diff --git "a/true-cleaned.csv" "b/true-cleaned.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/true-cleaned.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2501 @@ +Statement,Label +An 11yearold boy saved the lives of two people on the same day.,true +Infertility is treated differently than other issues and often excluded from insurance coverage,true +Just last year MiamiDade Public Schools had over 14000 new children 10000 of which came from four countries of Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela and Haiti.,true +For African American families in particular the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968 the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law.,true +When a basketball player or football or baseball player from another team plays in Wisconsin that one games salary they pay Wisconsin income tax on it. ... So if for some reason we do not have the Brewers in Wisconsin all of those player salaries that generate dollars for the State of Wisconsin go away.,true +If you need Girl Scout cookies this year and dont have a local troop to support please consider buying from Troop 6000 which is entirely made up of girls living in NYCs homeless shelters.,true +Joe Biden was older on his first day as president than Ronald Reagan was on his last day.,true +Many law enforcement agencies didnt submit their hate crime data to the FBI.,true +WOW county swing suburban voters in Wisconsin dont vote for Donald Trump.,true +Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has downgraded over 50 of the felonies to misdemeanors.,true +$1 of every $3 Ron DeSantis spends comes from the federal government.,true +If New Yorks proposed limits on natural gas in buildings take effect the grid today cant handle the increased electric load.,true +Wisconsin is the nations top cranberry producer in fact our farmers harvest around 60 percent of the countrys crop.,true +Biden drained Americas Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the lowest level since 1984.,true +Historically our spring elections including for state Supreme Court have a smaller turnout associated with them.,true +Latina workers make 54 cents for every dollar earned by white nonHispanic men.,true +Joe Bidens $36 billion for a union pension fund is the largest private pension bailout in American history.,true +Proposed rule would limit milk for WIC participants,true +In Milwaukee The homicide rate has nearly doubled in the past two years.,true +Gas prices are down back to where they were before Russia invaded Ukraine.,true +West Virginia is poised to receive $25M for 160 orphaned well cleanup projects across the state.,true +Kari Lake is opposed to red flag laws.,true +In Georgia its illegal to give people water within 150 feet of a polling place and punishable by up to a year in prison.,true +Nancy Pelosi gave $30000 to boost LizMathis1s campaign,true +David Schweikert has been convicted of 11 House ethics violations.,true +Says Tim Michels opposes closing the loophole that allows domestic abusers to buy guns.,true +Overdoses reached an alltime high in 2021.,true +Herschel Walker misled about personally treating 4500 veterans per year about graduating from college and about working in law enforcement.,true +Since 2019 Ive successfully lobbied for the funds to add hundreds of school counselors lowering our student to school counselor ratio by 20.,true +40 of the folks who have student loans do not have a college diploma fouryear diploma. These are people who are truck drivers and who are nail technicians and nurses aides.,true +Image claims to show a list of Republican members of Congress whose PPP loans were forgiven.,true +Says Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson called climate change bull during a record heatwave and raked in over $700k in fossil fuel cash.,true +In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session more than 75 of GOP bills received a public hearing. Meanwhile the GOP allowed less than 2 of Democratic bills to have a hearing.,true +Texas public high school graduation rate is at 90 overall.,true +The four big meat packers are raking in record profits ,true +In Virginia Black people are eight times 8X more likely than white people to die of gun homicide.,true +Wisconsins archaic abortion ban is older than 20 states.,true +The tax carve out Ron Johnson spearheaded overwhelmingly benefited the wealthiest over small businesses.,true +In a recent year the Milwaukee Police Department collected more guns per capita off the streets than in New York.,true +In 2020 when Raphael Warnock ran a campaign ad featuring himself with a beagle that wasnt his dog.,true +Because of U.S. Senate rules Democrats need more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade.,true +The state crime lab under Attorney General Josh Kaul is testing significantly less items than former AG Brad Schimel and is still taking longer to test many categories of key items in comparison to Schimel including DNA.,true +When the New York State Senate voted to legalize abortion in 1970 12 Republican senators voted in favor of it.,true +New York leads the U.S. in population loss.,true +Weve reduced crime to its lowest level in 27 years.,true +Since taking office Hochul has passed more than 400 new bills,true +Cannabis reform is supported by the majority of the residents of our state including a majority of Republicans.,true +Only 2 of K12 students would benefit from Iowas school voucher bill.,true +Virginia women are paid 80 cents for every dollar paid to Virginia men.,true +Florida is 49th in the nation when it comes to Medicaid funding for people with disabilities.,true +We are No. 1 among all large states in having fully vaccinated teenagers. We are No. 2 in all large states for having fully vaccinated five to 11 yearolds.,true +The US has made strides in reducing carbon emissions that other parts of the world have not.,true +With the ongoing pandemic our State Park attendance is at the highest its ever been.,true +In 2020 more journalists were killed in Mexico than in any other country in the world.,true +100000 Americans died of an overdose in a single year.,true +More than half of Virginias school buildings are older than 50 years.,true +Says he has issued more pardons than any Wisconsin governor in contemporary history.,true +Iowa Republicans have introduced a bill that would put governmentinstalled cameras in every single classroom to livestream school activities for parents to spy on teachers and children.,true +In Iowa since we have put a number of the voting laws into place over the last several years voter ID is one of those weve actually seen voter participation increase even in offelection years.,true +The number of COVID19 deaths recorded so far in 2021 has surpassed the total for 2020.,true +You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if youre not vaccinated 20 times more likely to die.,true +Gov. Kim Reynolds touting $210 million for Iowa broadband failed to mention these are actually federal funds approved by Rep. Cindy Axne and signed into law by President Joe Biden.,true +New York is leading the nation with the lowest imprisonment rate of any large state,true +Iowa ranks 45th in the U.S. for internet connectivity.,true +FUN FACT West Virginia is home to zero billionaires.,true +Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.,true +The Biden administration published a study concluding 4 of 5 new cars on the road by 2050 will still require liquid fuels.,true +Southwest Airlines announce they will no longer terminate employees over the mandate.,true +The annual Pentagon budget hovers over $750 billion annually twice that of the much debated Build Back Better Act that costs about $350 billion annually as currently proposed.,true +If you look at the hospitalizations at Ruby Memorial in West Virginia and around the country 90 to 95 of those hospitalized are unvaccinated.,true +Overdose deaths in WV are up 45 from the prior year.,true +The GOPcontrolled Legislature has refused to act on at least 150 appointees of Gov. Tony Evers.,true +End of eviction moratorium means millions of Americans could lose their housing in the middle of a pandemic.,true +The Trump administration worked to free 5000 Taliban prisoners.,true +In Afghanistan over 100 billion dollars spent on military contracts.,true +A photo shows two COVID19 patients lying on the floor awaiting treatment in Florida.,true +Weve got 115000 miles of roads in this state and 90 is owned by the locals.,true +324000 pregnant people experience domestic violence during their pregnancy.,true +A quorumbreaking Texas Democrat said in 2007 that mailin ballot fraud is the greatest source of voter fraud in this state.,true +Its been over 50 years since minimum wage and inflation parted ways then over a decade since the federal minimum went up at all.,true +We have a record 9.3 million job openings in the U.S.,true +Before the pandemic just over 40000 were on continuing UI claims. Now there are well over 100000 on state or federal UI benefits.,true +Its not currently legal for a New York state student to have a glass of fresh whole milk.,true +Since 1978 CEO compensation rose over 1000 and only 11.9 for average workers.,true +New Haven Conn. had to issue bonds for a bridge after using funds for that bridge to pay for a police misconduct settlement.,true +Wisconsins 201921 budget produced the first positive general fund balance since 2000 and the governors proposed 202123 budget would return it to a deficit.,true +Opposition to having a fully elected Chicago Board of Education is in the super minority.,true +We now have more job openings than we do people who are on unemployment. We have 60 more job openings today than we did the month before the pandemic hit the state of Texas.,true +There are more job openings than there are people on unemployment in Iowa.,true +Says he was one of the 2 state Senators who voted against North Carolinas body camera law.,true +San Francisco had twice as many drug overdose deaths as COVID deaths last year.,true +On Virginias new marijuana law You can have up to one pound with only a $25 fine.,true +Foxconn is the largest taxpayer in Racine County.,true +The federal American Rescue Plan will purchase more food from farmers for distribution.,true +There is racism physically built into some of our highways.,true +Twice as many children are inBorder Patrolcustody under Biden than Trump peak in 2019.,true +U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz was the lone vote in the House against an antihuman trafficking bill.,true +Theres still only a handful of school districts doing no inperson instruction.,true +West Virginia is the only state to decline in population over the last 70 years,true +If you look at the average teacher pay compared to the average pay of your citizens Virginia ranks last.,true +Pot today is not the weed baby boomers were smoking.,true +86 of Americans and 82 of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check.,true +The Georgia House passed a bill that makes it a misdemeanor to give food or water to voters waiting in line.,true +The filibuster was never an idea of the founding fathers.,true +Pipelines do not freeze. They are naturally insulated. Theyre buried beneath the ground.,true +The National Academy of Medicine points to a significant correlation between marijuana and psychosis schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders particularly in teenagers where the risk of developing schizophrenia increases three fold.,true +Becerra supports Bernies government takeover of your health care eliminating your employerprovided coverage.,true +Were the only major gasproducing state in the US that doesnt have a severance tax.,true +There is a direct connection between discriminatory policies within the USDA and the enormous land loss we have seen among Black farmers over the past century.,true +Energy experts and State House Dems among others were warning of this the Texas power blackout for years.,true +The Texas power grid is not part of the US power grid because they wanted to avoid federal regulation.,true +We know mask mandates work. Theres enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that havent.,true +Insulin prices have gone THRU THE ROOF for patientstaxpayers bc of manufacturer health plan PBM biz practices.,true +North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall has won more statewide races than probably anyone else alive.,true +The United States is the only industrialized modernized country that does not already have a paid family medical leave program in place.,true +Says Joe Biden has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time ever more than Obama more than Trump more than anyone.,true +We put $330 million in general school aids the largest in more than a decade.,true +There will be several thousand dollars in payments going to families with sixfigure incomes whove had no income interruption whatsoever.,true +Virginia ranks in the bottom third of states in administering the COVID19 vaccine.,true +It takes quite a while on Election Day to load those ballots which is why we have the 1 a.m. or 3 a.m. ballot dumping in Milwaukee.,true +It wasnt all women that lost jobs in the December jobs report it was mostly Black and Latina women. In fact white women gained employment.,true +The second presidential impeachment of Donald Trump was the most bipartisan impeachment in American history.,true +Summer protesters outside the White House were met with tear gas rubber bullets a full militarized response. While ... rioters were able to breach the Capitol.,true +Before COVID19 more Iowans were working than at any other time in our state history.,true +This election actually was not unusually close.,true +In more than 60 cases judges looked at the allegations that Trump was making and determined they were without any merit.,true +Congress has one job here to count electoral votes that have in fact been cast by any state.,true +In my state as in many other states we have governors who are closing down businesses again.,true +Jurisdictions representing about 80 of WI residents have passed referendums or resolutions in favor of fair maps.,true +New data shows inperson learning isnt driving spikes in cases.,true +Wisconsin is one of the few states that doesnt allow absentee ballots to be processed before Election Day.,true +Republican elected officials a network of propaganda publications in the state and some radio shock jocks were spreading a lie about his daughter breaking COVID19 restrictions.,true +Says COVID19 has killed more North Carolinians in a year than the flu has in 10 years.,true +People of color and those of not they use marijuana at the same rate. People of color are three times more likely to get arrested and convicted.,true +When Donald Trump lost the Iowa caucus to Ted Cruz in 2016 he immediately cried that Cruz cheated.,true +We heard from the Department of Homeland Security ... that this was probably the most secure election thats ever been run in the United States.,true +Ive released 22 years of my tax returns. You can go online and look. Donald Trump hasnt released one.,true +Farm bankruptcies are at an eightyear high.,true +Says Dan Forest has missed almost half of the Board of Education meetings during the pandemic.,true +My 2018 election was the first time Speaker Robin Vos has lost a Republicanheld seat,true +Joe Biden wants to get rid of something called stepped up basis that reduces inheritance taxes.,true +While serving as Town Supervisor Nate McMurray voted to raise taxes on homeowners.,true +Georgia has almost 100000 more COVID19 cases almost twice as many deaths and almost 600 more nursing home deaths than North Carolina.,true +West Virginia has one of the greatest percentages of veterans in any state.,true +Wisconsin Republicans have not passed a single bill in 6 months.,true +The presidents own FBI director said that the greatest domestic terrorist threat is white supremacists.,true +That 5 wealth tax starts at $159000 per family.,true +In the last 10 years less than half of adults in the U.S. received a flu shot.,true +Republicans have the power to overturn the state of emergency order by joint resolution and they refuse to do it.,true +Over three months after receiving CARES Act relief funds from the state the county has still not made those dollars available to help struggling MidMissourians.,true +Iran has stockpiled 10 times as much enriched uranium as it had in 2016.,true +Abigail Spanberger has voted with Nancy Pelosi over 90 of the time,true +Nick Freitas supports a plan letting insurance companies deny coverage for preexisting conditions like asthma or diabetes.,true +Video showed police thank Kyle Rittenhouse give him water prior to the killings,true +Police are 20.8 times more likely to kill than be killed by a criminal.,true +In one of the states that determined the outcome of the 2016 presidential race the winning margin averaged out to just two votes per precinct two votes.,true +Cal Cunningham voted for over $1 billion in new taxes.,true +Says the U.S. Senate is dominated by millionaires and that he is not one of them.,true +The GOP lawyer who helped Kanye West get on the ballot in Wisconsin is actively working for Donald Trumps campaign.,true +Says 1 in 5 Texans did not have health insurance coverage before the pandemic and now nearly 1 in 3 Texans under the age of 65 dont have access to health care insurance.,true +On home health workers low pay and limited benefits 40 are still on SNAP or Medicaid.,true +Murders this year have spiked 27 in Philadelphia.,true +Taxpayers spent $70000000 to develop this drug remdesivir.,true +The average family in America forks over more of their hardearned income to their local hospital than to the IRS.,true +Homicides are intraracial. When you look at whiteonwhite crime its 84. Right Homicides. White people kill white people.,true +Higher education is one of Americas strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities in the 201819 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.,true +Former U.S. Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson was a slave owner married to one of his slaves and father of two children with her.,true +The United States has not completed a toptobottom review of our criminal justice system at the national level since 1965.,true +North Carolina is one of four states that hasnt opened gyms.,true +Says President Trump said coronavirus testing makes the U.S. look bad so I said to my people Slow the testing down.,true +Says a 1942 Milwaukee YMCA brochure shows children playing a violent racist carnival game,true +Our health department our city and our county declared racism as a public health crisis last year.,true +Significantly more people died of Covid19 in two months than died of overdoses all of last year or the year before.,true +In COVID19 crisis only 20 of African Americans had jobs where they could work from home.,true +Infection rates in Allegany Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties have consistently been among the lowest in the state.,true +Since the week ending March 14 Wisconsin actually saw a drop in tourism spending compared to last year of $1.7 billion.,true +If Roe is overturned Wisconsin has a law on the books that would immediately make abortion a crime.,true +Today the gap between African American and white homeownership is larger than it was in the late 1960s.,true +Research illustrates a clear correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and higher COVID19 mortality rates.,true +Twothirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.,true +Says gloves shouldnt be worn in public because if you are wearing the same set of gloves all over town you are only spreading germs everywhere you go.,true +New York is one of only 12 states where the average gallon of gas costs more than $2.00.,true +Says its illegal to hold an absenteeonly election or mail ballots to every registered voter,true +Small trials to test convalescent plasma therapy for coronavirus patients seem to have had some degree of success.,true +Says Texas either is near the bottom or at the very bottom when it comes to testing per capita.,true +North Carolina is in the small minority of states that requires an absentee ballot to be signed by two witnesses or a notary public.,true +Virginia has lagged behind other states when it comes to covid19 testing.,true +Until this week they OSHA werent even enforcing these guidelines for coronavirus. Still today OSHA is not specifying which rules employees must follow or how to keep their workers safe and healthy.,true +The poor are ironically the most likely to be employed in the industries deemed essential while their upperclass peers are freed to bunker down for weeks until the first death wave passes.,true +Go look at other countries that went through exactly this started to reopen and then they saw the infection rate go back up again.,true +Africans living in China now being forced to sleep outside in the cold as Chinese nationals blame them for the rising number of new coronavirus cases in the country.,true +Republicans have shown themselves willing to cut millions off their health insurance and eliminate preexisting condition protections for millions more even in the middle of this public health crisis.,true +Before COVID19 Iowa had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country and many employers were scrambling to find qualified employees to fill their job openings.,true +Says of the coronavirus threat there was not a single suggestion by anyone a doctor a scientist a political figure that we needed to cancel Mardi Gras.,true +Photo shows a crowded New York City subway train during stayathome order.,true +On February 7 the WHO warned about the limited stock of PPE. That same day the Trump administration announced it was sending 18 tons of masks gowns and respirators to China.,true +My mask will keep someone else safe and their mask will keep me safe.,true +Says longstanding Food and Drug Administration regulations created barriers to the private industry creating a test quickly for the coronavirus.,true +No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval.,true +Says most NC legislators are in the high risk age group for coronavirus,true +Says Spectrum will provide free internet to students during coronavirus school closures.,true +Some states are only getting 50 tests per day and the Utah Jazz got 58.,true +Whole of Italy goes into quarantine.,true +The average Wisconsin residents tax burden is at its lowest level in nearly 50 years while incomes continue to grow.,true +Youve raised a lot more money than I have Bernie.,true +During his tenure as mayor of New York City street homelessness decreased by 28 percent.,true +BernieSanders receives strong support from the conservative most rural part of Vermont.,true +The majority of hunters now want universal background checks the majority of Trump voters.,true +From the moment we passed that signature legislation Mike Bloomberg called it a disgrace.,true +Says since he took office the City of Milwaukee has seen the creation of 7000 new affordable housing units.,true +Over 50 of the people now in the House and state Senate have not been born in Virginia.,true +National polls have never predicted who will be president from our party. Carter was in the single digits a few months before caucuses. Bill Clinton was. Obama 20 points behind in the national polls roughly.,true +Traditionally the Speaker says Members of Congress I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States. Tonight Speaker Pelosi said Members of Congress the President of the United States. ,true +Says 10 of U.S. children are Texans.,true +The president of the United States already has the legal authority to reduce the price of many commonly used prescription drugs.,true +More than 80 of Republicans think we ought to at least be doing universal background checks.,true +The American people are overwhelmingly with us in calling witnessesin Senate trial,true +Mayor Bloomberg helped lower the number of uninsured by 40 percent covering 700000 more New Yorkers,true +Twitter is banned in Iran.,true +Witnesses have been part of every other impeachment trial the Senate has ever had.,true +We have the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968.,true +Florida is the 45th in state education funding.,true +In 1988 in response to Irans attack on the U.S.S. Samuel Roberts President Ronald Reagan destroyed half of Irans Navy.,true +We end the $100 billion a year that the health care industry makes.,true +Look at the men on this stage. Collectively they have lost 10 elections. The only people on this stage who have won every single election that theyve been in are the women Amy and me.,true +A man at the storming of the U.S. embassy in Iraq visited the White House in 2011.,true +The United States is the only nation that grants legal permanent residency to more than a million people per year.,true +Last year 36 million Americans didnt have a prescription filled because they couldnt affordit.,true +If youre a black woman youre 320 more likely to die from complications in childbirth.,true +Says Pete Buttigieg ran statewide in Indiana and lost by 20 points.,true +Real wages went up last year 1.1.,true +California firefighters decided to speak out against President Trump because his tweet about the states wildfires contained so much misinformation.,true +Says a newannual report shows that West Virginias tourism industry has grown for the second consecutive year reversing years of decline and outpacing national growth by 58 percent.,true +A study showed as many as one in four people have had a package stolen from their residence.,true +Says the cartels are so bad in a Mexicanborder state that the U.S. government issued a Do Not Travel warning the same warning it issued for Syria.,true +I am the only member of Congress that voted for both inquiries the Clinton inquiry and now the Trump inquiry.,true +If we make no changes over the next 10 years Americans will reach into their pockets and pay out about $11 trillion on insurance premiums copays deductibles and uncovered medical expenses.,true +On average one person dies by suicide every 22 hours in West Virginia.,true +90000 Californians are unsheltered and homeless.,true +The impeachment inquiry hearings going on behind closed doors over which Congressman Schiff is presidingthey are consistent with the rules of the U.S. House of Representatives.,true +President Trump has sent 14000 American troops to the Middle East region since May. So he cant tell his political rallies that hes getting troops out of endless wars when hes sending 14 times the amount back into the region.,true +Americans say that what they want is a choice to join a singlepayer system like Medicare rather than ending private insurance.,true +West Virginia Department of Education reported over 10000 children and youth have been identified as homeless for the 20182019 school year.,true +Millionaires are eligible for food stamps but Donald Trump came along and decided to put a stop to it.,true +About 95 percent of Americas production of ethylene is produced on the Gulf Coast in Texas and Louisiana.,true +Meth production in MO has cratered over last decade. MO Hwy Patrol reported 1326 meth lab seizures in 2006 only 50 in 2018.,true +Minneapolis city government preemptively informed the Target Center that it would be responsible for $530000 in security and other costs related to a Trump rally more than 26 times the estimated security costs for a 2009 Target Center health care rally held by President Barack Obama.,true +Says in the 2016 presidential election I won that one by 42 points 42 points West Virginia.,true +More than half of death row prisoners are people of color.,true +U.S. agricultural food exports are expected to increase more than $2 billion annually under USMCA,true +Says people convicted of felonies or under restraining orders can buy a firearm without going through a background check.,true +One unnamed donor gave $17 million to the Leoaffiliated Judicial Crisis Network to block the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland and to support Gorsuch then a donor perhaps the same one gave another $17 million to prop up Kavanaugh.,true +Thirtyfour of the 47 men depicted in the famous Declaration of Independence painting were slaveholders.,true +There are 390 million guns out on the streets of a country of 329 million people.,true +America has more governors whove worn blackface than black governors.,true +The last time people created a Hollywood blacklist people ended up killing themselves They were accused and they lost their right to work.,true +Floridas red flag gun law has been used about five times a day.,true +The law says that mental health must be treated the same as physical health but coverage by health insurers is unequal.,true +If you go back you can see Wayne LaPierre who runs the NRA testifying in front of Congress in favor of background checks 15 or 20 years ago.,true +More Americans are uninsured today than when President Donald Trump took office.,true +Says of El Paso that some years in a city of almost 700000 we had five murders the entire year. Our average over the last 10 years is 18 murders per year. We exceeded that average just on one day after a gunman opened fire at a Walmart in the city.,true +Studies show at the minimum wage you cant rent a twobedroom apartment anywhere in the United States...a modest twobedroom apartment.,true +Since 2014 there has been a 25 reduction in crime in communities at the TexasMexico border.,true +Rep. Ilhan Omar voted yes to provide further funding for the 911 First Responders Victims Fund while Sen. Rand Paul voted no.,true +Triggering leftists Trumps reelection campaign is selling plastic straws.,true +Food Stamp participation hits 10 year low.,true +In 2017 we had more marijuana possession arrests in our country than all other violent crimes combined.,true +The wealthiest three families now own more wealth than the bottom half of the country.,true +The typical black family in this country has onetenth the wealth of the typical white family.,true +Wisconsin is a Top 10 state for health care coverage.,true +In 2018 when he ran for senator young voter turnout in early voting was up 500. We won more votes than any Democrat has in the history of the state of Texas.,true +The United States is the ONLY industrialized country without universal healthcare.,true +Just the last three weeks on average about 23000 women children men are coming over across the border illegally as family units or as unaccompanied children.,true +Most research shows that UW salaries are a little behind and in some areas were behind more than others.,true +The VA negotiates prescription drug prices. Medicare doesnt do that.,true +Says immigrant military service members applying for U.S. citizenship are getting rejected at higher numbers than those who are not veterans.,true +We saw the prison population expand and vacancy rates for correctional officers go from 2.9 to 15.2 over the last eight years.,true +We beat the NRA with tough tough gun laws in Colorado.,true +In fact high Crimes and Misdemeanors is not defined in the Constitution and does not require corresponding statutory charges. The context implies conduct that violates the public trustand that view is echoed by the Framers of the Constitution and early American scholars.,true +I actually in 2005 ran on Medicare for all.,true +Weve had a 30 increase in suicides in this country in just 15 years.,true +Suicide is the secondleading cause of death among 1519 year olds and 2534 year olds in Missouri.,true +Texas actually leads in the number of Confederate monuments removed.,true +Over 30 states passed the legislation to ban powdered alcohol and Missouri is not one of them,true +Im one of the first guys to introduce a climate change bill way way back in 87.,true +99.4 of businesses in Wisconsin are small businesses and they employ nearly half of our workforce.,true +Youve got millions of families paying 40 50 60 of their limited incomes to put a roof over their heads.,true +The unemployment rate for Wisconsin workers has reached historic lows. Its never been this low before ever ever ever.,true +Speaking of the financial crisis that gained traction in 2007 I talked about it to anyone who would listen a crisis is coming.,true +The enumeration clause speaks to the count of every individual and not just Americans not just citizens.,true +All the ponds in Missouri for which we have data are causing groundwater contamination. This is a statewide issue.,true +Says 74 of people in Texas are crammed into 4 of the land.,true +Big pharmaceuticals pay off they literally pay off generics to keep the prices and the competition off the market.,true +Says 5 out of 10 GOP candidates dont live in North Carolinas 9th Congressional District.,true +In my own state of Vermont from the very first days of our states history what our Constitution says is that everybody can vote. That is true. So people in jail can vote.,true +I was the only member of the Senate Republican or Democrat who has consistently voted against efforts to use the so called nuclear option to change the rules of the Senate.,true +West Virginias exports increased for the second year in a row in 2018 reaching $8.1 billion. Additionally West Virginias export growth rate was 14.2 nearly double the national average of 7.6.,true +Our state has fewer science technology engineering and math graduates than any neighboring state.,true +Since 2011 we have documentation of 1671 dead bodies we have recovered in Texas many in Brooks County.,true +The 2008 election was the first election in which voters of color comprised over 25 percent of the electorate and that number is going up.,true +Currently 23 percent of our militarys infrastructure is graded as poor while 9 percent is failing.,true +In New York State Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants.,true +There have been zero reported instances of any child born alive after an abortion in Texas.,true +The Affordable Care Act provided over 200000 West Virginians with health care coverage.,true +Wisconsin has the highest infant mortality rate for black babies nationwide.,true +Like every budget passed by the Senate since I have been lieutenant governor Senate Bill 1 is within the spending limit set by the Texas Constitution.,true +Says all North Carolina teachers do not currently get a duty free lunch break.,true +Missouri ranks 45th in the nation in per capita state fiscal support for higher education and Missouri State is last among