Statement,Label Military Trump thwart deep state blackout.,pantsfire Amazons Utopia TV series predicted the COVID19 pandemic and an intentional effort to sterilize humans showing the pandemic was planned.,pantsfire Boiling tap water causes fluoride in the water to be more toxic.,pantsfire The blue pink and white colors in the progress pride flag represent pedophiles,pantsfire F.ight BREAKS as C.omer SHUTS UP Bidens lawyer with B0MBSHELL.,pantsfire Video shows Rep. Nancy Pelosi being arrested.,pantsfire Estelas de aviones ... estn modificadas con qumicos por gobiernos poderosos para enfermar a las personas con fines econmicos manipulativos y de reduccin de la poblacin.,pantsfire Rusia levanta la bandera blanca y se rinde a Ucrania,pantsfire Photo shows the U.S. Pentagon is under attack.,pantsfire AIDSassociated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID19 vaccines according to the CDC and foreign government bodies.,pantsfire A video shows former President Barack Obama referring to his wife Michelle as Michael.,pantsfire Street lights are connected to mRNA.,pantsfire Video shows Pelosi CRIES LIKE KID after McCarthy kicked her out as speaker.,pantsfire An Instagram video shows a man confronting President Joe Biden about an inappropriate relationship with a 13yearold girl.,pantsfire The government has been putting ground up human teeth and bone in our food and calling it calcium phosphate.,pantsfire Photo shows Joe Biden touching a child inappropriately.,pantsfire The National Parks Service posted about children who have been freed from human traffickers.,pantsfire Se filtran fotos de satanista enseando sus Rituales y Adoracin a lucifer a nios en bibliotecas de Estados Unidos.,pantsfire Este video muestra reptilianos.,pantsfire Photo shows former first lady Michelle Obama as a man.,pantsfire Michelle Obamas mother dies leaves inheritance to My son Michael.,pantsfire Video shows Kamala Harris talking nonsensically about today tomorrow and yesterday.,pantsfire NASAs Tminus launch countdown is a mocking reference to Satan.,pantsfire Fauci arrested.,pantsfire Babysitter on crystal meth eats 3monthold toddler.,pantsfire Imagen muestra el doble del presidente Joe Biden firmando documentos con su mano izquierda.,pantsfire Putin JUST SHUTDOWN All Oil To The US Collapsing The US Economy,pantsfire Photo shows President Joe Bidens body double signing documents with his left hand.,pantsfire The flag of Washingtons District of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the threecity empire.,pantsfire AnheuserBusch closing half its U.S. breweries after Dylan Mulvaney backlash.,pantsfire New York Gov. Kathy Hochul wants quarantine camps and imprisonment if youre suspected of having a disease.,pantsfire Chemtrails are being put into the atmosphere and are trickling down into soil and water becoming the real cause of disease.,pantsfire There is no Biden presidency. The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.,pantsfire Video shows someone impersonating Joe Biden in a mask.,pantsfire El CEO de Pfizer es un lagarto demonio.,pantsfire A Pentagon plan and a CDC poster proves that a zombie apocalypse is coming.,pantsfire The Antarctic ice cap is not melting.,pantsfire Adam Schiff will be impeached.,pantsfire Video shows Nancy Pelosi saying Ive given a shoottokill order for any breach of the speakers lobby on Jan. 6 2021.,pantsfire Symbols on Huggies diapers are coded references to pedophilia.,pantsfire They have been preparing for mass extinction with these death caskets in Madison Ga.,pantsfire 34 dead after Lizzo attempted to crowd surf.,pantsfire A video shows Sen. John Kennedy RLa. playing a phone conversation between Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez DN.Y. and Hunter Biden.,pantsfire Congress White House IRS Feds Federal Reserve are shut down.,pantsfire Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been arrested.,pantsfire Video proves John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive.,pantsfire Video shows John F. Kennedy Jr. in a real presidential convoy.,pantsfire The person purporting to be Tiffany Dover is an impostor.,pantsfire HIV is not contagious.,pantsfire El presidente Joe Biden dijo estamos quebrados completamente quebrados. Agarren su dinero del banco squenlo squenlo ya.,pantsfire Video shows U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan slapping special counsel Robert Mueller.,pantsfire FEMA camps are open for the upcoming arrests for crimes against humanity.,pantsfire Elon Musk said a new Tesla feature can scan testicles and use that information to biometrically unlock and start the car.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton indicted.,pantsfire Pouring soda on raw pork will cause parasites to emerge.,pantsfire A video shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis saying Now Trumps been indicted now the people will have no choice but to accept me as their assigned candidate.,pantsfire A doctor tweeted that she doesnt regret giving the COVID19 vaccine even if it turns out I injected you with actual poison and you only have days to live.,pantsfire Regarding Trumps January 2021 telephone call with Georgia election officials nobody found anything wrong with that perfect call until a book promotion tour many months later.,pantsfire Video shows a crowd erupting and Hillary Clinton crying during a committee hearing.,pantsfire Video shows Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas crying after a question from an aide to former President Donald Trump.,pantsfire White House Press Secretary Karine JeanPierre was involved in a coveredup DUI accident,pantsfire Joe Biden received a military funeral service Jan. 20 2021,pantsfire Videos show former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussing a glass dome over Earth.,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan ROhio sends Biden straight to jail.,pantsfire Former President Donald Trump is actually another man wearing a Trump mask.,pantsfire Morgan Freeman called out Joe Biden for talking about ice cream before commenting on the Nashville Tennessee school shooting.,pantsfire Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez DN.Y. is now worth $29 million dollars.,pantsfire The Nashville shooter was wearing different pairs of shoes before and after being killed.,pantsfire Video shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis saying he made certain political choices because thats where the money is.,pantsfire A photo shows former President Barack Obamas old boyfriend to whom he paid hush money.,pantsfire At a Wisconsin school a 12yearold girl was transitioned into a boy by school officials without parental consent and Protasiewicz supports it.,pantsfire The Nashville Tennessee school shooter was Samantha Hyde.,pantsfire Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced that his office has decided to drop all charges against Donald Trump.,pantsfire Photo shows Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has a body double.,pantsfire Video shows Elon Musk saying he bought Twitter and unblocked Andrew Tates Twitter account because we need to escape the suppression from the matrix and expose the global elites.,pantsfire Former President Donald Trump is the current sitting commander in chief.,pantsfire Joe Biden was the first president in 100 years to unsuccessfully sing the alphabet song.,pantsfire Angelina Jolie is dead.,pantsfire Says President Joe Biden was recorded talking about bank collapse.,pantsfire BREAKING ANTHONY FAUCI is set to be arrested,pantsfire Monster Energys logo uses a sign of the antiChrist as part of its marketing effort.,pantsfire Video shows U.S. Secret Service agents are demons.,pantsfire Emergency injunction and tribunal order was served to WHO to immediately cease and desist a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes.,pantsfire Harry could be exiled to Botswana after he was deported from the United States due to an expired visa.,pantsfire The 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville Virginia was an American intel op against Trump.,pantsfire The White House Visitor Center is displaying a photo of a fake President Joe Biden.,pantsfire President Joe Biden is in Gitmo.,pantsfire Elon Musk banned U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez from Twitter.,pantsfire Vladimir Putin orders destruction of all COVID19 vaccines in Russia.,pantsfire Crowd erupts as Chip Roy grills Kamala Harris as she lies in Congress in video.,pantsfire Bill Gates arrest warrant issued in Philippines for premeditated murder linked to vaccine roll out.,pantsfire Capitol Police officers helped QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley and acted as his tour guides.,pantsfire The United Kingdoms Parliament closed its borders to prevent Harry and Meg from flying to the UK in order to protect the king.,pantsfire The moon is a habitable place.,pantsfire Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man.,pantsfire Photos of an apartment building in Kyiv are evidence the war in Ukraine is fake.,pantsfire President Joe Biden was shot in a behindthescenes execution.,pantsfire Putin decimates another adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine.,pantsfire Winston Churchill didnt mention the Holocaust in his memoirs because it didnt happen.,pantsfire I never claimed to be Jewish.,pantsfire No administration has ever looked less like America just by the numbers than the Biden administration.,pantsfire President Joe Biden said this s will turn your pacemaker off.,pantsfire Russian President Vladimir Putin intercepts adrenochrome shipment headed to United States.,pantsfire The Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl win has been put on hold as NFL plans to launch an investigation on possible performanceenhancing drug use by Patrick Mahomes during halftime.,pantsfire Joe Biden put his pants on backwards,pantsfire Photos show someone in a President Joe Biden mask at the State of the Union.,pantsfire Earthquake in Turkey and Syria is a systemic attack against Kurdish people.,pantsfire Image shows a Super Bowl script was leaked.,pantsfire Satellites are on balloons and not in space.,pantsfire In Ukraine 2458 NATO soldiers and 234 NATO military trainers have died some of whom are from the U.S.,pantsfire Joe Biden said to transgender women you will never be a real woman.,pantsfire Black Americans are not descended from people who were taken from Africa to be enslaved.,pantsfire NASA stopped exploring the ocean.,pantsfire The United States of America no longer exists because President Joe Biden signed away our sovereignty as a nation.,pantsfire A photo shows Barack Obama dressed up as Baphomet Lucifer.,pantsfire Hospital photo of Damar Hamlin proves hes a corpse.,pantsfire The sinking of the Titanic was orchestrated by the Rothschilds and J.P. Morgan to kill prominent businessmen who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve.,pantsfire Sen. Josh Hawley told professor I will not use your pronouns.,pantsfire Putin destroys adrenochrome lab in Ukraine.,pantsfire Actor Isaac Kappy was murdered for exposing Hollywood pedophiles.,pantsfire Damar Hamlin wasnt at the Buffalo Bills playoff game.,pantsfire New York is bombed. At this moment there are many injured.,pantsfire Bill Gates tweeted that vaccines in our food supply solves the problem of vaccine hesitancy.,pantsfire Video shows hidden theater where elites sacrifice kids.,pantsfire Joan Rivers was killed for revealing that Barack Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is transgender.,pantsfire Magic Johnson tested positive for HIV because Faucis gain of function study used a contaminated Hepatitis B vaccine.,pantsfire Video shows John F. Kennedy Jr. at Donald Trumps presidential inauguration.,pantsfire Video shows Hillary Clinton being arrested.,pantsfire Lulas staff infiltrated and caused damage while the Brazilian Patriots cleaned up.,pantsfire Tom Hanks shouting sexy baby is connected to Jeffery Epstein and pedophilia.,pantsfire The Simpsons predicted Pizzagate.,pantsfire A video shows lawmakers in compromising positions with children.,pantsfire A video shows Rep. Jim Jordan threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with possible jail time.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Katie Porter DCalif. says pedophilia isnt a crime its an identity.,pantsfire Video shows Attorney General Merrick Garland saying Wait for revenge.,pantsfire Early vote counts after the polls closed in Georgias U.S. Senate runoff are evidence of election fraud.,pantsfire JAG charges Nancy Pelosi with treason and seditious conspiracy.,pantsfire Rod Stewarts son was rushed to the hospital with a suspected heart attack because of a COVID19 vaccine.,pantsfire Drone footage confirms Jeffrey Epstein is alive.,pantsfire Paul Pelosi hasnt been seen in public for months because he had mpox.,pantsfire News clip showing Herschel Walker with early lead in Georgia U.S. Senate runoff is evidence of fraud.,pantsfire Child trafficking camp discovered in Arizona.,pantsfire Kirstie Alley faked her death.,pantsfire President Joe Bidens daughterinlaw tweeted The press is also covering up serious health issues that my father in law is facing. The plan is for Kamala to get a one track ride to the nomination in 2024.,pantsfire Climate activists vow to slaughter millions of dogs to reduce carbon pawprint.,pantsfire The revelation of massive widespread fraud deception in the 2020 election allows for the termination of all rules regulations and articles even those found in the Constitution.,pantsfire Photo shows Rep. Adam Schiff and a little boy he killed.,pantsfire Henry Kissingers deathbed confession shows Adolf Hitler was buried in Spain and lived to age 68.,pantsfire Hitler didnt kill 6 million Jews and the Holocaust is not what happened.,pantsfire Rod Rosenstein and John Podesta are the sons of Nazi leaders.,pantsfire Video confirms Pfizers CEO is reptilian.,pantsfire No NASA Challenger rocket blew up with people on it.,pantsfire The Club Q shooting was a false flag.,pantsfire Trump tweeted about his return to Twitter on Nov. 19.,pantsfire The Arizona gubernatorial race was a fraudulent election.,pantsfire Bill Gates tells G20 world leaders that death panels will soon be required.,pantsfire A fake Nancy Pelosi said she wont seek the speaker position again because the real Pelosi was arrested in 2021.,pantsfire The number of followers Katie Hobbs and Kari Lake have on Instagram suggests election fraud.,pantsfire They say the ocean will rise oneeighth of an inch over the next 200 to 300 years.,pantsfire Bags arriving at the Maricopa County vote counting site are evidence of Democrats with the help of the media and GOP establishment stealing another election.,pantsfire European royals killing naked children for fun at hunting parties.,pantsfire Photo shows Jeff Bezoss clone.,pantsfire Florida man arrested for using a lost U.S. nuke to power his home for more than 27 years.,pantsfire Dr. Anthony Fauci Ron DeSantis and others are ALL in a diamond mining business in Oklahoma together,pantsfire Split election results show the Arizona governors race was rigged.,pantsfire Amazons Alexa confirms Michelle Obama was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson.,pantsfire No the Pennsylvania Senate race wasnt rigged,pantsfire In the 2018 Florida governors race votes were being stolen by the corrupt election process in Broward. I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys and the ballot theft immediately ended. I stopped his Election from being stolen.,pantsfire Election results in Clark County Nevada and Arizona are not yet known because those places want more time to cheat.,pantsfire Democrats used 47 million mailin ballots to steal every election in the country.,pantsfire Video shows a Philadelphia poll worker committing election fraud.,pantsfire Photos shows 2022 midterm ballots in trash.,pantsfire The number of followers John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz have on Instagram proves the Pennsylvania Senate race was illegitimate.,pantsfire Graph shows Gretchen Whitmer stole the Michigan gubernatorial election.,pantsfire Map proves the Pennsylvania Senate election was rigged.,pantsfire The Michigan attorney generals race was stolen in the middle of the night from Matt DePerno.,pantsfire Minnesota was stolen from Scott Jensen.,pantsfire USA Today reported that 5 children have gone missing inside a Chuck E. Cheese.,pantsfire Maricopa County intentionally reduced the polling places.,pantsfire Pennsylvania judge allows ballots to count that are received up until November 14th.,pantsfire A Twitter employee was laid off after receiving a meme.,pantsfire A German survey ranked Kyrie Irving as the greatest threat to world peace among world leaders.,pantsfire DISGRUNTLED EXEMPLOYEE Twitter CEO Elon Musks account is presently suspended.,pantsfire So the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled in effect that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.,pantsfire The attack on Paul Pelosi was a false flag.,pantsfire Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a Tshirt that reads Im proud of my gay husband.,pantsfire Joe Biden announced to the world tonight that they are going to cheat by dumping ballots.,pantsfire Pennsylvania is under a court order to count their ballots on election day and not after,pantsfire Its not true that the United States was built on stolen land.,pantsfire Thunderous crowd at Philadelphia Phillies game literally registering on the Penn State University Brandywine seismograph station.,pantsfire CNN reported Donald Trump died on Nov. 1.,pantsfire President Joe Biden and Democrats send a fortune to Ukraine but nothing for our children.,pantsfire Smithsonian admits to destruction of thousands of giant human skeletons in early 1900s.,pantsfire Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams are radical communists and if they get their way gun owners here in Georgia will be completely disarmed.,pantsfire On my watch for the first time in 10 years seniors are getting an increase in their Social Security checks.,pantsfire Two farright websites attributed to David DePape to smear conservatives were fabricated they were created Friday.,pantsfire Bill Gates daughters arent vaccinated.,pantsfire House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesnt even have surveillance cameras around her house.,pantsfire At the Pelosi house the glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out so it wasnt a breakin it was a breakout.,pantsfire Police dispatch audio from Paul Pelosis attack was recorded in a Moscow studio.,pantsfire Security cameras at Nancy Pelosis San Francisco home malfunctioned for the duration of the breakin so officials have ended their investigation.,pantsfire If outer space was a vacuum astronauts would train in vacuum chambers. Not in swimming pools. Outer Space is a hoax.,pantsfire If you use the US Postal Service certified mail or registered mail they can do anything they want with those ballots. They can burn your mail and they wont get in any trouble.,pantsfire Rep. Tim Ryan wanted to decriminalize fentanyl.,pantsfire Peerreviewed paper shows Fauci created COVID19,pantsfire Mailing in a ballot gives the bad guys a chance to know how many ballots they need to make.,pantsfire Video clips show staged war footage from Ukraine.,pantsfire Todays high food prices were planned during a 2015 food shortage simulation.,pantsfire Eagles fans shout F Joe Biden while Jill Biden attends NFL game,pantsfire In Arizona early voting would allow Kari Lakes opponents to see how many votes they need to fake to catch up and surpass.,pantsfire A chyron on Sean Hannitys show said Dr Oz admits hes a medical quack.,pantsfire There are no photos of Biden in the Oval Office from after early 2021.,pantsfire A House Republican plan says that if the GOP wins the majority Retirees who have a pension IRAs 401k disabled veteran benefits will be ineligible for Social Security benefits.,pantsfire A video shows an actor getting into character before his press interview less than 24 hours after the supposed killing of his 6yearold daughter.,pantsfire There are 100000 kids in cages under the Getty art museum.,pantsfire Video shows Hillary Clinton talking about a glass dome over the Earth.,pantsfire Photo shows a taxi driver in New York City who drives around taking people to kill.,pantsfire Dark spots on potato chips are infected with throat mold.,pantsfire Trans species man who selfidentifies as a deer accidentally shot by hunters.,pantsfire Barack Obama said he walks with his husband Michael and hold hands.,pantsfire Federal aid to tribal governments is foreign aid.,pantsfire Kamala Harris resigns in shock after Bidens mandatory border tripTrump jails corrupt VP.,pantsfire The government is giving every household a $500 Walmart shopping credit to help with inflation.,pantsfire North Korea has taken military action against Russia.,pantsfire Parasite cleanses kill herpes by starving the parasites in the stomach.,pantsfire President Trump and I lost an election in 2020 because of a rigged election.,pantsfire To call what happened on January 6 an armed insurrection I just think is not accurate.,pantsfire COVID was so bad one year they just forgot to give us a hurricane Whats really going on here.,pantsfire The Obama Foundation stored classified documents in an abandoned furniture warehouse.,pantsfire Aileen Cannon has been arrested.,pantsfire Dr. Oz wins seat.,pantsfire Says Mandela Barnes supports killing preemies infants born prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy,pantsfire Hurricane Ian was orchestrated as part of a pandemicrelated conspiracy to devastate Floridians.,pantsfire Walrus seen on Florida streets after Hurricane Ian hits land.,pantsfire All weather is artificially controlled.,pantsfire At an Atlanta Braves celebration President Joe Biden demanded that all the little kids come up on stage to sit on his lap.,pantsfire You know how many convicted felons Scott Walker let out during his eight years early on parole Zero. Tony Evers is approaching 1000 of these that hes let out early.,pantsfire House Democrats kicked Nancy Pelosi from office.,pantsfire Future and Malia Obama are expecting first child together.,pantsfire ThenVice President Mike Pence seized power from President Donald Trump and undertook a coup when he called on federal agencies to stop the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.,pantsfire The Simpsons predicted Queen Elizabeth IIs 2022 death.,pantsfire If Jeff Bezos net worth reaches $1 trillion he could literally end world poverty and give everyone $1 billion and he will still have $91.5 billion left.,pantsfire Barack and Michelle Obama are not the real parents of their children.,pantsfire Obama Clinton are being arrested by the military.,pantsfire Video shows Hillary Clinton popping a brown paper bag during a press conference.,pantsfire Russia is becoming the first country to break ties with the Antarctic Treaty.,pantsfire The sun is not 93 million miles away it is local and under a firmament dome.,pantsfire The Clintons killed Ken Starr.,pantsfire No plane debris was found at the Pentagon.,pantsfire Video shows a statement from Donald Trump on Sept. 8 2022.,pantsfire A Boeing 757 didnt fly into the Pentagon on 911.,pantsfire King Charles III signed a proclamation stating that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election and is the rightful president by law.,pantsfire Barack Obama urged people on Sept. 10 2001 to report to work tomorrow at the World Trade Center.,pantsfire North Korea confirms it has landed a man on the sun.,pantsfire Queen Elizabeth II was a reptile.,pantsfire A 13 or 15 year old boy escapes Buckingham Palace in video.,pantsfire Prince was sacrificed for Queen Elizabeth IIs 90th birthday.,pantsfire We all know the Queens been dead for a while now and her death is part of a dark conspiracy involving pedophilia or child trafficking.,pantsfire Queen Elizabeth shot dead in Detroit.,pantsfire Video proves space is fake.,pantsfire Naomi Biden says Joe Biden died four years ago.,pantsfire Video shows Joe Biden has a body double.,pantsfire President Joe Biden employed actors to portray Marine guards during a Sept. 1 speech.,pantsfire Joe Biden threatened to assassinate Ukraines former president.,pantsfire Another continent may exist beneath Antarctica which is also home to homicidal sea creature of unknown origin,pantsfire The FBI spent more time investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack than 911.,pantsfire The National Guard was activated Jan. 6 2021 and is in complete control.,pantsfire In Arizona we have flood the zone with fake ballots.,pantsfire The Supreme Court will put Donald Trump back in office in October,pantsfire Monkeypox is a complete fake sham thats designed to force lockdowns mandates and shots.,pantsfire Half of the votes for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election are from dead people.,pantsfire An image shows a chyron on Tucker Carlsons show that said straight men turning homo after gay hypnosis.,pantsfire Quotes Sarah Palin as saying when Jesus celebrated Easter with his disciples there were no Easter bunnies or egg hunts.,pantsfire Video implies talk between Barack Obama and Kamala Harris has coded references to pedophilia.,pantsfire We also know the Sierra Club paid for those reporters at the Palm Beach Post.,pantsfire Photo shows parents who changed their babys gender identity.,pantsfire Video shows Congress voting for a highly classified Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Bill.,pantsfire Send your postcards to 5 key states to decertify fraud in the 2020 election.,pantsfire Liz Cheney cries like kids after loses in primary against Trumps pick two days before the primary election.,pantsfire President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear Word is lots,pantsfire A Delta Force seized a shipment of weapons headed to the IRS.,pantsfire Brittney Griner is really a man.,pantsfire Consuming rice and beans milk cheese butter and eggs causes disease by age 30.,pantsfire The Sun is out of place the Moon is out of place and the stars are out of place. The compasses are off because of a shift in the Earths poles.,pantsfire In 2020 250000 ballots were manufactured in Georgia and Biden was given win by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger,pantsfire NASA photos of the moon and Earth show that space is fake.,pantsfire Jane Goodalls comments about population growth at World Economic Forum show COVID19 pandemic was planned.,pantsfire To date nobody has been able to show that there is a law for the average American citizen working day in and day out to pay an income tax.,pantsfire Supreme Court FINALLY signs VERDICT to IMPEACH Speaker Pelosi as Hunters Laptop IMPLICATES her.,pantsfire Antarctica has an entrance to a different world a mythic land with green forests giant animals and extraterrestrial technologies.,pantsfire Jim Jordan said Its finally happening Adam Schiff will be impeached.,pantsfire Ranked choice voting in Alaska is a total rigged deal.,pantsfire George Floyd and COVID19 never existed.,pantsfire Biden threatens to assassinate Ukraine president.,pantsfire Third grade reading scores in the USA help correctional institutions predict how many beds theyll need in the future.,pantsfire Drought is a lie designed to limit farming reduce the food supply and ultimately control Americans.,pantsfire CNN coverage has evidence of the single most egregious realtime example of electronic vote fraud.,pantsfire Claims the James Webb Space Telescope is fakery they got for the masses,pantsfire In Kenya pregnant women cant leave the house so they absolutely have no constructive right to vote.,pantsfire The Wisconsin Supreme Court decision declaring ballot drop boxes illegal includes the 2020 Presidential Election.,pantsfire Images from Hunter Bidens laptop show Joe Biden naked with a young girl.,pantsfire There are no artifacts to prove that slave ships existed.,pantsfire House Democrats have kicked Rep. Ilhan Omar out of Congress,pantsfire Anthony Bourdain and Chris Cornell were killed while working on a documentary about widespread pedophilia.,pantsfire Fast food chain Wendys was exposed for using horse meat.,pantsfire Biden impeachment in progress.,pantsfire Video shows Joe Biden putting a Medal of Honor on a Vietnam War veteran backward.,pantsfire SCOTUS overturned the 2020 election.,pantsfire A video shows Joe Biden speaking slowly and slurring on the Fourth of July.,pantsfire The mass shooting in Highland Park Illinois was a false flag.,pantsfire Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said 246 years ago Jesus Christ performed his miracle of making a single days worth of bullets last 8 days.,pantsfire Video claims Moscow turned into sea of fire after being attacked by two mysterious missiles.,pantsfire Joe Biden just resigned from the White House.,pantsfire The Clintons and Bushes were involved in orchestrating the assassination of JFK Jr.,pantsfire A photo shows Marjorie Taylor Greene wearing a Soviet shirt and giving a Nazi salute.,pantsfire Says Jen Psaki said President Biden might need kneepads for riding his bike but the last guy needed kneepads for visiting the Kremlin.,pantsfire Soviet and Chinese communists have grabbed control of U.S. entertainment movies television music academia K12 education and the news media.,pantsfire Three mass shootings were meant to distract from Hillary Clinton controversies.,pantsfire A doctor at the Mayo Clinic is misdiagnosing pregnancies of Trump supporters so they have abortions.,pantsfire U.S. military at the White House arresting Congress.,pantsfire Military take over on May 11 confirmed,pantsfire U.S. military arrests Michael Sussmann.,pantsfire Ray Liotta died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama announced Joe Bidens death.,pantsfire Joe Biden resigned and Trump is the new president.,pantsfire A BP oil executive named Brice Cromwell blamed the Biden administration for high gas prices.,pantsfire Speedway is offering $500 fuel cards for $1.95 to help customers with rising fuel costs.,pantsfire Florida man on drugs kills imaginary friend and turns himself in.,pantsfire Pfizer CEO says its their dream to reduce the population by 50 in 2023.,pantsfire Nobody in any election in America gets 74 of the votes. Ever. It doesnt happen.,pantsfire Active shooter drill at high school in Uvalde Texas two months before the elementary school shooting shows the event was a false flag.,pantsfire Says Gov. Greg Abbott offered the uncle of a Uvalde shooting victim money to say we dont need stronger gun laws.,pantsfire CNN is recycling crisis actors in reports about a man dying in Afghanistan in 2021 and at the Uvalde Texas school shooting in 2022.,pantsfire A CNN story reported that Rice Krispies added a transgender mascot.,pantsfire The shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde County Texas was a false flag.,pantsfire Bill Gates is behind the monkeypox outbreaks.,pantsfire Americans can get up to $50k in relief from a new benefit that just got released last week.,pantsfire A photo of Ukrainians with paintball guns proves the war is staged.,pantsfire Students in Wilkes County North Carolina identify themselves as cats or furries and have asked for litter boxes to be placed in school restrooms for them to use.,pantsfire News interview proves that the Buffalo New York supermarket shooting was staged.,pantsfire Breaking Democrats introduce bill to put Americans in quarantine camps.,pantsfire The mass shooting in Buffalo New York was a false flag event.,pantsfire A reporter who covered the Buffalo supermarket shooting was a crisis actor.,pantsfire Mark Zuckerberg was arrested.,pantsfire No planes are visible in footage of the 911 attack.,pantsfire Says she never tweeted comments linking pedophilia and Islam.,pantsfire Your government quietly confirmed the fully vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.,pantsfire Photos of the alleged Buffalo shooting gunman show two different people.,pantsfire Suggests Amber Heard snorted cocaine while on the stand in court.,pantsfire 148th Kentucky Derby winner Rich Strike jockey Sonny Leon just turned down a White House invite saying If I wanted to see a horses ass I would have came sic in second.,pantsfire Military Arrests Bidens Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.,pantsfire Says JFK. Jr is masquerading as QAnon promoter Juan O. Savin.,pantsfire Republicans DO NOT want to throw doctors in jail.,pantsfire Paying taxes is optional,pantsfire Jackie Chan is dead.