCdHsL8YLqE-00047-00011035-00011294 [Music] nCdHsL8YLqE-00048-00011295-00011589 she's not ambidextrous what are your nCdHsL8YLqE-00049-00011590-00012083 thoughts on being so terrible on bowling nCdHsL8YLqE-00050-00012084-00012363 logic she rocks everything she's nCdHsL8YLqE-00051-00012364-00012534 terrible at now I got a speaker cord nCdHsL8YLqE-00052-00012535-00012636 this dude up here because he doesn't nCdHsL8YLqE-00053-00012637-00012915 like to be recorded she thinks she's the nCdHsL8YLqE-00054-00012916-00013212 star she thinks she's the star hey watch nCdHsL8YLqE-00055-00013213-00013881 out she's supposed to be videoing Cody nCdHsL8YLqE-00056-00013882-00014306 but she's more exciting the next day oh nCdHsL8YLqE-00057-00014307-00014643 it is now Sunday which means Church so nCdHsL8YLqE-00058-00014644-00015333 let's go to that where did this series nCdHsL8YLqE-00059-00015334-00015609 you know called socialization and you nCdHsL8YLqE-00060-00015610-00015833 guys seem to really like it so here is nCdHsL8YLqE-00061-00015834-00016988 Christian stereotypes let's go nCdHsL8YLqE-00062-00016989-00017262 Christian stereotypes nCdHsL8YLqE-00063-00017263-00017966 yikes nCdHsL8YLqE-00064-00017967-00018228 Christian stereotypes nCdHsL8YLqE-00065-00018229-00018687 yikes I literally only had two nCdHsL8YLqE-00066-00018688-00018872 stereotypes done but we're back from nCdHsL8YLqE-00067-00018873-00019071 church and now that we're back it's time nCdHsL8YLqE-00068-00019072-00019239 to start up a game that I think I nCdHsL8YLqE-00069-00019240-00019467 invented and it is called say it serious nCdHsL8YLqE-00070-00019468-00019662 basically how this thing works I asked nCdHsL8YLqE-00071-00019663-00019788 you guys for things you cannot say nCdHsL8YLqE-00072-00019789-00019959 without laughing on Twitter and then I nCdHsL8YLqE-00073-00019960-00020118 took them and now I'm gonna try to say nCdHsL8YLqE-00074-00020119-00020280 them without laughing if you want to nCdHsL8YLqE-00075-00020281-00020424 participate in this you can follow me on nCdHsL8YLqE-00076-00020425-00020868 twitter @ c 0 dy underscore AV e r ett nCdHsL8YLqE-00077-00020869-00021197 now let's go poot to tint mean age nCdHsL8YLqE-00078-00021198-00021533 needle needles crud muffin butter nuts nCdHsL8YLqE-00079-00021534-00021864 ba-ba-ba-ba-bom weenus clark Bart Mark nCdHsL8YLqE-00080-00021865-00022172 Clark I can't even say that meatballs nCdHsL8YLqE-00081-00022173-00022799 snake farts Fitz fig gong sting big mom nCdHsL8YLqE-00082-00022800-00023160 and a meter Sigma bond reader how do you nCdHsL8YLqE-00083-00023161-00023441 pronounce Sigma are gonna meet her nCdHsL8YLqE-00084-00023442-00023762 déméter synagogue and a meter guys bubu nCdHsL8YLqE-00085-00023763-00024128 lollygag how many days until Friday oh nCdHsL8YLqE-00086-00024129-00024329 wait it's Monday nCdHsL8YLqE-00087-00024330-00024572 anything that ends with said no parent nCdHsL8YLqE-00088-00024573-00024875 ever things that end with said no parent nCdHsL8YLqE-00089-00024876-00025115 ever you're right son you do have the nCdHsL8YLqE-00090-00025116-00025328 money and the sale ends tomorrow go buy nCdHsL8YLqE-00091-00025329-00025690 it said no parent ever oh man I loved nCdHsL8YLqE-00092-00025691-00025894 wake up the smell of toddler poop in the nCdHsL8YLqE-00093-00025895-00026203 morning said no parent ever I slept so nCdHsL8YLqE-00094-00026204-00026300 good last night nCdHsL8YLqE-00095-00026301-00026612 I feel so refreshed said no parent ever nCdHsL8YLqE-00096-00026613-00026930 your mega tantrum totally changed my nCdHsL8YLqE-00097-00026931-00027098 mind you can I'm a chocolate bar now nCdHsL8YLqE-00098-00027099-00027479 said no parent ever okay moving on I'm nCdHsL8YLqE-00099-00027480-00027595 serious nCdHsL8YLqE-00100-00027595-00027908 seriously I'm serious I'm serious nCdHsL8YLqE-00101-00027908-00028136 that's that's what they said I'm serious nCdHsL8YLqE-00102-00028137-00028465 so I'm so I'm serious when you fall I nCdHsL8YLqE-00103-00028466-00028814 will be there to catch you with love the nCdHsL8YLqE-00104-00028814-00029102 floor start a YouTube channel guys it's nCdHsL8YLqE-00105-00029102-00029486 so easy it's it's not that's the funny nCdHsL8YLqE-00106-00029487-00029792 part about it who cut the cheese did you nCdHsL8YLqE-00107-00029793-00029993 fall from heaven because I think you nCdHsL8YLqE-00108-00029994-00030305 landed on your face okay guys and that nCdHsL8YLqE-00109-00030306-00030506 does it for say it serious I hope you nCdHsL8YLqE-00110-00030507-00030614 guys enjoyed this video if you did make nCdHsL8YLqE-00111-00030614-00030727 sure to LIKE Skype comment share time nCdHsL8YLqE-00112-00030729-00030827 with friends and remember there's just nCdHsL8YLqE-00113-00030827-00031019 one day in the life of Cody vlogs damn nCdHsL8YLqE-00114-00031020-00031244 out nCDDo16GdhY-00000-00000046-00000415 albian railway station may refer to nCDDo16GdhY-00001-00000416-00000692 albion railway station brisbane nCDDo16GdhY-00002-00000693-00001054 australia albion railway station nCDDo16GdhY-00003-00001055-00001427 melbourne australia albion railway nCDDo16GdhY-00004-00001428-00001688 station england a closed station in nCDDo16GdhY-00005-00001689-00001795 england nCDDo16GdhY-00006-00001796-00002309 albion station michigan Albion Michigan nCIxyTfY0Gu-00000-00000013-00000070 [Music] nCIxyTfY0Gu-00001-00000071-00000521 foreign nCIxyTfY0Gu-00002-00000522-00000790 [Music] nCIxyTfY0Gu-00003-00000791-00001085 as I think about my life right now I nCIxyTfY0Gu-00004-00001086-00001439 realize that life is pretty good for me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00005-00001440-00001660 I live in a comfortable home I have nCIxyTfY0Gu-00006-00001661-00001841 enough money to pay for my bills and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00007-00001842-00002087 I've saved for retirement nCIxyTfY0Gu-00008-00002088-00002357 I eat healthy food well I usually eat nCIxyTfY0Gu-00009-00002358-00002639 healthy food you know but I exercise nCIxyTfY0Gu-00010-00002640-00002950 every day and I have time for my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00011-00002951-00003113 spiritual practice there are people in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00012-00003114-00003347 my life who love and support me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00013-00003347-00003581 things are pretty good things are pretty nCIxyTfY0Gu-00014-00003582-00003790 comfortable for me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00015-00003792-00004019 but you know it's it's not always been nCIxyTfY0Gu-00016-00004020-00004295 that way there have been times in my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00017-00004296-00004606 life that I have found difficult that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00018-00004607-00004775 I've not been sure how I would make it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00019-00004776-00005086 through now I don't want to say that the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00020-00005087-00005285 difficult things I faced in life are nCIxyTfY0Gu-00021-00005286-00005459 worse than anything anybody else has nCIxyTfY0Gu-00022-00005460-00005770 gone through that wouldn't be true and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00023-00005771-00006004 you know I I don't want to like overly nCIxyTfY0Gu-00024-00006005-00006256 dwell on this but I want to talk about nCIxyTfY0Gu-00025-00006257-00006487 difficult things in life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00026-00006488-00006881 and how they inform the way we live and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00027-00006881-00007096 as I talk about this today I want to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00028-00007097-00007259 invite you to subscribe to this channel nCIxyTfY0Gu-00029-00007259-00007492 as well as to click the Bell so you're nCIxyTfY0Gu-00030-00007493-00007792 notified of future videos nCIxyTfY0Gu-00031-00007793-00008039 when I talk about difficult things in my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00032-00008040-00008128 life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00033-00008129-00008278 it's important for you to know what I'm nCIxyTfY0Gu-00034-00008279-00008453 talking about nCIxyTfY0Gu-00035-00008454-00008764 whenever I was young I was bullied a lot nCIxyTfY0Gu-00036-00008765-00009010 and and it got so bad whenever I was in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00037-00009011-00009221 college that I transferred to a nCIxyTfY0Gu-00038-00009222-00009401 different University nCIxyTfY0Gu-00039-00009402-00009659 and then a few years later I was living nCIxyTfY0Gu-00040-00009660-00009821 in an apartment and the apartment nCIxyTfY0Gu-00041-00009822-00010156 building I was in caught fire I was the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00042-00010157-00010367 one who discovered it and called the the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00043-00010368-00010523 fire department in the middle of the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00044-00010524-00010774 night it was in a different apartment nCIxyTfY0Gu-00045-00010775-00011009 but I lost most of my stuff and there in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00046-00011010-00011195 the middle of the night I am homeless nCIxyTfY0Gu-00047-00011196-00011488 didn't know quite what I was going to do nCIxyTfY0Gu-00048-00011489-00011764 uh and then a few years after that the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00049-00011765-00011963 AIDS crisis kicked in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00050-00011964-00012221 and I was really involved in developing nCIxyTfY0Gu-00051-00012222-00012538 AIDS services and education and things nCIxyTfY0Gu-00052-00012539-00012815 and that was challenging work but what nCIxyTfY0Gu-00053-00012816-00013127 was more challenging was watching so nCIxyTfY0Gu-00054-00013128-00013361 many people that I know die nCIxyTfY0Gu-00055-00013362-00013769 in one year I lost about 28 people that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00056-00013769-00014147 I knew and that was just one year and it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00057-00014147-00014399 was no wonder in the midst of that that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00058-00014400-00014627 I ended up being treated for depression nCIxyTfY0Gu-00059-00014628-00014855 and you know this was whenever I was in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00060-00014856-00015269 my mid-20s what 25 year old goes through nCIxyTfY0Gu-00061-00015269-00015527 something like that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00062-00015528-00015808 things leveled off a bit nCIxyTfY0Gu-00063-00015809-00016222 and I was later working in an agency nCIxyTfY0Gu-00064-00016223-00016421 where I was Clinical Director for a nCIxyTfY0Gu-00065-00016422-00016571 counseling program nCIxyTfY0Gu-00066-00016572-00016825 and I thought things were going well nCIxyTfY0Gu-00067-00016826-00017122 and I walk in my one Monday morning to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00068-00017123-00017344 my office and and they're the executive nCIxyTfY0Gu-00069-00017345-00017530 director is waiting for me to tell me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00070-00017531-00017765 that the agency is closing that today nCIxyTfY0Gu-00071-00017766-00018022 would be the last day that because of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00072-00018023-00018250 financial mismanagement there was no nCIxyTfY0Gu-00073-00018251-00018508 more money and it Not only was I out of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00074-00018509-00018797 a job but I needed to inform my 16 staff nCIxyTfY0Gu-00075-00018798-00019127 members that they were without jobs nCIxyTfY0Gu-00076-00019128-00019330 well that really threw me into a towel nCIxyTfY0Gu-00077-00019331-00019529 Spin and I was on unemployment for an nCIxyTfY0Gu-00078-00019530-00019691 eight nine months something like that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00079-00019692-00019955 before I figured out what I was doing nCIxyTfY0Gu-00080-00019956-00020225 uh that was really hard for me to fill nCIxyTfY0Gu-00081-00020226-00020489 the rug pulled out from under me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00082-00020490-00020813 and in between some of this because of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00083-00020814-00021035 my work in social activism and for nCIxyTfY0Gu-00084-00021036-00021257 different Justice causes nCIxyTfY0Gu-00085-00021258-00021472 I received death threats I would get nCIxyTfY0Gu-00086-00021473-00021767 calls in the middle of the night people nCIxyTfY0Gu-00087-00021768-00021964 threatening my life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00088-00021965-00022277 I had my home vandalized my car nCIxyTfY0Gu-00089-00022278-00022589 vandalized all kinds of nonsense nCIxyTfY0Gu-00090-00022590-00022769 and then there were sort of the normal nCIxyTfY0Gu-00091-00022770-00022943 things that happened you know with my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00092-00022944-00023297 parents aging and dying my father ended nCIxyTfY0Gu-00093-00023298-00023513 up being bedridden for several years nCIxyTfY0Gu-00094-00023514-00023855 unable to speak really unable to move nCIxyTfY0Gu-00095-00023856-00024107 that was really difficult to see that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00096-00024108-00024371 happen to him and try to be some sort of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00097-00024372-00024580 support in the situation nCIxyTfY0Gu-00098-00024581-00024808 especially as a drug on year after year nCIxyTfY0Gu-00099-00024809-00025103 and then my mother well her final years nCIxyTfY0Gu-00100-00025104-00025258 were a little easier but she had a nCIxyTfY0Gu-00101-00025259-00025505 stroke that took out her eyesight she nCIxyTfY0Gu-00102-00025506-00025720 lived with us for five years as a newly nCIxyTfY0Gu-00103-00025722-00026014 blind person before she died and she nCIxyTfY0Gu-00104-00026016-00026194 really required nCIxyTfY0Gu-00105-00026195-00026411 not a lot of care but a lot of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00106-00026412-00026585 companionship because she was suddenly nCIxyTfY0Gu-00107-00026586-00026746 blind nCIxyTfY0Gu-00108-00026747-00027046 so those were some of the things that I nCIxyTfY0Gu-00109-00027047-00027173 went through nCIxyTfY0Gu-00110-00027174-00027352 and again it's not that I've had it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00111-00027354-00027640 harder than anybody else we all have our nCIxyTfY0Gu-00112-00027641-00027802 own challenges nCIxyTfY0Gu-00113-00027804-00028001 what's important isn't what I went nCIxyTfY0Gu-00114-00028002-00028246 through but what I've learned looking nCIxyTfY0Gu-00115-00028247-00028481 back on that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00116-00028482-00028708 you know psychologists talk about things nCIxyTfY0Gu-00117-00028710-00028918 like post-traumatic growth that's when nCIxyTfY0Gu-00118-00028919-00029212 you grow and find new parts of yourself nCIxyTfY0Gu-00119-00029213-00029483 after you've experienced trauma and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00120-00029483-00029620 there are Concepts in positive nCIxyTfY0Gu-00121-00029622-00029890 psychology like thriving and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00122-00029891-00030137 that are talk about how we continue to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00123-00030138-00030323 to thrive and build a better life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00124-00030324-00030635 meeting our goals and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00125-00030636-00030887 I read those things I even teach them in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00126-00030888-00031120 graduate schools I you know I know this nCIxyTfY0Gu-00127-00031122-00031223 stuff nCIxyTfY0Gu-00128-00031224-00031517 but that hasn't captured what my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00129-00031518-00031762 experience was it's nice Theory it's nCIxyTfY0Gu-00130-00031763-00032039 very positive sounding Theory but it's nCIxyTfY0Gu-00131-00032039-00032489 not what has really hit me inside nCIxyTfY0Gu-00132-00032489-00032758 I look back and I realized nCIxyTfY0Gu-00133-00032760-00033029 that what kept me going when I wasn't nCIxyTfY0Gu-00134-00033030-00033305 sure how I was going to get through nCIxyTfY0Gu-00135-00033306-00033545 had to do with faith nCIxyTfY0Gu-00136-00033546-00033802 now when I say faith I'm not talking nCIxyTfY0Gu-00137-00033803-00034168 about Creeds or dogmas yes I know Creeds nCIxyTfY0Gu-00138-00034169-00034427 I have a few memorized and I think nCIxyTfY0Gu-00139-00034428-00034793 they're nice theological artifacts nCIxyTfY0Gu-00140-00034794-00035068 but they don't really ring true for me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00141-00035069-00035327 in my real life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00142-00035328-00035609 the faith that Rings true for me in my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00143-00035610-00035921 real life that touches me deeply nCIxyTfY0Gu-00144-00035922-00036268 is a belief that no matter what happens nCIxyTfY0Gu-00145-00036269-00036599 to me or around me that there will still nCIxyTfY0Gu-00146-00036600-00036731 be goodness nCIxyTfY0Gu-00147-00036732-00037001 that there will still be grace that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00148-00037002-00037193 there will be some nCIxyTfY0Gu-00149-00037194-00037571 moment of awe or opportunity or openness nCIxyTfY0Gu-00150-00037572-00037883 that will occur no matter how difficult nCIxyTfY0Gu-00151-00037884-00038159 the situation is nCIxyTfY0Gu-00152-00038160-00038423 I look back and I realize that in all nCIxyTfY0Gu-00153-00038424-00038740 the difficulties I experienced nCIxyTfY0Gu-00154-00038741-00039011 there were people in my life who were nCIxyTfY0Gu-00155-00039012-00039305 caring and supportive in some way no nCIxyTfY0Gu-00156-00039306-00039551 they didn't necessarily solve it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00157-00039552-00039827 no they didn't take me away from it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00158-00039828-00040127 but they were encouraging and that means nCIxyTfY0Gu-00159-00040128-00040271 the world to me nCIxyTfY0Gu-00160-00040272-00040505 some of those people were strangers some nCIxyTfY0Gu-00161-00040506-00040661 of them were people who were I'm still nCIxyTfY0Gu-00162-00040662-00040865 close to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00163-00040866-00041165 but in those difficult situations I nCIxyTfY0Gu-00164-00041166-00041399 found that there was always some nCIxyTfY0Gu-00165-00041400-00041585 goodness nCIxyTfY0Gu-00166-00041586-00041843 and I grew in the awareness that no nCIxyTfY0Gu-00167-00041844-00042059 matter how difficult things were there nCIxyTfY0Gu-00168-00042060-00042221 was still goodness in life there was nCIxyTfY0Gu-00169-00042222-00042424 still Grace in life to counter balance nCIxyTfY0Gu-00170-00042425-00042617 it nCIxyTfY0Gu-00171-00042618-00042874 and so now I'm in my mid-60s and looking nCIxyTfY0Gu-00172-00042875-00043090 at all these things nCIxyTfY0Gu-00173-00043091-00043301 and I'm starting to understand how nCIxyTfY0Gu-00174-00043302-00043649 important it is to have that basic faith nCIxyTfY0Gu-00175-00043650-00044002 that understanding in life's goodness nCIxyTfY0Gu-00176-00044003-00044255 I recently read humorous Garrison nCIxyTfY0Gu-00177-00044256-00044585 keeler's book Serenity at 70 gayity at nCIxyTfY0Gu-00178-00044586-00044699 80. nCIxyTfY0Gu-00179-00044700-00044915 and while it was a fun book to read one nCIxyTfY0Gu-00180-00044916-00045130 of the things he said towards the end of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00181-00045131-00045323 the book this is not a quote this is my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00182-00045324-00045545 description of what he said nCIxyTfY0Gu-00183-00045546-00045796 was that he had reached the point in his nCIxyTfY0Gu-00184-00045797-00046085 life where he realized that nothing was nCIxyTfY0Gu-00185-00046086-00046318 going to happen in the future that was nCIxyTfY0Gu-00186-00046319-00046505 going to be worse than anything he had nCIxyTfY0Gu-00187-00046506-00046690 gone through and given some of the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00188-00046691-00046846 things he went through in his life he nCIxyTfY0Gu-00189-00046847-00046949 knew that he was going to be able to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00190-00046950-00047230 meet the challenges ahead nCIxyTfY0Gu-00191-00047231-00047507 I look at my life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00192-00047508-00047873 as I am aging experiencing my body in nCIxyTfY0Gu-00193-00047874-00048149 different ways having concerns about my nCIxyTfY0Gu-00194-00048150-00048443 physical health and I realize nCIxyTfY0Gu-00195-00048444-00048737 just like Garrison Keeler nothing's nCIxyTfY0Gu-00196-00048738-00048899 going to happen in my future that's nCIxyTfY0Gu-00197-00048900-00049061 going to be any worse than what I've nCIxyTfY0Gu-00198-00049062-00049265 already experienced nCIxyTfY0Gu-00199-00049266-00049565 but even better because of what I've got nCIxyTfY0Gu-00200-00049566-00049727 iberians nCIxyTfY0Gu-00201-00049728-00050039 I have an idea of how to navigate the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00202-00050040-00050218 challenges in the future nCIxyTfY0Gu-00203-00050219-00050530 and I know that because I have that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00204-00050531-00050902 faith that no matter what comes my way nCIxyTfY0Gu-00205-00050903-00051130 goodness in life will also come my way nCIxyTfY0Gu-00206-00051131-00051442 so will Grace so will opportunities and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00207-00051444-00051773 inspiration they'll all be there nCIxyTfY0Gu-00208-00051774-00051952 My Hope and my prayer is that you're nCIxyTfY0Gu-00209-00051953-00052199 able to find that in your life too nCIxyTfY0Gu-00210-00052200-00052396 that's so important for us to be able to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00211-00052397-00052679 find that balance and and that way of nCIxyTfY0Gu-00212-00052679-00052865 working through to realize that even nCIxyTfY0Gu-00213-00052866-00053087 when life is difficult nCIxyTfY0Gu-00214-00053088-00053399 there is still goodness and hope and nCIxyTfY0Gu-00215-00053400-00053585 Grace in life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00216-00053586-00053759 if you want to talk more about what that nCIxyTfY0Gu-00217-00053760-00053938 means for your own life feel free to nCIxyTfY0Gu-00218-00053939-00054125 reach out to me we can talk about nCIxyTfY0Gu-00219-00054126-00054292 spiritual Direction and how that could nCIxyTfY0Gu-00220-00054294-00054503 fit into your life nCIxyTfY0Gu-00221-00054504-00054671 be sure to subscribe to this channel nCIxyTfY0Gu-00222-00054672-00054904 like the video share it with others make nCIxyTfY0Gu-00223-00054905-00055042 some comments nCIxyTfY0Gu-00224-00055044-00055307 and know that I really appreciate the nCIxyTfY0Gu-00225-00055308-00055457 time you spent listening to this video nCIxyTfY0Gu-00226-00055458-00055634 have a great day nCIxyTfY0Gu-00227-00055635-00057312 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-00000-00000324-00001103 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-00001-00001104-00001655 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-00002-00001655-00002039 welcome everyone to the 2021 anu japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00003-00002039-00002318 update uh which is presented to you by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00004-00002319-00002647 the anu college of asia and the pacific nCWTHHzbb1Q-00005-00002648-00002991 um i'm delighted today to have um to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00006-00002992-00003254 officially open the japan update um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00007-00003255-00003479 professor helen sullivan who has nCWTHHzbb1Q-00008-00003479-00003727 recently been appointed dean of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00009-00003728-00004022 anu's college of asia and the pacific nCWTHHzbb1Q-00010-00004023-00004254 um as many of you know professor helen nCWTHHzbb1Q-00011-00004255-00004447 sullivan is a world-leading political nCWTHHzbb1Q-00012-00004448-00004654 scientist and her research examines nCWTHHzbb1Q-00013-00004655-00004879 several key issues that are vital for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00014-00004880-00005127 our democracy um including the theory nCWTHHzbb1Q-00015-00005128-00005270 and practice of governance and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00016-00005271-00005518 collaboration new forms of democratic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00017-00005519-00005775 participation and public policy and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00018-00005776-00005959 service reform nCWTHHzbb1Q-00019-00005960-00006151 and as many of you will be aware for the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00020-00006152-00006422 past few years professor sullivan um has nCWTHHzbb1Q-00021-00006423-00006646 done a wonderful job as director of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00022-00006647-00006903 crawford school of public policy here at nCWTHHzbb1Q-00023-00006904-00007278 anu and prior to uh coming to anu she nCWTHHzbb1Q-00024-00007279-00007487 was founding director of the melbourne nCWTHHzbb1Q-00025-00007488-00007670 school of government at the university nCWTHHzbb1Q-00026-00007672-00007791 of melbourne nCWTHHzbb1Q-00027-00007792-00008014 um thank you very much helen for joining nCWTHHzbb1Q-00028-00008015-00008327 us today and handing over to you now nCWTHHzbb1Q-00029-00008328-00008623 thank you so much lauren and um hello nCWTHHzbb1Q-00030-00008624-00008919 and welcome to everybody uh joining us nCWTHHzbb1Q-00031-00008920-00009095 from wherever you are i'm watching the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00032-00009096-00009319 participant numbers climb as i speak and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00033-00009320-00009487 it's it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00034-00009488-00009695 so wonderful to be able to to welcome nCWTHHzbb1Q-00035-00009696-00009919 everybody to this um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00036-00009920-00010183 ninth uh japan update nCWTHHzbb1Q-00037-00010184-00010431 as we begin i'd like to acknowledge and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00038-00010432-00010631 celebrate the first australians on whose nCWTHHzbb1Q-00039-00010632-00010919 traditional lands and indeed airways we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00040-00010920-00011119 meet today and i'd like to pay my nCWTHHzbb1Q-00041-00011120-00011391 respects to elders past and present and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00042-00011392-00011631 also extend those respects to any other nCWTHHzbb1Q-00043-00011632-00011831 indigenous participants who are with us nCWTHHzbb1Q-00044-00011832-00012142 today from wherever you are nCWTHHzbb1Q-00045-00012143-00012446 um it's as i say my pleasure to to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00046-00012447-00012719 welcome everyone to this uh this year's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00047-00012720-00012983 japan update online uh the ninth in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00048-00012984-00013151 update series but of course our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00049-00013152-00013263 college's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00050-00013263-00013535 uh experience with um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00051-00013536-00013807 japan is is extensive and goes right nCWTHHzbb1Q-00052-00013808-00013919 back to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00053-00013919-00014158 um the founding of the university so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00054-00014159-00014519 while this series kicked off in 2013 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00055-00014519-00014735 we've hosted many conferences and events nCWTHHzbb1Q-00056-00014736-00015119 on japan in the decades before nCWTHHzbb1Q-00057-00015119-00015327 so as i say the anu's research and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00058-00015328-00015527 engagement work on japan dates back to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00059-00015528-00015758 the founding of the university 75 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-00060-00015759-00015919 ago this year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00061-00015919-00016150 with work on japan at the forefront of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00062-00016151-00016383 our broader asia engagement nCWTHHzbb1Q-00063-00016384-00016639 that work continues today led by the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00064-00016640-00016871 australian japan research center nCWTHHzbb1Q-00065-00016872-00017158 extraordinarily ably led by dr shira nCWTHHzbb1Q-00066-00017159-00017279 armstrong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00067-00017280-00017679 now in its 41st year i must stress that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00068-00017680-00017847 shiro hasn't led it for the whole of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00069-00017848-00018022 those 41 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-00070-00018023-00018286 and the japan institute which is equally nCWTHHzbb1Q-00071-00018287-00018622 ably managed by dr lauren richardson and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00072-00018623-00018839 it is wonderful that they are nCWTHHzbb1Q-00073-00018840-00019158 co-convening this event today nCWTHHzbb1Q-00074-00019159-00019327 now our commitment as the national nCWTHHzbb1Q-00075-00019328-00019471 university to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00076-00019472-00019583 japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00077-00019584-00019863 to asian research is is really important nCWTHHzbb1Q-00078-00019864-00020055 in their current context where other nCWTHHzbb1Q-00079-00020056-00020271 centres of asian research are being cut nCWTHHzbb1Q-00080-00020272-00020543 back across the university sector nCWTHHzbb1Q-00081-00020544-00020775 right at the time when we really do need nCWTHHzbb1Q-00082-00020776-00020950 more knowledge and understanding of our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00083-00020951-00021294 own region and also to double down on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00084-00021295-00021591 engagement with our partners there nCWTHHzbb1Q-00085-00021592-00021686 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00086-00021687-00021878 the college of asia and the pacific in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00087-00021879-00022078 the national university has become much nCWTHHzbb1Q-00088-00022079-00022319 more important in this context both as a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00089-00022320-00022503 place for students which is absolutely nCWTHHzbb1Q-00090-00022504-00022639 why we exist nCWTHHzbb1Q-00091-00022640-00022863 but also providing the space the career nCWTHHzbb1Q-00092-00022864-00023071 pathways and the support for academics nCWTHHzbb1Q-00093-00023072-00023350 to work in our region nCWTHHzbb1Q-00094-00023351-00023567 the college hosts the largest number of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00095-00023568-00023758 asia specialists in any academic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00096-00023759-00023911 institution in the english-speaking nCWTHHzbb1Q-00097-00023912-00024150 world and that's an asset both for our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00098-00024151-00024367 country and beyond and one that we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00099-00024368-00024639 really do need to invest in further nCWTHHzbb1Q-00100-00024640-00024830 and part of my role as dean of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00101-00024831-00025078 college is to seek and secure an nCWTHHzbb1Q-00102-00025079-00025214 advocate for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00103-00025215-00025399 that investment nCWTHHzbb1Q-00104-00025400-00025591 japanese continues to be the most nCWTHHzbb1Q-00105-00025592-00025758 popular in our suite of language nCWTHHzbb1Q-00106-00025760-00025983 programs and our research on japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00107-00025983-00026270 continues to thrive as is evident from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00108-00026272-00026455 uh the great nCWTHHzbb1Q-00109-00026456-00026711 panels that we have in the update today nCWTHHzbb1Q-00110-00026712-00026951 we'll hear today how japanese society is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00111-00026952-00027270 being shaped by the coronavirus pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00112-00027272-00027479 how science defense and technology nCWTHHzbb1Q-00113-00027480-00027727 policies are changing japan and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-00114-00027727-00027887 about the governance challenges the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00115-00027888-00028046 country faces nCWTHHzbb1Q-00116-00028047-00028246 you'll hear some of anu's research in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00117-00028247-00028407 the panels and insights from our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00118-00028408-00028639 speakers in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00119-00028639-00028879 i'm delighted to launch this year's east nCWTHHzbb1Q-00120-00028880-00029127 asia forum quarterly issue on japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00121-00029127-00029390 confronting crisis in japan edited by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00122-00029391-00029646 ricky kent kirsten honorary professor at nCWTHHzbb1Q-00123-00029647-00029967 the ajrc and anu and ben ascoin who's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00124-00029968-00030279 recently finished his phd with aanu and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00125-00030280-00030495 is now at one of japan's top nCWTHHzbb1Q-00126-00030495-00030718 universities was ada nCWTHHzbb1Q-00127-00030719-00030918 i'd also like to take the opportunity to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00128-00030919-00031127 foreshadow a major report that shiro nCWTHHzbb1Q-00129-00031127-00031374 armstrong from the ajrc is leading on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00130-00031375-00031599 reimagining the japan relationship nCWTHHzbb1Q-00131-00031600-00031887 that's due out later this year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00132-00031888-00032127 the japan update brings us together to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00133-00032127-00032399 help understand what's going on in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00134-00032400-00032607 and is part of an ongoing body of work nCWTHHzbb1Q-00135-00032608-00032846 at the anu and i hope you can keep in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00136-00032847-00032999 touch with that through the various nCWTHHzbb1Q-00137-00033000-00033262 newsletters seminars and events to which nCWTHHzbb1Q-00138-00033263-00033535 you'll be linked to during the update nCWTHHzbb1Q-00139-00033536-00033767 and do keep an eye on the chat because a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00140-00033768-00033951 number of links are have already been nCWTHHzbb1Q-00141-00033952-00034143 put up and i know that uh there'll be nCWTHHzbb1Q-00142-00034144-00034239 lots nCWTHHzbb1Q-00143-00034240-00034390 going on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00144-00034391-00034559 in the sidebar as it were as well as in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00145-00034560-00034767 the main event nCWTHHzbb1Q-00146-00034768-00035039 this was to be a hybrid event with an nCWTHHzbb1Q-00147-00035040-00035207 in-person audience and there was a lot nCWTHHzbb1Q-00148-00035208-00035415 of work that went into preparing for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00149-00035416-00035583 that and i would like to thank everybody nCWTHHzbb1Q-00150-00035584-00035735 involved in the preparation of these nCWTHHzbb1Q-00151-00035736-00035967 events i know that a great deal of work nCWTHHzbb1Q-00152-00035968-00036143 goes on behind the scenes to make them nCWTHHzbb1Q-00153-00036144-00036390 work as well as they can nCWTHHzbb1Q-00154-00036391-00036623 um while we couldn't do the hybrid event nCWTHHzbb1Q-00155-00036624-00036751 i'm so pleased that under the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00156-00036752-00037030 circumstances we are uh able to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00157-00037031-00037279 transition seamlessly uh into a fully nCWTHHzbb1Q-00158-00037280-00037543 online event we are becoming uh very nCWTHHzbb1Q-00159-00037544-00037855 adept at moving from one uh media to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00160-00037856-00038055 another these days nCWTHHzbb1Q-00161-00038056-00038255 so as i say i'm very pleased to open nCWTHHzbb1Q-00162-00038256-00038455 this year's update and i will now pass nCWTHHzbb1Q-00163-00038456-00038718 on to ipe one of my other past nCWTHHzbb1Q-00164-00038719-00038911 colleagues from from crawford to begin nCWTHHzbb1Q-00165-00038912-00039283 with the proceedings thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-00166-00039284-00039630 all okay thank you very much helen um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00167-00039631-00039855 i'm still the present uh you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-00168-00039856-00040039 colleague of yours still so i just nCWTHHzbb1Q-00169-00040040-00040271 wanted to say that but okay so that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00170-00040272-00040390 anyway so the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00171-00040391-00040623 welcome to the keynote session i'm ipe nCWTHHzbb1Q-00172-00040624-00040823 fujiwana professor of economics here at nCWTHHzbb1Q-00173-00040824-00041127 the anu and the ko university in tokyo nCWTHHzbb1Q-00174-00041128-00041246 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00175-00041247-00041462 we first acknowledge and celebrate the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00176-00041463-00041711 fast australians on whose traditional nCWTHHzbb1Q-00177-00041712-00041999 lands we meet and pay our respect to the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00178-00042000-00042271 elders passed under present nCWTHHzbb1Q-00179-00042272-00042358 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00180-00042359-00042599 okay so it is our great pleasure to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00181-00042600-00042862 welcome professor yasuk sawadeer as the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00182-00042863-00043255 keynote speaker to the japan update 2021 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00183-00043256-00043495 sawadasan is a professor at the faculty nCWTHHzbb1Q-00184-00043496-00043767 of economics at the university of tokyo nCWTHHzbb1Q-00185-00043768-00044039 until very recently actually until the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00186-00044040-00044279 end of last month sawadasang was the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00187-00044280-00044479 chief economist at the asian development nCWTHHzbb1Q-00188-00044480-00044807 bank and was in charge of adb's economic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00189-00044808-00045071 outlook and economic research nCWTHHzbb1Q-00190-00045072-00045302 and the savada sands key research areas nCWTHHzbb1Q-00191-00045303-00045543 are development economics nCWTHHzbb1Q-00192-00045544-00045799 microeconometrics the economics of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00193-00045800-00046007 disasters and the field service and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00194-00046008-00046215 experiments nCWTHHzbb1Q-00195-00046216-00046343 and uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00196-00046344-00046527 what i admire the most about the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00197-00046528-00046879 sawada-san is that he always put himself nCWTHHzbb1Q-00198-00046880-00047174 in the shoes of those who are suffering nCWTHHzbb1Q-00199-00047175-00047502 due to for example poverty disasters and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00200-00047503-00047807 so on and i conduct research to find out nCWTHHzbb1Q-00201-00047808-00048030 the causes of their suffering and what nCWTHHzbb1Q-00202-00048031-00048246 can be done about it nCWTHHzbb1Q-00203-00048247-00048502 economists unfortunately including nCWTHHzbb1Q-00204-00048503-00048846 myself tend to analyze topics that are nCWTHHzbb1Q-00205-00048847-00049095 intellectually interesting rather than nCWTHHzbb1Q-00206-00049096-00049302 relevant to reality nCWTHHzbb1Q-00207-00049303-00049583 samadha-san is steadfast in his pursuit nCWTHHzbb1Q-00208-00049584-00049758 of what is essential nCWTHHzbb1Q-00209-00049759-00050062 but at the same time many of them open nCWTHHzbb1Q-00210-00050063-00050374 up the frontiers in academic research nCWTHHzbb1Q-00211-00050375-00050662 sabada-san always remind me of what it nCWTHHzbb1Q-00212-00050663-00050943 is to be a social scientist nCWTHHzbb1Q-00213-00050944-00051135 i can continue for next 30 minutes or nCWTHHzbb1Q-00214-00051136-00051335 more to talk about how i have been nCWTHHzbb1Q-00215-00051336-00051607 impressed by savvadasam but i know nCWTHHzbb1Q-00216-00051608-00051782 you would like to listen to the keynote nCWTHHzbb1Q-00217-00051783-00052102 speech as soon as possible and uh during nCWTHHzbb1Q-00218-00052103-00052375 the the sawada sun's speech nCWTHHzbb1Q-00219-00052376-00052575 if you have any questions to keynote nCWTHHzbb1Q-00220-00052576-00052807 speech please post them at the chat nCWTHHzbb1Q-00221-00052808-00052991 functions i would like to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00222-00052991-00053150 ask the questions nCWTHHzbb1Q-00223-00053151-00053454 after his presentation so without a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00224-00053455-00053759 further ado please join me in welcoming nCWTHHzbb1Q-00225-00053760-00054054 sauda-san nCWTHHzbb1Q-00226-00054055-00054238 thank you thank you very much uh very nCWTHHzbb1Q-00227-00054239-00054566 warm introduction dean helen sariban and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00228-00054567-00054775 also iphone nCWTHHzbb1Q-00229-00054776-00055007 thank you for a very very nice and warm nCWTHHzbb1Q-00230-00055008-00055135 introduction nCWTHHzbb1Q-00231-00055136-00055430 good morning good afternoon good evening nCWTHHzbb1Q-00232-00055432-00055519 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00233-00055520-00055694 greetings from metro manila the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00234-00055695-00056007 philippines where i i'm now and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00235-00056008-00056166 thank you thank you very much for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00236-00056167-00056471 joining and also i'd like to thank uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00237-00056472-00056719 shiro shiro sang and also ibiza for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00238-00056720-00057071 having me arranging um today's lecture nCWTHHzbb1Q-00239-00057072-00057175 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00240-00057176-00057454 so little background it's clear copy 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00241-00057455-00057719 pandemic is a main challenge facing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00242-00057720-00058015 japan asian region and also all the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00243-00058016-00058303 global society and economy today nCWTHHzbb1Q-00244-00058304-00058535 vaccines now give a hope we can nCWTHHzbb1Q-00245-00058536-00058815 gradually turn the tide of pandemic and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00246-00058816-00059063 rebuild for strong recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-00247-00059064-00059207 but nCWTHHzbb1Q-00248-00059208-00059423 we are not still nCWTHHzbb1Q-00249-00059424-00059599 out of woods yet nCWTHHzbb1Q-00250-00059600-00059903 we must focus our efforts now so that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00251-00059904-00060223 recovery can be lasting long lasting nCWTHHzbb1Q-00252-00060224-00060438 available to available to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00253-00060439-00060663 everyone and including the poorest and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00254-00060664-00060991 most vulnerable in our societies nCWTHHzbb1Q-00255-00060991-00061311 so my presentation in next 25 minutes or nCWTHHzbb1Q-00256-00061312-00061599 so uh will be composed of three parts nCWTHHzbb1Q-00257-00061600-00061911 first you may wonder about agent nCWTHHzbb1Q-00258-00061912-00062150 brooklyn bank in short adb so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00259-00062151-00062366 first part is a brief introduction of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00260-00062367-00062494 adb nCWTHHzbb1Q-00261-00062495-00062766 secondly updating japan's recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-00262-00062767-00062887 situation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00263-00062888-00063023 and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-00264-00063024-00063287 asian third part is about asia's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00265-00063288-00063550 economic outlook thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-00266-00063551-00063935 so please move on to the next uh slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00267-00063936-00064135 so next slide um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00268-00064136-00064415 uh is uh overview of uh asian nCWTHHzbb1Q-00269-00064416-00064703 development bank um can you kindly go to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00270-00064704-00064871 the next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00271-00064872-00065166 so um asian development bank um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00272-00065167-00065575 adb in short adb was uh founded in 1966 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00273-00065576-00065887 so more than 50 years a few years ago we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00274-00065888-00066111 celebrated 50 years yes this is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00275-00066112-00066215 right nCWTHHzbb1Q-00276-00066216-00066550 50 years anniversary few years ago nCWTHHzbb1Q-00277-00066551-00066863 and adb has served as a asia and pacific nCWTHHzbb1Q-00278-00066864-00067191 lending regional development bank nCWTHHzbb1Q-00279-00067192-00067531 from 31 members at the establishment in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00280-00067532-00067950 1966 adb has grown to encompass 68 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00281-00067951-00068047 members nCWTHHzbb1Q-00282-00068048-00068471 of which 49 are from uh and from asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00283-00068472-00068775 and pacific and 19 outside the region nCWTHHzbb1Q-00284-00068776-00069015 including european countries as well as nCWTHHzbb1Q-00285-00069016-00069191 a north american country canada and the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00286-00069192-00069367 united states nCWTHHzbb1Q-00287-00069368-00069591 adb headquarters in metro manila where nCWTHHzbb1Q-00288-00069592-00069782 i'm now based um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00289-00069783-00069991 adb provides a strong and reliable nCWTHHzbb1Q-00290-00069992-00070215 finance to our developing members a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00291-00070216-00070431 practical knowledge solution and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00292-00070432-00070615 partnerships among the range of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00293-00070616-00070775 stakeholders nCWTHHzbb1Q-00294-00070776-00070855 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00295-00070856-00071255 so basically adb not only providing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00296-00071256-00071391 loans and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00297-00071392-00071615 financing instruments to our member nCWTHHzbb1Q-00298-00071616-00071735 countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-00299-00071736-00071894 developing member countries in asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00300-00071895-00072143 pacific but also we provide a knowledge nCWTHHzbb1Q-00301-00072144-00072262 product like nCWTHHzbb1Q-00302-00072263-00072406 my research nCWTHHzbb1Q-00303-00072407-00072526 department nCWTHHzbb1Q-00304-00072527-00072671 and also a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00305-00072672-00072935 policy guidance policy dialogue nCWTHHzbb1Q-00306-00072936-00073087 and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-00307-00073088-00073311 one particular nCWTHHzbb1Q-00308-00073312-00073567 nature of adb and it will not only nCWTHHzbb1Q-00309-00073568-00073799 support each individual developing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00310-00073800-00074111 member countries and economy but also a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00311-00074112-00074399 group of countries together we support nCWTHHzbb1Q-00312-00074400-00074535 which is called the regional cooperation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00313-00074536-00074711 integration nCWTHHzbb1Q-00314-00074712-00074999 one example is uh countries around the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00315-00075000-00075255 mekong river we have been nCWTHHzbb1Q-00316-00075256-00075526 doing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00317-00075527-00075694 celebrated the great american nCWTHHzbb1Q-00318-00075695-00075894 supervision program nCWTHHzbb1Q-00319-00075895-00076062 soon after the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00320-00076063-00076167 political nCWTHHzbb1Q-00321-00076168-00076462 instability in um mekong river region uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00322-00076463-00076611 stabilized in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00323-00076612-00076903 1980 1990 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00324-00076904-00077167 and adb has more than 3 thousand staff nCWTHHzbb1Q-00325-00077168-00077462 members and uh one third is about about nCWTHHzbb1Q-00326-00077463-00077687 one third international stuff please nCWTHHzbb1Q-00327-00077688-00077975 move on to the next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00328-00077976-00078215 so i said um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00329-00078216-00078567 68 members 1949 are from region so you nCWTHHzbb1Q-00330-00078568-00078711 can see nCWTHHzbb1Q-00331-00078712-00078943 adb regional members covering nCWTHHzbb1Q-00332-00078944-00079206 from central asia east asia southeast nCWTHHzbb1Q-00333-00079207-00079487 asia south asia and also pacific nCWTHHzbb1Q-00334-00079488-00079638 island countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-00335-00079639-00079903 out of 49 members japan australia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00336-00079904-00080231 australia japan and new zealand uh from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00337-00080232-00080511 the beginning um um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00338-00080512-00080750 kind of donor uh members uh not the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00339-00080751-00080935 recipient members nCWTHHzbb1Q-00340-00080936-00081143 so 46 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00341-00081144-00081415 so rest 46 economies are called the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00342-00081416-00081694 developing member economies or in short nCWTHHzbb1Q-00343-00081695-00081903 dmc nCWTHHzbb1Q-00344-00081904-00082094 but out of 46 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00345-00082095-00082343 taipei china hong kong china brunei nCWTHHzbb1Q-00346-00082344-00082671 terrorism singapore and korea nCWTHHzbb1Q-00347-00082672-00082862 they are no longer recipient uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00348-00082863-00083006 countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-00349-00083007-00083262 so this this is adb uh regional members nCWTHHzbb1Q-00350-00083263-00083471 please move on to the next um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00351-00083472-00083638 uh slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00352-00083639-00083903 so for this uh today's a japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00353-00083904-00084238 update i think it's relevant to um point nCWTHHzbb1Q-00354-00084239-00084518 out japan has been a number one nCWTHHzbb1Q-00355-00084519-00084806 contributor in terms of ordinal capital nCWTHHzbb1Q-00356-00084807-00085047 resources which provides the funding for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00357-00085048-00085223 concessional regular or conservation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00358-00085224-00085415 funding and loans program nCWTHHzbb1Q-00359-00085416-00085694 but also asia development fund which is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00360-00085695-00086031 a basically um uh grant uh uh resources nCWTHHzbb1Q-00361-00086032-00086294 japan is a top uh contributor nCWTHHzbb1Q-00362-00086295-00086550 and international staff um i said that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00363-00086551-00086703 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00364-00086704-00086882 around one third of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00365-00086883-00087143 3600 uh thirteen hundred uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00366-00087144-00087287 international stuff nCWTHHzbb1Q-00367-00087288-00087694 um about ten percent uh 140 are japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-00368-00087695-00087918 and um actually japanese shia is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00369-00087919-00088191 largest and uh together with the united nCWTHHzbb1Q-00370-00088192-00088462 states so i think this is a somewhat nCWTHHzbb1Q-00371-00088463-00088703 peculiar nCWTHHzbb1Q-00372-00088704-00088967 adb is one of the very few international nCWTHHzbb1Q-00373-00088968-00089199 organizations in terms of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00374-00089200-00089423 financial contribution and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-00375-00089424-00089535 suffering nCWTHHzbb1Q-00376-00089536-00089782 japan play a very important role please nCWTHHzbb1Q-00377-00089783-00090047 and move on to the next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00378-00090048-00090287 so uh next right organizational charts nCWTHHzbb1Q-00379-00090288-00090479 so president uh is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00380-00090480-00090750 current president mr uh masatsugu nCWTHHzbb1Q-00381-00090751-00091047 asakawa nCWTHHzbb1Q-00382-00091048-00091294 who used to be the uh deputy finance nCWTHHzbb1Q-00383-00091295-00091526 minister of uh minnesota finance of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00384-00091527-00091847 japan and he joined last year and just nCWTHHzbb1Q-00385-00091848-00092094 before prove 19 pandemic february last nCWTHHzbb1Q-00386-00092095-00092206 year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00387-00092207-00092359 and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00388-00092360-00092518 so so i was nCWTHHzbb1Q-00389-00092519-00092703 in charge of economic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00390-00092704-00092967 research and the regional cooperation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00391-00092968-00093287 department in short ercd which is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00392-00093288-00093455 research arm of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00393-00093456-00093711 asian development bank and i just nCWTHHzbb1Q-00394-00093712-00093935 retired from adb nCWTHHzbb1Q-00395-00093936-00094126 end of august nCWTHHzbb1Q-00396-00094127-00094311 so next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00397-00094312-00094438 shows the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00398-00094439-00094782 adb operations so last year we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00399-00094783-00094943 made the financial adb made the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00400-00094944-00095099 financial commitments nCWTHHzbb1Q-00401-00095100-00095343 31.6 billion nCWTHHzbb1Q-00402-00095344-00095718 u.s dollars a quite sizable commitment nCWTHHzbb1Q-00403-00095719-00095823 left is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00404-00095824-00096143 by country disaggregation and rightist nCWTHHzbb1Q-00405-00096144-00096423 sector composition so we can see nCWTHHzbb1Q-00406-00096424-00096782 in asia large countries such as india nCWTHHzbb1Q-00407-00096783-00096959 philippines indonesia pakistan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00408-00096960-00097247 bangladesh prc uh the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00409-00097248-00097335 large nCWTHHzbb1Q-00410-00097336-00097567 clients of adb nCWTHHzbb1Q-00411-00097568-00097782 right side shows the sector nCWTHHzbb1Q-00412-00097783-00098062 desegregation of year 2020. nCWTHHzbb1Q-00413-00098063-00098311 last year was a bit peculiar because of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00414-00098312-00098623 the kobe 19 many member countries i nCWTHHzbb1Q-00415-00098624-00098950 started putting a large-scale financial nCWTHHzbb1Q-00416-00098951-00099094 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00417-00099095-00099326 i mean physical policies nCWTHHzbb1Q-00418-00099327-00099455 to support nCWTHHzbb1Q-00419-00099456-00099638 people and also businesses nCWTHHzbb1Q-00420-00099639-00099982 so naturally adb support of our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00421-00099983-00100174 member countries shifted nCWTHHzbb1Q-00422-00100175-00100431 from the infrastructure funding to uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00423-00100432-00100623 budget support so that's why nCWTHHzbb1Q-00424-00100624-00100831 last year a little particular public nCWTHHzbb1Q-00425-00100832-00101087 sector management public sector support nCWTHHzbb1Q-00426-00101088-00101447 uh the largest component uh next um uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00427-00101448-00101774 slide uh shows the more uh balanced nCWTHHzbb1Q-00428-00101775-00102062 uh our support uh so this is outstanding nCWTHHzbb1Q-00429-00102063-00102335 loans covering the last um even last a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00430-00102336-00102647 couple of decades a long long program by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00431-00102648-00102886 country again big countries india china nCWTHHzbb1Q-00432-00102888-00103086 pakistan indonesia bangladesh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00433-00103088-00103278 philippines nCWTHHzbb1Q-00434-00103279-00103575 our very important clients bisect nCWTHHzbb1Q-00435-00103576-00103847 transport is about the quota so i think nCWTHHzbb1Q-00436-00103848-00103999 this is the um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00437-00104000-00104254 adb's um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00438-00104255-00104551 kobe 19 operation about one quota nCWTHHzbb1Q-00439-00104552-00104742 of resources devoted into transport nCWTHHzbb1Q-00440-00104743-00104910 sector nCWTHHzbb1Q-00441-00104911-00105247 especially metro and railway programs in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00442-00105248-00105463 big cities road nCWTHHzbb1Q-00443-00105464-00105590 and port nCWTHHzbb1Q-00444-00105591-00105823 support nCWTHHzbb1Q-00445-00105824-00106102 programs and projects and also energy nCWTHHzbb1Q-00446-00106103-00106358 sector play a very important role in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00447-00106359-00106590 supporting a renewable energy shift in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00448-00106591-00106910 asia and pacific region nCWTHHzbb1Q-00449-00106911-00107119 and the next slide is the final slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-00450-00107120-00107215 for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00451-00107216-00107519 adb adb adopted nCWTHHzbb1Q-00452-00107520-00107790 strategy 2032 years ago for the next 10 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00453-00107791-00107886 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-00454-00107888-00108231 strategy up until 2017 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00455-00108232-00108454 uh adb said the seven priority areas nCWTHHzbb1Q-00456-00108455-00108799 including uh poverty agenda nCWTHHzbb1Q-00457-00108800-00109063 uh uh disaster resilience and climate nCWTHHzbb1Q-00458-00109064-00109334 change um globalization nCWTHHzbb1Q-00459-00109335-00109439 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00460-00109440-00109751 and also rural and agriculture nCWTHHzbb1Q-00461-00109752-00109878 governance support and regional nCWTHHzbb1Q-00462-00109879-00110143 cooperation and integration nCWTHHzbb1Q-00463-00110144-00110247 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00464-00110248-00110683 particularly adb has been a supporting nCWTHHzbb1Q-00465-00110683-00111143 agenda uh mainstreaming and also um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00466-00111144-00111454 energy sectors uh shift and climate nCWTHHzbb1Q-00467-00111455-00111727 change supporting mitigation and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-00468-00111728-00111919 adaptation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00469-00111920-00112015 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00470-00112016-00112199 so this is the end of the first part nCWTHHzbb1Q-00471-00112200-00112431 about the adb so please um move on to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00472-00112432-00112710 the second slide so second parts uh i'd nCWTHHzbb1Q-00473-00112711-00112999 like to uh discuss japan's recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-00474-00113000-00113295 situation so far as well as a forecast nCWTHHzbb1Q-00475-00113296-00113558 this year and next next year based on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00476-00113559-00113807 asian development outlook and the asian nCWTHHzbb1Q-00477-00113808-00113983 development outlook is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00478-00113983-00114278 adb is a flagship publication nCWTHHzbb1Q-00479-00114279-00114486 focusing on the gross focus inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00480-00114488-00114910 focus and broader economic outlook nCWTHHzbb1Q-00481-00114911-00115263 so next slide please um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00482-00115264-00115566 so adb's uh asian development outlook uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00483-00115567-00115839 focus basically we focused on developing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00484-00115840-00116071 member countries as i mentioned 46 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00485-00116072-00116223 member countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-00486-00116224-00116510 but in order to make 46 developing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00487-00116511-00116734 member countries and economies and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00488-00116735-00116831 members nCWTHHzbb1Q-00489-00116832-00117031 uh back on focus we need to set the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00490-00117032-00117175 global uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00491-00117176-00117463 uh assumptions and global nCWTHHzbb1Q-00492-00117464-00117727 uh uh economic outlook nCWTHHzbb1Q-00493-00117728-00117919 so so this is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00494-00117920-00118278 table summarizing um particularly we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00495-00118279-00118575 track uh a group of three united states nCWTHHzbb1Q-00496-00118576-00118823 euro area and japan so this is basically nCWTHHzbb1Q-00497-00118824-00119143 our edo nCWTHHzbb1Q-00498-00119144-00119254 assumptions nCWTHHzbb1Q-00499-00119255-00119478 and uh overall outlook for major nCWTHHzbb1Q-00500-00119479-00119790 advanced economies listed here um a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00501-00119791-00120063 group of three countries recovering us nCWTHHzbb1Q-00502-00120064-00120214 and euro area nCWTHHzbb1Q-00503-00120215-00120471 seems to be on track nCWTHHzbb1Q-00504-00120472-00120751 setting aside the ongoing uh uh delta nCWTHHzbb1Q-00505-00120752-00120854 variant nCWTHHzbb1Q-00506-00120855-00120966 recurrence nCWTHHzbb1Q-00507-00120967-00121271 uh these economies uh continue to reopen nCWTHHzbb1Q-00508-00121272-00121447 uh basically nCWTHHzbb1Q-00509-00121448-00121710 in japan however new waves of kobe 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00510-00121711-00121934 infections in the first half of uh this nCWTHHzbb1Q-00511-00121935-00122110 year 2021 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00512-00122111-00122431 i have heard the economy uh prompting a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00513-00122432-00122854 downgrade to a 2021 gross focus nCWTHHzbb1Q-00514-00122855-00123031 so um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00515-00123032-00123102 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00516-00123103-00123319 renewed the coping 19 pandemic waves nCWTHHzbb1Q-00517-00123320-00123527 have a delayed recovery in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-00518-00123528-00123790 economies however economy is expected to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00519-00123791-00124095 rebound in second half of 2021 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00520-00124096-00124286 throughout 2022 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00521-00124288-00124583 as the current wave of infection recedes nCWTHHzbb1Q-00522-00124583-00124886 and also vaccines roll out x-ray we see nCWTHHzbb1Q-00523-00124888-00125014 some sign nCWTHHzbb1Q-00524-00125015-00125239 a little bit some sign of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00525-00125240-00125502 receiving a current wave of infections nCWTHHzbb1Q-00526-00125503-00125710 in last few days nCWTHHzbb1Q-00527-00125711-00126158 um as i i will show you um just that um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00528-00126159-00126414 in a minute the manufacturing pmi uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00529-00126415-00126623 percent manager index remain in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00530-00126624-00126863 expansion territory in japan and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00531-00126864-00127071 industry production machinery orders nCWTHHzbb1Q-00532-00127072-00127375 have bounced back in recent months so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00533-00127376-00127710 gdp gross forecast for japan 2021 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00534-00127711-00128054 uh we slightly revise down from april nCWTHHzbb1Q-00535-00128055-00128334 focus to our latest drive forecast from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00536-00128335-00128639 2.9 to 2.6 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00537-00128640-00129007 um but mirrored by upgrade for 2022 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00538-00129008-00129158 uh 2.4 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00539-00129159-00129519 uh 2022 uh forecast in april we now nCWTHHzbb1Q-00540-00129520-00129990 upgrade it to uh 2.7 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00541-00129991-00130214 by the way uh july uh focus the late nCWTHHzbb1Q-00542-00130215-00130439 test i can share with you and uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00543-00130440-00130831 september 2022 uh in two weeks we will nCWTHHzbb1Q-00544-00130832-00131190 release uh ado updates um uh so uh uh if nCWTHHzbb1Q-00545-00131191-00131351 you're interested please join our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00546-00131352-00131463 webinar nCWTHHzbb1Q-00547-00131464-00131959 for uh agent development outlook updates nCWTHHzbb1Q-00548-00131960-00132078 webinar nCWTHHzbb1Q-00549-00132079-00132343 so please move on to the next slide next nCWTHHzbb1Q-00550-00132344-00132678 slide that shows the overall movement of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00551-00132679-00132783 gdp nCWTHHzbb1Q-00552-00132784-00133143 uh since then q1 2019 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00553-00133144-00133559 19 up until q2 2021 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00554-00133560-00133878 uh after contraction of a 7.1 percent nCWTHHzbb1Q-00555-00133879-00134295 eq1 2021 last two bar charts uh right nCWTHHzbb1Q-00556-00134296-00134543 end shows the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00557-00134544-00134687 2021 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00558-00134688-00135183 so a q1 was not good um minus 3.7 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00559-00135184-00135463 um and searching copied 19 cases and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00560-00135464-00135702 increased the restriction dampened the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00561-00135703-00135983 private consumption nCWTHHzbb1Q-00562-00135984-00136239 but the q2 japanese economy nCWTHHzbb1Q-00563-00136240-00136375 rebounded nCWTHHzbb1Q-00564-00136376-00136751 slightly 1.3 positive 1.3 percent blows nCWTHHzbb1Q-00565-00136752-00136878 in q2 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00566-00136879-00137159 uh this rebounds was driven largely by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00567-00137160-00137447 consumption which grew by 3.4 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00568-00137448-00137727 effectively of setting a decline in q1 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00569-00137728-00137983 also we we showed the disaggregation in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00570-00137984-00138190 bar chart uh red one is a private nCWTHHzbb1Q-00571-00138191-00138343 consumption uh it's a little bit nCWTHHzbb1Q-00572-00138344-00138543 difficult to see but nCWTHHzbb1Q-00573-00138544-00138654 q2 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00574-00138655-00138878 recovery can be attributed to a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00575-00138879-00139175 consumption growth nCWTHHzbb1Q-00576-00139176-00139463 consumption growth came despite their nCWTHHzbb1Q-00577-00139464-00139719 state of emergency across japan in may