diff --git "a/false-cleaned.csv" "b/false-cleaned.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/false-cleaned.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2501 @@ +Statement,Label +Italy announced they are changing LGBT Pride month to Family Pride Month in order to celebrate traditional families.,false +Video shows cattle killed by COVID19 vaccines.,false +The family separation policy actually began under the Obama administration.,false +Video muestra un arresto de inmigrantes en Florida.,false +Footage shows Canadas wildfires were planned.,false +A movement representing minor attracted people has adopted a flag that is being integrated into LGBTQ advocacy.,false +President Joe Biden showed signs of cognitive decline when he walked away from an Air Force Falcons presentation with a jersey snubbing a signed football and helmet.,false +The wildfires in Canada were planned.,false +The COVID vaccine has been proven to have negative efficacy.,false +Jamie Foxx tras una coagulacin de sangre en el cerebro habra quedado ciego y paralizado debido a una dosis de vacuna contra el coronavirus.,false +New tapes of Nancy Pelosi show that the Jan. 6 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol was all planned.,false +Photos show Target selling childrens clothing with satanic imagery.,false +Disney acaba de publicar que no puedes entrar a sus parques en Florida y California sin que tus hijos reconozcan que no le pueden llamar a un nio l o ella.,false +Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was caught on tape saying he discarded 2.5 million mailin ballots in Texas.,false +Having biological boys in their locker rooms is a reason why a third of our teenage girls seriously contemplated suicide last year.,false +In a simulation an AIenabled drone operated by the U.S. Air Force killed its operators and started taking out communication towers.,false +Jamie Foxx left paralyzed and blind from blood clot in his brain after a COVID19 vaccine injection.,false +The European Union is now warning pregnant women not to get the COVID19 vaccine due to the possibility of infertility and miscarriage.,false +Photos show Elon Musk and his company are in the final stages of making a Robot Wife.,false +The U.S. takes 87 of all the prescription medications in the world.,false +Video shows boxes of books removed from a middle school library that were banned by the DeSantis regime in Florida.,false +La guanbana es considerada como la quimioterapia natural.,false +30 tons of lost ammonium nitrate on a Californiabound train suggest an orchestrated conspiracy.,false +PopTarts and other foods have antifreeze in them.,false +Video shows officials in Maricopa County Arizona illegally breaking into voting machines.,false +Theres not been a single book banned in the state of Florida.,false +ChickfilA just hired a VP of Diversity Equity and Inclusion.,false +Roseanne Barr made a video of a rainbow in a sprinkler questioning what the heck is in our water supply.,false +Arizona BANS Electronic Voting Machines.,false +Si trabajaste en el ao 2020 puede ser que te deban muchsimo dinero a travs de un crdito que est activo hasta ahora.,false +House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for the immediate expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason against the United States.,false +Says Ron DeSantis said Puerto Ricos flag cant be displayed in Florida.,false +Rep. Eric Swalwell DCalif. is facing charges after lying to Rep. Jim Jordan ROhio.,false +Estas imgenes tomadas con 100 aos de diferencia muestran que el nivel del mar no ha subido.,false +Adam Schiff just got served with a $16 million fine for Russia collusion investigation.,false +Says Bill Gates visited Jeffrey Epsteins Island 37 times.,false +50 U.S. politicians who received satellite phones were taken to an undisclosed government bunker facility to ensure a Continuation of Government.,false +1000000 Ukraine soldiers wiped out,false +If you shopped at Walmart in 2022 you could be entitled to a $500 refund,false +North Korean leader Kim Jongun just ordered the evacuation of the capital city.,false +U.S. destroyer recently fired at an armed Iranian ship.,false +A list shows violent crimes in Los Angeles that people will be set free on as of today.,false +Video shows a U.S. military member opening a border gate and allowing immigrants to enter the country illegally.,false +Ron DeSantis firm una ley para prohibir exhibir la bandera de Puerto Rico en pblico.,false +The NEXT pandemic is here and children are the target says Bill Gates.,false +Dr. Sebi was killed for revealing the truth about the health benefits of burdock plants.,false +An Arizona judge was forced to overturn an election and ruled 274000 ballots must be thrown out.,false +Estados Unidos en peligro advierte el presidente y llama a todos a defender el alma de Estados Unidos.,false +The best type of drinking water is H3O2 from fruits a more structured form of water.,false +Says a report shows that Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients,false +COVID19 vaccines administered during pregnancy drove an increase in cases of myocarditis in babies.,false +Tuckfriendly bathing suits at Target are available in kids sizes.,false +A bill in Connecticut that changes the definition for sexual orientation would protect minor attracted persons from discrimination.,false +La gente que se sube al coche manteniendo las ventanas cerradas inevitablemente aspirar en rpida sucesin excesivas cantidades de benceno.,false +U.S. military is now testing soldiers for AIDS after DOD database reports 500 increase in HIV since the COVID vaccine rollout.,false +CNN announces today there will be no more live audiences at town halls.,false +Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posed improperly with South Korean National Assembly Speaker Kim Jinpyo because he had a bit too much to drink.,false +Chinese communist troops on the ground at U.S. southern border.,false +This video shows empty shelves at a Florida grocery store because truckers said they were not delivering anything to Florida ,false +El Congreso ha aprobado un seguro de salud gratis con cobertura mdica dental y de visin.,false +A European study has found COVID vaccines could be causing longterm brain damage.,false +Pregnant women getting the Tdap vaccine voluntarily are quite literally the experiment.,false +JUST IN A MASSIVE CARAVAN of illegal aliens is forcing their way into the US,false +FedNow is a new monetary system thats going to cost you.,false +We are about 1 degree Celsius above the coldest its been in the last 10000 years and thats why we shouldnt be panicking.,false +New Washington state law allows government to take away minors from parents if they refuse to agree to gendertransition surgery.,false +Jamie Foxx is on Life Support in ICU at this hour Family is preparing for the worst.,false +Photo shows former President Donald Trump in the hood.,false +NCAA strips Lia Thomas of National Championship After Unfavorable Test Results.,false +Video shows Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion in a health care fraud settlement involving COVID19 vaccines.,false +California has approved $1.2 million in reparations for every Black resident.,false +Hillary Clinton has Parkinsons disease.,false +Video shows Fox News host Sean Hannity saying an impostor is pretending to be President Joe Biden.,false +NASA is just a film studio and all they do are movies.,false +The sun prevents skin cancer.,false +Este video muestra gente saliendo de Florida por nueva orden que se aprob ley antimigrante.,false +Video shows Elon Musk saying I just unbanned President Trumps Twitter and I already have crybaby liberals threatening to quit Twitter.,false +Both murderers in Texas were not only illegals but gang members and were most likely tied to MS13.,false +En China se estn fabricando huevos artificiales para el consumo humano.,false +Tropas estadounidenses se preparan para una pandemia zombies.,false +Duke Health UNC Health and ECU Health in North Carolina are diagnosing toddlers who play with stereotypically opposite gender toys as having gender dysphoria and are beginning to transition them,false +Goldfish crackers contain a dangerously high amount of weed killer.,false +Photo shows first person from a Honduras caravan to be granted asylum in the U.S.,false +The Democratic Party just confirmed Michelle Obama will be its nominee and nobody noticed.,false +Robot attacks factory worker in video.,false +Video shows House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announcing U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi will be impeached.,false +A robot with artificial intelligence selfterminated after 15 minutes of manual labor.,false +Chelsea Clinton said Its time to forcejab every unvaccinated child in America.,false +Video shows the Grim Reaper appearing at King Charles IIIs coronation.,false +Dropped globe in video shows NASA astronauts filming in TV studio.,false +Video shows a fight breaking out in a U.S. House of Representatives committee hearing.,false +Photo shows migrants heading to U.S. border in May 2023.,false +Says U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason.,false +Video shows U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn receiving an ovation after confronting U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi.,false +mRNA in food is being tested by USDA now.,false +U.S. Marine Corps arrested a CDC official.,false +Fauci DOD and CDC funded deadly pathogen research at Sudan lab,false +Simulation with fictional virus shows what theyre preparing for us in 2025.,false +Walmart stores are being converted to FEMA camps to imprison Americans.,false +Kobe Bryant was killed as a setup to stop him from testifying.,false +The phone President Richard Nixon used to talk to the first astronauts on the moon is evidence the 1969 moon landing was faked.,false +Video shows U.S. Rep. Doug Collins exploding with rage after Pelosi admits dirty squad plan for Trump impeachment.,false +Video shows House Speaker Kevin McCarthy calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to step down.,false +Apeel es una compaa fundada por Bill Gates que utiliza mono y diglicridos txicos para enfermarte.,false +Video shows Ukraine was nuked.,false +NASA just announced a 100footwide fissurecrack just opened up Yellowstone volcano in 24 hours.,false +En WhatsApp puedes leer todas las conversaciones de tu pareja solo tienes que marcar 785 el nmero de su celular y listo.,false +Emergency stimulus loans are finally available to U.S. citizens up to $5000 even with poor credit.,false +Breaking Trump quietly announces Hillarys prosecution is moving forward.,false +Video shows people collapsing because of COVID19 vaccines.,false +A Minnesota lawmaker introduced a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate against child rapists.,false +Former President Barack Obama was arrested after his campaign took $30 million illegally from Commie China fugitive.,false +The World Economic Forum and the United Nations have ordered world governments to ration peoples water supply.,false +A Florida elections bill guts everything instead of getting tough and doing what the people want same day voting Voter ID proof of Citizenship paper ballots hand count etc..,false +El nuevo WhatsApp de 2023 permite ver con quin estn hablando tus contactos en vivo.,false +The ocean is flat and contained by land features that jut up from a flat not spherical earth.,false +Healthy pilots are suffering from myocarditis and dropping dead on flights because of the COVID19 vaccines.,false +When fentanyl burns it smells like popcorn.,false +ChickfilA donates another $1.8 million to antiLGBTQ groups backtracking on its promise not to.,false +Este video ensea las primera palabras de Gustavo Petro junto a Joe Biden.,false +Israel is banning Christianity.,false +1900 food production companies have been destroyed as part of conspiracy.,false +Dr. Anthony Fauci admits that mask mandates were a broad spectrum failure.,false +Los prstamos de estmulo de $50000 finalmente estn aqu,false +Brain aneurysms are a serious and common COVID19 mRNA vaccine injury in young people.,false +People are participating in National Rape Day on April 24.,false +Bill Gates is coating your organic produce with a dangerous chemical.,false +U.N. calls for decriminalizing sex with minors.,false +Scientists struggle to understand why Antarctica hasnt warmed for over 70 years despite rise in CO2.,false +La Reserva Federal present su nuevo sistema de pagos que va a sustituir al sistema bancario actual.,false +Extraterrestres reales de visita.,false +A video proves that our own government is acknowledging that theyre spraying the skies with toxic chemicals.,false +Nueva ley de perdn est eliminando hasta $15000 de deuda para todos los estadounidensescualquier categora aplica.,false +La Asociacin Nacional de la Deuda ... recientemente aprob un programa de alivio de la deuda para todos los que tengan ms de $10000 en deuda en tarjetas de crdito.,false +Hay restos de una nave nodriza gigante ocultada por la NASA en Marte.,false +Video shows Russian President Vladimir Putin talking in English about U.S. democracy.,false +The U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for COVID19 research in Ukraine months before the virus was known.,false +Video shows Kenyas president saying he will get rid of U.S. dollar.,false +Elon Musk is offering people the opportunity to make $1 million in 90 days while sleeping in.,false +In America our own central bank digital currency system is going to be launching July 1. Its called the FedNow payment system.,false +Cash App founder Bob Lees death is connected to FedNow.,false +Florida emergencia Huracn Ian golpe directo.,false +A video shows a steamroller destroying Bud Light cases in relation to AnheuserBuschs partnership with a trans person.,false +Abortion pills are dangerous and 1 in 5 women will suffer a complication.,false +Lead paint was not banned to protect childrens health but because it would protect people from radiation.,false +Actions of the Tennessee state legislators who protested against gun violence were at least equivalent to the actions of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.,false +Nike lost a lawsuit against antisemitism and has to give away gift cards to its customers.,false +Video shows footage of the war in Ukraine.,false +Canada just made it illegal to protest against the LGBT,false +La OTAN ordena apuntar misiles a Rusia y Putin ordena a su ejrcito invadir Finlandia,false +Joe Biden liberar a reos tras visita de Marco Rubio a El Salvador.,false +When migrants arrived on Marthas Vineyard They called out the National Guard and deported them within 24 hours.,false +A photo shows Jeffrey Epstein with four boys on a beach.,false +Video shows HAARP gets destroyed by protesters.,false +AnheuserBusch CEO resigns after Bud Light partners with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney.,false +U.S. public schools dont teach the Declaration of Independence.,false +There have been no new COVID19 variants since Dr. Anthony Fauci retired.,false +Report proves that COVID19 vaccines caused 300000 excess deaths in 2022.,false +President Trump is officially a political prisoner.,false +La mayor parte del fentanilo que llega a los puertos de Estados Unidos viene desde Canad.,false +A video shows President Joe Biden getting off plane with little boy dressed like girl.,false +Video clip shows that protesters in Tennessee made their way onto the state capitol floor.,false +The FedNow program is going to replace your paper currency.,false +Pelosi cries like a kid after Trumps lawyer proves her client innocence.,false +Brittney Griners shocking detention photos leaked online.,false +Hay un nuevo virus regado en China donde los humanos se convierten en zombis.,false +Solar companies have to give solar panels away for completely no net cost.,false +DO Black credit card is part of a government plot to control peoples lives.,false +Enorme ejrcitos polacos de 100 mil entran en la frontera rusa.,false +Video shows President Joe Biden talking about what stable Jesus said about airports.,false +Photo of person holding sign shows the shooter who killed six people at a Nashville Tennessee school.,false +Images show a great white shark on the beach in North Carolina.,false +Video shows zombie virus outbreak in China.,false +Climate change is caused by corporations using weather modification patents.,false +Images show Putin has been arrested.,false +The gay dating app Grindr says if Florida doesnt stop passing homophobic and transphobic laws theyll reveal every Republican legislator and party official who secretly uses the app.,false +Congress has officially banned TikTok.,false +Trump just shared a bombshell letter from Stormy Daniels debunking DA Braggs case.,false +At a top robotics company in Japan this week four robots being developed for military applications killed 29 humans in the lab.,false +Violent crime in Manhattan is now at a record level.,false +No one got a dime from the $70 million raised for the Florida Disaster Fund.,false +Silicon Valley Bank donated $73M to BLM Movement,false +You can get vaccinated by sleeping with somebody who is already jabbed with an mRNA vaccine. Its called shedding.,false +Charles Darwin predicted a subspecies of humans will deny biology and attempt to undo the centuries of human development by rewriting history.,false +TV host Dr. Phil endorsed a 2023 seniors benefits program.,false +Former President Donald Trump said any indictment of me is an indictment of you.,false +Video shows Trump supporters lining up on Fifth Ave in Manhattan on Sunday.,false +Former President Donald Trump issued a statement threatening to leak interesting videos of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.,false +Elon Musk tweeted he would buy Joint Commission and let nurses have drinks at their station.,false +Photo shows Magic Johnson donating blood to help underprivileged communities help fight COVID19.,false +Former President Donald Trump tweeted The storm is upon us.,false +Photo shows former President Donald Trump detained by police.,false +USA gives final warning to Uganda to legalize homosexuality or no aid.,false +Kari Lake called Trump the fattest president since Taft in a 2016 tweet.,false +Were just burning 300 gallons of jet fuel to deice this clean energy wind turbine that needs 80 gallons of synthetic oil to operate.,false +A $2 million grant for Georgias DeKalb County amounts to a private takeover of election offices.,false +More cops are killed responding to domestic violence calls than anything else.,false +Elon Musk bans Greta Thunberg from Twitter.,false +Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster.,false +Clinton ally mysteriously dies.,false +Photos of the Statue of Liberty taken in 1920 and 2020 show that the sea level hasnt changed.,false +The left is determined to erase Mount Rushmore from our history books.,false +Audio captures former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama debating Michelle Obamas gender.,false +Elon Musk tweeted The world is flat.,false +The Simpsons predicted money missing from Bank of America customers accounts in January.,false +The View settles with the Rittenhouses for $22 million and a formal apology.,false +Video shows that certain drinks can test positive for COVID19 when using athome COVID19 tests.,false +The 2020 election could not have been fair because Los Angeles County agreed during litigation that there were 1.2 million ineligible voters after the election.,false +Elon Musk to acquire Facebook soon.,false +Ashli Babbitt is alive and well.,false +Video shows Elon Musk endorsing an antiaging remedy.,false +Bill Gates claims to be a valid representative of the pharmaceutical industry because he read a lot of books about that topic.,false +The January 6 committee disbanded immediately after the new footage was released.,false +U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley made U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland cry at a committee hearing.,false +The five people that died in that plane crash were supposed to go to Ohio to test the water the soil and the air quality in East Palestine.,false +Tammy Baldwin wants to take away Medicare and Social Security.,false +Breaking John Fetterman RESIGNATION Announcement.,false +Says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he wants Americas sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine.,false +In Ohio there are 75000 acres of farmland fertile farmland that are all now being poured down with acid rain.,false +Muslims by the millions are converting to Christianity.,false +Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine Ohio to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment.,false +The Justice Department has been calling parents that are concerned about what their kids are being taught they are labeling them terrorists.,false +Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show.,false +BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.,false +Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter.,false +Rifles were involved in 297 deaths in the U.S. in 2022 and constipation killed 2167.,false +Drinking or using tap water treated with chlorine is dangerous because chlorine is a poison.,false +Joe Biden described America as the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.,false +Kid Rock tweeted Some people wouldnt recognize tyranny if it slapped a mask on their face made them stand 6 feet apart and forced them to take a vaccine for a virus with a 99.8 survival rate.,false +Former President Donald Trump was the 1st president in U.S. history to acknowledge that children are being sold for sex in the U.S. while President Joe Biden rescinded Trumps executive order that helped combat child sex trafficking.,false +Says Elizabeth Warren said Allowing Republicans to vote could threaten the integrity of an election.,false +53 of Americans made aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story would have changed their vote in 2020.,false +The laws governing Agenda 2030 land development allows the government to seize polluted lands and move their residents to smart cities.,false +Apple will pay customers $700 for a sloweddown iPhone.,false +President Joe Biden admits to faking the election.,false +In Australia a 17 increase in heart attack deaths in the first eight months of 2022 is linked to COVID19 vaccination.,false +Clinton aide found dead tied to tree in apparent murder.,false +Every single one of former President Barack Obamas Medal of Freedom recipients in this video was on Epsteins flight logs.,false +Student ID cards are a source of fraud at the polls.,false +George Soros has endorsed Ron DeSantis for 2024.,false +Joe Biden changes the name of Black History Month.,false +Bigbox stores are refunding and crediting customers for fraud and discrimination.,false +Audio is a record of Biden trying to cover up his stolen documents crime.,false +Andrew Tate was released from prison and proven not guilty.,false +Photo shows what railways in Ohio look like while we send $40 billion to Ukraine.,false +Because the Covid shots are still manufactured under the Emergency Use Authorization they can change up to 49 of the ingredients without FDA approval.,false +Leaked audio recording of Biden and Zelenskyy talking in private.,false +A photo shows President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy holding hands.,false +The U.S. State Department has started a special immigrants visa evacuation operation.,false +Richard Belzer died because of a COVID19 vaccine.,false +Brown v. Board of Education was never about sending Black children to white schools. It was about parents being able to decide where to send their children to school.,false +Biden admin negotiates deal to give WHO authority over US pandemic policies.,false +One man was actually killed during 2020 protests of police brutality in Raleigh,false +Video shows the earthquake in Turkey.,false +Mickey Mouse to be replaced as official Disney mascot.,false +The dog dewormer fenbendazole can cure cancer in humans.,false +The average tax for billionaires is about 3 which is a lower tax than a schoolteacher or a firefighter.,false +Seven ecological disasters in less than 2 weeks. We are under attack.,false +KFC tweeted an image of a chicken drumstick for Black History Month.,false +A photo shows birds that dropped dead in Kentucky after the train derailment in Ohio.,false +Criminal caught after cutting off 37 man buns.,false +The city of Atlanta is banning the word women.,false +At the World Economic Forum Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel admitted that his company produced 100000 doses of COVID19 vaccines in 2019 before the pandemic started.,false +In Australia All joggers must wear a helmet.,false +Mother Teresa sold babies.,false +Its President Biden who is proposing to cut Medicare Advantage.,false +Michigan State University suspect is 22yearold Raymone Jordan.,false +Humans are not causing climate change. Magnetic pole shifting is causing havoc worldwide in weather climate earthquakes tsunamis etc.,false +The earthquake in Turkey is a scripted use of geo engineering weather modification HAARP,false +The Michigan State University shooter is a 21yearold man named Lynn Dee Walker.,false +Gen. Mark Milley never served in combat.,false +A photo shows a deputy U.S. marshal keeping a close eye on President Joe Biden at the State of the Union address on Feb. 7.,false +A video shows a dog trying to reach her puppies after the TurkeySyria earthquake.,false +100 of COVID deaths in Canada now due to mRNA vaccine.,false +Photo shows former President Donald Trump and Mexican President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador kissing.,false +President Joe Biden cheated on his taxes and got away with it.,false +NASA Curiosity finds Nazi helmet on Mars.,false +Joe Bidens wide open southern border is to blame for fentanyl deaths in the U.S.,false +There are no humans on the International Space Station.,false +An ingredient in some of ChickfilAs dipping sauces can cause serious health problems.,false +In the past two years democracies have become stronger not weaker. Autocracies have grown weaker not stronger.,false +Mark Zuckerberg launched a platform last month that allows each user to earn from $500 a day without even leaving home.,false +Joe Biden closed schools during the COVID19 pandemic.,false +Unusual cancers are exploding right into stage 4 and those cancer cells have the spike protein.,false +Photo showing Game of Thrones characters depicts victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.,false +Backyard chicken flocks have stopped laying eggs and the feed is responsible.,false +You know how many children are dying across Virginia because of fentanyl poisoning A heck of a lot more than are dying at the hands of guns.,false +Pfizer just got caught doing gain of function to mutate covid intentionally for vaccines.,false +Diamond and Silk pundit died from COVID19,false +A vigilante shot down the Chinese spy balloon in an extraordinary act.,false +Illinois received $5.1 billion at an elementary school there that used it for equity and diversity.,false +President Joe Biden said The idea that were going to send in tanks to Ukraine thats called World War III.,false +Pregnancy tests include a hidden Plan B pill.,false +More classified documents were found at the University of Delaware the equivalent of a tractor trailer worth.,false +U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing 40 years in prison and deportation after seven new crimes uncovered.,false +The officers who beat Tyre Nichols targeted him because he was allegedly dating one of their wives.,false +The largest contributor to the debt ceiling or to our deficit has been the Trump tax cuts.,false +Doctors say colon cancer is on the rise due to toxins absorbed while cooking food in the microwave.,false +Video shows people collapsing because of COVID19 vaccines.,false +The government caused a fire at Hillandale Farms in Connecticut so that they can force us into eating their fake GMO meats or starve us into compliance.,false +U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez tweeted that Instagram needs to TERMINATEa rightwing media page posting CONSERVATIVE content.,false +BREAKING GOP approves resolution to expel Omar from Congress Its over for her,false +The Georgia High School Association started issuing a sudden cardiac arrest awareness form in the wake of COVID19 vaccines.,false +Video shows a man burning the Quran in Sweden.,false +Video shows Congress erupting over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruzs remarks.,false +Sameday voter registration does not allow election officials to verify the validity and accuracy of voter information.,false +Global warming is a fraud.,false +Biden smirks while saying he has added more to the debt than any president before him.,false +Glenn Youngkin is the first sitting Governor in the modern era to have their party have less legislative seats than when they were elected.,false +President Joe Biden said To the Ukrainian people I say to them all you might you might they they might be able to make right and theyre not able to.,false +This photo shows former President Donald Trump last week.,false +The amount the U.S. has spent in Ukraine is double the U.S. expenditure for its own war in Afghanistan.,false +President Joe Biden signed an executive order making health insurance free for qualifying Americans.,false +Scientists warn eggs are causing thousands of people to suddenly form blood clots.,false +The average American has anywhere from 5 to 15 pounds of stool stuck in their gut.,false +The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.,false +The Transportation Security Administration spent a couple hundred million dollars on genderneutral screening technology.,false +Video shows hecklers shouting profanities at President Joe Biden.,false +Aretha Franklins 1968 song A Natural Woman deemed offensive by trans community.,false +Video shows Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez crying after Ted Cruz gets up and humiliates her to her face.,false +In California there were 10 million mail ballots unaccounted for in the November midterm election.,false +People not vaccinated against COVID19 came out the best.,false +Electrically charged stones discovered in Congo.,false +Andrew Tate officially gets sentenced to 15 years in prison Found guilty.,false +Chickens arent laying eggs because RNA is being added to commercial chicken feed.,false +Polio wasnt eradicated in the United States by a vaccine.,false +Christine Grady is the head of NIH.,false +The U.S. chicken and egg shortage is linked to Bill Gates.,false +Lets be clear drag shows are strip shows.,false +Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome and stroke season didnt exist before the COVID19 pandemic.,false +NOAA makes it official CO2 warming is a hoax.,false +Historic photos are evidence these celebrities were cloned.,false +Video proves Greta Thunberg is a crisis actor.,false +Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can be tracked throughout prehistoric eras.,false +A video shows wreckage of the recent plane crash in Nepal.,false +MRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply.,false +The Federal Aviation Administration widened its electrocardiogram parameters for pilots because a substantial number of airline pilots have had serious heart damage from COVID19 vaccines.,false +Almost every study now has said with these new boosters youre more likely to get infected with the bivalent booster.,false +Harvard Medical School students learn how to care for LGBTQIA infants.,false +A video shows a real angel in the sky in Palestine.,false +A video shows the deadly Jan. 15 plane crash in Nepal.,false +CNN reported that Damar Hamlins doctor confirmed his cardiac arrest was caused by a COVID19 vaccine booster.,false +Document shows that Hunter Biden paid Joe Biden $50000 a month in rent.,false +Greta Thunberg staged an arrest in Germany.,false +Joe Biden as vice president didnt have the right to declassify documents.,false +More contraception availability increases abortion demand.,false +Walmart is giving some women $500 grocery store credit as part of a discrimination settlement.,false +The World Economic Forum hired unvaccinated pilots to fly people into Davos Switzerland for its annual meeting for safety reasons.,false +Americans who worked through the pandemic are being paid up to $26000 by qualifying for the Employee Retention Credit.,false +Every single Republican blocked Ketanji Brown Jacksons SCOTUS appointment.,false +Video shows Elon Musk talking about what every failed leader he met had in common.,false +The White House is now attempting to ban all gas ovens and burners.,false +Coronavirus is a Latin word for heart attack virus.,false +Cellphone data used to arrest the Idaho quadruplemurder suspect proves that criticism of the 2000 Mules movies use of cell data is unfounded.,false +The election in Brazil was very clearly a rigged election.,false +MMA fighter Victoria Lee died because of a COVID19 vaccine.,false +Parents that go to school board meetings and question the curriculum are being flagged by the Department of Justice and the FBI for attending a meeting.,false +COVID19 vaccines provide zero benefit relative to risk for the young and healthy.,false +Photo shows a copycat QAnon shaman at attack on Brazils capital.,false +A $5000 stimulus loan is available.,false +Tee Higgins isnt even leaving the hospital till he knows Damar Hamlin is OK.,false +Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican requested that President Biden not attend Benedicts funeral.,false +There have been 1598 athlete cardiac arrests since Jan 2021. 