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton is in jail at Gitmo at the moment.,pantsfire Photo of unbroken windows proves war in Ukraine is fake.,pantsfire Videos show that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy uses cocaine.,pantsfire A consent decree approved by Gov. Brian Kemp invalidated all voter ID law and allowed fraudulent ballots to be accepted in the 2020 race.,pantsfire A photo shows students in Lviv celebrating Adolf Hitlers birthday.,pantsfire Hunter Biden arrested this morning.,pantsfire Footage of the Bidens celebrating Easter at the White House is fake.,pantsfire Vladimir Putin released 35000 children from tunnels and subway in Ukraine.,pantsfire COVID19 is a synthetic version of snake venom that evil forces are spreading through remdesivir the COVID19 vaccines and drinking water to make you a hybrid of Satan.,pantsfire CNN tweeted about brave children in Ukraine signing up to fight Russia.,pantsfire The Brooklyn subway attack was a false flag.,pantsfire Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh were actors wearing masks during Kavanaughs U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearing.,pantsfire The COVID19 vaccines contain HIV lipid wrappers.,pantsfire Special Forces arrest Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci.,pantsfire Disney CEO Bob Chapek was arrested for human trafficking.,pantsfire With the money Elon Musk spent to buy Twitter shares he could have given every American family $100000 and still had enough left over to cancel all student debt.,pantsfire Photo shows someone in a swastika shirt giving a Nazi salute at a recent Donald Trump rally.,pantsfire Schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries.,pantsfire Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a cousin of George Soros Pentagon official says.,pantsfire Says Sens. Lisa Murkowski Susan Collins and Mitt Romney are propedophile.,pantsfire According to the Census Bureau 5 million more people voted than were registered to vote in the 2020 election.,pantsfire A Florida court sets atheist holy day on April 1.,pantsfire The 2021 Georgia Senate runoff and the 2020 presidential election were stolen.,pantsfire Putin beheaded bioweapon engineers in Ukraine.,pantsfire Ketanji Brown Jackson believes in abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.,pantsfire Ketanji Brown Jackson has a weak record defund police abolish ICE and now a completely open border policy.,pantsfire Hunter Biden has been arrested,pantsfire John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive and the author of anonymous QAnon messages.,pantsfire The Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital in Mariupol Ukraine had the makings of yet another false flag operation led by the U.S.,pantsfire The word alcohol derives from the Arabic term for bodyeating spirit,pantsfire In April 1997 there was a gas out conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.,pantsfire Russian President Vladimir Putin was assassinated.,pantsfire What is happening here is not so different from what were seeing happening in Russia where you have got state TV and controlled messaging across the board.,pantsfire Five Wisconsin cities received money for the 2020 election from Mark Zuckerberg which amounted to a wave of massive election bribery.,pantsfire The U.S. military has reinstated a draft and women are included.,pantsfire Oprah reveals her fullynatural solution that allowed her to drop 62 pounds in six weeks.,pantsfire Putin bombs Bidenowned villa in Ukraine while hammering biolabs pedophile rings.,pantsfire Worldwide data has confirmed the vaccinated are developing COVID vaccineinduced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.,pantsfire The war in Ukraine is scripted and staged.,pantsfire The Russian army does not occupy Ukrainian territory.,pantsfire Joe Biden was holding a medical device in a photo he tweeted during the 2022 Winter Olympics.,pantsfire The 2020 election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.,pantsfire Ukrainian fighterace known as the Ghost of Kyivs real name is Samuyil Hyde.,pantsfire Luc Montagniers death is linked to his exposing that theres HIV in the COVID19 vaccine.,pantsfire Hillary is taken to Gitmo.,pantsfire Billie Eilishs younger sister has an OnlyFans account.,pantsfire Photo shows Donald Trump refusing to shake hands with Justin Trudeau.,pantsfire Greenpeace USA had a banner on Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas making fun of Donald Trumps genitalia.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden risks war with Russia because Vladimir Putin doesnt believe in transgender rights.,pantsfire Russia has never attacked anyone throughout its history.,pantsfire Grocery chain Aldi will send people who share a Facebook post a bag full of family necessities worth $750 and 100 random bags also have a voucher for $500.,pantsfire Says the FDA said that Pfizer falsely misled the agency about the safety of the COVID19 vaccines and that the shots are killing more people than they save.,pantsfire Says that President Joe Biden said Americans will start seeing direct deposits in their bank accounts this weekend and that Medicare recipients will get back $2880.,pantsfire Photo shows the freedom convoy in Canberra Australia with over 1.5 million cars.,pantsfire Image shows This is happening right Australia 1.5 Million showed up for a Freedom MarchRally.,pantsfire President Bidens Air Force One pilot got fired after this vertical take off.,pantsfire Pfizer is literally using the force of government and the culture of fear to jab children under 5 with zero basis in science to make billions of dollars.,pantsfire The second booster has eight strains of HIV.,pantsfire Arizona House bill to decertify 2020 results could effectively recall the Biden electors.,pantsfire A grand jury trial begins into crimes against humanity involving a fabricated coronavirus pandemic.,pantsfire In Joe Bidens America your children are more likely to have access to a crack pipe than a maskfree education.,pantsfire MSNBC announced Trump won 2020 election.,pantsfire The top ten most unhealthy U.S. cities are San Francisco Seattle Portland Oregon San Diego Honolulu Washington Austin Texas Irving Texas Portland Maine and Denver.,pantsfire Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez said I dont need truckers. I get my food from the grocery store.,pantsfire Donald Trump never left the White House.,pantsfire Since 2000 the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy have been spraying the entire United States sky with the toxic brew of chemicals and other biologic agents.,pantsfire Says 700 CIA agents were arrested.,pantsfire The Holocaust isnt about race. No its not about race.,pantsfire In 2022 illegal immigrants will have MORE FREEDOMS and easier access to healthcare and ballot boxes than most Americans... Just think about that.,pantsfire National Guard doctors find hospitals empty of COVID patients.,pantsfire In New York state if youre white you have to go to the back of the line to get medical help.,pantsfire Image from news broadcast shows a hospital in France trying to pass off a mannequin as a COVID19 patient.,pantsfire Total deaths from COVID MUCH LOWER than reported.,pantsfire Estimated annual COVID19 deaths in the U.S. totals 27530 after you subtract those who died with not from COVID19 not in nursing homes and who didnt have four or more comorbidities.,pantsfire Ashli Babbitt Tried To Stop Antifa False Flag On Jan 6th,pantsfire There are over 800 prison camps in the United States all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by fulltime guards but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA.,pantsfire Photo shows Jeffrey Epstein and Kamala Harris posing together.,pantsfire Million pounds of rat meat being sold as boneless chicken wings in the U.S.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden said dozens of police were killed during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol but exactly zero people died that day.,pantsfire Photos show sheep feces that are now in high demand in China because of their richness in protein.,pantsfire Gavin Newsom Gets Death Penalty.,pantsfire Walgreens refrigerators are scanning shoppers hands and foreheads for the mark of the beast and that if you dont have the mark later on you wont be able to buy.,pantsfire Barack Obamas real father is Communist Party propagandist Frank Marshall Davis.,pantsfire Hochul is an interim Governor.,pantsfire Jan. 6 was NOT an insurrectionbut Nov. 4 at 3 a.m. was,pantsfire Says Betty White said Dec. 28 days before she died Eat healthy and get all your vaccines. I just got boosted today.,pantsfire A video clip shows a failed attempt by China to launch airstrikes near Taiwan.,pantsfire Sixmonth Pfizer data show COVID vaccine causes more illness than it prevents.,pantsfire Theyve now killed close to twice as many kids from the vaccine as have died from COVID.,pantsfire Obama certificate a fake.,pantsfire Dying nurse on deathbed claims she swapped more than 5000 babies for fun.,pantsfire Boy passes Joe Biden a vial of fresh blood to drink on his way back to the White House,pantsfire Theyve planned this COVID19 pandemic all along,pantsfire Rep. Kathy Castor DFla. is a communist,pantsfire The COVID19 vaccines cause AIDS.,pantsfire The militarys actually been in charge since November 3rd.,pantsfire Ivanka Trump is joining the Democrats to run against her dad.,pantsfire Around the world people who exercise their health autonomy and dont get vaccinated are being put basically into internment camps.,pantsfire The COVID19 vaccine is the deadliest vaccine ever made.,pantsfire Hillary replaces Kamala Harris.,pantsfire Says Vice President Kamala Harris called the unvaccinated dirty Trump people.,pantsfire Trump was secretly inaugurated as president of the restored Republic.,pantsfire SHOCKING In the wake of Austrias drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code.,pantsfire Image shows Donald Trumps new Christmas card.,pantsfire Federal magistrate approves $110 million defamation suit against LeBron James by Kyle Rittenhouse.,pantsfire Video shows child shouting an expletive at Jill Biden.,pantsfire Omicron hysteria was timed so that it would coincide with and distract from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.,pantsfire A photo shows Kyle Rittenhouse wearing a Klan outfit.,pantsfire Trump in the White House,pantsfire The military took over the mainstream media.,pantsfire Military arrests former President George W. Bush.,pantsfire NAVY SEALs raid cargo ship full of smuggled children.,pantsfire Says Kamala Harris said only vaccinated people are hospitalized and dying from COVID19.,pantsfire A new FacebookMeta rule allows the company to use peoples photos without their permission and posting a notice on your page will stop it from doing so.,pantsfire Actor Macaulay Culkin died from a heroin overdose.,pantsfire Children are 50 times more likely to be killed by the Covid vaccines than by the virus itself.,pantsfire Wife of Pfizers CEO dies after complications from the vaccine.,pantsfire The infrastructure bill itself is only 10 true infrastructure.,pantsfire During the AIDS crisis can you imagine if gay men and intravenous drug users had they been pariahs the way the nonvaccinated are But it wouldve been inconceivable.,pantsfire There is no added safety to the public if youre vaccinated.,pantsfire The military arrested bedridden Gavin Newsom.,pantsfire The deaths at the Astroworld festival were part of a satanic ritual.,pantsfire In the infrastructure bill that just passed the House only 10 is actual infrastructure.,pantsfire CEO of Pfizer arrested charged with fraud.,pantsfire Elon Musk to donate $250 billion for reparations to African Americans in U.S.,pantsfire Product shortages are manufactured goods are stuck in warehouses.,pantsfire President Joe Biden changed suits during his visit to the Vatican.,pantsfire There are over 1 million phantom voters on the Florida voter rolls.,pantsfire Jan. 6 is being used as a pretext to strip millions of Americans disfavored Americans of their core constitutional rights.,pantsfire Virginia man arrested for having Minecraft worlds that were exact replicas of classified U.S. military bases.,pantsfire The migrant caravan from Tapachula Mexico is the population of Minneapolis.,pantsfire Japan drops vax rollout,pantsfire Says a CNN headline said In And Out is the fast food of white supremacists.,pantsfire Trump is in White House He promises to lock up Hillary,pantsfire Muslim figure We must have porkfree menus or we will leave U.S.,pantsfire Navy SEALs arrested Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Alec Baldwin arrested for firstdegree murder and possession of child pornography.,pantsfire Says Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted People cant really be convicted on such flimsy circumstantial evidence as having a similar gait or owning the identical shoes or being in DC and not having any alibi for that time can they I dont recognize this America.,pantsfire An image of a newspaper article says True Bethel Baptist Church becomes the first church in NYS to receive a liquor license.,pantsfire The AntiDefamation League classified Lets go Brandon as hate speech.,pantsfire If Bezos has 200 billion dollas and theres 7 billion people on earth why cant we each get a billion and hed be left with 193 billion dollas,pantsfire Says Dr. Anthony Fauci planned the AIDS epidemic.,pantsfire Biden resigned Pelosi was detained.,pantsfire The White House referred to Christmas trees as Holiday Trees for the first time this year.,pantsfire Trump has been reinstated.,pantsfire The military raided Hunter Bidens home.,pantsfire Clintons Powell and Hunter Biden have already undergone military tribunals.,pantsfire Says Halyna Hutchins tweeted I have information that will lead to Hillary Clintons arrest.,pantsfire Halyna Huchins next project was documentary on Hollywood pedophile rings.,pantsfire Biden flashed the white power sign while a black man was asking him a question.,pantsfire Pathologists found a host of nonbiological components ... in the blood of vaccinated people including graphene chips and nanochips.,pantsfire Corona PCR test is implanting a microchip.,pantsfire A video shows the COVID19 vaccine when it hits your blood.,pantsfire COVID19 vaccines contain RNAmodifying transhumanism nanotechnology.,pantsfire The Canadian government threatens to fire any government employee who uses Lets Go Brandon in communications.,pantsfire Says Christopher Miller is in charge of the military.,pantsfire Photo of vaccine package with 2018 date stamp shows COVID19 outbreak was planned.,pantsfire Mass media destroyed Blackout for mass arrests event,pantsfire A nurse who fainted after receiving the COVID19 vaccine died from the vaccination.,pantsfire Desmond Tutu died on Oct. 20 2021.,pantsfire A new federal program is giving homeowners up to $3708 every year.,pantsfire There is an epidemic of plane crashes linked to vaccinerelated strokes in pilots.,pantsfire Democrats manufactured votes from low income voters to steal the battleground states.,pantsfire Says Hunter Biden was hanged at Gitmo.,pantsfire Pfizer vaccine contains living particles that can germinate to cause sickness.,pantsfire Bill Clinton death ruled a homicide death by poison.,pantsfire Dr. Anthony Fauci and U.S. health officials plotted for a new avian flu virus to enforce universal flu vaccination.,pantsfire The Pfizer COVID19 vaccines contain a deadly parasite.,pantsfire A photo shows paleontologists in Greece discovering the skeleton of a giant.,pantsfire Terry McAuliffe calls in his friend Joe Biden to actually put the DOJ on Virginia parents.,pantsfire Facebook planted Frances Haugen as its own pretend whistleblower.,pantsfire CDC numbers show that among children the Pfizer and Moderna COVID19 vaccines have a death rate 174 times higher than the COVID19 death rate.,pantsfire COVID internment camps announced in America Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out COVID medical kidnappings.,pantsfire This infrastructure bill on page 2385 presents a federal property tax of 3 percent on all homes and land both residential and commercial.,pantsfire Millions have died from COVID injections.,pantsfire Arizona could decertify the 2020 presidential election,pantsfire Says Biden didnt win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit.,pantsfire Pfizer vaccine kills more people than it saves.,pantsfire The CDC and county health officials have obtained 2020 Census records to enhance their vaccination enforcement protocols.,pantsfire Photo shows Rihanna is pregnant,pantsfire Says 2010 video clip showing coffins in a field proves COVID was planned.,pantsfire Biden orders VA to withhold benefits from unvaccinated veterans.,pantsfire California Has 1.8M More Registered Voters Than It Should,pantsfire Says the defense secretary texted all active military personnel saying they needed to get vaccinated by the following morning or be court martialed.,pantsfire 27 U.S. Air Force pilots resign over COVID19 vaccination mandate.,pantsfire Photo shows a Chinese restaurant sign that says F DeSantis.,pantsfire Military arrests Hunter Biden,pantsfire Bill Gates calls for the withdrawal of all Covid19 Vaccines The vaccines are far more dangerous than anyone imagined.,pantsfire Following Hurricane Ida animals from Turtle Back Zoo in New Jersey are fleeing the premises.,pantsfire Walmart is kidnapping kids and selling them and this can be proven by searching girls shoes $5000 on,pantsfire The Biden White House had no representative who came to honor the return of the 13 service members remains at Dover Air Force Base.,pantsfire No one has died of cancer or heart disease since the COVID19 thing started.,pantsfire The bomb threat near the U.S. Capitol on Aug. 19 was a false flag.,pantsfire A Milwaukee election employee even acknowledged dropping off just the margin of ballots needed for a Biden win at 3 a.m.,pantsfire Joe Biden intentionally let it fall apart in Afghanistan because he wants a couple hundred thousand more Ilhan Omars to come into America to change the body politic permanently.,pantsfire The chaos at the Kabul airport as the Taliban took over Afghanistans capital was a false flag event to provoke WW3.,pantsfire Image shows Harvard email terminating a student over social media accounts.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi has been executed.,pantsfire Says of UWMadison It cost the university $50k your tax dollars to remove a rock considered by some a symbol of racism.,pantsfire Rand Pauls medical license was just revoked,pantsfire Says Gen. David H. Berger said No mandatory vaccinations for my Marines.,pantsfire Says the surge in COVID19 cases is caused by antibody mediated viral enhancement from the COVID19 vaccines.,pantsfire Says D.C. police officer Michael Fanone is the same person who was arrested after carrying a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.,pantsfire The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics predicted the COVID19 pandemic.,pantsfire U.S. military holding White House for Trumps return.,pantsfire Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes has left training camp and says he will not play another down in the NFL until the team changes their name.,pantsfire Dont believe the hype that Florida COVID19 numbers are up. Its a blatant lie.,pantsfire Ambassador Susan Rice Tribunal Gavin Newsom indicted.,pantsfire Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were found guilty in the disappearance of 10 native children from the Catholicrun Kamloops residential school,pantsfire Income taxes are voluntary.,pantsfire Seventy four thousand... Thats how many mailin ballots were recently found in Arizona that have NO clear record of being sent in.,pantsfire Arizona and Georgia now have the proof Joe Biden is not our elected president,pantsfire 45000 confirmed dead from the COVID19 shots within three days and theyve covered it up.,pantsfire Americans not vaccinated before 2022 will be put in camps,pantsfire Biden concedes 6 million votes.,pantsfire Olympic Village has cardboard beds to prevent Olympians from having sex and thus risk spreading COVID19.,pantsfire An image shows President Joe Biden touching Olivia Rodrigos shoulders during a White House press briefing.,pantsfire Post says a recent bill passed and We get another stimulus check for $2500 at July 30 2021,pantsfire Says Haitian President Jovenel Mose was going to expose Clinton Foundation fraud before he was assassinated.,pantsfire In 2020 we won Wisconsin.,pantsfire Says Republican leaders are working hard to cover up election corruption in Wisconsin.,pantsfire A video shows an animal chip scanner detecting a microchip where a woman was vaccinated.,pantsfire Muslim BTS fan accidentally plays the song Dynamite instead of Azaan on loudspeakers at 4am gets arrested.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said Trump is BEST PRESIDENT ever and holds new election for him,pantsfire Facts have now come out to show conclusively that the 2020 presidential election wasnt legitimate.,pantsfire Prairie State power plant is the cleanest coalfired power plant in the nation.,pantsfire The intent behind the billrecognizingJuneteenthasa federal holidayis to replace the Fourth of July.,pantsfire Maxine Waters just introduced a bill to rename Memorial Day George Floyd Day.,pantsfire Our legal president President Trump has signed a cease and desist order for the COVID vaccines.,pantsfire Says Denzel Washington left the Democratic Party because hes had it with the lies.,pantsfire Georgia didnt update its voter rolls prior to the 2020 presidential election this means we you won the presidential election in Georgia.,pantsfire Military arrests Adam Schiff.,pantsfire Says Greta Thunberg said the climate crisis doesnt exist.,pantsfire I inherited the largest budget deficit in the history of the state from the Republicans.,pantsfire Biden gets brutal impeachment.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump signed the Insurrection Act and still is president.,pantsfire Video shows the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a completely peaceful protest.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Michelle Obama as a man prior to marrying Barack Obama.,pantsfire People with the COVID19 vaccine are being tracked in real time via 5G cellular and all that data can be hacked into to track you.,pantsfire Says BLM activist Sasha Johnson tweeted The white man will not be our equal but our slave.,pantsfire Boom Georgia 1st to decertify election.,pantsfire Biden agrees to Pelosis request to resign.,pantsfire Arizona ballots were shredded and burned in a chicken farm fire.,pantsfire Says Anthony Faucis wife has a secret plan to put psych drugs in drinking water to get people vaccinated.,pantsfire Since removing the mask mandate two months ago Texas has not reported a single COVID death. Not one.,pantsfire Says Chelsea Clinton tweeted The more I hear about Bill Gates behavior the more ashamed for him I feel. What kind of man pursues a physical relationship with an underling and has relations with her in their office,pantsfire Photos show Joe Biden didnt drive himself during an electric vehicle test drive.,pantsfire The Biden White House has no one there. They dont travel. They dont go down to the border. They dont go overseas.,pantsfire The minions from Despicable Me are based off of these Jewish children tortured by Nazis during the Holocaust.,pantsfire Wearing face masks may cause pulmonary fibrosis and other health risks in children.,pantsfire Biden is computer generated.,pantsfire Video shows U.S. Capitol Police gave protesters OK to enter.,pantsfire Photo shows Kamala Harris pretending to board an official plane.,pantsfire Photo shows Joe Biden groping Jen Psaki.,pantsfire I dont think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.,pantsfire The voting rights bill would register millions of illegal aliens to vote. It is intended to do that.,pantsfire Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol. If you didnt know the TV footage was from Jan. 6 you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.,pantsfire Says Chelsea Clinton tweeted If Jesus were alive today hed be working at Planned Parenthood.,pantsfire An ongoing audit of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona showed Trump ahead by 250000 votes and nearly 950000 ballots are declared illegal nearly all for Biden.,pantsfire Says Nikki Haley whitewashed her name because she thought it would give her a better chance than the name Nimrata Randhawa.,pantsfire A spy plane was circling the building of the Arizona election audit.,pantsfire Says Kentucky Derby jockey John Velazquez turned down an invitation to the White House and said if I wanted to see a horses ass I would of came in second.,pantsfire Social media posts stated Remember Kamala telling Joe during the debate You will do whatever the Chinese tell you They gave your son over a billion dollars.,pantsfire Anyone remember Kamala telling Joe during the debate You will do whatever the Chinese tell you They gave your son over a billion dollars.,pantsfire Sen. Joni Ernsts visual aid said liberals wanted to abolish lasagna among other things.,pantsfire 60 of new COVID19 patients are people who received the vaccine.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden is going to control how much meat you can eat.,pantsfire A leaked email from a Liberal Party politician shows the Canadian governments plan to reset the economy and seize private property.,pantsfire A McDonalds restaurant in Elkton Md. was permanently closed due to a sex trafficking investigation.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton hanged at GITMO.,pantsfire Bidens climate requirements will cut 90 of red meat from diet to a max 4 lbs per year and one burger per month.,pantsfire A video shows Kim Jong Un calling Joe Biden a thug a coward and mentally unstable in a speech.,pantsfire Video shows Donald Trump returning to Washington in a blaze of glory on Air Force 1.,pantsfire Pope Francis is dead.,pantsfire Says LeBron James said Were at the point where a girl cant even stab her friends anymore.,pantsfire Photo shows President Barack Obama posing with a 420 sign.,pantsfire Derek Chauvins trial and conviction for the murder of George Floyd was faked as part of a false flag.,pantsfire Japans prime minister met with Vice President Kamala Harris holding a Trump 2024 sign and wearing a red baseball cap.,pantsfire Schools stopped teaching children cursive so they wouldnt be able to read the U.S. Constitution and other historical documents.,pantsfire Michigan used a mathematical key to manipulate vote totals in 2020 election.,pantsfire This is all about a certificate of vaccination where they get you a national ID and then the AI can track you.,pantsfire Maybe the COVID19 vaccine doesnt work and theyre simply not telling you that.,pantsfire JayZ and Beyonce are buying back DMXs masters for $10 Million and giving to his kids for free.,pantsfire Something less than 6 ... of this proposal that President Biden has put forward is actually focused on infrastructure.,pantsfire After learning some officers are Jewish Ilhan Omar says police shouldnt exist.,pantsfire Coviddoes NOT exist AS A VIRUS and Russian doctors performing autopsies on deceased COVID19 patients violate a World Health Organization law,pantsfire Nothing has changed in the election code under SB 7 regarding early voting. Nothing has changed.,pantsfire New poll indicates Joe Bidens approval at 11 the lowest approval rating of any president in American history.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump indicted Amy Coney Barrett.,pantsfire Navy SEALs found over 1000 trafficked children and dead bodies on the Evergreen ship that blocked the Suez Canal.,pantsfire As of today no one has the right to film or photograph Mr. Biden as he climbs the flight of stairs. New White House spokesman orders,pantsfire mRNA is not a vaccine its actually an operating system thats run by Bill Gates to program humans.,pantsfire Video says COVID19 vaccines are weapons of mass destruction that could wipe out the human race.,pantsfire Says Ben Shapiro said on Twitter that his red pill moment was sharing cupcakes with poor kids.,pantsfire Nostradamus predicted that a feeble man would rule the Western World after a time of plague.,pantsfire You cant tell me they can develop a safe vaccine in eight to 10 months. Or a year. It takes more time than that.,pantsfire Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship named Evergreen. Evergreen shipping is most likely a cover for human and sex trafficking by Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire A CNN chyron said the Boulder shooter was factually Arabic but morally white.,pantsfire The shooting in Boulder Colo. was a false flag like most of the others.,pantsfire Jamaica has not recorded any case of the coronavirus.,pantsfire Video proves 100 that President Joe Biden is not a human being.,pantsfire A CDC study found that mask mandates made no statistical difference on coronavirus case rates.,pantsfire Video shows Joe Biden faked an interview in front of a green screen.,pantsfire Democrats have accomplished a lot in just 2 months ... 1 Million energy jobs destroyed.,pantsfire Says Meghan Markle tweeted about Oprah Winfrey following her primetime interview.,pantsfire A photo shows a recent White House event was actually filmed at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta.,pantsfire Actor Tom Hanks has passed away age 63.,pantsfire Says Kamala Harris said We will be shuttering the VA the money saved will go to better use in assisting refugee families.,pantsfire Diesel prices jumped from $1.69 to $3.19 since Biden took office and the president is to blame.,pantsfire There are nanoparticles in the COVID19 vaccine that will help people locate you via 5G networks.,pantsfire Says El Chapo testified in court that he paid off Nancy Pelosi to keep the U.S.Mexico border open for drug cartels.,pantsfire Says Oprah Winfrey for years pimped young Hollywood girls to Harvey Weinstein to be raped.,pantsfire Navy SEALs arrest Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire The $1.9 trillion COVID19 relief bill awards a $25 million bonus to House members.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortezs net worth is over $1 million.,pantsfire Says Oprah Winfrey was wearing an ankle monitor during her Meghan Markle interview.,pantsfire Video shows someone wearing an Anthony Fauci mask.,pantsfire NASA discovers THC on meteorite fragment.,pantsfire Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly. But a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump will be reinaugurated as president on March 4 2021.,pantsfire The COVID19 vaccine could lead to prion diseases Alzheimers ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi explains how Democrats demonize political opponents through the wrapup smear.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden tweeted the way white people talk leaving minorities confused.,pantsfire Facebook users can avoid problems with your Facebook going against community standards by changing your settings.,pantsfire Joe Bidens Dept. of Energy Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Killer Storm,pantsfire The snow is governmentgenerated or fake.,pantsfire Unbeknownst to most people the Green New Deal came to Texas the power grid in the state became totally reliant on windmills.,pantsfire So California is requiring signature verification for Gavin Newsoms recall but didnt require it for the mail in ballots.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden planned a winter storm as warfare an attack on Texas by altering the jet stream.,pantsfire Ron Johnson didnt show up for a day of impeachment hearings.,pantsfire Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot didnt seem like an armed insurrection.,pantsfire Doctors and nurses who administer the coronavirus vaccine can be tried as war criminals.,pantsfire The Clinton Foundation folded.,pantsfire Not one court has looked at the evidence and said that Biden legally won the presidential election.,pantsfire Bidens Air Force One is not the same as Trumps Air Force One which indicates Biden is not the real president.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden said Buy a man eat fish he day teach fish man to a lifetime.,pantsfire Military rescues tortured children from tunnel beneath Capitol Hill.