nCWTHHzbb1Q-00578-00139720-00139990 and june suggesting consumers may be nCWTHHzbb1Q-00579-00139991-00140159 adapting nCWTHHzbb1Q-00580-00140160-00140327 to their restrictions physical nCWTHHzbb1Q-00581-00140328-00140478 restrictions nCWTHHzbb1Q-00582-00140479-00140702 vaccination rollouts have nCWTHHzbb1Q-00583-00140703-00140966 also played a role roughly 36 percent of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00584-00140967-00141175 population are or more nCWTHHzbb1Q-00585-00141176-00141431 vaccinated and recent restrictions nCWTHHzbb1Q-00586-00141432-00141654 look to have had a smaller impact on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00587-00141655-00141911 mobility uh growth was supported by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00588-00141912-00142175 private investments uh which grew by 3.4 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00589-00142176-00142399 percent a public investment meanwhile nCWTHHzbb1Q-00590-00142400-00142711 contracted by 5.7 contraction nCWTHHzbb1Q-00591-00142712-00142911 export grew at 12 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00592-00142912-00143231 um quite a strong recovery of export we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00593-00143232-00143343 observe nCWTHHzbb1Q-00594-00143344-00143726 uh however uh this was outpaced by a 21 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00595-00143727-00144095 22 gross imports so as a result net nCWTHHzbb1Q-00596-00144096-00144375 export effectively uh weighted down uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00597-00144376-00144647 type of drones so but i would say this nCWTHHzbb1Q-00598-00144648-00144887 is an indication recovery export nCWTHHzbb1Q-00599-00144888-00145126 strongly uh uh rebound nCWTHHzbb1Q-00600-00145127-00145375 partly due to a recovery of a global nCWTHHzbb1Q-00601-00145376-00145614 economy but at that same time import is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00602-00145615-00145743 very strong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00603-00145744-00145983 because of the recovery so net export is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00604-00145984-00146263 not necessarily contributed to gdp if we nCWTHHzbb1Q-00605-00146264-00146447 adopt this uh uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00606-00146448-00146702 very basic demand side the composition nCWTHHzbb1Q-00607-00146703-00146959 of gdp growth so please move on to the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00608-00146960-00147326 next slide the next slide show multiple nCWTHHzbb1Q-00609-00147327-00147559 economic indicators uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00610-00147560-00147814 industrial production is shown in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00611-00147815-00148095 blue bars here and the written nCWTHHzbb1Q-00612-00148096-00148263 retail cells nCWTHHzbb1Q-00613-00148264-00148559 are denoted in orange bars in this nCWTHHzbb1Q-00614-00148560-00148711 chart nCWTHHzbb1Q-00615-00148712-00148999 these indicators have resisted volatile nCWTHHzbb1Q-00616-00149000-00149231 growth as we can see up and down nCWTHHzbb1Q-00617-00149232-00149343 this year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00618-00149344-00149751 but averaging 0.1 percent and minus 0.5 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00619-00149752-00149975 months to month growth respectively from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00620-00149976-00150183 january to may nCWTHHzbb1Q-00621-00150184-00150407 contraction in industrial production in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00622-00150408-00150647 may was driven by a large drop in car nCWTHHzbb1Q-00623-00150648-00150766 production nCWTHHzbb1Q-00624-00150767-00150939 due to a global shortage in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00625-00150940-00151214 semiconductor chips and this seems to be nCWTHHzbb1Q-00626-00151215-00151511 continued and this car production nCWTHHzbb1Q-00627-00151512-00151751 decline was not driven by is important nCWTHHzbb1Q-00628-00151752-00151951 appointed not driven by a demand but nCWTHHzbb1Q-00629-00151952-00152271 rather from a supply chain bottlenecks nCWTHHzbb1Q-00630-00152272-00152454 industrial nCWTHHzbb1Q-00631-00152455-00152611 material nCWTHHzbb1Q-00632-00152612-00152878 semiconductor uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00633-00152879-00153039 you know supply nCWTHHzbb1Q-00634-00153040-00153239 on the other hand retail sales has a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00635-00153240-00153375 dampened by uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00636-00153376-00153663 deceleration for the declaration of a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00637-00153664-00153990 state of emergency in several prefecture nCWTHHzbb1Q-00638-00153991-00154366 in january and again in april and now nCWTHHzbb1Q-00639-00154367-00154614 supporting expectation of weak nCWTHHzbb1Q-00640-00154615-00154751 consumption nCWTHHzbb1Q-00641-00154752-00155007 leading indicators shows a reasonable nCWTHHzbb1Q-00642-00155008-00155231 for optimism nCWTHHzbb1Q-00643-00155232-00155535 just consumer confidence yellow line nCWTHHzbb1Q-00644-00155536-00155702 shown here nCWTHHzbb1Q-00645-00155703-00156071 reached 37.6 uh it's the highest since nCWTHHzbb1Q-00646-00156072-00156407 february 2020 a manufacturing pmi shown nCWTHHzbb1Q-00647-00156408-00156599 in a gray line nCWTHHzbb1Q-00648-00156600-00156902 also seems to be a rather flat gray line nCWTHHzbb1Q-00649-00156903-00157102 but remains in the expansionary nCWTHHzbb1Q-00650-00157103-00157351 territory above the 50 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00651-00157352-00157502 threshold nCWTHHzbb1Q-00652-00157503-00157775 so next slide summarize um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00653-00157776-00157943 copied cases and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00654-00157944-00158190 vaccine rollouts as we we can see from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00655-00158191-00158414 the left chart japan's are experiencing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00656-00158415-00158671 another uptick in coordinating cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-00657-00158672-00158911 after seeing a surge in january and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00658-00158912-00159254 april this year so can be attributed to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00659-00159255-00159590 delta variant and the blue shows the new nCWTHHzbb1Q-00660-00159591-00159759 cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-00661-00159760-00160102 so if we take really a latest figure i nCWTHHzbb1Q-00662-00160103-00160407 think uh blue should show us some nCWTHHzbb1Q-00663-00160408-00160687 some type of tapering uh shape nCWTHHzbb1Q-00664-00160688-00160887 a state of emergency was issued for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00665-00160888-00161126 measurement for the area including tokyo nCWTHHzbb1Q-00666-00161127-00161335 and osaka and mobility restrictions are nCWTHHzbb1Q-00667-00161336-00161543 imposed on more than nCWTHHzbb1Q-00668-00161544-00161911 10 other prefectures throughout august nCWTHHzbb1Q-00669-00161912-00162102 in the right shot vaccines have been nCWTHHzbb1Q-00670-00162103-00162319 progressing steadily which can nCWTHHzbb1Q-00671-00162320-00162535 which is encouraging i meet mean nCWTHHzbb1Q-00672-00162536-00162678 uncertainty nCWTHHzbb1Q-00673-00162679-00162951 uh 36 percent population are now fruit nCWTHHzbb1Q-00674-00162952-00163239 reduction roughly 48 percent of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00675-00163240-00163463 populations have received at least one nCWTHHzbb1Q-00676-00163464-00163775 doses of end of july so this is a little nCWTHHzbb1Q-00677-00163776-00163854 bit nCWTHHzbb1Q-00678-00163855-00164135 old fear we have a much higher uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00679-00164136-00164311 vaccination rate now nCWTHHzbb1Q-00680-00164312-00164535 a number of deaths looks the the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00681-00164536-00164823 coupling from the rise in the cases in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00682-00164824-00164983 largest surge suggesting that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00683-00164984-00165119 vaccination help nCWTHHzbb1Q-00684-00165120-00165351 prevent infections resulting in serious nCWTHHzbb1Q-00685-00165352-00165551 illness and death so left chart the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00686-00165552-00165823 yellow shows the new disease nCWTHHzbb1Q-00687-00165824-00165975 having said this that the variant the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00688-00165976-00166263 recent figures which is not um included nCWTHHzbb1Q-00689-00166264-00166543 here shows the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00690-00166544-00166735 increasing in modality nCWTHHzbb1Q-00691-00166736-00166943 due to covid is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00692-00166944-00167238 really one nCWTHHzbb1Q-00693-00167239-00167543 serious signs of recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-00694-00167544-00167966 so next slide shows the um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00695-00167967-00168119 japan's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00696-00168120-00168247 indicate that nCWTHHzbb1Q-00697-00168248-00168438 export growth orange looks to be a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00698-00168439-00168678 throwing after uh registering a strong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00699-00168679-00168863 rebound through a second half of last nCWTHHzbb1Q-00700-00168864-00169223 year and already this year so yellow nCWTHHzbb1Q-00701-00169224-00169551 line is export the surging export was nCWTHHzbb1Q-00702-00169552-00169799 driven in large part by uh solid demand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00703-00169800-00170119 for cars and old parts from the u.s eu nCWTHHzbb1Q-00704-00170120-00170351 and shipments of semiconductor nCWTHHzbb1Q-00705-00170352-00170583 producing equipment to china nCWTHHzbb1Q-00706-00170584-00170814 the recent slowdown is more likely due nCWTHHzbb1Q-00707-00170815-00170911 to a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00708-00170912-00171175 same conductor chip supply shortages and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00709-00171176-00171343 constraints rather than softening nCWTHHzbb1Q-00710-00171344-00171487 external demand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00711-00171488-00171735 meanwhile imports shown in the great nCWTHHzbb1Q-00712-00171736-00172007 line here has lacked nCWTHHzbb1Q-00713-00172008-00172190 locked strong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00714-00172191-00172471 growth in recent fantasies of glacier nCWTHHzbb1Q-00715-00172472-00172671 grid nCWTHHzbb1Q-00716-00172672-00172983 flying due to a rebound in crude oil nCWTHHzbb1Q-00717-00172984-00173175 prices and government purchases of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00718-00173176-00173438 copied 19 vaccines which have dreamed up nCWTHHzbb1Q-00719-00173439-00173683 imports over pharmaceutical nCWTHHzbb1Q-00720-00173684-00173999 products uh moving on to the next uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00721-00174000-00174254 slide uh so this is a summary of uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00722-00174255-00174543 japan parts um now japan's economy is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00723-00174544-00174766 picking up but the weaker the expected nCWTHHzbb1Q-00724-00174767-00174975 private consumption in the first half nCWTHHzbb1Q-00725-00174976-00175223 will delay the recovery economic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00726-00175224-00175447 activity is expected to rebound in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00727-00175448-00175871 second half of 2021 and throughout 2022 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00728-00175872-00176119 uh our growth focus or uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00729-00176120-00176487 our basic uh assumption also japan focus nCWTHHzbb1Q-00730-00176488-00176607 6.2 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00731-00176608-00177119 for 2021 growth and 2.7 gross in 2022 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00732-00177120-00177495 which is a slight downgrade for 2021 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00733-00177496-00177887 upgrade for 2022. uh if we compare april nCWTHHzbb1Q-00734-00177888-00178463 2021 focus ado focused on the uh july 22 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00735-00178464-00178671 21 are focused nCWTHHzbb1Q-00736-00178672-00178847 growth will be driven largely by a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00737-00178848-00179014 recovery in private consumption private nCWTHHzbb1Q-00738-00179015-00179231 investment private consumption expected nCWTHHzbb1Q-00739-00179232-00179519 to pick up as more people got vaccinated nCWTHHzbb1Q-00740-00179520-00179702 and thus mobility restrictions are nCWTHHzbb1Q-00741-00179703-00179999 mitigated also since external demand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00742-00180000-00180263 remains strong as supply chain and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00743-00180264-00180502 disruption uh subsides nCWTHHzbb1Q-00744-00180503-00180719 private investment is expected to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00745-00180720-00181031 increase as manufacturing keeping up nCWTHHzbb1Q-00746-00181032-00181199 with the strengthening nCWTHHzbb1Q-00747-00181200-00181343 external demand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00748-00181344-00181647 uh inflation is expected to be zero uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00749-00181648-00182023 in 2021 before uh rising nCWTHHzbb1Q-00750-00182024-00182399 gradually to 0.5 percent next year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00751-00182400-00182654 developments around the kobe 19 remains nCWTHHzbb1Q-00752-00182655-00182895 the largest risks to the outlook more nCWTHHzbb1Q-00753-00182896-00183119 coveted 19 outbreaks and the renewed nCWTHHzbb1Q-00754-00183120-00183431 lockdown can dampen economic activity as nCWTHHzbb1Q-00755-00183432-00183751 it did earlier this year and now ongoing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00756-00183752-00183999 rapid progress on vaccination is a key nCWTHHzbb1Q-00757-00184000-00184271 in decoupling uh infrared nCWTHHzbb1Q-00758-00184272-00184375 inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00759-00184376-00184471 of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00760-00184472-00184726 cases from hospitalization and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00761-00184727-00184814 deaths nCWTHHzbb1Q-00762-00184815-00185126 and will just be a crucial vaccination nCWTHHzbb1Q-00763-00185127-00185359 is will be crucial for enabling uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00764-00185360-00185566 resumption in economic activity so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00765-00185567-00185726 delays to vaccination would be a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00766-00185727-00185902 downside risk nCWTHHzbb1Q-00767-00185903-00186254 on the other side a major upside risk is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00768-00186255-00186495 a new fiscal package that may be nCWTHHzbb1Q-00769-00186496-00186783 announced in coming months nCWTHHzbb1Q-00770-00186784-00186926 so this is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00771-00186927-00187087 end of japan's nCWTHHzbb1Q-00772-00187088-00187335 parts and finally i'd like to quickly go nCWTHHzbb1Q-00773-00187336-00187502 over nCWTHHzbb1Q-00774-00187503-00187895 asian parts next slide please so um the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00775-00187896-00188254 latest focus outlook of adb is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00776-00188255-00188654 46 developing members dmcs nCWTHHzbb1Q-00777-00188655-00188983 here again numbers are 46 dmc is within nCWTHHzbb1Q-00778-00188984-00189135 asian pacific nCWTHHzbb1Q-00779-00189136-00189414 49 regional members minus australia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00780-00189415-00189614 japan and new zealand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00781-00189615-00189831 so next slide summarize the main nCWTHHzbb1Q-00782-00189832-00189959 messages nCWTHHzbb1Q-00783-00189960-00190359 so first kobe 19 outbreak persists in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00784-00190360-00190550 number of economies in the region nCWTHHzbb1Q-00785-00190551-00190719 vaccination is progressing but the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00786-00190720-00190863 developing age is still far from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00787-00190864-00191007 achieving a hard nCWTHHzbb1Q-00788-00191008-00191143 immunity nCWTHHzbb1Q-00789-00191144-00191423 second recovery paths diverge as export nCWTHHzbb1Q-00790-00191424-00191614 and domestic demand boost growth in some nCWTHHzbb1Q-00791-00191615-00191871 countries while containment and trouble nCWTHHzbb1Q-00792-00191872-00192126 restrictions restrain other nCWTHHzbb1Q-00793-00192127-00192238 members nCWTHHzbb1Q-00794-00192239-00192478 thirdly uh developing asia's growth is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00795-00192479-00192671 expected to rebound seven point two nCWTHHzbb1Q-00796-00192672-00193023 percent uh this year by 2021 slightly nCWTHHzbb1Q-00797-00193024-00193190 lower than um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00798-00193191-00193414 seven point three percent uh april uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00799-00193415-00193543 forecast nCWTHHzbb1Q-00800-00193544-00193726 um uh because of outbreak affected nCWTHHzbb1Q-00801-00193727-00193959 economies have been uh downgraded nCWTHHzbb1Q-00802-00193960-00194214 uh gross focus for next year is a five nCWTHHzbb1Q-00803-00194215-00194526 point uh three percent uh in april nCWTHHzbb1Q-00804-00194527-00194950 forecast but now upgraded to 5.4 percent nCWTHHzbb1Q-00805-00194951-00195183 uh so this is the main nCWTHHzbb1Q-00806-00195184-00195447 focus numbers and then number four nCWTHHzbb1Q-00807-00195448-00195663 although regional inflation slowed nCWTHHzbb1Q-00808-00195664-00195966 uptick in early 2021 following a steady nCWTHHzbb1Q-00809-00195967-00196263 decline throughout the 2020 inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-00810-00196264-00196599 will remain benign at 2.4 percent uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00811-00196600-00196831 this year and 2.7 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00812-00196832-00197014 uh next year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00813-00197015-00197247 finally but not least the biggest risk nCWTHHzbb1Q-00814-00197248-00197438 to the regional outlook is still nCWTHHzbb1Q-00815-00197439-00197638 pandemic including renewed outbreaks and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00816-00197639-00197831 delayed vaccine rollouts nCWTHHzbb1Q-00817-00197832-00198047 so this is the key messages and i'd like nCWTHHzbb1Q-00818-00198048-00198223 to nCWTHHzbb1Q-00819-00198224-00198478 take a closer look at these issues some nCWTHHzbb1Q-00820-00198479-00198631 of these issues nCWTHHzbb1Q-00821-00198632-00198838 so next slide that please nCWTHHzbb1Q-00822-00198839-00199102 next slide is a commit nCWTHHzbb1Q-00823-00199103-00199238 a pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00824-00199239-00199350 outlook nCWTHHzbb1Q-00825-00199351-00199671 left chart uh black line shows the um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00826-00199672-00199854 evolution of new covet cases in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00827-00199855-00200119 developing asia since last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00828-00200120-00200375 after peaking last september cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-00829-00200376-00200566 declined steadily through february of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00830-00200567-00200743 this year but in part because of new nCWTHHzbb1Q-00831-00200744-00200902 variants data variants and other nCWTHHzbb1Q-00832-00200903-00201126 variants cases searched nCWTHHzbb1Q-00833-00201127-00201495 in march and april and peaked at the 1.7 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00834-00201496-00201763 cases per million people or around nCWTHHzbb1Q-00835-00201764-00202183 434 000 cases in total for the region nCWTHHzbb1Q-00836-00202184-00202271 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00837-00202272-00202526 so this has been happening uh now up nCWTHHzbb1Q-00838-00202527-00202790 until now the the rise was driven nCWTHHzbb1Q-00839-00202791-00203071 largely by south asia first uh shown in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00840-00203072-00203478 the reds uh and then uh uh followed by nCWTHHzbb1Q-00841-00203479-00203790 other asian countries now um uh uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00842-00203791-00204014 southeast asian countries including the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00843-00204015-00204238 philippines we uh in the middle of uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00844-00204239-00204366 resurgence nCWTHHzbb1Q-00845-00204367-00204590 uh especially uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00846-00204591-00204750 delta variants nCWTHHzbb1Q-00847-00204751-00204975 what cases in south asia have fallen nCWTHHzbb1Q-00848-00204976-00205246 sharply cases south asia south east asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00849-00205248-00205455 yellow yellow is the southeast asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00850-00205456-00205806 central asia's blue and pacific green nCWTHHzbb1Q-00851-00205807-00206079 have recently been uh rising nCWTHHzbb1Q-00852-00206080-00206334 and also in stage yeah we see a rising nCWTHHzbb1Q-00853-00206335-00206494 uh cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-00854-00206496-00206686 uh right chart shows the vaccine nCWTHHzbb1Q-00855-00206687-00206919 rollouts progressing in many uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00856-00206919-00207127 economies in asia and pacific but the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00857-00207128-00207286 developing age is still far from nCWTHHzbb1Q-00858-00207287-00207494 achieving a heart immunity nCWTHHzbb1Q-00859-00207496-00207903 as of august 12 a little uh port number nCWTHHzbb1Q-00860-00207904-00208279 uh region had administered 6 65 doses nCWTHHzbb1Q-00861-00208280-00208631 per 100 people slightly above nCWTHHzbb1Q-00862-00208632-00208934 a global average of 59 but well below nCWTHHzbb1Q-00863-00208935-00209110 105 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00864-00209111-00209510 in united states and 92 in europe so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00865-00209511-00209679 this is the overall switching of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00866-00209680-00209879 government unboxing rulers boxing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00867-00209880-00210094 rollouts are progressing but nCWTHHzbb1Q-00868-00210096-00210334 on the other hand nCWTHHzbb1Q-00869-00210335-00210615 a new variance is really affecting a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00870-00210616-00211023 whole region so next slide um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00871-00211023-00211206 shows the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00872-00211207-00211551 past economic performance amid the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00873-00211552-00211815 up and downs asia's experiencing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00874-00211816-00212023 economic revival nCWTHHzbb1Q-00875-00212023-00212127 though nCWTHHzbb1Q-00876-00212128-00212503 even one here i put the 10 largest nCWTHHzbb1Q-00877-00212504-00212687 economies in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00878-00212688-00213023 asia developing asia ero er gdp growth nCWTHHzbb1Q-00879-00213023-00213487 in q1 2021 uh white dot so each uh each nCWTHHzbb1Q-00880-00213488-00213742 of ten largest economies put here there nCWTHHzbb1Q-00881-00213744-00214015 are two bar charts listed nCWTHHzbb1Q-00882-00214016-00214351 left bar chart is uh last year's gross nCWTHHzbb1Q-00883-00214352-00214694 decomposed from a demand side and uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00884-00214696-00214863 right shot is nCWTHHzbb1Q-00885-00214864-00215246 q1 uh icon plus 2021 white dots so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00886-00215248-00215431 yellow dot is the last year's growth and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00887-00215432-00215775 white dot is a q1 growth in this year so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00888-00215776-00216063 all of the 10 largest economies we see nCWTHHzbb1Q-00889-00216064-00216279 uh recovery from yellow dots last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-00890-00216280-00216446 growth to white dots nCWTHHzbb1Q-00891-00216448-00216719 recovery uh across the board nCWTHHzbb1Q-00892-00216719-00217039 2021 q1 um yeah on air growth was nCWTHHzbb1Q-00893-00217040-00217182 particularly strong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00894-00217183-00217255 in nCWTHHzbb1Q-00895-00217256-00217479 china people's republic of china shown nCWTHHzbb1Q-00896-00217480-00217806 in the left end is prc very strong nCWTHHzbb1Q-00897-00217807-00218279 recovery of white dot nCWTHHzbb1Q-00898-00218280-00218482 so this is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00899-00218483-00218798 notable and the improvements um across nCWTHHzbb1Q-00900-00218800-00218998 both improvements came both from a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00901-00219000-00219198 domestic and external front nCWTHHzbb1Q-00902-00219200-00219439 contributions from a private consumption nCWTHHzbb1Q-00903-00219440-00219671 blue box became less negative but time nCWTHHzbb1Q-00904-00219671-00219887 positive for all 10 economies nCWTHHzbb1Q-00905-00219888-00220134 contribution from investment showing the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00906-00220135-00220479 orange bus also improved in 8 out of 10 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00907-00220480-00220782 economies external side net export grey nCWTHHzbb1Q-00908-00220783-00221094 bus were bigger a boost to growth in q1 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00909-00221096-00221303 for several export oriented nCWTHHzbb1Q-00910-00221304-00221471 economies especially in the middle nCWTHHzbb1Q-00911-00221471-00221734 segment nearly industrial nCWTHHzbb1Q-00912-00221735-00221982 economies nyes nCWTHHzbb1Q-00913-00221983-00222310 prc hong kong china singapore type china nCWTHHzbb1Q-00914-00222311-00222575 grave are very strong that means the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00915-00222576-00222734 global economy nCWTHHzbb1Q-00916-00222735-00223006 recovery really helped a revival of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00917-00223007-00223087 these nCWTHHzbb1Q-00918-00223088-00223223 economies nCWTHHzbb1Q-00919-00223223-00223487 and the next chart that zoom in a few nCWTHHzbb1Q-00920-00223488-00223719 aspects recovery continues to be nCWTHHzbb1Q-00921-00223719-00223871 supposed by a robust manufacturing nCWTHHzbb1Q-00922-00223871-00224087 revival shown in the left chart left nCWTHHzbb1Q-00923-00224088-00224375 chart is a pmi nCWTHHzbb1Q-00924-00224376-00224758 in a manufacturing sector nCWTHHzbb1Q-00925-00224759-00224879 so a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00926-00224880-00225215 big drop in last year a pmi really nCWTHHzbb1Q-00927-00225216-00225415 recovered strongly nCWTHHzbb1Q-00928-00225416-00225758 and remain in a positive territory nCWTHHzbb1Q-00929-00225759-00226046 so still we are in the territory and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00930-00226048-00226271 manufacturing the expanding nCWTHHzbb1Q-00931-00226271-00226415 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00932-00226416-00226510 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00933-00226511-00226639 so this is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00934-00226640-00226767 one nCWTHHzbb1Q-00935-00226767-00226919 supply side nCWTHHzbb1Q-00936-00226919-00227182 recovery pattern and the right chart nCWTHHzbb1Q-00937-00227183-00227631 shows the um real exports um so this up nCWTHHzbb1Q-00938-00227632-00227831 and after in manufacturing showing the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00939-00227832-00228079 left has gone handy hand with the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00940-00228080-00228319 strengthening uh trade global regional nCWTHHzbb1Q-00941-00228319-00228534 exports have rebounded nCWTHHzbb1Q-00942-00228535-00228791 and as we can see from the right uh uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00943-00228792-00228871 chart nCWTHHzbb1Q-00944-00228871-00229271 black and green lines are for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00945-00229271-00229494 a global and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00946-00229496-00229671 green is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00947-00229671-00230079 region asian region and but the red line nCWTHHzbb1Q-00948-00230080-00230439 is uh really strongest uh which is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00949-00230440-00230694 china's expo prc nCWTHHzbb1Q-00950-00230696-00230903 strengthened ahead of the rest of our nCWTHHzbb1Q-00951-00230904-00231071 developing asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00952-00231071-00231158 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-00953-00231159-00231415 china and also especially other east nCWTHHzbb1Q-00954-00231416-00231734 asian economies recovery has been driven nCWTHHzbb1Q-00955-00231735-00231942 first by exposure medical supplies and a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00956-00231944-00232255 good productive protective equipment ppe nCWTHHzbb1Q-00957-00232256-00232542 but then electronics products nCWTHHzbb1Q-00958-00232544-00232758 probably partly attributed to a state nCWTHHzbb1Q-00959-00232759-00232855 home nCWTHHzbb1Q-00960-00232856-00233119 restrictions and also a work from home nCWTHHzbb1Q-00961-00233119-00233263 arrangement nCWTHHzbb1Q-00962-00233264-00233463 but uh exposing the rest of uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00963-00233464-00233639 development asia have been catching up nCWTHHzbb1Q-00964-00233640-00233855 in recent months so a little lagging nCWTHHzbb1Q-00965-00233856-00233982 behind nCWTHHzbb1Q-00966-00233983-00234239 next shot please move on to the next nCWTHHzbb1Q-00967-00234240-00234375 next shot nCWTHHzbb1Q-00968-00234376-00234719 um having seen a rather rosy uh picture nCWTHHzbb1Q-00969-00234719-00235046 of uh overall export unlike these rosy nCWTHHzbb1Q-00970-00235048-00235271 pictures tourism still showing a little nCWTHHzbb1Q-00971-00235271-00235503 sign bounce back as we can see from this nCWTHHzbb1Q-00972-00235504-00235694 chart this is um nCWTHHzbb1Q-00973-00235696-00235967 international tourist about arrivals for nCWTHHzbb1Q-00974-00235967-00236182 major economies major tourist dependent nCWTHHzbb1Q-00975-00236183-00236351 economies in asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00976-00236352-00236615 uh tourists about arrival hybrid remain nCWTHHzbb1Q-00977-00236616-00236934 depressed since april 2020 as we can see nCWTHHzbb1Q-00978-00236935-00237182 uh almost a hundred percent decline or nCWTHHzbb1Q-00979-00237183-00237487 eighty percent uh decline only uh lead nCWTHHzbb1Q-00980-00237488-00237775 line which is a motive uh shows the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-00981-00237776-00238263 recovery um more divs um open up a nCWTHHzbb1Q-00982-00238264-00238567 country to uh tourism in last uh july nCWTHHzbb1Q-00983-00238567-00238798 july or 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-00984-00238800-00239015 even their tourism arrival is still well nCWTHHzbb1Q-00985-00239016-00239215 below a normal time nCWTHHzbb1Q-00986-00239216-00239303 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00987-00239304-00239575 these are the really a big still big nCWTHHzbb1Q-00988-00239576-00239903 severe recession element uh on the nCWTHHzbb1Q-00989-00239904-00240263 tourism dependent economies um georgia nCWTHHzbb1Q-00990-00240264-00240503 maldives thailand several pacific island nCWTHHzbb1Q-00991-00240504-00240671 economies nCWTHHzbb1Q-00992-00240671-00240934 and next shot so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00993-00240935-00241055 thank you so much for the fantastic nCWTHHzbb1Q-00994-00241056-00241263 presentation but could you wrap up your nCWTHHzbb1Q-00995-00241264-00241391 presence yes yes nCWTHHzbb1Q-00996-00241392-00241510 thank you so nCWTHHzbb1Q-00997-00241511-00241742 so i will uh wrap up um please move on nCWTHHzbb1Q-00998-00241744-00241958 to the next slide uh next slide is of nCWTHHzbb1Q-00999-00241959-00242079 our nCWTHHzbb1Q-01000-00242080-00242503 recovery as i uh set them over next nCWTHHzbb1Q-01001-00242504-00242910 slide yeah move on to the next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01002-00242911-00243167 yes uh so this is the um uh our gross nCWTHHzbb1Q-01003-00243167-00243463 focus this year next year so um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01004-00243464-00243694 this year seven point two percent growth nCWTHHzbb1Q-01005-00243696-00244206 and uh uh next year uh uh uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01006-00244207-00244446 5.4 percent growth that's our overall nCWTHHzbb1Q-01007-00244448-00244791 forecast green shows the update of our nCWTHHzbb1Q-01008-00244792-00245087 forecast since april up until july we nCWTHHzbb1Q-01009-00245088-00245382 see east asia has been really recovering nCWTHHzbb1Q-01010-00245383-00245710 well more than our prior uh expectation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01011-00245711-00245927 and then uh south asia and southeast nCWTHHzbb1Q-01012-00245928-00246263 asia seems to be encountering uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01013-00246264-00246606 negative uh covet recurrence so so this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01014-00246607-00246927 is the quite divergent recovery path of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01015-00246928-00247063 asian economy nCWTHHzbb1Q-01016-00247064-00247351 and please move on to the slide 25 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01017-00247352-00247655 next and next slide so inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01018-00247656-00247734 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01019-00247735-00248055 actually skip a commodity price recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-01020-00248056-00248398 of globe global economic commodity and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01021-00248400-00248503 also nCWTHHzbb1Q-01022-00248504-00248734 energy and food nCWTHHzbb1Q-01023-00248735-00248887 indexes nCWTHHzbb1Q-01024-00248888-00249079 but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01025-00249080-00249303 overall inflation seems to be a benign nCWTHHzbb1Q-01026-00249304-00249534 and well under control nCWTHHzbb1Q-01027-00249535-00249791 so at this year 2.4 percent inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01028-00249792-00249958 next year 2.7 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01029-00249959-00250279 uh inflation which is very below uh in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01030-00250280-00250598 last few decades inflation so inflation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01031-00250600-00250942 is under control and then um yes this is nCWTHHzbb1Q-01032-00250944-00251223 summary but key message i just nCWTHHzbb1Q-01033-00251223-00251406 summarized at the beginning so let me nCWTHHzbb1Q-01034-00251407-00251679 skip this and move on to our next nCWTHHzbb1Q-01035-00251680-00251791 next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01036-00251792-00252079 so what has been adb has been doing so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01037-00252080-00252367 adb basically has done uh two um the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01038-00252367-00252534 measure uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01039-00252535-00252815 yes uh support first one is uh 20 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01040-00252816-00253046 billion uh comprehensive copy 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01041-00253048-00253375 response package uh main ingredient is nCWTHHzbb1Q-01042-00253376-00253663 supporting a budget of our member nCWTHHzbb1Q-01043-00253664-00254006 economy and then our next slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01044-00254007-00254175 the final slide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01045-00254176-00254503 we also supported through a newly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01046-00254504-00254710 created asia pacific magazine access nCWTHHzbb1Q-01047-00254711-00254910 facility ap bucks nCWTHHzbb1Q-01048-00254911-00255246 december we announced and started 9 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01049-00255248-00255423 billion nCWTHHzbb1Q-01050-00255423-00255694 package to support our member countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-01051-00255696-00255903 access and distribution of kobe 90 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01052-00255904-00256039 vaccines because nCWTHHzbb1Q-01053-00256040-00256310 procurement and getting supply is one nCWTHHzbb1Q-01054-00256311-00256503 challenge nCWTHHzbb1Q-01055-00256504-00256815 financially and also uh physically so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01056-00256816-00257030 in order to support this we nCWTHHzbb1Q-01057-00257031-00257260 provided a nine billion um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01058-00257261-00257503 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-01059-00257504-00257879 newly created ap box uh facility so with nCWTHHzbb1Q-01060-00257880-00258127 that i'd like to stop my presentation uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01061-00258128-00258303 thank you thank you very much uh uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01062-00258304-00258646 again uh over to you uh ibiza nCWTHHzbb1Q-01063-00258648-00258967 okay uh thank you very much for for very nCWTHHzbb1Q-01064-00258967-00259175 comprehensive and insightful nCWTHHzbb1Q-01065-00259176-00259367 presentation we got a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01066-00259367-00259694 very nice uh you know comprehensive view nCWTHHzbb1Q-01067-00259696-00260039 on japan and asia during and after the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01068-00260040-00260327 coveted crisis so we'd like to have our nCWTHHzbb1Q-01069-00260328-00260510 questions and the comments but uh you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01070-00260511-00260742 know the next session is waiting and uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01071-00260744-00260982 luckily some others unkindly agreed uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01072-00260983-00261215 to participate in the next session as a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01073-00261216-00261455 panelist so that if you have any nCWTHHzbb1Q-01074-00261456-00261646 questions you some of you already posted nCWTHHzbb1Q-01075-00261648-00261815 questions at thank you and there so that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01076-00261816-00261982 may be loading the chair of the next nCWTHHzbb1Q-01077-00261983-00262230 session will pick up the some of them at nCWTHHzbb1Q-01078-00262231-00262519 the end of the q a sessions in her panel nCWTHHzbb1Q-01079-00262520-00262630 so that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01080-00262631-00262839 please join me thanking us on for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01081-00262840-00263134 fantastic presentation and now i would nCWTHHzbb1Q-01082-00263135-00263415 like to pass my microphone to lowland so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01083-00263416-00263582 love them please nCWTHHzbb1Q-01084-00263583-00263751 thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01085-00263752-00264023 so i'll be sharing this first panel of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01086-00264024-00264295 the japan update on the impact of covert nCWTHHzbb1Q-01087-00264296-00264534 19 on japanese society nCWTHHzbb1Q-01088-00264535-00264758 before i begin i'd like to acknowledge nCWTHHzbb1Q-01089-00264759-00265023 their traditional custodians of the land nCWTHHzbb1Q-01090-00265024-00265287 um from which we're broadcasting on the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01091-00265288-00265471 none of all people and i wish to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01092-00265472-00265663 acknowledge and respect their continuing nCWTHHzbb1Q-01093-00265664-00265903 culture and the contribution they make nCWTHHzbb1Q-01094-00265904-00266087 um to the life of this city and this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01095-00266088-00266391 region in last year's japan update we nCWTHHzbb1Q-01096-00266392-00266582 looked at many of the macro effects of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01097-00266583-00266839 the pandemic and we expected that this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01098-00266840-00266967 year in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01099-00266968-00267255 2021 we would be in a kind of recovery nCWTHHzbb1Q-01100-00267256-00267375 mode nCWTHHzbb1Q-01101-00267376-00267527 as you've heard from the keynote that's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01102-00267528-00267830 not the case and the delta varian um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01103-00267831-00267991 that really nCWTHHzbb1Q-01104-00267992-00268206 took took hold in japan and many other nCWTHHzbb1Q-01105-00268207-00268471 countries this year has almost um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01106-00268472-00268815 resulted in a whole new pandemic um so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01107-00268816-00269103 in this panel we'd like to look at the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01108-00269104-00269303 the kind of shadow pandemics that have nCWTHHzbb1Q-01109-00269304-00269487 emerged from this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01110-00269488-00269727 um and their impact on japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01111-00269728-00269934 and that includes equality gender and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01112-00269935-00270319 aging issues and how um japanese society nCWTHHzbb1Q-01113-00270320-00270479 is set to recover nCWTHHzbb1Q-01114-00270480-00270758 um from this pandemic um so we look at nCWTHHzbb1Q-01115-00270759-00270991 mental health also suicide effects of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01116-00270992-00271230 cover 19 and the gaps in the social nCWTHHzbb1Q-01117-00271231-00271527 safety net and progress um with opening nCWTHHzbb1Q-01118-00271528-00271695 up to immigration nCWTHHzbb1Q-01119-00271696-00272006 the first panelist today um delighted to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01120-00272007-00272215 have dr nana oishii nCWTHHzbb1Q-01121-00272216-00272455 who's an associate professor in japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01122-00272456-00272695 studies at the university of melbourne nCWTHHzbb1Q-01123-00272696-00272815 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01124-00272816-00273082 she completed a phd in sociology at nCWTHHzbb1Q-01125-00273083-00273415 harvard um she's done a lot of excellent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01126-00273416-00273655 um research on topics nCWTHHzbb1Q-01127-00273656-00273934 related to migration and a variety of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01128-00273935-00274303 other social issues um so thank you um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01129-00274304-00274543 professor oshio hand over to you now nCWTHHzbb1Q-01130-00274544-00274767 thanks good morning everyone and thank nCWTHHzbb1Q-01131-00274768-00274958 you very much for having me here and i'd nCWTHHzbb1Q-01132-00274959-00275134 like to first um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01133-00275135-00275382 like to thank all the organizers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01134-00275383-00275663 of anu for their kind invitations i'm nCWTHHzbb1Q-01135-00275664-00275882 excited to me to speak at this great nCWTHHzbb1Q-01136-00275883-00276263 event and today i'd like to um talk nCWTHHzbb1Q-01137-00276264-00276599 about covet 19 and migration in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01138-00276600-00276895 and my talk um is going to be structured nCWTHHzbb1Q-01139-00276896-00277087 this way i'm going to i'm going to start nCWTHHzbb1Q-01140-00277088-00277334 with an overview followed by the impacts nCWTHHzbb1Q-01141-00277335-00277503 of pavilion migrants and the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01142-00277504-00277775 government's support for migrants and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01143-00277776-00277934 the what kind of remaining challenges nCWTHHzbb1Q-01144-00277935-00278039 they have nCWTHHzbb1Q-01145-00278040-00278271 and what's going to happen in postcard nCWTHHzbb1Q-01146-00278272-00278487 japan i think this question is something nCWTHHzbb1Q-01147-00278488-00278719 that a lot of us i'm not just you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-01148-00278720-00279071 um in japan but on australia are posing nCWTHHzbb1Q-01149-00279072-00279310 um or people in other countries all over nCWTHHzbb1Q-01150-00279311-00279510 the world um are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01151-00279511-00279751 posing so i'd like to uh at least nCWTHHzbb1Q-01152-00279752-00279967 comment on this question in the context nCWTHHzbb1Q-01153-00279968-00280119 of japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01154-00280120-00280423 right okay so the this is the overall nCWTHHzbb1Q-01155-00280424-00280655 like increase the trend of migration in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01156-00280656-00280863 japan it has been increasing nCWTHHzbb1Q-01157-00280864-00281287 and since 2012 and um it hit um the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01158-00281288-00281487 highest last year but it slightly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01159-00281488-00281719 declined due to covet last year and this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01160-00281720-00281903 is the unfortunately this is the latest nCWTHHzbb1Q-01161-00281904-00282110 stock data that that is available from nCWTHHzbb1Q-01162-00282111-00282358 the minister of justice and the migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01163-00282359-00282615 comprise about 2.3 percent of the the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01164-00282616-00282782 country's population nCWTHHzbb1Q-01165-00282783-00282887 it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01166-00282888-00283063 declines a declined slightly slightly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01167-00283064-00283334 but it's still um it's still being it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01168-00283335-00283599 was still increasing until last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01169-00283600-00283823 and however when you look at the skilled nCWTHHzbb1Q-01170-00283824-00284063 migration flows you can see that it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01171-00284064-00284399 still increased even in 2020. so that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01172-00284400-00284582 means the number of migrants who enter nCWTHHzbb1Q-01173-00284583-00284815 the country between january and april nCWTHHzbb1Q-01174-00284816-00285030 when they significantly started closing nCWTHHzbb1Q-01175-00285031-00285271 the door the border really was quite nCWTHHzbb1Q-01176-00285272-00285623 huge um already so that really shows how nCWTHHzbb1Q-01177-00285624-00285734 many nCWTHHzbb1Q-01178-00285735-00285903 companies still want nCWTHHzbb1Q-01179-00285904-00286215 the the migrants to japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01180-00286216-00286519 and the so as i said the total migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01181-00286520-00286695 comprise about 2.3 percent of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01182-00286696-00286934 population but when you look at migrant nCWTHHzbb1Q-01183-00286935-00287199 workers they comply comprised 2.5 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01184-00287200-00287447 percent of their labor force and and it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01185-00287448-00287679 hit the record high um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01186-00287680-00287958 in 2000 uh since 2007. nCWTHHzbb1Q-01187-00287959-00288223 so it's been on on the increasing trend nCWTHHzbb1Q-01188-00288224-00288479 um and their countries of origins nCWTHHzbb1Q-01189-00288480-00288815 actually changed last year um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01190-00288816-00289079 both total migrants for migrant workers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01191-00289080-00289310 in both categories they always like for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01192-00289311-00289519 the last few years or so china chinese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01193-00289520-00289823 people were the biggest group but last nCWTHHzbb1Q-01194-00289824-00290134 year vietnamese replaced chinese um in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01195-00290135-00290327 the category of migrant workers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01196-00290328-00290519 among total migrants chinese people are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01197-00290520-00290695 still the biggest minority majority nCWTHHzbb1Q-01198-00290696-00290839 biggest minority nCWTHHzbb1Q-01199-00290840-00291071 or the biggest group in migrants but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01200-00291072-00291263 when it comes to migrant workers the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01201-00291264-00291510 vietnamese are the largest group now nCWTHHzbb1Q-01202-00291511-00291799 followed by chinese filipinos brazilians nCWTHHzbb1Q-01203-00291800-00292006 and nepalis nCWTHHzbb1Q-01204-00292007-00292263 right so as you know that the border nCWTHHzbb1Q-01205-00292264-00292454 border has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01206-00292455-00292679 closed across almost all countries in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01207-00292680-00292910 the world due to covet last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01208-00292911-00293191 um but in japan um well japan too nCWTHHzbb1Q-01209-00293192-00293519 started gradually closing its border nCWTHHzbb1Q-01210-00293520-00293679 since february nCWTHHzbb1Q-01211-00293680-00293919 um in the number of countries that the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01212-00293920-00294182 border closure was extended to began to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01213-00294183-00294527 increase over time and so as of august nCWTHHzbb1Q-01214-00294528-00294630 last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01215-00294631-00294927 the voter closure was extended to 159 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01216-00294928-00295110 countries and territories nCWTHHzbb1Q-01217-00295111-00295271 but at the same time nCWTHHzbb1Q-01218-00295272-00295575 in july the government began to open the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01219-00295576-00295823 board on the border gradually to certain nCWTHHzbb1Q-01220-00295824-00296095 countries uh so they created two uh two nCWTHHzbb1Q-01221-00296096-00296310 categories residence truck and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01222-00296311-00296487 business truck the residence track is nCWTHHzbb1Q-01223-00296488-00296734 for middle medium-term stayers um such nCWTHHzbb1Q-01224-00296735-00297110 as international students or the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01225-00297111-00297279 i'm sorry not the international students nCWTHHzbb1Q-01226-00297280-00297406 i'm sorry the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01227-00297407-00297479 the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01228-00297480-00297751 workers temporary workers or medium-term nCWTHHzbb1Q-01229-00297752-00297847 workers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01230-00297848-00298295 so um and they started um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01231-00298296-00298510 negotiating with various countries uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01232-00298511-00298791 governments so the thailand and vietnam nCWTHHzbb1Q-01233-00298792-00298975 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01234-00298976-00299247 the ties of vietnamese started coming in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01235-00299248-00299415 in july nCWTHHzbb1Q-01236-00299416-00299679 and malaysia malays cambodians and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01237-00299680-00299895 there are several other countries um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01238-00299896-00300095 governments concluded the bilateral nCWTHHzbb1Q-01239-00300096-00300399 agreement in september etc so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01240-00300400-00300647 it was done in a bilateral basis nCWTHHzbb1Q-01241-00300648-00300863 and a business track was created for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01242-00300864-00301063 short-term visitors businessman or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01243-00301064-00301215 businesswoman nCWTHHzbb1Q-01244-00301216-00301303 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01245-00301304-00301534 singapore korea vietnam and china nCWTHHzbb1Q-01246-00301535-00301934 were accepted through this track nCWTHHzbb1Q-01247-00301935-00302119 in october nCWTHHzbb1Q-01248-00302120-00302375 the border was fully open to all nCWTHHzbb1Q-01249-00302376-00302582 migrants including international nCWTHHzbb1Q-01250-00302583-00302839 students and all visa holders value visa nCWTHHzbb1Q-01251-00302840-00302943 holders nCWTHHzbb1Q-01252-00302944-00303119 however it was suspended in late nCWTHHzbb1Q-01253-00303120-00303358 december due to the surge in covet cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-01254-00303359-00303775 in january to present migration has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01255-00303776-00303903 mostly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01256-00303904-00304079 suspended except nCWTHHzbb1Q-01257-00304080-00304239 spouses and children of japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01258-00304240-00304406 citizens and permanent residents nCWTHHzbb1Q-01259-00304407-00304767 athletes and olympics related personnel nCWTHHzbb1Q-01260-00304768-00305119 okay so this is the flow data um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01261-00305120-00305375 during the migration of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01262-00305376-00305703 time so um you can see that the the when nCWTHHzbb1Q-01263-00305704-00305903 the voter was fully open you can see nCWTHHzbb1Q-01264-00305904-00306134 like a lot of people started coming in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01265-00306135-00306382 um you know reaching almost 70 000 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01266-00306383-00306615 people coming into japan just in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01267-00306616-00306734 december nCWTHHzbb1Q-01268-00306735-00306975 although it declined and then again in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01269-00306976-00307206 july we had um we started having nCWTHHzbb1Q-01270-00307207-00307430 olympics so um more people started nCWTHHzbb1Q-01271-00307431-00307679 coming in as well nCWTHHzbb1Q-01272-00307680-00308054 um so how did the covet impact migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01273-00308055-00308310 and well you can see that just like nCWTHHzbb1Q-01274-00308311-00308551 japanese people lost their uh jobs a lot nCWTHHzbb1Q-01275-00308552-00308847 of them lost their jobs um migrants also nCWTHHzbb1Q-01276-00308848-00309191 did lose their jobs as well um so they nCWTHHzbb1Q-01277-00309192-00309358 face a lot of them face financial nCWTHHzbb1Q-01278-00309359-00309534 difficulties you know a lot of them nCWTHHzbb1Q-01279-00309535-00309758 couldn't go home even even though they nCWTHHzbb1Q-01280-00309759-00309982 wanted to because the number of flights nCWTHHzbb1Q-01281-00309983-00310110 was reduced nCWTHHzbb1Q-01282-00310111-00310391 and the airfare became very expensive nCWTHHzbb1Q-01283-00310392-00310630 and even their home country's border was nCWTHHzbb1Q-01284-00310631-00310830 closed so a lot of them kind of got nCWTHHzbb1Q-01285-00310831-00311039 stranded in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01286-00311040-00311206 and they lost their jobs or their uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01287-00311207-00311415 they were underemployed even though they nCWTHHzbb1Q-01288-00311416-00311630 kept their jobs even they nCWTHHzbb1Q-01289-00311631-00311863 the employers reduced their hours so it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01290-00311864-00312047 was very it became very difficult for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01291-00312048-00312127 them nCWTHHzbb1Q-01292-00312128-00312367 to to make their own living nCWTHHzbb1Q-01293-00312368-00312447 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01294-00312448-00312575 there are a lot of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01295-00312576-00312815 civil society organizations in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01296-00312816-00313087 that are providing help for them nCWTHHzbb1Q-01297-00313088-00313406 but it still became more difficult nCWTHHzbb1Q-01298-00313407-00313647 to reach out to these migrants because nCWTHHzbb1Q-01299-00313648-00313806 of the restrictions mobility nCWTHHzbb1Q-01300-00313807-00313943 restrictions nCWTHHzbb1Q-01301-00313944-00314287 even though japan hasn't really had huge nCWTHHzbb1Q-01302-00314288-00314519 lockdowns like the ones that we have in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01303-00314520-00314734 melbourne or sydney or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01304-00314735-00314863 canberra nCWTHHzbb1Q-01305-00314864-00315191 and there is nothing similar to that but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01306-00315192-00315310 still nCWTHHzbb1Q-01307-00315311-00315510 people are discouraged from moving nCWTHHzbb1Q-01308-00315511-00315734 around um and a lot of people try to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01309-00315735-00315854 comply nCWTHHzbb1Q-01310-00315855-00316134 so um it has become nCWTHHzbb1Q-01311-00316135-00316375 difficult to provide sort of physical nCWTHHzbb1Q-01312-00316376-00316630 help people the migrants helping nCWTHHzbb1Q-01313-00316631-00316791 migrants in person nCWTHHzbb1Q-01314-00316792-00317054 and also some of the uh civil society nCWTHHzbb1Q-01315-00317055-00317215 organizations have been having nCWTHHzbb1Q-01316-00317216-00317463 difficulties in um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01317-00317464-00317734 fundraising because if the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01318-00317735-00317975 donors their donors also had some nCWTHHzbb1Q-01319-00317976-00318279 economic difficulties due to covet so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01320-00318280-00318471 the situation has been quite nCWTHHzbb1Q-01321-00318472-00318710 challenging for them nCWTHHzbb1Q-01322-00318711-00319015 but the the situation however um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01323-00319016-00319479 particularly for temporary migrants um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01324-00319480-00319630 situations for tempering migrants are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01325-00319631-00319934 actually quite good in japan um well no nCWTHHzbb1Q-01326-00319935-00320215 i shouldn't say good but the the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01327-00320216-00320454 japanese government is really trying to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01328-00320455-00320639 provide support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01329-00320640-00320910 um for temporary migrants when i say nCWTHHzbb1Q-01330-00320911-00321119 temporary migrants here i mean known nCWTHHzbb1Q-01331-00321120-00321367 permanent resident migrants so those nCWTHHzbb1Q-01332-00321368-00321582 people who are here in japan as nCWTHHzbb1Q-01333-00321583-00321839 international students or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01334-00321840-00322158 people who have valid work visas nCWTHHzbb1Q-01335-00322159-00322495 or investors and so forth right known nCWTHHzbb1Q-01336-00322496-00322767 permanent resident migrants okay so the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01337-00322768-00322958 the japanese government basically nCWTHHzbb1Q-01338-00322959-00323287 doesn't really differentiate migrants or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01339-00323288-00323471 non-migrants or like no japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01340-00323472-00323751 citizens or non-japanese citizens nCWTHHzbb1Q-01341-00323752-00323975 in terms of public support financial nCWTHHzbb1Q-01342-00323976-00324175 support so when it comes to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01343-00324176-00324406 covet-related support financial packages nCWTHHzbb1Q-01344-00324407-00324710 and so forth it's quite generous so when nCWTHHzbb1Q-01345-00324711-00324951 you when you have a migrant family of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01346-00324952-00325110 four for example nCWTHHzbb1Q-01347-00325111-00325406 and each person each family member gets nCWTHHzbb1Q-01348-00325407-00325695 100 000 yen which is about 1200 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01349-00325696-00325927 australian dollars uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01350-00325928-00326151 like the lump sum money so each person nCWTHHzbb1Q-01351-00326152-00326303 gets that so if you have a family of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01352-00326304-00326663 four that's like 4 800 uh dollars that's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01353-00326664-00326767 quite good nCWTHHzbb1Q-01354-00326768-00327206 and plus um if you are a single parent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01355-00327207-00327327 you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-01356-00327328-00327519 benefit as well and you can get you can nCWTHHzbb1Q-01357-00327520-00327695 apply for small loans nCWTHHzbb1Q-01358-00327696-00327910 and various support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01359-00327911-00328063 the various types of support are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01360-00328064-00328254 available if you're international nCWTHHzbb1Q-01361-00328255-00328519 student in japan you can also apply for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01362-00328520-00328854 the same covet cash payment of 100 000 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01363-00328855-00328982 as long as nCWTHHzbb1Q-01364-00328983-00329151 they are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01365-00329152-00329382 registered as local residents and in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01366-00329383-00329527 municipalities nCWTHHzbb1Q-01367-00329528-00329703 and also they have student support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01368-00329704-00329854 emergency payment nCWTHHzbb1Q-01369-00329855-00330047 and they they can also apply for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01370-00330048-00330247 short-term loans etc nCWTHHzbb1Q-01371-00330248-00330503 and if you were just working you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01372-00330504-00330775 if you are holding a migrant um work nCWTHHzbb1Q-01373-00330776-00331047 visa then you can also apply for special nCWTHHzbb1Q-01374-00331048-00331287 cash payment and you can apply for job nCWTHHzbb1Q-01375-00331288-00331719 seeker equivalent of australia up to 330 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01376-00331720-00331919 000 yen which is about almost like four nCWTHHzbb1Q-01377-00331920-00332103 thousand dollars uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01378-00332104-00332367 in australian dollars per month and they nCWTHHzbb1Q-01379-00332368-00332534 can apply for small loans reduction of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01380-00332535-00332734 social insurance payments or moratorium nCWTHHzbb1Q-01381-00332735-00333110 of payment etc um so um they can also nCWTHHzbb1Q-01382-00333111-00333399 get a lot of benefits if a migrant nCWTHHzbb1Q-01383-00333400-00333639 migrant entrepreneur you can also apply nCWTHHzbb1Q-01384-00333640-00333958 for job keeper equivalent support plus nCWTHHzbb1Q-01385-00333959-00334143 business support packages up to 1 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01386-00334144-00334430 million yen um which is about i'm sorry nCWTHHzbb1Q-01387-00334431-00334615 this is i think it's the exchange rate nCWTHHzbb1Q-01388-00334616-00334871 is wrong sorry about that um and the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01389-00334872-00335087 rent subsidies and so forth nCWTHHzbb1Q-01390-00335088-00335254 and even some nCWTHHzbb1Q-01391-00335255-00335495 alum seekers who applied for refugee nCWTHHzbb1Q-01392-00335496-00335767 status um and staying in the country nCWTHHzbb1Q-01393-00335768-00335958 they can still up um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01394-00335959-00336095 they can still get the cash fame and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01395-00336096-00336327 coveted cash payment so they're fully nCWTHHzbb1Q-01396-00336328-00336654 covered um so it's quite quite generous nCWTHHzbb1Q-01397-00336655-00336895 so that's in australia i think the if nCWTHHzbb1Q-01398-00336896-00337071 you're a permanent resident even if nCWTHHzbb1Q-01399-00337072-00337206 you're a migrant as long as you have a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01400-00337207-00337415 permanent residence status you can nCWTHHzbb1Q-01401-00337416-00337678 get that package uh jobseeker jobkeeper nCWTHHzbb1Q-01402-00337679-00337847 and stuff but other than that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01403-00337848-00338006 international students are not covered nCWTHHzbb1Q-01404-00338007-00338263 except in some sort of lump sum cash nCWTHHzbb1Q-01405-00338264-00338454 support from certain governments certain nCWTHHzbb1Q-01406-00338455-00338599 state governments but other than that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01407-00338600-00338799 there is no support from the from the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01408-00338800-00339087 federal government um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01409-00339088-00339278 as long as i understand nCWTHHzbb1Q-01410-00339279-00339406 okay nCWTHHzbb1Q-01411-00339407-00339503 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01412-00339504-00339703 as far as i understand and then but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01413-00339704-00339951 there are remaining challenges and the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01414-00339952-00340215 first challenge is um that the irregular nCWTHHzbb1Q-01415-00340216-00340463 migrants are not covered so all the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01416-00340464-00340751 public support available nCWTHHzbb1Q-01417-00340752-00340927 are actually linked to resident nCWTHHzbb1Q-01418-00340928-00341247 residential status so um they have all nCWTHHzbb1Q-01419-00341248-00341415 those people who are registered with nCWTHHzbb1Q-01420-00341416-00341719 local council local municipalities are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01421-00341720-00341951 eligible to get those benefits so those nCWTHHzbb1Q-01422-00341952-00342199 people who are staying in the country on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01423-00342200-00342391 a irregular nCWTHHzbb1Q-01424-00342392-00342495 status nCWTHHzbb1Q-01425-00342496-00342710 then they won't be able to uh get the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01426-00342711-00343110 support uh that's in the they are 82 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01427-00343111-00343478 thousand or 868 of them in the country nCWTHHzbb1Q-01428-00343479-00343654 so those people don't have access to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01429-00343655-00343854 those um benefits nCWTHHzbb1Q-01430-00343855-00344063 uh so those people really suffer a lot nCWTHHzbb1Q-01431-00344064-00344247 uh without much help nCWTHHzbb1Q-01432-00344248-00344623 and also the uh the as i said ngo npos nCWTHHzbb1Q-01433-00344624-00344903 are um facing difficulties due to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01434-00344904-00345078 mobilities and financial difficulty as nCWTHHzbb1Q-01435-00345079-00345151 well nCWTHHzbb1Q-01436-00345152-00345319 and also provision of multilingual nCWTHHzbb1Q-01437-00345320-00345599 information uh is still challenging nCWTHHzbb1Q-01438-00345600-00345830 because it's very difficult for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01439-00345831-00345991 municipalities and also even the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01440-00345992-00346191 national national government to keep up nCWTHHzbb1Q-01441-00346192-00346351 with the update information in different nCWTHHzbb1Q-01442-00346352-00346527 languages so japanese government nCWTHHzbb1Q-01443-00346528-00346734 provides the information in 18 languages nCWTHHzbb1Q-01444-00346735-00346958 which is i think it's a big improvement nCWTHHzbb1Q-01445-00346959-00347206 um for the last 10 years or so but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01446-00347207-00347463 there's still some time lag um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01447-00347464-00347639 and also um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01448-00347640-00347791 so what happened is that because there's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01449-00347792-00348006 some time lag a lot of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01450-00348007-00348223 municipalities are trying to translate nCWTHHzbb1Q-01451-00348224-00348391 that information into several languages nCWTHHzbb1Q-01452-00348392-00348558 by themselves but then some nCWTHHzbb1Q-01453-00348559-00348854 