,file_name,transcription,length_seconds,sampling_rate,gender,age,class,location,speaker_id 0,data/acoupleofyearsago.wav,a couple of youars ago,2.450997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 1,data/allthegirlsareaway.wav,all the girls are away,2.450997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 2,data/allthetime.wav,all the time,1.480997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 3,data/Andhewassmilingthefirsttimeindays.wav,And he was smiling; the first time in days,4.634761905,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 4,data/AndIneedtogethomethewifeshellbegoingfuckingmentalshellbecrackingup.wav,"And I need to get home, the wife, she_l be going fucking mental, she_l be cracking up",9.333310658,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 5,data/andimlikethat.wav,and i\'m like that,2.07399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 6,data/andivewentlikethattohim.wav,and i\'ve went like that to him,2.332993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 7,data/anythingelseyouwanttosay.wav,anything else you want to say,2.739002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 8,data/areyoualright.wav,are you alright,1.73,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 9,data/areyounotgoing.wav,are you not going,1.921995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 10,data/areyouoffyournut.wav,are you off your nut,2.161995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 11,data/aroundaboutSaturday.wav,around about Saturday,2.161995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 12,data/awaytogetmyshopping.wav,away to get my shopping,2.882993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 13,data/backtomyhouse.wav,back to my house,2.090997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 14,data/Beforeitallkickedoff.wav,Before it all kicked off,2.30600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 15,data/BeinghonestitscauseIwasonthebevylastnightfuckknowswhathappenedexceptIvedonethedough.wav,"Being honest, it_s cause I was on the bevy last night; fuck knows what happened except I_e done the dough",8.917301587,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 16,data/Buthehaddecided.wav,But he had decided,3.390113379,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 17,data/ButhewasreadyandhewaslettingthemknowhewasreadyanditwasallhecoulddonotolaughImeanreallyitwouldgetoutofcontrolinaminutehewasgonygetfuckinghystericalorsomething.wav,"But he was ready, and he was letting them know he was ready and it was all he could do no to laugh I mean really it would get out of control in a minute he was going to get fucking hysterical or something",14.57984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 18,data/ButSammyknewbetterandkepthiseyesonthemheshiftedhisstancerelaxinghiskneesgettinghimselfready.wav,"But Sammy knew better and kept his eyous on them; he shifted his stance, relaxing his knees, getting himself ready",9.664648526,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 19,data/Butthereitwasagainhefeltgoodhefeltreallyfuckinggood.wav,But there it was again - he felt good; he felt really fucking good,7.289909297,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 20,data/Butthesesodjersmanifyerenoafuckingmillionaireorelsetalkwiththerightvoicetheydontgiveafuck.wav,"But these soldiers man if you're not a fucking millionaire or else talk with the right voice, they dont give a fuck",8.781043084,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 21,data/calmyourselfdown.wav,calm yourself down,1.814988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 22,data/Comeonthen.wav,Come on then,1.592018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 23,data/Comfortable.wav,Comfortable,2.485192744,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 24,data/Doyouknowhisbrother.wav,Do you know his brother,1.174013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 25,data/DoyouknowwhatImean.wav,Do you know what I mean,1.801995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 26,data/DoyouknowwhatIwanttotalkabout.wav,Do you know what I want to talk about,1.88600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 27,data/Dontgetmewrong.wav,Don\'t get me wrong,1.75399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 28,data/fillitupwithwood.wav,fill it up with wood,1.945986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 29,data/Fuckoff.wav,Fuck off,1.93292517,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 30,data/Fuckthemall.wav,Fuck them all,2.519365079,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 31,data/Fuckthem.wav,Fuck them,2.17106576,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 32,data/givemeabreak.wav,give me a break,2.333015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 33,data/halfanhour.wav,half an hour,2.161995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 34,data/HalfthefootballgameswerecancelledonSaturday.wav,Half the football games were cancelled on Saturday,3.037981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 35,data/hecanthelphimself.wav,he can\'t help himself,2.592993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 36,data/hedoesntknowwhatheistalkingabout.wav,he doesn\'t know what he is talking about,2.488004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 37,data/hedoesntlisten.wav,he doesn\'t listen,2.450997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 38,data/Hedonetherightthing.wav,He done the right thing,1.401995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 39,data/Hegavehiselbowsandthearseofhistrousersasmacktogetridofanydirtandfeltabigdamppatchwherehehadbeensitting.wav,"He gave his elbows and the arse of his trousers a smack to get rid of any dirt, and felt a big damp patch where he had been sitting",10.65795918,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 40,data/hekeepsgoinglikethattome.wav,he keeps going like that to me,1.774013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 41,data/hekepttryingtodoit.wav,he kept trying to do it,2.065986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 42,data/Heknowswhathesdoing.wav,He knows what he\'s doing,1.547006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 43,data/Helovesallthat.wav,He loves all that,1.371995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 44,data/hesentherflowers.wav,he sent her flowers,2.235011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 45,data/Hesettledthejacketbackonhisshoulderstuggingitdownatthefrontcheckedtoseeifhewaswearingatiecoursehewasnaywearingatie.wav,"He settled the jacket back on his shoulders, tugging it down at the front, checked to see if he was wearing a tie of course he wasn't wearing a tie",9.868480726,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 46,data/Hesmiled.wav,He smiled,2.429977324,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 47,data/Hewassmilingagainthenhewipeditoffandhefollowedbehindthemhandsinhistrouserpocketsuntiltheystoppedforaweereccyandhegotintothemimmediately.wav,"He was smiling again, then he wiped it off, and he followed behind them, hands in his trouser pockets, until they stopped for a wee reccy; and he got into them immediately; and you could see they didnay like it; them in their civvy clobber man they didn't like it",19.84145125,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 48,data/hesalwayswearingtheytrousers.wav,he\'s always wearing they trousers,3.02,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 49,data/hesbeenonit.wav,he\'s been on it,1.454988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 50,data/hesdoingsomething.wav,he\'s doing something,1.866984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 51,data/hesgivinghimallsortsofabuse.wav,he\'s giving him all sorts of abuse,2.299002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 52,data/hesgivingit.wav,he\'s giving it,2.074013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 53,data/hesgotmyheadphones.wav,he\'s got my head phones,2.52600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 54,data/heshandingoutchocolate.wav,he\'s handing out chocolate,2.739002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 55,data/Heskickingabout.wav,He\'s kicking about,1.812018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 56,data/Hesnotintoit.wav,He\'s not into it,1.648004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 57,data/HehmateIneedapound.wav,Heh mate I need a pound,3.808072562,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 58,data/heresanotherthingaswell.wav,here\'s another thing aswell,2.450997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 59,data/honesttogodman.wav,honest to god man,2.017981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 60,data/howamIgoingtogethome.wav,how am I going to get home,1.924013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 61,data/Iamveryexcited.wav,I am very excited,2.019002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 62,data/Icantremember.wav,I can\'t remember,1.791995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 63,data/Icantthink.wav,I can\'t think,2.018004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 64,data/Icantwait.wav,I can\'t wait,1.69,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 65,data/Icouldntmakethemout.wav,I couldn\'t make them out,2.306984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 66,data/Ididntthinkaboutthat.wav,I didn\'t think about that,2.379002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 67,data/Idontlikethosephotos.wav,I don\'t like those photos,3.027006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 68,data/Idontlikeasking.wav,I dont like asking,2.681904762,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 69,data/Igotmorethanthat.wav,I got more than that,2.085986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 70,data/IhadmywagestooandtheyregonesomebastardsfuckingrobbedmeIthink.wav,"I had my wages too and they_e gone, some bastard_ fucking robbed me I think",7.263514739,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 71,data/Ihadthataswell.wav,I had that as well,1.977006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 72,data/Ihavetosay.wav,I have to say,1.971995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 73,data/Iknow.wav,I know,1.701995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 74,data/Iknowwhereyourecomingfrom.wav,I know where you\'re coming from,1.986984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 75,data/Ilikeyourgutties.wav,I like your gutties,2.195986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 76,data/Isaidtohiminthecar.wav,I said to him in the car,2.360997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 77,data/Itextyoutheotherday.wav,I text you the other day,2.162018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 78,data/Ithinkhehas.wav,I think he has,1.637006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 79,data/Itoldyouthatalready.wav,I told you that already,2.470997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 80,data/Itriedtophonehim.wav,I tried to phone him,2.250997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 81,data/Iwasgutted.wav,I was gutted,2.88399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 82,data/Iwasontheflighthome.wav,I was on the flight home,2.594988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 83,data/illtellyouthis.wav,i\'ll tell you this,1.814988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 84,data/Illtellyouwhat.wav,I\'ll tell you what,2.090997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 85,data/Imnotdoingit.wav,I\'m not doing it,2.162018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 86,data/Imnotgoingtodoittonight.wav,I\'m not going to do it tonight,2.739002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 87,data/Imstandingtherelikethat.wav,I\'m standing there like that,2.95600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 88,data/Ivealreadygotoneofthem.wav,I\'ve already got one of them,2.162993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 89,data/Ivewentoutfordrinkswithhim.wav,I\'ve went out for drinks with him,2.03399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 90,data/isthatenoughforyou.wav,is that enough for you,1.94600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 91,data/isthatnotquitegood.wav,is that not quite good,1.948004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 92,data/Itliterallywas.wav,It literally was,2.594988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 93,data/Itwasherehemadethedecision.wav,It was here he made the decision,3.71,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 94,data/Itsdoingmyheadin.wav,It\'s doing my head in,2.140997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 95,data/itswatereddown.wav,it\'s watered down,2.031995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 96,data/KnowwhatImsayingthefirsttimeindayshewasabletosmile.wav,"Know what I_m saying, the first time in days, he was able to smile",4.690430839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 97,data/KnowwhatImtalkingaboutnowadaysyerenosafewalkingthestreets.wav,"Know what I_m talking about, nowadays, you_e not safe walking the streets",5.74154195,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 98,data/Moveit.wav,Move it,2.153854875,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 99,data/Mydad.wav,My dad,2.235011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 100,data/myneckofthewoods.wav,my neck of the woods,1.877981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 101,data/mytoothsinmyhand.wav,my tooths in my hand,2.74,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 102,data/NawbutImtellingye.wav,No but I_m telling you,2.264285714,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 103,data/NawhesaidImanagedtotaphalfaquidalreadybutIneedanothernickersothatshowImaskingforthatapoundtogetatrainhomeImeanfiftypeesnaygoodtonaycuntknowwhatImtalkingaboutitsthirtybobornothing.wav,"No, he said, I managed to tap half a quid already but I need another nicker, so that_ how I_ asking for that, a pound, to get a train home, I mean fifty pee_ no good to no cunt, know what I_ talking about, it_ thirty bob or nothing",18.6114059,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 104,data/nobother.wav,no bother,2.378004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 105,data/oneofthebestthingsIveeverseen.wav,one of the best things I\'ve ever seen,2.689002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 106,data/oneofyourmates.wav,one of your mates,1.55600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 107,data/overthemountains.wav,over the mountains,2.450997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 108,data/Peoplewereputoff.wav,People were put off,2.162993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 109,data/rememberhesaidthat.wav,remember he said that,1.424988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 110,data/Rightthereandthen.wav,Right there and then,2.649886621,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 111,data/Sammyjustsniffedandstoodtherelookingathimlikehewastotallyfuckingperplexedbythisunexpectedknockback.wav,Sammy just sniffed and stood there looking at him like he was totally fucking perplexed by this unexpected knockback,9.333310658,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 112,data/Sammyshrugged.wav,Sammy shrugged,2.229115646,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 113,data/Scratchingmyhead.wav,Scratching my head,2.141020408,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 114,data/shewasgreetingonthephone.wav,she was greeting on the phone,2.883015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 115,data/shewasnthavingit.wav,she wasn\'t having it,2.20399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 116,data/SoSammygotinfastandcontrolled.wav,"So Sammy got in fast and controlled: Naw, he said, being honest, I had the wages and went straight into the boozer with a couple of mates; and one thing led to another; I woke up in the outer limits somewhere, you need twenty-two buses to get back home, know what I mean, wild! That was the early hours this morning; all I had was the fare back into the city",29.88811791,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 