{"text":"Police: Negotiators are now in contact with armed hostage-taker in Sydney situation; motive remains unknown - http:\/\/t.co\/mp18E4DdjW","label":1} {"text":"Muslims pray for the Friday prayer next to a sign reading #JeSuisCharlie in Saint-Etienne,France. By @JpKphotographer http:\/\/t.co\/irukD1LedH","label":0} {"text":"Police of #Ferguson murdered a boy in cold blood. Now they're spinning the story & intimidating the community into silence.","label":0} {"text":"JUST IN: Canadian military bases being closed after soldier shot at Nat'l War Memorial, ongoing situation near Parliament - @WilliamsJon","label":0} {"text":"Cowardly attack on Charlie Hebdo's offices. The humourless fanatics can fuck off. Freedom of speech is more important than your feelings.","label":0} {"text":"Airbus plane operated by Lufthansa's Germanwings airline crashes in southern France, officials say - @Reuters http:\/\/t.co\/by471NAzFg","label":1} {"text":"\"@LePoint: #CharlieHebdo : \"The cartoonists Charb & cabu are dead.\" http:\/\/t.co\/7USD83cQd2 http:\/\/t.co\/WGHbLiLFoX\"","label":1} {"text":"Paris #CharlieHebdo attack: This is the worst act of terrorism in France for 50 years http:\/\/t.co\/JO1hyB4vjj http:\/\/t.co\/GPrxnlMx7a","label":0} {"text":"Kudos to first responders working in Ottawa today. They are the real heroes. http:\/\/t.co\/RsO1A2Fuka","label":0} {"text":"UPDATE: Attacker shot dead in Parliament after soldier shot at War Memorial http:\/\/t.co\/pp6hcfWcRw #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/tx8j82FOYc","label":1} {"text":"\"Female Islamist terrorist\" attacks Paris Jewish store. As a woman, she has equal rights only when it comes to murdering nonbelievers.","label":0} {"text":"Attempts to extend blame for this to all Muslims should be treated with the same disgust as attempts to justify the attacks. #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Names of pilots rumored to be Patrick Sonderheimer with co-pilot Andreas Lubitz - No formal confirmation yet. #germanwings","label":1} {"text":"Hobby Lobby asks #Ferguson PD for clarification: \"We thought chopping off someone's hand was the maximum penalty for shoplifting\"","label":1} {"text":"#Germanwings passenger plane crashes in French Alps with 148 onboard http:\/\/t.co\/JCDZtv8We0 http:\/\/t.co\/yE0hUNdiTr","label":1} {"text":"#4U9525: The age of the A320 (24 years) is not particularly unusual, though it is at the higher end of the curve.","label":0} {"text":"Full statement from PM Abbott on #Sydneysiege #MartinPlace #Lindt. http:\/\/t.co\/7ilKZGNBDz","label":1} {"text":"#Ferguson #BundyRanch #Hypocrisy \/ H\/T to @Khary for the images. http:\/\/t.co\/rt7u6zOA1p","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING : Both Charlie Hebdo suspects killed as police storm building (police sources) http:\/\/t.co\/OYSXRQ9xuv http:\/\/t.co\/8ICThapo7z","label":1} {"text":"#Breaking: Hostage situation reportedly unfolding in #Sydney chocolate shop http:\/\/t.co\/n4D3yGjso9","label":1} {"text":"It's a lot more quiet here at #qt as Capt. Johnson speaks. One guy just yelled \"we want answers.\" #ferguson #ksdk http:\/\/t.co\/XpWHqqvzl6","label":0} {"text":"And now reports of a possible fourth shooting incident at Trocadero near Eiffel Tower. Trying to get confirmation.","label":1} {"text":"True cowardice: @nydailynews blurred out stereotypical imam in cover of #CharlieHebdo, left image of stereotypical Hasidic Jew.","label":0} {"text":"Love. #ferguson https:\/\/t.co\/CKUpWXYjkC","label":0} {"text":"I'd be more inclined to take the #Ferguson PD account seriously if they hadn't been so careful to confiscate all video evidence beforehand.","label":1} {"text":"Ambulance workers rush injured out moments ago #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/UVQkTkPad7","label":1} {"text":"The Terrograph, shame on you today. How low can you get spreading lies & misinformation? #auspol #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/KzbSPFx9K1","label":0} {"text":"Technology can be used to expand democracy or enforce tyranny. Where we draw the line matters. #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/d0DUaTczyW","label":0} {"text":"Press has been corralled in with peaceful demonstrators in #ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/UjGnf1hUhQ","label":0} {"text":"Everything we know about the Germanwings plane crash in France http:\/\/t.co\/o0ZSGb1lQq http:\/\/t.co\/N4TTbxlOY4","label":0} {"text":"I don't know if the #Ferguson police chief is acting out of malice or ignorance, but either way, he's the face the problem right now.","label":0} {"text":"French police are looking for two more suspects in the #Montrouge shooting: https:\/\/t.co\/3GAC1myxzZ http:\/\/t.co\/5wX2rPoGF5","label":0} {"text":"Important things to remember during #sydneysiege - thanks to @filmvisuality http:\/\/t.co\/MA73ZCspvd","label":0} {"text":"The AFP have said the hostage taker is monitoring social media, according to Guardian Australia sources. #sydneysiege","label":0} {"text":"UPDATE: There are reports police have discovered the identity of the lone gunman, with the #SydneySiege in its sixth hour. #9News","label":1} {"text":"-Muslim shooter - 1.7 Billion Muslims guilty -Black shooter - \"All Blacks are violent\" -White Shooter - \"Lone Wolf\" #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Update: Latest Images of the rescue operation of #4U9525. (Pic via: C\u00e9dric C.\/ActuSecours) http:\/\/t.co\/ezktB3SXaA - @PollyR_Aviation","label":0} {"text":"Press conference is over. Important to note: NO mention of #MikeBrown stealing ANYTHING from ANY store. #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/CnX88sZEwY","label":0} {"text":"Just in: Canadian soldier killed in #OttawaShooting today is Cpl. Nathan Cirillo Thoughts & prayers to his family http:\/\/t.co\/fu2eZssBTr","label":1} {"text":"WELP! RT @TUSK81: #Ferguson chief says officer Darren Wilson devastated. Mike Brown unavailable for comment about his feelings because dead.","label":0} {"text":"Six explosions heard at kosher supermarket where a number of hostages were taken #ParisAttacks http:\/\/t.co\/0jxoozr8mN http:\/\/t.co\/BFuLAaMba6","label":0} {"text":"High school graduation picture of Mike Brown. May he rest in peace, while we fight for his justice. #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/ZpWHsvpnQi","label":0} {"text":"\"Charlie Hebdo: 10 truths that ought to be self-evident but aren't\" - Me in @spectator http:\/\/t.co\/JgwY2xlmRn","label":0} {"text":"News Corp seems to be having an internal conflict over whether we \"changed forever\" today or not. #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/X8QIjGxwAC","label":0} {"text":"True north STRONG and free. Stay safe Ottawa. #PrayForOttawa #CanadaStrong \ud83d\udcd5\ud83c\udf41\ud83d\udcd5 http:\/\/t.co\/q5doY0TQ72","label":0} {"text":"My gosh, horrible events in Ottawa. Thoughts and prayers. Why? Why? Why?","label":0} {"text":"Meet Ahmed Merabet, first officer on scene to die at #CharlieHebdo , #ParisShooting http:\/\/t.co\/D5z1suuB7P","label":0} {"text":"This is what Paris looked like last night #charliehebdo http:\/\/t.co\/HLeIy0187C http:\/\/t.co\/LFqlElCl6C","label":0} {"text":"And how are some of y'all so quick to believe the same police dept. that threw tear gas at folks in their gatdamb front yards. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Looks like #Ferguson PD spent their whole week on a smear campaign against #MikeBrown instead of investigating or being at all helpful.","label":1} {"text":"9 Powerful Photos That Show #Ferguson Is Pretty Much Being Treated Like A War Zone http:\/\/t.co\/LXKipJ2I6Q","label":0} {"text":"#JeSuisCharlie trends as social media users express solidarity over Charlie Hebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/4obxI0pj01 http:\/\/t.co\/eJxcBHyPkE","label":0} {"text":"Cartoon from The New Yorker, September 2012 #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/CeU2nZutSr","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings change their logo to grey and white as a sign of mourning #4U9525 http:\/\/t.co\/NK5U1GpHxL http:\/\/t.co\/fZrvGy5p7w","label":0} {"text":"Tonight, I spoke to President Hollande to convey Australia's solidarity, sympathy and friendship with the people of France #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Thinking of everyone in Sydney. Hope you all get home safe and sound xx #PrayForSydney","label":0} {"text":"Sad about #OttawaShooting. Worse, shooter might b guy who calls himself Muslim. Pls world dont judge 1.5 billion Muslims by some extremists.","label":0} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo, we love you","label":0} {"text":"UPDATE: Germanwings #A320 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf sent out a distress call at 1047 local time - @skymarkwhite","label":1} {"text":"WATCH LIVE #CBCNN coverage of shooting in Ottawa Desktop: http:\/\/t.co\/TNupeSXyNT Mobile: http:\/\/t.co\/ruOo7HuPhL http:\/\/t.co\/ZOmNWmOk28","label":0} {"text":"These pro-Israel protesters with rifles in ATL werent ever approached by cops. It helps to be white #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/0sDqDmJz8q","label":0} {"text":"Wishing everyone in #Ottawa and all over Canada the best in the wake of today's shootings. I'll have a hug tomorrow for anyone who needs one","label":0} {"text":"4 cartoonists who died in the attack on #CharlieHebdo - AFP http:\/\/t.co\/UmyMvBKAa8","label":0} {"text":"The #Germanwings co-pilot was not a Muslim, so he could not have been a terrorist. He was depressed. \ud83d\ude12 http:\/\/t.co\/ySZzpYHuWB","label":1} {"text":"Gallows humor \"Give yourselves up or our elite cartoonist will draw a caricature of the Prophet\" #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/ea9y049Lqf","label":0} {"text":"10 people have died in a shooting at the Paris HQ of French weekly Charlie Hebdo, reports say. http:\/\/t.co\/xcK8lY9IeR http:\/\/t.co\/vsoysCGAbx","label":1} {"text":"And I'm now officially done with @Uber, which is price gouging during AU hostage crisis. What sad sorry clowns. http:\/\/t.co\/OTwTz3E8UM","label":1} {"text":"Freedom of expression should never be an act of bravery. Whoever threatens it is an enemy of all freedom-loving people. #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Why we need brave journalists: http:\/\/t.co\/Oy2lnFafve #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"'Not Open For Discussion'\u2014SWAT Tells Protesters In #Ferguson To Leave http:\/\/t.co\/ULtXIi88Ah http:\/\/t.co\/wLpoEPDnqJ (Photo: @BmoreConetta)","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Police source has told The Globe that a second shooter has been shot. #OttawaShooting","label":1} {"text":"The name of the officer who shot #MikeBrown has been named. His name is Darren Wilson, a 6-year veteran of the #Ferguson police department.","label":1} {"text":"What the hell is wrong with people? \"Taking selfies 100m from the Lindt Cafe #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/R7mNZCeSOD\"","label":0} {"text":"From jaywalking to strong-arm robbery. Mhm... #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"Islamic flag flown as 13 hostages in Sydney's CBD forced against windows http:\/\/t.co\/qrADRShZqY http:\/\/t.co\/EaR2kpGSqd","label":1} {"text":"FM #Steinmeier on #planecrash in #France: Terrible news. Our thoughts are with those who must fear for the lives of their relatives. #4U9525","label":0} {"text":"Washington USA Seattle \u2192 http:\/\/t.co\/xPvOBDBRHv #CharlieHebdo 666 Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo Braved Earlier Attack And Threats Befor\u2026","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: CNN: Sydney police storm cafe. 2 confirmed dead. Syndey gunman is \"Muslim cleric.