Missouri schools.,true +About 80 percent of the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit goes to claimants who are making $1 million or more.,true +Right now 1 in 4 Texas women of reproductive age are uninsured totaling 1.5 million Texas women.,true +For Cabinet posts I have the best voting record against Trump nominees of anyone else running for president,true +Says an ICE detainer request is not a valid warrant.,true +29 states still dont have comprehensive protections for people in the LGBTQ community.,true +Says zero African Americans have presented to the House Budget Committee in 2019.,true +We are always going to need architects doctors were going to need professionals with fouryear degrees. But 65 to 70 percent of the people in Missouri dont have degrees.,true +Over the last eight years weve shown that even though weve cut taxes by $8 billion revenues continue to grow.,true +California has the largest death row in the Western Hemisphere the largest death row in the United States of America two times the size of the next largest state Florida.,true +The Boeing 737 Max 8 the type of plane that crashed in Ethiopia continues to fly in the United States despite the FAA saying software updates are likely coming.,true +Since 2011 the gap in high school graduation rates between AfricanAmerican students and all students has been cut in half from 6.4 percent to 3.1 percent.,true +We maintain this Missouri highway system with one of the lowest levels of funding in the country.,true +Virginia House Republicans have had more AfricanAmericans on key committees than when the Democrats were in control.,true +West Virginia has the nations lowest workforce participation rate which hovers around 50 percent when the national average is about 63 percent.,true +More than a million Californians do not have clean water to bathe in or drink.,true +Todays minimum wage worker making $7.25 an hour has less buying power than a minimum wage worker in the 1960s.,true +I have more military experience than anybody whos arrived behind that desk since George H.W. Bush.,true +On extremerisk guns laws This idea has passed Republican legislatures in other states and has been signed by Republican governors.,true +A bill passed by GOP legislators makes it harder to prosecute people and groups that violate campaign finance laws.,true +The facts are the majority of opioids and all kinds of other things that are connected to the opioids are coming through the point of entry.,true +New York has passed the best paid family leave program in the United States of America.,true +The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019 includes the largest pay raise in nearly 10 years.,true +Adjusting for inflation West Virginias median household income has not grown in a decade.,true +The poverty rate in West Virginia was 19.1 percent the fourthhighest in the country.,true +There is nothing that we have done on Amazon that we have not done with hundreds of other projects.,true +In 2017 West Virginias $43469 median household income was $16867 below the national average ranking 50th.,true +Says Ann Coulter said I am a settler. I am descended from settlers not from immigrants.,true +At General Motors CEO Mary Barra took home almost 22 MILLION DOLLARS last year alone 295x your companys average employee.,true +The United States spends more on potato chips than we do on ALL energy RD.,true +Missouri had the largest amount of millennial Democrats running than any other state in the country.,true +In fact 7 out of 10 new jobs in America are created by small businesses.,true +Middleclass income rose to a record level in 2017 as the strong economy lifted the fortunes of more Americans.,true +We have lost more lives in the last two years due to opioids than all of the lives lost during the Vietnam War.,true +Says Joe Manchin refused to commit to Kavanaugh until AFTER the Senate had the votes.,true +Trump supporters are heading to the border as the migrant caravan approaches.,true +Do you know that New York State pays out way more than they ever get back,true +West Virginia added the highest percentage of new construction jobs in 2017 in the United States at 14.4. This amounted to 4300 additional jobs In fact WV was the only state with doubledigit growth,true +Household income among Hispanic Americans has just set a new record high.,true +West Virginia has the highest overdose rate per capita of any state in our nation.,true +Matt Rosendale supports plans that dont have to cover preexisting conditions.,true +On spending growth under Gov. Andrew Cuomo Despite the fact that you continue to suggest that youve been able to hold the two percent you havent.,true +My opponent is endorsed by Citizens United.,true +Thousands of folks are opening West Virginia EZPass accounts.,true +Black lung cases are at a 25year high.,true +The poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans its been incredible theyve all reached their lowest levels in the history of our country.,true +Says Rick Scotts hospital company stole millions defrauding the militarys health care program.,true +Mark Harris has said he would abolish the Department of Education.,true +He even supports putting a female inmate in shackles during childbirth.,true +Says only one other senator from either party over the last 25 years has a worse record on bipartisanship than Ted Cruz.,true +Leah Vukmir OPPOSES Buy American legislation.,true +In West Virginia personal income tax collections were up 14 from 2017.,true +Since passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Walmart increased their starting wage to $11hr has given about $400 million in bonuses.,true +Most of Kathy Mannings donors are from outofstate.,true +The national economy was strong in its largest expansion of private sector jobs before President Trump came into office.,true +I think I received more votes in the Democratic primary than any governor in history.,true +Close to half of the children in California are at or near poverty when you consider costofliving.,true +Says Sean Hannity told listeners of his radio show that Beto ORourke is asking for help in getting undocumented to vote.,true +Says a Josh Hawley lawsuit would take away important prescription drug coverage for seniors through Medicare and end all of the consumer protections under the ACA.,true +Says the Trump administration transferred $10 million from FEMA to ICE.,true +Says Texas high school graduation rates are at alltime highs.,true +For only the second time since 2000 there are more job openings than Americans who are unemployed.,true +This year West Virginia produced more AmeriCorps members than any other state.,true +Says hes a smalltown supervisor who has kept a balanced budget who has increased surpluses who has led us to the highest credit rating our town has ever had.,true +If you are a gun store owner and you decide to go out of business you right now are allowed to convert your entire gun store inventory to personal use and once it is a personal use weapon you can sell it without background checks.,true +The American economy is continuing its longest monthly streak of job growth in history with 3.9 million jobs added since President Trump was elected.,true +Says Beto ORourke has a criminal record that includes DWI and burglary arrests.,true +Apple and Amazon already operate in many states that require levels of voter ID.,true +I dont take a dime of PAC money.,true +Says Leah Vukmir claimed the open records law didnt apply to her got sued lost and cost taxpayers $15000 in legal fees.,true +One out of every 30 people in the Greater Boston area is an illegal alien.,true +Says hes never voted present in the House instead of taking a yes or no position.,true +In 2017 ICE arrested more than 127000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions or facing charges of breaking our nations laws and removed nearly 5000 gang members.,true +In December of 2017 the Prince William board of supervisors had a meeting ... Corey Stewart skipped that meeting to go campaign in Alabama for Roy Moore to be a U.S. senator You havent disavowed Roy Moores name yet.,true +Lets talk about the facts and where we are today. There are still nearly 2600 children who are separated from their parentsdue to the Trump administrations zerotolerance policy.,true +The Railroad Commission of Texas has nothing to do with railroads.,true +The three wealthiest people own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.,true +Since 2014 each year NATO nations have been increasing their contributions.,true +There isnt a system for reuniting families separated under Trumps zerotolerance border policy.,true +Migrant mother and crying girl on Time cover never separated.,true +Since taking office we have enacted more than $8 billion in cumulative tax relief.,true +Under Emanuel CPS has become the most understaffed school district in Illinois.,true +When you tally up their representation in Congress and governorships the Democrats almost have their lowest representation in about 100 years.,true +Says most of Austins biggest parks have recycling though as many as 293 out of 300 Austin city parks have no recycling including almost every neighborhood park.,true +Ohios payday lending laws are now the worst in the nation. Things have gotten so bad that it is legal to charge 594 percent interest on loans.,true +Says our indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton is back to being the only statewide official in the country under indictment.,true +Weve been down this road beforeblanket protectionism is a big part of why America had a Great Depression.,true +Its against the law in Texas to let any loaded gun get in the hands of a child.,true +Democrats mistakenly tweet 2014 pictures from Obamas term showing children from the Border in steel cages.,true +Senator Cryin Chuck Schumer fought hard against the Bad Iran Deal even going at it with President Obama then Voted AGAINST it Now he says I should not have terminated the deal,true +Taking into account inflation the federal minimum wage is actually worth less than what it was worth 50 years ago.,true +You know what Amazon paid in federal income taxes last year Zero.,true +Says Mitt Romney is using a million of his presidential campaign dollars to finance his Utah Senate race.,true +After the minimum wage for tipped workers was raised in Maine the state reversed that decision due to restaurant employees organizing en masse against the measure.,true +Black and Latino people in NYC are arrested at TEN times the rate of white people for virtually the same rate of marijuana usage.,true +A majority of Americans now live in states where they have decided to legalize cannabis including recreational and medicalmarijuana.,true +Here are the facts there is no massive wave of migrants pouring into California. Overall immigrant apprehensions on the border last year were as low as theyve been in nearly 50 years and 85 percent of the apprehensions occurred outside of California.,true +New York has among the highest tax burdens of any state in the nation,true +West Virginia has the highest overdose death rate in the nation.,true +In one day of fundraising I received more small donor contributions than Andrew Cuomo received in seven years.,true +California is 49th out of 50 in the United States in per capita housing units. Only Utah can lay claim to being lowest in per capita production.,true +Half of the American women who are murdered are killed by their intimate partners.,true +Says PTA meetings are now being conducted to help parents tell their kids that if a guy with an AR15 walks into their classroom you are supposed to create as much chaos as you possibly can. They want you to scream and yell and dance around and throw books and just keep moving.,true +Says China and Singapore impose the death penalty on drug dealers.,true +Says Richard Cordray directed an Ohio commission to permit an armed group to have a rally on the statehouse grounds even taking the extraordinary step of assuming personal responsibility for waiving an insurance requirement in the event of an incident.,true +Since 1990 production of metals in the U.S. has held roughly constant but the number of people employed in the industry has fallen steadily.,true +We are last in the nation in startups 50th.,true +The 2018 Academy Awards show was the lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY.,true +Says Texas ranks among the nations top five states for its high school graduation rate.,true +Says Stephen F. Austin and James Bowie promoted slavery.,true +Under N.Y. State Assault Weapon ban 1 simple cosmetic change pictured here is difference between legal banned,true +Its now constitutional to ban assault weapons in Illinois. Yet the Illinois General Assembly has failed to allow other cities to have that opportunity.,true +The impending work stoppage is unlawful.,true +About New York state We have the highest debt per capita.,true +Says that as a judge she has presided over more than 10000 cases.,true +In Georgia 25 percent of rural residents are without access to high speed internet.,true +The past president Barack Obama brought Al Sharpton into the White House something like 80 times.,true +There was no requirement to put in affordable housing.,true +Rep. Paul Gosar asks Capitol Police to arrest illegal immigrants attending State of the Union.,true +New York consistently ranks as one of the worst voting turnout states in the nation.,true +New York has the third lowest rate of guncaused death in America.,true +70 percent of the income tax that the state collects happens to come from Westchester Nassau Suffolk and New York City,true +Small business confidence is at an alltime high.,true +They found 60 votes in the Senate in 2006 and 2013 for immigration legislationand each time the House Republican majority refused to take it up.,true +Californias prisons budgetin 1970 was about 3 percent of the general fund. Now its 8.9 percent about $12 billion.,true +Reauthorizing the Childrens Health Insurance Program for six years saves $1 billion and doing it for 10 years saves $6 billion.,true +When we say one vote matters its not just a saying it has proven true 141 times in Ohio over the last five years.,true +Says Donald Trumps use of the term fake news to undermine journalism seems to have inspired dictators and authoritarians.,true +The graduation rate in New York City has increased by 50 percent in 13 years,true +The White House staff risks violating federal ethics rules if they participatein Donald Trumps fake news awards.,true +The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 1000 points in last 5 weeks Record fastest 1000 point move in history.,true +These guys are now pretty much living up to the BruceRauner standard. And falling dismally short of the MittRomney standard. Even Romney released his full tax returns.,true +Wisconsins driver licenses and identification ID cards are currently the most secure in the nation.,true +Says Roy Moore said a practicing Muslim should not be a member of Congress because of his faith.,true +The No. 1 job vacancy in Florida every month for seven years has been nursing.,true +When I saw corruption and sexual harassment coverups I called on Sheldon Silver to resign.,true +Were growing union jobs faster than Illinois.,true +We are spending more on affordable housing than were spending on Dix Park right now.,true +Says county parties representing more than half the states Republican voters approved resolutions demanding changes in Texas House leadership.,true +Ninety percent of people born in the 1940s ended up doing better financially than their parents. But those born in the 1980s the muchmaligned Millennials have only a 5050 chance of doing better financially than their parents despite being the besteducated generation in our history.,true +What Republicans call the death tax is the estate tax on the ultra wealthy which in 2016 was paid by only two out of every 1000 people.,true +Our tax code has nearly doubled since 1985.,true +One in 10 babies born in this country is born in Texas.,true +I personally am prochoice. I always have been. And I made no qualms about that when I was elected governor.,true +90 percent of Americans support universal background checks for gun purchases.,true +Some states hit hardest by opioid deaths have more opioid prescriptions than residents.,true +While Mayor Rick Kriseman said he would dip into reserves this year because of Hurricane Irmahe went into the emergency reserves before Irma ever hit.,true +Floridas coastal and stormwater infrastructure are two of the most critical areas during a storm and received Dplus and D ratings respectively by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2016.,true +Ronald Reagan was a verified Democrat until his mid50s.,true +Seventysix percent of the American people support us passing the DREAM Act with citizenship and legalization as part of it all. More than 60 percent of Republicans support that.,true +Nearly 23 of rural Missourians dont have access to broadband. That needs to change.,true +No court has held Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals unconstitutional.,true +Rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will harm our economy.,true +I think what the authors of the 25th Amendment principally had in mind was some kind of physical incapacitation or serious mental illness or a breakdown an inability to function in office.,true +Im the only candidate who has not accepted money from Carl Paladino nor LPCiminelli two of the biggest developers in the city of Buffalo.,true +It costs us about $33000 a year on average nationally to lock somebody up. In California it costs about $75000 a year.,true +Says his time away from Washington coincides with a long planned renovation for the White House.,true +The new tax will make soda sold in Chicago among the most expensive in the country.,true +Says transgender residents make up about 1in300 people were all over the place were your friends and your neighbors.,true +The Inland Empire is the second fastest growing region for jobs in California.,true +We have been able to cut New Yorks uninsured rate in half since 2013 from 10 percent to 5 percent of our population.,true +We now have about onethird of New Yorks population on Medicaid.,true +Says President Richard Nixon held meetings with heads of state without an American interpreter.,true +One Texas school district alone Austin ISD is expected to lose more than $530 million in local property taxes to Robin Hood this year.,true +I helped win one of the biggest private lawsuits against Medicare fraud in history. The government declined to pursue the case so my firm did and we recovered $324 million for taxpayers.,true +Tax cuts approved and those proposed in his state budget will exceed $8 billion by the time the budget is done.,true +The New York State Senate passed legislation allowing minors to race snowmobiles get their own hunting licenses and not be employed gathering or picking rags cigar stumps or collecting bones.,true +Seven years later Scott Walker has not hit his first campaign promise of creating 250000 jobs.,true +Says Jon Ossoff doesnt even live in his district.,true +There are currently 6 million jobs available in this country that are due in part to the skills gap.,true +Says each of the past three years has been the hottest on record.,true +Says the Senate Intelligence Committee has held 10 public hearings this year more than double that held by the committee in any recent year.,true +How many federal rulings have NOW found intentional discrimination by Txlege since 2011 6.,true +For 22 percent of N.H. Meals on Wheels recipients the delivery driver is the only human contact in their life from week to week.,true +The waiting list for PreK is over in the House budget.,true +Texas leads the country in animal deaths by sodium cyanide M44s.,true +Syria and Nicaragua are the only nations that didnt sign the Paris Agreement. Nicaragua said it wasnt tough enough.,true +Many of the countries in question in Trumps travel ban dont even have a U.S. embassy there to help us vet.,true +Due to the recent downturn in steel production more than 13600 Americans have been laid off and the steel industry is facing billions in losses.,true +President Obama became the first president since Carter to leave the White House with a smaller federal prison population than when he took office.,true +The federal tax code includes deductions for birds flying across America.,true +Planned Parenthood is the biggest abortion provider in the country.,true +In some cases asex offender who appears on the New York State Sex Offender Registry would be able to drive for Uber or Lyft when ridehailing is allowed upstate in July,true +General Flynn got his clearance from the Obama administration.,true +China accounts for 90 percent of North Korean trade.,true +The estimated price of President Trumps border wall is the same as the cost of one and a half aircraft carriers.,true +Theres no real evidence in the last 20 years that growth from tax cuts has made up lost revenue.,true +Were experiencing a net outflow of illegal undocumented workers from America back to Mexico.,true +Illegal immigrationon the U.S.Mexico border is the lowest in 17 years.,true +Missouri is actually the only state that has been forced to borrow money from the federal government to pay for unemployment benefits during each of the last five economic downturns.,true +Trump looking to open up E Coast new areas for offshore oil drilling when Congress has passed no new safety standards since BP,true +Says Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has said Black Lives Matter is a terrorist movement a hate group and calls it Black LIES Matter.,true +Says a Texas Senate committee considering private school voucher legislation randomly called people to testify regardless of when the people submitted requests to testify.,true +More than 20 million people are at risk of dying from starvation within 6 months in 4 nations.,true +House Bill 991 could lead to the opening of as many as 2000 new liquor stores.,true +75 percent of the town boards in Wisconsin have no women on them at all.,true +There are no federal or state laws that say prosecutors must seek death sentences. And the United States Supreme Court has banned all state laws that make executions mandatory for murders.,true +Says President Donald Trump had a different opinion in 2013 than he does now about whether Barack Obama should have intervened in Syria after Obamas red line was crossed.,true +Afghanistan has more hectares of opium poppies planted today than they had before we started this war.,true +In New York state you cannot charge an older person even one dollar more than a younger person for health insurance.,true +2.1 million jobs have been created in the last six or seven years in California,true +More than half of Planned Parenthood facilities are in rural or medically underserved areas.,true +South Florida ranks No. 1 in the gap between wages and housing.,true +The GOPs Obamacare replacement would reduce subsidies that help lowerincome people buy health insurance but also expand the entitlement by giving subsidies to higherincome people that Obamacare never helped.,true +Small businesses create two out of every three American jobs.,true +The average margin of victory in the House of Representatives was 37 for Democrats and Republicans in the 2016 election.,true +Texas legislators have filed voucher proposals in every legislative session since 1995 but all of them have failed to become law.,true +Onethird of the counties think of it onethird only have one insurer left on the Affordable Care Act exchanges.,true +Says condoms used to be taxexempt here in Texas.,true +Florida is now the only state in the nation to tax commercial leases.,true +Says 70 percent of benefits in Donald Trumps proposal for child care go to the people making over $100000 a year.,true +Most U.S. foreign assistance ... is given to U.S. companies and nonprofits in the form of contracts and grants.,true +Says HB2 has hurt North Carolinas economy by onetenth of 1 percent of our annual GDP.,true +Ive given the religious schools in my budget more money than ever before in history.,true +Just last year over 5000 refugees came to New York state and 94 percent settled outside of New York City.,true +During his campaign for president Donald Trump committed to honoring states rights when it comes to marijuana legalization.,true +You can almost pinpoint half of the gun violence deaths to two or three specific sections in the city. They are just areas of devastation economically and otherwise.,true +For every extra year a girl goes to school her income goes up 12 percent.,true +The status quo led the General Assembly to reduce pension payments four straight years starting in 2005 costing billions of dollars as the delay in contributions essentially borrowed from pension funds at a very high interest rate.,true +New York state subsidizes private colleges probably more than any other state except maybe one.,true +Graduation rates in Buffalos school district which were around 48 percent are now up to 64 percent since Say Yes Buffalo launched.,true +Says ExxonMobil fought to kill a rule requiring oil and mining companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments.,true +Not a single Democrat opposed Neil Gorsuchs confirmation in 2006.,true +About threequarters of Syrian refugees are women and children. A full third of them are kids under 12 years old.,true +All of our taxpayers are paying roughly 22 of the U.N. budget.,true +Twentyseven percent of Californians almost 11 million were born in a foreign land.,true +The exodus of citizens from New York State has been growing.,true +California has the highest poverty rate in the nation when considering the U.S. Census Bureaus Supplemental Poverty Measure.,true +The uninsured rate in California reached a historic low of 7.4 percent in 2016.,true +House Bill 6627 also requires the applicant to attest to their eligibility to vote as is required by the National Voter Registration Act and used by all other states that have automatic voter registration.,true +By funding the authorization thats already happened a decade ago in the Secure Fence Act of 2006 we could start the process of meeting Mr. Trumps campaign pledge to secure the border.,true +The federal government is prohibited from negotiating lower prescription drug prices for our senior citizens.,true +Wisconsin property taxes as a percentage of personal income are the lowest that theyve been since the end of World War II.,true +I have never once raised the county tax levy not for seven straight years.,true +More college graduates are living at home than in decades.,true +In New York Average college debt $30000 per student.,true +Jackie Evanchos album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her inauguration performance.,true +Unlike California we in Florida welcome driverless cars no permit required.,true +The causation standard in Indiana is exactly the same as it is in Illinois.,true +On Oct. 7 the Access Hollywood tape comes out. One hour later WikiLeaks starts dropping my emails.,true +In Austin Texas the average homeowner is paying about $1300 to $1400 just for recapture meaning funds spent in nonAustin school districts.,true +Social Security was basically invented at the University of WisconsinMadison thats where Franklin Roosevelt got the idea.,true +We adopted the modern Social Security system at a time when the average person died before they were old enough to get Social Security.,true +Says Donald Trump thinks stopandfrisk is fine.,true +Even though men comprise 49 of the population they hold 80 of the lawmaking power in the Legislature 144 of 181 seats.,true +We spend less than 2 percent more every year. That is the lowest increase in spending since they have been keeping numbers.,true +Hillary Clinton in 2005 cosponsored legislation that would jail flag burners.,true +Texas spends more per day to house an inmate than we do on a student.,true +Says John Bolton supported the Iraq War and said last year thatI still think the decision to overthrow Saddam was correct.,true +Financial conflictofinterest laws dont apply to the president right So the president doesnt have to have a blind trust.,true +Newt Gingrich has been a proponent of selecting a president by popular vote instead of the Electoral College.,true +I was the first member of Congress to contribute to Donald Trump.,true +Surveys show that many of our citizens think we devote a full quarter or even a third of our federal budget to foreign aid.,true +Spanish was the first European language spoken in this country.,true +Under Donald Trumps tax plan 51 percent of single parents would see their taxes go up.,true +Says Richard Burr was one of only three senators who voted against a ban on insider trading for members of Congress. And he called that vote brave.,true +Says Russ Feingold said that with Obamacare we could keep our doctors and our plans it was rated as the Lie of the Year.,true +Says Donald Trump wants to undo marriage equality.,true +Wisconsin is one of several states where you can change your early ballot if you think youve made a mistake.,true +Says of Donald Trump He even said on his very first day in office he would require every school in America to let people carry guns into our classrooms.,true +Several elected state officials have opened their homes to children in need of loving families.,true +Says Donald Trump was asked if he would defend our allies. He said well first hed want to know if they made any payments to us to defend them.,true +Department of Veterans Affairs doctors are prohibited from recommending medical marijuana.,true +Were already bombing seven countries.,true +Says Ted Strickland in this campaign bragged about his Aplus rating with the NRA. ... He has said he has a mixed and spotty record on this issue and that he can be criticized for it. Those are his words not mine. So I dont know where he is on this issue.,true +Zephyr Teachout says she is against Super PACs despite taking money from Super PAC donors,true +Says Donald Trump used undocumented labor to build the Trump Tower.,true +We have 17 intelligence agencies civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks these cyberattacks come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election.,true +Heroin .. pours across our southern borders.,true +Says Warren Buffett has publicly said his secretary should not be paying a higher tax rate than him.,true +Marco Rubio made it clear Not only does he think Donald Trump is a con man hewent on to say he doesnt trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes.,true +Says over 90 percent of Travis Countys eligible residents have registered to vote.,true +Weve had Muslims in America since George Washington.,true +Refugees are subject to more rigorous screening than the average tourist in the U.S.,true +Says Donald Trumps tax plan gives the wealthy and corporations more than the Bush tax cuts by at least a factor of two.,true +Says Paul Ryan is still endorsing Trump.,true +You can look at the propaganda on a lot of the terrorists sites and what Donald Trump saysabout Muslims is used to recruit fighters.,true +Right now we are at 90 percent health insurance covered. Thats the highest weve ever been in our country.,true +Repeated requests for additional security in Benghazi were routinely denied by Hillary Clintons State Department.,true +Says Rep. John Katko promised he wouldnt vote to defund Planned Parenthood and since hes been in office hes done that four times,true +Says Philando Castile had been stopped by police 40 or 50 times before that fatal incident.,true +Richard Nixon released tax returns when he was under audit.,true +Says Senate candidate Katie McGinty made thousands from companies she previously regulated.,true +Even our attorney general who is a strong Democrat she has said that we need causation in our workers comp system. Thats the No. 1 thing pushing our manufacturing jobs out of Illinois.,true +Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year.,true +Says Donald Trump started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to AfricanAmericans.,true +According to independent experts Donald Trumps tax plan would blow up the debt by over $5 trillion and would in some instances disadvantage middleclass families compared to the wealthy.,true +In Chicago theyve had thousands of shootings thousands since Jan. 1. Thousands of shootings.,true +The gun epidemic is the leading cause of death of young AfricanAmerican men more than the next nine causes put together.,true +Most private sector jobs in the history of Buffalo exist in Buffalo today,true +Says a change in law he carried stopped a $100 million tax increase in the Dallas school district.,true +Tom Suozzi raised taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars as Nassau County executive.,true +In Harrisburg I passed more bills than all the Democrats combined in terms of legislation affecting the city.,true +We spend more per student than almost any other major country in the world.,true +In the mid 1990s in our state Florida was No. 1 in violent crime in America. ... The only concern I had was for the citizens of Florida who were subjected to a violent crime every three minutes and 45 seconds.,true +Says thatRepublican Darryl Glennhas described Democrats as evil and has said hes tired of hearing about Republicans reaching across the aisle.,true +Texas has lost the most law enforcement officers in the line of duty of any state in America.,true +In the past decade in New York State more than 30 current and former state officeholders have been convicted sanctioned or accused of wrongdoing more than any other state.,true +Latinos are 17 percent of our countrys population but hold only 2 percent of its wealth.,true +When Moammar Gadhafi was set to visit the United Nations and no one would let him stay in New York Trump allowed Gadhafi to set up an elaborate tent at his Westchester County New York estate.,true +Trump Management was charged with discriminating against AfricanAmericans and breaking federal law.,true +Says Donald Trumpsfoundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a sixfoottall painting of himself.,true +Heroin comes in the United States from the southern border.,true +Says Dick Cheney supported gay marriage soonerthan Hillary Clinton.,true +As governor Ted Strickland left only 89 cents in Ohios rainy day fund.,true +Says Russ Feingold broke his 1992 promise to always get the majority of funding from Wisconsin residents.,true +Says Hillary Clinton wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent.,true +Child care costs in some states now exceed the average price tag for college tuition.,true +Tom Reed has actually voted for every single trade deal that has ever come before him in any form.,true +Says that in 2015 illegal immigrants accounted for 75 percent of federal drug possession convictions and 5 percent to 30 percent of convictions for murder and kidnapping plus two other crimes.,true +The Dallas Cowboys cant put a sticker on their helmets for the 5 police officers who were killed.,true +Says Alex Jones said that the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre were child actors and no one was actually killed there.,true +SaysGOP U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn wants to eliminate the Department of Education and jeopardize college fundingfor 320000 Coloradans.,true +Both the Democratic and Republican candidates for president in 2016 are quite unpopular.,true +Says there are concrete examples of University of Texas job applicants or prospective applicants and students as well as invited speakers changing their minds because of handguns being allowed in campus buildings and classrooms.,true +Says Marco Rubio voted against the bipartisan Violence Against Women Act.,true +Says Scott Walkers listening sessions are inviteonly and excluding the press.,true +Almost half a million people are still eligible for DACA particularly in the AsianAmerican and Pacific Islander community.,true +In Congress right now were doing the best job we have ever done in women in the federal legislature but its still only 19 percent.,true +While introducing Donald Trump former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani omitted the September 11 2001 strikes as a successful terrorist attack during the eight years before President Obamas 2008 election.,true +Today California is kicking our butt creating more jobs and more economic growth than Texas.,true +Most Americans support the legalization of marijuana.,true +50 of Hispanic students count on Pell Grants to pay for college.,true +Donald Trump is against marriage equality. He wants to go back.,true +California is home to the largest death row populationin the Western Hemisphere.,true +Overdosing is now the number one accidental killer in our Commonwealth.,true +Says the media distortedwhat happened with a baby at his rally.,true +The mosquito population in South Florida is larger than it is in many other communities in the country.,true +Illinois suffered 1652 overdose deaths in 2014 ... of which 40 percent were associated with heroin. Illinois is ranked number one in the nation for a decline in treatment capacity between 2007 and 2012 and is now ranked the third worst in the country for statefunded treatment capacity.,true +Says Danny Tarkanian wants to defund Planned Parenthood and would outlaw a womans right to choose even in cases of rape or incest.,true +We fixed a loophole in the gun background record check system so that we could make our commonwealth safer.,true +After the shootings of Dallas policemen nearly 500 people applied in just 12 days.,true +The Koch network is spending more money in a Senate race in Ohio than anywhere else in the country.,true +Ninety percent of Americans want our background check system strengthened and expanded to cover more gun sales.,true +Speakers at the Democratic National Convention made zero mentions of the global terrorist threat posed by ISIS.,true +I wake up every morning in a house the White House that was built by slaves.,true +We created 800000 new jobs we cut the unemployment rate almost in half and today New York State has more private sector jobs than it has ever had in its history,true +An amendment pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago threatens religious institutions with a loss of their taxexempt status if they openly advocate their political views.,true +Our trade deficit in goods reached nearly $800 billion last year alone.,true +Fortythree million Americans are on food stamps.,true +For decades the states gas tax has been among the highest in the nation.,true +Says Hillary Clinton said all workrelated emails were sent back to the State Department. The FBI director said thats not true.,true +There are at least twice as many licensed firearm dealers in California as there are McDonalds.,true +Says Gary Farmers claim that he received an A from the NRA is an absolute lie.,true +Over the last six years the state of Illinois spent about $320 million on illegal immigrants.,true +A shocking 20 veterans are committing suicide each and every day especially our older veterans.,true +Says GOP Senate nominee Darryl Glenn said he wants to see Ted Cruz appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.,true +The United States is the oldest democracy in the world.,true +Says Donald Trump wants to get rid of the federal minimum wage.,true +More people now die in Wisconsin from drug overdoses than car crashes.,true +Proposed NClaw for body camera footage gives police broad authority to keep video footage secret even from individuals who are filmed.,true +Says Donald Trumps proposed tax treatment of hedge fund managers makes the current loophole even worse.,true +If you are a member of union your median weekly income is roughly $200 more than if you are a nonunion member and that doesnt include benefits.,true +Risk analysts listed Donald Trump a Donald Trump presidency as one of the top threats facing the global economy ahead of terrorism.,true +The major immigration issue was about Poles and Bulgarians and Romanians and that they werent contributing economically. The unemployment rate among Poles in Britain is lower than the unemployment rate among Brits.,true +The National Park Service has an annual budget that is less than the city of Austin.,true +SaysDonald Trump called pregnant employees an inconvenience.,true +The LGBT community is more often the victims of hate crimes than any other recognized group.,true +Says Hillary Clinton said she was under attack in Bosnia but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers.,true +Says Kelly Ayotte voted again yesterday against a proposal to expand background checks buyers can continue to simply go online or to gun shows to purchase guns without background checks.,true +Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world.,true +Nine million people have lowercost HIVAIDS medicine because of the work of the Clinton Foundation and my husband.,true +Only half of the murders in the city of St. Louis get solved.,true +Says Donald Trump mocked someone with a disability.,true +The labor force participation rate the share of the potential workforce that is actually working or looking for work currently stands below 63 the lowest level since the 1970s.,true +Since 1978 college tuition nationwide has gone up something like four times the rate of inflation.,true +A trade war is something very different than curbing new trade agreements. We went down that road in the 1930s. It made the Great Depression longer and more painful.,true +The 2015 Legislature passed the fewest laws in 20 years.,true +The Chicago Bears have had more starting quarterbacks in the last 10 years than the total number of tenured UW faculty fired during the last two decades.,true +Sayvideo shows massive alligator strolling across Florida golf course.,true +Vietnamese is the third most commonly spoken language in Texas.,true +When I was secretary of state I had a very high approval rating.,true +You can import as many hemp products into this country as you want...but we cant grow it.,true +We now do have evidence that Donald Trump is being used as a recruiting tool for terrorists.,true +Before 2005 the percentage of Texas high school students meeting the college readiness standards of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board stood at 28 in English and 42 in math. Those figures stood at 65 and 66 in 2013.,true +Under Donald Trumps tax plan the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers people earning multiple millions of dollars a year on average would get more tax relief than the bottom 60 percent of taxpayers combined.,true +The United States has a low voter turnout rate.,true +Austin is number one in Texas in startups venture capital and patents.,true +For the first time in over 40 years Republicansdont hold a single statewide office in Virginia.,true +The city of Clarkston cant decriminalize marijuana. Only state legislators and Congress can do that.,true +Says $15anhourproposal in Cleveland is the most aggressive minimum wage increase in the country.,true +Before April 22 we have restored the rights of more than 18000 individuals which is more than the past seven governors combined in their fouryear terms.,true +Closing the tobacco loophole would save Missouri taxpayers $50000000,true +After my first year as governor I was one of the most unpopular governors maybe the most unpopular governor in the country. ... It changed.,true +In two years Gov. McAuliffe has vetoed more bills that the previous three governors issued in each of their fouryear terms.,true +North Carolina has one of the fastest growing populations as well as the fastest growing economy in the country.,true +Pat Toomey advocated for eliminating all corporate taxes.,true +Says he was the only Republican to vote against creating a House panel to investigate Planned Parenthood.,true +I earned more votes in the state of Wisconsin than Donald Trump did in New York.,true +A tax on soda and juice drinks would disproportionately increase taxes on lowincome families in Philadelphia.,true +As a former federal prosecutor I prosecuted over 4000 cases.,true +Says Republican presidential candidate and Gov. John Kasich has spent 177 days out of state and used $350000 in taxpayer money on his costly campaign.,true +Says New Hampshires second congressional district includes two counties where almost 5 percent if not more of residents are enrolled in the states expanded Medicaid program.,true +In nine Democratic debates Weve not had one question about a womans right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care not one question.,true +Right now here in Texas wind power is already cheaper than dirty fossil fuels.,true +In Malaysia many of the workers are indentured servants because their passports are taken away when they come into this country and are working in slavelike conditions.,true +States with the highest gun ownership rates also have the highest suicide rates.,true +Polls showHillary Clinton wins every time with Donald Trump as her opponent.,true +More people are struck by lightning than commit inperson voter fraud by impersonation.,true +The barber regulation here in Missouri is 10000 words long.the book of Revelation is also 10000 words long.,true +When it comes to fighting terrorism Another thing we know that does not work based on lots of empirical evidence is torture.,true +Big soda has a lot of money.They make a lot of profit off their product and they market in neighborhoods that suffer from these very things that were trying to cure.,true +Since 1900 six U.S. Supreme Court justices have been confirmed during election years including Justice Anthony Kennedy who was confirmed in the final year of the Reagan Administration.,true +During three and a half years of campaigning Lamar Smith has never once appeared at a moderated debate to defend his positions on the issues.,true +Virginia now is the number one exporter of agricultural products to Cuba. We have now jumped to number one.,true +Bernie Sanders passed more roll call amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member.,true +According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC about 120 Americans on average die from a drug overdose every day. Overall drug overdose deaths now outnumber deaths from firearms.,true +We do not have an overcrowding problem. As a matter of fact Rhode Island has one of the lowest incarceration rates in the country.,true +Six justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have been confirmed in presidential election years since 1912.,true +Six justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have been confirmed in presidential election years since 1912.,true +Says a YouTube video shows Thomas DiMassimo the man who rushed Trump at an Ohio rally dragging the American flag on the ground like it was a piece of garbage.,true +Gun violence is by far the leading cause of death for young African American men outstripping the next nine causes of death combined.,true +The U.S. doesnt make television sets anymore.,true +One would have to go back more than a century to find a scenario where a presidents nominee for the Supreme Court was confirmed by the opposition party in the Senate when the vacancy occurred during an election year.,true +We understand that this heroin is primarily coming from Mexico over the border.,true +The Walton family of Walmart ... This one family owns more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of the American people.,true +More than once Ive actually had a conversation with the protesters on substance.,true +Foreign aid is less than 1 percent of our federal budget.,true +When the City and the Fairmount Park Conservancy invested $5 million in Hunting Park crime went down 89 percent within a half mile radius of the park over the next three years.,true +Like Marco Rubio Sen. Barack Obama had one of the worst attendance records in the Senate.,true +Theres no correlation between primary turnout and wins in the fall in the last 11 elections.,true +There have been multiple media reports about Donald Trumps business dealings with the mob with the mafia.,true +Texas is home to millions of Latinas but the state has never elected a Latina to Congress.,true +Building a wall on the U.S.Mexico border will take literally years.,true +AfricanAmericans are more likely to be arrested by police and sentenced to longer prison terms for doing the same thing that whites do.,true +Theres never been a U.S. Supreme Court vacancy in the last I think 30 years lasting longer than 237 days.,true +People have actually broken down the transcripts for oral arguments and Antonin Scalia told more jokes and got more laughs than any of the other justices.,true +We are almost halfway to our goal of 1000 rapes prosecuted,true +Says Donald Trump supported impeachment of President George W. Bush.,true +North Koreas missiles are not going to have a capability to reach the United States anytime real soon.,true +The AfricanAmerican community lost half of their wealth as a result of the Wall Street collapse.,true +Says President John F. Kennedy released a star Green Bay Packer from military reserve duty so that he could play in the 1961 NFL Championship Game.,true +Says she is 6th in hard dollars raised and has more cash on hand than Governors John Kasich and Chris Christie combined.,true +Owen in MA vs. Owen in RI AdvantageRhode Island.,true +China is practicing how to blow up our satellites.,true +I am the only candidate that has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. In PA Ive got Bernies back.,true +It is rare that a retirement grade determination is conducted for an officer previously retired from the U.S. armed forces.,true +Texas is growing twice as fast as the rest of the country.,true +When a Gallup poll asked about presidential candidate characteristics When they get to the question on Would you vote for a socialist it is even less popular than voting for atheists.,true +Since John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 more Americans have died by gunfire within our own country than American servicemen and women who were killed in all our wars.,true +Anyone can die of a toothache.,true +In 40 years of broadcast I have never endorsed any candidate.,true +Two million new jobs have been created in California since 2011.,true +Today if you were raised poor youre just as likely to stay poor as you were 50 years ago.,true +SaysBernie Sanders has reversed his position on immunity for gun manufacturers and sellers.,true +Boston is just 60 minutes away and its offering subsidies to developers who can charge higher rent than you can get in Providence while construction costs are more or less equal. As a result the Boston skyline is completely dominated by the cranes.,true +Says Marco Rubio knows full well I voted for his amendment to increase military spending to $697 billion.,true +Our businesses have created jobs every single month since Obamacare became law.,true +Lets start with the premise that Rhode Island already has one of the 10 strictest gun laws amongst all the states.,true +Guantanamo has never been a key component of ISIS or alQaida propaganda.,true +Here in Wisconsin weve put in previous budgets more money into mental health services than any governor has in the last 25 years.,true +Says American polling shows Russian President Vladimir Putin has an 80 percent approval rating.,true +The United States spends almost three times per capita what they spend in the U.K. on health care and 50 percent more than they pay in France.,true +If you are going to kill the families of terrorists realize that theres something called the Geneva Convention were going to have to pull out of.,true +Since 2008 Gwinnett Countys population has grown 15 percent while the county government staff has increased only 1 percent.,true +The U.S.tax rate on successful small businesses is 44.6 percent while the business tax rate in Canada is 15 percent.,true +Since 2008 we have cut 5000 positions from Virginia public schools.,true +Probably less than 4 percent of Wisconsin residents are enjoying the subsidies from Obamacare.,true +The number of people in Atlanta dying from HIV and AIDS declined 59 percent between 2004 and 2012.,true +Twentyfive percent of our kids in foster care are there because their parents are involved in drugs.,true +The world food demand is going to double sometime between now and 2070.,true +Says President Barack Obama will not utter the words radical Islamic terrorism and as matter of policy nobody in the administration will say the words radical Islamic terrorism.,true +More black babies are aborted in NYC than born.,true +Instead of fighting ISIS the Saudis have focused more on a campaign to oust Iranbacked Houthi rebels in Yemen.,true +Wisconsins 6th congressional district has more manufacturing jobs than almost any other in the nation.,true +When President Barack Obama said ISIS or ISIL was contained he was responding very specifically to the geographic expansion of ISIL in Iraq and Syria.,true +Says income tax rates under Eisenhower were as high as 90 percent.,true +Will Hurd tends to have a 96 percent straight Republican straight party voting record.,true +There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible.,true +Marco Rubio spent $400K of your tax dollars remodeling offices and building a membersonly lounge.,true +Most Americans are ready to put it marijuana prohibition behind us and move on.,true +Dark money spending in the 2016 election cycle is 10 times what it was at the same point in the 2012 election cycle when it topped $308 million.,true +Electric car sales in Georgia have dropped dramatically since a $5000 tax credit was eliminated and a $200 annual registration fee was imposed July 1.,true +A Texas police department bought an ad telling drug dealers We can take your competition off the streets for FREE.,true +In 2008 thenSen. Barack Obama missed 60 or 70 percent of his votes. In 2004 John Kerry missed close to 60 to 70 percent and Bob Graham missed over 30 percent of his votes.,true +After today GovJayNixon will have been overridden more times than all previous governors in MO history moleg,true +Brewpubs cant sell growlers of their beer to customers.,true +60 percent of all Americans do not want to see Planned Parenthood defunded.,true +Sen. Sanders did vote five times against the Brady bill.,true +Says Donald Trump supports eminent domain and the Supreme Courts Kelodecision.,true +90 of Americans want national background checks that close loopholes.,true +Since 2008 U.S. crude oil output has increased by over 80 percent an increase of over 4 million barrels a day. That is the fastest increase in U.S. history.,true +We have 650 people who move to Texas every day.,true +Says Bernie Sanders was there when it came to samesex marriage 20 years ago. ... He was there when it wasnt popular.,true +Theres no money for Planned Parenthood in the bill that would keep the government open.,true +Six of the 10 richest counties in the United States surround Washington D.C.,true +The racial and ethnic makeup of the Gwinnett County Sheriffs Office mirrors the community it serves.,true +No openly gay man has ever been elected to the Georgia Legislature.,true +On the main GOP presidential debateNot one candidate on the debate stage has military experience ,true +Tens of thousands of Atlanta households pay more than 30 percent of their income towards rent.,true +Just about half of rural hospitals operate in the red in Virginia. They operate at a loss.,true +Eightythree law enforcement officers have died in the line of duty this year. Twentyfour of them were shot and killed in cold blood.,true +The marijuana that kids are smoking today is not the same as the marijuana that Jeb Bush smoked 40 years ago.,true +Georgias CRCT set some of the lowest expectations for student proficiency in the nation.,true +Im the only governor in America ... who signed a law that says there needs to be an independent investigation any time theres a death of someone in police custody.,true +The State of Texas is funding womens health services at historically high levels they just increased their level another $50 million for the next two years.,true +Trump proposed enacting the largest tax increase in American history.,true +Georgia has the 9th highest rate of adults ages 18 to 64 without a high school diploma or GED.,true +Of the 25 wealthiest nations were the only one that doesnt provide basic health coverage.,true +Saudi Arabia has the thirdlargest military budget in the entire world.,true +By the end of this budget Im in right now taxes will have been cut $4.7 billion in my state.,true +More Americans have died from guns in the United States since 1968 than on battlefields of all the wars in American history.,true +Says Ron Johnson opposes entirely a federal minimum wage except perhaps for guest workers.,true +To vote in Mexico every eligible Mexican citizen has to have a tamperproof photoID card with a thumbprint and an embossed hologram.,true +Last year we had zero percent growth in GDP in Virginia ...The only states that did worse than us were Alaska and Mississippi.,true +There are actually only 30 countries that practice birthright citizenship.,true +Less than half of the poorest American households have a home Internet subscription.,true +Youre more likely to get struck by lightning in Texas thanfind inperson voter fraud.,true +Says Donald Trump has changed his mind on abortion.,true +AfricanAmerican children are 500 percent more likely to die from asthma than white kids.,true +The Republican presidential nominee hasnt won women since 1988.,true +As governor of Florida I defunded Planned Parenthood.,true +Wisconsins rainy day fund is 165 times bigger than when we first took office.,true +Caution Kissing and cuddling chickens can be hazardous to your health.,true +Since Volvo spurned Georgia for South Carolina in early May some 3455 jobs promising more than $800 million in investments have come to the Peach State.,true +The majority of the Hispanic population and the growth of the population is U.S.born.,true +With the exception of baby formula the federal government does not require any food to carry an expiration date and state laws vary widely.,true +Says David Jolly refused to cut spending for a national greenhouse in D.C.,true +Hillary Clintons State Department actually admonished one of her ambassadors because he wasnt using the proper server.,true +Says Donald Trump has supported a Canadianstyle universal health care system.,true +The murder rate in Atlanta is on the rise this year.,true +Says Bill and Hillary Clinton attended Donald Trumps last wedding.,true +The actual deportations from the interior of the country are way down under President Obama.,true +Says Scott Walkers views on abortion are more restrictive than any Republican president in recent times.,true +In New Orleans nearly100 percent of our kids are in charter schools.,true +Despite what Donald Trump claims there werent 15000 people who turned out in Phoenix to see Trump speak.,true +Says she called for addressing risks of derivatives cracking down on subprime mortgages and improving financial oversight early on in the financial crisis.,true +Jasper County in Texas raised property taxes by 7 percent in order to pay for one death penalty case.,true +Replacing 100000 old toilets with waterefficient models has saved 2.4 million gallons of water every day.,true +Greece is not a big economy. Its about the size of metropolitan Miami.,true +The House of Representatives just voted 300131 to remove countryoforigin labeling on chicken pork and beef sold in the U.S.,true +Says his release of 33 years of tax returns is more than any presidential candidate in history.,true +Only five states including Georgia do not have a hate crimes law.,true +If you want to vote in Texas you can use a concealedweapon permit as a valid form of identification but a valid student ID isnt good enough.,true +Between 1980 and 2010 water usage in Georgia dropped even as the states population grew.,true +46 percent of women between the age of 16 to 24 despise sexual contact in Japan.,true +More than half of women under 30 who give birth do so outside of marriage...,true +The Confederate battle flag at the South Carolina statehouse must fly at a height of 30 feet. Any changes taken down or even at halfstaff if that can be done must be passed by a supermajority of the General Assembly.,true +This March for the first time in human history the monthly average carbon dioxide in our atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million. The range had been 170300 parts per million for hundreds of thousands of years.,true +The top25 hedge fund managers are making more than all of Americas kindergarten teachers combined.,true +Ninetyseven percent of Americans do not receive subsidies for health care under the Affordable Care Act.,true +Georgia residents file the most insurance claims for lightning strikes in the country.,true +47 percent of Americanscant pay for an unexpected $400 expense through savings or credit cards without selling something or borrowing money.,true +We reduced the government workforce by 13000 11 percent during my eight years.,true +Our reserves are now in much better shape than they were just a few years ago.,true +Fox News barely covered the Duggar family scandal until Megyn Kelly was able to secure this interview.,true +Since 2010 eight children in Georgia have died due to vehicular heatstroke.,true +You can fill out your tax return in Estonia online in five minutes.,true +One out of five of our children live in a family thats on food stamps.,true +For the first time in 35 years we have more businesses dying than we do starting.,true +We spend more money on lobbying than we do on campaigns.,true +A 5050 publicprivate split for paying for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena would be much better in terms of the portion of the public financing than most of the other arena projects done around the country.,true +If you count United States airstrikes against ISIS 75 percent of those combat missions return to base without having fired a weapon.,true +Says Sen. Rand Paul RKy. has stated that supporting the right to health care ... means you believe in slavery.,true +Georgia ranks 49th for women serving in elected state and federal offices.,true +Says he was known as Veto Corleone for cutting spending as Florida governor.,true +The United States is one of only seven nations that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks postfertilization.,true +Accidents are down 50 percent and injury accidents are down 60 percent in the rebuilt Marquette Interchange in Milwaukee.,true +Georgia is on track for 1200 traffic fatalities this year a reversal of nine years of declines.,true +Annual precipitation has increased in Rhode Island by over 12 inches in the last century.,true +Says Mike Huckabee appeared in diabetes infomercials to endorse cures and treatments that no health agency supports.,true +The state budget will include scholarship money for minority students as a concession to Senate Democrats for supporting the GOPinitiated transportation bill.,true +During the Bush administration you actually had a prominent liberal write a book about how Bush was preparing for a fascist takeover of this country.,true +An audit shows there are 6.5 million people who have active Social Security numbers who are 112 years of age or older,true +Wisconsins nondiscrimination law doesnt protect members of the transgender community.,true +When we moved into the White House we had the lowest net worth of any family since Harry Truman.,true +The people of Tiverton have historically supported gambling measures at a rate higher than the rest of the state.,true +The Iranians are now saying that what were saying the deal is and what they understand it to be are two different things.,true +Distracted driving such as texting behind the wheel is behind a rise in traffic deaths on Georgia roadways this year.,true +Im the only member of the House of Representatives who raised most of his campaign funds in the last election from small contributions of less than $200.,true +Of the 13 Bill Clinton speeches that fetched $500000 or more only two occurred during the years his wife was not secretary of state.,true +Hillary Clintons State Department sent three comedians to India on the Make Chai Not War tour.,true +The unemployment rate among blacks in Texas is 9.5 far more than double white unemployment and wages have fallen for black workers in Texas since 2000.,true +We have an 80 percent graduation rate in high school after spending more per student than any country in the world other than Liechtenstein I think or Luxembourg and a couple other small countries.,true +The fastestgrowing part of the Pentagons budget are health care expenses.,true +More than 30 cents of every state tax dollar goes to Medicaid.,true +We are in the sixth year of recovery and median income is below what it was at the start of the recovery.,true +Wisconsins attorney general and state treasurer ordered the daughter of Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson not to discuss climate change on state time.,true +You cant build a Christian church in Saudi Arabia.,true +Seventy percent of Americans dont have a college degree.,true +Lawmakers were paid for their offseason efforts to for the first time take the lead in drawing borders for two wouldbe cities.,true +Did you know that the U.S. is one of the very few nations in the world without an official language,true +Says he paid one dollar for a sweater at Kohls.,true +White people control almost 90 percent of the nations wealth.,true +Under current conditions by 2023 the interest payments on the national debt will be $722 billion larger than the projected defense spending of $696 billion.,true +Liberty University students were mandated to attend Sen. Ted Cruzs presidential announcement or they would be fined.,true +Ted Cruz was the longestserving solicitor general in the history of Texas.,true +Uber and other rideshare firms are not required to carry auto insurance under Georgia law.,true +Polling shows that nearly 74 percent of National Rifle Association members support requiring background checks for all gun sales.,true +The proposed transportation tax plan revokes a taxcredit for consumers electric cars while the state retains similar credits for similar vehicles for businesses.,true +Under legislation that has cleared the Georgia House some children who are legal refugees could obtain state scholarships to attend private schools.,true +Contrary to popular belief we actually dont have that many public employeesWe are well below average in the number of public employees.,true +Research performed by economists has shown no consistent positive impact on jobs income or tax revenues arising from stadiums or sports franchises.,true +Already this calendar year since January 1 we have had more than 20000 people come across the border apprehended unauthorized.,true +America produces more oil and gas than any other nation in the world.,true +Six of the nations 10 wealthiest counties according to median income are in and around the Washington D.C. area.,true +The Clintons foundation took millions from foreign governments including United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.,true +Thirty U.S. cities have Triple A baseball teams and virtually everyone of them is playing in government owned ballparks.,true +The potential Iran nuclear agreement would limit Iran to the number of centrifuges needed for a weapon but too few for a nuclear power program.,true +Georgias share of money from the Federal Highway Trust Fund declined 12 percent between 2008 and 2013.,true +Last year we saw the first reduction in the federal prison population in 32 years.,true +Cigarette butts poison babies and small children because of the nicotine in them.,true +A bill to eliminate Delta Air Lines jet fuel tax breaks violates federal law and puts the state at risk of losing critical funding from the Federal Aviation Administration.,true +The Department of Homeland Security is the only federal department not funded for this entire fiscal year by Congress.,true +The 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that up to half of daily marijuana smokers become addicted an estimated 2.7 million people in the U.S.,true +There are countries in Africa where they have higher vaccination rates than here in the United States.,true +The governors budget proposal reduces the state austerity cut to education to under $500 million for 2016.,true +If someone is in a room that has measles and leaves and you walk in two hours later you could get measles from that person.,true +Measles is one of the most common causes of child blindness worldwide.,true +Science is very certain that the measles vaccine doesnt cause autism.,true +Since I took office over 319000 new private sector jobs have been created in Georgia with nearly 93000 of those coming in the past 12 months.,true +GEORGIA ROADWAY FATALITIES THIS YEAR 59PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY,true +Only 18 percent of jobs are accessible by transit for metro Atlanta residents. 