117,data/Tenseasfuckbutcomfortableatthesametime.wav,"Tense as fuck, but comfortable at the same time",3.700204082,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 118,data/thatgivesmethefearman.wav,"that gives me the fear, man ",2.41600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 119,data/ThatsnotwhatIgottold.wav,That\'s not what I got told,2.360997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 120,data/TheguynearestSammylookedabitpuzzledbythisirritatingbehaviourhesquintedathismateforasecondopinion.wav,The guy nearest Sammy looked a bit puzzled by this irritating behaviour; he squinted at his mate for a second opinion,11.76328798,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 121,data/ThensodjernumbergaveaquickjerkoftheheadandthatwasthatfuckitmanImgonyhityouyabastardifyesomuchas.wav,"Then soldier number gave a quick jerk of the head and that was that, fuck it man I_ going to hit you, you bastard if you so much as",12.37678005,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 122,data/thereissomethingnotrightaboutthat.wav,there is something not right about that,2.593015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 123,data/therewerefourofus.wav,there were four of us,2.085986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 124,data/therestheyoungteam.wav,there\'s the young team,1.921995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 125,data/Theywereplayingfortimekiddingontheywerenayinterested.wav,"They were playing for time, kidding on they weren't interested",6.848117914,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 126,data/theywerenthavingit.wav,they weren\'t having it,2.20399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 127,data/theyreallinthehouse.wav,they\'re all in the house,2.234013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 128,data/thingme.wav,thingmay,1.657006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 129,data/thisfootballteamarebad.wav,this football team are bad,2.181995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 130,data/thisguysbrandnew.wav,this guy\'s brand new,2.522993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 131,data/turnthatdown.wav,turn that down,1.946984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 132,data/twohundred.wav,two hundred,1.585986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 133,data/wasntit.wav,wasn\'t it,1.73,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 134,data/watchwhatyourdoing.wav,watch what your doing,2.593015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 135,data/wewouldallhangabouttogether.wav,we would all hang about together,2.739002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 136,data/Wereoutwiththekids.wav,We\'re out with the kids,2.882993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 137,data/Wereyoufightingattheweekend.wav,Were you fighting at the weekend,2.580997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 138,data/WhatamIlike.wav,What am I like,2.379002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 139,data/whatareyoutalkingabout.wav,what are you talking about,2.20600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 140,data/whatareyouupto.wav,what are you up to,1.87399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 141,data/Whatdayisitbytheway.wav,What day is it by the way?,3.700181406,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 142,data/whatdoyoucallhim.wav,what do you call him,1.355986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 143,data/Whatisit.wav,What is it,1.801995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 144,data/wheredoIknowyoufrom.wav,where do I know you from,2.207006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 145,data/wherewereyouplural.wav,where were you,1.69,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 146,data/Whocares.wav,Who cares,3.088253968,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 147,data/Whosthatfor.wav,Who\'s that for,1.537981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 148,data/YafuckingidiotTheonethatspokehadhishandupcoveringhismouthlikehewashidingthefacthewastalking.wav,You fucking idiot The one that spoke had his hand up covering his mouth like he was hiding the fact he was talking,8.007868481,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 149,data/YealrightmateYegotasoretooth.wav,You alright mate? You got a sore tooth?,3.921088435,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 150,data/Yedontknowwhoswalkingthestreetsthesedays.wav,You dont know who_s walking the streets these days,4.295623583,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 151,data/yes.wav,yous,1.87399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 152,data/yesheisalright.wav,"yous, he is alright ",2.018004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 153,data/Youjustpulledthatrightoutofyourass.wav,You just pulled that right out of your arse,2.432018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 154,data/Youshouldbedoingthatallthetime.wav,You should be doing that all the time,2.281995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 155,data/Youreclimbingtothetop.wav,You\'re climbing to the top,2.360997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 156,data/book0.wav,You wake in a corner,1.965986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 157,data/book1.wav,and stay there,1.58,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 158,data/book2.wav,hoping your body will disappear,3.084013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 159,data/book3.wav,the thoughts smothering you,2.929002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 160,data/book4.wav,these thoughts,2.080997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 161,data/book5.wav,but you want to remember,2.004988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 162,data/book6.wav,and face up to things,2.197006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 163,data/book7.wav,just something keeps you from doing it,3.352993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 164,data/book8.wav,why can you not do it,1.888004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 165,data/book9.wav,the words filling your head,2.890997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 166,data/book10.wav,then the other words,2.23600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 167,data/book11.wav,there's something wrong,2.12,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 168,data/book12.wav,there's something far far wrong,3.199002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 169,data/book13.wav,you're not a good man,2.312993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 170,data/book14.wav,you're just not a good man,2.968004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 171,data/book15.wav,"Edging back into awareness, of where you are",4.354988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 172,data/book16.wav,"here, slumped in this corner",3.315011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 173,data/book17.wav,with these thoughts filling you,2.890997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 174,data/book18.wav,And oh christ his back was sore,3.58399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 175,data/book19.wav,stiff,1.349002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 176,data/book20.wav,and the head pounding,1.96600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 177,data/book21.wav,He shivered and hunched up his shoulders,3.238004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 178,data/book22.wav,shut his eyes,2.350997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 179,data/book23.wav,rubbed into the corners with his fingertips,3.58399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 180,data/book24.wav,seeing all kinds of spots and lights,3.855011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 181,data/book25.wav,Where in the name of fuck,3.469002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 182,data/audio2.wav,"He was here, he was leaning against old rusty palings, with pointed spikes",7.287006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 183,data/audio237.wav,"so he just exchanged them, stuck on the trainer shoes",4.685986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 184,data/audio21.wav,some missing or broke off,3.065986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 185,data/audio22.wav,And he looked again and saw it was a wee bed of grassy weeds,5.737006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 186,data/audio23.wav,that was what he was sitting on,3.021995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 187,data/audio24.wav,His feet were back in view,2.715011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 188,data/audio25.wav,He studied them,2.19,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 189,data/audio26.wav,he was wearing an old pair of trainer shoes for fuck sake,5.692993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 190,data/audio27.wav,where had they come from,2.19,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 191,data/audio28.wav,he had never seen them before man,2.89,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 192,data/audio29.wav,old fucking trainer shoes,2.890997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 193,data/audio210.wav,The laces weren't even tied,2.803015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 194,data/audio211.wav,Where was his leathers,2.495986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 195,data/audio212.wav,A new pair of leathers man,2.628004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 196,data/audio213.wav,he got them a fortnight ago,2.232993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 197,data/audio214.wav,and now,1.139002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 198,data/audio215.wav,here they were fucking missing man,3.328004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 199,data/audio216.wav,know what I'm saying,1.79600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 200,data/audio218.wav,somebody must have blagged them,2.802993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 201,data/audio219.wav,miserable bastards,2.058004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 202,data/audio220.wav,what chance you got,1.882993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 203,data/audio221.wav,And then left him with these,3.06600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 204,data/audio222.wav,Some fucking deal,2.627981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 205,data/audio223.wav,Unless they thought he was dead,2.277006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 206,data/audio224.wav,"fair enough, you could see that",3.152993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 207,data/audio225.wav,some poor cunt scratching himself and thinking,3.46,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 208,data/audio226.wav,nobody's there,1.66399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 209,data/audio227.wav,nobody's there,1.489002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 210,data/audio228.wav,so why no just take them,2.14600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 211,data/audio229.wav,the guy's dead,1.88399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 212,data/audio230.wav,take them,1.62,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 213,data/audio231.wav,better that than them just sitting there going to waste,4.029002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 214,data/audio232.wav,disintegrating christ sake,3.240997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 215,data/audio233.wav,why not just take them,1.751995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 216,data/audio234.wav,Fucking bastard he should have checked properly,4.379002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 217,data/audio235.wav,Maybe he did,1.927006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 218,data/audio236.wav,and saw he wasn't dead after all,2.497006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 219,data/audio3.wav,Fuck it. He shook his head and glanced up the way,4.79399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 220,data/audio31.wav,"people, there was people there",3.878004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 221,data/audio32.wav,eyes looking,2.100997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 222,data/audio33.wav,These eyes looking,2.262018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 223,data/audio34.wav,Terrible brightness,2.64,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 224,data/audio35.wav,and he had to shield his own cause of it,3.284988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 225,data/audio36.wav,like they were godly figures,2.748004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 226,data/audio37.wav,and the light coming from them was godly or something,4.092993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 227,data/audio38.wav,but it must just have been the sun high behind them shining down over their shoulders,6.249002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 228,data/audio39.wav,Maybe they were tourists,2.585011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 229,data/audio310.wav,they might have been tourists,2.100997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 230,data/audio311.wav,strangers to the city for some big fucking business event,4.74,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 231,data/audio312.wav,And here they were courtesy of the town council promotions office,5.547981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 232,data/audio313.wav,being guided round by some beautiful female publicity officer,5.009002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 233,data/audio314.wav,with the smart tailored suit and scarlet lips with this wee quiet smile,7.32600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 234,data/audio315.wav,seeing him here,2.100997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 235,data/audio316.wav,but obliged not to hide things,2.855011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 236,data/audio317.wav,to take them everywhere in the line of duty,3.661995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 237,data/audio318.wav,these gentlemen foreigners,3.231995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 238,data/audio319.wav,"so they could see it all, the lot",3.178004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 239,data/audio320.wav,it was probably part of the deal,2.800997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 240,data/audio321.wav,otherwise they weren't going to invest their hardwon fortunes,4.74,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 241,data/audio322.wav,that bottom line man sometimes it's necessary,4.79399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 242,data/audio323.wav,if you're a businessman,2.800997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 243,data/audio324.wav,know what I'm talking about,1.993015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 244,data/audio325.wav,"So fair enough, you play your part and give them a smile",5.494988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 245,data/audio326.wav,so they can tell you know a life different to this one where what you are is all,7.05600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 246,data/audio4.wav,"where what you are, that it's part of another type of whole",5.345986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 247,data/audio41.wav,that they know well because they've been told about it by the promotional events' organisers,6.992018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 248,data/audio42.wav,"So municipal solidarity man know what I'm saying, the bold Sammy gets to his feet",8.470997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 249,data/audio43.wav,Then he knelt to knot the laces on the trainers,3.948004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 250,data/audio44.wav,kidding on he wasn't shaking for fuck sake he was wearing his good trousers,6.415986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 