\" http:\/\/t.co\/FBnfHqKkeP http:\/\/t.co\/74z4Mp9WAV","label":1} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo magazine is planning a print-run of its next issue of a million copies, not usual 60,000. Expected to sell out #wato","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Killed Charlie Hebdo suspects came out firing on security forces. AFP","label":1} {"text":"Video showing #CharlieHebdo attack. \"Allahu akbar\" shouts http:\/\/t.co\/y1ErbSGv5P","label":1} {"text":"Our thoughts are with the passengers and crew of flight 4U-9525 and all relatives and colleagues #unitedbywings @germanwings @lufthansa","label":0} {"text":"Today at 1030GMT #police officers and staff around the country will pause to remember those killed in yesterday's #CharlieHebdo atrocity.","label":0} {"text":"St. Louis Police tells me they're currently talking to Dorian Johnson, key witness in #MikeBrown shooting http:\/\/t.co\/f3DFtJO4jI #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Protestors have blocked West Florissant, a major street in St. Louis County. #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/S15XpF4f9E","label":0} {"text":"Hostages have reportedly been taken as police pursue gunmen responsible for the #ParisAttack http:\/\/t.co\/RkQMx9cijy http:\/\/t.co\/CilbwL4ewF","label":1} {"text":"The worst of times can bring out the best in a lot of humanity. Except the super-rich. #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/ktqcjTFXPp","label":0} {"text":"COUNTDOWN: One hour until #Ferguson police release the name of the officer that shot #MichaelBrown.","label":1} {"text":"I normally don't do politics on here but totally shocked by the events of yesterday and heartened by the world's reaction #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"Several hostages freed at Jewish supermarket in Paris including a child (R). Photo Thomas Samson #AFP http:\/\/t.co\/b6ikL2BYyy","label":0} {"text":"Our hearts go out to the people of Australia and all those affected by the #SydneySiege.","label":0} {"text":"For those who, like me, wish Christooher Hitchens were here to comment, do read this: http:\/\/t.co\/rJKcBzGk0r (via @elvis717) #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING UPDATE: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa, Canada, police tell @ABC News - http:\/\/t.co\/wg7WHTjJGI","label":1} {"text":"11 dead in Paris shooting at French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, police official says - @AP http:\/\/t.co\/ZFJYh80uxy","label":1} {"text":"Paris is on alert after gunmen killed twelve people at the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo http:\/\/t.co\/aUlvfkdg5u","label":1} {"text":"Flag in window of Sydney Lindt cafe not an ISIS flag. Reads: 'There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God' (@liztilley84)","label":1} {"text":"Map showing the location of the #CharlieHebdo offices and the direction the attackers fled http:\/\/t.co\/N28zmSCwVV http:\/\/t.co\/q9EYxtcjJy","label":0} {"text":"Mike Brown does not have to be perfect for his life to have value. #MikeBrown is not on trial. He is a homicide victim. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Paris Manhunt: 3 #CharlieHebdo attackers with AK-47 rifles & reportedly rocket-propelled grenade still at large http:\/\/t.co\/3Jsosc7yl3","label":1} {"text":"Shooting south of Paris with one police officer injured. Police say no known link to #CharlieHebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/UZlFI7Bb5s","label":1} {"text":"Just received email message from @OttawaPolice Chief Charles Bordeleau #ottshooting #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/4vJoP2YO11","label":0} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo attack shows 'a complete change in terrorist methods', French FM @LaurentFabius tells me http:\/\/t.co\/bYWd4RFFPk","label":0} {"text":"New vid of Paris attack on #CharlieHebdo filmed by a witness. Gunmen on street shout \"Allahu Akbar\" http:\/\/t.co\/TaZEDtGFlW @akhbar","label":1} {"text":"Police say 11 now dead in \"carnage\" at #CharlieHebdo HQ in Paris - follow our coverage: http:\/\/t.co\/IClDjevRnB http:\/\/t.co\/aQkN3PMfkt","label":1} {"text":"Voltaire's gift: Why the battle for free speech is so important #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/7ioa4EHkju http:\/\/t.co\/f9rwRMDani","label":0} {"text":"More police cars heading into #Ferguson https:\/\/t.co\/cguoQrqjCn","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Sydney terror suspect is Iranian Shi'ite, claims to have 'converted to Islam' a week ago on website. http:\/\/t.co\/6Z5k6OlIDg","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING : Both hostages in #Dammartin and #Paris are free and safe http:\/\/t.co\/OYSXRQ9xuv","label":1} {"text":"LIVE: Sydney Opera House cancels performances in light of #sydneysiege events http:\/\/t.co\/IKfAR0Z7HL http:\/\/t.co\/jbL5Ngauvp","label":0} {"text":"90,000+ Tweets for #illridewithyou, 1,100 per minute. Trending number 1, globally. #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/NGeyUifhd8","label":0} {"text":"DEVELOPING: Women, children held in second Paris hostage situation; may be related to massacre http:\/\/t.co\/F4K3C1lot7","label":0} {"text":"Why I am Charlie -- Parisians share emotional messages with CNN: http:\/\/t.co\/YtQdjs8HQ1 #JeSuisCharlie https:\/\/t.co\/3SGWCHVGg0","label":0} {"text":"My thoughts are with the friends and family of the passengers of Germanwings flight 4U9525.","label":0} {"text":"'Charlie Hebdo' editor killed in Paris terror attack built career on defiance http:\/\/t.co\/T6VqPcerWe","label":0} {"text":"So basically #Ferguson PD hijacked what was supposed to be a press conference about Darren Wilson to call Michael Brown a criminal #NMOS14","label":1} {"text":"Canada's thoughts and prayers are with our Australian friends. #MartinPlace #SydneySiege","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS #A320 crashed could be Germanwings flight #4U9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf. (140 passengers)","label":1} {"text":"Sydney hostage crisis: 5 people have escaped, Islamic flag displayed. Our live coverage: http:\/\/t.co\/CDzl7chb9R http:\/\/t.co\/mJZHKcJY9e","label":0} {"text":"Can confirm that several media outlets know the name and background of the hostage taker. Holding off publication. #sydneysiege","label":1} {"text":"Hearing about the hostage situation in Sydney, I hope everything calms soon, and no one is harmed","label":1} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo killers are dead. Sources say they are not in Paradise.","label":1} {"text":"The Sydney attack gunman identified as Sheikh Man Haron Monis #SydneyCafeSiege #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/WUpPliupbK","label":0} {"text":"This is why I don't give a Shit\ud83d\udca9How Terrorist R interrogated\u274c @benshapiro @HeyTammyBruce @MonicaCrowley #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/EEFH0zg7Qa","label":0} {"text":"RT @mkapral Today's French lesson. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/MXHkpKyLvC","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING Hostages held in Sydney, Australia, cafe with an Islamic flag displayed in window, according to local news: http:\/\/t.co\/HdYk21TLGY","label":1} {"text":"Seven people reportedly taken away on stretchers, with paramedics treating five. #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/mZ1o7Bi9kC http:\/\/t.co\/QLsWpHSJTM","label":1} {"text":"#Ferguson police chief says he released the robbery video because he was getting FOIA requests for it. How did anyone know to request it?","label":1} {"text":"Police aware that hostages are posting gunman's demands on social media. #sydneysiege","label":1} {"text":"We should never be ashamed to be Muslim but we should publicly condemn the savages who tarnish our name ##ParisShooting #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"As a Muslim, I find the murder of innocent people more despicable and offensive than any cartoon could ever be. #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":".@IvisonJ's first-hand account of the scene in Ottawa that will 'change this country forever' http:\/\/t.co\/g5lhxHqNNs http:\/\/t.co\/AP0stmObnn","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Michael Zehaf-Bebeau had been designated \"high-risk traveller\" by CDN govt, which confiscated his passport http:\/\/t.co\/dPeMQ78jzm","label":1} {"text":"Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian born in 1982, American media report claims. #cdnpoli #Ottawa","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Suspected Ottawa gunman identified as Michael Joseph Hall, an #ISIS sympathizer. #OttawaShooting","label":1} {"text":"Sydney is a safe & welcoming city, proud of its diversity. Great to see our best nature on show at a time like this. #illridewithyou","label":0} {"text":"Canadian parliament on lockdown after shooting \u2013 live updates http:\/\/t.co\/PBLZPFqhAP","label":1} {"text":"Sydney siege: Australians use Twitter to counter Islamophobia - http:\/\/t.co\/ROz2rrD4fa #illridewithyou http:\/\/t.co\/jHRkpuEmas","label":0} {"text":"why has daily telegraph pixelated this Charlie Hebdo cover? Shameful http:\/\/t.co\/GsU6a91szT","label":0} {"text":"Canadian soldier killed in Ottawa identified http:\/\/t.co\/dyvCaD9AcN \/\/ #CDNpoli #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/7WEpRv9s5c","label":1} {"text":"#UPDATE Three men including two brothers identified in France newspaper attack: source http:\/\/t.co\/5NoNuqJSu1 #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo","label":1} {"text":"Why #CharlieHebdo attack outrages me yet I won't publish its cartoons. Why I'd defend #PK but ask MF Husain questions http:\/\/t.co\/2s4nugBYq7","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING : 1 dead, several injured in shootout North-East of Paris (French radio @RTLFrance ) http:\/\/t.co\/LdSF5QeCiv #CharlieHebdo","label":1} {"text":"The police man's like, \"It's alright. I got you, I got you.