33 percent for those living in the city.,true +Since Gov. Nathan Deal office in 2011 the states rainy day fund has grown by 643 percent.,true +The Republican Party has not won a presidential election without either a Bush or a Nixon on the ticket since 1928.,true +Democrats have lost more than 900 state legislators since Barack Obama has been president.,true +The merger of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College will make GSU one of the largest universities in the nation with more than 54000 students.,true +The economy is creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999.,true +In President Barack Obamas 2015 State of the Union address the words alQaida were never used the first time those words have not been used in a State of the Union address since February 2001.,true +America is No. 1one in oil and gas.,true +The religious liberty bill proposed in the Georgia House of Representatives does not specifically exclude corporations which means they can legally claim a religious exemption.,true +Over the past five years the American automobile industry has created about 500000 new jobs.,true +Federal officials declared that grant funds could be used only for Milwaukees streetcar project meaning it isnt possible to redirect the money to other modes of public transportation or to our public schools.,true +Supreme Court 15 times over the last 120 years has said marriage is a fundamental right and never said it had to be between a man and a woman.,true +Mercedes said high taxes and the cost of doing business in New Jersey worked to Georgias advantage in landing the companys USA corporate headquarters.,true +I belong to the AFLCIO.,true +A private company building a natural gas pipeline into Florida is being forced to spend months under the review of six federal agencies.,true +State school funding per pupil is down 16 percent compared to 2009 after adjusting for inflation.,true +After World War II we tried convicted and in some cases executed Japanese soldiers for war crimes that included charges of waterboarding.,true +January through November 2014 the year so far were the hottest first 11 months of any year recorded.,true +Western Europeans can fly in the United States without even having a visa.,true +Colorado raked in $60 million in marijuana taxes and licensing fees in the past year.,true +Only 42 percent of young Georgians have a college certificate or degree but soon 60 percent of jobs will require some college credential.,true +Were now the No. 1 producer of oil in the world. Weve surpassed Saudi Arabia.,true +The President has decided to move forward with executive actions on immigration that he has said on numerous occasions that he didnt have the constitutional power to take.,true +Texas families have kept more than $10 billion in their family budgets since we successfully fought to restore Texas sales tax deduction a decade ago.,true +The United States decided waterboarding was torture back when we courtmartialed American soldiers for waterboarding Philippine insurgents in the Philippine revolution.,true +Only 20 colleges and universities have athletic departments with revenue exceeding expenses.,true +My wife is going to be the first Hispanic first lady in the history of Texas.,true +Were spending millions for each individual held at Guantanamo Bay Cuba.,true +My property taxes went down largely because my technical college portion went down 35.5 because of the money we put in at state.,true +The U.S. has 5 percent of the worlds population 25 percent of the worlds known prison population.,true +The United States right now incarcerates more AfricanAmericans as a percentage than apartheid South Africa did.,true +Mike Martinez cut a deal with prosecutors to avoid facing possible jail time and stuck us with his $24657.50 legal bill.,true +Unlike marijuana medical cannabis oil cannot get you high.,true +There are more African American men in prison jail on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850.,true +Thirtyeight states Georgia not included have appointed rather than elected state school superintendents.,true +At the 50 Milwaukee schools serving at least 80 AfricanAmerican and at least 80 low income students the reading proficiency is 8.,true +In 2010 uninsured voters made up about 5 percent of the electorate.,true +Too many tattoos on visible body parts keepsome applicants out of the military.,true +Rhode Islands legislature is the strongest in the country.,true +Wisconsin is below the national average in wage growth and job growth.,true +Turkeys today weigh 29.8 pounds. In the 30s they weighed 13.2 pounds.,true +Fox News uses photo of a married couple promoting traditional marriage and the photo is actually of a samesex couple.,true +Georgia ranks No. 9 in the rate of women murdered by men.,true +The president of the United States came in the Tuesday before the election in a ward that went 99 for him in the last election and they couldnt even increase the vote there.,true +Congress has 11 percent approval ratings yet 96.4 percent of incumbent lawmakers were reelected in 2014.,true +Georgia has led the nation in student fatalities caused by motorists illegally passing stopped school buses.,true +Ill be the only economist in the U.S. House.,true +I spent only $36.29 on my campaign for governor.,true +Among the developed nations we are the least economically and socially mobile country in the world.,true +The last time Republican U.S. Senate candidates beat more than two incumbents was 1980.,true +Kansas has not elected somebody other than a Republican to the U.S. Senate since before The Wizard of Oz hit the movie theaters.,true +We have the thirdlowest minimum wage of developed countries.,true +Before World War II very few people actually had health insurance.,true +Says Sen. Rand Pauls 2011 budget included a big cut in the CDC.,true +Governor Carcieri has not been campaigning with me.,true +A lawyer demanded several Houston pastors hand over to the city government many of their private papers including their sermons.,true +Ninetyfive percent of Oregonians now have health insurance coverage tens of thousands for the very first time.,true +In the past three years we have prosecuted or brought more cases on access to public records than in the previous 12 years combined.,true +Almost every state has offered an insurance plan on its health exchange that does not cover abortion.,true +Says Jeb Bush not Charlie Crist signed legislation that let Duke Energy collect money for nuclear projects.,true +My office sends federal money back every year.,true +Says Rick Scott changed his promise from700000 jobs created on top of what normal growth would be to just 700000 jobs.,true +Says Scott Brown cosponsored legislation to let employers deny women coverage for birth control.,true +The states overall revenues only returned this year to 2007 levels.,true +TSA WILL ACCEPT DRIVERS PRIV CARDS FOR ID AT THE AIRPORT,true +Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country out of 47 Muslimmajority countries where women cannot get licenses to drive.,true +More women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends since Sept. 11 than all the Americans who were killed by 911 or in Afghanistan and Iraq.,true +We have a retiree that is collecting a $17000 paycheck a month . . . tax free.,true +When I was mayor Providence was one of the five renaissance cities of America according to USA Today in those days. Money magazine said it was the fifth best city to live in in America. In addition to that All Cities Almanac said in 1994 I believe that it was the safest city in America.,true +Says U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland voted to keep the shutdown going.,true +In the last 10 years Georgias middle class income has dropped $6500.,true +Countries bombed Obama 7 Bush 4,true +Every time the people from Newport Tent work in a city or town they have a whole different set of permits that they have to get in order to pitch a tent.,true +The state budget has increased almost $800 million a year in each of the last two years.,true +The U.S. Constitution is the oldest written constitution still in use today among nations.,true +Last weeks three mostviewed television programs wereSunday Night Football Thursday Night Football and Monday Night Football.,true +Says Fox News gave Republicansenators twice the air time as Democrats during a hearing about theIslamic State.,true +Since I took office Wisconsin ranks 11th in the nation in total business establishment growth compared to 47th in the years Mary Burke was Commerce secretary.,true +More than three women per day lose their lives at the hands of their partners.,true +The president referred to the Syrian opposition just a few months ago as pharmacists and doctors and so on.,true +More people are apprehended after illegally crossing the U.S.Mexico border a week than are born in Texas each week.,true +Miller Brewing is not a U.S. company any more. Neither is AnheuserBusch.,true +Eight out of the nine states with competitive Senate races Hispanics make up less than 10 percent of the electorate.,true +Opponent Glenn Hegar expressed pride in legislated cuts to public school funding.,true +We cut our deficits by more than half.,true +In Georgia Perdues company closed plants and moved jobs to China.,true +Wisconsins dead last in Midwest job growth.,true +Al Sharpton went to Ferguson Mo. and is declaring as a matter of fact that ...Michael Brown didnt use any deadly force or posed no deadly threat to the officer.,true +Wisconsin is dead last in income growth among midwestern states during Gov. Scott Walkers term.,true +Says President Barack Obama released a statement on the death of brother Robin Williams before ... a statement on brother Michael Brown.,true +New Glarus Brewing Co.s Spotted Cow is available only in Wisconsin.,true +The No. 1 cause of death for AfricanAmerican males1534 is murder.,true +The majority of Austinites rent the places they live.,true +Washington has incentivized the militarization of local police precincts.,true +Texas prosecutor Rosemary Lehmberg purchased 72 bottles of vodka in just one store alone in just over a year.,true +Before I was state treasurer my Rhode Island business helped create over 1000 jobs.,true +Says Keene N.H. requested a militarygrade armored personnel truck citing their annual Pumpkin Festival as a possible target for terrorists.,true +Jason Carter backed three of Nathan Deals budgets but accuses the governor of underfunding education.,true +Under Mayor Tom Barrett the number of Milwaukee police officers has not increased.,true +The Milwaukee Police Department has seized nearly as many firearms this year as the much larger New York City Police Department.,true +Says Charlie Crist rode on a jet that belongs to a serial polluter with a history of environmental violations fined nearly $2 million for polluting water.,true +Wisconsin is 1 in the Midwest for personal income growth over the year.,true +The minimum number of infrastructure needs in Atlanta is $900 million.,true +Uncompensated care has gone down by 30 percent just in the first few months of Medicaid expansion in the states that adopted it.,true +It cost us more to shut the government down than to keep it open.,true +Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. advised citizens to point that barrel center mass and pull the trigger because 911 is not our best option.,true +San Antonio is now the largest city in the United States ever to have an African American woman mayor.,true +There has never been an alderman who has defeated an incumbent mayor in the history of this great city.,true +Its been 17 years that weve had unemployment higher than the national average in Oregon.,true +The House of Representatives has never sued a sitting president in all of U.S. history.,true +There are approximately 20000 annual gun purchases in Rhode Island.,true +More women are graduating from college now than men.,true +Black voter turnout in 2012 exceeded the rate of white voter turnout even in the states with the strictest voter ID laws.,true +If youre a Mexican you get sent back. ... But if youre from a noncontiguous country like the Central American countries then you can stay in the United States.,true +There are already more American jobs in the solar industry than in coal mining.,true +Dan Patrick was the only state senator who voted against the Veteran Entrepreneurship Program a program that assists veterans in successfully starting up their own businesses.,true +Republican candidate for governor Ken Block was fined and had to admit that he funneled money illegally to the Moderate Party.,true +Says Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst promises to shut down the Department of Education and abolish the EPA.,true +Says Central Texas river water sent to downstream rice farmers in 2011 equaled about three years worth of Austins water use.,true +The number of terrorists out there has doubled.,true +Wisconsin was the first state to ban public and private sector employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.,true +Says Dan Patrick has called immigration into Texas an invasion and said immigrants coming into Texas bring thirdworld diseases.,true +A record number of immigrants not from Mexico are being apprehended at the border.,true +At the beginning of World War II we had a relatively small army smaller than Portugals.,true +The U.S. military footprint in Africa is nearly nonexistent.,true +FIFA pressured Brazil into passing a socalled Budweiser bill allowing beer sales in soccer stadiums.,true +Cantors campaign spent more at steakhouses than Brat spent on his entire campaign.,true +By 2009 dozens of senior terrorists had been taken off the battlefield by drones.,true +Brazil built a $300 million stadium in the Amazon rainforest that is only going to be used for four World Cup games and theres no team that can fill it afterwards.,true +Right now America has $1.1 trillion of student debt. Thats more than credit card debt.,true +The Israelisgave up 1000 terrorists in return for one sergeant.,true +Four maybe five Latinos have served on the Austin City Council.,true +Public display of a long rifle is perfectly legal in Texas.,true +Marijuana is less addictive than both alcohol and tobacco.,true +The numbers make it clear that Georgia voters are increasingly taking advantage of early voting opportunities.,true +Rick Perry doesnt think there should be a federal minimum wage.,true +Its been nearly three weeks since the president has commented on questions about possible hidden wait lists at veterans hospitals.,true +Before the terrorist attacks in Benghazi the State Department not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security but instead actually reduced security in Libya.,true +Ninetyseven percent of the time. Thats how often Mark Warner votes with President Obama.,true +Says Dan Patrick proposed Arizonastyle showmeyourpapers legislation.,true +With only 67 bills or so passed into law 2013 was the least productive year in congressional history since weve been keeping record.,true +The Rhode Island Parole Board never received an objection from the attorney general to the parole of convicted murder Alfred Brissette.,true +I am the only senator who turned down the state pension plan for parttime legislators.,true +A white family is likely to have about six times as much wealth than a black or Hispanic family coming out of the recession.,true +My Treasury team eliminated a 900case backlog in the Crime Victim Compensation Program.,true +In Rhode Island today 25 percent of our households either dont have a bank account at all or they have a bank account and theyre still relying on highcost financial services like payday loans pawn shop check cashing and so on.,true +Did you know US population growth is at its lowest since the Great Depression,true +Americans spend 6.1 billion hours a year on tax preparation.,true +Says Charlie Crist implemented Jeb Bushs A Plan.,true +From 1972 until 2011 the number of EPA employees increased by 107 percent while the number of total federal personnel decreased by 15 percent.,true +During Lyndon B. Johnsons first 20 years in Congress he opposed every civil rights measure that came up for a vote.,true +The Capitol rotunda was actually made to invite the people in and to accommodate protests.,true +In 2006 Charlie Crist opposed instate tuition for illegal immigrants.,true +Women in Oregon are paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. If the wage gap was eliminated a working woman in Oregon would have enough money for 2877 gallons of gas 72 more weeks of food for her family or nearly 12 more months of rent.,true +Before our last three presidents you have to go back to the 1800s early 1800s to find three presidents in a row being consecutively reelected.,true +The Koch brothers are one of the biggest polluters in the country.,true +Drone technology now allows an individual to be recorded in their homes by drones as small as birds and immediately uploaded to the internet.,true +Says he was the only statewide elected official to speak in favor of a federal guest worker plan at the 2012 Republican Party of Texas convention.,true +When people enter the service theres not a mental health evaluation.,true +The National Science Foundation awarded $700000 to fund a climate change musical.,true +The Austin Independent School Districts graduation rate reached an alltime high of 82.5 percent in 2012.,true +Todays marijuana is 300 percent to 800 percent more potent than the pot of yesteryear.,true +Georgia has recovered more than $60 million that was lost to Medicaid fraud,true +Says Sen. Mitch McConnell is the No. 1 recipient of contributions from lobbyists this cycle.,true +You can buy lobster with food stamps.,true +Ted Cruz has been to Iowa four times. Rio Grande Valley of Texas just once.,true +In Oregon students are skipping math class to learn about the Bible.,true +Georgia has saved $20 million through changes in criminal sentencing.,true +Says Abraham Lincoln tried to buy slavesfreedom in border states but the states all rejected it.,true +The majority support raising the minimum wage.,true +In the U.S. AfricanAmericans continue to be arrested at nearly three and one half times the rate of whites on marijuana charges.,true +Seneca Jones Timber Co. aiming to increase logging and allay fears that old growth will be cut says mills have shifted to secondgeneration trees. An ad from the company asks Do you know that most all mills in Oregon have retooled over the past 20 years,true +The average family is now bringing home $4000 less than they did just five years ago.,true +If you rent a UHaul to move your company it costs twice as much to go from San Francisco to Austin than the other way around because you cant find enough trucks to flee the Golden State.,true +Once our Blueprint for Prosperity is signed into law we will have delivered $2 billion in tax relief.,true +As attorney general I have prosecuted judges district attorneys and other public officials across Texas who violated that public trust who have been corrupted.,true +Says five Democratic state senators were for her bicycle tailgating bill before they were against it.,true +Austin is a city that has basically doubled in size every 25 years or so since it was founded.,true +Oregon has never before tried to create a landuse plan for what it should look like for 50 years.,true +Says Bill Clinton and George Bush both say build the Keystone XL.,true +American Hustleshows the FBI making reallife bribes to Washington politicians. I know because as your U.S. senator I turned them down.,true +Over the past three years deep poverty has reached its highest level on record.,true +For every week that state lawmakers are able to cut off our timeline it saves Georgia taxpayers approximately $100000.,true +Crimea became part of Ukraine only in 1954. Crimea was historically part of Russia and Nikita Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine in a gesture that mystified some people.,true +Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 when it was given to the Soviet Republic of the Ukraine.,true +Seventyfive percent of the young adults in this country are not mentally or physically fit to serve.,true +Says by 4th grade 86 percent of AfricanAmerican boys and 82 percent of Hispanic boys are reading below proficiency levels.,true +Says the U.S. Supreme Court found that Social Security is not guaranteed.,true +A majority of drunk driving deaths and injuries are caused by drunk driving offenders with no prior convictions.,true +Rhode Island is almost dead last among Northeastern states in the length of time firstdegree murderers must spend in prison before theyre eligible for parole.,true +Since 2009 Georgias public schools have lost nearly 9000 classroom teachers while the number of students has gone up.,true +When the DallasFort Worth Airport needed to stop its earthquake spike a few years ago they temporarily shut down the wells that were injecting fracking fluid into the ground ... and those earthquakes stopped.,true +The words subhuman mongrel which Ted Nugent called President Barack Obama were used by the Nazis to justify the genocide of the Jewish community.,true +The annual gross domestic product of metro Atlanta is bigger than 28 states in the union.,true +As a result of climate change ice fishermen in Wisconsin are already noticing fewer days they can be out on our ice covered lakes.,true +Seventy percent of all uninsured live in households in which at least one person is working.,true +Of minimum wage workers in Rhode Island only 14 percent serve as sole income earner for their family.,true +Over 3 million Americans are employed in the growing greencollar workforce which is more than the number of people working in the fossil fuel industry.,true +The Keystone pipeline creates 35 permanent jobs after construction according to a government report.,true +Six of Georgias counties have no lawyers at all.,true +Mark Warner voted for nearly $1 trillion in new taxes and $7 trillion in new debt.,true +Its been 14 years since a president or a vice president or a member of their family has not gone and attended at least an event at the Olympics.,true +Some businesses in Oregon are having to shrink back their businesses as a result of the law.,true +Pinellas County voters elected me as their chief financial officer and elected me as their governor four years ago.,true +Florida shelled out more money for drug testing than it saved by denying welfare benefits to people who tested positive for drugs.,true +Georgia has the fifthhighest number of uninsured people of any state in the union.,true +The extra point is almost automatic. The NFL had five missed extra points this year out of 1200 some odd attempts.,true +Quarterbacks won the Super Bowl MVP more than 50 percent of the time.,true +Every four minutes another American home or business goes solar.,true +There is more oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world the first time thats happened in nearly 20 years.,true +During the past four years average wages have barely budged.,true +The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation including Wisconsin.,true +Deer baiting planned for Block Island by DEM is illegal in Rhode Island.,true +In the past three years state legislatures have enacted more of these restrictions on abortion than in the previous 10 years combined.,true +The average Georgia family makes $6000 less than the average family did 10 years ago when inflation is factored in.,true +Weve had the private sector more than double the investment that was made by the public sector at Quonset Business Park.,true +Travis County is surrounded by red counties.,true +More Georgians have jobs than at any other time since October 2008.,true +In Virginia Medicaid has grown by 1600 percent in the last 30 years.,true +The General Assembly has no explicit constitutional authority to impose income sales estate and the myriad of other taxes upon us.,true +For the first time in nearly two decades we produce more oil here in the United States than we buy from the rest of the world.,true +Trey Radel does not even qualify to drive a Lee County school bus at this point yet he occupies a seat in Congress.,true +Only 3 percent of voters 18 to 34 dont believe that climate change is really happening.,true +What do Rutgers University Kean University Montclair State University New Jersey City University Stockton College Rowan University and William Paterson all have in common They all graduate less than 50 percent of their students within four years.,true +Members of the military dont contribute toward their pension.,true +The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists ... more than all previous administrations combined.,true +Crime in Atlanta is down 18 percent since 2009.,true +Our economy still has three people looking for every job opening.,true +Nearly 40 percent of his McAllenarea constituents suffer from obesity.,true +Forty percent of the country is going to be in states that are tolerant of gay marriage or at least civil unions.,true +Granite Staters who hold individual policies from Anthem...can indeed renew their policies and keep their current doctors and hospitals in 2014.,true +The commission form of government is definitely losing favor in the United States.,true +60 percent of the jobs lost in the 2008 recession were livingwage jobs. Of the jobs weve gotten back only 40 percent are livingwage.,true +Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the nation. ... And there are more uninsured children in Texas than in any other state.,true +Medicare costs have slowed down dramatically. In fact the first two months of this fiscal year Medicare costs were down even in nominal terms relative to the previous year.,true +Whether the Amendment passes or not the medical use of marijuana is a federal criminal offense.,true +Of the four statewide races this century within a 300vote margin three have been overturned in a recount.,true +Iran President Hassan Rouhani has more Cabinet members with Ph.D.s from American universities than members of Barack Obamas Cabinet.,true +Says Rep. Steve Stockman basically wants gunfilled zones in schools.,true +We pay among the highest tolls in the nation for the privilege of crossing that bridge.,true +The Walton family which owns WalMart controls a fortune equal to the wealth of the bottom 42 percent of Americans combined.,true +At present spending levels only citizens of New York have a greater local debt burden than Texans.,true +By the time she turns 3 years old a child born into a lowincome home hears 30 million fewer words than a child from a welloff family.,true +We the bishops of the United States can you believe it in 1919 came out for more affordable more comprehensive more universal health care.,true +Just days ago Irans Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who will oversee implementation of this agreement was calling Israel a rabid dog and accusing the United States of war crimes.,true +I did not support the sequester.,true +Macys sent a letter to Rick Perry urging him to veto equal pay bill.,true +Harry Reid was against the nuclear option before he was for it. Mitch McConnell was for it before he was against it. President Obama was against it before he was for it.,true +Nearly 20 of our residents are born abroad.,true +Says theres no language in the U.S. Constitution that prevents someone from running for Congress simultaneously in multiple states.,true +The United States has never been richer if you look at per capita GDP.,true +The deficit this year could pay all of the 2013 salaries of every professional baseball player for the next 248 years.,true +Says New Jersey has gained 143000 new privatesector jobs.,true +I have returned money every year since taking office.,true +During my eight years as county executive we cut the number of county workers by 20 percent.,true +Says the Affordable Care Act has already reduced the number of uninsured in Oregon by 10 percent.,true +Things went wrong with the Medicare prescription D plan that George Bush rolled out.,true +Finance experts estimate that paying in cash for the $2.5 billion in projects funded by the sales tax saved Gwinnett County more than $1 billion in interest payments.,true +Says 18 states and the District of Columbia have voted Democratic in six consecutive presidential elections.,true +In fact theres more state funding for education today than any other time.,true +A million people could get health insurance right away if Texas expanded Medicaid under Obamacare.,true +Says taxpayer subsidy for the Oregon Convention Center hotel jumped $100 million in closeddoor sessions,true +Congress is bewildered at the scope and reach of our spying apparatus but in 2008 and 2012 explicitly rejected an amendment calling for more disclosure.,true +Says Rick Scott didnt even come to his own education summit. But he did take time to go to the tea party convention the same week.,true +Before the Republican wave in 2010 Democrats had an advantage on the generic ballot in Congress. Even in 1994 with the Gingrich revolution ... Democrats had that advantage.,true +Rand Pauls speech ... on Gattaca was totally ripped off of Wikipedia.,true +Even after Obamacare is fully implemented there still will be tens of millions of people not covered.,true +Under President George W. Bush we added $4.9 trillion to the debt. Under President Obama weve added $6.5 trillion to the debt.,true +Most voters prefer zombies to the current U.S. Congress.,true +The U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned that the SAVE database is not a foolproof means of verifying citizenship on the voter rolls.,true +In Massachusetts half of the primary care doctors are not accepting new patients.,true +A congressional laundry closed due to the partial government shutdown.,true +Ninety six percent of employers in the Granite State are considered small businesses.,true +Says Oregonians for Food and Shelter proudly features board members from Monsanto and Syngenta and the Oregon Farm Bureau also receives funding from biotech companies.,true +Many dont know that Bill Young was once the minority leader in the Florida Senate...because he was the only Republican senator.,true +For the first time since the Korean War total federal spending has gone down for two years in a row.,true +There is a constitutional issue that affects the paychecks of members of Congress during a shutdown.,true +Photo ID is not required for those who vote by mail.,true +Many state and federal agencies have such navigators involved in helping folks maneuver through the often complex processes associated with filing benefits claims for example even buying health insurance.,true +I would be the first Republican senator elected in New Jersey in 41 years.,true +There are still tens of thousands of missing service members from previous and current conflicts that our nation is working to find and repatriate.,true +The highest paid employee of the State of Rhode Island is a basketball coach.,true +If sea levels rise six feet due to climate change Waterplace Park in Providence and Wickford village would be swamped,true +The U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1982 that noncitizen children must get free K12 education.,true +If the government shuts down all military personnel will continue to serve and accrue pay but will not actually be paid until appropriations are available.,true +Mental health provisions related to mass shootings got over 90 votes in the Senate.,true +In fiscal year 20112012 4191 abortions were paid for by taxpayers via the Oregon Health Plan.,true +You have to get a license to fish on our beaches.,true +One out of 10 minimumwage workers in the U.S. live in Texas.,true +The very first meal on the surface of the moon was the Holy Communion.,true +President Barack Obama had the legal authority to strike Syria without a vote from Congress.,true +The government does not need a warrant to read your old emails.,true +Says he would be first CPA to serve as Texas comptroller.,true +Trenton politicians cut $1.3 billion from education.,true +Over the past twenty years the number of homicides committed with a firearm in the United States has decreased by nearly 40 percent. The number of other crimes involving the use of a firearm has also plummeted declining by nearly 70 percent.,true +According to a recent poll there are more young Republicans enrolled in their parents health insurance plans than young Democrats.,true +Americans spend more than $160 billion and 6 billion hours per year complying with the tax code.,true +Fleeing Syria a million children are now refugees.,true +The city of Portland has won more national Constitution contests than any city in America.,true +Says that unlike Texas Missouri has a perfect AAA credit rating.,true +Says U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson voted to let oil and gas companies emit unlimited carbon pollution into our air,true +State law says that once the state appraises a piece of property they can only pay it a certain amount above appraisal.,true +Says he sued Obamas EPA seven times.,true +We now sell more products made in America to the rest of the world than ever before.,true +Polls show that 96 percent of New Jerseyans and 95 percent of gun households in the state support expanding background checks to keep guns away from those who shouldnt have them.,true +Under Obamacare members of Congress are required to purchase their health insurance from the new exchanges.,true +Why didnt uninsured Americans buy insurance Because of the expense.,true +Sixty percent of the auto thefts that we have in St. Petersburg are caused by people leaving their keys in the car.,true +Says President Franklin Delano Roosevelt felt there wasnt a need in the public sector to have collective bargaining because the government is the people.,true +Says nearly 29000 Oregonians almost 5 percent of all homeowners are 90 days or more delinquent on their mortgage.,true +Says Florida refused to allow theinsurance commissioner to negotiate lower rates with companies or refuse rates that are too high under Obamacare.,true +Since the Affordable Care Act passed 90 percent of job growth has been in fulltime positions.,true +This year the overwhelming majority of new jobs are part time.,true +Says by rejecting an expansion of Medicaid under the new law Georgia was depriving 25000 veterans of health care coverage.,true +In fact New Jersey is a donor state we get 61 cents back on every dollar we send to