Statement,Label The average amount of assistance for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is $6 a day.,mostlytrue Donald Trump wanted to amnesty 2 million illegal aliens in 2018 when he was president.,mostlytrue Americans will get $1.1 B in rebates from health insurance companies this year cuz of a provision I wrote in the ACA.,mostlytrue The New York state budget covers 96 of eligible preschoolers,mostlytrue Latino small businesses are 1 in 4 new businesses but only 1 of venture capital funding goes to Latino businesses.,mostlytrue Donald Trump himself wrote a book where he was talking about the need to increase the age of eligibility for Social Security to 70.,mostlytrue Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a lastminute exception into an antidiscrimination law for anyone who also operates a theme park more than 25 acres in Florida benefiting Walt Disney Co.,mostlytrue Texas Republicans just voted to give a Republican appointee the power to singlehandedly CANCEL election results in the states largest Democratic county.,mostlytrue Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans 1845.,mostlytrue Missouris attorney general has a website where people can report trans individuals and the people who help them.,mostlytrue Florida has the second lowest tax burden per capita in the United States.,mostlytrue One in 5 Americans has lost a family member to gun violence.,mostlytrue Title 42 and other Trumpera holdovers are forcing migrants into dangerous overcrowded conditions in Mexico.,mostlytrue Sullivan County has the highest opioid death rate in all of New York state yet its the only county in the Hudson Valley not included in the federal HighIntensity Drug Trafficking Area program.,mostlytrue The UK has had ZERO school shootings since it changed its gun laws after a 1996 school shooting.,mostlytrue Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens it has overtaken cars.,mostlytrue Every single county in New York has experienced a federal climate disaster between 20112021.,mostlytrue A proposal in Syracuse would pay gang members $100$200 per week to stay out of trouble.,mostlytrue We cut Black child poverty in half in 2021 because of the child tax credit.,mostlytrue Walgreens position has always been to dispense Mifepristone in any jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so.,mostlytrue Wisconsin has seen over 63 billion dollars of federal pandemicrelated funding funnel into our state over Gov. Tony Evers tenure.,mostlytrue Wake County is the only large county in North Carolina that elects its commissioners atlarge countywide.,mostlytrue New York City Mayor Eric Adams proposes to ban chocolate milk.,mostlytrue Lifetime earnings of someone with a college degree is over a million dollars more than those entering the workforce without one.,mostlytrue We banned transgender people from serving in the military.,mostlytrue The whole green energy agenda involves more than doubling 10 types of mining.,mostlytrue Obama imposed stricter rules on trains carrying toxins. Trump killed them.,mostlytrue Energy costs are the highest in 15 years.,mostlytrue Canada is to thank for American football.,mostlytrue Studies show that children who go to preschool are nearly 50 more likely to finish high school and go on to earn a two or fouryear degree no matter their background they came from.,mostlytrue In Wisconsin even multimillionaires can be on BadgerCare because we dont even ask people what their income level is to qualify for free health care.,mostlytrue In 2010 Wisconsin Republicans inherited a multiBillion dollar deficit Today we are looking at a projected surplus approaching 7 Billion.,mostlytrue The USA has a gun homicide rate 26 times higher than our peers.,mostlytrue Virginia tax receipts in just the last four years alone have grown 50.,mostlytrue Fiftyone percent of our taxes are paid by 2 of New Yorkers.,mostlytrue Every prolife Governor up for election in November won by a large margin.,mostlytrue A default on our debt would be unprecedented in American history.,mostlytrue Since a new immigration program was implemented the number of Venezuelans trying to enter the U.S. illegally decreased from about 1100 per day to less than 250 per day on average.,mostlytrue Literally five homeless people a day die on our streets in the city of Los Angeles.,mostlytrue Florida Senate Bill 2A does not provide immediate relief to homeowners dealing with high property insurance rates and will force some constituents to pay up to 20 more.,mostlytrue The U.S. trade deficit with China has gone from about $80 billion a year in the 1990s to $400 billion a year.,mostlytrue Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted with the president 93 of the time.,mostlytrue For the last several months wages have gone up more than prices have gone up.,mostlytrue In the first three quarters of 2022 the railroad industry made $21 billion in profits provided $25 billion in stock buybacks and dividends and CEOs are paid up to $20 million a year while railroad workers have zero guaranteed sick leave.,mostlytrue When you compare us to the European Union were something like 23 times more likely to have homicides and handgun killings.,mostlytrue An overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites support restoring Roe and legalizing marijuana.,mostlytrue Herschel Walker wants a nationwide ban on abortion and said no exceptions not even for rape or incest or life of the mother.,mostlytrue If Arizona were a country itd be the eighth largest incarcerator in the world.,mostlytrue Sen. Marco Rubio helped write the law to raise prescription prices.,mostlytrue The state is absorbing the cost of overtime pay for farmworkers and farm owners do not have to pay any more.,mostlytrue Katie Hobbs has voted to double our gas tax.,mostlytrue Says Ron Johnson is making excuses for rioters who tried to overthrow our government even calling them peaceful protests.,mostlytrue One in six local election officials have received threats of violence and threats against judges have doubled over four years and threats against members of Congress have increased by 10 times over five years.,mostlytrue Kari Lake and Mark Finchem have said that they will only honor the results of an election if they agree with it.,mostlytrue Don Bolduc wants to cut trillions from Medicare and end Social Security.,mostlytrue Carol Miller is a multimillionaire worth over $16 million.,mostlytrue If a 12yearold girl became pregnant because of rape or incest Tim Michels would force her to deliver the baby.,mostlytrue When I was your governor we reduced insurance rates by 10.,mostlytrue WV families making less than $400K small businesses will NOT be targeted by the IRS.,mostlytrue Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to die from maternal mortality even when they have the insurance and the income.,mostlytrue Kari Lake has gone on the record saying she supports Arizonas complete abortion ban. Shes called it a great law.,mostlytrue I voted with Trump on trade.,mostlytrue More fentanyl has crossed the border in the last two months under Biden than in 2019 under Trump.,mostlytrue There have now been 16 straight months of OVER 150000 illegal border crossings.,mostlytrue Sen. Marco Rubio and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis voted against aid for Hurricane Sandy.,mostlytrue Mark Finchem wants to strip Arizonas citizens of their capacity to vote by mail.,mostlytrue I was named Iowas most bipartisan member of Congress by TheLugarCenter.,mostlytrue Says Ron Johnson wants to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every single year.,mostlytrue Says under his plan to end cash bail the Waukesha perpetrator wouldnt have been released ,mostlytrue Every time a Republican has been elected president over the last few decades House Democrats have objected to the result,mostlytrue Blake Masters does not support abortion exceptions for rape and incest.,mostlytrue I dont accept a dime of corporate money.,mostlytrue As a mayor John Fetterman chased down an innocent unarmed Black man wielded a shotgun and falsely accused the man triggering a confrontation with police.,mostlytrue Blake Masters wants to pass a national ban on abortion.,mostlytrue Last year the IRS audited Americans earning less than $25000 a year at five times the rate of other groups.,mostlytrue With three months remaining in the Fiscal Year the border patrol has already encountered more illegal immigrants along the Southwest border than in any previous fiscal year.,mostlytrue Abigail Spanberger still votes with and shares Joe Bidens positions 100 of the time.,mostlytrue North Carolina is among some of the top states in the country for the number of ghost guns that are seized as crime guns.,mostlytrue Under Abbott Texas leads the nation in rape offenses while the rate of arrests for rape has fallen by nearly half.,mostlytrue We have more oil and gas permits than ever before right now.,mostlytrue Instead of fighting opioid addiction a nonprofit founded by J.D. Vance paid his top political adviser and funded political polling.,mostlytrue My company was building the Keystone Pipeline when President Joe Biden canceled it.,mostlytrue Fiftyfour percent of Wisconsinites live in a child care desert.,mostlytrue Lee Zeldin voted for abortion bans even when the mothers health is at risk.,mostlytrue Sen. Marco Rubio has one of the worst attendance records in the Senate.,mostlytrue Ninetytwo percent of abortions in Virginia take place before 15 weeks.,mostlytrue Cheri Beasley voted to reverse the conviction of an armed kidnapper release a double murderer early.,mostlytrue A Texas GOP lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would allow the death penalty for women who have an abortion.,mostlytrue The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade made the United States an outlier among developed nations in the world on abortion rights.,mostlytrue Adam Laxalt wants to restrict and worked to limit access to birth control.,mostlytrue Bennie Thompson objected to the 2004 Presidential election.,mostlytrue There are fewer Iowans working today than when Gov. Reynolds took office.,mostlytrue Public schools are now as segregated by race and class as they were in the 1960s.,mostlytrue The leading cause of death among children is a firearm.,mostlytrue More people die from hands fists feet than rifles.,mostlytrue Florida Highway Patrol has a semitruck The FHP uses a fleet of three such hidden in plain sight trucks to snitch on bad drivers.,mostlytrue When we passed the assault weapons ban mass shootings went down. When the law expired mass shootings tripled.,mostlytrue Texas is 50th in the nation in mental health care access.,mostlytrue 90 of Americans regardless of political party want universal background checks.,mostlytrue Most of these killers tend to be 18 19 years old.,mostlytrue Under Greg Abbott property taxes have gone up $20 billion.,mostlytrue Kathy Barnette wants to build a statue of Barack Obama right next to the one of Abraham Lincoln on Capitol Hill.,mostlytrue Joe Biden inherited inflation of 1.7. Now were well over 8 and growing.,mostlytrue Justices Gorsuch Kavanaugh and Barrett assured the Senate Judiciary Committee and the American people that Roe v. Wade was established precedent.,mostlytrue There has never been a leak anything like this draft of a Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade. Theres never been a leak of a vote much less an actual opinion much less in a case of this significance.,mostlytrue The Red Cross sells your donated blood to hospitals for $150 and then that hospital charges you thousands for a blood transfusion.,mostlytrue In 2021 11201 pounds of fentanyl were seized by Customs and Border Protection which is enough to kill every American nearly seven times over.,mostlytrue Inflation has gone up every month of the Biden presidency and just hit another 40year high.,mostlytrue While the initial increase in oil prices resulted in a near instantaneous increase in gas prices for consumers the subsequent decrease in crude oil prices has failed to meaningfully provide relief for Georgias families at the pump.,mostlytrue If Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers had passed his gas tax increases ... fuel prices would be at least a dime higher.,mostlytrue Mehmet Oz called for a New Zealandstyle gun ban and said Americans should have less access to guns.,mostlytrue As compared to last year Texas has about 15 more power generation capacity.,mostlytrue Make no mistake The current spike in gas prices is largely the fault of Vladimir Putin.,mostlytrue U.S. imports 1 of its oil from Russia while Exxon Chevron BP and Shell profits are at their highest level in over 7 years.,mostlytrue The oil industry has 9000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now yesterday last week last year.,mostlytrue Here in Wisconsin prescription drug costs grew at a pace of nearly twice as much as the average Wisconsinites income from 20152019.,mostlytrue During the first 3 months of FY2022 Customs Border Protection recorded 518k encounters w illegal immigrants at S border Thats up 137 from same point in FY2021.,mostlytrue According to Republican Rep. Jeff Shipley teachers should not receive a pay raise if they teach American history that Republicans dont agree with.,mostlytrue Millions of hardworking Americans will no longer have to worry about unexpected medical bills.,mostlytrue Gov. Tony Evers has only gotten onethird of the money meant for COVID relief out the door. He is sitting on $930 million in ARPA funds left unspent. In fact he still has CARES Act money from two years ago.,mostlytrue Teachers can only deduct up to $250 for school supplies on their taxes but billionaires can write off the entire cost of a private jet.,mostlytrue Inflation has been caused by the global economies shutting down all at once reopening all at once. And the U.S. economy is recovering at a far faster pace than any other country in the OECD.,mostlytrue Virginias economic growth has stalled at less than 1 per year for eight years.,mostlytrue A larger percentage of Illinoisans have been vaccinated than in any other Midwestern state.,mostlytrue Governor Kate Brown wants to make Oregons mask mandate PERMANENT.,mostlytrue Sixty percent of Virginias children dont meet national proficiency standards,mostlytrue Clarence Thomas is about to become the only member of the current Supreme Court who was nominated by a president of one party and confirmed by a Senate controlled by the other party.,mostlytrue Right now in the average Texas fourth grade classroom 7 out of 10 kids cannot read at grade level.,mostlytrue Ashley Hinson voted against the bipartisan infrastructure bill that made this money for Iowas locks and dams possible. Once again shes taking credit for work she didnt do.,mostlytrue Omicron is the fastestspreading virus known to humankind.,mostlytrue Weve brought in more than $81 billion in economic investment more than four times any previous administration.,mostlytrue Expanding Medicaid which if we had done at the beginning of the Abbott administration would have brought in $100 billion to this states economy.,mostlytrue Voter ID is supported by an overwhelming majority of NYers from all across the state walks of life political parties.,mostlytrue Overdoses in Virginia are up 35.,mostlytrue Norway spends about $30000 per child on early childhood care Finland spends $23000 Germany $18000 and the U.S. $500.,mostlytrue Over time there have been 160some carveouts to the filibuster.,mostlytrue Even after accounting for rising prices the typical American family has more money in their pockets than they did last year.,mostlytrue Within two years there were two 500year storm events in Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Youve had over 2 million women drop out of the workforce during this pandemic.,mostlytrue Only a court can decide that somebody is incompetent to vote the state Election Commission cannot force facilities private facilities to allow special voting deputies inside.,mostlytrue If youre a lowwage worker and youre single and dont have children were literally taxing you into poverty.,mostlytrue The 550 U.S. billionaires together are worth $2.5 trillion. If we confiscated 100 of their wealth wed raise enough to run the federal government for less than eight months.,mostlytrue Gas in North Carolina increased 14 cents per gallon this past week the highest in the nation.,mostlytrue Says Rebecca Kleefisch played a key role in the Foxconn deal the largest attempted government handout to a foreign company in American history.,mostlytrue Welcome 2 Pres Bidens America where inflation is costing households an extra $175 a month.,mostlytrue Raising the debt limit is paying our old debts. It has nothing to do with new spending.,mostlytrue The vast majority of the refugees coming into Fort McCoy are not the SIVs and some have no documentation at all.,mostlytrue Thirty years ago the United States ranked sixth among advanced economies in the share of women in the workforce. You know where we are today Twentythree.,mostlytrue There are precious few religions that actually say you cannot get vaccinated.,mostlytrue In West Virginia a gallon of gas is nearly one dollar more than it was a year ago and were paying about 30 cents more for a gallon of milk than we did at this time last year.,mostlytrue Approximately 60000 Canadians currently live undocumented in the USA.,mostlytrue Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers wanted to raise your taxes by $1 billion in a pandemic. Republicans stopped him and delivered the largest tax CUT in state history.,mostlytrue People who have recovered from COVID19 have very strong immunity.,mostlytrue Ivermectin has been FDA approved for human use since 1996.,mostlytrue Im the only frontline prosecutor in this race thats actually used the resources of the Wisconsin Crime Lab in the prosecution of cases.,mostlytrue Before 2020 crime had been falling every year year after year in the city of Buffalo.,mostlytrue Women are disproportionately impacted by voter ID laws especially married women who change their names or those whose IDs do not accurately reflect their gender.,mostlytrue The Virginia Employment Commission is sixth in the nation for getting benefits to eligible people quickly,mostlytrue The average hospital stay for a case of COVID19 costs about $17064. The vaccine is free.,mostlytrue North Carolina during this pandemic had among the lowest COVIDrelated deaths as well as job losses per capita.,mostlytrue 100 Sailors at sea. All vaxxed. All with COVID seven weeks following deployment.,mostlytrue The man next to Mike Pompeo in a November 2020 photo is the guy the Trump administration helped get out of jail in 2018 and who is now the president of Afghanistan.,mostlytrue We watched Terry McAuliffe when he was governor lower the accreditation standards in our schools...,mostlytrue Every time outgoing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the firearm industry is immune from lawsuits its false.,mostlytrue By 2040 70 of the population is expected to live in just 15 states.,mostlytrue When Terry McAuliffe was governor Unemployment went down in every single county including rural Virginia by nearly 50.,mostlytrue George Washington mandated smallpox vaccines for the Continental Army.,mostlytrue Ten thousand people have recently died. 9950 of them thereabouts are people who hadnt been vaccinated.,mostlytrue In 2020 more people voted in America than ever in the history of America in the middle of a onceinacentury pandemic.,mostlytrue Over the last few years more Virginians are moving away from Virginia than are moving to Virginia from the other 49 states.,mostlytrue These 2 Ankeny moms standing next to the Governor are known Qanon and antivaxx conspiracy theorists.,mostlytrue Sadly during the course of the pandemic onethird of our small businesses have closed.,mostlytrue The use and possession of marijuana on U.S. college campuses remains prohibited under federal law,mostlytrue Texans have some of the highest property taxes in the nation,mostlytrue The New York Times published an old stock photo of a young girl and claimed Israeli forces killed her during its recent war with Hamas.,mostlytrue The Biden administrations American Jobs Plan will be the biggest nondefense investment in research and development in the history of our country.,mostlytrue Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee removed more than $8 billion in spending increases from Gov. Evers budget proposal.,mostlytrue Regulating and taxing marijuanamuch like we do alcoholwould generate more than $165M in revenue starting in 2022,mostlytrue After the American Rescue Plans food and nutrition assistance hunger is already sharply down in the United States.,mostlytrue Says Democrats blocked his efforts at police reform.,mostlytrue For mitigating COVID19 spread masks are the number one way to do so.,mostlytrue I restored felons rights 173000 more than any governor in the history of America.,mostlytrue President Joe Bidens American Relief Plan has a lot of money in it for schools but if you really look at it it says that the school money is going to go out until the year 2028.,mostlytrue A new independent study put out last week found that at least 55 of our largest corporations used various loopholes to pay zero federal income tax in 2020.,mostlytrue Residents of New York state pay the highest taxes in the nation.,mostlytrue President Joe Bidens infrastructure proposal is fully paid for. Across 15 years it would raise all of the revenue needed for these onceinalifetime investments.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Tony Evers 202122 state budget increases taxes $1 billion ,mostlytrue People dont pretend to be someone else to go in and vote. You just dont see that kind of fraud.,mostlytrue Says Sen. Cory Booker wants to require a federal license for gun owners but criticizes voter ID laws as discriminatory.,mostlytrue In a majority of states new voters are able to obtain a rifle quicker than theyre able to cast their first ballot.,mostlytrue The latest stimulus package sends stimulus checks to imprisoned murderers rapists and child molesters.,mostlytrue We had the highest number of military sexual assaults ever reported in the last year and we had the lowest conviction rate and the lowest prosecution rate.,mostlytrue Right now twothirds of the U.S. Senate is composed of millionaires.,mostlytrue These 11 mass shootings involved an AR15style weapon.,mostlytrue If you are a hardworking lawabiding citizen who earns $80000 you dont get a stimulus check. But if you are a convicted murderer or rapist sitting in jail you do.,mostlytrue When I became governor we banned sanctuary cities and we also did EVerify.,mostlytrue We saw the increases of unaccompanied minors at the southern U.S. border dating back almost a year.,mostlytrue Current immigration apprehension numbers are worse than the crisis BidenObamaPelosi acknowledged in 2014,mostlytrue Senate Democrats just voted to give stimulus checks to criminals in prison.,mostlytrue In Aberdeen Miss. Massive 78 of mailin ballots proved fraudulent judge orders election doover.,mostlytrue Says Al Gore said in 2009 that the North Pole will be icefree in the summer by 2013 because of manmade global warming.,mostlytrue The COVID19 rescue bill includes money for a list of projects that are not COVIDrelated.,mostlytrue In the American Rescue Plan just about 1 of the money is for vaccines.,mostlytrue The shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline project will mean nearly 2000 union jobs lost with Wisconsin companies,mostlytrue COVID19 infections down 61 from Trumps last day. COVID19 vaccinations up 85 from Trumps last day. Competence Matters.,mostlytrue Almost 40 of borrowers with student loan debt didnt finish their degree.,mostlytrue No state gets back less from Washington than New York state.,mostlytrue But were below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes.,mostlytrue More than 200000 DACA recipients are essential infrastructure workers including 41700 DACA recipients in the healthcare industry,mostlytrue The Erie Co. N.Y. health commissioner makes more than the governor the vice president of the United States and has a salary that is comparable to Dr. Anthony Fauci.,mostlytrue The school voucher bill the Iowa Legislature is considering would give your education tax dollars to corporations.,mostlytrue 84 of all new electric capacity planned to come onto the electric grid this year is clean energy.,mostlytrue In Michigan we were able to really flatten the racial disparity in COVID19s impact and make significant progress.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is second to last in the Midwest in our vaccination rate and the governor says hes satisfied.,mostlytrue Says that the way to reach herd immunity is for 70 of the population to get vaccinated.,mostlytrue Says that the oil and gas industry comprises35 of the Texaseconomy.,mostlytrue Schools that are consistently implementing COVID19 mitigation strategies remain among the safest places for our students.,mostlytrue Says David Perdue hasnt held a single public town hall meeting in six years and sells four meetings a year and a retreat on a private island for a $7500 corporate PAC check.,mostlytrue In 2019 Republicans stripped $40 million from the budget for lead pipe replacement because they thought it helped MKE too much.,mostlytrue Says theres up to 75 reduction in opioid dosage for medical cannabis users.,mostlytrue The law governing the transition of presidential power doesnt require there to be an absolute winner. It says the apparent winner.,mostlytrue If you cant get a test through Test Iowa there are multiple other sites your doctor your clinics your pharmacies the stroke detection clinic centers.,mostlytrue Unemployment report shows America is bouncing back.,mostlytrue Every single swingseat House Democrat who endorsed MedicareForAll won reelection or is on track to win reelection. Every. Single. One.,mostlytrue West Virginia is near last in the U.S. rankings of education clean drinking water and child mortality.,mostlytrue Says Illinois has made a nationleading investment in funding for Census outreach.,mostlytrue Mike Parson opposes protections for preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue I am for protecting preexisting conditions. I actually cosponsored legislation to do just that.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner voted five times against protecting preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Now with the COVID19 more people are dependent on drugs or alcohol.,mostlytrue An antiBlack Lives Matter flag replaced the American flag behind President Trump during a Waukesha campaign rally.,mostlytrue Upton voted a dozen times to kick thousands of Michigan families off their health insurance and eliminate protections for preexisting conditions,mostlytrue Says she is ranked one of the most bipartisan senators in the Senate in the last 25 years.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Parsons administration purged 100000 kids from Medicaid rolls.,mostlytrue You can vote in Wisconsin with a photo ID even if that ID is expired or youve moved.,mostlytrue Donald Trump and Thom Tillis opposed legislation that would lower the price of insulin and other prescription drugs.,mostlytrue Says David Schweikert took over $120000 from the drug industry and voted against legislation to lower prescription drug prices.,mostlytrue Nancy Mace denies climate change.,mostlytrue Federal law requires people to speak English to be naturalized as American citizens.,mostlytrue Nearly 800 million opioid pills were shipped to WV amounting to 433 pills for every man woman and child in the state.,mostlytrue All the billionaires in America their net worth combined has increased by $800 billion during the pandemic.,mostlytrue You were going to cut schools when you were going to cut teachers and educators in our schools.,mostlytrue Nick Freitas voted to let businesses discriminate and fire expecting mothers for no other reason but their pregnancy. ,mostlytrue If you just count all the deaths in the red states we are number two in the world in deaths just behind Brazil.,mostlytrue Theres 100 million people that have preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue For example when the COVID19 pandemic hit my Administration implemented a program to provide any individual without healthinsurance coverage access to necessary COVID19related testing and treatment.,mostlytrue In 2017 Joe Biden paid $3742974 in federal income taxes and Kamala Harris paid $516469 while Donald Trump paid $750.,mostlytrue Says Amy Coney Barrett has a written track record disagreeing adamantly with the Supreme Courts decision to uphold the ACA. In fact she publicly criticized Chief Justice Roberts opinion upholding the law eight years ago.,mostlytrue James is the only Senate candidate in a battleground state who has refused to take a position on whether the Senate should promptly vote on Trumps Supreme Court nominee,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump funded a Veterans Day parade 26 years ago in New York City after the city refused to pay.,mostlytrue USPS currently has the most cash on hand in its history approximately $15 billion.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is one of the nine states with the highest rate of infection per capita.,mostlytrue Says Sen. Martha McSally supported a plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program and shift costs onto seniors and even supported raising the retirement age.,mostlytrue For younger people seasonal flu is in many cases a deadlier virus than COVID19,mostlytrue More cops have died from COVID this year than have been killed on patrol.,mostlytrue I am not banning fracking.,mostlytrue In April when asked how he would handle the COVID19 pandemic Tommy Tuberville said he didnt have a clue and after winning the Republican nomination in July he still said he didnt have a clue.,mostlytrue Drug overdose deaths decreased in 2018 for the first time in 30 years.,mostlytrue Says Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War He supported war in Serbia Syria Libya.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump proposes cutting a half a billion dollars of local police support.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps payroll tax deferral could leave American workers liable for thousands of dollars during tax season and could potentially leave programs like Social Security and Medicare weakened.,mostlytrue The fact is that in terms of the risk to schoolkids this is lower risk than seasonal influenza.,mostlytrue When I ran for Congress I promised to refuse money from corporate PACs. Ive kept that promise.,mostlytrue In West Virginia alone overdoses have increased by 50 during the COVID19 pandemic.,mostlytrue The United States is the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple since the coronavirus pandemic began.,mostlytrue Postmaster General Louis DeJoy gave $400000 to Republicans just this year and has between $30 and $75 million in assets of direct competitors to the United States Postal Service.,mostlytrue When COVID19 struck the Illinois Department of Employment Security was hit with something no one expected 10 to 20 times the claims even during the worst recession of my lifetime.,mostlytrue Depending on which study you look at either 68 or 5 out of 6 individuals ... are making more on unemployment than they did on the job.,mostlytrue Asked about asylum seekers in camps in Mexico This is the first time ever youve had to seek asylum in a third country.,mostlytrue Central Park actually used to be a town called Seneca Village founded by African Americans in 1825.,mostlytrue 34 of Wisconsin renters are at risk of eviction.,mostlytrue If the vaccine came out tomorrow how in the heck would we get it to people There is no game plan.,mostlytrue Photos show six fires around the world in the last 24 hours.,mostlytrue Theres a direct correlation between North Carolinas mask requirement and COVID19 stabilization.,mostlytrue There have been five randomized controlled placebo controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine.,mostlytrue ...Virginia more than any other state had the steepest drop in the number of abortions between 2011 and 2017.,mostlytrue Five veterinary labs have their CLIA certification to officially test human patients. There are a lot of labs who are doing surveillance testing that dont need the CLIA certification.,mostlytrue Federal agents in Portland have been kidnapping and holding citizens without charges.,mostlytrue Say Wisconsin Republican lawmakers have done nothing while neighboring states like Minnesota Illinois and Michigan have already implemented safety precautions like requiring individuals to wear masks.,mostlytrue Theres already 10000 businesses that are not likely to open again and a significant number of small businesses and minority businesses.,mostlytrue PPP on average probably provided a grant of around $11000 per employee.,mostlytrue I all the way back in January warned President Trump that this pandemic was coming. I talked about what we needed to do.,mostlytrue Says Joe Biden has said 150 million Americans died from guns and another 120 million from COVID19,mostlytrue Our country and Constitution was built on a foundational separation of church and state.,mostlytrue Kids are less likely to get it COVID19. You know theyre less likely to spread. So I think theres some pretty good data out there that will help alleviate some of the concerns.,mostlytrue Says a leader of the Blackfeet Nation tribe designed the current Washington Redskins logo and once said it made us all proud to have an Indian on a bigtime team.,mostlytrue New Zealand let health experts rather than politicians make decisions about how to deal with COVID19 and as of today they have zero COVID cases.,mostlytrue Three hundred sixty thousand Pennsylvanians fought on the side of the Union to defeat the flag that Confederate flag including more Black soldiers coming from Pennsylvania than any other state in the nation.,mostlytrue Federal aid for state and local governments through a proposed coronavirus relief bill would amount to half of what the Republicans put onto the national debt.,mostlytrue The CDC tried to develop clear guidelines about what the stages of reopening should look like the administration delayed and scaled them back.,mostlytrue Trump lost a trade war that he started.,mostlytrue Wisconsin was the last state to start paying COVIDrelated federal unemployment benefits.,mostlytrue Hays County in Central Texas has seen an incredible 845 increase in COVID19 cases since June 7.,mostlytrue 80 of the American people support our Dreamers. Over 70 think they should have a path to citizenship and thats Democrats Republicans independents.,mostlytrue As of June 23 the COVID19 death rate is way down.,mostlytrue Says Nate McMurray said that gun owners are part of the most insecure and dangerous club on earth that the NRA are homegrown terrorists and that abortion opponents are the American Taliban.,mostlytrue A white armedrobbery suspect was sentenced to two years in jail while a black armedrobbery suspect was sentenced to 26 years in prison by the same Florida judge.,mostlytrue Detroit spent $294 million on police last year and $9 million on health.,mostlytrue Said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that with all the technology we have we dont need actual classrooms.,mostlytrue Says the Obama administration was doing patternorpractice investigations of discrimination by police departments and Donald Trump came in with Jeff Sessions and undid those.,mostlytrue Says President Donald Trump took more than a month to allocate Congress emergency funding to tribes and only did so after tribes sued.,mostlytrue With retail people are moving around and you dont have as much a chance to spread the virus as you do when people are sitting or standing indoors for long periods of time.,mostlytrue Says researchers found a fabric that kills coronaviruses,mostlytrue Iowa has the highest highschool graduation rate in the country.,mostlytrue Ive taken a pledge not to take one dime of corporate PAC donations.,mostlytrue Hidden in the CARES Act was an obscure $135 billion tax break for 43000 millionaires.,mostlytrue Under three years of my administration net farm income has already gone up nearly 50.,mostlytrue A long list shows new CDC guidelines for reopening schools.,mostlytrue Getting access to a gun in America is easier than adopting a dog or registering to vote.,mostlytrue Almost 75 percent of the deaths from COVID19 in the state of Texas are a result of people contracting COVID19 who are age 65 and older.,mostlytrue VA Democrats authorized for early release over 4000 inmates 60 of which are incarcerated for violent offenses.,mostlytrue Gov. Wolf is not allowing companies that distribute U.S. flags to ship out orders to be placed at veterans graves for Memorial Day.,mostlytrue Pelosis new coronavirus bill allows illegals to receive billions in relief funds in past current and future payments.,mostlytrue Beachgoers trash Florida beaches with 13000 pounds of litter after beaches reopen.,mostlytrue Says Wisconsin has not had a spike in coronavirus cases that was statistically significant related to the fact that they had voting.,mostlytrue Retail milk has gone up 7.5 since this time last year. The price farmers are paid has dropped 23.,mostlytrue New York City could pay to house its homeless population in hotel rooms currently sitting vacant but Mayor Bill de Blasio has absolutely to this point refused to do that.,mostlytrue Immigrants make up a majority of essential workers in places like New York City.,mostlytrue Congressional candidate Chris Jacobs voted against paid leave for COVID19.,mostlytrue Says Wisconsin measures have prevented the death of at least 300 Wisconsinites and perhaps as many as 1400 lives.,mostlytrue COVID19 is here to stay and we need to accept that and be prepared to deal with COVID long term.,mostlytrue Some states like Montana and Nebraska are getting more than $300000 in federal stimulus money per reported COVID19 case. New York is the hardesthit state and yet we are getting only about $12000 per case.,mostlytrue During the 1918 flu pandemic San Francisco residents formed the AntiMask League. San Francisco was ultimately one of the cities that suffered the most with a high death rate.,mostlytrue The facility NextGen Precision Health Institute construction alone will bring 3400 jobs and $472 million in revenue to Missouri.,mostlytrue Says Department of Health Services Secretary Andrea Palm is a career bureaucrat with no past ties to Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Stayathome orders actually are the law of these states.,mostlytrue During the flu pandemic of 1918 some cities lifted social distancing measures too fast too soon and created a second wave of pandemic.,mostlytrue Says 3.5 million U.S. citizens lost their employertied health insurance in March while zero lost their coverage in 20 other large nations combined.,mostlytrue Images show COVID19 victims being buried in mass graves in New York City.,mostlytrue It has been estimated that only 12 of workers in businesses that are likely to stay open during this crisis are receiving paid sick leave benefits as a result of the second coronavirus relief package.,mostlytrue Says a California surfer was alone in the ocean when he was arrested for violating the states stayathome order.,mostlytrue Says for the coronavirus the death rate in Texas per capita of 29 million people were one of the lowest in the country.,mostlytrue Says a study projects Wisconsins coronavirus cases will peak on April 26 2020,mostlytrue Says truck drivers are being turned away from fastfood restaurants during the COVID19 pandemic.,mostlytrue Bill Gates told us about the coronavirus in 2015.,mostlytrue Says Nancy Pelosis coronavirus bill includes tax credits for solar and wind energy retirement plans for community newspaper employees $300 million for PBS climate change studies and more.,mostlytrue Says it was unquestionably not within his legal authority to postpone Illinois primary election by changing the date or shifting to votebymail.