69 fatal.,false +Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlins collapse was caused by the COVID19 vaccine.,false +After Joe Biden became vice president at the behest of his father he gave his uncle Frank H. Biden a Purple Heart for serving in the U.S. military during World War II.,false +Says he has been to Afghanistan Iraq and those areas twice as president.,false +Tesla launched a cryptocurrency platform that aims to help families become wealthier.,false +A video shows Rep. Matt Gaetz threatening Robert Mueller with jail time.,false +Elon Musk said I predict that I will buy tomorrow the entire Meta company.,false +People who stole U.S. Postal Service uniforms are posing as postal workers and robbing people at gunpoint.,false +The FDA finally came out and said that Pfizers COVID shot causes blood clots.,false +A video shows Jim Jordan saying the 2020 election was stolen.,false +A video shows migrants faking tears for news cameras.,false +Elon Musk said In some parts of the world journalists get murdered for crossing the wrong people.,false +Russias Army was destroyed.,false +Cellphones can be used to pop popcorn kernels.,false +A video shows Nancy Pelosi unveiling a portrait of former U.S. Energy Department employee.,false +A wellcrafted garlic salve can heal any ailment of the lungs and respiratory system.,false +Human traffickers are putting toxinlaced tissues on gas pumps and door handles then waiting for potential victims to pass out.,false +The COVID19 vaccines were linked to the deaths of 80 Canadian doctors.,false +There are a record high cases of flu in the U.S. this year and last year there were none.,false +Stephen Boss died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Video shows Sen. John Kennedy telling Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas You will be impeached.,false +Kari Lakes lawsuit exposes Arizona used no signature verification.,false +Englands Oxfordshire County Council has passed a trial climate lockdown confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.,false +Pfizer confirmed stiffperson syndrome is an adverse effect of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Grant Wahl died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +The Federal Reserve has suspended the availability of new currency.,false +Large machinery is required to move 500000 pounds of earth in order to get the minerals needed for one single Tesla car battery.,false +The war in Ukraine is all over.,false +This video shows Chuck Grassley demanding Joe Bidens resignation.,false +Recent blood clots or strokes in four major athletes are an unwanted effect of COVID19 vaccines.,false +The Human Meat Project is using donated bodies and organs to create alternative meat consumption options.,false +Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla resigned saying mRNA vaccines are not safe.,false +Katie Hobbs signing Arizonas election certification was unconstitutional.,false +Elon Musk tweeted The Democrats paid the CEO Jack Dorsey of Twitter millions of dollars to block and delete peoples pages during the 2020 election.,false +Since the COVID jabs were rolled out at least 1.1 million Americans have died suddenly.,false +Fluctuating vote count in Fox News coverage of the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff is evidence of voter fraud.,false +Video shows a child telling Jill Biden to shut up during a speech.,false +Video shows former President Donald Trump saying he just cant be upset with Kanye West.,false +Fluctuating Georgia U.S. Senate runoff vote count is evidence of election fraud.,false +Holiday heart syndrome is a cover for deaths caused by the COVID19 vaccine.,false +On the day of the Dec. 6 runoff armed groups of Black Panthers were reportedly patrolling certain voting locations in Georgia.,false +Marjorie Taylor Greene quoted Adolf Hitler on Christianity.,false +Canada is allowing children to seek out medically assisted death.,false +A photo shows a CIA agent impersonating Adolf Hitler.,false +Says Hitler said Black people are the true Hebrews.,false +The law prohibits current Secretary of State Katie Hobbs from overseeing the election while she was a candidate for governor.,false +The border wall and the Remain in Mexico policy reduced illegal immigration by 90.,false +Only about 20 of people who apply for asylum qualify for it.,false +They removed your ability to go buy firearms the day of election.,false +There may be a new pandemic on the way after the release of a 50000yearold zombie virus.,false +Arizona midterm election was unlawful because the lab used to certify voting machines was not accredited.,false +I think President Trump came out four times and condemned Nick Fuentes.,false +Country singer Jake Flint died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Suggests virologists death is linked to COVID19 vaccines.,false +Disney pushes We love Satan in new family Christmas movie.,false +Elon Musk said hes buying Snapchat.,false +Maricopa County announced that on Election Day over 540000 voters visited one of the 223 vote centers but final official results data claimed that only 248070 people voted.,false +Saudi team gets $460K RollsRoyces for upset win.,false +Climate change is dictated by solar activity and the moon and has nothing to do with mankind.,false +Qatar refused to receive the German national teams plane which bears the gay logo which forced them to return the plane to the airport of the Sultanate of Oman.,false +Images of a woman having bloody makeup applied show fake combatant photos in Ukraine.,false +The Biden administration is deporting Cubans because Cubans by and large are conservatives.,false +Suggests 108 FIFA registered playerscoaches have died because of COVID19 vaccines.,false +The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario suggested that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and in need of psychiatric medication.,false +Joe Biden is being investigated for human trafficking and is guilty.,false +John Kerry at COP27 climate summit spoke about wanting to wipe out the middle class get you under the central banking digital currency system.,false +Video shows Arizona ballots break chain of custody in Arizona.,false +Sunny Hostin of The View admitted to voter fraud.,false +Increases in respiratory syncytial virus in children are linked to the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Ballots recovered from a Santa Clara County California ravine are evidence of how the left cheats to win.,false +The World Health Organization director general confirmed some countries are using boosters to kill children.,false +Video is evidence of a recent increase in robberies in Spain by migrants from the Middle East and Africa.,false +President Joe Biden said I know you all know theres no climate problem proving that people have been lying for decades about climate change.,false +Republicans want to raise the voting to age 28.,false +Biden child porn shock headline was front page news in Australia.,false +Its proof of voter fraud that it takes some states days to count 2 million votes while Florida results were available on election night.,false +A livestream failing in Nevada is one of the ways blue states steal elections.,false +Footage shows Dallas pollbooks fraudulently adding hundreds of voters in real time as the poll was being closed.,false +The CEO of FTX is the daughter of the chairman of the SEC.,false +U.S. tax dollars sent to help Ukraine were laundered back by cryptocurrency firm FTX to help Democrats in midterms.,false +Iran sentences 15000 protesters to death.,false +The death of a 4yearold who appeared in vaccination campaign posters is linked to vaccines.,false +We waited 24 hours and got a measly 62k votes in Maricopa County,false +Maggie Hassan won 1100 votes from town with population under 700.,false +A New York election results map is evidence of fraud.,false +Many elections in Bexar are being called with 0 of precincts reporting I smell MAJOR FRAUD,false +When 36 of the vote was in Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro had 370706 votes and 56.6 of the vote while Doug Mastriano had 844669 and 41.6.,false +Image shows Arizona gubernatorial candidate and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs in the room where ballots were being counted in Maricopa County.,false +Glitches with voting in Arizona New Jersey and Texas are proof the election is rigged.,false +In his election as governor We won cities that no Republican had ever won.,false +Photo shows latenight operatives moving vanloads of suspicious ballots way after legal deadline in Detroit.,false +A dead man on the ballot is evidence the Democrats cheated in the election.,false +A video shows a whistleblower creating fraudulent military ballots during the 2020 presidential election.,false +No Sharpies on ballots permitted for inperson voting in Illinois.,false +Video shows a faulty New York voting machine invalidated a GOP vote in governors race.,false +Its a sign of fraud that in 244 counties across the United States there are more registered voters than there are people legally eligible to vote.,false +Electronic voting machines didnt allow people to vote in Maricopa County Arizona.,false +John Fetterman is suing for the right to cheat and steal the election.,false +In Detroit people are showing up to vote only to be told sorry you have already voted.,false +Image shows that the New Mexico secretary of state counted more than 17 million registered voters in a state with a population of about 2 million.,false +The COVID19 vaccine for children is proving to be not only ineffective its also proving to be dangerous.,false +There is no chain of custody for ballots placed in Box No. 3 at Maricopa Arizona polling sites.,false +Video suggests GOP voters denied access in general election.,false +A wax figure of Ye was removed from Madame Tussauds museum but a figure of Adolf Hitler remained.,false +Delayed election results are proof of fraud.,false +Suggests that since mostly Democrats vote early then that represents madeup ballots or dead people voting.,false +Theyre trying to rig the election again Do not trust the Soros funded voting machines,false +Joe Biden and the New Left even promote surgery on teens and young adults removing breasts and genitals.,false +There are no greenhouse gas emissions in this photo of cows grazing.,false +The United States is about to run out of diesel fuel ... by the Monday of Thanksgiving week.,false +Kamala Harris said disaster aid should go to nonwhite citizens first.,false +Photo shows Stanford scientists 3D model of how Joseph the husband of Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ might have looked.,false +Brazils presidential election was stolen.,false +Former President Jimmy Carter said dont ever use mail in ballots because they can be so easily corrupted.,false +The FBI took over the investigation into the attack on Paul Pelosi because San Francisco authorities werent sticking to Nancy Pelosis talking points.,false +Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro will hold a press conference to announce military audit of controversial election may arrest criminal judges.,false +Two thirds of eligible voters dont vote.,false +Tony Evers wants to let out between 9000 and 10000 more Wisconsin prisoners,false +Biden and Democrats have dismantled border security.,false +Reuters reported that Nancy Pelosi bought 10 million shares of cannabis stock.,false +The media reported on 5 TikTok dances you can do to help Ukraine fight Russia.,false +Freedom of Information Act requests show a dozen phone calls between the cell phone of Ray Epps and the office of Speaker Pelosi in the week before January6th,false +Over 240000 unverified ballots have already been sent out in Pennsylvania a total mess. The Democrats are playing games again.,false +Australian officials are giving cows mRNA vaccines.,false +J.D. Vance said nothing about the attack on Paul Pelosi.,false +Leaked audio tape of the 911 call from the Paul Pelosi attack has surfaced. The call proves that the liberal media has lied about what really happened.,false +Said Katie Hobbs fought to prevent students from learning about the Pledge of Allegiance Constitution Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence.,false +Julie Powell died from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +PayPal has reinstated its policy to fine users $2500 directly from their accounts if they spread misinformation.,false +David DePape stripped down to his underwear grabbed a hammer and jogged all the way to Nancy Pelosis house.,false +If Proposal 3 passes it would allow children to undergo genderchange therapy without parental consent,false +I dont get involved in the hiring and firing of police chiefs.,false +Document shows Rebekah Jones demonstrated a violation of Floridas Whistleblower Act.,false +A photo shows David DePape filming the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.,false +California state Sen. Scott Wiener doesnt just want to sterilize California kids but sterilization of kids everywhere,false +Hecklers chanted f Joe Biden during a Barack Obama speech.,false +The Pelosis are refusing to turn over surveillance video of their home.,false +Video shows Marjorie Taylor Greene planted pipe bombs at Republican and Democratic party headquarters on Jan. 5 2021.,false +Video shows military robots ready for war.,false +All Democrats in the Senate and House voted to cut $280 billion out of Medicare just two months ago.,false +Kim Reynolds doesnt think nurses are educated.,false +Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sent 6000 wrong ballots to Republicans.,false +McDonalds uses potatoes sprayed with a highly toxic pesticide called Monitor.,false +Facebook changed its name because it is a dead entity whose assets were seized.,false +The price of gas is down from over $5 when I took office.,false +Its not that there is no evidence the election was stolen but that no court had the guts to HEAR the evidence. They dismissed the cases NOT the evidence.,false +Former President Donald Trump issued an Oct. 27 statement saying he was told his Twitter account will be back up and running on Monday.,false +The documentary 2000 Mules proves Democrats cheated on the 2020 elections.,false +Connecticut ballot initiative on early voting would remove the requirement of a certified seal from certain ballots.,false +DJ Mighty Mouse died because of a COVID19 booster vaccine.,false +Photo shows a man who tortured his daughters rapist.,false +PCR tests used to put luciferase in the brain.,false +Proposed Senate bill would give FDA power to approve dietary supplements and ban herbs.,false +Photo shows Russian soldiers with a Ukrainian girl celebrating their human trophy.,false +The COVID19 vaccine caused Katy Perrys eye to close during a recent show.,false +Ukraine has a nuclear bomb primed in Mykolaiv.,false +Ballots are mailed unconstitutionally to every voter in Colorado.,false +The Bill Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $200 million for digital IDs as part of a shift toward a totalitarian society.,false +A video shows that a Nuremberg 2.0 crimes against humanity trial starts Jan 2023.,false +Cheri Beasley was encouraging riots all across our state and all across our country in 2020.,false +Student loan forgiveness is passed. I got it passed by a vote or two. And its in effect.,false +Video shows paratroopers crashing in Uganda.,false +Wikileaks releases moon landing cut scenes filmed in the Nevada desert.,false +Nancy Pelosi purchased 10000 shares of Amgen manufacturer of Nplate a drug used to treat radiation sickness.,false +When electric cars get in accidents they explode they catch fire very very badly because of the lithium batteries.,false +For climate change environmentalists not a single one of their predictions ever come true.,false +The diphtheria vaccine is a poison dart with side effects worse than the symptoms of diphtheria.,false +Bodybuilder died from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +A CNN headline shows Ugandas president saying he doesnt support Ukraine because it would be disgusting.,false +Suggests that an immigrant charged with sexually assaulting a child entered the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration.,false +Immigrants illegally in the country are treated better than military veterans.,false +Volodymyr Zelenskyy was photographed holding a soccer jersey with his name and a swastika.,false +Its impossible for colloidal silver to turn you blue.,false +Millions of people from International Monetary Fund member countries are at risk of being placed in COVID camps.,false +There were two shooters in the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.,false +Haitian singer Mikaben died because of the COVID19 vaccine,false +On Oct. 19 Donald Trump tweeted Thank you Elon Musk Im back,false +Video shows California sets their own forest fires and claims them as climate change effects.,false +An antivaccine activist documented intimidation tactics used against her the day before she was killed.,false +Video shows Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting he failed Americans during the pandemic when unnecessarily forcing masks.,false +California is registering noncitizens to vote and has refused to cooperate with the Federal Election Integrity Program.,false +Suggests fentanyl not Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd,false +Kamala Harris said We have to acknowledge gas is high which is the opposite of low.,false +Covid vaccinations now prohibited in people under 50 in Denmark.,false +Video footage showing Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi hiding on Jan. 6 2021 shows the U.S. Capitol attack was a setup.,false +Theres a coincidental correlation between COVID19 vaccines and a spike in cancer in adults younger than 50.,false +Kid Rock posted Zelensky just bought his parents an $8000000 villa complete with a salt water pool 3 brand new vehicles.,false +Seattle authorities are investigating a string of serial killings.,false +Ministros de Defensa de OTAN deciden invadir a RUSIA para prevenir ataque de Putin.,false +The Electronic Registration Information Center is a system thats funded by George Soros.,false +If a sealed bag of raw poultry appears puffy it means the protein is not safe to consume.,false +Video shows gunfire in Venezuela.,false +Trump woken up from his bed by police.,false +Pfizer executive admits vaccine was never tested for preventing transmission.,false +Premature babies are at a much higher risk of injury from immunizations than fullterm babies.,false +Donald Trumps rally just got shut down after no one shows up.,false +In Germany millions of solar panels are blanketed in snow and 30000 wind turbines are sitting idle because theres no wind.,false +Says Adam Laxalt said it is good news that a lot of those Hispanic small businesses never reopened after the pandemic.,false +Merrick Garland catches Trump planning to flee.,false +The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department coordinated with a group called the Election Integrity Partnership to censor Joe Bidens opponents.,false +Theres evidence of a massive transfer of completed curated ballots that are fraudulent in the 2022 election.,false +The Great Reset advocates replacing capitalism with an economic system that is kind of socialism kind of communism but mostly just fascism.,false +55000 years ago the world was 2 degrees warmer Celsius than it is today.,false +Wiley Nickel supports abortion all the way up until the point of birth even postbirth.,false +Californias Senate Bill 107 means your child can now be taken from your custody if you do not affirm genderreassignment surgery.,false +Donald Trump is back on Twitter thanks to Elon Musk.,false +Norway readies its military to counter Biden.,false +The Jan. 6 hearing was abruptly canceled after it was revealed that news networks would not be showing it.,false +Buzz Aldrin admitted that the moon landing didnt happen.,false +Judge Aileen Cannon loses her license.,false +Antony Blinken confesses that Biden is responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline leaks.,false +Defibrillators are being installed all over the U.K. after a childs death which may be why the UK suddenly stopped COVID19 vaccination for children under 11 years old.,false +George W. Bush was photographed talking into the wrong end of a phone.,false +The COVID19 vaccine caused J.J. Watts atrial fibrillation.,false +2018 interview shows Bill Gates has changed his position on clean energy,false +Video shows Rand Paul telling Nancy Pelosi shes a traitor.,false +A 1956 video warned about COVID19.,false +Florida schools were still open during the start of the hurricane.,false +Joe Biden said of Jill Biden She was 12 I was 30.,false +Kamala Harris said about Hurricane Ian that if you have a different skin color youre going to get relief faster.,false +A Stockton California council member said theres a serial killer in Stockton.,false +There are giant human caucasian skeletons in Ohio that predate any known civilizations.,false +CDC says 60 of Americans have parasites.,false +President Joe Biden admitted having an inappropriate relationship with a minor.,false +The Russian army has surrendered in Donetsk,false +America now has a government that forbids border agents from using deadly force but is training IRS agents to use SWATteam tactics on lawabiding citizens.,false +Ron Johnson has voted against funding for law enforcement and recently opposed a plan to recruit and train new officers ,false +Father danced for his daughter at her grave after she was killed during recent protests in Iran.,false +North Korea sent more than 100000 troops to Russia for the Ukraine War,false +Sen. Raphael Warnock voted with Biden to slash Medicare spending.,false +The true meaning of Hurricane or Herricane is the spirit of the African woman who has been stolen.,false +Vladimir Putin is fleeing the war,false +Pelosis panel ready to arrest Trump.,false +Footage NASA shared from the DART spacecraft just before it crashed itself into an asteroid isnt real.,false +President Xi of China under house arrest amid coup by the PLA.,false +Video shows Italians take down an EU flag and replace it with an Italian flag after the 2022 national election.,false +As Hurricane Ian approached President Joe Biden said a vital part of preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated now.,false +A news anchor warned that if Hurricane Ian moves 20 miles to the west you and everyone you know are dead.,false +In the United Kingdom Charles cedes throne to William immediately.,false +Joe Biden blamed Elton John for AIDS.,false +Breaking Judiciary Democrats just voted to support noncitizens voting in our elections.,false +Soursop cures cancer.,false +Jeffrey Epsteins lawyer became a federal judge and was the person to sign off on the MaraLago search warrant.,false +Ballot harvesting altered the outcome of a city council election in Yuma County Arizona.,false +Barron Trump has been kicked out of school for fees.,false +Chinese military convoy enters Ukraine from Russia.,false +Photo shows fighting in Ukraine.,false +Video shows an invasion of crocodiles that has flooded the beaches of Brazil and caused residents to panic.,false +Marthas Vineyard deported 50 illegals after only 24 hours.,false +Meghan Markle wasnt allowed to attend Queen Elizabeth IIs funeral.,false +Once every thousand years your age your year of birth every person 2022.,false +Marthas Vineyard used the military to deport every last illegal migrant from their island.,false +Nostradamus accurately predicted Queen Elizabeth IIs passing.,false +Nancy Pelosi almost burst out into laughter at the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex in Yerevan.,false +Photo shows Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles bowing to Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I.,false +Supreme Court just voted to ban condoms.,false +All banks will soon have to turn over all coins to federal government ahead of pivot to using only electronic transactions.,false +A royal guard member collapsed because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Photo shows Queen Elizabeth II checking the oil of a car.,false +Trump lawyers all quit on him at the same time.,false +To qualify for Ohio SNAP benefits now a family of 3 can make up to $3660 a month and it used to be $2700 so its gone up almost $1000 a month.,false +A CNN report on 911 proved that a plane never hit the Pentagon.,false +The FBI confirmed that Ashley Biden said her father molested her.,false +The pope Xi and Putin all meet to plan world events,false +Under new Illinois law these crimes are nondetainable Burglary robbery arson kidnapping DUI offenses even DUI involving a fatality most drug offenses and even 2nd degree murder.,false +Everyone but Trump invited to royal funeral.,false +Photos show Queen Elizabeth II was a Luciferian.,false +Nancy Pelosi set to resign from Congress as Trump files impeachment lawsuits against her.,false +Donald Trump said I never told anybody but she knighted me in private.,false +Following protests in Grand Rapids Michigan in 2020 Democratic U.S. House candidate Hillary Scholten dismissed the destruction and praised the rioters.,false +Joe Biden appointed a satanist to the White House.,false +Joe Biden called Pope Francis the famous African American baseball player in America.,false +Says of 911 Two planes cant cause three buildings to collapse in freefall time.,false +Photo shows Queen Elizabeth II meeting Donald Trump wearing a brooch given to her by Barack Obama.,false +Photo shows Queen Elizabeth II being carried across a river by African porters.,false +A BBC radio station resumed playing dance music after announcing Queen Elizabeth II had died.,false +Video shows Queen Elizabeth II feeding Africans like chickens.,false +The federal government is providing free solar panel installation and $8500 incentive checks to eligible homeowners.,false +Astronaut Karen Nyberg filmed what was supposedly a video from space in front of a green screen.,false +Says President Joe Biden recently said that 48.8 of Wisconsin voters are threats to democracy.,false +Video shows Hillary Clinton dressed as a space cult leader in a satanic ritual.,false +Russia has not lost anything in its invasion of Ukraine.,false +Video shows there werent Marines present during a recent speech by Joe Biden.,false +The Russian army is withdrawing from Ukraine in September 2022,false +Here in Nevada the DMV registers everybody to vote and so that means illegals. They dont check.,false +Executive Order 14067 will allow the federal government to turn on and turn off your money.,false +Queen Elizabeth died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +The U.S. Elon Musk reveal new hypersonic jet to help Ukraine.,false +The National Institutes of Health adds ivermectin to list of COVID approved treatments.,false +Walmart management is helping with rising prices with $500 grocery cards for $2.,false +Bank of America announced a new mortgage home loan program for firsttime homebuyers. But only blacks and Hispanics will be eligible.,false +Says Mandela Barnes supports stripping health care away from millions.,false +Waterfueled car can travel from LA to NY on 22 gallons.,false +The public health order Title 42 is the last tool Border Patrol has to stop