diff --git "a/multilingual_statistical_terminology_clean.csv" "b/multilingual_statistical_terminology_clean.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/multilingual_statistical_terminology_clean.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1281 @@ +,eng term,eng definition ,category,afr term,nde term,xho term ,zul term,nso term,sot term,tsn term ,ssw term,ven term,tso term +0,Agricultural inputs,"Consumable expendable inputs in agricultural production for both crops and livestock, for example fertilisers, seeds, veterinary drugs, etc.",Agriculture,Landbou-insette,Iinsetjenziswa zokulima,Amagalelo ezolimo,Izinsizamikhiqizo zezolimo,Dithuatweleto temong,Dintlafatsi tsa temothuo,Dithusa-tlhagiso tsa temothuo,Tisetjentiswa tetekulima,Thikhedzo dza zwa vhulimivhufuwi,Swinonisi +1,Annual crops,Crops that are planted and harvested during the same production season.,Agriculture,Jaargewasse,Isivuno somnyaka,Izilimo zonyaka,izitshalo zonyaka,Dibjalo ta ngwaga,Dijalo tsa selemo tsa hang ka selemo,Dijwalo tsa ngwaga,Sivuno semnyaka,Zwikawa zwa waha,Swimilanguva +2,Area harvested for grain,"Area harvested for dry grain (whole grain, seed, beans or unshelled nuts) for commercial purposes, or to be retained for seed, animal feed or human consumption. It therefore excludes areas planted but not harvested owing to hail damage, fire, grazing, etc., and areas harvested but not used for grain, but for silage, etc.",Agriculture,Oppervlakte geoes vir graan,isikhekhe esivunelwe ukudla,Ummandla ovunwe isivuno esiziinkozo,Insimu okuvunwe kuyo okusanhlamvu,Palomoka ya tema ya puno ya leroro,Masimo a kotulo ya dijothollo,Kgaolokotutsweng tlhaka/thoro,Indzawo levunelwe lokusaluhlavu,Tsimu / vhupo khaelwathoro,Ndhawu ya ntshovelo wa rimbewundzhoho +3,Area planted for grain,"That part of the total area planted that is planted with the intention of harvesting it for grain rather than for silage, grazing or fodder.",Agriculture,Oppervlakte beplant vir graan,isikhekhe esitjalelwe ukudla,Ummandla otyalwe ukutya okuziinkozo,Insimu etshalwe okusanhlamvu,Tema ye e lemetwego leroro/tema ye e lemetwego dijothoro,Masimo a temo ya dijothollo,Kgaolo e jwetsweng tlhaka/thoro; kgaolojwetsweng,Indzawo lehlanyelelwe lokusaluhlavu,Tsimu /vhupo ndimelwathoro / ngobelelwathoro,Ndhawu yo byala rimbewundzoho +4,Cash crop,Crop grown for sale rather than for consumption on the farm. Synonym is food crop.,Agriculture,Kontantgewas,Ukudla kokuthengisa,Isilimo esinengeniso,Izitshalo ezizothengiswa,Dibjalo ta go rekiwa,Dijalo tse rekiswang,Dijwalothekiso,Silimo sekutsengiswa,Tshizwalwa / tshimela ndimelwathengiso,Xirimiwanxaviso +5,Cereals,"Wheat, coarse grains and rice.",Agriculture,Graangewasse,Ukudla okumasiriyeli,Iisiriyeli,Amasiriyeli,Diserili/dijothoro,Dijothollo; diserele,Dijalothoro,Inhlavumabele,Zwa thoro,Mavelendzoho +6,Commercial farm,"A farm producing agricultural products intended for the market, usually registered for value added tax (VAT) and income tax.",Agriculture,Kommersile plaas,Iplasi ethengisako,Ifama yorhwebo,Ipulazi lohwebo,Polase ya bogwebi,Polasi ya kgwebo; polasi ya ho hweba,Polasekgwebo,Lipulazi letekuhweba,Bulasi ya bindu,Purasi ra bindzu +7,Commercial farmer,A person who produces agricultural products intended for the market. See subsistence farmer.,Agriculture,Kommersile boer,Umlimi othengisako,Umfama ongumrhwebi,Umlimi/ umfuyi ohwebayo,Molemi wa bogwebi,Molemirui ya rekisang,Molemirui wa mogwebi,Umlimi lohwebako,Mulimimufuwi mubindudzi,Murimimufuwi wa bindzu +8,Crop estimate,Quantitative determination of crop yield after harvest.,Agriculture,Oesskatting,Isilinganiso sesivuno,Umlinganiselo wesivuno,Isilinganiselomkhiqizo sezitshalo,Tekanyeto ya morago ga puno,Dipalopalo tsa tekanyetso ya kotulo; kakanyo ya kotulo,Tekanyetsothobo,Silinganisosivuno,Ngaganyakhao,Nkumbetelontshovelo +9,Crop forecast,Quantitative approximation of the crop yield prepared and released before harvest.,Agriculture,Oesvooruitskatting,Isilinganiso sokuzokuvunwa,Uqikelelo lwesivuno,Isibikezelomkhiqizo sezitshalo,Tekanyeto ya pele ga puno,Dipalopalo tse lebeletsweng tsa kotulo; ditebello tsa kotulo,Ponelopele ya thobo; ponelopelethobo,Kuhlawumbelisa sivuno,Nganganya-/ mvumbakhao,Mvhumbontshovelo +10,Cultivated assets,"Livestock for breeding (including fish and poultry), dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products that are under the direct management of the institutional units.",Agriculture,Gekultiveerde bate,Ifuyo neentjalo / Nesivuno,ii-asethi eziveliswayo / ezinemveliso,Impahla yokukhiqiza / Izitshalo nemfuyo yokukhiqiza,Dithoto ta temo te di bueletago tweleto,Leruo la temo / Bohwai,Letlotlotemothuo,Imphahla / Imfuyo yekukhicita / Yekwandzisa,Ndaka ya vhufuwi na vhulimi,Rifuwovurimi +11,Drip irrigation,"Irrigation practice which minimises the use of water and fertiliser by allowing water to drop slowly to the roots of plants, either onto the soil surface, or directly to the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing and emitters.",Agriculture,Drupbesproeiing,Ithelelelothontiselo / Ithelelelo / Isezelo elifethezako,unkcenkceshelo oluthontsizayo,Ukunisela ngamaconsi,Noeto ka marothi,Nosetso ka ho rothisetsa,Nosetsothotho / Nosetsorothodi / Nosetsorothela,Kunisela ngematfonsi / Ngekunyenyeta,Tsheledzo nga phophiso,Ncheleto wo thona +12,Extension officer,Person trained in agriculture and employed by the Department of Agriculture or any other body responsible for rendering assistance to farmers to promote good farming practices.,Agriculture,Voorligtingsbeampte,Umlimisi,Igosa lezolimo,Umeluleki wezolimo,Mothua balemi,Molemisi,Molemisi,Umlimisi,Mulimisi,Murimisi +13,Farm,"An area of land, together with its buildings, concerned with the growing of crops or the raising of animals.",Agriculture,Plaas,Iplasi,"ifama, intsimi",Ipulazi,Polase,Polasi,Polase,Lipulazi / Lipulasi / Lifama,Bulasi,Purasi +14,Farming unit (Industry and Trade),"One or more farms, smallholdings or pieces of land, whether adjacent or not, operated as a single unit and situated within the same magisterial district or province, on which cultivation is carried out for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, in the open air or under cover. It includes land rented from others, the farmstead and other buildings, cropland, pasture, veld, wasteland and dams, but excludes land leased to others. A farming unit could be owned by a single person, partnership, company, or close corporation, etc.",Agriculture,Boerderyeenheid,Ihlangothi lokulima (irhwebo ne-indastri),Icandelo lefama/ iifama (Imveliso noRhwebo),Ingxenye yepulazi,Yuniti ya temo,Yuniti ya temothuo,Polase,Lipulazi,Tshipia tsha vhulimivhufuwi (Nowetshumo na Vhubindudzi),Yuniti ya purasi +15,Flood irrigation,Irrigation practice that spreads water from open field ditches and other conveyance systems.,Agriculture,Vloedbesproeiing,Ithelelelo / Isezelo ngomsele / Ngekasa,unkcenkceshelo ngokuvulela amanzi azihambele / unkcenkceshelo ngokuvulela isikhukhula samanzi,Ukunisela / Ukuchelela ngamathantala,Noeto ka moela,Nosetso ka ho phallisa metsi,Nosetsotlele / Nosetsokelelo,Kunisela ngesikhukhula,Tsheledzo nga muelelo,Nceletoxindhambhi +16,Food crop,See cash crop.,Agriculture,Voedselgewas,Ukudla kokuthengisa,Isivuno sokutya,Izitshalo ezizodliwa,Dibjalo ta go lewa,Dijalo tsa dijo,Dijojwalwa tse di sa rekisiweng,Silimo sekutsengiswa,Tshilimelwa/tshizwalelwa u a,Xirimiwa xo dyiwa +17,Grain,"Harvested produce of cereals, pulses, oil crops and legumes.",Agriculture,Graan,Iinthoro zokudla,Ukutya okuziinkozo,Okusanhlamvu,Leroro/dithoro,Dijothollo,Tlhaka; thoro,Lokusaluhlavu,Thoro,Ndzoho +18,Grain production,Grain actually removed from the field.,Agriculture,Graanproduksie,IsiVuno sokugcina seenThoro,Imveliso yokutya okuziinkozo,Umkhiqizo wokusanhlamvu,Tweleto ya dijothoro/leroro,Dijothollo tse kotutsweng; tlhahiso ya dijothollo,Ntshodikunothoro,Kukhicitwa kwalokusaluhlavu,Vhubveledzathoro,Ntshovelorivelendzoho +19,Hectare,Metric unit of land measurement equivalent to 10 000 square metres.,Agriculture,Hektaar,I-agere; ihagere,Ihektare,Ihektha,Hekethara,Hektara,Heketara,Lihekhithare,Hekithara,Hekitara/mogeni +20,Herbicide,"A substance / mixture of substances used to kill plants that are not wanted in a specific area. +Synonym: weedkiller",Agriculture,Onkruiddoder,Isibulalikhula,isibulala-khula,Isibulalikhula,Sebolayangwang / Sebolayasekoro,Sebolayalehola,Polayamofero / Hebisaete,Sibulalilukhula,Tshivhulahatshee,Xidlayanhova +21,Industrial crops,"Any crop that provides material for industrial processes and products. +Examples: cotton, flax, linen, etc.; tobacco; oilseeds such as sunflower, and beverages such as tea and coffee.",Agriculture,Nywerheidsgewas,Isivuno semikhiqizo / Iintjalo zokukhiqiza,"izityalo ezingaveliselwa kutya, izityalo zemizi mveliso, izityalo ezithi zisetyenzwe phambi kokuba zibenokusetyenziswa",Isivuno esiguqulwa embonini,Dibunwa ta intaseteri,Dijalo tsa indasteri,Dijalelwatiriso,Sivuno semkhicito,Zwiliwa zwa nowetshumo,Swibyalwavumaki +22,Inter-planted crop,A crop planted between rows of another crop.,Agriculture,Tussengeplante gewas,Umfakelelo wesitjalo ; umfakelelositjalo,Uxabangelo lwesilimo,Ingxubezitshalo/amagabelozitshalo,Difakane/sebjalwamakgatheng a dingwe,Dijalellwa,Dijalwammogo,Silimo lesigabelwe,Tshimelaavhiwa vhukati ha zwiwe,Xirimiwa exikarhi ka xinwana +23,Irrigation,Artificial application of water to land to assist in the growing of crops and pastures.,Agriculture,Besproeiing,Ithelelelo; isezelo,Unkcenkceshelo/ unkcenkcesho,Ukunisela/ ukuchelela ngenkasa,Noeto/theleto,Nosetso,Nosetso,Kunisela,Tsheledzo,Ncheleto +24,Livestock,"All animals or birds kept or reared mainly for agricultural purposes including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, rabbits, etc.",Agriculture,Lewende hawe,Ifuyo,Imfuyo,Imfuyo,Leruo,Leruo,Diruiwa; leruo,Imfuyo,Zwifuwo,Swifuwo +25,Natural forest tree,Forest tree that grows in its natural habitat.,Agriculture,Natuurboom,Umuthi wehlathi lemvelo,Ihlathi lemveli,Isihlahla sehlathi lemvelo,Mohlare wa naga/mohlareoka,Sefate sa moru wa tlhaho,Setlhare sa naga,Sihlahla selihlatsi lemvelo,TshivendaMuri wa aka,Murhikhwati +26,Objective yield survey,A survey based on actual counts and measurements made in the field.,Agriculture,Objektiewe opbrengsopname,Umphumela wehlolombala,Uphando olwendeleyo lwemveliso,Uhlolomkhiqizongqo oluzimele,Tekolopuno ya maleba,Patlisiso e lekantsweng ya tlhahiso; dipatlisiso tse akaretsang tsa tlhahiso,Tlhomamisothobo,Lusaveyo ngco,Tsedzuluso ndivhiswakhao,Mbalangontshoveloxikwatsa +27,Oil crop,Annual plant whose seeds or fruit are used mainly for extraction of culinary and industrial oils.,Agriculture,Oliegewas,Isitjalo se-oli,Isilimo seoyile,Isitshalo sikawoyela,Semelatweletaoli,Sejalo se hlahisang oli; dijalo tsa oli,Dijwalo tsa oli; dijwalooli,Silimo semafutsa,Tshiliwa tshibveledzaole,Xirimiwa xa oyili +28,Oilseeds,"Dry seeds harvested from annual oil-bearing crops used for food, feed, seed or industrial purposes.",Agriculture,Oliesaad,Imbewu ye-oli,Imbewu yeoyile,Imbewu kawoyela,Dipeutweletaoli,Peo e hlahisang oli,Dipeooli,Inhlanyelo yalokusamafutsa,Thoro khubaole / khwalaole,Timbewu ta oyili +29,Perennial crops,Crops that are not replanted after each harvest.,Agriculture,Meerjarige gewasse,Iinthelakanengi,Izilimo ezingaphelelwayo,Izitshalo eziphila iminyakana,Dibjalo ta mengwaganthi,Dijalo tse kotulwang hangata,Matlhogelaruri,Tilimo taminyaka yonkhe,Zwiliwa zwikundagole,Swihanyamalembe +30,Pesticide,A substance / mixture of substances used to kill pests.,Agriculture,Plaagdoder,Isibulaliinunwana,isibulala-zinambuzane,Isibulalizinambuzane,Sebolayadikhunkhwane,Sebolayadikokonyana,Polayatshenekegi / Phesetisaete,Sibulalitilokatane,Tshivhulahazwikhokhonono,Xidlayaswitsotswana +31,Plantation trees,"Trees that are planted by the holder on the holding, e.g. eucalyptus trees. See natural forest tree.",Agriculture,Plantasiebome,Isimu yemithi,Imithi etyaliweyo,Imithi/ihlathi elitshaliwe,Dithokgwa ta go bjalwa/mehlare ya pholantheiene,Difate tse lenngweng,Polantasi,Lihlatsi lelihlanyelwe,Miritsiwa,Mirhi leyi byariweke +32,Pulses,"An annual leguminous plant yielding seeds used for food, feed, seed, and industrial purposes.",Agriculture,Peulgewas,Iinhlumaya,Iingxam/iiphalsi,Imiqumbe; umdumba,Diphotlwa,Dijalo tsa peo ya dikgaketla; monawa,Monawa,Lokusabhontjisi,awa,-nyawa +33,Sharecropping,A system of agriculture or agricultural production in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land.,Agriculture,Deelsaaiery,Irherho lokwabelana isivuno,ukulima isahlulo,Uhlelo lokulimisana,Punokabelano,Seahlolo / Karolelano ya tjhai,Thobokopanelo / Thobotlhakanelo / Thobopataganelo,Kukhokhelana ngesivuno,Ndimokhovhano,Ntshoveloavelano +34,Subjective yield survey,A survey based on information obtained from farmers about their fields based on opinion or experience.,Agriculture,Subjektiewe opbrengsopname,Umphumela wehlolosilinganiso,Uphando lwemveliso ngokwabalimi/ngokwamafama,Uhlolomkhiqizo olungazimele,Tekolopuno ka molemi,Patlisiso ya tlhahiso ka ditsebi; dipatlisiso tsa tlhahiso ka botsebi,Tekanyetsothobo,Kusaveya ngekuhlawumbelisa,Tsedzulusakhao nga mbudzisa,Mbalangontshoveloxintokoto +35,Subsistence farmer,A person who produces crops primarily for own consumption.,Agriculture,Bestaansboer,Umlimi ozilimelako,Umfama oziphilelayo,Umalimazidlele/umlimi ongathengisi,Molemelagoja,Molemirui ya sa rekiseng; moitemedi,Molemiruipotlana,Umlimi lolimela kutidlela,Muifuwelimuilimeli,Murimela-ku-dya +36,Trickle irrigation,See drip irrigation.,Agriculture,Drupbesproeiing,Ithelelelo-thontiselo / Isezelo-thontiselo,unkcenkceshelo oluthontsizayo,Ukunisela samncithi,Noeto ka marothi,Nosetso ka ho rothisetsa,Nosetsothotho / Nosetsorothodi / Nosetsorothela,Kunisela ngematfonsi,Tsheledzo nga phophiso,Ncheletonthono +37,Weedkiller,See herbicide.,Agriculture,Onkruiddoder,Isibulalikhula,isibulala-khula,Isibulalikhula,Sebolayangwang / Sebolayasekoro,Sebolayalehola,Polayamofero,Sibulalilukhula / Umutsi wekuhlakulela,Tshivhulahatshee,Xidlayanhova +38,Yield,Amount of product harvested per unit area.,Agriculture,Opbrengs,Ivezo,Imveliso/ isivuno,Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo evuniwe,Puno,Tlhahiso; tjhai,Thobo,Sivuno,Khao,Ntshovelo +39,Yield per harvested area,Yield from the area actually harvested.,Agriculture,Opbrengs per geoeste oppervlakte,Ivezo ngesikhekhe esivuniweko,Imveliso yommandla ovuniweyo/ isivuno saloo ndawo,Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo evuniwe,Puno go twa temeng ye e bunnwego,Hlahiso ya serapa se kotutsweng; tjhai ya tshimo ka nngwe e kotutsweng,Thobo ka kgaolo e e kotutsweng,Sivuno ngekwendzawo levuniwe,Khao kha vhupokaiwa,Ntshovelo ku ya hi ndhawu leyi tshoveriweke +40,Yield per planted area,Yield from the area planted.,Agriculture,Opbrengs per beplante oppervlakte,Ivezo ngesikhekhe esitjaliweko,Imveliso yommandla otyaliweyo/ isivuno sendawo etyaliweyo,Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo etshaliwe,Puno go twa temeng ye e lemilwego,Tlhahiso ya serapa se lenngweng; tjhai ya tshimo ka nngwe e jetsweng,Thobo ka kgaolo e e jwetsweng,Sivuno ngekwendzawo lehlanyeliwe,Khao kha vhupo-/avhiwa / gobelwa,Ntshovelo ku ya hi ndhawu leyi rimiweke +41,Commission,"An amount of money, usually linked to the quantity of the goods or services sold, paid to sales persons.",Business Enterprises ,Kommissie,Inzuzosilinganiso / Ikhomitjhini,"ikhomishini, ucuntsu wemali enikezwa abo bancedisa umnini weshishini athengise iimpahla zakhe",Ikhomishini,Khomiene,Khomishene,Poelo / Khomiene,Ikhomishini / Imbasha,Khomishini,Khomixini +42,"Establishment +(System of Registers)","An enterprise, or part of an enterprise, which is situated at a single location in which only a single productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added.",Business Enterprises ,Instelling (Registerstelsel),Irhwebo / Ibhizinisi,"isebe, icandelo",Igatsha / Uphiko,Sehlongwa sa kgwebo / Setheo sa kgwebo,Karolo ya Lekala la kgwebo,Setheo,Indzawo yelibhizinisi / Iuphikomkhicito,Tshiimiswa tsha vhubindudzi,Xitumbuluxiwa +43,Income tax,"Tax levied on the financial income of a person, cooperation or other legal entity.",Business Enterprises ,Inkomstebelasting,Umthelongeniso,irhafu yengeniso,Intela yemali engenile,Mothelo wa letseno / Ditseno,Lekgetho la kuno/lekeno,Lekgethotseno,Intsela yemalingena,Muthelo wa mbuelo,Xibalo / Muthelo +44,Industrial area,An area that predominantly has industry as its main land use.,Business Enterprises ,Nywerheidsgebied,Indawo yamabubulo,"indawo yoshishino, indawo yemizi-mveliso",Indawo yezimboni,Lefelo la intaseteri,Sebaka sa indasteri,Bodirelo / Difemeng,Emafemini,Mamagani / Dzifemeni / Nowetshumoni,Ndhawu ya swa vumaki +45,Net loss,Excess of expenditure over sales revenue.,Business Enterprises ,Netto verlies,Ilahlekelosalela,ilahleko iyonke,Imali elahleke ngqo / Imali ecwile ngqo,Tobokgwebong,Tahlehelo,Tatlhegelotshalelo,Imalilahleko,Ndozwo kha tsalela,Ndzahlekelontsongo +46,Net profit,Excess of sales revenue over the cost of production.,Business Enterprises ,Netto wins,Inzuzo,inzuzo iyonke,Inzuzongqo,Poelo kgwebong,Phaello,Morokotsotshalelo / Poelotshalelo,Imalinzuzo,Mbuelo kha tsalela,Mbuyelontsongo +47,Outlet,"A place of business for retailing goods / services. +Examples: shop, market, service establishment, or other place, where goods and / or services are sold.",Business Enterprises ,Afsetpunt,Isitolo / Ivikili / Imakethe,indawo yokuthengisela,Indawo yokudayisela / Yokuhwebela,Borekieto,Sebaka sa kgwebo,Borekisetso / Thekisetso,Ligatja lelibhizinisi / Emakethe,Vhubindudzini,Vubindzulelo +48,Cluster house,"A freestanding property / house in a complex with a common boundary wall, but not sharing dwelling walls.",Construction,Troshuis,Indlubuthelelo,indlu ezimeleyo kwikhompleksi,Indlu esesidlaveleni,Ntlo ye e dikaneditwego le te dingwe,Ntlo e kgobokanong,Ntlosemmogo,Indlu lesekhatsi kwesidlidli setindlu / Likhaya emkhatsini wemakhaya labiyelwe lutsango lunye / Inculumba,Nnu ya tshigwadani / Nnu ire dzharaani nthihi na dziwe,Yindluxikatsa +49,Communal living rooms,"Rooms that are used by several members of the household for common purposes or activities, e.g. eating, watching television or movies, sitting, etc.",Construction,Gemeenskaplike woonkamer,Indawo yokuditjha ngendlini / Lindawo zomuntu woke ngekhaya,amagumbi asetyenziswa ngumntu wonke ohlala kuloo mzi,Amagumbi omndeni wonke,Diphapoibodulo te di hlakanelwago,Dikamore / Diphaposi tse kopanetsweng,Diphapositlhakanelo,Indlu yawonkhewonkhe,Lufhera lwa muanganelwa / Lufhera lu shumiswaho nga mia minzhi,Tikamaraxinghwana +50,Consumer unit (for household),"An entity to which the service is / would be delivered, and which receives one bill if the service is billed; alternatively known as a delivery point.",Construction,Verbruikerseenheid (vir huishouding),Indawo yokuhlala,indlu ezisiwa kuyo i-akhawunti zeenkonzo,Indawo yokwamukela,Yuniti ya modirii,Yuniti e ikemetseng,Yuniti ya modirisi,Sikhungo selwetfulolusito,Yuniti ya / Tshipia tsha / Fhethu ha vhuanganedzatshumelo,Xiyenge xa vatirhisi (endyangwini) +51,Demolished dwelling,A dwelling that has been destroyed.,Construction,Gesloopte woning,Indawo yokuhlala ebhuruziweko / Egiriziweko,indawo yokuhlala echithiweyo/ediliziweyo,Indlu ebhidliziwe,Leope / Lerope,Bodulo bo heleditsweng,Lerope / Lengwa / Letlotla,Indlu ledzilitiwe / Sakhiwo lesidzilitiwe / Lebhidlitiwe,Dumba,Vutshamo byo mbindzimuxiwa +52,Dwelling under construction,A dwelling unit that has not been built completely.,Construction,Woning in aanbou,Indawo yokuhlala esakhiwako,indawo yokuhlala esakhiwayo,Indlu esakhiwa,Moraka / Bodulo bjoo bo sa agiwago / Letlema,Bodulo bo ahwang,Bonnokagiwa,Sakhiwo lesisakhiwa,ema / Muraga,Vutshamo le byi akiwaka +53,Hut,"A hut is one form of dwelling found mainly in non-urban (rural) areas, thus a round structure made of materials such as mud walls and thatch or grass roofs. +Note: A hut may not necessarily be round; it may have any other shape.",Construction,Hut,Indlu yotjani / Indlu yesikhethu,"ungqu-phantsi, inqugwala",Iqhugwane,Ngwako wa bjang / Ntlo ya bjang,Mokgoro / Mohlongwafatshe,Mogwaafatshe / Motlaagana / Ntlwana,Indlu yetjani / Yesintfu / Gucasithandaze / Lilonto,Nnu yo fhaiwaho nga mavu ya hanga ya hatsi / ya mahayani / (sialala/mvelelo),Yindlu ya xintu +54,Other structures,"All structures other than buildings. +Inclusions: Highways, streets, roads, bridges, etc.",Construction,Ander struktuur,Ezinye izakhiwo,ezinye izakhiwo,Ezinye izakhiwo,Dibopego te dingwe,Meaho e meng,Dibopegodingwe,Letinye takhiwo,Dziwemveledziso dzi si dza zwifhao,Swiakiwa swinwana +55,Semi-detached house,One of two houses joined together with one common wall. Each house usually has its own private ground and has no other dwelling below or above it.,Construction,Skakelhuis,Indlu enamathelene nenye,indlu edibene nenye ngodonga,Indlu exhumene nenye,Ntlo ye e kgomaganego le ye nngwe,Matlo a kopantsweng ke lebota,Matlotshwaragano,Tindlu letehlukaniswe lubondza,Nnu yo umanaho na iwe,Yindlu yo tiyimela yoxenyana +56,Special dwellings,"Dwellings or structures not privately occupied by a household but rather by individuals with one or more common characteristics. Note: Occupants are usually provided with communal meals served from a common kitchen. Other facilities such as bathrooms and laundries are also shared. These dwellings include institutions such as hospitals, prisons, homes for special-care citizens (e.g. aged, disabled, juvenile offenders, etc.), boarding schools and some workers' hostels",Construction,Spesiale woning,Indawo yokuhlala ekhethekileko,iindawo zokuhlala ezikhethekileyo,Indawo yokukhoselisa,Madulo ao a ikgethilego,Bodulo bo kgethehileng,Mannokgethego,Inkopholo / Ihhositela,Vhudzulo ha tshipentshela / Vhudzulo ha ndivho nthihi,Vutshamo byo hlawuleka +57,Wattle and daub,A traditional construction method whereby walls are built with wooden sticks / poles and covered with mud or a mixture of mud and clay.,Construction,Paal-en-kleiwerk / Lat-en-kleiwerk,Ukwakha ngomthelo / Ngekghokgho,"umnyomfo, ukwakha ngezinti nodaka",Ukwakha ngezintungo nodaka,Mokgwa wa go aga mokutwana,Mohlongwafatshe,Dikota le Mmu,Kwakha ngeludzaka / Tindlu letibhadziwe,U fhaa nga basha na u nama,Dlhadlha +58,Anthropometrics,"Use of body measurements, such as height and weight, to determine a persons nutritional status.",Demography,Antropometrie / Mensmeting,Isilinganiso sokondleka komuntu,ukukalwa komzimba kujongwa ubude nokondleka,Isilinganisokondleka,Antherophometheriki / Kelo ya maemo a phepo,Tekolo ya phepo ho ya ka seemo,Antheropometerekisi / Tekanyetsosemmele,Luhlolomphilo ngebudze nangesisindvo,Phimapfusho nga muvhili,Anthirophometiriki +59,Census,A survey conducted on the full set of observation objects belonging to a given population or universe.,Demography,Sensus,Ibalo labantu / Ukubalwa kwabantu,"ubalo lwabantu, ubalo-bantu",Ubalo,Palo ya batho / Sentshase,Sensase / Palo ya setjhaba,Tlhotlhomisapalo / Palagotlhe,Lubalo,Mbalavhathu,Sensasi / Nhlayelo +60,Household member,"A person that resides with the household for at least four nights a week. Note : Exclusions : Domestic workers, unless they are paid in kind. Children at boarding school",Demography,Lid van huishouding,Ilunga lomkhaya / Lomuzi / Ilunga lomndeni,amalungu ekhaya nachithe ubuncinci beentsuku ezine ngeveki belala kwelo khaya,Amalungu omndeni,Maloko a lapa,Setho sa ntlong / Setho sa madulammoho,Badulammogo,Emalunga emndeni,Murao wa mua,Xirho xa ndyangu +61,Multiple households,Two or more households living in the same dwelling unit.,Demography,Veelvoudige huishoudings,Umuzi omkhulu / Ikoponi,iintsapho zamakhaya ezihlala ndawonye,Imindeni ehlala ndawonye,Malapa a go dula mmogo,Bodulo ba diyuniting,Badulammogommalwa / Badulammogontsi,Imindeni lehlala ndzawonye,Mia nuni nthihi,Mindyangunyingi emutini +62,Responsible adult,If the household head is not available for an interview it is possible to speak to another responsible adult in the household.,Demography,Verantwoordelike volwassene,Ilihlo lekhaya,umntu omdala onoxanduva ongaphendula imibuzo,Ibambelanhloko yekhaya,Motho yo mogolo wa maikarabelo,Motho e moholo ya ikarabellang,Moikarabedi / Mogodi / Mothomogolo,Lomdzala longamela umndeni / Labadzala,Mualuwa a re na vhuifhinduleli / Muthu muhulwane a re na vhuifhinduleli,Ntswatsi wa vutihlamuleri +63,Access to education,"The opening of the way, through legislation and a conductive environment, for everybody to gain access to opportunities that lead to some perceived benefits.",Education,Toegang tot onderwys,Ukutholakala kwefundo,amathuba okufikelela kwimfundo,Ukufunda / Ukuthola imfundo,Phihlelelo ya thuto,Phihlello thutong,Phitlhelelothuto,Ematfuba ekufundza,Tswikelo kha pfunzo,Mfikelelo wa dyondzo +64,Adult Basic Education and Training,"All learning and training programmes for adults from levels 1 to 4, where ABET level 4 is equivalent to grade 9 in public schools, or a National Qualifications Framework level 1, as stipulated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act (Act 58 of 1995).",Education,Basiese Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (BOOV),IFundosisekelo nokuBandulwa kwabaNtu abaKhulu,imfundo noqeqesho olusisiseko lwabadala,Imfundo Noqeqesho Okuyisisekelo Kwabadala,Thuto ya Motheo le Tlhahlo ya Batho ba Bagolo,Thuto ya Motheo le Kwetliso ya Batho ba Baholo,Thutotheo le katiso ya bagolo/bagodi,Imfundvosisekelo nekuceceshwa kwalabadzala,Pfunzo ya mutheo na vhugudisi ha vhaaluwa,Dyondzo ya Masungulo na Ndzetelo wa Lavakulu +65,Age-specific enrolment ratio,"Percentage of the population of a specific age enrolled, irrespective of the level of education.",Education,Ouderdomspesifieke inskrywingsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yokutlolisa ngokweminyaka,umlinganiselo wobhaliso ngokobudala obuthile,Isilinganiso sokubhalisela ukufunda ngokweminyaka,Reio ya boingwadio ya mengwaga ye e itego,Reshiyo ya ba ingodiseditseng ho ithuta ho ya ka dilemo,Bolekanyetsitsenelototakgolo / Bolekanyetsiikwadisototakgolo,Silinganiso selinani lekubhalisa kwebafundzi ngekweminyaka yebudzala,Phimo ya u walisa ho sedzwa vhukale ho tewaho,Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso hi malembe +66,Attend (educational institution),"Enrolled at and going regularly to any accredited educational institution (public or private) for organised learning at any level of education. Attendance can be full-time or part-time, and distance learning is included. Temporary absence, e.g. due to illness, does not interrupt attendance.",Education,Bywoon (onderwysinstelling),Funda/khamba isikolo,Ukufunda/ (iziko lezemfundo),Ukuya esikoleni; ukungena isikole,Tsena (sekolo),Ho kena sekolo,Tsena (Sekolo),Fundza,U dzhena (tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo),Nghena (xikolo) +67,Basic education,Nine years of schooling from grade 1 to grade 9.,Education,Basiese onderwys,IFundosisekelo,imfundo esisiseko,Imfundo eyisisekelo,Thuto ya motheo,Thuto ya motheo/mathomo,Thutotheo,Imfundvosisekelo,Pfunzo ya mutheo,Dyondzo ya masungulo +68,Compulsory education,The number of years or the age-span during which children and youth are legally obliged to attend school.,Education,Verpligte onderwys,Ifundo ekatelelekileko,Imfundo esisinyanzelo,Imfundo ephoqelekile,Thutokgapeletego,Thuto ya tlameho; thuto e tlamang,Thutopateletso; thutokgapeletso,Imfundvo lephocelekile,Pfunzokhombekhombe,Dyondzo yo boha +69,Crude enrolment ratio,Percentage of the total enrolment at all levels to the total population.,Education,Onverwerkte inskrywingsverhouding,Iretjhiyo engakahlungwa yokutloliswa,Umlinganiselo wobhaliso olungahluzwanga,Isilinganiso esididiyele sababhalisile,Tekanyokelokakareto ya boingwadio,Karolo ya baingodisi bohle; palo ya boingodiso bohle,Kabogotlhe ya ikwadiso,Sichatsanisosibalo salababhalisile,Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselevhisi,Mpimoxiave wa ntsarisombisi +70,Distance learning,"Study by means of correspondence, telecommunication media or computer programmes. Courses are self-instructional and two-way communication takes place between student and the institution. Learners need not be on campus to attend classes but can continue their normal work programmes at home.",Education,Afstandsonderrig,Ukufunda usekhaya,ukufunda ngembalelwano,Ukufunda ngeposi,Go ithuta o le gae,Thuto ka ngollano,Thutelagae,Kufundza ngeliposi / Kufundza khashane ngasese,U guda u hayani,Vudyondzawexe / Vudyondzayexe +71,Drop-out rate,Learners who leave the education system without completing a given grade. The drop-out rate is calculated as a residual figure which is derived after the repetition and promotion rates are calculated. The drop-out rate in a particular grade for a particular year is calculated by simply deducting the repetition and promotion rate for that particular grade and year from 100%.,Education,Uitsakkoers,Izinga labaqinteleko,izinga lokuyeka phakathi esikolweni,Izinga lokuyeka isikole,Reiti ya go tlogela sekolo/ Kelo ya balesasekolo,Sekgahla sa ho nyahlatsa dithuto,Kelotlogelosekolo,Lizinga lalabayekela sikolo,Phimo ya u litsha tshikolo/ vhamoi,Mpimo wa vutshikaxikolo +72,Education institution,"Any institution providing education. Inclusions: early childhood education, primary, secondary, further or higher education, institution providing specialised, vocational, adult, distance or community education.",Education,Onderwysinstelling,Iziko lezefundo,iziko lwemfundo,Isikhungo semfundo,Setheo / Sehlongwa sa thuto,Setsi / Setheo sa thuto / Institjushene ya thuto,Setheothuto,Sikhungo setemfundvo,Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo,Ndhawu ya dyondzo +73,Educational achievement,Deprecated. Use highest level of education or educational attainment.,Education,Onderwysprestasie,Izinga lefundo,Impumelelo kwimfundo,Imfundo ezuziwe,Phihlelelo ya thuto,Boiphihlelo thutong,Phitlhelelothuto,Lokuzuziwe kutemfundvo,Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa,Vuhumeleri eka tidyondzo +74,Educational attainment,See highest level of education.,Education,Onderwysvlak bereik,Izinga lefundo,Imfundo efumanekileyo,Imfundo okufinyelelwe kuyo,Phihlelelo ya thuto,Boiphihlelo thutong,Phitlhelelothutong,Sigaba lesiphakeme lofinyelele kuso,Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa,Vuhumeleri eka tidyondzo +75,Educational institution,"Any registered institution whose sole or main purpose is the provision of education, including preschool, tertiary, adult education, etc.",Education,Onderwysinstelling,Iziko lefundo; isijamiso sefundo,Iziko lemfundo,Isikhungo semfundo,Lefelo la thuto/ insitituene ya thuto,Setsha se ngodisitsweng sa thuto; institjhushene ya thuto,Setheothuto; sekolo,Sikhungo setemfundvo,Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo,Ndhawu yo dyondzela +76,Educator,"Any person who teaches, educates or trains other persons or who provides professional educational services.",Education,Opvoeder,Umfundisi / Umdlulisilwazi / Utitjhere,"umfundisi-ntsapho, umhlohli, utitshala",Umfundisi / Uthisha,Morutii,Titjhere / Morupedi,Morutisi / Morutabana,Umfundzisi / Thishela,Mugudisi / Mudededzi,Mudyondzisi +77,Enrolled learner,A learner who is registered at a school.,Education,Ingeskrewe leerder,Umfundi otlolisileko / Otlolisiweko,umfundi obhalisileyo,Umfundi obhalisile,Morutwana yo a ngwadiitwego,Moithuti ya ngodisitsweng,Morutwana / Morutwanakwadiswa,Umfundzi lobhalisile,Mugudi o waliswaho,Mudyondzi loyi a tsarisiweke +78,Enrolment,The act of officially being admitted to a programme of study.,Education,Inskrywing,Ukutlolisa,"ukubhaliswa, ubhaliso",Ukubhalisa,Boingwadio,Ngodiso,Ikwadiso,Lubhaliso,U walisa / Vhuwalisi,Ntsariso wo dyondza +79,Enrolment ratio,Proportion of the population in a specified age group attending school to the total population in that age group.,Education,Inskrywingsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yokutloliswa,Umlinganiselo wobhaliso,Isilinganiso sababhalisile,Tekanyokelo ya boingwadio,Karolo ya baingodisi; palo ya boingodiso,Kabokwadiso,Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa,Ndivhanele ya kuwalisele,Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso +80,Field of study,The area of concentration of tertiary studies.,Education,Studieveld,Ikoro yeemfundo,Ikhondo lezemfundo,Umkhakha wezemfundo,Lefapa la boithutelo,Lekala le ikgethileng la thuto; lekala la thuto,Lekalathuto,Umkhakha wekufundza,Buo/sia a ngudo,Muxaka wa tidyondzo +81,Formal education,The education attained at an educational institution that follow a given approved curriculum.,Education,Formele onderwys,Ifundo ehleliweko,Imfundo sesikweni,Imfundo ehlelekile,Thuto ya semolao,Thuto ya mananeo a hlophisitsweng; thuto e hlophisitsweng,Thutotlhomamo,Imfundvo lehlelekile,Pfunzonzudzanywa,Dyondzo ya ximfumo +82,Grade,A stage of instruction usually covered in one school year.,Education,Graad,Ibanga; igreyidi,Ibanga,Ibanga,Kereiti,Kereiti,Mophato; kereiti,Libanga,Murole / gireidi,Giredi +83,Grade-specific enrolment ratio,Ratio of the enrolment in a specific class to the total enrolment at all levels.,Education,Graadspesifieke inskrywingsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yokutloliswa ngamabanga,Umlinganiselo wobhaliso lwebanga elithile /ireshiyo yobhaliso lwebanga elithile,Isilinganiso sababhalisele ibanga elithile,Tekanyokelo ya boingwadio kereiting ye e itego,Karolo ya barutwana ho ya ka kereiti; palo ya boingodiso kereiting,Kabokwadiso ka mophato,Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa ngekwelibanga,Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselendivhiswa kha murole / gireidi,Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso wa giredi yo karhi +84,Graduate,A student who has successfully completed all requirements of an educational programme and has been awarded a certificate of completion.,Education,Gegradueerde,Isifundiswa,"isinxiba-mxhaka, isifundiswa",Umfundi ophothulile,Sealoga,Lekrajueti,Sealogane,Loneticu temfundvo,Mugiradzhuweithi,Muthwasi +85,Gross enrolment ratio (GER),"The total enrolment of pupils in a grade or cycle or level of education, regardless of age, expressed as percentage of the corresponding eligible official age-group population in a given school year.",Education,Bruto inskrywingsverhouding (BIV),Iretjhiyo epheleleko yokutloliswa (I-GER),Umlinganiselo wobhaliso lulonke (iGER),Isamba sababhalisile,Tekanyokelokakareto ya boingwadio,Karolo ya barutwana ho ya ka dilemo; palo ya boingodiso bohle,Kabokwadiso ya botlhe (KKB),Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa lokuphelele,Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselegue (GER),Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso hinkwawo (MNH) +86,Higher education,"All learning programmes leading to qualifications higher than grade 12 or its equivalent in terms of the National Qualifications Framework as contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995), including tertiary education as contemplated in schedule 4 of the Constitution.",Education,Hor onderwys,Ifundo ephakemeko,imfundo ephakamileyo,Imfundo ephakeme,Thuto ya godimo,Thuto e phahameng,Thutokgolwane,Imfundvo lephakeme,Pfunzo ya nha,Dyondzo ya le henhla +87,Higher education institution,"Any institution that provides higher education on a full-time or part-time basis, and which is established or deemed to be established as a public higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997; and declared as a public higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.",Education,Horonderwysinstelling,IZiko leFundo ePhakemeko,iziko lemfundo ephakamileyo,Isikhungo semfundo ephakeme,Setheo / Sehlongwa sa thuto ya godimo,Setheo sa thuto e phahemeng / Institjushene ya thuto e phahemeng,Setheothutokgolwane,Sikhungo semfundvo lephakeme,Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo ya nha,Ndhawu ya dyondzo ya le henhla +88,Highest level of education,The highest grade completed at school or the highest post-school qualification obtained. Synonym is educational attainment.,Education,Hoogste onderwysvlak,Izinga eliphakemeko lefundo,Inqanaba eliphezulu lemfundo,Izinga/ iqophelo eliphezulu lemfundo,Legato la godimodimo la thuto,Boiphihlelo bo phahameng thutong,Phitlhelelokgolothutong,Lizinga lemfundvo leliphakeme lekugcina,Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa,Mfikelelo wa le henhla wa tidyondzo +89,Home education,"A programme of education that a parent of a learner(s) may provide to his / her child at their own home. In addition a parent may, if necessary, enlist the specific services of a tutor for specific areas of the curriculum; or a legal independent form of education, alternative to attendance at a public or an independent school.",Education,Tuisonderwys,Ifundo yekhaya / Ifundiso,imfundo eqhutyelwa ekhaya,Ukufundela ekhaya,Thuto ya gae,Thuto ya lapeng,Thutelwagae / Thutelogae,Imfundvo yasekhaya,U funzelwa hayani,Dyondzo ya le kaya +90,Informal learning,Learning that has been acquired outside a formal course of study taken at a post-secondary institution. Also expressed as non-formal or experiential learning.,Education,Informele onderrig,Ukufunda okungakahleleki,ukufunda okungamiselekanga,Ukufunda okungahleliwe,Go ithuta mo e sego ga semmuo / Go ithuta go go sa elwego sekolong,Thuto ntle le ho kena sekolo,Thutotlhokathulaganyo / Thutelatseleng,Kufundza lokungakahleleki,U guda hu si ha fomaa/tshiofisi,Ku dyondza ko nkamafundza +91,Intake rate,"The proportion of children, out of all children of admission age, who are coming to school for the first time.",Education,Innamesyfer,Isilinganiso sabafikako,Umlinganiselo wolwamkelo,Isilinganiso sabemukelwayo/ sabathathwayo,Kelo ya ngwadio,Sekgahla sa ba qalang sekolo; palo ya ba qalang sekolong,Kelokwadiso,Lizinga lekwemukela,Tshikalo tsha hanganedzavhagudiswa,Mpimo wo amukela +92,Late starters rate,The proportion of all admissions to Grade 1 that are over the official admission age (over 7 years).,Education,Laatbeginnersyfer,Isilinganiso sabangena ngemva kwesikhathi,Umlinganisrelo wabaqala mva,Isilinganiso sabephuzayo ukuqala,Kelo ya ba go thoma morago,Sekgahla sa ba qalang ka morao ho nako; palo ya ba qalang ba le baholo,Kelo ya basimololathari,Lizinga lalabomacalamuva,Tshikalo tsha vhaanganedzwafhirelwa,Mpimo wa lava hundzeriweke hi nkarhi wo sungula xikolo +93,Learner,"Any person receiving education or obliged to receive education in terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996).",Education,Leerder,Umfundi,"umfundi, umntwana wesikolo",Umfundi,Morutwana,Moithuti / Morutwana,Morutwana,Umfundzi,Mugudi,Mudyondzi +94,Learner-educator ratio,Total number of students enrolled in a given school divided by the total number of educators in the same school.,Education,Leerder: opvoeder-verhouding,Inani labafundi emfundisini,Umlinganiselo wabafundi kutitshala,Inani labafundi ngothisha,Tekanyokelo ya moithuti go morutii,Karolelano ya barutwana ho ya ka matitjhere; palo ya baithuti ba matitjhere,Kabo ya baithuti-morutabaneng,Sichatsanisosibalo sebafundzi nebafundzisi,Ndivhanele ya vhagudiswa kha mugudisi,Mpimoxiave wa vadyondzi eka mudyondzisi +95,Learning area,The domains through which learners in the GET and FET bands experience a balanced curriculum. They serve as a sound basis for developing the learning programme to be implemented in schools. Eight learning areas were identified for GET and FET bands. Deprecated term is subject.,Education,Leerarea,Isifundo,"isifundo, inkalo yesifundo",Isifundo,Thuto,Thuto,Serutwa,Sifundvo,Sia a ngudo,Xiyenge xo dyondza +96,Literacy,"Ability to read and write with understanding in any language. A person is literate who can, with understanding, both read and write a short simple statement on his everyday life.",Education,Geletterdheid,Ukufunda,Ulwazi lokufunda nokubhala,Ukwazi ukufunda nokubhala,Tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala,Tsebo ya ho bala le ho ngola,Bobuisokwalo,Kwati bubhala nekufundza,Vhufunzwa/itheresi,Vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/literesi +97,Literacy rate,"The proportion of the population above 15 years of age who can write and read with understanding, usually expressed as a percentage of the total population above that age.",Education,Geletterdheidskoers,Isilinganiso sefundo,Umlinganiselo wabakwazi ukufunda nokubhala,Izinga lolwazi lokufunda nokubhala,Kelo ya tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala,Sekgahla sa tsebo ya ho bala le ho ngola;palo ya ba tsebang ho ngola le ho bala,Kelobobuisokwalo,Lizinga lekwati kubhala nekufundza,Tshikalavhufunzwa/tshikalaitheresi,Mpimo wa vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/mpimo wa literesi +98,Literacy ratio,"The proportion of the population above 15 years of age who can write and read with understanding, expressed as a percentage of the total population of the same age.",Education,Geletterdheidsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yefundo,Umlinganiselo wkufunda nokubhala,Inani labanolwazi lokukufunda nokubhala,Tekanyokelo ya tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala,Palo ya ba tsebang ho bala le ho ngola,Kabo ya bobuisokwalo,Sichatsanisosibalo sekwati kubhala nekufundza,Ndivhanele ya vhufunzwa/ndivhanele ya itheresi,Mpimoxiave wa vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/mpimo xiave wa literesi +99,Non-formal education,"Non-formal education may take place both within and outside educational institutions, and may cater to persons of all ages. Depending on country contexts, it may cover educational programmes to impact adult literacy, basic education for out-of-school children, life-skills, work-skills, and general culture. Non-formal education programmes do not necessarily follow the ladder system, may have varying duration, and may or may not confer certification of the learning achieved.",Education,Nieformele onderwys,Ifundo engakahleleki / Ifundiso,imfundo engamiselekanga,Imfundo engahleliwe,Thuto ye e sego ya semmuo / Thuto ye e sa elwego ka sekolong,Thuto ntle le ho kena sekolo,Thutelatseleng / Thutotlhokathulaganyo,Imfundvo lengakahleleki,Pfunzo i si ya fomaa,Dyondzo yo nkamafundza +100,Part-time student,A student who does not receive full-time tuition.,Education,Deeltydse student,Umfundi ozifundelako,umfundi ongesosigxina,Umfundi wangasese,Moithuti wa nakwana,Moithuti wa nakwana,Moithutanakwana,Umfundzi wangasese,Mutshudeni a sa funzwi tshifhinga tshohe / Mutshudeni a sa dzheni tshikolo tshifhinga tshohe,Xichudeni xa nkarhinyana +101,Promotion rate,Percentage of learners promoted to the next grade in the following school year.,Education,Bevorderingskoers,Isilinganiso sokuphumelela/sokuphasa,Umlinganiselo wonyuselo,Izinga lokudlulisela phambili; izinga lokuphumelela,Kelotlhatloo,Palo ya ba pasitseng,Kelotlhatloso,Lizinga lekwedlulisela /lizinga lekuphasa,Tshikala-/ pfukisela-/ rathisela- / fhirisela phana,Mpimo wo hundzisela emahlweni +102,Pupil-teacher ratio,Total number of students enrolled in a given school divided by the total number of educators in the same school. Synonym is learner-educator ratio.,Education,Leerling: onderwyser-verhouding,Inani labafundi kutitjhere,Umlinganiselo katitshala ebantwaneni,Inani labafundi ngothisha,Tekanyokelo ya morutwana go morutii,Karolelano ya barutwana ho ya ka matitjhere; palo ya baithuti ka titjhere,Kabo ya baithutimorutabaneng,Sichatsanisosibalo sebafundzi nebafundzisi,Ndivhanele ya vhana kha mudededzi,Mpimoxiave wa vadyondzi eka mudyondzisi +103,Qualification,"Successful completion of a level of education or organized course of study, usually denoted by the acquisition of a certificate, e.g. school-leaving certificate, diploma, degree or professional title.",Education,Kwalifikasie,Izinga lefundo; ifundo,Umgangatho wemfundo,Iqophelo/izinga lemfundo eliphothuliwe,Phetho ya dithuto,Lengolo la thuto,Borutegi,Sicu,ndalukano,tidyondzo leti ti pasiweke +104,Repeater,A student who enrols in the same grade or year of study of the same educational programme for a second or further time.,Education,Herhaler,Umfundi obuyelelako,umfundi ophindayo,Umfundi ophindayo,Moithuti / Morutwana yo a boeletago,Mopheti,Mmoeletsi,Umfundzi lophindzako,Mudovhololi,Muvuyeleri +105,Repetition rate,The percentage of learners who are enrolled in the same grade in the current school year as in the previous school year.,Education,Herhalingskoers,Isilinganiso sokubuyelela,Umlinganiselo wokuphinda,Izinga lokuphinda,Kelo ya ba go bueleta,Sekgahla sa ba phetang; palo ya ba phetang,Kelopoeletso,Lizinga lalabaphindzako,Tshikalandovhololo,Mpimombuyelelo +106,Scholar,A person attending primary or secondary school.,Education,Skolier,Umfundi,Umfundi,Umfundi/ingane yesikole,Ngwana wa sekolo/ morutwana,Morutwana; moithuti,Morutwana (sekolo),Umfundzi,Mugudi / mugudiswa (tshikoloni),Mudyondzi +107,School,"An educational institution or that part of such an institution at which education and training, including pre-primary education, is provided and which is maintained, managed and controlled or subsidised by a provincial education department, excluding a university and technikon.",Education,Skool,Isikolo,isikolo,Isikole,Sekolo,Sekolo,Sekolo,Sikolo / Sikolwa,Tshikolo,Xikolo +108,Student,"A person attending a college, university or some other post-school educational institution, whether part-time or full-time.",Education,Student,Umfundi; isitjudeni,Umfundi,Umfundi/isitshudeni,Moithuti,Moithuti,Moithuti,"Sitjudeni, umfundzi",Mugudi / mugudiswa / mutshudeni,Xichudeni +109,Survival rate (education),"The percentage of a learner cohort that enters together in the first grade of primary education and that reaches a given grade (e.g. Grade 5) or the final grade of an education cycle, either with or without repeating a grade. See drop-out rate.",Education,Uithousyfer,Inani labaphumiseleko,Uthelekelelo lokuphumelela (kwimfundo),Izinga lokuqhubekela phambili/izinga labafike ebangeni elithile,Kelo ya bophologi,Sekgahla sa boiphihlelo ba bomphato,Kelophalolo,Lizinga lalababambelele / lizinga lekubambelela,Tshikalavhuhaphudzamazha kwaho (pfunzo),Mpimompaso/mpimo wo humelela (dyondzo) +110,Electricity tokens,Tokens to the equivalent of the free basic electricity that households are entitled to and for use in pre-paid electricity systems.,Energy,Elektrisiteitsbewys,Amayunithi wegezi wamahala,ikhadi lombane wasimahla,Ikhadi likagesi wamahhala,Dithoukene ta mohlagase,Thokene ya motlakase,Motlakasemphiwafela / Motlakasesesolo,Emakhadi agezi wamahhala,Thokheni ya muagasi,Thokene ya gezi +111,Mains,The general purpose Alternating Current (AC) electrical power supply.,Energy,Kragnet,Umathungelelazoke,ibhokisi yombane,Isigubhu sikagesi,Mothopo wa mohlagase,Motlakase,Moditlakase / Motsweditlakase,Sigubhu sagezi,Bogisi a muagasi,Tiswichinkulu +112,Buy-back centre,A place where people or households bring recyclable products with the intention of selling them.,Environment ,Terugkoopsentrum,Indawo yomkhiqizobuyelelo / Indawo ethenga umkhiqizobuyelelo,indawo ethenga izinto ezindala ezinokuphinda zisebenziseke,Isikhungo sempinda kuthengisa,Lefelo la go reka didiriwaleswa,Tikatikwethekogape,Tikatikwethekogape,Indzawo letsenga tintfo letingakhandvwa kabusha / letingentiwa busha / Engwendeni,Senthara ya u renga zwithu zwo shumiswaho,Ndhawu ya vuxaviselo +113,Environmental protection,"Measures that are planned, implemented and controlled to avoid / alleviate the impact of human-originated pollution and natural disasters on biodiversity.",Environment ,Omgewingsbeskerming,Ukuvikelwa kwebhoduluko,ukhuseleko lwendalo,Ukuvikelwa kwemvelo,Thireleto ya tikologo,Tshireletso ya tikoloho,Tshireletsotikologo,Kuvikelwa kwemvelo,Tsireledzo ya mupo,Vusirhelelambangu +114,State parks and recreational land,"This includes golf courses, caravan parks, nature reserves, forest areas, state land, public entertainment areas, parks and botanical gardens.",Environment ,Staatsparke en ontspanningsgronde,Amaphaga wombuso neendawo zokuzithabisa,iipaki zikarhulumente nendawo yokuzonwabisa,Amapaki nezindawo zokuzijabulisa okungokombuso,Diphaka ta mmuo le mafelo a boitapoloo,Dibaka tsa mmuso tsa boikgathollo,Lefelothobosogo le diphaka tsa puso,Tindzawo tekukhibika nemapaki embuso,Phakha dza muvhuso na fhethu ha vhuimvumvusi,Phaka ya tiko na ndhawu ya vuhungaselo +115,Waste Management (refuse removal),"The collection, treatment and disposal of waste.",Environment ,Afvalbestuur (vullisverwydering),iLawulosilaphazo (Ukuthuthwa kweenzibi),ulawulo lokuthuthwa kwenkunkuma,Ukulawulwa kwemfucuza,Taolo ya booleladitlakala,Botsamaisi ba dilahlwa / Ho hlekwa ha matlakala,Taolamatlakala / Taolaleswe,Tekutfutfwa kwemfucuta,Ndangulo ya Mathukhwi/malawa,Mafambiselo ya Thyaka (ku susa malakatsa) +116,Waste Management (sewerage and sanitation),Sewerage system operations and waste water treatment.,Environment ,Afvalbestuur (riolering en sanitasie),ILawulosilaphazo (Ukulawulwa kwendle),ulawulo lwenkunkuma (ukuthuthwa kwelindle nogutyulo),Ukulawulwa kwendle,Taolo ya kelelathila,Botsamaisi ba dilahlwa (dikgwerekgwere),Taolakgelelaleswe,Tekutfutfwa kwendle / Kwembube nekuhlantwa kwemanti,Ndangulo ya Malawa,Mafambiselo ya Thyaka (nkululo na mbhasiso) +117,Acting household head,"Person recognized or nominated by the household as assuming the role of the household head in the absence of the usual household head. +Note: this may be because the person recognized as the household head stays elsewhere for work purposes, or because he/she was not present on the reference night (census) or for the required period of time in the reference period (surveys).",General Demography,Waarnemende huishoudingshoof,Umjaphethe wehloko yekhaya /yomuzi,ugcinumzi obambeleyo,Ibambanhloko lekhaya/lomuzi,Moswaredi wa hlogo ya lapa,Motshwaredi wa hlooho ya lelapa,Tlhogo ya lelapa ya nakwana,Libambelanhloko lelikhaya,hohopfareli ya mua/haya,Mukhomelanhloko ya muti +118,Age,"The interval of time between the day, month and year of birth and the day and year of occurrence of the event expressed in the largest completed unit of solar time such as years for adults and children, and months, weeks, days, hours or minutes of life, as appropriate, for infants under one year of age.",General Demography,Ouderdom,Ubudala,Ubudala/iminyaka,Ubudala,Mengwaga,Dilemo,Bogolo,Budzala / iminyaka,Vhukale,Malembe +119,Age in completed years,Age expressed as the number of years lived by an individual; the persons age at their last birthday. Age is also derived from the date of birth question and is the age at a persons last birthday.,General Demography,Ouderdom in voltooide jare,Iminyaka yobudala,Iminyaka epheleleyo yobudala,Iminyaka egcwele yobudala,Mengwaga ye e feditwego,Dilemo tseo o di phetseng,Dingwaga,Budzala ngekweminyaka lehlanganisiwe/-cedziwe,Miwaha ya vhukale,Malembe lama u ma hanyeke +120,Boarder (household),A person who receives accommodation and meals in someone elses house in return for payment.,General Demography,Loseerder (huishouding),Isikhonzi,Umnxusi (womzi)/ibhoda,Isiqashi (emzini),Mohiri/mohiriwa,Mohirisetswa,Mohiri (lelapa),Sicashi,Musendelelwa / muhiri (mua/haya),Muhirhi (muti) +121,Causes of death,"All those diseases, morbid conditions or injuries which either resulted in or contributed to death and the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced any such injuries.",General Demography,Doodsoorsake,Abonobangela bokufa,Oonobangela bokufa,Izimbangela zokufa,Dihlolamahu,Sesosa sa lefu,Dibako tsa loso; dibakoloso,Timbangela tekufa,Zwivhangalufu / zwiitisalufu / zwibveledzalufu,Swivangelo swa rifu +122,Child (legal),A person under the age of 18 years.,General Demography,Kind (wetlik),Umntwana wangokomthetho,Umntwana (ngokomthetho),Ingane ngokusemthethweni,Ngwana,Ngwana (ka molao),Ngwana (semolao),Umntfwana,Nwana (mulayo),Nwana (hi nawu) +123,Child (relationship),Ones son or daughter.,General Demography,Kind (verwantskap),Umntwana (ubuhlobo),Umntwana (ngokozawano),Ingane (ngokozalo),Ngwana,Ngwana (tswalano kapa kamano),Ngwana (kgolagano/kamano),(ngebuhlobo),wana (vhushaka),Nwana (hi vuxaka) +124,Children ever born,"All children born to a woman, whether in or out of marriage, whether born in a present or a previous marriage or union, and whether living or dead at the time of the census. +Stillbirths (children born dead) are not included.",General Demography,Kinders ooit gebore,Abantwana ababelethiweko; amasu,Abantwana abazelweyo,Amasu,Bana ba ba belegilwego/bana ba thari,Bana ba thari,Bana ba ba tshotsweng,Bantfwana labatelwe,Vhana vha musadzi vhohe,Vana va wansati +125,Denomination,"A branch of religion or faith group. For example, where religion is given as Christian, the denomination might be given as Methodist.",General Demography,Denominasie,Ikolo yebandla; Ibandla,Ihlelo,Ibandla; ihlelo,Phuthego/kereke,Lekala la bodumedi,Bokereki,Libandla,Davhi a vhurereli,Kereke +126,Disability,"A physical or mental handicap which has lasted for six months or more, or is expected to last at least six months, which prevents the person from carrying out daily activities independently, or from participating fully in educational, economic or social activities. See handicap and impairment.",General Demography,Gestremdheid,Ubuqhwala,Ubudalwa,Ukukhubazeka,Bogolofadi/kgolofalo/bogole,Boqhwala/bokowa,Bogole,Kukhubateka,Vhuholefhali,Vutsoniwa +127,Divorced,Marital status where a persons marriage has been legally dissolved and he/she has not remarried.,General Demography,Geskei [geskeide ...],-tlhalileko / -hlukeneko,Uqhawule umtshato/wahlukene,Wehlukanisile/;udivosile,Tlhadilwego/tlhadilego,Hladile/hladilwe; hladileng/hladilweng,Tlhadile; tlhadilwe,-hlukene,alana,Muthariwa +128,Gender,Social distinction between males and females. See sex.,General Demography,Gender,Ubulili,Isini,Ubulili,Bong,Bong,Bong,Bulili,Mbeu,Rimbewu +129,Gender analysis,"The process of identifying and classifying the roles of women and men in a given community, their relations, access to and control over resources and benefits. It also includes a systematic examination of the different impacts (potential and/or actual) of a development programme on women and men.",General Demography,Genderontleding ,Icozululo lobulili,Uhlalutyo lwesini,Ukuhlaziya ngokobulili,Tlhopo go ya ka bong,Tshekatsheko/tlhophollo ka bong,Tshekatshekobong,Kuhlatiya bulili,Tsengulusambeu,Nxopaxopo wa rimbewu +130,Handicap,"Constraints on the relationship between the person with a disability and the social and physical environment, for example, in the areas of education, occupation, information or communication. See impairment.",General Demography,Belemmering,Ubuqhwala; uburhole; isiliyo,Ukubandezeleka ngokomzimba,Ukukhubazeka,Go se itekanele,Bokowa,Sekgoreletsi,Sikhubatekiso,Zwithithisi / zwikundisi / zwipiringedzi,Ku tsoniwa +131,Infant,A baby who has not attained his/her first birthday.,General Demography,Baba,Isana,Imveku,Usana,Lesea,Lesea,Lesea,Luswane,Lukhanwa / lushie /lutshetshe,Ricece +132,Language spoken most often in the household,"The language most often used by the individual at home, whether or not they consider it their mother tongue.",General Demography,Taal wat die meeste in die huishouding gepraat word,Ilimi lekhaya,Ulwimi lwasekhaya,Ulimi lwasekhaya,Leleme la ka lapeng/sebeong,Puo e sebediswang haholo lapeng,Puo e e buiwang thata mo gae,Lulwimi lwasekhaya,Luambo lwa hayani,Ririmi leri vulavuriwaka ngopfu ekaya +133,Last child born,"The last child born alive, whether still living or not.",General Demography,Laaste kind gebore,Umaswaphela; ubuphetjhani,Untondo/ iphelo/ithunjana,Uthunjana/ umagcino,Ngwana wa mafelelo,Kgorula,Gofejane,Sigcinatfumbu,Lupedzi / phedzi,Rikotse +134,Living together as a married couple,Two persons who live together in the same household as a married couple but who are not married to each other; a cohabiting couple.,General Demography,Woon saam soos n getroude paar,Ukuhlalisana; umasihlalisane,Umasihlalisane/ukuhlalisana,Ukukipita,Batlabo,Phedisano jwalo ka banyalani,Go nna mmogo jaaka banyalani,"Kukipita, kuhlalisana",Vhufarekano,Ku tshama swinwe tanihi vatekani +135,Marital status,"Personal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of a country. Customary unions are now recognised as a legal marital status. Categories under marital status include single, married, living together as a married couple, divorced, separated and widowed.",General Demography,Huwelikstaat,Amathatho; umendo,Imo yomtshato/ yomendo,Isimo sokushada,Maemo a ta lenyalo,Maemo lenyalong,Kemonyalo,Simo sekushada,Tshiimo tsha vhudzekani/mbingano,Xiyimo xa vukati +136,Marriage,"The act, ceremony or process by which the legal relationship of husband and wife is constituted. Marriages are categorised in South Africa as civil, religious, or traditional/customary. A marriage that was solemnised as civil as well as in either of the other ways is categorised as civil.",General Demography,Huwelik,Ukuthatha; ukwenda,Umtshato/umendo,Umshado;umgcagco,Lenyalo,Lenyalo,Lenyalo,Umshado,Vhudzekani/mbingano,Vukati +137,Married,Having a husband or wife. See marital status.,General Demography,Getroud [getroude ...],-thetheko ; -endileko,Utshatile/wendile,Ugcagcile/ ugcagcelwe;ushadile,Nyetego/nyetwego,Nyetse/nyetswe,Nyetse; nyetswe,Shadile,Vhinga / vhingwa,Tekile/tekiwile +138,Partner,One of two people living together as a married couple. Relationship of each to the other in a cohabiting couple.,General Demography,Lewensgenoot,Umlingani; umngani,Iqabane/umlingane,Owakwami/ owakwakho,Balekani,Molekane,Molekane,Singani,Mufarisi,Muringani +139,Population group,"A group with common characteristics (in terms of descent and history), particularly in relation to how they were (or would have been) classified before the 1994 elections. The following categories are provided in the census: Black African, coloured, Indian or Asian, white, other.",General Demography,Bevolkingsgroep,Ubuzwe; ubutjhaba,Uhlanga,Uhlanga,Mohlobo,Botjhaba,Lotso,Buhlanga,Murafho / lushaka,Rixaka +140,Race (deprecated),Deprecated. Use population group.,General Demography,Ras,Ubuzwe; ubutjhaba,Uhlanga,Uhlanga,Morafe,Morabe,Morafe,Buhlanga,Murafho,Rixaka +141,Religion,"Religious or spiritual belief or preference, or an affiliation with an organised group having specific religious or spiritual tenets.",General Demography,Geloof,Ikolo,Inkolo,Inkolo,Tumelo,Tumelo; borapedi,Tumelo; bodumedi,Inkholo,Vhurereli,Vukhongeri/vugandzeri +142,Separated,"Situation where a married couple have parted without divorcing, thus allowing for reuniting if they wish at some time in the future. This is not a legal marital status under South African law, and is therefore self-defined.",General Demography,Van tafel en bed geskei [van tafel en bed geskeide ...],-hlukeneko,-Ahlukene,-hlukane/hlukanisile,Karogano lenyalong,Arohane,Kgaogane,Hlukene,Fhandekanaho,Hambanile +143,"Separated, legally","Situation where a married couple have entered a court or written agreement describing the terms under which they will live apart while remaining married. Legal separation is a possible step towards divorce, but also allows for the couple to reunite.",General Demography,Regtens geskei [regtens geskeide ...],"-hlukeneko, ngokomthetho",-Ahlukene ngokusemthethweni,-hlukene/hlukanisile ngokomthetho,Karogano ya semolao lenyalong,"Arohane, ka molao",Kgaogane semolao,Hlukene ngekwemtsetfo,Fhandekanaho lwa ulayo/mulayo,"Hambanile, hi xinawu" +144,Sex,Biological distinction between males and females. See gender.,General Demography,Geslag,Ubulili,Isini,Ubulili,Bong,Bong,Bong,Bulili,Mbeu,Rimbewu +145,Sex ratio,"The ratio of the number of males to the number of females, usually expressed as a percentage.",General Demography,Geslagsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yobulili,Umlinganiselo wesini,Isilinganiso ngokobulili,Reio ya bong,Papiso ya bong; palo ya bong,Kabobong,Sichatsanisosibalo sebulili,Ndivhanele ya mbeu,Mpimoxiave wa rimbewu +146,Single (common usage),Person who is not married or cohabiting. Compare single (legal). See marital status.,General Demography,Enkellopend (algemene gebruik) [enkellopende ...],-ngakathathi / -ngakendi (ngokujayelekileko),Isoka/ ongatshatanga (usetyenziso oluqhelekileyo),-ngashadile; -ngagcagcelwe,Mosenyale/mosenyalwe,Ya sa nyalang/ nyalwang,Mosanyalwang,Longakashadi,U sa dzhia / dzhiwa (tshumiso zwayo),Ku nga tekiwangi /ku nga tekangi (hi ntolovelo) +147,Single (legal),Person who has never been married. Compare single (common usage). See marital status.,General Demography,Ongetroud (wetlik) [ongetroude ...],-nganamlingani; -nganamngani (komthetho),Isoka/ongatshatanga (ngokusemthethweni),-ngashadile; -ngagcagcelwe (ngokomthetho),Kgope/lefetwa/letita,Ya eso nyale/ nyalwe ho hang (ka molao); ya sa nyalang; ya sa nyalwang,Mosanyalwang (semolao),Longakashadi (ngekwemtsetfo),U sa vhuya wa dzhia / dzhiwa (mulayo)/malwa,Ku nga si tshama u tekiwa/teka (xinawu) +148,Visitor (household),"Person visiting or staying with a household who is not a usual member of the household, that is, does not stay in the household four nights a week on average. Compare visitor under Tourism and migration.",General Demography,Besoeker (huishouding),Isivakatjhi (ekhaya/emzini),Undwendwe (lomzi),Isivakashi (sasekhaya),Moeng,Moeti (wa lelapa),Moeng; moeti,Sivakashi,Mueni / mudali (mua/haya),Muendzi (wa muti) +149,Widow,Woman whose husband has died and who has not married again. See marital status.,General Demography,Weduwee,Umhlolokazi; umfelokazi,Umhlolokazi,Umfelokazi,Mohlologadi/mohwana,Mohlolohadi,Motlholagadi,Umfelokati,Tshilikadzi,Noni +150,Widowed,Marital status of a person whose spouse has died and who has not married again. See widow and widower.,General Demography,Weduwee/wewenaar,-hluphekileko; -felweko,Obhujelweyo/oswelekelweyo,Ofelwe,Bohwana/bohlolo/bohlologadi,Ya shwetsweng ke molekane,Swetswe,Lofelwe,Felwaho,Muferiwa +151,Widower,Man whose wife has died and who has not married again. See marital status.,General Demography,Wewenaar,Umfelwa,Umhlolo,Umfelwa,Mohlolo,Mohlolo,Moswagadi,Umfelwa,Munna o felwaho,Nguluve +152,Youth,Young person typically between the ages of 14 and 25 or 35. The exact age range must be specified in any analysis.,General Demography,Jeugdige,Ilutjha,Ulutsha,Intsha,Moswa,Motjha / batjha,Mowa; monana,Lusha,Muswa,Muntshwa +153,09 book (Geography),A document code for an enumerators summary book.,Geography,09-boek (Geografie),Incwadi i-09,Incwadi engunombolo-9 (Ezelizwe/ijografi),Incwadi i-o9; ibhukui-09 (Ezezwe),Puku ya 09,Buka ya 09 (thutalefatshe),Buka 09,Libhuku i-09,Bugu ya 09 (vhudzulo),Buku ya 09 (ntivomisava) +154,"Address, physical","Hierarchical combination of elements that results in a unique identifier for a structure or land parcel. See primary address, secondary address, postal address.",Geography,"Adres, fisies [fisiese adres]",Isiphande samahlalo/sokusebenzela,Idilesi yokuhlala,Ikheli lesiza/lendawo,Thupatulo,"Aterese, sebaka",Ateresefelo,"Likheli, indzawo","iresi, vhudzulo",Adirese /kherefu ya ndhawu +155,Administrative area,"An area that falls under a recognised jurisdiction, such as a magisterial district or a municipality. It is bounded by a legally defined line.",Geography,Administrasiegebied,Indawo elawulwako/ephethweko,Ummandla wolawulo,Indawo eyenganyelwe,Tikologo,Sebaka sa tsamaiso,Kgaolotsamaiso,Indzawo lephetfwe,Vhupo ha ndaulo,Ndhawu ya vulawuri +156,Administrative area (old Transkei),"An area that falls under a recognized jurisdiction, such as magisterial district or a municipality. It is bounded by a legally defined line.",Geography,Administratiewe gebied (ou Transkei),Indawo elawulwako/ephethweko,Ummandla woawulo (iTranskei yamandulo),Indawo eyenganyelwe (iTranskei endala),Tikologotaolo,Kgaolotsamaiso (Transkei ya maloba),Karolotsamaiso,Indzawokuphatsa (iTranskei lendzala),Vhupo ha ndaulo (Transkei a mulovha),Ndhawu ya vulawuri (khale ka Transkei) +157,Cadastre,"A public register showing details of ownership, tenure and value of individual parcels of land.",Geography,Kadaster / Grondregister,Umtlolomininingwana wobunikazi / Irejista,irejista yobunini,Irejista yobunikazi,Khataseteri,Khadesta,Lokwalothui / Khadasetara,Irejista yebuniyo bemhlaba / Ikhadesta,Khadasieri,Khadasitara +158,Census geography,"The spatial divisions into which the country is demarcated for the purpose of census enumeration, as well as to facilitate data processing and analysis. +Note: It also provides the sampling frame for other surveys.",Geography,Sensusgeografie,"Iingaba,iingodi,iimphande zebalopheleleko",Ubalo lwabantu ngokwezelizwe/ijografi,Umklamo wezwe ngokobalobantu/ngokwesensasi,Karolopalo ya batho,Palabatho ka dikarolo tsa naha; thutalefatshe ya palabatho,Lefelopalobatho,Tendzawolubalo,Vhudzulokhethekanyelwa mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Ndhawu ya nhlayelo wa vanhu +159,"Demarcation, census","The process of dividing the land into enumeration areas, with clear boundaries and of a defined enumeration area type.",Geography,"Afbakening, sensus- (sensusafbakening)","Ukuhlukanisa, ngeembalopheleleko","Ulwahlulo lwemida, ubalo-bantu",Umklamomngcele ngokobalobantu/ngokwesensasi,Kgaoganyo ka palo ya batho,"Ho ralla palo ya batho meedi; moedi, palabatho","Kgaoganyofelo, palobatho","Kwehlukanisa, lubalo","Khethekanyo, mbalavhathu / sentsasi","Muavo, nhlayelo wa vanhu" +160,"Density, population",The number of people per given area. See size and density of locality.,Geography,"Digtheid, bevolkings- [bevolkingsdigtheid]","Inani, labantu",Ingxinano yabantu,Ubuningi babantu ngokwendawo,Kgophelano ya batho,"Tshubuhlellano ya batho; kgatellano, setjhaba","Kitlano, baagi","Umtsamo, linanibantfu","Vhukwakwani, vhathu","Ntalo, vanhu" +161,District management area,An area managed by a district municipality.,Geography,Distriksbestuursgebied,Isiyingi sakamasipaladi /a,Ummandla wolawulo lwesithili,Indawo esingethwe yisifunda,Tikologotaolo ya selete,Lebatowa la taolo,Kgaolotaolo ya sedika,Indzawokuphatsa yesifundza,Vhupondaulwa nga tshiiriki,Ndhawu ya vufambisi bya masipala +162,DMA,See district management area.,Geography,DBG,I-DMA,IDMA,i-DMA,DMA,DMA,KTK,DMA,DIIEMEEI,DMA +163,Dwelling unit number,A number assigned to a private dwelling during listing.,Geography,Wooneenheidnommer,Inomboro yendawo yokuhlala,inombolo yendawo yokuhlala,Inamba yendawo yokuhlala,Nomoro ya yuniti ya bodulo,Nomoro ya yuniti ya bodulo,Nomorobonno,Inombolo yendlu,Nomboro ya tshitannde / tshitensti / nnu,Nomboro ya yuniti ya vutshamo +164,EA,See enumeration area.,Geography,OG,I-EA,IEA,i-EA,EA,EA,KP,i-EA,IIEI,EA +165,Enumeration,The process of counting all the members of a given population and collecting demographic and other information about each person. See direct interview and self-enumeration.,Geography,Bevolkingstelling,Ukubala,Ubalo,Ukubalwa kwabantu,Palo ya batho,Ho bala,Palobatho,Kubala bantfu,Mbalavhathu,Nhlayelo wa vanhu +166,Enumeration area (EA),The smallest geographical unit (piece of land) into which the country is divided for census or survey purposes. See enumeration area type.,Geography,Opnemersgebied (OG),Indawo yokubala (i-EA),Ummandla wobalo (iEA),Indawo okubalwa kuyo abantu,Tikologopalo ya batho,Sebaka sa ho bala,Kgaolopalobatho,Indzawo yekubala bantfu,Tshipia / vhupo ha mbalavhathu (EA),Ndhawu ya nhlayelo wa vanhu (NNV) +167,Enumeration area number,A unique number given to an EA for the purpose of record-keeping and coding.,Geography,Opnemersgebiednommer,Inomboro yendawo yokubala,Inombolo yommandla wobalo,Inombolo yendawo okubalwa kuyo abantu,Nomoro ya tikologopalo ya batho,Nomoro ya sebaka sa ho bala,Nomoro ya kgaolopalobatho,Inombolo yendzawo yekubala bantfu,Nomboro ya tshipia / vhupo ha mbalavhathu,Nomboro ya ndhawu ya nhlayelo wa vanhu +168,Enumeration area type,"The classification of enumeration areas according to set criteria profiling land use and human settlement within the area. Note: Not to be confused with geography type, which is a broader classification.",Geography,Opnemersgebiedtipe,Umhlobo wendawo yokubala,Uhlobo/udidi lommandla wobalo,Uhlobo lwendawo okubalwa kuyo abantu,Mohuta wa tikologopalo ya batho,Mofuta wa sebaka sa ho bala,Mofuta wa kgaolopalobatho,Luhlobo lwendzawo yekubala bantfu,Lushaka lwa tshipia / vhupo ha mbalavhathu,Muxaka wa ndhawu ya vuhlayelavanhu +169,Enumerator,A person who visits households or individuals in a specific enumeration area for the purpose of administration of questionnaires or for self-enumeration.,Geography,Teller,Umbali,Umbali,Umbali wabantu,Mmalabatho,Mmadi,Mmalabatho,Umbalibantfu,Muvhalavhathu,Muhlayelavanhu +170,Enumerators summary book (Geography),"A register of demarcation and listing information pertaining to a particular EA, known colloquially as the 09 book, which identifies an EA by province, local authority, main place name and subplace name, and by means of maps and/or aerial photographs. Used during enumeration to record key information such as visits or attempted visits, and total households and people counted.",Geography,Opnemer se opsommingsboek (Geografie),Incwadi yeenrhunyezo yombali,Incwadi yoshwankathelo yombali (ijografi),Ibhuku leqoqa lombali wabantu (ezezwe),Kakaretopuku ya mmalabatho,Buka e kgutsufaditsweng ya mmalabatho; paka ya kgutsafatso ya mmadi,Bukatshobokanyo ya mmalabatho,Libhuku lelifinyetiwe lembali,Bugunweledzi ya muvhalavhathu (vhudzulo),Buku ya nkatsakanyo ya muhlayelavanhu (ntivomisava) +171,Erf,"The sites and stand, yard, or plot described by cadastre on a map.",Geography,Erf,Ibala; isizila; isitandi; ijarida; iplodi,Isiza,Isiza/isitende,Setsha/sekgao/erefe,Setsha,Setsha,Sicintsi / sitandi,Tshitentsi / dzharaa / puloto,Xitandi +172,Erf number,A unique 21-digit number assigned to an individual erf.,Geography,Erfnommer,Inomboro yebala/yesizila/yesitandi/yejarida /yeplodi,Inombolo yesiza,Inombolo yesiza/yesitende,Nomoro ya setsha/sekgao/ erefe,Nomoro ya setsha,Nomoro ya setsha,Inombolo yesicintsi / yesitandi,Nomboro