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is the only state where all Republicans voted against protecting its citizens.,mostlytrue 2019 coronavirus can live for up to 3 hours in the air up to 4 hours on copper up to 24 hours on cardboard up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.,mostlytrue Says 93000 blacks didnt vote in Milwaukee in 2016,mostlytrue Says 80 of novel coronavirus cases are mild.,mostlytrue During the 2009 swine flu outbreak Biden made reckless comments unsupported by science the experts. The Obama Admin had to clean up his mess apologize for his ineptitude.,mostlytrue Car thefts are increasing in 8 of the 10 most populous Wisconsin counties.,mostlytrue Says Joe Biden attacked voters this primary saying damn liar full of s and dogfaced pony soldier.,mostlytrue Trade agreements like NAFTA and permanent normal trade relations with China which forced American workers to compete against people making pennies an hour has resulted in the loss of 160000 jobs here in Michigan.,mostlytrue In Boone County Missouri with a 1.7 unemployment rate we cant find enough people we cant fill all the job openings.,mostlytrue Says Bernie Sanders voted against the Brady Bill five times for background checks on people.,mostlytrue Prescription drug companies are charging Americans prices that are on average 4x higher than whats charged in other countries.,mostlytrue The United States is actually screening fewer people for the coronavirus than other countries because we dont have appropriate testing.,mostlytrue Mike Bloomberg owns more wealth than the bottom 125 million Americans.,mostlytrue Says Sen. Thom Tillis voted to take away coverage for people with preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Three Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border illegally. Each had flulike symptoms. Border Patrol quickly quarantined them and assessed any threat of coronavirus.,mostlytrue Theres an Amazon distribution center that was advertising last time I was there up to $12.75 an hour. Your parents made that three decades ago.,mostlytrue When Fidel Castro came into office you know what he did He had a massive literacy program.,mostlytrue Says black babies die at rates twice as high as white babies because of a lack of access to affordable health care.,mostlytrue Says Melania Trump lied under oath in 2013 about graduating from college with a bachelors degree in architecture.,mostlytrue Says Mike Bloomberg is a candidate who in 2015 stated and I quote I for example am not in favor have never been in favor of raising the minimum wage.,mostlytrue Trump just cut the scheduled federal pay raise stating that he cant do it now because of serious economic conditions in America.,mostlytrue Weve also seen in the time that hes Donald Trump been president an increase in carbon emissions going absolutely in the wrong way.,mostlytrue House Democrats have passed more than 275 bipartisan bills this Congress.,mostlytrue Says a court has ordered North Carolina to step up significantly its funding for education.,mostlytrue Trumps daughter works at the White House. Her husband works at the White House. Rudys son works at the White House. Barrs soninlaw works at the White House. Barrs daughter works at Treasury. Trumps sons do foreign business. Trumps daughter is getting Chinese patents and Saudi grants.,mostlytrue Everyone on this stage except Amy Klobuchar and me is either a billionaire or is receiving help from PACs that can do unlimited spending.,mostlytrue Says San Antonio has the lowest per capita income of any major Texas city.,mostlytrue Very close to 160 million people are now working in the United States. Nobodys ever even come close to that number.,mostlytrue Over the past two years climate and weather disaster damage has cost the U.S. over $400 billion.,mostlytrue All of the aid has not arrived to Ukraine.,mostlytrue Over the past year Illinois has reduced its unemployment rate more than all of the top 20 most populated states in the nation and more than our Midwestern peers.,mostlytrue Right now 5 of Americans donate to candidates.,mostlytrue The Machinists Union does not support the USMCA trade deal. And every environmental organization in this countryalso opposes it.,mostlytrue We were living outside of Houston and thats when I found it a commuter college 45 minutes away that cost $50 a semester.,mostlytrue Says Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani was a designated terrorist by President Obama who didnt do anything about it.,mostlytrue We cut New York Citys carbon footprint twice as much as the rest of the country.,mostlytrue Says Betsy DeVos is the most unpopular person in our government.,mostlytrue Child care costs account for 24 of a WI familys budget.,mostlytrue You have literally 140 people dying every day of opioidrelated overdoses.,mostlytrue Says his opponent for NC Insurance Commissioner is a perennial candidate over 30 years.,mostlytrue Defendants charged with producing directing or promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child will be arraigned set free.,mostlytrue You have to have congressional authority to close Guantanamo Bay prison.,mostlytrue Says President Donald Trump has not given this Congress a single email phone record or document.,mostlytrue West Virginia is sixth overall in the average number of atrisk youth.,mostlytrue China today is burning seven to eight times the amount of coal that were burning in the United States.,mostlytrue The President wants to cut 3 MILLION people from SNAP including children seniors and veterans.,mostlytrue No other city in America did what New York did. We reduced murders by 50 reduced police shootings to historic lows reduced the number of people incarcerated by nearly 40.,mostlytrue In Texas Latinas make less than $0.45 for every dollar a man makes. That makes us 49th in the nation.,mostlytrue Says 1000 people failed gun background checks in Wisconsin in 2018 but almost none of them were prosecuted for trying to do a background check and illegally buy a weapon.,mostlytrue We now have the first decline in overdose deaths due to drugs in 30 years since 1990.,mostlytrue President Trump hasnt built any new border wall during his time in office.,mostlytrue While previous clemency boards granted restoration of civil rights to thousands of Floridians so far this year under this clemency board four felons have gotten their rights back.,mostlytrue Since President Donald Trumps election 36000 jobs have been created in WI.,mostlytrue $53 million a week is coming across the border in drugs.,mostlytrue Confederate veterans were conferred with many of the same benefits of other United States military veterans by Acts of Congress back in 1929 and 1957.,mostlytrue The Russians are violating all of the rules treaties understandings that they committed to that actually kept the peace in Europe for nearly 70 years.,mostlytrue Its only a federal crime for the inspector general to out a whistleblower.,mostlytrue In WI over 79 of Title X patients rely on Planned Parenthood for their basic health care.,mostlytrue President Trump has lifted the prospect of voters across Vermont overseeing a 11742 decline of Vermont residents on food stamps.,mostlytrue Says Thom Tillis voted to support Trumps emergency declaration to fund the border wall even though it would raid $80 million from North Carolina.,mostlytrue When it comes to electability every single time my party has won the presidency in the last 50 years its been with a candidate who was new on the national scene hadnt spent a lot of time in Washington and represented a new generation of leadership.,mostlytrue Theres more African American males in the penal system right now than there were enslaved at the height of slavery.,mostlytrue Wages are on the rise in fact we were the top smallbusiness wage growth state in the nation.,mostlytrue I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress left one of the poorest men in government in Congress and as vice president.,mostlytrue Says that in Illinois fewer than 20 of those actually deported have been charged with any serious crime.,mostlytrue Most people below $50000 dont pay any income tax. The top 1 percent in our country pay 40.,mostlytrue Says about universal basic income Thomas Paine was for it at our founding ... Martin Luther King champion in the 60s called it a guaranteed minimum income for all Americans It passed the U.S. House of Representatives twice in 1971.,mostlytrue Back when I was studying it two out of three families that ended up in bankruptcy after a serious medical problem had health insurance.,mostlytrue Says 90 of policemen are for expanding background checks to all gun sales.,mostlytrue Were no longer the wealthiest middle class in the world.,mostlytrue The average bridge in Missouri is 48 years old most were only designed to last for 50 years.,mostlytrue The United States is 1 in oil consumption in the world.,mostlytrue 49 of all new income goes to the top 1.,mostlytrue Womens unemployment has been lower under President Trump than its been in nearly 70 years.,mostlytrue Every time we go to court against the Trump administration for the most part we win.,mostlytrue You can have an active warrant for your arrest for murder and legally pass a background check system in the state of Texas to purchase a gun.,mostlytrue Says her office uncovered $350 million in waste and fraud it led to 40 criminal charges against both Republicans and Democrats.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is currently seeing an influx of new residents Illinois is seeing an outflux.,mostlytrue What was the reality for most Americans during the Obama presidency Most lost wealth and their incomes fell particularly for those at the bottom of the ladder.,mostlytrue From 2010 to 2017 natural gas production plummeted by nearly 70 percent in New York but it soared almost 1000 percent in Pennsylvania.,mostlytrue Most climate scientists agree that we only have less than a decade to turn things around or else well be stuck with a worst case scenario including rising sea levels devastating droughts and worsening famines.,mostlytrue We lag behind many other developed nations in connectivity and speed while also paying more for that service.,mostlytrue Last year South Carolina spent $21756 per prison inmate and $11552 per student.,mostlytrue Since the passage of Tax Cuts real disposable personal income per household has increased $5205.,mostlytrue On average 65 of gun deaths in America are from suicides.,mostlytrue Criminals dont go through gun background checks. I think its like 3 go through a background check.,mostlytrue African Americans are three to four times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes and nine times more likely to be imprisoned.,mostlytrue Last year we prosecuted a record number of firearms offenses.,mostlytrue Says Kamala Harris oversaw a police department that was abusing peoples rights and that she did not disclose to defense attorneys when there was exculpatory evidence She didnt do that. She never did it. And so what happened Along came a federal judge and said enough enough and he freed 1000 of these people.,mostlytrue You look at the homelessness situation. Take a city like Tokyo which has more people than New York City. Theres no homelessness there.,mostlytrue Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trumps got it back to a trillion.,mostlytrue We are incarcerating more children than any time ... since we interned JapaneseAmericans during World War II,mostlytrue There are literally two pharmaceutical lobbyists for every member of Congress.,mostlytrue Republicans are advancing federal judges who wont even say that Brown vs. Board of Education was properly decided.,mostlytrue At the same time President Trump talks about supporting veterans he is deporting service members who have volunteered to serve this country.,mostlytrue In 2014 ... in McDowell County W.Va. one of the poorest counties in the nation life expectancy for men was 64 years. In Fairfax County Va. a wealthy county just 350 miles away life expectancy was nearly 82 years an 18 year differential. The life expectancy gap for women in the two counties was 12 years.,mostlytrue Says Section 1325 of U.S. immigration law was put into place in 1929 by a segregationist.,mostlytrue We made parity between mental health and physical health. It was a fundamental breakthrough in how we thought about how things should work.,mostlytrue No thats a mischaracterization of my thinking.,mostlytrue Said The Seven Years Warled to near bankruptcy for many countries Britains need to raise taxes fueled the American desire for independence.,mostlytrue Says I was part of the second class to integrate Berkeley California public schools.,mostlytrue Says Cory Booker has accepted over $400000 from the pharmaceutical industry during his political career.,mostlytrue Prison phone companies charge as much as $25 for a 15minute call.,mostlytrue If outofstate drivers paid gas tax they would contribute $73 million to fix our roads,mostlytrue Forty years ago a federal Pell Grant paid for nearly 80 of tuition fees room and board at a fouryear college.,mostlytrue Redflag laws have been shown to reduce the number of suicides by firearms.,mostlytrue Said Dan McCready got nearly $1 million in support from a Nancy Pelosialigned dark money org in the 2018 election cycle right after he tweeted Dark money has no place in our politics.,mostlytrue In the ObamaBiden administration we got China to cut cybertheft its gotten significantly worse under this administration.,mostlytrue Millions of Americans need mental health care. Yet in Iowa there are just 64 public mental health care beds. And you see similar numbers across the country.,mostlytrue Its estimated that in 2018 alone dead people received $1 billion in benefits from Medicare Medicaid social security payments and federal pensions.,mostlytrue The ecigarette vaping phenomenon has wiped out all the progress weve made on reducing youth smoking.,mostlytrue President Trumps tariffs are taking $1.4 billion out of working peoples pockets every month.,mostlytrue The vast majority of Americans believe that climate change is real and we need to do something about it.,mostlytrue The majority of Americans across ALL parties favor these nondiscrimination policies for LGBTQ people liberals at 81 moderates at 76 and conservatives at 55.,mostlytrue The current school psychologist to student ratio in this country is roughly 1400 to 1 while experts say it should be at most 700 to 1.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps claim that there was insufficient evidence and therefore in our country a person is innocent directly contradicts Special Counsel Robert Muellers statement.,mostlytrue Only 12 of legal immigrants are selected based on skill or based on merit. In countries like Canada Australia and New Zealand and others that number is closer to 60 and even 70 and 75 in some cases.,mostlytrue The state contributed $80 million for the new Bucks arena but new income tax revenue from basketball events alone is estimated to be probably over $600 million over the life of the lease.,mostlytrue You look at today only half the 30yearolds are doing better than their parents were at age 30. When I was being raised it was 90.,mostlytrue Richmond was one of the only cities in the state that did not increase their real estate tax to those prerecession rates.,mostlytrue When Connecticut did licensing their shootings dropped their murders dropped 40. Suicides dropped 15.,mostlytrue Black women make only around 63 cents while Native American women earn 58 cents and Hispanic women make just 54 cents in comparison to every dollar a man makes.,mostlytrue Says Wisconsin payday loans have a 574 average annual interest rate exploitative lending that keeps Americans trapped in debt,mostlytrue Race is the No. 1 indicator for where toxic and polluting facilities are today.,mostlytrue The socalled heartbeat law outlaws abortion before most women even know that theyre pregnant. This is one of the most restrictive antiabortion laws in our country.,mostlytrue 19 of WVians rely on SNAP or food stamps.,mostlytrue Nearly 20 million Americans ... have gained health insurance since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010.,mostlytrue Of the 14 wealthy OECD countries with a wealth tax in 1996 10 have since then abandoned it.,mostlytrue Our state transportation department already has a heavy debt load and has paid more than $700 million in debt payments in just the last two years.,mostlytrue One out of five Americans cannot afford the cost of prescription drugs.,mostlytrue We now have longitudinal data that shows that children born around Superfund sites have dramatically higher rates of birth defects dramatically higher rates of autism.,mostlytrue Half the country today has either diabetes or prediabetes.,mostlytrue One out of 4 diabetes patients in our country cannot afford their insulin.,mostlytrue Most of home care is paid by government programs.,mostlytrue Small businesses in West Virginia make up 99 percent of the total number of businesses in the state and employ nearly 50 percent of the states workforce.,mostlytrue It is estimated that more than 20 veterans die by suicide every day.,mostlytrue Disparities in infant mortality between white America and black America are greater today in 2019 than in the year 1850...,mostlytrue There is $50 billion a year wasted in the Medicare program.,mostlytrue Says SJR 11 seeks to fix what is very quickly becoming a problem in Missouri initiative petitions and referendums are being filed at record highs.,mostlytrue People show up in the emergency room with a sprained ankle 25 percent get an opioid prescription.,mostlytrue We got to almost universal coverage in health care in Colorado.,mostlytrue We cut unemployment by more than half in South Bend Ind.,mostlytrue 194000 criminal aliens booked into Texas jails from 20112019 were charged with more than 299000 criminal offenses.,mostlytrue The public health science is clear that the use of the addiction medicine buprenorphine saves lives whether that use has been prescribed or not.,mostlytrue FYI the last statewide recount in WI was in 2016. After that recount the vote margin changed by only 131 out of the 2.7 million votes cast.,mostlytrue The state budget fully funds an initiative to provide free college tuition for illegal immigrants while rejecting an increase in Tuition Assistance Program funding that would help middleclass families afford college.,mostlytrue Abortion providers perform almost 60000 procedures in Texas every year.,mostlytrue Says that the George W. Bush administration in 2005 revived a longstanding law when it decided to charge those that crossed the border with criminal violations rather than civil ones.,mostlytrue In West Virginia our students enter in at fourth grade the first time theyre tested 37th or 38th in the nationwhich is not good but its not horrible. By the time theyre in the 8th grade theyre 46th or 47th and then upon 11th grade testing theyre near last.,mostlytrue We have had an increase of 67 percent in the number of children taken into state custody since 2014.,mostlytrue Americans would run out of avocados in three weeks if imports from Mexico were stopped due to a border closure.,mostlytrue Americas life expectancy has declined for the last three years in a row the first time in a hundred years because of surges in suicides and drug overdoses.,mostlytrue In 30 states average teacher pay is less than the living wage for a family of four.,mostlytrue Some patients who are on transplant lists for kidney or other organs are being dropped from the list simply because they are shown as a licensed card holder for medical marijuana.,mostlytrue Right now only 11 percent of the 15000 child care providers in Texas are certified as meeting quality standards.,mostlytrue College debt has increased 170 percent since 2006 and now exceeds $1.5 trillion dollars which is second only to mortgage debt and surpasses even credit card debt.,mostlytrue We have flown a Boeing 737 across the Atlantic Ocean on biofuels. We have flown F18s.,mostlytrue We pay far more for health care than any other country in the world yet we have far worse outcomes than any other country in the world.,mostlytrue I received more votes from young people black white Latino Asian American and Native American than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton combined.,mostlytrue Seismic airgun blasting used for energy exploration is ... 16000 times louder than a conventional airhorn.,mostlytrue Says Beto ORourke crashed into barriers causing a collision while driving drunk then fleeing the scene to avoid accountability.,mostlytrue Says Beto ORourke perpetuated stereotypes casting aspersions on working women whose only qualifications seemed to be large breasts and tight buttocks.,mostlytrue We have developed a wind industry in Washington state from zero to $6 billion in 12 years.,mostlytrue Women earn on average 80cents on the dollar compared to white men doing similar jobs.,mostlytrue In February alone there were enough illegal immigrants who crossed the border to fill this Kansas City Chiefs Arrowhead stadium.,mostlytrue Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort commits bank and tax fraud and gets 47 months. A homeless man Fate Winslow helped sell $20 of pot and got life in prison.,mostlytrue Says Arrowhead Stadium is considered the loudest stadium in the world.,mostlytrue Says the percentage of officers the Chicago Police Board fired after hearing their cases or who chose to resign prior to a board hearing roughly doubled during her tenure.,mostlytrue On a per capita basis IrvingLas Colinas has more Fortune 500 companies than any city in the United States of America.,mostlytrue The forest fires were so grotesque last year that we had the worst air in the world in Washington.,mostlytrue Facebook video purports toshowman flying a hoverboard at over 103 miles per hour.,mostlytrue This is the largest cumulative surplus for the first six months of any fiscal year in state history.,mostlytrue Just two weeks ago Customs and Border Protection seized enough fentanyl to kill every person in West Virginia 32 times over.,mostlytrue Right now four in 10 public schools in our state are at least 50 years old.,mostlytrue A black woman in New York City is 12 times more likely to die in childbirth than a white woman.,mostlytrue MichaelCohen Convicted of lying to Congress re Russia investigation ElliottAbrams Convicted of lying to Congress re arming Contra death squads,mostlytrue Says President Donald Trump put out a $297 million contract to a vendor to show him how to hire Border Patrol. So the first payment they made was $14.8 million. You know how many Border Patrol they hired with $14.8 million Two.,mostlytrue We amass about $100 million in debt per hour which means weve blown through 300 400 450 million dollars during this charade.,mostlytrue The rainy day fund is $320 million. Thats much more than what it has been in the past.,mostlytrue Among neighboring states the condition of Wisconsin highways was rated not only the worst but it was worse by a gaping margin.,mostlytrue Says border crossings remain at historically low levels.,mostlytrue Prescription drugs are nearly 20 percent of our health care costs now when you include hospital prescription drugs.,mostlytrue Federal workers are paid well above the HOUSEHOLD income in southern Missouri.,mostlytrue The partial government shutdown in early 2019 affected 18000 federal employees in West Virginia.,mostlytrue When visa holders exit the United States and enter Mexico if they leave through a land port of entry we literally have no clue if they are still here or have returned to their country of origin.,mostlytrue In 2011 for example the United Kingdom had 146 deaths due to gun violence Denmark 71 Portugal 142 and Japan 30. But last year in the United States almost 40000.,mostlytrue Says 30000 veterans in North Carolina have no health insurance.,mostlytrue Since 1938 the minimum wage has been increased 23 times and was raised 21 times during Democratic congresses and only twice during Republican ones.,mostlytrue Expanding Medicaid would bring 40000 jobs to North Carolina.,mostlytrue In 1992 the Democratic Party had in their platform provisions that said that illegal aliens were coming in this country committing felonies sent back and then they were right back across the border to do the same thing.,mostlytrue Today property taxes are lower than they were in 2010.,mostlytrue Obamacare premiums have gone up 160 percent in West Virginia in 4 yrs.,mostlytrue All of this work helped us increase graduation rates by 42 percentand substantially reduce the racial achievement gap.,mostlytrue There are almost 60000 North Carolina children on waiting lists to access a school that works best for them.,mostlytrue Our economy is growing at its fastest pace in nearly four years. Unemployment is at an alltime low.,mostlytrue Not a dollar would be paid out until jobs in the Foxconn development area were created.,mostlytrue The top 0.1 percent ... own about the same wealth as 90 percent of America.,mostlytrue Over 40 percent of the American people dont have $400 in the bank.,mostlytrue President Trump has the strongest support percentagewise in our state than any other state in the nation. He won West Virginia by almost 43 percentage points and hes been carrying close to 60 percent approval.,mostlytrue We took a deal to the president just last February less than a year ago $25 billion over 10 years in border security done the right way and the president blew up the deal.,mostlytrue As of September 2018 there are 6683 WV children in foster care 1415 of whom are legally eligible for adoption.,mostlytrue Wisconsin lost over 600 farms last year our farmers cant afford the TrumpShutdown.,mostlytrue I took over the school district when it had a $1 billion structural deficit and left them with $1 billion in cash and 70000 more students than they have today.,mostlytrue Hillary on child aliens in 2014 Send them back.,mostlytrue Says no elections protest was filed McCready conceded and every county board certified its results from the Mark Harris Dan McCready race.,mostlytrue Californias budget surplus is about $30 billion,mostlytrue Under any objective measure our static compensation has failed to keep pace with economic realities.,mostlytrue WVs tourism industry grew at a rate 30 above the national rate in 2017. This increase reversed a fouryear decline in which travelgenerated spending fell more than $600 million.,mostlytrue Migrants DEMAND $50000 each to go home or else ,mostlytrue At least three or four of the pieces that are in in the Republican lameduck legislation Scott Walker has vetoed previously.,mostlytrue Border Patrol agents were caught on film destroying supplies left to help migrants,mostlytrue Principal bans candy canes.,mostlytrue Hunters contribute more than $500 million to West Virginia.,mostlytrue As a city we currently use about 4 percent less electricity today than we used in 1989.,mostlytrue Fifty percent of our West Virginia budget was for lower education.,mostlytrue After a decade of progress the rate of uninsured children is now rising.,mostlytrue During his governorship Every single city and county in Virginia their unemployment dropped and in most of the rural communities it dropped more than 50 percent.,mostlytrue There was an estimated $5.3 million of economic loss just for a few hours of shutting down the border. Youre talking about millions and millions of dollars billions of dollars of economic consequence if we continue with this rhetoric around shutting down the border without considering what that means.,mostlytrue The United States imports 50 percent of at least 50 mineral commodities each year including 100 percent of 21 of them.,mostlytrue Tear gas was used on average once a month during the Obama administration for very similar circumstances.,mostlytrue One year ago Republicans would not fill seats vacated for people who went to the administration because of the cost of those elections. Now theyre talking about changing the rules to add additional elections that will cost millions of dollars of taxpayer expense.,mostlytrue We have lost over $1 billion in not taking the Medicaid expansion money only to insure fewer people.,mostlytrue Studies even show that when women go to Congress they get more things done more bipartisan effort more bills passed.,mostlytrue Broward elections department has a history of violating the law.,mostlytrue The number of people who just got their voting rights restored in Florida is greater than the populations of Wyoming Vermont Alaska North Dakota South Dakota Delaware Rhode Island Montana Maine and New Hampshire.,mostlytrue Says Clint Eastwood said one day we will realize that the Barack Obama presidency was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. ,mostlytrue What did Joe Manchin say about civility Today he said he wanted to beat the living crap out of his Republican opponent during their debate.,mostlytrue Says Texas U.S. Rep. John Culberson was caught using campaign cash on collectibles including Civil War memorabilia and fossils.,mostlytrue Says that after the overdose death of a Tomah VA veteran she brought both parties together to help pass a law to make the VA accountable and also to stop the overprescribing of opioids.,mostlytrue Says Tony Evers wants to give instate tuition and drivers licenses to illegal aliens.,mostlytrue President Donald Trump even referred to one of Kevin Cramers health care repeal bills as meanbecause the bill gutted protections for North Dakotans with preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Poverty in WV is more than 5 higher than the national average.,mostlytrue Says Andrew Gillum was singing a different tune about charter schools at the Florida debate.,mostlytrue George Holding has voted 13 times to deny Kevin and the 300000 people like him in the 2nd Congressional District coverage for their preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue For perspective Special Session costs you $50k every single day. Thats roughly the average teachers salary in NC.,mostlytrue Says Scott Walker supports a health care plan that would gut protections for preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters votes with Donald Trump 99 percent of the time.,mostlytrue A letter to President Donald Trump from 22 senators is a way of saying to the president You are now under an affirmative requirement legal requirement to investigate journalist Jamal Khashoggis disappearance and suspected murder.,mostlytrue At Mike Brauns company the deductible on his health care is $10000.,mostlytrue Only Dutertes Philippines and Trumps United States of America have money bail.,mostlytrue Says Marsha Blackburn voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act which attempts to protect women from domestic violence stalking and date rape.,mostlytrue Says Tallahassee is experiencing a fiveyear low in our crime rate.,mostlytrue Says Andrew Gillum has presided over the highest crime in Florida four years running.,mostlytrue I voted to fund President Trumps wall.,mostlytrue Says Sen. Richard Blumenthal lied about his service in Vietnam.,mostlytrue Says New Jersey U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance was rated among the most bipartisan in Congress.,mostlytrue Says Bill Nelson skipped 45 percent of the hearings on national security.,mostlytrue Since NAFTAs adoption the United States racked up trade deficits totaling more than $2 trillion.,mostlytrue Joe Manchin has a D rating from the NRA.,mostlytrue West Virginia Universitys incoming freshman class has the highestever GPA,mostlytrue Tim Kaine opposes everything President Trump does.,mostlytrue Tony Evers says that tax dollars should pay for the abortions just like they pay for tonsillectomies.,mostlytrue Under the North American Free Trade Agreement we lost thousands of plants.,mostlytrue Says Rep. Ann Wagner a threeterm incumbent has never held a town hall in the Second District.,mostlytrue Says Claire McCaskill receives the secondmost contributions from insurance companies in the entire Senate.,mostlytrue Says he beat President Barack Obama at the Supreme Court saving coal jobs.,mostlytrue In 2017 the number of new business registrations in West Virginia grew nearly 11 percent 8318 new businesses registered for the year. This comes off the heels of a 12 percent increase in new business registrations during 2016.,mostlytrue Special education categorical aid from the state hasnt been raised in over a decade.,mostlytrue Says Marsha Blackburn at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry cosponsored a law that weakened DEA enforcement efforts against drug distribution companies that were supplying corrupt doctors and pharmacists who peddled narcotics to the black market.,mostlytrue Says Dino Rossi stripped health care from 45000 children.,mostlytrue Says Leah Vukmir was just about the only legislator who stood with the insurance companies and voted against oral chemotherapy.,mostlytrue Says Andrew Gillum wants to increase Florida taxes by a billion dollars.,mostlytrue Says Joe Manchin strongly supported and voted for Hillary Clinton after she said Were going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of work.,mostlytrue Says Steve Chabot voted to strip insurance protections for preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue President Trumps Republican Party will create more debt in one year than was generated in the first 200 years of Americas existence.,mostlytrue Says Joe Radinovich was cited 30 times for not paying court fines.,mostlytrue Teacher pay has increased under Republican leadership every year for the past 5 years. In fact even according to the national teachers unions own rankings NC ranked number 2 in the U.S. for fastest rising teacher pay 20162017.,mostlytrue When Abraham Lincoln made the Gettysburg Address speech the great speech do you know he was ridiculed He was ridiculed.,mostlytrue Thanks to President Trump and Republicans over the past year through July U.S. manufacturing added 327000 jobs the most of any 12month period since April 1995 when the figure added a healthy 345000 positions.,mostlytrue My opponent Rick Gunn blocked the expansion of Medicaid costing half a million people health insurance including at least 23000 veterans.,mostlytrue Says he was sued by the NRA and the gun lobby all because in my city we refused to repeal an ordinance which said you couldnt shoot guns in city parks.,mostlytrue SaysMinnesota is imprisoning half as many people as Wisconsin and yet our states have virtually identical crime rates.,mostlytrue Evidence is mounting that marijuana legalization reduces opioid addiction numbers.,mostlytrue North Carolina is one of very few states that give the governor sole discretion to pick judges.,mostlytrue Says Beto ORourke voted against Hurricane Harvey tax relief.