Washington. And interestingly Kentucky gets $1.51 on every dollar they send to Washington.,true +Theyve seen employersupported coverage increase in Massachusetts after this law Romneycare was implemented.,true +Says the State Department spent $630000 to get 2 million Facebook Likes.,true +The Congressional Budget Office a nonpartisan office did an analysis and said that passing comprehensive immigration reform will reduce the federal deficit by $200 billion over the next decade.,true +More than 72 percent of children in the AfricanAmerican community are born out of wedlock.,true +Every single month since 1985 has been warmer than the historic average. All 12 of the warmest years on record have come in the last 15 years.,true +The Senate immigration bill is filled with things like rewards for au pair agencies Alaskan seafood processors and Vegas casinos.,true +Says our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years.,true +The income of the top 1 percent nearly quadrupled from 1979 to 2007 but the typical familys incomes barely budged.,true +Food stamp spending doubled under President Bush doubled again under President Obama.,true +Says Austin is the largest city in America without a congressional district anchored in it.,true +Guess what governor Theres no fried butter in Newark. Just 13 percent unemployment.,true +There was a Gallup poll in Egypt last year and 70 percent of Egyptians dont want our money.,true +Economic Development Commission Executive Director Keith Stokes sent me a letter and he said the taxpayers will never be on the hook for these bonds for 38 Studios.,true +It is against the law for the NSA to record or monitor Americans phone calls without getting a specific FISA warrant to do so.,true +Says spending in the fiscal 2009 budget was lower than spending in the fiscal 2014 budget,true +In South Florida weve had nine inches of sealevel rise since the 1920s.,true +Bob Barr has changed his position on the Defense of Marriage Act over the years.,true +If it is enacted the Senate immigration bill is going to make the Border Patrol bigger than the FBI you could put one agent every 250 feet.,true +The United States government and its Constitution says that people can be put to death.,true +Says Delaware County has more waterfront property than any other county in the state of Ohio,true +Says proposed teacher contract would layer on more restrictive rules.,true +Says 97 percent of food stamp benefits are paid in the proper amounts to people who are really eligible.,true +We have one of the most expensive General Assemblies per capita in the entire country.,true +Since Newtown more people have died at the end of a gun than we have lost in Afghanistan.,true +Some of these members of the House of Representatives get hundreds of thousands of dollars in farm subsidies but want to cut food stamps.,true +Says that when the Rolling Stones performed in an Austin park they paid $25000 to the nearby city of Rollingwood for one night of inconvenience.,true +The Pink Pony club in DeKalb County has never been cited for any violation of an ordinance or state law.,true +Currently the intelligence community can collect business records on lawabiding Americans who have no connection to terrorism.,true +Says Texas law requires state agencies to give preference to goods produced and grown in Texas.,true +Says Madison Mayor Paul Soglins stated intent when proposing that city contractors disclose private political donations was to discourage contributions to organizations with which he disagrees.,true +47 New provisions ObamaCare charges the IRS with implementing according to the Government Accountability Office.,true +There was no surge in 501c4 applications in 2010.,true +Nearly 6 out of 10 believe that money and wealth should be more evenly distributed among a larger percentage of the people in the U.S.,true +During the Civil War more than 300000 Ohioans served in the Union Army more per capita than any other state.,true +Says first eight chosen to draw Austin City Council districts are seven Democratic primary voters and one Republican primary voter.,true +Cuyahoga County passed a program to guarantee a college savings account for every single child who enters kindergarten in this county the first county in the United States to do so.,true +The Obama administration has put out more of these major rules than the Clinton administration or the Bush administration during comparable times.,true +Says Oregon has the third largest class size in the nation.,true +Nothing in the Constitution explicitly guarantees our right to vote.,true +The proposed raises for the Norcross City Council would put it in line with other likedsized communities.,true +18 percent of our land in our state right now is either federally state or county owned for conservation purposes.,true +Buono voted 154 times to raise our taxes like the sales tax the income tax health care taxes even small business taxes.,true +Says he has sued the Obama administration 25 times.,true +North Korea has a substantial standing army one of the largest certainly the largest per capita in the world.,true +Over the last 10 years Texas created 33 percent of the net new jobs nationwide.,true +If you are a federally licensed gun dealer and your license is revoked because youve engaged in misconduct ... your entire inventory under prevailing law is deemed your personal collection. You then can sell it free from any background checks.,true +Says new Medicare billing guidelines have nine codes for injuries by turkeys.,true +Despite having their budget increased by over 40 percent since 2009 pending claims for benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs have increased from 391000 to 890000 under the Obama Administration.,true +Says more Austinites voted in the citys 1973 election featuring a mayors race than in the citys most recent mayoral election.,true +Most state employees did not receive any pay raise from 2009 to 2012.,true +Says the U.S. fleet of attack submarines is scheduled to fall below the 48 boats that Navy says it needs to carry out current missions.,true +A bipartisan background check amendment outlawed any gun registry. Plain and simple right there in the text.,true +The NRA used to support expanded background checks.,true +Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly support expanding background checks.,true +Says a packaday smoker who quits because of the tax increase will save about $1650 a year.,true +The Social Security disability fund is going belly up in 2016.,true +In Rhode Island 28 percent of adults released from state prisons are reincarcerated within a year.,true +Within the three miles surrounding the University Circle area infant mortality exceeds some Third World countries.,true +Says A baby in Coos County is two times as likely to be born to a mother who is someone who used tobacco during her pregnancy as is the average baby born in Oregon or the U.S.,true +Says in Chicago we take more guns off the streets than New York or L.A.,true +Right now Texas doesnt have an income tax and Oklahomas lowering their income tax rates and guess what their severance tax is Sky high.,true +Says 90 percent of Americans and 74 percent of National Rifle Association members support background checks of gun purchasers.,true +Says carbon monoxide is still employed to euthanize dogs and cats in 29 Texas animal shelters.,true +It is legal in Ohio to fire an employee or evict a tenant just for being gay.,true +Says 94 percent of Marco Rubios constituents support a universal background check.,true +In 2011 alone 269 New Jerseyans were killed by gun violence.,true +Says she has bipartisan support including 53 sheriffs throughout the state Democrats and Republicans.,true +Says PPS employees have paid their own PERS contributions for many years.,true +If you go back to 1999 Wayne LaPierre testified on behalf of the NRA that background checks were appropriate and should be done.,true +Do you know that statistically when you take the SAT a second time one third of the people that take the SAT even if theyve been studying will get a lower score than they did the first time around,true +Nearly 65 percent almost twothirds of all new permanent residents obtained that status by virtue of their family status.,true +The hole in the earth thats going to be dug for the proposed Gogebic mine is bigger than my entire district.,true +Under Gov. Kasich Ohio wages have increased by $10.3 billion.,true +We have a federal government that thinks they have the authority to regulate our toilet seats.,true +Seven of the 10 highestincome counties in the country ring the city of Washington D.C.,true +Cobb is one of the largest school systems in the nation that is debt free.,true +More than 64 percent of minimumwage earners are women.,true +When John Brennan ... was asked directly Is there any geographic limitation to your drone strike program Brennan responded and said no there is no limitation.,true +More than 80 percent of Americans believe we need to have universal background checks.,true +Says I205 six miles of which runs through my district already carries more traffic than I5.,true +There have been literally hundreds of new tax preferences and loopholes added to the code since 1986 last time we did this.,true +In 32 other states and Washington D.C. they voters can avoid the wait by voting before Election Day.,true +Says Jeb Bush flipflopflipped on immigration.,true +We have over 300000000 weapons firearms in this country. Thats almost as big as the population.,true +Virginia is the only state that has a tradition of attorneys general resigning if they run for governor.,true +Says the last nonpartisan commission to improve the voting experience in America concluded that VoterID was necessary.,true +Felony crimes in the city of Atlanta are the lowest they have been since 1969.,true +Says that except for foreign policy Ron Pauls voting record and his voting record are virtually identical.,true +Of six Rhode Island taxcredit programs worth about $35 million three companies got 90 percent of that CVS and two companies not even located in the state of Rhode Island.,true +There are 3 million jobs that go vacant each month in this country.,true +Collectively states are spending more on Medicaid than they do on K12 education.,true +Says wrestling was a favorite sport of Abraham Lincoln.,true +The 12 hottest years on record have come in the last 15 years.,true +Says Texas is last in workers compensation coverage.,true +Ohio companies export more goods and services globally than 41 other states.,true +Our economy actually shrank during the last three months of 2012.,true +After shedding jobs for more than 10 years our manufacturers have added about 500000 jobs over the past three.,true +Says abortions are decreasing.,true +Says Since 1994 when VAWA was first passed incidents of domestic violence have dropped more than 50 percent.,true +Three in four lowincome workers dont have any paid sick days available.,true +Says right now we have more military spending than the next 10 11 12 countries combined.,true +Says Texas ranks first in executions among the states.,true +Says Texas ranks last in the percentage of residents with high school diplomas.,true +Says outofstate abortion clinics have marketed their services to minors in states with parental consent laws.,true +Says MAX carries 30 percent of evening rushhour commuters traveling from Downtown on the Sunset and Banfield freeways.,true +A majority of Americans agree with a ban on assault weapons. And by the way so did Ronald Reagan.,true +Fortyseven percent of members of Congress are millionaires.,true +Says ending the direct payment farm subsidy program could save up to $28.4 billion over ten years that could be used to reduce the deficit.,true +Odds of winning the Monopoly Millionaire instant win game are 1 in 3.27.,true +Approximately 43 percent of all college grades today are As an increase of 28 percentage points since 1960.,true +Says according to the FBI more people are killed each year with hammers and clubs than rifles.,true +Says state workers have not had acrosstheboard raises in six years.,true +Spending of government money is 17 percent less than it was a decade ago.,true +Since taking office in January 2011 the rainy day fund has increased by 226 percent.,true +We have the fourth highest instate tuition for public universities in the country.,true +The tax penalty that the government imposes if you dont buy health insurance is lower than it would have cost to buy insurance.,true +It is ironic that First Energy Corp. is going to have a name on our football stadium where we Cleveland Public Power supply the electricity.,true +Says his elections proposal would allow a potential of 168 hours of early voting which I think is the most weve ever had.,true +Says in this next biennium the cost of primary and secondary education is going to increase by more that $1000 per student. Half of that $1000 $500 per student is accounted for by the increased cost of PERS alone.,true +Abraham Lincoln visited and some say even danced in the Ohio Senate chamber.,true +Virginia spends less per student today than we did in 2008.,true +In total we have added nearly 75000 private sector jobs in New Jersey since we took office in January 2010.,true +It costs $10000 a year to keep a child in school it costs $30000 a year to keep someone in prison.,true +Since 1968 more Americans have died from gunfire than died in all the wars of this countrys history.,true +In 2011 more people were murdered with knives hands or feet or clubs and hammers than with any type of rifle.,true +I am now the No. 2 member of this House in terms of length of service.,true +The state budget proposal has been submitted on time and its the earliest that a governor has done so in over two decades.,true +Gross income tax receipts are exceeding the Administrations projections for this fiscal year prior to Sandy.,true +Unlike the gridlock in Washington more than 80 percent of the bills we passed during this General Assembly had bipartisan support.,true +Says in our region 2011 was worst drought year ever recorded.,true +Even if you took literally every single ounce of platinum in the world it still wouldnt add up to enough needed to pay down our nations debt.,true +Seven of Americas 10 wealthiest counties are in the Washington D.C. area.,true +Says if you are on your bike in a crosswalk all you have to do is dip your wheel into the road and cars must legally stop.,true +Says his transportation plan would make Virginia the first state in the nation to eliminate the state tax on gasoline.,true +A far different picture from the prior eight years which saw 115 increases in taxes and fees.,true +There is over 20 times more energy in a proposed Southside uranium mining site than there is in all the oil thats estimated to be off Virginias coast,true +Our pension system is the only one in the country thats 100 percent funded.,true +Says 10 days after Hurricane Katrina this chamber passed two separate bills amounting to $60 billion. It has been nearly two months since we had Superstorm Sandy and nothing has passed.,true +Among Milwaukee Public Schools students 86 percent are behind in reading and 80 percent are behind in math.,true +Connecticut has the fifth toughest gun control laws in the country including an assault weapons ban that bans 35 different weapons.,true +Individuals with mental illnesses die an average of 25 years earlier than those without a mental illness.,true +Did U know Block Island Wind Farm would mean 40 est. drop in BI electric rates.,true +Even hunters are restricted from using large capacity magazines there is a five cartridge limit for large game hunting and three for bird hunting.,true +Faculty salaries at UW System institutions have now fallen more than 18 percent below the national average.,true +Says Virginia is the biggest state that does not have a major league sports team.,true +Northern Virginia is the most heavily trafficked place in the country.,true +Says the Senate will have a record number of female senators in 2013.,true +Says the Portland Childrens Levy holds its administrative expenses to less than 5 percent.,true +Says Texas has the 15th largest economy in the world.,true +This week the House of Representatives voted to remove the word lunatic from federal law.,true +Says budget savings by reducing pay and benefits for federal employees total $103 billion over 10 years more than $50000 per worker.,true +In the last 15 years weve witnessed a dramatic expansion in the jailing of immigrants from about 70000 people detained annually to about 400000.,true +Fourteen million Americans mortgages are greater than the value of their homes.,true +Agriculture is the strongest industry in Ohio.,true +In 2008 tourism brought in $38 billion dollars and supported more than 300000 jobs in the state of New Jersey.,true +The five economic indicators that the federal government tracks for the first time since August 2006 were positive this October.,true +A man using bath salts reported that raccoons had set fire inside his home and stolen his cell phone.,true +Says food stamp growth while high lagged the rise in unemployment.,true +Says that in 2011 Oregon had the second fastest growing economy in the nation.,true +Says he has never voted for raising taxes.,true +Our race was the closest U.S. Senate race in Ohio in 36 years when Howard Metzenbaum defeated Robert Taft in 1976.,true +We have more people working in clean and green energy than in oil and gas in this country.,true +Says that in the 1985 election former Gov. Tom Kean had the largest winning margin for a gubernatorial candidate in Jersey history.,true +In the past year alone Ohio businesses have created more jobs than almost every other state in the country.,true +Says veterans disability claims backlog doubled in Obamas first term.,true +Says Delta Air Lines has once again broken a promise they made to me and to the people of Memphis.,true +Says she is entering in the most diverse class ever of U.S. Representatives,true +Says Fran DeWines madefromscratch dinner rolls are a delicious favorite in a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.,true +Says about 25 Texas cities and 39 states have banned texting while driving.,true +Mitt Romney received exactly zero votes in at least 12 Cuyahoga County precincts.,true +Three thousand felons voted in Rhode Island in 2008.,true +Says the Multnomah County Library system is the second busiest in the nation.,true +Barack Obama is only the second Democrat in the last 75 years to win Ohio twice with more than 50 percent of the vote.,true +Budget analysts say the looming tax hikes and spending cuts would take us into a recession and kill jobs.,true +Says the state of Texas rates as unacceptable almost 500 of the states 8000 public schools.,true +Sixty percent of New Jersey doctors do not accept Medicaid patients.,true +Says a poll shows that without a name attached Democrats are just one point behind Gov. John Kasich.,true +Wisconsin still ranks first among the 50 states in manufacturing jobs per capita.,true +Says Tennessees higher education funding model is 100 percent outcomesbased and we are already seeing this model changing the way our postsecondary institutions do business.,true +Says that Tennessee law requires that schools receive half of proceeds $31 million per year from a halfcent increase in the Shelby County sales tax.,true +Says Connie Mack wrote a letter to the Department of Transportation in order to get $29 million in stimulus for his congressional district.,true +There is no war on coal. Period. There are more coal jobs and more coal produced in Ohio than there were five years ago in spite of the talking points and the yard signs.,true +The truth is David Cicilline voted for tougher laws against child abusers domestic abusers and abusers of the elderly.,true +Says Multnomah County libraries are open 44 hours per week the lowest of any library in the fourcounty region.,true +Says the typical homeowner will pay $4 more per month if library district passes.,true +One industry in America has increased its employment base in the last four years by 176000 people the United States government.,true +Connecticuts take on slot machines is 25 cents on the dollar. And the states take on table games zero.,true +Says Mitt Romney wants to add $2 trillion to defense budget that the military hasnt asked for.,true +Jim Renacci tried to avoid paying taxes on nearly $14 million that he made.,true +The poverty rate amongst women is the worst its been in 17 years and the extreme poverty rate is the worst its ever been.,true +Virginias educational level among whites is higher than Georgias.,true +Says Barack Obama said when he was running for office four years ago that he would halve the annual deficit by the end of his first term. That simply has not happened.,true +While I was mayor of the city of Providence we had the lowest crime rate in 30 years.,true +Ive got a 94 percent career voting record in Congress while Bill Nelson has a 92 percent voting record.,true +Says fewer than 30 percent of Texas college students graduate in four years and only 58 percent graduate within six years.,true +Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown shows someone can be bipartisan in Congress because he votes about 66 percent with his own party.,true +Says Mitt Romney suggested that employers should be able to make the decision as to whether or not a woman gets contraception through her insurance coverage.,true +Sherrod Brown failed to pay his own taxes three separate times.,true +When Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts he stood in front of a coal plant and pointed at it and said This plant kills.,true +Says Obama broke his promise to offer a comprehensive immigration bill in his first year.,true +Says as CoChair of the Joint Ways Means Committee I secured the key piece of funding for the PortlandMilwaukie Light Rail project bridge.,true +David Cicilline was the state representative who opposed tough mandatory sentences for those convicted of domestic violence and child abuse.,true +Tennessee students now cover about 67 percent of the cost of their education at public universities and some 60 percent at community colleges.,true +Theres not one Democrat who endorses the RomneyRyan Medicare plan.,true +The federal tax code has loopholes that are giving incentives for companies that are shipping jobs overseas.,true +When Joe Kyrillos had an opportunity to vote for women in terms of their health care not once not twice but six times he voted against womens health care in our state.,true +Says Tennessee is providing millions of dollars to virtual school company for results at the bottom of the bottom.,true +Says Portland has higher standards than feds on allowed police use of force.,true +Says Romney wants to add $2 trillion to the defense budget that the military hasnt asked for.,true +Says Obama promised to cut the deficit in half.,true +Rhode Islands voter identification law was pushed by a black Democrat in the House a black Democrat in the Senate. Thats a fact.,true +In every state women are paid less than men.,true +We havent passed a budget in more than three years and not a single appropriations bill has been brought to the floor this year.,true +Texas is the state that has now gone the longest without electing a Democrat statewide.,true +A poll conducted in Egypt revealed that 80 percent of Egyptians oppose receiving foreign aid from the United States.,true +The truth is Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms. Planned Parenthood refers women to mammography providers serving as the middlewoman if you will.,true +Says that in the U.S. House of Representatives weve had bipartisan support for the repeal of Obamacare for getting rid of cap and trade for building the Keystone Pipeline.,true +Fortyseven percent of Americans pay no income tax.,true +Says if current trends continue by 2040 one out of three Texas workers will not have a high school diploma.,true +The U.S. unemployment rate has remained above 8 percent for 43 consecutive months the longest stretch since the Great Depression.,true +In Cuyahoga County ... 56 percent of weekend voters in 2008 were African American while adult African Americans comprise 28 percent of the county population.,true +We just dont want to get to be like Louisiana where you have driveup daiquiri shops.,true +The Senate has not passed a budget in more than three years not a good budget not a bad budget no budget.,true +$16 trillion the national debt in $1 bills would cover the entire state of Ohio nearly 1.5 times.,true +The Obama administration is allowing state waivers from welfare work requirements only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20 percent.,true +Wayne Powell has a stated position of having no objection to taking In God We Trust off of U.S. currency.,true +Says the Republican Party platform says pull back even more of the rules on campaign finance reform get rid of McCainFeingold while the Democratic Party platform says we want to find a way to put more fair rules on campaign finance reform.,true +After a decade of decline this country created over half a million manufacturing jobs in the last two and a half years.,true +Under President Barack Obamas leadership since June 2009 the auto industry has added a quarter of a million jobs.,true +Says U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan attacked the president for the same amount of Medicare savings that Ryan had in his own budget.,true +We have more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world.,true +Since 1961 our private economy has produced 66 million privatesector jobs. So whats the jobs score Republicans 24 million Democrats 42 million.,true +Says Bruce Springsteen played in 1975 at Seton Hall University in South Orange at Walsh gym.,true +Says Mitt Romney told university students in Ohio that to start a business they should borrow money if you have to from your parents.,true +Says Milken Institute rated San Antonio as nations topperforming local economy.,true +The first state budget that came out of our Republican leadership slashed funding to Planned Parenthood...It resulted in the reduction of hours the elimination of days elimination of access to women in my city and all over my state.,true +In 2008 Charlie Crist applauded the pick of Sarah Palin and said she would do a great job.,true +The GOP platform that seeks further limits on abortion and is silent on an exception for rape has been there for more than 30 years.,true +Federal law adopted under Tommy Thompsons watch prohibits the government from negotiating for better prices on prescription drugs for senior citizens,true +Says a federal judge sanctions Tennessee birther lawyer for bringing a frivolous lawsuit.,true +At Bain Capital we helped start an early childhood learning company called Bright Horizons that First Lady Michelle Obama rightly praised.,true +In his first TV interview as president Obama said we should talk to Iran.,true +Says women care most about jobs and the economy,true +Claims Ohio Gov. John Kasich says climate change is a problem.,true +If you look at the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country it is net zero. Its been that way now for almost two years.,true +Says Republicans supported legislation on early voting and inperson voting in 2005.,true +Mitt Romney gave away his fathers inheritance.,true +Half the kids coming out of college this year cant find a job or a job thats consistent with a college degree.,true +Says the top 20 percent of income earners pay nearly 70 percent of all federal taxes.,true +In 2008 candidate Barack Obama attacked John McCain for proposing cuts to Medicare.,true +Initial efforts to strip airport contractors of their special diversity status has no effect on the contracts or the citys diversity goals.,true +Mitt Romney says class sizes dont matter.,true +Says 88 Texas constables have died in the line of duty.,true +Says Congressmen Paul Ryan and Todd Akin cosponsored legislation to limit federal funding for abortion to victims of forcible rape.,true +Clayton County Public Schools recently achieved a milestone that has eluded othermetropolitan districts across the state by meeting federal guidelines for having a highly qualified staff.,true +Says under Wisconsin law he cannot remove his name from the ballot for reelection to Congress.,true +From a standpoint of the county government neither school system has received an increase in funding over the past six years.,true +Austin is the largest city in the U.S. or Texas with no geographic representation on its city council.,true +Says Paul Ryans budget relies on the same $700 billion in savings from Medicare that Mitt Romney and other Republicans have been attacking Democrats about.,true +Says a Republican hasnt won an election for a presidency in New Jersey since 1988.,true +Florida has more concealed weapons permits than any other state.,true +Says Mitt Romney wants to end tax credits for wind producers.,true +Georgia spends fewer tourism advertising dollars than any other state in the South.,true +The property appraisers budget is $1 million less today than when I took office 16 years ago.,true +In June 2012 we actually had more people go on Social Security Disability 85000 ... than the 80000 jobs that were created.,true +Says Mitt Romney opposes requiring employers to cover contraception and would eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.,true +Ninety percent of the topsoil has inadequate moisture to grow crops.,true +As president Barack Obama has never visited Israel.,true +Says Georgia ranks near the bottom in per capita transportation spending.,true +Says About 7 in 10 of Oregons inmates are in prison for violent crimes and serious sex offenses.,true +Tim Kaine as governor proposed tax increases on people earning as little as $17000.,true +There are close to 900000 unemployed veterans in America right now.,true +Says 1 in 7 American families is on food stamps.,true +The judicial system is the most underfunded in this state able to only pay 52 percent of its obligations. Meanwhile judges get some of the richest pensions of all public employees.,true +Says Milken Institute rated San Antonio as nations topperforming local economy.,true +Says under federal law we do not have any limitation on the number of guns and bullets we can buy.,true +Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America.,true +Donna Shalala left me with 12 million doses of smallpox vaccine and I created enough to vaccinate every man woman and child against smallpox in America.,true +I ended up my time as governor with a general fund budget that was smaller than the one I started with.,true +In 2010 Mr. Anthony Gemma described himself as a prolife candidate. Now he claims to be prochoice.,true +Says he has seen Border Patrol signs near the Mexico border in English Spanish and Chinese.,true +Twenty two years ago when he was running for governor Bill Nelson missed 56 percent of his votes in the U.S. House.,true +The new 21st State Senate district was created in secret for Van Wanggaard. It was drawn within half a block of his house.,true +We created as many jobs in the first six months of this year as we did in all of 2011 and 2011 was the best single year for privatesector job growth since the year 2000.,true +The state of Georgia has lost 200000 total jobs and 50000 construction jobs since May 2007.,true +Says New Hampshire has the thirdhighest property tax in the country.,true +Rhode Islanders pay among the highest auto repair bills in the nation.,true +Says Jim Frishe wanted to tax us for doing our taxes through an accountant.,true +Over the last six months President Barack Obama has golfed 10 times and held 106 fundraisers but his jobs council has never met.,true +Says if labor force participation rate were the same as when Barack Obama became president unemployment would be 11 percent.,true +Says Mitt Romney had millions in the Cayman Islands a tax haven.,true +Federal regulations required the changes to Georgias drivers license renewal process.,true +Says Mitt Romney had millions in a Swiss bank account.,true +Says Your kid just ate 16 packs of sugar.,true +Says Mitt Romney has a corporation in Bermuda but failed to disclose that on seven different financial disclosures.,true +Says tenure still exists but its been overhauled for teachers in New Jersey.,true +If you look at most of the polls this is a marginoferror race on Fourth of July between Mitt Romney and the president.,true +Fireworks have never been safer and their use continues to increase each year.,true +Were spending $12000 bucks a kid a year in the school system.,true +As Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney used a lineitem veto to cut millions of dollars for firefighting equipment including firefighters coats pants helmets and boots.,true +Oregon schools receive millions of dollars per year in federal school lunch assistance and yet they are required to spend that money almost anywhere but Oregon.,true +Says the federal health care law upheld by the Supreme Court has improved or saved the lives of more than 4000 Texans otherwise prevented from obtaining health coverage due to preexisting conditions.,true +Obama said the individual mandate wasnt a tax.,true +There is little if any evidence that the use of red light cameras in New Jersey has reduced the number or severity of accidents at the intersections where they are used.,true +The states unemployment rate is fifthhighest in the country a full point above the nationwide rate and higher than all of our...neighboring states.,true +Ronald Reagan raised taxes in 1982 1984 1985 1986 and 1987.,true +Under current law if you go on a dating website and you say youre 32 and youre actually 42 youve committed a misdemeanor.,true +Three of our cities are among the top five worst cities in the U.S. for asthma.,true +Gov. Romney was very clear he would veto the DREAM Act.,true +In 2008 33.2 percent of those who voted early on the last Sunday before Election Day were AfricanAmerican while 23.6 percent were Hispanic.,true +Rhode Island has the worst maintained bridges in the United States of America . . . and we have the second worst maintained roads behind Alaska.,true +A million people a year come into the U.S. legally. No other country even comes close to that figure.,true +Before I was governor tuition was skyrocketing and we stopped that. We capped and then we froze college tuition.,true +Says Barack Obama is trying to slash funding for the Armed Pilots Program designed to prevent terror attacks.,true +Says lawyer appointed by Eric Holder to investigate government leaks helped and donated to Obamas campaign vetting vice presidential prospects.,true +Says only 18 percent of Portland elementary schools have art instruction compared to 83 percent nationally.,true +The United States has experienced 40 straight months of unemployment at 8 percent or higher.,true +Says Democratic runoff opponent Grady Yarbrough twice previously ran statewide as a Republican.,true +In Galveston Texas they have allowed people to privatize part of their Social Security. And people are building wealth.,true +Says Barack Obama has played nearly 100 rounds of golf as president.,true +In the 2000 Florida election at least 1100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of those who were dropped showed up to vote and were told they could not.,true +President Obama budget request for veterans ismore than double the amount in constant dollars appropriated in 1980 when the veterans population was larger by a third.,true +The U.S. is borrowing approximately $2.52 for every $1 of economic growth so far in 2012.,true +The legislature was never given the opportunity to debate or vote on loaning $75 million to 38 Studios.,true +Says Amanda Fritz manages less than 5 percent of city operations.,true +Says that from 1992 through 2010 every statewide candidate drawing over 43 percent of the vote in a Republican Texas primary won the resulting runoff.,true +Says there have been some job gains in the McMansion State since Mr. Christie took office but they have lagged gains both in the nation as a whole and in New York and Connecticut the obvious points of comparison.,true +The Republican from Georgia U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston he hasnt even been to a NASCAR race.,true +The region I represent both currently and in the future has more automotive plants than the entire state of California.,true +Water transportation is the most fuel efficient least polluting safest and least expensive means of moving cargo.,true +Says the city of Portland has one manager for every six frontline workers.,true +Says one in four women and one in seven men have been victims of domestic violence in their lifetime.,true +Over the past five years the federal government has paid out $601 million in retirement and disability benefits to deceased former federal employees.,true +Says New Jerseys prison system is 61 percent AfricanAmerican even though our state is just 13 percent black.,true +Obama promised to cut the deficit by half by the end of his first term but he hasnt even come close.,true +Says George LeMieux was one of two Republicans who voted for President Barack Obamas jobs bill.,true +When these undocumented students graduate from college theyre still illegal aliens. They cannot get a job.,true +Says when he was governorwe expanded participation in Virginia in early childhood programs by nearly 40 percent.,true +New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation and not by a little. They are the highest property taxes in the nation more than double the national average.,true +Says Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell voted for a toll lane on MoPac.,true +We are coming up on our 40th anniversary of electing a Republican to the United States Senate. 