251,data/audio45.wav,There was stains down them. How come he was wearing the good trousers man fucking bastard where the hell was his jeans,10.77501134,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 252,data/audio46.wav,"Ah fuck come on, get a grip",3.619002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 253,data/audio47.wav,"Up and walking, up and walking; showing here he wouldnay be stumbling, he wouldn't be toppling, he was fine",9.704988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 254,data/audio48.wav,"he was okay, he was doing it",3.29,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 255,data/audio49.wav,"the bold Sammy, he was doing it, he was on his way",5.510997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 256,data/audio410.wav,he was fucking going places; and he moved on and around down the lane,7.074013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 257,data/audio411.wav,and a guy here looking at him too,3.371995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 258,data/audio412.wav,How come they were all fucking looking at him?,3.536984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 259,data/audio413.wav,This one with his big beery face and these cunning wee eyes,6.004013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 260,data/audio414.wav,"then his old belted raincoat, shabby as fuck",4.359002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 261,data/audio415.wav,he was watching,2.220997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 262,data/audio416.wav,"not watching but fucking staring, staring right into Sammy",6.33399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 263,data/audio417.wav,christ maybe it was him stole the leathers,4.440997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 264,data/audio418.wav,Fuck you! Sammy gave him a look back then checked his pockets,6.004013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 265,data/audio419.wav,"he needed dough, a smoke, anything",4.605986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 266,data/audio420.wav,"anything at all man he needed some fucking thing instead of this, this staggering about, like some fucking down-and-out winey bastard",10.52900227,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 267,data/audio421.wav,He caught sight of the tourists again,3.043015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 268,data/audio422.wav,"Only they weren't tourists, not this time anyway",4.52399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 269,data/audio423.wav,"they were soldiers, fucking bastards, you could smell it; even without the uniforms",7.649002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 270,data/audio424.wav,"A mile away. Sammy knew them, you can always tell, their eyes",6.827006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 271,data/audio425.wav,"if you know these eyes then you always see them, these kind of eyes, they stay with you",7.730997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 272,data/audio426.wav,"And he even fuck he thought he knew them personally from somewhere, who knows.",9.459002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 273,data/31 May01.wav,Move it you fucking pest,2.509047619,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 274,data/31 May02.wav,This was soldier number 2 talking,2.469977324,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 275,data/31 May03.wav,then his hand was on Sammy's right shoulder and Sammy let him have it,4.832585034,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 276,data/31 May04.wav,a beautiful left cross man he fucking honered him one,5.154761905,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 277,data/31 May05.wav,right on the side of the jaw,2.196621315,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 278,data/31 May06.wav,and his fucking hand,2.167346939,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 279,data/31 May07.wav,it felt like he'd broke it,1.972063492,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 280,data/31 May08.wav,And soldier number 1 was grabbing at him,2.821451247,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 281,data/31 May09.wav,but Sammy's foot was back and he let him have it hard on the leg,5.115714286,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 282,data/31 May10.wav,and the guy squealed and dropped,2.899546485,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 283,data/31 May11.wav,and Sammy was off and running,2.225918367,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 284,data/31 May12.wav,cause one minute more and they would be back at him,3.953922902,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 285,data/31 May13.wav,for christ sake,2.216145125,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 286,data/31 May14.wav,these stupid fucking trainers man,3.534126984,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 287,data/31 May15.wav,his poor old toe,2.372358277,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 288,data/31 May16.wav,it felt like it was fucking broke,3.485328798,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 289,data/31 May17.wav,it was pinging,2.499274376,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 290,data/31 May18.wav,and he's running up the road,3.09478458,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 291,data/31 May19.wav,and right across the main drag without looking at all man,4.588526077,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 292,data/31 May20.wav,not bothering about traffic or fuck all,3.768435374,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 293,data/31 May21.wav,just straight on,1.913492063,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 294,data/31 May22.wav,eyes down,1.581587302,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 295,data/31 May23.wav,for a full house,1.757301587,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 296,data/31 May24.wav,on you go man,1.845170068,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 297,data/31 May25.wav,get to fuck,1.981836735,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 298,data/31 May26.wav,get to fuck,2.040430839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 299,data/31 May27.wav,and now he heard the chasing parties charging behind and shouting like they were right at his back,6.853469388,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 300,data/31 May28.wav,but Sammy was going like the auld clappers,3.514603175,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 301,data/31 May29.wav,till then he skidded on the pavement,2.782403628,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 302,data/31 May30.wav,nearly falling,1.884217687,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 303,data/31 May31.wav,and they were screaming,2.469977324,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 304,data/31 May32.wav,Get the bastard! fucking get him!,3.221723356,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 305,data/31 May33.wav,So angry!,1.767052154,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 306,data/31 May34.wav,Fucking hell man!,1.74755102,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 307,data/31 May35.wav,Sammy was laughing,2.089229025,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 308,data/31 May36.wav,"laughing, though it might have sounded like a snivel but he was laughing, definitely laughing",6.30675737,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 309,data/31 May37.wav,so pleased with himself,2.245442177,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 310,data/31 May38.wav,so fucking pleased!,2.050204082,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 311,data/31 May39.wav,and then his legs went wobbly like a clown's or a rag doll,4.110136054,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 312,data/31 May40.wav,and he could have done the splits,2.284489796,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 313,data/31 May41.wav,and he skidded,1.786575964,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 314,data/31 May42.wav,and now a sound like a crack at the base of his spine,3.670816327,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 315,data/31 May43.wav,and he was on the ground,1.854920635,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 316,data/31 May44.wav,splayed out on the pavement,2.557868481,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 317,data/untitled-1.wav,maybe; but nothing.,2.23553288,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 318,data/untitled-2.wav,He reached his hand over the bunk,2.279070295,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 319,data/untitled-3.wav,"and felt about the floor and found something, a shoe;",4.644603175,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 320,data/untitled-4.wav,he lifted it to in front of his face.,3.077256236,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 321,data/untitled-5.wav,He fucking smelled it man,2.104920635,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 322,data/untitled-6.wav,it was fucking ponging,2.279070295,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 323,data/untitled-7.wav,but he couldn't see it,1.829183673,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 324,data/untitled-8.wav,whose fucking shoes were they,1.988820862,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 325,data/untitled-9.wav,they weren't fucking his,2.104920635,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 326,data/untitled-10.wav,that was a certainty,1.771133787,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 327,data/untitled-11.wav,He was definitely blind but,2.23553288,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 328,data/untitled-12.wav,Fucking weird,1.509909297,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 329,data/untitled-13.wav,Wild.,1.466371882,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 330,data/untitled-14.wav,It didn't feel like a nightmare either,2.337120181,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 331,data/untitled-15.wav,that’s the funny thing,1.742108844,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 332,data/untitled-16.wav,Even psychologically.,2.221020408,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 333,data/untitled-17.wav,In fact it felt okay,2.525782313,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 334,data/untitled-18.wav,an initial wee flurry of excitement,2.540294785,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 335,data/untitled-19.wav,but not what you would call panic stations,3.019206349,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 336,data/untitled-20.wav,Like it was just a new predicament,2.162970522,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 337,data/untitled-21.wav,"Christ, it was even making him smile",2.830544218,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 338,data/untitled-22.wav,shaking his head at the very idea,3.077256236,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 339,data/untitled-23.wav,imagining himself telling people,2.903106576,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 340,data/untitled-24.wav,making Helen laugh,1.901746032,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 341,data/untitled-25.wav,"she would be annoyed as fuck but she would still find it funny, eventually",5.268639456,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 342,data/untitled-26.wav,once they had made it up,1.88723356,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 343,data/untitled-27.wav,the stupid fucking row they had had,2.946643991,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 344,data/untitled-28.wav,total misunderstanding man,2.49675737,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 345,data/untitled-29.wav,but it was fine now,1.785646259,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 346,data/untitled-30.wav,it would be fine,1.80015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 347,data/untitled-31.wav,once she saw him,1.596984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 348,data/untitled-32.wav,Now he was chuckling away to himself,2.612857143,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 349,data/untitled-33.wav,How the hell was it happening to him! It’s not as if he was earmarked for glory!,5.950725624,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 350,data/untitled-34.wav,"Even in practical terms, once the nonsense passed, he started thinking about it; this was a new stage in life, a development",11.45095238,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 351,data/untitled-35.wav,A new epoch! He needed to see Helen,4.049591837,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 352,data/untitled-36.wav,"He really needed to see her man if he could just see her, talk to her; just tell her the score",6.632811791,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 353,data/untitled-37.wav,"A fucking new beginning, that was what it was! He got out of bed and onto his feet and there was hardly a stumble",8.591995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 354,data/untitled-38.wav,"The old life was definitely over now man it was finished, fucking finished",6.037800454,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 355,data/untitled-39.wav,"He got down on his knees to feel the floor, cold but firm, cold but firm",7.953446712,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 356,data/untitled-40.wav,"The palms of his hands flat on it; he had this sensation of being somewhere else in the world and a music started in his head, a real real music, it was hypnotic, these instruments beating out the tumatumatumti tumatumatumti tum, tum; tum, ti tum; tum, tum; tum, ti tum, tumatumatumti tumatumatumti byong; byong byong byong byong byong; byong, byong byong, byong, byong byong",26.50038549,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 357,data/untitled-41.wav,"He was down now and rolled onto his back, lying there smiling, then with his face screwed up; shooting pains",9.375668934,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 358,data/untitled-42.wav,"He turned slow; getting onto his front, trying to ease it; the small of his back; shifting his hips a wee bit: then the pain was easing out, down into the right buttock, travelling down a bit more till it stopped, trapped: he moved his hips another couple of inches, and the pain travelled on, right the way down into his ankles and out through his toes, the space between the nails and the flesh; out, the pain travelling right the way out, and he felt good, really, it was fucking good, this kind of control over your body when it was sore, how you survive, how you survive",51.54891156,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 359,data/untitled-43.wav,And a whole crash of thoughts,2.511269841,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 360,data/untitled-44.wav,With one weird wee image to finish it all off: if this was permanent he wouldn't be able to see himself ever again,10.23190476,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 361,data/untitled-45.wav,Christ that was wild,3.048231293,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 362,data/untitled-46.wav,And he wouldn't see cunts looking at him,2.438707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 363,data/untitled-47.wav,Wild right enough,1.62600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 364,data/untitled-48.wav,What did it matter but what did it matter; cunts looking at you,5.312176871,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 365,data/untitled-49.wav,Who gives a fuck,2.046870748,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 366,data/untitled-50.wav,Just sometimes they bore their way,2.830544218,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 367,data/untitled-51.wav,you see the truth then about yourself.,2.888594104,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 368,data/untitled-52.wav,You see how you’re fixed forever.,2.772494331,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 369,data/untitled-53.wav,Stupid wee fucking arsehole.,2.438707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 370,data/untitled-54.wav,Laughing with