municipalities municipalities can do it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01454-00348855-00349127 very quickly others can't uh you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-01455-00349128-00349375 depending on the the amount of resources nCWTHHzbb1Q-01456-00349376-00349751 that they have so there's some kind of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01457-00349752-00349967 discrepancy in terms of the provision of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01458-00349968-00350143 information and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01459-00350144-00350287 some municipalities because they don't nCWTHHzbb1Q-01460-00350288-00350534 have money they don't have resources nCWTHHzbb1Q-01461-00350535-00350751 they use google translator and that and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01462-00350752-00351006 you know how accurate that is and then nCWTHHzbb1Q-01463-00351007-00351230 sometimes it's it's uh the accuracy has nCWTHHzbb1Q-01464-00351231-00351375 to be uncompromised even though this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01465-00351376-00351567 sort of generic information could be nCWTHHzbb1Q-01466-00351568-00351743 communicated but still nCWTHHzbb1Q-01467-00351744-00352087 that's really not perfect either nCWTHHzbb1Q-01468-00352088-00352206 and there are some different nCWTHHzbb1Q-01469-00352207-00352415 translations by different municipalities nCWTHHzbb1Q-01470-00352416-00352534 that could nCWTHHzbb1Q-01471-00352535-00352791 cause confusion sometimes nCWTHHzbb1Q-01472-00352792-00352958 all right so what's going to happen in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01473-00352959-00353263 postcard japan um some people nCWTHHzbb1Q-01474-00353264-00353439 actually a lot of people do argue that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01475-00353440-00353734 there will be more migrants um who nCWTHHzbb1Q-01476-00353735-00353943 who will be choosing japan uh grassy a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01477-00353944-00354143 little father for example in her um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01478-00354144-00354382 latest book or the latest article that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01479-00354383-00354575 particularly international students from nCWTHHzbb1Q-01480-00354576-00354815 asia will choose japan because of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01481-00354816-00355063 future job opportunities limited agent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01482-00355064-00355471 anti anti-aging racism and low tuition nCWTHHzbb1Q-01483-00355472-00355678 japan japanese university's tuitions are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01484-00355679-00355871 much slower than the tuitions in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01485-00355872-00356006 australia nCWTHHzbb1Q-01486-00356007-00356206 or the u.s or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01487-00356207-00356295 okay nCWTHHzbb1Q-01488-00356296-00356534 so a lot of people in asia are also hit nCWTHHzbb1Q-01489-00356535-00356727 by covet and a lot of middle class nCWTHHzbb1Q-01490-00356728-00356999 families made you are likely to choose nCWTHHzbb1Q-01491-00357000-00357351 sort of cheaper tuition and sort of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01492-00357352-00357575 low lower cost education higher nCWTHHzbb1Q-01493-00357576-00357806 education for their kids so they might nCWTHHzbb1Q-01494-00357807-00358030 they are likely their other gracia at nCWTHHzbb1Q-01495-00358031-00358271 least is projected that they will choose nCWTHHzbb1Q-01496-00358272-00358534 japan over other countries particularly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01497-00358535-00358703 because more and more japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01498-00358704-00358951 universities are offering nCWTHHzbb1Q-01499-00358952-00359278 the curriculums and programs in english nCWTHHzbb1Q-01500-00359279-00359447 okay and the japanese government will nCWTHHzbb1Q-01501-00359448-00359687 also boost migration due to accelerating nCWTHHzbb1Q-01502-00359688-00359927 population aging and i know that the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01503-00359928-00360063 they're really determined to increase nCWTHHzbb1Q-01504-00360064-00360263 the number of migrants because of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01505-00360264-00360527 sort of structural demographic um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01506-00360528-00360719 situations um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01507-00360720-00360799 and then nCWTHHzbb1Q-01508-00360800-00361087 population aging is really severe nCWTHHzbb1Q-01509-00361088-00361278 and so they're really trying to boost nCWTHHzbb1Q-01510-00361279-00361487 the number of specified skilled workers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01511-00361488-00361751 that they just created the new scheme um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01512-00361752-00361927 two years ago um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01513-00361928-00362095 and i think they're going to keep nCWTHHzbb1Q-01514-00362096-00362239 pushing for that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01515-00362240-00362551 and the japanese public is very very nCWTHHzbb1Q-01516-00362552-00362799 supportive of migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01517-00362800-00362991 and that would really help nCWTHHzbb1Q-01518-00362992-00363239 facilitate further migration i would nCWTHHzbb1Q-01519-00363240-00363463 project and my my nCWTHHzbb1Q-01520-00363464-00363695 my research partner and myself i nCWTHHzbb1Q-01521-00363696-00364095 recently conducted the data analysis nCWTHHzbb1Q-01522-00364096-00364287 and we found very interesting finding nCWTHHzbb1Q-01523-00364288-00364358 but nCWTHHzbb1Q-01524-00364359-00364519 before that i'll just tell you that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01525-00364520-00364799 japan is one of the most uh supportive nCWTHHzbb1Q-01526-00364800-00365063 country for immigration so the uh is the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01527-00365064-00365343 second highest sort of supportiveness nCWTHHzbb1Q-01528-00365344-00365482 for migration nCWTHHzbb1Q-01529-00365483-00365743 um according to international social nCWTHHzbb1Q-01530-00365744-00366039 survey program already in 2013 so it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01531-00366040-00366223 very japanese people are quite nCWTHHzbb1Q-01532-00366224-00366463 supportive of migration now i think it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01533-00366464-00366615 really in contrast to sort of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01534-00366616-00366895 stereotypical image of japanese and this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01535-00366896-00367078 one too and this is the latest one in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01536-00367079-00367447 2020 data and the to the question is it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01537-00367448-00367630 a good thing to have more migrants and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01538-00367631-00367799 almost 70 percent of japanese studies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01539-00367800-00368078 yes it's a good thing now only 30 or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01540-00368079-00368334 roughly um 30 of them are so it's not a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01541-00368335-00368503 good thing so the majority of japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-01542-00368504-00368758 people do support and the latest nCWTHHzbb1Q-01543-00368759-00368951 research um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01544-00368952-00369271 published earlier this year also um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01545-00369272-00369558 sort of verified that about 60 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01546-00369559-00369895 of japanese uh did support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01547-00369896-00370039 and migration nCWTHHzbb1Q-01548-00370040-00370454 and and we might call nCWTHHzbb1Q-01549-00370455-00370671 um in japan that nationalism is really nCWTHHzbb1Q-01550-00370672-00370895 not linked to antimatter not necessarily nCWTHHzbb1Q-01551-00370896-00371095 always linked to anti-migrant sentiments nCWTHHzbb1Q-01552-00371096-00371295 which is the case for many countries in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01553-00371296-00371502 the world uh you know like nCWTHHzbb1Q-01554-00371503-00371702 in many countries nationalists or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01555-00371703-00372030 patriots are really trying to sort of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01556-00372031-00372175 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01557-00372176-00372415 argue that our country is for our people nCWTHHzbb1Q-01558-00372416-00372734 et cetera et cetera but interestingly um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01559-00372735-00372958 according to our data analysis the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01560-00372959-00373230 nationalism in population decline areas nCWTHHzbb1Q-01561-00373231-00373491 in japan was actually correlated with nCWTHHzbb1Q-01562-00373492-00373727 pro-migrant sentiments you know it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01563-00373728-00373919 very contrary to our nCWTHHzbb1Q-01564-00373920-00374175 sort of typical image right so those nCWTHHzbb1Q-01565-00374176-00374406 people who love japan and truly care nCWTHHzbb1Q-01566-00374407-00374719 about its long-term future support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01567-00374720-00374958 along its long-term future they support nCWTHHzbb1Q-01568-00374959-00375143 migration because it's one of the very nCWTHHzbb1Q-01569-00375144-00375282 few options nCWTHHzbb1Q-01570-00375283-00375663 left sustainability and so we presented nCWTHHzbb1Q-01571-00375664-00375863 a new conceptual framework of structural nCWTHHzbb1Q-01572-00375864-00376087 economic nationalism which refers to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01573-00376088-00376310 economic nationalism determined by nCWTHHzbb1Q-01574-00376311-00376591 democratic structures so because of this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01575-00376592-00376815 and because of persistent labor shortage nCWTHHzbb1Q-01576-00376816-00377006 in regional areas we project that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01577-00377007-00377287 migration will continue to increase in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01578-00377288-00377582 post-covet migration post-copy japan and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01579-00377583-00377830 this is the um the data that we got so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01580-00377831-00378015 the higher the nationalism nCWTHHzbb1Q-01581-00378016-00378127 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01582-00378128-00378358 level then the perceived values of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01583-00378359-00378663 negative con negative uh contribution of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01584-00378664-00378982 job uh migrants to japan will nCWTHHzbb1Q-01585-00378983-00379102 decrease nCWTHHzbb1Q-01586-00379103-00379334 um so i'm gonna nCWTHHzbb1Q-01587-00379335-00379543 stop that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01588-00379544-00379830 and yeah that's it for my presentation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01589-00379831-00380015 thank you for listening nCWTHHzbb1Q-01590-00380016-00380254 thank you so much for the um excellent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01591-00380255-00380510 um presentation and great to see all of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01592-00380511-00380815 that data there um thank you so much um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01593-00380816-00381158 moving on now our next panelist um i'm nCWTHHzbb1Q-01594-00381159-00381487 delighted to introduce is dr yoko ibuka nCWTHHzbb1Q-01595-00381488-00381775 who is professor of of economics at ko nCWTHHzbb1Q-01596-00381776-00382006 university and she works on a broad nCWTHHzbb1Q-01597-00382007-00382223 range of topics in the field of health nCWTHHzbb1Q-01598-00382224-00382375 economics nCWTHHzbb1Q-01599-00382376-00382582 focusing on understanding health related nCWTHHzbb1Q-01600-00382583-00382823 behavior and exploring nCWTHHzbb1Q-01601-00382824-00383095 effective public health policies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01602-00383096-00383382 um so thank you professor ibuka nCWTHHzbb1Q-01603-00383383-00383582 without further ado i will pass over to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01604-00383583-00383719 you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01605-00383720-00383895 thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01606-00383896-00384199 um so thank you very much for having me nCWTHHzbb1Q-01607-00384200-00384519 here today in japan up late this year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01608-00384520-00384887 and thank you everyone for participating nCWTHHzbb1Q-01609-00384888-00385015 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01610-00385016-00385287 i'm yoko ibuka health economics at ko nCWTHHzbb1Q-01611-00385288-00385447 university nCWTHHzbb1Q-01612-00385448-00385782 we all know that the impact of covet 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01613-00385783-00386095 is massive and therefore it's been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01614-00386096-00386319 affecting almost all dimensions of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01615-00386320-00386471 people's life nCWTHHzbb1Q-01616-00386472-00386743 today i would like to talk about one of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01617-00386744-00386943 the very important public health nCWTHHzbb1Q-01618-00386944-00387230 concerns under the covet 19 pandemic in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01619-00387231-00387534 japan which is suicide based on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01620-00387535-00387951 published scientific articles nCWTHHzbb1Q-01621-00387952-00388230 so recent studies show some alarming nCWTHHzbb1Q-01622-00388231-00388534 situation suicidal behavior has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01623-00388535-00388806 increasing during profit 19 pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01624-00388807-00389054 worldwide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01625-00389055-00389351 what is less clear now is suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01626-00389352-00389471 incidence nCWTHHzbb1Q-01627-00389472-00389751 as there is a partly because there is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01628-00389752-00390039 barrier to access to real-time data of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01629-00390040-00390215 suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01630-00390216-00390447 japanese government reports the number nCWTHHzbb1Q-01631-00390448-00390727 of seizures every month and therefore an nCWTHHzbb1Q-01632-00390728-00390982 immediate update of suicide incidents is nCWTHHzbb1Q-01633-00390983-00391215 possible and has been done using nCWTHHzbb1Q-01634-00391216-00391478 japanese data nCWTHHzbb1Q-01635-00391479-00391734 even before the pandemic japan was one nCWTHHzbb1Q-01636-00391735-00391967 of the countries with high suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01637-00391968-00392158 incidence rate among high income nCWTHHzbb1Q-01638-00392159-00392591 countries in the western pacific earlier nCWTHHzbb1Q-01639-00392592-00392847 it is well known that suicide is related nCWTHHzbb1Q-01640-00392848-00393143 to macroeconomic conditions and as the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01641-00393144-00393471 policies mitigating coveted 19 have been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01642-00393472-00393791 disrupting economic activities so much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01643-00393792-00394039 this would add to concerns regarding the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01644-00394040-00394430 situation in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01645-00394431-00394727 therefore to understand how the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01646-00394728-00394999 have been affecting suicide is essential nCWTHHzbb1Q-01647-00395000-00395078 for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01648-00395079-00395319 further policy making regarding public nCWTHHzbb1Q-01649-00395320-00395630 health social and economic policies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01650-00395631-00396047 under coveted 19. nCWTHHzbb1Q-01651-00396048-00396295 before i start talking about what has nCWTHHzbb1Q-01652-00396296-00396534 been shown about suicide in japan i nCWTHHzbb1Q-01653-00396535-00396751 would like to briefly touch upon the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01654-00396752-00396999 theologically of copy to 19 in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01655-00397000-00397358 from early 2020 up to now so this figure nCWTHHzbb1Q-01656-00397359-00397558 is uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01657-00397559-00397847 very similar to what sawada-san shows in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01658-00397848-00397982 in his talk nCWTHHzbb1Q-01659-00397983-00398310 but this shows that coveted 90 new cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-01660-00398311-00398606 and accumulated this is over time nCWTHHzbb1Q-01661-00398607-00398895 as you see here um there have been five nCWTHHzbb1Q-01662-00398896-00399134 waves so far um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01663-00399135-00399415 and the state of emergency has been in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01664-00399416-00399758 place for four times in total earlier nCWTHHzbb1Q-01665-00399759-00400030 um the concerns uh the content of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01666-00400031-00400367 intervention package differ nCWTHHzbb1Q-01667-00400368-00400599 in general the state of emergency in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01668-00400600-00400919 japan requests individuals to stay at nCWTHHzbb1Q-01669-00400920-00401047 home nCWTHHzbb1Q-01670-00401048-00401534 as much as possible nCWTHHzbb1Q-01671-00401535-00401663 sorry nCWTHHzbb1Q-01672-00401664-00401951 as much as possible without imposing any nCWTHHzbb1Q-01673-00401952-00402054 punishment nCWTHHzbb1Q-01674-00402055-00402302 in case of violation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01675-00402303-00402510 at the same time the government often nCWTHHzbb1Q-01676-00402511-00402847 requests bars and restaurants to close nCWTHHzbb1Q-01677-00402848-00402975 completely nCWTHHzbb1Q-01678-00402976-00403247 or close earlier or not to provide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01679-00403248-00403534 alcoholic beverages nCWTHHzbb1Q-01680-00403535-00403782 now tokyo is in the middle of the fifth nCWTHHzbb1Q-01681-00403783-00403895 wave nCWTHHzbb1Q-01682-00403896-00404230 due to the delta variant and the current nCWTHHzbb1Q-01683-00404231-00404423 wave has been producing the greatest nCWTHHzbb1Q-01684-00404424-00404702 number of cases as you see here nCWTHHzbb1Q-01685-00404703-00404975 the intensity of the measures taken was nCWTHHzbb1Q-01686-00404976-00405230 the strongest in the first wave the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01687-00405231-00405502 first state of emergency in april nCWTHHzbb1Q-01688-00405503-00406015 last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01689-00406016-00406319 regarding suicide in japan so far i have nCWTHHzbb1Q-01690-00406320-00406558 identified four studies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01691-00406559-00406791 which investigated suicide incidents nCWTHHzbb1Q-01692-00406792-00407158 under covet 19 pandemic in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01693-00407159-00407527 those studies use the data up to 4 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01694-00407528-00407647 last year nCWTHHzbb1Q-01695-00407648-00407910 investigating the impact of the first nCWTHHzbb1Q-01696-00407911-00408230 and second waves nCWTHHzbb1Q-01697-00408231-00408478 our two main results are consistent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01698-00408479-00408695 across these four studies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01699-00408696-00409006 ad for the trend the suicide first nCWTHHzbb1Q-01700-00409007-00409406 decreased in april and may 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01701-00409407-00409799 and started increasing after that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01702-00409800-00410134 this may be um quite unexpected nCWTHHzbb1Q-01703-00410135-00410239 however nCWTHHzbb1Q-01704-00410239-00410582 similar results are reported by a study nCWTHHzbb1Q-01705-00410583-00410855 regarding high income and upper middle nCWTHHzbb1Q-01706-00410856-00411078 income countries in the initial stage of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01707-00411079-00411255 pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01708-00411256-00411503 also it is known that there is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01709-00411504-00411774 reduction in suicide after muslim nCWTHHzbb1Q-01710-00411775-00412007 disasters such as hurricanes or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01711-00412008-00412303 earthquakes followed by an increase in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01712-00412304-00412518 suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01713-00412519-00412759 in addition some japanese specific nCWTHHzbb1Q-01714-00412760-00413047 factors may have affected nCWTHHzbb1Q-01715-00413047-00413278 the reduction in suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01716-00413279-00413591 specifically uh the initial stay at the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01717-00413592-00413910 home order included school closure nCWTHHzbb1Q-01718-00413912-00414199 and it also led to a reduction in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01719-00414200-00414534 working hours among adults nCWTHHzbb1Q-01720-00414535-00414814 knowing that in japan some suicides are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01721-00414815-00415095 related to long hour work nCWTHHzbb1Q-01722-00415096-00415374 and suicides among children tend to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01723-00415375-00415495 increase nCWTHHzbb1Q-01724-00415496-00415791 increase after a long vacation those nCWTHHzbb1Q-01725-00415792-00416055 factors may have further contributed to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01726-00416056-00416366 a reduction in suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01727-00416367-00416495 finally nCWTHHzbb1Q-01728-00416496-00416734 as osan mentioned the government nCWTHHzbb1Q-01729-00416735-00417039 provided sort of generous cash benefits nCWTHHzbb1Q-01730-00417039-00417318 to all students to mitigate the economic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01731-00417319-00417551 impact of covet 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01732-00417552-00418174 which may have helped as well nCWTHHzbb1Q-01733-00418175-00418391 another important finding is a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01734-00418392-00418687 difference in the impact by gender and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01735-00418688-00419103 age specifically an increase in suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01736-00419104-00419414 among female is more pronounced than nCWTHHzbb1Q-01737-00419415-00419670 males nCWTHHzbb1Q-01738-00419671-00419910 this is consistent with findings from nCWTHHzbb1Q-01739-00419912-00420166 earlier meta-analysis and read the paper nCWTHHzbb1Q-01740-00420167-00420455 regarding suicidal behavior during covet nCWTHHzbb1Q-01741-00420456-00420799 19 from various countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-01742-00420800-00420959 however nCWTHHzbb1Q-01743-00420960-00421247 it shows a clear contrast to the impact nCWTHHzbb1Q-01744-00421247-00421518 reported in the context of past nCWTHHzbb1Q-01745-00421519-00421727 macroeconomic shocks nCWTHHzbb1Q-01746-00421728-00421831 where nCWTHHzbb1Q-01747-00421832-00422118 they tended to influence males modern nCWTHHzbb1Q-01748-00422119-00422414 females nCWTHHzbb1Q-01749-00422415-00422710 and there are potential reasons why the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01750-00422712-00423063 impact is larger among females nCWTHHzbb1Q-01751-00423064-00423383 those include mars economic situation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01752-00423384-00423631 due to a greater impact on female nCWTHHzbb1Q-01753-00423632-00423822 dominant industries nCWTHHzbb1Q-01754-00423823-00424103 such as food service or hospitality nCWTHHzbb1Q-01755-00424104-00424247 industry nCWTHHzbb1Q-01756-00424247-00424566 and increase in domestic violence during nCWTHHzbb1Q-01757-00424567-00424791 the state of emergency nCWTHHzbb1Q-01758-00424792-00425095 and an increase in burden of watching nCWTHHzbb1Q-01759-00425096-00425375 mothers to take care of children due to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01760-00425376-00425679 the stay at home order nCWTHHzbb1Q-01761-00425680-00425959 finally as for the age difference a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01762-00425960-00426214 study by sakamoto and others nCWTHHzbb1Q-01763-00426215-00426503 investigated the impact by age group in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01764-00426504-00426663 details nCWTHHzbb1Q-01765-00426664-00426975 and it shows that the impact was most nCWTHHzbb1Q-01766-00426976-00427191 pronounced among relatively young nCWTHHzbb1Q-01767-00427192-00427831 individuals nCWTHHzbb1Q-01768-00427832-00428127 it is also important to understand the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01769-00428128-00428375 similarity or difference in the trend nCWTHHzbb1Q-01770-00428376-00428727 between season incidence and suicidal nCWTHHzbb1Q-01771-00428728-00429118 ideation or attempt nCWTHHzbb1Q-01772-00429119-00429351 based on the data of emergency nCWTHHzbb1Q-01773-00429352-00429663 dispatches associated with suicide until nCWTHHzbb1Q-01774-00429664-00429895 july 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01775-00429896-00430175 one study shows that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01776-00430176-00430495 the suicide attempt was higher compared nCWTHHzbb1Q-01777-00430496-00430791 to the level in three pandemic years nCWTHHzbb1Q-01778-00430792-00431183 in the early stage of the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01779-00431184-00431479 this study also showed that the most nCWTHHzbb1Q-01780-00431480-00431847 affected population was females aged nCWTHHzbb1Q-01781-00431847-00432503 25 to 40 49 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-01782-00432504-00432759 a study based on an online survey nCWTHHzbb1Q-01783-00432760-00433039 provided an important information on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01784-00433039-00433303 individual characteristics of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01785-00433304-00433614 those who have suicidal ideation in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01786-00433615-00433903 early phase of the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01787-00433904-00434151 there was a small decline in suicidal nCWTHHzbb1Q-01788-00434152-00434495 ideation overall after the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01789-00434496-00434759 however those who nCWTHHzbb1Q-01790-00434760-00435143 reported suicidal ideation increased nCWTHHzbb1Q-01791-00435143-00435447 among those who did not report it before nCWTHHzbb1Q-01792-00435447-00435863 the pandemic so this indicates um those nCWTHHzbb1Q-01793-00435864-00435966 people nCWTHHzbb1Q-01794-00435967-00436263 became at risk after the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01795-00436264-00436455 started nCWTHHzbb1Q-01796-00436456-00436727 also the study showed that individuals nCWTHHzbb1Q-01797-00436728-00436879 in their 30s nCWTHHzbb1Q-01798-00436880-00437183 those with unstable employment status nCWTHHzbb1Q-01799-00437184-00437455 both with other children and with nCWTHHzbb1Q-01800-00437456-00437743 relatively low income were more likely nCWTHHzbb1Q-01801-00437743-00438055 to report suicidal radiation after the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01802-00438056-00438583 pandemic started nCWTHHzbb1Q-01803-00438584-00438895 suicide is really caused by a single nCWTHHzbb1Q-01804-00438896-00439166 factor and the various factors would be nCWTHHzbb1Q-01805-00439167-00439510 affecting people in a concrete way under nCWTHHzbb1Q-01806-00439512-00439814 covet 19. nCWTHHzbb1Q-01807-00439815-00440079 literature so far discussed uh such nCWTHHzbb1Q-01808-00440080-00440303 factors include nCWTHHzbb1Q-01809-00440304-00440583 health problems such as worry of being nCWTHHzbb1Q-01810-00440584-00440751 infected nCWTHHzbb1Q-01811-00440752-00441222 uh or and or being transmitted to others nCWTHHzbb1Q-01812-00441223-00441518 financial insecurity or loss of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01813-00441519-00441863 employment caused by the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01814-00441864-00442127 burden of unpaid care work because of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01815-00442128-00442431 school closure and work from home nCWTHHzbb1Q-01816-00442432-00442847 an increase in domestic violence nCWTHHzbb1Q-01817-00442847-00443143 um isolation feeling uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01818-00443143-00443327 which um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01819-00443328-00443551 led to impaired social and family nCWTHHzbb1Q-01820-00443552-00443743 relationship nCWTHHzbb1Q-01821-00443743-00444022 and the disruption in receiving mental nCWTHHzbb1Q-01822-00444023-00444255 health health care due to limited health nCWTHHzbb1Q-01823-00444256-00444775 care service access nCWTHHzbb1Q-01824-00444776-00445031 so as the public study data just so far nCWTHHzbb1Q-01825-00445032-00445503 has revealed the figures only by 4 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01826-00445504-00445870 i tried to estimate a percent increase nCWTHHzbb1Q-01827-00445871-00446255 in seaside after for 2020 using the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01828-00446256-00446527 publicly available aggregated aggregated nCWTHHzbb1Q-01829-00446528-00446663 data nCWTHHzbb1Q-01830-00446664-00446975 so here in this figure this number nCWTHHzbb1Q-01831-00446976-00447247 shows a change in comparison with the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01832-00447247-00447575 same month of the pre-pandemic period nCWTHHzbb1Q-01833-00447576-00447691 from nCWTHHzbb1Q-01834-00447692-00448063 2017 to 2019. nCWTHHzbb1Q-01835-00448064-00448422 so um how to estimate this number is nCWTHHzbb1Q-01836-00448423-00448631 basically similar to what the literature nCWTHHzbb1Q-01837-00448632-00448822 has done nCWTHHzbb1Q-01838-00448823-00449166 and you see um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01839-00449167-00449559 there was a peak in october in 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01840-00449560-00449639 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01841-00449639-00449951 the increase in suicide lasted during nCWTHHzbb1Q-01842-00449952-00450151 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01843-00450152-00450239 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01844-00450239-00450383 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01845-00450384-00450639 this is a um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01846-00450639-00450822 breakdown by gender nCWTHHzbb1Q-01847-00450823-00451159 and you see the impact nCWTHHzbb1Q-01848-00451160-00451487 has lasted longer among females as you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01849-00451488-00452070 will see here nCWTHHzbb1Q-01850-00452071-00452366 so to summarize so far studies nCWTHHzbb1Q-01851-00452367-00452670 identified females and the young as nCWTHHzbb1Q-01852-00452671-00452775 being nCWTHHzbb1Q-01853-00452776-00453079 at higher risk of suicide worldwide as nCWTHHzbb1Q-01854-00453080-00453310 well as in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-01855-00453312-00453422 also nCWTHHzbb1Q-01856-00453423-00453718 in the impact of the pandemic on suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01857-00453719-00454070 has been changing over time nCWTHHzbb1Q-01858-00454071-00454422 it is important to keep a false eye on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01859-00454423-00454775 inform when and where the coveted 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01860-00454776-00455022 affects suicide in the middle run nCWTHHzbb1Q-01861-00455023-00455391 and long run and measures has to be nCWTHHzbb1Q-01862-00455392-00455703 taken at various health scale levels for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01863-00455704-00456007 people at least nCWTHHzbb1Q-01864-00456008-00456255 at the same time population-wise nCWTHHzbb1Q-01865-00456256-00456487 evidence-based public interventions nCWTHHzbb1Q-01866-00456488-00456583 should be nCWTHHzbb1Q-01867-00456584-00456735 implemented nCWTHHzbb1Q-01868-00456735-00456943 such interventions include the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01869-00456943-00457191 limitation of the access to the means of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01870-00457192-00457614 suicide such as suicide linked substance nCWTHHzbb1Q-01871-00457615-00457951 along strong emphasis of media's role in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01872-00457952-00458399 minimizing the risk of imitating suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-01873-00458400-00458718 finally further research is needed to nCWTHHzbb1Q-01874-00458719-00459039 disentangle what economic and public nCWTHHzbb1Q-01875-00459039-00459279 health interventions mitigated the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01876-00459280-00459614 impact of cobit 19 on mental health of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01877-00459615-00459791 individuals nCWTHHzbb1Q-01878-00459792-00460087 thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01879-00460088-00460407 thank you so much um professor ibuka for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01880-00460408-00460583 that really important nCWTHHzbb1Q-01881-00460584-00460807 presentation and for addressing what it nCWTHHzbb1Q-01882-00460808-00461063 what is a very serious and important um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01883-00461064-00461359 problem it seems that um not just in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01884-00461360-00461510 japan in many countries including nCWTHHzbb1Q-01885-00461512-00461727 australia that there's just been so much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01886-00461728-00462079 focus on just curbing the immediate um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01887-00462080-00462318 you know viral aspect of the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-01888-00462319-00462503 and although many governments have been nCWTHHzbb1Q-01889-00462504-00462727 aware of this shadow pandemic and mental nCWTHHzbb1Q-01890-00462728-00462918 health issues they've been really nCWTHHzbb1Q-01891-00462919-00463222 lagging um with addressing that um and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01892-00463223-00463447 so i think your the data you provided nCWTHHzbb1Q-01893-00463447-00463663 would be helpful for also the australian nCWTHHzbb1Q-01894-00463664-00464047 government um i'd now like to just um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01895-00464047-00464343 offer if professor sawada would you like nCWTHHzbb1Q-01896-00464343-00464647 to um make a few comments or come in on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01897-00464647-00464855 the two presentations before we move nCWTHHzbb1Q-01898-00464856-00465063 into the q a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01899-00465064-00465247 uh yes yes thank you thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01900-00465247-00465335 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01901-00465335-00465543 lauren and also uh thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-01902-00465543-00465879 oisa and ibukasan for really wonderful nCWTHHzbb1Q-01903-00465880-00466022 presentation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01904-00466023-00466391 i'd like to make a few uh comments uh on nCWTHHzbb1Q-01905-00466392-00466695 um uh osan's presentation on migration nCWTHHzbb1Q-01906-00466696-00466918 uh i learned a lot and uh thank you very nCWTHHzbb1Q-01907-00466919-00467014 much for nCWTHHzbb1Q-01908-00467015-00467191 providing us a very comprehensive nCWTHHzbb1Q-01909-00467192-00467455 profiling of what happened among the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01910-00467456-00467566 migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01911-00467567-00467879 um and um uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01912-00467880-00467975 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01913-00467976-00468231 my comments is from uh developing asian nCWTHHzbb1Q-01914-00468232-00468447 angle what happened to the um uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01915-00468447-00468679 migrants and the more importantly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01916-00468680-00469014 remittances flow uh to uh respirant and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01917-00469015-00469383 home uh family um actually just before nCWTHHzbb1Q-01918-00469384-00469614 kovite 19 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01919-00469615-00469903 according to our trucking data trucking nCWTHHzbb1Q-01920-00469904-00470270 remittances inflow to asia continuously nCWTHHzbb1Q-01921-00470271-00470587 uh increased and around the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01922-00470588-00470943 300 billion in total nCWTHHzbb1Q-01923-00470943-00471191 that money is flowing into nCWTHHzbb1Q-01924-00471192-00471399 asian pacific region so this is like a nCWTHHzbb1Q-01925-00471400-00471551 record high nCWTHHzbb1Q-01926-00471552-00471759 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01927-00471760-00472095 300 billion which is uh comparable to uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01928-00472096-00472327 tourism receipts you know tourist nCWTHHzbb1Q-01929-00472328-00472607 tourist visiting asia and spending money nCWTHHzbb1Q-01930-00472608-00472687 that nCWTHHzbb1Q-01931-00472688-00473022 total amount is about 300 billion so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01932-00473023-00473118 same nCWTHHzbb1Q-01933-00473119-00473199 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01934-00473200-00473463 also another very important source of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01935-00473464-00473743 uh financial inflow to asia which is fdi nCWTHHzbb1Q-01936-00473743-00473999 for indirect investment and um net nCWTHHzbb1Q-01937-00474000-00474231 foreign direct investment infra nCWTHHzbb1Q-01938-00474232-00474651 to asia before kobe 19 is about nCWTHHzbb1Q-01939-00474652-00475079 550 or so so fdi uh people you know in nCWTHHzbb1Q-01940-00475080-00475327 general we understand fdi is a really nCWTHHzbb1Q-01941-00475328-00475575 key driver of asian development right nCWTHHzbb1Q-01942-00475576-00475799 now but actually in terms of financial nCWTHHzbb1Q-01943-00475800-00476047 influence nCWTHHzbb1Q-01944-00476047-00476303 about half of our fdi info we are nCWTHHzbb1Q-01945-00476304-00476510 getting money through migrants nCWTHHzbb1Q-01946-00476512-00476807 remittance sending money back so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01947-00476808-00476935 naturally nCWTHHzbb1Q-01948-00476935-00477207 how kobe 19 and the border control nCWTHHzbb1Q-01949-00477208-00477375 affected nCWTHHzbb1Q-01950-00477376-00477599 migrants inflow and also remittance nCWTHHzbb1Q-01951-00477600-00477710 infra nCWTHHzbb1Q-01952-00477712-00477855 and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01953-00477856-00478079 actually um um uh early stages of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01954-00478080-00478335 pandemic uh world bank uh made uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01955-00478335-00478622 estimate probably uh remittance will nCWTHHzbb1Q-01956-00478623-00478822 collapse and 20 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01957-00478823-00479118 decline in 2020 nCWTHHzbb1Q-01958-00479119-00479255 but looking back nCWTHHzbb1Q-01959-00479256-00479527 actually what happened in 2020 uh this nCWTHHzbb1Q-01960-00479528-00479751 collapse in remittance infrared didn't nCWTHHzbb1Q-01961-00479752-00479839 happen nCWTHHzbb1Q-01962-00479839-00480095 actually according to our tracking data nCWTHHzbb1Q-01963-00480096-00480366 developing asia a total amount of nCWTHHzbb1Q-01964-00480367-00480591 remittances were rather slightly nCWTHHzbb1Q-01965-00480592-00480743 increased one point four percent nCWTHHzbb1Q-01966-00480743-00480999 increase or almost stable so actually nCWTHHzbb1Q-01967-00481000-00481327 this is a bit uh surprise and um uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01968-00481328-00481710 somewhat um good supplies uh pro it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-01969-00481712-00481935 maybe somewhat similar to what you nCWTHHzbb1Q-01970-00481935-00482159 described migrant situation seems to be nCWTHHzbb1Q-01971-00482160-00482343 better than uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01972-00482343-00482566 our prior expectation nCWTHHzbb1Q-01973-00482567-00482735 uh from the these nCWTHHzbb1Q-01974-00482735-00482951 aspects uh unlike the nCWTHHzbb1Q-01975-00482952-00483118 range of challenges nCWTHHzbb1Q-01976-00483119-00483239 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-01977-00483239-00483639 for asia developing asia why uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01978-00483639-00483855 remittance infra nCWTHHzbb1Q-01979-00483856-00484007 didn't collapse there are multiple nCWTHHzbb1Q-01980-00484008-00484262 reasons although centers nCWTHHzbb1Q-01981-00484263-00484543 have a hardship in europe or nCWTHHzbb1Q-01982-00484543-00484710 develop economy and high-income nCWTHHzbb1Q-01983-00484712-00484983 economies but in general uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-01984-00484984-00485143 remittance inflow nCWTHHzbb1Q-01985-00485143-00485327 is characterized by counter-cyclical nCWTHHzbb1Q-01986-00485328-00485566 behavior so home country suffering from nCWTHHzbb1Q-01987-00485567-00485727 hardship then nCWTHHzbb1Q-01988-00485728-00485983 increase so definitely counter cycle nCWTHHzbb1Q-01989-00485984-00486447 currently secretary prayer role and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-01990-00486447-00486751 increased saving consumption and travel nCWTHHzbb1Q-01991-00486752-00486943 options are limited so nCWTHHzbb1Q-01992-00486943-00487151 migrant seems to save money and send nCWTHHzbb1Q-01993-00487152-00487255 back nCWTHHzbb1Q-01994-00487256-00487503 and also uh because they cannot bring nCWTHHzbb1Q-01995-00487504-00487639 money home nCWTHHzbb1Q-01996-00487639-00487735 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-01997-00487735-00487951 they tended to use the official channel nCWTHHzbb1Q-01998-00487952-00488214 um uh you know western union or some nCWTHHzbb1Q-01999-00488215-00488559 bank channel so some data uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02000-00488560-00488918 uh artificially increased but more nCWTHHzbb1Q-02001-00488919-00489175 importantly we see observe some nCWTHHzbb1Q-02002-00489176-00489479 countries specific elements for example nCWTHHzbb1Q-02003-00489480-00489622 bangladesh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02004-00489623-00489814 particularly we saw a remittance in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02005-00489815-00490014 inflow increase nCWTHHzbb1Q-02006-00490015-00490247 and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02007-00490247-00490470 this can be attributed to so-called nCWTHHzbb1Q-02008-00490471-00490831 effect so now many migrants uh workers nCWTHHzbb1Q-02009-00490832-00491087 in gulf countries uh could not do the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02010-00491088-00491439 uh in july and august so rather nCWTHHzbb1Q-02011-00491439-00491679 than you know spending money they nCWTHHzbb1Q-02012-00491680-00491991 started sending that seems to be nCWTHHzbb1Q-02013-00491992-00492175 one channel especially nCWTHHzbb1Q-02014-00492176-00492462 pakistan and bangladesh and pakistan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02015-00492463-00492575 actually nCWTHHzbb1Q-02016-00492576-00492855 expectedly unexpectedly i don't know nCWTHHzbb1Q-02017-00492856-00493087 exactly but um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02018-00493088-00493407 they put some uh tax exemption uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02019-00493408-00493607 framework to facilitate more uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02020-00493608-00493839 remittance infra that can stimulate more nCWTHHzbb1Q-02021-00493839-00494087 incentivize more emittance pro nCWTHHzbb1Q-02022-00494088-00494327 so i think these are the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02023-00494328-00494503 really interesting uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02024-00494504-00494743 observations so i was wondering if you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02025-00494743-00495079 have some um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02026-00495080-00495439 you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-02027-00495439-00495751 some findings around the remittance nCWTHHzbb1Q-02028-00495752-00496031 flow of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02029-00496032-00496422 you know migrants related to japan so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02030-00496423-00496655 so that's my one nCWTHHzbb1Q-02031-00496656-00496935 bigger comment if i may or a question if nCWTHHzbb1Q-02032-00496935-00497166 i may nCWTHHzbb1Q-02033-00497167-00497422 thank you very much um professor soda nCWTHHzbb1Q-02034-00497423-00497710 for this um very interesting remarks um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02035-00497712-00497847 i will give nCWTHHzbb1Q-02036-00497847-00498151 dr oshi a chance to respond and i will nCWTHHzbb1Q-02037-00498152-00498487 also just pick up two questions um full nCWTHHzbb1Q-02038-00498488-00498822 professor oishi from um our audience and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02039-00498823-00499103 one is um the the the matter of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02040-00499104-00499439 naturalization is very low in japan do nCWTHHzbb1Q-02041-00499439-00499639 you expect there will be you know some nCWTHHzbb1Q-02042-00499639-00499887 more um public debate on this at some nCWTHHzbb1Q-02043-00499888-00500262 point and another question um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02044-00500263-00500359 is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02045-00500360-00500575 when you're discussing when you were nCWTHHzbb1Q-02046-00500576-00500831 talking about the the fairly high degree nCWTHHzbb1Q-02047-00500832-00501135 of public acceptance of migration in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02048-00501135-00501262 japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02049-00501263-00501335 is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02050-00501335-00501583 is there can we distinguish between nCWTHHzbb1Q-02051-00501584-00501895 acceptance of permanent um foreign nCWTHHzbb1Q-02052-00501896-00502159 workers or is this just an acceptance of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02053-00502160-00502455 temporary workers how how do japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-02054-00502456-00502622 people feel about nCWTHHzbb1Q-02055-00502623-00502991 um yeah these two kind of categories nCWTHHzbb1Q-02056-00502992-00503118 okay thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02057-00503119-00503318 thank you very much for great questions nCWTHHzbb1Q-02058-00503319-00503470 and first of all i'd like to really nCWTHHzbb1Q-02059-00503471-00503727 thank um professor sawada for nCWTHHzbb1Q-02060-00503728-00503951 very very important information i used nCWTHHzbb1Q-02061-00503952-00504135 to work for the ilo i worked with people nCWTHHzbb1Q-02062-00504135-00504414 in adb before and um i was really nCWTHHzbb1Q-02063-00504415-00504599 actually in charge of remittance issues nCWTHHzbb1Q-02064-00504600-00504783 as well like this is like really core to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02065-00504784-00504951 my heart so i'm really glad that you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02066-00504952-00505287 addressed that um actually well for me nCWTHHzbb1Q-02067-00505288-00505470 for this time i still haven't been able nCWTHHzbb1Q-02068-00505471-00505655 to conduct um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02069-00505656-00505918 research on remittance uh situations in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02070-00505919-00506135 japan i've been talking to people like nCWTHHzbb1Q-02071-00506135-00506287 entrepreneurs and then they're actually nCWTHHzbb1Q-02072-00506288-00506575 making quite a bit of money from the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02073-00506576-00506918 tourism industry even under covet and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02074-00506919-00507127 partly because of the uh the benefits nCWTHHzbb1Q-02075-00507128-00507247 that the government has been offering nCWTHHzbb1Q-02076-00507247-00507487 but to what extent they're limiting that nCWTHHzbb1Q-02077-00507488-00507807 money back home it's really not uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02078-00507808-00507991 that's something that i really need to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02079-00507992-00508247 do more serious research on so i'm sorry nCWTHHzbb1Q-02080-00508247-00508391 that i can't really answer that question nCWTHHzbb1Q-02081-00508392-00508503 at this point nCWTHHzbb1Q-02082-00508504-00508591 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02083-00508592-00508814 but i will definitely keep an eye on nCWTHHzbb1Q-02084-00508815-00509070 that that's i was quite um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02085-00509071-00509239 intrigued by the fact that the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02086-00509239-00509407 remittances didn't collapse in asia nCWTHHzbb1Q-02087-00509408-00509655 that's extremely interesting i actually nCWTHHzbb1Q-02088-00509656-00509847 like to i hope to talk to you a little nCWTHHzbb1Q-02089-00509847-00510095 bit more about it later on after after nCWTHHzbb1Q-02090-00510096-00510375 the the uh japan update but anyway uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02091-00510376-00510487 answering nCWTHHzbb1Q-02092-00510488-00510695 the second question about uh well there nCWTHHzbb1Q-02093-00510696-00510943 are two questions the above the not low nCWTHHzbb1Q-02094-00510943-00511083 naturalization nCWTHHzbb1Q-02095-00511084-00511455 um i don't think uh the rate of uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02096-00511456-00511591 naturalization nCWTHHzbb1Q-02097-00511592-00511710 i don't think it's going to increase in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02098-00511712-00511870 the near future because japan doesn't nCWTHHzbb1Q-02099-00511871-00512055 really allow dual citizenship or nCWTHHzbb1Q-02100-00512056-00512407 multiple citizenship so if they do then nCWTHHzbb1Q-02101-00512408-00512566 i think naturalization rate will nCWTHHzbb1Q-02102-00512567-00512751 increase but um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02103-00512752-00512983 for anyone to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02104-00512984-00513207 naturalize um then they have to give up nCWTHHzbb1Q-02105-00513208-00513518 their um um citizenship a country of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02106-00513519-00513655 country of origin and i think a lot of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02107-00513656-00513903 people hesitate to do that so um i don't nCWTHHzbb1Q-02108-00513904-00514135 think that naturalization rate is not nCWTHHzbb1Q-02109-00514135-00514359 gonna increase rapidly even in the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02110-00514360-00514614 future um and it's really easy to get nCWTHHzbb1Q-02111-00514615-00514862 permanent resident status in japan and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02112-00514863-00515055 um it's not gonna make huge difference nCWTHHzbb1Q-02113-00515056-00515239 between permanent residency permanent nCWTHHzbb1Q-02114-00515239-00515407 residence and naturalization in terms of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02115-00515408-00515559 benefits so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02116-00515560-00515710 that's my answer the second question nCWTHHzbb1Q-02117-00515712-00515943 about the acceptance um towards nCWTHHzbb1Q-02118-00515943-00516103 temporary migrants versus permanent nCWTHHzbb1Q-02119-00516104-00516431 migrants um if you live in any countries nCWTHHzbb1Q-02120-00516432-00516614 it's really hard to distinguish or nCWTHHzbb1Q-02121-00516615-00516791 differentiate you know who are temporary nCWTHHzbb1Q-02122-00516792-00516943 migrants who are permanent migrants i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02123-00516943-00517110 mean it's really hard to judge for nCWTHHzbb1Q-02124-00517112-00517310 anyone right so like whenever this these nCWTHHzbb1Q-02125-00517312-00517455 surveys are conducted they don't nCWTHHzbb1Q-02126-00517456-00517679 differentiate the categories of um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02127-00517680-00517807 temporary migrants and permanent nCWTHHzbb1Q-02128-00517808-00518055 migrants they lump them together so the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02129-00518056-00518303 migrants as a whole group they do nCWTHHzbb1Q-02130-00518304-00518583 research on a survey on so um i don't i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02131-00518584-00518727 don't and i really don't think that nCWTHHzbb1Q-02132-00518728-00518991 would make a big difference but at least nCWTHHzbb1Q-02133-00518992-00519207 as far as i know um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02134-00519208-00519414 migrants whether they're temporary nCWTHHzbb1Q-02135-00519415-00519622 permanent and they're really fully nCWTHHzbb1Q-02136-00519623-00519879 accepted as um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02137-00519880-00520127 as full members of community is many uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02138-00520128-00520359 regional areas these days that has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-02139-00520360-00520687 a big change in japan and they nCWTHHzbb1Q-02140-00520688-00520935 they they used to be kind of excluded nCWTHHzbb1Q-02141-00520935-00521039 from various nCWTHHzbb1Q-02142-00521039-00521222 communities but they are getting more nCWTHHzbb1Q-02143-00521223-00521470 integrated because of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02144-00521471-00521710 severe population aging and people are nCWTHHzbb1Q-02145-00521712-00521966 willing to accept them and embrace them nCWTHHzbb1Q-02146-00521967-00522279 as community members nCWTHHzbb1Q-02147-00522280-00522527 that's it thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02148-00522528-00522791 okay great thank you and i just have one nCWTHHzbb1Q-02149-00522792-00523199 more question for um oishii um sun it's nCWTHHzbb1Q-02150-00523200-00523527 about the link between nationalism and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02151-00523528-00523879 support for migration um have you found nCWTHHzbb1Q-02152-00523880-00524143 any differences in the level of support nCWTHHzbb1Q-02153-00524143-00524455 according to residency status or type of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02154-00524456-00524703 migrant for example migrant worker nCWTHHzbb1Q-02155-00524704-00525083 versus asylum nCWTHHzbb1Q-02156-00525084-00525343 seeker okay well nCWTHHzbb1Q-02157-00525344-00525527 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02158-00525528-00525679 i'm sorry like i'm not really quite sure nCWTHHzbb1Q-02159-00525680-00525895 about the question um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02160-00525896-00526127 the level of support from who nCWTHHzbb1Q-02161-00526128-00526470 um in japanese society against the kind nCWTHHzbb1Q-02162-00526471-00526735 of difference um between nCWTHHzbb1Q-02163-00526736-00526983 you know say migrant workers versus nCWTHHzbb1Q-02164-00526984-00527335 asylum seekers those kind of categories nCWTHHzbb1Q-02165-00527336-00527518 you know support right nCWTHHzbb1Q-02166-00527519-00527703 right nCWTHHzbb1Q-02167-00527704-00529151 well like asylum seekers who nCWTHHzbb1Q-02168-00529152-00529366 asylum seekers who are not who are nCWTHHzbb1Q-02169-00529367-00529511 temporary migrants who are permanent nCWTHHzbb1Q-02170-00529512-00529791 it's really difficult so the other side nCWTHHzbb1Q-02171-00529792-00530095 they're trying to embrace nCWTHHzbb1Q-02172-00530096-00530422 those migrants no matter who they are nCWTHHzbb1Q-02173-00530423-00530622 and particularly local municipalities nCWTHHzbb1Q-02174-00530623-00530847 don't differentiate them nCWTHHzbb1Q-02175-00530848-00531031 in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02176-00531032-00531383 terms of providing support nCWTHHzbb1Q-02177-00531384-00531662 financial assistance nCWTHHzbb1Q-02178-00531663-00531855 and so forth social service providing nCWTHHzbb1Q-02179-00531856-00532007 social services nCWTHHzbb1Q-02180-00532008-00532295 although i would say that this asylum nCWTHHzbb1Q-02181-00532296-00532470 seeker sort of sort of social support nCWTHHzbb1Q-02182-00532471-00532695 because they their asylum locations have nCWTHHzbb1Q-02183-00532696-00532918 been rejected and then staying in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02184-00532919-00533070 then that would be a different story nCWTHHzbb1Q-02185-00533071-00533270 then they won't be uh registered on a nCWTHHzbb1Q-02186-00533271-00533487 municipal residential list that means nCWTHHzbb1Q-02187-00533488-00533687 that they have no access to official nCWTHHzbb1Q-02188-00533688-00533847 officially speaking they have no access nCWTHHzbb1Q-02189-00533848-00534231 to to various public support so um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02190-00534232-00534407 so whether in japan whether you are on nCWTHHzbb1Q-02191-00534408-00534575 the residential list or not residence nCWTHHzbb1Q-02192-00534576-00534847 list german toroku um or not you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-02193-00534848-00534951 that's nCWTHHzbb1Q-02194-00534952-00535166 that's that makes a huge difference nCWTHHzbb1Q-02195-00535167-00535414 okay um thank you very much um your nCWTHHzbb1Q-02196-00535415-00535622 sound was breaking up a little bit um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02197-00535623-00535807 but i think exactly we could still hear nCWTHHzbb1Q-02198-00535808-00536022 you no worries and i'd just like to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02199-00536023-00536399 direct a question um to professor ibuka nCWTHHzbb1Q-02200-00536400-00536631 um it was interesting how you mentioned nCWTHHzbb1Q-02201-00536632-00536855 there's kind of been different nCWTHHzbb1Q-02202-00536856-00537199 waves of you know i guess you could say nCWTHHzbb1Q-02203-00537200-00537470 groups who are vulnerable to suicide as nCWTHHzbb1Q-02204-00537471-00537743 the pandemic has kind of evolved in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02205-00537744-00537839 japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02206-00537840-00538118 and sort of some latest um news articles nCWTHHzbb1Q-02207-00538119-00538318 i've read have said that school children nCWTHHzbb1Q-02208-00538319-00538566 are now a really concerning category and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02209-00538567-00538743 that's something that we're we're seeing nCWTHHzbb1Q-02210-00538744-00538927 in um in australia as well that the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02211-00538928-00539143 mental health challenge is there so yeah nCWTHHzbb1Q-02212-00539144-00539335 i'm wondering if you could kind of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02213-00539336-00539614 forecast as the the pandemic sort of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02214-00539615-00539895 continues to evolve in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02215-00539896-00540079 will the the sort of public health nCWTHHzbb1Q-02216-00540080-00540351 policy be directed at you know these nCWTHHzbb1Q-02217-00540352-00540559 kind of different categories or if you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02218-00540560-00540639 could nCWTHHzbb1Q-02219-00540640-00540839 comment on that that would be great nCWTHHzbb1Q-02220-00540840-00541062 thank you very much for the um very good nCWTHHzbb1Q-02221-00541063-00541175 question nCWTHHzbb1Q-02222-00541176-00541262 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02223-00541263-00541591 of course uh it's very hard to forecast nCWTHHzbb1Q-02224-00541592-00541759 you know in the future nCWTHHzbb1Q-02225-00541760-00541883 but nCWTHHzbb1Q-02226-00541884-00542070 um if nCWTHHzbb1Q-02227-00542071-00542359 based on those studies which have become nCWTHHzbb1Q-02228-00542360-00542631 available so far you know we see uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02229-00542632-00542855 there is no direct correlation between nCWTHHzbb1Q-02230-00542856-00543079 number of cases nCWTHHzbb1Q-02231-00543080-00543287 so the you know degree of the pandemic nCWTHHzbb1Q-02232-00543288-00543527 and the suicide incidents nCWTHHzbb1Q-02233-00543528-00543975 so um we may um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02234-00543976-00544247 be a bit worried about some kind of time nCWTHHzbb1Q-02235-00544248-00544359 lock nCWTHHzbb1Q-02236-00544360-00544718 between um the kobeto situation nCWTHHzbb1Q-02237-00544719-00544895 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02238-00544896-00545095 the suicide incidents nCWTHHzbb1Q-02239-00545096-00545422 and in particular nCWTHHzbb1Q-02240-00545423-00545662 at this moment the government nCWTHHzbb1Q-02241-00545663-00545775 has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-02242-00545776-00546151 providing the economic packages nCWTHHzbb1Q-02243-00546152-00546414 including business support package and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02244-00546415-00546614 individual church benefits and those nCWTHHzbb1Q-02245-00546615-00546703 things nCWTHHzbb1Q-02246-00546704-00546783 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02247-00546784-00547111 some of those economic packages will nCWTHHzbb1Q-02248-00547112-00547231 expire nCWTHHzbb1Q-02249-00547232-00547631 sometime uh in the not very far from now nCWTHHzbb1Q-02250-00547632-00547855 so so i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02251-00547856-00547999 i am nCWTHHzbb1Q-02252-00548000-00548103 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02253-00548104-00548391 myself i'm worried about the impact of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02254-00548392-00548470 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02255-00548471-00548735 such termination of those economic nCWTHHzbb1Q-02256-00548736-00549062 stimulus packages on the mental health nCWTHHzbb1Q-02257-00549063-00549207 of individuals nCWTHHzbb1Q-02258-00549208-00549343 because nCWTHHzbb1Q-02259-00549344-00549503 in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02260-00549504-00549727 especially the macroeconomic conditions nCWTHHzbb1Q-02261-00549728-00550014 and also the people's employment status nCWTHHzbb1Q-02262-00550015-00550135 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02263-00550136-00550455 suicide incidents are highly correlated nCWTHHzbb1Q-02264-00550456-00550766 so that is what uh i think uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02265-00550767-00550983 and also for the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02266-00550984-00551311 difference by population uh you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02267-00551312-00551718 mentioned the effects on children and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02268-00551719-00551991 of course that is uh um additional nCWTHHzbb1Q-02269-00551992-00552311 worries at this moment because of the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02270-00552312-00552751 delta variation data variant um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02271-00552752-00552951 the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02272-00552952-00553191 at this moment the some of the schools nCWTHHzbb1Q-02273-00553192-00553503 still close and the school closure nCWTHHzbb1Q-02274-00553504-00553727 may have some impact after the school nCWTHHzbb1Q-02275-00553728-00553999 closure terminated so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02276-00554000-00554087 you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-02277-00554088-00554543 careful intervention would be necessary nCWTHHzbb1Q-02278-00554544-00554751 for the transition period nCWTHHzbb1Q-02279-00554752-00554855 from nCWTHHzbb1Q-02280-00554856-00555166 uh school closure to the normal you know nCWTHHzbb1Q-02281-00555167-00555527 school lives so yes that is what i think nCWTHHzbb1Q-02282-00555528-00555631 thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02283-00555632-00555951 okay um excellent points yeah and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-02284-00555952-00556143 in australia we're kind of struggling nCWTHHzbb1Q-02285-00556144-00556311 and i think many countries including nCWTHHzbb1Q-02286-00556312-00556407 japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02287-00556408-00556631 we're trying to find the balance between nCWTHHzbb1Q-02288-00556632-00556870 you know protecting people from the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02289-00556871-00557103 actual virus and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-02290-00557104-00557359 managing the increasing mental health nCWTHHzbb1Q-02291-00557360-00557543 toll increasingly there's calls in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02292-00557544-00557799 australia to you know open up schools nCWTHHzbb1Q-02293-00557800-00557983 and just find a way to you know let nCWTHHzbb1Q-02294-00557984-00558166 children go back to school which is seen nCWTHHzbb1Q-02295-00558167-00558318 as really important for their mental nCWTHHzbb1Q-02296-00558319-00558575 health um i'd just like to hand over to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02297-00558576-00558775 professor sawada once more who wants to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02298-00558776-00559135 comment on professor ibuka's paper nCWTHHzbb1Q-02299-00559136-00559335 yes thank you thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-02300-00559336-00559735 i'd like to make a quick uh comments um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02301-00559736-00559831 on the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02302-00559832-00560062 ebook presentation nCWTHHzbb1Q-02303-00560063-00560439 so i think you can see my slide i hope nCWTHHzbb1Q-02304-00560440-00560727 or let me see nCWTHHzbb1Q-02305-00560728-00560983 not yet we can't see yeah nCWTHHzbb1Q-02306-00560984-00561239 oh there it is yes it is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02307-00561240-00561327 so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02308-00561328-00561495 i'd like to mention uh this is a very nCWTHHzbb1Q-02309-00561496-00561679 important issue and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02310-00561680-00561855 lots of media nCWTHHzbb1Q-02311-00561856-00562062 put that big attention to associate nCWTHHzbb1Q-02312-00562063-00562366 issues in japan after covering their uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02313-00562367-00562703 pandemic uh but adri mentioned there is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02314-00562704-00562887 some long-term nCWTHHzbb1Q-02315-00562888-00563262 very important elements uh on this nCWTHHzbb1Q-02316-00563263-00563670 kobe 19 driven suicide increase in japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02317-00563671-00563839 this is the um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02318-00563840-00564039 one slide from my nCWTHHzbb1Q-02319-00564040-00564247 book we published nCWTHHzbb1Q-02320-00564248-00564543 four five years ago um so this covers up nCWTHHzbb1Q-02321-00564544-00564831 until 2014 since 1989 nCWTHHzbb1Q-02322-00564832-00565214 um japan suicide increased 97 to 98 when nCWTHHzbb1Q-02323-00565215-00565470 a financial crisis hit the japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-02324-00565471-00565807 economy at that time we saw uh jump is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02325-00565808-00566135 driven by a middle-aged male unemployed nCWTHHzbb1Q-02326-00566136-00566270 or economically nCWTHHzbb1Q-02327-00566271-00566479 troubled self-employed people nCWTHHzbb1Q-02328-00566480-00566862 and then um since 98 about 10 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-02329-00566863-00567083 there is some nCWTHHzbb1Q-02330-00567084-00567303 continued uh suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02331-00567304-00567455 numbers and trend nCWTHHzbb1Q-02332-00567456-00567535 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02333-00567536-00567959 total number remain over 30 000 over 10 nCWTHHzbb1Q-02334-00567960-00568047 years nCWTHHzbb1Q-02335-00568048-00568366 but in ingredients actually age shifts nCWTHHzbb1Q-02336-00568367-00568622 from older cohort to younger cohorts so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02337-00568623-00568887 younger people suicide increase nCWTHHzbb1Q-02338-00568888-00569079 so this has been a suicide issue has nCWTHHzbb1Q-02339-00569080-00569247 been a really chronic nCWTHHzbb1Q-02340-00569248-00569495 vexing a problem in japan and japanese nCWTHHzbb1Q-02341-00569496-00569631 society nCWTHHzbb1Q-02342-00569632-00569903 governments set the basic law suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02343-00569904-00570055 prevention nCWTHHzbb1Q-02344-00570056-00570310 2006 nCWTHHzbb1Q-02345-00570311-00570510 then situations started nCWTHHzbb1Q-02346-00570511-00570766 changing a continuous decline especially nCWTHHzbb1Q-02347-00570767-00570935 suicide prevention fund and the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02348-00570936-00571159 government fund nCWTHHzbb1Q-02349-00571160-00571518 sizable fund has been allocated and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-02350-00571519-00571679 