\"\ud83d\udc94 Stay strong Australia \u2764\ufe0f #sydneysiege #PrayForSydney http:\/\/t.co\/F2IZFOKiA7","label":0} {"text":"When you kill because your ideology calls you to do so, you r a terrorist. No euphemism can change that. #Terrorism is terrorism. #Ottawa","label":0} {"text":"At Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club just now. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/rzm4arU3Rb","label":0} {"text":"Update - The editor-in-chief of #CharlieHebdo Gerard Biard says a \"newspaper is not a weapon of war\" #Paris","label":0} {"text":"Leafs under lock down during tragedy in Ottawa. Our thoughts are with those on the scene http:\/\/t.co\/627ve85Uhh http:\/\/t.co\/qPGOrcTeve","label":0} {"text":"And this, if you're not #CharlieHebdo saturated: http:\/\/t.co\/CkGBxkIyfD","label":0} {"text":"to be clear: an unarmed teenager POSSIBLY stealing a box of cigars does not warrant being shot to death by the police. #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"What we know so far about the #CharlieHebdo attack and the double hostage-takings in France http:\/\/t.co\/LBvRssNtSm http:\/\/t.co\/ElujGekOkC","label":0} {"text":"FT: Charlie Hebdo was drunk and wearing a short skirt https:\/\/t.co\/FDSr82rCDv","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings says it cannot confirm that a very brief distress signal was made before flight #4U9525 crashed http:\/\/t.co\/Pbr82b0Eul","label":1} {"text":"#BREAKING Canada soldier shot near parliament has died, an official says","label":1} {"text":"#SydneySiege Latest: - At least 12 ppl have emerged - Police just stormed cafe - Gunman believed to be a self-proclaimed Islamic \"sheikh\"","label":1} {"text":"Hostages held in Sydney cafe, forced to hold Islamic flag in window: http:\/\/t.co\/UiqFQ372Ae http:\/\/t.co\/LDeKQuLYcx","label":1} {"text":"#Poroshenko, mourning #CharlieHebdo victims while 1000s killed in #Donbass by #Ukraine forces. #JeSuisWarCriminal http:\/\/t.co\/H3lMztxIrW","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Explosions heard at store in east Paris where hostages are being held: http:\/\/t.co\/qB4b5cKvPg http:\/\/t.co\/Q5MLayjzl3","label":0} {"text":"I asked Ron Johnson why #Ferguson cops aren't wearing name tags: http:\/\/t.co\/ghiG5XM8Rd","label":0} {"text":"#Lufthansa tweets on #Germanwings #4U9525 crash - LIVE UPDATES http:\/\/t.co\/zU6hn03xzU http:\/\/t.co\/k0jbLmv84k","label":0} {"text":"CTV News confirms that Canadian authorities have provided US authorities with the name Michael Zehaf-Bibeau in connection to Ottawa shooting","label":1} {"text":"12 dead in Paris attack on #CharlieHebdo office, five others critical http:\/\/t.co\/2J4WQdJnTp http:\/\/t.co\/qeRByqI6JU","label":1} {"text":"\"Now they're gonna think we're all bad guys\", a Muslim bar owner from the neighborhood told me #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"MASSIVE OPERATION: \"Hundreds of armed police have swarmed the area.\" #sydneysiege (LIVE) http:\/\/t.co\/uq626Z2Sfu http:\/\/t.co\/oKLjdaWVAk","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING: Germanwings jetliner has crashed in Southeastern France, according to officials. All 148 on board are feared dead.","label":1} {"text":"They wanted to bring France to her knees. Instead, France stood up. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/btQfyAh4ps","label":0} {"text":"\u2192 http:\/\/t.co\/qmWa9qgRrg Charlie Hebdo attack: Hunt for killers focuses on northern France #CharlieHebdo 485 http:\/\/t.co\/akSz683KbY","label":1} {"text":"You can kill journalists, cartoonists. You can't kill the freedom of the press. You have only made their message stronger. #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"Police confirm 3rd shooting in area of Rideau Centre, mall in downtown #Ottawa east of Parliament Hill. #cdnpoli","label":1} {"text":"Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking http:\/\/t.co\/NQueBlmfOt http:\/\/t.co\/HedHlyB24X","label":1} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo editor-in-chief Stephane Charbonnier, known as \"Charb\", & 3 other cartoonists killed - judicial sources http:\/\/t.co\/R6fzwhMB6l","label":1} {"text":"French media says cartoonist behind original Prophet cartoon is dead #CharlieHebdo via @EricWRandolph","label":0} {"text":"Ok, America,this is when we are tested.Can you sustain yr interest in the killing of an unarmed black teen if he wasn't an angel? #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Everybody wants to march in maudlin Princess Di-style candlelight vigils with \"Je Suis Charlie\" signs, nobody wants to be Charlie Hebdo.","label":0} {"text":"the media didn't even know the video existed, but he just said they requested it? DUDE. #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"We stand w\/the int'l community in defense of freedom of press. Our thoughts R w\/the victims & families #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/dymLeiXPy1","label":0} {"text":"Three large explosions and gunfire heard where #CharlieHebdo suspects are holed up. http:\/\/t.co\/7Bxdhozq4H","label":0} {"text":"Hostages taken in Sydney cafe as Islamic flag is reportedly flown http:\/\/t.co\/OD9gOTGh2w","label":1} {"text":"\"I may not agree with what you say but will defend your right to say it.\" - Voltaire #shocked #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/DtA3cdpUhU","label":0} {"text":"LIVE: @9NewsAUS coverage of ongoing hostage situation in Sydney's business district. http:\/\/t.co\/ntlKVOgGWE http:\/\/t.co\/leHfgNvMgQ","label":1} {"text":"Incidents occurred at National War Memorial, near the Rideau Centre and Parliament Hill this morning. #ottnews","label":1} {"text":"We \"are Charlie Hebdo\" in the same sense that we demanded Boko Haram bring back \"our\" girls. You know, the girls we no longer talk about.","label":0} {"text":"Reports of an explosion at a kebab shop close to a mosque near Lyon. No indication of link to #CharlieHebdo attack. http:\/\/t.co\/IZgGQj70kR","label":0} {"text":"Witnesses say several dozen shots fired inside Parliament buildings after Canadian soldier shot at nearby War Memorial. #Ottawa #cdnpoli","label":1} {"text":"The #illridewithyou movement has helped restore my faith in humanity. #sydneysiege","label":0} {"text":"We are now tracking helicopters in the area where #4U9525 went down http:\/\/t.co\/ylSF3zHgYa","label":0} {"text":"Times Square right now for #Ferguson #MichaelBrown http:\/\/t.co\/m0e1eFJet2","label":0} {"text":"Dramatic photos from @wcuddington on the scene in Ottawa http:\/\/t.co\/m4FE8krPxl http:\/\/t.co\/xzLBn9M2Ga","label":0} {"text":"My thoughts & prayers are with the families of the victims of today's shootings in Ottawa, as well as with all Members of Parliament & staff","label":0} {"text":"Condolences to staff at Charlie Hebdo & their loved ones. They stood for free speech & paid with their lives. I stand with #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Please remember that it's an individual causing the #sydneysiege not a faith or race. They speak for themselves, nobody else.","label":0} {"text":"Asterix and Obelix pay tribute to #CharlieHebdo victims (via @asterixofficiel) http:\/\/t.co\/ssgYsoKoIC","label":0} {"text":"Captain Johnson: \"Last night was a great night.\" #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Gunman shot dead in #OttawaShootings named by US officials as 32-year-old, Canadian-born, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau http:\/\/t.co\/VgpiGxW7P4","label":1} {"text":"Australian Muslim community releases statement in response to #sydneysiege. http:\/\/t.co\/r6UMUVGxHV","label":0} {"text":"\"Profoundly shocking\" -Australia PM Tony Abbott delivers second #sydneysiege statement. MORE: http:\/\/t.co\/VaKt3ZpRZR http:\/\/t.co\/I9VOzKLcET","label":0} {"text":"11:11 - My wish is that this hostage situation in Sydney ends without anyone getting hurt !!","label":0} {"text":"Rev Jesse Jackson leading procession to shooting site. #Ferguson #MichaelBrown @stltoday http:\/\/t.co\/ElWD9jGEFA","label":0} {"text":"Kevin Vickers hailed as hero who took down attacker http:\/\/t.co\/qIDq2LcXkf #OttawaShooting #cbcto http:\/\/t.co\/Qo5E24X9ZS","label":1} {"text":"3 people have come running out of the Lindt cafe building, including a man who looked like a cafe worker. #MartinPlaceSiege #sydneysiege","label":1} {"text":"IMPORTANT: Ottawa police are urging people NOT to tweet the location of police activity in the field. Shooting scene remains active.","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Flag in Sydney cafe window confirmed to be that of Jabah Al-Nusra, says Islamic terror expert on 7News http:\/\/t.co\/1UMa3DwuNJ","label":1} {"text":"Germanwings Airbus A320 plane crash: Two babies and 16 children among 150 dead http:\/\/t.co\/UGlaM0vpoK http:\/\/t.co\/9yCcn7Hzz8","label":1} {"text":"After #CharlieHebdo attack, satirists express solidarity and vow that fun would never die. http:\/\/t.co\/XcTHtsVSCa http:\/\/t.co\/1EVgl9Apfx","label":0} {"text":"JUST IN: US Embassy in Ottawa on lockdown following shooting incidents at and near Canadian Parliament - @WilliamsJon","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING: Flag w\/ Islamic writing held up to window of #Sydney cafe. Police say up to 50 hostages. #Australia PM convenes security team.","label":1} {"text":"Our thoughts are with the passengers and crew of flight 4U-9525, their families and friends. United by wings, @lufthansa @germanwings","label":0} {"text":"Every 28 hours a black male is killed in the United States by police or vigilantes. #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"I'd rather swallow a bullet than bow to a \"God\" too insecure to handle cartoons. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/805bDy3G6y","label":0} {"text":"Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo. http:\/\/t.co\/gvLp0NwLax","label":0} {"text":"Radikal of Turkey mourns with Charlie Hebdo staff and people of France and says #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/vXNLWB71mB","label":0} {"text":"The Algerian Muslim editor - killed in the #CharlieHebdo attack - nobody knows about: Moustapha Ourrad. #JeSuisMuslim http:\/\/t.co\/NizgHAxpsL","label":0} {"text":"We don't need to stinkin' #PoliceState Americans! This must stop! .