diff --git "a/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-eng-ssw.jsonl" "b/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-eng-ssw.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-eng-ssw.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,761 +0,0 @@ -{"eng":"protect children from cyberbullying kgaogelo letsebe csir experts use technology to try and eliminate cyberbullying the cruelty and devastating effects of cyberbul lying on children have been laid bare in recent months.\n","ssw":"vikela bantfwana ekuhlukunyetweni ngetinkhundla tekuchumana kgaogelo letsebe bosolwati becsir bazama kucedza kuhlukunyetwa kwasetinkhundleni tekuchumana ngekusebentisa bucwepheshe.\n","score":0.78610504} -{"eng":"may 2020 edition 2how to handle your cloth mask 1. only use a mask that has been washed and ironed.2.\n","ssw":"vinkhwekhweti 2020 lushicilelo 2ungasiphatsa njani sifonyo sakho sebuso 1. sebentisa kuphela sifonyo lesiwashiwe sabese siyaayinwa.2.\n","score":0.8424358} -{"eng":"we have not nearly reached the peak of infections in south africa.\n","ssw":"sisengakafinyeleli esicongweni sekutseleleka ngalesifo lapha eningizimu afrika.\n","score":0.8032545} -{"eng":"there were certainly technical and other glitches along the way, but most of these were speedily resolved.\n","ssw":"kusobala kutsi bekunetingcinamba ekusebenteni kanye nekutsikameteka endleleni, kodvwake leti nyenti takhona talungiswa masinyane.\n","score":0.8609439} -{"eng":"covid19 vaccine: what you need to know allison cooper with south afri ca\u2019s mass coro navirus disease (covid19) vaccination programme rolling out for healthcare workers in february, vuk\u2019uzenzele sheds some light on what the covid19 vaccine is, how it works and why it\u2019s so important to stop the spread of the virus.\n","ssw":"umutsi wekugoma wecovid19 : lodzinga kukwati allison cooper njengoba sekutawu calwa luhlelo lolukhulu lwa seningizimu afrika lweku goma sifo seligciwane lekhorona (icovid19) kutisebenti tetemphilo ngendlovana, ivuk\u2019uzenzele iyasicacisela kutsi uyini umutsi wekugoma wecovid19, kutsi usebenta kanjani nekutsi kubaluleke kangakanani kuvimba ku bhebhetseka kwaleligciwane.\n","score":0.9031508} -{"eng":"this person can\u2019t be an heir.\n","ssw":"lomuntfu a ngeke abe yindlalifa.\n","score":0.7581259} -{"eng":"day by day, brave south africans like babita deokaran are standing firm that they will not be party to corruption and they are prepared to bear witness against it.\n","ssw":"malanga onkhe, bantfu baseningizimu afrika labanesibindzi njengababita deokaran batawuma bacine batsi ngeke babe yincenye yenkhohlakalo futsi batimisele kufakaza balwe nayo.\n","score":0.89743334} -{"eng":"it is clear that the measures we have taken as this administration to restore the capacity, capability and credibility of the institutions involved in the fight against corruption are having a demonstrable impact.\n","ssw":"kuyacaca kutsi letinyatselo letitsetfwe ngulolulawulo kubuyisela emandla, likhono nekuncomeka kwetikhungo letilwa nekhohlakalo tinemphu mela lobonakalako lomuhle kakhulu.\n","score":0.8136083} -{"eng":"the council of education ministers has urged all learners and parents to make use of the platform.\n","ssw":"umkhandlu wetindvuna tetemfundvo sewucele bonkhe bafundzi nebatali kutsi bayisebentise lenkhundla.\n","score":0.85778236} -{"eng":"despite receiving continuous funding of r90 000 quarterly from the limpopo department of social development, the tvep was affected by covid19 as many funders pulled out, thus negatively affecting the organisation\u2019s operational processes.\n","ssw":"nanoma loluhlelo luhlala lutfola imali ler90 000 ngekota lebuya kulitiko lwetekutfutfukiswa kwe mmango laselimpopo, itvep yatsintseka kabi ngecovid19 ngoba bonkhe labo bebanikela ngetimali bahoca, ngaleyondlela taba nemtselela lomubi tinchubo tekusebenta talenhlangano.\n","score":0.89460707} -{"eng":"while most economic sectors have been able to operate again for several months, it will take some time for the economy to recover and for lost jobs to be restored.\n","ssw":"nanome imikhakha leminengi yeteminotfo ikhonile kutsi iphindze futsi isebente tinyanga letinengi, kutawutsatsa sikhatsi kutsi umnotfo uphindze usimame kanye nekubuyiswa kwemisebenti lelahlekile.\n","score":0.8939502} -{"eng":"one of the key recommendations made in the draft framework is that the public service must be depoliticised and that government departments must be insulated from politics.\n","ssw":"lokunye lokumcoka kwale tincomo letentiwe kulomtse tfosivivinya loluhlaka kutsi kusebenta kwahulumende kufuneka kungangenwa tepolitiki nekutsi ematiko ahulumende kufuneka avi keleke kupolitiki.\n","score":0.8028921} -{"eng":"the spread of the coronavirus, which causes the disease known as covid19, has been alarmingly swift and widescale, and is now defined as a global pandemic.\n","ssw":"kubhebhetseka kwegciwane lecorona, lokubanga sifo lesibitwa ngekutsi yicovid19, siphutfume ngesivinini lesimangalisako futsi safinyelela yonkhe indzawo, futsi manje sesibitwa ngekutsi lubhubhane lwemhlaba.\n","score":0.89520955} -{"eng":"you will not need any medicines for further cleaning as breastmilk is clean, and actually lines the stomach, protecting it from bacteriaquestion: in the first few days, if i do not have enough milk, can i give water or other milk as well?\n","ssw":"kute leminye imitsi loyidzingako yekuhlanta lokungcola ngoba lubisi lwelibele luhlobile nomake luhlantekile, futsinje lwenta lucwencwe lolusendlalelo sesisu, lusivi kela emagciwaneni.\n","score":0.79855716} -{"eng":"since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future.\n","ssw":"baholi bendzabuko lebe bakhuluma batfula imibo nonchanti yabo \u2018yebukhosi lobusatfutfuka\u2019, lobutibona hhayi kuphela njengebantfu labahlonishwako labanake kela emagugu kodvwa futsi njengebantfu labachubekisa embili kukhula kwetemnotfo netenchubekela embili.\n","score":0.6184319} -{"eng":"this does not mean that you are weak.\n","ssw":"loku akusho kutsi ubutsakatsaka.\n","score":0.7730606} -{"eng":"parents can assist by ensuring that learners are not overexposed to covid19 news, especially around death and conspiracy theories, as this may fuel their fears and lead to more psychological conditions.\n","ssw":"batali bangasita ngekutsi bacinisekise kutsi bafundzi abativa ngalokwengcile tindzaba letiphatselene necovid19 , ikakhulu letiphatselene nekufa kanye nemibono eluzungu lolubi lolungekho emtsetfweni, ngobe loko kungabanga kwesaba kwabo bese kuholela etimeni letinyenti tengcondvo.\n","score":0.89088595} -{"eng":"the ventilator was designed by the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) in collaboration with a number of local partners and will be rolled out nationwide to patients showing respiratory distress in the early phase of covid19 infection.\n","ssw":"lesisitakuphefumula sadizayinwa ngumkhandlu wetesayensi netelucwaningo lwetetimboni (icsir) ngekuhlanganyela nebalingani bakuleli labanengi futsi sisatjalaliswa eveni lonkhe sisetjentiswe tigulane letikhombisa kuba nenkinga ekuphefumuleni esigabeni sekucala sekuhabula icovid19.\n","score":0.88227427} -{"eng":"young people are our greatest asset, and our greatest weapon in this fight.\n","ssw":"bantfu labasha baligugu letfu lelikhulu, futsi basikhali setfu lesikhulu kulempi.\n","score":0.8605058} -{"eng":"we have a shared responsibility to drive the effort to entrench bbbee because it is about eradicating inequality.\n","ssw":"sinesibopho sekwabelana kutsi sichube umtamo wekugcizelela ibbbee ngobe imayelana nekususa kungalingani.\n","score":0.89011604} -{"eng":"letsatsi says people who continue to receive child support grants after the children are no longer in their care, will be required to repay the amount received unlawfully.\n","ssw":"letsatsi utsi bantfu labachubekako kutfola lesondlo semntfwana kube umntfwana akasanakekelwa ngibo, kutawudzingeka kutsi babuyise lemali lebayitfole ngaloku ngekho emtsetfweni.\n","score":0.83414} -{"eng":"firstly, we are going to drive women\u2019s economic inclusion through public procurement.\n","ssw":"kwekucala, sitawuchuba kufakwa kwabomake kutemnotfo ngekutsenga kwahulumende kwenta loko.\n","score":0.8325374} -{"eng":"this country has witnessed far too many tragedies.\n","ssw":"lelive leli lihlangabetane netinhlekelele letinengi kakhulu.\n","score":0.71213245} -{"eng":"that is why the loss of even a single journalist is not just a loss to the industry but to the country.\n","ssw":"kungakoke kutsi ngisho kulahlekelwa yintsatseli yinye akukusikonje kulahlekelwa kwemboni kepha kwelive.\n","score":0.8117883} -{"eng":"the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators.\n","ssw":"icsir yacala kwakha lecpap ngemuva kwekutsi umhlaba ucale kubukana nekuswelakala lokukhulu kwetisitakuphefumula.\n","score":0.85549164} -{"eng":"young people are eager to be in school again and to see friends and teachers.\n","ssw":"bantfu labasha banesifiso sekuphindza babuyele esikolweni bayobona bangani nabothishela babo.\n","score":0.8908181} -{"eng":"the investigation into 4 549 contracts have been finalised, and 2 803 of these were found to be irregular.\n","ssw":"luphenyo lwetinkontileka leti4 549 seluphotfuliwe, kantsi leti2 803 titfolakale kutsi atiniketwa ngekwemtsetfo.\n","score":0.87522554} -{"eng":"\"the minister of finance has said that r1 billion is immediately available,\" he said.\n","ssw":"\"indvuna yetetimali itsite sigidzigidzi lesir1 siyatfolakala ngekushesha,\" kwasho yena.\n","score":0.8551221} -{"eng":"\"the bursaries are specifically aimed at learners in rural areas as they can take their knowledge back to their homesteads,\" says dr nomfundo mnisi, the chairperson of the hwseta.\n","ssw":"\"lemifundzate icondziswe kakhulu kuphela kubafundzi labasetindzaweni tasemakhaya njengoba kulindzeleke kutsi bahambe nalolwati babuyele nalo etindzaweni tabo lapho babuya khona,\" kusho dkt nomfundo mnisi, sihlalo wehwseta.\n","score":0.87128043} -{"eng":"\"we need to educate children that cyberbullying can lead to serious consequences,\" she says.\n","ssw":"wengeta ngekutsi, \"loku lokutfolakele kukhombisa kutsi kuhlukunyetwa ngekwetinkhundla tekuchuma na kuyinkinga lenkhulu\u2026 kubandzakanya wonkhe umuntfu insha, batali, bafundzisi, kuciniswa kwemtsetfo kanye netinka mpani tekuchumana kwelu ntfu kusikhiya sekubukana nalenkhinga.\"\n","score":0.63534766} -{"eng":"mhlabane, a former engineer, always had plans to leave the corporate world to start her own property business.\n","ssw":"mhlabane, lobekadze angunjiniyela, bekahlala njalo anemasu ekuphuma kulomsebenti aticalele yakhe ibhizinisi yekutsengisa tindlu.\n","score":0.84727156} -{"eng":"this is why each of the jobs and livelihood support interventions is fully funded, with a clear implementation plan.\n","ssw":"kungakoke singenelelo ngasinye setemisebenti neteku tiphilisa sesekelwa ngetimali ngalokuphelele, nelisu lekufezekisa lelicacile.\n","score":0.7861223} -{"eng":"za north west \u2013 mmanotshe seletisha \u2013 012 700 9000 \u2013 mseletisha@justice.\n","ssw":"za enyakatfonshonalangaenyakatfonshonalanga \u2013 mmanotshe seletisha \u2013 012 700 9000 \u2013 mseletisha@justice.\n","score":0.88192964} -{"eng":"minister phaahla assu red south africans that monkeypox is not a virus which has never been seen before and scientists have information about it.\n","ssw":"indvuna phaahla ucinisekise bantfu baseningizimu afrika kutsi lencubulu njane ayisilo ligciwane lelingazange selibonwe ngaphambilini futsi bososayensi banelwatiso ngalo.\n","score":0.8531576} -{"eng":"president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods.\n","ssw":"mengameli cyril ramaphosa utsite temafa avelonkhe batakwenta kutsi kube khona imali yemitamo yekuhhamula kusita labo labakhahlametwe nguletikhukhula.\n","score":0.84903526} -{"eng":"a: the world health organisation and the department of health do not recommend stopping breastfeeding in order to get vaccinated.\n","ssw":"umbuto: ngifanele yini kuyekela kumunyisa kute kutsi ngitfole kugoma?\n","score":0.68698454} -{"eng":"today, she has become a commercial poultry farmer with more than 7 500 broilers.\n","ssw":"lipulazi lakhe liphindze futsi lisingatse titjudeni letinge20 leticeceshelwa tifundvo tekulima.\n","score":0.64215326} -{"eng":"that indoor spaces are well ventilated.\n","ssw":"kutsi indzawo lokuyo levalekile ingenisa kahle umoya.\n","score":0.71607876} -{"eng":"accommodation and domestic air travel, except for business travel, which will be phased in on dates to be announced.\n","ssw":"tekuhlaliswa netekuhamba ngemoya ngekhatsi kwelive, ngaphandle kwalapho uhamba khona ngemse benti, lekutawucala kusebenta ngetinsuku letitawumemetelwa.\n","score":0.8242284} -{"eng":"the health and welfare sector education and training authority (hwseta) is committed to addressing the extreme skills shortage in the veterinary sector and ensuring transformation.\n","ssw":"luphiko ihealth and welfare sector education and trai ning authority (ihwseta) lutibophelele kubukana nalokuswelakala ka khulu kwemakhono kulo mkhakha wete kulashwa kwetilwane nasekucinisekiseni kutsi kuba netingucuko.\n","score":0.90570503} -{"eng":"just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape.\n","ssw":"njengoba mibutfo yetekuvikela yakaisraeli beyihlasela labakhontako eal aqsa mosque, tsine eningizimu afrika besilungiselela kukhumbula iminyaka lelikhulu yebulhoek massacre esizeni setenkholo intabelanga emphumalanga kapa.\n","score":0.9222109} -{"eng":"higher education, science and innovation minister dr blade nzimande made the announcement recently during a media briefing.\n","ssw":"indvuna yetemfundvo lephakeme, tesayensi netekusungula, dkt.\n","score":0.69703835} -{"eng":"this represents a major milestone in our efforts to transform the country\u2019s energy landscape, a critical prerequisite for economic growth and attracting investment.\n","ssw":"loku kumelela incophamlandvo emitameni yetfu yekugucula simo selive semandla agezi, lokusidzingo lesibalulekile sekukhula kwemnotfo kanye nekuheha kutjalwa kwetimali.\n","score":0.85758525} -{"eng":"when victims struggle to gain access to justice in domestic violence courts, the commission can act on their behalf, providing legal representation.\n","ssw":"lapho bahlukunyetwa bahlangabetana nebulu khuni bekufinyelela bulungi swa etinkantolo temacala ebudlova basekhaya, icge ingatsatsa tinyatselo ega meni labo, ibamelele nge kwemtsetfo.\n","score":0.8487112} -{"eng":"the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before.\n","ssw":"lesivunguvungu saleligciwane lecorona sinelulaka lolukhulu futsi sibhubhisa kakhulu kwengca nome ngabe yini lesikwatiko kwaphambilini.\n","score":0.8245635} -{"eng":"in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption.\n","ssw":"kulamanye ematiko, emadg nabohod nebaphatsi labasetulu babe nekunga hlaliseki emsebentini laba wentako, lokwente ematiko asebente ngekuphatamiseka lokuncane.\n","score":0.8330811} -{"eng":"the presidential employment stimulus has also supported sustainable livelihoods.\n","ssw":"lesikhutsati samengameli sekwakha ematfuba emsebenti siphindze sasekela kusimamisa tindlela tekuphila.\n","score":0.7834792} -{"eng":"while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases.\n","ssw":"nanoma linyenti laletigameko tingetulu kwemandla etfu, hulumende wenta lokutsite kuvikela bantfu baseningizimu afrika kulokwenyuka kwetindleko tekutsenga kwanyalo nekwesikhatsi lesitako.\n","score":0.8563155} -{"eng":"woza matrics launched dale hes this year\u2019s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19).\n","ssw":"kwetfulwa kwewoza matrics dale hes luhlelo lwewoza matrics luhlose kusita bonkhe bafundzi belibanga le12 kutsi baphumelele ekuhlolweni kwabo kwekuphela kwemnyaka.\n","score":0.7286411} -{"eng":"if possible, have someone go with you.\n","ssw":"uma ngabe ku khoneka, hamba nemuntfu.\n","score":0.78441995} -{"eng":"like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men.\n","ssw":"njengabo bonkhe bantfu baseningizimu afrika, ngikhatsateke kakhulu ngekubulawa kakhulu kwabomake labasebancane ngetandla temadvodza.\n","score":0.84300923} -{"eng":"building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration.\n","ssw":"kwakha umbuso lohambi sana nenchubo leyamu kelekako, lonelikhono kuyachubeka kubukisiswa kulokuphatsa.\n","score":0.7698084} -{"eng":"it is encouraging, however, that over the last decade we made progress in reducing the number of new hiv infections in the population by nearly 60%.\n","ssw":"kuyakhutsatana, nanoma kunjalo, kutsi kulomnyakalishumi lowendlulile sibe nenchubekelembili ekunciphiseni linani letehlakalo letisha tekwesuleleka ngehiv kulinanibantfu lelinge60%.\n","score":0.88340014} -{"eng":"we must expect a decline in exports, a drop in tourist arrivals and a severe impact on production, business viability and job creation and retention.\n","ssw":"sifanele kutsi silindzele kwehla kwelizinga lemphahla letsengiselwa lamanye emave, kwehla kwelinani letivakashi letingenako, nelifutse lelibi kabi kutekukhicita, kusebenta kwemabhizinisi nekwakheka kwematfuba emisebenti nekugcina tisebenti emsebentini.\n","score":0.8627027} -{"eng":"dehydration is usually caused by not drinking enough liquids to replenish the water lost by sweating.\n","ssw":"koma imvamisa kubangwa kunganatsi lokusamanti lokwanele kuvala sikhala semanti lalahleka ngenca yekujuluka.\n","score":0.7827724} -{"eng":"as are the legions of whistleblowers who, at great risk to themselves, help to unearth instances of misdeeds, maladministration, cronyism and theft.\n","ssw":"njengelinyenti letinhlabamkhosi, ngekutifaka ebungotini lobukhulu, bayasita kutsi bavumbulule tento tebubi, kungaphatsi ngemfanelo, kucashana ngebungani kanye nekweba.\n","score":0.8483441} -{"eng":"when this natural disaster struck, there was some concern that authorities had neither the capacity nor the will to respond efficiently and effectively to the dire situation of those who had lost everything.\n","ssw":"ngesikhatsi kwenteka lenhlekelele yemvelo, kube nekukhatsateka kutsi baphatsi abanawo emandla noma sifiso sekuphe ndvula ngendlela lefanele nalesebentako kulesimo salabo labalahlekelwe ngiko konkhe bebanako.\n","score":0.8910656} -{"eng":"as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising.\n","ssw":"umphumela walokoke, sibo leka kakhulu, futsi netindleko tekukhokhela leso sikweleti tiyenyuka.\n","score":0.79751235} -{"eng":"it is unlikely that you will overfeed your baby when giving breastmilk only.\n","ssw":"angeke kwenteke kutsi uphe u mntfwanakho kudla nga lokwecile uma ngabe ummunyisa libele kuphela.\n","score":0.80128217} -{"eng":"at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words \u2018rhodes must fall\u2019, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago.\n","ssw":"kumbhikisho lobewusenyuvesi yaseoxford kungasikudzala lomunye walababhikishako bekaphetse ingcwengcwe lebhalwe emagama latsi \u2018rhodes must fall\u2019, bebasekela kukhala kwebafundzi kulelive lakitsi eminyakeni lesihlanu leyengcile.\n","score":0.89818966} -{"eng":"\"in the longterm, women could face a slightly increased risk of infertility, an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage or premature delivery or even death,\" says muthuphei.\n","ssw":"\"bomake bangaphindza futsi babe netinkinga temoya ngenca yekuhushula sisu lokungekho emtsetfweni nalokungakaphephi, lokufaka ekhatsi kudzinwa kwangemuva kwaleso sento, kuba phasi emoyeni, kanye netinkinga tebudlelwane emkhatsini webantfu labaphilisana nabo.\n","score":0.76361275} -{"eng":"in the recent state of the nation address, i outlined how government, business and labour should work together, each using their unique capabilities, to create jobs.\n","ssw":"lenye yetintfo letihamba embili ekukhuliseni umnotfo nekucashwa kwebantfu ngilamabhizinisi ahulumende (emasoe).\n","score":0.625793} -{"eng":"vaccines are safe for use in breastfeeding mothers.\n","ssw":"imijovo yekugoma iyanco nywa kutsi isetjentiswe bo make labamunyisako.\n","score":0.80325335} -{"eng":"\"apart from resolving chronic traffic by creating greater mobility through the construction of additional traffic lanes, the upgrading of the n3 will result in increased safety.\n","ssw":"\"akusiko kuphela kugcwala kwetitfutsi kwamalanga onkhe lokwenta kutsi tigitjelwa tihambe kahle lokusunjululiwe nga lokwakha imizila lengetiwe, kutfutfukiswa kwen3 kutawenta kutsi kwenyuke tekuphepha.\n","score":0.84306955} -{"eng":"i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute.\n","ssw":"ngitsandza kubonga emango lamanengi, emacembu etenkholo kanye netakhamuti nje letitayelekile letinikela ngemali kanye nalabo labavolonti ya ngekutsi basite ekupheni kudla labalambile labete lutfo.\n","score":0.9095011} -{"eng":"as part of that plan, we introduced the presidential employment stimulus to provide income and livelihood support to millions of beneficiaries.\n","ssw":"njengencenye yalelo luhlelo setfule sikhutsato samengameli sekucashwa kuniketa ngemali lengenako nekusekela kutiphilisa kwa labatigidzi labazuzako.\n","score":0.8375876} -{"eng":"early childhood development holds the key to our future vukuzenzele unnamed there are few pre sidential activities more fulfilling than spending a morning in the company of small children.\n","ssw":"kutfutfukiswa kwebantfwana kusikhiya lesivula likusasa letfu vukuzenzele unnamed imbalwa kakhulu imisebenti yelihhovi si lamengameli le yenelisanako kwendlula kucitsa sikhatsi saseku seni usemkhatsini kwe bantfwana labancane.\n","score":0.830606} -{"eng":"it also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case the illegal occupation by israel of palestinian land and the denial of the palestinian people\u2019s right to selfdetermination, there will never be peace.\n","ssw":"kukhombisa futsi kutsi ngaphandle kwekutsi kubukwane netisusa tengcabano, kuloku kuhlala ngalokungekho emtsetfweni kweisraeli eveni lasepalestine nekwalela bantfu basepalestine lilungelo lokutibusa, angeke kute kube khona kuthula.\n","score":0.8540792} -{"eng":"she is one of ten members of a family farming cooperative and says the voucher she received helped the new cooperative survive and become profitable.\n","ssw":"ungulomunye wemalunga enhlangano yemndeni yekulima futsi utsi levawusha layitfolile incedzile kutsi lenhlangano lensha ikhone kusindza ingafi nekutsi ikhone kwenta inzuzo.\n","score":0.84854704} -{"eng":"those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start.\n","ssw":"labo labanetimphawu letisemkhatsini kufanele kutsi bahlale bodvwa ekhaya nome kusisetjentiswa sahulumende sekuhlala wedvwa tinsuku le10, kusukela ngelilanga timphawu tabo tacala kubonakala.\n","score":0.8986539} -{"eng":"having a few good financial habits in place will help you set your new year up for success.\n","ssw":"kuba nemikhuba lemihle lembalwa mayelana nemali kutakusita kutsi uhlele kahle umnyaka wakho lomusha ube yimphumelelo.\n","score":0.891562} -{"eng":"you should rather be tested.\n","ssw":"ufanele kutsi uhlolwe.\n","score":0.6906887} -{"eng":"josephine peta, senior legal admin officer at the department of justice and constitutional development\u2019s office of the family advocate, explains that the divorce process starts when a summons is issued.\n","ssw":"josephine peta, sisebenti lesikhulu sekuphatfwa kwemtsetfo ehhovisi lemmeli wemndeni etikweni letebulungiswa nekutfutfukiswa kwemtsetfosisekelo, uchaza kutsi inchubo yedivosi icala ngesikhatsi kukhishwa emasamanisi.\n","score":0.90725356} -{"eng":"the ultimate goal is to influence better service delivery, she says.\n","ssw":"kutemisebenti yahulumende yekugadza nekuphendvula lophindze abe ngumchumanisi lohamba embili weim ali yethu, utsi te tinchubo telwabiwomali tekutiphendvulela timcoka kuntsandvo yelinyenti.\n","score":0.62609476} -{"eng":"this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited.\n","ssw":"loku kubaluleke kakhulu ngalesikhatsi lapho timali tahulumende tinganeli.\n","score":0.8178591} -{"eng":"it also supports economic recovery in important ways.\n","ssw":"lesikhutsati futsi sisekela kuvuselelwa kwe mnotfo ngetindlela letimcoka.\n","score":0.8417064} -{"eng":"fittingly, it is also the un global day of parents on the same day, honouring the commitment of parents and caregivers to the wellbeing of children.\n","ssw":"ngalokufanako, futsi lilanga lelifanako nelilanga lebatali lemhlaba leun, lekuhlonipha kutibophelela kwebatali nebanakekeli bebantfwana ngenhlalakahle yebantfwana.\n","score":0.86944} -{"eng":"\"although there\u2019s no cure, people with ds benefit from loving homes, appropriate medical care, early intervention, educational and vocational services.\n","ssw":"nanoma kute likhambi, bantfu labaphetfwe yids bayazuza emakhaya lane lutsandvo, ekulashweni lokufanele, ngekungenelela kusanesikhatsi, kutinsita tetemfundvo netekufundze la likhono.\n","score":0.88811266} -{"eng":"as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy.\n","ssw":"njengaloku senta loku ngekuhlanganyela kute sincobe lolubhubhane, kutawudzingeka kutsi sisebente ngekuhlanganyela ekwakheni futsi kanye nekuntjintja umnotfo wetfu.\n","score":0.8715955} -{"eng":"this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort.\n","ssw":"loku kungachubisela ekhatsi linyeva esimeni lesesivele sisibi bese kumosha imitamo yavelonkhe.\n","score":0.78596175} -{"eng":"avoid becoming a human trafficking victim silusapho nyanda as the number of human trafficking cases being reported increases, it is important that you take steps to ensure your safety.\n","ssw":"gwema kuba ngumhlukunyetwa wetekushushumbiswa kwebantfu silusapho nyanda njengoba tehlaka lo letibikwako tekushu shumbiswa kwebantfu tiyandza, kubalulekile kutsi utsatse tinyatselo tekucinisekisa kutsi uphephile.\n","score":0.8435713} -{"eng":"public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs \"regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections\".\n","ssw":"tise benti tahulumende kufuneka tikhone kuchubeka tente umsebenti wato \"nanoma ngabe kube nekuntjintjwa kwetindvuna, kwemalunga emkhandlu lophetse noma kwemakhansela ngekhatsi kwelicembu leliphetse umbu so, noma kwetingucuko temacembu etepolitiki emva kwelukhetfo\".\n","score":0.88873607} -{"eng":"we realised that every country on the continent would be severely affected by the pandemic.\n","ssw":"sicaphele kutsi onkhe emave kulelivekati atawutsintfwa kakhulu ngulolubhubhane.\n","score":0.81875944} -{"eng":"adding that normally, after fertilisation of the egg by the sperm which occurs inside the fallopian tube, the fertilised egg travels through the tube to the rich uterine cavity where it attaches to the endometrial lining and the baby develops.\n","ssw":"mhlari watsi make unelitfuba lelikhulu lekukhulelwa kweekhthophikhi uma; anemafallopian tubes lamoshakele noma langa katayeleki, labangwe kutseleleka kwakudzala ngetifo temacansi noma ake wahlindvwa emashubhu; wase wakhulelwa ngeekhthophikhi ngaphambilini; angakhoni kutfola bantfwana; anebalingani betemacansi labanengi; abhema ligwayi.\n","score":0.7466644} -{"eng":"in this respect, minister for small business development khumbudzo ntshavheni has also released support packages for people working in this sector.\n","ssw":"ngenca yaloku, indvuna yekutfutfukisa emabhizinisi lamancane khumbudzo ntshavheni naye uphindze watfula emaphakheji ekusekela bantfu labasebenta kulomkhakha.\n","score":0.811322} -{"eng":"have monthly meetings to discuss budgets, your financial goals and what you both want for the future.\n","ssw":"bambani imihlangano yanjalo ngenya nga nicocisane ngesabelomali, imigomo yenu yemali naloko lenikufunako nobabili kweli kusasa.\n","score":0.84282416} -{"eng":"no private citizen may assume the role of immigration or law enforcement authorities by demanding that foreign nationals produce identification.\n","ssw":"kute sakhamuti lesitimele lesingatsatsa indzima yetiphatsimandla leticinisekisa kugcina umtsetfo ngekutsi sicindzetele tifiki kutsi tivete timphepha tekutatisa.\n","score":0.8611294} -{"eng":"for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living.\n","ssw":"kudlala indzima yetfu, hulumende utawuchubeka kugadza lesimo futsi utawenta konkhe lokusemandleni kuvikela bantfu baseningizimu afrika kulokukhula kwetindleko tekuphila letingabeketeleki.\n","score":0.85874844} -{"eng":"this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape.\n","ssw":"loku kubangwa kutsi loluhlelo lwasekucaleni lweeskom belungakafaneleki kahle kute lukhone kugu cula lokwakheka kwalelive kutemandla.\n","score":0.75639546} -{"eng":"together, we have chosen for ourselves a system of government that gives true meaning to the concept of a republic.\n","ssw":"ngekubambisana, sitikhe tsele luhlelo lwahulumende loluniketa umcondvo wa ngemphela weriphabhlikhi.\n","score":0.7927469} -{"eng":"the new management of transnet and its operating divisions are resolutely focused on turning the performance of the port around.\n","ssw":"baphatsi labasha betrans net netigaba tayo tekusebenta bancume kugcila ekuguculeni kusebenta kwalesikhumulo.\n","score":0.81249636} -{"eng":"before assuming their duties, the medical task group had to be vaccinated so that they could be kept safe while handling the increased number of positive cases and hospital admissions.\n","ssw":"ngaphambi kwekucala imisebenti yabo, litsimba letekwelapha kwafuneka kutsi lijovwe kuze kutsi ligcinwe liphephile ngale sikhatsi ibukana nelinani lelinyukako letigameko tekwe tseleleka nekwemukelwa etibhedlela.\n","score":0.88298035} -{"eng":"in june, this year we saw our economy return to prepandemic growth levels owing to a fairly positive gdp outcome in the first quarter of the year.\n","ssw":"ngenhlaba, kulomnyaka lesikuwo sibone umnotfo wetfu ubuyela emazingeni ekukhula ngembi kwelubhu bhane ngenca yemphumela lomuhle wegdp ngekota yekucala yemnyaka.