the overwhelming flood of illegal immigrants pouring into our country.,false +Documents prove White House behind entire FBI targeting of Trump. Biden lied.,false +The IRS is hiring 87000 new agents to police people who will owe more federal tax after having their student loans forgiven.,false +Fox News sought the legal right to tell lies.,false +El Presidente de Rusia Vladimir Putin anuncia que se arrepiente de invadir Ucrania.,false +The U.K. is no longer recommending the PfizerBioNTech COVID19 mRNA vaccine for pregnant women.,false +An obscure filing with the Federal Election Commission shows Biden has formally announced his bid for another term.,false +Starbucks just announced that theyre going cashless.,false +Student debt relief is taxable by the Internal Revenue Service.,false +Instagrams precise location feature can be used by criminals to target victims.,false +Modernas lawsuits against PfizerBioNTech shows COVID19 vaccines were in the works before the pandemic started.,false +Nearly half of pregnant women in Pfizer trial miscarried.,false +Screenshots show that conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro received more than $20000 in Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness.,false +If your bodys pH is alkaline you cannot get cancer. And if you have cancer it goes away.,false +Video shows Tucker Carlson speechless in interview with a guest.,false +The COVID19 pandemic was planned and a 2019 simulation called Event 201 was a rehearsal for it.,false +Charlie Crist supported Bidens agenda to defund the police.,false +U.S. is testing new most deadly nuclear bomb from B1B Lancer.,false +The deaths of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski RInd. and actor Anne Heche are suspicious and linked because they partnered fighting against pedophilia.,false +Image shows Trump is representing himself in a lawsuit against the United States government related to the FBI search of his Florida home.,false +US Army in Ukraine.,false +Marjorie Taylor Greene was raided by Joe Bidens DOJ last night.,false +In England COVID19 vaccinated children are 4423 more likely to die of any cause and 13633 more likely to die of COVID19 than unvaccinated children.,false +Image shows Floridas antiwoke banned book list.,false +A New England Journal of Medicine study found that vaccinated people are 5X more contagious than the unvaccinated 10 days after SARSCoV2 infection.,false +Biden is adding more IRS agents to investigate your taxes than we have detectives investigating every crime in the country.,false +Violent crime is at an alltime high.,false +Congress just voted to exempt themselves from IRS auditing of their personal finances.,false +Video claims Google Street View shows Antarctica with green vegetation and brick buildings.,false +Free health allowance is available at no cost.,false +People born before 1957 are getting $1728 added to their Social Security checks.,false +96 of U.S. climate data is corrupted.,false +The Inflation Reduction Act expanded free health insurance to Americans under 65.,false +COVID19 vaccines are responsible for the health problems featured in recent news reports.,false +Tulsi Gabbard Venmos Nancy Pelosi $600.01 forcing the IRS to audit Pelosis finances.,false +Video shows Steve Bannon crying Trump is going to jail.,false +Photos show an IRS agent training class.,false +El congreso acaba de aprobar un reciente proyecto de ley para todos los que tengan ms de $10000 de deuda.,false +Amazon is running a promotion and giving away random packages for just $1,false +Video shows Mitch McConnell saying Nancy Pelosi should be jailed,false +Ted Cruz erupts as FBI director tries to defend Biden over MaraLago raid in video.,false +Video shows former President Barack Obama sharing how to mislead the public.,false +Leaked messages between former President Barack Obama and Judge Reinhart foreshadowed the unlawful raid on former Trumps MaraLago estate.,false +The Congressional Budget Office says 90 of the revenue generated from the new IRS agents will come from people making less than $200000 and the revenue generated will be $300plus billion.,false +Theres polio in New York Citys tap water.,false +Rep. Adam Kinzinger admits Trump won the 2020 presidential election.,false +Anne Heche was murdered by the illuminati because she was working on a movie about Jeffrey Epstein.,false +Reuters reported that White House employee Andrew Bates did use Nazi symbolism in a recent tweet.,false +The COVID19 vaccine caused Ashton Kutcher to lose vision hearing and ability to walk.,false +Empty store shelves at a Walmart in South Carolina were because of a meat shortage.,false +They put monkeypox in the water in Atlanta.,false +Donald Trump Jr. tweeted While my father loves almost all his supporters please do not come to MaraLago to support President Trump. We have many important people coming through the club and need to keep it clean.,false +Video shows Ron DeSantis arguing with Sean Hannity,false +Bill Gates and AOC say that a cow emits more pollution than a car.,false +Brian Kemp wants to investigate and punish women for having miscarriages.,false +Boston Childrens Hospital is now offering genderaffirming hysterectomies for young girls.,false +The government is arming up the IRS because Joe Biden is raising taxes and disarming Americans.,false +A photo shows Ghislaine Maxwell and Bruce Reinhart.,false +Pennsylvania sent out 1823148 mailin ballots. They got back 2589242.,false +Electric cars in California are not sustainable as only 10 of their batteries are recyclable and the state cant recycle them.,false +Urgente China confirma la invasin de Los ngeles y Baja California Prepararon 1000 destructores,false +Former President Donald Trump asked for troops around the Capitol to make sure everyone is safe on Jan. 6 2021 but was turned down by the Democrats.,false +Video shows Clark County poll worker acting illegally by asking people to place their ballots into a bag outside of a drop box.,false +Photo shows electric cars that were bought for civil servants in France and then abandoned because it was too expensive to replace the batteries.,false +Ted Cruz leaks new document obtained from Hunters laptop implicating Nancy Pelosi.,false +Urgente China prepara un ataque nuclear desde el espacio Nueva York en alerta roja,false +Photo shows a massive crowd at a Trump rally in Wisconsin on Aug. 5 2022.,false +Overturning Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional action by the Supreme Court.,false +There is documentation of bull sharks in the Great Lakes.,false +The Senate Democrats reconciliation bill will strip $300 billion from Medicare.,false +Biden wants to give illegals ID cards so they can start collecting American benefits.,false +Suggests root canals are linked to breast cancer.,false +Congratulations to the IRS on winning the $846.3 million Mega Millions Jackpot.,false +The CDC has classified monkeypox as an airborne form of herpes that can lead to paralysis.,false +AirPods are essentially microwaving your brain.,false +In no way shape or form is access to contraception limited or at risk of being limited.,false +Una ballena se traga a dos mujeres en California.,false +Nancy Pelosi and Democrats want to turn 150 million Americans into felons overnight with HR 1808.,false +Synthetic cyanidebased B12 is a toxic ingredient in your kids vitamins.,false +China threatens to shoot Nancy Pelosis plane down if she visits Taiwan.,false +Pens provided by Maricopa County are part of a plot to rig the Arizona primary.,false +The Atlantic published a story titled Quiet Courage of Bidens Negative Growth Economy,false +Abigail Spanberger is raking in thousands from defund the police groups because she supports defunding the police.,false +You cant pour water on flames from an electric car battery because water makes lithium burn.,false +Know what they always find in Alzheimers patients Excessive aluminum in the brain. Know what makes your body hoard aluminum Fluoride.,false +A cure for cancer known as a Rife machine was found in 1934.,false +Baby carrots are soaked in bleach and can cause cancer.,false +In its July red alert for extreme heat the U.K.s Met Office warned that high temperatures could cause blood clotting.,false +A Jackson Tennessee employee passed out this morning from handling a dollar bill with fentanyl on it.,false +Monkeypox is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer vaccine has been distributed and is being used to advance a Technocratic Great Reset.,false +Three doctors from the same hospital die suddenly in the same week after the hospital mandated a fourth COVID19 vaccine for employees.,false +Dr. Birx changes tune on COVID19 vaccines and admits vaccines dont work.,false +The entire banking system in Canada is closing down.,false +A small area in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico has enough oil to fuel America for the next 200 years.,false +Plankton in the Atlantic Ocean is 90 gone.,false +Germany weather maps show media exaggerating effects of climate change.,false +The White House is now trying to protect Joe Biden by changing the definition of the word recession.,false +Val Demings called abolishing the police thoughtful.,false +The emissions generated by watching 30 minutes of Netflix is the same as driving almost 4 miles.,false +Sen. Joe Manchin and AARP support government pricesetting schemes to divert money from Medicare to unrelated government programs or pad big insurers profits.,false +If every person on earth just recycled stopped using plastic straws and drove an electric car 100 corporations would still produce 70 of total global emissions.,false +Jill Biden makes stunning admission after President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID19.,false +The New York Times reported on a conservative activists superdiarrhea.,false +Democrats including President Joe Biden stopped domestic drilling for oil driving gasoline prices higher.,false +Tennessee court rules taxpayerfunded establishments can place signs that say No Jews allowed.,false +The gunman at Greenwood Park Mall was a CIA asset.,false +A Texas farmer was arrested for using illegal immigrants for free labor by pretending to be Joe Biden.,false +Video shows Joe Biden sleeping at the Arab Conference in Saudi Arabia.,false +An image shows Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in front of a cross with a figurine of former President Donald Trump on it.,false +Donald Trump gave a speech in Prescott Valley Arizona on July 18 2022.,false +Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy makes $11 million a month and has a net worth of $596 million.,false +Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez was faking being arrested during an abortionrights protest outside the Supreme Court.,false +Images of Plymouth Rock prove sea levels are not rising.,false +My opponent Cindy Axne has actively sought to defund the police.,false +Benadryl can be used to reduce swelling from rattlesnake bites.,false +Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6 2021 proving the attack was 100 a setup.,false +Photo shows a woman who is wanted for impersonating a nurse and kidnapping an infant from a local U.S. hospital.,false +El 11 de mayo de 1987 el London Times inform en su portada La OMS entreg 50 millones de vacunas contra la viruela del mono estas provocaron el SIDA a los africanos.,false +Jim Jordan told Alexandria OcasioCortez Youre just dumb.,false +Video shows Ukrainian air defenses in Sievierodonetsk shooting down 55 Ka 52 helicopters.,false +Antarctica is not a continent.,false +Video shows Donald Trump at an Alabama rally on July 13 2022.,false +Biden admits $5 gas is being done on purpose and this has been his plan all along.,false +R. Kelly missing after prison security verify hes escaped beneath facility.,false +KFC is giving away chicken bucket vouchers to customers who share a Facebook post before July 20.,false +If a 10yearold became pregnant as a result of rape and it was threatening her life then thats not an abortion.,false +An image shows an all aboard the Trump train truck crashed into a bridge.,false +Video shows Biden giving the same exact speech months apart.,false +Actor Tom Holland is confirmed to have died.,false +Pilotos protestan contra vacuna COVID19 en aeropuerto de Atlanta.,false +Kevin McCarthy said Nancy Pelosi should be prosecuted and jailed.,false +Adults over 51 can receive $$$ in additional spending for groceries and expenses.,false +U.S. Rep. Mayra Flores is the first Mexicanborn member of Congress.,false +The average federal income tax paid by the richest Americans is 8. If youre a cop a teacher a firefighter union worker you probably pay two to three times that.,false +ADHD does not exist.,false +Highranking Ukrainian officials caught splurging on luxury real estate in Switzerland.,false +Falleci el papa emrito Benedicto XVI.,false +Ron DeSantis still hasnt condemned the Jan. 6 insurrection.,false +Fluoride will eat a hole through concrete so its not safe for your teeth.,false +Sri Lankas president Estonias prime minister and Ukrainian diplomats were arrested.,false +Colloidal silver is harmless unless youre allergic to it.,false +Shooter in Highland Park Illinois bought the gun illegally.,false +Shinzo Abe was assassinated because he didnt mandate vaccines sent 1.6 million doses back and gave citizens ivermectin.,false +The immune system does not exist.,false +Belarus declares war on Poland.,false +A photo shows two men on the run who pretend to be homeless and then attack and rob you.,false +Elon Musks account is suspended on Twitter after backing out of $44B deal.,false +The Civics Secures Democracy Act would allow the Biden administration to buy off states with $6 billion if they adopt critical race theory.,false +Moscow was engulfed in flames after a giant explosion.,false +An image shows that following his resignation Boris Johnson has escaped to the sea.,false +President Donald Trump was in a presidential limousine as he left his Jan. 6 2021 rally at the White House Ellipse.,false +Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students professors to register political views with the state.,false +Fox offers Chris Wallaces Sunday spot to Candace Owens.,false +Images show Highland Park shooter had antifa connection,false +Ukrainian attack destroys skyscraper in Moscow.,false +Peter Meijer voted to create the Adam Schiffled January 6th Commission.,false +Claims the U.S. military is using polymer drone flies that look and act like a large fly.,false +Video shows the aftermath of a mass shooting in Harrisburg Pennsylvania.,false +Video shows Russian artillery tanks completely destroyed by Bayraktar TB2 drones on July 2.,false +Says an image shows the Highland Park shooting suspect in jail or rehab or a psychiatric center before the shooting.,false +The cost of a Fourth of July cookout in 2022 increased by 67.2 because of inflation.,false +Plan B can cause an abortion. Its right there on the box.,false +The Founding Fathers of the United States intended that the church is supposed to direct the government.,false +An image shows a UFO photographed on June 21 2014 by the pilot from the cockpit of an F16 military plane flying near Lackland Air Force Base of the United States located in San Antonio Texas.,false +J.K. Rowling tweeted If you American birds could keep your legs closed then maybe you wouldnt need abortions in the first place,false +This is the 911 call placed by the migrants trapped in the truck found in San Antonio.,false +Esta grabacin muestra una llamada al 911 de los migrantes atrapados en un camin en San Antonio Texas.,false +Trump is addressing to the nation today.,false +No one with a concealed carry permit ever committed a mass shooting.,false +Photo shows a trashed venue in Glastonbury after climate activist Greta Thunberg spoke there.,false +Iceland declares all religions are mental disorders.,false +Weve got a parole board right now that has released 20 cop killers in the last two years under Hochul.,false +American oil is more affordable than foreign oil.,false +According to International Olympic Committee data an average of 29 athletes under the age of 35 suffered sudden death per year from 1966 to 2004. From March 2021 to March 2022 769 athletes have died or suffered cardiac arrest.,false +Joe Bidens margin of the less than 21000 votes in Wisconsin was the tightest of any state in 2020.,false +Gas in Canada is $9.00 a gallon.,false +An image shows gas prices on Jan. 6 2021.,false +A compilation of images shows what Joe Biden has done to our country.,false +Prince Harry and Meghan have finally signed the divorce papers.,false +Thousands of cattle that recently died in Kansas werent killed by the heat.,false +Waiting periods for gun purchases may not make a difference because If somebodys decided that theyre gonna take their life theyre gonna take their life.,false +The impact of President Biden being beholden to the Green New Deal radicals in his party has electricity costs through the roof in Texas.,false +Photo shows Kim Jong Uns weight loss,false +U.S. House of Reps. votes 226194 to criminalize disassembling cleaning and reassembling your gun without a firearm manufacturers license including 8 Republicans,false +Photo shows U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert with two scantily dressed men.,false +A Big Boy restaurant sign said Donald Trump was right when he predicted if Biden was elected youd see $5 $6 and $7 gas.,false +95item list of fooddestroying incidents demonstrates that you are duped if you think they arent planning a food shortage.,false +The Pentagon finally comes clean and admits...that there are 46 U.S. militaryfunded biolabs in Ukraine,false +Justin Biebers Ramsay Hunt syndrome and Hailey Biebers blood clot were caused by COVID19 vaccines.,false +President Biden confirmed everyone will receive their $1k gas checks this week,false +When Joe Biden walked into this administration 20 million people were on unemployment insurance benefits.,false +Image shows Paul Pelosi bruised in a booking mugshot.,false +Not a single person in the crowd on January 6 was found to be carrying a firearm. Not one.,false +There are more females on Facebook than alive in the world.,false +Donald Trump authorized up to 20000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol before Jan. 6 2021 but was rejected by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.,false +Bennie Thompson actively cheerled riots in the 90s.,false +A quarter of the entire acreage in the country that is under hemp production is here in North Carolina.,false +The official pride flag was altered to include Ukrainian colors.,false +A public health warning was recently issued for fluoride toothpaste.,false +Gavin Newsom reportedly intervened at the request of Nancy Pelosi and directly ordered the California Highway Patrol to drop all charges against Paul Pelosi for his DUI arrest.,false +Joe Biden approved a new card that gives free health insurance to Americans who are 25 and older.,false +The Jan. 6 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol was a dustup.,false +White supremacists are going to be shooting up all Walmarts and will kill Blacks and Mexicans in San Bernardino California.,false +USDA is predicting egg prices will be $12 a dozen by fall 2022.,false +Ukraine adopted laws banning the Russian language.,false +Gun manufacturers are the only industry in the country that have immunity from lawsuits.,false +BBC News edited out boos in footage of Boris Johnson arriving at the Queens Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service.,false +In Zimbabwe people have started selling their toes for thousands of dollars due to the high cost of living.,false +The N.C. GOP came out in support of Sen. Rick Scotts extremist policy to Rescue America.,false +The sale of more than 600000 Wisconsin deer licenses shows that Wisconsins hunters are the eighth largest army in the world.,false +Biden gave Americans the cheapest gas prices on Earth.,false +Video shows Ukrainian soldiers shooting down Russian helicopters.,false +The U.S. Justice Department conservatively estimated that guns are used 1.5 million times per year to save lives.,false +Illinois high school to implement racebased grading system in 20222023 school year,false +Our Supreme Court has never taken away a constitutional right.,false +Dead people always vote Democrat.,false +The World Economic Forum has its own police force.,false +Aaron Salter Jr. was killed by a mass shooter because he was working on creating a waterpowered car engine.,false +A Costco gas pump screen said Dont blame us. Blame Joe Biden.,false +The man who killed the Uvalde Texas school shooter wasnt even an onduty police officer.,false +TV interviews with two different men who are each identified as Uvalde victims father show the Robb Elementary School mass shooting was staged.,false +Bill Gates planned a smallpoxtype outbreak.,false +These mass shootings happen so much that Ted Cruz really got a template ready to tweet whenever they occur.,false +There hasnt been a single of these mass shootings that have been purchased at a gun show or on the internet.,false +Theres a positive correlation between higher mask usage and COVID19 deaths.,false +Video shows Russian desert base and infrastructure hit by Bayraktar TB2 drone.,false +ICE est en Uvalde Texas entonces los padres indocumentados tienen que temer la deportacin antes de verificar si sus hijos estn vivos.,false +They passed the flu off as COVID19 and theyre going to do the same thing with monkeypox and shingles.,false +We know from past experiences that the most effective tool for keeping kids safe is armed law enforcement on the campus.,false +ABC News altered the Uvalde Texas school shooters photo to appear more Caucasian.,false +ICE is in Uvalde Texas so undocumented parents have to consider arrest deportation before they go check to see if their kids are alive.,false +This image shows the victims of the school shooting in Uvalde Texas.,false +Suggests a January traffic accident involving lab monkeys was responsible for spreading monkeypox to humans.,false +50 of the guns sold in Texas because of the loopholes do not pass through a background check.,false +El atacante en Uvalde Texas estaba en Estados Unidos ilegalmente.,false +They just exposed Mark Zuckerberg as a CIA agent.,false +Photos of a person in a skirt show the Uvalde Texas school shooter.,false +Esta imagen muestra a las vctimas del tiroteo en la escuela en Uvalde Texas.,false +The Uvalde Texas school shooter was a transsexual leftist illegal alien named Salvatore Ramos.,false +American journalist Jack Posobiec was arrested at World Economic Forum.,false +The Uvalde Texas mass shooter was an illegal alien.,false +Swedish health authorities considering introducing restrictions because of monkeypox outbreak.,false +The current monkeypox outbreak was planned by government and industry leaders.,false +Monkeypox was created in a lab and given via injection.,false +Monkeypox is biological warfare against us by our governments.,false +The World Health Assembly was canceled after the Geneva airport was coincidentally blown up.,false +Stacey Abrams supported the MLB boycott.,false +A Mars Rover photo captured by NASA shows a doorway suggesting extraterrestrial life.,false +Video shows a Russian pilot escaping from jets and a Russian aircraft getting hit by a missile.,false +Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp allowed 7.5 million ballots to be sent to every registered voter.,false +A 2021 article about monkeypox that used a photo of a shingles rash proves the monkeypox virus is a hoax.,false +Photos of monkeypox lesions prove the current virus outbreak is a hoax.,false +Merrick Garland sicced the police on parents when they were at the school boards simply trying to be heard for the safety of their children.,false +Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni posted a photo of themselves enjoying a $5135 bottle of wine as American women despair about abortion rights being taken away from them.,false +Video shows helicopters in Ukraine being picked off in ambush Short range airtoair missile,false +Video shows Russian tank column totally destroyed by attack helicopter.,false +Says Gov. Tony Evers is a big proponent of this defund the police movement.,false +Says Fox News and Candace Owens tweeted that New studies show that 68 of those who used ivermectin to treat or prevent covid are suffering longterm bowel and urinary incontinence.,false +Pfizer says do not breastfeed. Baby formula shortages everywhere. Gates promotes brand new artificial breast milk technology. All within less than a 2 week period. Nothing to see here.,false +Dont let this formula shortage scare you Make your baby some hemp milk wsea moss. Its easy I promise,false +Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger used $50 million of Zuckerberg money in 2020 to tip the scales.,false +In Iran if a 12yearold girl is raped and impregnated by her father she must carry the baby to term or be thrown in prison for life. Wait sorry no Thats Alabama.,false +Agriculture is still the No. 1 sector of the economy in Georgia.,false +The Biden administration is bringing amendments that would propose that all nations of the earth cede their sovereignty over national health care decisions to the WHO.,false +Soldiers destroyed Russian tank with NLAW in ambush.,false +The U.S. governments inaction over buffalo killing that harmed Native American populations in the 1800s shows it is now is creating food shortages so that Americans are more dependent on the government.,false +Goats milk is a good substitute for baby formula.,false +The problem with mail ballots in Lancaster County is a sign of voter fraud.,false +Photo from data leak at Elon Musk AND NASA are said to be from one of Elon Musks SpaceX satellites.,false +CBS News reported that two more suspects were arrested in the Buffalo shooting and that one more victim was identified.,false +A recent photo shows the Russian Orthodox Church blessing a rocket called Satan.,false +The vast majority of individuals that were releasing out are not showing up for hearings.,false +Your state will send you free infant formula if you call Enfamil and Similac customer service numbers.,false +Donations of baby formula to Ukraine helped cause the current U.S. shortage.,false +Images show Joe Biden surrounded by U.S. Marshals.,false +Disney stock is down more than 70 and attendance is down more than 55 10.1 million people canceled their Disney subscription.,false +Democrats want open borders so they can bring in and amnesty tens of millions of illegal aliens thats their electoral strategy.,false +Suggests Megan Thee Stallion was not shot in the foot.,false +The NewProfilePic app is Russian spyware.,false +State Sen. Kirk deViere voted against Medicaid expansion the governors budget and teacher raises.,false +When President Biden took office there was no vaccine available.,false +Homemade baby formula recipes offer a viable option during U.S. shortage,false +Agriculture is the No. 1 industry here in Pennsylvania.,false +Says people can follow a 1960 recipe for homemade baby formula as a workaround during the current shortage.,false +The infant formula shortage was purposely created because Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates invested in artificial breast milk.,false +Is ANYONE asking how Ron DeSantis was worth $340000 in 2020 and is now worth $52 million,false +An adenovirus is a combination of viruses gastrointestinal virus pneumonia and COVID19 mixed together to kill our children.,false +CO2 is not a pollutant.,false +Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Samuel Alito said that the U.S. needs a domestic supply of infants to meet the needs of parents seeking to adopt.,false +Says photo shows one of Teslas lithium supply mines where entire mountains are eliminated.,false +Video shows abortion rights activist urging women to run on down to the abortion clinic if they get pregnant.,false +Says photo shows the sharpest image of the sun ever recorded.,false +Says video shows Ukrainian forces shoot down Russian plane carrying hundreds of troops on Kyiv airport.,false +Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood referred to Black women as weeds that needed to be plucked from their garden and was a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan and a Democrat.,false +Senator Grassley hopped off the Finance Committee where he could be helpful to Iowa and the nation in favor of the Judiciary Committee,false +GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn has proposed that birth control should only be legal for MARRIED couples.,false +Tennessee just banned Plan B and made it a crime punishable by a $50000 fine to order it.,false +In Texas Republicans passed a law allowing rapists to sue their victims for getting an abortion.,false +Amber Heard plagiarized lines from the movie The Talented Mr. Ripley in her opening statement during the Johnny Depp libel trial.,false +When there is a noose on a college dorm of a Black student or a racial slur on a dormitory building the odds are overwhelming that a Black student actually did that.,false +Roe v. Wade happened because a woman lied about being raped by black men.,false +mRNA Vaccines Show No Mortality Benefit Danish Study,false +Space Xs Starlink internet constellation has angered Russia as it was reported that the Starlink satellite constellation was used to guide the fire on the Russian ship Moskva.,false +NBC News covered up Hunter Biden laptop story.,false +There are 63 million abortions a year in this country.,false +A STOLEN ELECTION State totals minus illegal ballot trafficking numbers give President Trump decisive victories in AZ GA MI PA and WI.,false +White House physician demands Bidens immediate resignation following his obvious cognitive decline.,false +Canadas new law allows government to take children away if parents dont accept kids gender identity.,false +Conservatives gained Twitter followers after the company announced its deal with Elon Musk because Twitter lifted a broad anticonservative antiTrump shadow ban.,false +Images show the Ukrainian flag being replaced by the Soviet Union flag in Mariupol in 2022.,false +The President of Ukraine owns a $35 million home in Florida and has $1.2 billion in a overseas bank account.,false +Sen. Mark Kelly voted for benefits to illegals.,false +Matt Dolan sponsored Michael Bloombergs redflag gun confiscation law letting the people reporting your social media posts send SWAT teams to your house to take your guns.,false +The Franklin scandal broke in 1989 