@StupidTeanuts: Going 2 War w\/ Americans #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/lo4ZQ59DHS","label":0} {"text":"#sydneysiege: Watch the dramatic moment a group of hostages sprinted from the cafe. http:\/\/t.co\/3xvtZ2RBJj","label":1} {"text":"New cops wear blue not camo, mingle and talk to protesters with respect -- and suddenly there's calm #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/XY3NSpbqK8","label":0} {"text":"In reporting the story, the Telegraph has pixilated Charlie Hebdo's La Vie De Mahomet: http:\/\/t.co\/ElhnzUNr0A http:\/\/t.co\/jdHLcQBtfp","label":0} {"text":"THE TERRORIST ATTACK IN PARIS IS SO SCARY I'M CRYING","label":0} {"text":"Hostage situation in Sydney is happening next door to @7NewsSydney's studio -- this is a live stream of the coverage https:\/\/t.co\/uNXkJmspr8","label":1} {"text":"People are now matching to the #Ferguson Police Dept headquarters. http:\/\/t.co\/4KEsby2ZPj","label":0} {"text":"Sydney's Daily Telegraph has printed a special 2pm edition - \"Death cult CBD attack\" #MartinPlaceSiege http:\/\/t.co\/smU3gg3RSS","label":1} {"text":"UPDATE Yesterday #4U9525 took exactly the same route \/@planefinder http:\/\/t.co\/wFg8KTSve2 http:\/\/t.co\/UyLWPJArJ5","label":0} {"text":"Ottawa is one of the world's great cities. Today's events do not change this.","label":0} {"text":"The US Embassy in France (@USEmbassyFrance) has changed its Twitter pic to the #JeSuisCharlie image http:\/\/t.co\/afvSJT8jma","label":0} {"text":"Our ally Saudi Arabia is such an advocate of free speech that it flogged a liberal blogger with the lash for blasphemy today #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"UPDATED: Shots fired on Parliament Hill, soldier injured at National War Memorial http:\/\/t.co\/eyhV6c2yiv http:\/\/t.co\/wy63eYJbB1","label":1} {"text":"Masked gunmen pictured near #CharlieHebdo offices http:\/\/t.co\/Zvfj25EnEc http:\/\/t.co\/qTWhoLqICk","label":0} {"text":"#IllRideWithYou starts on social media in response to #SydneySiege, showing support to Muslims: http:\/\/t.co\/sQOaGCBYkh @ghoshworld","label":0} {"text":"Ottawa shooting: Nathan Cirillo, reservist from Hamilton, killed in attack http:\/\/t.co\/cUzepktlxx http:\/\/t.co\/hqR6R0q9jl","label":1} {"text":"Corporal Nathan Cirillo, shot dead at #Ottawa War Memorial today, was 24. Reservist was member of Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders #cdnpoli","label":1} {"text":"Follow @MichaelSkolnik NOW if you want to follow the story about #MikeBrown, the unarmed teenager who was killed by the #Ferguson police.","label":0} {"text":"The info given today seems to line up with this witness account, even the alleged theft: http:\/\/t.co\/7hjBIrf1a3 #Ferguson #MikeBrown","label":1} {"text":"\"What happened in #Ferguson doesn't contradict America's racial narrative. It illustrates it.\" http:\/\/t.co\/337F1OD330","label":0} {"text":"If I condemn the attack, that doesn't mean I support Charlie Hebdo, and If I condemn Charlie Hebdo, that doesn't mean I support the attack.","label":0} {"text":"Newspaper front pages after the attack on Charlie Hebdo \u2013 in pictures http:\/\/t.co\/5HazSPUc71 http:\/\/t.co\/c0lNK7eyzg","label":0} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo: Everything you need to know about the magazine that refuses to be censored http:\/\/t.co\/4LNGobrht7 http:\/\/t.co\/LPHAMs6eNA","label":0} {"text":"Freedom of speech is a right as much as a cause worth fighting for. Obscurantism is a danger made real today #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"I am still confused as to why these \"highly trained\" individuals left their ID in the getaway car. #CharlieHebdo","label":1} {"text":"Not just Mike Brown\u2026 Second police shooting in #Ferguson leaves man in critical condition http:\/\/t.co\/uZpgcJK0bB","label":1} {"text":"Sky News reporter @campricenews at the scene of the #sydneysiege. Live now on Sky News + http:\/\/t.co\/FwFefoiKa2 https:\/\/t.co\/6FXegnved4","label":0} {"text":"Shooting also come after Canadian ISIS fanboy Abu Turaab (acct suspended now) tweeted about pending attack in Canada \/2","label":0} {"text":"\"RESISTANCE from #Ferguson to #Palestine\" #FreePalestine #MikeBrown @Dreamdefenders http:\/\/t.co\/olYnQ2plyu","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Sydney hostage-taker believed to be self-styled Muslim cleric facing string of violent charges.","label":0} {"text":"Video: The moment the police stormed the Sydney cafe. Police confirm the siege is now over. http:\/\/t.co\/E7RSvVibiu http:\/\/t.co\/u6dVtuoAUc","label":0} {"text":"Easily 50+ officers asking protesters to leave in #Ferguson over #MikeBrown rally #kmov http:\/\/t.co\/RBkfloalhF","label":0} {"text":"Another account of what happened to #MikeBrown #JusticeForMikeBrown http:\/\/t.co\/sOD2olFYwp #STL #FERGUSON","label":1} {"text":"More gun shots and loud bangs are coming from #MartinPl as heavily armed police stormed caf\u00e9. #SydneySiege #9News http:\/\/t.co\/W46SPDZWUD","label":1} {"text":"Are other shootouts aimed at stalling #CharlieHebdo manhunt? See:http:\/\/t.co\/uwYKR50VNM http:\/\/t.co\/jBR2c4LHq6","label":0} {"text":"[Episode] 'War of Hormone' MV & Photo shooting: http:\/\/t.co\/1kbw2G0n8N","label":0} {"text":"The astonishing pictures coming out of #Ferguson--snipers and tanks trained on civilians--look like they're straight out of a failing state.","label":0} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo will publish this week with a print run of 1 million, up from the usual 60,000 http:\/\/t.co\/Xy5jyLxGZt http:\/\/t.co\/5P7HpPUAT2","label":0} {"text":"To all my Muslim friends: you don't need to apologize for the #CharlieHebdo attack in Paris. A criminal committed a crime, not Islam.","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings latest: http:\/\/t.co\/8tZopIBYLh - #Airbus A320 crashes in French Alps - Barcelona-to-Dusseldorf flight - 142 passengers & 6 crew","label":1} {"text":"Five free but an unknown number remain trapped in dramatic siege in Sydney: http:\/\/t.co\/VUVPPrKuDc #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/oHEoDf8r3H","label":1} {"text":"A 60-second tribute to the victims of the #CharlieHebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/SNQBRuh48T http:\/\/t.co\/WFYN11sijj","label":0} {"text":"Also, the National Association of Black Psychologists will be on-site to provide free crisis counseling to residents of #Ferguson today.","label":0} {"text":"TV channels have chosen not to show videos of hostages relaying #sydneysiege gunman's demands. http:\/\/t.co\/5jtd36wFOU http:\/\/t.co\/oKJPRv40l3","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING: CTV News confirms that shots have been fired on Parliament Hill.","label":1} {"text":"As we speak, with quiet resolve, Gazza is loading his car with chicken and a fishing rod and planning his route to Dammartin-en-Goele","label":0} {"text":"thinking of the people in Martin Place in Sydney right now, and for the police, etc having to deal with the situation. so terrifying","label":0} {"text":"MORE: Official: French terror suspects want to be martyrs; are holed up with hostage north of Paris: http:\/\/t.co\/sJXudtGUOV","label":1} {"text":"Many police officers today operate from fear and prejudice. That's dangerous when you have the power to take a life. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"87 y.o French cartoonist Uderzo, creator of Asterix, comes out of retirement for #CharlieHebdo (H\/T @WilliamsJon): http:\/\/t.co\/6uBOTl9pzO","label":0} {"text":"Those who seek to end #freespeech w\/ violence are moral & intellectual cowards. Its defenders are heroes of the open society. #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"#RCMP news conference on #Ottawa shootings expected to begin momentarily. Watch live @ http:\/\/t.co\/kngapKTSCe","label":1} {"text":"FLASHBACK: White House condemns #CharlieHebdo cartoons (9\/9\/12) http:\/\/t.co\/4YbAJRGwXb","label":0} {"text":"MORE: Operation to detain massacre suspects unfolding in Dammartin-en-Goele, about 25 miles northeast of Paris: http:\/\/t.co\/H1bHg5T7Ec","label":1} {"text":"I'm so happy to see Sydney-siders saying #illridewithyou to Muslim people who fear abuse on public transport following #sydneysiege","label":0} {"text":"Until then, let's riot and burn embassies and then wonder why people disrespect our Prophet. #CharlieHebdo #Facepalm","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING Paris hostage-taker 'knows' one Charlie Hebdo killer: source","label":1} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo the magazine will be published next Wednesday as usual says magazine lawyer. Print run: 1 million copies.","label":0} {"text":"They didn't give the chief no type of time to rehearse his lines and now he stuck looking like... #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/2fL1yMZFUQ","label":0} {"text":"Shooting at War Memorial - part of the area has been evacuated - Avoid Rideau Center and surroundings @uOttawa Protection monitoring","label":0} {"text":"Everything we know about the #CharlieHebdo attack so far http:\/\/t.co\/oqu0qi6N8v http:\/\/t.co\/uLT5JPOj4t","label":0} {"text":"Police in #Ferguson haven't been wearing identification: http:\/\/t.co\/ZAIikEqk09 http:\/\/t.co\/LDgoSLUHL3 via @Slate \/ Fire the #Ferguson PD.","label":0} {"text":"Update: Five hostages escape as a gunman continues siege in Sydney cafe http:\/\/t.co\/srN4LP5972 http:\/\/t.co\/JRXqBzBVEH","label":1} {"text":"#JeSuisCharlie used across the world to show solidarity with #CharlieHebdo shooting victims http:\/\/t.co\/kp922GIn7c http:\/\/t.co\/tiL6mF3MDf","label":0} {"text":"MORE: #4U9525 jet belonged to Germanwings low-cost, authorities confrm the crash, debris found http:\/\/t.co\/zU6hn03xzU http:\/\/t.co\/0yWIEnAtJT","label":0} {"text":"Flight #4U9525 climbed to 38,000 feet before before it started to descend and lost signal at 6,800ft \/@flightradar24 http:\/\/t.co\/CIG4wqG5cU","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING: At least 20 shots have been fired in the Canadian parliament in Ottawa, according to witnesses.","label":1} {"text":"It's nice to see officers with name tags on from Missouri State Highway Patrol. #Ferguson cops still not wearing them.","label":0} {"text":"No one can say this is a surprise. In July window-smashing rioters stormed thru Paris chanting 'gas the Jews' http:\/\/t.co\/krRNeIst27","label":0} {"text":"Brilliant #CharlieHebdo satirists did not attack #Islam, but poked fun @ #intolerance & #extremism of all kind inc #racism & #islamophobia.","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings crew didn't send distress signal; it was sent by air traffic control - civil aviation authorities to AFP http:\/\/t.co\/cN6iVJDoo7","label":1} {"text":"While horrified with #CharlieHebdo, let's not forget #RaifBadawi. 50 lashes today in Jeddah, first batch of 1000!! :( http:\/\/t.co\/l8ACRZuhVZ","label":0} {"text":"Latest photos from Ottawa's Parliament Hill http:\/\/t.co\/ibNGJIg2Pg http:\/\/t.co\/FtEukz6d9x","label":0} {"text":"Police pull up to #Ferguson in MRAPs & point sniper rifles at unarmed protestors LIVE 11am-2pm CST http:\/\/t.co\/OQtch0ubub","label":0} {"text":"One of the most compelling & relevant things I've seen on #CharlieHebdo so far. Pics say more than words sometimes. http:\/\/t.co\/RJslBvn6gv","label":0} {"text":"#Murder is prohibited in #Judaism, #Christianity & #Islam Click http:\/\/t.co\/C989YBqv5d #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting http:\/\/t.co\/k3vjLOodDQ","label":0} {"text":"A moron says something nasty about a Muslim on a bus, he's a national trend. An ISIS sympathizer gets violent in Sydney, he's a lone wolf.","label":0} {"text":".