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Rep. John Carter hasnt held a town hall in five years.,mostlytrue Half of everyone thats here illegally in the U.S. came here legally on a visa and have overstayed their visa.,mostlytrue Thanks to President Trump and Republican leadership the number of people collecting food stamps has declined by more than two million.,mostlytrue Says black Americans have 10 times less wealth than white Americans.,mostlytrue Says Mike Braun has supported two proposals and a lawsuit to end coverage for people with preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue President Trump continues to disrespect patriotic transgender Americans who want to serve their country.,mostlytrue Texas is one of the most gerrymandered states in the union.,mostlytrue Says Texas charter schools get 100 state $pupil funding while district schools 95 students get about 13 funding from state w rest coming from local prop taxes which is why those taxes are so high. Districts getting less bc scarce $ going to charters.,mostlytrue SaysRick Scott cut $700 million from water management.,mostlytrue Says 43 of Joes legislative proposals have become law including 21 since President Trump took office.,mostlytrue Americas hardworking agricultural producers have taken a disproportionate hit when it comes to illegal retaliatory tariffs.,mostlytrue There is a big correlation between third grade reading level and whether you go to college or whether you go to prison. And in Florida right now only 56 percent of kids are coming out of third grade at third grade reading level.,mostlytrue Says Beto ORourke is open to abolishing ICE.,mostlytrue Muslims in America have been subjected to more insults attacks and hate crimes in the last two or three years than ever before specifically more than after 911.,mostlytrue Saya left wing extremist chases down rams car over Trump bumper sticker.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump contradicted his own administration when he said the decision to allow blueprints for 3Dprinted guns to be distributed doesnt seem to make much sense.,mostlytrue Says Sherrod Brown votes 97 percent with Chuck Schumer almost 95 plus percent with Elizabeth Warren.,mostlytrue In 99 percent of counties in America someone making the minimum wage working full time cant afford a 1bedroom apartment.,mostlytrue Says Judge Brett Kavanaugh ruled that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was unconstitutional reversed by full Circuit Court.,mostlytrue In New York City for every one person experiencing homelessness here there are about threevacant apartments.,mostlytrue The unemployment rate in the Philadelphia metro area is now at its lowest level ever recorded.,mostlytrue Says a poll showed Democrat Beto ORourke within 2 percentage points of Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.,mostlytrue Says Leah Vukmir wrote a letter seeking leniency for a fellow state legislator convicted of sexual assault.,mostlytrue In Houston Texas there are more brothels than there are Starbucks.,mostlytrue Says Claire McCaskill voted for 100 percent of President Obamas judicial nominees.,mostlytrue Indiana expanded Medicaid when Mike Pence was governor,mostlytrue Says Ronald Reagan said immigrantsbrought with them courage and the values of family work and freedom. Let us pledge to each other that we can make America great again.,mostlytrue Says Adam Putnam endorsed the SchumerObama Gang of Eight immigration amnesty.,mostlytrue Says he actually wrote the bipartisan law that makes it illegal to drill off Floridas coast.,mostlytrue Pat Morrisey joined a federal lawsuit to allow insurance companies to deny coverage for people with preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Most immigrants do show up in court.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps executive order doesnt address the over 2000 children who are already separated from their parents and it doesnt change the fact that we would be jailing children with their families.,mostlytrue Theres been a 1700 percent increase in asylum claims over the last 10 years.,mostlytrue Says May 2018 marked the 401st straight month of global temperatures exceeding the 20th century average.,mostlytrue Trump approval rating better than Obama and Reagan at same point in their presidencies.,mostlytrue Says Scott Walker has turned down $1 billion of Medicaid money over the course of his tenure.,mostlytrue After Texas cut its twoyear family planning budget by $73 million one in four clinics closed their doors.,mostlytrue Canada charges the U.S. a 270 tariff on Dairy Products They didnt tell you that did they Not fair to our farmers,mostlytrue 101 utilities cut rates credit GOP tax cuts.,mostlytrue Says that under Scott Walker on a percentage basis Wisconsin is spending twice as much on debt service for just basic road repair and maintenance than before he took office.,mostlytrue Under Philip Levine Miami Beach passed a resolution to ban assault rifles which was not enforceable and never enforced. He passed a resolution to raise the minimum wage which actually no one got the benefit of because it was not enforced.,mostlytrue National Guard storms Mexico border makes gamechanging impact in just 30 days,mostlytrue Says that when federal bureaucrats wanted to prohibit the use of wooden cheese boards which help maketens of millions of pounds of cheese a year she stepped in helped eliminate the regulations.,mostlytrue Rep. Dan Donovan voted for Tax Cuts,mostlytrue Since the end of the financial crisis we have seen an average of one community bank or credit union disappear every day.,mostlytrue One in six Texans dont have health care. Were the most uninsured state in the U.S.,mostlytrue Says Austin has been ranked repeatedly as one of the most if not the most economically segregated cities in the country.,mostlytrue Property and income taxes will be lower in 2018 than they were in 2010.,mostlytrue Republican candidate for California governor Travis Allen gave campaign donations to Jerry Brown Gavin Newsom and Barbara Boxer.,mostlytrue Since 2015 the City of Milwaukee has spent more than $22 million on settlements with litigants accusing police of misconduct.,mostlytrue So far this year more students have been killed in schools than soldiers in combat zones.,mostlytrue Says Cecile Richards recently said theres room in her movement for people who personally believe abortion is wrong.,mostlytrue In 2016 an officer was assaulted in America on an average of every 10 minutes.,mostlytrue By 2022 just the interest payment on our debt will be greater than the defense of our country.,mostlytrue Tammy Baldwin cosponsored legislation that wanted to establish the Department of Peace and Nonviolence.,mostlytrue President Trump is still supported by almost 85 percent of the Republican Party in the state of Ohio and thats from recent polling and still has a 58 percent approval rating in Ohio.,mostlytrue I come from the poorest ZIP code in San Antonio.,mostlytrue Under Rahm Emanuel Weve got tree trimmers making six figures.,mostlytrue Alabama is operating government on the lowest amount of tax revenue of any state in the nation.,mostlytrue We have never been paid by the Trump campaign.,mostlytrue Says Austin is the safest big city in Texas with an unemployment rate under 3 that has been named the best place to live in the entire United States two years running.,mostlytrue Kanye West looks and he sees black unemployment at the lowest its been in the history of our country. He sees Hispanic unemployment at the lowest its been in the history of our country. He sees womens unemployment the lowest its been in now almost 19 years.,mostlytrue Ive cut a half a billion dollars out of the EPA just in the last two years. Weve cut 3000 jobs out of the EPA.,mostlytrue Our campaign staff was the first to unionize in the history of politics.,mostlytrue Weve spent more money on the military than the next 12 nations combined.,mostlytrue Right now in Ohio 200000 people are getting opioid treatment because they have insurance under the Affordable Care Act.,mostlytrue X marks the spot at every HCA location where Gov. Rick Scottprobably defrauded taxpayers.,mostlytrue Since 1999 firearm deaths in Ohio have risen 58 percent.,mostlytrue When a car is sent to the United States from China there is a Tariff to be paid of 2 12. When a car is sent to China from the United States there is a Tariff to be paid of 25.,mostlytrue Today we in Pennsylvaniahave higher unemployment and lower job growth than most.,mostlytrue There are only 18 minutes of total action in an average baseball game.,mostlytrue For what it would cost the National Guard to make just twoarrests at the border we could give a homeless veteran permanent housing for an entire year.,mostlytrue From 200010 U.S. manufacturing employment shrank by a third after holding steady for 30 years.,mostlytrue Just in the Austin MSA alone 150 people move here every day.,mostlytrue The census for years and years and years decades has asked Are you a citizen of the United States of America,mostlytrue 1 in 100 people are sociopaths.,mostlytrue Four years after Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised universal preK 79 percent of 4year olds outside New York City lack fullday preK.,mostlytrue Homelessness has skyrocketed across California. We have the nations highest homelessness rate and the nations highest homeless population.,mostlytrue States that have implemented waiting periods have seen significant decreases in suicides.,mostlytrue Says Michael Screnock let a child predator walk without time and let a rapist who preyed on an underage girl go free after only an eightmonth sentence.,mostlytrue Says Rebecca Dallet has talked about her interest in advocating for policies that need to be changed to achieve her political objectives.,mostlytrue Says he didnt take corporate PAC money.,mostlytrue SaySean Hannity said in 2008 that Obamas willingness to meet with North Korea was disturbingwhile Trumps willingness to meet with North Korea is a huge foreign policy win.,mostlytrue Says the U.S. steel and aluminum industry is a fraction of what it once was.,mostlytrue The vast majority of crime that is gun related is committed by people who illegally are possessing that firearm.,mostlytrue Because of TaxReform 4 million American workers have received raises and bonuses and 90 of Americans are seeing bigger paychecks this month.,mostlytrue Florida is one of only 10 states that totally prohibit a firearm registry.,mostlytrue China my understanding is supplies 4 percent of the steel in the U.S.,mostlytrue Oklahoma teachers are the poorest paid teachers in the US in a state that gives nearly $500 million in tax handouts to energy companies.,mostlytrue Says Mike DeWine flipflopped on the gun issue and has earned an F from the NRA.,mostlytrue The US has approximately 5 of the worlds population and 42 of civilian gun ownership.,mostlytrue Probably one out of every two households in Oklahoma has a gun.,mostlytrue Says 97 percent of gun owners support universal background checks.,mostlytrue Seventy to 80 percent of NRA members support a universal background check.,mostlytrue Gov. Rick Scott made it illegal for a doctor to ask a patient if they owned a gun even a mental health professional. This law was so dangerous that a court had to strike it down.,mostlytrue Says 50 percent of venture capital goes to California. Most of the rest of it goes to New York and Massachusetts.,mostlytrue 3 American women are murdered every day by their husband or boyfriend.,mostlytrue Onethird of Floridians own guns. Onethird.,mostlytrue Fifty seats have already changed hands from the Republicans to the Democrats since Donald Trump was elected.,mostlytrue There are more immigrants in our country right now than any other time.,mostlytrue Food stamp enrollment drops by four million in one month.,mostlytrue George W. Bush doubled the debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion. President Obama doubled the debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. Now were on course to exceed $30 trillion in the next seven years or so.,mostlytrue The UNC athletic directors $705000 salary was not at market. Not even close.,mostlytrue Georgia has the lowest minimum wage in the country.,mostlytrue There were slaves in 1845 who helped construct and build the Old Capitol.,mostlytrue Top CEOs are making 300 times the average worker.,mostlytrue Says one year later the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated very close to100 percent of the territory just recentlyheld by these killers in Iraq and Syria.,mostlytrue Since we passed tax cuts over 3 million workers have gotten tax cut bonuses many of them thousands and thousands of dollars.,mostlytrue On taxes if you go back and look 50 years ago individuals paid about 7 percent of the total and corporations paid 5 percent. Fast forward 50 years individuals still 7 percent corporations are down to 2 percent.,mostlytrue No state generates as much solar power as California or has as many people whose jobs depend on it.,mostlytrue Says Texas schools are ranked 43rd in the nation.,mostlytrue California is 41st in the nation in per pupilK12 spending but No. 1 in per prisoner spending.,mostlytrue Of all the 62 counties in New York state all of them unemployment is going up except for the five counties of New York City.,mostlytrue Conservative groups have spent $5 million against Tammy Baldwin five times more than against all other Democratic U.S. Senate incumbents up for election in 2018 combined.,mostlytrue Atlanta is on its strongest financial footing in 40 years.,mostlytrue In 2011 under Scott Walker Wisconsin for the first time spent more on our prison system than we did on the University of Wisconsin System.,mostlytrue Says a recent analysis showed that 91 percent of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA recipients are employed in school or serving in the military.,mostlytrue African American unemployment is the lowest ever recorded in our country. The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped a full point in the last year and is close to the lowest in recorded history. Dems did nothing for you but get your vote,mostlytrue The average life expectancy for African Americans in Saint Louis and Saint Louis County varies by as much as 18 years compared to the white population with nearly half of all AfricanAmerican kids under the age of 18 living in poverty.,mostlytrue Wisconsins state court agency basically has rented the same office space across from the Capitol since 1974.,mostlytrue Says the Texas General Land Office led by George P. Bush has repaired just two homes since Hurricane Harvey.,mostlytrue Missouri is leading the country when it comes to improving services for mental and behavioral health. Innovation is happening right here.,mostlytrue New Jersey police chief says black people have no value and should all be executed.,mostlytrue The House tax bill has a lot more permanent relief for middleincome and even lowerincome families than the Senate bill does.,mostlytrue In Missouri there are still FEMA cases pending from floods that occurred in 2013.,mostlytrue Were getting into the pool of the 100 million people that are not working. That pool is now coming back.,mostlytrue The Jerusalem Embassy Act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago.,mostlytrue The violent crime rate has risen and the homicide rate has risen by more than 20 percent in just two years really after 30 years of decline in violent crime.,mostlytrue Simply being in this country without documentation is not a crime,mostlytrue Among states Missouri ranks 3rd in average yearly growth of hightech industries.,mostlytrue FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2016 shows more than four times as many people were stabbed to death than were killed with rifles of any kind.,mostlytrue 80 percent of the individual mandate tax falls on those who make $50000 a year or less.,mostlytrue When we came into office we saw that Missouri had 113000 regulations. Thats more than 7.5 million words its 40 dictionaries worth of regulations.,mostlytrue Hispanic entrepreneurs those who have immigrated from Spanishspeaking countries often start three times as many businesses as white males.,mostlytrue Underreported fact President realDonaldTrump raised more in small dollar donations than Obama in 2012 and than Clinton and Bernie combined,mostlytrue In 2010 48000 felons and fugitives lied and illegally tried to purchase guns. They The Obama administration prosecuted only 44 of them.,mostlytrue CPS students are learning and growing faster than 96 percent of students in the United States.,mostlytrue Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act the average American family of four will receive a $1182 tax cut.,mostlytrue The diversity visa lottery is plagued by fraud.,mostlytrue Coal production up 7.8 in past year. Down 31.5 last 10 years. endingwaroncoal.,mostlytrue IDC members also get tons of campaign money from real estate charter school and health care lobbyists some of whom are Republicans with connections to Trump,mostlytrue The six wealthiest people in the world have as much wealth as the bottom half of the worlds population 3.7 billion people.,mostlytrue There are parks in Southeast Raleigh that still dont have air conditioning in the gym,mostlytrue The city of St. Louis is no stranger to violence. There were 5762 violent crimes in 2015 alone including 188 homicides. The highest rate per capita in the country according to FBI crime statistics.,mostlytrue Seventythree percent of our veterans are graduating from drug courts. By contrast I think most of the people in the very good drug court program the graduation rates like 53 55 percent. The point of that is that drug courts are working for veterans.,mostlytrue Women in our state will continue to have costfree access to reproductive health care,mostlytrue The state and local tax deduction is a major benefit for moderateincome households because 50 of households that claim State Local Tax deduction make under $100K.,mostlytrue The child tax credit if we dont do it there will be no tax relief for working families. How much tax relief working families get under tax reform is entirely dependent on whether or not we put in place an increase to the child tax credit.,mostlytrue In the eight years that I was mayor there was a nearly 50 percent drop in violent crime gang crime crime went down because we grew our police department we focused on constitutional community policing we did some of the most innovative prevention intervention job reentry programs in the nation.,mostlytrue Job creation fell by 70 percent in Wisconsin in 2016 under Scott Walker.,mostlytrue There is a real law in Texas that says its illegal to own more than six dildos.,mostlytrue The NFL is getting massive tax breaks.,mostlytrue Says a proposed $1.05 billion Austin school district bond proposition will require no tax rate increase.,mostlytrue The Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions.,mostlytrue In Wisconsin we have a bill that would allow hidden deadly weapons every single person to carry one no training no background check even around schools.,mostlytrue White men have committed more mass shootings than any other group.,mostlytrue Says the Dickey Amendment prevents the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from even researching the relationship between gun violence and public health. ... The government cant study gun violence but is spending $400000 analyzing the effects of Swedish massages on rabbits.,mostlytrue Says that under the Obamacare law health insurance premiums have increased by more than 105 percent since 2013.,mostlytrue The soda tax can make a difference by reducing consumption of unhealthy soda pop and sugary beverages.,mostlytrue California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom was for highspeed rail before hes against it and then hes for it again.,mostlytrue New York has the biggest outmigration of citizens of any state.,mostlytrue Were the only developed nation in the world that doesnt have paid maternity leave.,mostlytrue Since 2010 Republicans have won unaffiliated voters in every general election.,mostlytrue So now they take drugs literally and they throw it a hundred pounds of drugs. They throw it over the wall they have catapults but they throw it over the wall and it lands and it hits somebody on the head.,mostlytrue North Korea is the fifth or fourth most sanctioned nation.,mostlytrue The bill that I carried cutting MOs income tax for 1st time in over 100 years will start its 1st phase in jan 1 2018. moleg EricSchmitt,mostlytrue Republicans want to restore gunrights to felons,mostlytrue Says the Austin metro region will lead the nation with population growth over 50 over the next 30 years.,mostlytrue Even with a permanent income tax increase... the budget is more than $1 billion out of balance,mostlytrue Says U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wants to use a government jet that costs $25000 per hour for his honeymoon.,mostlytrue Weve got about $3 trillion in trapped cash overseas that basically cant come back in this country because of our tax laws.,mostlytrue President Ronald Reagan did a similar thing. George H.W. Bush did a similar order as former President Barack Obamas Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA.,mostlytrue In addition to his compensation as a judge Roy Moore and his wife paid themselves over $1 million from a charity they ran.,mostlytrue Under Scott Walker Wisconsin is still 16000 manufacturing jobs lower than we were during the recession.,mostlytrue Most people on Medicaid are kids or seniors or the disabled.,mostlytrue Ted Kaczynski has less restrictive confinement than the youth at Lincoln Hills.,mostlytrue Half of all immigrant households receive benefits from our social welfare system.,mostlytrue There arethousands of Georgia workers that are misclassified as independent contractors who lose benefits including health care.,mostlytrue Last year Democrats won nearly 50 of the vote yet they hold only 38 of the seats in the state House and 30 of the seats in the state Senate.,mostlytrue Were spending 18 percent of our GDP on healthcare while the average among industrialized countries is closer to 8 percent.,mostlytrue United Nations Resolution is the single largest economic sanctions package ever on North Korea. Over one billion dollars in cost to N.K.,mostlytrue Undocumented immigrants commit less crimes than the native born.,mostlytrue More Texans have jobs today than ever before in the history of our state.,mostlytrue The number of complaints against police officers has decreased from an average when Mr. Rick Baker was mayor from 78 to 14.,mostlytrue Says Dontre Hamilton was shot 14 times by police for resting on a park bench in Milwaukee.,mostlytrue In economic growth Obamas best year was slower than Bill Clintons worst year.,mostlytrue Of all the money we spend on education less than 32 percent goes to teachers.,mostlytrue There were 2761 auto thefts in 2006 under Rick Baker and 1095 auto thefts in 2016.,mostlytrue Republicans have won a thousand seats since Obamacare.,mostlytrue Twitter reaches only 15 percent of the population.,mostlytrue Youve got thousands of people serving in the military who are transgender.,mostlytrue We had the best jobs report in 16 years.,mostlytrue We went from zero A elementary schools when I took office to 16 when I left and our total A and B schools went up by 260 percent.,mostlytrue Says Paul Ryan has not had a public town hall within the district for over 600 days.,mostlytrue In the 40s 68 cents of every health care dollar was actually paid for by the patient today its only 11 cents.,mostlytrue One in three people whos receiving treatment for opioid drug problems gets some help from Medicaid to pay for that.,mostlytrue Says its documented that City of Austin fees for building an apartment complex are nearly 10 times what Dallas levies.,mostlytrue California taxes are among the highest in the nation.,mostlytrue Says Scott Walker recently said he got his bald spot from hitting his head on a cabinet and its not a joke he actually said that his bald spot came because he hit his head on a cabinet.,mostlytrue France wouldnt buy Texas beef for some reason yet 76 percent of their energy comes from nuclear power.,mostlytrue We are $20 trillion in debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects an additional $129 trillion of accumulated deficits over the next 30 years.,mostlytrue Texas mothers are dying during childbirth at the highest rates in the nation.,mostlytrue When you throw 23 million people off of health insurance people with cancer people with heart disease people with diabetes thousands of people will die. This is study after study making this point.,mostlytrue The Senate bill hands enormous tax cuts to the rich and to the drug and insurance industries paid for by cutting health care for everybody else.,mostlytrue When colleges and universities are added education spending is the biggest item in the state budget about 52 percent of all state dollars.,mostlytrue Although California has the sixth largest economy in the world we also have one of the highest poverty rates in the nation.,mostlytrue The Trump administration has grantedamnesty to nearly 100000 Dreamers ,mostlytrue The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia whose government has important business and policy before the president of the United States has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at the Trump International Hotel.,mostlytrue Americans are 25x more likely to be shot killed than others in developed countries.,mostlytrue While women represent 47 percent of the overall work force we only make up 23 percent of STEMrelated occupations.,mostlytrue We have pay equity. When you think about that wage gap we all know its 78 cents to the dollar. Well in New York state its 90 cents to the dollar.,mostlytrue Property taxes are lower right now than they were in December 2010 on a medianvalued home in Wisconsin.,mostlytrue In 2012 you were discussing how you led the effort to defund breast cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood.,mostlytrue 70 percent of Florida is in drought today.,mostlytrue Clean energy employs more than half a million Californians. Thats nearly ten times more the number of coal mining jobs that exist in the entire nation.,mostlytrue Fact Hillary Clinton received 80 of the vote in Pittsburgh.,mostlytrue When you look at all the state and local taxes we pay in Wisconsin the wealthiest 1 percent pay the lowest overall tax rate.,mostlytrue In Florida felonies can be things like buying weed tampering with an odometer or disturbing a lobster trap. So basically spring break.,mostlytrue You could lose your rights for life over something as simple as driving with a suspended license in Florida.,mostlytrue More people die from indoor air pollution than from malaria HIVAIDS and TB combined.,mostlytrue An abortion procedure is actually safer than a vasectomy.,mostlytrue Some of the safest communities in the United States are along the border.,mostlytrue The minute the president speaks about it to someone he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process.,mostlytrue Law firm POTUS used to show he has no ties to Russia was named Russia Law Firm of the Year for their extensive ties to Russia. Unreal.,mostlytrue When I became mayor of Los Angeles we had a 44 percent high school graduation rate. I said that was unacceptable. I challenged that notion. I said the mayor needs to be involved with our schools. We need to partner together. As I left after a number of reforms we grew our graduation rate from 44 percent to 72.,mostlytrue 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners.,mostlytrue President Trump last month proposed a $6 billion cut in funding to the National Institutes of Health. And thank God our congressmen made a deal last night to not go along with that. They actually increased funding by $2 billion.,mostlytrue Wisconsin politicians get daily expense payments even if they dont spend a dime on meals or lodging or travel and no receipts are required for them to get paid.,mostlytrue In my 30 year career including dozens of capital cases not a single client of mine has ever been sentenced to death.,mostlytrue Poor people pay in some cases up to 25 percent of their income for water.,mostlytrue President Trump has passed more legislation in his first 100 days than any president since Harry Truman.,mostlytrue For the first time in the modern political era we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days.,mostlytrue The tax plan rolled out by realDonaldTrump would have cut his taxes by $30 million in 2005 the only year we have returns for.,mostlytrue Before NAFTA trade between the US and Mexico was around $50 billion. Now it stands at more than $500 billion.,mostlytrue In Congress on the Democratic side of the room youve got men and women of all different races on the other side youve got a bunch of white men in dark suits all over 55 or so.,mostlytrue Says Texas House rules authorized by the Texas Constitution supersede the state law permitting anyone to record a public government meeting.,mostlytrue In the federal government theres $16 billion in duplicate programs that can be cut.,mostlytrue Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any president since Truman.,mostlytrue Says Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America today.,mostlytrue Trumps Cabinet is more white and more male than any first Cabinet since President Ronald Reagans.,mostlytrue More than 260000 Americans are employed by the domestic solar industry three times as many workers as employed by the entire coal mining industry.,mostlytrue The pace of missile development between Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un has increased the testing about twentyfold.,mostlytrue Says President Donald Trump as a candidate mentioned WikiLeaks over 160 times in speeches in the last month of the campaign.,mostlytrue Our families have the highest property taxes in the country. We must change this.,mostlytrue Says the T.R.U.M.P. Act which would force presidential candidates to release their tax returns to run in North Carolina has a lot of support by a majority of North Carolinians and members of both parties.,mostlytrue Weve lost 70000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization.,mostlytrue Says the University of South Florida invests in oil companies like BP tobacco companies weapons manufacturers and private prisons.,mostlytrue AfricanAmericans are grossly overrepresented on Floridas death row.,mostlytrue Here are some of the things that are more popular than Congress hemorrhoids Nickelback traffic jams cockroaches root canals colonoscopies herpes. Even herpes they couldnt beat herpes in the polls.,mostlytrue Every day four North Carolinians die from a medication or drug overdose.,mostlytrue Says Florida has the secondlowest taxes per capita state taxes of any state in the country.,mostlytrue Californias Central Valley and Inland Empire are experiencing tremendous job growth.,mostlytrue Apprehension rates at the southern border have plummeted since the 1980s and apprehensions of Mexicans specifically have reached their lowest point in nearly half a century.,mostlytrue Of 30000 individuals arrested a year for crimes that are 16 or 17 over 95 percent of them do not result in a criminal conviction. Only 1.5 percent of them ultimately go to state prison.,mostlytrue 215 members of Congress just voted to let your ISP spy on what type of underwear you buy and sell that data to advertisers.,mostlytrue Governor Rauner has called every year for eliminating funding for afterschool programs for atrisk youth homeless prevention services and programs that help autistic children.,mostlytrue Says if a Florida bill HB 697 punishing sanctuary cities becomes law it will be the only law of its kind in the nation.,mostlytrue Global food demand is expected to increase by 50 to 97 percent by 2050.,mostlytrue As an undocumented immigrant you do have constitutional rights here in the United States.,mostlytrue Texas spent close to a third of its budget on Medicaid last year a third of all state spending.,mostlytrue In fact if you add up the net wealth of his cabinet it has more wealth than a third of the American people total close to 100 million people.,mostlytrue Says Florida officials amended a contract from Lockheed Martin from 305 promised jobs to six.,mostlytrue Since China joined thats another beauty the WTO in 2001 the U.S. has lost many more than 60000 factories.,mostlytrue Our minority graduation rate went from levels below Milwaukee and Madison to above 80 when I was Beloit school superintendent.,mostlytrue The vast majority of marketplace enrollees have experienced no average premium hike at all.,mostlytrue In year No. 1 14 million Americans lose coverage according to the CBO.,mostlytrue Since the day of my election weve already cut illegal immigration at the southern border by 61 percent.,mostlytrue Wealthy foreigners can obtain visas through a special program but only a small number invest in true highunemployment areas. Almost every other EB5 project uses gerrymandering to qualify as distressed.,mostlytrue USAID put $8 billion up and attracted more than $45 billion in a publicprivate partnership called Power Africa.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is the most if not Number 1 number 2 gerrymandered state in the country for state legislative boundaries.,mostlytrue Theres not one public study and by public study I mean a study available to the public that has looked at using the product Kaput to poison feral hogs.,mostlytrue The past Obama administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth.,mostlytrue Blue Cross Blue Shield ended 2016 open enrollment with 1 million members in the Florida marketplace.,mostlytrue Unlawful presence in the United States is not a crime.,mostlytrue A woman working fulltime is paid 79 to 80 cents for every dollar a man is paid and its even less for women of color and on average $11000 per year is lost simply because she isnt a man.,mostlytrue Currently half a million Floridians have Alzheimers disease and in less than 10 years a 40 percent growth rate means that another 200000 Floridians will develop this devastating illness.,mostlytrue In the first full month of my administration following the issuance of my executive orders illegal immigration on our southern border fell by an unprecedented 40 percent.,mostlytrue And this would be the first year if everything holds true we will spend over $10 billion of our state budget on Medicaid out of the $28 billion budget.,mostlytrue The Obama administration said they were going to be able to drive folks away from one of the most expensive areas for the provision of health care and that is the emergency rooms. In fact they did just the opposite.,mostlytrue Cost of iPhone $399 Cost of healthcare for 1 year $10345 Hearingjasoninthehouse compare the 2 as if they are the same priceless,mostlytrue The GOP health care plan gives $275 billion in tax breaks for the top 2 percent people earning $250000 a year or more.,mostlytrue The soninlaw of the president met with Russian officials at the Trump Tower after having them come in the back door.,mostlytrue Florida pays our teachers $10000 a year less than the national average.,mostlytrue Its important to pay attention to the Russian spy drama but lets not ignore the fact that the following 10 bills have been introduced in the House.,mostlytrue The various offices of state government have purchased more than $11 million in vehicles not counting leases for use from the Governor on down during the last two years.,mostlytrue Corporate entities are paying a lot less taxes this year than they have in the past. Part of that is from a loophole in a bill that was passed in 2015.,mostlytrue Global poverty is down to less than 10 today from 37 in 1990.,mostlytrue Says Scott Walker is proposing to add 485 employees in the category of supervisor and management to his Department of Administration.,mostlytrue Midland Texas now beats the San Francisco area in the percentage of jobs created by startups.,mostlytrue Studies have shown Latinos are more than 40 percent less likely to call 911 when they have been a victim of a crime.,mostlytrue Local authorities in 43 states refused to honor more than 16000 detainer requests from ICE from October 2013 to December 2015. Only in Alaska Delaware Hawaii Maine Montana Vermont and Wyoming did local officials honor all requests and detainers are relatively rare in those states.,mostlytrue There were 50 percent more murders in Orlando and Orange County Fla. last year than in all of Sweden.,mostlytrue Today 27 million people .. are enslaved.,mostlytrue Eleven individuals who make over $30 million each got $22 million credit from Wisconsins manufacturing and agriculture tax credit.,mostlytrue The stock market has hit record numbers as you know. And there has been a tremendous surge of optimism in the business world.,mostlytrue In the past few weeks President Donald Trump pointed out Iranian violations on ballistic missile tests. By the way these ballistic missiles are inscribed in Hebrew Israel must be destroyed. ,mostlytrue Before the Affordable Care Act West Virginias uninsured rate for people 64 to 19 was 29 percent. Today it is 9 percent.,mostlytrue Of 1 million green cards issued a year almost none of those green cards are based on job skills or demonstrated economic needs.,mostlytrue Israel cut its illegal immigration rate by 99 percent by constructing a 143mile fence along its southern border.,mostlytrue Says 72 of refugees admitted into U.S. 23 211 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries SYRIA IRAQ SOMALIA IRAN SUDAN LIBYA YEMEN.,mostlytrue Just last year alone 710 police officers were assaulted in New York state.,mostlytrue If you have a family the current minimum wage easily qualifies you for food stamps.,mostlytrue Tanzania farmers face 12 years in prison for trading seeds thanks to foreign aid.,mostlytrue Over 39 of violent criminals return to prison following their release.,mostlytrue Back when Ted Cruz called Mitch McConnell a liar on the floor of the Senate floor nobody invoked Rule 19 to censor him.,mostlytrue Obamacare is hurting people right now with premium increases of up to 116 percent.,mostlytrue In Florida 70 percent of the people here illegally came on an airplane. They overstayed a visa.