@tool extends ISensor3D class_name GridSensor3D @export var debug_view := false: get: return debug_view set(value): debug_view = value _update() @export_flags_3d_physics var detection_mask := 0: get: return detection_mask set(value): detection_mask = value _update() @export var collide_with_areas := false: get: return collide_with_areas set(value): collide_with_areas = value _update() @export var collide_with_bodies := false: # NOTE! The sensor will not detect StaticBody3D, add an area to static bodies to detect them get: return collide_with_bodies set(value): collide_with_bodies = value _update() @export_range(0.1, 2, 0.1) var cell_width := 1.0: get: return cell_width set(value): cell_width = value _update() @export_range(0.1, 2, 0.1) var cell_height := 1.0: get: return cell_height set(value): cell_height = value _update() @export_range(1, 21, 2, "or_greater") var grid_size_x := 3: get: return grid_size_x set(value): grid_size_x = value _update() @export_range(1, 21, 2, "or_greater") var grid_size_z := 3: get: return grid_size_z set(value): grid_size_z = value _update() var _obs_buffer: PackedFloat64Array var _box_shape: BoxShape3D var _collision_mapping: Dictionary var _n_layers_per_cell: int var _highlighted_box_material: StandardMaterial3D var _standard_box_material: StandardMaterial3D func get_observation(): return _obs_buffer func reset(): _obs_buffer.fill(0) func _update(): if Engine.is_editor_hint(): if is_node_ready(): _spawn_nodes() func _ready() -> void: _make_materials() if Engine.is_editor_hint(): if get_child_count() == 0: _spawn_nodes() else: _spawn_nodes() func _make_materials() -> void: if _highlighted_box_material != null and _standard_box_material != null: return _standard_box_material = StandardMaterial3D.new() _standard_box_material.set_transparency(1) # ALPHA _standard_box_material.albedo_color = Color( 100.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0 ) _highlighted_box_material = StandardMaterial3D.new() _highlighted_box_material.set_transparency(1) # ALPHA _highlighted_box_material.albedo_color = Color( 255.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0 ) func _get_collision_mapping() -> Dictionary: # defines which layer is mapped to which cell obs index var total_bits = 0 var collision_mapping = {} for i in 32: var bit_mask = 2 ** i if (detection_mask & bit_mask) > 0: collision_mapping[i] = total_bits total_bits += 1 return collision_mapping func _spawn_nodes(): for cell in get_children(): cell.name = "_%s" % cell.name # Otherwise naming below will fail cell.queue_free() _collision_mapping = _get_collision_mapping() #prints("collision_mapping", _collision_mapping, len(_collision_mapping)) # allocate memory for the observations _n_layers_per_cell = len(_collision_mapping) _obs_buffer = PackedFloat64Array() _obs_buffer.resize(grid_size_x * grid_size_z * _n_layers_per_cell) _obs_buffer.fill(0) #prints(len(_obs_buffer), _obs_buffer ) _box_shape = BoxShape3D.new() _box_shape.set_size(Vector3(cell_width, cell_height, cell_width)) var shift := Vector3( -(grid_size_x / 2) * cell_width, 0, -(grid_size_z / 2) * cell_width, ) for i in grid_size_x: for j in grid_size_z: var cell_position = Vector3(i * cell_width, 0.0, j * cell_width) + shift _create_cell(i, j, cell_position) func _create_cell(i: int, j: int, position: Vector3): var cell := Area3D.new() cell.position = position cell.name = "GridCell %s %s" % [i, j] if collide_with_areas: cell.area_entered.connect(_on_cell_area_entered.bind(i, j)) cell.area_exited.connect(_on_cell_area_exited.bind(i, j)) if collide_with_bodies: cell.body_entered.connect(_on_cell_body_entered.bind(i, j)) cell.body_exited.connect(_on_cell_body_exited.bind(i, j)) # cell.body_shape_entered.connect(_on_cell_body_shape_entered.bind(i, j)) # cell.body_shape_exited.connect(_on_cell_body_shape_exited.bind(i, j)) cell.collision_layer = 0 cell.collision_mask = detection_mask cell.monitorable = true cell.input_ray_pickable = false add_child(cell) cell.set_owner(get_tree().edited_scene_root) var col_shape := CollisionShape3D.new() col_shape.shape = _box_shape col_shape.name = "CollisionShape3D" cell.add_child(col_shape) col_shape.set_owner(get_tree().edited_scene_root) if debug_view: var box = MeshInstance3D.new() box.name = "MeshInstance3D" var box_mesh = BoxMesh.new() box_mesh.set_size(Vector3(cell_width, cell_height, cell_width)) box_mesh.material = _standard_box_material box.mesh = box_mesh cell.add_child(box) box.set_owner(get_tree().edited_scene_root) func _update_obs(cell_i: int, cell_j: int, collision_layer: int, entered: bool): for key in _collision_mapping: var bit_mask = 2 ** key if (collision_layer & bit_mask) > 0: var collison_map_index = _collision_mapping[key] var obs_index = ( (cell_i * grid_size_x * _n_layers_per_cell) + (cell_j * _n_layers_per_cell) + collison_map_index ) #prints(obs_index, cell_i, cell_j) if entered: _obs_buffer[obs_index] += 1 else: _obs_buffer[obs_index] -= 1 func _toggle_cell(cell_i: int, cell_j: int): var cell = get_node_or_null("GridCell %s %s" % [cell_i, cell_j]) if cell == null: print("cell not found, returning") var n_hits = 0 var start_index = (cell_i * grid_size_x * _n_layers_per_cell) + (cell_j * _n_layers_per_cell) for i in _n_layers_per_cell: n_hits += _obs_buffer[start_index + i] var cell_mesh = cell.get_node_or_null("MeshInstance3D") if n_hits > 0: cell_mesh.mesh.material = _highlighted_box_material else: cell_mesh.mesh.material = _standard_box_material func _on_cell_area_entered(area: Area3D, cell_i: int, cell_j: int): #prints("_on_cell_area_entered", cell_i, cell_j) _update_obs(cell_i, cell_j, area.collision_layer, true) if debug_view: _toggle_cell(cell_i, cell_j) #print(_obs_buffer) func _on_cell_area_exited(area: Area3D, cell_i: int, cell_j: int): #prints("_on_cell_area_exited", cell_i, cell_j) _update_obs(cell_i, cell_j, area.collision_layer, false) if debug_view: _toggle_cell(cell_i, cell_j) func _on_cell_body_entered(body: Node3D, cell_i: int, cell_j: int): #prints("_on_cell_body_entered", cell_i, cell_j) _update_obs(cell_i, cell_j, body.collision_layer, true) if debug_view: _toggle_cell(cell_i, cell_j) func _on_cell_body_exited(body: Node3D, cell_i: int, cell_j: int): #prints("_on_cell_body_exited", cell_i, cell_j) _update_obs(cell_i, cell_j, body.collision_layer, false) if debug_view: _toggle_cell(cell_i, cell_j)