1972 was the last time New Jersey sent a Republican to the United States Senate.,true +There has not been a Democratic woman in Congress from New Jersey in almost four decades.,true +Says that U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio says troops are leaving Iraq too fast.,true +Says he is the only candidate in the race for Clackamas County Chair who will refuse to join the Public Employees Retirement System.,true +Says Mitt Romney is proposing a tax cut that gives an average of $250000 to every millionaire in this country.,true +Say that under state law systems development charges can only be spent on capital investment.,true +Says she is coowner of Celilo Group Media.,true +Says in our gun laws were allowing domestic abusers to sidestep this ban on getting a gun. The loophole allows a convicted abuser to walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun no questions asked.,true +We have to recognize that our salaries for faculty are the lowest in New England with the exception of the University of Maine.,true +Wisconsin lost more jobs over the past 12 months than any other state.,true +The fastestrising expense in the U.S. Defense Department is health care.,true +Says legislative cuts mean Texas is spending on average $500 less per student.,true +The Democratcontrolled Senate it hasnt passed a budget in more than 1000 days.,true +In the past three years weve added enough new oil and gas pipeline to circle the Earth and then some.,true +If youre earning under $100000 a year and you commute to New York every day you pay more to the Port Authority in tolls than you pay to the state of New Jersey in income tax.,true +Says theCongressional Budget Officehas estimatedevery penny of the federal budget will go to interest on the debt and entitlement spending by 2025.,true +The Buffett Rule will bring in less than $5 billion per year. ... Enough to pay one weeks interest on the national debt.,true +Tourism accounts for 439000 jobs in the state of Ohio and visitors spend $36 billion annually.,true +The federal government owns tens of thousands of properties that are vacant or underused.,true +Congress as a whole is less popular than its been since polling was invented.,true +The ARC Tunnel project was originally estimated to be $8.7 billion and New Jersey alone was on the hook for all overruns.,true +We are at a 40year low in our crime rate in our state.,true +Rhode Islands exports have increased by 53 percent in the last two years.,true +Says opponent Ted Cruz has not led businesses.,true +The U.S. Supreme Court has not traditionally asked a lot of questions during oral arguments.,true +Georgia is one of three states that effectively have no regulations whatsoever on lobbyists giving to legislators.,true +Says the Pentagon has never passed a financial audit. In fact the Pentagon is exempt from a federal law that requires all federal agencies to complete annual audits.,true +Over 200000 ordinary citizens were given the opportunity to identify projects they preferred.,true +Says the United States actually exports more gasoline diesel and other fuels than it imported in 2011 for the first time since I think 1949.,true +Our rainy day fund has gone from 89 cents to $240 million.,true +98 percent of American families make under $250000 a year.,true +The average age of members of the House of Representatives is 57 years old.,true +An effort to repeal votingreform legislation would be the first time in Ohio history where a bill has been passed to stop a referendum.,true +Republicans in Congress refuse to list a single tax loophole they are willing to close.,true +We were the No. 1 job creator in America in February and we are now the No. 4 job creator in the last year.,true +To get out of the teachers union you pay 85 percent of $731. Then youre out of the union but youve got to pay it every year also required by statute. Thats called a representation fee.,true +This is the only state in the country that bypassed the General Assembly to authorize instate tuition for undocumented immigrants.,true +Says Barack Obama has played over 90 rounds of golf as president.,true +More children die in agricultural jobs than in any other industry.,true +Says streetcars carry more people than buses you attract more riders who dont ride transit now and actually the operating costs are not any greater than the bus.,true +Last year Exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour.,true +Says Gloria Steinem once called Kay Bailey Hutchison a female impersonator.,true +Says you need a photo ID to purchase Sudafed in Texas.,true +President Barack Obama reduced the cost of prescription drugs for nearly 3.6 million Americans in 2011.,true +The changes to Georgias tax and fee structure is an overall tax cut.,true +The poorest in this country are women.,true +Says a study shows that children who live with a biological parent and the parents boyfriend or girlfriend have a 20 times greater chance of being sexually abused.,true +Every poll you see the overwhelming majority of people want EVerify.,true +More than half of the births in Texas are paid for by Medicaid.,true +New business startups are at the lowest levels in 30 years.,true +When we passed the stand your ground law we said it portends horrific events when peoples lives were put into these situations.,true +Says Romney flipflopped on abortion.,true +New Jersey loses net that is minus those who come into the state 30000 students a year.,true +More than 27000 Rhode Island jobs depend on trade with Canada.,true +In 1950 the average American lived for 68 years and 16 workers supported one retiree. Today the average life expectancy is 78 and three workers support one retiree.,true +There are a lot of casinos across the country that have gone bankrupt.,true +There are 850000 Ohio jobs tied to the auto industry.,true +Says there are four super PACs on the Republican side of the Texas U.S. Senate race.,true +Ohio is not meeting its obligation to update voter registrations when voters change their address with the BMV.,true +In the last two years super PACs raised more than $180 million with roughly half of it coming from fewer than 200 superrich people and roughly 20 percent from corporations.,true +Says he cut taxes by more than $600 million when he wasgovernor.,true +If we keep the minimum wage at the current level then singleparent families earning the minimum wage at a fulltime job will live in poverty in New Jersey.,true +Says Barack Obama promised he would cut the deficit in half but didnt.,true +Says the proposed fiscal year 2013 budget is still below the level of state spending when I took office.,true +Between 1982 and 2007 the cost of a college education increased 439 percent.,true +The top 1 percent of income earners paid 36.7 percent of the taxes. ... The top 50 percent pay 97.7 percent.,true +Wisconsin is called the Badger State because our ancestors came here with the hopes of living the American dream by mining.,true +Pasco County schools have graduation rates substantially higher than the state average and dropout rates below the state average.,true +In 2010 about 75 percent of child abuse and neglect reports in Oregon were made by those required to report by law.,true +Gingrich supported individual health insurance mandates.,true +All travelers even babies arriving in the U.S. by air must have a passport.,true +Rhode Island has the the secondmost heavily deployed National Guard in the United States.,true +Sixteen million jobs were created under Ronald Reagans presidency.,true +Says local Texas chambers of commerce were granted exemptions from paying property taxes on their headquarter properties.,true +Says Mitt Romney said he does not line up with the NRA.,true +Says Rick Santorum supported Arlen Specter over conservative candidates twice.,true +Says half the Americans dont pay any income taxes.,true +Florida ranks 45th in the nation for tuition.,true +Our small staff of 51 is still fewer than we had a decade ago yet our caseload like that of other courts has grown.,true +Says in Oregon only 41 percent of adults have ever been tested for HIV.,true +Florida is the largest dogracing state in the country.,true +Over 40 percent of children born in America are born out of wedlock.,true +Says 80 percent of the health care dollars are spent by 20 percent of the population.,true +Says Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz opposes the DREAM Act which is supported by 85 of Latinos.,true +Wrong precinct rules exacerbate our provisional ballot problems and HB 194 does nothing to solve the wrongprecinct problem.,true +Says Scott Walker enacted the biggest cuts to education in our states history.,true +Florida unemployment has dropped more than 2 percentage points down from 12 percent to 9.9 percent the secondlargest drop in the nation.,true +Says a 1915 referendum on womens right to vote went down in New Jersey. And it took the Legislature to pass it.,true +You may have driven the length of a football field in the five seconds it takes to check a text.,true +Many of the top officials at the Port Authority earn more money than the governors of the states that have jurisdiction over them.,true +We arent the only state cutting back on public television.,true +As Dane County executive Kathleen Falk raised property taxes by millions of dollars every year and approved the second highest increase in the state in 2010.,true +91 percent of Latinos support the DREAM Act which allows undocumented youth to attend college but Marco Rubio opposes it.,true +A bill delaying the start of classes until Labor Day would permit school districts to shave 5 full weeks off the school year.,true +If you take into account all the people who are struggling for work or have just stopped looking the real unemployment rate is over 15 percent.,true +Ohio has one of the highest provisional ballot rates in the country and many of them go uncounted each election.,true +The Georgia Secretary of States Office and the Georgia State Elections Board investigate and penalize hundreds of people guilty of election fraud.,true +In just a few decades Social Security Medicare and Medicaid other mandatory spending programs and paying interest due on the debt will eclipse our entire budget.,true +The national debt is equal to $48700 for every American or $128300 for every U.S. household. It is now equivalent to the size of our entire economy.,true +Weve seen more antiwomens choice bills introduced in the first half of this session than weve seen in the last three General Assemblies.,true +One out of every three automobile fatalities can be attributed to alcohol.,true +Today for the first time in fifteen years Master Locks unionized plant in Milwaukee is running at full capacity.,true +In 1992 Mitt Romney gave money to Democrats for Congress.,true +In July 1996 Mitt Romney helped locate the missing teenage daughter of a partner at Bain Capital.,true +Says the New York Giants train in New Jersey they play in New Jersey and most of their players live in New Jersey.,true +Chesterfield has eliminated more positions from its general government operations than the Commonwealth has from the entire state government since fiscal 2009.,true +Says Ohio has 77 job training programs spread across 13 state agencies.,true +Before this day is out 18 more veterans will have taken their own lives. That is the daily average it is intolerable and it has to stop.,true +The United States is no longer top nation in the globe on infrastructure having fallen to 15th.,true +Right now in Georgia nearly one in three leaving our prisons are reconvicted within three years.,true +Sherrod Brown has voted with Barack Obama 95 percent of the time.,true +Says he eliminated an EPA rule that treated spilled milk like it was oil.,true +A typical married couple will contribute $119000 into Medicare but will receive $357000 in Medicare benefits over their lifetimes.,true +There are 86 languages spoken at Miami Dade College.,true +Tennessees grocery tax is one of the highest in the nation.,true +Says Newt Gingrichs contract was with the lobbyists at Freddie Mac.,true +Under this tax cut middleclass families dont save enough for a weeks worth of groceries while millionaires save enough to go on an exotic vacation.,true +The top 10 most wellpaid CEOs in America received a combined $770 million in 2010 while the average American workers wage rose just 2 percent.,true +Says she got unions to agree to about $10 million in reduction of salaries and health benefits while serving as Dane County executive in Wisconsin.,true +Gov. Bob McDonnellsbudget plantakesmoney out of our classrooms to pave roads.,true +My opponent on day one of this campaign attacked me on Medicare and Medicare Advantage and that claim was found to be False.,true +Suzanne Bonamici was the only no vote on a 2009 bill cracking down on drunk drivers.,true +Federal law prohibits the growing of industrial hemp in the United States.,true +Says hes proposed the largest employer contribution to the Virginia Retirement System in history.,true +Taxpayers earning $1 million pay an effective tax rate that is about four times what taxpayers earning $100000 pay.,true +Georgias unemployment rate has exceeded the national rate for 50 consecutive months.,true +By the way Im not raising tolls 50 percent....Jon Corzine did.,true +Small businesses create 70 percent of the jobs in America.,true +And as of today New Jersey state government has less employees than when Christie Whitman left office in 2001.,true +After filing a lawsuit in Rhode Island we reached an agreement with state agencies that resulted in more voters being registered in the first full month after our lawsuit than in the entire previous twoyear reporting period.,true +Says Ron Paul doesnt believe in marriage licenses.,true +I was one of about a dozen senators who voted against the Bridge to Nowhere.,true +Says America spends over 17 percent of its GDP on health care costs when our closest competitor nations are spending about 12.,true +Christmas trees are grown in all 50 States.,true +Says Newt Gingrich aligned with Nancy Pelosi on global warming.,true +Says Joe Biden said Jon Corzine is the smartest guy that I know in terms of the economy and on finance I really mean this.,true +Newt Gingrich teamed with Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore on global warming.,true +Ive done more impeachments than anybody else in the history of the country.,true +Says there have been no cases of wolves killing people in Rocky Mountain states.,true +Nevada has been recently ranked No. 1 in unemployment foreclosures violent crime personal bankruptcy and divorce.,true +Says King Street Patriots held a fundraiser featuring an author who believes that registering the poor to vote is unAmerican.,true +Says with Jon Corzine its the first time I think in history where a former Senator has been subpoenaed to testify before his former colleagues.,true +Rhode Island already gets more revenue per capita from gambling than any other state in the country.,true +Sherrod Brown has been running for public office since Richard Nixon was president.,true +Richard Cordrays nomination to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau marks the first time in Senate history that a political party has blocked a nomination of someone because they didnt like the construction of the agency.,true +Newt Gingrich has suggested building a mirror system in space could improve the Earths habitability.,true +A database police use to look up wanted suspects excludes certain warrants issued by Atlanta Municipal Court.,true +Says our unemployment insurance trust fund is broke. Were over a billion dollars in debt to the federal government.,true +The national debt increased $16000 every secondGeorge Allen served in theU.S. Senate.,true +The United States is numberonein the world in energyresourcesRussia isnumber two.,true +Last year we spent more than $40 billion on highways. And Lord knows we need that. But thats more than we spent on Amtrak in its entire 40year history.,true +Says military expenditures for the United States are greater than the combined spending of the next 14 largest nations.,true +Says the unemployment rate for college graduates is 4.4 percent and over 10 percent for noncollegeeducated.,true +Says he followed state law and the precedent of other Massachusetts governors when he erased electronic communications as he left office.,true +The balancedbudget amendment once came within one vote of passing Congress but was defeated because of the no vote from a top Senate Republican and Rick Santorum says he stood up and called for him to resign his chairmanship.,true +Its legal to sign a recall petition against Gov. Scott Walker even if you have already signed another recall petition but only one signature counts,true +Says Barack Obama promised to halve the deficit in his first term.,true +For the average middleclass family your taxes today are lower than when I took office.,true +Says Mitt Romney flipflopped on a taxpayer protection pledge.,true +We have had some significant accomplishments on a bipartisan basis.,true +Says Mitt Romney flipflopped on abortion.,true +The U.S. would gainrevenue by cutting personal income tax rates in half and ending tax breaks.,true +Currently it costs more than a penny for the U.S. Mint to make a one cent coin and more than a nickel to make the five cent piece.,true +Says Apple CEO Steve Jobs told President Obama that the company moved factories to China because it needed 30000 engineers.,true +Stimulus money went to critically important projects like studying ants in Africa.,true +A Republicanled softening of firearms training rules means that untrained individuals would be allowed to carry guns with a state permit.,true +When the national debt reaches $15 trillion it means that U.S. debttoGDP ratio will reach 99.7 percent of our debt and this is $47900 for every living American.,true +The American healthcare system burns 18 percent of our national GDP. Nobody else is close.,true +The median income of a middle class family went down $2100 from 2001 to 2007.,true +Says 51 percent of federal tax filers paid zero federal income tax.,true +Torture is illegal by our laws. Its illegal by international laws.,true +Georgia has had more bank failures than any other state.,true +Ronald Reagan raised the national debt 18 times.,true +Ilana Shafran Mandels stake in Forest City Enterprises constitutes significantly less than 1 percent of the companys shares and any implication of a conflict of interest is legally incorrect.,true +The problem with invasive species today in the Great Lakes isnt ballast water.,true +A couple retiring today will pay about $119000 in lifetime Medicare taxes and receive about $357000 in lifetime Medicare benefits. ... about 3 bucks in benefits for every dollar in taxes.,true +The average homeowner spends more than $2000 each year on energy costs more than on either real estate taxes or homeowners insurance.,true +Every day in the United States we are losing 15 factories.,true +Says over the last 48 years every governor at the midterm of his first term or her first term has lost seats in the Legislature with the exception of Jim McGreevey in 2003.,true +Says Mitt Romney has flipflopped on abortion rights.,true +Says if elected he would be the first Mayor who lives east of 82nd.,true +Under a law proposed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker businesses that move into Wisconsin dont have to pay any taxes on their income for two years.,true +Says Mitt Romney flipflopped on abortion.,true +The collective net worth of Americans has taken a $5.5 trillion hit ... mainly due to plummeting home values.,true +Says for every dollar the state spent on audits last year it delivered $64 in cost savings.,true +Says judges get better benefits at a lower cost than everybody else in the state.,true +Says 24 million people in this country cant find a fulltime job 50 million cant see a doctor when theyre sick 47 million people need government help to feed themselves and 15 million families owe more than the value of their home.,true +Romneycare was model for Obamacare.,true +Says his proposed payroll tax cut will mean an extra $1500 in your pocket compared to if we do nothing.,true +Nearly half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended.,true +When we got the income tax in 1913 the top rate was 7 percent. By 1980 the top rate was 70 percent.,true +The people in Massachusetts like the state health care plan by about a 31 margin.,true +Under Governor Almond the RI DMV had a program that allowed undocumented people to use their Personal Tax Identification Number . . . to apply for and receive a RI drivers license.,true +According to Wikipedia there are only five countries in the entire planet that are more unequal than the United States in the distribution of our wealth.,true +Says he came to the Republican Party sooner in age than Ronald Reagan.,true +Our government right now. . . is spending 40 percent more than what we take in.,true +We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Its 35 percent.,true +Health care is the greatest contribution to spending increases in the state budget.,true +Legally it doesnt make any difference which state district you live in when running for Congress.,true +Today you have six financial institutions the largest six that have assets that are the equivalent of 60 percent of the GDP of the United States of America.,true +A family of four can make up to $88000 a year and still get a subsidy for health insurance under the new federal health care law.,true +Were. . . keeping and creating jobs in our state. From American Greetings to Wendys to Diebold weve gone to their doorsteps to keep jobs right here in Ohio.,true +Members of the public are being charged $50 to hear Gov. Scott Walker and a dozen members of his administration talk about jobs and the economy at Lambeau Field.,true +Says only four Texas legislators voted against a law giving instate tuition rates to certain illegal immigrants.,true +The federal government is spending $46000 a year per family or group of four and could balance its budget by dropping that to $30000.,true +The Fed created $1.2 trillion out of nothing gave it to banks and some of them foreign banks so that they could stabilize their operations.,true +At nearly 19 million people the population of Florida is larger than all the earlier primary and caucus states combined.,true +We have 10000 baby boomers retiring every day.,true +Says as a share of the US economy the governments support for research and development RD has fallen by nearly twothirds since the 1960s.,true +The city of Atlanta has either the highest or secondhighest average water bills in the country.,true +Toledo Mayor Mike Bell once lost his job as a firefighter because his city ran out of money.,true +Says Rick Perry provided instate tuition... for illegal immigrants.,true +In 1976 the first year that Pell Grants were fully funded a full Pell Grant paid 72 percent of the cost of attendance at a typical fouryear public college. Today a full Pell Grant covers just 34 percent of those costs.,true +The state ethics commission took absolutely the same percent of cuts as most other state agencies. They were somewhere in the 7 percent range same as the governors office.,true +Says that in the recent year homeowners across Ohio have signed mineral rights agreements and I understand that over a billion dollars worth of leases have been signed to date.,true +Says an amendment specifying when military members may use deadly force does nothing to change existing rules of engagement for American service members.,true +Ten years ago the Austin Water Utility used a total of 240.3 million gallons. Every summer since then our peak day of water use has been lower.,true +Under President Barack Obamas jobs bill you can sue if you are unemployed and dont get the job and think you werent hired because you are unemployed.,true +In writing his book Gov. Perry pointed out that by any measure Social Security has been a failure.,true +The Republicancontrolled Wisconsin Assembly approved only one out of 376 amendments offered by Assembly Democrats in 2011.,true +Over the past 10 years the number of people living in Lower Manhattan has nearly doubled. In fact Lower Manhattan has added more people over the last 10 years than Atlanta Dallas and Philadelphia combined.,true +Two days of interest we pay to China is enough to buy one joint strike fighter jet.,true +The day President Obama took office gasoline was $1.79 a gallon.,true +Says the U.S. Department of Homeland Security must report to about 100 congressional committees and subcommittees.,true +Says the federal government is the largest energy user in the country.,true +I became a Republican sooner in my life than Ronald Reagan did in his.,true +Says New Jerseys public school students have the best Advanced Placement scores in the nation.,true +Says Ron Paul insisted FEMA should be shut down.,true +The ratio of corporate profits to wages is now higher than at any time since just before the Great Depression.,true +A national study of 2500 charter schools shows that maybe 20 percent do better than the community public schools 40 percent or so do worse and the rest are not having any significant difference.,true +Congressional Budget Office says 8 percent unemployment till 2014,true +The health insurance plan that members of Congress have is no different than any other federal employees in the United States government.,true +Weve had 11000 attempts to amend the Constitution since 1789.,true +Rooting for the Red Sox is like rooting for the drug companies.,true +The estimated savings of this debt ceiling deal only pay for half of the cost of extending all of the Bushera tax cuts for another decade.,true +The United States death rate is twoandahalf times higher for those who do not have a high school education.,true +When Social Security first started there was 16 workers for every retiree. Today there are three workers for every retiree and soon there will be only two for every retiree.,true +The proposed transportation bill could be the largest tax increase in Georgia history.,true +Says that Wall Street hedge fund managers pay a lower tax rate than does a sheet metal worker in Parma or a school teacher in Cleveland.,true +Hair stylists are required to undergo more government scrutiny than foreclosure consultants.,true +The megarich pay about 15 percent in taxes while the middle class fall into the 15 percent and 25 percent income tax brackets and then are hit with heavy payroll taxes to boot.,true +The governor having a meeting ... isnt covered by the open meetings act.,true +Twentyfive states have lower unemployment than Texas which is tied with Mississippi for more minimumwage jobs than anywhere in the United States.,true +One in four Texans lacks health insurance the highest proportion in the nation.,true +Certainly were going to be the most restrictive state in the land in terms of who can get medical marijuana how it will be prescribed and how it will be achieved in terms of moving it into the marketplace.,true +Obamacare was patterned after Mitt Romneys plan in Massachusetts.,true +Says GOP recall challenger Kim Simac was delinquent paying her property taxes eight of the last nine years.,true +There are cities and counties in Georgia that dont have websites and where elected officials dont have email addresses.,true +One in every five families in the state of New Jersey has a loved one with a mental illness a serious mental illness and today we dont care.,true +Says Republican Sen. John McCain won more votes for president in Cuyahoga County in the 2008 general election than he did in seven states.,true +Theres actually 600 abortions done after the 20th week of pregnancy every year in Ohio.,true +For the second quarter in a row my campaign has raised more money than any other challenger in the nation and brought our fundraising total to over $800000.,true +Medicaid is the primary source of health insurance for 41.7 percent of Hispanic children in Georgia.,true +Believe it or not consumer spending is up over the last eight months.,true +The federal government is spending 25 percent of our entire economy versus 100 years ago we spent only 2 percent.,true +When I served as City Commissioner we made great strides we successfully fought for and won adding women and people of color to the Fire Bureau.,true +The deficit was on track to top $1 trillion the year I took office.,true +Thirtyfour of the last 44 debt ceiling increases have been for less than a year. So this notion that shortterm is somehow the exception its actually the rule.,true +The state of Georgia is near the bottom among states for SAT scores and graduation rates.,true +President Reagan did it raised the debt ceiling 18 times. George W. Bush did it seven times.,true +When the Republicans were in charge they actually expanded government health care with the prescription drug program.,true +Says state Rep. Fred Clark DBaraboo ran a red light and seriously injured a bicyclist.,true +Says members of the military have sent him more campaign contributions than theyve sent President Barack Obama and more than twice what theyve sent other Republican presidential candidates.,true +Says in the Legislature Mary Nolan has been a partyline Democrat showing a 100 track record in harmony with the American Civil Liberties Union.,true +Says that U.S. Rep. Allen West is a constituent of mine.,true +Florida Democrats put my Social Security number and my wifes Employment Identification Number in a mail piece.,true +Republican redistricting plans cut Democrat Nancy Nusbaum out of her state Senate district by a half a block.,true +I did not vote to spend money to fight that Amendment 6 redistricting lawsuit.,true +Says state Senate recall challenger Sandy Pasch voted to cut school aid by nearly $300 million.,true +Less than onetenth of Atlantas transportation needs are covered in a referendum to levy a 1cent sales tax.,true +The State Election Board has issued nearly $275000 in fines to violators of absentee ballot laws.,true +The black unemployment rate has increased since the recovery has begun.,true +Ninety percent of the job growth in Virginia has been in the private sector.,true +Some criminals have learned how to spy on Americans hacking into our home computers and looking out through the video camera attached to the screen.,true +There are actually half a million fewer government employees now than there were when President Barack Obama took office.,true +Were losing almost 6000 state jobs.,true +Fiftyone percent that is a majority of American households paid no income tax in 2009. Zero. Zip. Nada.,true +Rhode Island spends 52 percent more per capita on human service programs than the national average.,true +Young veterans have a higher unemployment rate than people who didnt serve.,true +Says car insurance rates have decreased since about a decade ago because of marketbased solutions that attracted more auto insurers to New Jersey.,true +Voting in the wrong precinct led to over 14000 registered voters statewide to lose their vote in 2008.,true +Creeping defense commitments in the Middle East and globally now consume over half the U.S. discretionary budget annually.,true +Says that as a gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie promised no school cuts.,true +Says President Obama has fired more cruise missiles