extends CharacterBody3D class_name Player enum PlayerState {IDLE, RUN} const SPEED : float = 5.0 const JUMP_VELOCITY : float = 4.5 @export var look_sensitivity: float = 0.005 @export var is_controlled: bool = false @export var reload_speed_ms := 500.0 @onready var camera_pivot : Node3D = $CameraPivot @onready var character : CharacterModel = $TbotModel @onready var first_person_camera : Camera3D = $CameraPivot/FirstPersonCamera3d @onready var third_person_camera : Camera3D = $CameraPivot/ThirdPersonCamera3d @onready var camera_raycast : RayCast3D = $CameraPivot/FirstPersonCamera3d/RayCast3D @onready var Proj = preload("res://projectile.tscn") @onready var ai_controller: AIController3D = $CameraPivot/AIController @onready var health_system = $HealthSystem # Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes. var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") var player_state := PlayerState.IDLE var input_dir : Vector2 var can_shoot := true var needs_respawn = false var human_control = false var team = -1 func _ready(): health_system.init(self) third_person_camera.current = is_controlled CameraManager.register_player(self) ai_controller.init(self) $PlayerHitBox._player = self func set_team(value): team = value # for detection of different team classes ai_controller.set_team(team) # update the material of the tbot model character.set_team(team) # update the collision mask if team == 0: $PlayerHitBox.collision_layer = $PlayerHitBox.collision_layer | 8 $PlayerHitBox.collision_mask = $PlayerHitBox.collision_mask | 8 elif team == 1: $PlayerHitBox.collision_layer = $PlayerHitBox.collision_layer | 16 $PlayerHitBox.collision_mask = $PlayerHitBox.collision_mask | 16 func respawn(): GameManager.respawn(self) camera_pivot.rotation.x = 0 health_system.reset() ai_controller.reset() needs_respawn = false func died(): ai_controller.done = true respawn() func _shoot(): if !can_shoot: return var hit_location = global_position + -camera_raycast.global_transform.basis.z * 100.0 if camera_raycast.is_colliding(): hit_location = camera_raycast.get_collision_point() var projectile = Proj.instantiate() add_child(projectile) projectile.set_as_top_level(true) projectile.shooter = self projectile.set_team(team) var info = character.get_gun_info() projectile.global_position = info projectile.look_at(hit_location) projectile.velocity = -projectile.transform.basis.z * projectile.speed can_shoot = false await get_tree().create_timer(reload_speed_ms/1000.0).timeout can_shoot = true func _unhandled_input(event): if !human_control and (!is_controlled or ai_controller.heuristic == "model"): return if event is InputEventMouseMotion: rotate_y(-event.relative.x * look_sensitivity) camera_pivot.rotate_x(-event.relative.y * look_sensitivity) camera_pivot.rotation.x = clamp(camera_pivot.rotation.x, deg_to_rad(-70), deg_to_rad(70)) character.set_camera_angle(camera_pivot.rotation.x) func _physics_process(delta): # Add the gravity. if not is_on_floor(): velocity.y -= gravity * delta if needs_respawn: respawn() if !is_controlled and ai_controller.heuristic == "human": return if Input.is_action_just_pressed("human_control"): human_control = !human_control # Handle Jump. var jump var shoot if human_control or ai_controller.heuristic == "human": jump = Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") shoot = Input.is_action_just_pressed("shoot") input_dir = Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forward", "move_backward") else: jump = ai_controller.jump_action shoot = ai_controller.shoot_action input_dir = ai_controller.movement_action var look_dir = ai_controller.look_action rotate_y(-look_dir.x * look_sensitivity*4.0) camera_pivot.rotate_x(-look_dir.y * look_sensitivity*4.0) camera_pivot.rotation.x = clamp(camera_pivot.rotation.x, deg_to_rad(-70), deg_to_rad(70)) character.set_camera_angle(camera_pivot.rotation.x) if jump and is_on_floor(): velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY # if camera_raycast.is_colliding(): # var hit_location = camera_raycast.get_collision_point() # $HitDebug.global_position = hit_location # # # var muzzle_location = character.get_gun_info() + transform.basis.x*0.02 +transform.basis.y*0.02 # var midpoint = muzzle_location + (hit_location - muzzle_location)/2 # $LaserSight.global_position = muzzle_location # $LaserSight.look_at(hit_location) # $LaserSight.rotate_x(deg_to_rad(90)) # $LaserSight.global_position = midpoint # $LaserSight.mesh.height = (hit_location - muzzle_location).length() # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. # As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions. var direction = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized() if direction: velocity.x = direction.x * SPEED velocity.z = direction.z * SPEED else: velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED) velocity.z = move_toward(velocity.z, 0, SPEED) if shoot: _shoot() move_and_slide() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"): Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED if Input.mouse_mode == Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE else Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE # State logic match player_state: PlayerState.IDLE: character.set_velocity(transform.basis.inverse() * velocity) if velocity.length() > 0.01 and is_on_floor(): player_state = PlayerState.RUN character.transition_to(character.States.RUN) PlayerState.RUN: if velocity.length() < 0.01 and is_on_floor(): player_state = PlayerState.IDLE velocity = Vector3.ZERO character.transition_to(character.States.IDLE) func hit_player(other_player): if other_player == self: #print("player hit self") return if team != -1 and other_player.team == team: return ai_controller.reward += 1.0 # Camera toggling, refactor to manager? func activate_first_person(): character.toggle_model_mesh(false) first_person_camera.make_current() func activate_third_person(): character.toggle_model_mesh(true) third_person_camera.make_current() func activate_control(): is_controlled = true return func deactivate_control(): is_controlled = false character.toggle_model_mesh(true) func _on_player_hit_box_area_entered(area): if area is Projectile and area.shooter != self: if team != -1 and area.shooter.team != team: health_system.take_damage(area.damage)