municipalities nCWTHHzbb1Q-02351-00571680-00571918 chosen started setting a suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02352-00571919-00572159 prevention offices and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02353-00572160-00572327 started doing a lot of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02354-00572328-00572503 innovative programs to prevent suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02355-00572504-00572759 so we started seeing a decline since the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02356-00572760-00572903 2008 nCWTHHzbb1Q-02357-00572904-00573287 up until 2019 so we observe this has nCWTHHzbb1Q-02358-00573288-00573527 been a successful uh case of government nCWTHHzbb1Q-02359-00573528-00573743 policy and government budget and local nCWTHHzbb1Q-02360-00573744-00574039 government uh supporting uh but as uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02361-00574040-00574287 ibukasan said uh this uh trend nCWTHHzbb1Q-02362-00574288-00574599 continuous declining trend of successful nCWTHHzbb1Q-02363-00574600-00574983 suicide control reported just rebounded nCWTHHzbb1Q-02364-00574984-00575183 and um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02365-00575184-00575399 in fact the first wave uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02366-00575400-00575670 february january july nCWTHHzbb1Q-02367-00575671-00575903 suicide didn't increase but as a yukata nCWTHHzbb1Q-02368-00575904-00576199 show in one of the slides uh second wave nCWTHHzbb1Q-02369-00576200-00576455 july or october nCWTHHzbb1Q-02370-00576456-00576566 suddenly nCWTHHzbb1Q-02371-00576567-00576822 suicide started increasing nCWTHHzbb1Q-02372-00576823-00576951 and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02373-00576952-00577303 also because i mentioned that tanaka nCWTHHzbb1Q-02374-00577304-00577583 and okamoto nature human behavior nCWTHHzbb1Q-02375-00577584-00577783 article i think that's a very good nCWTHHzbb1Q-02376-00577784-00578022 article using uh you know because nCWTHHzbb1Q-02377-00578023-00578151 because of this nCWTHHzbb1Q-02378-00578152-00578447 prevention government started releasing nCWTHHzbb1Q-02379-00578448-00578655 monthly data nCWTHHzbb1Q-02380-00578656-00578918 at the chosen level monthly data uh on nCWTHHzbb1Q-02381-00578919-00579207 suicide that helped a lot and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02382-00579208-00579414 tanaka okamoto nature human behavior nCWTHHzbb1Q-02383-00579415-00579662 paper used this very granular nCWTHHzbb1Q-02384-00579663-00579918 social level panel data to perform a nCWTHHzbb1Q-02385-00579919-00580166 difference in different uh type of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02386-00580167-00580543 assessment of uh kobe 19 pandemic and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02387-00580544-00580791 they clearly found a nCWTHHzbb1Q-02388-00580792-00581079 suicide increase among the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02389-00581080-00581270 women and also younger nCWTHHzbb1Q-02390-00581271-00581495 population i think this is really nCWTHHzbb1Q-02391-00581496-00581670 annoying because nCWTHHzbb1Q-02392-00581671-00581935 also okamoto a paper nCWTHHzbb1Q-02393-00581936-00582110 showed that nCWTHHzbb1Q-02394-00582111-00582407 chosen who has been nCWTHHzbb1Q-02395-00582408-00582622 successful in controlling suicide and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02396-00582623-00582887 suicide numbers are declining nCWTHHzbb1Q-02397-00582888-00583079 that kind of sh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02398-00583080-00583366 chosen encounter increasing suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02399-00583367-00583766 and also women and younger people nCWTHHzbb1Q-02400-00583767-00584118 we observe a big suicide and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02401-00584119-00584383 also tanaka kamuto analysis stopped in nCWTHHzbb1Q-02402-00584384-00584639 october last year but if incas analysis nCWTHHzbb1Q-02403-00584640-00584918 seems to show even after second wave nCWTHHzbb1Q-02404-00584919-00585247 october 2020 this trend continues so i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02405-00585248-00585447 think this is really a big challenge uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02406-00585448-00585670 government and also set is facing uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02407-00585671-00585935 government should really nCWTHHzbb1Q-02408-00585936-00586214 design and adapt nCWTHHzbb1Q-02409-00586215-00586422 customize or targeted nCWTHHzbb1Q-02410-00586423-00586679 suicide prevention policies and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-02411-00586680-00586918 broader society i think we have faced nCWTHHzbb1Q-02412-00586919-00587110 this a big challenge of uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02413-00587111-00587310 covet and still home nCWTHHzbb1Q-02414-00587311-00587383 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02415-00587384-00587710 durable mental stress um uh so one nCWTHHzbb1Q-02416-00587711-00587943 question one for the comment one comment nCWTHHzbb1Q-02417-00587944-00588031 is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02418-00588032-00588295 actually adb we started using a twitter nCWTHHzbb1Q-02419-00588296-00588639 uh big data uh to because uh we need to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02420-00588640-00588847 capture real-time uh psychosocial nCWTHHzbb1Q-02421-00588848-00589031 situation of population so in order to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02422-00589032-00589335 do that we started using uh uh twitter nCWTHHzbb1Q-02423-00589336-00589599 and disparing and decoding by uh machine nCWTHHzbb1Q-02424-00589600-00589927 learning so i think this that may be one nCWTHHzbb1Q-02425-00589928-00590022 um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02426-00590023-00590287 useful way uh how to in order to set the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02427-00590288-00590479 evidence-based policy um instruments i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02428-00590480-00590679 think granular data is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02429-00590680-00590887 important so twitter or nCWTHHzbb1Q-02430-00590888-00591143 social media or other new type of data nCWTHHzbb1Q-02431-00591144-00591351 can be uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02432-00591352-00591614 crafted and the other thing is nCWTHHzbb1Q-02433-00591615-00591855 because this is a broader question so i nCWTHHzbb1Q-02434-00591856-00592055 saw this is very important area of nCWTHHzbb1Q-02435-00592056-00592335 research and i was wondering about your nCWTHHzbb1Q-02436-00592336-00592470 research plan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02437-00592471-00592655 you continue to do this nCWTHHzbb1Q-02438-00592656-00592822 in analysis of suicide nCWTHHzbb1Q-02439-00592823-00593031 prevention nCWTHHzbb1Q-02440-00593032-00593270 research and what's your plan if you can nCWTHHzbb1Q-02441-00593271-00593543 share some of your thoughts about this nCWTHHzbb1Q-02442-00593544-00593718 thank you thank you very much nCWTHHzbb1Q-02443-00593719-00593959 thank you professor it was great to get nCWTHHzbb1Q-02444-00593960-00594295 that pre-pandemic um context with with nCWTHHzbb1Q-02445-00594296-00594583 the data um professor ibuka i'd like to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02446-00594584-00594822 let you respond thank you very much uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02447-00594823-00595103 so just a quick um reply to professor nCWTHHzbb1Q-02448-00595104-00595279 savada's comments and thank you very nCWTHHzbb1Q-02449-00595280-00595518 much for providing me the very useful nCWTHHzbb1Q-02450-00595519-00595766 information before the uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02451-00595767-00596047 kobit pandemic and what government has nCWTHHzbb1Q-02452-00596048-00596359 been done in these areas and as for your nCWTHHzbb1Q-02453-00596360-00596566 question regarding my future research nCWTHHzbb1Q-02454-00596567-00596647 plan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02455-00596648-00596870 um yes um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02456-00596871-00597095 yes at this moment actually i started nCWTHHzbb1Q-02457-00597096-00597431 working on the issues in on tv diversity nCWTHHzbb1Q-02458-00597432-00597607 domestic violence with one of my nCWTHHzbb1Q-02459-00597608-00597943 colleagues because that is i think um nCWTHHzbb1Q-02460-00597944-00598039 one of the nCWTHHzbb1Q-02461-00598040-00598159 uh nCWTHHzbb1Q-02462-00598160-00598414 very important factors which would be nCWTHHzbb1Q-02463-00598415-00598743 related to the um female mental health nCWTHHzbb1Q-02464-00598744-00598951 status so nCWTHHzbb1Q-02465-00598952-00599135 yes thank you thank you thank you very nCWTHHzbb1Q-02466-00599136-00599470 much okay thank you um to all of our nCWTHHzbb1Q-02467-00599471-00599647 panelists it's been a fantastic nCWTHHzbb1Q-02468-00599648-00599895 discussion and i think everyone would nCWTHHzbb1Q-02469-00599896-00600118 have really enjoyed the the rich you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02470-00600119-00600318 know data and analysis that you've nCWTHHzbb1Q-02471-00600319-00600566 presented to us in helping us to nCWTHHzbb1Q-02472-00600567-00600766 understand what the really nCWTHHzbb1Q-02473-00600767-00600870 troubling nCWTHHzbb1Q-02474-00600871-00601143 social impact of the coronavirus nCWTHHzbb1Q-02475-00601144-00601359 pandemic is on japan nCWTHHzbb1Q-02476-00601360-00601599 um so thank you so much for your time nCWTHHzbb1Q-02477-00601600-00601791 and and for joining us today and also nCWTHHzbb1Q-02478-00601792-00601999 thank you to the audience for your great nCWTHHzbb1Q-02479-00602000-00602118 questions nCWTHHzbb1Q-02480-00602119-00602366 we're now going to have a lunch break nCWTHHzbb1Q-02481-00602367-00602687 and we're going to reconvene at 12 30 nCWTHHzbb1Q-02482-00602688-00602903 for a panel on science defence and nCWTHHzbb1Q-02483-00602904-00603166 technology in japan so hope to see you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02484-00603167-00603571 all back then thank you nCWTHHzbb1Q-02485-00603572-00604351 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-02486-00604352-00605175 [Music] nCWTHHzbb1Q-02487-00605176-00605384 you nDrIhqVeUsU-00000-00000287-00001208 [Music] nDrIhqVeUsU-00001-00001209-00001646 [Music] nDrIhqVeUsU-00002-00001647-00002007 when we look at movement especially nDrIhqVeUsU-00003-00002007-00002232 towards a child we look at the nDrIhqVeUsU-00004-00002233-00002439 successful action meaning if I throw a nDrIhqVeUsU-00005-00002440-00002712 ball to you it goes into the can that's nDrIhqVeUsU-00006-00002713-00002933 where the success is we don't look at nDrIhqVeUsU-00007-00002934-00003233 where movement comes from you know of nDrIhqVeUsU-00008-00003234-00003600 how the child is coming over at the nDrIhqVeUsU-00009-00003601-00003822 pelvis how they are balancing and nDrIhqVeUsU-00010-00003822-00004035 counter balancing why they're thrusting nDrIhqVeUsU-00011-00004036-00004305 the ball out what you know so if they nDrIhqVeUsU-00012-00004306-00004538 are counter opposing and they're coming nDrIhqVeUsU-00013-00004539-00004913 back you know that's where again and are nDrIhqVeUsU-00014-00004914-00005456 they not being successful if or does the nDrIhqVeUsU-00015-00005457-00005670 movement is not able to go through their nDrIhqVeUsU-00016-00005671-00006045 system they can have genetic disorders nDrIhqVeUsU-00017-00006046-00006240 let's say and where someone's really nDrIhqVeUsU-00018-00006241-00006534 started to skew that your child due to a nDrIhqVeUsU-00019-00006534-00006806 low tone let's say any of the muscular nDrIhqVeUsU-00020-00006808-00007056 dystrophy families come into play where nDrIhqVeUsU-00021-00007056-00007314 they won't be able to progress but I nDrIhqVeUsU-00022-00007315-00007518 have found as long as you have balance nDrIhqVeUsU-00023-00007519-00007770 and counterbalance you know little old nDrIhqVeUsU-00024-00007770-00007965 lady doesn't have the core strength nDrIhqVeUsU-00025-00007966-00008190 technically that they have but they nDrIhqVeUsU-00026-00008191-00008415 still can go buy breads to use those nDrIhqVeUsU-00027-00008416-00008757 same kind of movement qualities in a nDrIhqVeUsU-00028-00008758-00009024 child to start helping them progress nDrIhqVeUsU-00029-00009025-00009309 into certain situation whether it is to nDrIhqVeUsU-00030-00009310-00009591 throw a ball into the can or to do nDrIhqVeUsU-00031-00009592-00009849 something else that is functional but I nDrIhqVeUsU-00032-00009850-00010056 look at the functional movement and the nDrIhqVeUsU-00033-00010057-00010392 quality of the movement that way nDKfGkyYFxy-00000-00000048-00001156 eh nDKfGkyYFxy-00001-00001157-00001671 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00002-00001672-00002197 uh nDKfGkyYFxy-00003-00002198-00002684 [Applause] nDKfGkyYFxy-00004-00002685-00003231 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00005-00003232-00004281 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00006-00004282-00004406 [Applause] nDKfGkyYFxy-00007-00004407-00005247 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00008-00005248-00006937 oh nDKfGkyYFxy-00009-00006938-00008932 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00010-00008933-00009246 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00011-00009247-00009514 oh nDKfGkyYFxy-00012-00009515-00010202 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00013-00010203-00010671 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00014-00010672-00011151 i want here help me nDKfGkyYFxy-00015-00011152-00012159 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00016-00012160-00012902 hmm nDKfGkyYFxy-00017-00012903-00013294 hmm nDKfGkyYFxy-00018-00013294-00015743 [Music] nDKfGkyYFxy-00019-00015744-00015951 you nF_krT4qODc-00000-00000035-00000592 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00001-00000593-00003089 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00002-00003090-00003353 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00003-00003354-00005919 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00004-00005920-00008314 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00005-00008315-00008735 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00006-00008736-00010591 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00007-00010592-00012401 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00008-00012402-00013653 thank you nF_krT4qODc-00009-00013654-00015311 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00010-00015312-00016888 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00011-00016889-00017649 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00012-00017650-00020014 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00013-00020015-00020202 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00014-00020203-00021824 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00015-00021825-00023441 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00016-00023442-00023873 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00017-00023874-00024490 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00018-00024491-00024588 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00020-00028747-00029294 thank you nF_krT4qODc-00021-00029295-00031525 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00023-00037190-00037433 no no no no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00024-00037434-00037752 no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00025-00037753-00037907 no no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00026-00037908-00039805 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00027-00039806-00040235 no no no no no no no no no no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00028-00040236-00040471 no no no nF_krT4qODc-00029-00040472-00040812 no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00030-00040813-00041437 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00031-00041438-00041712 no nF_krT4qODc-00032-00041713-00041837 no no no no no no no no no no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00033-00041838-00042298 no no no no no no no no nF_krT4qODc-00035-00045413-00045777 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00036-00045778-00047244 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00037-00047245-00049396 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00038-00049397-00049982 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00039-00049983-00051890 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00040-00051891-00052288 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00041-00052289-00052380 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00042-00052382-00053491 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00043-00053492-00054274 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00044-00054275-00055721 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00045-00055722-00055848 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00046-00055849-00057296 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00047-00057297-00057502 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00048-00057503-00057776 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00049-00057777-00058377 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00050-00058378-00058999 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00051-00059000-00059692 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00052-00059694-00060097 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00053-00060098-00060364 thank you nF_krT4qODc-00054-00060365-00061490 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00055-00061491-00062090 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00056-00062091-00062741 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00057-00062741-00062858 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00058-00062859-00063952 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00059-00063953-00064467 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00060-00064469-00064564 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00061-00064565-00065585 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00062-00065586-00065943 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00063-00065944-00066387 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00064-00066388-00066558 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00065-00066559-00067027 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00066-00067028-00067722 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00067-00067723-00068146 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00068-00068147-00068687 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00069-00068688-00069887 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00070-00069888-00070013 foreign nF_krT4qODc-00071-00070014-00070888 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00072-00070889-00070957 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00073-00070958-00071508 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00074-00071509-00071649 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00075-00071650-00072299 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00076-00072300-00072367 [Applause] nF_krT4qODc-00078-00077845-00078529 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00079-00078530-00078675 thank you nF_krT4qODc-00080-00078676-00079021 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00081-00079022-00079456 I got nightmares in my head I fear that nF_krT4qODc-00082-00079457-00079721 the thoughts build up until I can't hear nF_krT4qODc-00083-00079722-00080050 that my mind fills up into a creature nF_krT4qODc-00084-00080051-00080431 and it haunts me somewhere much deeper nF_krT4qODc-00085-00080432-00080662 anxiety filling up every space no nF_krT4qODc-00086-00080663-00080956 privacy and silently it could build and nF_krT4qODc-00087-00080957-00081185 build until you finally see whoa it's nF_krT4qODc-00088-00081186-00081394 taking over damn no closure moving nF_krT4qODc-00089-00081395-00081749 closer no exposure I just wanna be a nF_krT4qODc-00090-00081750-00082025 loner Some kids say sober looking over nF_krT4qODc-00091-00082026-00082294 all their shoulders like moving Boulders nF_krT4qODc-00092-00082295-00082517 just to get out of the homeless socks nF_krT4qODc-00093-00082518-00082775 I've had enough I don't wanna feel the nF_krT4qODc-00094-00082776-00083105 stuck under the rug all my problems that nF_krT4qODc-00095-00083106-00083459 I shove I got nightmares in my head I nF_krT4qODc-00096-00083460-00083782 fear that the thoughts build up until I nF_krT4qODc-00097-00083783-00084112 can't hear that my mind fills up into a nF_krT4qODc-00098-00084113-00084437 creature and it haunts me somewhere much nF_krT4qODc-00099-00084438-00084920 deeper I got nightmares in my head nF_krT4qODc-00100-00084921-00085937 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00101-00085938-00086969 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00102-00086970-00087653 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00103-00087654-00088337 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00104-00088338-00088711 [Music] nF_krT4qODc-00105-00088712-00088991 when you finally feel like giving up oh nF_krT4qODc-00106-00088992-00089243 God no luck Everything feels like you're nF_krT4qODc-00107-00089244-00089500 sticky stuck I'm lost handcuffed to the nF_krT4qODc-00108-00089501-00089638 bed where I sleep don't give a nF_krT4qODc-00109-00089639-00089909 can't stop unplug feeling overwhelmed I nF_krT4qODc-00110-00089910-00090094 think I've had enough gotta find a way nF_krT4qODc-00111-00090095-00090262 to get some energy gotta find someone nF_krT4qODc-00112-00090263-00090431 who's a good friend of me I need purpose nF_krT4qODc-00113-00090432-00090562 to make it all worth it I'm still nF_krT4qODc-00114-00090563-00090779 searching and I'm still learning is nF_krT4qODc-00115-00090780-00090971 filled with memories not life with a nF_krT4qODc-00116-00090972-00091132 great in front of me I need folks to nF_krT4qODc-00117-00091133-00091331 keep me from hopeless psychosis if I nF_krT4qODc-00118-00091332-00091631 keep moping I got nightmares in my head nF_krT4qODc-00119-00091632-00091787 I fear nF_krT4qODc-00120-00091788-00092087 the thoughts build up until I can't hear nF_krT4qODc-00121-00092088-00092527 that my mind fills up into a creek nFay_aYSvmo-00001-00003082-00003438 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00002-00003439-00003603 hello everyone nFay_aYSvmo-00003-00003604-00003895 darklychaprogrammy2 here and today nFay_aYSvmo-00004-00003896-00004063 and today nFay_aYSvmo-00005-00004064-00004335 we are in the level 8 nFay_aYSvmo-00006-00004336-00004711 of nova near aurobingor aliens nFay_aYSvmo-00007-00004712-00004935 let's do this nFay_aYSvmo-00008-00004936-00005197 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00009-00005198-00005253 [Applause] nFay_aYSvmo-00010-00005254-00007870 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00011-00007872-00008255 khan returns to the alien city nFay_aYSvmo-00012-00008256-00008510 and intend to find out nFay_aYSvmo-00013-00008511-00008735 what exactly is going on nFay_aYSvmo-00014-00008736-00009839 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00015-00009840-00010055 thanks for the heads up let's get this nFay_aYSvmo-00016-00010056-00010371 party started nFay_aYSvmo-00017-00010372-00012223 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00018-00012224-00012342 oh nFay_aYSvmo-00019-00012343-00012678 it's the free fall nFay_aYSvmo-00020-00012679-00013479 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00021-00013480-00013903 oops nFay_aYSvmo-00022-00013904-00016271 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00023-00016272-00016944 so nFay_aYSvmo-00024-00016945-00017975 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00025-00017976-00018329 oh i gotta run nFay_aYSvmo-00026-00018330-00019167 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00027-00019168-00019286 uh oh nFay_aYSvmo-00028-00019287-00019594 this is not good nFay_aYSvmo-00029-00019595-00020511 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00030-00020512-00020804 and i'm still falling nFay_aYSvmo-00031-00020805-00023286 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00032-00023287-00023521 so nFay_aYSvmo-00033-00023522-00025727 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00034-00025727-00026139 i gotta avoid that nFay_aYSvmo-00035-00026141-00027318 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00036-00027319-00027479 cal ward nFay_aYSvmo-00037-00027480-00027774 you must be a glendon for punishment nFay_aYSvmo-00038-00027775-00027958 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00039-00027960-00028239 we defeated your race nFay_aYSvmo-00040-00028239-00028423 you could have come back nFay_aYSvmo-00041-00028424-00028623 hacked so quickly from the fifth way to nFay_aYSvmo-00042-00028624-00028887 help nFay_aYSvmo-00043-00028888-00029462 who's helping you nFay_aYSvmo-00044-00029463-00029632 you think i just tell you nFay_aYSvmo-00045-00029633-00029862 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00046-00029863-00030231 it was worth a try nFay_aYSvmo-00047-00030232-00030902 it will give you pleasure to kill you nFay_aYSvmo-00048-00030904-00032358 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00049-00032360-00032862 but when you be more complacent nFay_aYSvmo-00050-00032863-00033143 is it tell you the truth nFay_aYSvmo-00051-00033144-00033390 what the hell we received from your nFay_aYSvmo-00052-00033391-00033671 president nFay_aYSvmo-00053-00033672-00034095 and your general arc nFay_aYSvmo-00054-00034096-00034223 what nFay_aYSvmo-00055-00034224-00034471 i don't believe you nFay_aYSvmo-00056-00034472-00034823 it doesn't matter nFay_aYSvmo-00057-00034824-00035151 threat to me if nFay_aYSvmo-00058-00035152-00035479 if you if you believe or not nFay_aYSvmo-00059-00035480-00035799 your your buffering is all i care about nFay_aYSvmo-00060-00035800-00035917 i mean suffering nFay_aYSvmo-00061-00035918-00036279 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00062-00036280-00036623 yeah your humans shrink nFay_aYSvmo-00063-00036624-00036911 no no wait nFay_aYSvmo-00064-00036912-00037815 let's stink nFay_aYSvmo-00065-00037816-00038151 if that thing was was still true nFay_aYSvmo-00066-00038152-00038239 i nFay_aYSvmo-00067-00038240-00038387 i need to have a nFay_aYSvmo-00068-00038388-00038599 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00069-00038600-00038795 a little talk with the general nFay_aYSvmo-00070-00038796-00039023 [Music] nFay_aYSvmo-00071-00039024-00039527 and the level is done nFay_aYSvmo-00072-00039528-00039702 oh yeah nFay_aYSvmo-00073-00039703-00039910 it's ranked baby nFay_aYSvmo-00074-00039911-00041383 [Applause] nFay_aYSvmo-00076-00045624-00047118 so nFay_aYSvmo-00077-00047119-00047328 you nIdliVjlaT4-00000-00000019-00000927 [Music] nIdliVjlaT4-00001-00000927-00001277 so nIdliVjlaT4-00002-00001278-00004242 [Music] nIdliVjlaT4-00004-00007415-00007704 bye nJGX5XQubSy-00000-00000013-00000031 Oh nJGX5XQubSy-00001-00000032-00001398 [Music] nJGX5XQubSy-00002-00001399-00001812 my world of make-believe nJGX5XQubSy-00003-00001813-00002358 kids screaming the creators profanities nJGX5XQubSy-00004-00002359-00003012 I speak dr. heiss conversion nJGX5XQubSy-00005-00003013-00003522 cus what the ones are my cousin nJGX5XQubSy-00006-00003523-00004161 I loved everything fire spreading all nJGX5XQubSy-00007-00004162-00004618 around what's ok it's hard to breathe nJGX5XQubSy-00009-00008170-00008412 weight nJGX5XQubSy-00010-00008413-00008711 [Music] nJGX5XQubSy-00011-00008712-00009311 we'll make believe kids scooping the nJGX5XQubSy-00012-00009312-00009783 creator's profanities some days I'm nJGX5XQubSy-00013-00009784-00010000 skinny nJGX5XQubSy-00014-00010001-00011362 I loved everything fire spreading all nJGX5XQubSy-00015-00011363-00011785 around what's so great it's hard to nJGX5XQubSy-00016-00011786-00012044 breathe but sorry nJGX5XQubSy-00017-00012045-00013605 [Music] nJGX5XQubSy-00018-00013606-00014519 [Music] nJGX5XQubSy-00019-00014520-00014899 you can't end up do nJGX5XQubSy-00020-00014900-00015296 tension pillows higher behind tension nJGX5XQubSy-00021-00015297-00015836 artist and so on it nJGX5XQubSy-00022-00015837-00016172 [Music] nJGX5XQubSy-00023-00016174-00016455 it's huge nJGX5XQubSy-00025-00022681-00022887 you nNjf_bCBf80-00000-00000785-00001031 welcome everybody nNjf_bCBf80-00001-00001032-00001547 to the uh March 9th 2023 city council nNjf_bCBf80-00002-00001548-00001768 meeting nNjf_bCBf80-00003-00001769-00002057 may we have a roll call please nNjf_bCBf80-00004-00002058-00002183 here nNjf_bCBf80-00005-00002184-00002765 here nNjf_bCBf80-00006-00002766-00002950 and let's all stand for the Pledge of nNjf_bCBf80-00007-00002951-00003631 Allegiance nNjf_bCBf80-00008-00003632-00003959 to the flag of the United States of nNjf_bCBf80-00009-00003960-00004241 America and to the Republic for which it nNjf_bCBf80-00010-00004242-00004606 stands one nation under God indivisible nNjf_bCBf80-00011-00004607-00005033 with liberty and justice for all nNjf_bCBf80-00012-00005034-00005309 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00013-00005310-00006286 all right and any additions or deletions nNjf_bCBf80-00014-00006287-00006964 staff nNjf_bCBf80-00015-00006965-00007253 I think it's all good okay nNjf_bCBf80-00016-00007254-00007559 and today we have a presentation nNjf_bCBf80-00017-00007559-00007960 which will be read by me this is um the nNjf_bCBf80-00018-00007961-00008363 proclamation declaring March 2023 as Red nNjf_bCBf80-00019-00008364-00008585 Cross month nNjf_bCBf80-00020-00008586-00008735 um which I just said so uh during nNjf_bCBf80-00021-00008736-00008957 American Red Cross month we celebrate nNjf_bCBf80-00022-00008958-00009299 humanitarian Spirit of Capitola caring nNjf_bCBf80-00023-00009300-00009503 for one another is at the heart of our nNjf_bCBf80-00024-00009504-00009724 community and the people of Capitola nNjf_bCBf80-00025-00009725-00009941 exemplify this through their acts of nNjf_bCBf80-00026-00009942-00010259 kindness and willingness to volunteer in nNjf_bCBf80-00027-00010260-00010456 Santa Cruz County local Red Cross nNjf_bCBf80-00028-00010457-00010667 volunteers help those in Need by nNjf_bCBf80-00029-00010668-00010913 assisting during fires floods and nNjf_bCBf80-00030-00010914-00011188 providing recovery support recently the nNjf_bCBf80-00031-00011189-00011374 Red Cross participated in the shelter nNjf_bCBf80-00032-00011375-00011771 efforts during the winter storm event nNjf_bCBf80-00033-00011772-00012023 volunteers support and donations are nNjf_bCBf80-00034-00012024-00012263 critical to community resilience the nNjf_bCBf80-00035-00012264-00012496 city recognizes the month of March in nNjf_bCBf80-00036-00012497-00012731 honor of all those who fulfill Clara nNjf_bCBf80-00037-00012732-00012935 Barton's noble words you must never nNjf_bCBf80-00038-00012936-00013175 think of anything except the need and nNjf_bCBf80-00039-00013176-00013493 how to meet it therefore as mayor of the nNjf_bCBf80-00040-00013494-00013807 city of Capitola I Proclaim March 2 nNjf_bCBf80-00041-00013808-00014194 2023 as read across month and encourage nNjf_bCBf80-00042-00014195-00014435 all citizens to reach out and support nNjf_bCBf80-00043-00014436-00014830 the red cross's humanitarian mission nNjf_bCBf80-00044-00014831-00015772 and I welcome anybody to speak on that nNjf_bCBf80-00045-00015773-00015947 you both can say something nNjf_bCBf80-00046-00015947-00016216 do you want to go first no no oh gosh nNjf_bCBf80-00047-00016218-00016577 okay pressure's on it there you go first nNjf_bCBf80-00048-00016578-00016871 ladies first yeah okay I have I have a nNjf_bCBf80-00049-00016872-00017129 written message uh wonderful okay so nNjf_bCBf80-00050-00017130-00017327 hello my name is Jackie castorena Davila nNjf_bCBf80-00051-00017328-00017536 I'm an associate board member with the nNjf_bCBf80-00052-00017537-00017747 Red Cross and joining me today is nNjf_bCBf80-00053-00017748-00017897 Antonio nNjf_bCBf80-00054-00017898-00018053 um let's see it is a great honor to nNjf_bCBf80-00055-00018054-00018244 accept this special Proclamation uh nNjf_bCBf80-00056-00018245-00018539 declaring March as Red Cross month our nNjf_bCBf80-00057-00018540-00018749 mission wouldn't be possible without our nNjf_bCBf80-00058-00018750-00019030 Red Cross volunteers who make up 90 of nNjf_bCBf80-00059-00019031-00019193 our Workforce nNjf_bCBf80-00060-00019194-00019408 um we honor them as Community Heroes and nNjf_bCBf80-00061-00019409-00019547 celebrate their commitment to support nNjf_bCBf80-00062-00019548-00019822 individuals and families in need they nNjf_bCBf80-00063-00019823-00020021 are a Beacon of Hope on everyone's nNjf_bCBf80-00064-00020022-00020417 darkest days and I am incredibly PL I am nNjf_bCBf80-00065-00020418-00020627 incredibly proud uh to share a few nNjf_bCBf80-00066-00020628-00020819 highlights of what we've accomplished nNjf_bCBf80-00067-00020820-00021143 together in the Central Coast chapter as nNjf_bCBf80-00068-00021144-00021400 many of you know in January we responded nNjf_bCBf80-00069-00021401-00021569 to one of the worst flooding disasters nNjf_bCBf80-00070-00021570-00021899 our area has ever experienced we are nNjf_bCBf80-00071-00021900-00022097 looking at how we can better prepare our nNjf_bCBf80-00072-00022098-00022433 communities for new for new a new pace nNjf_bCBf80-00073-00022434-00022678 of disasters we've experienced as a nNjf_bCBf80-00074-00022679-00022991 result of effects of climate change the nNjf_bCBf80-00075-00022992-00023189 Red Cross is committed to doing its part nNjf_bCBf80-00076-00023190-00023333 to reduce the current and future nNjf_bCBf80-00077-00023334-00023536 humanitarian impacts of climate change nNjf_bCBf80-00078-00023537-00023908 globally over the next several years the nNjf_bCBf80-00079-00023909-00024083 Red Cross aims to grow disaster nNjf_bCBf80-00080-00024084-00024305 Workforce strengthen support networks of nNjf_bCBf80-00081-00024306-00024647 Partners in high-risk communities expand nNjf_bCBf80-00082-00024648-00024839 recovery assistance for those with the nNjf_bCBf80-00083-00024840-00025055 greatest needs and enhance support nNjf_bCBf80-00084-00025056-00025247 services for people who can't return nNjf_bCBf80-00085-00025248-00025367 home nNjf_bCBf80-00086-00025368-00025553 the Red Cross is making strategic nNjf_bCBf80-00087-00025554-00025775 Investments now that will enable us to nNjf_bCBf80-00088-00025776-00025972 grow our capacity and adapt our disaster nNjf_bCBf80-00089-00025973-00026194 mission to help families and communities nNjf_bCBf80-00090-00026195-00026399 better cope with the humanitarian crisis nNjf_bCBf80-00091-00026400-00026645 caused by climate change and I am proud nNjf_bCBf80-00092-00026645-00026855 to share that our Central Coast chapter nNjf_bCBf80-00093-00026856-00027061 has become a certified Green business nNjf_bCBf80-00094-00027062-00027305 and it is the first in the nation to nNjf_bCBf80-00095-00027306-00027557 accomplish this chapters Across the nNjf_bCBf80-00096-00027558-00027802 Nation are inspired to also become green nNjf_bCBf80-00097-00027804-00028037 business certified or at the very least nNjf_bCBf80-00098-00028038-00028258 adopt the same measures to help the nNjf_bCBf80-00099-00028260-00028451 organization reduce our environmental nNjf_bCBf80-00100-00028452-00028751 impact across the board help can't wait nNjf_bCBf80-00101-00028752-00028937 during emergencies and that's why the nNjf_bCBf80-00102-00028938-00029093 Red Cross steps up to ensure people nNjf_bCBf80-00103-00029094-00029273 receive the relief and care that they nNjf_bCBf80-00104-00029274-00029531 need every eight minutes Red Cross nNjf_bCBf80-00105-00029532-00029770 volunteers respond to the US's largest nNjf_bCBf80-00106-00029772-00029993 disasters like hurricanes floods and nNjf_bCBf80-00107-00029994-00030227 wildfires which have grown in frequency nNjf_bCBf80-00108-00030227-00030496 and intensity as disasters continue to nNjf_bCBf80-00109-00030497-00030805 upend lives each day our volunteers are nNjf_bCBf80-00110-00030806-00031085 sorry our volunteer support is critical nNjf_bCBf80-00111-00031086-00031312 the scope and scale of its Disaster nNjf_bCBf80-00112-00031313-00031667 Response was huge in our chapter area nNjf_bCBf80-00113-00031668-00032023 alone during this past January nNjf_bCBf80-00114-00032024-00032387 we opened 31 shelters across our Three nNjf_bCBf80-00115-00032388-00032614 Counties in the Monterey Bay Area 82 nNjf_bCBf80-00116-00032616-00032824 total shelters opened across the entire nNjf_bCBf80-00117-00032825-00033112 response area and in terms of size and nNjf_bCBf80-00118-00033113-00033365 scale of This Disaster if you were to nNjf_bCBf80-00119-00033366-00033695 compare it to Hurricane Ian the response nNjf_bCBf80-00120-00033696-00033983 in 2022 we opened more shelters than the nNjf_bCBf80-00121-00033984-00034337 74 opened for Ian this demonstrates the nNjf_bCBf80-00122-00034338-00034523 lack of accessibility to the areas nNjf_bCBf80-00123-00034524-00034768 affected by these winter storms and the nNjf_bCBf80-00124-00034769-00034949 importance of Red Cross team members nNjf_bCBf80-00125-00034950-00035159 collaborating with our partners to nNjf_bCBf80-00126-00035160-00035446 ensure we have shelter sites and plans nNjf_bCBf80-00127-00035447-00035723 ready to go at a moment's notice we are nNjf_bCBf80-00128-00035724-00035885 now focusing on the next phase of the nNjf_bCBf80-00129-00035886-00036215 response helping communities affected on nNjf_bCBf80-00130-00036216-00036449 the long path to recovery we are working nNjf_bCBf80-00131-00036450-00036671 with Partners in damage assessment and nNjf_bCBf80-00132-00036672-00036857 plans to get our community back on its nNjf_bCBf80-00133-00036858-00037115 feet again damage assessments with nNjf_bCBf80-00134-00037116-00037246 floods is different than it is with nNjf_bCBf80-00135-00037247-00037481 fires as the process for flood nNjf_bCBf80-00136-00037482-00037715 inspections takes more time because the nNjf_bCBf80-00137-00037716-00037996 damage to the structure isn't as obvious nNjf_bCBf80-00138-00037997-00038224 as it is with fire so each structure nNjf_bCBf80-00139-00038225-00038399 must be inspected for damage and nNjf_bCBf80-00140-00038400-00038657 reported every day people in our nNjf_bCBf80-00141-00038658-00038837 community rely on Red Cross volunteers nNjf_bCBf80-00142-00038838-00039059 for support there are many ways you can nNjf_bCBf80-00143-00039060-00039317 help your neighbors in need including nNjf_bCBf80-00144-00039318-00039515 through our most needed position of nNjf_bCBf80-00145-00039516-00039845 Disaster Response volunteers if any of nNjf_bCBf80-00146-00039846-00039983 you are interested in volunteer nNjf_bCBf80-00147-00039984-00040223 opportunities or just to know what to nNjf_bCBf80-00148-00040224-00040433 include in your emergency to go kit nNjf_bCBf80-00149-00040434-00040596 please visit nNjf_bCBf80-00150-00040597-00040865 or you can download the nNjf_bCBf80-00151-00040866-00041074 app the Red Cross app where you can get nNjf_bCBf80-00152-00041075-00041333 notifications or or tips on how to best nNjf_bCBf80-00153-00041334-00041567 prepare for an emergency so on behalf of nNjf_bCBf80-00154-00041568-00041807 the American Red Cross we thank you for nNjf_bCBf80-00155-00041808-00042040 this Proclamation but most of all we nNjf_bCBf80-00156-00042041-00042245 would like to thank you and your city nNjf_bCBf80-00157-00042246-00042461 staff members who have worked closely nNjf_bCBf80-00158-00042462-00042677 with the red cross over the years to nNjf_bCBf80-00159-00042678-00042887 prepare for all types of emergencies or nNjf_bCBf80-00160-00042888-00043133 future disasters in our community nNjf_bCBf80-00161-00043134-00043318 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00162-00043319-00043565 oh very good speech isn't it very good nNjf_bCBf80-00163-00043566-00043985 speech yeah a UC Berkeley graduate well nNjf_bCBf80-00164-00043986-00044243 it shows so he's part of our Red Cross nNjf_bCBf80-00165-00044244-00044537 my name is Antonio Rivas and I'm part of nNjf_bCBf80-00166-00044538-00044752 the Executive Board of the Central Coast nNjf_bCBf80-00167-00044753-00045023 chapter of Red Cross and most of you nNjf_bCBf80-00168-00045024-00045268 know she said everything that we we do nNjf_bCBf80-00169-00045269-00045496 so really I would really want to thank nNjf_bCBf80-00170-00045497-00045679 you for this Proclamation nNjf_bCBf80-00171-00045680-00046037 and especially the fire department and nNjf_bCBf80-00172-00046038-00046211 the sheriff's department the police nNjf_bCBf80-00173-00046212-00046361 department everybody and the staff nNjf_bCBf80-00174-00046362-00046561 because I think Capitola suffer a lot nNjf_bCBf80-00175-00046562-00046943 and and and we're lucky that we we got nNjf_bCBf80-00176-00046944-00047165 the governor here we got the the nNjf_bCBf80-00177-00047166-00047452 president here so so it's hopefully that nNjf_bCBf80-00178-00047453-00047789 all that presence from the government be nNjf_bCBf80-00179-00047790-00047999 able to to give you the money and the nNjf_bCBf80-00180-00048000-00048311 funding so you can be able to uh to be nNjf_bCBf80-00181-00048312-00048521 able to do the business that lost a lot nNjf_bCBf80-00182-00048522-00048701 of stuff you know it's important that we nNjf_bCBf80-00183-00048702-00048862 get into it nNjf_bCBf80-00184-00048863-00049012 um another thing that's very important nNjf_bCBf80-00185-00049013-00049187 is that nNjf_bCBf80-00186-00049188-00049408 um because a former mayor of the city I nNjf_bCBf80-00187-00049409-00049612 don't understand some of you so it is nNjf_bCBf80-00188-00049613-00049757 important like the city of Watsonville nNjf_bCBf80-00189-00049758-00050068 will also suffer a lot too but one of nNjf_bCBf80-00190-00050069-00050243 the things that really we need is more nNjf_bCBf80-00191-00050244-00050477 volunteers and I really for the people nNjf_bCBf80-00192-00050478-00050740 in the audience anybody else to try to nNjf_bCBf80-00193-00050741-00050980 volunteer for the Red Cross because nNjf_bCBf80-00194-00050981-00051232 everything that we do is volunteer and nNjf_bCBf80-00195-00051233-00051407 we provide the resources the funding and nNjf_bCBf80-00196-00051408-00051635 everything else to help our communities nNjf_bCBf80-00197-00051636-00051935 it is important to do that and also nNjf_bCBf80-00198-00051936-00052282 blood donations we need the blood we nNjf_bCBf80-00199-00052283-00052594 need so anybody else for you from the nNjf_bCBf80-00200-00052595-00052804 city council and everybody from the nNjf_bCBf80-00201-00052805-00052991 staff be sure you know whenever we have nNjf_bCBf80-00202-00052991-00053194 our blood drive please volunteer and nNjf_bCBf80-00203-00053195-00053326 tell the neighbors then everybody in the nNjf_bCBf80-00204-00053327-00053621 community to because it's a big need in nNjf_bCBf80-00205-00053622-00053897 a sense of blood donation so with that nNjf_bCBf80-00206-00053898-00054107 in mind I just really want to thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00207-00054108-00054323 for bottom of my heart for all the nNjf_bCBf80-00208-00054324-00054491 things that you do and also the support nNjf_bCBf80-00209-00054491-00054730 that you give to the Red Cross so thank nNjf_bCBf80-00210-00054732-00055042 you and hopefully no more blessing nNjf_bCBf80-00211-00055044-00055223 hopefully we can be able to survive this nNjf_bCBf80-00212-00055224-00055480 I know we have a big so coming in but nNjf_bCBf80-00213-00055482-00055776 hopefully nothing will jeopardize nNjf_bCBf80-00214-00055777-00056044 Capitola or anybody's in our communities nNjf_bCBf80-00215-00056045-00056273 thank you very much for your time thank nNjf_bCBf80-00216-00056274-00056465 you yeah I'll give you the proclamation nNjf_bCBf80-00217-00056466-00056675 too yeah can we take a picture with all nNjf_bCBf80-00218-00056676-00057061 of you together that'll be great nNjf_bCBf80-00219-00057062-00058153 it's hard nNjf_bCBf80-00220-00058154-00058811 whichever looks best nNjf_bCBf80-00221-00058812-00059094 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00222-00059095-00060742 [Music] nNjf_bCBf80-00223-00060744-00060919 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00224-00060920-00061687 congratulations nNjf_bCBf80-00225-00061688-00062908 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00226-00062909-00063463 [Music] nNjf_bCBf80-00227-00063464-00063754 actually he's back here nNjf_bCBf80-00228-00063755-00064079 thank you and what a good time to nNjf_bCBf80-00229-00064079-00064276 name March as American Red Cross month nNjf_bCBf80-00230-00064277-00064480 after all we've been through and some nNjf_bCBf80-00231-00064482-00064811 other impending things happening so nNjf_bCBf80-00232-00064812-00065003 as a reminder everybody stay safe and if nNjf_bCBf80-00233-00065004-00065242 you can volunteer please do nNjf_bCBf80-00234-00065244-00065453 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00235-00065454-00065717 uh we will move on is there a report on nNjf_bCBf80-00236-00065718-00066094 closed session nNjf_bCBf80-00237-00066095-00066359 good evening mayor and Community we had nNjf_bCBf80-00238-00066360-00066503 a quote session on the item on the nNjf_bCBf80-00239-00066504-00066688 agenda and no reportable action was nNjf_bCBf80-00240-00066689-00067121 taken thank you great thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00241-00067122-00068289 and additional materials nNjf_bCBf80-00242-00068290-00069055 [Applause] nNjf_bCBf80-00243-00069056-00069335 great thank you are there any oral nNjf_bCBf80-00244-00069336-00069581 Communications by members of the public nNjf_bCBf80-00245-00069582-00069719 these will be nNjf_bCBf80-00246-00069720-00069959 um nNjf_bCBf80-00247-00069960-00070241 you can speak on anything that's not on nNjf_bCBf80-00248-00070242-00070415 the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-00249-00070416-00070888 um or any consent item nNjf_bCBf80-00250-00070889-00071141 I see nobody here nNjf_bCBf80-00251-00071142-00071573 anybody online cool nNjf_bCBf80-00252-00071574-00071735 all right nNjf_bCBf80-00253-00071736-00072335 any staff comments nNjf_bCBf80-00254-00072336-00072599 for the storm event City staff has been nNjf_bCBf80-00255-00072600-00072935 in close nNjf_bCBf80-00256-00072936-00073150 the operations center nNjf_bCBf80-00257-00073151-00073391 we're also monitoring pre-flows weather nNjf_bCBf80-00258-00073392-00073547 tides nNjf_bCBf80-00259-00073548-00073721 I will share with the community that the nNjf_bCBf80-00260-00073722-00073906 high tide this evening is about midnight nNjf_bCBf80-00261-00073907-00074069 and then we have another high tide nNjf_bCBf80-00262-00074070-00074194 tomorrow nNjf_bCBf80-00263-00074195-00074387 lower high tide tomorrow in needed and nNjf_bCBf80-00264-00074388-00074591 then a high tide at midnight tomorrow nNjf_bCBf80-00265-00074592-00074788 night those are the times when we get nNjf_bCBf80-00266-00074789-00074981 the most concerned about high flows but nNjf_bCBf80-00267-00074982-00075125 the good news is that we're not looking nNjf_bCBf80-00268-00075126-00075299 at King Tides we're looking at high nNjf_bCBf80-00269-00075300-00075526 tides that are well within a normal high nNjf_bCBf80-00270-00075527-00075761 tide range so everyone should be nNjf_bCBf80-00271-00075762-00075929 prepared monitor the weather forecast nNjf_bCBf80-00272-00075930-00076253 and if you need sandbags still they are nNjf_bCBf80-00273-00076254-00076469 available behind City Hall nNjf_bCBf80-00274-00076470-00076649 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00275-00076650-00077099 anybody on Council I do yeah yeah as um nNjf_bCBf80-00276-00077100-00077356 many of you recall just a few years ago nNjf_bCBf80-00277-00077357-00077656 the city of Capitola banned flavored nNjf_bCBf80-00278-00077657-00077950 tobacco and just recently the state of nNjf_bCBf80-00279-00077951-00078244 Tobacco Control 2023 California local nNjf_bCBf80-00280-00078245-00078515 grades were released and I want to say nNjf_bCBf80-00281-00078516-00078988 in 2018 we were maybe a f or a d or nNjf_bCBf80-00282-00078989-00079176 something like that but the good news is nNjf_bCBf80-00283-00079177-00079421 we because of that work and our nNjf_bCBf80-00284-00079422-00079594 continued efforts and and our Police nNjf_bCBf80-00285-00079595-00079769 Department essentially nNjf_bCBf80-00286-00079770-00080015 um going out and ensuring that nNjf_bCBf80-00287-00080016-00080291 um that not just flavor tobacco is not nNjf_bCBf80-00288-00080292-00080453 sold to our youth but just making sure nNjf_bCBf80-00289-00080454-00080699 all the laws are being abided are by the nNjf_bCBf80-00290-00080700-00080909 city of Capitola has earned a grade A nNjf_bCBf80-00291-00080910-00081232 and so we have come a long way and nNjf_bCBf80-00292-00081233-00081412 congratulations to our police department nNjf_bCBf80-00293-00081413-00081719 and to city council for adopting that nNjf_bCBf80-00294-00081720-00081953 um that just a few years ago thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00295-00081954-00082144 that's great news thank you good update nNjf_bCBf80-00296-00082145-00082282 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00297-00082283-00082487 any other comments nNjf_bCBf80-00298-00082488-00082703 I just have one nNjf_bCBf80-00299-00082704-00082919 um just a little note you can mark your nNjf_bCBf80-00300-00082920-00083135 calendars that are Museum or Capital nNjf_bCBf80-00301-00083136-00083393 Museum we're having a grand reopening of nNjf_bCBf80-00302-00083394-00083705 a new exhibit it's called Capitola signs nNjf_bCBf80-00303-00083706-00083993 of the times this will take place on nNjf_bCBf80-00304-00083994-00084329 March 18th starting at 11 30 a.m till 2 nNjf_bCBf80-00305-00084330-00084497 p.m refreshments and special nNjf_bCBf80-00306-00084498-00084767 presentations will be featured so I nNjf_bCBf80-00307-00084768-00084971 encourage people to uh nNjf_bCBf80-00308-00084972-00085391 go on out and check it out nNjf_bCBf80-00309-00085392-00085619 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00310-00085620-00085912 so then we'll go to consent nNjf_bCBf80-00311-00085913-00085985 um nNjf_bCBf80-00312-00085986-00086435 and I would like to pull item 8B from nNjf_bCBf80-00313-00086436-00086603 the consent items and I'll be looking nNjf_bCBf80-00314-00086604-00086944 for a motion on items eight a eight C nNjf_bCBf80-00315-00086945-00087179 eight D and 8e nNjf_bCBf80-00316-00087180-00087797 I'll move items eight B C D and E nNjf_bCBf80-00317-00087798-00088168 good oh and I get a c d and e thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00318-00088169-00088426 second there great we have a motion and nNjf_bCBf80-00319-00088427-00088576 a second maybe we have a roll call nNjf_bCBf80-00320-00088577-00088775 please nNjf_bCBf80-00321-00088776-00088888 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00322-00088889-00089021 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00323-00089022-00089350 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00324-00089351-00089525 aye thank you and then I will hand the nNjf_bCBf80-00325-00089526-00089950 floor over to vice mayor Brown nNjf_bCBf80-00326-00089951-00090059 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00327-00090060-00090353 um so I believe item 8B you pulled nNjf_bCBf80-00328-00090354-00090635 because I I did pull because I have to nNjf_bCBf80-00329-00090636-00090929 refuse and I'll tell you why my employer nNjf_bCBf80-00330-00090930-00091091 it's a restaurant called Paradise Beach nNjf_bCBf80-00331-00091092-00091271 Grill they provide sometimes live nNjf_bCBf80-00332-00091272-00091421 entertainment and it's located nNjf_bCBf80-00333-00091422-00091715 approximately 150 feet from Capitola Bar nNjf_bCBf80-00334-00091716-00091943 and Grill So to avoid any appearance of nNjf_bCBf80-00335-00091944-00092117 impropriety or conflict nNjf_bCBf80-00336-00092118-00092579 I'm refusing thank you all right nNjf_bCBf80-00337-00092580-00092831 do we need do you need to leave no no nNjf_bCBf80-00338-00092832-00093262 okay scooch back my apologies mayor okay nNjf_bCBf80-00339-00093263-00093556 uh so with that we will uh entertain a nNjf_bCBf80-00340-00093557-00093965 motion to vote on consent item eight B nNjf_bCBf80-00341-00093966-00094223 I'll move item eight B nNjf_bCBf80-00342-00094224-00094361 a second nNjf_bCBf80-00343-00094362-00094511 all right we have a motion a second we nNjf_bCBf80-00344-00094512-00094726 have a roll call vote please nNjf_bCBf80-00345-00094727-00094847 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00346-00094848-00095026 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00347-00095027-00095123 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00348-00095124-00095249 hi nNjf_bCBf80-00349-00095250-00095435 carries unanimously thank you or nNjf_bCBf80-00350-00095436-00095962 unanimous familiar with one abstention nNjf_bCBf80-00351-00095963-00096112 sorry I wasn't trying to get rid of you nNjf_bCBf80-00352-00096113-00096394 no that's fine you need to leave I need nNjf_bCBf80-00353-00096395-00096623 more steps anyways today nNjf_bCBf80-00354-00096624-00096887 all right so we're gonna move on to nNjf_bCBf80-00355-00096888-00097073 General government nNjf_bCBf80-00356-00097074-00097450 item nine a it's the nNjf_bCBf80-00357-00097451-00097588 um we're considering changes to nNjf_bCBf80-00358-00097589-00097871 administrative policy v18 the outdoor nNjf_bCBf80-00359-00097872-00098003 display of governmental and nNjf_bCBf80-00360-00098004-00098225 non-governmental flags on city property nNjf_bCBf80-00361-00098226-00098447 the recommended action tonight is to nNjf_bCBf80-00362-00098448-00098849 approve the changes to the policy nNjf_bCBf80-00363-00098850-00098944 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00364-00098945-00099191 I thought like that maybe uh something nNjf_bCBf80-00365-00099192-00099311 to do that we were talking about making nNjf_bCBf80-00366-00099312-00099509 it six months nNjf_bCBf80-00367-00099510-00099844 for the appeal process or to bring back nNjf_bCBf80-00368-00099845-00100061 that item maybe if we can make that to nNjf_bCBf80-00369-00100062-00100373 12 months instead of six months nNjf_bCBf80-00370-00100374-00100624 are we talking about an item within the nNjf_bCBf80-00371-00100625-00100865 report for this wait for 9A is that what nNjf_bCBf80-00372-00100866-00100961 we're talking about nNjf_bCBf80-00373-00100962-00101062 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00374-00101063-00101231 so I think we're going to go with um nNjf_bCBf80-00375-00101232-00101423 staff's presentation first the council nNjf_bCBf80-00376-00101424-00101693 member and then well we can thank you I nNjf_bCBf80-00377-00101694-00101879 don't order sorry no that's okay it's nNjf_bCBf80-00378-00101880-00102203 very exciting I know nNjf_bCBf80-00379-00102204-00102347 um okay I tried to get the mayor to nNjf_bCBf80-00380-00102348-00102623 leave so nNjf_bCBf80-00381-00102624-00102904 I'm out of here the rain nNjf_bCBf80-00382-00102905-00103115 okay so thank you so much mayor and nNjf_bCBf80-00383-00103116-00103277 Council this will be a brief nNjf_bCBf80-00384-00103278-00103504 presentation about our current flag nNjf_bCBf80-00385-00103505-00103744 policy and we're doing something a nNjf_bCBf80-00386-00103745-00103906 little different nNjf_bCBf80-00387-00103907-00104339 I'm wondering if it's gonna work nNjf_bCBf80-00388-00104340-00104608 aha okay nNjf_bCBf80-00389-00104609-00104734 so nNjf_bCBf80-00390-00104735-00104873 background nNjf_bCBf80-00391-00104874-00105083 I might be moving around nNjf_bCBf80-00392-00105083-00105407 um in May of 2021 council did approve nNjf_bCBf80-00393-00105408-00105599 the current policy outdoor display of nNjf_bCBf80-00394-00105600-00105773 governmental and non-governmental flags nNjf_bCBf80-00395-00105774-00106108 on city property and since then Council nNjf_bCBf80-00396-00106109-00106402 has approved one of three total requests nNjf_bCBf80-00397-00106403-00106745 and recently in late January council did nNjf_bCBf80-00398-00106746-00107015 ask staff to bring an updated draft of nNjf_bCBf80-00399-00107016-00107183 the policy for your discussion nNjf_bCBf80-00400-00107183-00107386 recommendation and then hopefully your nNjf_bCBf80-00401-00107388-00107758 approval and I'm not sure nNjf_bCBf80-00402-00107759-00108077 I skipped something here nNjf_bCBf80-00403-00108078-00108281 sorry everyone nNjf_bCBf80-00404-00108282-00108497 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00405-00108498-00108910 so our current policy nNjf_bCBf80-00406-00108911-00109204 um States direction for how and when to nNjf_bCBf80-00407-00109205-00109552 fly our flags at half staff and also how nNjf_bCBf80-00408-00109553-00109733 people can request non-governmental nNjf_bCBf80-00409-00109733-00109907 Flags flown and that's just what the nNjf_bCBf80-00410-00109908-00110225 current policy is about and potential nNjf_bCBf80-00411-00110226-00110410 changes nNjf_bCBf80-00412-00110411-00110675 are I'm going to let our clerk move me nNjf_bCBf80-00413-00110676-00110969 forward thank you based on feedback from nNjf_bCBf80-00414-00110970-00111275 Council and some research of regional nNjf_bCBf80-00415-00111276-00111563 other policies we made some potential nNjf_bCBf80-00416-00111564-00111784 changes in the draft included in your nNjf_bCBf80-00417-00111785-00112090 agenda packet so the um changes here nNjf_bCBf80-00418-00112091-00112258 there's two different options I'll start nNjf_bCBf80-00419-00112259-00112499 with the first basically everything nNjf_bCBf80-00420-00112500-00112840 stays the same however we're suggesting nNjf_bCBf80-00421-00112841-00113189 that non-governmental flag requests must nNjf_bCBf80-00422-00113190-00113513 now with the changes be sponsored by a nNjf_bCBf80-00423-00113514-00113747 council member and then would be again nNjf_bCBf80-00424-00113748-00113999 heard in a public meeting the flag nNjf_bCBf80-00425-00114000-00114286 requested would be the same size as our nNjf_bCBf80-00426-00114288-00114552 city flags that's more of a cleanup item nNjf_bCBf80-00427-00114553-00114971 and as our council member mentioned nNjf_bCBf80-00428-00114972-00115265 a denied request would be reconsidered nNjf_bCBf80-00429-00115266-00115516 after one year rather than what is nNjf_bCBf80-00430-00115517-00115643 currently in the policy which is a nNjf_bCBf80-00431-00115644-00115834 six-month turnaround so that would be nNjf_bCBf80-00432-00115835-00116183 option one option two would be virtually nNjf_bCBf80-00433-00116183-00116416 the same with one added nNjf_bCBf80-00434-00116417-00116819 um level that a a request would still be nNjf_bCBf80-00435-00116820-00116999 sponsored by a council member but would nNjf_bCBf80-00436-00117000-00117221 require a super majority vote of council nNjf_bCBf80-00437-00117222-00117478 to be approved that would be four out of nNjf_bCBf80-00438-00117479-00117784 five of you voting I to fly a flag nNjf_bCBf80-00439-00117785-00117971 versus three nNjf_bCBf80-00440-00117972-00118283 so that is your second option go ahead nNjf_bCBf80-00441-00118283-00118607 city manager nNjf_bCBf80-00442-00118608-00119101 excuse me nNjf_bCBf80-00443-00119102-00119881 oh yes okay yes nNjf_bCBf80-00444-00119882-00120215 it signifies a lot of disagreement and nNjf_bCBf80-00445-00120216-00120389 so it's just one factor to consider is nNjf_bCBf80-00446-00120390-00120575 when you want to make sure that at least nNjf_bCBf80-00447-00120576-00120851 four nNjf_bCBf80-00448-00120852-00121116 yes and I should have also mentioned nNjf_bCBf80-00449-00121117-00121354 both the city of Scotts Valley and the nNjf_bCBf80-00450-00121355-00121547 City of Watsonville their flag policies nNjf_bCBf80-00451-00121548-00121816 do already include that a request is nNjf_bCBf80-00452-00121817-00122147 sponsored by a city council member nNjf_bCBf80-00453-00122148-00122393 okay and those are really the changes nNjf_bCBf80-00454-00122394-00122633 I'm recommended or up up for your nNjf_bCBf80-00455-00122633-00122807 discussion our next slide is just the nNjf_bCBf80-00456-00122808-00122993 recommendation which is to approve nNjf_bCBf80-00457-00122994-00123286 option one or option two or provide more nNjf_bCBf80-00458-00123288-00123425 Direction so I'm here for questions nNjf_bCBf80-00459-00123426-00123778 thank you great any questions nNjf_bCBf80-00460-00123779-00124073 I have a question can you um nNjf_bCBf80-00461-00124074-00124378 clarify what sponsorship by a council nNjf_bCBf80-00462-00124379-00124751 member means what so basically it would nNjf_bCBf80-00463-00124752-00125015 be like Council bringing a flag request nNjf_bCBf80-00464-00125016-00125290 to staff so to be more clear or a member nNjf_bCBf80-00465-00125291-00125483 of council General so does that mean nNjf_bCBf80-00466-00125483-00125723 during a city council meeting at open nNjf_bCBf80-00467-00125724-00125897 public comment accounts member would nNjf_bCBf80-00468-00125898-00126113 then have to say to staff this is what I nNjf_bCBf80-00469-00126114-00126340 want to do what's the prep best practice nNjf_bCBf80-00470-00126341-00126502 what protocol are we going to be writing nNjf_bCBf80-00471-00126503-00126851 into place to sponsor nNjf_bCBf80-00472-00126852-00127007 I think we could determine a different nNjf_bCBf80-00473-00127008-00127175 process but that is the current process nNjf_bCBf80-00474-00127176-00127343 that's probably would be the simplest nNjf_bCBf80-00475-00127344-00127540 one to utilize it's just that a council nNjf_bCBf80-00476-00127541-00127702 member would bring it up as you do nNjf_bCBf80-00477-00127703-00127925 currently during Council and comments nNjf_bCBf80-00478-00127926-00128086 about a future agenda nNjf_bCBf80-00479-00128088-00128369 so I know that some of our policies are nNjf_bCBf80-00480-00128370-00128597 specific in stating that as nNjf_bCBf80-00481-00128598-00128866 the practice is this so this would have nNjf_bCBf80-00482-00128867-00129221 to be added added language to the policy nNjf_bCBf80-00483-00129222-00129443 if that's the practice we want to follow nNjf_bCBf80-00484-00129444-00129640 instead of just nNjf_bCBf80-00485-00129641-00129916 one day that would be I could include nNjf_bCBf80-00486-00129917-00130049 that language and you could just direct nNjf_bCBf80-00487-00130050-00130534 that I think during the meeting tonight nNjf_bCBf80-00488-00130535-00130721 any other questions I have a question nNjf_bCBf80-00489-00130722-00131039 yeah could you go back to I believe the nNjf_bCBf80-00490-00131040-00131501 second the second slide nNjf_bCBf80-00491-00131502-00131687 third slide nNjf_bCBf80-00492-00131688-00131807 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00493-00131808-00132031 um nNjf_bCBf80-00494-00132032-00132263 pre-approved list of non-governmental nNjf_bCBf80-00495-00132264-00132628 Flags can somebody elaborate on that is nNjf_bCBf80-00496-00132629-00132881 that this is our current policy yes so nNjf_bCBf80-00497-00132882-00133114 the policy included in the packet that's nNjf_bCBf80-00498-00133115-00133331 like the third page of the policy uh nNjf_bCBf80-00499-00133332-00133499 when this was brought to our our nNjf_bCBf80-00500-00133500-00133795 attention early in 2021 nNjf_bCBf80-00501-00133796-00134075 Council directed A Certain flag included nNjf_bCBf80-00502-00134076-00134357 already in the policy so that was what nNjf_bCBf80-00503-00134358-00134464 that is nNjf_bCBf80-00504-00134465-00134716 does that so does this mean that the nNjf_bCBf80-00505-00134717-00135040 only pre-approved a flag that's on the nNjf_bCBf80-00506-00135041-00135190 pre-approved list of non-governmental nNjf_bCBf80-00507-00135191-00135454 Flags can be approved is that what that nNjf_bCBf80-00508-00135455-00135677 means no what I think it was intended nNjf_bCBf80-00509-00135678-00135893 was that if a flag is on the nNjf_bCBf80-00510-00135894-00136043 pre-approved list you don't need to nNjf_bCBf80-00511-00136044-00136283 request it every year oh got it yeah and nNjf_bCBf80-00512-00136284-00136402 then that was going to be my next nNjf_bCBf80-00513-00136403-00136727 question is if uh Council sponsors a nNjf_bCBf80-00514-00136728-00137081 flag is that an ongoing thing or is that nNjf_bCBf80-00515-00137082-00137352 per year and needs to be basically nNjf_bCBf80-00516-00137353-00137645 re-sponsored and re-requested each year nNjf_bCBf80-00517-00137646-00137825 I think that would be included six nNjf_bCBf80-00518-00137826-00138047 months or whatever it may be I believe nNjf_bCBf80-00519-00138048-00138245 the way it is now is you it would be nNjf_bCBf80-00520-00138246-00138502 included in your request right city nNjf_bCBf80-00521-00138503-00138689 manager yes nNjf_bCBf80-00522-00138690-00138940 the frequency of flying consideration nNjf_bCBf80-00523-00138941-00139145 yeah okay nNjf_bCBf80-00524-00139146-00139331 actually I do have a question yeah now nNjf_bCBf80-00525-00139332-00139475 that I think about it nNjf_bCBf80-00526-00139476-00139709 um is it in our and forgive me if it is nNjf_bCBf80-00527-00139710-00139966 and I just didn't know is it already in nNjf_bCBf80-00528-00139967-00140152 our policy for a method of taking a flag nNjf_bCBf80-00529-00140153-00140471 off of the pre-approved list nNjf_bCBf80-00530-00140472-00140639 do we have that in our policy I don't nNjf_bCBf80-00531-00140640-00141409 believe so no nNjf_bCBf80-00532-00141410-00141593 so nNjf_bCBf80-00533-00141594-00141790 so that's an interesting question but I nNjf_bCBf80-00534-00141791-00141971 think removing an item from the flight nNjf_bCBf80-00535-00141972-00142235 policy amending the policy nNjf_bCBf80-00536-00142236-00142507 the council could do simply Community nNjf_bCBf80-00537-00142508-00142757 just same way that we wanted to sponsor nNjf_bCBf80-00538-00142758-00142925 a flag we would say I would like to nNjf_bCBf80-00539-00142926-00143159 reconsider the policy and and remove a nNjf_bCBf80-00540-00143160-00143711 flag okay I was just curious yeah okay nNjf_bCBf80-00541-00143712-00143878 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00542-00143879-00144359 any public comments on this item nNjf_bCBf80-00543-00144360-00144701 seen on here do we have anybody online nNjf_bCBf80-00544-00144702-00144863 okay nNjf_bCBf80-00545-00144864-00145649 so we can take it back to deliberation nNjf_bCBf80-00546-00145650-00145877 right there yeah Joe Joe's ahead of the nNjf_bCBf80-00547-00145878-00146177 game he had his psychic number two and nNjf_bCBf80-00548-00146178-00146345 adding to what she stated earlier I nNjf_bCBf80-00549-00146346-00146669 think option two nNjf_bCBf80-00550-00146670-00146999 yes so does anybody prefer to make a nNjf_bCBf80-00551-00147000-00147316 motion on option one or option two nNjf_bCBf80-00552-00147317-00147593 I'd make a motion for option two and nNjf_bCBf80-00553-00147594-00147827 you're the verbage you had in there sure nNjf_bCBf80-00554-00147828-00148085 we'll include that that um councilmember nNjf_bCBf80-00555-00148086-00148349 Brooks mentioned oh second nNjf_bCBf80-00556-00148350-00148511 great nNjf_bCBf80-00557-00148512-00148739 Motion in a second maybe I have a roll nNjf_bCBf80-00558-00148740-00148931 call please nNjf_bCBf80-00559-00148932-00149201 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00560-00149202-00149327 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00561-00149328-00149501 aye nNjf_bCBf80-00562-00149502-00149831 aye passes unanimously thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00563-00149832-00150040 thank you so much thank you Chloe great nNjf_bCBf80-00564-00150041-00150190 job nNjf_bCBf80-00565-00150191-00150521 and now we have 9B nNjf_bCBf80-00566-00150522-00151133 it is our 2023 2024 fiscal nNjf_bCBf80-00567-00151134-00151361 Federal funding requests I've said that nNjf_bCBf80-00568-00151362-00151559 out of order the recommended action is nNjf_bCBf80-00569-00151560-00151811 to consider requests for this fiscal nNjf_bCBf80-00570-00151812-00151966 year Federal funding nNjf_bCBf80-00571-00151967-00152189 mayor and Council first off I need to nNjf_bCBf80-00572-00152190-00152345 apologize a little bit for a bit of a nNjf_bCBf80-00573-00152346-00152590 vague agenda item we were been working nNjf_bCBf80-00574-00152591-00152716 frantically to try to put something nNjf_bCBf80-00575-00152717-00152885 together for your consideration this nNjf_bCBf80-00576-00152886-00153173 evening uh Public Works director will be nNjf_bCBf80-00577-00153174-00153347 presenting a little bit of this but I nNjf_bCBf80-00578-00153348-00153557 wanted to provide some background is nNjf_bCBf80-00579-00153558-00153671 that nNjf_bCBf80-00580-00153672-00153935 um our Congressman has asked the city nNjf_bCBf80-00581-00153936-00154151 about whether we would want to request nNjf_bCBf80-00582-00154152-00154349 any funding in this next year's budget nNjf_bCBf80-00583-00154350-00154649 we've had conversations with staff for nNjf_bCBf80-00584-00154650-00154876 Congressman Panetta's office and they've nNjf_bCBf80-00585-00154877-00155045 encouraged the city to think a little nNjf_bCBf80-00586-00155046-00155290 bit hard about given the recent damage nNjf_bCBf80-00587-00155291-00155549 we've sustained the visits from our nNjf_bCBf80-00588-00155550-00155704 governor from the president or nNjf_bCBf80-00589-00155705-00155926 Congressman that there was a commitment nNjf_bCBf80-00590-00155927-00156119 there about everybody following through nNjf_bCBf80-00591-00156120-00156281 and helping Capitola through these times nNjf_bCBf80-00592-00156282-00156466 so they really have encouraged us to nNjf_bCBf80-00593-00156467-00156701 apply we've talked to them about a nNjf_bCBf80-00594-00156702-00156925 number of different options to apply for nNjf_bCBf80-00595-00156926-00157228 and I think what we're looking for is nNjf_bCBf80-00596-00157229-00157445 basically feedback on kind of those asks nNjf_bCBf80-00597-00157446-00157673 the applications are due next week so nNjf_bCBf80-00598-00157674-00157943 that would be a push to get something in nNjf_bCBf80-00599-00157944-00158147 front of you this evening and one of nNjf_bCBf80-00600-00158148-00158428 them is kind of a big new project but I nNjf_bCBf80-00601-00158429-00158621 think it really warrants warrants nNjf_bCBf80-00602-00158622-00158831 council's feedback before we submit it a nNjf_bCBf80-00603-00158832-00159028 chain anything we submit up the chain nNjf_bCBf80-00604-00159029-00159269 it's got to go through a lot of steps it nNjf_bCBf80-00605-00159270-00159419 has to move through a divided government nNjf_bCBf80-00606-00159420-00159616 in Washington DC there's no guarantee we nNjf_bCBf80-00607-00159617-00159778 would get this money I need be clear nNjf_bCBf80-00608-00159779-00159947 about that but at this point it's nNjf_bCBf80-00609-00159948-00160085 whether or not we should put that nNjf_bCBf80-00610-00160086-00160252 request in with congressman nNjf_bCBf80-00611-00160253-00160945 alternate over to Jessica nNjf_bCBf80-00612-00160946-00161195 all right nNjf_bCBf80-00613-00161196-00161423 um so as city manager nNjf_bCBf80-00614-00161424-00161675 summarized have we've been approached by nNjf_bCBf80-00615-00161676-00162004 a staff of Panetta to submit for the nNjf_bCBf80-00616-00162005-00162173 community Project funding for this nNjf_bCBf80-00617-00162174-00162359 coming Year's Appropriations Bill the nNjf_bCBf80-00618-00162360-00162497 requests are due in the middle of next nNjf_bCBf80-00619-00162498-00162839 week as a reminder the city received 3.5 