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden has officially lowered the age of consent to 5 years old.,pantsfire Photo shows Rachel Levines family.,pantsfire Says Joe Bidens inauguration was fake and he is not the legitimate president.,pantsfire U.S. military at the White House arresting Congress.,pantsfire I believe without having definitive proof that the military is in charge of our country ... because Joe Biden is an illegal president.,pantsfire Joe Biden was sworn in on a MasonicIlluminati Bible.,pantsfire Photos show Joe Biden with a Chinese handler.,pantsfire On Inauguration Day Vice President Kamala Harris put her clutch on top of the Bible so her hand is not touching it.,pantsfire Military tribunals start Jan. 20 2021.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden and Democrats have not legitimately won the presidency.,pantsfire A photo caption says vendors named Nah and Stop asking me questions before you get your a kicked sold Trumpthemed merchandise to stupid people outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.,pantsfire Barack Obama was arrested.,pantsfire A video shows Joe Biden lost and confused on stage.,pantsfire Says unproven voter fraud claims didnt play any role in the Capitol riot.,pantsfire Inauguration Cancelled Trump Remains in Office.,pantsfire Antifa is the culprit in the Capitol riot.,pantsfire A photo shows Democratic lawmakers wearing clothing and masks with the Nazi swastika.,pantsfire Antifa provoked the shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the Capitol.,pantsfire The effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom is a coup.,pantsfire Says President Trump has ordered the military to take over major corrupt cities to stay in office and that U.S. citizens will receive emergency alerts on their devices.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez tweeted Lets begin The Purge to roundup all Conservative traitors.,pantsfire Says Pope Francis was arrested Saturday in connection with an 80count indictment of charges including possession of child pornography human trafficking incest possession of drug paraphernalia and felony fraud.,pantsfire The DC looting was staged by antifa,pantsfire The FBI just confirmed that it was ANTIFA not Trump supporters who breached the Capitol.,pantsfire The Simpsons predicted the Capitol riots,pantsfire Says that those who stormed the capitol yesterday were not Trump supporters. They have been confirmed to be Antifa.,pantsfire Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.,pantsfire A man who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a horned fur cap is an Antifa thug.,pantsfire We won. We won in a landslide. This was a landslide.,pantsfire Antifa is to blame for storming the U.S. Capitol.,pantsfire Says shredded ballots were found in Dell boxes in Georgia,pantsfire They just happened to find 50000 ballots in the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff elections late last night.,pantsfire There are absolutely no patients at Los Angeles hospital considered the center of regions COVID19 surge.,pantsfire Presidentelect Biden steps down as presidentelect.,pantsfire Wisconsin Legislature Will Likely Decertify State and Award to President Trump.,pantsfire After a major water main break Georgia election workers counted 18000 ballots all for Biden that they pulled from suitcases and with no election observers present.,pantsfire We won Georgia easily. We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes.,pantsfire North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has not left the Governors Mansion since the start of the COVID19 crisis.,pantsfire The Christmas Day explosion in Nashville Tenn. was the result of a missile strike.,pantsfire News outlets reported that the Nashville bomber died of COVID19.,pantsfire The Nashville bombing was an attempt to stop an ATT audit into Dominion software and cover up election corruption.,pantsfire Cornell University professor Robert Oswald said COVID19 was imaginary and fictitious.,pantsfire Simple math shows Biden claims 13 million more votes than there were eligible voters who voted in 2020 election.,pantsfire Dead people also voted.,pantsfire This is a phony pandemic.,pantsfire Says the new coronavirus vaccines contain toxic ingredients and are more dangerous than getting COVID19.,pantsfire Says that guidance urging vaccinated people to avoid travel and continue wearing masks is profoundly antiscience.,pantsfire A 2018 executive order gives Trump the ability to impose martial law,pantsfire President Donald Trump will hold his inauguration for a second term at MaraLago,pantsfire This whole COVID thing Its a SIMULATION.,pantsfire NASA confirms earth will go dark for 6 days in December 2020.,pantsfire Pope Francis says covid vaccine will now be required to enter heaven.,pantsfire Biden did not win legally.,pantsfire Biden confirms agenda to microchip the masses,pantsfire No candidate has ever won both Florida and Ohio and lost.,pantsfire Says Texas Rep. Terry Meza said changing the castle doctrine is meant to create a peaceful transfer of property from victims to thieves,pantsfire In Wisconsin there are approximately 70000 absentee ballots that do not have matching ballot applications as required by law.,pantsfire The probability of Biden winning in Wisconsin Georgia Michigan and Pennsylvania given President Trumps early lead ... is less than one in a quadrillion in each state.,pantsfire In Chesterfield Va. the Southside precinct is infamous for having over 100 of the vote count,pantsfire Actually I won Wisconsin.,pantsfire People in Germany saw this electoral map that shows Trump beating Biden with 410 electoral votes before Dominions servers were seized.,pantsfire Says Kelly Loeffler was wearing a wire during the Georgia Senate debate.,pantsfire In 10 Michigan precincts voter turnout reached 100 and in 6 precincts it surpassed 100,pantsfire Gina Haspel CIA head is dead,pantsfire Says Former President Barack Obama arrested for ESPIONAGE.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden is wearing a foot boot to hide an ankle monitor.,pantsfire A Dominion representative in Gwinnett County improperly downloaded election data to manipulate the data.,pantsfire The coronavirus pandemic is effectively over in the United Kingdom and there is absolutely no need for vaccines.,pantsfire Trump margin of defeat in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 134631 AM. Statistical anomaly Fraud,pantsfire THOUSANDS of fake votes found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County.,pantsfire In certain swing states there were more votes than people who voted and in big numbers.,pantsfire Says Jon Ossoff is a socialist.,pantsfire Says George Soros was arrested in Philadelphia for election interference.,pantsfire In Michigan we have overvotes in numerous precincts of 150 200 and 300.,pantsfire Says Donald Trumps book The Art of the Deal advises Never admit defeat. You win. If you dont win claim they cheated.,pantsfire A day AFTER the election Biden receives a dump of 143379 votes at 342AM in Wisconsin when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable,pantsfire AARP endorsed Biden and says if you are past 75 you should just die and go away.,pantsfire Smartmatic and Dominion systems ... were built to do this very thing for changing the results of elections.,pantsfire A 1993 example of voter fraud in Philadelphia is exactly what happened to us in the 2020 election.,pantsfire The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate in that there were massive improprieties and fraud.,pantsfire Vaccines will remove parts of your DNA and replace it with GENETIC CODING TECHNOLOGY that will cause people to HAVE to cooperate with the New World Order.,pantsfire The MOB in PA was HIRED by the Biden team to create fake ballots by the thousands,pantsfire Says Georgias secretary of state wont let the people recounting ballots check the signatures for fraud.,pantsfire The U.S. military seized servers in Germany tied to Dominion Election Systems.,pantsfire Milwaukee Elections Chief Lost Elections Flash Drive in Morning Hours of November 4th When Democrats Miraculously Found 120000 Votes for Joe Biden.,pantsfire A member of Joe Bidens COVID19 task force recommends withholding food stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse coronavirus vaccines.,pantsfire A screenshot shows Tucker Carlson announcing hell be starting at NewsMax next month.,pantsfire Says Sen. Kelly Loeffler said on Parler that Black people shouldnt be allowed to vote.,pantsfire Says there were 600000 plus unlawful votes in Philly and Pitt.,pantsfire Says Dominion Voting System flipped votes to Joe Biden in states where Trump is bringing legal challenges.,pantsfire Pennsylvania and Michigan didnt allow our poll watchers andor vote observers to watch or observe.,pantsfire Dominion Voting Systems deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide.,pantsfire Says conservative website Judicial Watch published a story about elite units of the National Guard recounting official ballots that were printed with an invisible unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System.,pantsfire As an example of voter fraud we have literally 9000 people who voted in this election in Nevada who dont live in Nevada.,pantsfire A CNN video shows HAMMER Scorecard Voter Software Fraud in Real Time,pantsfire System Glitch ... In Wisconsin Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden.,pantsfire Siri gave CONFIRMATION of the Democrats sinister plan to REMOVE Sleepy Joe immediately using the 25th Amendment and instate Kamala Harris as President,pantsfire If you count the legal votes I easily win. If you count the illegal votes they can try to steal the election from us.,pantsfire In Iowa they have allowed a little over 300 people to revote.,pantsfire Says the city of Austin is a disaster if you havent been there. A great city now one of the most dangerous cities in America and definitely in Texas.,pantsfire The Trump administration put secret watermarks on official ballots to trick cheating Democrats.,pantsfire USPS failed to deliver 27 of mailin ballots in South Florida,pantsfire Seven Milwaukee wards report more 2020 presidential votes than registered voters.,pantsfire Say a video shows staffers stuffing ballots in flint mi,pantsfire Wisconsin voter turnout jumped from 67 in 2016 to 89 in 2020.,pantsfire Wisconsin took a break and when they returned Biden coincidentally came back ahead by 100k.,pantsfire Asks How is this possible with a chart showing that 104.41 of registered voters in North Carolina and 103.56 of registered voters in Wisconsin cast votes.,pantsfire Photo shows massive wall in front of White House on Election Day.,pantsfire Wisconsin has more votes than people who are registered to vote. This is direct evidence of fraud.,pantsfire We already have won the election.,pantsfire Says his supporters were protecting Joe Bidens campaign bus in Texas.,pantsfire Say Joe Biden told a crowd in Florida Hello Minnesota,pantsfire James Biden built the cages and the Bidens made millions from it.,pantsfire Photo shows a clearly intoxicated Kamala Harris throwing up in the bushes staggering aimlessly at the Cleveland airport.,pantsfire How many of you still dont know that Michelle Obama was born Michael Lavaughn Robinson and is a man,pantsfire The number of coronavirus deaths is almost nothing.,pantsfire Counting ballots for weeks after Election Day is totally inappropriate and I dont believe thats by our laws.,pantsfire Photo shows Joe Bidens license plate says THEBIGGUY.,pantsfire Says Clint Eastwood called Joe Biden an incompetent lying flipflopping insincere doubletalking radical socialist.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump voted twice in the Nov. 3 2020 election,pantsfire They have 180 million people families under what he wants to do which will basically be socialized medicine you wont even have a choice they want to terminate 180 million plans.,pantsfire The 3 red stripes in Joe Bidens campaign logo refer to a Chinese socialist slogan.,pantsfire Photo shows Joe Biden next to a man seen in a sex sting video.,pantsfire Says we will know which candidate you voted for.,pantsfire If you know someones name and date of birth you can change their votes on Oregons voting website.,pantsfire Says Anthony Fauci was indicted for crimes including treason conspiring with the enemy and fraud.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi was photographed with the Manson Family.,pantsfire CNN reported Due to COVID19 President Donald Trump passes away at 74.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden and Barack Obama directly participated in a plot to have SealTeam6 MURDERED then arranged a massive cash deal as part of a cover up.,pantsfire Says Amy Coney Barrett said that breastfeeding babies is child molestation.,pantsfire The reality is when you look at the Biden plan it reads an awful lot like what President Trump and I and our task force have been doing every step of the way.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump said he nominated Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court because she is much much better looking than the women we have had.,pantsfire A CDC report found that people who wear masks are actually collecting the virus in their masks.,pantsfire Jeffrey Epstein found living in New Mexico,pantsfire Twitter removed this tweet from Donald Trump My blood IS the vaccine,pantsfire An impersonator in a Joe Biden mask gave an interview as Joe Biden.,pantsfire Dems want to shut your churches down permanently. Hope you see what is happening.,pantsfire Hacked emails revealed that Hillary Clinton pals are involved in sex trafficking children.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden said 14000 people died from H1N1. Fact checking it is 574000.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump said The doctors said theyve never seen a body kill the coronavirus like my body. They tested my DNA and it wasnt DNA. It was USA.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden tweeted I have consulted with Instagrams CEO to take the page electionleaks down. They have supposedly video proof of me using a hidden earpiece in tonights debate. This is slander and not true.,pantsfire President Trump is in great danger. Evidence is mounting that hes being deliberately killed at Walter Reed Military Hospital.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump is not at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center he is on AF1.,pantsfire Photo shows Chris Wallace and Jeffrey Epstein on Epsteins private island.,pantsfire Says Donald Trumps reelection campaign emailed supporters to donate to help him recover from COVID19.,pantsfire Joe Bidens eyes were black during the debate because he was wearing Mojo Vision lenses.,pantsfire An episode of The Simpsons showed Donald Trump in a coffin.,pantsfire Last week Joe Biden flashed the white power sign. President Trump condemned white supremacists yesterday. Why hasnt Joe Biden,pantsfire A federal judge just ordered Wisconsin must have all ballots counted by 8 p.m. on the day of the election.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden was wearing a wire during the first presidential debate.,pantsfire Word on the street is that Joe Biden got tonights debate questions in advance.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden has a medical device implanted in his skull so he can hear someone give him answers to questions.,pantsfire A photo shows Dwayne The Rock Johnson on Epstein Island.,pantsfire Bad math is driving Wisconsins exploding positive test rate.,pantsfire A clip of Joe Biden shows him reading a response to an interview question from a teleprompter saying I lost that line.,pantsfire A Time magazine cover calls Donald Trump the Worst. President. Ever.,pantsfire Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg tweeted I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Quotes Kamala Harris as saying Take the guns first. Go through due process second I like taking the guns early.,pantsfire When President Donald Trump walked across Lafayette Square to a church he held the Bible upside down.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden played N.W.A.s F Tha Police during an event in Florida.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump said Africans Are Lazy Good At Sex Theft.,pantsfire Kenosha car dealer kills himself after insurance wont cover damages caused by the riots.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden will destroy your protections for preexisting conditions.,pantsfire There was tremendous cheating in New York,pantsfire CDC announces that students may be kept from parents overnight as Ohio sets up COVID19 FEMA camps.,pantsfire Says President Trump posted a combative tweet to EA Sports about Colin Kaepernick.,pantsfire The CDC has removed the Covid19 Pandemic and replaced it with Covid19 Outbreak on their website. It was never a pandemic.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump never downplayed the virus.,pantsfire Says Kamala Harris is not able to be VP. Because shes a felon. She lied on her application to buy a gun here in CA.,pantsfire The post office right now this year is operating with about a $12 billion surplus.,pantsfire I never called John McCain a loser.,pantsfire Photo shows Whoopi Goldberg wearing a shirt insulting Donald Trump.,pantsfire Only 6 of the people actually died from COVID. The others died from other reasons.,pantsfire PELOSI says if President TRUMP wins she will resign,pantsfire PEDOPHILIA is now LEGAL in CALIFORNIA. Now a 21 year old can have sex with an 11 year old and not be listed on the sex registry as a sex offender.,pantsfire Covid19 means certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence.,pantsfire Says Chadwick Boseman was poisoned and his death is being investigated as a homicide.,pantsfire If I didnt INSIST on having the National Guard activate and go into Kenosha Wisconsin there would be no Kenosha right now.,pantsfire California voters who go to the polls to vote in person will be TURNED AWAY CANNOT VOTE unless they change their voting preference to NO to mail in voting.,pantsfire Says Ady Barkan asked Joe Biden Do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding for police,pantsfire Says Joe Biden was asleep and snoring during a TV interview.,pantsfire The CDC adjusted the US Covid deaths from 153504 to 9210.,pantsfire If you vote by mail your personal information will be part of a public database that will be used by police departments to track down old warrants and be used by credit card companies to collect outstanding debt. The CDC is even pushing to use records for mailin voting to track people for mandatory vaccines.,pantsfire Says Mark Kelly wants to defund the police.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden abandoned Scranton.,pantsfire Suggests the alleged Kenosha shooters father is a deputy in the Kenosha sheriffs department.,pantsfire Says Jill Biden said all Americans will be required to learn Spanish when we win,pantsfire Photo shows Don Lemon and Jeffrey Epstein embracing.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi passed a bill awarding a $9 billion contract to her husbands company.,pantsfire Says Joe Bidens Democratic National Convention speech had to be taped in segments and the segments had to be edited together.,pantsfire So this is just a way theyre trying to steal the election and everybody knows that. Because the only way theyre going to win is by a rigged election.,pantsfire Photos show former President Barack Obama acting inappropriately with a child.,pantsfire 8 of the votes cast in Michigans Aug. 4 primary 864 mailed ballots came from dead voters. NOTHING TO SEE HERE,pantsfire Contractors hired by government officials to frame Donald Trump are behind the fake news in mainstream media and recent protests.,pantsfire Says Anthony Fauci Bill Gates George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein are connected with Moderna Inc. and its efforts to create the coronavirus vaccine.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump tweeted WHO Thinks Child Lifes Matter Should Be PAINTED In The STREETS OF HOLLYWOOD,pantsfire Say Joe Biden is a pedophile.,pantsfire Photo shows Kamala Harriss parents.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden owns a private island next to Jeffrey Epsteins.,pantsfire A photo showing Ellen DeGeneres with a girl is evidence of a child sextrafficking conspiracy.,pantsfire This man funds ANTIFA. He is a real NAZI. His name is George Soros.,pantsfire Says Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro and Barbara Bush is the daughter of Aleister Crowley.,pantsfire Say Sam Hyde identified as perpitrator sic of Beirut explosion,pantsfire Says Bubba Watson wrote a viral Facebook post about Black Lives Matter.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump was caught on a hot mic insulting his supporters.,pantsfire Says Tom Hanks name is on Jeffrey Epsteins flight logs.,pantsfire Photos show Portland Ore. after protests.,pantsfire If you have worked during the COVID19 pandemic the Department of Labor has finally authorized up to $4800 in hazard pay for qualified essential workers.,pantsfire Say that according to the Los Angeles Times 95 of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens more than twothirds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medicaid nearly 60 of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal and Nancy Pelosi wants to put a windfall tax on retirement fund profits.,pantsfire Photo shows huge charter busses Black Lives Matter bought to transport members to riots.,pantsfire Says Mark Zuckerbergs real name is Jacob Greenberg and hes the grandson of billionaire David Rockefeller.,pantsfire Quotes Tom Brady as saying If anyone on my team kneels I quit.,pantsfire Kroger stores are charging a BLM charge.,pantsfire Says Tom Hanks was arrested in Australia for pedophilia.,pantsfire Teachers are the number one occupation of the antifa terrorist organization according to the FBI.,pantsfire 12 white female bodies in garage freezer tagged Black Lives Matter.,pantsfire The FBI uncovered 256 texts between Adam Schiff and Jeffrey Epstein,pantsfire Photo shows Lynn Rothschild and her eating babies decor.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump tweeted that South Dakota needs to keep its border with California closed.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump tweeted that the Confederate flag is a symbol of LOVE Plantations kept black people employed and gave them free food and housing Black unemployment was VERY low back then like now with ME as your President,pantsfire A Joe BidenBernie Sanders unity policy document shows they want to abolish our police departments. They want to abolish our prisons I guess.,pantsfire You must apply to get your second stimulus check Ive already filed for mine and will be receiving $2000 a month for the rest of the year.,pantsfire Photo shows Dr. Fauci Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.,pantsfire Says Betsy Devos said only 0.02 of kids are likely to die when they go back to school.,pantsfire Says FEMA is giving essential workers $1000.,pantsfire Only 56 coronavirus deaths a day was enough to collapse the world economy even though thousands of people die daily from tuberculosis hepatitis B and other diseases.,pantsfire Photo shows Wayfair president of operations Bill Hutcherson with Ghislaine Maxwell.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton is on trial she supposed to have killed a 10yearold girl.,pantsfire Says Democratic leaders arent wearing masks or social distancing in private,pantsfire The spot where they are getting a sample for the COVID19 test is called your BloodBrain Barrier.,pantsfire A photo shows Donald Trump embracing Jeffrey Epstein in the back of a limousine.,pantsfire Says Anthony Fauci is married to Ghislaine Maxwells sister.,pantsfire COVID19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.,pantsfire Covid is never going away This is the beach today in Raleigh North Carolina.,pantsfire Says BBC prematurely reported Ghislaine Maxwell moved to intensive care as coronavirus symptoms worsen.,pantsfire Says Taylor Swift wants to remove the Statue of Liberty,pantsfire Says John Elway told NFL players Kneel on my field and youre fired on the spot.,pantsfire Old photo shows Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and his mother wearing KKK garb.,pantsfire Say Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn support Trump by wearing tshirt,pantsfire Says Gov. Tony Evers removed the American flag from the Capitol building,pantsfire Says Kamala Harris said once Trumps gone from the White House well be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation.,pantsfire Drunk Nancy Pelosi was removed from the House floor for cursing at Republicans.,pantsfire Says George Floyd has hair in one shot but is bald in the shots of him laying on the ground.,pantsfire ChickfilA now open Sunday Blacks only.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez tweeted Its vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be reelected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. KeepUsClosed.,pantsfire Obamas daughters caught on camera burning US flag at DC protest.,pantsfire Says NASCAR announced that driver Bubba Wallace mistook a serpentine automotive belt for a noose in his garage stall.,pantsfire CNN aired a video of a toddler running away from another toddler with the headlines Terrified toddler runs from racist baby and Racist baby probably voted for Trump.,pantsfire Says before he planned a rally on June 19 nobody had ever heard of Juneteenth.,pantsfire Says these elite figures are on house arrest with ankle monitors due to child trafficking crimes.,pantsfire 163 paid protesters just filed a lawsuit against George Soros for not paying their bail.,pantsfire Says NASCAR bans the confederate flag but FORCES all their drivers to do Muslim prayer.,pantsfire If we stopped testing right now wed have very few cases if any.,pantsfire Says the state of Maryland issued these Independence Day 2020 safety guidelines.,pantsfire CNN lightened the photo of the man who drove into the protester last night in Seattle.,pantsfire Says news stories referencing 322 and COVID19 are proof cases are being synchronized,pantsfire George Floyds murder filmed before COVID19.,pantsfire N95 masks block few if any COVID19 particles due to their size.,pantsfire George Floyd at his own funeral and George Floyd three days ago.,pantsfire How many of you are aware that the female governor of Michigan is the niece of George Soros,pantsfire There were not chemical irritants used to clear a crowd. Pepper balls are not a chemical irritant.,pantsfire Says hes the one who gave the nickname Mad Dog to former Defense Secretary James Mattis.,pantsfire White busses marked Soros Riot Dance Squad spotted in Michigan Its official the riots are staged.,pantsfire Says a rioter accidentally dropped a riot manual with detailed instructions.,pantsfire Zoo animals were released during protests in Chicago.,pantsfire Says President Trump tweeted that he spoke with George Floyds family and said they were honored to hear from him.,pantsfire Says exMinneapolis officer accused of killing George Floyd commits suicide in prison cell.,pantsfire During protests outside the White House Mayor Muriel Bowser wouldnt let the D.C. Police get involved.,pantsfire The death of George Floyd was a staged event.,pantsfire Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH by adding a factcheck label to Trumps tweet.,pantsfire The flu didnt kill any Americans this year.,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb said he would NOT vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker and did.,pantsfire California Gov. Gavin Newsom is sending Ballots to millions of people anyone living in the state no matter who they are or how they got there will get one and the election is Rigged.,pantsfire There are many unanswered and obvious questions about the 2001 death of a staff member of Joe Scarborough.,pantsfire Trump resigned 1952 law making Muslamic law illegal,pantsfire The House Democrats snuck a provision into their $3 trillion bailout bill today that would keep the house in recess until July 21.,pantsfire If you have had a flu shot in the last 35 years you will probably test positive for COVID19.,pantsfire A photo shows Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.,pantsfire Rogue Michigan official sent absentee ballots to 7.7 million people illegally and without authorization ahead of the primaries and general election.,pantsfire Says the feds closed the courtroom when El Chapo started naming Democrats he paid off.,pantsfire Says Gov. Tony Evers is proposing a new plan a 150 day shutdown of the state 5 MONTHS followed by a 120 day extension.,pantsfire Autopsies prove that COVID19 is a blood clot not pneumonia and ought to be fought with antibiotics and the whole world has been wrong in treating the socalled pandemic.,pantsfire Bill Gates admits his COVID19 vaccine might kill nearly 1 million people.,pantsfire Clinton Foundation investigator Kenneth McCormick found dead.,pantsfire Clearly the Obama administration did not leave any kind of game plan for something like this.,pantsfire Democrats introduce bill to euthanize seniors to save Social Security.,pantsfire An economics professor taught her students about socialism by socialising grades and failing all of them,pantsfire Under an 1866 Supreme Court ruling stayathome orders are illegal and can be disregarded with impunity,pantsfire Young people have a greater chance of being killed by the HPV vaccine than COVID19.,pantsfire The mainstream media pretended there was a deadly surge in COVID cases thanks to Wisconsinites voting.,pantsfire Central Park hospital tents housed thousands of abused children released from underground captivity.,pantsfire Media outlets reported that the same boy died 3 times from the coronavirus in 3 countries.,pantsfire Governor Andy Beshear has authorized Kentucky teachers to make inhome visits. With parental approval teachers will inspect the bedroom of each student currently enrolled in K8.,pantsfire Homeless people are immune to COVID19,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama signed the medical appliance tax bill that forced companies to outsource manufacturing of masks gowns gloves and ventilaors sic to China Europe and Russia to avoid the tax.,pantsfire Pelosi was in Wuhan China 6 days after the impeachment HOAX failed.,pantsfire Says a video shows Joe Biden lolling his tongue.,pantsfire Weve tested more than every country combined.,pantsfire Quotes Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as saying Now is not the time to live by the Constitution its time to put that damn thing in a shredder.,pantsfire Alexandria OcasioCortez compared Trump to Jesus calling both con artists.,pantsfire Joe Biden was involved in a plot to kidnap JFK Jr. according to the just declassified FBI files and also made several threats.,pantsfire The government must have planned the coronavirus pandemic because the coronavirus relief bill had been introduced three years earlier.,pantsfire People defying stayathome order fill Arizona beaches.,pantsfire Says Bill OReilly wrote a post claiming that the coronavirus was created as a bioweapon by the Chinese government.,pantsfire Photo shows packed beach of reopened Jacksonville Beach on CNN.,pantsfire My wife is suffering from coronavirus and she is pregnant. The doctor said she wont survive it.,pantsfire News photo from stayathome protest was doctored to add Confederate flag.,pantsfire Walmart is adopting a staggered shopping schedule by age group during the COVID19 pandemic.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi called Social Security recipients leeches and burdens on society.,pantsfire Says as president he has total authority to reopen states amid the COVID19 pandemic.,pantsfire Says theres an 800 number you can call to track the status of your stimulus check.,pantsfire Gov. Andrew Cuomo was simply saying if we can share 20 percent of your excess your nonused ventilators to help people in other parts of the state on a voluntary basis that would be great. Of course there was a reaction to that which was not positive.,pantsfire Say televangelist Pat Robertson said some young people are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs. When people do that they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies private parts and thats where I think the coronavirus came from.,pantsfire Same little boy died of COVID19 in three different countries. Still dont believe the media is fakenews,pantsfire This particular pandemic is one where I dont think nationwide theres been a single fatality under 25.,pantsfire Says a powder has been developed that when mixed with water is being used in Germany as a mist. Health care workers go through a misting tent going into the hospital and it kills the coronavirus completely dead not only right then but any time in the next 14 days that the virus touches anything thats been sprayed it is killed.,pantsfire North Carolina Virginia State line is closed. Nothing in or out.,pantsfire As soon as I endorsed Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly the Wisconsin Democrats said lets move the election to two months later.,pantsfire Says Queen Elizabeth said Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is the kind of leader who knows the way .... Filipinos are very lucky to have him.