the rest because you’re feart not to,3.672267574,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 371,data/untitled-55.wav,feart to stand out from the crowd,2.554807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 372,data/untitled-56.wav,you’re just a wee fucking coward,2.670907029,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 373,data/untitled-57.wav,trying to take the piss out an old woman man,2.946643991,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 374,data/untitled-58.wav,"pathetic, fucking pathetic.",3.527142857,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 375,data/untitled-59.wav,Ah!,0.9874603175,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 376,data/untitled-60.wav,Fuck it but we’re all weans at some time or another,4.006054422,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 377,data/untitled-61.wav,What’s the point in blaming yourself for other people’s problems,4.223741497,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 378,data/untitled-62.wav,Ye’ve got to get by; and you’ll not get by if you carry on like a halfwit,4.905827664,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 379,data/untitled-63.wav,"It was just Sammy feeling sorry for himself, plus being fucking physically fucking battered for christ sake it’s straightforward",10.0577551,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 380,data/untitled-64.wav,"Sometimes you wonder, you wonder",3.889954649,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 381,data/untitled-65.wav,Then this ringing in his ear,2.104920635,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 382,data/untitled-66.wav,"Two sounds, both in the left; the ordinary blood sound high up but this other one lower down, a fucking siren, wailing",11.87181406,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 383,data/untitled-67.wav,Then it stopped and he was left with the blood,3.338480726,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 384,data/untitled-68.wav,Then that was getting more high pitched,2.467732426,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 385,data/untitled-69.wav,It was like a fucking scream christ,2.714444444,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 386,data/untitled-70.wav,The hand propelled him forwards,2.888594104,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 387,data/untitled-71.wav,He went with it,1.306734694,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 388,data/untitled-72.wav,"And this voice saying, Dont worry yourself",3.265918367,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 389,data/untitled-73.wav,Whoever it was he was a sarcastic bastard,3.135306122,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 390,data/untitled-74.wav,Who gives a fuck,1.596984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 391,data/untitled-75.wav,Sammy couldn't care less,2.279070295,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 392,data/untitled-76.wav,Then he heard them laughing,2.090408163,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 393,data/untitled-77.wav,Still he didn't care,1.916258503,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 394,data/untitled-78.wav,Why the fuck should he,1.495396825,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 395,data/untitled-79.wav,"He wanted to tell them straight: Fuck you bastards I dont actually give a fuck, yous can laugh from here to fucking Mayday",8.72260771,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 396,data/untitled-80.wav,"The hand shoved him this time, it gripped his shoulder and sent him flying and he banged into a chair and went sideways trying to avoid it in some stupid way considering he had already hit the fucking thing and he landed on some cunt’s feet and whoever it was let out a yelp; then a laugh",21.31943311,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 397,data/untitled-81.wav,He’s assaulting us again! Fucking nerve of this guy!,3.686780045,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 398,data/untitled-82.wav,"Drunk and incapable, said another one, he can't admit it like a man but, says he’s lost his fucking eyesight somewhere!",8.89675737,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 399,data/untitled-83.wav,Anybody find an eyesight! There’s a guy here looking for an eyesight!,4.441428571,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 400,data/untitled-84.wav,This was followed by ha ha's all round,3.222380952,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 401,data/untitled-85.wav,Everything’s tactics and these were old ones,3.265918367,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 402,data/untitled-86.wav,So so what,1.742108844,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 403,data/untitled-87.wav,Sammy was in a warm place and he knew there was a change for the better,5.181564626,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 404,data/untitled-88.wav,"How did he know there was a change for the better? Ye can always tell, that’s how",6.197437642,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 405,data/untitled-89.wav,You develop a second sight with these bastards,3.062743764,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 406,data/untitled-90.wav,They maybe thought they had went too far with him,3.411043084,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 407,data/untitled-91.wav,Sit down,1.074535147,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 408,data/untitled-92.wav,Sammy stood where he was,1.62600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 409,data/untitled-93.wav,"You’re alright, sit down",1.771133787,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 410,data/untitled-94.wav,"Fuck it, Sammy moved his hand about and touched a chair, he felt round it and sat down, gripping the sides in case some funny cunt felt like giving it a kick",12.11852608,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 411,data/untitled-95.wav,Something was pressed into his hand,2.32260771,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 412,data/untitled-96.wav,It was a chain,1.36478458,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 413,data/untitled-97.wav,"His chain; gold, Helen had gave him it as a birthday present last October",5.936213152,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 414,data/untitled-98.wav,"There was some kind of symbolic thing about it, he couldn't mind but, what it was, what it meant",7.387460317,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 415,data/untitled-99.wav,"He fingered for the catch and opened it, put it round his neck and heard more laughter like they had conned him or something so he took it back and fingered it again to make sure it was his",12.88768707,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 416,data/untitled-100.wav,"But how could you tell, you couldn't",3.498117914,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 417,data/untitled-101.wav,More laughter,1.698571429,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 418,data/untitled-102.wav,"Fuck it man he stuck it in his pocket, then felt for the fly on his trousers to make sure he wasn't hanging out",7.648684807,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 419,data/untitled-103.wav,Things landed on his lap,2.525782313,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 420,data/untitled-104.wav,The lone-star belt and shoelaces,2.772494331,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 421,data/untitled-105.wav,Nothing else happened,1.771133787,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 422,data/untitled-106.wav,It was like they had lost interest,2.075895692,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 423,data/untitled-107.wav,A while went by,1.655034014,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 424,data/untitled-108.wav,There was a lot of toing and froing and funny kind of whooshing sounds,4.267278912,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 425,data/untitled-109.wav,"Now he heard voices, one was kind of posh, English",5.225102041,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 426,data/untitled-110.wav,Then more whooshing sounds and something came near to his head,3.875442177,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 427,data/untitled-111.wav,And doors opened and closed,2.133945578,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 428,data/untitled-112.wav,It felt like a big office he was in with occasional whirring noises like from some sort of speaking device,7.648684807,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 429,data/untitled-113.wav,"And always too there was the sound of a computer keyboard tap tapping away; and muttering, people muttering",9.288594104,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 430,data/untitled-114.wav,"He strained to hear what they were saying but his ears were definitely out and he got a sudden feeling he was going to fall off the fucking chair man he seemed about to keel over and he had to cling on, concentrating hard to stop it happening, he was dizzy, he was going to faint, he was going to fucking jesus christ almighty",25.7747619,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 431,data/untitled-115.wav,"a test, he remembered this test, a long time ago, it was in London, it was for a job, he had to sit it; him and another ten thousand and 96 guys, all stuck in a long corridor; people looking at them; stupid fucking questions; general knowledge shite; all bullshit man the whole fucking deal; and this arsehole in a sharp suit walking up and down, the mediator or something, there to see you didn't cheat, giving you piercing glances and all that you felt like setting about the cunt",41.88360544,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 432,data/untitled-116.wav,Fucking bampot he was,1.930770975,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 433,data/untitled-117.wav,And all these stupid questions,2.221020408,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 434,data/untitled-118.wav,"But you felt there was some key they had to crack your answers, and then the whole of your life would be there, all laid bare, all your dirty wee secrets; and them studying them when you were away home, logging the info into the central bank",17.4300907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 435,data/untitled-119.wav,These bastards,1.379297052,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 436,data/untitled-120.wav,You want to fucking,1.62600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 437,data/untitled-121.wav,what does it matter,1.190634921,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 438,data/untitled-122.wav,Who gives a fuck,1.727596372,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 439,data/untitled-123.wav,Life’s a dawdle if you give it a chance,2.438707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 440,data/untitled-124.wav,You do your crime you take your time,2.424195011,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 441,data/untitled-125.wav,Somebody was passing,1.97430839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 442,data/untitled-126.wav,Sammy turned his head in that direction: Heh you got a fag mate?,4.920340136,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 443,data/untitled-127.wav,A fag got put into his hand,2.293582766,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 444,data/untitled-128.wav,The old pyschology,1.611496599,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 445,data/untitled-129.wav,"The one place they acted like people was when they were in their own wee office going about their own wee bits of business, wage-earners, time-servers, waiting for the fucking tea-break",13.97612245,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 446,data/untitled-130.wav,A lighter snapped,2.017845805,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 447,data/untitled-131.wav,Sammy had the fag in his mouth; he had to hold it at the end at the same time,6.371587302,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 448,data/untitled-132.wav,The lighter snapped again and he felt the flame suddenly and jerked away from it:,4.978390023,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 449,data/untitled-133.wav,"Sorry, he said",1.582471655,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 450,data/untitled-134.wav,"The lighter snapped and he moved his fingers till he felt the flame and he kept sucking till eventually he sucked tobacco smoke, and it was in his nostrils and up at his eyes at the same time",12.90219955,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 451,data/untitled-135.wav,"Cheers mate, he said but spluttered",3.396530612,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 452,data/untitled-136.wav,An ashtray at your feet…,1.916258503,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 453,data/untitled-137.wav,"Sammy was still spluttering, and the tobacco went right to his brain",4.499478458,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 454,data/untitled-138.wav,"He inhaled again, feeling better",2.554807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 455,data/untitled-139.wav,Fuck them all; he settled back,2.467732426,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 456,data/untitled-140.wav,And time went on,1.480884354,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 457,data/untitled-141.wav,"And he was sitting there in this blank sort of void, the mind going in different directions",5.486326531,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 458,data/untitled-142.wav,"Not all nice either, not by any manner of means, because he hadn't led the best of lives",6.00877551,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 459,data/untitled-143.wav,Not the worst but not the best,2.49675737,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 460,data/untitled-144.wav,He had always been a bit stupid,1.843696145,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 461,data/untitled-145.wav,And there’s no cunt to blame for that except yourself,3.367505669,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 462,data/untitled-146.wav,Ye always come back to that same thing,1.945283447,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 463,data/untitled-147.wav,No point blaming the soldiers if you’ve landed into them in the first place; fuck sake man you can't blame them for giving you a doing,10.53666667,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 464,data/untitled-148.wav,"Sammy could throw a punch, he was quite a solid guy, and his knuckles were still sore, so was his right foot, so who are you going to blame? know what I’m talking about it was him woke up down the lane",15.81920635,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 465,data/untitled-149.wav,It was him fucking landed down the lane in the first place man how the fuck he got there I dont know,6.560249433,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 466,data/untitled-150.wav,"But nobody dragged him into the boozer and nobody filled his neck with booze, he did it himself; it was under his own control",8.954807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 467,data/untitled-151.wav,"He wasn't a fucking eedjit all together; just he acted that way, sometimes, when he felt like it",8.185646259,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 468,data/untitled-152.wav,No stewards’ enquiries but fuck it,3.396530612,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 469,data/untitled-153.wav,Old Helen as well,1.7130839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 470,data/untitled-154.wav,She would be doubly annoyed,2.366145125,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 471,data/untitled-155.wav,She would really fuck off this time,2.525782313,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 472,data/untitled-156.wav,That would be that,1.53893424,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 473,data/untitled-157.wav,Him back in the poky,1.988820862,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 474,data/untitled-158.wav,"That would be him man fucked, know what I mean, you want the mentality for how come he landed into the soldiers then you’ve got it, it’s all there, fucking Custer’s last