nNjf_bCBf80-00620-00162840-00163031 million dollars in this type of funding nNjf_bCBf80-00621-00163032-00163193 for the wharf resiliency and Public nNjf_bCBf80-00622-00163194-00163421 Access Improvement project we actually nNjf_bCBf80-00623-00163422-00163690 just submitted our paperwork earlier nNjf_bCBf80-00624-00163691-00163876 today to receive that money so that's nNjf_bCBf80-00625-00163877-00164128 very exciting and then any request is nNjf_bCBf80-00626-00164129-00164363 not guaranteed to be promoted or the nNjf_bCBf80-00627-00164364-00164573 city to be selected for funding but we nNjf_bCBf80-00628-00164574-00164728 do want to put our best put forward for nNjf_bCBf80-00629-00164729-00164963 these projects so there's several types nNjf_bCBf80-00630-00164964-00165257 of funding available here we have three nNjf_bCBf80-00631-00165258-00165425 projects that qualify for three nNjf_bCBf80-00632-00165426-00165695 different types of funding the first one nNjf_bCBf80-00633-00165696-00166031 being the City's community center so the nNjf_bCBf80-00634-00166032-00166228 potential ask for this is about two nNjf_bCBf80-00635-00166229-00166378 million dollars this would come out of nNjf_bCBf80-00636-00166379-00166571 Hud funding which is the same type of nNjf_bCBf80-00637-00166572-00166733 funding that we are getting for the nNjf_bCBf80-00638-00166734-00166949 wharf it's a more General funding has nNjf_bCBf80-00639-00166950-00167116 less requirements there's no match nNjf_bCBf80-00640-00167117-00167375 requirement and it would be fun to fund nNjf_bCBf80-00641-00167376-00167537 the renovation of the community center nNjf_bCBf80-00642-00167538-00167890 you may recall that you all approved a nNjf_bCBf80-00643-00167891-00168064 contract for the design of that project nNjf_bCBf80-00644-00168065-00168281 maybe two Council meetings ago we just nNjf_bCBf80-00645-00168282-00168526 had our kickoff for that project there's nNjf_bCBf80-00646-00168527-00168701 a pretty wide range of improvements that nNjf_bCBf80-00647-00168702-00168916 can be done there the money we have for nNjf_bCBf80-00648-00168917-00169145 this project for next year's budget the nNjf_bCBf80-00649-00169146-00169378 1.8 million that has been suggested nNjf_bCBf80-00650-00169379-00169613 would cover all of our contractually nNjf_bCBf80-00651-00169614-00169816 obligated portions of that project with nNjf_bCBf80-00652-00169817-00169954 the school district but there's nNjf_bCBf80-00653-00169955-00170249 opportunity for other interior and nNjf_bCBf80-00654-00170250-00170566 exterior improvements particularly for nNjf_bCBf80-00655-00170567-00170759 the electrical system out there so not nNjf_bCBf80-00656-00170760-00170914 the prettiest thing but something that nNjf_bCBf80-00657-00170915-00171113 would be definitely needed to improve nNjf_bCBf80-00658-00171114-00171364 our HVAC and to have the community nNjf_bCBf80-00659-00171365-00171616 center work optimally so that is one nNjf_bCBf80-00660-00171617-00171814 potential project we could put in for nNjf_bCBf80-00661-00171815-00171952 funding nNjf_bCBf80-00662-00171953-00172240 the second project is the one Sydney nNjf_bCBf80-00663-00172241-00172559 manager referred to is our Cliff Drive nNjf_bCBf80-00664-00172560-00172763 stabilization and Public Access Project nNjf_bCBf80-00665-00172764-00172997 so in the budget for this year there is nNjf_bCBf80-00666-00172998-00173266 a study for Cliff Drive to assess the nNjf_bCBf80-00667-00173267-00173483 stability of the bluff nNjf_bCBf80-00668-00173484-00173699 um it's going to be a pretty daunting nNjf_bCBf80-00669-00173700-00173861 project we've lost part of the bluff nNjf_bCBf80-00670-00173862-00174083 during the storms near both of the upper nNjf_bCBf80-00671-00174084-00174340 and lower parking areas the request for nNjf_bCBf80-00672-00174341-00174625 this project would be for construction nNjf_bCBf80-00673-00174626-00174947 this would be through FEMA the maximum nNjf_bCBf80-00674-00174948-00175139 request is 10 million dollars and that's nNjf_bCBf80-00675-00175140-00175325 what we would aim to ask for there's a nNjf_bCBf80-00676-00175326-00175697 required match of 25 on the estimate for nNjf_bCBf80-00677-00175698-00175888 this total project is 1 million in nNjf_bCBf80-00678-00175889-00176093 engineering environmental costs and 10 nNjf_bCBf80-00679-00176094-00176321 million for construction that's based on nNjf_bCBf80-00680-00176322-00176466 a project that's being currently nNjf_bCBf80-00681-00176467-00176693 constructed in Pismo Beach so it's nNjf_bCBf80-00682-00176694-00176909 actually a pretty reasonable estimate nNjf_bCBf80-00683-00176910-00177154 for this type of work the scope would nNjf_bCBf80-00684-00177155-00177364 include the professional engineering and nNjf_bCBf80-00685-00177365-00177611 environmental services construction for nNjf_bCBf80-00686-00177612-00177809 mitigations to stabilize the bluff along nNjf_bCBf80-00687-00177810-00177983 craft Drive the repair of the stairs nNjf_bCBf80-00688-00177984-00178133 that were also washed away during the nNjf_bCBf80-00689-00178134-00178319 storm and then construction of a nNjf_bCBf80-00690-00178320-00178559 pedestrian walkway staff has had nNjf_bCBf80-00691-00178560-00178775 preliminary conversations with the nNjf_bCBf80-00692-00178776-00178954 coastal commission and other permitting nNjf_bCBf80-00693-00178955-00179188 agencies nNjf_bCBf80-00694-00179189-00179338 um nope nNjf_bCBf80-00695-00179339-00179590 nope I'm looking for the one with the nNjf_bCBf80-00696-00179591-00179802 picture Julia thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00697-00179803-00180269 uh on this project and they suggested to nNjf_bCBf80-00698-00180270-00180514 us to really consider the big overall nNjf_bCBf80-00699-00180515-00180773 picture so improving Public Access right nNjf_bCBf80-00700-00180774-00180983 now we just have a road shoulder on the nNjf_bCBf80-00701-00180984-00181175 side there in addition to stabilizing nNjf_bCBf80-00702-00181176-00181481 the buffer arterial road the road is nNjf_bCBf80-00703-00181482-00181690 also a primary segment of the California nNjf_bCBf80-00704-00181691-00181949 Coastal Trail and is documented by the nNjf_bCBf80-00705-00181950-00182111 coastal Conservancy as needing nNjf_bCBf80-00706-00182112-00182309 Improvement for Shoreline access it's nNjf_bCBf80-00707-00182310-00182495 also identified in the series Hazard nNjf_bCBf80-00708-00182496-00182795 mitigation plan as an at-risk facility nNjf_bCBf80-00709-00182796-00183004 next slide please nNjf_bCBf80-00710-00183005-00183251 the third project would be a Rhodes nNjf_bCBf80-00711-00183252-00183509 project this would be um sponsored by nNjf_bCBf80-00712-00183510-00183778 the Federal Highway Administration the nNjf_bCBf80-00713-00183779-00183940 request would be for a billion and a nNjf_bCBf80-00714-00183941-00184247 half dollars for the 41st Street furry nNjf_bCBf80-00715-00184248-00184523 First Avenue Corridor so the idea here nNjf_bCBf80-00716-00184524-00184726 would you have a complete streets plan nNjf_bCBf80-00717-00184727-00184997 for the entire uh 41st Avenue and the nNjf_bCBf80-00718-00184998-00185219 city limits and then have implementation nNjf_bCBf80-00719-00185220-00185537 on the south end so from Capitola Road nNjf_bCBf80-00720-00185538-00185740 South to the end of the city limits with nNjf_bCBf80-00721-00185741-00186016 the county this money requires a 25 nNjf_bCBf80-00722-00186017-00186335 match uh 250 000 in engineering nNjf_bCBf80-00723-00186336-00186545 environmental and then the 1.25 in nNjf_bCBf80-00724-00186546-00186802 construction for the lower half the idea nNjf_bCBf80-00725-00186803-00187085 would be to improve safety for all modes nNjf_bCBf80-00726-00187086-00187188 of travel nNjf_bCBf80-00727-00187189-00187493 and to also Implement recommendations of nNjf_bCBf80-00728-00187494-00187702 our pavement Management program the nNjf_bCBf80-00729-00187703-00187943 overall PCI or paid me pavement nNjf_bCBf80-00730-00187944-00188278 condition index of 41st Avenue is below nNjf_bCBf80-00731-00188279-00188543 50 which is considered poor I think the nNjf_bCBf80-00732-00188544-00189023 average is actually about 47. nNjf_bCBf80-00733-00189024-00189269 this is just an example of what a nNjf_bCBf80-00734-00189270-00189388 complete streets plan would look like nNjf_bCBf80-00735-00189389-00189526 this is not I'm not sure what nNjf_bCBf80-00736-00189527-00189725 jurisdiction this is but this is just nNjf_bCBf80-00737-00189726-00189952 kind of an example of uh our end product nNjf_bCBf80-00738-00189953-00190181 here something to manage all modes of nNjf_bCBf80-00739-00190182-00190481 travel including the bus uh bikes nNjf_bCBf80-00740-00190482-00190690 pedestrians to enhance safety and nNjf_bCBf80-00741-00190691-00190943 comfort for all users and really the nNjf_bCBf80-00742-00190944-00191164 goal is to encourage economic nNjf_bCBf80-00743-00191165-00191476 revitalization and reinvestment so when nNjf_bCBf80-00744-00191477-00191704 if and when the mall ever comes to be we nNjf_bCBf80-00745-00191705-00191926 have a plan that we can provide to nNjf_bCBf80-00746-00191927-00192119 developers and to the community of what nNjf_bCBf80-00747-00192120-00192413 we really Envision uh 41st Avenue to nNjf_bCBf80-00748-00192414-00192514 look like nNjf_bCBf80-00749-00192515-00192707 and with that I will take any questions nNjf_bCBf80-00750-00192708-00192971 on these projects or Jamie may have nNjf_bCBf80-00751-00192972-00193240 something to say nNjf_bCBf80-00752-00193241-00193426 it may have been clear to everybody else nNjf_bCBf80-00753-00193427-00193564 but nNjf_bCBf80-00754-00193565-00193804 we're suggesting asking for all three nNjf_bCBf80-00755-00193805-00194014 that's gonna be my question oh okay yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00756-00194015-00194231 we're suggesting asking for all three we nNjf_bCBf80-00757-00194232-00194404 did talk to Congress the congressman's nNjf_bCBf80-00758-00194405-00194645 office and they did in say that for nNjf_bCBf80-00759-00194646-00194981 items where we would be happy we'd be nNjf_bCBf80-00760-00194982-00195233 okay with the amount decreasing uh we nNjf_bCBf80-00761-00195234-00195352 were thinking that we would identify nNjf_bCBf80-00762-00195353-00195599 maybe like a seven million dollar floor nNjf_bCBf80-00763-00195600-00195869 to The Cliff Drive funding and then we nNjf_bCBf80-00764-00195870-00196073 were thinking relatively low for the nNjf_bCBf80-00765-00196074-00196235 community center funding because it's nNjf_bCBf80-00766-00196236-00196438 it's a project that we need to do and it nNjf_bCBf80-00767-00196439-00196702 would be great to get help with it so it nNjf_bCBf80-00768-00196703-00196859 you don't need to choose between these nNjf_bCBf80-00769-00196860-00197033 the biggest thing is is that that Cliff nNjf_bCBf80-00770-00197034-00197278 Drive project is Big we've talked about nNjf_bCBf80-00771-00197279-00197471 it in our Hazard mitigation plans which nNjf_bCBf80-00772-00197472-00197675 for new council members that we haven't nNjf_bCBf80-00773-00197676-00197975 talked about that yet and the thing the nNjf_bCBf80-00774-00197976-00198143 way I think about that Cliff Drive is nNjf_bCBf80-00775-00198144-00198419 that it it's you know we keep losing a nNjf_bCBf80-00776-00198420-00198695 foot here you know chunks here and there nNjf_bCBf80-00777-00198696-00198916 and then someday it's going to look like nNjf_bCBf80-00778-00198917-00199085 Westcliffe and Santa so we're going to nNjf_bCBf80-00779-00199086-00199223 be talking about one way in the street nNjf_bCBf80-00780-00199224-00199409 and at that point it'll be too late so nNjf_bCBf80-00781-00199410-00199625 we had a unique opportunity to nNjf_bCBf80-00782-00199626-00199864 proactively go after this figure a way nNjf_bCBf80-00783-00199865-00200087 to get this important arterial open and nNjf_bCBf80-00784-00200088-00200363 hopefully make a much cleaner entry into nNjf_bCBf80-00785-00200364-00200488 the village for folks that are nNjf_bCBf80-00786-00200489-00201052 approaching by by and foot off nNjf_bCBf80-00787-00201053-00201388 yeah so with the 25 matches that we need nNjf_bCBf80-00788-00201389-00201545 for two of those projects we need like nNjf_bCBf80-00789-00201546-00201731 2.8 million dollars that we would be nNjf_bCBf80-00790-00201732-00201845 able to match where would that money nNjf_bCBf80-00791-00201846-00202061 come from nNjf_bCBf80-00792-00202062-00202295 well some of the internal strategy was nNjf_bCBf80-00793-00202296-00202469 that was part of the Aspen Community nNjf_bCBf80-00794-00202470-00202673 Center uh that if that was funded we nNjf_bCBf80-00795-00202674-00202823 could free up some funding we've already nNjf_bCBf80-00796-00202824-00202990 allocated there nNjf_bCBf80-00797-00202991-00203219 um and that would help with the Bots nNjf_bCBf80-00798-00203220-00203483 and then yeah we don't have a firm plan nNjf_bCBf80-00799-00203484-00203633 at this point to fund it I think we nNjf_bCBf80-00800-00203634-00203831 would have to figure out we do also have nNjf_bCBf80-00801-00203832-00203987 the road funding this year you will nNjf_bCBf80-00802-00203988-00204154 probably put a million dollars into the nNjf_bCBf80-00803-00204155-00204340 roads so if that looked like that was nNjf_bCBf80-00804-00204341-00204490 going to be successful we'd use local nNjf_bCBf80-00805-00204491-00204737 matches so the road funding I'm not too nNjf_bCBf80-00806-00204738-00204958 worried about the Bluffs nNjf_bCBf80-00807-00204959-00205216 25 of a 10 million dollar project is a nNjf_bCBf80-00808-00205217-00205408 lot of money yeah absolutely part of the nNjf_bCBf80-00809-00205409-00205529 strategy around the community center nNjf_bCBf80-00810-00205530-00205738 give it we've already put somebody right nNjf_bCBf80-00811-00205739-00205955 and then with the roads though if we nNjf_bCBf80-00812-00205956-00206188 have one um nNjf_bCBf80-00813-00206189-00206381 a million dollars into the roads right nNjf_bCBf80-00814-00206382-00206464 now nNjf_bCBf80-00815-00206465-00206608 and we take nNjf_bCBf80-00816-00206609-00206764 what would what did I just say it would nNjf_bCBf80-00817-00206765-00207382 be 300 385 000 is 25 of 1.5 million and nNjf_bCBf80-00818-00207383-00207551 we took that away from the roads to get nNjf_bCBf80-00819-00207552-00207755 a 1.5 million dollar Grant it's nNjf_bCBf80-00820-00207756-00207905 essentially just putting that same money nNjf_bCBf80-00821-00207906-00208175 back into 41st Avenue and not into the nNjf_bCBf80-00822-00208176-00208271 roads nNjf_bCBf80-00823-00208271-00208432 that we identified in the budget nNjf_bCBf80-00824-00208433-00208727 discussion last week is that right nNjf_bCBf80-00825-00208728-00208960 am I am I making sense I think there nNjf_bCBf80-00826-00208961-00209140 would need to be some prioritization for nNjf_bCBf80-00827-00209141-00209225 sure nNjf_bCBf80-00828-00209226-00209332 um nNjf_bCBf80-00829-00209333-00209555 I think that actually lower 41st was nNjf_bCBf80-00830-00209556-00209789 included in the cycle next a portion of nNjf_bCBf80-00831-00209790-00210071 it yes so but yes there would be some nNjf_bCBf80-00832-00210071-00210227 re-prioritization nNjf_bCBf80-00833-00210228-00210389 um and realistically we wouldn't know nNjf_bCBf80-00834-00210390-00210605 about this pretty until nNjf_bCBf80-00835-00210606-00210808 probably December nNjf_bCBf80-00836-00210809-00211031 um this year so would that mean that any nNjf_bCBf80-00837-00211032-00211253 work that we would plan to have done on nNjf_bCBf80-00838-00211254-00211432 the roads or the community center would nNjf_bCBf80-00839-00211433-00211732 now be on hold until December nNjf_bCBf80-00840-00211733-00211984 well we would know if it was submitted nNjf_bCBf80-00841-00211985-00212219 before December so if we were out nNjf_bCBf80-00842-00212219-00212482 immediately we would know nNjf_bCBf80-00843-00212483-00212705 but if the congressman actually didn't nNjf_bCBf80-00844-00212706-00212915 make the request on our behalf or okay I nNjf_bCBf80-00845-00212916-00213167 see what you mean okay the other option nNjf_bCBf80-00846-00213167-00213346 is if we're still if we're still in the nNjf_bCBf80-00847-00213348-00213484 mix and we're looking at the payment nNjf_bCBf80-00848-00213485-00213701 project and and team is putting it nNjf_bCBf80-00849-00213702-00213917 together what we could do is we can also nNjf_bCBf80-00850-00213917-00214271 structure the bid so that we we end up nNjf_bCBf80-00851-00214271-00214421 leaving some Headroom so that we could nNjf_bCBf80-00852-00214421-00214625 add it in on the road potentially if we nNjf_bCBf80-00853-00214626-00214798 needed to or take it out by that I mean nNjf_bCBf80-00854-00214800-00214901 like you know we could have a couple nNjf_bCBf80-00855-00214902-00215206 streets that could get us to keep us to nNjf_bCBf80-00856-00215207-00215339 keep that um nNjf_bCBf80-00857-00215340-00215591 that extra cash available then we can nNjf_bCBf80-00858-00215592-00215741 add it in if we weren't successful down nNjf_bCBf80-00859-00215742-00215932 the road so I don't think I don't think nNjf_bCBf80-00860-00215933-00216148 that should be a major hang-up but the nNjf_bCBf80-00861-00216150-00216317 Cliff Drive side nNjf_bCBf80-00862-00216317-00216571 you know two and a half million is uh nNjf_bCBf80-00863-00216571-00216803 yeah it's a significant match and I nNjf_bCBf80-00864-00216804-00216905 think you know we would be talking to nNjf_bCBf80-00865-00216906-00217037 the coastal commission the hotel nNjf_bCBf80-00866-00217038-00217253 Conservancy as well as everybody else nNjf_bCBf80-00867-00217254-00217432 that we could find about how to how to nNjf_bCBf80-00868-00217433-00217763 close that Gap okay nNjf_bCBf80-00869-00217764-00217955 I found a question about the uh Cliff nNjf_bCBf80-00870-00217956-00218081 project nNjf_bCBf80-00871-00218082-00218284 I'm looking at the slide or are they nNjf_bCBf80-00872-00218285-00218405 going to do it similar to what the nNjf_bCBf80-00873-00218406-00218627 county did and Pleasure Point and are nNjf_bCBf80-00874-00218628-00218806 they going to get rid of the rift rocks nNjf_bCBf80-00875-00218807-00219155 that are at the foot of uh of the cliff nNjf_bCBf80-00876-00219156-00219346 it would need to be designed but lately nNjf_bCBf80-00877-00219348-00219532 yes that would be a good comparable nNjf_bCBf80-00878-00219533-00219677 project nNjf_bCBf80-00879-00219678-00219832 it was nice when they got rid of all the nNjf_bCBf80-00880-00219833-00220019 Riff Ruff raw and then put some trails nNjf_bCBf80-00881-00220019-00220151 in there because we've had quite a few nNjf_bCBf80-00882-00220152-00220306 people stranded up on the rocks at high nNjf_bCBf80-00883-00220307-00220991 tides and nNjf_bCBf80-00884-00220992-00221165 but they were stranded on top of the nNjf_bCBf80-00885-00221166-00221255 Rocks because they couldn't get down nNjf_bCBf80-00886-00221256-00221446 more than previously they just Were Out nNjf_bCBf80-00887-00221448-00221758 Swinging or caught walking up towards nNjf_bCBf80-00888-00221759-00221903 the cliff they get stuck on the Riff nNjf_bCBf80-00889-00221904-00222131 Raff rocks and when they rebuilt there nNjf_bCBf80-00890-00222132-00222305 in the county it became a lot safer nNjf_bCBf80-00891-00222306-00222448 because people had little go trails to nNjf_bCBf80-00892-00222450-00222725 get themselves out got it so I'm just nNjf_bCBf80-00893-00222726-00222917 curious about the plan and nNjf_bCBf80-00894-00222917-00223073 that would definitely be something we nNjf_bCBf80-00895-00223073-00223246 would need to take into account we nNjf_bCBf80-00896-00223248-00223853 not too nNjf_bCBf80-00897-00223854-00224032 too trapped over on the depot Hillside nNjf_bCBf80-00898-00224033-00224242 during my time but it happens it does nNjf_bCBf80-00899-00224244-00224519 happen nNjf_bCBf80-00900-00224519-00224641 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00901-00224642-00224873 another question nNjf_bCBf80-00902-00224873-00225310 um I'm just curious what the 25 matching nNjf_bCBf80-00903-00225311-00225382 um nNjf_bCBf80-00904-00225383-00225563 I think you said you're requesting like nNjf_bCBf80-00905-00225564-00225791 10 million dollars for example so does nNjf_bCBf80-00906-00225792-00226013 that gonna bring the total project nNjf_bCBf80-00907-00226014-00226182 budget to nNjf_bCBf80-00908-00226183-00226591 10.25 million nNjf_bCBf80-00909-00226592-00226871 I think it probably would that's what nNjf_bCBf80-00910-00226871-00227063 okay I think we're gonna get knocked nNjf_bCBf80-00911-00227064-00227146 back nNjf_bCBf80-00912-00227148-00227434 closer to eight right so then maybe the nNjf_bCBf80-00913-00227435-00227603 total project would end up I mean it nNjf_bCBf80-00914-00227604-00227801 might be close too okay if I make more nNjf_bCBf80-00915-00227802-00227956 sense for us to Austin eight or nine nNjf_bCBf80-00916-00227957-00228160 somewhere in there but you know nNjf_bCBf80-00917-00228161-00228382 this is It's a fast moving Target at nNjf_bCBf80-00918-00228383-00228581 this point um Ten's a good round number nNjf_bCBf80-00919-00228582-00228781 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-00920-00228782-00229037 well the other thing to think about also nNjf_bCBf80-00921-00229038-00229205 is do you want to go bounce back to the nNjf_bCBf80-00922-00229206-00229517 bluff shop nNjf_bCBf80-00923-00229517-00229865 um there's some where we start and stop nNjf_bCBf80-00924-00229866-00229996 the project nNjf_bCBf80-00925-00229998-00230321 um there's some flexibility right you nNjf_bCBf80-00926-00230321-00230482 know there's the most urgent areas where nNjf_bCBf80-00927-00230483-00230656 you look at it and go whoa that's going nNjf_bCBf80-00928-00230657-00230855 to be the first spot I think there's nNjf_bCBf80-00929-00230856-00231023 some scalability or nNjf_bCBf80-00930-00231023-00231292 to do it all the way through here with nNjf_bCBf80-00931-00231294-00231551 these closer to 10. um nNjf_bCBf80-00932-00231552-00231748 but there is some scalability oh and the nNjf_bCBf80-00933-00231750-00231917 other thing I guess I should add is that nNjf_bCBf80-00934-00231917-00232103 realistically we would find out whether nNjf_bCBf80-00935-00232104-00232282 we got this funding and you know sort of nNjf_bCBf80-00936-00232283-00232451 get the authorization a year from now nNjf_bCBf80-00937-00232452-00232594 they're probably going to be almost a nNjf_bCBf80-00938-00232596-00232834 year working from processes with FEMA nNjf_bCBf80-00939-00232835-00233015 and then they wanted the fund spent nNjf_bCBf80-00940-00233016-00233303 within three years so it isn't as if nNjf_bCBf80-00941-00233304-00233513 we'd have to come up with 2.5 million nNjf_bCBf80-00942-00233514-00233813 next week it's 2.5 billion probably four nNjf_bCBf80-00943-00233814-00234058 years from now so there is there's some nNjf_bCBf80-00944-00234059-00234371 time for us to plan nNjf_bCBf80-00945-00234371-00234719 okay and then so so the recommendation nNjf_bCBf80-00946-00234719-00235181 is to go for all three and then is there nNjf_bCBf80-00947-00235182-00235391 a chance like even Panetta's office or nNjf_bCBf80-00948-00235392-00235517 somebody might just come back to us and nNjf_bCBf80-00949-00235517-00235696 say like hey you know we've got a lot of nNjf_bCBf80-00950-00235698-00235846 requests we need to whittle it down and nNjf_bCBf80-00951-00235848-00236069 you guys are just come back to us or nNjf_bCBf80-00952-00236069-00236369 and we could decide what we wanted to nNjf_bCBf80-00953-00236369-00236555 focus nNjf_bCBf80-00954-00236556-00236729 on or I nNjf_bCBf80-00955-00236730-00237077 don't know that that's super like nNjf_bCBf80-00956-00237078-00237275 possible that they would ask us like nNjf_bCBf80-00957-00237276-00237484 okay we're comfortable submitting for nNjf_bCBf80-00958-00237485-00237682 700k or something for the community nNjf_bCBf80-00959-00237683-00237875 center so nNjf_bCBf80-00960-00237876-00238091 my recommendation would be to give us nNjf_bCBf80-00961-00238092-00238282 the authority to apply for all of these nNjf_bCBf80-00962-00238283-00238456 guys and nNjf_bCBf80-00963-00238457-00238696 if at the end of the day they come back nNjf_bCBf80-00964-00238698-00238846 and say nNjf_bCBf80-00965-00238848-00239021 you have to choose one of the three then nNjf_bCBf80-00966-00239021-00239231 we can come back okay it would be tight nNjf_bCBf80-00967-00239232-00239344 we have to probably call a special nNjf_bCBf80-00968-00239346-00239560 meeting okay nNjf_bCBf80-00969-00239561-00239741 I would also say that these projects nNjf_bCBf80-00970-00239742-00239860 come from three different funding nNjf_bCBf80-00971-00239861-00240142 sources so chances of them saying that nNjf_bCBf80-00972-00240144-00240425 for comparing our three projects is nNjf_bCBf80-00973-00240426-00240581 probably them comparing them against nNjf_bCBf80-00974-00240582-00240827 other municipalities projects okay nNjf_bCBf80-00975-00240828-00240989 excuse me and not our own because they nNjf_bCBf80-00976-00240990-00241096 are coming from different funding nNjf_bCBf80-00977-00241098-00241294 sources okay nNjf_bCBf80-00978-00241296-00241679 question yeah so Jessica on the nofa it nNjf_bCBf80-00979-00241680-00241984 states that pretty clear for the nNjf_bCBf80-00980-00241985-00242215 community center that it was cdbg nNjf_bCBf80-00981-00242216-00242494 dollars but you mentioned HUD have you nNjf_bCBf80-00982-00242496-00242831 looked a little bit more closely at that nNjf_bCBf80-00983-00242832-00243203 um I believe HUD had a little bit of a nNjf_bCBf80-00984-00243204-00243448 it didn't specify Community Center so I nNjf_bCBf80-00985-00243450-00243617 guess my question is just rhetorical nNjf_bCBf80-00986-00243617-00243946 maybe look more closely at that for cdbg nNjf_bCBf80-00987-00243948-00244079 more specific because it states nNjf_bCBf80-00988-00244080-00244481 Community Center noted thank you nNjf_bCBf80-00989-00244482-00244744 any other questions nNjf_bCBf80-00990-00244746-00244931 okay do we have any public comment on nNjf_bCBf80-00991-00244932-00245231 this item nNjf_bCBf80-00992-00245232-00245692 seeing none here anybody online nNjf_bCBf80-00993-00245694-00245873 thanks nNjf_bCBf80-00994-00245873-00246484 okay so we can bring it back to council nNjf_bCBf80-00995-00246485-00246617 um nNjf_bCBf80-00996-00246617-00246839 I'll make a motion nNjf_bCBf80-00997-00246840-00247055 I don't know what the correct uh for nNjf_bCBf80-00998-00247056-00247187 staff recommendation that we move nNjf_bCBf80-00999-00247188-00247325 forward and nNjf_bCBf80-01000-00247326-00247715 making requests for all three projects nNjf_bCBf80-01001-00247716-00247858 I'll second nNjf_bCBf80-01002-00247859-00247967 great nNjf_bCBf80-01003-00247967-00248189 Motion in a second maybe we have a roll nNjf_bCBf80-01004-00248190-00248387 call nNjf_bCBf80-01005-00248388-00248501 aye nNjf_bCBf80-01006-00248502-00248951 aye nNjf_bCBf80-01007-00248952-00249353 hi thank you passes unanimously nNjf_bCBf80-01008-00249354-00249677 all right we'll move on to 9C which is nNjf_bCBf80-01009-00249678-00249910 our city council orientation nNjf_bCBf80-01010-00249911-00250439 presentation nNjf_bCBf80-01011-00250440-00250823 so this did myself again with this chair nNjf_bCBf80-01012-00250823-00250991 um so this item actually was originally nNjf_bCBf80-01013-00250992-00251182 planned for I think the second week of nNjf_bCBf80-01014-00251183-00251351 the new council's term and we run nNjf_bCBf80-01015-00251352-00251584 unfortunately due to weather related nNjf_bCBf80-01016-00251585-00251782 travel related all sorts of different nNjf_bCBf80-01017-00251783-00251987 issues we were unable to get it nNjf_bCBf80-01018-00251988-00252191 scheduled until now so this is typically nNjf_bCBf80-01019-00252192-00252353 put your put your hat back on and nNjf_bCBf80-01020-00252354-00252515 imagine this is your second time you've nNjf_bCBf80-01021-00252516-00252760 all said nNjf_bCBf80-01022-00252761-00253013 and all the questions you had then we'll nNjf_bCBf80-01023-00253014-00253175 answer now nNjf_bCBf80-01024-00253176-00253355 um kidding aside that that was actually nNjf_bCBf80-01025-00253356-00253510 our original plan so it's a little nNjf_bCBf80-01026-00253511-00253648 awkward but we're going to try to move nNjf_bCBf80-01027-00253650-00253906 through this stuff relatively quickly I nNjf_bCBf80-01028-00253907-00254081 think it's going to be broken up between nNjf_bCBf80-01029-00254082-00254231 some presentations I'm going to make nNjf_bCBf80-01030-00254232-00254663 some presentations nNjf_bCBf80-01031-00254664-00254806 the manager is going to make and our nNjf_bCBf80-01032-00254807-00254963 city clerk so we'll try to keep it nNjf_bCBf80-01033-00254964-00255221 interesting as we break between the nNjf_bCBf80-01034-00255221-00255365 different items I think it'd be a good nNjf_bCBf80-01035-00255366-00255532 opportunity for questions if anybody has nNjf_bCBf80-01036-00255533-00255725 any rather than waiting we get all the nNjf_bCBf80-01037-00255726-00255817 way yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01038-00255817-00256084 and yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01039-00256085-00256331 Kick It Off nNjf_bCBf80-01040-00256332-00256619 so this is the overall format nNjf_bCBf80-01041-00256619-00256769 um I'm not going to read it all the way nNjf_bCBf80-01042-00256769-00257032 through but I promise you that it'll be nNjf_bCBf80-01043-00257033-00257242 interesting and we will have different nNjf_bCBf80-01044-00257244-00257417 speakers so it's not going to be me just nNjf_bCBf80-01045-00257417-00257579 talking about entire nNjf_bCBf80-01046-00257580-00257758 time but I will kick us off and talk nNjf_bCBf80-01047-00257759-00257939 about kind of the council manager form nNjf_bCBf80-01048-00257940-00258058 of God nNjf_bCBf80-01049-00258059-00258275 and I think most of you are familiar nNjf_bCBf80-01050-00258276-00258448 with this and this is maybe for the nNjf_bCBf80-01051-00258450-00258653 community as well but the council nNjf_bCBf80-01052-00258654-00258808 manager formal government is the most nNjf_bCBf80-01053-00258809-00258965 common formal government in the state of nNjf_bCBf80-01054-00258966-00259313 California of the 480 something cities nNjf_bCBf80-01055-00259314-00259517 in the state all but about 10 of them nNjf_bCBf80-01056-00259517-00259792 are using Council manager nNjf_bCBf80-01057-00259794-00260056 that cities that don't use what's called nNjf_bCBf80-01058-00260057-00260273 a strong mayor formal government what nNjf_bCBf80-01059-00260273-00260513 that means is the mayor is the sea so in nNjf_bCBf80-01060-00260514-00260692 those cities like San Francisco Los nNjf_bCBf80-01061-00260694-00260963 Angeles Oakland to name a couple those nNjf_bCBf80-01062-00260964-00261203 cities the mayor's the CEO Mayors hiring nNjf_bCBf80-01063-00261204-00261406 department heads the mayor is hiring nNjf_bCBf80-01064-00261407-00261784 police chief marriage is vetoed the rest nNjf_bCBf80-01065-00261785-00261875 of the council nNjf_bCBf80-01066-00261876-00262103 councilman manager former government is nNjf_bCBf80-01067-00262104-00262277 different is that the city council nNjf_bCBf80-01068-00262278-00262487 becomes the board of directors nNjf_bCBf80-01069-00262488-00262799 city council you guys make laws you guys nNjf_bCBf80-01070-00262800-00263153 can budget you guys established goals nNjf_bCBf80-01071-00263154-00263339 should be plans you make big land use nNjf_bCBf80-01072-00263340-00263453 decisions nNjf_bCBf80-01073-00263454-00263699 and I am your senior I am working for nNjf_bCBf80-01074-00263700-00264106 you as you guys with chair or and I am nNjf_bCBf80-01075-00264107-00264437 responsible for implementing nNjf_bCBf80-01076-00264438-00264634 so I don't think I need to go through nNjf_bCBf80-01077-00264635-00264934 all the different city man past but the nNjf_bCBf80-01078-00264935-00265115 main point is is that I'm working for nNjf_bCBf80-01079-00265116-00265421 you guys and you guys give direction to nNjf_bCBf80-01080-00265422-00265613 me in nNjf_bCBf80-01081-00265614-00265810 ome and that can be an open meeting here nNjf_bCBf80-01082-00265811-00266110 or limited situation in the in a closed nNjf_bCBf80-01083-00266111-00266363 session which which are intended to be nNjf_bCBf80-01084-00266364-00266689 specific items nNjf_bCBf80-01085-00266690-00267017 discussion a lot to happen outside of nNjf_bCBf80-01086-00267018-00267263 the open council meeting we're involving nNjf_bCBf80-01087-00267264-00267503 around Personnel matters litigation real nNjf_bCBf80-01088-00267504-00268067 property negotiations nNjf_bCBf80-01089-00268068-00268295 so one of the key things is that that nNjf_bCBf80-01090-00268296-00268493 direction comes from the full Council nNjf_bCBf80-01091-00268494-00268745 and so individual council members nNjf_bCBf80-01092-00268746-00268984 aren't aren't supposed to federal police nNjf_bCBf80-01093-00268985-00269165 officers say hey give that person a nNjf_bCBf80-01094-00269166-00269515 ticket they've been parking too long nNjf_bCBf80-01095-00269516-00269710 that direction nNjf_bCBf80-01096-00269711-00269921 through me at a council meeting by a nNjf_bCBf80-01097-00269922-00270101 vote of the city council nNjf_bCBf80-01098-00270102-00270305 that being said nNjf_bCBf80-01099-00270306-00270503 council members are always always nNjf_bCBf80-01100-00270504-00270671 empowered to ask questions nNjf_bCBf80-01101-00270672-00270856 and talk to me offline nNjf_bCBf80-01102-00270857-00271037 before talk to my department nNjf_bCBf80-01103-00271038-00271265 in general kind of the rule of thumb is nNjf_bCBf80-01104-00271266-00271541 if it's a it's a research question if nNjf_bCBf80-01105-00271542-00271684 it's a couple hours nNjf_bCBf80-01106-00271685-00271925 um my staff will just get it for you if nNjf_bCBf80-01107-00271926-00272141 it's a full day or two days worth of nNjf_bCBf80-01108-00272142-00272363 work I would strategize with you about nNjf_bCBf80-01109-00272364-00272663 how to bring it to the Full House nNjf_bCBf80-01110-00272664-00272813 and I mean I think everyone can nNjf_bCBf80-01111-00272814-00272969 understand so the purpose behind this is nNjf_bCBf80-01112-00272970-00273130 just so that one Council member's nNjf_bCBf80-01113-00273131-00273406 project nNjf_bCBf80-01114-00273407-00274210 so realistically work for everybody we nNjf_bCBf80-01115-00274211-00274367 need so then I just want to touch really nNjf_bCBf80-01116-00274368-00274830 quickly on the order chart nNjf_bCBf80-01117-00274831-00275195 but basically you'll see the city nNjf_bCBf80-01118-00275196-00275393 council is up on top and the city nNjf_bCBf80-01119-00275394-00275645 council you have two hires nNjf_bCBf80-01120-00275646-00275915 the first one is me as a city manager or nNjf_bCBf80-01121-00275916-00276089 maybe the first one is Samantha that's nNjf_bCBf80-01122-00276090-00276287 your City attorney and the second one is nNjf_bCBf80-01123-00276288-00276430 receiving nNjf_bCBf80-01124-00276431-00276665 it uh so the City attorney is outside nNjf_bCBf80-01125-00276666-00276971 City manager's responsibilities but I am nNjf_bCBf80-01126-00276972-00277384 responsible then for hiring nNjf_bCBf80-01127-00277385-00277649 and we have four different departments nNjf_bCBf80-01128-00277650-00278273 police community nNjf_bCBf80-01129-00278274-00278525 it's a recreation division nNjf_bCBf80-01130-00278526-00278717 on its own right now it's within the nNjf_bCBf80-01131-00278718-00278903 city managers are nNjf_bCBf80-01132-00278904-00279119 also with industry manager cargo we do nNjf_bCBf80-01133-00279120-00279677 HR nNjf_bCBf80-01134-00279678-00279910 and then in finance they're responsible nNjf_bCBf80-01135-00279911-00280217 for overseeing the account payable nNjf_bCBf80-01136-00280218-00280325 good money nNjf_bCBf80-01137-00280326-00280480 pay the bills nNjf_bCBf80-01138-00280481-00280679 big books are balanced Public Works is nNjf_bCBf80-01139-00280680-00280889 kind of divided into two general things nNjf_bCBf80-01140-00280890-00281429 we've got folks that work field nNjf_bCBf80-01141-00281430-00281615 Community Development is divided into nNjf_bCBf80-01142-00281616-00282005 two divisions and building nNjf_bCBf80-01143-00282006-00282280 expect construction and they will build nNjf_bCBf80-01144-00282281-00282521 a lot and then we have our planners no nNjf_bCBf80-01145-00282522-00282947 spokes are going to issued a permit nNjf_bCBf80-01146-00282948-00283319 to build a new big hotel project our nNjf_bCBf80-01147-00283320-00283703 21st Avenue towards the account nNjf_bCBf80-01148-00283704-00283877 and then the police department is broken nNjf_bCBf80-01149-00283878-00284237 up into it at least we have nNjf_bCBf80-01150-00284238-00284423 looking there and it's hard for me to nNjf_bCBf80-01151-00284424-00284608 see exactly we have the records division nNjf_bCBf80-01152-00284609-00284771 which is the administrative side of the nNjf_bCBf80-01153-00284772-00284939 police department the chair control nNjf_bCBf80-01154-00284940-00285197 which is our officers and we also have nNjf_bCBf80-01155-00285198-00285413 the parking enforcement I didn't think nNjf_bCBf80-01156-00285414-00285587 that was within Patrol but it looks like nNjf_bCBf80-01157-00285588-00285755 it is on that truck it's like I don't nNjf_bCBf80-01158-00285756-00285869 know nNjf_bCBf80-01159-00285870-00286187 but that's the basic structure nNjf_bCBf80-01160-00286188-00286325 then there's a whole bunch of other nNjf_bCBf80-01161-00286326-00286451 things that we nNjf_bCBf80-01162-00286452-00286589 that we participate with other nNjf_bCBf80-01163-00286590-00286829 jurisdictions Services other nNjf_bCBf80-01164-00286830-00286984 participate with other jurisdictions nNjf_bCBf80-01165-00286985-00287117 Flight Services nNjf_bCBf80-01166-00287118-00287417 so that includes libraries we partner nNjf_bCBf80-01167-00287418-00287656 with city of Santa Cruz the county and nNjf_bCBf80-01168-00287657-00287987 Scott's Valley our Dispatch Center we we nNjf_bCBf80-01169-00287988-00288097 do nNjf_bCBf80-01170-00288098-00288343 watsonville's in Scotts Valley is out nNjf_bCBf80-01171-00288344-00288623 Animal Services all the cities in the nNjf_bCBf80-01172-00288624-00288910 county participate do that jointly three nNjf_bCBf80-01173-00288911-00289205 CE or Community power we are one of the nNjf_bCBf80-01174-00289206-00289415 board members there and that's that's an nNjf_bCBf80-01175-00289416-00289582 entity that goes all the way down to nNjf_bCBf80-01176-00289583-00289858 Santa Barbara County sanitation and nNjf_bCBf80-01177-00289859-00290039 flood control we partner with our County nNjf_bCBf80-01178-00290040-00290279 to provide the Regional Transportation nNjf_bCBf80-01179-00290280-00290680 Commission and then Metro so there's a nNjf_bCBf80-01180-00290681-00290849 whole bunch of other government services nNjf_bCBf80-01181-00290850-00291167 that are provided in the cities that you nNjf_bCBf80-01182-00291168-00291377 and I we all sit on the different boards nNjf_bCBf80-01183-00291378-00291539 for these entities and we provide them nNjf_bCBf80-01184-00291540-00291755 collaboratively with other cities and nNjf_bCBf80-01185-00291756-00291941 Jamie the reason that we have that nNjf_bCBf80-01186-00291942-00292145 because not all cities are set up like nNjf_bCBf80-01187-00292146-00292289 that's one because we're small but nNjf_bCBf80-01188-00292290-00292534 there's a name for it there's a what nNjf_bCBf80-01189-00292535-00292715 where one type of City versus another nNjf_bCBf80-01190-00292716-00292834 type of city nNjf_bCBf80-01191-00292835-00293177 um common law no I can tell you General nNjf_bCBf80-01192-00293178-00293250 allowance nNjf_bCBf80-01193-00293251-00293365 [Applause] nNjf_bCBf80-01194-00293366-00293623 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01195-00293624-00293941 we're not married nNjf_bCBf80-01196-00293942-00294251 so contract versus full-service City nNjf_bCBf80-01197-00294252-00294455 sorry I don't know correctly so our nNjf_bCBf80-01198-00294456-00294623 contract city is generally thought of as nNjf_bCBf80-01199-00294624-00294791 one that has a lot of contracts for nNjf_bCBf80-01200-00294792-00295001 services you know it can be like a nNjf_bCBf80-01201-00295002-00295187 contract with your sheriff for policing nNjf_bCBf80-01202-00295188-00295499 is a really common one or a combination nNjf_bCBf80-01203-00295500-00295691 between the two you know I think if you nNjf_bCBf80-01204-00295692-00295943 look more towards Santa Cruz or more of nNjf_bCBf80-01205-00295944-00296080 a full service city than the fire nNjf_bCBf80-01206-00296081-00296225 department Police Department and Water nNjf_bCBf80-01207-00296226-00296447 Department all those things nNjf_bCBf80-01208-00296448-00296651 um we're not as we're not we're not in nNjf_bCBf80-01209-00296652-00296867 the extreme end of a contract City where nNjf_bCBf80-01210-00296868-00297029 we really there there are some cities nNjf_bCBf80-01211-00297030-00297125 out there that just have an nNjf_bCBf80-01212-00297126-00297317 administrative staff and you manage the nNjf_bCBf80-01213-00297318-00298019 contracts with other entities to provide nNjf_bCBf80-01214-00298020-00298187 are there any questions kind of on the nNjf_bCBf80-01215-00298188-00298313 overall nNjf_bCBf80-01216-00298314-00298577 form of government our departments our nNjf_bCBf80-01217-00298578-00298787 organization who's our representative nNjf_bCBf80-01218-00298788-00299027 for a 3ce nNjf_bCBf80-01219-00299028-00299249 so the 3ce is organized with two nNjf_bCBf80-01220-00299250-00299417 different boards there's the policy nNjf_bCBf80-01221-00299418-00299615 board which sets the rates that approves nNjf_bCBf80-01222-00299616-00299741 the budget and then there's the nNjf_bCBf80-01223-00299742-00300005 operations course and we approve the nNjf_bCBf80-01224-00300006-00300179 contracts and kind of oversee the nNjf_bCBf80-01225-00300180-00300365 general manager I'm on the operations nNjf_bCBf80-01226-00300366-00300863 board nNjf_bCBf80-01227-00300864-00301579 you're welcome nNjf_bCBf80-01228-00301580-00301805 which is a lot closer for us than it is nNjf_bCBf80-01229-00301806-00302106 for Santa Barbara nNjf_bCBf80-01230-00302107-00302380 all right nNjf_bCBf80-01231-00302381-00302663 now the most interesting part of the nNjf_bCBf80-01232-00302664-00302899 presentation the brown act nNjf_bCBf80-01233-00302900-00303173 with your handheld I know right ready nNjf_bCBf80-01234-00303174-00303401 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01235-00303402-00303563 um should I sing it is that where you're nNjf_bCBf80-01236-00303564-00303713 going to suggest nNjf_bCBf80-01237-00303714-00303841 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01238-00303842-00304073 and sing nNjf_bCBf80-01239-00304074-00304151 um nNjf_bCBf80-01240-00304152-00304451 so nothing more awesome on a rainy nNjf_bCBf80-01241-00304452-00304660 Thursday night discussion of the brown nNjf_bCBf80-01242-00304661-00305069 acts and Complex public records Act nNjf_bCBf80-01243-00305070-00305339 I feel like I have told all of you about nNjf_bCBf80-01244-00305340-00305506 this until I'm blue in the face and you nNjf_bCBf80-01245-00305507-00305704 probably know it so I'm going to blow nNjf_bCBf80-01246-00305705-00305945 through the basics and go over some nNjf_bCBf80-01247-00305946-00306173 things that I feel like come up all the nNjf_bCBf80-01248-00306174-00306413 time with a lot of councils and so nNjf_bCBf80-01249-00306414-00306617 hopefully it'll be useful to you nNjf_bCBf80-01250-00306618-00306827 um if not it'll be over soon nNjf_bCBf80-01251-00306828-00307049 okay the brown act what you really need nNjf_bCBf80-01252-00307050-00307258 to know about the brown Act is on the nNjf_bCBf80-01253-00307259-00307606 Dias stick to the agenda off the diets nNjf_bCBf80-01254-00307607-00307865 don't have a meeting which is a meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01255-00307866-00308113 means three of you talk about something nNjf_bCBf80-01256-00308114-00308380 that could come before the council nNjf_bCBf80-01257-00308381-00308579 pretty broad right nNjf_bCBf80-01258-00308580-00308849 um conflicts what you need to know is if nNjf_bCBf80-01259-00308850-00309101 you think you have a conflict with nNjf_bCBf80-01260-00309102-00309515 anything on the agenda let me Jamie and nNjf_bCBf80-01261-00309516-00309797 Julia know as soon as possible nNjf_bCBf80-01262-00309798-00309947 um I will say especially me because nNjf_bCBf80-01263-00309948-00310271 usually conflicts while to you may seem nNjf_bCBf80-01264-00310272-00310451 really simple they're actually really nNjf_bCBf80-01265-00310452-00310679 complicated to research and we have it nNjf_bCBf80-01266-00310680-00310895 takes it can sometimes take three or nNjf_bCBf80-01267-00310896-00311080 four hours to research and so we have to nNjf_bCBf80-01268-00311081-00311201 find that time so please please please nNjf_bCBf80-01269-00311202-00311423 tell us as soon as you do we'll probably nNjf_bCBf80-01270-00311424-00311639 have some factual information factual nNjf_bCBf80-01271-00311640-00311806 questions for you and then we'll send nNjf_bCBf80-01272-00311807-00311939 you an email telling you whether we nNjf_bCBf80-01273-00311940-00312119 think you have a conflict public records nNjf_bCBf80-01274-00312120-00312317 act what you need to know is that now nNjf_bCBf80-01275-00312318-00312719 that you are unelected you are the city nNjf_bCBf80-01276-00312720-00313049 so anything any communication that you nNjf_bCBf80-01277-00313050-00313241 have in writing nNjf_bCBf80-01278-00313242-00313565 whether it be on your Gmail account your nNjf_bCBf80-01279-00313566-00313804 Hotmail account nNjf_bCBf80-01280-00313805-00314123 um your whatever AOL whatever text who nNjf_bCBf80-01281-00314124-00314404 here still has a Hotmail account oh I I nNjf_bCBf80-01282-00314405-00314693 just would like to say I hope I hope my nNjf_bCBf80-01283-00314694-00314956 husband is watching now nNjf_bCBf80-01284-00314957-00315173 um it's all public right it's all nNjf_bCBf80-01285-00315174-00315275 because you were doing the people's nNjf_bCBf80-01286-00315276-00315430 business this so if we get a records nNjf_bCBf80-01287-00315431-00315629 request for any of that information we nNjf_bCBf80-01288-00315630-00315784 will be contacting you and saying please nNjf_bCBf80-01289-00315785-00316037 pull all those Communications what a lot nNjf_bCBf80-01290-00316038-00316247 of council members do and what is a good nNjf_bCBf80-01291-00316248-00316445 practice is to have all of your city nNjf_bCBf80-01292-00316446-00316660 business conducted on your city email nNjf_bCBf80-01293-00316661-00316810 account nNjf_bCBf80-01294-00316811-00317467 um okay next nNjf_bCBf80-01295-00317468-00317675 non-agendized items nNjf_bCBf80-01296-00317676-00317921 um in general everything that you talk nNjf_bCBf80-01297-00317922-00318106 about up there needs to be on the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01298-00318107-00318341 there are some exceptions you can nNjf_bCBf80-01299-00318342-00318665 briefly respond to public statements or nNjf_bCBf80-01300-00318666-00318875 ask questions of members of the public nNjf_bCBf80-01301-00318876-00319223 during public comment usually we don't nNjf_bCBf80-01302-00319224-00319397 recommend that even though the brown act nNjf_bCBf80-01303-00319398-00319637 says it is lawful because it's difficult nNjf_bCBf80-01304-00319638-00319871 to know what briefly means in the brown nNjf_bCBf80-01305-00319872-00320134 act and it's a good way to stray from nNjf_bCBf80-01306-00320135-00320249 the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01307-00320250-00320380 um you can like I said you can ask a nNjf_bCBf80-01308-00320381-00320554 question for clarification you can make nNjf_bCBf80-01309-00320555-00320771 a brief announcement that's why we have nNjf_bCBf80-01310-00320772-00320921 that item on the agenda for council nNjf_bCBf80-01311-00320922-00321130 member announcements we don't have to nNjf_bCBf80-01312-00321131-00321317 State the specific announcement that you nNjf_bCBf80-01313-00321318-00321539 will be making it's a surprise to all of nNjf_bCBf80-01314-00321540-00321665 us nNjf_bCBf80-01315-00321666-00321727 um nNjf_bCBf80-01316-00321728-00322204 and you can ask as we as you have done nNjf_bCBf80-01317-00322205-00322432 in the past you can ask to have a matter nNjf_bCBf80-01318-00322433-00322841 put on a future agenda next nNjf_bCBf80-01319-00322842-00323093 you can also add an emergency item to nNjf_bCBf80-01320-00323094-00323249 the agenda I spent some time on my nNjf_bCBf80-01321-00323250-00323458 slides on emergencies that seems to be nNjf_bCBf80-01322-00323459-00323753 appropriate these days there are two nNjf_bCBf80-01323-00323754-00323945 different ways in which you can add nNjf_bCBf80-01324-00323946-00324323 emergency item to the agenda one is the nNjf_bCBf80-01325-00324324-00324545 standard is similar to what I think is nNjf_bCBf80-01326-00324546-00324658 going to be discussed later in the nNjf_bCBf80-01327-00324659-00324832 presentation for calling an emergency nNjf_bCBf80-01328-00324833-00325127 meeting and that is there is a really nNjf_bCBf80-01329-00325128-00325403 dire emergency happen happening and so nNjf_bCBf80-01330-00325404-00325697 it's hard to imagine practically these nNjf_bCBf80-01331-00325698-00325858 circumstances because if there is a nNjf_bCBf80-01332-00325859-00326069 really dire emergency I don't know that nNjf_bCBf80-01333-00326070-00326195 you'd be having a council meeting but nNjf_bCBf80-01334-00326196-00326339 assume that you are assume that the nNjf_bCBf80-01335-00326340-00326554 agenda has gone out between the time nNjf_bCBf80-01336-00326555-00326729 that the agenda goes out and the time nNjf_bCBf80-01337-00326730-00326951 that you are sitting here there is a nNjf_bCBf80-01338-00326952-00327125 dire emergency and you need to talk nNjf_bCBf80-01339-00327126-00327401 about that item then you can say I would nNjf_bCBf80-01340-00327402-00327580 like this put on the agenda there is a nNjf_bCBf80-01341-00327581-00327845 dire emergency it requires only a nNjf_bCBf80-01342-00327846-00328019 majority vote of the council to put on nNjf_bCBf80-01343-00328020-00328343 the agenda second scenario is nNjf_bCBf80-01344-00328344-00328708 it's not necessarily A dire emergency as nNjf_bCBf80-01345-00328709-00328979 defined by the government code but it is nNjf_bCBf80-01346-00328980-00329171 an item that is important to be nNjf_bCBf80-01347-00329172-00329404 discussed immediate immediately because nNjf_bCBf80-01348-00329405-00329663 there is a need for immediate action and nNjf_bCBf80-01349-00329664-00329891 the agency which is not just you it's nNjf_bCBf80-01350-00329892-00330173 all of the staff didn't know about it nNjf_bCBf80-01351-00330174-00330479 until after the agenda went out in that nNjf_bCBf80-01352-00330480-00330804 case it requires a super majority but nNjf_bCBf80-01353-00330805-00331217 I think these things happen so so rarely nNjf_bCBf80-01354-00331218-00331534 um I just tell you I just did a little nNjf_bCBf80-01355-00331535-00331865 trivia okay next nNjf_bCBf80-01356-00331866-00332195 alrighty of course okay nNjf_bCBf80-01357-00332196-00332315 um this is a question that comes up nNjf_bCBf80-01358-00332316-00332525 somewhat often so I think a refresher is nNjf_bCBf80-01359-00332526-00332819 helpful if you are disqualified from nNjf_bCBf80-01360-00332820-00333029 voting on an item or participating in nNjf_bCBf80-01361-00333030-00333227 them because you have a conflict you nNjf_bCBf80-01362-00333228-00333479 were disqualified from the entire item nNjf_bCBf80-01363-00333480-00333725 you cannot participate in the debate and nNjf_bCBf80-01364-00333726-00334001 or the discussion or public comment and nNjf_bCBf80-01365-00334002-00334223 then recuse from the vote you need to be nNjf_bCBf80-01366-00334224-00334451 out of the entire item and it's not just nNjf_bCBf80-01367-00334452-00334582 the item on the agenda it's nNjf_bCBf80-01368-00334583-00334810 communicating with staff about it in nNjf_bCBf80-01369-00334811-00335032 advance communicating with your fellow nNjf_bCBf80-01370-00335033-00335206 council members communicating with nNjf_bCBf80-01371-00335207-00335387 planning Commissioners about it you're nNjf_bCBf80-01372-00335388-00335645 out of the entire item nNjf_bCBf80-01373-00335646-00335945 okay nNjf_bCBf80-01374-00335946-00336247 next nNjf_bCBf80-01375-00336248-00336671 avoiding bias there are two ways in nNjf_bCBf80-01376-00336672-00336910 which you serve the community as a nNjf_bCBf80-01377-00336911-00337104 council member one is through making nNjf_bCBf80-01378-00337105-00337360 legislative serving in your legislative nNjf_bCBf80-01379-00337361-00337589 function that is what the council does nNjf_bCBf80-01380-00337590-00337823 most of the time nNjf_bCBf80-01381-00337824-00337984 um I think every item on the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01382-00337985-00338177 tonight is you acting your in your nNjf_bCBf80-01383-00338178-00338363 legislative function that is usually nNjf_bCBf80-01384-00338364-00338471 what you're doing you're making nNjf_bCBf80-01385-00338472-00338927 ordinances you are directing staff the nNjf_bCBf80-01386-00338928-00339143 flag policy is an example you're making nNjf_bCBf80-01387-00339144-00339395 a policy or adopting an ordinance that nNjf_bCBf80-01388-00339396-00339593 applies to the entire Community or a nNjf_bCBf80-01389-00339594-00339779 large portion of the community nNjf_bCBf80-01390-00339780-00340153 at times you will sit in your nNjf_bCBf80-01391-00340154-00340463 quasi-judicial or adjudicatory nNjf_bCBf80-01392-00340464-00340769 uh function in that case you are nNjf_bCBf80-01393-00340770-00341003 essentially acting as a judge so you are nNjf_bCBf80-01394-00341004-00341291 ruling on an appeal in most cases or you nNjf_bCBf80-01395-00341292-00341506 are issuing you're ruling on an appeal nNjf_bCBf80-01396-00341507-00341753 of a permit issuance in that case your nNjf_bCBf80-01397-00341754-00342065 decision affects one person or a small nNjf_bCBf80-01398-00342066-00342269 small number of people like an applicant nNjf_bCBf80-01399-00342270-00342460 that may be four people nNjf_bCBf80-01400-00342461-00342779 if you are acting in Your quasi-judicial nNjf_bCBf80-01401-00342780-00343019 Capacity as a judge just like any other nNjf_bCBf80-01402-00343020-00343175 judge it's important that you not be nNjf_bCBf80-01403-00343176-00343289 biased nNjf_bCBf80-01404-00343290-00343769 and so what can create bias is saying in nNjf_bCBf80-01405-00343770-00344087 the community I support this project I'm nNjf_bCBf80-01406-00344088-00344267 going to do whatever I need to do to nNjf_bCBf80-01407-00344268-00344482 make sure this project is not approved nNjf_bCBf80-01408-00344483-00344723 or is approved you can kind of use your nNjf_bCBf80-01409-00344724-00344980 Common Sense on that if and if you have nNjf_bCBf80-01410-00344981-00345154 any questions you can certainly ask me nNjf_bCBf80-01411-00345155-00345353 or Jamie or Julia nNjf_bCBf80-01412-00345354-00345491 um if nNjf_bCBf80-01413-00345492-00345893 you do show bias in the community you nNjf_bCBf80-01414-00345894-00346084 would need to recuse yourself from nNjf_bCBf80-01415-00346085-00346313 discussion of the item nNjf_bCBf80-01416-00346314-00346630 most important that you watch bias in nNjf_bCBf80-01417-00346631-00346829 your quasi if you're if it's a decision nNjf_bCBf80-01418-00346830-00347129 that's in the quasi-judicial capacity nNjf_bCBf80-01419-00347130-00347458 bias in the legislative on decisions nNjf_bCBf80-01420-00347459-00347747 regarding your legislative capacity it's nNjf_bCBf80-01421-00347748-00347993 not as critical I mean you are elected nNjf_bCBf80-01422-00347994-00348173 to have opinions because you have nNjf_bCBf80-01423-00348174-00348497 opinions so it it is not as critical if nNjf_bCBf80-01424-00348498-00348749 you say before this meeting I really nNjf_bCBf80-01425-00348750-00348977 support option one on the flag policy nNjf_bCBf80-01426-00348978-00349132 you're sitting in your legislative nNjf_bCBf80-01427-00349133-00349373 capacity it's not as important nNjf_bCBf80-01428-00349374-00349571 there are no due process rights at issue nNjf_bCBf80-01429-00349572-00349865 okay next nNjf_bCBf80-01430-00349866-00350117 remote appearances I'm going to blow nNjf_bCBf80-01431-00350118-00350345 through this because I know that I've nNjf_bCBf80-01432-00350346-00350754 gone over it a couple times uh nNjf_bCBf80-01433-00350755-00351130 ab361 the law that allowed the council nNjf_bCBf80-01434-00351131-00351425 to remote into meetings during the nNjf_bCBf80-01435-00351426-00351647 pandemic has expired we now have two nNjf_bCBf80-01436-00351648-00351880 options you can either appear under the nNjf_bCBf80-01437-00351881-00352169 traditional Brown act rules or nNjf_bCBf80-01438-00352170-00352499 um the rules under ab2449 nNjf_bCBf80-01439-00352500-00352853 the main distinction here is whether or nNjf_bCBf80-01440-00352854-00353177 not you need to post on the agenda the nNjf_bCBf80-01441-00353178-00353399 address from which you are appearing so nNjf_bCBf80-01442-00353400-00353567 the bottom line here is if you would nNjf_bCBf80-01443-00353568-00353723 like to appear remotely please please nNjf_bCBf80-01444-00353724-00353980 let me know in advance and I can work nNjf_bCBf80-01445-00353981-00354239 with you on which of these procedures nNjf_bCBf80-01446-00354240-00354497 might make sense if for instance you are nNjf_bCBf80-01447-00354498-00354730 appearing from a conference you may want nNjf_bCBf80-01448-00354731-00354984 to use ab2449 nNjf_bCBf80-01449-00354985-00355319 because you're fine posting the address nNjf_bCBf80-01450-00355320-00355613 of your hotel on the agenda that's no nNjf_bCBf80-01451-00355614-00355865 big deal it's one of the reasons that nNjf_bCBf80-01452-00355866-00356045 you can appear remotely under that nNjf_bCBf80-01453-00356046-00356345 legislation if for instance you are not nNjf_bCBf80-01454-00356346-00356621 feeling well and you are appearing from nNjf_bCBf80-01455-00356622-00356789 home nNjf_bCBf80-01456-00356790-00356993 um you actually I had that backwards if nNjf_bCBf80-01457-00356994-00357149 you're appearing from a conference you nNjf_bCBf80-01458-00357150-00357358 are probably fine posting so you want to nNjf_bCBf80-01459-00357359-00357575 use the traditional Brown act rules if nNjf_bCBf80-01460-00357576-00357760 you are appearing from home because nNjf_bCBf80-01461-00357761-00358060 you're sick or you've got a sick kid nNjf_bCBf80-01462-00358061-00358343 in that case you may want to use the new nNjf_bCBf80-01463-00358344-00358565 rules because you are not required to nNjf_bCBf80-01464-00358566-00358769 post your home address and allow public nNjf_bCBf80-01465-00358770-00359123 comment at your home I mean I know nNjf_bCBf80-01466-00359124-00359182 um nNjf_bCBf80-01467-00359183-00359525 if you know in some places it I live in nNjf_bCBf80-01468-00359526-00359975 the city if I posted a notice on my door nNjf_bCBf80-01469-00359976-00360160 and invited the public in for public nNjf_bCBf80-01470-00360161-00360413 comment they might come in for public nNjf_bCBf80-01471-00360414-00360682 comment so you can think about that and nNjf_bCBf80-01472-00360683-00360815 I can work with you on what might work nNjf_bCBf80-01473-00360816-00361091 best for you nNjf_bCBf80-01474-00361092-00361253 next nNjf_bCBf80-01475-00361254-00361523 parliamentary procedure nNjf_bCBf80-01476-00361524-00361806 that's not me nNjf_bCBf80-01477-00361807-00362047 thank you nNjf_bCBf80-01478-00362048-00362701 thank you thank you nNjf_bCBf80-01479-00362702-00363017 go Julia oh I can cover Julia I'm sorry nNjf_bCBf80-01480-00363018-00363334 I didn't know okay nNjf_bCBf80-01481-00363335-00363532 yes I don't really think the Clickers nNjf_bCBf80-01482-00363533-00363695 it nNjf_bCBf80-01483-00363696-00363851 it's a work in progress nNjf_bCBf80-01484-00363852-00364171 it's earlier today nNjf_bCBf80-01485-00364172-00364384 so the city of Capitol has been using nNjf_bCBf80-01486-00364385-00364541 rosenberg's Rules of Order as nNjf_bCBf80-01487-00364542-00364691 parliamentary procedure for meetings nNjf_bCBf80-01488-00364692-00364978 since 2007 the key points of this nNjf_bCBf80-01489-00364979-00365153 procedure is that this is how you would nNjf_bCBf80-01490-00365154-00365458 process motions and seconds this is how nNjf_bCBf80-01491-00365459-00365680 you can conduct amendments to motions if nNjf_bCBf80-01492-00365681-00365795 somebody makes a motion and somebody nNjf_bCBf80-01493-00365796-00365963 else wants to Amendment you would make a nNjf_bCBf80-01494-00365964-00366208 friendly Amendment you can substitute nNjf_bCBf80-01495-00366209-00366382 motion so if one person makes a motion nNjf_bCBf80-01496-00366383-00366539 and another person wants to change the nNjf_bCBf80-01497-00366540-00366725 motion entirely you can do a substitute nNjf_bCBf80-01498-00366726-00366958 motion you can also call the question nNjf_bCBf80-01499-00366959-00367175 which calls for an immediate End nNjf_bCBf80-01500-00367176-00367421 discussion and calls for a vote or you nNjf_bCBf80-01501-00367422-00367565 can call for a point of order which nNjf_bCBf80-01502-00367566-00367763 would make a clarification during the nNjf_bCBf80-01503-00367764-00367901 motion nNjf_bCBf80-01504-00367902-00368249 Julia can you just I love the call to nNjf_bCBf80-01505-00368250-00368441 question a point of order can you just nNjf_bCBf80-01506-00368442-00368789 give us briefly like an example yeah I'm nNjf_bCBf80-01507-00368790-00369239 sure so do you want to talk sure nNjf_bCBf80-01508-00369240-00369610 oh no it's totally fine yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01509-00369611-00369767 um so to call the question so for nNjf_bCBf80-01510-00369768-00369899 example if there was a discussion nNjf_bCBf80-01511-00369900-00370078 happening and there was a motion on the nNjf_bCBf80-01512-00370079-00370319 floor and discussion was continuing to nNjf_bCBf80-01513-00370320-00370549 happen after the motion was on the floor nNjf_bCBf80-01514-00370550-00370834 then one council member could call the nNjf_bCBf80-01515-00370835-00371075 question which would end discussion on nNjf_bCBf80-01516-00371076-00371243 the item and Trigger the vote for the nNjf_bCBf80-01517-00371244-00371393 item and so there would have to be a nNjf_bCBf80-01518-00371394-00371519 vote in the motion would either pass or nNjf_bCBf80-01519-00371520-00371699 fail and if the motion was to fail then nNjf_bCBf80-01520-00371700-00371813 the discussion would continue again nNjf_bCBf80-01521-00371814-00372053 until an alternate motion was made nNjf_bCBf80-01522-00372054-00372263 perfect I think I would just add that I nNjf_bCBf80-01523-00372264-00372425 think it requires a super majority nNjf_bCBf80-01524-00372426-00372647 anything in rosenberg's rules that nNjf_bCBf80-01525-00372648-00372804 basically makes people stop talking nNjf_bCBf80-01526-00372805-00373043 requires a super majority yeah you have nNjf_bCBf80-01527-00373044-00373271 to vote to call to question right you nNjf_bCBf80-01528-00373272-00373391 can't just go straight to the vote on nNjf_bCBf80-01529-00373392-00373534 the motion you have to vote to call the nNjf_bCBf80-01530-00373535-00373721 question and then you vote on them vote nNjf_bCBf80-01531-00373722-00374177 to call the question is forfeits yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01532-00374178-00374363 yeah you want to tackle this nNjf_bCBf80-01533-00374364-00374530 order I nNjf_bCBf80-01534-00374531-00374728 I don't know that I've ever seen a vote nNjf_bCBf80-01535-00374729-00374921 on a point of order I've just seated nNjf_bCBf80-01536-00374922-00375130 seeing a council member say sort of nNjf_bCBf80-01537-00375131-00375365 point of order we should be doing this nNjf_bCBf80-01538-00375366-00375569 this way and it's exact I've seen it nNjf_bCBf80-01539-00375570-00375791 used exactly like it sounds like point nNjf_bCBf80-01540-00375792-00375947 of order nNjf_bCBf80-01541-00375948-00376228 um we should be uh getting public nNjf_bCBf80-01542-00376229-00376630 comment before we debate this item or nNjf_bCBf80-01543-00376631-00376858 point of order there is a substitute nNjf_bCBf80-01544-00376859-00377134 motion on the floor shouldn't we vote on nNjf_bCBf80-01545-00377135-00377339 that before nNjf_bCBf80-01546-00377340-00377519 um something else I don't feel like I nNjf_bCBf80-01547-00377520-00377663 see a lot of point of orders here this nNjf_bCBf80-01548-00377664-00377860 sounds so mean it does sound quite nNjf_bCBf80-01549-00377861-00378106 aggressive but you have a very engaged nNjf_bCBf80-01550-00378107-00378280 City attorney and city manager so you nNjf_bCBf80-01551-00378281-00378443 may not need points of order I'll also nNjf_bCBf80-01552-00378444-00378671 make a note that the city has adopted a nNjf_bCBf80-01553-00378672-00378827 code of conduct for our council members nNjf_bCBf80-01554-00378828-00378953 which we're going to talk about later in nNjf_bCBf80-01555-00378954-00379132 this presentation and the code of nNjf_bCBf80-01556-00379133-00379354 conduct does kind of outline procedures nNjf_bCBf80-01557-00379355-00379487 for how council members should treat nNjf_bCBf80-01558-00379488-00379649 each other's staff and other members nNjf_bCBf80-01559-00379650-00379780 other communities so point of order nNjf_bCBf80-01560-00379781-00380032 could also call to and you know nNjf_bCBf80-01561-00380033-00380225 discussion that's maybe not in line with nNjf_bCBf80-01562-00380226-00380375 the code of conduct nNjf_bCBf80-01563-00380376-00380669 Julia could you also um briefly talk nNjf_bCBf80-01564-00380670-00380860 about substitute motions because I know nNjf_bCBf80-01565-00380861-00380999 that sometimes there's some confusion nNjf_bCBf80-01566-00381000-00381208 about is that emotion that you'll vote nNjf_bCBf80-01567-00381209-00381389 on after if you'll vote on First and how nNjf_bCBf80-01568-00381390-00381491 that works nNjf_bCBf80-01569-00381492-00381634 if someone makes a motion and then nNjf_bCBf80-01570-00381635-00381845 someone makes a substitute motion yeah I nNjf_bCBf80-01571-00381846-00382013 can do that so nNjf_bCBf80-01572-00382014-00382260 um usually the nNjf_bCBf80-01573-00382261-00382504 substitute motion nNjf_bCBf80-01574-00382505-00382708 um the order of the motion order the nNjf_bCBf80-01575-00382709-00382967 vote it goes in reverse order so there's nNjf_bCBf80-01576-00382968-00383123 an original motion and then there's a nNjf_bCBf80-01577-00383124-00383308 substitute motion The Substitute motion nNjf_bCBf80-01578-00383309-00383525 is voted on First and at times The nNjf_bCBf80-01579-00383526-00383693 Substitute motion will obviate the need nNjf_bCBf80-01580-00383694-00383873 for the original motion which is why nNjf_bCBf80-01581-00383874-00384178 it's done in reverse order same within a nNjf_bCBf80-01582-00384179-00384473 friendly Amendment or say I guess an nNjf_bCBf80-01583-00384474-00384599 amendment emotion is the same as a nNjf_bCBf80-01584-00384600-00384803 substitute motion so yeah reverse is nNjf_bCBf80-01585-00384804-00385025 that your question yeah yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01586-00385026-00385199 one thing I was going to add on point of nNjf_bCBf80-01587-00385200-00385391 order I think the few times I've seen it nNjf_bCBf80-01588-00385392-00385613 it really is like nNjf_bCBf80-01589-00385614-00385793 it's sort of a way to interrupt if nNjf_bCBf80-01590-00385794-00385997 you're not there like if you're sitting nNjf_bCBf80-01591-00385998-00386117 over there and you're like I don't think nNjf_bCBf80-01592-00386118-00386356 we've gone in public comment and you can nNjf_bCBf80-01593-00386357-00386501 just sort of like grab your bike and nNjf_bCBf80-01594-00386502-00386639 kind of interrupt the same point of nNjf_bCBf80-01595-00386640-00386897 order and it kind of gives you the floor nNjf_bCBf80-01596-00386898-00387071 um so it isn't necessarily an aggressive nNjf_bCBf80-01597-00387072-00387532 thing it can't just be like a hey nNjf_bCBf80-01598-00387533-00387839 versus doing this or you could yes that nNjf_bCBf80-01599-00387840-00388019 that also works which I need every nNjf_bCBf80-01600-00388020-00388319 meeting which is fine nNjf_bCBf80-01601-00388320-00388577 are there any other questions nNjf_bCBf80-01602-00388578-00388889 all right yes moving along so you all nNjf_bCBf80-01603-00388890-00389021 are familiar with our city council nNjf_bCBf80-01604-00389022-00389254 agendas by now but just to briefly cover nNjf_bCBf80-01605-00389255-00389404 the different types of meetings that you nNjf_bCBf80-01606-00389405-00389656 might see I think so far this year we've nNjf_bCBf80-01607-00389657-00389993 seen two of these maybe almost three but nNjf_bCBf80-01608-00389994-00390125 basically there are regular meetings nNjf_bCBf80-01609-00390126-00390275 which are scheduled in advance this nNjf_bCBf80-01610-00390276-00390425 meeting calendar is adopted at the end nNjf_bCBf80-01611-00390426-00390641 of the year for the following year the nNjf_bCBf80-01612-00390642-00390784 agendas for regular meetings are nNjf_bCBf80-01613-00390785-00390995 published at least 72 hours ahead of the nNjf_bCBf80-01614-00390996-00391139 meeting in accordance with the brown act nNjf_bCBf80-01615-00391140-00391397 items address a variety of topics but nNjf_bCBf80-01616-00391398-00391691 General business for the city and in nNjf_bCBf80-01617-00391692-00391858 capital the city council meets on second nNjf_bCBf80-01618-00391859-00392075 and fourth Thursdays at 6 PM which is a nNjf_bCBf80-01619-00392076-00392230 recent change to this city council nNjf_bCBf80-01620-00392231-00392363 meeting calendar nNjf_bCBf80-01621-00392364-00392573 the other type of meeting is a special nNjf_bCBf80-01622-00392574-00392765 meeting sometimes special meetings are nNjf_bCBf80-01623-00392766-00392915 planned in advance like the budget nNjf_bCBf80-01624-00392916-00393149 hearings that were adopted recently or nNjf_bCBf80-01625-00393150-00393354 sometimes they can be nNjf_bCBf80-01626-00393355-00393665 scheduled last minute the time nNjf_bCBf80-01627-00393666-00393851 requirement for agendas for special nNjf_bCBf80-01628-00393852-00394073 meetings is actually only 24 hours ahead nNjf_bCBf80-01629-00394074-00394295 of time so a meeting could be scheduled nNjf_bCBf80-01630-00394296-00394469 on Monday and then held on Wednesday and nNjf_bCBf80-01631-00394470-00394571 the agenda would be published in nNjf_bCBf80-01632-00394572-00394745 accordance with the brown act special nNjf_bCBf80-01633-00394746-00394978 meetings are typically scheduled to nNjf_bCBf80-01634-00394979-00395230 cover a single issue so a workshop or a nNjf_bCBf80-01635-00395231-00395393 time sensitive item nNjf_bCBf80-01636-00395394-00395560 and the Third Kind of meeting which nNjf_bCBf80-01637-00395561-00395771 Samantha touched on earlier is an nNjf_bCBf80-01638-00395772-00395945 emergency meeting and these are very nNjf_bCBf80-01639-00395946-00396130 rare and critical and are usually nNjf_bCBf80-01640-00396131-00396328 scheduled with less than 24 hours notice nNjf_bCBf80-01641-00396329-00396551 and these are meant to address threats nNjf_bCBf80-01642-00396552-00396773 that pose immediate threat or concern to nNjf_bCBf80-01643-00396774-00396875 the health and safety of the community nNjf_bCBf80-01644-00396876-00397006 and the city council would have to take nNjf_bCBf80-01645-00397007-00397367 immediate action to approve something nNjf_bCBf80-01646-00397368-00397565 again can I ask you a question about nNjf_bCBf80-01647-00397566-00397823 agendas sure there's an edit to the nNjf_bCBf80-01648-00397824-00398008 agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01649-00398009-00398075 um nNjf_bCBf80-01650-00398076-00398404 after it goes out does that update get nNjf_bCBf80-01651-00398405-00398656 set directly to council do we get the nNjf_bCBf80-01652-00398657-00398932 updates so