\n","score":0.86702263} -{"eng":"for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases\u2019 website at www.\n","ssw":"kute utfole lwatiso lolwengetiwe lolumayelana necovid19 , vakashela iwebhusayithi yesikhungo savelonkhe setifo letitsatselanako ku:www.\n","score":0.8803551} -{"eng":"there has also been substantial cooperation with our brics partners in securing personal protective equipment and cooperation around vaccine access and distribution.\n","ssw":"kuphindze futsi kwaba khona lubanjiswano lolukhulu kubalingani betfu bebrics ekutsengeni tisetjentiswa tekutivikela nelubanjiswano ekufinyeleleni nasekusaba laliseni imijovo yekugoma.\n","score":0.8556436} -{"eng":"the public service wage bill is by no means the only area where we are cutting costs.\n","ssw":"imali yekukhokhela tisebenti tahulumende akusiyo kuphela indzawo lapho sehlisa khona ti ndleko.\n","score":0.8061969} -{"eng":"the latest violence was sparked by an israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the sheikh jarrah neighbourhood in east jerusalem to make way for israeli settlements.\n","ssw":"ludlame lwakamuva lubangwe sincumo senkantolo yakaisraeli sekucosha licembu lemindeni emakhaya awo lasendzaweni yasesheikh jarrah emphumalanga nejerusalema kute kuvuleke tindzawo tekuhlala takaisraeli.\n","score":0.913025} -{"eng":"\"his message to the community is to help nurses by being responsible.\n","ssw":"umyaleto wakhe emmangweni kutsi ummango usite emanesi ngekwenta tincumo letingito.\n","score":0.72794336} -{"eng":"za northern cape \u2013 henley nathan sass \u2013 054 337 5375 \u2013 hsass@justice.\n","ssw":"za enyakatfo kapa enyakatfo kapa \u2013 henley nathan sass \u2013 054 337 5375 \u2013 hsass@justice.\n","score":0.9059725} -{"eng":"ours was a baptism of fire, having assumed the chairship in the same month the first case of coronavirus was reported on the continent.\n","ssw":"kwendlalwa tintfo letibekwa embili tesikhatsi setfu, emkhatsini wato kuchubekisela embili kuthula nekuphepha, kuhlonyiswa kwabomake ngetemnotfo kanye nekujulisa temnotfo letihlanganisiwe, kwadzinga kutsi kuguculwe ngalokubonakalako kute kutsi kubu kwane nalolubhubhane.\n","score":0.63853973} -{"eng":"i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy.\n","ssw":"ngisandza kumemetela simo senhlekelele, lekusinyatselo lesilingana nekuba kubi kwaso kubantfu bakitsi, emmangweni wakitsi nasemnotfweni wetfu.\n","score":0.8701548} -{"eng":"free training and services for businesses vukuzenzele unnamed three government entities are firmly focused on enabling the ease of doing business in south africa to grow the economy.\n","ssw":"kuceceshwa netinsita temabhizinisi tamahhala kgatiso tlhakole tikhungo letintsatfu tahulumende titibophelele ekwenteni kutsi kube malula kwenta ibhizinisi eningizimu afrika kute kutfutfukiswe kukhula kwemnotfo.\n","score":0.86316454} -{"eng":"today, the enterprise has grown to include a herd of 10 cattle, seven goats, eight pigs and a small patch where diniso plants vegetables for the household and sells the surplus to the local community.\n","ssw":"kutsite nga2013, umlimi wendzawo wavuma kucece sha mansfield waphindze wamrentisela umhla ba longemahektha la12.\n","score":0.7349298} -{"eng":"sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test.\n","ssw":"tetindzaba taseningizimu afrika tiyinsika lebalulekile yentsandvo yelinyenti yetfu vukuzenzele unnamed emaveni lamanyenti emhlabeni jikelele, lubhubhane lwecorona lubite kutsi kuncishi swe tinkhululeko tebantfu letinyenti lwaphindze futsi lwavivinya telubumbano lwetenhlalo.\n","score":0.8729095} -{"eng":"there are some parts of the economy that will take longer to recover due to lower global demand generally and restrictions on international travel.\n","ssw":"kunetincenye letitsite temnotfo letitawutsatsa sikhatsi lesidze kutsi tivuseteleleke ngenca yekufunwa kwato lokuncane ngumhlaba wonkhe jikelele kanye nekuvinjelwa kuhambela emave emhlaba.\n","score":0.82128334} -{"eng":"no one should come within three metres of you.\n","ssw":"kufanele kutsi kubete umuntfu losondzela kuwe libanga lemamitha lamatsatfu.\n","score":0.7595616} -{"eng":"that was until 2018, when i received a bursary from misa.\n","ssw":"kwate kwaba ngumnyaka we2018, lapho ngatfola khona umfundzate lokhishwa yimisa.\n","score":0.80251163} -{"eng":"this discourages cooperation and understanding, and hampers the work we have undertaken to build a nonracial society.\n","ssw":"loku akugcugcuteli kuba mbisana kanye nekuvisi sana, futsi kuvimba lomsebenti lesincume kutsi sitawenta wekwakha sive lesite buhlanga.\n","score":0.8394393} -{"eng":"in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development.\n","ssw":"ekwenteni njalo, sikhombise emandla etfu ekumelana netimo letimatima kanye nekuba bachubi bentfutfuko yetfu.\n","score":0.7796016} -{"eng":"dreams come true for tafelkop community vukuzenzele unnamed a group of black farmers in tafelkop in grob lersdal, limpopo are the proud owners of 189 hectares of land, which they have been farming for the past 25 years.\n","ssw":"emaphupho ayafezeka emangweni wasetafelkop vukuzenzele unnamed licembu lebalimi labamnyama base tafelkop egroble rsdal, elimpopo, liba nikati labatichenyako bemhlaba lomahekhtha la189, lebebasolo balima kuwo iminyaka lema25 leyengcile.\n","score":0.90251577} -{"eng":"lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent.\n","ssw":"lindiwe ntuli longu mmeli wemtsetfo wase centurion ebecoca ngekutsi kutfola kwakhe kusitakala kumente wakhona kusebentela ekhaya wakhona nekukhokhela irenti.\n","score":0.84595966} -{"eng":"tips to follow to avoid being infected by the coronavirus disease.\n","ssw":"emathiphu longawalandzela kuvikela kutseleleka ngesifo icoronavirus .\n","score":0.8417103} -{"eng":"preparing our youngest citizens with the tools they need to succeed in life is a responsibility we must collectively shoulder.\n","ssw":"kulungisa takhamuti takitsi letincane ngekutinika ema thulusi letiwadzingako kute tiphumelele emphilweni kungumsebenti lekufuneka siwutfwale sisonkhe.\n","score":0.834165} -{"eng":"sadly, many who could benefit from this procedure do not get the treatment they need because finding a donor with a similar tissue type is difficult.\n","ssw":"ngalokudzabukisako, linye nti lelingahle lizuze ngaloku nyangwa alikutfoli kulashwa lelikudzingako ngoba kuli khuni kutfola lotawunikela ngeluhlobo lolufanako lwe sicu semtimba.\n","score":0.8304374} -{"eng":"the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas.\n","ssw":"lomklamo unika emango lange21 lasekele tigulane letingetulu kwale3500 imali, linyenti lato lisemaphandleni.\n","score":0.8812568} -{"eng":"speaking at the vehicle handover ceremony, held at the bmw group production plant in rosslyn, tshwane, president ramaphosa said the vehicles will help to save lives.\n","ssw":"lomtamo uyincenye yesi khwama setingucuko se mboni yetimoto (lotigidzigi dzi letir6), lowentelwa kugu cula inchubo yemanani etimo to nekuvumela kuhlanganyela kulomkhakha kwemacembu labekadze ancishwe ematfuba esikhatsitsini lesendlulile ngekwemlandvo, kufaka ekhatsi bomake, lusha kanye nebantfu labanekukhubateka.\n","score":0.69344944} -{"eng":"as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs.\n","ssw":"njengaloku bright hlongwane welusha lokubhizinisi eningi zimu afrika angitjela, kudzingeka kutsi kube nelusito lwetetimali kakhulu lolunikwa bosomabhizinisi labasasebancane.\n","score":0.8738656} -{"eng":"these measures are similar to those in other countries, and it is important we all understand that they are not punitive but a matter of public safety.\n","ssw":"letindlela leti tiyafanana naleto talamanye emave, futsi kubalulekile kutsi sivisise kutsi atisiso sijezi so kepha tentelwe kuphephisa sive.\n","score":0.8647044} -{"eng":"fighting corruption is everyone\u2019s business vukuzenzele unnamed corruption has no place in south africa and government is calling on all citizens to act decisively to end dishonest and fraudulent conduct.\n","ssw":"liculo lesive, umjeka, imiklomelo yesive, siphandla sesive netimpawu tibungata kwehlukahlukana vukuzenzele unnamed kulenyanga kunelilanga lelibekelwe kubungata kucala kwenkululeko nentsandvo yelinyenti kanye netimphumelelo tabo bonkhe ba ntfu baseningizimu afrika le ticedza kutondzana, kungevani kanye netemlandvo lobuhlu ngu netekwakha likusasa lelifa nanako ngekubambisana.\n","score":0.7391707} -{"eng":"our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights.\n","ssw":"tintfo tetfu letibekwa embili tenchubomgomo yetanga phandle tepolitiki yesigodzi nekuhlanganisa kwemnotfo, kufuna kutfutfukisa iafrika, kuchumana kwabohulu mende labanyenti kanye nekukhutsatwa kwentsandvo yelinyenti, kuthula kanye nemalungelo ebuntfu.\n","score":0.86634856} -{"eng":"arnoldus was initially hesitant to go to the isolation facility because of the wrong perception that if you go to a facility like this you will get sicker and die.\n","ssw":"arnoldus kwekucala bekangatsita kutsi aye kulesisetjentiswa sekuhlala ngawedvwana ngenca yembono longasilo liciniso lotsi ungaya endzaweni lenjalo utawugula kakhulu futsi ushone.\n","score":0.82752204} -{"eng":"if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day.\n","ssw":"nangabe betindzaba ba tawuhlala njalo benta tibo pho tabo ngelicinisa kuse kela intsandvo yelinyenti, tintsatseli tetfu kufanele kutsi tichubeke tibike ngaphandle kwekwesaba nome kutsatsa luhlangotsi nga letinye tindzaba telilanga.\n","score":0.84577405} -{"eng":"this affects government performance, but also contributes to nepotism, political interference in the work of departments, lack of accountability, mismanagement and corruption.\n","ssw":"loku kunemtselela ekuse benteni kwahulumende, futsi kuphindze kungente ekucasheni ngebuhlobo, ekungeneleleni kwetepoli tiki emsebentini wematiko, kungabi nekuphendvula, kungalawuli kahle nenkho hlakalo.\n","score":0.8450503} -{"eng":"young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world.\n","ssw":"bantfu labasha basitjela kutsi emagugu enhlalo lafanana nebucotfo, luvelo nekubumbana kufanele kutsi kube timphawu talommango lomusha lotawuvela, futsi batimisele kutsi babe boshampheni balomhlaba lomusha, naloncono.\n","score":0.89646536} -{"eng":"while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department.\n","ssw":"nanome sisengakasati sizatfu sekutsi bambulale leni, bekakadze angu fakazi lomcoka eluphenyweni lwesiu ekutsengweni kwemphahla yekutivikela elitikweni.\n","score":0.8594122} -{"eng":"small business owners and informal traders are amongst the south africans who are most heavily impacted by the lockdown.\n","ssw":"banikati bemabhizinisi lamancane nebatsengisi labatsengisa emgwacweni bangulabanye bantfu base ningizimu afrika labatsintseke kabi kakhulu ngalesikhatsi sekuvimbeleka kuhamba.\n","score":0.85563254} -{"eng":"this is particularly important within the context of climate action.\n","ssw":"loku kubaluleke ka khulu mayelana nesinyatselo sesimo selitulu.\n","score":0.8348767} -{"eng":"\"the department will also provide advice on how to successfully run their shops.\n","ssw":"\"litiko litawuphindza linike sichwayiso sekutsi bangatiphatsa njani ngemphumelelo tipaza tabo.\n","score":0.8039962} -{"eng":"the majority of the nurses have nursing qualifications at the degree level, with different specialities, including primary healthcare.\n","ssw":"\"linyenti lemanesi lineticu tasemanyunivesi tekuba manesi, lokufaka ekhatsi kunakekela kwetemphilo lokusisekelo.\n","score":0.79212487} -{"eng":"we must end the stigma and discrimination towards these populations.\n","ssw":"sifanele kutsi sikucedze kubekwa luphawulihlazo nekubandlululwa kwalamananibantfu.\n","score":0.80968726} -{"eng":"this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems.\n","ssw":"loku kutawusenta kutsi sibe nendlela lehlanganisile nalechumene yekulawula lenhlekelele kanye nekusungula tinchubo letiphutfumako tekubukana naso, letisheshisa kakhulu futsi letisebenta ngemphumelelo.\n","score":0.83165836} -{"eng":"as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility.\n","ssw":"singummango, kufanele sibe nelisiko lekuba nesibopho.\n","score":0.7057538} -{"eng":"\"we are looking at how effective our past policies have been.\n","ssw":"\"siyabuka kutsi ingabe ti nchubomgomo tetfu te sikhatsi lesengcile betise benta njani.\n","score":0.7087213} -{"eng":"monkeypox is usually a mild disease manifesting as blisters or sores on the skin.\n","ssw":"leligciwane selitfolakele egauteng nasenshonalanga kapa.\n","score":0.65579176} -{"eng":"both services are free.\n","ssw":"totimbili letinsita titfolakala mahhala.\n","score":0.80435956} -{"eng":"over the six months of its implementation, public spending in various government departments was reprioritised to support interventions for care and support for survivors, for awareness and prevention campaigns, to improve laws and policies, to promote the economic empowerment of women, and to strengthen the criminal justice system.\n","ssw":"kuletinyanga letisitfupha tekufezekisa, kusetjentiswa kwemali yahulu mende ematikweni ahulumende la manyenti kwabekwa embili kute kutsi kwesekelwe tingenelelo tekunakekela kanye nekwesekelwa kwalabasindzile labanyenti, kwesekelwe imikhankhaso yekucaphelisa nekuvikela, kwenta kancono imitsetfo netinchubomgomo, kukhutsata kuhlonyiswa kwabomake ngetemnotfo, kanye nekucinisa inchubo yetebulungiswa betebugebengu.\n","score":0.8824744} -{"eng":"\"the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify \u2013 in these extreme circumstances \u2013 temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association.\n","ssw":"\"lemitsetfosimiso lesiyishayile isuselwa kuloko kutinikela ekuphileni nasesitfuntini, lokwenta kutsi kufaneleke \u2013 kuletimo letiyingoti kakhulu \u2013 kutsi kube nemitsetfo yekuvimbela kulamanye emalungelo, njengekuhamba ngekukhululeka kanye nekuhlanganyela.\n","score":0.8843372} -{"eng":"this includes the deployment of saps personnel, diving teams, canine units and various vessels, helicopters and fixedwing planes to the most affected areas.\n","ssw":"loku kufaka ekhatsi kutfunyelwa kwetisebenti tesaps, licembu letekuntjwiza emantini, tinja tekutfungatsa, tindiza letineluphiko emhlane kanye netindiza etindzaweni letitsintseke kakhulu.\n","score":0.8766128} -{"eng":"this includes postgraduate certificates, postgraduate diplomas, honours degrees, masters and phd degrees.\n","ssw":"ngekuya kwelwatiso lolukuwebhusayithi yensfas, kusuka kumnyaka wekufundza we2021, insfas ayisaniketi lusito lwetimali yetifundvo letentiwa emva kwekutfola ticu takho tekucala.\n","score":0.65503013} -{"eng":"abis will be the identification and security solution in support of national government\u2019s drive towards modernisation of all departments for service efficiency.\n","ssw":"mahlatse wacala ngeku volontiya kusebenta ngetimphelansontfo nangemaholide esikolwa epulasini lendzawo lelilima iphepha leluhlata satjani aneminyaka le15 kute asite make wakhe ngekutsi batfole lokuya etfunjini.\n","score":0.66732657} -{"eng":"a poll in 2018 by the pew research center shows south africans are strongly inclined to take political action about issues they feel most strongly about, such as health care, education, freedom of speech and corruption.\n","ssw":"lucwaningo lwanga2018 lolwentiwa ipew research center lukhombisa kutsi bantfu baseningizimu afrika bayavama kakhulu kutsatsa sinyatselo setepolitiki mayelana netintfo labeva banemiva kakhulu ngato, njengekunakekelwa ngetemphilo, temfundvo, kukhuluma ngekukhululeka nenkhohlakalo.\n","score":0.9020711} -{"eng":"minister ntshavheni adds that the scheme will also provide credit to spaza shop owners, to allow them to access the money needed to buy stock.\n","ssw":"indvuna ntshavheni ungenta ngekutsi lesikimu sitawuboleka banikati betitolo letitipaza imali, kute bakhone kufinyelela emalini ledzingekako yekutsenga sitoko.\n","score":0.79510605} -{"eng":"and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk.\n","ssw":"futsike ekusebentiseni leli lungelo, sifanele kutsi sente siciniseko sekutsi asifaki le lilungelo nomake timphilo talabanye bantfu engotini.\n","score":0.87101644} -{"eng":"after clicking submit, the application reference number will appear on the screen.\n","ssw":"emva kwekuchafata submit , ino mbolo leyireferensi yesicelo sakho itawuvela kusikrini.\n","score":0.78208876} -{"eng":"we must work together to address the drivers of genderbased violence in our communities, including patriarchal attitudes and practices.\n","ssw":"kufuneka sisebentisane kute sibukane naloko loku banga ludlame lwetebulili emimangweni yetfu, lefaka ekhatsi indlela yekutiphatsa kanye nalenemikhuba leyenta emadvodza abukele phasi labasikati.\n","score":0.8157214} -{"eng":"who will get the vaccine first?\n","ssw":"iningizimu afrika itawutfola kuphi umutsi wayo wekugoma wekucala?\n","score":0.6436852} -{"eng":"the baby will learn quickly how to suckle and this will help you to make more milk.\n","ssw":"umntfwanakho utawufundza masinyane kutsi ufanele kutsi amunye kanjani futsike loku kutakusita kutsi wente lubisi.\n","score":0.8537684} -{"eng":"requests for assistance must be emailed to debtrelief@seda.\n","ssw":"ticelo tekutfola lusito tingatfunyelwa ngeimeyili ku debtrelief@seda.\n","score":0.8688395} -{"eng":"history faithfully records the contribution of the generation of 1976 to the international student movement and its stance against oppression and injustice.\n","ssw":"umlandvo ubhalwe ngekutsembeka kwekubanjwa kwelichaza situkulwane sango1976 enhlanganwe ni yebafundzi yemave emhlaba kanye nesincumo saso sokungamelelani nelucindzetelo nekungabi nebu lungiswa.\n","score":0.86810267} -{"eng":"a small percentage of learners are also being homeschooled.\n","ssw":"kukhona nelinani lelincane lemaphesenti lebafundzi labatawube bafundziswa emakhaya.\n","score":0.84819365} -{"eng":"the sections currently being upgraded are the 19 kilometre (km) stretch from cato ridge to dardanelles, commonly known as umlaas road; the 26.6 km section from the dardanelles interchange to lynnfield park; and the 30 km stretch from lynnfield park to the ashburton interchange.\n","ssw":"tincenye letitfutfukiswako nyalo sigaba semgwaco lomakhi lomitha (km) la19 losuka ecato ridge ufike edarda nelles, lowatiwa ngekutsi ngumgwaco iumlaas; sigaba semgwaco lesi20.6 km losuka edardanelles inter change kuya elynnfield park; kanye nesigaba semgwaco lesi30km losuka elynnfield park uye eashburton inter change.\n","score":0.91331565} -{"eng":"this will empower us to take further corrective measures.\n","ssw":"loku kuto sinika emandla ekutsi sitsatse letinye tindlela tekulungisa.\n","score":0.82211006} -{"eng":"like any sovereign nation, we have the right to implement policies and measures that guarantee the integrity of our borders, protect the rights of south africans and provide that all who reside in our borders have a legal right to be here.\n","ssw":"njenganome ngabe ngusiphi sive lesitimele, sinalo lilungelo lekufezekisa tinchubomgomo kanye netinyatselo letitawucinisekisa bucotfo beminyele yetfu, kuvikela emalungelo ebantfu baseningizimu afrika kanye nekwenta kutsi bonkhe labo labahlala ngekhatsi kuleminyele yetfu nabo banelilungelo lekutsi babe lapha.\n","score":0.887723} -{"eng":"there needs to be transparency about the level of preparedness of each of the schools.\n","ssw":"kufuneka kube nekuvulekelana kube sebaleni konkhe lokumayelana nelizinga lekulungela kuvula kwaleso naleso sikolo.\n","score":0.80837005} -{"eng":"we have instead presented a budget that contains a range of balanced and wellconsidered measures to contain spending, increase revenue and encourage growth.\n","ssw":"esikhundleni saloko setfule sabelomali lesicuketse tinya tselo letisimeme futsi letica tjangwe kahle kute kulawulwe lusebentisomali, kukhuliswe imalingena futsi kugcugcutelwe kukhula.\n","score":0.8259465} -{"eng":"correcting these spatial distortions must be part of our work of building an inclusive economy and improving the living conditions of all south africans.\n","ssw":"kulungisa lokwehlukana ngekwetindzawo kufanele kutsi kube yincenye yemsebenti wetfu wekwakha umnotfo lofaka wonkhe wonkhe kanye nekwenta ncono emazinga ekuphila abo bonkhe bantfu baseningizimu afrika.\n","score":0.8495735} -{"eng":"the country needs to know what happened.\n","ssw":"sive sifuna kwati kutsi kwentekeni.\n","score":0.7804566} -{"eng":"the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant.\n","ssw":"mengameli utsatse lesikhatsi kuncusa bantfu baseningizimu afrika kutsi batfole lomtsamo losindzisa imphilo futsi bachubeke nekulandzela tindlela tetemphilo letisisekelo nekutsi bahlale bacaphele njalo.\n","score":0.8705419} -{"eng":"the world is now entering the second year of the coronavirus pandemic.\n","ssw":"umhlaba nyalo sewungene emnyakeni wesibili walolubhubhane lwaleligciwane lecorona.\n","score":0.87421906} -{"eng":"one thinks of another 13yearold, keamohetswe shaun seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the lekgolo primary school in limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them.\n","ssw":"lomunye umuntfu angacabanga ngalomunye loneminyaka le13, keamohetswe shaun seboko, losandza kushonela echibini lekubhukusha lasesikolweni semabanga laphansi imagalie sburg, nalabantfwana lababili labashonele elekgolo primary school elimpopo ngesikhatsi iloli ishayisa lubondza lwabese luwela etukwabo.\n","score":0.9173052} -{"eng":"the same consequences apply to people who misuse care dependency grants \u2013 which are given by sassa to provide financial support to children with severe disabilities who require fulltime care, disability grants or older persons grants.\n","ssw":"loku kungenteka nasebantfwini labasebentisa kabi sondlo semntfwana \u2013 lebayiniketwe yisassa kutsi basekele ngetimali ba ntfwana labanekukhubateka lokukhulu labadzinga kunakekelwa ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi, kungaba sondlo sekukhubateka noma sondlo sekuluphala.\n","score":0.87007046} -{"eng":"approximately r659 million was restored to the state through preservation and recovery of the proceeds of crime.\n","ssw":"tigidzi letilinganiselwa kuletinger659 tabuyi selwa kuhulumende ngekusebentisa kulondvo lota nekuvumbulula inzuzo yebugebengu.\n","score":0.7705574} -{"eng":"to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable.\n","ssw":"kusekela emabhizinisi lanema layisensi ekusebenta netimvume letiphelelwe sikhatsi phakatsi kwendlovulenkhulu 2020 ne nhlaba 2021, selula kuse benta kwawo kuze kube mhla tingu31 ingongoni 2022. ngetulu kwaloko, emalayisensi lamasha noma timvume letikhishwe kusukela mhla lu01 kukholwane nato titochubeka nekusebenta kuze kube ngu mhla tingu31 ingongoni 2022, futsi kute inkhokhelo yemali yelayisensi letobhadalwa.\n","score":0.8739517} -{"eng":"in order to get through this difficult time, these business owners can take advantage of a number of in terventions that govern ment has put in place to assist them.\n","ssw":"kute sindlule kulesikhatsi lesimatima, labanikati bemabhizinisi bangasebentisa lelitfuba lelinekungenelela lokunyenti lekubekwe nguhulumende kute basitakale.\n","score":0.85888094} -{"eng":"since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa\u2019s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this \"recasting the net\".\n","ssw":"kusukela kwaba nalolu ntjintjo lwemhlaba nga1994 lapho sehlukana ngalokuca cile hhayinje nelubandlululo kuphela kepha nekuma kwetebudlewane emaveni emhlaba, inchubomgomo yebudlelwane nemave emhla ba iyachubeka nekubona kala ngako \"kuphindza ujike inethi\".\n","score":0.8316475} -{"eng":"baking loaves of success galoome shopane over two decades ago, a group of women from qwaqwa in the free state put on their aprons, got out the flour and mixed up a better future for them selves.\n","ssw":"emadvodza emadvo dzeni: yiba yindvo dza, mfana wami vukuzenzele unnamed ngesikhatsi *tshepo mofokeng aneminya ka le10 budzala, uphile ati kutsi dzadzewabo lomdzala loneminyaka le17 wadlwengulwa.\n","score":0.7024338} -{"eng":"in the remaining cases the underlying causes can be identified, which is known as symptomatic epilepsy.\n","ssw":"kuletehlakalo letisele imbangela ingabonakala, lokwatiwa ngekutsi isymptomatic epilepsy.\n","score":0.858073} -{"eng":"it is wellestablished that \u2018the taxman\u2019 is one of the most efficient tools to combat corruption.\n","ssw":"kuyintfo lekahle kutsi \"umsebenti wekugcogca intsela\" ungulelinye lithulusi lelisebenta kahle kakhulu lekucedza inkhohlakalo.\n","score":0.8519982} -{"eng":"it is possible to get a false negative test result.\n","ssw":"kuyenteka kutsi utfole imiphume la yeluhlolo lengasilo liciniso.\n","score":0.7199681} -{"eng":"the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit.\n","ssw":"umtsetfosivivinyo lo luhlaka wenchubomgomo yavelonkhe lomayelana nekucecesheka kwebase benti bahulumende uhlose kwakha hulumende losebe ntela kancono bantfu bakitsi, lovikelekile ekungenelelweni kwetepolitiki lokungenasi dzingo nalocasha ngekubuka kufaneleka.\n","score":0.8539959} -{"eng":"this law is the basis for all the regulations promulgated under the national state of disaster we declared to combat coronavirus.\n","ssw":"lomtsetfo usisekelo sayo yonkhe imitsetfomgomo leshaywe ngaphansi kwesimo lesiyinhlekelele savelonkhe lesasimemetelela kulwa neligciwane icorona.\n","score":0.8617759} -{"eng":"this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response.\n","ssw":"ngiko lokusinika lwatiso ngemitsetfosimiso leseyibekile yelizinga lesine ekuphendvuleni kwetfu.\n","score":0.8239797} -{"eng":"friends should want what is best for you and should respect your decision not to have sex.\n","ssw":"bangani kufuneka bafune ukutfole loko lokukahle kakhulu kuwe futsi kufuneka basihloniphe sincumo sakho sekungayi ecansini.\n","score":0.8782571} -{"eng":"the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway.\n","ssw":"umbiko wekota uchaza letinye tintfo letinengi letentiwe, kanye netindzawo lapho kusadzingeka kusentiwe khona umsebenti lomkhulu.\n","score":0.8561833} -{"eng":"this is important when considering that per petrators who are under suspicion often go to great lengths to move around, hide or dispose of proceeds of corruption.\n","ssw":"loku kubalulekile uma kucutjungulwa kutsi benti balokubi labasuke basoleka bavamise kuhambahamba, babhace noma balahle imali labayitfole ngenkhohlakalo.\n","score":0.8472438} -{"eng":"freedom of speech and association, the right to protest and the right to equality before the law is upheld for all.\n","ssw":"kukhu luma nekuhlanganyela ngekukhululeka, lilungelo lekubhikisha kanye nelilungelo lekulingana ngembi kwemtsetfo ku yalandzelwa kubo bonkhe bantfu.\n","score":0.8613646} -{"eng":"this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible.\n","ssw":"loku kutawusita bantfu labasha kutsi bafinyelele kutfola ematfuba njengaloku labanye babo bete emanethiwekhi lenta kubelula kutsi bafinyelele kutfola ematfuba lakhona.\n","score":0.8935511} -{"eng":"parenting a child with epilepsy allison cooper while it may be a shock for a family to learn that a child has epilepsy, you can build an understanding, loving and accepting environment in which your child can grow and believe in their ability to succeed.\n","ssw":"kukhulisa umntfwana lonesitfutfwane allison cooper nanome kungawetfusa umndeni kuva kutsi umntfwana unesitfutfwane, ungenta simo selikhaya lelivisisa loko, lelinelutsandvo nalelemukelanako umntfwanakho langakhulela kulo futsi batsembe emandla abo ekuphumelela.\n","score":0.9007287} -{"eng":"prep can prevent hiv allison cooper as south africa comme morates world aids day on 1 december and 16 days of activism against genderbased violence (gbv), from 25 november to 10 december, vuk\u2019uzenzele explores the relationship between gbv and hiv\/aids.\n","ssw":"iprep ingayivikela ihiv vukuzenzele unnamed njengobe ini ngizimu afrika itawube ikhu mbula lilanga lemhla ba lengculazi mhla lu1 ingongoni kanye nemalanga la16 ebushikashi ki bekulwa nebudlova lobucondziswe kubulili lobutsite (igbv), kusukela mhla tinge25 i mphala kuya ku mhla ti10 ingongoni, ivuk\u2019uzenzele ibukisisa budlelwane lobukhona emkhatsini wegbv nehiv\/aids.\n","score":0.88630545} -{"eng":"the youth of our country clearly see this as a land of opportunity and promise, despite the obstacles they encounter.\n","ssw":"lusha lwalelive lakitsi likubona ngalokukhanya bha loku kutsi live lematfuba nesetsembiso leli, nanome kunaletihibe labahla ngabetana nato.\n","score":0.8439348} -{"eng":"at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars.\n","ssw":"ngalokunjalo, kufanele kutsi sicinise luhlelo lwetfu lwetebulungiswa, kucinisekisa kutsi tigilamkhuba tiyaboshwa, timo tekutfola ibheyili kanye nekukhululwa ngekwetsenjwa kutsi ngeke ubaleke tiyaciniswa bese kutsi lapho labanikwe sigwebo sekudzilikelwa lijele bacitsa imphilo yabo yonkhe basejele.\n","score":0.8617252} -{"eng":"the agreement reached between eskom and labour unions will enable critical repairs and return additional units to operation.\n","ssw":"lesivumelwane lokufinyelelwe kuso emkhatsini waeskom netinyonyana tebasebenti sitakwenta kutsi kukhonwe kulungisa loko lokumcoka kanye nekubuyisela esimeni kusebenta kwemayunithi langentiwe.\n","score":0.8521875} -{"eng":"he says the nsfas online application portal was redesigned to be more user friendly and closer to other platforms that prospective applicants are accustomed to such as whatsapp, twitter, facebook and instagram.\n","ssw":"utsi lephothali yeinthanethi yekufaka ticelo idizayinwe kabusha kute ikhone kusebentiseka malula futsi ifinyelele nakuletinye tinkhundla labatitayele labo labafuna kufaka ticelo letifana nabowhatsapp, itwitter, ifacebook neinstagram.\n","score":0.86280584} -{"eng":"her dream to start a school for her community began in 1988, and the following year, she began sharing her vision with the community.