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden stuck a gun in an elderly womans mouth at a Wisconsin rally,pantsfire Now theyre doing tests on airlines very strong tests for getting on getting off. Theyre doing tests on trains getting on getting off.,pantsfire Says the NBA is asking Donald Trump to resign or well never play again.,pantsfire Says fired inspector general Michael Atkinson brought a terrible inaccurate whistleblower report to Congress.,pantsfire The government is closing businesses to stop the spread of coronavirus even though the numbers are nothing compared to H1N1 or Ebola. Everyone needs to realize our government is up to something ...,pantsfire Says Deputy Comptroller Aycha Sawa blocked an audit of the Milwaukee lead program for three years that put our children in danger and spurred a criminal investigation.,pantsfire Says the U.S. is developing an antivirus that includes a chip to track your movement.,pantsfire Says Italy arrested a doctor for intentionally killing over 3000 coronavirus patients.,pantsfire if your child gets this virus their going to hospital alone in a van with people they dont be with people they dont know you will be at home without them in their time of need.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump will announce that a scientist finally found vaccine to cure corona virus.,pantsfire Says Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said We have lost control we have killed the epidemic physically and mentally. Cant understand what more we can do all solutions are exhausted on ground. Our only hope remains up in the Sky God rescue your people.,pantsfire Says students have to repeat the same grade next year.,pantsfire We inherited a broken test for COVID19.,pantsfire Says the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act gives members of Congress a pay increase.,pantsfire I didnt say that some of the medical equipment that governors are requesting they dont actually need.,pantsfire COVID literally stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.,pantsfire Says Jill Karofsky as a prosecutor went easy on a Madison man in a 1999 sexual assault case,pantsfire Boil some orange peels wit cayenne pepper in it stand over the pot breathe in the steam so all that mucus can release from yo nasal MUCUS is the problem its where THE VIRUS LIVES,pantsfire Says Gov. Tony Evers is pushing firearm confiscation orders,pantsfire Says Russia unleashed more than 500 lions on its streets to ensure that people are staying indoors during this pandemic outbreak.,pantsfire Quotes Joe Biden as saying people who have never died before are now dying from coronavirus.,pantsfire A video shows Joe Biden looking at books about dementia.,pantsfire Says businesses will give you free baby formula during the coronavirus outbreak.,pantsfire Says there is no COVID19 virus.,pantsfire Says coronavirus is just the damn flu.,pantsfire The coronavirus snuck up on us adding that it is a very unforeseen thing.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump said People are dying who have never died before.,pantsfire Says the New York Times exposed the real reason behind coronavirus hype Crash the market to harm Trumps reelection chances.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump tweeted I ordered the Treasury secretary to send checks to Americans First however we will go through your social media history from the last 4 years and search for any post with NotMyPresident in it. I wouldnt think of offending you with a check if Im not your president MAGA,pantsfire Ive always known this is a real this is a pandemic. Ive felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.,pantsfire Says Oprah Winfreys house has been seized and they are excavating the property and digging up the tunnels,pantsfire In South Florida all children and adults must remain in their homes due to coronavirus.,pantsfire Silver Solution used on strains of coronavirus totally eliminate it. Kills it. Deactivates it.,pantsfire Coronavirus 22. Clintons 39.,pantsfire ICE arrests LA mayor for harboring fugitives through sanctuary city.,pantsfire Says a video of Joe Biden and Beto ORourke at a Texas Whataburger shows Biden looking directly into the camera and promising to take away Americans guns if elected.,pantsfire Says Jimmy Carter has endorsed Bernie Sanders.,pantsfire Anybody that wants a test for the coronavirus can get a test.,pantsfire Says Daniel Radcliffe has the coronavirus.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden mistakes Idaho for Iowa in visit to Boise fundraiser.,pantsfire The media pulled down an entire shelf of goods so that they can present the news of people buying stuff in a hysteria over the coronavirus.,pantsfire Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over.,pantsfire Says Quaden Bayles committed suicide.,pantsfire Quotes Sen. Lindsey Graham as saying President Trump probably knows more about medicine and specifically viruses than any of the socalled scientists at the NIH and CDC.,pantsfire I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see Nelson Mandela on Robbens Island.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump spawned the Wuhan super virus outbreak under code name zyphr.,pantsfire Says the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,pantsfire Hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.,pantsfire Says Sen. Chuck Schumer deleted a Feb. 5 tweet criticizing President Donald Trumps decision to ban some forms of travel to and from China.,pantsfire PepsiCo announced Mountain Dew will be discontinued over health concerns.,pantsfire A photo shows Democratic U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posing and smiling in front of a Trump 2020 sign.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi being escorted out of a restaurant drunk again,pantsfire Jihad will continue until all the Hindus Christians Buddhists Atheists are killed. Your secularism tolerance can not change our ideology. Quran does NOT permit survival of NonMuslims. Abdullah Zuber.,pantsfire Corona virus Florida man arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.,pantsfire Says Obama said black people have the worst jobs the worst housing and face rampant police brutality but when socalled black committeemen came around election time wed all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket sell our souls for a Christmas turkey.,pantsfire Says a photo of Pete Buttigieg in a military uniform was staged.,pantsfire Says The Simpsons predicted the coronavirus.,pantsfire High levels of sulfur dioxide in Wuhan may be a sign of mass cremations of victims of the coronavirus.,pantsfire Congress files charges against Nancy Pelosi.,pantsfire Says liberals are trying to make pedophilia legal in preparation of Sharia Law in America.,pantsfire Says a Michigan funeral home employee was cremated by mistake while taking a nap.,pantsfire Says 20 million Chinese converted to Islam after its proven that the coronavirus doesnt affect Muslims.,pantsfire Says President Trumps limousine driver did burnouts to entertain Daytona 500 spectators during a rain delay.,pantsfire Says image shows Pete Buttigieg in a leather suit posing with two other men.,pantsfire Violent crime rates increased in all but two Wisconsin cities between 2008 and 2017.,pantsfire Says Kobe Bryants eldest daughter Natalia left a suicide video after being bullied.,pantsfire Says a photo shows an elephant carrying a lion cub to a pool of water so it wouldnt die.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Ilhan Omar without a head scarf.,pantsfire Says photos show Barack Obama Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice posing with Osama bin Laden.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi was arrested after ripping a copy of the State of the Union speech.,pantsfire A photo of Pete Buttigieg in a military uniform without visible patches shows that he is a fraud.,pantsfire Dinesh DSouza passed away.,pantsfire Kobe Bryant Is Still Alive and Faked His Death LEAKED FOOTAGE,pantsfire Scientists are shocked to discover that weed kills corona virus,pantsfire Says Elizabeth Warren asked about the Mollie Tibbetts murder said I know this is hard for her family but they have to remember that we need to focus on real problems like illegal immigrants not being able to see their kids.,pantsfire Says a teenage Pete Buttigieg was arrested in the late 1990s for killing dogs.,pantsfire An Alton Ill. man caught a 736pound Giant Mekong catfish in the Mississippi River.,pantsfire Quotes Kamala Harris as saying After we impeach we round up the Trump supporters.,pantsfire Cocaine kills corona virus scientists is shocked to discover that this drug can fight the virus.,pantsfire This is a 1927 News Article showing America was sold to five Billionaires The Rothschilds Rockefellers DuPonts Harrimans and Warburgs.,pantsfire Says George Soros was an SS in the National Socialist German Workers Party. Nazi Party.,pantsfire Chinese people eat human baby soup to improve health.,pantsfire Says Paul Walker was set to come forward to expose Clinton Foundation crimes against children in Haiti before he was killed.,pantsfire I thought it was a terrible thing when Nancy Pelosi ripped up the speech. First of all its an official document. Youre not allowed. Its illegal what she did. She broke the law.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Patrick Mahomes wearing a shirt that says The Great State of Kansas.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi may have just committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. 2071 Section 2071 a when she ripped up President Trumps State of the Union address. This violation is punishable by up to three years in prison.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump tweeted I have it on good authority that the real reason for the delayed results from the IowaCaucus is they are trying to hide the fact that the winner was VerminSupreme. This is one time I hope the DNC is actually successful as Vermin is the only candidate that is smart and crazy enough to possibly beat me,pantsfire Says Kobe Bryants wife recorded her suicide after depression attack this morning.,pantsfire Says drinking a bleach solution will prevent you from getting the coronavirus.,pantsfire Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense.,pantsfire Video shows Gianna Bryant in the hospital after helicopter crash.,pantsfire Obamas lawyers officially admit birth certificate is fake.,pantsfire CORONAVIRUS Reports of 10000 DEAD in Wuhan China.,pantsfire Texas man admits kidnapping 79 people.,pantsfire Says a video shows footage of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant.,pantsfire If Trump is impeached in the house not senate he can run 2 more times.,pantsfire Kobe Bryants untimely death has been planned for a while.,pantsfire Says Kobe Bryant tweeted I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says a video shows the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said If impeachment fails I will resign immediately.,pantsfire The typical anglerfish is seven feet long.,pantsfire Says Jordan Davis son of Georgia Congresswoman Lucy McBath was killed in a drug deal gone bad.,pantsfire Says a coronavirus patent expired just as there is a sudden outbreak and despite media fearmongering there is already a vaccine available.,pantsfire Says Joe Biden talked about eating wooden corn dog sticks.,pantsfire Says a fact check shows that Nancy Pelosi moved billions of Social Security funds to cover impeachment costs.,pantsfire Adam Schiff Paid Witnesses Over $40 Million To Testify Against Trump,pantsfire Quotes Trump as saying would you really want a president who was dumb enough to let himself get drafted,pantsfire Says the pens Nancy Pelosi used to sign the articles of impeachment cost $2025 per pen.,pantsfire Says a girl gets a dollar for a kidney transplant every time a Facebook post is shared.,pantsfire Fox News changed its accreditation to entertainment.,pantsfire Ilhan Omar called for violence against President Trump over Middle East dispute.,pantsfire Says federal regulation of the wolf population has led to attacks on livestock driving down production leading to dairy farms going out of business.,pantsfire I was the person who saved PreExisting Conditions in your healthcare.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortezsaid Christianity should be ignored as superstitious nonsense.,pantsfire Says a video shows drone footage of the killing of Qassem Soleimani.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi assured Iran that Trump will pay for his crimes.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Barack Obama smiling and shaking hands with Hassan Rouhani.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Barack Obama looking through binoculars the wrong way.,pantsfire Says the Democratic leadership and presidential candidates are mourning the loss of Qassem Soleimani,pantsfire Says a photo shows a Trump rally in downtown Philly yesterday.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib tweeted and then deleted a post that said Americans have spent decades raping and pillaging my people. What goes around comes around.,pantsfire Says the Obamas surrendered their law licenses to escape disciplinary action and charges.,pantsfire Says Tom Hanks was photographed wearing a Tshirt with progressive slogans on it.,pantsfire An email from Hillary Clinton to Donna Brazile Oct.17th 2016 stated If that f bastard wins were all going to hang from nooses You better fix this s,pantsfire Says Carol Burnett is dead.,pantsfire Says Lee Majors died and left $6 million to Donald Trump.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez and Ilhan Omar vowed to remove seniors entitlements Social SecurityMedicare.,pantsfire Says Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said You will give up your guns if you dont Ill have the National Guard cut your power your phone lines and your internet. Then if you still refuse to comply Ill have you killed.,pantsfire Cory Bookers son charged with assault after attack on Santa.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said if impeachment doesnt go through Ill resign.,pantsfire Says Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is planning to cut off the electricity so Virginia residents cannot reveal what is happening once gun confiscation begins to take place.,pantsfire Says Bill Gates will provide money500K car phone visa or other gifts if you email him.,pantsfire Says the Potomac River has gotten dirtier and dirtier and dirtier and dirtier. I go down there and that litter is left almost exclusively by immigrants.,pantsfire Says voter roll purge would mean more than 200000 registered Wisconsin voters will be prohibited from voting.,pantsfire Says President Trumps mother said Yes hes an idiot with zero common sense and no social skills but he is my son. I just hope he never goes into politics. Hed be a disaster.,pantsfire George P. Bush to place statue of Mexican general Santa Anna at the Alamo.,pantsfire Male birth control testing stopped after mens testicles start exploding in India.,pantsfire Jim Justice is the first West Virginia governor to fight for pay raises for educators.,pantsfire A state senate bill would criminalize a father teaching his own son how to use a hunting rifle.,pantsfire Says Fox News posts a fake picture to show soldiers excited to see Trump in Afghanistan.forgets to take out the Universal Studios sign in the background.,pantsfire Says Adam Schiffs family Christmas card has a photo of the whistleblower who is dating Schiffs daughter.,pantsfire Says that the 28th Amendment prohibits Congress from creating laws that apply to U.S. citizens but not to them and viceversa.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi was asked to leave a childrens benefit after drunken outburst.,pantsfire Says Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith died in a car crash.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Adam Schiff and Jeffrey Epstein.,pantsfire Says the NAACP endorsed Donald Trump in the 2020 election.,pantsfire Ilhan Omar just hosted a flag burning party.,pantsfire Says Adam Schiff is under investigation for Ukrainian Burisma oil connections.,pantsfire Says former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid has an outlaw horse thief ancestor and Reids office offered a spinjob biography about the man.,pantsfire Says Elizabeth Warren tweeted Looks like Im the last woman of color left in this race.,pantsfire Says First Lady Melania Trump posted a photo of herself yesterday and Facebook took it down.,pantsfire Says Warren Buffett asked people to forward a chain email about the Congressional Reform Act of 2019.,pantsfire SaysU.S. Rep. Sean Casten has held numerous inviteonly town halls.,pantsfire Says for every share that a photograph of a sick boy gets Facebook will donate one dollar.,pantsfire Says a mall Santa beat up a child molester.,pantsfire Says ABC 7 reported the Santa Clarita high school shooting 3 weeks in advance.,pantsfire Says President Obama used government funds to pay for his personal vacations for the next 20 years and Trump sent him a bill.,pantsfire An image shows Rep. Elise Stefanik flipping off the camera at the impeachment proceedings,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said Americans are the stupidest people on earth.,pantsfire Says Chris Wallace tweeted to Donald Trump Youre a fraud. A charlatan. A thug. A loser. A trust fund baby.,pantsfire Says a photo of a tortured man is U.S. diplomat Chris Stevens who was killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack.,pantsfire Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad including Somalia and Ukraine.,pantsfire Says photos show the TrumpUkraine whistleblower with Chuck Schumer Elizabeth Warren Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says Obama said black people have the worst jobs the worst housing and face rampant police brutality but when socalled black committeemen came around election time wed all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket sell our souls for a Christmas turkey.,pantsfire Photos from Sept. 11 2001 show that Donald Trump joined Americas heroes and carried victims over his shoulders down the steps of the burning World Trade Center. Obama spent the whole day sitting in the Oval Office with his feet on the desk watching basketball.,pantsfire Says Clint Eastwood called Barack Obama an incompetent lying insincere narcissistic doubletalking socialist hypocrite and fiscally irresponsible moron who spent eight years in the White House trying to turn our wonderful country into a Muslim loving socialist shhole like the one he came from and I dont mean Hawaii,pantsfire Says a photo shows Hillary Clinton shaking hands with Osama bin Laden.,pantsfire Says Bill Cosby was framed for sexual assault by the Illuminati to stop him from buying NBC.,pantsfire Says Sen. Kamala Harris said Democrats are coming for Trump supporters if they win the White House in 2020.,pantsfire Says drinking cream of tartar mixed with orange juice daily will help people quit smoking because it flushes the nicotine out of the body.,pantsfire Says CNN called Abu Bakr alBaghdadi an unarmed father of three.,pantsfire As we have learned the Intel Inspector General IG changed the rule after the complaint was known in order to allow hearsay complaints but the IG dishonestly backdated the rule change so that damage could be done to President Trump.,pantsfire Over the last two years the number of murders in America and Americas major cities has dropped unlike here Chicago by more than 10.,pantsfire Say Sen. Lindsey Graham supports the Green New Deal.,pantsfire Quotes Trump as saying Fine you boo me DC Go Astros Texas loves me I get the best kind of love there. Ill be renaming the White House the Orange House.,pantsfire Says that in 1770 British parliament banned lipstick saying it had the power to seduce men into marriage which was classified as witchcraft.,pantsfire 14000 abandoned wind turbines litter the United States.,pantsfire President Trump is asking everyone to forward this email The TRUMP Rules Congressional Reform Act of 2017.,pantsfire Says his impeachment is a coup.,pantsfire Says a photo shows a driver and passengers wearing moose heads in a truck with a man strapped to the roof that caused 16 accidents on I35.,pantsfire Im one of only two candidates in the field that 10 or more of Donald Trump voters say they would support in the general election.,pantsfire When my father became commander in chief of this country we got out of all international business.,pantsfire Says that for two weeks after you get a flu shot you are an active live walking virus.,pantsfire Says Attorney General William Barr tweeted that the US gave Iran USA taxpayer dollars so Iran could purchase uranium from Russia.,pantsfire Says George Soross son is married to Adam Schiffs sister.,pantsfire Says Facebook now has a witch checker.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi diverted $2.4 billion from Social Security to cover impeachment costs.,pantsfire The first socalled second hand information Whistleblower got my phone conversation almost completely wrong.,pantsfire Says Monica Lewinsky tweeted that shes willing to take one for the team by engaging in oral sex with President Donald Trump because Apparently thats the only thing that can convince Republicans to impeach.,pantsfire 50 of the DUIs on Interstate 35 are from illegals. Ninety percent of the 50 have absolutely no identification.,pantsfire Says the character Freddy Krueger was based on a real serial killer.,pantsfire If the impeachment reaches the house and passes to the senate and isnt passed the first term is nullified and Trump can run two more terms.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Beto ORourke in college drunk and pissing his pants.,pantsfire Says Clint Eastwood is dead.,pantsfire Says El Chapo stated in court that James Comey helped launder $150 million cartel money for Pelosi.,pantsfire A photograph shows a woman doing cocaine with a child.,pantsfire Says an 11yearold girl shot and killed two armed illegal aliens after they broke into her home in Montana.,pantsfire Kirk Cox joined special interests to deny teachers raises.,pantsfire Says Trump told Fox News the Democrats can subpoena me and my administration for the next 10 15 20 years and we will never capitulate. They need to face the fact that I am in charge this is my country and I will do as I please they have no control over me. The people support me and will always support me.,pantsfire Between 27000 and 200000 Wisconsinites were turned away from the polls in 2016 due to lack of proper identification.,pantsfire Says Ilhan Omar partied on the anniversary of 911.,pantsfire Ivanka Trumps shoe line is made in China but is exempt from tariffs.,pantsfire Says the word newspaper stands for north east west south past and present event report.,pantsfire Says instead of arresting a teen who was sneaking into a gym a Chicago cop shot him 53 times.,pantsfire Says John Bolton fundamentally was a man of the left.,pantsfire Says Dan McCready really admires socialism.,pantsfire Says a Donald Trump tweet credited Gov. Ron DeSantis for Hurricane Dorians path away from Florida.,pantsfire Originally almost all models predicted Dorian would hit Alabama.,pantsfire Says a photo shows U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar at a Al Qaida training camp in Somalia.,pantsfire A 1988 exorcism took place in the only house still standing after Hurricane Ike.,pantsfire Quotes George Washington as saying when any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns It no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans.,pantsfire Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler Stalin and Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.,pantsfire Popeyes manager arrested for allegedly dipping chicken in cocaine based flour to increase business sales.,pantsfire U.S. tariffs on China are not hurting anybody in the United States.,pantsfire Says the Philadelphia shootings were fake and that police officers sprayed fake blood on themselves.,pantsfire Says precut onion used to cook the following day becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates toxic bacteria which may cause adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning.,pantsfire Says CNN President Jeff Zucker ordered employees to downplay Bill Clintons relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and make it look like Epstein was Trumps partner in all of this.,pantsfire The vast majority of San Franciscos homeless peoplealso come in from and we know this from Texas. Just an interesting fact.,pantsfire The daughter of a Donald Trump appointee posed as an El Paso shooting victim in a photo with the president.,pantsfire Says a crisis actor played the parts of a shooting victim and the mothers of shooting victims in Las Vegas Orlando and Thousand Oaks.,pantsfire Say Jeffrey Epstein is not dead.,pantsfire Quotes Rep. Kevin McCarthy as saying there are no mass shootings in Japan because there are no video games there.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump is talking about exterminating Latinos.,pantsfire President Trump was kicked off the California ballot,pantsfire Less mass shootings under Trump,pantsfire The El Paso and Dayton shootings were false flag attacks coordinated by the deep state.,pantsfire Says the names of CNN anchors Chris Cuomo Brian Stelter and Jake Tapper were on the flight logs of Jeffrey Epsteins private plane.,pantsfire Says Chelsea Clinton is married to George Soros nephew.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez is proposing a nationwide motorcycle ban.,pantsfire Quotes AlexandriaOcasio Cortez as saying private truck drivers are destroying America and should be government regulated and drivers should be on fulltime camera until we can figure out how to automate our shipping and do away with them altogether.,pantsfire Says country hiphop star Lil Nas X was dropped from Wrangler endorsement after coming out of the closet.,pantsfire Says George H.W. Bush once said If the American People ever find out what we have done they will chase us down the street and lynch us.,pantsfire Former President Barack Obama gave Presidential Medals of Freedom to Bill Cosby Anthony Weiner and Harvey Weinstein.,pantsfire A study was done a postmortem so a retrospective study done looking at autopsies and drug levels what drugs were in the blood of veterans that committed suicide and 70 percent had THC.,pantsfire Quotes Alexandria OcasioCortez as saying Im speaking with myself number one because I have a very good brain and Ive said lots of things.,pantsfire Says Michael Kors said Im tired of pretending I like blacks.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Jeffrey Epstein smirking as Donald Trump inappropriately touches a young girl.,pantsfire Says Joel Osteen Ministries charges people for prayers via a prayer request account.,pantsfire Says Rudy Giuliani filed for Nancy Pelosis impeachment.,pantsfire Quotes Benjamin Franklin as saying We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid.,pantsfire Says a photo shows thousands of Donald Trump supporters outside his Orlando rally.,pantsfire Says Henry Kissinger said that once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination its game over and that vaccine makers stand to make billions We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services.,pantsfire A Florida millionaire was arrested after admitting to burying more than 700 bodies on his property.,pantsfire California admitted there were a million illegal votes in the 2016 presidential election.,pantsfire Says Clint Eastwood said Hollywood is the place of traitors and pedophilians and hes decided to leave it to fight against traitors with real American patriots with president Trump.,pantsfire Quotes Queen Elizabeth II as saying that Trump is an amazing person with a good heart who could have been her son in another life.,pantsfire Says Mark Zuckerberg invented the word BFF and if it doesnt appear green after you type it in a Facebook comment your account has been hacked.,pantsfire Says a photo taken in England shows thousands of English Trump supporterscelebrating the presidents visit.,pantsfire Says singer Charlie Daniels said voting for Trump is like playing country music backwards you get your house back your car back your job back your country back,pantsfire A video of Mark Zuckerberg shows him talking about controlling billions of peoples stolen data to control the future.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump is the first sitting U.S. president in 56 years to not attend a wreathlaying ceremony on Veterans Day.,pantsfire Says Kanye West scored 106 points against wheelchair basketball team.,pantsfire Remember after the shooting in Las Vegas President Donald Trump said Yeah yeah were going to ban the bump stocks. Did he ban the bump stocks No.,pantsfire We will have more people enter our country illegally than were born in this country in one year.,pantsfire There has never been ever before an administration thats been so open and transparent.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump said he believes suicide bombers deserve the death penalty.,pantsfire Says a Wisconsin welcome sign includes a message warning criminals and terrorists that over 170000 Wisconsin residents have a legal permit to carry a handgun.,pantsfire Video shows Nancy Pelosi slurring her speech at a public event.,pantsfire A photograph shows Barack Obama bowing to Ayatollah Khamenei.,pantsfire A photo shows a Trump rally in Pennsylvania not the Woodstock music festival.,pantsfire Theres a new Netflix show to make little boys into sexy little girls.,pantsfire Says a Local Hero was arrested after killing 30 pedophiles in murder spree,pantsfire Says Donald Trump scored a 73 on an IQ test administered to him while in high school at New York Military Academy.,pantsfire The city of Minneapolis has set up a Sharia hotline for residents to report citizens who criticize Islam in order to prosecute them for hate crimes.,pantsfire A New Hampshire congressman was arrested when caught by Capitol police defacing the presidential limousine with swastikas.,pantsfire Says chiefs from the American Indian Nation gave Donald Trump a plaque of his new Indian name Walking Eagle which actually depicts a bird so full of s it can no longer fly.,pantsfire Says a photo of a young girl crying alongside an ISIS member is a Christian being forced into sexual slavery as a child bride.,pantsfire Quotes Valerie Jarrett as saying she is an Iranian by birth and seeks to change America to be a more Islamic country,pantsfire Says Joe Biden said the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton was to be indicted over the Whitewater scandal four days before documents related to the case were destroyed in the Oklahoma City bombing.,pantsfire Says Facebook is now a public entity that will be able to use your photos and information unless you post a statement declining your permission.,pantsfire The Russia investigation was a coup. This was an attempted overthrow of the United States government.,pantsfire Says New York Democrat Jenna Tull was recorded saying Americans should be euthanized when they hit 70. They just become too dumb.and think of the money wed save,pantsfire Shakespeare said I always feel happy. You know why Because I dont expect anything from anyone. Expectations always hurt. Life is short. So love your life. Be Happy. Keep smiling.