it depends on the type of nNjf_bCBf80-01653-00398933-00399113 edit there is like a provision within nNjf_bCBf80-01654-00399114-00399232 the brown act I believe that if there's nNjf_bCBf80-01655-00399233-00399437 like a fairy smell like a typo is nNjf_bCBf80-01656-00399438-00399587 corrected on the agenda then there's an nNjf_bCBf80-01657-00399588-00399821 allowance for small edits like that but nNjf_bCBf80-01658-00399822-00400043 if there was a substantive change to the nNjf_bCBf80-01659-00400044-00400247 content of the agenda then it would have nNjf_bCBf80-01660-00400248-00400582 to be republished and re-sent out to nNjf_bCBf80-01661-00400583-00400708 um like everyone that's on our nNjf_bCBf80-01662-00400709-00401230 receivable list for the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01663-00401231-00401471 so as you already know we do have nNjf_bCBf80-01664-00401472-00401656 sometimes closed sessions and these nNjf_bCBf80-01665-00401657-00401837 closed session meetings are closed to nNjf_bCBf80-01666-00401838-00402023 the public that we do open the meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01667-00402024-00402178 in a public session the councilman nNjf_bCBf80-01668-00402179-00402389 adjourns and goes to another location to nNjf_bCBf80-01669-00402390-00402610 conduct the closed session business the nNjf_bCBf80-01670-00402611-00402802 closed session is usually directly prior nNjf_bCBf80-01671-00402803-00403078 to open session or regular meetings only nNjf_bCBf80-01672-00403079-00403271 specific items qualify for closed nNjf_bCBf80-01673-00403272-00403493 session the most common closed session nNjf_bCBf80-01674-00403494-00403673 topics are litigation real estate nNjf_bCBf80-01675-00403674-00403973 negotiations Personnel issues or labor nNjf_bCBf80-01676-00403974-00404201 negotiations and disclosure of nNjf_bCBf80-01677-00404202-00404363 confidential information from these nNjf_bCBf80-01678-00404364-00404632 sessions is a misdemeanor for example I nNjf_bCBf80-01679-00404633-00404734 included the closed session language nNjf_bCBf80-01680-00404735-00404932 from tonight which you guys are all nNjf_bCBf80-01681-00404933-00405269 familiar with nNjf_bCBf80-01682-00405270-00405454 I'm not going to cover too much of this nNjf_bCBf80-01683-00405455-00405604 because by now you've seen many of our nNjf_bCBf80-01684-00405605-00405760 agendas so the agenda structure should nNjf_bCBf80-01685-00405761-00405958 be pretty familiar for you but I did nNjf_bCBf80-01686-00405959-00406193 want to mention that staff recently in nNjf_bCBf80-01687-00406194-00406354 the past couple years did undergo an nNjf_bCBf80-01688-00406355-00406510 effort to streamline the agenda process nNjf_bCBf80-01689-00406511-00406702 and make sure that time limits were set nNjf_bCBf80-01690-00406703-00406960 for some of the items like presentations nNjf_bCBf80-01691-00406961-00407237 or oral Communications or staff and city nNjf_bCBf80-01692-00407238-00407465 council comments this was based partly nNjf_bCBf80-01693-00407466-00407693 on city council direction to staff as nNjf_bCBf80-01694-00407694-00407908 that at the time because the meetings nNjf_bCBf80-01695-00407909-00408095 were starting later the time it took to nNjf_bCBf80-01696-00408096-00408256 finally get to like the meat of the item nNjf_bCBf80-01697-00408257-00408508 Aiden to everybody's evening not only nNjf_bCBf80-01698-00408509-00408677 city council members and staff but also nNjf_bCBf80-01699-00408678-00408797 members of the public who were in nNjf_bCBf80-01700-00408798-00408952 attendance who wanted to hear or nNjf_bCBf80-01701-00408953-00409217 participate on a certain item so in an nNjf_bCBf80-01702-00409218-00409421 effort to address that staff has made nNjf_bCBf80-01703-00409422-00409595 changes to streamline the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01704-00409596-00409822 structure making presentations limited nNjf_bCBf80-01705-00409823-00410003 to eight minutes staff and city council nNjf_bCBf80-01706-00410004-00410224 comments three minutes each and oral nNjf_bCBf80-01707-00410225-00410459 Communications on off agenda items or nNjf_bCBf80-01708-00410460-00410597 consent calendar items three minutes nNjf_bCBf80-01709-00410597-00410897 each nNjf_bCBf80-01710-00410897-00411113 so the consent calendar as you're all nNjf_bCBf80-01711-00411114-00411293 familiar with now all items are adopted nNjf_bCBf80-01712-00411293-00411484 with one vote there's no presentation or nNjf_bCBf80-01713-00411485-00411670 discussion required however items can be nNjf_bCBf80-01714-00411671-00411820 pooled at a city council member's nNjf_bCBf80-01715-00411821-00412216 discretion or sometimes by staff nNjf_bCBf80-01716-00412217-00412426 and then General government items or nNjf_bCBf80-01717-00412427-00412666 public hearing items each item follows a nNjf_bCBf80-01718-00412667-00412847 procedure that's outlined in our agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01719-00412847-00413057 there's a staff presentation time for nNjf_bCBf80-01720-00413058-00413291 Council questions and then public nNjf_bCBf80-01721-00413292-00413453 comment and the reason why Council nNjf_bCBf80-01722-00413454-00413626 questions occur before public comment is nNjf_bCBf80-01723-00413627-00413764 that the council may have a question nNjf_bCBf80-01724-00413766-00413939 that the public would also want to know nNjf_bCBf80-01725-00413939-00414095 an answer to so it kind of helps to nNjf_bCBf80-01726-00414096-00414364 combat duplicative questions I'm nNjf_bCBf80-01727-00414366-00414503 following public comment there is nNjf_bCBf80-01728-00414504-00415037 Council deliberation and then a vote nNjf_bCBf80-01729-00415038-00415228 for the oral communication portion of nNjf_bCBf80-01730-00415229-00415439 the agenda this section is really nNjf_bCBf80-01731-00415439-00415709 targeted for things outside of the nNjf_bCBf80-01732-00415710-00415907 jurisdiction of legislative body or for nNjf_bCBf80-01733-00415908-00416128 not items listed on the agenda however nNjf_bCBf80-01734-00416129-00416326 members of the public could also use nNjf_bCBf80-01735-00416327-00416530 this time to comment on agenda items nNjf_bCBf80-01736-00416531-00416687 that are in the consent calendar to nNjf_bCBf80-01737-00416688-00416824 avoid having them pooled from the nNjf_bCBf80-01738-00416825-00417082 consent calendar public comment on nNjf_bCBf80-01739-00417083-00417257 agenda items that are listed on the nNjf_bCBf80-01740-00417258-00417509 agenda is required prior to Council vote nNjf_bCBf80-01741-00417510-00417713 and right now we do have zoom and nNjf_bCBf80-01742-00417714-00417922 in-person participation for our members nNjf_bCBf80-01743-00417923-00418060 of the public nNjf_bCBf80-01744-00418062-00418301 when it comes to public comment on nNjf_bCBf80-01745-00418302-00418582 agenda items or off agenda items members nNjf_bCBf80-01746-00418583-00418901 of the public have a lot of leeway as to nNjf_bCBf80-01747-00418902-00419116 what they can say the only things that nNjf_bCBf80-01748-00419117-00419291 would really be prohibited during a nNjf_bCBf80-01749-00419292-00419470 council meeting is something that's nNjf_bCBf80-01750-00419471-00419657 disruptive to the meeting or disrupts nNjf_bCBf80-01751-00419658-00419909 the meeting or something that is I nNjf_bCBf80-01752-00419910-00420149 believe the language is like a nNjf_bCBf80-01753-00420150-00420383 harmful like something harmful nNjf_bCBf80-01754-00420384-00420718 or inciting violence that's the one yeah nNjf_bCBf80-01755-00420719-00420845 um so those are really the only two nNjf_bCBf80-01756-00420846-00421013 limitations as to what somebody could nNjf_bCBf80-01757-00421014-00421187 say during a meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01758-00421188-00421360 and when it comes to responding to nNjf_bCBf80-01759-00421362-00421510 public comment nNjf_bCBf80-01760-00421512-00421763 um I believe Sam touched on this earlier nNjf_bCBf80-01761-00421764-00421960 but basically comments are a part of the nNjf_bCBf80-01762-00421962-00422225 record of the meeting and remarks should nNjf_bCBf80-01763-00422226-00422357 be addressed to the council as a body nNjf_bCBf80-01764-00422358-00422525 and not to a specific council member nNjf_bCBf80-01765-00422526-00422860 city council members aren't required to nNjf_bCBf80-01766-00422862-00423016 respond to public comment and shouldn't nNjf_bCBf80-01767-00423017-00423185 engage in a discussion with members of nNjf_bCBf80-01768-00423185-00423341 the public if they come up here and have nNjf_bCBf80-01769-00423342-00423557 a comment but a statement could be nNjf_bCBf80-01770-00423558-00423713 provided I think is what Sam mentioned nNjf_bCBf80-01771-00423714-00423977 earlier or direction to staff could be nNjf_bCBf80-01772-00423978-00424133 provided as a part of the city council nNjf_bCBf80-01773-00424134-00424355 member discussion nNjf_bCBf80-01774-00424356-00424553 can I jump in on this really quickly nNjf_bCBf80-01775-00424554-00424733 sure just on the what's allowed and nNjf_bCBf80-01776-00424734-00424877 what's not nNjf_bCBf80-01777-00424878-00425045 um there's actually some pretty famous nNjf_bCBf80-01778-00425046-00425213 litigation I think in the city of Santa nNjf_bCBf80-01779-00425214-00425320 Cruz nNjf_bCBf80-01780-00425321-00425622 God see someone nNjf_bCBf80-01781-00425623-00425909 Nazi salute allowed and it has to be nNjf_bCBf80-01782-00425910-00426091 actually released nNjf_bCBf80-01783-00426092-00426485 that was allowed but someone turning to nNjf_bCBf80-01784-00426485-00426751 the audience and getting the audience nNjf_bCBf80-01785-00426752-00427139 to chant was not allowed it is really nNjf_bCBf80-01786-00427139-00427391 about an actual disruption of the nNjf_bCBf80-01787-00427392-00427589 meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01788-00427589-00427757 yeah so that's one of the things is nNjf_bCBf80-01789-00427758-00427955 somebody coming up here and saying how nNjf_bCBf80-01790-00427956-00428231 horrible your city manager is nNjf_bCBf80-01791-00428232-00428489 yeah I was picking on these nNjf_bCBf80-01792-00428489-00428657 on me nNjf_bCBf80-01793-00428658-00428818 and you know I know council members have nNjf_bCBf80-01794-00428819-00428945 struggled with that before when somebody nNjf_bCBf80-01795-00428946-00429143 is making very direct personal attacks nNjf_bCBf80-01796-00429143-00429281 but personal attacks are really in nNjf_bCBf80-01797-00429282-00429581 Balance inciting violence or making it nNjf_bCBf80-01798-00429582-00429791 so we can't do the meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01799-00429792-00430163 yeah but couldn't we ask them so we have nNjf_bCBf80-01800-00430164-00430397 three minutes nNjf_bCBf80-01801-00430397-00430601 thing up there after they're done we can nNjf_bCBf80-01802-00430602-00430714 ask them to leave and if they don't nNjf_bCBf80-01803-00430715-00430901 leave that's destructive and then they nNjf_bCBf80-01804-00430902-00431129 can be escorted out correct nNjf_bCBf80-01805-00431130-00431255 if they're not following the direction nNjf_bCBf80-01806-00431256-00431459 and they're not letting the meetings nNjf_bCBf80-01807-00431460-00431668 there is also a section of the municipal nNjf_bCBf80-01808-00431669-00431843 code that addresses remarks to the city nNjf_bCBf80-01809-00431843-00432053 council so nNjf_bCBf80-01810-00432054-00432209 there is like a little bit of guidance nNjf_bCBf80-01811-00432210-00432389 there as well nNjf_bCBf80-01812-00432389-00432568 and then the last one of the responding nNjf_bCBf80-01813-00432569-00432755 for public comments my recommendation nNjf_bCBf80-01814-00432756-00432910 you may have somebody up there that nNjf_bCBf80-01815-00432912-00433097 makes really some really good questions nNjf_bCBf80-01816-00433097-00433360 that they pose my recommendation is nNjf_bCBf80-01817-00433362-00433643 always to let let the public comment and nNjf_bCBf80-01818-00433643-00433955 then as a council member staff nNjf_bCBf80-01819-00433956-00434207 staff won't just start answering you nNjf_bCBf80-01820-00434208-00434357 know it's your meeting if the council's nNjf_bCBf80-01821-00434358-00434575 meeting we're looking for Direction nNjf_bCBf80-01822-00434576-00434825 when public comment is closed if you nNjf_bCBf80-01823-00434826-00434951 think that there's some items that nNjf_bCBf80-01824-00434952-00435143 deserve a response nNjf_bCBf80-01825-00435143-00435310 you're more than welcome to turn to nNjf_bCBf80-01826-00435312-00435514 staff and say we during public comment nNjf_bCBf80-01827-00435515-00435635 we heard a number of good questions nNjf_bCBf80-01828-00435635-00435875 about acts do you think we can get a nNjf_bCBf80-01829-00435876-00436103 quick response that's totally inbound nNjf_bCBf80-01830-00436104-00436349 totally appropriate I'd recommend nNjf_bCBf80-01831-00436350-00436577 waiting until somebody sits back down uh nNjf_bCBf80-01832-00436578-00436745 because when they're standing there and nNjf_bCBf80-01833-00436746-00436991 then you ask for a response from me or nNjf_bCBf80-01834-00436992-00437159 you give it yourself nNjf_bCBf80-01835-00437160-00437399 it's very easy then usually when I see nNjf_bCBf80-01836-00437400-00437585 the person with the mic then up there nNjf_bCBf80-01837-00437585-00437801 then say well what about you know nNjf_bCBf80-01838-00437802-00438022 this situation would have been so pretty nNjf_bCBf80-01839-00438023-00438503 quickly nNjf_bCBf80-01840-00438504-00438670 were there any other questions before we nNjf_bCBf80-01841-00438671-00438772 move on nNjf_bCBf80-01842-00438773-00438916 all right thanks nNjf_bCBf80-01843-00438917-00439175 so going over some basics for the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01844-00439176-00439391 agenda items are for Council to act on nNjf_bCBf80-01845-00439392-00439577 as a topic or to discuss an issue at nNjf_bCBf80-01846-00439578-00439787 length each item must be on a published nNjf_bCBf80-01847-00439788-00440057 in accordance with the brown act this nNjf_bCBf80-01848-00440058-00440291 does include items that require no nNjf_bCBf80-01849-00440292-00440483 action so for example if you are to nNjf_bCBf80-01850-00440484-00440675 accept a presentation or present a nNjf_bCBf80-01851-00440676-00440818 proclamation those also need to be nNjf_bCBf80-01852-00440819-00440945 agendized nNjf_bCBf80-01853-00440946-00441233 how to put items on the agenda so there nNjf_bCBf80-01854-00441234-00441479 are two ways that items can be agendized nNjf_bCBf80-01855-00441480-00441695 the city manager has the discretion to nNjf_bCBf80-01856-00441696-00441820 put items on the agenda during the nNjf_bCBf80-01857-00441821-00442025 regular course of business but in nNjf_bCBf80-01858-00442026-00442193 accordance with capital Municipal Code nNjf_bCBf80-01859-00442193-00442409 you can also request at an open council nNjf_bCBf80-01860-00442410-00442577 meeting for an item to be agendized at a nNjf_bCBf80-01861-00442578-00442816 later date so any person on the city nNjf_bCBf80-01862-00442817-00443003 council can request an agenda item nNjf_bCBf80-01863-00443004-00443231 during a regular or nNjf_bCBf80-01864-00443232-00443464 um like an open meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01865-00443465-00443722 the requirements to add an item to the nNjf_bCBf80-01866-00443723-00443939 agenda during the meeting or after the nNjf_bCBf80-01867-00443939-00444137 agenda is published we talked about nNjf_bCBf80-01868-00444138-00444383 about this prior but it's basically for nNjf_bCBf80-01869-00444384-00444551 emergency situations or things that nNjf_bCBf80-01870-00444552-00444845 require action prior to the next meeting nNjf_bCBf80-01871-00444846-00445025 and then in terms of organizing the nNjf_bCBf80-01872-00445026-00445216 agenda or where items are placed on the nNjf_bCBf80-01873-00445217-00445414 agenda this is something that the city nNjf_bCBf80-01874-00445415-00445643 manager works with staff on certain nNjf_bCBf80-01875-00445643-00445960 items require public noticing or public nNjf_bCBf80-01876-00445962-00446170 hearing so staff is making sure that nNjf_bCBf80-01877-00446171-00446327 we're tracking legal requirements to nNjf_bCBf80-01878-00446328-00446470 ensure that those public noticing nNjf_bCBf80-01879-00446471-00446668 requirements are met and those items nNjf_bCBf80-01880-00446669-00446813 fall under the general government or nNjf_bCBf80-01881-00446814-00447137 public hearing section other items when nNjf_bCBf80-01882-00447138-00447299 possible can be approved on consent nNjf_bCBf80-01883-00447300-00447545 which requires less discussion and those nNjf_bCBf80-01884-00447546-00448003 are more regular routine business items nNjf_bCBf80-01885-00448004-00448318 some possible Council actions could nNjf_bCBf80-01886-00448319-00448483 include providing direction to staff nNjf_bCBf80-01887-00448484-00448787 making a motion to authorize or approve nNjf_bCBf80-01888-00448788-00448907 an item nNjf_bCBf80-01889-00448908-00449135 things that often come up on city nNjf_bCBf80-01890-00449135-00449279 council agendas are resolutions and nNjf_bCBf80-01891-00449280-00449477 ordinances and resolutions are formal nNjf_bCBf80-01892-00449478-00449747 adoption of policy changes changes to nNjf_bCBf80-01893-00449747-00449968 the budget occasionally they can involve nNjf_bCBf80-01894-00449969-00450209 formal adoption of like a large contract nNjf_bCBf80-01895-00450210-00450563 or things like that the most legislative nNjf_bCBf80-01896-00450564-00450718 action the city council can do is nNjf_bCBf80-01897-00450719-00450966 introduce and adopt ordinances which nNjf_bCBf80-01898-00450967-00451187 introduce changes to the municipal codes nNjf_bCBf80-01899-00451188-00451487 the laws of the city ordinances are nNjf_bCBf80-01900-00451488-00451703 required to be introduced and then nNjf_bCBf80-01901-00451704-00451870 adopted at a subsequent meeting and nNjf_bCBf80-01902-00451871-00452087 become effective 30 days after adoption nNjf_bCBf80-01903-00452088-00452297 or there are emergency or urgency nNjf_bCBf80-01904-00452297-00452489 ordinances which would have more nNjf_bCBf80-01905-00452489-00452668 immediate action and are followed up nNjf_bCBf80-01906-00452669-00452837 with a regular adoption of an ordinance nNjf_bCBf80-01907-00452838-00453155 at a later date nNjf_bCBf80-01908-00453156-00453359 so now Switching gears from the agenda nNjf_bCBf80-01909-00453360-00453527 we're going to move on to the code of nNjf_bCBf80-01910-00453528-00453683 conduct and other applicable nNjf_bCBf80-01911-00453684-00453887 administrative policies for the city nNjf_bCBf80-01912-00453888-00454049 council and some of these were included nNjf_bCBf80-01913-00454050-00454283 in your agenda packet nNjf_bCBf80-01914-00454284-00454555 but to start off administrative policy nNjf_bCBf80-01915-00454556-00454918 i-42 is the code of conduct this policy nNjf_bCBf80-01916-00454919-00455147 was originally developed in 2020 and nNjf_bCBf80-01917-00455147-00455435 then adopted in 2021 it works in nNjf_bCBf80-01918-00455435-00455585 conjunction with legal requirements for nNjf_bCBf80-01919-00455585-00455764 the city council so legal requirements nNjf_bCBf80-01920-00455765-00455981 regarding the ethics or like regular nNjf_bCBf80-01921-00455982-00456172 trainings that are required or code of nNjf_bCBf80-01922-00456173-00456418 conduct that is required I may outlines nNjf_bCBf80-01923-00456419-00456629 core values for city council members and nNjf_bCBf80-01924-00456630-00456809 appointed officials to City advisory nNjf_bCBf80-01925-00456810-00457049 bodies and there are procedures outlined nNjf_bCBf80-01926-00457050-00457210 to investigate violations of the nNjf_bCBf80-01927-00457212-00457414 standards and penalties outlined for nNjf_bCBf80-01928-00457415-00457739 those violations within the policy nNjf_bCBf80-01929-00457739-00457999 this code of conduct policy provides nNjf_bCBf80-01930-00458000-00458237 transparency and allows for standards nNjf_bCBf80-01931-00458238-00458410 for decision making for elected and nNjf_bCBf80-01932-00458412-00458639 appointed officials there are standards nNjf_bCBf80-01933-00458639-00458818 for relations with other council members nNjf_bCBf80-01934-00458819-00459053 for decorum at public meetings there are nNjf_bCBf80-01935-00459054-00459191 standards for communications with the nNjf_bCBf80-01936-00459192-00459407 public boards and commissions other nNjf_bCBf80-01937-00459408-00459641 governmental agencies staff and media nNjf_bCBf80-01938-00459642-00459845 and it establishes standards for how nNjf_bCBf80-01939-00459846-00460007 city council and appointed officials are nNjf_bCBf80-01940-00460008-00460277 expected to interact with staff nNjf_bCBf80-01941-00460278-00460505 um all members of our city advisory nNjf_bCBf80-01942-00460506-00460679 bodies are provided a copy of this nNjf_bCBf80-01943-00460680-00460841 policy and are expected to sign it along nNjf_bCBf80-01944-00460842-00461105 with our city council members and the nNjf_bCBf80-01945-00461106-00461260 signed copies are made a part of like nNjf_bCBf80-01946-00461262-00461410 the administrative record for each group nNjf_bCBf80-01947-00461412-00461599 so we have them on file nNjf_bCBf80-01948-00461600-00461849 I think all of yours are also available nNjf_bCBf80-01949-00461850-00462083 to you on netflow which you use for your nNjf_bCBf80-01950-00462084-00462551 code or conflict of interest filings nNjf_bCBf80-01951-00462552-00462743 some other administrative policies that nNjf_bCBf80-01952-00462743-00462941 are applicable are the technology nNjf_bCBf80-01953-00462942-00463133 reimbursement policy which came up at a nNjf_bCBf80-01954-00463134-00463333 recent meeting this is policy V10 nNjf_bCBf80-01955-00463334-00463583 council members who elect to go nNjf_bCBf80-01956-00463584-00463816 paperless and sign this policy may nNjf_bCBf80-01957-00463817-00464051 receive an annual reimbursement for a nNjf_bCBf80-01958-00464052-00464237 digital reading device or software to nNjf_bCBf80-01959-00464238-00464447 receive agenda materials or city nNjf_bCBf80-01960-00464447-00464693 materials so for example if you elected nNjf_bCBf80-01961-00464693-00464927 to go paperless and purchase an iPad you nNjf_bCBf80-01962-00464928-00465064 could receive an annual reimbursement nNjf_bCBf80-01963-00465065-00465364 amount in exchange for that effort to be nNjf_bCBf80-01964-00465365-00465557 more environmentally conscious nNjf_bCBf80-01965-00465558-00465814 the other administrative policy that is nNjf_bCBf80-01966-00465815-00466079 important here is policy i-31 regarding nNjf_bCBf80-01967-00466080-00466325 abstentions council members are nNjf_bCBf80-01968-00466326-00466481 prohibited from participating in nNjf_bCBf80-01969-00466482-00466660 governmental decisions that may have a nNjf_bCBf80-01970-00466662-00466822 material Financial effect on their nNjf_bCBf80-01971-00466823-00467063 economic interests including his or her nNjf_bCBf80-01972-00467064-00467249 personal finances nNjf_bCBf80-01973-00467250-00467483 however noting that council members nNjf_bCBf80-01974-00467484-00467735 should not abstain from a vote to avoid nNjf_bCBf80-01975-00467735-00467993 casting a controversial vote and so this nNjf_bCBf80-01976-00467993-00468293 policy was really crafted to help make nNjf_bCBf80-01977-00468293-00468407 sure that council members are nNjf_bCBf80-01978-00468408-00468605 participating in discussion and then not nNjf_bCBf80-01979-00468606-00468749 backing away from the vote at the last nNjf_bCBf80-01980-00468750-00468959 minute and making sure that everyone is nNjf_bCBf80-01981-00468960-00469157 casting a vote appropriately nNjf_bCBf80-01982-00469158-00469553 Julia just to clarify personal finances nNjf_bCBf80-01983-00469554-00469697 include your spouse as well correct nNjf_bCBf80-01984-00469697-00469835 correct so anything that would be nNjf_bCBf80-01985-00469835-00469972 outlined on your conflict of interest nNjf_bCBf80-01986-00469973-00470195 filing nNjf_bCBf80-01987-00470196-00470339 and with that if there aren't any other nNjf_bCBf80-01988-00470339-00470525 questions I'm going to turn it over to nNjf_bCBf80-01989-00470526-00470860 Chloe to talk about our other policies nNjf_bCBf80-01990-00470862-00471041 do my best nNjf_bCBf80-01991-00471042-00471310 thank you so much Julia so we're going nNjf_bCBf80-01992-00471312-00471557 to talk briefly on how to appropriately nNjf_bCBf80-01993-00471558-00471809 use social media you know it's very nNjf_bCBf80-01994-00471810-00472085 exciting again nNjf_bCBf80-01995-00472085-00472270 um so nNjf_bCBf80-01996-00472271-00472457 this was touched on earlier by our nNjf_bCBf80-01997-00472458-00472618 fabulous attorney but it's worth nNjf_bCBf80-01998-00472619-00472816 mentioning again there are different nNjf_bCBf80-01999-00472817-00473110 types of hearings right so most commonly nNjf_bCBf80-02000-00473112-00473285 you're going to be working as a nNjf_bCBf80-02001-00473285-00473410 legislative body so you'll be nNjf_bCBf80-02002-00473412-00473651 establishing policy and rules for groups nNjf_bCBf80-02003-00473652-00473872 of people or property but however nNjf_bCBf80-02004-00473873-00474097 occasionally you might be in your nNjf_bCBf80-02005-00474097-00474353 quasi-judicial function which means nNjf_bCBf80-02006-00474354-00474545 you're acting like a judge you might be nNjf_bCBf80-02007-00474546-00474827 applying a rule or approving a permit nNjf_bCBf80-02008-00474828-00475145 for one business or one person so a good nNjf_bCBf80-02009-00475146-00475313 question to ask yourself if you're nNjf_bCBf80-02010-00475314-00475535 confused is are you affecting one person nNjf_bCBf80-02011-00475535-00475799 or the whole city and that kind of leads nNjf_bCBf80-02012-00475800-00475985 you to what kind of function you're nNjf_bCBf80-02013-00475985-00476249 serving under that's important because nNjf_bCBf80-02014-00476250-00476501 whether or not an item is quasi-judicial nNjf_bCBf80-02015-00476502-00476710 or legislative you would treat it nNjf_bCBf80-02016-00476712-00476891 differently on social media so that's nNjf_bCBf80-02017-00476892-00477107 what we're going to talk about now we nNjf_bCBf80-02018-00477108-00477287 have this handy dandy chart which was nNjf_bCBf80-02019-00477288-00477449 included in the policy and in your nNjf_bCBf80-02020-00477450-00477545 packet nNjf_bCBf80-02021-00477546-00477707 and it outlines kind of the different nNjf_bCBf80-02022-00477708-00477947 ways you can behave on social media and nNjf_bCBf80-02023-00477947-00478139 if they're acceptable or if they're nNjf_bCBf80-02024-00478139-00478499 against the policy so there's a lot of nNjf_bCBf80-02025-00478500-00478691 behavior on social media that is nNjf_bCBf80-02026-00478692-00478895 completely fine it's almost encouraged nNjf_bCBf80-02027-00478896-00479110 by unelected officials at this point and nNjf_bCBf80-02028-00479112-00479327 I'm going to have examples so there's nNjf_bCBf80-02029-00479328-00479518 acceptable behaviors and generally nNjf_bCBf80-02030-00479519-00479722 speaking I think I'm certainly the five nNjf_bCBf80-02031-00479723-00479945 of you and most of our elected officials nNjf_bCBf80-02032-00479946-00480113 and appointed officials are using social nNjf_bCBf80-02033-00480114-00480310 media to their advantage to just push nNjf_bCBf80-02034-00480312-00480533 out information spread the word about nNjf_bCBf80-02035-00480534-00480755 programming that's great we love that nNjf_bCBf80-02036-00480756-00481049 thank you keep doing it okay moving into nNjf_bCBf80-02037-00481050-00481277 what's a little iffy and what could get nNjf_bCBf80-02038-00481278-00481463 into being against the policy is if nNjf_bCBf80-02039-00481464-00481753 you're sharing or posting on nNjf_bCBf80-02040-00481754-00482170 quasi-digital items so for example one nNjf_bCBf80-02041-00482171-00482285 specific nNjf_bCBf80-02042-00482285-00482609 um permit to one business all of a nNjf_bCBf80-02043-00482610-00482825 sudden you start posting hey guys nNjf_bCBf80-02044-00482826-00482981 there's an item coming up about a very nNjf_bCBf80-02045-00482982-00483239 specific situation that only affects one nNjf_bCBf80-02046-00483239-00483460 person and by the way I never post about nNjf_bCBf80-02047-00483462-00483737 this ever but right now I am that's nNjf_bCBf80-02048-00483738-00483989 fishy so maybe don't do that that would nNjf_bCBf80-02049-00483989-00484187 help us all but if you do start doing nNjf_bCBf80-02050-00484188-00484475 that you may need to then submit all of nNjf_bCBf80-02051-00484476-00484703 that expertise communication to the city nNjf_bCBf80-02052-00484704-00484937 such like same way you would for um nNjf_bCBf80-02053-00484938-00485207 additional materials so nNjf_bCBf80-02054-00485208-00485405 even if it's technically allowed it's a nNjf_bCBf80-02055-00485406-00485609 lot of extra work so you may just decide nNjf_bCBf80-02056-00485610-00485866 not to do that and then when we get into nNjf_bCBf80-02057-00485867-00486064 being against the policy again I'll have nNjf_bCBf80-02058-00486065-00486268 examples if you're expressing your nNjf_bCBf80-02059-00486269-00486533 personal opinion about a quasi-judicial nNjf_bCBf80-02060-00486534-00486839 matter so for example if before a public nNjf_bCBf80-02061-00486839-00487055 meeting you're expressing your personal nNjf_bCBf80-02062-00487056-00487397 opinion being against a um nNjf_bCBf80-02063-00487397-00487643 a housing project nNjf_bCBf80-02064-00487643-00487883 before the meeting before the public nNjf_bCBf80-02065-00487884-00488087 meeting before your vote nNjf_bCBf80-02066-00488088-00488363 you've basically shown your bias before nNjf_bCBf80-02067-00488364-00488591 you've held your public meeting and nNjf_bCBf80-02068-00488592-00488770 learned from staff and accepted public nNjf_bCBf80-02069-00488771-00488951 comment so that's really against the nNjf_bCBf80-02070-00488952-00489125 policy and in that case you may need to nNjf_bCBf80-02071-00489126-00489316 recuse from the vote at all so we're nNjf_bCBf80-02072-00489317-00489514 going to go through some examples and I nNjf_bCBf80-02073-00489515-00489664 believe we can even get a little nNjf_bCBf80-02074-00489665-00489820 interactive here nNjf_bCBf80-02075-00489821-00490157 this is an example of a post about a nNjf_bCBf80-02076-00490158-00490397 Capitola Recreation movie night do we nNjf_bCBf80-02077-00490397-00490541 want to guess you can just yell out is nNjf_bCBf80-02078-00490542-00490720 where does this fall on our scale of nNjf_bCBf80-02079-00490721-00490949 acceptable or not nNjf_bCBf80-02080-00490950-00491279 I love that acceptable perfect correct I nNjf_bCBf80-02081-00491280-00491470 think you can see the words this is one nNjf_bCBf80-02082-00491471-00491597 of our posts technically but if you nNjf_bCBf80-02083-00491597-00491760 wanted to share that that would be great nNjf_bCBf80-02084-00491762-00492118 yeah and then here's another example nNjf_bCBf80-02085-00492119-00492437 some information about it's very um nNjf_bCBf80-02086-00492438-00492647 pertinent for this evening a weather nNjf_bCBf80-02087-00492647-00492851 pattern coming in again you could nNjf_bCBf80-02088-00492852-00493025 probably guess totally fine to share nNjf_bCBf80-02089-00493026-00493181 that that would be really nice nNjf_bCBf80-02090-00493182-00493420 engagement on social media now here nNjf_bCBf80-02091-00493421-00493685 we're getting into another example say nNjf_bCBf80-02092-00493685-00493925 you've posted this this a picture what nNjf_bCBf80-02093-00493926-00494129 do you think about this park project on nNjf_bCBf80-02094-00494130-00494477 12th Street leave your comments here nNjf_bCBf80-02095-00494478-00494663 I'm seeing shaking it questionable I'm nNjf_bCBf80-02096-00494664-00494825 liking what I'm seeing correct nNjf_bCBf80-02097-00494826-00495095 discouraged and really the reason is nNjf_bCBf80-02098-00495096-00495395 because oh both popped up but nNjf_bCBf80-02099-00495396-00495587 depending on your patterns on social nNjf_bCBf80-02100-00495588-00495749 media if you really never post about nNjf_bCBf80-02101-00495750-00495941 anything and all of a sudden here you nNjf_bCBf80-02102-00495942-00496072 are posting about a very specific nNjf_bCBf80-02103-00496073-00496318 project it's just a little bit fishy nNjf_bCBf80-02104-00496319-00496427 you're kind of treating an item nNjf_bCBf80-02105-00496428-00496679 differently than others and our result nNjf_bCBf80-02106-00496680-00496931 as I said and Jamie's gonna jump in I nNjf_bCBf80-02107-00496932-00497243 can tell uh you may need to then submit nNjf_bCBf80-02108-00497243-00497405 all the communication so that's your nNjf_bCBf80-02109-00497406-00497585 post and any comments you know how it nNjf_bCBf80-02110-00497585-00497729 can get that could be hundreds of nNjf_bCBf80-02111-00497730-00497897 comments that we now need to include in nNjf_bCBf80-02112-00497897-00498149 our record so just be aware of that and nNjf_bCBf80-02113-00498150-00498485 yes please city manager go right ahead nNjf_bCBf80-02114-00498485-00498779 the other reason why why the policy says nNjf_bCBf80-02115-00498780-00499007 that it's discouraged is really a little nNjf_bCBf80-02116-00499008-00499151 bit about protecting council members nNjf_bCBf80-02117-00499152-00499391 because the notion is like we have a nNjf_bCBf80-02118-00499392-00499577 process you know we come to a meeting nNjf_bCBf80-02119-00499578-00499793 the public is here you're going to nNjf_bCBf80-02120-00499793-00499966 receive the staff presentation nNjf_bCBf80-02121-00499967-00500237 public energy and remember decision and nNjf_bCBf80-02122-00500238-00500447 so I would always counsel not always I nNjf_bCBf80-02123-00500447-00500591 mean there's certain situations where nNjf_bCBf80-02124-00500592-00501113 you know nNjf_bCBf80-02125-00501114-00501335 you can budget I think that can be fine nNjf_bCBf80-02126-00501335-00501610 to sort of advertise but in general if nNjf_bCBf80-02127-00501612-00501766 it's like telling people how you're nNjf_bCBf80-02128-00501767-00501910 going to vote on something ahead of time nNjf_bCBf80-02129-00501912-00502145 can lead people to the assumption that nNjf_bCBf80-02130-00502146-00502360 you don't care nNjf_bCBf80-02131-00502362-00502499 or you're not going to listen to your nNjf_bCBf80-02132-00502500-00502847 peers for example nNjf_bCBf80-02133-00502847-00503009 and how about just general information nNjf_bCBf80-02134-00503010-00503231 city council is going to be meeting this nNjf_bCBf80-02135-00503232-00503357 Thursday and we're going to be nNjf_bCBf80-02136-00503358-00503543 discussing this this and this come voice nNjf_bCBf80-02137-00503543-00503747 your thoughts to us nNjf_bCBf80-02138-00503747-00503981 stuff like that yeah I mean consistency nNjf_bCBf80-02139-00503982-00504155 is the is the key there number one and nNjf_bCBf80-02140-00504156-00504316 then I then you know nNjf_bCBf80-02141-00504317-00504664 problem the only problem nNjf_bCBf80-02142-00504665-00504947 if I'm wrong here is if you've never had nNjf_bCBf80-02143-00504947-00505187 done that before and it was like on the nNjf_bCBf80-02144-00505188-00505529 appeal hearing night for Gnarly project nNjf_bCBf80-02145-00505530-00505751 okay but I'm just on a normal Council nNjf_bCBf80-02146-00505752-00506153 night yeah yeah Chloe nNjf_bCBf80-02147-00506154-00506363 um you might get to a slide about this nNjf_bCBf80-02148-00506364-00506566 but are you going to talk about comments nNjf_bCBf80-02149-00506567-00506699 so I just think about this as nNjf_bCBf80-02150-00506700-00507022 discouraged because a person a council nNjf_bCBf80-02151-00507023-00507197 member might feel nNjf_bCBf80-02152-00507197-00507520 it necessary to respond to one of those nNjf_bCBf80-02153-00507521-00507893 comments which then is wrong act yeah nNjf_bCBf80-02154-00507893-00508091 right exactly that's right you're going nNjf_bCBf80-02155-00508092-00508229 to show slides on that I just don't want nNjf_bCBf80-02156-00508230-00508391 to I was going to jump him again I nNjf_bCBf80-02157-00508392-00508607 didn't want to interrupt Chloe please do nNjf_bCBf80-02158-00508608-00508877 I that's that's exactly right I mean nNjf_bCBf80-02159-00508878-00509009 this is a really good way to violate the nNjf_bCBf80-02160-00509010-00509255 brown act right you should really nNjf_bCBf80-02161-00509256-00509518 refrain from commenting on other council nNjf_bCBf80-02162-00509519-00509777 members posts on social media and even nNjf_bCBf80-02163-00509778-00510095 with the public on items that could nNjf_bCBf80-02164-00510096-00510370 potentially be on an agenda right nNjf_bCBf80-02165-00510371-00510563 because you don't want to like publicly nNjf_bCBf80-02166-00510564-00510768 respond so bias nNjf_bCBf80-02167-00510769-00511195 that's right absolutely is this just for nNjf_bCBf80-02168-00511196-00511564 quasi-judicial or for all agenda items nNjf_bCBf80-02169-00511565-00511775 that we're not allowed to show bias and nNjf_bCBf80-02170-00511776-00512243 from a legal perspective okay so the nNjf_bCBf80-02171-00512243-00512603 brown act issue applies to all items nNjf_bCBf80-02172-00512604-00513041 the so if someone posted nNjf_bCBf80-02173-00513042-00513245 um on a legislative item if someone nNjf_bCBf80-02174-00513246-00513647 posted if vice mayor Brown posted we are nNjf_bCBf80-02175-00513647-00513839 discussing the flag policy at tonight's nNjf_bCBf80-02176-00513839-00514007 meeting come and tell us your thoughts nNjf_bCBf80-02177-00514008-00514307 uh you responded and council member nNjf_bCBf80-02178-00514308-00514522 Brooks responded that could be a brown nNjf_bCBf80-02179-00514523-00515020 act violation the bias issue is more of nNjf_bCBf80-02180-00515021-00515459 an issue with adjudicative Ada items nNjf_bCBf80-02181-00515460-00515699 so but that's a separate issue then I nNjf_bCBf80-02182-00515700-00516089 guess my question is so say I posted on nNjf_bCBf80-02183-00516089-00516364 mine before this meeting nNjf_bCBf80-02184-00516365-00516605 um I don't think we should adopt the new nNjf_bCBf80-02185-00516606-00516814 flag policies as recommended or has nNjf_bCBf80-02186-00516815-00516947 something about nNjf_bCBf80-02187-00516947-00517355 um non uh judicatory nNjf_bCBf80-02188-00517356-00517422 um nNjf_bCBf80-02189-00517423-00517918 right on a legislative item or is there nNjf_bCBf80-02190-00517919-00518201 um is there laws against that yeah so I nNjf_bCBf80-02191-00518202-00518345 I understand your question I think nNjf_bCBf80-02192-00518346-00518560 you're asking can I show bias on an on a nNjf_bCBf80-02193-00518562-00518764 legislative item in advance of the nNjf_bCBf80-02194-00518765-00519029 meeting and legally I think the answer nNjf_bCBf80-02195-00519030-00519172 is yes and that's the question I'm nNjf_bCBf80-02196-00519173-00519427 asking yeah legally the answer is yes nNjf_bCBf80-02197-00519428-00519760 what Jamie said is right you know nNjf_bCBf80-02198-00519762-00519977 usually council members don't do that nNjf_bCBf80-02199-00519978-00520307 for it's more for political reasons but nNjf_bCBf80-02200-00520308-00520577 legally what the law is concerned with nNjf_bCBf80-02201-00520578-00520891 is you not showing bias on nNjf_bCBf80-02202-00520892-00521260 quasi-judiciary items so from my side nNjf_bCBf80-02203-00521262-00521453 I'm concerned with you not showing bias nNjf_bCBf80-02204-00521454-00521812 on quasi-judiciary items because nNjf_bCBf80-02205-00521813-00521968 it's called it's called different things nNjf_bCBf80-02206-00521969-00522125 in different court cases sometimes it's nNjf_bCBf80-02207-00522126-00522407 quite but as long as it's relating to nNjf_bCBf80-02208-00522408-00522731 the general public it is legally fine to nNjf_bCBf80-02209-00522732-00522989 post whatever opinions you have yeah nNjf_bCBf80-02210-00522989-00523295 like I said I I'm hesitating because nNjf_bCBf80-02211-00523296-00523618 it's such a bad idea yeah and that was nNjf_bCBf80-02212-00523619-00523877 going to be my follow-up it's like I'm nNjf_bCBf80-02213-00523878-00523955 not nNjf_bCBf80-02214-00523956-00524249 um fully understanding what the negative nNjf_bCBf80-02215-00524250-00524597 aspect of forming an opinion publicly on nNjf_bCBf80-02216-00524598-00525016 an item is if not legal ramifications nNjf_bCBf80-02217-00525017-00525329 yeah so I I understand your questions I nNjf_bCBf80-02218-00525330-00525491 mean it's like as a politician you run nNjf_bCBf80-02219-00525492-00525803 on certain ideologies and beliefs so why nNjf_bCBf80-02220-00525804-00525970 would you not publicly Express those nNjf_bCBf80-02221-00525971-00526297 opinions if they're going to be nNjf_bCBf80-02222-00526298-00526522 yeah I think it's more about a specific nNjf_bCBf80-02223-00526523-00526714 item you can say like I'm pro-affordable nNjf_bCBf80-02224-00526715-00526877 housing but then if a housing item is nNjf_bCBf80-02225-00526878-00527057 coming before Council I think it and nNjf_bCBf80-02226-00527058-00527201 correct me if I'm wrong but I think in nNjf_bCBf80-02227-00527202-00527339 general it's not kind of appropriate to nNjf_bCBf80-02228-00527340-00527489 say I've always been for affordable nNjf_bCBf80-02229-00527490-00527747 housing this particular item's coming to nNjf_bCBf80-02230-00527748-00528137 us tomorrow and then it's wise not to nNjf_bCBf80-02231-00528138-00528359 say and I'm going to vote for it until nNjf_bCBf80-02232-00528360-00528551 public comment has been heard and we've nNjf_bCBf80-02233-00528552-00528695 heard the staff presentation because I nNjf_bCBf80-02234-00528696-00528887 think the general idea is that public nNjf_bCBf80-02235-00528888-00529151 comment that we are here to make our nNjf_bCBf80-02236-00529152-00529349 decisions based on what we hear from nNjf_bCBf80-02237-00529350-00529499 staff and the public and that we're nNjf_bCBf80-02238-00529500-00529661 making decisions in the best interest of nNjf_bCBf80-02239-00529662-00529841 the public and so if we don't get public nNjf_bCBf80-02240-00529842-00530051 comment ahead of time we're just saying nNjf_bCBf80-02241-00530052-00530218 I've already decided what I'm going to nNjf_bCBf80-02242-00530219-00530327 do nNjf_bCBf80-02243-00530328-00530614 um also I'm always interested to see nNjf_bCBf80-02244-00530615-00530825 what everybody actually has to say yeah nNjf_bCBf80-02245-00530826-00531029 based on each item nNjf_bCBf80-02246-00531030-00531431 to help mold a decision if if I'm on the nNjf_bCBf80-02247-00531432-00531568 fence about something or I don't know nNjf_bCBf80-02248-00531569-00531868 like you know you you're you can bring nNjf_bCBf80-02249-00531869-00532283 all of your support of ideas here and nNjf_bCBf80-02250-00532284-00532529 this is to me more of like the public nNjf_bCBf80-02251-00532530-00532835 forum rather than social media in a way nNjf_bCBf80-02252-00532836-00533068 yeah nNjf_bCBf80-02253-00533069-00533291 one other important thing to understand nNjf_bCBf80-02254-00533292-00533555 about this this policy the last policy nNjf_bCBf80-02255-00533556-00533783 the code of conduct and nNjf_bCBf80-02256-00533784-00533951 I guess the other one the abstentions nNjf_bCBf80-02257-00533952-00534466 policy those are your rules for yourself nNjf_bCBf80-02258-00534467-00534791 so saying it's discouraged it's nNjf_bCBf80-02259-00534792-00535037 Samantha Samantha's outlined legal nNjf_bCBf80-02260-00535038-00535205 issues with you know expressing an nNjf_bCBf80-02261-00535206-00535445 opinion or bias nNjf_bCBf80-02262-00535446-00535595 the issue I'm explaining certain nNjf_bCBf80-02263-00535596-00535741 political nNjf_bCBf80-02264-00535742-00536051 ramifications or process issues but then nNjf_bCBf80-02265-00536052-00536255 also this policy has been adopted by the nNjf_bCBf80-02266-00536256-00536381 council that says look we are nNjf_bCBf80-02267-00536382-00536572 discouraging this sort of thing so nNjf_bCBf80-02268-00536573-00536825 that's okay so this is nNjf_bCBf80-02269-00536826-00537143 um came from a previous Council to label nNjf_bCBf80-02270-00537144-00537407 this Behavior as discouraged that's nNjf_bCBf80-02271-00537408-00537731 exactly yeah okay this policy policy I nNjf_bCBf80-02272-00537732-00537868 don't know the number on the top of my nNjf_bCBf80-02273-00537869-00538037 head basically it was trying to go nNjf_bCBf80-02274-00538038-00538229 through and say hey look this type of nNjf_bCBf80-02275-00538230-00538487 stuff we encourage it as a city as a nNjf_bCBf80-02276-00538488-00538727 city council we say this is good sharing nNjf_bCBf80-02277-00538728-00538861 information nNjf_bCBf80-02278-00538862-00539195 expressing bias though is discouraged nNjf_bCBf80-02279-00539196-00539501 because when I'm not technically illegal nNjf_bCBf80-02280-00539502-00539722 it can get you in the city potentially nNjf_bCBf80-02281-00539723-00539872 in trouble so that was kind of the nNjf_bCBf80-02282-00539873-00540089 council that's where where the Genesis nNjf_bCBf80-02283-00540090-00540275 when you say it could get me in the city nNjf_bCBf80-02284-00540276-00540562 potentially in trouble what nNjf_bCBf80-02285-00540563-00540887 so most specifically what I can imagine nNjf_bCBf80-02286-00540888-00541127 a situation is is when you say I'm going nNjf_bCBf80-02287-00541128-00541355 to vote X you know you post on your on nNjf_bCBf80-02288-00541356-00541535 the ground so I'm going to vote like X nNjf_bCBf80-02289-00541536-00541775 and then and then people look and say nNjf_bCBf80-02290-00541776-00541907 wait a second nNjf_bCBf80-02291-00541908-00542075 he's not listening to the public we're nNjf_bCBf80-02292-00542076-00542255 all coming to the meeting nNjf_bCBf80-02293-00542256-00542518 and yeah and that's yeah trouble nNjf_bCBf80-02294-00542519-00542675 um political trouble nNjf_bCBf80-02295-00542676-00542945 right got it and that so the next nNjf_bCBf80-02296-00542946-00543509 example relates to that a lot I would nNjf_bCBf80-02297-00543510-00543779 I would say Julia do you mind nNjf_bCBf80-02298-00543780-00544072 I just got angry with the clicker so nNjf_bCBf80-02299-00544073-00544349 this is kind of it's exactly that end nNjf_bCBf80-02300-00544350-00544522 more because this is a quasi-judicial nNjf_bCBf80-02301-00544523-00544685 item on top of everything but basically nNjf_bCBf80-02302-00544686-00544864 if you're posting about nNjf_bCBf80-02303-00544865-00545068 an affordable housing project you're nNjf_bCBf80-02304-00545069-00545212 you're against it come to the meeting nNjf_bCBf80-02305-00545213-00545381 and tell us why I'm planning on voting nNjf_bCBf80-02306-00545382-00545464 no nNjf_bCBf80-02307-00545465-00545764 I think you can guess that is against nNjf_bCBf80-02308-00545765-00546053 the policy right and the reasoning again nNjf_bCBf80-02309-00546054-00546220 is because you're showing your bias nNjf_bCBf80-02310-00546221-00546359 you're showing your opinion how you're nNjf_bCBf80-02311-00546360-00546599 going to vote before the public meeting nNjf_bCBf80-02312-00546600-00546809 before the Forum before hearing public nNjf_bCBf80-02313-00546810-00547025 comment Etc as we've already discussed nNjf_bCBf80-02314-00547026-00547264 and in that case you would likely need nNjf_bCBf80-02315-00547265-00547468 to recuse which basically means you nNjf_bCBf80-02316-00547469-00547679 don't get to do what you were elected to nNjf_bCBf80-02317-00547680-00548189 do which is vote so that's also trouble nNjf_bCBf80-02318-00548190-00548459 um really that's the last example it's nNjf_bCBf80-02319-00548460-00548620 great to hear lots of questions and nNjf_bCBf80-02320-00548621-00548861 interest in this do we have more nNjf_bCBf80-02321-00548862-00548987 um we want to talk about with social nNjf_bCBf80-02322-00548988-00549214 media at this point nNjf_bCBf80-02323-00549215-00549568 okay I'm open for questions nNjf_bCBf80-02324-00549569-00549803 I'm just um nNjf_bCBf80-02325-00549804-00550133 curious about the brown act nNjf_bCBf80-02326-00550134-00550366 um so because like if I did post an nNjf_bCBf80-02327-00550367-00550655 opinion about a nNjf_bCBf80-02328-00550656-00550889 I'm sorry what was it none nNjf_bCBf80-02329-00550890-00551129 not just legislative on a legislative nNjf_bCBf80-02330-00551130-00551255 item nNjf_bCBf80-02331-00551256-00551591 and the other say and then nNjf_bCBf80-02332-00551592-00551770 you know maybe one of the other council nNjf_bCBf80-02333-00551771-00552083 members sees that and then they post nNjf_bCBf80-02334-00552084-00552287 not necessarily nNjf_bCBf80-02335-00552288-00552503 as part of a conversation but you know nNjf_bCBf80-02336-00552504-00552718 maybe it could look like that their nNjf_bCBf80-02337-00552719-00552905 opinion is that going to be a violation nNjf_bCBf80-02338-00552906-00553133 of the brown actor is that as seen as nNjf_bCBf80-02339-00553134-00553337 some form of communication even though nNjf_bCBf80-02340-00553338-00553672 it's public if there's on social media nNjf_bCBf80-02341-00553673-00553997 if it's on your post nNjf_bCBf80-02342-00553998-00554201 yeah but the two council members post on nNjf_bCBf80-02343-00554202-00554447 your post and that's likely about that nNjf_bCBf80-02344-00554448-00554651 violation if they're posting on their nNjf_bCBf80-02345-00554652-00554855 own housing another council member says nNjf_bCBf80-02346-00554856-00555143 I'm anti-housing uh that wouldn't be nNjf_bCBf80-02347-00555144-00555347 considered any form of discussion likely nNjf_bCBf80-02348-00555348-00555533 not yeah okay nNjf_bCBf80-02349-00555534-00555712 I want to say one more thing about this nNjf_bCBf80-02350-00555713-00555875 example about why this is such a bad nNjf_bCBf80-02351-00555876-00556222 idea in addition to what's listed if the nNjf_bCBf80-02352-00556223-00556672 city gets sued by an applicant or an nNjf_bCBf80-02353-00556673-00556979 appellate on a quasi-judicial decision nNjf_bCBf80-02354-00556980-00557099 that you make nNjf_bCBf80-02355-00557100-00557441 the lawsuit is generally a writ which is nNjf_bCBf80-02356-00557442-00557783 a truncated lawsuit which and the only nNjf_bCBf80-02357-00557784-00557981 thing that the court really considers is nNjf_bCBf80-02358-00557982-00558251 the record which is all of the written nNjf_bCBf80-02359-00558252-00558562 all the stuff all the information that nNjf_bCBf80-02360-00558563-00558862 has been generated on that item until it nNjf_bCBf80-02361-00558863-00559133 gets before it gets to court in that nNjf_bCBf80-02362-00559134-00559259 case nNjf_bCBf80-02363-00559260-00559535 this post would likely be a part of the nNjf_bCBf80-02364-00559536-00559637 record nNjf_bCBf80-02365-00559638-00559931 and that is just not what we want to be nNjf_bCBf80-02366-00559932-00560237 the record for our city nNjf_bCBf80-02367-00560238-00560447 it's a great Point thank you nNjf_bCBf80-02368-00560448-00560722 any other questions nNjf_bCBf80-02369-00560723-00560945 okay thank you so much I think this is nNjf_bCBf80-02370-00560946-00561287 I've got the handle and the tech here nNjf_bCBf80-02371-00561288-00561562 so moving on we've talked about a lot of nNjf_bCBf80-02372-00561563-00561851 different policies that again that was a nNjf_bCBf80-02373-00561852-00562001 good distinction or city manager made nNjf_bCBf80-02374-00562002-00562264 we've discussed council member like nNjf_bCBf80-02375-00562265-00562409 policies that the council themselves nNjf_bCBf80-02376-00562410-00562601 have adopted and approved so they're nNjf_bCBf80-02377-00562602-00562847 about yourselves now we wanted to nNjf_bCBf80-02378-00562848-00563014 discuss some potential administrative nNjf_bCBf80-02379-00563015-00563129 policies nNjf_bCBf80-02380-00563130-00563362 um new policies that you may want to nNjf_bCBf80-02381-00563363-00563639 pursue based on feedback we've had that nNjf_bCBf80-02382-00563640-00563812 staff has heard from Council Members so nNjf_bCBf80-02383-00563813-00564061 really there's just one in particular nNjf_bCBf80-02384-00564062-00564485 regarding Council training and travel nNjf_bCBf80-02385-00564486-00564731 and nNjf_bCBf80-02386-00564732-00565097 I've I want to cry nNjf_bCBf80-02387-00565098-00565162 um nNjf_bCBf80-02388-00565163-00565511 so this is something that we have a very nNjf_bCBf80-02389-00565512-00565745 um understood practice between Council nNjf_bCBf80-02390-00565746-00565907 and staff but it's not been formalized nNjf_bCBf80-02391-00565908-00566135 in a policy so just to kind of reiterate nNjf_bCBf80-02392-00566136-00566327 and this is using numbers that were nNjf_bCBf80-02393-00566328-00566531 suggested in the goals meeting recently nNjf_bCBf80-02394-00566532-00566764 so would potentially be in effect for nNjf_bCBf80-02395-00566765-00567155 the 20 23 24 budget upon your vote on nNjf_bCBf80-02396-00567156-00567316 the budget of course nNjf_bCBf80-02397-00567317-00567562 um basically we would be functioning nNjf_bCBf80-02398-00567563-00567772 with fifteen thousand dollars total for nNjf_bCBf80-02399-00567773-00567941 Council travel and training the nNjf_bCBf80-02400-00567942-00568120 understanding is that means each of you nNjf_bCBf80-02401-00568121-00568301 have three thousand and there's no nNjf_bCBf80-02402-00568302-00568625 sharing between members for the fiscal nNjf_bCBf80-02403-00568626-00568811 year now nNjf_bCBf80-02404-00568812-00569045 it seems reasonable that maybe it would nNjf_bCBf80-02405-00569046-00569237 be a good idea to have these nNjf_bCBf80-02406-00569238-00569416 understandings written down in a formal nNjf_bCBf80-02407-00569417-00569705 formal policy so some other nNjf_bCBf80-02408-00569706-00569831 um kind of nNjf_bCBf80-02409-00569832-00570047 points to consider that we would then nNjf_bCBf80-02410-00570048-00570233 put into a draft and bring for your nNjf_bCBf80-02411-00570234-00570520 approval at a later meeting are here on nNjf_bCBf80-02412-00570521-00570791 the screen based on other jurisdictions nNjf_bCBf80-02413-00570792-00570953 policies and things that have come up in nNjf_bCBf80-02414-00570954-00571162 conversation so would you want to have nNjf_bCBf80-02415-00571163-00571391 any requirements around out-of-state nNjf_bCBf80-02416-00571392-00571739 travel to trainings would that mean nNjf_bCBf80-02417-00571740-00571889 maybe Council needs to approve out of nNjf_bCBf80-02418-00571890-00572014 state travel do you want to have a nNjf_bCBf80-02419-00572015-00572255 report to council after are there nNjf_bCBf80-02420-00572256-00572422 parameters around the kinds of training nNjf_bCBf80-02421-00572423-00572579 and activities that qualify for nNjf_bCBf80-02422-00572580-00572801 reimbursement there believe me I've read nNjf_bCBf80-02423-00572802-00573059 literally policies are nine ten pages on nNjf_bCBf80-02424-00573060-00573251 this kind of stuff so it might be nNjf_bCBf80-02425-00573252-00573437 surprising but we can get really nNjf_bCBf80-02426-00573438-00573629 detailed or just general it's up to up nNjf_bCBf80-02427-00573630-00573899 to the five of you and any other kind of nNjf_bCBf80-02428-00573900-00574139 specifics around you know hotel rates nNjf_bCBf80-02429-00574140-00574277 anything that you might want to be nNjf_bCBf80-02430-00574278-00574475 regulating so I'm really just here to nNjf_bCBf80-02431-00574476-00574661 take notes and hear what you'd like and nNjf_bCBf80-02432-00574662-00574864 then bring a draft back and of course if nNjf_bCBf80-02433-00574865-00575033 our city manager has anything to add nNjf_bCBf80-02434-00575034-00575272 please do I think I got everything in nNjf_bCBf80-02435-00575273-00575422 there nNjf_bCBf80-02436-00575423-00575633 with the mobile bike it's all too nNjf_bCBf80-02437-00575634-00576131 apparents it's your job oh no I call nNjf_bCBf80-02438-00576132-00576401 your bluff again so this game about nNjf_bCBf80-02439-00576402-00576527 actually when I was briefing nNjf_bCBf80-02440-00576528-00576701 councilmember Peterson we're talking nNjf_bCBf80-02441-00576702-00576977 about the travel and training and and we nNjf_bCBf80-02442-00576978-00577109 were going through these things and I nNjf_bCBf80-02443-00577110-00577222 was explaining that in general the nNjf_bCBf80-02444-00577223-00577439 travel training it can be very broad for nNjf_bCBf80-02445-00577440-00577697 nh1 type of training for a new council nNjf_bCBf80-02446-00577698-00577979 member experience council member whether nNjf_bCBf80-02447-00577980-00578147 it's a league event it's a local nNjf_bCBf80-02448-00578148-00578411 conference all kinds of things nNjf_bCBf80-02449-00578412-00578470 um nNjf_bCBf80-02450-00578471-00578668 and I mentioned that in general we nNjf_bCBf80-02451-00578669-00578866 haven't ever used the funding for and I nNjf_bCBf80-02452-00578867-00579064 call them Galas but like you know Red nNjf_bCBf80-02453-00579065-00579305 Cross is hosting a 500 flight dinner or nNjf_bCBf80-02454-00579306-00579431 something like that that's not really nNjf_bCBf80-02455-00579432-00579599 about training that's about kind of nNjf_bCBf80-02456-00579600-00579749 fundraising and networking nNjf_bCBf80-02457-00579750-00579922 networking and so it seems prudent nNjf_bCBf80-02458-00579923-00580066 frankly that we would have that written nNjf_bCBf80-02459-00580067-00580229 down because nNjf_bCBf80-02460-00580230-00580433 if that's the way the council wants this nNjf_bCBf80-02461-00580434-00580583 budget to be used it seems like it's nNjf_bCBf80-02462-00580584-00580727 better to have a written down rather nNjf_bCBf80-02463-00580728-00581075 than um nNjf_bCBf80-02464-00581076-00581368 best welfare city manager the nNjf_bCBf80-02465-00581369-00581614 out-of-state travel that's nNjf_bCBf80-02466-00581615-00581831 one idea would be to have Council nNjf_bCBf80-02467-00581832-00582005 approval for out-of-state travel I don't nNjf_bCBf80-02468-00582006-00582172 can't remember a time that I've had a nNjf_bCBf80-02469-00582173-00582364 council member go out of state but the nNjf_bCBf80-02470-00582365-00582497 notion there would be that it would just nNjf_bCBf80-02471-00582498-00582766 go on consent agenda so if you're going nNjf_bCBf80-02472-00582767-00582922 to go out of state you just need to be nNjf_bCBf80-02473-00582923-00583114 comfortable with the world knowing that nNjf_bCBf80-02474-00583115-00583312 you plan to go to release mayor's nNjf_bCBf80-02475-00583313-00583553 conference in Orlando Florida when we nNjf_bCBf80-02476-00583554-00583903 get a sister city in the Bahamas nNjf_bCBf80-02477-00583904-00584245 exactly that's where we need to write nNjf_bCBf80-02478-00584246-00584464 very clear that it allows for that nNjf_bCBf80-02479-00584465-00584645 trouble yes exactly and that's that's nNjf_bCBf80-02480-00584646-00584783 the kind of thing right because you nNjf_bCBf80-02481-00584784-00585016 could say you want to go to the Bahamas nNjf_bCBf80-02482-00585017-00585197 for a conference nNjf_bCBf80-02483-00585198-00585527 parts nNjf_bCBf80-02484-00585528-00585725 okay so the question is that would be nNjf_bCBf80-02485-00585726-00585905 one mechanism by which you just make nNjf_bCBf80-02486-00585906-00586037 sure that the council is approving that nNjf_bCBf80-02487-00586038-00586193 trouble I think nNjf_bCBf80-02488-00586194-00586493 it's about that like in Watsonville the nNjf_bCBf80-02489-00586494-00586714 council approves all problem training nNjf_bCBf80-02490-00586715-00586870 for all council members nNjf_bCBf80-02491-00586871-00587087 they do that in San Jose and I don't nNjf_bCBf80-02492-00587088-00587272 recommend that I think that that can nNjf_bCBf80-02493-00587273-00587459 lead to just a lot of clutter on the nNjf_bCBf80-02494-00587460-00587627 agenda and it would be better to say if nNjf_bCBf80-02495-00587628-00587770 it's in state and it's travel and nNjf_bCBf80-02496-00587771-00588041 training and it's not Kayla's it's good nNjf_bCBf80-02497-00588042-00588305 uh and then if it's out of state which nNjf_bCBf80-02498-00588306-00588539 like I said I can't remember seeing this nNjf_bCBf80-02499-00588540-00588835 in the past so that doesn't come up nNjf_bCBf80-02500-00588836-00589229 and you said no and we don't need to do nNjf_bCBf80-02501-00589230-00589433 it we can stick with the current format nNjf_bCBf80-02502-00589434-00589679 um but like I said it it as I told nNjf_bCBf80-02503-00589680-00589829 councilmember Peterson when he asked a nNjf_bCBf80-02504-00589830-00590057 question it's not written down uh and nNjf_bCBf80-02505-00590058-00590177 that that's kind of an uncomfortable nNjf_bCBf80-02506-00590178-00590435 position to have sort of Luke's nNjf_bCBf80-02507-00590436-00591131 understanding that nNjf_bCBf80-02508-00591132-00591353 something for a discussion now yeah nNjf_bCBf80-02509-00591354-00591551 absolutely any direction I'm taking nNjf_bCBf80-02510-00591552-00591972 notes oh wait question or any questions nNjf_bCBf80-02511-00591973-00592325 or comments this is just Direction there nNjf_bCBf80-02512-00592326-00592553 isn't like an approval or a motion so I nNjf_bCBf80-02513-00592554-00592870 think you can just chat if I'm if I'm nNjf_bCBf80-02514-00592871-00593081 wrong so if you would want staff to nNjf_bCBf80-02515-00593082-00593316 bring this back to council you could nNjf_bCBf80-02516-00593317-00593651 yeah at this point but we can't discuss nNjf_bCBf80-02517-00593652-00593891 it too much because it's not on the nNjf_bCBf80-02518-00593892-00594229 agenda nNjf_bCBf80-02519-00594230-00594593 Dive In nNjf_bCBf80-02520-00594594-00594839 I I think it would be nice to have some nNjf_bCBf80-02521-00594840-00595181 sort of a guidance on what types of nNjf_bCBf80-02522-00595182-00595429 training and activities would qualify nNjf_bCBf80-02523-00595430-00595841 and maybe maybe even specifics on nNjf_bCBf80-02524-00595842-00596099 hotel rates nNjf_bCBf80-02525-00596100-00596320 um I don't think there's anything I nNjf_bCBf80-02526-00596321-00596651 think I think that's within reason I nNjf_bCBf80-02527-00596652-00596855 I would personally hesitate to have a nNjf_bCBf80-02528-00596856-00597047 requirement for out-of-state training nNjf_bCBf80-02529-00597048-00597293 and travel because nNjf_bCBf80-02530-00597294-00597575 I think it's very common to go out of nNjf_bCBf80-02531-00597576-00597851 state it's very relatively inexpensive nNjf_bCBf80-02532-00597852-00598079 to go out of state for different travel nNjf_bCBf80-02533-00598080-00598279 or training purposes nNjf_bCBf80-02534-00598280-00598535 so I just think it would nNjf_bCBf80-02535-00598536-00598757 be unnecessary to bring that back to nNjf_bCBf80-02536-00598758-00598985 Council in my personal opinion I think nNjf_bCBf80-02537-00598986-00599416 it would be best left up to the nNjf_bCBf80-02538-00599417-00599597 decision of the individual council nNjf_bCBf80-02539-00599598-00599741 member nNjf_bCBf80-02540-00599742-00599920 I mean yeah there's only there's not nNjf_bCBf80-02541-00599921-00600155 very far you can go with I mean three nNjf_bCBf80-02542-00600156-00600322 grand a year that would probably be your nNjf_bCBf80-02543-00600323-00600491 entire Year's worth of travel and nNjf_bCBf80-02544-00600492-00600599 training if you were to go to nNjf_bCBf80-02545-00600600-00600797 out-of-state conference nNjf_bCBf80-02546-00600798-00601091 I mean I could see value going even out nNjf_bCBf80-02547-00601092-00601366 of country honestly my experience with nNjf_bCBf80-02548-00601367-00601577 most most cities out of country I think nNjf_bCBf80-02549-00601578-00601768 is different than out of state nNjf_bCBf80-02550-00601769-00601961 yeah most cities and Counties have nNjf_bCBf80-02551-00601962-00602387 policies where they they have to get it nNjf_bCBf80-02552-00602388-00602579 ask ask for permission to go out of nNjf_bCBf80-02553-00602580-00602981 state because of how costly it is a nNjf_bCBf80-02554-00602982-00603101 couple of cities or counties that I've nNjf_bCBf80-02555-00603102-00603220 worked with you always had to have nNjf_bCBf80-02556-00603221-00603412 permission so it wouldn't be a bad idea nNjf_bCBf80-02557-00603413-00603641 to have to be a vote in the city council nNjf_bCBf80-02558-00603642-00603862 if you win we'll wait we're not getting nNjf_bCBf80-02559-00603863-00604133 any additional money no for if it nNjf_bCBf80-02560-00604134-00604289 becomes a costly trip we're not getting nNjf_bCBf80-02561-00604290-00604493 additional funds to cover it we just we nNjf_bCBf80-02562-00604494-00604714 get our three grand and that's it right nNjf_bCBf80-02563-00604715-00604812 exactly nNjf_bCBf80-02564-00604813-00605045 I think it would be nice to like nNjf_bCBf80-02565-00605046-00605166 identify nNjf_bCBf80-02566-00605167-00605464 the intent of what council travel is nNjf_bCBf80-02567-00605465-00605777 okay so once we establish nNjf_bCBf80-02568-00605778-00606053 what these funds are for and identify nNjf_bCBf80-02569-00606054-00606329 what the definition of council travel is nNjf_bCBf80-02570-00606330-00606797 so to staff's Point earlier it excludes nNjf_bCBf80-02571-00606798-00607097 at a high level networking and Galas and nNjf_bCBf80-02572-00607098-00607295 really anything to nNjf_bCBf80-02573-00607296-00607537 take your political nNjf_bCBf80-02574-00607538-00607816 stature you know this would have to be nNjf_bCBf80-02575-00607817-00608068 Council work I mean in my eyes this nNjf_bCBf80-02576-00608069-00608309 would have to be in relation to nNjf_bCBf80-02577-00608310-00608585 Council related stuff so I think for me nNjf_bCBf80-02578-00608586-00608837 if some language was supposed to come nNjf_bCBf80-02579-00608838-00609125 back as a clear definition of what nNjf_bCBf80-02580-00609126-00609407 council training nNjf_bCBf80-02581-00609408-00609683 is and then nNjf_bCBf80-02582-00609684-00609881 I mean I think what you get in trouble nNjf_bCBf80-02583-00609882-00610072 with is specifying overnight stays and nNjf_bCBf80-02584-00610073-00610241 hotel rates it's a constant thing you'd nNjf_bCBf80-02585-00610242-00610499 have to update and change over from City nNjf_bCBf80-02586-00610500-00610757 to state to Country nNjf_bCBf80-02587-00610758-00610925 um so I don't have one way or another of nNjf_bCBf80-02588-00610926-00611218 I don't that's not something I that's nNjf_bCBf80-02589-00611219-00611405 I'm worried about it's just more about nNjf_bCBf80-02590-00611406-00611597 identifying nNjf_bCBf80-02591-00611598-00611843 the real like nature of council travel nNjf_bCBf80-02592-00611844-00612101 and the purpose of it and for me it nNjf_bCBf80-02593-00612102-00612299 would be something that would um that nNjf_bCBf80-02594-00612300-00612689 where we are a reflection of the city nNjf_bCBf80-02595-00612690-00612922 and that the information that we obtain nNjf_bCBf80-02596-00612923-00613259 through the travel is we're then acting nNjf_bCBf80-02597-00613260-00613493 as a resource and an information post to nNjf_bCBf80-02598-00613494-00613733 bring back to council so an example is nNjf_bCBf80-02599-00613734-00613966 like lead we learn about Brown act and nNjf_bCBf80-02600-00613967-00614333 code and other things and policies and nNjf_bCBf80-02601-00614334-00614512 then we act as a resource when we return nNjf_bCBf80-02602-00614513-00614645 and we share that information with nNjf_bCBf80-02603-00614646-00614770 Council nNjf_bCBf80-02604-00614771-00615005 um you know so that's that's what I nNjf_bCBf80-02605-00615006-00615214 imagine for this kind of funds to be nNjf_bCBf80-02606-00615215-00615335 used and especially because it's public nNjf_bCBf80-02607-00615336-00615551 dollars and I think we have to really nNjf_bCBf80-02608-00615552-00615809 think about that legally as on what's nNjf_bCBf80-02609-00615810-00616091 legal in terms of using public dollars nNjf_bCBf80-02610-00616092-00616295 for and I get I know there's some sort nNjf_bCBf80-02611-00616296-00616391 of nNjf_bCBf80-02612-00616392-00616589 things Samantha can help us nNjf_bCBf80-02613-00616590-00616877 include in that nNjf_bCBf80-02614-00616878-00617137 you want it to be nNjf_bCBf80-02615-00617138-00617357 you want it to be related to City nNjf_bCBf80-02616-00617358-00617585 business so that it is not a gift of nNjf_bCBf80-02617-00617586-00617825 public fun it's great nNjf_bCBf80-02618-00617826-00618137 I also want to note a minor apology that nNjf_bCBf80-02619-00618138-00618322 that the specifics about nNjf_bCBf80-02620-00618323-00618551 um hotel rates that's actually already nNjf_bCBf80-02621-00618552-00618833 contained so the city has a travel and nNjf_bCBf80-02622-00618834-00619189 train travel policy nNjf_bCBf80-02623-00619190-00619499 staff and as a council member Clark said nNjf_bCBf80-02624-00619500-00619672 you know specific requirements about nNjf_bCBf80-02625-00619673-00619847 being in state out of state on what nNjf_bCBf80-02626-00619848-00620141 those approvals are those don't apply to nNjf_bCBf80-02627-00620142-00620279 the council members but it does have nNjf_bCBf80-02628-00620280-00620509 like a Max rate for a hotel nNjf_bCBf80-02629-00620510-00620903 food and travel right the GSA nNjf_bCBf80-02630-00620904-00621059 reimbursement rates are what you get nNjf_bCBf80-02631-00621060-00621251 unless you're staying at a conference nNjf_bCBf80-02632-00621252-00621460 because a lot of times conferences um nNjf_bCBf80-02633-00621461-00621707 The Host Hotel is in a different rate so nNjf_bCBf80-02634-00621708-00621899 it says you can stay at the host hotel nNjf_bCBf80-02635-00621900-00622120 or you have to use the GSA rate nNjf_bCBf80-02636-00622121-00622349 whichever nNjf_bCBf80-02637-00622350-00622541 so that actually the rates is actually nNjf_bCBf80-02638-00622542-00622775 already covered by the city's overall nNjf_bCBf80-02639-00622776-00622972 travel time nNjf_bCBf80-02640-00622973-00623225 um but this whole thing councilmember nNjf_bCBf80-02641-00623226-00623351 Brooks has point nNjf_bCBf80-02642-00623352-00623543 about kind of saying what the intent is nNjf_bCBf80-02643-00623544-00623801 because I have sort of in my own head nNjf_bCBf80-02644-00623802-00623981 basically I think councilmember Brooks nNjf_bCBf80-02645-00623982-00624160 who articulated pretty much exactly what nNjf_bCBf80-02646-00624161-00624322 I would have said nNjf_bCBf80-02647-00624323-00624497 um but like having that written down the nNjf_bCBf80-02648-00624498-00624664 council say yeah that's the purpose nNjf_bCBf80-02649-00624665-00624905 travel and training budget and then the nNjf_bCBf80-02650-00624906-00625091 other key question is like nNjf_bCBf80-02651-00625092-00625301 would you want nNjf_bCBf80-02652-00625302-00625481 as councilmember Clark said like nNjf_bCBf80-02653-00625482-00625625 something if you go out of state that nNjf_bCBf80-02654-00625626-00625829 there's additional approval where the nNjf_bCBf80-02655-00625830-00626020 mayor signs off on it the whole Council nNjf_bCBf80-02656-00626021-00626266 the country that triggers the additional nNjf_bCBf80-02657-00626267-00626477 review or are we good as long as it's nNjf_bCBf80-02658-00626478-00626860 consistent nNjf_bCBf80-02659-00626861-00627149 that's up to you I don't want to stifle nNjf_bCBf80-02660-00627150-00627383 anyone I mean council member nNjf_bCBf80-02661-00627384-00627622 Peterson if you want to go to another nNjf_bCBf80-02662-00627623-00627766 country and you're going to learn some nNjf_bCBf80-02663-00627767-00627970 cool stuff and bring it back to council nNjf_bCBf80-02664-00627971-00628205 with the use of public dollars I'm nNjf_bCBf80-02665-00628206-00628535 behind that 100 right and I think if we nNjf_bCBf80-02666-00628536-00628829 can identify a clear definition of what nNjf_bCBf80-02667-00628830-00629110 those things are I think that any of us nNjf_bCBf80-02668-00629111-00629357 could and if you find a good deal it nNjf_bCBf80-02669-00629358-00629543 could be a really applicable conference nNjf_bCBf80-02670-00629544-00629777 or training section I mean if it's like nNjf_bCBf80-02671-00629778-00630227 Aviation no yeah we don't have that nNjf_bCBf80-02672-00630228-00630383 stuff but you know but I think that's nNjf_bCBf80-02673-00630384-00630509 where the challenge is is just really nNjf_bCBf80-02674-00630510-00630875 identifying what is useful and what are nNjf_bCBf80-02675-00630876-00631018 some of the things we do and it's