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps abortion rule puts at risk 15 times more funding and millions more women and families ... than previous similar policies by Republican presidents.,mostlytrue The chances of being killed by a refugee committing a terrorist act is 1 in 3.6 billion.,mostlytrue The Obama administration issued an 11thhour rule that entrenches federal family planning funding for Planned Parenthood.,mostlytrue The overwhelming majority of Americas elite universities they no longer require history majors to take a single course in American history.,mostlytrue New York state law says you are alive when you begin to breathe.,mostlytrue North Carolina could save literally tens of millions of dollars if it stopped prosecuting 16yearolds as adults.,mostlytrue Imitation dairy products often differ nutritionally from those they mimic and labeling them milk or cheese or yogurt is against the law.,mostlytrue A poll just came out on my inauguration speech. People loved it. Loved and liked.,mostlytrue One hundred and ninetyfour countries signed the Paris Agreement to control greenhouse gases. Our own voluntary agreement to accomplish the same goal the Under2 MOU has 165 signatories representing a billion people.,mostlytrue About 30 percent of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay went back into battle. We know that a dozen or so killed Americans.,mostlytrue In 2015 homicides increased by 17 percent in Americas 50 largest cities. Thats the largest increase in 25 years.,mostlytrue Some countries are contributing peacekeeping troops because theyre making money off of them.,mostlytrue MiamiDade is the first community in the world to break the cycle of local transmission of the Zika virus.,mostlytrue The White House removed its climate change web page. And the healthcare civil rights and LGBT sections.,mostlytrue Our Navy has shrunk from more than 500 ships in 1991 to 275 in 2016.,mostlytrue Says North Carolinians are already paying for Medicaid expansion even though the state hasnt expanded Medicaid.,mostlytrue The Foundation for Individual Rights is the recipient of donations from DeVos totaling about 25000 bucks over four years.,mostlytrue Florida is ranked 50th in the nation for mental health care funding.,mostlytrue The Russians tried to hack the Republican National Committee and they were unable to break through.,mostlytrue Of Sen. Jeff Sessions youve objected to immigrants volunteering to serve in our armed forces saying In terms of whos going to be most likely to be a spy somebody from Cullman Ala. or somebody from Kenya,mostlytrue About 8 out of 10 favor changing Obamacare significantly or replacing it altogether.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump campaigned on not cutting Medicare and Social Security but his nominee for the Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price made his career on cutting Medicare and Medicaid.,mostlytrue In 2009 Mitch McConnell was the person thats saying Hey we should get all the ethics information in before we do the hearings. ,mostlytrue Asia ... has less freshwater per capita than any other continent except Antarctica.,mostlytrue General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealerstax free across border.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps first 17 Cabinet appointments have a net worth of more than a third of America.,mostlytrue While many urban areas across the country saw a sharp increase in crime over the last year the Philadelphia Police Department successfully lowered part one crimes.,mostlytrue Since the Sandy Hook tragedy more than seven children PER DAY have died from gun violence.,mostlytrue In the last five years only one out of 60 one out of 60 appropriations bills has been passed on time before the end of the fiscal year.,mostlytrue California is growing a hell of a lot faster than Texas.,mostlytrue If youre a single mom and youve two kids in the city of Richmond you can almost make $50000 a year on the public dole.,mostlytrue Germany managed to increase its use of renewables and its output of carbon dioxide at the same time because it resorted to cheap coal to keep the lights on at a price its people could afford.,mostlytrue Americas federal business tax rate is the highest in the world.,mostlytrue California is once again the sixthlargest economy in the world. If you add the GDPs of Washington and Oregon California would surpass the United Kingdom to become the fifthlargest economy in the world.,mostlytrue Says Rex Tillerson sued to keep a fracking project out of his backyard.,mostlytrue Under Obamacare premiums have doubled and tripled in Wisconsin.,mostlytrue More than twothirds of the aliens the Obama administration has brought to the United States under the presidents Central American Minors program werent actually minors at all.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump won more counties than any candidate on our side since Ronald Reagan.,mostlytrue We in Illinois have the fifthhighest tax burden in the country.,mostlytrue Texans pay the sixthhighest property tax in the nation.,mostlytrue On Donald Trumps plan to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities because of a decision by the Supreme Court no presidents in a position to cut off funding across the board. It has to be very specific to the matter at hand.,mostlytrue In 2015 roughly 10000 political arrests occurred in Cuba. That is five times as many as occurred in 2010 when there were only about 2000.,mostlytrue Slavery is still allowable under Wisconsin law as long as its a punishment for a crime.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump said he intends to open up additional areas off the coast to oil drilling during the campaign.,mostlytrue Since the salary for state lawmakers was raised to $79500 that purchasing power has now been reduced to $53000.,mostlytrue Presidentelect Trumps immigration policies are very similar to policies that are sitting right in the Senate and the House today to temporarily suspend immigration from countries that harbor terrorism to temporarily suspend immigration from Syria until we get better vetting.,mostlytrue Obamacare is not a popular law.,mostlytrue Thirtyone percent of school districts are still receiving less funding per pupil than they did prior to the dramatic budget cuts of 2011.,mostlytrue California has seen a 56 percent decline in the gun murder rate since the 1990s.,mostlytrue Nearly one in four people in their prime working years are not working.,mostlytrue Deborah Ross defends those who want to burn the American flag and even called efforts to ban flagburning ridiculous yet refused to help a disabled veteran fly the flag.,mostlytrue Says Nevadans will have a doubledigit hike in their Obamacare premiums for the year and 10 of Nevadas 16 counties will only have one insurer,mostlytrue I had the longest judicial vacancy in the history of the United States.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump and Ron Johnson oppose a womans right to choose and Johnson voted against the Violence Against Women Act.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump wants to deport our Dreamers.,mostlytrue Says Barack Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson doesnt even believe that theres a manmade role in climate change.,mostlytrue There are Justice Department policies against FBI Director James Comey discussing details of a federal investigation so close to an election.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio said Social Security and Medicare haveweakened us as a people. ,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio has a 98 percent voting record with the Koch brothers.,mostlytrue Europe and U.S. households waste 15 times more food than a person in Africa.,mostlytrue We have almost 68000 Georgia students who are required by law to attend a chronically failing school.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump is the first person running for president Republican or Democrat who refused to say that he would respect the results of this election.,mostlytrue With her solution terrorists can still today and by the way ISIS knows it they have been advertising it buy guns online and at gun shows in the United States of America.,mostlytrue The Democratic Party is the oldest continuous political party in the world.,mostlytrue Ford is moving all of their smallcar production to Mexico.,mostlytrue Because as a Senator Toomey stood up for Wall Street. He wanted to privatize Social Security and invest it in the stock market. Wall Street would make billions in fees even if the stock market crashed. ,mostlytrue Says Saudi Arabia a U.S. ally has paid to export throughout the world Wahhabism an extreme form of Islam that basically teaches Americans are the devil.,mostlytrue Says Rob Portman said the auto rescue was a lousy deal for Ohio.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump saidas recently as a few weeks ago in Phoenix that every undocumented person would be subject to deportation.,mostlytrue We have 33000 people a year who die from guns.,mostlytrue Says the U.S. Attorneys Office said that neither I nor my campaign had any idea what was going on regarding my fathers illegal campaign contributions. And thats why they closed this case.,mostlytrue In exchange for five minutes with Bill Clinton the government of Qatar was going to give $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.,mostlytrue Says Colorado congressional candidate Morgan Carroll voted to allow welfare recipients to use your tax dollars at ATMs at strip clubs and pot dispensaries.,mostlytrue Says Patrick Murphy supports a gun ban on commonly owned semiautomatic firearms used for hunting recreational shooting and self defense.,mostlytrue We have an increase in murder within our cities the biggest in 45 years.,mostlytrue Kelly Ayotte voted to give big oil more than $20 billion in tax breaks.,mostlytrue The worlds 62 richest people own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest.,mostlytrue Says he fought Obama at the Supreme Court and won.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton promised running for the Senate years ago 200000 jobs for upstate New York. ... Not only didnt they come but they lost so many jobs.,mostlytrue In other states where illegal immigrants have been allowed to get drivers licenses their insurance premiums for everybody have gone down.,mostlytrue In the state legislature I supported Second Amendment rights.,mostlytrue Gov. Pence said inarguably Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama.,mostlytrue Says Tim Kaine actually tried to raise taxes by about $4 billion.,mostlytrue The U.S. Senate has one manufacturer thatd be me.,mostlytrue These people that we were going to deport for good reason ended up becoming citizens. Ended up becoming citizens. And it was 800. And now it turns out it might be 1800 and they dont even know.,mostlytrue Maggie Hassan missed nearly every university system board meeting.,mostlytrue Says that except for Donald Trump every other major party nominee for the past 40 years has released their tax returns.,mostlytrue Says MarcoRubio voted to slash school funding by billions of dollars and would eliminate the Department of Education.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton called the TransPacific Partnership the gold standard. You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said its the finest deal youve ever seen.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump once suggested that he would try to negotiate down the national debt.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump was one of the people who rooted for the housing crisis. He said back in 2006 Gee I hope it does collapse because then I can go in and buy some and make some money. ,mostlytrue In Richmond Va. theres more moving vans coming in than going out.,mostlytrue Welcome to Houston the most diverse city in America.,mostlytrue Sixty percent of Americans now support legalizing marijuana.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio would take away a womans right to choose for victims of rape or incest.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump has outlined policies that read like a Kremlin wish list.,mostlytrue We had the Democratic Governors Association and the Obama political machine come into a Republican primary to try and rig the election by spending $1 million against me in the last couple of days.,mostlytrue Latinos in Nevada support Educational Savings Accounts helping more than 450000 students access better schools. But Catherine Cortez Masto is against it.,mostlytrue Within just a few years immigration as a share of national population is set to break all historical records.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton and millennials have the same positions on climate change abortion rights immigration reform gay rights and college affordability. Donald Trump doesnt.,mostlytrue If upstate New York split from downstate the economic indicators of upstate New York would be among the lowest in the country.,mostlytrue Over the last 40 years this countrys prison population has grown by 500 percent.,mostlytrue Mark Kirks claim of national security expertise is based on his military record which he lied about at least 10 times.,mostlytrue Says Patrick Murphy embellished according to reports his University of Miami academic achievement.,mostlytrue If Texas were a country our economy would rank the WORLD.,mostlytrue Youve got a medical report on me that meets the same standard as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.,mostlytrue Says U.S.Mexico border has 1 million legal border crossings each and every day.,mostlytrue North Carolinas coast is possibly the best place in the U.S. for an offshore windfarm.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump is on record extensively supporting the intervention in Libya.,mostlytrue Classified material has a header which says topsecret secret confidential. Nothing and I will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the Department of Justice none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header.,mostlytrue Young women account for a shocking 74 of all new HIV infections among adolescents in Africa.,mostlytrue Says Joe Heck voted 10 times to defund Planned Parenthood ... and Heck opposes a womans right to choose even when her health is at risk.,mostlytrue Undocumented workers crossing the border right now is at a 12year low.,mostlytrue Sen. Rubio has the worst vote attendance record of any Florida senator in nearly 50 years.,mostlytrue There are at least 23 countries that refuse to take their people back after theyve been ordered to leave the United States including large numbers of violent criminals.,mostlytrue The Clinton Foundation is a charity where President and Secretary Clinton and their daughter they take no salary they get no money from it they take no personal benefit from it.,mostlytrue It has been 269 days since Hillary Clinton has held a press conference.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton is the one that labeled AfricanAmerican youth as superpredators.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump himself contributed $100000 to the Clinton Foundation.,mostlytrue Parents and teachers are already worrying about what they call the Trump Effect. They report that bullying and harassment are on the rise in our schools especially targeting students of color Muslimsand immigrants.,mostlytrue Says President Obamas proposed oil tax would cost consumers 24 cents a gallon.,mostlytrue Chicago Public Schools lead the country in high school graduation of an urban school system match the United States of America in kids graduating high school going on to a fouryear college and are producing eighthgrade leaders in the country in math gains fourthgrade leaders in reading gains.,mostlytrue 22 veterans take their own lives each day.,mostlytrue Neither Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump has a plan to address the civil war in Syria.,mostlytrue At $587 apiece USA would need to bring home about 33.1 BILLION gold medals to pay off our national debt.,mostlytrue We admit about 100000 permanent immigrants from the Middle East every year.,mostlytrue Says the director of an antiabortion group receiving a Texas grant to provide womens health services believes HIV can be spread through the sewer system.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio wrote and passed bipartisan legislation allowing the VA to fire negligent workers.,mostlytrue Seventy percent of all Texans are overweight or obese.,mostlytrue Says employers are still allowed to pay people with disabilities below the minimum wage.,mostlytrue Says Carlos Beruff supported Charlie Crist even after he switched parties.,mostlytrue Bruce Rauner is of record that he will fully support the Trump candidacy. Its documented. Its available.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton tripled the number of people with AIDS whose lives are being saved .. and it did not cost you any more money.,mostlytrue U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson has voted for $7 trillion of our national debt,mostlytrue Paul Ryan has actually proposed three total three bills that have become law in his entire career dating back to 1999.,mostlytrue Half of all NC legislative candidates are unopposed because of gerrymandering.,mostlytrue Says that under the Obama administration the debt has nearly doubled.,mostlytrue Mike Pence voted against expanding the Childrens Health Insurance program which Hillary helped to start.,mostlytrue Because of the TransPacific Partnership weve got a country like Malaysia taking really serious efforts to crack down on human trafficking.,mostlytrue Interior deportations under Obama were down 40 percent and at a nineyear low.,mostlytrue The TransPacific Partnership knocks out 18000 tariffs that other countries place on American products and goods.,mostlytrue Russia and China are doing naval exercises together someplace.,mostlytrue Trade deals threaten Indias role as the pharmacy of the developing world for new HIV medicines.,mostlytrue American homeownership rate in Q2 2016 was 62.9 lowest rate in 51yrs.,mostlytrue Says DonaldTrump proposes tax cuts too $3 trillion for millionaires like himself and $2 trillion for corporations like his.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump claimed our armed forces are a disaster.,mostlytrue We put a lid on Irans nuclear program without firing a single shot.,mostlytrue Says Trump ties are made in China not Colorado. Trump suits in Mexico not Michigan. Trump furniture in Turkey not Ohio. Trump picture frames in India not Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump said at the Republican convention I alone can fix it.,mostlytrue In first week as governor Tim Kaine proposed a nearly $4 billion tax increase $4 billion including a tax increase on people earning as little as $17000 a year.,mostlytrue Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago when I took office.,mostlytrue Illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as theyve been in decades.,mostlytrue We have the most productive workers in the world.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump games the U.S. visa system so he can hire temporary foreign workers at low wages.,mostlytrue Donald Trump called the military that I served in a disaster.,mostlytrue Immigrants start businesses at a faster rate they seem to grow those businesses more successfully.,mostlytrue Says he and Bernie Sanders have very similar views on trade,mostlytrue As secretary of state Hillary Clinton worked hard to get strong sanctions against Irans nuclear program and got Russia and China to support them.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton helped get done the Childrens Health Insurance Program.,mostlytrue Human trafficking is the thirdbiggest criminal enterprise in the world.,mostlytrue California has the sixth largest economy on planet Earth.,mostlytrue There are fewer people crossing the southwest border than in the last 30 years.,mostlytrue The top onetenth of 1 percent now owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump believes that states should actually have the right to lower the minimum wage below $7.25.,mostlytrue Says Trump shirts are made in Bangladesh Trump suits in Mexico Trump Vodka in the Netherlands Trump crystal barware in Slovenia and his cufflinks and ties in China.,mostlytrue We are the only industrialized nation that doesnt guarantee workers paid family leave.,mostlytrue Says Debbie Wasserman Schultz has voted for huge subsidies for the sugar industry ... as well as for delays in cleanups.,mostlytrue In South Sudan more teenage girls die in childbirth than finish high school.,mostlytrue The U.S. has to go to plane graveyards and museums to get parts for its 20yearold jet fighters while it sells new jets to other countries.,mostlytrue Nearly 180000 illegal immigrants with criminal records ordered deported from our country are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.,mostlytrue Household incomes are down more than $4000 since the year 2000.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton supported North American Free Trade Agreement and she supported Chinas entrance into the World Trade Organization. She supported the jobkilling trade deal with South Korea. She supported the TransPacific Partnership.,mostlytrue While Hillary Clinton plans a massive and I mean massive tax increase I have proposed the largest tax reduction of any candidate who has run for president this year Democrat or Republican.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton wants sanctuary cities.,mostlytrue Says North Carolina is home of the largest military installations in the world.,mostlytrue We in Indiana have . . . the highest credit rating in the nation.,mostlytrue SaysHillary Clinton wants to increase the number of Syrian refugees by 500 percent.,mostlytrue Just 9 percent of Muslims in Pakistan viewISIS favorably. Unfortunately that 9 percent is 16 million people. And thats just one country.,mostlytrue Donald Trump rooted for the housing crisis because he knew he could make money off of it.,mostlytrue What difference at this point does it make I am the guy that got under her skin and provoked that infamous response from Hillary Clinton by asking a pretty simple question Why didnt you just pick up the phone and call the survivors of the Benghazi attack,mostlytrue Koch Industries is among the worst in toxic air pollution in the entire United States ... and churns out more climatechanging greenhouse gases than oil giants Chevron Shell and Valero.,mostlytrue We have the lowest percentage of Americans actually holding a job in 40 years.,mostlytrue Illegal tobacco sales price driven too high has been connected to at least several cases of funding terrorism against us in multiyear investigations over the last decade and a half.,mostlytrue Says middleclass New York State residents will have the lowest tax rate in 70 years.,mostlytrue In North Carolina paid family leave is more popular than college basketball.,mostlytrue Mexican immigrants are more lawabiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic.,mostlytrue AfricanAmericans dont use drugs at a higher level than whites but wind up going to prison six times more.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump has bankrupt four separate businesses.,mostlytrue The war on drugs led to a 500 percent increase in incarceration in our country disproportionately affecting poor and disproportionately affecting minorities.,mostlytrue There are approximately 18000 police departments in the United States.,mostlytrue We got the highest vote count in the history of the Republican Party.,mostlytrue Harris County Texas has some of the highest jailing and incarceration rates in the U.S. and the world.,mostlytrue For 21 countries in SubSaharan Africa we simply do not have data to say anything about trends in poverty.,mostlytrue Says Patrick Murphy has taken more money from Wall Street than any other member of Congress other than the speaker and the majority leader.,mostlytrue 40 of Americans know someone who has been killed by a gun.,mostlytrue Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.,mostlytrue The average time someone used to hold a share of stock back in the 60s was eight years. Now the average time is four months.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trumps position isto roll back all of the financial regulations passed after the financial crisis.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton was literally present when we pressed the reset button with Russia just a few months after Russia had invaded Georgia.,mostlytrue If youre a terrorist you cant fly but an assault weapon you can buy.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump spent the least amount of money of any of the competitive primary contenders that he beat so badly.,mostlytrue When he served as governor Schwarzenegger preserved more land than any other gubernatorial administration in Californias history.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Doug Ducey wants to use taxpayer dollars to increase the salaries of private prison guards.,mostlytrue After Britains vote to leave the European Union within 24 hours Americans lost $100 billion from our 401ks.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump literally has no plans to make higher education more affordable.,mostlytrue Despite the rhetoric from Democrat politicians more people are employed this year than at any point in the history of Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Says British voters under 50 especially millennials overwhelmingly voted to stay in the European Union. It was older voters who voted to leave.,mostlytrue For every extra year that a girl stays in secondary school her chance of getting infected with HIVAIDS decreases by half.,mostlytrue People have a constitutional right to have semiautomatic rifles.,mostlytrue As a result of Roe vs. Wade Americas maternal mortality rate dropped dramatically.,mostlytrue AlQaida operatives have said Hey we want you to use this loophole for purchasing guns despite being on a watch list to attack and kill Americans.,mostlytrue Says Russ Feingolds campaign is powered by smalldollar contributions like ours.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump has bankrupted his companies not once not twice but four times.,mostlytrue A gay man who survived orlando hate crime can STILL show up to work in FL tomorrow and have his boss fire him simply because he is gay.,mostlytrue realDonaldTrump is coming to San Antonio which is 60 MexicanAMERICAN.,mostlytrue The average student debt coming out of the University of WisconsinMadison is something like 28000 dollars.,mostlytrue According to Pew Research 99 percent of the people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia law.,mostlytrue Last year 244 suspected terrorists walked into gun shops and attempted to purchase a firearm 223 were able to get the firearm.,mostlytrue In America radical speech is not a crime.,mostlytrue Says if you try to hide marijuana in a hemp field it becomes worthless. The THC goes away.,mostlytrue More than 32000 Americans lose their lives to gun violence each year.,mostlytrue Hate crimes against American Muslims and mosques have tripled after Paris and San Bernardino.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton plans to massively increase admissions of Middle East refugees including a 500 percent increase in Syrian refugees coming into our country.,mostlytrue Florida doesnt regulate assault weapons or .50 caliber rifles or largecapacity ammunition magazines. It doesnt require a permit to purchase a gun. It doesnt require any registration whatsoever.,mostlytrue We admit more than 100000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year.,mostlytrue 30000 Arizonans may have no choice on Affordable Care Act coverage.,mostlytrue Says Ron Johnson voted to turn Medicare into a voucher program.,mostlytrue Polls show Bernie Sanders would do better than Hillary Clinton in a headtohead battle against Donald Trump.,mostlytrue Says Obama called Kagan a moderate. He called Sotomayor a moderate.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump said the U.S. should encourage Japan to get nuclear weapons.,mostlytrue Ive cut the budget of the lieutenant governors office by more than half.,mostlytrue Says he never told anyone he hated the U.S. Senate.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump says climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.,mostlytrue More people today are leaving Virginia than moving in.,mostlytrue California has the same water infrastructure from when we were 16 million people.,mostlytrue I believe we should have tax on carbon and deal aggressively with climate change. That is not Hillary Clintonsposition.,mostlytrue Right now in every major poll national poll and statewide poll done in the last month six weeks we are defeating Trump often by big numbersand always at a larger margin than Secretary Clinton is.,mostlytrue SaysMaggie Hassan was out of state on 30 days over the last three months.,mostlytrue Only 50 percent of students from Milwaukee public high schools go on to a twoor fouryear college.,mostlytrue The Nordic countries are some of the few countries that meet development aid goals.,mostlytrue Im also the only lieutenant governor to not take a security detail.,mostlytrue In 2006 Donald Trump was hoping for a real estate crash.,mostlytrue Old City in Philadelphiaused to have more than a dozen clubs and thats what we were known for and now were down to two.,mostlytrue The University of Wisconsin System budget is the biggest it has ever been.,mostlytrue The geography of poverty has changed fundamentally in the last 15 years with more of it concentrated in fragile and conflict states.,mostlytrue We just had the best year for the auto industry in America in history.,mostlytrue Zika mosquitoes cant catch me.,mostlytrue Since 2009 aftertax incomes are up nearly 14 percent.,mostlytrue Closing our states wage gap would make a $9 billion difference to Missouri women.,mostlytrue Every Republican nominee since Richard Nixon who at one time was under an audit has released their tax returns.,mostlytrue The Chinese last year probably stole $360 billion inintellectual property from the United States.,mostlytrue Almost 100000 people left Puerto Rico last year.,mostlytrue Says Patrick Murphy is one of only three Democrats in the House today who voted to create the Benghazi committee.,mostlytrue Half of illegal immigrants come on legal visas and then overstay.,mostlytrue University of Texas undergraduate student debt is less than $21000 probably one of the lowest debts across the nation.,mostlytrue The market is making this decision. The market has driven down the cost of coal so you have companies going bankrupt.,mostlytrue Theres no data that says a gunfree zone has saved lives.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump promised to repeal Obamacare build a wall ban Muslims and more.,mostlytrue Cervical cancer in Africa is fully preventable with basic education screeningand vaccines.,mostlytrue ColoradoCare would have higher revenues than McDonalds.,mostlytrue This is not a joke the president wants to house illegal aliens on our nations military installations.,mostlytrue Here in California Donald Trump has given $12000 to Jerry Brown Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris.,mostlytrue Winning enough pledged delegates is not impossible.,mostlytrue Kelly Ayotte has voted four times against the federal Paycheck Fairness Act.,mostlytrue Kelly Ayotte has voted to defund Planned Parenthood six times.,mostlytrue Says Ann Kirkpatrick votes with her party nearly 90 percent of the time.,mostlytrue Research even shows that sending more girls to school can boost an entire countrys GDP.,mostlytrue 80 percent of North Carolinians are for the living wage,mostlytrue Says an array of statistics show that conditions in some parts of Baltimore rival that of the West Bank in Palestine North Korea and distressed cities in Nigeria India China and South Africa.,mostlytrue Says LeBron James stops paying his Social Security taxes at the beginning of the second quarter of the first game of the season.,mostlytrue We knew Strom Thurmond had proposed the amendment that blocked Puerto Ricos use of Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection.,mostlytrue The Paris Agreement is by far the largest number of countries ever to sign an international agreement on a single day.,mostlytrue Over the past two years Florida has cut more than $1 billion in taxes.,mostlytrue In Africa a child dies every minute because of malaria.,mostlytrue Before taking executive action on immigration President Obama stated 22 times that he does not have the authority to change immigration laws on his own.,mostlytrue In the 2014 election 80 percentofpoor people did not vote.,mostlytrue Texas has 600000 registered voters who dont have the kind of photo ID needed to vote.,mostlytrue In last weeks debate Bernie questioned Hillarys commitment to fighting climate change because a whopping 0.2 percent of the money given to our campaign has come from employees of oil and gas companies. Not even 2 percent mind you 0.2 percent.,mostlytrue Pennsylvania has lost 35 percent of its manufacturing jobs since 2001 and Harrisburg has lost 40 percent of its manufacturing jobs since 2001.,mostlytrue Studies have consistently failed to establish the existence of a link between the harshness of a countrys drug laws and its levels of drug use.,mostlytrue Under the federal Controlled Substance Act marijuana is listed in the same Schedule I as heroin even though marijuana is not a killer drug like heroin.,mostlytrue Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget where we had no national debt.,mostlytrue When I withdrew in June of 2008 polls were showing that at least 40 percent of my supporters said oh they werent going to support Sen. Obama.,mostlytrue Ted Cruz is mathematically out of winning the race.,mostlytrue Wisconsin pays criminal defense lawyers who represent the indigent $40 per hour the lowest in the country.,mostlytrue Ten times no Republican candidate for president had enough delegates to claim the nomination before the partys convention and seven of those times somebody who was not the leader of delegates was selected as the nominee of the party.,mostlytrue When this campaign began I said that weve got to end the starvation minimum wage of $7.25 raise it to $15. Secretary Clinton said lets raise it to $12.,mostlytrue I remain one of the poorer members of the United States Senate.