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton said in an email that she didnt want Michelle Obama at the same events as her.,pantsfire Quotes George Soros as saying Ive made my lifes mission to destroy the United States. I hate this country and I hate all of the people in it,pantsfire Border guards found 52 tons of guns and ammunition in 14 Conex containers disguised as furniture. This furniture is from Muslim immigrants who have come to America,pantsfire There are statistics out there that show the number of women who died from illegal abortions prior to Roe v. Wade that number has skyrocketed since with women dying more with legal abortions.,pantsfire Russias interference in the 2016 election amounted to a couple of Facebook ads.,pantsfire In the old days if you were president and you had a good economy you were basically immune from criticism.,pantsfire An image of a woman buried up to her neck and drinking a spoonful of water was from Iran and taken just before she was stoned to death under Sharia Law.,pantsfire Says combined doses of vaccines have never been tested.,pantsfire A PETA activist was taped to a tree after protesting a biker rally.,pantsfire Says Sen. Kamala Harris introduced a bill today to forbid a police officers from drawing hisher gun without permission from their supervisor.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump wrote in his book Being an atheist gives me an edge in every deal. Christians are too moral for business.,pantsfire A photo shows Muslims laughing in front of a burning Notre Dame.,pantsfire A video clip from the Notre Dame cathedral fire shows a man walking alone in a tower of the church dressed in Muslim garb.,pantsfire Measles kills 11 people in 19 years since 2000. MMR vaccine kills 445 infants in 1 year since 2018.,pantsfire A photo of Muslim women with the words Down with the USA written on their hands was taken in Michigan.,pantsfire Says JayZ set up a $15 million trust fund for Nipsey Hussles children.,pantsfire A photograph shows an undocumented immigrant with smallpox.,pantsfire The noise from windmills causes cancer.,pantsfire The City of Chicago is often bailed out by taxpayers in the rest of the State such as the $221 million bailout for the CPS Chicago Public Schools pension system that was signed into law.,pantsfire Says his father Fred Trump was born in a very wonderful place in Germany.,pantsfire A photograph shows Joe Biden kissing a woman behind Lindsey Graham.,pantsfire Quotes Harriet Tubman as saying I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez said We need to repeal Daylight Savings Time as a primary measure to decrease the rate of climate change. Less hours of sun shine equal less heat hitting Earths surface.,pantsfire American middle schools caught forcing students to do Muslim prayers 5 times a day.,pantsfire The Mueller report was leaked.,pantsfire Bluegill fish are responsible for over 500 deaths in the United States every summer.,pantsfire Says Adam Schiff used taxpayer money to reach a sexual harassment settlement with a 19yearold male.,pantsfire A photograph shows Barack Obama kissing David Cameron.,pantsfire Right here in West Virginia they are building new houses so that 321 Syrian Muslims can move down into this neighborhood in two months. A funeral home is to be torn down in two months and a mosque is going to built there.,pantsfire Quotes Albert Einstein as saying I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.,pantsfire Says Beto ORourke gave the remaining $4.5 mill from his Senate race to the Texas Democratic Partya few months ago the Party sent the money back to him on the day of his announcement.,pantsfire A photograph shows Beto ORourke nearly nude with the words feminist atheist and slut on his body.,pantsfire Says Prince invested in Nike in 1971 recruited Michael Jordan to the company in 1983 and designed the first Air Jordans.,pantsfire Says Paul Manaforts sentencing judge Amy Berman Jackson conceded that there was absolutely no evidence of any Russian collusion in this case. So that makes two courts. Two courts have ruled no evidence of any collusion with any Russians.,pantsfire A photograph shows Joe Biden engaging in disturbing behavior with a boy.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez said Well never have to worry about China attacking us They are 12 hours ahead so well have plenty of time to shoot down their missiles,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez was fired from Hot Dog On A Stick in 2008 for incompetence.,pantsfire Says President Theodore Roosevelt said To anger a conservative lie to him. To anger a liberal tell him the truth.,pantsfire When Congress sought documents from President Barack Obama the White House didnt do anything. They didnt give one letter of the request. Many requests were made. They didnt give a letter.,pantsfire An HIVpositive Cadbury worker has been arrested after contaminating products with his blood.,pantsfire In Wisconsin because a key provision of the Voting Rights Act was not in effect somewhere between 40000 and 80000 people were turned away from the polls in 2016 because of the color of their skin and other factors.,pantsfire Says Bernie Sanders marched with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in Cuba.,pantsfire Says a challenge called Momo is appearing online in apps and childrens programs and threatens kids in an attempt to force them into performing harmful acts.,pantsfire Obama settled 43000 Somalian refugees in Minnesota. As of 2016 there were around 80000. No wonder Ilhan Omar was elected. It was planned.,pantsfire Says Thai police found bodies of children with their organs removed.,pantsfire Says Chelsea Clintons bodyguard Jack Gordon was found dead in a river after telling damaging information to federal prosecutors.,pantsfire Says Alexandria OcasioCortez said We must block Trump from stopping the return of the heroic Alabama mother from ISIS. In many ways she is more of a hero then our veterans. Welcome home sister,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton said This planet might be able to support perhaps as many as half of a billion people who could live a sustainable life in relative comfort. Human populations must be greatly diminished and as quickly as possible to limit further environmental damage.,pantsfire Claims to show a photo of Alexandria OcasioCortez with her legs spread.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama is urging Chicagos mayor to pressure prosecutors into not charging Jussie Smollett.,pantsfire Says 89 members of Congress hold dual citizenship with Israel.,pantsfire Says former Sen. Harry Reid got thrown out.,pantsfire In 1963 Bernie Sanders was arrested for throwing eggs at black civil rights protestors.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump was photographed wearing blackface.,pantsfire Drugrelated offenses make up as much as 7585 percent of inmate populations in Wisconsin,pantsfire A photo of Trump having a stroke is really a virus that will wipe out all information on your computer.,pantsfire Quotes Mike Pence as saying that people with preexisting conditions need more Jesus care not health care.,pantsfire Says Dr. Robert Gallo the man who helped discover the HIV virus confessed he was forced to create the HIV virus as a secret weapon to wipe out the African race.,pantsfire The intersection of a rainbow and tornado is called a tornabow.,pantsfire Says Eric Trump said The president should be able to choose governors senators and congressmen just like our founders meant it to be. The only election should be for president.,pantsfire Quotes Robert Mueller as saying We must move as quickly as possible to a oneworld government a oneworld religion under a one world leader.,pantsfire Quotes Beto ORourke as saying If I could throw two kinds of people in the garbage it would be the elderly and wounded veterans. When a tool breaks you dont fix it you throw it in the damn trash.,pantsfire Quotes Kurt Cobain saying in 1993 that he wouldnt be surprised if his generation eventually elected a true outsider a business tycoon who cant be bought someone like Donald Trump,pantsfire Courts have quietly confirmed that the MMR vaccine causes autism.,pantsfire Says Susana Mendoza is a supporter of the death penalty who could administer it herself and ...sleep like a baby at night,pantsfire Racist picture of Democrat North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper emerges just days after he called on Ralph Northam to resign DAILY MAIL.,pantsfire Says George Soros was arrested in Switzerland for a web of crimes based on information provided by Barack Obama.,pantsfire NASA has discovered a new planet covered with marijuana,pantsfire Says Stacey Abrams said Who needs agriculture when you can just get food at the store,pantsfire A Virginia principal expelled two kids for wearing a crucifix around their necks saying there is no place for religion at school.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi and Beto ORourke were photographed with El Chapo.,pantsfire Says that Ronald Reagan said he felt like he was the one shaking hands with the president when he met Donald Trump.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton dressed up in blackface.,pantsfire A photograph shows a younger Donald Trump posing with his parents who are in Ku Klux Klan robes.,pantsfire The 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle disaster was a hoaxthe crew did not die and are still alive today.,pantsfire Says Ronald Reagan said Nancy Pelosi is extremely evil.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi spent $497 Million on office renovations during the governmentshutdown.,pantsfire Potential Foxconn changes are due to the wave of economic uncertainty from Evers administration,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib was photographed in front of a picture of Osama bin Laden and an ISIS flag.,pantsfire Says Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger said Slav Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds . . . a deadweight of human waste. Blacks soldiers and Jews are a menace to race.,pantsfire Says Kurt Russell said if the Dems regain power they have promised to abolish the 1st 2nd 4th 5th 6th amendments. Also the Senate the Electoral College the Supreme Court borders ICE and more. When do we get to declare them enemies of the state,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez said owning guns IS NOT a right if it were a right it would be in the Constitution.,pantsfire 18 million illegal immigrants got their government checks this month while federal workers remain unpaid.,pantsfire Says the mother of Covington student Nick Sandmann said I only wish the pioneers had brought more blankets with smallpox.,pantsfire Pepsi admitted an employee contaminated its products with AIDS.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi Removed From Benefit for Being So Drunk She Couldnt Stand Up ,pantsfire Pelosis Secret Overseas Mission Included 93 Family Members,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez has secured a seat on the House Financial Services Committee but her credit score is 430 and has had two checking accounts closed along with two sheriffs evictions.,pantsfire Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be President.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosis bill for alcohol on her flights from Washington to San Fran every week We pay for it. 1000 dollars. On average 52000 Bucks a year for BOOZE. Tax payer money.,pantsfire When using an ATM customers should press the cancel button twice before inserting the card. If anyone has set up the keypad to steal your pin code this will cancel that set up.,pantsfire SaysElizabeth Warren has a racist figurine in her kitchen.,pantsfire After the White House fast food dinner Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence said the coastal elite media trashed it for not being organic vegan and that it was a perfect blue collar party.,pantsfire Say that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman has been missing for 70 days.,pantsfire BREAKING Trump family donates $1 billion to wall fund.,pantsfire The McCarranWalter Act of 1952 bans Muslims from holding public office in the United States.,pantsfire In the lameduck session no power was taken away from the governor. Power was not taken away from the attorney general.,pantsfire Says the Rothschild family holds about 80 percent of the worlds total wealth and has the ability to literally feed clothe and settle every man woman and child on the planet if they wanted to.,pantsfire New U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib tweeted Americans have spent decades raping and pillaging my people. What goes around comes around.,pantsfire The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia.,pantsfire Melania Trump echoed Hitlers wife when she said I hate to see children separated from their parents like this . . . but we can hardly blame Donald.,pantsfire A woman died mysteriously after reporting on Robert Mueller destroying text messages.,pantsfire Says law enforcement officials alerted the public to check the caps of bottled water for tampering because someone is injecting poison into them and that a few people already died in the Richmond area as a result.,pantsfire Quotes Michelle Obama as saying White folks are whats wrong with America.,pantsfire Says that 18 children died while in custody of Border Patrol during the Obama administration.,pantsfire Says troops recently received one of the biggest pay raises ever and that it was the first pay increase in more than 10 years.,pantsfire Quotes Winston Churchill as saying When Muslims are the minority they are concerned with minority rights when they are in the majority there are no minority rights.,pantsfire Says Time magazine cover features President Donald Trump with the text Worst. President. Ever.,pantsfire Says Three Muslim congresswomen just refused to sign an oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution.,pantsfire Quotes Sen. Elizabeth Warren as saying If women need to be raped by Muslims to prove our tolerance so be it. Then thank goodness for Planned Parenthood.,pantsfire Says 19000 text messages exchanged between former FBI officials that were purposely and illegally deleted ... would have explained the special counsel investigation hoax.,pantsfire Quotes incoming U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez as saying under capitalism man oppresses man. Under socialism its the other way around.,pantsfire That Donald Trump said in 1998 if he were to run for president he would run as a Republican because Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.,pantsfire Uses a picture of a mansion to say that Rep. Nancy Pelosi lives surrounded by a high perimeter wall with gun toting security.,pantsfire Says the White House nativity scene was removed by the Obamas and is back in the White House thanks to First Lady Melania Trump.,pantsfire Photo of migrant mother at U.S.Mexico border running from tear gas with children was a staged hoax.,pantsfire We are watching you know millions of illegal immigrants cross our borders and many of them voting in the past election thats what just a couple weeks ago.,pantsfire If you buy you know a box of cereal if you do anything you have a voter ID. The only thing you dont is if youre a voter of the United States.,pantsfire Quotes Rep.elect Ilhan Omar as saying I think all white men should be put in chains as slaves because they will never submit to Islam.,pantsfire Democrats and their allies ... are manufacturing voters.,pantsfire Election fraud Democrats are voting twice in Maryland,pantsfire Starbucks executive believes white men are the root of all evil.,pantsfire Says Kurt Russell supports Trump by wearing a Trump Tshirt.,pantsfire Black Panthers Just Took Over City Atlanta All Out War On Election Day,pantsfire Judicial Watch reports show 1.7 million California votes are not registered voters,pantsfire Says Stacey Abrams posed with a campaign sign that described heras a communist and part of the MuslimBrotherhood,pantsfire That Kurt Russell said President Donald Trump is relentless dedicated determined and courageous and stands there in the face of pure evil rock solid ready to fight for us. God bless this brave man.,pantsfire Refugees are throwing rocks and trying to kill you.,pantsfire Migrants in the Guatemalan Caravan stand on and then urinate on U.S. flag before throwing it in the trash can.,pantsfire Lottery winner arrested for dumping $200000 of manure on exboss lawn,pantsfire Veterans should vote Republican because the damn Democrats blocked the VA Healthcare bill again.,pantsfire Attention hunters Voting in North Dakota could cost you your outofstate hunting licenses.,pantsfire Says Maine Democrat Jared Golden supports using your Social Security to fund other government programs.,pantsfire Photo shows members of the migrant caravan dragging a Mexican official.,pantsfire On Abigail Spanberger She got $2.2 million from ActBlue...That is the George Soros resistance group.,pantsfire Democrats let him cop killer Luis Bracamontes into our country and Democrats let him stay.,pantsfire Soros Letter Reveals Plot to Take Down Borders with Migrant Caravan Invasions,pantsfire Says Ammar CampaNajjar is working to infiltrate Congress and is being supported by CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood.,pantsfire George Soros wasan SS officer.,pantsfire As some of you may know I am the recent $3.4 million lotto winner. Id like to spread some positivity so Im sending $1000 to the first 100k people that share this.,pantsfire The pipe bombs were never mailed.,pantsfire The pipe bomb suspects van was staged.,pantsfire National Geographics photo of the year is a great white shark leaping out of the water.,pantsfire A man surpasses Tesla by inventing an electric car that never needs charging.,pantsfire Says the Washington Post factchecked a charge he opposed preexisting condition protections for health insurance and gave that Four Pinocchios.,pantsfire A photo shows a Mexican police officer brutalized by members of this caravan as they attempt to FORCE their way into Mexico.,pantsfire MAGA bomber identified as former CNN employee who donated to heavily to Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground the person died of natural causes.,pantsfire The illegal caravan of immigrants are flying the Honduras flag as they burn the American flag as they march towards the USA wanting asylum,pantsfire Canadians face major donut shortage after first day of cannabis legalization.,pantsfire If you get a flu shot youre poisoning yourself.,pantsfire Voting for any Democrat gets you socialism ... undefended open borders ... immediate tax increases ... 100 percentgovernmentrun health care ...,pantsfire Canada Pays Off Entire Federal Debt One Day After Marijuana Legalization,pantsfire Says a recent opioid bill that reached his desk had very little Democrat support.,pantsfire In California theyre rioting now over sanctuary cities.,pantsfire Saudi Arabia has ordered $450 billion $110 billion of which is a military order producing over a million jobs.,pantsfire Man dug tunnel from home to the pub and drank every night while his wife slept.,pantsfire Says Democrats want to give undocumented immigrants cars.,pantsfire Surgeon who exposed Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti found dead in apartment with stab wound to chest. Intellihub,pantsfire White people are so 1960s. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that they will be blended out by the time I am 30. Imagine a world without white people. Malia Obamas midterm speech exam,pantsfire Saysa prochoice activist in California proudly breaks world record by getting her 27th abortion,pantsfire Says Detroitarealaw enforcement is searching for a vigilante serial killer after three pedophiles were killed in one week,pantsfire Of course youve got a low unemployment rate when peopleve got to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet.,pantsfire Says MeToo movement sign suggested assaulting First Lady Melania Trump.,pantsfire Says Tom Hanks was photographed wearing a Tshirt with an antiTrump message that begins I was going to be a Trump voter for Halloween but,pantsfire Says a photo shows Bill Clinton and Christine Blasey Ford posing for a camera and smiling together.,pantsfire Says Socrates said When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the losers.,pantsfire Some of the Democrats have been talking about ending coverage for preexisting conditions.,pantsfire Says Brendan Kelly spent his career supporting Nancy Pelosi.,pantsfire Viral internet photo shows a young Christine Blasey Ford,pantsfire Says a photo shows Barack Obama holding a Michelle Obama 2020 tshirt.,pantsfire Says a photo shows Brett Kavanaugh passed out.,pantsfire Christine Blasey Ford claims that she called a friend on her cell phone after the attack in or around 1982.,pantsfire SaysChristine Blasey Fords letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein revealed to be a total FAKE contains 14 glaring errors that could only be committed by a poorly educated writer. ,pantsfire Says Sen. Bill Nelson is a socialist.,pantsfire Says Christine Blasey Ford and her lawyer were photographed with George Soros Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker effort to derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits.,pantsfire Says thatDianne Feinstein said When the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in. thats just human nature.,pantsfire Says that Dianne Feinstein said that all vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms.,pantsfire Kavanaugh accusers brothers firm linked to Fusion GPS.,pantsfire Myrtle Beach man who shot at Hurricane Florence dies after bullet ricochets. ,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said Building a wall will violate the rights of millions of illegals. ,pantsfire Says CNNs Anderson Cooper stood in a ditch during Hurricane Florence to exaggerate water levels.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz said When gays stayed hidden we had no mass shootings we had no public nudity. Society was polite. Now anything and everything goes and I blame them.,pantsfire Couple Arrested For Selling Golden Tickets To Heaven.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama referred to the carnage that took place in Benghazi as a conspiracy theory.,pantsfire Malia Obama just got arrested buying cocaine,pantsfire White House Resistance mole a fake NY Times admits they were trolled,pantsfire Miami Dolphins fire 2 kneeling players before preseason kickoff.,pantsfire Says Texas has had over 600000 crimes committed by illegals since 2011. Over 1200 homicides.,pantsfire Says Michael Jordan resigns from the board at Niketakes Air Jordans with him.,pantsfire Colin Kaepernick immediately loses Nike endorsement after antiwhite rant.,pantsfire Says Sasha Obamas racist antiwhite rant just got her expelled.,pantsfire SaysI have been through the gauntlet when we had riots in thatCapitol.,pantsfire John McCain was pardoned for treason,pantsfire The Dutch Afrikaners were in South Africa first.,pantsfire BREAKING Sheriff Joe Arpaio will take over John McCains seat in the Senate.,pantsfire US President D. Trump Approves Scholarship for 50000 African Student to Study in USA 2018 ,pantsfire Trump I am sending troops to South Africa and they will not leave until the killing stop and the land issue resolved. ,pantsfire JUST IN Actor Vin Deisel dies after a Failed Attempt to Perfect a Stunt on set. ,pantsfire Says a 79yearold woman with AK47 rescued two LAPD officers from a street gang.,pantsfire Cops take a knee then walk out on Redskins leaving them stranded in their locker room overnight.,pantsfire The Trump campaign didnt know that Natalia Veselnitskaya was a representative of the Russian government. ... I dont even know if they knew she was Russian at the time.,pantsfire Says Democratic challenger Gina Ortiz Jones has raised more money from Massachusetts than from Texas.,pantsfire VIDEO Kevin Bacon Saying We Are Blessed To Have Donald Trump As Our President,pantsfire A proposed constitutional amendment will pave the way for making abortion illegal under North Carolinas constitution.,pantsfire SaysSean Casten supports doubling premiums and cutting current health care plans.,pantsfire There were 63 murders this weekend in Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuels legacy is more murders in his city than ever before.,pantsfire You see the Nazi platform from the early 1930s ... look at it compared to the Democratic Party platform of today youre saying Man those things are awfully similar.,pantsfire Lisa Page squeals DNC server was not hacked by Russians.,pantsfire Clint Eastwood Leaves His Estate To The Trump 2020 Campaign,pantsfire Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60 70 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.,pantsfire Says Queen Elizabeth said Muslim refugees are dividing nationality I fully agree with Donald Trump we should deport them to avoid bloody terrorist attacks.,pantsfire Woman set to testify against Clintons blown up in home explosion.,pantsfire Says associates of financier Bill Browder sent a huge amount of money over $400 million as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire The Russian state has never interfered ... into internal American affairs including election process.,pantsfire Giant ratsplague New York City as 4 homeless men found eaten alive,pantsfire $1.8 billion Of Soros money just intercepted he could officially go to prison for years,pantsfire In 1984 the New York Times said Trump would be our BEST president.,pantsfire Says Mark Pocans proposal to eliminate the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE would eliminate border enforcement.,pantsfire Broward County Sheriff fired for lying about Parkland.,pantsfire Says Maxine Waters told CNN SCOTUS pick should be illegal immigrant.,pantsfire Sen. Kamala Harris is supporting the animals of MS13.,pantsfire Says Democratic Senators demand Supreme Court nominee not be unduly influenced by U.S. Constitution.,pantsfire Tim Kaine doesnt want a border at all. He wants to get rid of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and basically the border patrol as well.,pantsfire George H.W. Bush has died at 94.,pantsfire The deficit ... is coming down and its coming down rapidly.,pantsfire Says Wisconsin hadnt been won by a Republican since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. And I won Wisconsin. Ronald Reagan remember Wisconsin was the state that Ronald Reagan did not win.,pantsfire Says Ron DeSantis voted in an agricultural bill to give food stamps to illegal immigrants.,pantsfire Say Dunkin Donuts is providing a free ozen Doughnut Box to everyone to celebrate 68th Anniversary,pantsfire Says proposal to use cityowned land for an Austin pro soccer stadium is a $1 billion giveaway.,pantsfire NASA announced that it communicated with four races of aliens.,pantsfire Mexicos Next President Calls for An Invasion Of The US,pantsfire Says the Pope calls for world wide gun confiscation except for the UN,pantsfire Breaking Shep Smith to be canned because he cant control his hate for Donald Trump.,pantsfire BreakingMike Huckabee just fired,pantsfire Investigators Anthony Bourdain was killed by Clinton operatives.,pantsfire Mitt Romney Trump has some very serious emotional problems he must resign before we,pantsfire Says that people went out in their boats to watch Hurricane Harvey.,pantsfire FOX Network Picks Up Roseanne Saying It Has No Problem With Occasional Racism,pantsfire Says Whoopi Goldberg wore a shirt that shows Donald Trump firing a gun at himself.,pantsfire Im in prison for practicing politics.,pantsfire The Failing nytimes quotes a senior White House official who doesnt exist as saying even if the meeting were reinstated holding it on June 12 would be impossible given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed. WRONG AGAIN Use real people not phony sources.,pantsfire USA Mysterious Nazi submarine from WWII discovered in Great Lakes,pantsfire Just in John Kerry facing prison.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton furious at special gift Melania Trump sent her from her hospital bed,pantsfire Jeff Sessions Caught Colluding with Obama,pantsfire Breaking SantaFe killer expresses his love for Obama.,pantsfire Says Tammy Baldwin is more worried about the mastermind of 911 than supporting CIA director nominee Gina Haspel.,pantsfire SayMaxine Waters told CNNs Anderson Cooper that her first act as president would be to impeach Donald Trump.,pantsfire BREAKING NEWS Donald Trump On His Way To Donate Kidney To Melania Trump.,pantsfire Prince William May Not Attend Royal Wedding Leaving Harry Without a Best Man Princess Diana Would Not Be Happy,pantsfire Legendary Actor Sidney Poitier Donald Trump might become The Greatest Of All Time.,pantsfire Says Jim Sensenbrenner has been in office for 40 years and hes led on exactly one bill the Patriot Act.,pantsfire Says Julia Roberts told Celine Dion If you hate Trump you can go in your country.,pantsfire Says the 2018 defense authorization bill includes raises for the military for the first time in 10 years.,pantsfire Eric Schneiderman helped NXIVM sell child sex slaves to the Clintons,pantsfire BREAKING Queen Elizabeth II Dead At 94,pantsfire Pope Francis Gun owners cant call themselves Christian,pantsfire Melania Just Hit Donald Trump With Shocking Announcement He Never Saw Coming,pantsfire Breaking 3 liberal celebrities arrested for conspiracy to assassinate President Trump.,pantsfire Breaking Michelle Wolf fired Comedy Central apologizes to Sarah Sanders.,pantsfire Thousands killed as Israel Drops Tactical Nuclear Bomb On Syria,pantsfire Hillary Clinton killed in monster truck mishap.,pantsfire Bill Gates Outlines 2018 Plan To Depopulate The Planet.,pantsfire Bill Gates Former Doctor Says Billionaire Refused To Vaccinate His Children,pantsfire Smallville star confesses she sold children to Rothschilds and Clintons.,pantsfire CNN shocks America fires journalist who made fun of Sarah Sanders face,pantsfire You have been selected to take part in our short survey to get 2 Free Alaska Airlines Tickets,pantsfire I am still waiting for someone to produce pieces of the alleged plane that caused the Twin Towers to collapse.,pantsfire BREAKING Nancy Pelosi to resign after new revelations.,pantsfire Obamas Private security Company Sets Up Massive Camps Outside 3 Major Cities.,pantsfire Denzel Washington With Trump we avoided war with Russia and Orwellian Police State,pantsfire Apply Now and Win the Canada Diversity Immigration Visa Lottery DV2019 Program Live and Work in Canada.,pantsfire Allegiant Air is rewarding everyone with 2 free plane tickets to celebrate April Aviation Week,pantsfire Laura Ingraham just fired,pantsfire Archbishop Desmond Tutu dies while holidaying in Texas,pantsfire British Intelligence Seizes Clinton Foundation Warehouse $400 Million In Cash.,pantsfire James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION,pantsfire Says Sen. Jon Tester took an income raise in the omnibus bill.,pantsfire Singer Celine Dion Says I Cant Even Look At An American Flag Any More I Hate This Country.,pantsfire The moon has more than 250 million citizens.,pantsfire Obama Announces Bid To Become UN Secretary General,pantsfire Dying 78 year old CIA agent admits to killing Marilyn Monroe.,pantsfire Says that unless the recipient called back about your tax filings you will be taken into custody by the local cops as there are more serious allegations pressed on your name.,pantsfire Pope Francis cancels the Bible and proposes to create a new book.,pantsfire Hollywood actor Bruce Willis Trump is the best US president ever anyone who dislikes him should move to...,pantsfire Congressional Black Caucus introduces bill to tax people for being white.,pantsfire Says Buzz Aldrin passes UFO lie detector test leaving experts convinced that he encountered alien life.,pantsfire Walmart rewards everyone with $75 coupon to celebrate its 125th Anniversary,pantsfire Malia Obama suspended after racist antiwhite attack goes viral.,pantsfire Actress Emma Stone For the first time in history we have a president that,pantsfire All Citizens Who Want to Receive Gvt Benefits Must Agree to Be Microchipped in the Near Future,pantsfire YouTube witness makes shocking admission on live TV. CNN pulls plug immediately,pantsfire In many places like California the same person votes many times. You probably heard about that. They always like to say oh thats a conspiracy theory. Not a conspiracy theory folks. Millions and millions of people.,pantsfire Obama secretly flees US leaves stunning evidence behind.,pantsfire Application for March for Our Livespermit was made months before Parkland shooting,pantsfire David Hogg graduated from Redondo Shores High School in 2015.,pantsfire Robert Redford Says Michelle And Barack Obama Should Get Five Years In Prison.