--- annotations_creators: - machine-generated - expert-generated language: - en language_creators: - found license: - mit multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: KQA-Pro size_categories: - 10K': { 'name': str, 'instanceOf': ['', ''], # ids of parent concept } }, 'entities': # excluding concepts { '': { 'name': str, 'instanceOf': ['', ''], # ids of parent concept 'attributes': [ { 'key': str, # attribute key 'value': # attribute value { 'type': 'string'/'quantity'/'date'/'year', 'value': float/int/str, # float or int for quantity, int for year, 'yyyy/mm/dd' for date 'unit': str, # for quantity }, 'qualifiers': { '': # qualifier key, one key may have multiple corresponding qualifier values [ { 'type': 'string'/'quantity'/'date'/'year', 'value': float/int/str, 'unit': str, }, # the format of qualifier value is similar to attribute value ] } }, ] 'relations': [ { 'predicate': str, 'object': '', # NOTE: it may be a concept id 'direction': 'forward'/'backward', 'qualifiers': { '': # qualifier key, one key may have multiple corresponding qualifier values [ { 'type': 'string'/'quantity'/'date'/'year', 'value': float/int/str, 'unit': str, }, # the format of qualifier value is similar to attribute value ] } }, ] } } } ``` ### How to run SPARQLs and programs We implement multiple baselines in our [codebase](https://github.com/shijx12/KQAPro_Baselines), which includes a supervised SPARQL parser and program parser. In the SPARQL parser, we implement a query engine based on [Virtuoso](https://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource.git). You can install the engine based on our [instructions](https://github.com/shijx12/KQAPro_Baselines/blob/master/SPARQL/README.md), and then feed your predicted SPARQL to get the answer. In the program parser, we implement a rule-based program executor, which receives a predicted program and returns the answer. Detailed introductions of our functions can be found in our [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.03875). ### How to submit results of test set You need to predict answers for all questions of test set and write them in a text file **in order**, one per line. Here is an example: ``` Tron: Legacy Palm Beach County 1937-03-01 The Queen ... ``` Then you need to send the prediction file to us by email , we will reply to you with the performance as soon as possible. To appear in the learderboard, you need to also provide following information: - model name - affiliation - open-ended or multiple-choice - whether use the supervision of SPARQL in your model or not - whether use the supervision of program in your model or not - single model or ensemble model - (optional) paper link - (optional) code link ### Licensing Information MIT License ### Citation Information If you find our dataset is helpful in your work, please cite us by ``` @inproceedings{KQAPro, title={{KQA P}ro: A Large Diagnostic Dataset for Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Base}, author={Cao, Shulin and Shi, Jiaxin and Pan, Liangming and Nie, Lunyiu and Xiang, Yutong and Hou, Lei and Li, Juanzi and He, Bin and Zhang, Hanwang}, booktitle={ACL'22}, year={2022} } ``` ### Contributions Thanks to [@happen2me](https://github.com/happen2me) for adding this dataset.