when hundreds of children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high ranking Establishment members.,false +Tylenol is the 1 cause of acute liver failure in the US with 27 of people dying kills at least 100000 per year from its use.,false +Elon Musk just fired the entire Twitter board of directors.,false +Italian football agent Mino Raiola has died after suffering from an illness.,false +Elon Musk tweeted The fact that an 18 year old cant take out a $10000 business loan but can take out a $100000 student loan tells you everything you need to know.,false +Biden to teachers Theyre not somebody elses children. Theyre yours when youre in the classroom.,false +Alkaline foods can heal the body of cancer.,false +Disneyland estates have been used for MKULTRA mind control human trafficking occult rituals and parading sexual deviants.,false +Says J.D. Vance said People who voted for Trump voted for him for racist reasons.,false +War Begins F35 F16 and MiG29 NATO intercept and destroy Russia Jets in Polish air space.,false +With 40 billion dollars Elon Musk could have given each of the 330M people living in America a million dollars and still had $7B left over.,false +Wearing foot patches can help adults grow inches in weeks.,false +A video shows satanic death cult high priestess Oprah Winfrey condoning and promoting pedophilia and sex trafficking.,false +Blinken Austin trip to Kyiv may have been staged,false +Mehmet Oz was a spokesman for a group who wanted to defund the police.,false +Elon Musk suspended Bill Gates from Twitter.,false +DeSantis erases Disneys tax exempt law. Will cost Disney $200 Mil in taxes. Per year,false +Marines are investigating 3 ancient pyramids discovered in Antarctica.,false +You can reverse HIV naturally.,false +Congratulations to Ruben knighted by the Queen. Now goes by the name Sir Ruben.,false +Says a Fox New chyron said the Snickers candy bar is changing its texture because of cancel culture.,false +The same system that kept you in the dark about Ghislaine Maxwelldoesnt mind livestreaming Johnny Depps trial.,false +Fires at food processing plants are an attempt to starve us.,false +Hepatitis outbreak in kids may be related to Johnson Johnson COVID19 vaccine.,false +Finnish Court rules sex with children is permitted.,false +We have people detained by ICE that have to be seen within 24 hours while veterans are seen within months.,false +A video shows the Russian warship Moskva exploding.,false +The White House presented commemorative coins dedicated to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.,false +Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child.,false +Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger perhaps in collusion with the Radical Left Democrats are attempting to unseat U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.,false +Says he has always believed in a womans right to choose.,false +Dr. Anthony Fauci said lockdowns are a method for coercing people to comply with COVID19 vaccinations.,false +America is trying to overthrow the Ukraine government just as the shadow government has infiltrated and overthrown the US government.,false +Lilibet baby daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made her first appearance with the queen.,false +Arnold Schwarzenegger slept on the ground in front of a bronze statue of himself because he had been turned away from a hotel.,false +The price of insulin increases as waistlines increase.,false +A Reddit post shows a parent admitting to forcing their child to continue transitioning by sneaking hormone medication.,false +Vladimir Putin ended the Rothschilds control over Russia by nationalizing the Russian centralized bank.,false +After Russia invaded Ukraine Google Maps opened all military and strategic facilities in Russia.,false +The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation advised that the COVID19 vaccine may be given to patients under sedation for unrelated procedures without consent as a way to force compliance.,false +President Joe Biden was confused turned around and shook hands with thin air after a speech.,false +Dave McCormick is liberal proBiden proChina.,false +No one visiting Disney can get in because of protest.,false +If your roommate catches HIV you will be exposed to it and will probably contract it too given long enough.,false +Joe Bidens comments prove that food shortages are being done deliberately by the governments of the world.,false +March 2022 moon crash was orchestrated by the government and visible from Earth.,false +Ukraine was responsible for the Kramatorsk train station bombing.,false +MSNBCs Mika Brzezinski said Elon Musk is trying to control how people think. Thats our job.,false +Says Adolf Hitler said The day mankind finds out what I was trying to defend this nation Germany from then thats the day World War III starts.,false +George Soros injected $33 million into Black Lives Matter.,false +Disney lost 172000 reservations recently valued at around $636 million in revenue lost.,false +Leftist justice reform is the reason that the NYC subway shooting suspect wasnt in jail at the time of the attack.,false +The Biden Administration is engaging in extreme woke politics by encouraging children to take chemical castration drugs and undergo surgeries and they are lying to children by telling them puberty blockers are reversible.,false +McDonalds added xylitol to its ice cream which is toxic to dogs.,false +Just passed into law today You cannot go 5 miles over speed limit in North Carolina.,false +Brian Kemp dismissed concerns about voter fraud in the 2020 election and widespread illegal ballot harvesting continued electing two Democrat senators.,false +A bird pooped on Joe Biden during his speech in Iowa.,false +Video of a QA response from Amazons Alexa confirms that chemtrails are being used to reduce the human population.,false +Suggests ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID19,false +Sen. Marsha Blackburn made a white power symbol at Ketanji Brown Jackson.,false +Gilbert Gottfried died from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Disney has had over 350000 cancellations in the last five days.,false +The chairman of Virginias Republican Party made a shockingly racist post about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.,false +You couldnt buy a cannon when in fact the Second Amendment passed.,false +Poland palace that Biden visited is fake.,false +Ukraine is the money laundering and child sex trafficking capital of the world,false +People protesting the Dakota Access pipeline were intentionally poisoned by government officials in North Dakota when a pilot knowingly sprayed poisonous chemicals over protesters camps.,false +The proposed Virginia House budget cuts hundreds of millions in funding for public education,false +New York City is wasting taxpayer money on billboards in Florida.,false +2004 video shows Anthony Fauci is ignoring science on natural immunity with regard to COVID19.,false +German perverts open bestiality brothels.,false +John D. Rockefeller coined the term fossil fuel to trick people into thinking that his product was scarce and drive up the price when fossil fuels are actually the second most abundant liquid on the planet.,false +Over the course of two months Tony Evers refused to remove Curtis Schmitt Jr. from the states veterans Board despite having the authority to do so.,false +Joe Bidens open border means that there are more Democrat voters pouring into this country.,false +Twitter employee named Jackson Mulholland resigned in a tweet after Elon Musk joined the companys board.,false +Colorado Governor Jared Polis has just signed into law a bill legalizing abortions through all nine months up until the moment of birth.,false +Want a healthy happy baby Skip the Well Baby visits. They make your baby sick.,false +Photo of injured Ukrainian woman was from 2018 Russia gas explosion.,false +Says Tucker Carlson said What if these bodies of tortured dead civilians were staged What if theyre fake What if the Ukrainian military killed them then blamed Russia Im not saying any of this is true Im just asking the questions. Why cant we ask these questions,false +Josh Mandel doctored an image in a campaign ad but forgot to Photoshop the hands that clearly show he put his face on the body of a Black soldier.,false +Biden changes his mind and now wants to resume building Trumps wall.,false +Sudden death in adults and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome are caused by vaccines.,false +A photo shows a helicopter rescue mission in Afghanistan where wounded men were loaded onboard.,false +The FBI lost Hunter Bidens laptop.,false +John Fettermans a selfdescribed democratic socialist.,false +California introduces new bill that would allow mothers to kill their babies up to 7 days after birth.,false +The Russian army captured the U.S Major General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. in the besieged Ukrainian Azov camp in Mariupol.,false +Pfizer paid $2.8 million bribe payment to the FDA for COVID19 vaccine approval.,false +Says Barack Obama tweeted Has anyone checked to make sure Donald Trump doesnt have a Russian birth certificate,false +Says New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her country doesnt have to deal with the rage of older white men because weve never allowed Rupert Murdoch to set up a media outlet here.,false +A video taken from a car driving through Bucha Ukraine shows a corpse moving his arm and then in the rear view mirror the corpse sits down.,false +The House voted to cap insulin prices to $35month just $420 each year Richard Hudson voted NO.,false +Says Mike Gibbons said military service doesnt count as real work.,false +A babys immune system cant handle antigens from vaccines because new food must be introduced slowly to identify allergic reactions.,false +The Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been mostly empty for decades.,false +Pfizer staged the Will Smith and Chris Rock confrontation at the Academy Awards because it has a new alopecia medication coming out.,false +The Biden administration is attempting to criminalize free speech.,false +You go to a store they dont have bread.,false +Joe Biden didnt sign an antilynching bill in a ceremony outside the White House on March 29.,false +A video shows crowds shouting profanity at Joe Biden.,false +Says Chris Rock apologized after 94th Academy Awards saying Last night I crossed a line that I shouldnt have and paid the enormous price of my reputation as a renown comedian.,false +Twitter suspended a swimmer for tweeting about Lia Thomas.,false +Photo shows Nicole Kidman reacting to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock.,false +Photos show celebrities reacting to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock.,false +Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins died from a COVID19 vaccine.,false +Will Smith slapped Chris Rock to take attention away from Ukraine.,false +CNN staged a fire in Edmonton Canada and claimed it was filmed in Ukraine.,false +A video shows Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy singing Imagine by John Lennon.,false +If you look at windmills and the greenhouse gas emissions from building to retiring them the overall return is negative.,false +Republicans nominated the 1st Black woman to the SCOTUS she was BLOCKED filibustered by Joe Biden.,false +A photo of President Joe Biden leaving for Europe that the White House tweeted wasnt actually taken on March 23.,false +Ketanji Brown Jackson says she gave pedophiles lighter sentences because its different when they use computers vs mail to get volumes of child porn. This makes total sense according to Jackson.,false +The Simpsons predicted Russias invasion of Ukraine.,false +Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wore a Nazi cross symbol.,false +CNN tweeted a picture of a Serbian resort and said it was in Ukraine.,false +Documents were published confirming Moderna created the COVID19 Virus.,false +A man was arrested for wearing a Tshirt that says We The People and has a picture of the Statue of Liberty.,false +News networks covered Brett Kavanaughs confirmation hearing live but not Ketanji Brown Jacksons hearing.,false +There was a raid on the Biden residence yesterday by the military,false +Virginia Tech swimmer Reka Gyorgy tweeted My finals spot was stolen by Lia Thomas who is a biological male.,false +Joe Bidens announcement that the Justice Department will name a chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud means the government is going to investigate itself.,false +The drug labels for the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine were blank when they should have contained all these diseases and adverse events listed in a confidential report.,false +Video shows the final moments aboard China Eastern Airlines flight 5735 before it crashed.,false +Video shows Russian soldiers using weapons that have been in a cupboard since Soviet times.,false +Ketanji Brown Jackson gave a lecture talking about critical race theory as one of the components to consider when you are making decisions on the bench.,false +Biden wants to buy lithium from China for electric cars.,false +Ukraine has been shooting residents of Donetsk and Lugansk just because they wanted to speak Russian.,false +Photos show Ukrainian farmers are slowly starting to build their own army.,false +Putin Vows to Crush Child Traffickers in Ukraine,false +A photo shows NATO resupplying Ukrainian farmers antitank supplies.,false +Just a reminder that right before Ukraine was invaded Hillary was found to be guilty of spying on a sitting U.S. president.,false +A recent onair protest cant be real because there are no live on air television broadcasts in Russia. None. Ever.,false +A video shows current leaked footage of heavy war between Russia vs Ukraine,false +The presence of apes calls into question the concept of evolution.,false +Comparing the price of oil and gas in June 2008 to March 2022 shows that oil companies are price gouging.,false +Almost half of every dollar that we spend on gas it goes to New York State.,false +A West Virginia inspection sticker on an Uber proves the car was not in Ukraine.,false +Jan. 6 defendants are being held in prison without being charged.,false +Beto ORourkes Plan to Take Trans Children from Parents.,false +David McCormick paid for attacks on Donald Trump.,false +A video shows massive explosion as Ukraine destroyed 280 Russian tanks to pieces using U.S. Javelin missiles.,false +Members of Congress gave themselves a 21 pay raise,false +We havent seen a single American megachurch offer anything to help Ukrainians.,false +A Ukrainian combat medic who died in February was seen in a video Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky posted of his visit to see wounded soldiers.,false +Deceased Ukrainian fighter pilot Col. Oleksandr Oksanchenko was the Ghost of Kyiv.,false +Classified documents from Ukraine confirm without a shadow of a doubt that the Ukraine government was covertly preparing an offensive operation against Donbas scheduled for March 2022.,false +Vice President Kamala Harris laughs at the plight of Ukraine at idea of America offering assistance,false +Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about gasoline prices ... and she tried to defer to President Duda the Polish president.,false +Video shows man mocking police in Germany.,false +This video shows Russian war in Ukraine.,false +Says Leonardo DiCaprio gave Ukraine $10 million.,false +People who have had cancer in the past they get the COVID jab and now theyre getting cancer two to three four months later and its the same cancer they had except much worse.,false +Joe Bidens cancellation of the Keystone pipeline dramatically increased Americans dependence on Russian oil.,false +U.S. has biological weapons labs in Ukraine.,false +Two years ago we were drilling our own oil for $27 a barrel. Now thanks to Joe Biden were paying $105 a barrel to Russia.,false +Facebook video shows counting Bidens votes at 2 a.m.,false +A Time magazine cover shows Vladimir Putin with Hitlers mustache.,false +Video shows Volodymr Zelenskyy singing Endless Love with his wife.,false +An image shows Ukrainian soldiers praying.,false +Ukrainian civilian fleeing Kyiv captures footage of downed Russian tie fighter.,false +And just like that your $15hr doesnt buy you as much as $7.50hr did a year ago.,false +Gas is high because they shut down production in the U.S. under the Biden administration.,false +Marco Rubio is following his party bosses like Rick Scott with his plan to raise taxes on Floridas working families retirees and veterans.,false +Video shows Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting with South Koreas president.,false +Dr. Anthony Fauci has not spoken or appeared publicly for several weeks.,false +Ukraine issued a press release about Joe Biden,false +Gas cost $9 a gallon in California in early March 2022.,false +CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said she gets COVID19 reports from CNN.,false +The former Miss UniverseUkraine Anastasiia Lenna turned in her high heels for some combat boots to fight for her country.,false +Says Vladimir Putin said the West is controlled by Satanic pedophiles.,false +Photo shows a Russian tank Ukrainians are selling on eBay.,false +Video shows Ukrainian crisis actors come to life after pretending to be dead.,false +Says Sean Penns trip to Ukraine in November is evidence the war is staged.,false +Wearing masks is COVID theater and not doing anything.,false +A Ukrainian TikToker shows how to drive an abandoned Russian armored vehicle.,false +Image shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has joined the front lines with his troops.,false +Ive been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times.,false +A 2022 CNN report said Russia deploys two nuke bombers in US backyard Venezuela.,false +Ukrainians altered this street sign to tell Russian troops to go f themselves.,false +Photos show Ukrainian citizens destroying two Russian tanks with Molotov cocktails in Kyiv.,false +Russia unveiled a nuclear weapon Satan 2 that is capable of destroying everything breathing in the world.,false +An 8yearold Ukrainian girl confronts a Russian soldier telling him to go back to his country.,false +A photo of a wounded young child was captured in Ukraine in 2022.,false +Video shows Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to loved ones amid Russias 2022 invasion.,false +Overvaccination causes faster mutation of the COVID19 virus which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off.,false +Sen. Ron Johnson has been rewarding companies that outsource to China.,false +A photo showing young children saluting troops was captured in Ukraine in 2022.,false +It was revealed in court on Feb. 23 2022 that Tory Lanez DNA WAS NOT found on the weapon in the Meg Thee Stallion case.,false +Video shows a Ukrainian fighter pilot shooting down a Russian plane.,false +Actor Steven Seagal spotted among Russian special forces in Ukraine,false +Hillary Clinton spied on President Trump.,false +Build Back Better would be a huge payday for Chinese manufacturing and would fill our streets with cars made with Chinese parts.,false +Republican leadership has not been clear about whether they support Rep. Ramthuns illegal and undemocratic resolution on the 2020 election.,false +A 2022 video shows Ukrainian and Russian soldiers face to face.,false +Bill Gates hatches horribly stupid plan to block out the sun,false +Photo shows Empire State Building lit up to support Ukraine.,false +TikTok video shows Russian soldiers parachuting into Ukraine.,false +Russia is targeting U.S. biological weapons labs in Ukraine invasion.,false +Ethnic Russians face genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime.,false +Video shows footage from Russia invading Ukraine.,false +A photo shows a Russian warplane under attack.,false +This footage shows Russia attacking Ukraine.,false +News report accidentally reveals doctors giving banned COVID treatment to the Queen.,false +Says CNN reported Queen Elizabeth II died.,false +Says Thomas Jefferson said If serving in an elected office ever becomes a career corruption will surely follow.,false +The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has amassed the largest collection of human data in history through COVID19 PCR tests.,false +Ukraine was the No. 1 donor to Hillary Clinton when she was running for president.,false +Trudeaus foundation owns 40 of Acuitas Therapeutics which makes mechanic lipids for Pfizer.,false +Video shows man diving off a high bridge and into a swimming pool on a moving boat.,false +Ottawa may euthanize truckers pets as punishment.,false +This photo shows headache treatments in 1890s known as vibration therapy.,false +The latest with the Durham report is that the Clinton campaign actually spied on the president of the United States.,false +Video shows that Sret du Qubec officers removed their identifying names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa.,false +Queen Elizabeth II is dead.,false +President John F. Kennedy was planning to end the Federal Reserve.,false +Says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said If it werent for electricity wed all be watching TV by candlelight.,false +An image shows a medical oddity that is characterized by having two pupils in each eyeball.,false +Airline CEO gets pied for forcing vaccinations,false +CNN confirms Trump WILL be ARRESTED.,false +List shows 1000 peer reviewed studies questioning COVID19 vaccine safety,false +Trudeau declares Emergencies Act amounting to near martial law in Canada.,false +Ivanka Trump charged with major crime.,false +Durhams documents show that Hillary Clinton hired people who hacked into Trumps home and office computers and planted evidence fabricated evidence connecting Trump to Russia.,false +Johns Hopkins University confirms You can be vaccinated with a PCR test even without knowing,false +According to Congress travel nurses need a pay cap.,false +Turning Point USA is a white nationalist organization.,false +Buzz Aldrins comments during an interview with Conan OBrien prove the moon landing was fake.,false +Study proves childrens hearts destroyed by COVID vaccine.,false +The New York City Police Department arrested a 9yearold because she didnt have a vaccine card in the museum.,false +The CDC was normalizing blood clots by tweeting about the health condition before the Super Bowl.,false +Books banned in Texas include 1984 Maus and The Handmaids Tale but not Mein Kampf.,false +A video shows that OnlyFans has guys on campus encouraging your daughters to do porn for financial freedom.,false +COVID19 vaccines caused a 40 increase in deaths identified by a life insurance company.,false +COVID spelled backward is divoc which means possession of the evil spirit in Hebrew.,false +We all know China created COVID.,false +Says a Washington Post headline and graphic about COVID19 deaths are misleading.,false +In England official data shows children are up to 52 times more likely to die following COVID19 vaccination than unvaccinated children.,false +Says Bob Saget predicted his death,false +Got the old killdozer loaded up heading for Ottawa.,false +Girl Scouts support Planned Parenthood and proabortion politicians.,false +Joe Biden uses the ATF to illegally track your gun transactions.,false +Says remdesivir is responsible for killing patients hospitalized with COVID19.,false +Kendall Jenner edited a photo to look like she was holding a Black Lives Matter sign.,false +Says C.S. Lewis wrote They believed blindly everything they heard or read in the papers. They gave up their freedoms.,false +Comedian Heather McDonald collapsed on stage as a result of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Joe Biden wants to eliminate a regulation that requires school districts to report allegations of teacher on student rape alleged rape and sexual assault.,false +Fifty percent of the Ottawa police force have all turned in their resignation.,false +The federal government requires COVID passports to visit the movies.,false +Crisis actor in Germany forgets hes filming on TV.,false +Joe Biden gave his used face mask to Stephen Breyer.,false +ICE has been illegally releasing immigrants in Huntersville NC13 at big box retail locations. Feds arent notifying anyone just making secret drops at 3am.,false +Weve had two members engage in a Democratled persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.,false +Turkey Brazil Britain Sweden Spain Czech Republic Mexico El Salvador Japan and Singapore canceled all COVID19 quarantine procedures testing and compulsory vaccination and are considering COVID19 just a seasonal flu.,false +They call Jan. 6 an insurrection but were FBI agents used as political agitators,false +A Walmart in Dickson City Pennsylvania ran out of food.,false +Food crops can be engineered right now based on existing technology to cause infertility in Black people alone.,false +Its not illegal to go inside the Capitol as the Oath Keepers and other Jan. 6 rioters did.,false +Facebook is spamming all climate articles by misleading readers about the accuracy of climate models.,false +Few If Any Doses of Spikevax or Comirnaty Available in United States Despite FDA Approvals,false +$2000 stimulus checks were due on Jan. 19.,false +Pennsylvania had 2.6 million mail in votes that the court of appeals of PA held to be unconstitutional. Umm that alone means Biden lost PA.,false +A photo shows a crash in Eminence Indiana.,false +Says Johns Hopkins virologist James Kelly said the COVID19 vaccine discriminates divides and judges society as it is.,false +Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pays mainstream media $600 million to report in favor of him.,false +Dr. Phil and other celebrities are endorsing CBD gummies.,false +Research from Japan shows ivermectin is effective against omicron in Phase III trial.,false +The Simpsons predicted Canadas trucker convoy protest.,false +The convoy in Canada has made the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest convoy.,false +Picture shows the Freedom Convoy trucks in Canada.,false +Over 65 of the country believes that the 2020 election was fraudulent. That number was around 35 a year ago.,false +British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the fully vaccinated in all adult cohorts.,false +Hundreds of illegals were dropped off at Florida hotel.,false +Video shows troops at the UkraineRussia border on Jan. 27 2022.,false +Proposed changes to the Electoral Count act show Pence had the power and could have overturned the election,false +Says Jen Psaki said in January 2022 that people will start seeing direct deposits in their bank account this weekend and payments to eligible Americans will continue for several weeks.,false +Bruce Springsteen Queen Pearl Jam and Dave Grohl removed their music from Spotify.,false +The CDC staged the escaping monkeys as a cover story for releasing the next bioweapon.,false +Says Voltaire said To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.,false +Image shows a patient experiencing claustrophobia and having a panic attack during a CT scan.,false +Military data from 2021 show military members experienced spikes of 300 in miscarriages almost 300 in cancer diagnoses and 1000 in neurological issues.,false +Photo shows Amish who drove 2.5 hours with the Freedom Convoy to cook them food at their next stop.,false +American taxpayer dollars provide free housing free medical free state identification to immigrants in the country illegally.,false +Vaccine makers are shipping lots of jabs with varying ingredients potency EVEN placebo lots.,false +Chicago maintained the lowest unemployment rate through most of 2021 of any large American city.,false +Large peerreviewed research study proves ivermectin works as a COVID19 preventative.,false +All these athletes are dropping dead on the field after receiving the COVID19 vaccination.,false +Theres never been a president before Joe Biden that has made race and gender the defining factor for a Supreme Court nomination.,false +250000 trucks are participating in the Freedom Convoy in Canada.,false +Says Kevin Costner recently debuted a new line of CBD gummies.,false +Says Dennis Miller said that if he didnt see women protesting the Ghislaine Maxwell trial verdict youre all frauds. This isnt justice for those women this is a joke.,false +Biden announces Medicare stimulus that provides free dental work to all Seniors who need it Crowns and implants included.,false +Quotes show Joseph Stalin and Joe Biden expressed similar views about counting votes.,false +Theres 150 I believe now its over 100 professional athletes dead professional athletes the prime of their life dropping dead that are vaccinated right on the pitch right on the field right on the court.,false +It begins. Wisconsin Assembly votes to remove electoral votes from Biden.,false +The BidenHarris administration wants to hand out $450000 to illegal immigrants.,false +Texas Roadhouse is sending vouchers for a free steak dinner for four to everyone who shares and comments on a Facebook post.,false +American citizens pay $155 billion annually to make sure illegal immigrants are taken care of better than American citizens,false +If the FAA is worried about what the 5G deployment will do to the planes what do you think it will do to our bodies,false +COVID19induced pneumonia is is actually mast cell degranulation of the lungs a type of allergic reaction.,false +All communications to families from the US Navy have been halted.,false +President Joe Biden gave Congress an exemption from vaccine mandate,false +Says Louie Anderson was flying to appear on Conan OBriens show when he became ill a few weeks after receiving his third vaccine dose.,false +Says Chuck Norris recorded a video in response to the Biden administration saying Our great country and freedom are under attack.,false +A German doctor discovered the COVID19 vaccines include graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide and the full list of ingredients is secret because of the emergency use authorization.,false +The CDC said that 75 of COVID19 deaths have involved people with at least four comorbidities.,false +The Freedom to Vote Act is a sprawling takeover of our whole political system.,false +Richard von CoudenhoveKalergi planned the ethnocide of the peoples of Europe through the encouragement of mass nonwhite immigration.,false +Dyson is canceling their contract with Walmart and selling off Dyson Supersonic hair dryers only for $1,false +A schedule proves Donald Trump was recently