ya tshitentsi / dzharaa / puloto,Nomboro ya xitandi +173,Erven,Plural of Erf.,Geography,Erwe,Amabala; iinzila; iintandi; amajarida; amaplodi,Iziza,Iziza/izitende,Dierefe,Ditsha,Ditsha,Ticintsi / titandi,Zwitentsi / (dzi) dzharaa / (dzi) puloto,Switandi +174,Feature use (re: addressing),Classification of structures as per main use.,Geography,Kenmerkgebruik (i.v.m. adressering),Isebenziselo lendawo,Uphawu losetyenziso (ukulungiselela),Ukusetshenziswa kophawu oluhlukanisayo,Tlhophotirio,Tshebediso ya moaho (tlhabollo),Tirisokago,Kusetjentiswa kwetakhiwo,Tshialulavhushumiswa,Ntirhiso wa xihlawulekisi (ku lulamisa nakambe) +175,Geographical Information System (GIS),"A system or hardware, software and procedures designed to support the capturing, management , monitoring , manipulation, analysis, modeling and display of spatially referenced data.",Geography,Geografiese Inligtingstelsel (GIS),IRherho lemiNiningwana ngeeNdawo (i-GIS),Inkqubo yokwazisa yezelizwe/yejografi (iGIS),Uhlelo lwemininingwane yezwe,Tshepeto ya tshedimoo ya thutafase,Tlhophiso ya tjhabisetso ka lefatshe; tlhophiso ya tsebo ka lefatshe,Thulaganyotshedimosetso ya tsa thutafatshe (TTT),Inchubo Yelwati Ngetendzawo,Sisieme ya tsumamafhungo a vhudzulo (GIS),Sisiteme ya mahungu ya swa ntivomisava (SMN) +176,Geographical targeting,An approach whereby tariffs are set on an area with the assumption that consumers living in that area have the same socio-economic profile.,Geography,Geografiese teikenstelling,Iqothelo lendawo,ukujolisa kubantu bendawo ethile,Ukunqunywa kwentela ngokwendawo,Nepio ya lefelo,Sebaka se tobilweng,Totatikologo,Kubekwa kwemanani ngekwesimo semnotfo wendzawo,Phimo ya mbadelo nga vhupo,Xikongomiso hi ndhawu +177,Geography type,Classification according to settlement characteristics.,Geography,Geografiese tipe,Umhlobo wendawo,Uhlobo/udidi ngokwezelizwe/ ngokwejografi (iGIS),Uhlobo ngokwezezwe,Mohuta ka thutafase,Mofuta wa sebaka,Mofuta wa thutafatshe,Luhlobo lwetendzawo,halulavhupo-vhudzulo,Muxaka wa ntivomisava +178,High density,"See density, population.",Geography,Ho digtheid [hodigtheids-],Inani eliphezulu/eliphakemeko,Ingxinano egqithiseleyo,Ukuminyana kwabantu,Kgophelano/kgorohlano/kikitlano,Kgatellano e kgolo,Kitlanogodimo,Kuminyana lokuphakeme kwebantfu,Vhukwakwanesa,Vutalavanhu bya le henhla +179,Institution (demarcation),All collective living quarters other than hostels one of ten geographical EA types. See enumeration area type. Compare institution (enumeration) under Housing and services.,Geography,Inrigting (afbakening),Amakhaya,Iziko (ulwahlulo ngokwemida,Isikhungo (ukuklanywa kwemingcele),Insitituene,Institjushene (meedi),Lefelobonno,Sikhungo sekuhlala,Tshiimiswa (khethekanyo),Tiyindlu ta vutshamo (ndzelekano) +180,Listing,A compilation of a register of all dwellings and other structures in a given Enumeration Area.,Geography,Lysting,Ukurhemisa,Uulhlu,Uhlu,Tlhopo,Ho etsa lenane,Kwadiso,Kubhalisa takhiwo,Vhutevhekanyi / nzudzanyamutevhe,Nxaxameto +181,Low density,"See, density, population.",Geography,Lae digtheid [laedigtheids-],Inani eliphasi,Ukugqagqana kwabantu,Ukugqagqana kwabantu,Bodulo bja makatana,Kgatellano e tlase,Kitlanotlase,Umtsamo lophasi webantfu,Vhuthalanganesa,Vutalavanhu bya le hansi +182,Magisterial district,Subdivision of the country for the administration of the judicial system as proclaimed by the Department of Justice.,Geography,Landdrosdistrik,Isiyingi sakaMarhistrada,Isithili,Isifundankantolo,Selete sa maseterata,Lebatowa la mmastrata,Sedika sa mmagiseterata,Sifundzankantolo,Tshiiriki tsha ha madzhisiiraa,Xifundza xa majisitarata +183,Main place,First level of place names.,Geography,Hoofplek,Indawokulu,Eyona ndawo,Indawo eyengamele,Lefelogolo,Sebakakgolo,Lefelolegolo,Indzawonchanti,Fhethu ha ndeme,Ndhawunkulu +184,Metropolitan area,Category A municipality.,Geography,Metropolitaanse gebied,Indawo/i-eriya yedorobha elikhulu,Ummandla kamasipala ombaxa,Indawo kaMasipala omkhulu,Tikologo ya metheropholithene,Mmasepala e moholo; sebaka sa mmasepala e moholo,Mmasepalamogolo,Masipala lomkhulu,Tshipia / vhupo ha masipala muhulu,Masipalankulu +185,Municipality,"The area of jurisdiction of the third sphere of government, after national and provincial.",Geography,Munisipaliteit,Umasipala / Umasipalada / Umasipaladi,umasipala,uMasipala,Mmasepala,Masepala,Mmasepala,Masipalati,Masipala / Muvhuso wapo,Masipala +186,Municipality (Geography),"The area of jurisdiction of the third sphere of government, after national and provincial.",Geography,Munisipaliteit (Geografie),Umasipaladi/a,Umasipala (ezelizwe/ijografi),uMasipala(ezezwe),Masepala,Mmasepala (thutalefatshe),Mmasepala,Masipala,Hamasipala (vhudzulo),Masipala (ntivomisava) +187,Non-urban,"Any area not classified as urban. See geography type. See also density, population.",Geography,Niestedelik [niestedelike ...],-nganabudorobha; -ngasidorobha,Ezingekho dolophini/ ezingaphandle kwedolophu,-ngelona idolobha,E sego ya setoropo,Moo e seng toropo,Kgaoloselegae; karoloselegae,"-ngabi sedolobheni, emakhaya",Nna ha orobo,Ndhawu ya xikaya +188,Physical address (Geography),"Hierarchical combination of elements that results in a unique identifier for a structure or land parcel. See primary address, secondary address, and postal address.",Geography,Fisiese adres (Geografie),Isiphande sokuhlala/sokusebenzela,Idilesi yokuhlala (ezelizwe/ijografi),Ikheli lesiza/ lendawo,Thupatulo,Aterese ya sebaka (thutalefatshe),Ateresefelo,Likheli lendzawo / likhelindzawo (Tendzawo),iresi ya vhudzulo (Vhudzulo),Adirese /kherefu ya ndhawu +189,Place name,The civic entities below the level of municipality in the census geography hierarchy. See main place and subplace.,Geography,Pleknaam,Igama lendawo,Igama lendawo,Igama lendawo,Leinafelo,Lebitso la sebaka,Leinafelo,Ligama lendzawo,Dzina a fhethu,Ito ra ndhawu +190,Postal address,A unique identifier for delivering post to an individual or organisation.,Geography,Posadres,Isiphande /i-adresi yokuposa,Idilesi yeposi,Ikheli leposi,Aterese ya poso,Aterese ya poso,Atereseposo,Likheli leliposi/ likheliposi,iresi ya poswo,Adirese /kherefu ya poso +191,Primary address,Physical address of a land parcel or structure.,Geography,Primre adres,Isiphande sokuhlala/sokusebenzela; i-adresi yokuhlala/yokusebenzela,Idilesi yesiza,Ikheli lesiza,Aterese ya motheo,Aterese ya sehlooho,Lefelo la ateresekgolo,Likheli lesicintsi / lesitandi,iresi ya vhudzulo,Adiresenkulu/kherefunkulu ya ndhawu +192,Rural,"Farms and traditional areas characterised by low population densities, low levels of economic activity and low levels of infrastructure.",Geography,Landelik [landelike ...],-kwemaphandleni; -kwemakhaya,Emaphandleni/ezilalini,Emakhaya; indawo yasemakhaya,Ya magaeng,Mahaeng,Magae,Emakhaya,Mavhalani / mahayani,Xikaya +193,Rural area,"Any area that is not classified urban. Rural areas may comprise one or more of the following: tribal areas, commercial farms and informal settlements. See settlement type.",Geography,Landelike gebied,Indawo yemakhaya,indawo yasezilalini okanye yasemaphandleni,Indawo yasemakhaya,Motseselegae / Nagamagae,Mahaeng,Motseselegae / Lefeloselegae / Kgaoloselegae,Emakhaya / Emaphandleni,Vhupo ha mahayani,Tikoxikaya +194,Secondary address,A unique identifier for a sub-unit within a structure or land parcel.,Geography,Sekondre adres,Isiphande esinye; i-adresi enye,Idilesi engenye,Ikhelingqo,Ateresetlaleleto,Aterese ya tlatsetso,Ateresetlaleletso,Likheli lekuhlala/likhelikuhlala,iresihalusi,Adiresetsongo/kherefutsongo +195,Segmentation,"The listing procedure used in informal settlements to sub-divide the area into smaller parts that are defined by boundaries such as footpaths, dirt / gravel roads etc., and other prominent land marks.",Geography,Segmentasie,Ukusika,ukwahlula-hlula ngokwemida,Ukuhlukanisa ngokwezigceme,Karologanyo,Ho arola,Kumaganyo / Kgaoganyo,Indlela yekwehlukanisa umhlaba / Luhleliso,U kanula mikhukhuni/mishashani / Nila ya u vhea mikano mikhukhuni / mishashani,Avanyiselo +196,Settlement type,Deprecated. Use geography type.,Geography,Nedersettingstipe,Umhlobo wendawo yokuhlala,Uhlobo lomiwo-mhlaba/-ndawo,Uhlobo lwendawo yokuhlala,Mohuta wa tulo,Mofuta wa sebaka,Mofutabonno,Luhlobo lwekuhlaliswa kwebantfu,halulavhudzulo,Muxaka wa ndhawu +197,Size and density of locality,"A classification of geographical areas into high density or large settlement, and low density. Note: This variable provides an alternative basis of analysis to the urban/rural classification.",Geography,Grootte en digtheid van lokaliteit,Ubukhulu nenani lendawo yokuhlala,Ubukhulu nengxinano yendawo,Ubungako nobuningi babantu endaweni,Bogolo le kgorohlano ya lefelo,Boholo le kgatellano sebakeng,Bogolo le kitlano ya lefelo,Bungako nemtsamo wemmango,Muelo na vhukwakwani ha vhupo,Vutalavanhu bya ndhawu +198,Sketch map,"A hand-drawn map of an area. +Note: Sketch maps do not possess the high order of accuracy contained in topographic maps.",Geography,Sketskaart,Umebhe wendawo / Imebhe yendawo,imephu ezotywe ngesandla,Ibalazwe elidwetshiwe / Ibalazwemfanekiso,Mmepe wa go thalwa ka seatla,Mmapa wa letsoho,Mmepethalwa,Luhlaka lwelibalave,Mepe wa tshiketshe/wo walwaho nga tshana,Mpfampfarhuto wa mepe +199,Small holdings,A piece of land smaller than a farm used for cultivation of vegetables or the breeding of animals.,Geography,Hoewe,Umtlayo wokutjala / Wokufuya Isikhekhe sokutjala / Sokufuya,indawo encinane yokulima okanye yokufuya,Ipulazana / Ipulazi elincane,Polasana,Poloto,Polasana,Sivandze / Inkambu lipulazana,Puloto/fhethu ha zwiliwa na zwifuiwa,Xipurasani +200,Student,"A person attending a college, university or some other post-school educational institution, whether part-time or full-time.",Geography,Student,Umfundi,umfundi,Umfundi / Isitshudeni,Moithuti,Moithuti,Moithuti,Sitjudeni,Mutshudeni,Xichudeni / Muchudeni +201,Subplace,Second (lowest) level of place names. See main place.,Geography,Subplek,Ingcenye yendawo; indawo enganyelweko,Indawo ephantsi kwenye,Indawo eyenganyelwe,Legatotlase la mainafelo,Sebakakgolwanyane,Lefelopotlana,Incenye yendzawo,Fhethuzwaho,Ndhawutsongo +202,Suburb,Areas within a town or city proclaimed or set aside mainly for residing purposes. See informal settlement and subplace.,Geography,Voorstad,Umuzi wedorobheni; umuzidorobha,Ihlomela ledolophu,Isingadolobha/isakheladolobha (umuzi),Sapapo,Motsanatoropo,Motsethoko,Isabhabhu,Nyingaorobo,Mutixidoroba/sababu +203,Township (apartheid),An area proclaimed as such by a local authority profiling a specific land use unique to urban functions.,Geography,Township (apartheid),Ilokitjhi; isikomplasi,Ilokishi (ucalu-calulo),Ilokishi,Lekheiene,Lekeishene (kgethollo),Lekeiene/Motsesetoropo,Lilokishi (lubandlululo),okhishi / tshikolobulasi/lukasi (tshialula),Lokixi (xihlawuhlawu) +204,Township (surveying),An area proclaimed as such by a local authority profiling a specific land use unique to urban functions.,Geography,Dorp (opmeting),ilokitjhi,Ilokishi (ukucanda),Umazakhele/ amajalidi,Bodulopotielwa,Lekeishene (dipatlisiso),Lekeiene/Motsesetoropo,Lilokishi (ngekusaveya),Vhupotsedzuluswa (vhusedzulusi),Lokixi (mbalango) +205,Traditional area,Communally owned land under the jurisdiction of a traditional leader.,Geography,Tradisionele gebied,Indawo yekosi,Ummandla/ umhlaba wenkosi,Esabelweni (indawo yenkosi),Naga ya kgoi,Sebaka sa botjhaba,Kgaolosegosi,Indzawo yendzabuko,Vupo ha mvelele,Ndhawu ya mfumoxivongo +206,Tribal area,Deprecated. Use traditional area.,Geography,Stamgebied,Indawo yekosi,U/umhlaba wenkosi,Indawo yesizwe (senkosi),Naga ya kgoi,Sebaka sa morabe,Kgaolosemorafe,Indzawo yebukhosi,Vhupo ha tshitshavha / mvelele,Ndhawu ya mfumoxivongo +207,Tribal settlements,An area that is legally proclaimed to be under tribal authorities.,Geography,Stamnedersetting,Indawo yekosi,indawo ehlala abantu besizwe esithile,Izigodi,Madulo a taolo ya kgoi / Metseselegae,Bodulo ka merabe,Bonnoselegae / Motseselegae,Sabelo / Sigodzi,Vhupo ha khosi/kusi / Muvhundu ure fhasi ha khosi,Mfumoxivongo +208,Unit ID,See unit identifier.,Geography,Eenheid-ID,Inomborokomba; inomborosihlukaniso,Inombolo yecandelo,Inombolo yesigceme,Yuniti ya ID,Nomoro ya yuniti,Tshupafelo,Inkhombasicintsi / inkhombasitandi,Tshipia tsha ID,Yuniti ya ID +209,Unit identifier,"A unique number for each structure on a land parcel, e.g. number assigned by the local authority or a service provider.",Geography,Eenheidsidentifiseerder,Inomborokomba; inomborosihlukaniso,Isazisi seyunithi,Inkomba sigceme,Thupetayuniti,Nomoro ya yuniti,Tshupafelo,Inkhombasicintsi / inkhombasitandi,Tshipiahaluli,Xikombayuniti +210,Urban,"Formal cities and towns characterised by higher population densities, high levels of economic activities and high levels of infrastructure.",Geography,Stedelik [stedelike ...],-kwedorobha,Edolophini,Idolobha/esilungwini,Ya setoropo,Motsetoropo,Toropo,Kwedolobheni,oroboni,Xidoroba +211,Urban area,"A continuously built-up area with characteristics such as type of economic activity and land use. Cities, towns, townships, suburbs, etc. are typical urban areas. An urban area is one which was proclaimed as such (i.e. in an urban municipality under the old demarcation) or classified as such during census demarcation by the Geography department of Stats SA based on their observation of the aerial photographs or on other information. See settlement type and EA type.",Geography,Stedelike gebied,Indawo yedrobheni,indawo yasedolophini,Indawo yasedolobheni,Motsesetoropo,Motsetoropo / Toropo,Lefelosetoropo / Motsesetoropo / Kgaolosetoropo,Indzawo lesidolobha,Vhupo ha dzioroboni,Ndhawuxidoroba +212,Urban settlements (formal),"Urban settlements (formal) occur on land that has been proclaimed as residential. A formal urban settlement is usually structured and organised. Plots or erven make up a formal and permanent arrangement. A local council or district council controls development in these areas. Services such as water, sewage, electricity and refuse removal are provided; roads are formally planned and maintained by the council. This includes suburbs and townships.",Geography,Stedelike nedersetting (formeel),Indawo yedrobheni (ehlelekileko),indawo yokuhlala yasedolophini (esemthethweni),Indawo yokuhlala edolobheni,Madulo a setoropo / Metsesetoropo,Bodulo ba toropo (bo molaong),Bonnosetoropo / Motsesetoropo,Lilokishi / Lidolobha,Vhudzulo ha oroboni,Vuakoxidoroba (ximfumo) +213,Urban settlements (informal),"Urban informal settlements, or 'squatter camps', are usually located in urban areas. The dwelling units in informal settlements are usually made of materials such as zinc, mud, wood, plastics, etc. They are typically disorderly and congested and are sometimes referred to as squatter settlements.",Geography,Stedelike nedersetting (informeel),Indawo yedrobheni (engakahleleki),indawo yokuhlala yasedolophini (engekho mthethweni),Imijondolo / Imikhukhu,Madulo a setoropo / Meaaneng / Mekhukhung,Bodulo ba toropo (bo seng molaong) / Mekhukhu,Lefeloipei / Lefeloiphari,Imikhukhu / Emadlangala,Mikhukhuni / Mishashani,Mikhukhu +214,Vacant land,Land not currently being used.,Geography,Onbewoonde grond,Ibala,umhlaba ongasetyenziswanga/ umhlaba ekungekho mntu kuwo,Isiganga,Naga ye e sa omiwego / Molala,Naha e sa sebedisweng,Lebala,Siganga / Sikhotsa,Mavu a sa shumiswi,Rivala +215,Village,A settlement located within a traditional area.,Geography,Dorpie,Umuzi,Ilali,Umuzi/isigodi,Motse,Motse,Motse,Emakhaya,Muvhundu / mui,Muganga +216,Workers hostel (Geography),"A communal living quarter for workers, provided by a public organisation such as a local authority, or a private organisation such as a mining company. These were residential dormitories established for migrant workers during the apartheid era, and they continue to house people working in certain industries, such as the mining industry.",Geography,Werkershostel (Geografie),Ihostela;ikoponi,Ihostele yabasebenzi (ezelizwe/ijografi),Ihositela labasebenzi,Hosetele ya baomi,Hosetele ya basebetsi (thutalefatshe),Hosetele ya badiri; kompone,Ihostela yetisebenti,Hosiee ya vhashumi (Vhudzulo),Hositele ya vatirhi (ntivomisava) +217,Age-specific fertility,The number of live births in a given year per 1 000 women or per woman in each childbearing age group from 15 19 up to 4549.,Health and Vital Statistics,Ouderdomspesifieke fertiliteit,Imbeleko yabeminyaka ethileko,Iminyaka edibene nokuzala,Iminyaka yokuba nenzalo,Monono wa nywaga ye itego/maamuo a nywaga ye itego,Dilemo tsa pelehi,Dingwaga tse di totilweng tsa loumo,Sigaba sekuba nentalo,Mbibvelo ndivhiswaminwaha,Mbeleko wa vukhalenkongomo +218,Birth weight,Weight within the first hour of life before a significant postnatal weight loss has occurred.,Health and Vital Statistics,Geboortegewig,Ubudisi bokubelethwa,Ubunzima bosana oluzelweyo,Isisindo sosana oluzelwe,Boima pelegong,Boima tswalong,Boima (ba lesea) ka nako ya pelego,Sisindvokutalwa,Tshileme tsha mabebo,Ntiko wa ku velekiwa +219,Body Mass Index,"A statistical measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height, used to estimate if a person is underweight or overweight.",Health and Vital Statistics,Liggaamsmassa-indeks (LMI),IKomba yobuDisi bomZimba,umlinganiselo womntu ngokobungakanani bomzimba,Inkomba yesisindo somzimba,Kelo ya boima bja mmele,Palo ya kakanyo ya boima ba mmele,Tshupanaboimammele / Tshupanaketemmele,Sisindvomtimba,Tshikalondingano tsha Muvhili,Pimantiko (wa munhu) +220,Child mortality,"Deaths per 1 000 children that survive to their first birthday. See infant mortality, child mortality, neonatal mortality, post-neonatal mortality, and under-five mortality.",Health and Vital Statistics,Kindersterftesyfer,Ukufa/ukubhubha/ukuhlongakala kwabantwana,Ukufa kwabantwana/ukubhubhakwabantwana,Ukushona/ukufa kwabantwana,Mahu a bana,Ho shwa ha bana,Dintsho tsa bana,Kufa kwebantfwana,Mpfu dza khanwa / tshetshe / tshie,Nhlayo ya ku fa ka vana +221,Contributing causes of death,"Morbid conditions, if any, giving rise to the immediate cause of death.",Health and Vital Statistics,Bydraende doodsoorsake,Abonobangela bokufa abathuwelelisako/abangezelelako,Oonobangela bokufa,Izimbangela zokufa,Mabaka a a hlohleletago mahu/dihlolamahu,Sesosa sa lefu,Mabaka a tlholontsho,Timbangelakufa,Zwibveledzi/ zwivhangi / zwiitisi zwa mpfu,Leswi nga na xiave eka swivangelo swa rifu +222,Crude birth rate,The number of live births observed in a population over a given period relative to the size of the population as estimated at the middle of that time period. The rate is usually stated per 1 000 and the most usual period is one year.,Health and Vital Statistics,Onverwerkte geboortesyfer,Isilinganiso sokubeletha esingakahlungwa,Umyinge woqikelelo lwabazelweyo,Izingakuzala elingahlelekile,Kelopelego pakeng ya ngwaga,Sekgahla sa tswalo,Kelotota ya pelegi,Lizinga lelingakacinisekiswa lekutalwa kwebantfu,Ngaganywa/ tshikalambembo tshayakhuniswa,Mpimontswalombisi +223,Crude death rate,The number of deaths in a year per 1 000 mid-year population of a specific year. It is the ratio of the annual number of deaths occurring to the number exposed to the risk of dying during the reference period.,Health and Vital Statistics,Onverwerkte sterftesyfer,Isilinganiso sokufa/sokubhubha/sokuhlongakala esingakahlungwa,Umyinge woqikelelo lwabafayo/lwababhubhayo,Izingakufa elingahlelekile,Kelolehu pakeng ya ngwaga,Sekgahla sa ho shwa,Kelotota ya dintsho,Lizinga lelingakacinisekiswa lekufa kwebantfu,Tshikalampfu tshayakhuniswa,Mpimorifumbisi +224,Current live births,Births occurring in a specific year and registered within the same year.,Health and Vital Statistics,Huidige lewende geboortes,Abantwana ababelethwe baphila njenganje,Abazalwayo nabasaphilayo,Abazalwe bephila/ inzaliphila manje,Matswalo a bjale/pelego ya bjale,Tswalo ya ba phelang ha jwale,Masea a a tshotsweng a tshela gajaana,Bantfwana labatelwe baphila lonyaka,Mabebo a khanwa / tshetshe / tshie dzi tshilaho a tshifhingatehwa,Ntswalo wa lava hanyaka wa sweswi +225,Death,Is a principal event and is the disappearance of life at any time after birth has taken place.,Health and Vital Statistics,Sterfte,Ukufa; ukubhubha; ukuhlongakala,Ukufa,Ukufa,Lehu,Lefu,Loso,Kufa,Lufu,Rifu +226,Fertility,"The childbearing status of women, couples, groups or the population (only live births).",Health and Vital Statistics,Fertiliteit,Imbeleko,Anganenzala,Ukuba nenzalo,Monono/maamuo,pelehi,Loumo,Intalo,Mbibvelo,Mbeleko +227,HIV,See Human immunodeficiency virus.,Health and Vital Statistics,MIV,I-HIV,IHIV,i-HIV/ isandulelangculazi,HIV,HIV,MTTM,i-HIV,Ndongondela / ETSHEAIVII,XNN +228,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),"The pathogenic organism responsible for acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), formally or also known as lymphadenopathy virus (LAV), the name given by the Montagnier Et al. in 1983, or the human T-cells lymphrotropic virus type III (HTLV-III), the name given by Gallo et al. to the virus reported in 1984.",Health and Vital Statistics,Menslike immuniteitsgebrekvirus (MIV),Ingogwana ebangela intumbantonga/umbulalasihlangu,Isandulela sikaGawulayo/intsholongwane kaGawulayo,Igciwane lesandulelangculazi,Baerase ye e fokotago maole a mmele,Kwatsi (HIV); vaerase e bolayang masole a mmele,Mogaretlhaelotshouto ya motho,Ligciwane lesandvulelangculazi,Tshitshili phenyamasole a muvhili (HIV),Xitsongwatsongwanankansawuto (XNN) +229,Immediate cause of death,The disease or condition directly leading to death.,Health and Vital Statistics,Onmiddellike doodsoorsaak,Unobangela wokufa,Unobangela wokufa,Imbangelangqo yokufa,Lebaka la ka pejana la go hlola lehu,Sesosasosa sa lefu,Sebakalosotota,Imbangelangco tekufa,Tshivhangi / tshiitisi tsha/ ndivhisa-/ mveledzalufu,Xivangelo xo hetelela xa rifu +230,Infant and child mortality rates,"See neonatal mortality, post-neonatal mortality, under-five mortality and child mortality. All rates are expressed as deaths per 1 000 live births, except child mortality, which is expressed as deaths per 1 000 children surviving to the first birthday.",Health and Vital Statistics,Baba- en kindersterftesyfer,Iinlinganiso zokufa/zokubhubha/zokuhlongakala kwamasana nabentwana,Iqondo lokufa kweentsana nabantwana,Izingakufa lwezinsana nezingane,Dikelo ta mahu a masea le bana,Sekgahla sa ho shwa ha masea le bana,Dikelontsho tsa masea le bana,Emazinga ekufa kwetinswane nebantfwana,Zwikalampfu dza khanwa / tshetshe/ tshie na vhana,Mipimo ya mafu ya ticece na vana +231,Infant deaths,Number of deaths of children under one year occurring in the same year.,Health and Vital Statistics,Babasterftes,Ukufa/ukubhubha/ukuhlongakala kwamasana,Ukufa kweentsana,Ukufa kwezinsana,Mahu a masea,Ho shwa ha masea,Dintsho tsa masea,Kufa kwetinswane,Mpfu dza khanwa / tshetshe / tshie,Mafu ya ticece +232,Kwashiorkor,A type of malnutrition caused by insufficient protein consumption.,Health and Vital Statistics,Kwasjiorkor,Ikhwatjhiyokho / I-kwashiorkor,ikhwashi,Ikhwashiyo,Khwai,Kwashiokoo,Tlhakgama / Khwaioko,Ikhwashi / Sifo sendlala / Gagabukane,Kwashiokoro,Khwaxu +233,Late birth registrations,Births occurring in a given calendar year but recorded in subsequent calendar years.,Health and Vital Statistics,Laat geboorteregistrasies,Ukutloliswa kwamabeletho ngemva kwesikhathi,Ubhaliso mva lwabazalwayo/lweentsana,Ukubhaliswa kamuva kwabazelwe,Ngwadio morago ga matswalo,Tieho ngodisong ya ba tswetsweng,Kwadisothari ya matsalo,Lubhalisomuva lwekutalwa,Vhuwalisamabebo tsalela,Ntsarisondzhaku wo velekiwa +234,Leading underlying cause of death,The most frequent underlying cause of death in any given population.,Health and Vital Statistics,Vernaamste onderliggende doodsoorsaak,Isisusa sokufa esivamileko,Oyena ndoqo wonobangela wokufa,Imbangelangqangi yokufa,Tlholoketapele ye e bataletego/bobamego ya lehu,Sesosa se itlhommeng pele sa lefu,Sebakantshosegolo,Imbangela yekufa lebhacile lehamba embili,Tshivhangi / tshiitisi tshihulwane tsha lufu,Xivangelonkulu xa rifu +235,Life expectancy,"An estimate of the average number of additional years a person could expect to live if the age-specific death rates for a given year prevailed for the rest of his/her life. This can be derived for either males or females and is, in most populations, slightly higher for females. Life expectancy is normally determined at birth but can be derived at any other age based on the current death rates.",Health and Vital Statistics,Lewensverwagting,Isikhathi sepilo,Iminyaka yokuphila,Iminyaka enokuphilwa/ isilinganisompilo,Kakanyetophelo,Nako ya bophelo,Pakatshelotsholofelo,Iminyakamphilo,Vhutshilondavhelelwa,Rihanyo /vutomi lebyi languteriweke +236,Live birth,"The complete expulsion or extraction from its mothers womb of a product of conception irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life.",Health and Vital Statistics,Lewende geboorte,Ukubelethwa uphila,Ukuzalwa kosana luphila,Abazalwe bephila,Masea a go belegwa a phela,Ya tswetsweng a phela,Pelego ya lesea,Kutalwa aphila,Kubebwa ku tshilaho,Mbelekiwa a hanya +237,Malnutrition,"A medical condition caused by an improper or inadequate diet or nutrition. +See kwashiorkor / wasting; marasmus, stunting.",Health and Vital Statistics,Wanvoeding,Ukungondleki,ukungondleki,Ukungondleki,Phepompe,Phepompe,Phepelotlase,Kungondleki / Kwesweleka kwetakhamtimba,Tshayapfushi / Makhwara,Mpfumaleko wa swakudya +238,Marasmus,A form of severe protein-energy malnutrition characterised by energy deficiency.,Health and Vital Statistics,"Marasmus, ondervoeding",Ikokoranomzimba / Imarasmasi / I-marasmus,isifo sokungondleki esibangelwa kukusilela kweeproteni emzimbeni,Isifo sokusweleka kwephrotheni,Marasemase,Marasmase,Marasemase,Sifo sendlala lesikhulu / Imarasimasi,Marasimusi/u shaya pfushi dzi wanalaho kha phurotheini,Nkhwankhwa +239,Maternal mortality rate,"Number of female deaths that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy because of any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes.",Health and Vital Statistics,Moedersterftesyfer,Isilinganiso sokufa kwabasidisi,Iqondo lokufa labazalayo,Izingakufa kwababelethayo,Kelo ya mahu a batsweti/kelo ya mahu a babelegi,Sekgahla sa ho shwa ha bomme ka lebaka la pelehi,Kelontsho ya baimana,Sicatsanisosibalo sekushona kwalabatetfwele,Tshikalampfu dza zwikole / vhaimana,Mpimo wa ku fa ka vayimani +240,Maternal mortality ratio,The number of women who die as a result of complications of pregnancy or childbearing in a given year per 100 000 live births in that year.,Health and Vital Statistics,Moedersterfteverhouding,Iretjhiyo yokufa kwabasidisi,Umlinganiselo wokufa kwabazalayo,Isilinganisokufa kwababelethayo,Tekanyokelo ya mahu a batsweti/tekanyokelo ya mahu a babelegi,Karolo ya mafu a pelehi ho bomme; palo ya bomme ba shwang ka lebaka la pelehi,Kabontsho ya baimana,Kucatsanisa sibalo sekushona kwalabatetfwele,Ndivhanele ya mpfu dza zwikole / vhaimana,Mpimoxiave wa rifu ra vayimani +241,Multiple causes of death,"All morbid conditions, diseases and injuries entered on the death certificate. Note: These include those involved in the morbid train of events leading to the death which were classified as either the underlying cause, the intermediate cause, or any intervening cause and those conditions which contributed to death but were not related to the disease or condition causing death.",Health and Vital Statistics,Veelvoudige doodsoorsake,Ihlanganisela yabonobangela bokufa,Oonobangela bokufa,Izimbangelakufa eziningi,Mabaka a manti a go hlola mahu,Mabaka a mangata a lefu,Mabakantsi a dintsho,Timbangela letehlukene tekufa,Zwiitisi / zwivhangi nyandiswa zwa lufu,Swivangelonyingi swa rifu +242,Neonatal deaths,Number of deaths occurring to children under 28 days.,Health and Vital Statistics,Neonatale sterftes,Ukufa kwamasana angakaphumi,Ukufa kweemveku/iintsana ezibomvu,Ukufa kwezinsana ezingaphansi kwenyanga,Mahu a masea pele a feta kgwedi,Mafu a masea a ka tlase ho kgwedi; mafu a masea a mafubedu,Dintsho tsa masea a a ka fa tlase ga kgwedi,Sibalo setinswane letifa tisandza kutalwa,Mpfu dza khanwa / tshetshe / tshie nu,Mafu ya ticece +243,Post-neonatal death,Number of deaths occurring between 28 days and less than one year.,Health and Vital Statistics,Post-neonatale sterftes,Ukufa kwamasana aphumileko,Ukufa kweentsana,Ukushona/ukufa kwezinsana ezingaphezu kwenyanga,Mahu a masea a ka godimo ga kgwedi,Mafu a masea a ka hodimo ho kgwedi,Dintsho tsa masea a a fetileng kgwedi,Sibalo sebantfwana labafa basetinswane,Mpfu dza khanwa / tshetshe / tshie,Rifu endzhakunyana ka vucece +244,Pregnancy-related death,"The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death.",Health and Vital Statistics,Swangerskapsverwante dood,Ukufa ngembeleko,Ukufa okungqamene nokukhulelwa/ nokumitha/ nokuba nzima,Ukushona/ukufa okuphathelene nokukhulelwa,Mahu a go amana le boimana,Mafu a bakwang ke boimana; ho shwa ho amanang le boimana,Loso lo lo amanang le boimana,Kufa lokuphatselene nekutetfwala,Mpfumveledzwa nga vhukole / vhuimana,Rifu ra vuyimani +245,Recorded live births,"The number of births recorded (registered) in a specific year, irrespective of when the birth actually occurred. The births recorded in any given year include the births that occurred during that year plus other births that occurred in years prior to the year of registration. It should be noted that not all births are recorded (registered).",Health and Vital Statistics,Geregistreerde lewende geboortes,Ukubikwa kwabantwana abaphilileko,Ababhalisiweyo abazelwe bephila,Okubhalwe ngabazalwe bephila,Matswalo a a ngwadiitwego a baphedi/masea,Ngodiso ya ba tswetsweng ba phela,Pelego e e kwadisitsweng ya masea,Lababhalisiwe labatelwe baphila / lubhaliso lwalabatelwe baphila,Vhuwalisa zwibebwa zwi tshilaho,Ntsariso wa vana lava tswariweke +246,Stillbirth,Intra-uterine death of a foetus of at least 26 weeks of gestation that showed no sign of life after complete birth.,Health and Vital Statistics,Doodgeboorte,Ibelethobuthule,Imfambilini,Ozalwe eshonile,Pholoto ya senamane,Ba hlahileng ba kgathetse; ya tswetsweng a shwele,Pelego ya motlaalapile,Kutala umbungu,U tshinyalelwa,Mbelekiwa a file +247,Stunting (marasmus),A condition where a childs height is too low for his / her age.,Health and Vital Statistics,Groeibelemmering,Ukurhonoda,ukunzatha komntwana,Ukubhashiswa ukuswela iphrotheni,Go se gole (marasemase),Boqaqatjhelana / Marasmase e hatellang kgolo (marasmase),Kgolelotlase / Setante,Kubhasha / Kukhulela phasi,Vhurole,Manghimana +248,Survival rate,"The proportion of persons in a specified group (age, sex, or health status) alive at the beginning of an interval (such as a 5-year period) who survive to the end of the interval.",Health and Vital Statistics,Oorlewingskoers,Isilinganiso sabaphilileko,Umlinganiselo wokusinda ekufeni,Izinga labasindile,Kelo ya go phologa,Sekgahla sa ba phetseng,Kelophologo,"Lizinga lekuphila,lizinga lekubambelela",Tshikala-/masala / vhaponyi,Mpimo wo hanya +249,Survivorship,"An indicator that measures the number of children with or without parents. However, for policy purposes, children without parents are normally considered.",Health and Vital Statistics,Oorlewingskap,Ukuphila,Umyinge wabantwana abaziinkedama nabanabazali,Ukusinda,Phologo,Pholoho,Phologo,Lubambelelo kuphila,Vhusala / vhuponyi,Vuhanyi +250,Total fertility rate,Average number of children born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to bear children at each age in accordance with the prevailing age-specific fertility rates. It is obtained by summing up all age-specific fertility rates for each year of the childbearing span.,Health and Vital Statistics,Totale fertiliteitsyfer,Isilinganiso sembeleko epheleleko,Umlinganiselo wabazalayo,Isamba sezinga lokuzala,Kelomoka ya monono/kelomoka ya maamuo,Sekgahla sa pelehi ka kakaretso,Keloyotlhe ya loumo,Litfumbu lemfati,Tshikalambibvelo hanganyelo/gue,Mpimo wa mbeleko hinkwawo +251,Under-five mortality,The probability of dying between birth and the fifth birthday.,Health and Vital Statistics,Onder-vyf-sterfte,Ukufa kwabangaphasi kweminyaka emihlanu,Ukufa kweentsana ezingaphantsi kweminyaka emihlanu,Ukufa kwabangaphansi kweminyaka emihlanu,Mahu a bana ba ka tlase ga mengwaga ye mehlano,Ho shwa ha ba ka tlase ho dilemo tse hlano,Dintsho tsa ba ba ka fa tlase ga dingwaga tse tlhano,Ematfuba ekufa kwalabasengaphansi kweminyaka lesihlanu,Mpfu dza vha fhasi ha miwaha mianu,Ku fa ehansi ka ntlhanu wa malembe +252,Underlying cause of death,The disease or injury that initiated the train of events leading to death; or the circumstances of the accident or violence that produced the fatal injury.,Health and Vital Statistics,Onderliggende doodsoorsaak,Isisusa sokufa,Oyena nobangela wokufa,Umnyombo yokufa,Lebaka le le bobamego la go hlola lehu,Sesosa sa sethatho sa lefu,Sebakosegolo sa loso,Imbangela lebhacile yekufa,Tshiitisi / tshivhangi tsha lufu,Xivangelonkulu xa rifu +253,Wasting,A condition where a childs weight is too low for his / her height.,Health and Vital Statistics,Uittering / Kwyning,Ubukgheredlha,ukunqaphela komntwana okubangelwa kukungondleki,Ukonda / Ukuzaca,Tshesefalo / Kgwamela,Phokolo,Boimatlase,Kondza / Kuzaca,Vhumongwe,Ntikohansi +254,Consumption expenditure,"Expenditure on goods and services acquired, and privately used by household members, including imputed values for items produced and consumed by the household itself. See non-consumption expenditure. See also durable, semi-durable and non-durable goods.",Household Income and Expenditure,Verbruiksbesteding,Iindleko zeensetjenziso,Inkcitho kwizinto ezisetyenziswayo,Izindleko zokusetshenziswayo,Ditshenyagalelo ta tirio/thomio,Ditshenyehelo tsa disebediswa,Ditshenyegelo tsa dijego,Tindleko talokusetjentiswako,Tshinyalelo ya tshumiso,Ntirhiso wa nhundzu +255,Durable goods,"Household items that last for a long time, such as kitchen appliances, computers, radios and televisions, cars and furniture, usually acquired once in several years. Compare semi-durable goods and non-durable goods.",Household Income and Expenditure,Duursame goedere,Ipahla ehlalako,Iimpahla ezihlala ixesha elide,Inguga naboya (impahla),Dithoto ta go kgotlelela/diphahlo ta go kgotlelela/tea lebaka le le telele,Thepa e tswarellang,Dithoto tse di tshwarelelang,Imphahla lekhonsako,Thundu dza ndalamo/thundu dza ndeme khulwane,Nhundzu ya nkarhi wo leha +256,Household assets,Assets belonging to a household.,Household Income and Expenditure,Huishoudingsbates,Ilifa lekhaya,Iimpahla zendlu,Impahla yasekhaya,Dithoto/diphahlo ta lapa,Matlotlo a lelapa,Dithoto tsa lelapa,Dmphahla yasendlini,Thundu dza mua/haya,Tinhundzu ta muti +257,Household enterprise,"An economic activity carried out by members of a household at the same physical address, e.g. backyard chicken-rearing, handcrafts, etc.",Household Income and Expenditure,Huishoudingsonderneming,Irhwebo lekhaya,Ushishino lwasekhaya,Ibhizinisi/inkampani yasekhaya,Kgwebokgolo ya lapa,Kgwebo ya lelapa,Kgwebo ya lelapa,Intamakuphila yelikhaya,Bindu a mua/haya,Bindzu ra muti +258,Household expenditure,"Amount spent by the household in the reference peried in cash, kind or through barter, consisting of consumption and non-concumption expenditure.",Household Income and Expenditure,Huishoudelike uitgawes,Iindleko zekhaya,Inkcitho yekhaya,Izindleko zasekhaya,Ditshenyagalelo ta lapa,Ditshenyehelo tsa lelapa,Ditshenyegelo tsa lelapa,Tindleko telikhaya,Tshinyalelo ya mua/haya,Ntirhiso wa mali ya muti +259,Household income,"All receipts by all members of a household, in cash and in kind, in exchange for employment, or in return for capital investment, or receipts obtained from other sources such as pension, etc. Compare household income (census).",Household Income and Expenditure,Huishoudelike inkomste,Ingeniso/imali yekhaya,Ingeniso yekhaya,Imali engenayo ekhaya,Ditseno ta lapa,Lekeno la lelapa,Lotseno lwa lelapa,Lokungenako ekhaya,Mbuelo ya mua/haya,Mbuyelo wa muti +260,Non-consumption expenditure,"Expenditure on items such as taxes, and remittances and contributions to members of other households.",Household Income and Expenditure,Nieverbruiksbesteding,Iindleko ezingasetjenziswako,Inkcitho yezinto ezingatyiwayo,Izindleko zokungasetshenziswa,Ditshenyagalelo ta go se diriwe,Ditshenyehelo tse sa putseng,Ditshenyegelo tse e seng tsa dijego,Tindleko talokungadliwa,Tshinyalelo ya tshayatshumiswa,Nkantirhiso wa nhundzu +261,Non-durable goods,"Household items that do not last long, for example food, and personal care items. Households acquire these items on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. See durable goods and semi-durable goods.",Household Income and Expenditure,Nieduursame goedere,Ipahla engahlaliko,Izinto ezingahlali xesha lide,Ukhamani/ upomu/ umshiza,Dithoto ta go se kgotlelele/dithoto ta go se tee lebaka le le telele,Thepa e sa tshwarelleng,Dithoto tse di sa tshwareleleng; majaja,Timphahla letingakhonsi,Thundu tshayandalamo/thundu ya tshayandeme,Nhundzu ya nkarhi wo koma +262,Semi-durable goods,"Household items that last longer than non-durable goods but still need replacing more often than durable goods. Example: clothing, shoes, material for clothing.",Household Income and Expenditure,Halfduursame goedere,Ipahla ehlalahlalako,Oonoxeshana/izinto ezingahlali xesha lide,(izimpahla) ezisanguganaboya,Dithoto ta go tea lebakanyana,Thepa e tswarellang nako e teletsana,Dithoto tse di tshwarelelang lobakanyana,Timphahla tesikhashana,Thundu dza ndalamozwayo/ thundu dza ndeme zwayo,Nhundzu ya nkarhi wo lehanyana +263,Block of flats,"A structure, usually multi-storey, consisting of a number of dwellings sharing the same residential address, and usually sharing a common entrance, foyer or staircase. See flat.",Housing and Services ,Woonstelblok,Ibhlogo lamaflede,Udederhu lweeflethi,Amaflethi; isakhiwo samaflethi,Poloko ya difolete,Lethathama la difolete,Difolete; motlhatlhagano,Emafulethini,Buloko ya nnuingekana/fulethe,Buloko ya tifulete +264,Building,Built structure with a roof and walls.,Housing and Services ,Gebou,Umakho; umakhiwo,Isakhiwo,Isakhiwo/ ibhilidi,Moago,Moaho,Moago; kago,Sakhiwo,Tshifhao,Muako +265,Camp,"Premises originally intended for the temporary accommodation of persons with common activities or interests, e.g. military camps, refugee camps and camps established for the housing of workers in mining, agriculture, public works or other types of enterprises.",Housing and Services ,Kamp,Isikaniso; ikampa,Inkampu,Inkambu,Kampa,Kampo,Kampa,Inkambu,Gammba,Nxaxa +266,Collective living quarters / communal living quarters,"1. Structurally separate and independent places of abode intended for habitation by large groups of individuals or several households. Such quarters usually have certain common facilities, such as cooking and ablution facilities, lounges or dormitories, which are shared by the occupants. Collective living quarters may be further classified into hotels, rooming houses and other lodging houses, institutions and camps. +2. Living quarters where certain facilities are shared by groups of individuals or households. They can be divided into: (a) hotels, motels, guest houses, etc.; (b) workers hostels and student residences; and (c) institutions.",Housing and Services ,Gesamentlike woonkwartier / gemeenskaplike woonkwartier,Iindawo zokuhlala ngabanengi,Iindawo zokuhlala ngokokudinjelwa,Ikwatasi,Kotase ya mohlakanelwa,Bodulo ba kopanelo,Bonnotlhakanelo; Dikotase,Emakotasi,Zwifhao-/vhudzulohanganelwa,Ntlawa wa tiyindlu ta vutshamo +267,Converted hostel,Hostel where the accommodation has been converted into self-contained units for households. See workers hostel.,Housing and Services ,Omskepte hostel,Ihostela ephenduliweko/ etjhugululiweko,Ihostele ephuculweyo,Ihositela eliguquliwe,Hosetele ye e fetoitwego,Hostele e fetotsweng,Hosetele e e fetotsweng,Lihostela leliguculiwe,Hosiele tshandukiselwavhudzulo,Hositele leyi cinciweke +268,Domestic workers quarters,Physical structure on the same erf/plot as main property intended as living quarters for a domestic worker.,Housing and Services ,Huiswerkerskwartier,Ikotasi,Iindawo zokuhlala abancedisi,Izindlu/ikwatasi labasebenzi basezindlini/ ijalidi,Kotase ya moomi wa ka lapeng,Bodulo ba mosebetsi wa lelapa,Bonno ba modiri/mothusi wa mo gae; dikotase tsa modiri/mothusi wa mo gae,Emakotasi etisebenti,Vhudzulavhathusi vha miani / hayani,Vutshamo bya mutirhi wa le kaya +269,DU,See dwelling unit.,Housing and Services ,WE,I-DU,IDU,I-DU,DU,DU,LB,I-DU,DU,YV +270,Dwelling,Any structure intended or used for human habitation. Synonym is living quarters.,Housing and Services ,Woning,Indawo yokuhlala,Isakhiwo sokuhlala,Indawo yokuhlala,Bodulo,Bodulo,Bonno,Indlu yekuhlala,Vhudzulo,Vutshamo +271,"Dwelling, informal",See informal dwelling.,Housing and Services ,"Woning, informeel [informele woning]","Indawo yokuhlala, engakahleleki",Ityotyombe/ibobosi,Umjondolo; umkhukhu,Bodulo bja go se be bja semolao,Bodulo bo sa tsitsang,Motlhatlhana,"Umkhukhu, lidlangala",Vhudzulotshayanzudzanyo,"Vutshamo, byo ka byi nga ri bya ximfumo" +272,"Dwelling, traditional","A dwelling made primarily of clay, mud, reeds or other locally available natural materials. Such dwellings can be found as single units or in clusters.",Housing and Services ,"Woning, tradisioneel [tradisionele woning]",Indlu yesintu,"Isakhiwo sokuhlala, samandulo",Indlu yomdabu,Bodulo bja setlogo,"Bodulo, ba sekgalekgale",Bonno (setso),Indlu yesintfu,Vhudzulo ha mvelele,"Vutshamo, bya ndhavuko/ xintu" +273,Dwelling unit (DU),"Structure or part of a structure or group of structures occupied or meant to be occupied by one or more than one household. Includes structure or part of a structure which is vacant and/or under construction, but can be lived in at the time of the survey. Includes units in collective living quarters, unlike a housing unit. Dwelling units may therefore comprise housing units plus units in collective living quarters when applicable.",Housing and Services ,Wooneenheid (WE),Indawo yokuhlala,Iyunithi yesakhiwo yokuhlala (iDU),Indawo yokuhlala,Yuniti ya go dula,Yuniti ya bodulo,Lefelobonno,Indlu yekuhlala,Tshipia tsha vhudzulo (DU),Yuniti ya vutshamo (YV) +274,"Dwelling, unoccupied",A dwelling whose inhabitants are absent at the time of the visit or during the reference period during a census or survey.,Housing and Services ,"Woning, ongeokkupeerd [ongeokkupeerde woning]","Indawo yokuhlala, enganamuntu",Isakhiwo esingenamntu,Indawo yokuhlala engenamuntu,Bodulo bja go se be le motho,Bodulo bo sa sebedisweng,"Bonno, bo bo se nang ope",Indlu lengenamuntfu,Vhudzulo vhu si na muthu / ndi mahagala,"Vutshamo, vinyi va nga ri kona" +275,"Dwelling, vacant","A dwelling that is uninhabited, i.e. no one lives there.",Housing and Services ,"Woning, onbewoon [onbewoonde woning]",Indawo engahlali muntu,"Isakhiwo sokuhlala, esingahlalwayo",Indawo yokuhlala engahlali muntu,Bodulo bja go se dulwe ke motho,Bodulo bo se nang batho,"Bonno, bo bo lolea",Indlu lengahlali muntfu,Vhudzulotshayamudzuli / mahangala,"Vutshamo, byo ka byi nga tshamiwi hi munhu" +276,"Electricity for cooking, heating and/or lighting",Electricity from the public supplier.,Housing and Services ,"Elektrisiteit vir kook-, verhittings- en/of verligtingsdoeleindes",Igezi,"Umbane wokupheka, ukufudumeza kunye okanye ukukhanyisa","Ugesi wokupheka, wokushisisa nokukhanyisa","Mohlagase wa go apea, go rutheta le/ goba go bonega","Motlakase o phehang, futhumatsang le/kapa o kgantshang","Motlakase wa go apaya, go thuthafatsa le/kgotsa go bonesa/bonega","Gezi wekupheka, kufutfumeta kanye/kumbe nekukhanyisa","Muagasinisedzwa (wa u bika, u dudedza, u funga)","Gezi ro sweka, ro hisisa na/ kumbe ku lumeka" +277,Electricity undertaking,"An undertaking concerned with the generation or transmission and distribution of electricity, including electrical power installations, which as subsidiary divisions of undertakings produce electricity for regular use by these undertakings.",Housing and Services ,Elektrisiteitsonderneming,Umsebenzi ophathelene negezi,Ubonelelo ngombane,Ukuphakela ngogesi,Bogwebi bja mohlagase,Kgwebo ya motlakase,Maitlamo a kabomotlakase,Umsebenti ngagezi,Tshiimiswa nisedzamuagasi,Xiboho xa gezi +278,Flat,"A dwelling, usually on one floor, with at least one wall shared with another such dwelling, within a block of flats. Synonym is apartment. See also block of flats.",Housing and Services ,Woonstel,Iflede/i,Iflethi,Iflethi,Folete,Folete,Folete; motlhatlagano,Ifulethi,Vhudzulohumekana / fulethe,Fulete +279,Formal dwelling,"A structure built according to approved plans, i.e house on separate stands, flat or apartment, townhouse, room in a backyard, rooms or flatlets elsewhere contrasted with informal dwelling and traditional dwelling.",Housing and Services ,Formele woning,Indawo yokuhlala ehlelekileko,Indawo yokuhlala ecandiweyo,Indawo yokuhlala ehlelekile,Bodulo bja semolao,Bodulo bo tsitsitseng,Bonnosemolao,Indlu lehlelekile,Vhudzulonzudzanywa,Vutshamo bya ximfumo +280,Free basic electricity,"An amount of electricity determined by government that should be provided free to poor households to meet basic needs, currently set at 50 kWh per month per household.",Housing and Services ,Gratis basiese elektrisiteit,Igezi yamahala esisekelo,Umbane osisiseko ofelefele,Isabelo sikagesi samahhala; ugesi ophakelwa mahhala,Mohlagase wa motheo wa mahala,Motlakase wa mantlha wa mahala,Motlakase wa motheo wa mahala,Gezi longakhokhelwa,Muagasiphiwa tshayambadelo/muagasi wa mutheo wa mahala,Gezi ra mahala +281,Free basic water,"An amount of water determined by government that should be provided free to poor households to meet basic needs, currently set at 6 kl per month per household within 200 metres from each dwelling.",Housing and Services ,Gratis basiese water,Amanzi wamahala asisekelo,Amanzi asisibonelelo,Isabelo samanzi samahhala; amanzi aphakelwa mahhala,Metse a motheo a mahala,Metsi a mantlha a mahala,Metsi a motheo a mahala,Emanti langakhokhelwa,Maiphiwa tshayambadelo/mai a mutheo a mahala,Mati ya mahala +282,Hostel,"A collective form of accommodation for workers or students, but not including boarding school hostels. See workers hostel.",Housing and Services ,Hostel,Ihostela,Ihostele,Ihositela,Hosetele,Hosetele,Hosetele,lihostela / lihostela,Hositele (vhashumi kana matshudeni),Hositele +283,Hotel,"An establishment providing accommodation and meals for pay. See collective living quarters, tourist hotel and residential hotel.",Housing and Services ,Hotel,Ihotela,Ihotele,Ihotela,Hotele,Hotele,Hotele,lihhotela / ihhotela,Hodela,Hodela +284,House,A freestanding dwelling.,Housing and Services ,Huis,Indlu,Indlu,Indlu,Ntlo/ngwako,Ntlo,Ntlo,Indlu,Nnu,Yindlu +285,Housing unit,"A unit of accommodation for a household, which may consist of one structure, or more than one structure, or part of a structure. (Examples of each are a house, a group of rondavels, and a flat.) It may be vacant, or occupied by one or more than one household. A housing unit usually has a separate entrance from outside or from a common space, as in a block of flats. See dwelling unit, living quarters and collective living quarters.",Housing and Services ,Behuisingseenheid,Indawo yokuhlala,Iyunithi yolwakhelo-zindlu,Ikhaya,Yuniti ya bodulo,Yuniti ya bodulo,Bonno,Umuti,Tshipia tsha vhudzulo,Yuniti xa vutshamo +286,Hygienic toilet facility,"Flush toilet, chemical toilet or pit latrine with ventilation pipe.",Housing and Services ,Higiniese toiletgerief,Ithoyilethe ehlanzekileko,Indlu yangasese ecocekileyo,Izindlu zangasese ezihlanzekile,Setlabakelo sa go hlweka sa botshwelamare/ thoilete,Maranrang a tlhwekiso ya ntlwana; matlwana a hlwekileng,Ntlwanaphelophepa,Umthoyi lohlantekile,Tshishumiswa tsha bungavhuthathazwitshili / tsiravhulwadze,Xihambukelo xa ntivorihanyu +287,Index of physical volume of electricity production (Social Statistics),A statistical measure of the change in the volume of production of electricity in a given period and the volume of production of electricity in the base period.,Housing and Services ,Indeks van fisiese volume van elektrisiteitsproduksie (Maatskaplike Statistieke),Ikomba yomthamo yokuphehlwa kwegezi,Umlinganiselo womthamo wemveliso yombane (iNkcukacha-manani yezeNtlalo),Inkomba yomthamo kagesi okhiqiziwe,Kelothupeto ya boleng bjo bo bonalago bja tweleto ya mohlagase,Tshupane ya bongata ba tlhahiso ya motlakase,Tshupanekelo tlhagisomotlakase,Inkhomba yemtsamo wagezi lokhicitwako,Tshikalavhungomu- / volumu ya vhubveledzamuagasi,Xikombo xa vholumumbonakalo ya andziso wa gezi (tinhlayohlayo ta vanhu) +288,Informal dwelling,"A makeshift structure not erected according to approved architectural plans, for example shacks or shanties in informal settlements or in backyards.",Housing and Services ,Informele woning,Indawo yokuhlala engakahleleki,Ityotyombe,Umjondolo/umkhukhu,Ntlo ya go se be ya semolao,Bodulo bo sa tsitsang,Motlhatlhana,Umkhukhu,Vhudzulo tshayanzudzanywa,Vutshamo byo ka byi nga ri bya ximfumo +289,Informal settlement,"An unplanned settlement on land that has not been surveyed or proclaimed as residential, consisting mainly of informal dwellings (shacks).",Housing and Services ,Informele nedersetting,Ukwakha okungakahleleki,Indawo yamatyotyombe,Emijondolo; emikhukhwini,Madulo a go se be a semolao,Bodulo bo sa tsitsang (mekhukhu),Ditakana,Indzawo yekuhlala lokungakahleleki,Mii tshayanzudzanywa,Ndhawu ya mikhukhu +290,Institution (enumeration),"Communal place of residence for people with a common characteristic, such as a hospital, school hostel, prison, defence force barracks or convent.",Housing and Services ,Inrigting (bevolkingstelling),Indawo yeenqhema,Iziko (ubalo),Isikhungo sokubalela,Insitituene,Institushene (ho bala),Setheo,Sikhungo sekuhlala,Tshiimiswa (mbalavhathu),Ndhawu (nhlayelo) +291,Kitchen,A room equipped for the preparation of principal meals and intended for that purpose.,Housing and Services ,Kombuis,Ikhwitjhi; iphunyana,Igumbi lokuphekela/ikhitshi,Ixhiba/idladla/Ikhishi,Khii/mothopa/ morala,Kitjhini,Boapeelo,"Lidladla, likhishi",Tshianga / khishi,Xitanga +292,Living quarters,A general term meaning the place where people stay. Living quarters can be divided into two main groups: housing units and collective living quarters. See also the diagram of types of living quarters in Appendix A.,Housing and Services ,Woonkwartier,Iindawo zokuhlala,Iindawo zokuhlala,Amakwatasi; izindlu zokuhlala,Dikotase ta bodulo,Dikotaseng tsa bodulo,Bonno; Dikotase,Emakotasi,Vhudzulo,Vutshamo +293,Non-residential building,A building where the major part of the floor space is not intended for dwelling but for other purposes such as commercial or industrial.,Housing and Services ,Nieresidensile gebou,Umakho ongasi wokuhlala,Isakhiwo esingalungiselelwanga ukuhlala,Isakhiwo okungesona esokuhlala/ isakhiwo esingasetshenziselwa ukuhlala,Moago wa go se be wa madulo,Moaho oo eseng wa bodulo,Moago/kago o/e e seng wa/ya bonno,Sakhiwo lesingasiso sekuhlala,Tshifhao tshi si tsha vhudzulo,Muako lowu nga endleriwangiki ku tshama vanhu +294,Piped water in dwelling or on site,Piped water inside the households own dwelling or in their yard. It excludes water from a neighbours tap or a public tap that is not on site.,Housing and Services ,Aangelegde water in woning of op perseel,Amanzi wepompi endlini namkha esitandini,Amanzi asemibhobheni kwindawo yokuhlala okanye esizeni,Amanzi asepayipini/ kampompi asekhaya,Meetse a pompi ka gae goba setsheng,Metsi a pompo bodulong kapa setsheng,Metsi a thepe mo ntlong kgotsa mo setsheng,Emanti empompi endlini nobe ebaleni,Mai a muini,Mati ya pompi eka vutshamo kumbe ndhawu +295,Rent,Payment for use of property of another as living quarters.,Housing and Services ,Huurgeld,Irente / irende,Irente,Irenti,Rente,Rente,Rente,Intsela,Rennde,Rhente +296,Residential hotel,Hotel providing semi-permanent accommodation. See tourist hotel.,Housing and Services ,Private hotel,Ihotela yamahlalo,Ihotele yokuhlala,Ihhotela lokuhlala,Hotele ya bodulo,Hotele ya bodulo,Hotelebonno,Lihhotela lekucashisa,Hodela ya vhudzulo,Hodela ya vutshamo +297,Room,"Space in a housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or to a height of at least two metres, of an area large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least four square metres.",Housing and Services ,Kamer,Ikamuru,Igumbi,Ikamelo; igumbi; irumu,Phaphoi; kamora,Phaposi,Phaposi,Likamelo,Lufhera; kamara; rumu,Kamara +298,Sanitation,"Principles and practices relating to the collection, removal or disposal of human excreta, household waste water and refuse, as they impact upon people and the environment.",Housing and Services ,Sanitasie,Ihlwengiso,Ugutyulo,Ukuthuthwa kwendle,Bohlwekii,Tsamaiso ya dikgwerekgwere,Kgeleloleswe,Indlela yekuhambisa inkhucunkhucu,Vhuthathazwitshili / vhuthathazwitzhili,Mbhasiso +299,Semi-detached house,One of two houses joined together with one common wall. Each house usually has its own private ground and has no other dwelling below or above it.,Housing and Services ,Skakelhuis,Indlu enamathelene nenye,Indlu eyayame kwenye,Indlu exhunywe kwenye,Dintlo ta go momagana,Matlo a tshwarahaneng,Matlotshwaragano,Indluhlangene,Nnuhumekanywa,Yindlu yo tiyimela yoxenyana +300,Shack,"See dwelling, informal.",Housing and Services ,Hut,umtlhatlhana; umdlhodlhwana,Ityotyombe/ibobosi,Umjondolo; umkhukhu,Mokutwana/ mohlahlana/ mokhukhu,Mokhukhu,Letikiri; mokhukhu,"Umkhukhu, lidlangala",Mushasha / thumba / mukhukhu,Mukhukhu +301,Squatter area,See informal settlement.,Housing and Services ,Plakkersgebied,Ukwakha okungakahleleki,Indawo yoogobityholo,Emijondolo; imikhukhwini,Lefelo la bo mmakaepea/ uumela,Sebaka sa baipehi,Ditakana,"Emikhukhwini, indzawo yekuhlala labacubile",Mishashani /thumbani/ mikhukhuni,Ndhawu ya mikhukhu +302,Stand,See erf.,Housing and Services ,Erf,Ibala; isizila; isitandi; ijarida,Isiza,Isiza/isitende,Setene/ setsha,Setsha,Setsha,"Sicintsi, sitandi",Tshitannde /tshitentsi,Xitandi +303,Tenant,Person who occupies a housing unit which is not his/her property and who pays (in money or in kind) for using the unit as living quarters for his/her household.,Housing and Services ,Huurder,Umqatjhi,Umnxusi/ibhoda,Isiqashi,Mohiri,Mohiri,Mohiri,Sicashi,Musendelelwa/muhiri,Muhirhi +304,Tenure,Arrangement under which a household occupies its dwelling.,Housing and Services ,Besit,Umhlobo wendlela yokuhlala,Ixesha lengqesho/elisikiweyo/eliqingqiweyo,Ubude besikhathi,Kabo ya ntlo,Bolelele ba nako,Pakakhiro,Sikhatsi lotasihlala,Thendelano ya vhusendelelwa/vhuhiri,Milawu ya vutshamo +305,Toilet,Installation or system for the disposal of human excreta.,Housing and Services ,Toilet,Indlwana yokuphumela/yokuzithumela; ithoyilethe,Indlu yangasese,Indlu yangasese; ibhoshi; ithoyilethi,Botshwelamare/ thoilete,Ntlwana,Ntlwana; kwa ga sekgwamathe,Umthoyi,Bunga / thoilethe,xihambukelo/xindlwana +306,Toilet facility,Installation or system for the disposal of human excreta.,Housing and Services ,Toiletgerief,Irherho lezindlwana zokuphumela/lamathoyilethe,Izixhobiso zendlu yangasese,Uhlelo lwezindlu zangasese,Setlabakelo sa botshwelamare/ ntlwana/ thoilete,Matlwana,Ntlwana; kwa ga sekgwamathe,Umthoyi,Tshishumiswa tsha bunga / thoilethe,xitirhisiwa xa xihambukelo/xindlwana +307,Tourist hotel,"A hotel providing accommodation to short-term residents, e.g. tourists or other travellers such as business people. See residential hotel.",Housing and Services ,Toeristehotel,Ihotela yeemvakatjhimbukeli,Ihotele yabakhenkethi,Ihhotela lezivakashi,Hotele ya boeti,Hotele ya bahahlaudi,Hotele ya bajanala,Lihhotela letivakashi,Hodela ya vhaendelamashango,Hodela ya vupfhumba +308,Townhouse,A self-contained dwelling with private grounds within a common ground for other dwellings.,Housing and Services ,Meenthuis,Undlufana; ithawunihawuzi,Indlu eyayame kwezinye edolophini,Ithawunihawusi,Ntlosetoropo/ thaonehaose,Thaonohaose,Sebapamotse,Ithawunihawusi,Nnu ya oroboni,Yindluxidoroba +309,Traditional dwelling,"A dwelling made of clay, mud, reeds or other locally available materials. Note: This is a general term that includes huts, rondavels, etc. Such dwellings can be found as single units or in clusters.",Housing and Services ,Tradisionele woning,Indlu yesintu,Isakhiwo sokuhlala samandulo,Indlu yomdabu,Bodulo bja setlogo,Bodulo ba sekgalekgale,Bonno ba setso,Indlu yesintfu,Nnu ya mvelele,Vutshamo bya xintu/ndhavuko +310,Unit of electricity,One unit of electricity is equal to 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh). One gigawatt-hour (gWh) of electricity is equal to one million kilowatt-hours.,Housing and Services ,Eenheid elektrisiteit,Isilinganiso sibalo segezi,Iyunithi yombane,Isilinganiso sobungako bukagesi,Yuniti ya mohlagase,Yuniti ya motlakase,Seelo sa motlakase,Iyunithi yagezi,Phimamuagasi /yunithi ya muagasi,Yuniti ya gezi +311,Vacant stand,"A stand, fenced or unfenced, which has no observable structure erected on it.",Housing and Services ,Onbeboude erf,Isitandi esingakakhiwa,Isakhiwo esingenanto,Isitende esingakhelwe,Setsha/setene sa go se be le moago,Setsha se senang letho,Setsha se se lolea,Sicintsi/sitandi lesingenalutfo,Tshitannde -/tshitentsi tshayatshifhao,Xitandi xo pfumala muako +312,Workers hostel (Social Statistics),"A communal living quarter for workers, provided by a public organisation such as a local authority, or a private organisation such as a mining company. These were residential dormitories established for migrant workers during the apartheid era, and they continue to house people working in certain industries, such as the mining industry.",Housing and Services ,Werkershostel (Maatskaplike Statistieke),Ihostela; ikoponi,Ihostele yabasebenzi (iNkcukacha-manani yezeNtlalo),Ihositela lezisebenzi/labasebenzi,Hosetele ya baomi,Hostele ya basebetsi (Dipalopalo tsa Setjhaba),Hosetele ya badiri; kompone,Ihostela yetisebenti / ihostela yetisebenti,Hositele ya vhashumi (mbalombalo / zwitatisitika zwa matshilisano),Hositele ya vatirhi +313,Consume,"To use or utilise services, spend money or eat or drink food.","Income, Pensions, Spending and Wealth ",Verbruik,-sebenzisa,ukusebenzisa,Ukusebenzisa,Go diria / omia,Sebedisa,Dirisa,Sebentisa,U shumisa / U a / U renga,Tirhisa +314,Gift,"An item received by the household from people who are not members of the household or items given away by members of the household to non-members, without compensation.","Income, Pensions, Spending and Wealth ",Geskenk,Isipho,isipho,Isipho,Mpho,Mpho,Mpho,Sipho,Tshifhiwa / Mpho,Nyiko +315,Outlay,The act of spending or disbursing money.,"Income, Pensions, Spending and Wealth ",Uitgawe,-aba imali / -abela imali,ukusetyenziswa kwemali,Ukusetshenziswa kwemali,Thomio ya thelete,Tshebediso,Tirisomadi,Kusebentisa / Kwaba,U shumisa kana u kovhekanya tshelede,Matirhiselo +316,Acknowledgement of debt,A statement by a person/debtor in which he admits that he owes money to an individual or a company or a bank.,Industry and Trade ,Erkenning van geldskuld,Ukuvunywa kwesikwelede,Ukuvuma ityala,Ukuvunywa kwesikweletu,Kamogelo ya sekoloto/ go dumela sekoloto,Kananelo ya sekoloto,Kamogelomolato,Kuvuma sikweleti,Thendatshikolodo,Ku amukela xikweleti +317,Additions and alterations,Extensions to existing buildings as well as internal and external alterations of existing buildings.,Industry and Trade ,Aanbouings en verbouings,Iingezelelo namatjhuguluko,Ulwandiso lwendlu nokufakelela,Ukunwetshwa nokuguqulwa kwesakhiwo,Dikatoloo le diphetogo,Dikeketso le dintlafatso,Dikoketso le ditlhabololo,Kwengeta nekuntjintja,Nyengedzo na tshandukiso,Swiengetelwa na micinco +318,Bill,A statement of charges for a service rendered or for the amount owed.,Industry and Trade ,Rekening,I-akhawundi; ibhili,Ibhili/ityala,Isitatimende sesikweletu/ ibhili,Thupasekoloto,Bili,Tshupatshenyegelo; tshupamolato,"i-akhawunti, ibhili",Tsumbamulandu,Bili +319,Civil judgement,A decision taken in a civil matter or a dispute between two people or parties.,Industry and Trade ,Siviele uitspraak,Isahlulelo sombango,Isigwebo sembambano,Isahlulelo sombango,Kahlolo ya segae,Kahlolo ya selehae,Katlholoselegae,Sigwebo sembango,Khahululo ya mbilo,Vuavanyisi bya mfumo +320,Civil summons,"Notice to appear before the court of law where a dispute between two parties or people has to be heard, i.e. not for a criminal offence.",Industry and Trade ,Siviele dagvaarding,Idarhifari yombango; isibizelakhotho sombango,Iisamani,Isamanisi lecala lombango,Ditagafala ta segae,Samane,Piletsatshekong,Emasamanisi ekubanga,Nivhadzamulandu wa mbilo,Masamanisi ya mfumo +321,Cleaning service,Cleaning using own staff or cleaning using subcontractors.,Industry and Trade ,Skoonmaakdiens,Umsebenzi wokuhlwengisa,Inkonzo yokucoca,Umsebenzi wezokuhlanza,Tirelohlwekio,Ditshebeletso tsa tlhwekiso,Tirelophepafatso,Umsebenti wekuhlanta,Tshumelo ya vhukunisi,Vukorhokeri byo basisa +322,Compulsory liquidation,Occurs when the affairs of a company or close corporation are wound up by order of the court.,Industry and Trade ,Gedwonge likwidasie,Ukudliwa,Ukubhangiswa/ ukuphucwa ngokomthetho,Ukuphoqwa yinkantolo ukumisa ibhizinisi,Tswalelo ya kgwebo ka kgapeleto; phedio ya kgwebo ya kgapeleto,Taelo ya kgotla ya kgapo ya thepa; kgapo e tlamang,Tswalokgwebo ka pateletso; phatlhalatsokgwebo ka pateletso,Kuvaliswa ibhizinisi,Vhuwatshioko khombetshedzwa ha mabindu,Heriso wo boha wa khamphani hi nawu/ khoto +323,Consent judgement,"Where a debtor agrees to subject himself/herself to obey or accept a judgement of a court against him for a debt he owes without defending the action. This usually happens before the debtor signs a binding contract, e.g. a loan agreement.",Industry and Trade ,Vonnis by toestemming,Isahlulelo sokuzibopha,Isigwebo semvumelwano,Ukuvumelana ngesahlulelo senkantolo,Kahlolo ya go amogelega/ kamogelo ya kahlolo,Kamohelo ka tumellano,Kamogelokatlholo,Kutivumela sigwebo,Khahulothendelana,Vuavanyisi hi ku pfumela +324,Default judgement,"Where the court gives a judgement or a ruling against the defendant who is not present in court and was previously given a notice that was ignored, i.e. a judgement was given against a party or an individual while not present in court.",Industry and Trade ,Vonnis by verstek,Isahlulelo ngokuziliselela,Isigwebo sokutyeshela ngabom,Ukhishwa kwesinqumo engekho ummangalelwa,Kahlolo mosekiwa a se gona,Kahlolo bosiyong ba moqosuwa,Katlholo ka itlhokomoloso; katlholo ka nyafalo,Kugwetjwa ungekho,Khahulondaisi,Vuavanyisi munhu a nga ri kona +325,Export,Outward flow of goods and services leaving the economic territory of a country to the outside world.,Industry and Trade ,Uitvoer,Ipahla ethunyelwa ngaphandle,Impahla ethunyelwa kwamanye amazwe,Ukuthunyelwa kwempahla;komsebenzi kwamanye amazwe,Thomelontle,Diromelwantle,Thomelontle,Kutfumela ngaphandle,Vhurumelazwivhambadzwa/-thundu nna,Ku rhumela ematikweni ya le handle +326,Free-on-board,"Relates to goods destined for the export market. Railage, road transport and docking charges are involved, but no charges are made for transport by sea.",Industry and Trade ,Vry aan boord,-nganandleko zomkhumbi,-Engahlawulelwayo kwinqanawe,Mahhala emkhunjini,Thomelomahala ya dithoto go twa le go ya dinageng di ele,Tse sa lefellweng sekepeng,Thoro ntle le tuelo (sekepe),Kungakhokhi tindleko temkhumbi,Zwivhambadzwa tshayambadelo dza ngalavha,Nhundzu yo pfumala tihakelo etikweni hi lwandle +327,Free-on-rail,Relates to goods sold on the local market where no railage or road transport costs are involved.,Industry and Trade ,Vry op spoor,-nganandleko zesitimela,-Engahlawulelwayo koololiwe,Mahhala emgwaqeni/kuloliwe,Thomelomahala ya dithoto ka nageng,Tse sa lefellweng tseleng,Thoro ntle le tuelo (tsela le seporo),Kungakhokhi tindleko taloliwe,Zwivhambadzwa tshayambadelo dza vhuendi,Nhundzu yo pfumala tihakelo etikweni hi xitimela +328,Gigawatt-hour (gWh),One gigawatt-hour of electricity is equal to one million kilowatt-hours. A kilowatt-hour is the basic unit of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt of power supplied to or taken from an electric circuit steadily for one hour. One kilowatt-hour equals one thousand watt-hours.,Industry and Trade ,Gigawatt-uur (GWh),I-Gigawatt-hour(gWh); i-iri le-Gigawatt,Iyure yegigawathi/ isixa sombane,i-Gigawatt-ngehora,Iri ya kikawate,Gigawatt ka hora (gWh); hora ya gigawatt,Kikawate ka ura,li-awa leligigawathi,Awara / iri ya gigawathi (gWh),Awara ya Gigawati (gWh) +329,Import,Inward flow of goods and services entering the economic territory of a country from the outside world.,Industry and Trade ,Invoer,Ipahla engenako,Impahla engenayo,Ukungena kwempahla/komsebenzi ovela kwamanye amazwe,Ditwantle,Diamohelwa,Thomeloteng,Kungenisa imphahla,Vhuuni,Ku tundza +330,Index of physical volume of electricity production (Industry and Trade Statistics),A statistical measure of the change in the volume of production of electricity in a given period and the volume of production of electricity in the base period.,Industry and Trade ,Indeks van fisiese volume van elektrisiteitsproduksie (Handel- en Nywerheidstatistieke),Ikomba yomthamo yokuphehlwa kwegezi,Umlinganiso womthamo wemveliso yombane (iNkcukacha-manani yoShishino noRhwebo),Inkomba yokuguquka komthamo kagesi okhiqiziwe,Kelo ya thupeto ya tweleto ya mohlagase lebakeng le itego,Tshupane ya tlhahiso ya motlakase,Tshupanekelo tlhagisomotlakase,Inkhombabunjalo yekukhicita umtsamo wagezi,Tshikalavhungomu / -volumu ya vhubveledzamuagasi (Mbalombalo / Zwitatisitika zwa Nowetshumo na Mbambadzo / Vhubindudzi),Xikombo xa vholumu ya mbonakalo ya andziso wa gezi (tinhlayohlayo ta vumaki na mabindzu) +331,Index of physical volume of manufacturing production,A statistical measure of the change in the volume of production. The production index of a major group is the ratio between the volume of production of a major group in a given period and the volume of production of the same major group in the base period.,Industry and Trade ,Indeks van fisiese volume van fabrieksproduksie,Ikomba yomthamo wokukhiqiza,Umlinganiso womthamo wokwenza imveliso,Inkomba yokuguquka komthamo wempahla ekhiqiziwe,Kelothupeto ya tweleto ya ditweletwa,Tshupane ya tlhahiso,Tshupanekelo tlhagisokuno,Inkhombabunjalo yemtsamo wekukhicita lokukhicitwako,Tshikalavhungomu / -volumu ya vhubveledzavhumagi,Xikombo xa vholumu ya mbonakalo na andziso wa vumaki +332,Index of physical volume of mining production,A statistical measure of the change in the volume of production. The production index of a mineral group is the ratio between the volume of production of a mineral group in a given period and the volume of production of the same mineral group in the base period.,Industry and Trade ,Indeks van fisiese volume van mynbouproduksie,Ikomba yomthamo womkhiqizo weemayini,Umlinganiso womthamo wemveliso yezimbiwa,Inkomba yokuguquka komthamo wezimbiwa ezikhiqiziwe,Kelothupeto ya tweleto ya dirafwa lebakeng le itego,Tshupane ya tlhahiso morafong,Tshupanekelo tlhagisodirawa,Inkhombabunjalo yemtsamo wemkhicito wetimbiwa,Tshikalavhungomu / -volumu ya vhubveledzamigodi,Xikombo xa vholumu ya mbonakalo ya andziso wa migodi +333,Insolvency,"A state whereby an individual or partnership is unable to pay its debt and is placed under final sequestration; a partnership which is unable to pay its debt is regarded as one insolvency, irrespective of the number of partners.",Industry and Trade ,Insolvensie,Umtjhono,Ukubhanga/ ukubhanga,Ukuwa ebhizinisini,Phuhlamo/ go wa,Ho futsaneha,Bothoni; phutlhamo,Kuwa,Vhuwatshioko,Ntsandzekokuhakela +334,Installment sale transaction,"A sale transaction where a person buys goods on credit and pays for them in installments, e.g. every week or month, until he/she settles the debt.",Industry and Trade ,Afbetalingsverkoopstransaksie,Ukuthenga ngesitorimende,Intengiselwano ngezavenge,ukuthenga ngokukhokha ngamancozuncozu,Kgwebiano ka tefelo ka dikgao,Thekisetsano ka mokitlane,Theko ka dikarolotuelo,Kutsenga ngesikweleti,Thengiselano nga vhuwalwamuoo,Nxaviselano hi xitolomendhe +335,Liquidation,The winding-up of the affairs of a company or close corporation when liabilities exceed assets and it can be resolved by voluntary action or by an order of the court.,Industry and Trade ,Likwidasie,Ukuvala,Ukubhanga,Ukumiswa kwebhizinisi,Tswalelo ya kgwebo/ hlahlamollo ya kgwebo,Kgapo ya thepa,Tswalokgwebo; phatlhalatsokgwebo,Kuvaliswa ibhizinisi,Vhuwatshioko ha mabindu,Heriso wa khamphani +336,Litigants,"People who take part in court proceedings, usually against each other, like a debtor and a creditor.",Industry and Trade ,Gedingvoerders,Ababangisani,Abamangali,Abamangalelene,Molli le mosekiwa/ baphenkgiani molatong,Baqosani,Baemakgatlhanong semolao,"Timbangi enkantolo, bakweletani",Vhavhilani,Vamangalelani +337,Litigants referred,A case where the parties have been referred to another instance/court.,Industry and Trade ,Gedingvoerders verwys,Icala elidlulisiweko,Abamangali abadluliselweyo,Udaba oludluliselwe kwenye inkantolo,Baphenkgiane ba upetwa boyo,Phetisetso ya nyewe kgotleng le leng; baqosani ba fetisetswa pele,Baemakgatlhanong semolao ba ba rometsweng,Timbangi letedluliselwe ekhotho,Vhavhilani ndivhiswa kha iwe khothe,Vamangalelani lava rhumeriweke kunwana +338,Net profit or loss before tax,"The difference between total income and total expenditure before providing for drawings by proprietors or partners, company or dividends.",Industry and Trade ,Netto wins of verlies voor belasting,Inzuzo eseleko namkha ilahleko ngaphambi komthelo,Ingeniso okanye ilahleko phambi kwerhafu,Isamba senzuzo noma sencitheko ngaphambi kokukhokhwa kwentela,Maaledi a poelo le tobo pele ga mothelo,Phaello ya sebele/tahlehelo pele ho lekgetho,Poelotota kgotsa tatlhegelotota pele ga lekgetho,Inzuzo nobe kulahlekelwa kungakakhishwa intsela,Mbuelo kana ndozwo / tsalelamurahu ha lutho / muthelo,Mbuyeloxiheri kumbe ndzahlekelo ku nga si tekiwa xibalo +339,Open account transaction,An account that does not have a final payment date and a person can always take more goods and keep