## Summary Metadata information of all the models uploaded on [HuggingFace modelhub](https://huggingface.co/models) Dataset was last updated on 15th June 2021. Contains information on 10,354 models (v1). Only `train` dataset is provided ## Loading data ```python from datasets import load_dataset modelhub_dataset = load_dataset("dk-crazydiv/huggingface-modelhub") ``` ### Useful commands: ```python modelhub_dataset["train"] # Access train subset (the only subset available) modelhub_dataset["train"][0] # Access the dataset elements by index modelhub_dataset["train"].features # Get the columns present in the dataset. ``` ### Sample dataset: ```json { "files": [ ".gitattributes", "README.md", "config.json", "pytorch_model.bin", "spiece.model", "tf_model.h5", "tokenizer.json", "with-prefix-tf_model.h5" ], "lastModified": "2021-01-13T15:08:24.000Z", "modelId": "albert-base-v1", "pipeline_tag": "fill-mask", "publishedBy": "huggingface", "tags": [ "pytorch", "tf", "albert", "masked-lm", "en", "dataset:bookcorpus", "dataset:wikipedia", "arxiv:1909.11942", "transformers", "exbert", "license:apache-2.0", "fill-mask" ], "modelCard": "..." } ``` ## Bugs: Please report any bugs/improvements to me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/kartik_godawat)