stand",14.28088435,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 475,data/untitled-159.wav,Old Helen man fuck sake,3.149818594,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 476,data/untitled-160.wav,"Folk take a battering but, they do; they get born and they get brought up and they get fucked",7.576122449,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 477,data/untitled-161.wav,That’s the story; the cot to the fucking funeral pyre,4.354353741,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 478,data/untitled-162.wav,Fascinating-facts and Tales-from-the-poky,3.382018141,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 479,data/untitled-163.wav,"That one about the Samurai warriors, back in the olden days; their master gets done in by a rival – both of them are aristocrats, Shishkos or Shenkos; whatever you fucking call them – and the Samurai plot revenge on the baddies",19.18609977,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 480,data/untitled-164.wav,"So the leader and his son and the entire squad all split up for a year and go around leading vagabond lives, drinking and screwing and all that till the other guy and his team of baddies all get lulled into a false sense of security, they think the goody Samurai have fell by the wayside and there’s fuck all to worry about",22.00151927,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 481,data/untitled-165.wav,"And then, when everything’s fine and the timing’s right, the Samurai warriors regroup",6.473174603,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 482,data/untitled-166.wav,"And back they come to wreak revenge, a whole year later",4.615578231,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 483,data/untitled-167.wav,They do the cunts in,2.017845805,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 484,data/untitled-168.wav,Fucking straightforward,1.959795918,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 485,data/untitled-169.wav,"But then, after they’ve done them in, they turn round and fucking do themselves in, they commit hara-kiri",7.590634921,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 486,data/untitled-170.wav,"Because once their master’s dead, the old fucking Shishko man, once he’s dead, and the goody Samurai have had the revenge, then that’s them, they’re fucked, they’ve done their duty and the game’s a bogie, capisto, their life’s finished, end of story, they’ve got to go to the debowelling games, they stick the blade in their guts and start cutting lumps out",27.03734694,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 487,data/untitled-171.wav,A true story that,1.567959184,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 488,data/untitled-172.wav,According to the guy that told it to Sammy,2.395170068,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 489,data/untitled-173.wav,"Mind you he once told it to a woman and it annoyed her to fuck, she thought it was a load of bullshit, she thought he was trying to confuse her, some weird way of getting off with her, getting her mixed up between their story and his christ how fucking crazy can you get; women",19.63598639,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 490,data/untitled-174.wav,"It wasn't Helen by the way, the woman, but it might have been, might as well have been know what I’m saying",7.010136054,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 491,data/untitled-175.wav,"Funny how you tell people a story to make a point and you fail, you fail, a total disaster",7.401972789,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 492,data/untitled-176.wav,"Not only do you not make your point it winds up the exact fucking opposite man, the exact fucking opposite",7.924421769,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 493,data/untitled-177.wav,That isn't a misunderstanding it’s a total,3.686780045,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 494,data/untitled-178.wav,whatever,1.045510204,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 495,data/untitled-179.wav,"Mind you the woman was maybe right cause Sammy had added in a wee bit of his own when he telt it to her, he knocked it from a book he had read about this army officer and his wife; and they did the same, the debowelling games; duty and love all gets mixed up together",18.64913832,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 496,data/untitled-180.wav,"So she was probably right, he probably was trying to get off with her",3.831904762,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 497,data/untitled-181.wav,But so what? So fucking what? Males and females,3.948004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 498,data/untitled-182.wav,You do your wee dances christ almighty where’s the harm,3.64324263,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 499,data/untitled-183.wav,"Plus some folk, they’re never happy unless they’re giving you a sharp fucking talking to",5.370226757,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 500,data/untitled-184.wav,"Especially women, or else upper class bastards",3.846417234,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 501,data/untitled-185.wav,"You dont mind it so much if you fucking know them man but not if they’re fucking strangers, you’re just talking to them in a pub or something, know what I mean, fair enough with the wife or the girlfriend, your fucking grannie or something, but some of these other cunts man they think they know, they think they know and they fucking don't",22.27725624,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 502,data/untitled-186.wav,So fuck it,1.205147392,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 503,data/untitled-187.wav,"His back, it was sore",1.698571429,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 504,data/untitled-188.wav,"The spine especially; down there at the bottom, roundabout the lower ribs",4.905827664,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 505,data/untitled-189.wav,He had to stand up,1.408321995,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 506,data/untitled-190.wav,He stood up,1.205147392,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 507,data/untitled-191.wav,"He stepped half a pace to the left, then worked his hands in where it was hurting, massaging in with the tips of his fingers",8.562970522,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 508,data/JUN07untitled-1.wav,"His right foot kicked against something metal, solid",4.209229025,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 509,data/JUN07untitled-2.wav,Sit down,1.335759637,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 510,data/JUN07untitled-3.wav,Samuels: sit down,1.988820862,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 511,data/JUN07untitled-4.wav,I need to stretch my legs,1.988820862,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 512,data/JUN07untitled-5.wav,Just sit on your arse,1.596984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 513,data/JUN07untitled-6.wav,Can I not even get standing up?,2.380657596,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 514,data/JUN07untitled-7.wav,Thirty seconds,1.596984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 515,data/JUN07untitled-8.wav,Thanks,1.350272109,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 516,data/JUN07untitled-9.wav,That’s twenty of them,1.727596372,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 517,data/JUN07untitled-10.wav,"Twenty’s enough, said Sammy and he reached to feel for the chair and sat down",5.225102041,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 518,data/JUN07untitled-11.wav,Fuck them,1.176122449,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 519,data/JUN07untitled-12.wav,"He rubbed at the base of his spine then sat forwards, hands clasped on his knees",5.907188209,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 520,data/JUN07untitled-13.wav,He had a lot to consider,1.7130839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 521,data/JUN07untitled-14.wav,When you come to think about it,1.814671202,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 522,data/JUN07untitled-15.wav,And that’s what he had not been doing: thinking,3.541655329,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 523,data/JUN07untitled-16.wav,He had just been,1.567959184,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 524,data/JUN07untitled-17.wav,"who knows, who knows; his brains were all over the place",5.138027211,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 525,data/JUN07untitled-18.wav,"All the old ways of living, as if they’ll go on forever",3.701292517,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 526,data/JUN07untitled-19.wav,"Then you wake up and find yourself fucked, all gone man, that’s that",5.863650794,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 527,data/JUN07untitled-20.wav,"So okay, you have to accept it; what else can you do, there’s fuck all, everything’s fixed and settled as far as that’s concerned, it’s happened, past tense",13.67136054,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 528,data/JUN07untitled-21.wav,So now it’s down to you,1.655034014,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 529,data/JUN07untitled-22.wav,Sammy felt like another smoke,2.133945578,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 530,data/JUN07untitled-23.wav,He should have nipped the one that guy gave him instead of doing it all in,4.07861678,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 531,data/JUN07untitled-24.wav,He couldn't even remember finishing it,2.250045351,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 532,data/JUN07untitled-25.wav,The ashtray was beside his chair,2.438707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 533,data/JUN07untitled-26.wav,"He reached down to see if there was anything left to smoke, but couldnay find it – the ashtray I’m talking about, some cunt must have swiped it",9.796530612,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 534,data/JUN07untitled-27.wav,A hubbub started somewhere near but it was like there was a partition separating it from him,7.184285714,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 535,data/JUN07untitled-28.wav,He wasn't sure if it was because of the racket going on in his ears,4.136666667,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 536,data/JUN07untitled-29.wav,"Then too there was this radio playing pop music, droning on and on, oomba oomba oomba, didi oomba oomba oomba, didi oomba oomba oomba, the kind Sammy’s boy would have listened to – perfect for 15-year-old kids except it was these adult soldiers",20.62283447,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 537,data/JUN07untitled-30.wav,He wondered what station he was in,2.162970522,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 538,data/JUN07untitled-31.wav,He hadn't been up to taking notes on the drive,3.048231293,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 539,data/JUN07untitled-32.wav,But it was probably Hardie Street,1.785646259,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 540,data/JUN07untitled-33.wav,Who cares,1.089047619,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 541,data/JUN07untitled-34.wav,nobody would have gave him a sensible answer if he had asked,3.585192744,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 542,data/JUN07untitled-35.wav,You can't make contact with them; all you would have got was sarcasm and wee in-jokes,6.429637188,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 543,data/JUN07untitled-36.wav,"It wasn't just in the poky that happened I mean Sammy once went to work in a factory for ten minutes, down in England, and that’s the way it was",10.08678005,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 544,data/JUN07untitled-37.wav,It would have took a ten stretch to know what they were all giggling about,3.686780045,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 545,data/JUN07untitled-38.wav,"Fuck it man these things were over, long ago",2.859569161,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 546,data/JUN07untitled-39.wav,And that was what Helen couldn't grasp,2.569319728,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 547,data/JUN07untitled-40.wav,"He was hell of a weary but; drained, you know",3.599705215,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 548,data/JUN07untitled-41.wav,He was due to be mind you; the battering he had took,3.628730159,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 549,data/JUN07untitled-42.wav,Plus sometimes you just feel like drawing the curtains,3.411043084,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 550,data/JUN07untitled-43.wav,Getting the blankets over the head,2.177482993,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 551,data/JUN07untitled-44.wav,That was the way Sammy felt,2.177482993,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 552,data/JUN07untitled-45.wav,It wasn't the first doing he had had and sure as fuck it wouldn't be the last,5.065464853,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 553,data/JUN07untitled-46.wav,Noise,1.089047619,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 554,data/JUN07untitled-47.wav,A chair drawn up next to him,2.06138322,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 555,data/JUN07untitled-48.wav,"Somebody said: Right Samuels you’re a lucky man, we’re going to let you go, and with your record that’s something",8.417845805,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 556,data/JUN07untitled-49.wav,Who am I talking to?,1.669546485,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 557,data/JUN07untitled-50.wav,Dont be cheeky else you’ll end up in real bother,2.975668934,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 558,data/JUN07untitled-51.wav,With your form they’ll throw away the key,2.554807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 559,data/JUN07untitled-52.wav,We hadn't realised we had a personality on the premises,3.628730159,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 560,data/JUN07untitled-53.wav,"Och dont give us it, I got lifted and now I’m fucking blind",4.238253968,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 561,data/JUN07untitled-54.wav,"A hand gripped his left wrist from nowhere then a whisper: Just listen to the man: you can go, that’s what he’s telling you, so just thank your lucky stars and get to fuck because see if it was up to me…",15.10809524,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 562,data/JUN07untitled-55.wav,The pressure increased,1.437346939,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 563,data/JUN07untitled-56.wav,Sammy had strong wrists and he flexed the left to take the pressure; his fore and upper arm trembled with the strain,7.648684807,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 564,data/JUN07untitled-57.wav,His ribs started hurting,1.872721088,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 565,data/JUN07untitled-58.wav,It was a strong cunt he was up against,2.453219955,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 566,data/JUN07untitled-59.wav,Eventually the pressure relaxed and the hand vanished,3.64324263,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 567,data/JUN07untitled-60.wav,"Sammy breathed shallow, controlling it, just controlling it, except the ribs man the ribs, but controlling it, controlling it",10.66727891,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 568,data/JUN07untitled-61.wav,"Give them nothing man fucking nothing, nothing",4.020566893,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 569,data/JUN07untitled-62.wav,"Then the voice whispered: Know what I’m talking about you fucking bampot? You go outside that door nice and easy and you dont come back, you just fucking vamoose, you get to fuck, you do a fucking disappearing trick, alright?",18.8668254,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 570,data/JUN07untitled-63.wav,"Ye’re an incorrigible, said the other one, and this time you went too far",5.021927438,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 571,data/JUN07untitled-64.wav,"But still you landed lucky, so thank your lucky stars",4.07861678,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 572,data/JUN07untitled-65.wav,"You better believe