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton supported and continues to support fracking.,mostlytrue Says a company that got tax breaks from the state later laid off 100 Ohioans even as its CEO cut a halfmilliondollar check to Kasichs super PAC.,mostlytrue The largest U.S. companies would owe $620 billion in U.S. taxes on the cash they store in tax havens.,mostlytrue There are no rules governing the 2016 Republican convention the rules have not been set.,mostlytrue We got a million jobs.,mostlytrue A college loan is the only loan in the United States that you cannot refinance when interest rates go down.,mostlytrue I have 2 and a half million more votes than he Sanders does.,mostlytrue Says Erv Nelson voted yes on the proamnesty SJR 21 a bill urgingCongress to provide citizenship for those residing illegally in our country.,mostlytrue Most funding for tuberculosis research is provided by the U.S. National Institutes for Health.,mostlytrue Recent reports state that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has apprehended several members of known Islamist terrorist organizations crossing the southern border in recent years.,mostlytrue Over 97 percent of the scientific community believe that humans are contributing to climate change.,mostlytrue There have not been any public safety issues in cities that allow transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as.,mostlytrue Youth unemployment in minority communities is about 40 to 45 percent.,mostlytrue Says the GOP is helping pay for Justice Rebecca Bradleys campaign and she recently skipped court to attend an event paid for by Scott Walkers lobbyist friends.,mostlytrue After taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks Debbie Wasserman Schultz has voted to prevent the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from regulating payday loans and addressing racial discrimination in car loans.,mostlytrue Says JoAnne Kloppenburg has told us she thinks its her job to promote a more equal society.,mostlytrue Its actually easier for the United States to get flight manifests from E.U. nations than it is for E.U. nations to get them from their own neighbors thanks to an agreement the U.S. negotiated when I was secretary of state.,mostlytrue Austins the fastestgrowing city in the country the last five years.,mostlytrue Congress will begin its recess without having allocated one penny to fight Zika.,mostlytrue 80 percent of the American people havent gotten a pay raise since the crash.,mostlytrue To this day the Cuban government is a regime that provides safe harbor to terrorists and fugitives.,mostlytrue Since 1990every continent has seen substantial gains with individual incomes growing by more than a third in every region of the developing world.,mostlytrue Today the United States has sadly one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major country on earth.,mostlytrue Over the last 30 years extreme poverty has been cut in half.,mostlytrue Texas has a higher incarceration rate than Russia or Iran.,mostlytrue Superdelegates have never been a determining factor in who our nominee is since theyve been in place since 1984.,mostlytrue More people were killed by terrorists in 2015 than in any other year ever after an 80 percentincrease from 2014.,mostlytrue 70 percent of Americans believe that we are on the wrong path.,mostlytrue North Carolina spends $855 less per student than it did before the Great Recession and we have one of the lowest per pupil spending levels in the nation.,mostlytrue Senate Democrats have never held up a Supreme Court nomination.,mostlytrue Says DonaldTrump got you know $1.8 billion worth of free media. I got like none.,mostlytrue Given the results of the primary the vote of one New Hampshire superdelegate is equal to the votes of about 10000 grassroots activists.,mostlytrue Here in Pennsylvania the annual cost for infant childcare is over $10000 per child which is more than most families pay in rent and almost the same cost as instate college tuition.,mostlytrue Arizona schools rank 45th in the nation dead last in funding per student.,mostlytrue We were able to provide $428 million worth of property tax relief.,mostlytrue Illegal immigration is lower than its been in 40 years.,mostlytrue California cut about $1.3 billion in child care during the recession. Weve only reinvested about $300 million.,mostlytrue Susie Lee and her husband own 17 homes across the country and use their private jet to take vacations and invest in companies like Walmart Halliburton and GEO Group.,mostlytrue Seventy percent of Missourians support voter photo ID legislation.,mostlytrue Americans havent had a raise in 15 years.,mostlytrue Says Ted Cruzswife Heidi will be the very first prolife first lady.,mostlytrue I opposed TPP TransPacific Partnership and have always opposed TPP.,mostlytrue In 2006 Bernie Sanders voted in the House with hardline Republicans for indefinite detention for undocumented immigrants and then he sided with those Republicans to stand with vigilantes known as Minutemen who were taking up outposts along the border to hunt down immigrants.,mostlytrue If you look at Latino kids between 17 and 20 who graduated high school 36 percent of them are unemployed or underemployed. AfricanAmerican kids are unemployed or underemployed to the tune of 51 percent.,mostlytrue When Honduran children came into this country Secretary Clinton said send them back.,mostlytrue When New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer wanted to provide drivers licenses to those who are undocumented. Hillary Clinton said dont do it.,mostlytrue Over 32000 people die from GunViolence every year. Yet The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is banned from researching ways to prevent this.,mostlytrue When John Kasich became governor of Ohio there was an $8 billion budget deficit and now theres a $2 billion surplus.,mostlytrue Almost every poll has shown that Sanders vs. Trump does a lot better than Clinton vs. Trump and thats true nationally.,mostlytrue Flint Mich. is paying three times more for poison water than I am paying in Burlington Vt. for clean water.,mostlytrue We have a higher rate of tested lead in people in Cleveland than in Flint.,mostlytrue President Obama took more money from Wall Street in the 2008 campaign than anybody ever had.,mostlytrue A single mother of two cant qualify for basic healthcare through Medicaid if she makes more than $3504 dollars a year.,mostlytrue Says he tore down hundreds of abandoned homes that served as havens for crime and reduced the value of our neighborhoods.,mostlytrue Marco Rubio has the No. 1absentee record in the United States Senate.,mostlytrue In headtohead polls for the general election I beat Hillary Clinton by more than anybody by 11 points.,mostlytrue Since welfare reform was signed into law the number of families living in extreme poverty has more than doubled.,mostlytrue There is not a single candidate in the Republican primary that thinks we should do anything about climate change.,mostlytrue There isnt a single Texas legislator under the age of 30 even though millennials make up 25 percent of the electorate in Texas.,mostlytrue Our community Tampa Bay is one of the 10 most threatened by the sea level rise in the world.,mostlytrue Malawi has just 300 doctors for 16 million people.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump wants to keep big government in charge of federallyowned land.,mostlytrue There is great disparity tremendous disparity in the capital funding on a perstudent basis between our traditional public schools and our charter public schools.,mostlytrue Why are Muslim armies so useless against ISIS ... There are 20000 or 30000 ISIS fighters. The countries surrounding ISIS have armies totaling 5 million people.,mostlytrue About 70 percentof Republicans nationwide ...dont think Donald Trump is the right guy to take on Hillary Clinton in November.,mostlytrue Says Missouri families earning power is about $5000 less today than it was at the turn of the century.,mostlytrue The Arizona State Board of Educations failure to report teachers whose certifications have been revoked or suspended ... resulted in the death of a student.,mostlytrue In Sauk City Wisconsin the ID office that provides identification for voting is only open on the fifth Wednesday of every month a total of four days in 2016.,mostlytrue In New Hampshire I spent $3 million. Jeb Bush spent $44 million. He came in five and I came in number one.,mostlytrue Barack Obama will somehow manage to add more than $8 trillion to the national debt which is more debt than the 43 presidents who held office before him compiled together.,mostlytrue Says Dontre Hamilton who was killed during a confrontation with a Milwaukee police officer was unarmed.,mostlytrue The richest 80 people in the world own more wealth than the bottom half of the global population.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton wonhealth care for 8 million children.,mostlytrue When Jeb Bush was governor his first four years as governor his Medicaid program grew twice as fast as mine.,mostlytrue Says state Supreme Court candidate Joe Donald twice supported incumbent Justice Rebecca Bradley.,mostlytrue On average it takes 300 Americans working for a solid year to make as much money as one top CEO.,mostlytrue Americans havent had a raise in 15 years.,mostlytrue In America we pay by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.,mostlytrue The Seminole gambling compact offers $3 billion in guaranteed revenue the largest share for any state in history.,mostlytrue We bailed out Johnson Controls when we saved the auto industry and now they want to avoid paying taxes.,mostlytrue My two appointments to the Florida Supreme Court Raul Cantero and Kenneth Bell have earned reputations as its most consistent conservatives.,mostlytrue Making public colleges and universities tuitionfree that exists in countries all over the world used to exist in the United States.,mostlytrue People think AIDS is done its not done.,mostlytrue SaysRuben Kihuen only managed in the minority to get one bill passed out of the eight to 10 he introduced during the 2015 legislative session.,mostlytrue In Virginia people are going and getting marriage licenses who are 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 years old.,mostlytrue Ted Cruz defended a Chinese company that stole an invention from an American inventor.,mostlytrue There really isnt any kind of foreign policy network that is supporting and advising Sen. Sanders.,mostlytrue Says Bernie Sanders advocated putting Iranian troops into Syria to try and resolve the conflict there. Putting them right on the doorstep of Israel.,mostlytrue Arizona is spending less on a percapita basis than every single state in this country in higher education.,mostlytrue Weve cut taxes 50 times and look what has happened to our revenues. Theyve grown.,mostlytrue 90 percent of all pain medications are prescribed in the United States.,mostlytrue Ill be running against a career politician.,mostlytrue As part of legislative fights over abortion rightsMike Coffman cosponsored a bill to redefine rape.,mostlytrue Today Russia holds many of our most precious national security satellites at risk before they ever get off the ground.,mostlytrue I have never supported cap and trade.,mostlytrue Under Ted Cruzs tax plan businesses will now have to pay 16 percent on the money they make. They will also have to pay 16 percent on the money they pay their employees.,mostlytrue Says his views on reparations for slavery are the same as Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons.,mostlytrue Fifty years ago the average GM employee could pay for a year of a son or daughters college tuition on just two weeks wages.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.,mostlytrue Texas has the sixthhighest property taxes in the nation.,mostlytrue According to the most recent report Wisconsins high school graduation rates are also up again to third best in the country.,mostlytrue I have a Dminus voting record from the NRA.,mostlytrue SaysBernie Sanders voted for what we call the Charleston Loophole.,mostlytrue We have the lowest percentage of Americans working today of any year since 1977.,mostlytrue The United States of America right now has the strongest most durable economy in the world.,mostlytrue We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined.,mostlytrue The economy is too weak to raise income levels.,mostlytrue We have cut our deficits by almost threequarters.,mostlytrue Marco Rubio voted against authorizing President Obama to strike Syria after Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.,mostlytrue A violent felon can buy a gun over the Internet with no background check no questions asked.,mostlytrue More than 60 percent of people in America support Planned Parenthood and only 11 percent approve of Congress.,mostlytrue By the end of 2015 more than 1300 people will have died on Georgia roads. One of out evey four fatalities resulted from drunken driving.,mostlytrue 91 of suspected terrorists who attempted to buy guns in America walked away with the weapon they wanted.,mostlytrue Forty percent of illegal immigrants are people coming legally on visas and overstaying their visas.,mostlytrue Says Bernie Sanders voted for regime change with respect to Libya.,mostlytrue Only nine coalition nations with the U.S. are truly actively involved in fighting the Islamic State.,mostlytrue Since 2004 more than 2000 suspected terrorists have legally purchased weapons in the United States.,mostlytrue Recent news reports indicate DWI crashes in Austin dropped 23 percent since ridesharing entered the market.,mostlytrue Two months ago Donald Trump said that ISIS was not our fight.,mostlytrue Three or four countries out of roughly 60 in the antiISIS coalition are providing military force.,mostlytrue I have always opposed drivers licenses for illegal aliens.,mostlytrue Up until recently 75 percent of all the sorties that left the base came back without dropping their ordnances because there was such a concern about making sure that there were no civilian casualties.,mostlytrue We lock up close to 2.4 million people in this country. Were locking up more people than China and Russia.,mostlytrue In France they have a surveillance program a thousandfold more invasive than the United States.,mostlytrue In almost every other country in the world artists and musicians are paid when their music is played on the radio. In fact the only countries besides the U.S. who do not have a radioperformance right are China Iran and North Korea.,mostlytrue There is a federal criminal law that says its a crime to transport dentures across state lines.,mostlytrue California has robust job growth that outpaces the rest of the nation.,mostlytrue The Charleston S.C. shootershould have never been given a gun but the universal background check was not fast enough.,mostlytrue Despite attention on global warming fewer Americans carpool today to work than carpooled in 1980 and SUVs have never been a larger proportion of the vehicles being sold in this country.,mostlytrue California has more kids in poverty ... than virtually any other state.,mostlytrue The Milwaukee County executive can sell the public museum the airport and the zoo all on his own without County Board approval,mostlytrue 15 years ago cancer drugs cost an average of $10000 a year. Now its $10000 a month.,mostlytrue It is already in the law that there is a requirement to screen refugees for religion.,mostlytrue While the smoking rate nationally has fallen more than 18 percent of Georgians still light up.,mostlytrue In 2008 Maggie Hassan voted against legislation to prevent sanctuary cities in New Hampshire.,mostlytrue For NATO exercises we dont have enough of our own hardware and equipment even for training purposes. So the Britsare spotting us choppers.,mostlytrue Road congestion costs rush hour drivers in Austin and Dallas more than $1000 a year. And in Houston its even more almost $1500 a year.,mostlytrue The actual construction contracts that weve awarded to date have come in several hundred million dollars below estimates.,mostlytrue I spent 18 months putting together the sanctions against Iran so that we could force them to the negotiating table.,mostlytrue Since he took office as Milwaukee County executive we have never raised bus fares and this year therell be a million routemiles more than there were five years ago.,mostlytrue JorgeElorza still think your plan is safe Rescue Captain Kenyon just worked 96 hours straight. 96 hours.,mostlytrue Says David Vitter answered a prostitutes call minutes after he skipped a vote honoring 28 soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our freedom.,mostlytrue Fortyfive states allow open carry of firearms.,mostlytrue 71 of WIs roads are in poor or mediocre condition and 14 of WIs bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.,mostlytrue The United States is the largest provider of humanitarian assistance to displaced persons and refugees.,mostlytrue It takes almost a year for a refugee to be processed in the United States.,mostlytrue Net immigration from Mexico last year was zero. Factcheck me.,mostlytrue 500000 U.S. troops came home from Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD and traumatic brain injury.,mostlytrue Women fill twothirds of minimum wage jobs.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio is proposing a new $1 trillion welfare program in tax credits and $1 trillion in new military spending.,mostlytrue Over half of the black workers in this country earn less than $15 an hour.,mostlytrue Our state has no major rivers to produce big hydropower.,mostlytrue Go look on the West Point website and youll see those specific words full scholarship to West Point. So even though it is you know given as a grant for anybody who gets in those words are used.,mostlytrue How many concerts would Taylor Swift have to perform to pay off one day of interest on our national debt She would have to perform every day for three years.,mostlytrue No city in the state no state in this nation for that matter the entire world has adopted clean energy targets more ambitious in scale.,mostlytrue If you look at the three people on the debate stage from the United States Senate all three of them have a combined two bills that became law that theyve sponsored.,mostlytrue My campaign finished the last quarter reporting the most cash on hand of any Republican in the field $13.8 million in the bank $3.5 million more than the Jeb Bush campaign.,mostlytrue The federal government owns about half of the West yet it continues to acquire more land.,mostlytrue Georgia has the highest flu activity in the country.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio opposes abortioneven in the case of rape and incest.,mostlytrue Says John Kerry is the first secretary of state to rely primarily on a government account.,mostlytrue Since 2001 higher education in the state has been cut or allowed to erode ... by 35 or 40 percent.,mostlytrue Some 8.1 million of the estimated 11 million to 12 million people in this country illegally are working.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton couldnt bring herself to say we need to separate commercial banking and speculative banking namely reinstating GlassSteagall.,mostlytrue A Republican bill that would change John Doe criminal investigations is creating exceptions in the law for politicians.,mostlytrue We lose an average of 90 Americans every day because of guns.,mostlytrue HIVAIDS is dramatically on the rise in the U.S. South.,mostlytrue The oil and natural gas industry provides or supports 141600 jobs in Georgia.,mostlytrue Fifteen out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India and China.,mostlytrue I am very proud that over my almost 30 years of public service I have had no scandals.,mostlytrue Every other major country has family paid leave.,mostlytrue Today in America we have more people in jail than any other country on Earth.,mostlytrue There have been seven investigations of Benghazi led mostly by Republicans in the Congress that concluded nobody did anything wrong but there were changes we could make.,mostlytrue Texas has outstripped the national poverty rate since at least 1959.,mostlytrue When we had a conservative Republican president we were losing 750000 jobs a month.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led the fight to let polluters release unlimited amounts of carbon pollution and took nearly $225000 from polluters.,mostlytrue While 38 percent of firearms dealers that were inspected in 2011 were noncompliant with federal law only 0.05 percent of inspected dealers had their licenses revoked.,mostlytrue Millions of dollars are spent by Planned Parenthood to elect Democrats to the House of Representatives and the Senate.,mostlytrue A state agency wanted to fire an employee who spent four hours per day watching pornography but the state employment commission reinstated the person.,mostlytrue Today the deficit is below the average deficits over the past 40 years.,mostlytrue States with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths.,mostlytrue More preschoolers are shot dead each year than police officers are in the line of duty.,mostlytrue Planned Parenthood is an organization that funnels millions of dollars in political contributions to proabortion candidates.,mostlytrue Number of Americans killed by terrorism in the last decade 24. Number of Americans killed by guns in the last decade 280024.,mostlytrue Irans regime is responsible for more than 1000 American casualties during the Iraq war and has plotted a terrorist attack here in our nations capital.,mostlytrue Alabamas Crimson Tide will be the underdog in Saturdays game against the Georgia Bulldogs the first time in 72 consecutive games that Alabama has not been favored by oddsmakers to win.,mostlytrue Unlike virtually every other campaign we dont have a super PAC.,mostlytrue Every general City of Milwaukee employee pays toward his or her pension but approximately 88 percent of our police officers and firefighters do not.,mostlytrue Twentysix men named William have been elected to statewide office and only seven women have had the honor.,mostlytrue A voucher school that closed after 9 days this year collected $5.4 million in taxpayer subsidies since first opening.,mostlytrue Says Ronald Reagan reversed his worlds largest tax cut and raised taxes when revenues did not match the expectations.,mostlytrue Salaries of Austin residents who dont work for city government have not been going up 3 percent a year for the last several years.,mostlytrue Missouri is 1 in the nation for holding down tuition increases at public universities.,mostlytrue Says the cascading effects of climate change contributed to the rise of ISIS.,mostlytrue Says Pope Francis took the name of a saint who basically reached out to Muslims.,mostlytrue Under Republicans recessions happen four times as frequently as under Democrats.,mostlytrue When Carly Fiorina says HewlettPackard revenues went up thats because she bought Compaq. It was a terrible deal.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump was forced to file for bankruptcy not once not twice four times.,mostlytrue The top 110th of 1 percent today in America owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.,mostlytrue We had a threehour debate no discussion about the national debt very little about the economy.,mostlytrue At this point in 2012 Rick Perry was ahead at 29.9 percent and we had seven more leads before it finally settled on Mitt Romney.,mostlytrue The University of Wisconsin System is larger than any business in the state of Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Theres never been a direct Supreme Court case on people who were here illegally whether or not their kids are citizens.,mostlytrue Were the only major oilproducing nation in the world with a selfimposed ban on exporting our crude oil to other nations.,mostlytrue Says Marco Rubio has the worst voting record there is today.,mostlytrue Amajority of the men and women on this stage have previously and publicly embraced amnesty. I am the only candidate on this stage who has never supportedamnesty.,mostlytrue When he Donald Trump asked Florida to have casino gambling we said no.,mostlytrue Says Donald Trump supports the Wall Street bailout.,mostlytrue The top man at Yale Law School came out ... with just a raging report about former HP CEO Carly Fiorinasaying she isone of the worst executives in his memory in history running the company.,mostlytrue As many as six federal department budget bills have been delayed because of opposition to amendments that would ban Confederate battle flag sales at federal building gift shops.,mostlytrue Atlanta has issued an increasing number of citations and collected an increasing amount of revenue since Mayor Kasim Reed took office in 2010.,mostlytrue There has never been a panther attack in the history of Florida.,mostlytrue Twentythree million Americans suffer from addiction but only 1 in 10 get treatment.,mostlytrue It has been the law since the beginning of the country that the children of American citizens born ... abroad are American citizens by birth.,mostlytrue Bernie Sanders opposes the death penalty and Hillary Clinton supports it.,mostlytrue Bernie Sanders opposesthe TransPacific Partnership and Hillary Clinton supportsit.,mostlytrue Says he turned down a Medicaid expansion under Obamacare but because of actions he took for the first time in Wisconsins history everyone living in poverty is covered under Medicaid.,mostlytrue African Americans are twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.,mostlytrue Gov. Maggie Hassans budget proposal raises taxes on small businesses and increases taxes and fees by $100 million.,mostlytrue Buying the naming rights to the new Falcons stadium is the largest marketing deal in MercedesBenz history.,mostlytrue The United States is about 100th in voter turnout among the industrialized nations and Texas is near the bottom in terms of voter registration and voter turnout.,mostlytrue The rate in which people are working in Wisconsin is almost five points higher than it is nationally.,mostlytrue We have an Army that just cut 40000 spots.,mostlytrue The U.S. has now spent more on reconstructing Afghanistan than was spent on the Marshall Plan and the reconstruction of Europe.,mostlytrue Theres not a single solitary example that signing the bill to end GlassSteagall had anything to do with the financial crash.,mostlytrue A majority in every state favors path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.,mostlytrue Peachtree and Pine is one of the leading sites for tuberculosis in the nation.,mostlytrue Wisconsins pension system is the only one fully funded in the country.,mostlytrue Says Bernie Sanders chose to spend his honeymoon in the Soviet Union in 1988.,mostlytrue The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.,mostlytrue Says hewas one of the chief architects of balancing the federalbudget.,mostlytrue A majority of the candidates on this stage have supported amnesty ... I have never supported amnesty.,mostlytrue The Fourth Amendment was what we fought the Revolution over. John Adams said it was the spark that led to our war for independence.,mostlytrue Says that Donald Trump supported Charlie Crist.,mostlytrue I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole to a $2 billion surplus.,mostlytrue This is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration. There are a million people a year who legally immigrate to the United States.,mostlytrue SaysJeb Bush significantly cut early voting prior to the 2008 presidential election.,mostlytrue The stock market does better when you have a Democratic president in the White House.,mostlytrue In 1947 when I was born there were about 450000 lions. In the mid70s when my kids were born there were about 100000. Today there are less than 30000.,mostlytrue Since parole abolition Virginias crime rate has fallen to third lowest in the country our recidivism rate is down 20 percent and thats the second lowest in the country.,mostlytrue Every year the First Coast Guard District saves 350 lives in the Northeast.,mostlytrue We built a new prison every 10 days between 1990 and 2005 to keep up with our mass incarceration explosion of nonviolent offenders.,mostlytrue Says in 2002 he won more Hispanic votes than Anglo votes 60 percent in the state.,mostlytrue Our last budget committed the highest level of needbased financial aid in state history.,mostlytrue Russia and China absolutely said pretty clearly they would not keep economic sanctions on Iran if the United States walked away from the deal.,mostlytrue Forty percent of people in this country illegally are overstaying visas.,mostlytrue The top onetenth of 1 percent of Americans own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.,mostlytrue More than half of all drivers licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens.,mostlytrue Since 2009 weve cut homelessness among veterans by a third.,mostlytrue The National Technical Information Service spends millions of taxpayer dollars to print and sell government documents that are available free in online searches.,mostlytrue All Maryland crabs are born in Virginia.,mostlytrue We borrow a million dollars every minute.,mostlytrue Georgia has more than 700 law enforcement agencies and fewer than 20 percent of them are statecertified.,mostlytrue Sen. Rubios tax plan would cut taxes for households making around $3 million a year by almost $240000 which is way more than three times the earnings of a typical family.,mostlytrue Says because of his actions Wisconsin property taxes today are lower than they were four years ago.,mostlytrue In the past two years in Congress Ive written more bills passed more amendments on the floor of the House and enacted more of my bills into law than any other member of the House.,mostlytrue Cobb County businesses have already been awarded contracts worth $250 million on construction of a new Braves stadium.,mostlytrue For AfricanAmericans between the ages of 17 and 20 the real unemployment rate is 51 percent.,mostlytrue The United States ranks second worst in income inequality across developed countries after taxes and transfers.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clintons campaign hasnt been clear about when she wiped herserverof her work emails.,mostlytrue 25 percent of federal inmates are noncitizens.,mostlytrue Bernie Sanders voted against the Brady Bill background checks and waiting periods.,mostlytrue A working woman will earn $7.70 on $10.,mostlytrue In a majority of states you can now marry freely but can still be fired for who you love.,mostlytrue Says Jeb Bush doesnt believe in a path to citizenship. If he did at one time he no longer does.,mostlytrue In Florida the number of voters who now register as other has grown by a million in the last 10 years. Compare that with the Democrats who only grew by 300000 and the Republicans who grew by just 200000.,mostlytrue Weve cut the deficit by twothirds.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clintons top 10 donors are mainly banks corporations and media while Bernie Sanders top 10 donors are labor unions.,mostlytrue Florida has reduced its carbon emissions by 20 percent since 2005.,mostlytrue Chris Christie has led New Jersey to a recordbreaking 9 credit downgrades.,mostlytrue Texas has the nations highest rate and highest number of uninsured.,mostlytrue Says Jeb Bush oversaw an average instate tuition increase of 48.2 percent during his tenure.,mostlytrue By one leading measure what business owners pay out in wages and salaries is now finally growing faster than what they spend on health insurance for the first time in 17 years.,mostlytrue Income disparities in the United States are the worst since the 1920s.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clintons rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic but the will of the majority of Americans.,mostlytrue Says Jeb Bush said lowincome women should get their life together and find a husband.,mostlytrue Americanschools are more segregated than they were in the 1960s.,mostlytrue We have at least 200000 to 300000 hate crimes in a given year.,mostlytrue After Jeb Bushs two terms in office Floridas graduation rate was dead last and remains near the bottom.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton was completely exonerated when I was in the White House by an officialinquiryon Whitewater.,mostlytrue Here are the stats Per population we kill each other with guns at a rate 297x more than Japan 49x more than France 33x more than Israel.,mostlytrue The Confederate battle flag in South Carolina was first flown at the statehouse in 1961.It was flown as a symbol of massive resistance to racial desegregation.,mostlytrue Between 2010 and 2014 there was no net inmigration from Mexico.,mostlytrue The original compromise for the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina was to put it on the back side of the statehouse out of public view so it would not have any appearance of sovereignty.,mostlytrue Texas now has the secondhighest high school graduation rate in the country. And it has the highest graduation rate for African Americans and Hispanics.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate opponent Ron Johnson is opposed to all governmentassisted student loans.,mostlytrue Currently almost 40 percent of people with HIV are not diagnosed until they already have developed AIDS. And that can be up to 10 years after they first are infected with HIV.,mostlytrue The gap between the very rich and everyone else in America is wider today than at any time since the 1920s.,mostlytrue In just 17 years spending for Social Security federal health care and interest on the debt will exceed ALL tax revenue,mostlytrue A black male baby born today if we do not change the system stands a oneinthree chance of ending up in jail.,mostlytrue Says Jeb Bush happens to be where a majority of Republican voters areon giving legal status to illegal immigrants.,mostlytrue The film and TV industry supports more than 24000 direct jobs and pays local workers more than $1.68 billion in wages in Georgia.,mostlytrue U.S. Embassy Celebrates Americas Independence on June 4th in Order to Accommodate Muslims.,mostlytrue Says Scott Walker cut back early voting and signed legislation that would make it harder for college students to vote.,mostlytrue In Florida when Jeb Bush was governor state authorities conducted a deeply flawed purge of voters before the presidential election in 2000 and in2004 a plan to purge even more voters was headed off.,mostlytrue Former Gov. Rick Perry signed a law that a federal court said was actually written with the purpose of discriminating against minority voters.,mostlytrue In New Jersey Gov. Christie vetoed legislation to extend early voting.,mostlytrue 500 percent more traffic here,mostlytrue In the last seven years of my tenure Texas created 1.5 million new jobs. As a matter of fact without Texas America would have lost 400000 jobs.,mostlytrue The Convention Center was sold as a building that would never cost taxpayers a dime.,mostlytrue Sixty million Americans depend on Social Security and onethird of all the seniors in America depend on Social Security for 90 percent of their income.,mostlytrue Says that during his eight years as Florida governor we created 1.3 million net new jobs more jobs created than Texas.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Scott Walkers proposed state budget contained 110 pages of errors an unusually high number and millions of dollars worth of mistakes that were corrected with a followup document.,mostlytrue Says roughly twothirds of state corporations didnt pay any income tax in Virginia.,mostlytrue For our next two years in my state we will end with a structural surplus of $499 million.,mostlytrue About 85 percent of hotel guests who will pay the new $5 hotelmotel fee will be from outside Georgia.,mostlytrue There are more members of the U.S. Senate than the number of WI families who would benefit from GOP estate tax break.,mostlytrue The highest economic growth decade was the 1960s. Income tax rates were 90 percent.,mostlytrue Florida sends $135 billion and D.C. returns $150 billion.,mostlytrue More money is dedicated within the Department of Homeland Security to climate change than whats spent combating Islamist terrorists radicalizing over the Internet in the United States of America.,mostlytrue We have a legal immigration system in America that accepts 1 million people a year legally. No other country in the world even comes close to that.,mostlytrue We doubled the size of the company HewlettPackard.,mostlytrue There are more poor people today as a percentage of our population than the 1970s.,mostlytrue A Penn State University study found that electronic cigarettes . . . are far less addictive than cigarettes.,mostlytrue The U.S. representatives that voted to keep militarizing the police received 73 percent more campaign money from the defense industry than the representatives who voted to stop it.,mostlytrue If we choose Obamacare expansion 600000 will lose eligibility for their subsidies of which 257000 would be forced into Medicaid.,mostlytrue Rhode Island charter schools are nationally recognized as outperforming their counterparts across the country.,mostlytrue Theres no statistical evidence that a waiting period for handgun purchases reduces violence whatsoever.,mostlytrue The recently passed transportation funding bill is a billiondollar tax increase for Georgians.,mostlytrue The Castro regime violated international norms by secretly shipping weapons to North Korea in violation of a U.N. embargo.,mostlytrue More astronauts have been to the moon than farmers who paid the inheritance tax in 2013.,mostlytrue The United States invented the community college. Nobody else had ever done anything like it.,mostlytrue SaysLoretta Lynchs nomination has been now sitting there longer than the previous seven attorney general nominees combined.,mostlytrue By age 65 the average woman will have lost $431000 throughout her working career was a result of the pay gap.,mostlytrue 99 percent of all new income today is going to the top 1 percent.,mostlytrue The Hyde Amendmentlanguage was in the human trafficking bill. The Democratic sponsor admits it was in the bill and she voted for it.,mostlytrue When the Constitution was written only 20 to 25 percent of the people in the country could vote.,mostlytrue Florida has the most concealed weapon permits in the nation nearly double that of the second state which is Texas.,mostlytrue In Wisconsin a second arrest for carrying pot is a felony but a second or subsequent arrest for carrying a gun illegally is a misdemeanor.,mostlytrue Legislation being considered in Texas would strip the salaries and pensions of clerks who issue marriage licenses to samesex couples even if the Supreme Court strikes down Texas marriage ban later this year.,mostlytrue A $5anight hotelmotel tax thats part of the transportation bill will hurt Georgias convention business by adding extra costs for large groups coming to the state.,mostlytrue Ninety percent of American workers dont own their own business.,mostlytrue Wholly domestic communication between you and your wife can go to New York to London and back and get caught up in the NSA database.,mostlytrue Irans defense budget is $30 billion. Our defense budget is closer to $600 billion.,mostlytrue Half of all Americans have less than $10000 in their savings account.,mostlytrue Says Indiana Gov. Mike Pence provides zero state funding for homeless shelters.,mostlytrue The Affordable Care Act is a major reason why weve seen 50000 fewer preventable patient deaths in hospitals.,mostlytrue Georgia has one of the nations highest jet fuel taxes.,mostlytrue Inflationadjusted defense spending has declined 21 percent since 2010 and even if we discount the drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan it has still declined by a dangerous 12 percent.,mostlytrue Theres just one piece of legislation that is now law with Sen. Ted Cruzsname on it.,mostlytrue Rhode Island has the second highest per enrollee Medicaid cost of any state in the country which is 60 percent higher than the national average.,mostlytrue Florida is one of the few states that has actually had a narrowing of the achievement gap based on income or based on race or ethnicity.