\n","ssw":"bafundzi basesikolweni semabanga laphasi inkululeko ralo primary school nyalo sebanemagumbi ekufundzela lafanele futsi bayakhona kufi nyelela kusikhungo setinsita, kulabholatri yetesayensi, kusikhungo semakhono lahlukahlukene nakusikhungo sekudla.\n","score":0.6190178} -{"eng":"tyre factory creates jobs in kzn vukuzenzele unnamed about 600 jobs have been created in la dysmith kwazu lunatal thanks to a r970 million direct investment by japanese tyre manufac turing company sumito mo rubber south africa (srsa).\n","ssw":" bonjiniyela labasebancane bacece shwa bukhoma ekwakheni imigwaco vukuzenzele unnamed akunaliklasi lelincono lanjiniyela losacece shwa kunekutsi aye endzaweni lekwakhiwa kuyo lenebulukhuni nalenetintfuli asebente ngemishini lebanga umsindvo kanye nemadvodza nebafati labajuluke bamanti nte basebenta ngekutikha ndla.\n","score":0.70239615} -{"eng":"that is why we need to be innovative and focused in our plans to rebuild the economy.\n","ssw":"kungaleso sizatfuke kutsi sidzinga kutsi sicabange tintfo letinsha futsi sigcile emaswini etfu ekwakheni futsi lomnotfo.\n","score":0.8265363} -{"eng":"madiba shapes another life allison cooper struggle icon former president nelson mandela said, \"edu cation is the great engine of personal development.\n","ssw":"ummango ugubha umkhosi wesivumelwano sekubuyiselwa umhlaba setigidzigidzi letinger21 siya miti ummango wase mphumalanga kapa utawungenelela emkhakheni wetichiwu tetilwane tasendle ngemuva kwekutsi utfole kusekelwa ngetimali nguhulumende kutsi basungule luhlelo lwekulawula sichiwu setinya matane.\n","score":0.7148525} -{"eng":"she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online.\n","ssw":"wabese futsi lomake uchwayisa ngekutsi kungabelwana emavidiyo noma titfombe tetemacansi kuinthanethi.\n","score":0.8507129} -{"eng":"over the next three years a further r21 billion has been committed by the idc, nef and other institutions to support black industrialists.\n","ssw":"kuleminyaka lemitsatfu letako kukhona futsi letinye tigidzigidzi letinger21 letetsenjiswe yiidc, yinef kanye naletinye tikhungo kute kwesekelwe bosotimboni labamnyama.\n","score":0.8713357} -{"eng":"luck ily, they may decide how many subjects they want to do a year because they do not have to complete their matric within a set time.\n","ssw":"ngenhlanhla, bangatikhetsela kutsi bafuna kwenta tifundvo letingaki ngemnyaka ngoba abadzingi kuphotfula matikuletjeni wabo ngesikhatsi lesitsite lesincunyiwe.\n","score":0.8546102} -{"eng":"grand mal seizures usually last a few minutes.\n","ssw":"kucaleka kwegrand mal kuvamise kutsatsa imizuzu lembalwa.\n","score":0.8426692} -{"eng":"as a result, the regulations ratified by cabinet and announced by minister nkosazana dlaminizuma on 29 april extended the prohibition.\n","ssw":"ngemuva kwekubuka ngekucophelela kanye nekucocisana, inccc yaphindza futsi yasibukisisa kabusha sincumo sayo mayelana neligwayi.\n","score":0.6009671} -{"eng":"\"the plan focuses on strengthening prevention efforts, and ensuring safety and justice for the women and children of our country.\n","ssw":"\"lokukhombisa sibopho setebhizinisi emmangweni kutfumela umlayeto lomuhle kakhulu nalocacile wekutsi singatsandza kutsi letinye tinkampani letinyenti tikubone loku bese nato setiyakwenta.\n","score":0.6499249} -{"eng":"similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a \u2018second wave\u2019 of infections.\n","ssw":"imitsetfo yekuvimbela iphi ndze futsi yamenyetelwa etincenyeni letinengi tase yurophu ngesikhatsi tihla ngabetana \u2018neligagasi lesibili\u2019 lekusuleleka ngalesifo.\n","score":0.8021734} -{"eng":"the commission delivered its final report by the end of the same year.\n","ssw":"lekhomishane yatfula umbiko wayo weku gcina ngasekupheleni kwaloyo mnyaka.\n","score":0.8633056} -{"eng":"a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha.\n","ssw":"kute kube kunamuhla, iasidi yakhe tikolo leti266, yaphakela tikolo leti886 ngetinsita tekutfutsa indle, yaphakela emanti etikolweni leti1 030 nangagezi kuleti372.\n","score":0.60595} -{"eng":"helping informal tradersgovernment is also work ing on creating a package that will provide income relief to informal traders who have lost income due to the crisis.\n","ssw":"kusita batsengisi labangakahleleki hulumende futsi ufuna kusungula emaphakheji latawuniketa sibonelelo semali kubatsengisi basemgwacweni labalahlekelwe imalingena ngenca yalenhlekelele.\n","score":0.82490146} -{"eng":"as they say in our african indigenous classics \"it takes a community to raise a child\".\n","ssw":"labanye balingani betfu kutenhlalo labafana nabosomabhizinisi bemmango kufuneka kutsi basisite ngeminikelo.\n","score":0.6091545} -{"eng":"the new channels include a mobile app, ussd and whatsapp where one can apply for nsfas funding, track application status and cancel applications, amongst other things.\n","ssw":"lamashaneli lamasha afaka imobile app, iussd kanye newhatsapp, lapho khona umuntfu angafaka sicelo sesibonelelo sensfas, bese uyalandzela kutsi sinjani simo sesicelo sakhe futsi angakhona kukhansela sicelo kuletinye taletintfo langatenta.\n","score":0.88644314} -{"eng":"under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age.\n","ssw":"ngekwemtsetfo wavelonkhe wetjwala, banikati betindzawo letinetimvume tekutsengisa tjwala abakavunyelwa kutsi batsengisele nome ngabe ngubani loneminyaka lengephasi kwe18.\n","score":0.8256578} -{"eng":"we have seen extraor dinary solidarity and support to affected communities in kwazulunatal, eastern cape and north west.\n","ssw":"sibone kubambisana lokungakajwayeleki nekusekelwa kwemindeni kwemimmango yakwazulunatali, yasemphumalanga kapa neyasenyakatfo nshonalanga.\n","score":0.8419781} -{"eng":"they must create a mynsfas account, click the apply tab, answer the questions on screen and upload the required documents.\n","ssw":"kufuneka bativulele iakhawunti yemynsfas , chafata inki nobho letsi apply, phendvula imibuto lekusikrini bese ufaka emadokhumenti ladzingekako.\n","score":0.8541726} -{"eng":"\"second, we will focus on stabilisation and recovery, rehousing people who have lost homes and restoring the provision of services.\n","ssw":"\"kwesibili, sitawugcila ekusimamiseni nasekubuyiseni futsi, kunika bantfu tindlu labo labalahlekelwe ngemakhaya abo kanye nekubuyisa futsi nekwetfulwa kwetinsita.\n","score":0.8644669} -{"eng":"let us assist those in need and those more vulnerable, instead of shunning them.\n","ssw":"asisite labo labadzinga lusito nabo labahlaseleka kalula, esikhundleni sekubabalekela.\n","score":0.7946466} -{"eng":"school attendance times vary across districts and provinces, due to social distancing measures.\n","ssw":"tikhatsi tekuya esikolweni atifanani kuto tonkhe tifundza, ngenca yemigomo yetekukhweshelana.\n","score":0.7379143} -{"eng":"inefficiency and the high cost of network services are an impediment to doing business in the country.\n","ssw":"kungasebenti kahle kanye netindleko letisetulu tenethiwekhi kuvimbela kwenta ibhizinisi kulelive.\n","score":0.85560083} -{"eng":"breastfeeding myths and facts there are several myths associated with breastfeeding, the department debunked these myths by answering the following frequently asked questions by mothers who are hiv positive and those who are not hiv positive.\n","ssw":"emanga nemacini so mayelana neku munyisa kunemanga lamanyenti mayelana nekumunyisa libele, litikoke liwacitsile lamanga ngekuphendvula lemibuto lelandzelako levame kubutwa bomake labanehiv kanye nalabo labete ihiv .\n","score":0.8623934} -{"eng":"these calls by whistleblowers have resulted in 24 035 cases of corruption, fraud and other crimes being investigated, says public service commissioner michael seloane, who oversees all the work done by the commission.\n","ssw":"letincingo letishaywe ti nhlabamkhosi tiholele emacaleni latiti24 035 enkhohlakalo, kukhwabanisa kanye nalamanye emacala la phenywako, kusho khomishina wetemisebenti yahulumende michael seloane, lokunguye lowengamele yonkhe imisebenti leyentiwa ngulekhomishini.\n","score":0.9102752} -{"eng":"we have sought to mitigate the impact of the successive lockdown restrictions on people\u2019s livelihoods, or risk a second and possibly worse epidemic of poverty and hunger in future.\n","ssw":"sifune kunciphisa umtselela wemikhawulo yekuva lwa ngekulandzelana kwemphilo yebantfu, noma sibeke engcupheni umbulalave webu phuya lomubi kakhulu kanye nendlala esikhatsini lesitako.\n","score":0.8291905} -{"eng":"you must nominate a person to manage your estate (the executer).\n","ssw":"kufanele ukhetse umuntfu lotophatsa lifa lakho (lo waba lifa).\n","score":0.79198885} -{"eng":"jijana, who lives with a disability, says his company installs road signs between hilton and pietermaritzburg.\n","ssw":"jijana, lophila nekukhubateka, utsi inkapani yakhe isebenta kufaka timphawu temgwaco emkhatsini kwasehilton nasemgungundlovu.\n","score":0.9031856} -{"eng":"just as there were people who tried to exploit people\u2019s vulnerability and cause mayhem, there are those who want to present criminal acts in racial terms to serve their own purposes.\n","ssw":"njengaloku bekunebantfu labebatama kusebentisa kabi kuhlaseleka lula k w e b a n t f u k a n y e nekubanga siphitsiphitsi, kukhona nalabo labafuna kuveta tento te bugebengu njengetento tebuhlanga kute kufezeke tinjongo tabo.\n","score":0.8194526} -{"eng":"this is according to the world health organisation\u2019s (who) latest statistics, which show that over 700 000 people die by suicide each year \u2013 that is one in every 100 deaths and approximately one person every 40 seconds.\n","ssw":"loku kumayelana netibalo takamuva tenhlangano yetemphilo yemhlaba (iwho), letikhomba kutsi bangetulu kwe700 000 bantfu labatibulalako ngemnyaka \u2013 loku kufa kwamunye kulabalikhulu futsi cishe muntfu munye ngemizuzwana lenge40.\n","score":0.9197439} -{"eng":"the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard.\n","ssw":"balingani bebrics bavu melana kutsi emave lasatfu tfuka adzinga kusitwa kute azuze imigomo yentfuntfuko lesimeme yeun, kanye nekutsi emave lanikelako afa nele kutsi atigcine tetsembiso tekutinikela kwawo mayelana naloku.\n","score":0.87947685} -{"eng":"v applicants must visit www.\n","ssw":"vindlela longafaka ngayo sicelo labafaka sicelo kufuneka bavakashele www.\n","score":0.7676939} -{"eng":"they should continue to produce journalism that goes beyond the headlines and front pages and that contributes to human development.\n","ssw":"kufanele kutsi bachu beke bakhicite buntsatseli lobungagcini etihlokweni tetindzaba letisematseni nasemakhasini lasembili futsi letifaka ligalelo ekutfutfukeni kweluntfu.\n","score":0.8101821} -{"eng":"dry, cool skin.\n","ssw":"sikhumba lesomile, lesipholile.\n","score":0.83268476} -{"eng":"in the past, this diagnosis was often fatal.\n","ssw":"esikhatsini lesengcile, loku cilongwa loku bekuvamise kubanga kufa.\n","score":0.82880163} -{"eng":"there has been, and will continue to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our national response to coronavirus, from the data modelling and projections, to the economic effects of the lockdown, to the regulations.\n","ssw":"bekuloku, futsi kutawuchubeka, nekutsi kube nekuhlatjwa lokunemandla nalokucinile kwetintfo letinyentana tekubukana kwetfu neligciwane icorona kwavelonkhe, kusuka ekusebentiseni imininingwane levela kuleminye imininingwane nemicombelelo, kuya kumiphumela yalokumiswansi kwemisebenti neminyakato nekuhlala ekhaya kwavelonkhe, kuya kumitsetfomgomo.\n","score":0.85989845} -{"eng":"the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others.\n","ssw":"kwandza ngalokusheshisako kwekutseleleka lokubhebhe tsekiswa nguloluhlobo lolu sha lwedelta kudzingeke kutsi kuciniswe kuvimba kuhamba kwebantfu, kusebenta kwema bhizinisi latsite nemibu tsano emphakatsini, phakatsi kwalokunye.\n","score":0.8547466} -{"eng":"the fear of infection is wellfounded and real.\n","ssw":"kwesaba kwesuleleka kunesizatfu lesivakalako futsi kuliciniso.\n","score":0.8387945} -{"eng":"we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability.\n","ssw":"sisebentela ekubeni nendlela lensha yemasoe lekhutsata kuba sebaleni lokukhulu, kutibophelela nekusimama.\n","score":0.8508731} -{"eng":"this benefited businesses like sihle\u2019s brew, a restaurant in gauteng, which was able to retain its 18 employees because of the ters scheme.\n","ssw":"loku kuhlomulise ema bhizinisi lafana nesihle\u2019s brew, indzawo yekudle la egauteng, lekhonile kugcina basebenti bayo labangu18 ngenca yeluhlelo leters.\n","score":0.88809764} -{"eng":"we must continue to be guided by facts and not rumours.\n","ssw":"kufanele kutsi sichubeke siholwe ngemaciniso hhayi emahemuhemu.\n","score":0.7526007} -{"eng":"for one, i didn\u2019t know that there were firefighters tasked with putting out wildfires.\n","ssw":"lokunye kutsi, bengingati kutsi kunebacimimlilo labasebenta kucima imililo yetikhotsa.\n","score":0.8399585} -{"eng":"each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen.\n","ssw":"loku kubonakala nge: kungabi nendzaba nekwenta emaphutsa kungacedzi imisebenti kulahlekelwa tintfo kuphatamiseka kalula neku khohlwatibonelo tekubanemdlandla kakhulu noma kuvele nje utsatseke wente tintfo nga phandle kwekucabangisisa tifaka ekhatsi: kungahlaliseki\/kuhlala ukhwishikhwisha kushayashaya ngetandla noma ngetinyawo phasi kungahlaliseki\/kuntilantjila kuvele nje amemete asho timphendvulo aphindze asukume uma kulindzeleke kutsi uhlale.\n","score":0.61514837} -{"eng":"this is true of all the institutions of our democracy.\n","ssw":"loku kuliciniso kuto tonkhe tikhungo tentsandvo yelinyenti yetfu.\n","score":0.71160656} -{"eng":"the damage caused by fasd is permanent and irreversible, and children born with this condition have physical and intellectual problems,\" said deputy minister bogopanezulu at the launch.\n","ssw":"umonakalo lobangwa yifasd uba wemphilo yonkhe futsi awubuyiseleki emuva, futsi bantfwana labatalwa nalokugula baba netinkinga tasemtimbeni netasengco ndvweni,\" kwasho lisekela lendvuna bogopanezulu emcimbini wekwetfulwa kwaloluhlelo.\n","score":0.86342275} -{"eng":"it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country\u2019s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom.\n","ssw":"\"ngulababantfu labashake labangemagugu sibili elikusasa lalelive letfu futsi labasikhumbuta kutsi inkhululeko yetfu yazuzwa ngekutinikela kwebantfu labasha labadvuna nalabasikati labebakadze batimisele kutsi hhayi bona kuphela, ngisho nalabo labawuta emva kwabo, kufanele kutsi baphile kulokukhanya kwenkhululeko.\n","score":0.89666486} -{"eng":"this time of great trial and difficulty has been among the au\u2019s finest hours.\n","ssw":"ngesikhatsi lesimatima kakhulu secovid19, lenhlanyelo yebunye ne lubanjiswano leyahlanye lwa ngemavulandlela etfu aphambilini seyimilile futsi iyandlondlobala.\n","score":0.6537008} -{"eng":"this has become a means of livelihood for diniso and her family.\n","ssw":"waphindze futsi wamfakela emaphayiphi ekunisela lo kwenta kutsi mansfield akho ne kulima.\n","score":0.6534717} -{"eng":"this is normal and should improve after a day or two and disappear within 14 days.\n","ssw":"loku vele kufanele kwenteke futsi kutawuba ncono emva kwelilanga linye nome mabili bese kutsi emva kwemalanga la14 kuphele.\n","score":0.85564536} -{"eng":"if you are not yet registered, you need to go to www.\n","ssw":"uma ungakabhalisi, kufuneka uye kuwww.\n","score":0.8797029} -{"eng":"all adult persons who have knowledge or suspicion that domestic violence is being perpetrated against a child, a person with a mental disability or an elderly person are obliged to report such acts to a social worker or to the police.\n","ssw":"bonkhe bantfu labadzala labanelwati nome labasola kutsi kunebudlova lobentiwa emntfwaneni, kumuntfu lophila nekukhubateka kwengcondvo nome umuntfu losakhulile baphocelekile kutsi batibike tento letinjalo kusonhlalakahle nome emaphoyiseni.\n","score":0.89819103} -{"eng":"most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women.\n","ssw":"linyenti lalabo labazuzile bekubantfu labasha; bomake labangetulu kwe60%.\n","score":0.91926575} -{"eng":"when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation?\n","ssw":"nangabe ngihlolwe nga nangabe ngihlolwe nga khandzakala kutsi nginekhandzakala kutsi nginecocovid19vid19 , kufanele kutsi ngihlale , kufanele kutsi ngihlale sikhatsi lesingakanani ngedvwasikhatsi lesingakanani ngedvwa ?\n","score":0.8732983} -{"eng":"these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions.\n","ssw":"lokucocisana kudzinga kutsi kwentiwe ngemoya wekufuna tisombululo.\n","score":0.8082578} -{"eng":"there they provide medical care, administrative support and other services like cleaning and catering.\n","ssw":"lapho bafike banike kunakekela kwetekwe lashwa, kwesekela ngetekuphatsa kanye naletinye tinsita letifanana nekuhlanta kanye nekuphakela ngekudla.\n","score":0.88019216} -{"eng":"harrison says that mosamoria\u2019s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment.\n","ssw":"harrison utsi umsebenti wemosamaria unciphise kukhishwa inyumbatana lo kumayelana netb, yakha budlelwane lobucinile nemmango futsi lobuholele kutsi kube nemanani lancono ekulashwa ngalokunemphumelelo.\n","score":0.89566815} -{"eng":"za and click on mynsfas.\n","ssw":"z a bese bachafata kumynsfas .\n","score":0.675025} -{"eng":"everyone knows what is expected of them during covid19.\n","ssw":"wonkhe wonkhe uyati kutsi kulindze leke ini kuye ngalesikhatsi se covid19 .\n","score":0.85015124} -{"eng":"antenatal care (taking care of the unborn baby) is important and usually starts at eight weeks.\n","ssw":"kunakekelwa ngembi kwekubeleka (kunakekelwa kwemntfwana losengakabelekwa) kumcoka futsi kuvamise kucala emavikini lasiphohlongo.\n","score":0.9192138} -{"eng":"ensure medication is administered and taken reg ularly as prescribed.\n","ssw":"cinisekisa kutsi imitsi yakhe uyayinatsa futsi uyinatsa njalo njengaloku kuncunyiwe.\n","score":0.7949126} -{"eng":"we can and will do more to end load shedding vukuzenzele unnamed over the past few weeks, severe load shedding has disrupted our economy and caused extreme hardship for all south africans.\n","ssw":"singakhona futsi sitawusebenta ngemandla kute sicedze kucishwa kwagezi vukuzenzele unnamed kulamaviki lamba lwa lengcile, ku cishwa kwakhulu kwagezi ngenhloso yekuwonga kutsikamete u mnotfo wetfu futsi kwa banga bulukhuni lobu khulu kubantfu bonkhe baseningizimu afrika.\n","score":0.86574495} -{"eng":"one speaks here of the despicable acts of corruption last year in the procurement of goods and services needed for our fight against the covid19 pandemic.\n","ssw":"umuntfu ukhuluma lapha ngetento letingakhulumeki tenkhohlakalo ngemnyaka lophelile ekutsengeni tintfo netinsita letidzingekako ekulweni kwetfu nelubhu bhane lwecovid19.\n","score":0.9125476} -{"eng":"this reduces the health of smokers as well as those exposed to secondhand smoke, dr egbe explains.\n","ssw":"loku kunciphisa lizinga lemphilo yebantfu lababhemako kanye nalabo labangabhemi kodvwa labavuleleke ekuhogeleni intfutfu yeligwayi lalabo lababhemako, kuchaza dkt.\n","score":0.8404536} -{"eng":"as the new year starts, many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their lives and livelihoods.\n","ssw":"njengaloku umnyaka lomusha ucala, imindeni leminengi solomane isayiva imitselela yalolubhubhane etimphilweni tayo kanye nasemisebentini letiphilisa ngayo.\n","score":0.8785958} -{"eng":"we need to wear a cloth mask that covers our nose and mouth whenever we leave home.\n","ssw":"kudzingeka kutsi sifake sifonyo sendvwangu lesivala imphumulo nemlomo nangabe siphuma ekhaya.\n","score":0.78534895} -{"eng":"also, if the baby has other drinks, they won't suckle as often and you won't make enough milk.\n","ssw":"lokunye futsi, uma ngabe umntfwanakho unatsa letinye tinatfo, angeke bamunye ngendlela labafa nele kutsi bamunye ngayo futsike nawe angeke wakhe lubisi lolwenele emabeleni akho.\n","score":0.81900096} -{"eng":"in 2018, i appointed a commission of inquiry into tax administration and governance at sars chaired by retired justice robert nugent.\n","ssw":"loku kwaba nemtselela lomkhulu ekubukeleni phasi kutiphatsa kahle kwebakhokhintsela, futsi kwaphindza kwenta kutsi emabhizinisi alahlekelwe litsemba kulesikhungo.\n","score":0.6360872} -{"eng":"farmers must ensure that they keep toxic insecticides away from water sources and streams.\n","ssw":"balimi kufuneka bacinisekise kutsi imitsi yekubulala tinambutane ayifinyeleli emitfonjeni yemanti nakumifudlana.\n","score":0.86486506} -{"eng":"its effects will be felt for many years to come.\n","ssw":"imiphumela yako itovakala naseminyakeni leminingi letako.\n","score":0.8062445} -{"eng":"if you have any problems such a painful nipples or breasts, be sure to go the clinic early for help.\n","ssw":"uma ngabe unenkinga njengekuba buhlungu kwetingono noma emabele, yenta siciniseko sekutsi usheshe uye emtfolamphilo uyotfola lusito.\n","score":0.85128725} -{"eng":"zondi adds that women are as capable as men and her company has a good service track record.\n","ssw":"zondi ungete watsi bomake nabo banelikhono njengabo babe futsi inkapani yakhe inemlandvo lomuhle wekwenta umsebenti.\n","score":0.81039643} -{"eng":"not only are perpetrators being arrested and taken to court; they are also having to forfeit the proceeds of their crimes.\n","ssw":"babhebhetseli ababoshwanje kuphela bayiswe nasenkantolo; kodvwa baphindze futsi balahlekelwe nguloko labakuzuze kulobugebengu.\n","score":0.82184553} -{"eng":"elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens.\n","ssw":"bantfu labakhetsiwe netisebe nti tahulumende baniketwe u msebenti wekucinisekisa kuphe pha nenhlalakahle yawonkhe umuntfu.\n","score":0.8635962} -{"eng":"in the midst of the severe economic setback caused by the coronavirus disease pandemic, public and social employment has provided an important stimulus to job creation.\n","ssw":"emkhatsini walesehlakalo lesimbi setemnotfo lesibangwe ngulobhubhane wesifo seli gciwane lekhorona, kucashwa kuhulumende nakutenhlalo kunikete sikhutsati lesimcoka sekuvula ematfuba emsebenti.\n","score":0.8739787} -{"eng":"help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens.\n","ssw":"kusita takhamuti takitsi letihlaseleka lula vukuzenzele unnamed emave lamanengi emhlabeni wonkhe ancume kutsi kube neluvalelo lwekungatseleleki ngaleligciwane lecorona ngenhloso yekuvikela timphilo tetakhamuti tawo.\n","score":0.8677466} -{"eng":"twenty years later, in a 1997 judgment, the constitutional court said that fulfilling the fundamental rights of every citizen and striving to achieve their socioeconomic rights is the hallmark of a democratic society aiming to salvage lost dignity.\n","ssw":"emva kweminyaka lemashumi lamabili, sincumo senkantolo semnyaka we1997, inkantolo yemtsetfosisekelo yatsi kuphumelelisa emalungelo lasisekelo awo wonkhe umuntfu nekutfola ema lungelo abo etemnotfo kuluphawu lwemmango wentsandvoyelinyenti loluhlose kubuyisela sitfunti lesilahlekile.\n","score":0.87567854} -{"eng":"\"maluleka says that children with ds are able to live full, healthy and long lives.\n","ssw":"\"maluleka utsi bantfwana labaneds bangakhona kuphila ngalokugcwele, babenemphilo futsi baphile sikhatsi lesidze.\n","score":0.8315253} -{"eng":"overall, it was found that there has been a decline in public access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage in a number of countries.\n","ssw":"jikelele, kutfolakale kutsi kube nekwehla kufinyelela kwemmango kutfola lwatiso kanye nekwenyuka kwetihibe ekubikeni tindza ba emaveni lamanyenti.\n","score":0.87951493} -{"eng":"we are once more confronted with the dark and ugly side of our society.\n","ssw":"sesiphindze sabukana nebumnyama lobubi emmangweni wetfu.\n","score":0.7166387} -{"eng":"tertiary education institutions and setas are invited to provide as much information as possible to interested people.\n","ssw":"tikhungo tetemfundvo lephakeme kanye nemaseta ayamenywa kute kutsi anike labane nshisekelo lwatiso lolunyenti.\n","score":0.80692255} -{"eng":"some investments have been delayed due to covid19, particularly in hardhit sectors like property development and tourism.\n","ssw":"lolunye lutjalomali lubanjelelwe yicovid19 , ikakhulu emkhakheni lokhahlabeteke kakhulu njengekutfutfukisa kwetakhiwo netekuvaka sha.\n","score":0.8594352} -{"eng":"where you could get them, they were very expensive so government issued a tender for the production of ventilators,\" says sanne.\n","ssw":"lapho betitfolakala khona, besetibita kakhulu ngaleso sizatfuke, hulumende wakhipha ithenda kutsi kukhicitwe letisitakuphefumula,\" kusho yena njalo sanne.\n","score":0.86090916} -{"eng":"the main broadcasts will be repeated after 4pm on openview and are available on dstv catchup.\n","ssw":"kusakata lokukhulu kutawuphindvwa futsi ngemuva kwensimbi ye4 entsambama kuopenview phindze kutfolakale futsi ku dstv catchup .\n","score":0.8709266} -{"eng":"we have begun the process of restructuring eskom into three different soes, responsible for generation, transmission and distribution, respectively.\n","ssw":"sicalile ngeluhlelo lwekuhlela kabusha ieskom kutsi ibe ngemasoe lahlukene lamatsatfu, latawubukana nekukhicita, kuhanjiswa nekusabalaliswa kwagezi ngekwehlukahlukana kwawo.\n","score":0.85685813} -{"eng":"a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities.\n","ssw":"imisebenti yahulumende lececeshekile vukuzenzele unnamed lesikhatsi ngikhetse lwa kulesikhundla sekuba ngumenga meli waseningizimu afri ka, ngatsi kwakha hulu mende losebenta kahle, lonelikhono nalonesimilo lesingenayo inkhohlaka lo bekunguletinye tintfo letimcoka lengiticalisa e mbili.\n","score":0.86697304} -{"eng":"this too shall pass.\n","ssw":"nako lokutsi futsi kutawendlula.\n","score":0.7343795} -{"eng":"with gauteng recording the highest number of covid19 cases during the third wave, the hospital was named a pro vincial health facility and is now dedicated to patients with covid19.\n","ssw":"njengobe igauteng ibhalisa sibalo lesisetulu setigameko tecovid19 ngesikhatsi seli hlandla lesitsatfu, sibhedlela sakhetfwa njengesikhungo setemphilo kulesifundza futsi manje sesibekelwe tigulane letinecovid19.\n","score":0.8946159} -{"eng":"they know their rights and aren\u2019t afraid to demand them.\n","ssw":"bayawati emalungelo abo futsi abesabi kuwafuna.\n","score":0.84658116} -{"eng":"controlling migration is the responsibility of government.\n","ssw":"kulawula kungena kwebantfu kulelive ngumsebenti wahulumende.\n","score":0.7605747} -{"eng":"since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19.\n","ssw":"kusukela kwacala lokubhedvuka ngenyanga yendlovulenkhulu, lokungenani sekushone bantfu laba4, 079 ngenca yalecovid19.\n","score":0.9163126} -{"eng":"\"addressing past mistakesthe president said govern ment was working hard to correct what went wrong during the apartheid years and since the start of de mocracy.\n","ssw":"\"kubukana nema phutsa lengcilemengameli watsi hulume nde usebenta matima kute alungise loko lokwahamba kabi ngesikhatsi seminyaka yelubandlululo nangesikha tsi kusukela kucala kuba nahulumende wentsandvo yelinyenti.\n","score":0.85674644} -{"eng":"crime is a serious problem in this country.\n","ssw":"bugebengu yinkinga lenkhulu kulelive.\n","score":0.8809419} -{"eng":"many young people want to start their own businesses.\n","ssw":"linyenti lebantfu labasha bafuna kuticalela emabhizinisi abo.\n","score":0.8746482} -{"eng":"in the past, sassa relied on cps services to pay cash payments, direct deposits and electronic payments.\n","ssw":"lomfundzate wakhokhela tonkhe tidzingo temfundvo, kufaka ekhatsi imali yekufundza, emabhuku nekwe kubhalela, indzawo yekuhla la nekudla.\n","score":0.70503557} -{"eng":"once you have put on the mask, do not touch your face again until you take it off.7.\n","ssw":"uma sewusifakile sifonyo sakho, ungaphindzi utsintse buso bakho kute kufike sikhatsi lapho usikhipha khona.7.\n","score":0.83948964} -{"eng":"in south africa there is extensive legislative protection for whistleblowers, including through the protected disclosures act, labour relations act, companies act, protection against harassment act, and the constitution itself.\n","ssw":"lapha eningizimu afrika kunemtsetfo lobanti wekuvikela tinhlabamkhosi, lokufaka ekhatsi kusebentisa umtsetfo wekuvikela lokudzaluliwe, umtsetfo webudlelwane kutemisebenti, umtsetfo wetinkampani, umtsetfo wekuvikela kugcagcalata, kanye nemtsetfosisekelo lucobo lawo.\n","score":0.8639591} -{"eng":"mavhunga overdosed on prescription pills after the video of the beating was shared on social media.\n","ssw":"kulesehlakalo lesisandza kwenteka sekuhlukunyetwa kwasetinkhundleni tekuchumana, umfundzi welibanga le10 lufuno mavhunga, wasembilwi secondary school elimpopo, ushone ngekuti bulala ngemuva kwekusha ywa ngulomunye umfundzi.\n","score":0.69256055} -{"eng":"these events also demonstrate how determined some people are to divide us, and how we need to do everything we can to resist them.\n","ssw":"letehlakalo tikhombisa kutsi labanye bantfu bati misele kangakanani kutsi basehlukanise, kanye nekutsi yini lekudzingeka kutsi sikwente kute simelane nabo.\n","score":0.84424925} -{"eng":"it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play.\n","ssw":"kunika emandla kukhulumisana kwesive kuphindze futsi kusinike sonkhe kuvisisa lokubanti tinkinga letikhona.\n","score":0.84268713} -{"eng":"at the same time, public health and safety must be our paramount consideration.\n","ssw":"ngaso sona leso sikhatsi, temphilo nekuphepha kwesive kufanele kutsi kube yintfo lesicaba nga ngayo kakhulu.\n","score":0.86989105} -{"eng":"we had to act quickly to save lives.\n","ssw":"kudzingeke kutsi sitsatse sinyatselo masinyane kute sisindzise timphilo tebantfu.