diff --git "a/CDP/States/val_qa.csv" "b/CDP/States/val_qa.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/CDP/States/val_qa.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,5815 @@ +question,answer,label +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 13x faster. Winter low temperatures are rising much faster than the annual average temperatures.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Using Edinburgh as an example, sea level is expected to rise by between approximately 12 and 18cm by the 2050s and by approximately 23 to 54cm by the 2080s, compared to a 1981-2000 baseline and depending on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such rises would lead to an increase in likelihood of associated risks, such as flooding of coastal communities. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/application/files/5816/1797/9967/LOW_RES_4656_Climate_Projections_report_FINAL.pdf )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions.Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The climate solution and economic opportunities document linked above models possible decarbonization pathways.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The Scottish National Investment Bank supports a low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion green investment portfolio. The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups, accelerators and innovation centres for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Sustainability Mobility (Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc), Water (Hydro Nation) and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and updated climate change plan. The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology. There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects. See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Government reviews once a year the rate structure of utility revenue,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"UK Government figures published on 11 May 2021 show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with over 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to 34 in England and fewer in Wales and Northern Ireland. We have invested over £45 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"It is unclear whether Minnesota statutes allow utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects, however, several self-regulated coop utilities are exercising this option. On May 15, 2020 the MN PUC held a planning meeting to discuss a 2019 study conducted by the University of MN Energy Transition Lab on Tariffed On-Bill Financing Feasibility in Minnesota. https://www.trumba.com/calendars/mn-puceventid=144413023",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The state of Minnesota is currently working with wastewater treatment operations to implement operational efficiency as well as identify opportunities for biogas generation and recovery on a large scale. Additionally, Minnesota is working with the wastewater regulatory agency to ensure evaluating efficiency and renewables are a requirement to receive funding for large capital investment projects. In 2018, Minnesota was selected to participate in the National Governor Association Center for Best Practices’ State Retreat on the Water-Energy Nexus which will allow for further exploration of legislative actions, financing, and programs to enhance current Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency work and extend it to private plants.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Revision primarily due to changes in the calculation of the forestry sink. In the latest inventory, emissions fell by 3.3 per cent between 2016 and 2017 (latest year).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees in three year .",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard. Also through State Energy Office initiatives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"No: The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, confirmed the Scottish Government’s continued opposition to new nuclear stations, under current technologies.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"FFBC continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the FFBC Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. The farmer-led soil regenerative agriculture network continues to focus on positive actions that can be taken on Scottish farms to support, enhance and protect their soils. The group have trialled new approaches to allow them to improve production whilst delivering wider benefits such as building soil resilience, improving water retention, storing carbon and enhancing bio-diversity.FAS and KTIF support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government commissioned research providing a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, available on www.climatexchange.org.ukMore info: Nature - https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/soil-carbon-storage-84223790",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",We are not sure about this because the inventory is part of IDEAM (national government responsibility) and not ours directly.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Several projects regarding farming practices. Both to reduce emissions and adaptation.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK forestry standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Hydroelectric power is a reliable energy source that can be used decentrally, is capable of providing the base load, stabilises the grid and thus makes a small but important contribution to the power supply. In order to remain viable for the future, topics such as expansion in a way which does not harm the water ecology and the reactivation and optimisation of the plants form part of the work in the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project. In 2019, 438 hydroelectric power plants with 873 MW and 187 MW installed capacity made their contribution to climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The use of photovoltaics is an important pillar in the energy mix of the future. In 2019, renewable power was generated in NRW by around 280,000 PV systems with an installed capacity of almost 5,300 MW. The costs of generating solar power through roof systems are now lower than the grid purchase prices, which means that own consumption of solar power is becoming increasingly important, not only ecologically but also economically. Ground-mounted PV systems, which in NRW are permitted along infrastructure routes and on conversion sites, can also make an important contribution to the power supply with their low production costs. (www.energieagentur.nrw/solarenergie)A new map was published in the Energieatlas NRW (Energy Atlas NRW) in November 2018: the state-wide Solar Roof Register NRW. On the approximately eleven million roofs in NRW there lies great potential for generating power from solar energy using photovoltaics: around 68 terawatt hours of electricity could be produced per year. It is now possible for every homeowner in NRW to find out with a simple click whether and to what extent their roof surface is suitable for solar energy (both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy). An integrated solar calculator calculates the economic efficiency of a possible solar system on the basis of roof shape and inclination and according to individual settings such as power consumption, load profile, storage system, etc., and can serve as a basis for planning. Towns and municipalities also have the option of integrating the Solar Register into their own website via a link tailored to the area in question. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de; www.solarkataster.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"We are implementing an MRV tool, called Energy and Climate Observatory, to monitoring the climate and energy actions in Minas Gerais State.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"At the end of 2017, 3,630 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 5,449 MW were in operation in NRW. This puts the state in fourth place in Germany in terms of installed capacity behind Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg. The wind power industry in NRW now secures more than 20,500 jobs, above all in the supplier sector, in which the state is regarded as the leader throughout Germany",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We have committed to accelerate our landfill gas capture and landfill legacy management.Working closely with SEPA and waste operators, we have made funding available to support the scale up of our existing landfill gas capture programme to mitigate the negative effects of landfill and the environmental impact of closed landfill sites.We will double the number of landfill gas capture sites in Scotland that undertake investigative or development work (from 12 to 24 sites) by 2025 and will provide additional funding to support this This will harness the energy generated from landfill gas capture and maximise circular economy opportunities.For more info see: (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032)..",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Solar energy is one of the main pillars of the energy transition for NRW. Up the end of 2017 more than 250,000 photovoltaic systems were installed with a capacity of approx. 4,700 kWp.A total of just under 1.5 million square meres panel area had been installed in NRW by the end of 2016, producing about 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat inventory in the EnergyAtlas.NRW provides an overview detailing data for individual municipalities and districts.(www.energieatlas.nrw.de).",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Since publication of the Energy Strategy, we have announced a National Conversation on Energy and on climate change to improve our approach to public engement on Scotland's transition to a net zero economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"104 municipalities or districts in NRW participate in the ""European Energy Award"" energy management programme, while 346 municipalities use the CO2 footprint tool.Since 2012 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been working on behalf of the state government to ensure climate protection and energy efficiency throughout the state. At the locations of the NRW district governments and the regional development companies they help to advance the energy turnaround locally and to inform and network municipalities, administrative bodies, companies and other players in matters of climate protection, energy efficiency and adjustment to changing climate.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",ILI Energy Storage : New battery storage development project opportunities are being offered across Scotland with capacity of up to 450MW.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3), Sustainable Buildings 2030, and city benchmarking and disclosure ordinances (e.g. Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Edina).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We have built the Energy and Climate Change Plan of Minas Gerais through an international partnership, which allowed to access international funds to subside the elaboration and implementation of the Plan.Currently, we are seeking new partnerships in order to move forward with our goals and actions.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through utility programs under the energy efficiency resource standard. Minnesota has a CHP Action Plan to facilitate CHP implementation at https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/distributed-energy/chp-action-plan-implementation.jsp,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore; establishment of monthly 'climate conversations' among Lake Superior north shore stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (intense rainfall/flooding) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The governor of Huanuco, Juan Alvarado Cornelio, announced in june, 2019 that he will promote the construction of 76 new hydro-energy projects in his region to become the main provider of electricity in the country, and be able to obtain more resources per canon in return.https://ojo-publico.com/1221/gobernador-de-huanuco-plantea-construir-mas-hidroelectricas-pese-conflictos-sociales",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin includes a photogrammetric flight at a convenient scale to have the situation current of the sub-basin and a new planialimetry of the area, in particular to emphasize hydrogeomorphologyof bathes, channels, paleo-riverbeds and new erosions detected after the last recorded events. Also to perform updated hydrological studies for different recurrences of rains in the current condition and with different proposals for future works.The Ministry of Public Health prepared the Flood Contingency Plan in 2017: 1) General coordination, 2) Political commitment of local referents, 3) Epidemiological Surveillance, 4) Environmental Health; 5) Health Communication and Education; 6) Planning of Health Services; 7) Organization of Health Programs; 8) Organization of Rapid Response to Health Emergencies",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Biodiversity and Conservation Units Protection Program, that aims the preservation, conservation, recovery and protection of biodiversity",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru in Huanuco jurisdiction. There is an incipient process of designing a Regional Conservation System. The construction of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Under a medium emissions (A1B) scenario, regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf)",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","In the process of following up the new climate plane, a budget and a reporting system will be attempted. Much is due to lack of funding, knowledge and capasity.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.Green electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have introduced the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill to stimulate the deployment of low carbon heat networks where they are suitable across Scotland. We will work collaboratively across the Scottish Parliament to secure the Bill’s passage.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has acquired a state licence for a CO2 balancing tool for all its municipalities. The tool, with which municipalities can create their own CO2 balance, is free of charge for them. The project is managed by the EnergyAgency.NRW which provides information support and offers e.g. workshops for the tool.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Ucayali will elaborate further studies about deforestation trends and financial gaps to finish Low Emission Development Strategy and Investment Plan. This strategy aim to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The state of Minnesota is currently working with wastewater treatment operations to implement operational efficiency as well as identify opportunities for biogas generation and recovery on a large scale. Additionally, Minnesota is working with the wastewater regulatory agency to ensure evaluating efficiency and renewables are a requirement to receive funding for large capital investment projects. In 2018, Minnesota was selected to participate in the National Governor Association Center for Best Practices’ State Retreat on the Water-Energy Nexus which will allow for further exploration of legislative actions, financing, and programs to enhance current Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency work and extend it to private plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2018/8/enacted This Act makes provision about Scottish Ministers’ functions in relation to forestry and forest management. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdf The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2019/421/made The regulations consolidates and strengthens EU plant health legislation on protective measures against the introduction into Scotland of organisms harmful to trees, plants or plant products and against their spread within Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Created Heat Planning Toolkit for professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/docs/mnextremeheattoolkit.pdf) and general heat protection education materials for general public, available in six languages (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/extremeheat.html).",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdfUK Forestry Standard (UKFS) The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply.We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. A final report on this issue should be complete by December 2019.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"There are Sectorial Plans for Disaster Prevention and Attention, whose strategic objectives are: The incorporation of risk management and emergency and disaster management actions in the strategic and operational plans at the sector level at their different levels, Strengthening of processes to prevent and prevent address emergencies and disasters generated by emerging and reemerging adverse events, Development of decentralization mechanisms in risk management and emergency and disaster management at the community level, Promote mechanisms and actions to reduce physical and social vulnerability. Projects are being developed as part of adaptation strategies to reduce the risk to vulnerable populations due to climatic factors. For example: Afforestation and / or Reforestation of fragile ecosystems, planting and harvesting of water.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2019 the English edition had an annual circulation of 28,000 copies which were used, for example, within the foreign trade activities of EnergieAgentur.NRW.The e-mail newsletter is sent to over 15,000 subscribers every week. In addition, there are special issues of the newsletter on particular topics. The family of websites with the main page www.energieagentur.nrw is one of the most visited sites in the energy sector: in 2019 the websites of EnergieAgentur.NRW and various themed portals recorded over two million page views and more than 770,000 visitors. The online media of EnergieAgentur.NRW currently include 36 online tools with a total of almost 680,000 users and over one million sessions. Almost 190,000 brochures were downloaded as PDF files from the EnergieAgentur.NRW website and more than 54,000 printed brochures were sent by post. There are currently 290 different publications available in total.The Twitter account @eanrw had over 8,000 followers at the end of 2019. A total of 1,362 Tweets were sent with a reach of over 2 million. The Facebook page “EA.NRW” has 1,980 followers, a reach of almost 255,000 and 925 posts. On EnergieAgentur.NRW’s business page on Facebook, relevant content is communicated under the slogan “Climate protection – made in NRW”. There were 789 followers in the reporting period. The reach of the page is almost 15,000 followers and there were 238 posts. There is another EA.NRW Facebook page with 244 followers about the “EnergieJobs.NRW” project. The business page on XING had 537 subscribers in the reporting period. The LinkedIN business page developed in 2017 had 634 followers, and the Instragram page developed in 2018 had 545 followers and a reach of almost 28,000.(www.energieagentur.nrw)",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"1. Increase in natural surface runoff with enormous risk for human settlements on the banks.2. Increase in rainfall erosion, appearance of gullies and soil loss3. The excess of water has contributed to cases of root asphyxia, root rot and stems.4. Diseases in crops such as fungi and bacteria. Have not yet been properly evaluated (i.e. citrus and soy).5. Less availability of areas for irrigation with vinasse5. Damage to public infrastructure",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. They included growing more grain legumes in rotations, crop varieties with higher nitrogen-use efficiency and soil testing.FAS, KTIF and FFBC support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers. Under the KTIF, The East/West Beed Grazing Collaboration Pilot worked toward establishing evidence on the financial and environmental value of moving cattle to lower cost natural resources.Research on the potential for leguminous crops in Scotland was published in January 2021 and is available on www.climatexchange.org.uk It considered the climate mitigation potential of legumes within arable and grassland rotations and commented on the potential to reduce reliance on imported protein.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry.More info: Intechopen - https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/strategic-management-of-grazing-grassland-systems-to-maintain-and-increase-organic-carbon-in-soils",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple of MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,Includes process emissions from Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants as well as fugitive emissions from the Closed Landfill Program. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste will come into force in 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendations, signalling intent to move away from landfilling biodegradable municipal waste.We have also committed to extend the ban to include biodegradable non-municipal waste streams, subject to further reassurances and impact assessments.We are working with local authorities to secure alternatives to landfill for their residual waste treatments, including waste-to-energy technology.We are considering measures to ensure new energy from waste plants are more efficient and how waste infrastructure can be ‘future-proofed’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032).Official statistics show the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill decreased by nearly a third (32%) between 2018 and 2019.This means Scotland has met and exceeded the EU target to reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of to landfill.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,First priority is develop a strategy at jurisdictional level in USCUSS sector,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires as well as insect calamities,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Fuel mix is calculated using the MISO North daily real time estimates, taken from the misoenergy.org website. Other includes: Battery, Coal/Gas, Oil, Oil/Gas, Pet Coke, Waste, and Other. We incorporate on-site generation as well as virtual PPAs with RECs in the calculation. The wind number is augmented by green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Energy-efficient buildings are the future. From the beginning of 2006 to October 2017 about 136,000 loan applications with a volume of about 9.1 billion euros were approved across the region by the reconstruction bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) to finance the energy refurbishment of buildings. A full 460,000 housing units were thus modernised in NRW. In the same period about 140,000 applications were submitted for a grant for the energy refurbishment of buildings involving a financial volume of 220 million euros. In more than 300,000 housing units in NRW it was thus possible to implement energy-related refurbishment measures.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"According to the 2030 climate change scenarios carried out by SENHAMI (2013), in the eastern third of Huanuco will be a reduction from 6 to 9 per cent in theannual rainfall and in the western half, will have an increase of between 1.60 and 1.65 ºC. While the minimum temperatures will be accentuated in the fieldterritorial Andean that corresponds to the province of Ambo with a range of between 1.50 and 1.55 ºC.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,A pilot project on Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh is being implemented by the State Centre for Climate Change in association with local government departments.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Priority is get a jurisdictional strategy based on a inventory of greenhouses emissions using IPCC methodology.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"During the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Just over 2/3 is owned either privately or by other public bodies such as local authorities.,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has acquired a state licence for a CO2 balancing tool for all its municipalities. The tool, with which municipalities can create their own CO2 balance, is free of charge for them. The project is managed by the EnergyAgency.NRW which provides information support and offers e.g. workshops for the tool.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Nariño acts for the Climate conceives as guiding principles citizen participation, intergenerational equity and open government, which were materialized with the participation of more than 4,000 Nariños in the design and formulation stage of it.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Impacts on flora and fuana as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,There are different explanation :- industry crisis and steel industry in particular that explain a decreased of coal consumption- the european CO2 quota system- technical change,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Possible impacts such as change in rain cycle will affect the water availability in basins. Drought events have affected important number of smallholders producers in Huanuco in last two years.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Public health and security, effects on agriculture and forestry, real estate, fresh water management, flooding and landslides",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Warnings about the risks that living in these areas exposes the community and orientation for moving out, so the bad consequences can be avoided.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Although the states unlike the federal government do only in a few areas of climatechange have a direct legislative competence, are provided with adequate competence regarding legal action for climate protection. These exist primarily in the area of administrative action e.g. in the allocation of financial grants. Targets for greenhouse gas reduction are necessary for the states to implement the targeted climate protection measures. Many federalstates in Germany do already have climate change targets, but there is no uniform approach. In major climate-relevant areas of regulation, the legislative competence is federal. Responsibility of the Länder is limited to the energy industry, roadtransport and air pollution. Thus, states can regulate on building codes as well as local and state planning. Some states have also enacted their own climate protection laws. Moreover, states have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of federallegislation through the Federal Council. The Federal Council may introduce their own bills in the Parliament. There are basically laws requiring approval and laws that do not. In the first case the Federal Council has to agree before the law comesinto force. This accounts for all laws that have an impact on the finances of the states. In contrast, most laws are non-approval, where the Federal Council can only appeal.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2017, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2017, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Minnesota has a clean energy bonding program for $100 million that is currently in the development phase.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"For the past 15 years, the market initiative “NRW Wood Pellets Campaign” has been linking up the various players throughout the value chain in the wood pellet industry across Germany and in particular in NRW. This initiative is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, trade and industry, and public administration in the field of renewable heat, and is currently supported by around 100 companies in the sector.The resulting synergies facilitate an effective transfer of knowledge, and the initiative provides a forum for the dissemination of well-founded, unbiased information about this fuel and the associated technologies, as well as raising awareness on the subject by various public relations activities. In recent years, wood pellet heating has become an integral part of a balanced energy mix within the renewable energy sector, making it an essential component of the transition to sustainable heating. Subsidies for wood pellet heating systems at state and federal level have significantly increased the number of systems installed in NRW in recent years, raising the number of pellet heaters to more than 36,000 NRW (and about 290,000 nationwide), up from only about 660 subsidised plants registered in NRW in 2003. The aim of the Wood Pellets Campaign is to work with partners and players in the sector to further strengthen this heating technology, and to consolidate and expand the existing positive market development. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act (2019) is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world and set's in law our commitment to a just transition to net zero. This means that our response to the climate emergency must be the result of widespread collaboration not only across government but the rest of society. Climate Change PlanTo account for our latest emissions reduction targets within the 2019 Act, the Scottish Government has committed to updating its current Climate Chance Plan. The updated Plan will now be laid before the Scottish Parliament in late 2020 for scrutiny; it will be recast to focus on a green recovery from Covid-19. The updated Plan will draw on the best available evidence to set out clear emissions reduction pathways across the majority of the action areas set out in this table. These include; transport; energy; industry; buildings; waste; agriculture; and land use and forestry - all with the common goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2)• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation.Other Key Action AreasOut with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance FrameworkThe Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Scottish Government, in partnership with businesses, our enterprise and skills agencies and with universities, are progressing the development of a single and integrated programme of support for manufacturing in Scotland – Making Scotland’s Future. The development and delivery of a £75m National Manufacturing Institute Scotland sits are the core of this Programme alongside our ambitions of supporting manufacturing businesses to make the transition to net zero and realise the opportunities of a low carbon economy.In response to the current pandemic, Making Scotland’s Future is being repositioned to help the manufacturing sector in its recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Supporting a greener recovery of our sector will be an important aspect of our work as we continue to encourage manufacturers to pivot towards low carbon innovations, adopting digital processes and utilising more sustainable forms of energy.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In the CCPu, the Scottish Government committed to a range of actions to reduce emissions from red meat and dairy through improved emissions intensity. Scottish Government commissioned research on methane reducing feed additives and the emission intensity of Scottish agricultural commodities and the reports are available through ClimateXChange (https://www.climatexchange.org.uk)Over the past five years 105,360 unique genotypes that have been processed from the Scottish Government’s Beef Efficiency Scheme animals in an effort to encourage improved emissions intensity. There has also been a large amount of data recorded through the scheme, this includes calf and dam mortality, with calf mortality being recorded even if death occurs prior to registrations. This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, including for dairy and suckler beef, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: Journal of Animal Science and Technology - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6004689/ University of Reading - https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/climate-smart-agriculture/0/steps/26577",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"There is no coal fired generation capacity in Scotland. Decisions on the future operation of the few remaining non-renewable stations across Scotland remain matters for the operators of those stations, responding to market and policy signals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Reduce the annual forest loss from 32884 in 2014 to 18975 in 2021.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several reasons.,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"There is no single plan that addresses deforestation in the state of Minnesota. However, there are robust forest planning processes within the state that address all aspects of sustainable forest management. These include regional 10-year forest management plans for state forest lands (created by MN DNR), a 10-year Forest Action Plan prepared for the U.S. federal government (created by MN DNR; all forested states do this), and multi-stakeholder 10-year regional “landscape” level forest plans that address forest issues across all public and private forest ownerships in the state (coordinated by MN Forest Resources Council).Read more about these plans:State forest management plans: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/subsection/summary.htmlForest Action Plan: https://www.stateforesters.org/districts/minnesota/#forest-action-planMFRC Landscape plans: https://mn.gov/frc/landscapes.html",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.•Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2023 . The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"NRW is not only an important significant energy region, but also a major region for fuel. Domestic refineries produce about 25 percent of the crude oil consumed in Germany. The amount consumed by road traffic in the state is approx. 9 million tonnes of oil annually. This is the equivalent of 20 percent of national sales in Germany. One possibility for lowering CO2 emissions and protecting the climate is the use of alternative fuels and drive systems with renewable energy. The North Rhine-Westphalian biodiesel producers are among the largest in Germany",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"A climate change vulnerability index was created, using local indicators that represents each component of the vulnerability. The final results (for each city of the territory) were used to generate maps that classifies each region according to its vulnerability, which helps to identify the cities where the adaptation actions must be prioritized. We also have an online platform to support the local governments in their trasition to a low carbon economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"By 2040, Energy Efficient Scotland will have transformed our buildings so that they are warmer, greener and more efficient.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Huánuco region proposes as an adaptation action to mitigate the drought the execution of projects to preserve the headwaters of the basin, such as: Planting and harvesting of water, implementation of shrubby plants that retain water and Forestation and / or reforestation with native species.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,base year is 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Climate change mitigation and adaptation are the priority of the regional master plan called ""Grand Est Territoires'. This plan, is a global master plan (schéma d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires). It integrates all sectors of energy consumption (residential, commercial, industry, transport, agriculture) and all the categories of renewable energy production. It also deals with climate adaptation within targets of reduction of water and lands consumption for instance.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"air conditionerswith BEE ratingsand invetertechnologyintroduced.Em=nvironmentfriendly gases likeR410A, R32 andR290 nowintroduced for newair conditioners",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw https://digitalemobilitaet.nrw/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"After a 2 year plan process out new regional climate plan was approved at the highest regional political level in June 2018. This includes a plan lasting 2018-2021 whick is a more long term plan, and also a ""handlingsprogram""/plan of action with 37 spesific actions that we will attempt to finish within 2018 and 2019.A climate coordinator is responsible for following up all this work. The plan is formed so that it cam be used by the local communes as well as at the regional level. The plan lines out the way foreward and how the climate finacial budget will be spent.In addition to the action climate budget the different departments use their own budgets for different prosjects and investments. One excample will be the big regional hydrogen project and our own investments in busses, ferries and boatsThe fylkeskommune is in charge of several interesting research projects that provide more knowledge in what actions to take, and how we can improve our way of communicating in the region and providing the best support in the local processes in climate gas redusction but also in climate adaptation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Fuel mix is calculated using the MISO North daily real time estimates, taken from the misoenergy.org website. Other includes: Battery, Coal/Gas, Oil, Oil/Gas, Pet Coke, Waste, and Other. We incorporate on-site generation as well as virtual PPAs with RECs in the calculation. The wind number is augmented by green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Increasing temperatures impact Minnesota’s agricultural industry since agriculture is highly dependent on specific climate conditions. As a result of increasing temperature, crop production areas may shift to new regions of the state where the temperature range for growth and yield of those crops is optimal unless new climate adapted varieties are developed and utilized. According to the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest growing season has lengthened by almost two weeks since 1950 due in large part to earlier timing of the last spring freeze. This trend is expected to continue. While a longer growing season may increase total crop production, other climate changes, such as increased crop losses and soil erosion from more frequent and intense storms, and increases in pests and invasive species, could outweigh this benefit. There may also be higher livestock losses during periods of extreme heat and humidity. Losses of livestock from extreme heat lead to a challenge in disposal of animal carcasses. In an attempt to adapt to increased temperatures, livestock areas in Minnesota may shift farther north. As a result of new livestock areas and the resulting manure production, farmers may transition to manure-based fertilizer applications in areas where traditionally only commercial fertilizers have been used, with accompanying environmental advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, extreme heat can cause roads to buckle and damage other transportation infrastructure such as rail lines. This may increase expenditures for repairs, dangerous conditions for drivers, and potential for travel disruption.Flash flooding from extreme precipitation can damage the built environment, affecting commercial and residential buildings, roads, parks, and stormwater infrastructure. Water-saturated soils can destabilize bluffs, trees and utility poles.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2015-21). The industry is currently setting the investment objectives for 2021-27 and beyond, and during the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Just over 2/3 is owned either privately or by other public bodies such as local authorities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The largest driver of scope 1 emissions are the Closed Landfill Program and Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"We contracted for verification one year. It was expensive, no funding were allocated for verification. verification isdone by staff.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","This is supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity, working closely with industry where appropriate.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"A specific focus on decarbonising last mile delivery of goods is underway, with a scoping study to baseline vehicles and emissions to be published shortly. Transport Scotland will work with stakeholders across the private and public sectors to identify and address barriers to mass transition in this sector. Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry). Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,DNR adheres to state and federal law when implementing forest management practices,0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland. The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland is directly accountable to the Scottish Parliament. RoS is responsible for public records, including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Achieved through a state Solar Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691, Community Solar Garden statue per MS 216B.1641, and through utility solar incentive programs (216B.164 and 116C.7792). Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Use a computational technique called dynamical downscaling to take global climate models results used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to produce new high‐resolution climate model projections for the entire state of Minnesota from the present to 2099. Ten high‐resolution climate projections will be produced for Minnesota that represent moderate and high emission scenarios of projected climate change. This approach will provide a lower and upper bound of plausible outcomes for planning purposes. Model results will be produced statewide at 3 miles by 3 miles resolution with data available for different time frames.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The energy-efficient construction and renovation of buildings is an important field, since one-third of Germany’s total final energy consumption is used for space heating and hot water production in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction network pursues a project-oriented approach, focussing on the initiation and dissemination of best-practice projects.The project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network’s activities with the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only during the planning and design stage but also as part of overall urban development. Consistent reductions have been achieved in heat-related CO2 emissions – and thus also energy costs – of the climate protection housing estates in both new-build and renovated housing. This exemplary project, which has for the first time introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings, is being coordinated by EnergyAgency.NRW.Following an audit by a committee of experts, a total of 87 projects were awarded the status of “NRW climate protection housing estate”. The 38 housing estates already completed have 6,000 residents and demonstrate that consistent and sustainable planning can facilitate the implementation of ambitious projects for energy-efficient construction and renovation. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)Within the network, information is transferred and shared in various ways which include network meetings as a forum for presenting innovative technologies and specific project results and for promoting the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector. In the past, the focus of the network was on housing construction. In future, the network will place more emphasis on non-residential buildings in order to open up further potential for reducing CO2 emissions. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Produces a climate change plan with mitigation actions and strategies to be achieved till 2035. For the years 2016-2019 We have developed more than 5 mitigation projects in the sectors of energy, infrastructure, waste, forest and mobility. Corponariño, Universities, local communities, industries, Alcaldias, UMATAS, private sector. Etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",1 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Priority is get a jurisdictional strategy based on a inventory of greenhouses emissions using IPCC methodology.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Use a computational technique called dynamical downscaling to take global climate models results used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to produce new high‐resolution climate model projections for the entire state of Minnesota from the present to 2099. Ten high‐resolution climate projections will be produced for Minnesota that represent moderate and high emission scenarios of projected climate change. This approach will provide a lower and upper bound of plausible outcomes for planning purposes. Model results will be produced statewide at 3 miles by 3 miles resolution with data available for different time frames.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Prioritizing the most vulnerable areas, when it comes to adaptation actions.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Ucayali´s Climate Change Strategy stablish:Development of agroclimatic characterization studies of prioritized crops, at the level of basins and sub-basins, as well as evaluation of their productivitybefore the impacts of climate change.Implementation of Public Investment Projects on Improvement of Productive Chains incorporating the approach of adaptation to climate change.Promotion of environmentally sustainable productive activitiesPromote monitoring programs for fish resourcesStrengthening agricultural and livestock practices to adapt to change climateStrengthening of productive activities with ancestral techniques compared to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Achieved through a state Solar Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691, Community Solar Garden statue per MS 216B.1641, and through utility solar incentive programs (216B.164 and 116C.7792). Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectors Through sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership. Spatial Planning and Place Based Initiatives SEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green Finance SEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives: - NetRegs - VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Although the states unlike the federal government do only in a few areas of climatechange have a direct legislative competence, are provided with adequate competence regarding legal action for climate protection. These exist primarily in the area of administrative action e.g. in the allocation of financial grants. Targets for greenhouse gas reduction are necessary for the states to implement the targeted climate protection measures. Many federalstates in Germany do already have climate change targets, but there is no uniform approach. In major climate-relevant areas of regulation, the legislative competence is federal. Responsibility of the Länder is limited to the energy industry, roadtransport and air pollution. Thus, states can regulate on building codes as well as local and state planning. Some states have also enacted their own climate protection laws. Moreover, states have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of federallegislation through the Federal Council. The Federal Council may introduce their own bills in the Parliament. There are basically laws requiring approval and laws that do not. In the first case the Federal Council has to agree before the law comesinto force. This accounts for all laws that have an impact on the finances of the states. In contrast, most laws are non-approval, where the Federal Council can only appeal.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",We have been working with Brazil´s national government aiming to reach the goals of the Brazilian NDC.,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Ministry of Public Health has a permanent prevention campaign against Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Actions: elimination of mosquito breeding sites; epidemiological evigilancia to identify cases, alert the population to keep their courtyards clean and orderly and health personnel to detect patients with symptoms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","In Component 5 of the Regional Plan for Concerted Development of Ucayali to 2021 (updated in 2015), the objectives are to reduce the annual loss of forests, increase reforested areas and increase the coverage of forests that are adequately conserved or sustainably harvested.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage.This will include the delivery of a Scotland-specific Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) during 2020 and beyond, that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The IETF will help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. It will be flexible according to the changing circumstances of our manufacturing or processing sites, or clusters, and their supply chains.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",We have an online platform to support the municipalities of Minas Gerais State in the increasing of its resilience.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Heat stress: greenery, open water bodies, keeping fresh air corridors open, building positioning and use of certain building materials, shadowing Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, green roofs, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, protection of buildings",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",1 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Scottish Government has a target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity. In 2019, the equivalent of 90.0% of gross electricity consumption was from renewable sources,",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Solar PV heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for solar water heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience: https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin requires interaction with local communities throughout the area.The Sugar Cane Eradication Program collaborates with local governments providing environmental education on the risks of fires.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There are currently around 300,000 employees working in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state-owned properties are the responsibility of the construction and property business NRW, whose portfolio alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity. The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. Since 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (excluding universities), which is 100 percent renewable. This enabled it to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. In addition to the previous years, the state administration also saved around € 8 million annually in electricity costs through the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from renewable electricity. Link:https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage.This will include the delivery of a Scotland-specific Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) during 2020 and beyond, that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The IETF will help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. It will be flexible according to the changing circumstances of our manufacturing or processing sites, or clusters, and their supply chains.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Ucayali does not have a regional conservation system (not officially). However, the Action Plan of the ERDB 2006-2010 had already indicated the establishment of a regional conservation system. The region has a regional conservation area called Imíria that has a master plan designed (with the support of USAID). 3.2 million hectares are natural protected areas of national administration(Sernanp).The Regional Plan has set a goal to increase the area of sustainably managed or conserved forests by 10 percent. Ucayali has approved proposals for Regional Conservation Areas such as Alto Tamaya - Abujao and Laguna Encantada de Atalaya.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,LED lightning high effiency. Air conditioning high efficiency. Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 5% wetter and 1.1°C warmer. Under a high global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7°C warmer. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"With the support of the GCF Task Force, UNDP and the Government of Norway; Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",1 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The municipalities in NRW are an important pillar for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia.In many areas of their area of ​​responsibility, they can contribute to reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment - for example through energy-saving refurbishment measures in their properties or modernization of sewage treatment plants or street lighting. In addition, municipalities are responsible planning authorities for the settlement of renewable energy plants and often also via municipal utilities suppliers of electricity and heat. In addition, the municipalities play an important role model function. Only a municipality that is itself a leader in climate protection can also motivate its citizens and local companies to adopt climate-friendly behavior.The municipalities in NRW receive support from the state for their manifold tasks in the area of ​​climate protection. On this page, the country's offers from the fields of promotion, networking, consulting, information and education are compiled. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/kommunen",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process; however, there is currently a moratorium on developing new nuclear power plants.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Areas burned by wildfires are projected to double by 2020 and triple by 2040 due to lack of moisture, warmertemperatures and diseases and pest.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The Scottish Government has a target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity. In 2019, the equivalent of 90.0% of gross electricity consumption was from renewable sources,",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","• US Environmental Protection Agency (2018) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2016.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1. Many methodologies are used to estimate emissions using the limited data available. The design principles value consistency, completeness, accuracy, relevance, detail, best practices, and timeliness.Estimates are disaggregated by economic sector, activity type, gas, and to the greatest possible level of detail. For the most part, emissions occur within state boundaries. The major exception is statutory inclusion of emissions from imported electricity, generated outside state boundaries to meet MN demand. Aviation fuel is estimated based on fuel loaded in the state.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Warnings about the risks that living in these areas exposes the community and orientation for moving out, so the bad consequences can be avoided.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"From january, 2019; Huanuco is designing a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy and its Investment Plan. This strategy aims to reduce deforestation and GEI emissions from USCUSS sector.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, two different state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline, and a vision of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 17-12. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Governor’s appointee and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.•Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2023 . The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are availble for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,The climate solution and economic opportunities document linked above models possible decarbonization pathways.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Includes process emissions from Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants as well as fugitive emissions from the Closed Landfill Program. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress. https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/ https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/klima/klimaanpassung-in-nrw/fis-klimaanpassung-nordrhein-westfalen,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The DNR maintains dual certification on state forest lands, which provides greater market access (Forest Stewardship Council; Sustainable Forestry Initiative).",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Increasing temperatures impact Minnesota’s agricultural industry since agriculture is highly dependent on specific climate conditions. As a result of increasing temperature, crop production areas may shift to new regions of the state where the temperature range for growth and yield of those crops is optimal unless new climate adapted varieties are developed and utilized. According to the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest growing season has lengthened by almost two weeks since 1950 due in large part to earlier timing of the last spring freeze. This trend is expected to continue. While a longer growing season may increase total crop production, other climate changes, such as increased crop losses and soil erosion from more frequent and intense storms, and increases in pests and invasive species, could outweigh this benefit. There may also be higher livestock losses during periods of extreme heat and humidity. Losses of livestock from extreme heat lead to a challenge in disposal of animal carcasses. In an attempt to adapt to increased temperatures, livestock areas in Minnesota may shift farther north. As a result of new livestock areas and the resulting manure production, farmers may transition to manure-based fertilizer applications in areas where traditionally only commercial fertilizers have been used, with accompanying environmental advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, extreme heat can cause roads to buckle and damage other transportation infrastructure such as rail lines. This may increase expenditures for repairs, dangerous conditions for drivers, and potential for travel disruption.Flash flooding from extreme precipitation can damage the built environment, affecting commercial and residential buildings, roads, parks, and stormwater infrastructure. Water-saturated soils can destabilize bluffs, trees and utility poles.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","We had a few scope 2 uses come off-line between 2016 and 2017 and uses that were not tracked in 2016, and because of these accounting changes, we have a significant decrease in emissions. We know that these emissions have decreased, but the exact magnitude is uncertain.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"It is unclear whether Minnesota statutes allow utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects, however, several self-regulated coop utilities are exercising this option. On May 15, 2020 the MN PUC held a planning meeting to discuss a 2019 study conducted by the University of MN Energy Transition Lab on Tariffed On-Bill Financing Feasibility in Minnesota. https://www.trumba.com/calendars/mn-puceventid=144413023",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan have set a bold vision to reduce Minnesota’s carbon footprint and aid out an ambitious plan to bring our energy sector fully carbon neutral by 2050. In April 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-27 reaffirming the State of Minnesota’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as, to reduce waste, energy and fuel consumption, water usage and the sustainable procurement of goods and services in government operations. These goals were established after extensive review of existing statutes and other goals and objectives outlined for the 24-cabinet-level state agencies. The GHG goal of 30% reduction by 2025 relative to a 2005 calculated baseline mirrored goals outlined in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act.The Executive Order also established the Office of Enterprise Sustainability (OES) to assist the 24-cabinet level state agencies in achieving their sustainability goals. The OES created a one-of-a-kind sustainability reporting tool and for the last three years has been tracking state agencies’ progress towards achieving goals outlined in the Executive Order. Last year, OES published a public facing dashboard at www.sustainability.mn.gov to follow State government’s progress towards meeting the sustainability goals and provide transparency in government operations. The dashboard measures progress at both the State and agency-specific level. To date, Minnesota’s State Agencies have achieved 84% progress towards goal. Reductions in GHG emissions in state government operations is largely due to the decarbonization of the electricity grid and long-term reductions in energy use in state facilities e.g. Minnesota State Capitol Complex. In 2019, GHG emissions from state operations again increased with the largest driver being from fossil fuel consumed in the state fleet, particularly in the medium sized vehicles. Colder weather reduced miles per gallon and more snowfall required additional snow removal. Emission factors for delivered energies like electricity and district energy also did not improve last year.The OES is only tracking GHG emissions from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Mainly support them financially in their investments and attempt to motivate for change,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Ucayali has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Ucayali signed the Memorandum on 24thSeptember 2015.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/ucayali-appendix.pdf,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota currently has over 50,000 people who work in clean energy with 15,000 of them spending more than half their time on clean energy.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In Component 5 of the Regional Plan for Concerted Development of Ucayali to 2021 (updated in 2015), the objectives are to reduce the annual loss of forests, increase reforested areas and increase the coverage of forests that are adequately conserved or sustainably harvested.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, two different state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline, and a vision of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 17-12. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Governor’s appointee and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNAS2018Q1,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNAS2018Q1,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We are developing technologies that address both mitigation and adaptation . Sugar mills, citrus factories and industrial slaughterhouses participate of Industrial Reconversion Plan which involves commitments to reduce water and energy consumption. In addition several sugar mills will use their effluent (vinasse) to generate energy. Currently the sugar mills and citrus factories use their effluents for irrigation.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In total, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface of more than 20 million square meters and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany at the end of 2018. (www.bsw-solar.de)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 13x faster. Winter low temperatures are rising much faster than the annual average temperatures.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany's largest supplier of environmental industry products and services with around 368,000 employees and a gross value added of 27.7 billion euros. Link: https://www.umweltwirtschaft.nrw.de/willkommen/",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"With the support of the GCF Task Force, UNDP and the Government of Norway; Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress. https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/ https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/klima/klimaanpassung-in-nrw/fis-klimaanpassung-nordrhein-westfalen,1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: •Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.•Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;•Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion. Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.php?id=276&L=1",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"In 2018, the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021 were approved by Regional Council (N° 080-2018-GRHCO). The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation. In 2019, a strategy to reduce deforestation in USCUSS sector is in designing with support of Earth Innovation Institute and GCF Task Force funded by Norway Government.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2017, deforestation was 19,236 hectares, 5.7 percent more than the previous year. In 2017, 34.28 percent of deforestation is found in spaces less than 1 hectare, while 32.9 percent was reported between areas 1 to 5 hectares. Deforestation is highly focused in Puerto Inca province.",1 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Other, please specify: U.S. Forest Service 2014 climate change vulnerability assessment for northern MN; annual MN DNR forest health assessments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target throughout official programs to transform proceses and improving isolation,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3), Sustainable Buildings 2030, and city benchmarking and disclosure ordinances (e.g. Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Edina).",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The Government reviews once a year the rate structure of utility revenue,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In urban areas tools, incentives and funding are provided to watershed groups to implement green infrastructure, bestmanagement practices, infiltrationmethods, etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.Scottish Investment Bank supports low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion investment portfolio.The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Mobility, Water (Hydro Nation) amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and climate change plan.The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology.There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects.See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,A combination of internal analysis and EPA SIT tool is used for top-down inventory (official state inventory). Washington also has its own bottom-up greenhouse gas reporting program.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"A federal subsidy for cars is in place. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports the construction of stationary normal charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with up to 50% of the expenditure or a maximum of € 1,000 per charging point. The prerequisite is that the charging current comes from renewable energies or locally generated eco-electricity (€ 500 bonus at ≥2 kWp).The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase of electric cargo bikes. The prerequisite for this is that the wheels - beyond the driver - can transport a payload of at least 70 kg. Private users receive up to 30% of the purchase price of the bike, with a maximum subsidy of € 1,000. This only applies to persons who have their primary residence in one of the cities officially listed for NO2 limit exceedance.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia pays an additional premium for companies of € 4,000 for cars and € 8,000 for commercial vehicles for pure electric vehicles. Through the combination with the Federal Environmental Bonus, a purchase of up to € 12,000 is possible for purchase, leasing or long-term rental.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for companies with up to 50% of the expenditure. Both publicly accessible charging points and charging points for fleet and staff vehicles will be supported.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase (purchase or lease) of battery-electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles for non-economic use in municipalities and municipal enterprises.With battery electric vehicles up to 40% of the acquisition costs up to a maximum of € 30,000 are taken over, with fuel cell vehicles even up to 60% up to a maximum of € 60,000.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for municipalities with up to 50% of the expenditures. It will support the creation of charging points for fleet and staff vehicles, including grid connection and civil engineering works. The prerequisite is that the charging electricity comes from renewable energies or locally generated, renewable electricity.https://www.elektromobilitaet.nrw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/water-scarcity/) The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The use of photovoltaics is an important pillar in the energy mix of the future. In 2019, renewable power was generated in NRW by around 280,000 PV systems with an installed capacity of almost 5,300 MW. The costs of generating solar power through roof systems are now lower than the grid purchase prices, which means that own consumption of solar power is becoming increasingly important, not only ecologically but also economically. Ground-mounted PV systems, which in NRW are permitted along infrastructure routes and on conversion sites, can also make an important contribution to the power supply with their low production costs. (www.energieagentur.nrw/solarenergie)A new map was published in the Energieatlas NRW (Energy Atlas NRW) in November 2018: the state-wide Solar Roof Register NRW. On the approximately eleven million roofs in NRW there lies great potential for generating power from solar energy using photovoltaics: around 68 terawatt hours of electricity could be produced per year. It is now possible for every homeowner in NRW to find out with a simple click whether and to what extent their roof surface is suitable for solar energy (both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy). An integrated solar calculator calculates the economic efficiency of a possible solar system on the basis of roof shape and inclination and according to individual settings such as power consumption, load profile, storage system, etc., and can serve as a basis for planning. Towns and municipalities also have the option of integrating the Solar Register into their own website via a link tailored to the area in question. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de; www.solarkataster.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Dept. of Natural Resources is responsible for issuing permits to mine (operations, reclamation, and closure), water appropriations, dam safety, wetlands, endangered and threatened species, burning permits, timber for metal mines and peat mines greater than 40 acres. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency implements the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act for the state of Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/water-scarcity/) The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/),1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2019. See also note on net emissions below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,MPCA and MN DNR include greenhouse gas emissions analysis and climate change analysis in all Environmental Impact Statements.,0 +Please complete the table below.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Peru receives support from the UN-REDD + program to implement forest conservation policies. The activities are developed transversally for the Peruvian Amazon.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The Regional Government of Ucayali signed an international agreement for the technological transfer of renewable energy with Lumines ( South Korean company). The aim is implement renewable energy projects for the most remote towns such as Atalaya, Masisea, Tahuanía, Purús and other towns where they do not have electricity from national system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Environmental Management Plan for the Salí-Dulce Basin The Salí Dulce Basin has an approximate area of 60,802 km2 and covers five provinces. The objective of the Plan is to reduce industrial and urban pollution. The Secretary of Environment has developed a Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System, with several sampling points along the Basin. Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are analyzed, mainly Dissolved Oxygen. The data is processed in a Data Center, which also receives on line the data transmitted by the sensors installed in sugar mills and citrus factories. It also receives the data obtained in situ by inspectors of the Industrial Reconversion Plan. This huge database allows a real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of the basin as well as detect sources of contamination. The Province has an environmental laboratory with the most modern technology to detect all types of water pollutants.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste will come into force in 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendations, signalling intent to move away from landfilling biodegradable municipal waste.We have also committed to extend the ban to include biodegradable non-municipal waste streams, subject to further reassurances and impact assessments.We are working with local authorities to secure alternatives to landfill for their residual waste treatments, including waste-to-energy technology.We are considering measures to ensure new energy from waste plants are more efficient and how waste infrastructure can be ‘future-proofed’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032).Official statistics show the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill decreased by nearly a third (32%) between 2018 and 2019.This means Scotland has met and exceeded the EU target to reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of to landfill.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050.The current state government is committed to the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which states that the world should operate largely climate-neutral in the second half of the 21st century - and is accordingly also the target of the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions North Rhine-Westphalia of at least 80 percent by the year 2050 provides.At present, it is already foreseeable that the climate protection target for 2020 laid down in the Climate Change Act will be achieved fairly reliably: By 2016, emissions reductions had already reached around 22 percent. Three to four percentage points will be added to the safety reserve by 2019 simply by transferring five power plant units.By 2050, further efforts are needed to achieve the goal of 80 percent savings. Above all, it is important to make greater use of the opportunities and positive effects of further digitization and to create an entrepreneurial and innovation-friendly environment for the research and market introduction of climate-friendly technologies. Climate protection and environmental protection also create new markets in which the North Rhine-Westphalian economy is already successfully active today.With an amendment to the Climate Protection Act, the state government will support companies and local authorities to take advantage of the opportunities that climate protection offers them.See current version of the Climate Protection Act here: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMG16-29.pdf?von=1&bis=0",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Summary of the Energy Supply Strategy for NRW (July 2019) https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/energieversorgungsstrategie,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3) and Sustainable Buildings 2030.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,Undertaken by Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (UK) https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,1 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of TucumánActivities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationEquipament: a) Energy-independent INSUS monitoring and repeater stations (photovoltaic energy).b) water level and pluviometric sensors c) PC and associated peripherals (armed and configured by INSUS)d) UPS (uninterruptible power supply) used in the base station, necessary for power cuts of several hours.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"There are Sectorial Plans for Disaster Prevention and Attention, whose strategic objectives are: The incorporation of risk management and emergency and disaster management actions in the strategic and operational plans at the sector level at their different levels, Strengthening of processes to prevent and prevent address emergencies and disasters generated by emerging and reemerging adverse events, Development of decentralization mechanisms in risk management and emergency and disaster management at the community level, Promote mechanisms and actions to reduce physical and social vulnerability. Projects are being developed as part of adaptation strategies to reduce the risk to vulnerable populations due to climatic factors. For example: Afforestation and / or Reforestation of fragile ecosystems, planting and harvesting of water.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and Scottish public authorities to promote sustainable forest management.The UKFS sets out the regulatory requirements for forestry and is the basis for assessing felling licenses and forest plans. In addition, government grants for woodland creation and forest management are conditional on meeting UKFS requirements. The Scottish Government is committed to the use of the UKFS to help inform forest planning decisions relating to all forests and woodlands and to ensure that international agreements and conventions are applied.Efficient and effective management of tree pests and diseases, coupled with longer term resilience-building measures, is vital to maintain and expand Scotland’s woodland area, and sustain its economic benefits and related ecosystem services",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"MN DNR acquires and manages lands for multiple values, including conservation. Conservation is an especially high priority on several types of state lands, including Scientific & Natural Areas, Wildlife Management Areas, Aquatic Management Areas, and Wildlife Action Networks. Further, along with federal partners the state participates in prairie restoration on marginal agricultural lands via conservation easements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Currently at evidence gathering stage for road, with some support for producing/ acquiring heavy duty vehicles.Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry).Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries. In Germany NRW has strong relations to other federal states which are formal on a federal working level as well as informal on a political level.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making.Bus:Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Implementation delayed by focus on COVID but initial round has now been launched.Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2021.Currently focusing on increasing funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID.Rail:Rail is well placed to play a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government and we recently published the Rail Services Decarbonisation Action Plan (28 July 2020). Work has been and continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the plan (rail electrification is a key outcome) to make the traction elements of Scotland’s railway carbon free by 2035.As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Other, please specify: Decrease in number of snow days per annum",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Fuel mix is calculated using the MISO North daily real time estimates, taken from the misoenergy.org website. Other includes: Battery, Coal/Gas, Oil, Oil/Gas, Pet Coke, Waste, and Other. We incorporate on-site generation as well as virtual PPAs with RECs in the calculation. The wind number is augmented by green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/water-scarcity/) The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/),0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability is currently developing a modeled pathway to meet our goal that involves multiple different action plans across our Energy and Fleet focus areas. We are currently progressing closer to achieving this goal. The current 20% reduction is currently our best available information. We believe that 2005 baseline values, which had to be estimated due to a lack of measured data, are inflated.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 – 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Climate change impacts, such as intense rainfalls and increase of the temperatures, can unable agriculture practice in some locations, for example, also reaching the activities that depend on agriculture, like the job market related to this sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,First priority is develop a strategy at jurisdictional level in USCUSS sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years.To obtain certification, growers work directly with accredited agronomy and conservation professionals one-on-one to assess their entire operations and develop treatments for water quality risks. The certification process functions to ensure the physical factors and management choices on every parcel and crop scenario are addressing water quality protection and improvement, which results in hands-on education exploring all applicable options and methods for integrating and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of farm management and in response to whatever landscape conditions are present. Further, producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated financial assistance to implement practices that address whatever risks exist. Through this program, the public receives assurance that certified producers are directly intervening on site-specific conditions to protect Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams.Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) and proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","• US Environmental Protection Agency (2016) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2014.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1.",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are bringing forward a Circular Economy Bill to advance Scotland’s circular economy ambitions.We will create a Challenge Fund for innovation in tackling textile pollution and throwaway culture.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Created Heat Planning Toolkit for professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/docs/mnextremeheattoolkit.pdf) and general heat protection education materials for general public, available in six languages (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/extremeheat.html).",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In Nariño we have 6 major basins: Patía, Guáitara, Juanambú, Mira y Mataje, Mayo and La Cocha. Each of these basins are essentials for ecosystem services, biodiversity and food production not only for Nariño but also for the whole country Colombia. The management of the basins is made through the formulation of plans and the implementation of conservation and sustainable use of water strategies.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The renewable energy produced within the canton has increased steadily since 2010. In 2016, around 1000 GWh of renewable energy was produced in the canton. This corresponds to around 12.2% of total gross energy consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Achieved through a state Solar Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691, Community Solar Garden statue per MS 216B.1641, and through utility solar incentive programs (216B.164 and 116C.7792). Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Environmental Management Plan for the Salí-Dulce Basin The Salí Dulce Basin has an approximate area of 60,802 km2 and covers five provinces. The objective of the Plan is to reduce industrial and urban pollution. The Secretary of Environment has developed a Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System, with several sampling points along the Basin. Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are analyzed, mainly Dissolved Oxygen. The data is processed in a Data Center, which also receives on line the data transmitted by the sensors installed in sugar mills and citrus factories. It also receives the data obtained in situ by inspectors of the Industrial Reconversion Plan. This huge database allows a real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of the basin as well as detect sources of contamination. The Province has an environmental laboratory with the most modern technology to detect all types of water pollutants.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Climate change impacts, such as intense rainfalls and increase of the temperatures, can unable agriculture practice in some locations, for example, also reaching the activities that depend on agriculture, like the job market related to this sector.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,LED lightning high effiency. Air conditioning high efficiency. Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","• US Environmental Protection Agency (2018) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2016.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1. Many methodologies are used to estimate emissions using the limited data available. The design principles value consistency, completeness, accuracy, relevance, detail, best practices, and timeliness.Estimates are disaggregated by economic sector, activity type, gas, and to the greatest possible level of detail. For the most part, emissions occur within state boundaries. The major exception is statutory inclusion of emissions from imported electricity, generated outside state boundaries to meet MN demand. Aviation fuel is estimated based on fuel loaded in the state.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"IN4climate.NRW is designed to be a platform for knowledge-sharing, dialogue and collaboration. Around 30 companies and associations from the fields of steel and metals, chemicals, cement, glass, paper and building materials are participating in the initiative alongside six research institutes. https://www.in4climate.nrw/en/index/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with an increase of about +0.5"" per decade since 1960. Proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. An initial report on this issue was completed in October 2018: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-362829,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.The strategies and measures contained in the Climate Action Plan were developed in the autumn of 2012 as part of a broad-based participation process by experts and were subsequently evaluated online and commented on by the public.The climate protection plan contains 220 measures on climate protection and climate change adaptation. The focus in the area of ​​climate protection is above all the expansion of renewable energies, the increase of energy and resource efficiency as well as the reduction of energy consumption, for example in industry, in private households and in the building sector. Emphasis was also placed on the expansion of combined heat and power, the increased use of low-carbon technologies in industry, the creation of a long-term climate-neutral building stock and emission reductions through the use of climate-friendly means of transport.The aim of the state government, which has been in office since June 2017, is to further develop the existing climate protection plan for a climate protection audit with which measures can be reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness in the context of monitoring.www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions of the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2018 amount to 268 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about eight million t CO2eq or 3% compared to 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.","During the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2015-21). The industry is currently setting the investment objectives for 2021-27 and beyond, and during the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,1 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",1 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Mainly in the municipalities of Tumaco, Barbacoas, Maguí Payan, Roberto Payán, deforestation occurs due to illicit crops, the illegal extraction of minerals and the expansion of agricultural activities generate the transformation of the forest in this area. The presence of illegal armed groups presses the expansion of illegal activities at the expense of natural coverage. The transformation of forest cover in pastures, crops, infrastructure construction, illicit crops, extraction of minerals and wood are the main causes of deforestation in the country. In Nariño, the loss of natural forest reports 26,897 hectares during the 2013-2017 period, a figure that represents 3.4% of the country's deforestation in the same period. In 2017, Nariño ranked 8th among the departments with the largest deforested area, however in 2018 we are ranked 10th.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,The largest driver of scope 1 emissions are the Closed Landfill Program and Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK forestry standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/control-of-woodland-removalThe Scottish Government’s Control of Woodland Removal policy (CWRP) is designed to provide direction for decisions on woodland removal in Scotland for the purpose of conversion to another land use.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The Scottish National Investment Bank supports a low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion green investment portfolio. The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups, accelerators and innovation centres for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Sustainability Mobility (Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc), Water (Hydro Nation) and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and updated climate change plan. The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology. There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects. See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The national level target has been already set in the form of NDCs such as 40 % non fossils fuel based power capacity by 2030 as early as 2020 a full ten year earlier, similarly the draft national energy policy projects that more than 60% of power capacity building based on renewable by 2040, So the government decided to contribute in such a ambitious targets.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, two different state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline, and a vision of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 17-12. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Governor’s appointee and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/reports/cat09/2004231028_ukghgi-90-18_Main_v02-00.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"A roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities is in progress from January, 2019.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Domestic waste collection is in practice in all major cities of the state and composting is being done for organic waste and recycling carried out for dry recyclable waste.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Forest Stewardship Council certification and Sustainable Forestry Initiative certification – All DNR-managed forest lands are dual certified as sustainably managed through FSC and SFI. Some private forest lands in Minnesota also carry these certifications.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The Scottish National Investment Bank supports a low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion green investment portfolio. The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups, accelerators and innovation centres for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Sustainability Mobility (Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc), Water (Hydro Nation) and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and updated climate change plan. The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology. There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects. See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",1 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"1. Increase in natural surface runoff with enormous risk for human settlements on the banks.2. Increase in rainfall erosion, appearance of gullies and soil loss3. The excess of water has contributed to cases of root asphyxia, root rot and stems.4. Diseases in crops such as fungi and bacteria. Have not yet been properly evaluated (i.e. citrus and soy).5. Less availability of areas for irrigation with vinasse5. Damage to public infrastructure",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (5 years ahead of the UK target date of 2050). Statutory interim targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2040, for emissions reductions of 56%, 75% and 90% from the 1990-95 baseline. Legislation also makes provision for annual targets for every year to 2045. Current annual targets available at: https://www.gov.scot/policies/climate-change/reducing-emissions/. The greenhouse gases covered by the targets are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, for which the baseline is 1990; and hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride, for which the baseline is 1995. The targets are economy-wide and include emissions and removals from land use change and forestry. As well as domestic emissions, Scotland’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the targets.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/reports/cat09/2004231028_ukghgi-90-18_Main_v02-00.pdf)",1 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,"In total, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface of more than 20 million square meters and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany at the end of 2018. (www.bsw-solar.de)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Minnesota has joined the U.S. Climate Alliance--a bipartisan coalition of governors committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Minnesota is collaborating with other states in the Alliance on several issue-specific workgroups.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The renewable energy produced within the canton has increased steadily since 2010. In 2016, around 1000 GWh of renewable energy was produced in the canton. This corresponds to around 12.2% of total gross energy consumption.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Create a sustainable timber industry based on the management of primary forests and plantations within the framework of a landscape development strategy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Conserving and protecting the water bodies and wetlands through regulation and enforcement of standards for water infrastructure, uses and waste disposals.",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"104 municipalities or districts in NRW participate in the ""European Energy Award"" energy management programme, while 346 municipalities use the CO2 footprint tool.Since 2012 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been working on behalf of the state government to ensure climate protection and energy efficiency throughout the state. At the locations of the NRW district governments and the regional development companies they help to advance the energy turnaround locally and to inform and network municipalities, administrative bodies, companies and other players in matters of climate protection, energy efficiency and adjustment to changing climate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as battery electric mobility are important key technologies in all areas of the energy and transport system. The Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Electromobility Network of the state of NRW brings together more than 500 primarily medium-sized companies and research institutions. The network supports this technology and the initiation and expert monitoring of cooperation projects, including the current “Model Municipalities/Model Region Hydrogen Mobility NRW” and “HyLand” competitions of the federal government. So far, the state and the EU (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) have provided almost EUR 170 million to over 140 projects in fuel cell and hydrogen technology. In addition, further projects in NRW have been provided with content-based support with federal funding via the National Innovation Programme (NIP) and the European FCH JU programme within the framework of Horizon 2020. The spectrum of topics covered by the projects ranges from the development of individual system components such as compressors and sensors to the development and testing of complex products such as buses and filling stations.In the field of battery electric mobility, based on programmes of the Federal Ministry of Transport, some 210 projects with a funding volume of around EUR 110 million have been launched and supported in various areas in almost 90 towns since 2009. The topics of integrating renewable energies into the transport sector, the use of electric vehicles in commercial and municipal fleets and the development of municipal and corporate electromobility concepts are supported. In these projects, around 4,400 vehicles and some 6,700 charging points have so far been funded in NRW by the Federal Ministry of Transport.All of the state’s electromobility activities are bundled under the term “ElektroMobilität NRW” (Electromobility NRW), an umbrella brand of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs. Here, EnergieAgentur.NRW and the centre of competence ElektroMobilität NRW are working on behalf of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs on the further development of electromobility in the state of NRW – supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/brennstoffzelle-wasserstoff-elektromobilitaet; www.elektromobilitaet.nrw)",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline and 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 19-27. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Heat stress: greenery, open water bodies, keeping fresh air corridors open, building positioning and use of certain building materials, shadowing Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, green roofs, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, protection of buildings",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota’s 24-cabinet level state agencies have a goal of 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline and to date have achieved 31% progress towards goal. In 2019, energy consumption increased compared to 2018. Like 2018, it was a colder than average winter resulting in an increase use of natural gas and district heating energy. Overall electricity use decreased due to a cooler summer and energy conservation measures. Minnesota’s state agencies’ progress towards goal can be found at www.sustainability.mn.gov. Financing energy-efficiency improvements continues to be a struggle. Minnesota’s State-owned buildings have $973 million in deferred maintenance. Agencies prioritize life, safety, security, and accessibility, so energy efficiency is often not funded. Minnesota legislature failed to pass a bonding bill again this session resulting in no funding for “asset preservation” proposals. A proposed revolving loan fund dedicated to financing short-term payback efficiency improvements has been promoted, but not funded in the last three legislative sessions.The OES is only tracking energy consumed from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.The strategies and measures contained in the Climate Action Plan were developed in the autumn of 2012 as part of a broad-based participation process by experts and were subsequently evaluated online and commented on by the public.The climate protection plan contains 220 measures on climate protection and climate change adaptation. The focus in the area of ​​climate protection is above all the expansion of renewable energies, the increase of energy and resource efficiency as well as the reduction of energy consumption, for example in industry, in private households and in the building sector. Emphasis was also placed on the expansion of combined heat and power, the increased use of low-carbon technologies in industry, the creation of a long-term climate-neutral building stock and emission reductions through the use of climate-friendly means of transport.The aim of the state government, which has been in office since June 2017, is to further develop the existing climate protection plan for a climate protection audit with which measures can be reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness in the context of monitoring.www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","1. Construction of the dam ""Potrero del Clavillo"" in the basin of the Gastona and Medina rivers. One of its functions is the regulation of floods, in addition to providing water for human consumption and irrigatio2. Re - direct San Francisco River, in Gastona Medina Basin towards the wetlands area that is located in the northeast quadrant, where it drained naturally for thousands of years as attenuators of maximum flows.2. Reviewing the sections of the bridges and culverts of all the interferences with provincial, national and railway routes where these new activated channel drains, considering the new dynamics and the parameters of the basin. The study will determine the section required by the river bed, for increases of the order of magnitude of 1,200 to 1,500m³ / s, which are feasible to be generated in the basin according to the volumes registered in 2015 and 2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We will present the final document in october of this year,1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,We have an online platform to support the municipalities of Minas Gerais State in the increasing of its resilience.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Heating in Norway is mainly eletrical produced by hydropower, and is therefore clean. Heating oil is not allowed any more, and we promote different projects that help remove old oil tanks in the ground and changing to other heating solutions.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport. Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Sea level for Edinburgh is expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline. Higher rates of sea level rise for the UK of up to 1.9 metres by 2100 have been estimated for a physically plausible high++ scenario based on in direct observations of past climate change events, though this is considered highly unlikely to occur this century. However, sea levels are projected to continue to rise beyond 2100 even in lower emission scenarios and several meters of sea level rise within centuries is possible. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Minnesota has joined the U.S. Climate Alliance--a bipartisan coalition of governors committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Minnesota is collaborating with other states in the Alliance on several issue-specific workgroups.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Heat stress: greenery, open water bodies, keeping fresh air corridors open, building positioning and use of certain building materials, shadowing Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, green roofs, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, protection of buildings",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ucayali does not have a regional conservation system (not officially). However, the Action Plan of the ERDB 2006-2010 had already indicated the establishment of a regional conservation system. The region has a regional conservation area called Imíria that has a master plan designed (with the support of USAID). 3.2 million hectares are natural protected areas of national administration(Sernanp).The Regional Plan has set a goal to increase the area of sustainably managed or conserved forests by 10 percent. Ucayali has approved proposals for Regional Conservation Areas such as Alto Tamaya - Abujao and Laguna Encantada de Atalaya.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:• Energy Consumers Commission• Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group• Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group• Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please complete the table below.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Several projects regarding farming practices. Both to reduce emissions and adaptation.,0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Mainly support them financially in their investments and attempt to motivate for change,0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Increasing temperatures impact Minnesota’s agricultural industry since agriculture is highly dependent on specific climate conditions. As a result of increasing temperature, crop production areas may shift to new regions of the state where the temperature range for growth and yield of those crops is optimal unless new climate adapted varieties are developed and utilized. According to the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest growing season has lengthened by almost two weeks since 1950 due in large part to earlier timing of the last spring freeze. This trend is expected to continue. While a longer growing season may increase total crop production, other climate changes, such as increased crop losses and soil erosion from more frequent and intense storms, and increases in pests and invasive species, could outweigh this benefit. There may also be higher livestock losses during periods of extreme heat and humidity. Losses of livestock from extreme heat lead to a challenge in disposal of animal carcasses. In an attempt to adapt to increased temperatures, livestock areas in Minnesota may shift farther north. As a result of new livestock areas and the resulting manure production, farmers may transition to manure-based fertilizer applications in areas where traditionally only commercial fertilizers have been used, with accompanying environmental advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, extreme heat can cause roads to buckle and damage other transportation infrastructure such as rail lines. This may increase expenditures for repairs, dangerous conditions for drivers, and potential for travel disruption.Flash flooding from extreme precipitation can damage the built environment, affecting commercial and residential buildings, roads, parks, and stormwater infrastructure. Water-saturated soils can destabilize bluffs, trees and utility poles.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to the Regional Ordinance Nº 010-2012-GRU / CR, the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Water Resource is declared Priority and Public Interest. Likewise, said rule declares intangible for the mining activity, the old and current channel of all surface water bodies of the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, including its marginal fringes and floodplains, plus a security band equivalent to 15 times the width of the corresponding marginal band y; apply and / or establish sanctions ranging from fines to deprivation of liberty, to those responsible for the alteration of fluvial channels and the discharge of effluents without proper treatment to the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, in accordance with the Decree Legislative No. 1102 and other applicable regulations.In Ucayali, the National Water Authority identifies 5 water basins and 6 interhydric basins. Also, this institution of national competitions is promoting the creation of the bi-regional council Vilcanota-Urubamba. According to the Institutional Strategic Plan of Ucayali 2016-2018, it is planned to implement two water basin committees during 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"There are currently around 300,000 employees working in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state-owned properties are the responsibility of the construction and property business NRW, whose portfolio alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity. The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. Since 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (excluding universities), which is 100 percent renewable. This enabled it to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. In addition to the previous years, the state administration also saved around € 8 million annually in electricity costs through the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from renewable electricity. Link:https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Law 8304 of Land Management of Native Forest only authorizes sustainable forest exploitation. The Exploitation Plan must have environmental considerations and must respect the legal zoning. Law 8304 of Land Management of Native Forest only authorizes sustainable forest exploitation. The Exploitation Plan must have environmental considerations and must respect the legal zoning. The clearings are only authorized in Category III (green zone) and must carry out Environmental Impact Assessment with Public Hearing.The National Compensation Fund for Native Forests finances sustainable forestry exploitation,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Ucayali.Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Huánuco through the conservation of protected natural areas and the development of reforestation projects can provide ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Priority is get a jurisdictional strategy based on a inventory of greenhouses emissions using IPCC methodology.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland is making excellent progress towards its target that the equivalent of 100% of Scotland’s electricity consumption should come from renewable sources by 2020, having reached an estimated 90% in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Provide funding for charging stations in the whole county so that we are able to use electrical car all over.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Currently at evidence gathering stage for road, with some support for producing/ acquiring heavy duty vehicles.Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry).Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/water-scarcity/) The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/),0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,https://www.ros.gov.uk/our-registers/land-register-of-scotlandThe Land Register of Scotland is the Scottish Government’s map based system which records the legal title to land ownership in Scotland. The older General Register of Sasines is being closed in 2024,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw https://digitalemobilitaet.nrw/",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"There are Sectorial Plans for Disaster Prevention and Attention, whose strategic objectives are: The incorporation of risk management and emergency and disaster management actions in the strategic and operational plans at the sector level at their different levels, Strengthening of processes to prevent and prevent address emergencies and disasters generated by emerging and reemerging adverse events, Development of decentralization mechanisms in risk management and emergency and disaster management at the community level, Promote mechanisms and actions to reduce physical and social vulnerability. Projects are being developed as part of adaptation strategies to reduce the risk to vulnerable populations due to climatic factors. For example: Afforestation and / or Reforestation of fragile ecosystems, planting and harvesting of water.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please complete the table below.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Environmental Management Plan for the Salí-Dulce Basin The Salí Dulce Basin has an approximate area of 60,802 km2 and covers five provinces. The objective of the Plan is to reduce industrial and urban pollution. The Secretary of Environment has developed a Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System, with several sampling points along the Basin. Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are analyzed, mainly Dissolved Oxygen. The data is processed in a Data Center, which also receives on line the data transmitted by the sensors installed in sugar mills and citrus factories. It also receives the data obtained in situ by inspectors of the Industrial Reconversion Plan. This huge database allows a real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of the basin as well as detect sources of contamination. The Province has an environmental laboratory with the most modern technology to detect all types of water pollutants.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to the 2030 climate change scenarios carried out by SENHAMI (2013), in the eastern third of Huanuco will be a reduction from 6 to 9 per cent in theannual rainfall and in the western half, will have an increase of between 1.60 and 1.65 ºC. While the minimum temperatures will be accentuated in the fieldterritorial Andean that corresponds to the province of Ambo with a range of between 1.50 and 1.55 ºC.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We don't have an exclusive inventory for the government operation emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our businesses needs to adjust their products to handle the variations. But for most the transport of the goods might be effected, so that selling our producst might get harder.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has recently consulted on a Water Resources Management Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/consultations/closed-consultations/ ) setting out the risk that the frequency and severity of droughts is likely to increase in the future and why we need to adapt to be more resilient. The outcome will be a series of practical actions to deliver greater resilience and allow water users to begin adapting now to minimise the impacts of prolonged periods of dry weather. The actions will be developed with the Scottish Government and others partners to deliver a more resilient Scotland. . - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There is no coal fired generation capacity in Scotland. Decisions on the future operation of the few remaining non-renewable stations across Scotland remain matters for the operators of those stations, responding to market and policy signals.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are availble for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects. The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.The £3.5m Scottish Government funded Zero Emission Train (ZET) project is currently making good progress at Bo’ness and it will fully test Hydrogen powered traction options, which will be required where electrification is not appropriate across rural areas such as north/west of Inverness and west Highland rail lines. This will allow suppliers to test the integration of alternative traction power supply equipment within a live train environment through this Hydrogen Accelerator initiative, overseen by St Andrews University, with the ZET project being managed by world-leading hydrogen-technology company Arcola Energy. This will address the issues associated with creating, approving and then enabling, a hydrogen-fuelled train to operate later in 2021.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is thus an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/buergerinnen-und-buerger/",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The energy-efficient construction and renovation of buildings is an important field, since one-third of Germany’s total final energy consumption is used for space heating and hot water production in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction network pursues a project-oriented approach, focussing on the initiation and dissemination of best-practice projects.The project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network’s activities with the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only during the planning and design stage but also as part of overall urban development. Consistent reductions have been achieved in heat-related CO2 emissions – and thus also energy costs – of the climate protection housing estates in both new-build and renovated housing. This exemplary project, which has for the first time introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings, is being coordinated by EnergyAgency.NRW.Following an audit by a committee of experts, a total of 87 projects were awarded the status of “NRW climate protection housing estate”. The 38 housing estates already completed have 6,000 residents and demonstrate that consistent and sustainable planning can facilitate the implementation of ambitious projects for energy-efficient construction and renovation. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)Within the network, information is transferred and shared in various ways which include network meetings as a forum for presenting innovative technologies and specific project results and for promoting the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector. In the past, the focus of the network was on housing construction. In future, the network will place more emphasis on non-residential buildings in order to open up further potential for reducing CO2 emissions. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is thus an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/buergerinnen-und-buerger/",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) Outcome 2 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",1 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects. The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.The £3.5m Scottish Government funded Zero Emission Train (ZET) project is currently making good progress at Bo’ness and it will fully test Hydrogen powered traction options, which will be required where electrification is not appropriate across rural areas such as north/west of Inverness and west Highland rail lines. This will allow suppliers to test the integration of alternative traction power supply equipment within a live train environment through this Hydrogen Accelerator initiative, overseen by St Andrews University, with the ZET project being managed by world-leading hydrogen-technology company Arcola Energy. This will address the issues associated with creating, approving and then enabling, a hydrogen-fuelled train to operate later in 2021.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Ucayali does not have a regional conservation system (not officially). However, the Action Plan of the ERDB 2006-2010 had already indicated the establishment of a regional conservation system. The region has a regional conservation area called Imíria that has a master plan designed (with the support of USAID). 3.2 million hectares are natural protected areas of national administration(Sernanp).The Regional Plan has set a goal to increase the area of sustainably managed or conserved forests by 10 percent. Ucayali has approved proposals for Regional Conservation Areas such as Alto Tamaya - Abujao and Laguna Encantada de Atalaya.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Icy winters (Temperature celcius zero crossings ehich caus a layer of ice on ground.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience: https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,We have connected more than 10.000 people to energy using only renewables such as solar energyhttps://xn--nario-rta.gov.co/inicio/index.php/sala-de-prensa/noticias/1980-cerca-de-10-mil-narinenses-de-zonas-aisladas-ya-cuentan-con-electricidad-gracias-a-modelo-de-energias-alternativas-impulsado-por-el-gobernador-camilo-romero,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"A specific focus on decarbonising last mile delivery of goods is underway, with a scoping study to baseline vehicles and emissions to be published shortly. Transport Scotland will work with stakeholders across the private and public sectors to identify and address barriers to mass transition in this sector. Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry). Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin requires interaction with local communities throughout the area.The Sugar Cane Eradication Program collaborates with local governments providing environmental education on the risks of fires.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, technical construction measuresDrought: Dams as security for the water supply",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"All projects and plans for the region, local municipalities and businesses are first asked to include climatic changes in their planning. Fylkesmannen/County govenor also follow up on this and we both are able to object to the plans if we see that they have not planned long term. Our goal is to adapt to the weather today and the climatic changes that are projected for the country and the region. This includes climate addition with high RCP",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Updated with data in tonnes CO2e. Note: these relate to the calendar year 2016Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Continous work toward bettering our service and the adjust it to the needs of the public. this while reducing the emissions by using the newest available technologies in our busses, boats and ferries. Ex: We have electrical ferries in our county, making the fjord crossings zero emission.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,1 +Please complete the table below.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore; establishment of monthly 'climate conversations' among Lake Superior north shore stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.,1 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. A final report on this issue should be complete by December 2019.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"The Dept. of Natural Resources is responsible for issuing permits to mine (operations, reclamation, and closure), water appropriations, dam safety, wetlands, endangered and threatened species, burning permits, timber for metal mines and peat mines greater than 40 acres. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency implements the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act for the state of Minnesota.",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, two different state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline, and a vision of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 17-12. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Governor’s appointee and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"A climate change vulnerability index was created, using local indicators that represents each component of the vulnerability. The final results (for each city of the territory) were used to generate maps that classifies each region according to its vulnerability, which helps to identify the cities where the adaptation actions must be prioritized. We also have an online platform to support the local governments in their trasition to a low carbon economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,A pilot project on Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh is being implemented by the State Centre for Climate Change in association with local government departments.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"As part of the progres.nrw market launch subsidy programme, over 106,000 individual projects have received more than 865 million euros in funding from the state and the EU between the start of the programme and the end of 2018. Moreover, a total of 2,291 measures to the tune of approximately 11 million euros were approved under the progres.nrw low-emission mobility programme in 2018. These figures break down as follows: 1,915 charging infrastructures; 122 electric vehicles; 254 electric cargo bicycles. The sopport for comunity charging stations has been approved in 2020. www.progres.nrw.de Klimanetzwerker.NRW:Since 2012, 14 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been helping to drive forward the energy transition within their regions and in regional development companies, and to inform and link up local authorities and administrations, companies and businesses and citizens in matters of climate change.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,The annual maximum temperature to 2030 would show positive variations in the entire territory of Huanuco. This increase would reach up to 1.6 ° C. (Sourced from Regional Climate Change Strategy). This variations will affect mainly to agricultural activities.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","This is supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity, working closely with industry where appropriate.",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"In 1981, Minnesota was the first state to implement retail net metering as a state policy applicable to all electric utilities per Minn. Statute 216B.164. Legislative changes in 2015 and 2017 allowed cooperative and municipal utilities to charge fees to customers participating in net metering and removed state PUC authority to settle disputes related to coop and muni net metering fees.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The green economy encompasses all companies that offer environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient products and services. As an interdisciplinary sector with links to key industries like machine engineering and the electrical industry, it plays a central role in the economic development of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalia green economy boasted a work force of around 368,000. Its share of overall employment is 5.1%, which is higher than any other key sector in the state. With a turnover of 66.3 billion euros, the green economy contributed around 6.2% to North Rhine-Westphalia’s gross value added and has developed into a significant and integrated component of the state’s economic structure. The featured themes of the green economy encompass sustainable farming and forest management, classic sectors such as sewage and waste disposal and pollution monitoring, mitigation and restoration technologies, as well as new topics like green mobility and renewable energy. Against this background, the green economy can also be seen as a sector of transformation, tackling the greatest challenges of our time – climate change, urbanisation, resource efficiency, decarbonisation – with new ideas, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art services. For established key industries, such as machine engineering and the electrical industry, the green economy has an integrating effect; it combines and channels skills and innovations with prospects for sustainable growth. North Rhine-Westphalia has intentionally developed its economic prospects as the largest provider of green economy products and services in Germany. An annual average turnover growth of 1% (2010–2015) and an annual growth in gross value added of 3.4% (2010–2015) paint a glowing picture. Report:www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/water-scarcity/) The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany's largest supplier of environmental industry products and services with around 368,000 employees and a gross value added of 27.7 billion euros. Link: https://www.umweltwirtschaft.nrw.de/willkommen/",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 places duties on Scottish Ministers to establish a National Marine Plan, regional coastal marine plans, and a Marine Protected Area network. The Act also places a duty on all public authorities to act in the way best calculated to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change so far as is consistent with the purpose of the function concerned",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,We are implementing 7 projects for payment of ecosystem services in strategic ecosystems of the department of Nariño which are essentials for the water provision.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/control-of-woodland-removalThe Scottish Government’s Control of Woodland Removal policy (CWRP) is designed to provide direction for decisions on woodland removal in Scotland for the purpose of conversion to another land use.,0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets a world leading statutory target of at least 42% emissions reductions by 2020 and includes annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation. The Scottish Government will continue to lead work to support the delivery and achievement of the world-leading Scottish climate change targets. In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill that will set a 2050 target of 90% emissions reductions in response to the Paris Agreement. This equates to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050, meaning Scotland being carbon-neutral by that date.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several reasons.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The regional planning for sustainable development and equality called ""Grand Est Territoires"" includes mitigation and adaptation strategy and measures. It covers all topics as planning, transports, energy, air quality, water, biodiversity, waste. There are also another regional plan for agriculture, forestry and viticulture that deals with adaptation issue.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota currently works -through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"UK Government figures published on 11 May 2021 show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with over 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to 34 in England and fewer in Wales and Northern Ireland. We have invested over £45 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several reasons.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). We have begun to undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels and quantify confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that have improved our level of confidence. However, on the whole, we continue to have a medium level of confidence.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,This policy is part of the climate change law (responsibilities for regional governments) to tackle the Colombian NDC.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Areas burned by wildfires are projected to double by 2020 and triple by 2040 due to lack of moisture, warmertemperatures and diseases and pest.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Currently at evidence gathering stage for road, with some support for producing/ acquiring heavy duty vehicles.Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry).Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Solar PV heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for solar water heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Climate change impacts, such as intense rainfalls and increase of the temperatures, can unable agriculture practice in some locations, for example, also reaching the activities that depend on agriculture, like the job market related to this sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Areas burned by wildfires are projected to double by 2020 and triple by 2040 due to lack of moisture, warmertemperatures and diseases and pest.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/reports/cat09/2004231028_ukghgi-90-18_Main_v02-00.pdf)",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The Regional Government of Ucayali signed an international agreement for the technological transfer of renewable energy with Lumines ( South Korean company). The aim is implement renewable energy projects for the most remote towns such as Atalaya, Masisea, Tahuanía, Purús and other towns where they do not have electricity from national system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Scottish Government and Local Authorities play a lead role in tackling climate change and fuel poverty through funding renewables and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings and via on-going engagement with local communities.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Scottish Government, in partnership with businesses, our enterprise and skills agencies and with universities, are progressing the development of a single and integrated programme of support for manufacturing in Scotland – Making Scotland’s Future. The development and delivery of a £75m National Manufacturing Institute Scotland sits are the core of this Programme alongside our ambitions of supporting manufacturing businesses to make the transition to net zero and realise the opportunities of a low carbon economy.In response to the current pandemic, Making Scotland’s Future is being repositioned to help the manufacturing sector in its recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Supporting a greener recovery of our sector will be an important aspect of our work as we continue to encourage manufacturers to pivot towards low carbon innovations, adopting digital processes and utilising more sustainable forms of energy.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017 and 2018 (in preparation). In 2017 edition there were 10.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Verimicomposting , non pesticidal , improved crop introduction especially early ripening verities to counter change in weather especially erratic rainfall, systematic root intensification (SRI), improved irrigation like sprinkler, drip etc , Agriculture warehousing and agro-processing . Promotion of oil seed and pulses. Dry-land farming/promotion of rice research and seed certification and replacement.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017. Timer control for indoor lighting,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Updated with data in tonnes CO2e. Note: these relate to the calendar year 2016Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The Dept. of Natural Resources is responsible for issuing permits to mine (operations, reclamation, and closure), water appropriations, dam safety, wetlands, endangered and threatened species, burning permits, timber for metal mines and peat mines greater than 40 acres. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency implements the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act for the state of Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change mitigation and adaptation are the priority of the regional master plan called ""Grand Est Territoires'. This plan, is a global master plan (schéma d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires). It integrates all sectors of energy consumption (residential, commercial, industry, transport, agriculture) and all the categories of renewable energy production. It also deals with climate adaptation within targets of reduction of water and lands consumption for instance.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Undertaken by Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (UK) https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. It has a wide range of policies to support sustainable farming practices including those which can increase carbon sequestration on agricultural land. Scottish Government has committed to explore how best to increase planting of trees and hedgerows which optimise carbon sequestration, the feasibility of payment for carbon sequestration taking into account any existing schemes such as the woodland carbon code as a means of encouraging the uptake of carbon sequestration on farms and options for land-use change to optimise uses beyond traditional farming and food production to multi-faceted land.A new demonstrator network of farms, crofts and estates across Scotland has been established to raise awareness of the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agricultural businesses.Scottish Government have also committed an additional £1.5 million (through the Agricultural Transformation Programme) to further support the integration of small woodlands on farmers and crofts across Scotland which will help to increase the levels of carbon sequestration delivery by our agricultural sector.Scottish Government has also committed to provide further advice for farmers and crofters who wish to retire by providing an opportunity to consider alternative land-uses or alternative agricultural uses.Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and workable proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food. These groups reported in March 2021 and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. By taking a co-development approach, the Scottish Government is putting a just transition at the heart of agricultural transformation.More info: UC Davis - http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/sarep/about/what-is-sustainable-agriculture IIED - https://www.iied.org/five-ways-make-farming-more-sustainable",1 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The Regional Government of Ucayali signed an international agreement for the technological transfer of renewable energy with Lumines ( South Korean company). The aim is implement renewable energy projects for the most remote towns such as Atalaya, Masisea, Tahuanía, Purús and other towns where they do not have electricity from national system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.•Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2023 . The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,The temperature have risen over the last few years and it has gone up to 48 degrees centigrade will rise further.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 places duties on Scottish Ministers to establish a National Marine Plan, regional coastal marine plans, and a Marine Protected Area network. The Act also places a duty on all public authorities to act in the way best calculated to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change so far as is consistent with the purpose of the function concerned",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HBS) will set out a vision and actions for transforming the way we heat our buildings, ensuring a transition to zero emissions by 2045.The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy was published on the February 5th 2021, alongside an accompanying consultation which closed on April 30th.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,NRW works with the German national Government in many aspects on a regular basis,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Local Government Operations Protocol (ICLEI/The Climate Registry/California Climate Action Registry/ California Air Resources Board),1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Produces a climate change plan with mitigation actions and strategies to be achieved till 2035. For the years 2016-2019 We have developed more than 5 mitigation projects in the sectors of energy, infrastructure, waste, forest and mobility. Corponariño, Universities, local communities, industries, Alcaldias, UMATAS, private sector. Etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Huánuco region proposes as an adaptation action to mitigate the drought the execution of projects to preserve the headwaters of the basin, such as: Planting and harvesting of water, implementation of shrubby plants that retain water and Forestation and / or reforestation with native species.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,NRW works with the German national Government in many aspects on a regular basis,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years.To obtain certification, growers work directly with accredited agronomy and conservation professionals one-on-one to assess their entire operations and develop treatments for water quality risks. The certification process functions to ensure the physical factors and management choices on every parcel and crop scenario are addressing water quality protection and improvement, which results in hands-on education exploring all applicable options and methods for integrating and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of farm management and in response to whatever landscape conditions are present. Further, producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated financial assistance to implement practices that address whatever risks exist. Through this program, the public receives assurance that certified producers are directly intervening on site-specific conditions to protect Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams.Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) and proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"From january, 2019; Huanuco is designing a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy and its Investment Plan. This strategy aims to reduce deforestation and GEI emissions from USCUSS sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We are not sure about this because the inventory is part of IDEAM (national government responsibility) and not ours directly.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government will publish a Heat Decarbonisation Policy Statement later this year setting out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We frequently share greenhouse gas emissions data and climate change policy expertise with local governments. In addition we work with local governments around the world through the Compact of States & Regions and other international governmental collaborations.,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We are not sure about this because the inventory is part of IDEAM (national government responsibility) and not ours directly.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Not able to choose the correct answere above. Actions are implementet, but has not reduced the total reduction. We need to do more.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We have an online platform to support the municipalities of Minas Gerais State in the increasing of its resilience.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. An initial report on this issue was completed in October 2018: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-362829,1 +Please complete the table below.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","In 2018, the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021 were approved by Regional Council (N° 080-2018-GRHCO). The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation. In 2019, a strategy to reduce deforestation in USCUSS sector is in designing with support of Earth Innovation Institute and GCF Task Force funded by Norway Government.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2017, deforestation was 19,236 hectares, 5.7 percent more than the previous year. In 2017, 34.28 percent of deforestation is found in spaces less than 1 hectare, while 32.9 percent was reported between areas 1 to 5 hectares. Deforestation is highly focused in Puerto Inca province.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Voyagers National Park is sometimes in the “airshed.” We are aware of the presence of such areas and follow all applicable law when it comes to environmental review and permitting decisions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In major industries in the state especially energy power plants, iron ore and aluminium industries.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies. Lake Superior coastal areas are experiencing dramatic swings in lake water levels depending on temperatures and ice cover -- which affects evaporation -- and precipitation levels in any given year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Examples:National: US Army Corps of Engineers 404 fill or excavation of waters of the USLocal: zoning, building permits",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore; establishment of monthly 'climate conversations' among Lake Superior north shore stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have introduced the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill to stimulate the deployment of low carbon heat networks where they are suitable across Scotland. We will work collaboratively across the Scottish Parliament to secure the Bill’s passage.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In urban areas tools, incentives and funding are provided to watershed groups to implement green infrastructure, bestmanagement practices, infiltrationmethods, etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Ucayali has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Ucayali signed the Memorandum on 24thSeptember 2015.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/ucayali-appendix.pdf,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are bringing forward a Circular Economy Bill to advance Scotland’s circular economy ambitions.We will create a Challenge Fund for innovation in tackling textile pollution and throwaway culture.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) brings together representative from all forest stakeholder groups in Minnesota to advise the Governor on forest management and forest issues. Another example of forest management partnership in Minnesota is the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement between the state (MN Dept. of Natural Resources) and the federal government (U.S. Forest Service). These approaches aren’t specifically focused on deforestation/degradation, but provide the platform for cooperative work on forestry issue like this in the state.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline,1 +Please complete the table below.,Law 8304 of Land Management of Native Forest only authorizes sustainable forest exploitation. The Exploitation Plan must have environmental considerations and must respect the legal zoning. Law 8304 of Land Management of Native Forest only authorizes sustainable forest exploitation. The Exploitation Plan must have environmental considerations and must respect the legal zoning. The clearings are only authorized in Category III (green zone) and must carry out Environmental Impact Assessment with Public Hearing.The National Compensation Fund for Native Forests finances sustainable forestry exploitation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The national level target has been already set in the form of NDCs such as 40 % non fossils fuel based power capacity by 2030 as early as 2020 a full ten year earlier, similarly the draft national energy policy projects that more than 60% of power capacity building based on renewable by 2040, So the government decided to contribute in such a ambitious targets.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are availble for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota has experienced disruptions in the supply of coal and propane in recent years, increasing the ability to supply energy needs through state and more regional resources can alleviate the volatility and offset supply chain issues related to coal and propane.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,1 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (5 years ahead of the UK target date of 2050). Statutory interim targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2040, for emissions reductions of 56%, 75% and 90% from the 1990-95 baseline. Legislation also makes provision for annual targets for every year to 2045. Current annual targets available at: https://www.gov.scot/policies/climate-change/reducing-emissions/. The greenhouse gases covered by the targets are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, for which the baseline is 1990; and hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride, for which the baseline is 1995. The targets are economy-wide and include emissions and removals from land use change and forestry. As well as domestic emissions, Scotland’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the targets.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) brings together representative from all forest stakeholder groups in Minnesota to advise the Governor on forest management and forest issues. Another example of forest management partnership in Minnesota is the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement between the state (MN Dept. of Natural Resources) and the federal government (U.S. Forest Service). These approaches aren’t specifically focused on deforestation/degradation, but provide the platform for cooperative work on forestry issue like this in the state.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Other, please specify: Climate vuln. assessment (below) was one-off; forest health assessments are annual",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. The program, which will last for three years, will be carried out in stages, starting with the reforestation and afforestation of income to the city. Then it will continue on the banks of the rivers, in the entrance to the villages and in the protected forests. Most of the seedlings will be produced by the forest nursery La Florida. The species will be the following: for the urban and periurban areas, trees that are typical of Tucumán will be planted, such as the ibirá pitá, pink lapachos, tipas, so that the natural landscape is respected. they will plant species that are not autochthonous, but that are colorful because of their broad leaves, such as hovenia; for the fixing of rivers will be poplars and bald cypresses. Finally, for commercial production, eucalyptus and pines that have the wood used today will be produced.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +Please complete the table below.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","As part of the progres.nrw market launch subsidy programme, over 106,000 individual projects have received more than 865 million euros in funding from the state and the EU between the start of the programme and the end of 2018. Moreover, a total of 2,291 measures to the tune of approximately 11 million euros were approved under the progres.nrw low-emission mobility programme in 2018. These figures break down as follows: 1,915 charging infrastructures; 122 electric vehicles; 254 electric cargo bicycles. The sopport for comunity charging stations has been approved in 2020. www.progres.nrw.de Klimanetzwerker.NRW:Since 2012, 14 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been helping to drive forward the energy transition within their regions and in regional development companies, and to inform and link up local authorities and administrations, companies and businesses and citizens in matters of climate change.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Peru receives support from the UN-REDD + program to implement forest conservation policies. The activities are developed transversally for the Peruvian Amazon.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. In 2018, the equivalent of 6.3% of non-electrical heat demand was met from renewable sources.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Promotion of sludge utilization to produce energy in effluent and water treatment plants.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Mandatory separate collection of dry recyclable materials and food waste from some businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)).Over 80% of Scotland’s population have separate food waste collectionsWe publish and review a Household Recycling Charter and Code of Practice, which sets out best practice for local governments.We are preparing to deliver Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025, as set out in Programme for Government 2021/21",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Public health and security, effects on agriculture and forestry, real estate, fresh water management, flooding and landslides",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Wet areas will become wetter. more frequent heavy rainfall events are expected,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Scope 2 emissions include electricity for buildings, delivered heating and cooling (district energy), and electric vehicle transport.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Continous work toward bettering our service and the adjust it to the needs of the public. this while reducing the emissions by using the newest available technologies in our busses, boats and ferries. Ex: We have electrical ferries in our county, making the fjord crossings zero emission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We had a few scope 2 uses come off-line between 2016 and 2017 and uses that were not tracked in 2016, and because of these accounting changes, we have a significant decrease in emissions. We know that these emissions have decreased, but the exact magnitude is uncertain.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport. Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The DNR maintains dual certification on state forest lands, which provides greater market access (Forest Stewardship Council; Sustainable Forestry Initiative).",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy.",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.",Five annual progress reports since the Adaptation programme was published can be found at:https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2014-fifth-annual-progress-report/,1 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets a world leading statutory target of at least 42% emissions reductions by 2020 and includes annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation. The Scottish Government will continue to lead work to support the delivery and achievement of the world-leading Scottish climate change targets. In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill that will set a 2050 target of 90% emissions reductions in response to the Paris Agreement. This equates to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050, meaning Scotland being carbon-neutral by that date.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,The UK Forestry Standard is the benchmark against which forest management plans are assessed.,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Water storage for agriculture and fish is inadequate, especially during low water years and droughts",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are bringing forward a Circular Economy Bill to advance Scotland’s circular economy ambitions.We will create a Challenge Fund for innovation in tackling textile pollution and throwaway culture.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Providing information on adaptation measures (intense rainfall/flooding) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Local planners in the state's largest metropolitan area (Seattle metro) incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal into comprehensive transportation planning. Other metropolitan areas do not necessarily incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals into their planning.,0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,No: Efforts to this effect have been made in Minnesota in 2008 and 2013. There are no public plans in place to develop and another pathways project.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. The Executive Order specifically calls for engagement with workers and and businesses that will be impacted by the identified reduction and resiliency strategies. In addition, many Minnesota businesses have made significant climate commitments and these actions are critical to achieving the state's goals. The Executive Order also created a Climate Change Advisory Council, made up of 15 appointed members, including business leaders. Engaging with these business leaders, and other business organizations in Minnesota will be essential to meeting the goals of the Next Generation Energy Act and the Executive Order.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. For this reporting, however, we have used IPPC's AR4 global warming potentials for CH4 and NO2 emissions.",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.",Complete integration of methane and HFC reduction into Climate Change Plan: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-governments-climate-change-plan-third-report-proposals-policies-2018-9781788516488/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Fuel mix is calculated using the MISO North daily real time estimates, taken from the misoenergy.org website. Other includes: Battery, Coal/Gas, Oil, Oil/Gas, Pet Coke, Waste, and Other. We incorporate on-site generation as well as virtual PPAs with RECs in the calculation. The wind number is augmented by green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The municipalities in NRW are an important pillar for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia.In many areas of their area of ​​responsibility, they can contribute to reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment - for example through energy-saving refurbishment measures in their properties or modernization of sewage treatment plants or street lighting. In addition, municipalities are responsible planning authorities for the settlement of renewable energy plants and often also via municipal utilities suppliers of electricity and heat. In addition, the municipalities play an important role model function. Only a municipality that is itself a leader in climate protection can also motivate its citizens and local companies to adopt climate-friendly behavior.The municipalities in NRW receive support from the state for their manifold tasks in the area of ​​climate protection. On this page, the country's offers from the fields of promotion, networking, consulting, information and education are compiled. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/kommunen",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation ProgrammeClimate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"There are Sectorial Plans for Disaster Prevention and Attention, whose strategic objectives are: The incorporation of risk management and emergency and disaster management actions in the strategic and operational plans at the sector level at their different levels, Strengthening of processes to prevent and prevent address emergencies and disasters generated by emerging and reemerging adverse events, Development of decentralization mechanisms in risk management and emergency and disaster management at the community level, Promote mechanisms and actions to reduce physical and social vulnerability. Projects are being developed as part of adaptation strategies to reduce the risk to vulnerable populations due to climatic factors. For example: Afforestation and / or Reforestation of fragile ecosystems, planting and harvesting of water.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"local industries encouragedto support climate issues andreduce emissions andincrease resilience. Theseinclude establishment ofESPs ( electrostaticprecipitatiors, managementand reuse of Wasteespecially for energyrecovery and adoptingrenewable energy andmaking their own energythrough onsite powwer plantsbased on wastes",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Scotland is making excellent progress towards its target that the equivalent of 100% of Scotland’s electricity consumption should come from renewable sources by 2020, having reached an estimated 90% in 2019.",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The DNR maintains dual certification on state forest lands, which provides greater market access (Forest Stewardship Council; Sustainable Forestry Initiative).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,A combination of internal analysis and EPA SIT tool is used for top-down inventory (official state inventory). Washington also has its own bottom-up greenhouse gas reporting program.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry is proposing an adoption framework for the statewide commercial building energy code that ensures that all new commercial and large multifamily construction is net-zero by 2036. The plan does not address new residential construction, however.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change is implementing a pilot project in three Districts of the State with financial support from National Adaptation fund of Govt of India.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 – 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of TucumánActivities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationEquipament: a) Energy-independent INSUS monitoring and repeater stations (photovoltaic energy).b) water level and pluviometric sensors c) PC and associated peripherals (armed and configured by INSUS)d) UPS (uninterruptible power supply) used in the base station, necessary for power cuts of several hours.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"By 2040, Energy Efficient Scotland will have transformed our buildings so that they are warmer, greener and more efficient.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage.This will include the delivery of a Scotland-specific Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) during 2020 and beyond, that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The IETF will help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. It will be flexible according to the changing circumstances of our manufacturing or processing sites, or clusters, and their supply chains.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Causes problems for the sensitive population, especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Energy productivity in Scotland is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy (can be found here). It is measured by the gross value added (adjusted based on chained volume measures) from the input of one gigawatt hour of energy. Energy productivity in Scotland in 2018 is £0.972m GVA per GWh, up 31.1% from 2005.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The impact on the rural activities decreases the job offer in this area, what makes the unemployed population migrate to the cities, looking for work.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. They included growing more grain legumes in rotations, crop varieties with higher nitrogen-use efficiency and soil testing.FAS, KTIF and FFBC support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers. Under the KTIF, The East/West Beed Grazing Collaboration Pilot worked toward establishing evidence on the financial and environmental value of moving cattle to lower cost natural resources.Research on the potential for leguminous crops in Scotland was published in January 2021 and is available on www.climatexchange.org.uk It considered the climate mitigation potential of legumes within arable and grassland rotations and commented on the potential to reduce reliance on imported protein.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry.More info: Intechopen - https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/strategic-management-of-grazing-grassland-systems-to-maintain-and-increase-organic-carbon-in-soils",1 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving lighting efficiency standards for implementation in 2021/22,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Scottish Government, in partnership with businesses, our enterprise and skills agencies and with universities, are progressing the development of a single and integrated programme of support for manufacturing in Scotland – Making Scotland’s Future. The development and delivery of a £75m National Manufacturing Institute Scotland sits are the core of this Programme alongside our ambitions of supporting manufacturing businesses to make the transition to net zero and realise the opportunities of a low carbon economy.In response to the current pandemic, Making Scotland’s Future is being repositioned to help the manufacturing sector in its recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Supporting a greener recovery of our sector will be an important aspect of our work as we continue to encourage manufacturers to pivot towards low carbon innovations, adopting digital processes and utilising more sustainable forms of energy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Other, please specify: U.S. Forest Service 2014 climate change vulnerability assessment for northern MN; annual MN DNR forest health assessments",1 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply.We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,We are not sure about this because the inventory is part of IDEAM (national government responsibility) and not ours directly.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Extreme weather might cause floods, rivers flowing our, avelanges and other risky incidents. This is both dangerous for people and infrastructure. The personal and public costs are enormous, and it takes time to rebuild. The long term effects when this happens more often will effect other public services.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Voyagers National Park is sometimes in the “airshed.” We are aware of the presence of such areas and follow all applicable law when it comes to environmental review and permitting decisions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Minnesota has joined the U.S. Climate Alliance--a bipartisan coalition of governors committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Minnesota is collaborating with other states in the Alliance on several issue-specific workgroups.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"We are implementing an MRV tool, called Energy and Climate Observatory, to monitoring the climate and energy actions in Minas Gerais State.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline and 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 19-27. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.The strategies and measures contained in the Climate Action Plan were developed in the autumn of 2012 as part of a broad-based participation process by experts and were subsequently evaluated online and commented on by the public.The climate protection plan contains 220 measures on climate protection and climate change adaptation. The focus in the area of ​​climate protection is above all the expansion of renewable energies, the increase of energy and resource efficiency as well as the reduction of energy consumption, for example in industry, in private households and in the building sector. Emphasis was also placed on the expansion of combined heat and power, the increased use of low-carbon technologies in industry, the creation of a long-term climate-neutral building stock and emission reductions through the use of climate-friendly means of transport.The aim of the state government, which has been in office since June 2017, is to further develop the existing climate protection plan for a climate protection audit with which measures can be reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness in the context of monitoring.www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Waste-to-energy is preferred over landfill in state statute. Metro area counties must divert waste to waste to energy facilities when there is capacity available. Minnesota waste to energy systems are a significant contributor to reducing waste management related GHG releases. In addition to combustion with energy recovery, all Minnesota WTE facilities compound their GHG savings by recovering metals (and other recyclables) from MMSW.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving lighting efficiency standards for implementation in 2021/22,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats.There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The department of Nariño has as main threat facing the scenario of climate change that goes to 2040 the shortage of water for the generation of electric power and the Department also has a very important agricultural and livestock vocation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair, online, through social media, and via local government education. Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The state has a variety of programs aimed at keeping forests forested, including a Forest Legacy conservation easement program and various private landowner assistance programs. There are no specific year-to-year targets associated with these programs.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Because of the floods in the south of Tucumán in 2017, 1500 families of Lamadrid were evacuated (80% of the town). It is estimated that the economic losses will reach $ 630 million: $ 90 million in economic-productive, $ 140 million in social and $ 400 million in infrastructure.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Huanuco is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Ucayali will elaborate further studies about deforestation trends and financial gaps to finish Low Emission Development Strategy and Investment Plan. This strategy aim to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Support is available for geothermal heating projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets a world leading statutory target of at least 42% emissions reductions by 2020 and includes annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation. The Scottish Government will continue to lead work to support the delivery and achievement of the world-leading Scottish climate change targets. In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill that will set a 2050 target of 90% emissions reductions in response to the Paris Agreement. This equates to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050, meaning Scotland being carbon-neutral by that date.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland. The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland is directly accountable to the Scottish Parliament. RoS is responsible for public records, including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and Scottish public authorities to promote sustainable forest management.The UKFS sets out the regulatory requirements for forestry and is the basis for assessing felling licenses and forest plans. In addition, government grants for woodland creation and forest management are conditional on meeting UKFS requirements. The Scottish Government is committed to the use of the UKFS to help inform forest planning decisions relating to all forests and woodlands and to ensure that international agreements and conventions are applied.Efficient and effective management of tree pests and diseases, coupled with longer term resilience-building measures, is vital to maintain and expand Scotland’s woodland area, and sustain its economic benefits and related ecosystem services",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,1 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply. We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 February 2018,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Although the canton is subject to the Swiss climate protection policy, but Basle-Country has also taken its own initiatives to achieve the climate goals. Effective measures to reduce emissions and fix greenhouse gases are implemented by sustainable technologies in agriculture, transport and industry. The energy strategy adopted by the government and the energy law enacted by the cantonal parlament in 2016, with a focus on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the building sector, form the basis for the canton of Basle-Country being one of the pioneering and modern cantons of the Swiss Confederation. Not only the reduction of emissions, but also the adaptation and management of the consequences of climate change are taking an increasingly important place. With the Water Strategy, the canton of Basle-Country has defined the objectives and priorities for the consequences of climate change and the protection of water as its own and most important natural basis of livelihood. With this own initiatives the canton of Basle-Country effectively anticipates the potential risks posed by climate change. Its own natural foundations of life are thereby secured and the careful use of natural resources makes an active contribution to the conservation of biodiversity.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Updated with data in tonnes CO2e. Note: these relate to the calendar year 2016Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"A roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities is in progress from January, 2019.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Since the beginning of the data record (1895) through 1959, Minnesota’s annual average temperature increased by nearly 0.2°F per decade. This is shown in the graph to the left. This warming effect has accelerated over the last 50+ years. Data from 1960-2016 show that the recent rate of warming for Minnesota has sped up substantially to over 0.5°F per decade, which is equivalent to 5.0°F per century. Minnesota has gotten noticeably warmer, especially over the last few decades.Annual average temperatures are increasing and summer high temperatures have risen slightly in the north, but have fallen in the middle and southern part of the state. Minimum temperatures, which are the overnight lows, have been rising faster than maximum temperatures, which are the daytime highs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota has a sales tax exemption for costs of installing and maintaining solar and wind facilities, per Minn. Stat. § 297A.67, Subd. 29 and Minn. Stat. § 297A.68, Subd. 12. Wind and Solar equipment are also exempt from property taxes, but are subject to energy production taxes for project sizes above certain thresholds. See more at: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/151",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw https://digitalemobilitaet.nrw/",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"A roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities is in progress from January, 2019.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There are currently around 300,000 employees working in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state-owned properties are the responsibility of the construction and property business NRW, whose portfolio alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity. The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. Since 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (excluding universities), which is 100 percent renewable. This enabled it to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. In addition to the previous years, the state administration also saved around € 8 million annually in electricity costs through the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from renewable electricity. Link:https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In 2019 the Scottish Government supported the establishment of NECCUS (North East CCUS) an industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to promote CCUS in Scotland, attract funding for CCUS and Hydrogen development in Scotland and to secure the first CCUS project in the UK to be in Scotland. We will commission and support further detailed research, development and analysis to improve our understanding and accelerate the deployment of key energy and carbon capture technologies and work closely with UK Government to get commercial, policy and regulatory frameworks required to support CCUS at scale in the UK",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",The department of Nariño has as main threat facing the scenario of climate change that goes to 2040 the shortage of water for the generation of electric power and the Department also has a very important agricultural and livestock vocation.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationDesde marzo de 2019, el Gobierno de Tucumán forma parte de la iniciativa Regions Adapt en conjunto con estados locales de Brasil y Ecuador",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Summary of the Energy Supply Strategy for NRW (July 2019) https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/energieversorgungsstrategie,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions of the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2018 amount to 268 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about eight million t CO2eq or 3% compared to 2017.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several years.,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The Huánuco region proposes as an adaptation action to mitigate the drought the execution of projects to preserve the headwaters of the basin, such as: Planting and harvesting of water, implementation of shrubby plants that retain water and Forestation and / or reforestation with native species.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. For this reporting, however, we have used IPPC's AR4 global warming potentials for CH4 and NO2 emissions.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We have built the Energy and Climate Change Plan of Minas Gerais through an international partnership, which allowed to access international funds to subside the elaboration and implementation of the Plan.Currently, we are seeking new partnerships in order to move forward with our goals and actions.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Other, please specify: Public health and security, effects on agriculture and forestry, real estate, fresh water management, flooding and landslides",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2019 the Scottish Government supported the establishment of NECCUS (North East CCUS) an industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to promote CCUS in Scotland, attract funding for CCUS and Hydrogen development in Scotland and to secure the first CCUS project in the UK to be in Scotland. We will commission and support further detailed research, development and analysis to improve our understanding and accelerate the deployment of key energy and carbon capture technologies and work closely with UK Government to get commercial, policy and regulatory frameworks required to support CCUS at scale in the UK",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"MN DNR acquires and manages lands for multiple values, including conservation. Conservation is an especially high priority on several types of state lands, including Scientific & Natural Areas, Wildlife Management Areas, Aquatic Management Areas, and Wildlife Action Networks. Further, along with federal partners the state participates in prairie restoration on marginal agricultural lands via conservation easements.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Several projects regarding farming practices. Both to reduce emissions and adaptation.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple of MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Create a sustainable timber industry based on the management of primary forests and plantations within the framework of a landscape development strategy.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017 and 2018 (in preparation). In 2017 edition there were 10.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Create a sustainable timber industry based on the management of primary forests and plantations within the framework of a landscape development strategy.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We are implementing an MRV tool, called Energy and Climate Observatory, to monitoring the climate and energy actions in Minas Gerais State.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Realizing optimum irrigation potential under Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Huanuco is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. With support of Norway Cooperation, all GCF states and provinces (including Huanuco) will develop REDD+/LED strategy and investment plans that align with the goals of the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Huanuco develops local and sustainable organic food companies, used as an alternative development mechanism.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. In 2018, the equivalent of 6.3% of non-electrical heat demand was met from renewable sources.",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","A federal subsidy for cars is in place. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports the construction of stationary normal charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with up to 50% of the expenditure or a maximum of € 1,000 per charging point. The prerequisite is that the charging current comes from renewable energies or locally generated eco-electricity (€ 500 bonus at ≥2 kWp).The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase of electric cargo bikes. The prerequisite for this is that the wheels - beyond the driver - can transport a payload of at least 70 kg. Private users receive up to 30% of the purchase price of the bike, with a maximum subsidy of € 1,000. This only applies to persons who have their primary residence in one of the cities officially listed for NO2 limit exceedance.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia pays an additional premium for companies of € 4,000 for cars and € 8,000 for commercial vehicles for pure electric vehicles. Through the combination with the Federal Environmental Bonus, a purchase of up to € 12,000 is possible for purchase, leasing or long-term rental.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for companies with up to 50% of the expenditure. Both publicly accessible charging points and charging points for fleet and staff vehicles will be supported.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase (purchase or lease) of battery-electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles for non-economic use in municipalities and municipal enterprises.With battery electric vehicles up to 40% of the acquisition costs up to a maximum of € 30,000 are taken over, with fuel cell vehicles even up to 60% up to a maximum of € 60,000.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for municipalities with up to 50% of the expenditures. It will support the creation of charging points for fleet and staff vehicles, including grid connection and civil engineering works. The prerequisite is that the charging electricity comes from renewable energies or locally generated, renewable electricity.https://www.elektromobilitaet.nrw/",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state has a variety of programs aimed at keeping forests forested, including a Forest Legacy conservation easement program and various private landowner assistance programs. There are no specific year-to-year targets associated with these programs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Environmental Management Plan for the Salí-Dulce Basin The Salí Dulce Basin has an approximate area of 60,802 km2 and covers five provinces. The objective of the Plan is to reduce industrial and urban pollution. The Secretary of Environment has developed a Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System, with several sampling points along the Basin. Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are analyzed, mainly Dissolved Oxygen. The data is processed in a Data Center, which also receives on line the data transmitted by the sensors installed in sugar mills and citrus factories. It also receives the data obtained in situ by inspectors of the Industrial Reconversion Plan. This huge database allows a real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of the basin as well as detect sources of contamination. The Province has an environmental laboratory with the most modern technology to detect all types of water pollutants.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies. Lake Superior coastal areas are experiencing dramatic swings in lake water levels depending on temperatures and ice cover -- which affects evaporation -- and precipitation levels in any given year.",1 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Ucayali´s Climate Change Strategy stablish:Development of agroclimatic characterization studies of prioritized crops, at the level of basins and sub-basins, as well as evaluation of their productivitybefore the impacts of climate change.Implementation of Public Investment Projects on Improvement of Productive Chains incorporating the approach of adaptation to climate change.Promotion of environmentally sustainable productive activitiesPromote monitoring programs for fish resourcesStrengthening agricultural and livestock practices to adapt to change climateStrengthening of productive activities with ancestral techniques compared to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2018 the English edition had an annual circulation of 8,000 copies. These were used, for example, as part of EnergyAgency.NRW’s foreign trade activities and during the World Climate Conference COP 24 in Katowice in December.The email newsletter goes out to over 15,000 subscribers every week, and there are also special themed editions. The web pages around the main website www.energieagentur.nrw are amongst the most visited in the energy sector, with the EnergyAgency.NRW pages and various subject-specific portals receiving 1.27 million views and more than 350,000 visitors in 2018 in over 520,000 sessions. The average session lasted 2.25 minutes. EnergyAgency.NRW’s online media currently include 28 online tools, the most popular being the PV.Calculator, which was used over 25,000 times.Almost 220,000 brochures were downloaded from the EnergyAgency.NRW website in pdf format and almost 82,000 printed brochures were sent out by post. A total of 273 different publications are currently available.EnergyAgency.NRW tweets to its over 7,600 followers on the subject of energy several times a day from its Twitter account @EANRW, and in 2018 it added more than 430 new followers. These include high-reach multipliers who often further disseminate EnergyAgency.NRW’s tweets. EnergyAgency.NRW also has its own company page on Facebook with 1,848 followers and runs the “Klimaschutz – made in NRW” (Climate protection - made in NRW) account, which has 793 followers, as well as the “EnergieJobs.NRW” (EnergyJobs.NRW) account. EnergyAgency.NRW has profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram and XING, and videos on EnergyAgency.NRW’s YouTube channel received 415,547 hits.Twelve new films and an animated video have been created, making a total of 158 films with information about renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw)",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please complete the table below.,First priority is develop a strategy at jurisdictional level in USCUSS sector,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of TucumánActivities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationEquipament: a) Energy-independent INSUS monitoring and repeater stations (photovoltaic energy).b) water level and pluviometric sensors c) PC and associated peripherals (armed and configured by INSUS)d) UPS (uninterruptible power supply) used in the base station, necessary for power cuts of several hours.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan have set a bold vision to reduce Minnesota’s carbon footprint and aid out an ambitious plan to bring our energy sector fully carbon neutral by 2050. In April 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-27 reaffirming the State of Minnesota’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as, to reduce waste, energy and fuel consumption, water usage and the sustainable procurement of goods and services in government operations. These goals were established after extensive review of existing statutes and other goals and objectives outlined for the 24-cabinet-level state agencies. The GHG goal of 30% reduction by 2025 relative to a 2005 calculated baseline mirrored goals outlined in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act.The Executive Order also established the Office of Enterprise Sustainability (OES) to assist the 24-cabinet level state agencies in achieving their sustainability goals. The OES created a one-of-a-kind sustainability reporting tool and for the last three years has been tracking state agencies’ progress towards achieving goals outlined in the Executive Order. Last year, OES published a public facing dashboard at www.sustainability.mn.gov to follow State government’s progress towards meeting the sustainability goals and provide transparency in government operations. The dashboard measures progress at both the State and agency-specific level. To date, Minnesota’s State Agencies have achieved 84% progress towards goal. Reductions in GHG emissions in state government operations is largely due to the decarbonization of the electricity grid and long-term reductions in energy use in state facilities e.g. Minnesota State Capitol Complex. In 2019, GHG emissions from state operations again increased with the largest driver being from fossil fuel consumed in the state fleet, particularly in the medium sized vehicles. Colder weather reduced miles per gallon and more snowfall required additional snow removal. Emission factors for delivered energies like electricity and district energy also did not improve last year.The OES is only tracking GHG emissions from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"• US Environmental Protection Agency (2018) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2016.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1. Many methodologies are used to estimate emissions using the limited data available. The design principles value consistency, completeness, accuracy, relevance, detail, best practices, and timeliness.Estimates are disaggregated by economic sector, activity type, gas, and to the greatest possible level of detail. For the most part, emissions occur within state boundaries. The major exception is statutory inclusion of emissions from imported electricity, generated outside state boundaries to meet MN demand. Aviation fuel is estimated based on fuel loaded in the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Promote Greenfield projects like hydro power plants up to 5 MW,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Revision primarily due to changes in the calculation of the forestry sink. In the latest inventory, emissions fell by 3.3 per cent between 2016 and 2017 (latest year).",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program.,1 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Produces a climate change plan with mitigation actions and strategies to be achieved till 2035. For the years 2016-2019 We have developed more than 5 mitigation projects in the sectors of energy, infrastructure, waste, forest and mobility. Corponariño, Universities, local communities, industries, Alcaldias, UMATAS, private sector. Etc.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience: https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please complete the table below.,Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The climate solution and economic opportunities document linked above models possible decarbonization pathways.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"DNR working to understand role of forests in carbon mitigation, capacity of MN forests to sequester carbon",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,MPCA and MN DNR include greenhouse gas emissions analysis and climate change analysis in all Environmental Impact Statements.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Whereas in 2003 there were only around 660 subsidised systems registered in NRW, today over 36,000 pellet heating systems subsidised by the Market Incentive Programme (MAP) in NRW (approx. 290,000 nationwide) supply citizens with renewable heat. In addition to this there are local heating networks and compact solutions for multi-family homes and, increasingly, commercial properties based on wood pellets. The aim of the Wood + Pellets campaign is, together with partners and players in the industry, to strengthen this heating technology and to consolidate and expand the positive market development. Through its work, it connects the various players along the value chain in the wood pellet sector throughout Germany, with a focus on NRW. The Wood + Pellets campaign is currently actively supported by over 100 companies in the sector and is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, business, trade and public administration. The resulting synergy effects enable a competent transfer of knowledge for consumers. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"A roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities is in progress from January, 2019.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Huánuco develops sustainable tourism within the region, through the identification of fragile ecosystems and the creation of Protected Natural areas.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Since publication of the Energy Strategy, we have announced a National Conversation on Energy and on climate change to improve our approach to public engement on Scotland's transition to a net zero economy.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Nariño acts for the Climate conceives as guiding principles citizen participation, intergenerational equity and open government, which were materialized with the participation of more than 4,000 Nariños in the design and formulation stage of it.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Not able to choose the correct answere above. Actions are implementet, but has not reduced the total reduction. We need to do more.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has acquired a state licence for a CO2 balancing tool for all its municipalities. The tool, with which municipalities can create their own CO2 balance, is free of charge for them. The project is managed by the EnergyAgency.NRW which provides information support and offers e.g. workshops for the tool.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2019. See also note on net emissions below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across government-owned buildings, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"There is no single plan that addresses deforestation in the state of Minnesota. However, there are robust forest planning processes within the state that address all aspects of sustainable forest management. These include regional 10-year forest management plans for state forest lands (created by MN DNR), a 10-year Forest Action Plan prepared for the U.S. federal government (created by MN DNR; all forested states do this), and multi-stakeholder 10-year regional “landscape” level forest plans that address forest issues across all public and private forest ownerships in the state (coordinated by MN Forest Resources Council).Read more about these plans:State forest management plans: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/subsection/summary.htmlForest Action Plan: https://www.stateforesters.org/districts/minnesota/#forest-action-planMFRC Landscape plans: https://mn.gov/frc/landscapes.html",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The Scottish National Investment Bank supports a low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion green investment portfolio. The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups, accelerators and innovation centres for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Sustainability Mobility (Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc), Water (Hydro Nation) and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and updated climate change plan. The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology. There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects. See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The municipalities in NRW are an important pillar for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia.In many areas of their area of ​​responsibility, they can contribute to reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment - for example through energy-saving refurbishment measures in their properties or modernization of sewage treatment plants or street lighting. In addition, municipalities are responsible planning authorities for the settlement of renewable energy plants and often also via municipal utilities suppliers of electricity and heat. In addition, the municipalities play an important role model function. Only a municipality that is itself a leader in climate protection can also motivate its citizens and local companies to adopt climate-friendly behavior.The municipalities in NRW receive support from the state for their manifold tasks in the area of ​​climate protection. On this page, the country's offers from the fields of promotion, networking, consulting, information and education are compiled. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/kommunen",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Heat and cold waves. The emergencies reported by INDECI (civil defense agency) for Ucayali between 2002 and 2012 (latter data available) have been systematized. Of these, a set of climatic and hydroclimatic threats have been selected that have a possible correlation with the alteration of the regional climate in Ucayali due to global climate change. These are precipitations of unusual intensity, strong or windy winds (which are a reliable indicator of friajes), droughts, the floods and floods and the landslides. In addition, two events with an indirect relationship have been added: forest fires (which increase due to heat waves and also increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere) and epidemics (which are usually outbreaks of dengue, related to the greater amount of rain that leaves more seasonal puddles).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin requires interaction with local communities throughout the area.The Sugar Cane Eradication Program collaborates with local governments providing environmental education on the risks of fires.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Revision primarily due to changes in the calculation of the forestry sink. In the latest inventory, emissions fell by 3.3 per cent between 2016 and 2017 (latest year).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Wet areas will become wetter. more frequent heavy rainfall events are expected,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HBS) will set out a vision and actions for transforming the way we heat our buildings, ensuring a transition to zero emissions by 2045.The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy was published on the February 5th 2021, alongside an accompanying consultation which closed on April 30th.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"There are differents actions to manage in public transport, spatial planning, developping services rendered by nature's ressources to fight against urban heat island and improve air quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Other, please specify: Icy winters (Temperature celcius zero crossings ehich caus a layer of ice on ground.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"No: The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, confirmed the Scottish Government’s continued opposition to new nuclear stations, under current technologies.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees in three year .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH): https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2018 indicated that 71% of private sector softwood output is certified and 100% of public sector output. This gives 82% of softwood output by volume is certified in the UK. In Scotland the figure is 84%.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities. Principal threat of flooding to homes displacing houseowners or short term basis predominantly increasing to longer terms.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 places duties on Scottish Ministers to establish a National Marine Plan, regional coastal marine plans, and a Marine Protected Area network. The Act also places a duty on all public authorities to act in the way best calculated to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change so far as is consistent with the purpose of the function concerned",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota has an annual $3.6 million research and development program to support new and developing energy efficiency and conservation technologies. Minnesota is also a significant supporter of investing in new business that develop clean tech and participation and support of the Clean Tech Open.,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Peru receives support from the UN-REDD + program to implement forest conservation policies. The activities are developed transversally for the Peruvian Amazon.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is thus an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/buergerinnen-und-buerger/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Minnesota has a sales tax exemption for costs of installing and maintaining solar and wind facilities, per Minn. Stat. § 297A.67, Subd. 29 and Minn. Stat. § 297A.68, Subd. 12. Wind and Solar equipment are also exempt from property taxes, but are subject to energy production taxes for project sizes above certain thresholds. See more at: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/151",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. It has a wide range of policies to support sustainable farming practices including those which can increase carbon sequestration on agricultural land. Scottish Government has committed to explore how best to increase planting of trees and hedgerows which optimise carbon sequestration, the feasibility of payment for carbon sequestration taking into account any existing schemes such as the woodland carbon code as a means of encouraging the uptake of carbon sequestration on farms and options for land-use change to optimise uses beyond traditional farming and food production to multi-faceted land.A new demonstrator network of farms, crofts and estates across Scotland has been established to raise awareness of the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agricultural businesses.Scottish Government have also committed an additional £1.5 million (through the Agricultural Transformation Programme) to further support the integration of small woodlands on farmers and crofts across Scotland which will help to increase the levels of carbon sequestration delivery by our agricultural sector.Scottish Government has also committed to provide further advice for farmers and crofters who wish to retire by providing an opportunity to consider alternative land-uses or alternative agricultural uses.Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and workable proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food. These groups reported in March 2021 and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. By taking a co-development approach, the Scottish Government is putting a just transition at the heart of agricultural transformation.More info: UC Davis - http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/sarep/about/what-is-sustainable-agriculture IIED - https://www.iied.org/five-ways-make-farming-more-sustainable",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050.The current state government is committed to the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which states that the world should operate largely climate-neutral in the second half of the 21st century - and is accordingly also the target of the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions North Rhine-Westphalia of at least 80 percent by the year 2050 provides.At present, it is already foreseeable that the climate protection target for 2020 laid down in the Climate Change Act will be achieved fairly reliably: By 2016, emissions reductions had already reached around 22 percent. Three to four percentage points will be added to the safety reserve by 2019 simply by transferring five power plant units.By 2050, further efforts are needed to achieve the goal of 80 percent savings. Above all, it is important to make greater use of the opportunities and positive effects of further digitization and to create an entrepreneurial and innovation-friendly environment for the research and market introduction of climate-friendly technologies. Climate protection and environmental protection also create new markets in which the North Rhine-Westphalian economy is already successfully active today.With an amendment to the Climate Protection Act, the state government will support companies and local authorities to take advantage of the opportunities that climate protection offers them.See current version of the Climate Protection Act here: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMG16-29.pdf?von=1&bis=0",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdfUK Forestry Standard (UKFS) The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The temperature have risen over the last few years and it has gone up to 48 degrees centigrade will rise further.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"We have committed to accelerate our landfill gas capture and landfill legacy management.Working closely with SEPA and waste operators, we have made funding available to support the scale up of our existing landfill gas capture programme to mitigate the negative effects of landfill and the environmental impact of closed landfill sites.We will double the number of landfill gas capture sites in Scotland that undertake investigative or development work (from 12 to 24 sites) by 2025 and will provide additional funding to support this This will harness the energy generated from landfill gas capture and maximise circular economy opportunities.For more info see: (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032)..",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,Real-time transit information is available through multiple channels for all transit stops and electronic signage is posted at many key stops and transitway stations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Heat and cold waves. The emergencies reported by INDECI (civil defense agency) for Ucayali between 2002 and 2012 (latter data available) have been systematized. Of these, a set of climatic and hydroclimatic threats have been selected that have a possible correlation with the alteration of the regional climate in Ucayali due to global climate change. These are precipitations of unusual intensity, strong or windy winds (which are a reliable indicator of friajes), droughts, the floods and floods and the landslides. In addition, two events with an indirect relationship have been added: forest fires (which increase due to heat waves and also increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere) and epidemics (which are usually outbreaks of dengue, related to the greater amount of rain that leaves more seasonal puddles).",1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3) and Sustainable Buildings 2030.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"1. Construction of the dam ""Potrero del Clavillo"" in the basin of the Gastona and Medina rivers. One of its functions is the regulation of floods, in addition to providing water for human consumption and irrigatio2. Re - direct San Francisco River, in Gastona Medina Basin towards the wetlands area that is located in the northeast quadrant, where it drained naturally for thousands of years as attenuators of maximum flows.2. Reviewing the sections of the bridges and culverts of all the interferences with provincial, national and railway routes where these new activated channel drains, considering the new dynamics and the parameters of the basin. The study will determine the section required by the river bed, for increases of the order of magnitude of 1,200 to 1,500m³ / s, which are feasible to be generated in the basin according to the volumes registered in 2015 and 2017",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In the Concerted Development Plan to 2021, in Strategic Axis VI ""Natural Resources and Environment"", within Territorial Objective 6 ""Preserve the quality of the environment and sustainability in the use of biodiversity, anticipating the risk of disaster in the context of climate change "" is planned to reduce annual deforestation rate in 13 per cent at 2021.Source: Gobierno Regional de Huanuco, Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado 2014 – 2021, v. Noviembre 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"At the end of 2017, 3,630 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 5,449 MW were in operation in NRW. This puts the state in fourth place in Germany in terms of installed capacity behind Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg. The wind power industry in NRW now secures more than 20,500 jobs, above all in the supplier sector, in which the state is regarded as the leader throughout Germany",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We have an actions portfolio for the agriculture sector that includes recovery of degraded pastures; irrigated agriculture promotion; agroecological and organic production and a state program for agricultural losses reduction.,1 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Huánuco develops sustainable tourism within the region, through the identification of fragile ecosystems and the creation of Protected Natural areas.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Minnesota has an annual $3.6 million research and development program to support new and developing energy efficiency and conservation technologies. Minnesota is also a significant supporter of investing in new business that develop clean tech and participation and support of the Clean Tech Open.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","During the 2019 legislative session, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Clean Energy Resources Teams (CERTs) is a public-private partnership to connect individuals and communities across Minnesota to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects. https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The switch from oil to gas has been a general market development in recent years and has been promoted by utility companies.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress. https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/ https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/klima/klimaanpassung-in-nrw/fis-klimaanpassung-nordrhein-westfalen,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The national government establishes the target through the RenovAr Program. It is a plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has three projects awarded for generation by incineration of biomass and bio gas, for a total of 24 MW.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Climate change has already an impact on air quality that will be increased in a short-term related to rising tempreture and stronger and longer heatwaves.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"At the end of 2018, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface area of more than 20 million m2 and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany. (www.bsw-solar.de) According to an analysis of BAFA and progres.nrw funding figures by EnergyAgency.NRW, a total collector surface area of almost 1.5 million m² was installed in NRW at the end of 2016, producing approximately 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat register at EnergyAtlas.NRW provides a clear overview of the situation for the various municipalities and districts. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de ).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Since publication of the Energy Strategy, we have announced a National Conversation on Energy and on climate change to improve our approach to public engement on Scotland's transition to a net zero economy.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,To ensure components add up here some rounding that may be different than inventory total presented elsewhere,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Government reviews once a year the rate structure of utility revenue,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Conserving and protecting the water bodies and wetlands through regulation and enforcement of standards for water infrastructure, uses and waste disposals.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","By 2040, Energy Efficient Scotland will have transformed our buildings so that they are warmer, greener and more efficient.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 – 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNA2018Q4,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is thus an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/buergerinnen-und-buerger/",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Climate change has already an impact on air quality that will be increased in a short-term related to rising tempreture and stronger and longer heatwaves.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2018.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Hydrogen and fuel-cell technology, as well as battery-electric mobility, are key technologies throughout the entire energy and transport system. North-Rhine Westphalia’s Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Electric Mobility network has brought together more than 480 mainly medium-sized companies and research institutions and over 130 project partners from the NRW Electric Mobility Model Region. This network provides support for this technology, while helping to initiate, and providing expert guidance to, cooperation projects including the current competition “NRW Model Municipality/Region Hydrogen Mobility”. To date, the state and the EU (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) have provided almost 150 million euros for over 130 projects relating to fuel-cell and hydrogen technology. In addition, further projects in NRW have received funding from the National Innovation Programme (NIP) and the European FCH JU programme as part of Horizon 2020. The range of project topics extends from the development of individual system components such as compressors and sensors to the development and testing of complex products such as buses or refuelling stations. In the field of battery-electric mobility, around 110 projects in almost 60 cities have been launched under the programmes of the German Ministry of Transport since 2009. These projects have received expert guidance and financial backing totalling around 80 million euros. Support has also been provided for the integration of renewable energies into the transport sector, the use of electric vehicles in commercial and municipal fleets and the development of business models. To date, the German Ministry of Transport has provided financial support for approximately 1,200 vehicles and around 1,800 charging points across NRW as part of these projects. ElectricMobility.NRW is an umbrella brand of the NRW’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and brings together all the state's electric mobility activities. Under this brand, NRW’s Electric Mobility Competence Centre and EnergyAgency.NRW are working on behalf of NRW’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, and with support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), on the further development of electric mobility in NRW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/brennstoffzelle-wasserstoff-elektromobilitaet)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has acquired a state licence for a CO2 balancing tool for all its municipalities. The tool, with which municipalities can create their own CO2 balance, is free of charge for them. The project is managed by the EnergyAgency.NRW which provides information support and offers e.g. workshops for the tool.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Achieved through a state Renewable Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691. Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNA2018Q4,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section. Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In major industries in the state especially energy power plants, iron ore and aluminium industries.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"There is no single plan that addresses deforestation in the state of Minnesota. However, there are robust forest planning processes within the state that address all aspects of sustainable forest management. These include regional 10-year forest management plans for state forest lands (created by MN DNR), a 10-year Forest Action Plan prepared for the U.S. federal government (created by MN DNR; all forested states do this), and multi-stakeholder 10-year regional “landscape” level forest plans that address forest issues across all public and private forest ownerships in the state (coordinated by MN Forest Resources Council).Read more about these plans:State forest management plans: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/subsection/summary.htmlForest Action Plan: https://www.stateforesters.org/districts/minnesota/#forest-action-planMFRC Landscape plans: https://mn.gov/frc/landscapes.html",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin includes a photogrammetric flight at a convenient scale to have the situation current of the sub-basin and a new planialimetry of the area, in particular to emphasize hydrogeomorphologyof bathes, channels, paleo-riverbeds and new erosions detected after the last recorded events. Also to perform updated hydrological studies for different recurrences of rains in the current condition and with different proposals for future works.The Ministry of Public Health prepared the Flood Contingency Plan in 2017: 1) General coordination, 2) Political commitment of local referents, 3) Epidemiological Surveillance, 4) Environmental Health; 5) Health Communication and Education; 6) Planning of Health Services; 7) Organization of Health Programs; 8) Organization of Rapid Response to Health Emergencies",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore; establishment of monthly 'climate conversations' among Lake Superior north shore stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"The impact on the rural activities decreases the job offer in this area, what makes the unemployed population migrate to the cities, looking for work.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving lighting efficiency standards for implementation in 2021/22,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,"Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","In Component 5 of the Regional Plan for Concerted Development of Ucayali to 2021 (updated in 2015), the objectives are to reduce the annual loss of forests, increase reforested areas and increase the coverage of forests that are adequately conserved or sustainably harvested.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Minnesota has an annual $3.6 million research and development program to support new and developing energy efficiency and conservation technologies. Minnesota is also a significant supporter of investing in new business that develop clean tech and participation and support of the Clean Tech Open.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"It is unclear whether Minnesota statutes allow utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects, however, several self-regulated coop utilities are exercising this option. On May 15, 2020 the MN PUC held a planning meeting to discuss a 2019 study conducted by the University of MN Energy Transition Lab on Tariffed On-Bill Financing Feasibility in Minnesota. https://www.trumba.com/calendars/mn-puceventid=144413023",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.Scottish Investment Bank supports low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion investment portfolio.The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Mobility, Water (Hydro Nation) amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and climate change plan.The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology.There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects.See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: •Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.•Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;•Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion. Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Just over 2/3 is owned either privately or by other public bodies such as local authorities.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Huanuco develops local and sustainable organic food companies, used as an alternative development mechanism.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru in Huanuco jurisdiction. There is an incipient process of designing a Regional Conservation System. The construction of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"DNR working to understand role of forests in carbon mitigation, capacity of MN forests to sequester carbon",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Other, please specify: NEGOCIOS VERDES AGROECOLOGICOS ARTICULADOS CON SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEZA",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,A pilot project on Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh is being implemented by the State Centre for Climate Change in association with local government departments.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Achieved through utility programs under the energy efficiency resource standard. Minnesota has a CHP Action Plan to facilitate CHP implementation at https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/distributed-energy/chp-action-plan-implementation.jsp,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Voyagers National Park is sometimes in the “airshed.” We are aware of the presence of such areas and follow all applicable law when it comes to environmental review and permitting decisions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change is implementing a pilot project in three Districts of the State with financial support from National Adaptation fund of Govt of India.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Support for improving slurry storage is available for farmers through the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme with £5m provided to over 130 businesses between 2017 and 2021. A further £2m support for improving the use and storage of manure and slurry was provided through the pilot Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grant Scheme.A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry. The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government has funded research on a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, the market potential for anaerobic digestion as a tool to manage slurry and farmyard manure arising from Scottish livestock farming and a feasibility study looking at slurry storage and the relative value of slurry management options for climate change mitigation.More info: Journal of Dairy Science - https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(18)30939-1/abstract",0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.",Complete integration of methane and HFC reduction into Climate Change Plan: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-governments-climate-change-plan-third-report-proposals-policies-2018-9781788516488/,1 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,To ensure components add up here some rounding that may be different than inventory total presented elsewhere,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The use of photovoltaics is an important pillar in the energy mix of the future. In 2019, renewable power was generated in NRW by around 280,000 PV systems with an installed capacity of almost 5,300 MW. The costs of generating solar power through roof systems are now lower than the grid purchase prices, which means that own consumption of solar power is becoming increasingly important, not only ecologically but also economically. Ground-mounted PV systems, which in NRW are permitted along infrastructure routes and on conversion sites, can also make an important contribution to the power supply with their low production costs. (www.energieagentur.nrw/solarenergie)A new map was published in the Energieatlas NRW (Energy Atlas NRW) in November 2018: the state-wide Solar Roof Register NRW. On the approximately eleven million roofs in NRW there lies great potential for generating power from solar energy using photovoltaics: around 68 terawatt hours of electricity could be produced per year. It is now possible for every homeowner in NRW to find out with a simple click whether and to what extent their roof surface is suitable for solar energy (both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy). An integrated solar calculator calculates the economic efficiency of a possible solar system on the basis of roof shape and inclination and according to individual settings such as power consumption, load profile, storage system, etc., and can serve as a basis for planning. Towns and municipalities also have the option of integrating the Solar Register into their own website via a link tailored to the area in question. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de; www.solarkataster.nrw.de)",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.,1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Although the states unlike the federal government do only in a few areas of climatechange have a direct legislative competence, are provided with adequate competence regarding legal action for climate protection. These exist primarily in the area of administrative action e.g. in the allocation of financial grants. Targets for greenhouse gas reduction are necessary for the states to implement the targeted climate protection measures. Many federalstates in Germany do already have climate change targets, but there is no uniform approach. In major climate-relevant areas of regulation, the legislative competence is federal. Responsibility of the Länder is limited to the energy industry, roadtransport and air pollution. Thus, states can regulate on building codes as well as local and state planning. Some states have also enacted their own climate protection laws. Moreover, states have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of federallegislation through the Federal Council. The Federal Council may introduce their own bills in the Parliament. There are basically laws requiring approval and laws that do not. In the first case the Federal Council has to agree before the law comesinto force. This accounts for all laws that have an impact on the finances of the states. In contrast, most laws are non-approval, where the Federal Council can only appeal.