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Scott Walkers proposed reduction in university spending is about the size of the one under Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle but Democrats didnt treat Doyles cut as so dire.,mostlytrue Weve got 40 years of study now that show that with a good preschool start youre less likely to be on public dole youre less likely to be in prison.,mostlytrue The average faculty member at UWMadison brings in close to a quarter million dollars a year in grant money.,mostlytrue The IAEA or the International Atomic Energy Agency last month said the Iranians are not currently living up to their obligations.,mostlytrue The state of Florida has seen doubledigit drops in alcohol use among teens.,mostlytrue The stock market has almost tripled since April of 2009.,mostlytrue Says Secretary of State John Kerry when he was a senator flew to Managua and met with a communist dictator there Daniel Ortega and accused the Reagan administration of engaging in terrorism.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is dead last in the Midwest for job creation.,mostlytrue Every day a black name resume is 50 percent less likely to get responded to than a white nameresume.,mostlytrue Of the 10000 Rhode Island children in charter school lotteries for the fall more than 70 percent are poor .... In addition a majority of them are students of color.,mostlytrue Jeb Bush not the State of Florida decided which private emails to disclose.,mostlytrue Medicaid is close to 30 percent of the state budget and the biggest expenditure at the state.,mostlytrue If President Barack Obama strikes a nuclear deal with Iran the next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.,mostlytrue Georgia is one of only five states where breweries cant sell you a pint of beer to drink on premise or sell you a sixpack to go.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton sent a memo to all State Department staff that said you should not do State Department business on personal email.,mostlytrue President Obama said 22 times he could not authorize immigration reform by executive order.,mostlytrue A federal judge said President Barack Obamas executive action on immigration is unconstitutional.,mostlytrue More than any Republican governor in the 2014 elections I took a higher percentage of the Republican voteand yet I also carried independents by 12 points.,mostlytrue The average person only pays about $1800 in state taxes which is the lowest of all 50 states.,mostlytrue You had more women getting computer sciences degrees in the 80s by a factor of 2plus than you do now.,mostlytrue ...Over 30 years federal spending on education has grown by 375 percent but test scores remain flat.,mostlytrue On immigration the president said 22 times 22 times that he couldnt do what he eventually did.,mostlytrue More than 1 million Texans live without affordable health care because Rick Perry failed to partner with the Legislature to find a Texas solution to closing the coverage gap.,mostlytrue In general it appears Wisconsins right to work bill would likely apply to the Green Bay Packers players and their union.,mostlytrue When you have 8000 veterans a year committing suicide then you have a serious problem.,mostlytrue We live in the most incarcerated country in the world.,mostlytrue One third of our age group Millennials have moved back in with their parents.,mostlytrue 22 times Barack Obama said he did not have the authority to implement this type of antideportation measure. And then the day after he signed this into law he said quote I just changed the law.,mostlytrue ISISsends out 90000 social mediamessages a day.,mostlytrue Austin has more lobbyists working for it than any other municipality in Texas.,mostlytrue Oil companies can obtain an acre of public land for less than the price of a Big Mac.,mostlytrue Nearly one in five women in America has been a victim of rape or attempted rape.,mostlytrue By spring 2014 parents of 60000 students in New York state had refused to let them take the Common Core Tests.,mostlytrue Our median household income in 2013 was the highest in the nation.,mostlytrue In the past year DeKalb has attracted and retained more than 2300 jobs.,mostlytrue Borrowing in my 201517 state budget is less than half that in my predecessors last budget and the lowest it has been in a decade.,mostlytrue DeKalb County has graduated five police academies and three fire academies to help reach its ambitious hiring goals in both departments.,mostlytrue If you look at the income of average Americans...theyre absolutely flat in constant dollars since 1979.,mostlytrue The Obama administration is refusing to directly arm the Kurds.,mostlytrue Says a lawmaker seeks to defund Planned Parenthood for cutting children into small pieces.,mostlytrue Millions of people have given up looking for work altogether.,mostlytrue The No. 1 cause of childhood deaths is preventable accidents.,mostlytrue Amazing fact Senate has already voted on more amendments in 2015 than Reid allowed ALL YEAR last year.,mostlytrue More people have watched Morning Joe than CNN and HLN 5 years in a row.,mostlytrue Today the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928.,mostlytrue Atmospheric conditions could push a footballs pressure down approximately oneandahalf pounds per square inch.,mostlytrue College tuition rates in Texas jumped by 55 since 2003.,mostlytrue Assault weapons and handguns are allowed in the state Capitol while bullhorns trumpets helium balloons and flags on poles are banned.,mostlytrue MercedesBenz USA moving its headquarters to Atlanta will create at least 800 jobs.,mostlytrue The right to vote in this country has never been intrinsically tied to citizenship.,mostlytrue Online voter registration is a more secure way of doing voter registration.,mostlytrue Starting in December 2007 1.4 million jobs were created in Texas. In that same period the rest of the country lost 400000 jobs.,mostlytrue America is No. 1 in wind power.,mostlytrue Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis.,mostlytrue The United States is the only advanced country on Earth that doesnt guarantee paid maternity leave to our workers.,mostlytrue A strong majority of Americans support the Keystone XL pipeline.,mostlytrue Weve seen our deficits cut by twothirds.,mostlytrue Today home sales are up nearly 50 percent from where they were in the worst of the crisis.,mostlytrue Weve doubled the production of clean energy.,mostlytrue If you ask how many times did Ronald Reagan attend a fundraiser when he ran for reelection in 1984 the answer is eight times. If you say how many times did Barack Obama attend a fundraiser in 2012 the answer is 228 times.,mostlytrue Factories are opening their doors at the fastest pace in almost two decades.,mostlytrue The state covered a smaller percentage of the cost of K12 education in 2013 than it didin 2002.,mostlytrue Currently Florida is one of only five states in the nation that prohibit citizens from buying electricity from companies that will put solar panels on your home or business.,mostlytrue Georgia is now the eighth most populous state in the nation moving from the number 10 position in just four years.,mostlytrue Says Mitch McConnell credits Republicans for recent economic improvements even though they took control of the Senate only days ago.,mostlytrue The average family not in the top 10 percent makes less money today than they were making a generation ago.,mostlytrue Administrative employees at colleges and universitieshave more than doubled over the last 25 years outpacing the growth of students by more than 2 to 1.,mostlytrue The CIA paid two psychologists $81 million to develop and run their torture program.,mostlytrue The average taxpayer will see the equivalent of a 2 percent pay raise as a result of low fuel prices.,mostlytrue Agriculture contributes $71 billion to Georgias economy annually making it the states largest industry.,mostlytrue Says Jeb Bush not only opposes marriage equality hes said he personally believes gay couples should be banned from adopting children.,mostlytrue Says that in 2008 President Barack Obama said normalization with Cuba would first require liberation of all political prisoners and some basic steps toward freedom including freedom of the press political parties labor unions.,mostlytrue We have a system now where in 40 states the highestpaid public employee is the state universitys head football or basketball coach.,mostlytrue Since the United States began negotiations with Iran thats probably the first year and a half in which Iran has not advanced its nuclear program in the last decade.,mostlytrue The reason why Cubans dont have access to 21st century telecommunications like smart phones like access to the Internet is because it is illegal in Cuba.,mostlytrue Twothirds of the federal budget is permanent law ... its permanently appropriated.,mostlytrue A lot of what Cubas survival depends on is Venezuelan oil money which is drying up.,mostlytrue In the U.S. agreement with the Cuban government no commitment was made to allowing the establishment of political parties or to even begin the semblance of a transition to a democracy.,mostlytrue Says 3000 Americans died of gunfire between the time of the Ebola scare in Dallas and the midterm elections.,mostlytrue This Congress made history as the least productive most unpopular Congress in the history of this proud nation.,mostlytrue It has been many years if ever since an inmate has completed his or her high school diploma while incarcerated in a state correctional facility for adults.,mostlytrue The federal budget bill reauthorizes the Overseas Private Investment Corporation which provides taxpayer dollars so that the Four Seasons hotel can build a resort in Turkey.,mostlytrue Bill Howell has been the consistent force behind every major tax increase in Virginia in the last decade.,mostlytrue Mike Martinez has voted to raise taxes and utility rates while ending free bus service for seniors.,mostlytrue We are younger than our competitors and this is entirely because of immigration.,mostlytrue More than 70 percent of American adults have committed a crime that could lead to imprisonment.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama has lost more members of the House and more members of the Senate than any president ever has lost in modern times.,mostlytrue In 1990 the U.S. led the world in the percentage of 2534 year olds with college degrees. Today we are in 12th place.,mostlytrue President Barack Obama said over 20 times he did not have the legal authority to act as he did on immigration.,mostlytrue Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed became a city resident in the last annexation opening the door to his candidacy.,mostlytrue Wisconsins state budget is almost twice as large per person as the state budget of Texas and even after billions in tax cuts Wisconsins working families and businesses remain subject to a heavy tax burden.,mostlytrue Every president since Eisenhower has taken executive action to address immigration issues.,mostlytrue Our median income here in Providence is the same as the median income in Mississippi.,mostlytrue Says 93 percent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks.,mostlytrue Texas had the worst voter participation in the country in the November 2014 elections.,mostlytrue On immigration what reports say President Barack Obama plans to do is roughly on the same scale as what President George H.W. Bush did.,mostlytrue The NRA supported background checks...,mostlytrue In Wisconsin unions can essentially give unlimited contributions to political parties but business cant give any.,mostlytrue The Orange County Florida school board voted to make it impossible for a student to receive a grade below 50.,mostlytrue Repeal of Obamacare would take away health care for 10.3 million Americans who have received coverage since Oct. 1 2013.,mostlytrue Georgia has some of the highest gas taxes in the Southeast but one of the lowest taxes on gasoline for transportation in the nation.,mostlytrue No one was taken into custody for feeding the homeless.,mostlytrue Austin mayoral candidate Steve Adler admitted his law firm worked with Koch Industries for nearly a decade.,mostlytrue Republicans approved 12 times larger tax breaks for people making over 350 grand than for the average middleclass person.,mostlytrue Amendment 2 on medical marijuana won a higher percentage of the vote than the last six Florida governors including Jeb Bushs 2002 landslide.,mostlytrue Every new Republican member of the U.S. Senate said they will vote to repeal and replace Obamacare.,mostlytrue New Jersey has had seven credit downgrades since Chris Christie became governor.,mostlytrue The gender gap in his support is not unique to me and theres not a huge gap from where Republicans have been in presidential gubernatorial and US Senate elections in recent years.,mostlytrue Wisconsin Republicans repealed a statewide fair pay law that made sure women are treated fairly on the job.,mostlytrue Nathan Deal saved the HOPE scholarship program.,mostlytrue All of Liberia can produce less than onethird as much electricity as the Dallas Cowboys football stadium consumes at peak times.,mostlytrue Says his promise of 250000 new private sector jobs was a big goal.,mostlytrue Greg Abbott has benefitted from payday lenders who have given him $300000 and then received a ruling from him that they can operate in a loophole in the law that allows them to charge unlimited rates and fees.,mostlytrue You cannot get Ebola from just riding on a plane or bus.,mostlytrue Figures for September 2014s job growth in Wisconsin mark the largest privatesector job creation weve had in the month of September in more than a decade,mostlytrue Says the 1956 Republican Party platform supported equal pay the minimum wage asylum for refugees protections for unions and more.,mostlytrue $2.4 million of the NIH dollars was spent on origami condoms.,mostlytrue Money towards the Ebola vaccine is basically cut in half to what it was. More cuts are coming under the congressional sequester.,mostlytrue Jason Carter never passed a bill in his tenure in the state Senate.,mostlytrue Says Mark Pryor votes with Obama 93 percent of the time.,mostlytrue Weve had 27 Ebola outbreaks around the globe and theyve never spread outside of the confines of the countries that were initially affected.,mostlytrue Says Jeanne Shaheen has voted with the president 99 percent of the time.,mostlytrue When I go on Letterman the ratings go up.,mostlytrue I was speaking out on pension reform almost 17 years ago.,mostlytrue In 1968 the average corporate CEO made 20 times the average workers pay. Today that multiple is about 350.,mostlytrue More than 70000 job openings are listed on a state jobs website.,mostlytrue Weeks after accepting a quartermilliondollar campaign contribution from a hospital board chairman Greg Abbott went to court against victims of a drugtaking neurosurgeon.,mostlytrue Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would help lift over a million Americans out of poverty.,mostlytrue Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour will destroy between half a million and one million jobs.,mostlytrue As mayor Allan Fung raised taxes three times.,mostlytrue David Perdue did not support the 2014 farm bill that U.S. Sens. Isakson and Chambliss did.,mostlytrue If Florida had not taken the stimulus it would have led to the firing of 20000 teachers.,mostlytrue In Massachusetts Scott Brown pushed for a law to force women considering abortion force them to look at color photographs of developing fetuses.,mostlytrue The cost of health care is now the singlebiggest factor driving down the federal budget deficit.,mostlytrue The Common Core was not put together by the Department of Education in Washington. It was put together by governors and by states.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scott signed laws requiring mandatory ultrasounds and restricting access to abortion even in cases of rape or incest.,mostlytrue Says Thom Tillis refuses to say what we should do to combat ISIS.,mostlytrue Says Mark Warner has supported restrictions on veterans second amendment rights.,mostlytrue In the last six years of Ciancis administration violent crime was down in the United States. It was down in the region. It was down in Rhode Island. But it was up in Providence.,mostlytrue Most people in New Hampshire want to raise the minimum wage. State Rep. Marilinda Garcia opposes it.,mostlytrue Republican House candidateMarilinda Garcia even opposes closing the loophole that allows dangerous criminals to get a gun without a background check.,mostlytrue Says female genital mutilation is a central African problem not an Islamic problem as Bill Maher suggested.,mostlytrue Says Sen. Kay Hagan has missed half of the Senate Armed Services Committees hearings in 2014.,mostlytrue We have 41000 people right now on the waitlist for financialbased assistance for our tech colleges and universities most of them for tech schools.,mostlytrue Under Scott Walker right now were 46th in the country in terms of new businesses started.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama has launched twice as many strikes oncountries that are predominantly Muslim than President George W. Bush.,mostlytrue Thanks to our reforms the average family will have an extra $322 to spend.,mostlytrue Austin has over 1000 city employees that make sixfigure salaries.,mostlytrue The FBI is involved in an investigation about people in the Rio Grande Valley who are using cocaine to buy votes.,mostlytrue Greg Abbott heads up a party whose platform calls for the repeal of the Voting Rights Act.,mostlytrue Jason Carter actually opposed more funding for education in the Senate.,mostlytrue In 2012 Wall Street gave Scott Brown more campaign contributions than any other candidate $5.3 million.,mostlytrue The Obama administration is using as its legal justification for these airstrikes on the Islamic State an authorization for military force that the president himself has called for repeal of.,mostlytrue There is no state in the U.S. where a 40hour minimum wage work week is enough to afford a twobedroom apartment.,mostlytrue Much more than 50 percentof parents out there are spankers.,mostlytrue 57 of the jobs created in Austin from 2009 to 2013 do not pay families a living wage.,mostlytrue Of the 98 top oxycodonedispensing doctors who used to live in Florida today there are none.,mostlytrue Children who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to commit it themselves.,mostlytrue Says NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell interviewed domestic abuse victim Janay Rice with Ray Rice present and for every domestic violence agency every law enforcement agency thats a nono.,mostlytrue Over 40 of our 100 House of Delegates seats go uncontested every year and over 40 percent of our state senate seats go uncontested every year.,mostlytrue Says Glenn Grothman pushed through state tax credits that when phased in someone that owns a factory that produces millions in income will pay less tax than their nephew would if he worked full time at Taco Bell for minimum wage.,mostlytrue Says President Obama has never made a statement ... that he wanted a residual force left in Iraq.,mostlytrue Says Michelle Nunn has acknowledged allowing a convicted felon to hold a fundraiser for her.,mostlytrue Obamas entire national security team including his secretary of state said we want to arm and train and equip Syrian rebel forces and he made the unilateral decision to turn them down.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scott thinks employers should be able to deny women coverage for birth control.,mostlytrue Under Rick Scott homeowners are paying higher home insurance premiums for less coverage.,mostlytrue A poll found that 20 of young adults use smartphones during sex.,mostlytrue Says Mary Burkes Madison school district will be the only school district left in the state to ignore the Act 10 law in the 201516 school year.,mostlytrue The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the free world.,mostlytrue Federal investigators found a company that David Perdue ran discriminated against women paid them less than men for the same work.,mostlytrue Scott Walker cut school funding more per student than any governor in America.,mostlytrue McDonalds workers in Denmark have a union. Earn $45000year.,mostlytrue Pinnacle Overlook in Southwest Virginia is closer to eight other state capitals than to Richmond.,mostlytrue In the latest jobs numbers Wisconsin ranked third in the Midwest.,mostlytrue The pension fund in the city of Providence is only 30 percent funded about the same level as when he Taveras took office.,mostlytrue In 2012 there were nearly 12.2 million arrests and only 410 uses of deadly force by police in the United States.,mostlytrue There have been at least 100 shootings each year Angel Taveras has been mayor of Providence.,mostlytrue In 1952 the corporate income tax accounted for 33 percent of all federal tax revenue. Today despite recordbreaking profits corporate taxes bring in less than 9 percent.,mostlytrue My campaign alone has created more jobs in the state of Rhode Island than Narragansett Beer.,mostlytrue Says he holds the record for most appearances on Meet the Press.,mostlytrue Police in the United States are allowed to use tear gas even though it has been classified as a chemical weapon and banned in international conflict since 1993.,mostlytrue The United States is the only industrialized country that does not guarantee paid time off to care for a new child.,mostlytrue The Obama administration originally wanted 10000 troops to remain in Iraq not combat troops but military advisers special operations forces to watch the counterterrorism effort.,mostlytrue Says he invested over $100 million in worker training.,mostlytrue Wisconsin is 38th in the country in terms of proficiency standards in student testing.,mostlytrue A regulatory thing means you cant show someone drinking beer on camera.,mostlytrue Says his Act 10 reforms have saved the taxpayers some $3 billion.,mostlytrue The number of SWAT raids have gone up by 1400 percent since the 1980s.,mostlytrue In Ferguson Mo.youve got threeblack officers and 50 white officers with a town that is 67 percent AfricanAmerican.,mostlytrue Kasim Reed has kept every promise he made as a candidate.,mostlytrue The Islamic State or ISIS was cast off by alQaida because it was considered too extreme.,mostlytrue There are only about 10 people in the United States Senate who have any real business experience.,mostlytrue Says GOP primary opponents Glenn Grothman and Joe Leibham cast a compromise vote that cost $788 million in higher electricity costs.,mostlytrue Says that as a Supreme Court justice Greg Abbott found that a company whose vacuum cleaners were sold door to door had no responsibility in the hiring of a salesman who raped a customer.,mostlytrue In 1978 a student who worked a minimumwage summer job could afford to pay a years full tuition at the 4year public university of their choice.,mostlytrue The people who want President Barack Obama impeached are all white theyre all older and guess what theyre in the far right wing of the Republican Party.,mostlytrue Rhode Islands state pension system underperformed the median three out of the four years that Mr. Frank Caprio was in office.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst does not support a national minimum wage.,mostlytrue Israel in the last three weeks haskilled more Palestinian children more than 200 than the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in military operations since 2006.,mostlytrue Says Rep. Bruce Braley DIowa missed 79 percent of veterans affairs committee hearings.,mostlytrue Women in Florida make 83 cents for every dollar a man makes.,mostlytrue 97 percent of the 100 poorest counties in America are in red states.,mostlytrue The United States is the leading nation in the world with the highest amount of doubt about the conventional wisdom of climate change.,mostlytrue By some estimates as few as 2 percent of the 50000 Central American children who have crossed the border illegally this year have been sent home.,mostlytrue Mary Burkes company Trek Bicycles makes 99 of their bikes overseas.,mostlytrue Russia has an economy the size of Italy.,mostlytrue A tax plan promoted by North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy.,mostlytrue U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn earned as much as $300000 running a nonprofit that had laid off 90 workers.,mostlytrue Ninety percent of people living in Gaza dont have access even to water.,mostlytrue The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit compared the health care law to buying a pepperoni and ham pizza from Dominos or Pizza Hut.,mostlytrue We are 49th in the nation for our graduation rate,mostlytrue Weve recovered from the recession faster and come farther than almost any other advanced country on Earth.,mostlytrue Tourism and retirees are the dominant economic engines in our state.,mostlytrue Under Gov. Tom Corbett Pennsylvania ranks 49th in job creation.,mostlytrue Florida has the third mostregressive tax structure.,mostlytrue There are fewerwars there are fewerpeople dying in wars now than there have been in quite some time.,mostlytrue The socalled defense minister of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk ... actually posted a bragging social media posting of having shot down a military transport. And then when it became apparent it was civilian they pulled it down from social media.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scotts perpupil education spending is about $200 less than what it was under Charlie Crist during the recession.,mostlytrue More than 50 percent of immigrants from El Salvador Guatemala and Honduras use at least one major welfare program once they get here.,mostlytrue Says the Obama administration never responded to his 2012 letter flagging the uptick in unaccompanied children crossing the U.S.Mexico border.,mostlytrue Alaska Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich vote as much as 80 percent of the time together.,mostlytrue Providence graduation rates are up.,mostlytrue Radio Marti and TV Marti have spent more than $500 million to reach less than 1 percent of the Cuban population.,mostlytrue There are more than 46 million Americans living in poverty today the largest number in 54 years.,mostlytrue Says Charlie Crist raised taxes on the middle class by $2.2 billion.,mostlytrue We cut property taxes for seniors and our middle class.,mostlytrue If you look at the states where soccer is most popular theyre overwhelmingly blue states and the states where soccer is least popular are red states.,mostlytrue As Jim Doyles Commerce secretary Mary Burke spent $12.5 million dollars to buy a vacant lot for a company that said it had no plans to create jobs in Wisconsin and had laid off 800 workers.,mostlytrue We in this state saw more job creation in the last three years since Ive been governor than you saw in the whole eight years of Doyles time as governor.,mostlytrue Cranstons 20142015 budget funds 100 percent of the local police and fire pension and other retiree benefit costs.,mostlytrue Says Greg Abbott has lost in court four times in just the past few days.,mostlytrue Women of childbearing age spend 68 percent more in outofpocket health care costs than men.,mostlytrue Hobby Lobby provided this birth control coverage before they decided to drop it to file suit.,mostlytrue U.S. Senate candidate Jack Kingston requested more earmarks than any other GA Congressman and all GA GOP members combined.,mostlytrue Nearly 60 percent of women who use birth control do so for more than just family planning.,mostlytrue Says Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has deputies collecting overtime while sitting passively in chairs watching courthouse security personnel work.,mostlytrue Republican candidate for governor Allan Fung donated to Democrats like Congressman David Cicilline disgraced House speaker Gordon Fox and even Mr. Obamacare Harry Reid.,mostlytrue In 31 states decent child care costs more than college tuition.,mostlytrue After Massachusetts passed a mandatory health insurance law their mortality rate went saved lives.,mostlytrue Candidates for governor routinely disclose their spouses tax returns.,mostlytrue Gov. Rick Scott cut the cost of prepaid college tuition by nearly $20000.,mostlytrue Says Scott Brown voted with President Barack Obama 70 percent of the time in 2011.,mostlytrue The United States is the only developed country in the world without paid maternity leave.,mostlytrue By 2006 the American people were overwhelmingly against the Iraq War.,mostlytrue All 28 members of NATO have pledged to spend at least 2 percent of their economy on defense. But only three countries do Britain Greece and us.,mostlytrue Thousands of Westerners and Americans are fighting with extremists in eastern Syria and Iraq.,mostlytrue The typical Wisconsin worker makes $5000 less each year than our neighbors in Minnesota under Gov. Scott Walkers policies.,mostlytrue It would be illegal for the Fulton County Commission to raise the county tax rate.,mostlytrue When Rick Scott was deposed in lawsuits about his company he took the Fifth 75 times.,mostlytrue More than 1.5 million people moved into Georgia between the past two Census counts and a majority consider themselves AfricanAmerican Latino or AsianAmerican.,mostlytrue In the 1950s and 1960s the minimum wage was such that it would lift you out of poverty.,mostlytrue Our trade with Mexico is $720 million a day thats our No. 1 trading partner.,mostlytrue In Iran in 1979 the extremists hijacked the broadbased popular revolution against the Shah and established a brutal theocracy.,mostlytrue In the city of Milwaukee weve still got a mayor and a police chief who are furloughing police officers at a time when we have violence all across the city.,mostlytrue By the time I left the State Department economic growth was up and opium production was down in Afghanistan while infant mortality declined and school enrollment rose by more than sevenfold.,mostlytrue In February John McCain suggested the BergdahlTaliban swap that he now calls outrageous and dangerous.,mostlytrue The average student loan debt in Texas is over $22000...the cost of an average size pickup truck. But unlike car owners students are not allowed to refinance their loans at lower rates.,mostlytrue Graduation and thirdgrade reading scores are up in the state since I took office.,mostlytrue Charlie Crist allowed college tuition to increase up to 15 percent every year.,mostlytrue Weve seen a remarkable reduction in the number of Americans being executed its down nearly twothirds over the past generation.,mostlytrue Were fifth in the world in executions behind China Iran Iraq and Saudi Arabia.,mostlytrue The five Taliban detainees being released from Guantanamo in exchange for captured Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are the hardest of the hardcore. These are the highest highrisk people.,mostlytrue From the Do As I Say Not As I Do department federal employees owe $3.3 billion in back taxes.,mostlytrue Less than 5 percent of registered users in states allowing medical marijuana have cancer or AIDS.,mostlytrue The Wisconsin school voucher program has no research that shows that its going to improve student learning.,mostlytrue Milwaukee has seen an uptick in violence since 2010 and the only period of calm we get is when winter sets in.,mostlytrue Cap and trade legislation was originally a Republican idea.,mostlytrue Today the five largest financial institutions are 38 percent bigger than they were back in 2008 when they were too big to fail.,mostlytrue Says Hillary Clinton opposed an individual mandate and favored an employer mandate back in 1993.,mostlytrue David Beckhams soccer stadium would get a special tax deal that lets them off the hook for $2 million in taxes every year for 30 years.,mostlytrue Canadian middle class incomes are now higher than in the United States. They are working fewer hours for more pay living longer on average and facing less income inequality.,mostlytrue Virtually no Republican in Washington accepts climate change science.,mostlytrue U.S. teenagers have now fallen behind their counterparts in Ireland Poland and even Vietnam in math and science.,mostlytrue Oregon today has 100000 more jobs than it did when I was elected.,mostlytrue Congress used earmarks for more than 200 years.,mostlytrue During the George W. Bush period there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died.,mostlytrue The CBO says that if you raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour half a million people would lose their jobs.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate candidate David Perdue flipflopped on releasing his tax returns.,mostlytrue When Deborah took office the Sellwood Bridge project had languished for years with only $11 million in funds. With her leadership the remaining funding was secured that got the project moving forward.,mostlytrue A 2013 state law would allow the operator of an iron ore mine in northern Wisconsin to fill in pristine streams and ponds with mine waste.,mostlytrue A small majority of Americans dont think they like the Affordable Care Act but a large majority of Americans dont want to do away with the protections that are in the Affordable Care Act.,mostlytrue Roughly 500000 Georgians or about 5 percent of the states residents have gone through a background check to legally obtain a Georgia weapons carry license.,mostlytrue Says Virginia House Republicans are sacrificing $5 million a day in U.S. funds by refusing to expand Medicaid.,mostlytrue The Cathedral of Christ the King is one of the Archdiocese of Atlantas largest and fastestgrowing parishes.,mostlytrue Says Scott Brown voted to give oil companies big tax breaks.,mostlytrue No other country has a constitutional right like the Second Amendment.,mostlytrue Up to 45 percent of illegal immigrants are not people that physically crossed the southern border or northern border. They are visa overstayers.,mostlytrue Dave Brat worked on Democrat Gov. Tim Kaines Council of Economic Advisors while Kaine tried to raise our taxes by over $1 billion.,mostlytrue 95 percent of the income gains in the last few years have gone to the top 1 percent.,mostlytrue In 2013 we had the largest the best private sector job growth weve had in this state since the 1990s.,mostlytrue Ed Gillespies 2006 book promoted an individual health care mandate and recommends that it be enforced by the IRS through the income tax code.,mostlytrue In Wisconsin a woman only earns 80 cents for every $1 a man earns.,mostlytrue When you get a commercial pilots license you learn to communicate in English no matter where you are in the world.,mostlytrue One thing that is much more unpopular than the Affordable Care Act is repealing the Affordable Care Act.,mostlytrue David Dewhurst currently owes more than $1 million to vendors for services provided to his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign.,mostlytrue On average women make 77 cents for every dollar men make.,mostlytrue Georgia has the nations fifth largest Women Infants and Children WIC Supplemental Nutrition program serving more than 270000 mothers babies and children every day.,mostlytrue Shaheen votes with Obama 99 percent of the time.,mostlytrue Seventytwo percent of Georgians did not have a chance to finish college.,mostlytrue When Republicans last controlled the presidency and Congress the number of people on food stamps and the number of people in lowincome housing went through the roof.,mostlytrue Young women today in metropolitan areaswho are childless and single are outearning childless single young males.,mostlytrue Charlie Crist raised taxes in 2009 and wont rule out raising taxes again.,mostlytrue In order to pass the CRCT in Georgia you simply have to get half of the answers correct.,mostlytrue By a twotoone margin Rhode Islanders want to ban assault weapons and we have a very small percentage of gun owners in this state less than 13 percent.,mostlytrue Weve dedicated more money from Washington Countys transportation budget to bike and ped projects under my watch than at any time in the history of Washington County.,mostlytrue Rick Scott wants to take us back to the days of insurance companies denying coverage for preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Under Mary Burkes leadership Commerce Department businessincentive programs had major shortcomings and 40 percent of jobs...didnt materialize.,mostlytrue Twothirds of the people who receive the minimum wage are female.,mostlytrue Since December 2010 Florida has created 540000 new jobs.,mostlytrue The Koch brothers are the richest people in the world. Individually theyre only fifth. Put them together theyre the richest in the world.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scott presided over cuts to the Bright Futures college scholarship program.,mostlytrue Manufacturing wages today in America on a perhour basis are actually a bit lower than average wages in the economy as a whole.,mostlytrue Nine out of the 10 poorest states are Red states.,mostlytrue Rick Scott tried to slash school funding by $3.3 billion.,mostlytrue I was the most bipartisan senator in the United States Senate.,mostlytrue A child born in America today will inherit $1.5 million in debt the moment theyre placed in their mothers arms.,mostlytrue Says some Georgians can get health insurance for $105 a month.,mostlytrue Says he forced Washington to open up the Arctic Ocean to oil drilling.,mostlytrue Medicare has spent $172 million on penis pumps in the last five years at $360 a pop.,mostlytrue Our state economic development agency under Walker WEDC actually isnt even using the funds that are appropriated to it.,mostlytrue Says Stefani Carter repeatedly used her campaign contributors donations to rent margarita machines for our state house office.,mostlytrue Florida ranks first in the nation for access to free prekindergarten.,mostlytrue Women are still paid 82 cents for every dollar a man earns in Texas.,mostlytrue Russian annexation of Crimea removes a million residents of the Ukraine that have provided the margin of victory for Viktor Yanukovych the proMoscow prime minister in his last election.,mostlytrue Dan Patrick called for increasing the gas tax and the state sales tax.