paying as long as he has credit (also known as revolving credit).,Industry and Trade ,Ooprekeningtransaksie,i-akhawundi evulekileko,Intengiselwano yokuvula iakhawunti,I-akhawunti evulelekile,Kgwebiano ya akhaonte ya go bulega,Akhaonte e bulehileng,Tseisomolato e e tswelelang,Kutsenga nge-akhawunti levulekile,Mbalelano / akhaundu tshayatetshelwa tshifhinga,Nxaviselano hi nkota yo pfuleka +340,Other debts,"All other kinds of outstanding debts such as salaries and wages, outstanding medical fund debts, outstanding sponsored debts, outstanding class and tuition debt, outstanding income and sales, tax, outstanding assessment rates, outstanding money in respect of television maintenance contracts, and outstanding money in respect of flat levies.",Industry and Trade ,Ander skuld,Iinkwelede ezinye,Amanye amatyala,Ezinye izikweletu,Dikoloto te dingwe,Dikoloto tse ding,Melato e mengwe; dikoloto tse dingwe,Tikweleti letinye,Miwe milandu / zwikolodo,Swikweleti swinwana +341,Other reasons for underutilisation,"Other reasons include reasons such as downtime due to maintenance, lower productivity and seasonal factors.",Industry and Trade ,Ander redes vir onderbenutting,Ezinye iinzathu zokubhalelwa,Ezinye izizathu zokungafikeleli ngokupheleleyo,Ezinye izizathu zokungasebenzisi ngokwanele,Mabaka a mangwe a thomionene,Mabaka a mang a kgaello ya tshebediso,Mabaka a mangwe a tirisotlase,Tizatfu letinye tekungasebentisi ngalokuphelele,Zwiwe zwiitisi / zwivhangi zwa tshaedza-/ hahedzatshumiso,Swivangelo swinwana swa matirhiselo ya le hansi +342,Other residential buildings,"Include institutions for the disabled, boarding houses, old-age homes, hostels, hotels, motels, guest-houses, holiday chalets, bed-and-breakfast accommodation, entertainment centres and casinos.",Industry and Trade ,Ander residensile geboue,Eminye imakho yokuhlala,Ezinye izakhiwo zokuhlala,Ezinye izakhiwo zokuhlala,Meago e mengwe ya tulo/madulo,Meaho e meng ya bodulo,Dikago tse dingwe tsa bonno,Takhiwo letinye tekuhlala,Zwiwe zwifhao zwa vhudzulo,Miako yinwana ya vutshamo +343,Other services,"Refers to municipal services (except outstanding assessment rates), plumbers, builders, mechanics, panel-beaters and electricians.",Industry and Trade ,Ander dienste,Eminye imisebenzi,Ezinye iinkonzo,Eminye imisebenzi,Ditirelo te dingwe,Ditshebeletso tse ding,Ditirelo tse dingwe,Tinsita letinye,Dziwe tshumelo,Vukorhokeri byinwana +344,Percentage under-utilisation of production capacity,The percentage under-utilisation of production capacity is calculated by deducting the percentage utilisation of production capacity from a hundred.,Industry and Trade ,Persentasie onderbenutting van produksievermo,Isilinganiso ngamapesente sokubhalelwa kwamandla wokuqhikiza,Ipesenti yokusetyenziswa ngokungaphelelanga komthamo olindelweyo wemveliso,Iphesenti lokungakhiqizi ngokwamandla anele,Phesente ya terionene ya mothamo wa tweleto,Phesente ya kgaello ya tshebediso ya bokgoni tlhahisong,Phesente ya tirisotlase ya mothamotlhagiso,Emaphesenti ekungasebentisi ngalokuphelele emandla ekukhicita,Phesenthe kha ana ya tshaedza-/hahedzavhukoni ha mveledziso,Ntirhiso wa le hansi wa vundzeni bya andziso hi tiphesente +345,Percentage utilisation of production capacity (manufacturing industry),"A measure of the use of manpower, plant and machinery in manufacturing.",Industry and Trade ,Persentasie benutting van produksievermo (vervaardigingsnywerheid) ,Isilinganiso ngamaphesende samandla wokukhiqiza,Ipesenti yokusetyenziswa komthamo wemveliso (ushishino lwemveliso),Iphesenti lokukhiqiza ngokwamandla anele,Phesentetirio ya mothamo wa tweleto,Phesente ya tshebediso ya bokgoni tlhahisong,Phesente ya tiriso ya mothamotlhagiso,Emaphesenti ekusebentisa emandla ekukhicita,Phesenthe kha ana ya tshumiso ya vhukoni ha vhubveledzi (dowetshumo ya Vhumagi),Ntirhiso wa le hansi wa vundzeni bya andziso hi tiphesente (vumaki byo endla) +346,PGMs,See Platinum Group Metals.,Industry and Trade ,PGMe,ama-PGM,IiPGM,i-PGMs,PGMs,PGMs,DTP,i-PGM,PGMs,ti-PGM +347,Plaintiff,A person/party in a civil case who asks the court for judgement against another person.,Industry and Trade ,Eiser,Ummangali,Ummangali,Ummangali,Molli/mmelaedi,Moqosi,Mongongoregi,Ummangali,Muhweleli,Mumangari +348,Platinum Group Metals,Include platinum; iridium; osmiridium; palladium; rhodium; ruthenium and osmium.,Industry and Trade ,Platinumgroepmetale,AmaMethali wePlathinamu,Udidi lwezinyithi zeplatinamu,iPlatinum Group Metals,Dimetale ta legoro la pholatinamo,Ditshepe tsa sehlopha sa polatinamo,Dimetale tsoopolatinamo,Inhlangano Yetinsimbi Teplathinamu,Mitale / methala ya tshigwada tsha pulatinamu,Ntlawa wa timethali wa pulatinamu +349,Professional services,"Medical doctors/dentists, advocates/attorneys, auditors/ accountants, architects, engineers and hospital services.",Industry and Trade ,Professionele dienste,Imisebenzi yabosokghonolwazi,Iinkonzo zabaqeqeshiweyo,Imisebenzi eqeqeshelwe,Ditirelo ta bo porofeenale,Ditshebeletso tsa diprofeshenale,Ditireloithutelwa,Tinsita tebucwepheshe,Tshumelo dza mishumogudwa,Vukorhokeri bya ntirhodyondzelwa +350,Promissory note,"Written note, signed by one person, in which he promises to pay money to another person or to the bearer of such a note on a specific date or on demand.",Industry and Trade ,Promesse,Isithembiso sokubhadela,Isithembiso semali esityikityiweyo/ esisayiniweyo,Isethembiso esibhaliwe senkokhelo,Lengwalo la tshepio,Tokomane ya tshepiso,Lokwalotsholofetso,Setsembisomali lesibhaliwe,iwalo pfulufhedzisa mbadelo,Papila ra xitshembiso +351,R/D cheques,See refer-to-drawer cheques.,Industry and Trade ,VT-tjeks,Amatjhege we-R/D,Iitsheki ezingenamali,Isheke elingemukelekanga/ Isheki elibhawunsile,Ditheke ta R/D,Ditjheke tsa RD,Dithekebuswa,Emasheke langenamali,Tsheke-/ndambiwa/khumiswa,Ticheke leti bampeke +352,Re-exports,Foreign goods exported in the same state as previously imported.,Industry and Trade ,Heruitvoergoedere,Ipahla ebuyiselwa ngaphandle / edluliselwa ngaphandle,Ukubuyiselwa kwempahla ebithengwe ngaphandle,Ukuphindiselwa kwempahla ezweni ebivela kulo,Diromelwantlelefswa,Thomello ya diamohelwa,Diromelwantle gape,Kutfumela njengobe utfunyelelwe,Zwiundwavhambadzelwa /-thumelwanna zwo tou ralo,Swirhumelwa nakambe +353,Reference month,One calendar month.,Industry and Trade ,Verwysingsmaand,Inyanga eqaliweko,Inyanga yokungqinisisa,Inyanga okuthathiselwa kuyo,Kgwedithupeto/ kgwedi ya thupeto,Kgwedi e boletsweng,Kgwedikaelo,Inyanga lekusetjentelwa kuyo,wedzi,Nhwetinkongomiso +354,Refer-to-drawer cheque,"Dishonoured cheques. The drawer is the owner of the cheque. When a person issues a cheque and there is no money in the cheque account, the bank will refuse to pay the bearer. The cheque will be referred back to the drawer.",Industry and Trade ,Verwys-na-trekker-tjek,Itjhege elibuyisiweko,Itsheki engenamali,Isheke elingemukelekanga/ Isheki elibhawunsile,Theke ya go buetwa go mong,Tjheke e sa leshwang,Thekebuswa,Lisheke lelingenamali,Tsheke-/ndambiwa/khumiswa,Cheke yo tlheriseriwa eka nwinyi +355,Retail trade,Includes the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods and products to the general public for household use.,Industry and Trade ,Kleinhandelsbedryf,Irhwebo leentolo; ukuthengisa kweentolo,Intengiso- rhwebo,Ukuthengisa/ukudayisa ngamancozu,Kgwebo ya go rekia go badirii,Thekisetso ya setjhaba,Thekisetsosethaba,Kutsengisa,Vhubindudzi ha thengiso mbambadzo,Bindzu ro xavisela vanhu +356,Retailer,An enterprise deriving more than 50% of its turnover from sales of goods to the general public for household use.,Industry and Trade ,Kleinhandelaar,Usositolo,Umthengisi,Umthengisi / umdayisi,Mogwebi,Morekisetsi wa setjhaba,Morekisetsasethaba,Umtsengisi,Bindu,Muxavisi +357,Stratum,A stratum is constructed by concatenating the SIC classification and size group variables.,Industry and Trade ,Stratum,Ikomba yobukhulu,Ukushiyiselana ngamaqondo,Ukwehlukanisa ngezibeba,Pharologanyothlopho go ya ka dikatshwano,Tlhopiso ya dikgwebo,Seterathamo,Lucwecwe,Tshigwada tsha zwi fanaho zwi linganaho,Xitarathamu/ swilofanana +358,Voluntary liquidation,"When a company or close corporation, by own choice, resolves to wind up its affairs.",Industry and Trade ,Vrywillige likwidasie,Ukuzidlisa; ukuzivalela,Uvumo-bhango,Ukuzinqumela ukumisa ibhizinisi/ ukuwa emsebenzini,Tswalelo ya kgwebo ka boithaopo,Kgapo ya thepa ka boinehelo,Tswalokgwebo ka boithaopo; phatlhalatsokgwebo ka boithaopo,Kutivalela ibhizinisi,Vhuiwisatshioko,Heriso wa khamphani hi ku tinyiketela +359,Weight (manufacturing major group),"The overall index for manufacturing is the ratio of the value added of the major group (i.e. output of a major group minus intermediate consumption) to the total value added of the manufacturing industry. The weight reflects the importance of the major group in the total. The weights change over time due to changes in the relative performance of industries, due to factors such as quality changes, changes in relative prices, and changes in customer preferences. New weights need to be calculated from time to time.",Industry and Trade ,Gewig (vervaardigingshoofgroep),Izinga lokuqakatheka(ikoro engamele zokukhiqiza),Umgangatho wegalelo kwezemveliso (amaqela amakhulu kwezemveliso),Inkomba yobukhondlakhondla (ekukhiqizweni kwezimpahla),Boima bja boleng bja didiriwa,Bohlokwa (dihlopha tsa bahlahisi),Bolengpapiso (madirelo),Inkhombasisindvo (imikhicito),Tshikalandivhanele ya ndeme(tshigwada tshihulwane tsha vhumagi),Ntiko (ntlawankulu wa vumaki) +360,Weight (mineral group),The ratio of the sales of a mineral group to the total sales of the mining industry. The weight of a mineral group reflects the importance of the mineral group in the total mining industry. The weights change over time due to quality changes and changes in relative prices. New weights need to be calculated from time to time.,Industry and Trade ,Gewig (mineraalgroep),Izinga lokuqakatheka(ikoro yamaminerali),Umgangatho wegalelo lemveliso kwezezimbiwa (amaqela kwizimbiwa),Inkomba yobukhondlakhondla (kuzimbiwa),Boima bja boleng bja dimenirala,Bohlokwa (sehlopha sa dimenerale),bolengpapiso (dirawa),Inkhombasisindvo (timbiwa),Tshikalandivhanele ya ndeme(tshigwada tsha munerala),Ntiko (ntlawa wa swicelwa) +361,Wholesaler,An enterprise deriving 50% or more of its turnover from sales of goods to other businesses and institutions.,Industry and Trade ,Groothandelaar,Iwoliseyila,Unohoseyile/ unothengisa-sixa,Umwolisela/ umhwebi odayisa ngakuningi,Holesele,Morekisetsi wa dikgwebo,Morekisetsadikgwebo,Lwoliseli,Holosele / bindu thengiselamabindu,Muholiselara +362,Wholesale trade,"Resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods and products to other wholesalers, retailers, agricultural, industrial, commercial, institutional and professional users, either directly or through agents on a fee or contract basis.",Industry and Trade ,Groothandelsbedryf,Irhwebo lamawoliseyila,Urhwebo lwehoseyile,Ukuthengisa/ ukudayisa ngakuningi,Bogwebi bja holesele,Thekisetso ya dikgwebo,Thekisetsodikgwebo,Kuhweba ngebuwoliseli,Mbambadzo / -vhubindudzi ha bindu thengiselamabindu/ holosele,Nxaviso wa xiholiseli +363,Active steps to seek work,"Steps such as registration at an employment exchange, applications to employers, checking at work sites or farms, placing or answering newspaper advertisements, seeking assistance of friends, etc.",Labour ,Daadwerklike stappe om werk te soek,Amagadango wokufuna umsebenzi,Amanyathelo okufuna umsebenzi,Izinyathelo zokufuna umsebenzi ngokuzimisela,Matsapa a mahlahla a go nyaka moomo,Mekutu ya ho batla mosebetsi,Go batla tiro ka matlhagatlhaga,Tinyatselo tekufuna umsebenti,Maganyitelwa hoamushumo,Magoza yo gingirikela ku lava ntirho +364,Average monthly earnings at constant 2000 prices,Measure of change in average monthly earnings after the direct effects of inflation have been eliminated. The deflator used to devalue the current average earnings is the Consumer Price Index (2000=100).,Labour ,Gemiddelde maandelikse verdienste teen konstante 2000-pryse,Ingeniso yenyanga eyi-avareji ejame eentengweni zika-2000,Iavareji yengeniso ngenyanga exabiso limi kunyaka wama-2000,Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji yomihlomulo ngenyanga entengweni engaguquki onyaka we-2000,Palogare ya megolo ya kgwedi go ya ka ditheko ta 2000,Palohare ya kuno kgweding ho ya ka ditheko tse tsitsitseng tsa 2000,Palogare ya lotseno lwa kgwedi ka ditlhotlhwa tse di tsepameng tsa 2000,Silinganisomkhatsi semiholo ngenyanga wentsengo lemile ya-2 000,Mbuelotshikati dza wedzi kha mitengotiwa ya 2000,Mpimoxikarhi wa miholo ya nhweti eka mixavo leyi nga cinciki ya 2000 +365,Average monthly earnings at current prices,"Are calculated by dividing the total gross earnings, excluding severance, termination and redundancy payments, for the reference month by the number of employees as at the end of the reference month.",Labour ,Gemiddelde maandelikse verdienste teen huidige pryse,Ingeniso yenyanga eyi-avareji ngeentengo zanje,Iavareji yengeniso ngenyanga ngamaxabiso asebenzayo/ akhoyo,Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji syemali engenayo entengweni yangaleso sikhathi,Palogare ya megolo ya kgwedi ka ditheko ta bjale,Palohare ya kuno kgweding dithekong tsa jwale,Palogare ya lotseno lwa kgwedi ka ditlhotlhwa tsa gajaana,Silinganisomkhatsi sanyalo semiholo ngenyanga,Mbuelotshikati dza wedzi kha mitengo ya zwino,Avhareji ya miholo ya nhweti eka minxavo ya sweswi +366,Casual employees,"Employees who are typically working daily or hourly, whose services can be dispensed with at a very short notice, usually not exceeding a period of one week, and who are not entitled to benefits such as paid leave and medical aid contributions paid by employers.",Labour ,Los werknemers,Abasebenzi abatorhako,Abasebenzi abangezozigxina/ abangxungxi,Izisebenzi / abasebenzi zetoho,Baomi ba lebakanyana,Basebetsi ba tshohanyetso,Bathapiwa ba nakwana; badiri ba nakwana,Tisebenti telitoho,Vhashumi vha tshifhinganyana,Vatirhi va nkarhinyana +367,Current job,The job in which a person is engaged during the survey reference period.,Labour ,Huidige betrekking / Huidige werk,Umsebenzi umuntu akiwo,umsebenzi akuwo umntu ngexesha elikhankanyiweyo,Umsebenzi owenzayo,Moomo wa bjale,Mosebetsi wa hajwale,Tirogajaana / Tirobojaanong,Umsebenti lokuwo,Mushumo wa zwino,Ntirho wa sweswi +368,Discouraged work-seeker,"Person without work, who wants to work but has not taken active steps to seek work in the reference period.",Labour ,Ontmoedigde werksoeker,Umfunimsebenzi ophelelwe mamandla,Umfuni-msebenzi ongenathemba,Umfunimsebenzi osedikibele,Motsomamoomo yo a langwilego,Mmatli ya nyahameng wa mosebetsi; mmatlamosebetsi ya nyahamenng,Mmatlatiro yo o nyemileng mooko,Umfunimsebenti lodvumele,Muoamushumo gonobvadzwa,Munhu la nyameke ku lava ntirho +369,Domestic worker,"A person employed to work in a household as a cleaner, cook, nanny driver, gardener, etc. See live-in domestic worker under Census.",Labour ,Huiswerker,Isisebenzi sekhaya,Umncedisi wasekhaya,Isisebenzi sasendlini,Moomi wa ka lapeng,Mosebetsi wa lapeng,Modiredigae,Sisebenti sasekhaya,Muthusi /mushumi wa mua / hayani,Mutirhi wa le kaya +370,Economic activity (Employment and Prices),"(1) Any activity that contributes to the production of goods and services (contrasted with non-economic activity such as study or leisure). +(2) The main business of an enterprise. See industry.",Labour ,Ekonomiese aktiwiteit (Werkverskaffing en Pryse),Umsebenzi womnotho,Iintshukumo zoqoqosho (iNgqesho namaXabiso),Umsebenzi wezomnotho,Moongwana wa ikonomi,Ho hweba (kgiro le ditheko),Tiro e e tsenyang lotseno,Lokwentiwa temnotfo,Vhuitwa / mushumo wa Ekonomi (Mushumo na Mitengo),Nghingiriko wa xiikhonomi (vuthori na mixavo) +371,Economic sector,Deprecated. Use industry.,Labour ,Ekonomiese sektor,Ikoro yomnotho,Icandelo loqoqosho,Umkhakha wezomnotho,Lefapa la ikonomi,Indasteri ya moruo; lekala la tsa moruo,Lephata la ikonomi,Umkhakha wetemnotfo,Sia / sekithara ya Ekonomi,Xiyenge xa ikhonomi +372,Economic status,"Measure of the level of economic well-being of individuals, for which income and ownership of assets are commonly used.",Labour ,Ekonomiese status,Ubujamo bomnotho,Ubume bezoqoqosho,Isimo/ izimo sezomnotho,Maemo a ikonomi,Maemo a moruo,Kemo ya ikonomi,Bunjalo betemnotfo,Tshiimohalusaekonomi,Xiyimo xa ikhonomi +373,Economically active person,"A person of working age who is available for work, and is either employed, or is unemployed but has taken active steps to find work in the reference period. See not economically active population and unemployed person.",Labour ,Ekonomies aktiewe persoon,Umuntu,Umntu onegalelo kwezoqoqosho,Ongene shi kwezomnotho,Motho wa maloka a go oma,Motho ya nang le seabo moruong,Motshwaelaikonoming,Umuntfu losebentako nobe lolungele kusebenta,Mulugelamushumo,Munhu loyi a gingirikelaka ku tirha +374,Educational level,"Educational level is aggregated into no formal education, primary school (grade 1 to grade 7), secondary school (grade 8 to grade 12) diploma or certificate without grade 12 (from lower to grade 11), diploma or certificate with grade 12, degree and other post-graduate degree.",Labour ,Opvoedkundige vlak,Izinga lefundo,Inqanaba lemfundo,Izinga lemfundo,Legato la thuto,Boemo ba thuto,Kemothutego,Lizinga lemfundvo,Vhuimo ha pfunzo,Xiyimo xa swa tidyondzo +375,Employed,"Those who performed work for pay, profit or family gain for at least one hour in the seven days prior to the interview or who were absent from work during these seven days, but did have some form of paid work to return to.",Labour ,Persone in diens,-sebenzako,-Oqeshiweyo,-qashiwe/ sebenzayo,Thwetwego/hirilwego baomi,Hirilweng,Bathapiwa; badiri,Locashiwe,Tholwaho / hirwaho,Loyi a thoriweke +376,Employed person,"A person who performs work for pay, profit or family gain in the reference point, or who was absent from work but had to work to return to. See employee.",Labour ,Persoon in diens,Umuntu osebenzako,Umntu oqeshiweyo,Umuntu oqashiwe,Motho yo a omago,Motho ya hirilweng,Mothapiwa; modiri,Umuntfu locashiwe,Mutholwa / muhirwa,Munhu loyi a thoriweke +377,Employee (Employment and Prices),"A person (permanently, temporarily or casually employed) who normally works the agreed hours in his/her present job.",Labour ,Werknemer (Werkverskaffing en Pryse),Isisebenzi,Umqeshwa (iNgqesho namaXabiso),Isisebenzi/ umsebenzi,Moomedi,Mohiruwa; mosebeletsi (kgiro le ditheko),Mosebeletsi (kgiro le theko),Mothapiwa; modiri,Umcashwa,"Mushumi / mutholwa/muhirwa (Mushumo na Mitengo), Muthoriwa (vuthori na mixavo)" +378,Employee labour at constant compensation,The current labour input at the levels of compensation of employees jobs ruling during a selected base period (1993 SNA93).,Labour ,Werknemersarbeid teen konstante besoldiging,Ukuthokozwa kwesisebenzi ngendlela efanako,Umsebenzi onembuyekezo efunyanwa rhoqo ngumqeshwa,Umsebenzi okhokhelwa iholo eingaguquki,Meongwana ya moomi ka putseleto ya go se fetoge,Mosebetsi wa bahiruwa ka dihlapiso tse tsitsitseng,Tiro ka tshuiso/phimolakeledi e e tsepameng,Umcashwa weliholo lelimile,Mushumi/ mutholwa /muhirwa kha mushumo wa ndilisotiwa,Mpimo wa vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha hi ndziriso lowu nga cinciki +379,Employee-related costs,"All compensation of employees, full-time and part-time, irrespective of whether the remuneration is paid out of revenue, capital or any other account. +Note: +Inclusions: + Basic compensation + Allowances + Contribution to other benefit funds of employees such as medical aid, pension fund + Contribution to other benefit funds of employees such as medical aid, pension fund +contributions, group life, etc. +Exclusions: + Unemployment insurance + Workmens compensation + Other benefits such as housing subsidy etc. + Uniform clothing and allowances allowances to councillors",Labour ,Werknemersverwante kostes,Iindleko zeensebenzi,iindleko ezimalunga nomsebenzi (nomqeshwa),Izindleko eziqondene nabaqashwa,Ditshenyagalelo ta mabapi le moomi,Ditjeo tse amang mosebetsi,Ditshenyegelomodiring / Ditshenyegelomothapiweng,Tindleko tebasebenti,Mbadelo dza mutholwa,Tihakelo ta mutirhi +380,Employer,A person or organisation that uses the services of one or more people for pay in cash or kind.,Labour ,Werkgewer,Umqatjhi,Umqeshi,Umqashi,Mongmoomo,Mohiri,Mothapi,Umcashi,Mutholi / muhiri,Muthori +381,Employment,"An activity in which a person performs work for pay, profit or family gain. Such a person can be self-employed, an employer, an employee or a working family member.",Labour ,Werk,Umsebenzi,Ingqesho,Ukusebenza,Moomo,Kgiro,Mmereko; tiro,Umsebenti,Mushumo,Ntirho +382,"Employment, informal",Employment that takes place in a business or organisation not registered for income tax or VAT.,Labour ,"Werk, informeel [informele werk]","Umsebenzi, -ngakahleleki","Ingqesho, engenamigqaliselo/ engamiselwanga",Umsebenzi ongenasimo esimile/ ongahlelelekile,Moomo wa go se be wa semolao,Kgirommotwana; kgiro e sa ralwang,Letogo,"Umsebenti, longakahleleki","Mushumo, zwawo","Ntirho, lowu nga riki wa ximfumo" +383,Employment to population ratio / labour absorption rate,See labour absorption rate,Labour ,Werkverskaffingbevolkingsverhouding / Arbeidabsorpsiekoers,Isilinganiso sabantu abasebenzako,izinga lokuqeshwa kwabantu /umlinganiselo wabantu abasebenzayo,Izinga labaqashiwe / Izinga labasebenzayo emphakathini,Reio / Reiti ya thwalo / Khiro ya batho,Karolo ya ba sebetsang lekgolong ho ba dilemong tsa ho sebetsa,Kabopapiso ya badiri malebana le baagi,Lizinga lekucasheka kwebantfu,Kutholele nga ndivhanele ya lushaka/murafho,Matholele ku ya hi mpimoxiave wa vanhu / Mpimo wa matholele ya vatirhi +384,Family gain,"A benefit to ones family as a result of working, other than pay to oneself, for example, housing or use of land.",Labour ,Gesinsvoordeel,Ukubuyelwa komndeni,Inzuzo yosapho,Inzuzo yasekhaya,Diputseleto ta lapa,Kuno ya lelapa,Poelo ya lelapa,Lokuzuzwa ngumndeni,Mbuelo ya mua/haya,Mbuyelo wa ndyangu +385,Formal sector,Sector of employment made up of all employing businesses that are registered in any way.,Labour ,Formele sektor,Ikoro ehlelekileko,Icandelo elinemigqalisela/ elimiselweyo,Umkhakha ohlelelekile,Lekala/lefapa la semolao,Indasteri e molaong; lekala le molaong,Lephata le le tlhomameng,Emabhizinisi lahlelekile,Sia /sekithara nzudzanywa,Xiyenge xa ximfumo +386,Full employment,"Situation when the economy is producing to its maximum sustainable capacity, using labour, technology, land, capital and other factors of production to their fullest potential.",Labour ,Volledige werkverskaffing,Ukusebenza okupheleleko,Ingqesho esisigxina,Ukuqashwa ngokugcwele,Moomo ka botlalo,Kgiro ka botlalo,Mmereko o o feletseng; tiro e e feletseng,Kucashwa ngalokuphelele,Mushumonalo / phuphumo,Ntirho wa nkarhi hinkwawo +387,Full-time employee,"Employee (permanent, temporary or casual) who normally works the agreed hours for a full days work, or, if agreed hours do not apply, for at least 35 hours a week.",Labour ,Voltydse werknemer,Isisebenzi sesikhathi esipheleleko,Umqeshwa osisigxina,Oqashwe ngokugcwele,Moomi wa nako ka moka,Mohiruwa wa nako tsohle,Modiri/mothapiwa wa leruri,Umcashwa ngalokugcwele,Mushumi wa tshohe,Mutirhi wa nkarhi hinkwawo +388,Gross earnings,"Payments for ordinary-time, standard or agreed hours and over-time hours during the reference period for all permanent, temporary, casual, executive and managerial employers/employees before taxation and other deductions. Inclusions: Payments in kind to farming employees such as meals, rations and free housing, but excluding rations and bonuses to farming contractors and their employees.",Labour ,Bruto verdienste,Ingeniso epheleleko,Intlawulo esisambuku,Isamba somholo/igrosi,Ditseno ka kakareto,Moputso o sekolokoto,Dituelo pele ga ditloso,Sambakhulu seliholo,Mbuelogue,Miholo hinkwayo +389,Hours worked,"The total time spent producing goods and services, including overtime, during the reference period.",Labour ,Ure gewerk,Ama-awa/ama-iri asetjenziweko,Iiyure ezisetyenziweyo,Amahora asetshenziwe,Diiri teo di omilwego,Dihora tse sebeditsweng,Diura tse di dirilweng,Ema-awa lasetjentiwe,Awaratshumelwa,Tiawara leti tirhiweke +390,Income (company),"All money received from sales of goods, services rendered, mineral rights leases; rental of land, buildings and other structures, plant, machinery, and motor vehicles; interest and dividends, royalties, franchise fees, copyright, trade names and patens rights, government subsidies and incentives, net profit on foreign loans, profit from redemption, liquidation or revaluation of liabilities, profile from the sale of realisation for cash or revaluation.",Labour ,Inkomste (maatskappy),Ingeniso; imali (ikhamphani),Ingeniso (inkampani/ikhampani),Imali engenayo (enkampanini),Ditseno (ta khamphane),Lekeno ( khamphani),Lotseno (setlamo),Malingena,Mbuelo (khamphani),Mbuyelo (khamphani) +391,Income (individual),"All money received from salary, wages or own business; plus money benefits from employer, such as contributions to medical aid and pension funds; plus all money from other sources, such as additional work activities, remittances from family members living elsewhere, state pension or grant, other pensions or grants, income from investments, etc.",Labour ,Inkomste (individu),umvuzo (womuntu ngamunye),Umvuzo womntu (umntu ngamnye),Imali engenayo (yomuntu),Moputso (wa motho),Lekeno (motho),Lotseno (motho-ka-esi),Liholo,Mbuelo (mue),Mbuyelo (munhu) +392,Informal employment,It includes all persons in the informal sector. Employees in the formal sector and persons employed in private households who are NOT entitled to basic benefits such as pensions or medical aid are also included.,Labour ,Informele werkverskaffing,Umsebenzi ongakahleleki,isingxungxo,Ukuqashwa okungenazinsizakalo,Letogo,Mosebetsi o se nang dibenefiti/menyetla/melemo,Letogo / Tirotlhokatshiamelo / Sekoropo,Litoho,Mushumo zwawo / Tshikoropo,Ntholo wo ka wu nga ri wa ximfumo +393,Informal sector (Employment and Price),"The informal sector consists of those businesses that are not registered in any way. They are generally small in nature, and are seldom run from business premises. Instead, they are generally run from homes, street pavements and other informal arrangements.",Labour ,Informele sektor (Werkverskaffing en Pryse),Irhwebo elingakahleleki,Icandelo elingamiselwanga (iNgqesho namaXabiso),Umkhakha ongahlelelekile,Lefapa la go se be la semolao,Indasteri e seng molaong (kgiro le theko),Lephata le le sa tlhomamang,"Tipaza, emabhizinisi langakahleleki",Sia / sekithara tshayanzudzanywa (Mushumo na Mitengo),Xiyenge xo kala xi nga ri xa ximfumo (vuthoriwa na mixavo) +394,Job,"A job comprises filled posts. One person may have more than one job. The LFS asks additional questions of multiple jobholders to get information, at least, about their primary and secondary jobs. On the other hand, QES covers the number of employed persons in enterprises/establishments, which do not know whether their employees have other jobs. Aggregating figures on employed persons over firms measure jobs not persons. Social security records or tax registrations might be another way of showing the relation between jobs and persons (ILO and Stats SA).",Labour ,Betrekking,Umsebenzi,Umsebenzi,Umsebenzi,Moomo/ modiro/ mmereko,Mosebetsi,Tiro; mmereko,Umsebenti,Mushumo,Ntirho +395,Job-leaver,"Unemployed person who had a job, but does not have one anymore because of their own decision. +Examples of reasons: + Pregnancy + Family / community responsibilities + Going to school + Changed residence + Retired + Other reasons",Labour ,Werkverlater,Umthokozimsebenzi,umntu oyeke okanye oshiye umsebenzi,Abayeke umsebenzi,Baitokolla-moomong / Modirong / Mmerekong,Batho ba tlohelletseng mosebetsi,Batlogelatiro,Labayekele umsebenti,Muutshelamushumo / Mulitshamushumo,Mutshiki wa ntirho +396,Job-loser,"Unemployed person who had a job, but does not have one anymore because of reasons beyond their control. +Examples of reasons: + Lost their job + Their job had ended + They were laid off + The business in which they had previously worked had been sold or had closed down",Labour ,Werkverloorder,Abalahlekelwe msebenzi,olahlekelwe ngumsebenzi,Abalahlekelwe / Abaphelelwe umsebenzi,Balokollwa-moomong / Modirong / Mmerekong,Batho ba felletsweng ke mosebetsi,Balatlhegelwatiro,Labaphelelwe ngumsebenti / Labadendiwe / Bomahlalela,Muxelelwa nga mushumo / Mufhelelwa nga mushumo,Mulahlekeriwi hi ntirho +397,Labour absorption rate,The proportion of the working-age population that is employed.,Labour ,Arbeidsopnemingskoers,Isilinganiso sabantu abasebenzako,umlinganiselo wengqesho,Izinga labasebenzi lokuqashela,Kelo ya go thwala baomi,Karolo ya bahiruwa; sekgahla sa kgiro ya basebetsi,Kelo ya go thapa,Lizinga lekucashwa kwebantfu,Tshikalambalo ya vhashumi,Mpimo wa matholelo ya vatirhi +398,Labour accounts,"A statistical system of core variables on labour that consists of a set of tables providing a systematic and consistent overview, mutually and over time, of the core variables (ILO).",Labour ,Arbeidstate,Ama-akhawundi wezemisebenzi,Iimeko zeenkcukacha kwezemisebenzi,Imidanti yomisebenzi,Dikgoboko thupeto ta baomi,Diakhaonte tsa basebetsi,Mananeo a badiri,Ema-akhawunti etemisebenti,Mbalelano dza vhashumi / mushumo,Tinkota ta vatirhi +399,Labour cost,All the expenses incurred by the employer for a particular task to be completed (ILO).,Labour ,Arbeidskoste,Iindleko zomsebenzi,Indleko zomsebenzi,Izindleko zokusebenza,Ditshenyagalelo ta (mong) moomo,Ditjeo tsa basebetsi,Ditshenyegelo tsa tiro,Tindleko tetemisebenti,Tshinyalelo ya mushumo,Tihakelo ta vatirhi +400,Labour force,All employed and unemployed persons of working age.,Labour ,Arbeidsmag,Abantu bokusebenza,Iqela labasebenzi,Isikwatha / ithimba labasebenzi,Lebotho la baomi,Ba dilemong tsa ho sebetsa,Balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,"Bantfu bekusebenta, tisebenti",Vhalugelamushumo,Vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha +401,Labour force participation rate,See labour participation rate.,Labour ,Arbeidsmag-deelnamekoers,Isilinganiso sokusebenza kwabantu,imlinganiselo wenkxaxheba yeqela labanokusenza,Izinga labambe iqhaza emsebenzini,Kelo ya boteakarolo bja lebotho/ lekoko la baomi,seabo sa basebetsi,Kelo ya balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,Lizinga lekutibandzakanya kwebantfu bekusebenta,Tshikalavhudzhenela vhalugelamushumo,Mpimo wo hoxa xandla xa vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha +402,Labour market,"All persons aged 1564 years who are employed, unemployed and not economically active (inactive).",Labour ,Arbeidsmark,Imakethe yomsebenzi,Imo yemarike yabangasebenza,Abangaqasheka/ abangaba izisebenzi,Mmaraka wa baomi,Mmaraka wa basebetsi,Balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,Imakethe yebantfu bekusebenta,Tshigwada tsha vhalugelamushumo,Vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha +403,Labour market dynamics,"Movement into, out of, and within the labour market over a specified time period.",Labour ,Arbeidsmarkdinamiek,Amatjhuguluko wemakethe yomsebenzi,Intshukumo yeziko labasebenzi,Ukuguquguquka kwesimo sabangaqasheka,Diphetogophetogo ta mmaraka wa baomi,Sekgahla sa mmaraka wa basebetsi,Diphetogo tsa balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,Tingucungucuko temakethe yebantfu bekusebenta,Thitho dza tshigwada tsha vhalugelamushumo,Ku cinca ka swiyimo swa timakete ta vatirhi +404,Labour market status,"Classification as employed, unemployed or not economically active.",Labour ,Arbeidsmarkstatus,Ubujamo bemakethe yomsebenzi,Ubume boluhlu lwemarike yabasebenzi,Izimo zabangaqasheka,Maemo a mmaraka wa baomi,Boemo ba mmaraka wa basebetsi,Kemo ya balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,Bunjalo bemakethe yebantfu bekusebenta,Thitho (u dzulela u shanduka) tshiimo tsha tshigwada tsha vhalugelamushumo,Swiyimo swa timakete ta vatirhi +405,Labour participation rate,"The percentage of the working-age population that is economically active (employed and unemployed), i.e. labour force/labour market. Synonym is labour force participation rate.",Labour ,Arbeidsdeelnamekoers,Isilinganiso sokusebenza kwabantu,Umlinganiselo wenxaxheba yabasebenzi,Izinga lokubabamba iqhaza emsebenzini,Kelo ya go tea karolo ga baomi,Sekgatlha sa seabo sa basebetsi,Kelo ya bonnaleseabe jwa balekanelatiro/basiamelatiro,Lizinga lekutibandzakanya kwebantfu bekusebenta,Tshikala vhudzhenelavhalugelamushumo,Mpimo wa ku hoxa xandla wa vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha +406,Legal working age,"See working age, legal.",Labour ,Wetlike werksouderdom,Iminyaka yobudala yokusebenza ngokomthetho,Iminyaka esemthethweni yokusebenza,Iminyaka esemthethweni yokuqasheka,Mengwaga ya maloka a go oma,Dilemo tsa molao tsa ho sebetsa,Dingwaga tsa go dira tsa semolao,Iminyaka yekusebenta lesemtsetfweni,Murolendugelamushumo,Malembe yo tirha ya xinawu +407,Lockout,"A work stoppage in which an employer prevents some or all employees from working, even to the extent of closing the business. +Note: This usually happens when there is a dispute between the employer and employees.",Labour ,Uitsluiting,Ukuvalelwa ngaphandle (kweensebenzi),ukuvalelwa ngaphandle emsebenzini,Ukuvalelwa ngaphandle kwabaqashiwe / Kwezisebenzi,Go tswalelelwa ka ntle,Thibelo,Tswalelontle / Kganelotiro,Kuvalelwa ngaphandle emsebentini,U valelwa/u thivhela vhathu u shuma ngau vha valela nna,Ku pfaleriwa ntirho +408,Long-term unemployment,The status of a person who has been unemployed for a period of twelve months or more.,Labour ,Langtermynwerkloosheid,Ukungasebenzi isikhathi eside,ukungaphangeli ixesha elide,Ukungaqashwa isikhathi eside,Go se ome ga lebaka le letelele,Ho se sebetse nako e telele,Tlhokatiropakaleele/pakatelele,Kungacashwa,U fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu u sa shumi,Ku pfumala ntirho nkarhi wo leha +409,Market production activities,Activities associated with the production of goods and services for sale. Government services are also included. See economic activities.,Labour ,Markproduksiebedrywigheid,Imisebenzi yemikhiqizo yeemakethe,iimveliso zorhwebo,Umsebenzi wokukhiqiza okuzodayiswa,Ditiro ta tweleto ya mmaraka,Mesebetsi ya tlhahiso bakeng la mmaraka,Ditirwanakumommaraka,Kukhicitela kutsengisa,Mushumo wa vhubveledzi ha mbambadzo / Nyito ya vhubveledzi ha mbambadzo,Migingiriko yo andzisa switirhisiwa +410,New entrant into unemployment,Unemployed people who have never worked before.,Labour ,Nuwe toetreder tot werkloosheid,Abathoma ukubalwa nabatlhoge / Nabadinge umsebenzi,umntu ongena kwiqela labangenamsebenzi,Ongakaze aqashwe,Monyakamoomo wa setlaboswana,Motho ya kenang dipalong tsa ba so kang ba sebetsa,Mogorogamawabotlhokatirong / Motsenabotlhokatirong / Setlabowanabotlhokatirong,Labangazange sebacashwe / Losengakacashwa,Muthu muswa /mudzheni kha vhushayamushumo,Munhu loyi a nga si tshamaka a tirha +411,Non-government organisations,"Institutions which are not established or operated by government. NGOs are usually private, non-profit entities which are run by their members.",Labour ,Nieregeringsorganisasie,Ihlangano ekungasiyo karhulumende,amaziko angengawo akarhulumente,Inhlangano okungeyona ekahulumeni,Mekgatlo ye e sego ya mmuo,Mekgatlo eo e seng ya mmuso,Ditheoikemelo / Mekgatlhoikemelo,Tinhlangano letitimele / Tinhlangano tangasese,Madzangano a si a muvhuso,Nhlangano wo ka wu nga ri wa mfumo +412,Non-market production activities,Activities associated with the production of goods and services for household consumption.,Labour ,Niemarkproduksiebedrywigheid,Imisebenzi engasiyo yemikhiqizo yeemakethe,imveliso ezingezizo ezorhwebo,Umsebenzi wokukhiqizela ukungadayisi,Ditiro ta tweleto ye e sego ya mmaraka,Mesebetsi ya tlhahiso bakeng la tshebediso ya lelapa,Ditirwanakumotlhokammaraka,Kukhicitela kutitsengisela / Umkhicito wekutiidlela,Mishumo ya u bveledza zwi sa rengiswi,Migingiriko leyi nga tswaliki nchumu +413,Not economically active population,"People who are not available for work, such as full-time scholars and students, full-time homemakers, those who are retired and those who are unable or unwilling to work.",Labour ,Bevolking wat nie ekonomies aktief is nie,Abangasebenziko,Abantu abangenagalelo kwezoqoqosho,Abangangenile shi kwezomnotho,Sethaba sa go hloka maloka a go oma,Setjhaba se senang seabo moruong,Batho ba ba se nang seabe mo ikonoming,Labangakalungeli kusebenta,Vhathu tshayandugelamushumo,Vanhu lava nga kumekiki ku tirha +414,Occupation,"The type of work a person does according to the South African Classification of Occupations, irrespective of the industry.",Labour ,Beroep,Umhlobo womsebenzi,Uhlobo lomsebenzi,Umsebenzi owenzayo,Moomo,Mosebetsi,Tiro; mmereko,Umsebenti,Mushumo,Ntirho +415,Occupational groups,"Occupational groups are divided into eleven groups; for example, senior managers, professionals, technicians, services workers, labourers, etc. (Stats SA).",Labour ,Beroepsgroepe,Iinqhema zemihlobo yemisebenzi,Amaqela eendidi zomsebenzi,Amaqoqo emisebenzi,Dihlopha ta baomi,Dihlopha tsa mesebetsi,Maemotirong,Tikhundla ngekwemisebenti,Zwigwada zwa mushumotetshelwa,Mitlawa ya vatirhi +416,Official and expanded definition of unemployment,"Stats SA uses the following definition of unemployment as its official definition: The unemployed are those people within the economically active population who: (a) did not work during the seven days prior to the interview, (b) want to work and are available to start work within two weeks of the interview, and (c) have taken active steps to look for work or start some form of self-employment in the four weeks prior to the interview. The expanded definition of unemployment excludes criterion (c).",Labour ,Amptelike en uitgebreide definisie van werkloosheid,Ihlathululo esemthethweni neluliweko yokungasebenzi,Inkcazelo yentswela-ngqesho ngokwasemthethweni nechazwe ngokupheleleyo,Incazelo elulekile yokungasebenzi kwabantu esemthethweni,Tlhalookatolowa ya semmuo ya ba go hloka moomo le ba go se ome,Tlhaloso ya semmuso le e ekeditsweng ya ho se sebetse,Thanolo ya semmuso e e atolositsweng ya botlhokatiro,Inchazelo lesemtsetfweni naleluliwe yekungasebenti,Ningothanavhudzwa ya mulayo / tshiofisi ya tshayamushumo,Nhlamuselo ya ximfumo na yo ndlandlamuxiwa ya ku nga tirhi +417,Out of labour market,See not economically active population.,Labour ,Buite arbeidsmark,Abangasebenziko,Abantu abangekho msebenzini,Abangaqasheki,Bao ba sa omego,Ka thoko ho mmaraka wa mosebetsi,Batho ba ba sa siamelang/lekaneng go dira,Ngaphandle kwemakethe yebantfu bekusebenta,Nna ha tshigwada tsha vhalugelamushumo,Vanhu lava nga kumekiki ku tirha +418,Overtime,"Hours worked in excess of ordinary time, standard or agreed hours.",Labour ,Oortyd,Isikhathi eseqileko,Ixesha lokusebenza elingaphezu kwelimiselweyo emsebenzini,Isikhathi esisetshenziwe esingaphezu kwesimisiwe/i -ova,Nako ye e okeditwego; phitianako ya moomo,Nako e ekeditsweng,Nakotlolo; nakopheteledi,"Ema-ova, sikhatsi lesengcelele",Phirisatshifhinga tsha mushumo,Nkarhi wo engetela +419,Overtime hours paid for,"Those hours worked in excess of ordinary-time hours, standard or agreed hours of work that was paid for in the reference period.",Labour ,Betaalde oortydure,Ama-awa wesikhathi eseqileko / we- ovathayimu abhadaliweko,Iiyure zokusebenza ezihlawuliweyo zexesha elingaphezu kwelimiselweyo,Amahora e-ova akhokhelwe,Diiri ta nako ye e okeditwego ta moomo,Dihora tse lefellwang tsa nako e ekeditsweng,Diura tsa nakotlolo/nakopheteledi tse di duelelwang,"Ema-awa/ ema-ova lakhokhelwe, ema-awa esikhatsi lesengcelele lakhokhelwe",Awarambadelwa dza phirisatshifhinga,Tiawara to engetela to hakeriwa +420,Overtime payments,"Payment for hours worked and paid for in excess of ordinary-time hours, standard or agreed hours worked for the reference period. Penalty payments that relate to overtime are also included.",Labour ,Oortydbetalings,Iimbadelo zesikhathi eseqileko/ ze-ovathayimu,Iintlawulo zexesha elingaphezu kwelimiselweyo,Inkokhelo ye -ova,Meputso ya nako ye e okeditwego,Ditefello tsa nako e ekeditsweng,Dituelo tsa nakotlolo; dituelo tsa nakopheteledi,Inkokhelo yesikhatsi lesengcelele,Mbadelo dza phirisatshifhinga,Tihakelo ta nkarhi wo engetela +421,Own-account worker,Preferred term is self-employed.,Labour ,Werker vir eie rekening,Umuntu ozisebenzako,Umntu ozisebenzelayo,Umuntu ozisebenzayo,Moitiredi/Moithomedi,Moitshebetsi,Moithapi; moitiredi,Lotisebentako,Muishumeli,Mutitirhi +422,Paid domestic work,Work done in a private household for a cash payment.,Labour ,Betaalde huiswerk,Umsebenzi wekhaya obhadelako,umsebenzi wasekhaya ohlawulwayo,Umsebenzi wasendlini okhokhelwayo,Moomo wa ka gae wo o lefelwago,Mosebetsi o lefshwang wa lelapa,Tirogaetuelelwa,Sisebenti sasendlini / Sisebenti sasekhaya lesikhokhelwako,Mushumo wa nuni une wa badelwa,Ntirho wa le kaya lowu hakelaka +423,Part-time employees,"Employee (permanent, temporary, casual or seasonal) who normally works less than 35 hours per week.",Labour ,Deeltydse werknemers,Iinsebenzi ezitorhako,Abasebenzi abangesosigxina/ abangxungxi,Izisebenzi eziqashwe okwesikhashana,Baomedi ba nakwana,Bahiruwa ba nakwana,Badiredi/bathapiwa ba nakwana,Bacashwa besikhatsi lesitsite,Vhashuma-/ vhatholwa-/ vhahirwa tshifhinganyana,Vatirhi va xinkarhana +424,Pay As You Earn (PAYE),An amount collected by employers on behalf of the government from employees whose net remuneration from employment exceeds a predefined amount.,Labour ,Lopendebetaalstelsel (LBS),UmThelo umQatjhi awuDosa esiSebenzini,"irhafu etsalwa ngokomrholo, intlawulo ngokomvuzo",Intela ngokweholo,Mothelo go ya ka moputso,Kgafa Ho Ya Ka Mokgolo,Duela Jaaka O Amogela (DJOA),Intsela ngekweliholo,Muthelo zwi tshi ya nga muholo,Xibalo Ku ya Hi Muholo +425,Payment,"An approach that takes into account the total payments made for goods and services during a given period, whether or not they were delivered in that period.",Labour ,Betalingsbenadering,Indlela yokubhadela,indlela yokuhlawula,Indlela yokukhokha,Mokgwa wa tefo,Mokgwa wa tefo,Mokgwatuelo,Indlela yekubhadala,Nila ya kubadelele,Mahakelelo +426,Payment in kind,A kind of payment other than cash for work undertaken.,Labour ,Betaling in natura,Ukuthokoza,intlawulo engeyomali,Ukungakhokhi ngemali,Tefo ye e sego ya thelete,Teboho,Tuelosengmadi / Tuelotlhokamadi,Kukhokhela ngandlela tsite,Malamba a si a masheleni / Mbadelo i si ya masheleni,Xikhenso +427,Pensioner,"(1) Any person of pensionable age +(2) A person who draws a pension from a previous employer or pension fund, or who 2)A person who draws a pension from a previous employer or pension fund, or who receives a state pension.",Labour ,Pensioentrekker,Umhlaliphasi; umpentjheni,Odl umhlalaphantsi,Osempeshile; osempeshenini,Phensenara/mogolamphiwafela,Mopenshenara,Mogodi; mophenenara,Umhlaliphansi,Munothi /mundendi,Muholi wa mudende/mudendi +428,Performance and other bonuses,"Performance and other bonuses cover seasonal, end-of-year and one-time bonuses and additional payments supplementary to normal payments. Note: They include profit-sharing bonuses, merit bonuses, incentive bonuses, and total amounts of payments that were paid during the reference period but relate to other pay periods, e.g. annual leave, thirteenth cheques. Performance and other bonuses exclude reimbursements for expenses incurred whilst conducting employers business.",Labour ,Prestasie- en ander bonusse,Amabhonasi wokusebenza namanye,Iibhonasi zokugqwesa emsebenzini nezinye/ zomsebenzi oncomekayo nezinye,Amabhonasi ngokusebenza ngokugculisayo namanye,Diputseleto ta bokgoni le te dingwe,Dibonase tsa tshebetso le tse ding,Dikatso tsa tiragatsophetelela le tse dingwe,Ibhonasi yekusebenta nalamanye emabhonasi,Mbadelo dza ndivhamashumele na dziwe nyingambadelo / bonasi,Tibonasi ta matirhelo na tinwana +429,Permanent employee,"An employee appointed on an open-ended contract with no stipulated termination date, and who is entitled to benefits such as paid leave and medical aid contributions paid by employers. This excludes the self-employed at work.",Labour ,Vaste werknemer,Isisebenzi sasafuthi/sikanomphela,Umqeshwa osisigxina,Umsebenzi oqashwe ngokugcwele,Moomelaruri,Mohiruwa wa moshwella,Mothapiwa wa leruri; modiredi wa leruri,Umcashwa ngalokuphelele,Mutholwa-/muhirwa-/ mushumatshohe,Mutirhi wa nkarhi hinkwawo +430,Person outside the labour force,"A person who performs unpaid work such as household work, caring for household members and purchasing goods and services for the household (ILO).",Labour ,Persoon buite die arbeidsmag,Ongekho kabokusebenza,Umntu ongekho kudidi lwabasebenzi,Umuntu ongasebenzi/ ongasebenzi,Moomi yo a sa omelego mogolo/moputso,Ya se nang seabo moruong,Motho yo o sa siamelang /lekanelang go dira,Umuntfu lowenta umsebenti longakhokhelwa,Muthu a re nna ha vhalugelamushumo,Munhu loyi a nga weliki ehansi ka vanhu lava ringaneleke ku tirha +431,Post,"A set of tasks, which are (designed to be) carried out by one person. Post may be vacant (ILO).",Labour ,Pos,Isikhundla somsebenzi; iposo,Isithuba somsebenzi,Isikhundla,Poso,Mosebetsi,Phatlhatiro,Sikhala semsebenti/sikhundla,Vhuimo ha mushumo / poswo,Xivandla xa ntirho +432,Re-entrants into unemployment,"Unemployed persons who worked before, and were not economically active before they started looking for work.",Labour ,Hertoetreder tot werkloosheid,Abatlhoge / Abadinge umsebenzi godu,umntu obuyela kwiqela labangasebenziyo,Ongasaqashiwe,Banyakamoomoleswa / Banyakamoomogape,Motho ya kenang kgetlo la bobedi dipalong tsa ba sa sebetseng,Moipoeletsibotlhokatirong / Batsenagapebotlhokatirong / Mmoelelabotlhokatirong,Lowake wasebenta,Mudzhenahafhu kha vhushayamushumo,Mahlalele +433,Remuneration,The major part of income from employment which also contains the income from self-employment (ILO).,Labour ,Besoldiging,Imbuyiselo,Umvuzo,Inkokhelo,Mogolo/moputso/tefelo wa/ya baomedi,Moputso,Moputso; tuelo; mogolo,"Inkhokhelo, imbadalo",Muholo,Muholo +434,Remuneration of employees,"Total cost of employment, including salaries, wages, service and other bonuses, allowances (including car allowances), overtime payments, retirement benefits, contributions to medical, pension and provident funds, unemployment insurance and accident funds, and housing subsidies.",Labour ,Besoldiging van werknemers,Imbuyiselo yeensebenzi,Umvuzo wabasebenzi,Inkokhelo yabasebenzi/yezisebenzi,Mogolo wa baomedi; moputso wa baomedi; tefelo ya baomedi,Moputso wa bahiruwa,Tuelo ya bathapiwa; moputso wa bathapiwa; mogolo wa bathapiwa,Imbadalo/inkhokhelo yebacashwa,Muholo wa vhashumi / vhatholwa / vhahirwa,Muholo wa vatirhi +435,Retired person,A person who has stopped doing regular work regardless of age. See pensioner.,Labour ,Afgetrede persoon,Umhlaliphasi; umpentjheni,Umntu odl umhlalaphantsi,Osethathe umhlalaphansi,Morolamodiro,Motho ya seng a sa sebetse; mophenshenara,Morolatiro,Umuntfu lotsetse umhlalaphansi/umhlaliphansi,Munothi / mundendi,Mudendi +436,Salaries and wages,Regular payments for work performed.,Labour ,Salarisse en lone,Imirholo,Imivuzo neentlawulo,Amaholo,Megolo/meputso,Meputso le mekgolo,Dituelo/mogolo le ditefo,"Emaholo nemiholo, tinkhokhelo",Miholo na mbadelo,Miholo +437,Salary,"The amount an employer pays an employee for work done. It is a fixed income for services, which is usually paid on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, unlike a wage, which is generally paid on an hourly basis. The salary of an employee is usually specified in an employment contract.",Labour ,Salaris,Umrholo,"umrholo, umvuzo",Umholo / Iholo,Moputso / Mogolo,Mokgolo / Moputso,Mogolo / Moputso,Liholo / Umholo,Muholo / Malamba,Muholo +438,Self-employed person,"A person who works for himself/herself for pay, profit or family gain, and not for an employer. See employee, employed person.",Labour ,Persoon in eie diens,Umuntu ozisebenzako,Umntu oziqeshileyo,Ozisebenzayo,Moitiredi/Moithomedi,Moitshebetsi,Moithapi; moitiredi,Umuntfu lotisebentako,Muishumeli,Mutitirhi +439,Semi-skilled employee,"A person who acquired his/her expertise through a relatively short training period (single days or weeks) after which the required tasks should be efficiently performed. He/she must possess basic literacy and numeracy skills prior to training, but primary education is sufficient as a prerequisite for training.",Labour ,Halfgeskoolde werknemer,Isisebenzi esingakapheleli ngamakghonofundwa,Umqeshwa enezakhono ezingagqibelelanga,Ongaqeqeshiwe ngokugcwele,Moomi yo a hlahlilwego gannyane,Motho ya nang le tsebo e haellang ya mosebetsi; mohiruwa wa kwetliso e sa phathahalang,Modiri wa bokgonipotlana,Umcashwa longenamakhono ngalokuphelele,Mushumi /mutholwa/ muhirwa tshayavhugudiswa tshohe,Mutirhi loyi a nga na xikilinyana +440,"Severance, termination and redundancy payments",Include payments of accumulated leave made to employees who finished work during the reference quarter as well as payments intended to compensate for loss of employment.,Labour ,"Skeidings-, diensbeindigings- en oortolligheidsbetalings",Iinliliso zokuphela komsebenzi,Iintlawulo zokudendwa nokuphelelwa ngumsebenzi,"Imali yokuyeka, youxoswa nokudilizwa emsebenzini (iphakheji)",Ditefo ta borolamodiro,"Ditefo tsa kgaohano, phediso le phokotso",Dituelo tsa tlogelotiro,"Imbadalo/ inkhokhelo yekucedza budlelwane, yekuyekela nekuphelelwa ngumsebenti",Mbandelo dza vhufhelelwa nga mushumo,"Tihakelo to tshika, na ku nga pfuni nchumu entirhweni" +441,Skilled employee,A person who has undergone training or education in and/or outside his/her work environment and who is in possession of a minimum level of secondary qualification to qualify for their occupation. An employee in this category must have undergone at least two years study or training after having completed grade 12.,Labour ,Geskoolde werknemer,Isisebenzi esinamakghonofundwa,Umqeshwa onezakhono,Oqeqeshiwe,Moomi yo a hlahlilwego,Mohiruwa ya kwetlisitsweng,Mothapiwa yo o nang le bokgoni; mothapiwa yo o nonofileng,Umcashwa lonemakhono ngalokuphelele,Mushumi-/mutholwa-/muhirwagudiswa,Mutirhi loyi a nga na xikili +442,Social contributions paid,"Actual or imputed payment made by general government units to social insurance scheme to obtain entitlement to social benefits to their employees, including pensions and other retirement benefits.",Labour ,Uitbetaalde maatskaplike bydraes,Iimbonelelo zombuso eensebenzini,inkxaso-mali yabasebenzi ehlawulweyo umrhumo womqeshi kwiimfanelo zabasebenzi,Imali yezinsizakalo ekhokhiwe,Diputseleto ta leago te di lefetwego,Kabelo tse lefilweng tsa setjhaba,Dikabeloloagotuelwa,Tibonelelo tetenhlalo kubasebenti,Magavhelo a matshilisano o badelwaho,Mali ya mpfuneto leyi hakeriweke +443,Social contributions received,"Actual or imputed receipts from either employers on behalf of their employees or from employees, self-employed, or non-employed persons on their own behalf that secure entitlement to social benefits for the contributors, their dependants or their survivors. +The contributions may be compulsory or voluntary.",Labour ,Maatskaplike bydraes ontvang,Iimbonelelo zomhlalaphasi,inkxaso-mali yabasebenzi efunyenweyo imirhumo efunyenwe kwabazilungiselela ikamva,Imali yezinsizakalo etholakele,Diputseleto ta leago te di amogetwego,Kabelo tse amohetsweng tsa setjhaba,Dikabeloloagokamogelwa,Tibonelelo tetenhlalo letitfolakele,Magavhelo a matshilisano o anganedzwaho,Mali ya mpfuneto leyi amukeriweke +444,Temporary absence (from work),"Absence from work (e.g. on annual or sick leave), when there is the intention to return to work and the person has work to return to.",Labour ,Tydelike afwesigheid (van werk),Ukutshwila; ukungabikho kwesikhatjhana (emsebenzini),Ukungabikho okwethutyana (emsebenzini),Ukungabibikho emsebenzini okwesikhashana,Go se be moomong lebakanyana,Ho ba siyo nakwana (mosebetsing),Go sa nneng teng nakwana (tirong),Kuba selivini,Khundelwa tshifhinganyana(mushumoni),Ku nga vi kona xinkarhana (entirhweni) +445,Temporary employee,"An employee appointed on a short-term contract basis for periods normally not exceeding one year. Such contract would typically stipulate a termination date, but could be renewed by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. This excludes the self-employed person with an enterprise but temporarily not at work.",Labour ,Tydelike werknemer,Umtorhi,Umgxungxi,Owetoho/ oqashwe okwesikhashana,Moomi wa lebakanyana,Mohiruwa wa nakwana,Mothapiwanakwana,Umcashwa wesikhashana,Mushumi- / mutholwa- / muhirwa-/ tetshelwatshifhinga,Mutirhi wa xinkarhana +446,Temporary layoff,Employees being laid off work for at least one complete working day because there is not enough work for them to do.,Labour ,Tydelike ontslag,Ukujanyiswa kwesikhatjhana,ukulaliswa emsebenzini okwethutyana,Ukumiswa okwesikhashana,Go emiwa moomong ga nakwana,Ho ntshwa mosebetsing nakwana,Tshekegonakwana / Peelothokonakwana,Kumiswa kwesikhashana nakungenamsebenti,U awedzwa lwa tshifhinganyana / U litshiswa mushumo lwa tshifhinganyana,Ku yimisiwanyana entirhweni +447,Unemployed (expanded definition),"A person who (a) did not work in the seven days prior to the reference point, and (b) wants to work and is available to start work within two weeks* of the reference point. There are no work-seeking criteria. This category comprises the unemployed according to the strict definition plus discouraged work-seekers. (*The availability period changed from one week to two weeks in July 2004.)",Labour ,Werklose (uitgebreide definisie),Abangasebenziko; -ngasebenziko,Ongaqeshwanga ( inkcazelo ezeleyo),-ngaqashiwe;-ngasebenzi,Moseome,Ba sa sebetseng (tlhaloso e atolositsweng),Motlhokatiro (thanolo e e atolositsweng),Longasebenti (ngenchazelo leluliwe),Musatholwa / musahirwa (ningohandavhudzwa),Ku nga tirhi (nhlamuselo yo ndlandlamuxiwa) +448,Unemployed person (official or strict definition),"Person within the economically active population who (a) did not work in the seven days prior to the reference point, (b) wants to work and is available to start work within two weeks* of the reference point, and (c) has taken active steps to look for work or start some form of self-employment in the four days prior to the reference point. (*The availability period changed from one week to two weeks in July 2004.)",Labour ,Werklose persoon (amptelike of streng definisie),Umuntu ongasebenziko,Umntu ongaqeshwanga (inkcazelo ngokwasemagunyeni okanye engqongqo),Umahlalela/ ongaqashiwe/ongasebenzi,Mohlokamoomo,Motho ya sa hiruwang (tlhaloso ya semmuso),Motlhokatiro (yo o batlang tiro),"Umuntfu longasebenti, mahlalela (ngenchazelo lesemtsetfweni)",Musatholwa / musahirwa (ningokhombetshedzi kana dza tshiofisi),Munhu loyi a nga tirhiki (ximfumo kumbe nhlamuselo yo boha) +449,Unemployment,"People within the economically active population, who: (a) Did not work during the seven days prior to the interview (b) Want to work and are available to start work within two weeks of the interview (c) Have taken active steps to look for work or to start some form of self-employment in the four weeks prior to the interview (ILO and Stats SA).",Labour ,Werkloosheid,Ukudingeka/Ukutlhogeka/Ukungabikho komsebenzi,Intswela-ngqesho,Ukungasebenzi kwabantu ababambe iqhaza kwezomnotho,Go se ome,Ho se sebetse,Botlhokatiro,Kwesweleka kwemsebenti,Vhusatholwa / vhusahirwa / vhushayamushumo,Vupfumalantirho +450,Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF),"A fund to which employers and employees contribute and from which employees who become unemployed (or their beneficiaries) are entitled to benefits. +Note: The intention of the fund is to alleviate the harmful economic and social effects of unemployment.",Labour ,Werkloosheidversekeringfonds (WVF),ITjhorensi yabaTlhoge / yabaDinge umSebenzi,ingxowa-mali ye-inshorensi yaxa uphelelwe ngumsebenzi,Isikhwama somshuwalensi wabaphelelwe umsebenzi,Sekhwama sa inorentshe ya ge o feletwe ke moomo,Letlole la inshorense ya ho se sebetse / Letlole la inshorense bakeng la ba sa tswa fellwa ke mosebetsi,Letlole la Inorense ya Botlhokatiro (LIB),Umshwalense walabaphelelwe ngumsebenti,Tshikwama tsha Ndiliso tsha Vhashumi / Tshikwama tsha Ndindakhombo tsha Vhashumi,Nkwama wo Pfuna Vamahlalele +451,Unemployment rate,The percentage of the economically active population that is unemployed.,Labour ,Werkloosheidskoers,Isilinganiso sokudingeka/sokutlhogeka/sokungabikho komsebenzi,Umlinganiselo wentswelo-ngqesho,Izinga lokungasebenzi kwabantu,Kelo ya go hloka moomo,Sekgahla sa ho se sebetse,Kelo ya botlhokatiro,Lizinga lekwesweleka kwemsebenti,Tshikala-/vhusatholwa / vhusahirwa / vhushayamushumo,Mpimo wa vupfumalantirho +452,Unskilled employees,Persons who have not undergone any formal training or of whom no minimum level of education is required.,Labour ,Ongeskoolde werknemers,Iinsebenzi ezinganamakghonofundwa,Abaqeshwa abangenazakhono,Abangaqeqeshiwe,Baomi ba go hloka bokgoni/ ba go se hlahliwe,Bahiruwa ba sa kwetliswang,Bathapiwa ba ba se nang bokgoni; bathapiwa ba ba sa nonofang,Bacashwa labangenamakhono,Vhashumi/vhatholwa/vhahirwa tshayavhugudiswa,Vatirhi vo pfumala swikili +453,Vacancies,Available funded positions/posts for immediate filling on the survey reference date and for which recruitment action had been taken (ILO).,Labour ,Vakatures,Iinkhala zeenkhundla,Izithuba zomsebenzi,Izikhala zemisebenzi,Dikgoba ta moomo,Dikgeo,Diphatlhatiro,Tikhala temsebenti,Zwikhala,Swivandla swa ntirho +454,Vacant post,A post available in a department for which there is no candidate to occupy (ILO).,Labour ,Vakante pos,Isikhundla esivulekileko,Isithuba somsebenzi,Isikhundla esivulekile,Sekgoba se se bulegilego,Sekgeo sa mosebetsi,Phatlhatiro e e lolea,Sikhala semsebenti/sikhundla lesingenamuntfu,Tshikhala vhuimo ha mushumo/ poswo tshayamuthu,Xivandla xa ntirho +455,Wage,Compensation a worker receives in exchange for their labour. See Salary.,Labour ,Loon,Umrholo / Iwejisi,umrholo / umvuzo,Umholo / Iholo / Inkokhelo,Moputso / Mogolo,Mokgolo / Moputso,Mogolo / Moputso / Tefo,Imbadalo / Inkhokhelo,Malamba / Muholo,Muholo +456,Work,"Any activity carried out by an individual, and whose product contributes to the national output, irrespective of whether the person doing it is paid (cash or in kind) or not paid.",Labour ,Arbeid,Umsebenzi,Umsebenzi,Umsebenzi,Moomo,Mosebetsi,Tiro,Umsebenti,Mushumo,Ntirho +457,Workers,"Self-employed persons, employers and employees.",Labour ,Werkers,Iinsebenzi,Abasebenzi,Izisebenzi/abasebenzi,Baomi,Basebetsi,Badiri,Tisebenti / basebenti,Vhashumi,Vatirhi +458,Working age,"Between 15 and 65 years inclusive. For historical reasons, the upper limit in Stats SA practice is 65 and not 64 as elsewhere. See working age, legal.",Labour ,Werksouderdom,Iminyaka yobudala yokusebenza,Iminyaka evumelekileyo yokusebenza,Iminyaka yokuqasheka,Mengwaga ya maswanedi a go oma,Dilemo tsa ho sebetsa,Dingwaga tsa go dira,Iminyaka yekusebenta,Murole wa u shuma,Malembe yo ringanela ku tirha +459,Working age (legal),A person aged 15 or above.,Labour ,Werksleeftyd (wetlik) [wetlike werksleeftyd],Iminyaka yobudala yokusebenza (ngokomthetho),Iminyaka evumelekileyo yokusebenza (ngokusemthethweni),Iminyaka esemthethweni yokuqasheka,Mengwaga ya maswanedi a go oma (semolao),Dilemo tsa ho sebetsa (tse molaong),Dingwaga tsa go dira (semolao),Iminyaka yekusebenta (lesemtsetfweni),Murole wa u shuma (mulayo),Malembe yo sungula ku tirha (xinawu) +460,Working-age population,All persons aged 1565 years.,Labour ,Werksouderdombevolking,Abantu beminyaka yokusebenza,Abantu abakwixabiso lokusebenza,Abantu abaseminyakeni yokuqasheka,Sethaba sa ba mengwaga ya maswanedi a go oma,Setjhaba se dilemong tsa ho sebetsa,Baagi ba dingwaga tsa go dira,Bantfu beminyaka yekusebenta,Vhathu vha murole wa u shuma,Vanhu lava nga na malembe lawa ya ringaneleke ku tirha +461,Alimony,Payments made by one spouse to a separated or divorced spouse as required by a court order.,Law/Justice ,Onderhoud,Isondlo sotlhaliweko / I-alimoni,isondlo kwiqabane elahlukene nelinye,Isondlo sohlukanise naye,Thelete ya phepo ya molekane,Alimoni / Sapoto,Tlamelomolekane (semmuso),Sondlo,Aimoni,Tihakelo ta nthalano +462,Debt,An amount owed by / to a person or organisation for funds borrowed.,Law/Justice ,Skuld,Isikolodo / Isikwelede,ityala,Isikweletu,Sekoloto,Sekoloto / Molato / Mokitlane,Molato / Sekoloto / Disuga,Sikwenedi / Sikwelede,Mulandu / Tshikolodo,Xikweleti +463,Debtor,An individual or company that owes debt to another (the creditor).,Law/Justice ,Debiteur,Umkolodi / Umkweledi,umtyali,Okweletayo,Mokoloti,Mongasekoloto / Mongamolato / Mongamokitlane,Modiramolato / Mokoloti,Umkwenedi / Lokweledako,Mukolodi,Mukoloti +464,Income tax,"Tax levied on the financial income of a person, cooperation or other legal entity.",Law/Justice ,Inkomstebelasting,Umthelongeniso,irhafu yengeniso,Intela yemali engenile,Mothelo wa letseno / Ditseno,Lekgetho la kuno/lekeno,Lekgethotseno,Intsela yemalingena,Muthelo wa mbuelo,Xibalo / Muthelo +465,Standard Income Tax for Employees (SITE),People whose net remuneration from employment exceeds R60 000 per annum (i.e income and benefits after tax) are required to pay both SITE and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). People whose net remuneration is R60 000 or below are required to pay SITE only.,Law/Justice ,Standaard inkomstebelasting op werknemers (SIBW),IZinga lomThelongeniso weenSebenzi,irhafu oyifumana ngokomvuzo,Intela yeholo ebekiwe / Enqunyiwe,Mothelo Tekanywa wa Letseno la Baomi,Lekgetho la kuno / Lekeno le behilweng la basebetsi,Lekgethotsenotekanyetso la Badiri,Umtselo wemholo intsela yemalingena lebekiwe,Muthelo wa Mbuelo wa Ndinganyiso wa Vhashumi,Xibalo xo Ringanisiwa eka Vatirhi +466,Market production activities,Activities associated with production of goods and services for sale. See economic activities.,Manufacturing ,Markproduksiebedrywigheid,Imisebenzi yemikhiqizo yemakethe,iimveliso zorhwebo,Imisebenzi yokukhiqizela ukudayisa,Ditiro ta tweleto ya mmaraka,Mesebetsi ya tlhahiso bakeng la mmaraka,Ditirwanakumommaraka,Imikhicito yekutsengisa,Mishumo ya zwibveledzwa zwa maragani,Migingiriko yo andzisa switirhisiwa +467,Account,"A tool which records, for given aspects of economic life: (a) The uses and resources; or (b) The changes in assets and the changes in liabilities; and/or (c) The stock of assets and liabilities existing at a certain time. Transaction accounts include a balancing item which is used to equate the two sides of the accounts (e.g. resources and uses) and which is a meaningful measure of economic performance in itself.",National Accounts ,Rekening,I-akhawundi,Iakhawunti,i-akhawunti,Akhaonte,Akhaonte,Tshupatlotlo,i-akhawunti,Mbalelano,Nkota +468,Ancillary activity (National Accounts),A supporting activity undertaken to create the conditions within which the activities of an enterprise are carried out.,National Accounts ,Aanvullende aktiwiteit (Nasionale Rekeninge),Umsebenzi osekelako,Ushishino lwezorhwebo (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Umsebenzi osekelayo/ othasiselayo/ ochibiyelayo,Medirwana ya tlaleleto,Tlhahiso ya tshehetso (Diakhaonte tsa Naha),Tirwanatlaleletso,Sisekelo seteluhwebo,Nyitothikhedzi ( Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Nghingiriko wo seketela (tinkota ta rixaka) +469,Balancing item,"An accounting construct obtained by subtracting the total value of the entries on one side of an account from the total value of the entries on the other side. Note: Balancing items are not simply devices introduced to ensure that accounts balance. They encapsulate a great deal of information and include some of the most important entries in the accounts, for example value added and operating surplus.",National Accounts ,Balanseeritem,Inomborosilinganisi; inani linzinzisako,Umba wentsalela / ibhalansi,Utho olulinganisayo/ olubhalansisayo,Palotekatekanywa,Palotekanyo,Selekanyi/Ntlhanatekanyi,Lokusele,Tshitewandinganyisi,Xiringanisi +470,Basic prices,The amounts receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any tax payable plus any subsidy receivable on that unit as a consequence of its production or sale. Note: Basic prices exclude any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer. A basic price is the preferred method of valuing output.,National Accounts ,Basiese pryse,Iintengo ezihlaza,Amaxabiso asisiseko,Amanani/intengo okususelwa kuwo (amanani awumsuka),Ditheko ta motheo,Ditheko tsa mantlha,Ditlhotlhwatheo,Intsengosisekelo,Mitengo ya mutheo,Mixavoxisungusungu +471,Benchmark years,Those years in respect of which authoritative and detailed data are available.,National Accounts ,Normjare,Iminyaka yesilinganiselo,Ulwazi lweminyaka olusisikhokelo,Iminyaka okuqhathaniswa ngayo,Mengwagapapetwa,Dilemo tsa mekolokotwana,Dingwagakaelo/Dingwagatepo,Iminyaka yekuhlatiya,Miwaha ya tshikalandeme,Malembe yo pima +472,Biota,Refers to the flora and fauna of a specific region or country.,National Accounts ,Biota,Koke okuphilako; ibhayotha,Uhlaza,Imvelo; ibhiyotha,Diphedi,Diphedi le dimela,Bayota; dimela le diphologolo tsa lefelo le le rileng,"Tilwane netitfombo, ibhiyotha",Vhugalaphukha na zwimela/bayotha,Bayota +473,Capital,"Value of wealth in the form of money, human resources or property owned by a person or business.",National Accounts ,Kapitaal,Imali yokuraga ibhizinisi / Ikhephithali,ixabiso lobutyebi,Izinsizakuqhuba ibhizinisi,Khepetlele,Khepitlele / Khaphithale / Khapitale,Letlotlo / Khapetlele,Samba sekucala libhizinisi / Inkunzi,Lupfumo,Rifuwo +474,Capital transfer in kind,The transfer of ownership of an asset (other than inventories or cash) or the cancellation of a liability by a creditor.,National Accounts ,Kapitaaloordrag in natura,Ukuphana ngelifa,Ukunikela ngobunini bento ngesihle,Ukudluliselwa kwamafa ngenye indlela,Neelano ya dithoto mahala/sesolo,Phetisetso ya matlotlo,Tshutisotuelo ka thoto,Kwedlulisela kwebunikati ngelutfo,Thunduthathiselwa phumulamulandu,Ndzhurhiso hi vunene +475,Cash transfer,Payment of cash or the equivalent of cash.,National Accounts ,Kontantoordrag,idlulisomali (Kususwe ukudliliswa kwemali),Ukuhlawula ngemali,Ukudluliswa kwemali,Tefo ka thelete,Tefo ka tjhelete,Tshutisomadiseatleng,Kwedlulisa imali,Mbadelo nga tshelede/masheleni,Hundziso wa mali +476,Catchment,An area on which rain falls and from which the water runs into a particular river.,National Accounts ,Opvanggebied,Indawo ekhongozela amanzi; isikhongozeli,Ummandla oqokelela amanzi,Indawo yokugelezela amanzi,Sekgese/bokgobela meetse,Kgakeletso,Bodutelo,Indzawo legeletela emanti,Vhubvanyelelo / govha,Nhlengelweni wa mati +477,Commodity flow method,"Method used to track the flow of goods and services from the supply (domestic production or imported) to the use (intermediate consumption, final consumption or exports) thereof.",National Accounts ,Kommoditeitsvloei-metode,Indlela yomtlhala wepahla nezenzelwa,Indlela engumzila wezorhwebo,Uhlelo lokulandelela ukuhamba komkhiqizo,Mokgwakio wa/mokwakelela wa dithoto,Mokgwa wa phallo ya thepa,Mokgwakelelo wa thoto,Indlela yekubuka imvelaphi,Maitele a kutshimbidzele kwa zwivhambadzwa/zwibveledzwa,Endlelo ro landzelerisa xixavisiwa +478,Compensation of employees,"The total remuneration, in cash or kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period. Note: It is recorded on a gross basis, i.e. before any deduction for income taxes, pensions, unemployment insurance and other social insurance schemes. It also includes other forms of compensation, namely commissions, tips, bonuses, directors fees and allowances such as those for holidays and sick leave, as well as military pay and allowances. It excludes employers social contributions.",National Accounts ,Vergoeding van werknemers,Ukuthokozwa/ukubhadelwa kweensebenzi,Imbuyekezo yabasebenzi,Ukunxeshezelwa kwabasebenzi/kwezisebenzi,Putseleto/moputso,Ditlhapiso tsa bahiruwa,Tshuiso/phimolakeledi ya badiredi,Kuholelwa kwetisebenti,Ndilisavhashumi,Ndziriso wa vatirhi +479,Constant prices (GDP),A valuation concept expressed at the prices prevailing during a fixed reference period or base period.,National Accounts ,Konstante pryse (BBP),Iintengo ezidzimeleleko (i-GDP),Amaxabiso azinzileyo (iGDP)/asisigxina (iGDP),Intengo ebekiwe/ enqunyiwe (i-GDP),Ditheko ta go se fetoge nako e itego,Ditheko tse tsitsitseng (GDP),Ditlhotlhwa tse di tsepameng; ditlhotlhwatsepamo,Intsengo lemile,Mitengotiwa ya tshifhinga (GDP),Mixavo leyi nga cinciki (SHT) +480,Consumption,An activity in which institutional units use up goods and services. It can be either intermediate or final.,National Accounts ,Verbruik,Ukusetjenziswa,Uxhamlo,Ukusetshenziselwa komkhiqizo,Teriopheleleto,Tshebediso,Tiriso,Kusetjentiswa,Tshumiso,Ntirhiso +481,"Cost, insurance and freight price (c.i.f.)","The price of goods delivered at the frontier of the importing country, or the price of services delivered to residents, before payment of any import duties or other taxes on imports or trade and transport margins within the country.",National Accounts ,"Kosprys, versekering en vrag (k.v.v.)","Iindleko, itjhorensi nemali yomthwalo","Ixabiso lentengo, i-inshorensi kunye nentlawulo yothutho (ic.i.f)","Inani lezindleko, umshuwalense kanye nokuthuthwa kwempahla",Thekothireleto ya boleng le thomelo,"Tefello ya ditjeo,inshorense le thomello",Ditlhotlhwa tse di tsepameng; ditlhotlhwatsepamo,"Intsengo tindleko, umshwalense nekwetfwala",Mutengo wa ndindakhombo ya tshinyalelo na vhuendisi ha zwiunwa (c.i.f),"Tihakelo ta ndhurho, ndzindzakhombo na ta ntiko (tnnm)" +482,Crude oil,A mineral oil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origins; yellow to black in colour and of variable viscosity.,National Accounts ,Ruolie,I-oli ehlaza,Ioyile ekrwada,Uwoyela ongahluziwe,Oli ye tala; oli ya go se hlotlwe; leokwane,Oli e tala,Oli e tala; oli e e sa tlhotlhwang,Oyili longakahlutwa,Ole i songo kuniswaho / kunaho / ole mbisi,Oyilimbisi +483,Current transfers (GDP),All transfers that are not classified as capital transfers. They directly affect the level of disposable income and should influence the consumption of goods and services.,National Accounts ,Heersende pryse (BBP),Iintengo zanje /ezitjhugululako (i-GDP),Amaxabiso angoku (iGDP),Inani/ intengo yangaleso sikhathi,Ditheko ta bjale,Ditheko tsa jwale (GDP),Ditlhotlhwa tsa gajaana,Intsengo yanyalo,Mitengotiwa ya zwino (GDP),Mixavo ya sweswi (SHT) +484,Current transfers,All transfers that are not classified as capital transfers. They directly affect the level of disposable income and should influence the consumption of goods and services.,National Accounts ,Lopende oordragte,Ukudluliswa kweemali; idluliso leemali,Utshintshiselwano ngemali,Ukudluliswa kwemali kwaleso sikhathi,Thutio ya thelete/matlotlo; thutio ya thelete/matlotlo,Diphetisetso tseo eseng tsa tjhelete,Ditshutisomadi ka theke,Kwedluliselwa kwetimali kwanyalo,Mbadelo dza tshumelo zwayo,Hundziso ya sweswi +485,Enterprise (National Accounts),"May be a corporation (a quasi-corporate enterprise is treated as if it is a corporation in the 1993 SNA), a non-profit institution or an unincorporated enterprise. Corporate enterprises and non-profit institutions are complete institutional units. An unincorporated enterprise, however, refers to an institutional unit a household or government unit only in its capacity as a producer of goods and services. It covers only those activities of the unit which are directed towards the production of goods and services.",National Accounts ,Onderneming (Nasionale Rekeninge),Irhwebo,Ushishino (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Ibhizinisi;inkampani,Kgwebokgolo,Kgwebokgolo (Diakhaonte tsa Naha),Kgwebo,Ibhizinisi,Bindu / vhubindudzi (Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Bindzunyingi (tinkota ta rixaka) +486,Environmental accounting (SEEA framework),"The combination of natural resource accounts, which consist of stock and flow accounts in physical terms, and the monetary valuation of these accounts.",National Accounts ,Omgewingsboekhouding (SOEB-raamwerk),I-akhawundi yebhoduluko,Ixabiso lokusingqongileyo (isikhokelo se-iSEEA),Imidanti ngemikhiqizo yemvelo,Diakhaonte ta tikologo,Tlhophiso ya diakhaonto tsa tikoloho; kakaretso ya diakhaonte tsa tikoloho (Morao wa SEEA),Palotlotlo ya tikologo,Lubalo lwesimondzawo,Mbalelano ya mupo (muhanga wa SEEA),Vunkota bya mbangu (rimba ra SVMI) +487,Establishment (National Accounts),"An enterprise, or part of an enterprise, that is situated at a single location and in which only a single (non-ancillary) productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added.",National Accounts ,Instansie (Nasionale Rekeninge),Isijamiso,Iziko loshishino (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Uphiko lwenkampani,Lekalakgwebo,Lekala (Diakhaonte tsa Naha),Lekalakgwebo,Luphiko lwenkampani,Tshiimiswa tsha bindu (Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Xitumbuluxiwa xa bindzu (tinkota ta rixaka) +488,Evapotranspiration,The combined loss of water by evaporation from soil or surface water and transpiration from plants and animals.,National Accounts ,Evapotranspirasie,Irhwamuko,Ukutsha kwamanzi,Ukuhwamuka,Moyafalo,Tahlehelo ya metsi,Phufulelomoafalo,Kuhwamuka nekuphefumula,Vhuimuwi / muimuwo,Vuhahinjhuluko +489,Factor cost,A valuation concept reflecting the cost of the factors of production (labour and capital). It corresponds to the value remaining after all applicable taxes and subsidies have been deducted from market prices.,National Accounts ,Faktorkoste,Iindlekomleyo,Indleko yemveliso,Izindleko zokukhiqiza,Boleng bja dihlolatweleto,Ditjeo tsa tlhahiso,Ditshenyegelotlhagiso,Tindleko lesetingenantsela,Mutengo wa mushumisi /mbadelotshinyalelo ya mushumisi,Ndhurho wa andziso +490,Filled post,Post for which an employee has been appointed.,National Accounts ,Gevulde pos,Isikhundla somsebenzi esigcwalisiweko; iposo egcwalisiweko,Isithuba esithathiweyo,Isikhundla esigcwalisiwe,Sekgoba sa moomo se se tladitwego,Sekgeo se tlatsitsweng,Phatlhatiro e e tladitsweng,Sikhala lesigcwalisiwe,Poswo yo tholaho,Xivandla lexi siviweke +491,Final demand,Different components of final demand are distinguished in the SU-tables. The supply table shows imports and the Qualified shows final consumption expenditure by households and the general government as well as gross capital formation (gross fixed capital formation and changes in inventories) and exports.,National Accounts ,Eindvraag,Isebenziso lokugcina,Inyathelo lemveliso lokugqibela,Imfuno ewumnqamlajuqu,Nyakego ya mafelelo/nyakegopheleto,Tlhoko ya qetelo,Topo ya bofelo,Kutsengela tidzingo tekugcina,Mbilo ya u fhedzisela,Nkoxo wo hetelela +492,Financial services indirectly measured (FSIM),"Measured in the SNA as the total property income receivable by financial intermediaries minus their total interest payable, excluding the value of any property income receivable from the investment of their own funds.",National Accounts ,Finansile dienste indirek gemeet (FDIG),Imisebenzi yeemali elinganiswe ngokungakanqophi,Umlinganiselo weenkonzo zemali oqikelelweyo (iFSIM),Ukusetshenziswa kwezimali okungalinganiswe ngokungaqondile,Ditirelo ta matlotlo ta go elwa ka go se otlologe,Ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete tse sa lekanngwang ka kotloloho,Ditirelotlotlo tse di sa lekanyediwang ka tlhamalalo,Kulinganiswa lokungakacondzi-ngco kwemisebenti yetetimali,Tshumelo dza masheleni/tshelede dzo elwaho lu songo livhiswaho (FISIM),Vukorhokeri bya timali lebyi pimiweke hi ku nga kongomi +493,Free-on-board (f.o.b.) prices,The purchasers' price paid by an importer taking delivery of goods at the exporters frontier after loading on to a carrier and after payment of any export taxes or the receipt of any tax rebates.,National Accounts ,Prys vry aan boord (v.a.b.),Intengo enganandleko zokuthutha,Uthutho olungahlawulelwayo (f.o.b.),Inani lokuthutha elingakhokhwa ngomukela impahla,Tefo go morekii ka moamogedi mollwaneng,Ditheko tsa thomello tse sa lefellweng,Tlhwatlhwathoro ntle le tuelo,Intsengo yemtsengi longenisako,Mbadelotshayamutengo wa ndindakhombo na vhuendisi (f.o.b),Tihakelo leti hakeriwaka hi mutundzi (thm) +494,Full-time equivalents,"The ratio of the total number of hours worked and the average number of hours worked in full-time jobs. Note: When an estimation of the number of hours worked is available, it is obviously used as the numerator. If an estimation of the average hours worked in a full-time job is not available, estimates of average contractual hours in full-time jobs can be used as the denominator (ILO). Full-time equivalents are defined as the total hours worked divided by average annual hours worked in full-time jobs (1993 SNA).",National Accounts ,Voltydse ekwivalente,Okulingana nesikhathi esipheleleko,Imilinganiso yexesha emsebenzini elisigxina,Ukuqhathaniswa kwesikhathi esigcwele esisetshenziwe,Tekanyo le diiri ta moomo wa goya goile,Palo ya dihora tsa mosebetsi,Dilekani tsa nako e e tletseng,Silinganisosicatsaniso sesikhatsi lesisetjentiwe,Ndinganyakushumele kwa tshohe,Miringano ya nkarhi hinkwawo +495,GDP,See gross domestic product.,National Accounts ,BBP,I-GDP,IGDP,iGDP (isamba somkhiqizo wezwe),GDP,GDP,(BDS),GDP,GDP /zwibveledzwague zwapo,SHT +496,GDP at constant prices,"The value of goods and services of a given year, using the prices of a determined base (reference) year. Synonym is real prices.",National Accounts ,BBP teen konstante pryse,I-GDP ngeentengo ezinzinzileko/ ezijamileko,IGDP yamaxabiso azinzileyo,i-GDP ngokwentengo emile,GDP dithekong ta go se fetoge nakong ye e itego,GDP ka ditheko tse tsitsitseng,KSA ka ditlhotlhwa tse di tsepameng,i-GDP ngentsengo lengagucuki,Mitengotiwa ya GDP,SHT hi mixavo leyi nga cinciki +497,GDP at current prices,The value of goods and services using the prices at the time of the transaction. Synonym is nominal GDP.,National Accounts ,BBP teen heersende pryse,I-GDP ngeentengo zanje,IGDP yamaxabiso angoku,i-GDP ngokwentengo yangaleso sikhathi,GDP dithekong ta bjale,GDP ka ditheko tsa jwale,KSK ka ditlhotlhwa tsa gajaana,i-GDP ngentsengo yanyalo,Mitengo ya zwino ya GDP,SHT eka mixavo ya sweswi +498,GDP at factor cost,"The value of goods and services excluding indirect taxes on production such as sales tax, excise duties.",National Accounts ,BBP teen faktorkoste,I-GDP ngeendlekomleyo,IGDP yendleko yemveliso,i-GDP ngokwezindleko zomkhiqizo,GDP ya boleng bja dihlolatweleto,GDP ka ditjeo tsa tlhahiso,KSK ka ditshenyegelotlhagiso,i-GDP ngentsengo lengenamtselo,Mbadelatshinyalelo ya mushumisi ya GDP,SHT hi nxavo/ndhurho wa xivangi +499,GDP at market prices,Total gross value added at basic prices plus taxes on products minus subsidies on products.,National Accounts ,BBP teen markpryse,I-GDP ngeentengo zokuthenga/ zabathengi,IGDP yamaxabiso emarike,i-GDP ngokwentengo yasezimakethe,GDP dithekong ta mmaraka,GDP ka ditheko tsa mmaraka,KSK ka ditlhotlhwa tsa mebaraka,i-GDP ngentsengo yetimakethe,Mitengo ya zwivhambadzwa ya GDP,SHT hi mixavo ya makete +500,GDP for the economy,"A production measure obtained through the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units, in their capacity as producers, plus the values of any taxes, less subsidies, on production or imports not already included in the values of the outputs and- values added by resident producers. (Equal to GDP at market prices.)",National Accounts ,BBP vir die ekonomie,I-GDP yomnotho,IGDP yezoqoqosho,i-GDP ngokwezomnotho,GDP go ta ikonomi,GDP ya moruo,KSK ya ikonomi,i-GDP yetemnotfo,GDP ya Ekonomi,SHT ya ikhonomi +501,GDP per region (GDPR),The sum of gross value added by all industries at basic prices plus taxes on products minus subsidies on products in a region.,National Accounts ,BBP per streek (BBPS),I-GDP ngesifunda,IGDP ngengingqi (iGDPR),i-GDP ngokwesifunda,GDP ka dilete,GDP ya lebatowa ka leng,KSK ka dikgaolo,i-GDP ngesifundza,GDP nga dzingu (GDP),SHT ku ya hi rhijini +502,Generation of income account,The generation of income account provides for the distribution of primary incomes to the various institutional sectors. Primary incomes are incomes that accrue to institutional sectors and industries as a consequence of their involvement in processes of production or ownership of assets that may be needed for purposes of production.,National Accounts ,Inkomstegenereringsrekening,I-akhawundi yomhlobo wengeniso,Imveliso yeakhawunti yengeniso,I-akhawunti yemithombo yengeniso/imali engenayo,tlholo ya akhaonte ya ditseno,Lefehlo la akhaonte ya lekeno,Tlhagiso ya tshupatlotlolotseno,Kwakheka kwe-akhawunti yalokungenako,Vhubveledzi ha mbalelano ya mbuelo,Ntumbuluxo wa tinkota ta mbuyelo +503,Goods and services account,"The total resources (output and imports) and uses of goods and services (intermediate consumption, final consumption, gross capital formation and exports). Taxes on products (less subsidies) are also included on the resource side of the accounts.",National Accounts ,Goedere-en-dienste-rekening,I-akhawundi yepahla nezenzelwa,Iakhawunti yempahla neenkonzo,I-akhawunti yemikhiqizo nemisebenzi,Akhaonte ya dithoto le ditirelo,Akhaonte ya thepa le ditshebeletso,Tshupatlotlo ya dithoto le ditirelo,I-akhawunti yemphahla netinsita,Mbalelano ya thundu na tshumelo,Nkota ya tinhundzu na vukorhokeri +504,Gross domestic product (GDP),The total value of goods and services produced within the geographic boundaries of a country for a specified period of time.,National Accounts ,Bruto binnelandse produk (BBP),Ipahla epheleleko yangekhaya(GDP),Isambuku semveliso yelizwe,Isamba somkhiqizo wezwe,Bolengkakareto bja dithoto le ditirelo,Dihlahiswa tsohle tsa naha (GDP),Kunoselegaekakaretso (KSK),Sambakhulu semkhicito wasekhaya,Zwibveledzwague zwapo (GDP),Swimakiwa hinkwaswo swa tiko (SHT) +505,Gross operating surplus/mixed income,"The balancing item in the generation of income account, i.e. the value added minus compensation of employees payable minus taxes on production payable plus subsidies receivable.",National Accounts ,Bruto bedryfsurplus/gemengde inkomste,Isalela yokusebenza epheleleko/ ingeniso emvango,Intsalela kwingeniso yesambuku/ ingeniso exubileyo,Imali yokusebenza eyevile esambeni/imali engenayo eyingxubevange,Thelete ye e alago kgwebong morago ga ditefelo ka,Phaello yohle e sebediswang/lekeno la letswaka,Lefetisokakaretso-tiriswa/Lotsenotlhakanelwakakaretso-tiriswa,Insalela yekusebentisa sambakhulu/inzuzo lehlangahlangene,Mufhalalague wa tshumelo / mbuelo yo vanganaho,Nsalo wa mbuyelo hinkwawo/wo pfangana lowu tirhisiwaka +506,Gross value added at basic prices,Output valued at basic prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasers prices.,National Accounts ,Bruto waarde toegevoeg teen basiese pryse,Ubungako obungezelelweko obupheleleko ngeentengo ezihlaza,Isambuku sexabiso elongezelelwe kumaxabiso asisiseko,Isamba senani esengezwe entengweni yomkhiqizo,Bolengkakareto go hlakanywa le ditheko ta motheo,Boleng ka kakaretso ka ditheko tsa mantlha,Koketsoboleng kakaretso mo ditlhotlhwatheong,Linani lesambakhulu lelengetwe kuntsengo lesisekelo,Ndemeguenyengedzedzwa kha mitengothangeli mutheo,Nkoka hinkwawo lowu engeteriweke ku ya hi mixavo xa xisungusungu +507,Gross value added at producers prices,Output valued at producers prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasers prices.,National Accounts ,Bruto waarde toegevoeg teen produsentepryse,Ubungako obungezelelweko obupheleleko ngeentengo zokukhiqiza,Isambuku sexabiso esongezelelwe kumaxabiso abavelisi,Isamba senani esengezwe entengweni yomkhiqizi,Boleng kakareto go hlakanywa le ditheko ta motweleti,Boleng ka kakaretso ka ditheko tsa bahlahisi,Koketsoboleng kakaretso ka ditlhotlhotlhwa tsa montshakuno,Linani lesambakhulu lelengetiwe kuntsengo yebakhiciti,Ndemeguenyengedzedzwa kha mitengo ya vhabveledzi,Nkoka hinkwawo lowu engeteriweke ku ya hi mixavo ya vumaki +508,Groundwater,Fresh water beneath the earths surface (usually in aquifers) supplying wells and springs.,National Accounts ,Grondwater,Amanzi wangaphasi,Amanzi aphantsi komhlaba,Amanzi angaphansi komhlaba,Meetse a ka fase ga mabu,Metsi a ka tlase ho lefatshe,Metsi a a ka fa tlase ga lefatshe,Siyalu,Maihavhela / tshisima,Mati ya le hansi +509,Homogeneous production,A unit of homogeneous production is a producer unit in which only a single (non-ancillary) productive activity is carried out.,National Accounts ,Homogene produksie,Ukukhiqizwa/ukuvezwa komhlobo munye,Imveliso eluhlobo olunye,Ukukhiqizwa kohlobo olulodwa,Tweletotshwano,Tlhahiso ya sehlahiswa sa mofuta o le mong,Tlhagisokunoesi,Umkhicito lohlobolunye,Vhubveledzitshayavangwa,Andziso wa swo fana +510,Household actual final consumption,"Household actual final consumption, added to household final consumption expenditure plus the social transfers in kind received from general government and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). These refer to social security benefits and social assistance benefits received in kind, and to the individual non-market goods and services provided by government and NPISH.",National Accounts ,Werklike eindverbruik deur huishouding,Isebenziso lokugcina lamambala lekhaya,Iindleko ezipheleleyo zekhaya,Isamba esiphelele esisetshenziswa ekhaya,Tiriophethelela ya nnete ya motse/tiriso ya mafelelo ya nnete ya lapa / Tirionnete ya mafelelo ya lapa,Disebediswa tsohle tsa lelapa,Dijegotota tsa bofelo tsa legae,Tindleko ngco telikhaya letiphelele naletengetekile,Tshumisokhunyeledzwa ya mua/haya,Ntirhiso wo hetelela wa xiheri wa ndyangu +511,Household final consumption expenditure,"Includes all consumption expenditure made by households from their own cash resources (including all income in cash received), as well as all the counterpart of income in kind (except social transfers in kind) that households might have received, such as remuneration in kind and other transfers in kind. Note: It also includes the value of all consumption of output for own final use, such as those provided by second homes on own account used for tourism purposes or what it can have received through barter transactions.",National Accounts ,Eindverbruiksbesteding deur huishouding,Iindleko zekhaya zesebenziso lokugcina,Iindleko ezipheleleyo zenkcitho yekhaya,Isamba esisetshenziswa ekhaya ngaphandle kosizo,Tiriotshenyagalelo ya mafelelo ya lapa,Ditshenyehelo tsohle tsa disebediswa tsa lelapa,Ditshenyegelojego tsa bofelo tsa legae,Tindleko telikhaya letisetjentiswako setiphelele,Mbadelo ya tshumisokhunyeledzwa ya zwibviswa zwa mua/haya,Ntirhiso wa nhundzu wo hetelela wa ndyangu +512,Implied deflator,"Implied deflators are also known as variable-weighted or Paasche indices (although not strictly of the Paasche type). These price indices are by-products of the deflation procedure, obtained by dividing a series (e.g. value added) expressed at current prices by the corresponding series at constant prices.",National Accounts ,Gempliseerde deflator,Ikomba yokwehlisa ezivelelako,Isalathisi soqikelelo lwamaxabiso,Inkomba yentengo ehlawumbiselwe/esikiselwe,Papetotiinywa ya phokotego ya maatla a ditheko,Palo ya kakanyo; tshupane ya kakanyo ya ditheko,Sefokotsi se se kailweng,Silinganiso lesihlawumbelisiwe,Mutsitsofaedzwa,Xikombo xa mixavo leyi hungutiweke +513,Income from employment,"Any form of reward the employee received from the employer, for example, salaries and wages or income in any kind such as uniforms, food parcels, etc. (ILO).",National Accounts ,Inkomste uit werk,Ingeniso ngomsebenzi,Umvuzo,Inkokhelo yokuqashwa,Ditseno go twa moomong,Lekeno la kgiro,Tuelo; mogolo,Liholo,Mbuelo ya mushumo,Muholo +514,Industry (National Accounts),"Group of establishments engaged in the same or similar kinds of activity. Note: The definition of industry is based on the 1993 SNA and is in line with that contained in the Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Fifth Edition; Report No. 09-90-02 of January 1993 (SIC).",National Accounts ,Nywerheid (Nasionale Rekeninge),Irhwebo; ibubulo; i-indastri,Amashishini (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Imboni,Intaseteri,Indasteri (Diakhaonte tsa Naha),Madirelo,Imboni,Nowetshumo (Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Vumaki (tinkota ta rixaka) +515,Mean annual runoff,Average annual flow under natural conditions. (This definition is dependent on the runoff regime for each river basin).,National Accounts ,Gemiddelde jaarlikse afloop,Isilinganiso somthamo ngomnyaka,Umlinganiselo wesantya samanzi,Isilinganiso sokugeleza kwemali ngonyaka,Palogare ya tobo ka ngwaga,Palohare ya phallo ya metsi selemong,Kelokelelopalogare ka ngwaga,Silinganiso sekugeleta kwemanti ngemnyaka,Nyelelotshikati ya waha,Mpimoxikarhi wa mali ya lembe +516,Mixed income,"A measure of the surplus accruing from processes of production before deducting any explicit or implicit interest charges, rents or other property incomes payable on the financial assets, land or other tangible non-produced assets required to carry on the production. Note: Mixed income is the balancing item in the generation of income account of unincorporated enterprises owned by members of households, either individually or in partnership with others, i.e. the value added minus compensation of employees payable minus taxes on production payable plus subsidies receivable (1993 SNA).",National Accounts ,Gemengde inkomste,Ingeniso emvango,Ingeniso exubileyo,Imali engenayo eyingxubevange,Ditseno te di hlakahlakanego,Lekeno le tswakaneng,Lotsenotlhakanelwa,Liholo lebhicekile,Mbuelovanganywa,Mbuyelopfangano +517,National accounts,Serves as a framework for statistical systems. It also serves as a point of reference in establishing standards for related statistics. The internationally agreed framework that guides the compilation of national accounts is contained in the SNA (1993 SNA).,National Accounts ,Nasionale rekeninge,Ama-akhawundi welizwe,Iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke,Ama-akhawunti kazwelonke,Diakhaonte ta bosethaba,Diakhaonto tsa naha,Ditshupatlotlo tsa bosethaba,Ema-akhawunti avelonkhe,Mbalelano dza lushaka,Tinkota ta rixaka +518,Natural gas,Consists mainly of methane occurring naturally in underground deposits. It may be associated with free gas.,National Accounts ,Aardgas,Irhasi yemvelo,Igesi yendalo,Igesi yemvelo,Kgase/gase ya tlhago,Kgase ya tlhaho,I-gesi yemvelo,Gase ya tlholego,Gesemupo,Gasi/hhasi ya ntumbuluko +519,Natural Resource Accounting (NRA),"Accounting system that deals with stocks and stock changes of natural assets, comprising biota (produced or wild), subsoil assets (proved reserves); and water and land with their aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. It is frequently used in the sense of physical accounting as distinguished from monetary (environmental) accounting.",National Accounts ,Natuurlikehulpbron-boekhouding (NHB),I-Akhawundi yaMandla yemiThombo yeMvelo (I-NRA),Ubalo lwamajelo endalo (iNRA),Imidanti yengcebo yemvelo,Diakhaonte ta methopo ya tlhago,Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa mehlodi ya tlhaho,Palotlotlo ya metswedi ya tlholego (PMT),Tekubalwa kwemitfombolusito yemvelo,Mbalelano ya zwikomupo (NRA),Vunkota bya switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko (VSN) +520,Natural resources,Natural assets (raw materials) occurring in nature that can be used for economic production or consumption.,National Accounts ,Natuurlike hulpbronne,Imithombo yamandla wemvelo,Amajelo endalo,Ingcebo yemvelo,Methopo ya tlhago,Mehlodi ya tlhaho,Metswedi ya tlholego; metswedi ya tlhago,"Imitfombolusito yemvelo, tibiyo temvelo",Zwikomupo,Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko +521,Net other taxes on production,Other taxes on production minus other subsidies on production.,National Accounts ,Netto ander belastings op produksie,Eminye imithelo eseleko ekukhiqizeni,Intsalela yerhafu kwimveliso,Insalelasamba nezinye izintela kokukhiqiziwe,Maaledi a methelo ye mengwe go tweleto,Makgetho a mang a sebele a tlhahiso,Makgethotota a mangwe a tlhagiso,Insalelasamba yentsela emkhicitweni,Miwe mithelotsalela ya vhubveledzi,Swibaloxiheri swinwana eka andziso +522,Non-profit institution,"Legal or social entity created for the purpose of producing goods and services, which is not allowed to be a source of income, profit or other financial gain for the units that establish, control or finance it. Note: These are companies registered under section 21 of the Companies Act.",National Accounts ,Instelling sonder winsoogmerk,Isijamiso ezingasebenzeli inzuzo,Iziko elingenangeniso,Isikhungo esingenzi nzuzo,Instituene ya go se dire poelo,Diinstithushene tse sa etseng phaello,Setheo se e seng sa lotseno,Sikhungo lesingenti inzuzo,Tshiimiswa tshayambuelo,Ndhawu ya nkambhindzulo +523,Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH),Non-profit institution which is not predominantly financed and controlled by government and which provides goods or services to households free or at prices that are not economically significant.,National Accounts ,Instellings sonder winsoogmerk wat huishoudings dien (ISWHD),Iinjamiso zemakhaya ezingasebenzeli inzuzo,Amaziko angenangeniso anceda amakhaya (iNPISH),Isikhungo esingenzi nzuzo esilekelela amakhaya,Dinstituene ta go se dire poelo tsa go hlankela malapa,Diinstithushene tsa tshebeletso ya malapa tse sa etseng phaello,Metsweditlholego e e sa nthwafatsegeng,Tikhungo letingenti inzuzo letisita emakhaya,Zwiimiswatshayambuelo tshumelamia/haya (NPISH),Tindhawu ta nkambhindzulo to korhokela mindyangu (TNKM) +524,Non-renewable natural resources,Exhaustible natural resources such as mineral resources (coal or uranium) that cannot be regenerated after exploitation.,National Accounts ,Niehernubare natuurlike hulpbronne,Imithombo yamandla wemvelo engavuselelekiko,Amajelo endalo angahlaziywayo,Ingcebo yemvelo engavuseleleki,Methopo ya thlago ya go se mpshafatege,Mehlodi ya tlhaho e sa kolleng,Metswedi ya tlholego e e sa nthwafatsegeng,imitfombolusito yemvelo lengavuseleleki,Zwikomupo tshayamvusuludzo,Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko leswi nga pfuxetiwiki +525,Other subsidies on production,Subsidies are transfers from the government to the business sector toward current cost of production. These transfers represent additions to the income of producers from current production.,National Accounts ,Ander subsidies op produksie,Ezinye iimphekiso ekukhiqizeni,Ezinye iinkxaso kwimveliso,Eminye imixhaso ekukhiqizeni,Dithuo te dingwe ta dithelete go tweleto,Dithuso tse ding tlhahisong,Dikeetletso tse dingwe mo ntshokunong,Lokunye kwesekelwa ekukhiciteni,Dziwe thikhedzo kha vhubveledzi,Mipfuneto yinwana eka andziso +526,Other taxes on production,"Consist of taxes on the ownership of land, buildings or other assets used in production or on labour employed, etc. Important examples of other taxes on production are taxes on payroll or work force, stamp duties, business or professional licenses, etc.",National Accounts ,Ander belastings op produksie,Eminye imithelo ekukhiqizeni,Ezinye iirhafu kwimveliso,Ezinye izintela ekukhiqizeni,Methelo ye mengwe go tweleto,Makgetho a mang tlhahisong,Makgetho a mangwe mo ntshokunong,Letinye tintsela ekukhiciteni,Miwe mithelo kha vhubveledzi,Swibalo swinwana eka andziso +527,Output,"Goods or services that are produced within an establishment that become available for use outside the establishment, plus any goods and services produced for own final use.",National Accounts ,Lewering,Ivezo,Imveliso,Umkhiqizo/ umphumela,Tweleto,Sephetho,Kuno,Lokukhicitwako,Zwibveledzwa,Swihumelerisiwa +528,Overdraft,"A type of loan from a bank, used in particular to supply short-term working capital to tide over a production cycle or to finance seasonal requirements.",National Accounts ,Oortrekking,Idosomali eleqileko,Imali-mboleko/iovadrafti,i-ovadrafthi,Molato mpeng,Kadimo ya nakwana bankeng; tjhelete e kadimilweng bankeng,Kgogophetiso,Imalimboleko yesikhashana,Khadzimisothendelatshumiso,Xikweleti +529,Paid dividend,A portion of a companys profits paid to a shareholder.,National Accounts ,Uitbetaalde dividend,Isabelo esibhadaliweko,Intlawulo yezabelo,Isabelo esikhokhiwe,Seabe se se lefetwego,Phaello ya diabo tse lefilweng,Karolelo e e duetsweng,Sabelo lesikhokhelwe,Mikovhembadelwa,Xiave lexi hakeriweke +530,Per capita GDP,The average production per person of goods and services for the reference period.,National Accounts ,Per capita-BBP,Isihlukaniselo se-GDP,IGDP yomntu ngamnye,i-GDP ngokomuntu ngamunye,GDP go ya ka hlogo/motho ka motho/GDP hlogoka hlogo/ditseno hlogo ka hlogo,GDP ya motho ka mong,KSK ka tlhogo ya motho,i-GDP ngemuntfu,GDP ya vhubveledzitshikati,SHT hi munhu +531,Per capita income,"The average income per person in a given time period, usually one year.",National Accounts ,Per capita-inkomste,Ingeniso yomuntu ngamunye,Ingeniso yomntu ngamnye,Imali engenayo ngokomuntu ngamunye,Ditseno hlogo ka hlogo,Lekeno la motho ka mong,Lotseno ka tlhogo ya motho,Lokungenako ngemuntfu,Mbuelo ya vhubveledzitshikati,Mbuyelo hi nhloko +532,Physical accounting,"Natural resource and environmental accounting of stocks and changes in stocks in physical (non-monetary) units, for example, weight, area or number. Note: Qualitative measures, expressed in terms of quality classes, types of uses or ecosystem characteristics, may supplement quantitative measures.",National Accounts ,Fisiese boekhouding ,I-akhawundi yemithombo yamandla wemvelo ,Ubalo ngokobume belizwe,Imidanti yocwaningongqo lwezinto ,Palo ya dithoto ta sebopego ,Palo ya thepa ,Palothoto ,Kubalwa kwetemitfombo yemvelo,Mbalelano nga zwibveledzwa zwa mupo,Vunkota bya swa ntumbuluko na mbangu +533,Primary industries,"Include the agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying industries.",National Accounts ,Primre nywerhede,Amabubulo wokuthoma/asisendlalelo,Amashishini aziziseko,Izimboni eziyisisekelo,Diintasteri ta motheo,Diindasteri tsa motheo,Madirelotheo,Timboni letisisekelo,Nowetshumothangeli,Vumaki bya masungulo +534,Principal activity (establishment),The activity whose gross value added exceeds that of any other activity carried out within the same unit.,National Accounts ,Hoofbedrywigheid (instansie),Umsebenzi oyisika/omkhulu,Ushishino oluyintloko (umzi woshishino),Umsebenzi oyinsika (isakhiwo),Tirokgolo/moomomogolo,Tlhahiso ya motheo; mesebetsi ya sehlooho (Lekala),Tirokgolo (kgwebo),Umsebentinchanti,Nyito ya ndeme/mushumo wa ndeme /vhuitwa ha ndeme (tshiimiswa),Nghingirikonkulu (xitumbuluxiwa) +535,Producers price,"The amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any value added tax (VAT), or similar deductible tax, invoiced to the purchaser. It excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer.",National Accounts ,Produsenteprys,Intengo yokukhiqiza,Ixabiso lomvelisi,Inani/ intengo labakhiqizi,Theko ya batweleti,Theko ya bahlahisi,Tlhotlhwa ya motlhagisi,Intsengiso yemkhiciti,Mutengo wa vhabveledzi,Nxavo wa vamaki +536,Production,"A process, carried out under the responsibility, control and management of an institutional unit, in which labour and assets are used to transform inputs of goods and services into outputs of other goods and services. All goods and services produced as outputs must be such that they can be sold on markets, or at least be capable of being provided by one unit to another, with or without charge.",National Accounts ,Produksie,Ukukhiqiza,Imveliso,Ukukhiqiza,Tweleto,Tlhahiso,Tlhagisokuno/ntshokuno,Kukhicita,Vhubveledzi,Andziso +537,Production account for the total economy,"The production account is the first in the sequence of accounts compiled for institutional sectors, industries and the total economy. The production account contains three items apart from the balancing item, namely output, intermediate consumption and taxes less subsidies on products. The output is recorded under 'resources' on the right-hand side of the account. Intermediate consumption and taxes less subsidies on products is recorded under 'uses' on the left-hand side of the account.",National Accounts ,Produksierekening vir die totale ekonomie,I-akhawundi yokukhiqiza yomnotho opheleleko,Iakhawunti yemveliso yoqoqosho olupheleleyo,i-akhawunti yomkhiqizo womnotho wonke,Akhaonte ya tweleto ya ikonomi ka kakareto,Akhaonto ya tlhahiso ya moruo ohle,Tshupatlotlo ya tlhagisodikuno ya ikonomigotlhe,I-akhawunti yekukhicita umnotfo wonkhe,Mbalelano ya vhubveledzi ha ekonomigue,Nkota ya andziso ya ikhonomi hinkwayo +538,Production boundary,"An economic activity (or production) carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce output of goods and services. Note: The production boundary in the 1993 SNA is more restricted than the general production boundary due to the production accounts not being compiled for household activities that produce domestic or personal services for own final consumption within the same household, except for services produced by paid domestic staff.",National Accounts ,Produksiegrens,Umkhawulo wokukhiqiza,Umda wemveliso,Umngcele wokukhiqiza,Mollwane wa tweleto,Moedi wa tlhahiso,Molelwane wa tlhagisodikuno,Sibaya sekukhicita,Mukano wa vhubveledzi,Ndzelekano wa andziso +539,Purchasers price,"The amount paid by the purchaser, excluding any deductible value added tax (VAT) or similar deductible tax, in order to take delivery of a unit of a good or service at the time and place required by the purchaser. The purchasers' price of a good includes any transport charges paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place.",National Accounts ,Kopersprys,Intengo yokuthenga/ yabathengi,Ixabiso lomthengi,Inani lomthengi,Theko ya moreki,Theko ya moreki,Tlhwatlhwa ya moreki,Intsengo yemtsengi,Mutengo wa murengi,Nxavo wa muxavi +540,Recurrent expenditure,Expenditure incurred in the day-to-day running of an organisation or the state in line with its budget.,National Accounts ,Herhalende uitgawe,Iindleko ezizibuyelelako,Inkcitho esoloko iqhubeka,Izindleko eziqhubekayo,Tshenyagalelo ya letati ka letati,Ditshenyehelo tse iphetang,Ditshenyegelo tse di ipoeletsang,Tindleko letichubekako,Mbadelo ya misi yohe,Ntirhiso wa mali wa siku na siku +541,Region,A region for GDP estimates per region is defined as a province.,National Accounts ,Streek,Isifunda,Ingingqi,Isifunda,Selete,Lebatowa,Kgaolo,Sifundza,Dzingu,Rhijini +542,Regional GDP,See GDP per region.,National Accounts ,Streek-BBP,I-GDP yesifunda,IGDP ngokwengingqi,I-GDP yesifunda,GDP ya selete,GDP ya lebatowa,KSK ya kgaolo,I-GDP yesifundza,GDP ya dzingu,SHT ya rhijini +543,Retained reserves,Sums set aside out of the profits of a company that are not distributed as dividends. They are created for the purpose of meeting future capital needs of the company.,National Accounts ,Teruggehoue reserwes,Okugodlelwe ingomuso,Imfihlo yoovimba,Okugodlelwe ingomuso,Ditsheketo tse di lotilwego,Phaello e bolokilweng,Matlotlotshadisetso,Inzuzo legciniwe,Masheleni-/tsheledembetshelwathungo,Swihlayisiwa leswi vekiweke +544,Revaluation,"Increase or decrease in the value of a currency or of fixed assets, typically freehold land and buildings.",National Accounts ,Revaluasie,Itjhuguluko lobungako,Uhlaziyo lwamaxabiso,Ukuhlaziywa kabusha kwesilinganisonani,Kelolefsa,Phetoho ya boleng,Tekanyetsobolengsewa,Kugucugucuka kwelinani,Vhukalandeme hafhu,Nkambelankoka +545,Revision of estimates,"Revision of the estimates for all components of the national accounts is usually done every five years in conjunction with the rebasing of the estimates at constant prices apart from the revision of estimates for the latest quarters. At such a time, the results of censuses that have become available in the meantime and any other additional information sources are incorporated in the estimates.",National Accounts ,Hersiening van ramings,Ukubuyekezwa kweenlinganiso,Uhlaziyo lweentelekelelo,Ukubuyekezwa kwezilinganisomanani,Poeleto ya ditekanyeto,Tekolo ya dikakanyo,Poeletso ya ditekanyetso,Kubuyeketa imicombelelo,Ndovhololo ya migaganyo,Mpfuxeto wa miringanyeto +546,SAM,See Social Accounting Matrix.,National Accounts ,MSEB,I-SAM,ISAM,I-SAM,SAM,SAM,LPL,I-SAM,SAM,MVV +547,Seasonal adjustment,A statistical technique to remove the effects of seasonal calendar influences operating on a series.,National Accounts ,Seisoenale aanpassing,Ukutjhugulula ngokweenkhathi zomnyaka,Uhlengahlengiso ngokwamaxesha onyaka,Ukubuyekezwa kwamanani ngokwezinkathi zonyaka,Peakanyolefsa ya sehla ka sehla,Tokisetso ya dihla; ditlhophisetso tsa dinako tsa selemo,Tolamiso ka paka,Kubuyeketwa ngekwetikhatsi,Ndivhanyiso ya khalawaha,Ndzulamiso hi nguva +548,Secondary activity (National Accounts),An activity carried out within a single establishment in addition to the principal activity.,National Accounts ,Sekondre bedrywigheid (Nasionale Rekeninge),Umsebenzi wangeqadi,Ushishino olongezelelweyo (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Umsebenzi ongumxhantela,Tiro/ moongwana wa tlaleleto,Mesebetsi ya tsheketso (Diakhaonte tsa Naha),Tirokgolwane,"Ibhizinisi lechakele, lichakela",Nyito zwayo /vhuitwa zwaho/mushumo zwawo (Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Nghingirikotsongo (tinkota ta rixaka) +549,Secondary industries,"The secondary industries include the manufacturing, electricity, water and construction industries.",National Accounts ,Sekondre nywerhede,Amabubulo atjhugululako,Amashishini ongezelelweyo,Izimboni ezikhiqizayo,Diintaseteri ta tlaleleto legatong la bobedi,Diindasteri tsa tlatsetso,Madirelomagolwane,"Timboni letikhicita lokwehlukene, timbonimagalagala",Nowetshumo zwadzo,Vumakitsongo +550,SEEA,See System of Environmental and Economic Accounting.,National Accounts ,SOEB,I-SEEA,ISEEA,I-SEEA,SEEA,SEEA,TPTI,I-SEEA,SEEA,SVMI +551,Social Accounting Matrix,"Presentation of an SNA account in a matrix form, which elaborates on the linkages between SU-tables and institutional sectors accounts (1993 SNA).",National Accounts ,Matriks van sosiaal-ekonomiese boekhouding,IThebula ye-Akhawundi ngezomPhakathi,Isikhokelo sobalo kwezentlalo,Ithebula lokubalwa kwama-akhawunti ezomphakathi,Mokgwakelo wa diakhaonte ta leago,Sehokanyi sa tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa setjhaba,Lenaneopalotlotloloago; palotlotlo ya loago ya materisi,Kubala i-metriksi yetenhlalo,Mbalelanogumofulu ya matshilisano,Matirikisi ya vunkota bya vanhu +552,Square matrix,A matrix is square when it has an equal number of columns and rows.,National Accounts ,Vierkantige matriks,Ithebula elisikwere,Isikhokelo esimacala alinganayo,Ithebhula lemigqa namakholomu alinganayo,Mokgwakelo wa khutlonne/sekwere,Sehokanyi se kgutlonne,Lenaneo la sekwere; materisi wa sekwere,Imetriksi lesikwele,Gumofulu a tshikwea,Matirikisi ya xikwere +553,Subsidies on products,Subsidies on products are payable per unit of a good or service.,National Accounts ,Subsidies op produkte,Iimphekiso zemikhiqizo,Inkxaso-mali kwezemveliso,Ukuxhaswa kwemikhiqizo,Dithuo ta dithelete go ditweletwa,Dithuso tsa dihlahiswa,Diketleetsokuno,Tibonelelo emikhicitweni,Thikhedzo kha zwibveledzwa,Mpfuneto eka swimakiwa +554,Supply and use tables,"Are sometimes referred to as rectangular input-output tables, make and use tables, supply and disposition of commodities tables.",National Accounts ,Aanbod- en gebruikstabelle,Amathebula wokusabalalisa nokusetjenziswa,Iitheyibhile/izikhokelo zomthamo wemveliso nezokusetyenziswa,Amathebhula emikhiqizo nokusetshenzisiwe kwayo,Mananeo a kabo le tirio,Ditheibole tsa phepelo le tshebediso,Mananeo a theleso le tiriso,Emathebula ekuniketa nekusebentisa,Mbekanya dza nisedzo na tshumiso,Matafula ya mphakelo na ntirhiso +555,Supply table,table that gives information about the resources of goods and services.,National Accounts ,Aanbodtabel,Ithebula yokusabalalisa,Isikhokelo/itheyibhile yomthamo wemveliso,Ithebhula lemikhiqizo,Lenaneo la kabo,Theibole ya phepelo,Lenaneotheleso,Lithebula lekuniketa,Mbekanya ya nisedzo,Tafula ra mphakelo +556,SU-tables,See Supply and use tables.,National Accounts ,AG-tabelle,Amathebula we-SU,Isikhokelo seSU,Ithebhula le-SU,Mananeo a SU,Ditheibole tsa SU,Mananeo a TT; M-TT,Emathebula lakhombisa kunika nekusebentisa,Mbekanya dza SU,Matafula ya MN +557,Symmetric,"Symmetric tables use similar classifications or units, i.e. same groups of products for both the rows and the columns.",National Accounts ,Simmetries,Ithebula elibandeke bulingana,Isikhokelo esimacala alinganayo,Ithebhula lokuhambisanayo,Mananeo a go lekalekanela,Semetriki,Mananeo a dikunotshwano,Emathebula lafanako,Vhulingana huvhili,Swiphemundzingano +558,System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA),"A satellite system to the System of National Accounts (SNA) developed by the United Nations Statistical Division, for the incorporation of environmental concerns (environmental costs, benefits and assets) in the national accounts. The SEEA is intended to be a system with global application and standards, suitable for all countries and all aspects of the environment.",National Accounts ,Stelsel van Omgewings- en Ekonomiese Boekhouding (SOEB),IHlelo le-Akhawundi yeBhoduluko nomNotho,Inkqubo yokubala ezisingqongileyo nezoqoqosho (iSEEA),Uhlelo lokubalwa kwemikhiqizo yemvelo nomnotho,Mokgwatiriano wa diakhaonte ta ikonomi le tikologo,Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa tikoloho le moruo,Thulaganyo ya Palotlotlo ya Tikologo le Ikonomi (TPTI),Indlelanchubo yetemvelo netekubala temnotfo,Sisieme ya mbalelano ya mupo na ekonomi (SEEA),Sisiteme ya vunkota bya mbangu na bya ikhonomi (SVMI) +559,System of National Accounts,An internationally agreed standard system for macro-economic accounts. Note: The latest version is described in the 1993 System of National Accounts (1993 SNA).,National Accounts ,Stelsel van Nasionale Rekeninge,IHlelo lama-Amakhawundi weliZwe,Inkqubo yobalo kwiiakhawunti zikaZwelonke,Uhlelo lwama-akhawunti kazwenke,Mokgwatiriano wa diakhaonte ta bosethaba,Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa naha,Thulaganyo ya Ditshupatlotlo tsa Sethaba,Indlelanchubo Yema-akhawunti Avelonkhe,Sisieme ya Mbalelano dza Lushaka,Sisiteme ya tinkota ta rixaka +560,Taxes on income,"Consist of taxes on incomes, profits and capital gains. Note: They are assessed on the actual or presumed incomes of individuals, households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) or corporations. They include taxes assessed on holdings of property, land or real estate when these holdings are used as a basis for estimating the income of their owners.",National Accounts ,Belastings op inkomste,Imithelo yengeniso,Iirhafu zengeniso,Intela emalini engenayo,Mothelo go ditseno,Lekgetho lekenong,Makgetho ka lotseno,Tintsela kulokungenako,Mithelo/lutho kha mbuelo,Swibalo eka mbuyelo +561,Taxes on production and imports,"Taxes which add to the cost of production and are likely to be reflected in market prices paid by the purchaser, such as sales and excise taxes, import duties and property taxes. Taxes on production and imports include taxes on products and tourism.",National Accounts ,Belastings op produksie en invoer,Imithelo ekukhiqizeni nemingenisweni,Iirhafu zemveliso nakwimpahla evela ngaphandle kwemida yeli,Izintela emkhiqizweni nasezimpahleni ezivela kwamanye amazwe,Methelo go tweleto le diromelwakagare,Makgetho tlhahisong le ditswantleng,Makgetho mo ntshokunong le diromelwateng,Tintsela kumikhicito nalokungenako,Mithelo/lutho kha vhubveledzi na zwiundwa,Swibalo eka andziso na switundziwa +562,Taxes on products,"Taxes payable on goods and services when they are produced, delivered, sold or otherwise disposed of by their producers. Furthermore, they are payable per unit of a good or service produced. Important examples of tourism are excise and import duties and value added tax (VAT).",National Accounts ,Belasting op produkte,Imithelo yemikhiqizo,Iirhafu zemveliso,Izintela emkhiqizweni,Methelo go ditweletwa,Makgetho dihlahisweng,Makgetho mo dikunong,Tintsela kumikhicito,Mithelo/lutho kha zwibveledzwa,Swibalo eka swimakiwa +563,Tertiary industries,"Include wholesale, retail and motor trade; catering and accommodation, transport, storage and communication, finance, real estate and business services, community, social and personal services, general government services, and other producers.",National Accounts ,Tersire nywerhede,Amabubulo wemisebenzi/wezenzelwa,Amaziko oshishino,Izimboni zokuhweba/ zemisebenzi,Diintaseteri ta tlaleleto legatong la boraro,Diindasteri tsa phethelo,Madirelo a thekisodikuno le ditirelo,Timboni letitsengisako,Nowetshumo dza tshumelo,Vumakinkulu +564,Transfer,"A transaction in which one institutional unit provides goods, service or assets to another unit without receiving from the latter any goods, service or assets in return as counterpart.",National Accounts ,Oordrag,Idluliso,Utshintshiselwano,Ukwedlulisa,Thutio,Phetisetso,Tshutiso,Kwedlulisela,Tsudzuluso,Hundziso +565,Transfer in kind,"The transfer of the ownership of a good or an asset, other than cash, or the provision of a service.",National Accounts ,Oordrag in natura,Ukuphana,Ukunikezela okungengokwemali,Ukwedlulisa ngesihle,Thutio ya go se be ya thelete,Phetisetso ka ntle ho tefello,Tshutiso ka thoto,Kwedlulisela ngelutfo,Tsudzuluso tshayamasheleni/tshelede,Hundzisonkalamali +566,Treasury bill,A short-term obligation that is not interest-bearing because it is purchased at a discount from the South African Reserve Bank and can be traded on a discount basis for 91 days.,National Accounts ,Skatkiswissel,Isitlankanamali senzuzo,Unaniselwano noVimba weSizwe,Isithikithana semali sebhange lombuso,Molaokakanywa wa seegotlotlo,Bili ya ramatlotlo,Tshupamonato ya taolomatlotlo,Lithikithi lelibhangengodla,Tsumbamulandu ya vhufaragwama,Bili ya swa timali +567,Use tourism table,"A table that gives information on the uses of goods and services, and also on cost structures of the industries.",National Accounts ,Toerismegebruikstabel,Ithebula yokusentjenziswa,Isikhokelo esibonisa usetyenziso lwempahla neenkonzo,Ithebhula lokusetshenziswa komkhiqizo,Lenaneo la tirio,Theibole ya tshebediso ya bahahlaodi,Lenaneotiriso la bojanala,Lithebula lelinika lwati ngemkhicito,Mbekanyatshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango,Tafula ra ntirhiso ra swa vupfhumba +568,Value added (National Accounts),The difference between the value of goods and services produced and the value of the intermediate goods and services consumed in the course of production.,National Accounts ,Waarde toegevoeg (Nasionale Rekeninge),Ubungako obungezelelweko,Ixabiso elongezelelweyo (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke),Inani elengeziwe,Boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego,Boleng bo atolositsweng,Koketsoboleng,Linani lelengetiwe,Ndemenyengedzedzwa (Mbalelano dza Lushaka),Nkoka lowu engeteriweke (tinkota ta rixaka) +569,Value added by industry,"Value added measures the value created by production and may be calculated either before or after deducting the consumption of fixed capital on the fixed assets used. Gross value added is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption. Value added is the balancing item in the production account for an institutional unit or sector, or establishment or industry.",National Accounts ,Waarde toegevoeg deur die nywerheid,Ubungako obungezelelwe lirhwebo/libubulo/yi-indastri,Ixabiso elongezelelwe ngeshishini,Inani elengezwe ngokwezimboni,Boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego ke intaseteri,Boleng bo atolositsweng ke indasteri,Koketsoboleng ya madirelo,Linani lelengetwe bemboni,Ndemenyengedzedzwa nga nowetshumo,Nkoka lowu engeteriweke hi vumaki +570,Value added components,"The use table distinguishes three different components of value added, i.e. compensation of employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, and gross operating surplus/mixed income.",National Accounts ,Waardetoevoegingskomponente,Imihlobo yobungako obungezelelweko,Izintlu ezongezelelweyo zexabiso,Izingxenye zamanani engeziwe,Dikarolwana ta boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego,Dikarolwana tsa boleng bo atolositsweng,Dikarolokoketsoboleng,Linani lelengetwe ngetincenye,Zwipia zwa ndemenyengedzedzwa,Swiphemu leswi engeteriweke nkoka +571,Water management area,An area defined for specific water management purposes.,National Accounts ,Waterbestuursgebied,Indawo yelawulo lamanzi,Ummandla wolawulo lwamanzi,Indawo yokusingathwa kwamanzi,Tikologo ya taolo ya meetse,Sebaka sa taolo ya metsi,Kgaolo ya taolometsi,Indzawo yekulawulwa kwemanti,Vhupo ha ndangulamai,Ndhawu ya vulawuri bya mati +572,Acid test ratio,"The acid test ratio is calculated as current assets minus inventory divided by current liabilities. +Note: The accepted acid test ratio is considered to be 1:1; in other words, the institution is able to meet its current credit obligations without disposing of its inventory.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Vuurproefverhouding,Iretjhiyo yehlolo ye-esidi,Umlinganiselo wovavanyo lobume benkampani,Isilinganiso sokuhlola ubunjalo benkampani,Tekanyoteko ya esiti,Kabo ka teko ya asiti; tlhahlobo ya botsitso/tekanyo,Tekokabo ya mmatota,Sicatsanisosibalo sekuphila kwenkampani,Ndivhanele ya ndingo yo khwahaho ya esidi,Mpimoxiave wa xikambelwana xa asidi +573,Acquisition of fixed assets,"The aggregate capital statement (or acquisition of fixed assets statement) shows the total capital expenditure incurred by each service during the year. Details of purchases and sales of assets are reflected in the aggregate capital statement, but appear in the consolidated balance sheet as a single amount (normally the item in the consolidated balance sheet is referred to as fixed assets).","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Verkryging van vaste bates,Ukutholakala kwamafa anzinzileko/ wesikhathi eside,Ixabiso lezinto ezikhoyo,Ukuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka,Khweto ya dithoto te di sa uthego/ ta go se uthe,Phumano ya matlotlo a tsepameng,Thekothoto ya pakatotilweng,Kutfolwa kwemphahla lenganyakatiseki,Ngwano ya thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa,Nkumo wa nhundzu ya nkarhi wo leha +574,Aggregate capital statement,Total capital expenditure incurred by each service during the year.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Staat van totale kapitaalbesteding,Iindleko ezipheleleko zamafa,Inkcitho epheleleyo,Isamba sezindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka,Tshenyagalelomoka ya dithoto/ tshenyagalelokakareto ya dithoto,Kakaretso ya ditshenyehelo tsa matlotlo,Palogotlhe ya tshenyegelotlotlo,Tindleko tesilinganisomkhatsi temalisisekelo,Tshinyalelohanganyiswa ya thundu,Xitatimendhe xa nhundzu lexi katsakanyiweke +575,Aggregate or consolidated balance sheet,A statement of the financial position reflecting all assets and liabilities.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Totale of gekonsolideerde balansstaat,Umtlolo weenlinganiso ezipheleleko/ezihlanganisiweko,Uxwebhu lwenkcazelo lobume bezemali,Inhlanganisela yemibiko yezezimali,Letlakalakakareto la maemo a dithelete,Kakaretso ya matlotlo le mekitlane,Palogotlhe ya lenaneotshalelo,Ibhalansishidi lehlanganisiwe nobe yesilinganisomkhatsi,hanganyiswa ya tshitatamenndendinganyiso,Papila ra ndzingano leri katsakanyiweke +576,Capital charges,Interest paid on redemption payments for loaned funds.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Koste van kapitaal,Imalinzalo kokubolekiweko,Inzala kwimali-mboleko,Inzalo yemalimboleko,Ditefio ta matlotlo,Ditefello tsa ditjhelete,Merokotso; dinamane,Tindleko temalisisekelo,Nyingapfuma ya khadzimiso,Tihakeriso ta nhundzu +577,Capital expenditure,"Any expenditure incurred or incidental to the acquisition or improvement of land, buildings, engineering structures and machinery and equipment. Note: The expenditure normally confers a lasting benefit and results in the acquisition of, or extends the life of a fixed or long-term work, irrespective of whether payments were made to outside contractors or concerns, or the work was done by the enterprise itself. Capital expenditure includes vehicles, office furniture and equipment, but excludes minor items that are generally regarded as being expendable even though in some instances their useful lives may extend beyond one year.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kapitaalbesteding,Iindleko zamafa,Inkcitho yokuthenga nokuphucula impahla yenkampani,Izindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka,Tshenyagalelo ya dithoto,Ditshenyehelo tsa ditjhelete,Tshenyegelotlotlo,Inchitfo yemalisisekelo,Tshinyalelo ya thundu,Ntirhiso wa nhundzu +578,Capital expenditure on new assets,"Capital expenditure on new assets includes: The erection of new buildings and works, additions to and alterations of existing buildings and works; Capital work in progress capitalised; New plant and machinery, vehicles and equipment; and Used plant and machinery, which was imported by or on behalf of the enterprise whether paid to outside contractors/ concerns, or which was done by the enterprise itself.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kapitaalbesteding aan nuwe bates,Iindleko zamafa amatjha,Inkcitho yokuthenga iimpahla ezintsha zenkampani,Izindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla entsha engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka,Tshenyagalelo go dithoto te mpsha,Ditshenyehelo matlotlong a matjha,Tshenyegelotlotlo mo dithotong tse dinthwa,Inchitfo yemalisisekelo yemphahla lensha,Tshinyalelo ya thundu ntswa,Ntirhiso wa nhundzu eka rifuwo lerintshwa +579,Capital transfers,"Transactions, either in cash or in kind, in which the ownership of an asset (other than cash and inventories) is transferred from one institutional unit to another, or in which cash is transferred to enable the recipient to acquire another asset, or in which the funds realised by the disposal of another asset are transferred.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kapitaaloordragte,Idlulisomafa,Utshintshelo lobunini- mpahla,Ukwedluliswa kwempahla,Dithutio ta dithoto le matlotlo,Diphetisetso tsa matlotlo,Ditshutisotlotlo,Kwedlulisela imalisisekelo,Mbadelo nga thundu/tshelede/masheleni,Mihundziso ya nhundzu +580,Collective services,"Services provided collectively to the community, particularly applicable to services such as general administration, public order or safety and economic services.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kollektiewe dienste,Izenzelwa zomuntu woke,Iinkonzo eziqukanisiweyo/ezihlanganisiweyo,Imisebenzi ethulwa ngokuhlanganyelwe,Ditirelo ta mohlakanelwa/ ditirelotlhakanelwa,Ditshebeletso tse tsamaiswang mmoho,Ditirelotlhakanelwa,Lusito loluhlanganyele,Tshumelohanganelwa,Vukorhokeri bya nhlanganelo +581,Compensation of employees,"The total remuneration, in cash or kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period. Note: It is recorded on a gross basis, i.e. before any deduction for income taxes, pensions, unemployment insurance and other social insurance schemes. It also includes other forms of compensation, namely commissions, tips, bonuses, directors fees and allowances such as those for holidays and sick leave, as well as military pay and allowances. It excludes employers social contributions.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Werknemersvergoeding en -toelaes,Ukuthokozwa nokubonelelwa kweensebenzi,Imbuyekezo yabasebenzi nezibonelelo,Ukunxeshezelwa kwezisebenzi/kwabasebenzi kanye nemihlomulo/nensonyama,Ditefelo le diputseleto ta baomi,Meputso le dihlapiso tsa bahiruwa,Ditshuiso le ditetlo tsa badiredi,Kuholelwa kwebacashwa netengetomali (imbasha),Ndiliso ya vhashumi na magavhelo,Ndziriso wa vatirhi na swiengetelo +582,Current assets (Financial Statistics),"Assets including debtors, cash, other financial shares and closing values of inventories, likely to be converted to cash, or consumed within a year.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Bedryfsbates (Finansile Statistiek),Amafa wanje / wesikhatjhana,Izinto onazo okwangoku (iinkcukacha- manani zemali),Impahla esetshenziswa ngaleso sikhathi,Matlotlo le dithoto ta bjale,Matlotlo a jwale ( dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete),Dithoto tsa gajaana (Dipalopalotlotlo),Imphahla yanyalo,Thundu dza zwino(Mbalombalo/Zwitatistika zwa Masheleni),Rifuwo ra sweswi (tinhlayohlayo ta swa timali) +583,Current ratio,A measure of the ability of an entity to meet its short-term obligations using the most liquid short-term assets; current assets divided by current liabilities.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Bedryfsverhouding,Iretjhiyo yanje/ yesikhatjhana,Umlinganiselo wangoku,Ireshiyo/ isilinganiso sangaleso sikhathi,Tekanyokelo ya bjale,Palo ya tekanyo ya jwale,Dikabo tsa gajaana,Sichatsanisosibalo sanyalo,Ndivhanele ya zwino,Mpimoxiave wa sweswi +584,Debenture,"Long-term securities that give owners the unconditional right to fixed money income or contractually determined variable money incomes, normally referred to as interest. +Note: Most debentures also give owners the unconditional right to a fixed sum(s) as repayment of principal on a specified date(s).","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Skuldbrief,Idibhentjha,Uxwebhu olungqinisisa imboleko kutyalo-mali,Incwadi yesivumelwano sesikweletu,Kadimo ya dikhamphani/tipentha,Kadimo ya tjhelete setjhabeng,Dibentha; lokwalotshupamolato,Idibhensha (imali lebolekwa yinkampani kubasebenti),Khadzimiso ya tshifhinga tshilapfu,Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha +585,Depreciation,"The systematic allocation of the cost of an asset over its useful life. +Note: The amounts in the column for depreciation represent amounts written off on assets by extra-budgetary accounts and funds and universities and technikons. The accounts of national and provincial governments are kept on a cash basis. No provision is made for depreciation in the accounts of municipalities.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Waardevermindering,Ukwehla kobungako,Ukuhla kwexabiso,Ukwehla kwenani lempahla,Phokotego ya boleng,Ditjeo tsa sesebediswa; ho theoha ha boleng ba sesebediswa,Phokotsegoboleng; kwelotlaseboleng,Kwehla kwebungakomali,Tsuufhalo u tsa ha ndeme,Nhlakalo +586,District municipality,"Municipality that has a municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one municipality, and which is described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category C municipality.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Distriksmunisipaliteit,Umasipalada wesiyingi,UMasipala wesithili,uMasipala wesifunda,Masepala wa selete,Mmasepala wa lebatowa,Mmasepala wa sedika,Masipala wesifundza,Masipala wa tshiiriki,Masipala wa xifundza +587,Dwelling house,"A freestanding, complete structure on a separate stand or a self-contained dwelling unit, granny flat, outbuildings and garages, on the same premises as an existing residence.","National, Provincial and Local Government ","Woning, huis",Indlu; indawo yokuhlala,Indlu/umzi,"Indawo yokuhlala, indlu","Bodulo, ntlo",Ntlo; bodulo,Moago (ntlo),"Likhaya, indlu","Vhudzulo / vhukhudo, nndu","Vutshamo, yindlu" +588,Economic classification,A measure of the nature and economic effect of government operations on the economy of the country.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Ekonomiese klassifikasie,Ukuhlukanisa ngezomnotho,Uhlelo ngokwezoqoqosho,Ukwehlukanisa ngokwezomnotho,Tlhopho ya ikonomi,Tlhophiso ya moruo,Karologanyetsoseikonomi,Kuhlelembisa ngetemnotfo,Khethekanyo ya ekonomi,Ntlawahato wa xiikhonomi +589,Expenditure,"Consumption, which includes all cash expenditure on goods and services, incurred by the household, business, government, etc. for consumption purposes. It also includes imputed value for own produced items consumed.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Besteding,Iindleko,Inkcitho,Izindleko,Tshenyagalelo/tshenyegelo,Ditshenyehelo,Ditshenyegelo,Inchitfo,Tshinyalelo,Ntirhiso +590,Extra-budgetary accounts,"Accounts and funds of national and provincial governments not included in normal budget totals and which do not operate through normal budgetary procedures, e.g. trading accounts and general government accounts.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Buitebegrotingsrekeninge,Ama-akhawundi wangeqadi,Iiakhawunti zohlahlo- lwabiwo-mali ezongezelelweyo,Ama-akhawunti ezindleko ezingahlinzekelwe,Diakhaonte ta ditekanyetotlaleleto,Diakhaonto tsa bajete ya tlatsetso,Ditshupatlotlo tsa kabotlaleletso,Ema-akhawunti eliphakelo lelengatiwe,Mbalelano dza mugaganyoingwa,Tinkota ta mpimanyeto wo engetela +591,Financial institution,Unit primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and/or controlled by government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of financial institutions to act as intermediaries.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Finansile instelling,Isijamiso sezeemali,Iziko lezemali,Isikhungo sezezimali,Instituene ya matlotlo,Institjushene ya ditjhelete,Setheo sa madi/dithelete,Sikhungo setetimali,Tshiimiswa tsha masheleni/tshelede,Ndhawu ya timali +592,Functional classification,Classification of expenditure according to the purpose for which transactions are undertaken. It is generally used to measure the allocation of resources by government in order to promote various services and objectives rendered to the community.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Funksionele klassifikasie,Ukuhlukanisa ngomsebenzi,Uhlelo ngokomsebenzi,Ukwehlukanisa ngokwemisebenzi,Tlhopho go ya ka tirio,Tlhophiso ka tshebetso,Karoganyetso ka ditirelo,Kuhlelembisa ngekwemisebenti,Khethekanyo ya tshinyalelo,Ntlawahato ku ya hi ntirho +593,General expenditure,"All amounts of money paid out by a government during its fiscal year net of recoveries and other correcting transactions other than for retirement of debt, purchase of investment securities, extension of loans, and agency or private trust transactions. +Note: Under this definition, expenditure relates to external payments of a government and excludes amounts transferred to funds or agencies of the same government (other than payments to intragovernmental service funds.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Algemene besteding,Iindleko zoke,Inkcitho ngokubanzi,Izindleko ezijwayelekile,Ditshenyagalelokakareto/ditshenyegelokakareto,Ditshenyehelo ka kakaretso,Ditshenyegelokakaretso,Inchitfo jikelele,Tshinyalelogue tshinyalelonyangaredzwa,Ntirhisoangarhelo +594,General government,"Government units whose primary activity is to assume responsibility for the provision of goods and services to the community or to individual households free of charge or at prices that are not economically significant and to redistribute income and wealth by means of transfers. +Note: A defining characteristic of general government is the ability to impose, directly or indirectly, taxes and other compulsory levies for which there is no direct quid pro quo on other sectors of the economy.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Algemene regering,URhulumende zombelele,Urhulumente ngokubanzi,Uhulumeni jikelele,Puokakareto,Mmuso ka kakaretso,Pusokakaretso,Hulumende jikelele,Muvhusonyangaredzwa,Mfumoangarhelo +595,Housing services,"Housing services include approved housing projects and can be subdivided in respect of various economic, subeconomic, complexes or other types of housing. Where dwellings form part of the general organisation of a particular department, and are normally occupied by employees of the department, they are included in the relative statement and not under housing services. Likewise, where properties are purchased for a specific purpose, such as a street widening, and existing houses are demolished; the annual expenditure and income in respect of these dwellings do not appear in the housing service. See individual services.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Behuisingsdienste,Imisebenzi yezindlu,Iinkonzo zezindlu,Izinsizakalo zezezindlu,Ditirelo ta mengwako/ dintlo,Ditshebeletso tsa matlo,Ditirelo tsa kagomatlo,Lusito lwetetindlu,Tshumelo dza vhudzulo,Vukorhokeri bya tiyindlu +596,Individual services,"Community and social services, such as education, health and welfare, rendered to- individuals or a small group of persons. See housing services.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Individuele dienste,Izenzelwa zomuntu ngamunye,Iinkonzo zomntu ngamnye,Izinsizakalo ngazinye,Ditirelo ta motho o tee,Ditshebeletso mothong ka mong,Ditirelo tsa mothoesi,Lusito lwemuntfu ngamunye,Tshumelondivhanywa,Vukorhokeri bya munhu +597,Infrastructure,"Physical structures used for the delivery of services (e.g. power lines, pipes, roads and assets such as trucks and equipment to unblock sewerage, pay-point offices and computers).","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Infrastruktuur,UmUmthangalasisekelo,Iziseko ezingundoqo,Ingqalasizinda,Sebopego kgoparara/ inforaseterakethara,Moralo wa motheo,Dithulaganyetso tsa popegotheo,Sakhiwonchanti,Themamveledziso,Vuandlalelo +598,Integrated Development Plan,A process by which municipalities prepare 5-year strategic plans that are reviewed annually in consultation with communities and stakeholders.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Gentegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan,UmTlamo oLungelelweko wezokuThuthukisa,IsiCwangciso soPhuhliso esiDibeneyo,Uhlelo lwezentuthuko oludidiyele,Thulaganyotlhabollo ye e kopantwego,Moralo o kopaneng wa ntshetsopele,Leanotlhobololokgokanyo,Luhlelo lwekutfutfukisa loluhlanganisiwe,Ndzudzanyahanganyelwa dza mveledziso /IDP,Pulani ya nhluvukiso leyi hlanganisiweke +599,Internal loans,Loans to any fund or account within the local government institution are treated as internal loans. Total internal interest received and/or capitalised must correspond with the total internal interest paid. Also see note above for capital charges.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Interne lenings,Imalibolekiswano yangekhaya/yangaphakathi,Imali-mboleko yangaphakathi,Imalimboleko yangaphakathi,Dikadimio ta ka gare,Dikadimano tsa ka hare,Dikadimoselegae,Imalimboleko yangekhatsi,Khadzimiso dza ngomu,Swikweleti swa xiyenge xexo +600,Investment in marketable securities,Investment in marketable securities includes: Own stock; Stocks of other local government institutions; Government stock and treasury bills; Public corporation stock; and Investment in non-marketable instruments.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Belegging in bemarkbare sekuriteite,Amasiso ngeembambiso ezithengisekako,Utyalo-mali kwiimarike ezithengisekayo,Utshalomali ngezibambiso ezithengisekayo,Dipeeleto ka go dithireleto ta go bapatega/rekiega,Matsete diabong tse rekisehang,Peeletso mo dithotong tse di bapatsegang,Lusiso etibambisweni letikhangisekako,Vhubindudzi kha tsireledzazwikhala zwi vhambedzeaho,Vuvekisi eka timakete leti hlayisekeke +601,Loan,"Money or securities supplied by one party (the lender) to a second party (the borrower) in a transaction in return for a promised future payment, including payment of interest as per agreed repayment schedules, by the borrower.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Lening,Okubolekiweko,Imali-mboleko/imboleko-mali,Imalimboleko,Kadimo,Kadimo,Kadimo,Imalimboleko,Khadzimiso,Xikweleti +602,Local Economic Development,An approach towards economic development which allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling,UkuThuthukiswa komNotho weNdawo,UPhuhliso loQoqosho lweNgingqi/lukamasipala,Ukuthuthukiswa kwezomnotho wendawo,Tlhabollo/twetopele ya ikonomi ya selegae,Ntshetsopele ya moruo wa lehae,Tlhabololo-seikonomi ya selegae,Kutfutfuka kwemnotfo wasekhaya,Mveledziso ya ekonomiyapo,Nhluvukiso wa ikhonomi ya ndhawu +603,Local government,Municipality that shares a municipal executive and legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it falls as described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B municipality.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Plaaslike regering,URhulumende weNdawo/weKhaya,Urhulumente wengingqi,Uhulumeni wendawo,Mmuo wa selegae,Mmuso wa lehae,Pusoselegae,Hulumende wasekhaya,Muvhusowapo,Mfumo wa muganga/ndhawu +604,Local government institutions,Local government institutions include: District municipalities; Metropolitan municipalities; and Local municipalities.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Plaaslike regeringsinstellings,Iinjamiso zikaRhulumende weNdawo/weKhaya,Amaziko karhulumente wengingqi,Izikhungo zikahulumeni wendawo,Diinstituene ta mmuo wa selegae,Diinstitjushene tsa mmuso wa lehae,Ditheo tsa pusoselegae,Tikhungo tahulumende wasekhaya,Zwiimiswa zwa muvhusowapo,Swiyenge swa mifumo ya muganga/ndhawu +605,Local municipality,Municipality that shares a municipal executive and legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it falls described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B municipality.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Plaaslike munisipaliteit,UMasipaladi/a weNdawo/weKhaya,UMasipala wengingqi,uMasipala wendawo,Mmasepala wa selegae,Mmasepala wa lehae,Mmasepalaselegae,Masipala wasekhaya,Masipalawapo,Masipalaxikaya +606,Long-term loan,A loan with an outstanding maturity of one year or longer.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Langtermynlening,Imalibolekiswano yesikhathi eside,Imali-mboleko yexesha elide,Imalimboleko yesikhathi eside,Kadimo ya pakatelele/lebaka le letelele,Kadimo ya nako e telele,Kadimo ya pakatelele,Imalimboleko yesikhatsi lesidze,Khadzimiso ya tshifhinga tshilapfu,Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha +607,Machinery and equipment,"Machinery and equipment include motor vehicles, ships, aircraft, equipment and furniture. Military expenditure on machinery and equipment which could be used for civilian purposes is included.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Masjinerie en toerusting,Imitjhini nepahla,Oomatshini nezixhobo zokusebenza,Imishini nezinto/nempahla zokusebenza,Methene le dikgerekgere,Metjheni le disebediswa,Methini le didiriswa,Imishini netisetjentiswa,Mitshini na zwishumiswa,Michini na switirhisiwa +608,Managerial positions,"For the purpose of this survey, managerial positions refer to section 57 managers, according to the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 20 November 2000) and other managers according to the organogram.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Bestuursposte,Isikhundla sokuphatha,Izikhundla zolawulo,Izikhundla zobumenenja/zokuphatha,Maemo a bolaodi,Maemo a botsamaisi,Maemo a botsamaisi,Tikhundla tekuphatsa,Vhuimovhulanguli,Swiyimo swa vufambisi +609,Marketable loan stock,"Stocks, debentures and similar debt instruments that are freely marketable, i.e. securities for which transfer registers are kept and which are usually listed on the stock exchange. Discounts originating with the issue of stocks below par are included in the stock liability.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Bemarkbare leningseffekte,Okubolekiswako okuthengisekako,Imali-mboleko yempahla ethengisekayo,Isitokwe/impahla engadayiseka ethengwe ngemalimboleko,Dithoto ta kadimo ta go bapatega/rekiega,Diabo tsa kadimo tse rekisehang,Thotokadimo e e bapatsegang,Sitoko semalimboleko letsengisekako,Khadzimiso ya mikovhevhambadzea,Xikweleti lexi lombekaka +610,Memorandum items,Expenditure on maintenance included in remuneration of employees and/or other goods and services and can be found in Table 2 in the columns for memorandum items.