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota has a clean energy bonding program for $100 million that is currently in the development phase.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our businesses needs to adjust their products to handle the variations. But for most the transport of the goods might be effected, so that selling our producst might get harder.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with an increase of about +0.5"" per decade since 1960. Proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2017, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2017, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 �� 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Ministry of Public Health has a permanent prevention campaign against Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Actions: elimination of mosquito breeding sites; epidemiological evigilancia to identify cases, alert the population to keep their courtyards clean and orderly and health personnel to detect patients with symptoms",1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are availble for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"For the past 15 years, the market initiative “NRW Wood Pellets Campaign” has been linking up the various players throughout the value chain in the wood pellet industry across Germany and in particular in NRW. This initiative is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, trade and industry, and public administration in the field of renewable heat, and is currently supported by around 100 companies in the sector.The resulting synergies facilitate an effective transfer of knowledge, and the initiative provides a forum for the dissemination of well-founded, unbiased information about this fuel and the associated technologies, as well as raising awareness on the subject by various public relations activities. In recent years, wood pellet heating has become an integral part of a balanced energy mix within the renewable energy sector, making it an essential component of the transition to sustainable heating. Subsidies for wood pellet heating systems at state and federal level have significantly increased the number of systems installed in NRW in recent years, raising the number of pellet heaters to more than 36,000 NRW (and about 290,000 nationwide), up from only about 660 subsidised plants registered in NRW in 2003. The aim of the Wood Pellets Campaign is to work with partners and players in the sector to further strengthen this heating technology, and to consolidate and expand the existing positive market development. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects. The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.The £3.5m Scottish Government funded Zero Emission Train (ZET) project is currently making good progress at Bo’ness and it will fully test Hydrogen powered traction options, which will be required where electrification is not appropriate across rural areas such as north/west of Inverness and west Highland rail lines. This will allow suppliers to test the integration of alternative traction power supply equipment within a live train environment through this Hydrogen Accelerator initiative, overseen by St Andrews University, with the ZET project being managed by world-leading hydrogen-technology company Arcola Energy. This will address the issues associated with creating, approving and then enabling, a hydrogen-fuelled train to operate later in 2021.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin requires interaction with local communities throughout the area.The Sugar Cane Eradication Program collaborates with local governments providing environmental education on the risks of fires.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNAS2018Q1,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","• US Environmental Protection Agency (2018) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2016.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1. Many methodologies are used to estimate emissions using the limited data available. The design principles value consistency, completeness, accuracy, relevance, detail, best practices, and timeliness.Estimates are disaggregated by economic sector, activity type, gas, and to the greatest possible level of detail. For the most part, emissions occur within state boundaries. The major exception is statutory inclusion of emissions from imported electricity, generated outside state boundaries to meet MN demand. Aviation fuel is estimated based on fuel loaded in the state.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The regional planning for sustainable development and equality called ""Grand Est Territoires"" includes mitigation and adaptation strategy and measures. It covers all topics as planning, transports, energy, air quality, water, biodiversity, waste. There are also another regional plan for agriculture, forestry and viticulture that deals with adaptation issue.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HBS) will set out a vision and actions for transforming the way we heat our buildings, ensuring a transition to zero emissions by 2045.The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy was published on the February 5th 2021, alongside an accompanying consultation which closed on April 30th.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"No: The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, confirmed the Scottish Government’s continued opposition to new nuclear stations, under current technologies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectors Through sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership. Spatial Planning and Place Based Initiatives SEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green Finance SEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives: - NetRegs - VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Continous work toward bettering our service and the adjust it to the needs of the public. this while reducing the emissions by using the newest available technologies in our busses, boats and ferries. Ex: We have electrical ferries in our county, making the fjord crossings zero emission.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Other, please specify: Climate vuln. assessment (below) was one-off; forest health assessments are annual",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In total, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface of more than 20 million square meters and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany at the end of 2018. (www.bsw-solar.de)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.The strategies and measures contained in the Climate Action Plan were developed in the autumn of 2012 as part of a broad-based participation process by experts and were subsequently evaluated online and commented on by the public.The climate protection plan contains 220 measures on climate protection and climate change adaptation. The focus in the area of ​​climate protection is above all the expansion of renewable energies, the increase of energy and resource efficiency as well as the reduction of energy consumption, for example in industry, in private households and in the building sector. Emphasis was also placed on the expansion of combined heat and power, the increased use of low-carbon technologies in industry, the creation of a long-term climate-neutral building stock and emission reductions through the use of climate-friendly means of transport.The aim of the state government, which has been in office since June 2017, is to further develop the existing climate protection plan for a climate protection audit with which measures can be reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness in the context of monitoring.www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making.Bus:Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Implementation delayed by focus on COVID but initial round has now been launched.Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2021.Currently focusing on increasing funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID.Rail:Rail is well placed to play a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government and we recently published the Rail Services Decarbonisation Action Plan (28 July 2020). Work has been and continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the plan (rail electrification is a key outcome) to make the traction elements of Scotland’s railway carbon free by 2035.As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry is proposing an adoption framework for the statewide commercial building energy code that ensures that all new commercial and large multifamily construction is net-zero by 2036. The plan does not address new residential construction, however.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Minnesota has a clean energy bonding program for $100 million that is currently in the development phase.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"As a government we have a plan per component of the secretary of environment and sustainable development and we constantly report in our transparency, open government platform call SEPA NARIÑO",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We contracted for verification one year. It was expensive, no funding were allocated for verification. verification isdone by staff.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Nariño acts for the Climate conceives as guiding principles citizen participation, intergenerational equity and open government, which were materialized with the participation of more than 4,000 Nariños in the design and formulation stage of it.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Ucayali´s Climate Change Strategy stablish:Development of agroclimatic characterization studies of prioritized crops, at the level of basins and sub-basins, as well as evaluation of their productivitybefore the impacts of climate change.Implementation of Public Investment Projects on Improvement of Productive Chains incorporating the approach of adaptation to climate change.Promotion of environmentally sustainable productive activitiesPromote monitoring programs for fish resourcesStrengthening agricultural and livestock practices to adapt to change climateStrengthening of productive activities with ancestral techniques compared to climate change",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years.To obtain certification, growers work directly with accredited agronomy and conservation professionals one-on-one to assess their entire operations and develop treatments for water quality risks. The certification process functions to ensure the physical factors and management choices on every parcel and crop scenario are addressing water quality protection and improvement, which results in hands-on education exploring all applicable options and methods for integrating and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of farm management and in response to whatever landscape conditions are present. Further, producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated financial assistance to implement practices that address whatever risks exist. Through this program, the public receives assurance that certified producers are directly intervening on site-specific conditions to protect Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams.Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) and proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impacts on flora and fuana as well as on cooling capacity,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience: https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,The department of Nariño has as main threat facing the scenario of climate change that goes to 2040 the shortage of water for the generation of electric power and the Department also has a very important agricultural and livestock vocation.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Ucayali has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Ucayali signed the Memorandum on 24thSeptember 2015.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/ucayali-appendix.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment. In addition, in 2015 Peru pledged reduce at 30 per cent of emissiones (BAU) in Paris Agreement. Currently, Peru is designing the measures to accomplish with National Determined Contribution (NDC) that include There are five priority sectors for the design of national actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Energy, Transport, Agriculture, Solid Waste and USCUSS (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry). These sectors have been selected because they are the largest emitters of GHG, according to the National Inventory with base year 2010 while, at same time, have a greater potential for mitigation. Huanuco is participating in the definitions of sectorial measures.",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,Rather than impact on climate action we can reflect on the effect from covid 19 in terms of reduced travel and reduced GHG emissions.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","IN4climate.NRW is designed to be a platform for knowledge-sharing, dialogue and collaboration. Around 30 companies and associations from the fields of steel and metals, chemicals, cement, glass, paper and building materials are participating in the initiative alongside six research institutes. https://www.in4climate.nrw/en/index/",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change is implementing a pilot project in three Districts of the State with financial support from National Adaptation fund of Govt of India.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"We have built the Energy and Climate Change Plan of Minas Gerais through an international partnership, which allowed to access international funds to subside the elaboration and implementation of the Plan.Currently, we are seeking new partnerships in order to move forward with our goals and actions.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Realizing optimum irrigation potential under Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects.",1 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.","Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires as well as insect calamities,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Promote Greenfield projects like hydro power plants up to 5 MW,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an innovative and strong industrial country in Europe. The local manufacturing companies will implement 350 billion euros in 2017. The industry with its value chains and jobs is enormously important for North Rhine-Westphalia. At the same time, the industrial sector accounts for around 19 percent of North Rhine-Westphalia's greenhouse gas emissions. He thus bears a special responsibility in climate protection.Against the background of the Paris Climate Agreement, the industry - as well as the other sectors - has to be for the most part greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. This means, in part, fundamentally changing production processes, switching to renewable energies or continuing to use CO2 as a raw material, for example in the form of products or synthetic fuels. The use of hydrogen also plays a central role.For the concrete establishment of a greenhouse gas-neutral industry considerable research efforts are still necessary. It also requires a suitable infrastructure and necessary framework conditions that make such development processes economically and socially representable. In order to tackle these tasks together with industrial partners and scientific partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has launched the initiative IN4climate.NRW.As part of IN4climate.NRW, solutions and strategies for a greenhouse gas-neutral industry are being developed with the aim of supporting the industrial location of NRW while maintaining its competitiveness in a future that is neutral for the GHG.More at www.in4climate.nrw",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change is implementing a pilot project in three Districts of the State with financial support from National Adaptation fund of Govt of India.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements. Increasing extreme weather events from climate change also pose a risk to infrastructure.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act (2019) is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world and set's in law our commitment to a just transition to net zero. This means that our response to the climate emergency must be the result of widespread collaboration not only across government but the rest of society. Climate Change PlanTo account for our latest emissions reduction targets within the 2019 Act, the Scottish Government has committed to updating its current Climate Chance Plan. The updated Plan will now be laid before the Scottish Parliament in late 2020 for scrutiny; it will be recast to focus on a green recovery from Covid-19. The updated Plan will draw on the best available evidence to set out clear emissions reduction pathways across the majority of the action areas set out in this table. These include; transport; energy; industry; buildings; waste; agriculture; and land use and forestry - all with the common goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2)• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation.Other Key Action AreasOut with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance FrameworkThe Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Huanuco is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The national government establishes the target through the RenovAr Program. It is a plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has three projects awarded for generation by incineration of biomass and bio gas, for a total of 24 MW.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,We frequently share greenhouse gas emissions data and climate change policy expertise with local governments. In addition we work with local governments around the world through the Compact of States & Regions and other international governmental collaborations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government of Nariño Works with cities and local governments in the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and capacity building projects. Also we developed spaces at the local and regional level to increase the participation of local groups in the formulation of the climate change public policy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Scottish Government and Local Authorities play a lead role in tackling climate change and fuel poverty through funding renewables and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings and via on-going engagement with local communities.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Promote Greenfield projects like hydro power plants up to 5 MW,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Methane and HFC reduction integrated into Climate Change Plan (and related modelling).,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","According to the 2030 climate change scenarios carried out by SENHAMI (2013), in the eastern third of Huanuco will be a reduction from 6 to 9 per cent in theannual rainfall and in the western half, will have an increase of between 1.60 and 1.65 ºC. While the minimum temperatures will be accentuated in the fieldterritorial Andean that corresponds to the province of Ambo with a range of between 1.50 and 1.55 ºC.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",ExSee Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pected 2019,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The switch from oil to gas has been a general market development in recent years and has been promoted by utility companies.,0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"The municipalities in NRW are an important pillar for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia.In many areas of their area of ​​responsibility, they can contribute to reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment - for example through energy-saving refurbishment measures in their properties or modernization of sewage treatment plants or street lighting. In addition, municipalities are responsible planning authorities for the settlement of renewable energy plants and often also via municipal utilities suppliers of electricity and heat. In addition, the municipalities play an important role model function. Only a municipality that is itself a leader in climate protection can also motivate its citizens and local companies to adopt climate-friendly behavior.The municipalities in NRW receive support from the state for their manifold tasks in the area of ​​climate protection. On this page, the country's offers from the fields of promotion, networking, consulting, information and education are compiled. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/kommunen",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.",The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Reviewing theTerritorial Regulation of Native Forests (OTBN) approved by Law 8304, re - categorizing areas that are currently under Category II (medium conservation value) to Category III (high conservation value - no deforestation allowed).",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Scope 2 emissions decreased this year. Much of these reductions can be explained by the participation in green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government as well as energy efficiency gains.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 30 June 2021.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Other, please specify: Measurement of the changes in emissions will be conducted in 2021-2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Proposed but notimplemented. Needs change in law. Currentlyprohibited by law fromadopting LCFSstandard.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,The DNR is implementing a variety of ongoing programs and policies; start and end dates aren’t particularly appropriate here. Other actions from list include: Encouraging integrated land-use planning and management; Enforcing forest policies and regulations; Promoting certification and sustainable procurement policies; Promoting and sharing information on best practices; Setting up incentives (e.g. payments for ecosystem services),1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Heat and cold waves. The emergencies reported by INDECI (civil defense agency) for Ucayali between 2002 and 2012 (latter data available) have been systematized. Of these, a set of climatic and hydroclimatic threats have been selected that have a possible correlation with the alteration of the regional climate in Ucayali due to global climate change. These are precipitations of unusual intensity, strong or windy winds (which are a reliable indicator of friajes), droughts, the floods and floods and the landslides. In addition, two events with an indirect relationship have been added: forest fires (which increase due to heat waves and also increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere) and epidemics (which are usually outbreaks of dengue, related to the greater amount of rain that leaves more seasonal puddles).",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply.We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Huánuco region proposes as an adaptation action to mitigate the drought the execution of projects to preserve the headwaters of the basin, such as: Planting and harvesting of water, implementation of shrubby plants that retain water and Forestation and / or reforestation with native species.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Tucuman territory is located between the Chaco Plain to the east and the cords mountainous Preandinos to the west, the province presents in its eastern half a flat to wavy relief, while in the west, dominate the mountains and intermontane basins.The entire mountainous system is very unstable due to its relief, its strong and prolonged slopes, an aggressive subtropical climate with summer concentration of intense rainfall. In the mountainous sector the rivers are torrential with marked differences between summer and winter discharges and are the responsible for flood phenomena in the Pedemontana area.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In major industries in the state especially energy power plants, iron ore and aluminium industries.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","In the Concerted Development Plan to 2021, in Strategic Axis VI ""Natural Resources and Environment"", within Territorial Objective 6 ""Preserve the quality of the environment and sustainability in the use of biodiversity, anticipating the risk of disaster in the context of climate change "" is planned to reduce annual deforestation rate in 13 per cent at 2021.Source: Gobierno Regional de Huanuco, Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado 2014 – 2021, v. Noviembre 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Examples:National: US Army Corps of Engineers 404 fill or excavation of waters of the USLocal: zoning, building permits",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the last 47 years, the increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures and the irregularity in the precipitation patterns are observed, causing the disappearance of glaciers in the Huayhuash and Raura mountain range system in the Puna ecoregion, and the decrease in the flow of the sources tributaries of the three existing river basins in the Huánuco Region. The impacts of climate variability on the availability of water in the future will depend on the increase in population, increased use of hydropower, changes in land use, demand from the mining, agricultural sector, among others.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Five annual progress reports since the Adaptation programme was published can be found at:https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2014-fifth-annual-progress-report/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste will come into force in 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendations, signalling intent to move away from landfilling biodegradable municipal waste.We have also committed to extend the ban to include biodegradable non-municipal waste streams, subject to further reassurances and impact assessments.We are working with local authorities to secure alternatives to landfill for their residual waste treatments, including waste-to-energy technology.We are considering measures to ensure new energy from waste plants are more efficient and how waste infrastructure can be ‘future-proofed’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032).Official statistics show the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill decreased by nearly a third (32%) between 2018 and 2019.This means Scotland has met and exceeded the EU target to reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of to landfill.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Revision primarily due to changes in the calculation of the forestry sink. In the latest inventory, emissions fell by 3.3 per cent between 2016 and 2017 (latest year).",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,1 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Energy productivity in Scotland is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy (can be found here). It is measured by the gross value added (adjusted based on chained volume measures) from the input of one gigawatt hour of energy. Energy productivity in Scotland in 2018 is £0.972m GVA per GWh, up 31.1% from 2005.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We have a national framework that established the net metering systems in the whole country.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota currently works -through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Support is available for geothermal heating projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats.There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The state of Minnesota is currently working with wastewater treatment operations to implement operational efficiency as well as identify opportunities for biogas generation and recovery on a large scale. Additionally, Minnesota is working with the wastewater regulatory agency to ensure evaluating efficiency and renewables are a requirement to receive funding for large capital investment projects. In 2018, Minnesota was selected to participate in the National Governor Association Center for Best Practices’ State Retreat on the Water-Energy Nexus which will allow for further exploration of legislative actions, financing, and programs to enhance current Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency work and extend it to private plants.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Other, please specify: DNR land purchases in threatened area; forest health actions for insects like emerald ash borer and eastern larch beetle.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 13x faster. Winter low temperatures are rising much faster than the annual average temperatures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"All projects and plans for the region, local municipalities and businesses are first asked to include climatic changes in their planning. Fylkesmannen/County govenor also follow up on this and we both are able to object to the plans if we see that they have not planned long term. Our goal is to adapt to the weather today and the climatic changes that are projected for the country and the region. This includes climate addition with high RCP",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Reports are submitted to the Governor and Legislature every two years describing actions taken, progress toward achieving the mandatory limits and additional actions needed to address any gaps.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Possible impacts such as change in rain cycle will affect the water availability in basins. Drought events have affected important number of smallholders producers in Huanuco in last two years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. The program, which will last for three years, will be carried out in stages, starting with the reforestation and afforestation of income to the city. Then it will continue on the banks of the rivers, in the entrance to the villages and in the protected forests. Most of the seedlings will be produced by the forest nursery La Florida. The species will be the following: for the urban and periurban areas, trees that are typical of Tucumán will be planted, such as the ibirá pitá, pink lapachos, tipas, so that the natural landscape is respected. they will plant species that are not autochthonous, but that are colorful because of their broad leaves, such as hovenia; for the fixing of rivers will be poplars and bald cypresses. Finally, for commercial production, eucalyptus and pines that have the wood used today will be produced.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions.Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.•Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2023 . The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"DNR working to understand role of forests in carbon mitigation, capacity of MN forests to sequester carbon",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota has experienced disruptions in the supply of coal and propane in recent years, increasing the ability to supply energy needs through state and more regional resources can alleviate the volatility and offset supply chain issues related to coal and propane.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We have built the Energy and Climate Change Plan of Minas Gerais through an international partnership, which allowed to access international funds to subside the elaboration and implementation of the Plan.Currently, we are seeking new partnerships in order to move forward with our goals and actions.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"No: The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, confirmed the Scottish Government’s continued opposition to new nuclear stations, under current technologies.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Extreme weather might cause floods, rivers flowing our, avelanges and other risky incidents. This is both dangerous for people and infrastructure. The personal and public costs are enormous, and it takes time to rebuild. The long term effects when this happens more often will effect other public services.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland. The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland is directly accountable to the Scottish Parliament. RoS is responsible for public records, including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Heat stress: greenery, open water bodies, keeping fresh air corridors open, building positioning and use of certain building materials, shadowing Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, green roofs, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, protection of buildings",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"In the CCPu, the Scottish Government committed to a range of actions to reduce emissions from red meat and dairy through improved emissions intensity. Scottish Government commissioned research on methane reducing feed additives and the emission intensity of Scottish agricultural commodities and the reports are available through ClimateXChange (https://www.climatexchange.org.uk)Over the past five years 105,360 unique genotypes that have been processed from the Scottish Government’s Beef Efficiency Scheme animals in an effort to encourage improved emissions intensity. There has also been a large amount of data recorded through the scheme, this includes calf and dam mortality, with calf mortality being recorded even if death occurs prior to registrations. This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, including for dairy and suckler beef, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: Journal of Animal Science and Technology - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6004689/ University of Reading - https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/climate-smart-agriculture/0/steps/26577",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Complete integration of methane and HFC reduction into Climate Change Plan: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-governments-climate-change-plan-third-report-proposals-policies-2018-9781788516488/,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.",Complete integration of methane and HFC reduction into Climate Change Plan: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-governments-climate-change-plan-third-report-proposals-policies-2018-9781788516488/,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Minnesota has enabling legislative language that allows utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects. There are currently just a few utilities exercising this option, but there are stakeholder efforts underway to develop more programs of this nature.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements. Increasing extreme weather events from climate change also pose a risk to infrastructure.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2030 : Estimated to the year 2025 Region’s population in year 2030 and Region’s population in year 2050: No official reports were found INEI: www.inei.gob.peThe last official census was made in 2017 but the information has not yet been published.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline and 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 19-27. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"A roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities is in progress from January, 2019.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Several projects regarding farming practices. Both to reduce emissions and adaptation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"By 2040, Energy Efficient Scotland will have transformed our buildings so that they are warmer, greener and more efficient.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationDesde marzo de 2019, el Gobierno de Tucumán forma parte de la iniciativa Regions Adapt en conjunto con estados locales de Brasil y Ecuador",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Route Map for Energy Efficient Scotland sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for all buildings in Scotland, that by 2040 all our buildings are warmer, greener and more efficient, and how we deliver the National Infrastructure Priority for Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficient Scotland will help to remove poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by making buildings more energy efficient and helping to decarbonise the heat supply.",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,NRW works with the German national Government in many aspects on a regular basis,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 1981, Minnesota was the first state to implement retail net metering as a state policy applicable to all electric utilities per Minn. Statute 216B.164. Legislative changes in 2015 and 2017 allowed cooperative and municipal utilities to charge fees to customers participating in net metering and removed state PUC authority to settle disputes related to coop and muni net metering fees.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"air conditionerswith BEE ratingsand invetertechnologyintroduced.Em=nvironmentfriendly gases likeR410A, R32 andR290 nowintroduced for newair conditioners",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The switch from oil to gas has been a general market development in recent years and has been promoted by utility companies.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"After a 2 year plan process out new regional climate plan was approved at the highest regional political level in June 2018. This includes a plan lasting 2018-2021 whick is a more long term plan, and also a ""handlingsprogram""/plan of action with 37 spesific actions that we will attempt to finish within 2018 and 2019.A climate coordinator is responsible for following up all this work. The plan is formed so that it cam be used by the local communes as well as at the regional level. The plan lines out the way foreward and how the climate finacial budget will be spent.In addition to the action climate budget the different departments use their own budgets for different prosjects and investments. One excample will be the big regional hydrogen project and our own investments in busses, ferries and boatsThe fylkeskommune is in charge of several interesting research projects that provide more knowledge in what actions to take, and how we can improve our way of communicating in the region and providing the best support in the local processes in climate gas redusction but also in climate adaptation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving lighting efficiency standards for implementation in 2021/22,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Consumption in 2014 was 3.0% lower than in 2013, and 15.2% lower than the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% Energy Efficiency Target is measured. Figures published yesterday show that Scotland is 15.4% below the baseline energy consumption",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,1 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"IN4climate.NRW is designed to be a platform for knowledge-sharing, dialogue and collaboration. Around 30 companies and associations from the fields of steel and metals, chemicals, cement, glass, paper and building materials are participating in the initiative alongside six research institutes. https://www.in4climate.nrw/en/index/",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Sustainable Forest Resources Management Act of 1995 (MN Stat. 89A) and 1982 Forest Resources Management Act (MN Stat. 89.001 &89.002) serve as the foundation for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) forest policy. The Act is implemented by the DNR through a number of agency policies, guidelines, etc., which are developed across multiple disciplines and build robust direction and understanding of sound and sustainable forest management. Such policies address issues such as maintaining old growth forests, implementing site-level forest management guidelines, addressing invasive species, creating and implementing forest management plans, creating and maintain wildlife habitat, protecting rare species, and many more. The MN DNR is also responsible for implementing other regional laws on forest management. The Little Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Act (MN Stat. 103G.545), which protects water levels and lakeshores by prohibiting dams and restricting logging within 400 feet of recreational waterways in the state-owned lands in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The Minnesota Endangered Species Act ((MN Stat 84.0895) imposes a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. The Minnesota Trust Fund Statute (MN Stat. 127A.31) includes the goal of the permanent school fund, which is to secure the maximum long-term economic return from the school trust lands consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities imposed by the trust relationship established in the Minnesota Constitution, with sound natural resource conservation and management principles, and with other specific policy provided in state law. The Outdoor Recreation Act of 1975 (MN Stat. 86A.02) addresses State Trails, Scientific and Natural Areas, State Wilderness Areas, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Aquatic Management Areas.The DNR is responsible for managing most of the state-administered/owned forested lands in the state, and also participates in private forest landowner outreach and multi-stakeholder forest landscape initiatives and partnerships. The DNR has a detailed forest policy framework for the management of state forest lands to prevent deforestation and degradation on these lands as much as possible and to govern sustainable management of state forests. The DNR also implements site-level forest management guidelines developed by jurisdictional approaches (MFRC), creates long-term forest management plans for state forests, and follows guidelines for protecting rare species and habitats.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. It has a wide range of policies to support sustainable farming practices including those which can increase carbon sequestration on agricultural land. Scottish Government has committed to explore how best to increase planting of trees and hedgerows which optimise carbon sequestration, the feasibility of payment for carbon sequestration taking into account any existing schemes such as the woodland carbon code as a means of encouraging the uptake of carbon sequestration on farms and options for land-use change to optimise uses beyond traditional farming and food production to multi-faceted land.A new demonstrator network of farms, crofts and estates across Scotland has been established to raise awareness of the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agricultural businesses.Scottish Government have also committed an additional £1.5 million (through the Agricultural Transformation Programme) to further support the integration of small woodlands on farmers and crofts across Scotland which will help to increase the levels of carbon sequestration delivery by our agricultural sector.Scottish Government has also committed to provide further advice for farmers and crofters who wish to retire by providing an opportunity to consider alternative land-uses or alternative agricultural uses.Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and workable proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food. These groups reported in March 2021 and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. By taking a co-development approach, the Scottish Government is putting a just transition at the heart of agricultural transformation.More info: UC Davis - http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/sarep/about/what-is-sustainable-agriculture IIED - https://www.iied.org/five-ways-make-farming-more-sustainable",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"During the 2019 legislative session, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We estimate that our emissions reduced very slightly from 2016 to 2017. The main reasons for our decreased emissions, if reporting market based, would be a cleaner grid. Secondly, we significantly reduced emissions in the",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment of buildings plays an important role, since one third of the total final energy consumption in Germany is needed for heating rooms and producing hot water in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction Network pursues a project-oriented approach, which primarily involves the initiation and dissemination of best practice projects. In the network, innovation transfer and information transfer take place, among other things, via the network meetings, where innovative technologies and concrete project results are presented and the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector is supported.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)With the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only in building planning, but also at urban development level, the project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network activity. In the climate protection housing estates, the heat-related CO2 emissions in residential estates (new construction and refurbishment) and thus also the energy costs are consistently reduced. EnergieAgentur.NRW is coordinating this exemplary project, which for the first time has introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings. 96 projects in total have been awarded the status of “NRW Climate Protection Estate” following examination by a commission of experts. Almost 9,000 people live in the 46 settlements that have already been completed, demonstrating that, with consistent and sustainable planning, it is possible to execute demanding energy-efficient construction or refurbishment projects. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)The network focuses not only on housing construction but also on non-residential buildings. There is considerable potential to make energy savings and thus reduce CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings such as schools and office buildings in particular. Together with the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, EnergieAgentur.NRW therefore launched a project to award prizes to particularly energy-efficient schools and office buildings in early 2019. The aim is to identify exemplary buildings and to draw public attention to these.(www.energieagentur.nrw/gebaeude/energieeffiziente-nichtwohngebaeude)",1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and Scottish public authorities to promote sustainable forest management.The UKFS sets out the regulatory requirements for forestry and is the basis for assessing felling licenses and forest plans. In addition, government grants for woodland creation and forest management are conditional on meeting UKFS requirements. The Scottish Government is committed to the use of the UKFS to help inform forest planning decisions relating to all forests and woodlands and to ensure that international agreements and conventions are applied.Efficient and effective management of tree pests and diseases, coupled with longer term resilience-building measures, is vital to maintain and expand Scotland’s woodland area, and sustain its economic benefits and related ecosystem services",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"A climate change vulnerability index was created, using local indicators that represents each component of the vulnerability. The final results (for each city of the territory) were used to generate maps that classifies each region according to its vulnerability, which helps to identify the cities where the adaptation actions must be prioritized. We also have an online platform to support the local governments in their trasition to a low carbon economy.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,There are different explanation :- industry crisis and steel industry in particular that explain a decreased of coal consumption- the european CO2 quota system- technical change,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Create a sustainable timber industry based on the management of primary forests and plantations within the framework of a landscape development strategy.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan have set a bold vision to reduce Minnesota’s carbon footprint and aid out an ambitious plan to bring our energy sector fully carbon neutral by 2050. In April 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-27 reaffirming the State of Minnesota’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as, to reduce waste, energy and fuel consumption, water usage and the sustainable procurement of goods and services in government operations. These goals were established after extensive review of existing statutes and other goals and objectives outlined for the 24-cabinet-level state agencies. The GHG goal of 30% reduction by 2025 relative to a 2005 calculated baseline mirrored goals outlined in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act.The Executive Order also established the Office of Enterprise Sustainability (OES) to assist the 24-cabinet level state agencies in achieving their sustainability goals. The OES created a one-of-a-kind sustainability reporting tool and for the last three years has been tracking state agencies’ progress towards achieving goals outlined in the Executive Order. Last year, OES published a public facing dashboard at www.sustainability.mn.gov to follow State government’s progress towards meeting the sustainability goals and provide transparency in government operations. The dashboard measures progress at both the State and agency-specific level. To date, Minnesota’s State Agencies have achieved 84% progress towards goal. Reductions in GHG emissions in state government operations is largely due to the decarbonization of the electricity grid and long-term reductions in energy use in state facilities e.g. Minnesota State Capitol Complex. In 2019, GHG emissions from state operations again increased with the largest driver being from fossil fuel consumed in the state fleet, particularly in the medium sized vehicles. Colder weather reduced miles per gallon and more snowfall required additional snow removal. Emission factors for delivered energies like electricity and district energy also did not improve last year.The OES is only tracking GHG emissions from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,DNR adheres to state and federal law when implementing forest management practices,0 +Please complete the table below.,expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) brings together representative from all forest stakeholder groups in Minnesota to advise the Governor on forest management and forest issues. Another example of forest management partnership in Minnesota is the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement between the state (MN Dept. of Natural Resources) and the federal government (U.S. Forest Service). These approaches aren’t specifically focused on deforestation/degradation, but provide the platform for cooperative work on forestry issue like this in the state.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA Summary for Scotland)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota GDP for 2017 is $351,000,000,00 for the U.S. as a whole it is $17,263,000,000,000Minnesota real GDP per capita (chained 2009 dollars) for 2017 is $54,805 for the U.S. as a whole it is $51,337. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the Midwest and 14th nationwide in real per Capita GDP and surpasses the national average by 6%.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Ucayali´s Climate Change Strategy stablish:Development of agroclimatic characterization studies of prioritized crops, at the level of basins and sub-basins, as well as evaluation of their productivitybefore the impacts of climate change.Implementation of Public Investment Projects on Improvement of Productive Chains incorporating the approach of adaptation to climate change.Promotion of environmentally sustainable productive activitiesPromote monitoring programs for fish resourcesStrengthening agricultural and livestock practices to adapt to change climateStrengthening of productive activities with ancestral techniques compared to climate change",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Scottish Government has a target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity. In 2019, the equivalent of 90.0% of gross electricity consumption was from renewable sources,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of TucumánActivities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationEquipament: a) Energy-independent INSUS monitoring and repeater stations (photovoltaic energy).b) water level and pluviometric sensors c) PC and associated peripherals (armed and configured by INSUS)d) UPS (uninterruptible power supply) used in the base station, necessary for power cuts of several hours.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,LED lightning high effiency. Air conditioning high efficiency. Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Support is available for geothermal heating projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The green economy encompasses all companies that offer environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient products and services. As an interdisciplinary sector with links to key industries like machine engineering and the electrical industry, it plays a central role in the economic development of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalia green economy boasted a work force of around 368,000. Its share of overall employment is 5.1%, which is higher than any other key sector in the state. With a turnover of 66.3 billion euros, the green economy contributed around 6.2% to North Rhine-Westphalia’s gross value added and has developed into a significant and integrated component of the state’s economic structure. The featured themes of the green economy encompass sustainable farming and forest management, classic sectors such as sewage and waste disposal and pollution monitoring, mitigation and restoration technologies, as well as new topics like green mobility and renewable energy. Against this background, the green economy can also be seen as a sector of transformation, tackling the greatest challenges of our time – climate change, urbanisation, resource efficiency, decarbonisation – with new ideas, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art services. For established key industries, such as machine engineering and the electrical industry, the green economy has an integrating effect; it combines and channels skills and innovations with prospects for sustainable growth. North Rhine-Westphalia has intentionally developed its economic prospects as the largest provider of green economy products and services in Germany. An annual average turnover growth of 1% (2010–2015) and an annual growth in gross value added of 3.4% (2010–2015) paint a glowing picture. Report:www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:• Energy Consumers Commission• Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group• Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group• Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"Prioritizing the most vulnerable areas, when it comes to adaptation actions.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Other, please specify: Climate vuln. assessment (below) was one-off; forest health assessments are annual",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Our businesses needs to adjust their products to handle the variations. But for most the transport of the goods might be effected, so that selling our producst might get harder.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"We had a few scope 2 uses come off-line between 2016 and 2017 and uses that were not tracked in 2016, and because of these accounting changes, we have a significant decrease in emissions. We know that these emissions have decreased, but the exact magnitude is uncertain.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses. The recently published (June 2021) independent evidence reports for the third UKCCRA state that Direct Expected Annual Damage (the economic impacts on an individual basis) for residential properties from all sources of flooding in Scotland are estimated to be just over £68.5 million per year. When including non-residential properties and indirect as well as direct damages, this estimate rises to £200 – 250 million per year. The storms of early 2016 were estimated to have cost the Scottish economy £700 million.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,Rather than impact on climate action we can reflect on the effect from covid 19 in terms of reduced travel and reduced GHG emissions.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The regional planning for sustainable development and equality called ""Grand Est Territoires"" includes mitigation and adaptation strategy and measures. It covers all topics as planning, transports, energy, air quality, water, biodiversity, waste. There are also another regional plan for agriculture, forestry and viticulture that deals with adaptation issue.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several reasons.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets a world leading statutory target of at least 42% emissions reductions by 2020 and includes annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation. The Scottish Government will continue to lead work to support the delivery and achievement of the world-leading Scottish climate change targets. In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill that will set a 2050 target of 90% emissions reductions in response to the Paris Agreement. This equates to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050, meaning Scotland being carbon-neutral by that date.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","At the end of 2018, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface area of more than 20 million m2 and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany. (www.bsw-solar.de) According to an analysis of BAFA and progres.nrw funding figures by EnergyAgency.NRW, a total collector surface area of almost 1.5 million m² was installed in NRW at the end of 2016, producing approximately 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat register at EnergyAtlas.NRW provides a clear overview of the situation for the various municipalities and districts. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de ).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"IN4climate.NRW is designed to be a platform for knowledge-sharing, dialogue and collaboration. Around 30 companies and associations from the fields of steel and metals, chemicals, cement, glass, paper and building materials are participating in the initiative alongside six research institutes. https://www.in4climate.nrw/en/index/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions.Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"In urban areas tools, incentives and funding are provided to watershed groups to implement green infrastructure, bestmanagement practices, infiltrationmethods, etc.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees in three year .",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"During the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"For the past 15 years, the market initiative “NRW Wood Pellets Campaign” has been linking up the various players throughout the value chain in the wood pellet industry across Germany and in particular in NRW. This initiative is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, trade and industry, and public administration in the field of renewable heat, and is currently supported by around 100 companies in the sector.The resulting synergies facilitate an effective transfer of knowledge, and the initiative provides a forum for the dissemination of well-founded, unbiased information about this fuel and the associated technologies, as well as raising awareness on the subject by various public relations activities. In recent years, wood pellet heating has become an integral part of a balanced energy mix within the renewable energy sector, making it an essential component of the transition to sustainable heating. Subsidies for wood pellet heating systems at state and federal level have significantly increased the number of systems installed in NRW in recent years, raising the number of pellet heaters to more than 36,000 NRW (and about 290,000 nationwide), up from only about 660 subsidised plants registered in NRW in 2003. The aim of the Wood Pellets Campaign is to work with partners and players in the sector to further strengthen this heating technology, and to consolidate and expand the existing positive market development. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries. In Germany NRW has strong relations to other federal states which are formal on a federal working level as well as informal on a political level.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 30 June 2021.,0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Causes problems for the sensitive population, especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 February 2018,1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"We have committed to accelerate our landfill gas capture and landfill legacy management.Working closely with SEPA and waste operators, we have made funding available to support the scale up of our existing landfill gas capture programme to mitigate the negative effects of landfill and the environmental impact of closed landfill sites.We will double the number of landfill gas capture sites in Scotland that undertake investigative or development work (from 12 to 24 sites) by 2025 and will provide additional funding to support this This will harness the energy generated from landfill gas capture and maximise circular economy opportunities.For more info see: (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032)..",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) brings together representative from all forest stakeholder groups in Minnesota to advise the Governor on forest management and forest issues. Another example of forest management partnership in Minnesota is the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement between the state (MN Dept. of Natural Resources) and the federal government (U.S. Forest Service). These approaches aren’t specifically focused on deforestation/degradation, but provide the platform for cooperative work on forestry issue like this in the state.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our 2019-2029 Forestry Strategy identifies, as a priority for action over the next ten years, the need to ensure forests and woodlands are sustainably managed. This will be achieved by maintaining and promoting the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) – the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK – as the benchmark of good forestry practice and assessment of the quality of forest and woodland expansion proposals and forest management plans. All woodlands receiving grant support must comply with the UKFS.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +Please complete the table below.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected total GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Biodiversity and Conservation Units Protection Program, that aims the preservation, conservation, recovery and protection of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 13x faster. Winter low temperatures are rising much faster than the annual average temperatures.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Reports are submitted to the Governor and Legislature every two years describing actions taken, progress toward achieving the mandatory limits and additional actions needed to address any gaps.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The state of Minnesota conducts annual canopy change monitoring. The past methods did not easily identify the ‘change agent’ and could not differentiate between deforestation/degradation and timber harvest or natural disturbance (e.g. blowdowns and fire). However, beginning in summer 2019, the state will begin using a LandTrendr approach to monitor canopy change which will include historical trend capability with an extensive archive of Landsat data going back to the early 1980’s. These data will help the state identify which disturbance result in permanent land use change and which do not.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The regional planning for sustainable development and equality called ""Grand Est Territoires"" includes mitigation and adaptation strategy and measures. It covers all topics as planning, transports, energy, air quality, water, biodiversity, waste. There are also another regional plan for agriculture, forestry and viticulture that deals with adaptation issue.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Climate change impacts, such as intense rainfalls and increase of the temperatures, can unable agriculture practice in some locations, for example, also reaching the activities that depend on agriculture, like the job market related to this sector.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"MN DNR acquires and manages lands for multiple values, including conservation. Conservation is an especially high priority on several types of state lands, including Scientific & Natural Areas, Wildlife Management Areas, Aquatic Management Areas, and Wildlife Action Networks. Further, along with federal partners the state participates in prairie restoration on marginal agricultural lands via conservation easements.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats.There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.",1 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Heat and cold waves. The emergencies reported by INDECI (civil defense agency) for Ucayali between 2002 and 2012 (latter data available) have been systematized. Of these, a set of climatic and hydroclimatic threats have been selected that have a possible correlation with the alteration of the regional climate in Ucayali due to global climate change. These are precipitations of unusual intensity, strong or windy winds (which are a reliable indicator of friajes), droughts, the floods and floods and the landslides. In addition, two events with an indirect relationship have been added: forest fires (which increase due to heat waves and also increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere) and epidemics (which are usually outbreaks of dengue, related to the greater amount of rain that leaves more seasonal puddles).",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There is no single plan that addresses deforestation in the state of Minnesota. However, there are robust forest planning processes within the state that address all aspects of sustainable forest management. These include regional 10-year forest management plans for state forest lands (created by MN DNR), a 10-year Forest Action Plan prepared for the U.S. federal government (created by MN DNR; all forested states do this), and multi-stakeholder 10-year regional “landscape” level forest plans that address forest issues across all public and private forest ownerships in the state (coordinated by MN Forest Resources Council).Read more about these plans:State forest management plans: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/subsection/summary.htmlForest Action Plan: https://www.stateforesters.org/districts/minnesota/#forest-action-planMFRC Landscape plans: https://mn.gov/frc/landscapes.html",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","We contracted for verification one year. It was expensive, no funding were allocated for verification. verification isdone by staff.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,Emissions come from state owned vehicles and non-building related fossil fuel combusting equipment. This category's largest source of emissions is the Metro Transit system.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Solar PV heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for solar water heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Sea level for Edinburgh is expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline. Higher rates of sea level rise for the UK of up to 1.9 metres by 2100 have been estimated for a physically plausible high++ scenario based on in direct observations of past climate change events, though this is considered highly unlikely to occur this century. However, sea levels are projected to continue to rise beyond 2100 even in lower emission scenarios and several meters of sea level rise within centuries is possible. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan have set a bold vision to reduce Minnesota’s carbon footprint and aid out an ambitious plan to bring our energy sector fully carbon neutral by 2050. In April 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-27 reaffirming the State of Minnesota’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as, to reduce waste, energy and fuel consumption, water usage and the sustainable procurement of goods and services in government operations. These goals were established after extensive review of existing statutes and other goals and objectives outlined for the 24-cabinet-level state agencies. The GHG goal of 30% reduction by 2025 relative to a 2005 calculated baseline mirrored goals outlined in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act.The Executive Order also established the Office of Enterprise Sustainability (OES) to assist the 24-cabinet level state agencies in achieving their sustainability goals. The OES created a one-of-a-kind sustainability reporting tool and for the last three years has been tracking state agencies’ progress towards achieving goals outlined in the Executive Order. Last year, OES published a public facing dashboard at www.sustainability.mn.gov to follow State government’s progress towards meeting the sustainability goals and provide transparency in government operations. The dashboard measures progress at both the State and agency-specific level. To date, Minnesota’s State Agencies have achieved 84% progress towards goal. Reductions in GHG emissions in state government operations is largely due to the decarbonization of the electricity grid and long-term reductions in energy use in state facilities e.g. Minnesota State Capitol Complex. In 2019, GHG emissions from state operations again increased with the largest driver being from fossil fuel consumed in the state fleet, particularly in the medium sized vehicles. Colder weather reduced miles per gallon and more snowfall required additional snow removal. Emission factors for delivered energies like electricity and district energy also did not improve last year.The OES is only tracking GHG emissions from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Heating in Norway is mainly eletrical produced by hydropower, and is therefore clean. Heating oil is not allowed any more, and we promote different projects that help remove old oil tanks in the ground and changing to other heating solutions.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Possible impacts such as change in rain cycle will affect the water availability in basins. Drought events have affected important number of smallholders producers in Huanuco in last two years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please complete the table below.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNA2018Q4,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We don't have an exclusive inventory for the government operation emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Rolled up into a statewide total, electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide goal.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, two different state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline, and a vision of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 17-12. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Governor’s appointee and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please complete the table below.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Mainly support them financially in their investments and attempt to motivate for change,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/control-of-woodland-removalThe Scottish Government’s Control of Woodland Removal policy (CWRP) is designed to provide direction for decisions on woodland removal in Scotland for the purpose of conversion to another land use.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationDesde marzo de 2019, el Gobierno de Tucumán forma parte de la iniciativa Regions Adapt en conjunto con estados locales de Brasil y Ecuador",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Because of the floods in the south of Tucumán in 2017, 1500 families of Lamadrid were evacuated (80% of the town). It is estimated that the economic losses will reach $ 630 million: $ 90 million in economic-productive, $ 140 million in social and $ 400 million in infrastructure.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2015-21). The industry is currently setting the investment objectives for 2021-27 and beyond, and during the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",1 +Please complete the table below.,"UK Government figures published on 11 May 2021 show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with over 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to 34 in England and fewer in Wales and Northern Ireland. We have invested over £45 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,See https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/deep-decarbonizationThe Washington State target for 2020 is to reduce overall emissions of greenhouse gases in the state to 1990 levels.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",1 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2017, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2017, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"In adaptation pillar on Climate Change Strategy, the objective is increase the awareness and adaptive capacity before the adverse and potential effects of climate change, in the population, economic agents, Regional and locals governments taking advantage of the potential opportunities. The adaptation pillar consider activities in following sectores: ecosystems and biodiversity, water resources, health, education, cities and housing, economic activities and infraestructure.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,1 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,Complete integration of methane and HFC reduction into Climate Change Plan: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-governments-climate-change-plan-third-report-proposals-policies-2018-9781788516488/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2019. See also note on net emissions below.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. It has a wide range of policies to support sustainable farming practices including those which can increase carbon sequestration on agricultural land. Scottish Government has committed to explore how best to increase planting of trees and hedgerows which optimise carbon sequestration, the feasibility of payment for carbon sequestration taking into account any existing schemes such as the woodland carbon code as a means of encouraging the uptake of carbon sequestration on farms and options for land-use change to optimise uses beyond traditional farming and food production to multi-faceted land.A new demonstrator network of farms, crofts and estates across Scotland has been established to raise awareness of the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agricultural businesses.Scottish Government have also committed an additional £1.5 million (through the Agricultural Transformation Programme) to further support the integration of small woodlands on farmers and crofts across Scotland which will help to increase the levels of carbon sequestration delivery by our agricultural sector.Scottish Government has also committed to provide further advice for farmers and crofters who wish to retire by providing an opportunity to consider alternative land-uses or alternative agricultural uses.Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and workable proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food. These groups reported in March 2021 and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. By taking a co-development approach, the Scottish Government is putting a just transition at the heart of agricultural transformation.More info: UC Davis - http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/sarep/about/what-is-sustainable-agriculture IIED - https://www.iied.org/five-ways-make-farming-more-sustainable",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Huánuco through the conservation of protected natural areas and the development of reforestation projects can provide ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ucayali does not have a regional conservation system (not officially). However, the Action Plan of the ERDB 2006-2010 had already indicated the establishment of a regional conservation system. The region has a regional conservation area called Imíria that has a master plan designed (with the support of USAID). 3.2 million hectares are natural protected areas of national administration(Sernanp).The Regional Plan has set a goal to increase the area of sustainably managed or conserved forests by 10 percent. Ucayali has approved proposals for Regional Conservation Areas such as Alto Tamaya - Abujao and Laguna Encantada de Atalaya.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We are developing technologies that address both mitigation and adaptation . Sugar mills, citrus factories and industrial slaughterhouses participate of Industrial Reconversion Plan which involves commitments to reduce water and energy consumption. In addition several sugar mills will use their effluent (vinasse) to generate energy. Currently the sugar mills and citrus factories use their effluents for irrigation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Although the states unlike the federal government do only in a few areas of climatechange have a direct legislative competence, are provided with adequate competence regarding legal action for climate protection. These exist primarily in the area of administrative action e.g. in the allocation of financial grants. Targets for greenhouse gas reduction are necessary for the states to implement the targeted climate protection measures. Many federalstates in Germany do already have climate change targets, but there is no uniform approach. In major climate-relevant areas of regulation, the legislative competence is federal. Responsibility of the Länder is limited to the energy industry, roadtransport and air pollution. Thus, states can regulate on building codes as well as local and state planning. Some states have also enacted their own climate protection laws. Moreover, states have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of federallegislation through the Federal Council. The Federal Council may introduce their own bills in the Parliament. There are basically laws requiring approval and laws that do not. In the first case the Federal Council has to agree before the law comesinto force. This accounts for all laws that have an impact on the finances of the states. In contrast, most laws are non-approval, where the Federal Council can only appeal.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Scottish Government has a target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity. In 2019, the equivalent of 90.0% of gross electricity consumption was from renewable sources,",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,We are developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Mandatory separate collection of dry recyclable materials and food waste from some businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)).Over 80% of Scotland’s population have separate food waste collectionsWe publish and review a Household Recycling Charter and Code of Practice, which sets out best practice for local governments.We are preparing to deliver Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025, as set out in Programme for Government 2021/21",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Minnesota’s 24-cabinet level state agencies have a goal of 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline and to date have achieved 31% progress towards goal. In 2019, energy consumption increased compared to 2018. Like 2018, it was a colder than average winter resulting in an increase use of natural gas and district heating energy. Overall electricity use decreased due to a cooler summer and energy conservation measures. Minnesota’s state agencies’ progress towards goal can be found at www.sustainability.mn.gov. Financing energy-efficiency improvements continues to be a struggle. Minnesota’s State-owned buildings have $973 million in deferred maintenance. Agencies prioritize life, safety, security, and accessibility, so energy efficiency is often not funded. Minnesota legislature failed to pass a bonding bill again this session resulting in no funding for “asset preservation” proposals. A proposed revolving loan fund dedicated to financing short-term payback efficiency improvements has been promoted, but not funded in the last three legislative sessions.The OES is only tracking energy consumed from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,0 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Additional verification undertaken by UNFCCC and via bilateral reviews with third countries.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport. Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.Green electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"No: The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, confirmed the Scottish Government’s continued opposition to new nuclear stations, under current technologies.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","We estimate that our emissions reduced very slightly from 2016 to 2017. The main reasons for our decreased emissions, if reporting market based, would be a cleaner grid. Secondly, we significantly reduced emissions in the",1 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,This policy is part of the climate change law (responsibilities for regional governments) to tackle the Colombian NDC.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Achieved through a state Renewable Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691. Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government is committed to supporting active travel, both now and in the future. The budget was doubled to £80 million in 2018-19 and now stands at over £100 million for 2020-21. This investment will enable the continued delivery of high quality walking, cycling and wheeling infrastructure, enabling more people to choose to walk and cycle for shorter everyday journeys or as part of a longer multi-modal journey.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdfUK Forestry Standard (UKFS) The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders.,0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan have set a bold vision to reduce Minnesota’s carbon footprint and aid out an ambitious plan to bring our energy sector fully carbon neutral by 2050. In April 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed Executive Order 19-27 reaffirming the State of Minnesota’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as, to reduce waste, energy and fuel consumption, water usage and the sustainable procurement of goods and services in government operations. These goals were established after extensive review of existing statutes and other goals and objectives outlined for the 24-cabinet-level state agencies. The GHG goal of 30% reduction by 2025 relative to a 2005 calculated baseline mirrored goals outlined in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act.The Executive Order also established the Office of Enterprise Sustainability (OES) to assist the 24-cabinet level state agencies in achieving their sustainability goals. The OES created a one-of-a-kind sustainability reporting tool and for the last three years has been tracking state agencies’ progress towards achieving goals outlined in the Executive Order. Last year, OES published a public facing dashboard at www.sustainability.mn.gov to follow State government’s progress towards meeting the sustainability goals and provide transparency in government operations. The dashboard measures progress at both the State and agency-specific level. To date, Minnesota’s State Agencies have achieved 84% progress towards goal. Reductions in GHG emissions in state government operations is largely due to the decarbonization of the electricity grid and long-term reductions in energy use in state facilities e.g. Minnesota State Capitol Complex. In 2019, GHG emissions from state operations again increased with the largest driver being from fossil fuel consumed in the state fleet, particularly in the medium sized vehicles. Colder weather reduced miles per gallon and more snowfall required additional snow removal. Emission factors for delivered energies like electricity and district energy also did not improve last year.The OES is only tracking GHG emissions from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have a state energy solar politic that promotes the solar heating.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland. The Scottish National Investment Bank supports a low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion green investment portfolio. The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups, accelerators and innovation centres for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Sustainability Mobility (Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc), Water (Hydro Nation) and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and updated climate change plan. The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology. There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects. See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán.",1 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Mainly support them financially in their investments and attempt to motivate for change,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Scotland is making excellent progress towards its target that the equivalent of 100% of Scotland’s electricity consumption should come from renewable sources by 2020, having reached an estimated 90% in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Verimicomposting , non pesticidal , improved crop introduction especially early ripening verities to counter change in weather especially erratic rainfall, systematic root intensification (SRI), improved irrigation like sprinkler, drip etc , Agriculture warehousing and agro-processing . Promotion of oil seed and pulses. Dry-land farming/promotion of rice research and seed certification and replacement.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an innovative and strong industrial country in Europe. The local manufacturing companies will implement 350 billion euros in 2017. The industry with its value chains and jobs is enormously important for North Rhine-Westphalia. At the same time, the industrial sector accounts for around 19 percent of North Rhine-Westphalia's greenhouse gas emissions. He thus bears a special responsibility in climate protection.Against the background of the Paris Climate Agreement, the industry - as well as the other sectors - has to be for the most part greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. This means, in part, fundamentally changing production processes, switching to renewable energies or continuing to use CO2 as a raw material, for example in the form of products or synthetic fuels. The use of hydrogen also plays a central role.For the concrete establishment of a greenhouse gas-neutral industry considerable research efforts are still necessary. It also requires a suitable infrastructure and necessary framework conditions that make such development processes economically and socially representable. In order to tackle these tasks together with industrial partners and scientific partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has launched the initiative IN4climate.NRW.As part of IN4climate.NRW, solutions and strategies for a greenhouse gas-neutral industry are being developed with the aim of supporting the industrial location of NRW while maintaining its competitiveness in a future that is neutral for the GHG.More at www.in4climate.nrw",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2019 the Scottish Government supported the establishment of NECCUS (North East CCUS) an industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to promote CCUS in Scotland, attract funding for CCUS and Hydrogen development in Scotland and to secure the first CCUS project in the UK to be in Scotland. We will commission and support further detailed research, development and analysis to improve our understanding and accelerate the deployment of key energy and carbon capture technologies and work closely with UK Government to get commercial, policy and regulatory frameworks required to support CCUS at scale in the UK",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017 and 2018 (in preparation). In 2017 edition there were 10.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Increasing temperatures impact Minnesota’s agricultural industry since agriculture is highly dependent on specific climate conditions. As a result of increasing temperature, crop production areas may shift to new regions of the state where the temperature range for growth and yield of those crops is optimal unless new climate adapted varieties are developed and utilized. According to the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest growing season has lengthened by almost two weeks since 1950 due in large part to earlier timing of the last spring freeze. This trend is expected to continue. While a longer growing season may increase total crop production, other climate changes, such as increased crop losses and soil erosion from more frequent and intense storms, and increases in pests and invasive species, could outweigh this benefit. There may also be higher livestock losses during periods of extreme heat and humidity. Losses of livestock from extreme heat lead to a challenge in disposal of animal carcasses. In an attempt to adapt to increased temperatures, livestock areas in Minnesota may shift farther north. As a result of new livestock areas and the resulting manure production, farmers may transition to manure-based fertilizer applications in areas where traditionally only commercial fertilizers have been used, with accompanying environmental advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, extreme heat can cause roads to buckle and damage other transportation infrastructure such as rail lines. This may increase expenditures for repairs, dangerous conditions for drivers, and potential for travel disruption.Flash flooding from extreme precipitation can damage the built environment, affecting commercial and residential buildings, roads, parks, and stormwater infrastructure. Water-saturated soils can destabilize bluffs, trees and utility poles.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Solar energy is one of the main pillars of the energy transition for NRW. Up the end of 2017 more than 250,000 photovoltaic systems were installed with a capacity of approx. 4,700 kWp.A total of just under 1.5 million square meres panel area had been installed in NRW by the end of 2016, producing about 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat inventory in the EnergyAtlas.NRW provides an overview detailing data for individual municipalities and districts.(www.energieatlas.nrw.de).",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In the Concerted Development Plan to 2021, in Strategic Axis VI ""Natural Resources and Environment"", within Territorial Objective 6 ""Preserve the quality of the environment and sustainability in the use of biodiversity, anticipating the risk of disaster in the context of climate change "" is planned to reduce annual deforestation rate in 13 per cent at 2021.Source: Gobierno Regional de Huanuco, Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado 2014 – 2021, v. Noviembre 2016.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,NRW works with the German national Government in many aspects on a regular basis,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"In urban areas tools, incentives and funding are provided to watershed groups to implement green infrastructure, bestmanagement practices, infiltrationmethods, etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Impacts on flora and fuana as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is thus an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/buergerinnen-und-buerger/",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy-efficient buildings are the future. From the beginning of 2006 to October 2017 about 136,000 loan applications with a volume of about 9.1 billion euros were approved across the region by the reconstruction bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) to finance the energy refurbishment of buildings. A full 460,000 housing units were thus modernised in NRW. In the same period about 140,000 applications were submitted for a grant for the energy refurbishment of buildings involving a financial volume of 220 million euros. In more than 300,000 housing units in NRW it was thus possible to implement energy-related refurbishment measures.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste will come into force in 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendations, signalling intent to move away from landfilling biodegradable municipal waste.We have also committed to extend the ban to include biodegradable non-municipal waste streams, subject to further reassurances and impact assessments.We are working with local authorities to secure alternatives to landfill for their residual waste treatments, including waste-to-energy technology.We are considering measures to ensure new energy from waste plants are more efficient and how waste infrastructure can be ‘future-proofed’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032).Official statistics show the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill decreased by nearly a third (32%) between 2018 and 2019.This means Scotland has met and exceeded the EU target to reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of to landfill.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,https://www.ros.gov.uk/our-registers/land-register-of-scotlandThe Land Register of Scotland is the Scottish Government’s map based system which records the legal title to land ownership in Scotland. The older General Register of Sasines is being closed in 2024,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line will open in 2019, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Initiated the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,We are implementing 7 projects for payment of ecosystem services in strategic ecosystems of the department of Nariño which are essentials for the water provision.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In 2014 the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. The outstate counties goal remains unchanged at 35%. EA, CAP, and Greater MN recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This commitment is recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Using Edinburgh as an example, sea level is expected to rise by between approximately 12 and 18cm by the 2050s and by approximately 23 to 54cm by the 2080s, compared to a 1981-2000 baseline and depending on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such rises would lead to an increase in likelihood of associated risks, such as flooding of coastal communities. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/application/files/5816/1797/9967/LOW_RES_4656_Climate_Projections_report_FINAL.pdf )",1 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. A final report on this issue should be complete by December 2019.,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","1. Construction of the dam ""Potrero del Clavillo"" in the basin of the Gastona and Medina rivers. One of its functions is the regulation of floods, in addition to providing water for human consumption and irrigatio2. Re - direct San Francisco River, in Gastona Medina Basin towards the wetlands area that is located in the northeast quadrant, where it drained naturally for thousands of years as attenuators of maximum flows.2. Reviewing the sections of the bridges and culverts of all the interferences with provincial, national and railway routes where these new activated channel drains, considering the new dynamics and the parameters of the basin. The study will determine the section required by the river bed, for increases of the order of magnitude of 1,200 to 1,500m³ / s, which are feasible to be generated in the basin according to the volumes registered in 2015 and 2017",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany's largest supplier of environmental industry products and services with around 368,000 employees and a gross value added of 27.7 billion euros. Link: https://www.umweltwirtschaft.nrw.de/willkommen/",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. The Executive Order specifically calls for engagement with workers and and businesses that will be impacted by the identified reduction and resiliency strategies. In addition, many Minnesota businesses have made significant climate commitments and these actions are critical to achieving the state's goals. The Executive Order also created a Climate Change Advisory Council, made up of 15 appointed members, including business leaders. Engaging with these business leaders, and other business organizations in Minnesota will be essential to meeting the goals of the Next Generation Energy Act and the Executive Order.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"There are differents actions to manage in public transport, spatial planning, developping services rendered by nature's ressources to fight against urban heat island and improve air quality.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In all, about more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a panel area of more than 20.6 million square metres and a thermal capacity of approximately 14 gigawatt had been installed in Germany by the end of 2017.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Although the states unlike the federal government do only in a few areas of climatechange have a direct legislative competence, are provided with adequate competence regarding legal action for climate protection. These exist primarily in the area of administrative action e.g. in the allocation of financial grants. Targets for greenhouse gas reduction are necessary for the states to implement the targeted climate protection measures. Many federalstates in Germany do already have climate change targets, but there is no uniform approach. In major climate-relevant areas of regulation, the legislative competence is federal. Responsibility of the Länder is limited to the energy industry, roadtransport and air pollution. Thus, states can regulate on building codes as well as local and state planning. Some states have also enacted their own climate protection laws. Moreover, states have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of federallegislation through the Federal Council. The Federal Council may introduce their own bills in the Parliament. There are basically laws requiring approval and laws that do not. In the first case the Federal Council has to agree before the law comesinto force. This accounts for all laws that have an impact on the finances of the states. In contrast, most laws are non-approval, where the Federal Council can only appeal.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The governor of Huanuco, Juan Alvarado Cornelio, announced in june, 2019 that he will promote the construction of 76 new hydro-energy projects in his region to become the main provider of electricity in the country, and be able to obtain more resources per canon in return.https://ojo-publico.com/1221/gobernador-de-huanuco-plantea-construir-mas-hidroelectricas-pese-conflictos-sociales",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees in three year .",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota currently has over 50,000 people who work in clean energy with 15,000 of them spending more than half their time on clean energy.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The department of Nariño has as main threat facing the scenario of climate change that goes to 2040 the shortage of water for the generation of electric power and the Department also has a very important agricultural and livestock vocation.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects.The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032.The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements. Increasing extreme weather events from climate change also pose a risk to infrastructure.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Other, please specify: NEGOCIOS VERDES AGROECOLOGICOS ARTICULADOS CON SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEZA",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HBS) will set out a vision and actions for transforming the way we heat our buildings, ensuring a transition to zero emissions by 2045.The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy was published on the February 5th 2021, alongside an accompanying consultation which closed on April 30th.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Other, please specify: U.S. Forest Service 2014 climate change vulnerability assessment for northern MN; annual MN DNR forest health assessments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Verimicomposting , non pesticidal , improved crop introduction especially early ripening verities to counter change in weather especially erratic rainfall, systematic root intensification (SRI), improved irrigation like sprinkler, drip etc , Agriculture warehousing and agro-processing . Promotion of oil seed and pulses. Dry-land farming/promotion of rice research and seed certification and replacement.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"We run a range of national and support further local communications campaigns. Zero Waste Scotland host a website which provides information through various media on reducing waste, reusing materials and increasing recycling.National Food Waste campaign in 2019, ‘Food gone bad’ to encourage food waste recycling Net Zero nation public facing website providing key messages to citizensManaging Our Waste campaign to support householders and businesses to manage waste during COVID-19 pandemic",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair, online, through social media, and via local government education. Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Extreme weather might cause floods, rivers flowing our, avelanges and other risky incidents. This is both dangerous for people and infrastructure. The personal and public costs are enormous, and it takes time to rebuild. The long term effects when this happens more often will effect other public services.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Realizing optimum irrigation potential under Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has recently consulted on a Water Resources Management Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/consultations/closed-consultations/ ) setting out the risk that the frequency and severity of droughts is likely to increase in the future and why we need to adapt to be more resilient. The outcome will be a series of practical actions to deliver greater resilience and allow water users to begin adapting now to minimise the impacts of prolonged periods of dry weather. The actions will be developed with the Scottish Government and others partners to deliver a more resilient Scotland. . - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The SB 2030 Energy Standard for all projects built after 2010 is 60 percent below that of an average building. Then in 2015, the standard becomes 70 percent better and so on until net zero energy is reached in 2030. The SB 2030 Energy Standard is required on all projects that receive general obligation bond funding from the State of Minnesota. A Net Zero commitment is also recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The governor of Huanuco, Juan Alvarado Cornelio, announced in june, 2019 that he will promote the construction of 76 new hydro-energy projects in his region to become the main provider of electricity in the country, and be able to obtain more resources per canon in return.https://ojo-publico.com/1221/gobernador-de-huanuco-plantea-construir-mas-hidroelectricas-pese-conflictos-sociales",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Possible impacts such as change in rain cycle will affect the water availability in basins. Drought events have affected important number of smallholders producers in Huanuco in last two years.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2018 the English edition had an annual circulation of 8,000 copies. These were used, for example, as part of EnergyAgency.NRW’s foreign trade activities and during the World Climate Conference COP 24 in Katowice in December.The email newsletter goes out to over 15,000 subscribers every week, and there are also special themed editions. The web pages around the main website www.energieagentur.nrw are amongst the most visited in the energy sector, with the EnergyAgency.NRW pages and various subject-specific portals receiving 1.27 million views and more than 350,000 visitors in 2018 in over 520,000 sessions. The average session lasted 2.25 minutes. EnergyAgency.NRW’s online media currently include 28 online tools, the most popular being the PV.Calculator, which was used over 25,000 times.Almost 220,000 brochures were downloaded from the EnergyAgency.NRW website in pdf format and almost 82,000 printed brochures were sent out by post. A total of 273 different publications are currently available.EnergyAgency.NRW tweets to its over 7,600 followers on the subject of energy several times a day from its Twitter account @EANRW, and in 2018 it added more than 430 new followers. These include high-reach multipliers who often further disseminate EnergyAgency.NRW’s tweets. EnergyAgency.NRW also has its own company page on Facebook with 1,848 followers and runs the “Klimaschutz – made in NRW” (Climate protection - made in NRW) account, which has 793 followers, as well as the “EnergieJobs.NRW” (EnergyJobs.NRW) account. EnergyAgency.NRW has profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram and XING, and videos on EnergyAgency.NRW’s YouTube channel received 415,547 hits.Twelve new films and an animated video have been created, making a total of 158 films with information about renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw)",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of TucumánActivities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationEquipament: a) Energy-independent INSUS monitoring and repeater stations (photovoltaic energy).b) water level and pluviometric sensors c) PC and associated peripherals (armed and configured by INSUS)d) UPS (uninterruptible power supply) used in the base station, necessary for power cuts of several hours.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.Green electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"In Nariño we have 6 major basins: Patía, Guáitara, Juanambú, Mira y Mataje, Mayo and La Cocha. Each of these basins are essentials for ecosystem services, biodiversity and food production not only for Nariño but also for the whole country Colombia. The management of the basins is made through the formulation of plans and the implementation of conservation and sustainable use of water strategies.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport. Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Extreme weather might cause floods, rivers flowing our, avelanges and other risky incidents. This is both dangerous for people and infrastructure. The personal and public costs are enormous, and it takes time to rebuild. The long term effects when this happens more often will effect other public services.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Huánuco through the conservation of protected natural areas and the development of reforestation projects can provide ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration.,0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Other, please specify: Public health and security, effects on agriculture and forestry, real estate, fresh water management, flooding and landslides",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Aberdeen Hydrogen: Hydrogen development programme to include a range of strategic infrastructure and market development projects,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The state of Minnesota conducts annual canopy change monitoring. The past methods did not easily identify the ‘change agent’ and could not differentiate between deforestation/degradation and timber harvest or natural disturbance (e.g. blowdowns and fire). However, beginning in summer 2019, the state will begin using a LandTrendr approach to monitor canopy change which will include historical trend capability with an extensive archive of Landsat data going back to the early 1980’s. These data will help the state identify which disturbance result in permanent land use change and which do not.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply. We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,MPCA and MN DNR include greenhouse gas emissions analysis and climate change analysis in all Environmental Impact Statements.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"There are differents actions to manage in public transport, spatial planning, developping services rendered by nature's ressources to fight against urban heat island and improve air quality.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In 2014 the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. The outstate counties goal remains unchanged at 35%. EA, CAP, and Greater MN recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process; however, there is currently a moratorium on developing new nuclear power plants.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"We have agreements with the the UK, France, Chile, and other national governments to work on climate change policy, technical issues, best practice exchange, and so forth. Also we participate in numerous international governmental collaborations such as the Under2 Coalition.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Five annual progress reports since the Adaptation programme was published can be found at:https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2014-fifth-annual-progress-report/,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",1 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",There are different explanation :- industry crisis and steel industry in particular that explain a decreased of coal consumption- the european CO2 quota system- technical change,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government, in partnership with businesses, our enterprise and skills agencies and with universities, are progressing the development of a single and integrated programme of support for manufacturing in Scotland – Making Scotland’s Future. The development and delivery of a £75m National Manufacturing Institute Scotland sits are the core of this Programme alongside our ambitions of supporting manufacturing businesses to make the transition to net zero and realise the opportunities of a low carbon economy.In response to the current pandemic, Making Scotland’s Future is being repositioned to help the manufacturing sector in its recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Supporting a greener recovery of our sector will be an important aspect of our work as we continue to encourage manufacturers to pivot towards low carbon innovations, adopting digital processes and utilising more sustainable forms of energy.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The aim of the programme is to increase the resilience of Scotland's people, environment and economy to the impacts of a changing climate.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment of buildings plays an important role, since one third of the total final energy consumption in Germany is needed for heating rooms and producing hot water in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction Network pursues a project-oriented approach, which primarily involves the initiation and dissemination of best practice projects. In the network, innovation transfer and information transfer take place, among other things, via the network meetings, where innovative technologies and concrete project results are presented and the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector is supported.