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obamas approval rating gained 3 points in the last couple months.,mostlytrue Says Dan Patrick supported giving a $5000 taxpayerfunded voucher to every family to buy a car.,mostlytrue The president won the youth vote 3 to1 but his numbers have dropped 20 30 percent among the youth.,mostlytrue When I talk about raising the minimum wage ... half of Republicansagree with it.,mostlytrue Says Vladimir Putin once said The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.,mostlytrue The Russians didnt wear uniforms when they came in to Ukraine.,mostlytrue Says 21 million people still suffer slavery today.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scott oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in the nations history.,mostlytrue Georgias civil forfeiture laws are among the worst in the country and the very worst in the South.,mostlytrue In 1968 a fulltime worker earning minimum wage could actually support a family of three above the poverty line. Today that same worker would earn less than the poverty line for a family of two.,mostlytrue The Russian ruble is already going down.,mostlytrue Fewer black and Latino men participate in the labor force compared to young white men.,mostlytrue We have more women living in poverty in this state than almost anywhere else.,mostlytrue Gun marketplaces on Facebook mean ANYONE can broker a deal on a gun online meet the seller in a parking lot somewhere and walk away with a weapon.,mostlytrue Our economy in Louisiana has grown 50 percent faster than the national GDP even since the national recession.,mostlytrue Barry Smitherman doesnt have enough legal experience to apply for most of the jobs at the attorney generals office.,mostlytrue Travis County now has the highest urban county tax rate in Texas.,mostlytrue There are 4.7 percent of Virginians who are minimum wage earners who are over 25 years of age working fulltime and trying to raise a family.,mostlytrue Most folks wages havent gone up in over a decade.,mostlytrue The budget I managed at the Department of Education was more than $60 million.,mostlytrue According to one study the minimum wage today is worth $2 less than in 1968.,mostlytrue Chris Christie helped funnel $6 million in federal Hurricane Sandy money to a senior center in Belleville N.J. a place that suffered no damage.,mostlytrue In Oregon women earn an average of 79 cents for every dollar that men earn for doing the same job. Thats just wrong.,mostlytrue SaysPresident Reagans second inaugural was moved inside the Capitol. It was. Because of a terrible snowstorm.,mostlytrue The only time over the last 25 years when the states unemployment rate exceeded the U.S. average was when Mary Burke was commerce secretary.,mostlytrue Dollar General added 2500 stores and 20000 jobs during his fouryear tenure as CEO.,mostlytrue North Carolina Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis would let insurance companies deny coverage for preexisting conditions.,mostlytrue Female buffalo lead the herd.,mostlytrue Right now we only keep 50 percent of Georgia Techs graduates.,mostlytrue The U.S. has the highest unintended pregnancy rate of any Western industrialized country.,mostlytrue Americans work way more than an average of industrialized countries around the world.,mostlytrue We see a quarterbillion dollars in a pension fund that needs to be funded at $1.2 billion.,mostlytrue If you have a union job youre making on average $950 a week. If you have a nonunion job youre making $750 a week.,mostlytrue The cost of the food stamp program is at an alltime high.,mostlytrue Says Bill OReilly spoke 40 percent of the words in an interview with President Barack Obama.,mostlytrue Says 85 percent of IDEA charterschool students come from lowincome families and about 99 percent of its graduates go to college.,mostlytrue Eightyfive percent of the states in the United States that had electrocution have now abolished it.,mostlytrue NFL players are living on average longer than the average male.,mostlytrue Says Peyton Manning struggles in cold weather games.,mostlytrue David Dewhurst is the first lieutenant governor in history to have a personal security detail.,mostlytrue I never gave up custody of my children. I never lost custody of my children.,mostlytrue The majority of teams are now spending their dollars on the offensive side of the football.,mostlytrue Nearly 90 of Travis County government races will be settled by the time of the Democratic primary.,mostlytrue Women make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.,mostlytrue For the first time in over a decade business leaders around the world have declared that China is no longer the worlds No. 1 place to invest America is.,mostlytrue The federal minimum wage is worth about 20 percent less than it was when Ronald Reagan gave his first address to a joint session of Congress.,mostlytrue Says Alex Sink supported more taxes on water and TV.,mostlytrue Obamacare passed by just one vote in the Senate. It wouldnt have passed without Mark Warners vote.,mostlytrue Under President Barack ObamaWeve got the lowest labor force participation in over three decades since 1978.,mostlytrue The minimum wage is mostly an entrylevel wage for young people.,mostlytrue In the entire public school system in Camden last year only three students graduated college ready.,mostlytrue Marijuana today is genetically modified with THC levels that far surpass the marijuana of the 1970s.,mostlytrue With the tax controls we already put in place property taxes on a typical home in December of 2014 will actually be lower than they were in December of 2010.,mostlytrue Of the approximately 6 million disenfranchised felons in the United States onequarter are Floridians.,mostlytrue After years of 5.5 percent average tuition increases we now have a twoyear tuition freeze for the first time in the history of the UW System.,mostlytrue We had 6000 oil and gas spills in 2012 with more oil and gas spreading in the United States than the entire Exxon Valdez spill.,mostlytrue Since Barack Obama became president of the United States 95 percent of economic gains have been made by the richest 1 percent.,mostlytrue Thanks in part to our alloftheabove strategy for American energy the United States generates more natural gas than anybody.,mostlytrue Today our unemployment rate is 7.8 percent. That is the lowest in five years.,mostlytrue Americans are 20 times as likely to die from gun violence as citizens of other civilized countries.,mostlytrue The New England Patriots were led by an explosive offense that scored the second most points in the NFL.,mostlytrue President Barack Obamas judicial appointments for Georgia and the region were drafted in secret and not vetted by legal groups among the presidents supporters.,mostlytrue On foreign policy Joe Biden was against aid for Vietnam said the fall of the Shah was a step forward for human rights in Iran opposed Reagans defense buildup and voted against the first Gulf War.,mostlytrue Obama unilaterally announced he was delaying employer mandate through a blog post by a midlevel bureaucrat at the Department of Treasury.,mostlytrue Texas is experiencing the fastest population growth in the country adding more than 1000 people a day.,mostlytrue The median male worker in this country has not seen a raise inflation adjusted for 30 years basically.,mostlytrue I cut spending while serving in the state Legislature,mostlytrue If you have a job in this country theres a 97 percent chance that youre not going to be in poverty.,mostlytrue If you make the average amount of people in Wisconsin $50000 you got $1.60 less a week in taxes under the state incometax cut but it didnt show up in your paycheck.,mostlytrue We have been in Afghanistan longer now than we have been in any foreign land conducting a war in our nations history.,mostlytrue Marriage decreases the probability of child poverty by 82 percent.,mostlytrue Federal law requires residents to participate in the U.S. governments American Community Survey.,mostlytrue There are many studies that indicate that the longer people get unemployment insurance it provides some disincentive to work.,mostlytrue US Change in Income 200913. Top 1 31.4. Bottom 99 0.4.,mostlytrue Under the Espionage Act Edward Snowden would not be allowed to come into court and say I was justified in disclosing this information. There is no whistleblower exception in the Espionage Act.,mostlytrue You dont see Norway losing population and its taxes are astronomical.,mostlytrue In my home state nearly one in five Floridians live in poverty.,mostlytrue In altered photo says Barack Obama wants more of Texans private data via health care.,mostlytrue Because of the health care law by 2017 we will be funneling over $100 billion annually to private insurance companies.,mostlytrue The farm bill has aprovision that would in many ways reduce the deficit.,mostlytrue Republican state lawmakers are refusing to give the people of their own states their own tax dollars back in the form of expanded Medicaid.,mostlytrue Of all cities in the United States with more than 100000 people Providence is the 183rd safest.,mostlytrue 61 percent of nontea party Republicans actually agree...there is solid evidence the earth is warming ...but 70 percent of tea partiers contrarily say there is no solid evidence the earth is warming.,mostlytrue Since 2007 David Jolly has given almost $30000 to keep Democrats in Congress,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama came into office very concerned about wiretappings but then he became president of the United States he got all the briefings and he decided the balance is probably pretty appropriately struck.,mostlytrue To comply with nondiscrimination laws the government is forcing people in business to make wedding cakes for anyone.,mostlytrue The United States is behind many countries in Europe in terms of the ability of every kid in America to get ahead.,mostlytrue About 40 percent of workers dont ... have a single paid sick day.,mostlytrue Floridas proposed medical marijuana amendment would make Florida one of the most lenient medicalmarijuana states allowing use for limitless other conditions specified by any physician.,mostlytrue Says Harry Reid has a better voting attendance record than these three Congressmen,mostlytrue The vast overwhelming majority of crimes that occur with a firearm are committed by people who dont legally possess that firearm in the first place.,mostlytrue The town of Cumberland has its highest bond rating in history.,mostlytrue 60 percent of people on food assistance are working.,mostlytrue Says Nelson Mandela was a communist.,mostlytrue Even after collective bargaining reforms most Wisconsin public employees are still paying about 12 to 13 percent of their health insurance premiums while most state residents who work in the private sector pay 20 to 25 percent.,mostlytrue Onethird of all bank tellers are on public assistance.,mostlytrue About 2 percent of Americans get paid the minimum wage.,mostlytrue Passing a federal firearms background check through the NICS database . . . typically takes 90 seconds.,mostlytrue The nineday deer hunt contributes more than $1.3 billion in revenue to the state of Wisconsin.,mostlytrue Were the Sunshine State and were hardly doing any solar energy production.,mostlytrue The economy bled $24 billion due to the government shutdown.,mostlytrue Firearms homicides are down about 40 percent since Texas passed concealedgun permit law.,mostlytrue Republican ideas on health care dont give people an option to even enroll in something that they can afford.,mostlytrue During the last election Democrats won over a million votes more than Republicans but because of the way districts are designed the Republicans got 33 more members of the House of Representatives than the Democrats did.,mostlytrue These 60 acres the Atlanta Braves want to build a stadium on have produced zero SPLOST money for parks and recreation have produced zero money for education.,mostlytrue Floridas proposed amendment for medical marijuana would allow people who alleged minor ailments such as muscle spasms neck pain back pain and even menstrual cramps to qualify for governmentsanctioned potsmoking.,mostlytrue In a poll 53 percent of young Republican voters . . . under age 35 said that they would describe a climate change denier as ignorant out of touch or crazy.,mostlytrue In the history of the United States 168 presidential nominees have been filibustered 82 blocked under President Obama 86 blocked under all the other presidents.,mostlytrue The reason we have a national debt is not because of defense spending. What is driving our longterm debt are Medicare and Social Security programs.,mostlytrue No one in the country has ever built a brand new sports facility and created this kind of development at the same time.,mostlytrue 8.5 million Americans have gotten rebate checks because their insurance companies were spending too much money on executive bonuses and administrative costs and not enough on health care.,mostlytrue Says Tom Cotton voted to turn Medicare into a voucher system.,mostlytrue The U.S. Department of Defense spends $80 million a year on prostate cancer research $25 million a year on ovarian cancer research and $150 million a year on breast cancer research.,mostlytrue Medicare Part D was far more expensive than the Affordable Care Act and unlike the act was never budgeted.,mostlytrue Given how expansive our program already was expanding Medicaid in New Jersey due to Obamacare was a relatively small expansion.,mostlytrue The national debt is on track to double during Obamas presidency.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scott cut education by $1.3 billion in his first year then in his second year he decreases funding by $300 million to our state universities.,mostlytrue Says Chris Christie vetoed Planned Parenthood funding five times over the course of his governorship.,mostlytrue We have created new jobs here in Cranston more than 1000.,mostlytrue The University of Texas is starting the first medical school at a major Tier One university in the last 50 years.,mostlytrue When is a farm bill not a farm bill When 90 percent of it is for food stamps.,mostlytrue Due to Obamacare Arkansas has covered almost 14 percent of its uninsured already.,mostlytrue The average fast food worker is 29 and most fast food workers are on some form of public assistance.,mostlytrue The federal health care law raises taxes and cuts Medicare.,mostlytrue On day one six people were able to sign up for health insurance through the federal marketplace.,mostlytrue Health insurance is more expensive in Massachusetts than anywhere else in the country.,mostlytrue Providence has more of its pension fund invested in hedge funds and is less transparent about it than the state.,mostlytrue Says Mike Enzi is getting about 84 percent of his campaign funds from Washingtonbased PACs. Thats more than any senator of either party.,mostlytrue The vast majority of people in this country are keeping their health insurance plan.,mostlytrue $6 billion water bond program voters passed in 2011 has yet to be tapped.,mostlytrue We have about six school districts that are in school 140 to 150 days this year.,mostlytrue Nearly 6 in 10 uninsured Americanscan get health insurance for what may be the equivalent of your cell phone bill.,mostlytrue Emergency rooms account for 2 percent of all health care spending.,mostlytrue Says Barbara Buono voted to raise her own pay 40 percent.,mostlytrue The IRS has been specifically forbidden ... from ever actually pursuing either civil or criminal remedies for people who dont purchase health insurance.,mostlytrue Saysthere are actually more people in poverty now than there were when we started the War on Poverty.,mostlytrue Common Core is not from the federal government they do not have their fingerprints on this thing at all.,mostlytrue No one betatested,mostlytrue Half of all CEOs say that the shutdown and the threat of shutdown set back their plans to hire over the next six months.,mostlytrue Property taxes have increased 20 percent under four years of Chris Christie.,mostlytrue Were 49th in the United States in new businesses created.,mostlytrue Says by reducing chronic health care costs in the State of Georgia we can reduce the $32.8 billion lost each year due to lack of productivity and economic costs.,mostlytrue 40000 veterans in Texas wont get health care because Perry rejected Obamacares Medicaid expansion.,mostlytrue Unemployment in the city of St. Petersburg is below the state average.,mostlytrue Thirteen hundred applicants in Rhode Island signed up for insurance through Obamacare.,mostlytrue Eighty percent of the antibiotics in this country are fed to livestock.,mostlytrue Democrats already agreed to a deal that Republicans wanted that Eric Cantor said would be a win.,mostlytrue Louie Gohmert of Texas compared the current generalincharge in Egypt to George Washington.,mostlytrue Because of the 2011 debt ceiling fight the stock market lost 2000 points.,mostlytrue Virginia is the number one state per capita in screening out people with mental illness from gun purchases.,mostlytrue Fortysix states have a lineitem veto for the governor.,mostlytrue At the time that Medicare Part D was passed it was actually less popular than the Affordable Care Act according to the polls.,mostlytrue The shutdown is projected to result in $10 billion in costs to the economy per week.,mostlytrue In 2010 the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that only 6.5 percent of the U.S.Mexico border was under full control of the Border Patrol.,mostlytrue For the last decade Floridians salaries have shrunk substantially when adjusted for inflation.,mostlytrue Under economic sanctions now Iran is suffering 30 percent inflation 20 percent unemployment.,mostlytrue Up to half of all Americans have a preexisting condition.,mostlytrue Obamacare is a bill which has never once had a majority of Americans favor it.,mostlytrue Today many Florida teachers are at risk of having their pay impacted by the performance of children who are not even in their classrooms or subject areas.,mostlytrue According to the Congressional Budget Office repealing Obamacare would increase the budget deficit.,mostlytrue Over the past 35 years Florida families have paid into the National Flood Insurance Program over $16 billion four times more than the amount they have received in claim reimbursements.,mostlytrue Governor Deal has increased education spending every year hes been in office.,mostlytrue Ninetyfive percent of all the wages in Texas are above minimum wage.,mostlytrue In Florida we have 75000 on a waiting list for child care and 23000 on waiting lists for community care for the elderly.,mostlytrue The employer mandate affects only 5 percent of businesses in this country.,mostlytrue The United Nations has conducted 172 successful peacekeeping missions and negotiations.,mostlytrue 7 out of 10 Oregon families living in poverty have at least one parent who works.,mostlytrue The Kenosha casino would be one of the states largest employers and pay more to the state than any other company or Tribe essentially it would be Wisconsins biggest taxpayer.,mostlytrue Before President Obama acted in Libya in 2011 the American people were opposed to military action by 35 to 60. After he took action they were in support of it 54 to 43.,mostlytrue CBO reports that delaying the Obamacare individual mandate will reduce the deficit by $35 billion over ten years.,mostlytrue We cut business taxes so today 70 percent of our businesses dont pay a business tax.,mostlytrue About 40 percent of U.S. illegal immigrants came in on an airplane with a legal visa and just overstayed their visa and have never gone home.,mostlytrue The number of AfricanAmerican men in prison has increased fivefold since he left office.,mostlytrue Says theres a 100yearold international norm not to use chemical weapons.,mostlytrue The average family premium has increased by 29 under Obama,mostlytrue The House did vote against engagement in Kosovo and Bill Clinton kept fighting anyway. And then ultimately a vote did pass.,mostlytrue Under the Endangered Species Act only 1 percent of the species that have been listed have actually been delisted.,mostlytrue The R.I. Turnpike and Bridge Authority was supposed to exist only until the bonds used to build the Newport Bridge were paid off through tolls. Once the bonds were paid the Newport Bridge was to be transferred to the State of Rhode Island and become tollfree.,mostlytrue Half of Oregon university students are on Pell Grants.,mostlytrue Offshore wind power is significantly less expensive than solar energy.,mostlytrue We are about halfway to the presidents goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions and about half of that is because of the substitution of natural gas for coal in the power sector.,mostlytrue South Carolina has the fastestgrowing economy in the Southeast.,mostlytrue While fatcat bureaucrats at the Department of Education are getting paid an average salary of $102000 a year teachers in Georgia are getting paid half of that.,mostlytrue Ive got the spending down Ive got the debt down a little bit Ive got the reserves up.,mostlytrue Says an illegal immigrant fraudulently claimed children who actually lived in Mexico on income tax forms to collect more than $29000.,mostlytrue New York is the safest big city in the nation and our crime reductions have been steeper than any other big citys.,mostlytrue Says unions call Obamacare bad for workers.,mostlytrue Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol.,mostlytrue Atlanta now has as many visitors as Las Vegas San Diego and Los Angeles. Orlando Fla. and New York City still have more visitors.,mostlytrue 60 percent of Texas 8th graders are not proficient in math. Only 26 have a teacher with a undergraduate major in math.,mostlytrue Sen. Marco Rubio refuses to accept the basic science on climate change and is a climate change denier.,mostlytrue Many uninsured Americans are young.,mostlytrue According to the U.S. Census Bureau 71.2 percent of Hispanic registered voters in Texas and over 86 percent of African American registered voters participated in the 2012 elections.,mostlytrue Medicaid spending declined by 1.9 percent in 2012 the second such decline in 47 years.,mostlytrue Says Mitch McConnell pushed the Wall Street bailout through the U.S. Senate and called it the Senate at its finest.,mostlytrue For anybody whos trying to cross the street and has seen those signs that say you have to stop when pedestrians are in the crosswalk that was a bill that I passed.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in compared to 367 for President George W. Bush at the same point in his presidency.,mostlytrue Says there are half as many students in one Georgia technical college than there were two years ago.,mostlytrue On average college students are taking six years to get a fouryear degree.,mostlytrue Says in Oregon today the average debt upon college graduation is more than $24000.,mostlytrue Says federal regulations adopted in 2011 increased the cost of each vehicle for his business by $10000.,mostlytrue There is no planned airconditioned restaurant out on the Lens.,mostlytrue Obamacare carries on even under a government shutdown.,mostlytrue Half of all adults have a preexisting condition that could affecttheir health care coverage.,mostlytrue Says about NSA data collection Every member in both parties who served on the Intelligence Committee voted in favor of this.,mostlytrue This year were off to our best privatesector jobs growth since 1999.,mostlytrue A high school dropout makes on average $19000 a year a high school graduate makes $28000 a year a college graduate makes $51000 a year.,mostlytrue The minimum wage is lower right now than it was when Ronald Reagan took office.,mostlytrue I was filibustered.,mostlytrue Rick Scott invested $38 million in the Port of Jacksonvilles vital Mile Point Project which covered missing federal funds for the project.,mostlytrue Most of the U.S. Senate is comprised of multimillionaires.,mostlytrue New school testing standards will consume approximately twenty days of testing for elementary middle and high school students.,mostlytrue Were importing about 10 percent of our milk supply. Were Americas Dairyland but yet we dont have enough milk in this state to meet the demand for our cheesemakers.,mostlytrue The oceans have become 30 percent more acidic.,mostlytrue Since I was elected crime rates have been at their lowest in over a decade.,mostlytrue Says excise taxes are...disproportionately burdening middle and lowerincome consumers.,mostlytrue The Hispanic population in Gwinnett and Henry counties has increased by 153 percent and 339 percent respectively since 2000 while Republican presidential candidates are getting a smaller percentage of the vote in those counties.,mostlytrue Says Obama administration delay of health care laws employer mandate affects about 1 percent of the American workforce.,mostlytrue Twentyfour percent of doctors in Virginia currently dont accept new Medicaid patients because the reimbursement rates are so low.,mostlytrue Says a growing number of extremely premature babies survive into healthy childhood.,mostlytrue Says under the Senate immigration bill newly legalized immigrants will pay every tax possible but you dont get a single benefit for 10 years.,mostlytrue In New Hampshire 93 percent of Democrats 79 percent of Republicans 82 percent of gun owners and 60 percent of NRA households support background checks.,mostlytrue Says $800000 cost of Texas special legislative session would pay for 1.6 million condoms 90000 months of the pill or 20 fulltime sexual health educators.,mostlytrue President Obama has the most border patrols and border security deployed at the border of any previous president.,mostlytrue In 1999 the NRA leadership in Washington pretty much the same people intact were for expanded background checks.,mostlytrue In 1960 most black children were raised in twoparent monogamous families. Today we have only 20 percent of black children being raised in twoparent monogamous families...,mostlytrue Says student loan interest rates will double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent July 1.,mostlytrue As a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles from 1979 to 1981 there were days where folks couldnt go outside. because of all the pollution in the air.,mostlytrue If you are born poor in America we rank ninth or tenth in our citizens ability to climb up through that ladder and get themselves into the middle class.,mostlytrue Says 92 percent of Texas counties had no abortion provider in 2008.,mostlytrue Says he can be on the ballot for Congress while serving time in jail.,mostlytrue Says Georgia Power customers pay 10 percent to 15 percent below the national average for electricity.,mostlytrue People want the minimum wage they want marriage equality they want womens health care. Theres issues that actually that really do matter social issues that matter to the people of this state. So I know Barbara would support those issues I know the governor hasnt. Youve seen the actions hes taken on them.,mostlytrue Says TriMet spends $10.3 million in police contracts a year for 56 transit police who must respond to nontransit calls,mostlytrue Says the 201415 Texas budget increases spending by less than the rate of inflation and population growth.,mostlytrue Proposed cuts in the House farm bill mean 2 million less people on food stamps 210000 children will not receive school lunches or breakfasts.,mostlytrue In the past four years the U.S. Senate has only passed nine out of 48 appropriation bills.,mostlytrue Immigrants are more fertile.,mostlytrue Worldwide credit card transactions the credit card fraud rate is 0.04 percent compared to almost 8 percent 9 percent 10 percent of Medicare fraud.,mostlytrue Rhode Island has a inmate recidivism rate of over 60 percent.,mostlytrue Its expressly prohibited by law that you can read and wholly surveil domestic email traffic in the United States.,mostlytrue We havent had a Republican senator in Washington for ... why I think Clifford Case was our last Republican senator.,mostlytrue Says Gov. Rick Scott returned $1 million in federal funding that would have helped the state cover the cost of overseeing insurance rates under the new health care law.,mostlytrue The problem of unwanted sexual contacts in the military is not just a womans issue. More than half of the victims are men.,mostlytrue We Georgia collect fewer state taxes per capita than any other state although state taxes are low Georgia is the eighthmostdependent state on the federal government.,mostlytrue If Obamacare is fully implemented 30 million people will still be without health insurance.,mostlytrue Black children constitute 18 percent of the nations public school population but 40 percent of the children who are suspended or expelled.,mostlytrue RIPTA has really some of the fullest buses for its transit agency size around the country.,mostlytrue Barbara Buono by the numbers As a Trenton politician she voted to raise taxes 154 times. Under her property taxes up 70 percent. Backed a 16 percent sales tax increase. Utilities nursing homes cell phones parking lots lottery wins gyms She taxed them all. Architect of Corzines budget she drove New Jersey $2 billion into debt. Barbara Buono by the numbers taking New Jersey backwards.,mostlytrue My office is about a 300step walk to the governors office.,mostlytrue Says that in Texas Republican nominees get 40 percent of the Latino vote on average.,mostlytrue In MiamiDade County we spend at our school system over $20 million every year educating recent immigrants.,mostlytrue A bag of Cheetos costs less to buy than an apple and in some Milwaukee neighborhoods good luck trying to find an apple or a banana or some sort of healthy option,mostlytrue Wisconsin has one of the most progressive tax codes in the country.,mostlytrue SaysWith nearly 75 percent of Americans supportive of the construction of the pipeline Schrader needs to explain to Oregon families why he voted against this needed project.,mostlytrue The UK has an unarmed police force and a firearm fatality rate that is 40 times lower per capita than in the U.S.,mostlytrue In our community college system state cuts have reduced funding per student by $1908.,mostlytrue Says Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told insurance companies they couldnt inform their policyholders of what they thought the impact of Obamacare would be on them.,mostlytrue Says the inspector general for the IRS said there was no political motivation and no outside influence for targeting of taxexempt applications from tea party groups,mostlytrue Says In Oregon in 2010 49 percent of all pregnancies were unintended.,mostlytrue New Jerseys governor cut $1.6 billion from public education while handing out $2.1 billion in corporate tax breaks more than the entire previous decade.,mostlytrue If you are black or brown you are nine times more likely to be stopped and frisked in New York City.,mostlytrue We have a tax code that allows groups to use their political operations within the tax code under the guise of a charity to use undisclosed millions of dollars to do political campaigns.,mostlytrue The IRS doesnt have to prove something against you ... youve got the burden of proof.,mostlytrue This budget also reflects the smallest state government workforce per 1000 residents in Florida in this century.,mostlytrue Says its estimated that 300 babies a year are sent home from the hospital with an unrecognized congenital heart defect it is the most common birth defect in America.,mostlytrue Says Fulton County government hasnt raised its millage rate since 1991.,mostlytrue Says paid family leave is a program that is standard in all but five nations around the world.,mostlytrue A 0.05 standard for drunken driving means having a glass of wine at dinner could make a person drunk.