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis voted in favor of food stamps for illegal immigrants.,pantsfire Many March for Our Lives speakerscalled for the murder of those who would not turn over their guns to the government.,pantsfire Trey Gowdy breaks his silence after 2 of his investigators are found tortured and killed.,pantsfire A bill in Congress will ban all semiautomatic weapons including pistols and shotguns. So yes they are coming to take away our guns.,pantsfire The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. If you remove Chicago Detroit Washington St. Louis and New Orleans the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world.,pantsfire Says David Hogg wasnt at school during the Parkland school shooting.,pantsfire 80 of black men in Atlanta are Homosexuals study says,pantsfire Florida passes bill legalizing recreational use of marijuana.,pantsfire Says Emma Gonzalez a survivor of the Parkland school shooting ripped up a copy of the U.S. Constitution,pantsfire March For Our Lives is backed by radicals with a history of violent threats language and actions.,pantsfire Obama just broke federal law in attempt to take over presidency from Trump.,pantsfire Biden preparing 2020 presidential bid with Obama as vice president.,pantsfire An allfemale construction company built the Florida bridge that collapsed.,pantsfire Say Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was raped and beaten in prison.,pantsfire Irish superstar Saoirse Ronan dies after onset accident in St. Lucia.,pantsfire Court orders Obama to pay $400 million in restitution.,pantsfire Putin issues international arrest warrant for Soros,pantsfire The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public school in the United States will not teach the tenets of Islam or Sharia Law.,pantsfire Delta Airlines is offering free airline tickets for people who take a short survey,pantsfire Trump wins the award Obama never could.,pantsfire The state of California is begging us to build walls in certain areas. They dont tell you that.,pantsfire Says Jennifer Aniston said Me and all the Trump supporter celebrities decide to make a company named celebrities for Trump,pantsfire The flu shot is designed to spread cancer.,pantsfire Michelle Obama Just Received LifeShattering News from the Doctor,pantsfire BREAKING Trump Removes Muslim Federal Judge For Trying To Implement Sharia Law In America,pantsfire Kushner And Wife Ivanka Trump Were Tossed Out Of The White House And Donald Is Cutting Them Out Of His Will,pantsfire Says Keanu Reeves said For me Trump is the symbol of a successful man and a role model for every young American something that our nation was looking for for year. I dont think that America will again have a leader like him.,pantsfire Legendary actor Kirk Douglas dead 4 days before his 101st birthday.,pantsfire Whos really behind Jeanne Ives campaign for governor Mike Madigans corrupt insider machine. Theyve bankrolled her campaign with thousands in shady labor union cash turning Ives into another Madigan lackey.,pantsfire So many of these shooters turn out to be communist Democrats.,pantsfire So many of these people that commit the mass murders end up being Democrats.,pantsfire Says that along the southern border of the U.S. the government apprehends seven individuals a day who are either known or suspected terrorists.,pantsfire Say David Hogg is a crisis actor.,pantsfire In Parkland Fla. the mass murderer was immersed in Islamic and leftwing hate.,pantsfire I never said Russia did not meddle in the election.,pantsfire Says Melania Trump hired exorcist to cleanse White House of Obama demons.,pantsfire Trump declares globalist Soros as national security threat using Obamas 2014 executive order.,pantsfire Says Michelle Obama said Florida shooting is clearly our presidents fault.,pantsfire Breaking four million Democrat votes just declared fraudulent.,pantsfire Russian source behind fake Trump dossier killed in Russian plane crash Rosatom CFO also dead,pantsfire Says Donald Trump is canceling funding for Obamas free house and library.,pantsfire Just in 45 states just banned Sharia law,pantsfire First NFL team declares bankruptcy over kneeling thugs.,pantsfire At the State of the Union address Democrats even on positive news were like death and unAmerican. UnAmerican.Somebody said treasonous. I mean yeah I guess why notCan we call that treason Why not,pantsfire If the Dow Joans ever falls more than 1000 points in a Single Day the sitting president should be loadedinto a very big cannon and Shot into the sun at TREMENDOUS SPEED No excuses,pantsfire Says that singer Dolly Parton saidTrump in one year is already better than 16 years of Bush Obama put together.,pantsfire 100 of heroinfentanyl epidemic is because we dont have a WALL.,pantsfire NFL lawyer who claimed Super Bowl is rigged found dead.,pantsfire I have introduced balanced budgets every year that Ive been governor.,pantsfire Democrats booed families of children murdered by MS13.,pantsfire The ice caps were going to melt they were going to be gone by now but now theyre setting records so okay theyre at a record level.,pantsfire Haiti official getting ready to testify against Clinton Foundation corruption next week found dead with gunshot to the head.,pantsfire Says 566000 crimes were made in Texas by criminal aliens in the last 6 years.,pantsfire California To Register Illegal Aliens To Vote Automatically.,pantsfire Mueller will be forced to resign over Pelosi affair.,pantsfire 82yearold who killed a Muslim in selfdefense gets the death penalty.,pantsfire Bill Clintons hitman confesses on his deathbed.,pantsfire I have consistently opposed shutdowns.,pantsfire Soros Obama and the Dems Ordered the Shutdown to Stage a Coup,pantsfire Queen Elizabeth removes Obamas from royal wedding guest list.,pantsfire Delta Force raids Obama stronghold in Thailand.,pantsfire White House staff compiled a number of gorilla documentaries into a makeshift gorilla channel for President Donald Trump.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton once said the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid theyre easy to manipulate.,pantsfire Says Sandra Bullock said to Hillary Clinton If you dont like our president you can leave and never come back again.,pantsfire Says Shaquille ONeal said Donald Trump is possibly the best president.,pantsfire Police discover meth lab in back room of Alabama Walmart.,pantsfire Worlds most popular candy to be removed from shelves by December 2017.,pantsfire Breaking Sasha Obama just crashed her expensive new car into a lake.,pantsfire Julia Roberts claims Michelle Obama isnt fit to clean Melanias toilet ,pantsfire Roy Moore takes the military vote pulls ahead by 5000 votes,pantsfire Says of the diversity visa lottery program they give us their worst people they put them in a bin and the worst of the worst are selected.,pantsfire BREAKING Illegal Muslim From Iran Arrested For Starting California Wildfire,pantsfire Breaking Muslim New Jersey Mayor just banned the word Christmas.,pantsfire Alabama state police arrest 3 poll workers in Birmingham.,pantsfire Law passed All child support in the United States will end by beginning of 2018.,pantsfire Now its official FDA announced that vaccines are causing autism.,pantsfire Update Chuck Schumers steamy affair with a high school cheerleader confirmed.,pantsfire UPDATE Thousands voted for Doug Jones in Alabama town with population of 2256,pantsfire Says there wont be a recount in Alabama because a Democratic judge said were going to erase all the computer files ... on Wednesday morning.,pantsfire Morgue employee cremated by mistake while taking a nap.,pantsfire Update van full of illegals caught voting at multiple Alabama polling locations.,pantsfire Under Trumps new tax plan 99.8 of Americans get not one nickel in tax cuts.,pantsfire Breaking Trump fires deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein raising questions over Muellers fate.,pantsfire Says Obamas deadliest coverup in an explosion that killed 29 miners has been uncovered by internal government documents.,pantsfire Roy Moores accuser arrested and charged with falsification.,pantsfire Breaking woman says she was offered big money by Washington Post to accuse Roy Moore of misconduct.,pantsfire Says Russian President Vladimir Putingota standing ovation from theDuma after he gave a speech sayingMuslims are taking over other countries but wont take over Russia.,pantsfire The FBI has become Americas secret police like the old KGB.,pantsfire Gloria Allred Accuser ADMITS She Tampered With Roy Moores Yearbook Signature.,pantsfire Miss Universe Guyana 2017 arrested at London Heathrow airport with 2 kilograms of cocaine.,pantsfire Tennessee GOP twitter taken down after tweet exposing Pelosi involved in pedophilia.,pantsfire Prince Harry says Donald Trump is not welcome at his wedding Trump is a serious threat to human rights. ,pantsfire For years they have not been able to get tax cuts many many years since Reagan.,pantsfire Saudi Arabia to Behead 6 School Girls for Being With Their Male Friends Without Parents or a Guardian,pantsfire Singer Tina Turner This Thanksgiving Is The First Time in 8 Years That I am Thankful For Our President God Bless Him And His Supporters.,pantsfire Says Joe Scarborough is party to an unsolved mystery from his time as a congressman in Florida.,pantsfire Melania Trump If ISIS Lays a finger on Barron Ill scratch Obamas eyes out. ,pantsfire President Trump just saved Christmas for 13 million retirees.,pantsfire Southwest Airlines celebrating 50th anniversary by providing 2 free tickets to everyone,pantsfire Pope Francis at Mass Jesus is Metaphorical Not Literal.,pantsfire 2 million rounds of ammo that went missing under Obama turns up in enemy hands,pantsfire Bowe Bergdahl wanders off during courtmartial,pantsfire BREAKING Rosa Parks Granddaughter SLAMS Racist Democrats Endorses Trump,pantsfire Donna Brazile knows Seth Rich was murdered by the Clintons,pantsfire Says a Washington Post reporter is calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for up to $7000.,pantsfire Second Roy Moore Accuser Works For Michelle Obama Right NOW,pantsfire Snapchat is shutting down,pantsfire Malia Obama was among 10 arrested in racist Antifa attack and the cop who arrested her was found dead under suspicious circumstances.,pantsfire Supreme Court issues its first bench warrant ever.,pantsfire Says the University of Florida requests to cancel rivalry game against Florida State University.,pantsfire Chicago is the city with the strongest gun laws in our nation.,pantsfire Texas Church shooter was Antifa and wanted to start a communist revolution. ,pantsfire Says FBI and Texas State Police are both confirming that Raymond Peter Littleberry the man accused of shooting up a Texas church was an avid atheist on the payroll of the Democrat National Committee.,pantsfire Liberals in County Hall want our community to be a sanctuary county,pantsfire Says Jake Tapper said Allahu Akbar was a beautiful phrase after a terrorist attack in New York.,pantsfire Alabamas Crimson Tide was disqualified from national championship.,pantsfire Says actor Morgan Freeman said Jailing Hillary is the best way to restore public faith in government.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton leaves the country as Mueller indictment is announced.,pantsfire Breitbart leaks names of four Dems being charged in Muellers Russia probe.,pantsfire Jeff Flakes office leaks names of those charged in Muellers Russian probe.,pantsfire Youngest world leader bans George Soross Foundations from Austria.,pantsfire Sarah Huckabee Sanders dressed up as KKK member on Halloween in 1993.,pantsfire Says Tampa Bay Lightning hockey player J.T. Brown was fired after raising fist during national anthem.,pantsfire Tulsa school closes after brutal fire.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton caught on tape laughing about Hurricane Irma wiping out all of those Florida hillbillies.,pantsfire San Juan city council votes unanimously to impeach Trumphating mayor.,pantsfire Grandparents must pickup up all their grandchildren every weekend no matter what or they will be fined $5000.,pantsfire President Trump signs executive order stripping NFL of nonprofit status.,pantsfire Jason Aldean gig canceled after he sells out to liberals on SNL.,pantsfire Celine Dions 16yearold ReneCharles Angelils was among the 58 victims who were killed in Las Vegas.,pantsfire Says the Kardashians donate whopping sum to Las Vegas mass shooting victims,pantsfire A flight crew took a knee and stranded the New OrleansSaints on an airportrunway.,pantsfire I think if you look to Chicago where you had over 4000 victims of gunrelated crimes last year they have the strictest gun laws in the country. That certainly hasnt helped there.,pantsfire San Juan Teamsters didnt show up for work to distribute relief supplies because they went on strike.,pantsfire Las Vegas shooting witnesses report multiple gunmen dressed as security guards.,pantsfire Says a photograph shows Seattle Seahawks player Michael Bennett burning the United States flag.,pantsfire Human meat found in McDonalds meat factory,pantsfire Ending the estate tax would protect millions of small businesses and the American farmer.,pantsfire Washington State Legislature votes to change its name because George Washington owned Slaves.,pantsfire Missouri Votes to Let Employers Fire People Who Use Birth Control.,pantsfire 12 more hurricanes headed towards U.S.,pantsfire NFL fines Pittsburgh Steelers $1 million each for skipping national anthem.,pantsfire Fox Sports cancels all NFL broadcasts until players respect the flag. ,pantsfire Says Carnival Cruise Lines will now offer free cruises to hurricane victims.,pantsfire House Dems introduce bill to remove citizenship requirement from presidency.,pantsfire Susan Rice arrested for criminal unmasking of Trump officials.,pantsfire U.S. comedian Kevin Hart in critical condition after gory car crash.,pantsfire Democrats setupand manipulated the political violence in Charlottesville,pantsfire President Obama used his DACA order to unilaterally confer U.S. citizenship.,pantsfire Florida Governor Rick Scott now listed as critical after bizarre hurricane cleanup accident.,pantsfire Georgia mosque keeps Hurricane Harvey donations will send to Syrian refugees instead,pantsfire MarALago was destroyed by Hurricane Irma and Jared Kushner is still missing.,pantsfire ISIS Lays Down Arms After Katy Perrys Impassioned Plea To Like Just CoExist,pantsfire 30000 scientists have come forward confirming that manmade climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.,pantsfire Computer models show Irma destroying New York City on Sept. 10.,pantsfire The Clinton Foundation is sending water to Houston for $7 a bottle.,pantsfire Hurricane Irma could be a Category 6 by the time it hits East Coast.,pantsfire Says Lady Gaga was arrested after a confrontation with First Lady Melania Trump.,pantsfire My grandparents were proud immigrants to the United States of America here to Illinois in the late 1800s. My grandparents did not speak English when they were young.,pantsfire Hurricane Irma is predicted to come through Mexico hit us and everything in between up to Houston.,pantsfire Navy destroyer strikes a building in downtown Houston.,pantsfire Says Manny Pacquiao Usain Bolt and Princes William and Harry have donated tens of millions of dollars to Hurricane Harvey victims.,pantsfire Says video shows Mike Pence quoting the Bible as justification for Congress not to fund Katrina relief effort.,pantsfire Floyd Mayweather Jr. donates a whopping sum of money to Houston after hurricane.,pantsfire Photo shows severe flooding at a Houston airport.,pantsfire Photo shows a shark swimming on a freeway in Houston.,pantsfire President Donald Trump pardons Kim Davis.,pantsfire Obama is in Texas serving meals,pantsfire Weve got dozens of counties around America that have zero insurers left.,pantsfire Says Barcelona terrorist is cousins with former President Barack Obama.,pantsfire Rosa Parks daughter praises President Donald Trumps response to Charlottesville.,pantsfire Says Sen. Jon Tester believes that we should have a national registration so that the people of Montana should have to ask permission before they purchase a gun ask permission from the federal government.,pantsfire White supremacist who killed protester is a Democrat and visited President Barack Obama in Oval Office.,pantsfire White nationalist protesters in Charlottesville had a permit. The other group didnt have a permit.,pantsfire The United States ended slavery around the world and maybe we should get some credit for that too.,pantsfire Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years,pantsfire Says Sen. Bill Nelson has aligned himself with communists and dictatorswent to Venezuela to admire Chvezs revolution and supports murderers.,pantsfire There are communities under Sharia law right now in our country. Up in Illinois. ... Theres Sharia law as I understand it in Illinois Indiana up there. I dont know.,pantsfire Whoopi Goldberg humiliated handcuffed and dragged out of the TV studio.,pantsfire Charlottesville car attacker is antiTrump Antifa supporter.,pantsfire Virginia police arrest wrong person to cover for Antifa member who ran over protesters.,pantsfire Emails show Democrats Hillary Clinton and George Soros instigated and orchestrated racial protests in Charlottesville by trying to control and keep people desperate.,pantsfire Theres no such thing as a lone wolf. ... That was a phrase invented by the last administration to make Americans stupid.,pantsfire Barron Trump Rushed To The Hospital Hospital Releases Statement On His Condition,pantsfire Tornado carries mobile home 130 miles family inside unharmed.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump orders 13 Obama deep state operatives arrested for treason.,pantsfire Says Russian President Vladimir Putin said Pope Francis is not a man of God.,pantsfire U.S. Sen. John McCain was singlehandedly responsible for starting a fire on the USS Forrestal aircraft carrier.,pantsfire Kim Jong Un killed in President Donald Trumps overnight black op attack on North Korea.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton has third heart attack docs says she wont survive.,pantsfire Says Debbie Wasserman Schultz going to mental hospital after what she did overnight desperate to escape arrest.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump was seen looking deliberately over a disabled childs head ignoring his outstretched hand.,pantsfire Barack Obama tweets sick attack on John McCain says he should have died.,pantsfire Amazon has a notax monopoly.,pantsfire Russian mansions Obama seized were meant to be illegal gifts to Sasha and Malia,pantsfire Say Gretchen Carlson said The 2nd Amendment Was Written Before Guns Were Invented.,pantsfire SayOscar Pistorius commits suicide in prison.,pantsfire Kim Jong Un dead North Koreans calling Trump an assassin,pantsfire Shepard Smith was fired from Fox News.,pantsfire There was someone else on that plane for the secret Bill ClintonLoretta Lynch meeting.,pantsfire Malia Obama Fired From Cushy Internship At Spanish Embassy,pantsfire White House chef quits because Trump has only eaten fast food for 6 months.,pantsfire Says former Rep. Michele Bachmann said that White People Have Suffered More In The Last 8 Years Than Blacks Did During Couple Years Of Slavery.,pantsfire Says two of U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosis daughters were arrested for smuggling drugs.,pantsfire Says CNN host Fareed Zakaria calls for jihad rape of white women.,pantsfire 3000Pound Great White Shark Captured in Great Lakes.,pantsfire Obama goes to G20 summit ... Everywhere President Donald Trump goes Obama shows up too.,pantsfire Says Paul Ryan said that 22 million Americans choose to be poor so its their own problem if they cant afford to be healthy.,pantsfire Says James Comey Has Been Having An Affair With Debbie Wasserman Schultz.,pantsfire Spicer Trump has the legal right to cancel SCOTUS because they serve at his pleasure,pantsfire Says the manager of a Checkers in Miami Gardens Fla. killed 10 employees.,pantsfire Australia ismicrochipping its public.,pantsfire Says that Bill Clinton basically told thenAttorney General Loretta Lynch in 2016 that we killed Vince Foster.,pantsfire Donald Trump plans to step down as President of the United States and resign from office within the next 30 days.,pantsfire CNNs ratings are way down.,pantsfire Minnesota imposed an Islamic antiblasphemy law.,pantsfire Leonardo DiCaprio explains why hes moving to Casselberry Florida.,pantsfire Trey Gowdy is the new director of the FBI,pantsfire Says Johnny Depp died after being apprehended for threatening President Donald Trumps life.,pantsfire Says investigators have found remains of missing women in steel barrels buried on Bill and Hillary Clintons property.,pantsfire Massive Bumble Bee recall after 2 employees admit cooking a man and mixing him with a batch of tuna.,pantsfire Chinese lunar rover finds no evidence of American moon landings.,pantsfire Libtard hero Al Franken forced to resign in disgrace.,pantsfire Cannibals arrested in Florida claim eating human flesh cures diabetes and depression,pantsfire Says Kellyanne Conway said liberal women hate her because of her striking beauty and intellect.,pantsfire Nancy Pelosi suffers breakdown taken from Capitol Hill on a stretcher.,pantsfire The same unhinged leftists cheering last weeks shooting are all backing Jon Ossoff.,pantsfire Trump welcomes Jamaica as a U.S. territory,pantsfire Says Barack Obama complained that Democrats continue to ignore blacks except at election time.,pantsfire Says Loretta Lynch was part of a stunning collection of calls to violence and murder from the intolerant unhinged leftists in the Democrat party.,pantsfire Democrat Maxine Waters has shown up to only 10 percent of congressional meetings for 35 years.,pantsfire NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness In November 2017.,pantsfire The DEA just raided a United States senator Dems in a panic.,pantsfire Says Keanu Reeves gave a speech that began I cannot be part of a world where men dress their wives as prostitutes by showing everything that should be cherished ...,pantsfire Edward Snowden Osama bin Laden is still alive living in the Bahamas.,pantsfire Every single year that theres an increase in temperature its within the margin of error meaning it isnt increasing.,pantsfire Trump Removing Marines From the Navy.,pantsfire Says Scott Baio .. dies in small plane crash.,pantsfire Trumps Top Scientist Pick Scientists Are Just Dumb Regular People That Think Dinosaurs Existed And The Earth Is Getting Warmer,pantsfire Says Monica Lewinsky Found Deadin a burglary.,pantsfire Rubio Rape victims should be in custody if there is suspicion that theyre planning abortion. ,pantsfire Says Pat Robertson said We must impose a rule on the gay population that would require them to wear speciallycolored clothes.,pantsfire President Trump greenlighted Congress to ramp up Clinton investigation.,pantsfire California Gov. Jerry Brown was Caught in the Middle of a $60 Billion Corruption Investigation.,pantsfire President Donald Trump announced that he would reinstate a national day of remembrance for fallen officers that the traitor before him had done away with.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdys 8yearold son found dead in a dumpster in D.C.,pantsfire James Comey knew murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was WikiLeaks source covered it up for Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire NASA will pay you $18000 to stay in bed and smoke weed for 70 straight days.,pantsfire Donald Trump praises Colonel Sanders for his service in the Civil War.,pantsfire Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich apparently was assassinated at 4 in the morning having given WikiLeaks something like 53000 emails and 17000 attachments. ... It turns out it wasnt the Russians.,pantsfire Says Texas tax legislation would save the average homeowner in Texas $20000 a year over the next 20 years or so.,pantsfire There is no backlog of untested rape kits in Wisconsin.,pantsfire Says Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez declared that she would not detain known criminals accused of violent crimes.,pantsfire Jefferson Davis statue to be replaced with Obama likeness.,pantsfire FBI uncovers evidence that 62 million Trump voters are all Russian agents,pantsfire Barack Obama arrested in a Japanese drug bust.,pantsfire Say Lance Armstrong is dead.,pantsfire Fox star Tucker Carlson in critical condition then died after head on collision driving home.,pantsfire Clinton Foundation cargo ship raided at Port of Baltimore caught smuggling 460 undocumented immigrants.,pantsfire This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a madeup story. Its an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they shouldve won.,pantsfire We got to a point that our Air Force pilots were going to museums to find spare parts over the last eight years under Barack Obama.,pantsfire A University of Texas student pulled out a concealed handgun on a knifewielding suspect and made him back down.,pantsfire Clinton Foundation ordered to cease operations Chelsea Clinton charged with fraud,pantsfire Coffee is the secondmost traded commodity after oil.,pantsfire Malia Obama arrested with a gang of thugs in Chicago.,pantsfire Nobody dies because they dont have access to health care.,pantsfire Bill OReilly in critical condition after being attacked by tolerant liberals.,pantsfire Ted Nugent killed in hunting accident.,pantsfire Sarah Palin in a coma after hit and run.,pantsfire Trump warns Russia over Jehovahs Witnesses ban and urges members to seek asylum in the U.S.,pantsfire Donald Trump to issue an executive order to ban Facebook across U.S.,pantsfire Trump wants to deport American Indians to India.,pantsfire Says Eric Trump said My fathers tax return is irrelevant because were going to cancel taxes for WEALTHY people anyway.,pantsfire Fox News Sandra Smith Everybody could see from the United Airlines passengers behavior that he was not a genuine American. ,pantsfire Trump on revamping the military Were bringing back the draft.,pantsfire The Wawa Welcome America festival features . . . Americas largest free concert.,pantsfire I have not called for impeachment of President Donald Trump.,pantsfire Malia Obama expelled from Harvard.,pantsfire United Airlines flight attendant slaps crying baby during flight.,pantsfire Tampa man loses testicles after trying to fill scuba tank with weed smoke.,pantsfire Texas law enforcement officer fatally shot upon arriving for work by 3 Muslim refugee.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama tax audit exposes MILLIONS in offshore accounts stolen from taxpayers.,pantsfire SaidVin Diesel declaredhis love of Rockford Ill. after locals provided him car help and hospitality.,pantsfire Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich saidIf a woman is not intelligent enough to keep her legs closed how can we entrust the abortion decision to her,pantsfire There were 76 deaths in three years at the Buffalo Psychiatric Center,pantsfire Before the presidential campaign I didnt know Steve Bannon.,pantsfire Evangelical leader says those who oppose Trump could be punished with gay child.,pantsfire Says Adolf Hitler didnt even sinkto thelevel of using chemical weapons.... He was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Bashar alAssad is doing.,pantsfire Two liberal Democrat congressmen arrested for planning Trumps assassination.,pantsfire Police find 19 white female bodies in freezers with Black Lives Matter carved into skin.,pantsfire Finally I will continue to fight against Republicans like Martina White who like Trump wants to deport all of our hard working immigrant brothers and sisters and white wash America.,pantsfire Doctors who discovered cancer enzymes in vaccines all found murdered.,pantsfire Autopsy results from Vince Fosters exhumed body Cause of death to be changed,pantsfire Muslims get their wayIllinois will permit wearing burqas in driving licenses photos,pantsfire NBC just fired Megyn Kelly before her new show begins.,pantsfire Colorado Rockies baseball team to sell marijuana brownies at their concession stands.,pantsfire Says extras are needed to portray aliens in a Star Wars movie being shot near Rosenberg Texas.,pantsfire BREAKING Nancy Pelosi Was Just Taken From Her Office In Handcuffs,pantsfire The Notebook is finally getting a sequel. Producers of the upcoming film confirmed .... that filming will begin in Jacksonville North Carolina this summer.,pantsfire New regulation requires motorcycle owners to install 75 MPH governor by January 2017,pantsfire A New York man has allegedly infected 240 people with the HIV virus by sleeping with men and women.,pantsfire President Trump just told Paul Ryan Youre fired.,pantsfire Ken Starrs plane just disappeared on his way to D.C. to testify against Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire We offer a tremendous amount of low calorie no calorie options like waters unsweetened products low calorie diet items. All of which unfortunately are taxed by this tax.,pantsfire Says Snoop Dogg arrested for conspiracy after talking about his murder Trump video.,pantsfire Says Barack Obamas motherinlaw charged with larceny and fraud.,pantsfire Says U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said Its better for our budget if cancer patients die more quickly.,pantsfire Hes only there for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to run a shadow government that is gonna totally upset the new agenda.,pantsfire Babysitter on crystal meth eats 3monthold baby.,pantsfire FBI issues Warrant For Obamas Arrest After Confirming Illegal Trump Tower Wiretap.,pantsfire Says he presented a balanced budget.,pantsfire A photo shows Obama being dragged before a judge in handcuffs for wiretapping Trump.,pantsfire Says Whoopi Goldberg said the widow of a Navy SEAL was looking for attention.,pantsfire Says U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson threatens citizens with arrest if they continue asking for a town hall.,pantsfire Man pardoned by Obama threemonths ago arrested for murder.,pantsfire Says former president Jimmy Carter said Medical marijuana cured my cancer.,pantsfire 300000 pounds of rat meat sold as chicken wings across America.,pantsfire Trumps Android device believed to be source of recent White House leaks.,pantsfire Says White House adviser Steve Bannon said Nobody can blame you for beating your wife if its out of love.,pantsfire Says former NRA president Jim Porter said Its only a matter of time before we can own colored people again.,pantsfire Trump just gave every working legal man woman and child in the USA $612 each,pantsfire Starbucks just placed Trumps photo on the floor so every customer has to step on it.,pantsfire Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood do little other than provide abortions.,pantsfire Target to discontinue sale of Holy Bible.,pantsfire Japanese whaling crew eaten alive by killer whales 16 dead.,pantsfire John Hagee calls for prosecuting women who say Gods name during intercourse.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton filed for divorce In New York courts.,pantsfire If Governor Coopers proposed bill for repealing HB2 becomes law it will create a statesanctioned Look But Dont Touch policy in our bathrooms.,pantsfire Says Bill Gates tweeted I think Donald Trump will go down to history as one of the greatest presidents just like Reagan.,pantsfire Says a Republican U.S. House member from Texas Rob McCaskill tweeted that he cant wait for the next 911.,pantsfire Says there is a new law now charging all protesters with terrorism.,pantsfire Idaho mother sentenced to prison after multiple citations for breastfeeding in public.,pantsfire This issue of busing voters in to New Hampshire is widely known by anyone whos worked in New Hampshire politics. Its very real its very serious.,pantsfire SaysPresident Trump makes English the official language of the United States,pantsfire Says a video shows Coretta Scott King thanking Jeff Sessions for Rosa Parks library.