\n","score":0.8257083} -{"eng":"the figures make it plain that unless we act now to turn things around, there will be even more difficult times ahead.\n","ssw":"tinombolo tikubeke kwacaca bha kutsi nangabe singatsatsi tinyatselo manje kute sigucule tintfo, tikhatsi letitako titawuba matima kakhulu.\n","score":0.88189065} -{"eng":"we discussed the issues that are most important to young people and examined ways in which we could align our perspectives and actions.\n","ssw":"sicocisane ngetindzaba letimcoka kakhulu kubantfu labasha kanye nekuhlola tindlela lesingatenta kutsi tihambelane nendlela lesibu ka ngayo tintfo kanye netento tetfu.\n","score":0.8734256} -{"eng":"no excuse for gbv vukuzenzele unnamed if a nation\u2019s character can be judged by how it treats women and children, then we are falling desperately short.\n","ssw":"asikho sizatfu segbv vukuzenzele unnamed uma ngabe similo sesive sikalwa ngendlela lesiphatsa ngayo bantfu lababomake nebantfwana, loko kungasho kutsi siyahluleka kakhulu.\n","score":0.836591} -{"eng":"one of the first steps i took in 2018 was to revive the renewable energy procurement programme.\n","ssw":"lesinye setinyatselo lengasitsatsa ngemnyaka wa2018 kwaba kuvusetela luhlelo lwekutsenga emandla lavusetelelwako.\n","score":0.86208785} -{"eng":"in 2000, the then national department of agriculture entered into lease agreements with the tafelkop farmers association in terms of the land redistribution for agricultural development programme.\n","ssw":"labalimi bahlangana ba hleleka ngeminyaka ye1990 kute babhalise njengeba limi labatsengisako nga phansi kwenhlangano lebi twa ngekutsi yitafelkop farmers association naleyabese icala kucocisana nahulu mende.\n","score":0.7803664} -{"eng":"justice for the communitythe president said the com munity had endured many hardships over the years and the \"title deeds bring justice to a dispossessed community\".\n","ssw":"akube nebulungi swa emangwenimengameli watsi ummango wabeketelela bumatima lobu nengi eminyakeni leyengci le futsi \"lamatayitela aletsa bulungiswa emangweni lobewutsatselwe umhlaba.\n","score":0.8553826} -{"eng":"we must do everything we can to change this attitude.\n","ssw":"simele kwenta konkhe lesingakwenta kuntjintja lesimo lesi sengcondvo.\n","score":0.8566878} -{"eng":"to do this, you need to go into isolation \u2013 either at home or at an isolation facility.\n","ssw":"kute wente loko, kudzingeka kutsi uhlale wedvwa \u2013 kungaba kusekhaya nome kube kusisisetjentiswa sekuhlala wedvwa.\n","score":0.88396716} -{"eng":"writing about this ideal, he famously said: \"in time we shall be in a position to bestow upon south africa the greatest gift possible \u2013 a more human face.\n","ssw":"abhala ngalomcondvo, kwadvuma kutsi watsi: \"ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi sitawukhona kupha iningizimu afrika sipho lesikhulu kunato tonkhe \u2013 kukhulisa sitfunti sebuntfu.\"\n","score":0.87543553} -{"eng":"how can a covid19 positive people transfer the disease to others?\n","ssw":"bantfu labanebantfu labanecovid19covid19bangasendlulisela njani lesifo bangasendlulisela njani lesifo kulabanye?\n","score":0.87220526} -{"eng":"they tend to occur in the organs of the body, look different under the microscope and respond more favourably to treatment, says seegers.\n","ssw":"ivamisa kwenteka etitfweni temtimba, ibukeka yehlukile ngaphasi kwesibonisakhulu futsi ikuva lula kwelashwa, kusho seegers.\n","score":0.8690366} -{"eng":"sars is taking the wind out of the sails of tax dodgers, beneficiaries of the proceeds of crime, and those involved in corrupt activities.\n","ssw":"ngenca yekuphumelela kwesars kugucula simo kube nekukhula ekutfobeleni umtsetfo mayelana nemaliye ntsela yemalingena yemuntfu, yemalingena yemabhizinisi kanye nakuntsela ledvonswa kumiholo yebasebenti.\n","score":0.7841647} -{"eng":"given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority.\n","ssw":"uma sibuka umlandvo wetfu, kukhulisa kutfolakala kwemhlaba wekulima imikhicito letawutsengiswa kanye nekulimela kutidlela kuyintfo hulumende layibeka embili.\n","score":0.8618333} -{"eng":"learners have had to navigate a new world of online or delayed learning, social isolation, loss, grief and trauma, all of which can cause increased anxiety and depression.\n","ssw":"bafundzi kudzingeke kutsi batfole indlela lensha yekufundza ngeinthanethi nome kufundza lokubambelekile, kuhlala wedvwa, kulahlekelwa, kudzabuka nekuhlukumeteka, konkhe loku kungabanga kukhatsateka nekucindzeteleka emoyeni.\n","score":0.8780719} -{"eng":"we have seen some political leaders making unscientific statements about immigrants to exploit people\u2019s grievances for political gain.\n","ssw":"sibone labanye baholi bemacembu etepolitiki basho titatimende letingasito busayensi letimayelana nebachamuki ngekuchaphata tikhalo tebantfu kute bazuze ngekwetepolitiki.\n","score":0.88257253} -{"eng":"do not cover fires with sand.\n","ssw":"ungavali mlilo ngenhlabatsi.\n","score":0.7207773} -{"eng":"at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted.\n","ssw":"ngalesikhatsi lesimatima, emandla etfu lahlanganisiwe kufanele kutsi aco ndziswe ekucinisekiseni kutsi kuphila nemphilo kuyalondvolotwa, kuletfwa kwekudla, kwemanti, kunakekelwa ngekwemphilo, kuvikeleka ngekwetenhlalo kanye nekwesekelwa ngekwetenhlalo akutsikameteki.\n","score":0.8955773} -{"eng":"when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record.\n","ssw":"uma umshushisi angayiphikisi ibheyili emacaleni egbv , bafanele kutsi babhale kumarekhodi tizatfu tabo.\n","score":0.8945454} -{"eng":"without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved.\n","ssw":"ngaphandle kweku tfutfukisa kutiphendvulela nekukhutsata kutiphatsa lokwamukelekile, kute kuzuza.\n","score":0.78119636} -{"eng":"it involved drastic restrictions on daily life and is having a severe impact on the chinese economy.\n","ssw":"kufake ekhatsi kuvinjelwa lokumatima mayelana nekuphila kwemihla ngemihla futsi kunemtselela lomubi kakhulu emnotfweni waseshayina.\n","score":0.89570546} -{"eng":"report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it.\n","ssw":"bika inkhohlakalo ngekusebentisa lucingo lwekulwa nenkhohlakalo silusapho nyanda nangabe usola kutsi kunenkhohlakalo, kukhwabanisa, kweba nome ngabe ngusiphi sento lesingakalungi emsebentini wahulumende, uyakhutsatwa kutsi ukubike loko.\n","score":0.86046463} -{"eng":"i recently attended the opening of the little flower early childhood development (ecd) centre in bizana in the eastern cape, where i got to spend time with some of the future leaders of our country, reading to them and listening to them.\n","ssw":"madvute nje bengiha mbele umcimbi wekuvu lwa kwesikhungo seku tfutfukiswa kwebantfwa na (iecd) ilittle flower ebizana empumalanga kapa, lapho ngicitse khona sikhatsi nalabanye baholi besikhatsi lesitako belive lakitsi, ngibafundzela futsi ngibalalela.\n","score":0.8878292} -{"eng":"sandf fights covid19 more matshediso the south african national defence force (sandf) is helping fight the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic in gauteng, which is currently the epicentre of the third wave.\n","ssw":"isandf ilwa necovid19 more matshediso umbutfo weteku vikela wavelo nkhe waseningi zimu afrika (isandf) usita ekulweni nesifo selubhubhane lweligci wane lekhorona egau teng, kwanyalo lekusizi nda sesiwombe sesitsatfu.\n","score":0.8961059} -{"eng":"traditional leaders support and drive development in their communities.\n","ssw":"baholi bendzabuko basekela baphindze bachu bekisele embili intfutfuko emimangweni yabo.\n","score":0.7925092} -{"eng":"once completed, the building will comprise all primary health facilities including a trauma unit, radiology, dispensary, psychiatric ward, maternity wards and paediatric wards.\n","ssw":"kutilungiselela kwamukela letivakashi, lamacembu ange nele emaseshini ekuticecesha lamayelana netekuvakasha netekudla.\n","score":0.70333475} -{"eng":"if the investigation finds that the money received does not benefit the child, sassa may appoint someone else to receive and administer the grant on behalf of the child,\" says letsatsi.\n","ssw":"uma luphenyo lukhomba kutsi imali letfolwako ayisetjentiselwa tidzingo temntfwana, isassa ingakhetsa lomunye umuntfu lotasitfola lesondlo bese uyisebentisela kugcina tonkhe tidzingo temntfwana,\" kusho letsatsi.\n","score":0.851458} -{"eng":"this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities.\n","ssw":"loku kufaka ekhatsi indlela yavelonkhe yenethiwekhi yelulawulo lecatsanisa emakhandidethi nema tfuba emsebenti.\n","score":0.842281} -{"eng":"we have started to rebuild and restore.\n","ssw":"sicale kwakha nekubuyisa kabusha.\n","score":0.857319} -{"eng":"the greatest threat to the health of nation right now is complacency.\n","ssw":"ingoti lenkhulukati kutemphilo tesive njengalo kukhobosa.\n","score":0.7476711} -{"eng":"\"the ct deals with various applications.\n","ssw":"\"ict isebenta ngeticelo letehlukahlukene.\n","score":0.86117196} -{"eng":"we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs.\n","ssw":"sinawo emandla kanye nenshisekelo kokubili kutsi sikhutsate imisebenti yetemnotfo, sikhulise umnotfo wetfu futsi sidale imisebenti.\n","score":0.89062226} -{"eng":"in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country.\n","ssw":"kuphendvula kulokufa nekulimala lokubangwe kugcumukela kwebantfwana emithoyi yemigodzi, sisungule umklamo wesafe kute siphutfumise kuniketwa kwemithoyi lefanelekile kuto tonkhe tikolo kulelive letfu.\n","score":0.8759196} -{"eng":"since the launch of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (nsp) in 2020, there have been a several interventions to respond to gbv.\n","ssw":"kusukela kwacalwa luhlelo lwavelonkhe lwendlelalisu yekulwa nebudlova betebulili nekubulawa kwebesifazane (insp) ngemnyaka we2020, kube kukhona kungenelela lokwehlukahlukene lokucondziswe kwigbv.\n","score":0.8947413} -{"eng":" steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country.\n","ssw":"tinyatselo tekuvuselela umnotfo vukuzenzele unnamed sekutawuhlangana umnyaka solo kwavakala indzaba yekucala ngeligciwane lekhorona eveni letfu.\n","score":0.82127404} -{"eng":"\"if we ask the public to participate in budgetary processes and they come from a position of not knowing, they cannot make quality inputs.\n","ssw":"\"uma sicela ummango kutsi ube yincenye kutinchubo telwabiwomali bese kutfolakala kutsi awati, angeke ukhone kufaka emagalelo lasezingeni.\n","score":0.8461641} -{"eng":"public service wages have on average increased at a much higher rate than inflation over many years, and we need to fix this if we are to get public finances under control.\n","ssw":"imiholo yetisebenti tahulu mende ngekweavareji yenyuke ngelizinga lelisetulu kakhulu kwengca emandla emali emi nyakeni leminyenti leyengcile, futsi sidzinga kutsi sikulungise loku nangabe sifuna timali tahulumende kutsi tilawuleke.\n","score":0.87412477} -{"eng":"limitations on movement are in place in a number of countries.\n","ssw":"imitsetfo levimbela kuhamba iyasebenta emaveni lamanengi.\n","score":0.79093766} -{"eng":"fight crime, not migrants vukuzenzele unnamed twentyfive years ago, our new democratic constitution came into effect.\n","ssw":"yilwa nebugebengu, hhayi netifiki vukuzenzele unnamed iminyaka lengemashumi lamabili nesihlanu leyengca, umtsetfosisekelo wetfu lomusha wentsandvo yelinyenti wacala kusebenta.\n","score":0.8798706} -{"eng":"giving second chancesthe dbe holds community roadshows to encourage people to enrol for the second chance programme.\n","ssw":"malapile utsi totimbili leticu tinesisindvo lesilinganako futsi, ngekuya kwetifundvo letifundziwe nemamaki latfoliwe, tingasetjentiswa kufaka sicelo sekufundza emanyuvesi noma emakolishi.\n","score":0.69121933} -{"eng":"a: there is no microchip or tracking device in the vaccines.\n","ssw":"kute insinjana lencane noma intfo lelandzelela kuhamba kwe bantfu kulemijovo yekugoma.\n","score":0.7650061} -{"eng":"we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms.\n","ssw":"siyati kutsi kufanele kutsi sichelelane ngekwenhlalo, sihlale sodvwa nangabe kwenteke satsintsana nalabo labasulelekile kanye nekutsi siye esibhedlela nangabe sinetimphawu letikhomba kwesuleleka.\n","score":0.88971925} -{"eng":"gov.\n","ssw":"gov.\n","score":0.8962723} -{"eng":"there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism.\n","ssw":"kunebantfu labafana naralph bouwers namark nicholson, labahlela imidlalo yetekukhibika yebantfu labasha baselavender hill ekapa kubavikela kutsi bangangeneli emacembu emagengi.\n","score":0.91853553} -{"eng":"these increases, particularly the price of fuel, are the consequence of events over which we have little control.\n","ssw":"lokwenyuka kwetindleko, kakhulu kwemafutsa etigitjelwa, kubangwe tigameko lesenginawo emandla ekutilawula.\n","score":0.83483833} -{"eng":"mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health.\n","ssw":"make lonekugula laphila nako wehlula icovid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed utsi kubaluleke kakhulu kutsi bantfu baseningizimu afrika ikakhulu labo labaphila nekugula kutsi banakekele timphilo tabo.\n","score":0.8499724} -{"eng":"on the other hand, if the port works well it can drive economic growth and position our country as a gateway to the region and the continent.\n","ssw":"kulolunye luhlangotsi, uma lesikhumulo sisebenta kahle, singafukula kukhula kwemnotfo futsi sibeke live letfu njengelisa ngo leledlulela kusigodzi kanye nakulelivekati.\n","score":0.87350273} -{"eng":"\"many adult learners may not have lots of time to devote to their studies.\n","ssw":"\"bantfu labanyenti labadzala labafundzako kungenteka kutsi bangabi nesikhatsi lesinyenti sekunaka tifundvo tabo.\n","score":0.83038366} -{"eng":"during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other.\n","ssw":"ngesikhatsi saletiphitsiphitsi letimbi kakhulu kuntsandvo yelinyenti yetfu, kanye nasesimeni lesivele sisolisa kakhulu futsi sekungetsembani, bantfu labebahletisene ngekuthula bajikelene bodvwa.\n","score":0.8335985} -{"eng":"there are a few months left before the end of the year and woza matrics will give learners the support they need to prepare for the final exams,\" she says.\n","ssw":"sekusele tinyanga letimbalwa ngembi kwekutsi umnyaka uphele futsi iwoza matrics itawunika bafundzi bakamatikuletjeni kwesekelwa labakudzingako kute balungiselele luhlolo lwekuphela kwemnyaka\" usho njalo.\n","score":0.90193677} -{"eng":"the south african military health service was deployed in the province to ease the burden on healthcare workers.\n","ssw":"umnyango wetemphilo wetetimphi waseningizimu afrika utfunyelwe kulesi fundza kutsi utonciphisa umtfhwalo kubasebenti betemphilo.\n","score":0.9030893} -{"eng":"the document further envisages a dynamic private sector, employing the skills and acumen of all south africans \u2026 and of business activities which contribute significantly to job creation, being actively encouraged.\n","ssw":"ledokhumenti futsi beyihlose kutsi kube \u2018nemkhakha lotimele loshukumako, lotawusebentisa emakhono nekuhlakanipha kwawo wonkhe umuntfu waseningizimu afrika \u2026nekutsi emabhizinisi asebente ngendlela lefaka ligalelo lelikhulu ekwakheni ematfuba emisebenti, lokutawuhlala kukhutsatwa njalo.\u2019 kulenkhulumo yamenga meli lemayelana nebunjalo belive yakamuva, ngichazile kutsi kufuneka hulumende, emabhizinisi nebasebenti basebentisane njani, kube nguloyo naloyo asebentise likhono lakhe lelingakavami, kwakha ematfuba emsebenti.\n","score":0.78375864} -{"eng":"thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land.\n","ssw":"kwesitsatfu, sifuna kucinisekisa kutsi bomake labanengi bayakhona kufinyelela kutfola timphahla letikhicitako njengemhlaba.\n","score":0.76495177} -{"eng":"this must stop.\n","ssw":"loko kufanele kutsi kuphele.\n","score":0.74319637} -{"eng":"the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state.\n","ssw":"lesabelomali siyincenye lemco ka yemtamo wetfu wekukhula lokungukhukhulelangoco, kusungulwa kwemisebenti, lutjalomali kanye nembuso lokhona kwenta tintfo tenteke.\n","score":0.8705666} -{"eng":"dangerous curves will be ironed out.\n","ssw":"emajika lama khulu lasabekako atawu suswa.\n","score":0.719488} -{"eng":"they point to serious lapses on the part of accounting officers and failures to adhere to laws and regulations governing procurement i have said before that winning the war on cor ruption will be difficult, and that it will take time to unravel the vast webs of patronage that had become entrenched.\n","ssw":"akhomba kungaphumeleli lokukhulu kwetikhulu letiphendvulako kanye nekwehluleka kuhambisana nemitsetfo nemitsetfomgomo lelawula kutsengwa kwemphahla.\n","score":0.7610213} -{"eng":"when doing so, law enforcement authorities must respect that person\u2019s rights and dignity.\n","ssw":"ekwenteni loko, tiphatsimandla leticinisekisa kugcinwa kwemtsetfo kufanele kutsi tihloniphe emalungelo nesitfunti sakhe.\n","score":0.85651505} -{"eng":"makhanda initially smoked one or two cigarettes a day, but this increased over time.\n","ssw":"makhanda wacala ngekubhe ma sikilidi munye nome babili ngelilanga, kodvwa kwenyuka ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi.\n","score":0.80731916} -{"eng":"many of those in the images look barely out of their teens.\n","ssw":"bonkhe labalapho kuletitfombe babukeka basengakaphumi ekubeni ngemabhobhodlelana netidzandzane.\n","score":0.7393373} -{"eng":"it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases.\n","ssw":"kungaleso sizatfuke kutsi, nanome kune ligebe kutetimali tahulumende, kute kwenyuka lokukhulu emtselweni.\n","score":0.8175547} -{"eng":"these jobs were mainly created in sectors such as community and social services, trade, finance and, notably, construction.\n","ssw":"lemisebenti yakhiwa ka khulu kumikhakha yete tinsita temmango netenhlalo, tekuhwebelana, tetimali kanye futsi, ngalokukhulu, wetekwakha.\n","score":0.87488717} -{"eng":"\"i want to thank them for their support and for giving me the opportunity to grow as a nurse.\n","ssw":"\"ngifuna kubabonga ngeku ngiseka nekunginiketa litfu ba lekukhula njengelinesi.\n","score":0.86990887} -{"eng":"communities and community organisations must work with government to implement interventions that redefine masculinity so that we raise men with empathy, tolerance and respect.\n","ssw":"imimango netinhlangano temmango kufuneka tisebentisane nahulumende kute kube nekungenelela lokutawuchaza kabusha budvodza kute sikhulise emadvodza laneluvelo, labeketelako nalanenhlonipho.\n","score":0.86778915} -{"eng":"\"for example, in 2018, 514 of our patients were cured,\" harrison says.\n","ssw":"\"sibonelo, ngemnyaka we2015, tigulane tetfu letinge514 talashwa taphila,\" kusho harrison.\n","score":0.9075975} -{"eng":"two years since the fusion centre was established, its multidisciplinary approach to \u2018follow the money\u2019 has yielded significant results.\n","ssw":"eminyakeni lemibili kusukela kwasungulwa ifusion centre , indlela yaso lemkhakhaminyenti \u2018yekulandzela imali\u2019 ibe nemiphumela lemihle lemikhulu kakhulu.\n","score":0.88703346} -{"eng":"the creative sector was particularly badly affected.\n","ssw":"umkhakha wetebuciko wona watsintseka kakhulu kunaleminye.\n","score":0.75517297} -{"eng":"how to get startedregister at one of the 75 dis trict education offices across the country or online at this website: www.\n","ssw":"ucala kanjanibhalisa kulinye lemahhovisi esifundza lange75 lakulo lonkhe lelive noma kuinthanethi kulewebhusayithi: www.\n","score":0.8587638} -{"eng":"the farm supplies four wimpy restaurants, pick n pay, a holiday inn hotel and local spaza shops, among others.\n","ssw":"watfutfuka wesuka ekusebentiseni lamahektha lamabili emhlaba wakhulisa kukhicita kwakhe emaca ndza nekulima sipinashi, ikale, bophepha labaluhlata satjani kanye nematamatisi, labekakutsengisa endzawe ni yakubo, wagcina asa fake emathaneli eti bhivo lamabili, walima emahektha la1.5 waphindze futsi wakha tndlu tetinkhukhu tekutalela emacandza la5 000nala2 000. lelipulasi litsengisela tindzawo tekudlela taka wimpy letine, ipick n pay , lihhotela iholiday inn kanye netitolo tendzawo letitispaza , emkhatsini walokunye.\n","score":0.7383291} -{"eng":"magwaza is one of hundreds of students who pass through misa\u2019s youth development programmes each year.\n","ssw":"magwaza ungulomunye we bafundzi londlule kutinhlelo temisa tekutfutfukisa lusha njalo ngemnyaka.\n","score":0.822103} -{"eng":"a: you should not get the vaccine if you have symptoms of covid19.\n","ssw":"awu kafaneli kutsi ugome uma ngabe unetimphawu tecovid19 .\n","score":0.83359617} -{"eng":"the department strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding because it helps the baby develop a stronger immune system, and a stronger bond between mother and baby.\n","ssw":"litiko lincoma kakhulu kumunyisa libele kuphela ngoba kusita luswane kutsi lube nemasotja emtimba lacinile, kanye nebudlelwane lobucinile emkhatsini wamake nemntfwana.\n","score":0.895797} -{"eng":"with this comes increased risk of transmission.\n","ssw":"loku kuhamba nebungoti lobe nyukile bekwesuleleka ngalesifo.\n","score":0.75146276} -{"eng":"their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others.\n","ssw":"imisebenti yawo yacondzaniswa kute kugwenywe kutsi kube nekuphindvwaphindvwa nekumoshwa kwemise benti futsi kutfutfukiswe kufundza ngekusebentisa sipiliyoni salabanye.\n","score":0.82489336} -{"eng":"the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society.\n","ssw":"kukhululwa kwabomake kunga ba ngemagama nje lasephepheni nangabe akuhambisani nekutinikela kwayo yonkhe imikhakha yemmango.\n","score":0.83129716} -{"eng":"possible suicide warning signs include: talking about ending one's life, dying or suicide.\n","ssw":"timphawu letingenteka letisicwayiso tekutibulala tifaka:l kukhuluma ngekucedza imphilo yabo, kufa kumbe kutibulala.\n","score":0.86304283} -{"eng":"south africa has never had to deal with a public health emergency of this magnitude.\n","ssw":"iningizimu afrika ayimange seyibukane netemphilo letiphutfumako letinkhulu ngalendlela.\n","score":0.8149451} -{"eng":"it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities.\n","ssw":"kuluphawu lwenchu bekelembili lesiyentako ekunciphiseni kusuleleka lokusha ngalesifo kanye nalokutawufuneka kuti setjentiswa tetfu tetemphilo.\n","score":0.8418664} -{"eng":"the president also paid tribute to the many healthcare and frontline workers who play a key role in the fight against covid19.\n","ssw":"mengameli uphindze watfula sigcoko kuletisebenti tetemphilo letinengi naletinye tisebenti letenta umsebenti lobucayi etikhungweni tetemphilo letidlale indzima lenkhulu ekulweni necovid19.\n","score":0.8650496} -{"eng":"i read about supply chain and logistics management and was almost instantly attracted to it.\n","ssw":"ngafundza ngete luchungechunge lokwe tfulwa kwetinsita kanye netekulawula kuhanjiswa kwemphahla futsi loku kwekugcina kwacishe kwangidvonsa ngaleso sikhatsi.\n","score":0.82931757} -{"eng":"\"we aim to improve early detection and facilitate effective treatment.\n","ssw":"\"sihlose kusheshe sisi bone lesifo bese siselapha ngemphumelelo.\n","score":0.8143345} -{"eng":"another reality is that alcohol is a form of escapism for young people in communities were opportunities for safe and ageappropriate recreation are few.\n","ssw":"sicela emaphoyisa etfu kutsi aphakamise kugcinwa kwemtsetfo lovimbela kutsengiswa kwetjwala edvute netikolo futsi ente kutsi kube nekucashelwa kwaleto tindzawo kute kucinisekiswe kutsi tjwala abutsengiselwa bantfwana.\n","score":0.6927909} -{"eng":"do not stop taking medication unless a healthcare practitioner tells you to and never share medication with anyone.\n","ssw":"ungayekeli kunatsa umutsi wakho ngaphandle kwekutsi sisebenti lesinakekela ngetemphilo sikutjele kutsi wente njalo futsi ungashiyelani nalomunye ngemutsi wakho.\n","score":0.84448034} -{"eng":"\"the best part was the experience gained while working with patients, but the worst part was all the deaths that took place in the ward.\n","ssw":"\"incenye lenhle kakhulu lwati nebuciko lobutfolako njengobe usebenta nalabagulako, kodvwa incenye lembi kakhulu beku kufa lobekwenteka kuleliwadi.\n","score":0.84372056} -{"eng":"a ray of hope for khayelitsha girls allison cooper plagued by escalat ing crime, poverty and inequality, it was tough to find good education for girls in a safe environment in the khayelitsha township.\n","ssw":"kepha luhle lo lolungakavami lwenhlanga no iquadpara association of south africa (iqasa) selu fundzise bantfu laba120 labakhubatekile kushayela timo to letakhiwe tafanela tidzingo tabo, labange80 balabantfu sebawatfolile emalayisensi abo ekushayela.\n","score":0.7039156} -{"eng":"\"the sheriff will then serve the documents personally on the defendant and issue a return of service, proving that the documents were served.\n","ssw":"\"mabhalane wenkantolo yemajaji utawubeseke yena utsatsa lawo madokhumenti ayowanika ummangalelwa matfupha bese sewukhipha sicisekiso lesibhalwe kutsi uwentile lowo msebenti, kufakazela kutsi vele lawo madokhumenti wanikwa wona.\n","score":0.82592046} -{"eng":"companies tribunal dr mohammed chicktay, the chairperson of the ct, explained that the entity helps provide a speedy resolution in company disputes, relating to applications and complaints made in terms of the companies act no.\n","ssw":"umtimba lobukene netemacala latsite etinkampaninidkt.\n","score":0.67521966} -{"eng":"over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic.\n","ssw":"kuletinyanga letisiphohlo ngo letengcile kanye nekwe sekelwa balingani betfu betenhlalo, sikhiphe luhlu lwetinyatselo letiphelele tekuvikela umtselela wete nhlalo kanye newetemnotfo walolubhubhane.\n","score":0.8686041} -{"eng":"but it will certainly come down.\n","ssw":"kodvwa nakanjani litawuphindza futsi lehle.\n","score":0.73652434} -{"eng":"this is particularly the case in the delivery of public goods such as electricity and water, where soes are able to pursue a developmental mandate in the public interest as opposed to a purely commercial one.\n","ssw":"loku kwenteka kakhulu uma kuphakelwa tinsita temmango letifana nagezi nemanti, lapho khona emasoe anemandla ekuchubekisa ligunya lekutfutfukisa kute kuzuze ummango kunekutsi kwentiwe inzuzo yetetimali.\n","score":0.84438926} -{"eng":"over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded.\n","ssw":"eminyakeni leyengca, lesikolo satfutsa kanengi ngoba besichubeka sikhula.\n","score":0.8651948} -{"eng":"put cold water in the bath first, and then add hot water.\n","ssw":"faka emanti labandzako ebhavini kucala, bese ungeta emanti lashisako.\n","score":0.86537087} -{"eng":"breastfeeding moms should feed their babies more frequently when it is very hot.\n","ssw":"bomake labamunyisako kufanele kutsi batimunyise njalo tinswane tabo nangabe kushisa kakhulu.\n","score":0.8245313} -{"eng":"this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection.\n","ssw":"loku kwenteka ngesikhatsi umuntfu avakashela tihlobo, ikakhulu bantfu labadzala kanye nalabo labanetimo tetekwelashwa taphambilini loko kubenta kutsi batse leleke lula ngaleligciwane.\n","score":0.88879013} -{"eng":"we have also added google business services, which enables companies to host a business profile and static company website on google for free,\" said shakung.\n","ssw":"siphindze futsi sangeta tinsita tegoogle tetemabhizinisi, letenta tinkampani tikhone kuba nephrofayili yebhizinisi kanye newebhusayithi letawuhlala ikhona yenkampani kugoogle mahhala,\" kwasho shakung.\n","score":0.91549385} -{"eng":"patients using the ventilator are connected via a face mask.\n","ssw":"tigulane letisebentisa lesisitakuphefumula tichunyaniswa ngekusebentisa sifonyo.\n","score":0.8083338} -{"eng":"sheltering services are currently being provided to over 7,000 people in the four most affected districts in kwazulunatal.\n","ssw":"tinsita tekuhlala kungu nyalo tisaniketwa ebantfwini labangetulu kwe 7 000 kuletigodzi letine letishayeke kakhulu kwazulunatali.\n","score":0.85073686} -{"eng":"aspen pharmacare recently launched its r3.4 billion expansion, which it announced at the 2018 investment conference.\n","ssw":"bakaaspen pharmacare basandza kwetfula sigi dzigidzi ler3.4 sekunweba, labasimemetele engcu ngcutseleni yelutjalo mali yanga2018.\n","score":0.8655213} -{"eng":"as the prize for winning the award is a stateoftheart kitchen built by the tiger brands foundation, the school\u2019s nutrition programme is set to become even better.\n","ssw":"njengoba umklomelo wekuwina kulikhishi lelisezingeni lelisetulu lelakhiwa yitiger brands foundation, loluhlelo lwekudla lwesikolo lwentiwe kutsi lube ngulelincono.\n","score":0.88617074} -{"eng":"the child must be younger than 18. the grant recipient must be the child\u2019s primary caregiver and the child must live with him\/her.\n","ssw":"umntfwanalonakekelwako kufuneka abe neminyaka lengaphasi kwe18 budzala.\n","score":0.6932907} -{"eng":"significantly, the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we announced in october last year is based on broad consensus among all social part ners on the actions needed to rebuild the economy.\n","ssw":"ngalokumcoka, lelisu lekwakha kabusha umnotfo nekuwuvusetela lesalimemetela ngenyanga yemphala kulomnyaka lophelile limayelana nekuvumelana emkhatsini wabo bonkhe mayelana naloko lekumele kutsi kwentiwe kute kwakhiwe kabusha lomnotfo.\n","score":0.83494735} -{"eng":"\"the department of small business development and seda formed a partnership with the international trade centre (itc), to bring the shetrades programme to south africa, and create a shetradesza hub.