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Memorandumitems,Imininingwana engezelelako,Izinto ezingabandakanywa kwingxelo yenkcitho-mali,Amaphuzu ememorandamu,Dihlogwana ta memorantamo,Dintlha tsa memorandamo,Dintlha tsa memorantamo,Luhlu lwetindleko lolwengetiwe,Zwitewa zwa memorandamu/iwalo,Timhaka eka memorandamu +611,Metropolitan municipality,"Municipality that has a municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one Municipality, as described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category A municipality.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Metropolitaanse munisipaliteit,UMasipalada wedorobha elikhulu,UMasipala ombaxa,uMasipala omkhulu,Masepala wa metheropholithene,Mmasepala e moholo,Mmasepalasetoropomogolo,Masipala welidolobhakati,Masipala wa orobo khulwane,Masipalankulu +612,Money market instruments,"Instruments such as bankers acceptance, trade bills, promissory notes, capital project bills, bridging debentures, negotiable certificates of deposits, Land Bank bills, Land Bank and the South African Reserve Banks debentures.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Geldmarkinstrumente,Iintlankana zemakethe yemali,Izixhobo zemali yemarike,Izindlela zokuhweba ngezezimali,Didiriwa ta mmaraka wa thelete,Disebediswa tsa mmaraka wa ditjhelete,Didiriswa tsa mmaraka wa madi,Tindlela letehlukene tekusisa imali,Zwishumiswa zwa mbambadzo ya masheleni/tshelede,Switirhisiwa swa makete ya mali +613,Municipality (Financial Statistics),"The area of jurisdiction of the third sphere of government, after national and provincial.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Munisipaliteit (Finansile Statistiek),UMasipalada,UMasipala (iiNkcukacha-manani zeMali),uMasipala,Masepala,Mmasepala (Dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete),Mmasepala (Dipalopalo tsa dithelete),Masipala (Lubalo lwetetimali),Masipala(Mbalombalo / Zwitatistika zwa Masheleni/Tshelede),Masipala (tinhlayohlayo ta ximali) +614,Non-financial public enterprise,A government-owned and/or -controlled unit which sells industrial or commercial goods and services to the public on a large scale.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Niefinansile openbare onderneming,Irhwebo lombuso elingasilo leemali,Ushishino lukawonke-wonke olungelolwamali,Umsebenzi kahulumeni ongenanzuzo,Kgwebo ya mmuo ya go aba ditirelo fela sethabeng,Kgwebo ya setjhaba eo eseng ya ditjhelete,Kgwebotirelosethaba,Umsebenti wesive longatsintsi tetimali,Tshiimiswa tsha muvhuso tshayambuelo tsha u etshedza tshumelo,Mabindzunyingi ya mfumo ya vukorhokeri bya vanhu +615,Other expenditure,Other expenditure includes payments by district municipalities to national and provincial government and other local government institutions for development aid.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Ander besteding,Ezinye iindleko,Ezinye iinkcitho,Ezinye izindleko,Ditshenyagelo/ditshenyagalelo te dingwe,Ditshenyehelo tse ding,Ditshenyegelo tse dingwe,Letinye tindleko,Iwe tshinyalelo,Ntirhiso wunwana +616,Other machinery and equipment,"Machinery and equipment not included as vehicles, computer equipment, computer software and office furniture.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Ander masjinerie en toerusting,Eminye imitjhini nenye ipahla,Abanye oomatshini nezinye izixhobo ezisetyenziswa eburhulumenteni,Eminye imishini nezinto zokusebenza,Methene le dikgerekgere te dingwe,Metjhini le disebediswa tse ding,Methini le ditlamelo tse dingwe,Leminye imishini netisetjentiswa,Miwe mitshini na zwishumiswa,Michini na switirhisiwa swinwana +617,Percentage change,The change in an index (or other series) from one period to another expressed as a percentage of its value in the first of the two periods.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Persentasieverandering,Itjhuguluko lamaphesente,Ukutshintsha kwepesenti,Ukuguquka ngokwamaphesenti,Phetogo ya peresente,Phetoho ya phesente,Phetogo ya phesente,Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti,Tshanduko kha ana / tshanduko ya phesenthe,Ncinco wa tiphesente +618,Provision,"Any amount set aside for the purpose of meeting either specific requirements where the amounts thereof can be closely estimated, and specific commitments; or known contingencies and diminutions in values of assets existing as at the date of the balance sheet, where the amounts involved cannot be determined with significant accuracy. Including bad debts, repairs and maintenance, and lossof rent.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Voorsiening,Isibekelelo; isiqalelelo,Imali yamalungiselelo ebekwe bucala,Ukuhlinzeka,Theletepeelwathoko,Tokisetso,Tshiamelo,"Lindzingoti, liphakelongcamu",Mbetshelwa,Mali leyi vekiweke etlhelo +619,Public financial institutions,Units primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and/or controlled by the government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of public financial institutions to act as intermediaries.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Openbare finansile instellings,Iinjamiso zeemali zombuso,Amaziko emali oluntu/ kawonke-wonke,Izikhungo zomphakathi zezezimali,Diinstituene ta dithelete ta sethaba,Diinstitjushene tsa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba,Ditheotlotlo tsa bosethaba,Tikhungo tetimali tesive,Zwiimiswa zwa masheleni/tshelede zwa nnyi na nnyi muvhuso,Tindhawu ta timali ta tiko +620,Quarterly percentage change between a specific quarter of the previous year and the same quarter of the current year,Quarterly percentage change between the previous year and the current year for the same quarter refers to the comparison of the three months of the current quarter in the current year with that of the similar period of the previous year. The amounts shown for each quarter are not cumulative.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering tussen n spesifieke kwartaal van die vorige jaar en die ooreenstemmende kwartaal van die huidige jaar,Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota hlangana kwekota ethileko yanyakenye nekota efanako yanonyaka,Ipesenti yekota etshintsha phakathi kwekota ethile yonyaka odlulileyo naleyo yonyaka omiyo,Ukuguquka ngokwamaphesenti ngokwamakwata ngokuqhathanisa ikwata elithile lonyaka odlule nekwata elifanayo lanonyaka,Phetogo ya phesente magareng ga kotara ye e itego ya ngwagola le kotara ya go swana nayo ya lenyagas/ngwaga wo,Phesente ya phetoho ya kotara e ikgethileng ya selemo se fetileng papisong le ya selemo sena,Phetogo ya phesente ka kotaramagareng ga kotara e e kgethegileng ya ngogola le kotara e e tshwanang ya monongwaga,Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekotatsite yemnyaka lowengcile kanye naleyo kota yalomnyaka,Tshanduko kha ana nga kotara vhukati ha kotaratiwa ya mahoa na ya waha uno wa muvhalelano,Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara exikarhi ka kotara yo karhi ya lembe leri hundzeke na kotara yoleyo ya lembe leri +621,Quarterly percentage change between the previous year and the current year for the same quarter,The comparison of the three months of the current quarter in the current year with that of the similar period of the previous year. The amounts shown for each quarter are not cumulative.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering tussen die ooreenstemmende kwartaal van die vorige jaar en die huidige jaar,Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota hlangana kwanyakenye nanon yaka ngekota efanako,Ipesenti yekota etshintsha phakathi komnyaka odluleyo nalowo umi leyo ngokwekota leyo,Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngokwamakwata ngokuqhathanisa unyaka odlule nekwata elifanayo lanonyaka,Phetogo ya phesente magareng ga kotara ye e itego ya ngwagola le kotara ya go swana nayo ya lenyaga/ngwaga wo,Phesente ya phetoho ya kotara ya selemo se fetileng papisong le ya selemo sena,Phetogo ya phesente ka kotara magareng ga ngogola le kotara e e tshwanang ya monongwaga,Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekota yemnyaka lophelile kanye nekota yalomnyaka,Tshanduko kha ana vhukati ha mahoa na awaha kha kotara nthihi ,Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara exikarhi ka lembe leri hundzeke na lembe leri eka kotara yo fana +622,Quarterly percentage change (remuneration),The change in the remuneration of employees (or turnover of institutions) of the given quarter compared with the remuneration of employees (or turnover of institutions) of the previous quarter expressed as a percentage.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering (besoldiging),Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota,Ipesenti etshintsha ngekota (intlawulo),Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngokwamakwata (umholo),Phetogo ya peresente ya kotara,Phesente ya phetoho ka kotara (moputso),Phetogo ya phesente ka kotara (dituelo),Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekota (umholo),Tshanduko kha ana nga kotara (muholo),Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara (muholo) +623,Rates and general services,"Municipal services that are not economically self-supporting and are financed by imposing assessment and other rates, the receipt of subsidies and other contributions. This includes ambulance services, fire control (or fire-fighting), health services (clinics, old-age homes), roads and storm water drainage, parks and recreation (libraries, cultural activities, museums, sport administration, community halls, swimming pools, sports grounds, nature reserves, etc.), sewerage and cleansing, traffic (licensing offices) and other services (city engineers, administration, personnel, legal services, city treasurer, etc.). See trading services.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Eiendomsbelasting en algemene dienste,Imithelo neminye imisebenzi,Iireyithi neenkonzo ngokubanzi,Intela nezinsizakalo ezijwayelekile,Ditekanyokelo le ditirelokakareto,Ditefello le ditshebeletso ka kakaretso,Dielo le ditirelokakaretso,Umtselotinsita netinsita jikelele,Phimo na tshumelonyangaredzwa,Tihakelo ta ndhawu na vukorkokeri byo angarhela +624,Reference quarter (survey),Reference quarter for the survey refers to the three months up to the end of each quarter.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Verwysingskwartaal (opname),Ikota eqaliweko,Ikota yokungqinisisa (ukuhlola),Ikwata okuthathiselwa kulo,Kotara ya thupeto,Kotara e boletsweng (dipatlisiso),Kotara e e kailweng,Ikota lekukhonjwe kuyo (kusaveya),Kotarandaula(tsedzuluso savei),Kotara leyi kongomisiweke (mbalango) +625,Repairs and maintenance,All construction work not included under new construction. Such repairs may be broken down into capital repairs and current repairs and maintenance.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Herstelwerk en instandhouding,Ukulungisa nokukhibelela,Ukungciba/ukulungisa nolondolozo,Ukulungiswa nokunakekelwa,Tokio le tlhokomelo/pabalelo,Ditokiso le tlhokomelo,Dipaakanyo le tlamelo,Kulungisa nekugcina esimweni,Ndugiso na ndondolo,Ndzunghiso na nhlayiso +626,Repairs and maintenance,"Include all expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the various assets of the department or service. Where considered necessary, the cost of repairs in respect of the various types of assets, e.g. buildings, plant, may be subdivided. Where repairs and maintenance have been charged to a provision for repairs account, the actual expenditure incurred during the current year has been reflected under this subdivision and the amount chargeable to the provision for repairs is reflected as a deduction from the actual cost. Any balance of expenditure still remaining is treated as a charge against the current year.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Herstelwerk en instandhouding,Ukulungisa nokukhibelela,Ukungciba/ukulungisa nolondolozo,Ukulungiswa nokunakekelwa,Tokio le tlhokomelo/pabalelo,Ditokiso le tlhokomelo,Dipaakanyo le tlamelo,Kulungisa nekugcina esimweni,Ndugiso na ndondolo,Ndzunghiso na nhlayiso +627,Reserve,"Amounts set aside out of surpluses, which are not designed to meet any liability, contingency, commitment or diminution in the value of assets known to exist as at the date of the balance sheet. An example of a reserve would be the tariff stabilisation reserve.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Reserwe,Imali ebekelwe ngeqadi,Uvimba,Imali egciniwe,Tsheketo,Poloko,Matlotlopeelothoko,Lidlelantfongeni,Masheleni-/tsheledembetshelwathungo,Rhizevhe/swihlayisiwa +628,Residential buildings,Buildings that are used primarily as residences. Inclusions: Dwelling houses; flats; holiday chalets; hostels; houses; institutions for the disabled; motels; nursing homes; old-age homes; and townhouses.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Residensile geboue,Imakho yokuhlala,Izakhiwo zokuhlala,Izakhiwo zokuhlala,Meago ya bodulo,Meaho ya bodulo,Dikagobonno,Tindlu tekuhlala,Zwifhao zwa vhudzulo,Miako ya vutshamo +629,"Salaries, wages and allowances","Salaries and wages include payments to full-time and part-time employees irrespective of whether the remuneration is paid from revenue, capital or any other account or fund. Salaries, wages and allowances include: Salaries and wages; Allowances; Contributions to other benefit funds of employees such as medical aid, group life, etc. (excluding unemployment insurance and workmens compensation); Other benefits, e.g. housing loan subsidy; Pension fund contributions; Quarters, rations and other expenditure (accommodation, food, medical expenditure, etc., whether provided in cash or in kind); and Uniform clothing and allowances (clothing, boots, overalls, etc., supplied to uniformed employees).","National, Provincial and Local Government ","Salarisse, lone en toelaes",Imirholo neembonelelo,"Imivuzo, iintlawulo nezibonelelo",Imiholo nemihlomulo,Meputso/megolo le diputseleto,"Meputso, mekgolo le ditlhapiso","Dituelo/megolo, ditefo le ditetlo",Imiholo nembasha,Miholo na magavhelo,Miholo na swiengetelo +630,Sales (manufacturing),"Sales are the total value of sales and transfers-out of all own manufactured products/articles and the amounts received for installation, erection or assembly or other services rendered.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Verkope (vervaardiging),Ithengiso (ekukhiqizeni),Iintengiso (ukuvelisa),-dayisiwe/ -thengisiwe (ukukhiqiza),Dithekio,Dithekiso (tlhahiso),Dithekiso,Lokutsengisiwe (kukhicita),Thengiso(vhumagi),Mixaviso (vumaki) +631,Sales (mining),"Sales are the total value of sales and transfers-out of goods mined by the mining establishments and the amounts received for installation, erection or assembly or other services rendered.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Verkope (mynbou),Iintengiso (eemayini),Iintengiso (izimbiwa),-dayisiwe/ -thengisiwe (izimbiwa),Dithekio,Dithekiso (merafo),Dithekiso,Lokutsengisiwe (timbiwa),Thengiso (migodi),Mixaviso (migodi) +632,Short-term loans,Include loans from: Local authorities loans fund; Local government institutions; Development Bank of Southern Africa; Public corporations; Banks; Insurers; Pension funds; Other domestic sources; and Foreign sources.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Korttermynlening,Imalibolekiswano yesikhathi esifitjhani,Imali-mboleko yexeshana,Imalimboleko yesikhathi esifushane,Dikadimo ta pakakopana,Dikadimo tsa nakwana,Dikadimo tsa pakakhutshwane,Timalimboleko tesikhashana,Khadzimiso dza tshifhinga tshipfufhi,Swikweleti swa nkarhi wo koma +633,Standing appropriations,"Governments expenditure obligations that do not require a vote or statutory provisions, including contractual guarantee commitments and international agreements.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Staande bewilligings,Izabelo ezijamileko,Uhlahlo-lwabiwo-mali olusigxina lukarhulumente,Isabelomali sikahulumeni esimisiwe,Ditekanyeto ta go ikema,Dikabo tse tsepameng,Dikabo tse di tlhomameng,Emaphakelo lemile,Tshinyalelotshayathendelo,Mikavelo leyi tiyimelaka +634,Statutory appropriations,Amounts appropriated to be spent in terms of statutes and not requiring appropriation by vote.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Statutre bewilligings,Izabelo zomthetho,Uhlahlo-lwabiwo-mali olusigxina lukarhulumente ngokusemthethweni,Isabelomali esimisiwe ngokomthetho kahulumeni,Ditekanyeto ta semolao,Dikabo tsa molao,Dikabosemolao,Emaphakelo ngekwetimiso,Tshinyalelondaedzwa nga mulayo,Mikavelo ku ya hi nawu +635,Subsidies,"Current unrequited payments that government units pay to enterprises to assist or encourage them, on the basis of the quantities or values of the goods and services that they produce, sell or import.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Subsidies,Iimphekiso,Iinkxaso-mali,Imixhaso,Dithuo ta dithelete/ disapositi,Dithuso,Diketleetso,Tibonelelo,Mitikedzo/thikhedzo/sabusidi,Mipfuno +636,Subsidies on production,Payments made to resident enterprises as a consequence of engaging in production.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Subsidies op produksie,Iimphekiso zokukhiqiza,Iinkxaso-mali kwimveliso,Imixhaso ekukhiqizweni,Dithuo ta dithelete go tweleto/ disapositi go tweleto,Dithuso tlhahisong,Diketleetso mo tlhagisong,Tibonelelo ekukhiciteni,Thikhedzo/mitikedzo kha vhubveledzi/sabusidi,Mipfuno eka andziso +637,Subsidies on products,Payments made per unit of good or service.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Subsidies op produkte,Iimphekiso zemikhiqizo/zepahla,Inkxaso-mali kwiziqhamo zemveliso,Imixhaso emikhiqizweni,Dithuo ta dithelete go ditweletwa/ disapositi go ditweletwa,Dithuso ditlhahisweng,Diketleetso mo dikunong,Tibonelelo emikhicitweni,Thikhedzo/mitikedzo kha zwibveledzwa/sabusidi,Mipfuno eka swimakiwa +638,Sundry debtors,"Sundry debtors include: personal housing loans, other housing loans: mortgages, selling agreements, hire purchases and sponsored government housing loans to welfare.","National, Provincial and Local Government ",Diverse debiteure,Abakweleda okhunye,Amatyala angamanye,Ingxube yabakweleti/ abakweleti abanhlobinhlobo,Bakoloti ba bangwe,Bakadimi ba bang,Baadimi ba bangwe,Bakweledi labayinhlanganisela,Vhakolodi vhawe,Vakoloti va swinwana na swinwana +639,Trading services,Municipal services for which the tariffs are determined in such a way that the provision of the service should yield a trading profit; market-related goods and services. See rates and general services.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Handelsdienste,Imisebenzi yokurhweba,Iinkonzo zorhwebo,Imisebenzi/ izinsizakalo zokuhweba,Tirelo ta bogwebi,Ditshebeletso tsa kgwebo,Ditirelokgwebo,Tinsita tekuhweba,Tshumelo dza vhuvhambadzi/mbambadzo,Vukorhokeri bya bindzu +640,Trust funds (local authority),Funds which form part of the local authoritys money and which may have been donated or bequeathed to it for a specific use under its sole control. This amount is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Trustfondse (plaaslike owerheid),Isikhwama semali sokuphathelwa,Iimali zetrasti (amagunya engingqi),Isikhwama sethrasti (uMaziphathe Wendawo),Dikhwama ta dithaba/ditherasete,Matsete (bolaodi ba lehae),Matlole a terasete,Sikhwama sekuphatsela (tibuse),Zwikwamapfarelwa(maanalangaapo),Mali ya thirasiti (mfumo wa muganga/ndhawu) +641,Unallocable expenditure,Expenditure that cannot be allocated to a specific function.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Ontoewysbare uitgawes,Iindleko ezingakabelwa,Inkcitho engabelwanga mali,Izindleko ezingaqondakali,Ditshenyagelo/ditshenyagalelo ta go se abege,Ditshenyehelo tse sa ajweng,Ditshenyegelo tse di sa abegeng,Inchitfo lengabeki / inchitfo longakhoni kuyaba,Tshinyalelotshayandivhiswa,Ntirhiso lowu nga avekiki +642,Vote,An appropriation voted by national or provincial government. See statutory appropriation.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Pos ,Ikoro eyabelweko,Ivoti yolwabiwo- mali,Isabelomali esivotelwe,Bouto,Vouto,Kabo,Ivoti,Mugaganyo ,Vhoti +643,Water Service Development Plan,The WSDP is a sectoral plan that falls within the inter-sectoral umbrella plan of the IDP.,"National, Provincial and Local Government ",Waterdiensontwikkelingsplan,UmTlamo WezokuThuthukiswa KezaManzi,Isicwangciso soPhuhliso lweNkonzo yaManzi,Uhlelo lokuthuthukisa ukunikezelwa kwamanzi,Thulaganyo ya tlhabollo ya ditirelo ta meetse,Moralo wa ntshetsopele ditshebeletsong tsa metsi,Leanotlhabololo la tirelo ya metsi,Luhlelo lwekutfutfukisa kusetjentiswa kwemanti,Nzudzanyo ya mveledziso ya tshumelo ya mai,Pulani ya nhluvukiso wa vukorhokeri bya mati +644,09 book (Census),"The total process of collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in a country or a well-defined part of a country at a specified time.",Population Census ,09-boek (Sensus),Incwadi i-09 (isensasi; ibalopheleleko),Incwadi engunombolo 9 (Ubalo-bantu),Ibhuku i-09 (ngemininingwane yokubalwa kwabantu),Puku ya 09/pukukakareto ya mmalobatho,Buka ya 09 (palabatho),Buka ya 09,Libhuku i-09,Bugu ya 09 (Mbalavhathu / Sentsasi),Buku ya 09 (nhlayelo wa vanhu) +645,Absent household member (interview),A member of a household who was not present at the time of the interview. See absent household member (reference night).,Population Census ,Afwesige lid van huishouding (onderhoud),Ilunga lomuzi/lekhaya elingekho(ikulumiswano),Ilungu lekhaya elingekhoyo (kudliwano-ndlebe),Ilungu lekhaya ebelingekho kubalwa (i-inthaviyu),Mosebegae letating la go bala batho,Setho sa lelapa se siyo (boiteanyo),Tokololo ya lelapa e e seng teng (ka nako ya potsolotso),Lilunga lemndeni lelingekho (nakubalwa),Murao u siho wa mua / haya (mbudzisa / inthaviu),Xirho xa muti lexi nga riki kona (inthavhiyu) +646,Absent household member (reference night),A person who is usually part of the household but was not present in the dwelling on census night. See absent household member (interview).,Population Census ,Afwesige lid van huishouding (verwysingsaand),Ilunga lomuzi / lekhaya elingekho (ikulumiswano),Ilungu lekhaya elingekhoyo (ubusuku bokungqinisisa),Ilungu lekhaya ebelingekho (ngobusuku bokubalwa),Mosebegae boegong bja palo ya batho,Setho sa lelapa se siyo (bosiung bo boletsweng),Tokololo ya lelapa e e seng teng (bosigo jo bo kailweng),Lilunga lemndeni lelingekho (lobobusuku),Murao u siho wa mua /haya (vhusiku ha mbudzisa),Xirho xa muti lexi nga riki kona (vusiku lebyi kongomisiweke) +647,Census date,The date officially proclaimed by the government for the population census.,Population Census ,Sensusdatum,Ilanga elibekiweko lebalopheleleko,Umhla wobalo-bantu,Usuku olumisiwe lokubalwa kwabantu,Tatikgwedi ya mmalobatho/palobatho,Mohla wa palabatho,Letlha la palobatho,Lusuku lwelubalo,Datumu ya mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Siku ra nhlayelo wa vanhu +648,Census day,"The day of the population census date. This is the reference day for persons who were away from home during census night for work, entertainment or travel, but returned home the following day without being counted elsewhere.",Population Census ,Sensusdag,Ilanga lebalopheleleko,Usuku lobalo-bantu,Ilanga lokubalwa kwabantu,Letati la mmalobatho/palobatho,Letsatsi la palabatho,Letsatsi la palobatho,Lilanga lelubalo,uvha a mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Siku ra nhlayelo wa vanhu +649,Census night,The night before the census day. The decisive point of time for being included in the census or not is set as midnight on that night.,Population Census ,Sensusvooraand,Ubusuku bebalopheleleko,Ubusuku bobalo-bantu,Ubusuku bokubalwa kwabantu,Boegong bja ammalobatho/palobatho,Bosiu ba palabatho,Bosigo jwa palobatho,Busuku belubalo,Vhusiku ha mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Vusiku bya nhlayelo wa vanhu +650,Census phases,"The three main phases of a census are: 1) the pre-enumeration phase for all planning of the census; 2) the enumeration phase for execution of fieldwork; and 3) the post-enumeration phase for data processing, analysis and dissemination of census results.",Population Census ,Sensusfases,Iingaba zebalopheleleko,Izigaba zobalo-bantu,Izigaba zokubalwa kwabantu,Magato a mmalobatho/palobatho,Mekgahlelo ya palabatho,Dikgato tsa palobatho,Tigaba telubalo,Nha / maga a mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Swiphemu swa nhlayelo wa vanhu +651,De facto census,A census in which people are enumerated according to where they stay on census night.,Population Census ,De facto-sensus,Ibalopheleleko labafunyenweko,Ubalo-bantu ngokwendawo okuyo,Ukubalwa kwabantu lapho bekhona,Mmalobatho wo o theilwago boegong bja mmalobatho/palobatho,Palo ya setjhaba ho latela moo motho a leng teng,Palobatho go ya ka kwa ba leng teng,Lubalo ngekutfolakala,Mbalavhathu-/ sentsasitsendekavhudzulo ha vhusiku honoho,Nhlayelo wa vanhu ku ya hi laha va kumekaka kona +652,De jure census,A census in which people are enumerated according to where they usually live.,Population Census ,De jure-sensus,Ibalopheleleko lamambala,Ubalo-bantu ngokwendawo ohlala kuyo,Ukubalwa kwabantu lapho bevame ukuhlala khona,Palobatho/mmalobatho wo o theilwego bodulong bja tlwaelo,Palo ya setjhaba ho latela moo motho a phelang teng,Palobatho go ya ka bonno ba ka gale,Lubalo ngekuhlala,Mbalavhathu- / sentsasitsendekavhudzulo tshohe,Nhlayelo wa vanhu ku ya hi laha vanhu va tshamaka kona +653,"Domestic worker, live-in","A domestic worker who lives on the property of the employer, either in the same house or in separate domestic quarters. See domestic worker under labour.",Population Census ,"Huiswerker, inwonend [inwonende huiswerker]","Isisebenzi sekhaya (ekuhlalwa naso, esilalako)","Umncedisi, ohlala emsebenzini",Isisebenzi sasendlini/ wasekhaya ohlala khona,Moomedi wa lapa wa serobalela,Mosebetsi wa lelapa ya dulang,Modiredi wa mo gae yo o robalang,"Sisebenti sasekhaya, lesihlala khona","Mushumi /muthusi wa muani / hayani, mudzulangeo","Mutirhi wa le kaya, loyi a tshamaka entirhweni" +654,Enumeration,The process of counting all the members of a given population and collecting demographic and other information about each person. See direct interview and self-enumeration.,Population Census ,Bevolkingstelling,Ibalo; ukubala,Ubalo,Ukubalwa kwabantu,Palobatho/mmalobatho,Ho bala,Palobatho,Kubala,Mbalavhathu,Nhlayelo +655,Enumeration period,The proclaimed period within which enumeration should be conducted.,Population Census ,Teltydperk,Isikhathi sebalo/sokubala,Ixesha lobalo,Isikhathi sokubalwa kwabantu,Paka ya palobatho/mmalabatho,Nako ya ho bala,Paka ya palobatho,Sikhatsi sekubala,Tshifhinga tsha mbalavhathu,Nkarhi wa nhlayelo +656,Enumeration phase,"The stage of the population census process that involves counting the people. During this phase, enumerators visit every household and all collective living quarters to administer questionnaires. See census phases.",Population Census ,Telfase,Isigaba sebalo/sokubala,Isigaba sobalo,Isigaba sokubalwa kwabantu,Legatho la palobatho/mmalobatho,Mokgahlelo wa ho bala,Kgato ya palobatho,Sigaba sekubala,Lua /iga a mbalavhathu,Xiphemu xa nhlayelo +657,Enumerator,A person who visits households or individuals in a specific enumeration area for the purpose of administration of questionnaires or for self-enumeration.,Population Census ,Opnemer,Umbali,Umbali wabantu,Umbali wabantu,Mmalabatho,Mmadi,Mmalabatho,Umbali,Muvhalavhathu,Muhlayeri +658,Enumerators summary book (Population Census),"A register of demarcation and listing information pertaining to a particular EA, known colloquially as the 09 book, which identifies an EA by province, local authority, main place name and subplace name, and by means of maps and/or aerial photographs. Used during enumeration to record key information such as visits or attempted visits, and total households and people counted.",Population Census ,Opnemer se opsommingsboek (Bevolkingsensus),Incwadi yeenrhunyezo yombali (IBalopheleleko LabaNtu),Incwadi yombali yokushwankathela (UBalo lwaBantu),Incwadi/ibhuku lemininingwane yokubalwa kwabantu,Pukukakareto ya mmalabatho,Buka ya kgutsufatso ya mmadi (Palasetjhaba),Bukatshobokanyo ya mmalabatho,Libhuku lelifishanisiwe lekubala (lubalo lwebantfu),Bugunweledzi ya muvhalavhathu (Mbalavhathu/ Sentsasi),Buku ya nkatsakanyo wa muhlayeri wa vanhu (nhlayelo wa vanhu) +659,Fieldwork station,"An office or other place from where fieldwork is controlled. At the fieldwork station the boxes of questionnaires are distributed, collected, checked and registered.",Population Census ,Veldwerkpunt,Isitetjhi somsebenzi wangaphandle,Indawo /isitishi sokusebenzela,Isikhungo sababali babantu,Seteiene sa moomobaleng,Ofisi e nnyane,Seteienetsamaiso,Lihhovisi lekusebentela ngaphandle,Tshiitshitshimbidzatshumelo,Xitichi xo tirhela +660,Household,"A group of persons who live together and provide themselves jointly with food and/or other essentials for living, or a single person who lives alone.",Population Census ,Huishouding,Umuzi; ikhaya,Umzi,Abasekhaya/abekhaya,Lapa,Lelapa,Lelapa,Likhaya,Mua/haya,Ndyangu +661,Head of the household,"The main decision-maker, or the person who owns or rents the dwelling, or the person who is the main breadwinner.",Population Census ,Huishoudingshoof,Ihloko yekhaya /yomuzi,Intloko yomzi/umninimzi,Inhloko yekhaya/yomuzi,Hlogo ya lapa,Hlooho ya lelapa,Tlhogo ya lelapa,Inhloko yelikhaya,hoho ya mua/haya,Nhloko ya ndyangu +662,Acting head of household,Any member of the household acting on behalf of the head of the household.,Population Census ,"Huishoudingshoof, waarnemend [waarnemende huishoudingshoof]",Umjaphethe wehloko yekhaya /yomuzi,Ibambela-ntloko yomzi,Ibambanhloko yekhaya/yomuzi,Moswarelahlogo wa lapa,Hlooho ya lelapa; motshwaredi,Kemedi ya tlhogo ya lelapa,"Inhloko yelikhaya, libambela",hohopfareli ya mua/haya,"Nhloko ya ndyangu, mukhomeri" +663,Household income (Census),Compare household income (household income and expenditure).,Population Census ,Huishoudelike inkomste (sensus),Ingeniso / imali yekhaya (ibalopheleleko),Ingeniso yomzi (uBalo-bantu),Ingeniso/imali engenayo yekhaya (ukubalwa kwabantu),Ditseno ta lapa,Lekeno la lelapa (Palabatho),Lotseno lwa lelapa,Lokungenako kwelikhaya (lubalo),Mbuelo ya mua/haya (Mbalavhathu / Sentsasi),Mbuyelo wa ndyangu (nhlayelo wa vanhu) +664,Impairment,"Loss or deviation of physiological, neurological or anatomical structure or function of an organ or body part. See handicap.",Population Census ,Gebrek,Ubuqhwala,Ukulimala / uthinteleko,Ukukhubazeka,Kgolofalo,Kgolofalo,Bogole,Kukhubateka,Vhuholefhali,Vutsoniwa +665,In-mover,A person who was living in the household at the time of the post-enumeration survey but was not living in the household at the time of the census.,Population Census ,Intrekker,Umngezeleli,Umngeneleli,Umuntu ofike sekwabalwa,"Motlamorago ga mmalobatho/palobatho, mofihli",Mofihli,Motlamorago,Lobekangekho,Muamurahu ha mbalavhathu,Mutandzhaku +666,Live-in domestic worker,"See domestic worker, live-in.",Population Census ,Inwonende huiswerker,Isisebenzi sekhaya ekuhlalwa naso/esilalako,Umncedisi ohlala apho asebenza khona,Isisebenzi/umsebenzi wasendlini/wasekhaya ohlala khona,Moomedi wa lapa wa serobalela,Mosebetsi wa lelapa ya dulang moo,Modiredi wa mo gae yo o robalang,Sisebenti sasekhaya lesihlala khona,Mushumi / muthusi wa mua /haya mudzulangeo,Mutirhi wa le kaya loyi a tshamaka entirhweni +667,Matching,An operation whereby households and individuals enumerated during a census and a post-enumeration survey are compared for similarities and differences.,Population Census ,Vergelyking,Ukuthomanisa;ukulinganisa,Ukuthelekisa,Ukuqhathanisa,Papeto/tshwanthano,Nyalanyo,Tshwantshanyo,Kumatanisa,Mbambedzo,Mfambelaniso +668,Non-contact,"A situation where data collection is incomplete as the enumerator fails to make contact with a household at an address, or an individual in collective living quarters.",Population Census ,Geen kontak,Ukungatholakali,Engenalunxibelelwano,Ukungaficwa kwabantu abazobalwa,Go hloka badudi,Ba sa fumanwang,Go sa fitlhelege,"Kungatsintsani, kungachumani",Vhusikwamani,Ku nga tihlanganisangi na ndyangu +669,Non-mover,A person who was living in the household at the time of the census and at the time of the post-enumeration survey.,Population Census ,Blyer,Umnzinzi,Isigxina,Ohlalekhona,Moseuthe,Ya teng ka mehla,Monni/modudi,Losolo akhona,Mudzuli,Mutshamandhawuyinwe +670,Out-mover,A person who was living in the household at the time of the census but was not living in the household at the time of the post-enumeration survey.,Population Census ,Wegtrekker,Umphunguli,Ongesosigxina,Umuntu ohambe sekwabalwa,Mouthi,Ya tsamaileng,Mohudugi,Lobekakhona,Muaphana ha mbalavhathu,Loyi a fambeke +671,Overcount,The number of persons or households inadvertently counted twice in a census.,Population Census ,Dubbeltelling,Ibalodlulileko,Ukugqithisa ukubala,Ukukubalwa kaningi,Palophetiwa,Ya/ba badilweng hangata,Palelophetiso,Kuphindzeka,Mbalakavhili,Nhlayelontluriso +672,PES,See post-enumeration survey.,Population Census ,NTO (natellingopname),I-PES,IPES,iPES,PES,PES,TMPB,i-PES,PES,MENV +673,Place of birth,"For persons born in South Africa, the province where the person was born, according to the present geography. For foreign-born persons, the country where the person was born.",Population Census ,Geboorteplek,Indawo yamabeletho,Indawo yokuzalwa,Indawo yokuzalwa,Lefelo la tswalo,Sebaka sa tswalo,Lefelobotsalo,"Indzawo lotalelwe kuyo, lawutalelwe khona",Flua/hethu ha mabebo,Ndhawu ya ku velekiwa +674,Place of enumeration,"The place where the person was on census night (in a de facto census), whether or not this is his/her usual place of residence.",Population Census ,Telplek,Indawo yokubalela,Indawo yobalo,Indawo umuntu abalelwe kuyo,Lefelo la mmalobatho/palobatho,Sebaka sa ho bala,Lefelo la palobatho,Indzawo lobalelwe kuyo,Fhethu ha mbalavhathu,Ndhawu ya nhlayelo +675,Place of usual residence,The geographical place where the person resides four nights a week on average. Usually collected at subplace level.,Population Census ,Gewone woonplek,Indawo ohlala kiyo,Indawo yokuhlala yesiqhelo,Indawo avame ukuhlala kuyo,Lefelo la bodulo la tlwaelo/la ka mehla,Sebaka sa tlwaetso,Bonno ba ka gale,Indzawo lovamisa kuhlala kuyo,Vhudzulo ha misi,Ndhawu laha munhu a talaka ku tshama kona +676,Population census,A survey conducted on the whole population.,Population Census ,Bevolkingsensus,Ibalopheleleko labantu,Ubalo lwabantu/ubalo-bantu,Ukubalwa kwabantu,Mmalobatho/palobatho,Palasetjhaba,Palobatho ya baagi,Lubalo lwebantfu,Mbalavhathu / sentsasi,Nhlayelo wa vanhu +677,Post- enumeration phase,The stage of the census after all questionnaires have been administered and collected.,Population Census ,Natellingsfase,Isigaba sangemva kwebalo/kokubala,Isigaba esisemva kobalo,Isigaba esilandela ukubalwa kwabantu,Legato la ka morago ga palobatho/mmalobatho,Mokgahlelo ka mora ho bala,Kgato ya morago ga palobatho,Sigaba emva kwekubala,Lua/iga thevhelambalavhathu,Nkarhi endzhaku ka nhlayelo wa vanhu +678,Post-enumeration survey,A sample survey conducted immediately after the census to evaluate the census. Adjustments for undercount or overcount are then made to the census results based on the results of the PES.,Population Census ,Natellingopname (NTO),Ihlolo yangemva kwebalo/kokubala,Uhlolo emva kobalo,Ucwaningo olulandela ukubalwa kwabantu,Tekolo ya ka morago ga palobatho/tekolo ya ka morago ga mmalobatho,Dipatlisiso ka mora ho bala,Tlhotlhomiso ya morago ga palobatho,Isaveyi emuva kwekubala,Tsedzuluso savei thevhelambavhathu,Mbalango endzhaku ka nhlayelo wa vanhu +679,Pre-enumeration phase,The stage of the census during which all preparatory work is carried out.,Population Census ,Voortellingsfase,Isigaba sangaphambi kwebalo/kokubala,Isigaba esandulela ubalo,Isigaba esandulela ukubalwa kwabantu,Legato la pele ga palobatho/legato la pele ga mmalobatho,Mokgahlelo wa pele ho balwa,Kgato ya pele ga palobatho,Sigaba ngembikwekubala,Lua/iga thangelambalavhathu,Nkarhi wo rhangela nhlayelo wa vanhu +680,Relationship to the head or acting head of the household,"Relationship through blood, marriage, adoption or other circumstance.",Population Census ,Verwantskap met huishoudingshoof of waarnemende huishoudingshoof,Ubuhlobo nehloko yomuzi namkha nomjaphethe wehloko yomuzi,Ubudlelwane nentloko yomzi okanye nebambela-ntloko yomzi,Ubuhlobo nenhloko noma ibambanhloko yekhaya,Kamano le hlogo goba moswarelahlogo wa lapa,Dikamano le hlooho kapa motshwaredi wa hlooho ya lelapa,Kamano le tlhogo/kemeditlhogo ya lelapa,Kuhlobana nenhloko nobe libambelanhloko lelikhaya,Vhushaka kha hoho kana hohopfareli ya mua / haya,Vuxaka exikarhi ka muhlayiwa na nhloko ya ndyangu kumbe mukhomeri wa nhloko ya ndyangu +681,Resolved case,"A case, of a person, household or a questionnaire, where matching between the census and the post-enumeration survey is successful.",Population Census ,Opgeloste geval,Umraro orarululiweko,Umba osonjululweyo,Ukuhambelana kokubala,Papeto ye e atlegilego,Nyewe e rarolotsweng,Kgetse e e rarabolotsweng,Kuvumelana kwelubalo,Fhungoladzwa,Mhaka leyi lulamisiweke +682,Undercount,The number of people or households that were not counted in the census.,Population Census ,Ondertelling,Ibalongaphasi,Ukubala nganeno,Ukubalela nganeno,Palotlhaelelwa,Ba sa balellwang,Palelotlase,Kushiyeka,Mbalahahedza,Nhlayelohansi +683,Unresolved case,"A case, of a person, household or questionnaire, where matching between the census and the post-enumeration survey fails because of a lack of adequate information or because responses differ.",Population Census ,Onopgeloste geval,Umraro ongakararululwa,Umba ongasonjululwanga,Ukungavumelani kobalo,Palo ye e sa atlegago,Nyewe e sa rarabollwang,Kgetse e e sa rarabololwang,Kungavumelani kwelubalo,Fhungo tshayandadzwa,Mhaka leyi nga lulamisiwangiki +684,Absolute poverty line,That level of the standard of living measure below which a household is unable to meet its basic needs.,Poverty ,Absolute armoedegrens,Izinga lobuchaka bokugcina,Iqondo lendlala eligqithisileyo,Izinga eliphezulu lobuphofu/lobubha,Legatokgao la bodiididiidi,Moedi wa bofutsanafutse,Kemo ya lehumatota; boikaparitota,Labaphuye mbamba,Tshikalavhushai tsha vhukuma,Mpimo wa vusweti wa xiheri +685,Decomposable poverty index (DPI or P),"Measure of the degree of inequality among the poor. +Note: The DPI is considered conventional and measures the incidence of poverty and the degree of inequality among the poor using an aversion parameter and determines the proportionate decrease from the poverty line. It also shows the living standards and relates them to the population at large.",Poverty ,Ontbindbare armoede-indeks (OAI),Ikomba yokutjhiyana kobuchaka(i-DPI namkha i-P2),Isalathiso sokwaphula amandla endlala (iDPI okanye i P2),Inkomba yezinga eliphezulu lobuphofu/lobubha (i-DPI nomaP2),Legatokgao la bodiididiidi,Tshupane ya maemo a bofutsana (DPI kapa P2),Tshupakemo ya lehuma,Kulinganisa lizinga lekungalingani lebuphuya,Tshikala tshayandinganelo ya vhushai (DPI kana P2),Xikombo xa vusweti xa nkandzingano +686,Expenditure gap ratio (EGR),Measure that considers the degree of poverty and the extent to which expenditure of the poor lies below the poverty line.,Poverty ,Bestedingsgaping-verhouding (BGV),Iretjhiyo yokutjhiyana kweendleko (i-EGR),Umlinganiselo womsantsa wenkcitho (iEGR),Isilinganiso segebe lezindleko (i-EGR),Tekanyokelo ya magato a ditshenyagalelo,Tekanyo ya sekgeo sa ditshenyehelo,Sekgalakabo sa ditshenyegelo,Sichatsanisosibalo seligebe lenchitfo,Tshikhala tsha ndivhanele ya tshinyalelo (EGR),Mpimoxiave wa vangwa ra ntirhiso (MVN) +687,Gini index,"Index that shows how close a given distribution of income is to absolute equality or inequality. +Note: The Gini coefficient is the ratio of the area between the 45-degree line and the Lorenz curve and the area of the entire triangle. As the coefficient approaches zero, the distribution of income or consumption approaches absolute equality, and absolute inequality if it approaches 1.",Poverty ,Gini-indeks,Ikomba ka-Gini,Isalathiso seGini,Inkomba kaGini,Kelothupeto ya Gini,Tshupane ya Gini,Tshupane ya ga Gini,Inkhomba yaGini,Tshikaladzhini,Xikombo xa Gini +688,Head-count ratio (HCR or P0),"The percentage or proportion of persons taken to be poor, in relation to the total population in a given country, region, etc. In other words, it is the proportion of the population whose standard of living is lower than the country-specific poverty line (usually measured in terms of income or consumption).",Poverty ,Armes: bevolking-verhouding,Iretjhiyo yokubala ihloko(i-HCR namkha i-P0),Umlinganiselo wobalo lwabantu abakhoyo (iHCR okanye iPO),Isilinganiso sokubala umuntu ngamunye,Tekanyokelo hlogo ka hlogo,Karolo ya mafutsana setjhabeng; palo ya motho ka mong,Kabopalelo ya tlhogo ka tlhogo,Sichatsanisosibalo sekubala umuntfu ngamunye(i-HCR noma i-PO),Ndivhanele ya muthu nga muthu ya vhushai (HCR kana P0),Mpimoxiave wo hlayela hi nhloko +689,Minimum acceptable standard of living,"The ability for an individual or household to meet their basic needs, namely minimum accommodation, water, food, health care, education and sanitation.",Poverty ,Minimum aanvaarbare lewenstandaard,Ubuncani bezinga lepilo obulungileko/obamukelekako,Ubuncinane obamkelekileyo bomgangatho wokuphila,Izinga elamukelekile lokuphila,Minimamo ya maemo a bophelo a a amogelegago,Maemo a tlase a amohelehang a bophelo,Maemotlase a a amogelesegang a botshelo,Lizingancane lemphilo lelemukelekile,Tshiimohanganedzwa tsha fhasisa tsha kutshilele,Mahanyelo ya vutomi lama amukelekaka ya le hansi +690,Poverty gap,"The difference between the poverty line and mean income of the poor, expressed as a ratio of the poverty line.",Poverty ,Armoedegaping,Ukutjhiyana kobuchaka,Umsantsa wendlala,Igebe lobuphofu/ lobubha,Magato a bodiidi,Sekgeo sa bofutsana,Sekgala sa lehuma,Ligebe lebuphuya,Tshikhala tsha vhushai,Vangwa ra vusweti +691,Poverty gap index (P1),"The proportion by which an individual or a household is below the poverty line. +Note: The poverty gap multiplied by the headcount index, gives the poverty gap index.",Poverty ,Armoedegaping-indeks,Ikomba yendima yokutjhiyana kobuchaka(i-P1),Isalathiso somsantsa wendlala (iPI),Inkomba yegebe lobuphofu/lobubha,Kelothupeto ya magato a bodiidi,Tshupo ya sekgeo sa bofutsana; tshupane ya sekgeo sa bofutsana (P1),Tshupanesekgala ya lehuma,Inkhomba yeligebe lebuphuya,Tshikalatshikhala tsha vhushai (P1),Xikombo xa vangwa ra vusweti +692,Poverty line,Line drawn at a particular level of income or consumption. Households/individuals whose incomes fall below a given level of the poverty line or whose consumption level is valued at less than the value of the poverty line are classified as poor. See relative poverty line and absolute poverty line.,Poverty ,Armoedegrens,Izinga lobuchaka,Iqondo lendlala,Umudwazinga wobuphofu/wobubha,Legatokgao la bodiidi,Moedi wa bofutsana,Kemolehuma,Sehlukaniso sebuphuya,Tshikalavhushai,Mpimo wa vusweti +693,Poverty profile,"A description of how the extent of poverty varies across subgroups of a given population, characterised by, for example, their gender, region of residence, type of economic activity, source of income, etc.",Poverty ,Armoedeprofiel,Ihlathululobunjalo yobuchaka,Ubume bendlala,Umumo wobuphofu/ wobubha,Tlhalooseemo ya bodiidi,Matshwao a phapano ya bofutsana,Tshedimosetsotsenelelo ka ga lehuma/porofaele,Simolwati sebuphuya,halusavhushai,Xiyimo xa vusweti +694,Priority poverty indicators,"Country-specific indicators that, taken together, provide an overview of the state of poverty in that country.",Poverty ,Prioriteitsarmoedeaanwysers,Iinkomba zeqalontanzi lobuchaka,Izalathiso zendlala eziphambili,Izinkomba eziqavile zobuphofu/ zobubha,Dithupetohlokwa ta bodiidi,Ditshupane tsa sehlooho tsa bofutsana,Ditlapele tsa tshupalehuma,Tinkhomba tebuphuya letisembili,Tsumbandivhiswa dza vhushai,Swikombiso swa vusweti swa xirhangana +695,Relative poverty,The position of an individual or household compared with the average income in a given country.,Poverty ,Relatiewe armoede,Ubuchaka obulingeneko,Indlala eqikelelwayo,Ubuphofu obubalulekayo/obuqhathanisekayo,Maemo a bodiidi ka papio,Bofutsana bo amanngwang le naha,Papisolehuma,Lizinga lebuphuya ngekwesimo,Mbambedzavhushai,Vusweti hi yelaniso +696,Relative poverty line,"Under the relative poverty line approach, a household can be defined as poor relative to others in the same society or economy. Thus a relative poverty line varies as the average of total population consumption varies. It involves drawing an arbitrary line by identifying the proportions (such as mean, median, or even a fraction of the mean) and establishing a poverty line(s) from expenditure or income data. See poverty line.",Poverty ,Relatiewe armoedegrens,Izinga lobuchaka obulingeneko,Iqondo lendlala eliqikelelwayo,Umudwazinga wobuphofu obubalulekayo/ obuqhathanisekayo,Legatokgao la bodiidi ka papio,Moedi wa bofutsana bo amanngwang le naha,Papiso kemolehuma,Sehlukaniso sebuphuya ngekwesimo,Tshikalambambedzavhushai,Mpimo wa vusweti wa xiheri +697,Administered prices,"The price of a product, which is set consciously by an individual producer or group of producers, and/or any price which can be determined or influenced by government, either directly, or through one or other government agencies/institutions without reference to market forces.",Prices ,Geadministreerde pryse,Iintengo eziphakanyisiweko,Amaxabiso aqingqiweyo,Intengo/amanani alawuliwe,Dithekotaolwa,Ditheko tse laolwang,Ditlhotlhwa tse di beetsweng seelo,Tintsengo letincunyiwe,Mitengondaulwa,Mixavo leyi lawuriwaka +698,Annual inflation rate,The change in the CPI for all items of the relevant month of the current year compared with the CPI for all items of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Jaarlikse inflasiekoers,Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo elipheleleko ngomnyaka,Umlinganiselo wamandla emali ngonyaka,Izinga lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali ngonyaka,Kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya ditheko/kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya infoleiene,Sekgahla sa phetoho ya ditheko ka selemo; infleishini,Kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa ka ngwaga,Lizinga lemandlamali lemnyaka,Phimo ya tshanduko ya mitengo ya waha,Mpimo wa inifulexini wa lembe +699,Annual percentage change (index),The change in the index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Jaarlikse persentasieverandering (indeks),Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngomnyaka,Utshintsho lwepesenti ngonyaka ngamnye (isalathiso),Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngonyaka (inkomba),Phetogo ya kelothupeto ka ngwaga,Phesente ya phetoho ka selemo (tshupane),Phetogo ya phesente ka ngwaga,Luntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka,Tshanduko kha ana nga waha(tshikali),Ncinco wa tiphesente hi lembe (xikombo) +700,Average annual inflation rate,The change in the average CPI for all items of one year compared with the average CPI for all items of the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Gemiddelde jaarlikse inflasiekoers,Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo elipheleleko se-avareji ngomnyaka,Umyinge womlinganiselo wamandla emali ngonyaka,Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji yezinga lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali ngonyaka,Kelokakareo ya kgolo le phokotego/infoleiene ka ngwaga,Palohare ya sekgahla sa infleishini ka selemo,Palogare ya kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa ka ngwaga,Silinganisomkhatsi selizinga lemandlamali semnyaka,Phimotshikati kha tshanduko ya mitengo nga waha,Mpimo wa inifulexini wa lembe wa mpimoxikarhi +701,Average annual percentage change,The change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Gemiddelde jaarlikse persentasieverandering,Itjhuguluko lamaphesente we-avareji ngomnyaka,Umyinge wotshintsho lwepeseti ngonyaka,Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji yokuguquka kwephesenti ngonyaka,Phetogokakareto ya kelothupeto ka ngwaga,Palohare ya phetoho ya phesente ka selemo,Phetogo ya palogare ya phesente ka ngwaga,Silinganisomkhatsi seluntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka,Tshandukotshikati kha ana nga waha,Ncinco wa tiphesente ta lembe wa mpimoxikarhi +702,Constant prices (GDP),A valuation concept expressed at the prices prevailing during a fixed reference period or base period.,Prices ,Konstante prys,Iintengo ezinzinzileko,amaxabiso angaguqu-guqukiyo,Amanani angaguquki,Ditheko te di sa fetogego,Theko / Poreisi tse tsitsitseng,Ditlhotlhwatlhomamo / Ditlhotlhwanitamo,Intsengo lengagucuki,Mitengo i sa shanduki (kha tshifhinga tsho tewaho),Tihakelo leti nga cinciki +703,Consumer price index (CPI),An index that measures the price of a fixed basket of consumer goods and services.,Prices ,Verbruikersprysindeks (VPI),Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yabathengi enganamalinzalo yebhondi,Isalathiso sotshintsho lwamaxabiso (iCPI),Inkomba yamanani abathengi (i-CPI),Kelothupeto ya ditheko ta badirii,Tshupane ya ditheko tsa basebedisi (CPI),Tshupane ya ditlhotlhwa tsa badirisi,Inkhomba yentsengo yebatsengi (i-CPI),Tshikala- / tsumbamutengo wa vharengi (CPI),Xikombo xa nxavo wa vatirhisi (XNV) +704,Consumer price index excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds (CPIX),"The CPI excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds (CPIX) is derived by excluding the interest rates on mortgage bonds from the basket of goods and services, which is used to compile the Consumer Price Index.",Prices ,Verbruikersprysindeks uitsluitende rentekoerse op verbande (VPIX),Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yabathengi enganabhondi / enganamalinzalo yebhondi,Isalathiso sotshintsho lwamaxabiso kungabandakanywa inzala yentengo yezindlu (iCPIX),Inkomba yamanani abathengi ingabalwanga inzalo yezikweletu zezindlu (i-CPIX),Kelothupeto ya ditheko ta badirii go sa akaretwe mothelo wa tswalo go dikoloto ta meago,Tshupane ya ditheko tsa bareki ntle le tswala ditefellong tsa matlo,Tshupane ya ditlhotlhwa tsa badirisi ntle le kelomorokotso mo tshireletsodisugeng,Inkhomba luntjintjo lwentsengo yebatsengi kukhishwe lizinga lentalo kumabhondi esibambiso (i-CPIX),Tshikala- / tsumbamutengo wa vharengi tshayaphimonzwalelo kha khadzimiso ya vhudzulo (CPIX),Xikombo xa nxavo wa vatirhisi lexi nga katsiki mpimo wa ntswalo wa tihakelo eka tibondo (XNVK) +705,Contribution of specific products to the total PPI,The monthly (annual) contribution of a specific product or group of products to the total PPI is calculated by multiplying the weight of the index with the monthly (annual) change of the index divided by the index for All Items.,Prices ,Bydraes van spesifieke produkte tot die totale VPI,Umthelela wemikhiqizo ethileko ye-PPI ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yokukhiqiza / yokuveza),Igalelo leemveliso ezithile kwiPPI iphela,Iqhaza lemikhiqizo ethile esambeni senkomba yamanani abakhiqizi,Seabe sa ditweletwa te itego go PPI ka moka,Seabo sa dihlahiswa tse itseng ho PPI yohle,Seabe sa dikuno tse di totilweng go TDB yotlhe,Umtselela wemkhicitotsite ku-PPI ngalokuphelele,Thikhedzo ya zwibveledzwatiwa kha hanganyelo ya tsumbamutengo / tshikalamutengo wa vhabveledzi (PPI),Ku hoxa xandla ka swimakiwa swo kongoma eka PPI hinkwayo +706,Core index,"The core index is derived by exclusions from the CPI on the basis that changes in their prices are policy. Note: Exclusions from the CPI to obtain the core index, and the reasons for exclusion is as follows: Fresh and frozen meat and fish: Prices may be highly volatile, particularly during and following periods of drought. Fresh and frozen vegetables and fresh fruit and nuts: Prices may be highly volatile from month to month due to their sensitivity to climatic conditions. Interest rates on mortgage bonds and overdrafts/personal loans: These are excluded due to their perverse effect on the CPI. A tightening in monetary policy to counter inflation pressures would cause interest rates to rise and be reflected in the interest cost component of measured inflation. This, in turn, could provoke a further tightening of monetary policy resulting in excessive movements in the inflation rate. Changes in VAT (value added tax): VAT is predominantly determined by government (fiscal policy). Assessment rates: These taxes are predominantly determined by local government.",Prices ,Kernindeks,Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo khulu / mbala/ qobo / qakathekileko/ eyonayona/ ezijameleko,Undoqo/umongo wesalathiso,Inkombamnyombo,Kelothupeto ya motheo,Tshupane ya motheo,Tshupanetota,Inkhombamsuka,Tsumba-/tshikalamutengothikho,Xikombonkulu +707,Core inflation,"A measure designed in relation to the specific structure of a country's economy, derived by the change in the Core index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the Core index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.",Prices ,Kerninflasie,Itjhugulukontengombala,Undoqo/umongo wokunyuka kwamaxabiso,Izingamnyombo lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali,Kelo ya kgolo le phokotego/infoleiene ya motheo,Infleishini ya motheo,Phetogotlhotlhwatota,Emandlamali langumsuka,Tshandulo ya mutengothikho,Inifulexininkulu +708,CPI,See consumer price index.,Prices ,VPI,I-CPI,ICPI,i-CPI,CPI,CPI,TDB,i-CPI,CPI,XNV +709,CPIX,See consumer price index excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds.,Prices ,VPIX,I-CPIX,ICPIX,I-CPIX,CPIX,CPIX,TDBNKTD,i-CPIX,CPIX,XNVK +710,Establishment (Employment and Price),The smallest economic unit that functions as a separate entity.,Prices ,Bedryf (Werkverskaffing en Pryse),Irhwebo/igatja lerhwebo,Ishishini (iNgqesho namaXabiso),Uphiko lwenkampani (umsebenzi nenani),Lekalanakgwebo,Lekala (Kgiro le Ditheko),Lekalakgwebo,Ligatja lekuhweba,Tshiimiswa (Mishumo na Mutengo),Bindzu (vuthori na nxavo) +711,Indicator products,Products whose sale value represents 80% of the total value of sales (turnover) in an industrial subgroup.,Prices ,Aanwyserprodukte,Imikhiqizo eyikomba / esitjengiso,Isalathisi-mveliso,Imikhiqizo eyinkomba,Ditweletwataetaboleng,Dihlahiswa tsa tshupo,Dikunotshupo,Imikhicito leyinkhomba,Zwibveledzwatiwatsumbamutengo,Swimakiwa swa xikombo +712,Inflation,"The persistent change in the general level of prices. Note: Two sets of measures of inflation are most often used, namely monthly inflation and annual inflation. Monthly inflation is defined as the percentage change in the index on a month-by-month basis whereas annual inflation is calculated as the percentage change in the index over the last twelve months.",Prices ,Inflasie,Itjhugulukontengo eliphikeleleko,Utshintsho lwamaxabiso,Ukukhuphuka kwamandla emali,Kgolo le theogo ya ditheko,Infleishini,Phetogotlhotlhwa,Emandlamali,Tshanduko ya mitengo,Inifulexini +713,Inflation rate,The annual percentage change in the CPI for all items of the relevant month of the current year compared with the CPI for all items of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Inflasiekoers,Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo eliphikeleleko,Umlinganiselo wotshintsho lwamaxabiso,Izinga lokukhuphuka kwezinga lamandla emali,Kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya ditheko/kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya infoleiene,Sekgahla sa infleishini,Kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa,Lizinga lemandlamali,Phimo ya tshanduko ya mitengo,Mpimo wa inifulexini +714,Monthly percentage change,The change in the index of the relevant month compared to the index of the previous month expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Maandelikse persentasieverandering,Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngenyanga,Utshintsho lwepesenti nyanga zonke,Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngenyanga,Phetogo ya kelothupeto ya kgwedi,Phetoho ya phesente ka kgwedi,Phetogo ya phesente ka kgwedi,Luntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngenyanga,Tshanduko kha ana nga wedzi,Ncinco wa tiphesente wa nhweti +715,Overall average annual percentage change,The change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage.,Prices ,Algehele gemiddelde jaarlikse persentasieverandering,Itjhuguluko elipheleleko le-avareji yamaphesente ngomnyaka,Iavareji yotshintsho ngokubanzi lwepesenti yonyaka,Isilinganiso jikelele sokuguquka kwamaphesenti ngonyaka,Phetogokakareto ya kelothupeto ya ngwaga,Palohare e akaretsang ya phesente ya phetoho ya selemong,Phetogo ya palogareyotlhe ya phesente ka ngwaga,Silinganisomkhatsi seluntjintjo loluphelele lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka,Tshandukotshikatinyangaredzi kha ana nga wedzi,Ncinco wa tiphesente wa lembe wa mpimoxikarhi hinkwawo +716,Regulated prices,"Administered prices that are monitored and controlled by government policy. +Note: To this end, price regulation does not necessarily imply the presence of an economic regulator, but the restriction on the extent to which prices may vary, depending on governments policy objective.",Prices ,Gereguleerde pryse,Iintengo eziqintelweko,Amaxabiso alawulwayo,Amanani alawuliwe,Dithekotaolwa,Ditheko tse laolwang,Ditlhotlhwa tse di laolwang,Tintsengo letibekelwe imigomo,Mitengolangwa,Mixavo leyi lawuriwaka +717,Weights,The relevant importance of the indicator product in that subgroup. Note: The weight of a product is calculated by dividing the actual value of sales of the relevant indicator product by the total value of sales in that subgroup.,Prices ,Gewig,Ubungako,Igalelo,Amandla,Keloboleng,Bohlokwa,Boleng,Bungako,Ndeme ya zwibveledzwa,Mitiko +718,Asset,A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.,Private Sector ,Bate,Ilifa,Izinto onazo,Impahla/ ifa,Thoto,Letlotlo,Thoto,Imphahla,Thundu,Rifuwo +719,Current assets (Private Sector),"Assets including debtors, cash, other financial shares and closing values of inventories, likely to be converted to cash, or consumed within a year.",Private Sector ,Bedryfsbates (Private Sektor),Amafa wanje / wesikhatjhana,Izinto onazo (ihlelo labucala),Izimpahla zangaleso sikhathi (umkhakha ozimele),Dithoto ta bjale,Matlotlo a jwale (lekala la poraevete),Dithoto tse di sutisegang,Timphahla tanyalo,Thundu dza zwino (Sekhithara dza Phuraivethe),Rifuwo ra sweswi (xiyenge xa phurayivhete) +720,Current liability,"A liability is a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.",Private Sector ,Bedryfslas,Isikwelede sanje/ sesikhatjhana,Amatyala akhoyo,Izikweletu zangaleso sikhathi,Tobo ya bjale,Sekoloto sa jwale,Disuga tsa gajaana,Sikwelede sanyalo,Mulandu wa zwino,Xikweleti xa sweswi +721,Dividends,Distributions of profits to holders of equity investments in propotion to their holdings of a particular class of capital.,Private Sector ,Dividende,Izabelo; izahlukaniselo,Izabelo,Izabelo,Diabe,Phaello,Dikarolelo,Tabelo,Mbadelamikovhe,Swiave +722,Enterprise (private sector statistics),A legal unit or a combination of legal units that includes and directly controls all functions necessary to carry out its activities.,Private Sector ,Onderneming (Privaatsektorstatistieke),Irhwebo,Ushishino (iiNkcukacha-manani zeHlelo laBucala),Ibhizinisi; inkampani (umkhakha wezibalo ozimele),Kgwebokgolo,Kgwebokgolo (dipalopalo tsa lekala la poraevete),Kgwebo,Ibhizinisi (telubalo lwemkhakha lotimele),Mbalombalo /bindu (zwitatistika zwa sekhithara ya phuraivethe),Bindzunyingi (tinhlayohlayo ta xiyenge xa phurayivhete) +723,Fixed assets,"Assets other than current assets, such as land, buildings, machinery and equipment. Typically, fixed assets are valued at the market price at the end of the financial year. See current assets, intangible assets, and non-current assets.",Private Sector ,Vaste bates,Amafa anzinzileko / wesikhathi eside,Iimpahla ezisigxina,Izimpahla ezizinzileyo,Dithoto ta pakatelele,Matlotlo a tsepameng,Dithototlhokatshutiso,Timphahla letinganyakatiseki,Thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa,Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha +724,Intangible assets,Identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.,Private Sector ,Ontasbare bates,Amafa angathintekiko/angaphathekiko,Iimpahla ezingaphathekiyo,Izimpahla ezingaphatheki,Dithoto ta go se kgwathwe/ kgomiwe,Matlotlo a sa tshwareheng,Dithoto tse di sa tshwaregeng,Timphahla letingaphatseki,Thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa,Rifuwoxianakanyiwa +725,Non-current assets,"See fixed assets, and intangible assets.",Private Sector ,Niebedryfsbates,Amafa anzinzileko / wesikhathi eside,Izinto ezisisigxina,Izimpahla ezinganqunyelwe sikhathi,Dithoto ta pakatelele,Matlotlo ao eseng a jwale,Dithoto tse di sa sutisegeng,Timphahla letingasito tanyalo,Thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa,Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha +726,Inventories,"Stocks and work in progress, including: Outputs that are still held by the enterprise that produced them prior to their being further processed, sold, delivered to other units or used in other ways; Products acquired from other enterprises that are intended to be used for intermediate consumption or for resale without further processing (factored goods); Goods in the process of manufacturing or work that has been partially done, but which has not yet been completed at the end of the reference period; Other: Raw materials components for processing, packing materials, fuel, consumable and maintenance stores, own manufactures and factored goods that have not been sold at the end of the reference period.",Private Sector ,Voorraad,Isitoko sebhizinisi,Uluhlu lwempahla,Uhlu lwempahla/ isitokwe,Mananeo a dithoto,Manane a thepa,Mananeothoto,Sitoko lesingekhatsi,Tshioko,Nongonoko wa nhundzu +727,Net profit or loss,"The difference between total income and total expenditure before providing for drawings by proprietors or partners, company or dividends.",Private Sector ,Netto wins of verlies,Inzuzo eseleko namkha ilahleko,Ingeniso okanye ilahleko,Inzuzo noma ukulahlekelwa emva kwezindleko,Maaledi a poelo goba tobo,Phaello ya sebele kapa tahlehelo,Poelotota kgotsa tatlhegelotota,Insalelasamba yenzuzo nobe yekulahlekelwa,Mbuelotsalela kana ndozwo,Mbhindzuloxiheri kumbe ndzahlekelo +728,Net profit or loss after tax,Net profit or loss less company tax paid or provided for during the reference period.,Private Sector ,Netto wins of verlies n belasting,Inzuzo eseleko namkha ilahleko ngemva komthelo,Ingeniso okanye ilahleko emva kwerhafu,Inzuzo noma ukulahlekelwa sekukhokhwe intela,Maaledi a poelo goba tobo ka morago ga mothelo,Phaello ya sebele kapa tahlehelo ka mora lekgetho,Poelotota kgotsa tatlhegelotota morago ga lekgetho,Insalelasamba yenzuzo nobe yekulahlekelwa emuva kwentsela,Mbuelotsalela kana ndozwo thevhelalutho /- muthelo,Mbhidzuloxiheri kumbe ndzahlekelo endzhaku ka xibalo +729,Purchases,"Tangible items purchased by an entity primarily with the intention of selling them to customers. Note: Purchases include: Raw materials, components used in production; Fuels for off-road vehicles; Spare parts and building materials; Purchases and transfers-in of factored goods, intermediate products and partially completed goods from related enterprises.",Private Sector ,Aankope,Okuthengiweko,Okuthengwayo,Okuthengiwe,Direkwa,Direkilweng,Ditheko,Lokutsengiwe,Zwirengwa,Swixaviwa +730,Regional service levy,"Payroll tax paid by registered levy payers on the total remuneration of their employees, in terms of the Local Government Transition Act (LGTA) of 1993.",Private Sector ,Streeksdiensteheffing,Umthelo wokusebenza wesigodi,Intlawulo yenkonzo ngokwengingqi,Intela yezinsizakalo zesifunda,Lekgethotirelo la selete,Lekgetho la ditshebeletso tsa lebatowa,Lekgetho la ditirelokgaolo,Umtselo wetinsita tesifundza,Tshumeloyapo with tshumelo ya dzingu,Xibalo xa vukorhokeri bya rhijini +731,Security services,Services undertaken to protect an entitys assets. Note: Security services includes: Fees paid to contracted security companies; Electronic security systems such as alarms and surveillance cameras; IT security systems.,Private Sector ,Sekuriteitsdienste,Imisebenzi yokwelusa/yokugada,Iinkonzo zokhuseleko,Imisebenzi yokuqapha,Ditirelo ta thireleto/ ditirelothireleto,Ditshebeletso tsa tshireletso,Ditirelotshireletso,Tinsita tekuvikela,Tshumelo dza tsireledzo,Vukorhokeri bya vuhlayiseki +732,Tax and company tax brought into account,"Taxes on incomes, profits and capital gains, excluding value added tax (VAT). They are assessed on the actual or presumed incomes of enterprises or other units and exclude the employees taxes and compulsory loan levies.",Private Sector ,Belasting en maatskappybelasting in berekening geneem,Umthelo nomthelo wekhamphani otjhejiweko,Irhafu kunye nerhafu yenkampani eqwalaselwayo,Intela nentela yezinkampani esemabhukwini,Mothelo le mothelo wa khamphane wa go tliwa ka gare ga akhaonte,Lekgetho le lekgetho la khamphani le etsweng hloko,Lekgetho le lekgetho la ditlamo le le tsentsweng mo tshupatlotlong,Intsela nentsela yenkapani lefakwa ku-akhawunti,Lutho/muthelo na lutho/muthelo wa tshiimiswa /khamphani nga vhuifhinduleli,Xibalo na xibalo xa khamphani leswi nghenisiweke eka nkota +733,Turnover (financial statistics),"The total value of sales in a business during the reference period, including: The value of sales; Amounts received for work done; amounts received for services rendered; rent and lease payments received for land and buildings, and other equipment; and excluding value-added tax (VAT); net profit or loss on sales or reevaluation of fixed assets (including profit or loss or foreign exchange); export freight charges; interest received; and excise duty.",Private Sector ,Omset (Finansile Statistieke),Ingeniso epheleleko,Ingeniso (iiNkcukacha-manani zezeMali),Isamba semali engenile (izibalo zezezimali),Dipoelokakareto,Kuno (dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete),Lotsenolotlhe/thekelo,Imali lengenile (lubalo lwetetimali),Mbuelo(mbalombalo/zwitatistika zwa masheleni/ tshelede),Mbuyelo (tinhlayohlayo ta swa mali) +734,"Book value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets","The value of a property at a specific time after deducting depreciation from the original cost. +Inclusions: + Land + Residential and non-residential buildings + Construction works, roads and parking areas + Computers and other information technology equipment + Motor vehicles and other transport equipment + Plant, machinery and other equipment + Intangible assets and non-produced assets",Public Finance ,"Boekwaarde van eiendom, aanleg en toerusting, en ontasbare bates",Ubungako benani lepahla ngokweencwadi,"ixabiso lepropati ngokwencwadi yoqingqo-maxabiso, iplanti, nezinto zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo",Isilinganisomali sempahla,"Boleng bja bjale bja thoto, polante, didiriwa le dithoto ta go se swarege",Boleng ba thepa ho ya ka buka/mebaraka,"Tlhotlhwakemo ya thoto, bobeelo, didiriswa le disaangweng","Linanimphahla letakhiwo, imishini, tintfomsebenti nemphahla lengaphatseki","Mutengo wa tshifhinga tshenetsho (wa thundu kana ndaka, imaga, tshomedzo, na thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa)","Nxavo wa nhundzu ku ya hi makete, ndhawu, switirhisiwa na nhundzu ya swianakanyiwa" +735,Capital,Value of wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value.,Public Finance ,Kapitaal,Imali yokuraga ibhizinisi / Ikhephithali,inkunzi,Izinsizakuqhuba ibhizinisi,Khepetlele,Khepitlele / Khaphithale / Khapitale,Letlotlo / Khapetlele,Linanimcebo lemuntfu / Lizinga lemcebo wemuntfu,"Lupfumo (zwi katela tshelede, zwifhao na mabindu) / Ndaka",Rifuwo +736,Capital expenditure on new construction works,"Capital expenditure on new construction is regarded as capital expenditure on new assets as well as capital expenditure on existing assets which leads to improvements of assets. +New construction works consist of: + Fees payable to architects, engineers and other professional firms + Renovations of existing constructions + Expenditure on works under construction + Expenditure on improvements",Public Finance ,Kapitaalbesteding aan nuwe konstruksiewerk,Iindleko zemisebenzi emitjha yokwakha,inkcitho yeentengo ezinkulu kwimisebenzi yolwakhiwo emitsha,Izindleko zokuqala umsebenzi omusha,Ditshenyegelo ta khepetlele go meomo ye meswa ya kago,Ditjeo tsa khepitlele / khaphithale / Khapitale mesebetsing e metjha ya kaho,Tshenyegeloletlotlo la ditiro tsa dikagonthwa,Incitfomali yetakhiwo letinsha,Mbadelo ya tshelede kha mushumo muswa wa u fhaa,Matirhisele ya mali eka mitirho yintshwa ya xikontiraka +737,Capitalisation reserve,"On the implementation of GAMAP / GRAP, the balance on certain funds, created in terms of the various Provincial Ordinances applicable at the time, that had historically been utilised for the acquisition of items of property, plant and equipment, have been transferred to a capitalisation reserve instead of the accumulated surplus / deficit in terms of a directive (budget circular) issued by National Treasury.",Public Finance ,Kapitalisasiereserwe,Imali yebhizinisi ebulungiweko / Ebekelwe ngeqadi / Ikhephithali ebulungiweko,utyalo-mali lwemali eyimfihlo,Imali esele,Risefe ya go aga khepetlele,Resefe ya kaho ya letlotlo,Peelotlotlo / Tshalelotlotlo,Silulumafa,Mbetshelo ya lupfumo / tshelede,Mali leyi hlayisiweke +738,Capital replacement reserve,"In order to finance the provision of infrastructure and other items of property, plant and equipment from internal sources, amounts are transferred from the accumulated surplus / deficit to the CRR in terms of a council resolution. The cash in the designated CRR bank account can only be utilised to finance items of property, plant and equipment. The CRR is reduced and the accumulated surplus / deficit is credited by a corresponding amount when the amounts in the CRR are utilised. The amount transferred to the