nNjf_bCBf80-02676-00631019-00631216 interesting because see how you're nNjf_bCBf80-02677-00631217-00631409 talking about it it makes it sound like nNjf_bCBf80-02678-00631410-00631612 you're almost going somewhere to gather nNjf_bCBf80-02679-00631613-00631859 information and then reporting it for nNjf_bCBf80-02680-00631860-00632093 the benefit of the whole Council whereas nNjf_bCBf80-02681-00632094-00632387 I sort of interpreted it as you could go nNjf_bCBf80-02682-00632388-00632687 to like you know like the new city nNjf_bCBf80-02683-00632688-00633029 council training and it's so it's almost nNjf_bCBf80-02684-00633030-00633347 more professional development so you as nNjf_bCBf80-02685-00633348-00633509 an individual visual would be able to nNjf_bCBf80-02686-00633510-00633712 perform your duties better as a city nNjf_bCBf80-02687-00633713-00633899 council member rather than necessarily nNjf_bCBf80-02688-00633900-00634103 reporting or for the benefit of the nNjf_bCBf80-02689-00634104-00634345 other side nNjf_bCBf80-02690-00634346-00634775 yeah it could be either I feel like nNjf_bCBf80-02691-00634776-00635081 professional development of being a nNjf_bCBf80-02692-00635082-00635422 public official yeah yeah so exactly for nNjf_bCBf80-02693-00635423-00635627 the for the overall good of nNjf_bCBf80-02694-00635628-00635818 yourself in the council and the nNjf_bCBf80-02695-00635819-00636107 communities yeah yeah keep Jamie in line nNjf_bCBf80-02696-00636108-00636383 keep Jamie in mind nNjf_bCBf80-02697-00636384-00636539 an actual conference I don't think nNjf_bCBf80-02698-00636540-00636839 there's enough nNjf_bCBf80-02699-00636840-00637133 I think the Bahamas yeah exactly nNjf_bCBf80-02700-00637134-00637475 specifically all going I think I feel nNjf_bCBf80-02701-00637476-00637666 pretty comfortable with what you've all nNjf_bCBf80-02702-00637667-00637810 said do you have anything else you want nNjf_bCBf80-02703-00637811-00638122 to add we'll bring a draft nNjf_bCBf80-02704-00638123-00638333 back for your approval so you'll have a nNjf_bCBf80-02705-00638334-00638639 chance of course to see details okay nNjf_bCBf80-02706-00638640-00638855 thank you so much and I think nNjf_bCBf80-02707-00638856-00639239 um shockingly that brings us to further nNjf_bCBf80-02708-00639240-00639407 questions and then nNjf_bCBf80-02709-00639408-00639659 um that's really our big orientation for nNjf_bCBf80-02710-00639660-00639868 you so thank you for your patience and nNjf_bCBf80-02711-00639869-00640091 all your contributions thanks thank you nNjf_bCBf80-02712-00640092-00640277 thank you thank you do we need public nNjf_bCBf80-02713-00640278-00640649 comments for this anybody anybody nNjf_bCBf80-02714-00640650-00641059 anybody online nNjf_bCBf80-02715-00641060-00641345 I started yeah we nNjf_bCBf80-02716-00641346-00641653 we got lost in our own world nNjf_bCBf80-02717-00641654-00641843 uh great nNjf_bCBf80-02718-00641844-00642037 we don't need a roll call we're good nNjf_bCBf80-02719-00642038-00642343 brings us to item 10 adjournment nNjf_bCBf80-02720-00642344-00642762 everybody stay safe stay home nNjf_bCBf80-02721-00642763-00643117 it's still raining nOgfELktoM8-00000-00000028-00000089 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00001-00000090-00001577 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00003-00004605-00005095 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00004-00005096-00005545 thank you nOgfELktoM8-00005-00005546-00006653 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00006-00006654-00006908 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00007-00006909-00008039 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00008-00008040-00008539 um nOgfELktoM8-00009-00008540-00008797 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00010-00008798-00009051 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00011-00009052-00010223 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00012-00010224-00010378 oh nOgfELktoM8-00013-00010379-00010964 my God nOgfELktoM8-00014-00010965-00011692 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00015-00011693-00013271 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00016-00013272-00014027 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00017-00014028-00014712 huh nOgfELktoM8-00018-00014713-00017075 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00019-00017076-00017734 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00020-00017735-00018623 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00021-00018624-00019586 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00022-00019587-00020512 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00023-00020513-00020766 [Laughter] nOgfELktoM8-00024-00020767-00021235 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00025-00021236-00022263 come on nOgfELktoM8-00026-00022264-00024107 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00027-00024108-00024401 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00028-00024402-00024720 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00029-00024721-00025467 [Laughter] nOgfELktoM8-00030-00025468-00027599 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00031-00027600-00028157 thank you nOgfELktoM8-00032-00028158-00029002 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00033-00029002-00030231 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00034-00030232-00030308 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00035-00030308-00030737 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00036-00030738-00031293 hahaha nOgfELktoM8-00037-00031294-00031370 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00038-00031370-00031713 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00039-00031714-00031916 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00040-00031917-00032052 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00041-00032052-00033737 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00042-00033738-00035872 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00043-00035873-00036128 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00044-00036129-00036652 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00045-00036653-00037223 foreign nOgfELktoM8-00047-00040597-00040776 thank you nOgfELktoM8-00048-00040777-00042151 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00049-00042152-00042166 [Applause] nOgfELktoM8-00050-00042167-00043502 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00051-00043503-00043859 [Music] nOgfELktoM8-00052-00043860-00044279 laughs nOgfELktoM8-00053-00044280-00045047 [Music] nP_7Z9bmjU0-00000-00000137-00000413 welcome this is nutritional pharmacist nP_7Z9bmjU0-00001-00000413-00000655 melissa gala day and I am a registered nP_7Z9bmjU0-00002-00000656-00000952 pharmacist with a passion for nutrition nP_7Z9bmjU0-00003-00000953-00001303 really really happy to be here and we nP_7Z9bmjU0-00004-00001304-00001775 are going to be doing zoom calls great nP_7Z9bmjU0-00005-00001776-00002014 calls that you can tap into you can call nP_7Z9bmjU0-00006-00002016-00002359 us directly through the number that we nP_7Z9bmjU0-00007-00002360-00002795 have on the system which is a 4:08 nP_7Z9bmjU0-00008-00002796-00003125 number and you can give us a ring at on nP_7Z9bmjU0-00009-00003126-00003431 Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. we're nP_7Z9bmjU0-00010-00003432-00003704 also doing calls on Thursdays at 6 p.m. nP_7Z9bmjU0-00011-00003704-00003893 and we'd love for you to join us we nP_7Z9bmjU0-00012-00003894-00004085 particularly love for you to dial in on nP_7Z9bmjU0-00013-00004086-00004283 the zoom platform so if you have any nP_7Z9bmjU0-00014-00004284-00004493 health questions I would be happy as a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00015-00004494-00004685 pharmacist to assist you in learning nP_7Z9bmjU0-00016-00004686-00004949 about your body and learning about what nP_7Z9bmjU0-00017-00004950-00005150 you can do and also learning about your nP_7Z9bmjU0-00018-00005151-00005327 pharmaceuticals a lot of times doctors nP_7Z9bmjU0-00019-00005328-00005611 don't have time to go over everything nP_7Z9bmjU0-00020-00005612-00005768 that's going on with your pharmaceutical nP_7Z9bmjU0-00021-00005769-00005938 regimen and I want you to know that nP_7Z9bmjU0-00022-00005939-00006118 there are things you need to learn nP_7Z9bmjU0-00023-00006119-00006268 there's things you need to know you need nP_7Z9bmjU0-00024-00006269-00006595 to be on on alert for because a lot the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00025-00006597-00006820 majority of these medications have many nP_7Z9bmjU0-00026-00006822-00007060 harmful side effects and you as the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00027-00007061-00007228 person taking these medications need to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00028-00007229-00007430 be alert to these and you can notify nP_7Z9bmjU0-00029-00007431-00007603 your doctor right away and you can learn nP_7Z9bmjU0-00030-00007604-00007928 and you also want to learn to pay nP_7Z9bmjU0-00031-00007929-00008134 attention and be aware like I said so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00032-00008136-00008392 I'm here in multiple platforms for you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00033-00008393-00008591 I'm here in multiple ways I'm here nP_7Z9bmjU0-00034-00008592-00008870 number one in my passion with nP_7Z9bmjU0-00035-00008871-00009041 biochemistry for you to learn your own nP_7Z9bmjU0-00036-00009042-00009235 biochemistry and become empowered and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00037-00009236-00009521 learn how to regenerate and renew your nP_7Z9bmjU0-00038-00009522-00009581 body nP_7Z9bmjU0-00039-00009582-00009845 I'm also here in the capacity as a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00040-00009846-00010019 pharmacist so if you have particular nP_7Z9bmjU0-00041-00010020-00010210 nutraceutical questions and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00042-00010211-00010399 pharmaceutical questions I want to help nP_7Z9bmjU0-00043-00010400-00010652 get those answers for you so again we nP_7Z9bmjU0-00044-00010653-00010903 love the live questions the platform you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00045-00010904-00011096 know in facebook live we're also nP_7Z9bmjU0-00046-00011097-00011378 available on the line with the zoom nP_7Z9bmjU0-00047-00011379-00011534 calls which is posted below you'll see nP_7Z9bmjU0-00048-00011535-00011753 that dial in number and that pen number nP_7Z9bmjU0-00049-00011754-00012095 again Tuesdays 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Pacific nP_7Z9bmjU0-00050-00012096-00012433 time and Thursday 6th and Pacific time nP_7Z9bmjU0-00051-00012434-00012667 so we're going to be continuing these nP_7Z9bmjU0-00052-00012668-00012908 and tonight we do have quite a few nP_7Z9bmjU0-00053-00012909-00013202 people on the line and there's a woman nP_7Z9bmjU0-00054-00013203-00013341 that I nP_7Z9bmjU0-00055-00013341-00013616 have been working with for a while she's nP_7Z9bmjU0-00056-00013618-00013791 up in Canada nP_7Z9bmjU0-00057-00013791-00014030 she lives in British Columbia on nP_7Z9bmjU0-00058-00014031-00014361 Vancouver Island and I'd like to take a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00059-00014362-00014754 minute right now to turn this over to my nP_7Z9bmjU0-00060-00014755-00015036 friends and and I want her to share what nP_7Z9bmjU0-00061-00015037-00015341 is happening for her since she just nP_7Z9bmjU0-00062-00015343-00015615 really started tuning in started nutria nP_7Z9bmjU0-00063-00015616-00015804 ting and probably made some nP_7Z9bmjU0-00064-00015805-00015972 modifications with her diet we're going nP_7Z9bmjU0-00065-00015972-00016128 to discuss what she did with her diet nP_7Z9bmjU0-00066-00016129-00016338 but I'm going to go ahead and turn the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00067-00016338-00016560 call over to Anne and Wow and welcome nP_7Z9bmjU0-00068-00016561-00016925 and so happy you're here tonight thank nP_7Z9bmjU0-00069-00016926-00017163 you very much my pleasure you've been so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00070-00017164-00017634 helpful yes I am have been on these nP_7Z9bmjU0-00071-00017635-00018117 product youngevity products or about 18 nP_7Z9bmjU0-00072-00018118-00018459 months now I started because I heard dr. nP_7Z9bmjU0-00073-00018460-00018714 Wallach on the coast to coast late-night nP_7Z9bmjU0-00074-00018715-00019055 radio and has been feeling just a little nP_7Z9bmjU0-00075-00019056-00019236 bit sluggish and decided to try the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00076-00019237-00019781 tangy tangerine which I did and so such nP_7Z9bmjU0-00077-00019782-00020121 a difference in I think of the two days nP_7Z9bmjU0-00078-00020122-00020502 and continued to take product for the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00079-00020503-00020922 remainder of the month and felt so much nP_7Z9bmjU0-00080-00020923-00021153 better that I decided to join the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00081-00021154-00021633 company which I did I also decided to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00082-00021634-00022086 try the oceans gold because I had a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00083-00022087-00022475 thyroid problem and within two months my nP_7Z9bmjU0-00084-00022476-00022865 thyroid medication was reduced by 1/3 nP_7Z9bmjU0-00085-00022866-00023043 Wow nP_7Z9bmjU0-00086-00023044-00023394 so within yeah and within 2 days you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00087-00023395-00023625 decided to start you you were so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00088-00023626-00023819 impressed is that right you decided to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00089-00023820-00024030 go ahead and leap into the into the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00090-00024031-00024512 business - that's amazing so I had the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00091-00024513-00025272 oceans gold and I also had been a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00092-00025273-00025601 candidate for double knee replacements nP_7Z9bmjU0-00093-00025602-00025969 and I hadn't anticipated it could be nP_7Z9bmjU0-00094-00025970-00026147 done above that but I didn't want to go nP_7Z9bmjU0-00095-00026148-00026510 into hospital when I was looking for nP_7Z9bmjU0-00096-00026511-00026885 some other solution to my difficulty so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00097-00026886-00027212 I decided to try the local gel and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00098-00027213-00027820 beyond off the ofx and I add the three nP_7Z9bmjU0-00099-00027822-00028463 essential fatty acids and so after about nP_7Z9bmjU0-00100-00028464-00028961 a year I guess I am no longer a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00101-00028962-00029308 candidate for knee replacement I'm still nP_7Z9bmjU0-00102-00029310-00029600 working on doing stairs I still have nP_7Z9bmjU0-00103-00029601-00029902 some pain when I walk but I have to go nP_7Z9bmjU0-00104-00029904-00030248 up the staircase but I am walking three nP_7Z9bmjU0-00105-00030249-00030557 miles a day and I am without pain as nP_7Z9bmjU0-00106-00030558-00030857 long as I don't have to do stairs so I nP_7Z9bmjU0-00107-00030858-00031045 felt that a little way to go but I'm so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00108-00031047-00031364 encouraged but hospitalization is no nP_7Z9bmjU0-00109-00031364-00031694 longer a necessity I did make some nP_7Z9bmjU0-00110-00031695-00032020 changes to my diet I stopped eating nP_7Z9bmjU0-00111-00032022-00032447 bread I stopped eating anything that has nP_7Z9bmjU0-00112-00032448-00033071 flour in it and stopped all sugar nP_7Z9bmjU0-00113-00033072-00033689 except for trip product okay and that nP_7Z9bmjU0-00114-00033690-00034204 has made a wonderful difference for me nP_7Z9bmjU0-00115-00034205-00034460 nothing sugar and flour has made a nP_7Z9bmjU0-00116-00034461-00034762 wonderful difference for my daughter nP_7Z9bmjU0-00117-00034763-00035192 with release of debilitating migraine nP_7Z9bmjU0-00118-00035193-00035627 headaches in five days Wow and that's nP_7Z9bmjU0-00119-00035628-00035849 beautiful and I just for the sake of the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00120-00035850-00036077 people listening you know what I heard nP_7Z9bmjU0-00121-00036078-00036509 you say is within two days of taking 87 nP_7Z9bmjU0-00122-00036510-00036674 out of the 90 essential nutrients you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00123-00036675-00036920 need you found yourself your energy nP_7Z9bmjU0-00124-00036921-00037136 going up which is very impressive and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00125-00037137-00037379 I've heard that story more than once you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00126-00037380-00037661 were also able to regenerate your knees nP_7Z9bmjU0-00127-00037662-00037991 that were painful all the time her knees nP_7Z9bmjU0-00128-00037992-00038234 were painful she wasn't able to mobilize nP_7Z9bmjU0-00129-00038235-00038465 as well and now she's finding that she nP_7Z9bmjU0-00130-00038466-00038645 can walk stairs she can do all these nP_7Z9bmjU0-00131-00038646-00038939 things that I'm going to guess at the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00132-00038940-00039092 ders told you you probably wouldn't be nP_7Z9bmjU0-00133-00039093-00039274 able to do any more that you were going nP_7Z9bmjU0-00134-00039275-00039412 to kind of not be able to do them nP_7Z9bmjU0-00135-00039413-00040036 anymore is that accurate down surgery nP_7Z9bmjU0-00136-00040037-00040462 right and so this is someone who within nP_7Z9bmjU0-00137-00040463-00040849 a year you know has literally nP_7Z9bmjU0-00138-00040850-00041120 regenerated her cartilage in her knees nP_7Z9bmjU0-00139-00041121-00041390 and it's just you know she has a lot nP_7Z9bmjU0-00140-00041391-00041596 more mobility it's just so beautiful and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00141-00041597-00041812 then just to move on you were you were nP_7Z9bmjU0-00142-00041813-00041968 mentioning your daughter what would you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00143-00041969-00042148 like to tell us about your daughter nP_7Z9bmjU0-00144-00042149-00042487 yes she was having a migraine headaches nP_7Z9bmjU0-00145-00042488-00043027 and I had sent her I knew she was having nP_7Z9bmjU0-00146-00043028-00043220 some problems with her digestive tract nP_7Z9bmjU0-00147-00043221-00043540 and I had sent her some of the enzymes nP_7Z9bmjU0-00148-00043541-00043985 and probiotics and suggested she stopped nP_7Z9bmjU0-00149-00043986-00044381 eating sugar and flour and within five nP_7Z9bmjU0-00150-00044382-00044606 days she was had a tree she couldn't nP_7Z9bmjU0-00151-00044607-00044665 believe it nP_7Z9bmjU0-00152-00044666-00045252 and she did slip up once and she only nP_7Z9bmjU0-00153-00045253-00045530 said something a mother never expects to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00154-00045531-00045779 hear you were right mom nP_7Z9bmjU0-00155-00045780-00046312 she has been eatin some sugar and a bit nP_7Z9bmjU0-00156-00046313-00046742 dessert and migraines came right back nP_7Z9bmjU0-00157-00046743-00047287 and she says that my diet change now is nP_7Z9bmjU0-00158-00047288-00047589 permanent I will never do that again nP_7Z9bmjU0-00159-00047590-00048064 I write C and that's what it's about you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00160-00048065-00048239 know what we do these calls for are nP_7Z9bmjU0-00161-00048240-00048481 about for you to learn your own nP_7Z9bmjU0-00162-00048482-00048761 biochemistry and when your body is nP_7Z9bmjU0-00163-00048762-00049031 sending you pain signals it's actually nP_7Z9bmjU0-00164-00049032-00049220 telling you something's going on and you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00165-00049221-00049502 want to address it so the pain signals nP_7Z9bmjU0-00166-00049503-00049973 are ways for you to pay attention and so nP_7Z9bmjU0-00167-00049974-00050126 in the case of Anna's daughter the nP_7Z9bmjU0-00168-00050127-00050377 migraines were a signal that something nP_7Z9bmjU0-00169-00050378-00050648 was going on and with an you know nP_7Z9bmjU0-00170-00050649-00050792 sharing hey why don't you look at your nP_7Z9bmjU0-00171-00050793-00050951 diet why don't you look at what you can nP_7Z9bmjU0-00172-00050952-00051314 do and her daughter being an open minded nP_7Z9bmjU0-00173-00051315-00051583 person and a willing person was willing nP_7Z9bmjU0-00174-00051584-00051863 to take some direction and follow it and nP_7Z9bmjU0-00175-00051864-00052207 found that from not she was able to you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00176-00052208-00052286 know nP_7Z9bmjU0-00177-00052287-00052457 reverse our condition and not be nP_7Z9bmjU0-00178-00052458-00052670 experiencing migraines so it's just an nP_7Z9bmjU0-00179-00052671-00053084 amazing story and amazing share so we nP_7Z9bmjU0-00180-00053085-00053392 are going to go ahead and wrap up early nP_7Z9bmjU0-00181-00053394-00053639 in the sense of we know we've been nP_7Z9bmjU0-00182-00053640-00053804 online a short period of time but our nP_7Z9bmjU0-00183-00053804-00054050 usual intention is to be here at 30 nP_7Z9bmjU0-00184-00054051-00054314 minutes and at the same time tonight nP_7Z9bmjU0-00185-00054315-00054422 we're just going to jump off a little nP_7Z9bmjU0-00186-00054423-00054734 early but we're here and as things nP_7Z9bmjU0-00187-00054735-00054920 continue we definitely want you to post nP_7Z9bmjU0-00188-00054921-00055091 any questions on you if you when you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00189-00055091-00055334 watch this video we definitely want you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00190-00055335-00055589 to post your questions here we will be nP_7Z9bmjU0-00191-00055590-00055780 addressing all questions individually nP_7Z9bmjU0-00192-00055782-00056140 and getting back to you so you can also nP_7Z9bmjU0-00193-00056141-00056482 hashtag nutritional pharmacists or send nP_7Z9bmjU0-00194-00056483-00056639 me a message directly I'd be happy to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00195-00056640-00056828 help you again one on one anything you nP_7Z9bmjU0-00196-00056829-00057119 need and our team is here to again to nP_7Z9bmjU0-00197-00057120-00057287 answer your questions for you to learn nP_7Z9bmjU0-00198-00057288-00057554 about your body and to master your nP_7Z9bmjU0-00199-00057554-00057983 biochemistry alright bye bye nQ-NMbuCeBy-00000-00000000-00000196 oh nQ-NMbuCeBy-00001-00000197-00000669 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00002-00000670-00000790 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00003-00000791-00001001 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00004-00001002-00001372 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00005-00001373-00001910 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00006-00001911-00002487 me nQ-NMbuCeBy-00008-00006006-00006032 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00009-00006033-00006311 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00010-00006312-00006385 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00011-00006386-00006998 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00012-00007000-00007363 take nQ-NMbuCeBy-00013-00007364-00007642 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00015-00010864-00011011 baby nQ-NMbuCeBy-00016-00011012-00012910 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00017-00012911-00013065 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00018-00013066-00013699 [Music] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00019-00013700-00014166 [Applause] nQ-NMbuCeBy-00020-00014168-00014376 you nS30NEh4UcQ-00000-00000189-00000476 the technology was returned by 30 nS30NEh4UcQ-00001-00000476-00000701 submarines through a large commando nS30NEh4UcQ-00002-00000702-00000963 action nS30NEh4UcQ-00003-00000964-00002260 [Music] nS30NEh4UcQ-00004-00002261-00002642 what do we know about the operation nS30NEh4UcQ-00005-00002643-00002939 Highjump about Admiral Byrd's expedition nS30NEh4UcQ-00006-00002940-00003413 in the autumn of 46 the early spring of nS30NEh4UcQ-00007-00003414-00003890 47 to the South Pole that this is an nS30NEh4UcQ-00008-00003890-00004106 expedition that has been almost nS30NEh4UcQ-00009-00004107-00004361 forgotten and it's very hard to come up nS30NEh4UcQ-00010-00004362-00004754 with any information about it the few nS30NEh4UcQ-00011-00004755-00004922 articles that were published at that nS30NEh4UcQ-00012-00004923-00005183 time in let's say National Geographic nS30NEh4UcQ-00013-00005184-00005621 magazine would not give any clue to the nS30NEh4UcQ-00014-00005622-00005854 real intention of that expedition nS30NEh4UcQ-00015-00005855-00006259 however recently we discovered a unique nS30NEh4UcQ-00016-00006260-00006614 documentary film in color one hour long nS30NEh4UcQ-00017-00006615-00007043 made by the US Navy it was a massive nS30NEh4UcQ-00018-00007044-00007391 naval operation that involved an nS30NEh4UcQ-00019-00007392-00007513 aircraft carrier nS30NEh4UcQ-00020-00007514-00007798 several battleships and armed submarine nS30NEh4UcQ-00021-00007800-00008243 and probably another 20 supply and nS30NEh4UcQ-00022-00008244-00008671 battleships it involved 4,000 troops and nS30NEh4UcQ-00023-00008672-00009010 US troops and the rumor is that there nS30NEh4UcQ-00024-00009011-00009260 were also British in Russian contingents nS30NEh4UcQ-00025-00009261-00009545 within these 4,000 troops it was a nS30NEh4UcQ-00026-00009546-00009874 massive a naval operation it was not as nS30NEh4UcQ-00027-00009875-00010373 it has been presented to the public that nS30NEh4UcQ-00028-00010374-00010676 it was a peaceful expedition to explore nS30NEh4UcQ-00029-00010677-00010856 the natural resources of the South Pole nS30NEh4UcQ-00030-00010857-00011167 they descended to little America which nS30NEh4UcQ-00031-00011168-00011560 is the place of the previous Admiral nS30NEh4UcQ-00032-00011561-00011834 Byrd landings from South Pole and then nS30NEh4UcQ-00033-00011835-00012360 they started a massive overflight over nS30NEh4UcQ-00034-00012361-00012652 the whole area of the south what was it nS30NEh4UcQ-00035-00012653-00012982 at Admiral Byrd fan of the South Pole nS30NEh4UcQ-00036-00012983-00013249 incredibly enough in an official nS30NEh4UcQ-00037-00013250-00013666 American Navy documentary film we found nS30NEh4UcQ-00038-00013668-00013928 footage of what Admiral Byrd found on nS30NEh4UcQ-00039-00013929-00014078 the South Pole he found nS30NEh4UcQ-00040-00014079-00014408 giant freshwater never flee freezing nS30NEh4UcQ-00041-00014409-00014744 Lakes with areas on around them that nS30NEh4UcQ-00042-00014744-00015149 were free of any snow and in that film nS30NEh4UcQ-00043-00015150-00015172 which nS30NEh4UcQ-00044-00015174-00015512 footage of the navy planes landing in nS30NEh4UcQ-00045-00015513-00015887 these lakes but even more so he found a nS30NEh4UcQ-00046-00015888-00016205 to his amazement that his planes were nS30NEh4UcQ-00047-00016206-00016451 disappearing very quickly a lot of them nS30NEh4UcQ-00048-00016452-00016849 crashed into invisible barriers and nS30NEh4UcQ-00049-00016850-00017126 disintegrated in mid-flight this is an nS30NEh4UcQ-00050-00017127-00017296 indication that the Germans had already nS30NEh4UcQ-00051-00017297-00017672 perfected the force field shield and nS30NEh4UcQ-00052-00017673-00017960 they were up and operational around the nS30NEh4UcQ-00053-00017961-00018257 German corner at North Lebanon when he nS30NEh4UcQ-00054-00018258-00018398 was retreating basically the whole nS30NEh4UcQ-00055-00018399-00018590 operation lasted for one week they nS30NEh4UcQ-00056-00018591-00018917 started in the at the end of February 47 nS30NEh4UcQ-00057-00018918-00019406 and by the first week of March they were nS30NEh4UcQ-00058-00019407-00019733 through with the whole operation and nS30NEh4UcQ-00059-00019734-00019946 much much earlier than scheduled and nS30NEh4UcQ-00060-00019947-00020210 they departed and in an interview at nS30NEh4UcQ-00061-00020211-00020474 Buenos Aires on his way back Admiral nS30NEh4UcQ-00062-00020475-00020903 Byrd made incredible statement that the nS30NEh4UcQ-00063-00020904-00021128 third world war would probably be with nS30NEh4UcQ-00064-00021129-00021329 an adversary coming from the polar nS30NEh4UcQ-00065-00021330-00021602 regions of our planet an adversary that nS30NEh4UcQ-00066-00021603-00021980 has the ability to fly unobstructed from nS30NEh4UcQ-00067-00021981-00022241 pole to pole nSiolzBzryQ-00000-00000478-00000751 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00001-00000752-00001167 so nSiolzBzryQ-00002-00001168-00001782 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00003-00001784-00001914 oh nSiolzBzryQ-00005-00006335-00006748 huh nSiolzBzryQ-00006-00006748-00007798 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00007-00007800-00008031 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00008-00008031-00008151 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00009-00008152-00008602 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00011-00013144-00013744 so nSiolzBzryQ-00012-00013744-00015010 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00013-00015011-00016780 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00015-00023512-00023750 you are departing your lane please nSiolzBzryQ-00016-00023751-00023950 position the vehicle in the center of nSiolzBzryQ-00017-00023951-00024051 the lane nSiolzBzryQ-00019-00027144-00027263 so nSiolzBzryQ-00020-00027264-00029024 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00021-00029025-00030095 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00022-00030095-00030333 is nSiolzBzryQ-00023-00030333-00031495 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00024-00031495-00031808 so nSiolzBzryQ-00025-00031808-00033009 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00026-00033010-00033940 [Applause] nSiolzBzryQ-00027-00033941-00035602 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00028-00035603-00036455 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00029-00036456-00036687 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00030-00036688-00036807 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00031-00036808-00037400 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00032-00037401-00038751 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00033-00038752-00039541 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00034-00039542-00040718 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00035-00040719-00040918 position the vehicle in the center of nSiolzBzryQ-00036-00040919-00041091 the lane nSiolzBzryQ-00037-00041092-00043826 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00038-00043827-00044902 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00039-00044903-00045143 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00040-00045144-00045255 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00041-00045256-00045641 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00042-00045642-00048446 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00044-00051800-00052742 so nSiolzBzryQ-00045-00052744-00054003 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00046-00054004-00056420 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00047-00056421-00057587 [Applause] nSiolzBzryQ-00048-00057588-00058369 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00050-00066976-00067206 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00051-00067207-00067326 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00052-00067327-00067660 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00053-00067661-00068597 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00054-00068598-00069775 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00055-00069776-00070015 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00056-00070016-00070238 front of you please increase your nSiolzBzryQ-00057-00070239-00072068 distance nSiolzBzryQ-00058-00072069-00072238 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00059-00072239-00072587 so nSiolzBzryQ-00060-00072588-00073671 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00061-00073672-00074091 so nSiolzBzryQ-00062-00074092-00076503 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00063-00076504-00076738 so nSiolzBzryQ-00064-00076739-00078546 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00066-00082698-00085438 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00067-00085439-00085819 know nSiolzBzryQ-00068-00085820-00086848 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00069-00086849-00087368 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00070-00087369-00088511 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00071-00088512-00088743 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00072-00088744-00088862 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00073-00088863-00089159 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00074-00089160-00090527 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00076-00097600-00098001 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00077-00098002-00099150 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00078-00099151-00099505 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00080-00104488-00104842 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00082-00108552-00109366 thank you nSiolzBzryQ-00083-00109367-00109966 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00084-00109967-00110142 so nSiolzBzryQ-00085-00110143-00112282 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00086-00112283-00112758 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00087-00112759-00113414 me nSiolzBzryQ-00088-00113415-00114922 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00089-00114923-00116766 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00090-00116767-00118158 so nSiolzBzryQ-00091-00118159-00119063 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00092-00119064-00119563 hey nSiolzBzryQ-00093-00119564-00121164 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00094-00121165-00121823 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00095-00121824-00124574 so nSiolzBzryQ-00096-00124575-00125349 [Laughter] nSiolzBzryQ-00097-00125350-00125607 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00098-00125608-00125839 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00099-00125840-00125958 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00100-00125959-00126755 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00101-00126756-00129486 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00102-00129488-00129744 so nSiolzBzryQ-00103-00129745-00132343 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00104-00132344-00132645 so nSiolzBzryQ-00105-00132646-00134566 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00106-00134567-00136607 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00107-00136608-00137514 what nSiolzBzryQ-00109-00142010-00142245 [Applause] nSiolzBzryQ-00110-00142246-00143735 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00111-00143736-00144303 so nSiolzBzryQ-00113-00149567-00149742 my nSiolzBzryQ-00114-00149743-00150918 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00115-00150919-00152537 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00116-00152538-00153491 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00117-00153492-00154031 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00118-00154032-00154267 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00119-00154268-00154920 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00120-00154921-00156261 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00122-00159640-00159863 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00123-00159864-00160102 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00124-00160103-00160214 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00125-00160215-00160905 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00126-00160906-00163126 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00127-00163127-00163718 uh nSiolzBzryQ-00128-00163719-00164671 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00129-00164672-00164911 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00130-00164912-00165023 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00131-00165024-00165332 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00132-00165333-00166695 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00133-00166696-00167077 stop nSiolzBzryQ-00134-00167078-00167702 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00135-00167703-00169007 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00136-00169008-00169154 bye nSiolzBzryQ-00137-00169155-00170159 [Music] nSiolzBzryQ-00138-00170160-00170390 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00139-00170391-00170511 front of you nSiolzBzryQ-00140-00170512-00171999 please increase your distance nSiolzBzryQ-00141-00172000-00173063 foreign nSiolzBzryQ-00142-00173064-00175447 what's up nSiolzBzryQ-00144-00180655-00180887 you are driving too close to the car in nSiolzBzryQ-00145-00180888-00181136 front of you nSOBLLVfVSo-00000-00000008-00000325 box plots and violin plots are a nice nSOBLLVfVSo-00001-00000326-00000624 way of summarizing the distribution of a nSOBLLVfVSo-00002-00000625-00000883 quantitative or continuous variable but nSOBLLVfVSo-00003-00000884-00001072 maybe you actually want to see the data nSOBLLVfVSo-00004-00001073-00001399 directly and dot plots are a way that nSOBLLVfVSo-00005-00001400-00001657 allow you to do that and beginning with nSOBLLVfVSo-00006-00001657-00001861 the violin plus that I made using the nSOBLLVfVSo-00007-00001862-00002122 iris data from the example set and then nSOBLLVfVSo-00008-00002123-00002410 I'm going to click on the analysis to nSOBLLVfVSo-00009-00002411-00002572 open up the commands and they're going nSOBLLVfVSo-00010-00002573-00002827 to come back down here to plots and move nSOBLLVfVSo-00011-00002828-00002985 this up and what I'm going to do is nSOBLLVfVSo-00012-00002986-00003295 simply add data now a lot of times you nSOBLLVfVSo-00013-00003296-00003517 don't want to have things stacked where nSOBLLVfVSo-00014-00003518-00003654 you have more than one kind of plot on nSOBLLVfVSo-00015-00003656-00003963 top of another the violin and the data nSOBLLVfVSo-00016-00003964-00004174 it works kind of well because the nSOBLLVfVSo-00017-00004175-00004366 violins in empty shape and here you have nSOBLLVfVSo-00018-00004367-00004684 the data in there now what this is is nSOBLLVfVSo-00019-00004685-00004906 every data point in the data set there's nSOBLLVfVSo-00020-00004907-00005056 a hundred and fifty in this particular nSOBLLVfVSo-00021-00005057-00005317 case and they go from the lowest score nSOBLLVfVSo-00022-00005318-00005695 up to the highest score and you can see nSOBLLVfVSo-00023-00005696-00005926 how they approximately match the density nSOBLLVfVSo-00024-00005927-00006217 of the violin plot now this is called a nSOBLLVfVSo-00025-00006218-00006462 jittered chart because really every dot nSOBLLVfVSo-00026-00006463-00006645 should be exactly on the line here in nSOBLLVfVSo-00027-00006646-00006789 the middle but that makes it hard to nSOBLLVfVSo-00028-00006790-00006960 tell how many there are in a particular nSOBLLVfVSo-00029-00006961-00007126 place because they might lay on top of nSOBLLVfVSo-00030-00007127-00007398 one another and so jittering is randomly nSOBLLVfVSo-00031-00007399-00007576 spreading the amount a little bit to the nSOBLLVfVSo-00032-00007577-00007783 left or to the right so they're not nSOBLLVfVSo-00033-00007784-00007956 usually on top of each other and it's a nSOBLLVfVSo-00034-00007957-00008256 little easier to see the density of the nSOBLLVfVSo-00035-00008257-00008439 distribution I'll show you some others nSOBLLVfVSo-00036-00008440-00008608 here nSOBLLVfVSo-00037-00008609-00008892 on the other hand you have another nSOBLLVfVSo-00038-00008893-00009088 choice instead of just jittering if you nSOBLLVfVSo-00039-00009089-00009324 are a nice and orderly person you can nSOBLLVfVSo-00040-00009325-00009702 also select stacked and what's stacked nSOBLLVfVSo-00041-00009703-00009877 us instead of distributing them out nSOBLLVfVSo-00042-00009878-00010110 randomly it puts them exactly where they nSOBLLVfVSo-00043-00010111-00010344 need to go and arranges the amount and nSOBLLVfVSo-00044-00010345-00010630 mirror-image patterns as you go up the nSOBLLVfVSo-00045-00010631-00010938 chart and so again this will appeal to nSOBLLVfVSo-00046-00010939-00011160 those of you who are very fastidious but nSOBLLVfVSo-00047-00011161-00011377 now you can see a little clearer the nSOBLLVfVSo-00048-00011378-00011671 distribution of points at each value and nSOBLLVfVSo-00049-00011672-00011988 you can see really how the violin plot nSOBLLVfVSo-00050-00011989-00012268 mimics that I'm actually going to leave nSOBLLVfVSo-00051-00012269-00012487 the violin plot on normally I would nSOBLLVfVSo-00052-00012488-00012688 remove it because the two go together nSOBLLVfVSo-00053-00012689-00013012 nicely they don't compete and then I'm nSOBLLVfVSo-00054-00013013-00013210 going to come down here to where we have nSOBLLVfVSo-00055-00013211-00013500 our same file in plots but broken down nSOBLLVfVSo-00056-00013501-00013732 by the species I'm going to click on nSOBLLVfVSo-00057-00013733-00013980 that to bring up that analysis and then nSOBLLVfVSo-00058-00013981-00014247 I'll click on data and I'll leave it at nSOBLLVfVSo-00059-00014248-00014578 stacked now what's interesting is I said nSOBLLVfVSo-00060-00014579-00014749 stacked but that appears to be jittered nSOBLLVfVSo-00061-00014750-00014866 so I'm gonna see if I can get its nSOBLLVfVSo-00062-00014866-00015022 attention by switching back and forth nSOBLLVfVSo-00063-00015022-00015265 from jittered to stack to see if it nSOBLLVfVSo-00064-00015266-00015505 changes anything that was just a small nSOBLLVfVSo-00065-00015506-00015669 glitch but by going back and forth we nSOBLLVfVSo-00066-00015670-00015841 straightened it out and now you can see nSOBLLVfVSo-00067-00015841-00016087 how the data are arranged within each of nSOBLLVfVSo-00068-00016088-00016290 the violin plots nSOBLLVfVSo-00069-00016291-00016635 and the height and the width of each of nSOBLLVfVSo-00070-00016636-00016755 the violin plots now it makes a little nSOBLLVfVSo-00071-00016756-00017157 more sense and so a dot plot of this nSOBLLVfVSo-00072-00017158-00017388 kind either deterred or probably stacked nSOBLLVfVSo-00073-00017389-00017520 as a little easier to read nSOBLLVfVSo-00074-00017521-00017829 let's you see what's going into the box nSOBLLVfVSo-00075-00017830-00018093 plots or into the violin plots and lets nSOBLLVfVSo-00076-00018094-00018363 you see the individual data points that nSOBLLVfVSo-00077-00018364-00018774 are going to drive your analysis nSTWjWpUxS0-00000-00000003-00000209 in this video we are going to learn nSTWjWpUxS0-00001-00000210-00000461 about how soap is made by process called nSTWjWpUxS0-00002-00000462-00000701 hydrolysis and how we can control nSTWjWpUxS0-00003-00000702-00000956 whether the soap produced is hard or nSTWjWpUxS0-00004-00000957-00001279 soft soap is a detergent and has been nSTWjWpUxS0-00005-00001280-00001465 around for thousands of years nSTWjWpUxS0-00006-00001466-00001742 traditionally ash from wood fires acted nSTWjWpUxS0-00007-00001743-00001942 on animal fat in the first soap making nSTWjWpUxS0-00008-00001943-00002225 processes when animals were baked on a nSTWjWpUxS0-00009-00002226-00002498 spit over wood fire the flat will drop nSTWjWpUxS0-00010-00002499-00002774 onto the ashes the ash contained nSTWjWpUxS0-00011-00002775-00003034 potassium carbonate which broke apart nSTWjWpUxS0-00012-00003035-00003281 the fats and Saudi ashes when wetted nSTWjWpUxS0-00013-00003282-00003572 were excellent as a cleaning agent for nSTWjWpUxS0-00014-00003572-00003854 the pots and pans soap is a substance nSTWjWpUxS0-00015-00003854-00004124 that when used with water removes dirt nSTWjWpUxS0-00016-00004125-00004315 and oil away from the skin or other nSTWjWpUxS0-00017-00004316-00004631 material such as clothing soaps have nSTWjWpUxS0-00018-00004632-00004927 always been made in a similar way using nSTWjWpUxS0-00019-00004928-00005170 hydrolysis the fancy word for this nSTWjWpUxS0-00020-00005171-00005543 process is saponification chemically nSTWjWpUxS0-00021-00005544-00005854 fatty acids or oils combined with a base nSTWjWpUxS0-00022-00005855-00006209 typically sodium hydroxide and water the nSTWjWpUxS0-00023-00006210-00006448 result of this process is soap and a nSTWjWpUxS0-00024-00006450-00006778 chemical called glycerine this is seen nSTWjWpUxS0-00025-00006779-00006953 in the chemical reaction where the fatty nSTWjWpUxS0-00026-00006954-00007259 ester highlighted is broken down to form nSTWjWpUxS0-00027-00007259-00007673 a carboxylate salt and glycerine nSTWjWpUxS0-00028-00007673-00007938 glycerine is found in luxury soaps nSTWjWpUxS0-00029-00007939-00008139 because of its ability to make soaps nSTWjWpUxS0-00030-00008140-00008439 appear translucent there are two kinds nSTWjWpUxS0-00031-00008440-00008799 of soap hard soap and soft soap what do nSTWjWpUxS0-00032-00008800-00009060 you think this means pause the video and nSTWjWpUxS0-00033-00009061-00009478 continue in ready nSTWjWpUxS0-00034-00009479-00009762 soaps can be hard meaning they can be nSTWjWpUxS0-00035-00009763-00010049 molded into shapes typically a bar or nSTWjWpUxS0-00036-00010050-00010223 they can be soft like those found in nSTWjWpUxS0-00037-00010224-00010494 hand washes which are liquefied and kept nSTWjWpUxS0-00038-00010495-00010577 in bottles nSTWjWpUxS0-00039-00010578-00010880 in addition hard soaps dissolve more nSTWjWpUxS0-00040-00010881-00011228 slowly whereas soft soaps dissolve more nSTWjWpUxS0-00041-00011229-00011541 quickly hard soaps are made by using nSTWjWpUxS0-00042-00011542-00011819 certain fats like coconut oils lard or nSTWjWpUxS0-00043-00011820-00012083 cocoa butter look at the equation shown nSTWjWpUxS0-00044-00012084-00012325 now nSTWjWpUxS0-00045-00012326-00012619 the our group represents the size of a nSTWjWpUxS0-00046-00012620-00012907 hydrocarbon chain how do you think this nSTWjWpUxS0-00047-00012908-00013099 might influence whether a soap is hard nSTWjWpUxS0-00048-00013100-00013390 or soft pause the video and resume when nSTWjWpUxS0-00049-00013391-00013776 ready nSTWjWpUxS0-00050-00013777-00014015 the are groups of a particular length nSTWjWpUxS0-00051-00014016-00014304 alters the fats properties particularly nSTWjWpUxS0-00052-00014305-00014574 its melting point and its solubility in nSTWjWpUxS0-00053-00014575-00014793 addition the choice of base such as nSTWjWpUxS0-00054-00014794-00014988 whether use sodium hydroxide or nSTWjWpUxS0-00055-00014988-00015261 potassium hydroxide is also important nSTWjWpUxS0-00056-00015262-00015534 typically hard soaps are made when fatty nSTWjWpUxS0-00057-00015535-00015768 acid esters with our groups containing nSTWjWpUxS0-00058-00015769-00016019 12 carbons or more use sodium hydroxide nSTWjWpUxS0-00059-00016021-00016422 in a saponification process fatty acid nSTWjWpUxS0-00060-00016423-00016638 esters with six carbons or less are not nSTWjWpUxS0-00061-00016639-00016908 used as they irritate the skin and smell nSTWjWpUxS0-00062-00016909-00017141 pretty funny nSTWjWpUxS0-00063-00017142-00017378 soft soaps use fatty acid esters like nSTWjWpUxS0-00064-00017379-00017680 avocado oil sunflower oil and castor oil nSTWjWpUxS0-00065-00017681-00017905 to name a few and our reacted with nSTWjWpUxS0-00066-00017906-00018224 potassium hydroxide when saponified in nSTWjWpUxS0-00067-00018225-00018500 summary soaps are made by process called nSTWjWpUxS0-00068-00018501-00018752 saponification really this is a nSTWjWpUxS0-00069-00018753-00019052 hydrolysis reaction whereby a fatty acid nSTWjWpUxS0-00070-00019053-00019316 ester bond is broken and a carboxylate nSTWjWpUxS0-00071-00019317-00019610 salt and glycerin are formed that nSTWjWpUxS0-00072-00019611-00019868 carboxylate salt is the soap that we use nSTWjWpUxS0-00073-00019869-00020114 when we wash and can be hard as in a nSTWjWpUxS0-00074-00020115-00020417 Baris oak or soft like that found in a nSTWjWpUxS0-00075-00020418-00020672 hand wash nT27UIAAmJ4-00000-00000000-00000173 I wasn't gay and I really got one too nT27UIAAmJ4-00001-00000174-00000391 you got your what girl nT27UIAAmJ4-00002-00000392-00000852 yeah nT27UIAAmJ4-00003-00000853-00001061 stop screwing my bed back because I'll nT27UIAAmJ4-00004-00001062-00001399 keep cutting the fan off nT27UIAAmJ4-00005-00001400-00001667 Sharon shut up you freaking crap Baby nT27UIAAmJ4-00006-00001668-00001847 Bro [__] Ain't gonna be able to hear nT27UIAAmJ4-00007-00001848-00002092 us that's why the box is about to die nT27UIAAmJ4-00008-00002093-00002683 anyway because nT27UIAAmJ4-00009-00002684-00002908 we can't even talk about that last nT27UIAAmJ4-00010-00002909-00003586 minute nT27UIAAmJ4-00011-00003588-00003731 I love it nT27UIAAmJ4-00012-00003732-00003925 [Music] nT27UIAAmJ4-00013-00003926-00004254 now nT27UIAAmJ4-00014-00004255-00004563 you know he popping like that nT27UIAAmJ4-00015-00004564-00005604 [Music] nT27UIAAmJ4-00016-00005605-00005879 what are you doing nT27UIAAmJ4-00017-00005880-00006778 come on bro nT27UIAAmJ4-00018-00006779-00007001 oh nT27UIAAmJ4-00020-00010415-00010692 damn nT27UIAAmJ4-00021-00010693-00011027 shut up you freaking cry baby nT27UIAAmJ4-00022-00011028-00011195 bro [__] Ain't gonna be able to hear nT27UIAAmJ4-00023-00011196-00011335 us nT27UIAAmJ4-00024-00011336-00011560 about to cut that [__] off that's why nT27UIAAmJ4-00025-00011561-00012637 the box is about to die anyway nT27UIAAmJ4-00026-00012638-00012899 for that one time remember that one time nT27UIAAmJ4-00027-00012900-00013037 he was roasted that what do we do right nT27UIAAmJ4-00028-00013038-00013357 before he got like he said girl you ugly nT27UIAAmJ4-00029-00013358-00013751 all right come on go lock in nT27UIAAmJ4-00030-00013752-00015049 this [__] Dairy is over playing nT27UIAAmJ4-00031-00015050-00015280 you work nT27UIAAmJ4-00032-00015281-00015503 I can't wait to make a song bro you nT27UIAAmJ4-00033-00015504-00015622 almost got my phone dying because you're nT27UIAAmJ4-00034-00015623-00015821 throwing up all that in the books all nT27UIAAmJ4-00035-00015822-00016253 right baby I gotta put my hood on bro nT27UIAAmJ4-00036-00016254-00016594 um nT27UIAAmJ4-00037-00016595-00016769 you hurt they ain't talking about nT27UIAAmJ4-00038-00016770-00017875 nothing to work nT27UIAAmJ4-00039-00017876-00018136 yo what's the move your nT27UIAAmJ4-00040-00018137-00018883 feet first of all get on my spot yeah nT27UIAAmJ4-00041-00018884-00019121 hopefully we do not get that dude again nT27UIAAmJ4-00042-00019122-00019397 yeah nT27UIAAmJ4-00043-00019398-00019600 yeah nT27UIAAmJ4-00044-00019601-00019793 no it's not that is George you put that nT27UIAAmJ4-00045-00019794-00020370 there before you left nT27UIAAmJ4-00046-00020371-00021334 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00000-00000108-00001462 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00001-00001463-00001687 hello and welcome to tony's music my nTBQDjuhsQg-00002-00001688-00001871 name's tony and i really appreciate you nTBQDjuhsQg-00003-00001872-00002030 joining me on my channel nTBQDjuhsQg-00004-00002032-00002207 please hit the like and the subscribe nTBQDjuhsQg-00005-00002208-00002391 buttons and hit the notifications about nTBQDjuhsQg-00006-00002392-00002575 future reference of new videos i'll be nTBQDjuhsQg-00007-00002576-00002783 posting every friday nTBQDjuhsQg-00008-00002784-00002983 firstly i'd like to say hello to my new nTBQDjuhsQg-00009-00002984-00003286 subscriber that's steve stevens music nTBQDjuhsQg-00010-00003288-00003454 he has his own channel called steve nTBQDjuhsQg-00011-00003455-00003622 simmons music of course nTBQDjuhsQg-00012-00003623-00003743 and nTBQDjuhsQg-00013-00003744-00003967 he's a singer songwriter he's really nTBQDjuhsQg-00014-00003968-00004175 very good i've listened to a few of his nTBQDjuhsQg-00015-00004176-00004383 tunes and i've vlogged quite a few of nTBQDjuhsQg-00016-00004384-00004551 them so if you want to check it out nTBQDjuhsQg-00017-00004552-00004806 please do so i'm sure he'll appreciate nTBQDjuhsQg-00018-00004807-00005022 it as well as that please check out my nTBQDjuhsQg-00019-00005023-00005159 channel description for the links to nTBQDjuhsQg-00020-00005160-00005406 dudely timely create studio profit page nTBQDjuhsQg-00021-00005407-00005683 profit site mirage photo vibrance nTBQDjuhsQg-00022-00005684-00005902 glorify and of course tony's business nTBQDjuhsQg-00023-00005903-00006183 academy as well as that please check out nTBQDjuhsQg-00024-00006184-00006399 doodly internally png's which is a free nTBQDjuhsQg-00025-00006400-00006559 facebook group where you can download nTBQDjuhsQg-00026-00006559-00006742 assets for free and they're free for nTBQDjuhsQg-00027-00006743-00006887 commercial use nTBQDjuhsQg-00028-00006888-00007175 on there in guides nine is nTBQDjuhsQg-00029-00007176-00007406 graphical which is a business-based nTBQDjuhsQg-00030-00007408-00007639 company dealing with high-end nTBQDjuhsQg-00031-00007640-00007870 graphics to do with business based nTBQDjuhsQg-00032-00007872-00008006 graphics and things like that so they're nTBQDjuhsQg-00033-00008008-00008310 professionally done so if you want to do nTBQDjuhsQg-00034-00008311-00008567 that that's 37 at the moment because nTBQDjuhsQg-00035-00008568-00008783 he's still on the black friday special nTBQDjuhsQg-00036-00008784-00009039 deal up until september the 28th i nTBQDjuhsQg-00037-00009040-00009135 believe nTBQDjuhsQg-00038-00009136-00009335 um so if you want to do that please do nTBQDjuhsQg-00039-00009336-00009423 so nTBQDjuhsQg-00040-00009424-00009678 as well as that please check out dooley nTBQDjuhsQg-00041-00009679-00010014 users group by salabos which is run by a nTBQDjuhsQg-00042-00010015-00010206 friend of mine called wayne leisure he's nTBQDjuhsQg-00043-00010207-00010503 really good at technical advice nTBQDjuhsQg-00044-00010504-00010759 to do with doobly especially but he will nTBQDjuhsQg-00045-00010760-00010942 be moving on to other things soon nTBQDjuhsQg-00046-00010943-00011063 hopefully nTBQDjuhsQg-00047-00011064-00011238 as well as that nTBQDjuhsQg-00048-00011239-00011455 please enjoy the videos coming up have a nTBQDjuhsQg-00049-00011456-00012166 great day and stay safe thank you nTBQDjuhsQg-00050-00012167-00013337 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00051-00013338-00013815 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00052-00013816-00013915 blue nTBQDjuhsQg-00053-00013916-00015293 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00054-00015294-00016175 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00055-00016176-00016406 wow nTBQDjuhsQg-00056-00016407-00018943 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00057-00018944-00019080 foreign nTBQDjuhsQg-00058-00019081-00020271 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00059-00020272-00020970 hmm nTBQDjuhsQg-00060-00020971-00021593 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00061-00021594-00022257 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00062-00022258-00023055 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00063-00023056-00023863 huh nTBQDjuhsQg-00064-00023864-00024086 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00065-00024087-00024493 ah nTBQDjuhsQg-00066-00024494-00025620 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00067-00025622-00026725 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00068-00026726-00028207 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00069-00028208-00028588 wow nTBQDjuhsQg-00070-00028589-00030431 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00071-00030432-00030892 hey nTBQDjuhsQg-00072-00030893-00031662 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00073-00031663-00031977 ah nTBQDjuhsQg-00074-00031977-00033087 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00075-00033088-00033362 foreign nTBQDjuhsQg-00076-00033363-00034232 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00077-00034233-00037114 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00078-00037115-00037935 [Music] nTBQDjuhsQg-00079-00037936-00038144 you nUpMpTMgYCu-00000-00000038-00000398 Crete Greek critic Rudi kriti ancient nUpMpTMgYCu-00001-00000399-00000644 Greek credit Creta is the largest and nUpMpTMgYCu-00002-00000645-00000899 most populous of the Greek islands the nUpMpTMgYCu-00003-00000900-00001174 88th largest island in the world and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00004-00001175-00001340 fifth largest island in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00005-00001341-00001648 Mediterranean Sea after Sicily Sardinia nUpMpTMgYCu-00006-00001648-00002072 Cyprus and Corsica Crete and a number of nUpMpTMgYCu-00007-00002073-00002224 surrounding islands and islets nUpMpTMgYCu-00008-00002225-00002474 constitute the region of Crete Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00009-00002475-00002692 periphery accretes one of the 13 nUpMpTMgYCu-00010-00002693-00002971 top-level administrative units of Greece nUpMpTMgYCu-00011-00002972-00003265 the capital and the largest city is nUpMpTMgYCu-00012-00003266-00003629 Heraklion as of 2011 the region had a nUpMpTMgYCu-00013-00003629-00004292 population of 620 3065 crete forms a nUpMpTMgYCu-00014-00004293-00004499 significant part of the economy and nUpMpTMgYCu-00015-00004500-00004715 cultural heritage of greece while nUpMpTMgYCu-00016-00004716-00004963 retaining its own local cultural traits nUpMpTMgYCu-00017-00004964-00005338 such as its own poetry and music it was nUpMpTMgYCu-00018-00005339-00005510 once the center of the Minoan nUpMpTMgYCu-00019-00005511-00006059 civilization c2 700 one for 200 BC which nUpMpTMgYCu-00020-00006060-00006299 is the earliest known civilization in nUpMpTMgYCu-00021-00006300-00006638 Europe the palace of knossos lies in nUpMpTMgYCu-00022-00006639-00007042 Crete topic name the island is first nUpMpTMgYCu-00023-00007043-00007325 referred to as kaptara in texts from the nUpMpTMgYCu-00024-00007326-00007478 Syrian city of Mari nUpMpTMgYCu-00025-00007479-00007820 dating from the 18th century BC repeated nUpMpTMgYCu-00026-00007820-00008071 later in neo-assyrian records and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00027-00008072-00008432 Bible CAFTA it was also known in ancient nUpMpTMgYCu-00028-00008433-00008738 Egyptian as kept you strongly suggesting nUpMpTMgYCu-00029-00008739-00008989 a similar Minoan name for the island the nUpMpTMgYCu-00030-00008990-00009188 current name of Crete is thought to be nUpMpTMgYCu-00031-00009189-00009473 first attested in Mycenaean Greek texts nUpMpTMgYCu-00032-00009474-00009724 written in Linear B through the words K nUpMpTMgYCu-00033-00009725-00009983 reet a asterisk Greeks later Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00034-00009984-00010256 creats plural of Chris K Ricci Joe nUpMpTMgYCu-00035-00010257-00010487 asterisk Chrissie hos later Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00036-00010488-00010619 cruisers nUpMpTMgYCu-00037-00010620-00010952 in ancient Greek the name creep create a nUpMpTMgYCu-00038-00010953-00011273 first appears in Homer's Odyssey its nUpMpTMgYCu-00039-00011274-00011570 etymology is unknown one proposal nUpMpTMgYCu-00040-00011571-00011801 derives it from a hypothetical lewin nUpMpTMgYCu-00041-00011802-00012191 word asterisk casada CF curse our island nUpMpTMgYCu-00042-00012192-00012571 curse at are cutting sliver in Latin it nUpMpTMgYCu-00043-00012572-00012880 became critter the original Arabic name nUpMpTMgYCu-00044-00012881-00013615 of Crete was it krytus Arabic a good nUpMpTMgYCu-00045-00013616-00014347 topic physical geography Crete is the nUpMpTMgYCu-00046-00014349-00014561 largest island in Greece and the fifth nUpMpTMgYCu-00047-00014562-00014830 largest island in the Mediterranean Sea nUpMpTMgYCu-00048-00014831-00015134 it is located in the southern part of nUpMpTMgYCu-00049-00015135-00015359 the Aegean Sea separating the Aegean nUpMpTMgYCu-00050-00015360-00016169 from the Libyan sea topic island nUpMpTMgYCu-00051-00016169-00016772 morphology the island has an elongated nUpMpTMgYCu-00052-00016773-00017279 shape it spans 260 kilometres 160 miles nUpMpTMgYCu-00053-00017280-00017660 from east to west is 60 kilometers 37 nUpMpTMgYCu-00054-00017661-00017936 miles at its widest point and narrows to nUpMpTMgYCu-00055-00017937-00018296 as little as 12 kilometers 7.5 miles nUpMpTMgYCu-00056-00018297-00018653 close to euro petra crete covers an area nUpMpTMgYCu-00057-00018654-00019280 of 8,000 336 square kilometers 3219 nUpMpTMgYCu-00058-00019281-00019670 square miles with a coastline of 1046 nUpMpTMgYCu-00059-00019671-00020051 kilometers 650 miles to the north it nUpMpTMgYCu-00060-00020052-00020300 broaches the sea of crete greek Kritika nUpMpTMgYCu-00061-00020301-00020537 Pella goes to the south the Libyan sea nUpMpTMgYCu-00062-00020538-00020801 Greek liebe capella goes in the West the nUpMpTMgYCu-00063-00020802-00021026 Myrtle and sea and toward the east the nUpMpTMgYCu-00064-00021027-00021509 Carpathian see it lies approximately 160 nUpMpTMgYCu-00065-00021510-00021812 kilometres 99 miles south of the Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00066-00021813-00022969 mainland topic mountains and valleys nUpMpTMgYCu-00067-00022970-00023276 Crete is mountainous and it's character nUpMpTMgYCu-00068-00023277-00023501 is defined by a high mountain range nUpMpTMgYCu-00069-00023502-00023753 crossing from west to east formed by nUpMpTMgYCu-00070-00023754-00024110 three different groups of mountains the nUpMpTMgYCu-00071-00024111-00024544 White Mountains or lefke or e 2454 nUpMpTMgYCu-00072-00024545-00025013 meters 8051 feet the IDI range nUpMpTMgYCu-00073-00025014-00025499 sororities 35.1 eight degrees north 24.8 nUpMpTMgYCu-00074-00025500-00025766 two degrees east thirty five point one nUpMpTMgYCu-00075-00025767-00025984 eight twenty four point eight to two nUpMpTMgYCu-00076-00025985-00026186 thousand four hundred and fifty six nUpMpTMgYCu-00077-00026187-00026399 metres eight thousand and fifty eight nUpMpTMgYCu-00078-00026400-00026785 feet cad rows one thousand nUpMpTMgYCu-00079-00026786-00027095 777 meters five thousand eight hundred nUpMpTMgYCu-00080-00027095-00027458 and thirty feet the dick team mountains nUpMpTMgYCu-00081-00027458-00027664 two thousand one hundred and forty eight nUpMpTMgYCu-00082-00027666-00027914 meters seven thousand and forty seven nUpMpTMgYCu-00083-00027914-00028742 feet Tripti 1489 meters 4885 feet these nUpMpTMgYCu-00084-00028743-00028949 mountains lavished Crete with valleys nUpMpTMgYCu-00085-00028950-00029252 such as a Maori Valley fertile plateaus nUpMpTMgYCu-00086-00029252-00029543 such as lassithi plateau Omo loss and nUpMpTMgYCu-00087-00029544-00029804 nidar caves such as Gugu nUpMpTMgYCu-00088-00029805-00030058 dictation and I day in the birthplace of nUpMpTMgYCu-00089-00030059-00030320 the ancient Greek god Zeus and a number nUpMpTMgYCu-00090-00030320-00031223 of gorges topic gorges rivers and lakes nUpMpTMgYCu-00091-00031224-00031868 the island has a number of gorges such nUpMpTMgYCu-00092-00031869-00032105 as the samaria gorge in brass gorge nUpMpTMgYCu-00093-00032106-00032371 court led KO gorge her gorge nUpMpTMgYCu-00094-00032372-00032633 Platini Agoge the gorge of the Dead at nUpMpTMgYCu-00095-00032633-00032945 Caddo zaccharas sisha and rich disgorge nUpMpTMgYCu-00096-00032946-00033221 and richness waterfall at XO Molly Anna nUpMpTMgYCu-00097-00033222-00033502 in sisha the rivers of Crete include the nUpMpTMgYCu-00098-00033503-00033770 Year eponymous River the Cowell eros the nUpMpTMgYCu-00099-00033771-00034085 antipode eros the Almaraz the GFI rose nUpMpTMgYCu-00100-00034086-00034433 and mega spa Tomas there are only two nUpMpTMgYCu-00101-00034434-00034693 freshwater lakes in crete lake corners nUpMpTMgYCu-00102-00034694-00034939 and Laker gear which are both in Chania nUpMpTMgYCu-00103-00034940-00035276 regional unit lake villas many at the nUpMpTMgYCu-00104-00035277-00035564 coast at aghios nikolaos was formerly a nUpMpTMgYCu-00105-00035565-00035804 freshwater lake but is now connected to nUpMpTMgYCu-00106-00035805-00036133 the sea in lassithi lakes that were nUpMpTMgYCu-00107-00036134-00036412 created by dams also exist in Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00108-00036413-00036692 there are three the lake of APIs Lamas nUpMpTMgYCu-00109-00036693-00036958 dam the lake of Potamus dam and the lake nUpMpTMgYCu-00110-00036959-00037832 of M Premier Anna dam topic surrounding nUpMpTMgYCu-00111-00037833-00038357 Islands a large nUpMpTMgYCu-00112-00038358-00038605 of islands islets and rocks hugged the nUpMpTMgYCu-00113-00038606-00038893 coast of Crete many are visited by nUpMpTMgYCu-00114-00038894-00039154 tourists some are only visited by nUpMpTMgYCu-00115-00039155-00039514 archeologists and biologists some are nUpMpTMgYCu-00116-00039515-00039817 environmentally protected a small sample nUpMpTMgYCu-00117-00039818-00040171 of the islands includes graham Moussa nUpMpTMgYCu-00118-00040172-00040427 Koussa Mose Hanyu the pirate island nUpMpTMgYCu-00119-00040428-00040835 opposite the Barlow lagoon elephone EC nUpMpTMgYCu-00120-00040836-00041108 Hanyu which commemorates a shipwreck and nUpMpTMgYCu-00121-00041109-00041495 an ottoman Massacre Krissy island yara nUpMpTMgYCu-00122-00041496-00041726 petra lassithi which hosts the largest nUpMpTMgYCu-00123-00041727-00042102 natural Lebanon cedar forests in Europe nUpMpTMgYCu-00124-00042103-00042418 packs Amalia Ireland a geog aleni nUpMpTMgYCu-00125-00042419-00042649 refa Mina where the god Apollo and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00126-00042650-00043021 goddess Artemis were born the Venetian nUpMpTMgYCu-00127-00043022-00043270 fought and leper colony had Spinalonga nUpMpTMgYCu-00128-00043271-00043501 opposite the beach in shallow waters of nUpMpTMgYCu-00129-00043502-00043970 Elune de-ice Niklaus lassithi Dionysus nUpMpTMgYCu-00130-00043971-00044120 aids islands which are in an nUpMpTMgYCu-00131-00044121-00044305 environmentally protected region nUpMpTMgYCu-00132-00044306-00044551 together the palm beach forests of eye nUpMpTMgYCu-00133-00044552-00044836 in the municipality of sisha lassithi of nUpMpTMgYCu-00134-00044837-00045080 the south coast the island of Gavroche nUpMpTMgYCu-00135-00045081-00045412 is located 26 nautical miles 48 nUpMpTMgYCu-00136-00045413-00045680 kilometres south of Horace fake Ian and nUpMpTMgYCu-00137-00045681-00046386 is the southernmost point of Europe nUpMpTMgYCu-00138-00046387-00047030 topic climate Crete straddles two nUpMpTMgYCu-00139-00047031-00047326 climatic zones the Mediterranean and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00140-00047327-00047576 North African mainly falling within the nUpMpTMgYCu-00141-00047577-00047948 former as such the climate in Crete is nUpMpTMgYCu-00142-00047949-00048254 primarily Mediterranean the atmosphere nUpMpTMgYCu-00143-00048255-00048479 can be quite humid depending on the nUpMpTMgYCu-00144-00048480-00048724 proximity to the sea while winter is nUpMpTMgYCu-00145-00048725-00049085 fairly mild snowfall is common on the nUpMpTMgYCu-00146-00049086-00049312 mountains between November and May but nUpMpTMgYCu-00147-00049313-00049679 rare in the low-lying areas while some nUpMpTMgYCu-00148-00049680-00049918 mountaintops are snow capped for most of nUpMpTMgYCu-00149-00049919-00050174 the year near the coasts note only stays nUpMpTMgYCu-00150-00050175-00050464 on the ground for a few minutes or hours nUpMpTMgYCu-00151-00050465-00050849 however a truly exceptional cold snap nUpMpTMgYCu-00152-00050850-00051196 swept the island in February 2004 during nUpMpTMgYCu-00153-00051197-00051379 which period the whole island was nUpMpTMgYCu-00154-00051380-00051704 blanketed with snow during the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00155-00051704-00051761 summer nUpMpTMgYCu-00156-00051762-00052007 average temperatures reach the high 20s nUpMpTMgYCu-00157-00052008-00052342 low 30s Celsius mid 80s to mid 90s nUpMpTMgYCu-00158-00052344-00052579 Fahrenheit with maxima touching the nUpMpTMgYCu-00159-00052580-00052982 upper 30s mid 40s the south coast nUpMpTMgYCu-00160-00052983-00053237 including the Messier plain and Astor is nUpMpTMgYCu-00161-00053238-00053498 iya mountains falls in the North African nUpMpTMgYCu-00162-00053499-00053696 climatic zone and thus enjoys nUpMpTMgYCu-00163-00053697-00053936 significantly more sunny days and high nUpMpTMgYCu-00164-00053937-00054233 temperatures throughout the year there nUpMpTMgYCu-00165-00054234-00054485 date-palms bear fruit and swallows nUpMpTMgYCu-00166-00054486-00054740 remain year round rather than migrate to nUpMpTMgYCu-00167-00054741-00055105 Africa the Fertile region around Europe nUpMpTMgYCu-00168-00055107-00055337 Petra on the southeastern corner of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00169-00055338-00055555 island is renowned for its exceptional nUpMpTMgYCu-00170-00055557-00055826 year-round agricultural production with nUpMpTMgYCu-00171-00055827-00056078 all kinds of summer vegetables and fruit nUpMpTMgYCu-00172-00056079-00056300 produced in greenhouses throughout the nUpMpTMgYCu-00173-00056301-00056654 winter western crete Hanyu province nUpMpTMgYCu-00174-00056654-00056885 receives more rain and is more erosive nUpMpTMgYCu-00175-00056886-00057664 compared to the eastern part of crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00176-00057665-00057779 topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00177-00057779-00058424 geography crete is the most populous nUpMpTMgYCu-00178-00058425-00058664 island in greece with a population of nUpMpTMgYCu-00179-00058665-00059057 more than 600,000 people approximately nUpMpTMgYCu-00180-00059058-00059375 42% live in crete Spain's cities and nUpMpTMgYCu-00181-00059376-00060253 towns whilst 45% live in rural areas nUpMpTMgYCu-00182-00060254-00060916 topic administration crete with its nUpMpTMgYCu-00183-00060917-00061175 nearby islands form the crete region nUpMpTMgYCu-00184-00061176-00061400 greek periphery accretes periphery nUpMpTMgYCu-00185-00061401-00061664 accreta s-- one of the 13 regions of nUpMpTMgYCu-00186-00061665-00061861 Greece which were established in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00187-00061862-00062312 1987 administrative reform with the 2010 nUpMpTMgYCu-00188-00062313-00062542 Cala krytus plan the powers and nUpMpTMgYCu-00189-00062544-00062777 authority of the regions were redefined nUpMpTMgYCu-00190-00062778-00063101 and extended the region is based at nUpMpTMgYCu-00191-00063102-00063332 Heraklion and is divided into four nUpMpTMgYCu-00192-00063333-00063557 regional units precalc Rattus nUpMpTMgYCu-00193-00063558-00063911 prefectures from west to east these are nUpMpTMgYCu-00194-00063912-00064273 Hanyu rethymno Heraklion and lassithi nUpMpTMgYCu-00195-00064274-00064577 these are further subdivided into 20 nUpMpTMgYCu-00196-00064578-00064952 four municipalities the region's nUpMpTMgYCu-00197-00064953-00065124 governor is since the fur nUpMpTMgYCu-00198-00065125-00065511 of January 2011 stavros are Nauticus who nUpMpTMgYCu-00199-00065512-00065787 was elected in the November 2010 local nUpMpTMgYCu-00200-00065788-00065979 administration elections for the nUpMpTMgYCu-00201-00065980-00066786 Panhellenic Socialist Movement topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00202-00066787-00067476 cities Heraklion is the largest city and nUpMpTMgYCu-00203-00067477-00067785 capital of crete Hanyu was the capital