than all other Peace Prize winners combined.,true +Says states that passed antiillegalimmigrant legislation also had few Hispanic legislators.,true +The top 1 percent of income earners pay 40 percent of all state income taxes and those at the bottom pay little or nothing.,true +Virginia spends $400000 on abstinence programs while losing $2.5 million in federal funds due to Gov. Bob McDonnells political agenda.,true +Providence is one of the busiest fire departments for its relative size in the country.,true +Seventy of Ohios 88 counties now have more than 25 percent of their residents eligible for emergency food.,true +The U.S. is spending one out of every six Defense Department dollars on Afghanistan.,true +Almost 10 percent of Canadians came to visit Florida last year ... Canadians buy 7.4 percent of our homes in the state.,true +The righttowork states are creating a lot more jobs today than the heavily unionized states.,true +A couple of hundred American cities are infested by members of the Mexican cartels.,true +We are number one in the world when it comes to energy resources. ... The Russians are second Saudi Arabia is number three.,true +Says the state budget includes spending on commercials for Fortune 500 companies.,true +Says hes signed a pledge not to raise taxes four times.,true +ThenSen. Barack Obama refused to raise the debt ceiling because he said President Bush had failed in leadership.,true +Taxpayers pay for roughly 45 percent of all births in Wisconsin And 60 percent of the births in Milwaukee,true +The budget currently being debated significantly decreases the use of onetime resources.,true +The average person will pay $6000 more a year under Rep. Paul Ryans Medicare proposal.,true +We already have $23 billion worth of debt.,true +The average unemployed American has been out of work for almost 40 weeks.,true +Says six of the states 58 family planning centers had to close because of Gov. Chris Christies budget cuts.,true +Rhode Island continues to have the highest rates of substance abuse in the country.,true +The budget for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is only about 1 percent of the amount banks generate just from late fees and overdraft fees.,true +Says Craig Huey called Planned Parenthood a murder mill.,true +Says this months special session will cost the state $27300 a day just for legislators daily living expenses.,true +It is a greater crime to have an untagged alligator than to host an open house party for kids.,true +If you look at the benefits and wages of recorded federal employees they far outstrip the market rates of the private sector.,true +Abraham Lincoln once jumped out of a window in the Illinois Legislature in order to deny a quorum.,true +Says Republicanapproved changes to make it more difficult to participate in Ohio elections include reducing inperson early voting from 35 days to six.,true +Sometimes I was the only no vote on the entire board.,true +For more than 30 years after World War II there was a steady reduction in U.S. debt as a percentage of gross domestic product.,true +To give a sense of how families are struggling a record four out of every 10 school kids in Ohio now qualifies for subsidized lunch.,true +No other Northeastern state has passed a photo ID law,true +If you take the population growth here in Virginia we are net zero on job creation since Bob McDonnell became governor.,true +Department of Education officials investigating Virginia Tech shootings have not once gotten into the car and driven down to Blacksburg to talk to the police chief or the university president or to anyone else.,true +Says state lawmakers have voted to spend virtually all of the Rainy Day Fund four times since the funds creation.,true +Says people who signed recall petitions against Wisconsin state Sen. Jim Holperin received harassing phone calls from outofstate telemarketers claiming to represent the Democratic Party and insinuating foul play by petition circulators.,true +You cant give a child an aspirin in school without permission. You cant do any kind of medication but we can secretly take the child off and have an abortion.,true +Failure to raise the debt limit does not force a U.S. default on debt payments.,true +Were within 600 miles of 60 percent of America. Were in a perfect location.,true +The substitute budget now adds in tax breaks and tax deductions for those who buy these prisons.,true +The Obama administration increased the deportation of illegal immigrants convicted of crimes by 70 percent.,true +American oil production is at its highest level since 2003.,true +When the governor announced his jobs budget 99 folks from the Department of Taxation were let go the next day.,true +The Border Patrol has 20000 agents more than twice as many as there were in 2004.,true +There is a situation in this country where youre nearing 50 percent of people who dont even pay income taxes.,true +Says close to 90 percent of the population growth in Texas over the last decade was nonAnglo.,true +Georgia is one of only about seven states in the country that has a AAA bond rating.,true +Says Milwaukee County spent over $170000 in salaries in 2010 for employees to participate in union activities such as collective bargaining.,true +From 2008 to 2011 the pages in the conforming bills have gone from 400 pages to 2200.,true +Nearly 2000 high schools roughly 12 percent of all secondary schools in the United States produce about half of the nations dropouts.,true +Rep. Paul Ryans budget proposal cuts nothing from Medicare Social Security or defense in the next two to three years and in three years he does not cut one dime from the debt.,true +Youve got each day 10000 new seniors baby boomers becoming eligible for the entitlement programs.,true +China now owns $1.1 trillion of our debt our trade deficit last year with them was a quarter of a trillion dollars.,true +Currently there is no one from South Austin on the Austin City Council,true +The Bush tax cuts helped to create a substantial part of the deficit.,true +90 percent of babies with Down syndrome are aborted.,true +In Senate Bill 5 there is this new method of evaluating teachers. Youre also going to be rated on what the parents think of you and they can send questionnaires and surveys home to parents.,true +Each day our nation pays communist China $73.9 million in interest on our debt.,true +Large majorities of the public oppose major changes to Medicare and favor higher taxes on the wealthy.,true +Foreign companies in the United States have a significantly higher unionization rate than other companies overall.,true +Salaries for Virginias teachers are below the national average.,true +Right now we are spending at an alltime high close to 25 percent of our GDP is being spent on the federal government. But our revenues are at an almost alltime low of about 15 percent of GDP.,true +Says he couldnt keep a 42inch redfish he caught because of fishing rules.,true +If we had the same staffing ratio of officers to residents as Seattle wed have 300 more officers in our department.,true +The facts show that approximately 40 persons on death row have had all of their appellate review completed and await only the governors signature on a death warrant to end the case.,true +Americas wealthiest 25 percent pay 86 percent of total income taxes. Wealthiest 5 percent pay 60 percent of total income taxes.,true +Appalachian Power wants another 10 percent rate increase. The compensation package for CEO Mike Morris rose 22 percent to $8.7 million in 2010.,true +If you go strictly by the numbers crime is down across the board. Last year we had a 10 percent decrease in the most serious crimes.,true +The costs of cancer and all affiliated issues are over $20 billion a year to this state.,true +George Allen voted to add $3 trillion to the federal debt voted to raise the debt ceiling four times and voted for the No Child Left Behind Act while he was a senator.,true +Foreign aid makes up about 1 percent of our entire budget.,true +President Obama has stopped using the phrase war on terror. ,true +There used to be 16 workers for every one person on Social Security. ... Now its three.,true +Proposed fees for Rhode Island beaches will still be less than some of the town beaches.,true +In Florida its not illegal for an immediate family member of state officials to prosper from legislation supported by a spouse.,true +From 05 to 09 weve had 1100 soldiers commit suicide one every 36 hours.,true +Virginia was named best managed state best state for business and best state toraise a child while I was governor.,true +A government shutdown could disrupt ... veterans benefits.,true +The only segment in the beer market that is growing is the craft beer segment.,true +Three courts have found the new health care law constitutional and two have found it unconstitutional.,true +Says some states with the largest reductions in crime have also lowered their prison population.,true +The federal government has 77 different meanstested social welfare programs.,true +We lost more jobs in this great recession than the last four recessions combined.,true +Since Oregons prescriptiononly law took effect meth lab incidents have dropped by 96 percent and methrelated arrests by 32 percent.,true +There has never been a death caused by a commercial nuclear reactor in the United States even when Three Mile Island failed in the 1970s.,true +The Housepassed budget proposal could cut funding for programs that help keep local neighborhoods safe slash more than $1.7 million in antiterror funds for Ohio.,true +The hour of sleep you lose during the change to daylight saving time might initially pose some health risks.,true +Says none of the government programs targeted for elimination or severe cutback in House Republican spending plans appeared on the GAOs list of government programs at high risk of waste fraud and abuse.,true +Says a Lubbock terror suspects alleged plan to use baby dolls to conceal chemical explosives is similar to a 1995 plot to blow up 12 jumbo jets over the Pacific Ocean.,true +Central Health is the only hospital district in Texas that spends taxpayer dollars on abortions.,true +Most Americans live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant.,true +The entire state of Florida led the nation last year with the most prison inmates committing tax fraud.,true +Since 1980 over 145 incidents have been documented of suction entrapment in swimming pools and spas including 36 deaths of children.,true +The coalition of Arab states against Libyas Moammar Gadhafi is the biggest coalition against a fellow Arab leader since the Persian Gulf War in 19901991.,true +Says Oregon is near the top or at the top of the list when it comes to capital gains tax,true +Florida is one of only three states that require licenses for commercial interior designers.,true +We have over 25 million people who live in Texas and less than 2 percent of them have concealed handgun licenses.,true +Federal spending is all discretionary other than interest on the national debt. Social Security is discretionary. We have the discretion to change the law. Same is true with Medicare and Medicaid.,true +There are corporations in this nation some of the biggest corporations in this nation who do not pay taxes.,true +Georgia still has one of the richest programs in terms of scholarships for students to go to college.,true +Says taxes paid by the poorest residents of Texas are above the national average.,true +Says fouryear terms for City Council members are the norm in most cities of our size.,true +Our average private sector employee pays 23 percent for their health care. Our average city worker in Ohio pays 9 percent.,true +Just 400 Americans 400 have more wealth than half of all Americans combined.,true +We know that every 85 visitors create one Florida job.,true +A bill before the Georgia General Assembly would make presidential candidates meet citizenship requirements that are not in the U.S. Constitution.,true +We ... sold the state airplanes as I had promised.,true +Hitler didnt want unions. Stalin didnt want unions. Mubarak didnt want independent unions. These autocrats in history dont want independent unions.,true +We closed that plant down. It was a $27 milliondollar plant operating full steam and we closed it down.,true +Texas would have to increase current state spending by 28 percent just to reach the national average for spending per resident.,true +A telephone company will no longer have to provide landline service to customers if there is an alternative provider including wireless.,true +In 2011 the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public Schools system will exceed $100000.,true +DeKalb County has cut more money from its general fund budget than any local government in the Atlanta metro region.,true +We have lost 600000 jobs over the period of the last 10 years. Only Michigan and California have done worse.,true +Says the Army is spending $7 million to sponsor a NASCAR team.,true +For every $10000 invested in business incubators up to nearly 70 local jobs are generated.,true +Most federal employees do not have collective bargaining for benefits nor for pay.,true +From 2003 to 2006 Sesame Street made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales.,true +The American people have endured 21 consecutive months of 9 or higher unemployment and 2.6 million jobs have been lost since the stimulus bill was signed.,true +The cost for renovating the headquarters of the U.N. has doubled from the original estimate.,true +The law has not established whether Rhode Island public employees have property rights to their pensions.,true +If you printed a $1 bill for the entirety of the $14.1 trillion national debt the resulting pile of money would weigh more than 136 aircraft carriers.,true +Gov. Rick Scotts sale of the state planes was not proper.,true +Every Wisconsin legislator that votes for this bill will have to give up the same amount of pay as other state employees.,true +In 2009 Democratic Wisconsin state senators rammed through a billiondollar tax hike in 24 hours with no public input.,true +The House of Delegates budget bill cuts $50 million from education.,true +If Wisconsins governor cuts perquisites as much as he plans to do it would still leave workers better off than their private sector counterparts.,true +We have 80000 abortions in Texas every year.,true +One of the biggest causes of our soaring debt and economic insecurity ends up being Pentagon spending. The budget for the Pentagon consumes more than half of our discretionary spending.,true +The federal government can cut all of the nonmilitary discretionary spending and not balance the budget.,true +The United states is borrowing more than 40 cents of every dollar we spend.,true +Senator Webb was a reliable vote for President Obama and Senator Harry Reid.,true +In its current state this bill is the most restrictive voter ID legislation in the nation.,true +Texas added more jobs in 2010 than any other state.,true +There is nothing in the current state public records law that prohibits sensitive or confidential business information from being just that confidential.,true +Orrin Hatch cosponsored a 1993 health care bill that had an individual mandate.,true +In the month of January Canada created more new jobs than we did.,true +Im the only candidate for Milwaukee County executive that has voted against increasing government pensions.,true +More than onequarter of Americas young adults are too fat to serve in the U.S. military,true +Says Ohio is one of just 17 states with an estate tax and it has the lowest threshold in the nation.,true +If you tried to pay out $1 trillion by handing it out at $1 per second it would take more than 31000 years.,true +Tells President Barack Obama that he also asked former President George W. Bush about how he felt about Americans hating him.,true +Most state employees could pay twice as much toward their health care premiums and it would still be half the national average,true +Some politicians want to put new taxes on a lot of groceries.,true +Georgia has some of the best maintained roads in America.,true +Says every school will be negatively impacted if Education Stability Fund is not tapped.,true +Americans spend 6.1 billion hours a year complying with tax law. It costs us $163 billion to comply with our tax laws annually.,true +Israels per capita income is greater than probably threefourths of the rest of the world.,true +Under Hosni Mubaraks rule Egypt received more American dollars than any country besides Israel.,true +Georgia is the secondfastest growing state for international tourists.,true +The U.S. loses more on tax breaks than it collects in personal income taxes.,true +Says the United States does not trade as much as other developed nations.,true +Says there have been 50 million abortions since Roe v. Wade was decided.,true +Tailpipe emissions rules if fully implemented with all the regulations that go with it they will keep the temperature from rising nearly five onehundredths of a degree Fahrenheit. By 2050.,true +There have been at least four incidents where bullets from Mexico have crossed the border.,true +Were borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend.,true +The debt will soon eclipse our entire economy.,true +The United States has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.,true +Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known ... corporate profits are up.,true +The number of inmates since 2000 on death row dying of natural causes has now surpassed the number of inmates executed.,true +Texas leads the nation in the percentage of residents without health insurance.,true +George Allen voted for budgets that increased the national debt by $16400 for every second he served in the U.S. Senate.,true +New England already has access to ample supplies of natural gas.,true +Says hes the first Aggie governor of Texas.,true +Some of the men serving in the Afghan armed forces have never driven a vehicle before.,true +This kind of snowstorm happens every 10 or 15 years.,true +Whether you like to admit it or not half our general revenue goes to education.,true +Says she condemned violence at a campaign stop in Arizona in March.,true +Following the 2009 session Texas House Speaker Joe Straus was acknowledged and thanked for his tireless efforts by Planned Parenthood the nations premier abortion provider.,true +Georgia lawmakers fuel up for the session by feasting on wild hogs.,true +Says the person who Florida U.S. Rep. Allen West first hired as chief of staff told people attending a Tea Party rally that We will use bullets if ballots dont work.,true +Our spending has caught up with us and our debt soon will eclipse the entire size of our national economy.,true +New provisions of the health care law bar the use offlexible spending accounts and health savings accounts to pay for aspirin and other nonprescription health needs.,true +Says the 3C Corridor train would have taken an hour and 15 minutes longer to carry passengers across Ohio than it would have taken on a New York Central train in 1935.,true +Its taken more time to complete the Towpath Trail than it did to build the Ohio Erie Canal.,true +State governments have little ability to stimulate job growth in the short run.,true +I stopped requesting earmarks in 2008.,true +I never proposed privatizing the Milwaukee County airport.,true +We are one of only two states to have eight consecutive months of declining unemployment. Twentyone states had increased unemployment last month. Ours went down.,true +Proposed federal regulations would affect every streetsign in the country,true +Texas children may have a teacher who never spent one minute practicing teaching.,true +House Speaker Dean Cannon says that freshmen lawmakers account for onethird of the 120member House and that twothirds of the chamber have two years or less experience.,true +Four out of 10 homicides are committed by gun in this city.,true +You can go to Georgia and make about $6000 more a year as a teacher.,true +The Milwaukee business community did not speak about the facts and in support of train manufacturer Talgo as the MilwaukeeMadison rail link was being killed.,true +Earmarks requested in a federal spending bill included $277000 for potato pest management in Wisconsin.,true +Every student paying outofstate tuition actually covers more than the cost of instruction.,true +Says that in his first 17 months as president the United States doubled its worldleading $500 million a year commitment to fighting global AIDS.,true +When Social Security was passed there were all kinds of lawsuits just as there have been in the legal battle over the new health care law.,true +Under the compromise tax agreement 99.7 of American families will not pay 1 nickel in an estate tax.,true +The Atlanta Braves are the oldest continuously operating professional sports franchise in America.,true +A 5 percent increase in domestic production would increase the world supply by less than 1 percent and do almost nothing to our dependence on foreign oil. This would also have virtually no effect on the price of gas at the pump.,true +In 2007 the top 1 percent of all income earners in the United States made 23.5 percent of all income which is more than the entire bottom 50 percent.,true +I think a little less than half of the people in our prisons are in there for less than a year. ... We have people who are check kiters and dont pay child support and we are locking them up in the state pen.,true +Oregonians have an amazing nocost way to fight abortion with free political donations,true +The national debt grew an estimated$15 billion last weekend.,true +Ohio is losing over 700 family farms a year some of them just to pay the inheritance tax.,true +150000 oil spill claims have been filed by Floridians but only 40 percent of them have been paid.,true +Says the military accounts for about 10 percent of Floridas economy.,true +Said Republicans made historic gains in state legislatures during last months election,true +Hillsboroughs Public Transportation Commission has a rule that says cabbies have to wear socks. I mean please. Come on.,true +The tuitions in Virginia colleges...have doubled 100 percent in the last 10 years.,true +In Wisconsin deaths from domestic violence are at the highest in 10 years.,true +Historically Senate ratification of arms control treaties has been bipartisan.,true +We were one of the first states in the U.S. to build sewers to bring the treatment plant on line.,true +Says the House Rules Committee is the only panel other than the Intelligence and Ethics committees not able to telecast proceedings in its main hearing room.,true +More people hunt and fish in Texas in a given year than attend the... games of the Dallas Cowboys the Dallas Mavericks the Houston Texans and the Houston Rockets combined.,true +Demand for transportation choice is on the rise with 14 percent more Ohioans riding passenger trains over the past year.,true +Over the course of one fouryear term it costs taxpayers more than $1 million simply to operate the governors mansion.,true +The law right now permits companies that close down American factories and offices and move those jobs overseas to take a tax deduction for the costs associated with moving the jobs to China or India or wherever.,true +Says Oregon ranks 30th in the nation with regard to its incarceration rate.,true +The radiation coming from the new TSA body scanners is equivalent to about three minutes worth of air travel by anybody say at 30000 feet.,true +Congressman Ryan has secured a grand total of $116838763 to date for the Mahoning Valley and has an additional $27095000 pending in FY2010 spending bills.,true +Nobody has played clips over and over ...of President Obama saying If they bring a knife to the fight well bring a gun. ,true +The federal debt is growing by more than $4 billion a day.,true +Re Marco Rubios support of earmark ban In 2002 alone he requested 37 earmarks worth $43 million.,true +We havent had control of the House for the last two years and its been malfunctioning. We had 109 sessions scheduled and held 49.,true +Federal spending is the highest its been as a share of our economy in 60 years and revenue is the lowest its been as a share of our economy in 60 years.,true +We now consume at the federal level 25 percent of the gross domestic product. Historically we were at 20 percent. So weve taken 5 percent away from the private sector.,true +Says that the federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993.,true +As mayor Barrett led efforts to redevelop the Menomonee Valley which now supports nearly 4000 jobs in Wisconsin.,true +Electric utility FirstEnergys annual revenues are greater than the GDP of Haiti Kyrgyzstan Iceland or 15 African nations.,true +Animal abuse is often an indicative trait of future acts of violence against humans.,true +Says that the new financial services law requires 358 regulatory filings.,true +Georgia has the secondhighest rate of childhood obesity in the United States.,true +The budget submitted by Obama will add more to the debt than the outstanding debt of the previous 43 presidents combined.,true +Members of Congress did not have three days to read the bill when the stimulus was rushed into law.,true +Sen. Harry Reid voted against declaring English our national language twice.,true +Decorated Marine twotour Iraq war vet.,true +Says Will Rasmussen falsely claimed he had lived in the West Linn district for about a year.,true +Most of the jobs that we lost were lost before the economic policies we put in place had any effect.,true +As CEO of WWE Linda McMahon was caught tipping off a ringside physician about a federal investigation into illegally distributing steroids to wrestlers.,true +Your tellers were paid kickbacks for directing elderly consumers from ... safe deposits to risky ones.,true +Says Scott Walker wants to make abortion illegal even in cases of rape incest or to protect the life of the mother.,true +Says Lloyd Doggett voted for the health care stimulus and capandtrade bills.,true +More Texans have new jobs today than the entire population of Fort Worth.,true +I am very proud as governor of Florida that we signed the first divestment act as it relates to Iran divesting any investments in companies that would invest in Iran.,true +Says Marco Rubio said that people who essentially dont agree with him ought to leave the country like Keith Olbermann.,true +Lizbeth Benacquisto broke election law 105 times hiding special interest contributors.,true +Says Ron Johnson likes to say there are too many lawyers in the Senate 57. Hed be the 70th millionaire.,true +Since 2000 when he entered politics Jon Husted has been on the ballot six times for three different political offices.,true +Ken Buck wants to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape or incest.,true +His biography says he was the top ROTC officer in the nation.,true +New Castle Countys unemployment rate has not almost doubled in the last two years.,true +John Raeses wife is registered to vote in Florida so she cant even vote for him.,true +Since the stimulus package was passed Ohios lost over 100000 more jobs.,true +Says the Texas Department of Agriculture seeks to purchase up to 300000 promotional stress balls.,true +Says Rep. Jim Weidner proposed a bill taking away health care for 80000 of Oregons children.,true +I said no to these big bank bailouts.,true +Webster sponsored a bill to create a form of marriage that would trap women in abusive relationships.,true +Since being elected in 2002 Scott Walker has given back over $370000 of his salary to the county.,true +Rhode Island has a very generous unemployment compensation rate compared to most other states.,true +Exit polls indicate that Democrats get over 70 percent of LGBT votes in federal elections.,true +An organized crime syndicate was extorting money from his Tom Ganleys business threatening his family but he fought back and won the FBIs highest civilian award,true +Pepper ... kicked off a jock tax imposing a levy on the sports and entertainment industry.,true +Says the U.S. Constitution provides for just compensation when land is taken under eminent domain.,true +Weve created more than 850000 jobs more than all the other states combined.,true +Children born today will carry a $30000 share of the national debt.,true +Theres a big chunk of the country that thinks that I have been too soft on Wall Street.,true +Ed Schultz said Alan Grayson is what its all about.,true +Taxpayers pay $18000 a month for House Speaker Nancy Pelosis district office in downtown San Francisco.,true +Florida ranks last in the ratio of employees to residents...And Florida is dead last in the nation in state employee payroll expenditures per resident.,true +I dont understand what Republicans are doing against this. It was their idea. John McCain introduced cap and trade legislation three times.,true +Says state Rep. Diana Maldonado of Round Rock uses Craigslist to hire campaign block walkers.,true +Says State Rep. Kristi Thibaut was an ACORN lobbyist.,true +Ohio today has the fewest number of state employees since the Reagan administration.,true +Jennifer Carroll is the first AfricanAmerican Republican woman to be part of a statewide ticket in Florida.,true +Sharron Angle would eliminate the Department of Education.,true +Says a highway was closed in El Paso because of bullets flying across the border.,true +Florida is 49th in per capita spending on mental health care.,true +Under the new health care law if a landscaper wants to buy a new lawnmower or a restaurant needs a new icemaker they have to report that to the feds.,true +Michael Thurmond authored major legislation that has provided more than $250 million in tax relief to Georgias senior citizens and working families.,true +The federal government is now on track for the secondlargest budget deficit in 65 years.,true +Says most of Perrys chiefs of staff have been lobbyists.,true +In Rhode Island there are 150 different pension plans for public workers.,true +I helped to invent a system that saved over a billion dollars on welfare.,true +There is already a mosque four blocks away.,true +Kendrick Meek claims hes the only candidate who saidSonia Sotomayor will make an excellent Supreme Court justice.,true +Says Barack Obama didnt keep his promise to have an immigration bill in his first year.,true +U.S. taxpayers are being forced to fund Feisal Abdul Raufs trip to the Middle East.,true +Warren Buffett called credit default swaps financial weapons of mass destruction. And Greene was the first individual to use them.,true +In 1935 more than 50 of the elderly population lived in poverty. Today that poverty rate stands officially at 9.4.,true +The unemployment rate for folks whove never gone to college is almost double what it is for those who have.,true +This year Newt Gingrich has raised as much money as Mitt Romney Tim Pawlenty Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee combined.,true +The overall fact about illegal immigration is that its not actually getting worse.,true +Ive taken on the federal government and won.,true +Ive even cut my own salary twice.,true +Exporters are using a federal loophole to deceptively sell products made from cat and dog fur to U.S. consumers.,true +About 106000 soldiers had a prescription of three weeks or more for pain depression or anxiety medication.,true +Last year we borrowed $1.4 trillion or 41 cents of every dollar we spent. Over half of this debt is held by foreign investors.,true +Police officers in this state have that right to check the immigration status of people they arrest.,true +Bill McCollum also voted for numerous amendments to weaken the legislation even voting to make trains less accessible to those in wheelchairs.,true +During the recession the consumer in his native perversity has begun to save. The savings rate is now 6.2 percent.,true +Jeff Greene can buy anything ... he owns two mansions.,true +The first professional baseball team was from an Ohio city.,true +Today almost half our debt is owned by foreigners.,true +Over the last 10 years incomes for the top 1 percent have grown. Meanwhile the bottom half of the country theyve seen their wages stagnate.,true +There are more pain clinics in Broward County than there are McDonalds in Broward County.,true +Democratic candidate Jeff Greene ran for Congress as a California Republican.,true +The Latino unemployment rate is higher than the white rate and the black rate is higher than the Latino rate.,true +Weve seen six months of positive job growth by the private sector.,true +Sometime in the next decade there will be more Latinos in the state of Texas than there are Anglos. That will happen sometime in the next five to eight to ten years.,true +Twentytwo million jobs were created during Clintons two terms but only 3 million during Bushs.,true +Education Week rates Ohio schools in the top five in the nation.,true +In the 18th Congressional District 100 of electric generation comes from coal.,true +Since 1904 the Ohio victor has won the presidency 25 out of 27 times,true +The War in Afghanistan is officially the longest war Americans have ever been asked to endure.,true +House Republicans who complained they didnt have enough time to consider a constitutional ban against oil drilling shoved through a proposal in just a few days to open state waters to oil drilling.,true +Maurice Ferre says Kendrick Meek has voted 98.6 percent of the time with the Democrat party.,true +I never called for a partition of Iraq.,true +Have the suburbs been inundated with former residents of Atlanta housing projects Absolutely not.,true +Providence has the lowest crime rate in three decades.,true +Forty cents of every dollar being spent by the federal government is being borrowed from my children.,true +Were spending $1 trillion a year on our foreign policy.,true +Says Texas has one state inspector for every 4500 oil and gas wells.,true +Gov. Crist has never wavered in his support of the Second Amendment the right to bear arms.,true +Attorney General McCollum SpeakerDesignate Cannon Senate PresidentDesignate Haridopolos and I stood up to Governor Crist and worked to remove Jim Greer as Chairman because of his mismanagement of the party.,true +Only about a third of Texans who enroll in college graduate.,true +Sen. McConnell offered a fully paid twomonth extension of unemployment insurance.,true +We spend three times more on entitlements and debt services than we do on defense.,true +The company I created Point Judith Capital is the only venture capital firm in Rhode Island.,true +Floridas high school graduation rate falls well below