import numpy as np import pyarrow as pa from dora import DoraStatus X = 0 # left-right: [-1,1] Y = 0 SPEED = 0.5 # pitch-axis angle in degrees(int): [-55, 55] PITCH = 0 # yaw-axis angle in degrees(int): [-55, 55] ROTATION = 0 # RGB LED(int) [0, 255] RGB = [0, 0, 0] BRIGHTNESS = [0] # [0, 128] GOAL_OBJECTIVES = [X, Y, 0] GIMBAL_POSITION_GOAL = [PITCH, ROTATION] CAMERA_WIDTH = 960 CAMERA_HEIGHT = 540 def do_rectangles_overlap(rect1, rect2): """ Check if two rectangles overlap. Each rectangle is defined by two points (x1, y1, x2, y2) where (x1, y1) is the top left corner, and (x2, y2) is the bottom right corner. """ # Extract coordinates [x11, y11, x12, y12] = rect1 [x21, y21, x22, y22] = rect2 # Check for overlap return not (x12 < x21 or x22 < x11 or y12 < y21 or y22 < y11) def estimated_distance(y): return ((12 * 22) / (y - (CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2))) / 2.77 - 0.08 class Operator: def __init__(self): self.position = [0, 0, 0] self.gimbal_position = [0, 0] self.brightness = [0] self.rgb = [0, 0, 0] self.bboxs = [] self.objects_distances = [] def on_event( self, dora_event: dict, send_output, ) -> DoraStatus: global X, Y, SPEED, PITCH, ROTATION, RGB, BRIGHTNESS, GOAL_OBJECTIVES, GIMBAL_POSITION_GOAL # print("ROTATION", ROTATION, flush=True) if dora_event["type"] != "INPUT": return DoraStatus.CONTINUE if dora_event["id"] == "bbox": bboxs = dora_event["value"].to_numpy() self.bboxs = np.reshape( bboxs, (-1, 6) ) # [ min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, confidence, label ] if len(self.bboxs) > 0: self.objects_distances = estimated_distance(self.bboxs) elif dora_event["id"] == "position": [x, y, z, gimbal_pitch, gimbal_yaw] = dora_event["value"].to_numpy() self.position = [x, y, z] self.gimbal_position = [gimbal_pitch, gimbal_yaw] direction = np.clip( np.array(GOAL_OBJECTIVES) - np.array(self.position), -1, 1 ) print("position ", dora_event["value"].to_numpy(), flush=True) print(direction, flush=True) if any(abs(direction) > 0.1): x = direction[0] y = direction[1] z = direction[2] print("control ", x, y, z, flush=True) send_output( "control", pa.array([x, y, 0, SPEED, 0]), dora_event["metadata"], ) if abs(gimbal_pitch - PITCH) > 0.2 or abs(gimbal_yaw - ROTATION) > 0.2: send_output( "gimbal_control", pa.array([PITCH, ROTATION, 20, 20]), dora_event["metadata"], ) if RGB != self.rgb: send_output( "led", pa.array(RGB), dora_event["metadata"], ) self.rgb = RGB if BRIGHTNESS != self.brightness: send_output( "blaster", pa.array(BRIGHTNESS), dora_event["metadata"], ) self.brightness = BRIGHTNESS return DoraStatus.CONTINUE