nUpMpTMgYCu-00204-00067786-00068282 until 1971 the principal cities are nUpMpTMgYCu-00205-00068283-00068916 Heraklion eraklyon or candia 173,000 993 nUpMpTMgYCu-00206-00068917-00069464 inhabitants Chania Hanyu 108 thousand nUpMpTMgYCu-00207-00069465-00069951 642 inhabitants ratham no thirty four nUpMpTMgYCu-00208-00069952-00070317 thousand three hundred inhabitants euro nUpMpTMgYCu-00209-00070318-00070545 petra twenty-three thousand seven nUpMpTMgYCu-00210-00070546-00070890 hundred and seven inhabitants highest nUpMpTMgYCu-00211-00070891-00071124 Nicholas nineteen thousand four hundred nUpMpTMgYCu-00212-00071125-00071562 and sixty-two inhabitants sisha fourteen nUpMpTMgYCu-00213-00071563-00071757 thousand three hundred and thirty-eight nUpMpTMgYCu-00214-00071758-00072921 inhabitants topic economy the economy of nUpMpTMgYCu-00215-00072922-00073209 Crete is predominantly based on services nUpMpTMgYCu-00216-00073210-00073293 and tourism nUpMpTMgYCu-00217-00073294-00073587 however agriculture also plays an nUpMpTMgYCu-00218-00073588-00073809 important role and Crete is one of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00219-00073810-00074010 few Greek islands that can support nUpMpTMgYCu-00220-00074011-00074268 itself independently without a tourism nUpMpTMgYCu-00221-00074269-00074598 industry the economy began to change nUpMpTMgYCu-00222-00074599-00074916 visibly during the 1970s as tourism nUpMpTMgYCu-00223-00074917-00075216 gained in importance although an nUpMpTMgYCu-00224-00075217-00075432 emphasis remains on agriculture and nUpMpTMgYCu-00225-00075433-00075687 stockbreeding because of the climate and nUpMpTMgYCu-00226-00075688-00075885 terrain of the island there has been a nUpMpTMgYCu-00227-00075886-00076149 drop in manufacturing and an observable nUpMpTMgYCu-00228-00076150-00076377 expansion in its service industries nUpMpTMgYCu-00229-00076378-00076749 mainly tourism related all three sectors nUpMpTMgYCu-00230-00076750-00076962 of the Cretan economy agriculture nUpMpTMgYCu-00231-00076963-00077247 farming processing packaging services nUpMpTMgYCu-00232-00077248-00077469 are directly connected and nUpMpTMgYCu-00233-00077470-00077769 interdependent the island has a per nUpMpTMgYCu-00234-00077770-00078006 capita income much higher than the Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00235-00078007-00078240 average whereas unemployment is at nUpMpTMgYCu-00236-00078241-00078497 approximately 4% 1/6 nUpMpTMgYCu-00237-00078498-00078856 that of the country overall as in many nUpMpTMgYCu-00238-00078857-00079124 regions of Greece viticulture and olive nUpMpTMgYCu-00239-00079125-00079357 groves are significant oranges and nUpMpTMgYCu-00240-00079358-00079691 citrons are also cultivated until nUpMpTMgYCu-00241-00079692-00079906 recently there were restrictions on the nUpMpTMgYCu-00242-00079907-00080150 import of bananas to Greece therefore nUpMpTMgYCu-00243-00080151-00080341 bananas were grown on the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00244-00080342-00080690 predominantly in greenhouses dairy nUpMpTMgYCu-00245-00080691-00080887 products are important to the local nUpMpTMgYCu-00246-00080888-00081094 economy and there are a number of nUpMpTMgYCu-00247-00081095-00081431 speciality cheeses such as misra and 30 nUpMpTMgYCu-00248-00081432-00082325 rose and careful artery topic transport nUpMpTMgYCu-00249-00082326-00082904 infrastructure the island has three nUpMpTMgYCu-00250-00082905-00083150 significant airports nikos kazantzakis nUpMpTMgYCu-00251-00083151-00083488 at Heraklion the descaler Yanis airport nUpMpTMgYCu-00252-00083489-00083753 at Hanyu and a smaller one in c-sharp nUpMpTMgYCu-00253-00083754-00084068 the first to serve international routes nUpMpTMgYCu-00254-00084069-00084281 acting as the main gateways to the nUpMpTMgYCu-00255-00084282-00084556 island for travelers there is a nUpMpTMgYCu-00256-00084557-00084821 long-standing plan to replace Heraklion nUpMpTMgYCu-00257-00084822-00085073 Airport with a completely new airport at nUpMpTMgYCu-00258-00085074-00085306 Castelar where there is presently an Air nUpMpTMgYCu-00259-00085307-00085691 Force Base the island is well served by nUpMpTMgYCu-00260-00085692-00085987 ferries mostly from Athens by ferry nUpMpTMgYCu-00261-00085988-00086218 companies such as mono landlines and nUpMpTMgYCu-00262-00086219-00086609 anek lines although the road network nUpMpTMgYCu-00263-00086610-00086885 leads almost everywhere there is a lack nUpMpTMgYCu-00264-00086886-00087094 of modern highways although this is nUpMpTMgYCu-00265-00087095-00087311 gradually changing with the completion nUpMpTMgYCu-00266-00087312-00087530 of the northern coastal spine highway nUpMpTMgYCu-00267-00087531-00087856 also during the 1930s there was a narrow nUpMpTMgYCu-00268-00087857-00088112 gauge industrial railway in Heraklion nUpMpTMgYCu-00269-00088113-00088381 from GFI rose in the west side of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00270-00088382-00088669 city to the port there are now no nUpMpTMgYCu-00271-00088670-00088979 railway lines on Crete the government is nUpMpTMgYCu-00272-00088980-00089165 planning the construction of the line nUpMpTMgYCu-00273-00089166-00089971 from Chania to Heraklion via Filner nUpMpTMgYCu-00274-00089972-00090700 topic development newspapers have report nUpMpTMgYCu-00275-00090701-00090937 the Ministry of Mercantile Marine is nUpMpTMgYCu-00276-00090938-00091135 ready to support the agreement between nUpMpTMgYCu-00277-00091136-00091474 Greece South Korea Dubai ports world and nUpMpTMgYCu-00278-00091475-00091660 China for the construction of a large nUpMpTMgYCu-00279-00091661-00091924 international container port and free nUpMpTMgYCu-00280-00091925-00092176 trade zone in southern Crete Nitin nUpMpTMgYCu-00281-00092177-00092551 the plan is to expropriate 850 hectares nUpMpTMgYCu-00282-00092552-00092890 of land the port would handle 2 million nUpMpTMgYCu-00283-00092891-00093154 containers per year but the project has nUpMpTMgYCu-00284-00093155-00093400 not been universally welcomed because of nUpMpTMgYCu-00285-00093401-00093625 its environmental economic and cultural nUpMpTMgYCu-00286-00093626-00094114 impact as of January 2013 the project nUpMpTMgYCu-00287-00094115-00094333 has still not been confirmed although nUpMpTMgYCu-00288-00094334-00094549 there is mounting pressure to approve it nUpMpTMgYCu-00289-00094550-00094765 arising from Greece's difficult economic nUpMpTMgYCu-00290-00094766-00095182 situation there are plans for underwater nUpMpTMgYCu-00291-00095183-00095431 cables going from mainland Greece to nUpMpTMgYCu-00292-00095432-00095680 Israel and Egypt passing by Crete and nUpMpTMgYCu-00293-00095681-00095962 Cyprus Euro Africa interconnector and nUpMpTMgYCu-00294-00095963-00096265 Eurasia interconnector they would nUpMpTMgYCu-00295-00096266-00096496 connect Crete electrically with mainland nUpMpTMgYCu-00296-00096497-00096795 Greece ending energy isolation of Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00297-00096796-00097114 now Hellenic Republic covers for Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00298-00097115-00097357 electricity costs difference of around nUpMpTMgYCu-00299-00097358-00098601 300 million euros per year topic history nUpMpTMgYCu-00300-00098602-00099037 in 2002 the paleontologist Gerard nUpMpTMgYCu-00301-00099038-00099313 Gilinsky discovered fossil footprints nUpMpTMgYCu-00302-00099314-00099559 left by ancient human relatives five nUpMpTMgYCu-00303-00099560-00099802 million six hundred thousand years ago nUpMpTMgYCu-00304-00099803-00100117 hominids settled in Crete at least 130 nUpMpTMgYCu-00305-00100118-00100411 thousand years ago in the later nUpMpTMgYCu-00306-00100412-00100654 Neolithic and Bronze Age periods under nUpMpTMgYCu-00307-00100655-00100924 the Minoans Crete had a highly developed nUpMpTMgYCu-00308-00100925-00101284 literate civilization it has been ruled nUpMpTMgYCu-00309-00101285-00101566 by various ancient Greek entities the nUpMpTMgYCu-00310-00101567-00101872 Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire the nUpMpTMgYCu-00311-00101873-00102100 emirate of Crete the Republic of Venice nUpMpTMgYCu-00312-00102101-00102430 and the Ottoman Empire after a brief nUpMpTMgYCu-00313-00102431-00102858 period of independence 1897 to 1913 nUpMpTMgYCu-00314-00102859-00103105 under a provisional Cretan government it nUpMpTMgYCu-00315-00103106-00103405 joined the kingdom of Greece it was nUpMpTMgYCu-00316-00103406-00103659 occupied by Nazi Germany during the nUpMpTMgYCu-00317-00103660-00104253 Second World War nUpMpTMgYCu-00318-00104254-00104965 topic prehistoric Crete the first human nUpMpTMgYCu-00319-00104966-00105277 settlement in Crete dates before 130 nUpMpTMgYCu-00320-00105278-00105454 thousand years ago during the nUpMpTMgYCu-00321-00105455-00105814 Paleolithic Age settlements dating to nUpMpTMgYCu-00322-00105815-00106048 the a ceramic Neolithic in the 7th nUpMpTMgYCu-00323-00106049-00106339 millennium BC used cattle sheep goats nUpMpTMgYCu-00324-00106340-00106630 pigs and dogs as well as domesticated nUpMpTMgYCu-00325-00106631-00106930 cereals and legumes ancient gnosis was nUpMpTMgYCu-00326-00106931-00107160 the site of one of these major Neolithic nUpMpTMgYCu-00327-00107161-00107539 then later Minoan sites other Neolithic nUpMpTMgYCu-00328-00107540-00107758 settlements include those at keffler nUpMpTMgYCu-00329-00107758-00108646 Mikasa and trapeze our topic Minoan nUpMpTMgYCu-00330-00108647-00109240 civilization Crete was the center of nUpMpTMgYCu-00331-00109241-00109525 Europe's first advanced civilization the nUpMpTMgYCu-00332-00109526-00109846 Minoan sea - 700 nUpMpTMgYCu-00333-00109847-00110263 140 200 BC this civilization wrote in nUpMpTMgYCu-00334-00110264-00110521 the undeciphered script as linear a nUpMpTMgYCu-00335-00110522-00110752 early Cretan history is replete with nUpMpTMgYCu-00336-00110753-00111082 legends such as those of king - Theseus nUpMpTMgYCu-00337-00111083-00111328 and the Minotaur passed on orally via nUpMpTMgYCu-00338-00111329-00111655 poets such as Homer the volcanic nUpMpTMgYCu-00339-00111656-00111871 eruption of Thera may have been the nUpMpTMgYCu-00340-00111872-00112083 cause of the downfall of the Minoan nUpMpTMgYCu-00341-00112084-00112911 civilization topic Mycenaean nUpMpTMgYCu-00342-00112913-00113647 civilization in 1420 BC the Minoan nUpMpTMgYCu-00343-00113648-00113854 civilization was overrun by the nUpMpTMgYCu-00344-00113855-00114124 Mycenaean civilization from mainland nUpMpTMgYCu-00345-00114125-00114481 Greece the oldest samples of writing in nUpMpTMgYCu-00346-00114482-00114706 the Greek language as identified by nUpMpTMgYCu-00347-00114707-00114958 Michael Ventris is the linear be nUpMpTMgYCu-00348-00114958-00115246 archived from gnosis dated approximately nUpMpTMgYCu-00349-00115247-00116313 to 1425 to 1375 bc topic archaic nUpMpTMgYCu-00350-00116314-00116907 and classical period after the Bronze nUpMpTMgYCu-00351-00116908-00117161 Age collapse Crete was settled by new nUpMpTMgYCu-00352-00117163-00117419 waves of Greeks from the mainland a nUpMpTMgYCu-00353-00117420-00117708 number of city-states developed in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00354-00117708-00117972 archaic period there was very limited nUpMpTMgYCu-00355-00117973-00118251 contact with mainland Greece and Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00356-00118252-00118511 historiography shows little interest in nUpMpTMgYCu-00357-00118513-00118770 Crete and as a result there are very few nUpMpTMgYCu-00358-00118771-00119186 literary sources during the 6th to 4th nUpMpTMgYCu-00359-00119188-00119496 centuries BC Crete was comparatively nUpMpTMgYCu-00360-00119497-00119865 free from warfare the Gorton code 5th nUpMpTMgYCu-00361-00119866-00120189 century BC is evidence for how codified nUpMpTMgYCu-00362-00120190-00120425 civil law established a balance between nUpMpTMgYCu-00363-00120426-00120831 aristocratic power and civil rights in nUpMpTMgYCu-00364-00120832-00121160 the late 4th century BC the aristocratic nUpMpTMgYCu-00365-00121161-00121404 order began to collapse due to endemic nUpMpTMgYCu-00366-00121405-00121641 infighting among the elite and creats nUpMpTMgYCu-00367-00121642-00121883 economy was weakened by prolonged wars nUpMpTMgYCu-00368-00121884-00122081 between city-states nUpMpTMgYCu-00369-00122082-00122505 during the 3rd century BC Gorton cadonia nUpMpTMgYCu-00370-00122506-00122759 Chania Leto's and Pola Rainier nUpMpTMgYCu-00371-00122760-00123092 challenged the primacy of ancient gnosis nUpMpTMgYCu-00372-00123093-00123363 while the cities continued to prey upon nUpMpTMgYCu-00373-00123364-00123611 one another they invited into their nUpMpTMgYCu-00374-00123613-00123864 feuds mainland powers like Macedon and nUpMpTMgYCu-00375-00123865-00124251 its rivals roads and Ptolemaic Egypt in nUpMpTMgYCu-00376-00124252-00124610 220 BC the island was tormented by a war nUpMpTMgYCu-00377-00124611-00124845 between two opposing coalition's of nUpMpTMgYCu-00378-00124846-00125229 cities as a result the Macedonian King nUpMpTMgYCu-00379-00125230-00125505 Philip v gained hegemony over Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00380-00125506-00125721 which lasted to the end of the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00381-00125722-00126126 war 205 to 200 BC when the Rodian nUpMpTMgYCu-00382-00126127-00126348 supposed the rise of Macedon and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00383-00126349-00126584 Romans started to interfere in Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00384-00126585-00127065 affairs in the 2nd century BC Europeana nUpMpTMgYCu-00385-00127066-00127341 Yara Petra gains supremacy on eastern nUpMpTMgYCu-00386-00127342-00128517 Crete topic Roman rule Crete was nUpMpTMgYCu-00387-00128518-00128600 involved nUpMpTMgYCu-00388-00128601-00128849 the Madrid ADAC Wars initially repelling nUpMpTMgYCu-00389-00128850-00129077 an attack by Roman general Marcus nUpMpTMgYCu-00390-00129078-00129535 Antonius Kritika in 71 BC nevertheless a nUpMpTMgYCu-00391-00129536-00129782 ferocious three-year campaign soon nUpMpTMgYCu-00392-00129783-00129998 followed under Quintus Caius Ilyas nUpMpTMgYCu-00393-00129999-00130199 medalists equipped with three legions nUpMpTMgYCu-00394-00130200-00130430 and Crete was finally conquered by Rome nUpMpTMgYCu-00395-00130431-00130775 in 69 BC earning four medalists the nUpMpTMgYCu-00396-00130776-00131111 title critic Asst Gorton was made nUpMpTMgYCu-00397-00131112-00131369 capital of the island and Creed became a nUpMpTMgYCu-00398-00131370-00131654 Roman province along with Sara Nika that nUpMpTMgYCu-00399-00131655-00131956 was called crater at Salonika nUpMpTMgYCu-00400-00131957-00132185 archaeological remains suggests that nUpMpTMgYCu-00401-00132186-00132377 Crete under Roman rule witness nUpMpTMgYCu-00402-00132378-00132569 prosperity and increased connectivity nUpMpTMgYCu-00403-00132570-00132923 with other parts of the Empire in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00404-00132924-00133238 second century AD at least three cities nUpMpTMgYCu-00405-00133239-00133511 on Crete Leto's gorton Huayra panna nUpMpTMgYCu-00406-00133512-00133775 joined the Panhellenic a league of greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00407-00133776-00134035 cities founded by the Emperor Hadrian nUpMpTMgYCu-00408-00134036-00134360 when Diocletian Rida vided the Empire nUpMpTMgYCu-00409-00134361-00134666 Crete was placed along with Cyrene under nUpMpTMgYCu-00410-00134667-00134909 the Diocese of Moishe and later by nUpMpTMgYCu-00411-00134910-00135152 Constantine the first to the Diocese of nUpMpTMgYCu-00412-00135153-00136006 Macedonia topic Byzantine M nUpMpTMgYCu-00413-00136007-00136666 Peyer first period crete was separated nUpMpTMgYCu-00414-00136667-00137158 from serie Nkosi 297 it remained a nUpMpTMgYCu-00415-00137159-00137365 province within the eastern half of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00416-00137366-00137656 Roman Empire usually referred to as the nUpMpTMgYCu-00417-00137657-00137953 eastern Roman Byzantine Empire after the nUpMpTMgYCu-00418-00137954-00138195 establishment of a second capital in nUpMpTMgYCu-00419-00138196-00138588 Constantinople by Constantine in 330 nUpMpTMgYCu-00420-00138589-00138847 crete was subjected to an attack by nUpMpTMgYCu-00421-00138848-00139350 vandals in 467 the great earthquakes of nUpMpTMgYCu-00422-00139351-00139984 365 and 415 a raid by Slavs in 623 era nUpMpTMgYCu-00423-00139985-00140425 braids in 654 and the six 70s and again nUpMpTMgYCu-00424-00140426-00140962 in the 8th century in C 732 the Emperor nUpMpTMgYCu-00425-00140963-00141220 Leo the 3rd the asourian transferred the nUpMpTMgYCu-00426-00141221-00141436 island from the jurisdiction of the Pope nUpMpTMgYCu-00427-00141437-00141595 to that of the Patriarchate of nUpMpTMgYCu-00428-00141596-00142807 Constantinople topic Arab rule in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00429-00142808-00143143 8th 20s after 900 years as a Roman and nUpMpTMgYCu-00430-00143144-00143398 then Eastern Roman Byzantine island nUpMpTMgYCu-00431-00143399-00143686 Crete was captured by Andalusia maladies nUpMpTMgYCu-00432-00143687-00143995 led by Abu HAF who established the nUpMpTMgYCu-00433-00143996-00144322 emirate of crete the Byzantines launched nUpMpTMgYCu-00434-00144323-00144496 the campaign that took most of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00435-00144497-00144979 island back in 842 and 843 under theok nUpMpTMgYCu-00436-00144980-00145392 dasta's further byzantine campaigns in nUpMpTMgYCu-00437-00145393-00145945 909 hundred and forty-nine failed in 960 nUpMpTMgYCu-00438-00145946-00146218 over 1 Nikifor owes focus campaign nUpMpTMgYCu-00439-00146219-00146419 completely restored Creek to the nUpMpTMgYCu-00440-00146420-00146698 Byzantine Empire after a century and a nUpMpTMgYCu-00441-00146699-00147599 half of Arab control topic Byzantine M nUpMpTMgYCu-00442-00147600-00148409 Peyer second period in 961 nikka for us nUpMpTMgYCu-00443-00148410-00148658 focus returned the island to Byzantine nUpMpTMgYCu-00444-00148659-00149045 rule after expelling the Arabs extensive nUpMpTMgYCu-00445-00149046-00149258 efforts at conversion of the populace nUpMpTMgYCu-00446-00149259-00149504 were undertaken led by John xenos and nUpMpTMgYCu-00447-00149505-00149867 Nikon the met annuity the reconquest of nUpMpTMgYCu-00448-00149868-00150125 crete was a major achievement for the nUpMpTMgYCu-00449-00150126-00150377 Byzantines as it restored Byzantine nUpMpTMgYCu-00450-00150378-00150605 control over the Aegean littoral and nUpMpTMgYCu-00451-00150606-00150833 diminished the threat of Saracen pirates nUpMpTMgYCu-00452-00150834-00151076 for which Crete had provided a base of nUpMpTMgYCu-00453-00151077-00151523 operations in 1204 the Fourth Crusade nUpMpTMgYCu-00454-00151524-00151775 seized and sacked the imperial capital nUpMpTMgYCu-00455-00151776-00152039 of Constantinople crete was initially nUpMpTMgYCu-00456-00152040-00152318 granted to leading Crusader Boniface of nUpMpTMgYCu-00457-00152319-00152549 Montferrat in the partition of spoils nUpMpTMgYCu-00458-00152550-00152665 that followed nUpMpTMgYCu-00459-00152666-00152993 however Boniface sold his claim to the nUpMpTMgYCu-00460-00152994-00153251 Republic of Venice whose forces made up nUpMpTMgYCu-00461-00153252-00153584 the majority of the crusade Venice's nUpMpTMgYCu-00462-00153585-00153857 rival the republic of genoa immediately nUpMpTMgYCu-00463-00153858-00154049 seized the island and it was not until nUpMpTMgYCu-00464-00154050-00154310 twelve twelve that Venice secured Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00465-00154311-00155513 as a colony topic Venetian rule from nUpMpTMgYCu-00466-00155514-00155843 1212 during Venice's rule which lasted nUpMpTMgYCu-00467-00155844-00156083 more than four centuries a renaissance nUpMpTMgYCu-00468-00156084-00156302 swept through the island as is evident nUpMpTMgYCu-00469-00156303-00156494 from the plethora of artistic works nUpMpTMgYCu-00470-00156495-00156782 dating to that period known as the nUpMpTMgYCu-00471-00156783-00157073 Cretan school or post Byzantine art it nUpMpTMgYCu-00472-00157074-00157277 is among the last flowerings of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00473-00157278-00157562 artistic traditions of the Fallen Empire nUpMpTMgYCu-00474-00157563-00157874 the most notable representatives of this nUpMpTMgYCu-00475-00157875-00158105 Cretan Renaissance were the painter El nUpMpTMgYCu-00476-00158106-00158333 Greco and the writers Nicholas Kali nUpMpTMgYCu-00477-00158334-00158861 arcus 1645 to 1715 nUpMpTMgYCu-00478-00158862-00159389 professor C 1652 to 1720 andreas Moussa nUpMpTMgYCu-00479-00159390-00159875 'less C 1665 to 1721 and vitsin sauce nUpMpTMgYCu-00480-00159876-00160136 corn Aras under the rule of the Catholic nUpMpTMgYCu-00481-00160137-00160340 Venetians the city of Chania nUpMpTMgYCu-00482-00160341-00160568 was reputed to be the best fortified nUpMpTMgYCu-00483-00160569-00160790 city of the eastern Mediterranean nUpMpTMgYCu-00484-00160791-00160958 the three main nUpMpTMgYCu-00485-00160959-00161173 Forte's were located at Graham Busa nUpMpTMgYCu-00486-00161174-00161466 Spinalonga and 40s are at riffing on nUpMpTMgYCu-00487-00161467-00161819 other fortifications include the Kazuma nUpMpTMgYCu-00488-00161820-00162241 fortress at sisha in 1492 Jews expelled nUpMpTMgYCu-00489-00162242-00162745 from Spain settled on the island in 1574 nUpMpTMgYCu-00490-00162746-00163053 277 creep was under the rule of Giacomo nUpMpTMgYCu-00491-00163054-00163310 foscarinis as probe editor general nUpMpTMgYCu-00492-00163311-00163519 cinders and Inquisitor nUpMpTMgYCu-00493-00163520-00163931 according to Stars 1942 article the rule nUpMpTMgYCu-00494-00163932-00164249 of Giacomo foscarinis was a dark age for nUpMpTMgYCu-00495-00164250-00164585 Jews and Greeks under his rule non nUpMpTMgYCu-00496-00164586-00164858 Catholics had to pay high taxes with no nUpMpTMgYCu-00497-00164859-00165364 allowances in 1627 there were 800 Jews nUpMpTMgYCu-00498-00165365-00165679 in the city of candia about 7% of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00499-00165680-00165856 city's population nUpMpTMgYCu-00500-00165857-00166133 Marco foscarinis was the Doge of Venice nUpMpTMgYCu-00501-00166134-00166961 during this time period topic Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-00502-00166962-00167536 rule the Ottomans conquered crete in nUpMpTMgYCu-00503-00167537-00167984 1669 after the siege of candy are many nUpMpTMgYCu-00504-00167985-00168238 Greek cretins fled to other regions of nUpMpTMgYCu-00505-00168239-00168478 the Republic of Venice after the Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-00506-00168479-00168596 Venetian Wars nUpMpTMgYCu-00507-00168597-00168845 some even prospering such as the family nUpMpTMgYCu-00508-00168846-00169477 of simone Stratego see 17:33 see 1824 nUpMpTMgYCu-00509-00169478-00169774 who migrated to Dalmatia from crete in nUpMpTMgYCu-00510-00169775-00170201 1669 islamic presence on the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00511-00170202-00170423 aside from the interlude of the Arab nUpMpTMgYCu-00512-00170424-00170681 occupation was cemented by the Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-00513-00170682-00171062 conquest most Cretan Muslims were local nUpMpTMgYCu-00514-00171063-00171301 Greek converts who spoke Cretan Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00515-00171302-00171533 but in the island's 19th century nUpMpTMgYCu-00516-00171534-00171778 political context they came to be viewed nUpMpTMgYCu-00517-00171779-00172104 by the Christian population as Turks nUpMpTMgYCu-00518-00172105-00172382 contemporary estimates vary but on the nUpMpTMgYCu-00519-00172383-00172588 eve of the Greek war of independence nUpMpTMgYCu-00520-00172589-00173041 1830 as much as 45% of the population of nUpMpTMgYCu-00521-00173042-00173377 the island may have been Muslim a number nUpMpTMgYCu-00522-00173378-00173539 of Sufi orders were widespread nUpMpTMgYCu-00523-00173540-00173825 throughout the island the Bektashi order nUpMpTMgYCu-00524-00173826-00174044 being the most prevalent possessing at nUpMpTMgYCu-00525-00174045-00174344 least 5 Decker's many M nUpMpTMgYCu-00526-00174345-00174572 we're crypto Christians who converted nUpMpTMgYCu-00527-00174573-00174872 back to Christianity in subsequent years nUpMpTMgYCu-00528-00174873-00175097 while many creepin Turks fled Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00529-00175098-00175361 because of the unrest settling in turkey nUpMpTMgYCu-00530-00175362-00175875 roads Syria Libya and elsewhere by 1900 nUpMpTMgYCu-00531-00175876-00176231 11% of the population was Muslim those nUpMpTMgYCu-00532-00176232-00176539 remaining were relocated in the 1924 nUpMpTMgYCu-00533-00176540-00176783 population exchange between Greece and nUpMpTMgYCu-00534-00176784-00177166 Turkey during Easter of 1770 a notable nUpMpTMgYCu-00535-00177167-00177446 revolt against Ottoman rule in Crete was nUpMpTMgYCu-00536-00177447-00177703 started by descaler Yanis a ship owner nUpMpTMgYCu-00537-00177704-00177976 from sfakia who was promised support by nUpMpTMgYCu-00538-00177977-00178222 all loves flee which never arrived nUpMpTMgYCu-00539-00178223-00178535 das keller Yanis eventually surrendered nUpMpTMgYCu-00540-00178536-00178820 to the Ottoman authorities today the nUpMpTMgYCu-00541-00178821-00179139 airport at Hanyu is named after him nUpMpTMgYCu-00542-00179140-00179416 Crete was left out of the modern Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00543-00179417-00179740 state by the London protocol of 1830 and nUpMpTMgYCu-00544-00179741-00179977 soon it was yielded to Egypt by the nUpMpTMgYCu-00545-00179978-00180304 Ottoman Sultan Egyptian rule was nUpMpTMgYCu-00546-00180305-00180526 short-lived and sovereignty was returned nUpMpTMgYCu-00547-00180527-00180775 to the Ottoman Empire by the convention nUpMpTMgYCu-00548-00180776-00181179 of London on the 3rd of July 1840 nUpMpTMgYCu-00549-00181180-00181448 Heraklion was surrounded by high walls nUpMpTMgYCu-00550-00181449-00181702 and bastions and extended westward and nUpMpTMgYCu-00551-00181703-00182069 southward by the 17th century the most nUpMpTMgYCu-00552-00182070-00182290 opulent area of the city was the nUpMpTMgYCu-00553-00182291-00182486 northeastern quadrant where all the nUpMpTMgYCu-00554-00182487-00182771 elite were gathered together the city nUpMpTMgYCu-00555-00182772-00182996 had received another name under the rule nUpMpTMgYCu-00556-00182997-00183362 of the Ottomans the deserted city the nUpMpTMgYCu-00557-00183363-00183611 urban policy that the Ottoman applied to nUpMpTMgYCu-00558-00183612-00183940 Candia was a two-pronged approach the nUpMpTMgYCu-00559-00183941-00184211 first was the religious endowments it nUpMpTMgYCu-00560-00184212-00184438 made the Ottoman elite contribute to nUpMpTMgYCu-00561-00184439-00184658 building and rehabilitating the ruined nUpMpTMgYCu-00562-00184659-00184966 City the other method was to boost the nUpMpTMgYCu-00563-00184967-00185195 population and the urban revenue by nUpMpTMgYCu-00564-00185196-00185534 selling off urban properties according nUpMpTMgYCu-00565-00185535-00185843 to Molly green 2001 there were numerous nUpMpTMgYCu-00566-00185844-00186103 records of real estate transactions nUpMpTMgYCu-00567-00186104-00186415 during the Ottoman rule in the deserted nUpMpTMgYCu-00568-00186416-00186727 city minorities received equal rights in nUpMpTMgYCu-00569-00186728-00187061 purchasing property Christians and Jews nUpMpTMgYCu-00570-00187062-00187310 were also able to buy and sell in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00571-00187311-00187685 real estate market the Cretan revolt of nUpMpTMgYCu-00572-00187686-00187736 18 nUpMpTMgYCu-00573-00187737-00188165 66 to 1869 or great Cretan revolution nUpMpTMgYCu-00574-00188166-00188456 Greek critique a apalis dates to 1866 nUpMpTMgYCu-00575-00188457-00188714 was a three year uprising against nUpMpTMgYCu-00576-00188715-00188960 Ottoman rule the third and largest in a nUpMpTMgYCu-00577-00188961-00189179 series of revolts between the end of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00578-00189180-00189454 Greek war of independence in 1830 and nUpMpTMgYCu-00579-00189455-00189635 the establishment of the independent nUpMpTMgYCu-00580-00189636-00190109 Cretan state in 1898 a particular event nUpMpTMgYCu-00581-00190110-00190343 which caused strong reactions among the nUpMpTMgYCu-00582-00190344-00190571 liberal circles of Western Europe was nUpMpTMgYCu-00583-00190572-00190883 the Holocaust of Arkady the event nUpMpTMgYCu-00584-00190884-00191225 occurred in November 1866 as a large nUpMpTMgYCu-00585-00191226-00191453 Ottoman force besieged the arkady nUpMpTMgYCu-00586-00191454-00191633 monastery which served as the nUpMpTMgYCu-00587-00191634-00191909 headquarters of the rebellion in nUpMpTMgYCu-00588-00191910-00192365 addition to its 259 defenders over 700 nUpMpTMgYCu-00589-00192366-00192616 women and children had taken refuge in nUpMpTMgYCu-00590-00192617-00192965 the monastery after a few days of hard nUpMpTMgYCu-00591-00192966-00193193 fighting the ottomans broke into the nUpMpTMgYCu-00592-00193194-00193523 monastery at that point the abbot of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00593-00193524-00193766 monastery set fire to the gunpowder nUpMpTMgYCu-00594-00193767-00194033 stored in the monasteries vaults causing nUpMpTMgYCu-00595-00194034-00194219 the death of most of the rebels and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00596-00194220-00195026 women and children sheltered their topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00597-00195027-00195836 Cretan State 1898 to 1908 following the nUpMpTMgYCu-00598-00195837-00196393 repeated uprisings in 1841 1858 1889 nUpMpTMgYCu-00599-00196394-00196811 1895 and 1897 by the Cretan people who nUpMpTMgYCu-00600-00196812-00197054 wanted to join Greece the great powers nUpMpTMgYCu-00601-00197055-00197312 decided to restore order and in February nUpMpTMgYCu-00602-00197313-00197741 1897 sent in troops the island was nUpMpTMgYCu-00603-00197742-00197978 subsequently garrisoned by troops from nUpMpTMgYCu-00604-00197979-00198224 Great Britain France Italy and Russia nUpMpTMgYCu-00605-00198225-00198503 Germany and austria-hungary withdrawing nUpMpTMgYCu-00606-00198504-00198868 from the occupation in early 1898 during nUpMpTMgYCu-00607-00198869-00199160 this period Crete was governed through a nUpMpTMgYCu-00608-00199161-00199370 committee of admirals from the remaining nUpMpTMgYCu-00609-00199371-00199811 four powers in March 1898 the powers nUpMpTMgYCu-00610-00199812-00200029 decreed with the very reluctant consent nUpMpTMgYCu-00611-00200030-00200264 of the Sultan that the island would be nUpMpTMgYCu-00612-00200265-00200462 granted autonomy under Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-00613-00200463-00200687 suzerainty in the near future in nUpMpTMgYCu-00614-00200688-00201035 September 1898 an outbreak of rioting in nUpMpTMgYCu-00615-00201036-00201115 can nUpMpTMgYCu-00616-00201116-00201424 modern Heraklion left over 500 nUpMpTMgYCu-00617-00201425-00201686 Christians and 14 British servicemen nUpMpTMgYCu-00618-00201687-00202036 dead as a result the Admirals ordered nUpMpTMgYCu-00619-00202037-00202264 the expulsion of all Ottoman troops and nUpMpTMgYCu-00620-00202265-00202496 administrators from the island a move nUpMpTMgYCu-00621-00202497-00202711 that was ultimately completed by early nUpMpTMgYCu-00622-00202712-00203093 November the decision to grant autonomy nUpMpTMgYCu-00623-00203094-00203311 to the island was enforced and a High nUpMpTMgYCu-00624-00203312-00203524 Commissioner Prince George of Greece nUpMpTMgYCu-00625-00203525-00203786 appointed arriving to take up his post nUpMpTMgYCu-00626-00203787-00204221 in December 1898 the flag of the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00627-00204222-00204473 state was chosen by the powers with the nUpMpTMgYCu-00628-00204474-00204695 white star representing the Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-00629-00204696-00204915 suzerainty over the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00630-00204916-00205328 in 1905 disagreements between Prince nUpMpTMgYCu-00631-00205329-00205531 George and Minister Eleftherios nUpMpTMgYCu-00632-00205532-00205894 Venizelos over the question of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00633-00205896-00206164 enosis union with Greece such as the nUpMpTMgYCu-00634-00206165-00206383 princes autocratic style of government nUpMpTMgYCu-00635-00206384-00206654 resulted in the therisa revolt one of nUpMpTMgYCu-00636-00206655-00206857 leaders of which being Eleftherios nUpMpTMgYCu-00637-00206858-00207265 Venizelos Prince George resigned as High nUpMpTMgYCu-00638-00207266-00207444 Commissioner and was replaced by nUpMpTMgYCu-00639-00207446-00207755 Alexandra's amis a former Greek prime nUpMpTMgYCu-00640-00207756-00208271 minister in 1906 in 1908 taking nUpMpTMgYCu-00641-00208271-00208537 advantage of domestic turmoil in Turkey nUpMpTMgYCu-00642-00208538-00208805 as well as the timing of Sammys vacation nUpMpTMgYCu-00643-00208806-00209062 away from the island the Cretan deputies nUpMpTMgYCu-00644-00209063-00209385 unilaterally declared union with Greece nUpMpTMgYCu-00645-00209386-00209656 with the break out of the first Balkan nUpMpTMgYCu-00646-00209657-00209915 war the Greek government declared that nUpMpTMgYCu-00647-00209916-00210119 Crete was since then part of the Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-00648-00210119-00210423 territory this was not recognized nUpMpTMgYCu-00649-00210425-00210638 internationally until the 1st of nUpMpTMgYCu-00650-00210639-00211864 December 1913 topic Second World War nUpMpTMgYCu-00651-00211865-00212031 during world nUpMpTMgYCu-00652-00212032-00212256 or to the island was the scene of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00653-00212257-00212682 famous Battle of Crete in May 1941 the nUpMpTMgYCu-00654-00212683-00212921 initial 11 day battle was bloody and nUpMpTMgYCu-00655-00212923-00213192 left more than 11,000 soldiers and nUpMpTMgYCu-00656-00213192-00213548 civilians killed or wounded as a result nUpMpTMgYCu-00657-00213550-00213746 of the fierce resistance from Allied nUpMpTMgYCu-00658-00213748-00214041 forces and Cretan locals Adolf Hitler nUpMpTMgYCu-00659-00214042-00214302 forbade further large-scale paratroop nUpMpTMgYCu-00660-00214303-00214619 operations during the initial and nUpMpTMgYCu-00661-00214621-00214887 subsequent occupation German firing nUpMpTMgYCu-00662-00214888-00215184 squads routinely executed male civilians nUpMpTMgYCu-00663-00215185-00215406 in reprisal for the death of German nUpMpTMgYCu-00664-00215407-00215640 soldiers civilians were rounded up nUpMpTMgYCu-00665-00215641-00215889 randomly in local villages for the mass nUpMpTMgYCu-00666-00215890-00216096 killings such as at the massacre of nUpMpTMgYCu-00667-00216096-00216480 Kandam re in the Vienna's massacres two nUpMpTMgYCu-00668-00216481-00216717 German generals were later tried and nUpMpTMgYCu-00669-00216717-00216942 executed for their roles in the killing nUpMpTMgYCu-00670-00216942-00217226 of 3,000 of the islands inhabitants nUpMpTMgYCu-00671-00217227-00217554 there is also a video documentary of nUpMpTMgYCu-00672-00217555-00217776 Crete in world war ii titled the nUpMpTMgYCu-00673-00217777-00219014 eleventh day creed 1941 topic tourism nUpMpTMgYCu-00674-00219015-00219279 Crete was one of the most popular nUpMpTMgYCu-00675-00219280-00219678 holiday destinations in Greece 15% of nUpMpTMgYCu-00676-00219679-00219906 all arrivals in Greece come through the nUpMpTMgYCu-00677-00219907-00220176 city of Heraklion port and Airport while nUpMpTMgYCu-00678-00220177-00220421 charter journeys to Heraklion seven nUpMpTMgYCu-00679-00220423-00220707 years ago made up 20% of all charter nUpMpTMgYCu-00680-00220708-00221073 flights in Greece overall more than 2 nUpMpTMgYCu-00681-00221073-00221286 million tourists visited Crete some nUpMpTMgYCu-00682-00221287-00221505 years back when the increase in tourism nUpMpTMgYCu-00683-00221506-00221739 was reflected in the number of hotel nUpMpTMgYCu-00684-00221740-00222084 beds rising by 53 percent in the period nUpMpTMgYCu-00685-00222085-00222681 between 1986 and 1991 today the islands nUpMpTMgYCu-00686-00222682-00222900 tourism infrastructure caters to all nUpMpTMgYCu-00687-00222901-00223176 tastes including the very wide range of nUpMpTMgYCu-00688-00223177-00223413 accommodation the island's facilities nUpMpTMgYCu-00689-00223414-00223671 take in large luxury hotels with their nUpMpTMgYCu-00690-00223671-00223905 complete facilities swimming pools nUpMpTMgYCu-00691-00223906-00224148 sports and recreation smaller nUpMpTMgYCu-00692-00224148-00224369 family-owned apartments camping nUpMpTMgYCu-00693-00224371-00224721 facilities and others visitors reach the nUpMpTMgYCu-00694-00224721-00224996 island via two international airports in nUpMpTMgYCu-00695-00224998-00225210 Heraklion in Chania and a smaller nUpMpTMgYCu-00696-00225211-00225360 Airport in sisha nUpMpTMgYCu-00697-00225361-00225567 International charter and domestic nUpMpTMgYCu-00698-00225569-00225882 flights starting May 2012 or by boat to nUpMpTMgYCu-00699-00225883-00226206 the main ports of Heraklion Hanyu rafino nUpMpTMgYCu-00700-00226207-00226639 IIST Nicklaus in sucia popular tourist nUpMpTMgYCu-00701-00226640-00226888 attractions include the archeological nUpMpTMgYCu-00702-00226889-00227142 sites of the Minoan civilization the nUpMpTMgYCu-00703-00227144-00227419 Venetian old city and port of Chania the nUpMpTMgYCu-00704-00227419-00227665 Venetian castle a Trofim know the gorge nUpMpTMgYCu-00705-00227666-00227944 of Samaria the islands of Chrissie Ella nUpMpTMgYCu-00706-00227944-00228228 funny see Graham busa Spinalonga and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00707-00228229-00228456 palm beach of fire which is the largest nUpMpTMgYCu-00708-00228457-00229328 natural palm forest in Europe topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00709-00229329-00229912 transportation Crete has an extensive nUpMpTMgYCu-00710-00229913-00230191 bus system with regular services across nUpMpTMgYCu-00711-00230192-00230392 the north of the island and from north nUpMpTMgYCu-00712-00230392-00230724 to south there are two regional bus nUpMpTMgYCu-00713-00230725-00231024 stations in Heraklion bus routes and nUpMpTMgYCu-00714-00231025-00231298 timetables can be found on que te l nUpMpTMgYCu-00715-00231298-00232146 website topic holiday homes and nUpMpTMgYCu-00716-00232148-00232789 immigration creats mild climate attracts nUpMpTMgYCu-00717-00232790-00232998 interest from northern europeans who nUpMpTMgYCu-00718-00232999-00233253 want a holiday home or residence on the nUpMpTMgYCu-00719-00233254-00233340 island nUpMpTMgYCu-00720-00233341-00233652 EU citizens have the right to freely buy nUpMpTMgYCu-00721-00233653-00233842 property and reside with little nUpMpTMgYCu-00722-00233842-00234153 formality a growing number of real nUpMpTMgYCu-00723-00234154-00234405 estate companies cater to mainly British nUpMpTMgYCu-00724-00234406-00234692 immigrants followed by German Dutch nUpMpTMgYCu-00725-00234694-00234903 Scandinavian and other European nUpMpTMgYCu-00726-00234904-00235122 nationalities wishing to own a home in nUpMpTMgYCu-00727-00235123-00235407 Crete the British immigrants are nUpMpTMgYCu-00728-00235408-00235623 concentrated in the Western regional nUpMpTMgYCu-00729-00235624-00235867 units of Chania and rethymno and to a nUpMpTMgYCu-00730-00235867-00236100 lesser extent in Heraklion and lassie nUpMpTMgYCu-00731-00236101-00236967 fee topic archaeological sites and nUpMpTMgYCu-00732-00236969-00237535 museums there is a large nUpMpTMgYCu-00733-00237536-00237766 of archaeological sites which include nUpMpTMgYCu-00734-00237767-00238054 the Minoan sites of Knossos meliha not nUpMpTMgYCu-00735-00238055-00238242 to be confused with the town of the same nUpMpTMgYCu-00736-00238244-00238323 name nUpMpTMgYCu-00737-00238325-00238609 Petra's and face toes the classical side nUpMpTMgYCu-00738-00238610-00238873 of Gordy's and the diverse archaeology nUpMpTMgYCu-00739-00238873-00239080 of the island of cou phonies II which nUpMpTMgYCu-00740-00239081-00239377 includes Minoan Roman and World War 2 nUpMpTMgYCu-00741-00239378-00239779 ruins the latter however has restricted nUpMpTMgYCu-00742-00239780-00240007 access for the last few years due to nUpMpTMgYCu-00743-00240008-00240286 conservation concerns so it is best to nUpMpTMgYCu-00744-00240287-00240637 check before heading to a port there are nUpMpTMgYCu-00745-00240638-00240925 a number of museums throughout creat the nUpMpTMgYCu-00746-00240926-00241213 Heraklion archaeological museum displays nUpMpTMgYCu-00747-00241214-00241444 most of the archaeological finds of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00748-00241444-00242301 Minoan era and was reopened in 2014 nUpMpTMgYCu-00749-00242302-00243819 topic fauna and flora topic fauna Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00750-00243821-00244063 is isolated from mainland Europe Asia nUpMpTMgYCu-00751-00244064-00244360 and Africa and this is reflected in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00752-00244361-00244702 diversity of the fauna and flora as a nUpMpTMgYCu-00753-00244703-00244990 result the fauna and flora of Crete have nUpMpTMgYCu-00754-00244991-00245277 many clues to the evolution of species nUpMpTMgYCu-00755-00245278-00245533 there are no animals that are dangerous nUpMpTMgYCu-00756-00245534-00245785 to humans on the island of Crete in nUpMpTMgYCu-00757-00245786-00246148 contrast to other parts of Greece indeed nUpMpTMgYCu-00758-00246148-00246367 the ancient Greeks attributed the lack nUpMpTMgYCu-00759-00246367-00246619 of large mammals such as bears wolves nUpMpTMgYCu-00760-00246619-00246907 jackals and poisonous snakes to the nUpMpTMgYCu-00761-00246908-00247119 labour of Hercules who took a live nUpMpTMgYCu-00762-00247121-00247486 Cretan bull to the Peloponnese Hercules nUpMpTMgYCu-00763-00247487-00247678 wanted to honor the birthplace of zeus nUpMpTMgYCu-00764-00247679-00248144 by removing all harmful and poisonous nUpMpTMgYCu-00765-00248146-00248448 animals from crete later creedence nUpMpTMgYCu-00766-00248450-00248646 believed that the island was cleared of nUpMpTMgYCu-00767-00248648-00248887 dangerous creatures by the Apostle Paul nUpMpTMgYCu-00768-00248888-00249133 who lived on the island of Crete for two nUpMpTMgYCu-00769-00249134-00249429 years with his exorcisms and blessings nUpMpTMgYCu-00770-00249430-00249736 there is a Natural History Museum the nUpMpTMgYCu-00771-00249737-00249958 Natural History Museum of Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00772-00249959-00250180 operating under the direction of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00773-00250181-00250402 University of Crete and two aquariums nUpMpTMgYCu-00774-00250403-00250690 aquaworld in Kherson Osos and Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00775-00250691-00250876 aquarium in gorn's nUpMpTMgYCu-00776-00250877-00251092 playing sea creatures common in Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00777-00251092-00252273 waters topic prehistoric fauna dwarf nUpMpTMgYCu-00778-00252275-00252529 elephants dwarf hippopotamus dwarf nUpMpTMgYCu-00779-00252530-00252796 mammoths dwarf deer and giant flightless nUpMpTMgYCu-00780-00252796-00253539 owls were native to Pleistocene Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00781-00253540-00254221 topic mammals mammals of Crete include nUpMpTMgYCu-00782-00254221-00254473 the vulnerable cree-cree Capra eager nUpMpTMgYCu-00783-00254473-00254680 grass Kritika that can be seen in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00784-00254681-00254926 national park of the samaria gorge and nUpMpTMgYCu-00785-00254927-00255256 on thodori gia and AGI pants eyelets off nUpMpTMgYCu-00786-00255257-00255511 the north coast the Cretan Wildcat and nUpMpTMgYCu-00787-00255512-00255873 the Cretan spiny Mouse other terrestrial nUpMpTMgYCu-00788-00255875-00256144 mammals include subspecies of the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00789-00256144-00256387 Mardan the Cretan weasel the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-00790-00256388-00256633 badger the long-eared Hedgehog and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00791-00256634-00256756 edible dormouse nUpMpTMgYCu-00792-00256757-00257005 the Cretan shrew a type of white tooth nUpMpTMgYCu-00793-00257006-00257227 shrew is considered endemic to the nUpMpTMgYCu-00794-00257228-00257434 island of Crete because this species of nUpMpTMgYCu-00795-00257435-00257806 shrew is unknown elsewhere it is a relic nUpMpTMgYCu-00796-00257807-00258037 species of the Cross adora shrews of nUpMpTMgYCu-00797-00258038-00258244 which fossils have been found that can nUpMpTMgYCu-00798-00258244-00258586 be dated to the Pleistocene era in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00799-00258587-00258823 present day it can only be found in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00800-00258823-00259117 highlands of Crete it is considered to nUpMpTMgYCu-00801-00259117-00259348 be the only surviving remnant of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00802-00259348-00259560 endemic species of the Pleistocene nUpMpTMgYCu-00803-00259561-00259816 Mediterranean island's that species nUpMpTMgYCu-00804-00259817-00260071 include Blasius as horseshoe bat the nUpMpTMgYCu-00805-00260071-00260242 lesser horseshoe bat the greater nUpMpTMgYCu-00806-00260242-00260448 horseshoe bat the lesser Mouse eared bat nUpMpTMgYCu-00807-00260450-00260725 Jeff Roy's bat the whiskered bat calls nUpMpTMgYCu-00808-00260726-00260983 Pipistrel the common purpose trill say nUpMpTMgYCu-00809-00260984-00261217 bees Pipistrel the Sarah teen bat the nUpMpTMgYCu-00810-00261217-00261430 long-eared bat Schreiber's bat and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00811-00261431-00262545 European free-tailed bat topic birds a nUpMpTMgYCu-00812-00262546-00262736 large variety nUpMpTMgYCu-00813-00262737-00262994 birds includes eagles can be seen in nUpMpTMgYCu-00814-00262995-00263252 lassithi swallows throughout Crete in nUpMpTMgYCu-00815-00263253-00263462 the summer and all the year in the south nUpMpTMgYCu-00816-00263463-00263558 of the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00817-00263559-00263792 pelicans along the coast and cranes nUpMpTMgYCu-00818-00263793-00264149 including gab dose and gavel are the nUpMpTMgYCu-00819-00264150-00264404 Cretan mountains and gorges are refuges nUpMpTMgYCu-00820-00264405-00264640 for the endangered lama gaia vulture nUpMpTMgYCu-00821-00264641-00264989 bird species include the golden eagle nUpMpTMgYCu-00822-00264990-00265229 Bonilla's eagle the bearded vulture or nUpMpTMgYCu-00823-00265230-00265520 lama gaia the Griffon vulture Eleanor is nUpMpTMgYCu-00824-00265521-00265712 Falcon peregrine falcon nUpMpTMgYCu-00825-00265713-00266012 Lana Falcon European Kestrel tawny owl nUpMpTMgYCu-00826-00266013-00266297 little owl hooded crow Alpine chuff nUpMpTMgYCu-00827-00266298-00267095 red-billed chuff and the hooper topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00828-00267096-00267755 reptiles and amphibians tortoises can be nUpMpTMgYCu-00829-00267756-00268040 seen throughout the island snakes can be nUpMpTMgYCu-00830-00268041-00268328 found hiding under rocks toads and frogs nUpMpTMgYCu-00831-00268329-00268769 reveal themselves when it rains reptiles nUpMpTMgYCu-00832-00268770-00269039 include the Aegean wall lizard Balkan nUpMpTMgYCu-00833-00269040-00269261 green lizard camellia chameleon nUpMpTMgYCu-00834-00269262-00269528 oscillated skink snake eyed skink nUpMpTMgYCu-00835-00269529-00269822 moorish gecko turkish gecko cod cheese nUpMpTMgYCu-00836-00269823-00270044 gecko spur-thighed tortoise and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00837-00270045-00270281 striped neck Terrapin there are four nUpMpTMgYCu-00838-00270282-00270521 species of snake on the island and these nUpMpTMgYCu-00839-00270522-00270845 are not dangerous to humans the four nUpMpTMgYCu-00840-00270846-00271052 species include the leopard snake nUpMpTMgYCu-00841-00271053-00271319 locally known as a Kendra the Balkan nUpMpTMgYCu-00842-00271320-00271562 whip snake locally called Dendera Galia nUpMpTMgYCu-00843-00271563-00271811 the dice snake called narrow Phaedo in nUpMpTMgYCu-00844-00271812-00272063 greek and the only venomous snake is the nUpMpTMgYCu-00845-00272064-00272309 nocturnal cat snake which has evolved to nUpMpTMgYCu-00846-00272310-00272528 deliver a weak venom at the back of its nUpMpTMgYCu-00847-00272529-00272759 mouth to paralyze geckos and small nUpMpTMgYCu-00848-00272760-00273041 lizards and is not dangerous to humans nUpMpTMgYCu-00849-00273042-00273266 turtles include the green turtle and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00850-00273267-00273425 loggerhead turtle which are both nUpMpTMgYCu-00851-00273426-00273788 endangered species the loggerhead turtle nUpMpTMgYCu-00852-00273789-00274025 nests and hatches on north coast beaches nUpMpTMgYCu-00853-00274026-00274343 around Ruffino and Honya and south coast nUpMpTMgYCu-00854-00274344-00274550 beaches along the Gulf of Messier nUpMpTMgYCu-00855-00274551-00274775 amphibians include the green toad nUpMpTMgYCu-00856-00274776-00275057 American toad common tree frog and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00857-00275058-00275836 marsh frog topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00858-00275837-00276427 Rapids Crete has an unusual variety of nUpMpTMgYCu-00859-00276428-00276748 insects cicadas known locally as nUpMpTMgYCu-00860-00276749-00276958 tzatziki are make a distinctive nUpMpTMgYCu-00861-00276959-00277288 repetitive tzi tzi sound that becomes nUpMpTMgYCu-00862-00277289-00277519 louder and more frequent on hot summer nUpMpTMgYCu-00863-00277520-00277885 days butterfly species include the nUpMpTMgYCu-00864-00277886-00278149 swallowtail butterfly moth species nUpMpTMgYCu-00865-00278150-00278437 include the hummingbird moth there are nUpMpTMgYCu-00866-00278438-00278704 several species of scorpion such as you nUpMpTMgYCu-00867-00278705-00278947 Scorpius Carpathia's whose venom is nUpMpTMgYCu-00868-00278948-00279181 generally no more potent than a mosquito nUpMpTMgYCu-00869-00279182-00280305 bite topic crustaceans and molluscs nUpMpTMgYCu-00870-00280306-00280639 river crabs include the semi terrestrial nUpMpTMgYCu-00871-00280640-00280984 pata mon potamia scrab edible snails are nUpMpTMgYCu-00872-00280985-00281182 widespread and can cluster in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00873-00281183-00281380 hundreds waiting for rainfall to nUpMpTMgYCu-00874-00281381-00282547 reinvigorate them topic sea life apart nUpMpTMgYCu-00875-00282548-00282784 from terrestrial mammals the seas around nUpMpTMgYCu-00876-00282785-00283036 crete are rich in large marine mammals nUpMpTMgYCu-00877-00283037-00283315 affect unknown to most greeks at present nUpMpTMgYCu-00878-00283316-00283602 although reported since ancient times nUpMpTMgYCu-00879-00283603-00283866 indeed the Minoan frescoes depicting nUpMpTMgYCu-00880-00283867-00284155 dolphins in queens megaron at Knossos nUpMpTMgYCu-00881-00284156-00284392 indicate that Minoans were well aware of nUpMpTMgYCu-00882-00284393-00284743 and celebrated these creatures apart nUpMpTMgYCu-00883-00284744-00284992 from the famous endangered mediterranean nUpMpTMgYCu-00884-00284993-00285250 monk seal which lives in almost all the nUpMpTMgYCu-00885-00285251-00285469 coasts of the country greece hosts nUpMpTMgYCu-00886-00285470-00285721 whales sperm whales dolphins and nUpMpTMgYCu-00887-00285722-00286012 porpoises these are either permanent nUpMpTMgYCu-00888-00286013-00286270 residents of the Mediterranean or just nUpMpTMgYCu-00889-00286271-00286621 occasional visitors the area south of nUpMpTMgYCu-00890-00286622-00286876 Crete known as the Greek abyss hosts nUpMpTMgYCu-00891-00286877-00287206 many of them squid and octopus can be nUpMpTMgYCu-00892-00287207-00287401 found along the coast and sea turtles nUpMpTMgYCu-00893-00287402-00287650 and hammerhead sharks swim in the sea nUpMpTMgYCu-00894-00287651-00287971 around the coast the Crete aquarium and nUpMpTMgYCu-00895-00287972-00288208 the Aqua World Aquarium are two of only nUpMpTMgYCu-00896-00288209-00288480 three aquariums in the whole of Greece nUpMpTMgYCu-00897-00288481-00288787 they are located in gorn's and Kerr so nUpMpTMgYCu-00898-00288788-00289072 no sauce respectively examples of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00899-00289073-00289231 local sea life can be nUpMpTMgYCu-00900-00289232-00289432 seen there some of the fish that can be nUpMpTMgYCu-00901-00289433-00289675 seen in the waters around Crete include nUpMpTMgYCu-00902-00289676-00289942 scorpion fish dusky grouper East nUpMpTMgYCu-00903-00289943-00290275 Atlantic peacock rs5 spotted wrasse nUpMpTMgYCu-00904-00290276-00290568 Weaver fish common stingray Brown ray nUpMpTMgYCu-00905-00290569-00290815 Mediterranean black goby pearly nUpMpTMgYCu-00906-00290816-00291172 Razorfish stargazer painted coma damsel nUpMpTMgYCu-00907-00291173-00292329 fish and the flying gurnard topic flora nUpMpTMgYCu-00908-00292330-00292642 common wildflowers include chamomile nUpMpTMgYCu-00909-00292643-00292714 Daisy nUpMpTMgYCu-00910-00292715-00293089 gladiolus hyacinth iris poppy cyclamen nUpMpTMgYCu-00911-00293090-00293428 and chillip among others there are more nUpMpTMgYCu-00912-00293429-00293683 than 200 different species of wild nUpMpTMgYCu-00913-00293684-00293893 orchid on the island and this includes nUpMpTMgYCu-00914-00293894-00294298 14 varieties of Oh freeze Kritika crete nUpMpTMgYCu-00915-00294299-00294550 has a rich variety of indigenous herbs nUpMpTMgYCu-00916-00294551-00294868 including common sage rosemary thyme and nUpMpTMgYCu-00917-00294869-00295252 oregon ax rare herbs include the endemic nUpMpTMgYCu-00918-00295253-00295549 Cretan dittany and iron Wirt cedar itis nUpMpTMgYCu-00919-00295550-00295909 syriaca known as mallow Terra Mulder nUpMpTMgYCu-00920-00295910-00296170 varieties of cactus include the edible nUpMpTMgYCu-00921-00296171-00296437 prickly pear common trees on the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00922-00296438-00296779 include the chestnut cypress oak olive nUpMpTMgYCu-00923-00296780-00297199 tree pine plane and tamarisk trees tend nUpMpTMgYCu-00924-00297200-00297367 to be taller to the west of the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00925-00297368-00298233 where water is more abundant topic nUpMpTMgYCu-00926-00298234-00298858 environmentally protected areas there nUpMpTMgYCu-00927-00298859-00298947 are none nUpMpTMgYCu-00928-00298948-00299285 environmentally protected areas one such nUpMpTMgYCu-00929-00299286-00299538 area is located at the island of La nUpMpTMgYCu-00930-00299539-00299733 Fenice II on the coast of southwestern nUpMpTMgYCu-00931-00299734-00300153 Crete also the palm forest of I in nUpMpTMgYCu-00932-00300154-00300405 eastern Crete and the Dionysus aids both nUpMpTMgYCu-00933-00300406-00300675 in the municipality of Sitia lassithi nUpMpTMgYCu-00934-00300676-00301056 have diverse animal and plant life via nUpMpTMgYCu-00935-00301057-00301251 has a palm beach and is the largest nUpMpTMgYCu-00936-00301252-00301634 natural palm forest in europe the island nUpMpTMgYCu-00937-00301635-00302004 of Krissy 15 kilometres 9 miles south of nUpMpTMgYCu-00938-00302005-00302250 Europe Etra has the largest naturally nUpMpTMgYCu-00939-00302251-00302517 grown juniperus macrocarpa forest in nUpMpTMgYCu-00940-00302518-00302834 europe samaria gorge is a World nUpMpTMgYCu-00941-00302835-00303096 Biosphere Reserve and rich disgorge is nUpMpTMgYCu-00942-00303097-00303890 protected for its landscape diversity nUpMpTMgYCu-00943-00303891-00304590 topic mythology Crete has a rich nUpMpTMgYCu-00944-00304591-00304815 mythology mostly connected with the nUpMpTMgYCu-00945-00304816-00305076 ancient Greek gods but also connected nUpMpTMgYCu-00946-00305077-00305451 with the Minoan civilization according nUpMpTMgYCu-00947-00305452-00305709 to Greek mythology the dikteon cave at nUpMpTMgYCu-00948-00305710-00305925 mount dick T was the birthplace of the nUpMpTMgYCu-00949-00305926-00306294 god Zeus the paksa media islands were nUpMpTMgYCu-00950-00306295-00306509 the birthplace of the goddess Artemis nUpMpTMgYCu-00951-00306510-00306822 and the god Apollo their mother the nUpMpTMgYCu-00952-00306823-00307089 goddess Leto was worshiped at face toes nUpMpTMgYCu-00953-00307090-00307416 the goddess Athena bathed in lake vlogs nUpMpTMgYCu-00954-00307417-00307728 many the ancient Greek god Zeus launched nUpMpTMgYCu-00955-00307729-00307956 a lightning bolt at a giant lizard that nUpMpTMgYCu-00956-00307957-00308208 was threatening Crete the lizard nUpMpTMgYCu-00957-00308209-00308435 immediately turned to stone and became nUpMpTMgYCu-00958-00308436-00308787 the island of GR the island can be seen nUpMpTMgYCu-00959-00308788-00309006 from Knossos and it has the shape of a nUpMpTMgYCu-00960-00309007-00309335 giant lizard the islets of lefkara nUpMpTMgYCu-00961-00309336-00309558 were the result of a musical contest nUpMpTMgYCu-00962-00309559-00309833 between the sirens and the muses the nUpMpTMgYCu-00963-00309834-00310095 muses were so anguished to have lost nUpMpTMgYCu-00964-00310096-00310269 that they plucked the feathers from the nUpMpTMgYCu-00965-00310270-00310512 wings of their rivals the sirens turned nUpMpTMgYCu-00966-00310513-00310704 white and fell into the sea and up nUpMpTMgYCu-00967-00310705-00311040 terror featherless where they formed the nUpMpTMgYCu-00968-00311041-00311247 islands in the bay that were called left nUpMpTMgYCu-00969-00311248-00311549 carry the islands of sudha and Leone nUpMpTMgYCu-00970-00311550-00311856 Hercules in one of his labors took the nUpMpTMgYCu-00971-00311857-00312213 Cretan bull to the Peloponnese Europa nUpMpTMgYCu-00972-00312214-00312294 and Zeus nUpMpTMgYCu-00973-00312295-00312506 I'd love at Gordy's and conceived the nUpMpTMgYCu-00974-00312507-00312804 kings of crete Rhadamanthus Sarpedon and nUpMpTMgYCu-00975-00312805-00313230 - the labyrinth of the palace of knossos nUpMpTMgYCu-00976-00313231-00313452 was the setting for the myth of Theseus nUpMpTMgYCu-00977-00313453-00313647 and the minor tour in which the minor nUpMpTMgYCu-00978-00313648-00314016 tall was slain by Theseus Icarus and nUpMpTMgYCu-00979-00314017-00314274 Daedalus were captives of king - and nUpMpTMgYCu-00980-00314275-00314628 crafted wings to escape after his death nUpMpTMgYCu-00981-00314629-00314885 king - became a judge of the dead in nUpMpTMgYCu-00982-00314886-00315158 Hades while Rhadamanthus became the roar nUpMpTMgYCu-00983-00315159-00316379 of the Elysian Fields topic culture nUpMpTMgYCu-00984-00316380-00316662 Crete has its own distinctive Manta nUpMpTMgYCu-00985-00316663-00316962 nades poetry the island is known for its nUpMpTMgYCu-00986-00316963-00317181 Manta knaves based music typically nUpMpTMgYCu-00987-00317182-00317403 performed with the Cretan Lyra and the nUpMpTMgYCu-00988-00317404-00317691 Lolita and has many indigenous dances nUpMpTMgYCu-00989-00317692-00317913 the most noted of which is the pentose nUpMpTMgYCu-00990-00317914-00318315 Ally Cretan authors have made important nUpMpTMgYCu-00991-00318316-00318509 contributions to Greek literature nUpMpTMgYCu-00992-00318510-00318768 throughout the modern period major names nUpMpTMgYCu-00993-00318769-00319082 include Vick ncos cornero's creator of nUpMpTMgYCu-00994-00319083-00319382 the 17th century epic romance erotic nUpMpTMgYCu-00995-00319383-00319620 retos Greek erotic readers and in the nUpMpTMgYCu-00996-00319621-00319909 20th century nikos kazantzakis nUpMpTMgYCu-00997-00319910-00320250 in the renaissance crete was the home of nUpMpTMgYCu-00998-00320251-00320507 the Cretan school of icon painting which nUpMpTMgYCu-00999-00320508-00320718 influenced el Greco and through him nUpMpTMgYCu-01000-00320719-00321105 subsequent European painting Crete is nUpMpTMgYCu-01001-00321106-00321363 also famous for its traditional cuisine nUpMpTMgYCu-01002-00321364-00321635 the nutritional value of the Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-01003-00321636-00321896 cuisine was discovered by the American nUpMpTMgYCu-01004-00321897-00322235 epidemiologist Ancel Keys in the 1960 nUpMpTMgYCu-01005-00322236-00322459 being later often mentioned by nUpMpTMgYCu-01006-00322460-00322655 epidemiologists as one of the best nUpMpTMgYCu-01007-00322656-00322902 examples of the Mediterranean diet nUpMpTMgYCu-01008-00322903-00323091 Creedence are fiercely proud of their nUpMpTMgYCu-01009-00323092-00323340 island and customs and men often Don nUpMpTMgYCu-01010-00323341-00323531 elements of traditional dress in nUpMpTMgYCu-01011-00323532-00323763 everyday life knee-high black riding nUpMpTMgYCu-01012-00323764-00324054 boots Steve a Nia rocker breeches tucked nUpMpTMgYCu-01013-00324055-00324264 into the boots at the knee black shirt nUpMpTMgYCu-01014-00324265-00324480 and black hair dress consisting of a nUpMpTMgYCu-01015-00324481-00324687 fishnet weave kerchief worn wrapped nUpMpTMgYCu-01016-00324688-00324860 around the head or drape on the nUpMpTMgYCu-01017-00324861-00325221 shoulders Sarika men often grow large nUpMpTMgYCu-01018-00325222-00325558 moustaches as a mark of masculinity nUpMpTMgYCu-01019-00325559-00325665 Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-01020-00325666-00325910 Society is well-known for notorious nUpMpTMgYCu-01021-00325911-00326172 family in clan vendetta's which persist nUpMpTMgYCu-01022-00326173-00326517 on the island to date cretins also have nUpMpTMgYCu-01023-00326518-00326766 a tradition of keeping firearms at home nUpMpTMgYCu-01024-00326767-00327000 a tradition lasting from the era of nUpMpTMgYCu-01025-00327001-00327263 resistance against the Ottoman Empire nUpMpTMgYCu-01026-00327264-00327581 nearly every rural household on Crete nUpMpTMgYCu-01027-00327582-00327918 has at least one unregistered gun guns nUpMpTMgYCu-01028-00327919-00328154 are subject to strict regulation from nUpMpTMgYCu-01029-00328155-00328392 the Greek government and in recent years nUpMpTMgYCu-01030-00328393-00328583 a great deal of effort to control nUpMpTMgYCu-01031-00328584-00328866 firearms in Crete has been undertaken by nUpMpTMgYCu-01032-00328867-00329067 the Greek police but with limited nUpMpTMgYCu-01033-00329068-00330318 success topic sports Crete has many nUpMpTMgYCu-01034-00330319-00330546 football clubs playing in the local nUpMpTMgYCu-01035-00330547-00330878 leagues during the 2011-12 season nUpMpTMgYCu-01036-00330879-00331154 o fi Crete which plays at Theodoros nUpMpTMgYCu-01037-00331155-00331464 vardinogiannis Stadium eraklyon an agar nUpMpTMgYCu-01038-00331465-00331733 Telus FC which plays at the pancreas nUpMpTMgYCu-01039-00331734-00331995 Stadium eraklyon were both members of nUpMpTMgYCu-01040-00331996-00332333 the Greek Superleague during the 2012-13 nUpMpTMgYCu-01041-00332334-00332651 season Oh fi Crete which plays at nUpMpTMgYCu-01042-00332652-00332882 theodoros VAR d new yana stadium nUpMpTMgYCu-01043-00332883-00333227 eraklyon and Platanias FC which plays at nUpMpTMgYCu-01044-00333228-00333474 the para volume municipal stadium near nUpMpTMgYCu-01045-00333475-00333704 Hanyu are both members of the greek nUpMpTMgYCu-01046-00333705-00334885 superleague topic notable people notable nUpMpTMgYCu-01047-00334886-00335313 people from Crete include nikos nUpMpTMgYCu-01048-00335314-00335609 kazantzakis author born in Heraklion nUpMpTMgYCu-01049-00335610-00335852 seven times suggested for the nobel nUpMpTMgYCu-01050-00335853-00336318 prize odysseas elytis poet awarded the nUpMpTMgYCu-01051-00336319-00336693 Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979 born nUpMpTMgYCu-01052-00336694-00337082 in Heraklion George Yas tortoises nUpMpTMgYCu-01053-00337083-00337446 Renaissance author vitsin sauce nUpMpTMgYCu-01054-00337447-00337730 cornero's renaissance author from sisha nUpMpTMgYCu-01055-00337731-00338083 who lived in Heraklion then kandia nUpMpTMgYCu-01056-00338084-00338399 Domini cost Fiat acapellas El Greco nUpMpTMgYCu-01057-00338400-00338785 Renaissance artist born in Heraklion nUpMpTMgYCu-01058-00338786-00339027 Niko's jewelleries famous nUpMpTMgYCu-01059-00339028-00339474 composer and singer Sarah antonis nUpMpTMgYCu-01060-00339475-00339696 folk singer and Creed and Lyra player nUpMpTMgYCu-01061-00339697-00340080 and brother of Nico's Hilary's nana nUpMpTMgYCu-01062-00340081-00340493 mouskouri singer born in Chania nUpMpTMgYCu-01063-00340494-00340818 Eleftherios Venizelos former greek prime nUpMpTMgYCu-01064-00340819-00341210 minister born in Chania prefecture nUpMpTMgYCu-01065-00341211-00341475 Konstantinov Schmid's a Turkish nephew nUpMpTMgYCu-01066-00341476-00341715 of Eleftherios Venizelos and prime nUpMpTMgYCu-01067-00341716-00342129 minister of greece duskily honest leader nUpMpTMgYCu-01068-00342130-00342578 of the Orlov revolt in crete in 1770 nUpMpTMgYCu-01069-00342579-00342879 makalah score MELAS leader of the Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-01070-00342880-00343163 war of independence from Messer nUpMpTMgYCu-01071-00343164-00343536 Eleni Daniella do tennis player born in nUpMpTMgYCu-01072-00343537-00343977 Chania lui teeka's Greek American labor nUpMpTMgYCu-01073-00343978-00344349 union leader Nick Dan dollars nUpMpTMgYCu-01074-00344350-00344631 aka Nick the Greek professional gambler nUpMpTMgYCu-01075-00344632-00344822 and high roller nUpMpTMgYCu-01076-00344823-00345144 Joseph sifakas a computer scientist nUpMpTMgYCu-01077-00345145-00345507 laureate of the 2007 during award born nUpMpTMgYCu-01078-00345508-00345896 in Heraklion in 1946 nUpMpTMgYCu-01079-00345897-00346185 Konstantinos Daskal artists associate nUpMpTMgYCu-01080-00346186-00346368 professor at MIT's electrical nUpMpTMgYCu-01081-00346369-00346535 engineering and computer science nUpMpTMgYCu-01082-00346536-00346709 department nUpMpTMgYCu-01083-00346710-00347019 George Carney a darkest professor of nUpMpTMgYCu-01084-00347020-00347216 applied mathematics at Brown University nUpMpTMgYCu-01085-00347217-00347666 also research scientist at MIT nUpMpTMgYCu-01086-00347667-00348054 John Aniston Yanis anistar sakis Greek nUpMpTMgYCu-01087-00348055-00348303 American actor father of Jennifer nUpMpTMgYCu-01088-00348304-00348744 Aniston George Seiken darkus a shepherd nUpMpTMgYCu-01089-00348745-00349019 a war hero and an author nUpMpTMgYCu-01090-00349020-00349392 Ahmed Reese me F&I 18th century Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-01091-00349393-00349710 statesman diplomat and author notably of nUpMpTMgYCu-01092-00349711-00350040 to see fair named turkeys first-ever nUpMpTMgYCu-01093-00350041-00350304 ambassador in Berlin during Frederick nUpMpTMgYCu-01094-00350305-00350610 the Great Train he was born into a nUpMpTMgYCu-01095-00350611-00350856 Muslim family of Greek descent in the nUpMpTMgYCu-01096-00350857-00351257 Cretan town of rethymno in the Year 1700 nUpMpTMgYCu-01097-00351258-00351630 Garrett Lee Ali Aziz F&I Turkey's third nUpMpTMgYCu-01098-00351631-00351894 ambassador in Berlin and arguably the nUpMpTMgYCu-01099-00351895-00352113 first Turkish author to have written in nUpMpTMgYCu-01100-00352114-00352377 novelistic form nUpMpTMgYCu-01101-00352378-00352584 al has signed the first eben Elliot nUpMpTMgYCu-01102-00352585-00352854 Turkey founder of the Hasina dynasty nUpMpTMgYCu-01103-00352855-00353403 which ruled Tunisia until 1957 Silesia nUpMpTMgYCu-01104-00353404-00353823 glue 1750 Hannya 1825 Candia nUpMpTMgYCu-01105-00353824-00354090 one of the most important 18th century nUpMpTMgYCu-01106-00354091-00354486 poets of Turkish folk literature Garrett nUpMpTMgYCu-01107-00354487-00354747 Lisi Reap Asha Ottoman administrator nUpMpTMgYCu-01108-00354748-00355047 Laila saz's husband and a notable man of nUpMpTMgYCu-01109-00355048-00355418 letters in his own right read at Tech nUpMpTMgYCu-01110-00355419-00355620 representative figure of the first nUpMpTMgYCu-01111-00355621-00355827 national architecture movement in nUpMpTMgYCu-01112-00355828-00356097 Turkish architecture son of laila says nUpMpTMgYCu-01113-00356098-00356478 in Garrett Lisi reap Asha Paul mullah nUpMpTMgYCu-01114-00356479-00356823 alias mul azad mehmet ali born Muslim nUpMpTMgYCu-01115-00356824-00357090 converted to Christianity in becoming a nUpMpTMgYCu-01116-00357091-00357477 Roman Catholic bishop and author tommy nUpMpTMgYCu-01117-00357478-00357924 Shahzad Mehmed Massud memorials Rama's nUpMpTMgYCu-01118-00357925-00358137 odd be hired and Bedi's the first nUpMpTMgYCu-01119-00358138-00358470 Turkish photographer by profession the nUpMpTMgYCu-01120-00358471-00358707 thousands of photographs he took based nUpMpTMgYCu-01121-00358708-00359088 as of 1895 successively in Crete Izmir nUpMpTMgYCu-01122-00359089-00359334 Istanbul and Ankara as head of the nUpMpTMgYCu-01123-00359335-00359547 photography department of Turkish nUpMpTMgYCu-01124-00359548-00359775 Historical Society have immense nUpMpTMgYCu-01125-00359776-00360225 historical value Sal a Zeki Turkish nUpMpTMgYCu-01126-00360226-00360648 photographer in Chania allene I hired nUpMpTMgYCu-01127-00360649-00360908 associate of Eleftherios Venizelos nUpMpTMgYCu-01128-00360909-00361251 prefect of drama and kavala Adrianople nUpMpTMgYCu-01129-00361252-00361785 and lassithi ishmael faisal pasha 1856 nUpMpTMgYCu-01130-00361786-00362139 to 1921 descended from the rooted CB co nUpMpTMgYCu-01131-00362140-00362382 glue family of soak who had settled in nUpMpTMgYCu-01132-00362383-00362712 crete he has been the first minister of nUpMpTMgYCu-01133-00362713-00362937 public works in the government of Grand nUpMpTMgYCu-01134-00362938-00363345 National Assembly in 1920 he was the nUpMpTMgYCu-01135-00363346-00363765 father of Ali Fuat and mehmet ali mehmet nUpMpTMgYCu-01136-00363766-00364257 atif udders dolly 1876 to 1947 Turkish nUpMpTMgYCu-01137-00364258-00364784 officer Mustafa o Degrelle akka 1892 to nUpMpTMgYCu-01138-00364785-00365193 1961 Turkish officer who sank HMS Ben nUpMpTMgYCu-01139-00365194-00365661 McCree savate sakakibara CLE alias nUpMpTMgYCu-01140-00365662-00365773 Helicon is back nUpMpTMgYCu-01141-00365774-00366034 cheesy the fishermen of Halicarnassus nUpMpTMgYCu-01142-00366035-00366283 writer although born in Crete and has nUpMpTMgYCu-01143-00366284-00366532 often led himself beside it as Creedon nUpMpTMgYCu-01144-00366533-00366748 descends from a family of Ottoman nUpMpTMgYCu-01145-00366749-00367009 aristocracy with roots in a film karahi nUpMpTMgYCu-01146-00367010-00367351 sir his father had been an ottoman High nUpMpTMgYCu-01147-00367352-00367528 Commissioner in Crete and later nUpMpTMgYCu-01148-00367529-00367927 ambassador in Athens asterisk likewise nUpMpTMgYCu-01149-00367928-00368251 as stated above Mustafa naeli Pasha was nUpMpTMgYCu-01150-00368252-00368668 Albanian Egyptian Buell and ARINC born nUpMpTMgYCu-01151-00368669-00369100 the 25th of May 1948 has been a Deputy nUpMpTMgYCu-01152-00369101-00369438 Prime Minister of Turkey since 2009 nUpMpTMgYCu-01153-00369439-00369754 he is of Crete and Muslim heritage with nUpMpTMgYCu-01154-00369755-00369991 his ancestors arriving to Turkey as nUpMpTMgYCu-01155-00369992-00370207 Cretan refugees during the time of nUpMpTMgYCu-01156-00370208-00370465 Sultan Abdul Hamid the second and is nUpMpTMgYCu-01157-00370466-00370777 fluent in Cretan Greek ARINC is a nUpMpTMgYCu-01158-00370778-00371005 proponent of wanting to reconvert the nUpMpTMgYCu-01159-00371006-00371251 higher Sofia into a mosque which has nUpMpTMgYCu-01160-00371252-00371488 caused diplomatic protestations from nUpMpTMgYCu-01161-00371489-00371875 Greece Yosef Dell made eager nUpMpTMgYCu-01162-00371876-00372139 Renaissance rabbi mathematician nUpMpTMgYCu-01163-00372140-00373018 astronomer and philosopher topic see nUpMpTMgYCu-01164-00373019-00373987 also Cretan Greek Cretan Lyra Cretan nUpMpTMgYCu-01165-00373988-00374527 Turks Cretan wine list of novels set in nUpMpTMgYCu-01166-00374528-00375046 Crete list of rulers of Crete Manton nUpMpTMgYCu-01167-00375047-00375265 aids