the national average.,true +He Kirk did violate Pentagon rules twice actually for improperly mingling politics with his military service.,true +Weare picking up oil with shovels and paper and plastic bags.,true +Crime is down in Arizona.,true +Democrats say Chafee wants to tax equipment that enables amputee veterans to drive,true +I have filed every disclosure that has ever been required.,true +Were No. 1 in child hunger.,true +I have spent virtually every weekend since Memorial Day in the Panhandle.,true +Georgia has the most restrictive ballot access laws in the country.,true +Says he fought against $3 billion in cuts to public education since 2003.,true +Langevin votes the party line about 98 percent of the time.,true +Georgia has more illegal aliens than the state of Arizona.,true +The national debt has gone up by $1729000000 during the Isner v. Mahut match.,true +In the last 6 years there have been 420 elections for State Senator and State Representative. Only three incumbents have been defeated,true +Rick Scott has heavily invested in a company that is geared to helping illegal aliens transfer money to family and friends out of the country.,true +Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning.,true +After J.D. Hayworth was voted out of Congress he became a registered lobbyist who was paid thousands by a Florida corporation to lobby the very committee he used to serve on.,true +The House has never failed to pass a budget in the modern era.,true +Bill McCollumhas recovered $200 million in Medicaid fraud.,true +Georgia has a dropout rate thats higher than Alabamas.,true +Californias credit rating is the worst in the country.,true +Rick Scotts former health care company ColumbiaHCA committed fraud.,true +Almost 1 million children ... have no health insurance in this state.,true +Fulton County has successfully reduced the number of pregnancies among 15 to 19yearolds.,true +If voters agree in November to approve a onecent sales tax increase that will give Hillsborough County the highest sales tax of all Florida counties.,true +For now we are still below average in the metro region.,true +Charlie Crist bizarrely vetoed $9.7 million for a teaching hospital at the University of Florida despite having previously argued the budget request had merit.,true +The president has added close to 68000 troops in the last year since he came into office not just the 30000 you hear but the others that were added before that.,true +The Republican Party fought very hard in the 60s to get the civil rights bill passed as well as the voting rights bill.,true +Halliburton gave Dick Cheney a $34 million payout when he left the company to join the presidential ticket.,true +Jeff Greene only moved from California to Florida in the last two years. In fact he would not legally be allowed to run for any other statewide office because he has not lived here long enough to meet the residency requirement.,true +In Hawaii they dont have a history of throwing incumbents out of office.,true +Rick Scott was forced to resign as the head of a company that pled guilty to massive amounts of systematic fraud including 14 felonies leading to a historic $1.7 billion fine.,true +Rick Scotts even saying he wants more offshore drilling.,true +Bill McCollum explained his lack of action on mortgage fraud by saying You cant do everything.,true +Texas has now the highest share of minimumwage workers in the nation.,true +Greece has a GDP the size of the DallasFort Worth Metroplex.,true +Ms. Kagan has spent her entire professional career in Harvard Square Hyde Park and the D.C. Beltway.,true +On military recruiters at Harvard Elena Kagan took a position and the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that she was wrong.,true +In the last 50 years the federal government has only balanced the budget five times.,true +We can prevent terror suspects from boarding an airplane but the FBI doesnt have the power to block them from buying dynamite or an AK47.,true +Scott Maddox is a lobbyist.,true +If you will go look up the definition of act of God weve used it in legal terms for a long time in this state.,true +Incoming House Speaker Dean Cannon and incoming Senate President Mike Haridopolos have said they plan to champion efforts next legislative session to allow oil rigs off Floridas coast.,true +At the moment energy companies spend 0.25 percent on RD.,true +Says Texas General Land Office has earned the school children of Texas $451932.89 on wind leases that havent produced a watt of energy.,true +By registration fewer than 20 percent of Florida voters are Independents.,true +Congress can tell the Supreme Court which cases they ought to hear. We have that authority.,true +Daniel Webster said hes out. Now he says hes in.,true +Fifteen years ago the assets of the six largest banks in this country totaled 17 percent of GDP ... The assets of the six largest banks in the United States today total 63 percent of GDP.,true +Republican challenger Bill Flores has never once voted in a general election in our district.,true +Bill Young uses his campaign money for among other things a luxury car.,true +By the end of Governor Rick Perrys term he will have drained Texas taxpayers ... of more than $360000 to pay for the rental mansion he has been living in while the historic Governors Mansion is repaired.,true +Thanks to you in under one week we have the largest GOP Facebook page in the Governors race,true +No member of the American public has ever been killed by commercial nuclear power a record unmatched by other fuels.,true +If the spaceshuttle program is terminated Russia and China will be the only nations ...with the capability to launch humans into space.,true +I never had a filibusterproof Senate.,true +Crist sent his top policy staffer to the House Committee to testify in support of the proposal then vetoed the bill.,true +John Paul Stevens is the only Protestant on the U.S. Supreme Court.,true +President Obama himself attempted to filibuster Justice Alito who now sits on the Supreme Court.,true +Says that under a new program jail time for nonviolent mentally ill offenders has been reduced by 50 percent.,true +Says Holly Turner failed to vote in five straight Republican primaries.,true +Snitker has been virtually ignored by the major media.,true +The Senate Republican education plan is an unfunded mandate for local school districts.,true +With this reform every insured American gets valuable consumer protections and every uninsured American can become insured.,true +Farouk is on fire.,true +On the day that the Republican state leader resigned in disgrace a ShredIt truck rolled up to Republican headquarters.,true +Actually Reagan was a Democrat before he was a Republican.,true +Since that famous day in February where the governor campaigned with Barack Obama on behalf of the stimulus program 211000 Floridians have lost their jobs.,true +Just this week we received the news that for the first time Social Security is now paying out more in benefits than its taking in. That was something that was supposed to happen in 2016.,true +Marco Rubios income skyrocketed while his power increased.,true +Our national debt ... is on track to exceed the size of our entire economy ... in just two more years.,true +The Associated Press called Charlie Crists attacks over the top out of context and not true.,true +Says she was the the only Democrat who voted against the Wall Street bailout.,true +The cost to implement Floridas class size amendment so far has been $16 billion.,true +The health care bill will subsidize families of four that make more than $80000 a year.,true +There will be no public funding for abortion in this legislation.,true +In Texas schools do not even have to teach sex education.,true +As Floridas CFO I shut down Krakows scam and refunded more than $1.2 million to Josephine and other victims of this con man.,true +Because of a local version of Amendment 4 the taxpayers of St. Pete Beach have had to pay hundreds of thousands in legal bills.,true +House Appropriations Chair David Obeys partial earmark ban wouldnt apply to 90 of earmarks.,true +Health insurance companies costs are only 4 percent of all health care spending.,true +If we just froze spending at 2007 levels ... by 2013 we would balance the budget ... and by 2020 we would cut the national debt in half.,true +Nearly all of the top 50 prescribers of oxycodone in the United States are in Florida.,true +The Florida Legislature raised taxes and fees by almost $2 billion in the 2009 session.,true +When Social Security started age expectancy for the average man was 58. It was 62 62 for women.,true +Theres almost 1 million Texans who are unemployed and thats an alltime record number in our state.,true +Texas has installed more wind power than any other state and all but four countries.,true +Says Gov. Charlie Crist has called him a rock star.,true +Debt has almost doubled in Austin under Gov. Perry.,true +Washington cannot hide from the fact that Congress hiked the national debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion. They cannot hide from the fact . . . that the budget that theyre going forward with has more than a $5 trillion in debt in it over the next five years.,true +The lifespan of the average American is less than that of people in nations that spend far less on health care. ... To put it bluntly we spend more and die sooner.,true +Due to ... tax cuts and lower property values 2009 property taxes were almost $3 billion below 2007 property taxes.,true +We are now seeing a decrease in violent crime.,true +Her opponent zero times a judge zero rulings zero experience on the bench.,true +Says Paul Workman voted in the Democrat primary supporting Democrats with his vote.,true +Speaker Rubio supported gun restrictions that included background checks and waiting periods.,true +Since 1981 reconciliation has been used 21 times. Most of its been used by Republicans.,true +Bill McCollum voted four times to raise his own pay by a total of $51000 and earns a congressional pension worth more than $75000 a year.,true +In the stimulus $15 million dollars went to build a bigger better airport for the town of Ouzinkie Alaska population 165.,true +During the recent global warming summit in Copenhagen Nancy Pelosi and others stayed at a fivestar hotel on a trip costing nearly $10000 per person.,true +There have been three people tried and convicted by the last administration in military courts. Two are walking the street right now.,true +A Democratic poll operation shows that Fox News is the most trusted news operation in the country.,true +Houston is the thirdmost toxic city in the United States of America.,true +The law is very clear The monies recouped from the TARP shall be paid into the general fund of the treasury for the reduction of the public debt.,true +Some Republicans who voted against the stimulus have been all too happy to claim credit for Recovery Act projects and the jobs those projects have produced. They come to the ribbon cuttings.,true +Our Texas graduation rate ranks 43rd out of 50 states.,true +We passed without frankly the help of the Republican caucus we passed 25 tax cuts last year mostly aimed at the middle class and small businesses.,true +The State of Texas does not even use the EVerify system to determine if someone is legally in our country when they apply for a job.,true +Mr. President multiple times from your administration there have come statements that Republicans have no ideas and no solutions on health care.,true +President Obamas proposed spending freeze will only reduce the $42 trillion in government spending proposed between 2011 and 2020 by little more than onehalf of 1 percent.,true +Here in Virginia we have the opportunity to become the first state on the East Coast to explore for and produce oil and natural gas offshore.,true +We cut taxes for 95 percent of working families.,true +U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has voted nine separate times to raise the national debt ceiling.,true +PWNED House GOP Dominates Twitter YouTube Social Media in Congress.,true +Democratic presidents have been considerably more effective at creating privatesector jobs.,true +The No. 1 issue that the American people care about is getting America back to work.,true +Most Texans arent millionaires.,true +We definitely lost way more jobs in Texas this year than we gained we lost 300000 jobs in Texas alone this year.,true +No Democratic campaign for Fla. governor has ever had these kinds of resources this early on in an election cycle.,true +During his tenure as mayor he saw Houstons crime rates drop to the lowest levels in more than 25 years.,true +I havent missed a vote since 1993.,true +President Obama has broken his pledge to the American people to be transparent throughout health care reform negotiations.,true +Charlie Crist broke the quarter record for fundraising in a U.S. Senate race in Florida.,true +President Obamas proposal calls for serious cuts in our own longterm carbon emissions but China and India will still be allowed to increase their emissions.,true +The Senate health care bill does not contain limits on medical malpractice lawsuits.,true +The Senate health care bill would leave 24 million people without insurance coverage.,true +Obama has visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office.,true +Obama has admitted a cap and trade plan would cause electricity bills to skyrocket.,true +The House of Representatives does not have a prochoice majority.,true +Barack Obama wont even use the term war on terrorism.,true +Guantanamo Bay detainees will get the H1N1 vaccine.,true +President Obama campaigned on a promise to put reproductive health care at the center of his reform plan.,true +History tells us that job growth always lags behind economic growth.,true +A fairly limited number of people 25 million to 30 million will be allowed to access a national health insurance exchange.,true +A request for an increase in troops sat on desks in this White House during the presidency of George W. Bush including the vice presidents for more than eight months a resource request filled by President Obama in March.,true +The Obama administration notified Poland and the Czech Republic about cancellation of major missiledefense facilities at the last minute in midnight phone calls.,true +A report by the health insurance industry ignores some of the key policies that are part of the Senate Finance Committee bill.,true +Other Western countries have ended their Dont Ask Dont Tell policies.,true +Health care premiums for consumers have doubled since 2001.,true +Barack Obama and the Democrats have proposed a tax for not having health insurance.,true +In a nowviral video impressionable youngsters at a public school in New Jersey ... have been instructed to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama.,true +Goldman Sachs was Barack Obamas No. 1 private contributor.,true +FDR was called a socialist and a communist.,true +The Baucus bill contains provisions that would send massive federal subsidies directly to both private insurance plans and governmentchartered cooperatives that pay for elective abortion.,true +In some states it is still legal to deny a woman coverage because shes been the victim of domestic violence.,true +Mathematically the White Sox can still get in the playoffs.,true +As a candidate President Obama declared that everyone deserves access to reproductive health care that includes abortion and vowed that this right would be at the heart of his health care reform plan if elected president.,true +The claim ... that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens ... is a lie plain and simple.,true +If you already have health insurance through your job or Medicare or Medicaid or the VA nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have.,true +Switzerland and the Netherlands . . . cover all their citizens using private insurers and they do so for much less cost.,true +Since World War II only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton have had worse ratings after seven months than President Obama.,true +Pregnant women trying to buy health insurance on their own are barred from maternity coverage because they have a preexisting condition.,true +Preventive care does not save the government money.,true +Health care reform will not affect veterans benefits.,true +The health care plan for members of Congress is no better than the janitor who cleans their offices.,true +A loophole still exists which allows members of Congress and highpowered executive branch appointees to exploit insider knowledge of the financial industry in order to turn personal profit.,true +All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.,true +Now there was a time when someone like Scalia and Ginsburg got 95plus votes.,true +During a town hall meeting on health care ABC didnt even allow ads that opposed the presidents health care plan to be aired.,true +Every year tobacco kills more Americans than did World War II more than AIDS cocaine heroin alcohol vehicular accidents homicide and suicide combined.,true +Says the Congressional Budget Office estimates a capandtrade program would cost the average family the equivalent of a postage stamp a day.,true +In Texas the No. 1 name for new male babies many of whom will vote one day is Jose.,true +Obama has more czars than the Romanovs.,true +Contends that President Obama literally said if his capandtrade proposals were to pass that utility rates his words now would necessarily skyrocket.,true +In the first round of repayments from financial institutions that received TARP money the government has actually turned a profit.,true +President Obama will now own 60 percent of GM and his union buddies will own almost 20 percent.,true +The nuclear test conducted in our nation this time is the Earths 2054th nuclear test. The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council have conducted 99.99 percent of the total nuclear tests.,true +Youve heard endlessly about waterboarding. It happened to three terrorists.,true +Nobody has ever escaped from one of our federal supermax prisons.,true +The reality is we are holding some of the most dangerous terrorists in the world right now in our federal prisons including the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing the shoe bomber the Unabomber and many others.,true +Our government has now spent lent or committed $12.8 trillion in its attempt to blunt the recession.,true +The president of the United States ... agrees with me that marriage should be between a man and a woman.,true +Senators who have accepted millions in campaign contributions from the financial industry voted against allowing bankruptcy judges to modify home mortgages.,true +Washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough makes a huge difference in reducing transmission of the flu.,true +In Iraq civilian deaths incidents of bombings etc. remain very low relative to what was going on last year.,true +About halfway through fiscal year 2009 Washington has run out of money.,true +Congress shoveled $700 billion into the Troubled Assets Relief Program $325 billion of which has been spent without purchasing any toxic assets.,true +2008 was the deadliest year of the war in Afghanistan for American forces.,true +The Republican leaderships budget proposal doesnt contain any numbers.,true +Obamas budget plan would take national debt up to about 80 percent of gross national product. ... Historically its been about 40 percent.,true +Warren Buffett still does support me.,true +Tens of billions of dollars from taxpayerfunded bailouts ... flowed straight through AIG into the coffers of foreign corporations and foreign banks.,true +AIG said they were giving $57 million in retention payments to people who were being terminated.,true +Last week the Blue Chip Economic Indicators came out that surveys lots of private forecasters. Almost all of them are predicting a turnaround in the third quarter and positive growth in the fourth quarter.,true +I dont do earmarks. Ive never done one. Im not going to do one.,true +Amiddleclass family donates $1 to charity they get 15 cents off their income tax. Bill Gates donates $1 to charity he takes 35 cents off his income tax.,true +Teddy Roosevelt first called for health care reform nearly a century ago.,true +The president campaigned against this type of legislation.,true +We are making the largest investment in education in our nations history.,true +The omnibus spending bill has 9427 pork barrel items.,true +When the salmonella source was finally identified FDA officials had to wait for industry approval before they could go live with the peanut recall.,true +If we got solar energy from an area of the Southwestern desert 100 miles on a side that would be enough in and of itself to provide 100 percent of all the electricity needs for the United States of America in a full year.,true +Putting three Republicans in my Cabinet...is unprecedented.,true +The stimulus bill contains $20 million for the removal of small to mediumsized fish passage barriers and $25 million to rehabilitate offroading trails for ATVs.,true +To give the proposed economic stimulus plan some perspective if you started the day Jesus Christ was born and spent $1 million every day since then you still wouldnt have spent $1 trillion.,true +Democrats have said that even one hearing on the stimulus bill would be one too many and that we have a single day to approve these five complex propositions that will affect the lives of millions.,true +The Capitol was built by slaves.,true +Geithner still didnt correct the same type of error for some years even after the Internal Revenue Service flagged him for the failure to pay the taxes in other years.,true +Sen. Obama has never taken on his party leaders on a single major issue.,true +Fidel Castro has made his preferences known in the campaign and had some very unkind things to say about me.,true +John McCains health care plan wont guarantee coverage of cancer screenings or maternity care.,true +Medicare spends $15billion a year on subsidies to insurance companies.,true +98 percent of small businesses make less than $250000 and would not see a tax increase under Barack Obamas plan.,true +Congressman John Lewis an American hero made allegations that Sarah Palin and I were somehow associated with ... the worst chapter in American history. ... And Senator Obama you didnt repudiate those remarks.,true +Under Barack Obamas health care proposal if youve got a health care plan that you like you can keep it.,true +Barack Obama voted against born alive legislation in Illinois that was virtually identical to the federal law.,true +Two years ago...I wrote to Secretary Paulson I wrote to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke and told them subprime lending is something we have to deal with.,true +Senator McCain has been talking tough about earmarks and thats good but earmarks account for about $18billion of our budget.,true +I have disagreed strongly with the Bush administration on this issue of global warming.,true +John McCain voted against funding the troops because of . . . a timeline in it to draw down American troops.,true +You ... said that Barack Obama was not ready to be commander in chief.,true +Barack Obama ... 96 percent of his votes have been solely along party line.,true +Palin supports aerial hunting of wolves and other wildlife.,true +Palin proposed a $150 bounty for the severed foreleg of each killed wolf.,true +Says that under his tax plan seniors making less than $50000 per year wont pay any income taxes.,true +The average South Korean is3 inches taller than the average North Korean a huge gulag.,true +John McCain wants to give oil companies another $4billion in tax breaks.,true +Grateful insurance company executives and their lobbyists from Bermuda gave McCain $50000.,true +Obamas tax plan cuts taxes for 95 percent of all working families.,true +John McCain said last year he didnt know of a solution to the mortgage crisis.,true +My grandfather came home from ... World War II exhausted from the burdens he had borne and died the next day.,true +Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said quote I cant stand John McCain. ,true +That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay.,true +Governor Palin is the most popular governor in the country.,true +Sarah Palin already has more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined.,true +As governor Ive stood up to ... the big oil companies.,true +Joe Biden voted against the first Gulf War. He opposed the surge. He wanted to partition Iraq.,true +Sarah Palin has had 12 years of elected office experience.,true +When oil and gas prices sent state revenues up Palin sent a large share of that revenue directly back to the people of Alaska.,true +John McCain has voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time.,true +McCain voted 19 times against a minimumwage increase.,true +Today we import triple the amount of oil than we had on the day Senator McCain took office.,true +Three years ago John McCain said Afghanistan we dont read about it anymore in papers because it succeeded.,true +Biden is one of the least wealthy members of the U.S. Senate.,true +McCain said he was stumped when asked whether contraceptives help stop the spread of HIV.,true +Less than four cents of every health care dollar is spent on prevention and public health.,true +We spend more on health care than any other country but were ranked 47th in life expectancy and 43rd in child mortality.,true +More than 12500 service men and women have been discharged on the basis of sexual orientation since the Dont Ask Dont Tell policy was implemented at a cost of over $360 million. Many of those forced out had special skills in high demand such as translators engineers and pilots.,true +Says McCain once said that on the most important issues of our day Ive been totally in agreement and support of President Bush.,true +Sen. McCain was already turning his sights to Iraq just days after 911 and he became a leading supporter of an invasion and occupation of Iraq.,true +The musical Mamma Mia has been selling out for years.,true +John McCains top foreign policy adviser lobbied for... the Republic of Georgia and McCain has mirrored the position advocated by the government.,true +McCain is raising campaign cash with one of Jack Abramoffs closest business partners scandalplagued conservative activist Ralph Reed.,true +McCain opposed a requirement that the government buy Americanmade motorcycles. And he said all buyAmerican provisions were quote disgraceful. ,true +We could save all the oil that theyre talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tuneups.,true +Obama said his proposed $1000 emergency energy rebate will be enough to offset the increased cost of gas for a working family over the next 4 months.,true +I have repeatedly said that many of the predatory loans that were made in the mortgage system did target AfricanAmerican and Latino communities.,true +McCain got more money from Airbus U.S. executives than any other politician.,true +Wild Bill Hickok had his first duel in the town square here. And the family legend is that he is a distant cousin of mine.,true +Says Obama has flipflopped on public campaign financing.,true +For at least a year now I have called for two additional brigades perhaps three.,true +McCain has switched to Obamas position on more troops to Afghanistan.,true +Obama worked with Sen. Dick Lugar a Republican to help lock down loose nuclear weapons.,true +Says Obama flipflopped on warrantless wiretapping.,true +U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan include a few thousand that are still green card holders who are not even citizens of this country.,true +McCain tells of a fellow Vietnam POW who was beaten for fashioning an American flag that became an inspirational symbol to fellow POWs.,true +The legislation ... that Senator McCain supports would provide the authority for the federal government to surveille American citizens in their own country without any suspicion whatsoever that theyre engaging in discussions with terrorists or about criminal activity.,true +He wont even support his colleagues ... motion to censure the Bush administration for systemic repeated illegal wiretaps.,true +Says Obama opposes offshore drilling and a gas tax holiday.,true +When he was asked a few years ago whether he could see himself lifting the cap on the payroll tax McCain said I could. But today hes attacking me for holding the very same position.,true +You know the approval rating of Congress is down to 13 percent.,true +More than half of all black children live in singleparent households a number that has doubled doubled since we were children.,true +I joined the Gang of 14 seven Republicans seven Democrats so that we wouldnt blow up the United States Senate. Sen. Obama had the opportunity to join that group. He chose not to.,true +John McCain stood up to the president and sounded the alarm on global warming ... five years ago.,true +John McCain opposed bankruptcy protections for families who were only in bankruptcy because of medical expenses they couldnt pay.,true +The U.S. Navy has sailed ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them and weve never had an accident.,true +When the United States invaded Iraq Saddam Hussein wanted to acquire weapons of mass destruction and he said so himself after his capture.,true +Obama voted to support President Bush between 40 and 50 percent of the time over the past two years.,true +John McCain decided to stand with George Bush 95 percent of the time last year.,true +John McCain has not led on nonproliferation issues when he had the chance in the Senate.,true +Sen. Obama has been to Iraq once.,true +McCain hired some of the biggest lobbyists in Washington to run his campaign.,true +When McCain was questioned about hiring lobbyists to his campaign staff his top lobbyist actually had the nerve to say The American people wont care about this. ,true +Ten years ago John McCain offered a bill that said he would ban a candidate from paying registered lobbyists.,true +Sen. Obama has declared and repeatedly reaffirmed his intention to meet the president of Iran without any preconditions.,true +NATO hasnt provided enough troops in Afghanistan because they are still angry about us going into Iraq.,true +McCain sought the political support of minister John Hagee who believes Hurricane Katrina was Gods punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church the Antichrist and a false cult.,true +Every family health insurance policy has a $900 hidden tax to subsidize health care costs of the uninsured.,true +Tax rates were significantly higher in the 40s the 50s and the 60s.,true +Hillary Clinton advocates a freeze on foreclosures. Barack Obama said no.,true +A year ago in March 2007 I called for immediate action to address abuses in the subprime market and I laid out detailed concrete proposals for how to do so.,true +As a state senator he Obama even refused to support a measure to stop sex businesses from opening near schools or places of worship,true +Hillary Clinton has taken over $800000 from lobbyists.,true +Barack Obama accepted $200000 from executives and employees of oil companies.,true +Again today Ahmadinejad made light of 911 and said that hes not even sure it happened and that people actually died.,true +The United States is seeing greater income inequality now than any time since the 1920s.,true +Says she is the subject of 60 books.,true +Obama served on a board with former Weather Underground member William Ayers and that relationship with Mr. Ayers on this board continued after 911.,true +McCain opposes a womans right to choose.,true +John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,true +The Childrens Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children.,true +Iraq is costing each household about $100 a month.,true +Obama spent 40 percent of the PAC money 43 percent to be exact on Iowa New Hampshire Nevada and South Carolina politicians.,true +Obama did accept donations from lobbyists and PACs and he spent money in this campaign from that through his political action committee.,true +I am a candidate. I have not withdrawn.,true +John McCain and George Bush have absolutely no plan for universal health care.,true +Obama says Clinton in 2002 suggested there was a connection between alQaida and the Iraqi government.,true +Ive spent 20 years devoted to working on behalf of families who are having a tough time and are seeking out the American dream.,true +John McCain says its okay with him if the U.S. spends the next thousand years in Iraq.,true +Says Clinton did not read the National Intelligence Estimate before voting for the Iraq war.,true +Could I just point out that ... I seem to get the first question all the time,true +He Obama chairs the subcommittee on Europe. ... Hes held not one substantive hearing to do oversight.,true +Clinton said great things about NAFTA until she started running for president.,true +We send a billion dollars to foreign countries every day because of our addiction to foreign oil.,true +Hes been endorsed by every major newspaper here in the state of Texas.,true +She flunked the D.C. bar exam.,true +John McCain said publicly that Hillary Clinton would make a good president.,true +Hillary Clinton has the only health care plan that covers every American.,true +Senator Obama has in fact never had a serious Republican challenger.,true +Hillary Clinton starts off with 47 percent of the country against her.,true +Im the only Republican who has gotten endorsements in this presidential race from major labor unions...,true +When I was in college we used to take a popcorn popper . . . and we would fry squirrel.,true +One man sacrificed for his country. One man opposed a flawed strategy in Iraq. One man had the courage to call for change. One man didnt play politics with the truth. One man stands up to the special interests.,true +Sen. Obama has always had a 100 percent prochoice rating.,true +In the Illinois Legislature Barack Obama voted present instead of yes or no on seven votes involving abortion rights.,true +John McCain has said the economy is not his strong suit.,true +John McCain was even mentioned as a running mate with John Kerry.,true +Hillary Clinton actually differed with John McCain by arguing for exceptions for torture before changing positions.,true +Hillary Clinton agreed with John McCain on voting for the war in Iraq.,true +Twothirds of our economy is a consumer economy.,true +Mitt Romney previously believed that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. Now he is prolife.,true