CRR is based on the municipalitys need to finance future capital projects included in the Integrated Development Plan.",Public Finance ,Kapitaalvervangingsreserwe,Imali yebhizinisi yokujamiselela ebulungiweko / Ebekelwe ngeqadi / Ikhephithali ebulungiweko yokujamiselela,imali ebekelwe bucala ukuze isetyenziselwe ukutshintsha i-asethi,Ukuphindiselwa kwemali ebisele,Risefekemalegato ya letlotlo,Resefe ya khepitlele / Khaphithale / Khapitale ya peho sebakeng sa ho hong,Tshalelokemisetsotlotlo / Peelokemisetsotlotlo,Imali lebekelwe kuvala incitfomali,Mbetshelo ya u vhuyedzedza lupfumo/tshelede,Mali leyihlayisiweke ku pfuneta switirhwana swa nkoka +739,"Carrying value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets","The value of assets at a specific time after deducting depreciation and adjustments from the original cost. +Inclusions: + Land + Residential and non-residential buildings + Network equipment, construction works, roads and parking areas + Computers and other information technology equipment + Motor vehicles and other transport equipment + Intangible assets and non-produced assets; and other assets",Public Finance ,"Drawaarde van eiendom / Aanleg en toerusting, en ontasbare bates",Ubungako benani lepahla obudluliswako,"ixabiso lepropati, iplanti nezixhobo nee-asethi ezingaphathekiyo",Isilinganisomali sempahla,"Boleng bja bjale bja thoto, polante, didiriwa le dithoto ta go se swarege","Boleng ba jwale ba thepa, polante le disebediswa tse sa tshwareheng","Tlhotlhwaphetisothoto, bobeelo, didiriswa le disaangweng","lizingamali ngemva kweluhlolo lwetakhiwo, imishini, tintfomsebenti kanye netimphahla letingasebenti","Mutengo wa tshifhinga tshenetsho (wa ndaka, imaga na tshomedzo, na ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa)","Nxavo wa nhundzu ku ya hi makete, ndhawu, switirhisiwa na nhundzuswianakanyiwa" +740,Community assets,Assets that are placed within reasonable distance of a specific community and are intended to be the service point for responding to the various socio-economic needs of such a community.,Public Finance ,Gemeenskapbate,Ipahla yomphakathi,ii-asethi zoluntu,Izimpahla zomphakathi,Dithoto ta sethaba,Thepa ya setjhaba,Dithoto tsa sethaba,Imphahla / Timphahlaye / Temmango ye / Temphakatsi,Ndaka ya vhadzulapo / Ndaka ya tshitshavha,Switirhisiwa swa muganga / Switirhisiwa swa vaakandzhawu +741,Consolidated statement of financial position,"The aggregate financial position of an institution at a specific point in time, usually at the end of the reporting period. +Note: This statement covers all assets, net assets and liabilities at the end of the financial year.",Public Finance ,Gekonsolideerde staat van finansile posisie,Isitatimende esihlanganisiweko sobujamo bezeemali,ingxelo ehlanganisiweyo yezemali,Isitatimende sesimomali esihlanganisiwe,Setatamente se se kopantwego sa seemo sa dithelete,Pehelo e bokelletsweng / Pharalletseng ya boemo ba tjhelete,Kanegothulaganyo ya maemo a matlole,Sitatimende lesihlanganisiwe sesimo setetimali,Tshitatamennde tsho anganyiswaho tsha nyimele ya tshelede,Xitatimende lexi hlanganisiweke xa xiyimo xa swa timali +742,Consumption of fixed assets,"Reduction in the value of fixed assets used in production during the accounting period, resulting from deterioration, normal obsolescence, or normal accidental damage. +Note: The amounts in the column for depreciation represent amounts written off on assets by extra-budgetary accounts and funds and universities and technikons. The accounts of national and provincial governments are kept on a cash basis. No provision is made for depreciation in the accounts of municipalities.",Public Finance ,Verbruik van vaste bate,Ukusetjenziswa kwepahla enzinzileko,ukusetyenziswa kwee-asethi ezingahambisekiyo (ezingatunculekiyo),Ukwehla kwenani lempahla engagudluki,Thomio ya dithoto te di sa fetogego,Tshebediso ya thepa e tsitsitseng,Phokotsegoboleng ya dithototlhomamo,Kuguga / Kukhahlateka kwemphahla,Tshumiso ya ndaka i sa shandukisei,Ntirhiso wa tinhundzu ta nkarhi wo leha +743,Councillor,A member of the municipal council as determined by the Local Government Municipal Structures Act (Act No. 117 of 1998).,Public Finance ,Raadslid,IKhansela,uceba,Ikhansela,Mokhantshelara,Lekhanselara / Molekgotla,Molekgotla / Mokhanselara,Likhansela,Mukhantseara,Mukhanselara +744,Current expenditure,"Expenditure of goods and services consumed during the current year. +Inclusions: + Interest paid + Compensation of employees + Grants + Subsidies paid +Exclusions: + Consumption of fixed capital. (excluding the surplus and non-cash expenditure items) + Total expenditure on housing and trading services (excluding the surplus and non-cash expenditure items)",Public Finance ,Bedryfsuitgawe,Iindleko zanje / Zakhathesi,"inkcitho yomhla nezolo, inkcitho yangoku",Izindleko zamanje,Ditshenyagalelo ta bjale,Ditjeo tsa hajwale,Tirisomatlolegajaana / Ditshenyegelo tsa gajaana / Tirisomatlolengwagaisong,Tindleko talonyaka / Talomnyaka,Tshelede yo shumiswaho uno waha / Mbadelo dza uno waha,Malihuma ya sweswi +745,Dividends paid,Part of the profit of a company that is paid to its shareholders. It includes cash dividends and other dividends such as capitalisation issues or scrip dividends or capitalisation shares.,Public Finance ,Uitbetaalde dividend,Izahlukaniselo ezibhadelweko,izabelo ezihlawuliweyo,Inzuzosabelo ekhokhiwe,Maokoto a a lefiwago,Karolo ya phaello e lefilweng,Dikarolelotuelwa,Tabelo letikhokhelwe,Mukovhe wo badelwaho,Mivuyelo leyi hakeriweke +746,Finance and administration,"Finance, corporate services, human resources, information technology, property services, and other administration.",Public Finance ,Finansies en administrasie,Zeemali nokuphatha,ezemali nolawulo,Ezezimali nokuphatha,Dithelete le tshepedio,Tjhelete le tsamaiso,Matlotlo le tsamaiso,Tetimali netekuphatsa,Gwama na ndaulo,Timali na malawulele +747,Financial assets,"Financial assets consist mainly of monetary gold, financial claims, and Special Drawing Rights, allocated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).",Public Finance ,Finansile bate,Ama-asede / Amafa ayimali / Ipahlamali,ii-asethi eziyimali,Imali,Dithoto ta dithelete,Thepa ya tjhelete,Dithototlotlo,Timphahlamali,Thundu kana ndaka ya gwama / Thundu kana ndaka ya tshelede,Tinhundzu ta swatimali +748,Financial claims,"Assets that entitle the creditor to receive payment from the debtor, according to the terms and conditions specified in a contract between them.",Public Finance ,Finansile eis,Isibizo sembadelo,amabango emali,Ukufaka isicelo semali,Ditleleimi ta dithelete,Ditleleime tsa tjhelete / Ditseko tsa tjhelete,Ditopotuelotlotlo,Tibitomali / Ticelonkhokhelo tetetimali,Mbilo dza tshelede / Masheleni,Swikoxo swa timali +749,Financial institution,"Unit primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. +Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and / or controlled by government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of financial institutions to act as intermediaries.",Public Finance ,Finansile instelling,Iziko lezeemali,iziko lezemali,Isikhungo sezimali,Setheo / Sehlongwa sa dithelete,Setheo sa tjhelete / Institjhushene ya tjhelete,Setheotlotlo,Sikhungo setetetimali,Tshiimiswa tsha tshelede/masheleni,Ndhawu ya swatimali +750,Government grant reserve,"When items of property, plant and equipment are financed from government grants, a transfer is made from the accumulated surplus / deficit to the Government Grants Reserve equal to the Government Grant recorded as revenue in the Statement of Financial Performance in accordance with a directive (budget circular) issued by National Treasury. When such items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated, a transfer is made from the Government Grant Reserve to the accumulated surplus / deficit. The purpose of this policy is to promote community equity by ensuring that the future depreciation expenses that will be incurred over the useful lives of government grant funded items of property, plant and equipment are offset by transfers from this reserve to the accumulated surplus / deficit. When an item of property, plant and equipment financed from government grants is disposed, the balance in the Government Grant Reserve relating to such item is transferred to the accumulated surplus / deficit.",Public Finance ,Regeringstoelaagreserwe,Isilulu seembonelelo sa / Sikarhulumende,uvimba wezibonelelo-mali zikarhulumente,Imali kahulumeni egcinelwe umxhaso,Risefe ya kerante ya mmuo,Resefe ya neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya mmuso,Tshalelothusotlole ya puso / Tshalelokabelotlole ya puso,Silulu setibonelelo / Setabelo sahulumende,Mbetshelo ya gavhelo ya muvhuso / Mbetshelo ya mphomali ya muvhuso,Vuhlayiselo bya malimpfuneto ya mfumo +751,Grants paid,Non-compulsory current or capital transfers paid by one government unit from another general government unit or an international organisation.,Public Finance ,Uitbetaalde toelaag,Iimbonelelo ezibhadelweko,izibonelelo-mali ezihlawuliweyo,Imixhaso ekhokhiwe,Dikerante te di lefelwago,Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tse lefilweng,Tuelwadithusotlole / Tuelwakabelotlole,Tibonelelo / Tabelo tahulumende letikhokhelwe,Magavhelo o badelwaho / Mphomali dzo badelwaho,Malimpfuneto leyi hakeriweke +752,Grants received,Non-compulsory current or capital transfers received by one government unit from another general government unit or an international organisation.,Public Finance ,Toelaag ontvang,Imbonelelo ezamukelweko,izibonelelo-mali ezamkelweyo,Imixhaso etholiwe,Dikerante te di amogelwego,Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tse amohetsweng,Dithusotlolekamogelwa / Kabelotlolekamogelwa,Tibonelelo / Tabelo tahulumende letemukelwe,Magavhelo o anganedzwaho / Mphomali dzo anganedzwaho,Malimpfuneto leyi amukeriweke +753,Housing development fund,"Fund into which all proceeds from housing developments, which include rental income and sales of houses, are paid, as per the Housing Act (Act No. 107 of 1997). +Note: + Loans from national and provincial government used to finance housing selling schemes undertaken by the municipality were extinguished on 1 April 1998 and transferred to a housing development fund. + Housing selling schemes both complete and in progress as at 1 April 1998, were also transferred to the housing development fund. + Monies outstanding to the credit of the housing development fund can be used only to finance housing developments within the municipal area subject to the approval of the Provincial MEC responsible for housing.",Public Finance ,Behuisingsontwikkelingsfonds,Isikhwama seemali ngezindlu,ingxowa-mali yophuhliso lwezindlu,Isikhwama sokwakha izindlu,Sekhwama sa ta tlhabollo ya mengwako / Dintlo,Letlole la ntshetsopele ya matlo,Letlolekagomatlo,Sikhwama sekutfutfukiswa kwetindlu,Tshikwama tsha mveledziso ya dzinnu,Nkwama wa nhluvukiso wa swatiyindlu +754,Housing services,"Housing services include approved housing projects and can be subdivided in respect of various economic, subeconomic, complexes or other types of housing. Where dwellings form part of the general organisation of a particular department, and are normally occupied by employees of the department, they are included in the relative statement and not under housing services. Likewise, where properties are purchased for a specific purpose, such as a street widening, and existing houses are demolished; the annual expenditure and income in respect of these dwellings do not appear in the housing service. See individual services.",Public Finance ,Behuisingsdienste,Imisebenzi yezezindlu,iinkonzo zezindlu,Imisebenzi yezezindlu,Ditirelo ta mengwako / Dintlo,Ditshebeletso tsa matlo,Ditirelo tsa matlo,Tinsita tetetindlui,Tshumelo ya dzinnu,Vukorhokeri bya swatiyindlu +755,Intangible assets,Identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.,Public Finance ,Ontasbare bate,I-asede / Ipahla engaphathekiko,iimpahla zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo,Impahla engathinteki / Engaphatheki / Engabambeki,Dithoto te di sa swaregego,Thepa e sa tshwareheng,Dithotosaangweng / Dithotokgopolo,Timphahla letingaphatseki,Thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa,Tinhundzuswianakanyiwa +756,Interest,"The price paid for the use of borrowed money, or money earned by deposited funds.",Public Finance ,Rente,Imalinzalo,inzala,Inzalo,Tswala,Tswala,Morokotso / Dinamane,Intalomali,Nzwalelo / Nyingalupfumo,Ntswalo +757,International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),"Accounting standards adopted by the International Accounting Standard Board, stating how particular types of transactions and other events should be reported in financial statements.",Public Finance ,Internasionale Finansile Verslagdoeningstandaarde (IFVS),AmaZinga weenTjhabatjhaba wokuBika ngeeMali,imigangatho yokunika ingxelo yezemali yamazwe ngamazwe,Amazingengaa Okubika Ngezimali Ngokwamazwe Omhlaba (i-IFRS),Maemo a go bega ta Dithelete a Bodithabathaba,Boemo ba Matjhaba ba Tlaleho / Pehelo ya Ditjhelete,Maemopegelotlotlo a Bodithaba (MPTB),Emacophelo / Emazinga embikotimali emhlaba,Tshiimo tsha kuvhigele kwa masheleni tsha dzitshakatshaka / Tshiimo tsha kuvhigele kwa tshelede tsha dzitshakatshaka,Mimpimo ya Mavikelo ya Matiko ya Swatimali +758,Investment in marketable securities,"Investment in marketable securities includes: + Own stock + Stocks of other local government institutions + Government stock and treasury bills + Public corporation stock + Investment in non-marketable instruments",Public Finance ,Belegging in bemarkbare sekuriteite,Ukuzibekela eemakethe ezivikelekileko,utyalo-mali lwezabelo ezinokuthengiswa,Utshalomali oluphephile,Peeleto ka go dithoto ta go bapatega,Peheletso / Letsete diabong,Peeletso mo dithotopapatsegong,Lutalisomali ngemasheya latsengiswako,U vhulunga tshelede kha zwa maragani / Vhubindudzi kha tsireledzazwikhala zwi vhambadzeaho,Vuvekisi eka tinhundzu leti xavisekaka +759,Investment property,The property that is held by the owner for renting or for capital appreciation.,Public Finance ,Beleggingseiendom,Ipahla yenzuzo,ipropati yotyalo-mali,Impahla ewutshalomali,Thoto ya peeleto,Thepa ya peheletso/letsete,Thotopeeletso,Lutalisomali ngetakhiwo,Ndaka kana thundu ya vhubindudzi/u vhulunga tshelede nga u renga zwifhao,Nhundzuvuvekisi +760,Levy,A tax collected or financial contribution by households relating to the costs associated with a common good.,Public Finance ,Heffing,Umthelo / Ilevi,irhafu,Ilevi,Lekgetho,Lekgetho / Levi,Lekgethwana,Umtselo,Muthelo,Xibalo +761,Liabilities,Obligations to provide economic benefits to the units holding the corresponding financial claims.,Public Finance ,Laste,Iinkwelede / Iinkolodo,izikweliti,Izikweletu,Dikoloto,Sekoloto / Molato / Mokitlane,Ditshenyegelo,Tikwenedi / Tikwelede,Zwikolodo / Milandu / Khwalo,Swikweleti +762,Liability,"A present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.",Public Finance ,Aanspreeklikheid,Isikwelede / Isikolodo,isikweliti / ityala,Ukukweleta,Sekoloto,Sekoloto / Molato / Mokitlane,Tshenyegelo,Sikwenedi / Sikwelede,Tshikolodo / Mulandu / Khwalo,Xikweleti +763,Monetary gold,"Gold coins, ingots, and bars with a purity of at least 995 / 1000 that are owned by units that undertake monetary authority functions.",Public Finance ,Monetre goud,Imali yegolide,igolide yemali / ingqekembe yegolide,Igolide elihluziwe,Thelete ya gauta,Kgauta e botjhelete / Kgauta e ka fetolelwang tjheleteng,Goutatlhotlhwa,Ligolidemali,Musuku nyimelatshelede,Xingwece xa nsuku +764,Municipal grants,Non-compulsory current or capital transfers received by a government unit from either another government unit or an international organisation.,Public Finance ,Munisipale toelae,Iimbonelelo zakamasipala / Zakamasipalada / Zakamasipaladi,izibonelelo-mali zikamasipala,Imixhaso kamasipala,Dikerante ta mmasepala,Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tsa masepala,Dithusotlole tsa mmasepala / Dikabelotlole tsa mmasepala,Tibonelelo / Tabelo tamasipalati,Magavhelo a masipala / Mphomali dza masipala,Malimpfuneto ya masipala +765,Net profit before providing for company tax and dividends,"The net profit or loss of an enterprise prior to providing for tax and dividends. +Calculation: +Total income less total expenditure less opening value of inventories plus closing value of inventories.",Public Finance ,Netto wins voor maatskappybelasting en dividende,Inzuzo esalako ngaphambi kokuqalelela umthelo wekhamphani nezahlukaniselo / Nezabelo,intsalela iyonke phambi kokutsalwa kwerhafu nokukhutshwa kwezabelo,Inzuzongqo ngaphambi kwentela nenzuzosabelo,Poelomoka ya pele ga go aba mothelo le maokoto a khamphani,Phaello pele ho lekgetho la khampani le karolo e lefshwang ya phahello,Morokotsopoelwa pele ga neelo ya lekgetho le dikarolelo tsa setlamo,Inzuzo lesalako ngembi kwekukhishwa kwentsela yenkapani netabelo,Masalela kha mbuelo (hu sa athu u bviswa muthelo na mukovhe,Mbuyelontsongo ku nga si hakeriwa xibalo xa khampani na mivuyelo +766,Non-current liability,"Liability that is not required to be paid within the next year. +Compare: current liabilities",Public Finance ,Niebedryfslas,Isikwelede esingasiso sanje / Sakhathesi / Sagadesi,isikweliti esinokuhlawulwa kwixesha elizayo,Isikweletu sesikhathi eside,Sekoloto sa lebaka le letelele,Sekoloto/molato/mokitlane o e seng wa hajwale,Tshenyegelosenggajaana,Sikwenedi / Sikwelede lesitawukhokhwa ngalokutako,Mulandu u sa badeliwiho zwino / Zwikolodo zwi sa badeliwiho zwino,Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha +767,Non-produced assets,"Assets needed for production that have not themselves been produced, such as land, sub-soil assets, and certain intangible assets.",Public Finance ,Niegeproduseerde bate,Ama-asede / Impahla zemvelo ezingakenziwa,ii-asethi ezingaveliswanga,Impahla engenakukhiqizwa,Dithoto ta tlhago,Thepa e sa hlahiswang,Dithototlhago,Imphahla lengakhicitwa,Ndaka i songo tou bveledzwaho,Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko na swa swianakanyiwa +768,Owners' equity,Residual interest in the entitys assets after deduction of liabilities.,Public Finance ,Eienaarsekwiteit,Isabelo / Isahlukaniselo somnikazi,intsalela yomnini emva kweentlawulo zamatyala,Inzuzo ngemuva kokukhokha izindleko,Setseka sa beng,Se o sallang ka mora ho lefa dikoloto/melato/mokitlane,Poelomong,Emasheya ebaniyo,Mukovhe wa vhae,Ndzingano wa vinyi +769,"Property, plant and equipment","Assets other than current assets, which cannot easily be converted into cash, such as land, buildings, vehicles, plant, machinery and equipment.",Public Finance ,"Eiendom, aanleg en toerusting",Ipahla / Indawo neensetjenziswa,"ipropati, ifektri nezixhobo",Impahla engadayiseki ngokushesha,"Thoto, polante le didiriwa","Thepa, polante le disebediswa","Thoto, bobeelo le didiriswa","Takhiwo, umshini netintfomsebenti","Ndaka, imaga na tshomedzo","Nhundzu, ndhawu na switirhisiwa" +770,Public corporation,A public organisation which has a substantial degree of financial independence from the public authority that created them. A public authority (i.e. central or local government) normally appoints the whole of or a majority of the board of management.,Public Finance ,Openbare korporasie,Ihlangano enganyelwe mbuso,iqumrhu loluntu,Inhlangano yomphakathi,Koporase ya sethaba,Koporasi ya setjhaba,Setlamo sa botlhe,Lubambiswano / Inhlangano / Ikoporasi yesive,Koporasi ya muvhuso,Vandla ra vaakatiko +771,Public non-financial corporations,"Residential non-financial corporations and quasi-corporations that are controlled by government units and which sell industrial or commercial goods and services to the public on a large scale. +Note: Public non-financial corporations in South Africa include all corporations, quasi-corporations, and non-profit institutions (NPIs) principally engaged in financial intermediation or in auxiliary financial activities closely related to financial intermediation.",Public Finance ,Niefinansile openbare korporasie,Ihlangano enganyelwe mbuso engangenisi imali,amaqumrhu oluntu angenzi ngeniso yemali,Inhlangano yomphakathi engenanzuzo,Dikoporase te e sego ta dithelete ta sethaba,Dikoporasi tseo e seng tsa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba,Ditlamotlhokamatlotlo tsa botlhe,Lubambiswano / Tinhlangano / Emakoporasi esive / Ebantfu langasiti ngetimali,Koporasi ya muvhuso i si ya tshelede/masheleni,Vandla ro ke mbhindzuriso ra vaakatiko +772,Revaluation reserve,Reserve account that records the surplus created when assets are revalued.,Public Finance ,Herwaardasiereserwe,I-akhawundi yokulinganisa,uvimba wengeniso yokuxatyiswa ngokutsha kwee-asethi,i-Akhawunti yemali esele,Risefe ya keloleswa,Resefe ya ho phethwa ha tekolo ya boleng,Tshalelotekanosewa,Umtfombomali lotfolakala ngemuva kweluhlolo lwetimphahla,Mbetshelo ya vhukalandemehafhu,Akhawunti ya nsalo +773,Self-insurance reserve,"Reserve account set aside by the municipality to offset potential losses or claims that cannot be insured externally. +Note: The balance of the self-insurance reserve is determined based on 5% of the insurance risk carried by the municipality.",Public Finance ,Selfversekeringsreserwe,I-akhawundi yetjhorensi kamasipala / Kamasipalada / Kamasipaladi,ingxowa-mali ebekelwe izinto ezingenakufakwa kwi-inshorensi,Umshuwalense obekwe eceleni,Risefe ya inorentshe ya boithireleto,Resefe bakeng la ho itshirelletsa ho tse kekeng tsa tleleimuwa-/tsekwa inshorenseng,Tshaleloboitshireletsi,Imali legcinelwe kucaphela simo setetimali,Mbetshelo ya ndindakhombo ya vhue,Vuhlayisela ndzindzakhombonwini +774,Service provider,An agent (person or institution or any combination of persons and institutions) which provides municipal service(s) on behalf of the Municipality.,Public Finance ,Diensverskaffer,Umenzeli / Umenzi womsebenzi,umboneleli ngeenkonzo,Umhlinzekimsebenzi,Moabi wa ditirelo,Mofani wa tshebeletso,Motlamelatirelo / Moneelatirelo / Motlameditirelo,Umetfulinsitakalo,Muisedzi wa tshumelo / Muetshedzi wa tshumelo,Muphakelavukorhokeri +775,Special Drawing Rights (SDRs),SDR represents an unconditional right to obtain foreign exchange or other reserve assets from other IMF members.,Public Finance ,Spesiale Trekkingsregte (STR),AmaLungelo aKhethekileko wokuDosa / WokuKhupha (LKD),amalungelo orhwebelwano namazwe angaphandle (i-SDR),Amalungelo Okukhipha Imali Akhethekile,Ditokelo ta go ntha te di ikgethilego,Ditshwanelokgethegokgogo (DKK),Ditshwanelokgethegokgogo (DKK),Emalungelo langenamibandzela ngetekuhwebelana ngekuntjintjiselana ngetimali,Pfanelo dza u irowa dza tshipentshela / Pfanelo dza u wana tshelede dza tshipentshela,Timfanelo to Hlawuleka to Teka Mali +776,Tax revenue (social),Government income due to taxation.,Public Finance ,Belastingsinkomste (maatskaplik),Ingenisomthelo (yomphakathi),ingeniso/imali yerhafu (yoluntu),Intela emalini engenile,Ditseno / Letseno ka mothelo,Kuno / Lekeno ka lekgetho,Lotsenokgetho,Umtselo / Intsela letsatfwa nguhulumende,Mbuelo ya muthelo,Xibalo xa tiko (vanhu) +777,Computer network equipment,Components of the computer that connect and convey data between one or more computers through various electronic media.,Science and Technology ,Rekenaarnetwerktoerusting,Isisetjenziswa sethungelelwano lomtjhiningqondo / Lekhomphyutha,izixhobo zothungelwano lwekhompyutha,Izixhumanisi zamakhompyutha,Didiriwa ta mararankodi a dikhomphutha,Thepa ya marangrang a khompuyutha,Didiriswa tsa mafaratlhatlha a khomphiutha,Intfomsebenti yenethiwekhi yangcondvomshini yekuchumanisa,Tshomedzo ya netiweke ya khomphyutha,Switirhisiwa swa vuhlanganisi swa khomphyutara +778,Computer software,The physical electronics device that is capable of instructing the computer to execute various electronic functions.,Science and Technology ,"Rekenaarsagteware, progammatuur",Ihlelo lomtjhiningqondo / Lekhomphyutha,isoftiwe yekhompyutha/iimpokwe zekhompyutha/amathumbu ekhompyutha,Isofthiwe / Izibilini zekhompyutha,Sofotewere / Lenaneo la khomphutha,Diprokreme tsa khompuyutha,Sereboleta sa khomphiutha,Luhlelo lwangcondvomshini,Softiwee ya khomphyutha,Switirhisiwa swa khomphyutara +779,Heritage assets,"Historical, environmental cultural, natural assets that have sentimental value to a specific community or to the country as a whole.",Science and Technology ,Erfenisbate,Ama-asede / Amafa amagugu,iiasethi ezililifa / lemveli nendalo,Impahla eyifa,Dithoto ta bohwa,Thepa ya botjhaba,Dithotoboswa,Timphahla temagugu esive,Ndaka dza vhufa,Nhundzu ya ndzhaka +780,Technical targeting,The process whereby technology is used to regulate the provision of free basic services.,Science and Technology ,Tegniese teikenstelling,Iqothelo lobuchwephetjhe,ukusebenzisa iteknoloji ekulawuleni unikezelo lweenkonzo zasimahla,Ukulawula ngobuchwepheshe uxhaso kwabantulayo,Nepio ya sethekeniki,Thekenoloji e tobisitsweng ditshebeletsong,Totasetegeniki,Indlela yekusabalalisa tinsita ngebuchwepheshe,Nisedzo nga thekhinikhi,Ndzawulo wa xithekiniki +781,Adoption,A legal process which places a child in the care of a parent or parents other than his / her biological parents and transfers the rights and responsibilities of the biological parents to the adoptive parents.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Aanneming,Imbelekelo / Itholomntwana / Ilamukelomntwana,ubuzali obunikwe ngumthetho/ubuzali ukukhulisa umntwana ongamzalanga ngqo,Ukunikezelwa (isib. komntwana),Atopoene / Botswadikgodii,Adopshene,Botsadikatsholo / Botsadikakgodiso,Kufaka esiswini,Vhuuni,Nhlayiso +782,Broad-based approach,An approach whereby all consumer units in the municipality receive free basic services on the current billing system of the municipality.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Breedgebaseerde benadering,Indlela ebanzi yokwethulwa kwezenzelwa zakamasipala / Zakamasipalada / Zakamasipaladi,inkqubo ephangaleleyo,Indlela yokuxhasa evulelekile,Mokgwa wa kakareto,Tshebediso ya mokgwa o batsi,Mokgwatlhokatuelelo,Tinsita tamasipala tamahhala,Nilahanavhuwi/ Ndila ya u wana tshumelo dza masipala dzi sa badelwi,Endleloangarhelo +783,Bucket sanitation system,"A toilet system with a pail or other removable receptacle placed directly under the toilet seats, and where no water or chemicals is used.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Emmersanitasiestelsel / Emmerstelsel,Irherho lokuzithumela emathungeni,inkqubo yezindlu zangasese zamabhakethi,Uhlelo lokuthuthwa kwendle ngamabhakede,Tsela ya kelelathila ya dipakete,Mabakete/Matlwana a diemere,Thulaganyomatlwanaboithusetso a dikgamelo,Kutfutfwa kwembube / Indle ngemabhakede,Mabunga a mabakete,Nkululoxibakiti +784,Care dependency grant,A monthly grant from government to parent / guardian / foster parent of a child with disability and in need of full-time special care.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Sorgafhanklikheidstoelaag,Isibonelelo sokutjheja / Sokutlhogomela / Sokondla umntwana,isibonelelo-mali sokukhathalela umntwana obandezeleke ngokwamalungu omzimba,Isibonelelomali sokubhekelela / Uxhasomali lokubhekelela,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa tlhokomelo ya bana bao ba nago le bogolofadi,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tlhokomelo,Thusotlole ikaegotlhokomelo / Kabelotlole ikaegotlhokomelo,Sibonelelo salabadzinga lusitonchanti / Sibonelelo selusitonchati / Sabelo sahulumende kubantfu labagadze labanye,Gavhelo a vhuuni / Mphomali ya vhuuni,Malimpfuneto ya nhlayiso +785,Child support grant,"Government grant received on behalf of a child of a specific age as determined by legislation, in underprivileged families.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Kinderonderhoudstoelaag / Kinderondersteuningstoelaag / Kindersteuntoelaag / Kindertoelaag,Isondlo sabantwana,isibonelelo-mali sabantwana,Uxhasomali lwezingane / Isibonelelomali sezingane,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa phepo ya ngwana,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tshehetso ya ngwana,Thusotlole ya ngwana / Kabelotlole ya ngwana,Sabelo / Sibonelelo sesondlo sebantfwana,Gavhelo a vhana,Malimpfuneto ya nhlayiso wa vana +786,Community and social service,"Libraries and archives, museums and art galleries, community halls and facilities, cemeteries and crematoria, Child-care, Aged-care, and other community services.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Gemeenskaps- en maatskaplike dienste,Imisebenzi yomphakathi nehlalakuhle,inkonzo yoluntu,Izinsizakalo zomphakathi,Ditirelo ta leago le sethaba,Ditshebeletso tsa setjhaba,Tirelomorafe le loago / Tirelobaagi le loago,Tinsitanchanti temmango / Temphakatsi netenhlalakahle,Tshumelo ya tshitshavha na matshilisano,Vukorhokeri bya vanhu +787,Community-based organisation (CBO),"A private, charitable, non-profit organisation based in and working in one or more local communities, and normally run by and for the community.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasie (GBO),Ihlangano yomphakathi (HP),imibutho yasekuhlaleni yemali (CBO),Inhlangano ezinze emphakathini,Mekgatlo ye e theilwego sethabeng,Mokgatlo o thehilweng ka setjhaba,Mokgatlho wa baagi (MWB) / Mokgatlhosemorafe (MSM),Inhlangano yetemmango/yemphakatsi,Dzangano i shumaho zwitshavhani,Nhlangano wa vaakandhawu +788,Disability grant,"Government grant received by adults, who are certified to have mental or physical disability, which lasts six months or longer and renders them unfit to work.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Ongeskiktheidstoelaag / Gestremdheidstoelaag,Isibonelelo sabakhubazekileko,isibonelelo-mali sokubandezeleka ngokwamalungu omzimba,Isibonelelomali sokukhubazeka / Uxhasomali lokukhubazeka,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa bogolofadi,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya boqhwala/bokowa/kgolofalo,Thusotlolebogole / Dikabelotlolebogole / Tlamelobogole,Sabelo / Sibonelelo salabakhubatekile,Gavhelo a vhuholefhali / Mphomali ya vhuholefhali,Malimpfuneto ya vutsoniwa +789,Foster care,A system by which a certified adult acts as stand-in 'parent' and temporarily cares for a minor child or a young person who has been removed from the custody of their birth parent(s)or other custodial adult by the State Authority.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Pleegsorg,Itjhejo lokujamela umbelethi,ukukhathalela umntwana njengomzali phantsi kwamagunya anikezwe ngokusemthethweni,Ukunakekela njengomzali ngokusemthethweni,Kgodio / Tlhokomelo ya bana,Ho otlwa/hodiswa ka molao ke eo e seng motswadi,Tsholonakwana,Lunakekelobantfwana,Vhuuni,Nhlayiso wo yimela +790,Foster parent,An individual who has foster care of a child by order of the State Authority.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Pleegouer,Umtjheji ojamele umbelethi,umntu okhulisa umntwana njengomzali phantsi kwemiqathangoesemthethweni,Umzali ogunyaziwe / Ophiwe,Motswadikgodii,Mootli/Mohodisi eo e seng motswadi,Motsaditsholonakwana,Umtali wekufunelwa/wekunikwa,Muuni,Mutswari wo yimela +791,Free basic services,"A basic amount of a basket of four basic services: water, electricity, sewerage and sanitation, and refuse removal that poor households get for free.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Gratis basiese dienste,Izenzelwa ezisisekelo zasimahla / Zamahala,iinkonzo ezisisiseko zasimahla,Izinsikalongqangi zamahhala,Ditirelo ta motheo ta go se lefelwe,Ditshebeletso tsa mantlha tsa mahala,Ditirelotheo tsa mahala / Ditirelotheotlhokatuelelo,Tibonelelonchanti tamahhala / Tinsitakalo letisisekelo tamahhala,Tshumelo ya mutheo ya mahala,Vukorhokerixidzi bya mahala +792,Grant,"Financial assistance provided by government, a public fund or private institution to a person or organisation for a specific purpose.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Toelaag,Isibonelelo,imali yesibonelelo / isibonelelo-mali,Uxhasomali / Isibonelelomali,Kerante,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante,Madiketleetso / Madithuso / Kabelo,Sabelo / Sibonelelo,Gavhelo / Mphomali,Malimpfuneto +793,Grant in aid,"An additional grant awarded to persons who are already in receipt of an old-age grant, disability grant or war veterans grant, and who need full-time care from someone else.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Hulptoelaag,Isibonelelo sokusiza esikhethekileko,"imali yesibonelelo eyongeziweyo, isibonelelo-mali soncedo",Isibonelelomali esengeziwe / Uxhasomali olengeziwe,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa tlaleleto,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tlatsetso,Madithusotlaleletso / Kabelothusotlaleletso / Ketleetsothusotlaleletso,Sabelo / Tibonelelo letengetiwe,Gavhelo a thusedzo/pfariso / Mphomali ya thusedzo/pfariso,Malimpfunetoengetelo +794,Homeless person,A person with no form of shelter and no known residential address.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Hawelose persoon / Daklose persoon,Umuntu onganakhaya,"umntu ongenakhaya elisisigxina, udingindawo",Umhambuma / Ongenakhaya,Mohlokalegae / Moneneri / Hopo,Hlahlasolle / Mohlokalehae / Moleleri,Motlhokagae,Umhambuma,Mushayahaya,Xikalakaya +795,Indigent household,"A household that qualifies to receive some or all basic services for free because they have no income or low income. +These households must have been identified by the municipality and appear on the indigent register, in line with the municipal indigent policy.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Hulpbehoewende huishouding / Behoeftige huishouding / Armlastige huishouding,Ikhaya elitlhogako,"ikhaya elingathath intweni, ikhaya elihlwempuzekileyo nelineemfanelo zokubonelelwa ngazo zonke izinto ezifunekayo ebomini",Umndeni ohlwempu / Ompofu,Lapa la go hloka / Sokola / Boiwana,Lelapa la bofuma / Lelapa le futsanehileng,Legae/lelapa la baikapari / Legae/lelapa la baikgonari / Legae/lelapa la batlhoki,Likhaya leliphuyile / lelihlubulile / lelichakile / lelichagile,Mua u shayaho,Muti lowu sweleke / Munti lowu pfumalaka +796,Institution,"A communal place of residence for people with common characteristics. +Compare: special dwelling +Examples: hospital, school hostel, prison, defence force barracks or convent. Such sets of living quarters usually have certain common facilities shared by the occupants, i.e. baths, lounges, dormitories, etc.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Instelling,Isikhungo,iziko,Isikhungo,Setheo / Sehlongwa / Instituene,Setheho / Institjushene,Setheo,Sikhungo,Tshiimiswa,Ndhawu +797,Multiple households,Two or more households living in one dwelling unit.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Veelvoudige huishoudings,Umuzi omkhulu / Ikoponi,iintsapho ezihlala ndawonye,Imindeni ehlala ndawonye,Malapa a go dula mmogo,Bodulo ba diyuniting,Bonnomalapamantsi,Imindeni lehlukahlukene lehlala ndzawonye,Mita nuni nthihi,Mindyangunyingi emutini +798,Non-government Organisation (NGO),"A wide range of institutions which are not established by or operated by government. NGOs are usually private, non-profit entities which are run by their members.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Nieregeringsorganisasie (NRO),IHlangano engaSiyo yomBuso,iqumrhu elingekho ngaphantsi kukarhulumente,iNhlangano engekho ngaphansi kukahulumeni,Mokgatlo wo e sego wa Mmuo,Mokgatlo oo e seng wa mmuso,Mokgatlhosengpuso (MSP),Inhlangano letimele yangasese,Dzangano i si a muvhuso,Nhlangano wo ka wu nga ri wa mfumo +799,Old-age grant,Financial assistance provided by the government to elderly people who comply with the means test.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Ouderdomstoelaag,Umndende / Umrholo wobudala,isibonelelo-mali sabadala,Isibonelelomali / Uxhasomali lwabadala,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa botofadi,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya boqheku/bojanala,Madiketleetsabagodi / Kabelo ya bogodi / Madithuso a bogodi / Thusotlole ya bogodi,Sabelo / sibonelelo salabadzala,Gavhelo a vhaaluwa,Malimpfuneto ya vadyuhari +800,Old-age pension,Money paid regularly by the government to people when they reach a predefined age to compensate for loss of earnings.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Ouderdomspensioen,Umndende / Umrholo wobudala,umhlala-phantsi wabadala,Umhlalaphansi / Impesheni yabadala,Phenene ya botofadi,Penshene ya boqheku/bojanala,Phenene ya bogodi,Impenisheni yalabadzala,Mundende wa vhaaluwa,Mudende wa vadyuhari +801,Pension,"A steady income received by a person, usually after retirement, from a former employer, pension fund or other retirement provider.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Pensioen,Umndende / Ipentjheni,umhlala-phantsi,Impesheni,Phenene,Penshene,Phenene,Umhlalaphasi / Impenisheni,Mundende / Phensheni,Mudende +802,Permanent disability grant,A government grant received when the disability will continue for more than a year.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Permanente ongeskiktheidstoelaag / Gestremdheidstoelaag,Isibonelelo sabakhubazekileko sasafuthi,isibonelelo-mali esisigxina sokubandezeleka ngokwamalungu omzimba,Isibonelelomali sokukhubazeka kwafuthi / Uxhasomali lokukhubazeka kwafuthi,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa bogolofadi bja sa ruri,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya boqhwala/bokowa/kgolofalo,Thusotlole ya bogole jwa leruri / Kabelotlole ya bogole jwa leruri / Ketleetso ya bogole jwa leruri,Sabelo/sibonelelo salabakhubatekile salomphela,Gavhelo a vhuholefhali ha tshohe / Mphomali ya vhuholefhali ha tshohe,Malimpfuneto ya vutsoniwa ya nkarhi hinkwawo +803,Public safety,"Protection from events that could endanger the safety of general public from danger such as injury, crime, or disaster.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Openbare veiligheid,Ukuphepha komphakathi,ukhuseleko loluntu,Ukuphepha komphakathi,Thireleto ya sethaba,Polokeho ya setjhaba,Tshireletsegosethaba / Pabaletshegosethaba / Poloketshegosethaba,Kuphepha kwemphakatsi,Vhutsireledzi ha vhathu,Vuhlayiseki bya vaaki +804,RDP,See Reconstruction and Development Programme.,Social conditions/Personal services ,HOP,I-RDP,I-RDP,i-RDP,RDP,Lenaneo la Kahobotjha le Ntshetsopele (LKN),RDP,i-RDP,RDP,RDP +805,RDP house,House that was constructed for households with low income through the Reconstruction and Development Programme.,Social conditions/Personal services ,HOP-huis,Indlu ye-RDP,indlu ye-RDP,Indlu yomxhaso / Indlu ye-RDP,Ntlo / Ngwako ya / wa RDP,Ntlo ya Lenaneo la Kahobotjha le Ntshetsopele (Ntlo ya LKN),Ntlo ya RDP,Indlu ye-RDP,Nnu ya RDP / Tshiari,Yindlu ya RDP +806,Reconstruction and Development Programme,"A government programme that was designed to improve the standard of living among the underprivileged members of the population by providing low-cost housing, basic services, education, and health care.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram,IHlelo lokwAkha kabuTjha nokuThuthukisa,inkqubo yokwakha ngokutsha nophuhliso,Uhlelo lokwakha kabusha nolwentuthuko,Lenaneo la Kagoleswa le Tlhabollo,Lenaneo la Kahobotjha le Ntshetsopele,Lenaneo la Kagosewa le Tlhabololo,Luhlelo lwekutfutfukisa nekwakha kabusha,Mbekanyamushumo ya Mveledziso na Mvusuludzo,Nongonoko wa Nhluvukiso no Aka hi Vuntshwa +807,Recreational land,"Land that is usually used for entertainment purposes. +Note: It includes state parks, golf courses, caravan parks, nature reserves, forest areas, state land, public entertainment areas, parks and botanical gardens.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Ontspanningsgrond,Indawo yokuzithabisa,umhlaba wendawo yokuzonwabisa,Indawo yokungcebeleka / Yokuzijabulisa,Lefelo la boitapoloo,Sebaka sa boikgathollo,Nagaboitapoloso,Indzawo yekukhibika / yekungcebeleka,Fhethu ha vhuimvumvusi,Rivala ra vuhungaselo +808,Self-targeting approach,An approach whereby only registered indigent households receive free basic services from the municipality.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Selfteikenstellingsbenadering / Selfteikenbenadering,Indlela yokuqothelwa kwamakhaya atlhagako,indlela yokujolisa ngqo iinkonzo kwabangathathintweni,Indlela yokuxhasa abampofu,Mokgwa wa boithupo,Boingodiso ba bohloki/bofuma,Mokgwaitoto,Lusabalaliso lwetinsitamahhala kulaba bhalise kumasipalati,Ndila ine mita I shayaho ya wana tshumelo dza masipala dza mahala,Endlelo ro pfuna lava tsariseke +809,Social benefits,Transfers in cash or in kind to protect the entire population or a specific segment of it against certain social risks.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Maatskaplike voordeel,Iimbonelelo zehlalakuhle,izibonelelo ezixhanyulwa luluntu,Imihlomulo yezenhlalakahle,Diputseleto / Dikholo ta leago,Dithuso setjhabeng,Ditshiameloloago,Lusitomali lwetenhlalakahle,Mbuelo dza matshilisano,Mivuyelo ya vanhu +810,Social relief,A temporary and immediate provision of material assistance to a person who has lost his / her possessions through a natural disaster.,Social conditions/Personal services ,Maatskaplike verligting,Isizo lesikhatjhana lehlalakuhle,uncedo lwethutyana kuluntu,Usizo lwezenhlalakahle,Kimollo ya leago,Ho imollwa ha setjhaba,Namolaloago / Kimolololoago,Lusito loluphutfumako emmangweni / emphakatsini,Thuso ya ndiliso / Thuso ya matshilisano,Mphalalo wa vanhu +811,Temporary disability grant,"A government grant received when the disability will continue for a period of not less than six months, and not more than twelve months.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Tydelike ongeskiktheidstoelaag / Tydelike gestremdheidstoelaag,Isibonelelo sabakhubazekileko sesikhatjhana,isibonelelo-mali sethutyana sababandezeleke ngokwamalungu omzimba,Isibonelelomali sesikhashana sabakhubazekile / Uxhasomali lwesikhashana lwabakhubazekile,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa bogolofadi bja nakwana,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya nakwana ya boqhwala/kgolofalo,Ketleetsonakwanabogole / Thusotlolenakwanabogole / Madiketleetsonakwanabogole / Kabelonakwanabogole,Sabelo / Sibonelelo sesikhashana salabakhubatekile,Gavhelo a vhuholefhali ha tshifhinganyana / Mphomali ya vhuholefhali ha tshifhinganyana,Malimpfuneto ya vutsoniwa bya nkarhinyana +812,War veterans' grant,"A grant received by persons 60 years or older; who served the country in one of the officially listed wars, and who are unable to maintain themselves due to physical / mental disability.",Social conditions/Personal services ,Oorlogsveteraantoelaag,Isibonelelo sabomakekere / Sabomakadebona bepi,isibonelelo-mali samagqala emfazwe,Isibonelelomali sezigagayi zempi / Uxhasomali lwezigagayi zempi,Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa bagale ba ntwa,Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya mekaubere ya ntwa,Thusotlole ya bagaka ba ntwa / Madiketleetso a bagaka ba ntwa / Kabelo ya bagaka ba ntwa,Sabelo / Sibonelelo sabomabuyaemphini,Gavhelo a maswole a kale / Mphomali ya maswole a kale,Malimpfuneto ya khale ka masocha +813,Acceptable statistics,"Statistics which meet most, but not all, the quality requirements as stipulated by Stats SA and are such that despite their limitations, deductions can be made and they can therefore be utilised.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Aanvaarbare statistieke,Iimbalobalo ezamukelekako,Iinkcukacha-manani ezamkelekileyo,Izibalo ezamukelekile,Dipalopalo te di amogelegago,Dipalopalo tse amohelehang,Dipalopalo tse di amogelesegang,Lubalo lolwemukelekako,Mbalombalo-/zwitatistikahanganadzea,Tinhlayohlayo leti amukelekaka +814,Accessibility,"Cost associated with the collection and production of a statistical product, and the burden on respondents.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Toeganklikheid,Ukutholakala / Ukufumaneka,ufikeleleko / iindleko zokubala,Izindleko zokubala,Phihlelelo,Phihlello / Ho fihlelleha,Phitlhelego,Tindleko telubalo,Tswikelelo,Mfikeleleko +815,Accuracy,Closeness of computations or estimates to the exact or true values that the statistics were intended to measure.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Akkuraatheid / Noukeurigheid,Ukunemba,ukuchaneka,Ukunemba / Ukushaya emhlolweni,Nepagalo,Nepahalo,Nepagalo,Silinganiso lesicishe sishaye khona selubalo,Vhukokotolo,Nkhaqato / Nkahoxeko +816,Active metadata,"Metadata, which are physically integrated with the information system containing the data that the metadata inform about.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Aktiewe metadata,Imininingwanahlathululo ethukululako,Uhlalutyo-nkcukacha olunokusebenziseka,Incazelo yemininingo esebenzisekayo,Tshedimookakareto ya dintlhakgoboketwa ya mahlahla/methateitha wa mahlahla,Tlhakisetso e sebetsang ya dintlha,Tlhalosodinewa e e dirang,Imethadatha lephilako,halutshedzazwidodombedzwa tshumisea / halutshedzadata tshumisea / metadata tshumisea,Metadatara ya nghingiriko +817,Adjustment for statistical purposes,"A set of procedures employed to improve coverage, classification, timing or valuation of the data, conform to an accounting or recording basis, or address data quality differences in compiling specific datasets.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Aanpassing vir statistiese doeleindes,Ukuhlalisela iimbalobalo,Uhlengahlengiso lweenjongo zeenkcukacha-manani,Ukulinganisa/ ukuchibiyela ngenhloso yokubala,Peakanyoleswa ya dinepo ta dipalopalo,Tukiso mererong ya dipalopalo,Tolamisetso ya dipalopalo,Kuntjintja ngenhloso yetelubalo,Nzudzanyululo ya ndivho dza zwa mbalombalo/zwitatistika,Ndzulamiso hi xikongomelo xa swa tinhlayohlayo +818,Administered item,Registry item for which administrative information is recorded in an administration record.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Geadministreerde item,I-ayithemu elawulwako,"into egcinwe kuvimba weenkcukacha zolawulo, ulwazi olurekhodiweyo",Ulwazi oluqoshiwe,Sediriwa sa go laolwa,Thepa e ngodisitsweng,Ntlhatsamaiswa,Irejista yemininingwane yetekuphatsa,Thundu yo redzhisiariwaho / Tshitewa tsho redzhisiariwaho,Swilo leswi tsarisiweke +819,Administration record,Collection of administrative information for an administered item.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Administrasierekord,Ukubuthelelwa kwelwazi lezokuphatha,uvimba weenkcukacha zolawulo,Ulwazi olugciniwe,Rekhote ya taolo,Rekoto ya tsamaiso,Rekototsamaiso,Lirekhodi lelwatiso lwetekuphatsa,Rekhodo ya zwo redzhisiariwaho,Rhekhodo ya mafambiselo +820,Administrative data,The set of units and data derived from an administrative source.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Administratiewe plan,Idatha yezokuphatha / Imininingwana yezokuphatha,iinkcukacha ezidinjazwe kuvimba weenkcukacha zolawulo,Imininingwane yokuphatha,Tshedimoo / Data ya taolo,Dintlha tsa tsamaiso,Tshedimosetsotsamaiso / Dathatsamaiso / Dinewatsamaiso,Idatha yemininingwane yetekuphatsa,Data i re kha redzhisiara,Mahungu ya mafambiselo +821,Administrative source,A data holding containing information collected and maintained for the purpose of implementing one or more administrative regulations.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Administratiewe bron,Umthombo wezokuphatha,"uvimba wolwazi wezinto eseziqokelelelwe ukusetyenzwa, umthombo wolawulo",Isilulu solwazi lokuphatha,Mothopo wa taolo,Mohlodi wa tsamaiso,Motsweditsamaiso,Umnyombo / Umtfombowemininingwane yetekuphatsa,Redzhisiara,Xihlovo xa mafambiselo +822,Aggregated data,The result of transforming unit level data into quantitative measures for a set of characteristics of a population.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Saamgestelde data,Idatha / Imininingwana epheleleko,iinkcukacha ezihlelweyo edityanisiweyo,Imininingwane edidiyelwe,Palomoka ya tshedimoo / Data,Dintlha tse bokelletsweng,Dathatekanyetso / Dinewatekanyetso / Tshedimosetsotekanyetso,Idatha yesilinganiso semphumela welubalo,Data yo anganyelwaho,Mahungunhlayoxikarhi +823,Base period,"The period of time used as the base of an index number, or to which a constant series refers.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Basistydperk / Periode,Isikhathi esisisekelo senomborositjengisi,ixesha ekusekelwe kulo,Isikhathi okususelwa kuso,Nako ya motheo,Nako ya motheo wa papiso,Pakatheo,Sikhatsisisekelo,Tshifhinga tsha mutheo,Nkarhi wo sungula ku hlayela +824,Base year,See base period.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Basisjaar,Isikhathi esisisekelo senomborositjengisi,unyaka ekusekelwe kuwo,Unyaka okususelwa kuwo,Ngwaga wa motheo,Selemo sa motheo sa papiso,Ngwagatheo,Umnyakasisekelo,waha wa mutheo,Lembe ro sungula ku hlayela +825,Bias,"An effect which deprives a statistical result of representativeness by systematically distorting it, as distinct from a random error which may distort on any one occasion but balances out on the average.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Sydigheid,Ukuthatha ihlangothi,ukuthatha icala,Ukugebela,Go tea lehlakore,Leeme,Tseotlhakore / Tshekamelo / Ikabotlhakore,Kutsatsa luhlangotsi / Kuvuna luhlangotsi,U dzhia sia,Mboyamelotlhelo +826,Blocking,"The procedure, during listing, whereby roads and streets in urban formal and some tribal areas are used to create the boundaries of blocks to ensure that the entire PSU is listed. +Note: These blocks are listed sequentially, ensuring that corner houses / structures are not erroneously omitted or duplicated.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Blokindeling,Ukutshwaya / Ukubekisa,ukucanda,Ukuklama,Go thala mollwane,Qholo / Ho seha moedi,Go parega,Kujuba iminyele / Kugwema kusalela ngaphandle elubalweni,U ita dzibuoko/ mikano ya dzibuloko,Mpfalelo +827,Census,"The total process of collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in a country or in a well-defined part of a country at a specified time. See population census.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Sensus,Ibalopheleleko; isensasi,Ubalo-bantu,Ukubalwa kwabantu/ isensasi,Palobatho/mmalobatho,Palabatho,Palobatho,Lubalo,Mbalazwithu,Nhlayelo wa vanhu +828,Classification,"A set of discrete, exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories that can be assigned to one or more variables or items.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Klassifikasie,Ihlelomakoro,Uhlelo,Ukwehlukanisa,Tlhopho,Tlhophiso,Karoganyo,Kuhlelembisa,Khethekanyo / nzudzanyo / mbekanyo,Ntlawahato +829,Classification of individual consumption according to purpose (COICOP),International system of classification of goods and services based on individual consumption by purpose.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Klassifikasie van individuele verbruik volgens doel (KVIVVD),Ihlelomakoro lokusetjenziswa kokuthileko mumuntu ngamunye,ucalulo ngokweenjongo ezisetyenziselwa zona iinkonzo,Ukuhlelela ngokwezidingo zomuntu,Tlhophothomio ka nepo,Tlhophiso ya ka bomong ya sepheo sa tshebediso,Tlhaolotirisonosi ka lebaka,Luhlelembiso lwemhlabawonkhe ngekwenhloso yesilinganiso setisetjentiswa kumuntfu ngamunye,Khethekanyo ya tshumiso hu na ndivho,Ntlawahato wa mutirhisi ku ya hi xikongomelo +830,"Classification, standard","Classification that follows prescribed rules and is generally recommended and accepted. +Note: Standard classifications aim to ensure that information is classified consistently regardless of the collection, source, point of time, etc.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,"Klassifikasie, standaard- [standaardklassifikasie]",Ivumelwanofaniso yehlelomakoro,"Uhlelo, umgangatho",Ukwehlukanisa okumisiwe,Tlhopho ye e garafaditwego,"Tlhophiso, boemo",Motheo wa karoganyo,"Kuhlelembisa, lizinga",Khethekanyo- / nzudzanyo- / mbekanyokwayo,"Ntlawahato, wo ringanerisiwa" +831,Classification system,Arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics which the objects have in common.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Klassifikasiestelsel,Irherho lehlelomakoro,"inkqubo yocalulo, indlela yokwahlula ngokweemfano-mpawu/ngokokufana kweempawu",Ukuhlela ngononina,Tsela ya tlhopho,Tshebetso ya tlhophiso,Thulaganyotlhaolo,Luhlelembiso ngekufanana kwetintfo,Siseme ya kukhethekanyele,Sisiteme ya ntlawahato +832,Classification unit,The basic unit to be classified in the classification.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Klassifikasie-eenheid,Iyunithi lehlelomakoro / Yehlelomakoro,omakucalulwe,Isihlelelwa,Yuniti ya tlhopho,Yuniti ya tlhophiso,Yunititlhaolo / Lekalatlhaolo,Lokulungelwe kufakwa eluhlelembisweni,Yuniti ya kukhethekanyele / Nyoga ya kukhethekanyele,Xiphemu xa ntlawahato +833,Classification version,List of mutually exclusive categories representing the version-specific values of the classification variable.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Klassifikasieweergawe,Umhlobo wehlelomakoro,"ucalulo lweenkcukacha, indlela yokwahlula uluhlu ngokulandelelana",Uhlobo lokuhlela ngononina,Phapano ya tlhopho,Mofuta wa tlhophiso,Tebotlhaolo,Luhlelembiso ngekwetinhlobonhlobo,Kukhethekanyele nga zwigwada,Mbonelo wa ntlawahato +834,Cluster sampling,Sampling method where the elements are drawn in groups often based on proximity. This overcomes the constraints of costs and time associated with a much-dispersed population.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Trossteekproefneming,Ukukhethwa /ukusampulwa /ukudzujulwa kwebuthelelo,Uvandlakanyo lwendibanisela,Ukuhlola ngokwamaqoqo,Dihlophatsopolwa,Kgetho ka dihlopha,Tseosekao ka ditlhopha,Kusampula kwalokuhlalelene,Tshigwada-/nanguludzwa / topolwa,Ku sampula hi xikatsa +835,Code,"A language-independent set of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a concept whose meaning is described in a natural language.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Kode,Umtlolofihlo,ikhowudi,Isimelalwazi / Ikhodi,Khoutu,Khoutu,Khoudo,Ikhodi,Khoudu,Khodi +836,Code list,A predefined list from which some statistical coded concepts take their values.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Kodelys,Irhelo lomtlolofihlo,uluhlu lwekhowudi,Uhlu lwezimelalwazi / Uhlu lwamakhodi,Lenaneo la dikhoutu,Lenane la dikhoutu,Lenaneokhoudo,Luhla / Luhlu lwemakhodi,Mutevhe wa dzikhoudu / Mutevhe wa khoudu,Nongonoko wa tikhodi +837,Coding,"The process of converting verbal or textual information into codes representing classes within a classification scheme, to facilitate data processing, storage or dissemination.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Kodering,Ukutlola ngokomtlolofihlo,ukwakhiwa kwekhowudi,Inqubo yokubekisa / Yokumelelisa,Go khouta,Ho fetolela khoutung,Go khouda,Kufaka emakhodi,U nea khoudu / U khouda,Makhodelo +838,Coding error,The assignment of an incorrect code to a data item.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Koderingsfout,Umtjhapho wokutlola ngokomtlolofihlo,ukufakwa kwekhowudi engeyiyo,Ukuphambeka ekumeleliseni / Ekubekiseni,Phoo ya go khouta,Phoso khoutung,Phoso ya go khouda,Liphutsa lekufakwa kwemakhodi,U nea khoudu yo khakheaho,Xihoxo xa makhodelo +839,Coherence,Adequacy of statistics to be combined in different ways and for various uses.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Koherensie,Ukukhambelana,ukuhambisana / ungqinelwano,Ukuhambisana,Tsenelano,Momahano,Kgotlagano / Kitlano / Momagano / Tomagano,Kuvumelana / Kuhlangana / Kuhambisana,U tshimbilelana,Mfambelano +840,Cold deck,The imputation technique used during data editing where missing or inconsistent values are calculated or derived from other information about the household or person. Synonym logical imputation. See hot deck.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Koue toerekening,Ukulungiswa kwemininingwana / kwedatha ngokukhibelela,Ukuvala izikhewu ngolwazi lwangaphambili,Ukuthathela/ukususela kokudala,Mokgwatlaleleto wa tshedimoo ka tshedimoo ya pele/kholoteke,Tlhakisetso ya pele,Mokgwatlaleletso,Kugcwalisa ngemininingwane leniketiwe,Vhudzhenisatshitewa khumbulelwa / kholodeke,Ngheniso wa switiviwa/datara / hi vutivi bya khale +841,Collection,See data collection.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Versameling,Ukubuthelelwa kwedatha / Ukubuthelelwa kwemininingwana,ingqokelela,Ukuqoqa,Kgoboketo,Pokello,Kokoanyo,Kugcogcwa kwemininingwane,U kuvhanganya,Nhlengeleto +842,Comparability,The extent to which differences between statistics can be attributed to differences between the true values of the statistical characteristics.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vergelykbaarheid,Ukumadaniseka,nokuthelekiseka,Ukuqhathaniseka,Papetego,Ho bapisa / Papiso,Tshwantshanyo,Kuchatsaniseka,Vhuvhambedzi (ha tshitatisitika),Mpimaniseko +843,Completeness,See relevance.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Volledigheid,Ukuphelela,imfezeko / ingqibelelo / okugqityiweyo,Ukufezekisa,Phethego,Phethahalo,Botlalo / Bojotlhe / Feletseng / Bogotlhe,Kuphelela,U fhelela,Hetiseko +844,Completion,"A process of rectifying characters manually according to predefined rules. It is done on unrecognised data received from the tiling process. +Note: Completion is carried out on all alpha characters and numeric characters to improve coding accuracy.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Regstelling,Ukuqedelela,inzalisekiso / ingqibeleliso / ukugqiba,Ukufeza,Pheto,Ho phethela,Pheleletso,Kucedzela,U fhedza / U lulamisa (ha siatisitika),Ku heta +845,Concept,A unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Konsep / Begrip,Umqondo,ingqiqo,Umqondo,Kgopolo,Mohopolo,Kgopolo,Umcondvo / Sicondvo,Khontseputi,Nongoti +846,Conceptual domain,Concept that expresses its valid instance meanings or description.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Konseptuele gebied,Umkhakha wemiqondo,inkalo yengqiqo,Umqondo ophelela,Lekala la kgopolo,Tikoloho ya mohopolo,Lekalakgopolo,Inshokutsi yemcondvo,Domeini ya khontseputi/halutshedzo ya mahumbulwa,Xiyenge xa maanakanyelo +847,Confidentiality,A property of data indicating the extent to which their unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vertroulikheid,Ubufihlo,imfihlo,Ubumfihlo,Sephiri / Lekunutu / Thopa,Lekunutu / Sephiri,Bokhupamarama / Bophiri / Bopipanapipe,Kugcinwa kwedatha leyimfihlo,Tshidzumbe / Tshiphiri,Vuhundla +848,Consistency,Logical and numerical coherence.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Konsekwentheid,Ukungatjhuguluki,ukungaguquguquki / ungqinelwano,Inhlalakunjano / Ukungaguquguquki,Go se fetoge,Ho tsitsa / Botsitso,Tlhomamo / Nitamo,Kungagucugucuki,Ndunzhendunzhe,Vukalancincancinco +849,Consolidation,"The process that takes data from different systems, entities (and possibly formats) and combines that information to create a unified view.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Konsolidasie / Samesmelting,Ukuhlanganisa,ukudibanisa ngenjongo yokwenza iinkcukacha ezibuya kwiindawo-ngeendawo zihambiselane,Ukudidiyela,Kopantho,Ho kgobokanya,Popaganyo / Tomaganyo,Kuhlanganisa idatha,hanganyo,Mahlanganiselo +850,Content re-verification,A process of determining and verifying the contents of a questionnaire box.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Inhoudverifikasie,Ukuqinisekisa kokumumethweko,ukuqinisekiswa kokuqulethweyo,Impindakuqinisekiswa kokuqukethwe,Netefatoleswa ya diteng,Tiiso ya dikahare,Tlhomamisogape ya diteng / Tlhomamisopoeletso ya diteng,Kucinisekiswa kabusha kwemininingwane,Khwahisedzo hafhu ya zwi re nga ngomu,Matiyisiselo hi vuntshwa ya vundzeni +851,Context,"Circumstance, purpose, and perspective under which an object is defined or used.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Konteks,Ubujamo,imeko / isimo,Ingqikithi,Tlhaloo go ya ka thomio,Moelelo,Bokao / Maemo,Simo intfo lesetjentiswa kuso / Ingcikitsi,Vhudzivha / Nyimele,Xiyimo +852,Coverage,The definition of the population that statistics aim to cover.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Dekking,Ihlanganiso,emakuqukwe / okuzakungeniswa elubalweni,Okuzobalwa / okubalwayo,Kakareto,Kakaretso,Kanamo / Kakaretso,Bungako belinani lebantfu lokufanele babalwe,Nyangaredzo,Xivandla +853,Coverage error,"Error caused by a failure to adequately cover all components of the population being studied, which results in differences between the target population and the sampling frame.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Dekkingsfout,Umtjhapho wehlanganiso,impazamo kubalo / ukushiyelela / ukungaquki konke,Iphutha kubalwa,Phoo ya kakareto,Phoso kakaretsong,Phosokanamo / Phosokakaretso,Liphutsa lekungatfoli linani lebantfu lelihlosiwe,Vhukhakhi ha nyangaredzo,Xihoxo xo hlayela +854,Data,"A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formal manner, suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Data,Imininingwana; idatha,Iinkcukacha,Imininingo,Dintlhakgoboketwa/teitha,Dintlha,Dinewa; dintlha,Idatha / imininingwane,Zwidodombedzwa / data,Switiviwa/datara +855,Data confidentiality,"A property of data, usually resulting from legislative measures, which prevents it from unauthorised disclosure.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Datavertroulikheid,Ubuntumba bemininingwana/bedatha,Inkcukacha eyimfihlelo,Imfihlo ngemininingo,Sephiri sa dintlhakgoboketwa/teitha,Sephiri ka dintlha,"Bophiri ba dinewa, bophiri ba dintlha",Kufihleka kwedatha,Zwidodombedzwa- / datatshiphiri,Vuhundla bya switiviwa/datara +856,Data editing,"Activity aimed at detecting and correcting errors, logical inconsistencies and suspicious data.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Dataredigering,Ukutsengwa kwemininingwana/ kwedatha,Ukuhlelwa kwenkcukacha,Ukuhlela imininingo,Thulaganyo /tlhokolo ya dintlhakgoboketwa/teitha,Tokiso ya dintlha,Tseleganyo ya dinewa/dintlha,Kulungisa idatha,Nzudzanyazwidombedzwa / ndzudzanyadata,Nhlelo wa switiviwa/datara +857,Data element,"A unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and permissible values are specified by a set of attributes.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Data-element,Ubunjalo bemininingwana /bedatha,Inxalenye yenkcukacha,Ingxenye yemininingo,Senoko sa/elemente ya- dintlhakgoboketwa/teitha,Karolo ya dintlha,Karolo ya dinewa/dintlha,"Idatha yalokusetjentwa ngako, i-elementi yedatha",halusa-/zwidodombedzwa/data,Xiphemu xa switiviwa/datara +858,Data item,One occurrence of a data element.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Data-item,i-ayithemu yemininingwana / yedatha,Umbandela wenkcukacha,Iphuzu/uhlamvu lomniningo/ lwedatha,Senokwana sa/hlogwana ya dintlhakgoboketwa/teitha,Karolwana ya dintlha,Karolwana ya dinewa/dintlha,Sihlokwana sedatha,Tshitewa tsha zwidodombedzwa / data,Xiringanisi xa switiviwa/ datara +859,Data processing,The operation performed on data in order to derive new information according to a given set of rules.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Dataverwerking,Ukusetjenzwa kwemininingwana / Kwedatha,ukusetyenzwa kweenkcukacha / ukuqulunqwa kolwazi,Ukucutshungulwa kolwazi,Peakanyo ya data / Tshedimoo,Ho sebetsa dintlha,Tiragatsodatha / Tirisotshedimosetso / Tirisodinewa,Kuhlelwa kwedatha,U shuma data / U hahuvha data,Maendlelo ya mahungu +860,Data sharing,"Exchange of data and / or metadata in a situation involving the use of open, freely available data formats and where process patterns are known and standard.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Data-uitruiling / Datadeling,Ukwabelana ngemininingwana / Ngedatha,ukwabelana ngeenkcukacha,Ukucobelelana ngolwazi,Kabelano ya data / Tshedimoo,Karolelano ya dintlha,Dathakaroganyo / Dathakanaanyo / Tshedimosetsokanaanyo / Dinewakanaanyo,Kushiyelana / Kwabelana ngedatha,U kovhana data,Avelano wa mahungu +861,Definition,A statement of the precise meaning of something within the context of intended use.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Definisie,Ihlathululo,Inkcazo,Incazelo,Tlhaloo/tlhaloso,Tlhaloso,Tlhaloso,Inchazelo,halutshedzo / ningo / hanavhudzo,Nhlamuselo +862,Diary of expenditure,"A record with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a defined period of time (e.g. diary of expenditure, diary of time use, etc.)",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Bestedingsdagboek,Idayari yeendleko / Umalangeni weendleko,"iinkcukacha zokuhamba kwenkcitho, idayari yenkcitho",Isiqophazindleko / Ukuqoshwa kwezindleko,Pukutati ya ditshenyagalelo,Bukatsatsi ya ditshenyegelo,Bukatsatsi ya ditshenyegelo,Idayari yencitfomali,Dayari/rekhodo ya kushumisele kwa masheleni,Dayari ya matirhiselo +863,Dissemination,Distribution or transmission of statistical data to users.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Verspreiding,Ukusabalalisa,ukuhambisa / ukusasaza,Ukusabalalisa,Phatlalato,Ho hasanya,Phatlalatso,Kusabalalisa,U phaaladza,Mahangalaselo +864,Dynamic imputation,See hot deck.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Dinamiese toerekening,Ukulungiswa kwemininingwana / kwedatha ngokukhwezelela,Ukuvala izikhewu ngokuqikelela ngoko kukhoyo,Ukuselwa olwazini olusha ngokunamandla,Mokgwatlaleleto wa tshedimoo ya bjale ya go fetogafetoga,Tlhakisetso ya jwale,Mokgwatlaleletso ka papiso,Kugcwalisa ngemininingwane lemisha,Vhudzhenisatshitewa ndivhiswa,Ngheniso wa switiviwa/ datara ku ya hi vutivi byintshwa +865,Embargo time,The exact time at which the data can be made available to the public.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Embargo,Isikhathi sokukhutjhwa,ixesha lokukhutshwa kolwazi,Isikhathi sokudedela ulwazi,Nako ya maleba ya phatlalato,Thibelo ya nako ya tsebiso,Nako ya phatlalatso,Sikhatsi ngco sekwetfulwa kwedatha yelubalo,Tshifhinga tshine data/mafhungo ate u tea divhadzwa ngatsho,Nkarhi wo tivisa mahungu +866,Follow-up,A further attempt to obtain information because the initial attempt has failed or new information has become available.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Opvolg,Ilandelela,ukulandelela,Ukulandelela,Tatiio / Thalomorago,Ho kgutlela / Ho sala morao,Tatediso,Kulandzelela,Vhutevheleli / U tevhelela,Nandzeleriso +867,Frame,"A list, map or other specification of the units which define a population to be completely enumerated or sampled.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Raamwerk,Isakhelo,"isakhelo, isikhokelo, ubume/isizekelo/isizeko",Uhlaka,Foreimi,Moralo,Lenaneo / Thulaganyo,Luhlaka,Fureme / Muhanga,Rimba +868,Hot deck,"The imputation technique used in data editing where the source for imputed values is constantly updated from valid response combinations encountered during processing, thus reflecting the reality of the households and persons most recently processed. Synonym: dynamic imputation. See cold deck.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Warm toerekening,Ukulungiswa kwemininingwana / kwedatha ngokukhwezelela,Ukuvala izikhewu ngokuqinisekisa ngoko kukhoyo,Ukuthathela/Ukususela olwazini olusha ngokunamandla,Mokgwatlaleleto wa tshedimoo ya bjale/hothoteke,Tlhakisetso ya jwale,Mokgwatlaleletso ka papiso,Kugcwalisa ngemininingwane lemisha,Vhudzhenisatshitewa ndivhiswa / hothodeke,Ngheniso wa switiviwa/datara ku ya hi vutivi byintshwa +869,Imputation,"The procedure of entering a value for a specific data item, where the response is missing or unusable.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Toerekening,Ukulungiswa kwemininingwana,Uvalo-zikhewu,Ukususela/ ukucabangela,Mokgwatlaleleto,Tlatseletso,Mokgwatlaleletso,Kugcwalisa ngekuhlawumbelisa,Vhudzhenisatshitewa,Ngheniso wa switiviwa/datara +870,Information,"Knowledge concerning any objects such as facts, events, things, processes or ideas including concepts that within a certain context have particular meanings.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Inligting,Ilwazi,"iinkcukacha, ulwazi",Ulwazi,Tshedimoo,Tlhahisoleseding / Tsebiso / Lesedi,Tshedimosetso / Datha / Dinewa,Imininingwane / Lwatiso,divho / Mafhungo,Mahungu +871,"Interview, direct",The data collection process by which the fieldworker puts the questions on the questionnaire to the respondent and records the answers. See self-enumeration.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,"Onderhoud, direk [direkte onderhoud]",Ikulumiswanobonana,"Udliwano-ndlebe, ngqo",I-inthaviyu yabukhoma,Potolodiothwii,"Boiteanyo, kotloloho",Potsolotso ka tlhamalalo,"Kukhulumisana, ngco / luhlololwati ngco",Mbudzisatswi,"Inthavhiyu, yo kongoma" +872,Item response rate,The ratio of the number of eligible units responding to an item to the number of responding units eligible to have responded to the item.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Itemresponskoers,Isilinganisopendulo se-ayithemu,izinga lokuphendula,Izinga labaphendulile,Reiti ya dikarabo / Diphetolo,Sekgahla sa karabo,Kelokarabo / Kelotsibogo,Silinganiso sebantfu labaphendvule imibuto kuleso lebesilindzelwe,Phimo ya phindulo dza tshitewa,Mpimo wa mahlamulelo +873,Key from image (KFI),A process of capturing data by looking at the image.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Insleutel vanaf beeld (IVB),Ukuthatha imininingwana ngokuqala isithombe,inkcazelo ethathwe emfanekisweni,Ulwazi ngokubuka umfanekiso,Go teya go twa seswanthong,Senotlolo se setshwantshong (SSS),Tlanya go tswa setshwantshong,Indlela yekutsatsa i-datha ngekubuka sitfombe,U rekhoda data nga mbonalo / Dodombedzwa nga mbonalo,Ku nghenisa mahungu hi ku languta xifaniso +874,Key from paper (KFP),A process of capturing data by looking at the physical questionnaire.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Insleutel vanaf papier (IVP),Ukuthatha imininingwana ngerhelo lemibuzo,inkcazelo ethathwe ephepheni lwemibuzo,Ulwazi olutholakala ezimpendulweni,Go teya go twa letlakaleng,Senotlolo se pampiring (SSP),Tlanya go tswa pampiring,Indlela yekutsatsa i-datha ngeluhlololuvo,U rekhoda data nga usedza kha bammbiri a mbudziso,Ku nghenisa mahungu hi ku languta eka phepha +875,Listing error,An error committed during listing.