\n","ssw":"\"litiko letekutfutfukisa emabhizinisi lamancane neseda bakhe budle lwane nesikhungo semave emhlaba sekuhweba (iitc), kute kutsi kuletfwe loluhlelo lweshetrades lapha eningizimu afrika kanye nekudala kutsi kube nenkhaba yeshetradesza.\n","score":0.88815844} -{"eng":"while we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1,600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half.\n","ssw":"nanoma sikwemukela lokwehla kwelizinga letingoti temgwaco ngalesikhatsi semaholide, liciniso lelingatsandzeki litsi bantfu labangetulu kwe1,600 bafile emigwacweni yetfu esikhatsini lesiyinyanga nesigamu.\n","score":0.90257686} -{"eng":"speaking on behalf of the civil society organisations involved, zukiswa kota, the head of the monitoring and advocacy programme at the public service accountability monitor and lead coordinator of imali yethu, says accountable budgetary processes are critical to a democracy.\n","ssw":"akhulumela tinhlangano temmango letiyincenye yalo ku, zukiswa kota, loyinhloko yeluhlelo lwekugadza nekukhulumela.\n","score":0.7688973} -{"eng":"it has caused huge disruption and hardship.\n","ssw":"sekubanga kuphatamiseka nebumatima lobukhulu kakhulu.\n","score":0.7733984} -{"eng":"national treasury director andile best, who leads the vulekamali portal initiative, says its main aim is to increase public interest, participation and knowledge of government\u2019s financial programmes.\n","ssw":"umcondzisi wetemafa ave lonkhe andile best, longumholi walomtamo wephothali yevulekamali, utsite inhloso yawo lenkhulu kukhulisa lisasasa lemmango, lekuhlanganyela nekwati tinhlelo tahulumende tetetimali.\n","score":0.83723575} -{"eng":"unsafe circumcision should not leave young men with lifelong health problems, and no one should die from circumcision.\n","ssw":"kusokwa ngalokungakaphephi akukafaneli kutsi kusho emajaha netinkinga temphilo yonkhe, futsi kute umuntfu lofanele kutsi afe abulawe kusokwa.\n","score":0.858739} -{"eng":"sars has driven a focused turnaround strategy to position itself at the forefront of efficiency and service excellence.\n","ssw":"isars isebentise indlelalisu legcile ekuguculeni simo kute itibeke esimeni sekusebenta lesinemphumelelo nalesisezingeni lelisetulu.\n","score":0.82545334} -{"eng":"gov.\n","ssw":"gov.\n","score":0.8962723} -{"eng":"bizportal offers those wanting to start a business a onestop platform to register a company, register for tax, register a domain name, apply for a bbbee certificate, register for the compensation fund and unemployment insurance fund, and open a business bank account.\n","ssw":"ibizportal iniketa labo labafuna kucala ibhizinisi indzawo leyodvwa yekubhalisa inkampani, yekubhalisela kukhokha intsela, yekubhalisa ligama lenkampani, yekufaka sicelo sesitifiketi sebbbee, yekubhalisa kusikhwama sekuncephetelisa nakumshwalense wekulahlekelwa ngumsebenti, neyekuvula iakhawunti yasebhange.\n","score":0.88477266} -{"eng":"the process of unbundling eskom is on track, with the entity meeting its december 2021 deadline for the establishment of a national transmission company.\n","ssw":"luhlelo lwekuhlukanisa tigaba teeskom lusendleleni, lapho khona lesikhungo sihambisana nesikhatsi lesibekiwe lesiyingongoni 2021 sekutsi kusungulwe inkampani yavelonkhe yekukhicita gezi.\n","score":0.85193133} -{"eng":"it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply.\n","ssw":"kuyacaca futsi kutsi labo labatfola imiholo embusweni abakafaneli kufaka ticelo.\n","score":0.83022296} -{"eng":"the project is being implemented by the independent development trust (idt) on behalf of the northern cape provincial department of health at a cost of about r150 million and is expected to open soon.\n","ssw":"lomklamo uyincenye yekubungata inyanga ye tekuvakasha lapho masipa la akhetsa khona emacembu lasitfupha lasuka elokishini lasethembalethu nasepaca ltsdorp kutsi amukele ti vakashi letivela phesheya ngesidlo lesinato tonkhe ti biliboco kanye nekwenta imidlalo yekujabulisa leti vakashi.\n","score":0.68384755} -{"eng":"our recovery rate stands at 80 percent.\n","ssw":"lizinga letfu lebantfu labelulamako lime kumaphesenti lange80.\n","score":0.8433935} -{"eng":"irregular eating and sleep patterns.\n","ssw":"kukhombisa emaphethini ekungalali ngesikhatsi lesi fananako nekungadli kahle.\n","score":0.72166455} -{"eng":"congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services.\n","ssw":"tinkonzo tekuhlangana ndzawonye betentiwa ngeinthanethi futsi emakholwa bekakhutsatwa kutsi athantaze etindlini tawo esikhundleni sekutsi aye enkonzweni etakhiweni.\n","score":0.9084561} -{"eng":"the employment stimulus will enable the department of home affairs to recruit 10 000 unemployed youth for the digitisation of paper records, and the social employment fund will create another 50 000 work opportunities.\n","ssw":"loluhlelo lwekugcugcutela kucashwa lutawenta kutsi litiko letasekhaya likhone kucasha lusha lolungasebenti lolu10 000 lolutawusebenta kwenta emarekhodi emaphe pha abe dijithali, futsi sikhwama sekucashwa kwemmango sitawakha lamanye ematfuba emisebenti la50 000. litiko letemfundvo lephakeme netekucecesha litawufaka bantfu labangasebenti labaneticu tebuchwepheshe netemisebenti yetandla neyetekucecesha laba10 000 etindzaweni tekusebenta kusuka ngamabasa 2022. lenkhundla isayouth.\n","score":0.82136357} -{"eng":"we have also had to contend with allegations both disturbing and disgusting.\n","ssw":"kudzingeke kutsi simelane nekusolwa lokukhatsatako nalokunyanyekako.\n","score":0.77381814} -{"eng":"\"as soon as misuse is reported, an investigation is undertaken.\n","ssw":"\"masinyane emva kwekubika ngekusetjentiswa kabi kwalesondlo, kutawentiwa luphenyo.\n","score":0.835584} -{"eng":"we have said before that the violence perpetrated by men against women is the second pandemic that our country must confront, and like the covid19 pandemic it can be overcome if we all work together.\n","ssw":"sike sasho ngaphambilini kutsi lobudlova lobucondziswe kubomake lobentiwa madvodza bungubhubhane wesibili lekufuneka lelive letfu libukane naye, futsi njengalobhubhane wecovid19 naye lona singawuncoba uma singasebentisana.\n","score":0.9083678} -{"eng":"everyone involved in this operation has done south africa proud.\n","ssw":"wonkhe umuntfu lotimbandzakanye kulomsebenti wente live laseningizimu afrika latigcabha.\n","score":0.83872926} -{"eng":"diniso was born with a disability in her left leg and has to wear a brace for support.\n","ssw":"kwengeta ekutsini bekasesemncane futsi ete nenkhabunkhabu yekulima.\n","score":0.64689314} -{"eng":"the nrso was established by an act of parliament in 2007. it is a record of names of those found guilty of sexual offences against children and people with intellectual disabilities.\n","ssw":"inrso yasungulwa ngekulandzela umtsetfo wephalamende ngemnyaka we2007.\n","score":0.65611005} -{"eng":"the author of seven books and wrote her first book at the age of 6 years old.\n","ssw":"lombhali wemabhuku lasikhombisa futsi lowabhala libhuku lakhe lekucala aneminyaka le6 budzala.\n","score":0.8590908} -{"eng":"we need to do more as a country to ensure that the message of 1976 is transmitted faithfully.\n","ssw":"sidzinga kwenta lokuni ngi njengelive kute sicinise kise kutsi lomlayeto wa1976 undluliswa ngekweciniso.\n","score":0.8270686} -{"eng":"not only has coronavirus had a momentous impact on people\u2019s lives and livelihoods, it has also shaken up the global social order.\n","ssw":"ligciwane lecovid19 alikabi kuphela nemtselela lomcoka etimphilweni tebantfu kanye nasetindleleni tekutiphilisa, kodvwa liphindze futsi lanyakatisa kuhleleka kwemhlaba wonkhe kwetenhlalo.\n","score":0.84537864} -{"eng":"most of these people are easy to find through the sayouth.\n","ssw":"linyenti lalabantfu laba litfolakala kalula ngekusebentisa inkhundla isayouth.\n","score":0.7682277} -{"eng":"we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan.\n","ssw":"sesente tetsembiso letinyenti tekutinikela ngaphasi kweluhlelo lwekulingana kwesitukulwane letitawuphumelela ngekusebentisa lisu lavelonkhe lelisubuciko.\n","score":0.82929254} -{"eng":"children who are physically abused might also flinch or back away when people raise their voices or move towards them too quickly.\n","ssw":"ichildline south africa yecwayisa ba tali kutsi balalelisise neku tsi babe nesineke, njengoba kungenteka kutsi bantfwa na bangakwati kusho indlela labativa ngayo nalebacaba nga ngayo.\n","score":0.7112639} -{"eng":"these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle.\n","ssw":"letigigaba tacinisa umbono wemave emhlaba ngekumelelana nembuso welubandlu lulo yaphindze yaniketa umfutfo lowengetiwe emshi kashikeni wenkhululeko.\n","score":0.85719585} -{"eng":"the 114 south africans who were evacuated from wuhan in china some weeks ago ended their quarantine and were reunited with their families.\n","ssw":"labantfu baseningizimu afrika laba114 labahlengwe ewuhan eshayina kulamaviki lambalwa lengcile balucedzile luvalelo lwabo ngenca yalesifo futsi bahlanganiswe nemindeni yabo.\n","score":0.8790902} -{"eng":"altogether, the expansion of infrastructure at the port will require r100 billion in new investment over the next decade and more.\n","ssw":"sekuhlangene, lokwengetwa kwesakhiwonchanti kulesikhu mulo kutawudzinga tigidzigi dzi letir100 kutjalomali lolu sha esikhatsini seminyaka leli shumi nangetulu.\n","score":0.83994114} -{"eng":"vukuzenzele unnamed if you don\u2019t have a valid will, you will have no control over who inherits your assets when you die.\n","ssw":"vukuzenzele unnamed uma ngabe awu nayo incwadzi yesivumelwano selifa lecinisekile nge kwemtsetfo, angeke ube nemandla kutsi ngubani lotawutfola lifa lakho nawufa.\n","score":0.86090267} -{"eng":"and complete the information required.\n","ssw":"za bese uce dzela lwatiso loludzinge kako.\n","score":0.7666751} -{"eng":"being overly emotional, such as constantly crying, irritable moods or losing their temper quickly.\n","ssw":"kutsintseka ngalokwecile emoyeni, njengekukhala njalo, kuba nesicanucanu nome kuphangise batfukutsele.\n","score":0.8022535} -{"eng":"we pay tribute to the healthcare workers who lost their lives caring for the sick.\n","ssw":"sibonga leto tisebenti letinakekela ngetemphilo letilahlekelwe timphilo tato ngekunakekela labagulako.\n","score":0.86555016} -{"eng":"the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome.\n","ssw":"uchaze watsi iadhd neadd kuphatamiseka kwengcondvo lokunemtselela ekutfutfukiseni emakhono etemfundvo lokwenta kutsi kube matima kukhona kutiphatsa, njengekunganaki.\n","score":0.714911} -{"eng":"they may want silence or increased noise.\n","ssw":"bangafuna kuba sendzaweni lethulile noma lenemsindvo losetulu.\n","score":0.8146269} -{"eng":"vigilantism will not be tolerated in this country.\n","ssw":"kucinisekisa kugcina umtsetfo lokwentiwa licembu lebantfu ngalokungekho emtsetfweni ngeke kuvunyelwe kulelive.\n","score":0.6777166} -{"eng":"the opportunities young black people have today are both vastly different and greatly improved.\n","ssw":"ematfuba bantfu labasha labamnyama labanawo namuhla ahlukahlukene kakhulu futsi atfutfukiswe kakhulu.\n","score":0.8618324} -{"eng":"the presidential youth service programme provides opportunities for young people to give back to their communities.\n","ssw":"luhlelo lwamengameli lwemisebenti yelusha lunika ematfuba bantfu labasha kutsi baphindze banikele emuva emimangweni.\n","score":0.878237} -{"eng":"additionally, applicants can pause the process and continue at a later stage without restarting from scratch, something that was not possible in previous cycles, he says.\n","ssw":"lokunye lokwengetiwe, labafaka ticelo bangalumisa kwesikhashana loluhlelo bese bayachubeka emva kwesikhatsi ngaphandle kwekucala phasi, lekuyintfo beyingenteki kulemijikeleto leyengcile, usho njalo.\n","score":0.8896134} -{"eng":"\"it\u2019s one of the most rewarding professions.\n","ssw":"\"kungulomunye wemisebenti lokhokhelako.\n","score":0.78409195} -{"eng":"those fortunate to have a steady income will be able to return to their jobs; but for millions of others this will be a lost month where they would otherwise have found temporary work, done business in the informal sector or saved money earned to meet their family responsibilities.\n","ssw":"labo labanenhlanhla labanemalingena letintile batawukhona kubuyela emisebentini yabo, kodvwa labanye labatigidzi kutawuba yinyanga lelahlekile lapho lonkungenani ngabe batfole umsebenti wesikhashane, bachuba ibhizinisi emkhakheni longakahleleki nome bonge imali labayitfolile kute bahlangabetane tibopho tabo temindeni.\n","score":0.8848917} -{"eng":"za western cape \u2013 gary titus \u2013 021 487 7287\/021 421 7287 gvtitus@npa.\n","ssw":"za enshonalanga kapaenshonalanga kapa \u2013 gary titus \u2013 021 487 7287\/ 021 421 7287 \u2013 gvtitus@npa.\n","score":0.91795385} -{"eng":"\"the building of this school is government\u2019s way of restoring dignity to rural and underprivileged schoolgoing children and their teachers,\" she adds.\n","ssw":"\"kwakhiwa kwalesikolo kuyindlela yahulumende yekubuyisa sitfunti etindzaweni tasemakhaya nakubantfwana labahluphekile labasangena sikolo futsi nakubothishela babo,\" yangeta.\n","score":0.8893934} -{"eng":"the anguish and the anger was palpable that day.\n","ssw":"buhlungu nentfukutselo lejulile ngalelo langa.\n","score":0.7277088} -{"eng":"\"after matric, i went to varsity and the freedom that came with not staying with my parents meant i could drink alcohol as frequently as i wanted.\n","ssw":"\"ngemuva kwekuphotfula matekuletjeni, ngaya enyu vesi futsi inkhululeko yekutsi ngingasahlali nebatali bami ya sho kutsi senginganatsa ne tjwala ngendlela lengitsandza ngayo.\n","score":0.8495016} -{"eng":"the fiveyear project, which started in 2016, is being carried out in partnership with the national department of health in eight of south africa\u2019s provinces.\n","ssw":"lomklamo weminyaka lesihlanu, locale ngemnyaka we2016, wentiwa ngekubambisana nelitiko lavelonkhe letemphilo etifundzeni taseningizimu afrika leti siphohlongo.\n","score":0.8718797} -{"eng":"according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000.\n","ssw":"ngekusho kwaloko lokutfo lwe yiipsos pulse of the people kuluklayo lolukhishwe ngabhi mbidvwane, 61% yebantfu base ningizimu afrika labaneminyaka le15 kuya kule17 banembono lomuhle mayelana nemnyaka wa2020.\n","score":0.8094199} -{"eng":"an important part of our investment drive are the farreaching structural reforms we are undertaking in areas such as energy, telecommunications, water and ports and rail.\n","ssw":"incenye lemcoka kakhulu yemkhankhaso wetfu welutjalomali tingucuko temumo letinemtselela etindzaweni letifanana nemandla, tekuchumana, emanti nematheku kanye netetitimela.\n","score":0.87505394} -{"eng":"we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.\n","ssw":"sitawuvikela sibuye futsi sisungule imisebenti netindlela tekutiphilisa letisitwa ngetimali ngco ngesikhatsi imakethe yetisebenti yelulama kulubhubhane lweligciwane lecorona.\n","score":0.87721014} -{"eng":"\"in general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with a virus.\n","ssw":"\"jikelele nje, bantfu labanesifo sashukela bahlangabetana kakhulu netimphawu letimatima kanye netinkinga nangabe basuleleke ngaleligciwane.\n","score":0.8976463} -{"eng":"they understand the responsibility of all people of faith \u2013 indeed of all south africans \u2013 to observe the practical measures put in place to protect people\u2019s health and save lives.\n","ssw":"bayasivisisa sibopho sabo bonkhe bantfu betenkholo \u2013 ngempela sabo bonkhe bantfu baseningi zimu afrika \u2013 kutsi bagcine tinyatselo letimisiwe teku vikela tetemphilo yebantfu nekusindzisa timphilo.\n","score":0.8775971} -{"eng":"it is not the first time we have been confronted with tragic events such as what happened in scenery park last week.\n","ssw":"akusiko kwekucala kutsi sihlangabetane nesehlakalo letibuhlungu lesifana nalesi lesenteke escenery park kuleliviki leliphelile.\n","score":0.68623316} -{"eng":"signs of depression, such as moodiness, hopelessness, withdrawal, difficul ty with appetite and sleep, and loss of interest in usual activities.\n","ssw":"l timphawu tekudzangala, njengekuntjintja kwesimo sengcondvo, kubete litsemba, kutikhipha ebantfwini, kungakhanuki kudla nekulala kanye nekuphelelwa ngumdlandla etintfweni letitayelekile.\n","score":0.88197243} -{"eng":"the programme is unique in that it targets the majority of grade 12s in the country who do not have regular access to the internet and connected digital devices.\n","ssw":"loluhlelo lohlukile ngoba luhlose linyenti lebafundzi belibanga le12 kulelive labangatfoli iinthanethi ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi baphindze futsi bachume kutisetjentiswa tedijithali.\n","score":0.8564085} -{"eng":"failure to do so is a criminal offence.\n","ssw":"kungenti njalo kulicala lebugebengu.\n","score":0.7409469} -{"eng":"the pandemic presents an opportunity to \u2018reset\u2019 a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies.\n","ssw":"lolubhubhane luvete litfuba lekutsi umhlaba 'utihlole kabusha' njengaloku ubuswa ngumoya wekutsandza tintfo, bugovu kanye nekutinaka wena hhayi kuphela lowo nalowo kodvwa yonkhe imimango.\n","score":0.8998261} -{"eng":"gov.\n","ssw":"gov.\n","score":0.8962723} -{"eng":"as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, applicants will not be required to submit or upload the consent form.\n","ssw":"ngenca yalobhubhane weligciwane lecorona, labafaka sicelo angeke kudzi ngeke kutsi batfumele noma bafake lifomu lekunika imvumo.\n","score":0.86225426} -{"eng":"cabinet recently declared a national state of disaster in response to floods.\n","ssw":"kungasikudzala, ikhabhinethi imemetele simo savelonkhe senhlekelele kuphendvula kuletikhukhula.\n","score":0.8082778} -{"eng":"according to health minister dr joe phaahla, on 25 april south africa recorded a 137% increase in new covid19 cases, compared with the previous seven days, driven mainly by higher rates of infection in gauteng, kwazulunatal and the western cape.\n","ssw":"ngekusho kwendvuna yetemphilo dkt joe phaahla, mhla ti25 mabasa iningizimu afrika ibe nekutseleleka lokusha kwecovid19 lokukhule nge137%, uma kucatsaniswa netinsuku letengcile letisikhombisa, lokubangwa kakhulu kutseleleka lokusemazingeni lasetulu egauteng, kwazulunatali nasenshonalanga kapa.\n","score":0.932063} -{"eng":"it was as a result of the plan that the south african poultry association (sapa) paid for mhlabane\u2019s water use licence and provided her with egg production training.\n","ssw":"kwaba ngumphumela walelisu kutsi inhlanga no yekufuya tinkhukhu yaseningizimu afrika (isapa) yakhokhela ilayi sensi yemanti yamhlabane yaphindze futsi yamcece sha mayelana nekukhicitwa kwemacandza.\n","score":0.82361245} -{"eng":"we acted swiftly to stop such corruption, to identify those responsible and to take action against them.\n","ssw":"sisebente ngekushesha kucedza inkhohlakalo lenjalo, kukhomba labo labatsintsekako nekubatsatsela tinyatselo.\n","score":0.88167346} -{"eng":"in the last year alone, nearly r120 billion of investment commitments flowed into project construction or expansion.\n","ssw":"kulomnyaka lophelile kuphela, cishe kube ne sigidzigidzi ser120 se tetsembiso telutjaloma li letingene ekucali seni nome ekunwebeni umklamo.\n","score":0.8742688} -{"eng":"i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative.\n","ssw":"ngiphindze futsi ngamemetela ngesikhatsi senkhulumo yebunjalo belive kutsi sitawubekela eceleni 1% yesabelomali savelonkhe yesingenelelo sekucashwa kwelusha.\n","score":0.86366427} -{"eng":"as a result of the nsnp, more children are attending school on time and more regularly, and their concentration in class has improved.\n","ssw":"\"loluhlelo lumcoka ekuchubekiseni emalungelo ebafundzi lakumtsetfosisekelo ekutfola kudla lokusisekelo newekutfola imfundvo lesisekelo,\" kuchaza lisekela lendvuna yemfundvo lesisekelo dkt reginah mhaule.\n","score":0.62583995} -{"eng":"he adds that the project is part of the national development plan 2030 and national transport master plan 2050 and supports government\u2019s economic reconstruction and recovery plan.\n","ssw":"ungete ngekutsi lomklamo uyincenye yeluhlelo lwavelonkhe lwentfu tfuko lwemnyaka we2030 neluhlelo lolukhulu letekutfutsa lwemnyaka we2050 futsi usekela luhlelo lwahulumende lwekwakha kabusha nele kuvuselela umnotfo.\n","score":0.8692927} -{"eng":"\"the immediate complications include severe bleeding, tearing of the cervix, severe damage to the genitals and abdomen, internal infection of the abdomen and blood poisoning.\n","ssw":"\"ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, bomake bangahlangabetana nekwenyuka kancane kwebungoti bekungakhulelwa, kukhulelwa lokwenteka eshubhini lesibeletfo, konakalelwa sisu nome kutfola umntfwana sikhatsi sisengakafiki nome kufa,\" kusho muthuphei.\n","score":0.7880405} -{"eng":"behavioural problems, such as aggressiveness.\n","ssw":"tinkinga tekutiphatsa, njengekuba nebuhonga.\n","score":0.75338817} -{"eng":"she walked away with the special ministerial award for a young entrepreneur living with a disability at the recently held 2018 youth in agriculture, forestry and fisheries (yaff) awards.\n","ssw":"eminyakeni lelishumi le yendlulile, ngesikhatsi angusomabhizinisi lone minyaka lenge23 budzala, mansfield wala litfuba leku sebenta epulazini lebeka cupha kulo emalamula bese uyawatsengisa.\n","score":0.708926} -{"eng":"this will create space for eskom to undertake critical maintenance and increase the reliability of its fleet.\n","ssw":"loku kutawudala kutsi eskom akhone kutsi atfole litfuba lekugcineka asesimeni lesibalulekile lesisebentako kanye nekwandzisa kwetsembeka kwetisetjentiswa takhe.\n","score":0.81899357} -{"eng":"my son had a fever for three days, but recovered quite fast once he overcame his symptoms,\" she says.\n","ssw":"indvodzana yami yaphatfwa yimfiva emalanga lamatsatfu, kodvwa walulama ngekushesha emva kwekutsi asancobe timphawu takhe,\" kwasho yena njalo.\n","score":0.9230823} -{"eng":"in april 2022, we completed the move of the ecd function from the department of social development to the department of basic education.\n","ssw":"ngamabasa 2022, siwupho tfulile umsebenti weku susa umsebenti weecd kulitiko letekutfutfukiswa kwemmango uye kulitiko lemfundvo lesisekelo.\n","score":0.83542234} -{"eng":"sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale.\n","ssw":"sanne utsi ekwengeteni ekumpompeni umoyamphilo, lecpap iphindze futsi isite tigulane kutsi tiphefumule tikhiphe umoya.\n","score":0.8568207} -{"eng":"government is now stepping up its efforts to prevent this kind of abuse and act against anyone in the public service involved in wrongdoing.\n","ssw":"hulumende nyalo ucinisa mitamo yakhe kuvimbela loluhlobo lokuhlukumeteka aphindze atsatsele tinyatselo noma ngubani emisebentini yahulumende lotsintsekako etentweni letingakalungi.\n","score":0.9109283} -{"eng":"we call upon communities to work with the police to ensure that these criminals are apprehended and prosecuted.\n","ssw":"senta lubito kumimango kutsi isebentisane nema phoyisa kucinisekisa kutsi letigebengu tiyaboshwa bese tiyashushiswa.\n","score":0.8721368} -{"eng":"i want to congratulate all our grade 12 learners and their families for their perseverance and determination.\n","ssw":"ngitsandza kwetfulela sigcoko bonkhe bafundzi belibanga le12 kanye nemindeni yabo ngekubeketela nekutimisela kwabo.\n","score":0.8260491} -{"eng":"\"the application process itself has been simplified and the questions asked are easier to understand by the public.\n","ssw":"\"loluhlelo lwekufaka ticelo kwalona lwentiwe kutsi lube malula futsi imibuto lebutwako bantfu bayayivisisa.\n","score":0.8377129} -{"eng":"sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa\u2019s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger.\n","ssw":"isona 2022: kwenta ncono timphilo tebantfu netindlela tabo tekutiphilisa vukuzenzele unnamed hulumende utibophelele ekucaliseni bantfu embili, futsi utinikete tinsuku leti100 kutsi acedzele luhlelo lekukhulisa umnotfo waseningizimu afrika loluta wufaka yonkhe imikhakha yemmango, lolutawuvula ematfuba emisebenti nalolutawucedza indlala.\n","score":0.8910593} -{"eng":"\"the csir offers the following tips for parents who suspect their children are victims of cyberbullying: ensure the child feels safe, show unconditional support.\n","ssw":"ululeka batali kutsi bafake isoftware ye inthanethi yekugadza lesi sekelo kumakhalekhi khini webantfwana babo kuze bagadze labakwentako.\n","score":0.73252547} -{"eng":"acts of lawlessness directed at foreign nationals, whether they are documented or undocumented, cannot be tolerated.\n","ssw":"tento letinga sito temtsetfo leticondziswe kubantfu bekufika, baneti mphepha nome bete timphepha, ngeke buvunyelwe.\n","score":0.80099726} -{"eng":"we will continue to make all efforts for the adequate provision of personal protection equipment to ensure safety for everyone while at work.\n","ssw":"sitawuchubeka kwenta yonkhe imitamo yekutsi sinikete ngalokwanele tintfo letitisetjentiswa tekutivikela kucinisekisa kutsi wonkhe umuntfu uphephile uma asemsebentini.\n","score":0.8820091} -{"eng":"through the presidential employment stimulus, we have unlocked energy, commitment, creativity, innovation and opportunities.\n","ssw":"ngalesikhutsati samengameli sekwakha ematfuba emsebenti, sikhonile kuvula ematfuba etemandla, ekutibophelela, ebuciko, ekuticambela nalamanye ematfuba.\n","score":0.85472465} -{"eng":"in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park.\n","ssw":"lenye intfo leliciniso kutsi tjwala buyindlela yekubalekela liciniso lemphilo yebantfu labasha emimmangweni lapho khona kute tindzawo letiphephile netekukhibika letihambisana neminyaka yabo.\n","score":0.729002} -{"eng":"poultry master planpoultry plan amasterstrokefor local farmers vukuzenzele unnamed south africa\u2019s chicken and egg industry is soaring thanks to the poultry master plan.\n","ssw":" lisu lekufuya tinkhukhu sento selikhono lelisezingeni leliphakeme lebalimi bakuleli vukuzenzele unnamed imboni yetinkhukhu nemacandza yaseningizimu afrika iyandlondlobala ngenca yelisu lelikhulu lekufuya tinkhukhu.\n","score":0.873634} -{"eng":"the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem.\n","ssw":"loluvalelo lwavelonkhe lwelive ngenca yaleligciwane lecorona luchubisele embili inkinga lebeyivele inesikhatsi lesidze ikhona.\n","score":0.85126305} -{"eng":"the special tribunal was set up to speed up litigation.\n","ssw":"yehlulela ngetindzaba letisungulwe yisiu kute kutekwe emacala embango ngemuva kwekuphotfula luphenyo lwayo.\n","score":0.6694273} -{"eng":"we are encouraged by findings of a recent study on preexposure prophylaxis (prep).\n","ssw":"sikhutsatwa yimiphumela yelucwaningo lolusha yamanje yekwelashwa kwangembi kwekwesuleleka (iprep).\n","score":0.85860586} -{"eng":"but, working together, we have started to put things right.\n","ssw":"kodvwa, ngekusebenta ngekuba mbisana, sicalile kwenta tintfo kahle.\n","score":0.8221913} -{"eng":"we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive.\n","ssw":"sifanele kutsi sitfole indlela yekuvusa umnotfo lesheshako futsi lefaka lonkhe ekhatsi.\n","score":0.7935271} -{"eng":"south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au\u2019s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa.\n","ssw":"lapho sinika idemocratic republic of congo (idrc) tintsambo sishiya lomtimba welivekati lovelele esimeni lesinemandla kakhulu.\n","score":0.65769756} -{"eng":"it contributes to our national effort to redress inequality and ensure there is meaningful participation by the country\u2019s majority in our economy.\n","ssw":"kufaka ligalelo kumtamo wetfu wavelonkhe wekulungisa kungalingani kanye nekucinisekisa kutsi kunekutimbandzakanya lokuvakalako kumnotfo walelive kwebantfu balelive labanyenti.\n","score":0.8189614} -{"eng":"these include the presidential employment stimulus, which has provided work opportunities and livelihoods support for many young people.\n","ssw":"loku kufaka ekhatsi luhlelo lwamengameli lwekuvula ematfuba emisebenti, lesivule ematfuba emisebenti nekusekelwa kwemphilo yebantfu labasha labaningi.\n","score":0.87943405} -{"eng":"through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country.\n","ssw":"ngekunge niswa kwalemitsetfosivivinyo, sigcina sitsembiso lesasenta kubabhikishi kulomnyaka lophelile nakubo bonkhe bomake balelive.\n","score":0.8801166} -{"eng":"we now have 13 special economic zones across the country, providing investors with targeted investment incentives, preferential tax rates and export support.\n","ssw":"nyalo sesinetinkhaba le13 letikhetsekile temnotfo eveni lonkhe, letinika batja limali tikhutsati telu tjalomali letihlosiwe, ema nani emtselo labawa khetsile kanye nekwese kela kutsengisela emave angephandle.\n","score":0.87861776} -{"eng":"they could also have trouble concentrating or may appear confused,\" says ludziya.\n","ssw":"kungenteka babe nenkinga yekutintisa ingcondvo noma babukeke badidekile,\" kusho ludziya.\n","score":0.8754763} -{"eng":"this was done within weeks of the national state of disaster being declared.\n","ssw":"loku kwenteka ngemaviki kumenyetelwe inhlekelele yavelonkhe yembuso.\n","score":0.78677905} -{"eng":"in this regard, discussions were held around the creation of formal brics platforms to share best practice, knowledge and expertise, including the use of open source technology platforms.\n","ssw":"mayelana nalokuke, kwa banjwa tingcoco mayelana nekwakhiwa kwetinkhundla tebrics letihlelekile kute kucotjelelwane ngetindle lakwenta letisezingeni leli setulu, lwati nemakhono, kufaka ekhatsi kusetjentiswa kwetinkhundla tebucwephe she temtfombo lovuleleke kuwona wonkhe umuntfu.\n","score":0.87469304} -{"eng":"question: doesn't the baby need water when it is hot?