participating in presidential activities.,false +Four players have dropped out of the Australian Open with chest pains.,false +Tim Tebow used to kneel in prayer and the NFL complained.,false +Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor tests positive for COVID19 despite triple vaccination diligent masking and working from home.,false +Rabbi taken hostage in Texas synagogue is antiZionist who may have known gunman.,false +Novak Djokovic is the first professional athlete to be banned from a major sporting event for not taking drugs.,false +Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40000 bonus for fully vaccinating at least 100 patients under the age of two.,false +DirecTV cancels OAN after Joe Biden orders media outlets and tech giants to banish voices that deviate from the regimes official narrative.,false +Former President Donald Trump is fluent in Japanese.,false +If you stop testing for COVID19 it all goes away and people just have colds like before.,false +Even the WHO has conceded that the SARS CoV2 virus is no more dangerous than the common flu with an infection fatality rate of 0.14.,false +Images show how climate change destroyed the Greenland ice sheet and harmed a polar bear from 2009 to 2019.,false +Carlos Gimenez wants a national database to track you and discriminate against you.,false +Video shows Alexandria OcasioCortez pouring shots for a group of people days before testing positive for COVID19.,false +The Wisconsin voter roll has over 120000 active voters who have been registered to vote for over 100 years.,false +A Mack Trucks employee told Joe Biden You cant drive anything besides the country into the ground.,false +As a youth I got arrested protesting for civil rights.,false +Retired U.S. presidents and members of Congress collect full salaries for life.,false +When a person cries if the first drop of the tears come from the right eye its happiness. But when it comes from the left eye its pain.,false +Video shows Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer laughing at Novak Djokovic after he was stuck in an Australian airport.,false +Video shows China launching an artificial sun into space.,false +The CDC director just said that 75 of Covid deaths occurred in people with at least four comorbidities.,false +Says Steve Jobs said I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death.,false +Says Alexandria OcasioCortez says that all young people want to be socialists.,false +Says Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was photographed at dinner with Democratic lawmakers.,false +Clarence Thomass wife was one of the organizers of Jan 6th,false +Bidens CDC Director ADMITS Her Own Employees Arent Getting Vaccinated.,false +A tragic end today for CNNs Sanjay Gupta,false +Says Bob Saget died from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +A law backed by Virginia Democrats barred local sheriffs from having military equipment that would have come in very helpful with the I95 traffic jam.,false +Recently released Jan. 6 footage shows these cops using massive amounts of force against unarmed Trump supporters including women.,false +We have over 100000 children which weve never had before in serious condition and many on ventilators due to the coronavirus.,false +No one has been hospitalized for the omicron variant of COVID19.,false +Says Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to investigate himself over voter fraud.,false +Data from around the world suggests that omicron favors the fully vaccinated.,false +If you have natural immunity getting vaccinated against COVID19 is more likely to harm you severely.,false +Germany 96 of Latest Omicron Patients were FULLY Vaccinated Only 4 Unvaccinated,false +Half a million sharks could be killed to make the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Electric vehicles would not have fared well in the Virginia snowstorm traffic jam.,false +Pfizer made $37 billion in profit in its last quarter.,false +In Wisconsin we have 50 of the population paying 50 60 70 sometimes 80 for their housing.,false +When children are given vaccines for COVID19 a viral gene will be injected into your childrens cells. This gene forces your childs body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in childrens critical organs.,false +Photo shows former French education minister Najat VallaudBelkacem herding sheep as a child in Morocco.,false +An email shows that employers are requiring employees to wear masks during Zoom meetings.,false +Tylenol ruins your ability to kill COVID19.,false +Chief Justice John Roberts goes after the highest court in the land citing their inappropriate political influence.,false +Pfizer CEO New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It,false +President Joe Biden never had a COVID19 plan.,false +President Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president ever.,false +Yale study Vaccinated people more likely to be infected than those without the jab.,false +A judge sealed all the evidence and proof of who helped Ghislaine Maxwell sex traffic children.,false +The CDC finally admits its COVID19 test cant tell the difference between the virus and the flu,false +Vaccines are why flights have been shut down worldwide.,false +Trump cut Social Security benefits by over $3 billion.,false +WHO DirectorGeneral The vaccines are being used to kill children.,false +Teens are more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis from the COVID19 vaccines than to be hospitalized with COVID.,false +Polar bears have increased 400 in 45 years whales are nearly fully recovered extinctions are down 90 past century. Koalas are doing fine. If we could ban wind turbines we could save 85000 birds of preyyr in US alone.,false +NASA study says snake plants can produce enough oxygen for humans to live in a sealed room.,false +I represent more or just as many or more people than Joe Manchin does.,false +Eating grapefruit if youre on antidepressants can cause a fatal overdose.,false +Electromagnetic radiation from wireless technologies including and especially 5G can cause the same symptoms as COVID19,false +Says Kelloggs tweeted Oh so you think its cool when workers strike jobs Now replace jobs with women. Still think its cool,false +The omicron variant of COVID19 came out in 2021 but the copyright on this book about the variant is 2020.,false +Maybe theyre just calling the common cold the omicron variant.,false +Moderna patent uncovers horror nanocensor contained in bioweapon.,false +Its a myth that autism is genetic.,false +Dr. Ugur Sahin CEO of BioNTech and inventor of the BIO N TECH Pfizer jab refuses to take the jab for safety reasons.,false +Santa Claus arrested by German police for not wearing a mask.,false +McDonalds puts aborted baby fetuses in their food.,false +Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus.,false +Photo shows the jabbed and the unjabbed separated with a fence in a supermarket in Germany.,false +Microsoft and Bill Gates created a 1999 video game called Omikron.,false +Softtissue cancer diagnoses have climbed through the roof in 2021 as a result of COVID19 vaccines.,false +A video from British public broadcaster BBC shows the network was part of a 911 conspiracy.,false +California store owner prices all items at $951 so thieves can be prosecuted.,false +Ive been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning.,false +2809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer the FDA and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women,false +The CBO says the Build Back Better Act is $3 trillion of deficit spending.,false +Wisconsin 2020 election investigation finds more illegal votes were cast than Bidens margin of victory.,false +Says Anthony Fauci wants Americans to get 4 shots per year.,false +At Lions Gate Hospital in Vancouver 13 babies were reportedly stillborn at the hospital in a period of 24 hours. All of their mothers had received a COVID19 injection.,false +Dr. Oz releases COPD gummies that help quit smoking detox lungs and stop COPD.,false +Deaths from vaccines have totaled 1621 from Johnson Johnson 4799 from Moderna 13039 from Pfizer and 73 from unknown vaccines. And this is an undercount because only 1 of deaths are reported.,false +German chemist Andreas Noack was assassinated just hours after publishing the secret of the vax by government operatives.,false +Warnings about heart problems and blood clots in cold weather are to cover up COVID19 vaccine side effects.,false +The COVID19 vaccines suppress the immune system and make people more susceptible to HIV shingles and herpes.,false +Society is choosing blood clots and heart problems over cold and flu symptoms or even no symptoms at all.,false +The crew of the U.S.S. Constitution consumed more than 252000 gallons of alcohol and only 10000 gallons of water on a sevenmonth trip.,false +The toxicity of COVIDOmicron is 5 times higher than that of the delta variant and the mortality rate is also higher than that of Delta.,false +Ghislaine Maxwells codefendants include Beyonce and Kanye West.,false +Electric vehicles are more likely to fail in traffic jams.,false +COVID19 vaccines do not stop transmission of COVID but instead increase it.,false +Gas prices were $1.86 when I left the White House.,false +A campaign poster for New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with the slogan No jab. No job no refunds.,false +Theres only one reporter on site at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.,false +Photo shows a German mall separating the vaccinated and unvaccinated.,false +Pathogens evolve to become less not more virulent over time because otherwise theyd destroy their hosts which they depend on to live.,false +Only the fully vaccinated should fear the new worst ever Covid19 variant data shows they already account for 4 in every 5 Covid deaths,false +A video shows people in Romania protesting COVID19 vaccines.,false +Says Boris Johnson faked getting his booster shot.,false +Says Prince Harry and Meghan Markles baby doesnt exist.,false +A Canary Islands volcano eruption could lead to a mega tsunami in the U.S. with a 160foot wave and no warnings.,false +Tap water is testing positive for COVID,false +COVID19 vaccines are gene therapy and a recent Forbes article proves that.,false +I used to drive a tractor trailer I only did it for part of a summer.,false +The Housepassed Build Back Better bill is a government takeover of child care.,false +If you look preCOVID under President Donald Trump we didnt import a single barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia.,false +The number of small businesses is up 30 compared to before the pandemic.,false +Because of omicron the Biden administration has decided to leave the U.S. southern border completely open.,false +Heart complications are one symptom listed for the omicron variant and are being used to cover up effects of COVID19 vaccines.,false +Black Friday originated in 1904 when enslaved people were sold at a discount to boost the economy.,false +BREAKING Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell trial issues mediawide gag order all press spectators barred from courtroom.,false +Low gas prices in Russia Kuwait and Saudi Arabia show that Joe Bidens decision to cancel the Keystone Pipeline project is to blame for U.S. prices.,false +Kyle Rittenhouse files $400 million suit against CNN,false +Says Virgil Abloh was a defendant in Ghislaine Maxwells criminal case when he died a day before the trial started.,false +Athletes are collapsing with heartrelated issues due to the COVID19 vaccines,false +A photo shows Jeffrey Epstein with Joe Biden.,false +Only Reuters reported that the doctor who detected the omicron variant said its symptoms are very mild.,false +COVID death rates 4 to 1 vaccinated to unvaxxed,false +We know in November 2021 that none of your previous vaccines will protect you now from the emerging variant omicron.,false +The omicron variants name is evidence the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax.,false +Says a Vox headline said teaching children the Bunny Ear method for tying their shoes is racist.,false +Celine Dion has been paralyzed by the COVID vaccine and cancels her tour.,false +Nancy Pelosi just bought a 11000 square foot $25 million mansion in Florida.,false +Kyle Rittenhouse files a $60 million lawsuit against Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.,false +Photo shows people recently protesting in Austria.,false +Kyle Rittenhouse was an armed person crossing state lines when he came to Kenosha protests in 2020.,false +The gas station where they initially attacked Kyle Rittenhouse is owned by his grandparents.,false +Vitamin D levels of 50 ngmL correlates to zero mortality rate from COVID.,false +Fauci admits Covid vax doesnt work,false +The Vatican owns a telescope called Lucifer.,false +President Joe Biden will control health care costs by slapping a 95 tax on prescription drugs.,false +If you or your family spends $28 a day prepare to be under constant audit by the IRS.,false +Photos showed bricks everywhere in Kenosha during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.,false +German News Agency Tracks 75 Prominent Athletes Suddenly Dead Of Heart Attacks After COVID Vax,false +COVID19 vaccines contain luciferase.,false +Never in American history has so much been spent at one time. Never in American history will so many taxes be raised and so much borrowing be needed to pay for this reckless spending.,false +Says Bill Gates is linked to the discovery of vials labeled smallpox at Pennsylvania lab.,false +No economist out there is projecting that the Build Back Better bill will have a negative impact on inflation.,false +Keystone Pipeline was blocked by Obama on Warren Buffetts behalf.,false +Unleaded gas costs nearly $7 in Lancaster Calif.,false +Only one member of Iowas federal delegation voted in favor of the bipartisan infrastructure legislation.,false +Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines dont work well.,false +The COVID19 vaccines failed miserably in animal trials and are a type of gene therapy that several top scientists warn will kill you.,false +Close to hundreds of people died at Astroworld.,false +500 National Guardsmen being called to Kenosha ahead of the Rittenhouse verdict. Had they done this in the first place there wouldnt have been a trial.,false +A Kansas City tourism sign had a terrible typo.,false +Disturbing Pfizer ad tells kids theyll get superpowers from COVID jab.,false +A new medical diagnosis code has been designated for people who decline vaccines and it will be used to help determine who will go into education camps.,false +Stalin once ripped all the feathers off a live chicken as a lesson to his followers.,false +Kyle Rittenhouses mother drove him across state lines and dropped him off in the middle of a riot armed with an assault rifle in Kenosha.,false +Video shows irate airline passenger demanding a seat away from an unvaccinated passenger and being asked to leave the airplane.,false +Scam artists are using Amazon to send people face masks laced with something toxic.,false +Report finds increased risk of spontaneous abortion following COVID19 vaccination during pregnancy after correcting major error in CDC study.,false +No new COVID19 cases in Uttar Pradesh India due to use of ivermectin,false +No governor in Virginia has ever won when...he or she is the same party as the sitting president.,false +Gavin Newsom is out of sight likely because he has GuillainBarre syndrome from his booster shot.,false +Italy drastically reduced the countrys official COV1D19 death count by over 97. This means Covid killed fewer people than an average seasonal flu.,false +Sending your child to school on a day when vaccines are being administered is implied consent for getting the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Live Nation scheduled the 50000person Astroworld music festival at a venue that has a capacity of 20000.,false +Photos show diesel generators at the COP26 climate change conference.,false +A banner for COVID19 vaccines says Dont forget to donate your childrens organs.,false +Queen Elizabeth dead at age 95.,false +President Joe Biden threatened to swoop down with Special Forces folks and gather up every gun in America.,false +A crime was committed when a New Jersey election worker allowed someone who said he was not a citizen to fill out a ballot.,false +Australian military being trained to force vaccinate in doortodoor attacks.,false +The Biden Department of Justice would use the FBI to target parents who speak out against critical race theory.,false +Fox News went from 97 reporting to 94 in Virginia. The fraud is so blatant its not funny anymore.,false +Pfizer Confirms COVIDVaccinated People Can Shed Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated,false +This idea that its the pandemic of the unvaccinated its just a total lie.,false +The Astroworld concert was a test run on the vaxxed because people who are injected with graphene oxide can be controlled through magnetic frequencies including music.,false +United Kingdom government reports suggest the fully vaccinated are rapidly developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.,false +Dr. Herbert Smitherman invented Crest toothpaste Folgers coffee Safeguard soap and Bounce fabric softener.,false +Bergen County in New Jersey gave more votes to the Democratic gubernatorial candidate after all the ballots were counted.,false +The Spanish High Court has announced COVID19 is a bio weapon with a patent not a virus.,false +Scientists say this map represents the US in 30 years if we dont reverse climate change.,false +Trash bins discovered outside the Gloucester County Board of Elections containing blank ballots as well as bags of shredded ballots from Tuesdays election,false +The day Al Gore was born there were 130000 glaciers on Earth. Today only 130000 remain.,false +The premier of Australias Victoria state is freezing peoples bank accts if they are not vaccinated. They cant buy or sell until forced into submission.,false +Moderna has been pulled in Iceland and pulled for everyone under age 30 in Finland Sweden Norway Denmark due to heart issues.,false +Federal agents directly incited people on Jan. 6 2021 and intentionally entrapped American citizens.,false +Global warming is part of a natural cycle and theres nothing we can actually do to stop these cycles.,false +A photo taken on Jan. 6 2021 at the United States Capitol riot was doctored to look as if the Capitol was on fire.,false +DEA agent Mark Ibrahim was forced from his job and later indicted simply because he was near the Capitol protest on Jan. 6.,false +InNOut cups say Lets go Brandon.,false +Children who receive COVID19 vaccinations will be walking factories of spike proteins that will undoubtedly cause illnesses to spread like wildfire in schools.,false +National Guard to fill in for cops who refuse to get vaccinated.,false +Virginia Democrat operatives and Terry McAuliffe campaign staffers posed as white supremacists and stood by Republican Glenn Youngkins bus.,false +The Biden administration wants to create an international oversight committee to alter or cancel Second Amendment rights.,false +Unmask your kids Any carbon dioxide concentrations above 2000 parts per million are dangerous,false +Blood starts to clot in a minute or two after a Pfizer COVID19 vaccine injection.,false +InNOut cups say F Joe Biden.,false +Atlanta just lost 75 of its police force,false +There is no such thing as a booster. There is a failed product that is sometimes used again in hopes of a different outcome.,false +In the United Kingdom 70plus percent of the people who die now from COVID are fully vaccinated.,false +Says Jen Psaki said Joe Biden wants to protect marked people.,false +Says Donald Trump said Alec Baldwin a total loser has taken his impression of me to a new low by testing out this theory by shooting someone.,false +Three percent is not a modest tax increase if you own a $100000 home in the city of Buffalo that means an extra $300 a year.,false +79.4 of babies who die of SIDS had a vaccine the same day.,false +Photo shows Sheryl Crow wearing a shirt that says Keep America Trumpless.,false +President Joe Biden withdrew troops from Afghanistan simply because of Trump Derangement Syndrome and they wanted to reverse any policy that Trump had implemented.,false +Indiana State Police offers to hire Chicago officers who REFUSE TO COMPLY with vax mandate.,false +A White House photographer took a picture of Donald Trump at the White House on Oct. 24.,false +With COVID19 vaccinated people are the real threat to unvaccinated people.,false +Democrats are asking for a blank check book to spend as much as they want without worrying about the repercussions.,false +Australia to Implement Quarantine Camps for the Unvaxed,false +Terry McAuliffe has a campaign sign that says Keep parents out of classrooms.,false +The remains of Brian Laundrie that were discovered in Florida belong to a twin.,false +Barack Obama signals That Democrats Intend to Cheat in the Virginia Governors Election.,false +NIH COVID Treatment Guidelines Approve Ivermectin,false +Says he is the ranking member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.,false +Cargo ships cant get into port because of Donald Trumps executive order 13959.,false +Theres been no TV commercials for the COVID19 vaccines because they are required by law to list all adverse side effects.,false +We are seeing the Justice Department treat American parents as domestic terrorists under the Patriot Act.,false +Facebook is changing its hate speech policy to ban Lets go Brandon.,false +A news report quoted Alec Baldwin saying How about I just f shoot the both of ya,false +Two forms of fluoride in our drinking water are so toxic that the CDC clearly labels these chemicals extremely toxic in both animals and humans.,false +There will be a clown purge on Oct. 30.,false +So now if you dont comply and get a COVID19 vaccination and youre on Social Security or disability you wont be able to receive your money.,false +The Freedom to Vote Act automatically registers ineligible voters.,false +The FEMA health care workers replacing the noncompliant nurses and doctors are NOT required to get vaccinated via the CDC.,false +A photo shows a $123199 turkey for sale at Target this year.,false +In the United Kingdom 81 of COVID19 deaths are among the vaccinated.,false +A photo shows sex traffickers using an abandoned child car seat to lure in victims.,false +Parents who challenge school curriculums are domestic terrorists.,false +The percentage of vaccinated employees at United Airlines increased after the mandate because unvaccinated employees left the company.,false +My opponents plan for people who commit sexual assault sexual predators is no jail time.,false +Pfizer admits theres no vaccine approved by FDA.,false +Europe COMPLETELY BANS the Moderna vaccine for young people.,false +An image of empty grocery store shelves shows the effect of President Joe Bidens Build Back Better plan.,false +Under part 2 of the infrastructure bill upon death the entire value of your accumulated wealth and estate will be taxed at 61.,false +Photo shows hundreds of sitting ships waiting to dock at U.S. ports.,false +Vaxxed Delta pilot dies inflight emergency landing required.,false +Department of Homeland Security deemed as terrorism behavior that includes resisting COVID regulations and thinking the election was rigged....In other words if you are a Trump supporter you are a terrorist.,false +A wind turbine could never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.,false +Countless Southwest Airlines employees have walked out of their jobs to oppose the vaccine mandate causing operations to effectively shut down.,false +Bill Gates talked about using vaccines to control population growth in an unedited 2010 TED Talk video,false +Joe Bidens attorney general wants the FBI to go after parents for speaking out at school board meetings to protect kids from radical curriculum like critical race theory.,false +In case you forgot. Two years ago today we were experiencing the greatest economy in the history of the world.,false +Were you aware the $3.5 Trillion Human Infrastructure package includes an animal agriculture tax of $2600 per head of cattle $500 for swine,false +A persons immune system tanks after their second COVID19 vaccine dose.,false +You are more likely as a child to end up in the hospital because of the vaccine than you are because of COVID. Thats data from the CDC and from VAERS.,false +President Joe Biden cut $30 billion to Black colleges and universities.,false +There is no FDA approval for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for COVID19.,false +We do not have an approved COVID vaccine in America the Pfizer vaccine available in the U.S. is not FDA approved.,false +New data shows that death is proportional to dose for COVID19.,false +Sophia Stewart wrote books in the 70s that were stolen from her by Warner Bros. Terminator 14 The Matrix 1 2 ... she won Hollywoods biggest lawsuit $2.5 Billion.,false +Says 86 of COVID19 cases in Israel in July were in fully vaccinated individuals.,false +75 of Republicans have been vaccinated against COVID19 in Illinois.,false +The Pfizer COVID19 vaccine contains an undisclosed ingredient. How is informed consent possible,false +The vaccination campaign increased COVID19 deaths by 175 in one year.,false +Biden orders dishonorable discharge for 46 of troops who refuse vaccine.,false +Norway decided that the coronavirus should be treated like other respiratory diseases such as the flu or cold because it is no more dangerous than those mentioned.,false +Arizona audit shows 86391 voters dont appear to exist.,false +Pfizer launches final study for COVID drug thats suspiciously similar to horse paste ivermectin.,false +The White House created a fake set for President Joe Biden to get his booster shot. The entire Biden presidency is one giant charade.,false +VAERS reports show that babies whose mothers got the COVID19 vaccine died after breastfeeding.,false +The Bidenbacked infrastructure bill contains a provision establishing a permile driving tax.,false +A 13yearold girl is now in critical care in the hospital here in Halifax because her heart stopped right after she had a vaccine.,false +News cameras shut off just as Biden was asked if he gave the Taliban a hit list of evacuating American and Afghan officials.,false +Breaking news US Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination in the United States.,false +Maricopa County official purged machine records before audit started.,false +Insurance companies and Washington bureaucrats are working together to swipe $500 billion from Medicare to pay for Pelosi and Schumers outofcontrol spending spree.,false +The yearly cost of religious tax exemptions $71 billion. If the church paid taxes everyone would only have to pay 3 taxes.,false +Says doctors received a letter stating that if they say anything bad about the vaccine they are at risk of losing their medical license. How messed up is that s,false +The Arizona forensic audit found over 17000 duplicates of votes.,false +The FDA advisory board said unvaccinated people are more educated than most people who have gotten the COVID19 vaccines.,false +Says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie faked their COVID19 vaccinations on live television.,false +A Liability Warning Acknowledgement Form allows a worker to sue their company if they get injured from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Says the COVID19 vaccine doesnt prevent catching or spreading the virus and only lasts months.,false +Peak active cases of COVID19 for 2020 vs. 2021 show this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.,false +Photos show the health ministers of Canada and Los Angeles.,false +Photo shows a gravestone in Japan with a QR code.,false +Hundreds of thousands died after taking the advice of these celebrities who are aiding and abetting mass murder by advocating COVID19 vaccination.,false +CDC says expect a poliolike outbreak coming in children in the next four months.,false +Says Tim Tebow wrote The government might be preparing us for a cashless society but it was predicted by the Bible.,false +Says President Joe Biden told people to get vaccinated against COVID19 to protect themselves from hurricanes.,false +The Pfizer COVID19 vaccine is not approved.,false +My opponent wants to abolish law enforcement.,false +Ida was the strongest hurricane to ever strike anywhere in the United States.,false +Says Alexandria OcasioCortez spent $30000 to attend the Met Gala and God knows how much on that dress.,false +Says he is the only candidate in the Wisconsin Attorney General race with experience as a prosecutor.,false +Says a CNN broadcast shows 400000 votes just disappeared in the California recall election.,false +Says of Gov. Tony Evers and 2020 violence in Kenosha after the police shooting of Jacob Blake It took the loss of lives before help finally came.,false +Video shows a child who tested positive for COVID19 being separated from their parents.,false +The top 1 pays 90 of income taxes.,false +Farmers stand in silence at auction so a young man can buy back his family farmhouse.,false +The Parole Board operates with Mark Herrings advice and consent.,false +Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850 yet experts are saying the last one was due to climate change.,false +I dont believe the science suggests that young people should be vaccinated. I dont believe that young people should have to wear masks at school. Im not sure the science is settled on that at all.,false +Says TikTok found Cassie Compton who has been missing from Arkansas since 2014.,false +The Bidens own 10 of a Chinese firm whose stock is up almost 300 since Joe Biden was elected.,false +Says the Tampa Bay Buccaneers owner paid for a Wall Street Journal ad critical of the president.,false +FEMA forcibly vaccinating Ida evacuees.,false +Ivermectin sterilizes the majority 85 of the men who take it.,false +President Putin bans mandatory vaccinations in Russia.,false +The Texas abortion law provides at least six weeks for a person to be able to get an abortion.,false +Germany halts all Covid19 vaccines says they are unsafe and no longer recommended,false +Says a demonstration with an air quality monitor shows that cloth masks are dangerous for children.,false +All Americans in Afghanistan who have wanted to come out have come out.,false +Video shows Pfizer lab in Madrid on fire.,false +The US government is trying to create food shortages by telling farmers to destroy their