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)With the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only in building planning, but also at urban development level, the project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network activity. In the climate protection housing estates, the heat-related CO2 emissions in residential estates (new construction and refurbishment) and thus also the energy costs are consistently reduced. EnergieAgentur.NRW is coordinating this exemplary project, which for the first time has introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings. 96 projects in total have been awarded the status of “NRW Climate Protection Estate” following examination by a commission of experts. Almost 9,000 people live in the 46 settlements that have already been completed, demonstrating that, with consistent and sustainable planning, it is possible to execute demanding energy-efficient construction or refurbishment projects. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)The network focuses not only on housing construction but also on non-residential buildings. There is considerable potential to make energy savings and thus reduce CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings such as schools and office buildings in particular. Together with the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, EnergieAgentur.NRW therefore launched a project to award prizes to particularly energy-efficient schools and office buildings in early 2019. The aim is to identify exemplary buildings and to draw public attention to these.(www.energieagentur.nrw/gebaeude/energieeffiziente-nichtwohngebaeude)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Since the beginning of the data record (1895) through 1959, Minnesota’s annual average temperature increased by nearly 0.2°F per decade. This is shown in the graph to the left. This warming effect has accelerated over the last 50+ years. Data from 1960-2016 show that the recent rate of warming for Minnesota has sped up substantially to over 0.5°F per decade, which is equivalent to 5.0°F per century. Minnesota has gotten noticeably warmer, especially over the last few decades.Annual average temperatures are increasing and summer high temperatures have risen slightly in the north, but have fallen in the middle and southern part of the state. Minimum temperatures, which are the overnight lows, have been rising faster than maximum temperatures, which are the daytime highs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017. Timer control for indoor lighting,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The project aims to reduce deforestation in the Cordillera Azul National Park, which has a political location in Ucayali, Huánuco, Loreto and San Martín with a total area of 2.3 million hectares. Among the objectives of the project are the strengthening of protection strategies, the participatory establishment to engage the actors involved in the management and financial sustainability; as well as, the development of capacities for the use of the land, according to the Sernanp. The REDD + project has the standard Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) at the golden level and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minnesota currently has a successful Commercial PACE program that is considered one of the best in the nation. All residential PACE programs are on hold until consumer protections are put in place.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"In Component 5 of the Regional Plan for Concerted Development of Ucayali to 2021 (updated in 2015), the objectives are to reduce the annual loss of forests, increase reforested areas and increase the coverage of forests that are adequately conserved or sustainably harvested.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Scope 2 emissions decreased this year. Much of these reductions can be explained by the participation in green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government as well as energy efficiency gains.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,While annual precipitation will according to available Scenarios decrese until mid century in the summer months slightly by up to 20 mm per square meter it will increase about 10-20 mm per square meter in the winter months.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,Additional verification undertaken by UNFCCC and via bilateral reviews with third countries.,1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"After a 2 year plan process out new regional climate plan was approved at the highest regional political level in June 2018. This includes a plan lasting 2018-2021 whick is a more long term plan, and also a ""handlingsprogram""/plan of action with 37 spesific actions that we will attempt to finish within 2018 and 2019.A climate coordinator is responsible for following up all this work. The plan is formed so that it cam be used by the local communes as well as at the regional level. The plan lines out the way foreward and how the climate finacial budget will be spent.In addition to the action climate budget the different departments use their own budgets for different prosjects and investments. One excample will be the big regional hydrogen project and our own investments in busses, ferries and boatsThe fylkeskommune is in charge of several interesting research projects that provide more knowledge in what actions to take, and how we can improve our way of communicating in the region and providing the best support in the local processes in climate gas redusction but also in climate adaptation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"For the past 15 years, the market initiative “NRW Wood Pellets Campaign” has been linking up the various players throughout the value chain in the wood pellet industry across Germany and in particular in NRW. This initiative is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, trade and industry, and public administration in the field of renewable heat, and is currently supported by around 100 companies in the sector.The resulting synergies facilitate an effective transfer of knowledge, and the initiative provides a forum for the dissemination of well-founded, unbiased information about this fuel and the associated technologies, as well as raising awareness on the subject by various public relations activities. In recent years, wood pellet heating has become an integral part of a balanced energy mix within the renewable energy sector, making it an essential component of the transition to sustainable heating. Subsidies for wood pellet heating systems at state and federal level have significantly increased the number of systems installed in NRW in recent years, raising the number of pellet heaters to more than 36,000 NRW (and about 290,000 nationwide), up from only about 660 subsidised plants registered in NRW in 2003. The aim of the Wood Pellets Campaign is to work with partners and players in the sector to further strengthen this heating technology, and to consolidate and expand the existing positive market development. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,- The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is working with the Scottish Government and other partners to build on the National Water Scarcity Plan and develop a longer-term strategy to help Scotland adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more resilient to changing water availability. - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"A climate change vulnerability index was created, using local indicators that represents each component of the vulnerability. The final results (for each city of the territory) were used to generate maps that classifies each region according to its vulnerability, which helps to identify the cities where the adaptation actions must be prioritized. We also have an online platform to support the local governments in their trasition to a low carbon economy.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Created Heat Planning Toolkit for professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/docs/mnextremeheattoolkit.pdf) and general heat protection education materials for general public, available in six languages (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/extremeheat.html).",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin includes a photogrammetric flight at a convenient scale to have the situation current of the sub-basin and a new planialimetry of the area, in particular to emphasize hydrogeomorphologyof bathes, channels, paleo-riverbeds and new erosions detected after the last recorded events. Also to perform updated hydrological studies for different recurrences of rains in the current condition and with different proposals for future works.The Ministry of Public Health prepared the Flood Contingency Plan in 2017: 1) General coordination, 2) Political commitment of local referents, 3) Epidemiological Surveillance, 4) Environmental Health; 5) Health Communication and Education; 6) Planning of Health Services; 7) Organization of Health Programs; 8) Organization of Rapid Response to Health Emergencies",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"A federal subsidy for cars is in place. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports the construction of stationary normal charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with up to 50% of the expenditure or a maximum of € 1,000 per charging point. The prerequisite is that the charging current comes from renewable energies or locally generated eco-electricity (€ 500 bonus at ≥2 kWp).The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase of electric cargo bikes. The prerequisite for this is that the wheels - beyond the driver - can transport a payload of at least 70 kg. Private users receive up to 30% of the purchase price of the bike, with a maximum subsidy of € 1,000. This only applies to persons who have their primary residence in one of the cities officially listed for NO2 limit exceedance.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia pays an additional premium for companies of € 4,000 for cars and € 8,000 for commercial vehicles for pure electric vehicles. Through the combination with the Federal Environmental Bonus, a purchase of up to € 12,000 is possible for purchase, leasing or long-term rental.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for companies with up to 50% of the expenditure. Both publicly accessible charging points and charging points for fleet and staff vehicles will be supported.The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the purchase (purchase or lease) of battery-electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles for non-economic use in municipalities and municipal enterprises.With battery electric vehicles up to 40% of the acquisition costs up to a maximum of € 30,000 are taken over, with fuel cell vehicles even up to 60% up to a maximum of € 60,000.The state of NRW promotes the construction of stationary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for municipalities with up to 50% of the expenditures. It will support the creation of charging points for fleet and staff vehicles, including grid connection and civil engineering works. The prerequisite is that the charging electricity comes from renewable energies or locally generated, renewable electricity.https://www.elektromobilitaet.nrw/",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","A specific focus on decarbonising last mile delivery of goods is underway, with a scoping study to baseline vehicles and emissions to be published shortly. Transport Scotland will work with stakeholders across the private and public sectors to identify and address barriers to mass transition in this sector. Rail: The Scottish Government is leading the way in support for rail freight with innovative regulatory targets to encourage growth and significant investment, including a £25 million ring fenced fund for the period 2019 to 2024, which is helping to unlock opportunities for rail freight across the country. Rail freight will benefit from the further electrification of the rail network (see first entry). Freight Facilities Grant and Mode Shift Revenue Support schemes remain available to companies and they have enabled rail freight services to remove millions of lorry miles from our roads.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru in Huanuco jurisdiction. There is an incipient process of designing a Regional Conservation System. The construction of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2017, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2017, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"UK Government figures published on 11 May 2021 show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with over 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to 34 in England and fewer in Wales and Northern Ireland. We have invested over £45 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across government-owned buildings, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Aberdeen Hydrogen: Hydrogen development programme to include a range of strategic infrastructure and market development projects,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"The state of Minnesota conducts annual canopy change monitoring. The past methods did not easily identify the ‘change agent’ and could not differentiate between deforestation/degradation and timber harvest or natural disturbance (e.g. blowdowns and fire). However, beginning in summer 2019, the state will begin using a LandTrendr approach to monitor canopy change which will include historical trend capability with an extensive archive of Landsat data going back to the early 1980’s. These data will help the state identify which disturbance result in permanent land use change and which do not.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",A combination of internal analysis and EPA SIT tool is used for top-down inventory (official state inventory). Washington also has its own bottom-up greenhouse gas reporting program.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",1 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. An initial report on this issue was completed in October 2018: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-362829,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. The Executive Order specifically calls for engagement with workers and and businesses that will be impacted by the identified reduction and resiliency strategies. In addition, many Minnesota businesses have made significant climate commitments and these actions are critical to achieving the state's goals. The Executive Order also created a Climate Change Advisory Council, made up of 15 appointed members, including business leaders. Engaging with these business leaders, and other business organizations in Minnesota will be essential to meeting the goals of the Next Generation Energy Act and the Executive Order.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,A combination of internal analysis and EPA SIT tool is used for top-down inventory (official state inventory). Washington also has its own bottom-up greenhouse gas reporting program.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Consumption in 2014 was 3.0% lower than in 2013, and 15.2% lower than the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% Energy Efficiency Target is measured. Figures published yesterday show that Scotland is 15.4% below the baseline energy consumption",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an innovative and strong industrial country in Europe. The local manufacturing companies will implement 350 billion euros in 2017. The industry with its value chains and jobs is enormously important for North Rhine-Westphalia. At the same time, the industrial sector accounts for around 19 percent of North Rhine-Westphalia's greenhouse gas emissions. He thus bears a special responsibility in climate protection.Against the background of the Paris Climate Agreement, the industry - as well as the other sectors - has to be for the most part greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. This means, in part, fundamentally changing production processes, switching to renewable energies or continuing to use CO2 as a raw material, for example in the form of products or synthetic fuels. The use of hydrogen also plays a central role.For the concrete establishment of a greenhouse gas-neutral industry considerable research efforts are still necessary. It also requires a suitable infrastructure and necessary framework conditions that make such development processes economically and socially representable. In order to tackle these tasks together with industrial partners and scientific partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has launched the initiative IN4climate.NRW.As part of IN4climate.NRW, solutions and strategies for a greenhouse gas-neutral industry are being developed with the aim of supporting the industrial location of NRW while maintaining its competitiveness in a future that is neutral for the GHG.More at www.in4climate.nrw",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,"In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"● Continued access to forest products – DNR is implementing a Sustainable Timber Harvest Initiative, and ensures a sustainable supply of forest products by implementing reforestation and best management practices associated with timber harvest on state lands.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"We have agreements with the the UK, France, Chile, and other national governments to work on climate change policy, technical issues, best practice exchange, and so forth. Also we participate in numerous international governmental collaborations such as the Under2 Coalition.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"The municipalities in NRW are an important pillar for climate protection in North Rhine-Westphalia.In many areas of their area of ​​responsibility, they can contribute to reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment - for example through energy-saving refurbishment measures in their properties or modernization of sewage treatment plants or street lighting. In addition, municipalities are responsible planning authorities for the settlement of renewable energy plants and often also via municipal utilities suppliers of electricity and heat. In addition, the municipalities play an important role model function. Only a municipality that is itself a leader in climate protection can also motivate its citizens and local companies to adopt climate-friendly behavior.The municipalities in NRW receive support from the state for their manifold tasks in the area of ​​climate protection. On this page, the country's offers from the fields of promotion, networking, consulting, information and education are compiled. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/kommunen",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Nariño acts for the Climate conceives as guiding principles citizen participation, intergenerational equity and open government, which were materialized with the participation of more than 4,000 Nariños in the design and formulation stage of it.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"NRW is not only an important significant energy region, but also a major region for fuel. Domestic refineries produce about 25 percent of the crude oil consumed in Germany. The amount consumed by road traffic in the state is approx. 9 million tonnes of oil annually. This is the equivalent of 20 percent of national sales in Germany. One possibility for lowering CO2 emissions and protecting the climate is the use of alternative fuels and drive systems with renewable energy. The North Rhine-Westphalian biodiesel producers are among the largest in Germany",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Washington utilizes a consumption-based accountingframework for its inventory so does not distinguish betweenin- and out-of-state generation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target throughout official programs to transform proceses and improving isolation,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The annual maximum temperature to 2030 would show positive variations in the entire territory of Huanuco. This increase would reach up to 1.6 ° C. (Sourced from Regional Climate Change Strategy). This variations will affect mainly to agricultural activities.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Reports are submitted to the Governor and Legislature every two years describing actions taken, progress toward achieving the mandatory limits and additional actions needed to address any gaps.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Hydroelectric power is a reliable energy source that can be used decentrally, is capable of providing the base load, stabilises the grid and thus makes a small but important contribution to the power supply. In order to remain viable for the future, topics such as expansion in a way which does not harm the water ecology and the reactivation and optimisation of the plants form part of the work in the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project. In 2019, 438 hydroelectric power plants with 873 MW and 187 MW installed capacity made their contribution to climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2019. See also note on net emissions below.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,1 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Energy-efficient buildings are the future. From the beginning of 2006 to October 2017 about 136,000 loan applications with a volume of about 9.1 billion euros were approved across the region by the reconstruction bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) to finance the energy refurbishment of buildings. A full 460,000 housing units were thus modernised in NRW. In the same period about 140,000 applications were submitted for a grant for the energy refurbishment of buildings involving a financial volume of 220 million euros. In more than 300,000 housing units in NRW it was thus possible to implement energy-related refurbishment measures.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",1 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Mainly in the municipalities of Tumaco, Barbacoas, Maguí Payan, Roberto Payán, deforestation occurs due to illicit crops, the illegal extraction of minerals and the expansion of agricultural activities generate the transformation of the forest in this area. The presence of illegal armed groups presses the expansion of illegal activities at the expense of natural coverage. The transformation of forest cover in pastures, crops, infrastructure construction, illicit crops, extraction of minerals and wood are the main causes of deforestation in the country. In Nariño, the loss of natural forest reports 26,897 hectares during the 2013-2017 period, a figure that represents 3.4% of the country's deforestation in the same period. In 2017, Nariño ranked 8th among the departments with the largest deforested area, however in 2018 we are ranked 10th.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 5% wetter and 1.1°C warmer. Under a high global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7°C warmer. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH): https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In total, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface of more than 20 million square meters and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany at the end of 2018. (www.bsw-solar.de)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Rather than impact on climate action we can reflect on the effect from covid 19 in terms of reduced travel and reduced GHG emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.php?id=276&L=1",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Working with natural resources agency to establish data foundation and facilitate action planning,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","1. Increase in natural surface runoff with enormous risk for human settlements on the banks.2. Increase in rainfall erosion, appearance of gullies and soil loss3. The excess of water has contributed to cases of root asphyxia, root rot and stems.4. Diseases in crops such as fungi and bacteria. Have not yet been properly evaluated (i.e. citrus and soy).5. Less availability of areas for irrigation with vinasse5. Damage to public infrastructure",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"At the end of 2018, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface area of more than 20 million m2 and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany. (www.bsw-solar.de) According to an analysis of BAFA and progres.nrw funding figures by EnergyAgency.NRW, a total collector surface area of almost 1.5 million m² was installed in NRW at the end of 2016, producing approximately 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat register at EnergyAtlas.NRW provides a clear overview of the situation for the various municipalities and districts. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de ).",1 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Minnesota’s 24-cabinet level state agencies have a goal of 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline and to date have achieved 31% progress towards goal. In 2019, energy consumption increased compared to 2018. Like 2018, it was a colder than average winter resulting in an increase use of natural gas and district heating energy. Overall electricity use decreased due to a cooler summer and energy conservation measures. Minnesota’s state agencies’ progress towards goal can be found at www.sustainability.mn.gov. Financing energy-efficiency improvements continues to be a struggle. Minnesota’s State-owned buildings have $973 million in deferred maintenance. Agencies prioritize life, safety, security, and accessibility, so energy efficiency is often not funded. Minnesota legislature failed to pass a bonding bill again this session resulting in no funding for “asset preservation” proposals. A proposed revolving loan fund dedicated to financing short-term payback efficiency improvements has been promoted, but not funded in the last three legislative sessions.The OES is only tracking energy consumed from the 24-cabinet level state agencies. Data does not include legislative or judicial branches, boards and commissions, tribal governments, or local units of government.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Create a sustainable timber industry based on the management of primary forests and plantations within the framework of a landscape development strategy.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:• Energy Consumers Commission• Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group• Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group• Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,Possible impacts such as change in rain cycle will affect the water availability in basins. Drought events have affected important number of smallholders producers in Huanuco in last two years.,1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Sea level for Edinburgh is expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline. Higher rates of sea level rise for the UK of up to 1.9 metres by 2100 have been estimated for a physically plausible high++ scenario based on in direct observations of past climate change events, though this is considered highly unlikely to occur this century. However, sea levels are projected to continue to rise beyond 2100 even in lower emission scenarios and several meters of sea level rise within centuries is possible. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 February 2018,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",1 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.","Minnesota has experienced disruptions in the supply of coal and propane in recent years, increasing the ability to supply energy needs through state and more regional resources can alleviate the volatility and offset supply chain issues related to coal and propane.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We have committed to accelerate our landfill gas capture and landfill legacy management.Working closely with SEPA and waste operators, we have made funding available to support the scale up of our existing landfill gas capture programme to mitigate the negative effects of landfill and the environmental impact of closed landfill sites.We will double the number of landfill gas capture sites in Scotland that undertake investigative or development work (from 12 to 24 sites) by 2025 and will provide additional funding to support this This will harness the energy generated from landfill gas capture and maximise circular economy opportunities.For more info see: (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032)..",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Heating in Norway is mainly eletrical produced by hydropower, and is therefore clean. Heating oil is not allowed any more, and we promote different projects that help remove old oil tanks in the ground and changing to other heating solutions.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government will publish a Heat Decarbonisation Policy Statement later this year setting out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Hydrogen project: How to produce hydrogen by hydropower and use it locally in busses, boats and cars. Local companies that builds electrical boats for local use, but also for the international market.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,1 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Undertaken by Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (UK) https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,Voyagers National Park is sometimes in the “airshed.” We are aware of the presence of such areas and follow all applicable law when it comes to environmental review and permitting decisions.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Climate change mitigation and adaptation are the priority of the regional master plan called ""Grand Est Territoires'. This plan, is a global master plan (schéma d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires). It integrates all sectors of energy consumption (residential, commercial, industry, transport, agriculture) and all the categories of renewable energy production. It also deals with climate adaptation within targets of reduction of water and lands consumption for instance.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several reasons.,1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Mainly in the municipalities of Tumaco, Barbacoas, Maguí Payan, Roberto Payán, deforestation occurs due to illicit crops, the illegal extraction of minerals and the expansion of agricultural activities generate the transformation of the forest in this area. The presence of illegal armed groups presses the expansion of illegal activities at the expense of natural coverage. The transformation of forest cover in pastures, crops, infrastructure construction, illicit crops, extraction of minerals and wood are the main causes of deforestation in the country. In Nariño, the loss of natural forest reports 26,897 hectares during the 2013-2017 period, a figure that represents 3.4% of the country's deforestation in the same period. In 2017, Nariño ranked 8th among the departments with the largest deforested area, however in 2018 we are ranked 10th.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdfUK Forestry Standard (UKFS) The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Mainly in the municipalities of Tumaco, Barbacoas, Maguí Payan, Roberto Payán, deforestation occurs due to illicit crops, the illegal extraction of minerals and the expansion of agricultural activities generate the transformation of the forest in this area. The presence of illegal armed groups presses the expansion of illegal activities at the expense of natural coverage. The transformation of forest cover in pastures, crops, infrastructure construction, illicit crops, extraction of minerals and wood are the main causes of deforestation in the country. In Nariño, the loss of natural forest reports 26,897 hectares during the 2013-2017 period, a figure that represents 3.4% of the country's deforestation in the same period. In 2017, Nariño ranked 8th among the departments with the largest deforested area, however in 2018 we are ranked 10th.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Large utilities in Washington required to pursue all cost-effective conservation identified by the Northwest Power &Conservation Council,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Clean Energy Resources Teams (CERTs) is a public-private partnership to connect individuals and communities across Minnesota to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects. https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Local planners in the state's largest metropolitan area (Seattle metro) incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal into comprehensive transportation planning. Other metropolitan areas do not necessarily incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals into their planning.,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"We are developing technologies that address both mitigation and adaptation . Sugar mills, citrus factories and industrial slaughterhouses participate of Industrial Reconversion Plan which involves commitments to reduce water and energy consumption. In addition several sugar mills will use their effluent (vinasse) to generate energy. Currently the sugar mills and citrus factories use their effluents for irrigation.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3) and Sustainable Buildings 2030.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"There are currently around 300,000 employees working in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state-owned properties are the responsibility of the construction and property business NRW, whose portfolio alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity. The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees. Since 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (excluding universities), which is 100 percent renewable. This enabled it to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. In addition to the previous years, the state administration also saved around € 8 million annually in electricity costs through the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from renewable electricity. Link:https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Ministry of Public Health has a permanent prevention campaign against Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Actions: elimination of mosquito breeding sites; epidemiological evigilancia to identify cases, alert the population to keep their courtyards clean and orderly and health personnel to detect patients with symptoms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Climate change has already an impact on air quality that will be increased in a short-term related to rising tempreture and stronger and longer heatwaves.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Ministry of Public Health has a permanent prevention campaign against Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Actions: elimination of mosquito breeding sites; epidemiological evigilancia to identify cases, alert the population to keep their courtyards clean and orderly and health personnel to detect patients with symptoms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",First priority is develop a strategy at jurisdictional level in USCUSS sector,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The UK Forestry Standard is the benchmark against which forest management plans are assessed.,0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The switch from oil to gas has been a general market development in recent years and has been promoted by utility companies.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets. Transport Scotland –Scottish Enterprise HDV Programme aims to support buyer decision making and also the growth of the Scottish supply chain,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply. We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",1 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. A final report on this issue should be complete by December 2019.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The council of South Ostrobothnia encourages cities to follow the same target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % by 2020 compared to 1990. Four municipalities of South Ostrobothnia are implementing common climate change actions (eg. a common climate chage strategy, setting goals to reduce energy consumption), and The Regional Council of South Ostrobothia is member in a steering group of the co-operation group.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"• US Environmental Protection Agency (2018) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2016.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1. Many methodologies are used to estimate emissions using the limited data available. The design principles value consistency, completeness, accuracy, relevance, detail, best practices, and timeliness.Estimates are disaggregated by economic sector, activity type, gas, and to the greatest possible level of detail. For the most part, emissions occur within state boundaries. The major exception is statutory inclusion of emissions from imported electricity, generated outside state boundaries to meet MN demand. Aviation fuel is estimated based on fuel loaded in the state.",0 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.",Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Among all the sectors estimated, agriculture was the one that contributed the most to the region emissions (41%).",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience: https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target throughout official programs to transform proceses and improving isolation,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Forest Stewardship Council certification and Sustainable Forestry Initiative certification – All DNR-managed forest lands are dual certified as sustainably managed through FSC and SFI. Some private forest lands in Minnesota also carry these certifications.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Achieved through a state Solar Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691, Community Solar Garden statue per MS 216B.1641, and through utility solar incentive programs (216B.164 and 116C.7792). Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The Government reviews once a year the rate structure of utility revenue,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We estimate that our emissions reduced very slightly from 2016 to 2017. The main reasons for our decreased emissions, if reporting market based, would be a cleaner grid. Secondly, we significantly reduced emissions in the",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"In 2014 the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. The outstate counties goal remains unchanged at 35%. EA, CAP, and Greater MN recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,Domestic waste collection is in practice in all major cities of the state and composting is being done for organic waste and recycling carried out for dry recyclable waste.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, but increased compared to the 2012 inventory, which included the temporary shutdown of a major coal-fired electricity producer.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Water storage for agriculture and fish is inadequate, especially during low water years and droughts",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Freshwater management is a collaborative effort among multiple state agencies including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, all of which have distinct mandates and jurisdictions in relation to water management. In addition, the Clean Water Council works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation, by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for groundwater and surface waters. The Clean Water Council is comprised of state agency representatives, legislators, local government representatives, tribal government representative, and stakeholder groups. Finally, the Legislative Water Commission reviews water policy reports and recommendations from state agencies and makes recommendations to assist the legislature in formulating legislation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We have an actions portfolio for the agriculture sector that includes recovery of degraded pastures; irrigated agriculture promotion; agroecological and organic production and a state program for agricultural losses reduction.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"104 municipalities or districts in NRW participate in the ""European Energy Award"" energy management programme, while 346 municipalities use the CO2 footprint tool.Since 2012 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been working on behalf of the state government to ensure climate protection and energy efficiency throughout the state. At the locations of the NRW district governments and the regional development companies they help to advance the energy turnaround locally and to inform and network municipalities, administrative bodies, companies and other players in matters of climate protection, energy efficiency and adjustment to changing climate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"During the 2019 legislative session, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Heating in Norway is mainly eletrical produced by hydropower, and is therefore clean. Heating oil is not allowed any more, and we promote different projects that help remove old oil tanks in the ground and changing to other heating solutions.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050.The current state government is committed to the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which states that the world should operate largely climate-neutral in the second half of the 21st century - and is accordingly also the target of the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions North Rhine-Westphalia of at least 80 percent by the year 2050 provides.At present, it is already foreseeable that the climate protection target for 2020 laid down in the Climate Change Act will be achieved fairly reliably: By 2016, emissions reductions had already reached around 22 percent. Three to four percentage points will be added to the safety reserve by 2019 simply by transferring five power plant units.By 2050, further efforts are needed to achieve the goal of 80 percent savings. Above all, it is important to make greater use of the opportunities and positive effects of further digitization and to create an entrepreneurial and innovation-friendly environment for the research and market introduction of climate-friendly technologies. Climate protection and environmental protection also create new markets in which the North Rhine-Westphalian economy is already successfully active today.With an amendment to the Climate Protection Act, the state government will support companies and local authorities to take advantage of the opportunities that climate protection offers them.See current version of the Climate Protection Act here: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMG16-29.pdf?von=1&bis=0",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. In 2018, the equivalent of 6.3% of non-electrical heat demand was met from renewable sources.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We work with Cauca and Valle del Cauca to strengthen our climate action initiatives.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the progres.nrw market launch subsidy programme, over 106,000 individual projects have received more than 865 million euros in funding from the state and the EU between the start of the programme and the end of 2018. Moreover, a total of 2,291 measures to the tune of approximately 11 million euros were approved under the progres.nrw low-emission mobility programme in 2018. These figures break down as follows: 1,915 charging infrastructures; 122 electric vehicles; 254 electric cargo bicycles. The sopport for comunity charging stations has been approved in 2020. www.progres.nrw.de Klimanetzwerker.NRW:Since 2012, 14 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been helping to drive forward the energy transition within their regions and in regional development companies, and to inform and link up local authorities and administrations, companies and businesses and citizens in matters of climate change.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Conserving and protecting the water bodies and wetlands through regulation and enforcement of standards for water infrastructure, uses and waste disposals.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Efficiency Business Support Service. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable heating technologies. In October 2020, a new Cashback grant was launched through the SME Loan Scheme to stimulate the uptake of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Heat measures in non-domestic properties. Through this financial offer SMEs can apply for a 75% cashback grant of up to £10,000 towards the costs of a renewable heating system and a further 30% cashback grant up to £10,000 for energy efficiency measures.Scotland’s economic development agencies also provide specialist advice and financial support to a wide range of businesses to help develop and implement net zero strategies, identify energy and other resource efficiencies, increase productivity, adopt circular business models/opportunities and invest in lower emission equipment and technologies. For example, using environmental aid powers since 2014 Scottish Enterprise has invested £18m funding (in 17 projects), leveraging total project investment of over £230m and saving 267k tonnes CO2 and £20.6m. Since 2012, Scottish Enterprise’s Energy Investment Fund leveraged an additional £207m from energy companies and projects via its £85.5m investment.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The phase-out of coal leads to an increase of natural gas power in Germany.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"In major industries in the state especially energy power plants, iron ore and aluminium industries.",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Ucayali.Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.The reuse of washing water is mandatory for sugar mills",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Please complete the table below.,Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Examples:National: US Army Corps of Engineers 404 fill or excavation of waters of the USLocal: zoning, building permits",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Huanuco. Information includes concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, but increased compared to the 2012 inventory, which included the temporary shutdown of a major coal-fired electricity producer.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Whereas in 2003 there were only around 660 subsidised systems registered in NRW, today over 36,000 pellet heating systems subsidised by the Market Incentive Programme (MAP) in NRW (approx. 290,000 nationwide) supply citizens with renewable heat. In addition to this there are local heating networks and compact solutions for multi-family homes and, increasingly, commercial properties based on wood pellets. The aim of the Wood + Pellets campaign is, together with partners and players in the industry, to strengthen this heating technology and to consolidate and expand the positive market development. Through its work, it connects the various players along the value chain in the wood pellet sector throughout Germany, with a focus on NRW. The Wood + Pellets campaign is currently actively supported by over 100 companies in the sector and is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, business, trade and public administration. The resulting synergy effects enable a competent transfer of knowledge for consumers. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Updated with data in tonnes CO2e. Note: these relate to the calendar year 2016Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment of buildings plays an important role, since one third of the total final energy consumption in Germany is needed for heating rooms and producing hot water in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction Network pursues a project-oriented approach, which primarily involves the initiation and dissemination of best practice projects. In the network, innovation transfer and information transfer take place, among other things, via the network meetings, where innovative technologies and concrete project results are presented and the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector is supported.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)With the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only in building planning, but also at urban development level, the project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network activity. In the climate protection housing estates, the heat-related CO2 emissions in residential estates (new construction and refurbishment) and thus also the energy costs are consistently reduced. EnergieAgentur.NRW is coordinating this exemplary project, which for the first time has introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings. 96 projects in total have been awarded the status of “NRW Climate Protection Estate” following examination by a commission of experts. Almost 9,000 people live in the 46 settlements that have already been completed, demonstrating that, with consistent and sustainable planning, it is possible to execute demanding energy-efficient construction or refurbishment projects. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)The network focuses not only on housing construction but also on non-residential buildings. There is considerable potential to make energy savings and thus reduce CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings such as schools and office buildings in particular. Together with the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, EnergieAgentur.NRW therefore launched a project to award prizes to particularly energy-efficient schools and office buildings in early 2019. The aim is to identify exemplary buildings and to draw public attention to these.(www.energieagentur.nrw/gebaeude/energieeffiziente-nichtwohngebaeude)",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. MAWQCP-certified farms have implemented thousands of new practices—from cover crops to perennial plantings to buffers to nutrient management to sediment basins to no-till and more—on more than half a million acres so far. In addition, the MAWQCP promotes and tracks adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits, recoding tens of thousands of CO2-equivalent tons of emission reductions annually from select practices implemented through the program. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has adopted a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",See SCCAP2 Outcome 3 and UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland Chapter 6. (https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,0 +Please provide the following information about the emissions verification process.,Scope 2 emissions decreased this year. Much of these reductions can be explained by the participation in green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government as well as energy efficiency gains.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In the last 47 years, the increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures and the irregularity in the precipitation patterns are observed, causing the disappearance of glaciers in the Huayhuash and Raura mountain range system in the Puna ecoregion, and the decrease in the flow of the sources tributaries of the three existing river basins in the Huánuco Region. The impacts of climate variability on the availability of water in the future will depend on the increase in population, increased use of hydropower, changes in land use, demand from the mining, agricultural sector, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","The energy-efficient construction and renovation of buildings is an important field, since one-third of Germany’s total final energy consumption is used for space heating and hot water production in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction network pursues a project-oriented approach, focussing on the initiation and dissemination of best-practice projects.The project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network’s activities with the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only during the planning and design stage but also as part of overall urban development. Consistent reductions have been achieved in heat-related CO2 emissions – and thus also energy costs – of the climate protection housing estates in both new-build and renovated housing. This exemplary project, which has for the first time introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings, is being coordinated by EnergyAgency.NRW.Following an audit by a committee of experts, a total of 87 projects were awarded the status of “NRW climate protection housing estate”. The 38 housing estates already completed have 6,000 residents and demonstrate that consistent and sustainable planning can facilitate the implementation of ambitious projects for energy-efficient construction and renovation. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)Within the network, information is transferred and shared in various ways which include network meetings as a forum for presenting innovative technologies and specific project results and for promoting the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector. In the past, the focus of the network was on housing construction. In future, the network will place more emphasis on non-residential buildings in order to open up further potential for reducing CO2 emissions. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The state has a variety of programs aimed at keeping forests forested, including a Forest Legacy conservation easement program and various private landowner assistance programs. There are no specific year-to-year targets associated with these programs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Predominantly, the decrease in GHG emissions can be drawn back to the technical development of power plants and a reduction of electricity production from fossil fuels. The decommissioning of hard coal blocks, the transfer of lignite blocks into safety readiness as well as a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce the emissions of the energy industry in 2018 by about 8 million t CO2eq or 6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, major emission reductions of 12% can be found in other sectors as residential and commercial/institutional due to lower energy use, higher power efficiency and favourable weather conditions. Despite an increase in licensed vehicles in NRW GHG emissions in the transport sector decreased by 3% compared to the last emission inventory as a result of engine-engineering improvements.Overall, for NRW, emissions for 2018 amount to 261 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about 14 million t CO2eq or 5% compared to 2017.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides providing key information about this issue through the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"After a 2 year plan process out new regional climate plan was approved at the highest regional political level in June 2018. This includes a plan lasting 2018-2021 whick is a more long term plan, and also a ""handlingsprogram""/plan of action with 37 spesific actions that we will attempt to finish within 2018 and 2019.A climate coordinator is responsible for following up all this work. The plan is formed so that it cam be used by the local communes as well as at the regional level. The plan lines out the way foreward and how the climate finacial budget will be spent.In addition to the action climate budget the different departments use their own budgets for different prosjects and investments. One excample will be the big regional hydrogen project and our own investments in busses, ferries and boatsThe fylkeskommune is in charge of several interesting research projects that provide more knowledge in what actions to take, and how we can improve our way of communicating in the region and providing the best support in the local processes in climate gas redusction but also in climate adaptation.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. The Executive Order specifically calls for engagement with workers and and businesses that will be impacted by the identified reduction and resiliency strategies. In addition, many Minnesota businesses have made significant climate commitments and these actions are critical to achieving the state's goals. The Executive Order also created a Climate Change Advisory Council, made up of 15 appointed members, including business leaders. Engaging with these business leaders, and other business organizations in Minnesota will be essential to meeting the goals of the Next Generation Energy Act and the Executive Order.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities. The Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, a public-private partnership that includes select state agencies, details best practice actions and implementation tools for cities/tribal nations to strengthen climate adaptation and community resilience. In 2018, the state funded development of a Climate Adaptation Framework -- Menu of Climate Adaptation Strategies at http://palebluedot.llc/mpca-vulnerable-population-assessments plus Climate Vulnerable Population Assessment Reports for 23 Minnesota cities/tribal nations from large to very small and located throughout every region of the state (same URL).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,We have connected more than 10.000 people to energy using only renewables such as solar energyhttps://xn--nario-rta.gov.co/inicio/index.php/sala-de-prensa/noticias/1980-cerca-de-10-mil-narinenses-de-zonas-aisladas-ya-cuentan-con-electricidad-gracias-a-modelo-de-energias-alternativas-impulsado-por-el-gobernador-camilo-romero,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",1 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The UK and Scottish GHG inventories now include historical emissions associated with drainage and rewetting of organic soils (see 2013 IPCC wetlands supplement). These statistics also include international aviation and shipping. As a result, comparability with other states and regions may be compromised.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (intense rainfall/flooding) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Achieved through utility programs under the energy efficiency resource standard. Minnesota has a CHP Action Plan to facilitate CHP implementation at https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/distributed-energy/chp-action-plan-implementation.jsp,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2018 the English edition had an annual circulation of 8,000 copies. These were used, for example, as part of EnergyAgency.NRW’s foreign trade activities and during the World Climate Conference COP 24 in Katowice in December.The email newsletter goes out to over 15,000 subscribers every week, and there are also special themed editions. The web pages around the main website www.energieagentur.nrw are amongst the most visited in the energy sector, with the EnergyAgency.NRW pages and various subject-specific portals receiving 1.27 million views and more than 350,000 visitors in 2018 in over 520,000 sessions. The average session lasted 2.25 minutes. EnergyAgency.NRW’s online media currently include 28 online tools, the most popular being the PV.Calculator, which was used over 25,000 times.Almost 220,000 brochures were downloaded from the EnergyAgency.NRW website in pdf format and almost 82,000 printed brochures were sent out by post. A total of 273 different publications are currently available.EnergyAgency.NRW tweets to its over 7,600 followers on the subject of energy several times a day from its Twitter account @EANRW, and in 2018 it added more than 430 new followers. These include high-reach multipliers who often further disseminate EnergyAgency.NRW’s tweets. EnergyAgency.NRW also has its own company page on Facebook with 1,848 followers and runs the “Klimaschutz – made in NRW” (Climate protection - made in NRW) account, which has 793 followers, as well as the “EnergieJobs.NRW” (EnergyJobs.NRW) account. EnergyAgency.NRW has profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram and XING, and videos on EnergyAgency.NRW’s YouTube channel received 415,547 hits.Twelve new films and an animated video have been created, making a total of 158 films with information about renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,DNR adheres to state and federal law when implementing forest management practices,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",1 +"Please comment on the plan, detailing any progress towards achieving the plan's objectives and its level of integration within your broader region-wide mitigation policies and/or climate action strategy.","£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Provide funding for charging stations in the whole county so that we are able to use electrical car all over.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years.To obtain certification, growers work directly with accredited agronomy and conservation professionals one-on-one to assess their entire operations and develop treatments for water quality risks. The certification process functions to ensure the physical factors and management choices on every parcel and crop scenario are addressing water quality protection and improvement, which results in hands-on education exploring all applicable options and methods for integrating and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of farm management and in response to whatever landscape conditions are present. Further, producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated financial assistance to implement practices that address whatever risks exist. Through this program, the public receives assurance that certified producers are directly intervening on site-specific conditions to protect Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams.Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) and proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",1 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Energy certification, based upon calculated demand, is required on the construction, sale or rental of buildings and for larger public sector buildings. A certificate I valid for ten years. All such certification is lodged to a national electronic register and is available to the public.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Continous work toward bettering our service and the adjust it to the needs of the public. this while reducing the emissions by using the newest available technologies in our busses, boats and ferries. Ex: We have electrical ferries in our county, making the fjord crossings zero emission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission that includes financial and tax incentives.,1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,ExSee Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pected 2019,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",1 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We have a state energy solar politic that promotes the solar heating.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have connected more than 10.000 people to energy using only renewables such as solar energyhttps://xn--nario-rta.gov.co/inicio/index.php/sala-de-prensa/noticias/1980-cerca-de-10-mil-narinenses-de-zonas-aisladas-ya-cuentan-con-electricidad-gracias-a-modelo-de-energias-alternativas-impulsado-por-el-gobernador-camilo-romero,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Proposed but notimplemented. Needs change in law. Currentlyprohibited by law fromadopting LCFSstandard.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Currently we are implementing efficiency constructions buldings target throughout official programs to transform proceses and improving isolation,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Just over 2/3 is owned either privately or by other public bodies such as local authorities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In Nariño we have 6 major basins: Patía, Guáitara, Juanambú, Mira y Mataje, Mayo and La Cocha. Each of these basins are essentials for ecosystem services, biodiversity and food production not only for Nariño but also for the whole country Colombia. The management of the basins is made through the formulation of plans and the implementation of conservation and sustainable use of water strategies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,We have a state energy solar politic that promotes the solar heating.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across government-owned buildings, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Other, please specify: NEGOCIOS VERDES AGROECOLOGICOS ARTICULADOS CON SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEZA",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability is currently developing a modeled pathway to meet our goal that involves multiple different action plans across our Energy and Fleet focus areas. We are currently progressing closer to achieving this goal. The current 20% reduction is currently our best available information. We believe that 2005 baseline values, which had to be estimated due to a lack of measured data, are inflated.",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Building on the objectives and guiding principles of our draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change, we will take this a step further to develop and begin implementing a bespoke public engagement strategy for heat in buildings by the end of 2021, with a focus on raising the profile of energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating, enabling people to actively participate in shaping the development of SG’s policy and promoting the support that is on offer to maximise take up of energy efficiency and low carbon emissions heating.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"Mandatory separate collection of dry recyclable materials and food waste from some businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)).Over 80% of Scotland’s population have separate food waste collectionsWe publish and review a Household Recycling Charter and Code of Practice, which sets out best practice for local governments.We are preparing to deliver Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025, as set out in Programme for Government 2021/21",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,- The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is working with the Scottish Government and other partners to build on the National Water Scarcity Plan and develop a longer-term strategy to help Scotland adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more resilient to changing water availability. - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Real-time transit information is available through multiple channels for all transit stops and electronic signage is posted at many key stops and transitway stations.,0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"As part of the progres.nrw market launch subsidy programme, over 106,000 individual projects have received more than 865 million euros in funding from the state and the EU between the start of the programme and the end of 2018. Moreover, a total of 2,291 measures to the tune of approximately 11 million euros were approved under the progres.nrw low-emission mobility programme in 2018. These figures break down as follows: 1,915 charging infrastructures; 122 electric vehicles; 254 electric cargo bicycles. The sopport for comunity charging stations has been approved in 2020. www.progres.nrw.de Klimanetzwerker.NRW:Since 2012, 14 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been helping to drive forward the energy transition within their regions and in regional development companies, and to inform and link up local authorities and administrations, companies and businesses and citizens in matters of climate change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"SEA helps to better protect the environment, aims to ensure that any development is sustainable, and increases opportunities for public participation in decision-making. It ensures that expert views are sought at various points in the preparation process from the public and the consultation authorities.The aim of this process is to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse effects on the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,No: The regulation of energy companies is reserved to the UK Government. The UK Government runs a similar scheme called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but this focuses more on a Help to Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Government reviews once a year the rate structure of utility revenue,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia’s Geothermal Energy Portal provides fast access to extensive information for the planning of ground-source heat pump systems. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of each site in North Rhine-Westphalia have been assessed for their suitability for the extraction of geothermal energy using both horizontal geothermal collectors and geothermal probes with depths of up to 100 m. In addition to data on the efficiency of the two systems, the online portal also provides information on hydrogeologically critical areas that require particular attention to be paid to the selection of drilling techniques and the proper operation of installations in order to protect the groundwater. Access to the professional version of the portal gives specialists such as drilling contractors, architects and planners access to over 30,000 bore logs. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)NRW has considerable potential for deep geothermal energy use. Recent investigations have focussed on two fields: (a) conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured sedimentary reservoir rocks and (b) medium-depth reservoirs acting as seasonal heat reservoirs in the cavity structures left by coal mining. The Arnsberg district government can provide information on how drilling projects might be affected by mining hazards.www.bezreg-arnsberg.nrw.de/themen/a/auskunft_bergbaul_situationIn 2018, mining operators in NRW held 88 mining permits for mine gas, two of which were newly granted in 2018. At the end of 2018, 107 cogeneration modules and one turbine set with a total power generating capacity of 168 megawatts were in service. In 2018 alone, 565 million kWh of electricity was produced, covering the needs of more than 125,500 households, and the heat output for this period was over 152 million kWh. The total exploited mine gas potential allowed CO2 emissions to be reduced by over 2.6 million tonnes in 2018. (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Other, please specify: U.S. Forest Service 2014 climate change vulnerability assessment for northern MN; annual MN DNR forest health assessments",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,1 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,We frequently share greenhouse gas emissions data and climate change policy expertise with local governments. In addition we work with local governments around the world through the Compact of States & Regions and other international governmental collaborations.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act (2019) is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world and set's in law our commitment to a just transition to net zero. This means that our response to the climate emergency must be the result of widespread collaboration not only across government but the rest of society. Climate Change PlanTo account for our latest emissions reduction targets within the 2019 Act, the Scottish Government has committed to updating its current Climate Chance Plan. The updated Plan will now be laid before the Scottish Parliament in late 2020 for scrutiny; it will be recast to focus on a green recovery from Covid-19. The updated Plan will draw on the best available evidence to set out clear emissions reduction pathways across the majority of the action areas set out in this table. These include; transport; energy; industry; buildings; waste; agriculture; and land use and forestry - all with the common goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2)• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation.Other Key Action AreasOut with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance FrameworkThe Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota state government actively collaborates with local governments on climate adaptation activities. This collaboration occurs through financial and technical assistance by state government, policy and regulatory initiatives, meetings and consultation, public outreach and education, and other activities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and Scottish public authorities to promote sustainable forest management.The UKFS sets out the regulatory requirements for forestry and is the basis for assessing felling licenses and forest plans. In addition, government grants for woodland creation and forest management are conditional on meeting UKFS requirements. The Scottish Government is committed to the use of the UKFS to help inform forest planning decisions relating to all forests and woodlands and to ensure that international agreements and conventions are applied.Efficient and effective management of tree pests and diseases, coupled with longer term resilience-building measures, is vital to maintain and expand Scotland’s woodland area, and sustain its economic benefits and related ecosystem services",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",1 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,"Energy-efficient buildings are the future. From the beginning of 2006 to October 2017 about 136,000 loan applications with a volume of about 9.1 billion euros were approved across the region by the reconstruction bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) to finance the energy refurbishment of buildings. A full 460,000 housing units were thus modernised in NRW. In the same period about 140,000 applications were submitted for a grant for the energy refurbishment of buildings involving a financial volume of 220 million euros. In more than 300,000 housing units in NRW it was thus possible to implement energy-related refurbishment measures.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In major industries in the state especially energy power plants, iron ore and aluminium industries.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical locationDesde marzo de 2019, el Gobierno de Tucumán forma parte de la iniciativa Regions Adapt en conjunto con estados locales de Brasil y Ecuador",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: •Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.•Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;•Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion. Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Avondale Energy Recovery from Waste: The scheme comprises the development and operation of a 30 MW energy-from-waste with an electrical output of some 7.5 MWe.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The state of Minnesota is currently working with wastewater treatment operations to implement operational efficiency as well as identify opportunities for biogas generation and recovery on a large scale. Additionally, Minnesota is working with the wastewater regulatory agency to ensure evaluating efficiency and renewables are a requirement to receive funding for large capital investment projects. In 2018, Minnesota was selected to participate in the National Governor Association Center for Best Practices’ State Retreat on the Water-Energy Nexus which will allow for further exploration of legislative actions, financing, and programs to enhance current Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency work and extend it to private plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions.Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. It has a wide range of policies to support sustainable farming practices including those which can increase carbon sequestration on agricultural land. Scottish Government has committed to explore how best to increase planting of trees and hedgerows which optimise carbon sequestration, the feasibility of payment for carbon sequestration taking into account any existing schemes such as the woodland carbon code as a means of encouraging the uptake of carbon sequestration on farms and options for land-use change to optimise uses beyond traditional farming and food production to multi-faceted land.A new demonstrator network of farms, crofts and estates across Scotland has been established to raise awareness of the multiple benefits that planting trees can bring to agricultural businesses.Scottish Government have also committed an additional £1.5 million (through the Agricultural Transformation Programme) to further support the integration of small woodlands on farmers and crofts across Scotland which will help to increase the levels of carbon sequestration delivery by our agricultural sector.Scottish Government has also committed to provide further advice for farmers and crofters who wish to retire by providing an opportunity to consider alternative land-uses or alternative agricultural uses.Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and workable proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food. These groups reported in March 2021 and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. By taking a co-development approach, the Scottish Government is putting a just transition at the heart of agricultural transformation.More info: UC Davis - http://asi.ucdavis.edu/programs/sarep/about/what-is-sustainable-agriculture IIED - https://www.iied.org/five-ways-make-farming-more-sustainable",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We have been working with Brazil´s national government aiming to reach the goals of the Brazilian NDC.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,This figure relates to net supply of electricity - excluding own use by generators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany's largest supplier of environmental industry products and services with around 368,000 employees and a gross value added of 27.7 billion euros. Link: https://www.umweltwirtschaft.nrw.de/willkommen/",0 +Please complete the table below.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"By 2040, Energy Efficient Scotland will have transformed our buildings so that they are warmer, greener and more efficient.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Huanuco develops local and sustainable organic food companies, used as an alternative development mechanism.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH): https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We are developing technologies that address both mitigation and adaptation . Sugar mills, citrus factories and industrial slaughterhouses participate of Industrial Reconversion Plan which involves commitments to reduce water and energy consumption. In addition several sugar mills will use their effluent (vinasse) to generate energy. Currently the sugar mills and citrus factories use their effluents for irrigation.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","There is no coal fired generation capacity in Scotland. Decisions on the future operation of the few remaining non-renewable stations across Scotland remain matters for the operators of those stations, responding to market and policy signals.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In the process of following up the new climate plane, a budget and a reporting system will be attempted. Much is due to lack of funding, knowledge and capasity.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We run a range of national and support further local communications campaigns. Zero Waste Scotland host a website which provides information through various media on reducing waste, reusing materials and increasing recycling.National Food Waste campaign in 2019, ‘Food gone bad’ to encourage food waste recycling Net Zero nation public facing website providing key messages to citizensManaging Our Waste campaign to support householders and businesses to manage waste during COVID-19 pandemic",1 +Please complete the table below.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section. Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Other, please specify: DNR land purchases in threatened area; forest health actions for insects like emerald ash borer and eastern larch beetle.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as battery electric mobility are important key technologies in all areas of the energy and transport system. The Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Electromobility Network of the state of NRW brings together more than 500 primarily medium-sized companies and research institutions. The network supports this technology and the initiation and expert monitoring of cooperation projects, including the current “Model Municipalities/Model Region Hydrogen Mobility NRW” and “HyLand” competitions of the federal government. So far, the state and the EU (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) have provided almost EUR 170 million to over 140 projects in fuel cell and hydrogen technology. In addition, further projects in NRW have been provided with content-based support with federal funding via the National Innovation Programme (NIP) and the European FCH JU programme within the framework of Horizon 2020. The spectrum of topics covered by the projects ranges from the development of individual system components such as compressors and sensors to the development and testing of complex products such as buses and filling stations.In the field of battery electric mobility, based on programmes of the Federal Ministry of Transport, some 210 projects with a funding volume of around EUR 110 million have been launched and supported in various areas in almost 90 towns since 2009. The topics of integrating renewable energies into the transport sector, the use of electric vehicles in commercial and municipal fleets and the development of municipal and corporate electromobility concepts are supported. In these projects, around 4,400 vehicles and some 6,700 charging points have so far been funded in NRW by the Federal Ministry of Transport.All of the state’s electromobility activities are bundled under the term “ElektroMobilität NRW” (Electromobility NRW), an umbrella brand of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs. Here, EnergieAgentur.NRW and the centre of competence ElektroMobilität NRW are working on behalf of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs on the further development of electromobility in the state of NRW – supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/brennstoffzelle-wasserstoff-elektromobilitaet; www.elektromobilitaet.nrw)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Causes problems for the sensitive population, especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Ucayali will elaborate further studies about deforestation trends and financial gaps to finish Low Emission Development Strategy and Investment Plan. This strategy aim to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Support for improving slurry storage is available for farmers through the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme with £5m provided to over 130 businesses between 2017 and 2021. A further £2m support for improving the use and storage of manure and slurry was provided through the pilot Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grant Scheme.A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry. The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government has funded research on a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, the market potential for anaerobic digestion as a tool to manage slurry and farmyard manure arising from Scottish livestock farming and a feasibility study looking at slurry storage and the relative value of slurry management options for climate change mitigation.More info: Journal of Dairy Science - https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(18)30939-1/abstract",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In 2017, the Government of Tucuman has twelve protected areas (one from the National University of Tucumán and one national park), which is equivalent to 12% of its surface. The ten provincial protected areas have management plans. Since 1971 it has the Protective and Permanent Forest System.In 2017 Tucumán ceded 77,000 hectares on the western slope of the Aconquija mountain range for the creation of the Aconquija National Park. In 2018, the National Congress created the Park by law.The Aconquija is a significant area for the conservation of the Eco region of the Yungas, a unique landscape in which it is possible to find high peaks with snow, mountain jungle and cloud forest, rainy and tropical forests.The area has a great diversity of fauna and more than 2,000 species of plants, including endemic species. There are also animals such as peccaries, corzuelas, guanacos, tarucas, melero bears and some felines, as well as a great variety of birds.In addition, the park protects, among other resources, springs of rivers that make up one of the most important water reserves in the province of Tucumán, since its system constitutes the main source of water for more than two million inhabitants of the river basin. Dulce, (provinces of Tucumán and Santiago del Estero), as well as for numerous smaller populations in the valley of the Santa María river, to the west.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,We are the technical secretary of the NODO regional pacifico sur de cambio climático,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In total, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface of more than 20 million square meters and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany at the end of 2018. (www.bsw-solar.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",https://www.ros.gov.uk/our-registers/land-register-of-scotlandThe Land Register of Scotland is the Scottish Government’s map based system which records the legal title to land ownership in Scotland. The older General Register of Sasines is being closed in 2024,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Through Energy conservation, cost saving and recharge of Ground Water to increase irrigation potential and enhance the agriculture production.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,- The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is working with the Scottish Government and other partners to build on the National Water Scarcity Plan and develop a longer-term strategy to help Scotland adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more resilient to changing water availability. - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The project aims to reduce deforestation in the Cordillera Azul National Park, which has a political location in Ucayali, Huánuco, Loreto and San Martín with a total area of 2.3 million hectares. Among the objectives of the project are the strengthening of protection strategies, the participatory establishment to engage the actors involved in the management and financial sustainability; as well as, the development of capacities for the use of the land, according to the Sernanp. The REDD + project has the standard Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) at the golden level and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Some industries and agricultural activities suffered many damages due to the lack of rain and drinking water resources were being monitored : direct costs and loss of producivity have been observed.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress. https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/ https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/klima/klimaanpassung-in-nrw/fis-klimaanpassung-nordrhein-westfalen,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"air conditionerswith BEE ratingsand invetertechnologyintroduced.Em=nvironmentfriendly gases likeR410A, R32 andR290 nowintroduced for newair conditioners",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, but increased compared to the 2012 inventory, which included the temporary shutdown of a major coal-fired electricity producer.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin includes a photogrammetric flight at a convenient scale to have the situation current of the sub-basin and a new planialimetry of the area, in particular to emphasize hydrogeomorphologyof bathes, channels, paleo-riverbeds and new erosions detected after the last recorded events. Also to perform updated hydrological studies for different recurrences of rains in the current condition and with different proposals for future works.The Ministry of Public Health prepared the Flood Contingency Plan in 2017: 1) General coordination, 2) Political commitment of local referents, 3) Epidemiological Surveillance, 4) Environmental Health; 5) Health Communication and Education; 6) Planning of Health Services; 7) Organization of Health Programs; 8) Organization of Rapid Response to Health Emergencies",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Do you measure Scope 3 emissions?,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple of MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Reduce the annual forest loss from 32884 in 2014 to 18975 in 2021.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Causes problems for the sensitive population, especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Support is available for geothermal heating projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Not able to choose the correct answere above. Actions are implementet, but has not reduced the total reduction. We need to do more.",0 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.",The largest driver of scope 1 emissions are the Closed Landfill Program and Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/reports/cat09/2004231028_ukghgi-90-18_Main_v02-00.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Minnesota has enabling legislative language that allows utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects. There are currently just a few utilities exercising this option, but there are stakeholder efforts underway to develop more programs of this nature.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The energy-efficient construction and renovation of buildings is an important field, since one-third of Germany’s total final energy consumption is used for space heating and hot water production in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction network pursues a project-oriented approach, focussing on the initiation and dissemination of best-practice projects.The project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network’s activities with the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only during the planning and design stage but also as part of overall urban development. Consistent reductions have been achieved in heat-related CO2 emissions – and thus also energy costs – of the climate protection housing estates in both new-build and renovated housing. This exemplary project, which has for the first time introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings, is being coordinated by EnergyAgency.NRW.Following an audit by a committee of experts, a total of 87 projects were awarded the status of “NRW climate protection housing estate”. The 38 housing estates already completed have 6,000 residents and demonstrate that consistent and sustainable planning can facilitate the implementation of ambitious projects for energy-efficient construction and renovation. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)Within the network, information is transferred and shared in various ways which include network meetings as a forum for presenting innovative technologies and specific project results and for promoting the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector. In the past, the focus of the network was on housing construction. In future, the network will place more emphasis on non-residential buildings in order to open up further potential for reducing CO2 emissions. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Scottish Government is committed to supporting active travel, both now and in the future. The budget was doubled to £80 million in 2018-19 and now stands at over £100 million for 2020-21. This investment will enable the continued delivery of high quality walking, cycling and wheeling infrastructure, enabling more people to choose to walk and cycle for shorter everyday journeys or as part of a longer multi-modal journey.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,For emissions breakdown (3.11b) - These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are available for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",We have a state energy solar politic that promotes the solar heating.,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability is currently developing a modeled pathway to meet our goal that involves multiple different action plans across our Energy and Fleet focus areas. We are currently progressing closer to achieving this goal. The current 20% reduction is currently our best available information. We believe that 2005 baseline values, which had to be estimated due to a lack of measured data, are inflated.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2019 the English edition had an annual circulation of 28,000 copies which were used, for example, within the foreign trade activities of EnergieAgentur.NRW.The e-mail newsletter is sent to over 15,000 subscribers every week. In addition, there are special issues of the newsletter on particular topics. The family of websites with the main page www.energieagentur.nrw is one of the most visited sites in the energy sector: in 2019 the websites of EnergieAgentur.NRW and various themed portals recorded over two million page views and more than 770,000 visitors. The online media of EnergieAgentur.NRW currently include 36 online tools with a total of almost 680,000 users and over one million sessions. Almost 190,000 brochures were downloaded as PDF files from the EnergieAgentur.NRW website and more than 54,000 printed brochures were sent by post. There are currently 290 different publications available in total.The Twitter account @eanrw had over 8,000 followers at the end of 2019. A total of 1,362 Tweets were sent with a reach of over 2 million. The Facebook page “EA.NRW” has 1,980 followers, a reach of almost 255,000 and 925 posts. On EnergieAgentur.NRW’s business page on Facebook, relevant content is communicated under the slogan “Climate protection – made in NRW”. There were 789 followers in the reporting period. The reach of the page is almost 15,000 followers and there were 238 posts. There is another EA.NRW Facebook page with 244 followers about the “EnergieJobs.NRW” project. The business page on XING had 537 subscribers in the reporting period. The LinkedIN business page developed in 2017 had 634 followers, and the Instragram page developed in 2018 had 545 followers and a reach of almost 28,000.(www.energieagentur.nrw)",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Tucuman territory is located between the Chaco Plain to the east and the cords mountainous Preandinos to the west, the province presents in its eastern half a flat to wavy relief, while in the west, dominate the mountains and intermontane basins.The entire mountainous system is very unstable due to its relief, its strong and prolonged slopes, an aggressive subtropical climate with summer concentration of intense rainfall. In the mountainous sector the rivers are torrential with marked differences between summer and winter discharges and are the responsible for flood phenomena in the Pedemontana area.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Domestic waste collection is in practice in all major cities of the state and composting is being done for organic waste and recycling carried out for dry recyclable waste.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have connected more than 10.000 people to energy using only renewables such as solar energyhttps://xn--nario-rta.gov.co/inicio/index.php/sala-de-prensa/noticias/1980-cerca-de-10-mil-narinenses-de-zonas-aisladas-ya-cuentan-con-electricidad-gracias-a-modelo-de-energias-alternativas-impulsado-por-el-gobernador-camilo-romero,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Prioritizing the most vulnerable areas, when it comes to adaptation actions.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Icy winters (Temperature celcius zero crossings ehich caus a layer of ice on ground.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Huánuco develops sustainable tourism within the region, through the identification of fragile ecosystems and the creation of Protected Natural areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Realizing optimum irrigation potential under Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"FFBC continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the FFBC Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. The farmer-led soil regenerative agriculture network continues to focus on positive actions that can be taken on Scottish farms to support, enhance and protect their soils. The group have trialled new approaches to allow them to improve production whilst delivering wider benefits such as building soil resilience, improving water retention, storing carbon and enhancing bio-diversity.FAS and KTIF support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government commissioned research providing a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, available on www.climatexchange.org.ukMore info: Nature - https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/soil-carbon-storage-84223790",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Real-time transit information is available through multiple channels for all transit stops and electronic signage is posted at many key stops and transitway stations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects. The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.The £3.5m Scottish Government funded Zero Emission Train (ZET) project is currently making good progress at Bo’ness and it will fully test Hydrogen powered traction options, which will be required where electrification is not appropriate across rural areas such as north/west of Inverness and west Highland rail lines. This will allow suppliers to test the integration of alternative traction power supply equipment within a live train environment through this Hydrogen Accelerator initiative, overseen by St Andrews University, with the ZET project being managed by world-leading hydrogen-technology company Arcola Energy. This will address the issues associated with creating, approving and then enabling, a hydrogen-fuelled train to operate later in 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3), Sustainable Buildings 2030, and city benchmarking and disclosure ordinances (e.g. Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Edina).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The green economy encompasses all companies that offer environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient products and services. As an interdisciplinary sector with links to key industries like machine engineering and the electrical industry, it plays a central role in the economic development of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalia green economy boasted a work force of around 368,000. Its share of overall employment is 5.1%, which is higher than any other key sector in the state. With a turnover of 66.3 billion euros, the green economy contributed around 6.2% to North Rhine-Westphalia’s gross value added and has developed into a significant and integrated component of the state’s economic structure. The featured themes of the green economy encompass sustainable farming and forest management, classic sectors such as sewage and waste disposal and pollution monitoring, mitigation and restoration technologies, as well as new topics like green mobility and renewable energy. Against this background, the green economy can also be seen as a sector of transformation, tackling the greatest challenges of our time – climate change, urbanisation, resource efficiency, decarbonisation – with new ideas, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art services. For established key industries, such as machine engineering and the electrical industry, the green economy has an integrating effect; it combines and channels skills and innovations with prospects for sustainable growth. North Rhine-Westphalia has intentionally developed its economic prospects as the largest provider of green economy products and services in Germany. An annual average turnover growth of 1% (2010–2015) and an annual growth in gross value added of 3.4% (2010–2015) paint a glowing picture. Report:www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505253.pdfScotland’s Land Use Strategy provides the vision, objectives and principles for sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets a world leading statutory target of at least 42% emissions reductions by 2020 and includes annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation. The Scottish Government will continue to lead work to support the delivery and achievement of the world-leading Scottish climate change targets. In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill that will set a 2050 target of 90% emissions reductions in response to the Paris Agreement. This equates to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050, meaning Scotland being carbon-neutral by that date.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"NRW is not only an important significant energy region, but also a major region for fuel. Domestic refineries produce about 25 percent of the crude oil consumed in Germany. The amount consumed by road traffic in the state is approx. 9 million tonnes of oil annually. This is the equivalent of 20 percent of national sales in Germany. One possibility for lowering CO2 emissions and protecting the climate is the use of alternative fuels and drive systems with renewable energy. The North Rhine-Westphalian biodiesel producers are among the largest in Germany",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. The program, which will last for three years, will be carried out in stages, starting with the reforestation and afforestation of income to the city. Then it will continue on the banks of the rivers, in the entrance to the villages and in the protected forests. Most of the seedlings will be produced by the forest nursery La Florida. The species will be the following: for the urban and periurban areas, trees that are typical of Tucumán will be planted, such as the ibirá pitá, pink lapachos, tipas, so that the natural landscape is respected. they will plant species that are not autochthonous, but that are colorful because of their broad leaves, such as hovenia; for the fixing of rivers will be poplars and bald cypresses. Finally, for commercial production, eucalyptus and pines that have the wood used today will be produced.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Huanuco is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions and Investment Plan to accomplish with this commitment,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","In the Concerted Development Plan to 2021, in Strategic Axis VI ""Natural Resources and Environment"", within Territorial Objective 6 ""Preserve the quality of the environment and sustainability in the use of biodiversity, anticipating the risk of disaster in the context of climate change "" is planned to reduce annual deforestation rate in 13 per cent at 2021.Source: Gobierno Regional de Huanuco, Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado 2014 – 2021, v. Noviembre 2016.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Local Government Operations Protocol (ICLEI/The Climate Registry/California Climate Action Registry/ California Air Resources Board),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communities more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Consumption in 2014 was 3.0% lower than in 2013, and 15.2% lower than the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% Energy Efficiency Target is measured. Figures published yesterday show that Scotland is 15.4% below the baseline energy consumption",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"No: Limited implemeintation. As part of the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste in 2025, there are specific biodegradability tests for waste processed through MBT to be landfilled.",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,No: Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"• The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.• All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. • In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.• The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Continous work toward bettering our service and the adjust it to the needs of the public. this while reducing the emissions by using the newest available technologies in our busses, boats and ferries. Ex: We have electrical ferries in our county, making the fjord crossings zero emission.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Verimicomposting , non pesticidal , improved crop introduction especially early ripening verities to counter change in weather especially erratic rainfall, systematic root intensification (SRI), improved irrigation like sprinkler, drip etc , Agriculture warehousing and agro-processing . Promotion of oil seed and pulses. Dry-land farming/promotion of rice research and seed certification and replacement.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNAS2018Q1,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Huanuco has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Huanuco signed the Memorandum on 13thNovember 2017.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/huanuco-appendix-spanish.pdf,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,1 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021, passed unanimously by previous Parliament, will create the regulatory stability needed to unlock the full potential of heat networks, enabling the sector to grow at pace and make a full contribution to net-zero GHG emissions targets. Further detail on setting out how our ambitious heat networks targets set out in the Act will be met will be published in a Heat Networks Delivery Plan by April 2022.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Annual rainfall over Scotland has increased since about 1970, to a level about 13% above the average for the early decades of the 20th century. All seasons contribute to the increase. Annual rainfall for Scotland increased by 7% between 1961-90 and 1981-2010. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have a national framework that established the net metering systems in the whole country.,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Achieving climate protection goals is a task for society as a whole. All sectors which emit greenhouse gases must contribute towards achieving these goals. When preparing the Climate Protection Plan for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government identified six sectors which account for most of the green-house gas emissions generated in NRW: energy conversion; manufacturing and industry; buildings, trade, commerce and services; transport; agriculture, forestry and soil; and private household. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Download-Dokumente/Broschueren/nrw_br_ksp_kurzfassung_engl.pdf https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/fileadmin/lanuvpubl/3_fachberichte/LANUV-Fachbericht_95_WEB.pdf",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Biomass is of central importance as a material source in the context of cascade utilization. At the same time it acts as a source of energy which can be used to provide electricity, heat and vehicle fuel and it proves to be a highly versatile asset in the energy sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Energy productivity in Scotland is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy (can be found here). It is measured by the gross value added (adjusted based on chained volume measures) from the input of one gigawatt hour of energy. Energy productivity in Scotland in 2018 is £0.972m GVA per GWh, up 31.1% from 2005.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements. Increasing extreme weather events from climate change also pose a risk to infrastructure.",0 +Please complete the table below.,2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In order to manage a more decentralized energy system with a large number of producers and consumers and to ensure the stability of the networks, it is necessary to further digitize the energy system and in particular to control the distribution grids more intelligently (smart grids). For example, various power sources can be combined to form a ""virtual power plant"" that combines, for example, wind energy and solar plants with controllable biomass cogeneration plants, CHP plants, flexible loads and storage facilities. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is supporting projects in this area with the ""Virtuelle Kraftwerke.NRW"" climate protection competition. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Emissions come from state owned vehicles and non-building related fossil fuel combusting equipment. This category's largest source of emissions is the Metro Transit system.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin requires interaction with local communities throughout the area.The Sugar Cane Eradication Program collaborates with local governments providing environmental education on the risks of fires.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry is proposing an adoption framework for the statewide commercial building energy code that ensures that all new commercial and large multifamily construction is net-zero by 2036. The plan does not address new residential construction, however.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We have a national framework that established the net metering systems in the whole country.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Use a computational technique called dynamical downscaling to take global climate models results used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to produce new high‐resolution climate model projections for the entire state of Minnesota from the present to 2099. Ten high‐resolution climate projections will be produced for Minnesota that represent moderate and high emission scenarios of projected climate change. This approach will provide a lower and upper bound of plausible outcomes for planning purposes. Model results will be produced statewide at 3 miles by 3 miles resolution with data available for different time frames.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3) and Sustainable Buildings 2030.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) it had been installed , LED luminaires and LED traffic ligts. Rumi Punco and other local communities are installing LED luminaires.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with an increase of about +0.5"" per decade since 1960. Proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We are in the process of the definition of the targets.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry is proposing an adoption framework for the statewide commercial building energy code that ensures that all new commercial and large multifamily construction is net-zero by 2036. The plan does not address new residential construction, however.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Updated with data in tonnes CO2e. Note: these relate to the calendar year 2016Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Provide funding for charging stations in the whole county so that we are able to use electrical car all over.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Impacts on flora and fuana as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,No: Efforts to this effect have been made in Minnesota in 2008 and 2013. There are no public plans in place to develop and another pathways project.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"At the end of 2018, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface area of more than 20 million m2 and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany. (www.bsw-solar.de) According to an analysis of BAFA and progres.nrw funding figures by EnergyAgency.NRW, a total collector surface area of almost 1.5 million m² was installed in NRW at the end of 2016, producing approximately 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat register at EnergyAtlas.NRW provides a clear overview of the situation for the various municipalities and districts. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de ).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Wet areas will become wetter. more frequent heavy rainfall events are expected,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions.Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions of the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2018 amount to 268 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about eight million t CO2eq or 3% compared to 2017.