# llg/loader.py import os import h5py import numpy as np import PIL.Image as Image script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) datafile_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "../raw/LLD-logo.hdf5") with h5py.File(datafile_path, "r") as throwaway: samples_count: int = len(throwaway["data"]) def gen_samples( labels: list[str] = ["data", "meta_data/names"], datafile_path: str = datafile_path ): # open hdf5 file with h5py.File(datafile_path, "r") as hdf5_file: count = len(hdf5_file["data"]) i = 0 while i < count: result = {} if "data" in labels: shape = hdf5_file["shapes"][i] images = hdf5_file["data"][i][:, : shape[1], : shape[2]] result["data"] = images.astype(np.uint8) for label in [l for l in labels if l != "data"]: result[label] = hdf5_file[label][i] yield result i += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sample = next(gen_samples()) name = sample["meta_data/names"] images = sample["data"] print(name) image_pil = Image.fromarray(images[2]) image_pil.show()