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Lystingsfout,Umtjhapho wokurhemisa,impazamo eyenziwe kuluhlu,Iphutha ohlwini,Phoo ge go dirwa lenaneo,Phoso lenaneng,Phosotsamaisong ya mananeo,Liphutsa lelenteke nakwentiwa luhla,Vhukhakhi ha u tevhekanya,Xihoxo xo xaxameta +876,Logical imputation,See cold deck.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Logiese toerekening,Ukulungiswa kwemininingwana / kwedatha ngokukhibelela,Ukuvala izikhewu ngolwazi lwangaphambili,Ukuthathela/ ukususela olwazini oludala,Mokgwatleleleto ka tshedimoo ya pele,Tlatseletso ka tlhakisetso,Mokgwatlaleletso o o lolameng,Kugcwalisa ngekuhlawumbelisa imininingwane leniketiwe,Vhudzhenisatshitewa thevhekano,Ngheniso wa switiviwa/datara wo fanela +877,Macro data,Observation data gained by a purposeful aggregation of statistical micro data.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Makrodata,Imininingwana /idatha ehlanganisiweko,Iinkcukacha ngokwendeleyo,Imininingo ebanzi,Dintlhakgoboketwakgolo,Dintlhadikgolo,Dinewakgolo,Idatha lenkhulu,Zwidodombedzwa-/datanyangaredzwa,Switiviwankulu / datara leyikulu +878,Master sample,"A sample drawn from a population for use on a number of future occasions, so as to avoid ad hoc sampling on each occasion.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Meestersteekproef,Umdzubhulo zombelele,"isampuli esisiseko, isampuli engaguqukiyo",Isibonisongqangi / Isiboniso okususelwa kuso,Seuposegolo,Sampole ya sehlooho,Sampolekgolo,Sifanekisonchanti,Tshigwada tshihulwane tshine vhavhudziswa vha do nangwa khatsho,Sambulanyangaredzo / Thopholonyangaredzo / Sampulunkulu +879,Metadata,"Data about data, that refers to the definitions, descriptions of procedures, system parameters, and operational results which characterise and summarise statistical programs.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Metadata,Imininingwanahlathululo; Idathahlathululo,Uhlalutyo-nkcukacha,Incazelo yemininingo,Tshedimookakareto/methateitha,Tlhakisetso ya dintlha,Tlhalosodinewa/dintlha; tshedimosetso ya dinewa/dintlha,Imethadatha,halutshedzazwidodombedzwa / data / methadata,Metadatara +880,Metadata registry,An information system for registering metadata.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Metadatalerstelsel,Irejistara yemininingwanahlathululo / yedathahlathululo,Uvimba weenkcukacha,Uhlelo lokugcinwa kwencazelo yemininingo,Mokgwangwadio ya tshedimookakareto/mokgobo wa methateitha,Ngodiso ya tlhakisetso ya dintlha,Bokwadisetso ba tlhalosodinewa/dintlha,Irejista yemethadatha,Vhuwalisahalutshedza-/zwidodombedzwa / data / methadata,Vuhlayiselo bya metadatara +881,Methodology,A set of research methods and techniques applied to a particular field of study.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Metodologie,Indlela yokwenza,Isikhokelo sophando,Indlela esetshenziswayo,Mokgwanyakiio/lenaneonyakiio,Mekgwa ya diphuputso,Mokgwapatlisiso,Indlela yekwenta,Ngona / maitele,Maendlelo +882,Micro data,Observation data collected on an individual object or statistical unit.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Mikrodata,Imininingwana engakahlanganiswa/idatha engakahlanganiswa,Inkcukacha etsolisiweyo,Imininingo eqoqekile,Dintlhakgoboketwanyane,Dintlhadinyane,Dintlhannye/dinewannye,Indlela yekwenta,Zwidodombedzwa-/datandivhiswa,Datara leyitsongo / switiviwatsongo +883,Multi-stage sampling,"Sampling method where selection of the sample is carried out in several stages, i.e. primary units are regarded as a population from which subsamples of secondary units are selected.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Meerstadiumsteekproefneming,Ukusampula/ukukhetha /ukudzubhula okungabagaba,Uvandlakanyo olunamanqanaba axananazileyo,Ukuhlola okuzigabaningi,Tsopolohlopha ya magatonthi,Kgetho ka mehato e mengata,Tseosekaokemontsi,Kusampula ngetigabagaba,Tsumbonanguludzwatsielisana,Ku sampula hi swiyimonyingi +884,National statistics,"Refer to statistics from other organs of state and agencies that are in the public domain, and have not been designated as official statistics.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Nasionale statistieke,Iimbalobalo zelizwe ezingakadluliswa,Iinkcukacha-manani zikaZwelonke,Izibalo zikazwelonke,Dipalopalo ta bosethaba ta go se be ta semmuo,Dipalopalo tseo eseng tsa semmuso,Dipalopalo tsa bosethaba,Imininingwanelubalo yavelonkhe,Mbalombalo/ zwitatistika zwi si zwa tshiofisi mbalombalo / zwitatisitiki zwa lushaka zwi si zwa tshiofisi,Tinhlayohlayo ta rixaka +885,Non-contact form,A form on which the data collector records instances of failure to make contact and the reasons.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Geenkontakvorm,Iforomo lokungakathintani,ifomu yaxa kungafunyanwanga mntu,Ifomu lokungatholakali kobedingeka,Fomo ya ge go se na boikgokaganyo,Foromo ya ho se atlehe kgokahanong,Foromo thetelelo kgolagano / Foromo tlhoka kgolagano,Lifomu letizatfu tekwehluleka kubala,Fomo ya khundelo u kwama vhavhudziswa (u wana data),Fomo yo kala vutihlanganisi +886,Non-sampling error,"Error that arises at any stage of the survey operation except in the sampling stage, e.g. coverage errors, response errors and processing errors. See sampling error.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Niesteekproeffout,Umtjhapho ongasiwokusampula,Imposiso yokungavandlakanyi,Iphutha elingewona umphumela wokuhlola,Phoo ya tlhokatlhophotsopolo,Phoso eo eseng ya ho sampola,Phoso e e seng ya tseosekao,Liphutsa lelibangelwa kungasampuli,Tshaedzo ya tshayatsumbonanguludzwa,Xihoxo xo kala xi nga ri xa ku sampula +887,Non-usable information,Information given by the respondents during the interview that cannot be used.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Onbruikbare inligting / Niebruikbare inligting,Ilwazi elingasebenzisekiko,ulwazi olungasebenzisekiyo,Ulwazi olungasebenziseki,Tshedimoo ye e ka se diriwego / Tshedimoo ye e ka se diriegego,Tlhahisoleseding e ke keng ya sebediswa / Tsebiso e ke keng ya sebediswa,Tshedimosetsotlhokamosola,Lwatiso / Imininingwane lengenalusito / Lengasebentiseki,Vhuanzi vhu sa shumisei / Mafhungo a sa shumisei,Mahungu lama nga tirhisekiki +888,Official statistics,Statistics that meet the quality requirements as stipulated by Stats SA and are relevant beyond the organ or agency that collected them.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Amptelike statistieke,Iimbalobalo zelizwe ezidlulisiweko,Iinkcukacha-manani ngokwasemthethweni,Izibalo ezisemthethweni,Dipalopalo ta semmuo,Dipalopalo tsa molao,Dipalopalo tsa semmuso,Imininingwanelubalo lesemtsetfweni,Mbalombalo/ zwitatistika zwa tshiofisi,Tinhlayohlayo ta ximfumo +889,Partly complete,A questionnaire that has not been fully completed.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Gedeeltelik voltooi,-ngakapheleli,okungagcwaliswanga ngokupheleleyo,Okugcwaliswe ngokungaphelele,Go se tlatwe go felelela,Le sa phethahalang,-sa felelang,Lokungakapheleli kahle,Gake (u adzwa ya sa fhele),Ku nga helelanga +890,Passive metadata,Metadata refer to the data but not connected with them and are entered separately typically using forms.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Passiewe metadata,Imininingwanahlathululo etjengisako / eqalwako,Uhlalutyo- nkcukacha oluzimeleyo,Incazelo mininingo okuthathelwa kuyo,Tshedimookakareto ya dintlhakgoboketwa ta go bobama,Tlhakisetso e sa sebetseng ya dintlha,Tlhalosadinewa/dintlha/ e e sa direng,Imethadatha lebindzile,halutshedzazwidodombedzwa-/datandivhiswa / methadata,Metadatara yo pfumala nghingiriko +891,Poor statistics,"Statistics which meet few of the quality requirements as stipulated by Stats SA. They are designated as poor to the extent that very limited deductions can be made, and they are therefore difficult to use.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Swak statistieke,Iimbalobalo ezingamukelekiko / ezingazisiko,Iinkcukacha-manani ezinganelisiyo,Izibalo ezingashayi emhlolweni,Dipalopalo te mpe/dipalopalo ta go fokola,Dipalopalo tse fokolang,Dipalopalo tse di bokoa,Imininingwanelubalo lelungemukeleki,Mbalombalo / zwitatistika zwazwo / methadata,Tinhlayohlayo to tsana +892,Primary sampling unit (PSU),Geographical area comprising one or more enumeration areas of the same type (and therefore not necessarily contiguous) that together have at least one hundred dwelling units.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Primre steekproefeenheid (PSE),Okusampulwa / okukhethwa /okudzujulwa kokuthoma,Icandelo lovandlakanyo elisisiseko (iPSU),Isizindangqangi sokuhlola,Yuniti ya tsopolohlopha ya motheo,Yuniti e kgolo ya kgetho,Lekalakgolo/kalatseosekaokgolo [KTK],Indzawo yekusampula kwekucala (i-PSU),Tshipia tsha tsumbonanguludzwa tsha ndeme (PSU),Yuniti yo sampula ya masungulo (YSM) +893,Probing,The technique that is used to obtain a complete and relevant response by asking further questions.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Polsing,Ukuphenya,ukuphanda,Ukuphenyisisa,Go botiia,Ho fatisisa / Ho nyebokolla,Botsolotsa / Tlhotlhomisa,Kuphenya / Kuhlokolota,U vhudzisesa / U okonya,Nkonaniso +894,Proxy,A person who answers questions on behalf of another person.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Instaner,Umphenduleli,Ummeli,Ophendulela abanye,Moemalegato,Moemedi,Moemedi,Lomele,Muimeli,Muyimeri +895,PSU listing book,A book containing information about listed structures in a PSU.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,PSE-lystingsboek,Incwadi yokurhenyiswe ku-PSU,incwadi equlethe uluhlu kwi-PSU,Incwadi equkethe ulwazi lwe-PSU,Puku ya lenaneotshedimoo ya PSU,Buka ya lenane la PSU,Buka ya mananeo ya PSU,Libhuku leluhla lwe-PSU,Bugu ya u tevhekanya/khethekanya zwiimiswa ya PSU,Buku yo xaxameta ya PSU +896,PSU number,It is a unique number given to a primary sampling unit (PSU) for the purpose of record-keeping.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,PSE-nommer,Inomboro ye-PSU,inombolo ye-PSU,Inamba ye-PSU,Nomoro ya PSU,Nomoro ya PSU,Nomoro ya PSU,Inombolo ye-PSU,Nomboro ya PSU,Nomboro ya PSU +897,Publicity,"A type of public relations in the form of a news item or story which conveys information about a product, service, or idea in the media.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Publisiteit,Umkhangisolwazi,"ukwazisa, isaziso",Ukwazisa,Kwalakwato,Phatlalatso,Phasalatso,Lusakatolwatiso / Kwatisa,Nyanadzo,Vuhangalasi +898,Quality Assurance,All actions taken to ensure that standards and procedures are adhered to and that delivered products or services meet performance requirements.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Gehalteversekering,Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi,"ukuqinisekisa izinga lomgangatho, ukuqinisekisa ixabiso",Ukuqinisekiswa kwezingabunjalo,Netefato ya boleng,Tiisetso ya boleng,Netefaletsoboleng,Kucinisekisa lizinga / Licophelo lelemukelekile,Khwahisedzo ya Ndeme,Ntiyisiso wa nkoka wa matirhelo +899,Quality management,Systems and frameworks in place within an organisation to manage the quality of statistical products and processes.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Gehaltebestuur,Amahlelo wokulawula ikhwalithi,"ulawulo olusemgangathweni, ukuphatha ngexabiso",Ukulawulwa kwezingabunjalo,Taolo ya boleng,Tsamaiso ya boleng,Taoloboleng,Kuphatfwa kwekucinisekiswa kwelizinga / Licophelo,Ndangulo ya khwalithi ya tshitatistika/ndeme,Vufambisi bya nkoka +900,Question,A request for information.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vraag,Umbuzo,Umbuzo,Umbuzo,Potio,Potso,Potso,Umbuto,Mbudziso,Xivutiso +901,Questionable statistics,"Statistics which meet almost none of the quality requirements as stipulated by Stats SA. They are designated as questionable statistics to the extent that no deductions can be made, and they are therefore unusable.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Twyfelagtige statistieke,Iimbalobalo ezisolekako / ezizazekako,Iinkcukacha-manani ezikrokrisayo,Izibalo ezisolisayo,Dipalopalo ta go belaeta,Dipalopalo tse belaetsang,Dipalopalo tse di belaetsang,Imininingwanelubalo lengabatekako,Mbalombalo- / zwitatistikatshayafulufhelo,Tinhlayohlayo/khwexinere yo kanakanisa +902,Questionnaire,"A group or sequence of questions designed to elicit information upon a subject, or a sequence of subjects, from an informant.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vraelys,Irhelomibuzo,Uxwebhu lwemibuzo,Uhlamibuzo; inhlolomibuzo,Lenaneopotoloio,Lenane la dipotso,Lenaneopotsolotso,Luhlamibuto,Mbudzisombekanywa,Nongonoko wa swivutiso/khwexinere +903,Questionnaire design,The process of developing a questionnaire.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vraelysontwerp,Ukutlanywa kwerhelomibuzo,Uyilo loxwebhu lwemibuzo,Ukumiswa kohlamibuzo/kwenhlolomibuzo,Tlhamo ya lenaneopotoloio,Moralo wa lenane la dipotso,Modiro wa lenaneopotsolotso,Luhlakasimo lweluhlamibuto,Vhuolambudzisombekanya,Mavumbelo ya nongonoko wa swivutiso/khwexinere +904,Rate,"The amount of something considered in relation to, or measured according to another amount multiplied by a constant, usually 100 or 1 000 or 100 000, e.g. birth rate.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Koers,Isilinganiso,Umlinganiselo,Izinga,Kelo,Sekgahla,Kelo,Lizinga,Phimo,Mpimo +905,Rate of change,"The estimate that indicates percentage change in the variables of interest over two different periods of time. It shows the growth or decline in such variables. For instance Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates, rate of inflation, population growth rates, etc.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Koers van verandering,Isilinganiso samatjhuguluko,Umlinganiselo wotshintsho,Izinga lenguquko,Kelo ya phetogo,Sekgahla sa phetoho,Kelophetogo,Lizinga lekuntjintja,Phimatshanduko,Mpimo wa ncinco +906,Record number,"A unique number usually from 001600 pre-printed in the Enumerator Area Summary Book. +Note: During listing, each dwelling unit or other place to be visited for purposes of enumeration is associated with a separate record number in the EA Summary Book. Each record number is on a separate line or row.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Rekordnommer,Inomboro yerekhodi,inombolo yerekhodi,Inamba yokuhlukanisa imininingwane,Nomoro ya rekhote,Nomoro ya rekoto,Nomoro ya rekoto,Inombolo yelirekhodi,Nomboro ya rekhodo,Nomboro yo rhekhoda +907,Reference period,"The period of time (day, week, month, or year) for which information is relevant.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Verwysingstydperk,Isikhathi esiqaliweko,Ixesha lokungqinisisa,Isikhathi okuthathiselwa kuso,Paka ya thupeto,Nako e boletsweng,Pakatotilweng,Sikhatsi lekukhonjwa/-bhekiswa kuso,Tshifhingandivhiswa,Nkarhi lowu kongomiweke +908,Refusal,Situation when a household or individual refuses to answer the questions or complete the questionnaire.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Weiering,Ukwala/ukubhala,Ukwala,Ukwenqaba,Kgano,Kgano,Kgano,Kwala,Ndandulo / khano,Nkaneto +909,Refusal letter/form,"The form completed by the data collector when a respondent refuses to answer the questions or to complete a questionnaire, with the reasons for the refusal.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Weieringsbrief/-vorm,Incwadi yokwala / yokubhala ; iforomo lokwala / lokubhala,Ileta yokwala /ifomu yokwala,Incwadi/ifomu lokunqaba/lokwenqaba,Lengwalo/foromo ya kgano,Lengolo/foromo ya kgano,Lekwalokgano / foromokgano,Incwadzi/lifomu lekwala,iwalo fomo / ndandulo / khao,Papila / fomo yo kaneta +910,Respondent,The person or organisation that answers the questions or completes the questionnaire.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Respondent,Umphenduli,Umphenduli,Ophendula imibuzo/ umphenduli,Mmotolowa,Moarabi,Motsibogi; Moarabi,Umphendvuli/umniketimininingwane,Muvhudziswa / mufhinduli,Muhlamuri +911,Sample,Part of the population on which information can be obtained to infer about the whole population of units of interest.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproef,Isampula,Isivandlakanyi,Isampula,Setsopolwa/sampolo,Sampole,Tseosekao; motlopolo,Isampula,Tsumbonanguludzwa /tsumbotopolwa,Sampula +912,Sample survey,A survey conducted using a sample.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproefopname,Iphenyo / ihlolo yesampula,Uvandlakanyo lokuhlola,Ukuhlola ngesampula,Tekolonyakiio ka setsopolwa/sampolo,Dipatlisiso ka disampole,Tlhotlhomiso ya tseosekao/motlopolo,Kusaveya ngekusampula,Tsedzulusotsumbonanguludzwa/tsedzulusotsumbotopolwa,Mbalango wa sampula +913,Sampling,Selecting elements from a population in such a way that they are representative of the population.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproefneming,Ukusampula/Ukukhetha/Ukudzubhula,Uvandlakanyo,Ukusampula /ukuhlola,Tsopolo/go sampola,Ho sampola,Tseosekao/Motlopolo,Kusampula,Vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa,Ku sampula +914,Sampling error,That part of the difference between a population value and an estimate derived from a random sample which is due to the fact that only a sample was observed. See non-sampling error.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproeffout,Umtjhapho wokusampula /wokukhetha / wokudzubhula,Impazamo yovandlakanyo,Iphutha ekusampuleni,Phoo ka tsopolo/go sampola,Phoso ya sampole,Phosotseosekao,Liphutsa lekusampula,Tshaedza vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa,Xihoxo xa ku sampula +915,Sampling frame (Methodology and Standards),A comprehensive list of distinct and distinguishable units within a population from which a sample is drawn.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproefraamwerk (Metodologie en Standaarde),Isakhelelo sokusampula/isakhelelo sokukhetha/isakhelelo sokudzubhula,Isakhelo sovandlakanyo (iMethodoloji nemiGangangatho),Uhlaka lokusampula/ lokuhlola (indlela nezinga),Tlhako ya tsopolo/sampolo,moralo wa sampole (Mekgwa le Maemo),Letlhomesotseosekao,Luhlaka lwekusampula (indlelanchubo nemazinga),Mutheo wa vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa mutheo wa tsumbonanguludzwa / tsumbotopolwa (Ngona / Maitele na Ndinganyiso),Furemi ya ku sampula (maendlelo na ndzinganeriso) +916,Sampling method,"See cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling, simple random sampling, stratified sampling, and systematic sampling.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Steekproefmetode,Indlela yokusampula /yokukhetha / yokudzubhula,Isikhokelo sovandlakanyo,Indlela yokusampula,Mokgwatsopolo/mokgwa wa go sampola,Mokgwa wa ho sampola,Mokgwatseosekao/mokgwatlopolo,Indlela yekusampula,Ngona / maitele a tsumbonanguludzwa /tsumbotopolwa / ngona / maitele a vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa,Maendlelo ya ku sampula +917,Scanning,"A process of effectively converting questionnaires into images. +Note: The scanner reproduces the questionnaires as they are, in the form of an image.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Skandering,Ukuthebula,"ukuskena, ukuguqulela amagama asencwadini yemibuzo emfanekisweni",Ukuguqulela emfanekisweni,Go sekena,Ho skhena,Go sekena,Kusikena / Kutfwebula,U skena,Ku sikena +918,Self-enumeration,The practice whereby respondents complete the questionnaire themselves.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Selftelling,Ukuziphendulela,Ukuziphendulela,Ukuzibala,Boipalo,Ho ipala,Boipalo,Kutibala,Vhuiadzela mbudzisambekanya ya mbalavhathu,Ku tihlaya +919,Simple random sampling (SRS),Sampling method in which the desired elements are selected by a chance or probability process and each element in the population has an equal chance of being selected.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Eenvoudige ewekansige steekproefneming,Ukusampula ngokulingana,Uvandlakanyo olungabophelelekanga (iSRS),Ukusampula okungalandeli hlelo (i-SRS),Tsopolokgonagalonolo,Ho sampola ho bobebe ka lotho,Tseosekaofelanolo/motlopolofelanolo,Kusampula lokungakahleleki,Vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa zwaho,Sampulantlovatlovo wo olova (SNO) +920,Statistical standard,"A comprehensive set of guidelines for surveys and administrative sources collecting information on a particular topic, including definitions, statistical units, classifications, coding processes, questionnaire modules, and output categories.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Statistiese standaard,Ivumelwanofaniso leembalobalo,Umgangatho weenkcukacha-manani,Izinga lokubala,Motheokakareto wa dipalopalo,Boemo ba dipalopalo,Kemokaelo ya dipalopalo,Lizinga lemininingwanelubalo,Ndinganyiso ha mbalombalo / tshitatisitika,Ndzinganeriso wa swa tinhlayohlayo +921,Statistical unit,"Any unit, about which statistics are tabulated, compiled or published.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Statistiese eenheid,Ihlavu yeembalobalo,Icandelo leenkcukacha-manani,Iyunithi yokubala,Yuniti ya dipalopalo,Yuniti ya dipalopalo,Yuniti ya dipalopalo/Sebadi,Iyunithi yemininingwanelubalo,Vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa khethekanywa / zwitatisitika,Yuniti ya swa tinhlayohlayo +922,Stratification,A sampling procedure in which the population is divided into homogeneous subgroups or strata and the selection of samples is done independently in each stratum.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Stratifikasie,Ukudzubula ngeenkoro,ukubeka ngokwamaqela,Ukuhlukanisa ngokwamaqoqo,Tlhopho,Ho bopa dihlopha,Kgaoganyo / Karoganyo,Kuhlelembisa bantfu ngeluhlobo lwabo,U sitrathifaya / Khethekanyo (nga dzikilasi/zwigwada),Ntlawahato +923,Stratified sampling,Sampling method in which the population is divided into homogeneous sets or strata with respect to the characteristics being studied and a random sample is drawn from each stratum independently.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Gestratifiseerde steekproefneming,Ukusampula ngamakoro / ngeenkoro,Uvandlakanyo ngokohlobo oluthile,Ukusampula ngokwezigaba,Tsopolotlhopha go ya ka magoro/go sampola go ya ka magoro,Ho sampola ka dihlopha,Tseosekao ka ditlhophatshwano,Kusampula lokuhlelekile,Tsumbonanguludzwakhethekanywa/tsumbotopolwakhethekanywa,Ku sampula hi mitlawa +924,Study domain,A segment of the population for which separate statistics are needed.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Studiegebied,Umkhakha werhubhululo,"inkalo yophando, inkalo yophononongo",Ucwaningo lwengxenye ethile,Karolo ya nyakiio,Tikoloho ya tlhahlobo,Lephatapatlisiso,Incenye yebantfu lekufanele icubungulwe,Sia a / Tshipida tsha vhugudi,Xiyenge xa vulavisisi +925,Survey,"A process which collects, examines, and reports on data concerning variables of interest for a reference period.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Opname,Iphenyo; ihlolo,Uhlolo,Uhlolo,Tekolonyakiio,Dipatlisiso,Tlhotlhomiso,Isaveyi,Tsedzuluso / savei,Mbalango +926,Systematic sampling,"Sampling method in which the elements are numbered consecutively and the first unit (n) in the sample is selected randomly. The sample is selected by taking the nth, (n+s) th, (n+2s) th, ,,.. etc., where n is not larger than the sampling interval (s), which is obtained by dividing the total population by the sample size.",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Sistematiese steekproefneming,Ukusampula /ukukhetha / ukudzubhula ngerherho,Uvandlakanyo olucwangcisiweyo,Usampula ngokuhlelekile,Go tsopola go ya ka lenaneopeakanyo/go sampola go ya ka lenaneopeakanyo,Ho sampola ho hlophisitsweng,Tseosekao e e rulaganeng/motlopolo o o rulaganeng,Kusampula ngeluhlelonchubo,Vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa mbekanywa,Ku sampula hi sisiteme +927,Target population,"The set of elements about which information is wanted and estimates are required. Practical considerations may dictate that some units are excluded (e.g. institutionalised individuals, the homeless, or those who are not possible to access without incurring excessive cost).",Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Teikenbevolking,Umphakathi oqothelweko,abantu ekujoliswe kubo,umphakathi ohlosiwe / Oqondiwe,Batho ba ba nepiitwego,Batho ba hlwailweng,Baagitotilweng,Bantfu lekubukwe bona / Lekucondvwe kubo,Tshitshavha tsho tiwaho / Tshitshavha tsho topolwaho / Tshitshavha tsho mvaiwaho,Vanhu vo karhi +928,Term,A designation of a defined concept in a special language by a linguistic expression.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Term,Ithemu,igama,Itemu,Lereo,Lereo,Lereo,Ligama / Lithemu,Themo,Theme +929,Tiling,A process of identifying false positives visually before they are passed to the completion process.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Vierdelingstabellering,Ukuhlenga,ukuhluza,Ukuhlunga,Go bapeta,Tshupo e fosahetseng,Tlhokololwa / Tlhotlha,Indlela yekuhlolisisa emaphutsa ngembi kwekuphotfula imininingwane,Tsedzuluso ya u fhedzisela/U thaia (ha siatisitiki),Nkumisiso +930,Value domain,A set of permissible values.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Waardegebied,Umkhakha wobungako,inkalo yeempawu zentsulungeko,Okuvumelekile / Okwamukelekile,Mehola,Palo e dumellehang,Lephatakamogelwa / Lephatatetlelelwa,Tindlela letemukelekile tekutiphatsa,Domeini ya/Sia la zwa ndeme,Xiyenge xa swipfumeleriwa +931,Value meaning,The meaning or semantic content of a value.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Waardebetekenis,Ihlathululo yobungako,intsingiselo yeempawu zentsulungeko,Ubungako / Ubunjalo,Tlhaloso ya mehola,Moelelo wa palo,Bokaotetlelelwa / Bokaokamogelwa,Inshokutsi yendlela yekutiphatsa,halutshedzo ya ndeme,Nhlamuselo ya swipfumeleriwa +932,Weight,The importance of an object in relation to a set of objects to which it belongs.,Statistical Processes/Methodology/Metadata,Gewig,Ubudisi,ukubaluleka ngobunzima benkcukacha,Isisindo,Boima,Boima / Bohlokwa,Boima / Bokete,Kubaluleka / Bumcoka bentfo,Tshileme,Ntikelo +933,Accommodation service enterprise,"An enterprise unit, the principal activity of which is to provide temporary stay to a guest who in return pays an amount of fee charged. Inclusions: hotels, motels, inns, caravan parks and camping sites, guest houses, guest farms, bed-and-breakfast enterprises, all kinds of lodges, accommodation in natural surroundings, game lodges/nature reserves offering mostly accommodation (exclude if part of game reserve, also earning income for preservation/ conservation purposes), furnished holiday flats and chalets, holiday resorts, student residences, hostels, boarding houses, backpacker or school dormitories and other accommodation not elsewhere classified.",System of Business Registers ,Akkommodasiediensonderneming,Irhwebo leendawo zokuhlalisa,Ushishino ngeenkonzo zemizi yotyelelo,Amabhizinisi yezindawo zokulala,Kgwebokgolo ya tirelo ya borobalelo,Kgwebokgolo ya ditshebeletso tsa bodulo,kgwebo ya marobalo/bonno,Libhizinisi letinsita tekulala/tekuhlala,Bindu a tshumelo ya vhulalo,Bindzunyingi ra vukorhokeri bya vutshamo +934,Active enterprise,An enterprise unit that is operational in the open market and that has paid value added tax and/or income tax to the South African Revenue Service at least once.,System of Business Registers ,Aktiewe onderneming,Irhwebo elisebenzako,Ishishini elisebenzayo,Ibhizinisi elisasebenza,Kgwebokgolo ye e phelago/ omago,Kgwebo e sebetsang,Kgwebo e e dirang,Libhizinisi lelisebentako / leliphilako,Bindu i shumaho,Bindzunyingi leri tirhaka +935,Activity,A process involving a combination of actions that result in a certain set of products and services.,System of Business Registers ,Aktiwiteit,Umsebenzi,Ushishino,Umsebenzi,Modiro/moomo,Tshebetso,Tiro,Umsebenti lowentiwako,Vhuitwa / mushumo,Nghingiriko +936,Ancillary activity (System of Registers),"An activity that supports the main productive activity of an enterprise by providing non-durable goods or services, entirely or primarily for the use of the enterprise. +Note: The output is intended for immediate consumption within the same enterprise and is therefore not recorded separately, e.g. bookkeeping, transportation, cleaning services, etc.",System of Business Registers ,Aanvullende aktiwiteit (Registerstelsel),Umsebenzi osekelako,Inkxaso kushishino oluyintloko (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Umsebenzi oyisithasiselo (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Moomotlaleleto/modirotlaleleto,Tshebetso ya tlatsetso,Tirwanatlaleletso,Umsebenti lochakele,Vhuitwa-/mushumothikhedzi (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Nghingiriko wo seketela (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +937,Associated company,A company with more than 25% but less than 50% of its issued share capital owned by another company.,System of Business Registers ,Geassosieerde maatskappy,Ikhampani eyabelwako,Inkampani yendibaniselwano,Inkampani ebambisene nenye,Khampani ya mohlakanelwa,Khamphani e nang le kamano,Kgwebommogo,Inkapani lehlanganyelwe,Khamphaninyananywa,Khamphaniyelano +938,Balance date,A calendar date on which a business last paid value added tax and/or income tax.,System of Business Registers ,Balanseerdatum,Ilanga lokugcina lomthelo,Umhla wokugqibela wokuhlawula irhafu,Usuku lokugcina lwamabhuku,Tatikgwedi ya tefelamothelo,Letsatsi la tefo,Letlhatshalelo,Lilanga lekwagcinwa ngalo,uvha a / datumu ya ndinganywa,Sikundzinganiso +939,Break-up,An event where a legal unit is divided into two or more separate legal units and the original legal unit ceases to exist.,System of Business Registers ,Ontbinding,Ukwahlukana,Ukwahlukana,Ukuqembuka,Karoganyo,Karohano,Kgaogano,Kwehlukana / kwehlukaniswa,Khaukanyo,Avano +940,Birthed (refer to life cycle),"Life status of a new statistical unit created, which has not yet paid value added tax and/or income tax to the South African Revenue Service.",System of Business Registers ,Nuutgestig (verwys na lewensiklus) [nuutgestigte ...],-zelwe;-sunguliwe,Izelwe (ngokubhekiselele kubom),Inkampani esunguliwe (kubhekiswe emjikelezweni wempilo),Hlolegile/tlhomilwe/belegilwe,Tswetswe (tadima sedikadikwe sa bophelo),"Tlhamilwe, tlhotswe/tlhodilwe",Kusungulwa,Sikwa / vhumbwa (mutevhehau wa vhutshilo),Tswariweke (vona ndzhendzhelekovutomi) +941,Branch of an enterprise,Part of an enterprise that is situated at a remote location from the main enterprise and in which productive activity is carried out.,System of Business Registers ,Tak van n onderneming,Igatja lerhwebo,Isebe leshishini,Igatsha/ uphiko lwebhizinisi/lwenkampani,Lekala la kgwebokgolo,Lekala la kgwebokgolo,Lekalakgwebo,Ligatja lelibhizinisi,Davhi a bindu,Rhavi ra bindzunyingi +942,Branch of a foreign entity,Part of a foreign enterprise operating in the Republic of South Africa in which a productive activity is carried out and which is registered for value added tax.,System of Business Registers ,Tak van n buitelandse onderneming,Igatja lerhwebo langaphandle,Isebe loshishino lwangaphandle,Igatsha/ Uphiko lwenkampani ekwelinye izwe,Lekala la kgwebokgolo ya go twa ntle /lekala la kgwebokgolo e ele,Lekala la kgwebo ya kantle,Lekalakgwebo la bodithaba,Ligatja lenkapani yangaphandle,Davhi a tshiimiswa tshisili,Rhavi ra bindzurimbe +943,Business Sampling Frame (BSF),A database containing statistical units from which samples are drawn.,System of Business Registers ,Sake-steekproefraamwerk (SSR),Isilulumabhizinisi sokusampula,Isakhelo sovandlakanyo loshishino (iBSF),Uhlaka lokusampula amabhizinisi (i-BSF),Foreimi ya sampolo ya dikgwebo,Moralo wa sampole ya kgwebo,Letlhomesotseosekao/Motlopolosekao (LTK) (MTK),Luhlaka lwekusampula lwebhizinisi,Mutheo wa vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa ha mabindu (BSF),Fureme ya sampula ya mabindzu (FSM) +944,Ceased (refer to life cycle),"Life status of a statistical unit which has been confirmed permanently closed down, finally liquidated, deregistered and/or a duplicate of another statistical unit.",System of Business Registers ,Gesluit (verwys na lewensiklus),-fileko,Iphelelwe (ngokubhekiselele kubomi),Inkampani evaliwe/ ewile (kubhekiswe emjikelezweni wempilo),Welego/phuhlamego/tswaletwego sa ruri,Shwele (tadima sedikadikwe sa bophelo),Tswetswe,Lefile/levaliwe (buka imphilomjikeleto),Valwaho / waho (kha vha ole mutevhehadu wa vhutshilo),Pfariwile (vona ndzhendzheleko vutomi) +945,Close corporation (CC),A legal entity founded by means of a founding statement and whose ownership cannot exceed ten members. Note: Members interest in the CC must always add up to 100% and be expressed as a percentage.,System of Business Registers ,Beslote korporasie (BK),Ikhampani evalekileko,Iqumrhu eliqingqiweyo,Ibhizinisi/inkampani enqunyelwe amalungu (i-CC),Koporasi kgaolelwa,Koporasi e kwetsweng,Setlamotekanyetsobeng,Inkapanincane (i-CC),Khamphani-/ nyanano-/phimelwa /tetshelwamirao / koporasi (CC),Bindzuvuxirhompfaleko (BVM) +946,"Club, welfare organisation, association not for gain",See non-profit institutions.,System of Business Registers ,"Klub, welsynsorganisasie, vereniging sonder winsoogmerk",Iinjamiso ezingasebenzeli inzuzo,Umbutho ongajonganga nzuzo,Izinhlangano ezingalindele nzuzo,Mekgatlo/diinstituene ta go se gabe poelo,"Sehlopha, mokgatlo wa thekolohelo, mokgatlho o sa etseng phaello","Mokgatlho wa balekane, mokgatlho wa katlaatleloloago, mokgatlho o o sa direng poelo","Licembu, tinhlangano tenhlalakahle, libandla lekungazuzi","Kilaba, dzangano a vhulondavhathu, nyanano i si ya vhubindudzi","Tlilabu, nhlangano wo pfuna vanhu, asosiyexini ya nkambhindzulo" +947,Complex enterprise unit,An enterprise unit structure that comprises more than one legal unit and has separate income tax numbers.,System of Business Registers ,Komplekse ondernemingseenheid,Irhwebo elimagatjagatja,Icandelo leshishini elixandileyo,Ibhizinisi/nkampani emagatshagatsha,Yuniti ya mogorogoro wa kgwebokgolo,Yuniti ya kgwebokgolo e rarahaneng,Kgwebo ya maphatantsi,Indzawo yemabhizinisi labhicene,Tshipia tsha bindutserekano,Yuniti ya bindzunyingi yo phasaphasana +948,Continuity rule,"A rule that specifies when to birth, activate, deactivate, reactivate and cease a statistical unit (enterprise, KAU or GEO).",System of Business Registers ,Kontinuteitsrel,Umthethoragisa,Umthetho woqhubeleko,Umthetho wokuqhubeka,Molawanatwetopele,Molao wa ho tswelapele,Molawanatsweletso,Umtsetfo lolawula kuchubeka,Mulayo ndangavhutshilo ha bindu,Nawu wo yisa emahlweni +949,Contractual joint venture,"A type of a joint venture of which the terms, obligations, and liabilities of the parties are set forth in a written instrument signed by both parties. This joint venture is unincorporated and shall not become a legal entity.",System of Business Registers ,Kontraktuele gesamentlike onderneming,Ilima /ijima elisibopho,Isibhambathiso sentsebenziswano,Ibhizinisi labavumelene ngokubambisana,Kgwebokopanelwa ya konteraka ya lebakanyana,Kontraka ya tshebedisano,Tlamanotirisano,Ikhontraki/ sivumelwano ye-/sekubambisana,Binduhanganelwa a koniraka / o sainelwaho mbofho,Bindzuntwanano wa xikontiraka +950,Co-operative society,"A business entity/enterprise that handles and sells mostly products from farmers on their behalf in a joint venture, sharing benefits and profits with them.",System of Business Registers ,Koperatiewe vereniging,Ihlanganyela yabalimi/ yabafuyi,Umfelandawonye,Inhlangano yobambiswano,Koporasi,Setjhaba se sebedisanang,Koporasi; kgwebotirisano,Inhlangano yekusebentisana,Bindunyananywa a vhabveledzi,Bindzuntirhisano +951,Corporate joint venture,"A type of a joint venture in which obligations, terms and liabilities are set forth in a written agreement, which contemplates that the joint venture be incorporated and become a separate legal entity.",System of Business Registers ,Korporatiewe gesamentlike onderneming,Irhwebo elihlanganyelweko,Iqumrhu elidibeneyo loshishino,Uhwebo lokubambisana,Kgwebokopanelwa,Kgwebo ya tshebedisano,Setlamotirisano,Sivumelwano sekubambisana ngalokuhlangene,Binduhanganela nyananywa,Bindzuntwanano wa xikontiraka +952,Coverage,The definition of the population that statistics aim to cover.,System of Business Registers ,Dekking,Indima,Ubandakanyo,Umklamo,Kapareto,Kakaretso,Kakaretso,Umkhawulo,Nyangaredzo,Nkatsiwo +953,Deactivated enterprise,"Life status of a statistical unit which has been confirmed dormant, temporarily stopped trading or is under sequestration.",System of Business Registers ,Onaktiewe onderneming,Irhwebo elingasebenziko,Ishishini elingasasebenziyo,Ibhizinisi/inkampani elisamisiwe,Kgwebokgolo ya go bobamiwa,Kgwebokgolo e kginweng,Kgwebo e e emisitsweng,Inkapani lebhakutako,Vhuimisabindu /vhuawedzabindu,Bindzunyingi leri nga tirhiki +954,Delineation,The process of dividing an enterprise into sub-units suitable for statistics.,System of Business Registers ,Afbakening,Ukwahlukanisa,Ukwahlukanisa,Ukwehlukanisa,Karologanyo,Karohanyo,Kgaoganyo,Kwehlukanisa,Vhukhethekanyi,Nkavanyiso +955,Demographic event of statistical unit,"An event that changes the form and status of a statistical unit. Inclusions: Ceased, merger, takeover, split-off and break-up of a statistical unit.",System of Business Registers ,Demografiese gebeurtenis van n statistiese eenheid,Ubujamotjhuguluko berhwebo,Imeko yobalo eguqula iinkcukacha-manani,Iyunithi yokubalwa kwabantu,Tiragalo ya temokerafi ya yuniti ya dipalopalo,Ketsahalo ya demographi yuniting ya dipalopalo,Phetogodintlha ya Sebadi,Kuntjintja kwesimo sebhizinisi,Tshiwo tshandukisatshivhumbeo tsha tshipia tsha mbalombalo / zwitatistika,Xivangelo xa ncinco wa xiyimo ya yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo +956,Depot,A place of storage in a remote location from the main enterprise.,System of Business Registers ,Depot,Idepho,Idepho/idepo,Idepho,Tepo,Polokelong,Bobolokelo,Idepho,Vhufaredzi /depo,Xitichi +957,Dormant,See deactivated enterprise.,System of Business Registers ,Rustend,- ngasebenziko,Engasebenziyo,Dodobele,Ye e bobamego,Ha e sebetse,Emisitsweng,Inkapani lebhakutako,Dzidzivhalaho,-titivala +958,E-commerce,"The term used when business units receive orders and transact the sale of goods and services produced (ownership transfers) by a variety of means, e.g. by telephone, fax, email, TV, electronic data communication networks, cellular networks, Internet, etc. (excluding if only used for normal transactions falling under any of the classification sectors), which includes three stages, viz. the placement of the order, payment, and the delivery of the goods or services.",System of Business Registers ,E-handel,Irhwebo nge-inthanethi,Urhwebo ngeintanethi,Ukuhweba ngobuchwepheshe bezokuxhumana,Kgwebiano ya eleketeroniki,Kgwebo ka inthanete,Kgwebisano ka selleketeroniki,Luhwebo lwe-inthanethi,Mbambadzo / vhushavhi / makwevho / vhuvhambadzi ha tshielektroniki / ikhomese,Bindzulekitironiki +959,Economic major divisions,The main identifier of a specific group of the economic sector of an economic classification coding system in which the activities that the enterprise is involved in are represented by a 1-digit code.,System of Business Registers ,Ekonomiese hoofverdeling,Iinkoro ezikulu zomnotho; imikhakha emikhulu yezomnotho,Izintlu ezimandla zoqoqosho,Imikhakha esemqoka kwezomnotho,Dikarolokgolo ta ikonomi,Dikarolo tse kgolo tsa moruo,Maphatamagolo a ikonomi,Tinhlaka letinkhulu temnotfo,Khethekanyo dza ndeme dza Ekonomi,Miavanyiso leyikulu ya xiikhonomi +960,Economic production,"Economic production is an activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce outputs of goods or services.",System of Business Registers ,Ekonomiese produksie,Umkhiqizo womnotho; ivezo lomnotho,Imveliso yoqoqosho,Ukukhiqizwa kwezomnotho,Tweleto ya ikonomi,Tlhahiso ya moruo,Tlhagisokuno ya seikonomi,Umkhicito wemnotfo,Vhubveledzi ha Ekonomi,Andziso wa xiikhonomi +961,Economic significance,"The extent to which a companys activity contributes to the economy and, in particular, to the industrial sector to which it belongs.",System of Business Registers ,Ekonomiese betekenis,Igalelo lomnotho,Ukubaluleka koqoqosho,Ukubaluleka kwezomnotho,Bohlokwa/mehola ya ikonomi,Bohlokwa ba moruo,Bolengseikonomi/botlhokwaseikonomi,Kubaluleka kwetemnotfo,Ndeme ya Ekonomi,Nkoka wa xiikhonomi +962,Employee (System of Registers),"A person (permanently, temporarily or casually employed) who normally works the agreed hours in his /her present job.",System of Business Registers ,Werknemer (Registerstelsel),Isisebenzi,Umsebenzi (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Isisebenzi/ umsebenzi/ umqashwa (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Modiri/moomi/mmereki,Mohiruwa (tshebetso ya ngodiso),Mothapiwa; modiredi,Umcashwa (indlelanchubo yemarejista),Mutholwa (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Mutirhi/muthoriwa (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +963,Enterprise survey,"Those surveys in which enterprises (or producing units belonging to these enterprises) constitute the observation units about which data are obtained, the sampled units comprising the survey frame and the reporting units from which data are obtained.",System of Business Registers ,Ondernemingsopname,Iphenyo / ihlolo ngerhwebo,Uhlolo loshishino,Uhlolo lwebhizinisi/ lwenkampani,Tekolonyakiio ya kgwebokgolo,Dipatlisiso tsa kgwebokgolo,Tlhotlhomisokgwebo,Lucwaningo lwemabhizinisi/isaveyi yebhizinisi,Tsedzuluso dza mabindu,Mbalango wa bindzunyingi +964,Enterprise turnover,A turnover that has manually been updated to enterprise unit by either the investigation or profiling and delineation personnel.,System of Business Registers ,Ondernemingsomset,Ingeniso epheleleko yerhwebo,Ingeniso yoshishino,Isamba semali engenile ebhizinisini,Tweletokakareto ya kgwebokgolo,Kuno ya kgwebokgolo,Dipoelokgwebo,Sambakhulu senkapani,Mbuelogue ya bindu,Mbhindzulo wa bindzunyingi +965,Enterprise unit,"A legal unit or the smallest combination of legal units that includes and directly controls all the functions necessary to carry out its production activities and provide services. +Note: It is an economic entity that is capable, in its own right, to own assets, incur liabilities, engage in economic activities and in transactions with other entities, and to be involved in litigation. They take decisions and actions for which they are held responsible and accountable for by law, and they compile complete sets of accounts (including profit-and-loss accounts and balance sheets).",System of Business Registers ,Ondernemingseenheid,Ihlangothi lerhwebo,Icandelo loshinino,Iyunithi/ isikhungo sebhizinisi,Yuniti ya kgwebokgolo,Yuniti ya kgwebokgolo,Lekalakgwebo,Luhlangotsi lolutimele lwenkapani,Tshipia tsha bindu,Yuniti ya bindzunyingi +966,Establishment (System of Registers),"An enterprise, or part of an enterprise, which is situated at a single location in which only a single productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added.",System of Business Registers ,Instelling (Registerstelsel),Isijamiso,Iziko loshishino (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Uphiko lwebhizinisi/lwenkampani(uhlelo lokubhalisa),Lekala la kgwebo,Lekala (tshebetso le ngodiso),Setheokgwebo,Ifemu,Tshiimiswa (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Xitumbuluxiwa (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +967,Farming unit (System of Registers),"A statistical unit on which farming operations are carried out for commercial purposes by any person, company, close corporation or other enterprise, for his/her or its own account.",System of Business Registers ,Boerderyeenheid (Registerstelstel),Ihlangothi lezokulima,Icandelo lobufama (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Ingxenye yokulima (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Yuniti ya temothuo,Yuniti ya tsa temothuo (tshebetso le ngodiso),Polase,Luhlangotsi lolutimele lwelipulazi (indlelanchubo yemarejista),Tshipia tsha vhulimivhufuwi (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Yuniti ya vurimivufuwi (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +968,Financial year,Any accounting period of twelve months.,System of Business Registers ,Boekjaar,Umnyaka weemali,Unyaka-mali,Unyaka wezezimali,Ngwaga wa dithelete,Selemo sa ditjhelete,Ngwaga wa dithelete,Umnyakamabhuku,waha wa muvhalelano,Lembeximali +969,Flowchart,A diagram that shows the flow of activities within a process.,System of Business Registers ,Vloeidiagram,Umfanekisonaneko; itjhadinaneko,Umzobo obonisa okwenzekayo kushishino,Ifloshadi,Folowothate,Tjhati ya tatellano,Papetlakelelo,Ifloshathi,Vano / tshati ya tsumbavhuitwa / mushumo,Chati ya nkhuluko +970,Frame size measure,A measurement of the frame size that is determined by aggregating measurements of the statistical units in the frame.,System of Business Registers ,Raamwerkgroottemaat,Isilinganiso sesilulumabhizinisi,Isakhelo esibonisa ubungakanani becandelo leenkcukacha-manani,isilinganiso sobungako bohlaka,Kelo ya bogolo bja foreimi,Tekanyo ya boholo ba foreimi,Selekanyabogolo sa letlhomeso,Luhlu lwekulinganisa,Tshikalamuelo wa mbumbeo,Mpimo wa sayizi ya furemi +971,General economic production,"An activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital goods and services to produce outputs of goods and services.",System of Business Registers ,Algemene ekonomiese produksie,Umkhiqizo womnotho; ivezo lomnotho,Imveliso yoqoqosho ngokubanzi,Umkhiqizo ovamile wezomnotho,Tweletokakareto ya ikonomi,Tlhahiso ya moruo ka kakaretso,Tlhagisokuno ya seikonomi ya kakaretso,Umkhicitojikelele wetemnotfo,Vhubveledzinyangaredzwa ha Ekonomi,Andziso wa xiikhonomi +972,Geographic unit,"A statistical unit or part of a statistical unit involved in one, or predominantly one, kind of activity from one location, on a permanent basis, having at least one person employed and of which the main activity can be classified on a 5-digit SIC code.",System of Business Registers ,Geografiese eenheid,Igatja lendawo,Icandelo lommandla,Iyunithi yokubala ngokwezindawo,Yuniti ya tokerafi,Yuniti ya sebaka,Kgaolosebadi,Ligatja lebhizinisi,Tshipia tsha vhupo,Yuniti ya swa ntivomisava +973,GEO,See geographic unit.,System of Business Registers ,GEO,I- GEO,IGEO,i-GEO,GEO,GEO,KS,i-GEO,GEO,AAX +974,Government institutions,Institutional units that engage in activities of a purely governmental nature. Inclusions: National government; Provincial government; Local government; Extra budgetary accounts and funds; and Tertiary institutions.,System of Business Registers ,Staatsinstellings,Iinjamiso zikarhulumende,Amaziko karhulumente,Izikhungo zikahulumeni,Diinstituene ta mmuo,Diinstitjushene tsa mmuso,Ditheo tsa puso,Tikhungo tahulumende,Zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso,Swiyenge swa mfumo +975,Gross salaries and wages,"Payments for ordinary-time, standard or agreed hours and over-time hours during the reference period for all permanent, temporary, casual, executive and managerial employers/employees before taxation and other deductions. Inclusions: Payments in kind to farming employees such as meals, rations and free housing, but excluding rations and bonuses to farming contractors and their employees.",System of Business Registers ,Bruto salarisse en lone,Imirholo epheleleko,Isambuku semivuzo neentlawulo,Isamba somholo,Palomoka ya megolo,Meputso le mekgolo e sekolokoto,Dituelo/megolo le ditefo pele ga ditloso,Sambamaholo nemiholo,Mihologue na magavhelo,Miholo hinkwayo +976,Group top enterprise,See ultimate holding company.,System of Business Registers ,Toponderneming van groep,Irhwebo elingameleko,Abongameli boshishino,Inkampani enamandla kwezakwabo,Gomangkanna ya dikgwebokgolo,Hlooho ya sehlopha sa dikgwebo; kgwebokgolo e okametseng sehlopha,Kgwebokgolo e e okameng tse dingwe,Inkapanimsuka,Binduilauli,Bindzunkulu ra ntlawa +977,Hectare of land,"A unit of area equal to 10 000 square metres, commonly used for measuring land area.",System of Business Registers ,Hektaar grond,I agere/ ihagere,Ihektare,Ihheke lomhlaba,Naga ya go lekana hekethara,Hektara ya naha,Heketara ya lefatshe,Lihektha,Hekithara ya mavu,Hekitara/mogeni ya nsimu +978,Historical rules of industrial classification,"A set of classification rules that serve as a guideline on how to treat certain scenarios during the classification process to ensure uniformity and comparability of statistics on international level. Example: Integrated activities like the farming with grapes together with the manufacturing of wine on the farm by the same unit, having no separate records or accounts available, will apply and these will be classified under wine farming.",System of Business Registers ,Historiese rels van nywerheidsklassifikasie,Imithethomlando yokuhlelwa kwamarhwebo,Imimiselo yembali yohlelo lwamashishini,Imithetho yomlando yokwehlukaniswa kwezimboni,Melawana ya histori ya tlhopho ya diintaseteri,Melao ya nalane ya tlhophiso ya diindasteri,Melao ya karoganyetso ya madirelo,Imitsetfomlandvo yokuhlelembisa timboni,Milayo ya kale na kale ya khethekanyo ya nowetshumo,Milawu ya matimu ya ntlawahato wa vumaki +979,Holding company,A company that directly or indirectly owns more than 50% or enough issued share capital of another company to secure voting control.,System of Business Registers ,Beheermaatskappy,Ikhamphani ephetheko,Inkampani elawulayo,Inkampani engamele ezinye,Khamphani ye e laolago dikgwebo te dingwe,Kgwebo e laolang,Kgwebo e e okameng tse dingwe; mmadikgwebo,Inkapanisisuka,Khamphanindauli,Bindzulawulo +980,Horizontal integration of economic activities,"A classification rule that applies when an enterprise is engaged in several types of activities carried out simultaneously, using the same factors of production, but the unit cannot be segregated into separate statistical units. Example: The manufacturing of bakery products combined with the manufacturing of chocolate confectionery. The unit should be classified to the SIC class or subgroup with the largest share of value added, as determined, by using the top-down method.",System of Business Registers ,Horisontale integrasie van ekonomiese aktiwiteite,Ukuhlanganiswa kwemisebenzi yomnotho ngokulinganisana,Indibaniselwano elinganayo yeentshukumo zoqoqosho,Ukuhlanganiswa kwemisebenzi yezomnotho ngendlela evundlile,Tiriommogo/ tlhakanyo ya meongwana ya horisonthale/ ye e rapamego,Nyalanyo ya ditshebeletso tsa moruo tse boemong bo lekanang,Kgokaganyotekatekano ya ditiroseikonomi,Kuhlanganiswa kwemisebenti yetemnotfo ngalokuvundlako,hanganyo tshayambofhano ya vhuitwa / mishumo ya Ekonomi,Nhlanganiso wo nava wa migingiriko ya xiikhonomi +981,Horizontal integration of enterprise unit,A combination of two or more businesses within the same group company structure operating together on the market as one unit.,System of Business Registers ,Horisontale integrasie van ondernemingseenheid,Ukuhlanganiswa kwerhwebo ngokulinganisana,Indibaniselwano elinganayo yecandelo loshinino,Ukuhlanganiswa kwezikhungo zebhizinisi/zenkampani ngendlela evundlile,Tiriommogo ya/tlhakanyo ya uniti ya kgwebokgolo ya bethikhale,Nyalanyo ya yuniti ya kgwebokgolo ka tshebedisano,Kgokaganyotekatekano ya lekalakgwebo,Kuhlanganiswa kwetinkapani ngalokuvundlako,hanganyo tshayambofhano ya tshipia tsha bindu,Nhlanganiso wo nava wa yuniti ya bindzunyingi +982,Household unincorporated enterprises,Enterprises that produce goods and services for their own final use.,System of Business Registers ,Ongenkorporeerde huishoudelike ondernemings,Imisebenzi yokuzenzela/ yokungathengisi,Ushishino lwasekhaya oluzimeleyo,Amabhizinisi emindeni angaxhumene namanye,Dikgwebokgolo ta lapa te di sa hlakanywago,Dikgwebokgolo tse sa kopanang tsa lelapa,Dikgweboiphediso tsa selapa,Tinkapani letitikhicitelako,Mabindu a ibveledziselaho,Mabindzunyingi ya xindyangu yo tihanyisa +983,Household unincorporated market enterprises,Enterprise units that produce goods or services for sale or barter on the market.,System of Business Registers ,Ongenkorporeerde huishoudelike markondernemings,Amarhwebo wokuthengisa,Ushishino lwasekhaya oluzithengiselayo,Amabhizinisi emindeni okumaketha angaxhumene namanye,Dikgebokgolo ta lapa tsa mmaraka wo o sa hlakanywago,Dikgwebokgolo tsa mmaraka tse sa kopanang tsa lelapa,Dikgweboiphediso tsa mebaraka,Tinkapani letikhicitela kutsengisa,Mabindu a bveledziselaho mbambadzo / makete / maraga,Mabindzunyingi ya xindyangu ya mbhindzulo +984,Immediate parent,See holding company.,System of Business Registers ,Onmiddellike moedermaatskappy,Ikhamphani ephetheko,Inkampani engunozala,Ibhizinisi/inkampani ewumsuka/ engunozala,Khamphani ye e laolago dikgwebo te dingwe,Kgwebo e laolang ka kotloloho,Kgwebo e e okameng tse dingwe; mmadikgwebo,Inkapanisisuka,Khamphanindauli,Bindzulawulo +985,Income tax turnover,A turnover that has automatically been updated to an enterprise unit through the process of income tax downloads to the Business Sampling Frame.,System of Business Registers ,Inkomstebelastingomset,Umthelo wengeniso epheleleko,Ingeniso yerhafu,Isamba sengeniso/semali engena ngentela,Dipoelokakareto ta mothelo wa ditseno,Kuno ho latela lekgetho la lekeno,Lotsenolotlhe la lekgetho la lotseno,Sambakhulu sentsela,Mbuelo murahu ha lutho / muthelo wa mbuelo,Mbuyelo wa xibalo +986,Individual ownership,See sole proprietorship.,System of Business Registers ,Individuele eienaarskap,Ubunini /ubunikazi bomuntu munye,Umniniyo,Ubunikazi boyedwa,Bomongtee,Ya motho a le mong,Mongesi,Ibhizinisi lenemnikati munye,Bindu a vhuimahoga,Vunwinyi hi unwe +987,Industrial activity,An economic activity resulting in a homogeneous set of products or the same kind of services.,System of Business Registers ,Nywerheidsaktiwiteit,Umsebenzi werhwebo,Ushishino oluqhubekayo,Umsebenzi wezimboni,Moongwana wa intaseteri,Tshebetso ya indasteri,Tiro ya madirelo,Umsebenti wemboni,Vhuitwa/mushumo wa nowetshumo,Nghingiriko wa vumaki +988,Industry (System of Registers),"The set of all production units engaged primarily in the same or similar kinds of productive economic activities and which consists of legal units, engaged in the same or a closely related kind of economic activity based mainly on the principal class of goods produced or services rendered. See Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) of all Economic Activities, Fifth Edition of January 1993.",System of Business Registers ,Industrie (Registerstelsel),Irhwebo;ibubulo;i-indastri,Ushishino (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Imboni (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Intasteri,Indasteri (tshebetso ya ngodiso),Madirelo,Imboni,Nowetshumo (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Vumaki (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +989,Informal sector (System of Registers),"A subset of household unincorporated enterprises, comprising those enterprises that: produce at least some output for the market; and are less than a specified size in terms of the number of persons engaged, or of employees employed on a continuous basis; and/or are not registered under specific forms of national legislation, such as factories or commercial acts, tax or social security laws, professional groups regulatory acts, or similar acts, laws or regulations established by national legislative bodies.",System of Business Registers ,Informele sektor (Registerstelsel),Irhwebo elingakahleleki,Ushishino olungamiselwanga (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Umkhakha ongahlelelekile,Lefapa la go se be la semmuo,Karolwana ya dikgwebo tse sa ngodiswang; lekala le seng molaong,Lephata le le sa tlhomamang,Ibhizinisi lengakahleleki,Sia/sekithara tshayanzudzanywa (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Xiyenge xo kala xi nga ri xa ximfumo (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +990,Institutional sector,"An aggregation of institutional units on the basis of the type of producer and depending on their principal activity and function, which are considered to be indicative of their economic behaviour. Note: The SNA93 states that institutional units are grouped together to form institutional sectors on the basis of their principal functions, behaviour, and objectives.",System of Business Registers ,Institusionele sektor,Ingcenye yesijamiso,Amacandelo omzi woshishino,Umkhakha wezikhungo,Lefapa la instituene,Lekala la diinstitjhushene,Lephata la setheo,Umkhakha ngekwetikhungo,Sia /sekithara ya zwiimiswa,Xiyenge xa tindhawu +991,International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC),The United Nations version of a classification system used to classify businesses according to their economic activities.,System of Business Registers ,Internasionale Standaardnywerheidsklassifikasie vir alle ekonomiese aktiwiteite (ISNK),UkuHlelwa kwemiSebenzi yoke yomNotho ngokwamaZinga wamaZwe ngamaZwe,Uhlelo olusemgangathweni loshishino lwamazwe ngamazwe lwayo yonke imisebenzi yezoqoqosho (iISIC),Isimiso sokwehlukanisa kwezimboni ngokwemisebenzi yezomnotho ngokomhlaba jikelele,Tlhopho ya boemo bja bodithabataba ya meongwana ya ikonomi kamoka ya diintaseteri,Tlhophiso ya matjhaba ya maemo a diindasteri ya mesebetsing yohle ya moruo,Motheokarologanyetsoditiro,Lizinga lamhlabawonkhe lekuhlelembisa yonkhe imisebenti yetemnotfo,Tshiimo tsha nowetshumo tsha dzitshaka tsha khethekanyo dzohe dza vhuitwa / mishumo ya Ekonomi (ISIC),Ntlawahato wa vumaki wa ndzinganeriso wa misava hinkwayo wa migingiriko ya xiikhonomi +992,Investigation,The process of finding full information on a change indicated in an administrative source.,System of Business Registers ,Ondersoek,Iphenyo,Uphando,Uphenyo,Nyakiio,Dipatlisiso,Patlisiso,Luphenyo,Tsenguluso / tsenguludzo,Ndzavisiso +993,Investigation conclusion sheet,A standardised sheet to be completed for each investigation.,System of Business Registers ,Afsluitingsverslag van ondersoek,Iphepha lesiphetho sephenyo,Uxwebhu lokuqukunjelwa kophando,Iphepha ngesiphetho sophenyo,Letlakala la pheleleto ya nyakiio,Leqephe la phethelo ya patlisiso,Papetla ya ditshwetso tsa patlisiso,Liphepha leluphenyo,ari / bammbiri a khunyeledzatsenguluso (dzo),Papila ro hetisa ra ndzavisiso +994,Kind-of-activity unit,A statistical unit engaging in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity without being restricted to a geographical location.,System of Business Registers ,Soortaktiwiteit-eenheid,Isijamiso somhlobo womsebenzi,Icandelo loshishino lohlobo oluthile,Iyunithi ngokohlobo oluthile lomsebenzi,Yuniti ya mohuta wa moongwana,Yuniti ya seka mosebetsi,Lekala la mofutatiro,Libhizinisi leluhlobotsite lwemsebenti,Tshipia tsha vhuitwa / mishumo tshayamikano,Yuniti ya muxaka wa nghingiriko +995,Kind-of-activity unit description field,A name describing the activity performed and/or traded by a particular kind-of-activity unit.,System of Business Registers ,Beskrywingsveld vir soortaktiwiteit-eenheid,Igama elihlathulula isijamiso somhlobo womsebenzi,Inkcazelo yecandelo lohlobo oluthile loshishino,Indima echaza iyunithi ngokohlobo oluthile lomsebenzi,Hlaloso ya yuniti ya mohuta wa moongwana,Lekala la tlhaloso la yuniti ya seka mosebetsi,Tlhalosi ya lekala la mofutatiro,Inchazelo yebhizinisi yeluhlobotsite lwemsebenti,Vhupo ha tshipia tsha vhuitwa / mishumo tshayamikano,Xivandla xa nhlamuselo xa yuniti ya muxaka wa nghingiriko +996,Kind-of-enterprise unit,"A statistical unit or part of a statistical unit for which all elements of the basic industrial statistics can be reported. Inclusions: Has to be large in terms of turnover and economically significant (equal to stratum 1 to fit into Stats SA surveys), have activities across more than one subgroup (on a 5-digit level of SIC) and a set of books/financial accounts to allow the calculation of the operating surplus.",System of Business Registers ,Soortonderneming-eenheid,Isijamiso somhlobo werhwebo,Icandelo lohlobo oluthile loshishino,Iyunithi ngokohlobo oluthile lwebhizinisi,Yuniti ya mohuta wa kgwebokgolo,Yuniti ya seka kgwebokgolo,Lekala la mofuta wa kgwebo,Luhlobo lwebhizinisi,Tshipia tsha bindu tshayamikano,Yuniti ya muxaka wa bindzunyingi +997,Last update of BSF,A date indicator on an enterprise unit showing when the most recent information was updated.,System of Business Registers ,Laaste bywerking op SSR,Ikhwezelelo nge-BSF,Umhla wokugqibela wohlaziyo kwiBSF,Usuku okwagcinwa ngalo ukubuyekezwa kwe-BSF,Tlaleleto ya mafelelo ya BSF,Letsatsi la ho qetela la ntjhafatso ya BSF,Letlha labofelo la peonakong ya LTK (MTK) LKK),Kafaka lwati lwekugcina kuBSF,Tsumbazwiswa ya u fhedza kha BSF,Mpfuxeto wo hetelela eka BSF +998,Legal entity,"Natural or juristic person (company, close corporation, trust), whose existence is recognised by law or society, independently of who owns them. Note: They can own goods or assets, incur liabilities and enter into contracts, may be involved in litigations, take decisions and actions for which they are held responsible and accountable for by law, they compile complete sets of accounts (including profit-and-loss accounts and balance sheets) and they possess more than 50% of the voting rights of (or otherwise control) a business.",System of Business Registers ,Regsentiteit,Isijamiso somthetho,Ushishino olusemthethweni,Inkampani ezimele ngokomthetho,Setho sa semolao,Setho se amohelehileng semolao,Setheo sa semolao,Libhizinisi lelitimele ngalokusemtsetfweni,Tshiimiswa tsha mulayo,Bindzuxinawu +999,Legal unit,See legal entity.,System of Business Registers ,Regseenheid,Isijamiso somthetho,Icandelo elisemthethweni,Uphiko/iyunithi yomthetho,Yuniti ya semolao,Yuniti ya molao,Lekala la semolao,Libhizinisi lelitimele ngalokusemtsetfweni,Tshipia tsha mulayo,Yuniti ya xinawu +1000,Life cycle (statistical unit),"A series of states in the life of a statistical unit that can take the following values: birthed', activated, deactivated, reactivated or ceased.",System of Business Registers ,Lewensiklus (statistiese eenheid),Umzombe wepilo,Ubomi beshishini (icandelo leenkcukacha-manani),Izigaba zempilo (ngokweyunithi yokubala),Leboyo,Lebidi la bophelo ba kgwebo; sedikadikwe sa bophelo,Modikotshelo,Imphilomjikeleto (ibhizinisi),Mutevhehau wa vhutshilo ha bindu (tshipia tsha mbalombalo / zwitatistika),Ndzhendzheleko wa vutomi (yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo) +1001,Location (statistical unit),The province from which a statistical unit operates (compare to Physical address).,System of Business Registers ,Ligging (statistiese eenheid),Indawo,Indawo (icandelo leenkcukacha-manani),Isifunda /indawo (iyunithi yezibalo),Lefelo,Sebaka (Yuniti ya Dipalopalo),Lefelo,Indzawo yebhizinisi,Vhupo (tshipia tsha mbalomablo / zwitatistika),Ndhawu (yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo) +1002,Mailing address,An address that is used for mailing and receiving posted mails.,System of Business Registers ,Posadres,Isiphande sokuposa; i-adresi yokuposa,Idilesi yeposi,Ikheli lokuposa,Aterese ya poso,Aterese ya mangolo,Atereseposo,Likheli leliposi,iresi ya poswo,Adirese/kherefu ya poso +1003,Main activity,See principal activity.,System of Business Registers ,Hoofaktiwiteit,Umsebenzi oyisika/omkhulu,Ushishino olungundoqo,Umsebenzingqangi;umsebenzi osemqoka,Moomomogolo,Tshebetso e ka sehlohong,Tirokgolo,Umsebentinchanti,Vhuitwa / mushumo wa ndeme nyito,Nghingirikonkulu +1004,Maintenance procedures,All the procedures carried out to collect information for and update of the Business Sampling Frame.,System of Business Registers ,Onderhoudsprosedures,Ikambiso yokugcina (imininingwana),Iinkqubo/iindlela zolondolozo,Inqubo yokulungiswa,Ditshipidio ta pabalelo,Mehato ya tlhokomelo,Ditsamaisotlhokomelo,Tindlelanchubo tekugcogca lwati,Maitele a mvusuluso (dzo),Maendlelo ya mahlayiselo +1005,Merger,An event where two or more businesses are joined and a new business is registered. The registered name of the new business is different from the registered name of all the original businesses. The original businesses are ceased.,System of Business Registers ,Samesmelting,Ihlanganyelo,Umanyaniso,Ukuhlanganiswa/imeja,Momaganyo,Nyalano,Tshwaraganyo,Luhlanganiso,hanganelo,Nhlanganiso +1006,Multiple activities,"These occur when a statistical unit is engaged in different kinds of activities that can be classified or assigned to more than one major division of the Standard Industrial Classification. Note: The main activity must be determined from the net values of each activity or the gross income obtained from various final products produced or products dealt in or services rendered, e.g. an enterprise manufacturing and selling its own goods and also imported, purchased goods.",System of Business Registers ,Veelvoudige aktiwiteite,Imisebenzinengi,Okwenzekayo okuninzi,Imisebenzi enhlobonhlobo,Meongwana ye e fapafapanego,Ditshebeletso tse ngata tse fapaneng; mesebetsi e mengata,Ditirontsi,Imisebenti leyehlukahlukene,Vhuitwa / mishumo ya vhubindudzinyandiswa nyito,Migingirikonyingi +1007,Multiple structure statistical unit,A statistical unit structure that has more than one kind-of-activity unit and/or more than one geographical unit.,System of Business Registers ,Statistiese eenheid met veelvoudige struktuur,Isijamiso esimagatjagatja,Icandelo leenkcukacha-manani elinemiba emininzi,Iyunithi yokubala ezakhiwo ziningi,Yuniti ya dipalopalo ya dibopego te fapanego,Yuniti ya tekanyo ya sebopeho se rarahaneng; yuniti ya dipalopalo ya sebopeho se rarahaneng,Sebadi sa mefamantsi,Sakhiwo lesehlukahlukene sebhizinisi,Tshivhumbeonyandiswa tsha tshipia tsha mbalombalo/zwitatistika,Yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo ta xivumbekonyingi +1008,Municipal code,A reference number that identifies a municipality.,System of Business Registers ,Munisipale kode,Ikhowudi kamasipaladi/a,Ikhowudi kamasipala,Ikhodi kamasipala,Khoutu ya mmasepala,Khoutu ya mmasepala,Khoutu ya mmasepala,Ikhodi yamasipala,Khoudu ya masipala / nomboro halulamasipala,Khodi ya masipala +1009,Non-profit institutions,"Legal or social entity created for the purpose of producing goods and services, which is not allowed to be a source of income, profit or other financial gain for the units that establish, control or finance it. Note: These are companies registered under section 21 of the Companies Act.",System of Business Registers ,Instellings sonder winsoogmerk,Iinjamiso ezingasebenzeli inzuzo,Amaziko angajonganga nzuzo,Izikhungo ezingalindele nzuzo,Diinstituene ta go se gabe poelo,Diinstitjushene tse sa etseng phaello,Ditheo tse di sa direng poelo,Tinhlangano letingaletsi nzuzo,Zwiimiswa zwi si zwa vhubindudzi,Mihlangano ya nkambhindzulo +1010,Number of rooms for accommodation,The total number of rooms/stay units available for accommodation purposes to paying guests.,System of Business Registers ,Aantal kamers vir akkommodasie,Inani lamakamuru wokulala,Inani lamagumbi okuhlala,Isibalo sezindlu zokulala,Palo ya diphapoi ta marobalelo,Palo ya diphaposi tsa bodulo,Palo ya diphaposibonno/diphaposiborobalo,Linani lemakamelo ekuhlala,Mbalo ya phera/rumu dza vhulalo,Nhlayo ya tikamara ta vutshamo +1011,Originating classification,"The allocation of the original Standard Industrial Classification activity to the enterprise in which it first was engaged in, apart from other multiple and associated activities at one location. Note: Although the income for the original activity might not be the greatest, having no separate accounts available, e.g. a liquor off-sales store, a bar, casino or restaurant which is part of a hotel, will be classified under hotel activities at enterprise level and also when mining and manufacturing are both done at the mining site by the same enterprise.",System of Business Registers ,Oorsprongklassifikasie,Ihlelomakoro elimsuka,Intsusa yokuhlela,Umsuka wokwehlukanisa,Tlhopho ya setlogo,Tlhophiso ya sethatho,Karologanyetso ya tshimologo,Kusungula kuhlelembisa,Khethekanyavhubvo,Ntlawahato wa masungulo +1012,Ownership type (of business),"The manner in which a business is managed and controlled. Examples: Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, business trust, etc.",System of Business Registers ,Tipe eienaarskap (van besigheid),Umhlobo wobunikazi/ wobunini,Uhlobo lobunini (beshishini),Uhlobo lobunikazi (ebhizinisini),Mohuta wa bomong,Mofuta wa thuo,Mofutathuo,Luhlobo lwebunikati,Vhushaka/vhue ha vhulangi (ha mabindu),Muxaka wa vunwinyi (wa bindzu) +1013,Partnership,"An agreement between two or more people, but not more than twenty people, to start and operate a business entity in which all partners bear equal responsibility for debts incurred, profit sharing, etc.",System of Business Registers ,Vennootskap,Ihlanganyelo,Udibaniselwano,Ubambiswano,Selekani,Selekane,Bogwebammogo/Semphato,Lubambiswano,Binduhanganelwa,Vutirhisani +1014,Physical address (System of Registers),An address indicating or stating an exact vicinity or place.,System of Business Registers ,Fisiese adres (Registerstelsel),Isiphande samahlalo/sokusebenzela; i-adresi yamahlalo/ yokusebenzela,Idilesi yendawo ohlala kuyo (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Ikheli lesiza/lendawo yokuhlala (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Aterese ya lefelo,Aterese ya sebaka,Ateresebonno,Likheli lendzawo,iresi ya vhudzulo /bindu (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Adirise/kherefu ya ndhawu (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +1015,Principal activity,The activity of which the value added/gross income exceeds that of any other activity of the enterprise.,System of Business Registers ,Hoofaktiwiteit,Umsebenzi oyisika/omkhulu,Okwenziwayo okuphambili,Umsebenzi osemqoka,Moomomogolo,Mosebetsi e ka sehlohong,Tirokgolo,Umsebentinchanti,Vhuitwa / mushumo muhulwane nyito,Nghingirikonkulu +1016,Priority rule,"A rule that specifies the source from which information for the BSF is going to be taken, should several sources be available for the same piece of information.",System of Business Registers ,Prioriteitsrel,Umthetho weqalontanzi,Umgaqo ophambili,Umthethongqangi,Molawana wa kgeto ya tatelano go ya ka bohlokwa,Molawana wa kgetho ho latela bohlokwa; molao wa