\n","ssw":"umbuto: umntfwana akawadzingi yini emanti uma kushisa?\n","score":0.8462119} -{"eng":"since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery.\n","ssw":"kusukela kwabhedvuka lubhubhane lwecovid19 , iningizimu afrika seyitfole kusitwa ngetigidzigidzi letir28 libhange inew deve lopment bank ngaphansi kwe luhlelo lwemalimboleko yesimo lesiphutfumako yecovid19 kulwa nalolu bhubhane kanye nekwesekela kuvuka kwemnotfo wetfu.\n","score":0.9220836} -{"eng":"two months later, she started selling the eggs to neighbours.\n","ssw":"ngemuva kwetinyaga letimbili, wabese ucala kutsengisela boma khewane lamacandza.\n","score":0.8149004} -{"eng":"\"once that is done, he or she must also file a plea within a specific period.\n","ssw":"\"nangabe asakwenti le loko, kufanele kutsi aphindze futsi afake sicelo sekutiphendvulela kungakapheli sikhatsi lesitsite.\n","score":0.7791364} -{"eng":"over the next three years, we expect to achieve savings of around r261 billion by cutting the budgets of several departments and reducing the rate at which the public service wage bill increases.\n","ssw":"kuleminyaka lemitsatfu letako, silindzele kutsi siphu melele konga lokulinganiselwa etigidzigidzini letinger261 ngekutsi kuncishiswe tabe lomali tematiko lamanengi kanye nekunciphisa silingani somali yekuholela tisebenti tahulumende lenyuka ngaso.\n","score":0.88020444} -{"eng":"initially we worked with 200 patients, then 400 patients, and in our current contract we have 500 patients who we work with on a daily basis.\n","ssw":"eku caleni besisebenta ngetigulane letinge200, tabese tiba nge400, kantsi kulenkontileka yetfu yanyalo sinetigulane letinge500 lesisebenta ngato onkhe emalanga.\n","score":0.90011954} -{"eng":"successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service.\n","ssw":"bohulumende labasatfutfuka labanemphu melelo basebentisa letindlela letifana naleti kusita kwenta kube nekucecesheka kuhulu mende.\n","score":0.7549861} -{"eng":"the ongoing process of structural reform of our economy will support these efforts.\n","ssw":"lenchubo lechubekako yetingucuko kutemnotfo wakitsi titayisekela lemitamo.\n","score":0.80631995} -{"eng":"\"i used to stress a lot about funding as i come from a disadvantaged background.\n","ssw":"\"bengivame kukhatsateka kakhulu mayelana nemali njengoba ngiphuma emndenini lobewuncishwe ematfuba.\n","score":0.79944456} -{"eng":"according to sassa spokesperson paseka letsatsi, the child support grant is paid to the caregiver, but is intended for the care of the child.\n","ssw":"ngekusho kwalokhulumela isassa paseka letsatsi, imali yesondlo sebantfwa na inikwa umnakekeli wemntfwana, kodvwa inhloso yayo kutsi inakekele umntfwana.\n","score":0.85796005} -{"eng":"several people were killed.\n","ssw":"bantfu labanyenti babulewe.\n","score":0.8263793} -{"eng":"my recent visit to the port was to check whether the commitments made in response to these concerns had been implemented.\n","ssw":"kuvakasha kwami kwakamu va kulesikhumulo bekukutsi ngitohlola kutsi ngabe kutibo phelela lokwentiwe ngemuva kwetikhalo sekwentekile.\n","score":0.78305775} -{"eng":"as government, we have a duty and responsibility to devote the necessary resources to combat crimes of genderbased violence (gbv).\n","ssw":"njengahulumende, sinemsebenti nesibopho sekuphophelela tonkhe tinsitaletimcoka ekulweni nebugebengu begbv.\n","score":0.83038265} -{"eng":"south africa has vast tracts of land suitable for agricultural production, with 37,9% of our total land area currently being used for commercial agriculture.\n","ssw":"iningizimu afrika inendzawo lenkhulu yemhla ba lelungele kukhicita tekuli ma, lapho khona indzawo seyiyonkhe lenge37,9% nyalo isetjentiselwa kulimela kutsengisa.\n","score":0.8873415} -{"eng":"like most countries, south africa seeks to move towards a lowcarbon development path that is inclusive, sustainable and that takes into account our status as a developing country.\n","ssw":"njengemave lamanyenti, iningizimu afrika ifuna kulandzela indlela yentfu tfuko lenekungcoliseka kwe moya lokusezingeni leli phasi lefaka konkhe ekhatsi, lesimeme futsi lokubuka simo setfu njengelive lelisatfutfuka.\n","score":0.83130574} -{"eng":"if you choose to breast feed, be sure to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months.\n","ssw":"uma ngabe ukhetsa kumunyisa libele, yenta siciniseko sekutsi umunyisa libele kuphela tinyanga letisitfupha.\n","score":0.82977843} -{"eng":"this problem is being attended to.\n","ssw":"lenkinga isasonjululwa.\n","score":0.74539626} -{"eng":"\"i saw the firefighters in their uniforms and the big red trucks.\n","ssw":"\"ngabona bacimimlilo bagcoke iyunifomu yabo kanye nemaloli labovu lamakhulu.\n","score":0.8793569} -{"eng":"in perhaps the most groundbreaking proposed amendment to the act, if someone has knowledge, reasonable belief or suspicion that an act of domestic violence has been committed against a child, a person with disability or an older person and fails to report it to a social worker or police officer they can be fined and even imprisoned.\n","ssw":"mhlawumbe kusichibelo lesiphakanyisiwe lesiyincophamlandvo kulomtsetfo, uma ngabe kunemuntfu lonelwati, kukholelwa lokwenele noma tinsolo tekutsi kukhona sento sebudlova basekhaya lesentiwe kumntfwana, umuntfu lonekukhubateka noma umuntfu lomdzala futsi ehluleke kubikela sonhlalakahle noma liphoyisa bangahlawuliswa noma baboshwe.\n","score":0.902482} -{"eng":"we are nonetheless committed to stay the course.\n","ssw":"noma kunjalo siti bophelele kuhlala kulendlela.\n","score":0.7959226} -{"eng":"the fourth south africa investment conference would have been held in november 2021, but we decided to move it to march 2022 due to several other events taking place at this time.\n","ssw":"ingcungcutsela yesine yaseningizimu afrika yelutjalomali ngabe yaba njwa ngelweti 2021, kodvwa sancuma kutsi siyihlehlisele ngendlo vulenkhulu 2022 nge nca yemicimbi leminye leminengi leyenteka ko ngalesikhatsi.\n","score":0.8881965} -{"eng":"while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most.\n","ssw":"nanoma lokunyuka kwetindleko kutsintsa wonkhe umuntfu, imindeni lehola kancane ngiyo letsintseka kakhulu.\n","score":0.8183043} -{"eng":"in the case of the presidential employment stimulus, this includes improving learning in schools, upgrading informal settlements, supporting survivors of genderbased violence, environmental conservation and innovating in wasterecycling.\n","ssw":"kulesikhu tsati samengameli sekwakha ematfuba emsebenti, loku kufaka kutfutfukisa kufundza etikolweni, kutfutfukisa ti ndzawo tekuhlala letimikhu khu, kusekela labo labasindze kuludlame lolumayelana netebulili, labo labavikela indalo nalabo labeta netindle la letisha tekuvuselela kabu sha imfucuta.\n","score":0.8816668} -{"eng":"he never got to see in his lifetime what he called \u2018the glittering prize\u2019, the realisation of a true humanity.\n","ssw":"azange akhone kubona ekuphileni kwakhe loko lokubitwa ngekutsi \u2018ngumklomelo lokhatimu lako\", lekukubona buntfu bangemphela.\n","score":0.8403517} -{"eng":"this is according to the deputy minister of social development, hendrietta bogopanezulu, who recently launched the 999 foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (fasd) advocacy programme.\n","ssw":"loku kushiwo lisekela lendvuna yetekufutfukisa tenhlalo, hendrietta bogo panezulu, losandza kucala luhlelo lwekulwa nesifo i999 foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (ifasd).\n","score":0.92053354} -{"eng":"among the measures we are taking to capacitate the police is the recruitment of an additional 12 000 additional police officers.\n","ssw":"emkhatsini wetinyatselo lesititsatsako kunika emakhono ekusebenta emaphoyisa ngekutweba tikhulu temaphoyisa letengetiwe leti12 000. siphindza futsi sisungula emaforamu ebuphoyisa temmango kulolonkhe lelive.\n","score":0.8135384} -{"eng":"this mirrors the aspirations of the district development model (ddm), which was launched in 2019. traditional leaders are well positioned to ensure that district plans are informed by and respond to the real needs of communities and that they reflect the lived reality in rural areas.\n","ssw":"loku kuyafana netifiso temo deli yekutfutfukisa tigodzi (iddm), leyasungulwa ngemnyaka we2019.\n","score":0.6826478} -{"eng":"at the same time, these figures indicate that the priority areas of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan \u2013 such as mass public employment, economic reform and infrastructure development \u2013 are having an impact on job creation.\n","ssw":"ngaso leso sikhatsi, letibalo tikhomba kutsi tindzawo letibekwa embili teluhlelo lwekwakhiwa kabusha nekuvuselela umnotfo njengekucashwa kwebantfu labanengi, tingucuko kute mnotfo kanye nekutfutfu kiswa kwesakhiwonchanti tinemtselela ekudaleni ema tfuba emisebenti.\n","score":0.8717301} -{"eng":"on the first day of 2022, the nation gathered in spirit to bid farewell to arch bishop desmond tutu at st george\u2019s cathedral in cape town.\n","ssw":"ngelilanga lekucala lemnyaka we2022, sive sahlanganyela ndzawonye ngekwemoya savalelisa umbhishobhi lomkhulu desmond tutu est george\u2019s cathedral ekapa.\n","score":0.9211199} -{"eng":"with the proposal to raise the licencing exemption for embedded generation \u2013 where companies produce electricity for themselves and other commercial users \u2013 from 1mw to 100mw, we can expect even more private investment.\n","ssw":"ngalesiphakamiso sekutsi kukhuliswe lesidzingo seku ngadzingeki kwelayisensi kute ukhone kukhicita gezi, lapho khona tinkapani titikhicitela gezi wato futsi titsengisele labanye \u2013 kusuka ku1mw kuya ku100mw, silindzele kutsi lukhule lutjalomali kumabhizinisi angasese.\n","score":0.87382746} -{"eng":"we need to have honest conversations not only about our attitudes to one another, but also about the material conditions that divide us.\n","ssw":"si dzinga kutsi sibe nekuco cisana lokucotfo hhayi kuphela ngetimongcondvo tetfu lesitsatsana ngato, kodvwa nangetimo tetintfo letisehlukanisako.\n","score":0.8566536} -{"eng":"they have told the stories of the effects of lockdown on the lives of people and their businesses.\n","ssw":"balandzise tindzaba tekuvalelwa lokukhulu kwavelonkhe ngetimphilo tebantfu kanye nemabhi zinisi abo.\n","score":0.78440464} -{"eng":"to ensure the gepf members and their families are treated fairly, the board recently established an office to handle disputes.\n","ssw":"kucinisekisa kutsi emalunga egepf kanye nemindeni yabo babatfwa ngekunga khetsi liphela emasini, ibhodi kamuva nje isungule lihho visi lelitawubukana netikhalo.\n","score":0.8354331} -{"eng":"religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances.\n","ssw":"ummango wetenkholo ubaluleke kakhulu ekulweni necovid19 vukuzenzele unnamed bantfu labanyenti baseningizimu afrika betenkholo bahlanganyele nalabanye emhlabeni wonkhe jike lele ekugubheni umkho si wetenkholo.\n","score":0.8677083} -{"eng":"masks should be washed with soap and hot water, rinsed thoroughly and ironed.\n","ssw":"tifonyo kufuneka tiwashwe ngensipho nangemanti lashisako, tiyakatwe kahle bese tiyaayinwa.\n","score":0.8398017} -{"eng":"thirtytwo households are supported by the land and farming activities which provide employment to 128 permanent workers and up to 320 seasonal workers.\n","ssw":"imindeni le32 yondliwa ngalomhlaba nemisebenti yetekulima leniketa imise benti yanomphela kutise benti leti128 kanye nakuti sebenti tesikhashana letifika ku320.\n","score":0.88014305} -{"eng":"\"for me, today has been the best day in the office; to kick the soil and dust and see your produce.\n","ssw":"\"kimi, namuhla kube lusuku loluhamba embili e msebentini wami; kunyatse la kulomhlabatsi nekubona imikhicito yenu.\n","score":0.80097926} -{"eng":"a number of provinces have received reports that callous individuals, some of them allegedly government officials, are hoarding or selling food parcels earmarked for the needy and destitute, or diverting them to their friends and families.\n","ssw":"tifundza letinengi titfole imibiko yebantfu labatikhohlakali, labanye babo kusolelwa kutsi tiphatsimandla tahulumende, tiyakugodla lokudla nome lamaphasela ekudla lacondzi swe kubantfu labahluphekile nalabaswele bayakutsengisa, nome bakuphambukisele ebanganini nasemindenini yabo.\n","score":0.90002894} -{"eng":"we know what causes the virus and what we can do to protect ourselves from becoming infected.\n","ssw":"siyati kutsi yini lokubange la leligciwane nekutsi yini lesingakwenta kute sitivikele kutsi singatseleleki.\n","score":0.907019} -{"eng":"the struggle to give south africa a more human face vukuzenzele unnamed on 12 september 1977, stephen bantu biko died in police custody in pretoria central prison.\n","ssw":"umshikashika wekubuyisa ubuntfu eningizimu afrika vukuzenzele unnamed mhla ti12 inyoni 1977, ste phen bantfu biko washona agcinwe maphoyisa ejele lelatiwa ngepretoria central prison.\n","score":0.8803834} -{"eng":"as society, we need to identify where existing laws and policies are inadequate in protecting the livelihoods, reputations and safety of whistleblowers \u2013 and work together to address these.\n","ssw":"njengemmango, sidzinga kutsi sibone lapho imitsetfo lekhona kanye netinchubomgomo lapho tinganetisi khona ekuvikeleni tindlela tekutiphilisa, kwatiwa kanye nekuphepha kwetinhlabamkhosi \u2013 kanye nekusebenta ngekuhlanganyela ekulungi seni loku.\n","score":0.87935126} -{"eng":"being vaccinated against covid19 is an effective way to protect yourself against the virus because your risk of infection is reduced.\n","ssw":"kugonyelwa icovid19 kuyindlela lesebenta kahle kakhulu ekutsini nitivikele kuleligciwane ngobe ematfuba engoti yekutsi linga ningena anciphile.\n","score":0.8664255} -{"eng":"\"it\u2019s not a permanent ban; people must remember that,\" she says.\n","ssw":"\"akusiko kuvalwa kwalomphelo; bantfu bafanele kutsi bakhumbule loko,\" kusho yena.\n","score":0.87124896} -{"eng":"sale of cigarettepresident cyril ramapho sa had initially announced that under level 4, cigarette sales would be allowed but government reversed the decision after the national coronavirus command council consulted with medical experts and various roleplayers.\n","ssw":"kutsengiswa kweligwayimengameli cyril ramaphosa ekucaleni bekamemetele kutsi ngaphasi kwesigaba sesine, kutsengiswa kweligwayi kutawuvunyelwa kepha hulumende wasihocisa leso sincumo ngemuva kwekutsi umkhandlu wavelonkhe lolawula ligciwane icorona ubonisane nabogobela betemphilo nabo bonkhe badlalindzima labatsintsekako.\n","score":0.8894921} -{"eng":"the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development.\n","ssw":"uma umntfwana lophetfwe sifo sekuphatamiseka lokukugula kwekuba nemdlandla lowendlulele (iadhd) noma kupha tamiseka kwekweswela kunakwa (iadd) angala shwa, lesimo singaba ne mtselela lomubi wesikhatsi lesidze emphilweni yakhe.\n","score":0.6794462} -{"eng":"their health and their safety must be paramount.\n","ssw":"imphilo yabo kanye nekuphepha kwabo kufanele kutsi kube ngulokusemcoka kakhulu.\n","score":0.86483353} -{"eng":"a resurgence at any scale will not just dramatically reverse our health gains.\n","ssw":"kubhedvuka futsi kabusha kwanome ngabe nguliphi lizinga ngeke kubuyisele emuva kuphela loko lesiku zuzile kutemphilo.\n","score":0.8114158} -{"eng":"at the same time, we know there is so much further we still have to go.\n","ssw":"ngalokufananako, siyati kutsi kusasekunengi kakhulu lesingachubeka sikwente.\n","score":0.75759435} -{"eng":"this is followed by dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, fainting, shock and death if treatment is delayed,\" he said.\n","ssw":"loku kungalandzelwa kuba nesiyeti, kwehla kwemfutfo wengati, kuculeka, kushaceka nekufa uma kwelashwa kungaphutfunyiswa,\" washo njalo.\n","score":0.9009929} -{"eng":"\"it has taught me even more about logistics management and enabled me to continuously develop my skills and advance in my career,\" she says.\n","ssw":"\"kungifundzisile kakhulu futsi nangalokungetiwe mayelana netekulawula kuhanjiswa kwemphahla nangekungenta kutsi ngichubeke nekutfu tfukisa emakhono ami nangekutsi ngikhule emsebentini wami,\" usho njalo losesi.\n","score":0.8584882} -{"eng":"put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning.\n","ssw":"nasikubeka ngemavi lalu lanje, sisebentisa imali lenget ulu kwaleyo lesiyitfolako.\n","score":0.78877676} -{"eng":"given the unacceptably high levels of intimate partner violence in our country, we have tightened the provisions of the domestic violence act.\n","ssw":"manje budlova buchazwa ngendlela yekutsi bufaka ekhatsi kukhulumisana, kujola, kubudlelwane besintfu, kwenta mbamba letiphatselene nemacansi noma kutilingisa, budlelwane betemacansi noma budlelwane betemacansi banoma sikhatsi lesingakanani.\n","score":0.6093917} -{"eng":"this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them.\n","ssw":"loku kusikhumbuto lesimcoka sekutsi tikhungo tetfu tentsandvo yelinyenti atatiwa ngetakhiwo letikuto, kodvwa tatiwa ngemsebenti letiwentako nangelitse mba bantfu labanalo kuto.\n","score":0.8379039} -{"eng":"more than 400 people have lost their lives in kzn and many people are missing.\n","ssw":"bantfu labangetulu kwe400 balahlekelwe timphilo tabo kwazulunatal kantsi labanyenti bantfu banyamalele.\n","score":0.8392643} -{"eng":"when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses.\n","ssw":"ngesikhatsi kumenyetelwa inhlekelele yavelonkhe yembuso ngenyanga yendlo vulenkhulu, lesacala ngako sakwenta ngekushesha kwa ba kutsi sivikele kubhebhe tseka kwaleligciwane kanye nekunika tekuhhamula letiphutfumako takhamuti, imimango, tisebenti kanye nemabhizinisi.\n","score":0.877609} -{"eng":"in the last few weeks, as we have prepared to return to school, we have had extensive and detailed discussions with all roleplayers in the education sphere.\n","ssw":"emavikini lambalwa lengcile, njengoba besitilungiselela kubuyela etikolweni, sibe netingcoco letibanti naletinemininingwane nabo bonkhe babambi lichaza kulomkhakha wetemfundvo.\n","score":0.8689698} -{"eng":"they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications.\n","ssw":"anemsebenti weku phakela sakhiwonchanti ne tinsita umnotfo loncike kuto, noma kungaba kukhicita gezi, tigitjelwa temmango, kuphakelwa kwemanti, ku tfutswa kwemphahla noma tekuchumana ngetincingo.\n","score":0.87492836} -{"eng":"they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward.\n","ssw":"benta loko ngaphandle kwekulindzela kubongwa nome kuklonyeliswa.\n","score":0.846655} -{"eng":"for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering.\n","ssw":"ngetulu kweminyakalishumi lemitsatfu, live letfu beliloku lichubela lisiphalata lilwa nehiv neaids, leseyendlule netimphilo letinyenti yaphindze futsi yabanga lusizi nekuhlupheka lokukhulu.\n","score":0.85362273} -{"eng":"the department of health has 346 public health facilities that provide safe termination of pregnancy services, he adds.\n","ssw":"litiko letemphilo linetisetjentiswa tetemphilo letinge346 letisita ngekuhushula tisu ngendlela lephephile, kwengeta yena.\n","score":0.82349575} -{"eng":"the manner in which the imc and the support teams have responded to this emergency has been both exemplary and reassuring, particularly in helping to quell public panic.\n","ssw":"indlela lemic nemacembu lesekelako labukene naso lesimo lesiphutfumako ibe sibonelo yabuye futsi yacinisekisa, ikakhulu ekusiteni kucedza kuphaphuleka nekwetfuka kwesive.\n","score":0.8639451} -{"eng":"urinating less or fewer wet nappies than usual.\n","ssw":"kuchama kancane nome emanabukeni lamanti kancane kunalokutayelekile.\n","score":0.79617584} -{"eng":"rapid, shallow breathing.\n","ssw":"kuphefumula ngekushesha, nekuphefumlela phasi.\n","score":0.81636304} -{"eng":"if one parent is dead, but left siblings, the surviving parent will inherit half of the estate and the deceased parent\u2019s descendants will receive the other half.\n","ssw":"uma ungenaye umlingani noma bantfwana, kodvwa batali bobabili baphila, batawutfola lifa ngesabelo lesilinganako.\n","score":0.76720625} -{"eng":"the tvep accommodates victims for up to 14 days, however, the arrangement could be extended in cases that involve the whole family or children.\n","ssw":"itvep ihlalisa labo labahlukumetekile kute kufike etinsukwini leti14, kodvwake, loluhlelo lwekuhlaliswa lungalulwa emacaleni lafaka umndeni wonkhe noma bantfwana.\n","score":0.86757267} -{"eng":"there are some among us who ignore the regulations that have been passed to combat the disease.\n","ssw":"kukhona labanye emkhatsini wetfu labangayishayi mkhuba lemitsetfomgomo leshayiwe yekulwa nalesifo.\n","score":0.83463764} -{"eng":"to register for the training, visit www.\n","ssw":"kute ubhalisele kuceceshwa, vakashela www.\n","score":0.8514222} -{"eng":"this has come as a relief to all south africans who have had to live under stringent restrictions for the last five months.\n","ssw":"loku kufike njengendle la yekuhhamleka kubo bonkhe bantfu baseni ngizimu afrika lebaba phile ngaphasi kwemitse tfo yekuvinjelwa lelukhu ni tinyanga letisihlanu letengcile.\n","score":0.8362908} -{"eng":"\"this investigation targeted individuals and institutions who believed they could exploit a moment of national vulnerability to enrich themselves and those with whom they colluded to abuse public resources,\" the president said.\n","ssw":"\"loluphenyo belucondziswe kulowo nalowo kanye nakutikhungo lokukholelwa kutsi tisebentise kabi lesikhatsi sive sinekuhlaseleka kakhulu kutsi batinjingise bona kanye nalabo lababambisene nabo ekusebentiseni kabi imitfombolusito yahulumende,\" kwasho yena njalo mengameli.\n","score":0.87392867} -{"eng":"a: a pregnant woman is more likely to get ill from covid19.\n","ssw":"imphendvulo: make lo khulelwe angangenwa yicovid19 .\n","score":0.80028045} -{"eng":"it had become inefficient and costly and was not sufficiently transparent.\n","ssw":"loluhlelo belungasebenti ngalokufanele, belubita kakhulu futsi belungakavuleleki kute lubo nwe nguwo wonkhe umu ntfu.\n","score":0.81409985} -{"eng":"this greatly aided the national effort to contain the spread of the disease.\n","ssw":"loku kuyisite kakhulu imi tamo yavelonkhe yekulawu la kubhebhetseka kwalesifo.\n","score":0.8128952} -{"eng":"traffickers often use the promise of a job to kidnap their victims and will approach potential victims offering them a job or some kind of opportunity.\n","ssw":"bashushumbisi bavamisa kusebentisa sitsembiso semsebenti kutfumba bahlukunyetwa babo futsi beta kulabo labangabahlukunyetwa babatse mbise kubanika umsebenti nomake lelinyenje litfuba.\n","score":0.8833975} -{"eng":"we urge young adults to come forward.\n","ssw":"sicela bantfu labadzala labasesebasha kutsi baye kuyogoma.\n","score":0.795699} -{"eng":"in the seven (7) weeks that have followed, there have been legal challenges from a number of individuals, religious bodies, political parties, ngos and from business organisations against one measure or more of the lockdown provisions they were unhappy with.\n","ssw":"emavikini lasikhombisa (7) lalandzela, kuvele tinsayeya tetemtsetfo kubantfu labanyenti labangamunye, imitimba yetenkholo, emacembu etepolitiki, emango kanye nakutinhlangano tetemabhizinisi tilwa nesinyatselo sinye noma imitsetfomgomo lembalwa yekumiswansi kwemisebenti neminyakato nekuhlala ekhaya kwavelonkhe labebangajabuli ngayo.\n","score":0.87836754} -{"eng":"it is not only wrong, but also unsustainable, for businesses to keep their management and ownership structures mostly white or male.\n","ssw":"hhayi kutsi akukalungi kuphela, kodvwa kuphindze futsi kungabi nekusimama, kugcina tinhlaka tebunikati nekulawula kube setandleni kakhulu talabamhlophe nome talabadvuna.\n","score":0.8453777} -{"eng":"the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers.\n","ssw":"kukhula kwekuvumeleka emmangweni kwebantfu kutsi banatse tjwala sekugucuke kwaba yinkinga lenkhulu kulelive lapho khona linyenti lebantfu labanatsako sevele batsatfwa njengetidzakwa yinhlangano yemhlaba yetemphilo.\n","score":0.86722124} -{"eng":"\"maluleka adds that ds is the most common chromosomal disorder in newborns.\n","ssw":"maluleka ungeta kutsi ids ikukhubateka kwemachromosome lokuvamile eba ntfwaneni labasandza kuta lwa.\n","score":0.7879576} -{"eng":"these forums bring communities and police representatives together to improve local safety and hold police accountable.\n","ssw":"lemaforamu ahlanganisa ndzawonye labamelele imimango kanye nalabamelele emaphoyisa kute kwentiwe ncono tekuphepha emmangweni kanye nekwenta emaphoyisa kutsi atilandze.\n","score":0.85780686} -{"eng":"all it takes is a simple cotton swab and a few minutes of your time.\n","ssw":"konkhe lokudzingekako yicotton swab kuphela kanye nemizuzu lemincane yesikha tsi sakho.\n","score":0.8580093} -{"eng":"please continue to follow all the guidelines and protocols,\" says ganuganu.\n","ssw":"uyacelwa kutsi uchubeke nekulandzela leti nkhombandlela nemicatsango lebekiwe,\" kusho ganuganu.\n","score":0.7477157} -{"eng":"building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard.\n","ssw":"kwakha umphakatsi longenako kubanjwa kwembuso ngabhongwane vukuzenzele unnamed kulalela lokuhleli we kwekhomi shini ye temtsetfo lephenya ngekubanjwa kwe mbuso ngabhongwane kusandza kuphela, ngemu va kwemalanga langetulu kwe1000 kulalelwe bufakazi bekucala babofakazi.\n","score":0.8511766} -{"eng":"today, a blood stem cell transplant can be a potentially lifesaving treatment as it replaces a person\u2019s defective stem cells with healthy ones.\n","ssw":"namuhla, kufakwa kabusha kwema hlumela eseli yengati kungaba nemandla ekulapha lokunga vikela imphilo njengoba ku suswa emahlumela emaseli engati langasasebenti kahle avalwe ngulamasha lane mphilo.\n","score":0.84392834} -{"eng":"the negotiations at the national economic development and labour council resulted in consen sus that the most practical and financially sustainable measure that can provide urgent relief is extending the covid19 ters scheme to sectors that have been affected by the adjusted level 4 restrictions.\n","ssw":"kucocisana emkhandlwini wavelonkhe wekutfutfukiswa kwemnotfo kanye nebasebenti kuholele ekuvumelaneni nge kutsi indlela lesebentako netinyatselo letisimeme kutetimali letinganiketa kusitakala lokuphutfumako kukhulisa tikimu tecovid19 ters emikhakheni letsintseke ngenca yelizinga lesine lekumisa ku sebenta kwetintfo.\n","score":0.8795514} -{"eng":"already, over 100 000 farmers have received input vouchers to expand their production and the programme will be expanded to reach more farmers.\n","ssw":"sevele, bawatfolile balimi labangetulu kwe100 000 emavawusha ekukhulisa imikhicito yabo futsi loluhlelo lutawukhuliswa lufinyelele nakulabanye balimi.\n","score":0.88735175} -{"eng":"the inquiry will examine if there are any distortions in the value chain that make food more expensive.\n","ssw":"lemibuto itawuhlola kutsi ingabe kukhona yini kuhlaneketela lokutsite kuloluhlelo lwekutsengisa lokubange kutsi kudla kubite kakhulu.\n","score":0.80935025} -{"eng":"a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal.\n","ssw":"likusasa lelichakatile nhlakanipho mkhize (26) uneticu tebuciko kutegezi, sibonga kuchaswa ngetimali yinsfas, leyakhokhela tifundvo takhe ekolishi iumfolozi tvet college kwazulunatali.\n","score":0.8762434} -{"eng":"early childhood development centres don\u2019t just prepare our country\u2019s youngest citizens to succeed in school; they are also an important source of entrepreneurship and job creation.\n","ssw":"tikhungo tekutfutfukiswa kwebantfwana atilungiseleli kuphela kutsi bantfwana belive lakitsi labancane kutsi baphumelele esikolweni; tiphindze tibe ngumtfombo lomcoka wetemabhizinisi newekuvula ematfuba emisebenti.\n","score":0.90520084} -{"eng":"dr malapile explains that a person wanting to obtain an engineering qualification, for in stance, might need to im prove their mathematics mark to qualify for the course.\n","ssw":"malapile uchaza kutsi umuntfu lofuna kutfola ticu tebunjiniyela, sibonelo, angadzinga kwenta kancono emamaki akhe etibalo kute kutsi afaneleke kwenta tifundvo taleto ticu.\n","score":0.85233617} -{"eng":"that is when i decided to quit for good.\n","ssw":"kulaphoke nga ncuma khona ku tsi ngikuyekele siphe lane kubhema ligwayi.\"\n","score":0.7022605} -{"eng":"tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession\u2019s 42year history.\n","ssw":"tamarin fisher, longu mengameli wenhlangano yebahlengikati betilwane eningizimu afrika, utsi loku kuyincophamlandvo kulomsebenti loseneminyaka le42.\n","score":0.8667389} -{"eng":"there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation.\n","ssw":"nyalo sekunebufakazi lobusha lobuvelako bekutsi leligciwane lingahlala emoyeni etindzaweni lapho kunesicuku sebantfu, letivalekile nome letingangenisi kahle umoya.\n","score":0.886021} -{"eng":"these include training of prosecutors and magistrates, issuing directives on bail to all saps officials, and revising charge sheets to include the newly created offences.\n","ssw":"loku kufaka kuceceshwa kwebashu shisi nabomantji, kunika bonkhe basebenti besaps ticondziso tekunika ibhe yili, kanye nekubuyeketa kweluhlu lwemacala kute akhone kufaka emacala lamasha lasandza kusu ngulwa.\n","score":0.870814} -{"eng":"our people are ready and willing to work.\n","ssw":"bantfu bakitsi sebeme ngemumo futsi bayafuna kuse benta.\n","score":0.6923861} -{"eng":"crime, not migrants, is the common enemy we must work together to defeat.\n","ssw":"bugebengu, hhayi tifiki, sitsa setfu sonkhe lekumele kutsi sisebente ngekuhlanganyela sibuncobe.\n","score":0.8800224} -{"eng":"if i look at how south africans responded to this crisis from the moment the virus arrived on our shores, i have no doubt that we have the resilience, discipline and ability to defeat this disease.