@pmharper is safe and has left Parliament Hill.","label":0} {"text":"Praying for the hostages and family's in Sydney :(","label":0} {"text":"OFFICIAL: Police launch assault where #CharlieHebdo suspects holed up (AFP): http:\/\/t.co\/yvvkRFLiMl http:\/\/t.co\/2xVhMWliRS","label":0} {"text":"Our cover #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/q29opNZ0jr","label":0} {"text":"Sara 4, killed while playing #Israel is intentionally targeting KIDS #Ferguson #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine http:\/\/t.co\/cD8oc73rNY","label":0} {"text":"\"I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris\" \u2014President Obama http:\/\/t.co\/qr9zeGU04o","label":0} {"text":"The RCMP will hold a news conference close to 2 p.m. to provide an update on the shootings in Ottawa.","label":1} {"text":"Dogs? In 2014? #Ferguson RT @AntonioFrench: Right now in #Ferguson MO following the killing of 17-year-old #MikeBrown http:\/\/t.co\/iniDpLhVgo","label":0} {"text":"Lets play a game. This will be blamed on (a) Racism of Charlie Hebdo (b) Poverty (c) Colonial France (d) Evil of Free Speech","label":0} {"text":"#pmharper tweets 'Canada's thoughts and prayers are with our Australian friends.' 13-40 hostages held in cafe in #Sydney. #SydneySiege","label":1} {"text":"Above us only sky. #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/WeGydbsacQ","label":0} {"text":"RIP Cpl. Nathan Cirillo today's tragic events put all in perspective #OttawaShooting #HeroesInLife @CanadianForces http:\/\/t.co\/B7ggJBbZvE","label":1} {"text":"Yes, they drew first. Don't ever be silent, don't ever be ignorant. We stand with you! #JeSuisCharlie Everyone RT! http:\/\/t.co\/Jm0y5PGIDh","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Soldier shot near Canada's parliament; active shooter at large. http:\/\/t.co\/ldO9r3y0JQ http:\/\/t.co\/5Ssy2fEmSb","label":1} {"text":"French police confirm that the #CharlieHebdo attackers shouted \"The Prophet has been avenged\". Sigh.","label":1} {"text":"Australian Muslim youth handed out 2000 flowers and 3600 water bottles to people in sydney #illridewithyou http:\/\/t.co\/DDUknU9jqr","label":0} {"text":"Religion of peace back at work. Muslims attack French magazine that mocked Muhammad, killing 12 #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting","label":0} {"text":"Reports: Alleged Sydney hostage taker was charged as accessory to ex-wife's murder http:\/\/t.co\/6T7xVdcwdD http:\/\/t.co\/EdqjZdgxMM","label":0} {"text":"#Paris, now. In front of Notre-Dame. #silence #charliehebdo http:\/\/t.co\/6EP3Vci23H","label":0} {"text":"At least five people have been released or escaped from a Sydney cafe where an armed man is holding hostages: http:\/\/t.co\/b0e9piKyqm","label":1} {"text":"The fact that while we've been focused on #Ferguson another black man was killed by cops in LA and it barely made the news says a lot.","label":0} {"text":"INSANITY! #Jihad comes 2 Australia & Liberal Lunatics are Concerned with Political Correctness!? #sydneysiege #tcot http:\/\/t.co\/YiTCQLja7a","label":0} {"text":"Gunman takes several hostages in Sydney cafe, parades Islamic militants' flag in window. Opera House also evacuated. http:\/\/t.co\/uatZQpAsOS","label":1} {"text":"If these fuckers in Paris didn't have hostages if AC130 them bitches.","label":0} {"text":"Islam is a non-violent religion. Don't let a few extremists or the media fool you. #SydneySiege http:\/\/t.co\/kamsNsPYLM","label":0} {"text":"Seeing condemnations from Muslim figures, worldwide. Tmrw, there will be articles on 'why don't they condemn terrorism?' Sigh. #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"As the @nswpolice have asked: if you're in the Sydney CBD just to check out the #SydneySiege at #MartinPlace, you should go home.","label":0} {"text":"A #Germanwings spokesman confirms two babies were among those on board a flight which crashed in the French Alps http:\/\/t.co\/npoy1K5Huo","label":1} {"text":"#Ferguson v #Bundy: Black jaywalking teen shot & killed by cops. White trespassig rancher's militia aim guns at cops. http:\/\/t.co\/MEGjYq2feR","label":0} {"text":"Swat team in #Ferguson have state mandated 'murder insurance' to protect them from lawsuits if they kill anyone.","label":1} {"text":"Pres. Obama condemns the #CharlieHebdo attack: Paris \"will endure well beyond the hateful vision of these killers.\" http:\/\/t.co\/Gn69hWYyg2","label":0} {"text":"Do the math. Stop the conflation and collateral indictment of Muslim Australians. #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/BZage57htm","label":0} {"text":"JUST IN: Lindt's CEO says there could be as many as 50 hostages inside the cafe in #Sydney http:\/\/t.co\/FlxRZYOxWA http:\/\/t.co\/eKFi9smVGh","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING: There have been two shootings on Parliament Hill. One of the victims is believed to be a member of the Canadian Forces.","label":1} {"text":"Canadian police, backed by armoured vehicles, have surrounded Parliament building in Ottawa http:\/\/t.co\/GZ0sW8Izdu http:\/\/t.co\/rIZmHjHdlr","label":0} {"text":"Pictured: Gunman Man Haron Monis, on bail over murder of ex-wife http:\/\/t.co\/xheuclMCmj #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/32hYnLqV6J","label":0} {"text":"Two shot in Paris, including traffic cop, as manhunt continues for #CharlieHebdo suspects http:\/\/t.co\/L7wpNhAYZn http:\/\/t.co\/oQi2UinDH1","label":1} {"text":"\"#Ferguson PD charged a man with destruction of property for bleeding on their uniforms while 4 officers beat him.\" http:\/\/t.co\/x4K1rHyXdn","label":1} {"text":"This http:\/\/t.co\/yAKOt5aARE #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/hUYhnDDBSf","label":0} {"text":"\"I strongly condemn the horrific shooting\" at the offices of #CharlieHebdo, US President Obama says http:\/\/t.co\/Z0Kp0ZjMGs","label":0} {"text":"@FRANCE24 reporter James Andr\u00e9 at French Civil Aviation Authority HQ: \"#Germanwings plane did NOT report distress signal\", no mayday.","label":1} {"text":"ID card of Said Kouachi, suspect in #CharlieHebdo attack, found in car left by 2 suspects http:\/\/t.co\/QBuyFSVORd http:\/\/t.co\/FyiSZvWJJ5","label":1} {"text":"#NHL cancels tonight's game between #Ottawa and #Toronto due to today's shootings. Senators were to host Maple Leafs.","label":1} {"text":"Why a hostage situation is neither the time nor place for selfies #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/AYGnzNVxOX http:\/\/t.co\/yhHldK5Wne","label":0} {"text":"A closer still caption of #Sydneysiege gunman http:\/\/t.co\/2zFjvlPC1n http:\/\/t.co\/tk1jwhYDdn","label":1} {"text":"Black flag held by #Sydneysiege hostages bears Islamic message of faith http:\/\/t.co\/rEpn2Mt4UC (PHOTO: AP\/Channel 7) http:\/\/t.co\/U9sqDmwt4w","label":1} {"text":"France faces 2 hostage-taking attacks; Paris kosher market attack has 5 hostages, some wounded: http:\/\/t.co\/dWlaFSDKjL","label":1} {"text":"An observation from yrs in practice - if it takes you 5 days to get your story out & it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"Tribute to #CharlieHebdo on Banksy's instagram account: http:\/\/t.co\/VE37nfsL2R http:\/\/t.co\/b0QYWmMUkL","label":1} {"text":"Sydney Opera House among buildings evacuated due to #SydneySiege: http:\/\/t.co\/xQtgKojdnC http:\/\/t.co\/LPOz3sxOI7","label":1} {"text":"I would think a religious figure is more offended by savage, barbaric slaughter in his name than by a cartoon. #charliehebdo","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING At least five hostages in Paris kosher supermarket: source","label":1} {"text":"Sydney siege is over. More details to follow.","label":0} {"text":"DEVELOPING: Shooting suspect at large inside Canadian Parliament: reports http:\/\/t.co\/hU0OfoOGEC http:\/\/t.co\/5fkHcPaK97","label":1} {"text":"Anonymous hacking group threatens #Ferguson police in wake of Shooting http:\/\/t.co\/wNjBvxk6MU http:\/\/t.co\/Vrwv1EdRhM\" via @BET","label":0} {"text":"Thoughts and prayers this morning with those affected by what is happening in #Sydney","label":0} {"text":"142 PEOPLE ON BOARD GERMANWINGS AIRBUS A320 THAT CRASHED IN SOUTHERN FRANCE","label":1} {"text":"As people attempt to sleep tonight our thoughts are with those involved in the #SydneySiege. Praying we wake up to good news tomorrow. \u2764\ufe0f","label":0} {"text":"#A320 Germanwings plane crash: Majority of victims likely to be German says French President http:\/\/t.co\/U4yg4ndyBo http:\/\/t.co\/eHb2UetmxI","label":0} {"text":"How people in France view Muslims: Very positively #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/mri0tPun5U http:\/\/t.co\/7ebMQhBs88","label":0} {"text":"PHOTOS: New Yorkers write their thoughts in peaceful protest: http:\/\/t.co\/mC0M9xbWG3 (Victor Mirontschuk) #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/4JKxvjr6Ln","label":0} {"text":"There's anger after people start taking selfies outside the #sydneysiege cafe. http:\/\/t.co\/6BcdtB1GH1 http:\/\/t.co\/7N5547eoAY","label":0} {"text":"Never forget: Tear Gas. Rubber Bullets. APCs. Militarized Cops. No Name Tags. No Fly Zone. Al Jazeera. Never Forget Mike Brown. #ferguson","label":0} {"text":"#4U9525: Robin names Andreas Lubitz as the copilot in the flight deck who crashed the aircraft.","label":1} {"text":"Is this the day that free speech died a little? @NewYorker cartoonist's poignant response to the #CharlieHebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/11lRJ4A0yZ","label":0} {"text":"Thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of the passengers of Germanwings Flight 9525. Beyond\u2026 https:\/\/t.co\/f51rHVQ4Er","label":0} {"text":"#OttawaShooting situation is fluid and ongoing. Remain vigilant and aware. Tip line 613-236-1222 x5493 c: @RCMP_Nat_Div ^JT","label":0} {"text":"Several hostages freed at Jewish supermarket in Paris. Photo Thomas Samson #AFP http:\/\/t.co\/C9ltgMT0Wl","label":1} {"text":"\u2192 http:\/\/t.co\/girzJM1zS7 Charlie Hebdo has had a long tradition of disrespect and provocation #CharlieHebdo 623 http:\/\/t.co\/YYY4nxbgaZ","label":0} {"text":"\"As with 9\/11, most French residents will remember for a long time where they were on January 7, 2015.\" http:\/\/t.co\/GTM7lKrIpK #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"Major police operation unfolding in downtown Sydney http:\/\/t.co\/thNggxxGEQ","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Name of co-pilot of crashed #Germanwings flight was Andreas Lubitz","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING UPDATE: 2 more hostages leave #Sydneysiege site http:\/\/t.co\/m51P8dUPhB http:\/\/t.co\/nN9oFekgTZ","label":1} {"text":"Sending our thoughts and prayers to everyone in #Ottawa at this difficult time. Pls follow @OttawaPolice & @rcmpgrcpolice for latest info.","label":0} {"text":"The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus was a convert to Islam - http:\/\/t.co\/7MHPhG5aIR #RedNationRising","label":1} {"text":"Absurdly, I'm told this is not time to talk about reforming Muslim attitudes to \"blasphemy\". Seriously. What planet are we on? #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"When you are black & the victim of a crime, people will dig up something you did in kindergarten to justify what happened to you. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Pic from Conservative MP Nina Grewal of caucus is getting a lot of att'n on Twitter. @grahamctv: #ottawashooting. http:\/\/t.co\/vAuAopcJRD","label":0} {"text":"As the #Sydneysiege drags on and bigotry flares up, Australians are saying #illridewithyou in solidarity with the Muslim community.","label":0} {"text":"Press Council confirms \"at least one\" complaint against Daily Telegraph #sydneysiege special http:\/\/t.co\/sHUmAo0ag1 http:\/\/t.co\/btzeuj3k0m","label":0} {"text":"Nothing screams action like placing pressure on the head of the city, Mayor Knowles. Call or email him! #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/CvTxppaWWN","label":0} {"text":"Depressing that ppl don't realise most victims of Islamic extremists are Muslims\u2026 but I'm relieved @OwenJones84 does http:\/\/t.co\/rv2VVTrVWl","label":0} {"text":"Hostage taker in Sydney cafe demands ISIS flag and call with Australian PM, Sky News reports. http:\/\/t.co\/a2vgrn30Xh #sydneysiege","label":1} {"text":"Captain Johnson: \"I know we're scared and I know we've fallen. But I know He's going to pick us up.\" #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo, the magazine that dared to poke fun at religion http:\/\/t.co\/L5wXIOOr2p http:\/\/t.co\/SpDK2rMW4K","label":0} {"text":"Charlie Hebdo: Fox news anchor suggests skin colour helps identify 'typical bad guys' http:\/\/t.co\/XvkeSMMXC4 http:\/\/t.co\/zcQjFbUY6P","label":0} {"text":"Why is terrorism international & weapons from terrorists always Russian (Soviet) !? \u2014 TT @samiramoto #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/iSH566FPu2","label":0} {"text":"Last position of Germanwings flight #4U9525 at 09:40 UTC http:\/\/t.co\/FHoX6q0GHt http:\/\/t.co\/72pxGKolRM","label":1} {"text":"I can't stomach another #justicefor campaign. Real justice isn't a conviction. It's black ppl not being used for target practice. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"I hope everyone is okay in Sydney and nothing bad happens from this hostage situation","label":0} {"text":"A reminder: A SWAT team the size of TX showed up to the top location, but not the bottom one. #Ferguson #BundyRanch http:\/\/t.co\/3Gjo0VFQ2E","label":0} {"text":"Australian mosque imams refer to #SydneySiege as a \"criminal act\", NOT as a terrorist act. Refuse to renounce JIHAD. https:\/\/t.co\/Wt8CtS18Zf","label":0} {"text":"I apologise for rough translation. \"Freedom of expression is spilling ink, not shedding blood.\" #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/V1SjjmPaC0","label":0} {"text":"Suspects in #CharlieHebdo attack identified by police as Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi & Hamyd Mourad http:\/\/t.co\/kTtysbF7fX","label":1} {"text":"What Charlie Hebdo does, and why terrorists use it as \"a pretext to justify their violence.\" By @emserre, from 2012. http:\/\/t.co\/BIXn9x5GAp","label":0} {"text":"Call out to STL Co police: only can confirm a person shot on Chambers, and is down. No word on alive or dead, or why. #Ferguson","label":1} {"text":"\"If our fears are confirmed, this is a dark day for Lufthansa,\" says CEO of Germanwings' parent company after crash http:\/\/t.co\/tJVCCJSY4G","label":0} {"text":"The day #Ferguson cops told a dirty, bloody lie (via @thedailybeast): http:\/\/t.co\/gnAlHsS7tu http:\/\/t.co\/vpqnDDVd2u","label":1} {"text":"GERMAN NEWS REPORT: Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT \u2026'Hero of Islamic State'? http:\/\/t.co\/Pw2kxje31m via @gatewaypundit","label":1} {"text":"#AJEOpinion: \"It's going to get a lot worse for France's Muslims\" #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/nuzS6Avu0A http:\/\/t.co\/vW76MGytm5","label":0} {"text":"People being held as hostages does seem a perfect selfie moment \ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude10. Absolute morons! #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/zZY5lr0H6y","label":0} {"text":"Cpl. Nathan #Cirillo, the soldier shot dead today in #Ottawa. RIP sir and thank you for your service. #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/jpXLr5ONOa","label":1} {"text":"Third thought: defending the rights that Charlie Hebdo defended means defending free speech, not attacking Muslims.","label":0} {"text":"RT @dabeard: Wow. @newyorker cover. #charliehebdo http:\/\/t.co\/XKCQbCeHPz","label":0} {"text":"#Breaking Military sources, friends ID Nathan Frank Cirillo as soldier killed in Ottawa http:\/\/t.co\/CVyzAvavIF http:\/\/t.co\/Q7qKp919Ml","label":1} {"text":"The moment when one of the Sydney hostages ran out of the cafe. #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/v8J5eYn06p","label":0} {"text":"We must confirm to our deepest regret that Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 from Barcelona to D\u00fcsseldorf has suffered an accident over the 1\/5","label":1} {"text":"Witnesses of today's shooting incidents, call 613-236-1222 ext 5493.","label":0} {"text":"VIDEO - BREAKING NEWS - Germanwings Airbus crashes in the French Alps with 148 onboard http:\/\/t.co\/C2fJV2Uapu http:\/\/t.co\/y0RoEPBMqM","label":1} {"text":"Everyone please read this #PrayForSydney #illridewithyou #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/wJQFgaU5rD","label":0} {"text":"Rest In Peace Corporal Nathan Cirillo. #Respect #Ottawa #Canada #tcot http:\/\/t.co\/1mIBOBohd4","label":1} {"text":"Our thoughts are with our nation's capital right now. Praying for those affected by today's tragic events at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.","label":0} {"text":"Downtown #yxe. This man says he's marching for #Ottawa. #ottawashooting #cbcyxe http:\/\/t.co\/xmxpYgFcgw","label":0} {"text":"-1,570,000,000 Muslims in the World -500,000 Muslims in Australia -1 terrorist in #SydneyCafe Don't stereotype #sydneysiege #PrayForSydney","label":0} {"text":"The car used by armed gunmen who stormed the Paris offices of satirical newspaper #CharlieHebdo Photo D. Faget #AFP http:\/\/t.co\/ZBkDglcBcE","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING first official news release from #Ferguson PD since death of #MikeBrown @kmov http:\/\/t.co\/Z27k2DOm7J","label":0} {"text":"2 of the 4 police departments rampaging through #Ferguson were trained by Israel in methods of domination and control http:\/\/t.co\/ztZUZpzHJb","label":1} {"text":"#ferguson has had ZERO homicides in the last year. 'Black on black crime is our real problem' folks where y'all at?","label":1} {"text":"GOD BLESS YOU #Ferguson RT @Daaance_Ki: Howard family pray for our own @SpookPacShakur . http:\/\/t.co\/fW2CJgno6A","label":0} {"text":"How come HR organisations in the west give awards to supporter of such actions as @AbdulEla who was awarded by Karama 2013 #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"#Gazans advise #US protesters on #Twitter http:\/\/t.co\/bIlucMYbwh #Ferguson #FreePalestine #presstvgaza http:\/\/t.co\/7RhD2CQgpa","label":0} {"text":"In sympathy and solidarity with @Charlie_Hebdo_ #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/W2CBdVJ0k6","label":0} {"text":"The flag in the Lindt cafe window appears to be a Shahada flag, not an Islamic State flag. Live blog: http:\/\/t.co\/3yf38dA6Gs #SydneySiege","label":1} {"text":"The fact that \"any religious loner could do this\" is exactly what ISIL aims to inspire, it's their modus operandi #SydneySiege","label":0} {"text":"Charges filed against man shot by police in #Ferguson on Wednesday; cops say he pointed gun at them: http:\/\/t.co\/fbOOmrP8Zz","label":0} {"text":"Listen to our live special coverage of Parliament Hill shooting here http:\/\/t.co\/tyNHh2UFcb http:\/\/t.co\/fwN00HBv6K","label":0} {"text":"French president #Hollande says there is no doubt attack on #CharlieHebdo is terrorist attack. http:\/\/t.co\/Rve1Lp0EXf http:\/\/t.co\/8LFA5LFSnS","label":0} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo attack is a barbaric act of terrorism. Nothing can justify it. Muslim scholar Gulen must be remembered. http:\/\/t.co\/NgQNmlPqBf","label":0} {"text":"Ottawa Hospital has received 3 patients, 2 of whom are in stable condition. Won't give update on soldier, deferring to DND. #cbcOTT #OTTnews","label":1} {"text":"Protesters in #Palestine and #Ferguson shot with the same teargas canisters. wow. #FreePalestine #JusticeForMikeBrown http:\/\/t.co\/BFsk31CK1A","label":0} {"text":"NEW: The #Salafi response to the #Terrorist #ParisShooting #France: \"Were they forbidding an evil?\" Please spread. http:\/\/t.co\/g9QlYdXlUR","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING - A Germanwings Airbus A320 plane reportedly crashed in the region of Digne (French Alps) #Flightradar24 - French TV #itele","label":1} {"text":"2 dead, 3 in serious condition after the #SydneySiege, Australia's ABC reports http:\/\/t.co\/Y62bZ2YYa5","label":1} {"text":"SYDNEY TERROR - Heavily-armed police storm cafe - Multiple hostages flee - Hostages seriously wounded - Gunman said to be dead","label":0} {"text":"Oh, and the cover of today's edition of Charlie Hebdo mocked Michel Houellebecq for writing an Islamophobic novel... http:\/\/t.co\/moLfdEMlpM","label":0} {"text":"I wonder how many of the people criticizing Charlie Hebdo's free speech this week defended Franco & Rogen's free speech last week?","label":0} {"text":"#sydneysiege gunman was reportedly \"extremely agitated\", shouting as some hostages escaped. http:\/\/t.co\/R2a17pDaN8 http:\/\/t.co\/7G01BcQUPL","label":0} {"text":"Yes, #sydneysiege is a hostage situation. Yes, the hostage taker(s) is a terrorist. Any other stupid failures of PC that need addressing?","label":1} {"text":"A look at the cockpit-security measures that prevented Germanwings pilot from reentering: http:\/\/t.co\/vRv13M66Ez http:\/\/t.co\/CXROfyWrBH","label":0} {"text":"Police shootout ends 16-hour siege in Martin Place. #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/OoutIlaTo6","label":1} {"text":".@fpleitgenCNN is by a school on lockdown where students echo #JeSuisCharlie sentiment. http:\/\/t.co\/Xk46LBlGuT","label":0} {"text":"Stewart drives over guy kills him. News is everywhere. Cops fire 10 bullets into unarmed black. Not even covered. Good job media. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"#sydneysiege Australians rally against Islamophobia with #illridewithyou hashtag http:\/\/t.co\/FhzSoccp22 http:\/\/t.co\/wVQmT5b8dt","label":0} {"text":"The 2011 issue of Charlie Hebdo, whose cover featured Mohammed. http:\/\/t.co\/eSflYdFBRH","label":0} {"text":"St. Louis area police forces are less diverse than communities they serve. By the numbers - http:\/\/t.co\/L0svzVrZue #Ferguson #STL","label":0} {"text":"Police forces take position by the kosher grocery store in Saint-Mande, near Porte de Vincennes in Paris. #AFP http:\/\/t.co\/ANkBZtMTSJ","label":0} {"text":"Be especially kind to each other today, Sydney. Especially to our Muslim friends - don't let good people be judged by the actions of a few.","label":0} {"text":"Sitting in Melbourne watching what's going on in Sydney...I bloody hope it ends ok for those poor people! Disgusting behaviour! \ud83d\ude21","label":0} {"text":"Dr Ali from the Irish Islamic Culture Centre just said he would seek legal advice if any journalist tweets one of #CharlieHebdo cartoons.","label":0} {"text":"Our statement on the Charlie Hebdo attack: defend freedom of speech, resist hatred. https:\/\/t.co\/1Ok61nfRwj","label":0} {"text":"I'm so very proud of you America. Every young, senior, veteran, sane non-violent person for justice #NMOS14 #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/oVgY9x5Nzn","label":0} {"text":"Breaking: Kouachi brothers dead; hostage freed after raid in Dammartin-en-Goele, says person familiar with matter http:\/\/t.co\/FYkXChPD4d","label":1} {"text":". @USEmbassyFrance changes Twitter pic to #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/nCO0bEygIx","label":0} {"text":"According to reports, one gunman is dead in #Ottawa Parliament shooting. LIVE coverage: http:\/\/t.co\/NZrpLq5Coo http:\/\/t.co\/f6PV2xgRBh","label":1} {"text":"Satirical French magazine #CharlieHebdo attacked by gunmen: latest news report http:\/\/t.co\/gjTbTOQIMo http:\/\/t.co\/IIKBOs2Puk","label":0} {"text":"If you have pictures or video of the suspect, email them NatDiv_Media_DivNat@rcmp-grc.gc.ca #ottawa #ottcity #ottnews","label":0} {"text":"Savagely murdering innocent people brings only shame, not honor. Monsters. #CharlieHebdo","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: CANADIAN OFFICIALS NOW CALLING TODAY'S PARLIAMENT SHOOTING A TERRORIST ATTACK - http:\/\/t.co\/lXFiYaVImZ","label":1} {"text":"Today's cartoon, by @DaveBrownToons. #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/zsz3ujodlT","label":0} {"text":"Reports in French media of hostage situation as manhunt for #CharlieHebdo suspects centres on #DammartinEnGoele http:\/\/t.co\/PNhWZP39md","label":1} {"text":"LIVE video from scene of deadly attack on Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo: http:\/\/t.co\/h3uQuxHeTF http:\/\/t.co\/MzzOMR19ve","label":0} {"text":"Fuck you, Islamist nutbags. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/yDrzeh0JiT","label":0} {"text":"Two police officers have been injured in a shooting in #Montrouge in southern #Paris - there is no direct link with the #CharlieHebdo attack","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Germanwings Co-Pilot was recent convert to Islam. http:\/\/t.co\/fwf86tD88b http:\/\/t.co\/djkzng2piM","label":1} {"text":"Hundreds of massacres committed daily against muslims in Burma and nobody says a word #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/r2qkysjVDw","label":0} {"text":"Update - Police say 12 people killed after armed gunmen stormed headquarters of French weekly publication 'Charlie Hebdo' in #Paris","label":1} {"text":"Remember: do NOT tweet location of police in #Ottawa #OttawaShooting","label":0} {"text":"Several MPs tweeting that lone gunman shot dead in Centre Block. All MPs reportedly safe. #cdnpoli #ottawa","label":1} {"text":"MORE: Police say hostage situation in Sydney is over after a swarm of heavily armed police storm downtown cafe: http:\/\/t.co\/Tn8BlZvwmp","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings \"sorry to confirm\" 144 passengers & 6 crew on board flight #4U9525 when it crashed in French Alps http:\/\/t.co\/inQlKOqZup","label":1} {"text":"VIDEO Ambulances & police race to site of hostage scene north-east of Paris as #CharlieHebdo gunmen reported killed http:\/\/t.co\/1X6svwi3zz","label":0} {"text":"This isn't a war yet police are armed a and approaching like we're in Iraq. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"The pen is mightier than the sword. Cartoonists respond to terror in France #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie #auspol http:\/\/t.co\/ZBwwQOGElr","label":0} {"text":"Armed Person Takes Hostages At Paris-Area Deli; Police Surround Charlie Hebdo Terrorists http:\/\/t.co\/K61LgA3Tjc http:\/\/t.co\/SdQNm8maMD","label":0} {"text":".@amcoren's report on what we know right now about the #sydneysiege: http:\/\/t.co\/lkXAAgN5Rg","label":0} {"text":"VIDEO: @petermansbridge on what we currently know about the #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/5XBsdQf561 http:\/\/t.co\/EKZlSUznJ9","label":0} {"text":"No survivors are expected from the Airbus A320 crash, the French President says. http:\/\/t.co\/5VmBfIGlj2 #germanwings http:\/\/t.co\/sOmZfCrxMR","label":0} {"text":"Thousands tweet declaring their solidarity with Muslims... #IllRideWithYou #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/Lq0VjkWreY http:\/\/t.co\/DRsCNjqt4y","label":0} {"text":"And now the Trocadero. I have a very bad feeling about today","label":1} {"text":"French officials say one of the alleged gunman left ID in getaway car after #CharlieHebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/9c5VpoFxJI","label":1} {"text":"Why it's Charlie Hebdo's right to draw Muhammad http:\/\/t.co\/GlF9dgwFS0 http:\/\/t.co\/Vkfw5ZbmvC","label":0} {"text":"No-Fly Zone over #Ferguson MO bans News Copters from Reporting on Protests http:\/\/t.co\/hcsRiULLoy Anyone gotta drone? #OpFerguson","label":0} {"text":"Maryam Rajavi condemns Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, offers her condolences to French people and government http:\/\/t.co\/RZkTHR96wV #iran","label":0} {"text":"White House responds to shooting at Paris offices of #CharlieHebdo. http:\/\/t.co\/Cd0y6NAOvE http:\/\/t.co\/K7rP2sQKeY","label":0} {"text":"Stop making excuses for terrorists. #CharlieHebdo tweeted this before Christmas and there'll be no avenging Jesus. http:\/\/t.co\/BS3Z759LLx","label":0} {"text":"The door is solid, you can't knock it down\u2026 it's bulletproof-@JimTilmon on @NYTimes rpt #Germanwings pilot locked out http:\/\/t.co\/hs20B8jC4b","label":1} {"text":"Location of #Germanwings plane crash. http:\/\/t.co\/9a9ZLDN4o7","label":0} {"text":"France marks minute of silence for victims of #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/YkwO7nZxcb http:\/\/t.co\/HK1sqKai84","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Distress call linked with #Germanwings jet came from air traffic control, not plane -- aviation official. http:\/\/t.co\/EOKW9FoIJ4","label":1} {"text":"Praying for Sydney. Also thank heavens for streaming foreign networks because American media is completely MIA.","label":0} {"text":"Cartoonist @davpope takes on the #CharlieHebdo attack: http:\/\/t.co\/eFaaaLWLzP http:\/\/t.co\/UV4C791jpT","label":0} {"text":"It's horrible that Paris has to deal with all these violent attacks. What a way to start 2015. \ud83d\ude21","label":0} {"text":"Don't feel hopeless if you are far from #Ferguson. Organize your block or your hood. Unite tenants, support ex-offenders, #FilmThePolice.","label":0} {"text":"New Yorker's reaction to #CharlieHebdo shooting http:\/\/t.co\/FwtnxbbNYq","label":0} {"text":"WATCH: Sounds of apparent gunfire inside halls of Canada's Parliament Hill: http:\/\/t.co\/KzOOm96NEL http:\/\/t.co\/WOzpsb6dXi","label":1} {"text":"\"Hands up! Don't shoot!\" #Ferguson, MO, protests spread to nearby Clayton. http:\/\/t.co\/s7KHztwXeq http:\/\/t.co\/9Ww2erUujj","label":0} {"text":"Special forces stands on the roof of a building in Dammartin-en-Goele where a hostage-taking is underway #AFP http:\/\/t.co\/gcm7TRRVfd","label":1} {"text":"This morning jihadists were all excited with #sydneysiege , now they call the hostage taker a \"dirty Iranian\" since he is Shiite","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: One gunman has been killed following a shooting on Parliament Hill, sources confirm to CTV News.","label":1} {"text":"UPDATE - Shooter #DarrenWilson didn't know #MikeBrown was a robbery suspect: #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/p05krSfaXL http:\/\/t.co\/R8CJVoTvex","label":1} {"text":"#JeSuisCharlie trends worldwide: Online solidarity after Charlie Hebdo attack http:\/\/t.co\/q1yC7tmhDN http:\/\/t.co\/nvrKqRY6EL","label":0} {"text":"The #SydneySiege has now been going for six hours. http:\/\/t.co\/5yDIw5xAGl http:\/\/t.co\/RcxxfJncRs","label":0} {"text":"#sydneysiege: At least four people believed to have been injured after multiple shots fired. http:\/\/t.co\/IxPuyIrNy2 http:\/\/t.co\/6sGsUZ8QG5","label":1} {"text":"#Sydneysiege: 2 women flee #LindtCafe, a total of 5 hostages now free http:\/\/t.co\/m51P8dUPhB http:\/\/t.co\/WrPDLAJBS0","label":1} {"text":"#JeSuisCharlie: The internet unites against #CharlieHebdo terrorists. http:\/\/t.co\/09yiJPKVU2 http:\/\/t.co\/Lz2xkzisq3","label":0} {"text":"Praying for the hostages in Sydney. Please let this end safely.","label":0} {"text":"Hip hop stepping up. Listen to @JColeNC Be Free http:\/\/t.co\/HP6fgs7a7M dedicated to #MikeBrown #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"#Ottawa in April 2013 you stood with us & called us #BostonStrong TODAY we stand with you - You are #OttawaStrong. #OttawaShooting","label":0} {"text":"The hypocrisy in the western world\u2026 (Political cartoon from Carlos Latuff) #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/EkMKJTfIyk","label":0} {"text":"Smoke rises from site where Charlie Hebdo suspects holed up http:\/\/t.co\/3JnzARhAck","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING | This is a photo of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, gunman in this morning's shootings in Ottawa. #cbcOTT #OTTnews http:\/\/t.co\/OLSxlYPelj","label":1} {"text":"#BREAKING Another hostage has been seen running out of the cafe #sydneysiege","label":1} {"text":"Paris terrorist attack kills 4 cartoonists including chief editor: Sources http:\/\/t.co\/s5RUZhL4m3 #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/F5YD2W8h8I","label":0} {"text":"Something being talked about tonight is the makeup of the #Ferguson Police Dept. Here's a breakdown: #MichaelBrown http:\/\/t.co\/faix6g9Omt","label":0} {"text":"Police Surround Sydney Cafe, Where Armed Person Holds Hostages http:\/\/t.co\/CPrsOcTuis","label":1} {"text":"The CEO of Lindt says there are around 50 people holed up in the cafe in central Sydney #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/sUKKYMk08y","label":1} {"text":"Seeing painful speculation very early. Very little is known. Stay calm, care for victims, their families, and gather true info. #4U9525","label":0} {"text":"French media report the Trocadero near the Eiffel Tower in #Paris has been evacuated and police have been deployed there","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING #Germanwings #4U9525 co-pilot's name is Andreas Lubitz, a German national, says Marseilles prosecutor.","label":1} {"text":"#BREAKING: A man just advanced on police. A red laser immediately was painted on his shirt. He threw his hands up. #Ferguson #MichaelBrown","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING: Reports that some of the hostages have escaped. LIVE Ch 601 #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/BzJmCjgyzU","label":1} {"text":"\"Our problem is not with Hamas. Our problem is not in Iraq. Our problem is in #Ferguson!