crops.,false +In the last several months the Biden administration has released over 7000 illegal aliens who were COVID positive just in one Texas city. Bidens border policies are endangering not just the people of Texas but people all across the country.,false +If these telecom and internet companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States.,false +U.S. veteran group rescued Afghan allies behind Bidens back.,false +A video shows the Taliban hanging someone from a helicopter.,false +Photos show the U.S. service members killed in a 2021 suicide bombing in Kabul.,false +The mRNA COVID19 vaccines are really gene therapy.,false +Friendly reminder Cigarettes are FDA approved.,false +Says President Joe Biden fell asleep during a meeting with Israels prime minister.,false +Thalidomide was FDAapproved for pregnant women in the 1960s.,false +Norfolk naval base has been taken by NATO.,false +Video shows pupils in Nigeria running away from being vaccinated.,false +Says a U.S. Air Forceinsignia plane evacuating people from Afghanistan is fake.,false +Democrats like to blame Republicans on low vaccination rates. Well the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. The last time I checked over 90 of them vote for Democrats.,false +75 doctors in South Florida walked out in protest as their hospital was flooded with unvaccinated COVID19 patients,false +It is the vaccinated NOT the unvaccinated spreading mutant variants.,false +80 of women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester.,false +Pfizer CEO has not yet had vaccine.,false +Says Donald Trump said Do not be distracted by all this going on in Afghanistan. Always keep one eye on Washington D.C. A magician always distracts his audience.,false +AlQaida is gone from Afghanistan.,false +Says a report of unvaccinated Florida teachers dying from COVID19 isnt real.,false +COVID19 vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg code.,false +The CDC actually put together a document to discuss putting high risk people into camps to shield low risk people from them.,false +The Biden administration gifted the Taliban with $80 billionplus in militarygrade weapons but now wants your 9mm pistols.,false +Says Al Jazeera tweeted BreakingNews Taliban started abducting minor girls from their home. The parents who are refusing to give their daughters to Taliban are being killed by Taliban fighters.,false +229 Christian missionaries were sentenced to death in Afghanistan.,false +Video shows Afghan riding on plane engine.,false +Fauci doesnt trust new vaccine research as delta variant surges.,false +CA inmate pregnant after being forced to share prison with transgender woman.,false +Says Malala Yousafzai is silent about the cries of women and children suffering at the hands of the Taliban.,false +Bidens teleprompter told him to LEAVE NOW when his speech was concluded.,false +I dont need the COVID19 vaccine. I have natural immunity that lasts forever.,false +Says Military Times reported that a study found 60 of sailors who had been fully vaccinated with 2shot series vaccines are now at risk for heart disease.,false +Says CNN said Taliban fighters responsibly wearing masks.,false +Says CNN and other news organizations tweeted that a journalist was executed in Kabul by Taliban fighters.,false +Photo shows CNN chyron about Afghanistan that says Violent but mostly peaceful transfer of power.,false +The United States southern border is basically open and is a super spreader event.,false +There is a 0.05 chance of dying from COVID.,false +Says actor Mike Mitchell died because of a COVID19 booster shot.,false +Flights across America are backed up because airline crews are refusing the mandated jab and walking off boarded flights.,false +The White House plans to call for lockdowns due to the delta variant and is aiming for late 2nd week of August per WH official.,false +Photo shows Ron DeSantis holding a shirt that says Your mask is as useless as Joe Biden.,false +Says Kathy Hochul is Nancy Pelosis stepsister.,false +The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions recent guidance on students and masking lacks a wellgrounded scientific justification.,false +CNN had Jeffrey Toobin on analyzing the Andrew Cuomo sexual harassment allegations as their legal expert.,false +A slain Chicago police officer left behind a twomonthold baby.,false +Suggests a suspicious link between the COVID19 delta variant and company named Delta that works in 5G.,false +We actually have this critical race theory moved into all our schools in Virginia.,false +The Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System shows that 5946 people have died because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Unvaccinated people are making the vaccinated people sick and die but the unvaccinated people are not dead or sick.,false +Says there are fewer than 2000 confirmed COVID19 hospitalizations in the U.S.,false +Pfizer vaccine now completely worthless in Israel as 80 of all COVID19 patients were previously vaccinated.,false +Due to the new delta variant California will be mailing in ballots for recall election.,false +The survival rate for COVID19 is over 99 for most age groups.,false +The delta in delta variant means deep sleep.,false +Says Joe Biden has driven the current coronavirus surge because he imported more virus from around the world by having a wide open southern border.,false +Photo shows Laurel Hubbard winning the womens weight lifting competition at the Olympics.,false +If your employer is mandating any pokes do not quit. Make them fire you. That way you get unemployment benefits.,false +Quotes Abraham Lincoln as saying You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.,false +Two federal government buses stopped in front of a Mexican restaurant in the very small town of Green Cove Springs Florida The passengers were illegal immigrants straight from the southern border.,false +Wearing masks has not been demonstrated to make a significant impact in preventing the spread of COVID.,false +CDC confesses Vaccines are failing and the vaxxed can be superspreaders.,false +Its safer to be unvaccinated than vaccinated against COVID19.,false +Ivermectin caused a substantial decrease in the excess mortality rate in Mexico.,false +Says Joe Biden and Democrats have done absolutely nothing to help families struggling to keep up with inflation.,false +Fauci just told us they found a coronavirus variant that evades the test.,false +Says Gov. Tony Evers has declared Wisconsin permanently closed for business.,false +They didnt allow Simone Biles to take her ADHD medication.,false +Type2 diabetes gummies nets the biggest deal in Shark Tank history,false +Says the white man who wanted Rosa Parks seat on the bus was suffering from ADHD and anxiety.,false +You cant actually use ARPA American Rescue Plan Act funds to pay down state unemployment insurance fund deficits.,false +Mailin voting requires no signature verification.,false +CDC will revoke the emergency use authorization of the PCR COVID tests because those tests dont differentiate between COVID and flu viruses. Translation Theyve been adding flu cases to Covid cases when using that test.,false +More than 40 military tribunals testified.,false +60 of patients admitted to the hospital in the UK have been fully vaccinated,false +General Motors admits the clean energy used to charge electric cars comes from coal 95 coal to be exact.,false +Photo shows the place where the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean face each other without mixing.,false +Photo shows Donald Trump supporters protesting Joe Bidens visit to Allentown Pa.,false +Says Emmanuel Macron said I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life my time my freedom and the adolescence of my daughters as well as their right to study properly for those who refuse to be vaccinated.,false +Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English.,false +Ethylene oxide used in COVID19 testing swabs literally changes the structure of the building blocks of your own body.,false +Says George Floyds criminal history includes 23 arrests 3 car thefts and many violent crimes.,false +There are 22 million illegal aliens living in America and ... voting illegally.,false +Video montage shows Kamala Harris and others faking vaccination.,false +Drivers with no DUIs are getting up to $610 back in savings.,false +It makes no sense to require vaccinations for the previously infected.,false +Says an NBC producer at the Olympics was caught on a hot mic saying 60 of people in this stadium will be dead within 10 days.,false +A photograph shows members of the U.S. womens soccer team kneeling during the national anthem at the Tokyo Olympics.,false +Child support card in Delaware controls what mothers can and cannot buy with child support money.,false +California has a personal belief exemption to any new vaccine added to the schedule after June 2015 for public and private daycare preschool and K12.,false +The cost of an automobile its kind of back to what it was before the pandemic.,false +Referring to a destroyed brick mural of George Floyd said its highly unusual for a brick wall to be destroyed by lightning.,false +CocaCola has lost $4 bil in market value as people are boycotting Coke for their try to be less White statement.,false +This week the military was moving big equipment into the major big cities preparing for the Maricopa audit results.,false +Says Joe Biden and Kamala Harris distrusted COVID19 vaccines.,false +The coronavirus cant be so dangerous because there are no biohazard bins for COVID19 masks and gloves.,false +President Biden says he wants to ban handguns.,false +In South Dakota Im putting prayer back in our schools.,false +Every Republican in Congress voted to defund the police when they voted against the American Rescue Plan.,false +If the shot actually saved lives theyd be priced so high that you literally could not afford them you know like insulin.,false +Questions about whether shes been vaccinated are a violation of my HIPAA rights.,false +Canada prohibits all vaxxed pilots from flying.,false +Photo shows people protesting against vaccine tyranny in France.,false +Five JetBlue pilots died from the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Says Jeff Bezos will put 300 metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere for 180 seconds in space.,false +Some of you are being injected with saline because it would look too suspicious if everybody died at the same time.,false +A farm with 2500 dairy cattle is similar in waste load to a city of 411000 people.,false +Says Donald Trump won Arizona.,false +Says Kayleigh McEnany is John F. Kennedy Jr.s daughter.,false +It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County Georgia last November. That is not a conspiracy theory. Its true.,false +You may be 55 years old in Illinois and a citizen and not eligible for Medicaid. But if you are an undocumented immigrant and 55 or older youre eligible for Medicaid.,false +In the 2020 presidential election 4255 ballots in Fulton County Georgia were scanned multiple times and 3390 went to Biden.,false +Photo shows an electric car charging station that uses 12 gallons of diesel fuel per hour and it takes three hours to fully charge a car to get 200 miles. Thats 36 gallons for 200 miles. 5.6 mpg.,false +U.S. sanctions mean Cuba cant trade with any country or any company whatsoever.,false +A car flooded in Germany had a sticker critical of Greta Thunberg.,false +Says that in the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County Ariz. 74243 mailin ballots were counted with no clear record of them being sent.,false +Protest video shows resistance to President Macrons plan for mandatory COVID vaccinations of all French citizens.,false +There is clear legal authority to handcuff and put in leg irons legislators that are trying to stop the legislature from being able to do business.,false +Newly obtained emails show UCSF harvesting the clitorises testicles and penises of murdered babies.,false +Headlines show CNN published contradictory reports about hydroxychloroquine in 2020.,false +The government will be infiltrating personal text messages.,false +Carbon dioxide is not a problem. The Earth has more than enough land and ocean plant life to metabolize it.,false +Says showing up at the front doors of peoples houses and violating HIPAA laws by requesting private medical information regarding their vaccination status is unacceptable and illegal.,false +BREAKING Pennsylvania initiated a FULL audit of the RIGGED ELECTION,false +A bodyguard of a highranking Democrat in Congress fired the shot that killed Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6.,false +There were no guns whatsoever at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.,false +Says CNN reported that Joe Biden authorized a U.S. intervention in Haiti after the assassination of President Jovenel Mose.,false +Says this crowd video shows the ongoing protests in Cuba.,false +Says Facebook imposes a 7 limit on a users sharing.,false +Haiti Tanzania and Madagascar refused the COVID19 vaccines and now all three of their presidents have died unexpectedly.,false +Lauren Boebert received a PPP loan for her restaurant.,false +The number of children in seven countries missing so far this year range from 20000 to 460000.,false +Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is absolutely a side effect of vaccination.,false +A study found an 82 miscarriage rate among women between 30 days and 20 weeks pregnant who got an mRNA COVID19 vaccine.,false +In a now deleted Telegram post former President Trump congratulated the Navy Seals on a perfect beautiful whack in Haiti.,false +Crime is escalating to a level we havent seen in decades as a direct result of Democrats defund the police movement and BidenHarris openborder policies.,false +News organizations and sponsors ignored the accomplishments of Kim Rhode a sixtime Olympic medalist because of her support of the Second Amendment.,false +If COVID19 was real the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wouldnt have been allowed to join 50000 other football fans inside a stadium.,false +Says Alexandria OcasioCortez compared smoking marijuana and transgender women in the Olympics.,false +A Canadian mayor said Muslims must integrate after they demanded removal of pork in all school canteens in Montreal.,false +Records suggest more than 100 batches of absentee ballots in Fulton County could be missing.,false +In Texas the power companies have automatically raised the temperature of peoples thermostats in the middle of a heatwave without their permission.,false +Charcoal activated tablets will counteract most date rape drugs.,false +Says George Floyd died because he had a system full of fentanyl and meth and beat women and held guns to their pregnant bellies.,false +The person that shot Ashli Babbitt boom right through the head just boom there was no reason for that.,false +Facebook said that if you support the NRA you will get kicked off.,false +Jill Biden implied the COVID19 pandemic was planned.,false +Says the Wyoming State Parks Department said it discovered what looks like a giant root system stemming from the base of the Devils Tower.,false +The Pfizer COVID19 vaccine is 99 graphene oxide which is toxic to the human body and causes a number of problems.,false +Says Nancy Pelosi wont let Capitol police testify about what happened Jan. 6.,false +Members of the US Womens National Soccer team turned their backs on the flag as a 98yearold World War II veteran played the anthem.,false +Rebecca Washington is set to replace ShaCarri Richardson on the U.S. Olympic team.,false +The Back the Blue Act that Gov. Kim Reynolds signs means you cant wear the American flag. So throw out those towels and swimsuits ... or youre a criminal,false +LOL stands for Lucifer our Lord. Satanists end their prayers by saying Lucifer our Lord.,false +Cook Countys criminal courts have been shut down for 15 months.,false +California literally just told everyone to not charge their electric cars due to power shortage.,false +Says the MakeAWish Foundation will grant wishes only to fully vaccinated children.,false +A Marine painted his house red white and blue after he was told by his neighbors that he could not fly the American flag in his yard all year long.,false +Carnage is being caused by people who are coming across the border.,false +A photo shows Mike Tyson wearing a Tshirt with an antivaccine message.,false +CDC officials admit more hospitalizations of young people from vaccine than from the actual COVID virus.,false +Military ready to act on audit results in Arizona,false +Funeral directors say no one is dying from COVID and the only ones dying are from the vaccine.,false +Says John McAfee tweeted before his death that he stored computer files in the Florida condo building that later collapsed.,false +Airlines begin to ban vaccinated people after Pilots die due to vaccine,false +A flag expressing support for police officers violates the U.S. Flag Code.,false +The Second Amendment from the day it was passed limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.,false +Says the U.S. government caused the coronavirus pandemic because it sent mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates to university researchers weeks before the COVID19 outbreak.,false +Says Ivanka Trump was targeted in the Florida condominium building collapse.,false +Says Gov. Ron DeSantis just signed legislation requiring students faculty and staff at Floridas public universities and colleges to register their political views with the state.,false +mRNA technology in COVID19 vaccines was never tested in humans.,false +Says Eric Trump said he raised nearly $30 million for children dying of cancer at St. Jude before the age of 30.,false +Sen. Raphael Warnock voted for welfare for politicians plan. Up to $25 million of government money for Warnocks own political campaign.,false +Says Dr. Anthony Fauci in an email advises a family member to use hydroxychloroquine and antibiotic therapy the same evening in which in a press conference he attacked President Donald Trump on the usefulness of hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus.,false +The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION recently reversed its stance on children getting the Covid vaccine.,false +Hawaii to no longer recognize outofstate drivers licenses.,false +A 90 Supreme Court ruling is very rare.,false +World Health Organization wants to BAN all women aged 1850 from drinking alcohol.,false +The unvaccinated have escaped every single strain or variant of SARSCoV2.,false +Gov. Gavin Newsom has no power or authority to extend the state of emergency in California because it expired automatically on May 6 2020.,false +Says President John F. Kennedy said There are people in Washington D.C. in positions of power to whom the border is just a nuisance and I think some of them believe that illegal immigration is a moral good. It is not.,false +A heat wave melted turbine blades at a Texas wind farm.,false +AstraZeneca means weapon that kills.,false +We see an uncompleted wall that was duly appropriated dollars during the Trump days to build over 700 miles. Only 150 miles were constructed.,false +Coolmath Games is being taken down cause it was run by the Mexican drug cartel,false +The 2020 election results in Pennsylvania show a statistically impossible pattern and votes were manufactured for Joe Biden.,false +Austin mass shooter still at large but media wont provide description because hes Black.,false +Cuomo opens New York 72 hours before his daughters wedding.,false +Says the Novavax COVID19 vaccine dumps millions of dangerous spike proteins right into your body.,false +Says Joe Biden confused his son and his grandson.,false +The FBI building in Washington is completely closed. No ones in there.,false +The COVID19 vaccines spike protein is very dangerous its cytotoxic.,false +Says Anthony Fauci will make millions off new book.,false +Emails show that Fauci knew hydroxychloroquine worked and emailed friends about it being effective.,false +Says a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report shows the COVID19 pandemic and the international response were meticulously planned at least 10 years ago.,false +Says professional soccer player Christian Eriksen received the Pfizer vaccine days before he collapsed during a game.,false +Report Vaccine related deaths may rival recorded COVID19 deaths.,false +Says Baptist pastor Charles Stanley is selling CBD.,false +CocaCola made cans that say Try to be less white.,false +Jamaica becomes the first country to make Kpop illegal.,false +The COVID19 vaccines make people magnetized. They can put a key on their forehead it sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick.,false +The Biden administration ignores the negative environmental impact created by lithium mining.,false +Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said People are dying who have never died before.,false +Video shows Israels Iron Dome missile defense system engaged in military combat.,false +Republican state senators who started an audit of 2020 election results in Maricopa County are exposing this fraud.,false +Video shows man trying to fill entire pickup bed with fuel amidst last months fuel shortage.,false +Says Anthony Bourdain tweeted This might be the best bat soup I ever had in my life. Someday everyones gonna be talking about Wuhan.,false +920 women lose their unborn babies after getting vaccinated.,false +Tim Tebow says he is wearing 85 to honor his former friendteammate and fellow TE Aaron Hernandez who passed away in 2017.,false +Airlines are meeting today to discuss the risks of carrying vaxed passengers due to the risk of clots and the liabilities involved.,false +Photo shows the plane that brings our dead military home. It is made so that when they shoot their salute for their service it looks like an angel carrying them home.,false +Says Bruno Mars is Michael Jacksons son.,false +The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight.,false +Donald Trump gave his big speech today with his pants on backward.,false +Viral immunologist says COVID19 vaccines spike protein means people are being inoculated with a toxin.,false +Says James Mattis said If you burn the American flag youll spend two years in the military. I promise you youll be cured of the desire to burn a flag ever again.,false +There is a place in the U.S. where murder is legal.,false +Faucis emails leaked.,false +Photo shows R. Kelly being released from prison in 2021.,false +In 38 days Pelosi and Schiff are up for reelection. Nadler up June 23.,false +Photo shows Tom Hanks after wife Rita exposed his condition after he was spotted in a bad state. Tom will spend the remainder of his life in and out of hospitals.,false +Says U.S. Rep. Ron Kind has spent more $ in 100 days than was spent fighting WWII,false +Says the Pentagon killed a man who invented a waterpowered fuel cell for cars.,false +Terry McAuliffe favors taking the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4th of July out of the school curriculum.,false +The CDC lowered the PCR threshold while no longer recording asymptomatic cases...but only for the vaccinated.,false +Emails show Faucis fellow scientist could tell early on that the coronavirus looked manufactured.,false +An email from Dr. Anthony Fauci shows everyone was lied to about wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID19.,false +U.S. military arrests Dr. Deborah Birx.,false +So the unvaxxed have to wear mask sic to protect the vaxxinated.,false +Not one word from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris honoring service members for Memorial Day.,false +Absent from the news Dominion lost their lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.,false +You will be vaccinated regardless of whether you receive the shot or not.,false +Says ATF chief nominee David Chipman was part of the 1993 assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco Texas.,false +The one good thing about the antibodies if youve had it is it actually is even better than the vaccine and heres why. With the vaccine you can still transmit with the antibodies you cant transmit.,false +COVID19 vaccines are creating the coronavirus variants.,false +Says Luc Montagnier said There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies.,false +Says Donald Trump was back on Twitter as of May 2021.,false +You cant donate plasma after getting a COVID19 vaccine.,false +An image shows the Blue Angels performing a maneuver called the Hand of God.,false +The CDC in midMay quietly changed its international travel recommendations to require fully vaccinated people to test negative for COVID19 before flying to the United States.,false +The very first Republican convention after the Civil War was held in Virginia in a Black church.,false +Says a photo shows a lithium mine for hybrid cars.,false +Lego unveils new genderless bricks with no malefemale connectors.,false +943 innocent kids are now injured or dead because of the COVID19 vaccine.,false +The mother of a missing boy in Nebraska confessed to killing him.,false +Businesses cannot legally ask for proof of vaccination and cannot deny entry based on vaccination status.,false +Getting the COVID19 vaccine jeopardizes life insurance policies.,false +The CDC lifting mask guidelines out of the blue with no solid explanation proves they lied to you the whole time about everything.,false +Video shows Israels defense system.,false +An Ohio doctor died from a COVID19 vaccine.,false +The AstraZeneca COVID19 vaccine contains a Bluetooth microchip.,false +An electromagnetic radiation detector can detect radiation from someones COVID19 vaccination.,false +Businesses arent allowed to ask customers if theyve been vaccinated because there are HIPPA laws.,false +Says Dr. Anthony Faucis wife is the NIH official who rubber stamps exceptions to normal drug and vaccine testing.,false +The Moderna vaccine contains an ingredient that is for research use only not meant for human or veterinary use.,false +Black Lives Matter says it stands with Hamas terrorists in Israeli conflict.,false +Photo shows a Palestinian boy cleaning his own familys blood.,false +CDC director finally admits that COVID cases were overcounted in hospitals,false +Says the CDCs new tracking policy is covering up cases of breakthrough COVID19 infections among vaccinated people.,false +Poll shows that men are more likely to do chores than women in U.S. households.,false +Pope Francis kissing the hands of David Rockefeller John Rothschild.,false +Photos show a photojournalist crying while capturing pictures of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.,false +The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED,false +There is no law that deals specifically with the term partialbirth abortion.,false +Says Don Lemons show has been canceled and he is leaving CNN.,false +University of Miami researchers have found that the COVID19 vaccine affects sperm production.,false +Photo shows an antiIsrael activist holding a photo of Adolf Hitler.,false +COVID19 Jab They skipped all animal trials because all animals were dying and went directly to people.,false +Video shows Palestinians faking a funeral procession for a child.,false +About 40 to 50 of CDC FDA employees are refusing the COVID19 vaccine according to Anthony Fauci and FDAs Peter Marks.,false +MerriamWebster recently changed its definition of antivaxxer to include people who oppose laws that mandate vaccination.,false +When you cant find gas remember who executively ordered the Keystone Pipeline to close.,false +Says photos show a boneyard of electric cars abandoned in France because the cars batteries were too expensive to replace.,false +Transmission of COVID19 by asymptomatic individuals has never been proven.,false +Magnet video proves COVID19 vaccines contain microchips.,false +Says Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech to Hamas leaders thanking them for uniting Israel.,false +Video shows woman filling plastic bags with gas after Colonial Pipeline disruption.,false +Photos show gas costs nearly $10 in the Carolinas.,false +Exxon sign says drivers must show proof of a job for gas purchase.,false +Photo shows plastic bags filled with gas in someones car trunk in South Carolina.,false +U.S. Census Bureau confirms huge conflict in total number of voters in 2020 election.,false +Due to the Colonial Pipeline issue causing a fuel shortage on the east coast NASCAR has decided to postpone this weekends Dover race.,false +Amazon accepts Dogecoin.,false +For vaccine rates among Americans 65 and older theres virtually no difference between white Black Hispanic Asian American.,false +The COVID19 vaccine will make the common coldflu extremely lethal.,false +Michigan has requested a full forensic audit.,false +Birmingham is officially out of gas and fuel and cant get anymore.,false +New Jersey will be out of gas for a week.,false +Scientists Claim to Spot Fungus Growing on Mars in NASA Rover Photos,false +The death rate for fully vaccinated people is significantly higher than nonvaccinated people.,false +First time in 70 years the National Day Of Prayer was not observed in our nations capital,false +The global cost of corruption is as much as 5 of the worlds GDP.,false +All charges were dropped against Bill Cosby and he was granted an early release.,false +Between late December of 2020 and last month a total of 3362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States The actual number is almost certainly higher.,false +15yearold boy passes away from heart attack two days after Pfizer COVID19 experimental jab.,false +Washington Post ends factchecking for Biden for the remainder of his presidency.,false +A year ago we had the lowest unemployment in history without using taxpayers money.,false +Joe Suffers Brain Fart Biden Visits Elementary School Asks The Children If Theyre High Schoolers VIDEO.,false +The Green New Deal costs an average American household almost $700000 through 2029.,false +California Gov. Gavin Newsom just let 76000 inmates out of jail.,false +Parents in Vail Arizona just took over the school board all according to the rules. Voted in a whole new board and immediately removed the mask mandate.,false +If you get the COVID19 vaccine you cant donate blood or plasma because its completely tainted.,false +An audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County Ariz. is confirming the rumors that real ballots have a special watermark.,false +Images show LeBron James standing for Chinas national anthem while shouting during the