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",1 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). We have begun to undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels and quantify confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that have improved our level of confidence. However, on the whole, we continue to have a medium level of confidence.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.","Energy productivity in Scotland is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy (can be found here). It is measured by the gross value added (adjusted based on chained volume measures) from the input of one gigawatt hour of energy. Energy productivity in Scotland in 2018 is £0.972m GVA per GWh, up 31.1% from 2005.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"The largest element of the scope 1 emissions is mobile combustion. The State operates a large fleet of busses, snow plows and heavy trucks, as well as passenger vehicles. For many of the fleet vehicles, fuel use is linked to snow fall and weather conditions. The greatest increase however came from stationary combustion for heating reasons. We believe this is mostly due to the relatively cooler winter.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Analysing the situation region wide and implement solutions early and including it in all new projects and rehabilitation.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",1 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Impacts on flora and fuana as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Changes are occurring in Minnesota's climate with serious consequences for human health and well-being. Minnesota has become measurably warmer, particularly in the last few decades, and precipitation patterns have become more erratic, including heavier rainfall events. Climate projections for the state indicate that these trends are likely to continue well into the current century and may worsen, according to some scenarios. Climate change will impact all Minnesotans, because it threatens the very basics we depend on for life-our air, food, water, shelter and security-but it will some Minnesotans more than others. Climate change is a powerful risk amplifier, especially in regards to health. Climate change will disproportionately impact many of the communities that already experience health inequities, or systemic difference in health status that are preventable and unfair. Across Minnesota, inequities in living conditions, wealth, power, and health place low-income communities, people without access to protective measures like air conditioning or reliable transportation, and some communities of color at greater risk of experiencing the negative health impacts of climate change. In order for our communities to be strong and resilient in the face of climate change, the focus must be on reducing health inequities. There are, in large part, based on the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work and age. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/climatechange/docs/mnprofile2015.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. For this reporting, however, we have used IPPC's AR4 global warming potentials for CH4 and NO2 emissions.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities. Principal threat of flooding to homes displacing houseowners or short term basis predominantly increasing to longer terms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There have been installed 17.000 LED luminaries in different cities and small communities San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) , Famaillá, Lules, Banda del Río Salí Rumi Punco and other small communities.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,NRW works with the German national Government in many aspects on a regular basis,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). We have begun to undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels and quantify confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that have improved our level of confidence. However, on the whole, we continue to have a medium level of confidence.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Sustainable Forest Resources Management Act of 1995 (MN Stat. 89A) and 1982 Forest Resources Management Act (MN Stat. 89.001 &89.002) serve as the foundation for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) forest policy. The Act is implemented by the DNR through a number of agency policies, guidelines, etc., which are developed across multiple disciplines and build robust direction and understanding of sound and sustainable forest management. Such policies address issues such as maintaining old growth forests, implementing site-level forest management guidelines, addressing invasive species, creating and implementing forest management plans, creating and maintain wildlife habitat, protecting rare species, and many more. The MN DNR is also responsible for implementing other regional laws on forest management. The Little Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Act (MN Stat. 103G.545), which protects water levels and lakeshores by prohibiting dams and restricting logging within 400 feet of recreational waterways in the state-owned lands in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The Minnesota Endangered Species Act ((MN Stat 84.0895) imposes a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. The Minnesota Trust Fund Statute (MN Stat. 127A.31) includes the goal of the permanent school fund, which is to secure the maximum long-term economic return from the school trust lands consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities imposed by the trust relationship established in the Minnesota Constitution, with sound natural resource conservation and management principles, and with other specific policy provided in state law. The Outdoor Recreation Act of 1975 (MN Stat. 86A.02) addresses State Trails, Scientific and Natural Areas, State Wilderness Areas, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Aquatic Management Areas.The DNR is responsible for managing most of the state-administered/owned forested lands in the state, and also participates in private forest landowner outreach and multi-stakeholder forest landscape initiatives and partnerships. The DNR has a detailed forest policy framework for the management of state forest lands to prevent deforestation and degradation on these lands as much as possible and to govern sustainable management of state forests. The DNR also implements site-level forest management guidelines developed by jurisdictional approaches (MFRC), creates long-term forest management plans for state forests, and follows guidelines for protecting rare species and habitats.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","According to the review by Mahli et al. (2008), in the Amazon most climate models tend to predict a reduction in precipitation in the dry season along with the overall increase in temperature; this implies the loss of forests, and the projections in this sense range from 18% to 70%, predicting different effects: a model foresees a positive feedback cycle that will convert most of the forests into savannas in the next hundred years; Another model shows a decrease in the trade winds that transport the Atlantic rains to the Andes.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/ (Outcome 4 and outcome 2),0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,All of each projects led by the government of Nariño in the forest sector have a strong component of environmental governance.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"• US Environmental Protection Agency (2016) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2014.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"Causes problems for the sensitive population, especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Local planners in the state's largest metropolitan area (Seattle metro) incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal into comprehensive transportation planning. Other metropolitan areas do not necessarily incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals into their planning.,0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,We are not sure about this because the inventory is part of IDEAM (national government responsibility) and not ours directly.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply.We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (intense rainfall/flooding) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"After a 2 year plan process out new regional climate plan was approved at the highest regional political level in June 2018. This includes a plan lasting 2018-2021 whick is a more long term plan, and also a ""handlingsprogram""/plan of action with 37 spesific actions that we will attempt to finish within 2018 and 2019.A climate coordinator is responsible for following up all this work. The plan is formed so that it cam be used by the local communes as well as at the regional level. The plan lines out the way foreward and how the climate finacial budget will be spent.In addition to the action climate budget the different departments use their own budgets for different prosjects and investments. One excample will be the big regional hydrogen project and our own investments in busses, ferries and boatsThe fylkeskommune is in charge of several interesting research projects that provide more knowledge in what actions to take, and how we can improve our way of communicating in the region and providing the best support in the local processes in climate gas redusction but also in climate adaptation.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,1 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We don't have an exclusive inventory for the government operation emissions,0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"For the past 15 years, the market initiative “NRW Wood Pellets Campaign” has been linking up the various players throughout the value chain in the wood pellet industry across Germany and in particular in NRW. This initiative is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, trade and industry, and public administration in the field of renewable heat, and is currently supported by around 100 companies in the sector.The resulting synergies facilitate an effective transfer of knowledge, and the initiative provides a forum for the dissemination of well-founded, unbiased information about this fuel and the associated technologies, as well as raising awareness on the subject by various public relations activities. In recent years, wood pellet heating has become an integral part of a balanced energy mix within the renewable energy sector, making it an essential component of the transition to sustainable heating. Subsidies for wood pellet heating systems at state and federal level have significantly increased the number of systems installed in NRW in recent years, raising the number of pellet heaters to more than 36,000 NRW (and about 290,000 nationwide), up from only about 660 subsidised plants registered in NRW in 2003. The aim of the Wood Pellets Campaign is to work with partners and players in the sector to further strengthen this heating technology, and to consolidate and expand the existing positive market development. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",1 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Reviewing theTerritorial Regulation of Native Forests (OTBN) approved by Law 8304, re - categorizing areas that are currently under Category II (medium conservation value) to Category III (high conservation value - no deforestation allowed).",1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Use a computational technique called dynamical downscaling to take global climate models results used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to produce new high‐resolution climate model projections for the entire state of Minnesota from the present to 2099. Ten high‐resolution climate projections will be produced for Minnesota that represent moderate and high emission scenarios of projected climate change. This approach will provide a lower and upper bound of plausible outcomes for planning purposes. Model results will be produced statewide at 3 miles by 3 miles resolution with data available for different time frames.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Priority is get a jurisdictional strategy based on a inventory of greenhouses emissions using IPCC methodology.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw https://digitalemobilitaet.nrw/",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Electric billing system, GPS based tracing system being adopted in MTS.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Support for improving slurry storage is available for farmers through the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme with £5m provided to over 130 businesses between 2017 and 2021. A further £2m support for improving the use and storage of manure and slurry was provided through the pilot Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grant Scheme.A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry. The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government has funded research on a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, the market potential for anaerobic digestion as a tool to manage slurry and farmyard manure arising from Scottish livestock farming and a feasibility study looking at slurry storage and the relative value of slurry management options for climate change mitigation.More info: Journal of Dairy Science - https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(18)30939-1/abstract",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Scope 2 emissions decreased this year. Much of these reductions can be explained by the participation in green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government as well as energy efficiency gains.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Reports are submitted to the Governor and Legislature every two years describing actions taken, progress toward achieving the mandatory limits and additional actions needed to address any gaps.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities. Principal threat of flooding to homes displacing houseowners or short term basis predominantly increasing to longer terms.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"From january, 2019; Huanuco is designing a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy and its Investment Plan. This strategy aims to reduce deforestation and GEI emissions from USCUSS sector.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,1. Impacts in the management of hydroelectric dams making necessary the modification of the flood attenuation band.2. Drought peaks in reservoirs followed by flood overflows.,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Environmental Management Plan for the Salí-Dulce Basin The Salí Dulce Basin has an approximate area of 60,802 km2 and covers five provinces. The objective of the Plan is to reduce industrial and urban pollution. The Secretary of Environment has developed a Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System, with several sampling points along the Basin. Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters are analyzed, mainly Dissolved Oxygen. The data is processed in a Data Center, which also receives on line the data transmitted by the sensors installed in sugar mills and citrus factories. It also receives the data obtained in situ by inspectors of the Industrial Reconversion Plan. This huge database allows a real-time monitoring of the environmental quality of the basin as well as detect sources of contamination. The Province has an environmental laboratory with the most modern technology to detect all types of water pollutants.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"local industries encouragedto support climate issues andreduce emissions andincrease resilience. Theseinclude establishment ofESPs ( electrostaticprecipitatiors, managementand reuse of Wasteespecially for energyrecovery and adoptingrenewable energy andmaking their own energythrough onsite powwer plantsbased on wastes",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"There is no coal fired generation capacity in Scotland. Decisions on the future operation of the few remaining non-renewable stations across Scotland remain matters for the operators of those stations, responding to market and policy signals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment of buildings plays an important role, since one third of the total final energy consumption in Germany is needed for heating rooms and producing hot water in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction Network pursues a project-oriented approach, which primarily involves the initiation and dissemination of best practice projects. In the network, innovation transfer and information transfer take place, among other things, via the network meetings, where innovative technologies and concrete project results are presented and the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector is supported.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)With the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only in building planning, but also at urban development level, the project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network activity. In the climate protection housing estates, the heat-related CO2 emissions in residential estates (new construction and refurbishment) and thus also the energy costs are consistently reduced. EnergieAgentur.NRW is coordinating this exemplary project, which for the first time has introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings. 96 projects in total have been awarded the status of “NRW Climate Protection Estate” following examination by a commission of experts. Almost 9,000 people live in the 46 settlements that have already been completed, demonstrating that, with consistent and sustainable planning, it is possible to execute demanding energy-efficient construction or refurbishment projects. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)The network focuses not only on housing construction but also on non-residential buildings. There is considerable potential to make energy savings and thus reduce CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings such as schools and office buildings in particular. Together with the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, EnergieAgentur.NRW therefore launched a project to award prizes to particularly energy-efficient schools and office buildings in early 2019. The aim is to identify exemplary buildings and to draw public attention to these.(www.energieagentur.nrw/gebaeude/energieeffiziente-nichtwohngebaeude)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness.",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Department of Commerce is evaluating the current prohibition on utilities providing incentives for fuel-switching to determine if modifications need to be made for this type of allowance. A final report on this issue should be complete by December 2019.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","FFBC continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the FFBC Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. The farmer-led soil regenerative agriculture network continues to focus on positive actions that can be taken on Scottish farms to support, enhance and protect their soils. The group have trialled new approaches to allow them to improve production whilst delivering wider benefits such as building soil resilience, improving water retention, storing carbon and enhancing bio-diversity.FAS and KTIF support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government commissioned research providing a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, available on www.climatexchange.org.ukMore info: Nature - https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/soil-carbon-storage-84223790",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017 and 2018 (in preparation). In 2017 edition there were 10.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste will come into force in 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendations, signalling intent to move away from landfilling biodegradable municipal waste.We have also committed to extend the ban to include biodegradable non-municipal waste streams, subject to further reassurances and impact assessments.We are working with local authorities to secure alternatives to landfill for their residual waste treatments, including waste-to-energy technology.We are considering measures to ensure new energy from waste plants are more efficient and how waste infrastructure can be ‘future-proofed’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology (Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032).Official statistics show the amount of biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill decreased by nearly a third (32%) between 2018 and 2019.This means Scotland has met and exceeded the EU target to reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of to landfill.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota currently has over 50,000 people who work in clean energy with 15,000 of them spending more than half their time on clean energy.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Mix of fuels composted by oil, gas, biomass and industrial gas, once they do not have their percentages specified.Source: Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais30º Balanço Energético do Estado de Minas Gerais - BEEMG2015: ano base 2014 / Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais. –Belo Horizonte: Cemig, 2016.",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Actions include:- implementing a deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers, which is designed to provide a higher quality and quantity of recyclate for reprocessing of materials and is due to go live in 2022- working jointly with the other UK administrations on reform of the UK-wide packaging regulations through an extended producer responsibility scheme (EPR), which will make producers liable to pay the full cost of dealing with packaging waste while stimulating innovation and investment in collection, sorting and reprocessing- commissioning an Expert Panel on Environmental Charges and Other Measures (EPECOM) to provide expert advice on measures which may be adopted in Scotland to encourage long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour- being a founding signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that seeks to create a circular economy for plastics. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets, including 100 per cent of plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2025",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"The state of Minnesota is currently working with wastewater treatment operations to implement operational efficiency as well as identify opportunities for biogas generation and recovery on a large scale. Additionally, Minnesota is working with the wastewater regulatory agency to ensure evaluating efficiency and renewables are a requirement to receive funding for large capital investment projects. In 2018, Minnesota was selected to participate in the National Governor Association Center for Best Practices’ State Retreat on the Water-Energy Nexus which will allow for further exploration of legislative actions, financing, and programs to enhance current Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency work and extend it to private plants.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is no mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment of buildings plays an important role, since one third of the total final energy consumption in Germany is needed for heating rooms and producing hot water in buildings. The Energy-efficient and Solar Construction Network pursues a project-oriented approach, which primarily involves the initiation and dissemination of best practice projects. In the network, innovation transfer and information transfer take place, among other things, via the network meetings, where innovative technologies and concrete project results are presented and the exchange of experience between multipliers in the building sector is supported.(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/energieeffizientes-und-solares-bauen)With the aim of implementing climate protection measures not only in building planning, but also at urban development level, the project “100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia” was developed as part of the network activity. In the climate protection housing estates, the heat-related CO2 emissions in residential estates (new construction and refurbishment) and thus also the energy costs are consistently reduced. EnergieAgentur.NRW is coordinating this exemplary project, which for the first time has introduced CO2 limits and a corresponding verification procedure for buildings. 96 projects in total have been awarded the status of “NRW Climate Protection Estate” following examination by a commission of experts. Almost 9,000 people live in the 46 settlements that have already been completed, demonstrating that, with consistent and sustainable planning, it is possible to execute demanding energy-efficient construction or refurbishment projects. (www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaschutzsiedlungen)The network focuses not only on housing construction but also on non-residential buildings. There is considerable potential to make energy savings and thus reduce CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings such as schools and office buildings in particular. Together with the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs, EnergieAgentur.NRW therefore launched a project to award prizes to particularly energy-efficient schools and office buildings in early 2019. The aim is to identify exemplary buildings and to draw public attention to these.(www.energieagentur.nrw/gebaeude/energieeffiziente-nichtwohngebaeude)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide annual savings goal. In 2007, state law established a savings goal of a 1.5% per year decrease in electricity and a 1% decrease in natural gas retail sales. More than 130 Minnesota electric and gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial incentives to their customers to help meet the goal. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/216B.241",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Examples:National: US Army Corps of Engineers 404 fill or excavation of waters of the USLocal: zoning, building permits",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.•Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2023 . The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minnesota currently has a successful Commercial PACE program that is considered one of the best in the nation. All residential PACE programs are on hold until consumer protections are put in place.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 5% wetter and 1.1°C warmer. Under a high global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7°C warmer. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Mossend International Railfreight Park: A major expansion and electrification of Scotland’s national rail-freight terminal will bring extensive commercial opportunities, with capacity to save over 200,000 tonnes carbon per annum.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Note: Landfill gas, Sewage gas, wave & tidal, and other unspecified sources comprise the ""other"" category. Hydro includes pumped storage.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Five annual progress reports since the Adaptation programme was published can be found at:https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2014-fifth-annual-progress-report/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As a government we have a plan per component of the secretary of environment and sustainable development and we constantly report in our transparency, open government platform call SEPA NARIÑO",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The aim of the programme is to increase the resilience of Scotland's people, environment and economy to the impacts of a changing climate.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We have an actions portfolio for the agriculture sector that includes recovery of degraded pastures; irrigated agriculture promotion; agroecological and organic production and a state program for agricultural losses reduction.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard. Also through State Energy Office initiatives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"● Continued access to forest products – DNR is implementing a Sustainable Timber Harvest Initiative, and ensures a sustainable supply of forest products by implementing reforestation and best management practices associated with timber harvest on state lands.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Since publication of the Energy Strategy, we have announced a National Conversation on Energy and on climate change to improve our approach to public engement on Scotland's transition to a net zero economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage. This includes the delivery of a £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF), that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The SIETF will support manufacturers with high energy use transition to a low carbon future and to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through increased energy efficiency and deeper decarbonisation. Funding will be delivered from 2021 until 2026. The first two competitions (launched in December 2020) will provide match-funded grants to: (1) deploy mature technologies that improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes (2) carry out feasibility & FEED studies into energy efficiency or deeper decarbonisation such as fuel switching. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update includes a commitment to launch a Net Zero Transition Managers Programme during 2021 which will facilitate non-revenue generating roles within Scottish manufacturing businesses to incentivise investment to compete in low margin markets. Participants will identify, quantify and recommend decarbonisation opportunities for their businesses. They will collaborate as a cohort to ensure consistent knowledge capture and dissemination.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment set up by the German government in 2018 presented its final report in January 2019, in which it proposed phasing out coal by 2038. This coal phase-out is to be laid down in a coal phase-out law. This envisages that Germany will successively withdraw from coal-fired power generation by the end of 2038. The compromise negotiated between the leaders of the lignite-mining states and the German federal government provides for the closure of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) of power plant capacity in the Rhineland mining area by the end of 2022. The three modern 1 GW units in Neurath and Niederaussem are the only lignite-fired power plants that may remain on the grid until the end of 2038. The compromise also allows the modern 1.1 GW Datteln 4 unit to be connected to the grid this summer. An auction procedure will decide on the shutdown of hard coal-fired power plants.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Rainy days are became less day by day, average rainfall of the State is showing decrease trend. Water availability for agriculture and domestic use is decreasing gradually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Public Facilities Authority manages revolving loan funds and several other financing programs to help local governments upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities, to upgrade and construct drinking water distribution and storage facilities, and to address other high-cost infrastructure needs. https://mn.gov/deed/pfa/funds-programs/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"1. Build greater resilience to extreme precipitation. 2. Identify opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience and health of at-risk populations of Minnesotans across state agency programs and through cooperation with local governments.3. Increase focus on preserving natural and restored terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and habitat to increase resilience of wildlife and native plants.4. Strengthen agricultural water management efforts to increase resilience to climate change impacts.5. Increase focus on managing climate impacts in cities, towns, and other population centers.6. Strengthen our climate information infrastructure to support climate adaptation practices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Roof insulation, Wall recommendation, Energy efficient glass, Fenestration, Energy efficiet HVAC System",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505253.pdfScotland’s Land Use Strategy provides the vision, objectives and principles for sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"In the Concerted Development Plan to 2021, in Strategic Axis VI ""Natural Resources and Environment"", within Territorial Objective 6 ""Preserve the quality of the environment and sustainability in the use of biodiversity, anticipating the risk of disaster in the context of climate change "" is planned to reduce annual deforestation rate in 13 per cent at 2021.Source: Gobierno Regional de Huanuco, Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado 2014 – 2021, v. Noviembre 2016.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The 2017 environmental economy report shows the field of ""environmentally friendly mobility"" to be the second largest partial market of the environmental industry with almost 82,000 people employed in it. It includes, among others, the market segments ""environmentally friendly mobility and drive technologies"", ""environmentally friendly logistics and mobility services"" and ""infrastructure"". This submarket is especially firmly rooted in the Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne/Bonn and the ""Bergisch Tri-city Area"".",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Decrease in number of snow days per annum",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",1 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,For emissions breakdown (3.11b) - These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are available for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please complete the table below.,Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"In Nariño we have 6 major basins: Patía, Guáitara, Juanambú, Mira y Mataje, Mayo and La Cocha. Each of these basins are essentials for ecosystem services, biodiversity and food production not only for Nariño but also for the whole country Colombia. The management of the basins is made through the formulation of plans and the implementation of conservation and sustainable use of water strategies.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Biodiversity and Conservation Units Protection Program, that aims the preservation, conservation, recovery and protection of biodiversity",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Includes process emissions from Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants as well as fugitive emissions from the Closed Landfill Program. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.php?id=276&L=1",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"local industries encouragedto support climate issues andreduce emissions andincrease resilience. Theseinclude establishment ofESPs ( electrostaticprecipitatiors, managementand reuse of Wasteespecially for energyrecovery and adoptingrenewable energy andmaking their own energythrough onsite powwer plantsbased on wastes",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.",Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.The reuse of washing water is mandatory for sugar mills",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://ukwas.org.uk/ UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Prioritizing the most vulnerable areas, when it comes to adaptation actions.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Achieved through utility programs under the energy efficiency resource standard. Minnesota has a CHP Action Plan to facilitate CHP implementation at https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/distributed-energy/chp-action-plan-implementation.jsp,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The phase-out of coal leads to an increase of natural gas power in Germany.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,The UK Forestry Standard is the benchmark against which forest management plans are assessed.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013).A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We will work with the construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use renewable or low carbon heat; and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"DNR working to understand role of forests in carbon mitigation, capacity of MN forests to sequester carbon",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.Scottish Investment Bank supports low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion investment portfolio.The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Mobility, Water (Hydro Nation) amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and climate change plan.The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology.There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects.See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",1 +"Please explain why not and detail your plans to do so in the future, if any.","Outreach and education at the state fair on reduction and recycling, online, through social media, and via local government education; Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires as well as insect calamities,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Conserving and protecting the water bodies and wetlands through regulation and enforcement of standards for water infrastructure, uses and waste disposals.",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdfUK Forestry Standard (UKFS) The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Installations and their impact on emissions are determined on a case by case basis through Integrated Resource Planning, Competitive Acquisition, and Integrated Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425. A legislatively required Cost-benefit Analysis was completed in January 2020, available at: https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-415938",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Increased risk due to flood risk and storm rainfall. The critical infrastructure requires particular attention due to its importance for the state community. In addition, buildings with accumulated values must be protected.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Minnesota has a sales tax exemption for costs of installing and maintaining solar and wind facilities, per Minn. Stat. § 297A.67, Subd. 29 and Minn. Stat. § 297A.68, Subd. 12. Wind and Solar equipment are also exempt from property taxes, but are subject to energy production taxes for project sizes above certain thresholds. See more at: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/151",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 were published in June 2021, www.ukclimaterisk.org",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) Outcome 2 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"At the end of 2017, 3,630 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 5,449 MW were in operation in NRW. This puts the state in fourth place in Germany in terms of installed capacity behind Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg. The wind power industry in NRW now secures more than 20,500 jobs, above all in the supplier sector, in which the state is regarded as the leader throughout Germany",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,Priority is get a jurisdictional strategy based on a inventory of greenhouses emissions using IPCC methodology.,1 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Large utilities in Washington required to pursue all cost-effective conservation identified by the Northwest Power &Conservation Council,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several years.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Our businesses needs to adjust their products to handle the variations. But for most the transport of the goods might be effected, so that selling our producst might get harder.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Reemplacement of gas turbins open cycle to combined cycles in thermal power plants, getting an efficiency upper to 60% . It lowers the price of energy and reduce GHG emision.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,Emissions come from state owned vehicles and non-building related fossil fuel combusting equipment. This category's largest source of emissions is the Metro Transit system.,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Minnesota GDP for 2017 is $351,000,000,00 for the U.S. as a whole it is $17,263,000,000,000Minnesota real GDP per capita (chained 2009 dollars) for 2017 is $54,805 for the U.S. as a whole it is $51,337. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the Midwest and 14th nationwide in real per Capita GDP and surpasses the national average by 6%.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"As the chosen location of numerous market-leading companies, NRW occupies a key position in geothermal energy. Within the Ruhr Metropolis alone, there are approx. 230 companies with 4,000 to 5,000 jobs operating in this market. More than half of the heat demand can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. In 2017, approx. 78,000 new heat pumps were installed in Germany, including 14,000 in NRW.The use of mine gas as a source of energy is gaining more importance in NRW. In 2017 there were 86 mining permits to utilize mine gas. 110 block-type thermal power plants were operating in the state with electrical output totaling 171 MW at the end of 2017. The 676 million KWh of electricity produced in 2017 alone can supply approx. 150,000 households with power. The total mine gas potential used resulted in a CO2 reduction of approx. 3.2 million tons in 2017",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,A pilot project on Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh is being implemented by the State Centre for Climate Change in association with local government departments.,0 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government will publish a Heat Decarbonisation Policy Statement later this year setting out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have an online platform (http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/) that provides key information to help the state municipalities in the developing and implementation of its climate change actions and policies.We also offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,1 +Please complete the table below.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota currently works -through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Currently, the main approach to reducing the greenhouse gases associated with fuel use is the use of biofuels blended with fossil fuels. There are biodiesel producers in Lünen, Neuss and Südlohn which are among the largest in Germany. North Rhine-Westphalia has a good refuelling station infrastructure for natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) throughout the state. Research and development projects of North Rhine-Westphalian partners are playing an important role in the development of synthetic (bio)fuels and new fuel components. Important projects include the DFG-funded cluster of excellence “Fuel Science Center” at RWTH Aachen University and the “BioMates”, “Carbon2Chem” and “C3 Mobility” projects of the German government and the European Union. These projects aim to store and use surplus renewable energy in fuels with a high energy density (power-to-fuel).North Rhine-Westphalian companies are also participating in activities to test liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the market as an alternative fuel for heavy trucks and inland navigation. Adding biogas to LNG gives it a renewable component, creating a product known as bio-LNG and there are several innovation projects in this area. The INTERREG VA project “LNG PILOTS” aims to promote the development of innovative solutions for the creation of a filling station infrastructure and, under the EU-LIFE project “Clean Inland Shipping” (CLINSH), measures are being tested to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of ships under real operating conditions over a period of four years. Under the NRW project “LeanDeR - LNG” a multimodal LNG infrastructure is being created at the Port of Duisburg.North Rhine-Westphalia offers a charging infrastructure with 5,156 charging points for electric vehicles. (www.energieagentur.nrw/mobilitaet/netzwerk-kraftstoffe)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,1 +Please complete the table below.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Under a medium emissions (A1B) scenario, regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,1 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,Methane and HFC reduction integrated into Climate Change Plan (and related modelling).,1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","In the last 47 years, the increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures and the irregularity in the precipitation patterns are observed, causing the disappearance of glaciers in the Huayhuash and Raura mountain range system in the Puna ecoregion, and the decrease in the flow of the sources tributaries of the three existing river basins in the Huánuco Region. The impacts of climate variability on the availability of water in the future will depend on the increase in population, increased use of hydropower, changes in land use, demand from the mining, agricultural sector, among others.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 30 June 2021.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",This commitment is recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.,0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Created Heat Planning Toolkit for professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/docs/mnextremeheattoolkit.pdf) and general heat protection education materials for general public, available in six languages (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/extremeheat.html).",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota has experienced disruptions in the supply of coal and propane in recent years, increasing the ability to supply energy needs through state and more regional resources can alleviate the volatility and offset supply chain issues related to coal and propane.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Large utilities in Washington required to pursue all cost-effective conservation identified by the Northwest Power &Conservation Council,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,We have not incorporated desired GHG reductions into the master planning for the region.,0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,base year is 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress.https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. We have since facilitated regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, with plans to establish a formal advisory group that will have an important role with regards reducing industrial sector emissions. We have also connected leaders from EII, as high-carbon emitting industries, with the Scottish industry-led North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS) alliance to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Flooding and extreme weather events which damage assets and disrupt business operations pose the greatest risk to Scottish businesses now and in the future. This could be compounded by a lack of adaptive capacity. New regulations or other government intervention made necessary by climate change also poses an indirect risk to businesses.,0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water security risk.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/ (Outcome 4 and outcome 2),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"SEA helps to better protect the environment, aims to ensure that any development is sustainable, and increases opportunities for public participation in decision-making. It ensures that expert views are sought at various points in the preparation process from the public and the consultation authorities.The aim of this process is to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse effects on the environment.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act (2019) is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world and set's in law our commitment to a just transition to net zero. This means that our response to the climate emergency must be the result of widespread collaboration not only across government but the rest of society. Climate Change PlanTo account for our latest emissions reduction targets within the 2019 Act, the Scottish Government has committed to updating its current Climate Chance Plan. The updated Plan will now be laid before the Scottish Parliament in late 2020 for scrutiny; it will be recast to focus on a green recovery from Covid-19. The updated Plan will draw on the best available evidence to set out clear emissions reduction pathways across the majority of the action areas set out in this table. These include; transport; energy; industry; buildings; waste; agriculture; and land use and forestry - all with the common goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2)• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation.Other Key Action AreasOut with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance FrameworkThe Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In Scotland, we are not subjected to regular long term and widespread dry spells. However, we do sometimes see localised and short-term dry periods which can cause environmental problems, and put stress on public water supplies and private abstractions.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please complete the table below.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","There are differents actions to manage in public transport, spatial planning, developping services rendered by nature's ressources to fight against urban heat island and improve air quality.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation ProgrammeClimate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024,1 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"• US Environmental Protection Agency (2016) Inventory of US greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 1990-2014.• California Air Resources Board, California Climate Action Registry, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Local Governments for Sustainability, and The Climate Registry (2010) Local government operations protocol for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories, version 1.1. • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. Vol. 1-4. • Radian Corporation (1996) Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Volumes 1-15. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Gas Research Institute. • The Climate Registry (2008) General reporting protocol, version 1.1.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3), Sustainable Buildings 2030, and city benchmarking and disclosure ordinances (e.g. Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Edina).",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Some industries and agricultural activities suffered many damages due to the lack of rain and drinking water resources were being monitored : direct costs and loss of producivity have been observed.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"We contracted for verification one year. It was expensive, no funding were allocated for verification. verification isdone by staff.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,This policy is part of the climate change law (responsibilities for regional governments) to tackle the Colombian NDC.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations, including promoting and tracking adoption of new practices for their GHG mitigation benefits. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"As a government we have a plan per component of the secretary of environment and sustainable development and we constantly report in our transparency, open government platform call SEPA NARIÑO",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"Other, please specify: Icy winters (Temperature celcius zero crossings ehich caus a layer of ice on ground.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Tucuman territory is located between the Chaco Plain to the east and the cords mountainous Preandinos to the west, the province presents in its eastern half a flat to wavy relief, while in the west, dominate the mountains and intermontane basins.The entire mountainous system is very unstable due to its relief, its strong and prolonged slopes, an aggressive subtropical climate with summer concentration of intense rainfall. In the mountainous sector the rivers are torrential with marked differences between summer and winter discharges and are the responsible for flood phenomena in the Pedemontana area.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Minnesota has joined the U.S. Climate Alliance--a bipartisan coalition of governors committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Minnesota is collaborating with other states in the Alliance on several issue-specific workgroups.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Huanuco grants a concession in favor of the company Hydroplus Global to develop electric power generation project in the San Juan Hydroelectric Plant, with an installed capacity of 0.88 MW, located in the district of Chavinillo, province of Yarowilca.Sourced from: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/otorgan-concesion-definitiva-a-favor-de-hydroplus-global-sa-resolucion-directoral-no-74-2018-gr-huanucodremh-1654473-1/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"At the subnational level, the aim is to have a first level of approximation of the GHG emissions that are generated according to each sector in order to guide the decision-making with respect to the actions to prioritize within the framework of the ERCC.It should be noted that despite the different gaps in information both in quality and quantity at the regional level, the results of the emissions are valid, since it is the information available; likewise, it allows us to identify improvements in subsequent versions of the calculation of GHG emissions, in this sense the information that we present below has a referential character.Sourced: Regional Climate Change Strategy",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"NRW is not only an important significant energy region, but also a major region for fuel. Domestic refineries produce about 25 percent of the crude oil consumed in Germany. The amount consumed by road traffic in the state is approx. 9 million tonnes of oil annually. This is the equivalent of 20 percent of national sales in Germany. One possibility for lowering CO2 emissions and protecting the climate is the use of alternative fuels and drive systems with renewable energy. The North Rhine-Westphalian biodiesel producers are among the largest in Germany",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan is currently under final revision. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Campaigns, advisory Service and Networking by the Region and the Energy Agency.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.","The adaptation measures are covered by other strategies such as: Provincial Forestry Plan, Industrial Reconversion Plan, Review of the Native Forest Territorial Organization, Comprehensive Management Plan for the Marapa Basin - Grains, Environmental Editing Plan, Harvest Certification Sustainable Sugar Cane, Early Warning System in the Balderrama Basin, recovery of the irrigation canals system.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. They included growing more grain legumes in rotations, crop varieties with higher nitrogen-use efficiency and soil testing.FAS, KTIF and FFBC support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers. Under the KTIF, The East/West Beed Grazing Collaboration Pilot worked toward establishing evidence on the financial and environmental value of moving cattle to lower cost natural resources.Research on the potential for leguminous crops in Scotland was published in January 2021 and is available on www.climatexchange.org.uk It considered the climate mitigation potential of legumes within arable and grassland rotations and commented on the potential to reduce reliance on imported protein.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry.More info: Intechopen - https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/strategic-management-of-grazing-grassland-systems-to-maintain-and-increase-organic-carbon-in-soils",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Scotland is a world leader in marine renewable energy as a result of consistent and committed support from the Scottish Government. We have invested almost £40 million into our wave energy programme Wave Energy Scotland and supported tidal development through our Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.,1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Plantation forests are excluded (2,074 sq. km)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has recently consulted on a Water Resources Management Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/consultations/closed-consultations/ ) setting out the risk that the frequency and severity of droughts is likely to increase in the future and why we need to adapt to be more resilient. The outcome will be a series of practical actions to deliver greater resilience and allow water users to begin adapting now to minimise the impacts of prolonged periods of dry weather. The actions will be developed with the Scottish Government and others partners to deliver a more resilient Scotland. . - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across government-owned buildings, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Biomass heating systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for biomass heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Although the canton is subject to the Swiss climate protection policy, but Basle-Country has also taken its own initiatives to achieve the climate goals. Effective measures to reduce emissions and fix greenhouse gases are implemented by sustainable technologies in agriculture, transport and industry. The energy strategy adopted by the government and the energy law enacted by the cantonal parlament in 2016, with a focus on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the building sector, form the basis for the canton of Basle-Country being one of the pioneering and modern cantons of the Swiss Confederation. Not only the reduction of emissions, but also the adaptation and management of the consequences of climate change are taking an increasingly important place. With the Water Strategy, the canton of Basle-Country has defined the objectives and priorities for the consequences of climate change and the protection of water as its own and most important natural basis of livelihood. With this own initiatives the canton of Basle-Country effectively anticipates the potential risks posed by climate change. Its own natural foundations of life are thereby secured and the careful use of natural resources makes an active contribution to the conservation of biodiversity.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"One-off assessment, explanation provided: In progress with support of ICRAF and Earth Innovation Institute",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Clean Air Rule in Washington setsindividual facility caps for largeemitters and requires them to reduceemissions over time, by reducing theirown emissions or by acquiringemission reductions from throughoutthe economy. However, Washington Superior Court struck down rule and it is now on appeal to Washington Supreme Court.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As a government we have a plan per component of the secretary of environment and sustainable development and we constantly report in our transparency, open government platform call SEPA NARIÑO",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,The Scottish Government are in the early stages of investigating the potential for waste heat recovery. Our Heat Networks Bill also seeks to promote the use of waste heat by heat network operators.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Large scale conservation efforts forincreasing density of forests throughconservation and assisted naturalregeneration over nearly 30% of theforest area of the state especiallydegraded forests under both the stateand National schemes like CAMPA,Green India Mission etc",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","There have been installed 17.000 LED luminaries in different cities and small communities San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) , Famaillá, Lules, Banda del Río Salí Rumi Punco and other small communities.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,There are energy sources such as solar and biomass that have a percentage less than zero.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Providing www.energiportalen.no to all the persons in the county. they are able to enter their house details, and calculate their consumption and potential savings by installing different energy saving techlologies.",0 +Please detail your government’s total electricity consumption and its associated GHG emissions.,"Extreme rainfall has increased during the past century in Minnesota. Minnesota has experienced 15 'mega-rain events since 1858, with 7 of these events occurring since 2002. This trend of more extreme rainfall events is expected to continue, increasing flooding and erosion, reducing water quality, and affecting transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. Extreme precipitation events can also contribute to significant public health issues, including physical injuries, destruction of property, mental health issues, disruption of emergency services, and waterborne disease outbreaks. At the same time, flows in many Minnesota rivers and streams have increased, making some systems and communiteis more vulnerable to flooding and contributing to ongoing erosion that affects ecosystems and recreation. These increased flows result from both increased rainfall and human land use. Historic wetland drainage and expansion of artificial drainage networks on agricultural and urban lands contribute to increased stream and river flows. While reversing climate change that contributes to increased occurrence of extreme rainfall will take global action over decades, we should act to implement land use practices that make us more resilient now. Preserving the function of floodplains will protect inland areas. Floodplains can be restored to their natural state or made into public parks. We can manage our drainage systems to make streams and rivers more resilient to heavy rains. And we can assess vulnerabilities of our highways, homes and other infrastructure to improve their resilience to extreme rainfall and floods.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2018 indicated that 71% of private sector softwood output is certified and 100% of public sector output. This gives 82% of softwood output by volume is certified in the UK. In Scotland the figure is 84%.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The use of photovoltaics is an important pillar in the energy mix of the future. In 2019, renewable power was generated in NRW by around 280,000 PV systems with an installed capacity of almost 5,300 MW. The costs of generating solar power through roof systems are now lower than the grid purchase prices, which means that own consumption of solar power is becoming increasingly important, not only ecologically but also economically. Ground-mounted PV systems, which in NRW are permitted along infrastructure routes and on conversion sites, can also make an important contribution to the power supply with their low production costs. (www.energieagentur.nrw/solarenergie)A new map was published in the Energieatlas NRW (Energy Atlas NRW) in November 2018: the state-wide Solar Roof Register NRW. On the approximately eleven million roofs in NRW there lies great potential for generating power from solar energy using photovoltaics: around 68 terawatt hours of electricity could be produced per year. It is now possible for every homeowner in NRW to find out with a simple click whether and to what extent their roof surface is suitable for solar energy (both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy). An integrated solar calculator calculates the economic efficiency of a possible solar system on the basis of roof shape and inclination and according to individual settings such as power consumption, load profile, storage system, etc., and can serve as a basis for planning. Towns and municipalities also have the option of integrating the Solar Register into their own website via a link tailored to the area in question. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de; www.solarkataster.nrw.de)",0 +Is deforestation and/or forest degradation currently an issue for your region?,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Please see the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf. and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,State agencies have contributed to working sessions for National Climate Assessment process.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2018.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The national level target has been already set in the form of NDCs such as 40 % non fossils fuel based power capacity by 2030 as early as 2020 a full ten year earlier, similarly the draft national energy policy projects that more than 60% of power capacity building based on renewable by 2040, So the government decided to contribute in such a ambitious targets.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.",No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Tackling climate change and progressing the low carbon transition is integral to Scotland’s sustainable economic development. It is central to the government’s objectives within the economic strategy and embedded in policy across all key sectors that need to reduce emissions. Examples of this can be found in Scotland’s renewable energy sector and energy efficiency programmes - supported by our Energy Strategy, within our circular economy and environmental policies and in our approach to sustainable transport where there is a commitment to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. These are some of the key examples of where Scotland is taking action and positioning itself to reap the economic benefits of the transition to the low carbon economy. Furthermore, fully capturing the opportunities of our just transition to net zero means creating green jobs, developing sustainable skills and nurturing wellbeing. The Scottish Government’s approach is designed to increase the number of good, green jobs, and to enable people to access these jobs through training and reskilling. The £100m Green Jobs Fund will help to deliver this and the Climate emergency Skills Action Plan will help to further align the skills system with the demand resulting from a green recovery and the transition to net zero, The Scottish Government is also committed to responding to the climate emergency in a way that aligns with our ambitions of transitioning towards a wellbeing economy. For example, we have set out our 20 Minute Neighbourhood ambition – a place where people can live well locally and meet their daily needs within a 20 minute walk, wheel or cycle from their home - that will support the delivery of a number of Scottish Government priorities such as net zero, housing, place and town centres, resilient communities, wellbeing economy and better, greener places. The upcoming National Planning Framework 4 will set out priorities on planning our places in a way that reduces the need to travel to services and amenities. Creating more space for people to work remotely, building more homes at the heart of communities and creating community hubs around anchor collaborations, together with strengthening our support for repurposing buildings and assets, will help to deliver local green growth and development opportunities.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"In some major city corporations like Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhilai , Durg and Ambikapur waste recycling plans made and being implemented",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The phase-out of coal leads to an increase of natural gas power in Germany.,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"All projects and plans for the region, local municipalities and businesses are first asked to include climatic changes in their planning. Fylkesmannen/County govenor also follow up on this and we both are able to object to the plans if we see that they have not planned long term. Our goal is to adapt to the weather today and the climatic changes that are projected for the country and the region. This includes climate addition with high RCP",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Energy productivity in Scotland is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy (can be found here). It is measured by the gross value added (adjusted based on chained volume measures) from the input of one gigawatt hour of energy. Energy productivity in Scotland in 2018 is £0.972m GVA per GWh, up 31.1% from 2005.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,A combination of internal analysis and EPA SIT tool is used for top-down inventory (official state inventory). Washington also has its own bottom-up greenhouse gas reporting program.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Especially in urban areas with pronounced urban heat islands under current conditions more frequent.heat waves are going to amplify thermal stress. https://www.klimaatlas.nrw.de/ https://www.lanuv.nrw.de/klima/klimaanpassung-in-nrw/fis-klimaanpassung-nordrhein-westfalen,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huánuco develops sustainable tourism within the region, through the identification of fragile ecosystems and the creation of Protected Natural areas.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We had a few scope 2 uses come off-line between 2016 and 2017 and uses that were not tracked in 2016, and because of these accounting changes, we have a significant decrease in emissions. We know that these emissions have decreased, but the exact magnitude is uncertain.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",1 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"The aim of the programme is to increase the resilience of Scotland's people, environment and economy to the impacts of a changing climate.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Scottish Water has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2040. ItContinues to progress a wide range of projects to generate additional renewableEnergy and lower its emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"IPCC defines climate change vulnerability as the combination of three components: sensibility, exposition and adaptation capacity. An equation formed by those components was the foundation for our climate vulnerability index, combined with indicators that represent each one of them.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Mandatory separate collection of dry recyclable materials and food waste from some businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)).Over 80% of Scotland’s population have separate food waste collectionsWe publish and review a Household Recycling Charter and Code of Practice, which sets out best practice for local governments.We are preparing to deliver Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025, as set out in Programme for Government 2021/21",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Promote Greenfield projects like hydro power plants up to 5 MW,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"In 2014, the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. Mandatory recycling for business was added in the metro area by the Legislature. The greater Minnesota outstate counties’ goal remains unchanged at 35%. Environmental Assistance, Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program (CAP), and Greater Minnesota recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Solar energy is one of the main pillars of the energy transition for NRW. Up the end of 2017 more than 250,000 photovoltaic systems were installed with a capacity of approx. 4,700 kWp.A total of just under 1.5 million square meres panel area had been installed in NRW by the end of 2016, producing about 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat inventory in the EnergyAtlas.NRW provides an overview detailing data for individual municipalities and districts.(www.energieatlas.nrw.de).",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. For this reporting, however, we have used IPPC's AR4 global warming potentials for CH4 and NO2 emissions.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Flooding: Avoiding sealing, infiltration possibilities, land use with higher topography, temporary storage of rainwater, prevention of drainage barriers, technical construction measuresDrought: Dams as security for the water supply",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2018 indicated that 71% of private sector softwood output is certified and 100% of public sector output. This gives 82% of softwood output by volume is certified in the UK. In Scotland the figure is 84%.,1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"In 1981, Minnesota was the first state to implement retail net metering as a state policy applicable to all electric utilities per Minn. Statute 216B.164. Legislative changes in 2015 and 2017 allowed cooperative and municipal utilities to charge fees to customers participating in net metering and removed state PUC authority to settle disputes related to coop and muni net metering fees.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"According to the Regional Ordinance Nº 010-2012-GRU / CR, the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Water Resource is declared Priority and Public Interest. Likewise, said rule declares intangible for the mining activity, the old and current channel of all surface water bodies of the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, including its marginal fringes and floodplains, plus a security band equivalent to 15 times the width of the corresponding marginal band y; apply and / or establish sanctions ranging from fines to deprivation of liberty, to those responsible for the alteration of fluvial channels and the discharge of effluents without proper treatment to the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, in accordance with the Decree Legislative No. 1102 and other applicable regulations.In Ucayali, the National Water Authority identifies 5 water basins and 6 interhydric basins. Also, this institution of national competitions is promoting the creation of the bi-regional council Vilcanota-Urubamba. According to the Institutional Strategic Plan of Ucayali 2016-2018, it is planned to implement two water basin committees during 2018.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The governor of Huanuco, Juan Alvarado Cornelio, announced in june, 2019 that he will promote the construction of 76 new hydro-energy projects in his region to become the main provider of electricity in the country, and be able to obtain more resources per canon in return.https://ojo-publico.com/1221/gobernador-de-huanuco-plantea-construir-mas-hidroelectricas-pese-conflictos-sociales",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Heat and cold waves. The emergencies reported by INDECI (civil defense agency) for Ucayali between 2002 and 2012 (latter data available) have been systematized. Of these, a set of climatic and hydroclimatic threats have been selected that have a possible correlation with the alteration of the regional climate in Ucayali due to global climate change. These are precipitations of unusual intensity, strong or windy winds (which are a reliable indicator of friajes), droughts, the floods and floods and the landslides. In addition, two events with an indirect relationship have been added: forest fires (which increase due to heat waves and also increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere) and epidemics (which are usually outbreaks of dengue, related to the greater amount of rain that leaves more seasonal puddles).",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes. At 2019, a inventory of GHG emissiones is in process.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The council of South Ostrobothnia encourages cities to follow the same target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % by 2020 compared to 1990. Four municipalities of South Ostrobothnia are implementing common climate change actions (eg. a common climate chage strategy, setting goals to reduce energy consumption), and The Regional Council of South Ostrobothia is member in a steering group of the co-operation group.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The Scottish Government has target to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's own electricity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,All of each projects led by the government of Nariño in the forest sector have a strong component of environmental governance.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government has published a draft Heat in Buildings Strategy on the February 5th 2021 which sets out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"At the end of 2018, more than 2.3 million solar thermal systems with a collector surface area of more than 20 million m2 and a thermal capacity of 14 gigawatts were installed in Germany. (www.bsw-solar.de) According to an analysis of BAFA and progres.nrw funding figures by EnergyAgency.NRW, a total collector surface area of almost 1.5 million m² was installed in NRW at the end of 2016, producing approximately 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat register at EnergyAtlas.NRW provides a clear overview of the situation for the various municipalities and districts. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de ).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We have connected more than 10.000 people to energy using only renewables such as solar energyhttps://xn--nario-rta.gov.co/inicio/index.php/sala-de-prensa/noticias/1980-cerca-de-10-mil-narinenses-de-zonas-aisladas-ya-cuentan-con-electricidad-gracias-a-modelo-de-energias-alternativas-impulsado-por-el-gobernador-camilo-romero,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport. Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Climate Change Committee to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Climate Change Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate. Despite progress in Scotland, the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions means that we also need urgent action in areas reserved to the UK Government to unlock further action in Scotland. The Climate Change Plan update contains our full list of UK Government asks and these include changes to parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, the development of hydrogen capacity, further investment in carbon capture and storage and further incentive mechanisms for renewable electricity deployment (e.g. CfD). There are also key areas where we need to drive demand, where collaboration across a UK market would help to capture the opportunities from the transition, such as in heat decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, zero emission vehicles and green finance. The Scottish Government will continue to work with the UK Government and push for action in these areas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",1 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"Areas burned by wildfires are projected to double by 2020 and triple by 2040 due to lack of moisture, warmertemperatures and diseases and pest.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Integrated Management Plan of the Marapa Graneros River Basin includes a photogrammetric flight at a convenient scale to have the situation current of the sub-basin and a new planialimetry of the area, in particular to emphasize hydrogeomorphologyof bathes, channels, paleo-riverbeds and new erosions detected after the last recorded events. Also to perform updated hydrological studies for different recurrences of rains in the current condition and with different proposals for future works.The Ministry of Public Health prepared the Flood Contingency Plan in 2017: 1) General coordination, 2) Political commitment of local referents, 3) Epidemiological Surveillance, 4) Environmental Health; 5) Health Communication and Education; 6) Planning of Health Services; 7) Organization of Health Programs; 8) Organization of Rapid Response to Health Emergencies",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Climate change mitigation and adaptation are the priority of the regional master plan called ""Grand Est Territoires'. This plan, is a global master plan (schéma d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires). It integrates all sectors of energy consumption (residential, commercial, industry, transport, agriculture) and all the categories of renewable energy production. It also deals with climate adaptation within targets of reduction of water and lands consumption for instance.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries. In Germany NRW has strong relations to other federal states which are formal on a federal working level as well as informal on a political level.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Peru has a National Climate Change Strategy. Each jurisdiction have to design Regional Strategy based on national guidelines stablished by Ministry of Environment that include adaptation measures.,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. For this reporting, however, we have used IPPC's AR4 global warming potentials for CH4 and NO2 emissions.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Net LULUCF emissions in Scotland are negative - primarily due to the size of the Scottish forestry sector. Agreed with CDP (Karl Arpon) to leave field blank in data box and provide negative figure here of -5,426,799.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 places duties on Scottish Ministers to establish a National Marine Plan, regional coastal marine plans, and a Marine Protected Area network. The Act also places a duty on all public authorities to act in the way best calculated to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change so far as is consistent with the purpose of the function concerned",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"We are implementing an MRV tool, called Energy and Climate Observatory, to monitoring the climate and energy actions in Minas Gerais State.",0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires as well as insect calamities,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Please complete the table below.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"This Act includes a statutory requirements for planning authorities to prepare, consult on and publish a ‘forest and woodland strategy’. Each strategy must set out the planning authority’s policies and proposals in their area as to the development of forestry and woodlands, including; their protection and enhancement, resilience to climate change, expansion of a range of types to provide multiple benefits and any other matter the planning authority consider appropriate.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage.This will include the delivery of a Scotland-specific Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) during 2020 and beyond, that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The IETF will help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. It will be flexible according to the changing circumstances of our manufacturing or processing sites, or clusters, and their supply chains.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2018/8/enacted This Act makes provision about Scottish Ministers’ functions in relation to forestry and forest management. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/687147/The_UK_Forestry_Standard.pdf The UKFS defines the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK. It is reviewed every five years with the input of the forestry sector and environmental stakeholders. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2019/421/made The regulations consolidates and strengthens EU plant health legislation on protective measures against the introduction into Scotland of organisms harmful to trees, plants or plant products and against their spread within Scotland.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as battery electric mobility are important key technologies in all areas of the energy and transport system. The Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Electromobility Network of the state of NRW brings together more than 500 primarily medium-sized companies and research institutions. The network supports this technology and the initiation and expert monitoring of cooperation projects, including the current “Model Municipalities/Model Region Hydrogen Mobility NRW” and “HyLand” competitions of the federal government. So far, the state and the EU (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) have provided almost EUR 170 million to over 140 projects in fuel cell and hydrogen technology. In addition, further projects in NRW have been provided with content-based support with federal funding via the National Innovation Programme (NIP) and the European FCH JU programme within the framework of Horizon 2020. The spectrum of topics covered by the projects ranges from the development of individual system components such as compressors and sensors to the development and testing of complex products such as buses and filling stations.In the field of battery electric mobility, based on programmes of the Federal Ministry of Transport, some 210 projects with a funding volume of around EUR 110 million have been launched and supported in various areas in almost 90 towns since 2009. The topics of integrating renewable energies into the transport sector, the use of electric vehicles in commercial and municipal fleets and the development of municipal and corporate electromobility concepts are supported. In these projects, around 4,400 vehicles and some 6,700 charging points have so far been funded in NRW by the Federal Ministry of Transport.All of the state’s electromobility activities are bundled under the term “ElektroMobilität NRW” (Electromobility NRW), an umbrella brand of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs. Here, EnergieAgentur.NRW and the centre of competence ElektroMobilität NRW are working on behalf of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs on the further development of electromobility in the state of NRW – supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/brennstoffzelle-wasserstoff-elektromobilitaet; www.elektromobilitaet.nrw)",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Mainly in the municipalities of Tumaco, Barbacoas, Maguí Payan, Roberto Payán, deforestation occurs due to illicit crops, the illegal extraction of minerals and the expansion of agricultural activities generate the transformation of the forest in this area. The presence of illegal armed groups presses the expansion of illegal activities at the expense of natural coverage. The transformation of forest cover in pastures, crops, infrastructure construction, illicit crops, extraction of minerals and wood are the main causes of deforestation in the country. In Nariño, the loss of natural forest reports 26,897 hectares during the 2013-2017 period, a figure that represents 3.4% of the country's deforestation in the same period. In 2017, Nariño ranked 8th among the departments with the largest deforested area, however in 2018 we are ranked 10th.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Under a medium emissions (A1B) scenario, regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an innovative and strong industrial country in Europe. The local manufacturing companies will implement 350 billion euros in 2017. The industry with its value chains and jobs is enormously important for North Rhine-Westphalia. At the same time, the industrial sector accounts for around 19 percent of North Rhine-Westphalia's greenhouse gas emissions. He thus bears a special responsibility in climate protection.Against the background of the Paris Climate Agreement, the industry - as well as the other sectors - has to be for the most part greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. This means, in part, fundamentally changing production processes, switching to renewable energies or continuing to use CO2 as a raw material, for example in the form of products or synthetic fuels. The use of hydrogen also plays a central role.For the concrete establishment of a greenhouse gas-neutral industry considerable research efforts are still necessary. It also requires a suitable infrastructure and necessary framework conditions that make such development processes economically and socially representable. In order to tackle these tasks together with industrial partners and scientific partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has launched the initiative IN4climate.NRW.As part of IN4climate.NRW, solutions and strategies for a greenhouse gas-neutral industry are being developed with the aim of supporting the industrial location of NRW while maintaining its competitiveness in a future that is neutral for the GHG.More at www.in4climate.nrw",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Other, please specify: NEGOCIOS VERDES AGROECOLOGICOS ARTICULADOS CON SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEZA",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.php?id=276&L=1",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making.Bus:Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Implementation delayed by focus on COVID but initial round has now been launched.Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2021.Currently focusing on increasing funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID.Rail:Rail is well placed to play a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government and we recently published the Rail Services Decarbonisation Action Plan (28 July 2020). Work has been and continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the plan (rail electrification is a key outcome) to make the traction elements of Scotland’s railway carbon free by 2035.As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Produces a climate change plan with mitigation actions and strategies to be achieved till 2035. For the years 2016-2019 We have developed more than 5 mitigation projects in the sectors of energy, infrastructure, waste, forest and mobility. Corponariño, Universities, local communities, industries, Alcaldias, UMATAS, private sector. Etc.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"After several years of strong expansion, 2018 saw 55 percent less wind energy capacity installed in Germany than the same period of the previous year. A significant decline in new construction was also recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia, with 106 wind turbines, representing a capacity of 331 megawatts (MW), connected to the grid in 2018. Although 62 percent less wind energy capacity was installed compared to the same period of the previous year, NRW still takes second place behind Lower Saxony in terms of new capacity. In total, 3,726 wind turbines with a total capacity of 5,773 MW were in operation in NRW at the end of the year.In Germany as a whole, 743 new wind turbines with a total capacity of 2,402 MW were installed onshore in 2018, including 111 repowering turbines with a capacity of 363 MW. During the same period, 205 onshore turbines with a total capacity of 249 MW were dismantled. The net increase in generating capacity thus amounted to 2,154 MW (538 wind turbines). Offshore, 136 wind turbines were constructed last year to give an increase in generating capacity of 969 MW. This means that 29,213 onshore and 1,305 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 59,313 MW were in operation in Germany on 31 December 2018.The aim of work in the field of wind energy in NRW is to promote the wind industry by better networking, increase the innovative capacity of the sector, support the expansion of wind energy, and increase public acceptance of wind energy expansion in NRW. The target group for wind energy activities comprises a wide range companies from across the entire value chain. This industry is provided with a platform which allows technical specialists, industry experts and interested persons to share information on specific topics with a view to finding solutions. A wide range of information resources, opportunities for communication and events is provided to disseminate specialist information and increase the level of awareness on wind energy among experts and the general public. (www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017. Timer control for indoor lighting,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have been working with Brazil´s national government aiming to reach the goals of the Brazilian NDC.,1 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% under a medium emissions scenario by the 2060s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline scenario (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland),1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Providing www.energiportalen.no to all the persons in the county. they are able to enter their house details, and calculate their consumption and potential savings by installing different energy saving techlologies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"1. Construction of the dam ""Potrero del Clavillo"" in the basin of the Gastona and Medina rivers. One of its functions is the regulation of floods, in addition to providing water for human consumption and irrigatio2. Re - direct San Francisco River, in Gastona Medina Basin towards the wetlands area that is located in the northeast quadrant, where it drained naturally for thousands of years as attenuators of maximum flows.2. Reviewing the sections of the bridges and culverts of all the interferences with provincial, national and railway routes where these new activated channel drains, considering the new dynamics and the parameters of the basin. The study will determine the section required by the river bed, for increases of the order of magnitude of 1,200 to 1,500m³ / s, which are feasible to be generated in the basin according to the volumes registered in 2015 and 2017",0 +Please explain why you do not consider your region to be exposed to any substantive water supply risk.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Local Government Operations Protocol (ICLEI/The Climate Registry/California Climate Action Registry/ California Air Resources Board),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Waste heat recovery is included in a couple of MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The green economy encompasses all companies that offer environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient products and services. As an interdisciplinary sector with links to key industries like machine engineering and the electrical industry, it plays a central role in the economic development of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2016, the North Rhine-Westphalia green economy boasted a work force of around 368,000. Its share of overall employment is 5.1%, which is higher than any other key sector in the state. With a turnover of 66.3 billion euros, the green economy contributed around 6.2% to North Rhine-Westphalia’s gross value added and has developed into a significant and integrated component of the state’s economic structure. The featured themes of the green economy encompass sustainable farming and forest management, classic sectors such as sewage and waste disposal and pollution monitoring, mitigation and restoration technologies, as well as new topics like green mobility and renewable energy. Against this background, the green economy can also be seen as a sector of transformation, tackling the greatest challenges of our time – climate change, urbanisation, resource efficiency, decarbonisation – with new ideas, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art services. For established key industries, such as machine engineering and the electrical industry, the green economy has an integrating effect; it combines and channels skills and innovations with prospects for sustainable growth. North Rhine-Westphalia has intentionally developed its economic prospects as the largest provider of green economy products and services in Germany. An annual average turnover growth of 1% (2010–2015) and an annual growth in gross value added of 3.4% (2010–2015) paint a glowing picture. Report:www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",1 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"Forests are of great importance for the department, they provide ecosystem goods and services such as water regulation, habitat of species of fauna and flora, resilience to phenomena of climatic variability, being a genetic bank of species, in addition to being a field of research, be a stage for recreational and tourist activities that can generate assets (CORPONARIÑO, 2015).We develop actions such as:PARTICIPATORY ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION:Construction and supply of 15 forest nurseries for Ecological Restoration in strategic municipalities of the Department of Nariño, which allow to generate a significant impact for the development in the mitigation of climate change and the conservation of natural resources in areas of water recharge.Ecological restoration as a mechanism for the conservation and recovery of strategic ecosystems on the premises of indigenous councils of border municipalities of the Exprovince of Obando in the Department of Nariño.PROTECTED AREAS:Consolidation of the Departmental System of Protected Areas of Nariño (SIDAP) to support the definition of guidelines, recommendations on strategies, priorities and conservation goals, research, environmental determinants, ecosystems Strategic and new areas declared as regional natural parks. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATIONS: presented before in this report.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Reviewing theTerritorial Regulation of Native Forests (OTBN) approved by Law 8304, re - categorizing areas that are currently under Category II (medium conservation value) to Category III (high conservation value - no deforestation allowed).",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Part of all projects and plans that we are involved in.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements.",1 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","The NRW adaptation strategy is divided into four areas: Forest management, Biodiversity, Forest industry, Society It comprises 18 fields of action with 49 outlined implementation measures.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Province of Tucumán participates in the Low Emissions Capacity Strengthening Program (LECB) of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Training Workshop on the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and mitigation measures. In September 2017, 30 representatives of provincial and national public agencies and of the four universities has participated in.It also participates in the UN - REDD Program for the elaboration of the National Plan of Action for Forests and Climate Change.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"SEA helps to better protect the environment, aims to ensure that any development is sustainable, and increases opportunities for public participation in decision-making. It ensures that expert views are sought at various points in the preparation process from the public and the consultation authorities.The aim of this process is to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse effects on the environment.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). With the next edition of the inventory, we will undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that will change the estimates and improve our confidence.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,http://ukwas.org.uk/UKWAS is the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. It is an independent certification standard for verifying sustainable woodland management in the UK.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,Minnesota has multiple financing programs to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many are a result of ARRA stimulus and are used for revolving loan funds or loan loss reserves to leverage other funding sources. These programs are administered at the state level or through partnerships with other NGOs.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"We had a few scope 2 uses come off-line between 2016 and 2017 and uses that were not tracked in 2016, and because of these accounting changes, we have a significant decrease in emissions. We know that these emissions have decreased, but the exact magnitude is uncertain.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across government-owned buildings, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Aberdeen Hydrogen: Hydrogen development programme to include a range of strategic infrastructure and market development projects,1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Design and implement a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy from 2020.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With a power plant capacity of approx. 30,800 MW, NRW is the most important power plant location in Germany, if not in Europe. 27 percent of the German electricity requirements are generated by coal-fired power plants and 26 percent consumed here. In Düsseldorf, for example, the world's most modern gas and steam power plant (combined cycle power plant) with an efficiency of more than 61 percent started operating in early 2016. For the first time, 300 MW of district heating can be extracted from a single power plant block with only one gas turbine, which is then fed into the district heating grid of Düsseldorf's municipal utilities.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","After several years of strong expansion, 2018 saw 55 percent less wind energy capacity installed in Germany than the same period of the previous year. A significant decline in new construction was also recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia, with 106 wind turbines, representing a capacity of 331 megawatts (MW), connected to the grid in 2018. Although 62 percent less wind energy capacity was installed compared to the same period of the previous year, NRW still takes second place behind Lower Saxony in terms of new capacity. In total, 3,726 wind turbines with a total capacity of 5,773 MW were in operation in NRW at the end of the year.In Germany as a whole, 743 new wind turbines with a total capacity of 2,402 MW were installed onshore in 2018, including 111 repowering turbines with a capacity of 363 MW. During the same period, 205 onshore turbines with a total capacity of 249 MW were dismantled. The net increase in generating capacity thus amounted to 2,154 MW (538 wind turbines). Offshore, 136 wind turbines were constructed last year to give an increase in generating capacity of 969 MW. This means that 29,213 onshore and 1,305 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 59,313 MW were in operation in Germany on 31 December 2018.The aim of work in the field of wind energy in NRW is to promote the wind industry by better networking, increase the innovative capacity of the sector, support the expansion of wind energy, and increase public acceptance of wind energy expansion in NRW. The target group for wind energy activities comprises a wide range companies from across the entire value chain. This industry is provided with a platform which allows technical specialists, industry experts and interested persons to share information on specific topics with a view to finding solutions. A wide range of information resources, opportunities for communication and events is provided to disseminate specialist information and increase the level of awareness on wind energy among experts and the general public. (www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050.The current state government is committed to the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which states that the world should operate largely climate-neutral in the second half of the 21st century - and is accordingly also the target of the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions North Rhine-Westphalia of at least 80 percent by the year 2050 provides.At present, it is already foreseeable that the climate protection target for 2020 laid down in the Climate Change Act will be achieved fairly reliably: By 2016, emissions reductions had already reached around 22 percent. Three to four percentage points will be added to the safety reserve by 2019 simply by transferring five power plant units.By 2050, further efforts are needed to achieve the goal of 80 percent savings. Above all, it is important to make greater use of the opportunities and positive effects of further digitization and to create an entrepreneurial and innovation-friendly environment for the research and market introduction of climate-friendly technologies. Climate protection and environmental protection also create new markets in which the North Rhine-Westphalian economy is already successfully active today.With an amendment to the Climate Protection Act, the state government will support companies and local authorities to take advantage of the opportunities that climate protection offers them.See current version of the Climate Protection Act here: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMG16-29.pdf?von=1&bis=0",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Climate change has already an impact on air quality that will be increased in a short-term related to rising tempreture and stronger and longer heatwaves.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",1 +Please complete the table below.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Since the beginning of the data record (1895) through 1959, Minnesota’s annual average temperature increased by nearly 0.2°F per decade. This is shown in the graph to the left. This warming effect has accelerated over the last 50+ years. Data from 1960-2016 show that the recent rate of warming for Minnesota has sped up substantially to over 0.5°F per decade, which is equivalent to 5.0°F per century. Minnesota has gotten noticeably warmer, especially over the last few decades.Annual average temperatures are increasing and summer high temperatures have risen slightly in the north, but have fallen in the middle and southern part of the state. Minimum temperatures, which are the overnight lows, have been rising faster than maximum temperatures, which are the daytime highs.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The national government establishes the target through the RenovAr Program. It is a plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has three projects awarded for generation by incineration of biomass and bio gas, for a total of 24 MW.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"conflicts of water resources, e.g. between agriculture sectors, industrial sector and private households",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Mix of fuels composted by oil, gas, biomass and industrial gas, once they do not have their percentages specified.Source: Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais30º Balanço Energético do Estado de Minas Gerais - BEEMG2015: ano base 2014 / Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais. –Belo Horizonte: Cemig, 2016.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Ucayali has pledged to reduce GHG emissions region-wide by 80%-95% by 2050 based on 1990 levels in the Under2MOU. Ucayali signed the Memorandum on 24thSeptember 2015.https://www.under2coalition.org/sites/default/files/ucayali-appendix.pdf,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The temperature have risen over the last few years and it has gone up to 48 degrees centigrade will rise further.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"There are Sectorial Plans for Disaster Prevention and Attention, whose strategic objectives are: The incorporation of risk management and emergency and disaster management actions in the strategic and operational plans at the sector level at their different levels, Strengthening of processes to prevent and prevent address emergencies and disasters generated by emerging and reemerging adverse events, Development of decentralization mechanisms in risk management and emergency and disaster management at the community level, Promote mechanisms and actions to reduce physical and social vulnerability. Projects are being developed as part of adaptation strategies to reduce the risk to vulnerable populations due to climatic factors. For example: Afforestation and / or Reforestation of fragile ecosystems, planting and harvesting of water.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) brings together representative from all forest stakeholder groups in Minnesota to advise the Governor on forest management and forest issues. Another example of forest management partnership in Minnesota is the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement between the state (MN Dept. of Natural Resources) and the federal government (U.S. Forest Service). These approaches aren’t specifically focused on deforestation/degradation, but provide the platform for cooperative work on forestry issue like this in the state.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/unternehmen",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",ILI Energy Storage : New battery storage development project opportunities are being offered across Scotland with capacity of up to 450MW.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2019 the English edition had an annual circulation of 28,000 copies which were used, for example, within the foreign trade activities of EnergieAgentur.NRW.The e-mail newsletter is sent to over 15,000 subscribers every week. In addition, there are special issues of the newsletter on particular topics. The family of websites with the main page www.energieagentur.nrw is one of the most visited sites in the energy sector: in 2019 the websites of EnergieAgentur.NRW and various themed portals recorded over two million page views and more than 770,000 visitors. The online media of EnergieAgentur.NRW currently include 36 online tools with a total of almost 680,000 users and over one million sessions. Almost 190,000 brochures were downloaded as PDF files from the EnergieAgentur.NRW website and more than 54,000 printed brochures were sent by post. There are currently 290 different publications available in total.The Twitter account @eanrw had over 8,000 followers at the end of 2019. A total of 1,362 Tweets were sent with a reach of over 2 million. The Facebook page “EA.NRW” has 1,980 followers, a reach of almost 255,000 and 925 posts. On EnergieAgentur.NRW’s business page on Facebook, relevant content is communicated under the slogan “Climate protection – made in NRW”. There were 789 followers in the reporting period. The reach of the page is almost 15,000 followers and there were 238 posts. There is another EA.NRW Facebook page with 244 followers about the “EnergieJobs.NRW” project. The business page on XING had 537 subscribers in the reporting period. The LinkedIN business page developed in 2017 had 634 followers, and the Instragram page developed in 2018 had 545 followers and a reach of almost 28,000.(www.energieagentur.nrw)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"We have a program called ""bolsa verde"" that is a kind of payment for environmental services to farms owners.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Region collaborates with Cities and local governments in developing environmental targets, goals and strategy. There is a large range of supports provided by Region : free data access for all local governments, animation of regional networks, grants, loan guarantees, capital contribution etc.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Shorter snow season, earlier melt. April 1 snow -water will decrease by 20% by 2020, 30% by 2040 and 62% by 2080",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"There energy sources, such as solar and biomass, that have a percentage less than zero",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,In 2007 the state of Minnesota established an energy policy that 25 percent of the total energy used in the state be derived from renewable energy resources by the year 2025.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Grids and Storage Network is responsible for issues surrounding energy infrastructure and energy storage: within the context of the energy transition programme, NRW, as the number 1 industrial state, holds a key position for energy infrastructure. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities must be integrated into the regional distribution grid and transport requirements in the transmission grid must be coordinated nationally and internationally by the centrally located NRW. The Grids and Storage Network involves players from all areas of society in these processes. This is largely achieved in the working groups (WG) “WG 1: Transmission Grids”, “WG 2: Distribution Grids”, “WG 3: Storage Facilities” and “WG 4: Gas Infrastructure” and their events.In addition to the activity in working groups, the network supports companies by providing technical expertise and support in innovation projects. A close exchange between business, science and public institutions is promoted by connecting companies and institutions along the value chain. In addition, the Grids and Storage Network organises specialist conferences and workshops with added value for its network partners, especially SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and current information can be found on the website. (www.energieagentur.nrw/netze)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"State law and rules are in place. MN DNR provides wind energy project siting guidance, and solar energy project siting/site management guidance.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Water storage for agriculture and fish is inadequate, especially during low water years and droughts",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,Compostable waste collection is available in some areas. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with the commercial recycling law.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",We have introduced the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill to stimulate the deployment of low carbon heat networks where they are suitable across Scotland. We will work collaboratively across the Scottish Parliament to secure the Bill’s passage.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"For Minnesota to have the best future possible, we need to eliminate health disparities, especially those experienced by people of color and American Indians. Health equity and achieving good health requires more than good medical care - inequities in social and economic factors are the key contributors to health disparities and ultimately are what need to change if health equity is to be advanced. A high quality of life requires a broad community effort and leadership from all corners of society and MN State agencies are committed to partnering to create a healthy state and advance health equity for all Minnesotans. See full report: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/healthequity/ahe_leg_report_020414.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2017 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,905 hectares, 1% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2017 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests. At 2019, detailed studies have been initiated to analyze the causes of deforestation in the territory as well as to measure the financing gaps of the measures to be adopted.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +Please complete the table below.,The plan provides the guidance necessary for the implementation of mitigations actions.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"We contracted for verification one year. It was expensive, no funding were allocated for verification. verification isdone by staff.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The ERCC proposes to reduce the losses and damages in the agricultural activities of the region from: 1) Strengthening of the agricultural planning and management of the region with the incorporation of the climate change condition in the management instruments that guide the productive development , the competitiveness plans of the productive chains and accompanied by a process of strengthening of the capacities and of access to information of the actors with decision-making power of the main programs, directions and managements with implication; 2) Promotion of financing mechanisms in the generation of resilient mechanisms in the productive systems of the region; 3) Promotion of adaptive measures and good practices in order to generate resilience to climate change in the family production units of producers with low articulation to the market, as well as in the highly competitive production chains of the region; complemented with 4) the development of research and technological innovation to respond to the needs and particularities of geographical areas of the region, anticipate new risks in terms of the possibilities of new pests, the change of agricultural calendars, the promotion of productive diversification, the development of spaces for exchange and learning, and the exploitation of new opportunities such as the development of new crops, the use of agrobiodiversity and farming systems.Source: Regional Climate Change Strategy",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats. There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.Scotland’s Land Use Strategy covers the next five years and aims to provide a holistic understanding of our land, the demands we place upon it and the benefits we get from it. This will enable us to look at the kind of changes that will be required to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"Wind energy is an important component of the energy transition programme and also makes a significant contribution to power generation from renewables in NRW. NRW is also home to an impressive range of players along the entire value chain and a globally leading supplier industry. With its work, the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project promotes the innovative capacity of the industry and supports sustainable and accepted expansion of wind energy in NRW. In NRW, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) are the driving forces behind the energy transition programme. Last year, renewable power was generated by 3,767 wind turbines with a capacity of 5,920 megawatts (MW.(www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.The NTS2 Delivery Plan states that Transport Scotland will publish a Transport Scotland Data Strategy which will set out how we will make most effective use of data available to us, as well as identify future data needs.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Methane and HFC reduction integrated into Climate Change Plan (and related modelling).,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We estimate that our emissions reduced very slightly from 2016 to 2017. The main reasons for our decreased emissions, if reporting market based, would be a cleaner grid. Secondly, we significantly reduced emissions in the",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2018 indicated that 71% of private sector softwood output is certified and 100% of public sector output. This gives 82% of softwood output by volume is certified in the UK. In Scotland the figure is 84%.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:• Energy Consumers Commission• Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group• Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group• Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6Short target summary: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 of at least 25 percent compared to 1990 levels.Please detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990 from about367 million tonnes in 1990. This decrease of more than 22% shows that the NRW-target is within reach.",1 +Please complete the table below.,"There have been installed 17.000 LED luminaries in different cities and small communities San Miguel de Tucumán (capital) , Famaillá, Lules, Banda del Río Salí Rumi Punco and other small communities.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,Unofficial (output from EPA SIT tool). Not included in official Washington greenhouse gas inventory.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"To support the energy-intensive industry in particular, the state government has launched the IN4climate.NRW platform. Within the framework of this initiative, experts from industry, science and administration are to jointly initiate an innovative work process that addresses the question of how production processes and value chains can be designed to be climate-neutral in the long term and how industry can contribute to the development of climate-friendly products. Further information can be found at www.in4climate.nrw.https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Other, please specify: Measurement of the changes in emissions will be conducted in 2021-2022.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Training about energy efficiency and renewable energy for local government managers.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",1 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",1 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"In line with the UK Forestry Standard, forests and woodlands are managed in a way that conserves or enhancesbiodiversity; opportunities for enhancing biodiversity should be considered in forest management plans.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Includes process emissions from Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants as well as fugitive emissions from the Closed Landfill Program. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The phase-out of coal leads to an increase of natural gas power in Germany.,1 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,"Transmission upgrades/expansion subject to state jurisdiction are made as required to integrate renewable energy, per 216B.2425.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 30 June 2021.,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"LED street lightsbeing establishedin cities likeRaipur, Bilaspur,Durg, Bhilai, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur,Kondagaon etc. Photo censor control for external lighting.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The UK Forestry Standard is the benchmark against which forest management plans are assessed.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The quarterly magazine “Innovation & Energie” (Innovation & Energy) has 26,000 subscribers and readers per issue, and in 2018 the English edition had an annual circulation of 8,000 copies. These were used, for example, as part of EnergyAgency.NRW’s foreign trade activities and during the World Climate Conference COP 24 in Katowice in December.The email newsletter goes out to over 15,000 subscribers every week, and there are also special themed editions. The web pages around the main website www.energieagentur.nrw are amongst the most visited in the energy sector, with the EnergyAgency.NRW pages and various subject-specific portals receiving 1.27 million views and more than 350,000 visitors in 2018 in over 520,000 sessions. The average session lasted 2.25 minutes. EnergyAgency.NRW’s online media currently include 28 online tools, the most popular being the PV.Calculator, which was used over 25,000 times.Almost 220,000 brochures were downloaded from the EnergyAgency.NRW website in pdf format and almost 82,000 printed brochures were sent out by post. A total of 273 different publications are currently available.EnergyAgency.NRW tweets to its over 7,600 followers on the subject of energy several times a day from its Twitter account @EANRW, and in 2018 it added more than 430 new followers. These include high-reach multipliers who often further disseminate EnergyAgency.NRW’s tweets. EnergyAgency.NRW also has its own company page on Facebook with 1,848 followers and runs the “Klimaschutz – made in NRW” (Climate protection - made in NRW) account, which has 793 followers, as well as the “EnergieJobs.NRW” (EnergyJobs.NRW) account. EnergyAgency.NRW has profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram and XING, and videos on EnergyAgency.NRW’s YouTube channel received 415,547 hits.Twelve new films and an animated video have been created, making a total of 158 films with information about renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"In the last 47 years, the increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures and the irregularity in the precipitation patterns are observed, causing the disappearance of glaciers in the Huayhuash and Raura mountain range system in the Puna ecoregion, and the decrease in the flow of the sources tributaries of the three existing river basins in the Huánuco Region. The impacts of climate variability on the availability of water in the future will depend on the increase in population, increased use of hydropower, changes in land use, demand from the mining, agricultural sector, among others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Negative impacts for agriculture: Less rainfall during growing season causes drought stress, more rainfall in winter impede soil cultivation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture, for example concerning the cultivated crop. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. The program, which will last for three years, will be carried out in stages, starting with the reforestation and afforestation of income to the city. Then it will continue on the banks of the rivers, in the entrance to the villages and in the protected forests. Most of the seedlings will be produced by the forest nursery La Florida. The species will be the following: for the urban and periurban areas, trees that are typical of Tucumán will be planted, such as the ibirá pitá, pink lapachos, tipas, so that the natural landscape is respected. they will plant species that are not autochthonous, but that are colorful because of their broad leaves, such as hovenia; for the fixing of rivers will be poplars and bald cypresses. Finally, for commercial production, eucalyptus and pines that have the wood used today will be produced.",0 +Please provide the following information about the region-wide emissions verification.,"Smart ticketing and payment initiatives are bringing our public transport services in line with modern technology, meaning 99% of bus operators are smart-enabled, this includes a wide portfolio of projects that aim to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and active travel options over the use of private cars. In November 2019, Transport Scotland launched smart interoperability which means people can now use just one ITSO smartcard across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. This will help reduce the number of paper tickets and plastic smartcards being produced and help to reduce carbon emissions by making sustainable public travel more accessible. The Scottish Government has also committed £2 million to a Mobility as a Service Investment Fund, aimed to fund and test the viability of data-driven solutions that provide better and more flexible access to transport.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. The Scottish Government committed to a range of actions which will support improving the capacity of farmers and rural organisations.We continue to support farmers through the provision of advice and knowledge transfer, promotion of best practice and last year provided offers of almost £18m to over 3,700 applications to the pilot Sustainable Agricultural Capital Grants Scheme which will help farmers to invest in specific items of agricultural equipment to support them in the delivery of direct and indirect greenhouse gas reductions.The Farm Advisory Service (FAS) provides high quality advice for farmers, land managers and crofters that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future, including a range of support around climate mitigation and adaptation and wider environmental issues and well as support around business resilience.•The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) supports projects that introduce innovative approaches which enhance competitiveness; enhance ecosystems; promote resource efficiency; and, shift to low carbon climate resistant economy. It funds vocational training, skills development and knowledge transfer projects focused on agriculture/crofting and innovation projects including agricultural demonstration/benchmarking and experimental and/or pilot projects.••Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC), a Scottish Government funded initiative continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the Farming for a Better Climate Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. ••This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: FAO - http://www.fao.org/rural-institutions/en/ UN - http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/docs/statement08/robert_watson.pdf",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Minnesota GDP for 2017 is $351,000,000,00 for the U.S. as a whole it is $17,263,000,000,000Minnesota real GDP per capita (chained 2009 dollars) for 2017 is $54,805 for the U.S. as a whole it is $51,337. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the Midwest and 14th nationwide in real per Capita GDP and surpasses the national average by 6%.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota currently has a successful Commercial PACE program that is considered one of the best in the nation. All residential PACE programs are on hold until consumer protections are put in place.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Guarantee the availability of water for the population, agricultural and energy use of the Huánuco region in the face of the adverse effects of climate change through the strengthening of the Integrated management of water resources; the implementation of conservation measures, recharge, storage, water distribution, water treatment and reuse; promotion of financing mechanisms; the generation of knowledge, monitoring and monitoring of environmental pressures in the basins of the Alto Marañon, Huallaga and Pachitea of the Huánuco Region.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"All projects and plans for the region, local municipalities and businesses are first asked to include climatic changes in their planning. Fylkesmannen/County govenor also follow up on this and we both are able to object to the plans if we see that they have not planned long term. Our goal is to adapt to the weather today and the climatic changes that are projected for the country and the region. This includes climate addition with high RCP",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Additional verification undertaken by UNFCCC and via bilateral reviews with third countries.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSeven mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1,000 sq. miles) since 2002. All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,Minnesota's Executive Order 19-37 created a Climate Change Subcabinet. The purpose of the Climate Change Subcabinet is to coordinate planning for emission reductions across all sectors of the economy. The goal of the emissions reduction planning is to meet emission reduction goals in Minnesota's Next Generation Energy Act. The Climate Change Subcabinet is also responsible for coordinating planning for resiliency and adaptation across all sectors of the economy.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"During the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HBS) will set out a vision and actions for transforming the way we heat our buildings, ensuring a transition to zero emissions by 2045.The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy was published on the February 5th 2021, alongside an accompanying consultation which closed on April 30th.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We are implementing an MRV tool, called Energy and Climate Observatory, to monitoring the climate and energy actions in Minas Gerais State.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Region and State have undertaken a large partnership in developpind and meeting each others' environmental related targets, goals and strategies and in helping local government to do as well. Regional and local strategies, targets and goals have to report their contribution to national ones. Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" is financed 50/50 by Region and State.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","To best serve the public and to provide the infrastructure to meet the agency’s needs, DNR buildings must be safe, accessible, energy efficient, and located in the right locations. To meet these goals, DNR will:• Configure sites and facilities to best achieve the state’s conservation mission and natural resource results. • Provide just enough facilities to support DNR’s mission and not more;• Construct and operate facilities to have the smallest environmental footprint possible; and • Design facilities to enhance and support integrated natural resource work.This project will include looking for opportunities to use geothermal energy in new and restored buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota currently has over 50,000 people who work in clean energy with 15,000 of them spending more than half their time on clean energy.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"After several years of strong expansion, 2018 saw 55 percent less wind energy capacity installed in Germany than the same period of the previous year. A significant decline in new construction was also recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia, with 106 wind turbines, representing a capacity of 331 megawatts (MW), connected to the grid in 2018. Although 62 percent less wind energy capacity was installed compared to the same period of the previous year, NRW still takes second place behind Lower Saxony in terms of new capacity. In total, 3,726 wind turbines with a total capacity of 5,773 MW were in operation in NRW at the end of the year.In Germany as a whole, 743 new wind turbines with a total capacity of 2,402 MW were installed onshore in 2018, including 111 repowering turbines with a capacity of 363 MW. During the same period, 205 onshore turbines with a total capacity of 249 MW were dismantled. The net increase in generating capacity thus amounted to 2,154 MW (538 wind turbines). Offshore, 136 wind turbines were constructed last year to give an increase in generating capacity of 969 MW. This means that 29,213 onshore and 1,305 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 59,313 MW were in operation in Germany on 31 December 2018.The aim of work in the field of wind energy in NRW is to promote the wind industry by better networking, increase the innovative capacity of the sector, support the expansion of wind energy, and increase public acceptance of wind energy expansion in NRW. The target group for wind energy activities comprises a wide range companies from across the entire value chain. This industry is provided with a platform which allows technical specialists, industry experts and interested persons to share information on specific topics with a view to finding solutions. A wide range of information resources, opportunities for communication and events is provided to disseminate specialist information and increase the level of awareness on wind energy among experts and the general public. (www.energieagentur.nrw/windenergie)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses. The recently published (June 2021) independent evidence reports for the third UKCCRA state that Direct Expected Annual Damage (the economic impacts on an individual basis) for residential properties from all sources of flooding in Scotland are estimated to be just over £68.5 million per year. When including non-residential properties and indirect as well as direct damages, this estimate rises to £200 – 250 million per year. The storms of early 2016 were estimated to have cost the Scottish economy £700 million.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The utilization of hydro energy to generate power can make a contribution to reducing climate problems worldwide. Hydropower is well developed in NRW. Currently, 435 plants with an output of 480 MW are connected to the grid in the state",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"As described above, ICAT needs additional human resources and also funding to undertake a full-blown statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","ICAT has some of the needed data from State Climatology Office assessments. Five Statewide Climate Adaptation Indicators were developed for the above-mentioned 2017 ICAT Report. Data was provided for one of these by statewide Climate Adaptation Planning Surveys conducted in 2016 (report at https://mothership-web-test.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-12.pdf) and 2019 (report to be posted soon). More assembly of existing data from state agencies, additional data collection, and analysis is needed in preparation for development of a statewide climate adaptation plan.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","The draft Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021) sets out our intention to reform EPCs to include an additional indicator for energy efficiency, and further to improve the quality of information provided to homeowners to allow them to make more informed decisions on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. This work will commence in 2021.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/ (Outcome 4 and outcome 2),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota has enabling legislative language that allows utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects. There are currently just a few utilities exercising this option, but there are stakeholder efforts underway to develop more programs of this nature.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has recently consulted on a Water Resources Management Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/consultations/closed-consultations/ ) setting out the risk that the frequency and severity of droughts is likely to increase in the future and why we need to adapt to be more resilient. The outcome will be a series of practical actions to deliver greater resilience and allow water users to begin adapting now to minimise the impacts of prolonged periods of dry weather. The actions will be developed with the Scottish Government and others partners to deliver a more resilient Scotland. . - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is Germany's largest supplier of environmental industry products and services with around 368,000 employees and a gross value added of 27.7 billion euros. Link: https://www.umweltwirtschaft.nrw.de/willkommen/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In 2018 an 2019 there were six regional/local events taking place together with the local governments to show and talk about the necessity to adapt to climate change. The main goal was the awareness raising of the local actors to the consequences of climate cxhange and the need for adaptation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Rather than impact on climate action we can reflect on the effect from covid 19 in terms of reduced travel and reduced GHG emissions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving lighting efficiency standards for implementation in 2021/22,0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) Outcome 2 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The performance of energy efficiency of government activities has not been measured. It is necessary to carry out the baseline to establish energy efficency targets.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesotans typically breathe healthy air, although wildfires throughout North American are impacting our air quality. During the summer of 2018, there were 10 unhealthy air quality days, eight of which were caused by smoke from distant wildfires transported to Minnesota.The state created a new Air Quality Forecast & Alert Program in 2016 to provide air quality information to 18 locations across the state. Alerts include specific actions people can take to reduce their exposure and contribution to unhealthy air quality and protect themselves.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Other, please specify: U.S. Forest Service 2014 climate change vulnerability assessment for northern MN; annual MN DNR forest health assessments",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Other, please specify: No single plan that focuses on deforestation; many plans focused on sustainable forest management",0 +Please provide the details of the jurisdictional approaches implemented within the region.,All subnational governments in Colombia within their climate plans and projects are contributing to the NDC. The country is still finalizing its MRV system to recognize officially contributions from the regions to the NDC.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Consumption in 2014 was 3.0% lower than in 2013, and 15.2% lower than the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% Energy Efficiency Target is measured. Figures published yesterday show that Scotland is 15.4% below the baseline energy consumption",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",We don't have an exclusive inventory for the government operation emissions,1 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Promotion of sludge utilization to produce energy in effluent and water treatment plants.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Ucayali.Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. In 2018, the equivalent of 6.3% of non-electrical heat demand was met from renewable sources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505253.pdfScotland’s Land Use Strategy provides the vision, objectives and principles for sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Provide funding for charging stations in the whole county so that we are able to use electrical car all over.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Other, please specify: Climate vuln. assessment (below) was one-off; forest health assessments are annual",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The aim of the programme is to increase the resilience of Scotland's people, environment and economy to the impacts of a changing climate.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Nariño acts for the Climate conceives as guiding principles citizen participation, intergenerational equity and open government, which were materialized with the participation of more than 4,000 Nariños in the design and formulation stage of it.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has recently consulted on a Water Resources Management Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/consultations/closed-consultations/ ) setting out the risk that the frequency and severity of droughts is likely to increase in the future and why we need to adapt to be more resilient. The outcome will be a series of practical actions to deliver greater resilience and allow water users to begin adapting now to minimise the impacts of prolonged periods of dry weather. The actions will be developed with the Scottish Government and others partners to deliver a more resilient Scotland. . - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We have an online platform to support the municipalities of Minas Gerais State in the increasing of its resilience.,1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"During the 2019 legislative session, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Local waste companies has different projects on how to use the local waste as a resourse locally in stead of buring it or transporting it to other countries.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia combined to form the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX). The partnership was launched to developinnovative methods to finance and facilitate development the infrastructure needed to improve the region's economic competitiveness, support jobs and families and toenhance and protect the quality of life on the Pacific Coast. WA is working hard to continue to attract clean energy businesses. WA offers significant incentives for energyefficiency investments and to support research and deployment of new technologies.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",The DNR is implementing a variety of ongoing programs and policies; start and end dates aren’t particularly appropriate here. Other actions from list include: Encouraging integrated land-use planning and management; Enforcing forest policies and regulations; Promoting certification and sustainable procurement policies; Promoting and sharing information on best practices; Setting up incentives (e.g. payments for ecosystem services),0 +Please complete the table below.,"Impacts on water supply, changes in the classification of climatic ecosystems and variations in species distribution. The calculated climatic risk index was composed of the economic risk with the greatest risks found in the Pacific floodplain, some coastal municipalities and the Andean zone and that of biodiversity with risk values are mainly located in the Andean zone.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The main contributors to this decrease between 2018 and 2019 were reductions in emissions in the business (-0.6 MtCO2e), Energy Supply (-0.4 MtCO2e), and Domestic Transport (-0.3 Mt CO2e) sectors",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"A climate change vulnerability index was created, using local indicators that represents each component of the vulnerability. The final results (for each city of the territory) were used to generate maps that classifies each region according to its vulnerability, which helps to identify the cities where the adaptation actions must be prioritized. We also have an online platform to support the local governments in their trasition to a low carbon economy.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Through a public-private partnership with the productive sector, the Government has developed a local.g.a.p. protocol (Global GAP systema) that certifies the harvest of sugarcane without the use of fire. The use of fire is a used harvesting practice, although it is legally prohibited, which generates a large amount of GHGs. Currently, there are 12,000 has been certified with the local.g.a.p protocol.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,The climate solution and economic opportunities document linked above models possible decarbonization pathways.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,PPP has been promoted by the NRW state government for several years.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The PCA developed a number of Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) policies and recommendations with a focus on life cycle assessment in its 2015 Solid Waste Policy Report. We are currently working to advance several initiatives including establishing a materials marketplace, analysis of the material stream to prioritize recovery, and a comprehensive organics initiative. Progress has been slow but continues to be a priority.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please explain why your region is currently not implementing jurisdictional approaches to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"From january, 2019; Huanuco is designing a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy and its Investment Plan. This strategy aims to reduce deforestation and GEI emissions from USCUSS sector.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Mix of fuels composted by oil, gas, biomass and industrial gas, once they do not have their percentages specified.Source: Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais30º Balanço Energético do Estado de Minas Gerais - BEEMG2015: ano base 2014 / Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais. –Belo Horizonte: Cemig, 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,conflicts by flooding of settlements or industrials areas and critical infrastructures,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Summary of the Energy Supply Strategy for NRW (July 2019) https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/energieversorgungsstrategie,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 2021 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone (CAFS 2) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update was published in December 2020, setting out the policies and proposals to meet the new targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. The first annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan update was published in May 2020, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy was published in March 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore for habitat protection, land use, and hazard mitigation; 'climate conversations' bring together coastal stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities. Engaged in ongoing collaboration with other Great Lakes states, federal partners, and local stakeholders on research and management planning to address resiliency on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Principle threats for Scotland are: extreme weather events; increased rainfall; flooding; landslides; heatwaves; drought; health; productivity of natural and marine environments; sea level rise.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change is implementing a pilot project in three Districts of the State with financial support from National Adaptation fund of Govt of India.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The secretary of enviroment of Northrhine Westfalia is member in different working groups dealing with climate adaptation on national level .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Support of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Emissions come from state owned vehicles and non-building related fossil fuel combusting equipment. This category's largest source of emissions is the Metro Transit system.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",A key part of our work is to ensure that all woodland receiving grant support complies with the UK forestry standard which is the UK governments articulation of sustainable forest management.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The MDA provides technical assistance on all grazing methods, and works with the Department of Natural Resources on management of state-owned land through grazing.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Not able to choose the correct answere above. Actions are implementet, but has not reduced the total reduction. We need to do more.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,First we have the goal of the climate change integral plan that will be published before cop 25 and includes a comprehensive diagnosis and action plan for forests and then we are intending to produce a policy on forests.,0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"The DNR maintains dual certification on state forest lands, which provides greater market access (Forest Stewardship Council; Sustainable Forestry Initiative).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minnesota inventories greenhouse gas emissions every two years by economic sector. Also, state interagency teams discuss progress on region-wide climate adaptation and mitigation and make recommendations for state strategies. On the government operations side, the State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability publishes an annual report each year that assesses agency and enterprise-wide progress towards meeting the goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 relative to a 2005 baseline and 30% reduction in consumption of energy per square foot by 2027 relative to a 2017 adjusted baseline. The enterprise’s guiding documents are the Next Generation Energy Act (2007) and Executive Order 19-27. The Sustainability Steering Team is the chief entity that guides efforts. The Steering Team is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and is composed of agency leadership. The Steering Team meets twice per year to review progress, sets priorities, and approve changes in sustainability goals and plans.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Cold weather can also affect healthcare infrastructure and increase demand on health services. The risk of heat-related mortality is larger in care homes than in the general population. Increased pressure on public service infrastructure in the event of flooding, storms and wildfire.",0 +Provide details of your climate change risk or vulnerability assessment.,"The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"We are working in the development of an energy transition strategy that intends to diversify the energy matrix and increases energy efficiency, which leads to the increase of energy security.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"With support of Norway Cooperation, United Nations Development Program and with technical assistance of Earth Innovation Institute, Ucayali will elaborate further studies about deforestation trends and financial gaps to finish Low Emission Development Strategy and Investment Plan. This strategy aim to stablish a roadmap to reduce deforestation process and promote increases in productivity in tropical agriculture sector in Ucayali; while local communities and indigenous people are engaging.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Support is available for geothermal heating projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 – 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,Real-time transit information is available through multiple channels for all transit stops and electronic signage is posted at many key stops and transitway stations.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"According to SERNANP, the Tingo María National Park, the Cordillera Azul National Park, the El Sira Communal Reserve, the Huayhuash Reserved Zone and 3 private conservation areas (Jirishanca, San Marcos, Panguana) are part of the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru . In the jurisdiction of Huánuco. The conservation of the Regional Conservation Area “Bosque Montano de Carpish” and the Regional Conservation Area “Codo de Pozuzo” are currently being promoted and the Huanuco Regional Conservation System (SIRACH) was created through Regional Ordinance No. 101-2018-GRHCO , on December 22, 2018, the operation of this system will be supported by a public investment project or through management contracts with third parties.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Different measures are planned, such as the setting up of a system for the prediction and management of drought and water ressource management.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland. The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland is directly accountable to the Scottish Parliament. RoS is responsible for public records, including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",For North Rhine Westphalia the GHG inventory is not a mandatory reporting system. GHG emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. Therefore there are no plans for an external verification at the moment.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions of the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2018 amount to 268 million t CO2eq, a reduction of about eight million t CO2eq or 3% compared to 2017.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",This commitment is recognized as part of Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability's vision for state-owned buildings. Some local jurisdictions have adopted similar policies for their public buildings. There is no statewide policy requiring net-zero operating emissions for all public buildings.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota has a sales tax exemption for costs of installing and maintaining solar and wind facilities, per Minn. Stat. § 297A.67, Subd. 29 and Minn. Stat. § 297A.68, Subd. 12. Wind and Solar equipment are also exempt from property taxes, but are subject to energy production taxes for project sizes above certain thresholds. See more at: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/151",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Networks and Storage network is responsible for issues relating to energy infrastructure and energy storage. As Germany's No. 1 industrial region, NRW plays a key infrastructure role in the energy transition. Newly constructed renewable energy plants and storage facilities have to be integrated into regional distribution grids, and transmission requirements on the national grid have to be coordinated centrally from NRW at national and international level. The Networks and Storage network integrates players from all areas of society into these processes. This mainly takes place within the working groups (WG) (WG 1: Transmission Networks, WG 2: Distribution Networks, WG 3: Storage and WG 4: Gas Infrastructure) and at their events. Besides its activities in the working groups, the network supports companies with technical expertise and helps with innovation projects. Linking up companies and institutions throughout the value chain helps promote a close exchange between business, science and public institutions. In addition, the Networks and Storage network organises symposiums and workshops that provide added value for its network partners, and in particular SMEs. Specialist brochures, newsletters and up-to-date information can be found on the website.www.energieagentur.nrw/netze",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (5 years ahead of the UK target date of 2050). Statutory interim targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2040, for emissions reductions of 56%, 75% and 90% from the 1990-95 baseline. Legislation also makes provision for annual targets for every year to 2045. Current annual targets available at: https://www.gov.scot/policies/climate-change/reducing-emissions/. The greenhouse gases covered by the targets are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, for which the baseline is 1990; and hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride, for which the baseline is 1995. The targets are economy-wide and include emissions and removals from land use change and forestry. As well as domestic emissions, Scotland’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the targets.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Competitive Acquisition processes. State -level Certificate of Need and site permitting are required for natural gas plants >50MW.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"Climate change impacts, such as intense rainfalls and increase of the temperatures, can unable agriculture practice in some locations, for example, also reaching the activities that depend on agriculture, like the job market related to this sector.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,ILI Energy Storage : New battery storage development project opportunities are being offered across Scotland with capacity of up to 450MW.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Some utilities that serve small parts of Minnesota are developing CCS projects; however these are not rate-regulated utilities and there is no requirement for utilities to do this.,0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. The Executive Order specifically calls for engagement with workers and and businesses that will be impacted by the identified reduction and resiliency strategies. In addition, many Minnesota businesses have made significant climate commitments and these actions are critical to achieving the state's goals. The Executive Order also created a Climate Change Advisory Council, made up of 15 appointed members, including business leaders. Engaging with these business leaders, and other business organizations in Minnesota will be essential to meeting the goals of the Next Generation Energy Act and the Executive Order.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Transport Scotland’s Switched on Fleets Programme provides funding to local government and public bodies to facilitate the decarbonisation of public sector fleets,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Under a medium emissions (A1B) scenario, regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf)",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"From january, 2019; Huanuco is designing a Low Emission Rural Development Strategy and its Investment Plan. This strategy aims to reduce deforestation and GEI emissions from USCUSS sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In 2019 the Scottish Government supported the establishment of NECCUS (North East CCUS) an industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to promote CCUS in Scotland, attract funding for CCUS and Hydrogen development in Scotland and to secure the first CCUS project in the UK to be in Scotland. We will commission and support further detailed research, development and analysis to improve our understanding and accelerate the deployment of key energy and carbon capture technologies and work closely with UK Government to get commercial, policy and regulatory frameworks required to support CCUS at scale in the UK",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,Detail action plan is described in State Action Plan on Climate Change,0 +Please complete the table below.,Clean Energy Resources Teams (CERTs) is a public-private partnership to connect individuals and communities across Minnesota to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects. https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"local industries encouragedto support climate issues andreduce emissions andincrease resilience. Theseinclude establishment ofESPs ( electrostaticprecipitatiors, managementand reuse of Wasteespecially for energyrecovery and adoptingrenewable energy andmaking their own energythrough onsite powwer plantsbased on wastes",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Regional Ordinance 011-2014-GRU / GR approves the 2014-2017 Regional Climate Change Strategy which proposes actions to adapt to changes in climate, giving priority to vulnerable areas and to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as floods and the damage to agricultural products. In addition, it points out as a priority to research on aspects related to climate change and the health of the population, study of the fragile ecosystems of the Ucayali Region, among others. This strategy is in the process of being updated.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. The loss of forest in Ucayali had an upward trend until reaching a historical maximum in 2013. In the last 4 years the trend has been decreasing reaching in 2016 a level of deforestation equivalent to 29,611 hectares, 0.35% lower than the previous year . However, the 2013-2016 annual deforestation average remains high compared to the historical trend. In the period 2001-2016, more than 70 percent of the size of the loss is explained by areas under 5 hectares.Ucayali does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation to date. However, its design is in process. The strategy is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. In the productive field, an increase in the productivity of the main commercial crops of Ucayali (oil palm and cocoa) is proposed, as well as an increase in the productive capacity of the aquaculture sector. In the protection factor, the reduction in annual deforestation is established, to advance with the economic ecological macrozonification, the implementation of forest zoning and the establishment of new new protection areas. In the inclusion factor, the use of technology is mentioned to improve the production of small farmers, the titling of native communities and rural properties and the legalization of forest use in local forests.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"As part of its Climate Justice agenda, the Scottish Government is examining how climate change threatens to widen social inequalities. Principal threat of flooding to homes displacing houseowners or short term basis predominantly increasing to longer terms.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The Climate Protection Act from 2013 sets the target -25 % reduction of GHG emission by 2020 and - 80 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels for the whole State. Targets will be achieved through a number of measures including energy conservation and efficiency, and the expansion of renewable energy. By 2030, the bill also says the state Government shall be carbon neutral. Strategies to meet and review the targets will be met by the Climate Change Council; a Climate Protection Plan setting intermediary goals for GHG emissions reductions, renewable energy use and energy efficiency, as well as outlining concrete measures to reach them, has been published in 2015 and will be .",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please complete the table below.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"FFBC continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the FFBC Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. The farmer-led soil regenerative agriculture network continues to focus on positive actions that can be taken on Scottish farms to support, enhance and protect their soils. The group have trialled new approaches to allow them to improve production whilst delivering wider benefits such as building soil resilience, improving water retention, storing carbon and enhancing bio-diversity.FAS and KTIF support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government commissioned research providing a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, available on www.climatexchange.org.ukMore info: Nature - https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/soil-carbon-storage-84223790",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,This is already supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Inverurie Energy Park – Agile Energy Recovery: New Energy from Waste facility producing 35MWe and up to 70MWth.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Scottish Government and Local Authorities play a lead role in tackling climate change and fuel poverty through funding renewables and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings and via on-going engagement with local communities.,1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:• Energy Consumers Commission• Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group• Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group• Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"At the end of 2017, 3,630 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 5,449 MW were in operation in NRW. This puts the state in fourth place in Germany in terms of installed capacity behind Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg. The wind power industry in NRW now secures more than 20,500 jobs, above all in the supplier sector, in which the state is regarded as the leader throughout Germany",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Since 2015, we have the Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State which is the main tool to fight against climate change in the State. The Plan is implemented and monitored by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency (in Portuguese, Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente - FEAM), through the Energy and Climate Change Management.The actions of the Plan are validated by a camera specializing in energy and climate change and by a political committee, and it is monitored and reviewed every two years.Nowadays, is processing in the legislative assembly the Law that intends to establish the subnational policy to fight against climate change for Minas Gerais State, this project also intends to specify Minas Gerais goals for GHG emissions reduction.The website of the Plan can provide aditional information: http://pemc.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"Prioritizing the most vulnerable areas, when it comes to adaptation actions.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Sustainable Forest Resources Management Act of 1995 (MN Stat. 89A) and 1982 Forest Resources Management Act (MN Stat. 89.001 &89.002) serve as the foundation for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) forest policy. The Act is implemented by the DNR through a number of agency policies, guidelines, etc., which are developed across multiple disciplines and build robust direction and understanding of sound and sustainable forest management. Such policies address issues such as maintaining old growth forests, implementing site-level forest management guidelines, addressing invasive species, creating and implementing forest management plans, creating and maintain wildlife habitat, protecting rare species, and many more. The MN DNR is also responsible for implementing other regional laws on forest management. The Little Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Act (MN Stat. 103G.545), which protects water levels and lakeshores by prohibiting dams and restricting logging within 400 feet of recreational waterways in the state-owned lands in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The Minnesota Endangered Species Act ((MN Stat 84.0895) imposes a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. The Minnesota Trust Fund Statute (MN Stat. 127A.31) includes the goal of the permanent school fund, which is to secure the maximum long-term economic return from the school trust lands consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities imposed by the trust relationship established in the Minnesota Constitution, with sound natural resource conservation and management principles, and with other specific policy provided in state law. The Outdoor Recreation Act of 1975 (MN Stat. 86A.02) addresses State Trails, Scientific and Natural Areas, State Wilderness Areas, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Aquatic Management Areas.The DNR is responsible for managing most of the state-administered/owned forested lands in the state, and also participates in private forest landowner outreach and multi-stakeholder forest landscape initiatives and partnerships. The DNR has a detailed forest policy framework for the management of state forest lands to prevent deforestation and degradation on these lands as much as possible and to govern sustainable management of state forests. The DNR also implements site-level forest management guidelines developed by jurisdictional approaches (MFRC), creates long-term forest management plans for state forests, and follows guidelines for protecting rare species and habitats.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,"Not able to choose the correct answere above. Actions are implementet, but has not reduced the total reduction. We need to do more.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Extreme weather might cause floods, rivers flowing our, avelanges and other risky incidents. This is both dangerous for people and infrastructure. The personal and public costs are enormous, and it takes time to rebuild. The long term effects when this happens more often will effect other public services.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Part of the climate coordinators job is to work together with local organisations and municipalities in their local planning and investments. Also included is informing them about the possibilities for extra funding that is provided on a regional, national and internasjonal level. We also have several research projects on how to reduce our emissions",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán,",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.",CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 February 2018,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"A 2016 survey estimated around 43 water reuse projects currently underway in Minnesota, the majority of which are located in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These projects can be grouped into four main categories: 1) stormwater collection to be reused for the irrigation of green spaces: This category was the most predominant in the responses received. In several cases, the projects described capturing stormwater in either a stormwater retention pond or cistern to be used to irrigate recreational fields (baseball and soccer fields) or green spaces; 2) Rainwater harvesting from rooftops for irrigation of green space: This category is similar to stormwater collection, except in this category roof water only was captured into rain barrels or cisterns for irrigation purposes; 3) Reuse of stormwater for residential homes/private developments: Systems in this category are used for private developments rather than public spaces for toilet flushing, fountains and irrigation purposes; 4) Reuse of water for industrial purposes: Uses in this category included industrial cooling and process water.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Risk groups are especially elderly people and newborns; in general, women are more affected than men. Exposure to heat stress is influenced by the degree of sealing and population density in urban areas. Exposure to heavy rainfall in urban areas is influenced by the topography as well as degree of sealing and deficits of utilizations of the drainage system.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific sectoral action plan on Climate Change.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","We offer territorial training about climate change and disaster risk reduction, besides releasing key information about this issue on the online platform http://clima-gerais.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/",0 +Please complete the table below.,The temperature have risen over the last few years and it has gone up to 48 degrees centigrade will rise further.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In December 2020 the Scottish government published its Climate Change Plan update. Through this document the Scottish Government has set out both the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and policy actions that will be taken in the land use, land use change and forestry and agricultural sectors out until 2032.In March of 2021 the Scottish Government published Scotland’s third Land Use Strategy which centres on the wider issues of sustainable land use. This third Strategy resets the focus on to the complex integrated nature of land use and for first time deploys a landscape based approach to help promote understanding. It demonstrates that wider sustainability can only be achieved through understanding the multiple and sometimes conflicting relationships relating to land.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme sets out policies and proposals to prepare Scotland for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change in the decades ahead. The Programme is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and addresses the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. The Programme takes an outcomes-based approach, derived from both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework. This cross-cutting approach promotes co-benefits, and integrates adaptation into wider Scottish Government policy development and service delivery. There are seven Outcomes in the Programme, each have been split into Sub-Outcomes which act as building blocks for the Outcomes. The seven outcomes are: 1. Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate; 2.The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy; 3. Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate; 4. Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change; 5. Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 6. Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change; 7. Our international networks are adaptable to climate change.A new programme, covering the period 2024 – 2029, will be prepared in response to the updated Climate Change Risk Assessment (evidence reports published in June 2021 – see above).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The development of power plants continues from 2014 and 2015. The decommissioning of some hard coal blocks (Voerde A / B blocks, West joint power plant, Herne block 3 HKW) or the transfer of two lignite blocks into safety readiness (Frimmersdorf power plant, P / Q blocks) and a significantly lower utilization of some other coal-fired power plants reduce emissions the energy industry in 2017 by about 12 million t CO2eq compared to the previous year. Overall, for NRW, provisional emissions for 2017 amount to 275.7 million t CO2eq, a reduction of just under 10 million t CO2eq or 3.5% compared to 2016.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Huanuco has a huge potential to hydro power production. A study of Regional Government of Huanuco reveals that in the 3 hydrographic basins that the region possesses, it could develop up to 80 hydroelectric plants that could generate an investment of 8 billion dollars in its construction and more than 260 million soles in energy royalities to Huanuco.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Minnesota currently works through a variety of collaboratives to share information with national governments and their partners including Germany, Wales, Denmark and others to identify best practices and new policies that can be implemented to achieve emissions reductions. Many of these partnerships are formed through academic institutions with specific focus on regional or local impacts.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through the State Energy Office under Minnesota Statute 216C and Clean Energy Resource Teams per MS 216C.385,1 +Please complete the table below.,"Minnesota has enabling legislative language that allows utilities to implement on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation projects. There are currently just a few utilities exercising this option, but there are stakeholder efforts underway to develop more programs of this nature.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,1 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (5 years ahead of the UK target date of 2050). Statutory interim targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2040, for emissions reductions of 56%, 75% and 90% from the 1990-95 baseline. Legislation also makes provision for annual targets for every year to 2045. Current annual targets available at: https://www.gov.scot/policies/climate-change/reducing-emissions/. The greenhouse gases covered by the targets are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, for which the baseline is 1990; and hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride, for which the baseline is 1995. The targets are economy-wide and include emissions and removals from land use change and forestry. As well as domestic emissions, Scotland’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the targets.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"The event was treated as a transitory natural disaster. Food, drinking water and fodder for livestock were distributed. Adaptation strategies are required in the future. For example, extend water reservoirs and introduce technified irrigation systems.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,The difference between renewable energy tariff and market tariff is feed into the cost of MWh,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please complete the table below.,Electric public transportation vehicles are being used in Raipur & Naya Raipur city.,0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"Rolled up into a statewide total, electric utilities are meeting the 1.5% statewide goal.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Energy efficient lighting is available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","•The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.•In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.•The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified in the 2017 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and covering a range of global warming scenarios.•In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. •The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As an industrial heartland and German energy nation No. 1, NRW has a special responsibility for climate protection. The industrial sector has already made a very strong contribution in recent decades, with a reduction of just under 26 percent of greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015. In the coming years and decades, however, further efforts will be necessary in industry and all other economic sectors in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve the ambitious climate goals of North Rhine-Westphalia.At the same time, climate protection represents a great opportunity for companies in NRW and offers a large number of dynamic business fields. The state of NRW therefore actively supports companies in making their product portfolio climate-friendly and reducing process-related emissions. Link: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/schnellzugriff/unternehmen/",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,ExSee Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pected 2019,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Department for Transport figures published on 11 June show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with almost 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to fewer than 30 in England and fewer than 20 in Wales and Northern Ireland.We have invested over £30 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2032.Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,https://www.ros.gov.uk/our-registers/land-register-of-scotlandThe Land Register of Scotland is the Scottish Government’s map based system which records the legal title to land ownership in Scotland. The older General Register of Sasines is being closed in 2024,1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Some industries and agricultural activities suffered many damages due to the lack of rain and drinking water resources were being monitored : direct costs and loss of producivity have been observed.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Since May 2014, the ClimateConcept.NRW project has helped more than 80 public institutions in NRW develop their own climate strategy, as required under Section 5 of NRW’s Climate Protection Act. Based on an assessment of their own CO2 emissions in the electricity, heat and mobility sectors, these institutions develop approaches to improving their climate impact with support from the ClimateReport.NRW online tool ( https://klimabericht.energieagentur.nrw).",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",There are different explanation :- industry crisis and steel industry in particular that explain a decreased of coal consumption- the european CO2 quota system- technical change,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Support is available for geothermal projects from a number of Government funded sources, such as the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA2 Summary for Scotland). It is recognised that storms are having a significant impact on businesses through damage and disruption to business infrastructure, which can lead to an immediate financial shock to the business, requiring investment and access to capital. Estimated pay-outs from the impacts of storms Ciara and Dennis are £149 million, with 61,000 domestic property claims, totalling £77 million, 9,000 commercial property claims at £61 million and 3,500 motor claims at £11 million (CCRA3 Evidence Reports Summary for Scotland 2021).",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"SEA helps to better protect the environment, aims to ensure that any development is sustainable, and increases opportunities for public participation in decision-making. It ensures that expert views are sought at various points in the preparation process from the public and the consultation authorities.The aim of this process is to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse effects on the environment.",1 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures will alter the productivity of crops and livestock; weeds, pests and diseases will increase.In case of drought, the fires in cane fields will increase. They may be accidentally spread to other crops.The increase of the intensity of rainfall can affect the safety of the dams .Acceleration or delay of the phenological stages of the crops (Germination, growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, etc.).Major losses due to natural disasters.Affectation of underground water reserves.Higher energy consumption for residential air conditioning",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","Ministry of Environment of Peru provides technical assistance and emite opinion about consistency of jurisdictional climate change strategy, but not is externally verified.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Coastal flooding is estimated to contribute 21% (SEPA,2016) of total expected annual damages to Scotland from flooding, including both residential and non-residential properties. Storms can disrupt ferry services to islands for several weeks each year causing raw material delivery problems, fuel supply issues and difficulty in shipping finished goods. Wind damage causes approximately half of all damage to forests. High winds are a significant cause of disruption to electricity networks, causing 20% of all customer disruption between 1995 and 2011. Storms affect health system infrastructure and service delivery through effects on staff, buildings and equipment (UKCCRA Summary for Scotland)",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 places duties on Scottish Ministers to establish a National Marine Plan, regional coastal marine plans, and a Marine Protected Area network. The Act also places a duty on all public authorities to act in the way best calculated to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change so far as is consistent with the purpose of the function concerned",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Forest Stewardship Council certification and Sustainable Forestry Initiative certification – All DNR-managed forest lands are dual certified as sustainably managed through FSC and SFI. Some private forest lands in Minnesota also carry these certifications.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"In 2016, the provinces of Yarowilca, Lauricocha, Marañon, Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, have been affected by the drought. More than 5 thousand of hectares and 1,000 families had affected. There is a high risk that these events will recur in the future.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minimum standards for lighting efficacy and control are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Other, please specify: Decrease in number of snow days per annum",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",2030 projection available at the executive summary fo the Energy and Climate Change Plan. There is no data available for 2050.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Providing www.energiportalen.no to all the persons in the county. they are able to enter their house details, and calculate their consumption and potential savings by installing different energy saving techlologies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2018 indicated that 71% of private sector softwood output is certified and 100% of public sector output. This gives 82% of softwood output by volume is certified in the UK. In Scotland the figure is 84%.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Through Nariño acts for Climate, the government of Nariño has developed 10 pilot projects in 2016 to 2019 and also movilized more than USD 10 millons for climate change projects in water, ecological restoration and coastal ecosystems to adapt the territories and municipalities for climate change. Some of the projects developed are:-Transformation of crops into sustainable crops “Cultivos ecológicos, comunidades sostenibles”. -Implementation of ecological restoration in strategic ecosystems for the provision of water in a context of climate change.-Guardians of climate and memory pilot project-Nariño for SDGs (sdg 13) 9 projects are receiving financial and technical support from the government of Nariño to implement sdg 13 at the local levelAmong others.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,"The hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" located in the Gastona and Medina rivers will generate 240 MW",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,Five annual progress reports since the Adaptation programme was published can be found at:https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2014-fifth-annual-progress-report/,0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: •Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.•Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;•Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion. Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government has established a clear policy and legislative framework to enable a balance to be struck between protecting public water supplies, the water environment and other users during periods of prolonged dry weather.The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 apply regulatory controls over activities, such as abstractions, that may affect Scotland’s water environment. This legislation arose from the European Community Water Framework Directive (WFD) becoming law in Scotland as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). WFD requires Member States to establish systems for managing their water environments by developing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). These provide an assessment of the condition of Scotland's water environment, and identify where efforts for protection and improvement must be targeted.Under the The Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 Water orders may be made by Scottish Water where needed to protect public water supplies. A Water Shortage Order may permit Scottish Water to carry out various actions such as to gain access to land to abstract from an alternative source or to impose water saving measures on organisations or individuals if deemed necessary.On behalf of the government the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced and maintains Scotland's National Water Scarcity Plan (https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/219302/scotlands-national-water-scarcity-plan.pdf). The Plan explains how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of prolonged dry weather. This is to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity.SEPA will review this plan in conjunction with the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) (https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/river-basin-management-planning/the-current-plans/) and will update it as required as we learn from experience of managing our water resources during periods of prolonged dry weather. The RBMPs also include checks of whether action to address the main pressures on the water environment will also have implications on our ability to better cope with climate change.The measures in the RBMPs will reduce the pressure on water resources during dry periods by improving current pressures on the water environment. The steps set out in the water scarcity plan are in addition to those steps which alone may not be sufficient to protect the environment and key water supplies in prolonged dry periods.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Woodland creation policy in Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (11 000 hectares created in 18/19),0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectorsThrough sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership.Spatial Planning and Place Based InitiativesSEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green FinanceSEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives:- NetRegs- VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH): https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.","Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We are developing an Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The national government establishes the target through the RenovAr Program. It is a plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has three projects awarded for generation by incineration of biomass and bio gas, for a total of 24 MW.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.",https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"FFBC continues to promote practical and cost effective climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to farmers and land managers, alongside real time findings from the FFBC Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group. The farmer-led soil regenerative agriculture network continues to focus on positive actions that can be taken on Scottish farms to support, enhance and protect their soils. The group have trialled new approaches to allow them to improve production whilst delivering wider benefits such as building soil resilience, improving water retention, storing carbon and enhancing bio-diversity.FAS and KTIF support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. Scottish Government commissioned research providing a comparative analysis of nitrogen accounting tools, available on www.climatexchange.org.ukMore info: Nature - https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/soil-carbon-storage-84223790",1 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please explain why your region does not have a target to address deforestation and/or forest degradation.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Within some areas of the inventory, we have high confidence in the estimates (e.g. electricity generation). We have begun to undertake a more systematic review of confidence levels and quantify confidence levels. There are also a number of improvements and methodological changes that have improved our level of confidence. However, on the whole, we continue to have a medium level of confidence.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Scottish Government, in partnership with businesses, our enterprise and skills agencies and with universities, are progressing the development of a single and integrated programme of support for manufacturing in Scotland – Making Scotland’s Future. The development and delivery of a £75m National Manufacturing Institute Scotland sits are the core of this Programme alongside our ambitions of supporting manufacturing businesses to make the transition to net zero and realise the opportunities of a low carbon economy.In response to the current pandemic, Making Scotland’s Future is being repositioned to help the manufacturing sector in its recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Supporting a greener recovery of our sector will be an important aspect of our work as we continue to encourage manufacturers to pivot towards low carbon innovations, adopting digital processes and utilising more sustainable forms of energy.",0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectors Through sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership. Spatial Planning and Place Based Initiatives SEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green Finance SEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives: - NetRegs - VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",We are developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and have provided over £85m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, recently expanding the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government. We have also supported over 8000 households to install EV chargepoints at home.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,First priority is develop a strategy at jurisdictional level in USCUSS sector,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Currently there are several areas with excessive water withdrawals, conflicts among water users, water qualitydegradation, and loss of habitats",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"In terms of net acreage, forestland is currently expanding in Minnesota (see Forest Inventory and Analysis data to compare total forest acres year-to-year over the last decade). According to FIA data from the most current cycle (2013-2018), there has been a 0.61% conversion of forest to non-forest land, and a 0.77% conversion of non-forest to forest land (a net increase in forest acres). However, while more forested acres are added each year than are lost, there are small-scale instances of deforestation in the state that impact certain forest ecosystems more than others. One example is in the dry pineland sands ecoregion in the north central portion of the state, a threatened habitat, where native pine forests are being cleared for irrigated agriculture. As for degradation, recent data indicates that 9% of Minnesota’s forests were disturbed by a variety of impacts, including insects and disease, animal grazing, wildfire, wind, and timber harvest. However, not all of these disturbances necessarily damage the forests in the long-term. For example, all timber harvests that occur on state forest lands are reforested. However, increasing insect damage from native and invasive insects is a growing concern due to human movement of species and due to climate change.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Other, please specify: DNR land purchases in threatened area; forest health actions for insects like emerald ash borer and eastern larch beetle.",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Dual certification of all state forest lands through the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative; interdisciplinary forest management planning process that accounts for diverse forest goals; identification of sound natural resource and conservation management principles for School Trust Lands,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats.There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Scottish Government has committed £250 million over the next decade to restore 250,000 ha of degraded peat (around 25% of the total) by 2030 to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and support a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045. Our investment in this natural capital and nature based solution delivers both climate change mitigation (reducing net carbon emissions from degraded peat) and adaptation (supporting ecosystem resilience and contributing to natural flood risk management and improved water quality in rivers and streams). We are working to attract more private investment in peatland restoration to deliver on restoration targets and, beyond that, to significantly reduce GHG emissions from degraded peatlands in Scotland. Total costs are estimates at time of reporting (estimated cost of restoring all 1.3 million hectares of Scotland’s degraded peatland at an average cost of £2,000/hectare).",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,NRW has been working with The Climate Group since 2009 and is a member of the Under2 Coalition. NRW also has bilateral partners on a regional level in several countries,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"public awarenesscampaignslaunched forengaging public forenergyconservation andadopting clean,renewable energy and ECBC awareness training programme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We are taking action to optimise our existing support so that Scotland’s industrial sites are better positioned to access funding opportunities that will help them to deliver emissions savings, whilst remaining internationally competitive and avoiding carbon leakage.This will include the delivery of a Scotland-specific Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) during 2020 and beyond, that will be tailored to the particular characteristics of Scotland’s industrial manufacturing base. The IETF will help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. It will be flexible according to the changing circumstances of our manufacturing or processing sites, or clusters, and their supply chains.The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has also developed a range of sector plans to drive industry compliance with environmental regulations. The plans encourage sectors and businesses to go ‘beyond compliance’ and work collaboratively on a voluntary basis to reduce energy inefficiency and the use of material and water resources.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Clean Energy Resources Teams (CERTs) is a public-private partnership to connect individuals and communities across Minnesota to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects. https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The state commissioned a study in 2013: Minnesota Microgrids: Barriers, Opportunities, and Pathways Toward Energy Assurance at https://mn.gov/commerce/policy-data-reports/energy-data-reports/id=17-81658 . A Minnesota PUC proceeding is underway to update state interconnection standards that enable new inverter capabilities identified in IEEE 1547 -2018. The new standards will clarify processes to safely interconnect microgrids and energy storage. In addition, the state has worked with utilities to update utility standby rates consistent with best practices, and established a CHP Action Plan.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The increase in temperatures can increase the populations of mosquitoes and insects, which are responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","In direct response to the Paris Agreement, our landmark Climate Change Act (2019) is the toughest, most ambitious legislative framework in the world and set's in law our commitment to a just transition to net zero. This means that our response to the climate emergency must be the result of widespread collaboration not only across government but the rest of society. Climate Change PlanTo account for our latest emissions reduction targets within the 2019 Act, the Scottish Government has committed to updating its current Climate Chance Plan. The updated Plan will now be laid before the Scottish Parliament in late 2020 for scrutiny; it will be recast to focus on a green recovery from Covid-19. The updated Plan will draw on the best available evidence to set out clear emissions reduction pathways across the majority of the action areas set out in this table. These include; transport; energy; industry; buildings; waste; agriculture; and land use and forestry - all with the common goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2)• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation.Other Key Action AreasOut with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance FrameworkThe Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Outreach and education on personal vehicle choices, especially electric vehicles and charging stations.",0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Selection measures Climate neutral state administrationGreen electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.Climate Neutral State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW (LANUV)In 2012, the pilot project Climate Neutral LANUV was launched. Since 2014, the motivational campaign missionE has also been carried out there, which aims to motivate the energy-conscious behavior of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please complete the table below.,Voyagers National Park is sometimes in the “airshed.” We are aware of the presence of such areas and follow all applicable law when it comes to environmental review and permitting decisions.,0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are bringing forward a Circular Economy Bill to advance Scotland’s circular economy ambitions.We will create a Challenge Fund for innovation in tackling textile pollution and throwaway culture.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Project of Renewable Energy in Rural Markets (PERMER) has as its main objective the supply of electricity to people living in rural homes, which are outside the reach of the centers of distribution of energy, installation of photovoltaic systems for domestic use. The implementation of the Project began in 2003, with the electrification of 39 rural schools, through photovoltaic generation systems, continuing in 2005-2012 with the electrification of rural homes and public service institutions. The Health Ministry will install solar panels in two hospitals: Municipality of Tafi del Valle and Commune of Rumi Punco",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUX https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",1 +Please complete the table below.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Solar energy is one of the main pillars of the energy transition for NRW. Up the end of 2017 more than 250,000 photovoltaic systems were installed with a capacity of approx. 4,700 kWp.A total of just under 1.5 million square meres panel area had been installed in NRW by the end of 2016, producing about 580 GWh of heat per year. The heat inventory in the EnergyAtlas.NRW provides an overview detailing data for individual municipalities and districts.(www.energieatlas.nrw.de).",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Same as large-scale mining, if a state permit is required. Can have more involvement at local level depending on commodity being mined and location.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Our regional climate plan aims to suport the national initiative to follow up in the Paris agreement,0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have introduced the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill to stimulate the deployment of low carbon heat networks where they are suitable across Scotland. We will work collaboratively across the Scottish Parliament to secure the Bill’s passage.,1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"We run a range of national and support further local communications campaigns. Zero Waste Scotland host a website which provides information through various media on reducing waste, reusing materials and increasing recycling.National Food Waste campaign in 2019, ‘Food gone bad’ to encourage food waste recycling Net Zero nation public facing website providing key messages to citizensManaging Our Waste campaign to support householders and businesses to manage waste during COVID-19 pandemic",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Since 2000, forest canopy change detection, aka monitoring, is done by MNDNR’s Resource Assessment Program on an annual basis (though occasionally some years have been skipped and are then captured in a two or three year window). A recent project has increased the level of information from these remote assessments of canopy change to include whether the changes detected were slow or fast moving changes, which can be used as an indicator for detecting harvests versus insect/disease outbreaks.The Minnesota Forest Resources Council prepares all-ownership 10-year forest guidance plans that include canopy change data. However, the state’s forest management plans for state-administered forest lands do not include these data.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",1 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"The Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy is published every five years and covers all of Scotland. The Strategy centres on sustainable land use aimed at valuing the importance of our land resources, and sets out where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits including GHG mitigation and adaptation, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Through the RenovAr national program, three energy generation projects using industrial waste have been approved: vinaza incineration (19 MW), bagasse incineration (3 MW), citrus factory biogas (2 MW)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Areas burned by wildfires are projected to double by 2020 and triple by 2040 due to lack of moisture, warmertemperatures and diseases and pest.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The MDA offers no-interest loans of up to $250,000 for manure digesters. Additionally, production of methane for transportation fuel or for thermal energy would qualify for production incentives.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Argentina has completed its emission inventory in 2017 in order to submit its Second Biennial Update Report. National government is providing all the Provinces technical support to develop region-wide emissions inventories. As part of the national inventory, the emissions of all the Provinces have been disaggregated. This will serve as a basis to calculate more accurately the inventory of the Province of Tucumán.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/control-of-woodland-removalThe Scottish Government’s Control of Woodland Removal policy (CWRP) is designed to provide direction for decisions on woodland removal in Scotland for the purpose of conversion to another land use.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",1 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"According to the Regional Ordinance Nº 010-2012-GRU / CR, the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Water Resource is declared Priority and Public Interest. Likewise, said rule declares intangible for the mining activity, the old and current channel of all surface water bodies of the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, including its marginal fringes and floodplains, plus a security band equivalent to 15 times the width of the corresponding marginal band y; apply and / or establish sanctions ranging from fines to deprivation of liberty, to those responsible for the alteration of fluvial channels and the discharge of effluents without proper treatment to the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, in accordance with the Decree Legislative No. 1102 and other applicable regulations.In Ucayali, the National Water Authority identifies 5 water basins and 6 interhydric basins. Also, this institution of national competitions is promoting the creation of the bi-regional council Vilcanota-Urubamba. According to the Institutional Strategic Plan of Ucayali 2016-2018, it is planned to implement two water basin committees during 2018.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,We have very small town and this is only a problem in very short periodes of the year. We follow the national standards for this.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"With almost 18 million inhabitants, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state. The implementation of climate protection measures in private households is therefore an important lever for achieving the climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state government therefore supports citizens in tackling climate protection measures themselves and making use of their advantages, whether through the energy-efficient modernization of homes and the use of renewable energies, through climate-friendly mobility and through the climate-conscious consumption of goods and food. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/zielgruppen/buergerinnen-und-buerger",1 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Solar heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Solar water heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a plan to reduce your region-wide SLCPs.,Several projects regarding farming practices. Both to reduce emissions and adaptation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"North Rhine-Westphalia is an economically strong metropolitan region. Economic growth is accompanied by mobility growth. We in North Rhine-Westphalia want to create sustainable mobility, that means economically sensible, ecologically compatible and socially balanced mobility. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/strasse/index.php",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: •Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.•Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;•Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion. Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources. • Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them; • Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently. To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Infrastructure for road and rail is being continuously expanded to ensure the performance of the networks. In recent years, the desire for an optimal connection between the various modes of transport and carriers has come to the fore.So it's not about building highways and railways in competition with each other. Rather, all subnets should complement each other and create the best conditions for a combined use.Accordingly, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has summarized its previous planning procedures, separated according to mode of transport, and placed them under the umbrella of the ""integrated overall traffic planning"" (IGVP).The IGVP is coordinated and responsible by the Ministry of Transport. The extensive examination and planning work is carried out by external appraisers and engineering firms.The multi-level planning process also involves local authorities (districts, municipalities), representatives of interest groups and public interests as well as scientific experts.In the street area these are the highways and federal highways. The federal government is also responsible for the waterways. In the railway network, the separation between local and long-distance traffic is often not so easy to determine, since almost all long-distance routes are also used for local and regional transport. https://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/IGVP/index.phpCooperation with BENELUXhttps://www.vm.nrw.de/verkehr/verkehr_allgemein/Zusammenarbeit-Benelux/index.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Because of the floods in the south of Tucumán in 2017, 1500 families of Lamadrid were evacuated (80% of the town). It is estimated that the economic losses will reach $ 630 million: $ 90 million in economic-productive, $ 140 million in social and $ 400 million in infrastructure.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as battery electric mobility are important key technologies in all areas of the energy and transport system. The Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Electromobility Network of the state of NRW brings together more than 500 primarily medium-sized companies and research institutions. The network supports this technology and the initiation and expert monitoring of cooperation projects, including the current “Model Municipalities/Model Region Hydrogen Mobility NRW” and “HyLand” competitions of the federal government. So far, the state and the EU (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF) have provided almost EUR 170 million to over 140 projects in fuel cell and hydrogen technology. In addition, further projects in NRW have been provided with content-based support with federal funding via the National Innovation Programme (NIP) and the European FCH JU programme within the framework of Horizon 2020. The spectrum of topics covered by the projects ranges from the development of individual system components such as compressors and sensors to the development and testing of complex products such as buses and filling stations.In the field of battery electric mobility, based on programmes of the Federal Ministry of Transport, some 210 projects with a funding volume of around EUR 110 million have been launched and supported in various areas in almost 90 towns since 2009. The topics of integrating renewable energies into the transport sector, the use of electric vehicles in commercial and municipal fleets and the development of municipal and corporate electromobility concepts are supported. In these projects, around 4,400 vehicles and some 6,700 charging points have so far been funded in NRW by the Federal Ministry of Transport.All of the state’s electromobility activities are bundled under the term “ElektroMobilität NRW” (Electromobility NRW), an umbrella brand of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs. Here, EnergieAgentur.NRW and the centre of competence ElektroMobilität NRW are working on behalf of the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs on the further development of electromobility in the state of NRW – supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).(www.energieagentur.nrw/netzwerk/brennstoffzelle-wasserstoff-elektromobilitaet; www.elektromobilitaet.nrw)",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNA2018Q4,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Project: Arid Lands Sustainable Management of Northwest Argentina. The Government of Tucumán integrates, along with eight other provinces of the NOA and Cuyo regions, the Arid Lands Sustainable Management Project of Northwest Argentina. The objectives are the sustainable management of lands in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems of the Northwest regions of Argentina (NOA) and Cuyo, in order to address the problem of increasing the loss of functions and services of ecosystems in regions characterized by high levels of land degradation and poverty; and the generation of operational frameworks that allow to plan, monitoring and adapt land management plans and promote public and private investments for the sustainable land management.One of the main objectives of the project is the climate mitigation by conserving and increasing the area of the native forest (carbon sinks) and facilitating the adaptation of local communities to the effects of climate change, especially the risk of drought.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Clean Energy Resources Teams (CERTs) is a public-private partnership to connect individuals and communities across Minnesota to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects. https://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.",State government has prioritized flex-fuel vehicles and has a goal to increase the use of E85.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",1 +"Please explain your reasoning and your plans to report on your government’s emissions inventory in the future, if any.",Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The climatological model predicts a rainfall increase for all the territory, with 67 additional millimetres, in the monthly average, in the year 2080. This impact may cause intense floods, bringing with it lives loss and material loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Registers of Scotland (RoS) keeps public registers of land, property, and other legal documents in Scotland. The Keeper of the Registers of Scotland is directly accountable to the Scottish Parliament. RoS is responsible for public records, including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Includes process emissions and stationary biomass emissions from the Met Council Waste Water Treatment plants. We are reporting location based electricity emissions using MROW egrid region. Emissions for District Energy St. Paul heating and cooling are calculated using emission factors provided by District Energy St. Paul.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNAS2018Q1,1 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,No: There is no statewide policy. Some local jurisdictions have adopted these types of disclosure requirements.,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",We work with Cauca and Valle del Cauca to strengthen our climate action initiatives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning and Distribution Planning processes per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422 and 216B.2425.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the UK Forestry Standard. Appropriate protection and conservation must be afforded where sites, habitats and species are subject to the legal provisions of EU Directives and UK and country legislation.An appropriate assessment for a Natura 2000 site should be undertaken as part of a Habitats Regulations Appraisal required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Please complete the table below.,"The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Sectorial project stablished in Climate Change Strategy: Installation of the regional surveillance system to promote energy saving in public institutions.,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,A pilot project on Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh is being implemented by the State Centre for Climate Change in association with local government departments.,1 +Please explain why you do not have policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"With the support of the GCF Task Force, UNDP and the Government of Norway; Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"In NRW, more than 80 percent of regenerative heat was generated from biomass producing 10.3 billion kWh (kilowatt hours), and nearly 40 percent of regenerative electricity at 6.5 billion kWh (2016). In the field of agricultural biogas plants alone, 620 plants were operating with capacity of around 300 MW (megawatts) in the middle of 2017. Supported by state and federal grants, the number of wood pellet heating systems installed in NRW has risen considerably in recent years. In 2003 just 644 of these systems were installed; now over 31,000 households are supplied with this climate-friendly heat.",0 +Please complete the table below.,We are planning an energy efficiency and low carbon technology program that has an industry axis.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,Some industries and agricultural activities suffered many damages due to the lack of rain and drinking water resources were being monitored : direct costs and loss of producivity have been observed.,1 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Undertaken by Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (UK) https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Carpish Mountains Conservation ProgramThe NGO Nature and International Culture, in coordination with the Natural Resources and Environmental Management, lead this initiative with the aim of providing technical assistance in the establishment of 124,000 hectares of Regional Conservation Area and 131,00 Private Conservation Area. The project promotes participation of local communities in the protection of the areas, geographically located in the provinces of Huamalies, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado and Pachitea. The area is exposed at mining interventions and change land use that includes, among others, agriculture; as well as, the burning and felling of the forest resource.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.phpid=276&L=1",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The project aims to reduce deforestation in the Cordillera Azul National Park, which has a political location in Ucayali, Huánuco, Loreto and San Martín with a total area of 2.3 million hectares. Among the objectives of the project are the strengthening of protection strategies, the participatory establishment to engage the actors involved in the management and financial sustainability; as well as, the development of capacities for the use of the land, according to the Sernanp. The REDD + project has the standard Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) at the golden level and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your government’s electricity consumption (%).,All heating process industrial and domestic are developed using natural gas or electricity,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard. Also through State Energy Office initiatives.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Reduce the annual forest loss from 32884 in 2014 to 18975 in 2021.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan was sent to Norway. It is a multi-year work plan that will be presented by the Peruvian Government, this document describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Huanuco have being participating in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,The stategovernment hasmade a StateAction Plan onClimate changeas per theNationalguidelines andeight Nationalmissions toachieve theobjectives ofclimate changeand improveadaptation andmitigation efforts,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Several ongoing pilotprograms for energystorage. Some use of fuel cellpower units at wastewatertreatment,0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","Data, methods and results are reviewed internally, and external verification has not been a priority or received funding.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"IN4climate.NRW is designed to be a platform for knowledge-sharing, dialogue and collaboration. Around 30 companies and associations from the fields of steel and metals, chemicals, cement, glass, paper and building materials are participating in the initiative alongside six research institutes. https://www.in4climate.nrw/en/index/",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Local Government Operations Protocol (ICLEI/The Climate Registry/California Climate Action Registry/ California Air Resources Board),0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Source: Washington's Fuel Mix Disclosure data. FMD dataare typically somewhat lower than federal EIA state-leveldata, but correlate precisely with fuel mix info below.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,GDP has been expressed as: Scottish onshore GDP at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Economy/QNA2018Q4,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2018.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Through the state Weatherization Assistance Program each combustion appliance (i.e., heating system, waterheater, and stove/oven) is tested to assess whether it is operating properly. Equipment problems may be resolved by cleaning and tuning the equipment, replacing the equipment, ordeferring the housing unit until the equipment problem can be addressed.