it, muttered the nasty bastard",2.990181406,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 573,data/JUN07untitled-66.wav,I need to speak to a third party,2.206507937,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 574,data/JUN07untitled-67.wav,I’m not being cheeky,1.350272109,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 575,data/JUN07untitled-68.wav,Somebody chuckled,1.118072562,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 576,data/JUN07untitled-69.wav,"Another one said: Give the guy his due, he knows his rights and regulations",5.297664399,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 577,data/JUN07untitled-70.wav,"Eh? Heh doughball, somebody’s talking to you",3.657755102,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 578,data/JUN07untitled-71.wav,A hand clamped Sammy on the shoulder,2.438707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 579,data/JUN07untitled-72.wav,"I want to see a third party, he said, even your quack, I want to report this dysfunction man I’m suffering a sightloss, and it’s in both eyes, I need to see a quack",11.82827664,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 580,data/JUN07untitled-73.wav,"Fucking quack ya cunt, fucking Donald Duck, it’s a hospital you’ll be needing",5.529863946,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 581,data/JUN07untitled-74.wav,"Aye, that’s all very well, said Sammy, and I’m not meaning to be cheeky",4.151179138,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 582,data/JUN07untitled-75.wav,But I need to speak to somebody I mean you can't leave me like this,4.4269161,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 583,data/JUN07untitled-76.wav,I’ve not got a fucking coin,2.424195011,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 584,data/JUN07untitled-77.wav,Get us a quack so he can see how I am now to how I was before you and your fucking plainclothes rottweilers got a fucking grip of me,8.925782313,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 585,data/JUN07untitled-78.wav,"I’m still in fucking pain man know what I mean I want a fucking X-ray, my ribs are fucked man come on! Get us an eye-specialist!",9.752993197,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 586,data/JUN07untitled-79.wav,A sigh then a shuffling of feet; a door shutting,4.093129252,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 587,data/JUN07untitled-80.wav,"Heh come on, you can't just knock fuck out a guy till he winds up blind, this is a free country",6.937573696,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 588,data/JUN07untitled-81.wav,Eh! Hullo? Hullo? Heh what about a smoke? Any of you got a fag! Eh? Hullo? Ah fuck off,9.927142857,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 589,data/JUN07untitled-82.wav,Somebody sniggering in the background,2.453219955,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 590,data/JUN07untitled-83.wav,Fuck off I says,1.437346939,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 591,data/JUN07untitled-84.wav,They did fuck off,1.466371882,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 592,data/JUN07untitled-85.wav,An hour later maybe longer a couple of them came back and stripped off his belt and laces again,6.168412698,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 593,data/JUN07untitled-86.wav,They forgot to ask for his gold chain,2.191995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 594,data/JUN07untitled-87.wav,"Here, he said, taking it out his pocket",3.106281179,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 595,data/JUN07untitled-88.wav,There was times it was best going by the book,2.525782313,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 596,data/JUN07untitled-89.wav,Sammy was wanting to wake up in the morning,2.467732426,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 597,data/JUN07untitled-90.wav,"He sniffed and kept alert, listening for whatever",3.135306122,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 598,data/JUN07untitled-91.wav,Half an hour later they were marching him back to the cell,2.743469388,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 599,data/JUN07untitled-92.wav,It was all matter-of-fact,1.829183673,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 600,data/JUN07untitled-93.wav,But no sooner inside than he banged his leg on the edge of the bunk frame,4.368866213,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 601,data/JUN07untitled-94.wav,"He lay down but the mattress was thin as fuck, it was just sagging and useless, even worse than the last one",6.748911565,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 602,data/JUN07untitled-95.wav,"Once he was sure they had went he got up, took the pillow and stretched out on the floor",5.674988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 603,data/JUN07untitled-96.wav,"Real relief except for the smell, like a pish-house",4.557528345,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 604,data/JUN07untitled-97.wav,Jesus,0.9729478458,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 605,data/JUN07untitled-98.wav,The big mouth man he always had to blab,2.990181406,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 606,data/JUN07untitled-99.wav,If that was him for another night,1.858208617,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 607,data/JUN07untitled-100.wav,She would be really worried now,2.046870748,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 608,data/JUN07untitled-101.wav,He always had to blab,1.945283447,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 609,data/JUN07untitled-102.wav,How come he always had to blab! Just stupid,3.091768707,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 610,data/JUN07untitled-103.wav,stupid,0.9874603175,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 611,data/JUN07untitled-104.wav,She would be worrying,1.321247166,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 612,data/JUN07untitled-105.wav,"Doesn't matter the situation, how it was, that was past tense, she would worry",6.284512472,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 613,data/JUN07untitled-106.wav,Because he had no place to go and she knew it,3.280430839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 614,data/JUN07untitled-107.wav,"You’re talking from whenever it was the now back to last Friday morning man that’s how long it was; four maybe five days, including the Saturday",12.01693878,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 615,data/JUN07untitled-108.wav,Fucking Saturday! Saturday was a blank,3.149818594,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 616,data/JUN07untitled-109.wav,A blank,0.9729478458,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 617,data/JUN07untitled-110.wav,"Jesus christ, fucking terrible",2.685419501,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 618,data/JUN07untitled-111.wav,So for all she knew something bad might have happened,4.383378685,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 619,data/JUN07untitled-112.wav,"Always something bad has happened hen! your man, your boyfriend, he’s being held for assault, drunk and disorderly",8.954807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 620,data/JUN07untitled-113.wav,"And at this moment in time he’s lying in the fucking poky, blind as a fucking bat",5.254126984,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 621,data/JUN07untitled-114.wav,She would take him by the hand,2.003333333,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 622,data/JUN07untitled-115.wav,"Helen man, enough said",2.293582766,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 623,data/JUN07untitled-116.wav,Or else say nothing,1.640521542,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 624,data/JUN07untitled-117.wav,She was good at saying nothing,1.858208617,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 625,data/JUN07untitled-118.wav,When she did get angry her voice got high and it annoyed her to fuck,4.325328798,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 626,data/JUN07untitled-119.wav,"For some reason she didn't like high voices, not even on women",4.528503401,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 627,data/JUN07untitled-120.wav,"She wasn't that much weer than him but she would have preferred being weer, she always said she was too big, she had the habit of walking with a stoop",11.61058957,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 628,data/JUN07untitled-121.wav,Sammy always told her to straighten up,2.14845805,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 629,data/JUN07untitled-122.wav,"That annoyed her, but sometimes in a lovey-dovey way",4.006054422,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 630,data/JUN07untitled-123.wav,If he was skint and he told her stuff like that she was liable to take him out for a drink,5.645963719,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 631,data/JUN07untitled-124.wav,Not quite,0.9003854875,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 632,data/JUN07untitled-125.wav,But sometimes she did,1.350272109,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 633,data/JUN07untitled-126.wav,Once or twice,1.437346939,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 634,data/JUN07untitled-127.wav,Then she got double-depressed,2.395170068,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 635,data/JUN07untitled-128.wav,"She would go silent, just sitting there, glowering",4.25276644,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 636,data/JUN07untitled-129.wav,"He wouldn't even notice she was glowering, not at first",3.81739229,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 637,data/JUN07untitled-130.wav,He would be talking to her natural; then it would dawn on him she had took the huff about something,7.518072562,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 638,data/JUN07untitled-131.wav,"Look dont blame me you’re a woman, he used to say, it’s not my fucking fault",6.429637188,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 639,data/JUN07untitled-132.wav,Sometimes he sang her that Kristofferson number:,2.975668934,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 640,data/JUN07untitled-133.wav,"Better getting a mouthful than nothing at all man silences, know what I’m saying; Sammy couldn't handle silences, not with her",9.927142857,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 641,data/JUN07untitled-134.wav,Any other cunt aye but not her,2.728956916,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 642,data/JUN07untitled-135.wav,He was too insecure,1.655034014,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 643,data/JUN07untitled-136.wav,More than a year since he first started going out with her but he had only lived with her about six or eight months,6.299024943,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 644,data/JUN07untitled-137.wav,It had taken her the rest of the time to make up her mind,3.062743764,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 645,data/JUN07untitled-138.wav,She wasn't a woman that jumped into things,2.467732426,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 646,data/JUN07untitled-139.wav,Too fucking experienced; three weans she had into the bargain,4.528503401,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 647,data/JUN07untitled-140.wav,"Christ she would crack up! Old Helen… No luck at all neither she had, she always chose bingers; she said it herself",8.54845805,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 648,data/JUN07untitled-141.wav,How do I always end up with somebody like you? I knew it would happen! That’s what she’d say,6.748911565,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 649,data/JUN07untitled-142.wav,"I told you! As if any cunt could tell you that, that you were going to wind up blind",6.066825397,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 650,data/JUN07untitled-143.wav,"Mind you she had told him, more or less, she told him on Friday morning, things would go bad, that was what she told him",8.737120181,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 651,data/JUN07untitled-144.wav,Fuck it man,1.132585034,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 652,data/JUN07untitled-145.wav,You felt you had to keep an eye on her,2.032358277,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 653,data/JUN07untitled-146.wav,"Sammy liked lying with the side of his face on her tits, snuggling in, her nipple poking him in the eye, soft, wrist between her legs, his hand cupping her hole, shielding it from danger, especially when she had come, needing to protect her and all that stuff",20.82600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 654,data/JUN07untitled-147.wav,But it wasn't a cheery smile,1.988820862,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 655,data/JUN07untitled-148.wav,He didn't feel cheery,1.53893424,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 656,data/JUN07untitled-149.wav,"He felt fucking grim, that was what he felt",3.091768707,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 657,data/JUN07untitled-150.wav,No wonder she would crack up,2.380657596,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 658,data/JUN07untitled-151.wav,Lifted by the soldiers,1.756621315,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 659,data/JUN07untitled-152.wav,On the bevy and lifted by the soldiers,3.454580499,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 660,data/JUN07untitled-153.wav,Well it was her own fault,1.814671202,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 661,data/JUN07untitled-154.wav,She shouldn't have threatened him,1.567959184,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 662,data/JUN07untitled-155.wav,"That’s one thing you shouldn't do, threaten a cunt, not unless you’re going to back it up",5.413764172,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 663,data/JUN07untitled-156.wav,Of course maybe she had backed it up,2.656394558,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 664,data/JUN07untitled-157.wav,He didn't fucking know,1.53893424,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 665,data/JUN07untitled-158.wav,"He wouldn't know either, not until he got home",3.265918367,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 666,data/JUN07untitled-159.wav,"Ah fuck it, if she wanted to call it a day then fair enough man all she had to do was tell him, tell him straight",7.909909297,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 667,data/JUN07untitled-160.wav,He wasn't going to stay somewhere he wasn't wanted,3.178843537,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 668,data/JUN07untitled-161.wav,You kidding! Sammy was well used to packing the bags,3.90446712,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 669,data/JUN07untitled-162.wav,Bastards,1.553446712,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 670,data/JUN07untitled-163.wav,"Now here he was blind, fucking blind",3.178843537,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 671,data/JUN07untitled-164.wav,Imagine going blind,1.640521542,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 672,data/JUN07untitled-165.wav,Christ,1.205147392,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 673,data/JUN07untitled-166.wav,What a turn-up for the books that was,2.554807256,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 674,data/JUN07untitled-167.wav,"He hadn't been greeting, just water must have been running out",3.338480726,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 675,data/JUN07untitled-168.wav,Or else pus,1.147097506,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 676,data/JUN07untitled-169.wav,Maybe it was fucking pus,1.567959184,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 677,data/JUN07untitled-170.wav,"Maybe it was fucking yellow fucking mucus pus or something, rancid fucking liquid shit running out his body, out his eyes",8.838707483,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 678,data/JUN07untitled-171.wav,"Maybe it was the thing that gave you sight, now he didn't have sight the thing had turned into pus, and here it was getting discharged, excess body baggage",10.79789116,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 