United States national anthem.,false +The Unvaccinated Beware COVID19 mRNA Shots Cause Death and Disease Through GMO Shedding,false +Vaccine herd immunity doesnt exist because 100 of the population would have to be vaccinated for it to work.,false +Law enforcement violence is the leading cause of death for young Black men and women in the US.,false +Its illegal for a college public school or employer to mandate the vaccine because it was authorized for emergency use.,false +Photo that shows COVID19 test swabs labeled positive and negative proves that the tests are fixed.,false +Very few if any states have a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.,false +Joe Biden says Americans can only celebrate the Fourth of July if he says so.,false +A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention campaign says FACT Refusing to take the vaccine is a form of racism since it harms people of color.,false +Group identifies 12547 illegal votes in Georgias 2020 election results exceeds margin of victory in the state.,false +UN cultural agency removes birthplace of Jesus from its list of heritage sites.,false +Joe Bidens 100day approval rating is the lowest in American history.,false +Biden is currently sending more military equipment to our neighborhoods than Trump did.,false +A quarter of a million illegal votes found in Arizonas audit.,false +Bill Gates fights to keep vaccine ingredients secret.,false +70 of Americans dont believe a word the mainstream media puts out so everyone who thinks Biden won are only 30 of the population.,false +Mariah Carey faked getting her COVID19 vaccine because the needle cant be seen coming out of her arm.,false +Human trafficking and drugs at the Mexico border have doubled tripled and quadrupled since Joe Biden became president.,false +The Biden Administration is buying Kamala Harris book with our taxpayer dollars.,false +Photo shows Facebooks community standards team.,false +COVID19 has killed less people than the damn flu.,false +Says the Memphis Police Department will no longer respond to crimes including larceny breaking and entering and motor vehicle theft.,false +You didnt see Republicans when we had control of the Senate try to rig the game.,false +By clicking on a link from a fake USPS text message you are sending your precise location to sex traffickers in your local area so they can kidnap you.,false +Those 30 40year mortgages prove that banks know climate change is not going to happen.,false +Says Joe Biden was the only world leader to wear a face mask during a video conference.,false +Says the Chicago Police Department tweeted We are all Derek Chauvin.,false +Officials recommend that women who get one of these COVID19 shots should absolutely not get pregnant for at least the first two months after theyve been injected.,false +Says Joe Biden said This country is doomed not just because of African Americans but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European.,false +Mountains of data show drug ivermectin basically obliterates COVID19 transmission.,false +Statistics show thatmore people of color dont have cars than not.So how dodrivethru voting centershelp those folks,false +The knife was on the ground when police arrived at the scene of MaKhia Bryant shooting.,false +Derek Chauvins attorney said that space aliens inhabited the body of Derek Chauvin and caused this death.,false +Photos reveal Greta Thunberg is a trained actress who comes from a long line of actors.,false +Two photos show climate change is a hoax.,false +Black Lives Matter and antifa set Catholic church on fire in Minneapolis.,false +Womens menstrual cycles and fertility are affected by being around people who have received COVID19 vaccines,false +Stanford study results show face masks are ineffective and dangerous.,false +Private insurance gives better coverage than people would get under a Medicaid expansion.,false +Foot Locker donated 200 million dollars to BLM.,false +Derek Chauvin had his left hand in his pocket while kneeling on George Floyd.,false +A serial killer is on the loose in Virginia.,false +Texas could be very close to herd immunity.,false +Says science shows the physiological effects of wearing masks include hypoxemia hypercapnia shortness of breath toxicity and increased muscle tension.,false +Police say there is a suspected serial killer in Baton Rouge.,false +CocaCola Ben Jerrys and other companies support rioting.,false +Says the nation is locked down and theres a wide open border.,false +Says Joe Biden is withholding $150 million in aid from Ukraine to pressure Ukraine to drop all criminal investigations into him and his son Hunter.,false +Marjorie Taylor Greene just scrubbed her Twitter feed of all things Gaetz.,false +Moderna chief medical officer admits mRNA alters DNA.,false +McDonalds and Coke have both announced no whites will be hired in top positions.,false +Says Raphael Warnock supports boycotts of Georgia to protest voting law.,false +A serial killer is targeting women in Hot Springs Ark.,false +Says the 1986 Vaccine protection act resulted in the biggest jump in shots for children because it gave drug manufacturers exemption for responsibility of killing people.,false +A photo shows Queen Elizabeth giggling because Prince Philip surprised her dressed in uniform as a palace guard.,false +DMX received COVID vaccine days before heart attack.,false +George Floyds younger brother Dejywan Floyd has been arrested in North Carolina for a road rage shooting of a white couple killing the mother of six sitting in the passenger seat.,false +Black Lives Matter protest at Iowa Capitol was an insurrection like that on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol.,false +56 million defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control.,false +Says Officer Derek Chauvins knee was not on neck of George Floyd.,false +Former Las Vegas Raiders offensive tackle Bruce Campbell involved in altercation.,false +Sunday was never used before as a voting day in Georgia.,false +Report Biden administration busing thousands of illegals to red states to get permanent status.,false +6000 Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020,false +The Biden administration is engaging in human trafficking because they are enabling this to happen at the southern border.,false +Pete Buttigiegs dog and pony show. He gets out of the car to ride his bike a few feet pretending to save energy.,false +Per the CDC there are nearly twice as many vaccinerelated deaths so far in 2021 1755 than all the vaccine deaths this past decade 994.,false +In this photo Man uses a gun to rob a Texas convenience store. Man was shot by every customer inside the store,false +Theyre unable to administer vaccines if the lockdown ends because the emergency ends with it.,false +The number of pregnant women who have miscarried increased by 366 in just six weeks as a result of their receiving a COVID19 vaccine.,false +The tax deadline is April 18th. Do your taxes soon.,false +If I dont take the vaccine Im at risk for covid. If I do take the vaccine Im still at risk for covid PLUS Im at risk for permanent vaccine side effects. Therefore Im reducing my risk by not taking the vaccine. Thats the real science.,false +A map shows all the cargo ships backed up by the Suez Canal. Get ready for shortages and prices to skyrocket.,false +Says H.R. 1 gives immigrants illegally in the country the right to vote.,false +From Europe 3964 people have died from adverse drug reactions for COVID19 vaccines 162610 injuries.,false +If the voting bill H.R. 1 is passed absentee ballots would be mailed out to anyone without proof of the voters identity.,false +Image of expansive pit shows a lithium mine.,false +Georgias new voting law makes it a JAILTIME CRIME to drop off grandmas absentee ballot in a dropbox.,false +The ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal was a planned or staged event.,false +Says Rachel Levine was Time magazines Woman of the Year.,false +There is no discernible difference between the spread and deaths of COVID in Virginia than there is in Florida.,false +Toxicology report was made public by the MN prosecution revealing the cause of George Floyds death was a fentanyl overdose.,false +Says Jimmy Kimmel Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert are still not doing Biden jokes.,false +Says Google Earth blocked people from seeing the Suez Canal.,false +There are 43 states that have now passed voter suppression laws.,false +Ted Cruz says owning a gun should be as hassle free as owning a car which as I recall requires a license and registration.,false +Since 2006 Texas has given $19B in taxpayer subsidies to wind energy companies. Over the past 23 years Texas has tripled our dependence on wind energy to 2325 percent of our energy distribution system.,false +Were sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.,false +Bull sharks were released in an Arkansas river.,false +80 of people taking the Moderna vaccine had significant side effects via Bill Gates.,false +The president of Drag Queen Story Hour was arrested charged with child pornography.,false +Finally a judge has ruled Dominion voting machines were designed to create fraud.,false +The southern U.S. border is now open to anyone from anywhere in the world who wishes to enter our country.,false +Texas has launched Operation Lone Star to finish the border wall themselves.,false +Gas costs $7.89 at a station in Albuquerque New Mexico.,false +The movie I am Legend was based in the year 2021 and people turned into zombies because of the wrong vaccine.,false +Aluminum is in the vaccine and will hurt the brain.,false +Says Disneyland is enforcing a no scream policy on roller coasters.,false +Pelosis $1.9 trillion bailout gives EVERY federal employee a $21000 bonus check they never lost their job,false +Black Lives Matter of Atlanta Charged with Wire Fraud Money Laundering and Allegedly Using almost 500k in Donations For Personal Use.,false +Says Burisma admitted in a Ukrainian court to paying Joe Biden $900000.,false +Says Candace Owens tweeted Yes my husband did cheat on me with my brother. Yes he said no when I asked to join.,false +The Atlanta shooting suspect wrote an antiChina post on Facebook prior to the shootings.,false +70 of Georgians said they would vote for Trump in 2024.,false +The Washington Post was forced to correct what Donald Trump told the secretary of state of Georgia.,false +Says Joe Biden is now saying he inherited a mess at the border. Fact 9000 illegals all of 2020. So far in 2021 108000 entered U.S.,false +Donald J. Trumps signature is on the new stimulus checks.,false +The COVID economic relief package included $600 million for San Francisco part of which goes to cover the tab for free alcohol and marijuana for the homeless.,false +Hank Aaron and Marvelous Marvin Hagler died after taking the COVID19 vaccine.,false +90 of Americans do not support universal background checks.,false +Vaccines send the immune system into perpetual overdrive by instructing cells to keep making the protein of an invader nonstop forever and ever.,false +Fauci admits he isnt listening to the science when advocating policy.,false +Says Meghan Markle was paid $7 million for giving an interview to Oprah.,false +Says Rachel Levine is telling us that Dr. Seuss books and Mr. Potato Head are bad for the children.,false +Says President Joe Biden promoted mandatory vaccines for everybody in his March 11 address.,false +Next week has a time change full moon and Friday the 13th.,false +Nevada AG admits to changing signature verifications manually for over 200000 votes.,false +Vitamin D vitamin C colloidal silver and black seed oil can kill the coronavirus.,false +Schumer and Pelosi sneak funding into COVID bill.,false +Says H.R. 1 allows minors to vote.,false +A video shows a nurse pretending to vaccinate actor Anthony Hopkins before squirting fluid in the syringe on the floor.,false +Says Joe Biden executive orders caused price increases of 50 cents in gas and 10 in food.,false +Schools banning Dr. Seuss books.,false +Ballots in Arizonas Maricopa County from the 2020 presidential election found shredded and in dumpster days before Senate audit to begin.,false +Video suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci said vaccines dont protect against COVID19.,false +The voting bill known as H.R. 1 would mean that millions of illegal immigrants are quickly registered to vote.,false +H.R. 1 would allow the Boston bomber to have a right to vote.,false +Biden took down Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head.,false +Photos show U.S. senators sleeping in the chamber.,false +Says 5yearolds can take hormones and change my sex.,false +The voting bill known as H.R. 1 would force states to adopt universal mailin ballots.,false +H.R. 1 would prevent removal of ineligible voters from registration rolls.,false +While he was president President Trump never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated.,false +Republicans are trying to create a fake unemployment insurance crisis.,false +Says he requested 10000 National Guardsmen for his Jan. 6 rally but Nancy Pelosi rejected it.,false +Says Rachel Levine supports governmentfunded sex reassignment surgery without parental notification or authorization for all children.,false +Says a photo at CPAC shows evangelical leaders praying over a golden statue of former President Donald Trump.,false +Instagram has been limiting our posts so that no more than 7 of our friends see our posts.,false +All of the science and data say its perfectly safe to have teachers and students in the classroom.,false +Says Nancy Pelosi bought $1.5 million in foreign oil stock day before shut down of American line.,false +America has 133 million registered voters but 159 million votes were cast in the 2020 presidential election.,false +Says Kaleb Torres a young spokesperson for Shriners Hospitals for Children has died.,false +Says Joe Biden has effectively ordered a shutdown of ICE halting virtually all deportations everyone murderers everybody no more.,false +Identification is required to get into Washington DC.,false +Says the Atlanta mayor is shutting the city down for the NBA AllStar Game weekend.,false +The Biden administration halted deportations for all illegal aliens murderers rapists terrorists MS13 gang members are not being deported.,false +If you take the vaccine youll be enrolled in a pharmacovigilance tracking system. It means that youve enrolled yourself in a medical trial.,false +Says Jerry Nadler said God has no authority in the House of Representatives,false +Subsidizing investment in wind has pushed gas and nuclear out. Now we live with the consequences.,false +Says Joe Biden said a racial slur.,false +Insulin prices rose with the swipe of Joe Bidens pen.,false +HR 1 will allow members of Congress to draw a second salary worth an estimated $600000 per year,false +Says a video captures sound from the surface of Mars,false +Just for the record the Biden Administration IS separating children and parents.,false +Says President Joe Biden canceled Trumps child sex ring operation which saw thousands of arrests last year.,false +Says CocaCola CEO James Quincey said A few right winged nuts wont affect our bottom line.,false +The reality in Texas is that youre flying helicopters using fossil fuels to put oil on wind turbines to defrost them.,false +Photo shows Earth Venus and Jupiter as seen from Mars.,false +Oil is now $61.30 a barrel and rising drastically On Jan. 5 it was about $25 a barrel.,false +Nancy Pelosi has invited all illegals to her mansion at 2724 Pacific Ave San Francisco CA.,false +Theres no evidence that white supremacists were responsible for what happened on Jan. 6. Thats a lie.,false +Joe Biden is handing our power grid to the Chinese Communist Party.,false +Utah OFFICIALLY starts RECALL for Mitt Romney.,false +Jill Biden was a teenage babysitter for Joe Bidens family.,false +The science says open the schools stop wearing masks outside and everyone at low risk should start living normal lives.,false +Says Joe Biden didnt act in response to the emergency in Texas.,false +If you make $50000year $36 of your taxes goes to food stamps. $4000 goes to corporate subsidies.,false +Donald Trumps second impeachment cost $33 million.,false +Says Ted Cruz tweeted Ill believe in climate change when Texas freezes over.,false +Photo shows an ice mass hanging inside a Houston home during Texas winter storms.,false +Our wind and our solar got shut down ... and that thrust Texas into this situation where it was lacking power at a statewide basis.,false +FEMA is paying for hotel rooms for Texas winter storm victims.,false +Nobodys health is at risk right now from PFAS contamination as long as they are receiving bottled drinking water,false +Says Joe Biden helps build Afghanistans pipeline.,false +If we kept the minimum wage indexed to inflation people would be making $20 an hour right now.,false +Gov Roy Cooper does not consider Type 1 diabetes an under lying health issue,false +Too many dead people voted in Michigan,false +Biden signs 45 capital gains tax. Kiss your inheritance goodbye.,false +NASA admits that manmade climate change is a hoax,false +Photo shows the USS Al Gore Global Warming Research Vessel covered in ice.,false +Says Nabisco is closing plants in Georgia and New Jersey and moving to Mexico because of Bidens election.,false +Says Joe Biden is trying to shut FLs border.,false +Innocent lives will be saved byending taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.,false +November election data shows a stunning anomaly in the rejection rate of absentee ballots.,false +Manipulated Video used in House Impeachment Looks to Have VIOLATED House Rules,false +Raising the national minimum wage to $15 per hour would destroy up to 3.7 million jobs.,false +Says Gorilla Glue tweeted Do not use our products on your f hair.,false +Photo shows Tampa Mayor Jane Castor maskless at Super Bowl.,false +Says Cracker Barrels name has racist origins and its logo depicts a whip.,false +Trump Won TwoThirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered,false +Only one person died on that day during the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.,false +The COVID19 vaccine went out for distribution in Nebraska days before the FDA even said they were going to approve it.,false +Photo shows Joe Biden asleep at his desk.,false +Michelle Obama earned a doctorate after leaving the White House.,false +Satan flashed in the halftime Super Bowl satanic ritual.,false +New evidence ties COVID19 creation to research funded by Fauci,false +Shell Oil laying off 9000 workers because of Joe Biden.,false +Doctor proves masks dont work by vaping through them.,false +BUSTED CDC Inflated COVID Numbers Accused of Violating Federal Law,false +Newly discovered video shows late night deliveries of tens of thousands of illegal ballots 8 hours after deadline.,false +Seniors around the world who died from COVID vaccine are being improperly listed as natural causes.,false +Says that Hurricane Harvey dropped more water on Houston in five days than goes over Niagara Falls in a year.,false +Trump assassination foiled Deep State in panic mode,false +Photo shows Democratic protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol in 2018.,false +I dont even know what QAnon is.,false +Joe Biden really did wipe away student loan debt.,false +The White House was dark for 10 nights in a row.,false +US Capitol raided 2221.,false +A lot of these migrants that are coming we have no way to screen their backgrounds for either health or for security.,false +Says Joe Biden has allowed males to compete in girls sports.,false +Myanmar used Dominion Voting Systems.,false +Facebook tried to shut down the campaign to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom.,false +HM advertised a sweatshirt that said Koolest Kid in the Klan.,false +The Biden administration lost 20 million COVID vaccines.,false +An audit report found that a voting system used in Michigan in the 2020 presidential election was designed to create systemic fraud.,false +WHO now saying you do not need to wear a mask.,false +Masks have negative impacts on 68 of children.,false +Says Joe Biden said I dont know what Im signing while signing a document.,false +Only in the Third World do you see this habitual use of prosecutions of former leaders.,false +Says Joe Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline because Warren Buffett donated $58 million to his campaign.,false +In March 2020 the United States deployed 30000 troops to Europe to ... free childtrafficked children and arrest deep state cabal members.,false +Biden invested the entire family fortune in Ukraine gas and oil. Then shuts down Keystone pipeline. Starting to get the picture.,false +Says Facebook recently logged users out to track their off Facebook activity involving bank accounts emails and other apps.,false +Joe Biden admits he is governing like a dictator.,false +Assembly Republicans have come to the table and were part of give and take compromise on a coronavirus bill.,false +Says Bill Gates said at least 3 billion people need to die from the planet.,false +Says Bidens Rolex belonged to his late son Beau.,false +Says Donald Trump offered his hotel to our troops to sleep in after they were put in a car garage.,false +Hank Aarons death was caused by a COVID19 vaccine.,false +A majority of Americans have voted for a party that wants a world in which you cannot call your parents mom and dad.,false +Says the Biden administration labeled Libertarians terrorists.,false +National Guard members turned their backs on Bidens motorcade on Inauguration Day.,false +Video shows Biden saying salute the Marines after hearing the words in an earpiece before his inauguration.,false +Democrats forced our GREAT troops to sleep on the ground of a PARKING garage after dragging them to DC for photo ops,false +WHO admits their testing grossly overstates individuals testing positive for COVID.,false +Says Biden had to take a private plane to D.C. instead of a government plane because they know hes not a legitimate president and the military is now responsible for restoring legitimate civilian government.,false +Says Joe Exotic was pardoned.,false +Military brass band plays Hit the Road Jack as Trump leaves office.,false +Donald Trumps letter to Joe Biden said You know I won.,false +A $15perhour minimum wage would raise the price of a Taco Bell burrito to $38.,false +China was behind the interference and the effort to overthrow our government and the election election fraud.,false +Says Joe Biden has plans to ban animal agriculture and gaspowered cars.,false +President Donald Trump cant say anything about the U.S. Capitol riot because the platforms have removed him.,false +Says Gen. David H. Berger commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps. refused Nancy Pelosis request to use the Marines for inauguration security telling her we dont work for you.,false +Says Joe Biden stayed silent about violence at Black Lives Matter protests.,false +Photo shows Rep. Lauren Boebert with Capitol rioters before she gave them a tour of the building one day before the insurrection.,false +Republicans have no way to communicate after tech companies cut off Parler.,false +Says Joe Biden is on video admitting to election fraud in a confession.,false +Nancy Pelosi is no longer the Speaker of the House,false +NPR posted a story about the Capitol breach before it happened.,false +Says Mike Pence changed his Twitter banner photo to Biden and Harris.,false +Video shows man upset because he was added to the nofly list for storming the Capitol.,false +Trump signs Insurrection Act General Flynn to be appointed vice president.,false +Says Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Portlands mayor after demonstrations there urging him to stick to the proven Democratic Play book.,false +A CNN chyron said Antifa has just taken responsibility for storming Capital Hill.,false +Says Mike Pence was arrested.,false +Kamala Harris is planning to use the 25th Amendment against Joe Biden and appoint Mike Pence as her vice president.,false +The woman killed during the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol assault was shot by a Secret Service agent not Capitol Police.,false +The storming of the Capitol was staged.,false +Video shows police removing disabled protesters from the Capitol on Jan. 6 2021.,false +A facial recognition firm confirmed antifa infiltrated the Trump rally in D.C.,false +Georgia and Kansas Capitol buildings have been stormed by protesters.,false +Judge Rules Over 200000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate In Wisconsin.,false +Photo shows 2 sitting senators counting ballots in Georgia.,false +Says Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger faces espionage charges.,false +Says City Blue Imaging Services in Rochester N.Y. printed ballots there. If you search them youll see theyre the ones who had ballots misprint errors for the ballots sent to NYC.,false +Photo shows people protesting the 2020 election in Washington D.C. on Jan. 5 2021.,false +The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.,false +1776 flag flying over White House in January 2021. Revolution Signal.,false +New York is trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non mask wearers and people who dont want to take the vaccine into concentration camps. Then with a court order they can force vaccinate you.,false +Says Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered all hotels restaurants grocery stores gas stations and convenience stores to close Jan. 4 5 and 6 to discourage Trump supporters from gathering in D.C.,false +You had 4925 outofstate voters in Georgia.,false +Photo shows people coming from California to Washington DC to protest election results.,false +Says COVID19 vaccines have experimental technology never before used on humans and that some contain nanochips which can electronically track recipients.,false +A registered nurse in Nashville Tenn. developed Bells Palsy after receiving the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Says Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March.,false +CDC COVID19 survival rates are 99.997 for people ages 0 to 19 99.98 for people ages 20 to 49 99.5 for people ages 50 to 69 and 94.6 for people over 70.,false +Chief Justice John Roberts visited Jeffrey Epsteins private island.,false +21 of people are having serious adverse events from the Moderna vaccine.,false +Say North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Stanly County.,false +A Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent was killed for investigating the election.,false +One of the first nurses to receive the vaccine in AL is now dead.,false +An Austrian politician exposed the defectiveness of the governments Covid19 tests by demonstrating how even a glass of Coca Cola will test positive for Covid19.,false +6 states will cast their electoral votes for Trump AND for Biden which will lead to a second Trump term.,false +The American Medical Association rescinded a previous statement and now says hydroxychloroquine is okay for COVID19.,false +Government imposed lockdowns do NOT reduce COVID19 cases or stop spikes.,false +Says Kelly Loeffler supports raising taxes on Georgias middle class.,false +68 error rate in Michigan Voting Machines. Should be by law a tiny percentage of one percent.,false +The percentage of Americans with natural immunity from getting COVID19 is a very powerful vaccine in itself.,false +An optional microchip for COVID19 vaccines would give officials information on who has and has not been vaccinated and tracks the location of the patient.,false +The CDC delivers groceries and cleaning products twice while youre in quarantine.,false +The number of people who have died in the U.S. in 2020 is on par with years prior to COVID19.,false +Says that this year is the first time during his 27 years as senator that two African Americans have ever served on the same Senate committee.,false +If all goes well itll become federal law to get the COVID19 vaccine.,false +Photo shows MAYHEM in Oregon,false +Voting machines found in bus in Arizona.,false +You know what the biggest lie is is that restaurants are spreaders of COVID. Theres no science for that.,false +Head of Pfizer research Covid vaccine is female sterilization.,false +Images that show a 90yearold UK woman receiving the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine appeared online in a CNN news story in October.,false +The Supreme Court has decided to take up the Texas case.,false +A forensics examination of a Ware County Ga. Dominion Voting Systems machine found votes were switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.,false +The president got the highest percentage of minority votes of any Republican candidate for president in over 100 years.,false +Says Joe Biden killed a Kelly Loeffler campaign staffer.,false +Photo shows Kelly Loefflers house.,false +CDC admits old science was wrong on COVID19 quarantine guidance.,false +Says George Patton said Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lower form of politicians.,false +Says Charles Schumer supports putting everybody on the Medicare system. He wants the Green New Deal reduce funding for the police.,false +China recovered from COVID19 without a vaccine.,false +The USPS backdated 100K ballots so they could be counted illegally.,false +Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table and illegally counted after election observers were told to leave.,false +Residents the Wisconsin Election Commission suspected of moving are illegal voters.,false +Beware George Soros is starting a Fake News site in Missouri,false +Masks will kill quite a few people its well known that they reduce blood oxygen levels and those with respiratory and cardiac disorders will die.,false +Says Hugo Chavezs family still owns Dominion Voting Systems.,false +Says Joe Biden plagiarized Donald Trump in his Democratic National Convention speech.,false +CNN is now saying that Trump will win,false +Says her health care plan would ensure Americans with preexisting conditions are protected.,false +Says the Denver Broncos signed Colin Kaepernick.,false +Says that shutdowns are ineffective and that we now know that COVID19 is not commonly spread by someone going to work.,false +We passed one of the first COVID19 bills in the entire country empowering Gov. Evers to act.,false +Video shows movers carrying boxes out of the White House as President Trump discusses 2020 election results.,false +Dominion and Smartmatic have closed up shop and executives are on the run.,false +Photo shows Bidens inaugural stage being built on the White House North Lawn.,false +Says Donald Trumps sister tweeted My brother Don won this election and will fight this to the very end.,false +Democrats spent 4 years refusing to acknowledge Trumps 2016 victory.,false +North Carolina Gov. Roy Coopers daughter is having a big wedding today. 