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","SEPA works with regulated businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and can be applied generally across all sectors. Working with businesses across whole sectors Through sector planning SEPA is transforming the way it regulates, moving from a single site approach to sector based solutions. SEPA has identified 33 key industry sectors it works with, and is producing sector plans to shape how it interacts with these sectors and all the businesses within them. To also help drive sectors’ economic and environmental innovation, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise have formed a close partnership. Spatial Planning and Place Based Initiatives SEPA plays a key role in Scotland’s planning process. Through this, there is an opportunity to shape places that improve the environment, health and wellbeing and help adapt to the challenges presented by our future climate. Green Finance SEPA is linking finance sector leaders and knowledge to create opportunities that attract private investment into Scotland. For example, working with the Scottish Government, SEPA is helping to develop financing options for natural capital and biodiversity investment. Best Practice SEPA highlights best practice for businesses through the following initiatives: - NetRegs - VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Water storage for agriculture and fish is inadequate, especially during low water years and droughts",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The minimum target is the national targets and goals, and our region is working towards a better result adjusted to out areas and within the budget frames. All investments should be promoting our long-, and short term goals.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Regular awareness programmes are being organised in all major cities of the state.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Mandatory separate collection of dry recyclable materials and food waste from some businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)).Over 80% of Scotland’s population have separate food waste collectionsWe publish and review a Household Recycling Charter and Code of Practice, which sets out best practice for local governments.We are preparing to deliver Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025, as set out in Programme for Government 2021/21",1 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Minnesota GDP for 2017 is $351,000,000,00 for the U.S. as a whole it is $17,263,000,000,000Minnesota real GDP per capita (chained 2009 dollars) for 2017 is $54,805 for the U.S. as a whole it is $51,337. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the Midwest and 14th nationwide in real per Capita GDP and surpasses the national average by 6%.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/policies/environmental-assessment/strategic-environmental-assessment-sea/In Scotland, public bodies and private companies operating in a public character, such as utility companies, are required to assess, consult on, and monitor the likely impacts their plans, programmes and strategies will have on the environment. This process is known as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/113/madeForestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 The Scottish Government also assesses the environmental impact of proposals for afforestation, deforestation and the construction and maintenance of forest roads and quarries. If proposals are assessed as having a significant effect on the environment, then consent for the proposal must be applied for under the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,While annual precipitation will according to available Scenarios decrese until mid century in the summer months slightly by up to 20 mm per square meter it will increase about 10-20 mm per square meter in the winter months.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Government of Chhattisgarh is implementing various schemes of National Government. The project for Mitigation and/or Adaptation of Climate Change is prepared as per SAPCC and the same is sent to National Government for funding. The implementation is done by the State Government.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risks to health, wellbeing and productivity is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. The latest evidence reports for the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (published June 2021) estimate that heat-related deaths will increase in Scotland to around 70-285 per year by 2050 and 140-39 per year by the 2080s, assuming no population growth.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"We do not have examples of risk assessments for deforestation. However, there are a few examples of risk assessments that identify risk factors for forest degradation:- In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service did a vulnerability assessment on the impacts of climate change on northern Minnesota forests. See: General Technical Report NRS-133 “Minnesota Forest EcosystemVulnerability Assessment and Synthesis” https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs133.pdf- MN DNR contributes to the U.S. Forest Service’s change detection dataset through aerial sketchmapping. The survey data is a driver for models of impact that the USFS creates. More can be found here: https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/applied-sciences/mapping-reporting/gis-spatial-analysis/detection-surveys.shtml",0 +Please complete the table below.,"We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"We are working to incorporate Scope 3 emissions, and hope to have Scope 3 emissions calculated by the end of July 2018.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota has no in-state fossil fuel but abundant renewable resources, including wind, solar, and biomass. In 2007 the state passed a renewable electricity standard in 2007 requiring that 27.5% of the state’s electricity use be generated with renewable resources by 2025. In 2013 the state passed a solar electricity standard for investor-owned utilities that will result in an additional 1% by 2025 from solar energy, and establishes a goal of 10% by 2030 of in-state electricity sales be generated from solar energy. Utilities are on track to meet or exceed their renewable electricity requirements.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,We are implementing 7 projects for payment of ecosystem services in strategic ecosystems of the department of Nariño which are essentials for the water provision.,1 +Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs?,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,We have an actions portfolio for the agriculture sector that includes recovery of degraded pastures; irrigated agriculture promotion; agroecological and organic production and a state program for agricultural losses reduction.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity. Work across public, private and third sectors is undertaken to deliver its outcomes. It aims to deliver against the Aichi targets via 12 priority projects outlined in Scotland’s Biodiversity: A Route Map to 2020, including ‘Restoration of Peatlands’, ‘Dynamic Coast’ and ‘Sustainable Land Management’. It also aims to connect people with nature for their health and well-being. Monitoring is undertaken by various public bodies and progress reports are laid before the Scottish Parliament.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The State of Minnesota is dedicated to maintaining long-term public health infrastructure that allows for tracking of vectorborne diseases over space and time. Through ongoing disease surveillance we interview cases to determine exposure locations and activities, in addition to systematic field studies that allow us to document expanding tick distribution and infection prevalence. Partnerships are established through local, regional, and federal partners to stay up-to-date on vectorborne disease research and information. Individuals are encouraged to know when and where they are at risk of exposure; dress to protect themselves and use repellent; check for ticks after time outside, especially if near wooded areas; remove any ticks as soon as possible; and call a doctor if a fever or rash is present.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"The Sustainable Forest Resources Management Act of 1995 (MN Stat. 89A) and 1982 Forest Resources Management Act (MN Stat. 89.001 &89.002) serve as the foundation for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) forest policy. The Act is implemented by the DNR through a number of agency policies, guidelines, etc., which are developed across multiple disciplines and build robust direction and understanding of sound and sustainable forest management. Such policies address issues such as maintaining old growth forests, implementing site-level forest management guidelines, addressing invasive species, creating and implementing forest management plans, creating and maintain wildlife habitat, protecting rare species, and many more. The MN DNR is also responsible for implementing other regional laws on forest management. The Little Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Act (MN Stat. 103G.545), which protects water levels and lakeshores by prohibiting dams and restricting logging within 400 feet of recreational waterways in the state-owned lands in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The Minnesota Endangered Species Act ((MN Stat 84.0895) imposes a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. The Minnesota Trust Fund Statute (MN Stat. 127A.31) includes the goal of the permanent school fund, which is to secure the maximum long-term economic return from the school trust lands consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities imposed by the trust relationship established in the Minnesota Constitution, with sound natural resource conservation and management principles, and with other specific policy provided in state law. The Outdoor Recreation Act of 1975 (MN Stat. 86A.02) addresses State Trails, Scientific and Natural Areas, State Wilderness Areas, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Aquatic Management Areas.The DNR is responsible for managing most of the state-administered/owned forested lands in the state, and also participates in private forest landowner outreach and multi-stakeholder forest landscape initiatives and partnerships. The DNR has a detailed forest policy framework for the management of state forest lands to prevent deforestation and degradation on these lands as much as possible and to govern sustainable management of state forests. The DNR also implements site-level forest management guidelines developed by jurisdictional approaches (MFRC), creates long-term forest management plans for state forests, and follows guidelines for protecting rare species and habitats.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Amazon Interregional Council, of which Ucayali is a part, through FONDESAM (Amazon Development Fund) seeks to generate Competitiveness and Sustainable Investment, through the development of a green economy that generates shared value, for which the Plan has been prepared of Competitiveness for the Amazon and implementation of alternatives against illegal economies (drug trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, others).",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, we have continued to provide funding for the 68 Climate Challenge Fund projects currently in progress across Scotland. In 2020-21, a total of £53m will be allocated. These projects include a core focus on energy efficiency, for example with the rolling out of heat pumps. Additionally, future transport investment decisions will continue to be made in line with both the Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Investment hierarchies, prioritising walking, wheeling, cycling and public and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use across Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities.• Establishing a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet will help improve the evidence base, and better inform decision-making, across a range of policy areas. These include air quality, transport, agriculture and waste management, as well as climate change. We are committed to establishing a Balance Sheet early in the next parliamentary session and supported the amendments to last year’s Climate Change Bill to require this. The Nitrogen Balance Sheet will support national climate change targets, with nitrous oxide being a major greenhouse gas.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Call for projects Local climate protectionSupport of municipalities in the implementation of climate concepts. Eligible are combinations of measures from the areas of climate protection and climate change adaptation, which are derived from municipal climate concepts. climate competitionsThe state government supports municipalities and municipal companies in NRW in the implementation of innovative projects such as improving energy efficiency or expanding renewable energies with several climate protection competitions. MorePromotion policy progres.NRW market launchThe program offers a wide range of funding opportunities to promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in NRW. All municipalities that participate in the European Energy Award or have developed a climate protection concept are eligible to apply. Funding program Low-emission mobilityThe state of NRW supports municipalities with a number of subsidies, including the purchase and leasing of electric vehicles (including fuel cell vehicles) and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. Grants are also available for the use of consulting services for the switch to electromobility. Resource efficient wastewater disposal NRW (ResA)Sewage disposal is one of the largest energy consumers in a municipality. The state of NRW therefore promotes the implementation of energy-saving measures as well as measures to increase the energy and resource efficiency of public wastewater treatment plants.Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW. Klimanetzwerker.NRWThe KlimaNetzwerker.NRW are the contact persons for the municipalities on the topics of climate protection and climate change adaptation in the NRW regions. They support all municipalities in NRW in the formation of cooperations, networks and initiatives and inform about the offers of the state of NRW.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"• The Adaptation Scotland programme is funded by the Scottish Government to support capacity building and action on adaptation by the local government, public sector, businesses and communities in Scotland. This includes developing Scotland's pioneering place-based approach to climate change adaptation.• In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme.• The programme sets out how we are responding to the main climate risks for Scotland - as identified by the CCC and covering a range of global warming scenarios.• In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals across Scotland. • The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Huanuco the project will be implemented specifically in (Puerto Inca) province.",1 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The project aims to reduce deforestation in the Cordillera Azul National Park, which has a political location in Ucayali, Huánuco, Loreto and San Martín with a total area of 2.3 million hectares. Among the objectives of the project are the strengthening of protection strategies, the participatory establishment to engage the actors involved in the management and financial sustainability; as well as, the development of capacities for the use of the land, according to the Sernanp. The REDD + project has the standard Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) at the golden level and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Most state agencies reported greenhouse gas emissions from several sources where there is indirect control, including: Business travel in vehicles owned by employees Air travel Employee commutingThese are not included in the total state agency greenhouse gas emissions because quality data was not available for 2005, the baseline year. Many state agencies have taken steps to improve tracking this data, but significant challenges remain. State agencies have less control over emission reduction decisions from these sources. Nevertheless, state agencies continue to pursue emission reductions by supporting teleconferencing and alternative commuting such as car pools, transit, walking, or biking.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"1. Changes in bioclimatic levels of optimal environmental conditions for human comfort, which increases the level of stress.2. Settlements of more tropical species due to absence or reduction of frequencies of frost3. Increase in electricity and water consumption in cities4. Drought risk5. Greater demand for agricultural irrigation.6. Higher evapotranspiration in surface water bodies.7. Impacts on health such as dehydration and heat stroke8. Increased fire risk",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Providing www.energiportalen.no to all the persons in the county. they are able to enter their house details, and calculate their consumption and potential savings by installing different energy saving techlologies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"This is supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity, working closely with industry where appropriate.",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Sea level for Edinburgh is expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline. Higher rates of sea level rise for the UK of up to 1.9 metres by 2100 have been estimated for a physically plausible high++ scenario based on in direct observations of past climate change events, though this is considered highly unlikely to occur this century. However, sea levels are projected to continue to rise beyond 2100 even in lower emission scenarios and several meters of sea level rise within centuries is possible. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","The largest element of the scope 1 emissions is mobile combustion. The State operates a large fleet of busses, snow plows and heavy trucks, as well as passenger vehicles. For many of the fleet vehicles, fuel use is linked to snow fall and weather conditions. The greatest increase however came from stationary combustion for heating reasons. We believe this is mostly due to the relatively cooler winter.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Climate Change Strategy planned to implement following projects:Implementation of innovation centers to develop efficient in agricultural value chains.Installation of the technical assistance service for the competitiveness of organic agricultural production chains with low GHG emissions.Improvement of the productive units of coffee and fruit crops for organic certification with modules of organic amendments and biological control in main producers districts,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Because of the floods in the south of Tucumán in 2017, 1500 families of Lamadrid were evacuated (80% of the town). It is estimated that the economic losses will reach $ 630 million: $ 90 million in economic-productive, $ 140 million in social and $ 400 million in infrastructure.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"UK Government figures published on 11 May 2021 show Scotland is leading the rest of the United Kingdom in supporting the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by providing vehicle charging infrastructure with over 40 public chargepoints per 100 000 of population compared to 34 in England and fewer in Wales and Northern Ireland. We have invested over £45 million since 2011 to establish the comprehensive ChargePlace Scotland charging network, the largest in the UK outside London in support of our ambition to phase out the need for new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Transport Scotland is part of the EV Strategic Partnership with our electricity distribution companies which informing wider work that we are undertaking to evaluate new models for the future financing and delivery of public EV charging infrastructure in Scotland.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2019. See also note on net emissions below.",1 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.",Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,Projections of year 2030 and 2050 from the census 2005 DANE.,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2030 : Estimated to the year 2025 Region’s population in year 2030 and Region’s population in year 2050: No official reports were found INEI: www.inei.gob.peThe last official census was made in 2017 but the information has not yet been published.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Scotland's adaptation programme is funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer through Adaptation Scotland. Adaptation Scotland work in partnership with stakeholders across sectors and provide case study and guidance support through their website, with link attached.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Inhenced scarcity of drinking water supply. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umwelt-und-wasser/grundwasser/grundwassermenge-und-staende/ https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/umweltbericht_nrw_2016_en.pdf,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. In 2019 edition there were 20.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 5% wetter and 1.1°C warmer. Under a high global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7°C warmer. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","State and local government and non-governmental entities have numerous programs and procedures that help encourage residents of the state to be more environmentally friendly in areas such as waste management, protecting water quality, energy efficiency, natural landscaping, alternative transportation and many more.",0 +Please attach your region's climate change action plan below.,"Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Multipurpos Complex of the Las Cañas-Gastona-Medina RiversIt consists of a hydroelectric dam ""POTRERO DEL CLAVILLO"" for the integral use of the Gastona and Medina rivers. The dam will have a height of 122 m, from its deepest foundation and will include a volume of concrete of 665,000 cubic meters. It will ensure a reservoir capacity, calculated at 139.2 Hm / 3 and a water mirror of 370 ha. This is complemented by two central power plants and a compensating reservoir (EL NARANJAL), located in Tucuman territory.It will be financed by the ""Program of Studies in the Energy Sector of the Argentine Republic"" (Loan CAF 6567)Objectives:1. Water management for multiple purposes, in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the communities settled in the Upper Basin of the Salí-Dulce River and its area of influence.2. Provide clean and renewable energy generation to incorporate it into the market, enabling a greater boost to regional development.3. Contribute to the water supply for human consumption and productive activities.4. Mitigate the damages caused by extreme events in the study area (droughts and floods).5. Promote investments in the private sector through the articulation of diverse uses with local and regional demands.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"The climate adaptation plan, mentioned above, has three main goals:- to promote local action in the territory;- to promote a well-informed decision making;- to promote integrated and planned actions in the state, considering the most vulnerable regions and sectors.",1 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"The Regional Government of Ucayali signed an international agreement for the technological transfer of renewable energy with Lumines ( South Korean company). The aim is implement renewable energy projects for the most remote towns such as Atalaya, Masisea, Tahuanía, Purús and other towns where they do not have electricity from national system.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/bevoelkerungsvorausberechnung2018-2040_kreise_3altersgruppen.pdf This document is in German and describes the Population development.,0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We are developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology Program.,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"● Continued access to forest products – DNR is implementing a Sustainable Timber Harvest Initiative, and ensures a sustainable supply of forest products by implementing reforestation and best management practices associated with timber harvest on state lands.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. Land use - getting the best from our land: strategy 2021 to 2026 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) Scotland’s Land Use Strategy sets out our vision, objectives and policies to achieve sustainable land use in Scotland.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"1’746 237, 32 hectares equivalent to the half of the departmanet of Nariño, 55,31% of the total are of Nariño.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"1) Water-environmental management of the sub-basin of the Marapa-Graneros River, with an extension of 400,000ha in Catamarca and TucumánThe main objective is to elaborate a master plan of INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN (Catamarca,Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba), within the Salí Dulce Basin Committee, in order to agree on environmental water policies within a framework of sustainability, environmental, agronomic aspects, urban, road, legal, economic-financial, social and management superficial and subterranean water resources. This plan include structural measures and non-structural solutions in the medium and long term and that also consider the specific emergency works proposed in the previous section.Responsible: Special Commission of Water Emergency.2) Eradication of sugar cane burning.3) Environmental Territorial Plan for the Pedemonte. It is located in the eastern slope of the San Javier mountain range, west of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, occupying 10% of the metropolitan area. For decades that area has suffered a strong anthropic impact, intensified between 2001 and 2010 by the incorporation of 24,000 new inhabitants, which generates several problems due to unplanned urban growth: risk of flooding and flooding, deterioration of the storm drainage network, elimination of riverside forests, overexploitation of groundwater, pollution due to inadequate waste management, among others.4) The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. 5) Apply the Risk Management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular the risk of flooding,6) Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015.7)Developing of sustainable land management in the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,All of each projects led by the government of Nariño in the forest sector have a strong component of environmental governance.,0 +Is your region responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations?,"Deforestation and forest degradation and conservation are measured at the national level and also the policies are mandated to be reached at the national level. Each of the 32 states that compose Colombia has limited resources to tackle deforestation however many do mobilize technical and financial resources to reduce deforestation because of its intense consequences in biodiversity, ecosystem services and ancestral knowledge that the diversity of forests represent in Nariño. With the climate change master plan “Nariño acts for climate 2035” we defined projects only for the forest sector in order to reduce deforestation and emissions related to the sector, but until the date there is not a sole target for deforestation in the regional level.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Scottish Forestry, the government agency for forestry, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Players from landowner, project developer, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,"Project: ""Mitigation and resilience to climate change for the sugar cane production system"". We hope to get financing from EUROCLIMA. The objective is to strengthen the capacities that increase resilience to climate change in food production, increasing the adaptation capacity of the most vulnerable sugarcane producers in the province of Tucumán, in the face of the adversities caused by climate change and contributing to mitigate GHG emissions emanating from the production process. The territorial approach will be in two specific basins, where most of the producers of the province are concentrated. Sugarcane, is a key crop for the economy of Tucumán, by surface, labor that it occupies, the cultural identity and its importance for the entire local economy. In this context, small and medium producers and their families are the most vulnerable to climate change, since their crops suffer great losses in productive yields when late frosts, prolonged droughts andfloods.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Funding is provided to enhance and expand existing water supply infrastructure,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Several areas (urban and rural) are experiencing more frequent and several flooding,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",1 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"As part of the progres.nrw market launch subsidy programme, over 106,000 individual projects have received more than 865 million euros in funding from the state and the EU between the start of the programme and the end of 2018. Moreover, a total of 2,291 measures to the tune of approximately 11 million euros were approved under the progres.nrw low-emission mobility programme in 2018. These figures break down as follows: 1,915 charging infrastructures; 122 electric vehicles; 254 electric cargo bicycles. The sopport for comunity charging stations has been approved in 2020. www.progres.nrw.de Klimanetzwerker.NRW:Since 2012, 14 ClimateNetworkers.NRW have been helping to drive forward the energy transition within their regions and in regional development companies, and to inform and link up local authorities and administrations, companies and businesses and citizens in matters of climate change.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,goodupdated GHG emissions inventory will be completed by Dec 2020; data range 1990 - 2017section 3.11d - data reflects 2017 GHG emissions,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Ucayli is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. The strategy to low emission development (LED) is being worked by the Regional Government of Ucayali with the technical support of Earth Innovation Institute. Currently, there is a base document called ""Ucayali: Productive Region (2017)"" that establishes three pillars of work. With support of Norway Cooperation, Ucayali will develop further studies and investment plan to finish LED strategy in 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Government organize annually the International Climate Forum “Climactivo” 2016, 2017 and 2018 (in preparation). In 2017 edition there were 10.000 participants.It has organized several workshops: ""Youth and Climate Change"", ""Sustainable Cities against Climate Change"", ""Federal Climate Change Policy"", ""Climate Change and Health"", ""Business and Climate Change"", ""Renewable energies and energy efficiency"" "","" Natural Resources and Climate Change "","" Children's art competition on climate change ""and also an Environmental Cinema space.Teacher training courses ""Explaining climate change to children and adolescents"" in 2016/2017. More than 2,000 trained teachers.",0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"The UK and Scottish GHG inventories now include historical emissions associated with drainage and rewetting of organic soils (see 2013 IPCC wetlands supplement). These statistics also include international aviation and shipping. As a result, comparability with other states and regions may be compromised.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","Minnesota utilitiesare proposing to retire all in-state coal power facilities by 2030. In early 2020, Xcel Energy changed the operation of certain coal power plants that will result in idling the plants about half the year. In May 2020, Great River Energy announced plans to retire its largest coal power plant (located in North Dakota) and replace it with wind by 2023, reducing emissions 95% from 2005 levels. Minnesota Power plans to retire its last remaining coal plant but has not yet finalized a retirement date. Operations and retirements are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process. See also: docket 19-809 and https://mn.gov/puc/newsroom/id=14-440509",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"large scaleadoption of EER(energy efficiencyratio) appliancesas specified by theBEE (Bureau ofEnergy Efficiency,GoI). ECBC rating/ ECBC plus/ Super ECBC (based on EPI ratio of building)",0 +Please complete the table below.,Design a roadmap and investment plan to reduce deforestation associated with agriculture an rural activities.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Possible impacts are shown by indicators (exemplarily) in several fields of activities (monitoring).,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 (5 years ahead of the UK target date of 2050). Statutory interim targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2040, for emissions reductions of 56%, 75% and 90% from the 1990-95 baseline. Legislation also makes provision for annual targets for every year to 2045. Current annual targets available at: https://www.gov.scot/policies/climate-change/reducing-emissions/. The greenhouse gases covered by the targets are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, for which the baseline is 1990; and hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride, for which the baseline is 1995. The targets are economy-wide and include emissions and removals from land use change and forestry. As well as domestic emissions, Scotland’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the targets.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,At the moment we are focusing on the definition of the region-wide target.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2018.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"We have worked with several local governments to strengthen their capacities in climate change planification and projects with several strategies such as short courses, certificate programs, consultations, among others.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Scottish Landfill Tax continues to set a baseline for cost of waste treatment, encouraging waste treatment further up the hierarchy, including prevention of waste.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota benefits from more freshwater than any other of the 48 contiguous U.S. States. The viability of Minnesota’s industries, farms, utilities, and municipalities hinges an adequate supply of clean water. As Minnesota's population and economy grow, so does our use of water. In particular, groundwater use has increased 35 percent over the past 25 years, and use continues to increase. This trend may not be sustainable. Parts of Minnesota are vulnerable to groundwater shortages due to high pumping or population growth combined with reliance on a single water source. Minnesota is not yet in crisis, but we see warning signs in some areas where groundwater supply is at risk of depletion. Overuse of groundwater can also harm surface waters that depend on it, such as trout streams and wetlands. Groundwater pumping can introduce or move contaminants. Water moves easily through sands and the cracks in karst areas, making the groundwater underneath the sandy soils of central Minnesota and the karst of southeastern Minnesota particularly sensitive to pollution. Groundwater and surface water are interconnected, so depletion or contamination of groundwater can affect surface water as well. Some areas of Minnesota will experience decreased precipitation as a result of more localized, large storm events that leave some areas saturated and others without any precipitation. Large areas of the State have been severely impacted by drought and while effects of dry periods on water quality haven't been adequately studied, a decreasing water supply for drinking water and agriculture are public health concerns. Increasingly severe droughts in the Mississippi River Basin could also pose problems for navigation in Minnesota. For example, a drought in 2012 led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict navigation on the lower Mississippi River, which affected shipping upstream.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Work to reduce emissions in new buildings was guided from 2007 to 2020 by the recommendations of The Sullivan Report – ‘A low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland’ (2007 & 2013). A further commitment is made in our Programme for Government 2020-21. We are working with the house building and construction industry to develop regulations for new homes consented from 2024 onwards, to ensure that new homes from 2024 onwards must use heating systems which produce zero emissions (at the point of use); and phase in similar standards for new non-domestic buildings consented from 2024.We have since consulted on our initial approach to our New Build Heat Standard (NBHS), with the consultation closing in March 2021. We are now analysing the feedback and responses received to this consultation.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 108% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2016Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2019/13/contents/enacted The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 determines the structure of the planning system in Scotland.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","While Scotland can use devolved powers in a number of areas to adapt to climate change, policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved (e.g. some parts of infrastructure) are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments. Some of these policy areas are outlined in the Scottish Government’s second Climate Change Adaptation Programme. Some evidence relied upon by the Scottish Government to inform Scotland's response to the impacts of climate change is developed for the UK as a whole including the UK Climate Projections, and UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Adaptation Committee of the UK Committee on Climate Change has a statutory role in providing independent advice to the Scottish Government on preparing for climate change. The Adaptation Committee is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland .",1 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,- The National Water Scarcity Plan sets out how water resources will be managed prior to and during periods of water scarcity to strike a balance between environmental protection and providing resource for human and economic activity. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is working with the Scottish Government and other partners to build on the National Water Scarcity Plan and develop a longer-term strategy to help Scotland adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more resilient to changing water availability. - The River Basin Management Plans for Scotland contain actions to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2011/209/contents/made) enables SEPA to apply regulatory controls over activities such as abstractions which may affect Scotland’s water resources. The legislation contributes to the delivery of the Water Framework Directive. Authorisation is required from SEPA before carry out abstraction or impoundment activities.,1 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"We have agreements with the the UK, France, Chile, and other national governments to work on climate change policy, technical issues, best practice exchange, and so forth. Also we participate in numerous international governmental collaborations such as the Under2 Coalition.",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Waste-to-energy is preferred over landfill in state statute. Metro area counties must divert waste to waste to energy facilities when there is capacity available. Minnesota waste to energy systems are a significant contributor to reducing waste management related GHG releases. In addition to combustion with energy recovery, all Minnesota WTE facilities compound their GHG savings by recovering metals (and other recyclables) from MMSW.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Minnesota has a clean energy bonding program for $100 million that is currently in the development phase.,0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",0 +Please provide the details of your base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"Minnesota maintains a robust, stand-alone Vectorborne Disease Unit at the State Department of Health. This provides capacity for centralized surveillance, research, and education.",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The UK Climate Change Act includes a formal role for the Scottish Government, including in relation to the Act’s targets and carbon budgets. For example, before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order setting a carbon budget, the UK Government must take into account any representations made by the Scottish Government. The UK Act also establishes the Committee on Climate Change to provide independent advice about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The Committee on Climate Change is jointly sponsored by the UK Government and devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who work together to appoint members of the Committee and agree the Committee’s work programme.While Scotland has its own climate change legislation, and can use devolved powers in a number of areas to reduce emissions, substantial levers are controlled by the UK Government including parts of the fiscal system, decarbonisation of the gas and electricity grid, and development of hydrogen capacity. Policies and proposals where competence is not wholly devolved are informed by regular discussions between the Scottish and UK Governments.The Scottish Government also works with the UK Government to share best practice and research on climate change, and contributes to UK Government reports on climate change as appropriate.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The governor of Huanuco, Juan Alvarado Cornelio, announced in june, 2019 that he will promote the construction of 76 new hydro-energy projects in his region to become the main provider of electricity in the country, and be able to obtain more resources per canon in return.https://ojo-publico.com/1221/gobernador-de-huanuco-plantea-construir-mas-hidroelectricas-pese-conflictos-sociales",1 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The greatest driver in the reduction of S1 emissions is is fewer emissions from closed landfills, fewer emissions from natural gas consumption, and fewer process emissions from METC waste water treatment plants.",0 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to verify your emissions, if any.","With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,See SCCAP2 Outcome 3 and UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland Chapter 6. (https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Impacts on flora and fauna as well as on cooling capacity,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"We are committed to encouraging solar and have provided financial support to a number of local solar projects in communities across Scotland, both rural and urban. We are working with the Solar Trade Association Scotland, whose chair is a member of our Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group, to maximise the potential of solar.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"A rise in the frequency and intensity of drought episodes has been observed. The impact of water scarcity and the expected worsening of drought-affected areas will increase difficulties in water ressource demand for all sectors : householders, agriculture, industry.",0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"Scottish Enterprise – Strategic ProgrammesScottish Enterprise has worked with Scottish Government to identify four economic opportunity themes where Scotland has competitive advantage and which provide the greatest opportunities to drive job creation and green recovery - net zero transition, enhanced health and care, digital technologies and advanced manufacturing. Seven strategic programmes are being delivered across these themes and that also align with the Scottish Government’s climate change policy. Three are directly relevant to reducing emissions, creating a more resilient economy and creating green jobs: Heat Decarbonisation, Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Hydrogen Economy. These are multi-year programmes which will be delivered in collaboration with businesses, investors and public sector partners (including Skills Development Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and local authorities).Currently at various stages of development. Estimated cost is GBP 100,000,000 to GBP 150,000,000",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"Outreach and education at the state fair, online, through social media, and via local government education. Recycling Education Committee stakeholder efforts to standardize recycling education and develop industry best practices to improve material quality/quantity.",1 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The regional climate model Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) predicts a hotter weather for all the territory, with temperatures 2 to 4 additional degrees Celsius, until the end of the century. This impact can bring consequences like melting of polar ice, increase in ocean level, floods and many others.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,Wet areas will become wetter. more frequent heavy rainfall events are expected,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires that all public plans, programme and strategies being prepared in Scotland must consider the potential for significant environmental effects and should undertake an SEA where required, including the consideration of climatic factors.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Using Edinburgh as an example, sea level is expected to rise by between approximately 12 and 18cm by the 2050s and by approximately 23 to 54cm by the 2080s, compared to a 1981-2000 baseline and depending on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such rises would lead to an increase in likelihood of associated risks, such as flooding of coastal communities. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/application/files/5816/1797/9967/LOW_RES_4656_Climate_Projections_report_FINAL.pdf )",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,See SCCAP2 Outcome 3 and UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland Chapter 6. (https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf,1 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",1 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",ILI Energy Storage : New battery storage development project opportunities are being offered across Scotland with capacity of up to 450MW.,1 +Please provide details of your region’s natural forest area by different categories of forest ownership.,"In 1981, Minnesota was the first state to implement retail net metering as a state policy applicable to all electric utilities per Minn. Statute 216B.164. Legislative changes in 2015 and 2017 allowed cooperative and municipal utilities to charge fees to customers participating in net metering and removed state PUC authority to settle disputes related to coop and muni net metering fees.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The state government of NRW has set itself the goal of ensuring that its own administration becomes carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, annual emissions estimated at almost 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 will need to be prevented, reduced or offset through suitable means.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Geothermal energy is a reliable source of energy that is available at any time as needed. Power can be generated using geothermal energy starting from a temperature of around 120 degrees Celsius. NRW is only just beginning to use deep geothermal energy; power has not yet been generated from geothermal energy here. Current studies are focusing on conventional hydrothermal reservoirs in fissured, sedimentary sandstones as well as karstified limestones and dolomites. (www.energieagentur.nrw/geothermie)",0 +"Where it will facilitate a greater understanding of your region-wide emissions, please provide a breakdown of these emissions by the 2006 IPCC sector in the table below.","At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions. NPF3 and SPP are currently under review, anticipated to be combined into a single document ‘National Planning Framework 4’ (NPF4) that will have status as part of the statutory development plan for decision making purposes. NPF4 is currently anticipated to be approved and adopted in 2022.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Realizing optimum irrigation potential under Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Use a computational technique called dynamical downscaling to take global climate models results used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to produce new high‐resolution climate model projections for the entire state of Minnesota from the present to 2099. Ten high‐resolution climate projections will be produced for Minnesota that represent moderate and high emission scenarios of projected climate change. This approach will provide a lower and upper bound of plausible outcomes for planning purposes. Model results will be produced statewide at 3 miles by 3 miles resolution with data available for different time frames.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,We have a state energy solar politic that promotes the solar heating.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) Outcome 2 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Energy sector emissions have decreased by 41.4 per cent from 2015-2016 from 12.2 MtCO2e to 7.2 MtCO2e, and have reduced by 68.5 per cent from 1990. Emissions reductions in this sector are mainly due to reductions in emissions from power stations.Power station emissions have reduced by 83 per cent due primarily to the shift in fuel mix away from coal to use less carbon intensive fuels for generation, including increased use of nuclear and renewables, with even the use of natural gas now reducing in Scotland. This sector alone accounts for 33 per cent of the decline in Scotland emissions since the base year.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,1 +Please provide the breakdown of your GHG emissions by scope.,"MFRC is a landscape-scale intergovernmental organization that produces landscape-scale planning across all forest ownerships. It consists of 17 members that represent a broad range of forest interests in the state, including state, county, federal, and tribal governments, private forest lands, logging/forest products industries and labor, forest research, environmental/conservation organizations, wildlife, and forest recreation/tourism. GNA - Promotes shared stewardship for timber planning/forest management to achieve more holistic landscape scale management across state and national ownerships.",0 +Please identify the other entities responsible for issuing environmental permits for large-scale mining (LSM) operations.,"Examples:National: US Army Corps of Engineers 404 fill or excavation of waters of the USLocal: zoning, building permits",1 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country. https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505253.pdfScotland’s Land Use Strategy provides the vision, objectives and principles for sustainable land use in Scotland.",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 2016.",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. This free continuous improvement program, managed by a public-private partnership, is based upon 29 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2 or 3-star level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.",Base year: 1995 for F-gases% target achieved is 105% - 2020 target level exceeded in 2017Pathway modelled using Scottish TIMES model.,0 +Please provide the details of your region's historical and projected region-wide total emissions.,"The Energy and Climate Plan of Minas Gerais State provides mitigations for five key sectors: industry, AFOLU, energy, waste, and transport. Additionally, we have an adaptation strategy for adaptation measures.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"This is supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity, working closely with industry where appropriate.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Minnesota has many programs through the state and private entities that provide loans and guarantees for clean energy and efficiency efforts.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"There is major and not yet fully exploited potential in combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Industrial CHP in particular has attained relatively high fuel utilization ratings and use hours. The NRW state government wants to remove existing investment barriers in the expansion of CHP and further expand and consolidate the economically viable district heating infrastructure. To this end, the comprehensive CHP stimulus program, which will run for several years, is to be continued.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Conserving and protecting the water bodies and wetlands through regulation and enforcement of standards for water infrastructure, uses and waste disposals.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Provincial Forestation Program aims to plant 1,500,000 trees. The program, which will last for three years, will be carried out in stages, starting with the reforestation and afforestation of income to the city. Then it will continue on the banks of the rivers, in the entrance to the villages and in the protected forests. Most of the seedlings will be produced by the forest nursery La Florida. The species will be the following: for the urban and periurban areas, trees that are typical of Tucumán will be planted, such as the ibirá pitá, pink lapachos, tipas, so that the natural landscape is respected. they will plant species that are not autochthonous, but that are colorful because of their broad leaves, such as hovenia; for the fixing of rivers will be poplars and bald cypresses. Finally, for commercial production, eucalyptus and pines that have the wood used today will be produced.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,base year is 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Our 2019-2029 Forestry Strategy identifies, as a priority for action over the next ten years, the need to ensure forests and woodlands are sustainably managed. This will be achieved by maintaining and promoting the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) – the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK – as the benchmark of good forestry practice and assessment of the quality of forest and woodland expansion proposals and forest management plans. All woodlands receiving grant support must comply with the UKFS.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is the certification standard for verifying sustainable forest management used by both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Statistics for 2019 indicated that in Scotland, 86% of softwood output was certified (78% of private sector softwood output and 100% of public sector softwood output) – see Forestry Statistics 2020 - Forest Research",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Climate change will compound the threats from existing stressors. for example water availability is already limited in eastern part of the state putting at risks thousands of irrigated acreages and the recovery of freshwater species (i.e., salmon). Extreme rainfall is increasing landslide risk in geologically unstable areas where development was permitted. Sea level rise, storm surges and flooding will impact estuaries and adjacent wetlands already heavilyimpacted by development",0 +Please explain why you do not have a government operations emissions reduction target.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"Impacts on water supply, changes in the classification of climatic ecosystems and variations in species distribution. The calculated climatic risk index was composed of the economic risk with the greatest risks found in the Pacific floodplain, some coastal municipalities and the Andean zone and that of biodiversity with risk values are mainly located in the Andean zone.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,County recycling centers are Minnesota’s municipal recycling points. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,"The Agrarian Regional Office of Huánuco has competence in forestry matters. Performs technical assistance and training including activities forestry. This unit is in charge of the coordination of the 3 territorial forest authorities and wildlife - ATFFS- in Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca. The main forest functions are linked to the Budgeting Program 0130 - Competitiveness and sustainable use of forest resources and wild fauna-, where training and awareness activities are implemented in the management of forest resources; as well as measures of prevention, control and surveillance of activities that attempt against forest resources and wildlife.In 2016, the Regional Bureau of Agriculture launched the Forest Forestry Table Amazonian. Likewise, specific technical committees have been established among them on forest regulations, deforestation and qualifying titles. The Forest Board has pending the approval of the regulation of its operation and the Road Map.In other hand, in June 2017, by means of Regional Ordinance 71-2017 / GRH, the Zoning and Forest Management of the region is declared of regional interest and a technical committee is formed.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,GDP is for Scotland excluding any UK extra-regio activity (i.e. excluding offshore oil and gas extraction).Estimates of GDP including an illustrative share of extra-regio activity are also available. GDP is nominal and valued at current market prices (£GBP)Source: https://www.gov.scot/publications/gdp-quarterly-national-accounts-for-scotland-2020-q1/,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,High population density and densely built urban areas may intensify heat an intense rainfall impacts. Also ongoing demographic change.,0 +What opportunities due to addressing climate change is your region taking advantage of?,"EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012. around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de.",0 +Are you involved in the development and/or implementation of your government’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)? Please explain how.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Minnesota currently has over 50,000 people who work in clean energy with 15,000 of them spending more than half their time on clean energy.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Scottish Government and Local Authorities play a lead role in tackling climate change and fuel poverty through funding renewables and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings and via on-going engagement with local communities.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota will need $11 billion in water infrastructure improvements over the next two decades to replace and upgrade aging treatment facilities and expand systems to accommodate economic growth and increased demand. Climate change is expected to exacerbate water quality and quantity challenges in the state, thereby potentially putting additional stress on aging and inadequate infrastructure and creating greater urgency for improvements. Increasing extreme weather events from climate change also pose a risk to infrastructure.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",Coastal grants provided to local governments on the Lake Superior north shore; establishment of monthly 'climate conversations' among Lake Superior north shore stakeholders to discuss climate impacts and adaptation opportunities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2015-21). The industry is currently setting the investment objectives for 2021-27 and beyond, and during the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The temperature have risen over the last few years and it has gone up to 48 degrees centigrade will rise further.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Natural gas already provides the majority of heating in Scotland. Scottish Government will publish a Heat Decarbonisation Policy Statement later this year setting out its vision and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with space and water heating, including via increased deployment of heat pumps, heat networks and the demonstration of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"An estimated 25,840 ha of coastal habitats in Scotland are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion and 17,890 ha remain susceptible once defences and coastal sediment are taken into account. The proportion of designated sites that are very highly susceptible to coastal erosion is 4,248ha (SSSIs), 2,190ha (SAC) and 2,922ha (SPA). The continued presence of these habitats is largely dependent on the free movement of sediment (via erosion, transport and deposition). (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland)",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Biomass is used en sugar power plants to produce steam necesary for the process, avoiding the use of natural gas",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Supporting clean tech companies is part of Minnesota's clean energy economy. Minnesota ranks 8th in the US for total number of clean energy patents and in the last 10 years has made $450 million in early investments for these companies.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",There are energy sources such as solar and biomass that have a percentage less than zero.,0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,For emissions breakdown (3.11b) - These are 2016 emissions (tonnes CO2e) Note: all these data are available for download at: https://www.gov.scot/Publications/2018/06/6601/downloads,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Reforestadora Inca –Refinca– is a private company of the Dyer & Coriat Group, one of Peru's main economic groups in the agribusiness sector, which is installing 20,000 hectares of its own plantations and hopes to partner with local producers for a similar area, and is planned to build a wood processing plant in Pucallpa. The processing capacity installed in the city of Pucallpa will require in the medium term to increase wood production where smallholders are key actors. Currently, Refinca is interested in providing technical assistance and transfer of the technological package to ensure synergy with its supply chain, but the economic group does not have the capacity to invest in the installation with small producers with their own resources. A sustainability strategy that includes environmental and social safeguards is necessary.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025We are also developing a new route map to reduce waste and meet our waste and recycling targets for 2025,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.",Small revision to emissions primarily due to revisions to industrial energy use data.,0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",0 +Please provide the details of your climate adaptation plan.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy. Provisional figures for 2018 indicate that 20.9% of total Scottish energy consumption came from renewable sources.This is the amount of renewable energy generated in Scotland as a percentage of Scottish gross energy.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The climate Change will have an considerably Impact on agriculture and industrie, for example concerning the cultivated crop or production downtimes. Furthermore it is expacted that the climate Change will influence the tourism sector and rising temperatures are espacially a high risk for those regions that are winter Sport destinations. But on the other hand the climate change does also offer new opportunities for businesses, also in the above-mentioned sectors",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard. Also through State Energy Office initiatives.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Hydroelectric power is a reliable energy source that can be used decentrally, is capable of providing the base load, stabilises the grid and thus makes a small but important contribution to the power supply. In order to remain viable for the future, topics such as expansion in a way which does not harm the water ecology and the reactivation and optimisation of the plants form part of the work in the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project. In 2019, 438 hydroelectric power plants with 873 MW and 187 MW installed capacity made their contribution to climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Sustainable development in NRW: Increase of the stability and adaptability of the forests through reduction of purely coniferous woodlands to < 20 %; our goal: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss . Heat waves are the latest challenge for wood resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/mp-laschet-der-wald-ist-unser-wichtigster-klimaschuetzer",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We are developing technologies that address both mitigation and adaptation . Sugar mills, citrus factories and industrial slaughterhouses participate of Industrial Reconversion Plan which involves commitments to reduce water and energy consumption. In addition several sugar mills will use their effluent (vinasse) to generate energy. Currently the sugar mills and citrus factories use their effluents for irrigation.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (intense rainfall/flooding) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Zero Waste Scotland is Scotland’s circular economy expert, leading Scotland to use products and resources responsibly and accelerating progress and delivering results from policies on the circular economy, business resource efficiency and low-carbon heating. We play a key role in connecting communities, businesses and public bodies, from councils to health authorities and national government. Zero Waste Scotland’s focus is on where Scotland can have the greatest impact on climate change and our strategic outcomes reflect this: • Responsible Consumption – where people and businesses demand products and services in ways which respect the limits of our natural resources.• Responsible Production – where a circular economy is embraced by businesses and organisations which supply products and services to get the maximum life and value from the natural resources used to make them;• Maximising Value from Waste and Energy – where the environmental and economic value of wasted resources and energy is harnessed efficiently.To achieve these outcomes Zero Waste Scotland works collaboratively with a wide range of businesses across Scotland, directing with evidence, inspiring by demonstration, and influencing through partnerships and promotion.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Complicating the varied impacts of climate change is that these changes also interact with and reinforce each other. For example, drought and heat may both contribute to wildfires, which may in turn lead to changes in plant and animal populations as well as other ecological shifts. Extreme precipitation may increase flooding, along with the potential for runoff and contamination of recreational and drinking water sources, which may already be in short supply due to drought. In addition, climate change will amplify the effects of existing public health and environmental challenges, such as impaired air quality, loss of wildlife habitat, invasive species, and limitations to clean water supplies. Lake Superior coastal areas are experiencing dramatic swings in lake water levels depending on temperatures and ice cover -- which affects evaporation -- and precipitation levels in any given year.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +Please complete the table below.,"About 10% below the gross emissions, not considering the CO2 emissions from planted biomass burn, once this gas would be reabsorbed in the photosynthesis process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Water sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Energy efficient lighting (LED light bulbs) is available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Regional winter precipitation totals are projected to change by between -2% - +31% for the same scenario,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Support for a national street lighting replacement programme has been in operation since 2016.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in Ucayali.Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"The high Andean and Amazonian areas of the Huánuco region are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, because natural phenomena with greater incidence and intensity develop in the provinces of Dos de Mayo, Yarowilca, Huamalies, Huacaybamaba, Marañon, Lauricocha and Puerto Inca . In the last 47 years the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, the increase in annual precipitation and seasonal decrease during the dry season, and the most frequent incidence of extreme events (frost, floods, rains) have been recorded.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The changing climate, coupled with greater globalisation of trade and travel, is likely to increase the threat to trees from pests and diseases. Lyme disease may also shift in altitude and incidence in the UK in response to climate change",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Real-time transit information is available through multiple channels for all transit stops and electronic signage is posted at many key stops and transitway stations.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Developed calculator (comprehensive and a simplified, use EPA emission factors for use by agencies). Link andreport on WA state agencies GHG emissionsfrom operations: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/climatechange/WAleadership.htm",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply. Increasing risk of forest und ground fires.,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Please see the Evidence for the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Summary for Scotland https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CCRA-Evidence-Report-Scotland-Summary-Final.pdf",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the risks due to climate change identified in 5.4a.",See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/ (Outcome 4 and outcome 2),1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The sustainable management of the hydric resource under the watershed approach and the policies of the National Water Authority are in charge of the Regional Agrarian Directorate. The Regional Plan of Huanuco to 2021, in its strategic activity 6.2, establishes the implementation of instruments and mechanisms of the quality of the environment under the integrated management of watersheds. The indicator is the number of instruments or mechanisms to control water quality is the indicator.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Includes all emissions and sinks from all sectors, excluding emissions from electricity generation",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Created Heat Planning Toolkit for professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/docs/mnextremeheattoolkit.pdf) and general heat protection education materials for general public, available in six languages (https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/extremeheat.html).",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",1 +"Please describe why not and your future plans to measure Scope 3 emissions, if any.","Most landfills now flare their methane, a limited number use it for energy. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"£10.4 million was invested in 2020-21. Scottish Water intends to invest an additional £21.5m in 2021-22 to support renewables, blue-green solutions, peatland restoration and intelligent sewer networks.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and Scottish public authorities to promote sustainable forest management.The UKFS sets out the regulatory requirements for forestry and is the basis for assessing felling licenses and forest plans. In addition, government grants for woodland creation and forest management are conditional on meeting UKFS requirements. The Scottish Government is committed to the use of the UKFS to help inform forest planning decisions relating to all forests and woodlands and to ensure that international agreements and conventions are applied.Efficient and effective management of tree pests and diseases, coupled with longer term resilience-building measures, is vital to maintain and expand Scotland’s woodland area, and sustain its economic benefits and related ecosystem services",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Maintenance and repair of canals and dams is permanently carried out. In 2016, it was concluded the Pressurized Irrigation Network of Lules, Tafi del Valle, Los Zazos, El Bañado, and Pichao were installed for 1,900 hectares of strawberries, vegetables, blueberries, seed potatoes, lettuce, beans, vineyards and vegetables.",0 +Please describe the adaptation goals/objectives you have for your region.,"invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans. Specific details of climate projection data and changes in populations for emergency planning can be found here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/climate/data.html.,0 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,The 2009 Renewable Heat Action Plan set a target of delivering 11% of Scotland’s projected 2020 non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources. Latest data that is available is a provisional estimate for 2017.,1 +Please complete the table below.,National government of Colombia is leading this process however there has been few spaces to inform local governments of Nariño for this. The NAP is still starting its implementation phase so we hope that regional governments will be more involved.,0 +Please provide information specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 economic response on climate action in your region and synergies between COVID-19 recovery interventions and climate action.,"Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,Will be installed on the buildings that has enough sun and throughout the year.,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions.,"Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",Impact on the agriculture section such as bad Harvest. Problematic drinking water supply.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, but increased compared to the 2012 inventory, which included the temporary shutdown of a major coal-fired electricity producer.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Heating in Norway is mainly eletrical produced by hydropower, and is therefore clean. Heating oil is not allowed any more, and we promote different projects that help remove old oil tanks in the ground and changing to other heating solutions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Minnesota's 180 utilities work with all sizes of businesses to provide financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency and demand to reduce emissions and provide a least cost resource.This is a requirement of state law.,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is committed to its coalition agreement on the Paris climate protection agreement and shares the goal anchored there of being largely greenhouse gas neutral by the middle of the century. Climate protection should be promoted in an open-technology manner.The major fields of action for climate protection are the energy sector, the heating market, mobility and the integration of all areas, the so-called sector coupling. Not only is the state government in demand here; At the same time, business and industry, science and municipalities are called upon to make their contribution. The region's climate targets are laid down in the North Rhine-Westphalian Climate Protection Act - a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050 compared to 1990. As of today, the targets for 2020 will be achieved, and probably even slightly exceeded. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/klimaschutzpoitik-nrw",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","The topic of geothermal energy is becoming increasingly important among the energy technologies. NRW, and here in particular the Ruhr region, occupies a key position as home to numerous market-leading companies. With warm mine water in disused mines, NRW has significant potential for heating buildings, which still needs to be tapped. The first projects have already been realised in Essen, Marl and at the Robert Müser mine. In order to systematically measure the potential of the mine water, the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has compiled the “Warm Mine Water” potential study. In this study, the technical potential of the warm mine water was determined by blending the supply at selected hard coal and lignite mining sources with the existing heat sinks. For example, in the hard coal mining regions alone, the warm mine water, which can be used via water retention sites or accessible shafts, could provide a heat quantity of around 1,300 gigawatt hours per year in the reference year 2035 for the future heat supply in NRW. This is the heating requirement for around 75,000 single-family homes.More than half of NRW’s heating requirement can be met by using near-surface geothermal energy. This is shown by the “Potential Study Renewable Energies NRW - Part 4 - Geothermal Energy”. According to calculations by the State Environmental Agency, which prepared the state-wide potential study, the potential for the use of near-surface geothermal energy in NRW is just under 154 terawatt hours per year (TWh/a). This could cover about 57 percent of the annual heat requirement. The study shows that the climate-friendly use of geothermal energy in NRW is not yet exhausted and that NRW has very good conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal energy. The results of the study as well as the ground source heat pumps currently in existence can be viewed in the Energieatlas.NRW. (www.energieatlas.nrw.de)The NRW Geothermal Energy Portal provides quick and comprehensive access to information for planning ground source heat pump systems. For the use of geothermal energy, the geological and hydrogeological conditions have been evaluated for each site in NRW. This applies to both ground collectors laid flat and geothermal probes up to 100 metres deep. (www.geothermie.nrw.de)",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply.We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The increase of renewable electricity in Germany partly depends on the federal renewable energy act which has been altered effective 08/01/2014.The NRW climate protection bill plans for a substantial increase in renewable energy Generation, focusing on decentralized production as well as increased influence and Independence of citizens. A plan passed in July 2011 removes some important hurdles on the way towards increasing wind energy production to 15% by 2020.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,The department of Nariño has as main threat facing the scenario of climate change that goes to 2040 the shortage of water for the generation of electric power and the Department also has a very important agricultural and livestock vocation.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,ILI Energy Storage : New battery storage development project opportunities are being offered across Scotland with capacity of up to 450MW.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. The conservation status of the irrigation canal network should improve. Low water use efficiency for agricultural purpose. some dams of the Province have problems of sedimentation and eutrophication of the waters,0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Avondale Energy Recovery from Waste: The scheme comprises the development and operation of a 30 MW energy-from-waste with an electrical output of some 7.5 MWe.,1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"High confidence in continued loss of cold extreme and dramatic warming of coldest conditions. Cold temperatures are rising fastest: Winter warming much faster than summer, 10x faster since 1970Coldest nights warming most; seen in all seasons",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/assets/documents/reports/cat07/1905151122_ukghgi-90-17_Main_Issue_2_final.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please provide information on the overall impact of COVID-19 on climate action in your region.,"Other, please specify: Decrease in number of snow days per annum",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"In 2014 the Legislature increased the recycling goal (recycling and organics management) for counties in the Twin Cities Metro area to 75% (from 50%) of the waste they generate by 2030. The outstate counties goal remains unchanged at 35%. EA, CAP, and Greater MN recycling/composting grants are being used to implement solid waste policy recommendations in addition to other technical and planning assistance activities. Promote expansion of sustainable purchasing program, waste reduction programs, and re-use programs including food rescue.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The project seeks to create favorable conditions for policies, regulations and instruments of territorial and sectoral planning to reduce pressures on Amazonian forests with a landscape approach, taking into account development needs and the application of sustainable production systems. Likewise, the management of productive landscapes and sectors in critical areas will also be improved. Specific actions aimed at transforming the behavior of producers in the sectors selected as ""drivers"" (coffee, oil palm and cocoa), particularly significant as causes of deforestation, are contemplated. The scope of intervention of this project are the regions of Ucayali and Huánuco. In Ucayali, the project will be implemented specifically in Padre Abad province.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"InnovationCity Ruhr – model city Bottrop"": A model of efficient urban redevelopment has been tested in Bottrop since 2010. Within ten years the CO2 emissions in a part of the Ruhr Metropolis city with its 69,000 inhabitants are to be reduced by 50percent. This target is to be achieved through the energy-related improvement of existing building stock, through increasing energy efficiency in the public sector and in industry, and through promoting electromo-bility and renewable energy sources. Since 2010, approx. 300 million euros have been invested by all those involved. In November 2013, the project received a special prize as part of the 2nd German Sustainability Award. More in-formation: www.icruhr.de ""Smart Grids/Smart Watts"": In the RWE research project E-DeMa, systems for smart electricity use – known as ICT gateways – are tested in over 1,000 households. Several industrial companies, local suppliers and university re-search facilities are involved. In a field trial conducted by the Aachen municipal works, 250 households were fitted with Smart Watts meters. The aim here is to incorporate regenerative, volatile sources of production more effectively.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",0 +Please detail any compounding factors that may worsen the impacts of climate change in your region.,Waste heat recovery is included in a couple MN waste to energy facilities in addition to energy production.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have been working in conexiton with national goverment to implementation of Brazilian´s ND,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Minnesota's Office of Enterprise Sustainability is currently developing a modeled pathway to meet our goal that involves multiple different action plans across our Energy and Fleet focus areas. We are currently progressing closer to achieving this goal. The current 20% reduction is currently our best available information. We believe that 2005 baseline values, which had to be estimated due to a lack of measured data, are inflated.",0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.The reuse of washing water is mandatory for sugar mills",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making.Bus:Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Implementation delayed by focus on COVID but initial round has now been launched.Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2021.Currently focusing on increasing funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID.Rail:Rail is well placed to play a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government and we recently published the Rail Services Decarbonisation Action Plan (28 July 2020). Work has been and continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the plan (rail electrification is a key outcome) to make the traction elements of Scotland’s railway carbon free by 2035.As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)",1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,We have been working with Brazil´s national government aiming to reach the goals of the Brazilian NDC.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Climate change mitigation and adaptation are the priority of the regional master plan called ""Grand Est Territoires'. This plan, is a global master plan (schéma d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires). It integrates all sectors of energy consumption (residential, commercial, industry, transport, agriculture) and all the categories of renewable energy production. It also deals with climate adaptation within targets of reduction of water and lands consumption for instance.",0 +Report the primary action your region is taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water security.,"""Arbeitshilfe kommunales Starkregenrisikomanagement"" - Aid of local stormwater management includes subsidies to develop local risks maps",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",The largest driver of scope 1 emissions are the Closed Landfill Program and Met Council waste water treatment plants.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Proposed but notimplemented. Needs change in law. Currentlyprohibited by law fromadopting LCFSstandard.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.1°C warmer and 11% drier. Under a high global emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3°C warmer and 18% drier. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections )",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with further increase since 1970, though not as dramatic as temperaturegreatest total and proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",1 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected population.",* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2030 : Estimated to the year 2025 Region’s population in year 2030 and Region’s population in year 2050: No official reports were found INEI: www.inei.gob.peThe last official census was made in 2017 but the information has not yet been published.,1 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"The Strategic Agricultural Plan 2008-2012 of Ucayali established as strategic objectives the strengthening of business management and its articulation with the market, the promotion of the rational use of natural resources and their conservation, the improvement of the skills of organized groups for access to a better market and the promotion of sustainable forest development. In 2017, the Regional Agrarian Directorate began the preparation of an Integral Plan for Agricultural, Forestry (non-timber) and Aquaculture Development. Ucayali has its main agricultural products in coffee, cocoa and palm. The Regional Government maintains two projects to support the value chains of coffee (in Padre Abad and Atalaya) and cocoa (Father Abad and districts of Nueva Requena and Raymondi).Likewise, by means of Regional Ordinance 006-2016-GRU / CR Plan of Competitiveness of the Palm Oil Ucayali 2016 - 2026.Likewise, the Ucayali Regional Plan of Concerted Development to 2021, in its objective Strategy No. 4, establishes the ""development of productive chains through incentives to producers in organic and sustainable practices"" (AE 4.4), and the ""organization of producers through associations and the implementation of agricultural insurance programs"" (AE : 4.7).",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,In all major citiessolar water heatingsystems beingestablished inhouseholds withsubsidy from bothstste and centralgovernment,0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,We will present the final document in october of this year,0 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Flooding and extreme weather events can damage property, personal possessions and incur financial losses.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 14.8% below the baseline in 2015. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2018 has increased to 12.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/Section=EnergyEfficiency&Subsection=DemandReduction&Chart=EnConsumptionTgt",1 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The Scottish Government published it’s Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) in December 2020 which sets out a pathway to transform Scottish agriculture as part of Scotland’s net zero climate targets. Five sector-specific farmer-led groups were established by the Scottish Government to provide advice and proposals on how to transform agriculture to meet Scotland’s climate targets, improve biodiversity and continue producing high quality food and their proposals are being considered by Scottish Government. They included growing more grain legumes in rotations, crop varieties with higher nitrogen-use efficiency and soil testing.FAS, KTIF and FFBC support the dissemination of information and advice to farmers. Under the KTIF, The East/West Beed Grazing Collaboration Pilot worked toward establishing evidence on the financial and environmental value of moving cattle to lower cost natural resources.Research on the potential for leguminous crops in Scotland was published in January 2021 and is available on www.climatexchange.org.uk It considered the climate mitigation potential of legumes within arable and grassland rotations and commented on the potential to reduce reliance on imported protein.The establishment of a Scottish National Nitrogen Balance Sheet, which is due to be set out in legislation by March 2022, will be a key step in building the evidence base around nitrogen use efficiency at the national scale. A public consultation on silage, slurry and anaerobic digestate storage and application was launched in January 2021 with the review of regulations expected to happen in 2021 which will improve the storage of and put in place requirements for precision application of liquid digestate and slurry.More info: Intechopen - https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/strategic-management-of-grazing-grassland-systems-to-maintain-and-increase-organic-carbon-in-soils",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,Just over 2/3 is owned either privately or by other public bodies such as local authorities.,0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","The annual average rainfall in the last decade (2010-2019) was 9% wetter than the 1961-1990 average, with winters 19% wetter. By 2080 winter rainfall could increase by up to 19% under a high emissions scenario. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,ExSee Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pected 2019,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,The jurisdictional climate change strategy establishes the installation of the promotion and monitoring system for energy saving measures and compliance with regulations in public institutions.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Biomass heaters are available to fuel poor homes through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Biomass heating is also support under the UKG Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"State law and rules are in place, with permitting and regulation by the MN Public Utilities Commission, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit of the MN Department of Commerce, local government units, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) depending on the size, type, and potential impacts of the project. The MN DNR provides comments and guidance for energy project siting/site management through the permitting process.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Wetter fall and winter and drier spring and summer affecting flos in the rivers,0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"In December 2015, the Regional Environmental Commission (CAR, in Spanish) presented the Regional Climate Change Strategy and its Implementation Plan. The Strategy has threestrategic objectives associated with the following axes: adaptation to climate change, management of GHG emissions and institutionality. In 2018, Regional Ordinance No. 080-2018-GRHCO approved the Regional Strategy on Climate Change and its Implementation Plan 2017-2021; as well as, the conformation of the Regional Council of Climatic Change. The Strategy has 3 pillars: adaptation, GHG emissions management and institucionality capabilities.The main factor of deforestation in the jurisdiction is the use and change of land use. Huanuco does not have a jurisdictional strategy to reduce deforestation or what is associated with low-emission development.The highest peaks of deforestation registered in Huanuco are reported in the years 2005 (26,406 ha), 2009 (24,991 ha), 2014 (27,596 ha) and since this last year, forest loss has a decreasing tendency. In 2016, deforestation was 18,198 hectares, 25.9 percent less than the previous year and 8.08 percent less than the historical average (2001-2016). In 2016, 38.81 percent of deforestation is found in spaces between 1 to 5 hectares, while 37.64 percent was reported between areas between 5 and 50 hectares. The losses in spaces smaller than 1 hectare reached 23.23 percent and the spaces between 50 to 500 hectares only reported a 0.33 percent loss.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","The Scottish Government is committed to supporting active travel, both now and in the future. The budget was doubled to £80 million in 2018-19 and now stands at over £100 million for 2020-21. This investment will enable the continued delivery of high quality walking, cycling and wheeling infrastructure, enabling more people to choose to walk and cycle for shorter everyday journeys or as part of a longer multi-modal journey.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Communities that live in more vulnerable areas, like river banks or hills, have their homes destroyed by the intense rain and have to move out constantly.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Reviewing theTerritorial Regulation of Native Forests (OTBN) approved by Law 8304, re - categorizing areas that are currently under Category II (medium conservation value) to Category III (high conservation value - no deforestation allowed).",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,Local planners in the state's largest metropolitan area (Seattle metro) incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal into comprehensive transportation planning. Other metropolitan areas do not necessarily incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals into their planning.,1 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2080 under a low global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 5% wetter and 1.1°C warmer. Under a high global emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7°C warmer. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections)",0 +Please complete the table below.,"Fuel mix is calculated using the MISO North daily real time estimates, taken from the misoenergy.org website. Other includes: Battery, Coal/Gas, Oil, Oil/Gas, Pet Coke, Waste, and Other. We incorporate on-site generation as well as virtual PPAs with RECs in the calculation. The wind number is augmented by green tariff programs such as Renewable*Connect Government.",0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Among other things, the Ministry of Transport is planning to increase the number of dynamic signposts with integrated traffic jam information. By 2021, more than 40 new so-called ""dWiSta panels"" are to be erected. Further measures: City-compatible truck navigation, digital recording of mobile stations and public transport stops and the cross-network e-ticket. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitalstrategie_nrw https://digitalemobilitaet.nrw/",0 +Please complete the table below.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,1 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","In 2019 the Scottish Government supported the establishment of NECCUS (North East CCUS) an industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to promote CCUS in Scotland, attract funding for CCUS and Hydrogen development in Scotland and to secure the first CCUS project in the UK to be in Scotland. We will commission and support further detailed research, development and analysis to improve our understanding and accelerate the deployment of key energy and carbon capture technologies and work closely with UK Government to get commercial, policy and regulatory frameworks required to support CCUS at scale in the UK",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Lack of urban planning. Informal settlements in flood zones Scarce crop diversification High degree of vulnerability to natural disasters in rural areas High population density. Low level of energetic and water eficiency in the industrial sector. Lack of funding for infrastructure and equipment necessary for prevention and management of natural disasters Low level of awareness of citizens about the risks of climate change.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",1 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,There is not available data about estimation of population at 2030 and 2050 in Huanuco.Source about current population: 2017 National Census. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1530/libro.pdf,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,County recycling centers. Working with LGUs to expand successful local/regional recycling programs such as county wide curbside recycling.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"Minnesota is actively working to reduce excess nitrate from row crop fertilizer and to encourage practices like cover crops, perennial crops, and low-till farming.These activities all help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.Objective: prevent human and material losses as a result of flood in cities and small comunities in the Eastern of Tucumán.Activities: a) Recognition of the area (water basins) where the system is expected to be installed. b) Analysis of location for the water level and rainfall sensors on the riverbeds. c) Determination of the location of the stations (monitoring and repeater) in elevated areas based on radiofrequency measurements of the radio links with their own equipment. d) Determination of the most appropriate communication system and the topology of the communications network to be used for sending data from each of the monitoring stations to the base station. e) Study of the correct orientation of the solar panels and antennas of the stations according to their geographical location,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"•The Scottish Governmentcollaborates with local authorities in Scotland on the full range of climate change initiatives, including green transport, electric vehicles and city low emissions zones, heat networks, domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes, waste, recycling, circular economy, flood prevention and climate change adaptation.•All 32 Scottish Local Authorities signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, local authorities and other public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to contribute to Scotland’s national effort on climate mitigation and adaptation and to act sustainably. There is also a statutory duty on all public sector bodies to conserve biodiversity and develop local biodiversity action plans in Scotland. •In November 2019, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP announced the creation of a network of Community Climate Action Hubs. The hubs will be spread across Scotland – including an islands hub – and will provide support in their local areas, helping groups to take advantage of community funding opportunities, and promoting collaboration between projects. Our new model for community level action against climate change will reflect on the strength of the community response to COVID-19 and on how communities have pulled together to meet local needs.•The Scottish Government continues to provide significant funding and support for community climate action which has been found to be a vital means of helping people to explore and adopt low carbon behaviours, and of building local capacity for continued bottom-up change. The Climate Challenge Fund is one example of the government support available to communities across Scotland to take action on climate change and make the move to low carbon living. Since 2008, the Scottish Government has made 1,170 awards valued at over £111 million to communities across all 32 local authorities in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Part of our every day job, supporting local communities in a sustainable development of their cities and local towns",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"This is supported and we will continue to collaborate on actions to support investment in new pumped storage hydro capacity, working closely with industry where appropriate.",0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,"Predicted scenarios indicate a GDP decrease in 0,5 to 2,5%, until the year 2050.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,MPCA and MN DNR include greenhouse gas emissions analysis and climate change analysis in all Environmental Impact Statements.,1 +Please provide details of your renewable energy or electricity target(s).,"At a national level ‘siting guidelines’ take the form of a policy framework rather than locational decision making. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the National Planning Framework 3 set out how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country and set out a long-term vision for development and investment. SPP outlines that proposals for energy infrastructure developments should always take account of spatial frameworks for wind farms and heat maps where these are relevant. While considerations will vary relative to the scale of the proposal and area characteristics, SPP highlights a number of development management considerations (paragraph 169), including landscape and visual impacts, effects on natural heritage and effect on greenhouse gas emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our 2019-2029 Forestry Strategy identifies, as a priority for action over the next ten years, the need to ensure forests and woodlands are sustainably managed. This will be achieved by maintaining and promoting the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) – the agreed approach to sustainable forest management across all four administrations of the UK – as the benchmark of good forestry practice and assessment of the quality of forest and woodland expansion proposals and forest management plans. All woodlands receiving grant support must comply with the UKFS.",1 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",Upstream or downstream emissions that occur outside of the state geographical boundaries are outside the inventory boundaries.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,Achieved through some utility implementation and through the B3/Sustainable Buildings 2030 program per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 .,0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The DNR maintains dual certification on state forest lands, which provides greater market access (Forest Stewardship Council; Sustainable Forestry Initiative).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"The Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT) is comprised of representatives with climate adaptation expertise who have full work plans devoted to many projects and responsibilities for their respective agencies in addition to participating on ICAT. Significant additional staff resources are needed to undertake the research, authentic stakeholder engagement, policy development, writing, review process, etc. required for development of a full-blown, statewide climate adaptation plan for Minnesota. ICAT is interested in taking on this effort if provided the needed capacity and support. Preliminary groundwork has been laid including (from oldest to most recent effort): the six recommendations for action (see Climate Adaptation Goals listed in 6.3 below) contained in Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota -- 2017 Report of the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p-gen4-07c.pdf; ICAT Work Group White Papers such as Building Resiliency to Extreme Precipitation in Minnesota -- ICAT White Paper at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2018-12/Building_Resiliency_to_Extreme_Precipitation_in_Minnesota-ICAT_White_Paper%20%282%29.pdf; and the 2019 State of Minnesota Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/hazard-mitigation/Documents/2019-mn-hmp-only.pdf.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","EnergyAtlas.NRW: The specialist Information Service EnergyAtlas.NRW from the NRW State Office for the Protection of Nature, the Environment and Consumers (LANUV NRW) is a state-wide platform providing Information on the inventory, Expansion Options and potential of renewable energies in North-Rhine Westfalia. Since 2012 around 250 users a day have been using state government's data and planning Tools for electricity- and heat-producing plant made available at www.energieatlas.nrw.de",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Compostable waste collection is available in some areas of the state. State government buildings collect compostable waste. Promote expansion of recycling and composting programs via the Greater MN recycling/composting grant program ($2 million in this biennium). Promote better material quantity/quality through Recycling Education Committee (REC) stakeholder efforts. Provide outreach and education to Minnesota businesses to promote recycling and organics recycling in compliance with metro commercial recycling law. This included developing helpful materials for businesses including webinars, videos, and website development. MPCA worked with counties, cities, businesses, and business associations to provide them with best practices to start or improve recycling at a business. Minnesota has banned yard waste from landfills, therefore a large portion of organic matter that could be in MMSW is diverted to composting and land application. Yard Waste is a large portion of the waste stream, especially during the growing season in Minnesota.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,base year is 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are implementing a 2 MW PV solar power plant in Amaicha del Valle.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"With the ""Digitale Wirtschaft NRW"" initiative, North Rhine-Westphalia has gained momentum as a digital location in recent years. In the future, the country wants to make even more desire for digital foundations. The provincial government wants to increase its appeal to digital start-ups and spin-offs and build a Germany-wide and internationally outstanding start-up scene. Many well-established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognized the importance of contact with the digital founding scene in order to further develop existing business models, open up new business areas and take technological progress early on. They are very interested in a lively start-up culture right on their doorstep. This momentum will support and increase the state government.Together with industry players, such as the Advisory Council for the Digital Economy, various support measures have been developed with an annual financial volume of more than € 6 million. The aim is to improve the framework conditions for the digital economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. https://www.wirtschaft.nrw/digitale-wirtschaft",1 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"The Government does not have a special mechanism to review climate change-related activities.In 2016 the Ministers of Health, Education and Production signed the Bicentennial Climate Declaration, comprising twelve lines of action for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. In 2017 Governor Juan Manzur signed, together with the other provinces Governors and the National Government, the Federal Climate Pact.Climate commitments 1. Incorporate climate change as a transversal and priority issue into provincial public policies through the creation of the Interministerial Roundtable on Climate Change.2. Advance in the development and implementation of a Provincial Climate Change Strategy with the purpose of facing the effects of this global phenomenon in our territory.3. To develop tools of Environmental Regulation of the Territory with climatic perspective.4. Implement actions of dissemination, education and training on causes, effects, impacts, mitigation and adaptation to climate change through courses, forums, meetings of experts, congresses, internships, conferences and publications, and, spatially, reinforcing formal education and not Formal in all levels.5. Apply the optimization approach of the ecosystem services of our water resources, native forests and our biodiversity6. Apply the risk management approach, through prevention and response plans to natural disasters, in particular, the flood risk within the framework of Law No. 7696 of Zoning of Use of Goods in Floodplains.7. Coordinate with the Municipalities and Rural Communities actions that increase the climatic resilience of the towns and cities of the Province8. Incorporate into the Provincial Health System measures, indicators and actions for prevention and attention to the effects of climate change on human health.9. Strengthen the Cooperation Network for Building Energy Efficiency, created in 2015, promoting the development of renewable energies and the generation of Distributed Energy.10. Expand and strengthen the provincial meteorological data collection networks and early warning systems.11. Open participation spaces for children and youth in the area ofclimate change.12. Encourage sustainable production and consumption through cooperation agencies with businesses and consumers.",0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,We are intending to put Nariño in these international initiatives since it is already mobilizing technical and financial resources to stop deforestation which is indeed the most important sector in Colombia to tackle climate change.,1 +Please provide the details of your region’s current natural forest area.,"Deforestation in pineland sand habitat threatens habitat and biodiversity in that unique system. Invasive and native insects and diseases threaten certain tree species in Minnesota, such as ash, tamarack, oak, and potentially others as new invasive insects are on the horizon.",0 +"Please detail your region-wide electricity consumption, production and imports, and the GHG emissions associated with these activities.","Scottish Water is a publically owned company. Ministers are therefore required to set its Investment Objectives and Charging Principles for defined regulatory periods (current period is 2021-27). The industry is also considering how to achieve the long-term Water Sector Vision. During the Programme for Government update in 2019, Ministers challenged Scottish Water to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The amount of renewable energy Scottish Water generates and facilitates is already more than double its electricity consumption.