\n","ssw":"nangibuka kutsi bantfu baseningizimu afrika baphendvule njani kulenkinga kusukela nje leligciwane lafika lapha eveni letfu, angingabati kutsi sinako loko kumelana, kutekhuta kanye nemandla ekuncoba lesifo.\n","score":0.8790628} -{"eng":"the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole.\n","ssw":"imimango yetenkholo ifanele kutsi itsatse tincumo mayelana naloko lokuvuna kahle kakhulu temphilo yemakholwa kanye nalelive lonkhe.\n","score":0.81421083} -{"eng":"the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act.\n","ssw":"lomtsetfosivivinyo wekucala uchibela umtsetfo wetebugebengu (emacala wetemacansi netindzaba letiphatselene nawo) umtsetfo wekuchibela.\n","score":0.8224912} -{"eng":"we call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities.\n","ssw":"senta lubito kuwo onkhe emacembu latsintsekako kutsi akhombise kutibamba, ahloniphe imphilo yebantfu futsi ayekele lobutsa lobukhona njengamanje.\n","score":0.8604752} -{"eng":"land is a productive asset that generates profit and can be used for collateral to secure other assets.\n","ssw":"umhlaba uyimphahla lekhicitako leyakha inzuzo futsi ungasetjentiswa njengesiba mbiso sekutfola letinye tintfo letiyimphahla.\n","score":0.8591434} -{"eng":"they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check.\n","ssw":"basebentela kutsi sive sihlale sitfola lwati nelwatiso kanye nekugcina emandla endzaweni lefanele.\n","score":0.8072462} -{"eng":"another programme by the department helps entrepreneurs to develop business proposals in the green economy.\n","ssw":"lolunye luhlelo lwalelitiko lusita bosomabhizinisi kutsi bente tiphakamiso temabhazinisi letimayelana nemnotfo lovikela simondza wo.\n","score":0.82043004} -{"eng":"another free service offered by the ct is dispute resolution.\n","ssw":"lenye insita yamahhala leniketwa yict kucatulula kungcubutana.\n","score":0.8469673} -{"eng":"finally, if the deceased is not survived by any relative, the state will inherit the proceeds of the estate.\n","ssw":"uma umufi angashiyi u mlingani, intalelwane, batali kumbe situkulwane sebatali, sihlobo sengati lesisedvute sitawutfola lonkhe lelifa.\n","score":0.68549377} -{"eng":"alongside the measures we took to protect and sustain livelihoods, we also supported ailing businesses.\n","ssw":"lokuhambisana naleto tinyatselo lesatitsatsa teku vikela nekusimamisa tindle la tekutiphilisa, saphindze futsi sasekela emabhizinisi lafadalalako.\n","score":0.8560933} -{"eng":"transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces.\n","ssw":"kugucula umkhakha wetekulima vukuzenzele unnamed muva nje, litiko letekulima, letekutfu tfukiswa kwetindzawo tasemaphandleni netingucuko kutemhlaba (idlrd) limemetele kutsi emalunga emma ngo atawukhona kufaka ticelo tekuboleka emahekhtha lange700 000 emhlaba wahulumende longakasetjentiswa ngalokuphelele noma longasetjentiswa etifundzeni letisikho mbisa.\n","score":0.88856304} -{"eng":"over the past two weeks, public consultations have been underway on an important policy document that will give greater impetus to our efforts to bolster, strengthen and capacitate the civil service.\n","ssw":"\"kulamaviki lamabili lengci le, kube nekucocisana ne mmango mayelana nedo khumenti yenchubomgomo lemcoka letawufaka umfu tfo lomkhulu kumitamo yetfu yekucinisa, kukhulisa nekufundzisa tisebenti tahu lumende.\n","score":0.85870403} -{"eng":"but the refrain was familiar: they were ready and able to contribute to the economy in various ways, including as entrepreneurs, but bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding prevents them from doing so.\n","ssw":"ko dvwa lebebakuphindzaphindza bakusho lokutayelike kutsi: batimisele futsi bayakhona kufaka sandla kutemnotfo ngetindlela letahlukahlukene, lokufaka ekhatsi kuba bosomabhizinisi, kodvwa kulandzela indlela lendze yekwenta tintfo kanye nekweswela kusitwa ngetimali kuyabavimbela kutsi bente njalo.\n","score":0.85377276} -{"eng":"the department of human settlements has already begun an assessment of damages to houses across the province.\n","ssw":"litiko letekuhlaliswa kwebantfu selivele licalile ngekuhlola umonakalo wetindlu kuso sonkhe lesifundza.\n","score":0.82109344} -{"eng":"the fusion centre was initially set up to investigate corruption around covidrelated procurement.\n","ssw":"ifusion centre ekucaleni kwayo yasungulelwa kuphenya inkhohlakalo lephatselene nekutsengwa kwetintfo tecovid19 .\n","score":0.8352208} -{"eng":"through the stimulus, over 300 000 young people have been placed as school assistants.\n","ssw":"ngalesikhutsato, bantfu labasha labangetulu kwe300 000 bafakwe etikolweni njengebasiti.\n","score":0.90205425} -{"eng":"the service is one of various initiatives introduced by government to deal with the scourge of gbv.\n","ssw":"lensita lena ingulenye yaletinyenti letehlukene leyangeniswa nguhulumende kute kubukwane nalenkhatsato lengaka yegbv .\n","score":0.8265091} -{"eng":"the minister said the national institute for communicable diseases (nicd) is conducting online inservice training for health workers to be able to detect the disease so that necessary laboratory tests can be done.\n","ssw":"indvuna itsite sikhungo savelonkhe setifo letitsa tselanako (inicd) ichuba tifundvo tekusebenta ufundza ngeinthanethi kutisebenti tetemphilo kute tikhone kusibona lesifo kute kwentiwe luhlolo lwaselabhorethri loludzingekile.\n","score":0.8703797} -{"eng":"taking a fiveminute shower a day instead of a bath will use a third of the water used bathing in a bath tub, saving up to 400 litres a week.\n","ssw":"kusebentisa ishawa sikhatsi lesimizuzu lesihlanu ngelusuku kunekutsi ugeze ebhavini, konga emanti langafika kumalitha la400 ngeliviki.\n","score":0.8648056} -{"eng":"\"we urge children and youth to delay engaging in sexual intercourse until they are ready to make more informed and healthier choices,\" says mabaso.\n","ssw":"\"sicela bantfwana nelu sha kutsi bangasheshi baye emacansini kute kutsi kube sikhatsi sekutsi bakhone kutitsatsela tincumo letibhadlile naletinemphilo,\" kusho mabaso.\n","score":0.8355793} -{"eng":"it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding.\n","ssw":"kutsiwa kubandlululana kugcugcutelwa kwesaba kwesuleleka ngesifo kanye nekweswela kuvisisa.\n","score":0.8529008} -{"eng":"on the eve of the state of the nation address i had the privilege of interacting with a group of such dynamic young people at an intergenerational dialogue convened by the national youth development agency.\n","ssw":"ngembikwelusuku lwenkhulumo yebunjalo belive ngibe nelilu ngelomusa lekucocisana nelicembu lebantfu labasha lelinenshisekelo kunkhulumiswano yekuhlanga nisa titukulwane lebeyisingatfwe yiejensi yavelonkhe yekutfutfu kisa lusha.\n","score":0.83822954} -{"eng":"the number of new confirmed cases in south africa continues to decline.\n","ssw":"linani lete hlakalo lebatfu labasuleleke ngalesifo lapha eningizimu afrika liyachubeka ngekwe hla.\n","score":0.7811744} -{"eng":"there can be no doubt the special tribunal has been a game changer.\n","ssw":"akungabateki kutsi inkhundla yetebulungiswa lekhetsekile itishintjile tintfo.\n","score":0.7809512} -{"eng":"our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize.\n","ssw":"kubukana kwetfu kwavelonkhe nalesifo kuchutjwa likomidi letindvuna (iimc) leliholwa kahle kakhulu yindvuna yetemphilo, dkt.\n","score":0.78276163} -{"eng":"sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire.\n","ssw":"imitamo yeningizimu afrika yekuphumelelisa umbono wemtsetfosisekelo vukuzenzele unnamed eminyakeni lemashu mi asitfupha leye ngcile, mhla ti31 inkhwekhweti 1961, ini ngizimu afrika lebeyine lubandlululo yaba yiripha bhlikhi, yacedza budlelwa no bayo nembuso wase ngilandi.\n","score":0.8719779} -{"eng":"food support is a shortterm emergency measure.\n","ssw":"kusekelwa ngekudla sinyatselo lesiphutfumako sesikhatsi lesifishane.\n","score":0.74708277} -{"eng":"a: people with chronic diseases are at higher risk of getting severe covid19.\n","ssw":"imphendvulo: bantfu labanetifo letibomahlala khona basengotini lenkhulu kakhulu yekutsi icovid19 ingabagulisa kakhulu.\n","score":0.8692727} -{"eng":"she had to have brain surgery to remove a scar on her brain.\n","ssw":"kwadzingeka kutsi ayohli ndvwa enhloko kususwe sibati lesisebucopheni.\n","score":0.7830148} -{"eng":"mobile classrooms are being procured so that learning and teaching should not be interrupted for longer than necessary in floodaffected schools.\n","ssw":"tindlu tekufundzela letingumahamba nendlwane titsengiwe kute kufundza nekufundzisa kungaphatamiseki sikhatsi lesidze etikolweni letitsintsekile ngaletikhukhula.\n","score":0.8459367} -{"eng":"the free press was once described as \u2018the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize\u2019.\n","ssw":"tindzaba le tikhululekile take tachazwa ngekutsi 'umnakekeli longa lali wawo onkhe emalunge lo labalulekile kubobabe nabomake labakhululekile'.\n","score":0.82197636} -{"eng":"all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months.\n","ssw":"tonkhe tindlela tetesayensi tikhombisa kutsi lizinga lalokutseleleka litawuchubeka lenyuke ngesivinini lesisetulu kuletinyanga letimbalwa letitako.\n","score":0.8802948} -{"eng":"a petit mal seizure only lasts a few seconds, and the person may be unaware that they had one.\n","ssw":"kucaleka kweluhlobo lwepetit mal kutsatsa emasekhondi lambalwa, kantsi futsi loyo muntfu logulako kungenteka angacapheli nekucaphela kutsi uhlaselekile.\n","score":0.8126838} -{"eng":"the special investigation unit\u2019s (siu) final report on its probe into allegations relating to any misuse of covid19 funds, across all spheres of government and the private sector was recently authorised for release to the public by president cyril ramaphosa.\n","ssw":"umbiko wekugcina weyunithi lekhetsekile yeku phenya (isiu) lomayelana neluphenyo lwayo kuletinsolo letiphatselene nanome ngabe ngukuphi kungasebentisi kahle timali tecovid19, kuyo yonkhe imikhakha yahulumende nakumkhakha lotimele isandza kugunyatwa ngumengameli cyril ramaphosa kutsi iwukhiphele sive.\n","score":0.9022211} -{"eng":"they can apply for funding from nsfas to study at a public university or a technical and vocational education and training (tvet) college, but must do so before the closing date on 7 january 2022. applicants must be: south african citizens or permanent residents who want to register or are already studying at a public university or tvet college; south african social security agency grant recipients; from households with a combined household income not exceeding r350 000 per year.\n","ssw":"bangafaka ticelo tabo tekuchaswa ngetimali kunsfas kute bakhone kufundza enyunivesi yemmango noma ekolishi lekufundzisa nelekuceceshelwa temaciko noma temakhono (itvet), kufuneka bente loku kungakengci lusuku lwekuvala lwamhla ti7 bhimbidvwane, 2022. labafaka ticelo kufuneka babe: takhamuti taseningizimu afrika noma bahlali ngalokugcwele labafisa kubhalisa noma lesevele babe bafundza kunyunivesi yemmango noma ekolishi letvet; batfola sibonelelo seejensi yekucinisekiswa kwetenhlalakahle eningizimu afrika; babuya emakhaya lahola linani selilonkhe lelihlanganisiwe lelingendluli kur350 000 ngemnyaka.\n","score":0.91280067} -{"eng":"tips to stop smokingthe cancer association of south africa (cansa) offers the following tips if you are trying to stop smoking: decide on a date to stop smoking and then do it.\n","ssw":"emathiphu ekuyekela kubhema ligwayi inhlangano yemhlata yase ningizimu afrika (icansa) inikana lamathiphu lala ndzelako nangabe uzama kuyekela kubhema ligwayi: \u25cfncuma lusuku lotawuyekela ngalo kubhema bese uyakwenta loko.\n","score":0.8826518} -{"eng":"no matter where they live and no matter what they do, they each have a burning desire to change the world.\n","ssw":"akukhatsalekile kutsi bahlala kuphi nekutsi yini labakwentako, lowo nalowo unenshisekelo yesi\ufb01 so sekugucula umhlaba.\n","score":0.90108645} -{"eng":"while they pursue the suspects in this crime, the south african police service must also pay immediate attention to the concerns of the community of west village, where the incident occurred, who say they are under siege from armed gangs in the area.\n","ssw":"luphiko lemaphoyisa ase ningizimu afrika kufuneka lunake letikhalo temma ngo wasewest village, lapho lesigameko senteke khona, lotsi ungaphasi kwekuvinjetelwa macembu emagenge lahlomile laku lendzawo.\n","score":0.8451098} -{"eng":"the money collected by sars finances service delivery and infrastructure.\n","ssw":"imali legcogcwe yisars isebenta kuphakela tinsita nesakhiwo nchanti.\n","score":0.73261786} -{"eng":"we also have to address the inevitable economic fallout.\n","ssw":"sifanele kutsi futsi sibukane nesimo semnotfo lesibi lesingeke sigwemeke.\n","score":0.83360887} -{"eng":"across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died.\n","ssw":"emhlabeni wonkhe, bantfu labangetulu kwetigidzi leti3.4 kukhandzakale kutsi batselelekile ngaleligciwane futsi labangetulu kwe240 000 sebashonile.\n","score":0.93344235} -{"eng":"where we are found wanting, we will be held to account by our courts and, above all, by our citizens.\n","ssw":"uma ngabe kukhona lapho sitfolakala sinesikhebesi khona, tinkantolo tetfu titawusenta sitiphendvulele futsi, ngetulu kwako konkhe, takhamuti tetfu.\n","score":0.8248563} -{"eng":"many workers lost part of their income as their work hours were reduced with many being retrenched.\n","ssw":"basebenti labanyenti balahlekelwa yincenye yemiholo njengoba emahora abo ekusebenta anci shiswa, kwatsi labanyenti badzilitwa.\n","score":0.87368214} -{"eng":"the school recently won the nsnp best school award.\n","ssw":"imiklomela yensnp sikolwa semabanga laphasi ithabang primary school sasebethlehem, singulesinye setikolwa lesizuzako kunsnp.\n","score":0.73215485} -{"eng":"through both operational improvements and structural reforms, durban port will reclaim its place as the bestperforming port in africa.\n","ssw":"ngekwentiwa ncono kwako kokubili kusebente netingu cuko tesakhiwo, sikhumulo sasethekwini sitawubuyela endzaweni yaso yekuba sikhu mulo lesisebenta kahle kakhulu eafrika.\n","score":0.80941343} -{"eng":"they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers.\n","ssw":"tiphindze futsi tisekele umsebenti welitiko letekucashwa nemisebenti ekubambeni imihlanganosikolwa yekuhlola kucinise kisa kutsi kunekugcinwa kwetinchubo tetemphilo nekuphepha letikhona taleto tisebenti letibuyako.\n","score":0.8563148} -{"eng":"the family can adapt their lifestyle by adding selfcare tasks, such as physical exercise and play.\n","ssw":"umndeni ungatetayeta indlela yawo yekuphila nge kutsi wengete imisebenti yekutinakekela, njengeku tivocavoca umtimba kanye nekudlala.\n","score":0.8783057} -{"eng":"child abuse, recognise the signs allison cooper if you suspect a child is being abusedyou have a legal obligation to report it to the south afri can police services\u2019 fami ly violence, child protec tion and sexual offences unit.\n","ssw":"kukhulumisana kubalulekile kute wati umntfwanakho vukuzenzele unnamed akusilula kukhuli sa umntfwana, ko dvwa lusito lolunca ne loluvela kubosolwati lungaba lusito lolukhulu ekucinisekiseni kwekutsi wenta ngendlela lekahle longakhona ngayo.\n","score":0.7305859} -{"eng":"this is a principle that the religious leaders i met with fully support and appreciate.\n","ssw":"lona ngumtsetfomgomo ebaholi betenkholo lengihlangene nabo labawe sekela futsi bawujabulele ngalokuphelele.\n","score":0.85431206} -{"eng":"by the beginning of june, over 27 000 public hospital beds were put aside for covid19 patients.\n","ssw":"ekucaleni kwenyanga yenhlaba, imibhedze lengetulu kwe27 000 etibhedlela tahulumende bese ubekelwe eceleni tigulane tecovid19.\n","score":0.89341515} -{"eng":"it could have involved dramatically reducing the salaries of civil servants, the size of the public service, cutting bonuses and pensions, raising taxes and selling off key state assets.\n","ssw":"bekutawufaka ekhatsi nekwehliswa kakhulu kwemi holo yetisebenti tahulumende, bungako betinsita tahulu mende, kunciphisa emabhonasi netimphesheni, kwenyuswa kwemitselo kanye nekutsengisa timphahla tembuso letimcoka.\n","score":0.8732164} -{"eng":"many of these centres began as creches and daycare facilities.\n","ssw":"linengi laletikhungo tacalwa tisebenta njengetinkhulisa nanjengetikhungo tekushiya bantfwana.\n","score":0.83807266} -{"eng":"it is abundantly clear that additional support is required for learners and we will continue to provide this.\n","ssw":"kucaca kamhlophe bha kutsi kudzingeka kusitwa lokwengetiwe kwebafundzi futsi sitawuchubeka nekuluniketa.\n","score":0.8399007} -{"eng":"you just need to feed the baby often so that the milk will come in you make lots of milk that way.\n","ssw":"ufanele kutsi umunyise umntfwana njalonje kutsi lubisi lutokhona lwakheka ebeleni wenta lubisi lolunyenti ngaleyo ndlela.\n","score":0.7956022} -{"eng":"perpetrators go to extraordinary lengths to cover their tracks.\n","ssw":"babhebhetseli batikha ndla ngalokukhetsekile ekuvaleni imikhondvo yabo.\n","score":0.6802523} -{"eng":"to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable.\n","ssw":"kute sivikele umhlaba wahulumende lobeke lwe umsebenti wekulima, umhlaba lobolekiwe awundluliselwa embili.\n","score":0.83503485} -{"eng":"this is government\u2019s role.\n","ssw":"lena yindzima yahulumende.\n","score":0.87266403} -{"eng":"in order to ensure that you achieve your financial goals, you can adopt smart goals for a financially secure future.\n","ssw":"kute wente siciniseko sekutsi uyayizuza imigomo yakho yetetimali, ungasebentisa imigomo lesmart yelikusasa lelivikelekile ngekwetimali.\n","score":0.88475835} -{"eng":"in january, the bapedi people buried kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, who passed away less than a year after his inauguration.\n","ssw":"ngabhimbidvwa ne, sive semapedi sifihle kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, lokhotseme anesikhatsi lesingaphansi kwemnyaka abekwe esihlalweni.\n","score":0.8373838} -{"eng":"recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit.\n","ssw":"lokusandza kwenteka, hulu mende wetfule luphiko lolu sha lolusita ngekutiphatsa, bucotfo nekucondziswa kwetigwegwe kuhulume nde.\n","score":0.79777485} -{"eng":"\"in ectopic pregnancies, the fertilised egg implants on other body surfaces.\n","ssw":"watsi ngalokwetayelekile, emva kwekutsi sidvodza sihlangene nelicandza lokwenteka ngekhatsi emashubhini efallopian , licandza leselilumbene nesidvodza lihamba eshubhini liye esikhaleni lesinotsile sesibeletfo lapho khona lichumeka kumkhakha weendometrial bese umntfwana ucala kubakhona .\n","score":0.7413114} -{"eng":"work is underway to repair damaged waste water treatment works, pumpstations and reticulation.\n","ssw":"umsebenti wekulu ngisa tindzawo tekuhlanta emanti, titeshi temaphayiphi netekuhanjiswa kwemanti utawentiwa.\n","score":0.82192767} -{"eng":"the latest crime statistics show nearly 4 000 people were raped in their homes or that of the perpetrator, and in 400 reported rape cases the victim and perpetrator had a relationship.\n","ssw":"letibalobalo takamuva tebugebengu tikhomba kutsi bantfu labacishe babe4 000 badlengulwa emakhaya abo noma emakhaya alabo lababadlengulako, futsi emacaleni la400 labikiwe umdlenguli nemhlukunyetwa bebavana.\n","score":0.8896146} -{"eng":"through this programme, tens of thousands of unemployed people are able to both earn and learn as they provide valuable social services.\n","ssw":"ngaloluhlelo, tinkhulungwane letingemashumi ebantfu labangasebenti bakhona kutfola kokubili, kufundza nekuhola njengaloku banika tinsita tetenhlalo letimcoka.\n","score":0.86987364} -{"eng":"we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date.\n","ssw":"sikhiphe sibonelelomali lesikhetsekile secovid19 sekuhhamula, lesifinyelele kubantfu labatigidzi letisitfu pha kute kube ngulamuhla.\n","score":0.8340912} -{"eng":"to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others.\n","ssw":"kwenta kutsi loluhlelo luse bente kuinthanethi kwaba kusebenta ngekuhlanga nyela emkhatsini weejensi yesibonelelomali sembuso yaseningizimu afrika, lihho visi lemtselisi eningizimu afrika, litiko letasekhaya kanye nalabanengi labanye.\n","score":0.83301455} -{"eng":"i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe.\n","ssw":"ngicela lowo nalowo kutsi ahla le njalo acaphele, sichubeke sihloniphe imitsetfosimiso, siti gcine siphephile futsi sigcine nalabanye baphephile.\n","score":0.8869004} -{"eng":"the options, either medical or surgical abortion, depend on how far along the woman\u2019s pregnancy is.\n","ssw":"indlela yekwelashwa, ifaka ekhatsi kunatsa emasethi lamabili emaphilisi ekuhushula sisu, lokuyintfo lengentiwa sisu sidzimate sibe nemaviki layimfica sikhona.\n","score":0.72365797} -{"eng":"design modifications have been completed to improve the performance of medupi units 1, 2 and 3 and are underway in units 5 and 6. while these actions are significant and will bear fruit over the coming months, they are clearly not enough to address the crisis that we face.\n","ssw":"tindlela temadizayini setivele tiphotfuliwe kute kutsi kwentiwe ncono kusebenta kwemayunithi 1, 2 na3 asemedupi kantsi asachubeka kumayunithi 5 na6.\n","score":0.77125806} -{"eng":"in my first state of the nation address, in 2018, i made a commitment to turn the tide against corruption in our public institutions and fight fraud and collusion in the private sector with the same intensity and purpose.\n","ssw":"enkhulumeni yami yekucala yebunjalo belive, nga2018, ngenta sifungo sekutinikela kutsi ngigucule simo setenkhohlakalo eti khungweni tetfu ngiphi ndze futsi ngilwe neku khwabanisa nekubambisana ngenhloso lembi emkhakhe ni lotimele ngemandla ne nhloso lefananako.\n","score":0.8707698} -{"eng":"the floods have caused great economic and social damage,\" he said.\n","ssw":"letikhukhula tibange umonakalo lomkhulu kutemnotfo nakutenhlalo,\" kwasho yena.\n","score":0.8875762} -{"eng":"one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed.\n","ssw":"umuntfu kufuneka abuke kuphela kungasimami kwematiko ahulumende uma kuntjintjiselwana noma kuntjintjwa baphatsi laba khulu njalo uma kubekwa indvuna lensha.\n","score":0.85766953} -{"eng":"the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.\n","ssw":"lokukhulelwa kungenca yekugagadlelwa nome kulala nesihlobo sengati.\n","score":0.7781619} -{"eng":"they also promote social participation and inclusion, providing communities with the means to change their lives as they undertake new forms of work.\n","ssw":"tikhutsata kuhlanganyela kwemmango kanye nekufaka ekhatsi konkhe, kuniketa imimango tindlela tekugucula timphilo tayo lapha benta imisebenti lemisha.\n","score":0.8569627} -{"eng":"over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless.\n","ssw":"emakhaya langetulu kwe4 000 abhidlikile kantsi langetulu kwe8 300 onakele kancane, lokuyinto leshiye bantfu laba40 000 bete emakhaya.\n","score":0.91392636} -{"eng":"we now have over 37,000 quarantine beds in private and public facilities across the country, ready to isolate those who cannot do so at home.\n","ssw":"nyalo sesinemibhedze yekuhlala wedvwa ngenca yesifo lengetulu kwe37,000 kutisetjentiswa letitimele kanye nakutisetjentiswa tahulumende eveni lonkhe, letilungele kwehlukanisa ngayedvwa labo labangakhoni kukwenta nabasemakhaya.\n","score":0.8777608} -{"eng":"the cases of government officials referred by the special investigating unit for disciplinary action will be monitored by the unit to assess their progress.\n","ssw":"emacala etikhulu tahulu mende landluliselwe luphiko lwemacala lakhetsekile kuze kutocondziswa tigwegwe atobukisiswa nguloluphiko kuze ahlole inchubekelembili yawo.\n","score":0.73596466} -{"eng":"through our industrial strategy and investment drive we are unlocking vital areas of growth.\n","ssw":"ngekusebentisa lisubuciko letetimboni kanye nesikhutsati selutjalomali sivula tindzawo letimcoka tekukhula.\n","score":0.8283217} -{"eng":"our trade union compatriots are right in saying that we should in a demonstrable way prevent leakages of public funds by addressing corruption, ending irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure.\n","ssw":"balingani betfu betinyo nyana tetisebenti tikubeka kahle kakhulu natitsi kufanele kutsi ngendlela lekhombisako sikuvikele kuvuta kwetimali tahulumende ngekutsi sicedze inkhohlakalo, kucedvwe kusetjentiswa kwetimali ngalokungekho emtsetfweni, kucedvwe ludebentisomali lo lute inzuzo kanye nekusaphata timali.\n","score":0.859507} -{"eng":"government plans to establish a land and agrarian reform agency to fasttrack land reform.\n","ssw":"hulumende uhlele kusu ngula iejensi yetekubuyi swa kwemhlaba nekwete kulima kute kuphutfunyi swe kubuyiswa kwemhla ba.\n","score":0.81382084} -{"eng":"\"we are putting in place enhanced measures of surveillance, infection control and management.\n","ssw":"\"sifaka tindlela letingetiwe tekugadza, tekulawula kutseleleka netekuphatsa.\n","score":0.8375186} -{"eng":"we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries.\n","ssw":"sibeka embili bomake, lusha nebantfu labanekukhubateka kute babe bazuzi.\n","score":0.8587795} -{"eng":"the positive actions of wearing a mask, of maintaining social distancing and of regular hand washing helped us overcome the worst effects of the pandemic.\n","ssw":"tento letinhle tekufaka si fonyo, nekugcina kutsi kube nekuchelelana kutenhlalo kanye nekugeza njalo tandla kusisitile kutsi sincobe imi tselela lemibi kakhulu yalo lubhubhane.\n","score":0.8749668} -{"eng":"some of the cargo truck drivers have caused accidents by not taking care on sharp curves.\n","ssw":"futsi bekuba netingoti temgwaco letinengi letibangwa bashayeli betitfutsi temtfwalo ngenca yekunganakekeli uma bahamba lapho kune majika lamakhulu.\n","score":0.83342594} -{"eng":"\"i was treated very well.\n","ssw":"\"ngaphatfwa kahle kakhulu.\n","score":0.79008466} -{"eng":"we had to consider what weeks of confinement to the home would mean for the employed not paid regular salaries, for the unemployed and those seeking work, for those in casual or seasonal employment, for those in the informal sector, for the indigent and for the vulnerable.\n","ssw":"kudzingeke kutsi sibuke kutsi emaviki ekuhlala ekhaya atawusho kutsini kulabo labasebentako nabangasatfoli njalo imiholo, kulabo labangasebenti futsi labasafuna umsebenti, kulabo labasebenta ematoho nome labasebenta ngetikhatsi letitsite temnyaka, kulabo labasemkhakheni longa kahleleki, kulabo labaphuyile kanye nakulabo labahlaseleka kalula.\n","score":0.8822225} -{"eng":"\"the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place.\"\n","ssw":"\"kusetjentiswa kwalomtsetfo kutawusita kakhulu kucinisekisa kutsi emacala ashushiswa ngemphumelelo, kutsi labo labasindzile bavikeleke nekutsi kunetintfo letingetiwe letisebenta kancono letibekiwe tekubavikela.\"\n","score":0.89484584} -{"eng":"the proceeds of their crimes must be recovered.\n","ssw":"loko labakuzuze kubugebengu babo kufanele kutfolwe kutsatfwe.\n","score":0.81316584} -{"eng":"there is still a great deal about the epidemiology of the virus that is unknown.\n","ssw":"kusesekunyenti kakhulu lokungatiwa mayelana nesifundvo salolubhubhane lwaleligciwane.\n","score":0.8418232} -{"eng":"new laws strengthen the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed late last year, i received a letter from a group of concerned citizens calling on the government to protect the women and children of this country from violence.\n","ssw":"imitsetfo lemisha lecinisa kulwa negbv vukuzenzele unnamed kulomnyaka lophelile nasewuyawuphela, ngatfola incwadzi levela elicenjini letakhamuti letikhatsatekile ticela kutsi hulumende avikele bomake nebantfwana balelive ebudloveni.\n","score":0.894828} -{"eng":"\"through her training agency, dr zulu explained that she worked across six provinces, helping women and young people to run their farming operations.\n","ssw":"usebentisa lwati lwakhe lolujulile lwekudla lokunemsoco kanye neminyaka yekukhicita tinkhukhu netibhidvo ngekwemvelo epulazini lakhe ngenhloso yekutfutfukisa labanye bomake kute kutsi babe balimi labalimela kutsengisa.\n","score":0.71585286} -{"eng":"these centres can be found in every village, town and city in the country.\n","ssw":"letikhungo tinga tfolakala kunoma ngisiphi sigodzi, lidolobha nelidolo bhakati lelikulelive.\n","score":0.88768923} -{"eng":"after careful consideration and discussion, the nccc reconsidered its position on tobacco.\n","ssw":"loko kwasuselwa embonweni wemkhandlu wavelonkhe wekukhomuza ngeligciwane icorona (inccc), lobewucuketfwe kuluhlakamsebenti lwesikhashana lolwashicilelwa kutsi kubonisanwe.\n","score":0.6710258} -{"eng":"they include a support programme for township businesses, exportrelated training by the industrial development corporation (idc) to black, women and youthowned businesses, and increased infrastructure budget to smmes in the tshwane special economic zone.\n","ssw":"lisebentisa luhlelo lwekwesekela emabhizinisi lasemalokishini, kuceceshwa lokuphatselene ngekutfumela umkhicito ngephandle kulelive lokwentiwa ikoporasi yetekutfutfukiswa tetimboni (iidc) kumabhizinisi alabamnyama, abomake newelusha, kanye nekwandzisa tabelomali tetakhiwonchanti kumasmme etindzaweni tekuhweba ne kuchuba ibhizinisi ngekulandzela imitsetfosimiso lehlukile etshwane.\n","score":0.87436754} -{"eng":"veterinary nurses are essential in vets\u2019 professional teams, says mthimkhulu.\n","ssw":"bahlengikati betilwane bamcoka kakhulu emacenjini ebuchwephesha abodokotela betilwane, kusho mthimkhulu.\n","score":0.81187385} -{"eng":"i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province\u2019s coronavirus state of readiness.\n","ssw":"ngicabange ngato letintfo ngiseluhambeni lwami lengisandza kulutsatsa lwekuya emphumalanga kapa kuyohlola simo salesifundza sekulungela kubukana neligciwane icorona.