from typing import Dict, TypeVar, Callable, List, Hashable, Literal, Union, Optional, Tuple, Collection, Iterable from xml.etree import ElementTree import unicodedata from pathlib import Path import re Paths = Tuple[str, ...] Language = Literal['de', 'en'] Translation = Dict[ Language, str ] Sample = Dict[ Literal['translation'], Translation ] SampleBatch = Dict[ Literal['translation'], List[Translation] ] _H1 = TypeVar('_H1', bound=Hashable) _H2 = TypeVar('_H2', bound=Hashable) _T1 = TypeVar('_T1') _T2 = TypeVar('_T2') def dict_filter_keys( input: Dict[_H1, _T1], keys: List[_H1] ) -> Dict[_H1, _T1]: return dict( (key, input[key]) for key in keys ) def dict_flatten( input: Dict[_H1, Dict[_H2, _T2]] ) -> Dict[_H2, _T2]: return dict( items for values in input.values() for items in values.items() ) def dict_map( input: Dict[_H1, _T1], map_fn: Callable[[_H1, _T1], Tuple[_H2, _T2]] ) -> Dict[_H2, _T2]: return dict( map_fn(key, value) for key, value in input.items() ) def list_keyby( input: List[_T1], key_fn: Callable[[_T1], _H1] ) -> Dict[_H1, _T1]: return dict( (key_fn(value), value) for value in input ) def expand_path( path: Path ): if path.is_file(): return [path] return list( path.iterdir() ) def lenif( input: Collection[_T1], predicate_fn: Callable[[_T1], bool] ): return sum( predicate_fn(value) for value in input ) def len_alpha( string: str ): return lenif( input=string, predicate_fn=lambda character: character.isalpha() ) unicode_control_characters = ( r'\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F\xAD\u0600-\u0605\u061C\u06DD\u070F\u0890-\u0891' r'\u08E2\u180E\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u2064\u2066-\u206F\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFB' r'\U000110BD\U000110CD\U00013430-\U0001343F\U0001BCA0-\U0001BCA3\U0001D173-\U0001D17A' r'\U000E0001\U000E0020-\U000E007F\uE000\uF8FF\U000F0000\U000FFFFD\U00100000\U0010FFFD' ) def normalize( strip_whitespaces: bool, clean_control_characters: bool, enforce_unicode_form: Optional[ Literal['NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD', 'NFKD'] ] = None ): regex_pattern = re.compile( pattern='[' + unicode_control_characters + ']+' ) def normalize_fn( sample: Sample ): translation = sample['translation'] if strip_whitespaces: translation = dict_map( input=translation, map_fn=lambda key, value: ( key, value.strip() ) ) if clean_control_characters: translation = dict_map( input=translation, map_fn=lambda key, value: ( key, regex_pattern.sub( repl='', string=value ) ) ) if enforce_unicode_form is not None: translation = dict_map( input=translation, map_fn=lambda key, value: ( key, unicodedata.normalize( enforce_unicode_form, value ) ) ) sample['translation'] = translation return sample return normalize_fn def cleanup( length_min: int, length_max: int, length_ratio_max: Union[int, float], alpha_ratio_min: Union[int, float] ): def cleanup_fn( sample: Sample ): translation = sample['translation'] lenghts = list( len(value) for value in translation.values() ) alpha_lengths = list( len_alpha(value) for value in translation.values() ) return all( length_min < length < length_max and alpha_ratio_min < alpha_length / length for length, alpha_length in zip(lenghts, alpha_lengths) ) and 1 / length_ratio_max < lenghts[0] / lenghts[1] < length_ratio_max return cleanup_fn class NoResultFound(Exception): pass class MultipleResultsFound(Exception): pass def one( iterable: Iterable[_T1] ) -> _T1: iterator = iter(iterable) try: value = next(iterator) except StopIteration as e: raise NoResultFound from e try: next(iterator) except StopIteration: pass else: raise MultipleResultsFound return value def match_one( pattern: Union[str, re.Pattern[str]], string: str, flags: int = 0 ): return one( iterable=re.finditer( pattern=pattern, string=string, flags=flags ) ) def parse_sgm( filepaths: Paths, files: Dict[Language, int], encoding: str = 'utf-8' ): assert len(filepaths) == 2 def read_lines_regex( filepath: str, pattern: re.Pattern[str] ): with open( file=filepath, encoding=encoding, mode='r' ) as file: for string in file: try: match = match_one( pattern=pattern, string=string ) groups = match.groups( default='' ) yield groups[0] except: yield '' regex = re.compile( pattern=r'(.*)' ) for lines in zip( read_lines_regex( filepath=filepaths[0], pattern=regex ), read_lines_regex( filepath=filepaths[1], pattern=regex ) ): translation: Translation translation = dict( (language, lines[index]) for language, index in files.items() ) sample: Sample = dict() sample['translation'] = translation yield sample def parse_tsv( filepaths: Paths, columns: Dict[Language, int], encoding: str = 'utf-8' ): assert len(filepaths) == 1 len_columns = len(columns) with open( file=filepaths[0], encoding=encoding, mode='r' ) as file: for line in file: parts = line.split('\t') if len(parts) < len_columns: continue translation: Translation = dict() for language, index in columns.items(): translation[language] = parts[index] sample: Sample = dict() sample['translation'] = translation yield sample def parse_tmx( filepaths: Paths, attributes: Dict[Language, str], encoding: str = 'utf-8', ): assert len(filepaths) == 1 element: ElementTree.Element namespaces = { 'xml': '' } with open( file=filepaths[0], encoding=encoding, mode='r' ) as file: for _, element in ElementTree.iterparse(file): if not element.tag == 'tu': continue translation: Translation = dict() for language, selector in attributes.items(): path = 'tuv[@' + selector + ']' segs = element.findall( path=path + '/seg', namespaces=namespaces ) if not len(segs) == 1: continue translation[language] = segs[0].text or '' element.clear() if not len(translation) == 2: continue sample: Sample = dict() sample['translation'] = translation yield sample