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/protecting/waterprotection/awqcprogram.aspx). The MAWQCP is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.MAWQCP certification is a process of assessing every parcel and every crop grown on it for any risks posed to water quality, physical or managerial, on a whole-farm basis. Those who treat all risks will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years.To obtain certification, growers work directly with accredited agronomy and conservation professionals one-on-one to assess their entire operations and develop treatments for water quality risks. The certification process functions to ensure the physical factors and management choices on every parcel and crop scenario are addressing water quality protection and improvement, which results in hands-on education exploring all applicable options and methods for integrating and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of farm management and in response to whatever landscape conditions are present. Further, producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated financial assistance to implement practices that address whatever risks exist. Through this program, the public receives assurance that certified producers are directly intervening on site-specific conditions to protect Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams.Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan (NFMP. See http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/fertilizers/nutrient-mgmt/nitrogenplan.aspx) and proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is implementing the Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, which is MDA’s blueprint for addressing nitrate in groundwater, which can also lead to nitrous oxide reductions. NFMP activities include working with local advisory teams made of farmers and agricultural advisors, and others to discuss and implement nitrogen fertilizer BMPs. In addition, Minnesota has proposed a Groundwater Protection Rule to address nitrate in groundwater from nitrogen fertilizer.",0 +Please provide the details of your fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Script for InnovationCity Ruhr I Model City BottropThe final draft of the Master plan ""Climate friendly urban conversion"" was presented on 13 February 2014 and introduced to the Council of the City of Bottrop on 18 February 2014.At its meeting on 8 April 2014 the Council of the City of Bottrop unanimously passed the following resolutions:The excerpts from the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion for InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" with the headings ""General Principle of InnovationCity Ruhr | Model City Bottrop"" and ""Field of Action-related Development Objectives and Strategies"" are decided on as the general basis for the future urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr in Bottrop.The ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" is to be taken into acount for future planning and measures for urban development in the pilot area of InnovationCity Ruhr and - as far as possible - in Bottrop.The administration is entrusted with the task, in cooperation with Innovation City Management GmbH, of stepwise further developing project ideas of the ""Master plan for climate-friendly urban conversion"" and of implementing them within the scope of an appropriate division of labour. To implement the indvidual projects the resolutions of the parliamentary bodies responsible in each case are to be prepared and obtained.The administration is entrusted with the task of checking the receipt of subsidies for the projects listed in the Master plan within the scope of the Funding Guideline for Urban Renewal and other funding programmes and acquiring appropriate grants.Hence the principles of the Master plan in weighing up against the preparation of urban land-use plans and other municipal departmental plans are to be taken into account (in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 6 Np. 11 of the German Construction Code) and represent an urban planning development concept. http://www.icruhr.de/index.php?id=276&L=1",0 +"Please explain your reasoning and detail your plans to report on your region's emissions inventory in the future, if any.",* Region's current population Population Estimated to the year 2017 according to department (INEI)* Region’s population in year 2010: Estimated Population (INEI) INEI: www.inei.gob.pe,0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.","All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"We track scope three emissions internally, however, we do not have guidance to incorporate them into our public emissions portfolio - this is because we do not know what these emissions were in our baseline year 2005.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.",Regional Climate Change Strategy aims to contribute to National Climate Change Strategy.Huanuco is part of Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and GCF Task Force that are platforms to interchange policies to low emission development in tropical foresta governments.,0 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"We are investing £7 million per annum in the Smarter Choices Smarter Places behaviour change programme to encourage more people to choose more sustainable transport.Transport Scotland grant funds CoMoUK £359,870 to increase awareness of the role and benefits of shared transport. This covers promotion of car clubs, bike sharing, ride sharing and multi modal journeys, and addressing the barriers to uptake of car clubs. The Comouk data shows car club membership has increased by an average of 39% in each of the last two years, rising from 14,150 members in 2018 to 25,193 members now.",0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Regional Government of Ucayali signed an international agreement for the technological transfer of renewable energy with Lumines ( South Korean company). The aim is implement renewable energy projects for the most remote towns such as Atalaya, Masisea, Tahuanía, Purús and other towns where they do not have electricity from national system.",1 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"To date, NRW has funded over 125 fuel cell and hydrogen projects to the tune of over 140 million euros. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology are regarded as core components of a regenerative energy landscape. A dense network of H2 filling stations is being established in NRW. Another focus is on fuel cell buses for public transport. Since 2000, the state's activities have been coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Electric Mobility Network",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco develops local and sustainable organic food companies, used as an alternative development mechanism.",1 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota’s overall energy intensity (i.e., the energy required to produce one dollar of gross state product) has continued to decline over the last two decades. From 2010-2020 Minnesota increased energy productivity by 22 percent as power consumption increased 2 percent while state GDP is up 24 percent.From 2003 to 2013 gross state product increased by 12%, while overall energy use remained flat. https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/2020-minnesota-energy-factsheet#energy-efficiency-leadershiphttps://mn.gov/commerce-stat/other/2025/energy-intensity-1997-2013.png",0 +"Do you collaborate with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","From 2021, a Net Zero Carbon Standard will be introduced and progressively rolled out across the public sector, as announced in the Programme for Government 2019.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Heat waves and wood fires are an issue. https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/trotz-trockenheit-waldbraende-vermeidbar NRW supports wood owners in order to improve resilience:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/aktuelle-meldungen/2019/weitere-unterstuetzung-fuer-waldbauern,0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,This policy is part of the climate change law (responsibilities for regional governments) to tackle the Colombian NDC.,0 +Please select the current drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation within your region.,"The Office of Enterprise Sustainability has employed the Climate Registry to calculate emissions in the past. Currently, we internally audit emissions and rely on our consultants/software developers, FigBytes Inc., to assist with external verification of emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your policies on deforestation and/or forest degradation.,"It depends on the scale of the Project, the national authority for issuing environmental licenses is ANLA and the regional authority is CORPONARIÑO. The Government of Nariño is not responsible for issuing licenses.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +Do you consider that these impacts of climate change threaten the ability of businesses to operate successfully in your region? Please explain the reasoning behind your response.,"Increasing temperatures impact Minnesota’s agricultural industry since agriculture is highly dependent on specific climate conditions. As a result of increasing temperature, crop production areas may shift to new regions of the state where the temperature range for growth and yield of those crops is optimal unless new climate adapted varieties are developed and utilized. According to the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest growing season has lengthened by almost two weeks since 1950 due in large part to earlier timing of the last spring freeze. This trend is expected to continue. While a longer growing season may increase total crop production, other climate changes, such as increased crop losses and soil erosion from more frequent and intense storms, and increases in pests and invasive species, could outweigh this benefit. There may also be higher livestock losses during periods of extreme heat and humidity. Losses of livestock from extreme heat lead to a challenge in disposal of animal carcasses. In an attempt to adapt to increased temperatures, livestock areas in Minnesota may shift farther north. As a result of new livestock areas and the resulting manure production, farmers may transition to manure-based fertilizer applications in areas where traditionally only commercial fertilizers have been used, with accompanying environmental advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, extreme heat can cause roads to buckle and damage other transportation infrastructure such as rail lines. This may increase expenditures for repairs, dangerous conditions for drivers, and potential for travel disruption.Flash flooding from extreme precipitation can damage the built environment, affecting commercial and residential buildings, roads, parks, and stormwater infrastructure. Water-saturated soils can destabilize bluffs, trees and utility poles.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Support for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure as part of demonstration projects. The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator which will be located at the University of St Andrews. Drawing on the expertise of the University, and in partnership with institutions across Scotland, the new initiative will propel innovations in hydrogen technology and encourage knowledge-sharing to support transport applications and sustainable mobility. This project directly supports the Scottish Government’s world-leading commitment to its net-zero target of 2045. Additionally, the work of the hydrogen accelerator will also support the ambition of phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. The Scottish Government has provided funding of £6.5m over the past few years to support the introduction of Hydrogen Buses in the City of Aberdeen – the current fleet of 10 hydrogen buses have collectively covered 1 million miles. Fifteen new buses are procured and arriving this year (2020) and a further 10 buses are being considered as part of the Scottish Government’s £62m Energy Transition Fund launched in June 2020. The Scottish Government are developing a bioenergy action plan that will set out a clearer scope for the role of biofuels in Scotland. Direct support for biofuel deployment is largely reserved through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.The £3.5m Scottish Government funded Zero Emission Train (ZET) project is currently making good progress at Bo’ness and it will fully test Hydrogen powered traction options, which will be required where electrification is not appropriate across rural areas such as north/west of Inverness and west Highland rail lines. This will allow suppliers to test the integration of alternative traction power supply equipment within a live train environment through this Hydrogen Accelerator initiative, overseen by St Andrews University, with the ZET project being managed by world-leading hydrogen-technology company Arcola Energy. This will address the issues associated with creating, approving and then enabling, a hydrogen-fuelled train to operate later in 2021.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Hydroelectric power is a reliable energy source that can be used decentrally, is capable of providing the base load, stabilises the grid and thus makes a small but important contribution to the power supply. In order to remain viable for the future, topics such as expansion in a way which does not harm the water ecology and the reactivation and optimisation of the plants form part of the work in the “ErneuerbareEnergien.NRW” project. In 2019, 438 hydroelectric power plants with 873 MW and 187 MW installed capacity made their contribution to climate protection in NRW. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",1 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"The national government establishes the target through the RenovAr Program. It is a plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has three projects awarded for generation by incineration of biomass and bio gas, for a total of 24 MW.",1 +Please provide the details of your region’s procedures for assessing deforestation and/or forest degradation risks.,"Achieved through a state Solar Electricity Standard per MS 216B.1691, Community Solar Garden statue per MS 216B.1641, and through utility solar incentive programs (216B.164 and 116C.7792). Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,Washington already hasextensive natural gaspower. Renewablenatural gas supply isnatural gas supply isbeing worked on.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Great efforts being made for bothreforestation and afforestation of forestsand non forest land with nearly 100million trees being planted each year. Also different types of sustainable management practices for forest resources are being implemented by through JFMCs, BMCs, Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation etc in the state.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,2019 State of MN Hazard Mitigation Plan Including Recommended Actions for Climate Adaptation is used by counties to prepare/update their hazard mitigation and emergency response plans.,0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide fixed level target(s). Fixed level targets are not expressed relative to either a historical base year or a projected baseline scenario. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Huanuco is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. With support of Norway Cooperation, all GCF states and provinces (including Huanuco) will develop REDD+/LED strategy and investment plans that align with the goals of the Rio Branco Declaration.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,See Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) Outcome 2 https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/,1 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,"MN DNR's French River Hatchery will no longer be used to raise coldwater fish, eliminating the need to heat water from Lake Superior, which has been an enormous source of energy use for the agency.MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources has a variety of projects that have been initiated, but continue to need long-term funding options. Projects include, but are not limited to:- Developing resilience modeling tools to incorporate resilience principles into building design guidelines. - Ongoing funding for technical assistance and workforce development initiatives related to clean energy implementation in water and wastewater treatment facilities. - Support for local government initiatives that enable the establishment of clean energy and environment goals through data driven use of tools (i.e. Regional Indicators Initiative, Utility Energy Registry, GreenStep Cities programs/outreach)- Funding to support building and operation of Zero-Net Energy ready K-12 schools; including funds to build new schools, support long-term facility maintenance requirements, train staff and facility operators, etc. - Creation of a revolving loan fund and/or loan loss reserve to help low and middle income residents procure renewable energy to help reduce energy/utility bill burdens.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Minnesota has a clean energy bonding program for $100 million that is currently in the development phase.,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Achieved through solar incentive programs in certain municipalities (e.g. Austin, Owatonna, Minneapolis).",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Assist in process analysis and proposition of solution for upgrading tools, practises and process",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,Climate Change Strategy stablishes following project: Creation of renewable energy pilot projects in rural areas the provinces of Yarowilca and Lauricocha.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The current system complies with the Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Guidelines (IPCC, 2006) and has been extended to include a range of bespoke sector specific QA/QC activities to comply with Tier 2. The Inventory Agency, is also fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This accreditation provides additional institutional standards which the inventory agency has to apply to all projects and ensures that the wider company conforms to good practice in project management and quality assurance. Further details can be found in the National Inventory Report (https://naei.beis.gov.uk/reports/reports?report_id=1015)",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","We have built the Energy and Climate Change Plan of Minas Gerais through an international partnership, which allowed to access international funds to subside the elaboration and implementation of the Plan.Currently, we are seeking new partnerships in order to move forward with our goals and actions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,The switch from oil to gas has been a general market development in recent years and has been promoted by utility companies.,1 +Please complete the table below.,RenovAr Program it is a National Government plan of incorporation of renewable sources in the National Energy Matrix. It is carried out through an open call process for the contracting in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of electric energy from renewable sources. Tucumán has a projects awarded for generation by incineration of vinasse (19 MW).,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,UK Government policy is currently to offer a smart meter to all homes and businesses by 2020,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Minnesota has experienced disruptions in the supply of coal and propane in recent years, increasing the ability to supply energy needs through state and more regional resources can alleviate the volatility and offset supply chain issues related to coal and propane.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"An imprtan part of our job is to help the local communities to adapt to the changing climate, both short and long term. Our region is greatly affected by extreme weather every year and according to the projections we will see more of this. Our job is to make sure that local planning includes this going foreward.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The use of hydropower to generate energy has the potential to make a contribution to reducing climate problems on a global scale. However, this energy source can also be deployed to support the decentralised energy transition on a regional basis, as it is a constantly available component of the energy mix that optimally complements the mix of renewable energies and contributes to grid stability. In 2017, the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) conducted a study to determine the potential of hydropower. Based on the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the study identified a total potential of 641 GWh/y, around 108 GWh/y of which has not yet been exploited. The Hydropower Office of EnergyAgency.NRW offers information and advice. Given the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is focusing on expanding hydropower in a way that does not harm the water ecology by reactivating and optimising plants and using hydropower technology at existing dams and infrastructure installations. The state government of NRW has so far provided funding to 184 plants with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts. The total funding of 8 million euros have prompted further investments of more than 35 million euros. (www.energieagentur.nrw/wasserkraft)",0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Our policy to publish a Bioenergy Action Plan will be developed to reflect and align with net-zero. The Plan will set out steps to support the development of BECCS in Scotland and improve our access to sustainable, secure biomass supply.",0 +Please report your region-wide base year emissions in the table below.,"Note on Gross emissions: In the absence of guidance, I have calculated these as the sum of all detailed IPCC categories showing positive emissions in 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.",1 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Data is from IBGE, and we only have the population projections until 2030.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,Achieved through utility programs delivered under the efficiency resource standard. Also through State Energy Office initiatives.,0 +Please explain why your region currently does not have a plan that addresses forest-related issues.,"As mitigation, we work with local governments to strengthen their capacities to cope with climate change. Also they're involved in the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.Green electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.",1 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall eventsSix mega-rainfall events (6"" or more covering at least 1000 sq. miles) since 2000 All sections of state affected.Models project continued increase in frequency of upper 2 percentile storms",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 February 2018,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Target sectors: Energy, Transport, Industry, Agriculture, Waste, OtherTarget gases: CO2, CH4, N20, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3Short target summary: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 of at least 80 percent compared to 1990 levelsPlease detail and comment on any progress to reach targetTarget sectors: IPCC scopes I and II, all sectors.Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to about 285 million tons in 2015, during the period since 1990, despite anincrease of gross domestic product and about the same population of about 367 million tonnes in 1990. This decreaseprimarily a result of increased efficiency in energy use as well as structural changes in the economy and morerenewable energies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"We have an internal agency group that works to identify the lifecycle of materials, including toxicity, to determine which materials should be promoted for circularity and which should not. We have begun to move this direction in our policy documents.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,1.00% from refuse derived fuel and municipal solid waste0.30% from landfill gas 0.08% from waste heat recovery,0 +Please select the primary process or methodology used to undertake the climate change risk or vulnerability assessment of your region.,"Mix of fuels composted by oil, gas, biomass and industrial gas, once they do not have their percentages specified.Source: Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais30º Balanço Energético do Estado de Minas Gerais - BEEMG2015: ano base 2014 / Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais. –Belo Horizonte: Cemig, 2016.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",0 +Please explain why you do not have a renewable energy or electricity target.,"Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco is a subscriber of the Rio Branco Declaration, which is the main document of political commitment of the Governor´s Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force. In the Rio Branco Declaration, the signatories have committed themselves to reducing 80% of GHGs by 2020 if they receive adequate funding. With support of Norway Cooperation, all GCF states and provinces (including Huanuco) will develop REDD+/LED strategy and investment plans that align with the goals of the Rio Branco Declaration.",0 +Please complete the table below.,"air conditionerswith BEE ratingsand invetertechnologyintroduced.Em=nvironmentfriendly gases likeR410A, R32 andR290 nowintroduced for newair conditioners",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Through the expansion of renewable energies they move step by step into the center of the energy system. In order to integrate the fluctuating power generation from wind and solar power plants, a flexibilization of the energy system is required, for example through the further grid expansion, flexible power plants and storage as well as through intelligent load management. In 2016, EnergieAgentur.NRW prepared a study together with the office for energy management and technical planning (BET) Aachen. Links: https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/energiesystem-der-zukunft/",0 +Please explain why you do not have a climate adaptation plan and any future arrangements you have to create a plan.,"Regional support programm called ""climaxion"" offers a large range of technical and financial supports to almost all business sectors.",0 +Do you work with national governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"The Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) is a voluntary cooperation agreement signed by the Governments of Peru, Norway and Germany to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by deforestation and forest degradation in Peru. It was signed in September 2014 with a validity until 2020 and considers actions for the conservation of forests in the Peruvian Amazon (the main source of greenhouses gases in Peru).The JDI is based on a scheme of financial incentives on the progress or fulfillment of deliverables or goals divided into three phases. The Phase II implementation plan describes the annual milestones of compliance with Phase II. The plan allows to measure the annual progress in the implementation of Phase II and a transparent system to sustain the disbursements associated with this agreement. The Plan is a proposal agreed by different ministries and subnational governments of Peru, which has the participation of civil society, indigenous organizations and the business sector.In a similar way with other subnational governments, Ucayali have participated in ellaboration of Phase II workplan.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Tree felling requires a felling permission from government prior to the felling taking place.,1 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"This region has a Regional Plan for Forest Development of Ucayali 2013 - 2018 (Regional Ordinance No. 020-2013-GRU / CR). Also, as of 2008, there is a Round Table for Sustainable Forest Development of the Ucayali Region, as a regional instance of mandatory consultation for forestry matters of public interest. Later it was deactivated and with posterity the Table was createdRegional Forestry Executive taking as reference the National Forestry Commission. Ucayali, together with Loreto and Madre de Dios, is one of the regions with the highest level of wood production. Its exports to 2014 reached 43 million dollars and its goal is to reach 45.3 million dollars by 2021, according to the PRDC. The same document indicates as a prioritized trend ""the needof a thematic industrial park in the wood, so that the necessary infrastructure and logistics can be assured to the private sector ""and that"" training and teaching centers to train specialized workers ""be promoted. For this, strategic actions are indicated as ""regional policies to encourage public-private investment and diversification to improve production and competitiveness levels"" (AE 4.1) and ""to organize and promote the formation of associations or cluster of producers"" (AE) 4.6). In 2016 (Regional Ordinance 021-2016-GRU / CR) Ucayali declared the Forest Zoning process of interest, establishes a technical work team and entrusts its leadership to the Directorate of Forest Management and Wildlife. In 2017, SERFOR and Ucayali signed an agreement to establish a Serfor liaison office in the region.",0 +Please provide the details of your region-wide base year emissions reduction target(s). You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.,"Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"The general objective of the Forest Investment Program is to support the efforts of developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the promotion of sustainable forest management to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the preservation of carbon stocks.One of the 4 projects included in the Forest Investment Program in Peru, which has the support of the World Bank (WB), will improve support services for the sustainable use of the biodiversity of ecosystems in the forest landscape in Atalaya, Ucayali . This PIP includes integrated forest management of the landscape, governance, legalization of land, property titles and registration, valuation of environmental assets. In specific, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of forest dependent communities and enterprises to sustainably manage and use forest landscapes, in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province.The project’s primary beneficiaries include small forest users and indigenous communities, comprising 5,997 households in 120 communities, who use forest resources for their businesses and livelihoods in the Raimondi, Sepahua and Tahuanía districts of the Atalaya province. Small forest users are comprised of forest concessionaires with timber and non-timber forest product enterprises, or small producers that maintain forests on their property. The majority of beneficiaries (80%) are indigenous and30% are expected to be women.",0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,Achieved through the statewide energy efficiency resource standard per Minnesota Statute 216B.241 and 216C,0 +What is your region’s approach to managing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities?,Emissions are calculated by the Metropolitan Council's environmental services and include only Met Council waste water treatment plants.,0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,"Whereas in 2003 there were only around 660 subsidised systems registered in NRW, today over 36,000 pellet heating systems subsidised by the Market Incentive Programme (MAP) in NRW (approx. 290,000 nationwide) supply citizens with renewable heat. In addition to this there are local heating networks and compact solutions for multi-family homes and, increasingly, commercial properties based on wood pellets. The aim of the Wood + Pellets campaign is, together with partners and players in the industry, to strengthen this heating technology and to consolidate and expand the positive market development. Through its work, it connects the various players along the value chain in the wood pellet sector throughout Germany, with a focus on NRW. The Wood + Pellets campaign is currently actively supported by over 100 companies in the sector and is a unique example of successful cooperation between manufacturers, business, trade and public administration. The resulting synergy effects enable a competent transfer of knowledge for consumers. (www.aktion-holzpellets.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"We use the TCR protocol which uses the Fifth IPCC assessment. This year, we have calculated our emissions using the Sustainability Reporting Tool. For this reporting we have used IPPC's AR5 Global Warming Potential values.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"MN DNR is seeking funding for installation of renewable energy systems, lighting retrofits, and HVAC energy efficiency upgrades; replacement of inefficient water technology fixtures and equipment in Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Brainerd, and Detroit Lakes offices.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"In the CCPu, the Scottish Government committed to a range of actions to reduce emissions from red meat and dairy through improved emissions intensity. Scottish Government commissioned research on methane reducing feed additives and the emission intensity of Scottish agricultural commodities and the reports are available through ClimateXChange (https://www.climatexchange.org.uk)Over the past five years 105,360 unique genotypes that have been processed from the Scottish Government’s Beef Efficiency Scheme animals in an effort to encourage improved emissions intensity. There has also been a large amount of data recorded through the scheme, this includes calf and dam mortality, with calf mortality being recorded even if death occurs prior to registrations. This work is ongoing and will be informed by the farmer led groups’ reports which were made available in March 2021, including for dairy and suckler beef, setting out a whole industry approach to tackling climate change and restoring and enhancing biodiversity within food production and farming. A revised Animal Health and Welfare Livestock Strategy is to be published in 2021.More info: Journal of Animal Science and Technology - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6004689/ University of Reading - https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/climate-smart-agriculture/0/steps/26577",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,"The overall aim is to introduce practical measures to reduce North Rhine-Westphalia's vulnerability to the consequences of climate change. In particular there are seven primary aims and strategies for climate adaptation: to make settlements and infrastructures more resistant, to preserve the natural balance, stability and viability of ecosystems, to prepare forestry and agriculture for changing climate conditions, to support industry and enterprises to prepare for the challenges induced by climate change, to consider climate change and its impacts in planning processes, to promote more awareness on the issue of climate adaptation for citizens, enterprises and municipalities and to provide information.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Deforestation data of Geobosques offers information on forest cover and forest loss. It generates georeferenced information on the stock of remaining forests, as well as the loss of coverage of Ucayali. Information include concentration of forest loss and size of forest loss.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The 2006 IPCC (adapted for the current scenario) was used as an orientation to emissions estimates, as it suggests the inclusion of the following sectors: energy, industrial processes, products use, waste and agriculture. Reference Reports published by MCTI were also used as an orientation.",0 +Please explain why you do not have an energy efficiency target.,"Because of the floods in the south of Tucumán in 2017, 1500 families of Lamadrid were evacuated (80% of the town). It is estimated that the economic losses will reach $ 630 million: $ 90 million in economic-productive, $ 140 million in social and $ 400 million in infrastructure.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Ucayali is designing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to reduce GHG emission associated with deforestation and rural activities.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Minnesota has a sales tax exemption for costs of installing and maintaining solar and wind facilities, per Minn. Stat. § 297A.67, Subd. 29 and Minn. Stat. § 297A.68, Subd. 12. Wind and Solar equipment are also exempt from property taxes, but are subject to energy production taxes for project sizes above certain thresholds. See more at: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/151",1 +"Please provide the details of your region-wide baseline scenario target(s), including projected business as usual emissions. You may add rows to provide the details of your sector-specific targets by selecting the relevant sector in the sector field.","Deforestation area in 2017: 19.236 3.548,83km2Source: Geobosques, Ministry of Environment, Peru. http://geobosques.minam.gob.pe/geobosque/view/perdida.php",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,expected to increase by approximately 20 – 40 cm by 2090 compared to a 1990 baseline,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"We are incentivising the purchase of ultra-low emission vehicles and provided over £40m through our Low Carbon Transport Loan last year, and will expand the scheme to include used electric vehicles. The majority of fiscal levers are reserved to UK government.The number of ultra-low emission vehicles in Scotland grew by almost 40% between September 2018 and September 2019.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Minnesota GDP for 2017 is $351,000,000,00 for the U.S. as a whole it is $17,263,000,000,000Minnesota real GDP per capita (chained 2009 dollars) for 2017 is $54,805 for the U.S. as a whole it is $51,337. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the Midwest and 14th nationwide in real per Capita GDP and surpasses the national average by 6%.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,Large utilities in Washington required to pursue all cost-effective conservation identified by the Northwest Power &Conservation Council,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,The climate solution and economic opportunities document linked above models possible decarbonization pathways.,0 +Please describe the ways that the master plan is designed to reduce GHG emissions.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,conflicts by flooding of settlements or industrials areas and critical infrastructures,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"We developed a project to educate and transform/ dispose e waste following the environmental conditions and adequate treatment, and 10 tons of E WASTE were collected: http://pagina10.com/web/en-pasto-gran-lanzamiento-de-raeecolecta-campana-de-recoleccion-de-residuos-de-aparatos-electricos-y-electronicos/",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"local industries encouragedto support climate issues andreduce emissions andincrease resilience. Theseinclude establishment ofESPs ( electrostaticprecipitatiors, managementand reuse of Wasteespecially for energyrecovery and adoptingrenewable energy andmaking their own energythrough onsite powwer plantsbased on wastes",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Includes Tribal lands. Plantation forests are excluded ( 1,761 sq. km)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"During the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions, there was a proposal to establish a clean energy standard. It did not pass, but there is continued dialogue regarding how a standard like this might work in Minnesota.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Using Edinburgh as an example, sea level is expected to rise by between approximately 12 and 18cm by the 2050s and by approximately 23 to 54cm by the 2080s, compared to a 1981-2000 baseline and depending on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such rises would lead to an increase in likelihood of associated risks, such as flooding of coastal communities. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/application/files/5816/1797/9967/LOW_RES_4656_Climate_Projections_report_FINAL.pdf )",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"It is difficult to give one reason for changing emission trends.GHG emissions from electricity generation have been generally declining, and have had the greatest decrease both compared to the 2014 report and the 2005 baseline.GHG emissions from the industrial sector have increased since 2005, mostly due to the increasing use of low-cost natural gas. In some cases, natural gas replaced other fossil fuels, but more energy overall is being used in the industrial sector. Emissions from natural gas use in the commercial and residential sectors similarly increased in response to low natural gas prices.Emissions of high global warming potential (HGWP) GHGs increased across sectors because of their increased use in air conditioning and refrigeration. These HGWP GHGs replaced ozone-depleting substances and are now being phased out in favor of less polluting chemicals.Emissions from the transportation sector have flattened, mostly as a result of consumers choosing larger vehicles. Light-duty truck numbers have been steadily increasing and now outnumber smaller passenger cars. The resulting emissions increase from these vehicles offsets other reductions from passenger cars, aviation, and natural gas transmission.For the first time, carbon sequestered in forest regrowth was included in the inventory in the agriculture sector. Emissions from agriculture have declined, but the trend is very noisy due to the forest regrowth.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Industrial Reconversion Plan (PRI) is based on the UN Cleaner Production Strategy. Since 2000, the sugar, citrus, slaughterhouse, paper and other food industry industries sign tripartite agreements with the Government of Tucuman and the National Government assuming commitments for environmental improvement and prevention of pollution, mainly water. We are currently in the PRI III stage. Companies assume voluntary commitments to reduce water and energy consumption through the recirculation of their elfuentes and the use of vinasse and biomass to generate energy.The reuse of washing water is mandatory for sugar mills",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Solar PV heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for solar water heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +Please provide the breakdown of your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by source.,"This year, we have excluded some fugitive emissions from our reporting portfolio. The reason is because these emissions are a pre-calculated estimate based on a fist order decay function. We cannot meaningfully affect these emissions through policy or action. Thus, we estimate our 2017 total emissions to be 651,593 metric tons. We estimate that our emissions have increased actually from the last reporting period. We estimate this increase to be 27,984 metric tons CO2e. Most of the increase can be explained by the relatively cooler winter, measured by heating degree days.",0 +Please describe any adaptation goals you have for your region.,"In adaptation pillar on Climate Change Strategy, the objective is increase the awareness and adaptive capacity before the adverse and potential effects of climate change, in the population, economic agents, Regional and locals governments taking advantage of the potential opportunities. The adaptation pillar consider activities in following sectores: ecosystems and biodiversity, water resources, health, education, cities and housing, economic activities and infraestructure.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Our new National Transport Strategy prioritises active and sustainable travel including bus and rail services and will guide our investment decision making. Bus: Funding has been announced for priority measures to make buses faster, more reliable and cheaper to run. Initial round has now been launched. Legislation passed to increase powers of local transport authorities to provide, secure or influence services. Commencement and implementation expected during 2022. Currently focusing on maintaining increased funding to support services and operators while capacity and demand are constrained by COVID and to support recovery from COVID when restrictions ease. Rail: Rail is playing a key role in taking forward the outcomes in the National Transport Strategy, and securing our wider ambitions in the Climate Change Plan and the promotion of active travel. Investment in our railways remains a priority for this Government with over £9bn having been invested in rail infrastructure since 2007. The Decarbonisation Action Plan (DAP), published in July 2020, sets out how we will decarbonise domestic passenger services in Scotland by 2035, a further example of continued commitment to investment in Scotland’s Railways.Work continues to progress by Transport Scotland, Network Rail and industry partners to deliver the key outcomes of the DAP. As one of the most sustainable high speed railways in the world, HS2 will support the UK in making the transition to a net zero carbon economy. HS2 estimates that by 2030 travelling by high speed trains will have carbon emissions per km that are just 8% of that emitted by airlines and 12% of that emitted by cars. (Source: https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/carbon/)Arrangements are being mobilised for a wholly owned company of the Scottish Government to provide ScotRail services when the current franchise expires, currently expected to be 31 March 2022. These arrangements will see the provision of services within the public sector under the control of the SG, in line with our duty to ensure an Operator of Last Resort (OLR) is in place to secure the future of ScotRail services in Scotland. This means that from the expiry of the current franchise, ScotRail services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company, called ScotRail Trains Limited, which will be owned and controlled by the Scottish Government.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Paris Agreement challenges our current industrial production and processes, but at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop new and innovative products, to become more energy efficient and thus more competitive and to reduce GHG emissions. Our goal is to achieve a net GHG neutral economy and to make sure that companies in North Rhine-Westphalia develop skills and knowledge for an emerging global market for climate-friendly products.Such a development shall be in line with an increasing renewable energy production. This requires direct use of renewable energy, more energy efficiency, more flexibility and innovative production processes. Especially the energy intensive industry can become a new key player in the future energy system. We consider this to be an opportunity for our industry when it reacts fast to the growing intersection between the future energy system and its production processes. It can diversify the revenue streams and thus reduce risk exposure to single markets. Climate protection as a global challenge demands new technologies, such as CCU, Power-to-X and storage systems. We want to support our economy and research institutions in becoming world leaders in these fields and thus create economic growth from climate protection.",1 +Please describe these current and/or future risks due to climate change.,"We will continue to see a further substantial increase in renewable generation with the development of new offshore and onshore wind capacity. Innovation, demonstration and trial projects will also have proven new technologies needed to ensure that the electricity system can be operated resiliently using a diverse portfolio of renewables providing sustainable security of supply. We have a supportive policy and planning framework, but subsidy issues are reserved.",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Validation to other data sources, use of best practices, use of quality data sources, correcting errors, documentation of methods and archiving of data.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/forestry-grants/forest-plan-resourcesPreparing a forest management plan is often part of a Forestry Grant Scheme application. For woodlands of less than 100 hectares these typically cover a 10-year period and for larger woodlands they typically cover 20 years.,0 +Please provide the details of the global initiatives or conventions your region participates in or endorses.,Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"With around 368,000 employees, North Rhine-Westphalia is the largest supplier of environmental industry products and services nationwide. The industry combines environmental progress with commercial success in one of the world's fastest-growing markets for businesses. The master plan ""Land of the Environmental Economy"" supports the domestic companies with around 100 measures, project ideas and suggestions in the development of these markets. The environmental economy, as a cross-sectoral industry, comprises the companies of the traditional economic sectors, which offer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient products and services:environmentally friendly energy conversion, transport and storage,Energy efficiency and energy saving,Materials, material efficiency and resource management,environmentally friendly mobility,water management,Mitigation and protection technologies,sustainable timber and forestry,environmentally friendly agriculture.These eight submarkets of the environmental economy each play key roles in the development towards environmentally sound economies: here, companies combine the protection of the environment with a direct economic benefit. Their products provide solutions to urgent issues of global concern such as climate and resource conservation and the promotion of sustainable development. https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/umwelt/umweltwirtschaft-in-nrw/Green Economy Report North Rhine-Westphalia 2017 - Management Summary (ENGLISH)https://www.umwelt.nrw.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Broschueren/green_economy_report_en.pdf",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Calculations for the North Rhine-Westphalian greenhouse gas emission inventory are based on the IPCC-Guidelines 2006. Main basic data for the inventory are - the annual emission reports from installations under the EU emission trading system, - emission declarations of installations under the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG), - PRTR-reports, - the German National Inventory Report on greenhouse gas emissions according to the United Nations framework convention on climate change, - other statistics like e.g. energy balances for Germany and North Rhine Westphalia or production statistics.",0 +Do you work with local governments in the development and/or implementation of your regional adaptation strategies? Please explain how.,"Scottish Landfill Tax continues to be a key driver of waste from landfill.We are preparing for the ban on landfilling biodegradable municipal waste by 2025, in line with Committee on Climate Change recommendationsIn Scotland, The Waste Management Regulations (Scotland) 2012 have made it illegal to incinerate separately collected waste that is capable of being recycled.Our Food Waste Reduction Action Plan sets out how we will reduce food waste by 33% by 2025In March 2021, we launched a £70 million fund to improve local authority recycling collection infrastructure.Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.",0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Minnesota's Climate Change Executive Order 19-37 sets an expectation of broad engagement to achieve emission reductions and build resiliency in our communities. As many counties and cities complete their own climate action planning, the Climate Change Subcabinet will seek to engage with these governmental units to identify areas of shared goals and collaboration.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,We are developing a program to increase the number of vehicles of low carbon emission that includes financial and tax incentives.,0 +"Please indicate if your region-wide emissions have increased, decreased, or stayed the same since your last emissions inventory, and please describe why.","Using Edinburgh as an example, sea level is expected to rise by between approximately 12 and 18cm by the 2050s and by approximately 23 to 54cm by the 2080s, compared to a 1981-2000 baseline and depending on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such rises would lead to an increase in likelihood of associated risks, such as flooding of coastal communities. (UKCP18 Summary for Scotland: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/application/files/5816/1797/9967/LOW_RES_4656_Climate_Projections_report_FINAL.pdf )",0 +Please provide a brief description of your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,ExSee Climate Ready Scotland: Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (SCCAP2) https://www.gov.scot/publications/climate-ready-scotland-second-scottish-climate-change-adaptation-programme-2019-2024/pected 2019,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","- integrate climate change issue in all public policies and public utilities from research to analysis and in the design and implementation of mitigation and adaption strategies- linking energy, water management and biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaption strategies- support agriculture, forestry, vitivulture and all industries to adapt to climate froma analysis to design and implementation of solutions : practise, tootls, process.- request promoters to consider climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the master planning and design of urban planning, infrastructure and bulding (including disaster risk management, increased by climate change)",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"As a government we have a plan per component of the secretary of environment and sustainable development and we constantly report in our transparency, open government platform call SEPA NARIÑO",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,"According to the Regional Ordinance Nº 010-2012-GRU / CR, the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Water Resource is declared Priority and Public Interest. Likewise, said rule declares intangible for the mining activity, the old and current channel of all surface water bodies of the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, including its marginal fringes and floodplains, plus a security band equivalent to 15 times the width of the corresponding marginal band y; apply and / or establish sanctions ranging from fines to deprivation of liberty, to those responsible for the alteration of fluvial channels and the discharge of effluents without proper treatment to the hydrographic network of the Ucayali region, in accordance with the Decree Legislative No. 1102 and other applicable regulations.In Ucayali, the National Water Authority identifies 5 water basins and 6 interhydric basins. Also, this institution of national competitions is promoting the creation of the bi-regional council Vilcanota-Urubamba. According to the Institutional Strategic Plan of Ucayali 2016-2018, it is planned to implement two water basin committees during 2018.",1 +"If not available online, please upload your climate adaptation plan.","The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the:•Energy Consumers Commission•Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group•Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group•Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership GroupThese groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland.SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero.The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets at least twice a year.The Scottish Government is prioritising collaborating with business and industry leaders in the energy sector to deliver a green, fair and resilient economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main mechanisms driving industry collaboration are the Strategic Leadership Groups (SLG) and the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB). The four Strategic Leadership Groups are the: • Energy Consumers Commission • Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group • Energy Networks Strategic leadership Group • Oil and Gas and Energy Transitions Strategic Leadership Group These groups were created to provide key figures from the private and public sectors a strategic forum for discussion, and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry. The SLGs sit under the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) which was established in 2009 to provide a forum for strategic discussion on the current and future energy challenges and opportunities for Scotland. SEAB develops the Scottish industry view on these issues, and identifies synergies between the Strategic Leadership Groups ensuring the focus of discussions remain linked to the Green Recovery, the delivery of a low carbon economy, security of energy supply, and the transition to net zero. The meeting is chaired by the First Minister and the Principal of the University of Strathclyde, and meets quarterly.",0 +Do you work with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s climate targets? Please explain how.,We have an actions portfolio for the agriculture sector that includes recovery of degraded pastures; irrigated agriculture promotion; agroecological and organic production and a state program for agricultural losses reduction.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have supported introduction of BEVs to the government car service and widespread work on public sector fleets. Taxis and other companies have drawn on the low carbon transport loan to buy BEVs. Supporting local authorities to assess the potential for adopting hydrogen-fuel cell heavy vehicles such and buses and bin lorries and supporting procurement activities,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.Green electricity for the buildings of the state administrationSince 2016, the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia has been providing electricity for the buildings (without universities), which comes from renewable sources. This enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes annually. Due to the central procurement of the construction and real estate business NRW from Ökostrom the provincial administration also saved annually in comparison to the previous years about eight million euros in electricity costs.",0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.",Installations are determined through the Integrated Resource Planning process per Minn. Statutes 216B.2422.,0 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"Emissions value provided for 2030 is for 2020.Updated value, now expressed in tonnes CO2e. We do not produce emissions projections. Instead I have entered the current target values for emissions at the 2020 and 2050 milestones.",0 +"Do you collaborate with cities/local governments in developing and/or meeting each other’s environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Minimum standards for technical building systems providing space and water heating, cooling and ventilation are set through national building regulations and applicable at the point of installation of such systems.A review of the building regulations is underway which is considering improving HVAC standards for implementation in 2021/22.",0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.",1. Reviewing the parameters related with flood and drougth in hydroelectric dams. Modification of the contract with the hydroelectric power generation company 2. Monitoring and Early Warning System of Floods of Rivers of the South of the Province of Tucumán.,1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"The CWRP includes a presumption in favour of protecting woodland. Removal should only be permitted where it would achieve significant and clearly defined additional public benefits. Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,In the Climate Change Strategy (2017 -2021) was the first time that Huanuco calculate GHG emissions at subnational level.,0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Our Circular Economy Strategy – Making Things Last: a Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland – sets out our plans to transition to a circular economy.We are preparing to implement Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.We are working with the other UK nations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility/reform existing EPR systems for a range of material including packaging, WEEE, batteries and ELVs",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Consumption in 2014 was 3.0% lower than in 2013, and 15.2% lower than the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% Energy Efficiency Target is measured. Figures published yesterday show that Scotland is 15.4% below the baseline energy consumption",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.","We have a great potential to expand renewable energy technologies in the state, especially photovoltaic, biomass and wind power. In order to maximize this opportunity, the State provides some financial incentives. We are also developing a subnational energy transition strategy aiming at the implementation of two programs: Renewable Energy Expansion Program and Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technologie Program.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Huanuco develops local and sustainable organic food companies, used as an alternative development mechanism.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,We have both hybrids and diesel cars in our cars. But are in the prosess of getting electrical cars,1 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,There is not available data about GDP at 2030 and 2050 in HuanucoSource data: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informativa -INEI. https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1582/,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,CFL and LEDbulbs distributionbeing done all overthe state- 1.9million bulbsdistributed till 2017,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"12% reduction in total final energy consumption by 2020 based on a 2005-2007 baseline. Scotland met this target in 2013, and has decreased to 15.1% below the baseline in 2016. However, according to a provisional data, consumption in 2017 has increased to 13.1% below the 2005-2007 baseline against which the 12% energy efficiency target is measured.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities associated with sustainable forest management and describe how your region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"Government of Ucayali manages the Fondo de Desarrollo de la Amazonia (Fondesam - Ucayali) that role is to finance or co-finance the design and execution of regional public investment projects, as well as to facilitate access to credit for small producers (OR- 599-2014). This fund is managed by COFIDE (national development agency) as trustee of the Regional Government of Ucayali. From 2017, the Ucayali Government decided to use part of these resources to guarantee the credit of the small agricultural producers called Collpa de Loros based in a pledge to not implement agricultural practices related with deforestation. Fondesam- Ucayali issued a letter of guarantee for US$200,000 to the Collpa de Loros Cooperative in order to reduce the credit rate. Currently, within the framework of the GCF Task Force in Peru, a diagnosis and policy recommendations are made to strengthen the regional development funds.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,"The Sustainable Forest Resources Management Act of 1995 (MN Stat. 89A) and 1982 Forest Resources Management Act (MN Stat. 89.001 &89.002) serve as the foundation for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) forest policy. The Act is implemented by the DNR through a number of agency policies, guidelines, etc., which are developed across multiple disciplines and build robust direction and understanding of sound and sustainable forest management. Such policies address issues such as maintaining old growth forests, implementing site-level forest management guidelines, addressing invasive species, creating and implementing forest management plans, creating and maintain wildlife habitat, protecting rare species, and many more. The MN DNR is also responsible for implementing other regional laws on forest management. The Little Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Act (MN Stat. 103G.545), which protects water levels and lakeshores by prohibiting dams and restricting logging within 400 feet of recreational waterways in the state-owned lands in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The Minnesota Endangered Species Act ((MN Stat 84.0895) imposes a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. The Minnesota Trust Fund Statute (MN Stat. 127A.31) includes the goal of the permanent school fund, which is to secure the maximum long-term economic return from the school trust lands consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities imposed by the trust relationship established in the Minnesota Constitution, with sound natural resource conservation and management principles, and with other specific policy provided in state law. The Outdoor Recreation Act of 1975 (MN Stat. 86A.02) addresses State Trails, Scientific and Natural Areas, State Wilderness Areas, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Aquatic Management Areas.The DNR is responsible for managing most of the state-administered/owned forested lands in the state, and also participates in private forest landowner outreach and multi-stakeholder forest landscape initiatives and partnerships. The DNR has a detailed forest policy framework for the management of state forest lands to prevent deforestation and degradation on these lands as much as possible and to govern sustainable management of state forests. The DNR also implements site-level forest management guidelines developed by jurisdictional approaches (MFRC), creates long-term forest management plans for state forests, and follows guidelines for protecting rare species and habitats.",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"The Government of Chhattisgarh has established a State Centre for Climate Change as a nodal organisation to coordinate the overall process of Climate change in the State. The centre has prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line of National Action Plan on Climate Change considering the sub national requirements. Total 08 key sectors are identified in the SAPCC i.e. Agriculture & allied sectors, Forestry & Biodiversity, Water resources, Urban development, Transport, Energy, Industries & Mining and Human health. Each sector has a specific Sectoral action plan on Climate Change. Each sector have a Nodal Officer to coordinate with State Centre for Climate Change and also responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress as well as implementation of the SAPCC component of that particular sector.",0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,Local planners in the state's largest metropolitan area (Seattle metro) incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal into comprehensive transportation planning. Other metropolitan areas do not necessarily incorporate consideration of the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals into their planning.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Our Energy-Intensive Industries (EII) Roundtable, chaired by Scottish Ministers in November 2017, built an effective platform for engagement and collaboration with EII stakeholders in Scotland. Building on regular stakeholder engagement across EII sectors, we plan to establish a Scottish Industrial Decarbonisation Partnership (SIDP) during 2021. SIDP will foster mutual expectations to decarbonise in line with our economic recovery implementation plan. It will facilitate dissemination of industrial decarbonisation best practice and advise on the practical sequencing of policies or projects, informed by evidence, including sub-sectors’ own ambitions of how to reach net zero. We have also connected leaders from high-carbon emitting industries, by providing funding and policy support to NECCUS, a Scottish industry-led alliance drawn from industry, academia, membership organisations and private sector bodies to identify and join up investment opportunities and promote the CCUS offering in this area. NECCUS is leading the delivery of Scotland’s Net Zero Roadmap (SNZR) for the decarbonisation of Scotland’s industrial cluster.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Law Nº 8994, on Distributed Energy, establishes the administrative, technical and economic conditions to allow the connection of distributed small-scale electric power generation systems based on the use of renewable energy sources to the distribution network. Private users can inject clean energy to the power line receiving a bonus in their electricity tariff. The law was sanctioned in 2016 and is in the process of being regulated",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,Additional verification undertaken by UNFCCC and via bilateral reviews with third countries.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"All public water suppliers that serve 1,000+ people must have an approved water supply plan. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/appropriations/eandc_plan.html",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Governance sector.,Limited installation at wastewater treatment facilities and feedlots. Evaluating emerging waste processing technologies including anaerobic digestion. Using a life cycle approach and evaluating best practices for processing food waste in digesters.,0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Under a medium emissions (A1B) scenario, regional summer mean temperatures are projected to increase by between 0.9 – 4.5ºC by the 2050s compared to a 1961-1990 baseline. (UKCCRA 2017 Summary for Scotland https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/UK-CCRA-2017-Scotland-National-Summary.pdf)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"Washington hasexperimental CCSfacilities, and policy hasbeen in place forcommercial application, butno demand",1 +Please provide the details of your latest inventory’s total region-wide GHG emissions for the accounting year or 12-month period as reported in 3.2.,"SPP includes safeguards for sets out that woodlands and trees, particularly ancient semi-natural woodland and veteran trees of high nature conservation and landscape value. It also sets safeguards for connectivity between woodland habitats.There is statutory duty on planning authorities to ensure, that whenever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees.",0 +Please describe the process by which your regional government reviews its progress and manages overall responsibility for climate change.,"Long-term precipitation increases statewide since 1895, with an increase of about +0.5"" per decade since 1960. Proportional increases have been during springGreatest increases in southern Minnesota",0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Warmer average temperatures, changes in rain patterns, and disrupted ecosystems are increasing the number and range of disease-carrying insects, ticks and rodents in Minnesota. The blacklegged tick is responsible for transmitting all five of Minnesota’s endemic tickborne diseases, making it the main tick of public health concern in the state. These include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis, the three most commonly reported tickborne diseases in Minnesota. Trends in reported cases of tickborne diseases in Minnesota are generally increasing overtime. Regarding mosquitoes, Minnesota is currently home to 51 mosquito species. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Minnesota include West Nile Virus, La Crosse Encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Potential impacts of climate change may include warmer and drier conditions, which can lead to increased West Nile Virus risk during the mosquito season and more favorable conditions for La Crosse Encephalitis transmission. Climate change may also lead to an emergence or re-emergence of exotic mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley Fever.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"NRW, and more specifically the Ruhr metropolitan region, plays a key role here as the base for numerous companies who are market leaders. Within the Ruhr metropolitan region alone about 230 companies operate in the geothermal market. In NRW the geothermal sector creates about 4000 to 5000 jobs. With warm mine water sources in abandoned mines, NRW has a significant potential for building heating, a potential which is still to be tapped.More than half the heat demand in NRW can be met by utilizing near-surface geothermal heat. This is shown by the ""Potential Study for Renewable Energies NRW – Part 4 – Geothermal Energy"" (""Potenzialstudie Erneuerbare Energien NRW - Teil 4 - Geothermie"").",1 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act is supported by regular Climate Change Plans, the most recent being published in March 2018 setting out how we intend to meet the emission reduction targets in the period 2018-2032. The Climate Change Plan sits alongside the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, and provides the strategic framework for our transition to a low carbon Scotland. Building on previous reports on policies and proposals, the Plan sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.The Plan includes policies and proposals to reduce emissions from electricity generation, buildings (both residential and non-residential), transport, industry, land use (forestry and peatlands), waste, and agriculture. We have committed to updating our current Climate Change Plan within 6 months of the Climate Change Bill receiving Royal Assent.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Improved public transportation services are in the comprehensive implementation category for the Twin Cities Metro Area but in the limited implementation category for the rest of the state. Highlights from public transportation improvements in the Twin Cities Metro Area include: 1) Bus rapid transit: Red Line opened in 2013, A Line opened in 2016, C Line opened earlier in 2019 with electric buses, Orange Line under construction, Gold Line and D Line in project development, B Line and E Line in planning. 2) Improved bus services: Nearly all of the targeted shelter improvements are complete and more than half of the signage improvements have been completed. Service improvements recognized by the American Public Transportation Association with System of Year award in 2016. Run the Transit Assistance Pass, a reduced fare program for low-income residents. 3) Improve metro services for mass transit: The Metropolitan Council has a 2040 Transportation Plan: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Plan 2/KeyTransportation-Planning-Documents/Transportation-Policy-Plan.aspx In addition to the items noted in number 1 and 2, also actively developing Green Line LRT Extension and Blue Line LRT Extension. 3) High speed rail: expansion plans are advancing.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"State government has increased the number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles in the fleet and has goals to increase electric vehicle use.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Scotland’s domestic statutory climate change framework is established under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (as amended by the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019), which includes economy-wide emissions reduction targets on a path to reaching net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 at the latest. A strategic delivery plan for meeting emissions reduction targets is required at least every 5 years. . Scotland’s current Climate Change Plan covers actions over the period to 2032, and was updated in December 2020 to reflect both the increased ambition of the targets set in response to the Paris Agreement by the 2019 Climate Change Act, and also the context of a green recovery from COVID-19. The updated Climate Change Plan demonstrates a comprehensive and credible pathway to meeting Scotland’s ambitious emissions reduction targets, including actions to address emissions from electricity production, buildings, transport, industry, waste, land use and forestry, and agriculture . Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP2) • In September 2019, we published our second 5-yearly statutory Climate Change Adaptation Programme. The programme sets out how the Scottish Government is responding to the main climate risks for Scotland. In total, there are around 170 policies and proposals which bring together a range of sectors from across government: from transport and infrastructure to flooding and the natural environment. The Programme is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Scotland’s National Performance Framework and champions climate justice, and promotes a people-centred, human-rights approach to climate change adaptation. Other Key Action Areas Out with these sectors covered in the Climate Change Plan, climate change action is being mainstreamed in a number of ways and we are acutely aware of the importance of cross-cutting issues such as education, health, planning and investment in our transition to net zero. For example, our future Infrastructure Investment Plans will be accompanied by an assessment of how they are expected to contribute to meeting emissions reduction targets and the Scottish National Investment Bank will soon be operational with a net zero objective and eventually investing its £2 billion capitalisation. Our forthcoming update to the National Planning Framework (NPF4) is also expected to play a key role in ensuring climate change action is delivered on the ground through development and reshaping our places. National Performance Framework The Scottish Government's national performance framework also helps to ensure that across government we are working towards a set of coherent, ambitious and positive outcomes. One of our 11 outcomes as a government is that we value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment, recognising that it is our duty to protect and enhance these assets as essential to our economy, culture, way of life and the wellbeing of future generations. All of these collective actions can help us to achieve our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, wellbeing economy.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Minnesota has charging stations across much of the state and has funding for expansion.,0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.",Huanuco has initiated the design of a low-emission rural development strategy that seeks to stop deforestation caused by the USCUSS sector.,0 +Please detail the energy mix of your region-wide electricity generation (%).,Transmision and distribution electrical grids expansion to permit access of renewable energy to the power system,0 +Please identify the risks to your region’s water supply as well as the timescale and level of risk.,Ucayali has a subnational climate change strategy but not include an inventory of GHG emissions. Lack of knowledge and funds are the main causes.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Forest Inventory Analysis data was used, from the most current data period (2013-2018). Artificially regenerated stands (plantations) were separated out from naturally regenerated stands and stands that had supplemental tree-planting. There are an additional 3,835 sq. km of plantation forests in Minnesota.",0 +Please detail factors that may increase the severity or probability of climate change impacts in your region.,"Heat risk - There are around 2,000 heat-related deaths per year across the UK. The risk to health is projected to increase in the future as temperatures rise. Although the current level of risk is probably small, the current and future risk is unknown for homes, hospitals, care homes, schools, offices and prisons in Scotland.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,Mandatory separate collection of food waste from businesses (The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (legislation.gov.uk)) provides a stable feedstock for AD plants.,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Water in urban and rural areas are threatened by contaminants in runoff from roads, agricultural, and other areas as well as from chemicals not treated by wastewater facilities, including nutrients, road salts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, excess sediments, and others. Higher temperatures and heavier storms could harm water quality in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Warmer water tends to cause more algal blooms, which can be unsightly, harmful to human, pet and fish health, and degrade water quality. Severe storms increase the amount of pollutants that run off from land to water, so the risk of algal blooms will be greater if storms become more severe. Increasingly severe storms could also cause sewers to overflow into lakes or rivers more often, threatening beach safety and drinking water supplies.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"The Climate Protection Act was presented in 2013 by the previous government and passed by the state parliament. Among other things, the law states that greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be reduced by 25 percent by 2020 and by at least 80 percent by 2050. The state government supports citizens, municipalities and the private sector in the implementation of climate protection measures. Some of these support services come from the NRW Climate Protection Plan submitted by the previous state government in 2015. The new state government will continue to develop the existing climate protection plan for a ""Climate Change Audit"", which will review measures for efficiency and effectiveness. https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/instrumente/klimaschutzplan",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Whilst Scotland and the UK left the EU on 31 Jan 2020, EU law continues to apply during the Transition Period until 31 Dec 2020. Therefore the EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations 2014/517 (which includes HFCs) continues to be directly applicable in the UK. The EU regime incentivised reduction in HFCs by gradually phasing down the quantity of HFCs that can be sold in the EU, and introducing controls the uses. It ensures the UK meets its obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol for HFCs. After the end of the Transition Period, the UK will continue to have obligations under the UN Montreal Protocol, and the UK Government and the Scottish Governments are exploring arrangements to replicate the EU regimes to regulate HFCs, which goes further than the UN requirements.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,No: Provision of local waste services is the responsibility of local government,0 +Please identify the substantive risks to your region’s water security as well as the timescale and level of risk.,"Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Energy network policy and regulation is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government continues to exert pressure to ensure that network operation and investment is sufficient to connect new renewables capacity across the country, including Scottish waters and our islands.",0 +Please provide the details of your energy efficiency target(s).,The target measures energy productivity which is a measure of the combination of energy consumption and the output of the economy. Provisional figures for 2018 estimate that energy productivity in Scotland is 0.4% above the 2015 baseline.Source: https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-energy-statistics/?Section=WholeSystem&Chart=EnProd,0 +"Please describe the adaptation actions you are taking to reduce the vulnerability of your region's citizens, businesses and infrastructure to the impacts of climate change identified in 6.6a.","The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) (see also 1 above). The MAWQCP employs accredited agronomy and conservation professionals that are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to work directly with farmers to identify opportunities for implementing innovative and cost-effective measures for treating environmental risks within their farming operations. The MAWQCP further provides direct financial assistance via MDA grants and through exclusive pools of federal funds via USDA-NRCS for MAWQCP-participants.Nutrient Management Initiative and related activities. MDA is working with farmers to improve nitrogen management through activities such as the Nutrient Management Initiative, where farmers can try alternative nitrogen management practices that may improve yields, save money, and reduce runoff and emissions. Vegetative cover activities. MDA and other state agencies are also working with the agricultural community (and others) to promote and implement increased vegetative cover in targeted cropland areas. This includes not only set aside programs such as CRP and RIM, but maintaining productive cropland while incorporating perennial cover such as alfalfa, or cover crops. Minnesota has several projects that are assisting with this effort, including; UM’s Forever Green Initiative, Vegetative Cover and Soil Health Initiative, Working Lands Initiative as well as others.Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), in partnership with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), is in the process of developing the Farmer-Led Council (FLC) initiative. The work of the FLCs will be self-determined, but the MDA and BWSR hope the councils encourage farmers to lead the charge for water quality in their own communities. Though the FLC initiative is still in the planning stages, the MDA and BWSR anticipate providing both technical and financial assistance to water quality improvement projects that are endorsed by the local FLCs. Additionally, FLCs could use the MDA and BWSR as educational resources as they go about their work making local decisions on how to best address agricultural water quality impacts.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,EIA carried out for all projects beingsanctioned under the Forestconservation act for diversion of forestland since 1990,0 +"Please select the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate GHG emissions and explain how it has been used as well as any additional protocols and processes for data collection.","Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,We have 32% scheduled tribe population that are mostly living in fringe forest areas and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. These poor people will be the worst affected their whole socio-economic fabric will undergo a radical change.,0 +Please describe the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your region’s water supply.,The urban sector in town of La Madrid must be relocated east of National Road N° 157 .,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,base year is 1995 for F-gases and 1990 for other GHGs.,0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"Scotland’s economic development and skills agencies support businesses to realise climate-related opportunities by prioritising low carbon opportunities that meet domestic and global needs and providing information, advice and financial support to businesses to incentivise them to adopt sustainability practices. Scottish Enterprise, for example, helps Scottish organisations innovate at home and export their solutions internationally, securing early-mover advantage; helps to create the jobs and businesses of the future, and supporting existing businesses and organisations to become more resilient in transitioning to a net zero world; and ensures that we achieve an inclusive and ‘just transition’ that improves the opportunities, life chances and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.Scottish Investment Bank supports low carbon transition, delivering a £3 billion investment portfolio.The Scottish Government and its enterprise and skills agencies have supported a network of industry leadership groups for many years. Their role in the context of climate change is to bring together industry partners to provide leadership in addressing priorities in meeting Scotland’s climate change ambitions and targets. The Scottish Energy Advisory Board, for example, includes a series of industry leadership and supply chain groups drawn from across the wider spectrum of low carbon opportunities. Beyond energy, there are similar leadership engagement structures in Zero Emission Mobility, Water (Hydro Nation) amongst others. The input from these groups helps inform the development of Scottish Government policy, reflected in the energy strategy and climate change plan.The Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies have made significant investment in innovation and manufacturing support over many years. This now includes a network of innovation centres with a focus on the low carbon transition, and institutes such as the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Power Networks Distribution Centre, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Lightweighting Centre of Excellence. The former Michelin plant in Dundee is now also being repurposed as a low carbon innovation park. In all of this work, resources are directed toward providing advice and engagement, particularly for SMEs, to help them connect with collaborative R&D resources to produce commercially viable technology.There is a range of knowledge transfer mechanisms across Scotland which connect the world-leading expertise in environmental and climate change science and technology to business-focused innovation programmes. One examples is the Energy Technology Partnership and its Knowledge Exchange Network (ETP – KEN.) The ETP is the Scottish academic research pool in energy. It aims to increase SME capability in low carbon technical innovation and makes it easier for SMEs and universities to connect through the Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). KEN, supported by Scottish Government and the Enterprise Agencies, offers Scottish SMEs access to resources including project funding to work with Scottish universities on low-carbon innovation projects.See also text below on Scottish Water and Scottish Forestry.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"95 NRW municipalities/districts are taking part in the energy management procedure “European Energy Award” and 359 municipalities use the CO2 balancing tool. Around 1,000 subscribers use the online newsletter “Rund.Brief Kommunen” to find out the latest news on municipal climate protection. The year 2019 was marked by the climate emergency resolutions of the NRW municipalities, and EnergieAgentur.NRW provided active support at regional forums with content on power and heat from renewable energies and workshops and conferences on topics such as climate-neutral procurement and electromobility as well as energy efficiency, energy management and climate protection in municipalities. Almost 1,000 participants from the municipalities could be reached in this way. A comprehensive compendium for the direct implementation of climate protection measures is available to public administration at www.energieagentur.nrw/tool/handbuch-klimaschutz. With the best practice database “KommEN” at www.energieagentur.nrw/klimaexpo, suitable, good climate protection examples can also be found, with details of the contacts in municipalities.",0 +"Please provide total emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for your government, and indicate if your emissions have changed since your last reported year.",The BWCAW is “near” the Iron Range where metal mining occurs.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Aberdeen Hydrogen: Hydrogen development programme to include a range of strategic infrastructure and market development projects,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"Providing information on adaptation measures (thermal stress) (e.g. Handbuch Stadtklima). Same for more intensive/frequent heat waves. Additionally measures are provided by the ""Klimaschutzplan NRW"".",0 +Please indicate the opportunities and describe how the region is positioning itself to take advantage of them.,"We provide clean energy by making electricity from water, hydropower. We also have projects og companies that provide smart houses reducing the energy use in buildings.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Solar PV heating/hot water systems are available to fuel poor households through Warmer Homes Scotland, the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme. Support for solar water heating is also available for single domestic properties under the UKG Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, the Non-Domestic scheme having closed on 31 March 2021.",0 +"Do you collaborate with businesses in your region in developing and/or meeting your regions environmental-related targets, goals and/or strategies? Please explain how.","Most of Minnesota’s largest landfills now burn methane to generate power or flare their methane, with a limited number using it for energy. Many small landfills and closed landfills continue to vent landfill gases. Fugitive releases of landfill gas from the working face and intermediate cover are not measured at landfills and instead estimated using EPA’s landfill gas models. This has driven a significant decline in waste sector emissions.",0 +Please describe how the master plan is designed to promote achieving GHG reductions.,"Investments in protected areas, environmental governance structures and spaces, climate change capacity building strategies such as certificates, courses, summits and projects in food safety, water conservation, ecological restoration, and more.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,Achieved through utility programs under the energy efficiency resource standard. Minnesota has a CHP Action Plan to facilitate CHP implementation at https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/distributed-energy/chp-action-plan-implementation.jsp,0 +Please describe these current and/or anticipated impacts of climate change.,"Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is a classic sector coupling technology that combines electricity and heat generation extremely efficiently, thus contributing to the flexibility of these two sectors. CHP is characterised by a particularly high degree of fuel efficiency. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to the separate generation of electricity and heat. Although CHP is already used in many fields, it still has a great deal of potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The NRW state government also emphasises the importance of CHP as an essential element of the energy transition programme in its energy supply strategy and will continue to drive forward the expansion of CHP. To analyse the potential existing in NRW, the state government, with the support of EnergieAgentur.NRW, has commissioned a new CHP potential study for NRW, with the aim of driving forward the expansion of CHP strategically.A further key element of the NRW energy supply strategy is grid-bound heat supply. In addition to the construction of local heating networks, the Rhine-Ruhr district heating line (FWSRR) will be the largest district heating network in the EU. By connecting the existing district heating lines in the Lower Rhine and Ruhr regions, the FWSRR makes a significant contribution to the CO2 and CHP targets of the state of NRW. In addition to CHP, industrial waste heat is going to be increasingly used as a source for district heating networks in NRW in future. On behalf of the state government, the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection has analysed the state-wide potential and is presenting this in the Industrial Waste Heat Potential Study NRW. The study shows that through consistent use of waste heat from industrial energy and production processes, up to 48 terawatt hours (TWh) of usable heat for heating purposes and production processes could be replaced annually. To expand the efficient supply of energy, the state government provides a support programme in the form of progres.nrw (Progress NRW). Among other things, this promotes the construction, expansion and conversion of heating networks and investment in district heating connections. (www.kwk-für-nrw.de)",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"Achieved through Buildings, Benchmarking and Beyond (B3), Sustainable Buildings 2030, and city benchmarking and disclosure ordinances (e.g. Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Edina).",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Energy sector.,"In order to live up to its exemplary role in climate protection, the state government has set itself the goal for its own administration of significantly reducing CO2 emissions - among other things by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energies in the building sector.There are currently around 300,000 employees in the state administration and the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. About 85 percent of the state properties are the responsibility of the construction and real estate operation NRW, whose inventory alone comprises around 4,600 buildings. The activities of the state administration and the universities release about one million tons of CO2 per year. Around 90 percent of these emissions are generated by existing buildings, in particular by the need for space heating and electricity.The state government is developing strategies and concepts to avoid, reduce and, if necessary, offset emissions from the administration. In addition to the topic of buildings, this also concerns the expansion of renewable energies on state-owned properties, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the vehicle fleet and business trips, climate-neutral procurement, the implementation of climate-neutral events and the sensitization of employees.https://www.klimaschutz.nrw.de/themen/klimaneutrale-landesverw/",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The goal is to reduce statewide GHG emissions across all sectors producing emissions to a level at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, at least 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and at least 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The inventory and targets include the conventional GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Emissions estimates are organized by economic sectors: electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and waste. Major sources within each sector are -Electricity Generation: Fuel combustion, emissions from electricity consumption in Minnesota, including electricity imported to meet demandTransportation: Fuel combustion in gasoline and diesel vehicles, aviation, rail, air conditioning leakage, natural gas pipelines Agriculture: Livestock flatulence, animal feedlots and manure management, fertilizer use, crop cultivation, fuel combustion Industrial: Fuel combustion, taconite processing, petroleum refining, magnesium casting, lead recycling, and manufacturing steel, glass, insulating foam, and semiconductors Residential: Fuel combustion (space and water heating, dryers), fertilizer and product use, carbon storage in housing material, air conditioner and refrigerator leakage Commercial: Fuel combustion, solvent use, medical N2O, includes institutional sources Waste: Waste processing and incineration, methane from landfill gas and wastewater, carbon storage in demolition landfills Only emissions that occur within the geographical borders of the state are estimated, with the exception of emissions from net imports of electricity into the state to meet Minnesota demand and the combustion of aviation fuel purchased in Minnesota. Long-term storage of carbon in residential structures and demolition and construction landfills is included in statewide GHG emission totals. The carbon storage in forests and forest soils is currently tracked separately from the emissions inventory and will be integrated in the next edition.",0 +"List any emission reduction, adaptation, water related or resilience projects that you have planned within your region for which you hope to attract financing, and provide details on the estimated costs and status of the project. If your region does not have any relevant projects, please select “No relevant projects” under Project Area.",Watershed of Lake Superior (and all Great Lakes) protected by the Great Lakes Compact.,0 +Please provide the details of the monitoring system in place within your region.,"The Dept. of Natural Resources is responsible for issuing permits to mine (operations, reclamation, and closure), water appropriations, dam safety, wetlands, endangered and threatened species, burning permits, timber for metal mines and peat mines greater than 40 acres. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency implements the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act for the state of Minnesota.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.",Climate change has already an impact on air quality that will be increased in a short-term related to rising tempreture and stronger and longer heatwaves.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Transport sector.,"We continue to support our business base to adopt technologies and acquire the digital skills to harness the commercial and environmental benefits from innovation.Our Digital Boost and Digital Development Loan offer SMEs across all sectors the support, training opportunity to invest in improving their digital capabilities.",0 +Please provide details of the deforestation and/or forest degradation impacts as well as the primary action taken by your region.,"With the support of the GCF Task Force, UNDP and the Government of Norway; Ucayali is designing a Rural Development Strategy Low in Emissions.",0 +Please provide details of the legally protected and internationally recognized areas that are within or are near any mining activities occurring within your region.,"Counties are encouraged, through our Metro County Policy Plan, to reduce waste through waste reduction programs in their county solid waste plans.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,Long-term warming statewide since 1895Warming rates have increased dramatically since 1970Warming most pronounced in northern MinnesotaGeneral/annual warming expected to match or exceed current rate.,0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Waste sector.,https://forestry.gov.scot/support-regulations/control-of-woodland-removalThe Scottish Government’s Control of Woodland Removal policy (CWRP) is designed to provide direction for decisions on woodland removal in Scotland for the purpose of conversion to another land use.,0 +"Please give the name of the primary protocol, standard, or methodology you have used to calculate your government’s GHG emissions.","Water conservation and efficiency programs are implemented to reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation,municipal and industrial users",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Payment Projects for Environmental Services (PSA) through the inter-administrative agreement No. 2113-18 between the Department of Nariño and CORPONARIÑO, to develop payment projects for environmental services in areas of water importance such as: “The Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Galeras ”From the municipalities of Pasto, Nariño, Consacá, La Florida, Tangua and Yacuanquer,“ The Páramo Paja Blanca Regional Natural Park ”of the municipalities of Iles, Sapuyes, Pupiales, Contadero, Ospina, Gualmatán,“ The Doña Juana volcanic complex ” of the municipalities of La Cruz, Tablon de Gomez and Buesaco, ""The Complex of Páramos Chiles-Cumbal"" of the municipalities of Ancuya, Cumbal Santacruz and Ipiales, ""The Regional Natural Park Páramo Ovejas-Tauso"" of the municipalities of Funes, Tangua, Pasture and thus also ""Dry Areas Subxerofitic Enclave of the Patía"" of the municipality of El Peñol; with a total of 248 beneficiaries of 21 municipalities of the Department of Nariño.Interinstitutional agreement between Empopasto, Natural Heritage and the Nariño Governorate for the construction of a sustainable inventive model associated with the water recharge of an aqueduct within the framework of a project called Strengthening the territorial approach and water governance in Andean mountain cities, as a strategy of urban resilience in the face of climate change: the case of the Atríz Valley Water Region, Colombia ”winner of the EUROCLIMA + regional program.",0 +Please attach your latest region-wide inventory in the table below.,"Since publication of the Energy Strategy, we have announced a National Conversation on Energy and on climate change to improve our approach to public engement on Scotland's transition to a net zero economy.",0 +Does your region have a region-wide Water Management Strategy (or equivalent) in place and what is your region's approach to governing and managing its freshwater resources.,"Scottish Forestry, an agency of the Scottish Government, manages the UK Woodland Carbon Code www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk on behalf of UK and devolved governments. The Woodland Carbon Code is the voluntary standard for UK woodland creation projects where claims are made about the carbon dioxide they sequester. Independent validation and verification to this standard provides assurance and clarity about the carbon savings of these sustainably managed woodlands. Engaging with businesses – both landowners and businesses looking to compensate for unavoidable emissions – helps businesses achieve Net Zero and Scottish Government to meet both our woodland creation and net emissions targets. We also engage with land agents, ‘carbon resellers’ and validator/verifier businesses – who all help the programme function. Stakeholders, including landowners, project developers, and buyer businesses also advise us through the WCC’s Advisory Board.",0 +"Describe how your region integrates climate-related actions (goals, targets and/or strategies) into its master planning.","invetory is made by NGO expert on emissions measures, and ther is a really good quality process and a national control",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Industry sector.,"Numerous universities, research institutes and researchbased companies are working on the electromobile infrastructure, network expansion, questions concerning battery technology and new vehicle concepts. NRW has the political goal of being a pioneer in the field of electromobility. To this end, comprehensive support programs were launched by the state government at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A large proportion of the relevant systems and components are to be produced in NRW. The state focuses on sustainable development and pursues an open-technology approach. All of the state's electromobility activities are bundled under the umbrella brand Elektromobilität.NRW",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Agriculture sector.,"Reduction, recyclingb and organics recycling are preferred over landfilling and incineration. Counties are encouraged to develop programs to make use of these preferred methods of landfill reduction.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Land use sector.,"Data generated from the classification of satellite images LANDSAT 7 and 8, has information on the coverage of: No Forest to 2010 (baseline), Loss of forest from 2001 to 2018, Hydrography, and Forest remaining to 2018, for the Amazon rainforest. This information is updated annually.",0 +"Please provide the details of your region’s current, historical and projected GDP in the currency reported in question 1.1.","Units are in billion.The projections to 2030 e 2050 are from the PWC 2015 world projections report, and it is in dollar currency.Region's current GDP and Region's GDP in year 2010 are in Brazilian Real currency.",1 +Report the socio-economic impacts that your region faces as a result of climate-related risks and describe the actions taken to reduce these risks.,"There are differents actions to manage in public transport, spatial planning, developping services rendered by nature's ressources to fight against urban heat island and improve air quality.",0 +"Do you have a region-wide plan to reduce SLCPs? If so, please provide details of your plan and attach it to this question.","Both the Scottish Government’s 2018 Climate Change Plan and 2015 strategy for tackling air pollution in Scotland - Cleaner Air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future (CAFS) – set out a joined-up approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering benefits for air quality, including emissions of SLCP’s. These documents bring together major policy areas relevant to climate change and air quality such as transport, planning, and energy. The second annual report monitoring progress towards Scotland's Climate Change Plan was published in December 2019, and the final report on progress towards delivering the 40 key actions described in the 2015 CAFS strategy was published in March 2020. The current Climate Change Plan is being updated to account for the new emissions reduction targets set out within the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, and will also include a refresh to the monitoring framework setting out how we track and monitor our progress toward meeting our ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets. CAFS is being redrafted with a view to publishing a revised strategy at the end of 2020. In Scotland, public bodies are required to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of qualifying plans that are likely to have significant environmental effects. All documents associated with the SEA process for the 2018 Climate Change Plan are available on the Scottish Government’s SEA database. Individual policies and proposals in CAFS are subjected to an SEA as required.",1 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Buildings & Lighting sector.,"The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets a world leading statutory targets to reduce greenhouse gase emissions, including annual targets. To our knowledge, the Scottish Government is the only government that is held to account by its legislature in each and every year. The 2009 Act requires that advice is requested from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on a range of issues, including an annual progress report and future advice on annual targets. The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It advises the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change. The CCC is responsible to the UK Parliament, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) which is part of the CCC, is also established under the UK Climate Change Act to support the CCC in advising and reporting on progress in adaptation.In May 2018 the Scottish Government introduced proposals for a new Climate Change Bill, which increases the ambition of the targets in the 2009 Act. Following advice from the CCC in May 2019, the Scottish Government responded immediately with amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a 2045 target for net-zero emissions of all greenhouse gases and increase the targets for 2030 and 2040. The Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee voted in favour of these targets at Stage 2 of the Bill process in June 2019. If agreed by the Parliament at Stage 3, they will mean that Scotland’s contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation.",0 +Please explain why you do not have a region-wide emissions reduction target and any plans to set one in the future.,"Increased energy consumption is probably the reason for the change because, among all the sectors, energy was the one that presented the largest increase when compared to the base year (34% to 37%). Besides that and considering population increase as the second option, despite the fact that the population did increase, the emission per capita also increased, so it probably wasn't the main reason for the emissions increasing.",0 +Please explain what safeguards are in place to protect your region’s forests in the long-term.,"The Scottish Government provides a substantial, free advice and support offering to Scottish SMEs to understand how to become more energy and resource efficient and take action to implement measures, through its Energy Advice and Support programme. Loans of up to £100,000 are available to Scottish businesses through the SME loans scheme which provides finance for the installation of energy and resource efficiency measures and renewables technologies.",0 +Please provide details of your climate actions in the Finance & Economy sector.,"Since the beginning of the data record (1895) through 1959, Minnesota’s annual average temperature increased by nearly 0.2°F per decade. This is shown in the graph to the left. This warming effect has accelerated over the last 50+ years. Data from 1960-2016 show that the recent rate of warming for Minnesota has sped up substantially to over 0.5°F per decade, which is equivalent to 5.0°F per century. Minnesota has gotten noticeably warmer, especially over the last few decades.Annual average temperatures are increasing and summer high temperatures have risen slightly in the north, but have fallen in the middle and southern part of the state. Minimum temperatures, which are the overnight lows, have been rising faster than maximum temperatures, which are the daytime highs.",0