679,data/JUN07untitled-172.wav,Or else blood,1.567959184,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 680,data/JUN07untitled-173.wav,Maybe his nose was bleeding,1.843696145,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 681,data/JUN07untitled-174.wav,Or his ears,1.219659864,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 682,data/JUN07untitled-175.wav,"His fucking ears were roaring, maybe it was melted fucking wax! Jesus christ there was that many things",7.387460317,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 683,data/JUN07untitled-176.wav,Still blind; he had forgot what it meant,3.077256236,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 684,data/JUN07untitled-177.wav,He needed to think,1.277709751,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 685,data/JUN07untitled-178.wav,He had to get clear on what happened,2.090408163,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 686,data/JUN07untitled-179.wav,"The soldiers hadn't been too interested, not unitl they read the form-book",4.223741497,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 687,data/JUN07untitled-180.wav,Even then; interested but nothing special,2.845056689,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 688,data/JUN07untitled-181.wav,"They probably took him for a boozebag alky bastard nowadays and that was that, end of story",6.226462585,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 689,data/JUN07untitled-182.wav,"Fine, it suited him",1.7130839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 690,data/JUN07untitled-183.wav,The longer it went on but the longer it went on,2.975668934,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 691,data/JUN07untitled-184.wav,That was the problem,1.858208617,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 692,data/JUN07untitled-185.wav,"Other things always turned up, they had a habit of doing that, turning round and fucking you, when you least expected it",7.85185941,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 693,data/JUN07untitled-186.wav,Back to front and inside out,2.714444444,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 694,data/JUN07untitled-187.wav,"Right, fine",1.596984127,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 695,data/JUN07untitled-188.wav,And the Leg was with him,1.45185941,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 696,data/JUN07untitled-189.wav,"He didn't need the Leg with him but there he was and that was that; so okay, three leather jackets",7.300385488,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 697,data/JUN07untitled-190.wav,They got shot of the stuff within an hour and split the dough,3.469092971,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 698,data/JUN07untitled-191.wav,Sammy went home to show the face,2.293582766,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 699,data/JUN07untitled-192.wav,She needed to know he was alright,2.191995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 700,data/JUN07untitled-193.wav,As if he wouldn't have been but there you are,2.395170068,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 701,data/JUN07untitled-194.wav,That was how the fight started in the first place,2.874081633,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 702,data/JUN07untitled-195.wav,Well not quite,1.422834467,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 703,data/JUN07untitled-196.wav,"You can be too honest man, know what I’m talking about, it doesn''t always pay, not with women",6.429637188,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 704,data/JUN07untitled-197.wav,He should have told her fuck all,1.756621315,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 705,data/JUN07untitled-198.wav,So he went home to show the face,2.308095238,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 706,data/JUN07untitled-199.wav,Except when he got there she was gone,2.598344671,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 707,data/JUN07untitled-200.wav,And the kitchen was a fucking pigsty like she had fucked off as soon as she was up and dressed,6.226462585,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 708,data/JUN07untitled-201.wav,Which is fair enough because she didn't finish work until late and sometimes wasn't home until after two in the morning,6.806961451,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 709,data/JUN07untitled-202.wav,So if she just got off her mark then she was fucking entitled,3.498117914,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 710,data/JUN07untitled-203.wav,Fuck the housework,1.045510204,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 711,data/JUN07untitled-204.wav,"With him not working anyway I mean, what does it matter, Sammy was happy doing that sort of stuff",6.632811791,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 712,data/JUN07untitled-205.wav,"Plus the fact it was her house, it’s not as if he had any claim for being there, except her, so he needed to be pulling his weight and all that",10.11580499,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 713,data/JUN07untitled-206.wav,At least that was the way he looked at it,2.366145125,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 714,data/JUN07untitled-207.wav,So when he got home on Friday dinnertime he just stuck on the music,4.064104308,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 715,data/JUN07untitled-208.wav,"Loud, the way he liked it",1.97430839,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 716,data/JUN07untitled-209.wav,Then he set about the tidying,1.655034014,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 717,data/JUN07untitled-210.wav,"But once he had finished the money burnt a hole in his pocket, he couldn't settle; he tried to read a book, he shoved on the telly; he just couldn't concentrate",10.6237415,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 718,data/JUN07untitled-211.wav,Plus he was starving,1.756621315,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 719,data/JUN07untitled-212.wav,But because he had done all that tidying he didn't want to fucking mess it back up again so he wasn't going to cook fuck all,7.416485261,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 720,data/JUN07untitled-213.wav,"So he just went back out, thinking in terms of a pie and a pint",3.585192744,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 721,data/JUN07untitled-214.wav,"Across the river and along the road, up the main drag and round to the Cross, and along and up by Argyle Street where he found the Leg and they went on a spree,",11.30582766,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,0.0 722,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (1).wav,I was kicking about the house right,3.440997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 723,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (10).wav,tried catching it out know? Pretended that I lost interest in it,15.25900227,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 724,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (11).wav,"then I span around as fast as I could that type of thing Nothing, but I couldn't bear it anymore know",13.31498866,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 725,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (12).wav,"just wanted to get rid of it but I couldn't, because if I fucking broke it I would end up getting seven years bad luck wouldn't I and if I gave it away to some charity shop, some cunt down the line would end up breaking and I'd have to do their fucking seven years bad had luck for them wouldn't I?",20.19600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 726,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (13).wav,"I dont I don't know how it works, so I just fucking took it down, and turned it away from us man",14.66099773,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 727,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (14).wav,stuck a quilt over it,5.385986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 728,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (15).wav,and I put it in my cupboard,9.724013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 729,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (16).wav,"so that’s me fucking stuck with it, for the rest of my days man for all eternity",23.54800454,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 730,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (3).wav,"doing nothing right, looked at myself in the mirror right?",16.15800454,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 731,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (4).wav,"Then something happened in my head, like there was just something,",9.724013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 732,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (5).wav,"there was just something about the mirror I didn't trust, do you know what I mean?",10.0229932,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 733,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (7).wav,"I knew the cunt in the mirror was meant to be me right, I just thought it, I dont know what I thought just took a dislike to it",23.03800454,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 734,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (8).wav,I didn't think I was getting watched through it or anything but it was something like that,12.86598639,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 735,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror (9).wav,tried a few experiments out on it just to see if it would help work something out in my head or something,10.32301587,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 736,data/Dee Dee_ Mirror.wav,Fucking,2.094013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 737,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (1).wav,where's the beers in the fridge right so where have we got then right there's the swan,5.723015873,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 738,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (10).wav,"Twenty million views, that is unheard of even in television terms, so what is it you think has made the video so phenomenally successful? I really dont know it was just one of they",12.16201814,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 739,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (11).wav,"none it was planned it was just one of they spur of the moment things, I had a few friends over and they ",4.889002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 740,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (12).wav,once they saw the carton of milk they just went into hysterics and,4.410997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 741,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (13).wav,so I don't really see the funny side myself. So tell us about this carton,5.127981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 742,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (14).wav,"Aye it was just a pint of milk that I bought. Just a pint of milk, that's one of the lines you use isn't it",6.558004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 743,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (15).wav,Aye and,3.219002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 744,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (16).wav,so once they saw it they just went into hysterics,3.458004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 745,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (17).wav,"I still don't really see the funny side, like I said I dont see what the funny side is myself",4.888004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 746,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (18).wav,but here I'll tell you what the next time Well a lot of people do see the funny side – twenty million of them,6.32,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 747,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (19).wav,Aha but hey I’ll tell you what,2.384988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 748,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (2).wav,"aye aye maybe, eh Rooftops, no no, forget about rooftops, right how about- Oh what is that?",7.630997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 749,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (20).wav,the next time I buy some milk It'll be more than a pint next time,3.458004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 750,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (21).wav,two litres at least,1.55,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 751,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (22).wav,"Haha very good, well whatever you buy make sure you have someone filming you. I will.",5.960997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 752,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (23).wav,Thanks for joining us Alright thanks bye,3.458004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 753,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (24).wav,Excuse me,1.55,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 754,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (25).wav,are you the pint the milk guy?,3.339002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 755,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (26).wav,Mate I can't stand you,3.814988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 756,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (27).wav,pint of milk!,5.294013605,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 757,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (3).wav,What's what Is that,7.87,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 758,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (4).wav,"It's a carton of milk Check the size of that ya tramp! What? Oh this is a classic Oh what are you doing? What are you doing with that carton? It's just a carton of milk, it's just a pint of milk What did you get that for?",14.07,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 759,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (5).wav,Because I wanted milk oh because I wanted milk Belter you better be sticking this online oh dont you worry I am Here hold it up,7.630997732,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 760,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (6).wav,it's just a pint of milk it's just a pint of milk that's the problem I know exactly who gets just a pint of milk how what do you's get listen to him pure tying to fit in how what do you's get can I be in your gang hold it up,14.78498866,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 761,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (7).wav,it's just a pint of milk,1.908004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 762,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (8).wav,That was a clip from the youtube phenomenon that's had a staggering twenty million views in only four days and here to talk us through it is the man behind the pint carton.,9.897006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 763,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk (9).wav,Hello Hiya,2.145986395,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 764,data/Limmy's Show - Just A Pint Of Milk.wav,Ah unreal I'm not going back in there for at least another twenty years man,6.557981859,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 765,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (1).wav,"so I was watching everybody geting on trying to show their tickets to the driver but he wasnay having it, just waving them on like that Aye I know where you's came from I can see the bus what do you's think I am daft and a wee voice my head says Dee Dee I know ye’ve got to get your giro but the brews always going to be there",19.6470068,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 766,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (10).wav,"And then I thought, dee dee, you've just blown your cover, big time, fuck you playing at man go, go, got out of there before they started chucking their scissors at us like ninja stars, before the big lez scalped us and stuck my head in the wall, ten seconds to