500 people. Then going to lock you down on Monday.,false +Photo shows Time magazine cover with Barack Obama that says Treason.,false +Clerks in Milwaukee and Dane Counties colluded to add nearly 250000 individuals to the Indefinitely Confined voter list.,false +At least 450000 ballots in the key states ... miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.,false +Says Biden wants a nationwide lockdown to combat a virus that has a 99 survival rate.,false +Big victory moments ago in the State of Nevada. The all Democrat County Commissioner race on same ballot as President just thrown out because of large scale voter discrepancy.,false +Michigan just refused to certify the election results,false +There is aborted male fetus in the OxfordAstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine.,false +Biden campaign director arrested for electoral fraud.,false +These are real to date pictures taken during the Million MAGA March 2020.,false +More than one MILLION marchers for President realDonaldTrump descend on Washington D.C. on Nov. 14.,false +Facebook removed the title of President from Donald Trump and designated him as Political Candidate.,false +Ticketmaster is planning mandatory COVID vaccine identification for concert attendance.,false +Says Donald Trump posed as an anonymous Nevada poll worker on Laura Ingrahams show.,false +The real electoral map shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in electoral votes.,false +Video shows California election workers cheating by collecting ballots from drop box on Nov. 4.,false +The media called the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton.,false +Biden lead disappears in NV AZ GA PA.,false +Detroit election worker trainings reveal the mechanisms of the planned theft of the election,false +A judge has ordered a HAND RECOUNT by an INDEPENDENT COMMISSION in the state of Michigan following hard evidence of voting fraud by Detroit City Election Commission.,false +Map shows 2020 election results.,false +Video shows trashed ballots for Donald Trump.,false +Church bells rang in Paris and fireworks were set off in London to celebrate Joe Bidens presidential win.,false +Says 132000 ballots in Fulton County Ga. have been identified as likely ineligible and President Trump might win Georgia as a result.,false +Says there are indications of grossly improper conduct from election officials right here in my district.,false +Overnight election workers found 140000 mail in ballots in Wisconsin 200000 in Michigan and 1 million in Pennsylvania. All for Biden. None for Trump.,false +If Donald Trump didnt win Michigan why does the actual government site say he did,false +Joe Biden is no longer the Presidentelect according to RealClearPolitics.,false +Election worker brags about destroying Trump ballots rips up a ballot for DJT on video.,false +CNN says Dick Cheney will be advising Biden on foreign policy.,false +Mitt Romney has been asked to lead Health and Human Services in Biden administration.,false +Says The Washington Times ran a frontpage headline that said President Gore.,false +Says a New York Post cover used the headline YOURE FIRED on Nov. 4 with an image of Donald Trump.,false +The NAACP has received credible information that some of the white nationalist groups will be looking to snatch black men and boys and hang them shoot them torture them and kill them.,false +An election worker in Georgia threw away a ballot.,false +A list shows over 14000 dead people voted in Wayne County Michigan.,false +Republicans in Nevada found at least 3062 instances of voter fraud. ... Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.,false +Philadelphia is clouding the vote counting in a shroud of darkness.,false +Says the logo of a porn website appeared during a CNN broadcast.,false +Active crime scene in Spalding County Ga. where ballots for President Donald Trump were discovered in a dumpster.,false +More poll workers caught filling out ballots in Delaware County Pennsylvania.,false +Republican election challengers were unfairly barred from observing absentee ballot processing and counting in Detroit.,false +Arizona trooper found 50000 ballots in dumpster all for President Trump,false +Video showing collection of California ballots on Nov. 4 shows cheating.,false +Video shows a poll worker committing voter fraud in Delaware County Pa.,false +40000 votes for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen magically become votes for Joe Biden.,false +118yearold William Bradley voted via an absentee ballot in Wayne County Michigan this year. William died in 1984. Theyre trying to steal this election.,false +Wagon arriving at Detroit counting center after deadline may have been a ballot box.,false +Says North Carolinas Democratic Secretary of State controls the states elections.,false +Thousands of military ballots were found in the trash in Wisconsin.,false +More mailin ballots were counted in Lancaster County Pa. than were returned.,false +If you were forced to use a Sharpie to fill out your ballot that is voter fraud.,false +Detroit has 2503 dead people registered including one voter born in 1823.,false +Joe Biden was called for Michigan even though Donald Trump won more votes.,false +Any votes counted after midnight on Election Day in Michigan are fraud.,false +A person is on film burning 80 Trump ballots.,false +Last night I was leading often solidly in many key States in almost all instances Democrat run controlled. Then one by one they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted.,false +Six states cant get the votes counted. Six states in which realDonaldTrump is leading. Six states where Dems are in charge.,false +40000 rejected vote by mail ballots in DeKalb County need to be cured by Friday or they will be tossed.,false +Now that its even Nevada decides to stop counting and is now not going to count anything until TOMORROW What,false +Early morning election results from Michigan and Wisconsin show voter fraud.,false +Wisconsin found 112k votes at 3am.,false +This is the California model spreading across the country. When you need to flip things blue theres always some mysterious mailin ballots lying around thatll do the trick. Shameful,false +Says Joe Biden received a sudden influx of 138339 votes in Michigan while Donald Trump received none.,false +Six states decided to stop counting votes as Donald Trump was headed for a win on election night.,false +Says Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said I will not certify the vote in my state for Donald Trump no matter the outcome.,false +Voters in Maricopa County Ariz. were forced to vote using Sharpie pens that arent read by voting machines.,false +NOT A JOKE Ilhan Omar Tells Residents You Dont Have to be Registered to Vote in Minnesota.,false +Trump has won the election with 294 electoral votes.,false +An image shows what appears to be an official ballot box being taken away from a polling location by an unidentified civilian.,false +Only sign outside Bucks County voting place. Democrats shown republicans blurred out. More scamming in Pennsylvania,false +If Biden wins the election there are people out there planning on mass murdering poc and lbgtq people. Please stay inside during the election and a few days after.,false +Deep RED cities are not boarding up and the National Guard is not being called in in case Biden wins.,false +A poll worker in Erie County Pa. threw out over 100 ballots for Donald Trump.,false +Stacks of bricks are showing up in Denver because the Evil Left is getting ready to destroy downtown.,false +Trump supporters are blocking access to polling sites at Clifton City Hall New Jersey.,false +Bricks are being randomly placed all over Detroit.,false +Biden says he doesnt need voters to get elected.,false +Kohls confirmed that they will be selling BLM merchandise but are not selling back the blue at this time.,false +Antifa gearing up for false flag violence disguised as Trumpsupporters.,false +Says President Trumps Oct. 31 rally in Butler Pa. drew over 57000 people.,false +Says Nancy Pelosis son served on the Burisma board with Hunter Biden.,false +Kamalas husband a lawyer represents the Communist Chinese Party in America Think about that,false +Dems have removed any mention of God from their Platform.,false +Photo shows Joe Biden doesnt wear a mask on a plane.,false +We will be over 290 electoral votes on Election Night ... no matter what they Democrats try to do what kind of hijinks or lawsuits or whatever kind of nonsense they try to pull off.,false +Joe Biden called Black youth super predators.,false +Queens voters received premarked ballots for Joe Biden.,false +Our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID. So what they do is they say Im sorry but you know everybody dies of COVID.,false +The Green New Deal would require that 99 of homes in the country be torn down and rebuilt more energy efficient over a ten year period.,false +Says the toddler shown in a photo clinging to a police officer was found wandering alone and barefoot looking for his mother amid protests in Philadelphia.,false +America is dead Joe Biden actually said this at his Iowa rally.,false +Says Sean Connery wrote a letter to Steve Jobs refusing to be an Apple spokesman.,false +COVID ends next Wednesday.,false +There are people trying to make legal age of consent 4 years old.,false +MiamiDade reporting 23 of early ballots being rejected for missing signatures.,false +On 60 Minutes Joe said he never met with Hunter and the Burisma CEO. Well here he is with both.,false +Says YouTube removed Tucker Carlsons interview with Tony Bobulinski.,false +Says Jeff Foxworthy wrote a fence test for Republicans and Democrats.,false +Says Trump didnt campaign on cutting the debt Thats not what he promised to do.,false +I can send every qualified person to a fouryear college in their state for $150 billion.,false +The majority of minimum wage workers...are mothers.,false +When asked about courtpacking Bidens staff immediately escorts the camera out.,false +Says Kamala Harris said looters are just feeding their hungry kids.,false +Says Jill Biden said Whatever is on Hunters laptop is not important.,false +Sen. Kamala Harris may have broken laws when she visited a voting site in Ohio,false +Says someone tried to suppress votes by disguising trash cans as ballot boxes.,false +In Nevada they want to have a thing where you dont have to have any verification of the signature on ballots.,false +Says North Carolina just landed an auto plant.,false +Joe Biden confirmed his plan to abolish the entire U.S. oil industry.,false +Says Joe Biden said Why am I doing this Why What is my real aim,false +Says photo of Malia Obamas credit card next to white powder was found on Hunter Bidens laptop.,false +More suicide deaths than coronavirus death past two months.,false +Joe Biden says he supports sex changes for kids.,false +U.S. is really not doing COVID19 reporting right because deaths are being improperly counted and hospitals have an incentive to pad stats.,false +Says Hunter Biden died of a crack overdose.,false +Biden admits to voter fraud.,false +Says photo from Hunter Bidens laptop shows Paul Pelosi Jr. abusing a girl and doing drugs.,false +Says Troy Nehls called wearing masks unAmerican and called those who do communists.,false +The daughter of Sen. Coons DDE along with 7 other underaged girls are featured on Hunters laptop Breitbart News,false +The coronavirus was constructed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.,false +A yearbook photo shows Mark Kelly dressed as Adolf Hitler.,false +Biden slipped up and came out saying hes going to tax your 401k. Are any of you EVEN paying attention,false +Says Joe Biden had an iPad at his podium during the debate.,false +Says Texas has lower taxes and less regulations than anywhere else in the U.S.,false +Were starting to reach almost herd immunity in this nation so well be on the downside of this virus very soon.,false +Michigan has been like a prison during the coronavirus.,false +Says Donald Trump said good during the final presidential debate in reference to families being separated at the border.,false +Foxconn hasnt hit job targets on its massive Wisconsin factory because No. 1 you had a pandemic.,false +We are rounding the turn on coronavirus. We are rounding the corner.,false +Pennsylvania never opened.,false +Says Mark Kelly took to space a Chinese communist banner.,false +A video shows ballots being changed in Maryland.,false +Leftists sent Proud Boys emails threatening Democratic voters.,false +California sends 440000 ballots to ineligible voters.,false +Says Joe Biden repeatedly told Americans hes going to raise their taxes.,false +Says Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote a paper blaming 191819 flu deaths on masks.,false +Hunter Biden was chairman of the World Food Program which just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Eric Trump Donald J Trump Jr Ivanka Trump are banned from ever operating a charity again because they stole donations to children with cancer.,false +The boilermakers union has endorsed me because I sat down with them and went into great detail with leadership about exactly what I would do.,false +Says NBC News Kristen Welker gave thousands of dollars to Obama Clinton and Biden is registered as a Democrat her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House.,false +A photo shows women who gathered to scream at Trump through their vaginas.,false +Says Hunter Biden had 25000 pics of him torturing and raping children under age 10 in China on his laptop.,false +Says since he and President Trump took office their policies led to an unemployment rate of 3.1 in Wisconsin and 61000 Wisconsin jobs including 15000 manufacturing jobs.,false +Photo shows Ice Cube and 50 Cent wearing Donald Trump hats.,false +Pennsylvania rejected 372000 mailin ballots,false +Speaking of the federal debt before the coronavirus pandemic we were starting to get that number down.,false +WHO now says your childs presence in school counts as informed consent for vaccination parental presence not required.,false +Says Joe Biden said I lived in Section 8 housing as a little boy.,false +A photo shows a massive crowd at a recent Florida rally for Donald Trump.,false +Says he fully funded Missouri K12 education for the first time in state history.,false +Says Kanye West got 40000 votes in the presidential election in Kentucky.,false +Jaime Harrison is being left off of South Carolina ballots,false +Says Joe Biden calls Donald Trumps supporters the dregs of society.,false +Changes to DACA during his administration are because of the pandemic.,false +They eliminated the funding for community policing.,false +According to a recent CDC report almost everyone 85 who got the coronavirus in July was wearing a mask and they were infected anyway. So clearly wearing a mask doesnt work the way they tell us it works.,false +The World Health Organization just admitted that I was right. Lockdowns are killing countries all over the world. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.,false +BREAKING NEWS All Charges Dropped for Kyle Rittenhouse.,false +A fly landed on Amy Coney Barretts shoulder during day one of the confirmation hearings,false +Says Joe Biden is a socialist.,false +In May Wisconsin had its own test of mask effectiveness when we went from masks to no masks and there was no significant difference in cases.,false +Says Democratic senators were missing masks as they huddled close together at the Judiciary Committee hearing for Amy Coney Barrett.,false +Says Nicole Galloways campaign is being bankrolled by the same extremists who want to defund our police.,false +Says Doug Jones has voted to spend our tax dollars on lateterm abortions and supports abortion up until birth.,false +Your ballot could be disqualified if it is written on in Haltom City Tex.,false +Bidens plan is a 14 tax hike on middle class families.,false +CDC just cancelled Halloween for kids.,false +Says Joe Biden took a knee during the national anthem.,false +Says Joe Biden called for a jihad in a video.,false +Senate Republicans move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in an election year is not constitutional.,false +Says Kamala Harris said American churches are PROPAGANDA CENTERS for intolerant homophobic xenophobic vitriol.,false +Kamala Harris Tried to Put ProLifers in Jail Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts,false +ABC News has confirmed that attendees to Trump WH Rally were paid. $150. ea and had to sign an NDA.,false +Says Lucy McBath voted to release criminals from prison. Murderers rapists.,false +Says Kamala Harris said The American people arent equipped to make these decisions for themselves.,false +Image shows Nancy Pelosi drunk and being kissed by President Barack Obama.,false +Says U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood described riots as beautiful protests.,false +If Biden becomes president and cannot complete his term Harris will become president and Pelosi will become vice president.,false +During the debate Kamala Harris said President Donald Trump did not appoint minorities to the courts.,false +The Commission on Presidential Debates wrote a letter after the 2016 presidential debates apologizing to Donald Trump.,false +Says that Nikita Khrushchev said Your childrens children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No you wont accept communism outright but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism.,false +Says the U.S. Houses COVID19 relief bill advanced by Democrats strips states of their right to administer elections.,false +Says ballots in Wisconsin are being dumped in rivers or creeks.,false +Says Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support abortion up to the moment of birth.,false +As vice president Kamala Harris would defund dismantle and dissolve police departments.,false +Shredded Pennsylvania Mail in ballot Applications were discovered in a trailer.The applications were for realDonaldTrump.,false +Says Joe Biden is proposing a tax increase thats the largest in American history.,false +Says Sen. Gary Peters downplayed the pandemic and failed to act.,false +Chris Christie is in ICU and reported to be put on a ventilator.,false +Hillsboro school district has already placed Antifa BLM in their curriculum as Justice Fighters. Fourth grade.,false +The Rock has lost 48 million followers on his IG and YouTube after coming out for Biden.,false +Says Kamala Harris said there will be a federal tax on your home for reparations.,false +NYT is correcting their lies..Trump paid $1M in 2016 $3.8M in 201718..THEY LIED..AGAIN. INFO ON TWITTER THIS AM.,false +Says Chris Christie told Donald Trump to interrupt Joe Biden during the debate because people who overcome stuttering have a harder time maintaining their train of thought when interrupted. Keep interrupting him and hell stumble when he tries to speak. This will enforce the senile narrative.,false +Many people every year sometimes over 100000 and despite the vaccine die from the flu we are learning to live with Covid in most populations far less lethal.,false +All Missouris highrisk areas have mask mandates in place.,false +During the ObamaBiden administration 18000 people got clemency.,false +AARP endorses Biden and gives financial support to Planned Parenthood.,false +HOUSE PASSES BILL TO PAY U.N. TO RUN LOCAL POLICE BOARDS IN 46 U.S. CITIES.,false +The government has released their initial plans to force a vaccine on everyone.,false +Bikers show up to The Walter Reed Hospital to pray for President Trump.,false +Says Joe Biden stays in his basement.,false +Says Donald Trump boarded Marine One with a portable oxygen concentrator in his pocket with the nasal cannula going up his back hidden in his hair and tucked under his mask.,false +No prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on.,false +Biden and Obama allowed grown men in restrooms with little girls. Trump has rescued over 300 missing children from pedophiles and perverts.,false +Two Doomsday Planes took flight because of President Donald Trumps COVID19 diagnosis.,false +I dont think theres any doubt Joe Bidens senile.,false +Poll watchers in Philadelphia were thrown out.,false +Before the coronavirus pandemic the United States had the greatest economy in the history of our country.,false +In manufacturing I brought back 700000 jobs. Obama and Biden brought back nothing.,false +Says Joe Biden had 308000 military people dying because you couldnt provide them proper healthcare in the military.,false +Amy Coney Barrett has said that a woman should not be able to own property buy or sell without the permission of her husband or a male relative.,false +You said you went to Delaware State but you forgot the name of your college.,false +Cori Bush is a career criminal and a con artist.,false +Dont buy the new Pepsi can coming out with pics of the Empire State building and the Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out 2 little words in the pledge Under God.,false +Says Merrick Garland is investigating Donald Trumps tax evasion case.,false +I proudly voted for Hillary Clinton.,false +Says over 1000 mail in ballots were found in a dumpster in California.,false +Says Jared Kushner deleted all of his tweets after the tax story broke.,false +A letter from Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves says that at the beginning of October 2020 the statewide mask requirements will be abolished.,false +Says under U.S. Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortezs Green New Deal proposal Cows are out.,false +Says House candidate Jon Hoadley voted to defund the police,false +We have a worse economy than any other country in the world thats going through COVID19 by a factor of three.,false +Like AlQaeda and ISIS Amy Coney Barrett has said her end goal is to end the separation of church and state build a Kingdom of God in the United States.,false +Says President Trump tweeted that its not fair for a president to leave office because of BAD votes and that the Supreme Court should decide the presidency at every election.,false +Kamala Harris has not formally taken questions from the press a single time since she was announced as Joe Bidens vice presidential pick.,false +Quotes Donald Trump as saying Ill tell you the funniest thing. Ill go backstage before a Miss Teen USA show and everyones getting dressed and ready and everything and no men are anywhere. You know Im inspecting. The girls 1416 are standing there with no clothes on.,false +Biden said today if he loses his people will keep burning looting and killing.,false +Says Judge Amy Coney Barrett said that gays have a right to be discriminated against because they are against Gods wishes and that white people are Gods chosen ones.,false +Says Sara Gideon voted to defund the Freeport police and gave the money to a nonprofit she helped run.,false +Coroner saying George Floyd died of drug overdose not police brutality.,false +Says Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron married his mentor Mitch McConnells granddaughter.,false +Says Joe Bidens plan for netzero emissions would instantly shut down all fracking and all mining immediately in Pennsylvania.,false +Photo shows Dianne Feinstein bullying Lisa Murkowski over the now empty seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.,false +Quotes Ronald Reagan as saying Keep voting Democrat ... One day they will restrict your freedoms restrict your history and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that dont understand the consequences of their ignorance.,false +Guess who is the marketing CEO of Zoom Pelosis daughterNewsomes cousin.,false +Says Facebook is banning Trump from advertising for president.,false +Photos show children in cages.,false +Joe Biden completely botches the Pledge of Allegiance.,false +Putting a national lockdown stayathome orders is like house arrest. Other than slavery which was a different kind of restraint this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.,false +Facebook is creating these firstborn and secondborn challenges so the IRS can confirm who yall claiming on them taxes as dependents.,false +Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated and confirmed 43 days before an election.,false +82 of Americans...would experience a tax increase if Biden were elected.,false +We indicted someone in Texas 1700 ballots collected from people who could vote he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to.,false +Photo shows Jacob Blakes 14yearold rape victim.,false +The Trump campaign asked that I release the list of potential Supreme Court nominees only after Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.,false +Says Sarah Jeong said We need a castration lottery for white men. Every month we pull a birthday sort the excess and snip some sacks preferably in a big public gathering.,false +A Time magazine cover shows Donald Trump looking at a child in a cage.,false +The man in a mugshot is responsible for lighting 32 of the wildfires on the West Coast.,false +Says John F. Kennedy said If a Supreme Court Justice died one day before the election it would be more Constitutional to indefinitely postpone the election than postpone the confirmation a single day.,false +Theres no court session between now and the end of this election.,false +Students no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools.,false +This Is Real Biden Waves To An Empty Field.,false +4 republican senators now on board...no vote until January on Supreme Court Murkowski Romney Collins Grassley.,false +If the president had done his job had done his job from the beginning all the people would still be alive. All the people. Im not making this up. Just look at the data.,false +A portion of everything you pay A.A.R.P goes directly to the Democratic Party.,false +Epstein dies while in custody his private banker is found dead a judge had a trial regarding Epstein and the Deutsche Bank. Her son has been killed now and her husband has been shot. The shooter who shot the son and shot the judges husband has now also been found dead.,false +Bill Gates says you dont have a choice to be vaccinated or not.,false +Kim Martin Morrow the CEO of Netflix has just been charged with 15 charges for child pornography,false +Says he authored legislation to guarantee coverage to people with preexisting conditions no matter what happens to Obamacare.,false +CBS stole a photo from Latinos for Trump in Phoenix and tagged it as a Biden event.,false +CDC Director Robert Redfield says healthy people should NOT wear masks.,false +Nobody is found dead of corona in their homes.. They all die at the hospital.,false +An antifa flyer encourages activists to disguise yourselves as patriotsTrump supporters on Nov. 4.,false +McDonalds removes their American flags in support of Antifa BLM nationwide.,false +James Comey has 50 counts of TREASON. And John Brennan has 48 counts of TREASON.,false +There are hit squads being trained all over this country to violently oppose a second term for President Donald Trump.,false +Selene Delgado Lopez is everyones friend in Facebook.,false +Here is the fire drone video that Twitter Google and YouTube didnt want us to see.,false +If Joe Biden steps down Nancy Pelosi will become vice president.,false +The number of ICU beds is larger in Boone County by a factor of three compared to Orange County for the University of North Carolina.,false +You people hate on Trump but he put on a child protective force that found over 300 missing kids in less than 30 days.,false +The same deputy who got shot through her jaw in Saturdays shooting is the same officer seen on video laughing and smirking at the scene of security guard Andres Guardados death after he was shot and killed by LASD officers on June 18th 2020.,false +Map shows that wildfires stop at the US.Canada border.,false +West Coast wildfires are due to bad forest maintenance not climate change.,false +A CNN headline reads Members of Crip gang volunteer to fight wildfires after sky turns red.,false +Says a Twitter account for Scarsdale NY Antifa tweeted that chapters of Antifa around Oregon have collaborated to ignite fires around the state.,false +Says a photo shows an ambushed Los Angeles police officer and that the NFL intends to honor and praise the organization that stood outside of the hospital chanting We hope she dies.,false +CDC announces that ordinary nonN95 masks which most people are wearing will do nothing to protect you against wildfire smoke Fun fact smoke particles are far larger than SARSCoV2 particles.,false +ANTIFA is now carrying chain saws and cutting down utility poles and starting more fires.,false +Says Lucy McBath is supporting those who attack the police.,false +Kroger Corporate says employees can not wear flag masks but they can wear BLM masks,false +Photo shows a man who burned the car of an antifa member.,false +Photo shows some of the firefighters in California fighting fires 247 to save peoples lives and property.,false +KXL Radio in Portland reported today that Firefighters are now being shot at by suspected Antifa and BLM members.,false +Says Joe Biden and Gretchen Whitmer were maskless at the Detroit Athletic Club while OUR children are being mandated to wear a mask while playing outdoor sports.,false +Canada has just criminalized all CV19 measures requiring masks distancing quarantining vaccines.,false +Antipoaching organizations dye elephant tusks and rhino horns with the same pink dye that is used to mark stolen banknotes.,false +After the last administration nearly killed the US auto industry I saved the U.S. auto industry ... We brought you a lot of car plants and Japan announced five car companies are coming to Michigan.,false +Pallet Company in Oregon City confirmed Antifa arsonist on camera. Douglas County Sheriff has 6 ANTIFA arsonists in custody.,false +Most of the wildfires on the West Coast are all being started by antifa.,false +Military COVID infected 118984. Military COVID deaths 6114.,false +Says Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez and Eugene DePasquale support socialized medicine the Green New Deal and defunding the police.,false +Olive Garden employees are allowed to wear Black Lives Matter masks but NOT the American flag.,false +Entire port in Delaware on lockdown 60 plus kids in shipping containers.,false