\n","score":0.87129945} -{"eng":"others have subsequently withdrawn their applications following engagement with government.\n","ssw":"labanye njalo bagcine sebatihocisa ticelo tabo ngemuva kwekubonisana nahulumende.\n","score":0.8063983} -{"eng":"the continued exclusion of the black majority from the economy\u2019s mainstream constrains economic growth, which ultimately impacts all business.\n","ssw":"lokukhishelwa ngephandle lokuchubekako kwelinyenti lebantfu labamnyama ku mnotfo lomkhulu kukhinya beta kukhula kutemnotfo, ekugcineni kuba nemtselela kuyo yonkhe ibhizinisi.\n","score":0.86560595} -{"eng":"when a person is smoking, he or she will not be able to keep to that hygiene practice,\" says dr egbe.\n","ssw":"uma umuntfu abhema, angeke akwati kutigcina letento tekuhlanteka,\" kusho dkt.\n","score":0.8326653} -{"eng":"here are the steps that need to be followed:1. your business must be registered on the smme south africa portal.\n","ssw":"nati tindlela lekufuneka tilandzelwe:1. ibhizinisi yakho kufuneka ibe ibhalisiwe kuphothali yemabhizinisi lamancane yaseningizimu afrika.\n","score":0.84950244} -{"eng":"children as young as three can understand that the brain controls the body.\n","ssw":"bantfwana ngisho nome ngabe basesebancane baneminyaka lemitsatfu bayakhona kuvisisa kutsi ingcondvo ilawula umtimba.\n","score":0.87196815} -{"eng":"the economic conditions for 2020 look likely to be even tougher than in 2019, so it is imperative that you take a hard and objective look at your personal finances.\n","ssw":"timo temnotfo tanga2020 tibukeka sengatsi titawuba matima kakhulu kuna nga2019, ngakoke kuyacindzetela kutsi ubuke timali takho ngeliso lelusoti nekutsi ungavuni luhlangotsi.\n","score":0.8732744} -{"eng":"\"i was not interested in smoking \u2013 it didn\u2019t appeal to me until i was in matric and a group of guys i used to hang out with started picking on me for not being cool enough to smoke.\"\n","ssw":"\"bengite inshisekelo yeku bhema ligwayi \u2013 belingangi hlabi umchwele kwadzi mate kwaba ngesikhatsi sengifundza matekuletjeni lapho licembu lebafana le bengivamise kuhamba nabo bacala bangidzelela bangi tjela kutsi angikahlakaniphi kahle nangabe angibhemi.\"\n","score":0.87424445} -{"eng":"fortunately, when cape townbased occupational therapist and mother of three insaaf mohammed (40) tested positive for covid19 while ill with asthma, she was able to manage both conditions and did not become seriously ill. mohammed contracted covid19 from her husband, who works at the groote schuur hospital\u2019s laboratory.\n","ssw":"ngenhlanhla, ngesikhatsi ingcweti yekunakekela ngetemphilo lesekapa nalongumake webantfwana labatsatfu insaaf mohammed loneminyaka lenge40 ngesikhatsi atfolakala kutsi unalo neligciwane lecovid19 ngesikhatsi agula aphetfwe sifuba semoya, wakhona kutsi atilawule totimbili letimo akazange agula kamatima.\n","score":0.86694956} -{"eng":"the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries.\n","ssw":"lisekela lendvuna yetemfundvo lephakeme, tesayensi netekuticambela, buti manamela, wayamukela lemifundzate.\n","score":0.7974204} -{"eng":"there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics.\n","ssw":"kunemibiko letsikametako yebantfu labakhishwa umkhomboloti emimangweni yabo kanye nemimango leshucela tigulane letineligciwane lecorona letingeniswe etibhedlela tendzawo kanye nasemitfolamphilo.\n","score":0.86474323} -{"eng":"your combined household income is not more than r350 000 per year.\n","ssw":"umholo wonkhe sewuhlangene wemndeni ungabi ngetulu kwer350 000 ngemnyaka.\n","score":0.7764081} -{"eng":"he is the head of the burns unit at the red cross war memorial children\u2019s hospital (rcwmch) and an executive committee member of the burn society of south africa.\n","ssw":"uyinhloko yengcenye yalabashile esibhedlele ired cross war memorial children's hospital (ircwmch) futsi ulilungu lelikomidi lelisetulu leburn society of south africa.\n","score":0.90434647} -{"eng":"this report emanated from an extensive study into the structure of the south african economy, and what was needed to transform the economy, grow black entrepreneurship, ensure greater black management and ownership of busines ses, and bring black women into the mainstream of the economy.\n","ssw":"lombiko wasuselwa kusifundvolucwaningo lolubanti lolumayelana nemumo wemnotfo waseningizimu afrika, nekutsi yini loko lebekudzingekile kute kuguculwa umnotfo, kukhuliswe emabhizinisi alabamnyama, kucinisekisa kutsi kunelulawulo lolukhulu kanye nebunikati bemabhizinisi, kanye nekufaka bomake labamnyama kumkhakha lomkhulu wemnotfo.\n","score":0.90661263} -{"eng":"for those who are not able to keep themselves away from others living in the home, government has setup free quarantine facilities around the country to keep you and your loved ones safe.\n","ssw":"tisetjentiswa tekuhlaliswa wedvwa ngenca yesifolabo labangakhoni kuhlala bodvwa bahlukane nemalunga emndeni labahlala nawo ekhaya, hulumende ubeke tisetjentiswa tamahhala tekuhlala wedvwa ngenca yesifo eveni lonkhe kute kutsiugcineke uphephile wena kanye nalobatsandzako.\n","score":0.8385678} -{"eng":"if you are going out to meet someone new, do so at a public place and let someone you trust know where you are.\n","ssw":"uma ngabe uyahamba uyohlangana nemuntfu longamati, hlanganani endzaweni lenebantfu futsi utjele umuntfu lometsembako kutsi ukuphi.\n","score":0.8773047} -{"eng":"this suggests that some men do not understand that sexual activity without explicit consent is a crime.\n","ssw":"loku kusho kutsi lamanye emadvodza awavisisi kutsi kuya ecansini ngaphandle kwekuvumelana ngaloku gcwele kulicala.\n","score":0.84429896} -{"eng":"this means the highest qualification that the scheme funds is a bachelor\u2019s degree.\n","ssw":"loku kufaka ekhatsi titifiketi letentiwa emuva kwekutfola ticu tekucala, emadiploma lentiwa emuva kwekutfola ticu tekucala, ticu tehonours, temasters netephd.\n","score":0.66781193} -{"eng":"regulations on the wearing of masks will be strengthened.\n","ssw":"imitsetfomgomo yekufaka tifonyo itawuciniswa.\n","score":0.76359475} -{"eng":"after school, she tried studying at a college in oudtshoorn, but decided to move back home to support her family.\n","ssw":"emva kwekucedza sikolo, walinga kufundza ekolishi eoudtshoorn, kodvwa wancuma kubuyela emuva ekhaya kuyokondla umndeni wakhe.\n","score":0.925396} -{"eng":"\"however, we have a shortage as our demand exceeds our capacity and, as a result, we source eggs from other local producers.\n","ssw":"\"nanoma kunjalo, sinekweswela ngoba ku funwa kwemkhicito wetfu kungetulu kwemandla etfu futsi, ngenca yaloko, sitfola emacandza kulabanye bali mi bendzawo.\n","score":0.8265897} -{"eng":"in addition to the above, a child born out of wedlock can inherit from both blood relations; and an adopted child is deemed as a descendant of his adoptive parent or parents.\n","ssw":"kwekugcina, uma umufi anganaso sihlobo lasishi yako, umbuso utawutfola konkhe lokuphatselene nalelifa.\n","score":0.69388074} -{"eng":"\"i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration,\" he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils.\n","ssw":"\"sengigunyate isandf kutsi iletse tisebenti letinyenti, tilondvoloti temanti kanye netisetjentiswa tekuwahlanta kanye nemacembu etebunjiniyela atewusita ngagezi kanye nekubuyiswa kwemanti,\" kwasho yena.\n","score":0.82384354} -{"eng":"tax collection from jse listed companies, multinationals and high net worth individuals is now more effectively managed through its large business unit, which was relaunched in 2020. as a result of sars\u2019 turnaround there has been improved compliance in personal income tax, corporate income tax and pay as you earn.\n","ssw":"imali yentsela legcogcwe kutinkhapani letibhalise ejse, legcogcwe kutinkhapani letisebenta emaveni lahlukahlukene kanye naleyo lekufuneka ikhokhwe ngumuntfu ngamunye nyalo seyilawulwa ngendlela lenemphumelelo lenkhulu ngekusebentisa iyunithi yetemabhizinisi lenkhulu, lecale kusetjentiswa kabusha ngemnyaka we2020.\n","score":0.82394767} -{"eng":"eye: white spot in the eye, new squint, new blindness, bulging eyeball.\n","ssw":"\"labantfu laba bafundziswa timphawu tekucwayisa teku cala tesiluan nekufundza kucedza inkholelo kanye nelihlazo emimangweni,\" kusho seegers.\n","score":0.67749524} -{"eng":"we now need to manage this risk and ensure the gains we have made thus far in containing the pandemic\u2019s spread are not reversed.\n","ssw":"nyalo kudzingeka kutsi sibulawule lobungoti kanye nekucinisekisa kutsi loko lesikuzuzile kute kube ngunyalo ekuvimbeni kutsi kubhebhetseka kwalesifo kungabuyeli emuva.\n","score":0.8634219} -{"eng":"for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain.\n","ssw":"sonkhe sikhatsini lapho loku kuchubeka nekuba njalo, tehlakalo tekungcubutana, kungevani kanye nekungenetiseki kutawuchubeka.\n","score":0.84192413} -{"eng":"to this end, we have embarked upon a number of reforms to strengthen these soes so that they can produce the results that the country needs and expects.\n","ssw":"kute kube kunyalo, sicale kwenta tingucuko tekukhulisa lamasoe kute akhone kukhicita imiphumela ledzi ngekalako nalelindzelekile kulelive.\n","score":0.7823752} -{"eng":"at times like this, it can feel like there is no end in sight.\n","ssw":"ngetikhatsi letifanana naleti, kuvakala shengatsi lentfo ngeke ite iphele nyalo nanyalo.\n","score":0.7938211} -{"eng":"health\u2019s fight against cancer goes nuclear vukuzenzele unnamed the gauteng department of health has pumped r36 million into a new oncology facility that will ensure that cancer patients in garankuwa, tshwane and surrounding areas have easier access to treatment.\n","ssw":"sita kuvikela kuphela kwemanti more matshediso litiko letemanti ne kutfutfwa kwelindle (idws) lisebentisana nelidolobha lasekapa kuphungula lesomiso lesisenshonalaga kapa, lekungulesibi kakhulu kunalesake saba khona eminyakeni lelishumi.\n","score":0.7315024} -{"eng":"\"i urge young people to apply for nsfas funding because following your dream is not a free exercise, it needs funding, and nsfas will bridge that gap for you,\" he says.\n","ssw":"\"ngincusa bantfu labasha kutsi bafake ticelo telusito lwetimali kunsfas ngoba kuphumelelisa liphupho lakho akuchamuki ma hhala, kudzinga lusito lwetimali, kantsi insfas itakuvalela lelo geba,\" usho njalo.\n","score":0.8986422} -{"eng":"the country owes a debt of gratitude to all who were involved in the work of the commission; from those who investigated, researched and compiled a huge amount of information; to the many witnesses who testified and provided evidence; to the journalists who diligently reported on the proceedings; to the lawyers who helped present evidence.\n","ssw":"live kufanele libonge kubo bonkhe lababambe lichaza kulomsebenti wekhomishini; kusukela kulabo bebaphenya, bacwaninga baphindze bahlanganise linani lelikhulu leminini ngwane; kulelinyenti labo fakazi labafakazile baletsa nebufakazi; kutintsatseli letibike lobekuchubeka ngekutimisela; kubameli labasite kwetfula bufakazi.\n","score":0.88624054} -{"eng":"the incomes earned in presidential employment stimulus programmes have been an economic boost to small enterprises and informal businesses in local economies across the country.\n","ssw":"imiholo leholwe kuletinhlelo tesikhutsati samengameli sekwakha ematfuba emsebenti itfutfukise umnotfo kubosomabhizinisi labancane nakuminotfo yendzawo kulo lonkhe live lakitsi.\n","score":0.8686942} -{"eng":"this is even more so for people who have a compromised immune system.\n","ssw":"loku kumcoka kakhulu ebantfwini labanemasotja emtimba labutsakatsaka.\n","score":0.7942673} -{"eng":"the current outbreak is dominated by high numbers in europe with the uk leading with over 700 cases, spain with just over 500, followed by germany, portugal and france.\n","ssw":"lokubhedvuka kwanyalo kubonakala kunemazinga lasetulu eyurophu lapho kuhamba khona embili iuk ngetehlakalo letingetulu kwe700, bese kutsi spain sona sibe nje ngetulu kwe500, kulandzele lasejalimani, laseportugal nefrance.\n","score":0.90585893} -{"eng":"it will be especially beneficial to people who cannot afford legal recourse.\n","ssw":"kutawubayinzuzo ngalo kukhetsekile kulabo bantfu labangakhoni kukhokhela tinsita temtsetfo.\n","score":0.87680674} -{"eng":"as a result, revenue collection has been weak and we have had to borrow more to sustain spending on development, infrastructure and wages.\n","ssw":"umphumela waloko, kugcogcwa kwemalin gena kube butsakatsaka futsi kwadzingeka kutsi siboleke kute sisimamise kusetjentiswa kwemali kutentfutfuko, ku takhiwonchanti kanye nasemi holweni.\n","score":0.85260046} -{"eng":"he said that 70%, or 2 419, of south africa\u2019s public primary healthcare facilities have integrated oral prep into their routine package of services.\n","ssw":"utsite tikhungo tetemphilo lesisekelo tase ningizimu afrika letinge70%, noma leti2 419, setifaka iprep lenatfwako kuluhlu lato le tinsita letinato.\n","score":0.83098054} -{"eng":"the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years.\n","ssw":"lokuchubeka kwekuchunyiswa kwemabhomu lokungenangcondvo lokwentiwa kaisraeli lokubhekiswe egaza kutoba nemtselela lophula umoya ebantfwini labangetulu kwetigidzi letimbili labebahlupheka ngaphansi kwekuvinjelwa lokungekho emtsetfweni iminyaka le14.\n","score":0.8818853} -{"eng":"for as long as the division of wealth and opportunity in south africa is largely still determined by race and gender, we will not be able to build a truly united nation.\n","ssw":"nukusasenekwehlukana ngekwemcebo kanye nematfuba lapha eningizimu afrika kusenteka kakhulu ngekwebuhlanga nange kwebulili, ngeke sikhone kwakha sive lesihlangene sibili.\n","score":0.87541753} -{"eng":"this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more.\n","ssw":"lomsebenti ufaka ekhatsi tingcikitsi letinyenti, kufaka ekhatsi kutfolakala kwekudla, kucedza budlova lobucondziswe kubulili lobutsite, kuphucula tindzawo tekuhlala letingakahleleki kanye nalokunye lokunyenti.\n","score":0.8820132} -{"eng":"\"all gatherings will remain prohibited, except for funerals with no more than 50 people or meetings in the workplace for work purposes,\" he says.\n","ssw":"\"yonkhe imihlangano itawuchubeka nekungavumeleki, ngaphandle kwemingcwabo letawuba nebantfu labangengci kulaba50 noma imihlangano yasetindzaweni tekusebe nta lemayelana nekwenta umsebenti,\" usho njalo.\n","score":0.90611356} -{"eng":"since then, we have been working hard to strengthen and support our law enforcement and related agencies.\n","ssw":"kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi, siloku sisebenta ngeku tikhandla kute sicinise siphindze futsi sisekele emaejensi etfu nalaha mbisana nawo lacinisekisa kutfotjelwa kwemtsetfo.\n","score":0.8364986} -{"eng":"if the primary caregiver is single (never married, divorced or widowed), his\/ her income cannot be more than r4 800 per month.\n","ssw":"lotfola sibonelelo seso ndlo semntfwana kufuneka ahambisane netidzingo teluhlolo (luhlolo lwemali yemholo).\n","score":0.62636584} -{"eng":"however, early detection is key,\" she says.\n","ssw":"nanoma kunjalo, kutfolakala kwato kubalule kile kakhulu,\" kusho yena.\n","score":0.7831669} -{"eng":"naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda.\n","ssw":"ngekutentekela nje, kufinyelela kutfola umsebenti kanye nema tfuba kube ngiko lesikhulume ngako kakhulu eluhlelweni lwetfu lemhlangano.\n","score":0.80727094} -{"eng":"as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth.\n","ssw":"njengaloku silawula kusebe ntisa imali yembuso, sihlose ku tsi kube nekukhula.\n","score":0.7808505} -{"eng":"mashego is a thirdyear student studying towards a degree in civil engineering at the university of pretoria.\n","ssw":"mashego ungumfundzi lowenta umnyaka wesitsa tfu kutifundvo tebunjiniye la enyunivesi yasepretoria.\n","score":0.8631405} -{"eng":"agricultural land is the mainstay of our natural resource base.\n","ssw":"umhlaba wetekulima uyinsika lesisekelo semnotfo wetfu wemvelo.\n","score":0.87745583} -{"eng":"water and sanitation deputy minister david mahlobo says this is due to old infrastructure, lack of operation and maintenance on water schemes, and the poor integration between housing programmes and current infrastructure development projects.\n","ssw":"lisekela lendvuna yetemanti netekutfutfwa kwendle david mahlobo utsi loku kubangwa ngilesakhiwonchanti lesesigugile, kungasebenti kahle nekunganakekelwa kwemitfombo yemanti, kanye nekungahlangani kahle emkhatsini kwetinhlelo tetetindlu kanye nekwemiklamo yamanje yekutfutfukisa sakhiwonchanti.\n","score":0.8943111} -{"eng":"to this end, we have forged strategic alliances with both the countries of the global south and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the north.\n","ssw":"kute kube ngumanje, sesakhe budlelwane bemfela ndzawonye nemave eseni ngizimu yemhlaba neluba njiswano loluzuzisa bobabili nemave asenyakatfo.\n","score":0.8221741} -{"eng":"pointing to an increase in rape and sexual assault, they wrote that as women they continue to live in fear; they are losing their faith in the law.\n","ssw":"tikhomba kwenyuka kwelizinga lekudlwengulwa nekuhlaselwa ngekwemacansi babhale njengaboma ke labaphila njalo ngekwesaba; sebalahlekelwa kuwetsemba umtsetfo.\n","score":0.8823457} -{"eng":"a number of companies have had to implement salary cuts, reduce staff numbers or reduce hours worked.\n","ssw":"letinye tinkampani letinyenti tadzi ngeka kutsi tinciphise imiho lo, tinciphise linani letisebenti nomake tinciphise tikhatsi tekusebenta.\n","score":0.8365251} -{"eng":"learning, once it commences, will take place under strict conditions with a correctly limited number of learners and students.\n","ssw":"kufundza, uma kucala, kutawenteka ngapha nsi kwetimo leticinile ngelinani lelinemkhawulo lofanelekile webafundzi netitjudeni.\n","score":0.86569214} -{"eng":"safe sex the foundation also aims to reduce hiv infections by promoting the use of condoms and safe sex.\n","ssw":"kuya emacasini ngalokuphephilelenhlangano ihlose kunci phisa kwesuleleka ngehiv ngekukhutsata kusetjentiswa kwemakhondomu kanye nekuya emacasini ngaloku phephile.\n","score":0.86329913} -{"eng":"and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country\u2019s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred.\n","ssw":"futsi kufanele kutsi sivume kutsi kuletinsuku kanye nemaviki lalandzele, kusita takhamuti talelive letfu letihlaseleka kalula kuhambe kancane kakhulu kunaloku bekudzingeka, kanye nekutsi kube nekubambeteleka.\n","score":0.8648933} -{"eng":"recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation\u2019s capital, heralding the start of summer.\n","ssw":"kuvuseteleka kweningizimu afrika sekuyabonakala elukhalweni vukuzenzele unnamed tihlahla temaja kharanda tichaka tile kuyo yonkhe inhlokodolobha yesive, tibiketela kungena kwelu hlobo.\n","score":0.8352449} -{"eng":"plan your finances wisely dr rufaro mucheka the new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, to set meaningful goals, create new habits and adjust your past financial spending habits to ensure a more sustainable future.\n","ssw":"rufaro mucheka lomnyaka lomusha ulitfuba lekucala kabusha, kubeka imigomo lemisha lebhadlile, yekwakha imikhuba lemihle lemisha uphindze futsi ulungise tindlela bewusebentisa ngato imali esikhatsini lesendlulile kute ucinisekise likusasa lelisimeme kakhulu.\n","score":0.8465549} -{"eng":"getting the vaccine will give you a much stronger and longerlasting immune response.\n","ssw":"kugoma kutawenta emasotja emtimba wakho abe nemandla kakhulu futsi alwe sikhatsi lesidze.\n","score":0.7891736} -{"eng":"there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma.\n","ssw":"nyalo sekukhona bufakazi lobucacile bekutsi kucala futsi kwekutsengiswa kwetjwala kube nemphumela nekucindzeteleka lokukhulu kwetibhedlela, lokufaka ekhatsi emayunithi ekunakekela timo letibucayi tetingoti nemaicu, ngenca yetingoti tetimoto, budlova kanye netingoti letiphatselene naloko.\n","score":0.8850269} -{"eng":"mohammed says her worst fear was experiencing serious respiratory complications from covid19.\n","ssw":"mohammed utsi kwesaba kwakhe lokukhulu kwaba kuhlangabetana netinkinga tekuphefumula ngenca yalecovid19.\n","score":0.8577068} -{"eng":"\"i have no doubt that with the commitment and energy of all involved, this project will continue to thrive,\" he said.\n","ssw":"\"\"anginako kungabata ku tsi ngalokutibophelela na ngalomfutfo wabo bonkhe babambi lichaza, lomklamo lona utawuchubeka neku khula,\" washo njalo.\n","score":0.87860787} -{"eng":"in recent years, the port has slipped from its position as first in africa to third, behind tangier in morocco and port said in egypt.\n","ssw":"eminyakeni lesandza kundlu la, lesikhumulo sisukile endza weni yaso njengesekucala eafrika saba sesitsatfu, sala ndzela itangier lesemorocco neport said leseegypt.\n","score":0.9127548} -{"eng":"without a job, without a house, electricity or running water, without land, without skills or opportunities, millions of south africans are still deprived of the lives they seek and deserve.\n","ssw":"kungasebenti, kungabi nendlu, nagezi noma emanti lahambako, kungabi nemhlaba, kungabi nemakhono noma ematfuba, tigidzi tebantfu baseningizimu afrika basengakayitfoli imphilo lebafuna kuyi phila.\n","score":0.8995241} -{"eng":"now more than ever we will look to the innovative and pioneering spirit of our youth to come up with solutions to the unemployment crisis that benefit them, their communities and society.\n","ssw":"nyalo kwengca kucala sitawubuka umoya wemcondvo lomusha kanye newucala tintfo welusha lwetfu kutsi uvete tisombululo kulenkinga yekweswelakala kwemisebenti kute bazuze, imimango kanye nesive.\n","score":0.8531004} -{"eng":"lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive.\n","ssw":"kufaka tikhalo kagepf kwentiwe kwaba malula vukuzenzele unnamed emalunga, labahola imphesheni, kanye nebazuzi besikhwa ma semphesheni sebase benti bahulumende (ige pf) nyalo sebanendzawo yekutfola lusito nangabe bangayijabuleli indlela le basitwa ngayo.\n","score":0.86953765} -{"eng":"in a number of provinces, women who have been allocated farms by the dalrrd have been able to run them successfully and even move into commercial production.\n","ssw":"etfundzeni letinengi, bomake labaniketwe emapulazi yidlrd bakhonile kuwaphatsa ngendlela lenemphu melelo futsi bakhona nekukhi citela kutsengisa.\n","score":0.8331413} -{"eng":"it is up to transport operators, university administrators, school governing bodies and religious organisations to create conditions for women and girls to travel, study and worship in safety.\n","ssw":"kusemahlombe alabanetekutfutsa, baphatsi bemanyu vesi, imitimba lephetse tikolo kanye netinhlangano tetenkholo kutsi tidale kutsi kube netimo tekutsi bomake nemantfombatana bakhone kuhamba, kufundza kanye nekukhonta ngekuphepha.\n","score":0.88619995} -{"eng":"if you own a microenterprise, then the small enterprise development agency is available to help you to apply to the debt relief scheme.\n","ssw":"uma umnikati webhizinisi lencane, iejensi yekutfutfukisa emabhizinisi lamancane iyatfolakala kute ikusite ufake sicelo kusikimu sekusita kukhokha tikweleti.\n","score":0.868857} -{"eng":"during the months that you are pregnant, and breastfeeding, be sure to use a condom during sexual intercourse to prevent any new infection.\n","ssw":"kuletinyanga ukhulelwe, kanye nekumunyisa libele, yenta siciniseko sekutsi usebentisa ikhondomu uma uya emacasini kute kutsi uvikele kutsi lesifo siphindze futsi sikungene.\n","score":0.86526877} -{"eng":"it is not surprising to hear them say that they are on a mission to safeguard the health of those around them.\n","ssw":"akumangalisinje kubeva batsi basemkhankhasweni wekuvikela timphilo talabo labasedvutane nabo.\n","score":0.87304294} -{"eng":"at many of these roadshows, minister angie mot shekga was asked by youth to introduce programmes that could assist young people to be more employable, says dr malapile.\n","ssw":"emikhankhasweni leminyenti, indvuna angie motshekga wacelwa lusha kutsi angenise tinhlelo letitawusita bantfu labasha kutsi bacasheke kakhulu, kusho dkt.\n","score":0.9092708} -{"eng":"if we ever need a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, we should look to recent events thousands of kilometres away in new zealand.\n","ssw":"nangabe sidzinga sikhu mbuto sesidzingo sekutsi sicaphele, kufanele kutsi sibuke loko lokusandza kwe nteka endzaweni lechele ngetinkhulungwane temakhi lomitha enew zealand.\n","score":0.85628253} -{"eng":"we cannot let them down.\n","ssw":"angeke sibentele phasi.\n","score":0.7659714} -{"eng":"alleviating hunger is not an act of charity.\n","ssw":"kunciphisa indlala akusiso sento sesihawu.\n","score":0.8639687} -{"eng":"our approach to state ownership is informed by the need for the effective functioning of key network industries, such as energy and ports, and by the need to ensure that the basic needs of all south africans, particularly the poor, can be met.\n","ssw":"indlela yetfu yekutsi abe ahulumende isuselwa kule sidzingo sekutsi kusebente kahle luchungechunge lwetimboni letimcoka, letifana netemandla kanye netema tibuko, futsi nangesidzingo sekucinisekisa kutsi tidzingo letisisekelo tabo bonkhe ba ntfu baseningizimu afrika, kakhulu labo labaphuyile, tingaphumeleliswa.\n","score":0.8907097} -{"eng":"they were unable to be with their loved ones, unable to leave their living quarters and uncertain about when their ordeal would end.\n","ssw":"bebangakhoni kutsi babe nebantfu babo lababatsandzako, bangakhoni kusuka baphume lapho bebahlala khona futsi bete nesiciniseko sekutsi kuhlupheka kwabo kutawuphela nini.\n","score":0.8461455} -{"eng":"in key sectors such as construction, property, information and communications technology, tourism and transport, black ownership has exceeded targets.\n","ssw":"kumikhakha lemcoka lefanana neyekwakha, yetindlu, lwatiso nebuchwepheshe betekuchumana, tekuvakasha netekutfutsa, bunikati bebantfu labamnyama bengce imigomo lebeyihlosiwe.\n","score":0.8865001} -{"eng":"more matshediso learners have been faced with many challenges as a result of the coronavirus disease (covid19) and the lockdown restrictions.\n","ssw":"bafundzi bahlanga betane netinsayeya letinyenti ngenca y a l e s i f o s e l i g c i w a n e lecovid19 k a n y e n e m i t s e t f o y e k u i m b e l a kusebenta kwetintfo.\n","score":0.7980878} -{"eng":"as more and more people are vaccinated, we will both save lives and progressively reduce the risk of infection across the population.\n","ssw":"njengaloku linyenti lebantfu ligonywa, sitawube senta kokubili sisindzisa timphilo siphindze futsi ngekuchubeka njalo sinciphise bungoti bekwesuleleka ngaleligciwane ebantfwini.\n","score":0.8699969} -{"eng":"parents can join in volunteering to clean schools, establishing vegetable gardens or being part of neighbourhood school safety committees.\n","ssw":"batali bangahlanganela kuvolonthiya kuhlanta tikolo, kucala tinga dze tetivandze noma kuba yi ncenye yemakomiti emmango etekuphepha etikolweni.\n","score":0.8576126} -{"eng":"building a better life vukuzenzele unnamed from humble begin nings in kwanon goma village, kwa zulunatal, 23yearold silondiwe magwaza has conquered many obstacles to reach her dream of becoming a construction manager.\n","ssw":"kwakha likusasa lelincono vukuzenzele unnamed umuntfu lotitfobile lobekangasilutfo lobuya esigodzini sakwanongoma, kwazulunatal, silondiwe magwaza loneminyaka le23 wancoba tihibe letinengi kute aphumelelise liphupho lakhe lekuba ngumphatsi wetekwakha.\n","score":0.8564195} -{"eng":"personal care services, including hairdressing and beauty services.\n","ssw":"imisebenti yekutinakekela, lefaka kwenta tinwele nemisebenti yekutimonyonga.\n","score":0.8317075} -{"eng":"a team of detectives has been assigned to deal with the murders and are working closely with local communities.\n","ssw":"licembu lebaphenyi lini kwe umsebenti wekutsi libukane nalokubulawa kwebantfu futsi lisebe ntisana nemimango ye ndzawo.\n","score":0.8298125} -{"eng":"important as these relief measures are now, we will not be able to sustain them indefinitely.\n","ssw":"njengekubaluleka kwaletinyatselo tekulekelela nyalo, singeke sikwati kutigcina ngalokuchubekako.\n","score":0.82183295} -{"eng":"this occasion marks the anniversary of the day in 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the union buildings \u2013 a great sea of womankind speaking many languages, from different places and of all races.\n","ssw":"lesikhatsi sekugubha lusuku lwekukhumbula nga1956 ngesikhatsi bomake laba20 000 bashuca baya eunion buildings \u2013 sicuku lesikhulu sabomake lebe sikhuluma tilwimi letinengi, labe bavela etindzaweni letahlukene futsi bato tonkhe tinhlanga.\n","score":0.90331197} -{"eng":"if children younger than five have watery stools, keep vomiting and are tired, seek medical help immediately.\n","ssw":"nangabe bantfwana labangephasi kweminyaka lesihlanu babonakala batikhulula emangcoliso abo lamanti, babonakala bahlanta futsi bakhatsele, tfola lusito lwetekwelashwa masinyane.\n","score":0.8476932} -{"eng":"in this regard, one of our most effective weapons in the fight against corruption and state capture is the special tribunal of the special investigating unit (siu), which i established in 2019. it adjudicates on matters that the siu institutes for civil litigation after it has concluded its investigations.\n","ssw":"mayelana naloku, sinye setikhali tetfu lesinemandla kakhulu kutsi silwe nenkhohlakalo nekubanjwa kwembuso ngabhongwane inkhundla yetebulungiswa lekhetsekile yeluphiko lwetekuphenya lolu khetsekile (isiu), lenga yisungula nga2019.\n","score":0.81790733}