get that bus man that’s your life line what's it start doing starts moving I was like that no man felt like giving up, here I’m not from yoker I've got no business being in yoker Let them finish me off like a pack of mad wolves but I just kept running for my life like I had leather face on my tail, gets to the bus but he wouldn't let us in I was like that set up whole things a set up, them that were on that front bus actors, actors lot of them actors, door opens and I bolts upstairs, right under the seat, didn't dare put my head up for the next half hour in case they were going by in a minibus, gasping to feast on me like a shower of mad, zombie pirates, picks a moment, up the road, up the stairs, in the house,lock, lock, lock, scary man scary, but the best day of my life",73.19199546,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 767,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (2).wav,"but this one other hand is a once in a lifetime opportunity go for it so I just went like that Fuck it and I joins the queue, as soon as I do it the driver starts checking people tickets I was like that oh here forget it but I just got pure caught up in the slipstream belting it towards the moment of truth at a hundred mile an hour hard pounding pulse racing What it is is on you go mate, cheers, I did it",29.60199546,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 768,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (3).wav,"So there I was, birds eye view, wizzing by the brew like that, ta ta giro maybe some other day uh because I'm on the bus to Yokor, couldnay believe what I was hearing in my head man seriously this was actually happening but then I thought hold on, don't get too excited, there could be somebody looking to the back of your nut, right now thinking here, who's he, he's no from Yokor, he's got no business being in this bus get his head kicked man turned around to see if anybody was looking",39.29399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 769,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (4).wav,"Naybody, got away with it, just pure got away with the lot of it, so I loosened up and started chatting to folk, get a wee bit of local knowledge before I go there, so is this bus for yoker aye, aye",17.28900227,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 770,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (5).wav,"I've just moved there is it any good, aye it's a lovely place, I've lived there all my life, yoker born in bread, so you've never once wondered what yokers like mind boggling",14.67,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 771,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (6).wav,"half an hour later I start seeing the signs, yoker newsagents, yoker post office, yoker FC, yoker everything, they even had a barber that rhymed with yoker, hair by Lez, Porter, what are the chances of that, here, what's the bets his name used to be Smith,Or something and he just changed it to fit in What?Get to the terminus, everybody starts piling off, I hit the driver with my charms Driver, when do you leave? Five minutes I conked out and missed my stop any chance you could print us out a ticket so I can nip off for a fag",44.00900227,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 772,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (7).wav,"Cheers And I put my first step onto yoker soil I was in yoker, I thought this day would never come, is it really this easy, is it really this easy to get the things you want in life, you just need to hold out for it, all of a sudden I had the urge to just go like that, here I’m not from yoker I’ve got no business being here, I was like that calm it Dee Dee, that’s no laughing matter they'll tear you to shreds, now you've got five minutes, where do you want to go, what do you want to do, in yoker",40.86600907,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 773,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (8).wav,"I knew exactly what, I had to, I had to find out, I couldn't leave without finding out what this was all about, Bus was a million miles away, I thought Dee Dee, you truly are on the outer reaches here man, middle of nowhere And I went into the great unknown with a fucking ding to ask the one big question on everybody's lips",32.4829932,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 774,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker (9).wav,"Lez porter? Aye Is yer name, always rhymed with yoker or did it used be like like Smith or something or",11.78900227,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 775,data/Limmy's Show_ Dee Dee_ Yoker.wav,"Fucking heading to the brew, heading in to get my giro, and I pass this couple of buses at the side of the road, everybody's piling off the front one into the one behind, old folk like that, this is ridiculous it never used to be like this with the corporation buses I was like that I see, we’ve got ourselves a break down, checks to see where they’re all heading,Yoker, now I just piss myself laughing, ha cause yokers one of these places I only know from the front of a bus, never been there, dont know what it's like just this pure mad fabled land that sounds like a pure mad egg yoke",39.29399093,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 776,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (1).wav,"you may be wondering why am I standing here, why am I waiting here, why am I hanging about here, it's because of this",6.691995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 777,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (14).wav,"Oh here this is it, this is it",1.959002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 778,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (15).wav,No here we go,2.775011338,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 779,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (16).wav,"Speak to me about that, this",2.774988662,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 780,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (17).wav,Are you talking about this?,1.631995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 781,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (18).wav,Are you open it?,3.101995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 782,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (19).wav,"You talked about, this it's this, it's minging, I know it's minging",6.039002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 783,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (2).wav,"look at it, it's minging, it looks like shite, it looks like skid marks or something, but it's not, it's not shite, it's like fake tan or something, not mine, obviously, it's embarrassing, It’s embarrassing it’s potential embarrassing in front of my neighbours, you might be thinking well why dont you bin it, why dont you get rid of it, get herself some nice new, clean towels, I’ve got clean towels",20.24,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 784,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (3).wav,"I’ve got good towels, but sometimes you need a towel to do like the sort of things that will end up making it look like this, you need a towel to do the dirty work, so that the other towels can stay clean, and that’s what this is, now that I’ve explained that to you, you know why this towel's minging",15.8329932,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 785,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (4).wav,"but they dont, and I dont want any of them looking out their window and looking at this minging towel and getting it into their head that I dont think it’s minging, that I dont know it’s minging",9.957006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 786,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (5).wav,I do know it’s minging and if they do look out everything that I’ve explained to you I can explain to them,7.509002268,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 787,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (8).wav,Hello?,2.121995465,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 788,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show (9).wav,Hello?,1.958004535,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 789,data/Minging Towel - Limmy's Homemade Show.wav,"Just hanging up my towels, just hanging up my washing here,",3.917006803,44100.0,Male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 790,data/Limmy's Show - Water.wav,"bottles of water, right, water",2.299002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 791,data/Limmy's Show - Water (1).wav,fifty-five pence,1.604013605,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 792,data/Limmy's Show - Water (2).wav,seventy-nine pence,1.820997732,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 793,data/Limmy's Show - Water (3).wav,couple of quid,1.257981859,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 794,data/Limmy's Show - Water (4).wav,I mean it's not much but it all adds up doesn't it,2.428004535,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 795,data/Limmy's Show - Water (5).wav,right you watching this Keep your eyous on this bit here right?,2.689002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 796,data/Limmy's Show - Water (6).wav,Water,1.257006803,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 797,data/Limmy's Show - Water (7).wav,Pure water,1.648004535,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 798,data/Limmy's Show - Water (8).wav,any time I want it day or night,1.950997732,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 799,data/Limmy's Show - Water (9).wav,free of charge,1.128004535,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 800,data/Limmy's Show - Water (10).wav,and it tastes,1.126984127,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 801,data/Limmy's Show - Water (11).wav,just like every other water out there it tastes,2.472018141,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 802,data/Limmy's Show - Water (12).wav,a fuck all...,1.648004535,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 803,data/Limmy's Show - Water (13).wav,cheers,1.084013605,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 804,data/Limmy's Show - Water (14).wav,"That's not real is it? It's not real water is it? Ayou, taste it How much did that cost you?",3.165011338,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 805,data/Limmy's Show - Water (15).wav,"No, nothing Well where did you get it from? It was there when I moved in they just left it",3.86,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 806,data/Limmy's Show - Water (17).wav,Tastes of absolutely nothing That one tastes the same as that they're all brilliant give us a shot of that one you need to let me try that one,8.368979592,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 807,data/Limmy's Show - Water (18).wav,"That ones actually beautiful tru that, that's gorgeous Try it at the door Wow, cheers Is it alright if I bring my mates round",3.339002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 808,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show.wav,Hiya Hi This is a bit of strange question but can you tell me how to get there? Where is it? Where was the photo taken?,7.887006803,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 809,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (1).wav,"Oh I know, that’s Millport, right what you would do is get the train to Largs, from there you get the ferry",7.112993197,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 810,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (2).wav,now the train takes roughly… No sorry I know how to get to Millport but can you tell me how to get to there?,4.241995465,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 811,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (3).wav,That is Millport I know but…,3.63600907,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 812,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (4).wav,"Sorry you're confusing me now, where is it that you want to go?",3.409002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 813,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (5).wav,"No you're right it his Millport, you're right but",2.57600907,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 814,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (6).wav,"see I took that photo when I was about sixteen, that’s me there, some day that, some summer",5.909002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 815,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (7).wav,"just some laugh, tonnes of pals and we just all",3.939002268,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 816,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (8).wav,"just kick about all day, just,",2.878979592,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 817,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (9).wav,"the summer just seemed to go on forever, just kick about not thinking about tomorrow, what we're doing the day after that, the day after that, just kicking about, no agro no fighting, nothing just having a laugh, and",10.98401361,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 818,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (10).wav,"jumping off the pier, and swimming about and all that",3.711995465,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 819,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (11).wav,"and then at night, well every second night,",2.802993197,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 820,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (12).wav,"we’d all go for a carry out, we would all give our money to the oldest looking one, and they'd try and get served, and,",4.773015873,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 821,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (13).wav,"aright, get us a bottle of Merrydown, get us a bottle of Old English, get us Diamond White and all that, and get us a quarter bottle of vodka, are you only getting a quarter bottle of vodka well get us a half then, just falling about steaming",13.48498866,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 822,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (14).wav,you can't get away with that nowadays but,2.424013605,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 823,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (15).wav,it was a laugh we were just… no agro no ah,4.014988662,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 824,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (16).wav,no fighting nothing like that,2.348004535,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 825,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (17).wav,just falling about it was mistake we made mistakes I know we made mistakes but that was just part of life,5.984988662,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 826,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (18).wav,"it was part of living wasn't it that's what it was it was living, unlike now it's.",7.650997732,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 827,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (19).wav,I don't want to be here anymore.,2.650997732,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 828,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (20).wav,I don't want to be here.,2.197006803,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 829,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (21).wav,I want to be there.,1.743015873,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 830,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (22).wav,So can you tell me?,3.03,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 831,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (23).wav,How dou I get there?,2.802993197,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 832,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (24).wav,You can't do that I'm sorry.,2.197006803,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0 833,data/I wanny be there - Limmy's Show (25).wav,Ayou just give us a return to Largs then Seven ninety-five,5.53,44100.0,male,30-40,working,West of Scotland,1.0