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obamas proposed budget includes two new tax increases that would collect about $14 billion.,mostlytrue Under Republican Governor Chris Christie tolls cost more. Train and bus rides cost more. College tuition goes up. But Christie protected a tax cut for millionaires.,mostlytrue The Georgia Lottery paid out $2.3 billion in prizes during the last fiscal year.,mostlytrue Ohios lost more jobs in March than any other state in the nation.,mostlytrue A Wisconsin bill to limit use of food stamps for junk food would also prevent or limit the extent to which food stamps could be used for organic foods.,mostlytrue The economy added more jobs during four years under Obama than it did in the entire eight years under George W. Bush.,mostlytrue Among Hispanics support for immigration reform is close to universal.,mostlytrue Four balanced budgets in a row with no new taxes for anyone. The best job growth in 12 years. Nearly 130000 new privatesector jobs. Merit pay to reward New Jerseys best teachers and the most education funding ever.,mostlytrue ThenGov. Carl Sanders put 56 percent of the state budget into education a figure that has not been achieved since.,mostlytrue Says that under Rick Perrys plan Texas has cut funding for public schools by 25.,mostlytrue Says states mandated tests come from an English company.,mostlytrue The port provides more than 297000 jobs directly to the state of Georgia.,mostlytrue Says a state bill checks the spending habits of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors by bringing it in line with other county boards around the state.,mostlytrue Were spending less money today in upcoming fiscal year 2014 than the CorzineBuono budget spent in fiscal year 2008.,mostlytrue Just about everyone everywhere is spending more hours on the job less time with their families bringing home smaller and smaller paychecks while theyre paying more and more at the gas pump and the grocery stores.,mostlytrue South Carolina has a labor shortage specifically in the meatpacking industry.,mostlytrue The Internal Revenue code has ballooned to a 5600page 4 millionword complicated mess that is seven times as long as the Bible with none of the good news.,mostlytrue Longterm federal investment in U.S. airports is urgent because there was a recent survey of the top airports in the world and there was not a single U.S. airport that came in the top 25.,mostlytrue One in five women in the military are receiving unwanted sexual contact as are 3.3 percent of men.,mostlytrue Odd fact for odd draft No. 2 overall pick will earn more than the No. 1 pick due to no state tax in Florida. So 2 not so bad.,mostlytrue Says businesses pay roughly 60 percent of taxes in Texas.,mostlytrue The United States currently has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.,mostlytrue Texas ranks 49th in perpupil funding among the states.,mostlytrue Says 315000 mostly minority Texas students are enrolled in failing schools.,mostlytrue Women in Ohio earn on average 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man.,mostlytrue The Boston Marathon bombing is the fifth case in which U.S. government officials examined individuals potentially involved in terrorism and felt they were no threat and they went on to carry out terrorist murders.,mostlytrue No poll done this year ... shows less than a majority to reinstate a federal ban on assault weapons.,mostlytrue The sexoffender registry has been around for a long time and the research thats out there says that it has no positive impact on the public safety.,mostlytrue Says under his utility rate plan An estimated 50 percent of our residential households will see a decrease in their water and wastewater bills.,mostlytrue Congress has spent 66 of the first 100 days of this term in recess.,mostlytrue A wide majority of NRA households ... supported this legislation on gun background checks.,mostlytrue Says Texas ranks 49th nationally in what we are doing to support our perpupil investment in education in the state.,mostlytrue We Really Do Have the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World.,mostlytrue Says Texas lawmakers in 2011 ordered school districts to test every student on their respiratory system and weight.,mostlytrue Says Texas state funds were spent on a TV series on spouses cheating on their wives kind of glorifying the act of cheating.,mostlytrue Under Republican Chris Christie New Jersey had the highest increase in unemployment in the country last year. Nearly 1 in 10 jobless. The worst unemployment in the region. Near the bottom in economic growth yet Christie protected a tax cut for millionaires but vetoed a minimum wage hike.,mostlytrue Says the 201011 New Hampshire budget ended with an $18 million surplus while the Republicanled 201213 budget has a $40 million deficit.,mostlytrue Pasco County has the second highest population of homeless in all of Florida.,mostlytrue Says Obama called Medicaid broken four years ago.,mostlytrue The financial penalties imposed on gay couples can cost us more than $300000 compared with married heterosexual couples over a lifetime.,mostlytrue Paul Ryans budget keeps the Obamacare taxes and spending cuts that paid for Obamacare but then cuts all of the benefits.,mostlytrue Says Ive authored the first bipartisan tax reform bill in a quartercentury.,mostlytrue Forty aides who serve President Barack Obama owe $333485 in back taxes.,mostlytrue The average student in Florida what they actually pay out of pocket at our major universities for tuition is as much or less than what they spend on cellphones.,mostlytrue When students leave our high schools and they go to the community college 7075 percent of them have to pay to take remedial math.,mostlytrue Says $1100 of the tuition paid by every Oregon university student annually goes just to pay the costs of PERS.,mostlytrue The national debt is larger than our entire annual economy.,mostlytrue While the United States has seen its unemployment rate steadily decline New Jerseys remains nearly two percent higher than the national average and more than a point higher than Connecticut and New York.,mostlytrue Says Texas has 11 different felonies you can commit with an oyster.,mostlytrue Our debt now is about $140000 per household.,mostlytrue Quite frankly it was during the Bush years of spending multiplied now by the Obama years that we have this mess.,mostlytrue Already a prototype driverless car has traveled more than 300000 miles in the crowded maze of California streets without a single accident.,mostlytrue While the sequester is in effect the federal government is still funding a study on duck penises.,mostlytrue Says of 80000 people who were denied a firearm in 2012 due to a failed background check only 44 were prosecuted.,mostlytrue In 2008 only 54 percent of Latinos in Texas were registered to vote and only 35 percent actually turned out.,mostlytrue Georgia loses millions of dollars of revenue because people go out of state to buy fireworks.,mostlytrue Says Virginia Florida and Georgia are the three states that are the principal source for gun trafficking.,mostlytrue Taxes and fees amount to about 20 percent of a typical $300 roundtrip domestic ticket. Thats higher than taxes on products like alcohol tobacco and firearms.,mostlytrue Says the federal government is supporting a study in Hawaii to develop a menu for when we colonize Mars.,mostlytrue There are 3.6 million jobs sitting vacant in part because there arent enough qualified applicants to fill them.,mostlytrue Ohio Republicans made significant gains during Chris McNultys time at the ORP including the extremely successful reelection of President Bush in Ohio.,mostlytrue The majority of my contributions have been from private individuals giving $125 on average not from PACs not from groups.,mostlytrue Says Jennifer Horn chairwoman of the N.H. Republican Party owes $92000 in back taxes.,mostlytrue Says 100000 are on waiting list to attend Texas charter schools.,mostlytrue The Georgia Senate ethics resolution doesnt define cap.,mostlytrue A proposed ban on hollowpoint bullets and bullets that expand upon impact essentially bans deer hunting.,mostlytrue Florida is second in the nation in the uninsured.,mostlytrue In Wisconsin only half of all the adults with serious psychological distress received mental health treatment or medication.,mostlytrue For the first time in eight years our budget also increases funding for persons with disabilities by $36 million to help more disabled people receive communitybased services.,mostlytrue Rhode Island could tell you who has a camper but we couldnt figure out who has a gun.,mostlytrue Says if Oregon had limited its budget growth to the rate of population growth plus the rate of inflation the states allfunds budget would be about $27 billion today not $60 billion.,mostlytrue The United States gives $8 million a day to Israel and gives that country a blank check.,mostlytrue In Atlanta since 1994 when the Seven Deadly Sins mandatory minimum sentences took effect the violent crime rate has dropped 62 percent.,mostlytrue Twothirds of Wisconsinites receiving unemployment checks are not required to search for work due to current work search exemptions.,mostlytrue Since January 2010 New Jersey has added 103000 new private sector jobs. The last two years 2011 and 2012 have been the best two years of private sector job growth since 1999.,mostlytrue Says a majority of Americans and Republicans support his approach for deficit reduction.,mostlytrue Of the 18 stadiums built from 2004 to 2013 47 percent of the total cost came from public sources.,mostlytrue In annual surveys of Rhode Island communities that receive Drug Free community grants many report that more than 50 percent of youth surveyed do not think daily marijuana use poses any serious risk of harm.,mostlytrue Property taxes had increased 70 percent in the previous 10 years.,mostlytrue About twothirds of all consumption is services. . . It was just the opposite when the sales tax was enacted in the 30s.,mostlytrue Theres going to be a slowdown and delays in flights as a result of the sequester.,mostlytrue Comic strip says government study shows Head Start has little or no impact on the children its supposed to help.,mostlytrue When I ran against incumbent President Gerald Ford you know how much money we raised None.,mostlytrue You cant bring an iPad or a piece of paper and a pencil in the Wisconsin Assembly gallery to take notes of whats going on but you can bring a gun up there.,mostlytrue New Jersey has lost over half of our pharmaceutical jobs to states you know not lowtax states like in the South but hightax states like New York.,mostlytrue Knopp says he upheld a campaign promise not to join the Public Employees Retirement System PERS.,mostlytrue Kewpie burgers are delicious. An Ohio institution. And theyll cost less thanks to John Kasichs tax cut.,mostlytrue More than 9000 Rhode Island voters used the Moderate Party master lever mechanism and they didnt have a single Moderate on their ballot.,mostlytrue Without a Medicaid expansion 275000 more Ohioans could be getting their primary care in emergency rooms costing everybody a lot of money.,mostlytrue The sequester wont consider whether were cutting some bloated program that has outlived its usefulness or a vital service that Americans depend on every single day. It doesnt make those distinctions.,mostlytrue Says Travis Countys unemployment rate is below the national average while its poverty rate exceeds the national averageand local poverty is rising.,mostlytrue Says when this governor came to office he had an 11 billion dollar I call it mismanagement deficit.,mostlytrue Federal spending on entitlements is projected to consume all revenue by 2045.,mostlytrue The only time in our history when the debt has been higher than this was the end of World War II.,mostlytrue Nobody in total is proposing cutting anything. Were trying to reduce the rate of growth in government.,mostlytrue The majority of the American people voted for a Democratic House.,mostlytrue Says she heard more than 2400 cases as a Wisconsin appeals court judge,mostlytrue Says Statistics indicate that one in eight children and one in 18 adults in Oregon suffers from mental illness.,mostlytrue Says he and Mitt Romney agreed on tying minimum wage increases to inflation.,mostlytrue I still live in the same workingclass neighborhood I grew up in.,mostlytrue We have a governor whos vetoed measures like increasing our minimum wage and restoring the earned income tax cut.,mostlytrue I was never against samesex marriage.,mostlytrue Says overwhelming majorities of Americans support gun legislation like background checks.,mostlytrue There are twice as many gun shops as McDonalds in the United States.,mostlytrue Says Texas high school graduation rates are at an alltime highthe thirdhighest in the nationwhich represents a significant turnaround from just a few short years ago.,mostlytrue Says Austin trains are full at rush hour and packed for special events.,mostlytrue With the exception of slavery and the Chinese Exclusion Act our laws have never barred persons from becoming citizens.,mostlytrue Says Texas is last in mental health expenditures.,mostlytrue When total Sandy spending is added up its more than the annual budget for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. And its more than twice the annual budget of the U.S. Energy Department.,mostlytrue Says each year approximately 30000 people in the United States die as a result of gunfire and about 80000 people are wounded.,mostlytrue Tide gauges measuring sea level in Rhode Island since 1930 have risen maybe about 10 inches since that time.,mostlytrue Says Gov. John Kasich can remove the president of the State Board of Education.,mostlytrue Says on the state level we spend less today than Jon Corzine spent in fiscal year 2008 five years later.,mostlytrue States have cumulatively cut over $1.8 billion from their mental health services between 2009 and 2011. This is the largest reduction in state mental health services in half a century.,mostlytrue Says since Australia passed tough gun laws homicides by firearm have declined almost 60 percent.,mostlytrue Says the area damaged by Hurricane Sandy represents roughly 10 percent of our nations economy.,mostlytrue One out of every five law enforcement officers thats killed is killed with an assault weapon.,mostlytrue Since last years address more than 10000 jobs created many on the high end of the employment scale.,mostlytrue The federal government owns 30 percent of the land in the 50 states or about 650 million acres.,mostlytrue The Milwaukee County Boards staff grew from four workers to 38 over four decades and now costs taxpayers a lot more while the total county workforce was more than cut in half in the same period.,mostlytrue Says Ohios economic recovery started in February 2010.,mostlytrue Even members of the NRA when they were polled recently were under the impression that everyone has a criminal background check.,mostlytrue Wind powers nearly 13 million homes across the country.,mostlytrue The governor does not have any power to veto a referendum on samesex marriage that would be a constitutional amendment.,mostlytrue Says Rick Scotts proposal for election reform only mandates 48 hours of early voting.,mostlytrue Says a recent study shows Florida students are second in the world in fourth grade reading behind Singapore.,mostlytrue Nearly a quarter of all adults in this state have some college credit without a degree.,mostlytrue In 2010 2694 young people were killed by gunfire. 1773 were victims of homicide 67 were elementary schoolage children.,mostlytrue The United States has an immigration system where only 6.5 percent of people who come here come here based on labor and skill.,mostlytrue We see Americas prison population exploding with America having a greater percentage of its people behind bars than any other nation in the world,mostlytrue Since the federal Violence Against Women Act was adopted in 1994 cases of domestic violence have fallen by 67 percent.,mostlytrue Says how much money the government is collecting from terms of the gross domestic product is the lowest in 40 50 years.,mostlytrue Says Texas is dead last in support for mental health.,mostlytrue Every day 34 Americans are murdered with guns.,mostlytrue Ohios judges compared to other similar states are being woefully underpaid.,mostlytrue Says 31 percent of Texas physicians accept all new Medicaid patients down from 67 percent in 2000.,mostlytrue Eleven states complete their legislative sessions within three calendar months and another five only meet biennially.,mostlytrue The socalled doc fix in the fiscal cliff deal will cut payments for treating illnesses disproportionately impacting minorities including end stage renal disease and diabetes.,mostlytrue AIG has fully repaid the federal government plus a profit of more than $22 billion.,mostlytrue You see 34 people are murdered every single day by gunfire in America.,mostlytrue One out of every four students fails to earn a high school diploma. In our major cities across America half of our kids dont graduate.,mostlytrue Says the Nike bill is not a tax break ... this does not lower the taxes that Nike will pay nor does it prevent the Legislature from raising those taxes in the future.,mostlytrue Right now one of our highest job growth sectors is Leisure and Hospitality. Weve added jobs that mostly fall within the restaurant and bar sector industry. These are not highpaying jobs as the U.S. Department of Labor estimates this is an industry sector with the lowest average wages and the lowest proportion of its workforce earning minimum or subminimum wage jobs.,mostlytrue Says personalinjury trial lawyers have provided over 80 percent of the funding for the Texas Democratic Party for over a decade.,mostlytrue Says Texas passed a state Dream Act before any other state.,mostlytrue Says that the state spends more money on tax giveaways than it receives in tax collection.,mostlytrue November 2012 was a record year of turnout. More people voted before Election Day using absentee ballots and voting early than ever before in our history.,mostlytrue Says Walmart employees represent the largest group of Medicaid and food stamp recipients in many states costing the taxpayer $1000 per worker.,mostlytrue The poverty level in the Dallas school district is one of the highest in the country higher than New York Chicago Los Angeles Houston Detroit and Newark.,mostlytrue Democratic Party candidates for the state Assembly actually received 200000 more votes statewide than their Republican counterparts in the 2012 election,mostlytrue Says the number of Americans living at or below the poverty line is at its highest level since 1964.,mostlytrue A foreclosure tax that would take effect in 2013 could mean a high tax bill for those facing foreclosure and millions of families who modified their mortgage or had a short sale through their lender.,mostlytrue When you look at the number of crashes before the cameras were installed compared to after theyre virtually the same.,mostlytrue For the first time in history the share of the national popular vote margin is smaller than the Latino vote margin.,mostlytrue Says the tax code is effectively subsidizing the marketing efforts of fast food and junk food companies by as much as $19 billion over 10 years.,mostlytrue Weve outdrawn the Super Bowl for a little while now in the arenas and stadiums that weve followed them in for the Super Bowl. Weve gone in after the NFL and surpassed their ticket sales.,mostlytrue In 2011 our staterun lottery funded New Jersey classrooms by over $930 million.,mostlytrue Says New Jersey is 50th in return of our federal tax dollars.,mostlytrue Every American now is $51000 in debt. Thats money I owe thats money my children owe before they even go to kindergarten thats their check to the federal government right now.,mostlytrue When it comes to income taxes Wisconsin is one of the best places in the country to be poor but top 4 or 5 worst for middleincome earners.,mostlytrue Half the lottery directors across the country had not run a lottery before they were hired.,mostlytrue Revenues are 15 percent of GDP its still in the range of the lowest its ever been.,mostlytrue Texas population is projected to double in the next 50 years or so but our basic amount of water will remain about where it is now.,mostlytrue The higher the education level the more likely they are to vote Democratic.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin proposed a $3.9 trillion tax increase a tax increase so extreme that even Nancy Pelosi voted against it.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney was director of a company that stole millions from Medicare.,mostlytrue Says Connie Mack was the only member of the Florida delegation that voted against a bill to help NASA.,mostlytrue Says U.S. corporate tax rate is highest in the world at 35 percent.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romneys plan rolls back regulations on banks.,mostlytrue Bill Clinton presided over the biggest expansion of the American economy since World War II.,mostlytrue Rhode Island has taken its federal Medicaid funding and shown it can run the program more costeffectively than the federal government.,mostlytrue Says the Central Health districts tax rate is the lowest among the largest counties in Texas and it will continue to be the lowest if voters approve a proposed tax increase.,mostlytrue 6400 Ohioans ... lost manufacturing jobs in the month of September.,mostlytrue We got back every dime used to rescue the banks.,mostlytrue Says 55 percent of council members have come from area where only 10 percent of Austinites live.,mostlytrue Theres 21 congressmen and senators that have been convicted of felonies that still get their retirement even in jail. They dont have to wait until theyre 65.,mostlytrue Says Connie Macks Penny Plan would cut over $200 billion out of Medicare over $1 trillion out of Social Security. ... $3 trillion out of defense.,mostlytrue As governor I cut $5 billion in spending.,mostlytrue Pakistan has 100 nuclear warheads and theyre rushing to build a lot more. Theyll have more than Great Britain sometime in the relatively near future.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney just gave a speech a few weeks ago and said we should still have troops in Iraq.,mostlytrue I went to the Olympics that was out of balance and we got it on balance.,mostlytrue The president said he was going to create daylight between ourselves and Israel.,mostlytrue Says a university survey concluded his Massachusetts administration had more women in senior leadership positions than any other state in America.,mostlytrue Now remember property taxes went up 70 percent in the 10 years before I became governor.,mostlytrue George Bush never suggested that we eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.,mostlytrue Laurie Monnes Anderson voted to let violent criminals out of jail early.,mostlytrue Says Bill Nelson voted 98 percent of the time with Barack Obama.,mostlytrue In 2012 Connie Mack missed 178 votes one of the worst voting records in Congress.,mostlytrue Says Barack Obama has pension investments that include Chinese firms and investments through a Caymans trust.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney refused to say whether hed sign the Lilly Ledbetter bill.,mostlytrue The Canadians they dropped their tax rates to 15 percent. The average tax rate on businesses in the industrialized world is 25 percent.,mostlytrue Says that Josh Mandel voted to let insurance companies deny coverage for autism,mostlytrue Says Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton has accepted $42000 from stripclub interests and $10000 from local alcohol distributors.,mostlytrue Says Chris Christie created this new category where you could get laid off and just be totally denied unemployment benefits forever.,mostlytrue High school students arrested on campus are twice as likely not to graduate and four times less likely to graduate if theyve appeared in court.,mostlytrue Says she oversaw an audit that won the city $2 million in franchise fees.,mostlytrue Says Texas lawmakers last year expanded public educations share of state spending.,mostlytrue Says opponent U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore is Wisconsins most absent member of Congress missing nearly 17 percent of the House votes in the second quarter of 2012.,mostlytrue Massachusetts schools are ranked No. 1 of all 50 states.,mostlytrue Says Paul Ryans budget would turn Medicare into a voucher.,mostlytrue Were up 123000 jobs over the last year and threequarters. Were actually according to the Bureau of Labor statistics down 500 ... auto jobs in Ohio.,mostlytrue Says the United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.,mostlytrue Were now spending 42 percent of our economy on government.,mostlytrue Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program.,mostlytrue Almost 400 arrests in the city last year for panhandlingrelated offenses involved just 78 suspects an indication that the same people are panhandling over and over.,mostlytrue Chinese tire imports threatened 1000 American jobs so President Obama stood up to China and protected American workers. Mitt Romney attacked Obamas decision.,mostlytrue George Allen voted to end Pell Grants for 84000 students.,mostlytrue Taxes are lower on families than theyve been probably in the last 50 years.,mostlytrue Had the online change of address been in place in 2008 an estimated 130000 voters who cast provisional ballots could have changed their address online and voted a regular ballot.,mostlytrue Deficit spending exploded during the Obama administration to $5.3 trillion over four years compared to $2 trillion in eight years under President George W. Bush.,mostlytrue Theres at least 7500 addicted gamblers in Rhode Island at least it could be as high as 22000.,mostlytrue Bill Nelson voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor who signed a Supreme Court opinion saying Americans do not have an individual right to own firearms.,mostlytrue President Obama decided not to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York.,mostlytrue Says Obama adviser David Plouffe took large piles of cash from a joint venture partner of a company owned by Irans Revolutionary Guard.,mostlytrue Barack Obama refuses to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.,mostlytrue Obamacare will provide coverage for abortions despite the presidents commitment that it would not.,mostlytrue Their New York casino deal was called rigged and corrupt.,mostlytrue The national debt of $16 trillion is enough to buy both the Cleveland Indians and Cincinnati Reds 1918 times.,mostlytrue Says Barack Obamas comments indicate he believes in redistribution of wealth.,mostlytrue Even today part of Romneys fortune is invested in China.,mostlytrue I am going to be on the ballot in all 50 states. There is no other thirdparty candidate thats going to come close to achieving that.,mostlytrue Based on the August 2012 national jobs numbers for every person who got a job nearly four people stopped looking for a job.,mostlytrue Since 2000 only 10 cases of inperson voter fraud have been proven nationally.,mostlytrue The Providence Economic Development Partnership . . .which you Cicilline chaired loaned $103000 in taxpayer funds to one of your campaign workers. The worker never paid back the loan.,mostlytrue Fifty percent of kids coming out of school cant get a job.,mostlytrue Tennessees appeals court judges were selected by a handful of party officials in Nashville before the system of merit selection was put into effect.,mostlytrue $50000. Thats what every child owes today because Washington politicians have run up a huge spending tab and left our kids the bill.,mostlytrue Says he and Mitt Romney always said that we agree with the 2014 deadline for leaving Afghanistan.,mostlytrue Says Obama doubled funding for the Pell Grant.,mostlytrue Says Georgia will send more state money per child to state charter schools and that budget cuts are not applied to those charter schools.,mostlytrue Were seeing now 30 straight months of privatesector job growth 4.6 million jobs created.,mostlytrue Says Republicans have declared that theyre going to convert the Medicare program into a voucher program.,mostlytrue $500 billion of the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy goes to 120000 families.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama gives students the right to repay federal loans as a clear fixed low percentage of their income for up to 20 years.,mostlytrue Says Romney called Russia our No. 1 enemy.,mostlytrue Ive cut taxes for ... middleclass families small businesses.,mostlytrue Providence has amongst the highest tax rates in the entire country.,mostlytrue Says Charlie Crist was prolife progun and vehemently antitax.,mostlytrue In the last 29 months our economy has produced about 4.5 million privatesector jobs.,mostlytrue Women receive only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.,mostlytrue Seven presidents before Barack Obama Republicans and Democrats tried to expand health care to all Americans.,mostlytrue Under President Bush in eight years we added $4.9 trillion to the debt. Under President Obama weve added $5.3 trillion to the debt in the 3.5 years hes been in office.,mostlytrue Says opponents of the health care law prevailed on our two main arguments to the U.S. Supreme Court.,mostlytrue The unemployment rate is declining faster in Tampa than almost anywhere else.,mostlytrue Says under the RomneyRyan budget ... the American Opportunity Tax Credit for college tuition would be eliminated.,mostlytrue There is an increasing amount of evidence from public polling that the highest number of Americans ever identify themselves as prolife.,mostlytrue When President Obama took office we were losing 700000 jobs a month. Now weve had job growth I think for 24 consecutive months.,mostlytrue Wealthy taxpayers not middleincome earners get most of the deductions in the tax code.,mostlytrue There has been $5 trillion in debt added over the last four years.,mostlytrue Says a portfolio managed by the Texas General Land Office earned 22 percent last year while the states emergency reserve account experienced a 1 percent gain.,mostlytrue Weve got the highest corporate tax rate in the world.,mostlytrue Independent voters have a tenpoint margin in favor of Mitt Romney right now.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate rival Tammy Baldwin wants a completely governmentcontrolled health care system that goes far beyond Obamacare and is a Medicare system for all.,mostlytrue We have only one person on the TVA board to my knowledge who even has any corporate board experience.,mostlytrue For Social Security which is projected to remain solvent through 2033 Whitehouse has cosponsored a bill that . . . would extend the life of the program by an additional 75 years.,mostlytrue His new running mate Congressman Ryan put forward a plan that would let Governor Romney pay less than 1 percent in taxes each year.,mostlytrue Says cities save an estimated $38 in dental costs for every $1 invested in fluoridation.,mostlytrue Says that as Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney condemned coalfired plants saying they kill people.,mostlytrue A small business in my district needed 31 different permits and fees just to be able to expand.,mostlytrue Rep. Peter Petrarca voted on two pieces of legislation that helped auto body shops ... and at that point I think there is a conflict of interest.,mostlytrue Says Jon Corzine gave away 14 percent raises over 4 years and he stood on the front steps of the Capitol at a publicsector union rally and said I will fight to get you a great contract.,mostlytrue Thirty percent of Sheldon Whitehouse campaign money is coming from special interests.,mostlytrue While Barack Obama preaches we are our brothers keeper his brother and aunt live in real poverty in Kenya.,mostlytrue NASCAR fans are twice as likely as non fans to serve in the military and 37 percent of active servicemembers and veterans are NASCAR fans.,mostlytrue After one year Tennessees students made their biggest singleyear jump in achievement ever recorded in the state.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to turn Medicare into a voucher system.,mostlytrue Voter turnout for some groups in the 2008 presidential general election in Georgia was far greater than it should have been demographically.,mostlytrue Says Ronda Storms voted to fund the Taj Mahal courthouse.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Senate rival Eric Hovde refused to pay his property taxes until he was taken to court.,mostlytrue Art Robinson says Social Security should be ended through attrition.,mostlytrue Says the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force is the first task force of its kind in Central Ohio,mostlytrue Aaron Bean voted to give illegal immigrants instate tuition.,mostlytrue Thousands of politicians from across Ohio along with their relatives employees and friends are still eligible to serve on the proposed redistricting commission.,mostlytrue Says Connie Mack IV has been a promoter for Hooters with a history of bar room brawling altercations and road rage.,mostlytrue Says U.S. Rep. Connie Mack IV passed only one bill in seven years.,mostlytrue In her nearly decade and a half in Congress Tammy Baldwin has sponsored 105 bills. Only three have been enacted into law.,mostlytrue An April study found that about 70 percent of ads in this election cycle have been negative due to SuperPACs up from only 9 percent through the same period in 2008.,mostlytrue Says Measure 11 is one of the most significant reasons for decrease in violent crime.,mostlytrue Mitt Romney is proposing a tax plan that would give millionaires another tax break and raises taxes on middle class families by up to $2000 a year.,mostlytrue One out of every two kids who are graduating college right now cant find a job.,mostlytrue Says former Sen. George Allen voted four times to raise his own pay.,mostlytrue Says Chris Christie has refused to fund pensions by billions of dollars and got legislative approval to begin properly funding pensions in 2018.,mostlytrue Says Minnesota has more Fortune 500 companies than Oregon and one of the most obvious differences is theyve invested in their schools.,mostlytrue Taxes on groceries and medicine will rise under a plan to improve roads and rail for metro Atlanta.,mostlytrue Says David Dewhurst explicitly advocated a guest worker program for all illegal immigrants.,mostlytrue Gov. Romneys plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top.,mostlytrue Nearly 100000 people get shot every year. Thats 270 people a day and 87 dead.,mostlytrue The U.S. initially had three federal felonies treason piracy and counterfeiting securities and money.,mostlytrue Says Jeff Brandes voted to allow staterun Citizens Property Insurance to dump policies onto outofstate unregulated private companies.,mostlytrue Says no city comparable in size to Austin or smaller was broken into as many congressional districts.,mostlytrue The transportation sales tax would cost the average consumer an estimated $112 a year.,mostlytrue Says federal debt doubled during the Bush administration.,mostlytrue Says President Barack Obama promised a pathway to citizenship to undocumented immigrants and didnt deliver jack squat on any of it.,mostlytrue Eighty out of 82 counties in Ohio ... have an auto manufacturing facility.,mostlytrue Sherrod Browns approval rating has plummeted to 38 percent among Ohio voters in a poll by a Democratic pollster.,mostlytrue Says recent studies indicate that nationally only 8 percent of white votingage citizens but 25 percent of AfricanAmerican votingage citizens lack governmentissued photo IDs.,mostlytrue The federal government has made investments in science and technology inventing the products that led to the creation of Google.,mostlytrue Says state Sen. Paul Sarlo said in February on NJTV there will be no tax increases in this budget and voted the other night in the Senate Budget Committee to raise income taxes $800 million.,mostlytrue Says while state leaders have cut funding for our schools and other basic priorities the amount of money the state is projected to give away through tax breaks increased by a whopping $3.4 billion.,mostlytrue The Supreme Court said the individual mandate is a tax. So its a tax.,mostlytrue Just in the past 10 years college tuition has increased 28 percent.,mostlytrue Austin is the biggest city in America with a Tier One research university UTAustin but without a medical school.,mostlytrue Over the last few decades the income of the top 1 percent grew by more than 275 percent to an average of $1.3 million a year.,mostlytrue Says TriMets own analysis shows that YouthPass does not actually add to the transit agencys costs.,mostlytrue The DREAM Act was written by members of both parties. When it came up for a vote a year and a half ago Republicans in Congress blocked it. The bill hadnt changed. ... The only thing that had changed was politics.,mostlytrue Did you know Wisconsins AFSCME union has lost 50 of its members since no longer requiring membership,mostlytrue Vagina. Because apparently saying that word in the Michigan State House of Representatives can get you a twoday ban from speaking on the floor.,mostlytrue In 2011 NJ economy ranked 47that the bottom with Alabama Mississippi Wyoming. Under Christie NJ is falling behind.,mostlytrue Says Less than half of all states have legal protections on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity despite the fact that LGBT Americans report employment discrimination and unemployment at much higher rates than the U.S. average.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney has said we dont need more firemen more policemen more teachers. ,mostlytrue Say Portland Public Schools central administration makes up less than 4 percent of the staff.,mostlytrue Virginia women earnonly 79 cents to each dollar earned by men...,mostlytrue U.S. Rep. Paul Broun has not authored any legislation that has been adopted by Congress.,mostlytrue Giving the facts 73000 jobs created ... since 11. Do you know how many direct jobs in the auto industry 1800.,mostlytrue Marcy Kaptur voted against a ban which would have prevented the aborting of a baby girl for the sole reason that shes a girl.,mostlytrue When I started in Ohio it was terrible. Now were getting bipartisan support for our bills. And thats called leadership.,mostlytrue Says Tommy Thompsons tax plan amounts to an average tax cut of almost $87000 for the top 1 percent.,mostlytrue It took us four years to balance the budget. Then I gave you four surplus budgets for the first time in more than 70 years paid $600 billion down on the national debt.,mostlytrue Says he cut the budget.,mostlytrue Says TriMet now spends $1.63 in benefits for every $1.00 spent on wages.,mostlytrue Rob Portman won the fewest votes of all Ohio U. S. Senate victors since 2000.,mostlytrue Women have come through the recession worse off than men the numbers bear that out. We went from a 7 percent unemployment rate for women when he President Barack Obama was elected to an 8.1 percent now.,mostlytrue The last three days of early voting happen to be the most populated days of voting that we have in early voting.,mostlytrue Weve seen property taxes go down for the first time in 12 years on a median valued home.,mostlytrue Says in the last six months of the Bush administration the U.S. lost 3.5 million jobs including 760000 jobs during January 2009 alone.,mostlytrue To help balance the 201113 budget Gov. Scott Walker used a credit card approach that pushed over $500 million in debt onto our children and our grandchildren costing state taxpayers more than $150 million in interest.,mostlytrue Says he earned the highest possible credit ratings as state treasurer.,mostlytrue Access for 12000 women to use Planned Parenthood not for the right to choose but for basic health care was taken away by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.,mostlytrue According to ATF data 70 percent of firearms recovered and traced in drug cartel crimes in Mexico originated from the United States.,mostlytrue Says Obama broke his promise to help homeowners facing foreclosure.,mostlytrue For every one mile of lightrail track that will be built 16 miles of new road capacity will be built.,mostlytrue Says Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty has never prosecuted a single adult felony case.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney is wrong to claim that spending under Obama has accelerated at a pace without precedent in recent history because its actually risen slower than at any time in nearly 60 years.,mostlytrue Right now we have the lowest gas tax of anywhere in the country.,mostlytrue A Florida judge ruled parts of Obamacare unconstitutional.,mostlytrue Says he posted a win in the Republican Party of Wisconsin endorsement contest in the U.S. Senate primary.,mostlytrue Says he represents or has represented about half the San Antoniorooted district in which he seeks election.,mostlytrue New Jersey has the largest transit system in the entire country.,mostlytrue After they bought GST Steel Mitt Romney and his partners loaded it with debt closed the Kansas City plant and walked away with a healthy profit leaving hundreds of employees out of work with their pensions in jeopardy.,mostlytrue There are 49 different federal job training programs that report to eight agencies.,mostlytrue Florida has 1200 golf courses. I think 58 million rounds played a year in Florida. Weve got 44 percent of all travel golf in the country here. 5 million people come here just for golf.,mostlytrue Says Onethird of our healthcare dollars go to wasteful insurance billing and bureaucracy.,mostlytrue Says since 2000 Austins tax burden rose more than 40 percent while family income rose more than 20 percent.,mostlytrue If Congress froze the current spending level and then cut it by 2 percent annually we could balance the budget in five years.,mostlytrue Says no Austin City Council member lives south of Lady Bird Lake or north of 45th Street.,mostlytrue Says Mitt Romney has refused to say whether he would have vetoed or signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.,mostlytrue Mitt Romney has proposed cutting his own taxes while raising them on 18 million working families.,mostlytrue Says Ohio law gives tax breaks to rich people who own private jets.,mostlytrue We will not ask for a tax increase to run city government.,mostlytrue Says I dont agree with Mr. Hales that we should give a sweeping break to the developers to allow them to build that infill housing without paying for those very basics.,mostlytrue The United States already has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.,mostlytrue Since 2009 the Ohio Republican Party has made more contacts with voters nearly 6.6 million than any other GOP state organization in the nation.,mostlytrue Says excessive speculation is pushing up oil prices and a recent report estimates it adds 56 cents to every gallon of gasoline siphoned from the pump.,mostlytrue About 230000 people that were on unemployment when I took office are not on unemployment now.,mostlytrue The average Atlanta resident spends an extra $924 each year in additional gasoline and wasted time.,mostlytrue President Obamas suggested reduction in spending for next year $0.,mostlytrue