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trump signs a visafree travel policy for Ghana and Malawi.,pantsfire Says President Donald Trumps executive order leads to capture of ISIS leader Rasheed Muhammad.,pantsfire Terrorism and terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe have gotten to a point where its not even being reported.,pantsfire The HIV virus has been detected in Walmart bananas after 10 year old boy contracts the virus.,pantsfire Says former President Barack Obama will be on new $1 dollar bill.,pantsfire Says Mike Pence said that allowing rape victims to have abortions will lead to women trying to get raped.,pantsfire Says Meryl Streep just got fired from a major project for lying about Trump.,pantsfire SaysRex Tillerson wont divest from Exxon.,pantsfire Says BarackObama orders lifesized bronze statue of himself to be permanently installed in White House.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama didnt do executive orders in the beginning.,pantsfire Say George Soross money went straight into the Womens March protesters pockets.,pantsfire That was the largest audience to witness an inauguration period.,pantsfire The inauguration of Donald Trump will be the first one that I miss since Ive been in Congress.,pantsfire Says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is resigning from the post of associate justice of the Supreme Court.,pantsfire Chinese restaurant in Coral Springs Fla. busted for selling dog meat to VIP customers.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump warnedoutgoing Ghana President against lastminute job appointments.,pantsfire Say first grandma Marian Robinson will get a $160000 annual pension for life when President Barack Obama leaves office.,pantsfire Says a celebrity praises locals for their help after an automotive breakdown.,pantsfire Pope Francis To Followers Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same ,pantsfire Donald Trump dead from a fatal heart attack,pantsfire Beginning on Jan. 1 prostitution by minors will be legal in California.,pantsfire Electoral College elector commits suicide to avoid voting for Donald Trump.,pantsfire Breaking Crew of Air Force One Refuses to Fly Obama 6000 miles Just to Play Golf ,pantsfire Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim Gay In New TellAll Book,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama has not condemned shootings targeting police.,pantsfire Pennsylvania Federal Court grants legal authority to remove Trump after Russian Meddling.,pantsfire Obama orders ban on Christmas cards to military.,pantsfire Because of Obamacare Medicare is going broke.,pantsfire Emboldened by election Texas Republicans kill Medicaid funding for kids with disabilities.,pantsfire Sarah Palin Calls To Boycott Mall Of America Because Santa Was Always White In The Bible.,pantsfire It is more difficult to obtain a Costco membership than it is to get a NYC Municipal ID,pantsfire Pence Michelle Obama Is The Most Vulgar First Lady Weve Ever Had,pantsfire Say Bill Gates is linked to HPV vaccine related deaths in India.,pantsfire If Russia or some other entity was hacking why did the White House wait so long to act Why did they only complain after Hillary lost,pantsfire ObamaLed U.N. Has Just Made It Official U.S. To Immediately Pay Blacks Reparations.,pantsfire House Democrats strike to implement Sharia law,pantsfire Wisconsin has only one county Dane thats hand counting the votes in the 2016 presidential recount.,pantsfire Latina who enthusiastically supported Donald Trump on stage in Las Vegas in October 2015 has been deported.,pantsfire Alison Alter got an F in attendance in 2016 as an Austin parks board member and was removed by a unanimous vote of the Austin City Council.,pantsfire Lady Gaga announced she would cover her face until Trump gets fired from office.,pantsfire Wisconsin uses voting machines that are outlawed they are illegal.,pantsfire There was serious voter fraud in Virginia.,pantsfire There was serious voter fraud in New Hampshire.,pantsfire There was serious voter fraud in California.,pantsfire Says he won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.,pantsfire Harambe received 15000 votes in the presidential election.,pantsfire Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out I Was Paid $3500 To Protest Trumps Rally. ,pantsfire Says Denzel Washington supports Donald Trump and speaks out against Barack Obama.,pantsfire A picture shows former President Bill Clinton naked with another woman.,pantsfire Final election 2016 numbers Trump won the popular vote.,pantsfire Margaret Sanger wanted a black Christian leader to be like a Judas goat and lead the blacks to genocide. Remember that And they picked Martin Luther King as their spokesman.,pantsfire Two years ago the longest serving leader of the California republic Jerry Brown boldly declared in China that California is a separate nation.,pantsfire Says thousands at a Manhattan rally for Donald Trump were chanting We hate Muslims we hate blacks we want our great country back.,pantsfire Says that at a campaign rally President Barack Obama spent so much time screaming at a protester and frankly it was a disgrace.,pantsfire The Democrats are very sly. in New Hampshire we have same day voter registration and to be honest when Massachusetts elections are not very close theyre busing them in all over the place.,pantsfire FBI confirms evidence of huge underground Clinton sex network.,pantsfire Tens of thousands of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.,pantsfire One of George Soros companies has provided some of the voting machines for some states.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton wants to let people just pour in. You could have 650 million people pour in and we do nothing about it. Think of it. Thats what could happen. You triple the size of our country in one week.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton shows up in Broward County and had a private meeting with elections supervisor Brenda Snipes.,pantsfire Says Democratic challenger for his N.C. House seat raised taxes on clothing school supplies even baby diapers,pantsfire Recently though the media has reported on thousands of illegal voters here in the commonwealth.,pantsfire Wikileaks also shows how John Podesta rigged the polls by oversampling Democrats a voter suppression technique.,pantsfire Donald Trumps education plan to dramatically slash funding for public education would fire 49000 Texas teachers.,pantsfire When Hillary Clinton ran the State Department $6 billion was missing. How do you miss $6 billion You ran the State Department $6 billion was either stolen they dont know.,pantsfire When Rachel Zenzinger was on the Arvada City Council she voted to spend taxpayer funds for a junket to China.,pantsfire Its possible that noncitizen voters were responsible for Obamas 2008 victory in North Carolina.,pantsfire Creflo Dollar has endorsed Republican Donald Trump for president.,pantsfire Back in the Great Recession when millions of jobs across America hung in the balance Donald Trump said rescuing the auto industry didnt really matter very much. He said and I quote again Let it go. ,pantsfire Not even Tim Kaine is willing to say he trusts Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day.,pantsfire We dont have any chess grandmasters in the United States.,pantsfire Lindsay Parkhurst wants to take away programs like Social Security and Medicare that seniors have earned throughout their lifetimes.,pantsfire Says he won the second debate with Hillary Clinton in a landslide in every poll.,pantsfire Says a tweet he sent out wasnt saying check out a sex tape. It was just take a look at the background of Alicia Machado.,pantsfire Says 11 straight years of no major hurricanes striking land in the United States bores a hole right through the whole climate change argument.,pantsfire Say photographs of Hillary Clinton at the debate show what could be an earpiece.,pantsfire Our AfricanAmerican communities are absolutely in the worst shape theyve ever been in before. Ever. Ever. Ever.,pantsfire I finished the controversyabout wherePresident Barack Obama was born.,pantsfire My opponent has no child care plan.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton had an undercover nurse with her at the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony in New York.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton has not answered a single question about her immigration plan.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama has taken less vacation days than any other president in a generation while Congress has taken more vacation days than any other Congress in history.,pantsfire And while Ted Strickland proposed cuts for services for children he wasted over $250000 remodeling his bathrooms at the governors mansion.,pantsfire The number of illegal immigrants could be 3 million. It could be 30 million.,pantsfire Innercity crime is reaching record levels.,pantsfire Says Donald Trumps Make America Great Again caps are made in China.,pantsfire I am the only candidate who ran in either the Democratic or the Republican primary who said from the very beginning that I will not raise taxes on the middle class.,pantsfire Says there was a NATO base in Turkey being under attack by terrorists.,pantsfire Says there were multiple instances of voter fraud in Wood County Ohio.,pantsfire Says the U.S. election system is rigged.,pantsfire That 59 divisions in Philly had no votes for Romney in 2012 is a mathematical and statistical impossibility.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama founded ISIS. I would say the cofounder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire In the 2012 election there were more votes cast than registered voters in St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County had 141 percent turnout.,pantsfire Hillary Clinton says she wants to raise taxes on the middle class. ,pantsfire Im beating Kelly Ayotte in the polls by a lot.,pantsfire We have a fire marshal that said Oh we cant allow more people ... And the reason they wont let them in is because they dont know what the hell theyre doing.,pantsfire It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost Capt. Humayun Khans life.,pantsfire Nobody covered the remarks of Patricia Smith the mother of a Benghazi victim live but almost everybody covered KhizrKhans Mr. Khans remarks live.,pantsfire As usual Hillary the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games.,pantsfire Says regarding the presence of classified information in her email FBI Director James Comey said my answers were truthful and what Ive said is consistent with what I have told the American people.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton wroteI believe the primary role of the state is to teach train and raise children. Parents have a secondary role.,pantsfire Im not one for name calling.,pantsfire Unemployment numbers are artificial numbers. These are numbers that are massaged to make the existing economy look good to make this administration look good when in fact its a total disaster.,pantsfire On gift takingBob McDonnell took a fraction of what Tim Kaine took.,pantsfire I am the only candidate who ran in either primary who said I will not raise taxes on the middle class.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz never denied his father was photographedwith Lee Harvey Oswald.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama is absolutely a Muslim.,pantsfire The Cleveland police has issued a stand down order to officers.,pantsfire Condemning violence against the police and urging support for the police is markedly absent from President Barack Obamas public remarks.,pantsfire Says Attorney General Loretta Lynch was a member of Bill Clintons defense team during the 1992 Whitewater corruption probe.,pantsfire Says while serving in the city council Rachel Zenzinger voted to use tax dollars to take a taxpayerfunded junket to China.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department sold uranium to the Russians through her faux charity illegally deleted public records and murdered an ambassador.,pantsfire We dont know anything about Hillary in terms of religion. Now shes been in the public eye for years and years and yet theres no theres nothing out there.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton has even deleted this record of total support for the TransPacific Partnership trade agreement from her book.,pantsfire For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees we could rebuild every inner city in America.,pantsfire ISIS is running through a border made porous by Barack Obamas policies.,pantsfire The Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq the terrorist group that became the Islamic State.,pantsfire Never mind that no red light camera no speed camera nor any radar gun has ever stopped one accident from occurring.,pantsfire Says Bernie Sanders wins California landslide But of his votes arent counted.,pantsfire Crime is rising.,pantsfire Says she was the first in her family to go to a fouryear college.,pantsfire The Dog Meat Festival in Yulin China threatens global public health.,pantsfire Says Obama wants to give Iran nuclear weapons and Michael Bennet he was all for it.,pantsfire I wanted to keep it private because I dont think its anybodys business if I want to send money to the vets.,pantsfire No one in American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trumps achievement is remarkable.,pantsfire It is Hillary Clintons agenda to release the violent criminals from jail. She wants them all released.,pantsfire Look we are at war with these people and they dont wear uniforms. This is a war against people that are vicious violent people that we have no idea who they are where they come from. We are allowing tens of thousands of them into our country now.,pantsfire The first tweet was sent from Austin.,pantsfire Says Jacky Rosen has refused to tell us whether she supports Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says Donald Trump said of women And you can tell them to go f themselves.,pantsfire Says Demond Means turnaround district superintendent for Milwaukee Public Schools said the district needs to be gutted.,pantsfire Says Arizona Missouri and Texas residents have a twopet limit so the public must surrender their third pet to the Humane Society.,pantsfire The University of WisconsinMilwaukee has 2.8 students per faculty member tied for secondlowest in its history since 1994.,pantsfire The Obama administration has even joined Islamist governments in sponsoring a U.N. resolution that would shred our First Amendment by threatening to make discussion of radical Islamism potentially illegal.,pantsfire Says Bruce Springsteen only had 8000 tickets sold for a Greensboro show and canceled after they didnt get the ticket sales they wanted.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruzs father was with Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.,pantsfire Frankly Hillary Clinton doesnt do very well with women.,pantsfire Today President Obama said there will NOT be a National Day of Prayer in May.,pantsfire A simple review of the Backrooms health code records will reveal that the restaurant already has a longstanding problem with rodent infestations.,pantsfire Says Target installed urinals in a womens bathroom to accommodate the ones who have giblets.,pantsfire Says its absurd to say theres enough data to establish a link between playing football and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.,pantsfire Statistics show you are about nine times more likely to be assaulted by a taxi driver in Austin than a driver for a ridehailing service.,pantsfire Says there were over 600 reports of Texas votes for Donald Trump in the states 2016 Republican primary virtually all getting tallied for Marco Rubio.,pantsfire Rhode Island 3 bigger at low tide.,pantsfire Evidence shows Zika virus turns fetus brains to liquid.,pantsfire Im the only candidate in the Democratic primary or actually on either side who Wall Street financiers and hedge fund managers are actually running ads against.,pantsfire The 2016 federal omnibus spending bill funds illegal immigrants coming in and through your border right through Phoenix.,pantsfire Says that when Michelle Fields found out that there was a security camera and that they had her on tape all of a sudden that story changed.,pantsfire An image in a ChrisAbele TV ad depicts wealthy citizens who would benefit from a lake created by the controversial Estabrook Dam.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama was happily photographed holding a Tshirt with revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevaras face on it.,pantsfire Out of 67 counties in Florida I won 66 which is unprecedented. Its never happened before.,pantsfire The rightwing extremists are trying to take this seat so they can push their antichoice and antiequality agenda through our State House.,pantsfire The fact is voter fraud is rampant.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton told the Des Moines Register on Aug. 8 2015I will get the NRA shut down for good if I become president. If we can ban handguns we will do it.,pantsfire I dont know anything about David Duke.,pantsfire A couple of debates ago Donald Trump said if you dont support socialized health care youre heartless.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruzsaid I was in favor in Libya. I never discussed that subject.,pantsfire Says that in the Philippines more than a century ago Gen. John Pershing took 50 bullets and he dipped them in pigs blood and shot 49 Muslim rebels. The 50th person he said You go back to your people and you tell them what happened. And for 25 years there wasnt a problem.,pantsfire Says he cured Charlie Sheen and the island of Comoros of HIV with milk from goats which had arthritis.,pantsfire The people that perpetrated that travesty in San Bernardino had never been to the Middle East.,pantsfire Says Joseph Stalin said if you want to bring America down you have to undermine three things our spiritual life our patriotism and our morality.,pantsfire Quotes Mark Cuban as sayingI worry that millions of millennials are voting Democrat this year because they factcheck everything.,pantsfire Scott Fisher tried to expand Obamacare in Texas and even voted for an official resolution to force 1 million Texans into Obamacare.,pantsfire Dont believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The numbers probably 28 29 as high as 35. In fact I even heard recently 42 percent.,pantsfire Obama spent $7 billion to bring electricity to Africa failed miserably.,pantsfire While states used to have regulatory power over fishing federal law now regulates down to the tenth of the inch the minimum size of fish that anglers can keep.,pantsfire Bioweapon Zika virus is being spread by GMO mosquitos sic,pantsfire Nothing was done. I mean $25 million was spent but we dont have that gun ownershipdatabase.,pantsfire This is the true picture of Milwaukees Renaissance after 12 years of Mayor Tom Barretts leadership.,pantsfire Youve been tremendously deceived by people who say the Earth is not flat.,pantsfire Obamacare is the biggest jobkiller in this country millions of Americans have lost their jobs have been forced into parttime work.,pantsfire Blue Cross Blue Shield cancelled all their individual health care policies in the state of Texas effective Dec. 31.,pantsfire Donald Trump is appealing as much to Democrats as he is to Republicans.,pantsfire Says his muchdiscussed boots are made in Wisconsin.,pantsfire Hostages were released as soon as Ronald Reagan took office because Iran perceived that America was no longer under the command of someone weak.,pantsfire Wisconsin dropped from second in the country to 41st among states where more than half the students took the ACT exam.,pantsfire Until the new Iran deal China and Russia have never voted with us at the U.N. on any sanctions on Iran in the past.,pantsfire A Trump television ad shows Mexicans swarming over our southern border.,pantsfire Bicycle ownership drops by half while obesity in Rhode Island rises by 154 percent,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho said African Americans should only be given threefifths of a vote.,pantsfire Says Marco Rubio is the one for an open border.,pantsfire Says Marco Rubio said we should be considering internment of Muslims and maybe we should close down cafes and diners where Muslims gather and in fact compared them to the Nazi party.,pantsfire Barack Obamas Columbia University ID says he was a foreign student and went by Barry Soetoro.,pantsfire Technically Ted Cruz is not even an American.,pantsfire President Barack Obama wants to take in 250000 people from Syria.,pantsfire Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.,pantsfire I watched in Jersey City N.J. where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed.,pantsfire This incident of supposed feces depicting a swastika on the wall of a bathrooms in one of the halls ... has been supported by zero fact.,pantsfire While Americans pray for Paris the government has acted on mandatory national vaccinations.,pantsfire The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are Republicans not to the Democrats.,pantsfire In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims the propagation of Islam is banned one cannot import a Koran published in the Arabic language and Muslims cannot even rent a house.,pantsfire The TransPacific Partnership was designed for China to come in as they always do through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone.,pantsfire Obamacare isnt helping anyone.,pantsfire Says that Starbucks took Christmas off of their brand new cups.,pantsfire Everyone on Californias roads is properly licensed tested and insured.,pantsfire Every signer of the Declaration of Independence had no federal elected office experience.,pantsfire I never said that Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerbergs personal senator.,pantsfire Bernie Sanderss plan is to raise your taxes to 90 percent.,pantsfire How is a misogynist bigot of epic proportions like U.S. Rep. Steven Smith allowed to serve,pantsfire The president said hes going to bring in 250000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees into this country.,pantsfire Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a referral service. They dont do anything except profit from killing babies and then selling body parts of those aborted babies.,pantsfire CNNs Crap Polling is so bad that it shows that no one under the age of 50 has an opinion of Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says Bernie Sanders is going to tax you people at 90 percent.,pantsfire Says CNN deleted an online poll showing Bernie Sanders won the first Democratic presidential debate to help out Hillary Clinton.,pantsfire Says Bernie Sanders once said Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs.,pantsfire Bernie Sanders admits he is a Democratic Socialist. Nazis were Democratic Socialists.,pantsfire In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class and so was Ali Khamenei. And thats where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin.,pantsfire Says Donald Trumps Make America Great Againhats were made in China.,pantsfire Pope Francis uses a modest compact car to get around while Creflo Dollar drives an expensive sports car.,pantsfire 100 percent of the crime is committed in estimate by about 15 percent of the population.,pantsfire In 2006 Planned Parenthood performed more prevention services and cancer screenings than abortions but in 2013 there were more abortions.,pantsfire Honduras bans citizens from owning guns and has the highest homicide rate in the entire world. Switzerland with a similar population requires citizens to own guns and has the lowest homicide rate in the entire world.,pantsfire The unemployment rate may be as high as 42 percent.,pantsfire You know our current president is Muslim. You know hes not even an American.,pantsfire Pediatricians have cut down on the number and proximity of vaccines because they recognize there have been too many in too short a period of time.,pantsfire Says Scott Walker said Labor unions dont deserve to have a national holiday due to their damage to the economy. And the holiday should be replaced by Patriots Day celebrated every year on 911.,pantsfire Denali is the Kenyan word for black power. ,pantsfire Democratic Sens. Ed Markey Al Franken and Jeanne Shaheen took Bribes From Iran They Back Insane NUKE Deal.,pantsfire Planned Parenthood is not actually doing womens health issues.,pantsfire Says Bobby Jindals parents used his birthright citizenship to become Americans making him an anchor baby.,pantsfire Says Michele Bachmann said The Chinese built a Great Wall 5000 years ago. You dont see any illegal Mexicans in China.,pantsfire Says Jill McCabe supports late term abortions. Larger baby parts are more profitable.,pantsfire The Mexican government ... they send the bad ones over.,pantsfire Austin is effectively imposing a ban on barbecue restaurants.,pantsfire Planned Parenthood is the only health care that a significant number of women get. About 30 percent of women thats their health care.,pantsfire The number of illegal immigrants in the United States is 30 million it could be 34 million.,pantsfire When President AbrahamLincoln signed his Emancipation Proclamation there were over 300000 slaveholders who were fighting in the Union army.,pantsfire President Barack Obama met with Iranian president Hassan Rouhani.,pantsfire Christian Pastor in Vermont Sentenced to One Year in Prison After Refusing to Marry Gay Couple,pantsfire JayZ and Beyonce Attempt to Buy Rights to Confederate Flag to Prevent Further Use.,pantsfire The Mexican government forces many bad people into our country.,pantsfire Aphotograph of 21yearold Hillary Clinton featured a Confederate battle flag in the background.,pantsfire After actions by Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans Wisconsin is dead broke.,pantsfire The Civil War wasnt about slavery.,pantsfire Under the Affordable Care Act anyone on Medicare who is admitted to a hospital for observation will be responsible for the bill. Medicare wont pay a cent.,pantsfire Says South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is an immigrant.,pantsfire Says the California flag was supposed to be apear not a bear.,pantsfire The last quarter it was just announced our gross domestic product was below zero. Who ever heard of this Its never below zero.,pantsfire If you care about the environment weve got record funding.,pantsfire Were the only nation in the world that does not use the military to secure our border.,pantsfire The runnerup to Caitlyn Jenner for ESPNs Arthur Ashe Courage Award was Army veteran Noah Galloway who lost an arm and leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq.,pantsfire America has already taken in onefourth of Mexicos entire population.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz said While there may have been an age difference Josh Duggars transgressions are far less an affront to God than what gays do to each other.,pantsfire There was a 57percent decrease in fireworksrelated injuries in 2000 after Connecticut legalized sparklers compared to the 14 years prior.,pantsfire Democrat Russ Feingold announced his Wisconsin Senate run today fromCalifornia.,pantsfire During Obamas first five years as president black unemployment increased 42 percent. During Reagans presidency black unemployment dropped 20 percent.,pantsfire Transgender individuals in the U.S. have a 1in12 chance of being murdered.,pantsfire The projected revenue from the MayweatherPacquiao fight is larger than the annual GDP of 29 different countries.,pantsfire Says Baltimore police are trained by Mossad and Shin Bet.,pantsfire Facebook has unveiled new rules to stop their users from creatingposts related in any way to religion.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz said There is no place for gays or atheists in my America. None. Our Constitution makes that clear.,pantsfire Says President Ronald Reagan had a month of job creation of 1 million.,pantsfire Says Hillary Clinton will receive her congressional salary until she dies and the Secret Service pays her mortgage.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz just flipflopped about the president needing to be U.S.born.,pantsfire Says Gov. Scott Walker has been rated Americas most factuallychallenged politician.,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy voted to allow members of Congress to receive taxpayerfunded health care for life.,pantsfire Recent solar energy policies in Georgia have resulted in rate hikes and did not result in solar becoming any more economically viable.,pantsfire Creflo Dollar needed a $65 million Gulfstream G650 to carry thousands of pounds of food and other supplies as well as the Word of God worldwide.,pantsfire Texas this fiscal year will have more money in reserve than the other 49 states combined.,pantsfire Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas said Hey all you wrinkly whiteaged hasbeens Its time for you to die and let the next generation have your spot on the planet.,pantsfire There is a very identifiable Somali community back home in Delaware.,pantsfire On climate change the temperature readings have been fabricated and its all blowing up in their scientists faces.,pantsfire A Texas law says that you cant shoot bears out of the second floor of a window.,pantsfire Mercury is used in vaccines and there is no safe level of mercury.,pantsfire Sheriffs Call For Obamas Lynching While Leader Meets With GOP Senators,pantsfire Fundamental changes made to the language describing the Wisconsin Idea in the University of Wisconsin Systems mission statement were the result of a drafting error.,pantsfire The children coming across the southern U.S. border were never examined after they got here and quarantined if they had a disease. They were just sent out across the country. Many of them had measles ... We now have an outbreak of it all because of our immigration policy.,pantsfire Documents released from the Soviet Union show the Soviet Union started treating President Ronald Reagan more seriously after Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.,pantsfire The U.S. unemployment rate has been massaged its been doctored.,pantsfire On assault weapon violence Ducks have more protection than people in Virginia.,pantsfire You cannot build a little guy up by tearing a big guy down Abraham Lincoln said it.,pantsfire There are actual cities like Birmingham England that are totally Muslim where nonMuslims just simply dont go in.,pantsfire Newly Elected Republican Senators Sign Pledge to Eliminate Food Stamp Program in 2015.,pantsfire Fox News airs Stuart Scott R.I.P. tribute with picture of Stephen A. Smith.,pantsfire New tax increases that went into effect on Jan.1 2015 all passed under the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama has said that everybody should hate the police.,pantsfire Congress is a very special group of people. More than 80 percent of them never left the United States.,pantsfire Texas House Speaker Joe Straus said I do not care if Wallace Hall swings from a tree.,pantsfire Nobody suffered any lasting injuries from the CIA interrogation program.,pantsfire When Barack Obama took office 2.3 million people were out of work. Fiveplus years later we have 5 millionplus out of work.,pantsfire Fluoride in the water that was originally done by the Nazis,pantsfire Says a man in Ferguson Mo. was photographed holding a sign that said No mother should have to fear for her sons life every time he robs a store.,pantsfire 794 law enforcement officers have fallen in the line of duty since B.H. Obama took office with no special recognition from the White House.,pantsfire A sign in Dearborn Mich. for the Advancement of Islamic Agenda for America says Allah be praised. America we will kill you all and nothing you can do to stop it.,pantsfire Austin mayoral candidate Steve Adler has never been active in anything that has to do with City Hall.,pantsfire The Kochs stand to make around $100 billion if the government approves the Keystone XL pipeline.,pantsfire Congress Approves Bill Offering Free Cars To Welfare Recipients.,pantsfire According to recent reports a group of death panels organized under Obamacare ordered their first execution.,pantsfire Loretta Lynch the new nominee for attorney general was a member of Bill Clintons defense team during the 1992 Whitewater corruption probe.,pantsfire If Cory Gardner gets his way youd better stock up on condoms.,pantsfire The Affordable Care Act says that at age 76 when you most need it most you are not eligible for cancer treatment. Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patients age.,pantsfire Prayer rugs have recently been found on the Texas side of the border in the brush.,pantsfire Elorza wants to teach our public school children about the nonexistence of God.,pantsfire In 2013 Dan Patrick voted against funding to test the backlog of rape kits allowing rapists to walk free.,pantsfire 2014 Federal Tax Refunds To Be Delayed Until October 2015.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obamas recent New York fundraising trip cost between $25 million and $50 million.,pantsfire At least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas and there are dozens more that did not get caught by the Border Patrol.,pantsfire According to a government supplier of emergency products the Disaster Assistance Response Team was told to be prepared to be activated in the month of October for an outbreak of Ebola.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland voted himself health care for life.,pantsfire The nonprofit groupFeeding America is lying when it claimsthat one in five kids is fighting starvation daily in the United States.,pantsfire Mary Landrieu voted to take away your gun rights.,pantsfire Michelle Nunns own plan says she funded organizations linked to terrorists.,pantsfire Greg Abbott and his surrogates have referred to women who have been the victims of rape or incest as though somehow what they are confronting is a minor issue.,pantsfire Says Mary Landrieu voted to fund benefits for illegal immigrants ahead of veterans.,pantsfire Congress includes 36 people accused of spousal abuse 84 arrested for drunk driving in the past year 71 with terrible creditand more.,pantsfire Was Martha Kanter dispatched to Corvallis with $17 million in stimulus money to save Craig Robinsons job,pantsfire A Scott Rothstein victim says that he was swindled by Charlie Crist.,pantsfire To deprive underprivileged children of a meatbased protein during school lunch is most likely depriving them of their only source of protein for the day.,pantsfire SaysPresident Obama hijacked the farm bill and turned it into a food stamp bill.,pantsfire Super Bowl Sunday has the highest rate of domestic violence.,pantsfire Three of five detainees swapped for Bowe Bergdahl are now ISIS leaders.,pantsfire Recently Rick Scott closed 30 womens health care centers across the state.,pantsfire As chair of the Senate Education Committee I led the charge to restore most of the education cuts from last session.,pantsfire A flight from Atlanta to Houston was canceled due to a terrorist dry run.,pantsfire McDonalds hamburgers are only 15 percent real beef. The other 85 percent is meat filler cleansed with ammonia which causes stomach and intestinal cancer.,pantsfire Says Dan Sullivan approved a light sentence for a sex offenderwho got out of prison andis now charged with a gruesome murder and sexual assault.,pantsfire Over 73 of all donations raised from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge are going to fundraising overhead executive salaries and external donations.,pantsfire Says Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad chartered a plane to remove 124 young illegal immigrants from his state and take them back to Honduras.,pantsfire Obamacare prevents Florida from regulating insurance.,pantsfire Documents released by Edward Snowden reveal that American Britishand Israeli intelligence agencies worked together to create the Islamic State.,pantsfire Says Ted Cruz was just bribed by the Kochs to introduce a bill that would give them and their allies Americas national forests parks and other public lands and open them for mining drilling fracking and logging.,pantsfire Says Marilinda Garcia supports $150 billion in new taxes.,pantsfire Far more children died last year drowning in their bathtubs than were killed accidentally by guns.,pantsfire Says the former president of the Czech Republic said the American people were a confederacy of fools for electing Barack Obama.,pantsfire The wife of the Ferguson Mo. police chief said AfricanAmericans in Ferguson are feral and violent.,pantsfire Says George Soros and Bill Gates are funding a bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone that caused the Ebola outbreak.,pantsfire I havent really proposed phasing out aid to Israel in the past.,pantsfire Austin mayoral candidate Mike Martinez takes corporate money.,pantsfire President Barack Obamas latest executive order mandates the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness. ,pantsfire Women own just 1 percent of the worlds land.,pantsfire The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau passed a rule giving the agency unprecedented power to shut down businesses no matter what the reason at any time it wishes.,pantsfire Mitt Romney did not run his campaign on the basis of arguing his experience in the business world was a reason to vote for him.,pantsfire The United States is at historic record highs of individuals being apprehended on the border from countries with terrorist ties such as Pakistan or Afghanistan or Syria.,pantsfire This administration is slashing the Navy to pay for more Obamacare.,pantsfire Global warming is a hoax.,pantsfire Says John Cornyn dodged the draft during the Vietnam War.,pantsfire Im not a conspiracy theorist and I never allow conspiracy theorists on my program.,pantsfire We know how to stop AIDS persuade men not to have sex with men.,pantsfire Weve had about 3000 murders in connection with lax border security.,pantsfire More than 3000 homicides were committed by illegal aliens over the past six years.,pantsfire Says former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that if the workers are more insecure thats very healthy for the society because theyll serve the masters gladly and passively.,pantsfire Amid the crisis at our southern border there are reports of illegal migrants carrying deadly diseases such as Ebola virus.,pantsfire North Korea is telling its people that their mens national team is in the World Cup final.,pantsfire Fox News is banned in Canada because it violatesa law thatprevents news channels from lying to their viewers.,pantsfire Although the governor doubled the beach fees . . . all the money as we found out is all going to an outofstate company. The state isnt even getting the money for that.,pantsfire Justice John Roberts Signed Off On Obamas Arrest For Treason.,pantsfire In the last three years alone 13 times the Supreme Court unanimously 90 including all of the presidents liberal picks have struck down the presidents executive orders.,pantsfire Gov. Deal has the worst record on education in the history of this state.,pantsfire Obama regime planned the influx of illegal alien children at the border.,pantsfire When asked by a reporter whether hes at the center of a criminal scheme to violate campaign laws Gov. Scott Walker nodded yes.,pantsfire NASA scientists fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest year to overstate the extent of global warming.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama said that ordinary men and women are too smallminded to govern their own affairs and that individuals should surrender their rights to an allpowerful sovereign.,pantsfire Says of flood of nonMexicans being apprehended at the border These are people that are coming from states like Syria that have substantial connections back to terrorist regimes and terrorist operations.,pantsfire President Barack Obama is the first president to keep a dogtrainer on retainer for $102000 a year at taxpayer expense.,pantsfire Barack Obama is the first president to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect.,pantsfire Says a picture he posted on Facebook of a man posing in front of five decapitated human heads is one of the subhuman mongrels our president set free.,pantsfire Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine voted to let the U.N. take OUR guns.,pantsfire Obama Signs Bill Forgiving All Student Loan Debt.,pantsfire Ken Block supports Obamacare.,pantsfire U.S. Reps. Eric Cantor and Luis Gutierrez were touring the country last year joined at the hip working together in a bipartisan fashion indeed for the goal of immigration reform.,pantsfire SaysMichele Bachmann said on Fox News This country could use a president like Benjamin Franklin again.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama is the only American president who has not visited the DDay Monument in Normandy on DDay.,pantsfire Solar panels drain the suns energy.,pantsfire Obama Announces Plans For A Third Term Presidential Run,pantsfire Obamacare is one big fat VA system.,pantsfire A company hired to do Common Core testing in Florida will attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can.,pantsfire No Republicans voted for recent hikes in the income tax payroll tax capital gains tax dividend tax and estate tax. These taxes were all passed under Obamacare.,pantsfire Wendy Davis was just doing a fundraiser in Chicago with the international socialists organization.,pantsfire Wendy Davis raised money for a U.S. House Democrat who is a member of a Democratic socialists group.,pantsfire Florida Democrats just voted to impose Sharia law on women.,pantsfire Idaho Republican Rep. Mike Simpson is a liberal who voted with Nancy Pelosi to fund sex study programs of San Francisco prostitutes and to regulate the sale of firearms.,pantsfire There are over 200 documented cases where Obama has lied.,pantsfire For every Kentuckian that has enrolled in Obamacare 40 have been dropped from their coverage.,pantsfire Residential property taxes in Providence are up nearly 27 percent under Mayor Taveras.,pantsfire Says gubernatorial candidate Clay Pell hasnt spent a dime on advertising.,pantsfire Jules Bailey was instrumental in creating the Business Energy Tax Credit that let companies like WalMart profit by $11 million while costing the Oregon general fund $33 million.,pantsfire Says Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a Democrat.,pantsfire The Constitution simply does not authorize the federal government to own any of this land in the Western states.,pantsfire Over 300K home owner suicides attributed to foreclosures.,pantsfire Because the EPA closed a lead smelter in Missouri all lead for bullets will have to come from overseas,pantsfire Says Charlie Crists campaign bashedSen. Bill Nelsons biggovernment solutions.,pantsfire The Bundy Ranch deal is all about Nevada Sen. Harry Reid using federal violence to take peoples land in his state so he can package it to resell it to the Chinese.,pantsfire Dan Patrick changed his name from Danny Goeb to hide from his debts.,pantsfire Says Bruce Braley took tens of thousands from his friends in the health insurance industry and gave them special favors by voting for Obamacare.,pantsfire Says Rep. Michele Bachmann said President Barack Obama might be to blame for the Fort Hood shootings.,pantsfire Says Michelle Obama waved red communist flags on her trip to China.,pantsfire Wisconsin wages are declining at double the rate of other states.,pantsfire Says Marco Rubio believes the earth is 9000 years old and that humans hunted dinosaurs to extinction says Rand Paul believes the earth is 10000 years old and God removed dinosaurs to make space for humans.,pantsfire Reporters rehearse questions with White House press secretary.,pantsfire President Barack Obama spent $5 billion paying Ukrainians to riot and dismantle their democratically elected government.,pantsfire Says President AbrahamLincoln tried to arm the slaves.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama told a room of students Children every time I clap my hands together a child in America dies from gun violence and then a child told him he could solve the problem by not clapping any more.,pantsfire Under Scott Walker Wisconsin unemployments up from 4.8 to 6.2,pantsfire Ive been a cop in Lake County Michigan since 1982 thereabout. I conduct federal raids with the DEA and ATF and U.S. Marshals and the FBI and Texas Rangers.,pantsfire Says Nancy Pelosi said Waiting long hours in the emergency room will allow you to make new friends,pantsfire A poll shows 71 percent of Obama voters regret voting for him.,pantsfire Under current policies were going to reduce the overall debt of the United States by $3 trillion over the next 10 years.,pantsfire Mitch McConnell voted with Harry Reid to infringe on our gun rights.,pantsfire A photo from the RussiaFinland hockey game shows a sad Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.,pantsfire The Republican leadership in the House has refused to address the issues that matter the most to Rhode Island such as passing a jobs bill.,pantsfire Says Michele Bachmann said English was good enough for Jesus when he wrote the Bible.,pantsfire John Cornyn voted twice in 2013 to back Obamas amnesty plan.,pantsfire Says President BarackObama has issued upwards of 1000 executive orders more than any modern president.,pantsfire A friends sister died from Obamacare becauseBlue Shield completely just pulled out of California.,pantsfire 25 of human trafficking victims are located in Texas.,pantsfire Monica Wehby and Jason Conger are causing devastating consequences for nearly 23000 Oregonians looking for work.,pantsfire Forty years ago hardly anybody in the country had health insurance.,pantsfire The average rate of fraud in the Earned Income Tax Credit Medicare Medicaid and food stamps programs is 20 to 25 percent.,pantsfire Action by the Milwaukee County Board will provide the County Executive with the same level of security as the Governor and the Mayor of Milwaukee while saving taxpayers $300000.,pantsfire During the leadup to the American Revolutionary War some guy in Boston got his head blown off because he tried to secretly raise the tax on tea.,pantsfire Scott Walkers income tax plan is a tax hike. It increases taxes for nearly 80 of the people in the state.,pantsfire Oregon Rep. Tina Kotek DPortland has never held a job nor run a business,pantsfire Says the media created the term polar vortex and the cold air proves the ice isnt melting.,pantsfire Earlier this year John DePetro was accused of sexually assaulting a female coworker.,pantsfire Obamacare Medical Codes Confirm Execution by Beheading To Be Implemented in America.,pantsfire The fact that one town has three lanes dedicated to it that kind of gets me sauced.,pantsfire By the word religion in the First Amendment the founders meant Christianity.,pantsfire School children can earn higher grades by studying Islam under a new nationwide Muslim outreach program announced by President Barack Obama.,pantsfire The Earth is not warming.,pantsfire Says Vladimir Putin said President Obama and his fellow Democrats are either idiots or deliberately trying to destroy their own economy.,pantsfire Why would our president close the embassy to the Vatican Hopefully it is not retribution for Catholic organizations opposing Obamacare.,pantsfire Back door gun control is in full effect in the United States due to Obamas Environmental Protection Agency.,pantsfire Says the Obama administration is handing out a pamphlet titled What To Do When The Veteran In Your Classroom Attempts A Mass Shooting,pantsfire With a bill bringing $100 million in property tax relief the typical Wisconsin homeowner will save approximately $680 over four years.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama knew half of the population of the United States would lose their health insurance.,pantsfire What we said was you can keep your plan if it hasnt changed since the law passed.,pantsfire Were one of the only communities in the country that didnt lose population in the last census.,pantsfire Texas Governor Rick Perrys voter ID law is a blatant effort to defeat Wendy Davis by disenfranchising tens of thousands of women voters.,pantsfire If I have affordable coverage in my workplace Im not eligible to go into the marketplace. ... Its illegal.,pantsfire Soldiers Donating to Tea Party Now Face Punishment Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.,pantsfire Wisconsin sold fresh water to California helping that states dairy industry and lost a bunch of jobs and a bunch of farmland.,pantsfire Says Ken Cuccinelli wants to eliminate all forms of birth control.,pantsfire About 47 percent of ablebodied people in the state of Maine dont work.,pantsfire The goal of Common Core is to instill federally determined attitudes and mindsets in students including political and religious beliefs.,pantsfire Congressional lawmakers earn their salaries FOR LIFE which for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi would add up to $803700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical.,pantsfire No doctors who went to an American medical school will be accepting Obamacare.,pantsfire The White House had a live video feed of the Benghazi attacks as they occurred.,pantsfire A $10 million fire fee proposal in St. Petersburg was inspired by Gov. Rick Scott.,pantsfire Says a man opted out of Obamacare after the marketplace launched on Oct. 1 2013 and was informed he owed a $4000 fine.,pantsfire Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month.,pantsfire Ken Cuccinelli tried to shut down state government.,pantsfire In a sweetheart deal members of Congress thanks to the Obama administration are going to be the only people in America to get subsidies in the Obamacare exchanges.,pantsfire Warren Buffett says stop Obamacare now and start over.,pantsfire Obamacare will question your sex life.,pantsfire Warren Buffett recently said Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over.,pantsfire The United States stood alone in the war in Iraq.,pantsfire Says Gov. Scott Walker hasnt done a public event this entire year.,pantsfire An account of attacks in Benghazi written by former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers shows that the body of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was dragged through the streets and abused.,pantsfire Americas gunrelated homicide rate would be about the same as Belgiums if you left out California Illinois D.C. and New Jersey places with some of the strictest gun control laws in the U.S.,pantsfire Obamacare provision will allow forcedhome inspections by government agents.,pantsfire Under Obamacare The IRS will have access to the American peoples protected health care information.,pantsfire A United Nations working group has adopted a proposed agenda to enable member nations to disarm civilians within their borders.,pantsfire Says some Austin school district classrooms lack electrical outlets.,pantsfire I was banned from talking about Bill Ayers during the 2008 presidential campaign.,pantsfire Under Obamacare 75 percent of small businesses now say they are going to be forced to either fire workers or cut their hours.,pantsfire U.S. Department of Homeland Security has told banks in writing it may inspect safe deposit boxes without warrant and seize any gold silver guns or other valuables it finds inside those boxes,pantsfire In Providence R.I. its illegal to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday.,pantsfire The president by executive order could grant voting rights to illegal immigrants who are newly legalized under pending legislation.,pantsfire A hidden provision in the health care law taxes sporting goods as medical devices.,pantsfire Says an investigative report concluded Ken Cuccinelli should have been prosecuted for disclosure violations but Virginias law was too weak.,pantsfire Private prison systems are calculating how many new beds they will need based on the ... number of third graders.,pantsfire Says if Texas abortion measure passes someone living in El Paso would have to drive 550 miles each way to San Antonio for something as simple as cervical cancer screening.,pantsfire Says Ohio budget item later signed into law by Gov. John Kasich requires women seeking an abortion to undergo a mandatory vaginal probe.,pantsfire Obamacare will provide insurance to all nonU.S. residents even if they are here illegally.,pantsfire Abortion is the secondmost conducted surgical procedure in this country.,pantsfire Says Arkansas Republican Rep. Tom Cotton voted to provide Congress with taxpayerfunded health care for life.,pantsfire The immigration bill includes free Obamacars motorcycles or scooters.,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Phil Gingrey wants public schools to teach women to stay in their place.,pantsfire Under Republicanbacked state budget the state education agency estimates expansion of Wisconsins school voucher program could cost nearly $2 billion annually,pantsfire Says Florida didnt offer special incentives to Deutsche Bank which announced it will add 300 jobs in Florida.,pantsfire Says a rape kit can be used to clean out women basically like dilation and curettage.,pantsfire Says abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.,pantsfire The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is transparent.,pantsfire Rhode Island didnt ratify the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to pay federal income taxes. So Rhode Island doesnt even have to pay federal income taxes.,pantsfire The United States has never stood by and seen innocent people slaughtered to the extent thats happening in Syria.,pantsfire A hidden provision in Obamacare taxes sporting goods as medical devices.,pantsfire Says twothirds of groups targeted for IRS scrutiny were not conservative.,pantsfire Says At age 76 when you most need it you are not eligible for cancer treatment under Affordable Care Act.,pantsfire Says Gov. John Kasich implied that a portion of workers compensation rebates to employers should be directed back to him in the form of campaign cash.,pantsfire The National Rifle Association was founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan.,pantsfire Says the word Dhimmitude is on page 107 of the health care law and means Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance.,pantsfire The IRS is going to be in charge of a huge national database on health care that will include Americans personal intimate most closetothevestsecrets.,pantsfire Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is buried not far from President Kennedys grave.,pantsfire Science has not shown greenhouse gases to be a problem.,pantsfire Accuses Ed FitzGerald of paytoplay and corruption politics.,pantsfire Nearly 40000 new jobs have been created in the last year due to the new wells . . . right here in Ohio.,pantsfire New Virginia regulations on abortion clinics provide the same sanitary environment we expect of dental offices.,pantsfire Says he has yet to get a response from Barack Obama to his August 2010 letter making border security requests.,pantsfire The working tax cut created over 40000 new jobs in just the last four years.,pantsfire Gov. Scott Walker is more than halfway to his 250000 jobs goal.,pantsfire In 2012 1 in 4 Wisconsin schools had a subpar score on the Department of Public Instructions recent report cards and are failing the children they serve.,pantsfire Says that his transportation budget and Ohio Turnpike plan would make sure we have lower tolls than weve had through the history of the turnpike.,pantsfire A report by the US General Accountability Office GAO in 2008 found that the disposal of Katrina wastes by AshBritt in the south resulted in the creation of contaminated sites along the Gulf Coast and two new Superfund sites in New Orleans.,pantsfire College students who are NOT U.S. Citizens and who get the PELL Grant plan to return to their home countries after getting free gas cards and child care.,pantsfire Says the Democrats told the Catholic Church that theyll use federal powers to shut down church charities and hospitals if the church doesnt change its beliefs.,pantsfire Q What do these Patriotic Americans have in common A They are all Draft Dodgers.,pantsfire Scientists tell us that we could have a cure in 10 years for Alzheimers were it not for overzealous regulators excessive taxation and greedy litigators.,pantsfire Of every three dollars in food stamps for the needy seven dollars in salaries and pensions go to the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor.,pantsfire U.S. Rep. Scott Rigell wants gun owners in a federal registration system.,pantsfire Says Kurt Schrader supports Obamas sequester but wont cut $1.6 million to fund new video games.,pantsfire Says Gov. Rick Scott cut more government jobs than were created in the private sector in Florida in 2012.,pantsfire Theres no plan from Senate Democrats or the White House to replace the sequester.,pantsfire The National Science Foundation spent $1.2 million paying seniors to play World of Warcraft to study the impact it had on their brain.,pantsfire Theres more murders with hammers last year than...shotguns and pistols and AK47s.,pantsfire Says Chuck Hagels nomination as defense secretary has been publicly celebrated by the Iranian government.,pantsfire There are more people killed with baseball bats and hammers than are killed with guns.,pantsfire Except for Virginia the other 49 states keep raising their gas tax.,pantsfire Wisconsin state lawmakers worked seven days in 2012 but got paid for a whole year.,pantsfire Statistics show one male cat can father 420000 kittens in five years.,pantsfire Says his plan to raise car registration to $56 would still leave Virginia with a fee thats equal to or lower than most states.,pantsfire We just had someone last week in Neenah near a school kill someone with a bow and arrow.,pantsfire Religious groups like Knights of Columbus have been forced to allow samesex marriage ceremonies in their facilities against their beliefs.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. John Barrow DGa. celebrates gun ownership even in the face of school shootings.,pantsfire Says Chris Christies plan to kickstart our economy is to propose an income tax cut that disproportionately benefits the wealthy and...hes still proposing it.,pantsfire Members of Congress specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment ... and from the healthcare reform.,pantsfire Says 11 states have more people on welfare than employed.,pantsfire Members of Congress can retire with the same pay after only one term in office,pantsfire Our numbers are going up at the airport.,pantsfire Switzerland where the government issues every household a gun . . . has the lowest gun related crime rate of any civilized country in the world,pantsfire Wisconsin has created just under 100000 jobs since he took office.,pantsfire Says the Obama administration plans to ban all weapons for U.S. citizens through international treaties.,pantsfire If you and I fail to defund ObamaCare now some 16000 new IRS agents will be begin prying into our private medical records eyeing each and every one of our treatments and prescriptions for violations.,pantsfire In one county alone in Ohio President Obama received 106258 votes. But there were only 98213 eligible voters.,pantsfire Says I was the first governor in America to endorse Mitt Romney.,pantsfire Sheldon Whitehouse got a secret closeddoor briefing warning of the 2008 economic crash.,pantsfire Sheldon Whitehouse voted for a $525billion tax increase on the middle class.,pantsfire An Obama campaign tactic for rallying voters is to offer them cell phones.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China at the cost of American jobs.,pantsfire Under President Obama $4000 tax hike on middleclass families.,pantsfire If Buehler were elected our votebymail system would be at risk.,pantsfire Virginia papers called Scott Rigells campaign Mostly False.,pantsfire Says Paul Ryans budget plan ends Medicare.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama began his presidency with an apology tour.,pantsfire Says Mitt Romney plans to fire Big Bird.,pantsfire Less than 10 percent of President Barack Obamas Cabinet members have privatesector experience.,pantsfire U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse rewarded Wall Street executives with millions in bonuses.,pantsfire I never supported a state income tax for Texas.,pantsfire Barack Obama says hes going to reduce the longterm debt and deficit by $4 trillion doesnt say how hes going to do it.,pantsfire Says Eric Cantor voted to assure Congress would be paid if the government shut down and against guaranteeing troops would be paid.,pantsfire Says Mitt Romneys investments created zero jobs.,pantsfire Says Illinois Democrat David Gill would end Medicare.,pantsfire Barack Hussein Obama will force doctors to assist homosexuals in buying surrogate babies.,pantsfire Barack Hussein Obama will ... force local authorities to allow Occupy protesters to live in parks.,pantsfire Barack Hussein Obama will ... force courts to accept Islamic Sharia law in domestic disputes.,pantsfire Says One of the states largest governments made charging this tax one of their top priorities just this year.,pantsfire Says Obama sent $450 million to China to build a wind farm in Texas.,pantsfire Redistribution has never been a characteristic of America.,pantsfire Portland Schools spend $500K to deem PBJ sandwiches racist.,pantsfire An aide acted on his own and was not representing the Thompson campaign when he sent an email criticizing the sexual orientation of U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin.,pantsfire Sen. Bob Menendez voted to enact a new tax on the sale of homes of 3.8.,pantsfire This would be the largest casino in the United States.,pantsfire Says she was misquoted and didnt say that the Israeli ambassador said what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama is a Muslim.,pantsfire U.S. military uniforms are manufactured in China.,pantsfire Barack Obama began his presidency with an apology tour.,pantsfire The Obama administration even proposed banning farm kids from doing basic chores,pantsfire Says President Obama has waived the work requirement for welfare.,pantsfire Says that Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has made it clear by his repeated actions that he will pursue a policy that promotes the interest of Islamist sic and their radical ideology as long as he is governor.,pantsfire Says Reps. Rush Holt Frank Pallone and Bill Pascrell are willing to jeopardize seniors access to coverage by gutting $741 billion from Medicare to pay for a biggovernment healthcare takeover.,pantsfire Says Josh Mandel bet against Ohio families,pantsfire Sherrod Brown sent billions of our tax dollars to foreign countries.,pantsfire Says the federal government mandates transexuals sic and homosexuals grabbing children in their strangerdanger zones in the name of airport security.,pantsfire As Florida secretary of state Kurt Browning allowed 1800 illegal voters to register in Florida.,pantsfire Under Obamas plan for welfare you wouldnt have to work and wouldnt have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.,pantsfire Medicare insurance premiums will be rising to $120.20 per month in 2013 and $247.00 per month in 2014.,pantsfire Says Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.,pantsfire Foreign Chinese prostitution money is allegedly behind the groups funding Congressman Scott DesJarlaiss TN04 Republican Majority.,pantsfire Says millions of dollars in tax breaks were paid for by busting unions cutting BadgerCare and raising taxes on the poor and the middle class thanks to Elizabeth Coggs help.,pantsfire Says his patents in ultrasound have revolutionized modern medicine.,pantsfire Says Donna Campbell is pushing a 35 percent sales tax extending to medicine groceries and real estate.,pantsfire Says U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy is among seven Tea Party freshmen who spent an average of $15000 on cars for themselves.,pantsfire Says Mitt Romney backed a bill that outlaws all abortions even in cases of rape and incest.,pantsfire Says Barack Obama counted on Sandy Adams to approve stimulus spending.,pantsfire The health care law includes a 3.8 sales tax on all real estate transactions.,pantsfire Says President Barack Obama doubled the national debt which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate in one year.,pantsfire When Josh Mandel claims to have accepted three debates with Sen. Sherrod Brown he is lying. He has accepted ZERO proposed debates.,pantsfire Gov. Bill Haslam is making our Economic Development department Sharia compliant by hiring a woman who specializes in Sharia compliance. Thats what her job is.,pantsfire Says Obamacare is the largest middleclass tax increase in history.,pantsfire Obamacarerepresents the largest tax increase in the history of the world.,pantsfire The Affordable Care Act will likely go down as the biggest tax increase in history.,pantsfire