sehloho,Molawana wa ditlapele,Umtsetfo wekubalulekisa,Mulayo wa vhuvhekanyandeme,Nawuxirhangana +1017,Private company,"A company that has a minimum of one and a maximum of fifty shareholders, and of which the name ends with the words Proprietary Limited or (Pty) Ltd.",System of Business Registers ,Private maatskappy,Ikhampani yangeqadi,Inkampani yabucala,Inkampani enobulungu obukhethekile,Khampani ya poraebete,Khamphani ya poraevete,Setlamo sa poraefete,Inkapani letimele,Khamphani ya phuraivethe,Khamphani ya phurayivhete +1018,Production by third parties on a commission or contract basis,"Production done by an enterprise unit on a third-party basis, on fee or contract basis on behalf of the enterprise hiring that party for their services. +Note: The enterprises hiring the third party are classified as if they produce the goods themselves, provided that they have considerable influence on the conception of the products, e.g. according to their specification, or, in the case of the manufacturing industry, that they own the materials to be transformed. Thus both parties get the same classification code.",System of Business Registers ,Produksie deur derde partye op n kommissie- of kontrakbasis,Umsebenzi osivumelwano namkha oyinzuzo owenziwa ngabanye,Imveliso yabathengisi babucala phantsi kwekhomishini okanye isivumelwano,Inkampani enobulungu obukhethekile,Tweleto ka motho wa boraro godimo ga poelotefo/ khomiene goba motheo wa konteraka,Tlhahiso ka batho ba bang khomisheneng kapa kontrakeng,Tlhagiso ya sesaboraro ka tshwaiso/tlhatswadiatla kgotsa ka tlamano,Kukhicita kwemuntfu loceliwe nalokontilakiwe,Vhubveledzi nga mawe mabindu a tshi shumela luafhulelo kana nga koniraka nga mbofho,Andziso hi mitlawa ya vunharhu eka xihakelwana kumbe hi endlelo ra xikontiraka +1019,Profile manager,"A person who, on a full-time basis, is responsible for the maintenance and updating of a specific enterprise through a profiling and delineation process.",System of Business Registers ,Profielbestuurder,Umphathi wehlathululobunjalo,Umphathi wokuchaza ngeshishini,Umphathi/Imenenja yokucubungula,Molaodi wa phetleko/phorofaele,Molaodi wa ditsebi tsa dibopeo tsa kgwebo; molaodi wa tlhophiso,Motsamaisi wa tshedimosetsotsenelelo/porofaele,Umhlatiyi lomkhulu,Mulanguli wa halusavhunzani,Mininjhere wa phurofayili +1020,Profiling,A continuous process of analysing the structural characteristics of a complex group of companies.,System of Business Registers ,Profilering,Ukuhlathululwa kobunjalo,Ukuchaza,Ukucubungula,Phetleko,Botsebi ba dibopeo tsa kgwebo; tlhophiso; ho hlophisa,Go dira tshedimosetsotsenelelo,Kuhlatiya,Vhualusavhunzani,Ku phurofayila +1021,Public company,"A company that has issued shares to the public through the stock exchange (security exchange), has a minimum of seven shareholders and no limitation on maximum shareholdings. The word Limited or Ltd will appear at the end of the companys name.",System of Business Registers ,Publieke maatskappy,Ikhampani evulekileko,Inkampani kawonkewonke,Inkampani enobulungu obuvulelekile,Khampani ya setaba,Khamphani ya setjhaba,Setlamo sa sethaba,Inkapani yesive,Khamphani ya nnyi na nnyi,Khamphani ya vaakatiko +1022,Public corporation,A public organisation which has a substantial degree of financial independence from the public authority that created them. A public authority (i.e. central or local government) normally appoints the whole of or a majority of the board of management.,System of Business Registers ,Openbare korporasie,Ihlangano enganyelwe mbuso,Umfelandawonye kawonkewonke,Ukopeletsheni womphakathi,Koporasi ya sethaba,Koporasi ya setjhaba,Koporasi ya sethaba,Ikoporasi yesive,Koporasi ya nnyi na nnyi / bindunyananywa,Vandla ra vanhu +1023,Quasi-corporation,An unincorporated enterprise that operates as if it were a corporation and thus must be treated as if it were one. Inclusions: Enterprises owned by non-resident or government institutional units.,System of Business Registers ,Kwasi-korporasie,Ikhamphani esasijamiso somthetho,Usinga mfelandawonye,Usingakopeletsheni/ okuzishaya sakopeletsheni,Seka-koporase,Sekakoporasi,Sekakoporasi,Isakoporasi,Koporasi mafanedza/ bindunyananywa,Vandlanyana +1024,Random number,A number allocated to a statistical unit that is mainly used for sampling purposes.,System of Business Registers ,Ewekansige getal,Nanyana ngiyiphi inomboro,Naliphina inani,Inoma iyiphi inombolo,Nomorothomiwa/nomoro ya maitirelo,Nomoro efe kapa efe,Palofela,Inombolo combelela,Nomboro tshayandivhiswa,Nomborontlovatlovo +1025,Reactivated,Life status of a statistical unit which has been confirmed to restart its operations.,System of Business Registers ,Gereaktiveer,-vusiweko,-Evuselelweyo,Okuvuselelwe,Tsooloitwego,E sebetsa hape; kginolla,Tsosolositswe,Kuvuselelwe,Vusuludzwa/ nyanyulwahafhu,-pfuxetiweke Mpfuxeto +1026,Sampling frame (System of Registers),A comprehensive list of distinct and distinguishable units within a population from which a sample is drawn.,System of Business Registers ,Steekproefraamwerk (Registerstelsel),Isakhelelo sokusampula/sokukhetha/sokudzubhula,Isakhelo sovandlakanyo (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Uhlaka lokusampula (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Foreimi ya go sampola,Foreimi ya sesupo; foreimi ya ho sampola,Letlhomesotseosekao/letlhomesotlopolo,Luhlaka lwekusampula,Mutheo wa vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa / topolwa (Sisiteme ya vhuwalisi),Fureme ya sampula (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +1027,Secondary activity (System of Registers),"A separate activity that sometimes produces products or services for third parties, but which is not the principal activity of the enterprise unit. Note: The output of secondary activities are consequently secondary products, e.g. when a company manufactures computer parts for internal use and incidentally sells one part on the open market, then that transaction is considered a secondary activity.",System of Business Registers ,Sekondre aktiwiteit (Registerstelsel),Umsebenzi wangeqadi,Ushishino olongezelelweyo (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Umsebenzi ongumxhantela (uhlelo lokubhalisa),Moongwana wa kgatopedi,Tshebetso ya tlatsetso,Tirokgolwane,Umsetjentana lowentiwako,Vhuitwa / mushumo zwawo nyito (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Nghingirikotsongo (sisiteme ya tirhejisitara) +1028,SIC,See Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities.,System of Business Registers ,SNK,I-SIC,ISIC,i-SIC,SIC,SIC,MKM,i-SIC,SIC,NNV +1029,Single-structure statistical unit,A statistical unit structure which has one kind-of-activity unit and one geographical unit as part of the enterprise unit.,System of Business Registers ,Enkelstruktuur - statistiese eenheid,isijamiso esigatja (li)nye,Isakhiwo esinye secandelo seenkcukacha-manani,Iyunithi yokubala esakhiwo sinye,Yuniti ya dipalopalo ya sebopego se tee,Yuniti ya dipalopalo e sebopeho se seng,Sebalwa sa mofamaesi,Inkapani lenelichakela,Tshipia tsha mbalombalo/zwitatistika tshiimatshoga,Yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo ya xivumbekonwe +1030,Size measure of statistical unit,A size indicator that measures the size of a statistical unit.,System of Business Registers ,Grootte-aanwyser van statistiese eenheid,Ubukhulu besijamiso,Ubungakanani bomlinganiselo wecandelo leenkcukacha-manani,Ubungako beyunithi yokubala,Kelobogolo ya yuniti ya dipalopalo,Tekanyo ya boholo ba yuniti ya dipalopalo,Selekanyo sa bogolo ba sebadi,Inkombabungako yebhizinisi,Tshipia tsha phimamuelo tsha mbalombalo/ zwitatistika,Yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo ya mpimo wa sayizi +1031,Sole proprietorship,A business owned and operated by one individual person.,System of Business Registers ,Alleeneienaarskap,Ubunini / ubunikazi bomuntu munye,Umninishishini,Ubuninibhizinisi boyedwa/ ibhizinisi loyedwa,Bomongnoi/bomongtee,Kgwebo ya motho a le mong,Mongesi,Ibhizinisi lenemnikati munye,Bindu a vhuimahoga,Bindzu ra munhu unwe +1032,Source of update on BSF,An indication on an enterprise unit where recent updated information is coming from.,System of Business Registers ,Bywerkingsbron op SSR,Umthombo wekhwezelelo nge-BSF,Umthombo wohlaziyo kwiBSF,Umthombo wokubuyekeza weBSF,Mothopo wa tlaleleto go BFS,Mohlodi wa ntjhafatso ya BSF,Motswedi wa peonakong wa LTK (MTK) LKK),Umtfombo wekwengeta lwati kuBSF,Tshiko tsha nisedzamafhungo maswa kha BSF,Xihlovo xa mpfuxeto eka BSF +1033,Split-off,An event where one or more parts of a business is separated into businesses of their own and the original business continues to operate.,System of Business Registers ,Onderverdeling,Ukudabuka,Ukunaba kweshishini,Ukwehlukanisa,Kgaogano,Boikatiso; ho qhetsoha,Ikemela,Kwandzisa,Phandekanela vhuandisamabindu,Hambanyiso +1034,Standard Industrial Classification code,A code indicating the economic activity of an industry in which the enterprise is engaged using the Standard Industrial Classification manual.,System of Business Registers ,Standaardnywerheidsklassifikasiekode,Ikhowudi yehlelomakoro lemisebenzi,Ikhowudi emiyo yohlelo olusemgangathweni loshishino,Ikhodi yezimiso zokuhlukaniswa kwezimboni,Khouto ya tlhopho ya boemo bja intaseteri,Khoutu ya tlhophiso e tlwaelehileng ya indasteri; khoutu ya tlhophiso ya maemo a indasteri,Khoutu ya motheokaroganyetso wa madirelo,Ikhodi ye-SIC,Khoudu / nomboro ya khethekanyo ya ndinganyiso ya nowetshumo,Khodi ya ntlawahato ya ndzinganeriso ya vumaki +1035,Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities,"A South African version of a classification coding system used to classify an enterprise according to its economic activity. Note: It is based on the United Nations (UN) International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), with a number of adaptations for local conditions.",System of Business Registers ,Standaardnywerheidsklassifikasie van alle ekonomiese bedrywighede (SNK),UkuHlelwa kwemiSebenzi yoke yomNotho ngokwamaZinga,Uhlelo olusemgangathweni loshishino nayo yonke imisebenzi yoqoqosho,Isimiso sokwehlukanisa yonke imisebenzi yezomnotho wezezimboni,Tlhopho ya boemo ya intaseteri ya meongwana ya ikonomi ka moka,Tlhophiso e tlwaelehileng ya indasteri ya ditshebeletso tsohle tsa moruo; tlhophiso ya maemo a diintasteri mesebetseng yohle ya moruo,Motheokaroganyetsoditirotsotlhe wa ikonomi wa madirelo,i-SIC yemisebenti yeteminotfo,Tshiimo tsha nowetshumo tsha khethekanyo dzohe dza vhuitwa/ndinganyiso ya Ekonomi/nyito,Ntlawahato wa ndzinganeriso ya vumaki bya migingiriko hinkwayo ya ikhonomi +1036,Statistical unit,A unit of observation or measurement for which statistical data are collected or derived.,System of Business Registers ,Statistiese eenheid,Ihlavu yeembalobalo,Icandelo leenkcukacha-manani,Iyunithi yokubala,Yuniti ya dipalopalo,Yuniti ya dipalopalo,Sebadi,Iyunithi yelubalo,Tshipia tsha mbalombalo / zwitatistika,Yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo +1037,Statistical unit structure,A combination of an enterprise unit with one or more kind-of-activity unit(s) and one or more geographic unit(s).,System of Business Registers ,Statistiese eenheidstruktuur,Isijamiso seembalobalo,Isakhiwo secandelo leenkcukacha-manani,Isakhiwo seyunithi yokubala,Sebopego sa yuniti ya dipalopalo,Sebopeho sa yuniti ya dipalopalo,Sebopego sa sebadi,Sakhiwo sebhizinisi,Tshivhumbeo tsha tshipida tsha mbalombalo /zwitatistika,Xivumbeko xa yuniti ya tinhlayohlayo +1038,Subsidiary,"A company that is controlled by another company by having more than half the voting power, or by owning more than half the issued share capital of the company.",System of Business Registers ,Filiaal,Isiphathwa; isenganyelwa,Inkampani ekhule ngenye,Inkampani engaphansi kwenye,Saposetiari/ kgwebo ye e lego ka tlase ga ye nngwe,E okametsweng; lekala,Kgwebo e e okangweng,Lichakela,Khamphaninyunwa /khamphanindaulwa /-davhi,Khamphani hansi ka yinwana +1039,Takeover,"An event where one or more business(es) is/are absorbed by another existing business, no new business is created and the business(es) taken over is/are ceased or deactivated.",System of Business Registers ,Oorname,Ukuginya,Inkampani ethathwe yenye,Ukugwinya/ ukusobozela,Metwa,Kgapo,Thopo,Kutsatsa bunikati,U milwa / dzhiwa,Ku teka vulawuri +1040,Tax link,A link between the Business Sampling Frame and SARS databases through the use of tax or VAT and enterprise numbers.,System of Business Registers ,Belastingskakel,Ihlanganiso /ithintaniso lomthelo,Ikhonkco lerhafu,Uxhumano ngentela,Kgokaganyo le mothelo,Lehokela la lekgetho,Kgolaganolekgetho,Kuchumana kwentsela,Khungekano/ vhuumekani ha lutho / muthelo,Nhlanganiso wa xibalo +1041,Total quality management,"A methodology that is based and focuses on prevention rather than correction, processes rather than only end products, user needs rather than product properties, everybodys involvement, facts rather than assumptions and continuous rather than occasional improvements.",System of Business Registers ,Totale gehaltebestuur,Ukulawulwa / ukuphathwa kwekhwalithi okupheleleko,Ulawulo lomgangatho olugqibeleleyo,Ukuphatha okuqinisekisa iqophelo,Taolomoka ya boleng,Bolaodi ba boleng bohle; botsamaisi bohle ba boleng,Taolobolenggotlhe,Kuphatsa lokusezingeni leliphelele,hanganyelo ya vhulanguli ha ndeme,Vufambisi bya nkoka hinkwabyo +1042,Trading name,A name used by businesses to sell their goods and/or services to their customers.,System of Business Registers ,Besigheidsnaam,Igama lokurhweba,Igama lokurhweba,Igama lokuhweba,Leina la go gweba,Lebitso la ho hweba,Leinakgwebo,Ligama lekuhweba,Dzina a vhubindudzi,Vitoxibindzu +1043,Turnover (System of Registers),The total amount received for goods sold and services rendered for the financial year.,System of Business Registers ,Omset (Registerstelsel),Ingeniso epheleleko,Ingeniso (iNkqubo yoBhaliso),Isamba esingenile,Poelokakareto,Kuno,Dipoelo,Sambakhulu,Mbuelogue (Sisiteme ya Vhuwalisi),Mbhindzulo +1044,Ultimate holding company,A holding company that controls other holding companies and/or subsidiaries and no company has control over it.,System of Business Registers ,Uiteindelike beheermaatskappy,Ikhampani engameleko,Inkampani eyongameleyo,Inkampani eyengamele ezinye,Khamphani ya gomangkanna,Ntlokgolo ya likgwebo tsa taolo,Kgwebokgolo e e okameng tse dingwe; mmadikgwebo,Inkapanimsuka,Khamphani-/ dendele / ndauli / gumangane,Khamphaninkulu leyi lawulaka tinwana +1045,Unincorporated enterprise,"A producer unit which is not incorporated as a legal entity separate from the owner (household, government or foreign resident); the fixed and other assets used in unincorporated enterprises do not belong to the enterprises but to their owners; the enterprises as such cannot engage in transactions with other economic units nor can they enter into contractual relationships with other units nor incur liabilities on their own behalf; in addition, their owners are personally liable, without limit, for any debts or obligations incurred in the course of production.",System of Business Registers ,Ongenkorporeerde onderneming,Irhwebo elingakahleleki,Ushishino oluzimeleyo,Ibhizinisi elizimele,Kgwebokgolo ye e sa kgokaganthwago,Kgwebokgolo e sa hokelwang,Kgweboiphediso,Ibhizinisi lesengakatimeli,Bindu tshayanyananywa,Bindzunyingi ra xindyangu ro tihanyisa +1046,VAT auto-update,It indicates that a particular statistical unit is updated automatically from an administrative VAT data source.,System of Business Registers ,BTW-outobywerking,Umazikhwezelela we-VAT,IVAT ezihlaziyelayo,Intela yokuthenga ezibuyekeza ngokwayo,Ya go itlaleleta VAT,Bointlafatso ba VAT (ka boyona); bointjhafatso ba VAT,Peonakong ya LKB,Kufakeka kwelwati lwe- VAT ngalokutentekelako,Vhudikhwinisitsendekwa kha VETE /VAT,Tipfuxeto eka swa VAT +1047,VAT turnover,A turnover that has automatically been updated to an enterprise unit through the process of monthly VAT downloads to the Business Sampling Frame.,System of Business Registers ,BTW-omset,Ingeniso epheleleko ye-VAT,Ingeniso yeVAT,Isamba sengeniso ngokwentela yokuthenga,Poelokakareto ya VAT,Kuno ya VAT,Lotsenolotlhe la LKB,Sambakhulu se-VAT,Mbuelogue ya VETE /VAT,Mbhindzulo wa VAT +1048,Vertical integration of economic activities,"Occurs when the different stages of production are carried out in succession by the same unit and where the output of one process serves as input to the next. Example: Tree felling combined with sawmilling, with regard to the classification; cognisance is taken of the nature of the final product.",System of Business Registers ,Vertikale integrasie van ekonomiese aktiwiteite,Ukuhlanganiswa kwemisebenzi yomnotho ngokwelamana,Indibaniselwano ethe ngqo yemisebenzi yoqoqosho,Ukudidiyela okume mpo kwemisebenzi yezomnotho,Tiriommogo/tlhakanyo ya meongwana ya ikonomi ya bethikhale,Nyalanyo ya mesebetsi moruo ka phepelano,Kgolaganyotsepamo ya ditiro tsa seikonomi,Kuhlanganisa imisebenti yetemnotfo itsi tfwi,hanganyondivhanywa ya vhuitwa/mishumo ya Ekonomi nyito,Nhlanganisothwi wa migingiriko ya ikhonomi +1049,Vertical integration of enterprise unit,A combination of enterprise units that are operating in such a way that the production of one enterprise is consumed totally by another company(s) within the same group company structure.,System of Business Registers ,Vertikale integrasie van ondernemingseenheid,Ukuhlanganiswa kwesijamiso serhwebo ngokwelamana,Indibaniselwano ethe ngqo yecandelo loshishino,Ukudidiyela okume mpo kweyunithi yenkampani/yebhizinisi,Tlhakanyo ya yuniti ya kgwebokgolo ya bethikale,Nyalanyo ya yuniti ya kgwebokgolo ka phepelano,Kgolaganyotsepamo ya lekalakgwebo,Kuhlangana kwemabhizinisi ngendlela lemile,hanganyondivhanywa ya tshipia tsha bindu,Nhlanganisothwi wa yuniti ya bindzunyingi +1050,Business trip (professional),"A trip for which the main purpose is business, but the person is not remunerated at the destination.",Tourism ,Sakereis,Ikhambo ngokomsebenzi,"uhambo lwezorhwebo, ukuhambela ezoshishino",Uhambo ngokwebhizinisi,Leeto la moomo,Leeto la kgwebo,Leetokgwebo,Luhambo loluphatselene netemabhizinisi,Lwendo lwa mushumo / Lwendo lwa vhubindudzi,Rendzo ra bindzu (xiphurofexinali) +1051,Day trip,"A trip outside of the respondents usual environment, where they leave and return within the same day (i.e. do not stay overnight).",Tourism ,Dagreis,Ikhambo lemini,uhambo oluthatha usuku nje/olubuyelelayo,Uhambo losuku,Leeto la letati,Leeto la letsatsi,Leeto la letsatsi,Luhambo lwelusuku/lilanga,Lwendo lwa uvha,Rendzo ra siku +1052,Domestic trip,"A trip within the boundaries of South Africa but outside of the respondents usual environment. +Note: The following categories are excluded from the definition of domestic visitor: + Persons travelling to another place within the country with the intention of setting up their usual residence in that place. + Persons who travel to another place within the country and are remunerated from within the place visited. + Persons who travel regularly or frequently between neighbouring localities as defined by the usual environment rule.",Tourism ,Binnelandse reis,Ikhambo lekhaya,uhambo ngaphakathi kwemida yelizwe,Uhambo lwangaphakathi ezweni,Leeto la ka gare ga naga,Leeto la ka hara Afrika Borwa,Leetoselegae,Luhambo lwangekhatsi evenia,Lwendo lwapo,Rendzo ra kwala tikweni +1053,General holiday trip,A trip for which the main purpose is leisure.,Tourism ,Algemene vakansiereis,Ikhambo lokuzithabisa,uhambo lotyelelo oluqhelekileyo/ukuya eholideyini,Uhambo kuvakashwa,Leeto la maikhuto la kakareto,Leeto la phomolo,Leetoiketlokakaretso / Leetothobosogokakaretso,Luhambo lwekukhibika/lwekutijabulisa,Lwendo lwa vhuimvumvusi,Rendzo ra holideyi +1054,Lodger,A person paying rent to stay in someone elses dwelling.,Tourism ,Loseerder,Umqatjhi,umqeshi,Isiqashi,Mohiri,Mohiri,Mohiri,Sicashi / Umcashi,Muhiri / ibodasi,Muhiri +1055,Main purpose of trip,This is the purpose in the absence of which the trip would not have been made.,Tourism ,Hoofdoel van reis,Umnqopho omkhulu wekhambo,eyona njongo yohambo,Inhlosongqangi yohambo,Nepokgolo / Moreromogolo ya / Wa leeto,Sepheo sa leeto,Lebakalegolo la leeto,Inhlosongco yeluhambo,Ndivho khulwane ya lwendo,Xikongomekonkulu xa rendzo +1056,Mixed trip,"Refers to overnight trips where at least one night was spent in South Africa and at least one night outside of South Africa. For the purpose of this survey, if more nights or equal nights were spent in South Africa rather than another country, the trip is treated as a domestic trip. If more nights are spent in another country then it is treated as a foreign trip.",Tourism ,Binne- en buitelandse reis,Ikhambomvango,uhambo olungxabalazileyo,Uhambo olunsukuningi emazweni,Leeto la go ya mafelong a go fapafapana,Leeto la kantle le ka hare ho naha ya Afrika Borwa / Leeto le tswakaneng,Leetotswako,Luhambo loluhlanganise emave,Nyendo dza ndivho nnzhi/mvangwa,Rendzonkatsano +1057,Outbound trip (outside South Africa),A trip to a country outside South Africa for a period of less than 12 consecutive months and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated in the country visited.,Tourism ,Vertrekkende reis (buite Suid-Afrika),Ikhambo langaphandle kwenarha,uhambo oluphumela ngapha kwemida yelizwe,Uhambo oluya emazweni angaphandle,Leeto la ka ntle ga naga,Leeto le tswelang kantle ho naha ya Afrika Borwa / Leeto le tswang,Leetokgabaganyomolelwane,Luhambo lwemave angaphandle,Lwendo lwa u bvela nna,Rendzo ro huma etikweni (ehandle ka Afrika-Dzonga) +1058,Overnight trip,A trip outside of the respondents usual environment where one night or more is spent away from the usual environment.,Tourism ,Oornagreis,Ikhambo lokungalali ekhaya,uhambo lobusuku obunye,Uhambo olukulalisa kwenye indawo,Leeto la go lala / Robalela,Ho robaletsa,Leeto la go lala,Luhambo lwekuyolala ngaphandle,Lwendo lwa u eela,Rendzo ra vusiku byinwe +1059,Package trip,A trip in which two or more items are included in the price of the trip.,Tourism ,Pakketreis,Ikhambo eliyipakana,"intlawulo yohambo equka konke, iphakheji yohambo",Uhambo oludidiyele,Leeto la phakheti,Pakana ya leeto,Pakanaleeto,Luhambo lolufaka lokunyeti,Mutengo wa lwendo wokatelozwithu zwinzhi/Lwendolukateli,Rendzohakelonkatsano +1060,Seasonal dwelling,"Dwellings usually occupied only at certain times of the year but which remain unoccupied during the rest of the year, such as holiday / vacation homes, harvest-time homes, etc.",Tourism ,Seisoenale woning,Indawo ehlalwa ngakanye,indawo yokuhlala ngamaxesha athile onyaka,Indawo yokuhlala ngezikhathi ezithile,Bodulo bja nakwana,Bodulo ba sehla,Bonnopaka,Indlu lesentjentiswa ngetikhatsi letitsite,Vhudzulo ha khalawaha,Ndzhawu yo yi tshama hi mikarhi +1061,Shopping (Trade use),Shopping by a tourist for goods that will be resold.,Tourism ,Aankope (handelsgebruik),Ukuthengela ukurhweba,ukuthenga (ngezoshishino),Ukuthengela ukudayisa,Go rekela go rekia / Go setoka,Ho reka (tshebediso ya kgwebo),Thekokgwebisano / Go reka (kgwebo),Kucupha/kutsengela kuyotsengisa,U renga (zwa bindu),Ku xava (hi xikongomelo xa swa bindzu) +1062,Shopping (Personal use),"Shopping for goods that will be used by the tourist himself / herself or their household, and that will not be re-sold.",Tourism ,Inkopies (persoonlike gebruik),Ukuthengela ekhaya / Ukuzithengela,ukuthenga (ukuzisebenzisela),Ukuzithengela,Go reka,Ho reka (tshebediso ya moreki),Go reka (sebele) / Go ithekela,Kutitsengela,U renga / U irengela,Ku tixavela +1063,Trading trips,A trip for which the main purpose is to sell merchandise that one bought and / or made.,Tourism ,Handelsreis,Amakhambo werhwebo,iihambo zorhwebo,Uhambo lokuhweba,Leeto la go rekia,Leeto la kgwebisano,Maetokgwebisano,Luhambo lwekuhweba / Tinkambo tekuhweba,Nyendo dza vhubindudzi,Rendzo ro xavisa +1064,Visiting friends and / or family,"A trip, which is primarily undertaken to see, socialise with, or to spend time with relatives and / or friends.",Tourism ,Besoek vriende en/of familie,Ukuvakatjhela abangani / Umndeni,ukundwendwela abahlobo okanye izihlobo,Abangani / Noma umndeni ovakashile,Go etela bagwera goba meloko,Ho etela metswalle le/kapa lelapa,Go etela ditsala le/kgotsa losika / Go jela ditsala le/kgotsa losika nala,Kuvakashela tihlobo nebangani,U dalela dzikhonani na/kana mashaka,Ku endzela vanghana na/kumbe ndyangu +1065,Visitor,Someone who doesnt stay permanently with and is not a member of the household.,Tourism ,Besoeker,Isivakatjhi,undwendwe,Isivakashi,Moeng,Moeti,Moeng / Mojanala,Sivakashi,Mueni / Mudali,Muendzi +1066,Bed occupancy rate (tourism),The number of bed nights sold divided by the product of the number of bed nights available and the number of days in the survey period; expressed as a percentage. Compare Bed occupancy rate (hospitals).,Tourism and Migration ,Bedbesettingskoers (toerisme),Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa ngemibhede,Ubungakanani beebhedi eziqeshiswayo (ukhenketho),Iphesenti lemibhede esetshenzisiwe (ezokuvakasha),Kelo ya malao/marobalo,Sekgahla sa tlatso ya dibethe (bohahlaudi); sekgahla sa tshebediso ya dibethe (bohahlaudi),Kelotiriso ya malao,Silinganisomkhatsi semali yekulala,Tshikala mbivhedzavhulalo (vhuendelamashango),Mpimo wa ntirhiso wa mibedwa (vupfhumba) +1067,Country of residence,"If a person resides (or intends to reside) for more than one year in a given country and has there his/her centre of economic interest (e.g. his/her major source of income), he/she is considered as a resident of this country.",Tourism and Migration ,Land van inwoning,Ilizwe lamahlalo; Inarha yamahlalo,Ilizwe ohlala kulo,Izwe ohlala kulo,Naga ya bodudi,Naha ya bodulo,Nagabonno,Live lohlala kulo,Shango a vhudzulwa,Tiko ra vutshamo +1068,Documented immigrant,"A citizen of another country who enters the country with a view to residing permanently, and has been granted or has applied for permanent residence of that country.",Tourism and Migration ,Gedokumenteerde immigrant,Umfudukeli/umthutheli ngaphakathi otlolisiweko/oseencwadini,Ummi wangaphandle obhalisiweyo,Owokufika onemvume,Mofaladi yo a dumeletwego tulo,Mojaki ya ditokomaneng,Mohudugedi yo o kwadisitsweng,Umchamuki lonikwe buve,hunuhanganedzwa/hunuthendelwa,Muhlapfa loyi a tsarisiweke +1069,Domestic tourism,The tourism of resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Binnelandse toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo langekhaya,Ukhenketho lwasekhaya,Ukuvakasha kwabangaphakathi (kwezwe),Boeti bja ka nageng,Bohahlaudi ba selehae,Bojanalaselegae,Kuvakasha kwangekhatsi,Vhuendelamashango ha vhadzulapo,Vupfhumba bya le tikweni +1070,Domestic tourism consumption,Comprises the consumption of resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur binnelandse toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo langekhaya,Uxhamlo lokhenketho lwabasekhaya,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha ngaphakathi,Ditshenyagalelo/ditshenyegelo ta boeti bja ka nageng,Tshebediso tsa bohahlaudi ba selehae,Tiriso ya bojanalaselegae,Kusetjentiswa kwekuvakasha kwangekhatsi,Tshumiswa nga vhuendelamashango ha vhadzulapo,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba bya le tikweni +1071,Domestic tourist,A resident visitor who visits within the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Binnelandse toeris,Isivakatjhimbukeli sangekhaya,Umkhenkethi wasekhaya,Umvakashi wangaphakathi,Moeti wa ka nageng,Mohahlaudi wa selehae,Mojanalaselegae,Sivakashi sangekhatsi,Muendelamashango wapo,Mupfhumba wa le tikweni +1072,Domestic visitor,A visitor whose country of residence is the country visited. They may be nationals of this country or foreigners.,Tourism and Migration ,Binnelandse besoeker,Isivakatjhi sangekhaya,Undwendwe lwasekhaya,Isivakashi sasekhaya,Moeng wa ka nageng,Moeti wa selehae,Moengselegae,Sivakashi sangekhatsi,Mueni-/mudaliwapo,Muendzi wa le tikweni +1073,Foreign traveller,A person who resides outside South Africa and visits the country temporarily.,Tourism and Migration ,Buitelandse reisiger,Isikhambi sangaphandle,Umhambi/umtyeleli welinye ilizwe/wasemzini/ wangaphandle,Umhambimazwe,Mosepedi wa motwantle,Motsamai wa moditjhaba,Motsamai wa modithaba,Sivakashi sangaphandle,Muendi wa mashangoavha,Mufambimumbe +1074,Foreign visitor,Visitor who is a resident of another country.,Tourism and Migration ,Buitelandse besoeker,Isivakatjhi sangaphandle,Undwendwe lwelinye ilizwe/ lwangaphandle/lwasemzini,Isivakashi esivela ngaphandle,Boeti bja go tsena ka nageng,Moeti wa moditjhaba,Moeng wa modithaba,Sivakashi sangaphandle,Mueni wa mashangoavha,Muendzimumbe +1075,Inbound tourism,Tourism of non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Inkomende toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo elingenako,Ukhenketho lwabangenayo,Ukuvakasha kwabangenayo,Boeti bja go tsena ka nageng,Bohahlaudi bo kenang,Bojanala ba baeng,Kuvakasha kwalabangenako,Vhuendelamashango ha vhabvanna,Vupfhumba byo nghena etikweni +1076,Inbound tourism consumption,Comprises the consumption of non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference and/or that provided by residents.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur inkomende toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo elingenako,Uxhamlo lokhenketho lwabangenayo,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha kwabangenayo,Ditshenyagalelo ta baeti ba go tsena ka nageng,Tshebediso ya bohahlaudi bo kenang,Tiriso ya bojanala ba baeng,Kusetjentiswa kwekuvakasha kwalabangenako,Tshumiswa nga vhuendelamashango ha vhabvanna,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba byo nghena etikweni +1077,Inbound tourist,A non-resident visitor who visits within the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Inkomende toeris,Isivakatjhimbukeli esingenako,Umkhenkethi ongenayo,Umvakashi ongenayo,Moeti wa go tsena ka nageng,Mohahlaudi ya kenang,Mojanala wa moeng,Sivakashi lesingenako,Muendelamashango mubvanna,Mupfhumba wo nghena etikweni +1078,Inbound visitor,Visitor who resides outside the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Inkomende besoeker,Isivakatjhi esingenako,Undwendwe olungenayo,Isivakashi esingenayo,Moeng wa go tsena ka nageng,Moeti ya kenang,Moeng wa modithaba,Sivakashi lesingenako,Mueni-/mudalimubvanna,Muendzimumbe wo nghena etikweni +1079,Income from accommodation,Refers only to amounts charged for rooms or equivalent. Income from meals is excluded.,Tourism and Migration ,Inkomste uit akkommodasie,Ingeniso/imali ngendawo,Ingeniso yendawo yokuhlala,Ingeniso/ imali engenayo ngokulalisa,Ditseno go twa marobalong,Lekeno la bodulo,Lotseno lwa marobalo/bonno,Inzuzo lengena ngekulala,Mbuelo ya vhudzulo,Mbuyelo wa vutshamo +1080,Income from restaurants and bar sales (tourist accommodation),"Income from meals, banqueting, beverages and tobacco sales.",Tourism and Migration ,Inkomste uit restaurante en kroegverkope (toeriste-akkommodasie),Ingeniso/imali ngentengiso lemarestjurende nemabhareni,Ingeniso yentengiso kwiindawo zokutyela neebhari (indawo yokuhlala yabakhenkethi),Ingeniso/imali engena ngokudla neziphuzo (kubavakashi),Ditseno go twa dijong the dinong,Lekeno ka dijo le thekiso ya dino (bodulo ba bahahlaudi),Lotseno lwa dithekiso tsa diresethurente le dibara,Inzuzo lengena ngekudla nangalokunatfwako,Mbuelo dza thengiso dza khefini na barani (vhudzulavhaendelamashango),Mbuyelo wa mavhengele na tibara (vutshamo bya vupfhumba) +1081,Income per stay unit night sold,Refers to average rate per stay unit.,Tourism and Migration ,Inkomste per verblyfeenheidnagte verkoop,Ingeniso/imali ngokusetjenziswa kwemibede,Ingeniso yokuhlala ngeyunithi nganye ngobusuku,Ingeniso ngeyunithi ngobusuku obukhokhelwe,Ditseno go ya ka thekio ya boego bjo bo tee,Lekeno ka yuniti ya bodulo e rekisitsweng ka bosiu,Lotseno lwa lefelobonno lwa bosigo bo le bongwe,Inzuzo ngekulala ngebusuku,Mbuelo kha tshipiavhudzulo tsha vhusikuthengiswa,Mbuyelo wa yuniti ya vutshamo hi vusiku byinwe lebyi xavisiweke +1082,Institutional unit,"An economic entity capable, in its own right, of owning assets, incurring liabilities and engaging in economic transactions with other entities.",Tourism and Migration ,Institusionele eenheid,Isijamiso esilawulako,Icandelo leziko,Isikhungo sokuhweba,Yuniti ya instituene,Yuniti ya diinstitjhushene,Kgwebo,Ibhizinisi letimele,Tshipia tsha tshiimiswa,Yuniti ya bindzu +1083,Intermediate consumption,"Consists of the value of the goods and services consumed as inputs in a process of production, excluding fixed assets. Consumption of fixed assets is recorded as tourism of fixed capital.",Tourism and Migration ,Tussenverbruik,Iindleko zokukhiqiza/zokwenza,Uxhamlo oluphakathi lwemveliso,Ukusebenziswa okumaphakathi nendawo,Tshenyegelo ya magareng,Ditshebediso tse mahareng,Tirisomagareng,Kusetjentiswa lokusemkhatsini,Tshumiswa ya vhukati,Ntirhiso wa le xikarhi +1084,Internal tourism,"The tourism of visitors, both resident and non-resident, within the economic territory of the country of residence. It is the combination of domestic and inbound tourism.",Tourism and Migration ,Interne toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo langaphakathi,Ukhenketho lwangaphakathi,Ukuvasha kwangaphakathi,Boeti bja ka nageng,Bohahlaudi ba kahare,Bojanalaselegae,Buvakashi bangekhatsi,Vhuendelamashango ha muno/ngomu,Vupfhumba bya le tikweni +1085,Internal tourism consumption,The consumption of both resident and non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference and/or that provided by residents.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur interne toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo langaphakathi,Uxhamlo lokhenketho lwangaphakathi,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha kwangaphakathi,Tshenyegelo ya boeti bja ka nageng,Ditshebediso tsa bohahlaudi ba kahare,Tirisoselegae,Kusetjentiswa kwebuvakashi bangekhatsi,Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango ha muno/ngomu,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba bya le tikweni +1086,International migration,The movement of people from one country to another.,Tourism and Migration ,Internasionale migrasie,Ifuduko/ithutho lamazwe ngamazwe,Imfuduko phakathi kwamazwe ngamazwe,Ufuduko emazweni ngamazwe,Khudugo /phalalo ya bodithabathaba,Bofalli ba matjhaba,Khudugo ya bodithathaba,Kutfutseleka kwebantfu emhlabeni,Vhupfuluwi ha dzitshaka,Ndzhurho wa misava hinkwayo +1087,International tourism,The combination of inbound tourism and outbound tourism.,Tourism and Migration ,Internasionale toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo lamazwe ngamazwe,Ukhenketho lwamazwe ngamazwe,Ezokuvakasha emazweni ngamazwe,Boeti bja bodithabathaba,Bohahlaudi ba matjhaba,Bojanala ba bodithathaba,Buvakashi bemave ngemave,Vhuendelamashango ha dzitshaka,Vupfhumba bya misava hinkwayo +1088,International tourism consumption,Comprises inbound tourism consumption and outbound tourism consumption.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur internasionale toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo lamazwe ngamazwe,Uxhamlo lokhenketho lwamazwe ngamazwe,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha emazweni ngamazwe,Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti bja bodithabathaba,Tshebediso ya bohahlaudi ba matjhaba,Tiriso ya bojanala ba bodithathaba,Kusetjentiswa kwebuvakashi bemave ngemave,Tshumiswa nga vhuendelamashango ha dzitshaka,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba bya misava hinkwayo +1089,International tourist,An international visitor who stays at least one night in collective or private accommodation in the country visited.,Tourism and Migration ,Internasionale toeris,Isivakatjhimbukeli samazwe ngamazwe,Umkhenkethi wamazwe ngamazwe,Umvakashi wamazwe ngamazwe,Moeti wa bodithabathaba,Mohahlaudi wa matjhaba,Mojanala wa bodithathaba,Sivakashi semave ngemave,Muendelamashango wa dzitshaka,Mupfhumba wa misava hinkwayo +1090,International traveller,Any person on a trip between two or more localities in different countries.,Tourism and Migration ,Internasionale reisiger,Isikhambi samazwe ngamazwe,Umhambi/umtyeleli wamazwe ngamazwe,Umhambi wamazwe ngamazwe,Mosepedi wa bodithabathaba,Motsamai wa matjhaba,Motsamai wa bodithathaba,Sivakashi semave ngemave,Muendi wa dzitshaka,Mufambi wa misava hinkwayo +1091,International visitor,Any person who travels to a country other than that in which he/she has his/her residence outside his/her usual environment for a period that is less than 12 months and whose main purpose of visit is other that the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the country visited.,Tourism and Migration ,Internasionale besoeker,Isivakatjhi samazwe ngamazwe,Undwendwe lwamazwe ngamazwe,Isivakashi samazwe ngamazwe,Moeng wa bodithabathaba,Moeti wa matjhaba,Moeng wa bodithathaba,Sivakashi samhlaba wonkhe,Mueni/mudali wa dzitshaka,Muendzi wa misava hinkwayo +1092,Lifetime migrant,A person who migrates from one place to another to stay there permanently. See return migrant.,Tourism and Migration ,Lewenslange migrant,Umfuduki / umthuthi kanomphela,Umfuduki osisigxina,Umfuduki wafuthi,Mofaladi/mohudugi wa sammaruri/saruri,Mofalli wa moshwella,Ntholeng; mohudugi,Umfiki lotintile,Mupfuluwi wa tshohe,Murhurhelamakumu +1093,Migration,The movement of people from one place to another.,Tourism and Migration ,Migrasie,Ifuduko; ithutho,Imfuduko,Ufuduko,Phalalo /khudugo,Bofalli,Khudugo; Bofaladi,Kutfutsela kulelinye live,Vhupfuluwi,Ndzhurho +1094,National tourism,National tourism is the combination of domestic tourism and outbound tourism.,Tourism and Migration ,Nasionale toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo lelizwe,Ukhenketho lukaZwelonke,Ezokuvakasha zikazwelonke,Boeti bja bosethaba,Bohahlaudi ba setjhaba,Bojanala ba bosethaba,Buvakashi eveni,Vhuendelamashango ha lushaka,Vupfhumba bya rixaka +1095,National tourism consumption,The consumption of both resident visitors within and outside the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur nasionale toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjholelizwe,Uxhamlo lokhenketho lukaZwelonke,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha zikazwelonke,Tshenyegelo ya boeti bja bosethaba,Tshebediso ya bohahlaudi ba setjhaba,Tiriso ya bojanala ba bosethaba,Kusetjentiswa kwebuvakashi eveni,Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango ha lushaka,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba bya rixaka +1096,"Occupancy rate, bed",See bed occupancy rate.,Tourism and Migration ,"Besettingskoers, bed- [bedbesettingskoers]",Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwendawo kwemibhede,Umlinganiselo wokuqeshwa kweebhedi,Iphesenti lokuhlalisa,Kelo ya malao/marobalo,"Sekgahla sa tshebediso, bethe",Kelotiriso ya malao,"Lizinga lekulala, umbhede",Tshikalambivhedzavhulalo,"Mpimo wa ntirhiso, mibedwa" +1097,"Occupancy rate, stay",See stay unit occupancy rate.,Tourism and Migration ,"Besettingskoers, verblyfeenheid",Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwendawo yokuhlala,Umlinganiselo wokuqeshwa kweendawo zokuhlala,Iphesenti lamagumbi asetshenzisiwe,Kelo ya malao,"Sekgahla sa tshebediso, bodulo",Kelotiriso ya lefelobonno,"Lizinga lekulala, kuhlala",Tshikalambivhedzatshipia tsha vhudzulo,"Mpimo wa ntirhiso, vutshamo" +1098,Other income (tourist accommodation),"Other income includes rentals and fees received for transport services, offices, shops, garages, billiard rooms, dance floors, laundry services, telephone and fax, etc.",Tourism and Migration ,Ander inkomste (toeriste-akkommodasie),Enye ingeniso/imali,Ingeniso eyenye (indawo yokuhlala yabakhenkethi),Enye imali engenile/ elinye ingeniso,Ditseno te dingwe,Lekeno le leng (bodulo ba bahahlaudi),Lotseno lo longwe,Inzuzo lenye (kulala nekuhlala kwebavakashi),Mbuelo iwe (vhudzulavhaendelamashango),Mimbuyelo yinwana (vutshamo bya vupfhumba) +1099,Outbound tourism,The tourism of resident visitors outside the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Vertrekkende toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo eliphumako,Ukhenketho oluphumayo,Ezokuvakashela ngaphandle,Boeti bja go falalela ntle,Bohahlaudi bo tswang,Bojanala ba baeti,Kuvakasha kwalabaphumako,Vhuendelamashango ha vhabvelanna,Vupfhumba byo huma etikweni +1100,Outbound tourism consumption,Comprises the consumption of resident visitors outside the economic territory of the country of reference and provided by non-residents.,Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur vertrekkende toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo eliphumako,Uxhamlo lokhenketho oluphumayo,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakashela ngaphandle,Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti bja go falalela ntle,Ditshebediso tsa bohahlaudi bo tswang; tshebediso ya bohahlaudi bo tswang,Tiriso ya bojanala ba baeti,Kusetjentiswa kwekuvakasha kwalabaphumako,Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango ha vhabvelanna,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba byo huma etikweni +1101,Outbound tourist,A resident visitor who visits outside the economic territory of the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Vertrekkende toeris,Isivakatjhimbukeli esiphumako,Umkhenkethi ophumayo,Umvakashi ophumayo,Moeti wa go falalela ntle,Mohahlaudi ya tswang,Mojanala wa moeti,Sivakashi lesiphumako,Muendelamashango mubvelanna,Mupfhumba wo huma etikweni +1102,Outbound visitor,Visitors who reside within the country of reference.,Tourism and Migration ,Vertrekkende besoeker,Isivakatjhi esiphumako,Undwendwe oluphumayo,Isivakashi esiphumayo,Moeng wa go falalela ntle,Moeti ya tswang,Moeti,Sivakashi lesiphumako,Mueni-/mudalimubvelanna,Muyeni wo huma etikweni +1103,Overnight visitor/tourist,A visitor/tourist who stays at least one night in collective or private accommodation in the place visited.,Tourism and Migration ,Oornagbesoeker/-toeris,Isivakatjhi/isivakatjhimbukeli esilalako,Undwendwe olulalisayo/ umkhenkethi olalisayo,Isivakashi esilalayo/umvakashi olalayo,Moeng/moeti wa go lala,Moeti/mohahlaudi ya robaletsang,Moeng / mojanala wa bosigo bo le bongwe,Sivakashi/ umvakashi se-/ webusuku bunye,Mueni/mudali muendelamashango musiakhofhe,Muendzi/mupfhumba wa vusiku byinwe +1104,Overseas traveller (tourism and migration),"A foreign traveller visiting South Africa (SA), excluding travellers from mainland Africa and from unspecified countries.",Tourism and Migration ,Oorsese besoeker (toerisme en migrasie),Isikhambi sangaphetjheya,Umhambi/umtyeleli waphesheya kolwandle (ukhenketho nemfuduko),Umhambi waphesheya (ezokuvasha nofuduko),Mosepedi wa moe wa mawatle/moa mawatle,Motsamai wa mose (bohahlaudi le bofalli),Motsamai wa moseja,Sivakashi sangesheya,Muendi wa seli ha malwanzhe (muendelamashango na mupfuluwi),Mufambi wa le ndzhandzheni wa malwandle (vupfhumba na ndzhurho) +1105,Purpose of visit,"The major groups that are recommended for classifying the main purpose of visit (or trip) are: Leisure, recreation and holidays; Visiting friends and relatives; Business and professional; Health treatment; Religion/pilgrimages; and Other.",Tourism and Migration ,Doel van besoek,Umnqopho wevakatjho,Injongo yokundwendwela,Inhloso yokuvakasha,Lebaka/nepo ya ketelo,Sepheo sa leeto,Maitlhomo a leeto,Injongo yekuvakasha,Ndivho ya madalo,Xikongomelo xa rendzo +1106,Residence,An institutional units residence is the location where its centre of principal economic interest can be found. The residence of a household is that of all its members.,Tourism and Migration ,Woonplek,Indawo yokuhlala,Indawo yokuhlala,Indawo yokuhlala,Bodulo,Bodulo,Bonno; bodulo,Indzawo yekuhlala,Vhudzulo,Vutshamo +1107,Return migrant,A person who migrates from one place to another on a temporary basis.,Tourism and Migration ,Terugkerende migrant,Umfuduki/umthuthi obuyako,Umfuduki obuyayo,Umfuduki obuyayo,Mofaladi wa lebakanyana,Mofalli wa kgutlang,Mohudugi yo o boang; mmoelagae,Umzulane,Mupfuluwi muvhuyi,Murhurhi wa xinkarhana +1108,Room occupancy rate,Percentage of average number of room nights sold to the average number of room nights on offer for sale during a particular month.,Tourism and Migration ,Kamerbesettingskoers,Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwamakamuru,Umlinganiselo wengqesho legumbi,Iphesenti lamagumbi asetshenzisiwe,Kelo ya go hira phapoi,Sekgahla sa tshebediso ya phaposi,Kelotiriso ya marobalo,Lizinga lekuhlala ekamelweni,Tshikalambivhedza-/phera/rumu,Mpimo wa ntirhiso wa kamara +1109,Same-day visitor,A visitor who visits a place for less than one night.,Tourism and Migration ,Eendagbesoeker,Isivakatjhi esingalaliko,Undwendwe losuku,Isivakashi sangalelo langa,Moeng wa mosegare o tee,Moeti wa letsatsi,Moeng wa letsatsi le le lengwe,Sivakashi selusuku,Mueni/mudali wa uvha,Muendzi wa siku +1110,Self-declared emigrant,"South African residents who, at the time of departing from South Africa, state their intention to leave the country and reside permanently elsewhere.",Tourism and Migration ,Selfverklaarde emigrant,Umfudukeli/umthutheli ngaphandle ozivezileko,Umfuduki ophumayo ozichazayo,Umshiyilizwe ozibikile,Mofalalelantle wa go ipega,Mofalli ya ipoletseng,Mofalelaruri,Umsuki lobhalisiwe,Muipfulusi,Murhurhelahandle wo titivisa +1111,Stay unit,"The unit of accommodation available to be charged out to guests, for example, a powered site in a caravan park or a room in a hotel.",Tourism and Migration ,Verblyfeenheid,Indawo yokuhlala,Igumbi lokuhlala,Iyunithi lokuhlala,Yuniti ya bodulo/marobalo,Yuniti ya bodulo,"Lefelobonno, borobalo",Ligumbi lekulala,Tshipia tsha vhudzulo,Yuniti ya vutshamo +1112,Stay unit night sold,The total number of stay units occupied on each night during the survey period.,Tourism and Migration ,Verblyfeenheidnagte verkoop,Indawo yokulala ethengisiweko,Igumbi lokuhlala ubusuku elithengisiweyo,Iyunithi yokuhlala ethengiswe ngobusuku,Yuniti ya bodulo ya boego botee,Yuniti ya bodulo e rekisitsweng ka bosiu,Marobalo a a rekisitsweng,Indzawo yekulala lebhukiwe,Tshipiavhudzulo tsha vhusikuthengiswa,Vusiku bya yuniti ya vutshamo lebyi xavisiweke +1113,Stay unit occupancy rate (tourism),"The number of stay unit nights sold, divided by the product of the number of stay unit nights available and the number of days in the survey period, expressed as a percentage.",Tourism and Migration ,Verblyfeenheidbesettingskoers (toerisme),Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwendawo yokuhlala,Umlinganiselo wengqesho legumbi lokuhlala (ukhenketho),Iphesenti lamayunithi okuhlala asetshenzisiwe (ezokuvakasha),Kelo ya go hira yuniti ya bodulo,Sekgahla sa tshebediso ya yuniti ya bodulo (bohahlaudi),Kelotiriso ya lefelobonno/borobalo,Lizinga lekulala egumbini,shikalambivhedzatshipia tsha vhudzulo (vhuendelamashango),Mpimo wa ntirhiso wa yuniti ya vutshamo (vupfhumba) +1114,Total income (tourism accommodation),"Includes income from accommodation, income from restaurant and bar sales and other income.",Tourism and Migration ,Totale inkomste (toeriste-akkommodasie),Ingeniso/imali epheleleko,Ingeniso epheleleyo (indawo yokuhlala yokhenketho),Isamba sengeniso/ semali engenile,Palomoka ya ditseno,Lekeno lohle (bodulo ba bohahlaudi),Lotsenolotlhe,Inzuzo lephelele (kulala kutekuvakasha),hanganyelo ya mbuelo (vhudzulavhaendelamashango),Mbuyelo hinkwawo (vutshamo bya vupfhumba) +1115,Total income from accommodation (tourism accommodation),Amounts charged for stay units.,Tourism and Migration ,Totale inkomste uit akkommodasie (toeriste-akkommodasie),Ingeniso/imali epheleleko ngendawo,Ingeniso iyonke kwindawo yokuhlala (indawo yokuhlala yokhenketho),Isamba sengeniso/semali engenile ngokulalisa(indawo yokuhlala yezivakashi),Palomoka ya ditseno go twa marobalong,Lekeno lohle le tswang bodulong (bodulo ba bohahlaudi),Lotsenolotlhe lwa marobalo,Inzuzo lephelele yekulala (kulala kutekuvakasha),hanganyelo ya mbuelo ya vhudzulo (vhudzulavhaendelamashango).,Mbuyelo hinkwawo wo huma eka vutshamo (vutshamo bya vupfhumba +1116,Tourism,"The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.",Tourism and Migration ,Toerisme,Ivakatjhobukelo,Ukhenketho,Ezokuvakasha,Boeti,Bohahlaudi,Bojanala,Tekuvakasha,Vhuendelamashango,Vupfhumba +1117,Tourism characteristic activity,Those productive activities that have tourism characteristic products as their principal output.,Tourism and Migration ,Aktiwiteit van toerismeaard,Umsebenzi osime ngezevakatjhobukelo,Okwenzekayo okubonisa ukhenketho,Imisebenzi enezimpawu zokuvakasha,Moongwananepiwaboeti,Mosebetsi o nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi,Tiro e e supang bojanala; tirotshupabojanala,Timphawu temisebenti yekuvakasha,Tshialulamushumo/vhuitwa ha vhuendelamashangonyito,Nghingiriko wa swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba +1118,Tourism characteristic industry,A group of establishments whose principal productive activity is a tourism characteristic activity.,Tourism and Migration ,Bedryf van toerismeaard,Ibubulo/ i-indastri esime ngezevakatjhobukelo,Ushishino olubonisa iimpawu zokhenketho,Imboni enezimpawu zokuvakasha,Intaseterinepiwaboeti,Indasteri e nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi,Madirelotshupabojanala,Timphawu temboni yetekuvakasha,Tshialulanowetshumo ya vhuendelamashango,Vumaki bya swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba +1119,Tourism characteristic products,"Products which, in the absence of visitors, in most countries would probably cease to exist in meaningful quantity or of which the level of consumption would be significantly reduced, and of which it seems possible to obtain statistical information.",Tourism and Migration ,Produkte van toerismeaard,Imikhiqizo esime ngezevakatjhobukelo,Iimveliso ezibonisa iimpawu zokhenketho,Imikhiqizo enezimpawu zokuvakasha,Ditweletwanepiwaboeti,Ditlhahiso tse nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi,Dikunotshupabojanala,Timphawu temikhicito yetekuvakasha,Tshialulazwibveledzwa zwa vhuendelamashango,Swimakiwa swa swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba +1120,Tourism collective consumption,It includes government expenditures on certain non-market collective services used by visitors and the productive activities that serve them.,Tourism and Migration ,Kollektiewe toerismeverbruik,Isebenzisobuthelelo lezevakatjhobukelo,Uxhamlo oluqukayo kukhenketho,Ukusebenzisa ezokuvakasha ngokuhlanganyela,Ditshenyagalelomoka ta boeti,Tshebediso ya tsohle tsa bohahlaudi,Tirisotsotlhe tsa bojanala,Kusetjentiswa kwetekuvakasha lokubumbene,Tshumiswahanganelwa ya vhuendelamashango,Ntirhiso wa nhlengelo wa vupfhumba +1121,Tourism connected activities,Those productive activities that have tourism connected products as their principal output.,Tourism and Migration ,Toerismeverwante aktiwiteite,Imisebenzi elumathene nezevakatjhobukelo,Imisebenzi eqhagamshelene nokhenketho,Imisebenzi exhumene nezokuvakasha,Meongwana ye e kgokaganthitwego le boeti,Mesebetsi e amanang le bohahlaudi,Ditiro tse di amanang le bojanala,Imisebenti yetekuvakasha lechumene,Mishumo-/vhuitwahumekanywa na vhuendelamashangonyito,Migingiriko leyi hlanganeke ya vupfhumba +1122,Tourism connected products,"Those products which are consumed by visitors in volumes which are significant for the visitor and/or the provider, but which are not included in the list of tourism characteristic products.",Tourism and Migration ,Toerismeverwante produkte,Imikhiqizo/ipahla elumathene nezevakatjhobukelo,Limveliso eziqhagamshelene nokhenketho,Imikhiqizo exhumene nezokuvaksaha,Ditweletwa teo di kgokaganthitwego le boeti,Ditlhahiswa tse amanang le bohahlaudi,Dikuno tse di amanang le bojanala,Imikhicito yetekuvakasha lechumene,Zwibveledzwahumekanywa na vhuendelamashango,Swimakiwa leswi hlanganeke swa vupfhumba +1123,Tourism consumption,The total consumption expenditure made by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor for and during his/her trip and stay at a destination.,Tourism and Migration ,Toerismeverbruik,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo,Uxhamlo kukhenketho,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha,Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti,Tshebediso ya bohahlaudi,Tiriso tsa bojanala,Lokusetjentiswako kutekuvakasha,Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango,Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba +1124,Tourism demand,"Is the sum of tourism consumption, tourism collective consumption and tourism gross fixed capital formation?",Tourism and Migration ,Toerismevraag,Ifuneko yevakatjhobukelo,Iimfuno zokhenketho,Ukudingeka kwezokuvakasha,Dinyakwa ta boeti,Ditlhoko tsa bohahlaudi,Ditlhoko tsa bojanala,Tidzingo tetekuvakasha,hoea ya vhuendelamashango,Ndzaveko wa vupfhumba +1125,Tourism gross domestic product,The gross domestic product generated in the economy by the tourism industries and other industries in response to tourism internal consumption.,Tourism and Migration ,Bruto binnelandse produk van toerisme,Ipahla epheleleko yangekhaya kezevakatjhobukelo,Imveliso yelizwe jikelele kukhenketho,Isamba somkhiqizo wezwe kwezokuvakasha,Bolengkakareto bja dithoto le ditirelo ta boeti,Tlhahisokakaretso ya selehae ya bohahlaudi,Kunoselegaekakaretso ya bojanala,Sambakhulu semkhicito wasekhaya wetekuvakasha,Zwibveledzwaguezwapo zwa vhuendelamashango,Swimakiwa hinkwaswo swa tiko swa vupfhumba +1126,Tourism gross fixed capital formation,Is the sum of the gross fixed capital formation in specific tourism fixed produced assets by all economic productive activities and the gross fixed capital formation of tourism industries in non-specific tourism fixed assets?,Tourism and Migration ,Bruto vastekapitaalvorming deur toerisme,Amasiso anzinzileko kezevakatjhobukelo,Uyilo lwemveliso yenkunzi ezinzileyo kukhenketho,Isamba semikhiqizo engegudluke yezokuvakasha,Tlhamegokakareto ya dithoto ta go se uthe/ute ta boeti,Popokakaretso ya matlotlo a tsepameng le bohahlaudi,Kago ya letlotlotsepamolotlhe ya bojanala,Sambakhulu lesimisiwe kusakhiwo setemnotfo kutekuvakasha,Mbumbo ya thunduguetehwa ya vhuendelamashango,Nhlengeleto hinkwawo wa nhundzu ya nkarhi wo leha ya vupfhumba +1127,Tourism industry,"All establishments whose principal productive activity is a tourism characteristic activity, i.e. the sum of all tourism characteristic activities.",Tourism and Migration ,Toerismebedryf,Umsebenzi wezevakatjhobukelo; zevakatjhobukelo,Ushishino lokhenketho,Imboni yezokuvakasha,Intaseteri ya boeti,Indasteri ya bohahlaudi,Madirelo a bojanala; bojanala,Imboni yetekuvakasha,Nowetshumo ya vhuendelamashango,Vumaki bya vupfhumba +1128,Tourism internal consumption,"Comprises all tourism consumption expenditure that takes place within the given country. +Note: It includes all domestic tourism consumption, inbound tourism consumption, and the part of outbound tourism consumption which corresponds to goods and services provided by residents. It might include goods and services imported into the economy and domestically sold to visitors. It differs from internal tourism consumption by the part of outbound tourism consumption which corresponds to goods and services provided by residents.",Tourism and Migration ,Verbruik deur interne toerisme,Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo langaphakathi,Uxhamlo lwangaphakathi kukhenketho,Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha ngaphakathi,Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti ta ka nageng,Tshebediso ya ka hare ya bohahlaudi,Tiriso ya bojanala mo nageng,Kusetjentiswa kwetekuvakasha ngekhatsi,Tshumiswa ya muno ya vhuendelamashango,Ntirhiso wa le tikweni wa vupfhumba +1129,Tourism non-specific products,All other products that are not tourism specific.,Tourism and Migration ,Niespesifieke toerismeprodukte,Ipahla engasi yevakatjhobukelo,Iimveliso zokhenketho ezingabalulwanga,Imikhiqizo yezokuvakasha engabaluliwe ngqo,Ditweletwa ta go se nepiwe boeti,Ditlhahiswa tse sa qollehang tsa bohahlaudi,Dikuno tse di sa totang bojanala,Imikhicito lengahambelani netekuvakasha,Zwibveledzwa tshayandivhiswa zwa vhuendelamashango,Swimakiwa swo kala swi nga kongomisiwangi eka vupfhumba +1130,Tourism sector,Consists of a set of institutional units whose principal economic activity is a tourism characteristic activity.,Tourism and Migration ,Toerismesektor,Ikoro yevakatjhobukelo,Icandelo lokhenketho,Umkhakha wezokuvakasha,Lefapa la boeti,Karolo ya bohahlaudi; lekala la tsa bohahlaudi,Lephata la bojanala,Umkhakha wetekuvakasha,Sia/sekithara ya vhuendelamashango,Xiyenge xa vupfhumba +1131,Tourism specific produced fixed assets,"Those assets specifically designed to produce tourism goods and services. If tourism did not exist, such assets would be severely impacted in terms of their utility and value.",Tourism and Migration ,Toerismespesifieke geproduseerde vaste bates,Ipahla enzinzileko yevakatjhobukelo,Iimveliso ezithile ezizinzileyo zokhenketho,Izimpahla ezingegudluke ekhiqizelwe ngqo ezokuvakasha,Dithoto ta go se uthe/ute ta go tweleleta boeti,Matlotlo a tsepameng a hlahisetsang bohahlaudi ka ho toba,Dithototsepamotota tsa bojanala,Timphahla letikhicitwako letimisiwe tetekuvakasha,Thundumveledzwatehwa ndivhiswa dza vhuendelamashango,Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha leri endliweke ri kongomile vupfhumba +1132,Tourism specific products,The sum of tourism characteristic products and tourism connected products.,Tourism and Migration ,Toerismespesifieke produkte,Ipahla yevakatjhobukelo,Iimveliso ezinxulumene nokhenketho,Imikhiqizo eqondene ngqo nezokuvakasha,Ditweletwa ta boeti,Dihlahiswa tsa bohahlaudi ka ho toba,Dikunotota tsa bojanala,Imikhicito lehambelana netekuvakasha,Zwibveledzwandivhiswa zwa vhuendelamashango,Swimakiwa swo kongoma vupfhumba +1133,Tourism value added,The value added generated by tourism industries and other industries of the economy in response to internal tourism consumption.,Tourism and Migration ,Toerismewaarde toegevoeg,Ubungako obungezelelweko bevakatjhobukelo,Ixabiso elongezelelweyo lokhenketho,Izinga elengeziwe lezokuvakasha,Bolengkakaretwa bja boeti,Boleng bo atolositsweng ba bohahlaudi,Koketsaboleng ya bojanala,Linani lelengetwako letekuvakasha,Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa ya vhuendelamashango,Nkoka lowu engeteriweke wa vupfhumba +1134,Tourist,A visitor who stays at least one night in the place visited.,Tourism and Migration ,Toeris,Isivakatjhimbukeli,Umkhenkethi,Umvakashi,Moeti,Mohahlaudi,Mojanala,Sivakashi,Muendelamashango,Mupfhumba +1135,Tourist accommodation,Any facility that regularly (or occasionally) provides paid or unpaid overnight accommodation for tourists.,Tourism and Migration ,Toeriste-akkommodasie,Indawo yokuhlalisa iimvakatjhimbukeli,Indawo yokuhlala yabakhenkethi,Indawo yokulala yabavakashi,Borobalelo bja baeti,Bodulo ba mohahlaudi,Marobalo a mojanala/bonno,Indzawo yekulala yetivakashi,Vhudzulavhaendelamashango,Vutshamo bya vupfhumba +1136,Traveller,Any person on a trip between two or more countries or between two or more localities within his/her country of residence.,Tourism and Migration ,Reisiger,Isikhambi samazwe ngamazwe,Umhambi/ umtyeleli,Umhambi,Mosepedi,Motsamai,Motsamai; mosepedi,Sivakashi,Muendi,Mufambi +1137,"Traveller, domestic",Person on a trip between two to more localities in his/her country of residence.,Tourism and Migration ,"Reisiger, binnelands [binnelandse reisiger]",Isikhambi samazwe ngamazwe,"Umhambi/umtyeleli,ekhaya",Umhambi wangaphakathi,Mosepedi wa ka nageng,"Motsamai, selehae",Motsamai; mosepedi wa selegae,Sivakashi sasekhaya,Muendi wa muno,"Mufambi, etikweni" +1138,"Traveller, foreign",See foreign traveller.,Tourism and Migration ,"Reisiger, buitelands [buitelandse reisiger]",Isikhambi sangaphandle,Umhambi/umtyeleli ngaphandle/emzini/ welinye ilizwe,Umhambi wangaphandle,Mosepedi wa motwantle,"Motsamai, moditjhaba",Motsamai; mosepedi wa bodithaba,Sivakashi sangaphandle,Muendi wa mashangoavha,"Mufambi, mumbe" +1139,"Traveller, international",See international traveller.,Tourism and Migration ,"Reisiger, internasionaal [internasionale reisiger]",Isikhambi samazwengamazwe,Umhambi/umtyeleli wamazwe ngamazwe,Umhambi wamazwe ngamazwe,Mosepedi wa bodithabathaba,"Motsamai, matjhaba",Motsamai; mosepedi wa bodithabathaba,"Sivakashi, semave ngemave",Muendi wa dzitshaka,"Mufambi, misava hinkwayo" +1140,"Traveller, overseas",See overseas traveller.,Tourism and Migration ,"Reisiger, oorsee [oorsese reisiger]",Isikhambi sangaphetjheya,Umhambi/umtyeleli waphesheya kolwandle,Umhambi waphesheya,Mosepedi wa moe wa mawatle/moa mawatle,"Motsamai, mose",Motsamai; mosepedi wa moseja,"Sivakashi, sangesheya",Muendi wa seli ha malwanzhe,"Mufambi, endzhandzheni wa malwandle" +1141,Trip,"A journey undertaken by one or more members of the household for at least one night away from home, where a person did not receive any remuneration (did not make any profit) at that destination. It is important to note that a trip must be complete. That means a trip is only applicable when a person returns to his/her place of residence.",Tourism and Migration ,Reis,Ikhambo,Uhambo,Uhambo,Leeto,Leeto (GHS),Leeto,Luhambo,Lwendo (GHS),Riendzo +1142,Usual environment,To be outside the usual environment' the person should travel more than 40 kilometres from his/her place of residence (one way) AND the place should NOT be visited more than once a week. This includes place of work and place of study. Leisure and recreational trips are included irrespective of frequency.,Tourism and Migration ,Gebruiklike omgewing,Ibhoduluko elijayelekileko,Imeko-bume yesiqhelo,Indawo ejwayelekile,Tikologotlwaelo/tikologo ya ka mehla,Tikoloho e tlwaelehileng,Tikologotlwaelo,Indzawo yangakini,Vhuponowelwa,Mbangu wa ntolovelo +1143,Value added (Health and Vital Statistics),A measure of the value created by production.,Tourism and Migration ,Waarde toegevoeg (Gesondheids- en bevolkingstatistieke),Ubungako obungezelelweko,Ixabiso elongezelelweyo (Iinkcukacha-manani zobom nezempilo),Izinga elengeziwe (Ezempilo nezibalo ezisemqoka),Bolengkoketwa/bolengtlhakanywa,Boleng bo atolositsweng,Koketsaboleng,Linani lelengetiwe,Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa (Mbalombalo/Zwitatistika zwa Mutakalo na ndeme),Nkoka lowu engeteriweke (tinhlayohlayo ta rihanyu na swa nkoka) +1144,Value added of the tourism industries,Sums the value added of all characteristic producers regardless of the buyers of their output; it excludes non-characteristic producers.,Tourism and Migration ,Waarde toegevoeg deur die toerismebedrywe,Ubungako obungezelelweko bamabubulo kwezevakatjhobukelo,Ixabiso elongezelelweyo lamashishini okhenketho,Izinga elengeziwe lezimboni zezokuvakasha,Bolengkakaretwa go diintaseteri ta boeti,Boleng bo atolositsweng ba diindasteri tsa bohahlaudi,Koketsaboleng ya madirelo a bojanala,Linani lelengetiwe etimbonini tekuvakasha,Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa dza nowetshumo dza vhuendelamashango,Nkoka lowu engeteriweke wa vumaki bya vupfhumba +1145,Visitor consumption,The total consumption expenditure made by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor during his/her trip and stay at a destination.,Tourism and Migration ,Besoekersverbruik,Iindleko zesivakatjhi,Uxhamlo londwendwe,Okusetshenziswa yizivakashi,Tshenyegelo ya moeng,Ditshebediso tsa baeti,Bodirisi jwa moeng,Lokusetjentiswe tivakashi,Tshumiswa nga mueni/mudali,Ntirhiso wa muendzi +1146,"Visitor, domestic",See domestic visitor.,Tourism and Migration ,"Besoeker, binnelands [binnelandse besoeker]",Isivakatjhi sangekhaya,"Undwendwe, ekhaya",Isivakashi sangaphakathi,Moeng wa ka nageng,"Moeti, selehae",Moeng wa selegae,Sivakashi sasekhaya,Mueni/mudali wa muno,"Muendzi, etikweni" +1147,"Visitor, international",See international visitor.,Tourism and Migration ,"Besoeker, internasionaal [internasionale besoeker]",Isivakatjhi samazwe ngamazwe,"Undwendwe, lwamazwe ngamazwe",Isivakashi samazwe ngamazwe,Moeng wa bodithabathaba,"Moeti, matjhaba",Moeng wa bodithabathaba,"Sivakashi, semave ngemave",Mueni/mudali wa dzitshaka,"Muendzi, misava hinkwayo" +1148,Visitors expenditures,Are traditionally used in the analysis of the tourism economy. They include expenditures on goods and services consumed by visitors for and during their trips and stay at a destination. It corresponds with the monetary transactions component of tourism consumption.,Tourism and Migration ,Besoekersuitgawes,Iindleko zeemvakatjhi,Inkcitho yeendwendwe,Izindleko zezivakashi,Ditshenyagalelo ta baeng,Ditshenyehelo tsa baeti,Ditshenyegelo tsa baeng,Tincitfo tetivakashi,Tshinyalelo dza vhaeni/vhadalli,Mitirhiso ya vaendzi +1149,Visitor (tourism),"Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than 12 months, and whose main purpose of the trip is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. See international visitor and domestic visitor. Compare visitor (household).",Tourism and Migration ,Besoeker (toerisme),isivakatjhi,Undwendwe (ukhenketho),Isivakashi (ezokuvakasha),Moeng/moeti,Moeti (Bohahlaudi),Moeng,Sivakashi,Mueni/mudali (vhuendelamashango),Muendzi (vupfhumba) +1150,Acquisition approach,"An approach taking into account the total value of goods and services actually acquired during a given period, whether fully paid for or not during the period.",Trade,Verkrygingsbenadering / Verwerwingsbenadering / Aanskaffingsbenadering,Indlela yokuzuza,inkqubo yeentengo,Ukuthenga ngokuphelele ngokwesikhathi,Mokgwatshepeto wa khweto / Khumano,Mokgwa wa phumaneho,Mokgwakgobokanyo,Indlela yekutfola linani lemphahlamali nemisebenti ngesikhatsi lesitsite,Nila ya kuwanele kwa zwithu,Endlelo ro kuma +1151,Consumption approach,An approach that takes into account the total value of all goods and services consumed (or used) during a given period.,Trade,Verbruikbenadering,Indlela yokusebenzisa,inkqubo yosetyenziso,Ukusetshenziswa kwempahla ngokwesikhathi,Mokgwatshepeto wa tirio,Mokgwa wa tshebediso,Mokgwatiriso,Indlela yekusebentisa,Nila ya kushumisele,Endlelo ra ntirhiso +1152,Free-on-board (f.o.b.) price,The purchasers' price paid by an importer taking delivery of goods at the exporters frontier after loading on to a carrier and after payment of any export taxes or the receipt of any tax rebates.,Trade,Vry-aan-boord-prys (vab-prys),Iindleko zetuthopahla ezingathinti umthumeli,ixabiso lokungenisa intengo evela kumazwe angaphandle,Inani elikhokhwa umngenisimpahla,Poreisi / Tefokakareto ya moamogeladithoto,Ditjeo tsa free-on-board (f.o.b) / Lekgetho la thekiso le sa leshweng ke moreki wa naha e nngwe,Tlhotlhwatuelelopele,Imali lekhokhelwa ngumngenisimphahla wakulelinye live,Mutengonyangaredzwa wa zwiunwa,Nxavo wa mutundzi +1153,Individual services,"Services rendered to individuals or a small group of persons. +Note: This category applies particularly to community and social services such as education, health and welfare.",Trade,Individuele diens,Izenzelwa zomuntu ngamunye,iinkonzo zomntu ngamnye,Izinsizakalo kumuntu,Ditirelo te di fapafapanego,Ditshebeletso tsa batho ka bomong,Ditirelo go batho ka bongwe/ka nosi / Ditirelabatho,Tinsitamuntfu / Tinsita licembu,Tshumelo i etshedzwaho muthu/tshigwada tshiuku,Vukorhokeri bya vanhu +1154,Intangible fixed assets,"Assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured. +Inclusions: + Mineral exploration + Computer software + Entertainment, literary, and artistic originals + Miscellaneous other intangible fixed assets.",Trade,Ontasbare vaste bate,Amafa anzinzileko angathintekiko,iiasethi zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo nasisigxina,Izimpahla ezinganyakazi nezingaphatheki,Dithoto ta go se fetoge te di sa swaregego,Thepa e sa tshwareheng,Dithototlhomamosaangweng / Dithototllhomamokgopolo,Timphahla letingaphatseki letinganyakati,Ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa dzo tewaho,Tinhundzuswianakanyiwa ta nkarhi wo leha +1155,Other fixed assets,Cultivated assets and intangible fixed assets.,Trade,Ander vaste bate,Amanye amafa anzinzileko,ezinye zee-asethi zexabiso asisigxina,Ezinye izimpahla ezinganyakazi,Dithoto te dingwe te di sa fetogego,Thepa e nngwe e tsitsitseng,Dithototlhomamo tse dingwe,Letinye timphahla letinganyakati,Dziwe ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa dzo tewaho,Tinhundzu tinwana ta nkarhi wo leha +1156,Valuables,Goods of considerable value acquired and held as stores of value; and not used for purposes of production or consumption.,Trade,Waardevolle artikels,Ipahla eligugu,izinto ezinexabiso,Okuyigugu / Okubalulekile,Dithoto ta bohlokwa,Tse bohlokwa,Dibotlhokwa,Timphahla letiligugu / Letibalulekile,Ndaka kana thundu dza ndeme,Switirhisiwa swa nkoka +1157,Road transport,"Roads, public buses, parking garages, and vehicle licensing and testing.",Transport and Communication,Padvervoer,Iinthuthi zendlela,izithuthi zendlela,Izithuthi zomgwaqo,Dinamelwa ta mebileng / Ditseleng,Transporoto ya tsela,Dipalangwa tsa tsela / Diroritsela,Sitfutsi semgwaco,Vhuendi ha badani,Vutleketli bya le magondzweni +1158,Specialised vehicles,Vehicles that have special functions and features to carry out normal tasks under special or extraordinary circumstances.,Transport and Communication,Spesiaal toegeruste voertuig,Iinkoloyi ezikhethekileko,izithuthi ezikhethekileyo,Izithuthi ezikhethekile,Dinamelwa te di ikgethilego,Dipalangwang tse kgethehileng,Dirorikgethegileng,Titfutsi letakhelwe lokutsite/letisipeshali,Zwiendedzi zwa tshipentshela,Xifambo xo hlawuleka +1159,Transport equipment,"Equipment for moving people and objects. +Inclusions: +Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, ships, railway locomotives and rolling stock, aircraft, motorcycles, and bicycles.",Transport and Communication,Vervoertoerusting,Iinthuthi,"izixhobo , ezisetyenziselwa kwizithutho",Okusetshenziselwa ukuthutha,Didiriwa ta dinamelwa,Disebediswa tsa transporoto,Didiriswa tsa dipalangwa,Tintfo msembenti wetekutfutsa,Zwiendedzi,Switirhisiwa swa vutleketli