\" - Anthony Shahid http:\/\/t.co\/o1dZ3LDHdg","label":0} {"text":"You say not all Muslims are monsters. Imagine a bowl of M&Ms. 10% are poisoned. Would you eat a handful? #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/j7UaLDHCIe","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING: A Germanwings Airbus A320 has crashed in French Alps near Digne (@AhronYoung)","label":1} {"text":"Story of Paris attack broke after our cartoon deadlines, so this will only appear in print tomorrow. #JeSuisCharlie http:\/\/t.co\/jNiF6HJyEz","label":0} {"text":"Some hostages seen leaving Paris kosher market after police raid http:\/\/t.co\/mavZxj17F7 http:\/\/t.co\/arlafQgjK0","label":0} {"text":"Attack on #CharlieHebdo:The intl community cannot allow extremists to silence the free flow of opinions http:\/\/t.co\/1BgO8HRRbf #pressfreedom","label":0} {"text":"Good morning from #Paris where we will have the latest on the #CharlieHebdo attack. 9am in Paris, 3am in the east http:\/\/t.co\/oRX61fCUke","label":0} {"text":"It was a St. Louis County police officer who shot this man, according to PIO Brian Schellman. #ferguson","label":1} {"text":"\"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrorist attack and the people of France\" -Pres. Obama statement on #CharlieHebdo.","label":0} {"text":"Peaceful youth demonstration at Greater St. Mark Church #ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/feWLxdme9R","label":0} {"text":"God bless all the hostages being held in Sydney today .. I pray that this all ends well and nobody gets hurt !!","label":0} {"text":"this is america? what the fuck is wrong with us? #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/Zp4bEbkwiW","label":0} {"text":"Lots of love and prayers for Sydney, I hope everyone's okay\ud83d\ude33 #MTVStars One Direction http:\/\/t.co\/huOYLZxWXi","label":0} {"text":"Gunmen in #CharlieHebdo attack \"will (be) chased as long as necessary,\" French President says http:\/\/t.co\/mnAeA7j7fY http:\/\/t.co\/JxFvJhiazn","label":0} {"text":"French radio @Europe1 says attackers on offices of Paris weekly ran out yelling \"Allahu Akbar\" #Charliehebdo","label":1} {"text":"If you are working in the Ottawa dowtown area; follow the instructions from the building management you are in. #ottnews","label":0} {"text":"Australian Muslim community releases statement in response to #sydneysiege. http:\/\/t.co\/KE9UFxdXuD","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Police official tells the Associated Press suspects in Charlie Hebdo massacre killed, hostage freed.","label":0} {"text":"Police fire tear gas at protestors for the third night in a row in Ferguson, Mo. #Ferguson #MikeBrown http:\/\/t.co\/BEoZT5yjkU","label":0} {"text":"Praying for the safety of all the hostages being held by some criminal in the cafe in Sydney. Preparing for the collective blame as well.","label":1} {"text":"RCMP advises if you are in downtown Ottawa \"to stay away from windows and off roofs due to ongoing police incident. \"","label":0} {"text":"Jon Stewart on the Charlie Hebdo attack: 'Comedy shouldn't have to be an act of courage' http:\/\/t.co\/xmQCP2OcHm","label":0} {"text":"To the tourists taking selfies outside the #SydneySiege - how would you like to be in that caf\u00e9? http:\/\/t.co\/Cc5bOysMjg","label":0} {"text":"Ottawa police tactical officers are here and very kindly pointed their guns at every reporter, ordering hands in the air and us to ground","label":0} {"text":"The problem isn't Islam. The problem is assholes. Every religion has 'em. #JeSuisCharlie","label":0} {"text":"Amazing pic of @AFP observing a minutes silence at their #Paris HQ for #CharlieHebdo attack victims http:\/\/t.co\/uAbuVJ9TsF","label":0} {"text":"Among those killed in #CharlieHebdo shooting: the editor-in-chief, a graphic artist and at least one police officer http:\/\/t.co\/wXpLIyAxdq","label":0} {"text":"#CharlieHebdo. We must reprint his work (yes HIS work - the main cartoonist). BBC spits on the dead by censoring it http:\/\/t.co\/jyZHiyCR0H","label":0} {"text":"#BREAKING here's copy of joint statement from US Attorney re: #MikeBrown #Ferguson @kmov http:\/\/t.co\/AQNT2X55tS","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: One person seriously wounded, six taken hostage in incident at kosher supermarket in Paris: police source","label":1} {"text":"Rest in Peace Mike Brown. #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"#Germanwings #CoPilot was a recent Muslim convert as well as a psychiatric patient. #ISIS is lauding him as a hero. http:\/\/t.co\/J29Y3tDjOP","label":1} {"text":"I could not be prouder of all of you. I love this country. #Australia #AustraliaStrong #illridewithyou #Sydney http:\/\/t.co\/I8s7IGrGNq","label":0} {"text":"#Breaking: Canadian embassy in Washington, D.C. is locked down as precaution. #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/Fut4TJG3Sb http:\/\/t.co\/IdZuWNHOim","label":0} {"text":"Local media: 2 more people appear to escape Martin Place, Sydney, caf\u00e9 amid hostage situation; 5 now free - @smh http:\/\/t.co\/N5mmnilz4Z","label":1} {"text":"The woman injured last night... #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/MaOSd1iarV","label":1} {"text":"Another day, another shooting of an unarmed black teenager in America by authority figures. #STL #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"Second standoff underway at Kosher grocery store at Porte de Vincennes in eastern Paris, French media reports. http:\/\/t.co\/xv6GvYIlXA","label":0} {"text":"OMG! At least one MSM publication has done the unthinkable! Navbharat Times has posted the #CharlieHebdo cartoons! http:\/\/t.co\/UZ4DrQqDNO","label":0} {"text":"RIP Cpl Nathan Cirillo... Canada will always remember you. #OttawaShooting http:\/\/t.co\/XPXQRCIH4w","label":1} {"text":"Thousands tweet declaring their solidarity with Muslims. #IllRideWithYou #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/Lq0VjkWreY http:\/\/t.co\/GrLMRWCeHe","label":0} {"text":"Heavy police activity at Sydney cafe shown on @abcnews livestream just now. Many shots fired. http:\/\/t.co\/jlAOd5Ptmn http:\/\/t.co\/5DksIzJCZN","label":1} {"text":"The media need to take a step back and realize this is people's lives not a Kardashian wedding. Facts not fabrications. #sydneysiege","label":0} {"text":"Look, if Obama had cut taxes on the rich, then they'd all buy private jets and flight safety would just trickle down to #Germanwings","label":0} {"text":"i love this. #sydneysiege #PrayForSydney #australia http:\/\/t.co\/t3IhXgPdKr","label":0} {"text":"Wake up,it's real. #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/nuA9sHgEOR","label":0} {"text":"Female hostage appears to turn off the lights at the Lindt Cafe tonight. http:\/\/t.co\/T6qUZxSrTe #sydneysiege http:\/\/t.co\/p0p9TYLyeO","label":0} {"text":"150 feared dead in #Germanwings Airbus crash. LIVE coverage: http:\/\/t.co\/Jk9jZjl7Tp http:\/\/t.co\/YgcKHyNToQ","label":0} {"text":"A hostage runs towards a police officer outside Lindt cafe #SydneySiege #SydneyCafeSiege http:\/\/t.co\/hygtXFzItO","label":1} {"text":"Video footage of my arrest, @AntonioFrench staffers, and Michael Powers Protest and arrests 8-13-14: http:\/\/t.co\/RLaAUlKyyv #Ferguson","label":0} {"text":"#Banksy's response to today's incident in Paris via his official #Instagram acct http:\/\/t.co\/LtJ7vgGLau #CharlieHebdo http:\/\/t.co\/mxbP6olZQD","label":1} {"text":"List of reporters, MPs, police etc. actively tweeting about the shooting in Ottawa. https:\/\/t.co\/hsTaxan4eQ","label":0} {"text":"New link: #Ferguson police release video they say shows a robbery involving #MichaelBrown: http:\/\/t.co\/GMDuU33oed http:\/\/t.co\/RaAWvjcWNu","label":1} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: 2 PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND 5 PEOPLE BEING TREATED BY PARAMEDICS IN SYDNEY. SKY NEWS","label":1} {"text":"'Stupidity will not win' - Survivors of #CharlieHebdo attack will publish new issue next week http:\/\/t.co\/Nj2I6Toy2j http:\/\/t.co\/GanDakkrwE","label":0} {"text":"RT @froomkin: #CharlieHebdo's Charb: \"I would rather die standing up than live on my knees\" http:\/\/t.co\/cGlB7C9tZ2 http:\/\/t.co\/RjjZm3r6gb","label":0} {"text":"Witnesses say several masked men were involved in the shooting at #CharlieHebdo's Paris HQ. http:\/\/t.co\/xcK8lY9IeR http:\/\/t.co\/QPKtv7stET","label":1} {"text":"A shocking number of attacks against French Muslims and mosques days after the #CharlieHebdo massacre: http:\/\/t.co\/0DokPJ98EB","label":0} {"text":"It is speculative, but judging by video & imagery from scene of #CharlieHebdo attack, these gunmen are not amateurs - they look experienced.","label":0} {"text":"BREAKING: 148 passengers were on board #GermanWings Airbus A320 which has crashed in the southern French Alps http:\/\/t.co\/VxxvrU9XmV","label":1} {"text":"Paris Murder Suspects Cornered with Hostage http:\/\/t.co\/yzHJi4Hw54","label":1} {"text":"Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Ottawa this morning.","label":0} {"text":"Line of police cars with high beams on greets anyone trying to enter #Ferguson. It's shut down. No media allowed. http:\/\/t.co\/bk6jFFM7jj","label":1} {"text":"From Ottawa police, a map of the downtown Ottawa safety perimeter. #cbcOTT #OTTnews http:\/\/t.co\/VMGdZ2g6G3","label":0} {"text":"DETAILS: Armed man takes hostage in kosher grocery store in #Vincennes eastern Paris - Reports http:\/\/t.co\/cI8cztQjE6","label":1} {"text":"If you're taking selfies outside the #sydneysiege hostage situation, you seriously need to reevaluate your life... http:\/\/t.co\/i560wKmeOf","label":0} {"text":"More from Sydney: Opera House evacuated; siege continuing; local media reports 13 hostages http:\/\/t.co\/cLBDtGBY4R http:\/\/t.co\/Eoqk6KfEWt","label":1} {"text":"URGENT: French police release names and mug shots of suspects in Montrouge shooting http:\/\/t.co\/cI8cztQjE6 http:\/\/t.co\/HGuR2X3Y6A","label":0} {"text":"Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT \u2026'Hero of Islamic State'? http:\/\/t.co\/o7H6OuEfJd via @gatewaypundit http:\/\/t.co\/GlDWraPosJ","label":1} {"text":"Germanwings plane crashes in southern France http:\/\/t.co\/Y4vqLg5RL8","label":0}